#always coming back to my ajusshi
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it’s not that Woo Joo wants to protect him (just like Ji An definitely doesn’t love Dong Hoon as early as in ep3), her innate sense of justice doesn’t allow her to stand and watch Dong Jin being abused, she does that instinctively, despite her ridiculous grand plans of revenge. the parallel is other people misconstruing a relationship that puzzles one side of it and has a hidden agenda for the other, very personal for Woo Joo, nothing personal just business for Ji An. so maybe it’s only a matter of time before it becomes an approximation of this:
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The Return of High School Gangster - Kdrama Review
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Hi everyone! I just finished this very short 8 episodes web drama called The Return of High School Gangster and wanted to share my thoughts.
Before I start, I want to say that I know that this is based on a BL manhwa but as we know about mainstream media in South Korea - the director had to remove the BL elements (not really tho).
I understand that people might want to boycott the drama for removing the BL plotline but I genuinely think that you should give it a chance. The drama doesn't suggest romance but two episodes in, I could tell that it was from a BL plotline. so....
Anyways, this is about Deuk Pal, a Gangster (second in ranking) who died while saving Song Yi Heon, a High School Student who was bullied in school. Song Yi Heon was bullied in school to the point he wanted to off himself. Deuk Pal's body sadly died and somehow his spirit entered the body of Song Yi Heon.
This drama is where it's at if you're in a drama slump. It's short, funny, filled with actions (duh, gangsters) and heartwarming scenes.
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Deuk Pal as a character is a caring yet a fierce gangster. I love that the moment he entered Song Yi Heon's body, he immediately vowed to protect Song Yi Heon upon realising the abuse he had endured. Throughout the 8 episodes, his focus was to set things right for Song Yi Heon. Though we know that he is sad that his life ended, he still focused on studying hard, ending the school violence and even protecting his mum so that when Song Yi Heon comes back to his body, he gets a second chance at an easier life. Truly such a selfless character and it is understandable why his loyal underlining boys were so upset when he died.
And in Song Yi Heon's body, he build relationship with his classmates, ensured that his bullies stayed in school and graduate and protected his mum from getting hurt by his dad. He was an adult, in a 19 year old boy's body.
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We also meet Choi Se Kyung, a boy that had history with Song Yi Heon (in the manhwa, he was the love interest). Choi Se Kyung is a broken boy with daddy issues yet so caring toward his friends. The chemistry between the two main characters are off the chart. Like I said, 2 episodes in, I had to check if this was BL. His eyes are always looking at Song Yi Heon (Deuk Pal) with care and concern. But he is still sassy and feisty towards those he doesn't like.
Can we please take a minute to appreciate the beauty that is Bong Jae Hyun (Golden Child). I first saw him in Twinkling Watermelon (another recommended drama!). He played the mute brother of the main character. But here, hearing his low soft voice makes me wonder why they muted him in that drama haha! He is such a good actor that I am excited to see how he will grow in the future with different roles.
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But my main MVP for this drama is Yoon Chan Young. He was able to embody an ajusshi (he is only 23!) to the point that I could see Lee Seo Jin (the actor that played Deuk Pal) in him. And his voice doesn't sound awkward saying these really deep and mature sayings.
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Ok I am rambling. But the most important part that I want to talk about is the ending. SPOILER. Song Yi Heon ended up not wanting to go back to his body and instead gave Deuk Pal a chance to live as him. I thought about it and I think I can get behind that ending.
(This is solely based on drama plotline and not the manhwa.)
Shin Se Kyung and even the repented bully Hong Jae Min really needed a proper adult guidance. With Deuk Pal remaining in Song Yi Heon's body, they will be able to remain friends (same age, not ahjusshi and young adult). He will be able to protect and guide them. And Deuk Pal will be able to live a different life this time. A second chance at life.
And I understand, why can't real Song Yi Heon get a second chance in life? The boy had a hard life, he is depressed enough to off himself. Deuk Pal may have bettered his high school life but Song Yi Heon is still Song Yi Heon. He might not be able to be better in college. Whatever Deuk Pal build is never Song Yi Heon's because they are not the same person.
Being depressed doesn't go away even if your life is all better now. He is afraid of his tomorrow than death, hence he chose death and I respect that. Like he said "He is happy to see at least see a smile on his face."
Overall, I think both Deuk Pal and Song Yi Heon have their own happy ending. And that is what's important.
Rating: 4.75/5
-- Fary
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
I'm so glad requests are open again! Your headcanons are my favorite and thank you sooo much for writing them. :3 Now then.. if you don't mind.. Please write headcanons of how many kids would each RFA member would have with MC, after how many years would they have kids with her (since they started dating) and the kids gender and age gap if there's more than one. GIMME SOME BABIES FROM MY BAES! Thank you. (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡
How long afterwards the RFA have children with Mc and their genders
Hiii my love~ I think that you’re also a long follower of mine~ thank you for this compliment! I hope I will stay your favourite forever XD
So, you’re mean~ you know how much I like these kind of Headcanons!!! I hope you enjoy them! Make sure to tell me your opinion, okay?
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Everyone was surprised that you didn’t get pregnant after the honeymoon.
But Jumin Han, of course, was a responsible man.
It wasn’t his body after all, and he wanted to wait for your approval. So, six months after the honeymoon when you confessed that you would like to become a mom, he didn’t wait long.
Your pregnancy wasn’t the most comfortable one.
When you were three months into your pregnancy you fell, hurting your hip pretty bad.
It was a shock for Jumin when he saw you fall in front of his eyes.
,,I‘m sorry...“ he whispered one night.
,,What for...?“ you asked him while rubbing your eyes.
,,For not being able to make you enjoy your pregnancy...“ he said.
Of course you also caught the flu.
But as if that wasn't enough, your water broke three weeks too early.
,,The umbilical cord is around the baby‘s neck...“ the doctor said to Jumin.
Luckily the doctors did their best to save his little boy.
But this was such a horrible experience that, in his opinion, one child was more than enough.
But God had another idea when you found out you were pregnant nine years later.
,,This time, I will do everything fine so that you can enjoy your pregnancy...“ the CEO smiled when you told him.
Even your little boy, who resembled Jumin a lot, tried his best to make you stay as comfortable as possible.
His little sister, nine month later, was all he wished for.
,,Look how sweet they are...“ you told Jumin five years later when you stroked your belly and observed the siblings sleeping.
,,Soon this little boy while sleep between them,“ he chuckled and lead you back to your bedroom where he made sure that you stayed warm.
,,Baby take my hand~ I want you to be my best friend 'cause you’re my Iron Man and I love you 3000~
Baby take a chance 'cause I want this to be something straight out of a Hollywood movie~
See you standing there, and nothing compares, and all I can think is ,,where is the ring?“~“ you sang while Zen stood outside, watching you dancing to the newly released song by your favourite singer.
All Zen could do was chuckle.
The two of you would have your third anniversary as a couple this year and you just waited for his proposal.
,,That’s more than a signal, Princess.“ he suddenly exclaimed and approached you.
You smiled. 
Of course you tried to tell him something, but you also knew that he wanted to wait until his parents accepted him.
Two years later, you desperately sat on the edge of the toilet with a pregnancy in your trembling hands, having crazy thoughts.
His carrier was currently what he always wished for and his parents still couldn’t accept him.
,,I should leave, yeah.“ you decided while packing your stuff hastily.
,,Where to?“ he suddenly asked you, making you shriek.
A few days later he finally proposed.
,,You’re my family now...“ he whispered while stroking your belly.
Zen enjoyed being a father and he loved to see his daughter‘s smile.
,,A second child would make me super happy...“ he confessed one night. Three years later a little girl, indeed was born, and three years later, after her birth, the last baby boy was born.
,,You need to protect them, okay?“ Zen whispered at night after the little boy woke him up.
It was a long journey until you finally got pregnant.
Ten years after your marriage, you finally had the chance to enjoy the feeling as a mother to be.
And of course Yoosung was just as hyped as you.
,,Do you want to eat Chinese or Korean? Or maybe both?“ he asked you one day over the phone when he was on his way home.
Of course he already bought both dishes.
But your answer was a little different than he thought it would be...
,,I would like to eat Italian to be honest.“ you laughed and suddenly craved pizza and lasagna with salmon.
,,Hey, you did great today, Ajusshi. Here, have some Chinese and Korean. My wife is pregnant and wanted to eat Pizza and Lasagne instead.“ Yoosung said to a homeless man and gave him the food he just bought.
A few moments later he arrived home, three Pizza in his one hand, the Lasagne with Salmon in the other.
Yoosung wasn‘t sure if you always smiled so brightly or because it was because of the food, but whatever the reason was, in his eyes you looked so beautiful.
The birth was a quick one.
In the morning you were putting on your Make-Up. 
Yoosung helped you to put on your shoes. 
After a few minutes of walking you suddenly felt a strange twitch in your back.
Of course you ignored it, but as soon as you arrived at the place you were supposed to meet the RFA the twitch got so horrible that you first had to sit down.
,,Hey Mc, listen to my pregnancy joke...“ Seven laughed but stopped as soon as he saw your wide open eyes.
,,Y-Yoosung… I think your wife‘s water broke!“ he yelled in panic.
And not long afterwards he was holding his baby.
,,He‘s so handsome.“ Yoosung said and noticed immediately that you had fallen asleep.
A year later you were pregnant again and this time it was a girl.
You were currently throwing a party for your little prince and enjoyed his round smiling face.
It took awhile until you found someone who‘s sperm could impregnate you.
But when the time came, you were hyped.
In Jaehee‘s eyes, you were the most beautiful pregnant woman she saw.
Your smile was as bright as the sun‘s warm sunshine and your mood was always the best.
No mood swings, and no odd carvings or fears.
You just enjoyed the pregnancy.
You even kept working.
But of course Jaehee was overprotective.
You were only allowed to work while sitting down.
,,How are you feeling?“ Jaehee asked you.
The baby was due any time now.
,,I‘m well, Jaehee.“ you chuckled and made her a signal to help you up.
As soon as you stood, you however, noticed that you felt weird.
,,MC!“ Jaehee yelled when she noticed that you began to stumble.
A few minutes later the ambulance arrived and a c-section was done as quickly as possible.
Jaehee was about to go crazy.
Zen, next to her, tried to make her feel better but it was no use.
,,I don’t know what to think. I just want her to be well and to see the baby healthy...“ she whined.
Luckily, her wishes came true and shortly afterwards, the doctor told her that she could come in to see you.
,,Don’t ever do this to me again.“ she sobbed harder as soon as she saw you, sweat dripping off your front and tears rolling down.
,,Sorry not sorry...“ you laughed and looked down at your baby.
Your little boy stayed an only child but got spoiled from every possible side.
,,We have a surprise!“ you announced.
The RFA was sitting on the red couch were you all took a picture two years ago. 
The mood was agonising two years ago.
Today, the RFA was more hyped.
The death of the leader wasn’t forgotten, but it was as painful as it was in the past.
,,Where are the HBC?“ Yoosung asked.
,,Yo Saeran, didn’t you think about using BBCream?“ Zen asked Saeran, analysing his face.
,,Maybe we should use the same security measures as Saeyoung.“
,,I will write it down, Mr. Han.“
,,OI! COULD YOU PLEASE LISTEN TO MY PREGNANT WIFE?“ Saeyoung’s words suddenly resounded.
,,Now you ruined the surprise!“ you suddenly began to cry and walked away.
,,Well done! Now she‘s crying!“ Yoosung exclaimed while Jaehee rushed behind you.
Your pregnancy was moody. 
Once you were in a good mood, he was filled with fear and vice versa.
,,Okay, is everything ready?“ you asked Jaehee who nodded.
You felt that it was a girl but Saeyoung was sure that it would be a boy.
,,If they knew...“ Zen laughed to himself and waited for their expressions.
You had two boxes.
You would open them at the same time to reveal the baby‘s gender.
First pink balloons flew up.
,,I WAS RIGHT! IT‘S A GIRL!“ you screamed as you saw his box.
He was happy and about to kiss you, but first you wanted to open your box.
You expected them to also be pink, but then blue balloons flew up.
,,Huh? Did it go wrong?“ you asked Jaehee.
,,Surprise~“ Yoosung laughed.
,,You will have twins!“ Jaehee smiled brightly.
,,I knew it!“ Saeyoung laughed and pulled you up, laughing at you when he saw your overjoyed face.
Since then, everything went really quickly.
Your belly grew enormously and the anticipation grew just as much as the fears. 
,,It’s normal that twin‘s come early.“ the nurse tried to convince him.
Her words were numb to him.
His fears just vanished when he finally saw you smiling with your two babies in your arms.
,,It’s okay, it’s okay...“ you patted his back when the nurse brought away your babies.
,,Excuse me, did I give birth to two babies or three?“ you joked when Saeyoung kept crying in your arms.
  07.11.2019// 16.01 MEST
@foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @sailormoonrocks666
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @r-f-a-journalists 
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404fmdtaejin · 3 years
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selfpara & aesthetic — things you can’t live without
summary: always on the go, there’s a series of things that taejin cannot live without. a self-proclaimed pretty boy, there are certain things he refuses to cheapen out on because they’re all life-changing products in his opinion. without these things, he would be a mess and over the years, they’ve made his life / schedule easier to handle. (selfpara with elaboration) warnings: diet cw wc: 823
he turns on the camera, sans the staff around. instead, it’s him subjected to the camera fixated in the middle of his living room, and his thumbs twiddling against the hard floors for a sake of saving time — it’s when he’s subjected to be himself that rakes in the unease. an expose on his own private world when he unravels the glimpses of personal titles when he’s without his members, void of a script and left with the echoes of his own voice inside an emptied out apartment.
he taps his palms against the ground, motions for his dog to enter through. taejin smiles, waves his hands against the camera where he greets the people who’re bound to watch when the base staff comes around mixes and cuts the pieces of his clips into a watchable video. 
his eyes crinkle around the edges, the way they always do when he’s on the verge of smiling widely. dubu nestles herself inside the crooks of his arm, and taejin waits a beat into the silence before his voice comes to break the uneasiness.
”hi — this is kim taejin, and i’m here to tell you all ten things i can’t live without. starting with the first — dubu. she’s been here ever since decipher first left the room, and she’s kind, gentle and loyal. the total package of friendship in one, and even though she’s getting old, she still offers the listening ear i need. she comes to a majority of my photoshoots for those who’ve kept a watchful eye.”  he lets her down, lets her shuffle her paws across the blank floors. and what remains is the rest of the tools sitting next to him on the left.
”i’m over thirty now, so i don’t expect this to be highly detailed or fun for anyone to watch. it’s what an old ajusshi carries around. the second item is my d brand hair dryer (dyson).” he’s a professional now, knows well enough he can’t name drop brands he’s not associated with. “it’s heavy, and maybe expensive. but it dries your hair faster than any other hair dryer, and with the amount of styling and products — it preserves the integrity of your hair.”
”third would be my phone, and i use my phone for day to day things — when i’m on schedule, it lets me know of any meetings or schedules i have on. but this is something the general population can agree on, no?” his eyebrows raise up and he tilts his head. huffs out a bare laugh by the time he drops it down. “chapstick — it’s getting cold outside. so, i suggest you pack it because you don’t want your lips to get cracked inside winter. stay warm, and stay healthy.” 
his fingers grab the tube of chapstick, running it over his lips once more before popping a smack of his lips back down into a wired smile. “card wallet and bag come hand in hand. i don’t like carrying cash on me because of the bulkiness, so i like the simple black leather calfskin one.” he flashes his own wallet on screen, a black card that mirrors the reflection fo the ceiling. “and my briefcase — i have things i put into this bag which helps me not think twice during early hour shootings and early hour music shows.” 
his body stretches over behind the sofa, a yawn escapes. taejin’s tired, has been when he’s run on all floor mandated to a menial task, but the least he can serve is the last few bits of his energy run on high end by the time he’s filming. “cologne and boy de chanel.” a flash of a coy smile, and it’s an innocent name drop of a brand deal he’s held hands with in a close shoulder by shoulder touch. “i get a lot of questions what i smell like, and it’s usually this cologne here (santal 33).” the hearty laughter from his lips become half-hearted when his eyes exude fatigue, and what’s left is the last two — one that’s not anywhere near but sitting on the kitchen counter.
“the last two are boring — you all will think i’m an old man by this point. however, i think i should mention the p brand (philips) air fryer, which re-heats anything better making leftovers from takeout better than before. i don’t know how many chicken breasts i could have eaten without that, and lastly, my ipad. the ipad is a more work style when i don’t have time to carry around scripts and need to write things down physically. now, that’s ten things — right? ten things kim taejin can’t live without.”
but before he clicks off finish, he narrows his eyes to the camera — a piece of his personal life inside. “and honorable mentions include a notebook for physical journaling, and ear pods for listening to music.”
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404fmdminjung · 4 years
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famed meme [no longer accepting]!
Send ☀ for a variety headcanon. (wc: 268)
despite her exterior matching that of a delegate figure, minjung’s been highly praised for her variety presence. maybe it’s because she’s always on a different brain wave - the way she talks is really abnormal, and often causes furrows of the eyebrow, but she’s always garnering laughs from the hosts from her weird statements to her odd facts that spill out of her mouth.
she doesn’t have trouble making a fool of herself because once again that’s all in the game she plays. dancing like a bird or singing off key, it’s all a ploy to get the attention on something that doesn’t revolve around her private life. when they laugh at her antics, they just call her four dimensional and ridiculous, but never ask anything deeper or rumors that arise. manly, she’s the humor needed in the group not afraid to go out of the way or move to her own beat.
one thing she’s awful at is random play dancing or anything of the nature. most of the time, she forgets her steps or forgets the choreo, which causes the whole group to fail and in the end causes her to laugh it off. never competitive, she just goes with the flow on variety.
her favorite program to go on is knowing brothers because the hosts are always so kind on that show. plus, the ridiculous nature of it all just makes her cackle in laughter and make her stomach hurt from laughing too much. knowing brothers gives her a sense of home with all the ajusshi gags crude humor - it’s all up her alley.
Send ☛  for a public image headcanon. (wc: 268)
her public image used to be really clear and pristine. they called her a princess or a delegate daughter with one of the best visuals of the generation - it was her smile and her grace that played with the cameras and made them capture hearts. she didn’t have many rumors going around and always did her best when it came to fan service and making sure everything around her was fine. 
however, her public image went downhill the second she started posting her art. it was a creative avenue where she wanted to share some of her most prized artworks, but in the end it just caused a lot of people to turn their backs and ask if she was on drugs or just constantly drunk ruining the princess image. she immediately took it down at the request of gold star and laid low for a while.
after some time away from social media, people started becoming more positive forgetting that issue, and they went back to enjoying the painted beauty that was her. they cared more about the clothes she wore or what selfie she posted that day. plus, fuse’s stylists have only been putting her in shorter and shorter dresses which in turn made her more of a ‘sexy’ character rather than the cute one her original image was supposed to be.
now she’s just trying to go with the water, and not push or pull in any direction. she doesn’t mind the bad attention as it doesn’t affect her, but it affects gold star so the leash around her neck got shorter and tighter - it’s all a process of learning how to breathe again.
Send ☎ for a bad fan experience headcanon.
already answered, but ty for asking <3
Send ♥ for a headcanon about something my muse likes about being an idol. (wc: 254)
there are many things she likes about being an idol, but one of the main reasons is that it gives her a place of permanency. although the concepts change and she’s moved around for the few years from dorms to her own place, her career is stationary and what she’s expected to do is permanent - from being a young child that moved back and forth between the us and korea, there’s something that being rooted in one city does to a heart. she no longer second guesses or is apprehensive about the next impending move - she knows her heart and body are all in seoul.
another thing she likes is meeting other fellow creative individuals. being an idol, there are many different people in the industry coming from all backgrounds. some artists come together, and she’s met her closest friends through that avenue as well as producers from underground hip hop labels that have become lovers and brothers over the years. they’ve all made an impact on her life, and she’s changed a lot from coming across so many different people in the world.
the last thing is probably the travel aspect. she’s a homebody at heart and doesn’t venture out much, but touring forces her into new cities and new cultures which inspires her art and her writings. she likes looking at the architecture and the mannerisms engrained in each country - it’s a one of a kind experience that very few get to go through and for that she’s blessed.
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obsessivedilettante · 6 years
Dramaland Forecast: January 2019
Previously: 2016 - 2017 - 2018
Waaahhh, it’s another year! I feel like I’ve been waiting for 2019 since, like, February, but somehow it still seemed to blindside me and I’m not ready to look ahead and make any goals or resolutions or, well, do much of anything (including watching dramas, haha).
Buuuuut I shall do my best to gather my thoughts on what this year promises us when it comes to dramaland.
None. Again. I was even determined to try and finish up the last episodes of a couple of variety shows I’d started (NJTTW and Dancing High), but those are still sitting unwatched on my flash drive. It’s like I have a fear of completion or something. I’m determined to be better this year. 2019 is the year I actually finish dramas! Yeah!
Currently Watching:
Red Moon, Blue Sun aka Children of Nobody -- this drama is a wild ride, y’all, and you should be watching it if only to go “wtf” with me (I mean that in a good way, because the show is genuinely mysterious, and not in a “was this writer smoking crack” way -- although it might end up like the latter in a few weeks if things aren’t resolved to my satisfaction).
Miss Sherlock -- I got a couple more episodes in over the holidays when I was traveling. I’m only a few episodes from finishing the show, but apparently when I’m at home, I prefer to watch things on my laptop instead of my ipad. I need to work on that.
Groan. Everything, basically. I feel like 2019 is gonna be the year when I tackle my “on-hold” and “to watch” lists because there have been so many dramas in the past few years that I have genuinely wanted to watch (and finish!) but just never got around to it. I’m almost hoping the 2019 offerings are lackluster just so I can get caught up on a few things. But let’s see what’s on offer so far...
Upcoming dramas of interest:
Kingdom -- I think I’ll forever be mildly disgruntled about Netflix being one of the reasons that easy access to dramas is so fractured, but I’m hoping that their investment in this drama by one of my favorite writers will prove to be worthwhile.
Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul Ho Season 2 -- I’m interested in this, but I never got around to finishing the first season, so... yeah...
Liver or Die aka What’s Wrong, Poong Sang -- this looks like it could be cute! A wacky family drama with a pretty decent cast. I adore Lee Si Young, so I’m happy to see her in another drama.
The Crowned Clown aka The Man Who Became King -- this sounds like a Prisoner of Zenda type of story, which I always enjoy -- buuuuuuuut I always get a huge roadblock when it comes to historical dramas, even though they’re usually so pretty and lush. Will probably pass on a live-watch, but have a vague idea that I might one day watch it.
Spring Must Be Coming -- a body-swap starring Lee Yuri and Uhm Ji Won? Um, you’ve got my attention! My only concern is that I don’t know who the screenwriter is, so I don’t know what kind of direction this show might take, but the one teaser I’ve seen so far makes it look pretty cute.
Romance is a Supplement -- listen, I don’t hate rom-coms. I really don’t. I don’t hate Lee Jong Suk. I really don’t. But. For whatever reason, I instinctively go “nope” on this just because of that combination. Plus the writer has had some... questionable... takes on rom-com, and I don’t know if I have the patience to enjoy the cuteness and ignore whatever problematic stuff will crop up.
Touch Your Heart -- Lee Dong Wook and Yoo Inna, back together again! Tbh that’s all I really need to know, but the production team and supporting cast also make this sound pretty promising, even if the plot sounds very typical.
Haechi -- I’m happy Jung Il Woo is back, but my track record for historical dramas is truly pitiful, so l doubt I’ll watch this (especially because as much as I like Go Ara, I don’t think she’s a good fit for sageuks).
Big Issue -- this one vaguely interested me until I saw the production team, and now I’m convinced that this will likely start out pretty awesome but then turn into a confusing dumpster fire at the end.
Possessed -- a psychic and a detective solving crimes -- but without a priest? Hmm, seems suspicious. It’s OCN so it automatically has my attention, although I still want to know more. However, the cast filled with a lot of familiar supporting actors seems pretty promising, because if all those familiar ajusshis decided to add this project to their 2019 roster, then it must be at least decent.
Item -- this has an interesting premise and a really strong cast, and it’s probably the most compelling of the Jan/Feb premieres. But I’m still hesitant for reasons I can’t fully explain (or understand yet).
The Light In Your Eyes -- the ability to manipulate time sounds pretty cool, and Kim Hye Ja pretending to be a younger woman should be one heckava fun ride, but I just don’t understand the appeal of Nam Joo Hyuk in lead roles (in cute supportive roles, yes, but as a leading man? Um, no, thank you). This seems like those kind of dramas I might like in spite of the leads and would wish that it would focus more on the secondary characters.
Dear Citizens -- I’ve missed Siwon! And it sounds like this character leans on his skill as a comedic actor, so I’m tentatively excited, especially since it comes from the writer of Vampire Prosecutor 1 & 2, Bad Guys, Bad Guys: City of Evil, Police Unit 38, and Missing 9, it should also be a decent thriller/mystery, too.
Hot-blooded Priest -- lbr, the only hot-blooded priest I ever need in my life is Handsome Oppa, but apparently priests are practically de rigeur these days. I do think this could be a pretty good drama, just because I’m a fan of mysteries and police procedurals. I’d have more confidence if it were on OCN (although MBC has been impressing me lately).
Vagabond -- tbh this only caught my attention because it reunites Lee Seung Gi and Suzy. I know Gu Family Book was a hot mess, but I enjoyed it despite them being the least interesting thing in it. I don’t know that I’ll tune into their new drama, but it’ll probably get a lot of buzz and do well in the ratings just because of the cast.
Trap -- sounds like a very classic OCN drama with a strong cast. What more can a girl ask for?
When the Devil Calls Your Name -- Jung Kyung Ho making a deal with the devil, sign me up.
Legal High -- I’ve not watched any of the Japanese versions so I’m merely judging this for being a legal drama, but the fact that it’s an adaptation means there’s an extra hurdle to jump.
Aseudal Chronicles -- ...a fantasy? An actual, legit k-drama fantasy that isn’t set in the Joseon era or relying on common mythical stories?? A fantasy that is directed by one of my ultimate faves, Kim Won Suk (known for Misaeng, Signal, My Ajusshi)??? From the writers of Six Flying Dragons and Tree With Deep Roots???? Starring Song Joong Ki and Kim Ji Won???? WHAT IN THE BLESSED DRAMAVERSE HAS ALLOWED THIS TO BE??????? I don’t wanna jinx it but OMG I’m so excited and CAN’T WAIT for a premiere date to be set so I can start to count down the days.
There isn’t a lot so far that is really making me excited about the 2019 offerings yet (except for the obvious handful *cough*ASEUDAL CHRONICLES*cough*). It’s hard to make judgments about shows that are still even barely in the casting stage, and who knows what else will turn up on these forecasts over the year. But there really isn’t a January premiere that feels like a “must watch,” so maybe I’ll attempt to tackle that ginormous “to watch” list this month.
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shadowofdarkness22 · 6 years
prompt: its Ji An's birthday, DH & the ajusshis take it upon themselves to organize a small birthday party at Jung Hee's bar?
My first prompt and its full of fluff!! Sorry for taking a while Anon, but I really hope you like this. It literally turned into a long monster while writing it and while I was trying to keep it short the story wouldn’t let me. My life. lol 
I have two other prompts in my inbox! I will get to them soon I promise, but consider I work a lot and I need to come up with fresh ideas. Anyone want to post a prompt please feel free to send me an anon! I will also be posting this on ao3 because I want others to be able to write fics as well! 
Today was her birthday.
The date on the computer screen stared back at her as Ji An stopped typing out the receipts sitting on her desk. She stared for a moment before continuing her typing as if not noticing that fact. Birthdays were usually very special to normal people, but that was for people who had families to go home to and seaweed soup to eat. Ji An had no one to go home to. She had her grandmother, and perhaps she might take off early to spend a few hours with her, but after that… what did she have? She glanced at Park Dong Hoon’s desk and watched as he worked diligently, typing away on the computer or staring at designs of buildings.
Ji An looked away when he looked towards her and continued typing like nothing happened. She only glanced up when he stood and went to get something from the break room. She heard the fridge open and glanced down at the papers on her desk wondering which receipt she left off on before she heard Dong Hoon clear his throat at her. She turned to look at him and he held out a drink towards her. She accepted it automatically, a bit surprised but thankful. “Wait for me after work, i’ll treat you to a meal.” he said. It was almost too quiet for her to hear, but she heard it. He walked back to his desk and she followed him with her eyes.
She glanced at the drink and felt the warmth of the coffee ease the pain of her hands from scrubbing dishes and floors all last night. She looked at the clock and thought perhaps this year her birthday would be just a little bit different.
They walked together along the familiar path side by side. Ji An kept glancing at Dong Hoon, wondering just where exactly he was going to take her to eat. She didn’t think he knew that her birthday was today, but Ji An selfishly wanted him to know anyway. She thought at least her Ajusshi of all people would make her feel special on the day she was born. Yet, as they headed down the path towards her home her excitement began to change to one of confusion. Especially since they stopped in front of Jung Hee’s bar. She passed by this bar many times and never actually walked inside, but listening through Dong Hoon’s phone, she caught a glimpse of what it was like. How lively his friends were. How kind they were despite all their problems. Ji An still wished she could be their age as soon as possible, if just for a moment so she could finally be a part of it.
“Here?” she asked, looking at Dong Hoon as he nodded.
“Jung Hee has good food and everyone wanted you to come by.” he said and let her walk first. Her confusion didn’t ease, but she walked to the door anyway. This time, she would know what it looked like on the inside. However the moment Ji An opened the door she wasn’t greeted by a bar filled with middle aged men drinking and talking about their lives. Instead she was greeted with a pop of confetti and a shout of excitement. Everyone in the bar stood up at the same time and cheered causing her to step back in surprise and back into Dong Hoon who caught her. He chuckled and eased her forward through her surprise and as soon as he let her go Jung Hee came over and dragged her to sit down.
Everything happened at once, people were singing and clapping. They handed her a drink and told her to join them, laughing when she downed the glass in a shot. “Oh! She drinks well!” one says and Ji An tries not to feel embarrassed. Eventually Jung Hee brought out a small cake with a few candles and put it in front of her. Everyone sang to her and told her to make a wish. The loud room became silent and Ji An stared at the cake for a moment, wondering what to wish. Her eyes found Dong Hoon and found he was looking at her, waiting just like everyone else in the room for her to make her wish. She thought for a moment before blowing out the candles.
“What did you wish for?” Dong Hoon asks her a little later as everyone gets a piece of cake (Jung Hee cutting her the biggest piece of course). Ji An merely shrugs.
“It’s a secret.” she says and he chuckles and shakes his head.
“Fair enough.”
The party continued on for a few more hours, Ji An receiving far more presents than she ever expected. Some were new clothes (that was from Jung Hee), a new make up set (from Yoo Ra), and a bit of money of course. But there wasn’t a present from Dong Hoon anywhere in sight. “Hey, Dong Hoon did you forget her present?” Jung Hee asks, looking like she was about to drag Dong Hoon out of the bar. Her Ajusshi stood quickly and shook his head.
“No, No. I didn’t forget.”
“Jung Hee relax! He’s the one that set this whole thing up remember? Called us all last minute yesterday. That’s probably the best present right there!” said the guy who Ji An remembers as the one who apologized to her last time for saying weird things while he was drunk. Ji An looks over at her ajusshi as he sits back down at the table while everyone continues talking. She looked down at her drink and realizes then and there why Park Dong Hoon always comes down to this bar. It wasn’t exactly the bar itself, but the people. There was a close bond with everyone that resembled something like a strange family. They were each holding each other together and despite not knowing her as other than Dong Hoon’s colleague, they had accepted her into their little family.
It was a feeling she never thought she would feel again.
“What’s wrong?” Dong Hoon asks as he’s suddenly right there in front of her. She was confused as to why he would ask, but then she realizes everyone else is staring at her and there’s a wetness on her cheeks. She wipes her eyes hastily. “Nothing.” she says. “I’m not sad.” she quickly counters, trying to reassure everyone. “I’m just… not used to this.” was all she could say. Everyone seemed to understand quickly enough and let her be, but Dong Hoon didn’t leave her side for the rest of the party.
The excitement finally died down and everyone finally started to leave. Ji An managed to get all of her presents into one bag to carry home and couldn’t wait to crawl into bed and fall asleep. She hadn’t done this much in a while and she was exhausted, but she had a lot of fun. “Ahh, I haven’t partied like this since I was young!” one of the men said causing the others to laugh and agree. They turned to her and wished her a happy birthday. “Take care and live well!” they said before walking off to go home to their wives. Dong Hoon’s younger brother had already left with his girlfriend to take her home, but not before giving Ji An an unprompted and unexpected hug.
“Good luck!” she beamed before running to Gi Hoon’s side where he scolded her for hugging someone without permission. She proceeded to hug onto his arm. Finally that left the eldest brother Sang Hoon, Jung Hee, and of course her Ajusshi.
“Ready to go home?” Dong Hoon asked her and she nodded feeling like she was going to sleep well tonight. She thought they all were going to walk together again, but Jung Hee complained of a mess and headed inside her bar after wishing her happiness on her birthday. The eldest brother simply waved at them goodnight and told Dong Hoon to keep her safe as he walked home. It left the both of them alone as they made their way to her place.
It was familiar and quiet. Ji An felt relaxed and looked up at the sky. The moon was round and full tonight and Ji An made a note to visit her grandmother first thing tomorrow. “Do you like the moon?” Dong Hoon’s voice pulling her from her thoughts as she looked back ahead.
“My grandma does.” she answered, taking in a deep breath. “She likes the way the moon makes her feel.”
“How does it make her feel?”
They were climbing the steps to the blue door and she stops in front of it. “I’m not sure.” she answered honestly. She never asked why her grandmother liked the moon so much. Ji An turned to her Ajusshi and he was looking at the door behind her as well as the area around them before looking at her. They looked at each other for a moment before Dong Hoon broke the contact first and pulled out a small long box from his bag. “Here.” he said. “Happy Birthday.”
Ji An took the present from him already curious about what’s inside. “Jung Hee thought you forgot.” she said, feeling strange and content as she held the box. Her Ajusshi simply huffed in laughter before pulling the strap of his bag further up his shoulder.
“Head inside and open it later. Get some sleep.” he said before turning away and walking down the steps. She stood there as he headed further down, a bag in one hand and the wrapped present in the other. She clenched tightly onto both just wanting to do something once. Just once. So without thinking she set down both of her presents and ran after him down the steps. He didn’t have a chance to turn around as she collided into him and wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face into his back. He staggered forward and Ji An held on tighter, thinking he was going to take her hands off, but she refused to let go. Just for a moment she thought. Just once. “Thank you.” she said and meaning it. Her heart was pounding against her chest as his breath caught in his throat before he let out a loud sigh. She squeezed her eyes shut, thinking he was going to force her to let go, but instead he patted her hands gently.
“Alright.” he said with the calm voice she couldn’t help but love. “Head inside. It’s late.” he said again and she slowly let go before turning around and running up the steps as fast as she could. She grabbed her things and headed inside, quickly shutting the door before she could see his face. She already knew what to expect.
Later when she was unpacking all the presents everyone gave her and getting ready to go to sleep, she saw Dong Hoon’s present sitting on the table, waiting for her to open it. She was naturally curious and grabbed it, opening up the wrapping paper to reveal a white box. When she opened the lid her expression morphed immediately into one of confusion, wondering if this was actually a gift from Dong Hoon. But after looking at it for a long minute she realized why her Ajusshi gave her this particular gift. She let out a small laugh, before covering her eyes as the laugh built up into a bigger one until she was lying on her back clutching the box to her chest laughing so hard she was crying.
When she calmed down she stared at the ceiling of her room. This gift made her love him even more as silly as it was. Park Dong Hoon gave gifts with meaning after all. She made a note to buy him those new slippers and turned off her light to go sleep. Right beside her inside the box was long white socks for the winter with small dots of ladybugs printed on the top.
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heaven-delight · 6 years
[ETC] 170716 FANBOARD EVENT - Yeri
Hi~ Nice to meet you~ Luvies1~ Uncle2 Rim3 has appeared
I’m gonna start now~ Come on!
Yerim~ Here are sincere book recommendations for you~ Uh~
When you recommended “Was? Wäre? Wenn?” on Instagram, I finished reading the whole book the next day! I think it’s been two years since I’ve read a book... Consider these recommendations from me as a thank you gift~ I don’t know if you’ve read mystery novels, but if you finish reading “The Devotion of Suspect X,” you’ll feel like it’s a great name for this novel! It’s a really fun book. “Ties of Shooting Stars” this is made up of two books, and although it’s kinda loose, it has a plot twist!! Recommend lots of books for us~ I’ll read a lot of books and recommend books to you~~
→ Yeri: Oh that’s super great hehehe I’ll read them! You’re the best, luvie!
Kim Yerim where are you kekekekeke
Hurry up hehe
→ Yeri: I’m over here
Yerim, your dark circles...
You have dark circles under your eyes...
I could see them in the V-Apps, the music shows and even on the “Knowing Bros” episode yesterday..
I know it must be tough for you, preparing for your comeback and going through all those schedules TT
Since it’s the summer, remember to get good food, good sleep and good rest!
Yeri! Red Velvet! Good luck to everyone!!
→ Yeri: I’ll cover the dark circles...
Ms. Yerim! Ms. Yerim! Ms. Yerim! If you had a week for yourself right now, what is the first thing you want to do?
→ Yeri: I’m gonna travel
Ms. Yerim~~~ What do you order at a bingsu4 place? Coffee bingsu vs Fruit bingsu vs Cheese bingsu vs Green tea bingsu?? What do you eat?? ^^
→ Yeri: I like milk bingsu without red bean paste
Yerim, do you have anything you want to eat these days??
What is it?? Tteokbokki??5
→ Yeri: Right now.... I want to eat sweet potato pizza.. With lots of cheese....?
Do you have any movies that you had fun watching recently?
I’m outside right now, and I’m thinking about watching a movie!!
→ Yeri: The most recent movie I watched was “Anarchist from Colony!”
Yerim, I had fun watching “Knowing Bros”
It was fun TT
→ Yeri: Did you have fun...? kekekekeke I haven’t watched it yet... I’m worried kekekeke
Ms. Yerim when you’re feeling down, how do you cheer yourself up?
→ Yeri: Hmmm... I buy an excessive amount of books and read a lot of them. Cheer up!
Yerim could you recommend some of the songs you’re listening to these days
What could there,,be?
→ Yeri: I’m listening to the OSTs of “Fight My Way” a lot these days, but out of those, I’m listening to Kassy’s “Good Morning” a lot. Eventhough the drama is over, I’m still hooked on to the songs
Yerim! Compliments for the pigtails you wore during the “Knowing Bros” skits!!
It’s cute.. TT
→ Yeri: Pigtails? kekkeke Thank youu
Yerim!! What’s your favorite song out of “The Red Summer??”
I like “Mojito!!”
→ Yeri: For me, it’s “Zoo!”
I read the books that you read, Yerm6, “Malice” and “The Good Son!!”
Personally, I thought Keigo Higashino’s “Malice” was super fun...
→ Yeri: hehehe I really like Keigo Higashino’s books too. They’re good.
I shall ask this politely...
I am curious about what Yerm’s favorite colors are 
→ Yeri: Black, white, pink. I shall answer politely too kekeke
Did you have lunch? What did you eat?!
Did you have lots of yummy food TTTTTT *sniffles*
→ Yeri: I ate two ice creams so far kekeke Instead of eating food I’m just eating snacks
Yeri why do you want to travel to the UK so much?
I saw you say it on “Knowing Bros,” so I’m curious
→ Yeri: Because I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter! 
Did you succeed in getting tickets for the Ariana Grande concert??
→ Yeri: Didn’t the ticketing period end.. TT
Yerim, what do you order when you go to a cafe?
→ Yeri: I... right now, I usually order vanilla smoothies, but I drink americanos too and like milk tea too
Yerim!! What book are you reading these days??
Recommend books for me ♥ ♥
→ Yeri: I’m reading “The Moment!” I’ve never spent so much time reading a book before/
Ms. Yerim~~~ Did you have any nicknames when you were young? What’s your favorite nickname??
→ Yeri: I think I’d been called as “Yerm” the most hehehe
Yerim did you buy lots of snacks??
You said that you were going to bring Japanese snacks home..
→ Yeri: Er.. What was the name of it.. I absolutely love eating the Alfort chocolates, shiori koibito and coconut ice cream TTT My favorite snacks
Young and rich and pretty Yerm~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yerm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is my luv
→ Yeri: What’s this kekekekek You’re young and rich, pretty too!
The oldest members did a cover stage of Greedy, right? What song do you want to do a cover stage of, Yerim?
Every song? Or Greedy Younger Member ver.? kekeke Personally, I want to hear you sing “The Way” ~.~
→  Yeri: Oh recommend more songs to me! Give me idea
Did you read "Miracles of the Namiya General Store?
That's really fun too TT
→ Yeri: Of course!
Because you have such a nice vocal color, I think it'll be nice for you to sing songs like ballads too!
It was so nice to hear you sing short clips of those on radio shows or on Yoo Hee-Yeol's Sketchbook TT It'll be great if you would sing those during the concert too!
→ Yeri: ♥
Do you know the song "Tattooed Heart?" I want to hear you sing it in your voice
 I love that song so much TT TT TT TT
→ Yeri: I like that song too hehe If you see the performance clips of that song, you'll fall in love with it even more!
Tell us one line of your song "Luvie!!"
Please leak just one line of the song TT TT TT TT
→ Yeri: I know that in the end, I’m me Thank you for being bold and brave You know too, right that there’s a lot I ran away because I was scared; I kept myself busy while hiding this It’s OK to be like that.
Yeri, one of your related search words are ‘nationality.’
As expected from UK Rim...
→ Yeri: OMG Really...? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Yeri, are you really doing Happily Ever After in Red Room?
I’m curious!7
→ Yeri: I’m curious!
Yeri, why do you read so many books?
Do you read books because of a specific reason? I like seeing you read during your busy schedules, but also, I’m curious
→ Yeri: Hmm... It takes me to another world of my own
Rim, what are you going to name your song if you make one??
I’ll be looking forward to it!
→ Yeri: I already wrote lyrics about how I feel at the end of my teen yeras kkk For now it’s named “The Edge” kkkk
Rim, do you have any books that you want to recommend to luvies?
I’m curious!
→ Yeri: Out of the books I read, “The Pursuit of Happiness!”
What if you finish reading “The Moment???”
What are you going to read!!!???
→ Yeri: Maybe out of the books in my room, “Jacob’s Room?”
I’ll recommend songs to the recommendation fairy Yerim!! I think you might like these(?)
O3ohn - Down Bye Bye Badman - Your Wave I’ll recommend two songs!!! Give them a listen if you have time ~.~ They lyrics are so good ㅠㅅㅠ
→ Yeri: How do you know those songs! I listened to them a lot for a while
Yeri, I heard that last time, you put extensions on.. Are they uncomfortable??
→ Yeri: They are
Yerm did you eat good stuff at Osaka?
What did ya eat?!?!
→ Yeri: Oyakodon, Mon chou chou, beef curry
Do you like Baek Yeri’s “As If You Don’t Know Me?.?”
I think your voice will go well along with that one. Sing it next time for us...!
→ Yeri: Of course! I’m Yerin’s fangirl!
Yeri, are you feeling alright? You said that you had an IV in the last V-App ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Rest well at Japan and eat a lot ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠStay healthy I always feel loved by you I love you ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
→ Yeri: I’m alright now hehehe The garlic IV is the best! Don’t worry about me and take care of yourself
Thanks to you I’m listening to a lot of Sesame and Cotton Candy!
I like “song B” and “Is It Over Here” the most hehehe I’ll recommend a band that I’m listening a lot to these days, Life and Time~
→ Yeri: Oh Thanks for the recommendation kekeke I’ll give them a listen
They say that a cute kid is here
Is it true hehe
→ Yeri: hehehe I’m here
I hope you can grow bigger musically Yerim!
With each new album, your voice is getting better and more emotional!! You did as well as everybody expected in the “Red Summer” album!!! I love your emotions!! As a fan I’ll listen and watch a lot and root for you!!
→ Yeri: I’ll always root for you too, you awesome people
Yerim, do you like Cheeze’s songs too? There are lots of good songs like “Madeleine Love,” and “How Do You Think!!”
  → Yeri: Of course
Hi~ Nice to meet you~ Luvies~ Uncle Rim has appeared 
I’m gonna go bye
This is fun
I’m back kkkk
Yeri, which character in Harry Potter do you like the most?
My favorite is Hermione Granger!! How about you?~~
→ Yeri: Since I’m blonde these days Malfoy
S...Sorry... I have to go..kkkk
I’ll be back later kkkk
1 This is the name for Red Velvet’s official fanclub. 2 In Korean, this refers to 아재. It’s a shortened form of the word 아저씨 (ajusshi), which is used to call middle-aged men in Korean. Recently, it’s meaning has changed to refer to someone who has ‘old’ taste, someone who makes old, corny jokes, and someone who’s late to the newest trends. 3 Kim Yerim (Yeri’s real name) → Rim 4  It’s a Korean dessert made up of various toppings on shaved ice with red bean paste. 5 This is a popular and famous Korean dish that is made up of rice cakes stir-fried in pepper paste, along with other ingredients such as boiled eggs and fish cakes 6 Kim Yerim (Yeri’s real name) → Yerm 7 This is a line from Happily Ever After
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prom15eto13elievesj · 6 years
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The most expensive yet the most memorable birthday gift i gave  to myself, and the moment i’ll treasure all my life! it has been a week and a day since the GREAT SUPER JUNIOR came to the philippines for the Super Show 7 Manila but it still feels like it all happened yesterday, I can still hear their voices singing and the ELFs screaming ( feel ko nasa MOA Arena parin ako HAHAHAHA!) In short, DI PA RIN AKO NAKAKAMOVED-ON!
I’ll be sharing my journey throughout SS7 from tix selling hanggang sa concert! hahaha so where do I start?
May 19, 2018 (day after my b-day) 
-I have 2 quizzes for my 2 major courses.
7am was the start of my first quiz, I have 2hrs break after so I checked my phone and was shookt because sabog yung notifs sa gc naming ELFs and text messaged from them also and my ate! Di tuloy ako makafocus and concentrate for my next quiz bc shookt din talaga ako sa ticket prices huhuhu
June 3, 2018
We decided to buy VIP Standing Center.. Yes so ayun, 7am nasa SM North na ko to get that tix! Actually that was my very first time to buy ticket on the date of its release (kasi naman beshy 5yrs diba, uhaw na uhaw na talaga ako sa SJ). So I met a lot of ELFs on the queue especially tita ELFs who was shocked by our age difference and they didn’t expect na may fans anSJ na mga teenaagers ( well I think that’s their advantage as a group, naaakit talaga nila lahat ng age groups, bata, teenager, titas, even lolas!) Pagpatak ng 10am, THIS IS WAR! takbo lahat sa dept store and cinemas. Sadly naubusan ako ng standing center and I wasn’t able to buy my desired seat and nahiwalay ako sa mga frends (gusto ko na talaga umiyak nun) pero I believe in God’s plan. If it’s for me, it’s for me. So I bought a VIP Seated instead. TYL tuloy na tuloy na ko sa June 30! SS7 READY NA KO!!! D-27!!
JUNE 30, 2018
The shortest yet the most memorable 3hrs of my life! I felt all kinds of emotions in 1 day! 5 YRS OF WAITING AND FINALLY I WILL BE SEEING THEM TONIGHT! 
Past 11am we arrived at the MOA Arena to collect banners and giveways from the ever generous ninang ELFs (legit para ka talagang namamasko sa dami ng giveways) hahaha! I just love this fandom so much!! No hindi parin talaga nagsisink in sakin na SS7 na! 4pm, my friends and I parted ways na for the line queue papasok ng arena, pero nagkita din kami sa loob, picture picture muna ganern hahaha and suddenly we heard a group of people singing HBD, paglingon namin cheren! SI INANG REYNA!! grabe super ganda ni Ms. Happee Sy! 
Thankful talaga ako kay G dahil binigay niya sakin ay Seated kasi super sakit na ng paa ko sa pabalik balik para makakuha ng GAs. Okay so ayun nasa loob na ko mismo ng arena! ETO NA MEJO NAGSSINK IN NA!  I WAS SO SHOOKT KASI SUPER LAPIT NUNG STAGE LIKE KULANG NALANG TUMALON AKO HAHAHA! This will be the first time na makikita ko sila ng ganito kalapit huhuhu kaya super nakakaiyak talaga. And also super swerte ko dahil mabait din yung katabi ko nakapagchika chika pa kami before magstart yung con. 
Few Minutes before the con starts, SONG FOR YOU WAS PLAYING!
-I can already see the legendary Pearl Sapphire Blue Sea kahit di pa lights off.
-The concert haven’t started yet but there were tears falling down my cheeks na. Sobrang mixed emotions, still can’t believe I’m already inside the Arena and will be seeing them in a few minutes
So the concert started
Ang pogi talaga ni Heechul!!! Pumasok akong siwonest, paglabas ko Petal and Jewel na ko!
-umiyak talaga ako sa letter ni leader-nim before “I do”  huhuhu
“It’s been 14 years. The childish young lady becomes a college student, someone’s love, or a child’s mother. In every moment, let’s enjoy more memories together.” (hagulgol na talaga ako dito!) habang pinapakita yung pics ng SS2, SS3 &SS5. 
The concert asted for 3hrs! sobrang bitin huhuhu sepanx agad! 
“Love is a souvenir. Never let it be forgotten. Thank you for showing us how much you love us! Next time we come back, it will be all of the members. God bless the Philippines.” - Choi Siwon
Waaaaahh wag kang scam siwon ah!!! 
Thank you SJ for making me want to look up tomorrow. I deserve SS7 Manila for that insane semester, it almost killed me! 
ELFs were the happiest that night! The way they performed, I know they gave their all. i will never get tire of supporting you boys. I have no regrets of stanning this ajusshis for 8yrs! I have been to 3 Super Shows already and each shows has a special place in my heart, each show is always WORTH THE WAIT I SWEAR! I WILL ALWAYS LOVE SUPER JUNIOR! 
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cherrynika · 4 years
It’s nice to see Alex again though he usually avoids former partners. It’s simply been long enough since their breakup that no trace of awkwardness is felt, simply a sense of familiarity. He’s more or less the same, having decided to keep the facial hair Jipyeong had always hated. It’s as sleazy-looking in real life as it is in the instagram photos he pretends he’s not scrolling through. That’s a pointless exercise that makes him wonder if he’d be more successful if he had chosen to stay in San Francisco, or if he’d still be the same person but with shittier fashion sense. It does, however, answer many questions that he’d like to ask (have you neutered Tim Tam yet, yes), prefer not to (are you married, 2 girlfriends and what was probably a sugar baby later, the answer is no), and never wondered (Crossfit is indeed life-changing; hot yoga gives you 10 more IQ points!).
Alex is cordial and professional at the Sandbox, offering Jipyeong nothing but a handshake before they sit down to grade the baby startups. But he lingers conspicuously in the meeting room after all the other judges leave. Jipyeong fingers a piece of his hair that’s come loose despite the pomade and waits.
“You look fluffier. Fatter.” Of course Alex’s first words are about his weight.
“I started eating rice again. I hated low-carb.”
“Rice or tteokbokki?” Alex smiles. “Anyway, it’s not a bad change. Let’s go to Gotgan. I have a reservation for 7pm.”
“You made a reservation for two?” Alex has always been overly confident, but that’s his charm.
“If you say no, I’ll ask Dongchun.”
Jipyeong considers him, looking almost exactly the way he did when Ms Yoon first introduced them 5 years ago. She’s always been able to look right into him and see what he wanted. As much as he respects her, he’s never wanted to tell her that her matchmaking attempt worked. Nothing he does today will have the tiniest effect on the future. All that’s in the past. All that’s waiting for him are Yeongsil and his big silent bed. So he gathers his notes into his satchel and fishes out the keys.
“Let’s take my car.”
“Let’s take the subway. It’s not far and we’ll probably get drunk.”
They stay sober. While getting drunk is fun, Jipyeong’s most regrettable moments (bar one that has surfaced intermittently for the last fifteen years) have all occurred when he was intoxicated (crying at a class KTV when Mrs Choi’s favourite song came on, dancing to Wonder Girls in front of a girlfriend’s parents). Staying sober is for the best.
Alex makes some noises about heading back to his hotel room. They both know he doesn’t mean it.
“I want to show you my new place,” Jipyeong says when they’re halfway there. He’s forgotten how private the sidewalks can be at night, cars on one side, the river on the other, blanketed in the dark. “It’s bigger than the one I had before I went to America.” Waves of headlights wash over them, illuminating Alex’s face before dipping them back into darkness. Everyone is rushing somewhere that only they think is important.
“I’d be surprised if apartments could be any smaller.”
“They’re always getting smaller.” Jipyeong jostles against him to avoid a woman on a bicycle. Alex puts his arm around him and doesn’t let go. In San Francisco this is what couples do. In Seoul they’re just old friends. Skinship, being a mentor, being a sunbae--these are all great excuses for what Jipyeong really wants to do. Even through two shirts and a lined blazer his body wants Alex’s body.
They walk in silence though the lobby, past the doorman whose chief qualification is knowing when not to look and float skywards in the lift.
“We have to take our shoes off, I just want you to know. You can leave them over there. Yeongsil, lights please.” The lights flicker on, Yeongsil is clearly having a good day.
“You know, I don’t let people wear shoes in my house either… That’s not Alexa.”
“It’s Yeongsil, it’s an AI speaker. It’s one of Ms Yoon’s more promising startups. It’s… more interesting than Alexa.” Jipyeong says, taking off his jacket and leaving it on the table. “It told me you were coming last week.”
“No, no, I told you that I was coming.”
“Yeah, but before I got your email. He tells fortunes too and he told me someone from my past was coming.”
“Everyday you meet someone from your past. And you shouldn’t let it listen to everything you do. It’s going to get hacked.”
“Astrology is in, everyone is going to love that feature,” Jipyeong shrugs. “Nothing I do here is worth any money, they can just hack my bank accounts.”
“You’re not paranoid enough for someone who works in tech.” Alex says, as he almost fondles Yeongsil.
“I’m actually trying to reduce my paranoia.” Jipyeong takes Yeongsil from Alex and stuffs him under the jacket. “Does that make you feel better?”
“No.” Alex continues to touch the other things in his apartment without permission. “Is every photo here of yourself? I know you don’t have family photos but that’s so vain. You should’ve kept some of the gang at 2STO or at least something to remind you of me.”
“The internet is filled with pictures of you. Anyway I still have the Grandpa Rudin you lent me, it’s more useful.”
“Did you really finish it?”
“I just wanted to know why everyone complains about it.”
“Well, now you know I guess. If you liked it don’t tell me.” Alex has moved on to the cardboard sign that proclaims Jipyeong the 2001 winner of the Inter High Schools Investment Competition brushing a finger over the scratch mark Tim Tam made on it before Jipyeong decided it would be safer in his closet. “I like the lamps. Are you into art now?”
“The seller had it staged, I just decided to buy it the way it was. I think it looks very cohesive.”
“So that’s why it looks like no one lives here. It’s like you don’t have any stuff.”
“No, I have the plants and I keep the EXO and Apink merch in the walk-in closet, it’s too personal to have it out here.”
“Red Velvet is better. I wish it weren’t so bloody creepy to be an uncle fan.”
Alex is still the only man with whom he can talk about Eunji and Kyungsoo and not feel dirty. He’s stumbled upon Dongchun’s Twitter (which is, in his own defense, a fascinating read) and knows too much about his deep love for TWICE. There is something a little unsettling about ajusshi fans, even if he is one himself.
“I think there’s something more interesting we can do here.” he takes the sign and puts it back on the top shelf. “I haven’t been laid in 6 months. I’m going to burst.”
“Couldn’t you have picked someone up at a nightclub?” Alex is smiling in such a familiar way; they both know this old dance.
“They’re full of university students.” Jipyeong says while helping Alex out of his jacket, which surprisingly, is only GAP. “You smell like metal.”
“It’s Sartorial, remember? From Penhaligon’s? It’s got that magnesium note.”
“You still haven’t finished it?” Jipyeong bought it as a gift while in London for him. It was so long ago, almost like a dream. He’s had dreams, whenever he’s been alone for too long, of undressing another person, but he can never remember what happens afterwards. The dream-person’s shirt has no smell, no trace of sweat. He slips Alex’s shirt off his shoulders. No undershirt as expected.
“Nope. I bought another bottle. It’s different from all the other man-perfumes. It doesn’t just smell like tonka bean.” He slips a finger over Jipyeong’s mouth, smearing his summer lip balm before dipping inside and scratching his gums lightly with a fingernail. “Your mouth is as lovely as you are horrible. Have you learned anything since we split up?”
“Test me,” Jipyeong says.
The only light in the bedroom is light pollution from the city below. It’s still more than enough to see by, despite the fact that Jipyeong’s night vision has gone to shit from more than a decade spent staring at a computer screen.
[this part not written yet]
He dozes off without meaning to and wakes up to the sound of engines. Alex is playing F1. He must have gone through his closet and found the playstation Jipyeong has been trying and failing to quit.
“You’ve got some very impressive beard burn on your jaw. ” Alex says as he overtakes Rosberg. He’s chosen the Singapore circuit. Onscreen the city is cloaked in darkness, the only thing that exists is a winding silver road and cars driving nowhere at 300 miles an hour.
He leans over and takes the controller from Alex, crashing into a Ferrari before spinning out into the barriers. “Are you bragging?”
“No, I’m just being honest.”
It’s a strange mirror of their early days when he would wake up to Alex on a coding binge, the clacking of the keyboard starting and stopping with his thoughts, the weak light of his laptop throwing huge shadows on the wall.
Jipyeong rolls forward on his belly; he wants to see Alex properly. “What do you like about Samsan Tech?”
“I like their engineering. Dosan’s incredibly talented. Their CODA algorithm builds on existing knowledge, and is an improvement on it.”
“And that’s your professional opinion?”
“What else would it be based on?” Alex fixes him with a look.
“Well. People say that you can’t be emotional as an investor. But how can it not be emotional?”
“Jipyeong. I’m excited in the way that I am when I see something beautiful. I wish you could see it too. I still can’t believe you’ve gotten so old without learning to read code.”
“I can code.”
“I don’t mean using OCaml to code a model.”
“There’s only so many hours in a day.” He rolls over and watches the dead light from the screen play across the ceiling. “I can always ask an expert.”
“I’m going back to America after Demo Day, you know. As fun as it would be to stay here and pretend we don’t know each other I have a job I have to get back to.”
“I meant other experts.”
“There are none like me.”
“Well. Talking to you is more fun.” He tangles his fingers with Alex.
“You’re not still posting loss porn on Wallstreetbets are you?”
“I just did. Lost fifty thousand on Apple puts.”
“You’re going to end up living in a corndog stand again.”
“Actually, I won’t. I didn’t tell you yet but I found her last month. She’s in a food truck now. So there’s nowhere I would go.”
“Can I meet her?” Alex perks up. He’s always loved a good story. “I want to know what you were like as a kid.”
0 notes
scribblindown · 7 years
The Chocobros visit Asia
AKA they visit their Asian S/O’s country. 
To those who asked for more POC headcanons, I hope that I delivered. @little-mini-me-world @insomniacapples @hypaalicious @me-yasato @ka-za-ri @paopuicecream @louisvuittontrashbags @eaddi @musemaya @a-cup-of-insomnia @everyusernameistakensoyeah 
A special thanks to all of my friends who helped me with the Philippines, Korea, and China! 
I won’t be able to touch on every feature that the countries have, so please understand if I don’t mention every subject! Even so I hope you enjoy! :D. 
Destination: Vietnam 
First things first, Vietnam is hot. Not only is it extremely hot, it’s also extremely humid, so the weather isn’t very sympathetic to your poor boyfriend in his black leather. Even though Noctis hates showing a lot of skin, he’d be more than willing to strip down to something lighter because of this weather. 
Not that you’re complaining, of course, but be warned that Noctis will become a whiny child if the AC ever fails on you. 
Noctis also embraces the pj culture like second nature.  
In Vietnam, although they’re technically classified as “pajamas,” are just a matching set of tops and bottoms that can be used as sleepwear and regular clothes. 
It’s a completely common thing to see out on the streets, and while it’s mostly women and children who wear it, Noctis totally gets on board. 
Why do we have two sets of clothes in the first place? Why not just wear pjs all day? The sleepy prince ponders this even when he goes back to Insomnia. 
It’s also canon that Noctis doesn’t like coffee, and only drinks it to look more mature, but he sips his way through several cups of Vietnamese coffee with condensed milk before he realizes what he’s drinking. 
“But it’s not bitter like Ebony??” O.o
Noctis is all about that glamorous lifestyle, so the two of you buy some street food and sit out on the curb in front of your house to share your bánh mì (bread/sandwich) or bánh xèo (savory fried pancake) like the prince and princesses that you are.
Fishing! Noctis takes relaxing on vacation to the extreme, but in this case, he will be the one to drag you out to a nearby fishing spot or fishing village and fish for who knows how long. 
Just don’t let him take a nap near the water afterwards, the mosquitoes will destroy him. (Just saying from personal experience.) 
If you’re going to Vietnam to visit family, and you want to have home cooked meals, bring Noctis with you when you go grocery shopping. Use his good looks to your advantage and get discounted or free groceries. He gets super embarrassed when the ladies manning the small shops gush over his looks. 
“These are my uncles from my dad’s side, bác hai, bác ba, and bác bốn.”  “Uh....Can you translate that for me?”  “Oh...Just call them uncle two, uncle three, and uncle four.”  “...What?” 
And this might just be me being biased, but I think Noctis will look absolutely dashing in a traditional áo dài! It’s just--that image--swoons. 
Destination: Philippines
The Philippines is a great place with nice people with a sunny disposition, so Prompto fits right in with the people. 
If he thought that Gladin Quay was beautiful, Prompto would have to mentally prepare himself for these waters. Take him to the right spot, and Prompto will gasp and be in awe for what seems to be like forever. 
However, this is a double edged sword, Prompto will take hundreds of pictures at once, forcing you to pose for him or wait for him as he snaps at his camera. 
Prompto will take pictures of anything and everything when he’s on vacation with you. 
It’s a very family orientated place, so be prepared to introduce Prompto to your extended family. 
Which makes him even more confused because, “Wait...There’s more??How many Titas (aunts) and Titos (uncles) do you have??” 
You’re not sure how to answer that. 
You tell him that your family party is at ten the next day, and it’s eleven and you’re still in bed. By the time that he drags you out of bed and gets you dressed, it’s near twelve-thirty and Prompto is ready to apologize to your family for being so late. 
Imagine his shock when he finds out that the party barely started. You give him a smug look and simply say, “Filipino time.” 
Food! So much food! Aside from the, “You’re so skinny, eat more,” comments from your family, Prompto digs in happily because there is so many to choose from and so much to eat! 
He cries about it later because he doesn’t eat rice often, so all of that rice will be storing in his butt and his thighs, but you don’t hear him complaining when he has that plate of lechon (whole roasted pig), tocino (cured pork belly), or longanisa (sausage) and rice in front of him. 
Prompto takes his time to try and greet everyone at the party. Even though they don’t speak the same language, your relatives and Prompto can chat up a storm somehow. 
Prepare for cheesy party games and embarrassing childhood memories being brought up. 
Prompto gets stars in his eyes when he realizes how much to you talk about him to your family. 
And karaoke! How can you forget karaoke? It’s basically in your bloodstream. 
Prompto and your relatives go at it for hours, and while your cousins absolutely crush him at basketball, Prompto can blow your family out of the water because he has a voice of an angel. 
Your relatives will gush over him, and once they accept him, they take him into the family and basically adopt him. It’s pretty tearful to him because his adoptive parents are so distant. You would have to hold him as he cries later. 
Destination: South Korea
Once more, he basically towers over everyone, and can look clearly over everyone’s heads. 
All of the 아저씨 (ajusshis/older males) stare in amazement at this 6′6″ behemoth with a rippling nine pack and badass tattoo. 
Walk with him down the streets and you will hear passing comments of, “He’s so handsome!” over and over again. 
Bring him to some family or friends and they will tell him, “You have a nice V line!” or, “Your face is very even!” 
He gives you a confused look, and you just sigh and try to explain. 
When you tell your family that you honestly don’t know what Gladio’s blood type is, the women in your family look at you strangely and tell you, “How do you not know? How can you tell what is personality is like?” 
They then all try to guess what his blood type is. You personally think he’s type O. 
While his actual beloved Cup Noodle wouldn’t be very common in the stores there, Korea has a large arsenal of instant noodles that you insist is better than Cup Noodle. 
Gladio begs to differ, but you catch him buying some of that ramyeon anyway, and cooking them and eating them at the convenience store. 
By the time you’ve finished your bowl, he’s already gone through five different types. 
He’d never do this back home, but since it’s pretty common here, Gladio has no problem with flaunting your couple status by wearing matching or coordinating outfits. 
(Though the two of you would probably have to plan beforehand and get clothes that actually fit him back in Insomnia.)
Gladio would be more into hiking, backpacking, any athletic activity that you can name, so if you’re from any big city, expect to take a break from that and head to the rural areas. 
Iris would probably badger him about bringing her back some cute clothes, so he spends a good fraction of his vacation shopping with you for Iris. 
He thought he knew you well, but he hasn’t seen his little S/O down multiple bowls of 떡볶이 (tteokbokki/spicy rice cake) in one go yet. 
He’s also scarily impressed by your drinking habits in Korea. 
Gladio’s good at adapting to things, and this can be a double edged sword. On one hand, he can adapt to the Korean culture and mannerisms quite well while he’s there, but once he goes back to Insomnia, all of that stays like a bad habit. 
Nyx wonders why Gladio wouldn’t look at him when they drink anymore and Gladio will unconsciously bow to anything and anyone who makes eye contact with him. 
So my friend told me that 나가 (naga) means get out/get lost?? Oh my god, the confusion Gladio will get if his Korean S/O ever says this. 
Destination: China
A place that is rich in culture, tradition, and history? Say no more, Ignis will be booking your plane tickets and hotel room before you can even finish saying, “Do you want to go with me?” 
Ignis speaks both Mandarin and Cantonese, and if you’ve been away from your homeland for a long time, your family will tease you and say, “He speaks better than you do.” 
But don’t take it to heart, they’re mostly just impressed, and the women in your family won’t hesitate to gush about him or talk about how he’s the ideal husband. 
If you have strong family ties, they all appreciate how well Ignis cares for you, but even though Ignis can take care of himself, your family won’t hesitate to baby him as well. 
Ignis would also be very by the books when it comes to mannerisms, customs, or rules, so it would be up to you to make sure that he doesn’t stress so much about it. It isn’t as strict as he thinks. 
Even though it sounds tacky, Ignis would be looking forward to the stereotypical tourist attractions, such as the Great Wall or the Forbidden City, because he’s genuinely interested in the amazing history that those places have. 
Interesting to him and some others, but maybe not to you, so prepare for staying at those sites for hours on end as Ignis tries to know everything there is to know about those spots. 
Other than visiting the historical, touristy spots, Ignis mostly wants to have the ultimate culinary experience when he’s there. 
If the two of you aren’t sightseeing or visiting family, you’re most likely eating together. 
Ignis plans a full meal itinerary for almost every single day at some of the best restaurants. Though that doesn’t necessarily mean high-class, Ignis can appreciate food from everywhere. 
He’s cultured, not stuck up. 
With all of this amazing and authentic food, Ignis always has his little notebook out to jot down those New Recipehs™.
“ 就是这样! 我研制出新的配方了!” (”That’s it! I’ve come up with a new recipe!”) “Babe, please, you’re embarrassing me.” 
Forces you to wake up super early to go to the markets and get the best deals and freshest food, then strolls down the night markets with you. 
Ignis always looks like he stepped off the runway, so the two of you hear many whispers of, “He looks like a model!” or, “Is he a model?”
Don’t leave him alone on the streets for more than a minute, people will figure out that he speaks the languge and girls will try and flirt with your man. 
“Hey, Ignis?” “Yes, darling?” “When we go out, can you pretend that you don’t know any Chinese?”  
When the two of you return to Insomnia, Ignis naturally tries to emulate the dishes that he has tried. You have the same dish for five days straight in different variations before you finally snap and tell him no more. Ignis moves on to use Noctis and Gladio as his guinea pigs. 
Extra:  My friends as I asked them for help and to look over my headcanons 
Me: [asks my friends to translate Iggy’s famous line for me] Chinese friends; one who was born, raised, and lived in China until recently:..Have you tried google? 
Me: [shows my friend a picture of Gladio] Korean friend who doesn’t know anything about FFXV: Oooh, he has a nice face; it’s very even. 
Filipino friend: You should make a headcanon about balut, Prompto would freak out.  Me: I DON’T WANT TO HURT HIM. 
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tvehyungs-gf · 7 years
HER 承 | PART 6
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A Namjoon Series
part 5 ↢ | ↣ part 7 | bts masterlist
承 (Complication) - The beginning/rising of a story where the conflict between character and character, the conflict of a character’s fate/surroundings, and the conflict between character himself/herself, will all happen at this stage.
It was quiet in the dorms, excluding the sounds of shuffling furniture and the movement of clothing. The boys and I were all over the place moving around furniture and cleaning up the dorms to make it a safe environment for Y/N’s stay. We couldn’t risk having her pass out again and bumping her head on something sharp, because if that did happen, only God knows how everything will end up.
After I finished moving some of Taehyung’s things into Jungkook’s room, I glanced at my phone screen - 4:46 PM. “Shit! Hey Jin-Hyung, can you come with me with pick up Y/N? You’re the only one I trust driving...”
Jin turned around in a swift movement with a small smile as Tae gasped, “Yeah, sure!”
“Oh, wow, hey, I kind of take offence to that..” Taehyung pouted as he nudged my shoulder with his elbow. “I’m a good driver!”
Rolling my eyes, I nudged him back. “Yeah right.. You almost killed that ajusshi the other day!”
Hoseok snorted as he threw his arms around Taehyung’s shoulder. “Namjoon’s got a point. You could’ve killed her...” 
Tae shrugged Hoseok’s arms off with a loud sighed, as he threw his hands up in the air in defence. “She walked out into the street, she knew what was coming.”
I rolled my eyes again, “Anyways, Jin and I have to get going. I told Y/N I was going to pick her up at 5:30.”
“You’re so whipped.” Hobi chuckled as Tae laughed along with him. “But we’ll finish getting the house ready, you guys drive safe, yeah?”
Jin nodded as he threw Hobi two hand gun signs. “Sounds good! Be back soon.”
“Hey baby!” Y/N smiled throwing her arms around my neck. “I missed you.”
I laughed, “It’s only been about a day or less but I missed you too, sweets.” In a swift moment, I picked her up bridal style and kissed her cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.”
“Okay,” Jin interrupted as I had set Y/N down gently. “Can you guys not.”
Y/N giggled rolling her eyes, “Sorry! Oh! Thank you again Jin, you really didn’t have to get me the flowers!”
“Hey,” Jin threw his arms around her waist. “It’s no problem!! You seriously scared the living arm hairs out of me, but I’m so glad you’re okay!” Jin squeezed her into a tight embrace as I smiled and went to pick up some of her bags to place into the car. 
“I’m so lucky to have you guys in my life.” She smiled, her arms wrapping around Jin.
I’m so lucky to have you guys in my life..
We’re lucky to have you in ours. Hell, I’m lucky to have a beautiful angel love me back, to be embrace me back, to always giving me sweet smiles, to understand me, and to always be there for me. I’m the lucky one.
But I didn’t say that out loud, however, I wished I did. I was such a fool, taking life for granted - taking Y/N for granted. I could’ve and I should’ve said everything on my mind. I had to learn that the extreme hard way. And now, I regret keeping my mouth shut for some god damn reason. 
Everyone, if you love someone, always say everything on your mind. Every loving thing you wish to say to your significant other, tell them because you’ll never know that one day, you won’t be able to. And you’ll regret every reason why you didn’t tell them that you loved them that one day. I learned that the hard way.
And for me, it all went like this...
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“Wow!” Y/N gasped out loud, her purse falling onto the floor with a thump besides her. “You guys really cleaned up the dorm! It looks really nice!”
Jungkook laughed, “Yeah, the hyungs and I thought it would be a great idea to clean it up and make it a safe haven for you.”
Y/N smiled and pulled Jungkook into a hug. “Thank you so much you guys! You really didn’t have to do all of this, honestly.”
“Hey, it’s no big deal Y/N.” Hobi smiled. “We love and care for you! We want whats best for you.”
Y/N’s smiled grew bigger, “Really, thank you so much. I’m seriously extremely lucky to have 7 beautiful kind hearted guys to be in my life. Seriously.”
Like I said earlier, we’re lucky to have you in ours. Hell, I feel as if I’m the luckiest guy on earth. I can say this everyday, I’m so lucky to be able to be in a love with an angel who loves me back. I love you so much, Y/N.
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Strike two. Why didn’t I say that to her then and there? Why do I always keep my damn mouth shut. Why couldn’t I have told her that I love her? That I’m extremely lucky to love her? That I’m so fucking lucky that she loves me back?
Damn it, Namjoon! Why are you so fucking selfish and embarrassed?
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“You’ll be staying in my room, is that okay?”
“Babe, of course it is.” Y/N kissed my cheek, “I don’t mind staying besides you.”
My heart melted, right then and there. “You sure do know how to make a mans heart melt.”
Her beautiful laugh echoed throughout the room. “I only know how to make your heart flutter. You’re the only one I bothered learning how to make their heart melt.”
“Y/N seriously, the more you say these things, the faster I’ll drop on my knees and ask you to marry me.”
“Then I guess I should keep saying them, yeah?”
Oh my god. “I guess I should start looking for a ring soon too.”
Her eyes looked right into mind as a smile grew on her lips. “I’d still marry you with and without the ring, Joonie.”
A smile formed on my face and immediately, I pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her cheek.
“Knock, knock! Y/N, your phones in the living room and it’s ringing. And Jin’s making lunch, so he wants everyone out in the living room.” Jimin interrupted. 
“Oh crap, thank you Jimin!” Y/N gripped onto my hand and pulled me out of the room and into the living room. Quickly, she looked at her phone then at me. “Shit, just one second, I have to get this. It’s my doctor.”
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10 minutes. 10 minutes has passed since Y/N left to the bathroom. She has yet to come out and I’m kind of worried. I want to get check on her but she’s talking to her doctor... but for 10 minutes? Is it urgent? Is everything okay? Is Y/N okay?
“Namjoon, chill out. You’re acting like she left Korea and moved to the Netherlands or something.” Yoongi broke me out of my stance. “She’s just in the bathroom.”
Hoseok laughed, “I’m telling you guys, he’s whipped!”
Jin rolled his eyes as he slapped Hoseok in the back of the head, “His girlfriend was just in the hospital, he’s just worried. Leave him alone.”
I gave Jin a small smile. I was going to reply but before I could, Y/N walked into the living room. Tear were stained onto her cheeks, her eyes red, and her phone was gripped in her shaky hand.
Quickly, I stood up in a swift movement and walked over to her. “Y/N, baby, are you okay?”
Y/N looked up, staring at me. Tears then started to fall down her cheeks again. Seeing those tears made my heart break - again. Immediately, I pulled her into a hug. “Namjoon...” She whispered before pulling away. “I.. I don’t have much left.”
The boys all stood up confused. “What do you mean..?” I furrowed my eyebrows together. 
“I’m dying Namjoon. I.. I have a brain aneurysm.”
“What does that mean?” Tae asked. 
I looked down, “It means that there is a bulge or ballooning in a blood vessel in her brain. It can rupture and cause bleeding into her brain. When it ruptures, it’s very life threatening, meaning, that when it does, she has a 50% chance of dying right then and there. But if she survives, 66% out of 100, she’ll suffer some permanent neurological deficit. Or, she’ll have a 50% chance of dying within a month. 15% of patients die before they even make it to the hospital.”
It became quiet, as everyone was consuming all the information. And in a quick moment, we all gathered around the small girl, pulling her into our embrace.
But, it was so quiet that no one heard my heart break, except for me.
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tagging for updates: @itsawonderfulsakujo ♡ @baelaineeee ♡ @mariaanaposts ♡ @munchkinfox♡ @duoet 
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ba3kkie · 7 years
The Final Crescendo [3]
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“Baekhyun-ah” You whispered as the tears rolled down your pale cheek.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you managed to say “ I love you”.
Part 1 || Part2 || Part 3 || Final
(A/N) : This is Baekhyun x reader. Enjoy !
:. I don’t own any of the characters nor companies mentioned and it is purely fictional and should not be taken seriously. I only own the plot.
1 year ago
You turned to face him, your hands trailed along the side of his face, brushing away the stray hairs on his forehead.  A tear ran down your cheek, as you shakily whispered:
“I love you enough to know that I can stay in your heart, but not your life.”
You suppressed the sniffles of your sobbing and dressed yourself, leaving a note on the bedside table before letting yourself out of the apartment.
11 months ago
‘54 missed calls and 89 messages unread’ as you stared down at the notification, it was all from him and you knew it, however you could never bring yourself to open or return any of it.
You opened the windows of your small apartment, and took a deep breath of the cleaner air, trying to desperately convince yourself that moving to the suburbs was the best to make him forget you. Except, you packed up and left Seoul before he even had a chance to wake up next to you, which would probably make him resent you instead, but either way you still felt it had to be done.
Your favourite food truck pulled up in front of your apartment complex, bringing your stomach mind  back to reality, you stuck your head out the window, ready to shout your order to the ajusshi down there, but the whiff of food sent you lunging for the toilet bowl instead of the truck downstairs.
You paced in front of the aisle at the pharmacy, reaching your hand out, but quickly retracting it afterwards, this continued until the pharmacist had stood beside you. “Was it planned?” She asked softly, looking at you with empathy filled eyes and all you could say was a soft “No.”, to which she reached for a pregnancy test and handed it to you “ The toilet is behind the door to the right.” she gestured to you “I know you’re scared, I was too at that age, but in all honesty, my child was the best thing that happened to me.” She gave you a soft pat on the back and returned to the counter to tend to another customer.
You sat there in the toilet, waiting for the longest and most nerve wreaking 5 minutes of your existence.
“It’s alright honey, you can get through this, I’ll be here for you.” the pharmacist brought you into a hug, somehow you managed to find comfort with a stranger, who made you felt you still had someone on your side.
9 months ago
‘60 missed calls and 92 unread messages’
His debut posters were all over the street, advertisements on every channel, interviews with every broadcasting company. He was already a star before he even shinned, yet seeing his success pained me, it hurt not to be with him, it hurt I can’t tell him about the pea growing within me, but it hurts the most to be able to see past his facade and see his tired eyes, skinner frame, basically his overworked self.
“Hey sweet pea, mommy will take care of you, I promise.” You placed your hand over your slightly bloated looking stomach and rubbed circles with your palm while the tears streamed down your face.
“Come have some porridge, (y/n) !” The pharmacist- Irene called, “You have to eat something, you’ve been throwing up all morning.” You felt so sick that day, leaving you no choice but to call Irene for something to sooth your stomach, whom instead of just dropping the goods and leaving, had decided to instead nurse you back to health, which you were eternally grateful of.
While you were taking small sips of hot liquid, Irene popped the question “Are you planning to tell the father?” her eyes still fixed on her meal. You choked on what you just managed to swallow, but recovered by gulping some water, “No, he doesn’t need more things to worry about now, it’ll only ruin his image.” you whispered the last part, “ You make him sound like a big shot idol.” Irene chuckled.All that met the joke was silence. Irene’s jaw dropped, the lack of witty response and the eye twitch you do when you’re trying to keep a secret proved her joke hit the bullseye.
The silence that filled the room made you crack, hormones taking over your body, you became a disaster on legs, crying, hitting your chest, screaming, laughing at yourself all at the same time, if Irene didn’t know any better, she would think you’re mental. After a few tries, she was able to get the gist of your whole situation from the word salad coming from your mouth, “Oh honey, that must have been hard keeping it all to yourself, there there let it all out.” she held you in an embrace, her hand running soothly up and down your back until you stopped crying.
8 months ago
You were curled up on the couch that day, watching his first live music show in the comfort of your out of town apartment where he didn’t know you resided. The moment his voice reached your ears, you were teleported back to first time you heard him sing, the same voice that brought you to reach for that door, it drew you to him and the rest was history, but here you were, alone.  
Suddenly, his voice stopped abruptly and was replaced by screams, your eyes trying to focus on him, but all you saw were crew members huddled around where he was supposed to be, two men rushed in with a stretcher, it all happened so quickly, you knew it was him on that stretcher, so many things ran through your mind, you felt so helpless.
Your knuckles turned white as you gripped the remote, you turned off the tv and went straight to your bed. The covers pulled over your head as you cried his name “Baek…please be okay.”, you felt pathetic, you wanted to rush to his side, to stop avoiding him, to tell him he has a child on the way and that you love him, but that would be too selfish of you, asking him to risk everything for you. You blacked out after all those hours of crying, to be woken up by sound of your phone vibrating against the bedside table, it was already the next morning.
‘87 missed calls and 113 unread messages’
It was an unknown number, and on a normal day you would have ignored it, but something compelled you to answer it this time. You brought the device to your ear, letting out a breath before saying,
There was no answer.
“Hello, anyone there?”
You sighed into the device, ready to put it down.
“(y/n), it’s me” It was soft, so soft it should be not audible, yet you knew your name only rolled off his tongue that way. Your breathing hitched, your brain telling you to hang up this instant, however you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, you’ve avoided all those calls so you wouldn’t have to go through this.
“Don’t hang up please.” his voice sounded like he was begging, his plea tugged at your heart as well as your tear glands, it was another mental breakdown waiting to happen.
“I miss you.” he confessed and there went all your efforts of not breaking down on the phone, “I m-miss” your reply was broken with sobs “you-u too” .
“I have something to tell you, (y/n).” His voice now weaker. “Meet me at the roof top at 9 tonight, I won’t leave until you come.” There was barely enough time for you to register what he said, next thing you know the call was dropped.
7:30 pm
You stared at yourself in the mirror, hidden beneath the oversized sweater was a baby bump, “Sweet pea, we’re going to meet daddy now, mommy is a little scared but whatever happens I still love you.” placing your hands on the bump.
You opted to hail a taxi to avoid the afterwork crowd in the subway, the ride was long but the scenery outside the window calmed you, from lone street lights to endless rows of bright signs and flashy billboards, you know you were already in the city by the sight of things.
The roof top was a place you always seek refuge at, because Baekhyun was always there, it was his secret spot that he shared with you. You arrived at the run down building, then proceeded to climb the back stairs until the highest floor, which was much harder being 4 months pregnant.
Looking down at your phone, you were a half hour early, but as you took your last step, you saw him sitting there on the bench both of you used to lay on, his frame looking so much smaller than it did a few months ago.
He must have heard your foot steps, and immediately got up and turned to you, he closed the distance, leaving a foot’s distance between you two, he stared into your eyes. You knew those eyes were asking you to answer all the question marks you left, but you were prepared to not give in to emotions for his sake or maybe it was for yours.
“What did you want to tell me?” you said emotionlessly, hoping that he would get the hint.
“Let’s run away together.”
To be continued.
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Roses In Thorns
Being apart of the countries greatest mafia families had its problems; enemies grew from every thorn and you were one of the greatest roses to target. 
You didn’t expect the greatest thorn to prick you to be he who was assigned to protect you- Jeon Jungkook. 
Genre: Angst, (the good type), fluff, future smut in story line. 
BodyguardJungkook, Mafia
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Part 2
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Part 1- YN POV
“Can you get down?” Taehyung asked, holding the ladder for you steady. You were worried you were going to fall flat on your ass, but it didn’t matter at this moment. You just wanted to get down out of sight and to Emily’s party. You didn’t drug your bodyguard for nothing. 
“Hold on, I’m jumping!” You braced yourself as you stuck your legs out from the ladder and jumped. Luckily, Taehyung caught you.
“Awh Tae, such a ladies man.” You winked cockily as you were set down. You brushed your dress off, happy everything was left in tact and snaked your arm around Taehyung’s. 
“Aren’t I amazing Taehyung, could you do that?” You asked, smirking. 
Taehyung was the boy next door who you grew up with. Your parents both worked in the same…business. Taehyung and you got each other, you had each others backs in times like these. All you really wanted to do was just go out and have some fun, but being apart of the countries greatest mafia families had its problems: enemies grew from every thorn, and you were one of the greatest roses to target. 
You were from a family that had been in this business since 1809 when the opium trade was rife. Your family had a series of alliances with the British, jotted somewhere in the history books as one of your ancestors amassed fortunes spanning Asia. Over time, enemies had grown in great numbers and they targeted those close to the current head of the entire family. Three years ago, your father was given the role of head and you were on the list of most targeted people in Korea, if not South East Asia. 
“I’ve been given more freedom than you Y/N and you know that.” Taehyung said, taking you to the car he had parked.
Snapping out of your heritage thoughts, you figured Taehyung was right. Some things never changed, including how conservative the people in your world could be to their daughters. Tae, while restricted had the freedom to go out and live his life like any normal 21 year old could; provided he had a gun tucked away under his pocket and security detail following him not far off. 
You on the other hand, were expected to be a rose in a steel glass cage. Sheltered, monitored, protected, guarded- you name every protectionate word and you were supposed to be the object of its affection. 
“These gender expectations irk me you know. Promise you’ll never do that to your daughter Taehyung.” You said, hoping your best friend would never be over bearing as your father and uncles.
“Never. It’s a free world ma cherie.” Taehyung smiled, a hand over your shoulders as he gave the instructions to his driver on where to go. 
“I hope Sir Y/N/F/N is okay with this. I really don’t want to get in trouble for taking you two out without permission.” Taehyung’s driver subtly warned. 
You hid your smile. 
“I won’t have anyone taking the blame for my mistakes, besides- appa needs to learn how to live a little.” You said, hoping the driver didn’t do anything rash like call your dad. 
You saw his eyebrows rise and then a sense of defeat going down as he proceeded to drive.
“What did you do to your body guard this time?” Taehyung asked, scrolling through his instagram as his other arm still rested on your shoulders. 
“I made him a cup of coffee, spiked it and then stuffed a sock in his mouth before getting ready.” You said casually, twirling his fingers that were hanging just off your shoulder. 
“Well it’s a step up from locking them in the food cupboard.” Taehyung admitted, reminding you of your weakest performance getting rid of a bodyguard. 
“I wish appa would just give up, y’know. I’m too smart for the doofs he hires.” You said, lying your head back on Taehyung’s arm. 
“You know, Y/N you really do have enemies. People would love to see nothing more than your dads little pride and joy deflowered and tortured before his very eyes.” Taehyung said, giving you a knowing glare.
“Then why’d you take me out if you’re on his side?” You said, shoving his arm away.
“I knew if i said no, you’d go out anyway and then no one who cares about you would know where you were.” He said in the most calmest voice, like it was the obvious thing to do. 
“No, no, no. That’s- you’re supposed to be on my side, Tae.” You said, annoyed Taehyung was taking you to Emily’s because he didn’t trust you. It seemed like no body trusted you around here. 
“I am on your side, but I’m not stupid. People really want to see you dead, Y/N.I get that your security details can get over bearing, but they’re really just looking out for you.” 
You rolled your eyes.
“Save it, Taehyung. You’ve got your own motives too. You’re probably just trying to get into my pants.” You said as the car halted in front of Emily’s house. You shook Taehyung’s arm off and got out the door the driver had opened for you. 
You smiled at him. ‘Thanks Ajusshi, I owe you.” 
You strutted inside, ignoring Taehyung’s calls to wait up for him. Taehyung, the boy you grew up with but also the boy that was your first kiss. Taehyung, who probably put on the I’ll-take-you-to-Emily’s- act because he knew there could be something in it for him.
Kim Taehyung, son of the other oldest mafia groups- like his father, known for his sweet talk but ulterior motives. 
You weren’t going to be anyones pawn. You weren’t a girl made of glass. 
“You made it, thank goodness I thought we’d have to sneak up and get you out!” You found Emily, the hostess of the party. She was one of your closest friends from boarding school and her mother was a hacker. You were both introduced when you were young whilst your parents went on their business trips. 
Her eccentric attitude was infectious. 
“I wouldn’t miss it, this is the fifth time I’ve managed to get out without being busted. I’m a pro at this now.” You said, as you took a flute of champagne from the waiter who had just passed you. 
“She won’t be a pro any longer if she keeps this up.” Taehyung said from behind, joining you and Emily now.
“T-Taehyung. I didn’t know you’d show up.” You knew that face, Emily had always had a crush on Taehyung. Recently it had gotten worse, and you hoped they’d hit it off soon. Taehyung was a hopeless puppy set on someone closer to his home though.
You sighed. You couldn’t deal with this much emotion. 
“I’m gonna get something else to drink, who else wants some?” You asked, ignoring Taehyung’s warning look. 
“Me!” Emily yelled as you already started turning on your heel. 
The music had risen a few beats up, bodies were swaying to the rhythm as you slithered in an out. You paused every few moments to get lost in the music yourself. Ah, you felt good. You felt free.  
A small part of you inside still had that delicious feeling: rebelliousness. 
“Enjoying yourself there princess?” A cool voice set the hairs on the back of your neck at edge as you filled the punch in your cup mid way through.  
You slowly turned towards the voice, which was closer to your body than you had thought. 
“I hope you wouldn’t mind pouring me a glass.” He smiled a breathtaking smile. Soft dark hair touched the tip of his eyebrows, with warm brown eyes and a gifted face. You were cross torn between saying if he looked angelic or sinful. It was somewhere in between. 
The suit he wore hinted more sin, but the smile on his face was angelic. 
“I need a name first for that kind of service.” You tilted your head, a smirk on your own face as you met his eyes that were boring into yours.
“J. Just call me J.” He said, closing in on you as he put his hands on both sides of the bunch table you were now back against. 
Daring, you thought.
You acted unfazed, turning your back which was now right against him and poured him a glass of punch. Slowly, you turned back against him to face him with an innocent smile on your face.
“Thanks. I’m parched.” He said, backing away as you felt his member come alive against you. 
Make your move Y/N, make your move you said as you pep talked yourself. You wanted him. 
You really wanted him. 
You watched the way he drunk the glass of refreshment in one go, veins straining out from his neck.
Who was this J, and why had you never seen him around before?
“Y/N! What’s taking you so long- oh. Hi.” Emily had come up from nowhere to you, and was stopped as her eyes rested on this ‘J’. 
“Emily! I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Thanks for inviting me. I hope you don’t mind I brought along Jungkook, my plus one.” A girl you had seen around threaded her arm over Jungkook, who looked at your annoyed reaction and smirked. 
“Nice to meet you ladies.” He said, acting like the gentleman you knew he so wasn’t by his behaviour just a moment ago. 
“No problem, I hope you both have a good time.” Emily said. This J- or Jungkook’s girlfriend excused them both and Emily turned to look at you.
“We thought you were both about to fuck, what the hell happened? What an idiot!’ She hissed, referring to this new Jungkook.You were going to also agree with Emily, you had your sights fully set on him. He looked and fitted every imaginary box you had in the back of your mind. You were pissed. 
“Ugh, it’s nothing. Come on, let’s get drunk.” You said, taking her arm and pouring yourself shots of punch. You both drunk one, followed by another, and you were going to stop on your second shot but you spotted those familiar eyes burning a hole into the back of your neck. Jungkook. You didn’t even know him apart from his half angelic/sinful face and body but he was already annoying you. You proceeded with your third shot. 
Taehyung had eventually joined you both, who were now tipsy from the 13th shot of sweet poison you both had practically inhaled.
“KIM TAEEEEHYUNG YOU MONSTER, HOW ARE YOU SO CUTE!” You yelled, putting your arms over Taehyung as you sloppily danced with him, shooting Jungkook a death glare since his eyes still followed yours despite his hands being tucked under his girlfriend. 
“HEY, MINE YOU BITCH!” Emily said, laughing between hick ups. You pouted at her.
“I’M SORRY EM, HE’S ALL YOURS- YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO GET MARRIED AND HAVE THE MOS-” Your voice was shut up by a familiar sound you had grown up with: gunshots. 
Emily screamed, whilst you and Tae looked at each other confused. 
“Y/N- run!” Taehyung yelled before getting his gun out to shoot someone in front of you. You were dazzled, the gun shots started firing fast and you were caught in the midst. You hated the helpless feeling. Your leg was pulled down by Emily, who was cowering under the bar with tears streaked on her face.
“Y/N…tell me it’s not true. Please, please, please, I can’t be friends with someone whose family murder-” 
“Emily!” You screamed, as a circle of blood expanded from her centre. She was shot. You looked up to see the perpetrator. 
Tears welled in your eyes, angry tears in an instant as you held Emily in your arms. “Em-” Your arm was yanked up by Jungkook.
“Do you know who my father is? He’ll have you fed to dogs.” You threatened in your most dire voice. Jungkook smirked.
“Come on princess, we don’t have all day.” In an instant he flipped you over his shoulders tightly, locking your legs in the process. 
You bit him.
“Ouch, feisty.” He said in the midst of more gunshots. 
“Keep your head down or you’ll get shot, brat!” He yelled, as you tried your best to escape him. 
Who was he?
What was going on?
Emily was dead. Emily, the girl you had been friends with since you were 5, was dead in the space of a few seconds. 
Jungkook killed Emily.
You bit him again. 
“As much as I’m into kinky shit princess, nows not the time. Ahh, you sure don’t hold back do you?!” He said as you proceeded to vigorously bite his neck to get him to put you down. 
You hated feeling so helpless. 
“My father will destroy you if I don’t first- you piece of shi-” BANG!
You opened your eyes to a familiar face: Dr. Jin. 
You felt your eyelids being expanded by his fingers as your vitals were checked.  
“All clear, seems like just a fall. You’ll be fine in no time.” Dr. Jin said calmly. Slowly regaining more consciousness, you tried to lift yourself up from bed. 
Bed. You were home by the looks of it. You had just been smacked out cold a few minutes ago though, it didn’t make sense.
“You’ve been asleep for two days now. I’m going to leave some medication for you to take if you feel like it, but you’ll mostly be fine. Any issues, give me a call.” Dr. Jin said sweetly, his handsome face lathered in empathy.  
Two Days?! You had somehow managed to be taken back to the safety of your home and out cold for two days. 
You were probably a nightmare to treat. You felt bad. Dr Jin was one of those rare people you actually liked and you usually had nigh terrors in your sleep, most certainly not a pretty sight. 
“Thank you. Does my father know about this?” You asked hesitantly.
“I, Y/N that’s not really my place. Please don’t try to get into any more trouble from now on though.” Dr. Jin tried to warn you. 
“You know where I am if you ever need to find me. Come see me about those night terrors you’re having when you feel ready.” His warm smile was something you didn’t deserve, but basked in anyway.
“Thanks, Jin. I really appreciate it.” You said, letting out a small bit of your appreciative side. 
“Anytime.” He said before leaving your room. 
Just when you thought you would be able to get a bit more sleep before the realities of what had happened two days before caught up with you, Jin’s exit paved the way for your parents and their team to come in. 
“Kim Taehyung and you are the most irresponsible mafia heirs I have ever seen in my entire life doing this! Explain yourself!” Mother joy, your mother was clearly distressed. You knew it by how her ever changing nails hadn’t changed from when you last saw her. They were still hot blue. 
“Mother, my head hurts.” You said, trying to escape yourself from her doting wrath.
“We had Dr. Jin give us an all clear before coming in. Explain yourself, Y/N. Surely you know how you’re one of the most wanted targets in this family!” Your mother had another outburst, and small part of your felt bad. You quickly pushed it back down.
“I need to live my life normally. What I want is answers though. One of my best friends is dead, why?” You asked, now looking at your father. He was in a navy pinestripe suit with a solemn expression. 
“The entire hacker family was supposed to die that night. I had put extra provisions in to make sure you didn’t end up there, but you just couldn’t listen could you?” 
The reality of the situation just sunk in.
“You were going, no- wait, you were planning on killing Emily?” Your eyes doubled up into the size of saucers in surprise. 
“Whilst I don’t like involving you and your mother in the business, simply yes. The hackers were swayed away from being loyal to us, the risk they posed was too great to not avoid. You know how we go on sweetheart.” Just like that, your father had explained killing like it was the most natural thing ever. It was what you had grown up with. 
For the first time, you got a taste of how your family was successful all these generations. 
You were ruthless. 
Ruthless killers. 
That didn’t explain who Jungkook- who had killed Emily was. Was he working for your father?
“Y/N, I’d like you to meet your new bodyguard.” Your fathers voice took you out of your thoughts that were just starting to unravel. 
The men separated into two files to reveal the sinfully angelic face that you had met two nights ago. 
“I think you owe your life to Jungkook, Y/N.” Your mother said, forcing you to tear your eyes away from him. They were filled on the brink of tears. He killed Emily.
“He killed Emily.” You said in a solemn voice.
“Emily was planning on killing you, don’t you get it? Y/N. Welcome to the family business. People will use you to get close to you before they do something. Loyalties change. Learn the rules of this family, it’s about time.” Your father tried to reason. Your eyes flitted back between him and your mother, who had her head down meaning she agreed.
Betrayal. Emily was planning to betray you. 
It was all too heavy for your mind and heart, but you’d hide it. 
“I still don’t want him as my bodyguard.” You said, casting him a glance. He shot you a cocky smirk. 
“Jungkook’s one of the finest, I had to go through a lot of hoops just to get him. You will not be attempting anymore midnight excursions with the Taehyung boy, or with anyone else. You’re under house arrest. Jungkook will be with you every moment of everyday. If you by so help me God, attempt to pull one on him- not that you’ll be able to, you’ll be sent off to Seychelles.” 
Seychelles, where your grandmother lived in hiding. 
“Am I 12, to you? You can’t do this.” You fought back. 
“As long as you’re under my protection, I will be. This is for your safety, Y/N.” Your father said sternly. 
You listened to his stern words, but didn’t accept anything he had said. You were still going to live your life, you had managed to get through 3 body guards in the past month alone by confusing them, making them quit or locking them in cupboards with spiked drinks. Jungkook wouldn’t know what hit him.
“Don’t think of pulling anything.” He warned again. 
You smiled sweetly. “Of course not, appa. I’ve learnt my lesson.” You lied, but your father believed you since you were his only daughter and pride. 
You saw Jungkook lowly chuckle out of the corner of your eyes. 
“Good. Your mother and I have a flight to catch in a couple of hours. Make sure to see us before you go.” Your mother and father kissed you gently on the forehead before leaving with their entourage. 
“Don’t let her be too much of a bother.” Your father patted Jungkook’s shoulder as he left.
“I enjoy challenges sir, it won’t be too much of a hassle I’m sure.” Jungkook beamed a breathaking smile at your father back. You could tell your father loved him already, he barely ever smiled at his men. 
The room was empty, apart from you and Jungkook your new body guard.
You stared at him, dressed in a black fitting sweater and caramel trousers. Who the hell glows dressed like that? Jungkook did clearly.
“Hi Princess.” He smiled that same cocky smile you had seen those nights ago. 
“Stay out of my room, Jungkook. All the other bodyguards had the decency to do that.” You scowled.
“I’m not like the others, princess. Room’s airy, no?” He then sauntered over to your window to shut it. 
“I’ll be keeping this from now on too.” He- he’d managed to find your secret pick lock for the windows under your desk too. 
That was your only means of escape.
“Are you serious?!” You yelled.
Jungkook simply smiled at you back. “I know every fucking trick there is to know in the book, princess. Try and get past me. I dare you.” He challenged. 
“You won’t last long.” You said back. 
“I do love challenges. Especially from princesses like yourself. You can’t run to daddy now, not when he knows your always trying to get out.” Jungkook zoned in on you, closer to your bed. Your heart rate accelerated, but you pushed it back down.
“Go to hell.” Those were your last words before you decided to fling the covers off yourself and walk to your bathroom. 
You heard Jungkook’s footsteps.
“Are you going to watch me pee too?” You challenged, ready to throw a punch.
“Call me if you’re showering, then we’ll talk.” He winked, before backing away.
Cocky bastard, you thought. 
Beautiful cocky bastard. 
Luckily you had clothes to change into in your bathroom to save yourself from embarrassment.  Dressed in a white tee and jeans, you came out with wet hair to see Jungkook reading a book from your shelf.
“You know, I never took you for the sappy romance kind of girl. Really?” He showed you the cover of Wuthering Heights, where you had left your bookmark in.
“So much angst, that can’t be healthy you know.” 
“I never took you for the read a book kind of guy.” You shot back as you grabbed a fresh towel from your drawer and started to towel dry your hair.
“I majored in Math, but I had a minor in English in college. Don’t let the looks fool you, princess.” 
“Maybe you can help me with my math homework.” You said absentmindedly. 
“I could help you with a lot of things.” He zoned in on you from behind, which made you stop drying your hair midway. 
It reminded you all too clearly of that night meeting him, where you were set on fu-
Your phone rang. 
It gave you an excuse to leave his trap, so you dashed over to your bedside table.
“Taehyung, are you okay?!” You yelled down the phone.
“I’m fine, I got out there pretty safe actually. My father had some of our men there, I had no clue. “ You didn’t believe that for one second, Taehyung always knew. 
A small part of your heart warmed at the thought though, even without Jungkook- you wouldn’t be dead. Taehyung would have your back. 
You realised you should really apologise for lashing out on him like you did in the car on the way to the party.
“My place, we’ll have brunch on the porch and talk this over.” Taehyung proposed.
“I can’t.” You said looking back over to where Jungkook was standing a couple of feet away from you. He now had a solemn expression, analysing your movements over the phone. 
“I have a new bodyguard. I don’t think I can stuff him in a cupboard just yet.” You said, a little louder so Jungkook could hear what you were capable of.
“I’ll come over to you then.” 
“Great, I’ll make us some brunch.” You said, before saying your goodbyes and putting the phone down.
“Does daddy know you have a boyfriend?” Jungkook asked, following you out of your room as you descended down the spiralled stairs to the kitchen.
You ignored him all the way there. 
“Let’s keep our personal lives secret.” You winked back at him, and Jungkook rolled his eyes. 
“Ma’am. Would you like me to make you anything?” Sylvia, your elderly cook was in the kitchen. 
“No thank you. Taehyung’s coming over, so I’d like to make us something. You’re excused for now.” You said sweetly.
Sylvia excused herself and you got to work taking out all the ingredients you’d need from the fridge. You ignored Jungkook, who was now sat on one of the kitchen stools following your every move. 
“Does appa think I’ll burn the kitchen too, now?” You asked haughtily, as you saw Jungkook glare at you from the corner of your eyes as you whipped up the pancake mix you were making.
Jungkook cast his eyes away from you momentarily. 
There was a silence between you both as you worked, which you welcomed. You could still feel his eyes watching your every move, but you didn’t care. You loved cooking, and the kitchen downstairs was where you were most comfortable. You didn’t have too much control over your life, but you did have control here. 
It was your space.
You had managed to whip up some stacks of pancake, a bowl of fruit salad and freshly squeezed orange juice in no time at all. It felt rude to not offer Jungkook any, and you figured he’d be hungry too. The look in his eyes gave it away. 
“Here. Eat.” You said to Jungkook as you made him a plate. 
“Wow, she has manners.” He said as he took the plate from you.
You didn’t know why, but you were particularly looking forward to his expression once he tasted what you had made. He had on a poker face, but it slipped momentarily when he had his first bite. 
It was…cute. 
“What are you smiling for?” He asked as he looked up at you, face full of pancake like a bunny.
“Nothing.” You said, breaking away from his gaze.
“I brought us some- Y/N get down!” Taehyung’s voice filled the hollow kitchen, and you were grabbed by Jungkook in a split second as he pushed you behind him. 
Taehyung had his gun pointed to Jungkook, and Jungkook had his gun pointed to Taehyung.
Thee testosterone in the room was overwhelming. 
“Tae, it’s okay! Emily’s family were trying to kill me, he saved me.” You said from behind Jungkook’s protection. 
“Why is he here then?” Taehyung wasn’t dropping his gun.
“Appa thinks he’ll make a great new bodyguard.” You said sarcastically. 
“Drop the gun, kid.” Jungkook warned in his most deadliest voice.
Taehyung chuckled lowly before putting his gun back inside.
Jungkook did so too, and you broke free from his grasp.
“Tae.” You said looking at him as you made your way over to him, walking into his open arms. 
“I was going to get you out, you know that right?” He said into your ear.
Jungkook heard and scoffed at your moment with Taehyung. 
“I know you were, thank you. Let’s eat.” You said as you pulled Taehyung by the hand over to the kitchen island to sit where you passed him a plate of pancakes.
“Mmmmm…these are good, right bodyguard?” Taehyung said after his first bite, gesturing to Jungkook who was still on his plate.
He looked like a bunny caught in red lights, a stark difference from the usual stern and cocky attitude. 
Jungkook mumbled what sounded like an agreement before going back to eating.  
“Why’d you think Emily’s family changed loyalties?” You asked Taehyung, breaking him out of his brief interaction with Jungkook. 
“Well, you know what’s common in our world. Money, sex, power. It was one of those three.” Taehyung stated, listing the reasons on his fingers.
“My bets power. The hackers always wanted a bit more respect from your household and it was obvious for them to get to you to spite your father.” Taehyung reasoned.
“You seem to know a lot about their motives.” Jungkook intervened, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at Taehyung as he sat back. 
You watched Taehyung’s reaction carefully. “It’s one of the most plausible. Power sells better than only sex in our world. Look at Y/N here, she’ll probably be wed off to the son of some powerful heir to cement alliances. It’s how we work. Have been for centuries.” Taehyung said not breaking Jungkook’s gaze. 
It was uncharacteristic of him. Taehyung was everything you would never expect to be in the mafia world. He was sweet, fun and lighthearted.
It was like Taehyung’s father was talking.
“Tae, you don’t need to be so direct.” You chuckled. 
“It’s true Y/N, you’re going to have to accept it someday or another soon.” Taehyung momentarily flicked his eyes back to you.
Tears welled up in your eyes, but you pushed them back down like you pushed any sort of feeling you had. 
Always pushing things back down.
“I want to get drunk.” You said, you didn’t care if it was only midday. You wanted to numb the thought of your future wed off to some mafia heir, probably miles older than you, the older the more powerful usually. 
“I have to meet my father later to discuss some things. I can’t see you all the time Y/N, it’s what I came here to say. I’m going to be accompanying him on a few trips.” Taehyung said, ignoring your proposal to do something. 
“But-Tae-” You tried to get him to listen to you.
“It’s time we start to take on our roles Y/N. Last night was just an example of the life we’ll have to face. You’ll always have enemies, I’ll always have enemies and I’m going to be making a lot more as my father passes down his mantle to me.” This was uncharacteristic of the sweet Taehyung you knew. 
It was like he was trying to put on an act for himself. 
“Take care of her.” Taehyung said, after kissing you on the forehead looking to Jungkook.
Jungkook scoffed. Both of their eyes met they narrowed their eyes at each other. 
“With my life. I’m her protector after all.” 
“You know to call me if you need anything Y/N.” Taehyung said, unable to tear his eyes away from staring down Jungkook.
You scoffed. I want my friend back, you thought. 
Jungkook broke his gaze out of respect, realising he was staring down a mafia heir which in your world- his position did not allow. Taehyung tore his gaze away and walked out, slamming the door behind him. 
A few tears escaped your eyes. 
Jungkook was staring at you, a sigh escaped his lips. He took the plates on the kitchen island and took them over to the sink, turning the tap on.
“Where do you keep your washing up stuff?” 
You wiped the tears from your eyes.
“Left drawer.” You replied, surprised by how croaky your voice had been after a few tears.
You decided to help him, as you both worked in silent union as Jungkook washed and you dried the plates. 
The weirdest thing was it was oddly comforting, normal. 
You never had normal. 
Not when you grew up with seeing men in suits with bloodstains on them casually coming into the kitchen for a bite to eat, guns laying around in odd bits of the house and deadly eyes following your every move. Your father tried to avoid business and the home, but they were far too connected for him to realise. 
“What are you smiling at?” Jungkook asked, a small smile on his lips. 
“Nothing.” You said. 
“Thank you.” You mumbled.
Jungkook washed his hands and turned the tap off. He turned on his back and leaned against the sink. 
“I, I couldn’t hear that. Did you just say thank you?” Jungkook mocked. 
You rolled your eyes, a laugh escaping your lips. 
“Okay, okay. Thank you.” You said clearly. 
Jungkook winked, and you hoped the blush that followed your cheeks wasn’t visible. 
“What are you going to do with the rest of your day?” Jungkook asked, turning to tilt his head to you. 
“Wanna get drunk with me?” You asked, figuring it wouldn’t hurt to ask. You could even drug him up in the process and sneak out. 
“Nice try, princess.” He scoffed. 
You sighed. You were alone with an insanely hot guy who- in all other circumstances, if he wasn’t your bodyguard, would be upstairs in your room right now. You started biting your lip at the thought. 
“You’re thinking about it, right? I know you are.” Jungkook leaned forwards towards you.
“I’m thinking about what I’d do to you if we weren’t so rudely interrupted those nights ago.” Jungkook said in your ear, his voice was cool like those nights ago. He closed in on you, trapping you with his arms resting on both sides of the counter. 
“Too bad you’ll never find out princess.” He said as his lips ghosted over yours. 
With that, all traces of contact were ripped away as Jungkook moved away.
“You enjoy teasing me, don’t you?” You said, more of a statement than a question.
“That blush is riveting.” 
You rolled your eyes, trying to mask how upset you were from Jungkook’s reluctance to make a move. 
Eventually you announced that you were going to go down to the library to read, and Jungkook followed suit. It was hard to concentrate knowing he was there, in all his scowling, cocky glory. You were surprised your father had even allowed him to be near you like this, he clearly thought you had no interest in men. That, or Jungkook had charmed him.
He was charming.
“Who are you?” You asked, realising you knew nothing about your new bodyguard. 
You usually never knew anything about your body guard, but Jungkook was different. 
You nearly fucked him at a party. 
He glanced up at you from the book he was reading sat across you on a leather chair. 
“Did you get memory loss too from your fall?” He asked. 
“No, don’t avoid my question. Who are you, where are you from, why did my father hire you?” You asked. 
Jungkook sighed. 
“I’m Jeon Jungkook, my uncle knows your father and recommended me. I’m working my way up the ranks and he hired me because I’m fucking badass.” He said, but you didn’t buy it. In the short time you knew him you figured Jungkook wasn’t the type to work his way up the ranks- he had to be at the top. 
You’d figure the truth out, but you let it slide for now.
You were about to dig in for some more answers to other things, but Jungkook’s phone rang a couple of times. 
“Answer it.” You said. 
“It’s family. Stay put here, okay?” Jungkook sent a warning glance your way. 
You rolled your eyes and nodded. 
Jungkook POV:
“This isn’t a good time.” Jungkook said, looking to make sure the coast was clear as he picked up to answer. 
“Haven’t you killed her yet?” The voice on the phone asked. 
“You think I can just snap her neck on the first day of the job?” Jungkook hissed. 
“Do it soon. The sooner the better, her father will be putty in our hands when his little girl is dripping in blo–” Jungkook cut him off.
“Give me more time. I need her to open up to me.” He said. 
“Just do your job Jungkook.” The voice hung up. 
Jungkook nearly threw his phone across the room outside the library, but clutched it like a stress ball instead. 
He was already supposed to have snapped the girls neck in two by now. He had no reason not to, they were in the perfect situation. A secluded house, a naive girl and the friend who had decided to leave her. 
He was going to do it in the kitchen, he planned to get it over and done with after her friend left.
Then she cried. 
He couldn’t fucking kill her when she was crying, could he? He wasn’t that heartless, was he? 
He was Jeon Jungkook, heartless was supposed to be his middle name. 
He had a knife in his backpocket, ready and ripe to go. He was so ready to just stick the weapon in her neck but she just had to look at him with doe eyes. 
Why did she have to smile at him like that? She wasn’t anything special. When he first took on the case, he figured it would be easy as cake. Difficult to kill the daughter of one of the most feared men alive, but he had no sympathy for the girl before she struck a cord with him. She was supposed to be a spoilt mafia princess that wanted nothing more than to do her hair and play on Daddy’s yacht. 
She wasn’t supposed to be the girl that effortlessly danced around the kitchen, a victim of the mafia world thrust on expectations to marry old men and make babies, a girl with a lot of will power and might. She wasn’t supposed to be any of those things. She wasn’t supposed to be feisty.
She wasn’t supposed to be interesting. 
Jungkook needed to get his head in the right place, he’d seen a billion pretty faces in his time and snapped the necks of them in an instant. 
Why couldn’t he just snap hers?
He was interrupted from his thoughts by a scream that he instantly recognised as Y/N’s. 
No, no no, this couldn’t happen to him now. Were his men deciding to take things in their own hands? 
AN: I can’t wait to write this entire series! It’s going to be one of my main projects this summer, I’m SO excited. 
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404fmdtaejin · 4 years
secret siblings interview
summary: the interview for episode 3 & 4.  mentions of @fmdheesung warnings: none wc: 688
What kinds of places do you want to visit in the city/county you’ve been assigned?
“gyeongju?” his eyebrows raise a bit, fingers tapping against the chair he’s sitting in. and he thinks to the last time he’s stepped away from city life. “i guess i would like to see the more traditional stuff. inside seoul, you only really get gwanghwamun or insadong. the traditional stuff of jongno. but we rarely get to get a taste of the country side traditional life, and i thiink that’s the charm of what gyeongju has to offer. i’m always enjoying a change of pace from seoul — seoul gets tiring after a while, right?”
Are you the type of person who prefers day trips around a city, or is a night in like last filming more comfortable for you?
”i like the freedom of having time. when things are rushed, you often don’t focus on the details. i’m a detail oriented person, a perfectionist in everything i do. i like scheduling out piece by piece of my day, and really taking the time to bask in what the time slot has to offer.” taejin tilts his head, and eyes the staff in the room — letting his answer sink in lieu of a crafted smile. “so when you have two days and one night, you’re left with a lot more freedom and time. no rushing, because when you’re busy, you rarely get the time to have the luxury to come to places outside of seoul.”
If you could go anywhere in the world outside of Korea with your sibling, where would you want to go?
“i think i’d pick hong kong? maybe even macau — i was watching a piece of tv the other day, and they were showing off the food cities of the world. i wouldn’t want to go anywhere far, considering both heesung and i have extremely busy schedules. we’re aged, and i’m not sure our bodies could handle flights that take more than ten hours.” the words get caught inside the flit of chuckles that taejin adds for good mark, extending his chin to mask it all in a grin. “so, somewhere not so far with a lot of exciting things to see. the city life might be fun, fast paced for us to explore for a few days.”
Did you learn anything new about your sibling today? If so, what did you learn? If not, what would you like to learn about them?
“i’ve learned that heesung’s more than what he portrays on the screen. on the screen, he’s knight’s leader — the tall one that stands strong for his members, and always goes with the best attitude in mind. it’s the positivity that i’ve learned doesn’t waver in front of the cameras. in my opinion, it’s an admirable trait to have — one that very few possess now a days. i’d like to learn more about what heesung feels when he’s not subjected to a camera or a leader position. the human that’s not heesung the idol.”
What was the most memorable part of the day you spent with your sibling?
“i think the most memorable part might have been the amusement park? i don’t know how many thirty one year olds you’ve seen that has had the time of their lives at an amusement park, lest one that’s not in seoul. but it was the first time i’ve been to this amusement park, and the first one in a while — i’d say near years since i’ve let go and enjoyed myself like a child again. i think the most memorable part is that we were able to be kids again, and not have these expectations placed on us for once.”
Is there anything you didn’t get to do that you might want to come back and do with your sibling off-camera some time? Was there anything you did do that you’d want to come back and visit/do again some other time?
“gyeongju has a lot to offer — a lot of charming points about it. i see why some people choose to move here in their later years, and i feel as if we haven’t truly explored all of it. just the tourist destinations that a lot of people see — i think it’d be interesting to come back and enjoy a few days like a local. eat the hidden restaurants of local ajusshis and ajummas. — walk around, ride bikes. really step away from the city life that both me and heesung have been living in for quite some time now.” 
You’ll need to buy your sibling a gift before the next time you meet at the full cast dinner. What do you think you’ll get them?
“perhaps a wallet? but i’m sure he has a nice one already. i don’t think i’d purchase something expensive because it’s not something he can’t buy himself. although, a nice bottle of expensive wine might be nice, especially one with his birth year? if not — a nice instrument? a grand piano i hear make good presents this time of the year.”
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pyapia · 7 years
I Can Only Imagine Marvelous Things taejin 3,444 words
Taehyung knows Seokjin is worth waiting for.
Written for the BTS Song Fic Challenge Inspired by the song Glasses by IU
"Oh, sweetie! What a good time to run into you, do you have some time to spare?"
Taehyung stops dead in his tracks at the words and turns to see one of his elderly neighbors by the building's entrance. She's wearing a warm smile on her face, which wrinkles her face even further in a way Taehyung always finds endearing, and hanging from her trembling hands are reusable bags overflowing with groceries. He doesn't even need her to go on to know where this is going, asking with a polite smile, "Would you like me to help you carry them up, ajumma?"
"If it's not too much trouble," she says by way of acceptance and, despite the dull ache at the balls of his feet, Taehyung goes back down the steps to take the heavy bags from her frail hands.
The small apartment building they live in is by no means a shabby one, but it is old and relatively inexpensive, which means it doesn't have any other way of reaching the upper floors beyond long, tiring flights of stairs. Naturally, all five ajummas and one very old ajusshi in the block know to count on him when they struggle with anything, and Taehyung's happy to help, even after his day has been long and his legs are heavy from exhaustion. He asks them how they're doing as they work their way up the stairs, asks them if there's anything else he can do for them once they reach their apartment. Sometimes, they even invite him for tea as a way of thanks (and maybe also to stave off loneliness, Taehyung thinks).
"We're so lucky you moved in here," the lady from the third floor says once they're standing in front of her door.
She fumbles with the keys and Taehyung shifts his weight from one foot to the other, his soles protesting. "It's my pleasure."
The door opens and Taehyung makes his way to the kitchen after taking off his shoes, familiar with the apartment's layout. "Should I help you put everything away?" he asks, already emptying out the bags and settling all the vegetables and items on the kitchen counter.
"It's okay, I'll be using them for tonight's dinner. Thank you." Taehyung notes the fresh, expensive ingredients and knows with certainty she'll have guests tonight. Maybe her family, he thinks, hopeful. "Taehyung-ah, would you like to stay for some tea?"
Taehyung shakes his head. "I wouldn't want to get in the way of dinner preparations, it's already late," he says, then after a short pause adds, "Plus, hyung's probably waiting for me."
He doesn't miss the slight frown on her face at his words, disapproving, and Taehyung wonders whether rumors have already started. Seokjin and him moved into the neighborhood only four months ago and as far as everyone in the building knows, and Seokjin works hard to maintain, they are merely two roommates. One a university student, majoring in Korean history, and the other a newly graduated accountant employed in a small firm nearby; both financially fragile enough that it wouldn't seem weird at all if they shared expenses to live in the relative comfort of a small, but overall nice one-bedroom apartment.
"Is something wrong, ajumma?"
Her smile comes back and it seems genuine, hopefully a sign that she's convinced herself that whatever she heard isn't true. "Oh, I'm just greedy and wish you could stay."
Taehyung grins. "Next time," and after a few more pleasantries and small talk leaves the lady behind with her cooking. He's almost forgotten the pain of his feet until he's going down the stairs again, now finally towards the second floor and to his own apartment. He doesn't bother hiding his exhaustion now, plopping down on the entrance floor with a sigh of relief.
"I'm surprised I got home before you. Did the teachers surprise you with a project again?" he hears from behind him, followed by the soft sound of steps coming closer.
"Not really, I actually finished early today," Taehyung says while pulling out his shoes, rolling his ankles and sighing at the feeling, "I just lost my wallet and had to walk all the way home."
"Lost it? How?" Taehyung hears the frown through Seokjin's tone before he turns around and sees it for himself, pulling at pink and plump lips.
"I was pickpocketed," he says easily, his limbs sore and aching as he forces himself back on his feet and slips on the indoor slippers. Taehyung closes the distance between the two of them, wraps his arms around Seokjin's neck and kisses him quick and chaste before adding, as an afterthought, "I think it was an old lady I helped cross the street downtown; she did get a little too close."
Seokjin's frown couldn't get any deeper. "Tae," he says, voice grave, but Taehyung's quick to cut him off with another kiss. Grins at him even though he knows Seokjin hates it.
"Gotta stop trying to help every needy soul I run into and think more about myself, right? Gotcha."
"You sure don't act like you got it," Seokjin grumbles under his breath and Taehyung's smile turns fond at the worry lacing the words.
"I don't see why I shouldn't help if I can. There's no harm in it," he says, letting go to hang his jacket and bookbag before Seokjin could remind him to.
"Except when there is, right?"
It's said in a near whisper, volume low enough that Taehyung is more than likely not meant to hear, but he does and answers without missing a beat, "Well, us mortals can't all be perfect like you, hyung," and even though he means it to be in good nature, intended as a light and harmless jab, Seokjin goes silent. When Taehyung turns back to see, Seokjin's expression is serious and his eyes are downcast, a look he wears sometimes when he thinks Taehyung isn't looking. "Hyung?" he asks and it's all gone before he knows it, Seokjin's usual smug and playful expression back in place.
"Work on it, then," he says, pinching Taehyung's nose before walking past him towards the kitchen. "You're way too good for your own good."
Taehyung stares at his wide back across the kitchen counter and finds himself biting his own lip, teasing at a piece of dry skin and pulling at it with his teeth. Seokjin must think he doesn't catch on to the way he'll go quiet every now and then as he stares at his cellphone. Or the way his smile will falter sometimes as they speak, leaving Taehyung to wonder what it is he said. Or even the way Seokjin will gaze at him every once in a while, when he thinks Taehyung isn't looking, with something akin to guilt in his eyes.
He's not as oblivious as he's sure Seokjin must think him. He's well aware of the little hints here and there suggesting something's wrong, that something's bothering him, but Taehyung can't bring himself to ask just yet. Not while Seokjin makes such an effort to hide it from him, not while he's not ready to come and tell Taehyung by himself.
So he turns a blind eye to those hints, for now at least, and smiles when Seokjin turns to look at him, cautious. It seems to ease him, and Seokjin asks, "What do you feel like eating tonight?"
"If that's the case, I'll need you to buy the vegetables." Seokjin crouches down and pulls out a sage green bag from one of the kitchen drawers. Stops for a moment, eying him. "Or are you too tried? I can go if you want."
Taehyung whisks it away from his hand, fast. "I'm willing to make sacrifices for food."
"Of course you are," Seokjin says with a roll of his eyes, but there's a smile on his face, genuine and fond. Taehyung can't resist the urge to press their lips together, nibbling at Seokjin's bottom lip before parting. Adding a light pinch to Seokjin's waist just as he scurries away.
It adds normalcy, reassures Taehyung in some way, even though he knows he'll mull, worry, over Seokjin's silences and strange expressions over and over whenever he lets his mind wander.
"What were you thinking." Seokjin's voice is stern and his lips are set in a thin line as he rushes to where Taehyung sits in the living room couch, towel covered ice pack in hand. "Climbing up a tree to get a cat?"
The chill both stings and soothes the ache of his shoulder even through the fabric of his shirt and Taehyung closes his eyes at the sensation. "To save her," he corrects, "she's only a kitten and she was stuck, so I went to save her."
There's no need for Taehyung to open his eyes to know the expression on Seokjin's face, to see the exasperation so crystal clear on his handsome face. He hears it well enough as he asks, "And you couldn't call anyone else, like the police or the animal shelter?"
At this, Taehyung sinks in his seat, pouting and staring at his lap, splashes of dirt stuck to his jeans and shirt. Upset with himself; in hindsight, what Seokjin says seems like a better, less dangerous plan, much more reasonable and a voice in the back of his head insists he should've known better. "I didn't think I'd fall."
"I'm not trying to pick a fight with you, Tae," Seokjin says with a sigh, "I just wish you'd think things through more before acting on impulse. I'm worried you'll get yourself hurt one day - really hurt, even worse than today, " and he adds a squeeze to Taehyung's thigh, staring at him in earnest. "Does it hurt? It does look swollen."
"Only when I move my arm. It's not that bad," Taehyung insists.
"I hope you don't think I'm going to let you avoid the doctor like usual," Seokjin says with a raise of a brow, patronizing in the manner a parent would be with a child, the look on his face similar in so many ways to Taehyung's mother.
Seokjin frowns, unamused. "Taehyung."
"I swear," Taehyung says with a slight chuckle, a hint of a smile playing at his lips, "You dote on me more than my mom."
There it is again, that press of Seokjin's lips, his eyes straying away from Taehyung's in what he can only think is avoidance, even if it's only for a second. Seokjin's always been one to keep to himself, that much Taehyung has already learned after almost two years of dating and six months living together. Talking endlessly about everything and giving away nothing at the same time, somehow avoiding to give personal details about himself and his thoughts - it's what intrigued him at first. Had him chasing after Seokjin until he managed to grow on the older, and even once they got together Taehyung realized that Seokjin would never share as much as he did - and he had come to accept it.
But this, this seems to worry Seokjin. A burden - and all Taehyung wants is for him to lean on him, at least once, if he has a problem. "Is something wrong with your mom, hyung? Is she okay?"
"No, she's fine. Why?" he asks and there's something in his tone that tells Taehyung he doesn't want him to insist.
"It's just - I've noticed something's been bothering you, for a while now. You know you can count on me for anything, right?" and the guilt in Seokjin's eyes as he purses his lips has Taehyung's stomach twisting in worry.
"I know, I know," Seokjin says. Runs a hand through his hair. "But it's something I'd rather spare you with."
"I didn't ask to be spared, you know." It sounds brave to his ears, but Taehyung feels anything but.
A sigh follows and Taehyung knows he's won, braces himself. Seokjin shifts in his seat, tucks his hands over his lap and says, slow and careful, "Do you remember how I... Still haven't told my parents - about us?"
"You said you weren't ready," Taehyung repeats from memory, now sitting rigid in his seat, grip tight on the ice pack he holds to his left shoulder.
"Well, I slipped up. My mom was trying to set up a blind date and now she knows I'm dating but," Seokjin pauses, bottom lip snagged between his teeth so hard Taehyung wonders whether he'd hurt himself. "I'm sorry."
A small whisper is all that it was, so quiet Taehyung thinks he's misheard, holds his breath hoping he did, but the look on Seokjin's face confirms it. As does what he says next, voice faltering. Uneven. "I know it's unfair to you. I have to tell them some day, but I'm still not ready."
Taehyung smiles despite the weird twist of his stomach. Upset, he's upset, he recognizes the feeling and it only makes him more frustrated with himself. "It's okay, hyung," he says, setting down the ice pack on the couch in favor of gripping Seokjin's hand. Lacing their fingers together, squeezing. "I did say I'd wait, right? Until you’re ready."
Seokjin doesn't say anything, holding on to his hand instead. Grip steady, thumb brushing to and fro over Taehyung's knuckles and he guesses it's another apology. Silent but there, a reassurance that Seokjin knows he appreciates, seeks. Taehyung moves to lean against him, sink down in his seat until he can rest his head on Seokjin's chest, and winces, groans, at the pain in his shoulder.
"We need to go to the doctor, your shoulder could be sprained." Taehyung agrees with a slight hum, but doesn't move from the couch yet.
Some time later, Seokjin coerces him to the clinic to get himself checked. Taehyung's mind keeps wandering back to their conversation, to Seokjin's confession, and he berates the part of himself that wishes Seokjin would have taken the opportunity. He's not ready yet, he said, and Taehyung believes him. Without a doubt.
And he'll wait, Taehyung thinks to himself over and over as Seokjin lays a comforting hand on his good shoulder while they wait in the clinic. As he speaks to a nurse right before they leave, asking this and that - how long he has to rest, what painkillers he should take, when he should come back for a check up. Taehyung watches it all with wide eyes, cradling his sling with his good arm.
It's worth the wait.
"Ah, Seokjinnie! You're finally home."
Taehyung doesn't recognize the voice, but one look at the middle aged lady waiting in the cold outside the door of their apartment is enough for him to know who she is. Hair cut short and curled to frame her face, her eyes large and almond shaped and her lips small yet plump. The clothes she wears are simple and minimalistic in design but Taehyung knows he's seen them on display in expensive brand stores while window shopping. She adjusts the scarf wrapped around her neck, then tucks a strand of soft brown hair behind her ear as she waits for Seokjin to approach her, warmth clear in her smile and in her gaze. She has no jewelry on, no earrings or bracelets or even rings besides a lone diamond ring decorating her left hand.
It's Seokjin's mom.
The realization has him tense, his feet glued to the ground, and when he looks besides him Seokjin is the same. Taehyung blinks; there's a smile plastered on Seokjin's face now and just as fast he's gone from his side, pacing quickly towards his mom.
"Eomma, what a surprise," he says as he hugs her. Taehyung picks up on a slight edge on his voice suggesting it isn't exactly a good one. "You didn't mention you were coming last time we talked."
"That's because you never invite me over," she says with a playful huff. As Taehyung walks closer to them, he can see her trying to look past Seokjin's shoulders. Eyes searching and searching - and only finding Taehyung in the hall besides them. "I wanted to surprise you. Maybe meet your girlfriend since you don't seem like you'll ever invite me for introductions."
"Well, she's not here today." Taehyung ignores the fact he goes along with the misunderstanding, choosing instead to focus on how Seokjin steps aside and gestures towards him. Changes the subject as soon as he can. "This is my roommate, Taehyung."
"Ah, yes, I remember you talking about him." It's hard not to beam at the words, knowing how Seokjin keeps to himself, but Taehyung thinks he masks it well enough, greeting her as polite and friendly as he always is.
They scurry inside the apartment once Seokjin opens the door, peeling off their coats and scarves and shoes. Seokjin's mom slips on the guest slippers they offer her and follows them the short distance to the living room. Her eyes wander, taking in the small place, and she makes a point of showing her distaste with the twist of her mouth. Taehyung slips into the kitchen with the excuse of making some tea but the apartment is still much too small, no real divisions between the two rooms, and he still hears her anyway, "Do you really need to share the expenses with someone to live in such a small place?"
"I graduated last year, eomma, how much do you expect them to pay me?" Seokjin says with a terse laugh.
"You know." She lowers her voice, then, and Taehyung finds himself trying to listen in despite himself. "You can always come to us if you need money. Or you could come work for your--"
"I still haven't changed my mind," Seokjin says with finality and for a moment the room is silent, before his mom changes the subject.
Taehyung still remembers how surprised he was when he found out Seokjin's background, about his being the second son of a chaebol. There had been hints here and there - his impeccable manners, the prim and clean style of his clothes, that polished accent of his when he speaks English and the occasional anecdote he lets slip of his being in a foreign country - but with how simple and humble Seokjin always is it's easy to think he's merely well off.
A part of Taehyung still swells with pride knowing the rebellious streak Seokjin has in him - leaving behind his family and the comfortable, luxurious life ahead of him in favor of carving out his own path. Moving into college dorms like the rest of them, living simply and almost exclusively on the money he earned on the side as a private tutor. There's the passing thought of wishing Seokjin were as upfront and confident in announcing their relationship to his parents as he once was of taking the reigns of his own life. Taehyung shakes his head, buries the idea deep down; Seokjin is worth the wait, he decided long ago, and he'd hate to hold this against him. Would hate to pressure him when he's not yet ready. Taehyung's better than that, at least he wants to be.
"Have you thought of marrying Taeyoung-ssi?" Taehyung overhears as he leans down to place the tea on the small coffee table of the living room. He shoots a look at Seokjin.
Their eyes meet. Seokjin has a smile playing at his lips, crooked. "I have, actually," and it takes every fiber in Taehyung's being not to gape at him. His heart stuck in his throat, his eyes no doubt open wide.
"Oh, such good news!" Seokjin's mom sets her teacup back on the table with a clatter, sitting straight in her seat. Reaching out to grab at Seokjin's hand with both of her own. "I have to meet her first, but I'm sure if she's gotten to you she must be a lovely person."
"They are. They're the sweetest person you can imagine," and Taehyung feels the tears well up in his eyes at the words, threatening to spill at any moment. He leaves them both in the living room without a word, seeking refuge in the kitchen.
"When will I get to meet her?" She presses on.
"One of these days," Seokjin says in a soft voice, so gentle Taehyung imagines him whispering the words in his ear. "I promise it'll be soon."
Back turned to them, the tears fall down Taehyung's cheek as unrestrained as his happiness. He sniffs as quietly as he can, dabbing at his eyes with a napkin.
Soon. He heard it clear.
If Seokjin promises, then he can be a little more patient.
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