#am i a frog fucker?
anipgarden · 1 year
One thing I've found important but also sometimes difficult to learn is that the difference between a 'butterfly garden' and a 'biodiverse habitat' is that you gotta accept that sometimes things are gonna die.
This isn't to say that you shouldn't try to tend to things. If I find a bunch of oleander aphids harassing some of my young milkweed plants, I'll get the hose and spray them off no problem--hard to tend a garden and save milkweed seeds if they're getting the life sucked out of them before they can even go to seed. If I see a lot of snails starting to devour some of my flowers and turn them into brown mush, I'll pick them off and toss them to the neighborhood ducks.
But with that being said, creating a biodiverse environment for wildlife means there's gonna be prey animals and predator animals, and some insects may fill several niches. I plant milkweed and other flowers so monarchs and other insects can enjoy them as a host plant and a nectar source. Some years, I can barely even find large caterpillars because the wasps just go ham and pig out. That doesn't mean I'm gonna hunt down any and every wasp nest and spray it to death for being oh-so-mean to my precious baby caterpillars! They're just trying to survive, just like everything else in my garden!
And in the grand scheme, everything is part of a cycle that feeds everything else. The caterpillars feed the wasps, which then feed the cardinals and chickadees and mocking birds. Later in the summer, I always see some ladybugs, and my aphid problems drop even without me bringing out the hose. Sure, the snails are a major problem for me, right now. But they might be feeding things I'm not even seeing, late at night--like blindworms, or possums, or frogs, and maybe even the birds are going at them when I'm not outside.
The literal basis of my pollinator garden is so things can eat other things--the caterpillars feed on the milkweed, after all. I can't deny that they're part of an ecosystem, and the effort in trying to just sprays poisons everywhere for no real reason.
If I really wanted to, I could try and collect every single tiny little baby caterpillar and keep them in a little container, so I can rear them by hand, if it hurts too much to think of them getting eaten by wasps. My next door neighbor did that. Brought in 26 caterpillars to protect them from outside enemies, and promptly ran out of milkweed. Out of all that, only maybe 10 tops made it. And the instant she set out her stripped-bare plants again, there were already more monarchs coming in and laying seeds on the stems of plants that just barely were starting to leaf back out.
Nature's a balancing act. Monarchs have been dealing with pests like wasps through all this time. Every time I wonder where the caterpillars are, I sure can still find a few dozen eggs on my plants. Butterflies are still dropping by, still laying tons of eggs on my plants. And it's not like I go out there five times a day to count caterpillars--for all I know, there could still be dozens of those little guys growing up where I don't even see them.
I feel like I'm losing my point. Long story short, if wasps are eating some caterpillars in my backyard, I'm not gonna lose my mind. I want my garden to be part of a wider ecosystem, not a members-only club.
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ostara-frost · 1 year
Um hey, porn bots? I have limited sanity and a finite amount of time on earth. How about y'all find someone who is actually horny and leave me be.
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smilecentaur · 1 year
lmao what a nerd reblogging the same damn thing twice, not a real frog either :fweg:
GASP how dare gosh I am fully insulted imagine reblogging something twice on TUMBLR OF ALL PLACES
Could never have seen this coming
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weird-an · 1 year
"What are you doing?" Steve asks, rubbing his tired eyes. It's time to go to bed, already way past midnight. But then Billy heard a noise outside and now he's kneeling in front of the pool, trying to fish something out of the water.
"This fucker here doesn't know chlorine can kill him," Billy grumbles. He's leaning further forward and well, Steve enjoys the view of Billy's ass he's getting, but what the fuck?
Something croaks. Billy stands up and turns around. He's got a frog in his hand. It's bright green and has huge black eyes.
"What an idiot," Billy murmurs. "We have to wash the chlorine off."
Steve already sees wet prints on the couch and the living room, but Billy's got the determined look on his face whenever his mind is already set and the last time Steve tried to argue with him it ended in a shouting match and Steve trying to woo a insulted Billy for a week until they finally fucked again.
It's nearly 3 am and Billy bathes a frog in his tub. He insisted on the tub, because "the sink is way too small for a pretty boy like him".
The frog croaks in agreement. Billy watches it swim in the water with a big goofy smile on his face.
"Are you saying that the frog is pretty?" Steve says weakly, checking on himself in the mirror. He doesn't look like a frog, does he?
The frog croaks again. It's mocking Steve.
"Very." Billy makes big eyes at Steve. "I never had a pet."
"No," Steve groans. "A frog isn't a pet."
Billy purses his lips. Steve thought something like that would be a discussion he'd have with Dustin, but not with Billy.
"We'll drive it to Lover's Lake tomorrow," Steve says. They won't keep the frog.
"We'll talk about it tomorrow," Billy nods, like these are Steve's exact words. But it's 3 am and Steve is fucking tired.
"Let's go to bed."
The frog croaks. It sounds a little sleepy, too.
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imperpetuallylost · 8 months
✮ ✮ ✮ i’ve gotten super inactive now but i miss u all <3✮ ✮ ✮
✮welcome to my blog! it's a mess✮
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✮my name is lea, i'm bi, and i use she/they pronouns
✮don’t wanna be 18 with responsibilities
✮if i'm on here, i'm probably procrastinating on things i need to be doing. and i spend a lot of time on here
✮my asks and dms are always open!
✮i'm an intp/entp and a capricorn
✮evermore stan forever
✮certified bot fucker
✮proud member of the chaos goose coven
✮lover of mangoes, frogs, tote bags, colorful pens, converse, and tea
✮i love reading, but i don't get to do it as much as i'd like because of how busy i am
✮i spend most of my life with earbuds in, i am almost always listening to music
✮i love math and science, especially physics
✮i love sitcoms and binge watch them constantly, but don't post about them all that often
currently reading: nothing rn
currently watching: b99 again, organic chemistry tutor on youtube </3
music: taylor swift, maisie peters, gracie abrams, phoebe bridgers, sabrina carpenter, olivia rodrigo, mxmtoon, chloe moriondo, conan gray, beach bunny, the national, lizzy mcalpine, hozier, the 1975, renee rapp, niki, laufey, the london strippers, claire rosinkranz, muna, lana del rey, grace enger, beabadoobee, boygenius, noah kahan, and probably more im forgetting
fandoms: taylor swift, good omens, maisie peters, percy jackson, dr who (but i’m just getting into it), marvel, heartstopper (i desperately need to read more osemanverse books but have no time), and probably others
i'm sort of starting to tag things. sort of. im sure there will be more eventually.
tags: asks, moots, & pjo (i still suck at tagging things, but these ones are semi-consistent)
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annimoose · 12 days
Ranking malevolent characters on how hot I think they might be:
Arthur lester - 7 or 8/10
A lot of people seem to be drawn to him, whether that be appearance or personality wise (I totally believe this to be a side effect of John's manipulation bleeding over but skeijrir)
Claiming this because Noel asked him if was married during being asked what he wanted and when Oscar was going to ask him if he wanted to go do... something 🏳️‍🌈❓️
John Doe - 1 or 10/10
There is no in-between for this. He's either the beautiful and elegant fractured piece of the kiy or a shrimp. I will not elaborate further.
Peter Yang - 10/10
He was too sexy for the world. 😔
Eddie - 8/10
Big bruiser guy can attack me anytime, lord have mercy
Kellin - fucked up/10
I mean, hes a war veteran who wears a gas mask at all times. He's fucked up physically and mentally. I hope he's doing alright. (I- know he's not)
Antoine - 10/10
Another character too hot for the world. What a shame. 😩
The King In Yellow - 9/10
He's an elder god who's known for lavish and madness, I KNOW he's hot. Minus one point because he prolly is a lil fucked up after being split in two.
John even comments on how remarkable he is (this could be just to inflate his ego but whatever you say john,, 🙄)
The Vanguard - 0/10
Would've been a great mascot for the Talking Heads
(If I see a what that mouth do comment I will delete this fucking post)
The Trader - 6/10
Honestly, I just would love to see some Trader fanart. I think he would look cool :)
Micheal Faust - delectable/10 or 11/10
Are you Mr. Faust because damn you're looking like a fine snack. 🥴
Had a guy eat him out, like literally.
Lorick - FROG/10
FROG FRIEND, FROG FRIEND. No hot is simply FROG frien 🐸
Kayne - eeeehh,,, 5/10,, probably 6 being generous?
I know a controversial take but let me splain
Not necessarily calling him bad looking but I feel like his features would definitely be stretched and contorted just enough to be unnerving. Looks human but you can definitely tell he's not.
Yellow - piss baby/10
Roll em up like a jaundice blunt and smoke em up. 🚬
Uncle - 0/10
I know what I said about Auntie Nyan Nyan but I promise you I'm not a monster fucker.
Mmmm Antie Nyan Nyan could put a collar on me and walk me like the dirty dog I am anytime.
Wallace Larson - 8/10 personality wise - -0/10
Would probably look hot, ngl,, too bad hes rotten to the core.
I hope he's getting his femur shattered over and over again during his permanent vacay in the Dreamlands.
The Butcherrrr - 6/10
Probably wouldn't look too bad for an old man. I really dont have much more to add on him.
Butcher my beloved 💖
Marie - widow/10
She deserves the world on a silver plater 💖
Now if we're going to talk about Lilith, everyone knows she's a 20/10. That's literally her thing to be hot and to swoon men. Thankfully she did NOT do this to Arthur.
Oscar - 5/10
Idk, I just feel like he wouldn't be that hot. 🤷‍♀️
This does not make me love him even less because GOD he deserved better. 💖
Detective Noel - 9/10
God I miss my man wife. It's not even funny. 😭
I'm starving now, gotta see if I have any left over Mr. Faust in the fridge.
Yaaay I did most characters. 🎉
This kinda derailed a little bit, but eh, whatever.
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fieldofdaisiies · 8 months
modern Azris drabble
inspired by pictures (which are attached) Ms @autumndreaming7 sent me hehehehe, a second contribution for day 6 of @erisweek2023🧡
Eris turns his head a little, glancing at the display of his phone. The people, other lawyers in a specifically tense case tense, continue talking around him while he momentarily only focuses on one thing
*one new message from Prick💞*
Eris, lifting his gaze momentarily to see if anyone is looking at him, gathers that his attention is currently not needed and so he grabs his phone and opens the message.
Azriel: I miss you.
Eris types quickly, always looking around to see if anyone is looking at him, noticing he is not fully focused.
Eris: Miss you too. I am home soon, baby.
Rhysand says something about the case and Eris has to think for a moment, trying to remember what has been discussed before. It is so difficult to concentrate now, especially after Azriel's message. Because just like his boyfriend, Eris misses him like hell. And yes, they saw each other this morning, but that changes nothing. He wants to be with Azriel now!
Eris tries to contribute to the discussion but soon another message follows and Eris can only look at the display again.
Azriel: Come home now!
Eris: I can't....urgent work matter.
Eris places his phone down again. He agrees with something his lawyer colleague Thesan has said, nodding in agreement while he tries to veil his face in interest. It is only feigned since he couldn't care less, only want the meeting to be finished so he can get home to–
*Prick💞 sent a picture*
He should not open it, Eris knows this. Or he should know better, but somehow his hand, fully on its own accord, shoots to his phone, he enters the chat and damn him!
Blood rushes towards his cock which immediately starts to grow hard behind his tight suit trousers. He curses Azriel under his breath, his gaze yet lingering on the picture attached.
Azriel: so I need to shower alone after the gym? great...thanks
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Eris: Fucker.
Eris: I hate you.
Azriel: 😘
Eris puts his phone back onto the table in front of him, changing his sitting position in order to ease the throbbing need between his legs. He can't have any of his colleagues notice this...situation.
He moves a little forward, bracing his forearms on the table and rolls back his shoulders, nodding at something his colleague Rhysand said.
But then he picks up his phone again.
Eris: You'll pay for that when I get home.
Azriel does not answer immediately which tells Eris his boyfriend is indeed showering without him and he knows Azriel will definitely pay for that. How dare he? What a waste of water....
It is around ten minutes later when the awaited answer finally arrives, and it has Eris' whole body going rigid.
Azriel: That was what I was hoping, I am here and waiting for you, baby😉
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It only takes Eris a mere second before reacting. He gathers his things and gets up. "I am sorry, urgent matter at home. I need to leave. I will give you my notes and documents tomorrow."
He does not even wait for an answer, he is basically running, the door slamming shut behind him while he practically makes a sprint for his car.
~~~~~~~~~~~ tags: @azrielsbabyg@lady-riel@moonlightazriel@aayo-whatt@brekkershadowsinger@ladyelain@banasheefan56 @a-frog-with-a-laptop @ofduskanddreams
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half-blood-goods · 5 months
My live Undertale Yellow Reactions - Hotland, New Home, and the end of the Journey
Not the spider roadblock
*At the club, seeing El Bailador* Oh you fucker
*We start dancing* YEAHHH LOOK AT ME GO
*Axis letter* Imma have to Google this later
*At the store* Don't kill me but I like these guys better than Burgerpants
*Bitz talking about wishing to marry Asgore* Me too pal, me too.
"I've seen war, Bits"
"You expressionless infant" You know what? Fair enough.
This puppet is my favorite fucking guy right now
"By then you'll be all grown up" Don't jinx it, please. I'm scared enough already.
"I'm glad you hopped onto my raft" Tears
*Fist bump* BRO
Obsessed with how the City looks
"Let's go back to our normal, happy life" My brother in Christ have you watched those tapes???
Now, I know they're trying to help, but I'm not sure a desperate and in grieving widow and mother will listen to this kind of argument
"You're naive" I know okay? It's hard.
"Asgore is a coward" I don't have a counter argument for that. Toriel said it best in the Pacifist ending in Undertale
"I have nothing left in life, so I made peace with throwing it away" Tear my heart out and stomp on it will ya game?
This couldn't have been this easy
Yep there it is
I'm getting both Mettaton AND Asgore flashbacks from her attacks
Thank fucking GOD for those frogs and their bandana. That's the ONLY reason I've gotten this far
Don't you DARE throw the sad backstory at me now game
"I haven't seen tears from you since the crossroad" "I save them for the moments that matter" S T O P
"Daddy said he would've lived a long time if I wasn't here" I can't do this, man...
"I'm gonna cry" I already am buddy, join the club
Are we gonna commit suicide for the greater good?
Okay so the game decided to lag for like half an hour so it kinda threw me out of the moment but the music got me right back into it
*Giving away our gear* Enough ENOUGH I'M DOWN ALREADY
Oh fuck off Flowey, way to ruin the moment
Is it sacrilegious to say that I like the story better than in Undertale? Because I think I legitimately do.
Mr. Sword Remix, thank you for creating such a wonderful fangame. Expect to see my therapy bills soon.
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macfrog · 6 months
ok so let me tell you a quick tale here, non
one time at uni, i was sat in a silent (and i mean silent) journalism lecture. just some dude at the lectern talking to himself. i'm sat rattling notes into my laptop, minding my own damn business, when i feel what can only be described as the sensation of a six-inch, razor-sharp needle fucking sinking into the flesh of my ass. like, pain so bad that i actually went blind for a few seconds. i think i saw God Him Self in that moment
i lift my leg, and under my thigh is a crumpled, rotten little wasp. a WASP! the fucker stung me. but the thing is: i am a sworn Protector of the Bees and, unfortunately, my sympathies extend to their evil cousins. so i'm, like, silently weeping from the pain and also from watching this writhing little bastard buzz his last breath, all the while i am CHEWING on my cheek to stop myself from literally screaming the entire lecture theater down
and you're probably thinking, hey, max, did you leave the lecture? did you go get help for your crippled leg? no, i did not, dudes. my social anxiety was at its fucking peak at uni. i wouldn't have left that chair if you'd lit a fire under it. i used to listen to birdsong on the bus just to get me there in the morning.
so i sat for the entire two hours, weeping into my laptop, avoiding the lecturer's eye (who totally knew i was crying, by the way, judging by the horrified look on his face) - my leg literally throbbing and slowly losing feeling by the minute...until i had to hobble outta that hall and call my parents to come pick me up. i couldn't even sit down in the car. my dad almost crashed from how hard he was laughing at me
now. having read all of that, you tell me, beautiful nonnie: would a genius sit on a fucking wasp? i don't think so. you think marie curie or sylvia plath or frida fuckin kahlo ever sat on a bug and cried about it?
i love you. you put far too much faith in my abilities. i am but a dumb, anxious little frog. sending peace and good vibes your way. and absolutely zero wasps. the stripy little cunts.
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evilminji · 5 months
Back at it again? With more BNHA? My goodness!
See, in one my WIP, which haunts me like a cursed Victorian doll in the night, chanting to me my sins from beneath the floorboards, I got a few OCs. As ya do. Gotta flesh out that world building. And I am ALWAYS a ho for some sweet, sweet SI-OC action!
Because the stranger in a strange land, can see what SHOULD be mundane and familiar anew! There are Moral Quandries! You get to put your sticky lil gremlin fingers ALL over the set dressing and look inside those boxes they put in the background of the scenes! What's IN there? Secrets? We bet it's SECRETS.
Tis the BEST, really. I enjoy it.
But of course! If it's BNHA then we must assign Randomly Gifted Genetic Fuckry(tm) : The Super Powers Edition. Where in? My love of "immediately obvious powers are for cowards. There are no such things as weak powers, only weak and uncreative minds" comes into plaaaay~
Supposedly "minor" ones! That everyone says "oh that's a minor power. Sucks for you" and expects you to just leave it at that! Give up. Like you're some sort of fuckin CASUAL.
Nah, we pushing this fucker until REALITY breaks. You are gonna be legitimately asking "how the FUCK did you do that!?" And the answer is Will Power, Spite, and "Cause Fuck You, I'm Awesome".
Which of course, is how we got Kimiko. The most high femme, kawaii, little pastel pink bundle of Rage and Bloodlust the Heroics world has ever seen. She is that stage of little girl where they like to wear tiaras, princess dresses, and want to MURDER EVERYTHING. But never grew out of it.
She grew IN to it.
Got a lot of rage, that one. Probably because everyone is all "ooooh, kimi! Your Quirk is so CUTE! You'll be such a good housewife! Such a good sweets maker! Aren't you so CUTE! Let's all infantalize Kimi!" *murder intensifies*
She can turn part of what she is touching into Marshmallow.
*slaps a hand on your shoulder* There are NO restrictions on that~☆! ANYTHING she touchs. Is she touch you? Air? The ground? This building we are standing in? Wanna keep talkin shit? How do you feel about Marshmallow lungs? Enough training and eventually she can take out a building!
Cause Marshmallow? Not a very strong support. Ground under your high rise better be sturdy if you want it to hold, you know? Things to think about. Other things, are the "part of" aspect. Which she is slowly getting better at. Wanna see a trick? *a Marshmallow plops down on the table on the far side of the room* Still air! Still touching~.
Hope your technology is AIR TIGHT and not IN the air. Or moving through it at any concerning speeds. Like, say, a car. Fun thought! Don't fuck with her again! Kimi out! *removes threatening hand of possible Marshmallow Murder*
She's besties with the SI. Himiko. They are the Koko's and WILL be going to UA specifficaly because Kimi was told she couldn't make it. Himi wants nothing to do with this bullshit but is being dragged along like a cat in a harness.
She has my favorite super power. Egg.
Just... Egg.
Egg? Yes. She can summon eggs. Into the spoon. Like those challenge races. Except there is no race, its just her in her pjs trying to eat her damn breakfast. But SUPRISE! Raw egg. Full on, chicken egg in a shell, in your spoon. Perfectly balanced.
And in this iteration, it does have to be in a "spoon" or spoon-like shape. Defined as a bowl with a handle. The egg will fit the spoon. And? Most importantly! Not restricted to chicken eggs!!!
Tiny spoon? Tiny egg. Large spoon? Large egg.
Theoretically? Stadium sized spoon? Stadium sized egg of unknown species never to be seen on planet earth. Because YES. Those thought popping into your head. "Ha ha, what about a dodo eg-" Yeah, see, not ass funny when you actually DO that as a sleep deprived toddler because you HAVE TO KNOW. And now conservationists are hunting you for sport.
Do you have? ANY idea the lengths certain folks would go too to save endangered bird or frog species? If it comes out of an egg. Yes. She CAN make it. No risk of inbreeding for the already critically small populations. Just viable, healthy eggs. Ready to be incubated.
Took her an afternoon.
Needless to say... things get Exciting(tm). People need to be threatened. Himi gets lifelong job security at age four. Neat.
But!!! Not why I started writing! I had a THIRD OC child! Who never made it to the limelight! Gasp! I know! The secret comes out! I scrapped him in favor of Kimi. But his power was one I enjoy Pondering about!
Unlock. You can unlock doors. All doors.
No, you can't "unlock" the bonds between atoms or something. It has to be a Door. But! Begs the question, don't it? Would you... would you have "door sensing"? If there was a perfectly blended in or painted over door? Would you be able to say "it's right there"?
What happens if you use your ability on a tree? Doors are often made of wood. Would there be any effect? Even if no "opening" happened? Could you open metaphorical doors? If someone PAINTED a door, could you open a wall? If so, how deep? If we painted a cliff face, could you open a door to the other side of the mountain?
How far does you door opening power stretch?!
I understand you Izuku! I too, want to study these cool Quirks! See how far they can develop! No more strength quirks! More minor quirks with unusual applications! Woooo!
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @mutable-manifestation @hypewinter
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life-winners-liveblog · 6 months
*taps mic* Hello? Can you hear me? (Except Martyn lol imagine going from the best listener to someone who is deaf)
Hi I just got here and am being very entertained by you guys
Gri I would try to help you work through your trauma but all efforts have been futile so far so instead take this leather jacket and sunglasses (to match timmy!), a sun holographic picture, as well as these cookies 🍪 (<- those are cookies shortbread is a biscuit)
Scott, be careful try not to burn yourself out, take these paints and easels, (fake) coral jewellery, a star/night sky holographic picture, and some poppies
Pearl, I would give you something, but someone is very mean and won't let me, so I'm sending you some sunflowers, a puppy and some bones, a moon holographic picture, and a clock
*If possible, I yank on Martyn's hair* *a note then appears with the following writing* Martyn, I don’t even care about the fact that you betrayed your Scott, it made sense for you, was a good ending moment and he didn't even mind (was probably his favourite version of events that could have happened). No, I'm mad at you because of how apathetic you are. I'm sorry that you find it "easy" to move on, but others feeling emotions about their past is not weak. It's human. You are quite literally my second-least favourite person and the other person has the same illness as you but worse. You get a pufferfish, a (toy) axe, a cake, and a holographic picture that seems to change images. Sometimes it shows the sea, sometimes it shows trees, sometimes Mars, sometimes a meteor, sometimes a black hole (ooc: etc etc just all the different Martyn winner interpretations lol I'm not writing all of them)
Jim-jam! Nice to see you! You get poppies, a wooden doll, a frog and bucket, and a holographic picture of a canary
Scar! It's been a while since anyone has sent you anything buddy so you get 3 more llamas, 15 more camels, 19 more pandas and 81 more jellie cats. Oh and a holographic picture of cacti
DL!Scott you fucker you are my least favourite you apathetic son of a bitch. You get the poison effect
SL!Jimmy you get cake for being the in-between person, as well as a ghost plushie and a holographic picture of a doggo (if you look closely there's a canary)
To the rest of the losers, I'll give them some weighted blankets. One for everyone :)
-Saph <3
LimL!Jimmy: This is still not Judge Judy and Executioner... But thank you...
Grian: ugh... I don't know how other me can confortably wear this all day.
LimL!Jimmy: Grian why are you dressed like me?!?! Do this mean you want to join the Bad Boys??
Grian: Uhhhhh... not really? The whispers -
LimL!Jimmy: Why not?!? You could be an honorary Bad Boy!!!
Grian: ... Fine, whatever.
LimL!Jimmy: Yeah yeah yeah!
Pearl: Ooooh nice! Let's see, how does this holographic thing work?
Scott: Oh they sent me one of those as well! I think... you do it like... this!
Pearl: Mansplaining moment.
Scott: What!?!? I was just... you asked...and I...
Pearl: Calm down Scott, it was just a joke... why are you so jittery.
Scott: ...Maybe the whispers are right, I do need to relax a little.
Martyn: Well screw you too I guess, that hurt... and I never said that feeling about the past is weak, what I find weak is letting said emotions submerge you completely like Grian does, now I have seen how he was, I saw his passion but when I look at him now I see none of that, he is not weak because he misses Scar, who cares about that, he is weak because he wallows in his own self pity and misery constantly... He couldn't have done anything differently and he can't go back to change anything so why does he insist on acting like a wet wipe.
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yellbug · 8 months
baldurs gate has clarified for me that i hate how videogame human characters look and this is an insurmountable barrier to me ever playing a game where you have to like have sex with them. these mother fuckers are made of wood. these guys and babes are thin as a stick and have polypropylene doll hair. or they are bald. theyre wet like frogs and they're brittle like dry old shells. they dont have stomachs. they dont know what water is. they are edward cullenly hard. having sex with them would be like shredding your fingers or pussy or dick or anything against a pumice stone. like i am myself a freak and a demon but you are having sex with mannequins. obviously i support you but will not partake. like you also have rights. like i believe they shouldnt criminalize it. you have rights. i support you. pervert
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trashland-llamas · 1 year
Mina; You’re lucky that I’m more worried about my titties staying in my bra than I am at beating your ass
— — —
Sero at his annual checkup; Homie, I’m scared of hospitals. I’m literally about to piss myself from the anxiety.
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Denki; I don’t eat them because they’re shaped like dinosaurs, I eat them because they’re fucking chicken nuggets
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Todoroki to Hawks; I thought the whole romance was an act. We all expected you to continue that strategy. It wasn’t until Touya’s heart stopped and he nearly died that I knew I misjudged you.
— — —
Nedzu; …so just chill out. drink a 7up. eat a moon pie. quit murdering people.
— — —
Tsuyu; Turning my mental health issues into kinks, call that bdsm-5
— — —
Kirishima, in the distance; MOTHER! FUCKER!
Kirishima, spotting Mineta; YOU!
Mineta; hmm
Kirishima; have you ever heard of a mountain chicken!?
Mineta; please don’t hurt me
Kirishima; have you ever heard of a mountain chicken!?
Mineta; …no
Kirishima; what do you think it looks like!?
Mineta; like a really big chicken—
*holds up his phone, showing a pic of a frog*
Sources; (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
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northwest-cryptid · 10 days
Okay I am curious...
Literally there are no wrong answers.
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sygol · 9 months
tonight's dark road is quieter than usual, there is a stillness to the air, but still, i can hear the humming of a house dryer, a radio.. creeping from a window: a telephone call. i hear the crickets, and the frogs.. bats too. night figures traipse in the deepest of the shadows, but they dont mess with me because to them, i am one in the same.. now im barking at these dogs i have beef with, hate the fuckers who live at this place they refuse to be my friend.. my lighter is flicking under the sky as i relight my joint... a car is coming.. i dont like them in my night, so i wont describe it. treading further, my footsteps and my breath curl up with the river.. their entwinement collects in my ears
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howlinchickhowl · 10 months
I know nothing about sports, so have a belated check please! au hahaha. It is entirely possible that I am the sole target audience for this fic, but I don't mind at all, it made me happy to write it 😌 @gallavichthings
Fuck the LaX Bros nineteen - sports
The trek from Faber to Annie’s is a lot to deal with after the first morning skate of the academic year. Mickey can barely keep his eyes open, letting Sooty and Sweep jostle him along as he lugs his gear on his back and anticipates the sweet sweet joy of his first coffee of the day. Coach Beale has them sworn to no coffee before practice and it sucks fucking ass but damn if he’s gonna lose his scholarship over a cup of coffee. He’s here for the long game, bound for the show, managed to drag himself kicking and screaming out of the hellhole his father calls home and he’s not gonna fuck it up for himself.
The fucking lacrosse bros are there already, ten deep in line and looking extra fucking douchey in their new team get-up. Mickey’d heard from Pots who’d heard from Whiskey that one of the Chads' fathers had forked up a fuckton of cash for new uniforms over the summer, and it looks like the rumors were true. Rich fucking assholes.
The only one of them Mickey doesn’t hate with a fiery passion is Gallagher, scholarship kid just like him, one of four non-Chads on the team. A little earnest but honestly a decent guy, not his fault he got sent to some fancy northside private school by his uncle-who-was-actually-his-dad and ended up the star of their lacrosse team.
They’re friendly, both Chicago guys and both from pretty shitty homes, they sort of ended up the go-betweens for their respective teams in times of deep tension. It’s a new year though so no tensions have arisen just yet and Mickey hasn’t had a reason to talk to him in these first few days since he’d been back on campus. Not that he’s thought much about it. Or at all. He doesn’t think about Gallagher. He didn’t think at all about him all summer, didn’t wonder if he was back in Chicago for the break, like Mickey, didn’t look up whenever he saw a mop of ginger hair in a crowd or scan every L train he got on just in case he might be there. Hasn’t thought about the guy in months, actually.
It’s while Mickey is continuing to not think about him that Gallagher, Ian himself, actually materializes in front of him, holding out a cup of coffee in Mickey’s direction and dimpling at him sheepishly.
“Hey Shaker,” he says, using Mickey’s hockey nickname, the only derivative of milkshake that Mickey would allow when he arrived for his Frog year and got assigned a hockey name by the upperclassmen. He was the only member of SMH to ever have negotiated his nickname, but hell if he was going to respond to people shouting Milky at him across the fucking pond.
“Gallagher.” He replies. Lacross bros don’t give nicknames. Unlike most of the hockey kids their last names are valuable assets and they like to be known by them.
Gallagher holds the coffee out more purposefully towards Mickey, and Mickey notices that he has another in his other hand. Just shy of suspiciously, Mickey takes the cup. It’s not like Gallagher to fuck with the hockey bros, but you never know what happens over a summer break and Mickey can’t be completely certain that this coffee hasn’t been spat in, or shat in, or poisoned.
“They made mine wrong, first time.” Ian says, by way of an explanation. It’s not much of an explanation, and Mickey’s not sure why he’d be first in line to take it off his hands.
“Didn’t want to give it to one of your teammates?” He cocks his most suspicion conveying eyebrow and brings the coffee up to his face to sniff it. Smells ok. Smells fucking heavenly, actually, Christ he’s salivating.
“Nah.” Ian leans in conspiratorially, “Chad Lewin has told me four times already this morning about how his dad is upgrading his Porsche, and Chad Koeple showed up to the house with a 55inch flatscreen and two PS5s. I don’t know what he needs two for. But those fuckers can afford their own coffee, you know?”
Mickey believes him. And it doesn’t have anything to do with how good he smells, fresh from the shower but still warm with his natural musty smell, and it doesn’t have anything to do with how he winks at Mickey and how he apparently has freckles on his eyelids or how he extends his smile to Sooty and Sweep like they’re all just guys, actually, and not sworn rivals on opposite sides of a great chasm.
It’s just that Mickey gets it. Assholes who flaunt their money and take their wealth for granted don’t deserve free coffee, even from their own teammate. It’s this, really, that convinces Mickey to give in to his innermost desires and take a sip.
“I’ll drink to that.” He tells Gallagher, grinning when he laughs and hiding it in his coffee cup.
“Later boys.” Ian says, raising his now free hand in a little wave to all three of them before sliding past them out the door. Mickey steadfastly does not turn his head to watch him go.
“You know, it’s hard to believe that guy is a Lacrosse bro.” Sooty says, and Sweep murmurs his agreement.
“Fuck the lacrosse bros.” Mickey says, invoking the team mantra in the absence of being able to come up with anything else to say. And his teammates laugh as they move up the line.
Mickey’s coffee is hot and sweet. Exactly how he likes it.
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