#amazon I need you to hire her for books four and five right now please!!
My favorite Moiraine moments in The Eye of the World
EOTW only spoilers below the cut
1. “[The mist] follows the river as if drawn with a pen,” Moiraine was saying in satisfied tones. “There are not ten women in Tar Valon who could do that unaided. Not to mention from the back of a galloping horse.” (Chapter 12)
This is "Siuan Sanche waits for only one woman" energy right here.
2. “I suffered more injury to my pride than anything else,” the Aes Sedai said irritably, plucking at her cloak blanket. She looked as if she had been a long time ill or hard-used, but despite the dark circles under them, her eyes were sharp and full of power. “Aginor was surprised and angry that I held him as long as I did, but fortunately he had no time to spare for me. I am surprised myself that I held him so long. In the Age of Legends, Aginor was close behind the Kinslayer and Ishamael in power." (Chapter 51)
Not babygirl being surprised (and a bit self-satisfied) that she held off a powerful Forsaken for so long BUT ALSO her pride being wounded that she couldn’t do it for longer.
3. Even Aginor seemed stunned. Then his head lifted, cavernous eyes burning with hate. “Enough. It is past time to end this.” “Yes, Forsaken,” Moiraine said, her voice as cold as deep winter ice. “Past time.” The Aes Sedai’s hand rose and the ground fell away beneath Aginor’s feet. Flame roared from the chasm, whipped to a frenzy by wind howling in from every direction, sucking a maelstrom of leaves into the fire which seemed to solidify into a red-streaked yellow jelly of pure heat. In the middle of it, Aginor stood, his feet supported only by air. The Forsaken looked startled but then he smiled and took a step forward. It was a slow step, as if the fire tried to root him to the spot, but he took it. And then another. “Run!” Moiraine commanded. Her face was white with strain. “All of you, run!" (Chapter 50)
"I'm as strong as I have to be" 😭
4. In Algomar’s private garden, under a thick bower dotted with white blossoms, Moiraine shifted on her bed chair. The fragments of the seal lay on her lap and the small gem she sometimes wore in her hair spun and glittered on its gold chain from the ends of her fingers. The faint blue glow faded from the stone and a smile touched her lips. It had no power in itself, the stone, but the first use she had ever learned of the One Power as a girl in her royal palace of Cairhien was using the stone to listen to people when they thought they were too far off to be overheard. (Chapter 53)
Obsessed that her version of the all-knowing Merlin character is an affinity for eavesdropping--maybe it's mystical wisdom, maybe it's being a nosy bitch (affectionate)!
5. Her eyes fell on Mat as she stepped through the doorway and she hissed as if she had touched a hot stove. "Get away from him!" Nynaeve did not move, except for turning to stare at the Aes Sedai in surprise. In two quick steps Moiraine seized the Wisdom by the shoulders, hauling her across the floor like a sack of grain. Nynaeve struggled and protested, but Moiraine did not release her until she was well away from the bed. The Wisdom continued her protests as she got to her feet angrily straightening her clothes, but Moiraine ignored her completely. The Aes Sedai watched Mat to the exclusion of everything else, eyeing him the way she would a viper. (Chapter 41)
Sorry I didn’t hear you I was distracted thinking of canonically tiny Moiraine dragging Nynaeve across the room like one of those mothers who finds super strength and lifts the car off her kids.
6. Moiraine climbed down from Aldieb's back. Calmly she removed something from her pouch, unwrapped it. Rand glimpsed dark ivory. The angreal. With angreal in one hand and staff in the other, the Aes Sedai set her feet, facing the onrushing trollocs and the fade's black swords, raised her staff high, and stabbed it down into the earth. The ground rang like an iron kettle struck by a mallet. The hollow clang dwindled, faded away. For an instant then, it was silent. Everything was silent. The wind died. The trolloc cries stilled. Even their charge forward slowed and stopped. For a heartbeat, everything waited. Slowly the dull ringing returned, changing to a low rumble, growing until the earth moaned. The ground trembled beneath Cloud's hooves. This was Aes Sedai work like the stories told about.... Abruptly Moiraine wavered, and would have fallen had Lan not leaped from his horse to catch her. "Go on," he told the others. The harshness of his voice was at odds with the gentle way he lifted the Aes Sedai to her saddle. "That fire won't burn forever. Hurry! Every minute counts." The wall of flame roared as if it would indeed burn forever, but Rand did not argue. They galloped northward as fast as they could make their horses go. The horns in the distance shrilled out disappointment, as if they already knew what had happened, then fell silent. Lan and Moiraine soon caught up with the others, though Lan led Aldieb by the reins while the Aes Sedai swayed and held the pommel of her saddle with both hands. "I will be alright soon," she said to their worried looks. She sounded tired, yet confident, and her gaze was as compelling as ever. "I am not at my strongest when working with earth and fire. A small thing." (Chapter 18)
She's ridiculously proud of her fog along the river and then just a few chapters later channels EARTHQUAKES and WALLS OF FIRE like she's not one of the last Aes Sedai of a dying age and SHRUGS IT OFF.
7. "The The Wisdom won't help. She says she can't. But the stories--" She raised an eyebrow and he stopped and swallowed hard. Light, is there a story with an Aes Sedai where she isn't a villain? ...
She used the staff to pull herself to her feet. “Take me to your father, Rand. I will help him as much as I am able. Too many here have refused to let me help at all.” “They have heard the stories too,” she added dryly. (Chapter 7)
Rand is lucky he's the Dragon Reborn or he and the Two Rivers folks would have been met with some wasps.
8. Thom Merrilin stepped forward grandly and held up one empty hand, turning it slowly. Suddenly, he gestured with a flourish and a dagger twirled between his fingers. The hilt slapped into his palm and, abruptly nonchalant, he began trimming his fingernails. A low, delighted laugh floated from Moiraine. (Chapter 12)
This peek at the girl who watched court bards at the Sun Palace in Cairhien is so cute it makes me almost willing to ship her and Thom in the books.
9. “The Dark One is after you three. One or all. And if I let you go running off wherever you want to go, he will take you. Whatever the Dark One wants, I oppose. So hear this and know it true. Before I let the Dark One have you I will destroy you myself.” It was her voice, so matter of fact, that convinced Rand. The Aes Sedai would do exactly what she said if she thought it was necessary. He had a hard time sleeping that night, and he was not the only one. Even the Gleeman did not begin snoring until after the last coals died. For once, Moiraine offered no help. (Chapter 13)
This is controversial but I personally adore this speech where she threatens to kill them all and then acts petty about healing them just because she hears Rand talking badly about Aes Sedai.
10. “Do they have sheep in Tar Valon? That's all I know. Herding sheep and growing tabac.” “I believe,” Moiraine said. “That I can find something for you to do in Tar Valon. For all of you. Not herding sheep, perhaps, but something you will find interesting.” (Chapter 48)
I giggled.
11. Rand made ready to put Cloud to a gallop right away, and everyone else settled their reins with the same urgency. Everyone except Lan and Moiraine. The Warder and the Aes Sedai exchanged a long look. “Keep them moving, Moiraine Sedai,” Lan said finally. “I will return as soon as I am able. You will know if I fail.” Putting a hand on Mandarb’s saddle, he vaulted to the back of the black stallion and galloped down the hill heading west. The horns sounded again. “The Light go with you, last Lord of the Seven Towers,” Moiraine said, almost too softly for Rand to hear. Drawing a deep breath, she turned Aldieb to the east. “We must go on,” she said, and started off at a slow, steady trot. (Chapter 18)
11. I can't help but think how much they've grown since New Spring when I read this and it makes me want to cry.
Bonus: Every scene of Moiraine greeting the cats at Basel Gill’s inn. (Chapters 41 & 43)
Bonus Bonus: The way Rosamund delivers Moiraine's "it will be as the wheel wills" in the audiobooks after Loial says he is worried the bridges in the Ways are breaking and they might be trapped in there and die. (Chapter 45)
21 notes · View notes
soundsof71 · 4 years
Hey! Album: 'Fleetwood Mac' (1975) - Fleetwood Mac
Hey! Great to hear from you! You (and your previous blog) were my original inspiration for trying to raise my tumblr game to something intentionally curated, and more than that, personally creative. Sorry to have let you down. LOL
What a pleasure to talk about this one, though, an album I think is -- strangely enough -- one of the most underrated albums in the classic rock pantheon!
What’s that you say? An album with “Rhiannon” and “Landslide” underrated?!?! Well it’s true, seriously underrated, at least partly because those two stellar, nay, legendary songs are the first ones that most people think of. There's so much more! It's definitely my favorite Fleetwood Mac album!
My perspective is a little different than the standard rap that Fleetwood Mac didn't properly begin until those two California kids joined the band in 1975, because to me, they started taking off when their first American joined the band, Bob Welch in 1971 for Future Games, which I wrote about at some length here. 
(For the record, Future Games is my second favorite Fleetwood Mac album. Anyone who hasn't checked it out really needs to.)
I’ll leave it at that for now, except to observe that to most of my music nerd friends at the time, I was a latecomer to Fleetwood Mac the band, having completely missed their earlier, bluesier lineups. Indeed, the 1971 lineup was their 8th! And they'd come to #9 in 1972, before landing on lineup #10 in 1975.
They had a bunch of hits on the five albums in this 71-74 range (”Hypnotized” is one that still slays me) that I think hold up as among their best ever. While the album before Fleetwood Mac, Heroes Are Hard to Find didn’t have a hit single, it rose to #34 on the US charts, and got plenty of attention. 
My point is that Fleetwood Mac didn’t spring into existence out of nowhere in 1975. Nor was 1975 necessarily ground zero for the millions of people who bought the album Fleetwood Mac. It came out in the summer of ‘75, but took 15 months to hit #1 in the US! (It peaked at #11 in the UK.) This was a far bigger album in 1976 when all the singles came out, and the band was touring like crazy to support it.
They basically dragged the album to the top of the charts kicking and screaming by the end of THAT year with relentless touring, setting the stage for their true commercial breakthrough with Rumours in 1977, but artistically? I prefer everything about 1975′s Fleetwood Mac.
btw, the music nerds know that Fleetwood Mac was recorded at Sound City Studios, which makes all the difference in the telling of the tale. In 1974, the band had located to Los Angeles, and following the departure of Bob Welch in December, Mick Fleetwood went looking for both a recording studio and a guitarist. 
While getting to know producer Keith Olsen at Sound City (a studio legendary for its drum sound, among other things), Keith played Mick some tracks from an album he’d recorded here a couple of years earlier with a local guitarist and his girlfriend singer, both of whom were also songwriters.
Mick said, I’ll book the studio to record my next album, I’ll book you to produce, and I’ll hire the guitarist....who famously informed Mick that he and his girlfriend were a package deal. All of this happened because of Sound City Studios.
(Here's Mick recording this very album in this very studio.)
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Your friend and mine Dave Grohl directed a FANTASTIC documentary about Sound City Studios, a kind of a dump to be honest, but where tons of phenomenal records were made, from After The Gold Rush to Caribou, Damn The Torpedoes, Nevermind, Rage Against The Machine, and most recently, Phoebe Bridgers’ Punisher. Lots and lots of stories about the making of Fleetwood Mac in this movie, and much more. 
Here’s the trailer. The whole movie is available on YT, too! And Amazon Prime, and a bunch of other places. HIGHLY recommended!
So here we go taking directly about Fleetwood Mac.....
the first song from the album i heard: "Over My Head". This was the first single released in the US, remarkably, four months after the album was released! I dunno, did the label not want to sell any albums? Or did they just not get how catchy these tunes were? I have no idea.
And ironically, the band didn't like the choice of "Over My Head" at all, ranking it dead-last in their own considerations of likely singles! I think that this is evidence that they were using heavy drugs much earlier than we thought. LOL
"Over My Head" peaked at #20 in the US, their highest to date by far, although, in some defense of the band's reservations, didn't chart at all in the UK. Saying that it rose to "only" 20 in the charts doesn't begin to describe how heavily it was played, though. A LOT.
do i own the album: Did then, Spotify now. The answer for most of the albums in this round of Asks. :-)
my favorite song: "Over My Head". Look, I admit that this is insane when Fleetwood Mac also includes "Landslide" and "Rhiannon." "Landslide" in particular is maybe one of the greatest songs anyone has ever written, and every single person reading this knows somebody named Rhiannon because of that song. (I've met two.) And hey, "Say You Love Me" was a MUCH bigger hit at the time too... but I'm tellin' ya, "Over My Head" fucks. 
It's the single version that fucks hardest, though, no doubt about it. I was disappointed when I finally bought the album that the version there fades in (NO! THIS IS WRONG) and has a wide mix that diffuses the impact. The radio version is so tight that it's practically mono, and it punches you right upside the head. 
One of my favorite things about listening to "Over My Head" in the past couple of weeks for this Ask is that it's Old School Fleetwood Mac. Chris on piano, Mick on drums, and John McVie with what might be the best bassline that anyone stroked out in 1975. My god, it's a fucking monster, and it just gets hotter as the song progresses. By the end, it's on fire, and you hear it so much better in this tight single mix.
The new guy adds a nice little solo on top of a nice rhythm lick, and he and Stevie add background vocals, but they're not front and center. "Over My Head" is really Christine McVie's showcase, although Fleetwood and Mac really shine too. This would have been a monster hit without the new kids, as indeed it pretty much was. You could say the same thing about "Say You Love Me", which is also all about Christine's songcraft, and a voice like no other, then or now.
Here's my edit of a lovely Mick Putland photo of Christine McVie from a couple of years earlier.
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I guarantee that it's been way too long since you heard the in-your-face single version of "Over My Head". On Spotify, you can find it on the couple of Deluxe Editions of Fleetwood Mac (here's one), and it's also on the anthology, The Very Best of Fleetwood Mac, which I've embedded here. 
least favorite song: "I'm So Afraid." I'm so afraid not. LOL
a song I didn’t like at first, but now do: Hmm, I might put "Sugar Daddy" in that category, but honestly, the main thing I don't like about this song is the title. LOL But it's the 4th best Christine McVie song on an album where the best three of hers were all released as singles, so I guess it all works out.
a song I used to like, but now don’t: Anything by the new guy. I'm not going to go into detail here because what I love about this album, I still love. At the time, I dug two of his songs here (you can guess which two, surely), but I started to really despise this guy a few years later. Now, I can't listen to anything where he's prominent at all, on any Fleetwood Mac records.
Fortunately there are more than enough Christine and Stevie songs, and Mick and John's playing, plus all those earlier albums like Future Games, to keep Fleetwood Mac in the rock good pantheon. I'd have fired the new guy 30 years earlier than he was. 
favorite lyric:
Mirror in the sky
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changin' ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
Well, I've been afraid of changin'
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older too
Like I said, the two Stevie Nicks tracks on Fleetwood Mac deserve every bit of the love they've gotten over the years. You can also see with just a quick glance around my blog that she's one of my most-posted artists. Please don't take me repping Christine as any disrespect for Stevie!
Do I like "Landslide" a little more than I otherwise might because it's specifically about outgrowing the aforementioned new guy? Maybe.  Or do I like it a little less than I otherwise might because I can't hear it without thinking of him? Maybe that too.
overall rating out of 10: Then: 9.4. Now: 9. The new guy went 2-for-4 for my money at the time, and the two that he whiffed on are genuinely terrible...but as bad as those two clunkers were, the rest of the album seemed perfect to me. Certainly among my most-played mainstream rock records into the early 80s. I was perfectly fine skipping one song on each side.
Even though nowadays I can't stand any of the songs he sings lead on, you take those off, and you STILL have "Landslide", "Rhiannon", "Say You Love Me", "Over My Head", and "Warm Ways". No album with ALL THOSE on them gets less than an 8.5, right?
I'm adding a few tenths each for how tightly Fleetwood and Mac are locked into each other and these songs on rythm (easily the most underrated duo of the era, sez me), and Keith Olsen's immaculate production. The score of 9 is therefore objectively correct and mathematically unassailable. LOL
I'm going to end where I began, by talking about Christine McVie. Instead of listening to this first and foremost as an album with a couple of giant Stevie Nicks songs, listen again to Fleetwood Mac as Christine McVie really lighting things up. She deserves so much more credit for the band's success than she gets, and seriously, "Over My Head" fucks. 
Now looky here, @aluacrescente . I know that YOU have strong feelings about this record, so spill! And the rest of you, too! I don't intend to have the last word on the albums in any of these Asks! Just the first one. :-) So lemme know what YOU think!
PS. Apologies for any formatting weirdness! I started this on desktop, where I do all my writing, saved the first few paragraphs to come back to later, only to be told by tumblr that I'd stated this on the app (DID NOT) and could only edit there. Grrr. Not cool, @staff. I've spent another day just tweaking to make it somewhat readable and wondering how these people can be so bad at their jobs. LOL
My crackpot opinions and wobbly writing are my own of course, and I'm aware that they have a larger negative impact on readability than tumblr's incompetence by far. LOL
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kennethherrerablog · 5 years
The Top Side Hustle Ideas And How Much You Can Actually Earn
Looking to make $50, $100, $1,000 or even $2,000 this month?
Side hustles are an incredible way to boost your monthly income and it all depends on which side hustle is going to work best for you. Whether you want to stay home and make money from home, get out of the house to make money, or try something unique and fun – I have you covered.
This list is updated frequently and if there is anything you think I need to take out or add to the list, please let me know in the comments below the post.
Also, if you do find something and you’re having a lot of success with it, you’d be helping everyone out by sharing your win in the comments below. Thanks so much and enjoy the guide to making more money each month.
Table of Contents
The Side Hustles that Make the Most Money
1. Make $1,000 - $2,000 Per Month Running Facebook Ads
2. Earn up to $50/hour as a Virtual Assistant
3. Earn Money as a Freelance Writer
4. Earn Money Through Your Own Blog or Website
5. How to Earn Money with Affiliate Marketing
6. Earn up to $22/hour Tutoring Online
The Side Hustles That Put Your "Stuff" to Work
7. Earn $600/month Renting Out Baby Equipment
8. Earn $1,000 - $1,500 Per Month Renting Out Your RV
9. Earn $700/month Renting Out Your Car
10. Earn $50/month Renting Your Driveway
11. Earn $1,000 - $2,000 Renting Out Your Room
The Side Hustles That Pay Quickly
12. Share Your Opinion Online
13. Inbox Dollars
14. Earn $3 - $100 Doing Random Tasks 
The Popular Side Hustles
15. Door Dash
16. Uber Driver-Partner
17. Uber Eats
18. Fiverr
The Referral Program Side Hustles
19. Rakuten (Formerly Ebates)
20. Honey Browser Extension
The Create and Sell Side Hustles
21. Amazon
22. eBook Publishing
23. Etsy
24. Craigslist
25. Zazzle
26. eBay
27. Sell Your Photos Online
The Get Hired to Work Online Side Hustles
28. Do Transcription Work or Data Entry Work
29. User Testing
30. Start a Web Design Business
The Some Skill Required Side Hustles
31. Become an Online Coach
32. Create an Online Course
33. Earn $900 Per Week Spray Tanning
34. Become a Voiceover Artist
35. Become a Cover Letter/Resume’ Writer
36. Catering
37. Computer Repair
38. Computer Training
39. Guitar Gigs
40. Guitar Lessons
41. Handyman Work
42. Lifeguard
43. Earn $30 - $85 Per Hour Tutoring
44. Teach Music Lessons
45. Start a Baking Business
46. Earn $30/hour as a Sports Umpire
The Physical Labor Side Hustles
47. Earn $500 Per Month Cleaning Pools
48. Earn $500 - $1,000 per Month House Cleaning
49. Earn $500 - $1,000 Per Month Mowing Lawns
50. Earn $25/hour Painting Gates
51. Earn $25 - $75 Per Hour Shoveling Snow
52. Earn $4 per Window Washing Windows
The Really Unique Side Hustles
53. Sell Your Hair Online - Price Varies
54. Make $50 Per Hour Painting Street Numbers
55. Make $40 Per Hour Doing Tasks For People
56. Start Earning $500 Per Month Home Staging Business
57. Be a Work-From-Home Customer Service Rep
58. Start an Estate Sale Service Business
59. Start a Vending Machine Business
60. Pick Up Trash in Parking Lots
The You’ve Got to be Kidding Me Side Hustles
61. Earn Up to $1,000 Per Month as a Sperm Donor
62. Earn $400 Per Month as a Plasma Donor
63. Earn $40 - $80 per Hour as a Cuddler
64. Pick up Dog Poop
65. Earn $20 - $50 Per Hour as a Rent-a-Friend
The Old School Side Hustles
66. Babysitting
67. Dog Walking
68. Sell Drinks
69. Golf Course
79. House-sitting
70. Mystery Shopper
71. Pet Grooming
72. Pet Sitting
73. Sell ScrapMetal
74. Sign Spinner
My Final Takeaway
The Side Hustles that Make the Most Money
These first five are favorites because they are quick ways to get started making extra money and they have long-term potential as well! All five of them do require an internet connection, but sine you’re reading this from the internet, I think you’re covered there ?
1. Make $1,000 – $2,000 Per Month Running Facebook Ads
If you were a business owner, would you pay $100 to make $300? What about spending $10,000 to make $30,000?
This is why today over 7 million advertisers are using Facebook ads and these businesses are spending on average between $2,400 and $9,600 on Facebook ads each year. And with over 30 million small businesses in the U.S. alone, there is huge opportunity for people to create a lot of revenue creating Facebook ads for small businesses.
Bobby Hoyt from Laptop Empires has the best program for teaching people how to run Facebook Ads and states you will earn $1,000 – $2,000 per month per client as their Facebook ads manager. Of course I had to look into this claim to make sure it’s accurate, and I can tell you this — he’s not exaggerating at all. You can see how he’s helped countless people create real side hustle income to eventually replace their full-time jobs doing Facebook ads here.
Learn How to Run Facebook Ads
Think about it: if you could help a business owner spend $10,000 to make $30,000, would it be worth it to them to pay you $1,000 – $2,000 per month to do that for them?
2. Earn up to $50/hour as a Virtual Assistant
Maybe you don’t like the idea of doing Facebook ads but you do enjoy working from your laptop.
Many small businesses (like Money Peach) need help but don’t want to bring on staff to their location, so instead they turn to virtual support. This virtual support can be a range of things from responding to and checking email, scheduling meetings, booking travel arrangements, updating social media content — really anything you can do online.
The starting pay for virtual assistants is really good — $15 – $50 per hour. 
With the flexibility of working from anywhere with an internet connection, the virtual assistant industry has exploded. If you are looking to earn reliable extra income each month, I recommend you get started with Kayla Sloan’s 10k VA program to learn how to become and market yourself as a virtual assistant (VA).
I met Kayla at a conference in 2015 and she was my first ever VA — she lived in Kansas and I lived in Arizona. However, for the next four years she became the right-hand of Money Peach and I would not have been able to grow without her help.
Because she was so talented, word spread quickly and she soon picked up more clients. Within a few short years, her income increased to over $10,000 per month and today she is now showing others how to do the same without them trying to figure it out alone.
Kayla’s program is my first choice because you’ll make much more money when you create your own virtual assistant business. Plus, Kayla will also help you find work through her well-known network of bloggers and online entrepreneurs.
However, if you’re not quite ready to go that route, then look at sites like Upwork which is  a placement agency for virtual assistants. Keep in mind, they won’t teach you how to become a VA, they will take 10% of your income and their jobs often don’t pay as much.
You can also listen to Episode 80 on the Money Peach Podcast where interview Kayla Sloan — the founder of 10kVA.
Learn How to Become a Virtual Assistant
3. Earn Money as a Freelance Writer
I have a good friend, Holly Johnson, that left her job in corporate America to pursue her passion — freelance writing.
She didn’t start off making a ton of money, but over time she created strategies to land more writing jobs, to find out what clients actually want in a writer, and how to be as efficient and profitable as possible.
Today Holly makes $225,000+ per year and if you follow her online you’ll notice something unusual — her family of 4 travels six weeks per year because she can write from anywhere in the world. Right now Holly writes for some of the largest well-known websites like Condé Naste, The Balance, Bankrate and Business Insider.
In addition to writing, she also has a passion for helping others earn real income as a freelance writer. If you are even thinking about getting into freelance writing as a side hustle or even as a way to replace your current income, I highly recommend you look into Holly’s freelance writing coaching program.
She not only will show you how to be a really good freelance writer, but she will help you find and land the writing jobs you are looking for. Personally, I can tell you I am one of many bloggers who often hires writers from her program because of the reputation she has and the quality of writers she sends to Money Peach.
Learn how to earn real money as a Freelance writer
4. Earn Money Through Your Own Blog or Website
One of the best decisions I made in my life was creating Money Peach. What started out as a tiny little blog in 2015 has grown to reach readers all over the world and help them save more, make more, and keep more of their money. And yes, creating a blog has generated lots of income for our family since I started.
How to Earn Money Via a Blog
If you have a topic you’re passionate about and you enjoy writing, then starting a blog is exactly the right side hustle for you. There are many ways to generate income from blogging, with one of the most popular being through affiliate income.
How it works:
You know how you can share a referral link from companies you love and they will send you $5 for referring them a customer? Affiliate partners work the exact same way.
How to Earn more money with your Own Website
If you’re looking to do any of the side hustles mentioned above, you’re going to want to create a simple website. Don’t worry — it’s extremely simple.
Let’s say for example you’re looking to get hired as a virtual assistant. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could go online and read your “About Me” page, have the ability to contact you via your “Contact Me” page and even hire you through your “Work With Me” page?
No matter what business or side hustle you want to create, having a simple website will boost your credibility. Ask yourself this: if two people are offering the same exact services but only one of them has a website for you to learn more about, who are you more likely to hire?
If you’re looking for a simple way to get started building a quick blog or website, I created a free step-by-step guide to help you get started. This guide will allow you to build your blog or website in 15 – 20 minutes and for just a few dollars.
Start Your Own Blog or Website
5. How to Earn Money with Affiliate Marketing
This side hustle actually piggy backs off the side hustle above — Create Your Own Blog or Website.
When I created this blog in the beginning, I didn’t know anything about affiliate marketing. I just enjoyed blogging about how to make money, save money, and keep money and it was a passionate hobby. That was until someone told me my blog could be generating thousands of dollars per month if I added in affiliate marketing.
I didn’t know what to do or how to get started, so I enrolled in a friend’s program called Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing and within 60 days I increased the monthly income from my tiny little blog by $1,705! Yes, I was more than just a little shocked and since then I have told everyone I know about her program because it really changed my life. I don’t know about you, but $1,705 extra per month for making some tweaks to my blog is life-changing.
Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing School
6. Earn up to $22/hour Tutoring Online
Maybe you’ve never heard of VIPKID, but it’s actually a household name brand in China. Currently, there are over 70,000 American teachers teaching English as a second language to over 600,000 children in China. The current pay for this reliable side hustle is up to $22/hour.
Before you get started, beware there are some barriers to entry to partner with VIPKID. First, they do require you to have a Bachelor’s degree from either the USA or Canada, and second they ask for “some teaching experience”. However, from a teacher I have spoke with from VIPKID, she said “teaching” doesn’t have to mean teaching in a traditional educational setting.
The lessons are 30 minutes long and you will be paid up to $11 for each 30-minute lesson. One thing to note is since you are teaching across the globe in a live setting, you will be teaching at odd hours (late at night or first thing in the morning). However, the teacher I spoke to said it was fun, rewarding, and it paid well for being able to stay at home and teach from her laptop in her kitchen.
Earn Money with VIPKID
The Side Hustles That Put Your “Stuff” to Work
I’m sure you’re fully aware, but a market has emerged and took over where your stuff actually makes money for you. This started with using your car as a taxi service with Uber or renting out your spare room through Airbnb. However, there is now just about a market for anything you can think of in terms of your stuff making money for you. I’m going to start off with the less obvious.
7. Earn $600/month Renting Out Baby Equipment
Imagine you’re getting ready to take a vacation with your small children and you start thinking about how you’re going the pack the stroller, the pack ‘n plays, and the crib. Then you start thinking about the car seats, toys, books, high chairs, carriers, noise machines, baby baths, bouncy seats, monitors, jumpers and every other little thing!
Today, that problem solved thanks to BabyQuip.
In 2016, a few parents got together and created BabyQuip to provide families with clean, safe and reliable baby equipment for rent. Since then there have been over 30,000 transactions and guess where the baby equipment is rented from?
If you currently have baby equipment stored at home, you can start renting it out in the over 500 cities across the US and Canada. To start earning money as a BabyQuip Quality Provider you need to apply online and once accepted you’ll have an interview. If you both feel it’s a good match, you will get onboarded so you know how to run your baby gear rental business.
Then, you get to work as little more much as you’d like. The average BabyQuip Quality Provider makes $600/month, with some providers as high as $5,000 per month. Also, once you’re accepted as provider, you will be added to the community where you can meet other QPs and learn best practices to make the most money.
Rent out Your Baby Equipment
8. Earn $1,000 – $1,500 Per Month Renting Out Your RV
If you’re currently an RV owner, did you know over 17 million RVs sit unused for 350 days per year?
Whether you own a large RV, a fifth-wheel, a folding trailer, a camper van or anything similar, there is plenty of opportunity to turn a profit with your RV instead of it sitting idle.
In fact, many RV owners have been renting out their campers for years on sites like Craigslist or through word-of-mouth referrals. However, there is also a lot of risk and unanswered questions when you decide to rent out your RV by yourself.
Now, more people are turning to the largest and safest online marketplace for renting out your RV — Outdoorsy. You can think of Outdoorsy like the Airbnb for your RV.
Outdoorsy also provides plenty of safeguards to protect you and your RV. For starters, all potential renters of your RV have to pass an extensive driving history check before they can request your RV. Also, Outdoorsy provide you the owner $1 million in liability insurance and will also cover any theft or damage.
In addition to both liability insurance and the background check, Outdoorsy offers 24/7 roadside assistance which really turns your RV rental into a fully passive income stream. I know I mentioned above you can make $1,000 – $1,500 per month, however Outdoorsy does state on their website you can “Earn up to $30,000 a year renting your RV to people you trust”.
Since I don’t personally own an RV, I did do some research and found that since their start date in 2014, Outdoorsy has facilitated over 240k RV trips and has over 10,000 reviews on Trustpilot rating with a 4.6 out of 5.
How it works:
First you will create a free account with Outdoorsy. Once your account is created, you will then create a profile for your RV. Outdoorsy walks you through the process of creating your profile to include things like the year/make/model of your RV, where it’s located, a detailed description, pictures, list of amenities, and your rules for renters.
Next you set your daily/weekly rental rate and post it to the site. Once someone rents your RV, Outdoorsy will release the funds to you via direct deposit within 24 hours of the start of the rental. Outdoorsy does take 15% – 20% fee from the rental.
Rent Out Your RV
9. Earn $700/month Renting Out Your Car
Turo is a peer-to-peer car sharing company where you can generate monthly revenue by renting out your car. With over 10 million users and 350,000 vehicles listed, Turo is a safe and reliable way to turn your car into a monthly revenue stream. Currently Turo is offered in US, Canada, the UK, and Germany.
How it works:
To get started you can list your vehicle (any make and model) for free. This process takes about 10 minutes and there are no sign-up fees or monthly charges for signing up.
Next, you can set your own daily price and rental rules for your car. Turo does have recommendations for you if you don’t know, but your pricing and rules for the rental are completely up to you.
Once a guest books a rental with your car, you’ll specify how your guest receives the car and will also “check in” your guest through the Turo App. Within three days after your car is returned and the trip is completed, you will get paid via direct deposit.
Turo takes a commission on the transaction, however in 2019 the average Turo host made $706 per month when they completed 12 trips per year.
The amount of days you would like to rent out your car is completely up to you and you’re also covered up to $1 million liability insurance through a partnership with Turo and Liberty Mutual.
10. Earn $50/month Renting Your Driveway
A college student at Arizona State University identified a problem and created the solution.
Parking near the campus was difficult and the homeowners who lived near the campus had a major problem with illegal parking on the streets. Jonathan Barkl, a 20-year-old college student at the time wondered if you could take the idea of Airbnb and apply it to your own driveway.
Air Garage is a service that allows you to rent out your driveway for parking in three simple steps. Step one is Air Garage installs a free sign that instructs the public they can pay to park in your driveway.
Step two is for you to install and get set up with their online dashboard so you can manage your driveway parking status. And step three is your driveway is available for rent and you start collecting payments.
If your curious to learn more, I actually had the Air Garage Founder and CEO on the Money Peach podcast.
11. Earn $1,000 – $2,000 Renting Out Your Room
Just about everyone has stayed in an Airbnb or at least knows someone who has. But, have you ever thought about making money with Airbnb?
This side hustle pays quite a bit because of what is at stake — you’re renting out a room in your house or your renting out your entire house. And, in some situations you may even be living with your guests during their stay. Whichever way you choose, this is still one of the most lucrative side hustles on the market.
How it works:
It’s free to list your space on Airbnb ad there are no memberships dues, sign-up fees, or any random charges. Instead, Airbnb earns a 3% host service fee per booking.
Once you’re space is listed, you can choose to make it available whenever you want. You also get to set the rules for your guests such as min/max number of nights and how far in advance they can book. As far as pricing, Airbnb has recommendations for you but ultimately you get to set the price you feel most comfortable with, including your cleaning fee, seasonal fees, or any other pricing options you think you may need.
Once your space is booked, Airbnb will usually pay you within 24 hours after the guest is scheduled to arrive via Paypal, direct deposit, or other methods if available. Airbnb also provides you with $1 million property damage insurance, $1 million in liability insurance and 24/7 customer support.
Again, I totally understand that renting out your room, house, or even living with a guest is a pretty big deal. However, you really can earn $1,000 – $2,000 this month and does not take much to get started. No marketing costs, creating your ow website or anything life that. Simply sign up for free, list your space, and start making really good money this month.
Rent Out Your Room With Airbnb
The Side Hustles That Pay Quickly
These side hustles will not generate the income you can generate with the above list, but they are something you can do right away and get paid quickly.
12. Share Your Opinion Online
Yup, you can actually generate side income by simply giving your opinion via online surveys. It’s not going to make you rich tomorrow, but it’s still a great way to generate extra income during your down time.
I like to do surveys when I’m literally doing nothing else. For example, if I am in the doctor’s office waiting room, or my estimated wait time is 21 minutes or even if I’m riding the train — I may as well make some extra money.
There are also a ton of survey sites out there and I’ll be completely honest — 95% of them aren’t that great. But, there are a few good ones out there that actually have really good reviews.
The top two I recommend are both Survey Junkie and Swagbucks.
Survey Junkie has you answer surveys online (desktop or mobile) and you can earn points that can be exchanged for either cash or gift cards. For every 1,000 points you earn, you can trade them in for the $10 equivalent. Survey Junkie has over 14,000 reviews with a Trustpilot score of 4.3 out of 5 — the highest rating among all survey sites. If you would like to learn more about Survey Junkie, I have a full Survey Junkie review here.
Swagbucks is another great choice because you earn in other ways beyond just answering online surveys. You can earn when you shop online, answer surveys, watch videos, test out new offers from top brands, search the web, play online games, or use their mobile app. Similar to most other survey sites, you can redeem points for cash or gift cards. Since 2008, Swagbucks has paid out over $400 million and sends out over 7,000 gift cards per day. You can learn more here in my Swagbuck review.
Survey Junkie
13. Inbox Dollars
Another option for a quick-money-side hustle is Inbox Dollars.
Inbox Dollars is a rewards club that pays you in cash for completing a variety of online activities. This can include searching the internet, filling out surveys, printing off coupons, and shopping online. You’re not going to make a ton of money or anything like that, but If you are already doing these things, it makes sense to get paid for it too.
Inbox Dollars
14. Earn $3 – $100 Doing Random Tasks 
Download the free Gigwalking App and then find “gigs” in your neighborhood that companies are willing to pay you for. Can you check out the price of milk in a certain store for $6 or snap a pic of a storefront for $5 on the way to work? Note: You will start off with the low-paying jobs in the beginning, but prove yourself and you will start getting offered the higher-paying jobs soon enough.
The Popular Side Hustles
15. Door Dash
Door Dash is our favorite pick for food delivery because it’s been reported back to us that DoorDashers make slightly more than UberEats drivers. While we don’t have any factual statistics to prove this right or wrong, we still pick DoorDash over UberEats as our top side hustle for food delivery. If you have a car, bike, or scooter, get started with Door Dash today and start making money for your next vacation, your upcoming wedding, or whatever expense you’re saving for!
Maybe you just don’t feel like driving people around in your car or maybe you don’t even have a car. Depending on the city you live in, Uber Eats allows you to deliver food to people via your car, bike, or scooter. Turn on the app in the morning before work, when you get home, or whenever you have some extra time to make money on your terms.
Door Dash
16. Uber Driver-Partner
If you are unfamiliar with Uber or Lyft, then make sure you still have a pulse and you are breathing air.
To get started, some minimum requirements you need are a car, a smartphone, and the Uber or Lyft app. You become available to drive as soon as you complete the activation process and then you are ready to start earning money. Fares are paid out weekly or up to 5X a day when you register for Instant Pay with your debit card!
Today, there are more riders on the road than ever! This is one of my absolute favorite ways to start generating money quickly.
Drive with Uber
17. Uber Eats
Maybe you just don’t feel like driving people around in your car or maybe you don’t even have a car. Depending on the city you live in, Uber Eats allows you to deliver food to people via your car, bike, or scooter. Turn on the app in the morning before work, when you get home, or whenever you have some extra time to make money on your terms.
Uber Eats
18. Fiverr
Fiverr is a platform where you can sell your products and services starting at $5 per gig. After you have a few $5 gigs under your belt, you can start increasing how much you charge. Here at Money Peach, we hire people from Fiverr all the time. Just recently, we found someone for a quick logo design and another to transcribe some videos we created.
Also, the Fiverr platform does take 20% from each gig. Therefore, if you do a $5 gig, you will take home $4 per gig. However, if you can complete 3-4 gigs in an hour, your hourly rate could start at $16 – $20 per hour!
The Referral Program Side Hustles
These sites mentioned below are not to be used as a source of income, but rather a simple way to make a few bucks here and there. Most of them mentioned are ways to save money online, however they do offer gift cards for referring your friends. Again, not a big money-maker but more of a reminder you can still make a few bucks if you use any of these sits.
19. Rakuten (Formerly Ebates)
Rakuten is a company that has partnered with over 2,000 online companies to form an affiliate relationship with each of them. An affiliate relationship simply means Rakuten and each online company have created a partnership where Rakuten will refer you or I to buy something from them, and that company then sends Rakuten a thank-you referral.
The good news: Rakuten then splits the thank-you referral with you, and you earn  cash back. And when you refer your friends to Rakuten, you will get a referral commission. As of this writing, I have personally made $1098.48 since I joined Rakuten. Ninety-five percent of that came from referrals.
Even if you don’t plan on sharing your referral link, you still should sign up for Rakuten (free) and save money on all of your online purchases.
Join Rakuten
20. Honey Browser Extension
Honey works the same exact way as Rakuten — a refer-a-friend program.
Recently purchased by PayPal, Honey is a free tool that will search for online coupons and apply them to your online shopping cart to make sure you are saving the most money. Instead of searching for coupons one at-a-time and applying them individually, Honey does all of this for you in the matter of seconds.
Not only will you save money, but you can also make a little bit of money with their refer-a-friend program. For anyone you refer to the app, Honey will send you $5 as soon as they purchase something via the app up to $1,000. I have personally made over $3,000 with their referral program. You max out at $1,000 and then you need to create a new Honey Account and share out your new referral link.
Start Saving with Honey
The Create and Sell Side Hustles
21. Amazon
Selling on Amazon is almost identical as selling on eBay in terms of fees and ease of use. However, sometimes items that don’t sell as well on eBay do better on Amazon and vice versa. Either way, it is a side hustle worth looking at if you can buy for cheap and resell for a higher price.
22. eBook Publishing
Make money by writing your own book and self publishing it on Amazon for free. There are different options available for how your can price your book and earn income from the sale of your book in the Amazon store. Questions about self publishing your own book? Check this out.
23. Etsy
Instead of having to open up your brick and mortar store, sell your creations on Etsy. Whether you make clothing, crafts, baby toys, or jewelry, you can open up your own store at Etsy. I have a friend selling her awesome clothing line on Etsy and it brings in a very nice income for the family. This is another great side hustle, but don’t expect instant results. You may need to be patient for this one.
24. Craigslist
We all know you can buy and sell stuff on Craigslist, but have you ever thought about offering a service you can provide. If providing a service isn’t your thing, you can scan Craigslist for great deals and then later resell items for a profit. This takes persistence and patience, but I have a friend who went from a $4k truck to a $24k in truck in 18 months by flipping cars from Craigslist.
There are also many other sites competing with Craigslist and you may have better exposure by posting on these sites like Craigslist.
25. Zazzle
Make money on Zazzle as a designer by selling your artwork on different products or you can actually make and manufacture the products for sale. I have a friend who takes old dry wood and paints slogans on them. She needs to sell them on Zazzle; she could create a very quick and profitable side hustle.
26. eBay
You can have your own store up in only a few minutes at eBay. To start, you must have a seller account, must be verified through PayPal. You are even able to give a detailed description of your store with a catchy design to attract customers. I have a friend who will buy all of the unused bras at a last chance type of store and resell them for a profit at her eBay store. Last I heard, she was doing $1,000/month in her first couple of months.
27. Sell Your Photos Online
Do you take amazing photos? You can actually sell your photos online at places like iStockPhoto, Shutterstock, Fotolia, and Bigstockphoto. Photos can be sold over and over again, allowing you to earn a residual income!
The Get Hired to Work Online Side Hustles
28. Do Transcription Work or Data Entry Work
Another great side hustle you can do from home is transcribing audio or video into captions. I personally have hired many people from Rev.com to do all of our captions for our videos and the quality is always great.
Rev.com says you can expect to earn on average $240 per month and you can also get paid weekly via PayPal.
I really love this side hustle because you can do this from home, on your own time, and work as much as you would like.
Start transcribing with Rev.com
29. User Testing
Don’t want to do an online survey, but still like to surf the web and earn some cash? Companies will pay you to try out their apps or visit their websites and give them feedback. Usertesting and UserFeel uses your feedback on apps and websites that aren’t as user-friendly and then pays your for it.
30. Start a Web Design Business
If you’re knowledgeable about web design, you could make money creating or improving on websites for individuals or businesses.
Advertise on Craigslist or approach businesses directly if they have a website that needs improvement.
There really is no shortage of ways to make extra money if you’re willing to get creative and do some research. Which financial goals will you use the extra cash you earn to accomplish?
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The Some Skill Required Side Hustles
So, not all side hustles are for everyone. In fact, these ones below do require some skill to make money. But, the more skill you have, the more money you will make!
31. Become an Online Coach
If you have an idea and can help people, pay attention. Whether it is motivating someone, helping them pass a class, or teaching them how to build a website, this can all be done online. Setup you’re pricing, terms, and accept payment through something as simple as PayPal and you are on your way. I recommend using Skype or Google Hangouts since it is 100% free.
I currently have a group coaching program called Smart Money Academy. We have a community that meets live via Zoom calls and I teach people how to manage money — everything from to budgeting, debt payoff, savings, wealth building and more.
32. Create an Online Course
Is there something you are good at and can teach to others? My good friend Holly Johnson will show you how to get paid to as a Freelance Writer with her course Earn More Writing.
Another friend doing great things is Bobby Hoyt. He’s teaching people how to create Facebook Ads for small businesses with his online program, The Facebook Side Hustle Course. In fact, his average student earns $1,000 – $2,000 per month.
And, one of our former virtual assistants here at Money Peach left us to create her own online course — teaching people how to become virtual assistants. Her course is called 10kVA and her students are making up to $50/hour as virtual assistants.
33. Earn $900 Per Week Spray Tanning
A good friend of mine (Jessica) has become the queen of spray tanning in our area. In fact, she is making $900 per week cash spray tanning both the ladies and the men and it’s all through word-of-mouth! You can check her out at JC Glows on Facebook to see how she set up her side hustle.
I asked her how she got started and she said this:
She started with this exact tanning kit
She uses this tanning tent
She taught herself how watching YouTube
34. Become a Voiceover Artist
You know those people who talk on radio and TV commercials but you never see their faces? They’re called voiceover artists, and they get paid good money to do what they do.
Sites like Backstage list available voiceover jobs, and Carrie Olsen, professional voiceover artist, has a great web site that can help you learn how to become a voiceover artist.
Check out this Money Peach Podcast with Voice Over Star Carrie Olsen for more info.
35. Become a Cover Letter/Resume’ Writer
Professionals of all kinds pay ridiculous amounts of money for professionally written resumes. I know one guy who paid a professional resume’ writer $5,000.
If you have a knack for writing compelling and attention-grabbing resumes, consider offering your services on sites such as freelancer.com or Craigslist.
36. Catering
If you love cooking, serving food, and entertaining at your own home, then get paid to do it for someone else. This can be fun and can often go from side hustle to full-time if you’re really good at it!
37. Computer Repair
If you love “playing” computers, then help someone repair theirs and get paid for it. Note: You must know a little bit about computers 🙂
38. Computer Training
How many Baby Boomers (or anyone for that matter) do you know who are still having trouble checking their email. If you were able to navigate to this web page, then you probably have the skills to teach extremely basic computer skills to an extreme beginner.
39. Guitar Gigs
A friend of mine finds guitar gigs online, on Facebook, and in the paper all the time. He shows up, plays for a few hours, and leaves with cash in hand. Note: you must be good at playing the guitar.
40. Guitar Lessons
If you are handy on the 6 string and can show someone else, teach them. Better yet, teach the world online how to play guitar.
41. Handyman Work
Some people are handy and others are not. Let your neighbors know that you are available to hang a ceiling fan, patch a hole in the drywall, fix an irrigation leak, or paint a fence. All can be done for them ASAP for a small fee 🙂
I love TaskRabbit. Whether I need a doggy door installed, someone to clean my house this weekend, or even mount a TV, I can go on TaskRabbit to find someone in an instant. YOU could be that person I find next on TaskRabbit for hire!
42. Lifeguard
Become a lifeguard and earn $16/hr – $20/hr part-time. Not only do you make some extra cash, but you are guaranteed to get a little tan as well.
43. Earn $30 – $85 Per Hour Tutoring
Tutoring is a great side hustle and it’s in high-demand. According to Care.com, the most commonly requested tutoring subjects are SAT prep, math, English, chemistry, biology and physics. If you feel you have an expertise in teaching on any of those subjects, I would highly encourage you to start offering your services as a tutor.
Create a simple 2-3 page website with an about page, a contact page, and of course a hire-me page. If you need help creating a very simple website, I’ll show you how here.
Once you have your site up and running, don’t be shy — share your link to your site on social media and chances are someone will be calling you shortly. If not, I promise someone knows someone needing a tutor and you’re the first person they thought of because they saw your post.
Live in the U.S. or U.K. and hold a bachelor’s degree? You can earn up to $22/hr plus bonuses to teach kids English online from the comfort of home. Learn more here.
44. Teach Music Lessons
From singing to playing piano or any other number of instruments, parents everywhere are seeking music lessons for their kids.
If you have a gift for a musical skills, consider teaching that skill to local kids. You might be able to find jobs by looking on Craigslist or by seeking out local public school or homeschooling groups to connect with parents who have school-aged children.
45. Start a Baking Business
Do you have a gift for baking goodies such as cake, muffins or cookies? Why not use that gift to make yourself some extra cash?
Events such as birthday parties, weddings, office parties and meetings, retirement parties and more often have baked treats as a part of their celebration.
Advertise your culinary skills on Instagram, Facebook, and Craigslist. Also, don’t forget about local event venues to show off your bakery services.
46. Earn $30/hour as a Sports Umpire
Are you knowledgeable about the rules and regulations of certain sports? Do you like working with kids? Recreation associations often pay good money for organized sports umpires for football, baseball, and more.
In our area, umpires earn about $30 an hour. Check with local sporting organizations for job opening details.
The Physical Labor Side Hustles
If you don’t putting in a little sweat equity, you can do very well side hustling with some physical labor attached to it. I did #50 when I was getting out of debt and generated over $1,000 each month.
47. Earn $500 Per Month Cleaning Pools
This requires very little overhead and is simple to do. Go to Google Earth and look up which homes in your neighborhood have a pool, and offer to start today. I actually did this to get out of debt and it worked out great!
48. Earn $500 – $1,000 per Month House Cleaning
People are busy and don’t have time to clean their homes. This is where you come in. Search your area in Craigslist to get an idea for pricing your own services. Then market your services to friends, family and ask for referrals. Don’t be shy — the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
49. Earn $500 – $1,000 Per Month Mowing Lawns
If you don’t have the funds to purchase all the equipment, then offer to your mow lawns with their equipment. I actually did this in grade school because I wasn’t old enough to drive. I just showed up, grabbed their lawnmower, and was paid.
You can also find really good deals on used equipment on the Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, and Craigslist. This side hustle does require some upfront costs, but it’s a definite money-maker. I would recommend offering your landscaping services on OfferUp and inside the Facebook Marketplace.
50. Earn $25/hour Painting Gates
Gates fade and someone needs to repaint them. A kid in the neighborhood took pics of faded gates and pretty gates and posted them on the mailbox with his number and price. (I think one of the faded gate pics he took was my gate also). He spent about 2 hours taking off all the slats, sanding them down, and repainting them. He charged me $50 and was happy to pay it.
51. Earn $25 – $75 Per Hour Shoveling Snow
No one likes shoveling snow and this is why you will be paid for it.
52. Earn $4 per Window Washing Windows
I recently paid a guy to wash my windows because he advertised $4/window. He spent about 1 hour washing a total of 20 windows and walked away with $80 cash. His entire setup was a bucket and a squeegee. Maybe I should wash my own windows and my neighbor’s windows for an affordable price of only $4 a window.
The Really Unique Side Hustles
If you are unique, then you deserve some unique side hustles. Some of these are extremely cool, but a few of them…well I am still waiting for you to try.
53. Sell Your Hair Online – Price Varies
Thinking about a new hair style? You may want to. People are paying between $100 and $4,000 for quality hair. Just remember to wash it more than once a month before you get ready to sell. A great place to sell your hair is Hairsellon and they have a hair calculator here to show you how much they will pay you.
54. Make $50 Per Hour Painting Street Numbers
A father and son rang my doorbell and pointed out to me my street numbers were faded. “For only $10, they would repaint my street numbers so my house would look better”. I paid it and it took them 37 seconds. They did 6 houses on my street alone. This is a great little side hustle.
55. Make $40 Per Hour Doing Tasks For People
Whether someone needs furniture assembled, they need a package delivered across town, they need their TV hung on the wall, or a ceiling fan installed, you can get hired to do all these and much more via Task Rabbit.
The average Taskers are making around $40/hour, with some making around $2,000 per week!
To get started you first need to register for a free account online. Then you have to attend an online onboarding session to explain exactly how become a great Tasker. Once you’re approved, you can start accepting your first job via the TaskRabbit app and start earning money.
56. Start Earning $500 Per Month Home Staging Business
Somebody is always selling a home, and homes sell faster and for more money when they are “staged”.
As a home stager you can tailor your business to meet a variety of client needs. Creating relationships with local realtors is one way to help you find home staging clients. To create your pricing, find a local staging business and ask them for their rates. I would start lower than than what they currently offer to create business and then once you’re established, raise your rates.
57. Be a Work-From-Home Customer Service Rep
There are many companies that hire part-time customer service representatives who can from home. Well-known companies like U-Haul, Hilton, Apple, Cruise.com and more hire customer service reps who work from home. I have a full list of the best customer service jobs to work from home here.
58. Start an Estate Sale Service Business
An estate sale business buys a large majority of a client’s belongings, including furniture, vehicles and more, at a group rate and sells the stuff individually for profit.
This is a business that will take some work as you get to know the ropes but can be very lucrative in the long run.
59. Start a Vending Machine Business
Many companies want vending machines installed at their businesses for the convenience of employees and clients alike.
Although this type of side hustle would involve some costly initial cash, you may be able to make it up quickly if you install the machines in thriving businesses that service large numbers of people.
60. Pick Up Trash in Parking Lots
Brian Winch came on the podcast to share how he picks up trash around parking lots and now earns a 6-figure income by doing so. Although it may not be glorious work, it does pay well and it’s extremely affordable to get started. Before you get started, check out the Clean Lots tutorial here.
The You’ve Got to be Kidding Me Side Hustles
Before you read on, just remember the name of these side hustles are you’ve-go-to-be-kidding-me side hustles. Some of them will actually shock you ?.
61. Earn Up to $1,000 Per Month as a Sperm Donor
This is straight out of the movie Road Trip when they need gas money. However, you can make substantial money donating sperm, with some places offering up $1,000/month to healthy men. Be aware, if you’re not a true thoroughbred, you won’t be paid as much!
62. Earn $400 Per Month as a Plasma Donor
Since there is no way to synthetically make plasma, you will be compensated for your donation. Rates vary from state to state, but you can make on average $200/month for only a few hours of your time….and blood.
We have a full list of where you can earn $400 per month donating plasma here.
63. Earn $40 – $80 per Hour as a Cuddler
Ah yes, cuddling. This is an actual real job and I recently saw it featured in a news segment. People are paying for up to 3 hours of platonic hugging (and they pay a lot). Job requirements: enjoy hugging strangers.
64. Pick up Dog Poop
Who likes picking up dog poop? Nobody. This is why you can get paid for it. I did this interview on our local news channel about a guy who now makes a full-time living picking up dog poop.
65. Earn $20 – $50 Per Hour as a Rent-a-Friend
You can sign up for free at Rentafriend to be someone else friend both part-time and full-time with pay between $20/hr – $50/hr. Yes, this sounds very strange from the outside looking in, but a lot of times you are helping someone get acquainted in a new town, meet a new group of friends, or simply have a cup of coffee with. Most importantly – friendship is always platonic (no touching).
The Old School Side Hustles
These are some of the classic side hustles that we call the easy peasy ones. If you are looking for simple, but yet effective, these are the side hustles for you.
66. Babysitting
If you like kids and don’t go out on the weekends, become a babysitter. Advertise to all of your friends (and Facebook Friends) that you will watch their kids so they can have a date night. New to the area? Then get connected with Care.com to become a certified/recommended babysitter in your area.
67. Dog Walking
Create this ad: “Love your dog but simply don’t have time to walk them? Let me help you!” There will always be someone willing to pay to keep their doggy happy, and this person is you.
68. Sell Drinks
I live in Phoenix where it will hover at 116°F during the summer. During the hottest weeks, there is a guy who sells snow cones and water for a premium.
I asked him how business was recently – he smiled and said “Business is gooooooood”. Buy a case of water at Costco for $0.12 a bottle and resell them for $2 wherever it is HOT. Who wouldn’t pay $2 for ice-cold water during the dog days of summer?
69. Golf Course
If you love being around the golf course (or don’t mind a few drunk old men) you can make pretty good money part-time by collecting balls off the range, cleaning golf carts, or serving cold beers at the tee box.
79. House-sitting
Who doesn’t want to get paid for simply living in someone else’s house for a few day days? This is simple and people will pay you for it. You can think of it as a mini staycation too!
70. Mystery Shopper
Get paid $10 – $30 on average to be a mystery shopper. However, beware because there are a lot of scams out there. I recommend checking out Marketforce, Best Mark, and Intelli-101 before you head anywhere else.
71. Pet Grooming
There are people out there that simply will not shave their dog and will pay you for it. Create a Facebook Page called “iShaveDogs” and let all your friends know! Someone will hire you.
72. Pet Sitting
If you truly love animals, then why not get paid to hang out with someone else’s dog or cat for the weekend? You can become a pet sitter at Care.com or specialize in only watching over someone’s pooch at Rover.
73. Sell ScrapMetal
Post in your social media or offer in the newspaper that you will come and take any scrap metal away for people. Not only could you make a few extra bucks for hauling away metal, but then you could sell it at a scrap yard. Double whammy!
74. Sign Spinner
Do you ever see those people standing on the corner, wearing headphones, oblivious to the entire world around them, and flipping signs in the air? They are making money and you can too. What about sign holder? Well, maybe you’re not the spinning type…
My Final Takeaway
As you can see, we live in a time when anyone who wants to make a little (or a lot) of money can. Your local area is no longer the only area to make money. The entire world is at your fingertips through the use of many of the options mentioned in this post.
What is one skill you have that others could learn from? Think about what’s the one thing you actually love doing that people would want to pay you for? How can you take your side hustle idea and turn it into monthly income?
3…2…1… it’s go time my friends!
The Top Side Hustle Ideas And How Much You Can Actually Earn published first on https://justinbetreviews.tumblr.com/
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darcyfarber · 5 years
The Top Side Hustle Ideas And How Much You Can Actually Earn
Looking to make $50, $100, $1,000 or even $2,000 this month?
Side hustles are an incredible way to boost your monthly income and it all depends on which side hustle is going to work best for you. Whether you want to stay home and make money from home, get out of the house to make money, or try something unique and fun – I have you covered.
This list is updated frequently and if there is anything you think I need to take out or add to the list, please let me know in the comments below the post.
Also, if you do find something and you’re having a lot of success with it, you’d be helping everyone out by sharing your win in the comments below. Thanks so much and enjoy the guide to making more money each month.
Table of Contents
The Side Hustles that Make the Most Money
1. Make $1,000 - $2,000 Per Month Running Facebook Ads
2. Earn up to $50/hour as a Virtual Assistant
3. Earn Money as a Freelance Writer
4. Earn Money Through Your Own Blog or Website
5. How to Earn Money with Affiliate Marketing
6. Earn up to $22/hour Tutoring Online
The Side Hustles That Put Your "Stuff" to Work
7. Earn $600/month Renting Out Baby Equipment
8. Earn $1,000 - $1,500 Per Month Renting Out Your RV
9. Earn $700/month Renting Out Your Car
10. Earn $50/month Renting Your Driveway
11. Earn $1,000 - $2,000 Renting Out Your Room
The Side Hustles That Pay Quickly
12. Share Your Opinion Online
13. Inbox Dollars
14. Earn $3 - $100 Doing Random Tasks 
The Popular Side Hustles
15. Door Dash
16. Uber Driver-Partner
17. Uber Eats
18. Fiverr
The Referral Program Side Hustles
19. Rakuten (Formerly Ebates)
20. Honey Browser Extension
The Create and Sell Side Hustles
21. Amazon
22. eBook Publishing
23. Etsy
24. Craigslist
25. Zazzle
26. eBay
27. Sell Your Photos Online
The Get Hired to Work Online Side Hustles
28. Do Transcription Work or Data Entry Work
29. User Testing
30. Start a Web Design Business
The Some Skill Required Side Hustles
31. Become an Online Coach
32. Create an Online Course
33. Earn $900 Per Week Spray Tanning
34. Become a Voiceover Artist
35. Become a Cover Letter/Resume’ Writer
36. Catering
37. Computer Repair
38. Computer Training
39. Guitar Gigs
40. Guitar Lessons
41. Handyman Work
42. Lifeguard
43. Earn $30 - $85 Per Hour Tutoring
44. Teach Music Lessons
45. Start a Baking Business
46. Earn $30/hour as a Sports Umpire
The Physical Labor Side Hustles
47. Earn $500 Per Month Cleaning Pools
48. Earn $500 - $1,000 per Month House Cleaning
49. Earn $500 - $1,000 Per Month Mowing Lawns
50. Earn $25/hour Painting Gates
51. Earn $25 - $75 Per Hour Shoveling Snow
52. Earn $4 per Window Washing Windows
The Really Unique Side Hustles
53. Sell Your Hair Online - Price Varies
54. Make $50 Per Hour Painting Street Numbers
55. Make $40 Per Hour Doing Tasks For People
56. Start Earning $500 Per Month Home Staging Business
57. Be a Work-From-Home Customer Service Rep
58. Start an Estate Sale Service Business
59. Start a Vending Machine Business
60. Pick Up Trash in Parking Lots
The You’ve Got to be Kidding Me Side Hustles
61. Earn Up to $1,000 Per Month as a Sperm Donor
62. Earn $400 Per Month as a Plasma Donor
63. Earn $40 - $80 per Hour as a Cuddler
64. Pick up Dog Poop
65. Earn $20 - $50 Per Hour as a Rent-a-Friend
The Old School Side Hustles
66. Babysitting
67. Dog Walking
68. Sell Drinks
69. Golf Course
79. House-sitting
70. Mystery Shopper
71. Pet Grooming
72. Pet Sitting
73. Sell ScrapMetal
74. Sign Spinner
My Final Takeaway
The Side Hustles that Make the Most Money
These first five are favorites because they are quick ways to get started making extra money and they have long-term potential as well! All five of them do require an internet connection, but sine you’re reading this from the internet, I think you’re covered there ?
1. Make $1,000 – $2,000 Per Month Running Facebook Ads
If you were a business owner, would you pay $100 to make $300? What about spending $10,000 to make $30,000?
This is why today over 7 million advertisers are using Facebook ads and these businesses are spending on average between $2,400 and $9,600 on Facebook ads each year. And with over 30 million small businesses in the U.S. alone, there is huge opportunity for people to create a lot of revenue creating Facebook ads for small businesses.
Bobby Hoyt from Laptop Empires has the best program for teaching people how to run Facebook Ads and states you will earn $1,000 – $2,000 per month per client as their Facebook ads manager. Of course I had to look into this claim to make sure it’s accurate, and I can tell you this — he’s not exaggerating at all. You can see how he’s helped countless people create real side hustle income to eventually replace their full-time jobs doing Facebook ads here.
Learn How to Run Facebook Ads
Think about it: if you could help a business owner spend $10,000 to make $30,000, would it be worth it to them to pay you $1,000 – $2,000 per month to do that for them?
2. Earn up to $50/hour as a Virtual Assistant
Maybe you don’t like the idea of doing Facebook ads but you do enjoy working from your laptop.
Many small businesses (like Money Peach) need help but don’t want to bring on staff to their location, so instead they turn to virtual support. This virtual support can be a range of things from responding to and checking email, scheduling meetings, booking travel arrangements, updating social media content — really anything you can do online.
The starting pay for virtual assistants is really good — $15 – $50 per hour. 
With the flexibility of working from anywhere with an internet connection, the virtual assistant industry has exploded. If you are looking to earn reliable extra income each month, I recommend you get started with Kayla Sloan’s 10k VA program to learn how to become and market yourself as a virtual assistant (VA).
I met Kayla at a conference in 2015 and she was my first ever VA — she lived in Kansas and I lived in Arizona. However, for the next four years she became the right-hand of Money Peach and I would not have been able to grow without her help.
Because she was so talented, word spread quickly and she soon picked up more clients. Within a few short years, her income increased to over $10,000 per month and today she is now showing others how to do the same without them trying to figure it out alone.
Kayla’s program is my first choice because you’ll make much more money when you create your own virtual assistant business. Plus, Kayla will also help you find work through her well-known network of bloggers and online entrepreneurs.
However, if you’re not quite ready to go that route, then look at sites like Upwork which is  a placement agency for virtual assistants. Keep in mind, they won’t teach you how to become a VA, they will take 10% of your income and their jobs often don’t pay as much.
You can also listen to Episode 80 on the Money Peach Podcast where interview Kayla Sloan — the founder of 10kVA.
Learn How to Become a Virtual Assistant
3. Earn Money as a Freelance Writer
I have a good friend, Holly Johnson, that left her job in corporate America to pursue her passion — freelance writing.
She didn’t start off making a ton of money, but over time she created strategies to land more writing jobs, to find out what clients actually want in a writer, and how to be as efficient and profitable as possible.
Today Holly makes $225,000+ per year and if you follow her online you’ll notice something unusual — her family of 4 travels six weeks per year because she can write from anywhere in the world. Right now Holly writes for some of the largest well-known websites like Condé Naste, The Balance, Bankrate and Business Insider.
In addition to writing, she also has a passion for helping others earn real income as a freelance writer. If you are even thinking about getting into freelance writing as a side hustle or even as a way to replace your current income, I highly recommend you look into Holly’s freelance writing coaching program.
She not only will show you how to be a really good freelance writer, but she will help you find and land the writing jobs you are looking for. Personally, I can tell you I am one of many bloggers who often hires writers from her program because of the reputation she has and the quality of writers she sends to Money Peach.
Learn how to earn real money as a Freelance writer
4. Earn Money Through Your Own Blog or Website
One of the best decisions I made in my life was creating Money Peach. What started out as a tiny little blog in 2015 has grown to reach readers all over the world and help them save more, make more, and keep more of their money. And yes, creating a blog has generated lots of income for our family since I started.
How to Earn Money Via a Blog
If you have a topic you’re passionate about and you enjoy writing, then starting a blog is exactly the right side hustle for you. There are many ways to generate income from blogging, with one of the most popular being through affiliate income.
How it works:
You know how you can share a referral link from companies you love and they will send you $5 for referring them a customer? Affiliate partners work the exact same way.
How to Earn more money with your Own Website
If you’re looking to do any of the side hustles mentioned above, you’re going to want to create a simple website. Don’t worry — it’s extremely simple.
Let’s say for example you’re looking to get hired as a virtual assistant. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could go online and read your “About Me” page, have the ability to contact you via your “Contact Me” page and even hire you through your “Work With Me” page?
No matter what business or side hustle you want to create, having a simple website will boost your credibility. Ask yourself this: if two people are offering the same exact services but only one of them has a website for you to learn more about, who are you more likely to hire?
If you’re looking for a simple way to get started building a quick blog or website, I created a free step-by-step guide to help you get started. This guide will allow you to build your blog or website in 15 – 20 minutes and for just a few dollars.
Start Your Own Blog or Website
5. How to Earn Money with Affiliate Marketing
This side hustle actually piggy backs off the side hustle above — Create Your Own Blog or Website.
When I created this blog in the beginning, I didn’t know anything about affiliate marketing. I just enjoyed blogging about how to make money, save money, and keep money and it was a passionate hobby. That was until someone told me my blog could be generating thousands of dollars per month if I added in affiliate marketing.
I didn’t know what to do or how to get started, so I enrolled in a friend’s program called Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing and within 60 days I increased the monthly income from my tiny little blog by $1,705! Yes, I was more than just a little shocked and since then I have told everyone I know about her program because it really changed my life. I don’t know about you, but $1,705 extra per month for making some tweaks to my blog is life-changing.
Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing School
6. Earn up to $22/hour Tutoring Online
Maybe you’ve never heard of VIPKID, but it’s actually a household name brand in China. Currently, there are over 70,000 American teachers teaching English as a second language to over 600,000 children in China. The current pay for this reliable side hustle is up to $22/hour.
Before you get started, beware there are some barriers to entry to partner with VIPKID. First, they do require you to have a Bachelor’s degree from either the USA or Canada, and second they ask for “some teaching experience”. However, from a teacher I have spoke with from VIPKID, she said “teaching” doesn’t have to mean teaching in a traditional educational setting.
The lessons are 30 minutes long and you will be paid up to $11 for each 30-minute lesson. One thing to note is since you are teaching across the globe in a live setting, you will be teaching at odd hours (late at night or first thing in the morning). However, the teacher I spoke to said it was fun, rewarding, and it paid well for being able to stay at home and teach from her laptop in her kitchen.
Earn Money with VIPKID
The Side Hustles That Put Your “Stuff” to Work
I’m sure you’re fully aware, but a market has emerged and took over where your stuff actually makes money for you. This started with using your car as a taxi service with Uber or renting out your spare room through Airbnb. However, there is now just about a market for anything you can think of in terms of your stuff making money for you. I’m going to start off with the less obvious.
7. Earn $600/month Renting Out Baby Equipment
Imagine you’re getting ready to take a vacation with your small children and you start thinking about how you’re going the pack the stroller, the pack ‘n plays, and the crib. Then you start thinking about the car seats, toys, books, high chairs, carriers, noise machines, baby baths, bouncy seats, monitors, jumpers and every other little thing!
Today, that problem solved thanks to BabyQuip.
In 2016, a few parents got together and created BabyQuip to provide families with clean, safe and reliable baby equipment for rent. Since then there have been over 30,000 transactions and guess where the baby equipment is rented from?
If you currently have baby equipment stored at home, you can start renting it out in the over 500 cities across the US and Canada. To start earning money as a BabyQuip Quality Provider you need to apply online and once accepted you’ll have an interview. If you both feel it’s a good match, you will get onboarded so you know how to run your baby gear rental business.
Then, you get to work as little more much as you’d like. The average BabyQuip Quality Provider makes $600/month, with some providers as high as $5,000 per month. Also, once you’re accepted as provider, you will be added to the community where you can meet other QPs and learn best practices to make the most money.
Rent out Your Baby Equipment
8. Earn $1,000 – $1,500 Per Month Renting Out Your RV
If you’re currently an RV owner, did you know over 17 million RVs sit unused for 350 days per year?
Whether you own a large RV, a fifth-wheel, a folding trailer, a camper van or anything similar, there is plenty of opportunity to turn a profit with your RV instead of it sitting idle.
In fact, many RV owners have been renting out their campers for years on sites like Craigslist or through word-of-mouth referrals. However, there is also a lot of risk and unanswered questions when you decide to rent out your RV by yourself.
Now, more people are turning to the largest and safest online marketplace for renting out your RV — Outdoorsy. You can think of Outdoorsy like the Airbnb for your RV.
Outdoorsy also provides plenty of safeguards to protect you and your RV. For starters, all potential renters of your RV have to pass an extensive driving history check before they can request your RV. Also, Outdoorsy provide you the owner $1 million in liability insurance and will also cover any theft or damage.
In addition to both liability insurance and the background check, Outdoorsy offers 24/7 roadside assistance which really turns your RV rental into a fully passive income stream. I know I mentioned above you can make $1,000 – $1,500 per month, however Outdoorsy does state on their website you can “Earn up to $30,000 a year renting your RV to people you trust”.
Since I don’t personally own an RV, I did do some research and found that since their start date in 2014, Outdoorsy has facilitated over 240k RV trips and has over 10,000 reviews on Trustpilot rating with a 4.6 out of 5.
How it works:
First you will create a free account with Outdoorsy. Once your account is created, you will then create a profile for your RV. Outdoorsy walks you through the process of creating your profile to include things like the year/make/model of your RV, where it’s located, a detailed description, pictures, list of amenities, and your rules for renters.
Next you set your daily/weekly rental rate and post it to the site. Once someone rents your RV, Outdoorsy will release the funds to you via direct deposit within 24 hours of the start of the rental. Outdoorsy does take 15% – 20% fee from the rental.
Rent Out Your RV
9. Earn $700/month Renting Out Your Car
Turo is a peer-to-peer car sharing company where you can generate monthly revenue by renting out your car. With over 10 million users and 350,000 vehicles listed, Turo is a safe and reliable way to turn your car into a monthly revenue stream. Currently Turo is offered in US, Canada, the UK, and Germany.
How it works:
To get started you can list your vehicle (any make and model) for free. This process takes about 10 minutes and there are no sign-up fees or monthly charges for signing up.
Next, you can set your own daily price and rental rules for your car. Turo does have recommendations for you if you don’t know, but your pricing and rules for the rental are completely up to you.
Once a guest books a rental with your car, you’ll specify how your guest receives the car and will also “check in” your guest through the Turo App. Within three days after your car is returned and the trip is completed, you will get paid via direct deposit.
Turo takes a commission on the transaction, however in 2019 the average Turo host made $706 per month when they completed 12 trips per year.
The amount of days you would like to rent out your car is completely up to you and you’re also covered up to $1 million liability insurance through a partnership with Turo and Liberty Mutual.
10. Earn $50/month Renting Your Driveway
A college student at Arizona State University identified a problem and created the solution.
Parking near the campus was difficult and the homeowners who lived near the campus had a major problem with illegal parking on the streets. Jonathan Barkl, a 20-year-old college student at the time wondered if you could take the idea of Airbnb and apply it to your own driveway.
Air Garage is a service that allows you to rent out your driveway for parking in three simple steps. Step one is Air Garage installs a free sign that instructs the public they can pay to park in your driveway.
Step two is for you to install and get set up with their online dashboard so you can manage your driveway parking status. And step three is your driveway is available for rent and you start collecting payments.
If your curious to learn more, I actually had the Air Garage Founder and CEO on the Money Peach podcast.
11. Earn $1,000 – $2,000 Renting Out Your Room
Just about everyone has stayed in an Airbnb or at least knows someone who has. But, have you ever thought about making money with Airbnb?
This side hustle pays quite a bit because of what is at stake — you’re renting out a room in your house or your renting out your entire house. And, in some situations you may even be living with your guests during their stay. Whichever way you choose, this is still one of the most lucrative side hustles on the market.
How it works:
It’s free to list your space on Airbnb ad there are no memberships dues, sign-up fees, or any random charges. Instead, Airbnb earns a 3% host service fee per booking.
Once you’re space is listed, you can choose to make it available whenever you want. You also get to set the rules for your guests such as min/max number of nights and how far in advance they can book. As far as pricing, Airbnb has recommendations for you but ultimately you get to set the price you feel most comfortable with, including your cleaning fee, seasonal fees, or any other pricing options you think you may need.
Once your space is booked, Airbnb will usually pay you within 24 hours after the guest is scheduled to arrive via Paypal, direct deposit, or other methods if available. Airbnb also provides you with $1 million property damage insurance, $1 million in liability insurance and 24/7 customer support.
Again, I totally understand that renting out your room, house, or even living with a guest is a pretty big deal. However, you really can earn $1,000 – $2,000 this month and does not take much to get started. No marketing costs, creating your ow website or anything life that. Simply sign up for free, list your space, and start making really good money this month.
Rent Out Your Room With Airbnb
The Side Hustles That Pay Quickly
These side hustles will not generate the income you can generate with the above list, but they are something you can do right away and get paid quickly.
12. Share Your Opinion Online
Yup, you can actually generate side income by simply giving your opinion via online surveys. It’s not going to make you rich tomorrow, but it’s still a great way to generate extra income during your down time.
I like to do surveys when I’m literally doing nothing else. For example, if I am in the doctor’s office waiting room, or my estimated wait time is 21 minutes or even if I’m riding the train — I may as well make some extra money.
There are also a ton of survey sites out there and I’ll be completely honest — 95% of them aren’t that great. But, there are a few good ones out there that actually have really good reviews.
The top two I recommend are both Survey Junkie and Swagbucks.
Survey Junkie has you answer surveys online (desktop or mobile) and you can earn points that can be exchanged for either cash or gift cards. For every 1,000 points you earn, you can trade them in for the $10 equivalent. Survey Junkie has over 14,000 reviews with a Trustpilot score of 4.3 out of 5 — the highest rating among all survey sites. If you would like to learn more about Survey Junkie, I have a full Survey Junkie review here.
Swagbucks is another great choice because you earn in other ways beyond just answering online surveys. You can earn when you shop online, answer surveys, watch videos, test out new offers from top brands, search the web, play online games, or use their mobile app. Similar to most other survey sites, you can redeem points for cash or gift cards. Since 2008, Swagbucks has paid out over $400 million and sends out over 7,000 gift cards per day. You can learn more here in my Swagbuck review.
Survey Junkie
13. Inbox Dollars
Another option for a quick-money-side hustle is Inbox Dollars.
Inbox Dollars is a rewards club that pays you in cash for completing a variety of online activities. This can include searching the internet, filling out surveys, printing off coupons, and shopping online. You’re not going to make a ton of money or anything like that, but If you are already doing these things, it makes sense to get paid for it too.
Inbox Dollars
14. Earn $3 – $100 Doing Random Tasks 
Download the free Gigwalking App and then find “gigs” in your neighborhood that companies are willing to pay you for. Can you check out the price of milk in a certain store for $6 or snap a pic of a storefront for $5 on the way to work? Note: You will start off with the low-paying jobs in the beginning, but prove yourself and you will start getting offered the higher-paying jobs soon enough.
The Popular Side Hustles
15. Door Dash
Door Dash is our favorite pick for food delivery because it’s been reported back to us that DoorDashers make slightly more than UberEats drivers. While we don’t have any factual statistics to prove this right or wrong, we still pick DoorDash over UberEats as our top side hustle for food delivery. If you have a car, bike, or scooter, get started with Door Dash today and start making money for your next vacation, your upcoming wedding, or whatever expense you’re saving for!
Maybe you just don’t feel like driving people around in your car or maybe you don’t even have a car. Depending on the city you live in, Uber Eats allows you to deliver food to people via your car, bike, or scooter. Turn on the app in the morning before work, when you get home, or whenever you have some extra time to make money on your terms.
Door Dash
16. Uber Driver-Partner
If you are unfamiliar with Uber or Lyft, then make sure you still have a pulse and you are breathing air.
To get started, some minimum requirements you need are a car, a smartphone, and the Uber or Lyft app. You become available to drive as soon as you complete the activation process and then you are ready to start earning money. Fares are paid out weekly or up to 5X a day when you register for Instant Pay with your debit card!
Today, there are more riders on the road than ever! This is one of my absolute favorite ways to start generating money quickly.
Drive with Uber
17. Uber Eats
Maybe you just don’t feel like driving people around in your car or maybe you don’t even have a car. Depending on the city you live in, Uber Eats allows you to deliver food to people via your car, bike, or scooter. Turn on the app in the morning before work, when you get home, or whenever you have some extra time to make money on your terms.
Uber Eats
18. Fiverr
Fiverr is a platform where you can sell your products and services starting at $5 per gig. After you have a few $5 gigs under your belt, you can start increasing how much you charge. Here at Money Peach, we hire people from Fiverr all the time. Just recently, we found someone for a quick logo design and another to transcribe some videos we created.
Also, the Fiverr platform does take 20% from each gig. Therefore, if you do a $5 gig, you will take home $4 per gig. However, if you can complete 3-4 gigs in an hour, your hourly rate could start at $16 – $20 per hour!
The Referral Program Side Hustles
These sites mentioned below are not to be used as a source of income, but rather a simple way to make a few bucks here and there. Most of them mentioned are ways to save money online, however they do offer gift cards for referring your friends. Again, not a big money-maker but more of a reminder you can still make a few bucks if you use any of these sits.
19. Rakuten (Formerly Ebates)
Rakuten is a company that has partnered with over 2,000 online companies to form an affiliate relationship with each of them. An affiliate relationship simply means Rakuten and each online company have created a partnership where Rakuten will refer you or I to buy something from them, and that company then sends Rakuten a thank-you referral.
The good news: Rakuten then splits the thank-you referral with you, and you earn  cash back. And when you refer your friends to Rakuten, you will get a referral commission. As of this writing, I have personally made $1098.48 since I joined Rakuten. Ninety-five percent of that came from referrals.
Even if you don’t plan on sharing your referral link, you still should sign up for Rakuten (free) and save money on all of your online purchases.
Join Rakuten
20. Honey Browser Extension
Honey works the same exact way as Rakuten — a refer-a-friend program.
Recently purchased by PayPal, Honey is a free tool that will search for online coupons and apply them to your online shopping cart to make sure you are saving the most money. Instead of searching for coupons one at-a-time and applying them individually, Honey does all of this for you in the matter of seconds.
Not only will you save money, but you can also make a little bit of money with their refer-a-friend program. For anyone you refer to the app, Honey will send you $5 as soon as they purchase something via the app up to $1,000. I have personally made over $3,000 with their referral program. You max out at $1,000 and then you need to create a new Honey Account and share out your new referral link.
Start Saving with Honey
The Create and Sell Side Hustles
21. Amazon
Selling on Amazon is almost identical as selling on eBay in terms of fees and ease of use. However, sometimes items that don’t sell as well on eBay do better on Amazon and vice versa. Either way, it is a side hustle worth looking at if you can buy for cheap and resell for a higher price.
22. eBook Publishing
Make money by writing your own book and self publishing it on Amazon for free. There are different options available for how your can price your book and earn income from the sale of your book in the Amazon store. Questions about self publishing your own book? Check this out.
23. Etsy
Instead of having to open up your brick and mortar store, sell your creations on Etsy. Whether you make clothing, crafts, baby toys, or jewelry, you can open up your own store at Etsy. I have a friend selling her awesome clothing line on Etsy and it brings in a very nice income for the family. This is another great side hustle, but don’t expect instant results. You may need to be patient for this one.
24. Craigslist
We all know you can buy and sell stuff on Craigslist, but have you ever thought about offering a service you can provide. If providing a service isn’t your thing, you can scan Craigslist for great deals and then later resell items for a profit. This takes persistence and patience, but I have a friend who went from a $4k truck to a $24k in truck in 18 months by flipping cars from Craigslist.
There are also many other sites competing with Craigslist and you may have better exposure by posting on these sites like Craigslist.
25. Zazzle
Make money on Zazzle as a designer by selling your artwork on different products or you can actually make and manufacture the products for sale. I have a friend who takes old dry wood and paints slogans on them. She needs to sell them on Zazzle; she could create a very quick and profitable side hustle.
26. eBay
You can have your own store up in only a few minutes at eBay. To start, you must have a seller account, must be verified through PayPal. You are even able to give a detailed description of your store with a catchy design to attract customers. I have a friend who will buy all of the unused bras at a last chance type of store and resell them for a profit at her eBay store. Last I heard, she was doing $1,000/month in her first couple of months.
27. Sell Your Photos Online
Do you take amazing photos? You can actually sell your photos online at places like iStockPhoto, Shutterstock, Fotolia, and Bigstockphoto. Photos can be sold over and over again, allowing you to earn a residual income!
The Get Hired to Work Online Side Hustles
28. Do Transcription Work or Data Entry Work
Another great side hustle you can do from home is transcribing audio or video into captions. I personally have hired many people from Rev.com to do all of our captions for our videos and the quality is always great.
Rev.com says you can expect to earn on average $240 per month and you can also get paid weekly via PayPal.
I really love this side hustle because you can do this from home, on your own time, and work as much as you would like.
Start transcribing with Rev.com
29. User Testing
Don’t want to do an online survey, but still like to surf the web and earn some cash? Companies will pay you to try out their apps or visit their websites and give them feedback. Usertesting and UserFeel uses your feedback on apps and websites that aren’t as user-friendly and then pays your for it.
30. Start a Web Design Business
If you’re knowledgeable about web design, you could make money creating or improving on websites for individuals or businesses.
Advertise on Craigslist or approach businesses directly if they have a website that needs improvement.
There really is no shortage of ways to make extra money if you’re willing to get creative and do some research. Which financial goals will you use the extra cash you earn to accomplish?
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The Some Skill Required Side Hustles
So, not all side hustles are for everyone. In fact, these ones below do require some skill to make money. But, the more skill you have, the more money you will make!
31. Become an Online Coach
If you have an idea and can help people, pay attention. Whether it is motivating someone, helping them pass a class, or teaching them how to build a website, this can all be done online. Setup you’re pricing, terms, and accept payment through something as simple as PayPal and you are on your way. I recommend using Skype or Google Hangouts since it is 100% free.
I currently have a group coaching program called Smart Money Academy. We have a community that meets live via Zoom calls and I teach people how to manage money — everything from to budgeting, debt payoff, savings, wealth building and more.
32. Create an Online Course
Is there something you are good at and can teach to others? My good friend Holly Johnson will show you how to get paid to as a Freelance Writer with her course Earn More Writing.
Another friend doing great things is Bobby Hoyt. He’s teaching people how to create Facebook Ads for small businesses with his online program, The Facebook Side Hustle Course. In fact, his average student earns $1,000 – $2,000 per month.
And, one of our former virtual assistants here at Money Peach left us to create her own online course — teaching people how to become virtual assistants. Her course is called 10kVA and her students are making up to $50/hour as virtual assistants.
33. Earn $900 Per Week Spray Tanning
A good friend of mine (Jessica) has become the queen of spray tanning in our area. In fact, she is making $900 per week cash spray tanning both the ladies and the men and it’s all through word-of-mouth! You can check her out at JC Glows on Facebook to see how she set up her side hustle.
I asked her how she got started and she said this:
She started with this exact tanning kit
She uses this tanning tent
She taught herself how watching YouTube
34. Become a Voiceover Artist
You know those people who talk on radio and TV commercials but you never see their faces? They’re called voiceover artists, and they get paid good money to do what they do.
Sites like Backstage list available voiceover jobs, and Carrie Olsen, professional voiceover artist, has a great web site that can help you learn how to become a voiceover artist.
Check out this Money Peach Podcast with Voice Over Star Carrie Olsen for more info.
35. Become a Cover Letter/Resume’ Writer
Professionals of all kinds pay ridiculous amounts of money for professionally written resumes. I know one guy who paid a professional resume’ writer $5,000.
If you have a knack for writing compelling and attention-grabbing resumes, consider offering your services on sites such as freelancer.com or Craigslist.
36. Catering
If you love cooking, serving food, and entertaining at your own home, then get paid to do it for someone else. This can be fun and can often go from side hustle to full-time if you’re really good at it!
37. Computer Repair
If you love “playing” computers, then help someone repair theirs and get paid for it. Note: You must know a little bit about computers 🙂
38. Computer Training
How many Baby Boomers (or anyone for that matter) do you know who are still having trouble checking their email. If you were able to navigate to this web page, then you probably have the skills to teach extremely basic computer skills to an extreme beginner.
39. Guitar Gigs
A friend of mine finds guitar gigs online, on Facebook, and in the paper all the time. He shows up, plays for a few hours, and leaves with cash in hand. Note: you must be good at playing the guitar.
40. Guitar Lessons
If you are handy on the 6 string and can show someone else, teach them. Better yet, teach the world online how to play guitar.
41. Handyman Work
Some people are handy and others are not. Let your neighbors know that you are available to hang a ceiling fan, patch a hole in the drywall, fix an irrigation leak, or paint a fence. All can be done for them ASAP for a small fee 🙂
I love TaskRabbit. Whether I need a doggy door installed, someone to clean my house this weekend, or even mount a TV, I can go on TaskRabbit to find someone in an instant. YOU could be that person I find next on TaskRabbit for hire!
42. Lifeguard
Become a lifeguard and earn $16/hr – $20/hr part-time. Not only do you make some extra cash, but you are guaranteed to get a little tan as well.
43. Earn $30 – $85 Per Hour Tutoring
Tutoring is a great side hustle and it’s in high-demand. According to Care.com, the most commonly requested tutoring subjects are SAT prep, math, English, chemistry, biology and physics. If you feel you have an expertise in teaching on any of those subjects, I would highly encourage you to start offering your services as a tutor.
Create a simple 2-3 page website with an about page, a contact page, and of course a hire-me page. If you need help creating a very simple website, I’ll show you how here.
Once you have your site up and running, don’t be shy — share your link to your site on social media and chances are someone will be calling you shortly. If not, I promise someone knows someone needing a tutor and you’re the first person they thought of because they saw your post.
Live in the U.S. or U.K. and hold a bachelor’s degree? You can earn up to $22/hr plus bonuses to teach kids English online from the comfort of home. Learn more here.
44. Teach Music Lessons
From singing to playing piano or any other number of instruments, parents everywhere are seeking music lessons for their kids.
If you have a gift for a musical skills, consider teaching that skill to local kids. You might be able to find jobs by looking on Craigslist or by seeking out local public school or homeschooling groups to connect with parents who have school-aged children.
45. Start a Baking Business
Do you have a gift for baking goodies such as cake, muffins or cookies? Why not use that gift to make yourself some extra cash?
Events such as birthday parties, weddings, office parties and meetings, retirement parties and more often have baked treats as a part of their celebration.
Advertise your culinary skills on Instagram, Facebook, and Craigslist. Also, don’t forget about local event venues to show off your bakery services.
46. Earn $30/hour as a Sports Umpire
Are you knowledgeable about the rules and regulations of certain sports? Do you like working with kids? Recreation associations often pay good money for organized sports umpires for football, baseball, and more.
In our area, umpires earn about $30 an hour. Check with local sporting organizations for job opening details.
The Physical Labor Side Hustles
If you don’t putting in a little sweat equity, you can do very well side hustling with some physical labor attached to it. I did #50 when I was getting out of debt and generated over $1,000 each month.
47. Earn $500 Per Month Cleaning Pools
This requires very little overhead and is simple to do. Go to Google Earth and look up which homes in your neighborhood have a pool, and offer to start today. I actually did this to get out of debt and it worked out great!
48. Earn $500 – $1,000 per Month House Cleaning
People are busy and don’t have time to clean their homes. This is where you come in. Search your area in Craigslist to get an idea for pricing your own services. Then market your services to friends, family and ask for referrals. Don’t be shy — the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
49. Earn $500 – $1,000 Per Month Mowing Lawns
If you don’t have the funds to purchase all the equipment, then offer to your mow lawns with their equipment. I actually did this in grade school because I wasn’t old enough to drive. I just showed up, grabbed their lawnmower, and was paid.
You can also find really good deals on used equipment on the Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, and Craigslist. This side hustle does require some upfront costs, but it’s a definite money-maker. I would recommend offering your landscaping services on OfferUp and inside the Facebook Marketplace.
50. Earn $25/hour Painting Gates
Gates fade and someone needs to repaint them. A kid in the neighborhood took pics of faded gates and pretty gates and posted them on the mailbox with his number and price. (I think one of the faded gate pics he took was my gate also). He spent about 2 hours taking off all the slats, sanding them down, and repainting them. He charged me $50 and was happy to pay it.
51. Earn $25 – $75 Per Hour Shoveling Snow
No one likes shoveling snow and this is why you will be paid for it.
52. Earn $4 per Window Washing Windows
I recently paid a guy to wash my windows because he advertised $4/window. He spent about 1 hour washing a total of 20 windows and walked away with $80 cash. His entire setup was a bucket and a squeegee. Maybe I should wash my own windows and my neighbor’s windows for an affordable price of only $4 a window.
The Really Unique Side Hustles
If you are unique, then you deserve some unique side hustles. Some of these are extremely cool, but a few of them…well I am still waiting for you to try.
53. Sell Your Hair Online – Price Varies
Thinking about a new hair style? You may want to. People are paying between $100 and $4,000 for quality hair. Just remember to wash it more than once a month before you get ready to sell. A great place to sell your hair is Hairsellon and they have a hair calculator here to show you how much they will pay you.
54. Make $50 Per Hour Painting Street Numbers
A father and son rang my doorbell and pointed out to me my street numbers were faded. “For only $10, they would repaint my street numbers so my house would look better”. I paid it and it took them 37 seconds. They did 6 houses on my street alone. This is a great little side hustle.
55. Make $40 Per Hour Doing Tasks For People
Whether someone needs furniture assembled, they need a package delivered across town, they need their TV hung on the wall, or a ceiling fan installed, you can get hired to do all these and much more via Task Rabbit.
The average Taskers are making around $40/hour, with some making around $2,000 per week!
To get started you first need to register for a free account online. Then you have to attend an online onboarding session to explain exactly how become a great Tasker. Once you’re approved, you can start accepting your first job via the TaskRabbit app and start earning money.
56. Start Earning $500 Per Month Home Staging Business
Somebody is always selling a home, and homes sell faster and for more money when they are “staged”.
As a home stager you can tailor your business to meet a variety of client needs. Creating relationships with local realtors is one way to help you find home staging clients. To create your pricing, find a local staging business and ask them for their rates. I would start lower than than what they currently offer to create business and then once you’re established, raise your rates.
57. Be a Work-From-Home Customer Service Rep
There are many companies that hire part-time customer service representatives who can from home. Well-known companies like U-Haul, Hilton, Apple, Cruise.com and more hire customer service reps who work from home. I have a full list of the best customer service jobs to work from home here.
58. Start an Estate Sale Service Business
An estate sale business buys a large majority of a client’s belongings, including furniture, vehicles and more, at a group rate and sells the stuff individually for profit.
This is a business that will take some work as you get to know the ropes but can be very lucrative in the long run.
59. Start a Vending Machine Business
Many companies want vending machines installed at their businesses for the convenience of employees and clients alike.
Although this type of side hustle would involve some costly initial cash, you may be able to make it up quickly if you install the machines in thriving businesses that service large numbers of people.
60. Pick Up Trash in Parking Lots
Brian Winch came on the podcast to share how he picks up trash around parking lots and now earns a 6-figure income by doing so. Although it may not be glorious work, it does pay well and it’s extremely affordable to get started. Before you get started, check out the Clean Lots tutorial here.
The You’ve Got to be Kidding Me Side Hustles
Before you read on, just remember the name of these side hustles are you’ve-go-to-be-kidding-me side hustles. Some of them will actually shock you ?.
61. Earn Up to $1,000 Per Month as a Sperm Donor
This is straight out of the movie Road Trip when they need gas money. However, you can make substantial money donating sperm, with some places offering up $1,000/month to healthy men. Be aware, if you’re not a true thoroughbred, you won’t be paid as much!
62. Earn $400 Per Month as a Plasma Donor
Since there is no way to synthetically make plasma, you will be compensated for your donation. Rates vary from state to state, but you can make on average $200/month for only a few hours of your time….and blood.
We have a full list of where you can earn $400 per month donating plasma here.
63. Earn $40 – $80 per Hour as a Cuddler
Ah yes, cuddling. This is an actual real job and I recently saw it featured in a news segment. People are paying for up to 3 hours of platonic hugging (and they pay a lot). Job requirements: enjoy hugging strangers.
64. Pick up Dog Poop
Who likes picking up dog poop? Nobody. This is why you can get paid for it. I did this interview on our local news channel about a guy who now makes a full-time living picking up dog poop.
65. Earn $20 – $50 Per Hour as a Rent-a-Friend
You can sign up for free at Rentafriend to be someone else friend both part-time and full-time with pay between $20/hr – $50/hr. Yes, this sounds very strange from the outside looking in, but a lot of times you are helping someone get acquainted in a new town, meet a new group of friends, or simply have a cup of coffee with. Most importantly – friendship is always platonic (no touching).
The Old School Side Hustles
These are some of the classic side hustles that we call the easy peasy ones. If you are looking for simple, but yet effective, these are the side hustles for you.
66. Babysitting
If you like kids and don’t go out on the weekends, become a babysitter. Advertise to all of your friends (and Facebook Friends) that you will watch their kids so they can have a date night. New to the area? Then get connected with Care.com to become a certified/recommended babysitter in your area.
67. Dog Walking
Create this ad: “Love your dog but simply don’t have time to walk them? Let me help you!” There will always be someone willing to pay to keep their doggy happy, and this person is you.
68. Sell Drinks
I live in Phoenix where it will hover at 116°F during the summer. During the hottest weeks, there is a guy who sells snow cones and water for a premium.
I asked him how business was recently – he smiled and said “Business is gooooooood”. Buy a case of water at Costco for $0.12 a bottle and resell them for $2 wherever it is HOT. Who wouldn’t pay $2 for ice-cold water during the dog days of summer?
69. Golf Course
If you love being around the golf course (or don’t mind a few drunk old men) you can make pretty good money part-time by collecting balls off the range, cleaning golf carts, or serving cold beers at the tee box.
79. House-sitting
Who doesn’t want to get paid for simply living in someone else’s house for a few day days? This is simple and people will pay you for it. You can think of it as a mini staycation too!
70. Mystery Shopper
Get paid $10 – $30 on average to be a mystery shopper. However, beware because there are a lot of scams out there. I recommend checking out Marketforce, Best Mark, and Intelli-101 before you head anywhere else.
71. Pet Grooming
There are people out there that simply will not shave their dog and will pay you for it. Create a Facebook Page called “iShaveDogs” and let all your friends know! Someone will hire you.
72. Pet Sitting
If you truly love animals, then why not get paid to hang out with someone else’s dog or cat for the weekend? You can become a pet sitter at Care.com or specialize in only watching over someone’s pooch at Rover.
73. Sell ScrapMetal
Post in your social media or offer in the newspaper that you will come and take any scrap metal away for people. Not only could you make a few extra bucks for hauling away metal, but then you could sell it at a scrap yard. Double whammy!
74. Sign Spinner
Do you ever see those people standing on the corner, wearing headphones, oblivious to the entire world around them, and flipping signs in the air? They are making money and you can too. What about sign holder? Well, maybe you’re not the spinning type…
My Final Takeaway
As you can see, we live in a time when anyone who wants to make a little (or a lot) of money can. Your local area is no longer the only area to make money. The entire world is at your fingertips through the use of many of the options mentioned in this post.
What is one skill you have that others could learn from? Think about what’s the one thing you actually love doing that people would want to pay you for? How can you take your side hustle idea and turn it into monthly income?
3…2…1… it’s go time my friends!
The Top Side Hustle Ideas And How Much You Can Actually Earn published first on https://mysingaporepools.weebly.com/
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touristguidebuzz · 7 years
Technology Is Top of Mind for Hotels
Traditional spaces such as check-in and the concierge desk, shown here, are completely rethought at Rosewood’s Hôtel de Crillon in Paris. Rosewood Hotels & Resorts
Skift Take: The heads of luxury brands at Marriott and Hilton and other leading industry experts have some bold 2018 predictions ranging from the disappearance of turndown service to the rise of Internet-connected guest rooms.
— Sean O'Neill
In response to the many geopolitical, sociological, and technological changes that took place in 2017, five-star hotels are making changes—some small, some large.
Here’s what to expect, based on predictions from a panel of leading industry insiders: Tina Edmundson, global brand officer at Marriott International Inc.; Bjorn Hanson, clinical professor at NYU’s Tisch Center for Hospitality and Tourism; John Vanderslice, global head of luxury and lifestyle brands at Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc.; and Guy Langford and Marcello Gasdia, of Deloitte LLP’s travel, hospitality, and services group.
New Fees Will Hit Major Markets
Hotels in major U.S. markets will become more expensive next year as the practice of adding resort fees, once reserved for getaways in exotic locales, becomes more and more common at urban properties—often with a nightly price tag of $25. NYU’s Hanson has noticed them most in New York, where high occupancy rates leave picky travelers with few alternatives. (They’re also rumored to be popping up in Chicago and Los Angeles.) Budget for the fee on business trips, as transparency is not yet what it should be. There is one slight silver lining: “This is better than hotels raising their room rates,” says Hanson, “since the fees aren’t subject to occupancy taxes.”
Turn-Down Service Will Disappear
Pay your respects to those chocolates on your pillow, while you still can. “More and more hotels are making turndown service optional for two reasons. One is cost,” says NYU’s Hanson. The second, he says, is privacy. “We go through cycles when people are more private and more open, and right now — for reasons I can only speculate about — people are feeling more private about their personal space. Some people don’t like their toiletries straightened up.”
“It’s a fair comment,” says Deloitte’s Langford. “My personal view is that there are things you value and things you don’t, and I don’t need anyone to turn down my bed. With certain companies, it may be part of a brand promise. But if it’s not, it’s a cost—and it doesn’t need to be provided.”
Your Room Will Get Connected
“Technology is top of mind for everyone right now,” says Marriott’s Edmundson—who oversees eight luxury brands, including Ritz-Carlton, Edition, Luxury Collection, and St. Regis—specifically investment in the so-called “Internet of Things” (IoT) tech such as Nest temperature control units or Amazon.com Inc.’s Alexa.
Marriott’s experimental “Internet of Things room,” created in conjunction with Samsung and Legrand SA, includes showers that remember a guest’s preferred temperature, digital wall art that can be swapped for family photos, and mirrors with embedded displays—for on-demand yoga videos. The rooms will soft-launch in 2018; W hotels will likely be first to offer them.
Vanderslice may get there sooner. Hilton just announced a similarly teched-out room with mobile app controls for television, lighting, thermostat, and digital art. It will debut in major cities in the coming weeks, with a rapid rollout across all Hilton brands in 2018 and 2019.
“2018 is going to be the year that the rubber hits the road with IoT technology,” says Deloitte’s Gasdia. “It took a while for this technology to mature, but now personalization can happen in real time. It’s a win-win for everybody.”
The Front Desk Will Get a Makeover
While lifestyle brands, such as Ace and 1 Hotels, have upended the old-fashioned lobby and turned it into a cool, collective workspace, luxury brands have largely stayed true to tradition. That will be challenged in 2018, says Hanson, who predicts that the check-in desk will slowly fade into oblivion, reflecting travelers’ shifting preferences for intimacy rather than formality.
“Fifty years ago, people didn’t have credit cards, and bad guys would come jump the desk and steal the cash,” he begins. “But that’s not the case anymore, and hotels no longer need that type of tall, wide barrier. Now they’re thinking: ‘Why can’t we have a little seating area that’s very comfortable and intimate?’”
Living room-like check-in areas are indeed popping up at some of the world’s finest properties. Take the Hôtel de Crillon in Paris, recently reopened after a four-year makeover by Rosewood. Its reception space is an elegant sitting room, with antique desks and a plush loveseat. The shift allows travelers to relax after a long journey—something Deloitte pinpointed as a key need, especially for business travelers, in its recent “Hotel of the Future” study.
Brands Will Appeal to Travelers’ Values
When the Eaton Workshop opens in Washington early next year, it will be the world’s first hotel for liberals. The company may be onto something. “Luxury customers are drawn to brands that communicate a sense of purpose—beyond just existing to sell something,” says Marriott’s Edmundson, pointing to “sky-high” engagement at two W hotel speaker series, “What She Said” and “Queer Me Out,” showcasing powerful women and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) thought leaders, respectively.
But it’s not in every brand’s DNA to plant such politically charged flags, so in 2018, top-tier brands will find softer ways to appeal to consumers’ values—being careful not to alienate any potential guests.
“Forty percent of guests will fall on one political extreme, and 40 will fall on the other,” says NYU’s Hanson. “Few are in the middle. But there are causes that nobody could disagree with, like human trafficking, 40 percent of which occurs in hotels,” he adds. “Nobody would be offended by a company taking a stand on that.”
Wellness Will Be More Important Than Ever
“Wellness is going to be the next trillion-dollar industry,” predicts Deloitte’s Langford. “Everyone wants to capitalize on the huge swell, but every brand is making a different play. Nobody has figured it out yet.”
Already, Hyatt has bought legendary wellness brand Miraval for $375 million, while JW Marriott has partnered with the Joffrey Ballet for on-demand barre classes. Meanwhile, Four Seasons has developed wellness rooms with de-chlorinating showers and Deepak Chopra meditation videos.
“At the bleeding edge, wellness resorts are changing their talent strategies, hiring more doctors, more NPs, more nutritionists—and that’s really expensive,” says Delotte’s Gasdia. “But they’re doing really well with revenue and gross bookings.” Hanson agrees: “With even select-service brands upgrading their fitness centers, this is a place where luxury brands have the physical space to stay ahead of the curve.”
Based on a recent survey of 5,000 Marriott guests, Edmundson says that “about 80 percent of respondents agreed that improving their physical and emotional well-being is more of a focus for them today than it was three years ago—sleep improvement, new diets, and meditation all scored high in terms of what travelers had participated in over the past 12 months.” Not coincidentally, her eight brands will “lean into this space” in 2018, with JW Marriott taking the leading role.
Hotels Will Sell Far More Than Rooms
The business of running a hotel company can no longer be boxed into four walls. “These days, we think of ourselves as being more in the travel business than the hotel business,” says Marriott’s Edmundson, who is overseeing the launch of Ritz-Carlton’s cruise product in the next two years.
“In every single sector, including travel, it’s all about ecosystems,” says Deloitte’s Gasdia. “Think about Amazon buying Whole Foods. It’s all about leveraging the power of adjacent spaces.” So what does that mean for travelers? Most notably, hotels will now attempt to fill up their itineraries with experiences and activities.
“The tours-and-activities space is going through a huge coming of digital age,” explains Gasdia—and hotels want to cash in. (Airbnb caught on early.) Take Marriott’s strategic investment in PlacePass, which unlocks 100,000 walking tours, biking excursions, and culinary classes in 800 destinations around the world. Or the new “Live Unforgettable” campaign for Waldorf Astoria; Hilton’s Vanderslice says it will link hotel guests with such celebrities as Gabrielle Union at high-profile dinner events.
NYU’s Hanson argues that selling activities is crucial for luxury hotels. It helps them control the end-to-end shopping experience, offers data that can feed guest personalization, and distinguishes high-end properties from mid-tier ones.
“Luxury hotels need to do more. We get ironing boards and bathrobes everywhere, don’t need business centers, and even the concierge has become irrelevant,” he explains. Experiences, though, are a winnable space. “Local walking tours, comped theater tickets, exhibits in the hotels, manager receptions for frequent guests—these are the types of things that only luxury hotels can do.”
©2017 Bloomberg L.P.
This article was written by Nikki Ekstein from Bloomberg and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to [email protected].
0 notes
rollinbrigittenv8 · 7 years
Technology Is Top of Mind for Hotels
Traditional spaces such as check-in and the concierge desk, shown here, are completely rethought at Rosewood’s Hôtel de Crillon in Paris. Rosewood Hotels & Resorts
Skift Take: The heads of luxury brands at Marriott and Hilton and other leading industry experts have some bold 2018 predictions ranging from the disappearance of turndown service to the rise of Internet-connected guest rooms.
— Sean O'Neill
In response to the many geopolitical, sociological, and technological changes that took place in 2017, five-star hotels are making changes—some small, some large.
Here’s what to expect, based on predictions from a panel of leading industry insiders: Tina Edmundson, global brand officer at Marriott International Inc.; Bjorn Hanson, clinical professor at NYU’s Tisch Center for Hospitality and Tourism; John Vanderslice, global head of luxury and lifestyle brands at Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc.; and Guy Langford and Marcello Gasdia, of Deloitte LLP’s travel, hospitality, and services group.
New Fees Will Hit Major Markets
Hotels in major U.S. markets will become more expensive next year as the practice of adding resort fees, once reserved for getaways in exotic locales, becomes more and more common at urban properties—often with a nightly price tag of $25. NYU’s Hanson has noticed them most in New York, where high occupancy rates leave picky travelers with few alternatives. (They’re also rumored to be popping up in Chicago and Los Angeles.) Budget for the fee on business trips, as transparency is not yet what it should be. There is one slight silver lining: “This is better than hotels raising their room rates,” says Hanson, “since the fees aren’t subject to occupancy taxes.”
Turn-Down Service Will Disappear
Pay your respects to those chocolates on your pillow, while you still can. “More and more hotels are making turndown service optional for two reasons. One is cost,” says NYU’s Hanson. The second, he says, is privacy. “We go through cycles when people are more private and more open, and right now — for reasons I can only speculate about — people are feeling more private about their personal space. Some people don’t like their toiletries straightened up.”
“It’s a fair comment,” says Deloitte’s Langford. “My personal view is that there are things you value and things you don’t, and I don’t need anyone to turn down my bed. With certain companies, it may be part of a brand promise. But if it’s not, it’s a cost—and it doesn’t need to be provided.”
Your Room Will Get Connected
“Technology is top of mind for everyone right now,” says Marriott’s Edmundson—who oversees eight luxury brands, including Ritz-Carlton, Edition, Luxury Collection, and St. Regis—specifically investment in the so-called “Internet of Things” (IoT) tech such as Nest temperature control units or Amazon.com Inc.’s Alexa.
Marriott’s experimental “Internet of Things room,” created in conjunction with Samsung and Legrand SA, includes showers that remember a guest’s preferred temperature, digital wall art that can be swapped for family photos, and mirrors with embedded displays—for on-demand yoga videos. The rooms will soft-launch in 2018; W hotels will likely be first to offer them.
Vanderslice may get there sooner. Hilton just announced a similarly teched-out room with mobile app controls for television, lighting, thermostat, and digital art. It will debut in major cities in the coming weeks, with a rapid rollout across all Hilton brands in 2018 and 2019.
“2018 is going to be the year that the rubber hits the road with IoT technology,” says Deloitte’s Gasdia. “It took a while for this technology to mature, but now personalization can happen in real time. It’s a win-win for everybody.”
The Front Desk Will Get a Makeover
While lifestyle brands, such as Ace and 1 Hotels, have upended the old-fashioned lobby and turned it into a cool, collective workspace, luxury brands have largely stayed true to tradition. That will be challenged in 2018, says Hanson, who predicts that the check-in desk will slowly fade into oblivion, reflecting travelers’ shifting preferences for intimacy rather than formality.
“Fifty years ago, people didn’t have credit cards, and bad guys would come jump the desk and steal the cash,” he begins. “But that’s not the case anymore, and hotels no longer need that type of tall, wide barrier. Now they’re thinking: ‘Why can’t we have a little seating area that’s very comfortable and intimate?’”
Living room-like check-in areas are indeed popping up at some of the world’s finest properties. Take the Hôtel de Crillon in Paris, recently reopened after a four-year makeover by Rosewood. Its reception space is an elegant sitting room, with antique desks and a plush loveseat. The shift allows travelers to relax after a long journey—something Deloitte pinpointed as a key need, especially for business travelers, in its recent “Hotel of the Future” study.
Brands Will Appeal to Travelers’ Values
When the Eaton Workshop opens in Washington early next year, it will be the world’s first hotel for liberals. The company may be onto something. “Luxury customers are drawn to brands that communicate a sense of purpose—beyond just existing to sell something,” says Marriott’s Edmundson, pointing to “sky-high” engagement at two W hotel speaker series, “What She Said” and “Queer Me Out,” showcasing powerful women and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) thought leaders, respectively.
But it’s not in every brand’s DNA to plant such politically charged flags, so in 2018, top-tier brands will find softer ways to appeal to consumers’ values—being careful not to alienate any potential guests.
“Forty percent of guests will fall on one political extreme, and 40 will fall on the other,” says NYU’s Hanson. “Few are in the middle. But there are causes that nobody could disagree with, like human trafficking, 40 percent of which occurs in hotels,” he adds. “Nobody would be offended by a company taking a stand on that.”
Wellness Will Be More Important Than Ever
“Wellness is going to be the next trillion-dollar industry,” predicts Deloitte’s Langford. “Everyone wants to capitalize on the huge swell, but every brand is making a different play. Nobody has figured it out yet.”
Already, Hyatt has bought legendary wellness brand Miraval for $375 million, while JW Marriott has partnered with the Joffrey Ballet for on-demand barre classes. Meanwhile, Four Seasons has developed wellness rooms with de-chlorinating showers and Deepak Chopra meditation videos.
“At the bleeding edge, wellness resorts are changing their talent strategies, hiring more doctors, more NPs, more nutritionists—and that’s really expensive,” says Delotte’s Gasdia. “But they’re doing really well with revenue and gross bookings.” Hanson agrees: “With even select-service brands upgrading their fitness centers, this is a place where luxury brands have the physical space to stay ahead of the curve.”
Based on a recent survey of 5,000 Marriott guests, Edmundson says that “about 80 percent of respondents agreed that improving their physical and emotional well-being is more of a focus for them today than it was three years ago—sleep improvement, new diets, and meditation all scored high in terms of what travelers had participated in over the past 12 months.” Not coincidentally, her eight brands will “lean into this space” in 2018, with JW Marriott taking the leading role.
Hotels Will Sell Far More Than Rooms
The business of running a hotel company can no longer be boxed into four walls. “These days, we think of ourselves as being more in the travel business than the hotel business,” says Marriott’s Edmundson, who is overseeing the launch of Ritz-Carlton’s cruise product in the next two years.
“In every single sector, including travel, it’s all about ecosystems,” says Deloitte’s Gasdia. “Think about Amazon buying Whole Foods. It’s all about leveraging the power of adjacent spaces.” So what does that mean for travelers? Most notably, hotels will now attempt to fill up their itineraries with experiences and activities.
“The tours-and-activities space is going through a huge coming of digital age,” explains Gasdia—and hotels want to cash in. (Airbnb caught on early.) Take Marriott’s strategic investment in PlacePass, which unlocks 100,000 walking tours, biking excursions, and culinary classes in 800 destinations around the world. Or the new “Live Unforgettable” campaign for Waldorf Astoria; Hilton’s Vanderslice says it will link hotel guests with such celebrities as Gabrielle Union at high-profile dinner events.
NYU’s Hanson argues that selling activities is crucial for luxury hotels. It helps them control the end-to-end shopping experience, offers data that can feed guest personalization, and distinguishes high-end properties from mid-tier ones.
“Luxury hotels need to do more. We get ironing boards and bathrobes everywhere, don’t need business centers, and even the concierge has become irrelevant,” he explains. Experiences, though, are a winnable space. “Local walking tours, comped theater tickets, exhibits in the hotels, manager receptions for frequent guests—these are the types of things that only luxury hotels can do.”
©2017 Bloomberg L.P.
This article was written by Nikki Ekstein from Bloomberg and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to [email protected].
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authorjanolan · 8 years
A Writer’s Life
Random (But Well Meaning) Stranger: "What's it like to be a writer?"
Me: "Do you really want to know the truth?"
Random Stranger: "I've always wanted to write a book/I have this idea for a book I want to publish."
*Deep Breath*
Crippling self-doubt. Wondering if the world you create is interesting enough, original enough or real enough on paper. Spending hours researching random stuff on Google just to make one sentence realistic enough. (Just this week: Police 10 Codes, Modeling, Stalker Behavior, Search and Rescue Procedures, Cross Species Genetics, Blood Loss, Body Decomposition Stages, Self-Defense Laws, Funny Coffee Mug sayings, and Gun Shot Wounds) Absolutely sure you are now on some interwebs Government watch list, and in the back of your mind wondering when the Men In Black will come knocking on the door.
Spending even more time outlining, drafting, writing, editing, revising, rewriting, and comparing your work to other people's and wondering if you measure up. You are sure you don't, but you try to keep plugging along on that manuscript.
By the end, you end up hating what you wrote and convincing yourself it's the worst thing that has ever been written in the history of the world. (It's never that bad, but in that moment, logic has left the building.)
There are a lot of tears, banging of head on desk and lots and lots of coma-inducing sugar to keep you functioning, and cuddles with your fuzzy writing buddies, because they don't judge you like you judge yourself.
Regularly not falling asleep, or waking up at 2 am. Either way, you can't sleep. Characters insist on "working" and won't shut up. "Why did you make me like him/her?" "I would never say that!" "But...but... I want to LIVE!!!!" "Get to work!"
"No! Sleep!" Grumble. Grumble.
"There are more of us, than there are of you..." One of them randomly starts singing the most annoying song ever. "We aren't going away until you fix that last chapter." There's that one broody one in the corner, glaring. Another one is jumping up and down. "PARTY TIME! WHOOHOO!" "Get up! We want to play! Get up!" The four year old is squealing.
*Glares blurry eyed at way to bright computer screen* "You will all suffer for this!"
Typing. Typing. Typing. "I don't think that is the right way to spell that word." Stare at it for five minutes. "Nope. Gotta fix it." You change a vowel. It looks even more wrong now. Change around a few more letters. It's now so wrong spell check can't help you. (It was right the first time, but it looked wrong. Because, no sleep.) You mutter to yourself "Whatever. That's what editors are for." and plug along.
Because it makes the imaginary people in your head happy. And quiet. The whole world is quiet. There are no noisy distractions. Because normal people sleep.
Four hours later. Birds are starting to chirp. You haven't moved from the chair in so long, your ass fell asleep. Sleep is good. Sleep? Food? It's light outside? Wait. What day is it?
Falls into bed, utterly physically, mentally and emotionally spent. You wake up eight hours later, look at what you wrote and end up spending another six hours rewriting the middle of the night scribblings, because now it makes no sense and you have no idea what you were trying to do.
You repeat the same thing four nights in a row, because the second your head hits the pillow, the characters are whining again.
At some point, you have to remember to be human. Shower. Put on clean clothes. Do the dishes. Make food. Eat. Shuffles to the fridge, stiff and hobbling because you haven't been outside for a walk in the last week. "Where did all the food go? I don't remember eating all the food." Is that chinese/pizza/random leftovers still edible? Nope. Nope. Nope. *Throws away the entire container because you are so NOT washing that.* You end up eating a pickle. You have to go grocery shopping. Oh, and try to talk to other humans. But you've been so stuck in your book world of elves/dragons/space pirates/vampire/werewolf/cowboy/ghosts and so sleep deprived, you can't really hold a normal conversation with real people anymore.
Random stranger stares at you horror, but trying not the laugh.
*Another deep breath*
And then if you do manage to produce something halfway publishable, from your sleep deprived brain, it's expensive as hell to edit, publish, market and advertise. You don't have a steady paycheck. Most publishers only pay you quarterly. That's once every three months. You know that brand new paperback book you bought for $8? Publishers make about 70% of the profits. And if copies of your book don't sell, bookstores send them back. They receive their money back. Not from the publishers profits, but yours.
After all this, most authors only make about $1 per book sale. Which they usually put back into marketing and advertising, because publishers expect you to do most of that yourself. This is why a lot of author self-publish. But that is expensive and hard to do, even when Amazon isn't screwing around with your books and deleting the reviews they don't like. No matter which route you take, you have to pay taxes on every dollar you make, just like everyone else. So the government takes almost half of every $1 you make. Which is whatever you didn't sink back into advertising and marketing.
To be successful enough to pay your bills, eat and live a halfway decent life (not homeless) , you have to write and publish constantly, which means you have next to no social life. Family and friends hate you for that. "It's not a real job" "It must be nice to not have to work so hard." Very few people in your life are understanding and supportive. The people that are, you cling to like a life preserver. Because they are so rare.
The truth is, many of us have to have day jobs we absolutely hate, just to not starve. On the side, we take crappy freelance ghostwriting jobs from people who have no idea how much time it takes to write something worth reading. Because they are too lazy to write that book for themselves. Others have a different kind of project they need done. They have convinced themselves it shouldn't take you more than an hour, so they don't think they should have to pay a decent price for all the time, energy and effort it takes to produce good quality work. Then there are people who try to get you to edit their work for free, or so cheap that it's not worth it to take the job. The entire time, you are wondering when you will be able to afford to get back to writing your own work.
So that's three jobs right there, and you are still barely scraping by just trying to pay for your own health insurance and basic living expenses. On no sleep, because with all that, you still have to find time to write your own book.
To top it off, now many readers expect you to give away years worth of your blood, sweat and tears work for free, (because the $2.99 price tag on Amazon is just sooo unreasonable!). Never mind that they spend $10 on a latte and pastries at Starbucks twice this week, or that the $2.99 is LESS THAN HALF what they would pay for a paper copy of the book). Nope. They wan't it free. Because why should they be expected to pay for a book? (Have you ever noticed, no one expects artists or jewelry makers, or candle makers, or musicians to give away their creations for free? Or how their creations cost more than $2.99?) Authors have bills to pay too. But, it seems that no one else sees the absurdity of the "books should be free" campaign.
Random Stranger: "Oh my god! Really?" Me: Nodding. That's not all, folks.
Even if someone does decide to give away their books for free or just 99c... People still find something to whine about.
Lately, they complain if a fictional character does something they personally find offensive in real life. A fiction character. As in, not an actual person. A fake person. In a story. A story meant to do nothing but entertain. But they lose their mind over it, because "How dare you describe the character like that! You can't use words like "caramel" to describe skin color anymore! It's racist/sexist blah blah blah"
Really? But what if that really is the color of the skin? NO! It's racist! Since when? ......(No one knows) Who decided that? .......(No one knows)
You wonder to yourself exactly who decided they were so important, they have the right to decide what words authors can and can't use. When the truth is, no one owns the entire English language.
Everyone else seems to still have the right to freedom of speech, but not an author these days. Nope. Now we have to be so "politically correct" we can't even use the words we want to use. Now every story has to be so PC "sensitive", publishers are actually hiring "sensitivity readers" to judge your work for a certain level of PCness, as to not risk offending anyone. Basically, as an author, you have to become a "social warrior" and pick a cause or a side to belong to. Apparently, writing and sharing your work is not about your story anymore. You can't just entertain people. You have to make sure you never dare to write anything that could possibly, maybe, almost offend a single one of the 7 billion people on the planet.
Because if one person throws a big enough fit, you're branded an awful human being and a terrible author. You know it's completely unrealistic and ridiculous expectation that NO ONE can live up to. Because NO ONE can possibly please everyone on the planet. Even if a writer does their very best to be as sensitive and PC as possible, there is still going to be someone, somewhere, that decides it's not PC enough for them, or the character doesn't represent a certain lifestyle type or culture of people well enough.
(This is a form of bullying that the masses has deemed acceptable and appropriate. Cyber-bullying is not okay. Bullying at all is not okay. This kind of crap is the reason children hurt themselves. But you know what? Kids aren't the ones doing this to authors. Adults should know better. You can't have a no-bullying campaign for your kid at school, to teach kids not to bully, when you are the adult on the internet, being a bully. You can't have it both ways. It doesn't work that way.)
But most writer's don't dare point out how absurd the whole writing and publishing process has become. Nope. You can't say any of that. You can't defend yourself, or your work, in any way because then you are labeled as "The Unprofessional Author". No matter how professional you actually are.
So, then that one person who is pitching a fit over some imagined slight in a fiction story you wrote ten years ago (and barely remember), is trying to publicly shame you and boycott the book on social media. So your current book sales tank even more, and you get long, ranty reviews from people who haven't even read the book. Or you get critics that think their personal opinion is the only one that matters. This is usually from people who have nothing constructive or helpful to say, because they have never written a book themselves. They don't really know what they are talking about, because they don't work in the industry.
As a writer, if you let this kind of bullying get to you, you will never publish anything. So, you do your best to realize the utter ridiculousness of it all and just keep writing YOUR story how YOU want it to be.
Random Stranger: *wide eyed* "I thought writing would be easy."
Writing is not easy. Writing is not glamorous. Writing is not a way to get rich. Writing is not a hobby.
Writing is a job that authors hardly ever get paid enough for. If they are lucky enough to get paid at all.
See, hobbies are what people do for fun, in their free time. Writer's have to work damn hard to scrape by, and have very little free time. Sometimes (often) writing stops being fun long before the first draft is ever written. Writers are not rich people. Some are. But most of us will never see that kind of cash unless we are very, very lucky. Most of us can't afford to give away anything for free, because we barely make pennies off of a single book sale. There is no guarantee anything we write will sell well at all.
Random Stranger: "So...if it's so hard, why do you write?" Me: "Because if I don't, the people in my head will never shut the hell up and let me sleep."
Random Stranger: "Is it really worth all that hard work?"
Me: "Absolutely! I love my job. I wouldn't want to do anything else. Write like no one but you will ever read it. Write because you must, no matter how hard it is. Writing because your passion for words and stories is bigger than all the fears. Write because you love to write. In the end nothing else matters."
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