#always preferred a good puzzle or story based game
foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
Not to be self congratulatory but a classmate was doing a study for one of his game design classes and asked if I’d be one of his participants. I like him so I said yes and he had me do a questionnaire and then set me up in front of Street Fighter.
He had me with set parameters and told me to just fight it out so I did. I watched his eyebrows go up when I finished but he couldn’t comment until the end.
He asked if I played Street Fighter regularly and I said no. I told him I played stuff like Bloody Roar, Guilty Gear, Mortal Kombat and Smash Bros growing up socially, but it’s never been my genre.
He asked if I would be more interested to play Street Fighter after this test and I said no.
He started quietly laughing when I finished all the questions and I said, “What? Did I do poorly?”
“No. You finished the fastest out of anyone I’ve tested. You’re also the oldest and have the least interest in this genre of game, it’s just really funny.”
I told him my best friend growing up had consoles but I didn’t. He got to play and practice regularly so he tended to be better than me as a baseline. But. If I won he’d get so furious that he’d turn the console off and we could do what I wanted instead, so I developed an aggressive button mashing technique that has served me well.
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beatboxing-puppy · 5 months
saw some posts on this website discussing what sort of videogames the dunmeshi characters would play and i think everyone is wrong. everyone is wrong except for me so im going to spell out exactly who plays what. putting it under a read more because im going on a damn tangent.
Laios: He's not a gamer he does not play games on purpose he will only ever play video games when his friends ask him to join them in their multiplayer things. One day tho Falin told him about Monster Hunter and now thats the only thing he plays aside from Spore and he has sunk countless hours into that damn game. Also he probably has played Some pokemon but he doesnt like PLAYING it he just likes it in concept he knows the name of all the pokemon
marcille: people keep saying she would be a cosy gamer playing animal crossing and stardew and other cute games ^-^ its so lalalaaaa NO!!!!!!! no she does not. Marcille plays games that stress her out on purpose marcille plays overwhelming micromanagey games like lobotomy corporation and rimworld and etc. She also likes games with deep lore and mysteries to discover. The only thing that doesn't fit in this category that she plays is Minecraft shes always in there CREATIVE MODE building virtual dungeons and other crazy shit. Also she plays on her work laptop with trackpad ok
Chilchuck: This one is for me. This one im just basing off my own dad ok. Chilchuck used to be a hardcore gamer in his youth but specifically he was playing stuff like world of warcraft and old school runescape he had really big setups so he could run several instances of the game at once on all his alt accounts so he could beat a boss by himself and he was really good at it. But then he had kids and didnt have time for this sort of thing so he stopped playing videogames aside from occasionally helping his daughters beat a super hard mario level. Later in life he probably discovered some shitty little low-commitment phone game like pokemon go or pikmin bloom or some daily sudoku puzzle thing and he plays it every day but its not that big a deal. He has been pressured by his friends and daughters to make a roblox account but he hasnt played it at all.
Senshi: THIS guy is the one that plays animal crossing. He logs in when he can but hes not on that every day grind. Also he doesnt play the newest one he doesnt play horizons he plays one of the DS ones. Wild world probably. He either doesn't like or doesn't know about the nintendo switch. Whenever one of his villagers say that they want to leave he'll nod solemnly and say smth like "Well... I suppose it'd be selfish to ask ye to stay, friend... Just promise me you'll stay safe and never forget me... Go and explore the world. Wish ye the best." Plus his island would be covered in weeds. He also has some mobile games he enjoys angry birds and candy crush and crosswords (gotta keep the brain in shape!) but other than that he doesn't videogame much because he prefers board games and tabletop stuff he isnt too jazzed about all this modern technology plus a console or a laptop and all that gaming equipment is a lot to lug around and hes a nomad he would NOT have that shit
Falin: Now FALIN is the cosy gamer. kind of. Falin plays animal crossing new horizons sometimes and has fun making a bad island on purpose. Very mildly "bad" tho the worst she'll do is use the drawing feature to hide a giant penis on the beach or whatever. Or she'll give her villagers silly outfits. She also plays minecraft (either skyblock or she makes a new world and explores and builds a couple houses and then forgets about it and makes another new world) and roblox (likes 'trolling' strangers by dressing up funny and acting kind of strange in roleplay servers but she's never actually mean or anything.) But the big thing she likes is story-driven indie rpgmaker games. She's the person who will say shit like "Yeah I played Blums Booglies the quest for Big Dinners and it was so good I cried for 9 hours" completely unironically.
kabru: social gamer like laios but the games he plays on purpose are the sims (he likes to cause them problems) and online multiplayer games (he likes to peoplewatch). I can also see him doing absurd and tortrous challenge runs of games like No items no pokecenter one type hardcore nuzlockes. im correct
izutsumi: ACTUALLY trolls people on roblox. And she plays needlessly gory flash games. Maybe she calls people dumbfucks over valorant voice chat sometimes
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active-mind-15 · 10 months
Just thought of some Akashi videogame headcanons
So first of all because of all the extra studies and activities he was made to do throughout his childhood, he originally did not play video games at all. He just never had the time and his father considered them to be unproductive, anyway. So, he never grew up with any video game console in his house.
The only exposure he had to video games came from other people, more specifically the Teiko gang. Kise, Aomine, and Murasakibara specifically played a lot of video games in their free time, and if Akashi was around, he'd lean over them to get a peek at their screens (I would imagine they'd be bringing their PSPs or DSs to school or something). Sometimes, Akashi would ask questions about the games that they were playing, because he would just be so curious as to how fun it is to play them, and if they sense that Akashi is really interested they'd give him a turn with their console.
And, of course, Akashi, being the out-of-touch person that he is (bless his precious little heart), ends up getting taught by the other miracles how to play the games. He listens very intently and is a quick learner, though, so once he understands the rules he's really good.
And since he met Midorima and was friends with someone who finally shared his interest in shogi, Akashi started playing online games with him when they weren't at school. I vaguely remember from like an interview or something with Fujimaki that Akashi's online handle is Red Emperor, which is just... very fitting. Either way, even though Akashi did not play console games, he would always do online shogi matches with Midorima which would then expand into other games like chess and Othello. And those kept up all the way until high school. But since he wasn't hanging out with the other former Teiko members like he used to, his video game exposure went right back down to zero.
Eventually, post-Winter Cup, when the former Teiko members start hanging out together again, he starts getting exposed to video games again through the others, and the miracles finally just tell him he should get some games of his own to try out. At first, he wasn't sure about getting a console, but they told him that he could just get PC games to start and if he's comfortable with the PC format then he can just stick with it.
Case in point, Aomine sends him the link for Steam via text with the message "Go crazy".
Lemme tell you, this boy clicks on that link and SCROLLS. Again, as someone who was never familiar with the video game realm, this feels like stepping into a new world. With all the options for games, it's almost overwhelming, but eventually, he starts picking game categories that stick out to him and combing through different game trailers and synopses with a mindset of "I'll pick three games to test out and see how I feel after that."
^^^ Famous last words
Fast-forward to some time after that, and Akashi has very much found an appreciation for video games and regularly tries new ones that interest him.
Since he's a very intelligent person, I would like to think that rather than playing video games to relax and not use his brain for a while, he's the type to play video games that are intellectually stimulating. He likes to be challenged and use his wits to complete the games he plays.
Because of that, I would say his video game preferences probably fall into strategy (specifically turn-based and tabletop strategy) and puzzle games (which include puzzle platformers). He's also a big fan of story-rich games and will play through the occasional visual novel as well.
When he tells the former Teiko members he started getting into video games, they make it a point at every subsequent meetup to ask about any current ones he's playing and what he thinks of them. Sometimes, they'll keep an eye out for upcoming games within his favorite genres and show him trailers of games they think he'd like.
Whenever he's invested in a trailer he'll get this sparkle in his eye that the others pretend they don't notice but secretly look out for to know whether or not they're on the right track.
Also, after successfully getting Akashi into video games, the rest of the former Teiko members (mainly Aomine and Kise) convince him to download a few co-op games that they all can play together.
So whenever all of them have free time, Aomine or Kise will send some bat signal message to their group chat to assemble and they all get on their computers to play.
As time goes on, the co-op gaming sessions eventually become a bi-weekly event, and Akashi tries his best to shift his schedule around so he doesn't miss them.
His current teammates at Rakuzan notice him disappearing or being unavailable on certain days and ask Akashi what's been occupying his time so much, thinking that it would be something school-related. When he tells them he's actually just playing co-op games with his former teammates, they think it's the cutest fucking thing ever (especially Mibuchi).
Eventually, video games become more than just a way to pass the time, they become another outlet for Akashi to just... be a regular teen and not have to worry about being perfect at what he's doing? They help relieve his stress and give him something to take his mind off school. And the Uncrowned Kings notice he's happier because of it. Most importantly of all, he gets to connect more with his Teiko friends like he always wanted.
Sometime in the distant future, after graduating high school, he convinces his father to let him have a one-bedroom apartment close to his campus with the excuse that it'll make commuting easier. After moving in and unpacking his stuff, the former Teiko members get a text in their group chat from Akashi with a picture of a Nintendo Switch and seven controllers with the message "Anyone up for a game?"
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duckieberry · 1 year
Caregivers Kaveh and Alhaitham Headcanons
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These headcanons were requested by @apreciouspuppy! Thanks again for the request
When it comes to caregiving together they split up the work based on their strengths. Alhaitham takes the more calm and laid back littles, while Kaveh handles more energetic and rambunctious ones
Kaveh is the more emotionally sensitive of the two caregivers. Always making sure that the little ones feelings are heard and understood
Alhaitham isn't that good with emotions but loves to help littles solve their problems with facts and logic if it’s possible
Without a doubt both of them will lay everything down to help comfort a little in distress even if it may be out of their control, they both want their little ones to be safe and happy.
It is very common for Kaveh to join the littles in their naps. If the little one he is looking after has just fallen asleep he will lay there next to them and fall asleep as well
There is a library of books Alhaitham has curated. He will let the little ones pick out what book they want to read and he will do story time with them. If the little one wants to, he will let them read the book to him. He will help them if they need assistance with pronunciation
Both will take turns with meal and snack time duties. When one cooks the other will clean up afterwards. Depending on who’s cooking will decide what kind of food will be made. Kaveh tends to make more comfort food type dishes. Alhaitham makes more healthy meals which always go over well with the littles though they might need a bit of prompting because of the veggies
Kaveh loves playing pretend with the little ones. He will take on just about any role they want no matter the game. A game of house? He will gladly play the baby. Knight saves the princess? He will be the best damsel in distress you’ve ever seen!
Alhaitham will sit and do puzzles with any little who wants to. He wont help unless they need it. Giving them subtle but helpful tips. If the puzzle is a jigsaw he will just casually put in a piece or two but let the little do most of it while he sits and watches
Whenever a little one wants to play with both of them at the same time both will willingly do any activity the little one wants. No matter their personal preferences, the little ones happiness and enjoyment comes first
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zz-chikorita · 11 months
While I know that videogames might not be everyone's cup of tea, let's just pretend that ALL your characters actually do like playing certain videogames. What kind of games do each of them like the most, and are they any good at it?
This one had me do some real thinkin'... 🤔💭
I think Guzma actually really enjoys playing any kind of co-op game with the grunts, even if he's not really good at them. But the grunts think it's funny when he starts raging at a game and he knows it. As far as games he plays alone in his freetime, I feel he prefers adventure/rpg type of game. He doesn't play a whole lot, but when he does find a game he likes, he plays it obsessively and tries to find every little bit of lore and secrets it has. He also always ends up becoming obsessed with games barely anyone's ever heard of and often he pesters Plumeria to play whatever game that is so he can discuss it with someone. (He also likes chill games and farming simulators like stardew Valley and animal crossing, but he's embarrassed about it and will deny it if asked)
Plums likes rhythm games and strategy/puzzle based games mainly. It's definitely worth noting that she's, like, INSANELY good at them, too. Long story short, all the grunts know to never to take her bet if it invloves beating her high score. She also really enjoys any kind of game that implements any kind of branching path mechanic, so she's definitely played games like Zero Escape, Hades, and any of the telltale games multiple times.
Definitely any kind of resource management game. So stuff like slime rancher, oxygen not included, factorio, terraria, et cetera. He's actually had to self ban himself from playing certain games because he missed too many league meetings literally playing for hours without realizing it. It bums him out because they were super fun, but he knows he can't trust himself.
(Other characters under cut)
He likes minecraft and other sandbox games. He likes playing co-op with friends, but when he's at home, he doesn't have a great internet connection.
Like the little gremlin she is, she likes horror games. She especially likes making Gladion and Hau play horror games with her. Or rather, not telling them it's a horror game until it's too late
A & B:
B is stellar at platformers. A is the best at fighting games of all the grunts. They are both equally trash at racing games.
Kalani (oc):
When he was much younger, he spent a LOT of time playing FPS. By the end of high school, he kind of got bored with them and played more MMO RPGs.
Mo also like MMO RPGs. He also likes games like Elden Ring and Bloodborn. He has, very discreetly, played a variety of dating sims and, no, no one knows about this but him.
The professor plays a lot of battle royale games. He's also very bad about getting sucked into gotcha games.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 4 months
*kicking my feet like we’re at a sleepover* what are your ocs like when they’re sleep-deprived and also what video games do they play?
Joan is just. kinda stupid. kinda silly. She doesn't act like it, but she's not thinking things through at all. People think she's keeping it together but she'd go for a walk down a pier without realizing it until she hit the water. her video game preference would be something calming - like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing - but after the Old Guard show up, she gets more team-based games like Mario Kart.
Marianne is good at acting like she's not sleep deprived when she absolutely is. Her give away is always whenever she uses her powers. Things start floating without her realizing it, and if she's actually trying to use her powers, they either won't go where she wants them to or they'll just drop. if she wasn't living in the 60s-90s, her video games would be very fantasy or story focused. I can see her crying through What Remains of Edith Finch or enjoying something like Legend of Zelda. (Marianne would play Shelter because someone recommended it to her and the first time one of the animal babies got killed she'd cry and have to stop.)
Kris just goes unhinged. she wears the same outfit several days in a row. she survives on snacking and coffee and the occasional water bottle. at some point she just starts sleeping in short bursts as she's standing up. she only sleeps once someone makes her stay laying down in one place for an hour or longer. Her video games are definitely very competitive - Mario Kart, again - or puzzle games like Portal and Undertale.
Rose just gets resting bitch face and won't stop. she just sits in a chair and glares. not even at anyone, but just. glaring into space. Rose does not get video games but I think she would like watching others play them. If someone introduced her to something like Wii Sports Resort she would play the sword duelling games for hours.
Hestia can get through the day by sheer will alone but then the smallest inconvenience will make her fall apart and cry. she will also fall asleep if she's sitting for more than a couple minutes. she keeps trying to go back to her room but if she's disallowed from it for some reason, she'll just sit miserably and space out until she's allowed. Hestia does not have access to video games but if she did honestly I can see her enjoying simple games, again, like Animal Crossing. Or something like Hades - because she'd get a kick out of seeing interpretations of her family in these mortal games. She would also play Untitled Goose Game and have the best time being a menace to society.
(tbh I am not a big video games person so I don't know most. I was just remembering games that I know about and fitting them in)
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SECOND- perhaps your ‘a night in’ post, but featuring Ultimis?💖💖💖
YOU ARE AN EVEN GREATER GIFT FOR BEING SO SWEET! You can always count on me to be your cheerleader as well💖💖💖💖
A Night In With Ultimis
Edward Richtofen
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*Compared to his younger self, he’s way more relaxed when it comes to work. He may meddle with schemes every now and then, but not until his sweet schmoopy falls asleep first. So in the meantime, he’ll probably be very curious to see what you’re up to and do anything in his power to get your attention. Grabby hands included.
*He did say he wanted to take up a new hobby that isn’t opening up a morgue (although I headcanon that in a modern au he’d either be an alchemist or mortician). Believe it or not, he often enjoys doing puzzles sometimes to keep his mind going. He would love to have you help him out with a written puzzle (he’s not keen on jigsaw but he’ll do one if it makes you happy). Edward also loves sweets so maybe you two could bake in the kitchen! I can see the two of you working together with him methodically planning out the measurements for a Swiss roll cake and you stealing the batter and getting scolded… until he gives up and joins in too
*When he isn’t being a horny bastard and banging around the house like a maniac, he’s demanding that you pay attention to him and loves to be a koala to your arm when you both lay down. It’s oddly adorable to see him gazing up to you with such happiness radiating from his smile. The voices eased up so much better with you around, but sometimes he needs to stick closer to you in hopes the nasty thoughts don’t come back. Other times, he will be the big spoon/sit up straight with confidence and have you lean on his shoulder. He’s very charming when the time calls for it. “Oh, darling. I could just stay here with you in my arms forever. You are my one und only.” And then you’re peppered with kisses all over your face.
Tank Dempsey
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*Dempsey’s a hardcore gamer and you can’t deny that fact. So that means it’s gaming night again! Oorah! FPS shooters are obvious but he also loves stuff like Mario Kart too. It isn’t always multiplayer games though. If it’s a first player or story-based, you both take turns and enjoy the journey together.
*Depending on the night, he’ll either crack open a nice, cold beer with you or whip up some hot cocoa. He prefers coffee and isn’t a fan of tea at all. But it’s a bad idea to drink any before bed to begin with. Then you both think up of a list for what to do on the weekend. Places to go, seeing if any movies came out, etc. You guys are always up to some sort of adventure together.
*If you’re the cuddly type (like me), then you’ve gotten into Tank’s soft side. He does this little this where he rests his chin on the top of your head and hugs you tightly. You swear it almost sounds like he’s purring. If you’re not, then it’s literally the most shameless make-out session on the planet. But if one thing’s certain, you got him hooked to you. “Night, babe. Get some rest ‘cause we’ve got ass to kick tomorrow.”
Nikolai Belinski
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*Nikolai used to go out to bars as late as closing time. There’s a good chance that sometimes it still happens unfortunately. But over time, he knew he had to shape up eventually. Nikolai decided to stay homebound to get out of trouble. He would never forgive himself if he let the fantasies of his 8 wives come true. So he may need vodka to prevent a headache like no other. But he at least makes sure to do it enough to where he won’t get super drunk.
*At the very least, he’s the same as his younger counterpart in that he will watch any movie or TV show with you. He shares the same taste of genres (action, comedies, dramas). But unlike Primis Nikolai, he actually likes crass humor comedies. Yes I’m referring to something like Borat or Jackass because neither are taken seriously. It’s not uncommon for him to fall asleep during a movie. The night usually ends with you curled up on his lap, both of you snoozing in an armchair.
*Russian teddy bear is his full-time job. He will always be the big spoon and he is a very tender lover. Despite his drinking habits, you can at least count on him remaining affectionate and concerned about your needs no matter what. “Is okay, Y/N. Nikolai will keep you save in his strong Soviet arms.”
Takeo Masaki
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*Takeo is a grumpy old man who wants to enjoy his peace and quiet. He’s extremely introverted and the only person welcome in his presence is you. He enjoys a hot cup of tea with you. You both essentially have a evening tea party for two.
*He does a lot of healing work, however. Every evening is the chance to meditate. You both started it in silence to clear your thoughts. But through your suggestion, you added soothing ambience. It helps you guys stay grounded from the bustling stress of the outside world. Aside from meditation, you guys started a small scrapbook of the places you’ve traveled. You hope to preserve all of your memories to share with future generations of your family.
*Takeo quietly snuggles up to you but he will be easily flustered from all the affection you give him! He’s hiding under the covers and chuckles when you join him to kiss him again.
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notajinn · 9 months
Top Games Played in 2023 - Number 8: Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
8. Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle (Switch)
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It's so weird that this game even exists. It's a crossover of Mario and Rabbids, but the gameplay for some reason is XCOM?
I think this was an attempt to make their own weird Kingdom Hearts style crossover. And all things considered, they did pretty well!
What I Like
The combat gameplay is weirdly really good? Essentially it's a turn-based strategy game on a grid, but every character is a shooter. And making use of the environment for cover is very important.
What really makes the game shine is the weird abilities. First of all, you can dash into enemies to deal damage, so the game encourages getting close to enemies despite having ranged options. Many characters also have melee attacks that deal big damage to further encourage this.
Another big mechanic is the ability to jump off a teammates head to get increased movement distance and height, so this encourages keeping everyone relatively close.
Simply put, the game encourages aggressive play in a genre I typically play defensively.
There's also the fun of seeing things like Peach using a cartoonish shotgun. Presentation is overall done well with bright colours and different environments. Since navigating objects in the environments is critical for gameplay, you also pay more attention to the presentation.
The Rabbids do not talk and are instead Tom and Jerry characters, which makes them less annoying than I feared. And honestly occasionally funny.
What I Didn't Like
The Rabbids are tolerable but still generally a negative. I'd prefer just the Mario cast and some OCs. The story in general is unremarkable apart from Bowser Jr serving as the main villain instead of Bowser.
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There are exploration segments and puzzle segments between battles that are incredibly average. They are rarely frustrating, but also rarely fun. Honestly they capture the same "mid" vibe that I find most Mario platformers do. I'd prefer this to play like classic Fire Emblem where you just go from battle to story scene to battle.
The Donkey Kong DLC is completely separate from the main game, so you don't get to use them in the main campaign. Also the only DK character is DK himself (though he's super-fun to play and essentially a playable boss).
The music is unmemorable, and that's always a disappointment.
Final Thoughts
This is an unusual fun game to play during battle, but outside of that its unremarkable. The battle system could have pushed this higher on my list if not for everything else.
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lowpolyshadow · 2 years
sonic frontiers review go!!!! (non spoilers then MASSIVE spoilers under the cut) TLDR overall score: i would say it's an objective solid 8/10, but for me personally i just. i just had so much fun. 10/10
gameplay (combat/bosses) 9/10 gameplay (cybers) 6.5/10 gameplay (shmovement) 8/10
i fucking Love. Comboing Shit For Video Game Combat. it's Fun. it's Exciting. I Love That Shit. excellent combat system, i just wish either skills were harder to unlock or there were just more to unlock (preferably the latter i guess, but i can't think of anything i want ... added ... it's just that skill points are so easy to come by and i maxed out the tree pretty fast, so i have a bunch of excess points for nothing. tbf i have a LOT of excess EVERYTHING but)
bosses were fucking excellent. THE highlights imo. mob fights and stuff are fine, everything manages to be its own puzzle which i adore but mini bosses and bosses are the shit. the cyberlevels are fun genuinely but either too short to get into, have some jank physics in a couple of them, or . well some of them aren't that fun GJKLASDF but i didn't hate them! ive only played sa2 so i only recognized those ones + the Super iconic ones (chemical plant and all that) and that probably affects judgement since blind reacting to a sonic stage is the fun part imo
they're ridiculously easy (to... me at least) though. besides 1-2's s rank which i finally got, i was able to get all four missions done for every cyber level within one sitting ... on average like . 3 tries per i'd say (blind first, going back for any red rings or ring reqs, and then speed) with some taking a few more for speed but never more than like. 10-20 min tbh. in general i almost want a very hard mode bc the game overall was a very chill time, which is fine but sometimes i want my shit rocked
parries being Not timing based both threw me off (bc i would try to let go at the exact time when in fact you just hold it) and made them feel a little less ultra cool since sonic will just hold the parry for as long as ... you do, essentially (though there is heavy end lag on it so if you don't parry anything that's at least punished) it's a minor tryhard gripe where i wish there was like a PARRY parry i could toggle or smth
i like being sonic in a big environment it's just fun. the amount of fucked up shit you can do is great, he truly is a prime candidate for bigass open areas (and he controls pretty nicely, just got a couple weird moments and things like he goes into 'trick' mode too easily or some platforming things don't work the way they're supposed to bc you go too fast lol)
story…… 8.5/10 characters 10/10 i like them :)
character writing was absolutely the highlight for me this game, good banter, many quips, overall just characterization i adore and love to see i was well fed this game with my beloved little scrimblos it was a good time
the story itself went pretty hard ngl, a lot more lore than i expected and generally it was sonic taking its ridiculous plot seriously again which is all i wanted !!!! it's like somehow ridiculous but probably the most straightforward story they've done in a while, but that's not a bad thing. good story i pogged a few times
music 11/10 straight bangers they just don't fucking miss
i don't think i have much spoiler stuff i'd wanna say other than i genuinely think they hyped themselves too much at the start. like the gameplay was fun learning how it works, how movement goes, the setup and everything etc. etc. i always 100% the map first thing as soon as i can then go through for anything i need/pick stuff up along the way and then i do the boss fight
and that first boss fight. is so fucking sick. oh my god. i felt like. if i was 12 and played this and got to experience that boss fight the way i did now it would've literally changed the trajectory of my life. it DID change the trajectory of my life right now at 23 it was just pure hype, i was so giddy, i had the biggest fucking grin i was literally ready to physically pop off yelling LETS GOOOOO i just let the little tutorial popup chill while i head banged to the song like dear fucking god dude. INSANE intro they set the bar way too high off the bat
wyvern/second boss was perhaps my favorite mechanically just bc it really goes at you the most, you gotta react a lot and parry a lot to get through the fight which is Fun .... giganto/first boss tho. easily the most memorable experience in gaming that i've had in years. it was just so phenomenally done, probably biased bc it's the first one but shadow of the colossus-ing your way up to his fucking head to get the emerald, turn into super sonic, hear that FUCKING SONG
but this game has sonic be so fucking anime and that means knight/boss 3 easily has the best fucking finisher when sonic picks up a sword the size of the island itself and does the most anime cut in half shot he possibly can god it was so fucking SICK THIS GAME IS SICK SONIC IS THE COOLEST
the story weakness imo is the ending where they had so much build up but not a Ton of payoff, not even talking about sonic like essentially dying in soul/mind and then being revived with friendship (based tbh) but like the last boss fight and last islands just weren't nearly as cool as the others imo .... supreme was a lil similar to giganto and went by a lot faster than expected, probably bc by that point sonic's probably juiced up from upgrades (i went all in on attack no defense too lol sooo) ... i love a good bullet hell but i wanted a super cool super sonic fight, a hyper sonic fight, something that lets me go to town and see a fucking Spectacle
fun bullet hell but that wasn't what i'm HERE for (also finally hearing im here was sick but the fight itself really was so short/not quite as hard or anything innovative that it.... ehhh .... plus it was oddly quiet compared to the other songs i think, like, the sound mixing)
the ending feels a liiiittle rushed? The End is cool as a concept especially with how fucked up we know it is but i dunno, it really does feel like it blew the load a little too early and the ending just didn't live up to earlier hype/expectations
but it was still fun it just. it just didn't make me Feel the way giganto did, the way wyvern did, knight was where the hype started dropping off a liiiittle but knight was still a fucking SHOW where sonic beats a mf with his own shield AND THEN BLOCKS A SWORD BIGGER THAN MOUNTAINS WITH HIS OWN FUCKING HANDS THEN USES IT AGAINST HIM ITS' SIK IT'S SICK the final boss didn't have any truly THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME bits that really let you walk away going YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and that's the part they need to fix
also no boss rush :/ brings the score down tbh i want to relive these things so fucking bad
the character relationships were soooo good though i just. gughugh. i don't want to get emo again but GOD they're such good friends they love and care about each other, i'm obsessed with amy saying how sonic loves the world and he has so much love to show because it's true sonic just LOVES living he loves life he loves getting to just Be and
tails is growing up on him faster than he expected .... uuu ....
god. so good. so fucking good. this is a game about love (sonic and his friends, eggman and sage of all people, the koco and their. selves? their history?, even chaos technically ....) and who am i if not a fucking Sucker for that shit. lets show that creep the real super power of team work
i did not actually hear vandalize in game yet because that is apparently only if you go into the final fight on easy or normal (i played to completion on hard exclusively) but the "true" ending song by nate goddamn wants to battle is INCREDIBLY sonic. one way dream is soooo reach for the stars/endless possibilities. it just makes me Feel happy. it's a little melancholic the way all of frontiers sort of is, but it's still hopeful and all about like. going forward. overcoming anything in your path and getting better for it and seeing the start of another new adventure and that sure is sonic the hedgehog
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aria0fgold · 11 months
I thiiink I processed a bit of my thoughts bout OFF but like, my mind was blown so there isn't much in it. One thing bout it though is that I really love the music in this game, like I be jamming to the battle music it sound so cool and catchy and it's actually stuck in my head. I also love the puzzles in the game, it's not too hard and it's also so nice to do! (I say that but I brute forced at least 2 puzzles. The puzzles right before Zone 1 and Zone 2's bosses... Trial and error even though the key to the puzzle was Right in the area but lazy in I don't wanna go back to look).
Also I love how, even if the game doesn't seem like much, it was hella enjoyable for me, must be cuz of the music. Like, I'd walk around so much finding a bunch of stuff and then battles happen with some banger music and it honestly felt like I just played that game for like a hour even though it was way more than that. Like, I really really enjoyed it.
For the story of the game... I have no idea what story is supposed to be there. But throughout it, whenever the Batter purifies a zone I start doubting if it's the right thing cuz everything looks so... lifeless... Like yeah sure, the spectres are also pretty bad and killing the poor Elsens, also doesn't help how Dedan makes the poor guys so stressed too but I was thinking if there was at least another way than just purifying everything but I'm stuck with the Batter. By the end the Judge saying that I'm the puppeteer but honestly I felt like more of the puppet for some reason.
I'm stuck with the Batter my guy, I won't proceed at all unless I do things that aligns with the Batter's mission. And in either endings, it's all bad in a way that, what's done is done. Choosing the Judge doesn't reverse anything, the world is completely lifeless and "purified," so in the end it's better to just keep being with the Batter and finish what we started. Which is pretty cool cuz I kept wondering Why was the game called OFF and then seeing the Batter ending and I'm like: OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH (it was the first thing that blew my mind).
Like, I feel like this game's story got A Lot of stuff for me to know (Time to read through what everyone's theories are. I'm not really good with those so I always enjoy reading everyone else's). Like, the thing that I kiiinda get is that there's a lonely child who doesn't like his dad and prefers his mom but the mom doesn't even visit him much. He made 3 friends which he turned into guardians of the zones, and a mom regarded as the Queen. And then there's Batter which I feel like was based off of Boxxer in that comic that the kid was given to by his dad. And like, gestures vaguely, yeah, it's neat :D (my train of thought broke I don't remember what I was going with that).
#ariaplays#ariaplays: OFF#wai do i still use those tags for the final thoughts posts or no????? welp im using em in this post now#like this game is hella good its like reaaaally good but i cant say How good cuz im speechless#like i actually really like how the characters know theres a player#but at the same time it feels like that part is crucial in knowing the full story#also zacharie constantly breaking the fourth wall. like thanks dude. glad to be reminded that im playing a video game#but also thats crazy to be reminded im playing a video game through a video game character#also so funny how i went to the wiki and saw mention of a character called Sugar but i never got to meet her#which im kinda glad cuz ion wanna make zacharie sad cuz the batter killed her. im no completionist thank goodness#also like thats another thing. the batter decides when and where i can flee from a fight. which is fair. a common mechanic but#really makes it seem like hes more in control of everything than i am despite literally controlling his body#oh and the designs in this game are sooo horrifying yet soo cool#the most distressed ive been is during the bird boss fight cuz can you PLEASE let go of valerie's body alrdy hes dead#yet hes still hanging onto the birds head please shake his body off and let him rest#seeing and hearing the judge meowing loudly in the rooftop after that boss fight for his brother like maaaaannnn... pain...#anyway id like to say that i literally get attached to anything easily and i very much so like the add-on alpha. its my buddy now.#its been with me since the start of the journey. my favourite add-on...
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Hey Finnie!! I've been a little nervous and hesitant to do this bc I always scream a little when you reply to my asks but I wanted to be a part of your 1k celebration too!! I'm super curious which rogue you'd pair me with, even if you already know my preference for Riddler, haha
I'm English (I hope you can forgive me), 5'0 and quite chubby. I almost always dye my hair, either hot pink or icy blonde usually, and have a mix of a punk and goth clothing style. When it comes to.music, I listen to a mix of things, but I especially like jumping between Doja Cat, Elton John, Green Day and Slipknot. As you know, I really enjoy drawing and painting and creating in any way I can.
As for hobbies, I really enjoy playing story-based and puzzle solving video games over FPS games, however I love combat in games. I'm also a bit of a horror fanatic, primarily I love horror painters but also greatly enjoy horror video games and movies. Because of this I quite enjoy reading about the occult and pagan beliefs or traditions, especially about mythical creatures or local folklore.
Something I love the most and will drop almost anything to do is listen to my friends and partner talk about their special interests. I'm much more of a listener than a talker, if I can help it, and I love seeing other be passionate and excited. I love to cook for my friends and I'd like to think I'm a rather decent cook. I worry that I've already written too much so I'll stop there!!
Congrats on 1k Finnie!! You deserve it so fucking much and I'm super excited to see even more love for your fics in the future!! 💕
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: thank you!! ;-; 💚 yeah i was picking a riddler, because you've got riddler vibes! but the riddler i picked is maybe unexpected... 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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(i forgive you, truly lmao) ok so body wise, being thick is a plus for him 100%, and same with the fun hair. he's not boring, he might look it, but someone colourful and bright on his side would help other people realise that he's fun too
also look at him and tell me he isn't suppressing his true goth side, pasty ass
he probably doesn't have a favourite genre of music, he'd be happy to listen to anything, as long as it wasn't too loud or distracting, but hey, anything can be good background music at the right volume, so you could probably introduce him to new bands
ok the egomaniac in him would be so 100% down to be your ~muse~ and pose for your drawings, like life modelling, nude or otherwise, his body looks great either way and he'd be so supportive of you making him look even better in your art
puzzle solving games would be his favourite thing to do with you i bet! maybe other games too, just to spend time with you, but allowing himself to do what he loves, riddles and puzzles, in a sort of relaxing and fun manner would be so good for him
he looks like the kind of boring guy who would be very secretly into the occult and pagan practices. and you could teach him everything you know, because his riddles would be a lot more effective in striking fear in the idiots around him if they could mistake them for ooky-spooky satanic doom mongering
dropping everything to listen to him? that's the key here. he's pretty needy and self-involved, but he'd try and not be so bad with you. but he'd definitely enjoy having someone forget everyone else in the world just to sit and listen to everything he had to say. he's a talker, a rambler actually, so a listener is perfect for him
and food would definitely be one of his love languages, especially receiving it! sitting down to a nice meal (i am just picturing that frame of him looking exceptionally delicious and pointing the fork) and being able to flirt over something delicious is his ideal date
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residentevil-4 · 2 years
fixating on puzzle games rn so here are some recommendations from me thanks. play store games
hexio - very fun connect the dots game. good tutorial. ads only come every few levels and typically you can X out of them without waiting a few seconds. you can also watch 30 second ads to get 3 hints. you can also pay for hints & theres a one-time $10 ad-free version that gives you a lot of hints too, but i wouldnt since the ads arent very invasive. i usually just stock up on hints before a play session, that takes about 3 minutes.
2048++ - literally my favorite game right now. swipe to make bigger numbers. NO ads at all, best part. the base modes are already very fun. you can pay $2 to get a few other modes, but you dont get bored with just the base game so its not necessary at all. huge fan. i paid the money lol
escape games collection & escape games basic (nicolet.jp) - forever my favorite i will always recommend. cute art style, cute stories, MANY levels. you watch an ad to see the hints/video tutorial and theres one ad between levels, but the levels last so long that you dont have to worry about feeling bombarded. only complaints is that the basic version is old and buggy and the newest update made the Cafe level unplayable because a texture is missing and every detail matters in this game!! there are like 20 levels though and i think the rest of them are not affected by the bug.
i love hue & i love hue too - color blend puzzle. its simple and calming but you need a good eye for it! i prefer hue too. i genuinely dont remember if there are ads. i think i paid for an ad-free version? if i did, it was a one-time payment.
i also like that one "spot the difference" / "find the object" game seeker's notes. they have a few ads on mobile tumblr, usually two near identical detailed drawings that says only smart people notice the differences. it has a lot of good game modes and energy (used to play levels) is pretty easy to come by, but ive stopped playing because you get BOMBARDED with prompts to make in-game purchases. literally you have to go through like 5 pop up windows when you open the game. you dont have to pay for them to advance in the game, so its more obnoxious than anything. -_-
this has been garos puzzle games on his phone 👍
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h3preschool · 4 months
Parents, Children Vs. Gadgets!! (Do read it till the end)
It has now become a social trend to always let your child be glued to a screen, be it when they are outside, at mealtimes, or even at home. Sure they’re watching content that might be informative, but there is so much more that can be done instead where they learn more and are engaged more.
While gadgets offer entertainment and connection, excessive screen time can hinder a child’s development. It can limit their opportunities for social interaction, physical activity, and creative exploration, potentially leading to issues with focus, sleep, and even vision. They are also known to cause lower attention span and concentration due to fast consumption of media.
Here at H3 Pre-school, we understand this challenge and implement ideas to balance it out, which is why we are called the best pre-school in Gujarat! Gadgets can be a fun part of life, but it’s important to find a healthy balance. The good news is, pre-schoolers naturally love to explore and play. Let’s help them rediscover the magic of unplugged fun!
Playtime is not just about fun, it is also important for a child’s development. Through playtime, children hone many skills. They learn how to be social – by sharing, taking turns with others and understanding the space that they are in with other children as well. By building blocks and jigsaws, they learn critical thinking. Singing songs, making up stories and talking to their friends helps them become more confident and develop strong language skills. Running, jumping, climbing is good for their aerobic capacity and motor skills. Becoming actively creative during playtime is much better than passive engagement offered by a screen. Our Anand Niketan Pre-schools curriculum offers a holistic environment that nurtures a love for outdoor play. If you feel like your child is now addicted to the screen, or prefers screen time over playtime, here are some ideas that can help detach your child from the screen, and become more engaged with the real world.
Firstly, setting a fixed time limit for gadgets is a must, so the child understands that this activity is not something that should last for many hours.
Secondly, instead of the time they spend on the gadgets, family involved activities are a good idea. This way the child spends engaging time with the family, and learns new skills as well.
Exploring new puzzles, jigsaws and games is one more way to keep your child engaged with enriching experiences. Finally, by setting playdates with other children of the same age, your child learns the importance of being social, and spends time with other young minds, forming connection and compassion towards others.
One most important thing to remember is that children learn by example. If you as a parent are constantly glued to your screen, the child will learn the same. Inculcate the same habits in your screen time for your child to understand better.
At H3 Pre-schools we understand that providing a nurturing environment filled with opportunities for exploration, creativity, and social interaction is crucial to development, which is what makes us India’s favourite pre-school. Our experienced teachers help your child develop essential skills through play-based learning activities. Admissions for the next batch are open.
Let us work together to raise happy and healthy pre-schoolers, who love to play and learn. Join the H3 pre-school family, by contacting us today. Call us on 99796 66660
Resource Link: https://h3preschool.com/blogs/2024/05/28/parents-children-vs-gadgets-do-read-it-till-the-end/
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kougeru · 4 months
3 years after launch I finally played Resident Evil Village. I enjoyed it. I think the story theme about family was done well and felt good. However, the gameplay was very subpar. The enemies were a bit spongy - on standard it usually took 6 headshots to kill even the weakest enemies. The puzzles were far too simple. There was no real inventory management beyond "sell your old guns" which also leads me to mention that the gun upgrade system was bland. Every new gun was better than the previous of that type. There was no reason to use the older guns when you found a new one.
The base game was also extremely frontloaded. The best puzzles, boss fights, and environmental design were in the castle. By far. This also applied to the DLC but it was a lot shorter so it didn't feel as bad.
I recently played the Steam version of RE1 and the puzzles were so much better. The combat was more simple but I feel it was balanced better overall. RE1 (and OG 2-3) I always asked myself if it was better to fight or run. In 4 and every game after I just kill everything I want to kill. Even when ammo is running low, it's not a huge issue in 4+. In 8 there was few moments where I felt my ammo was low and I contemplated avoiding enemies but the crafting and the fact that boss fights always had a lot of ammo in their rooms made the decision always end up being "just keep blasting". I miss the old style of survivor horror games where we had to properly balance combat and avoidance.
The DLC I feel was very poor. They FORCED the player to avoid enemies here but also had a horrible stealth section. Overall it was just a retread of the base game but in third person for some reason. It just nailed the same themes as the base game as well so it didn't really add much to the story unless they plan on using Rose again in the next game.
Overall, it was a gorgeous game visually and run well even with Ray-tracing on but I'd much prefer if RE9 returned to the roots of survival horror. I have no issue with the first person view but I want difficult puzzles, meaningful inventory management, and situations where I actually have to consider running instead of fighting.
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tmarshconnors · 6 months
Traits Through Your Preferred Drink Choices! 
As a non-drinker navigating the world of socialising, I've found myself in a unique position to observe the fascinating interplay between individuals and their drink choices. In this exploration of the psychology behind preferred alcoholic beverages.
I bring a teetotaler's perspective to the table. While I may not partake in the libations, I've keenly observed the distinct personalities that emerge based on what people choose to sip on.
Oh who am I kidding? I can’t lie I have had a drink before. If I had to drink it would be a Baileys Irish Cream with ice. It’s a form of Whiskey in case you didn’t know.  No lie though I do enjoy my tea and coffee to much. I digress let's get on with this blog..
Brandy - The Social Sage 🥃
If you're calmly sipping brandy, cognac, or Armagnac, you don't mind being noticed. You may not seek attention actively, but there's something captivating about you. You're the social sage, preferring to stay quietly seated in the corner, speaking only when necessary.
Whiskey - The Confident Storyteller 🥃
Confidence is your middle name if whiskey is your drink of choice. You enjoy entertaining others with stories from your life, valuing lasting happiness over temporary highs. Just be cautious not to cross the thin line between confidence and overconfidence, especially after a few personalized drinks.
Tequila - The Life of the Party 🍹
Living in the moment is your motto. Success or failure calls for a celebration, and nothing says party like a tray of tequila shots. You're at ease being the 
center of attention on the dance floor, interpreting "You can dance" as a direct order from your drink.
Scotch - The Discerning Drinker 🥃
Distinguishing between scotch and whiskey, you're a slow drinker who appreciates life's finer aspects. Criticisms about arrogance for knowing the difference roll off you, as you prefer saying one wise word over talking all night.
Absinthe - The Naturally Creative 🍸
Always seeking your next muse, you keep to yourself and surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Your creativity knows no bounds, and you carry instruments, sketchbooks, or notebooks wherever you go, aiming to inspire without seeking fame.
Margarita - The Conversationalist 🍹
Margarita drinkers fall into two categories: frozen or on the rocks. If you enjoy frozen margaritas, love dancing, and embrace garish party decorations, you're a social butterfly. On-the-rocks drinkers start conversations with anyone and love making new friends outside their group.
Champagne - The Ravishing Life Lover 🍾
Your life is simply ravishing. Champagne is your everyday celebratory drink, reflecting your grand perspective on life. You have a magnificent taste, giving precise answers and expressing opinions eloquently.
Vodka - The Life of the Party 2.0 🍸
Vodka drinkers dive into the action, turning up the music and buying rounds of shots. It's about tracking progress more than savoring the flavor. Vodka cranberry enthusiasts simply want to see how much is left in the glass.
Wine - The Super Social 🍷
Wine drinkers spill secrets, whether their own or others'. With a glass of Pinot, their daring levels rise, making even the most personal questions fair game. They adore a good story and are super social.
Gin Martini - The Traditionalist 🍸
Classic gin martini drinkers are traditionalists who appreciate the art of holding their liquor. Known for their enigmatic and intelligent nature, they grab attention effortlessly at parties. According to some, they aren't particularly fond of those who order filthy martinis.
Always remember: psychology is my playground, and people are my puzzle. Investigating the intricacies of the human mind is my passion.
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sullina · 1 year
As someone who has a switch... there are a handful of games that make ot worth it. Totk, the og BOTW, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (altho base rise is on console too), and Splatoon 3. Some ppl probly like Smash Bros and Animal Crossing and Mario Kart too but those are the main ones I was interested in. Oh and Pokemon Scarlet/Violet and Legends Arceus
I already have botw on the wiiu (don't judge me), that monster hunter sounds interesting, and i did like the smash game for the wii, mainly the story mode.
I got the first splatoon a few years ago and didn't reay like it at all, mario kart isn't really fun unless you play with friends (which i don't have a lot of irl), I'm really a fan of animal crossing and with the pokemon games in recent years, i feel like they're just getting worse and worse :/
I like the older zelda games, because of the puzzles throughout the worlds and because of the unique items you got in each temple that would unlock new secrets and places, and of course the big temples. Botw had pretty much none of these things, and no, 900 korok seeds don't count, because they don't do anything once you maxed out your bag space.
One of the first zelda games i played was twilight princess, which i loved. That reminds me, one of the things that botw also lacked was a companion character, which for me is a pretty big part of the game actually. And there's usually always some kind of central mechanic that the games are more or less built around. In twilight princess, it was the fact that you could turn into a wolf at will (though admittedly a bit later in the game i think), in skyward sword it was the flying and (admittedly very limited) interaction between the surface and sky.
But the central mechanic in botw was just... climbing. Which gets old really fast. Like, sure, you have an open world game, but getting around isn't really fun since you can only climb, walk/ride and glide. And the gliding is kinda fun, but eventually it just gets old, same with climbing. I would've preferred it if instead of giving us 100 outfits, there were items instead to enhance the basic abilities, because items can be taken on and off at will with a single button press without having to go into the menu for every single thing.
I also wasn't a fan of the shrines tbh. I felt the puzzles were too obvious and short most of the time and the reward was always the same, and trading the orbs in for heart or stamina containers was a bit annoying.
Also, this one's just a personl pet peeve, but i don't really like how links typical/default outfit color was changed from green to blue. Don't get me wrong, he looks good in blue, but like... nothing was wrong with green, you know?
One thing i also REALLY didn't like was the fact that you got all your runes at the start of the game and then that was it, there were no new mechanics throughout the entirety of the game. Which may appeal to some people, but for me that just made the whole game feel really same-y, like there were no new things. And I'm including the weapons, because sure there's tons of different weapons, but only three movesets, and the weapons were way too fragile, though i know I'm not alone in this point.
I could keep talking, but it's 3am, so I'll sum up what i wanted to say, which is that while botw wasn't a bad game, it wasn't really much of a zelda game and i didn't like it all that much, not enough to shell out more than 300€ for the sequel that seems to have all the same problems from what I've seen so far. But maybe I'll change my opinion, idk. If you want more of my ramblings on botw, you'll have to wait until tomorrow.
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