#amber i owe you my life for this idea it's going to be so fun to write
after i’ve put this shadow to bed
(a prologue to the fic i’m working on for @frozenabattoir. because ava deserves a little corruption arc)
Rating: M
i keep having the same dream.
in the dream, i’m standing on the shore of a lake, barefoot. pebbles and silt shifting under my toes. it’s quiet bea - so quiet you can’t even hear the water.
“Bea, where did you go?”
it occurs to me, then, that i know this place. it’s the lake in switzerland, where you taught me to swim. i remember slipping into that icy water with you and the brush of your palms on my stomach.
i remember looking at you and thinking that i would rather this than the Blue Grotto. i would take it over anything.
“There’s something on the walls, Bea. It’s so fucking dark in here, but it’s there. Can’t you hear it?”
“It’s on the windows, right? That’s why it’s dark.”
it’s daytime. there’s warmth on my skin but it’s like the warmth of a mouth, like someone breathing down my neck. it’s daytime but it’s dark.
the mountains are all wrong. they’re the wrong shape - i’m sure of it because you taught me about taking everything in and that layering technique where you sit recollections on top of each other and see where the deviation is. bea, I did that and I’m telling you - nothing is the way it should be.
i keep waiting for you to show up, but you never do. 
there’s just the lake.
“It happened again, didn’t it?”
“It’s blood, right? Of course it fucking is.”
i don’t mean to, but i walk into the lake.
it’s like bathwater. the way it was in the orphanage, where they actually  drew the bath half an hour ago and maybe another kid was in it before me. because why waste warm water on a kid who couldn’t feel shit? why waste the cleanest water?
why fucking bother
lukewarm, that’s the word. but it isn’t the same. it’s thicker. by the time the water is up over my hips i feel like it’s holding me. i dip my hands in and they come out red.
it’s the lake in switzerland but it isn’t our lake.
“Think. Okay, we were here. Th-there were two windows, east-facing, and the door was on the right side of the bed and the bed was… fuck!”
“Okay, Bea sleeps on the right, near the door because she has throwing stars sticking up out of the bedside table like a crazy person. I’m on the left and I – right, I woke up early yesterday because the sun warmed my back!”
“I just need to find a window.”
the mountains. i’m up to my waist and i start thinking about the mountains again. about what kind of wrong they are, squinting even though it’s dark, even though it’s daytime. it’s like… remember how you explained to me about light? how objects absorb most of the wavelengths of light and we only see what’s rejected? or, i mean, reflected.
you taught me that, which is pretty cool but remember i made you watch the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and you liked them. i could tell. i think it made you feel things. for me it was always Elizabeth and the running away and the maybe dressing up as a boy sometimes. you liked that bit too.
but mostly you liked the curse. I think you felt that, didn’t you? a bunch of people cursed with hunger for, like, twelve years or something. maybe it was ten.
you were hungry too.
that’s alright with me. i think your hunger is good
i love that about you.
“I slipped in the blood.”
“Bea? Are you laughing? I can’t hear you but I fucking bet. You literally warned me never to try run through a pool of blood, with your most serious face on and everything. It scared me a bit that you thought it might be relevant.”
“I guess it’s fucking relevant now.”
“Should have listened to you.”
i start swimming. like you taught me but honestly bea i feel like it’s not even me. my body is swimming but i’m stuck thinking about the mountains. the sky.
eclipsed. that’s what you’d call it. we both know about space because diego got me a bunch of books one time and sister frances thought they looked boring so she let us keep them. they were from the library but what were they gonna do? fine us? send us a bill?
you know about it because you’re beatrice.
that’s what it looks like. in the dream. it’s just a dream.
the sky… it’s like someone covered it with their hand. what’s another word for that?
occluded. sometimes when one thing interrupts another thing you can see the blockage more clearly, when otherwise it might’ve been invisible. i think sometimes that’s how we see stuff in other galaxies. as interruptions.
“Are you here, Bea? Are you lying here and I just can’t see you?”
“Are you dead?”
the sky is red. i should say it and stop avoiding it. after all bea it’s just a dream. i keep having it but that’s all. i used to have one where that guy Yoshi from the Nintendo 64 ate me. he just went, like, mlem and i was fucking gone. who donates that shit to orphans? but yeah, i have a lot of recurring dreams.
maybe that’s psychologically relevant.
the water is red too.
it isn’t water.
“…. Bea?”
i keep having the same dream. i swim out into the middle of the lake and there’s an island. not very big. it doesn’t have to be very big.
there’re a couple of trees on the island, surviving i guess in the silt and the shallow soil. you’d know the soil type and its pH and the name of the trees, but to me they’re just shadows; i’m looking at the mountains. it feels important.
i walk to the middle of the island. never understood that stuff about people saying their legs or whatever took them places without their permission. it’s something to do with habit, but you know i don’t have that stuff.
we were getting there. sometimes in the bar i forgot what my hands were doing, but that was mostly about you.
the only time i ever felt anything like that it was with you.
in the middle of the island there’s a garden, but it isn’t a garden. you can grow as many plants as you want but if a space is full of headstones then it’s a graveyard.
but there are flowers. and herbs. i can smell basil and mint. inside the trees i almost can’t smell what’s in the lake.
remember when i got you one of those little basil pots you get in the supermarket and you gave me this convoluted look? then you went in the bathroom for ten whole minutes while i put things away in the fridge. yeah, i know you re-did my work later, by the way. i just feel like finding stuff in the fridge should be an adventure.
i hope i didn’t make you cry. you re-potted the basil plant and told me a bunch of stuff about horticulture, how these herbs were never really produced with the ability to survive. too much neglect in transit.
i almost made you forget about the graves, huh? we should forget about it.
it’s just a dream. never mind that the mountains look like hands, like knucklebones and the sweep of a thumb. never mind that the water is blood. never mind that the sky is gone.
i stand in the graveyard looking at the headstones and it’s like there’s a hand pressed into my back. not in a comforting way.
you’re doing long division in your head about it, right?
but the implication is pretty obvious and, also, i don’t think long division will help here, but i like that you taught it to me. that and square roots and coefficients and polynomials. i liked how you didn’t seem surprised when i was good at it.
i like you.
i’m sorry about all the blood.
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No but like, the idea of two blocked people and a bunch of gray faces having “discourse” about my “worsening reputation” in the Hazbin Hotel fandom is so funny to me, because like: 
Everything I know about Blair White and sh0eonhead I’ve had to learn against my will, because of this fandom.
Everything I know about  Scott Cawthon I’ve had to learn against my will, because of this fandom.
Everything I know about Brandon ‘drops the R slur every video’ Rogers I’ve had to learn against my will, because of this fandom.
Because of this fandom, I’ve had to be subjected to “Rolling Robbie”.
And if you guys think I’d buy any official Helluva Boss merch after tolerating this shit along with the R-Slur that I don’t think would have been in the pilot  if Roger’s hadn’t been hired, I don’t know what to tell you.
I still have my questions about Roger’s calibrating with Greg whatever his last name, is... Who’s actual channel name is so taboo to talk about I think it’s getting censored because it keeps disappearing every time I try to type it here? 
Vivziepop channel’s merch commercials making fun of wheelchair users again in their promos (check the last ones for Summer).  
The Amber Heard parody that Brandon did was in extremely poor taste, too. And I only bring it up because of:
Brock Baker 
The knowledge of the staff that work on Hazbin and Helluva still eat at Chick Fil A, they’re sorry if you’re gay. They know that they’re Bad Gays TM for doing that but The Sandwiches Are So Good! TM 🥺 
The fact that I would have happily donated to the hunnicast if I wasn’t forced to just be tolerant of not only the Chick Fil A apologists, but also another ableist arsehole that isn’t Brandon LOUDLY SCREECHING “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!” directly into my ears at the start of nearly every episode and every five minutes after.
The fact that I know some you guy’s favorite YouTubers are pewdiepie and Logan Paul.
Speaking of YouTubers: 
Anyway, case in point: I know that the Hunnicast had to remain “apolitical” because of funding reasons, but there’s absolutely no reason for the fandom itself to adopt this mentality and it’s probably half of the reason people hate the majority of you! So I don’t know why the irony of even speaking about “worsening reputations” in this fandom of all fandoms is so hopelessly lost on people but I’m just gonna leave you with this actual, real life video of Brandon Rogers appropriating my culture in order finally let it sink in just how much. A. I’m on no ones side but my own. B. I hate all of you.  C. I don’t owe abled-bodied autistics ether civility nor do I give even the slightest shit about my ‘worsening reputation’ in this fandom because I’m “rude”,  “unlikable”, and actually have enough boundaries to BLOCK PEOPLE! D. I don’t owe shit to an abled-bodied, uppity cis-woman-fandom-mom-political centrist just because she claims she’s black, especially since she basically implied how she thought I was retarded and then said “I didn’t know that nor do I care” ( because she doesn’t have enough comprehension skills to notice references to my disability in both my url and profile and I’m surprised that she didn’t try to call me racist for having “crip” in my url, too). This fandom really literally is full bigoted political centrists and I refuse to make myself palatable to them.
Me: *Making a ‘Yo Daddy’ joke about Leeanne’s parents being two caricatures from a cartoon that she’s claims isn’t racist, since she wants to act like a cartoon caricature of angry black nerd*
Leeanne, throwing her bisexuality into it even though that joke about two racist cop cartoon characters created by a white dude that she just defended wasn’t racist being her parents had absolutely nothing to do with bi sexuality: ...  Wow. This has to be the most bi-phobic, racist thing I’ve ever read in my entire life, you dug your own grave and I’m also going to type out your entire URL here even though the two shorter names you want people to call you are right there on your page but I’m not gonna use them because in my eyes you’re mentally disabled and I don’t see you as human and I don’t care if you call me ableist for disrespecting your disability ether! You dug your own grave, retard. Now lie in it!
Me, like, three years ago, the first time I saw this shitty, r-slur slinging youtuber crip-up to pretend to be one of my people and exploit us for the sake of “comedy” and money because, unfortunately, Viv gets herself into shenanigans sometimes and I just wanna know how badly this dudes shenanigans are gonna reflect on her new show now that I also have to tolerate her being involved with THIS specific kind of loser: .... Okay so working with someone who produces this shit is admittedly a new low for Viv and I hope to God that she keep you on a short creative leash and if your ableist, Elevated Andy Dick sounding arse gets recast for pulling some Problematic YouTuber TM bullshit I do not care especially since I see you’ve worked with Greg! You’ve just dug your own grave for me. Brandon Rogers, lie in it!  
You guys, if I ever posted my grievances and exact feelings regarding Brandon in the tags before now: I am so sorry but are you okay you angry little invalid? I’m legit asking because it’s a bit much. I think you need to learn to take a joke and I think you’re taking this a bit too far almost like an anti would... Do you not care about the fandoms good reputation? 
Me, before I block you: Honey listen, we’re in Hell, there is no “good reputation” or redemption, fuck off .
Abled-Bodied Mentally Ill People block evading me to call me rude and condescending and mean and harass an Actual Invalid in a world where “Rolling Robbie”  is still on Viv Medrano’s pay roll: HOW DARE YOU CALL ME HO-
*oops they’re blocked again*
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Who Would Dare Threaten My Queen's Life? {Klaroline}
Who Would Dare Threaten My Queen's Life?
Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)
I do not own "The Vampire Diaries", it belongs to its original creator Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. Nor do I own "Originals", which belongs to it's rightful creator Julie Plec, Michael Narducci, Leslie Morgenstein, Gina Girolamo. This is only a fanfiction that I was inspired to write by the original work. Please support the official release of "The Vampire Diaries" and "Originals". Most of the media - such as the art and illustrations, gifs, video's, etc. used in this fanfiction - are from the web. Thus, most of them aren't mine (because I really, really can't draw) unless mentioned. To fit the story, images are also edited by various apps and websites. So they aren't mine, just edited.
Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out. P.s. I also ask that you do not copy my work and publish it onto any other website.
If you're gonna use my idea, please ask me (If you ask nicely, I for sure, will agree). If I don't contact you within a week, then just assume I'm giving you the all clear and go for it. Just remember to credit me and the story you are getting the idea from.
Warnings: Hayley Bashing, Darker Caroline, Execution, Mentions of torture, Labor, Death, Taking a child from it's mother
Info You Might Need To Know: "Speaking",
Word Count: 1.7K
Requested By: fantasylover4ever on Ao3: The prompt King: "A wonderful feast my dear. Now what is your request? Even to half my kingdom it shall be granted." Queen: "If I have found favor in your eyes, my king, and it pleases you; save my life! King: "Who would dare threaten my queen's life? Who is he? Where is he?!" Queen: "It is he (second in command, make up a reason)" *sees the traitor begging for mercy, making her uncomfortable* King: "Will you dishonor my Queen here in my house?" King: "My lovely queen, nothing nor anyone shall cause you sadness."
Summary: What happens when Caroline can no longer deal with a pregnant Hayley prancing around? Has Klaus ever said no to anything Caroline has asked of him?
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Today's Special
Sometimes you just have to throw on a crown and remind them who they're dealing with
Klaus smirked from the V.I.P. area of the club Caroline and Rebekah had bought for his party. "A wonderful party my dear." He complimented as he felt the blond creep up from behind him and wrap her arms around his waist.
Caroline buried her nose into his neck, her fang coming down and trailing across his neck. "Isn't it?"
The hybrid let out a chuckle, he savored the flavor of the blood mixed with bourbon before turning his amber gaze towards Caroline, "Now, what is your request?" He challenged.
The baby vampire's eyes trailed to someone on the side, before turning back to Klaus. "It is your birthday. It can wait." Caroline's tone suggested that she wasn't all too keen on waiting though.
Klaus set his glass down and pulled her close. Caroline let him, choosing to instead tread her fingers through his hair, well her other hand trailed down the back of his neck.
"Nonsense." Klaus said, tone chastising. "Even if you asked for half of my kingdom, it would be yours." he reminded her.
Kol chuckled from his seat, "Please. She could ask for all of it, just to burn it down to the ground for fun, and you'd happily hand her the keys."
His laughter was cut off by Bonnie pinching his side, "Ow, was the necessary sweetheart."
Rebekah nodded, "Shut it. I wanna see where this goes."
Caroline laughed, humming as she pressed her body against his. "If that's truly how you feel. If I have truly found favor in your eyes, my king, and pleases you. Take hers, and save me life!" Caroline demanded.
Klaus felt his wolf rise to the surface at the prospect of losing his mate. "Who would dare threaten my queen's life? Who is she? Where is she?!"
Caroline's eyes turned to the she-wolf sitting next to Elijah. They could all hear her human heart speed up in panic. "Hayley. I want her gone." Caroline said.
"Caroline." Elijah got up, but his protests were tuned out the second Klaus amber eyes met Caroline's tear filled ones.
"Silence." The king ordered, and gently cupped Caroline's face. "Is that what you truly want?" He asked, as if she was asking to put down a sick dog, and not the werewolf carrying his heir.
Caroline nodded, "I do not know how much longer I can bear the thought of her in our home. It's a constant reminder of the life I lost. I can not take it."
"And you won't have to take it, love." Klaus promised her, wiping her tears away.
Bonnie sighed, "It was never a matter of it, only when." She knew her best friend had always wanted children. And Hayley's pregnancy was not only a reminder of Klaus infidelity, despite the fact they were not together at the time. But also a constant reminder of the life her best friend could no longer have.
Caroline was the same innocent girl who had killed 12 witches to protect her. Nobody did things like that for Bonnie. No one but Caroline.
If Hayley's death would save her friend from suffering such pain for seven more months, then Bonnie wouldn't even bat an eye. She'd carry out the act herself if she needed to.
Hayley turned to Elijah, begging him with her eyes, but after Klaus' command, he had stayed silent. Realizing that there was truly nothing that he could do.
He wanted to help his brother's humanity return. He wanted to be a family again. At the end of the day. The only one capable of doing so would be Caroline. Not the baby.
She had only been here for two months, and yet all of his siblings were undaggered, Sage had been accepted into the family, Kol and Rebekah had found love, and were happy. Maybe one day His Katerina...
If there was any chance of that dream becoming a reality, it would be Caroline.
Hayley turned to Klaus, "Please. I'm carrying your child. You daughter! Doesn't that mean anything to you?"
"That does." Klaus admits, "But Caroline means more to me than an unborn child ever could. I should never have brought you here in the first place. I should have let you remain with the witches. Yet you continued to dishonor my Queen here in my house?"
Klaus turned to the stunning blond who was leaning against the railing, "My lovely queen, nothing nor anyone shall cause you sadness."
Caroline pursed her lips. She knew Klaus wanted the child. But could she truly bear the sight of Hayley, rounding with Klaus' child for months?
No she couldn't.
Elijah, seeing her internal conflict. Saw a way he could have both. "Caroline. You won't need to live with Hayley for the following months. Lock her away until the child is born. Then, we can easily kill her. The child doesn't necessarily have to be Hayley's. You can be the one who nurses her, feeds her, takes care of her. You can watch her grow. You can be the one she calls mother. You can have everything you've ever wanted."
Caroline hummed, a small smile appearing on her face at the thought.
Klaus turned to her, waiting for her decision. Whatever she would choose, he will abide by.
"Lock her up. I don't want to see her until the baby is born." Caroline then turned to her best friend. "Bonnie, can you find a spell to ensure the baby will have none of Hayley's features."
The witch nodded, "I'll do one better. Give me some of your blood and I'll ensure she'll have some of your features. As for Hayley's DNA, I'll find a spell to remove it. If I can't, I'll create one. I promise Care."
Caroline smiled, "Thank you. All of you."
Seven months later, After three hours of labor, Haley's bruised and bloody body was carried in front of a stage for all of the supernatural population of New Orleans to witness.
The last thing Hayley saw before her head was cut off was Caroline in Klaus arms, her own arms gently cradling a newborn infant. She never saw the child, but she knew, Bonnie kept her promise and ensured Hayley gave Caroline an angelic baby girl with curly golden hair, and Caroline's bright blue-green eyes.
I've been wanting to write a darker Caroline fic. And this was the perfect opportunity. What do you guys think? A little too oc? Because I like to think there is a hint of darkness to Caroline. We saw how BAMF she could be when she flipped her switch. And I also like to think that Klaus is perfect to bring it out and show her; her full potential.
I changed the 'He', to a 'She'. Because it's been a while since I did some good old Hayley bashing.
I had to edit the prompt a bit to make it flow a little better. The setting of this was modern, so I really couldn't use words like 'Feast'. I hope you don't mind fantasylover4ever. The second version of the prompt we discussed (The regency AU one) will still be coming out whenever I get around to it. I'm probably gonna stick a lot closer to the prompt in that one. If there was something you didn't like here, talk to me about it. So the second one would be better. This was fun to write, so I'd be happy to hear some feedback to make the regency one better.
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inkla-kirisame · 3 years
Full moon (Werewolf! Razor x reader)
Supernatural AU
About the reader: they are a Pyro Wizard, and their fight style is like Childe’s but without the spear and with a catalism, they also has a familiar (a “cat” named Iblis)
I'm surprised that my Baizhu post is so popular (by my standards)
And take a look at my attempt to make something with a gender neutral reader
(PS: The GIF it’s not mine, I found it on Google)
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Werewolves, one of the most feared creatures in Teyvat
This was because of their transformation during the full moon, were they become more aggressive
Many cities closed their doors when the full moon appeared in order to protect their citizens from them
The Knights of Favonius were obviously occupied with every full moon, it was better to save everyone they could than no one
Who were you in this? One of the newest Knights of Favonius and Lisa's prentice, you also had a Pyro vision
You kinda hated werewolves, why? Because you were an orphan because of them, you actually live near Springvale and they were hunters, ironic, you though, because what they hunted ended up hunting them
Still you kinda hated them, they didn't wanted you to become nothing else than a hunter, one time Lisa admired your knowledge and offer you to go to Sumeru academy but your parents refused, you also always returned your books on time so Lisa gave you permission to take more books and a more time to have them, your parents often hid them or even destroy them so you could focus on becoming a hunter
They were also nasty to say the least, even Draff admired their dedication but hated they ideals and methods, sometimes hunting for fun, need or simply because they thought it might be a danger if you don't kill a creature now
But after their death you were free to do whatever you wanted, so you went to Sumeru academy and returned to Monstadt and learned things from Lisa and later, becoming the newest member of the Knights of Favonius
Kaeya commonly tried to flirt with you, you always say no, the succubus was disappointed but still tried to flirt with you
Jean and Lisa liked you a lot, you were like the secretary of the Knights, reminded them of certain events
Amber, our ‘favorite’ bunny girl, and Klee always were with you, because you were in their therms, the coolest little sister (because you were the youngest Knight)
For Sucrose, you were one of the Knights who understood her, and Albedo liked you a lot
So everyone liked you, and they knew not to mess with you, specially in battle
You were a calm boy/girl every other aspect with the exception of the battlefield, you were a monster in there, everyone who knew about you and were your enemies were afraid of you
It was a calm evening, you were having a cup of (tea or coffee) with your (favorite dessert) while reading a book, sure nothing out of the ordinary happened with the exception of the people and the Knights bring materials for the roadblock
They only had a weak before the full moon
"(Y/N)!" You turned around to see your teacher, Lisa in front of you "I knew you were here, I need to ask you something"
"What do you need Lisa?" You said taking a sip of your cup
"Well, you know that in one week is the full moon, but I'm a little thigh with my duties, can you deliver a package for me?"
You knew that her duties were going to get the books not returned, and there were many, so you would obviously accepted but not without the details
"For who and where?"
"A boy, he is a little taller than you, has silver hair, red eyes and has eye bags, he is dress up with some green pants, an orange shirt, and a hooded jacket of a dark brown color, in Wolvendom"
“I see, you know that a little risky, right?” You knew it, entering Wolvendom was like ventured into the wolf’s den, it was more dangerous this days
“Please (Y/N), I really need your help, plus, he probably will like you”
“Who is ‘he’”
“Oh, right, the name of the boy, the one who I need to deliver his things, is Razor”
“Razor? I feel sorry for the guy... his parents must really loved him”
Lisa’s eyes filled with sadness
“He is an orphan, like you, but he is a little bit special”
“Anyways, will you do it?”
“Yeah, sure, I don’t have anything to do, plus, I need some wolfhooks”
“Oh, while you are on that, can you bring me some?”
“Sure” you ended up your food and were about to pay but Lisa handed the money to pay the bill
“This time I pay” she blinked an eye to you “I hope you had fun in Wolvendom” you only gave her the book back and walked to the bridge of the city
“Iblis... come”
“I’m here, mister/mistress (Y/N)” a black cat with some amber like scars and fire eyes “I suppose we are going to Helldom”
“You really hate wolves and dogs despite not being a ‘cat’”
“Ha, ha, very funny mister/mistress” the familiar said and transformed intro a giant creature, like a puma but little bigger
“It won’t take long, promise” you said while you mounted the creature
The cat simply looked the path to Wolvendom
“Promise me you’ll give me fish”
“Of course”
The cat then jumped to the water and began to run in it
Once they arrived to the land of the wolves, the cat returned to a little lantern that you carried away
“Despite you aren’t a cat, you really act like one.... so quiet... scares me, now, where is this Razor?”
You began walking around the woods in order to find the boy
“Ah, it seems it’s going to rain” you said looking at the sky slowly turning gray while you holded your hat from blowing off
Just then, you sore you could see something in the bushes, probably a wolf, you knew that it wasn’t a good idea to fight him, because 1: you knew that a hurt wolf will make you the target of the whole pack and 2: you needed to bring the pack to 'Razor'
“Who is there?” Your only response where the bushes moving and then a boy appeared, green pants, orange shirt, dark brown hooded jacket, silver hair and red eyes with eye bags, yep this was the person Lisa asked you to deliver the package “Razor, right?” The only thing Lisa didn’t told you was that Razor was a werewolf, maybe that's why he was special
“Yes... you are?”
“(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)”
“You smell like... Lisa... you are Knight?”
Geese, this boy seriously need some classes of language, if he was at Sumeru, he probably be mocked by everyone
“Yes I'm a knight” you gave him the package “it’s from Lisa”
“Ah! Painkillers!” His ears twitched his ear in happiness “thanks, why Lisa not came?”
“She was busy with the librarian duties... you know, books not returned on time”
“Ah, yes, I know that” you began walking away “where you going?
“Im going for wolfhooks” Razor stopped you and gave you some that were stuck in his tail or hair, his tail was moving with excitement
“Thanks... but I actually need some more” you said coldly, you honestly felt uncomfortable and it wasn’t Razor’s fault, it was because you saw the death of your parents and you were kinda afraid of werewolves because of that
“Oh, I know a place where they grow” he said tooking your hand but before he could drag you there, Iblis came out and tried to scratch him and unfortunately, Razor released some electricity, causing an overloaded reaction
Razor ended up crushing in a tree and Iblis flied to the ground, you on the other hand, ended up in some bushes
“Argggg..... IBLIS!!!” At that moment the familiar ended up in the floor like he was in a lot of pain, Razor saw that
“Mister/mistress, I’m sorry...” the cat returned to the lantern while you cleaned your self
“Sigh, now what’s the worst that can happen now?” Then it rained
Razor then guided you to a cave, there was some dried wood, it could be used for a bonfire
While you prepared the bonfire, Razor went for something
“Thanks Iblis...”
“I’m sorry” he said while walking to the bonfire in order to light it up
You simply cover yourself with your arms trying to get warmer with no success until you feel something fluffy, like a wool or fur, being warped around you
"You seem cold"
"Yeah, maybe it doesn't have to be because we were out in the rain like for like fifteen minutes"
"Sorry, I got lost"
".... "
"Why are you cold?"
"Because I'm-"
"No, not that, cold to me"
"I don't like werewolves..."
"Why? Did they attacked you?"
"No, they killed my parents"
"They... They kill your lupical?"
"Yep, they killed them, but I honestly owe them for that"
"You hated your Lupical?"
"Well, I loved them and that but they wanted me to become something I didn't want to become, so when they died I was free to do whatever I wanted" you said looking at the ceiling of the cave "by the way, did your painkillers survived the crush?"
He forgot that he had them with him when that crazy cat attacked him, unfortunately, the painkillers were destroyed by the impact
"Yes, mister/mistress?"
"I won't give you fish or milk in a week" you turned around to see the werewolf "I'm sorry for this, I will make you some new painkillers in compensation"
"Thanks, but not worry for this, not necessary, only need them for transformation"
"It's very painful, right?" He nodded "I'm not a werewolf but I understand your pain, when I made a pact, he almost roasted me alive, it took me some time to get the burns away"
He looked confused, you two looked like you knew each other for so long
"Why he tried to roast you?" Said while looking at the feline creature
"Well, some familiars like to make you a test to see if you are worthy of them, that why he almost burned me alive" you giggle a little when you remember that day "but you suffer that pain every month, for how long are you a werewolf?"
"I... Not know.... I was like this all my life... Or at least from what I remember" he paused a little "I never accostumed to the pain"
You patted his head while giving him space besides you
"It seems that the rain won't stop sooner, we will have to collect the ingredients for the painkillers while it rains... Dang it..."
"You hate rain?"
"No, but I'm a Pyro user, my powers won't work during the rain if something attack us
"I have an electro vision, I can help you" Razor said excited while his tail moved with happiness "I protect you and you get the green things"
"Sound good for me, Iblis, you stay here and keep the fire alive"
You left the blanket and gesture Razor to follow you, which he did
You must have been out there for a good while since you felt really cold and you didn't have all the things to make the painkillers
"We should return to cave"
"No, it's fine, we are almost finished" you said trembling from the cold
"You not look good"
"It's fine, let's just get the last thing"
Razor sighed internally and putted you his coat to at least make you a little more warmer
"We get it, we come back"
You began searching the last herb while Razor guarded you, but he clearly was worried about you, you looked tired and he could sore that you were freezing
"Got it!"
You turned around to see Razor coming towards you and he grabbed you in a bridal style, you freaked out
"What are you doing!?"
"We are going back to cave, we will be faster this way" He said and began to run
You hugged Razor by the neck in fear you might accidentally slipped off his arms
When you arrived back at the cave, the feline creature almost had a heart attack
"Mister/mistress, take off your clothes!!! You can't be around with wet clothes, you might catch a cold!"
"I think I might already have... But I don't have spare clothes, and you know it!"
Then Razor gave you back his blanket
"Use for cover, I get us clothes while others dry"
Once Razor was out of view, your familiar began to order you to take off your wet clothes which you did and you covered yourself with the blanket and wait for him to arrive with clothes
When he arrived, he looked at you while you stare at him uncomfortable
"Razor, I need privacy..."
"Oh" he turned around and faced the wall of the cave "I not look until you tell me to look"
In a day like this, you probably would be enjoying a hot chocolate while you were near the fire or taking a long and warm bath, it was rare for you to be outside in the rain, you weren't that accostumed to the rain
"Now you can turn around"
You both simply ate some meat he had in silence and after that you both went to sleep
The next morning, as you predicted, you had a fever
Razor was watching you while that fur ball that is your familiar went for ingredients for a chicken soup to make you feel better
"Razor, I'm cold"
"Cold? You burn!!!" It was part true, when you have fevers, your Pyro Vision is more a curse than a blessing, your temperature is more higher than the average temperature of a person with fever and touching you it was like touching a burning wood
"Can you bring me my bag? I think I have medicine in there"
He immediately bring you the bag, fortunately, all of you potions survived the explosion of yesterday
"bleh, I'll never accostumed to the taste of this things"
"What was in?"
"You probably don't want to know"
You looked outside, it wasn't raining anymore and it was a very calm morning
"Here, I made it" the silver haired boy gave you some hash browns but with the shape of a paw
"Thanks" you were kinda afraid to taste the hash browns because you didn't knew if he knew how to cook, but you decided to trust Razor with this
And to your surprise, the hash browns were good
"I didn't knew you knew how to cook Razor"
"Lisa show me"
"If you want, I can show you more things"
After Iblis came back with fowls for the soup and ate quietly, you began making the painkillers
Thankfully, you bring your portable alchemy kit, you never knew when you would really need it so you always carry it with you
Razor watched you grind some of the herbs you collect while you simply put a lizard tail in a cauldron, he really felt like he was going to barf at the awful smell and the things you put in the cauldron
"You really don't like the smell..."
"It smells horrible"
"I don't blame you, it might taste horrible and smells horrible but every medicine or potion taste horrible or smells like this"
Once you ended the potion, you closed the cauldron with an special lid and rest on one rock with Razor's blanket
"Let the mix rest for a while Razor, or it might turn you into a frog"
He immediately went with you, afraid of the cauldron, thinking it magically began to walk and turn him into a frog
"It won't turn into one if you don't drink what inside"
That at least calm him a little
"Your Lupical... How they were?"
"They were two hunters, I was supposed to be a hunter like them but I was a sucker for books and knowledge, despite they wanted me to be smart, they also wanted me to hunt with them, to which I didn't want to do it... More than one time they hid my book so I would returned them late or destroy them" you sighed "at least they didn't got what they wanted"
"What they hunt?"
"Rabbits, boards, some little animals and..."
"Wolves...." You paused a little "they also helped with the protection of the city during full moon... Despite being my family, they were nasty people... One time I heard them planning to hunt the all wolves in Wolvendom... I guess I was the black sheep of the family"
"And you want kill wolves?"
"No, I don't want to... I'm not like them, if you ask me, I don't kill for fun, I only do it when it's necessary"
"What you think about me?"
"About you... Hmmm.... Well, you are nice, kind, a little naive and you really seem to care about your Lupical, unlike me, because I'm a... Lone wolf" he laughed a little by your response
"You not feel lonely?"
"Well... I have Iblis, Lisa is technically the one in charge of me... The Knights could be like the closest thing to a family but... I accostumed to be lonely and it's always been like that"
Razor look at you with pity, after all, he was accostumed to be in company of his pack and lone wolfs were a rare thing
"I be with you!"
You look at him with an unamused face
"When did I agree to that? Besides, you don't have your Lupical to take care of"
"But... You are lupical, lupical doesn't need to be alone"
"I'm fine on my own, but if you really want to, I think you won't leave me alone"
Then he hugged you
"I not fail you"
After a while, the painkillers were done and you two had to bid your farewells, it was safer that Razor stayed with his pack in Wolvendom till the full moon is gone
"do you perhaps like that werewolf?"
"Wha- of course not! Not in that way!"
"I didn't say that you liked him that way"
"When we arrive home, I'll give you a very cold bath"
The feline just closed his eyes, knowing that he'll suffer during that bath, he probably would prefer another place to 'clean' himself
If you want to request I probably recommend you to wait a little, I'm planning on remaking the request list
Why Razor is a werewolf? Because why not? He's wolf boy, if he has to be a supernatural creature, it's 100% that he's a werewolf, I bet y'all think the same (if not, give me the clown wig please)
Wishing everyone luck on Venti's Rerun, I Will totally pull because I didn't get him cause someone came home, not pointing fingers, but it was a broke-ass astrologist (I latter find out how pity works and you know the rest), if he doesn't, Childe probably will... (I'm with 50/50, knowing my luck, I probably get c1 of any other 5* with the exception of Mona (she's C1)
I'm going to upload more things, probably soon but who knows?
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
masterpost ☀️ main masterlist ☀️ taglist
previously on...
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This chapter is very dialogue heavy. Stephen Strange being a little bit of a dick and Tony being a sweetheart. No warnings here, just plot and worldbuilding. I think Tony is his own warning to be honest... Do we want fun facts before each chapter like before or nah?
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Sorcerer Strange stared at me with the heat of a plasma beam after I finished stuttering throughout my story, one accurate eyebrow raised and sharp cheekbones painting him displeased and dangerous in the yellow light of the store lamps. The whole experience shook me more than I would have liked to admit to myself and his mute reaction wasn't helping matters at all.
"Hmph," he finally cleared his throat, taking a step back and casting a thoughtful look over the shelves in the store. "You did all you could. Perhaps, we owe you gratitude," his tone was far kinder than his face. "How long have you been doing... This?" He vaguely gestured with a gloved hand.
"Long enough," I replied without thinking. My stress levels urgently rose above acceptable and the feelings needed to be let out now; Wong's dismissive attitude and Strange's half-assed apology for the attitude was still fresh in my mind.
The sorcerer sighed, briefly touching the bridge of his nose. "I won't pretend to understand the reason for your hostility but I'd like to remind you we're on the same side here," his steely blue eyes attempted to peer into my soul.
"There are no sides here," whatever he was selling, I wasn't buying it. "There are just people who get hurt, either because of unstable maniacs with superpowers or aliens who think Earth is an all-you-can-kill buffet," I stuck my dirty, bloody hands in my pockets. "You do your part in mitigating the damage, I do mine. That's all there is."
"And you would be making my job expotentionally harder if you get in the way and slow down professionals, even if you mean well," the man's temper had, evidently, won over and he immediately got on the defensive, crossing his arms and trying to glare me down.
Odette's words rang true, starting a storm of hollow anger in the pit of my skull. "Now listen here, you privileged prick," the damn burst at the seams as I squared up to give him a piece of my mind. "You and your Hogwarts rejects and the merry band of billionaires may have the opportunity to 24/7 healthcare and near-instant compensation for any damages the villain of the week decides to bestow upon your shallow little heads," I advanced half a step towards Strange, hands bailed into tight fists, internally rejoicing at the way he leaned back. My blood sang with adrenaline as I breathed the exhilaration.
"But how many people do you overlook? How many children never make it because your super secret organisation gives their parents an ultimatum just because they are different? This is a safe space for the ones you pretend not to see until it's convenient and it will stay that way, over my fucking dead body, if need be," I stared at the tall man, almost physically feeling his brain halt and pause with the cartoony sound of screeching tires. Whatever he was expecting, it wasn't this.
A pregnant pause hung in the air, both of us waiting for the other to explode.
"Don't you think I am aware," Strange finally seethed through gritted teeth, alarming golden sparks shining in his eyes. "The Avengers are not under the rule of SHIELD and I, personally, have no affiliation with either. I do not condone their barbaric methods," the man was struggling to form his sentences properly but even despite that, I understood his ideas.
I desperately wanted to believe his words to be true, I really did, but... "Then do your fucking job and let me do mine. I do not go out there and intervene, I merely clean up the mess you all leave. Something that nobody wants to do do, so unless you've got any takers, I'll keep helping those you deem unfit," in a fit of muted rage, I flew my arm to point at the abandoned cars and destroyed concrete outside of the window, the empty street and the clouds of dust rising into the moody skies.
The entrance door flew open suddenly, with a force strong enough to bang the heavy, old handle against something outside, letting in the stuffy air inside the bodega. Strange jumped at the sound of the screaming hinges, my own heart skipping a beat from the startling interruption.
Visibly composing himself, the man pierced me with a final stare before starting a dangerously quiet, "Very well, goodbye," and hightailing it out of Odette's before disappearing in a golden circle just outside the front porch.
I let my shoulders sag for a brief moment of respite, feeling the tension bleed out of me and penetrate every nook and cranny in the room. My protection charms were mostly destroyed, silver dull, glass and amber crackled. Tossing them into the appropriate recycling bin, I set to clean up the shop, flying through the motions in record time and wandering home through the damaged streets on autopilot.
My anger had cost me more than a fortune in my past but no matter how much I sought to reason with myself, I couldn't bring it to justify Strange's attitude towards my choices. The more I thought about it, the less rational my guesses became; I forced myself to stop thinking about it when my brain had unhelpfully supplied an absurd notion of him being jealous of my lifestyle: he knew next to nothing of my skills and his opinion was based solely on seeing me work the store front and one cleansing spell I'd performed on Bucky. There was simply no rational explanation for his behaviour.
NYC life wasn't affected by the battle in the slightest, it seemed; a day and a half later, I was back at Jeremy's, serving overpriced hot beverages to the rich and the busy. I'd slept on the Bucky and Strange situation, got a handle on my feelings and decided to simply put it away. There were other, more pressing things to worry about than a couple of men.
I didn't expect the flood of anxiety that turned my hands to lead upon seeing Tony Stark's signature suit-and-sunglasses wearing ass waltz into the café. He flashed me his usual easy grin but didn't remove his glasses, eyes eerily blank behind them, as he motioned for his usual order before leaning on the countertop with the entirety of his upper body. "So, Starshine, what is it exactly that you do?" Came the question I was dreading. "Are you, like, a witch? The broomstick and cauldron kind?"
"Mr. Stark, I am serving you coffee and a muffin as we speak," I replied curtly, raising an eyebrow.
"Drop the act, honeybuns. I thought we were friends," if I squinted, I could see that he was genuinely hurt by my lack of desire to communicate. Or, perhaps, he simply was unused to not satisfying his curiosities immediately.
Either way, I stood no chance against Stark patented puppy eyes. "I clock out at two," a sigh of epic magnitude left my mouth against my will. "You can interrogate me then. Until that, it's lattes and cheesecakes only."
Tony narrowed his eyes, smile warming up by a smidgen. "Interrogate you? Never," he pocketed the napkin with Dr. Banner's scribbles the doc had forgotten last time. "I'm merely curious." Another flash of his teeth and he was gone, taking what little peace I had left along with him.
The hands on the clock made their hurried rounds over and over. My chest had grown it's own set of ticking, grinding, mismatched gears as the endless possibilities coursed a steady stream through my head. Tony Stark was a wild card, his struggles with authority a widely known fact, as frequent as his strange habits in just about anything. And while I doubted I would get ambushed and locked up, I had no qualms of him berating me for telling off his boyfriend. He seemed like the possessive, overprotective type, anyways.
As soon as I exited the café, surrounded by the smells of flour and coffee grounds, my eyes immediately landed on the shiny, brand new Audi illegally parked right in front of the establishment, it's owner leisurely leaning against the hood with a face of contented boredom as passerby pedestrians shamelessly ogled him and his ride. His face lit up as he noticed me, immediately rushing to hold the passenger side door open for my comfort. "M'lady," the dorky remark didn't fail to summon a smile to my face even if it was a weak shadow of my usual camaraderie.
"Mr. Stark," I greeted him as soon as he peeled off the crowded sidewalk.
The lack of joy on my face didn't go unnoticed by him and every now and then, he snuck a glance at my face. "Relax, Starshine, I won't bite."
"Well," I mumbled, remembering the vicious way I had torn into his boyfriend. "Good to know."
Seeing as that didn't do much for my nerves, he suddenly swerved right, rushing into a busy intersection with the ease of a practiced manic driver. "I'm feeling like a cheeseburger," he announced unceremoniously, pulling into a parking lot of some place I never noticed.
I doubted that I could swallow anything at all but relented, sitting down opposite him in the furthest booth from the entrance. I ordered the biggest milkshake they had as Tony grinned big at the waitress, finally taking off his sunglasses when she left for the kitchen.
I rested my elbows on the table under the scrutiny of his gaze. He kept quiet. I couldn't hold back my curiosity any more. "So?"
His sharp, clever brown eyes captured and held mine for the longest second in my life. I struggled not to break eye contact until he relented, focusing on the shine of my rings instead. "RoboCop almost died from the shit that happened to him," Tony's words were curt. I inhaled sharply, assuming he was talking about Barnes. The engineer's fingers began to fiddle with his glasses. "We couldn't figure out how you helped him. Not the medical, not Banner, not me and and not even Steph," he paused to run a hand through his hair. "Barnes was hit with a poisoned arrow. There were no toxins left in his body, not even a single inflammation marker showed up on the tests." With that, Tony expectantly turned to me.
I chewed on my lip in contemplation. "Magic," I simply answered, figuring Strange had already briefed him about my occupation.
Tony shook his head with a snort. "Magic that the Sorcerer Supreme doesn't recognize or cannot detect?" The question was saved in nature.
Stephen Strange was Sorcerer Supreme and I had pissed him off and remained alive. I couldn't believe my luck, if Odette's stories were anything to go by. Inwardly rejoicing, I nonetheless resigned to answer truthfully. "Because there is nothing to detect, no foreign energy," I tried to phrase it in a way a scientist could understand. "What I use to heal, it is given me by nature and willingly. Think of me as a... Conductor. I merely store the energy short-term and direct it where it is needed."
That sparked a visible interest in Tony. He leaned forward, running my whole form, over and over, with his sharp eyes, searching for something I knew he wouldn't find. "Like... Making a blood transfusion?" It was obvious that he was thinking hard about the subject. "Like a successful organ transplant?"
"Something like that," I agreed amicably, seeing as he was talking at himself rather than engaging in a conversation with me.
"But it doesn't come from nothing, the first law of thermodynamics..." He started off in slight confusion.
"Yes, the total amount of energy remains constant," I interrupted him, making his eyes widen. "It's all around us, Mr. Stark. You cannot see it, and most people even cannot feel it, but mother Earth supports her creations. More than we like to think," the corner of my mouth tilted upward at the memories. Working with Gaia directly was like being briefly submersed in a cocoon of pure, warm sunshine; like being held in mother's arms as a babe. "She is kind and she is merciful, especially to the ones whose suffering is unjust," I let the man mull over my words.
The waitress brought our orders; my throat was parched, I took a few haste gulps of the chocolate milkshake. Tony's burger, however, remained unnoticed and untouched.
"Earth is a sentient organism?"
The question made my eyebrows rise; I coughed slightly, meeting his confused eyes with a smirk. "Mr. Stark, keep your science headcanons to yourself," the banter came easily now that the status quo was established.
He rolled his eyes, fitfully resisting the smile tugging at his mouth. "I'm telling on you to Mean Green," there was no malice behind his words.
I doubted the shy scientist would do much more than stutter out two jumbled questions but let the topic slide in favour of closing up on the issue. "Would you call a wolf sentient? No," I shook my head. "But it is autonomous, it has free will. Think of it like that," I wasn't really up to par on explaining Tony all the ins and outs of my craft. The more I spoke, the more questions danced in his eyes. It was charming but not something I wanted to spend most of my day on.
"I won't pretend to be anything but sceptical but as it is, I happen to be dating a wizard," the engineer finally chortled, making hands for his burger. He made a vague gesture with his fork, expression still not-quite out of the thinking place.
"They say opposites attract," I shrugged.
"Romanoff keeps saying we're two sides of the same coin, so," he non-commitally shrugged in return. "Can't help but wonder what the fuck did you tell him that day. He was seething," Tony raised an eyebrow, tone teasing.
"Oh lord," I briefly palmed my face. "Here comes the shovel talk."
"No, no," a fry landed on the table in front of me. I snatched it right from under Tony's hand. He pouted. "He probably deserved it. I mean, you saved the Terminator and, honestly," he paused. "I heard about one third of his rant and I distinctly remember something about 'girls way over their heads' and whatnot," he did a poor imitation of his boyfriend's deep voice. "Now, I consider myself a feminist so, respectfully, I disagree," he finished with a self-satisfied smirk.
I blanked, trying to process the avalanche of information. "That's a lot to unpack," I acquiesced.
"It means he likes you. I would know," the man had the audacity to wink at me. And that, ladies and gentlemen, was Tony Stark.
"Are you hitting on me for your boyfriend?" I couldn't resist snarking back, briefly catching his eyes as I polished off my milkshake.
Tony looked at me through his thick, long lashes, a picture perfect visage of surprised innocence. "Maybe," his tone a little too south of friendly, the direction of his eyes a bit lower than my face.
The snort escaped me before I could put a stop to it. The banter - it was easy, comforting in this situation where I found myself to be akin a fish out of water. Like I was a slightly socially awkward witch, Tony was a genius engineer and a notorious flirt. He toed the lines of appropriate with practiced gusto and I hadn't had the heart to do anything but indulge in a little bit of harmless fun ever since he first stepped foot in the café, seeing right through his stone cold facade of an alleged womaniser. Call it a hunch, if you will.
Say what you want about Tony Stark but one thing was definite: he was a gentleman. I thoroughly enjoyed my ride home in his expensive, fast, latest model car. As the city streets zoomed by in a flurry of blurred lines and flashing colorful lights, I allowed my mind to finally calm and resume it's usual even wandering pace.
A hand loosely thrown over the steering wheel, Tony quietly hummed along to the music, playing with the hem of his tee whenever it wasn't occupied with driving the car. He looked so peaceful like that.
The sound system played some contemporary rock that blended in with the moderately busy afternoon of the NYC streets, submerging the surroundings in catharsis. Grey everything with the occasional burst of colour from a traffic light; the brief car ride lulled me into a state almost drowsy.
"You with me, Salem?" Tony's voice quietly took me out of my stupor.
I blinked, seeing the front door of my apartment building. "Yeah, yeah, thanks," I didn't resist the big, wide smile of relief and rejoiced upon seeing his face return to his normal expression, sparkling and mischievous. "That's my stop," I motioned lamely.
Something hung in the air, something unsaid. It leaked through the gaps between Tony's smile and his eyes, it filled up the car with something thick and foggy. I was powerless to stop its influence on me; the daze remained just as it was when we zoomed through city streets.
Tony's fingers twitched on the steering wheel as I exited the vehicle, giving him a short wave before he put pedal to the metal, quickly disappearing into the twilight. I watched his tail lights glow red amongst the flat blacks and greys and beiges of my surroundings, blinking away the dryness in my eyes only when the car disappeared from my view completely.
My apartment was just as I'd left it, warm and slightly messy- but a new feeling had crawled up from the very gutter of me, foreign and impending. The walls didn't breathe the comfort I had hoped I would finally find: if anything, none of what I encountered on my rapid beeline towards the couch felt real.
I'd grown accustomed to the comforts of my solitude and routine, to attached to the simplest task of being. Sorting through my dirty laundry had never been a favourable ordeal for me, I'd much rather lived in a relatively wide bubble- rationally, I knew that sooner or later, change had have to come, but there was nothing ever rational about having feelings on one matter or another.
My spirit was trying to tell me big things were coming and I had no choice but to listen and let the currents of fate and happenstance snatch me up and take me whichever way they pleased.
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Taglist: @couldntbedamned @mikariell95 @letsby @sleep-i-ness @toomanyrobins @mostly-marvel-musings @persephonehemingway @schemefrenzy @lillsxd @bluecrazedandbeautiful @slothspaghettiwrites @xoxabs88xox
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cripplingaddictions · 4 years
Shinso x Reader: Scented Candles
Summary: While you were enjoying Shinso's company in your dorm room, the power cuts off. Inspired by the romantic lighting of your emergency candles, Shinso proposed the idea that the two of you should slow dance. He convinces you to sing for him while he holds you close in the aroma of your scented candles.
Rating: SFW
Genre: Tooth rotting fluff
Work Count: 1.1k
A/N: I'm so sorry for the wait recently, I am working on a request too at the moment even though life has been keeping me plenty busy.
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Time was forgotten as the darkness beyond your curtains drawn closed over your dorm window had long settled in. The low humming of conversation on the tv on the wall opposing the end of your bed was the only sound you could hear besides your boyfriends slow breathing next to you. 
        The even rhythm of Hitoshi’s chest leaning against your slouched form showed that he was long drifting off to sleep. You didn’t blame him, however, as the trashy movie you had put on for steady background noise had almost bore you to sleep too. Not only that, but the training he was undertaking with Aizawa to fulfill his dream of joining the Hero Course was tiring him out. You were incredibly proud of his progress, but the last thing you wanted was for him to burn himself out.
        You didn’t pay attention to the movie anymore, scrolling through your phone while you rother hand threated its fingers into Shinso’s lilac hair. His cheek rested on your shoulder, one arms resting over your midriff. The lamp by your beside emitted just enough light for your eyes to trace his features whenever his breath would slightly hinder.
        Suddenly, the lamp shut off. The television’s light and the awful dialogue seized with a small click. Your body jolted upright at the abrupt silence that fell over your room.
        Hitoshi’s eyes quickly opened at your sudden movement, straightening his back. You immediately felt bad, switching on the torch setting on your phone.
        “Sorry, Toshi,” you turned the torch to the ceiling as to not accidentally shine it in his eyes.
        “It’s fine, kitten,” Hitoshi’s voice rasped, his hands rubbing his eyes slowly.
        “I think the power went out,” you stated the obvious, taking into account the sky outside was clear, “But there’s no storm outside.”
        “Denki probably sneezed on a power socket, or something,” Hitoshi mused, squeezing you close so he could press a kiss onto your hairline. “Don’t stress.”
        “I’m not stressed,” you poked him in the chest, “but we should probably light some candles, because I think my phone is about to die.”
        Turning your phone over, you turned it on so that you could read the battery percentage. A small number 3 sat next to the small battery symbol in the corner, confirming your suspicion.
        “Looks like we’re going back to sleep then, kitten,” Hitoshi smirked, sinking down into the duvet.
        He adjusted one of your pillows so that it rested at a comfortable angle. His arms wrapped around your torso, dragging you down the bed. Your legs slipped further into the warm blankets as Hitoshi attempted to wrap you up in the duvet. Thrashing your arms around, you urged to wriggle back up to sit.
        A few months ago, you would have stood a fighting chance to get your way whenever Hitoshi tried to use force to get you to cuddle. Mr Aizawa’s training had certainly enhanced his strength, making your playful wrestles feel like a sparing match.
        “No!” You laughed, attempting to pry his fingers from your hips, “I don’t want to sleep yet! I want to light some candles!”
        Hitoshi smirked, “Look at you… you’re struggling to stop me when I’m really tired… Have you been skipping training again?”
        “I don’t skip training!” You stopped wriggling for a moment, turning to look into Hitoshi’s half-lidded eyes. “You’ve just been training harder than me, and I’m proud.”
        “Don’t try to flatter me,” Hitoshi growled, “I’m still winning.”
        He smirked, when you wriggled backwards out of his hold. His arm lifted off you, allowing for you to slide off your bed. You crossed the floor to a cabinet, unaware of Hitoshi’s adoring gaze falling after your figure.            
        Blindly rummaging through a draw, you found a small collection of scented candles, some you gifted to yourself, others from Hitoshi. Fumbling in the dark with the marches, you struct it, a small spark alighting the head. You quickly hovered the match over the candles’ wicks, lighting them all. A row of orange light bounced over the walls and ceiling as the torch from your phone turned off.             
        The amber glow relaxed you, your eyes drifting over to Hitoshi still lounging on your bed. His lilac eyes bore into you, an adoring smirk wrinkling the corner of his soft, kissable lips.     
        Slightly embarrassed by the lingering gaze, you turned your back towards him. Have expecting him to drift off to sleep once again, you began to rearrange your candles so they lined up perfectly across your cabinet. The mixed senses of pinewood, vanilla and lavender wafted into your nose in swirls with the smoke.
        Fingers dancing around the small of your waist took you by surprise, Hitoshi’s hands clasping together across your stomach. Hot air tickled the back of your neck.
        “The atmosphere is suddenly a lot more romantic, would you say so, kitten?”             
        Hitoshi’s silky voice and accusation made you blush, spinning around in his arms to face him. The way his half-lidded eyes trailed your face while resting his hands on your hips caused your stomach to do backflips. There was something about being this close to him that had this effect on you, no matter how long you had been together.
        “It is, yeah,” you sighed, adjusting your hands that you had swung around his neck.
        “Perfect for slow dancing,” Hitoshi rubbed his nose across yours softly.
        You laughed at him, “Since when were you into dancing?”
        “I’m not, but wouldn’t it be fun to try?”
        You pursed your lips, fully aware of the way he had manipulated your movements so you were now slowly swaying to an unknown rhythm.
        “We don’t have any music.”
        “Sing for me.”
        “No, it’s embarrassing.”
        “Please, kitty? Your voice is beautiful.”
        “You only heard me that one time you accidentally walked in on me showering.”           
        “And you sounded lovely.”
        “Bathroom acoustics are always so much better, though.”
        “Baby, please? You’d sound beautiful wherever you are.”
        At this point he was basically begging. You almost felt bad for having to deny him for so long, especially when his lip slightly pouted out at his last sentence.            
        “Fine… but you owe me another scented candle,” you bargained, smiling as he laughed before scoffing at you.
        “You’re so weird.”
        Rolling your eyes, you didn’t protest, mentally hyping yourself up for your small performance. Clearing your throat, you avoided Hitoshi’s eyes as you fell into the first note.
“Put your head on my shoulder Hold me in your arms, baby Squeeze me oh-so-tight Show me that you love me too
Put your lips next to mine, dear Won't you kiss me once, baby? Just a kiss goodnight, maybe  You and I will fall in love”          
        Hitoshi led your bodies in an uncoordinated waltz, giggling whenever he dipped you. His sudden movements would leave you shocked, having to replenish your voice in order to continue the song.
        Even with the cracks in your voice or when you forgot the lyric and had to repeat the line, the way you held each other if the sweet perfumes of your scented candles couldn’t be more perfect.
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midnights-light · 4 years
Ladybug and the hound
Chapter 1
Imma be honest I wasn’t expecting 1 person to read my story let alone 48 but life is full of surprises and while that may not seem like a lot of people I was expecting no one to read this so for me it means a lot. Now a few notes.
So I forgot to mention a few things in the last chapter such as Captain’s breed. He is a Malinois Dog breed, second I may use some things from @kelelamentia Dogs are a ladybugs best friend ‘cause I love the idea of the way Ladybug and Captain do the pound it.Now on to the second chapter. Also I did not forget August you’ll just have to read to know what happens with him. I also am terrible at describing things and how people look so imagine them as you please.
Learning about Marinette
Marinette’s POV
After the battle me and captain were just trying to get home so I could help maman and papa in the bakery but instead I run into the people I handed August to while I yelled at Chat. He’s been getting worse and worse each akuma that appears demanding that I go on a date with him and accept that I love him even though I told him that I don’t like him over and over again. I lost my feelings for Adrien when he left me to deal with the class bullying me to make me pay for ‘bullying’ Lila. One good thing that came from the Lila situation is that I learned who my real friends are. Max, Kim, Alix, Chloe, Kagami, Nino, and Luka all stick with me.
Max had his suspicions about Lila’s lies since the beginning but the napkin incident is what made him completely sure that she was lying because one it was a napkin so it couldn’t possibly gouge his eye out, and two is that even if it ‘could’ gouge his eye out HE HAS GLASSES which would protect his eyes. Kim and Nino have been my friends since forever so they know that I hate liars so when I called her a liar they knew that there must be a reason so one day after school they came to my house to ask me why I think she’s a liar. So I pointed out that all of the lies that could be proven wrong with just a simple google search. Alix has known me since we could walk so she knows that while I could hold my own in a fight, I wouldn’t do anything that would harm someone else on purpose (and if I did then I would do everything I could to make sure that they are ok afterwards) no matter how much they deserve it. Kagami and Luka know that I will give up my happiness if it means someone else will be happy like when I gave up on Adrien to let Kagami get with him, but sadly they broke up a month later after Kagami learned that he told me to take the high road in the Lila situation. And Chloe. Chloe is the daughter of the Style Queen and the Mayor of Paris so she has a knack for finding out liars, and after a month or two of me being bullied by the class sans, my friends, she came up to me and apologized for bullying me all those years. I forgave her because I know she can be good she just doesn’t have much experience in people being nice to her but my friends were still a little protective of me for a few weeks till they knew that she could be trusted.
They found out my identity by accident but I am so glad that they found out, especially when Chat or should I say Adrien acts like the world owes him something in exchange for ‘protecting’ Paris. I hadn’t meant to find out his identity yet cause I want to find the true black cat before I take his miraculous away from him. I am a true ladybug, but Adrien isn’t a true black cat but Master Fu needed to get both of them out into battle fast so he couldn’t look for a true black cat so Adrien would have to do, but ever since Lie-la showed up he acts as Chloe had before Lie-la. We have been talking about replacing him but I want to find the true black cat and test them to see if they are worthy and I am going to ask if they want the responsibility cause no one should be thrown headfirst into this kind of stuff like I was.
Where was I? Oh Right! I hadn’t meant to find out his identity but Plagg was getting sick and fed up with his behavior so he came to me one night and asked how long till we find the true black cat. I told him soon and that if we didn’t find them before my birthday (which was on Friday) that I would take the ring from him and asked Plagg to give me a clue as to who he is. The clue was his birthday and I thought of when the birthdays of every male blonde I know that is around my age was and landed on Adrien so I asked if i was right and he nodded then had to leave before he woke up. Back to the people I ran into I see that Damian I think is around my age and he also has a dog, doesn’t hurt that he is pretty handsome too.... WAIT WHAT!? ‘NO NO NO! BAD MARINETTE! YOU JUST MET HIM!
After he’s introduced Damian grabs my hand and place a kiss on the back, said “Nice too meet you Angel.” and I start blushing and internally freaking out like ‘OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! HE KISSED MY HAND! AND HE CALLED ME ANGEL!’ Then I hear Captain growling at Damian. He looks at me slightly waiting to see if he can shred him apart or not. I quickly say “Sorry Damian, Captain’s a little protective of me and doesn’t like strangers being around me.” I say a little worried that he would be offended but to my surprise he says, “I understand.” then he holds out his hand for Captain to sniff which he does and after he does he still is growling but he doesn’t look ready to rip him to shreds at least. Then we hear snickering behind us and Damian glares at the source of the noise which turned out to be his family... OH RIGHT! I am being so rude right now only focusing on Damian and not paying attention to his family. Then Captain and his dog start playing with each other making us laugh.  Then I notice that August starts trying to say my name, “Mariette, Mariette!” Oh that’s the guy I gave August to... AUGUST!!! I completely forgot to tell them what to do with him till his mom is able to get him. “Oh! Hello to you to August.” I say causing him to laugh and try to hug me which causes Dick to hand him to me, “It’s nice to see you again to. How about we call your mom and get you a snack?” He laughs and I say, “I’ll take that as a yes!” I laugh. I then turn to them and say ,“So shall we start walking to the bakery?” A chorus of Yes is the response so I start talking with Damian while Captain and Titus, I learned was his name, continue to play as we walk. Me and Damian talked while we walked and by the time I noticed our surroundings we were across the street from the bakery and as I was about to say we were there someone called my name and I froze.
Damian’s POV
I was having fun (Yes FUN) with the Angel next to me and as she was about to say something when an amber haired girl with glasses and a girl with sausage like hair called her and they looked angry. Maybe they were her friends though judging by the way she froze probably not... Wait why did she freeze? Just as I was about to ask what’s wrong she suddenly says, “Ok well the bakery is across the street just tell them Marinette sent you and could you take Captain and August in with you? Thanks!” She quickly handed the leash to me and August to Dick and ran off to where the other girls were and pulled them around the corner and Captain was desperately trying to follow her and was pulling hard on the leash.
“So we’re going to see what that was about right?” Grayson asks, “I mean she seemed in a hurry to get to them before they got to her and get them out of sight, so something is off right?” “Well I think only one of us should go instead of all of us. It could be personal though so how about we head into the bakery and wait?” Father asks. “Actually Master Bruce I believe Master Damian should go see what is going on, since they get along quite nicely.” Alfred says with a hint of worry in his voice, and while normally I would try to object I really want to get some time alone with the Angel to talk and ,if the chance shows itself, make her blush some more. So I agree and start walking with Titus and Captain who has gotten more desperate to get to her the closer we got. As I was about to round the corner a voice made me stop in my tracks, “-is for hurting Lila Marislut. You destroyed her homework so she gets to destroy your designs.” I then hear shredding noises and hear her crying and begging them to stop. I try to get myself to move and help but her heart wrenching sobs kept me frozen in place.
As soon as the tearing stops I then hear a loud crack and that gets me to move faster than I thought possible. I round the corner ready to commit a murder or help the Angel, preferably both, and as soon as I do I see a scene that breaks my heart. Marinette is sitting on the ground with a large hand print on her cheek and she is surrounded by torn pages and she is trying and failing to not cry. I then notice that Captain and Titus got loose from my grasp and are chasing the girls away and after a block they come back and try to help cheer Marinette up. Just then she notices me and she starts freaking out, “D-Damian wh-what a-are- you doing the-there?” I get down on my knees and start helping her pick up  the torn papers and say, “We noticed that you looked scared to go to those girls and wanted to make sure that you were ok. Good thing I brought Titus and Captain with me.” That makes her laugh though her voice is a little hoarse. “Are you ready to get inside?” She asks though I don’t know why she’s worried about me she just got slapped and had her designs torn up. “Only if you are but if you need a few minutes I can wait with you.” I reply.
“I’ll be fine,” she says, “I’ve been through worse I-” As soon as she says that I feel my blood run cold and boil at the same time. How bad has she been hurt before and who hurt her? Then I notice that she’s still talking “Sorry you don’t want to hear about my problems.Shall we go in?” I then did something that I had never done before but I have seen Grayson do it to Drake after he had a long difficult day at WE, I hugged her tightly and Titus and Captain lick her face. “Sorry I’m not to sure what to do to help cheer someone up but I have seen my brother do this to help. I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.” I say then I feel her tightly hug me back but I find that I don’t mind it. “No it’s ok I actually needed a hug. Thanks.” We stay like that for a few minutes until she pulls away and I get a better look at her face and I have never wanted to commit a murder this badly. The place she got slapped is starting to swell and her eyes look like they lost the spark they had when we were talking. “Thank You. Really.” “I’m not the best at comforting someone so-” “No I mean Thank you for coming to check on me. Not many people would do that so thanks.” And in this moment I knew that I would do anything for her and protect her as much as possible. We get up and she takes Captains leash and the papers from me and starts to head to the bakery. As soon as we enter I hear my family happily talking with Marinette’s parents about busy and slow days.It seems that August’s mother has already picked him up so I guess this happens quite a bit but that makes me concerned about how often this happens. How often is Angel in danger of akumas (Whatever those are) harming her? I clear my throat and Grayson is the first to notice us, “Oh hey guys ho-” he then notices Marinettes red puffy eyes and the hand print on her face and his big brother instincts kick in, “What happened!? Are you Ok? Who did this?” Then he’s moved out of the way by Marinette’s Dad, “Marinette are you ok do we need to call Chloe, Luka, and Kagami?”
Marinette doesn’t say anything but nods. He then calls out to her mother, “Sabine can you call Chloe, Luka, and Kagami and see if they can come over?” “Already on it honey.” and not even a minute later the door bursts open and a Blonde girl, a Asian blue haired girl, and a chill looking guy with teal hair tackle Marinette in a hug with the blonde asking if she could sue them, the teal guy asking if she needs him to play her song for her, which breaks my heart a little cause he must be her boyfriend, and the blue haired girl asking, “Can I run them through my blade now Mari-hime?” “No Kagami also I have a few guests with me.” They then seem to notice us and they suddenly look ready to pounce at any second with the blonde doing quick introductions, “Hi I’m Chloe, that’s Kagami,” The girl with blue hair bows a little, “and that’s Luka,” The boy gives a nod with his head, “now I want you to answer truthfully, what do you want with Maribug?” “What?” Asked Todd and Drake at the same time. She let’s out an annoyed huff, “I said, What are you intentions with Marinette. You know are you using her, do you want to be friends with her, or what? And answer truthfully we will know if you lie to us and it won’t end well for you. It doesn’t matter who you are we won’t let you hurt Maribug.” She says with a snarl. I don’t know when or how but somehow Marinette’s parents got behind them and are giving us dangerous looks and Captain is back to growling at us. And Angel’s friends look ready to commit murder if anyone harms her.
The looks they give us makes everyone even father and Alfred take a step back. I had multiple questions running through my head at once. What happened to this beautiful Angel to make her friends so protective of her? Wait beautiful? Where did that come from? And why did my heart skip a beat when she looked at me? And why... I’m in love aren’t I? Well guess the city lives up to it’s nickname. 
Find out how this goes in the next chapter. Also we find out how Marinette and Captain met and how he became Hunter.
So I feel like I need to say a few things just so that they are known
1.I have quite a bit of free time but I can’t always get the motivation to write even though I want to get the next chapter out sooner rather than later
2. I have several parts of the story planned out in my head I’m just not sure what leads up to that point what happens to cause the thing to happen, or what happens after ting happens so I’m just running different scenarios through my head and I can’t make decisions easily so I have all these scenarios happening and I’m not sure which one I want and so most of the time I just come up with one when I start writing so sometimes it’ll make sense and other times probably not.
now I don’t know how many chapters I’ll write so the most I’m going to try for now is fifteen chapters and if I have more ideas then there’ll be more. Let me know what you thought of this chapter. See ya guys next time, Bye!
One last thing I don’t have a set time to chapter updates I just plan to write and get them out to you guys as soon as I can.
#iglowinggemma28  #i-am-ironic
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drethanramslay · 4 years
A funny thing called Fate: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Bryce X MC (Aisha Khurrana)
Word count: 2.6K words
Series Masterlist 
Warning: None really, just some cursing
Author's note: Hello!! I am back with the first chapter of "A funny thing called Fate" and this time this is in Bryce's POV
Like I said last time, there would be time jumps so you will be seeing both- 16 year old Bryce and present day Bryce
Just a word of caution, 16 year old Bryce (according to me) is your typical bad boy who is a jerk and upholds his reputation and prestige as the most important priorities
I decided to take part in @choicesseptemberchallenge20​ the prompt being- LOST
Also decided to take part in @choicesweeklychallenge​ the prompt being "I just... don't know. Honestly."
Both of them will be in bold
-> kanilehua: Motherfucker (I literally googled curse words in Hawaiian language so please forgive me if they are wrong 🤧)
-> okole: Butt/ Ass
-> budhiya: old woman in Hindi
Forgive me if I make any mistakes
10 years ago- Bryce's POV
"Aloha!!" Bryce's cheerful voice ran clear through the hallways as he approached his teammates, instantly capturing the attention of the people.
"Hey Bryce, my man." Jason, his best friend stepped forward and did a complicated handshake with him before patting his back.
"How was the summer?" Kai, his other best friend spoke up as he leaned against the lockers, his dark hair falling on his eyes.
"You know the usual. Practice and stuff. My parents did take us to Australia. The waves there are sweet." Bryce whistled lowly, remembering how he spent numerous days surfing at sea.
"What a lucky bastard. Do you think your parents would adopt me?" Jason asked causing Kai to chuckle.
At this point, they would want anyone but me as their son. A dark look passed on his face but he hid it behind the over cheerful and happy go lucky mask.
"So, what's up with you guys?!" He asked, smoothly changing the topic.
Jason began. "Well I for one, had a fun summer hanging out at the beach, enjoying the sun-"
"-having flings left, right, centre." Kai completed the sentence, snickering.
"As if you weren't the one who fooled around more. You broke so many hearts, Kai!!" Jason rolled his eyes.
"But I finally settled down, unlike your unsettled ass." Kai exclaimed.
"50 bucks you will break up with him in ten days." Kai narrowed his green eyes and smacked the back of Jason’s head. 
"Wow, seems like I have some catching up to do." Bryce smirked.
Kai turned towards Bryce, suddenly serious. "Glad you brought it up. We have a proposition for you."
Bryce incredulously raised his eyebrow.
"Your two o'clock. Short brunette with glasses. Don't be too obvious."
Bryce ran his hand through his long hair and his amber eyes fell on the girl.
He leaned against the locker near Jason.
"What's her deal?"
"Apparently, she joined the school last year and has been on the low. Keeps to herself, certified nerd, teacher's pet and super uptight."
Bryce eyed her and he recognized that she was in his chemistry class last year.
Aisha Khurrana.
"Wait... That's Aisha. She was in my chemistry class last year. Introverted and quiet."
Jason did a double-take. "Wait really? Well, that makes it easier for us."
"Good. I will make y'all talk to her-"
Kai stopped him midway. "Woah, woah, woah. We don't want to interact with her. You are the one doing this."
"Will one of you kanilehua tell me what the fuck is going on?" Bryce asked, getting annoyed.
"After the legendary prank Ano pulled last year, it's time we step up. So while you were tanning your okole in Australia, Jason and I were brainstorming to come up with a better idea."
Jason continued. "So we decided that you could get her fall in love with you before the finals and boom! We could pull the prank on prom."
Bryce's eyed widened. "Woah, don't you think that's extreme?"
Kai rolled his eyes. "Please, Ano humiliated a teacher and exposed that he was having an affair with a junior. I don't think it's that extreme."
"What is this prank you have planned on prom?"
Jason waved his hand. "We haven't worked out the details but we have the entire year to do that. You on the other hand... Are running out of time."
Bryce's eyebrows furrowed. "And why can't either of you take this up?"
"Because Kai here is surprisingly getting cosy with Kaeo the jock from Sunset High while I am on the principal's radar for the shit I did last year. I am this close to getting expelled." Jason enunciated his point by touching his pointer finger and thumb.
"Jas... you're touching your fingers."
"So will you take one for the team?”
Bryce sighed. "I just... don't know. Honestly." 
“Bro, this could literally make or break our popularity bro. You don't want to be the laughing stock of the school, do you?" They asked with puppy eyes.
The peer pressure and the need to uphold his reputation as the golden boy made him raise his hands in defeat. His eyes glanced at the losers down the hall, who people were blatantly ignoring.
Definitely don't want to fall in that category.
"Fine. I will do it. But you will owe me."
"That's our boy." The boys whooped as they clapped his back.
Bryce's eyes wandered to his new target, finding her brown eyes staring right back at him. The flecks of hazel shone with curiosity but her face was impassive as if she didn't want to let anyone in.
Well, this is going to be an interesting year, Aisha Khurrana. Bryce thought to himself.
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When Bryce woke up this morning, he didn't think his day would turn out this way.
Who would have fucking thought that the one girl you could never get over shows up at the hospital you are a surgical intern at?
Not me.
He was looking forward to this fresh start. A new city where no one knew who he was and he hoped it stayed that way. To hone his craft and become one of the best surgeons in the country. Anything to get rid of the stains on his name.
After Aisha left at the beginning of Junior year of high school, things were hard. Not that anyone was going to believe him but he actually loved her and no matter how many people he hooked up with, no matter how much he drank himself to oblivion, there was just no getting over her.
He often wondered- no believed that he had lost his one shot at love.
You only get one great love and of course, I had to blow it up, and for what? Popularity? Reputation? That already went down the drain because of my beloved dad.
When he finally got his head in the game and things were bearable, the scandal happened towards the end of the Senior year. Sure, he could hide face during the summers, lounging in his gaudy compound. But he could hear the occasional shouts and protests out of the gates of his home, reminding him that he couldn't escape the truth.
To distract himself from his dad going to trial, his mom selling out to the feds and his baby sister crying from the stress, he dove right into his studies, hoping to score well in his SATs so that he could get away from Maui.
But there was still one year of high school left, and that was fucking awful. He was relentlessly bullied at every turn of the corridor, got the stink eye from the teachers and people jumped away from him as if he was a social pariah.
Technically, I was.  
Though his parents were very tight-lipped about the details of the case, it wasn't that hard to get to know more from the internet. And the fact that the people in his school always made it a point to remind him.
Aisha's dad was one of the people who worked for the company that got screwed over by his dad.
Bryce had given up after all these years that he will ever find her again. He often wondered what would he do if he were to meet her again. The apologies he would say and the monologue on how ‘he was never the same after she left’ had been practised over and over again.
But right there she was, half-naked in front of him, completely at the loss of words. His eyes wandered, making sure if it was the same girl from tenth grade. There was a nose piercing and he saw a little ink near a hip.
"Aisha?" He repeated, completely shocked, his jaw dropped. Never in his entire life has he felt the loss of words.
They stared into each other's eyes, chocolate brown eyes meeting his amber ones, completely lost.
But that moment didn't last for long because Jackie shutting the locker made them realize that this was indeed reality.
Aisha managed to snap out of her reverie. "Oh my fucking god, I don't have time for this shit." She rapidly threw on her fresh sets of scrubs and slammed her locker before making a move.
Bryce stepped in her path, blocking her. "What are you doing here?!"
Her eyes snapped up to meet his, the familiar fire and hatred flooding in those brown orbs. "Well, I could ask you the same thing Mr. I-will-become-a-lawyer. Now out of my way, I'm getting late for the orientation." Though she was short (5 feet 3 inches to be precise), she still managed to slam her shoulder against his chest and walk away.
"Oh My God!!" Jackie's voice resounded after a few quiet moments.
"Put a cap on it nose wipe." He muttered as he rubbed the area where Aisha slammed against him.
"I didn't say anything."
"Yeah but that expression says it all." He rolled his eyes as put his stethoscope into his breast pocket.
"But, for real. Who is she?" Jackie asked, inquisitiveness laced in her voice.
Bryce flicked her nose. "I found your nose in my business, why don't you take it right out?"
"Ugh. Fine. Keep your secrets. C'mon, let us get to the orientation before it gets over."
"Yap. Right behind you."  The duo headed towards the main atrium and made their way towards the front so that they could hear the hospital chief. The rest of the interns were already gathered in front of the stairs upon which an impressive, statuesque woman stood and spoke.
That is Dr Harper Emery!! Bryce thought to himself, as the very thought of standing in the very same room as his inspiration made him giddy. He turned to talk but the excitement instantly vanished because thanks to his amazing luck, he ended up standing right next to Aisha.
The universe, what games are you playing against me? Bryce let out a sigh which caught Aisha's attention. She just gave an annoying glance and stared up, as if to ask why was this happening to her.
Both of them turned away from each other and focused on what Dr Emery was saying. "... because as of today, you are no longer students, You are doctors."
Aisha turned towards Jackie and whispered. "Psst. Who is that?"
Jackie whipped her head towards Aisha's short build. "I don't know if you are joking or are serious."
Aisha's ears getting red was the only confirmation Jackie needed. Her jaw dropped and she was physically incapacitated, unable to speak before she finally managed to string together words.
"Seriously? Did you learn medicine in the woods or something?"
Aisha's eyes narrowed and Bryce just knew that if he didn't intervene Aisha would absolutely roast Jackie and her lineage.
So, in a low voice, he spoke up. "That's Harper Emery, the hospital's new chief." A smile made his way on his face as he continued to talk about her. "She's a total badass! World-famous head of neurosurgery before she got promoted."
He turned towards Jackie, smirking. "Guess she's just a scalpel jockey too, huh?"
Giving a Cheshire grin she responded. "She's the only scalpel jockey who deserves rights."
Aisha gave a stiff nod before turning back towards the Chief.
Someone is definitely a ray of sunshine. Bryce thought to himself. His conscience promptly snarked. Bold of you to assume that this isn't your fault.
Brain... Stop. as he shook his head to shake off the guilt that slowly swirled in his chest.
"More will be demanded of you that you've ever experienced. Some of you will buckle under the pressure. Some of you will quit. But some... some of you will thrive."
"Damn... She is so inspiring... I feel like I can do anything." Aisha whispered, her brown eyes sparkling with admiration.
"Well then, can I inspire you to pipe down? I'm trying to listen."
"Can I inspire you to get your ears checked, budhiya?" Jackie looked offended but you could see the glint of amusement and respect in her eyes.
"Girls, can this fight wait until after the speech?" Bryce muttered.
"This is not fighting. This is us bonding scalpel jockey. Get on the same page." Jackie whispered causing Aisha to smirk.
"I give up. But please for the love of everything good can we keep it on the low." He shot a pleading look and they managed to shut up.
"You've been entrusted with a sacred duty: the care and wellbeing of every man, woman and child who enters this hospital. Are you ready?"
The interns promptly burst into applause and they look around, sharing excited smiles with their new colleagues.
Harper Emery raised her hand, to silence the applause. "You'll be introduced to your senior residents tomorrow but for now, you'll be partnering up for your first patients. Your assignments are posted on the board. Good luck, doctors!!"
Bryce swaggered up to his board and searched for his name and found out that he was paired with a Samantha.
Wait for a second... that name sounds fami-
"You?" He swirled around towards the feminine sound and as soon as his eyes landed on her, the memories hit him.
Him running his hands through her hair whilst they kissed passionately against the door of her apartment. Her running her hands down his abs and pulling him by the loops of his belt. Both of them lost in the sensation of each other and Bryce still had the scratch marks on his back to remind him of the amazing night they had the previous day.
"Sam? I didn't know you worked here!!"
"Well fate is a funny thing, isn't it? So apparently we are partners?"
"Yap and we need to take our cases from the residents and be on our way. Are you ready?" Bryce asked, a smirk playing on his lips.
"I was born ready baby." Sam winked as she started pushing her way through the throng of interns and Bryce followed suit.
When they finally were free, Jackie showed up next to him followed by Aisha and another girl who had a striking resemblance to Chief Emery.
"See you later meathead."
"Try not to miss me too much." He winked before glancing towards Aisha. Their eyes met and she immediately looked the other way, chatting with her partner.
"It's a beautiful day to save lives. Let's have some fun, shall we?" Sam asked her eyes twinkling which just made Bryce smile.
It was going good so far. He had been allotted two cases that day. One with a routine appendectomy and the second one being a benign tumour removal from the right lung. With a cool, calm collected mind, the two of them diagnosed the patients, raising eyebrows.
"Dr Lahela, what is the treatment plan?" Dr Tanaka, the head of cardiovascular surgery asked.
"Well we are administering her with tumour shrinking drugs like bromocriptine so that we could decrease the size and then after a couple of days we will take her for surgery."
Dr Tanaka gave a nod of appreciation. Sam turned and held the young patient's hand. "Miss, you are in good hands and if you have any more questions you can always ask for us."
"Thank you so much, Dr Anderson."
They stepped out of the room and Bryce shut the door behind them.
"Keep an eye on her and do checks every four hours. Good job." Dr Tanaka turned on his heels and only when he was out of earshot Sam fist-bumped Bryce.
"The surgical society is back at it again."
"God Sam that was awful." He groaned as he pulled his pen out to sign the charts.
"Well, that just means I need to keep thinking of names for the dynamic duo. See you later byeee."
He shook his head and gave the charts to the nurses' station before whistling down the confusing corridors of Edenbrook when suddenly he heard a thud sound from the nearby supply closet.
Must be a doctor who is not having a good day.
He stopped before the door, contemplating whether he should enter or leave but his instinct to help overpowered and he cracked open the door to see Aisha leaning heavily against the racks, her back towards him. Her shoulders were shaking and he could hear her heavy breathing.
He was about to leave unnoticed when Aisha’s voice wafted over to him. “get in or get out. Don’t hold it open.” She glanced towards the door and Bryce knew that he could kiss his unnoticed exit goodbye.
Oh boy. 
Oh? so we have a new character 👀 And um that really wasn't the reunion Bryce was looking forward to lol
And now the supply closet yikes yikes yikes okay now i will shut up heheheh
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anythingbutmar · 4 years
Family meetings (mistake pt.2)
Diego Hargreeves x reader
Summary: After gaining information from Five you realize that the world is ending and you and Diego need a way to save the girls.
A/N: I know I covered a lot of stuff here, and I promise I’ll eventually get to the 60′s but I just think this serves for a multiparter and that’s what I plan on doing, hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: slight plot changes, teensy tiny bit of angst.
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The next few days were a bit of a mess, Diego had to do a bunch of police work regarding some shootings and you gladly took the permit that your job gave you when a close relative died. You were in no way close to Reginald, but you still needed to process the fact that Five had appeared from the future rambling about stuff that Diego couldn’t understand.
After their meeting and the funeral he had told you everything he had gathered from it, which wasn’t much. “It was just a lot of nerdy words that you would have understood better than me.” He had said.
And so, now you were determined to know how the hell was he back there and why he seemed so worried all the time, you just needed to figure out what to do with your daughters, which led to where you were right now: knocking on Allison’s door, after trying with Vanya, who lived close to your place but wasn’t there, apparently.
“Hey girl, remember you owe me one from that time I covered you and Luther sneaking to Griddy’s years ago? Right, so I need you to take care of the girls for the day. Luna has some pending homework and Amber needs to take her vitamins at 2:00, okay? Have fun girls! I love you both!”
“Y/N wait, I have to-”
“I won’t take long I promise! Bye!” You yelled from the staircase.
Game on, little Five.
Your years of nightly adventures with Diego had made you quite observant, which helped a lot, since Five didn’t bother on leaving any information of his whereabouts, but you had seen him staring at what seemed to be a glass eye, and there was only one prosthetics factory near, so you gave it a shot and quelle surprise! There he was, yelling at some doctor, sweet as always.
“Oh jeez I’m so sorry! My son was severely damaged from this one time he fell from a tree and he tends to make up stories.” You interrupted, almost laughing at Five’s face. “I thought I had lost you, silly! Now let’s go.” You grabbed him by the ear with your hand heated and started leaving the room. “I apologize for his aggressive behavior! I promise you won’t ever see him again.” You stated before walking out and then poof! He was gone!
“Little shit.” You muttered before running outside where you found him standing calmly with that know-it-all smirk of his, he was rubbing his ear, which brought you huge satisfaction.
“What do you think you’re doing, Y/N?”
“What? Can’t I look after my beloved brother in law?” You batted your eyelashes and he gave you a deadpan look. “Okay, fine. I need you to tell me how you got here and why the hell do you have a fake eye?”
“And why would I do such a thing?” He asked, tapping his chin with irony.
“Because I can understand you! Your siblings may not but science is sort of my thing, I can help you.”
“Well, can you tell me how to stop the apocalypse?” He snapped.
“The what now?”
“The what now?” Diego repeated with a confused look.
“The apocalypse, he said we just have a few days to stop it and our only clue is a freaking eye.”
“And meanwhile Luther’s worried about a goddamned monocle.” Diego shook his head, sitting by your side on the bed. “He came by today, you know? To bring the girls and talk about that stupid thing which doesn’t matter at all, because the world’s ending anyways. The worst thing was that he kept mocking me about naming our daughter after the moon, he said it was because I missed him! I didn’t even think of that!”
“Don’t be like that honey, we’ll figure something out, for now I have an idea to make you feel bett-”
“Mommy?” Luna opened the door, rubbing her eyes. “I had a nightmare.”
“It’s ok baby, let’s go tuck you in ok?” You were about to stand before she gave you puppy eyes.
“Can I sleep with you? Just for tonight, pleaaaaase!” You looked at Diego and instantly knew. He could never resist his older daughter’s puppy eyes.
“Alright, come here, what was it about anyways?” You asked as she climbed on the bed, laying between you two.
“I can’t remember well, I think there was a big boom and suddenly everyone was gone! The whole planet was gone!” She made a gesture with her tiny hands and you shared a wide eyed look with Diego. So far, Luna hadn’t shown any signs of an ability, but how could she know about something that hadn’t happened yet?
You refilled your glass of water with your power before taking a large sip and passing it to your husband, who was caressing your daughter’s sleeping face in shock.
“Are you think-”
“Mommy? Luna scared me.” Amber entered your room and without even asking climbed on your bed and laid on Diego’s chest, immediately closing her eyes at the feeling of her dad’s heartbeat.
“I guess it’s sleepover night then.” He chuckled.
Next morning Diego gave you all a kiss on the forehead and left you a note saying he had to work early because there was another shooting at the mall, leaving you to have an all girls morning, which excited you to no end. You loved Diego more than you could ever possibly say, but you also loved having your own time with the kids, who loved it just as much.
You turned the radio on and started preparing pancakes for the three of you, flinching slightly in disgust at the thought of Diego’s favorite breakfast: a raw egg. You never understood him avoiding the possibility of a warm tasty meal, in reality, you never agreed much in terms of habits. For example, you enjoyed drinking sometimes, as you had discovered during that fateful night when you were younger, but he wasn’t bothered by it, and neither were you about his healthy way of living, at least most of the time.
And so, you were having a peaceful breakfast, occasionally laughing at Amber’s syrup stained cheeks, when Klaus knocked on the door looking... much like Klaus.
“Hey Y/N/N! Isn’t it hilarious that you married Diego but somehow we both ended up being Five’s hypothetical parents in the eyes of a corrupt doctor?!” He laughed, entering your place and admiring the decorations. “Anyways, hello there my girlies! It’s time for a family meeting!” He sang, making them laugh.
“A family meeting?” You asked, picking up the plates.
“Urgent matter, according to Luther, could be about his newfound muscle for all I care about, but he wants us all there so let’s go baby!” He whispered so his nieces wouldn’t hear him.
“Alright, just let me get ready.”
You arrived at the house and left the girls with Pogo, who started showing them around the greatest places, according to him, and entered the living room with Klaus.
“You’re a bit late, babe.” Diego simply stated gesturing towards everyone’s bored faces.
“Oh, Y/N “just had to get ready.”“ Klaus mocked you, already pouring himself a drink.
“Yeah well, time runs differently when you have kids, buddy.” You said, receiving a glass yourself.
“It so does.” Allison clinked her glass against yours smiling.
After that, Luther showed you a video of Grace and Reginald at the moment of his death, which was followed by a discussion about her state in which you obviously refused to turn her off, she was the closest thing you had to a mother and you would not give up on her, specially knowing how much she meant to Diego and how much Luna and Amber had loved her.
You chose to wait for Five and Diego left to talk to Grace. You were going to follow him but you realized that it was a private matter, and stayed with Vanya, who was the only one left.
“Want one?” You offered and she politely declined. “Alright then, who’s this Leonard?”
“I’m gonna kill Allison.” She turned red and covered her face with her hands.
“Come on Vanya! I might not be your sister but we had our time together too! And besides, I’m a great listener.” You smiled patting the couch, and she finally nodded and sat down. Truthfully, it didn’t take that much to convince Vanya to do something, just a few kind words, which mostly everyone lacked towards her.
And so, the evening went by with both of you laughing at her new crush and remembering past times. You and Vanya had spent many hours together on the academy because for some time she and Grace were tasked with training you because Reginald was too busy with the others, who were on a much more advanced level than you, and so, she kept you running around the staircases and growing plants in the garden. According to Reginald, you could use them as weapons, but you two just thought they were pretty.
In the end the old man was right, you were going to need those damned plants to defend yourself.
After hearing gunshots you saw as the love your life fell right on the couch where you and Vanya had been sitting on.
“Get down!” He whispered and you obeyed, taking Vanya with you. “The girls Y/N, where are they?”
“They’re in Pogo’s room. How many of them?” You asked back, putting your arm around Vanya in a protective matter.
“Just two.”
And right as he said so they entered the room shooting all around until Luther and Allison started fighting them. You stood and saw a large man and a smaller armed woman. Diego and Allison got busy with the guy and you hurried Vanya to a safe corner.
“Stay here!” You told her before running towards the others. They were arguing, for a change and then the couple started shooting again. Diego and Allison ran towards a different direction and you stayed as you noticed the man was now reaching towards Vanya.
“I don’t think so, big man.” You broke the window with a tree branch from the backyard and snatched his weapon with it before kicking him on the stomach, which was completely useless, the guy was huge.
Luckily, Luther appeared which allowed you to go get Vanya. You were about to run with her towards Pogo’s room but you heard screaming, and you looked just as a giant chandelier was about to fall on Luther. You tried to push it with wind but you weren’t fast enough.
Thanks to his strength he was able to lift himself up, revealing his inhumanly hairy chest and arms, a secret well hidden until that moment. Allison tried consoling him but he ran from her. It didn’t matter, you didn’t have time for that.
“I’ll go get them, don’t worry, you go check up on your mom and we’ll meet back home, ok?” You grabbed Diego’s shoulders and he silently nodded, running upstairs.
After making sure there were no scratches on them, you explained what had happened, to which they stopped crying because they both loved a good superhero story. You took both their hands and went home, happy to be in a safe place but with a terrible feeling in your gut, as if you had forgotten something.
You waited up for Diego, who arrived an hour later looking destroyed. “I had to d-do it, s-s-she was already g-gone.” And you understood perfectly, so you cuddled him all night, even though neither of you could sleep. Those guys were still out there, Grace was dead, Five was nowhere to be found and you still felt like something was missing.
Or someone.
“Klaus!” You exclaimed, startling your tired husband.
(Part one here)
@ alexander-hamilhoe
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catcze · 3 years
Oh, Catte, my beloved... The bracelet is so beautiful. Goodness, did I cry when I took it out of the envelope. It's almost as beautiful as you are, I love it so much! I'm never ever taking this off. Oh starlight I'm so happy, you may as well have just proposed! I love you so so much, thank you💜💜💜
I'm glad Cyno is doing well for himself these days! It's not really that complex of a spell, simple transmutation really, but I'm sure he didn't want to overwhelm you. He may not talk a lot but trust me; he cares. I should write him sometime, if only so the next time an emergency arises he won't think I only remember he exists when I need his help, hehe... I'm joking of course, he's not the kind of person to care. I do still owe him a favor though. Two, now that he's gone out of his way to teach my girlfriend magic, and specifically for helping you make me this wonderful present. Send along my thanks please, but please don't mention that I said I'd write him, just in case I somehow forget to. You know me, heh..
Also I'm a little surprised to hear that name again! Collei was quite the visitor when she was here a few years ago, it's a long story, and one I doubt very much she'd want me to tell. Suffice to say she and Amber are good friends, but I'm sure she already asked you about her as soon as you mentioned Mondstadt. I'm so relieved to hear she's safe, and studying medicine no less! Tell her I'm proud of her. She'll do great things in her life.
I must admit I'm slightly bothered to hear that so many scholars accosted my poor babygirl to ask if I'd return, I'm so sorry darling. If they give you any more trouble, oh I'll come visit alright. To dispense punishment(although I'd definitely grab some food on the way as we left). Speaking of food, that's so sweet of you to offer to learn the local cuisine just for me~ you're so thoughtful, it's one of the many many things I love about you. My reputation around the school is honestly the only accomplishment you'll find though sweetheart. I wasn't really all that social there, aside from talking to the professors and scholars. I couldn't afford to procrastinate if I wanted to learn everything I could. Funny, that sounds completely unlike me, now doesn't it~ Those lectures can be tiresome at first, did they provide you with the appropriate reading materials, or are you only listening? I still have my copy of the first semester alchemy textbook--it's only about 800 pages, but they're packed to the brim with knowledge. I still reference it sometimes.
Like I mentioned though, most of my time in Sumeru was spent at the Academy or at the local restaurants. If you wanted food recommendations, those I can provide, but unfortunately I won't be of much use otherwise. Sorry cutie~
[the next page of the letter is a list of local restaurants, many with recommended dishes written next to them. There's also a fair number of heart shapes and "I love you"s doodled around the edges of the paper]
I hope you'll try at least some of those and tell me what you think. The more you talk about it honestly, the more it's beginning to grow on me. I do want to go back and visit with you, my love. I miss it, even if I don't want to admit that. It would be so much fun to sight see with you, being able to just meander aimlessly through the city, not a care in the world, and with you by my side... That sounds amazing. I'd want nothing more. Perhaps for our honeymoon~? [the last sentence of the paragraph is crossed out with a single streak of ink cutting through it]
Your photos are all amazing, darling. I just wish I had as many to send you in return, but unfortunately I don't own a camera, nor can I afford to leave the library long enough to travel to Liyue and buy one. That being said, Albedo does have one, and he already took that first photo. Darling, I'm curious, and please, *please* say no if it would bother you even slightly. If I... Perhaps wanted to take some... Pictures, just for your enjoyment~ ...would you mind if I had Albedo continue to serve as the photographer? I want my baby to be thinking of me, especially since I'm not there to pleasure you myself~💜 again, PLEASE say no if you'd have any problem with that. Or I could ask Jean if that would be better. I just want to treat my princess to some candy~
That line is going to have me up all night, I swear. I do wish I was there for you in every sense, but goodness does my heart ache for you. I miss the way you taste so much, my precious little munchkin~ you're not going to sleep at all the first night you're back in my arms, I hope you know that. I'm going to edge you so hard you'll cry for me, hehe~ I'm a little peeved you didn't take notice of my comment about punishing you! There will be ropes involved when you return to me. Just the way you always like it, cutie~ tell me, how bad do you miss me? Miss my tongue you love so much~? Don't worry baby--you'll get everything you could ever want for when you come home. I can't wait to taste you~ goodness, excuse me a moment baby... I need to scratch an itch before I finish writing this letter, hehe...~
Okay, I'm back. That was quite the itch, it just kept coming back~ that picture you sent with this letter may have helped with that... Celestia, you're so so beautiful, my rose..~ I love you so much.
Where was I... Ah yes. I'm very glad you've been eating and sleeping properly. Such a good girl you always are~💜 and don't worry; I'm taking care of myself as well. I've been becoming more adjusted to the late nights lately, since your letters often arrive around this hour(it's 11:30 right now, although up until a page ago it had been 10:15, hehe...). I don't mind it at all, since you know I love to sleep in anyway. I love reading your letters sweetheart. They truly do carry your love across the distance. I'm so happy that you're my partner. I love you so so much. I reread your letters every day, they put such a smile on my face.
Also, what's this about ideas you're having ever since I mentioned the uniform? Tell me!! Pretty please~? 💜
I'm going to call my letter to a close here, before I end up needing a bigger envelope, hehe~ I love you so much, starlight. Please take care, and I hope you're well rested when you read this. Hopefully I can put a smile on your beautiful face. I just wish I was there to see it. I love you so much, take care and write me back when you can, promise~?
Yours Always,
- Lisa 🌺💜
Milddd nsfw here muaH <33
Hi, love, I’m so happy that you like your gift! I love you very much as well— hopefully it can give you comfort on some particularly hard nights where I cannot be with you, dearest. Sort of like a reminder that although I cannot be there with you in person, you always carry a piece of my heart with you, you know?
I’ll be sure to relay your message to Cyno and Collei! They were rather surprised when they found out I was your girlfriend, haha! In a good way, of course— they’ve been great company so far.
And don’t worry about the other scholars, Lisa dear. I can handle them plenty fine. I’m sure they’ll go running if I even so much as imply that you wouldn’t be pleased with them for their behavior, my love. They wouldn’t want to mess with one of the best sorcerers to ever roam those halls, you know?
Regarding the lectures, they offered to loan me some textbooks actually, but I had to turn them down since, well, I am just an observer, and carrying so many books with me to and fro would weigh me down. Still, although I sometimes get confused while I observe, It’s such a fun and interesting experience! I can’t say I’m remembering every bit of knowledge I hear, but I’ve definitely learned at least a thing or two.
Just yesterday, there was a bit of a lull in lectures that I was attending— something about one of the scholars who had agreed to host me taking their class out to fieldwork, and I was unable to accompany them. So I took the time to check out some of the restaurants you listed for me! I went to just one of them for lunch, since I didn’t want to get too full throughout the day, and I enjoyed it very much!! I included a picture of one of the dishes you noted for me (a best seller of theirs, apparently) and I didn’t regret purchasing it at all. It was so good! In my free time, it’s one of the recipes that I hope to familiarize and bring back home to you— I think you’ll rather like it, especially since there’s no meat. Hopefully I’ll get good enough at making it that you’ll be able to savor the flavor too!
Though, I don’t mind either if you’d rather return with me next time, and we can have a dinner date here? I really like the ambiance of the place— its both romantic and private. And the view from the balcony here is absolutely magical. Or we can maybe visit a couple of the other restaurants you’ve recommended to me? I doubt that I’ll be able to try all of them this time, and being able to experience it with you would make the experience a million times better.
Also, regarding the photos you mentioned— well, I’m fine with it if you are. As long as you’re comfortable with whoever is photographing you love, then it’s perfectly alright with me. Besides, I know that we’re devoted to each other, so there’s no cause for me to be uncomfortable 💞 If you so wish to grant me such photos, I eagerly await them, love! They’re not the same as you being here, of course, but I’m sure they could help me with how much I miss you.
And ah, sending such things only makes me miss you more! Perhaps I should take a good, long rest before I come back to Mondstadt, if you plan to keep me up all night. And who says I didn’t notice your comment? Perhaps I was just teasing you by keeping quiet about it, especially if I know what’s awaiting me back home. And yes, I miss you so so much, I miss your tongue and you lips, your touch on my skin, the way you hold me and make me feel so good each and every time— Love, really, if your intention with that letter was to get me all worked up, then safe to say you’ve succeeded. My, I doubt I’m going to be getting any sleep tonight, thinking of you.
And regarding that bit about the Academy uniform… well, I might have found a local seamstress who was willing to make me a version of it, tailored to my measurements. It’s not ready quite yet, but hopefully I can send you some photographs soon 💞
By the way, love, there’s no need to have to wait up for my letters, not if you’re not getting enough sleep! I don’t mind waiting a bit for your reply as long as I know you’re sleeping on time. I worry about you as much as you worry about me, so for both your sake and mine, promise me you’ll get enough sleep? Either way, though, I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself, dearest. It makes me happy, knowing that you and the others are doing well. I love you very, very much you know? Please continue to stay safe, dearest, and know that I’m always missing you.
And, well, regarding a proper proposal, though I can’t say I haven’t thought of it before (how could I not? I can fully envision spending the rest of my life with you) I would much prefer if I were able to give you the ring and ask you in person, love. That being said, take the bracelet as a promise that I’ll return to you soon— and hopefully with a ring that I think you’ll like and a question that I plan to ask you.
All the best wishes, dearest. I love you very much 💞
—Catte 💞
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fritae · 3 years
The Missing Piece : Chapter 1
Gang leader! AU / Corporate! AU
Characters: Dabi x F/OC
Status: Ongoing
Rina Aoki is the secretary of one of the world's biggest broadcasting stations - only she hates her job and wakes up everyday asking herself if this is all there is to life. Then, she meets Dabi: a man of overpowering confidence and many, many secrets. But beneath all that confidence is a wounded soul and years' worth of repressed anger. The two struggle with fear, ambition, vulnerability - but eventually learn that life may just be better when you don't have to struggle alone.
There are no quirks in this story. I tried to give it a real world spin. But it will explore dynamics between good and evil, right and wrong, and feelings of family, friendship, love and belonging. I'm super excited about the story and I hope you enjoy it!Chapter 1: the meeting
Chapter One: The Meeting
It was raining.
I hide my tote under my coat out of fear for my laptop. If it gets wet, I'm done for. My boss isn't exactly the most considerate person out there. If anything were to happen to the highly coveted files on it, I might as well hand in my resignation.
I sigh with relief once the bus arrives, and quickly hurry inside.
As I find a seat, I lean my head against the window, not caring for germs or the subtle tremble of the glass. It feels cool against my skin, and not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. But more importantly, it is distracting. It'll give me something else to focus on during the ride.
At least I hoped so.
But within minutes, it becomes clear that my mind has no intention of being distracted. The thoughts creep in and suddenly the soft hum of the engine is no match against the throbbing in my head.
Of course not.
Distractions simply don't last long these days.
So I surrender to the thoughts as I stare at the passing streets, feeling increasingly empty by the minute.
I hate my job. I hate everything about it. Working as a secretary for a broadcasting company is a dream for many. The salary isn't bad. I have access to exclusive events and frequently coordinate with the biggest names in the industry. I know the ins and outs of selling an idea and making it resonate with millions.
But I quickly learned all the people in this industry are insufferable. The whole premise rests upon the art of manipulation, taking something that may very well be worthless and conning people into thinking it will fill a hole they didn't even know they had. The people are superficial, be it actors or other famous personalities. Everyone is so obsessed with images. How to best put on a show to gain the love and admiration of millions.
But what use is their love if it's built upon the distortion of reality?
I shake my head before burying it in my palms.
No matter, I tell myself.
As frustrating and unfulfilling as the work may be, it pays the bills and keeps me busy.
A little too busy...
I get up once my stop arrives. I say a quick thank you to the bus driver before hurrying out.
The cold makes me shiver and I pull my skirt to cover more of my thighs before plastering a fake smile onto my face.
The fake smile is part of the uniform here.
My heels click together with attitude as I make my way through the building. The noise hits my ears immediately. Loud chattering, blaring music and upbeat announcements stand in sharp contrast to the calm of the rainy world outside. I blow kisses as my colleagues call out my name from the studio floor.
My friend and roommate Aliyah takes off her headset to wave me over. She left home extra early today owing to her busy schedule as floor manager. The glaring lights tell me they're about to start shooting but as much as I want to help her with final preparations, I have more important things to worry about right now.
"Can't talk now, Al!" I say apologetically. With one point to my tote bag, she understands. "Good luck!" she shouts back, before returning her attention to the production crew.
I sigh.
I will definitely need all the luck I can get.
I take the elevator up to the highest floor of the company. While our studios are bright, loud and fun. The offices are formal, professional and characteristic of a multibillion dollar company. I knock twice before heading into the largest office at the end of the hall, where my boss is waiting for me. The letters NNTV adorn the walls in an elegant gold print behind him.
A pair of glasses sits on the bridge of Mr. Lane's nose as he reads over today's reports.
"You're late, Ms. Aoki." He says without looking up.
"Apologies, sir. It was unexpected."
"Do I not say to account for the unexpected in your planning, Ms. Aoki?"
"It won't happen again, sir."
He offers me a *tsk* in response.
"Our ratings have gone down this month. Much more than we anticipated." Mr. Lane grumbles.
"CBS' new reality show has attracted a lot of viewers, sir. It's competing with our usual broadcasts at-."
"Then why have you not found a program to substitute whatever we usually air at that time?"
I bite back a sigh. "The current schedule is the most optimal, sir. If we switch around any programs we risk affecting the viewership of The Midnight Show and Killer."
"Well then figure something out!" He barks. "That's what your job is, isn't it?"
"We have a team for a reason, sir. Perhaps we can consult them today? I can schedule an emergency meeting to address this."
I say this knowing the rest of the team won't alter the schedule. The nature of the industry is ratings fluctuate all the time. To change our scheduling at every hint of a drop will only harm our future ratings.
He waves me away. "Schedule it for two hours from now. Cancel anything else I have at that time."
"Yes sir." I confirm, before turning around.
My nostrils seethe as I suddenly hear him mutter *Useless* under his breath.
The rest of the day is spent taking more orders and backtracking on Mr. Lane's previous decisions. Just as I'd expected, the board decided it would be better to simply wait out the next two weeks until the current programs are finished before rearranging any of the schedules. I make a mental note to consider what might be a suitable alternative in the meantime.
The hours drag on. I should have been done at 5, but 7 o clock hits and I'm still taking phone call after phone call. It isn't until a quarter to 9 that I can finally go home.
I sigh as I pass the much quieter studio floor on the way out. I don't find Aliyah among the crew, but I'm sure she's taking care of her own things at the moment. The Midnight Show is scheduled for well, midnight, so she's probably taking a final break before her last project of the night.
Once I am outside, I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding in. Instead of taking the bus straight home, I find myself walking toward Café Du Monde. It sits a few blocks away from the NNTV building.
The smell of roasted coffee beans and fresh pastries greets me as I enter. The soft jazz is welcomed by my ears after a day of nonstop chatter and corporate debate.
As I stand in line, I remind myself to pick up coffees before I leave for the crew working late tonight. Hopefully Aliyah will be back by then.
"Shit," I hear the man ahead of me in line mutter. "I think I forgot my wallet back in the office."
He checks his pockets again, but finding them empty he looks up at the cashier. "Sorry man, I'll be back another day."
But before he could walk away, I step up to the register. "It's okay, I got it."
He glances at me. "Nah, don't-"
"It's nothing. Can you add another coffee to the order please?"
The cashier punches a few numbers into the register and I hand him a 20.
The man tips his hand in thanks. I nod back at him and walk up to the roof.
With a coffee in one hand and a cigarette in the other, I sigh. Now to get the day out of my system...
"How can I repay you," A smooth voice says behind me.
I look over my shoulder to see the man walk up to the ledge with me. He has electrifying blue eyes, a head of thick dark hair, and the kind of walk that signifies authority.
"You good at conversation?" I ask.
He thinks for a moment. "How about I let you be the judge of that?"
I pass the man a cigarette. "Then distract me."
"You don't look like the type to smoke." He comments before accepting it.
"Looks can be deceiving." I shrug.
"It feel good or something?"
"Or something." I confirm with a smile. "Just reminds me to breathe in," and with a soft easing in my chest, "and breathe out."
He leans back against the railing. "Hm. You know breathing quality isn't exactly what people would associate with cigarettes."
I roll my eyes. "You know what I mean."
The man chuckles. "Yeah. Although I think rearranging a few things in your life would help more than smoking. Don't want to grow reliant on an outside source for relief now."
"Well, well. Wasn't aware I was speaking to a mental health guru."
He seems amused by that. "That's not what the people working for me would say but it's nice to know their sentiments aren't universal."
"Ah. So you're a shitty boss."
"I'm just a boss." He corrects. "What people think of me has nothing to do with me."
"Must be nice to believe that." I sigh, taking another puff of my roll.
"No reason not to, eh? Letting others' opinions matter to you means you lose power over yourself. There's nothing you could want from them that you can't do for yourself."
"Money?" I suggest.
"That's easy. But it depends on how willing you are to work for it."
"Work quite a lot." I scowl. "...starting to wonder if it's worth the headache, to be honest."
The man leans closer to me, his breath warm against my ear. I try not to focus on the scent of his cologne, musky with notes of amber and cedar wood. "Then what you want isn't really money. Sounds like you want more."
"Yeah. Money by itself isn't satisfying," He says matter of factly. He leans away to take a sip of his coffee. "Only when it's coupled with a goal."
"Money doesn't take you anywhere; it's just a means to an end." He continues. There's an air of mystery behind those turquoise eyes of his. "Your goal is what guides you. Where do you want to go?"
Someone in this neighborhood that doesn't live and die for money? I almost want to laugh. What goal guides him then? What does he stay alive for?
But I keep those questions to myself. I shouldn't get too close to a man I'll never see again.
"I want to be my own boss." I say with a soft smile. Be my own boss. Wouldn't that be nice? No more waking up with Mr. Lane's voice already echoing in my head. No more plastering fake smiles and maintaining that "professional" semblance for hours on end. "I'm tired of taking orders from other people."
I almost miss the sudden gleam in his eye.
"Now that's more like it."
I leave the cafe with a box of donuts in one hand and a coffee tote in the other.
I said goodbye to the stranger, happy to have shared these thoughts with someone. It strikes me that I didn't even ask his name.
I shrug. Perhaps that's the magic of moments like these. The universe puts us in places we don't expect to be in. Brings two strangers together and they realize maybe this meeting was just what they needed today. The man got his coffee and I...I was able to let my thoughts run freely.
At least for a while.
"And now we abandon the fantasies and return to reality," I mutter with a sigh. I hook my pinkie with the large glass double doors of NNTV and pull the handle toward me.
There's a small audience present now, the guests for the Midnight Show. I walk around them and smile when I find Aliyah, arms crossed and eyes trained on the set, trying to catch any faults before we air.
"Al!" I call out in a whisper. She immediately looks my way, face lighting up at the sight of the coffee.
"Oh, you're a lifesaver!" She says excitedly as she takes the sweets from my hand. "Hey Joe, set this up for the crew, will ya?"
An intern shuffles forward and takes the bags anxiously to prepare a little station for the team.
"How'd you know I needed the coffee?" She smiles at me.
"Because I needed the coffee," I say with a laugh. "And you've been awake far longer than I have."
Aliyah laughs and rubs her eyes. "I forget how much time I spend here sometimes. No matter - you staying for the show tonight?"
I smile apologetically. "You know I'd love to, but I can barely keep my eyes open. I've got a long day tomorrow, I'm gonna need all the sleep I can get."
I say goodbye to the rest of the crew, smiling sheepishly as they spout *thank you*s for the late night coffee and donuts, and make my way home.
Later that night, as I lay in bed with my eyes trained on the ceiling, I feel a sudden urge to whisper these words out loud.
Please let my life be worth more than the value I add to a company.
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I just saw the show "Love is blind"
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It is a program that bothers me but is addictive because of how bizarre it is. Fall in love with a person you met in a week and marry her/him in less than a month it's an intense madness. But if you enter this show you have to be willing to try to fall in love, like when you sign up for a show like that, you must be mentally and emotionally prepared to be honest and open yourself to have a connection, otherwise it would not make sense for you to sign up for an experiment like that.
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Of the 30 people who participated in this experiment, only 10 became a couple not counting the couple that broke the second day
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I think Barnett and Amber would work perfectly as a couple if they were in high school (living with their parents, thinking that the only concern is school, not thinking about marriage and just having a good time) because they both get along, have fun, they live in the moment and have a strong sexual chemistry, but their relationship is based only on fun and sex. They are not very mature, don’t compromise and hardly talk about serious/important things or the ways in which they would solve their problems. When difficult situations come I don't think they work, Barnett is very selfish and his decisions are based on his comfort (He chose Amber because she was fun, he is undecided and he was afraid of her, he preferred to break LC's heart than to face Amber's fury, instead of being sincere with both of them and telling them that he was not ready to have a real relationship) . She’s also immature and doesn’t have her priorities in order. Who prefers to pay $ 700 in makeup instead to pay that what owe from school knowing that the debt is increasing and thinks is ready to be a mother when are not financially stable, have no home and no job? She thinks a husband is going to solve her problems as if she were a disney princess, but no, what she need is to order her life or get a super rich sugar daddy and not a fuckboy who doesn't know how to deal with problems and looks pretty scared of the debts she has (I thought that Barnett was going to pass out at that moment for his face and because I would do that if she told me her debts and then that she wants to be a housewife and wants me to keep her). Both think and act as teenagers live in the moment without worries, not as adults ready to have a serious relationship and get married.
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Jessica and Mark, I don't want them to end up together, she is an abusive manipulator who belittles him because he is not attractive enough by her standards so she's obsessed with a guy(Barnett the fuckboy) who sent her to the friendzone. I am Mexican, I understand that he was raised with my culture, it is normal for men to be taught to be persistent, passionates, affectionate and believe that if they try hard for a woman she will fall madly in love with you, but no, he needs to realize that there are people for whom it is not worth fighting for.
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Kenny and Kelly, is one of the healthiest relationships there are, they understand each other, they talk about all things and find ways to solve problems without fighting, they respect each other, they have fun, they are economically stable, They are independent, their families get along good, they are friends and they are on the same page. It is the type of couple that could have a healthy and stable marriage or a mature divorce where children would not be traumatized. The problem is that it is a couple so well balanced and so undramatic that it does not work for a program, without drama people consider the couple boring and do not sell. If social pressure is difficult, it is more if producers, cameras, etc. are on top of you looking to find and exploit something bad in your relationship for the program to sell more. I think maybe they won't get married because they haven't been showy couple in the program for the lack of conflicts and maybe the producers have suggested that since they didn't have sex they should end their relationship to make things more interesting in the end of the show, but why they have that's the kind of relationship that is worthwhile in real life.
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Lauren and Cameron, are similar to Kenny and Kelly but with the difference that they had sex and part that generates tension, conflict and drama, and they have to overcome that and not worry about what society will say for being an interracial couple. In a nutshell has a good balance between drama and a functional couple so the people loves them and think they are sexy, cool, romantic and nothing boring as Kenny and Kelly so they generates more attention in the show, so maybe they get married.
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Damien and Giannina, they already seem married, but not in the good way, looks of those couples who go to therapy because they do not want to divorce but there is no sincere love in their relationship or if there only one of them feel it. I think they are cool for a romantic comedy where opposites attract, but in real life, fighting with someone all the time is not healthy at all. They are happy and super romantics for 3 seconds and they fight again, his family does not want her and they are different in the things that matter (for example, he and his family are Republicans, she is Venezuelan who is against what the government do, that's why he asked her if she agreed to change any of her ideals such as her political ideals and she almost beats him for suggesting that and she mention what she has to do for her family that lives in Venezuela). She is like the stereotype of crazy Latina Drama queen that has many mood swings and she is also a person with very liberal ideas and he is a very conservative guy who then tends to be half dick with his comments or with the fact that he wants her to change. Even if they got married, they wouldn't last. In less than a month they already fight like this in front of people, they shout, they insult/ignore each other, enduring such fights in a year will end badly
There are couples who baffle me so much that I wonder what they talked about in the capsules?
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fanfiction-funtime · 3 years
Alexander Vodka lines
I did most of the characters, but some I don't know or genuinely can't think of anything. Hope this is good >-<
Hello: Hey there, your that Traveler fella ain’t ya? Hope I don't owe you copyrights for  the name. Hm? I don’t? Well then, what can I help ya with?
Adventures? Sure why not, I could use the inspiration.
Two names: You’re curious why I have two names? Well it's sort of a thing in Snezhnaya that officers and other high ranking people have two names, like how harbingers do. Since I’m a high ranking member of the Schneznayan authors association, well former member, I have the name “Eis Cay’zar” meaning “ice ruler”. And Alexander Vodka is a pen name. Hm? What's my resistance name and real one? Well now Traveler, a man must have some secrets.
Change of tone: Ah yes, people often find the way I change from more eloquent speech to more casual off putting. Well it's the same reason I wear two sets of clothes: sometimes I feel like looking like an old noir hero, other times I like looking like a new age caped crusader. Sometimes I like sounding high society, other times I enjoy sounding like I’m from Khaen’ria.
How do you know about Khaen’ria: Well I was looking for accents and found out about a place called “New York” or something, a bit of investigation and I discovered everything. My source? That's a secret, ehe.
Good morning: Mornin’ Traveler! What's in the mornin’ paper?
Noon: Lunch time, my favourite time of the day. Let’s go get some pizza, I’m famished!
Afternoon: Almost time to punch out, let's go knock some skulls first.
Night: *yawn* Today was fun, thanks buddy. Get some shut eye, or if you can't come meet me at (wanmin/angels share/the tea house), first rounds on me!
When it rains: I am so glad I got over my fear of contacts.
When it rains(with glasses outfit): Hey can we get under something? I can barely see!
When it stops raining: The smell that comes after rain has always been one of my favorites.
When it snows: Perfect weather to bundle up with a nice hot cup of hot chocolate!
When it stops snowing: Do you ever miss home, Traveler?
About freedom: I warned Barbados, you know that? I knew that as long as he saw it coming, Signora wouldn’t stand a chance. But he just looked at me and said, “good, when I’m gone mondstadt will be truly free of the gods”. That’s a man I’d follow to the depths of the abyss and back.
About Venti: Speaking of Barbados, he’s a great drinking buddy. Me and him knock back a couple hundred rounds whenever I’m in Mondstadt! Course I’m always paying the tab, but I consider it a way of repaying him for making songs about my books.
About Kaeya: The cavalry captain? He’s pretty cool if you ask me, modeled as Rex Mondoleon for the cover of a historical fiction book I made. But I’d still like to know what he’s hiding behind that smile.
About Diluc: Don’t tell him I told you this, but one time I found Diluc after he was hit by an abyss spell that made him drunk. While he was drunk he kept ranting about how sorry he is for kicking out his brother. The poor guy has all that forgiveness in him but he’s too afraid to let it out.
About Jean: The acting grandmaster of the knights is someone truly deserving of respect. She leads by being a good person and earning the respect of her people, and she has never once tried to cover up the mistakes of the knights. In fact if a knight makes a mistake she’ll rush out to fix it. Jean should be the grandmaster, not that crooked old bastard.
About Lisa: Lisa was my first friend in Mondstadt. She mailed me about getting copies of my books into the Mondstadt library, I said I’d do a signing to promote a new one, one thing led to another and now we have tea every ninth day of the month.
About Rosaria: Don’t tell anyone, but I’m very sure she’s a vampire. A nice one, but still.
About Barbara: Awe that little doll? I once saw her kill multiple fatui because they threatened some sick and injured travelers. So I think she’s a great person, takes compassion to save lives and guts to handle taking them as well.
About Bennett: Bennett? Yeah I know him, nice kid. He likes my books but kept breaking them, so now I make special enchanted ones so he can’t break them even if he tried.
About Razor: The guardian of wolvendom? He’s a weird one alright, but he’s not a bad guy. I taught him how to read and write.
About Fischl: That crazy kid? I don’t care what everyone else says, she’s nice. People need to learn to just leave people alone, she’s not hurting anyone with her persona.
About Noelle: You will never find someone more dedicated too...well anything than Noelle is too the knights and her training.
About Klee: Klee and I are great friends! Nothing is more stimulating than massive explosions!
About Amber: She always has interesting stories to tell, like one time where she got rid of some bandits by making a dummy merchant cart filled with explosives! Or the time she had to help a kid get her pet giant snake out from the cathedral!
About Zhongli: Heh, he thinks he’s slick, but I know he’s Rex Lapis. Gotta say I kinda hate him for just giving up his gnosis, however he did it to free his people so I can’t be mad.
About Ninnguang: Never much cared for economics because I don’t know much about ‘em, so I can’t say anything about her business sense. But I can say that she’s a great leader who puts her people first.
About Keqing: Haven’t talked to her enough to know much, but she’s dedicated to her people and that's enough for me. Her dislike of blind faith in the gods is definitely enough to make me want to get to know her better though.
About Qiqi: Qiqi’s a nice kid, I don’t care what anyone says her being a zombie doesn’t make her bad.
About Baizhu: Snake man? Nice guy, helps me be accurate in my books. Always worry about him though, one hot breeze and he’s out like a light.
About Xingqiu: Xingqiu always tries to hide his good deeds, and while I can respect anonymity I can’t let a hero go unsung. So I’ve written multiple short stories about him using a different name, and put in the beginnings that it’s based on a true story.
About Chongyun: His popsicles are great inventions, I’ve played around with the idea a bit and made flavored ones. So far I’ve got strawberry and grape down and am working on this weird fruit called a..Banananana? I think?
About Beidou: Captain Beidou is so cool! She tells me stories about her journeys out to see and I write about them, but after seeing her in action I can’t really say that I do her justice.
About Kazuha: Kazuha has suffered so much, yet he refuses to give up and curl up away from the world when he so easily could. I have immense respect for him.
About Xianling: You’d be surprised at how good slime and boar tusk can be.
About Xiao: I’ve written down many myths and legends of the yaksha, but sadly I've never seen him in person.
About Verr Goldet: Oh she’s great company! Good business sense, and always polite.
About Gorou: Many people rightly attribute the Resistance’s survival and victories to general Kokomi, but it’s wrong to say general Gorou isn’t a brilliant strategist. He knows how to rally his men against impossible odds, and how to keep them standing against them. I’d follow general Gorou into battle any day.
About Ayaka: Ayaka seems so lonely, I hope when this is all done she can have some form of social life.
About Thoma: Thoma’s as cool as he seems. He always has a level head, and solves problems smoothly and without issues.
About Yoimia: KABOOOM!
About Kokomi: One time I was doing an interview of her excellency, to boost morale and draw new members. I intended on asking for her autograph, only for her to ask for mine! I’ve been riding that high for a while now and still ain’t come down.
About Signora: I hate fatui, but without that she has some good qualities: most of her power is her own unlike most other harbingers, and she’s a sharp dresser. Plus she’s actually justified in her choice to join the fatui, not excused, but isolation can justify many crimes in my book. But no matter what I can’t forgive her. She attacked my friend without a chance for him to fight back, and was unfairly cruel. Nothing can justify that, and I will not forgive her as long as she remains unapologetic for her cowardly cruelty.
About Childe: Fatui are scum, but Childe’s probably the best of them: he personally tries to keep civilians and the weak out of fatui business, and he’s only in it to make sure his family lives well. He also is powerful on his own, but most of his strength is the Tsaritsa’s well deserved gifts. Still though, he’s just a single stressful day from losing all his morals. I can’t leave the fate of my homeland to a madman like him, not unless he gets therapy.
About Scaramouche: Scaramouche...that bastard, it’s been five years and he still owes me 30,061 mora.
About the Fatui: The fatui are really just people who are lost or genuinely believe they’re in the right, and while I can sympathize and respect many of them I can't agree nor can I just stand by and watch. The grunts usually aren’t that bad, honestly they’re more like underpaid graduates new to the workforce, but the fighters you see daily? Almost all of them are scum no better than raiders, and debt collectors are the worst of them because they’ll do anything they can to scam you out of everything in their contracts.
About us-commissions: You know, if you’d like to commission a biography it’s 100 mora per ten pages.
About us-inspiration: You’re a font of inspiration for me, ya know that?
About us-fellow rebels: I’ve been with ya enough to know that this path you’re on, the one to find your sis/bro, you’re fighting against something far beyond my ability to deal with. I won’t abandon you, I’ll be here every step of the way.
About us-friends: We’ve been through a lot pal, I’m glad to call you my friend. Please, call me my rebel name: it’s Belgrade, named after the city where some very brave men took their last stand against oppression.
Hobbies: Well you have reading and writing, otherwise? Can't think of anything.
Favorite food: Grilled tiger fish, come get it while it’s hot!
Least favorite food: I really wanna try it, but I can’t have almond tofu. Or any nuts. Closes my throat right up.
Something to share: Hehe, I got embarrassing dirt on all the harbingers. Signora? She has a Tsaritsa body pillow. Scaramouche? He knits sweaters for his pet pig, cute but he hates letting people know. And Childe? Hoo man, the pics I’ve got on him have put a pretty mora on my head.
About me: Hey have you seen my dice? I wanted to teach the mondstadt kids how to play them...hm? What?! No, not gambling! It’s, uh, a tad embarrassing...h-hey look! Literally anything else, let's pay attention to it!
About me II: Alright! These rolls are great, can’t wait to use them next game. I’m so proud of Fischl, so young yet so imaginative. She’s already-ah! T-traveler! What are you doing?..
You know I’m the one meant to be learning the secrets here.
About me III: Back in Snezhnaya, everyone looks down on things that don’t “conform” where even the most rigid of nations like Inazuma have stopped caring. Adults can't play games, men can’t wear dresses, can’t even have a “weird” sense of humor. No laws against it, but being outcasted is...it’s not good…
About me IV: I wish I grew up in Mondstadt. The kids there are so free to be themselves, and the adults aren’t pressured to be nothing more than working hands. It’s not perfect, after all people are rude to Fischl and Benny for being “different”, but it’s better that’s for sure.
About me V: Hey traveler...this is...no it’s not embarrassing. You’re my friend and I have no reason to be embarrassed by wanting to enjoy time with you! Fischl’s going to run a pen and paper dice game, ever played one? It’s super fun, you get to be anything you want really, and it’s a great way to bond.
You will? Great! I’ll help you make a character!
Alexander’s troubles: It’s so hard to find publishers these days. Noone wants an actual plot, they just want twist after twist. What’s up with that?! Shock value is no substitute for characters you love living fulfilling lives.
Happy birthday: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday you crazy bastard, happy birthday to you! Seriously pal, you put yourself in harm's way every day it seems, we literally met when you were fighting an actual god! Actually, know what? No danger all day! We’re wrapping ourselves in blankets and just relaxing!
Feelings about ascension-intro: woah, somethin’ feels different. I like it!
Feelings about ascension-building up: man, I’m feeling inspired all of a sudden! Hey traveller, give me a prompt!
Feelings about ascension-climax: HA! I don’t know what high I’m riding but I like it, I just finished writing a whole book series!
Feelings about ascension-conclusion: WOO! YEAH! ULRICH MIKAEL KEEPS WINNIN’!-I-I meant Alexand-ah forget it, I’m feelin’ too good to care!
About Louis: That crazy inventor guy from Fontaine? I heard he got used by the fatui, damn shame that. Noone deserves to have their heart played with like that.
About Spritefather: You ever heard of Spritefather? I’ve only heard legends, but the fanmail I keep getting tells me that sometimes things are only legendary until someone writes them down.
About the Storytraveler: There’s this woman who travels from universe to universe to fix things, she’s in Teyvat right now. You should meet her, really nice person. But her powers are a bit weird, why does she transform like that? It takes so much time!
Tagging: @love-psxlm, @storytravelled, @genshin-obsessed, @golden-wingseos
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artistic-writer · 4 years
The Contract :: CS Omegaverse :: Ch 5
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Title: The Contract Rating: E Summary: Emma had never wanted much in her life, despite being married to one of the richest men in the world. For ten years she has felt like a prisoner in her own marriage, denied the one thing she wants the most, but her husband cannot help but bargain her want like a cheap business deal.  Enter Killian Jones, the Alpha her husband has hired to make sure she gets what she wants. And then some. A/N: Here is ch 5!! Graham is still a dick, Emma is very naughty and Killian buys a sex toy!  This chapter is so much fun ;) Enjoy!  Thanks to @kmomof4 who beta’d this one, because she is awesome <3 I would also like to give a MASSIVE thank you to @itsfabianadocarmo for her beautiful artwork that she so graciously allowed me to use from now on! <3
This is an Omegaverse fic featuring A/B/O dynamics.  Whilst this varies from fandom to fandom, for the purposes of my fic, there will be no mpreg.  Just so you know.  There will however be knotting, breeding, heats and other delicious things that come along with A/B/O.  If you do not know what A/B/O is, feel free to message me :)  Many thanks to @hollyethecurious @shardminds @kmomof4 @darkcolinodonorgasm @resident-of-storybrooke and @effulgentcolors for letting me bounce my complicated ideas of you lol
If you wish to stay away from this fic, blacklist the A/B/O tag.
Taglist:  I’ll be honest, i have lost my taglist for this fic, so if you want a tag, please message me here on on discord (Salem #5158/ [email protected]) and I’ll add you!  I’ve tagged the following people i KNOW want to read this, but i don’t want to accidentally tag you if you do not like ABO.
@hollyethecurious @shardminds @kmomof4 @resident-of-storybrooke @darkcolinodonorgasm @thisonesatellite @xemmaloveskillianx @hookedonapirate @teamhook​ @winterbaby89​ @carpedzem​ @courtorderedcake​ 
The lobby of the hotel was as Killian would have expected when he had received a call from Graham’s PA informing him that they were to meet again. Graham had insisted, as part of their agreement, that Killian would be paid in cash upon a meeting after each visit with Emma. Of course, that meant that there was no paper trail of his or Emma’s indiscretions, which suited Killian just fine. It was the only part of the damned contract he actually agreed with.
Just like everything else Graham Humbert had a hand in, this meeting place was as flamboyant and pompous as Killian had foreseen, with silken drapes with golden embroidery hanging on every window. Massive diamond chandeliers hung along the hall, and the sound of water flowing through an indoor fountain was accompanied by the soothing lilt of music that Killian was sure was emanating from some kind of hidden speaker system. The huge, marble columns stood floor to ceiling, lining the edges of both sides of the room, and were so highly polished that Killian could see his reflection clearly in them as he walked past. The floor, equally as polished to within one inch of its life, did little to absorb the sound of his footsteps as he made his way to the bar area, and Killian kept a careful eye out for anyone who might be more than unwelcomed at the meeting.
He had noticed that Graham never travelled alone, always meeting him with two big, burly henchmen at his side. They never sat with them, but were never far enough away that Graham would be in any sort of trouble if he found himself in a sticky situation. In a world where strength was everything, Graham’s actions made Killian chuckle. Humbert so desperately wanted to be an Alpha that he often forgot that, fundamentally, an Alpha would never need protection, or a bodyguard, let alone two of them, and it just spoke to how insecure Graham really was.
Killian’s lips ticked up into a small, tight smile that he hid under a swipe of his tongue, lest one of them be nearby. It wasn’t long before Killian spotted one of them, a big, fat lump of a man he had seen before, distinguished by three neck ripples of fat sitting on top of the collar of his shirt. He was slouched forward over a table nursing a glass of amber liquid, most likely expensive whiskey due to the reputation of the place, with one foot up on the cross beam of the chair and the other resting on the toe of his shoe. He had sushi, Killian could smell that much, four tiny pieces of fish decorated with carrot and cucumber that probably cost as much as his suit.
Off to the sushi scoffing man’s left was the other pitbull Graham kept at hand who Killian liked to refer to as ‘bowtie’. The man was easily spotted in a crowd because he always insisted on wearing a red bowtie with a crisp white shirt with matching red cufflinks that sat next to his oversized hands. He didn’t say much, not even a little grunt, but he was always sitting closest to their boss, and it wasn’t long before Killian spotted Graham Humbert behind him. He was, as usual, pretending to watch the world go by like it owed him something, and Killian felt the bile rise in his throat.
“Jones,” Humbert greeted cordially, pushing himself to his feet and extending his hand. Killian’s eyes flicked towards the man’s palm but he scoffed, his jaw ticking in annoyance. When he lifted his gaze back to meet Graham’s, a sickly sweet smile grew over Humbert’s lips. “Sit down,” he commanded like he was talking to a dog and motioned to the seat opposite him.
Killian refrained from hitting the man by biting his inner cheek and undid the single button on his suit jacket so that he could sit more comfortably. He sank down into the seat, a plush but executive tub chair with a checkered pattern that only just accommodated his bulk, and leaned back to take in the man before him. He hated Humbert even more with each meeting and he couldn’t help but dig his nails into the brass rivets at the front side of the chair’s arm.
“I’ll spare you the formalities, Mr Jones, because I’m a busy man,” Humbert began, sinking down into his own chair.
Killian thought the knee high table between them wasn’t enough space and he despised the feeling he had when Graham reached into the breast pocket of his fine, tailored jacket and fished out a pristine white envelope that clearly bulged with his payment. Humbert slid it across the table, tapping it with a finger.
“I’d love to know what you did with my wife last night.” He raised a brow, almost impressed. “She’s very happy.”
The thought of knotting Emma flashed across his mind, and Killian had to suppress a smirk, shifting in the chair when his groin tingled.
“Not something I’m willing to share this time.” Killian looked Graham dead in the eyes and didn’t look away, emphasising the first word. “However much you pay me.”
Graham took him in, sniggering at Killian’s aggressive tone. “Yes, well, you can spare yourself the Alpha dramatics, Jones. I wasn’t looking to take anymore of your ‘secrets’.” Graham flicked his wrist, his clearly solid gold watch heavy and rattling just a tad against his skin, and then looked at the time. “I don’t have time for your stories today.”
“Something more important to do?” Killian snapped.
“Someone, actually,” Graham sneered, licking his lips afterwards. “And she won’t wait long.”
Killian bit his tongue, regretfully deciding to not upset the man who could control his access to Emma.
“Please,” Graham scoffed, brushing the wrinkles from the front of his shirt as he pushed himself to his feet. Out of the corner of his eye Killian saw both bodyguards stop whatever they were doing and prepare to leave as well. “Spare me the judgemental looks and angry Alpha brooding. A man has needs, I’m sure you can appreciate that.”
Killian leapt to his feet, chest to chest to Graham. “I’m not just a man though, am I?”
Graham didn’t flinch, instead grinning like a proud cheshire cat. “You’re whatever I pay you to be.”
The blood pounded in Killian’s ears, his heart rate well and truly elevated to beyond what his body was comfortable with. Emma was worth this. Emma was worth anything Humbert could throw at him, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t play unfairly either.
“Your wife wants a knot,” Killian blurted, his hot breath fogging Graham’s face through clenched teeth. When Humbert’s smile faded, Killian knew he had touched a sore subject. As much as Graham could pretend, he would never have that one true Alpha attribute he wanted as desperately as his wife. “It seems a shame to leave her so unfulfilled,” Killian shrugged. “I mean, we might as well not even have this arrangement at all if she isn’t getting what she wants so you can get what you want.”
Killian heard Humbert take a deep breath and consider his words. Killian mulled over his expression, watching the puny man’s entire thought process by simply studying his face, Graham’s eyes widening between frowns as his mind went to work. Killian could tell Graham was conflicted. No Alpha for Emma meant no mistress for him, and a small smile tugged at the corner of Killian’s lips.
“I might have an idea so that everyone is happy,” Killian shrugged casually, knowing from the way Graham was sweating that he hadn’t found an option to his own dilemma yet.
“Go on,” Graham encouraged.
“I know of a certain toy that could facilitate what your wife wants,” Killian offered. He stepped back and buttoned his jacket, pushing the button through its hole slowly and deliberately. The smile that graced Killian’s lips was a combination of memories of the day before, when he had actually knotted Emma for real, and the knowledge that Graham was so arrogant, he would believe this whole thing to be his idea. Killian knew Emma would want nothing less than the real thing, his knot thrust up into her as she whimpered in delight, but that didn’t stop Killian playing Graham’s ego against him. “There would be no actual knotting, of course,” he finished, looking up to Graham’s intent expression. “As per your contract.”
“Like a sex toy?” Graham frowned.
“Exactly,” Killian nodded smugly. “A lot of hired Alpha’s wear them during encounters.”
“How much extra would this cost me?” Graham sneered, disgusted but intrigued at the idea all the same.
“Nothing,” Killian shook his head. “I’m sure I can afford one, what with your generous payments.” Killian leaned down and retrieved the money from the table, the envelope crinkling in his hand as he folded it in half and tucked it into the front pocket of his pants. “I just need to know if it's against the agreement we have to use one.” Killian's voice was darker, and he fixed his gaze on Graham once more.
Graham waggled a finger in Killian’s direction, a small chuckle tumbling from his mouth. “You know, Mr Jones, I think I’m beginning to like you.”
Killian shuddered, swallowing hard and looking down to his feet.
“Go buy what you need,” Graham nodded, balling his hands in his pockets. “In fact, why don’t you take Emma with you and then go back to the apartment.” Killian’s head snapped up at his offer and Graham just gave him a sickeningly modest glare like it was still up to him whether Emma saw Killian or not.
“What’s the catch?” Killian narrowed his eyes.
“No catch,” Graham assured him with a bow of his head, the most honest thing Killian had ever seen him do. Maybe the fool was in love with his mistress after all. “Think of it as a bonus for a job well done.”
“And what’s in it for you?” Killian scrutinized Graham, knowing full well that a man of his stature never did anything without something in return.
“Let’s just say, with Emma away, the mice can play.” Graham winked and Killian felt his stomach turn over. Now he was absolutely sure the man before him held no love for his wife at all, willing to defile their marital bed with his mistress, something he knew Emma was against doing with him. Then again, he also knew it wasn’t about respect for her marriage, but finding something new with someone else, somewhere else that held no memories of Humbert repression.
Killian felt sick at the thought of Emma as some sort of transactional incentive, but he wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, even if it was from Graham Humbert. Killian already knew he would do anything for her, Humbert be damned, and he dreamed of taking her away from everything she knew and showing her the life she deserved. Emma’s life wasn’t pleasant, he knew that, but when she was with him, she was herself, the real Emma, and Killian wanted that for her all of the time. Maybe he could show her that today.
“If you insist,” Killian nodded in agreement, only too willing to take Emma out and show her exactly how precious she actually was.
Not seeing Emma for a few days had almost killed Killian, especially when he knew that the next time they would see each other, they would be shopping for something he had tricked her husband into agreeing to. The idiot. Truth be told, Killian had in fact needed to pre-order the knotting toy in advance and they would just be popping to the sex store in order to retrieve it, and that freed up their entire afternoon. Because of his girth, the store had needed to have it custom made, something that had made Killian dance inside with glee because he was sure, at some point, Humbert would want to see it. Even if they didn’t need it, because Killian would be damned if he thought Emma wasn’t getting the real thing, he wouldn’t put it past Humbert to need proof.
All of his worries soon dissipated when his cell phone buzzed in the pocket of his pants. Killian had been lingering outside of the store for far longer than he should have been, one or two of the staff occasionally looking out of the black tinted windows to make sure he wasn’t some creep stalking their customers, and just like the last message, Emma was apologizing for being late. His thumb lingered on the cold surface of his cell phone, her words almost identical to the last message and setting panic in his bones.
His mind raced with scenarios that might make Emma late, from good to the very worst, and he cursed himself for even thinking some of them. He knew she would be arriving by a driven car, so graciously provided by her husband that Killian knew was just a front of generosity so Graham was sure she was out of the way whilst he entertained his mistress. Killian’s heart had long since given up breaking for Emma at the thought though, because he knew she would gladly let the mistress move in if it meant she could see him more often.
Finally, after what seemed like forever holding his breath and tapping his locked phone against his other hand, she came into view. He’d told her to dress for lunch but he had also neglected to remember the social divide between them, her dress far superior to his attire. He’d gone casual, just some chinos and a v-neck t-shirt under a summer blazer, but Emma took his breath away in what she was wearing. It wasn’t the plain, almost sheer magnolia off white top half that had him really rigid, but the bottom half, a short, black, thigh high skirt sitting under a matching rippled cumberbund style belt that hugged her waist and let him see the skin of her thigh. He swallowed hard as she approached, her hips sashaying from side to side with every step away from the car, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as her heels carried her closer.
Her hair was perfect, a fishbone braid across the top of her crown and hanging over one of her shoulders. Killian felt himself grow hot and imagined his hand wrapped around it, pulling her onto his cock over and over, just like a few days ago. Wisps of her perfectly toned blonde hair sprang out into the air but it just reminded him of how gorgeous she was as he watched her sleeping post coitus, his hands itching to flatten them and stroke the shape of her skull lovingly. Last but not least she was wearing a smile, one he had never seen in any photographs before, and one that was assuredly reserved for just him.
“Mr Jones,” she said sweetly, her hand reaching out for him after she tucked her matching cream clutch under her arm.
Killian took her hand with a growl, lifting it to his lips and inhaling her skin before looking up to her with a sultry stare and pressing his lips to her knuckles.
“Emma,” he breathed, her name everything. “You look beautiful, as always.”
“Thank you.” Emma smiled sweetly. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” Her eyes roamed his body, taking him in from head to toe and back up again, her tongue darting out to taste her lip as her eyes lingered on the bulge in his chinos.
“When you have quite finished,” Killian told her, tugging her fingers and bringing her back to reality. “One quick stop and we can be off to the restaurant for lunch.” Even saying it out loud made him tingle with warmth, like they were going on a real date, in public, with people seeing them side by side, and Killian couldn’t suppress his Alpha urge to let everyone know who Emma would be with at that moment.
“I’m not going to lie, Killian, I know exactly where we are, and there are no restaurants nearby.” Emma’s lips twisted into a coy smirk and she felt him squeeze her fingers. “What’s going on? Why are we here?”
Killian couldn’t hide his glee any longer and he let their hands dangle in front of them as he stepped forward to greet her with another kiss to her cheek. The softness of her skin made his knees buckle a little, but he managed to regain a sort of semi-composed state for what he had to tell her.
“This was actually Mr Humbert’s idea,” Killian smirked and when Emma’s eyebrows shot up on her forehead, he raised one too. “Or so he thinks.”
Emma looked perplexed. “Why would Graham let you take me to a sex shop?” She wasn’t even annoyed at the mention of her husband, because the idea of being here, with Killian, was far outweighing any hatred she had for the man who thought he supposedly owned her.
“That’s a story for another time,” Killian told her cryptically. He stepped back, interlocking their fingers and tugged her after him, encouraging her to follow. He bit his bottom lip, looking her up and down between steps, sighing audibly in appreciation of the way she moved after him. “I’m not sure this outfit is appropriate for lunch,” Killian teased, shaking his head. “How am I supposed to keep my eyes on you and one eye on every other man in the place?”
“And why would you need to do that?” Emma feigned modesty and Killian noticed a little more sway in her hips as she walked, drawing, tempting him to a fate he knew would have him killed one day.
Once they were through the doors, and hidden from any prying eyes by the darkness of tinted windows, Killian pulled his hand from hers and let it fall to her hip, his fingers hungrily grabbing at the material of her skirt and bunching it up until it was raised up towards her waist a little more. He stepped into her and Emma gasped when her bare shoulders hit the cold of the window and his knee between her legs stopped her from losing her balance and tumbling to the ground.
“You know why,” Killian growled sultrily, his nose pressed against hers and their lips a hair's breadth apart. She smelled of perfume, floral with undertones of her natural scent that had Killian rolling his eyes in his head and his jaw clenching tighter than he thought possible. It seemed a few days had been too long without her near him, and his hands skimmed the shape of her arse hungrily.
“How can you be so sure other men find me as desirable as you do?” Emma’s words were strangled in her throat that had gone bone dry from the way Killian’s thigh was rubbing against her clit through her panties.
Killian chuckled darkly, his tongue licking over her lips as he moistened his own in response to her fingers gripping his bicep through the material of his blazer. “Emma, Emma, Emma,” Killian taunted playfully with a shake of his head. “When are you going to realise how precious you are?”
Emma’s hand snaked up behind his head and held it in place as she moved hers to the side, the softness of her lips brushing against the shell of his ear as she whispered, “When are you going to show me?” Her fingers clawed over the back of his neck, raking through the hair there ever so gently that it had all of Killian’s nerve endings firing at once. “Again,” she added, her voice lowered and full of fire as she slipped out from underneath him and made her way into the main part of the shop.
Killian grunted in frustration, spinning his entire body off the window pane and following after her like a man on an invisible tether. She was something, he had to admit that, especially when, by watching the shape of her behind in her too short skirt, he had failed to realise that she was heading towards the lingerie section. He looked up just in time to see her holding the barest slip of material up to her body before looking back at him through her lashes and quirking a brow.
“How do you think this would look on me?” She asked innocently, tucking the material under her breasts and accenting them as she pushed them up.
“Not as good as it would look on the floor,” Killian whispered as he reached her and inspected the garment. It was made of lace as red as blood, with two cut outs on either side that would definitely show the contrast of her milky skin down to her hips where the built in lace underwear sat. The bra part was padded, hiding away her best parts behind another layer of matching lace and Killian made a mental note to make sure that never happened. His thoughts were soon interrupted when he noticed, with a glint in her eye, Emma was indicating to the slit like opening on the panties with a wiggling finger and a coy smirk.
“You sure that’s where you want it to be?” Emma teased, biting her tongue and feeling the material of the bra as if she were Killian kneading her breasts.
Killian whimpered and toyed with the little red bows that stuck to each hip of the garment, the material pure silk between his fingers. All he could do was shake his head, an Alpha pathetically reduced to just actions by a woman, and he wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
“I’ll be right back,” he said quietly, his voice hoarse. He peeled the lingerie from her grip and Emma almost squealed with glee, her face erupting into an excited smile that made the skin behind his ears burn hot with pleasure. “I need to pay for this and retrieve something, then we shall go to lunch.” He took a step back, the air just two feet from Emma much easier to breathe in, but he immediately missed the heavy weight pressing down on his lungs.
“Perfect,” Emma beamed at him. She had that glint in her eye again and Killian’s jaw nearly hit the floor when she lifted her hand to her face and gave the tip of her thumb a salacious lick, the mystery behind the green of her eyes darkened by her lust once more. “I’m starving.”
Killian couldn’t help the way he was smiling, despite Emma telling him more than once to stop. They sat opposite each other in an almost rooftop restaurant and Killian had made sure they were seated next to the window so that they could both enjoy the view, not that he had seen much more than Emma right in front of him. Emma as she was. Emma in the new lingerie he had just bought her. Emma like she had been when she took his knot. God only knew how his brain managed to fathom much else at this point.
They had, somehow, managed to order some food, even if they were both anxious for what was to come afterward. Humbert had pretty much given him the green light to take Emma back to her apartment, so Killian wasn’t going to miss out on an opportunity when it presented itself. When he thought about it, finding loopholes in Humbert’s contract really was about as much fun as he had imagined, especially when so much was at stake.
“Thank you,” Emma said softly, shaking him out of his daydream by placing her hand over his. Killian looked down to where Emma’s fingers were tangling with his, the edge of their palms resting against the pristinely white table cloth, and gave her a sideways cock of his head.
“For what, love?” he asked sweetly, rubbing her thumb with his.
“For this,” Emma said with a nod, motioning around the slowly filling restaurant with a wave of her free hand. “For showing me that I’m not just arm candy for a businessman.”
Killian sucked in a breath and released a laugh at the same time. “Emma, you are so much more than that. What will it take for you to realise that?”
Emma blushed and diverted her eyes back down to focus on the hypnotic way Killian’s thumb was still etching the feel of his skin onto hers. Her smile faded and Killian was sure he saw a little bit of a tear in her eye, frowning and giving her hand a gentle tug until she looked back at him.
“Look,” he began, licking his lips. “I know this isn’t ideal, what we’re doing, but for what it’s worth, I’m having the time of my life.” Killian smiled at her warmly and she mirrored the shape of his lips with her own. “What happens when your husband is sick of his mistress is my only uncertainty.”
“You think he let this happen because he has a mistress?” Emma scoffed a laugh, looking away from him sadly. “Please, Killian, there have been other women and you’ve met the man. He’d do anything to avoid a divorce.” The sadness that laced her words pained him right to his soul and Killian felt his fingers tighten around hers when she turned her head to stare blankly out of the window. “The only reason you and I ever met is because he was trying to keep me quiet and retain his Humbert bravado. He can take this all away from me as quickly as it began.”
“I’d like to see him try,” Killian said defiantly.
“He’s done it before,” Emma almost sobbed, her voice weak and small in the back of her throat at the memory of how many times Graham had promised her so much only to rip it all away to keep her in line. She never wanted to imagine how it would feel to have Graham take Killian away from her now that she had known him.
“Aye, maybe, but you’ve never had me fighting for you before, have you, darling?”
At his words, Emma looked back to him and welcomed the way his confidence in her was written all over his face, from the curve of his lips as he smiled to the sparkle in the blue of his eyes. Emma had never known any Alpha other than the Humbert men, and certainly hadn’t known one to give the likes of her the time of day. But Killian was different, affectionate and passionate, and she knew that no matter what, she would be making the most of him tonight.
“You are a man of many firsts, Mr Jones,” Emma smirked. She pulled her hand from his and moved to lean forward, her head resting on her hand as the point of her elbow sat precariously on the edge of the table. She trailed one of her fingers over her lips, giving them a little tap.
“I’m also wonderfully committed to seconds,” Killian grinned. “And thirds, and fourths.” He winked, letting the corner of his lips pull up into a sideways smirk, one eyebrow jumping up higher on his brow.
“And is that what you want?” Emma teased, rolling her shoulders back so that Killian had no choice but to divert his eyes down to the sway of her breasts underneath the sheer, cream fabric of her dress. “To knot me again?” Emma blinked, looking up at him through her lashes. “And again?”
Killian didn’t mean to laugh but he hoped it helped that the tips of his ears turned a rather attractive rosy colour as he pawed at the patch of skin behind them, his tongue darting out at the memory of her taste on his lips.
“Like I need to breathe, love,” Killian said finally, rolling his bottom lip under his teeth and letting an appreciative hum escape his mouth at the memory of the feeling of her body around his knot. “I’ll beg if I have to,” he admitted with a nod.
“Would you want it now?” Emma’s eyes lit up with glee and she couldn’t hide the excited grin on her face. “With all these people around?”
“Aye,” Killian said, his words even and his voice a little huskier than it was before. He leaned forward and Emma could have sworn he was staring directly into her soul. “I’d fuck you over this table until you begged me to knot you because you couldn’t take not having it any longer.”
His words, despite what she had asked for, made Emma’s entire body prickle with heat. Every muscle was remembering the feel of his hands on her skin, the feel of his cock inside of her and recalling the way it felt to have such a rock hard, welcome intrusion like his knot. She pressed her thighs together at the thought, her core clenching with need and a little bit of hot, wet, discharge leaking out of her. She wasn’t sure if Killian could smell her, but his eyes definitely darkened around the edge of his hues and he drew his fingers into a clenched fist as he stared her down.
“I’m sorry,” Emma blushed, swallowing hard. “Would you excuse me? I just need to use the ladies room before our food arrives.”
Killian shook his head slightly, and pushed himself to his feet. It was probably the most gentlemanly thing Emma had ever seen and had been sure, when Graham failed to do it, it was the stuff of myths and legends that women only read about in books. The heat across her cheeks was more vibrant now, and there was no way Killian didn’t know what his words had done to her, or why she was heading to the bathroom at all.
“Of course,” he said cordially but grabbed her arm as she moved past him, leaning in and almost licking the shell of her ear with his words. “Hurry back,” he whispered, his words dripping into her ear like a hot wax that sent a shiver down her spine, before he stepped away and left her wanting even more than before.
Emma barely made it to the bathroom, her legs shaking and her skin on fire with a burning itch that only Killian could sate. She ran through the door, politely apologising to a woman she bumped into on the way, and flattened herself against the cool tiled wall. She let out a breath, long and uneven, her lips quivering slightly as she gulped down air, trying to quell her arousal. Emma had never felt so alive, her whole body aching as she pinned her weight against the wall, fingers clawing at the grout and her knees threatening to buckle at any second.
“Fuck,” she panted, pinching her eyes closed. How did Killian have the ability to make her feel this way with just his words and a sideways sultry glance? Emma was sure it was black magic. Or witchcraft. Or more simply, it was her pure, unadulterated need, two compatible people fitting together like puzzle pieces, her body crying out for him every time they met. Whatever it was, she was pretty sure that she would never make it back to her apartment without some sort of cooling relief for the sizzling heat that was eating her up from the inside out.
Emma bolted for the nearest stall, slamming the door closed behind her and sliding the lock into place. Not even the toilet seat lid offered her relief as she sat down on the cold plastic, and she slumped back against the cistern with a grumble. She pinched her eyes closed but all she could see was Killian, his eyes darkened to a lustful grey and his lips curved into that toying smirk he always did before he fully ravaged her. She loved it, and needed it - him - but all she had right now was her hand and her imagination, so with a hurried pant, Emma bunched up the material of her skirt, opened her legs and slipped her hand between her thighs.
The material of her underwear was already wet, the damp patch just below her clit cool on her skin. Her fingers toyed over it, sliding back and forth, teasing her body with the idea that she might slip lower. The friction was minimal but just enough, her nipples hardening in her bra and the material rubbing against them, causing her even more frustration. She let out a groan that was a little too loud, the sound of her voice reverberating off the bathroom walls.
She only stopped for a second to make sure no one had heard her, instantly missing the way her hand felt on the outside of her panties. She skimmed her fingers over the fabric again, sighing when she pushed through her folds and found her clit, circling the nub and feeling her entire body relax as she sucked in a breath through her teeth. Even just thinking about Killian had her body reacting like this, essence practically dripping from her core as she strummed out a beat over her clit.
She had to make it quick or Killian would grow suspicious, and Emma wouldn't put it past him to come looking for her. What if he did? Suddenly it didn't seem like such a bad idea to take her time, but Emma wasn't that patient, parting her legs even wider and settling the material of her underwear over herself where it contoured the shape of her clit and, with every flick, had white light erupting behind her eyelids.
Emma canted her hips to meet the rub of her hand, her body shaking as her clit grew harder and more sensitive with every sweep. Her thighs quivered and she needed to place her free hand on the stall wall for balance, her inevitable orgasm creeping up on her and leaving her whimpering Killian's name. The room was spinning, even behind her eyelids, and the warmth of the heated bathroom was beginning to affect her, a sheen of sweat condensing across her skin.
She’d never done this before, masturbated in a public place, and it was the most exciting thing she had ever done. Her entire body tingled, her hand shaking, her brain telling her to stop the assault on her clit that was pulsing and throbbing, but her body crying out for more. Her breathing was uneven and the skin under her braid tightened against her head, pulling all of her hair and reminding her of how Killian had grabbed it a few days ago. It was enough, the memory of Killian and what he could do to her making her legs and back stiffen as she came, her hand furiously rubbing at her clit through the material of her underwear and extending her pleasure through painfully gritted teeth.
It wasn’t enough, Emma could tell that the second her orgasm rippled away as quickly as it had arrived, but it was enough to keep her sated for now. Or so she hoped. Now her only problem was her soaking wet panties. Emma looked down between her legs, holding the ruffles of her black skirt aside as she inspected the dark grey patch that had appeared there, her clit still pulsing with aftershocks as she tugged the material from her skin. There was no way Killian wouldn’t know about this, because even she could smell herself in the confines of the cubicle.
He had done this to her. It was still beyond her exactly how, but Killian had this effect on her like nothing she had ever experienced before. It was like her body was his obedient puppy, eager to please him, willing to do anything for a little attention and it had never felt so right to let it. Emma’s lips turned up into a wry grin as she stood back on wobbly legs, shimmied her wet panties to the floor and then picked them up, straightening the creases in her skirt whilst balling the damp material in her fist. Horny didn’t even begin to describe how she felt, the thrill of masterbating in the bathroom of a restaurant combined with the knowledge Killian was hers all afternoon still coursing through every fibre of her being.
They had to skip lunch and Emma knew exactly how to do that.
When she reappeared, Killian was absentmindedly staring out of the window across the expanse of the city, but the slight rise of his elfen ear gave away his smile. He didn’t turn around when she approached, but he knew she was there, heels gently tapping the polished floor, their echoes eaten up by the sounds of the other diners. His hand rested on the tablecloth, fingers stretched outwards as if covering hers that had left the spot a few minutes ago.
“Sorry about that,” Emma chirped as she neared him. She reached the table, her hip brushing his shoulder as she passed, and in one swift motion that even left her surprised by her own audacity, Emma dropped her sodden lace panties to the table right next to his hand. “I needed to take care of something.”
Killian’s head snapped towards the garment beside his hand, his fingers lifting off the tablecloth that had suddenly become like hot embers under the tips. Similarly, his ears were burning with the tell tale tint of a blush that was soon replaced with the ferocity of his inner animal as he plucked the lace from the table and was immediately hit with her scent. It was the perfect combination of the sweetness of peaches and the exoticness of star anise, and he would gladly risk the toxicity of the latter if it meant he could feast on her for hours.
“You couldn’t wait until after lunch?” Killian smirked, tucking the panties under the table and out of sight of the other diners. He scrunched the material in his hand and rather than tuck it into his pocket, he unzipped his fly and tucked it into the crotch of his chinos and through the peephole of his boxers. Even the mere feeling of her clearly self-fuck soaked underwear against his cock had him hard in seconds and he had no doubt she knew exactly what she was doing when she had dropped them at his proverbial feet.
“I’m not hungry,” Emma lied coyly, leaning forward in her seat until her bare clit met the cold, harsh surface of her chair and her eyes fluttered closed.
“Oh, you’re hungry, love,” Killian teased, opening his legs a little wider so that his length wasn’t so painfully restricted in his pants. “Just not for what’s on the menu in this place.” He quirked his brow at her and Emma smirked back at him, rolling her bottom lip under her teeth and letting out a groan as she rocked forward again.
“And you are?” Emma teased back, twirling the tail of her braid around her hand and giving it a little tug, mimicking the way his primal urges had turned her on so much a few days before.
She couldn’t help the way he was playing her like a finely tuned piano, despite being in a public place, as if something was calling to her, telling her to jump and trust that Killian would catch her. Without a second thought she knew she would. She would leap from whatever height if it meant falling into his arms, especially now, and if the way he was looking at her like a ravenous animal was anything to go by, she would gladly let him devour her too.
“Pay,” Emma demanded quickly, hurrying to grab her clutch beside her.
“W-What?” Killian stammered, shocked by her sudden urgency to leave.
Emma pushed herself to her feet and Killian stumbled to follow her, the hard-on in his pants restricting his ability to stand upright. He stepped out from behind the table and she flattened herself to his body, not a sliver of light able to pass between them. She groaned in her throat, the feel of his hardness against her setting off another flow of slickness to escape her core, only this time there was no fabric to stop it and it began its descent down her inner thigh. Emma’s hand snaked up behind Killian’s head and she clutched the hair there in frustration, her only outlet in a room full of people.
“Pay now,” she ordered again, her breath hot against his neck where she couldn’t help but taste his skin there with a lap of her tongue. “And I’ll suck you off in the car.”
They had only just made it out of the car park when Emma had dove across the gap between them and was fumbling with the zipper of Killian’s chinos. He hissed as she snaked her hand into the opening, deft fingers stroking over the outside of his boxer shorts and hardening him even more than the anticipation was. Killian's knuckles were white from how hard he gripped the wheel and Emma tore into his underwear like a thing possessed once she realised how hard her prize was.
Emma had never blown an Alpha before and once his cock sprang out into the artificially heated air in the car, her eyes went wide with glee. Alphas certainly put most men to shame, and she licked her lips at the sight of him standing proudly for her attention before grasping him as firmly as she could close to the base of his cock and shivering from the filthy sound he made in response.
“Eyes on the road, Jones,” Emma said huskily, running her tongue over the point of her canine. She felt like a wolf, hungry for the meat Killian was dangling in front of her, the blood pounding in her ears as she used her other hand to grip the girth of him just under his tip.
Killian felt his hips shift forward in his seat, an involuntary spasm, the only reaction his body knew to her touch. He wanted her to stroke him, needed her to massage his length. What she had promised back at the restaurant was so close his balls ached. Her breath ghosted over his cock, the tip of her tongue flicking out to taste him as she held him, hot and hard and perpetually suspended in the promise of what was to come. He had to blink thrice as hard to focus his eyes on the road knowing that once her mouth encased his cock, it would be almost impossible to drive in a straight line.
“Emma, maybe we should wait until-,” Killian began, his heart hammering in his chest and the sound of his blood pounding in his ears.
“Shut up,” Emma snapped and Killian tore his eyes off the road to look at her beside him.
She was on her knees, crouched below the height of the window and hunched between the seats, her elbows resting on the only part of the seat visible beside his thigh. It twitched as his muscles contracted, his entire body as stiff as his cock was in Emma’s hands, her hands burning into his skin far hotter than his own body temperature. Emma was wet, he could smell her in the confined space of the car and it made him heady, his palms a little sweaty against the smooth surface of the wheel.
Killian had no idea what had gotten into Emma but he was not about to complain. Very few people had the bravery to tell an Alpha to shut up, and under normal circumstances the hormones raging through Killian’s body would have had him seeing red in no time, but the tone in Emma’s voice, insistent and desperate, had him hardening in her grip. She was ravenous and did something to him that he couldn’t explain. His body cried out for her, especially now he knew what it felt like to knot her, and one of his hands slipped off the wheel and smoothed over her back in gentle encouragement. Very little time passed between Killian touching her and Emma finally wrapping her lips around his length and all he could do was gasp in final, hot, wet relief and force his eyes to stay open whilst he drove through a foggy, sex hazed vision.
“Oh,” Killian gasped on an inward breath, his knuckles turning white with how hard he was gripping the wheel. “Bloody, Jesus, fuck,” he grunted when he felt Emma smirk against his length, her tongue lavishing over a particularly prominent vein that had swollen in her mouth as her hands went to work on the base of his shaft. With a hum, Emma let her hand drift into the opening of his fly, aching to have more of him in her grasp, her fingertips barely touching the bulb of his knot that was wrapped up in her come soaked panties.
Emma lifted her head, releasing him with a pop and hungrily licking her lips as she salivated over the taste of him in her mouth. Her hands went to work where her mouth had been, shifting up and down his cock and making Killian growl in frustration.
“So that’s where you put them,” Emma grinned triumphantly.
She hadn’t expected to find her underwear in his pants but it gave her a huge sense of gratification to find them there. She had never felt so powerful, so insanely and irrevocably turned on before. Her life had given her few chances to be the aggressor during sex, but Emma was a woman who knew what she wanted, if nothing else. Killian Jones was what she wanted, and she didn’t even wait for his reply before sealing her lips around his cock and stealing his breath once more.
Emma’s head bobbed up and down, spit dribbling out of her mouth and over her knuckles as she went down and her tongue slurping over his skin as she eased back up. Killian tried as hard as he could to focus on the road ahead of him, but thankfully the traffic was minimal, encouraging him to speed and run at least two red lights on their way to Emma’s apartment where he skidded to a stop in her parking spot. He had an overwhelming need to come, to fuck Emma’s mouth until his knot popped out of his body and he’d encourage her to extend his pleasure by sucking him some more. The mere thought had his fingertips digging into the curve of her behind, the only intimate part of her he could reach from his position.
But reality held him back. There was no way he wouldn’t draw attention by getting out of a car in broad daylight with an erection so massive, and as if Emma could read his mind, she doubled her efforts. Her movements sped up and Killian could feel his tip bumping the back of her throat, the muscles there contracting around him and pulling him in even deeper. At one point, Emma gagged a little and Killian wasn’t sure how much longer he would last under her assault. She hummed in appreciation, a soft whimper of pleasure slipping from her mouth between breaths as her fingers toyed with the smooth skin of Killian’s balls and caused another involuntary buck of his hips.
“You’re so close,” she purred, letting him slip from her mouth and not giving him a second before licking him from a straining knot bulb to tip. “Let go, Killian. Let me take care of you.”
“Oh, fuck, Emma,” he whimpered, legs shaking as he felt the unmistakeable thrum of his climax. “Suck it,” he growled and encouraged her to take him in her mouth once more with a gentle touch to the back of her head. His fingers toyed with her braid and his inner animal couldn’t be contained anymore. “I’m going to come so hard for you. Fill up the back of your throat like you need.”
An audible whine vibrated from Emma’s throat, a plea for what only Killian could give her. She arched her back, desperate for his touch where she needed him the most, her body language so incredibly wanton that Killian had no hope in holding off his orgasm. What he hadn’t expected was her skill, the way she swallowed him down like she had been made specifically for him, her throat relaxing around him as she crammed his entire cock into her mouth. Her tongue laved around his knot bulb, a soft wetness that, before he had time to stop it, had his knot popping from his body and his euphoria washing over him.
The world began to spin and Killian’s leg spasmed, his foot pushing so hard against the floor that he thought he might punch a hole right through the bottom of his car. He was coming, and he was coming harder than he had ever come from oral before. An Alpha’s place was to make his partner happy and so he had rarely been on the receiving end of a blow job, and they had never felt as good as the one Emma was giving him. It left him shaking and he held her face to his crotch, one hand around her jaw and her braid twisted around the other. When Emma gagged on his come, he tried to free her airway by pulling out, but Emma wouldn’t let him go, greedily swallowing every last drop of his load with a satisfying gulp.
“Wow,” Killian gasped, scrubbing his hands over his face in disbelief of his bodily reaction to Emma’s talents. “I...you...wow,” he giggled, ignoring the discomfort of his exposed knot and the hotness in his groin.
“You popped your knot,” Emma smirked gleefully, stroking her fingers over his still hard length and enjoying the way he twitched from her touch.
“I swear I didn’t mean to,” Killian laughed. “You were just...” he began but Emma’s proud grin stole his thought. “Just wow.”
“You need to work on your compliments,” Emma nodded with a raised eyebrow.
“Aye, love,” he agreed with a chuckle. “I have plenty of time to think that over whilst I wait for my knot to recede.” He blushed a little and Emma watched as he adorably scratched the patch of skin behind his ear.
“I’m sorry,” Emma offered sympathetically. She took his hand in hers, giving his fingers a little squeeze to emphasize her apology.
“Don’t be, love,” Killian assured her, interlocking their fingers. “It’s only uncomfortable for an hour or so,” he teased, lifting their hands and pressing a kiss to the back of her knuckles.
“Plenty of time then,” Emma smirked playfully.
“For what, love?” Killian asked her with a narrowed stare.
She leaned in close, gripping his hand tighter and holding it to her bosom. “For us to talk about later,” she whispered in his ear, her words making the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. “When we see just how good that outfit looks on the bedroom floor.”
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solynaceawrites · 4 years
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Promise Me Forever [2]
Fandom: Devil May Cry Characters: Dante, Lirael Thorne (OC) Tags: Slow Burn, Romance, Arranged Marriage, Alternate Universe, First Time, Friends to Lovers Chapters: 2/14 co-written by @lickitysplitfic​ Summary: An old, long-forgotten promise between gods comes back to haunt Dante when it deposits an unfamiliar woman on his door. Claiming to be the descendant of Ler, she says that they’re meant to fulfill the oath made by Sparda centuries ago, and all he can do is watch as she turns his life upside down. Yet when her parents come knocking, demanding the oath be fulfilled, he’s forced to choose: return to the bachelor ways he loved so much, or give in to the emotions brewing between him.
Welcome to part two of Promise Me Forever! I missed the upload date yesterday (damn you for being so fun, Spyro . . .), so I hope you’ll pardon my being late. As always, we hope you enjoy, and please don’t hesitate to let us know if you do, whether through comments, kudos, or sending us a private message!
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
The sun is down and the streetlights are on when Dante walks into the Devil May Cry, nearly colliding with Lir who is just on the other side of the door. "Stop doing that!" he shouts, reaching out on reflex to grab her elbow to keep her from falling.
"You're back!" she cries, looking up at him in surprise.
"Yeah," he sighs. He frowns at her flushed face and the trash bag in her hand. "What are you doing?"
"Cleaning." She heaves the trash bag up, almost as big as she is, and pushes it at him. "Take this out, would you?"
Dante holds up his hands. "Woah, wait, what are you doing? Didn't I tell you not to touch my stuff?"
Lir glares at him, giving him a look that would be intimidating if she wasn't a head shorter than him. "I'm not touching your stuff," she snaps. "I'm cleaning your mess. Did you know you even had towels?"
He frowns and looks around. The lights are on, and the shop looks . . . different. The floors are sparkling, the piles of containers and papers on his desk are gone, the boots and clothing items in piles have been removed, and there is a scent of clean in the air. "You what?"
"I cleaned. The kitchen and the office and that thing you called a bathroom." Lir holds up the trash bag again. "Now take this outside."
Momentarily at a loss for words—a rarity for him, to be certain—he takes it from her and turns around, carting it easily to the cans in front of the building. Not only is each one full of things he's been neglecting to throw away, but it's all been sorted, as well, the recycling tucked neatly into its respective bins, glass separated from paper, which has been separated from plastic. Not sure what to make of it, Dante drops the new addition into the least full can and heads back into the shop.
He finds Lir sitting on the floor, her knees tucked beneath her as she works on scrubbing the baseboards, and he pauses to take her in. She's cute, hell, she's gorgeous, but she's also young. There's now way she's any older than twenty, maybe twenty-five if he's being generous, and he scratches the stubble on his cheek with a sigh as she leans over, her skirt clinging to her backside. I was trained in the arts of pleasure.
Pleasure. Right.
"There a reason you did all of this?" Dante asks. She looks at him, and he's struck, like he was the first time he saw her, by the bright amber of her eyes, not unlike the whiskey sitting in polished bottles on the shelves. "Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful. Just seems like you could have found something else to do."
Lir huffs, not quite a laugh, as she wipes her forearm on her brow. "Do what? I wasn't cooking in that kitchen. No way I was using that bathroom." Dante rolls his eyes as she gestures towards the steps. "I didn't get much done upstairs yet, but I did put all the bedding in the washing machine. Should be done soon."
"I have a washing machine?" She frowns at him until she realizes he is kidding, and Dante smirks when she makes a face.
"Very funny." She drops her sponge into a bucket, standing and stretching her back. "Are you hungry?"
"Uh, I guess?" Dante shrugs and stashes his guitar case, pausing to rub his fingers along the polished wood of his desk. "I was going to order a pizza."
Lir laughs behind him. "You can't eat that junk. Come on, I've made you something."
Curious, Dante follows her into the kitchen, his mouth dropping open when he enters. It is sparkling, the counters and floors and sink shining, the table washed, the stove cleaned of its stains. There is an amazing smell coming from the oven, and it is almost enough to distract him from watching as Lir bends over to open the oven door. He tilts his head to admire her backside as she reaches in, quickly straightening when she places something on the top and turns around. "Sit down," she smiles sweetly.
He complies, but watches her carefully. "It's not poison, is it?" he asks.
"No," Lir laughs.
He watches in surprise as she moves around, pulling a knife from one drawer, a spatula from another, a plate from a cabinet overhead. "I have oven mitts?" Dante says in surprise, and Lir chuckles as she places a plate in front of him.
"There you are," she says, her voice sweet. Dante looks at her in shock, then back down at the plate, where a huge piece of lasagna sits, steaming hot and covered in perfectly golden layers of cheese. "Much better than a yucky old pizza, isn't it?"
He swallows, his mouth suddenly watering as his stomach growls, still too astonished to argue her pizza comments. Lir hands him silverware and moves to get her own plate. She returns to the table and sits across from him, a smaller piece on her own plate, and she gestures to him as she lays a napkin on her lap. "Go on," she laughs. "Try it."
She doesn't have to tell him twice. Trying to have some semblance of table manners, he uses the knife to cut a bite-sized portion of the lasagna and plops it in his mouth, uncaring of how it singes his tongue. It tastes absolutely divine, the sauce rich, the cheese melted to a cream, the meat cooked to perfection, the noodles firm, and he quickly swallows the first bite and dives in for another. Across from him, Lir smiles as she starts on her own, and he watches her take dainty, measured bites.
"Gotta tell you," Dante says, taking a swig of the beer she'd placed at his elbow, "you're a better cook than I gave you credit for."
She perks up at that, and it almost hurts him how much such a simple bit of praise from him means to her. "I'm glad you're enjoying it," she replies, the faint lilt to her voice soft and sweet. "I wasn't entirely certain what to make for you, but I thought that this was similar enough to pizza that you might find it to your tastes."
He stuffs another huge forkful in his mouth, nodding as he swallows. "It's great. Really." Lir smiles and ducks her face, taking her own much smaller bite.
She sighs as she chews, reaching for a glass of water as he eats. "I'm surprised I had all the ingredients," he remarks. "I had no idea I had lasagna noodles!"
"Oh, I made them," she says as she blows on another bite.
Dante nearly chokes. "You made lasagna noodles? From scratch?"
Lir shrugs. "It's just some flour and eggs." She meets his gaze, chuckling behind her hand. "What, is it hard?"
His surprise turns to suspicion again. "Where did you learn to do all this?"
"I told you, I was raised and trained to marry the son of Sparda." Dante winces, hearing it said out loud again making him feel ridiculous. "Besides, every adult on the planet knows how to cook and clean," she says quickly. "Except you, perhaps."
He considers that, and her. It's hard to picture her as either a thief or an assassin; she's damn near tiny, especially next to him, and she'd been upfront about knowing magic, which wouldn't be the smartest move to make if she meant him harm. And her hands are smooth, free of calluses or any other sign that she's ever held a weapon. "Never had time to learn, I guess," he replies.
Dante watches the gears churning behind her eyes. Another mark against her in terms of being sent to fight him: her face is an open book, her emotions displayed without any attempt to conceal them. "I see," she says. "Well, I can make other meals for you, if you wish. And if you tell me what sort of things you don't like, I can avoid using them as ingredients."
"Hate 'em." He takes another drink of beer. "Pizza place I usually order from knows I don't like 'em, so they'll put 'em on whatever I ask for if I owe 'em money. Which is more often than not."
"I see." She stands and takes her empty plate to the sink. "Anything else?"
"I like strawberries," he offers.
Lir smiles over at him. "So do I."
The sweetness makes him almost uncomfortable, and he finishes his meal in silence as he watches her. Lir seems very much at home in his kitchen, washing the plate and utensils, finding some tinfoil to cover the leftovers before sliding the pan into the refrigerator, then running some water and soap in the sink to wipe down the stove. He doesn't ever remember anyone acting like this—even his adoptive mother never was so domestic, as they were on the move all the time—and he can't really remember much about Eva than a few specific memories. And the women in his life now, Lady and Trish specifically, wouldn't clean his kitchen for a million dollars. He makes a mental note to ask Nero if Kyrie is like this, betting she might be.
It's . . . nice, he decides.
"All done?" she asks, moving to take his plate.
"I'll do it," Dante insists, standing and sliding around her to take the plate to the sink. Quickly he washes it up and deposits it into the dish rack as Lir wipes the table behind him.
When he is done, she is gone, and he finds her in the laundry room off the side of the kitchen, pulling sheets out of the dryer. "Need any help?" he asks from the doorway.
"It's alright." She gives him one of those smiles again, like she's happy just to be around him, and he doesn't know what to make of it. "Why don't you take a shower? There are fresh towels in the bathroom, and I found some shampoos tucked under the vanity."
Lir's expression is bright, but there is something that sits uneasy, so he decides on a little experiment. Leaning one arm up on the doorway, he grins and says, "Want to join me?"
The shock on her face is almost worth it, as is the red that stains her cheeks. "I, uh . . . we aren't married yet," she stammers.
"Did they not teach you how to shower in your pleasure class?" he teases.
She shoots him a look, and he sees a bit of the fire from earlier. "No," she answers sharply. "I was taught how to behave properly."
Dante snorts. Lir tries to step around him, but he does not budge, giving her a sultry look. "You're here to please me, right? Isn't that what you said?"
"Yes, but—"
"You made me dinner. Cleaned my place. I'd love to take you upstairs," he says, low and teasing.
Lir looks almost startled. "Are you being serious?" she hisses.
Dante shrugs. "I mean, like you said, we're not married, and yet you're doing all the other stuff."
"I thought if I showed you—" 
She cuts herself off, and Dante raises his brows. "Go ahead," he taunts her. "Finish your thought."
Her shoulders slump. "I thought if I showed you that I could do those things, you'd want to keep me. And I . . . The cooking lessons weren't exactly pleasant, but I enjoyed making that for you."
"I see. Thought you could get one over on me, hm?" Lir's eyes go wide as she shakes her head, but Dante pushes, "Thought if you cooked me something, swept up a bit, swing your ass in my direction that I'd just fall head over heels for you?"
Her jaw tenses, and any guilt he feels for the accusation is canceled by the satisfaction of seeing it hit its mark. "That's it, hm? Thought your pretty smile and some homemade cooking would do the trick? Well guess what, honey. This son of Sparda is smarter than he looks. And I still don't trust you."
"I just wanted to show you that I could be useful," she argues. He cocks a patronizing brow, smiling thinly as he waits for whatever justification she's going to come up with. "I thought if you . . . if you saw that I could help you somehow it would make up for . . . whatever it is about my appearance that you don't like."
Okay, that . . . felt weird. Bad weird, like a punch in his gut that left a puddle of slime in its wake. "It's, uh . . . not your looks, sweetheart," he says. "I just don't like strangers. Strangers are usually trouble."
Lir bows her head. "Women, too," he says. "Not a fan."
There is a pause, and then he watches her brows twitch, then rise almost to her hairline before she looks up at him with a gasp. "Oh! Oh! Is that . . . oh my goodness, I never even considered that!"
She covers her laugh with a hand as Dante frowns. "What?"
"You prefer men. Is that it?" Lir grins at him brightly as she nods. "No wonder you don't want to marry me! It all makes sense now!"
"What? What?" How did this happen, he wonders, watching her eyes light up with mirth. He had wanted to catch her off guard, to figure out what she's actually after, if it's something as simple as whatever promise his father made or more nefarious, and now he's left gaping at her, struggling for words again. "No. No! That's not . . . Where the hell did you come up with that?"
His surprise makes him sound angry, and Dante watches as the laughter on her face dies as quickly as it came, that odd sensation of doing something wrong back in his chest. "You said you aren't a fan of women," Lir says hesitantly.
"The only two I know are hunters," he replies, "and neither of them ever visit me with good news."
He scrambles for something. "Cindy is nice." The words are awful and, he realizes belatedly, the wrong thing to say when she takes a step back. "She's a gal who works at the ice cream counter. But she's pretty ignorant of the stuff I do."
"Yeah. And Patty. You'll see her around here eventually, not a week goes by without that girl showing up here wanting something."
Her eyes are like saucers and Dante realizes how all this sounds. "Just friends!" he cries, putting up his hands. "But I'm not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But I like ladies. And ladies like me. Just . . . not those ladies."
Lir frowns. "You don't like them or they don't like you?"
"They're . . ." What should he say? Calling Lady and Trish his friends feels too intimate; they all get along, sure, but they don't visit socially, Trish is often gone for months at a time working her own jobs, and Lady only really shows up to give him a job or collect money. "Business partners," he mumbles.
"All of them?"
"Nah. Well, Patty will tell you she is, but what she means is she likes to show up and redecorate my office and bug me about whatever soap opera she's watching." Dante scratches the back of his head. "Look, it's like this: I don't have a clue about this promise my old man is supposed to have made. I don't know you and, quite frankly, you don't know me. And . . ." His mind flickers dimly back to his mother. "Well, having a spouse in my line work is just asking for trouble. It's got nothing to do with your looks or you bein' useful. It's just not a good idea."
"Oh." Lir's eyes fall, as if thinking, and Dante rubs the back of his neck. "I guess I never thought of it like that. I had assumed you would know, it never occurred to me you wouldn't." She breathes a deep sigh and then shrugs. "I'll stay the night, if that's okay. Then tomorrow I'll figure out what to do."
"Yeah, yeah of course." He stands aside as she carries the linens out of the laundry room, trailing after her as she heads for the steps. "Let me get those," Dante insists, grabbing the pile she can barely see over as she climbs up the first one.
"I can do it fine," Lir protests, but he easily scoops them away. She bristles a bit but finally turns and heads upstairs, and Dante follows, trying hard not to stare at her backside and failing miserably.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
Dante doesn't sleep well that night. He rarely does, but he finds himself straining to hear through the walls, wondering what his guest is doing to occupy herself, feeling something akin to guilt every time the hurt look on her face when she said she only wanted to be useful flashes in his thoughts. Those people couldn't have sent him a bitch, could they? Someone he could tear apart without remorse, someone with a body that didn't make his mouth water every time he caught a tease of it beneath their clothes?
Because that's the crux of it. Maybe Lir is untrustworthy, maybe she's lying to him, but he damn near likes her. She's clever, and pretty, and a good cook, and lord only knows how long it's been since his shop looked so clean. He covers his face with his hands, groaning. Would it really be so bad to keep her around?
Yes, because if she got killed, he'd never forgive himself.
Dawn comes with no rest in sight for him. He listens to Lir moving around next door before she heads downstairs, and he stares at the ceiling until the scents of coffee and bacon draw him out of his bed. Shrugging into a pair of sweatpants and deciding to forego a shirt, he follows her, and finds her in the kitchen, humming a little tune as she plates a mountain of scrambled eggs.
A wave of nostalgia washes over him—which is weird, because this is the first morning he's woken up to a woman in his shop, let alone one making him breakfast. The dress she wore yesterday has been traded in for a pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt, and Dante swallows, admiring how good she looks in normal clothes. There is something that tugs at his heart, too, the smell of the eggs reminding him of his childhood, the little hum making him embarrassed by how much he actually likes it.
"Good morning!" she says brightly, turning and carrying plates to the table. "Did you sleep well?"
He walks to the coffee machine and pours himself a cup of black. "Are you a morning person?" he asks, trying to sound gruff.
"Have to be where I come from." Dante frowns as he blows on the mug, carrying the sugar bowl to the table before settling on a chair. He wonders what exactly that means as she finishes plating the bacon and popping toast from the toaster, then takes the seat across from him.
"How about you?" he asks.
"Hm?" Lir glances up as she begins buttering a slice of toast.
"You sleep okay?"
She smiles to herself as he helps himself to food. "Yes and no. I was tired from the cleaning but sleeping in a city is . . . different. Odd to have so many lights and noises outside my window."
"It's quiet where you live?" He watches her closely, looking for any signs of deception.
But there are none. She tilts her head, taking a bite of her toast and chewing it thoughtfully, and he's struck by the utterly ridiculous urge to tuck the strands of hair at her cheek behind her ear. "I suppose. My home is . . . was on the coast, near the mountains. So there were noises, like rain and the ocean and wildlife, but the city is much louder, more . . . chaotic?"
"You said," he muses, "that your home was on the coast."
Her smile falters. "Well, yes. I told you yesterday that I cannot return there. When I was sent here, it was permanent. Even if you had . . . if we had been married, I wouldn't have been allowed back. Because we're not, I couldn't go home, even if I wanted to. So, was."
"They just chucked you out like that?" he asks.
Lir stiffens for a moment, but then her smile returns as she stands. "Want more coffee?" she asks, breezing back towards the sink and turning on the water to rinse the pan on the stove.
"No, I—"
"After I clean up here I'll head out," she says over him, her voice tight but still dripping in sweetness. "I have a bit of money, so I'll stay at a hotel so I won't be in your hair. I can start looking for a job or something this afternoon."
He rubs his face harshly, cursing under his breath. It's not her fault that she's here, and he doubts she knows anything about surviving outside of whatever compound raised her to be a broodmare for him. "Look," he says, sharper than he intends, "just stay here until Lady calls. Then we'll figure out what to do."
She hesitates before turning off the water. "That's very kind of you."
"Yeah. Well." Not sure what to say, he drains his mug, and Lir is right there with the coffee pot to refill it. He watches her move around the kitchen before going back to his meal, munching thoughtfully. "Won't be all bad, I guess," he says to himself.
After breakfast, Dante starts to wonder. Usually he's not up this early, and the rest of the morning stretches on without much to do. Typically he'd spend the first hour or so of his day in the bathroom, then scavenge around for leftovers before settling in for his afternoon nap. But Lir wanders the shop, hands behind her back as she examines each of his weapons on the wall, making him feel uncomfortable as he sits at his desk and watches her.
She pauses in front of a set of twin scimitars, leaning in to peer curiously at the heads etched into the pommels. "Where do these things come from?" she asks, not turning around, and he frowns.
"Devils," he answers. Lir goes very still, making him laugh. "Relax, they're harmless now. Sometimes, when there's a particularly strong demon, they'll lend me their strength as a weapon I can use. Those two," he stands and makes his way over to her, placing his hand against the small of her back, "are Agni and Rudra. I got them decades ago. Handy guys, if a bit chatty sometimes."
"Is that what you were doing last night?" she asks, leaning in closer to look at the swords. "Fighting devils?"
"No, I, uh . . ." Embarrassed, he clears his throat. "I went to see someone."
"Well, we know it wasn't a girl," one of the swords says, and Lir jumps in surprise, backing up into him.
"Unless he was paying!" the other laughs.
Lir spins on him, her mouth dropped open. "They talked!"
"I told you." To the twins, he mutters, "Zip it."
"But we have a guest!" Agni cries.
"Yes, a guest," Rudra agrees. "We must entertain her."
"How should we do that?"
"Well, we could—"
"I said zip it!" Dante barks. Thankfully they fall silent, though there's an air of reproach, and he returns his attention to Lir. "Like I said, they get chatty. You okay?"
She laughs as she nods. "Yes. It was just a surprise."
Dante snorts, but then he realizes his hand is still on her back and quickly snatches it away. "You can, uh, put the TV on if you want. Or use the computer? Patty set one up a while ago, over there," he says, nodding to where the couch and coffee table are, making a little sitting area. 
Lir nods. "Okay. I don't want to bother you while you're working though."
There is a round of laughter from the two swords on the wall, and Dante growls until they stop abruptly. "No trouble at all," he says through his teeth.
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katie-dub · 4 years
CSJJ Day 20: Blue Monday
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Summary: Emma Swan is fed up of January, fed up of the cold, fed up of Leroy. She needs a little joy in her life.
Luckily for her, Killian Jones is always happy to brighten her day.
Also on AO3
Hi there! I’m still slowly regaining my writing mojo, and what better way than with a little happy fic for @csjanuaryjoy​?
Thank you so much to @profdanglaisstuff​ for doing a quick beta read (although not of the final draft so any mistakes remaining were not ignored by my favourite Language & Grammar Guru!). Also thanks to @thisonesatellite​ @ohmightydevviepuu​ & @mahstatins​ for cheering me on. :)
It was not Emma’s day. Woken up an hour early by her alarm, her shower refused to warm up leaving her to shower in freezing cold water and she ripped her top as she pulled it on.
She knew the fun was just beginning. What other delights do I have to look forward to? she mused as she pulled on her heavy winter coat, sighing as she missed the armour of her red leather jacket. Leroy is sure to put in a grand appearance. She grabbed her phone and keys and slipped them in her pocket. Who’s he going to piss off today? Maybe he’ll just start shouting "the end is coming!" like that time he got drunk and thought -
Emma’s train of thought was completely derailed. There was a white box in front of the door to her flat. The kind that doughnuts came in. She might have thought that it wasn’t meant for her - people didn’t leave unexpected thoughtful gifts for her - but there was a swan on the gift tag.
She looked around for the culprit, teeth clenching as she searched for a lurking prankster. The furrow in her brow didn’t relax upon seeing no one, Will Scarlet lived directly opposite her, and he definitely seemed the practical joke type, “I’ll do anything for a laugh, me,” isn’t that what he’d said? She crouched down towards the box, eyes on Will’s door until the last second, when she flipped over the card quickly, scarcely willing to touch it.
Hope your day is as lovely as you.
Her heart pounded. A normal person might smile at this, but this made her skin itch from the inside. She wasn’t lovely, she was, she was - prickly, her memories provided for her. Yes, prickly, that’s what Elsa had called her.
Emma reached into her pocket for a tissue, wrapped her hand in it, eyes darting back and forward between the box and the ominous closed door facing her. She reached out with her covered hand and quickly opened the box.
A bear claw was inside.
She didn’t know what to think. Except that she was hungry and that the bear claw smelled good. And I hope Will didn’t see that, he’d probably tell Killian.
Which would be fine. Killian was just a friend, of sorts. A handsome friend, not that she’d noticed. One who sometimes smiled at her in a certain way that made her think that maybe getting involved with a friend wouldn’t be the worst idea in the world. It’s not like they were close or anything. And besides -
Stop it, she told herself firmly, closing the lid and scooping up the box. She wasn’t one to look a gift pastry in the box. Or something.
A glass was placed before Emma, the amber liquid exactly what she needed after her long week. Someone brushed up against her as they leaned against the bar.
"Sorry, love," they murmured, her chest tightened pleasantly at the sound of their lilting British accent.
She looked around, at the same time as the stranger. Hot. It was the only thought in her head at the sight of him. Brilliant blue eyes sparkling with seduction met hers, his tongue traced his lips sinfully. God she hoped she wasn't imagining the interest she was sure she could feel radiating off this dark-haired treat.
"Drinking alone?" he asked, cocking his brow in invitation.
She thought of her friends loitering near the booths. "Not anymore," she said, leaning into him with a smile, one that he returned, mirroring her.
"Jones!" Emma sighed as her latest would be conquest, Jones apparently, jolted forward from the impact of her friend Robin colliding with him, throwing his arms around his shoulders.
"Emma!" Robin exclaimed, shoving his way between her and 'Jones', "I see you've met Killian!"
Emma's face fell as Robin's words ensured that she would not be getting intimately acquainted with Killian. She was a one night only kind of girl, and that just wouldn't fly with Robin's "old mate Killian from across the pond". She shuddered internally at the thought of hanging out with anyone who had seen her O face. (The guy just oozed sex appeal, turning her on with just a polite apology, there was no way he wouldn't get to see that face if they were to bang out the tension that thrummed between them.)
She shook herself from her thoughts. "We just said hi," she lied easily, thinking she saw the briefest spark of sadness in Killian's eyes, before it was smoothed away by forced frivolity. "Hadn't introduced ourselves yet."
"Well in that case, Emma Swan, meet Killian Jones. Killian, meet Emma." Killian held out his hand for her to shake, and if he felt that same spark that she did when she took it, his eyes gave nothing away.
Emma stopped dead at the sight of the foot of fresh snow that coated the ground when she yanked open the door. "Seriously?" she groaned in disgust. The weather forecast hadn't said anything about snow and it was unlikely that her poor bug would handle the cold.
She gingerly stepped outside, and was hit by the icy chill of the air even through her thick coat. She slipped and slid her way to the bug and was forced to set her bakery box on the top of her car - though not before she brushed the snow from it - to use both hands to wrench the frozen shut door open.
Why am I even bothering? This is never going to start. But still, she spent several minutes tugging with all her might before it gave way with an ominous crack. Her legs shot out from under her and she landed hard on her ass.
Fucking ow. "Like landing on a pillow" my ass, Kristoff. Him and Anna were toast and the rest of Frozen was Elsa's fever dream.
Still, the door was open, there was still hope that her luck was turning.
Emma was never really one for hope. That bear claw had clearly given her an unexpected optimism that slowly shrivelled up in the icy chill, pathetically shuddering before finally slinking off to a hole to die as the bug stubbornly refused to start.
There was nothing for it but to walk to work.
After that bear claw. She would need the extra fuel to help her keep warm on the long, arduous fifteen minute trek. Besides, the way her luck was going, she was sure to wind up face first in the thing within a few steps of the bug, best not to try her chances.
She ate quickly, lest she find herself frozen into the bug this time, and set off on her epic journey to work. Fifteen minutes became forty five as she carefully stepped - and, more often than not, skidded - along icy sidewalks, determined to somehow, some way, maintain her upright position.
She pushed her way through the doors of the station, shaking the snow from her coat as she went and bitterly regretting her choice not to detour to Granny’s for more sweet treats to keep her going through the day.
“Morning, Sheriff,” David singsonged to her as she burst into the room, dishevelled and cold. She whirled around to glare at him.
“What’s got you in such a chipper mood? Is your heart too pure to be touched by the cold?”
“You’ll see!”
She narrowed her eyes at him, trying to will him to speak. (And not to consider what was wrong with her that she was so deeply suspicious of her good friend and trusted colleague being happy, of all things.)
She crept up on her office, her hand twitching as she struggled against her instincts to draw her gun. She reached for the door, then stopped to took one last calculating look over at David. Upon seeing the look of sheer amusement on his face at her antics, she straightened up and threw the door open.
Her jaw dropped at the sight before her.
There, on her desk, was what could only be described as a bouquet of poptarts, apollo bars and hot chocolate sachets. She stepped closer, looking to see if there was a card, and spotted another gift card bearing a simple swan.
Sweets for my sweet
She almost gasped at the message. Did that mean - could these be from - Killian?
She didn’t know what had possessed her to agree to help chaperone the high school winter dance, Mary Margaret was the teacher, that was her job. Emma was just her gullible friend.
Her gullible friend who was currently stuck in some kind of time warp, attending a 60’s themed dance. It was disconcerting at best, to watch 17 year olds do the mashed potato and the twist instead of, well, whatever normal teenagers did. Having never been to a prom before, she wasn’t entirely sure, but she was reasonably certain that it wasn’t this.
“Sweets for my sweet,” a voice sang into her ear.
The owner was lucky that he even sang with a British lilt, or she’d have had his arm twisted up behind his back in a heartbeat. Instead she rolled her eyes as she turned to look at him.
“Those lines may work in England, Killian, but here you need to put in a little more effort."
" My heart," he gasped clutching at his chest. "You Yanks are so cruel!" He raised a fist to the sky, shaking it dramatically. "A curse upon Love Actually for teaching me that all I needed to pull was a cute British accent."
Emma wasn't quite sure what to make of this. It made her want to laugh, in spite of herself, feeling certain that he was mocking himself instead of her, although it was hard to be sure. "It really took you five months to find that one out? Never struck out before?"
"Come on, love, you've seen me, with this devilishly handsome face I normally don't have to resort to pick up lines at all."
Emma did laugh that time. "Not sure if you're painting yourself in a very good light there. You're only able to charm a lady if you keep your mouth shut?"
Killian smirked at her, and leaned in closer, a move that tugged at her insides, leaving her chest feeling tight, tensed in eager anticipation as it so often did when he was around. "Oh, I assure you that I am quite the cunning linguist, when the lady's willing," he said with a wink.
She cursed herself and her hormones, because even his ridiculous words and pathetic half wink sent a flutter deep inside of her. The feeling spiked a familiar wave of panic coursing through her. She didn't do relationships and she certainly didn't do friends with benefits, which placed Killian firmly in look but don't touch territory.
"What a shame, I guess you'll have to find another 'willing lady'." She forced a bored lightness into her words, as she stepped back, trying to reestablish the boundaries of their relationship.
"As you wish," he said with an elaborate bow. He straightened and smiled at her, this time a smile of friendship, easily accepting her refusal with good grace. "It's not too much to ask you for a dance, though, is it Swan?"
His question was a genuine one, a true desire to understand what she needed of him.
"Oh, I don't know." His eyes dimmed a little in what seemed like disappointment, even as he gave her a smile and a nod that sent a surge of adrenaline spiking through her. "It's not that I don't want to, I just, um - I don't know - how to whatever that is."
The sparkle was back in his eyes, and with it, the flutter inside her. "Dance?" he chuckled.
She eyed the dancers spinning about dubiously. These kids had definitely been taking lessons, which was a level of effort she couldn't even imagine for a single high school dance. But then, she was always the outsider, perhaps this was just what all normal kids did, maybe she was the weird one.
She was pulled from her thoughts by his hand gently tugging on hers. She looked up to see him smiling at her patiently.
"There really is only one rule."
"And what's that?"
"Pick a partner who knows what he's doing."
Her scepticism must have been written all over her face, and yet she let him lead her towards the dance floor. "This isn't setting me up for a Carrie situation, is it?" she said, giving voice to the secret fears of the lost girl inside, even as she knew that Killian wouldn't do that to her.
"And why would I want to humiliate a dear friend? That would be the height of bad form." His words were light, but she was sure that she could feel the hurt behind them, and felt bad for letting her worst fears affect him.
She couldn't think of anything to say to that, so instead she aimed for distraction. "Why are you here anyway?" He arched a brow at her rudeness and she cringed at herself. "I thought you were a fancy college professor or something?"
"I'm a professor of linguistics -"
"For real? I thought you were just -" Emma's cheeks flamed at what she had thought Killian was referring to when he called himself a 'cunning linguist'.
He smirked. "Mind out of the gutter, Swan. As I said, linguistics is my specialism, I'm doing a study into the changing speech patterns of the youth of today, and the impact of technology on their communication styles. Storybrooke High School has allowed me to gather primary data for my research, in exchange for my assistance with advanced assignments and specialist lectures for those on track for Ivy League."
Emma liked listening to him talk, it was easy to get caught up in his excitement, even if she wouldn't normally care about academia or the study of linguistics. She loved his passion and that he didn't talk down to her, even though he knew she was a high school dropout.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to bore you." He chuckled, and abruptly spun her out, before pulling her back in. "I realise I get carried away sometimes, thank you for indulging me."
"That's OK, you're cute when you're talking about you research."
"Oh really?" His left eyebrow danced up like it had a mind of its own. "So you are a fan of my cunning linguistics? Good to know." He laughed and ducked out of the way of her lazy smack to his arm. She didn't mind, she hadn't really intended to injure him, just warn him off that particular line of teasing. She felt like something had shifted between them in the course of one short dance, and it wasn't something that she had much care to examine right then - or, more likely, ever.
That dance had been a month and a half ago, surely there was no way that this was Killian finally pushing that boundary? Testing it out to see if there was any hope that maybe the time had finally come for her to reexamine it, to reconsider what they could be to each other? But if not him, who else could have sent this?
She chewed on her lip and wondered what this could all mean.
The phone rang, startling her from her thoughts. She could hear David answering a moment later, giving her leave to pick a pop tart from the bouquet, unwrap it, and take a bite.
She grunted in reply, unable to speak around her mouthful of pop tart.
“Duty calls.”
It had been a hell of a day and it was only 2pm, far too late for her to only just be heading into the diner.
She leaned against the counter with a sigh, which thankfully caught Granny’s attention.
“Hey Emma,” said the eponymous diner owner, looking up at her, “just packing up your order, it’ll be ready in a minute.”
“Thanks,” Emma said, and closed her eyes.
“Rough day, love?”
Killian’s voice was like music to her ears, although the tune halted abruptly with a screeching record scratch as she remembered the gifts. She wasn’t absolutely certain that he was the sender, and that left her entirely unclear about what she should do. Just thinking about it was enough to set her heart racing, and not in the pleasantly fluttery way it usually did when he was around.
“Er - yeah - it’s been - well, you’ve seen the weather.” She gestured outside to the snow, feeling like a massive prick as she did it. She hated stating the obvious.
“Yeah, I can imagine that you’ve had a lot on.”
“Eh, I wasn’t expecting a great day anyway. Something about this time of year always gets to people.”
“Well, it is Blue Monday.”
“A catchy disco electro-rock song? Sure. Why not?”
Killian laughed. “How does it feel to treat me like you do?” he sang at her, and her breath caught in her throat as their eyes met. Those words hit a little too close to home.
She quickly looked away. He always could see her, really see her, in a way no one else could, and his piercing eyes were just a little too much for her right now. “So, Blue Monday?”
“Aye. Most depressing day of the year.”
She couldn’t help it, she had to look at him now. “Says who?”
“Marketers, I think.” She tilted her head, waiting for him to answer her silent question. “It’s a big deal in Britain, someone allegedly calculated the most depressing day of the year, and every year the press brings it up again and of course, businesses take the chance to persuade every to spend their money to find some joy.”
“Yay capitalism,” Emma deadpanned. “I buy it though. Something about that last Monday in January before payday seems to send people crazy.”
Killian looked over to the menu, nodding thoughtfully. “Has anything happened to brighten your day though?” he asked. His words sounded casual, but Emma knew better, she could see how he scratched at that spot behind his ear, the way he always did when he was nervous.
She made him nervous. She felt the same, panicking over what was the right thing to say. Should she mention the gifts? What if it wasn’t him? He hadn’t actually said anything conclusive, just vaguely hinted. But, oh, what if it was? She wasn’t fit to actually be with someone, and surely there was no way to misconstrue his feelings towards her after that, how could she say thanks but no thanks to this man?
He looked over at her, a question in his eyes. Apparently, her internal freak out was taking every bit as long as she worried it was.
“Oh - oh, um, no.”
And she watched as hope died in Killian Jones’ beautiful blue eyes and felt every inch the asshole that she was.
“I thought you had a date tonight?” Killian said, too smooth for his jaw to drop, but nevertheless oozing surprise at finding Emma at his front door.
“Wow, is that how you greet all your friends?” she asked.”So, er, you going to let me in now?”
He gestured wordless for her to step inside and reached out to help her with her coat. His fingers brushed her shoulder, the barest of touches, and still she felt that twist of anticipation in her belly. Shaking herself she strode straight for the living room, flopped down on his sofa and kicked off her heels.
She didn’t move until she felt him settle down next to her, when she swung her legs across his. It perhaps wasn’t the most ladylike of gestures, what with her wearing a form-fitting mini dress, but he immediately took one of her feet in his hands and began to knead at the arches and she couldn’t bring herself to care. Her body was simultaneously melting in relaxation and buzzing with arousal at the feeling. He continued to massage her in silence for several minutes, during which time Emma gave into the pure feeling of bliss his touch gave her and closed her eyes.
“So, no date then?”
She opened her eyes to see that he was still studying her foot intently, but he was poised in anticipation of her reply.
“You think I put this dress on just to lie on your sofa?”
“A man can dream.” That look on sincerity was back on Killian’s face, she’d been seeing it more and more since that stupid dance. He meant his flirting, he was hers for the taking if she wanted him, or at least, she thought so, but she’d been wrong about these things before and it was just easier to not push and be rejected and -
She moaned as he found a particularly tight knot and began to rub out the tension, sending ripples of relaxation through her.
Oh God if he’s this good with your feet, you have to let him handle o-
Stop it.
And she was back to arguing with herself internally.
“Everything alright?” Killian had stopped her movements and was looking up at her with worry written across his face.
“What? Yeah, it’s fine. Great actually, that bit just really hurts and yeah, it felt nice.”
He resumed massaging the knot, far more gently than he had before. “Only you’ve gone a bit tense. If it’s not the massage, dare I presume it was the date?”
“Urgh, the date. Next time Mary Margaret tries to persuade me to go on a blind date, please remind me not to be fooled by her cute pixie face, she is one feisty bitch and can absolutely handle the disappointment when I tell her to fuck off.”
“It didn’t go well?”
“The guy bought me a rose -”
“What a monster!”
“ - let me finish, a red rose covered bear. It looked like the calling card a serial killer would leave at the scene of the crime.”
“But a real rose would have been ok?”
Emma shrugged. “I guess? They’re just a bit cliched though, aren’t they?”
“A red rose maybe, although they do have a long-standing tradition that dates back as far as the Greek goddess of love.”
“Exactly. Cliche.”
Killian laughed. “That it is indeed. Perhaps you would prefer another colour? Red is chosen because indicates passion and desire, but there are other colours.”
“What about yellow? That’s my favourite colour.”
“Ah, the symbol of friendship.”
“Sounds nice.”
“Indeed, what true partnership can you have with a lover who is not also a friend?”
There was a bit too much meaning in those words, that possibility of more between them, ready for Emma to just reach out and take it. If only she could be brave enough.
"No Leroy, I can't arrest your brother for falling asleep during a row," Emma said into the phone rubbing at her temples with her free hand in exasperation. "It hardly seems fair to call him rude, he has narcolepsy. Yes, I do imagine it is annoying, but being irritating without due care and attention isn't a criminal offence." Luckily for you, she thought to herself. "I'm sorry, I cannot help you, and if you call again, I will have to arrest you for wasting police time, goodbye"
Emma put the phone down on Leroy even as he started on a new tirade about her.
"Miss Swan?" Emma looked up, to see Moe French lingering in her doorway.
"How can I help you, Mr French?" she asked with a tired smile
"I've got a delivery for you." As he spoke the florist produced a simple bouquet from behind his back of yellow roses mixed with buttercups and daisies. "Sorry it's late in the day, the weather's delayed my deliveries."
He handed it out to her and Emma immediately looked for a tag with a swan on as she reached for it, wondering at the choice of flowers. They had to be from Killian, but what did this mean?
"Can you sign for them?"
"Oh, sure," she said and fumbled awkwardly with the flowers to scribble her name. Once alone, she looked again for a card - and again found a simple swan tag.
To brighten your day
There was no denying it now: the gifts were from Killian, and he expected nothing in return. Yellow roses for friendship, buttercups for The Princess Bride. “As you wish,” he said just like Wesley, his way of saying “I love you”. He would follow her wishes, it was up to her whether that love was to remain purely platonic. What did she wish for?
She thought of Killian. Of how he smiled just for her, of how he made her feel, of the sadness he felt at not being able to bring a little joy into her day. She felt that familiar tingle inside of her at the thought of him. The anxiety that always reared up in response to her happiness twisted that feeling into something dark and unpleasant.
But he’ll -
No, she told herself, not today.
Men aren’t to be trusted. The anxiety tried again, her inner horcrux whispering to her. What makes you think he’ll be different? Just stay friends, that’s -
“No!” she shouted out loud, “That’s not enough for me!”
And so with her mind made up, she ran.
She was panting, her lungs screaming with the effort, when she finally skidded to a halt in front of Killian’s door. Her cheeks were red, she was sweaty and barely able to speak, but she didn’t care, just hammered on the door.
“Swan!” Killian said with a smile as he threw open the door. She watched him, waiting for her breath to return to something like normal before speaking, seeing how his eyes darted from the flowers clasped tight to her chest, to her smile, to her eyes. “Is everything OK?”
“Do you mean it?” she said, searching his face for the answer she was so desperate to hear.
His mouth turned up in a cheeky half smile and she just knew he was going to say something ridiculous. “Yes, I do want to know if everything is OK.”
“No,” she frowned, shaking her head and holding out the bouquet. “Do you mean it? Can we - can we be - more?” She tripped over her words, feeling foolish before him.
She didn’t feel foolish for long.
A dazzling smile spread over his face as he understood, looking simply awestruck at her stumbling question. His eyes never left hers as he nodded slowly. “As you wish,” was his reply.
She grabbed him, pushing him back into his apartment, dropping the bouquet and letting the door slam shut behind them as she seized his mouth with hers. That delightful feeling of something immense exploded in her chest, her anxiety was finally quelled, there was nothing but her and him and the start of so much more.
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