theunsinkablesappho · 11 months
October: I'm not doing too well. October: I have this headache that comes and goes. Amandine walks in October: Oh look, there it is again.
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karama9 · 8 months
Faerie Shenanigans
October Daye Theory under the cut.
Just a slightly disturbing thought (it would be disturbing for all characters involved)...
Toby seems just as powerful as August even though she still has some humanity left. If anything, there are things she does that we don't know yet whether August can do, and whether she can do them as well as October. Toby can do these things despite having absolutely nobody to teach her how.
It's kind of weird for someone who's still a changeling to be potentially more powerful than her full fae sister. She was even able to fight against her blood being changed as a child. I don't think we have any other example of anybody at all being able to fight their blood being changed. It could be a Dochas Sidhe thing, but it's still impressive if she was still able to fight past the point where the balance of her blood was mostly human.
You know what changelings we've seen who are more powerful than expected? The ones who turned out to be Titania's children and therefore First Borns.
But we already know Amandine is a First Born herself, and that Toby's father was a human.
Or do we?
Here's the theory: If Oberon was human for most of the time he was missing, and did not remember himself for most of that time, and if he was cycling like Titania was, one lifetime after another, who's to say Amandine didn't go and play fairy bride with her own father, with neither of them having any way of realizing it?
Toby couldn't see or detect Titania at all until she revealed herself. It's entirely possible Amandine would not have detected Oberon or his parentage in Toby when she was shifting her blood, and did not realize that the human blood she was drawing from in Toby was from Janet only, and not Jonathan.
October's grand father might also be her father. And boy can you imagine how unimpressed she'd be if she found THAT out.
On the upside, she'd be able to call the Sea Witch "Big Sis". Whether she'd survive it is another story, but it wouldn't be a lie.
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crstnlx · 9 months
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thegarbagechute · 2 years
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Starting off 2023 with an Amandine doodle.
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jupiter-balls · 10 months
Christmas doll is in from Québec! I'm in love with the fact Åse and Amandine are from the same brand and line but they look like they're from totally different worlds.
Åse is a cute little girl, Amandine looks like she goes to rock concerts 😂
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She has a really interesting vibe, I wonder who she'll end up being after I have her awhile and make her some new clothes 🥰
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I love her though, the strawberry blonde and pastel pink hair and the little freckles. She's lovely 🥺 Paola Reina dolls really are speical
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impfamiliar · 2 months
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pt ii. ⛓️
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jester-jazzys-mind · 4 months
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Attempting Semi Realism again
This time my model is Amandine
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jokerlennon · 1 year
YOU'RE WATCHING DARK!!!! so excited for you have fun
YES I AM! very intriguing so far can't wait to find out where all of this will lead to...
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woadgeart · 1 year
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A few characters I made during my Discord RP binge (I am very normal).
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moonrocketrabbit · 2 years
If anyone would like to see my Genshin Impact original characters?
Yes! You get to see them!
Here are my original designs and concept sketches I could find, grouped by canon in-game nations!
(Sumeru, Fontaine, Natlan, and Inazuma!)
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And then from JaJangGang, an original region based on Korea that my friend and I had worked on together! A very many beloved babies of mine~
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I hope you enjoy them!
(The acorns are a specialty known as Heart Acorns!)
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anne-marina · 10 months
- Thomas's twins -
Amandine got an idea !! she wants to go on a trip to Granite Falls with her brother Flo
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Granite Falls is really close to Moonwood mill and they both always wanted to go there to see real werewolves... if they exist... But she's sure they exist
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They were gonna ask their father if he wanted to go with them tonight and when he came back from work he told em he just got a promotion 🕺 so to celebrate he accepted!!
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So few day later >:3 :
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Thomas looks so happy I- 😭😂
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zealothia · 1 year
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Doll OCs
From right to left: Amandine the Demon, Yuu the human, Maxwell the Vampire and his lover, Erisdar the Crow Fey. I've had plenty of OCs I made for ball jointed dolls (BJDs) sculpts I really wanted. Sadly only ended up getting one of these sculpts, Yuu-2 from Dollzone. As time passed by I developed, changed, and even scrapped some characters due to my interest in the sculpts and the chances I still had of finding them.
☆ Originally posted on my Ko-fi ☆
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Poipois la plante qui revient de loin.
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Bonjour à tous, premier post sur ce tumblr. Oui, je me relance dans l'aventure du blog. Je ne sais pas si je vais savoir m'y tenir mais c'est un bon exercice de création graphique et d'écriture. En effet, cette année, j'essaie de prendre très au sérieux mon activité d'artiste. Je veux pouvoir vivre de ma passion et de mes talents graphiques. J'ai créé mon entreprise en 2018 en parallèle de mes études pour me faire un peu d'argent.
Et finalement, ça me plaît bien d'être Directrice artistique. J'ai testé plusieurs types de missions, pour au final me rendre compte que ce qui me plait c'est le print et le web. La création d'identité de marque, de charte graphique, de logotype, les affiches, cartes de visite, illustrations... La liste est longue, mais pour résumer, c'est vraiment une passion et le métier qui me fait me lever chaque jour avec de nouvelles idées plein la tête.
Du coup, bienvenue à toi visiteur. J'essaierai de te raconter des choses utiles et sympas de ma vie d'artiste. Pour illustrer ce premier post, j'ai choisi "Poipois", illustration que j'ai réalisée sur l'ipad pro sur l'application procreate. Poipois c'est mon pilea, une plante que j'aime beaucoup pour sa forme. Avec ses pois, elle me fait penser à Yayoi Kusama. Dynamique et joyeuse, elle me donne le sourire. J'ai plusieurs plantes chez moi, mais celle-là revient de loin. Je n'ai pas la main verte malgré ma passion pour ces jolies vertes. À son arrivée dans mon salon, elle a manqué de soleil. Je n'ai pas compris tout de suite et lui ai donné de l'eau à n'en plus pouvoir boire. J'ai honte de vous le dire mais je l'ai gorgée d'eau. Ce fût très compliqué de la récupérer. Mais elle est toujours vivante et plus belle et encore plus grande aujourd'hui. Comme quoi, il ne faut pas baisser les bras, même après un échec, on peut sauver les Poipois. Pour revenir au graphisme, cette aventure m'apportera surement des échecs en chemin, mais je vais faire comme avec Poipois, ne pas baisser les bras, apprendre des erreurs, observer, analyser et surtout, avancer...
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thegarbagechute · 2 years
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Salvaging a character from a tainted franchise and turning her into either a Jedi or a politician.
But let’s be real, it’s probably gonna be Jedi.
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obscenery · 1 year
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