#alyanette hcs
bbutterflies · 9 months
we don't talk enough about the fact Marinette and Alya are literally PINK and ORANGE. Hello????? What????? They're the epitome of "and they were roommates" and "just gals being pals" and literally every other lesbian stereotype I have ever experienced
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adrienscroissantx · 3 years
Pre relationship 4, with general 1 and 2 for alyanette??
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Marinette for sure, although she probably couldn't put a good name to it. I mean, they're friends right? Best friends. She's never had a friend this close before! Maybe she just unlocked the best friend feelings! Marinette: Oh yeah I love Alya! She's like the prettiest girl ever and she's so amazing and strong??? and awesome and devoted and passionate! Best friend a girl could ask for! i wanna kiss her on the lips! I hate how good she is at mario kart tho Nino: wait what was that last part Marinette: ... mario kart
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Marinette, after realizing her feelings, decides she's gonna pull out all the tricks she did w adrien because she knows luck is NOT on her side. She writes a love letter, she makes copies, she makes a schedule of the day, she gets flowers, she tells friends, and she's expecting EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD to go wrong like it always does, so of course she takes precautions. Tikki is giving her pep talks, she's putting on her SUPER CONFIDENT OUTFIT! HELL YEAH! Her heart is on fire but she's a hopeless romantic okay!! And alya deserves these things! If it goes horribly she has a backup plan about wiping her social media presence and changing schools and going to go live in china with her uncle forever and ever- The first thing Alya sees in the morning is a love letter. She's a bit confused, as the person who wrote it didn't sign it. AGAIN. Marinette flusters and fumbles, and ends up agreeing to help her find out who wrote it. Instant regret for all the plans she made. She's shoving flowers into closets before Alya can see, she's scrunching up copies of the other letters she hid in her desk before Alya can find them, all under the guise of solving the Mystery. People keep approaching her to ask if she told Alya yet, and she's probably shoved one person into a locker before they could finish their sentence- yaknow, tragically terrible marinette things. It all ends during sunset, sitting on a bench, where Alya muses that it must have just been a prank considering all the disasters that happened today. Marinette sighs, echoing a "maybe, you never know, but yeah probably-". "So uh, anything you wanna say? Or tell me maybe?" Panic. Panick. PanICKIG. "HAHAHHAHA no why why would you think that ahahahahaha?" She looks radiant bathed in the reds of he sun. But she's always pretty radiant, isn't she? And red, it's her confident colour. Its her ladybug colour. She sees a twinkle in Tikki's eye before she heaves a sigh, and finally just, says it out loud. "Yeah actually. I... I wrote the letter." "I could tell." "WAIT REALLY-" "WE'VE BEEN FRIENDS FOR A REALLY LONG TIME OF COURSE I KNOW YOU'RE HAND WRITING." "IM SORRY." "WAIT WAIT NO IM NOT MAD- just surprised?" "I can leave the country if you want-" "oh my god marinette no- i like you too." "no like literally i can leave i know i maybe made you uncomfortable and- wait what" "I like you too, dummy." "um." "you didn't plan this far ahead did you?" "no"
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Oh yeah. Alya takes charge of the date plans because "its like dealing cards! You confessed first, therefore i should plan the first date." "i dont think that works how you think it works." She just doesn't want to stress Marinette out more, she keeps a more level head about these things. She's gonna keep it simple. They go to the movies. They've been to the movies before, but Marinette has never put this much effort into an outfit for it. And Alya's definitely a bit flustered because oh my god im going on a date with my best friend/crush what if it's weird? And then she sees her dressed up super cute and shes like oh my god thats FOR ME- They hold hands in the theatre and they're both so awkward even though they know each other so well. And they both KNOW theyre being awkward so they keep laughing at themselves. It takes a little while to get used to, but they fit together really well. she's not usually this jittery when it comes to love or marinette, but for some reason combining the two has her squealing into her pillow and rolling around on her bed when Marinette sends her selfies with little hearts in them. She has to take breathers when they go get food afterward the movie because AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. It's so familiar, but also completely new. Everything they used to do as best friends, but from a whole new perspective. They have lunch/dinner/a MEAL, then they have some coffee, and while normally they go home together after a movie and have a sleepover, Alya feels like she ought to follow date etiquette. (Sharing a bed?? With Marinette, her GIRLFRIEND, after a first date?!?!?! Scandalous). Alya takes her home and stops outside the door, and Marinette surprises her with their first proper kiss. It's really quick, they're both a bit too flustered to say anything afterwards, and then Marinette runs inside and Alya's left dancing her way home with her heart over the damn moon. They end up texting the whole afternoon and well into the night. They're allowed to flirt now! So they're trying to get used to it. Alya has changed Marinette's contact name to include Girlfriend, meanwhile Marinette is agonizing over it because is she allowed to put a heart next to Alya's name now? oh no what if it's weird what if this was just a friend thing the whole time- Meanwhile alya is just. "hey girlfriend of mine whomst i just had a romantic date with-"
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miraculoushomos · 5 years
Double kill
Everybody’s eyes are drawn to Marinette as she runs in late, it’s the last day of school and she’s STILL LATE
Everybody is in summer attire as it’s hot but they weren’t expecting her to run in with a chat noir themed outfit
Tank top and shorts that’re lined with neon green
It says princess on it :’)
She made it herself too!!!
(Adrien is SCREAMING inside)
(Chloe and Alya are hoping wondering if she has a Queen Bee/Rena Rouge set)
(Totally not because they want to see her in it.)
They ALSO weren’t expecting her hair to be down
They look away when she goes back to her desk but their eyes snap back
“DAMN Marinette when did you get jacked?”
Cue Marinette whose arms are involuntarily flexing as she raises them up to tie her hair into pigtails
“Umm,,, I like to stay in shape and I’ve been carrying bags of flour around the bakery since I was able to”
Lame excuse but they seem to buy it
Marinette thinks that’s it but
She can’t shake off the feeling of someone or multiple people looking at her for the whole day...
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rosebug-art · 5 years
just watched startrain and i am going to explode, so let’s recap:
- i won’t even mention all the cute alyanette interactions. y’all saw it. they said what they said!
- adrien sneaking out is my new favorite aesthetic. rebel adrien RISE
- max’s cute interaction with his mom. “you’re the best!” i am going to combust
- chloe was not cool to sabrina in this episode and i’m bummed about it but i refuse to let it rain on the parade that is the rest of this episode
- ADRIEN’S FOND LOOK AT MARINETTE AFTER SHE YAWNED,,, i will never shut up about this i am so sorry he is so WHIPPED
- the class each doing their own thing on the train 🥺 special shout out to juleka petting rose’s head 🥺🥺🥺
- i know i said i wouldn’t talk about all the alyanette interactions because there were so many BUT: when mari initially falls asleep on alya.
- marinette leaning on adrien’s shoulder
- brief surprise then concern from adrien followed by immediate fondness when he realizes she’s asleep
- the whole class noticing and each individually finding the quietest way to say “finally some good fucking food”
- when he LEANS his HEAD on her HEAD (i am going to cry)
- alya stopping lila from butting in (thank GOD i was so relieved)
- marinette waking up, seeing adrien, then contently falling back asleep (i am so proud)
- alya and nino doing some (super)power couple investigating of their own after chloe talks about an akuma
- cutting back to a sleeping marinette with her hand on adrien’s chest 🥺
-“i got here courtesy of the horse miraculous :)” “i was already on the train 🥴”
-“i’ll do anything i can to save my friends and my mom!”
-“are you glorious and famous”
- max’s cool transformation OKAY I SEE YOU
-“you’re the best! that’s 100% certain” 🥺
- adrien having to go home at the end of the episode was the second biggest disappointment
- at least alya has photographic evidence that adrien is whipped
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Miraculous Queer Confession #164:
honestly i like adrinette but alyanette would be 100% better ?? i wish they would pull a korra and make a gay ship canon
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Slow burn/fake date/enemies to lovers: Hance, Alyanette, anddddd uh Tododeku (I’m trying to give you different ones than you gave me lol)
Okay this was way harder than I expected lol. Sorry it’s a little late, I wanted to really take time with it (and boy did I. I wrote way more than I expected to haha)

Slow burn: Hance. Hance is THE brotp to otp ship for me. I do see them more as queer platonic partners but. I mean their friendship??? doesn’t need labels. Their friendship is Epic. It’s the kind of relationship that transcends the difference between romantic and platonic love. It just. is. They just grow closer and closer and when they first kiss it feels so natural and obvious and. gods I have so many feelings about this I can’t even put it into words they’re just. so. good. together. ahhhhhhhh.

Fake date: Tododeku. It starts with Iida completely misunderstanding and blowing everything way out of proportion and our children being very bad at saying no; After the Stain incident Iida decides that because they’re not allowed to talk to anyone about what happened, they should sit and talk about what the went through together. It comes up that Todoroki “ride or die” Shouto literally received nothing but coordinates from Izuku but decided to drop everything and just go with it (still my favourite thing he has ever done like can you believe). Iida very understandably misinterprets this information and promptly congratulates them on their relationship, and completely doesn’t hear their protests over his “that’s wonderful! the first class couple! we should celebrate this!! let’s throw a party!”. Izuku and Shouto wanna say no but they figure with everything Iida’s been through with his brother getting hurt and all, “I guess we can do this for him, he could probably use a party” and “we can just pretend for a while and when it blows over say we had an amicable break-up or whatever”, and so they go along with it. Cue very clumsy fake flirting because both these boys are very socially inept. Fake flirting that turns into real attempts at flirting before either of them realize. Holding hands because “it’s what couples do right”, with faces redder than the hair on Shouto’s left side.
By the time they think it’d be appropriate to fake amicably break up, they’re both super smitten and the fake dating just keeps going as they both keep coming with excuses to keep up the ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘charade’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘.  For Valentine’s day they both make each other chocolates. Homemade. They both get help from those in Class A who are good at baking, unbeknownst to the other. (Class A is delighted and spends a lot of time snickering at these two fools who are just so meant for each other) They exchange the chocolates in front of the class ‘to keep the charade going’ but then after school Shouto cracks and pulls Izuku aside to admit the chocolates were for real and Izuku Dies and then admits to the same thing and they both lived happily ever after and became one of the most famous hero couples. (”#1 Hero All Might’s deciple and #2 Hero Endeavor’s son! can you believe!” scream the delighted masses)
Turns out I have way more Tododeku feels then I realized before answering this ask oops

Enemies to lovers: this physically pains me but Alyanette. I have to do this to them because the other two ships just had to get the other two tropes Alya and Mari I am so sorry to do this to you. This one is the hardest ohmygods. I’ve been sitting with this for almost an hour and I can’t figure out a way to make them hate each other that isn’t either wildly OOC or involves Adrien and I hate making two girls’ relationship about a boy but I don’t know what else to do ashgjdkhfgks. So uh here goes. I’m sorry.Alya & Adrien grew up together so they’re super duper close. like. Jake and Rosa from B/99. Mer Cristina from G/reys. Steven and Connie. You get the picture. So anyways, they’re always together, Alya accompanies Adrien on a lot of modelling jobs, both to support him and because it’s an opportunity to learn from professional cameramen & camerawomen. Marinette, still having a hugeass freaking crush on Adiren, is extremely jealous because she (and the entire Paris presse) is convinced Alya and Adrien are an item. Meanwhile Alya, who’s very protective of her boy Adrien, is really annoyed at this girl who she suspects is stalking her bestie, on account of Marinette being... well, admittedly kind of a stalker (mostly harmless of course but still Not Great).So Alya catches Marinette in the middle of stalking Adrien a couple times a tells her off and their relationship just keeps getting worse UNTIL Marinette is a little too careless about where she detransforms after a long and difficult fight against an akuma and, unbeknownst to her, is seen by Alya. This changes everything Alya thought she knew about Marinette - and about Ladybug. This creepy girl who's stalking her best friend is Ladybug, her favourite hero and Icon? Her Icon is a stalker? What On Earth. Internal crisis ensues. She desperately wants to understand how they can be the same person and ends up trying to look at Marinette differently, and noticing how kind she is, how much she cares for her classmates, how she tries really hard to always do the right thing - though it does sometimes end up being at the expense of other people - and another crisis soon ensues as Alya starts to realize how her feelings are changing lol.On Marinette's side of things, she does notice that Alya's been less hostile towards her, and doesn't understand why, but doesn't think too much of it..... Until Alya, whos' desperate to get on Marinette's good side now that she has Feelings, offers to let Marinette tag along on one of Adrien's photoshoots (after asking him of course. The two of them talk about p much everything and Adrien is all too happy to let Alya use his modeling job to get close to a girl (even if he's not quite sure why that would work, oblivious as he is to the extent of Mari's adoration for him)). Marinette accepts, thinking it's some sort of trap but unwilling to pass up this chance, and when everything goes really well (to her utmost surprise and confusion), it's her turn to start seeing Alya in a different light.And I think that's enough from me about them lmfao. They just.... go from there after that IDK.
I've written so much more than I intended, I'm sorry this is so long, I'm kind of embarassed at how carried away I got haha ^^" but I hope you enjoyed it.
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ck2k18 · 2 years
mari for the hc game ?? ilu !!
ilyt! the headcanon game
Sexuality Headcanon: bi bi bi Gender Headcanon: cisgender A ship I have with said character: lovesquare and alyanette. and kayla got me on the marigami agenda so yeah A BROTP I have with said character: i mean... everyone? alya, kagami, nino, adrien, marc, luka, etc. to quote monsieur adrien agreste, "Marinette's a very good friend!" A NOTP I have with said character: chloenette and lilanette. A random headcanon: marinette has adhd General Opinion over said character: what can i say she's my fav <3
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bocadelicate · 2 years
Zoe for the headcanon game! And Mari if you want :)
thank u for the ask charky!! 💖
Sexuality Headcanon: pansexual
Gender Headcanon: demigirl
A ship I have with said character: lukzoé MY BELOVEDS also zoénette hehe
A BROTP I have with said character: adrien and zoé 😎 also zoé and kagami !!
A NOTP I have with said character: zoé/lila
A random headcanon: she’s obsessed with honey
General opinion over said character: THE CUTEST LITTLE BEAN I LUV HER
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual
Gender Headcanon: demigirl
A ship I have with said character: love square, marigami, zoénette
A BROTP I have with said character: lukanette, alyanette, rosenette
A NOTP I have with said character: chlonette, marikim, lilanette
A random headcanon: she writes adrien x reader fanfiction prove me wrong
General opinion over said character: my blorbo i love her the most
from the hc game
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cloudshapedpatch · 3 years
with the hc's, i think i have two main layers: a set that are semi realistic and could be canon, and a set for /those/ universes, where everyone is some kind of queer, or neurodivergent or something. idk really how to explain it but i hope that makes sense? also, sorry if i make any typos; i can't spell today! ninette is super cute! i also like alyanette (esp w adrino) and marigami. do you ship chloé w anyone? i've seen a fair bit of chlogami, but not much else. (sensing a wlw pattern...) 🦆
akskshdjs i too love the wlw ships! alyanette is pretty dope too
i've seen a bunch of chlogami from buggachat but i don't really ship her with anyone
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Popular ML Ships Ranked
God-tier: Love Square, DJWifi, JuleRose, Myvan, Kimdine, NathMarc, Cheesecake, Tombine, Lukagami, Gabriel x Death, Chlolukagami
A: Adrigami, Lukloe, Nathanette, Chlogami, Sabrinali, Mirore, Lilix, ChloKim, Master Fu x Marianne
B: Maxlix, Waydine
C: Adrinino, Alyanette, Marigami, Chlobrina, Kimax, Ninette, Adrigaminette (I hc Mari as heteroflexible so I have no problem with it), Heartrate
D: Alyadrien, Lukanette, Lukadrienette, ChloNath
Garbage: Lilanette, Chloenette, Felinette, Gabrinette, GabeNath, Liladrien, Chlodrien, Lukadrien (fandom ruined it for me and plus, it’s overrated and bland), Chlolya, Nathleka, Feligami, Couffainecest
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aldiwali · 5 years
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8. your favourite graphic and or gif created by yourself
aaa probably this one?? it’s one of the first ones i did but .. the base panel was so good & it just. i think it turned out nice!! also this one was really cute.. i haven’t done gifs past then because i don’t wanna deal with downloading eps & shit like that (i don’t have the patience.. adhd mood) & i feel guilty using others’ gifs as bases even when they say it’s ok but! i think it’s. she’s babey
10. what graphics / gif trends do you dislike most?
i don’t… i don’t really dislike any? um i’m not really “in the graphic community” in that i’ve never like. studied it & i’ve only recently made them & made friends like u who make them too (& ofc bc of that i pay more attention to fully appreciate everyone’s works but!!! aa)
um if there’s a trend... whitewashing SDKFFJ like it’s not so much a Trend as a byproduct of heavy psds? yeah. also i really like soft colors & lining so when it’s just. Harsh (this is mostly from my experience in the rpc) it’s ... yeah.
oh and flashing things?? especially on people’s themes / whatever where there’s not a warning?? i rly don’t have patience for that ;; and those edits where it’s like. it’s clear it’s not meant to be readable / consumed well & it just looks like a blur & u can’t tell what’s going on????
OH AND THE LIP THING. MY PET PEEVE. this hasn’t appeared in the op fandom (yet.. thank goodness) but in the bnha fandom adding a giant lip to characters they hc as black or even to be of color ..... like.. it looks ugly?? first of all bc it’s not done how it would Actually look & kinda just arbitrarily placed like “oh they have big lips look im inclusive :)” & it’s clear they’re just using stereotypes & not putting thought into it? (ex: giving east asians big lips too even though east asians tend to have thin lips????) and it’s just. Not Handled well. and the noses too they’re so often made to be. caricatures really. like when doing indian characters they’ll make it like a giant triangle or something and it’s .... it’s like they tried so hard to be inclusive that they looped around and just made it racist.
11. what graphics / gif trends do you like most?
coloring things sdkfdkfjdskfj it’s so pretty.... i esp love seeing people’s colors for characters that haven’t been given official colors yet, esp when i like them better than the original!! um & just.. everything saint does w their graphics are. SO good i’ve talked abt this before for like an hour in my gc but.. Holy shit
21. how much time do you spend on a single graphic / gif?
i don’t usually do gifs??? like i’ve done it one (1) time. um but with graphics.... it really depends. how complicated is it? is there background? how many charas? do i already have headcanons for what the chara looks like or am i figuring it out as i go along? mmm i’ve been trying to spend more time on my graphics recently so i can try to be more proud of them but? for a single character no background panel... 20 min? it really depends tho because most of mine i make during lectures in class,, meaning that i’m not 100% engaged with it or anything,, it’s more like i’m doodling but instead i’m. editing graphics.
32. the least notes a graphic / gif of yours has ever gotten that you feel deserves way more. (link it!)
agjdskfjdsf i don’t really like my graphics very much? i think i’ve said this before. like to find things for this ask (part of why it took so long) i went through my shit and found like.. 5 i liked. and so it’s not so much “i think i deserve more notes” as i “wish it would have been better before i posted it but also like. i’m done with it at this point..” the ones i do like tend to get noticed, even if it’s like a week after it’s posted? so i think the least is like .. 71 notes? & 72 notes. those 2 respectively fsdkfj. now if it was about my art… there’s a recent alyanette i posted on @/atvie but it’s not rly noticed but that’s ok!! fskdfj
there are some graphics that are low-effort but i wish had more notes just because i want to interact with the fandom but the fandom’s like. Really Small like with lookism & act-age & oresama teacher (like my most recent posts basically) so i don’t really expect much sdfjdkj
38. are you working on anything right now? if yes, show us a work in progress!
i’m not really? like i’ll start one & then i’ll be like. Fuck it. & just never look at it again because it gets buried in all of my other pages but. here’s one from last night?? that im probably never gonna finish also click maybe bc tumblr quality is .. Not Great... this one was wild cause i had my colors in mind & then once i was done with the clothing i just. switched them to the canon colors (mostly) by looking up the anime cap & while it may be more fitting to them i Don’t Like the Colors. also i gave robin a pantsuit. yes i know she was on the fire side of the island but she’s goth smh... u gotta have dedication
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ask meme  /  @toooticki​
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megatraven · 5 years
(This is sad anon) Puppos and maybe some Ninette or Alyanette Hcs? (Or alyaninette?) thank you meg you’re the BEST
ur the best!!!!
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(will post headcanons on their own post)
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adrienscroissantx · 3 years
Alya has the 'Find my phone' app permanently attuned to Marinette's phone so whenever she wanders off at the farmer's market or rock show or whatever gay shit they're doing: Alya can ping it and track the sound to whatever grabbed her distractible girlfriend's attention.
you probably meant rock show as in like a concert but i immediately thought about like... a geology conference..... and was totally convinced that that's what the gays get up to nowadays (cmon alya would be cracking lines left and right, comparing marinettes eyes to whatever pretty crystal she could find. bonus her just pointing at a spiky thing and going "that's you")
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volpinarena · 5 years
may we receive some Blue Belle hc's my good person? :>
Of course!!
- Blue Belle is not the next guardian, in fact its Hive Mind of all people which came as a shock to everyone
- Blue Belle gets along swimmingly with Chelon, they're two peas in a pod
- Blue Belle and Odyssey work together when giving out the other miraculous, they both know each heros identity
- She does tap dance, but it's on very rare occasions and she only does it in front of Odyssey
- her relationship with Hive Mind is very tense. They both have a strong sense of leadership and drive so they clash quite often, but they really are good friends
- Her axe is her prized possession, she's waiting for the day she can use it on Hawk Moth
- Marinette and Stompp get along as expected, the two tend to have screaming matches when alone and it's the funniest thing, they do it all in good fun
- Stompp was surprised that he got such a frail girl as his chosen but likes her spirit and drive
- Marinette stands up to Lila the first day she arrives and starts to lie, this sets Lila on the right track from the get go, hence why she ends up with a miraculous
- Marinette and Alya aren't as close in this AU, sorry all you Alyanette stans
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mari-monsta · 5 years
🐝 alyanette 🐝 adrinino 🐝marichat
I went on a wild music hunt last night in order to find new songs for these so here goes!
Alyanette: Sleepover, Hayley Kiyoko
hc: Alya and Marinette are both such strong minded and confident people they make an intensely powerful couple. This might make their arguments more stubborn and intense then other couples, but it also makes their bond and endless support of one another all the stronger as well. They end up as quite the infamous couple being one of the best world renoun investigative journalists and world famous designer. The two of them never quite are able to give up heroing however, with or without the miraculous, and therefore and are extremely active in activist efforts for human rights.
Adrinino: Dance To This, Troye Sivan, Ariana Grande
hc: they can both be kind of reserved and shy in public. When they're older Nino is a semi-famous musician and Adrien, while he's not often in the spot light anymore, also still has a bit of childhood fame left, so they tend to be fairly private about their lives and relationship. They sometimes attend celebrity events and they're always polite and well put together, but they like to stick close to one another as well and sometimes you'll see them subtly holding hands or shooting each other fond looks. But when they're with close friends or alone in their apartment they still have such lively personalities and they'll do silly things like dance around the kitchen together.
Marichat: Moonlight, Ariana Grande
hc: they gravitate towards one another for reasons neither one of them can entirely figure out. They feel really oddly comfortable around one another without the nerves of a full blown crush or the stress of not being able to reciprocate one. However, there's always a faint spark, or a pull, to one another. A whispered unspoken potential, the slight giddy excitement for the potential of something more. They're both so drunk on the feeling they can't stop seeing one another, but neither quite have the strength to let go of their first loves either. They end up being stuck in this limbo of romantic angst that is just fulfilling enough not to want to escape, and they both know that only each other understands. So when they're together it's like they exist in their own little world separated from everything else.
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Miraculous Queer Confession #28:
I hc alyanette becausd it reminds me a lot of me and my gf. We're very supportive and encouraging of eachother just like they are for eachother and one is a kick ass super hero just like she is for me!
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