#am i cookin
princesssmars · 1 year
the little mermaid au with abby
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egophiliac · 1 month
i love your riddle design so much, he's so pointy and british. so gracious. do you think he would enjoy a brazilian goiabada
thank you! ❤️🖤❤️ it's just. important to me on a level I can't explain that Riddle have an extremely pointy nose that he can stick into everyone else's business.
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also goiabada is sweet and fruity and red, I think he would like it very much indeed!
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not me stealth-editing because I forgot his antenna whoops
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golswia · 8 months
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Reverse au TITTY GRAB doubled
Angel not impressed (he did the same in different pub-)
(they got banned)
(...they are banned from most of the pubs actually-)
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stepbackattack · 7 months
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spkyart · 3 days
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kharonion · 5 months
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You've got me in a chokehold.
[ somftness sponsored by @arcandoria's new pose pack 🖤 ]
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rainsoms · 1 year
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two words. bug bag.
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hajikelist · 2 months
Hyorogan, Risotto, and Sake Steamed Nightmares
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They didn't make the hyorogan onscreen, but I was so curious I ended up wanting to try it after reading about it. All the ingredients were probably available to me (they were)! I'll have to put more on it in a reblog because it's a neat one but I took a few more pictures than the photo limit would like. I was not expecting to pretty much make candy after hearing they were rations! Reminiscent of day old cinnamon donuts.
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Ok so I cheated a bit with the recipe for the risotto. Izutsumi asked for something normal with no monsters and Senshi obliged, making a little cheesy indulgence and I'm taking that as my opportunity to use the broth and butter that I think a risotto deserves. Don't tell me that Senshi wouldn't have made a broth from the cockatrice bones if he had the chance. I did try to use Japanese rice though. Ended up using shiitake that I had left over so I went all the way to make a more eastern flavored one with sake, ginger, and white pepper for seasoning.
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Nightmares, dragons, its straight up manila clams today. Threw in more ginger and dried pepper for seasoning why not. A little kick to remind about the dragon part. They were very fresh with a good texture and the butter added a nice richness to it.
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pawbeanies · 6 months
if the universe didn't want me to be like a little prey creature why did it make me so skittish and anxious and also very cute and tastey. it's just nature
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trendywaifus · 5 months
sooooo, here’s several things i plan on releasing or have ideas for
ex! acheron x fem! reader (nsfw) —most likely releasing tn or tmmw morning ;)
robin x reader (nsfw? still deciding if i wanna make it. drabble or a full out smut fic) —tba
double pleasure— transfem archeron & ei x fem! reader coming out on valentine’s day! masterlist soon to come!! (it should of been released like 2 weeks ago but I’ve been holding it off)
I fantasize about you all the time part 2 — prob coming out in the next two weeks or so
old furina thirst — this weekend or next week
yae miko x sub! fem! reader idea (real) —this weekend or next week
yae miko drabble (intro to the racer au! yae miko smut fic) gonna include a small yae miko x reader! comic ;) — sometime next week or this weekend
constance smut fic —tba
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sourtomatola · 2 months
Taking Candy for a Fool Part 15
You knelt down to them as they sucked down their syrup vigorously. You knew it took them a little bit to heal, but you were excited to show them what you were able to sneak in.
Before you could lift your dress to show off the nutritious bounty, they suddenly pulled you closer to them both and they cuddled you as they drank their meals. You smiled at them both, knowing they needed as much affection as possible. It made you feel so bad last time, having to hide form them for so long instead of giving them the comfort they needed. Unfortunately you had to, if you got caught, you might have been killed, then you’d be like Eclipse. Gone, a message to the other’s, and another hole in the hearts of your friends.
You leaned into them, taking in their comfort for you. Knowing that Fruits could change them made your adrenaline rush. You didn’t know what was going to happen, but you couldn’t wait to see your friend’s flourish.
They finished their syrup and tossed the tubes away without ceremony. They said nothing but took a minute to cuddle you closer, as if feeling like these might be final moments as well.
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They nodded and gave you a little space to work out the bowls you had padded with fabric to keep the fruit safe and the noise made by them rolling around quiet. You also had packaged honey in zip lock bags, knowing they would be easy to slurp through.
The boys took your treasures and held them with such upliftingly hopeful expressions, you couldn’t help but grin in anticipation.
“Our friend…you have no idea how much this means to us…how much this will help us…” Sun said, two shimmering Sunnydrop candies forming in the brink of his eyes. He took your hands and held them close, blinking the drops into your hands. You stared in shock a moment before Moon then took your hands and did the same, blinking joyful tears of hard candy and letting them fall into your awaiting hands.
“B-but…boys, I can’t just take these, I-“ You tried to protest, but both curled your fingers insistently around them.
“Never once have we cried with joy, Cry-baby.” Sunny explained. “I’m sure they will taste better than any that have been stolen from our pain. Please, take one of each for your employers, and keep one of each for yourself. Please…this is the only way we can think to thank you. Take them.”
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You held the candy close and smiled at them. “Thank you…really, truly, this means a lot to me…”
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thedrotter · 3 months
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my second return to Earthbound but this time it took 8 months after i got hit with rhe ao3 writer effect I have healed... I am here to feed you again🩷
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spaceratprodigy · 8 months
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Drummer and Iris :]
bless my dearest @oldworldwidgets for this absolute banger of an idea 🥴💖💕
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sparky-owl · 9 months
Metadede Day 3: Caring
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I wish to hug the orb TvT
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quirkle2 · 5 months
more zombie au :] (1.2k words)
The odor of rot has joined the damp growth of life from pots. Even if some things die off without human aid, there are always stronger elements that thrive in their absence.
The aisles are overgrown. Ritsu brushes past the vines as gently as he can, wooden floor groaning under his worn soles. There’s a gap of empty space in the middle of each aisle that he slots through, eyes roaming the shelves of largely useless things. Stronger stems snag onto his backpack and he tugs distractedly while perusing the labeled pots along the tables.
The barn is quaint, and Ritsu thinks he would love to stay. Moss eats at the boards under his feet and bugs swarm around him in the hot air incessantly, but it’s peaceful and there’s a constant sprinkle of sound to his ears that have grown so used to silence. Whoever owned this place beforehand put up a few wind chimes indoors—they must’ve always had the front entrance open for customers.
It’s a quiet little homemade garden center, or something similar, on the side of the highway. It’s an overgrown property with something dead in the backyard that Ritsu refuses to acknowledge or let Shigeo near. The shingles and boards in the roof have been replaced with polyethylene sheets—a barn-turned-greenhouse, uprooted from the hay and cattle it likely used to house and settled back into the Earth to be a paradise for plants.
There’s a large branch hanging through a hole poked into the plastic overhead. It sways with the wind and the chimes that follow, and Ritsu whistles with the leadless melody and gives it a direction while he studies old seed packets.
They didn’t stop here for any particular reason—a garden center doesn’t have much for apocalypse survivors, but Shigeo has always liked overgrown things. He’d always enjoyed taking care of their mother’s plants back home, and then Reigen’s at the office. His brother likes the humidity of greenhouses and the smell of soil and dirt and must.
He sees the top of Shigeo’s head over the aisles, across the barn. He walks past a shovel hanging on the wall and yelps out a grunt when it clangs to the floor behind him. Ritsu shakes his head and smiles, running his fingers along faded price tags.
The feeling of greenhouses has always had this… wet fullness, to Ritsu.
When he breathes in it’s like he can taste the life that breathes out and it feels like a conversation, a question and an answer, both of which he’s not sure how to articulate. The leaves wave to him and he waves back, the once-active sprinklers pepper his skin with dots, with compliments, with proclamations they are eager to share. The vines weave between fencing just to reach him, just to talk.
He understands why Shigeo likes it, and why he’d always asked to accompany their mother on trips to get new seeds. Ritsu hadn’t really understood, then, how pretty it could be, how full it could feel.
Shigeo had always been right about loving the little things. Ritsu wishes he’d seen that sooner.
His brother ambles down the aisle ahead of him and he listens to the quiet patter of his sloppy footwork, moving around a table of seed trays. His whistles carry across the barn, sort of aimless in their own right instead of leading the wind and the chimes somewhere worthwhile, but the sounds soak into the overhead plastic nicely, so he keeps going.
He pulls back a layering of vines and leaves to scan the contents of another shelf, and then he notices Shigeo stop in his peripherals. His dirty shoes stay planted in the corner of his vision, leaves burying the toes, and Ritsu looks away from the products.
He means to say something, to ask him what’s up even if saying things to Shigeo very rarely results in productivity, but he stops when he realizes his brother’s head is… tilted.
He’s looking at him with as much inquisitiveness as his dulled down awareness can muster, pale eyes flickering across Ritsu’s face like he’s working out some puzzle. He instinctively stops whistling, brain lagging behind on this new info of this new behavior, and the sound fizzles out into a little huff of air that leaves the greenhouse feeling oddly empty.
Shigeo studies him for a moment longer, blinking slowly, and then he straightens his head out as Ritsu stares back. His brother’s gaze lingers there on his mouth, like he’s still confused, like he still expects something to happen.
Ritsu blinks once, twice. The wind chimes call as wind pokes at his greasy spikes, as it prods at the ends of his jacket and fills the silence with a different flavor of itself. The interest in the zombie’s eyes fades a little, gaze straying to the vines around them.
Very tentatively, Ritsu wets his lips and blows. The whistle grabs his brother’s attention immediately, and he’s suddenly tilting his head like a curious dog.
He can’t help the laugh that spills out and makes the whistle a mess of exhales. His shoulders shake a little and he hurries to keep the tune steady and consistent; a few seconds pass and Shigeo tilts his head the other way, exhausted eyes big and more alert than they’ve been in days.
Ritsu experiments, and ventures around with the sound—goes lower and higher and watches his brother twist his head back and forth like he’s trying to understand calculus. There’s something very innocent about it, about the look in his eyes that reminds him of when they were kids and their father would show them magic tricks.
It’s muted by the ever-present fog there in his pupils, but Ritsu thinks he sees a spark of that life in them, of that curiosity born from a mind that knows little. He gives him a simple sensation, a simple experience, and his brother is eating it all up like he’s four again, like he’s new and everything is colorful and unknown and big.
Ritsu watches Shigeo tilt his head back and forth, watches the rusty gears behind his window panes move. He changes tactics, because some sad part of him tells him to, and whistles Shigeo’s favorite song instead.
He remembers the name, but he doesn’t need the name because when he thinks of the tune he thinks of his brother, and that’s all that matters. It’s happy, because Shigeo likes happy music. It’s chipper and yet it meanders, like it’s willingly getting lost, like it’s wandering where it wants to and it’ll eventually find its roots again. It’s happy the whole time. The whole adventure.
Shigeo stops tilting his head, and the gears behind his eyes churn a little bit faster. His gaze clings to Ritsu’s and his brother makes actual eye contact, sinks his own being into Ritsu’s head when he’s least prepared for it. The recognition in his gaze has his soul souring.
He keeps whistling. He doesn’t want to stop, because Shigeo feels like Shigeo right now, and he doesn’t want that to stop.
His brother stares. Ritsu’s grief tints the music.
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distraughtlesbian · 3 months
sorry for speaking my truth it will happen again. i think my main issue with valax’s redemption arc is literally just that there’s never a moment where the mc gets to actually talk to her about what she did—there’s not really a cathartic conversation, so valax and mc moving past what she did to them feels less like forgiveness and redemption and more like an agreement to ignore the elephant in the room
like sure we got to talk about our trauma (in chapter 17 of 20. lol. lmao, even) to the party, but valax wasn’t present for that?? and like, sure, she says once that she is sorry “for the pain she caused [them]”, but there’s a difference Tew Me between “sorry for hurting you ig ✌️😗” and actually being like “yeah, i abducted you and forced you into a magically induced coma and stole your blood and robbed you of a full year of your life and repeatedly tried to murder you, to say nothing of the grief i caused your loved ones. i did all that shit and i’m sorry for it and deeply regret it, and i acknowledge that you don’t owe me forgiveness, but i will spend the rest of my life working to build a better world for my people instead of being my mother’s pawn”, and a difference between “my mother is unhappy with me for saving you :(” and actually like, giving the mc space to talk about the impact of her actions towards them. like girl you are not getting out of this shit with one sentence’s worth of apology and a sex scene lmfao!!!
during the first half or so of the book the focus for mc is not falling the fuck apart bc they have a friend group to tentatively piece together and they’re averse to showing fear in front of valax, so they’re repressing all their trauma—and by the time valax joins the party, the narrative has gone full Valax Cool And Good mode, and fully allows you to flirt with her and tease her and generally stops taking her seriously as an antagonist. which would be all fine and good if we had actually at any point gotten to be like, “hey, you abducting me and keeping me in a magically induced coma and stealing my blood and trying to kill me has actually caused me a lot of lasting fear and pain,” followed by some set of choices wrt forgiving or not forgiving her for all that in light of the revelation that she did all that shit bc her mom tortured and brainwashed her
like why are my friends more pissed off about the time this bitch abducted me and did evil little experiments on me than i am. free valax she did all that shit bc of her mommy issues but i should’ve gotten to call her a cunt just once. pb stop making all your mcs generals in the idgaf war challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
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