#ambrollins falling in love
racerchix21 · 1 year
WIPS and how much I actually have written
Five More Minutes - McDanno - 50% written
Can’t Help Falling In Love With You - BryMox - 10% written
Once Upon A Never Again (or at least that’s what I keep telling myself) - Ambrollintyre - 45% written
Resolutions - HangMox - 25% written
For You - McDanno - 20% written
Next Thing You Know - Steve McGarrett/Reader - 30% written
Untitled 11+1 story - MacDalton - 15% written
The Taming of A Saint (A Sinners Guide) - ClaudiYoots - 5% written
Hit Me Like A Hurricane - Ballins - 7% written
We Were Supposed To Be Forever - Ambrollins - 1% written
Seth in Lace - Ambrolleigns - 4% written
Brats Will Be Brats (aka Ricky and Danny spoil their man) - Pure Brats - 20% written
Doing Something Stupid - Ambrolleigns - 25% written
@sunnyfleur23 @thesamoanqueen I promise I haven’t forgotten Doing Something Stupid 👀🤣
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oplishin · 14 days
wip stuff:
i'm struggling to find the motivation to write the shield stuff i was working on, BUT i do want to finish these someday. this post is so people can poke me about them!! maybe that will spark something in my brain.
these range in completeness from "literally only exists in my brain" -> "i have a few paragraphs-pages done" -> "basically done i just have to lock in. and/or i hate it."
FCW fic about how tyler and mox created and became seth and dean. neither kayfabe nor not kayfabe but a secret third thing
codyseth: set in NXT times! featuring cody being a complete fucking weirdo etc etc
ambrolleigns set immediately after the Shield's first (real) loss to DBD & co. mostly about Seth's emotional turmoil over not only being the one to cost them victory but doing it by tapping out. also some angst about it being bryan specifically because he worked his ass off in ROH to get a One singles victory over bryan after 5 straight losses. hurt and comfort, heavy on the comfort
a fic about how exactly seth falls in love with hunter, he's all too aware that he's just another replaceable golden boy, but there's something alluring about that too. hunter knows how to make him feel good in ways no one ever has (manipulation!)
ambrollins domestic fluff: seth makes dean his silly fancy coffee. set immediately post reunion, probably.
ambrollins: dealing with the fallout of hunter
another kayfabe-ish fic: about roman struggling to put his character together. starting back in fcw and reaching to his 2020 return as the tribal chief
bayley and seth commiserate over their soulmates leaving them. set on bayley's birthday in 2022, a couple months before she returned, and like a week after HIAC 2022. featuring heathers discussion.
kayfabe-ish seth workshops his 2022 face turn. the art of letting yourself be loved and being too self-aware about how you've manipulated it into happening. prob goes up to survivor series 2023
codyseth set specifically in the you'd think i was in love universe. post survivor series 2023 :] seth wants to hit something. hey, cody likes getting hit.
post WM 40 ambrollins. Seth visits because he's feeling restless + having a bit of an existential crisis
etc etc chronic pain, probably set around summerslam 2024. featuring a lot of projection. from me
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softmoxymuffin · 5 years
“Confessions in the Bitter Cold”
i had uploaded this on my ao3 weeks ago but i seem to have forgotten to upload it here coz i could not find it anywhere so im uploading it right now im currently working on chapter 9 and 10 and maybe an epilogue 
this is kinda long.. but it pays off with the angst in the end.. thank you for being so patient with me i hope you guys like it
Chapter 1: Check Please
Chapter 2: Airplanes and Automobiles
Chapter 3: Tellin’ the Folks
Chapter 4: Hot Cocoa and Surprise Hugs
Chapter 5: Breakfast Sandwiches
Chapter 6: Learning Experience
Chapter 7: Keeping up Defenses
Chapter 8: Confessions in the Bitter Cold
The next day Seth didn’t really get the time to overthink what had transpired yesterday. That morning he was greeted by his family downstairs in the kitchen. His stepdad was frying up some bacon and eggs, while his mom was making fairly high stacks of waffles for all of them. Over the meal Holly had gone ahead and reminded everyone of tonight’s event. It wasn’t only going to be first Christmas party they would have for the students of Black and Brave but also the first time most of them would get to see 392Dport which was also Seth’s new venture with 392 coffee. Thankfully, she had gotten a catering service to provide the bulk of the food so she didn’t have to do the majority of the cooking but she had tasked herself and Dd to work on a couple of desserts to add to the party. Holly then pointed to Seth, Dean, and Brandon to prepare the coffee shop for the event. Other than Dean playfully pouting about not being able to work with the food, everyone seemed to take their task in stride.
The boys had gone to the coffee shop late that morning. The space had fortunately been cleared for use just about a week ago with all of the basics being more than ready. What the boys now had to do was some cleaning up and set all the tables and chairs accordingly as well as decorate. Holly had also informed them that some of the other furniture she had ordered for the place were supposed to be delivered that afternoon plus some nice flower arrangements. Hefting a couple of boxes of Christmas decoration and a couple of brooms and rags the boys set about to work on the place to get everything ready.
As Seth had gone about cleaning the front and the windows of the building he couldn’t help but look into his new coffee shop and just feel a deep sense of thankfulness. If you had asked him a couple of years ago that he would be where he was right now he would have taken the news with grains of salt. He had always made sure to aim as high as he could and work as hard as than he could. He knew he’d get far if he’d just kept at it but to think that after more than ten years in the business he now has a school to his name and even a small café for his community. Seth couldn’t help but feel incredibly grateful for it all.
He took the time to look into the window he was cleaning. Brandon was busy wiping off the chairs and tables already there. Dean was sweeping up from one side of the open space from the other. At least he was until he took up the broom and started to play with it as if it were a guitar. Some song, most probably classic rock, playing in the background. Seth couldn’t help but laugh at what Dean had consider dancing which was mainly just him wiggling his hips around. It only seemed to get worse when he held the broom to Brandon who then joined in with singing along to the song.
At that point as much as Seth was having fun watching his best friend and brother goofing around, he knew he had to put an end to it. He loudly but gently tapped against the window a couple of times which finally got the two boys to stop and stare at him. He pointed to his watch with a mildly impatient expression on his face as if to say ‘stop fooling around and hurry up’, which only made the two playfully scowl and gave him the middle finger. Looking like he was offended, he huffed an annoyed breath. Putting those two together might not have been the best decision Seth thought, but the two had actually stopped with the dancing around and continued to put the place together.
It took all afternoon but the boys had finished their work a couple of hours before the party was supposed to start. The new furniture had come in on time which was good. They had to assemble a couple of coffee tables and shelves together, which was bad. Thankfully Seth took charge of actually patiently reading the instructions rather than ‘winging it’ as Dean would say. The flowers had come beautifully which they had placed all around. A box of a couple of knickknacks and books to make the space feel homey and warm. They finished it off by putting up a few simple Christmas decorations around. Seth and Brandon opting for putting up the tinsel and Christmas lights, while Dean actually opted to put together artificial tree to one corner where all the gifts would go. Once they were finally done they had stepped back to take a good look and clapped each other on the back for a job well done.
Right as they were putting the cleaning supplies and boxes way, Holly, Dd, and Hector walked in carrying a couple of food containers. Even though Holly had said she had hired a catering services, she seemed to still have found the energy to prepared quite a few desserts for tonight’s event.
“Wow, you did a good job boys!” Hector congratulated them.
“I’m glad you got all the furniture ready, was worried that would come late.” Holly said as she put down the desserts on the open counters. “It looks so good. Thank you boys.” She added with a sweet smile.
“It was no problem mom.” Brandon had replied with a smile of his own.
“No problem for you, you didn’t have to try and translate microscopic Swedish in to English.” Seth huffed with playful annoyance.
“Told you, you didn’t have to.” Dean joked which only made the Armenian more annoyed rather than playful.
“Hey, who put up the tree?” Dd had asked as she walked towards the medium sized, decorated plastic tree in the corner.
“Why? What’s wrong with it?” Dean asked somewhat worriedly.
“Nothing,” Dd was quick to answer. “It’s really pretty Dean.” she reassured before taking out her phone and taking a picture of it.
“You put that up Dean?” Holly asked as she gestured towards the tree.
“I mean, I tried.” Dean shrugged sheepishly.
The plastic tree really wasn’t much. It was mainly bought a week or so ago just to add a festive feel to the café for the party. Holly provided the boys with a box of old Christmas decorations to put on it, not really thinking about it. Now finally seeing it all on there, Holly hadn’t realized.
“I made this in the 3rd grade.” Dd pointed out at a pink and gold glittering cat that hung near the top branch.
As everyone else stepped closer to the tree it was only then that the rest of the family had realized that every ornament on the tree was something homemade from their childhood past. A paper candy cane with Brandon’s name scrawled in red crayon that also said he was only 5 years old when he had made it. A gold star with Seth’s two year old face on it that said it was made on his second Christmas. Bits of memory lovingly put on the tree giving it color and life making the café feel like home.
“Thought I'd stick to the sentimental stuff. I didn’t use a lot of the other ornaments. Didn’t seem like it needed anymore…” Dean explained as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. “…they’re still in the box though if you want me to get them.” Dean offered pointing to the broom closet where they had put the things away.
Holly could only shake her head no as he made long strides towards the young man and enveloped Dean in a giant hug. Her warmth seemed to radiate from her. Even Seth could see that from a couple of feet away, he could only imagine how Dean must have felt.
“Thank you Dean.”
His friend had only gave a sheepish smile back and shrugged it off like it was no big deal.
“Hey, you boys better go home to get ready for the party.” Hector pointed to the wall clock telling them they had just a little over an hour to drive home, take a shower, and get dressed.
The three boys drove back home. All three making their way to their respective rooms to get cleaned up. Seth and Brandon having to fight over their shared bathroom, with Brandon getting there first. It wasn’t until Seth had been waiting for 10 minutes when he realized his parents bathroom was left unattended.
When he finally finished he made his way to his bedroom. There he went through his things hoping to find something somewhat good enough to wear to a party. Not needing to go too formal, Seth finally got a red button down shirt which he paired with black skinny jeans and black boots. He had neatly combed and tied his hair in a bun. He looked at his mirror to check for anything else he might have missed; his shirt was iron, his jeans looked good, nothing in his teeth. He took a couple of sprits of his cologne and walked out of his room.
For the third time this week he knocked on Dean’s door, for once being sure that the other man was on the other side. After hearing a few grunts from inside, Dean finally come out looking fresh himself. Dean was wearing the same boots he had been wearing all day. He changed from his light tattered jeans to a darker and cleaner pair that had absolutely no holes in them. His shirt was a nice fitting olive green button down that hugged his broad shoulders and tucked in his small waist, a waist Seth still sometimes couldn’t believe belonged to the taller and broader man in front of him. Dean’s hair was combed back neatly, his usual curls seemed to behave for once. Overall, Seth thought Dean looked really good.
“Hey, you two match.” Brandon came out of his own room and pointed to their outfits.
The two looked down and realized they did sort of match with the Christmas colors of red and green making them look extra appropriate for the event. Brandon opted for a soft looking blue sweater and khakis. With all three of them finally ready, they were relieved to find out that they had at least 20 minutes before any of them could be considered late.
They hopped in Seth’s car and drove the short way to the café. Entering the coffeeshop was already somewhat full of familiar faces. Some students who had gone to stay home for the holidays had actually traveled back for the party. The nine students who had decided to spend the holidays that the school had arrived as well. The catering came, and all the food was ready. Drinks were being poured. Christmas songs were being played. Friendly laughter and chatter could be heard all around.
Greeting the students and some of their friends and family who they decided to bring along was fun, especially seeing some of them had brought their little brothers and sisters to meet Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose in person. They had taken quite a few pictures with them. Talked pleasantries with their guests. Seth found himself in a chat with one of his student’s dad’s who wanted to learn exactly how the school operated seeing as his other son wanted to follow in his big brother footsteps.
In the middle of the conversation, Seth couldn’t help but noticed Dean sort of just standing to the sidelines. People were flocking towards him for pictures and autographs, but the more of them came he kind of just stuck to leaning against the far off wall getting out of other’s way. The younger wrestler was tempted to cut the conversation short to check on his friend. Fortunately, Holly seemed to have seen the same thing and approached Dean offering him a plate to eat. It was comically sweet seeing a 5’3, 50 year old woman seemingly protect the 6’4, 225 lbs. man from his all-too-friendly public. Seth breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Dean take the plate and went off to eat somewhere further away from the crowd.
Dean was not exactly the party animal the public thought he was, at least not anymore. Seth was indies around the same time as Dean and he had heard the stories about him. He heard of drunken debaucheries from Ohio all the way up to the east coast. He heard of his drug use during his time in Puerto Rico. He heard Dean as Jon Moxley almost like a myth, the general people not really knowing how to deal with him and his ways. The crowd ate it up.
Nowadays, Dean was calmer. He knew how to have a good time but knew how to keep it to people he trusted. He knew how to get along with tons of people, but also had a damn good bullshit meter that could sort out those who were genuinely interested in him and those who wanted something from him. He had given up the drug use, for that Seth was sure and was thankful for. He had lessened the drinking considerably. Dean was calmer and was taking better care of himself, instead of having absolutely no regard for his body. But after all that, Dean Ambrose was not anyone you would consider a wall flower.
With a sudden halt to the Christmas music, the familiar warm and maternal voice rang through the café.
“Hello everybody and Merry Christmas” Holly greeted, which was met with applause and a couple of toasts from the crowd. “As all of you know this is the first ever Black and Brave Wrestling Academy Christmas Party. This is a time for everyone involved in the school to come together to celebrate and give thanks to what this first year has brought us… Honestly, if anyone had ever told me 30 years ago that I would be helping run my son’s wrestling school I would never have believed you.” The crowd laughed and applauded appreciatively for their adopted mother. “-But if I did give the news a chance and believed you than I would not have any doubt that the son who would be hardworking enough, determined enough, and passionate enough to be able to build that would be my son, Seth Rollins.” She ended her little speech by pointing out Seth and motioned for him to come up on the platform to say a few words.
“Thanks mom,” he said with a small kiss on her cheek. “Merry Christmas everyone. First of all I’d just like to thank each and every one of you who came down here. It has been a very eventful couple of months for us. Building this school had been a dream of mine for many years. I wish I could say I had been dreaming of it 30 years ago, but that just wouldn’t be true… The truth many of the things I have done were never planned outright. I had dreams but targets like the school, and this café, and the achievement’s I’ve garnered over the years were mainly me just taking as many opportunities I can take and doing the best I could with them, and I have been blessed.” The drop in Seth’s voice was noticeable and had a couple of his students cheer him on to continue.
“But as much as I am blessed by all of these things, the biggest blessings I have in my life would be them.” Seth then pointed out to his family who were standing by the sidelines. “I would have nothing without any of you. Absolutely nothing without your love and support and understanding. You made my dreams your dreams. You made my efforts to be yours as well. You’ve patiently waited for me on this crazy journey and went ahead and walked down this difficult path with me. For that I am always so grateful…” Seth voice cracked then took a deep breath before composing himself to continue. “Mom and Dad, thank you for everything.”
Seth then raised his glass in the air. “To my family; both blood-” he motioned towards his family. “And not-” he had moved to gesture towards where he had last seen Dean but only saw the seat he left behind. But before his confusion could be noticed he turned his glass towards the crowd and recovered. “-thank you everyone, enjoy the rest of your night.” He along the rest of the people took a sip of their drinks.
While the crowd had smiled and moved to give each other hugs or went back about to their business, Seth couldn’t help himself but frown as he stepped of the platform. He was greeted by his smiling parents. His mom giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. His dad giving him an encouraging pat on the back. Both his siblings giving him hugs, Brandon teasing him for almost crying in front of everyone. It was a happy moment for him, but something held him back.
“Had anyone seen Dean?” he asked, doing his best to keep his worry at bay.
“He was just-” Dd had turned to where the other wrestler had sat earlier, only to see what Seth had seen from the platform. “He was just here.”
“I hadn’t seen him leave.” Hector reassured his son.
“Wherever he is I’m sure he’s alright.” Brandon offered.
“I know where he went.” A familiar young voice had spoken up.
Seth had turned and was greeted by the face of Jesse, one of the students from the academy. He looked a little different with the swept back hair and glasses, but still easily recognizable.
“I ran into him when I was going out of the bathroom.” He explained. “I think he went out back onto the deck.”
Seth gave a slight smile for a thank you before he had made his way to where the young man was pointing. One of the features Seth was looking forward to regarding the coffeeshop was a nice outdoor deck overlooking the river. From there you were able to see the school and even a glimpse of his home on the other side. He had opened the back door and was unpleasantly greeted by the December cold.
Just as he was about to close the door again, he had spotted a glimpse of the man he was looking for. He was standing leaning against the railing eyes towards the freezing cold river. He had nothing else on except for his shirt and jeans. The sight made Seth turn back around to put on his coat and grab Dean’s as well. Before he went ahead and opened the back door again, Seth found himself trying to calm himself down, like he was psyching himself out before a big leap. Why exactly he felt the need to do that he wasn’t sure, but it made opening that door a little bit easier for him.
He quietly approached the other man. His back hardly even shivered under the harsh cold. For a split second he feared getting the other man’s coat for him was not something he might have wanted. But that second passed and Seth didn’t care whether Dean would take it or not, he was going to put on his damn coat.
“Hey,” he called out. The other man slowly turned towards him. “You forgot this.” He raised his coat open and without telling him putting it over his broad shoulders. Thankfully the other man had wordlessly slipped it on, like it was a forgotten after thought.
Seth copied Dean’s position; facing towards the river and his arms crossed on the railings. Neither man looking at the other in the eye, but a silent acknowledgement was there. It felt like how they were in the ring. Even if they didn’t have a clear view of each other, they seemed to know exactly where the other one was.
“They really liked the Christmas tree out there.” Seth pointed out, thankfully made the other man smile.
“I’m guessing you haven’t spotted that one ornament with that baby picture of you butt naked on your living room carpet.” He answered.
“What?!?!” he Seth was sorely tempted to run back inside only to look for that offending decoration but was stopped by his friends laughter. After an exasperated sigh Seth turned back towards the other man and sarcastically said; “Haha, very funny Ambrose.” When his words only garnered a shrugged from the older man Seth felt the need to ask again. “You’re only joking right?”
“Nope,” he answered with that ‘p’ sound popping from his lips. “But it doesn’t have your name on it, so maybe you could get away with saying it’s actually Brandon.”
“How do you know it wasn’t?” the Armenian countered.
“I’d recognize that pale ass anywhere.” He joked with a giant grin on his face.
“That's disturbing,” he replied and his best to look serious but when he saw Dean’s face trying to hold back his laughter, Seth himself lost it.
The laughter died down and the cold didn’t seem to bother Seth as much as it did minutes ago. A comfortable blanket of silence fell over them. It was easy to just be quiet with Dean, but Seth knew he couldn’t have it easy. Not now.
"Seriously though, they loved the Christmas tree, mom especially." he nudged the older wrestler with his shoulder.
"It was nothing." he answered with a small smile. "It was kinda nice. Hadn't put up a Christmas Tree like that like ever."
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"We weren't that big on Christmas growing up. Dad was out of state. Mom was working nights. My sister tried to cook for us two, but we never saw the point of having a tree without presents. So, we just never had it." he explained simply. Seth feeling sad for younger version of Dean having to go through that, but oddly happy to have him finally open up to him.
Maybe it would be a mistake, but Dean gave him an in so Seth decided to take the leap.
“That why you left?” he asked cautiously.
Dean sighed but then shook his head. “You were having your thing with your family and your kids… I don’t know… just didn’t feel right to be there.”
“Dean, you’re a part of this too…” Seth reassured him, which only made the other man laugh but with no humor.
“I’m really not… I mean this is the very first time I’ve ever been here. I’m basically just passing through.” He pointed out with another noncommittal shrug.
The thought of Dean thinking that he was some sort of drifter in Seth’s home made his heart ache.
“Dean, none of this would have been possible without you.” Seth reassured the other man, who again laughed humorlessly. “I’m serious… You think I would have gotten as far as I had and as fast as I had without your help? Dean, before you came to FCW I was more than ready to jump ship off to TNA. I felt like the only indie shmuck out there in the sea of baby oiled body builders and football players.” That finally got the other man to smile. “Then when we got the call for The Shield… I couldn’t have asked for any better partners than you and Ro. Like I don’t think that would have gotten as far as it did with anyone else. Then when we had to break do I need to remind you who gave me my push?” he asked.
The rhetorical question making the other man pause remembering what happened that night almost 5 years ago.
They had just come from a successful night from Payback 2014. All three were riding high entering the arena for Monday Night Raw until they were called to the office. There in Vince McMahon’s office, barely an hour before the show started, they were informed that The Shield was to disband that night. It was a complete shock to the three of them and the urge to object died on their lips once Vince had said it was non-negotiable.
All three sat there in disbelief as Vince, Hunter, and Stephanie as well as some people from creative were there to explain what exactly was going to happen tonight. They shared their plan to have Dean Ambrose, being the most experienced and seemingly the leader of the group, to betray the group by landing a couple of chair shots on both Roman and Seth from behind.
It was the middle of this meeting when Dean was bold enough to actually speak up.
“No,” Dean said, his face expressing his deep thought.
“What do you mean no?” Hunter asked angrily, “You heard what Vince had said, this is non-negotiable.”
“No,” Dean repeated. His boldness making Seth’s hair stand on end. “Not about the break… but about me.” He added which got confused reactions from everyone else in the room. Dean then leaned forward as if he was about to share some secret with the room. “I can’t turn heel…” he spoke as if he were pointing out the obvious because; “It would be too fucking obvious.”
That caused the people in the room to raise their brows in surprise. Roman even turning his chair to look at his best friend in the eye like he was crazy. Seth just looking on wanting to listen to other any other alternatives at this point.
“Don’t you see?” Dean asked the room before he stood up to make his point. “I’m already the heel of the group. For those who knew Moxley then they’d know how much of an asshole I was and expect it. For those who’d only known me as Ambrose everyone knew how much of an asshole I’d been in this group…” he proceeded to remind them of what has transpired over the last couple of months. “I’m unstable. I’m a lunatic. I’m a loudmouth, power hungry, asshole… of course I’d turn heel.” He pointed out almost sounding like he was ready to agree with them only to turn a sharp left. “Which is why I can’t, it’s too easy.” He added as he crossed his arms and casually leaned against the conference room tables, like he wasn't making a multi-million dollar company move to his whim. Everyone else quieted down not knowing what to do with Dean’s information.
“So…” Hunter was the one to break the silence. “What do you propose?”
Dean took a thoughtful look around the room. Suspiciously eyeing his bosses and the companies creative team. His eyes only somewhat softening when they fell on Roman and Seth. His sight shifting from one to the other. His eyes having a intensity that made the other two shiver in their seats.The gears in his head moving with unspoken ideas.
“Seth should do it.” He finally answered after a long pause.
“What?!” the rest of the room exclaimed, along with Seth himself. Roman just sitting there in shock at the words he was hearing.
“He’s the one that makes the most sense.” Dean continued, “I can’t do it because it’s basically what everyone already expects. Roman can’t do it coz, let’s admit it, you’re pushing him for the face of this company and we can’t have him turn heel,” he directed to Vince accusingly.
“Seth,” Dean sat down and moved his chair closer to him as if he was imparting important wisdom. “You’re the quiet, evil mastermind. Of course you’d be the first to betray us. You’re whole character had been building us up to break down everything in our path. You’ve been put up as the brains of the operation… it wouldn’t make sense for you to not see me turn on you. What makes sense is you turning on us… I mean… no one would ever believe it. No one would ever believe that you could do that to us. It would fucking shock the world.”
Seth just sat there listening to Dean’s words. Words that were soft enough to touch him but almost sharp enough to hurt. Deep down he knew Dean was making sense, but the thought of it scared the crap out of him. Could he really?
“Dean, You do know what you’re suggesting here, don’t you?” Hunter again broke the silence, his question only met a casual shrug of agreement from the wrestler. “You are suggesting that we redirect a push tailor made for you to someone else entirely. You are throwing away an opportunity to make the biggest noise in the company to date; to cause the break in The Shield.  Do you have any idea what you’re giving up?” Hunter asked him as if he were truly a lunatic and not just a character he played.
“If I did it, then I’d be wasting the biggest push the company could ever give on a shitty outcome anyone could have easily seen from a mile away. I’m not throwing the opportunity away, I’m trying to make it stick.” He explained. “And it will… if you have Seth do it.” Dean pointed to Seth like he was the answer to every question.
Another tense and pregnant pause fell over the room. The team not knowing exactly what to do. Whispers going back and forth from writers, angrily blaming each other for not thinking this shit through. The silence was finally broken, but not by Hunter.
“I like it.” Vince finally spoke with a clap. “Be ready by 8.” He instructed everyone. “And you!” he pointed to Seth alone. “Don’t screw up.” he warned before motioning for everyone else to leave his office.
Once outside and away form earshot Seth grabbed Dean by the arm and made him turn towards him.
“Dean, what the fuck were you thinking?” Seth asked without waiting for an answer. “You just threw away your shot.” Which again only made the other man shrug and purse his lips like it was nothing. “Is this a joke to you?” he finally asked angrily.
Roman was about to step in to calm the situation down but was stopped by Dean’s hand to his chest silently telling the other man that he could handle this.
“Seth, there is no other way to do this.” He answered plainly. “As much as I hate it. It’s best to end on the top. No one will see it coming… and definitely no one will see it coming from you of all people. Like I said, nobody is ever gonna think you could betray us.” he added with a comforting hand to Seth’s shoulder.
“But your shot.” Seth repeated.
“I’ll get another one.” He again shrugged it off, but Seth finally saw how genuine it actually was.
“Are you sure?” he asked again, knowing full well that when Dean Ambrose wrapped his mind around something it would take heaven and hell to pry it out of his grasp.
Dean only smiled softly at him and spoke “Like I said before-” He then leaned in close to whisper something in his ear “You’re the only one worth fighting around here.” He added his smile growing big and as he clapped the man on his back right before he had made his way to their locker room
That was 5 years ago, but the memory was still fresh in Seth’s mind. The generosity Dean had showed him all those year ago. The skill. The experience. All of it. Dean was like no other. Like had had said earlier in his little speech, he would like to think he had gotten this far this fast by himself, but being honest with himself he would never have gotten this far without Dean.
“You changed my life Dean…” he said.
“Seth, you are incredible. You’re talented. You’re hard working. You’ve taken every obstacle that’s ever faced you and threw it out of the way.” He pointed out. “You could have easily gotten here without me. No problem.” He spoke with a certainty that was almost as frigid as the cold.
Seth looked at the man standing in front of him. His voice rougher than usual. His eyes droopier than they normally were. His body slouched over a bit more than before. This was not Dean, not him completely. Dean was tired, Seth couldn't believe he never noticed it before.
“What happened to you?” he asked out of nowhere, his question making the older man stop and stare at him in confusion. “What made you come here Dean?” he asked more clearly this time. The question only making the other man turn away not being able to look at him in the eye.
“You have been running around all over the place since you got here. Never stopping. When you weren’t helping me, you were helping mom cook. When you weren’t doing that you were heading to the hardware store for something for my dad. When you weren’t doing that you were going off shopping with Dd. Then fixing this place up, cleaning with Brandon and putting up the tree in the middle of the café. Then before all this you had driven more than 12 hours straight just to get here after you had just landed at home in Vegas…” all the worries and fears Seth had been feeling for his friend over the past couple of days finally spilling out of him in torrents. The dam of social niceties finally breaking from the deep need to know what was going on with his friend. "What made you run?"
When Dean still refused to look at him in the eye, Seth raised both his hand in defeat not knowing what else to do and started to walk backwards to leave the other man to retreat shamefully back inside.
“I got robbed!” he finally exclaimed, causing Seth to stop in his tracks and turn back towards him more confused with the answer than he should.
“I got robbed.” Dean repeated defeatedly, with something else sounding very foreign for him that Seth couldn’t pin. “I got back thinking I’d come home to my house in the desert and my girlfriend waiting for me.” He explained. “Instead, my house was ransacked. My TV, refrigerator, and microwave gone. My furniture just also gone. The only things left was my bed, some clothes, in the few memorabilia I had kept from before.”
From everything Seth was expecting to hear, this was nowhere near to it. He stood there next to him, watching him as he spoke his frustrations to the night air, not able to look at Seth directly. That’s when Seth realized that unfamiliar hitch in Dean’s voice was something he never really heard before; shame.
“Why I drove all the way out of here? I don’t really know. God knows it’s not the first time I’ve ever been robbed. Just the first time I had stuff truly worth robbing.” He bitterly laughed at his own joke. “I was only supposed to drive to the police station to make a report. That was it. But the second I got back in my car after that, the thought of going back to my sad and empty house just fucking broke me. I couldn’t. So I turned the other way and drove as far as I could. I didn't care where.”
“For most of the drive I was trying to convince myself that it was a misunderstanding.” He began to talk with his hands, wildly gesturing the way he usually would when high on emotions. “I was willing to believe it was anything; a biker gang, a cult, damn aliens, but it wasn't. I reached Nebraska when the cops called back.” He paused to look down sadly and made a fist angrily, swallowing the urge to hit something. “They found Melanie trying to pawn my stuff along the strip, with her husband.”
‘That bitch!’ was what Seth wanted to say but bit his tongue, not wanting to stop the other man from finally spilling everything he had been hiding.
“My so called girlfriend and her husband, had been forking my shit all over town since I left.” He added. “I fucking gave her the keys to my place. I practically fucking invited her to rob me, like a dumbass.”
Again, Seth had wanted to say something, hating the self-loathing coming from the other man, but controlled himself until he needed to.
“I don’t even know anymore what I’m bitching about.” Dean said frustratingly. “Like I said, it’s not like it’s the first time I was ever robbed. It’s not like it’s the first time some girl just ended up using me and tossing me aside. It’s not like it’s the first time I came home to an empty house.” His voice sounding so defeated.
Dear God, Seth wanted to say something.
“I just thought it would be different, you know?” he asked rhetorically. “All those times before. In a different life. I had just accepted it all making up excuses; I was robbed because I lived in a shitty neighborhood with people low enough to trade their grandma for weed and coke. I was used coz maybe even though they told me they liked how tall I was, and how blue my eyes were, or how deep my dimples were. I was still trailer trash to them, maybe good for a good time but not for anything more. I was betrayed coz let’s be honest who would stick around with a coked up junkie teenager who was obsessed with professional wrestling.” He spoke about himself with such hate. “I mean the drugs were bad enough, but have me be a dumbass only good at fighting and getting hit, how the fuck was anyone ever supposed to stick to that.”
Seth’s heart was aching for him. He wrung his hands constantly like he physically had to stop himself from speaking.
“Then it all started to come around.” He finally started to speak with an inkling of hope in his voice. “Got signed to WWE. Got put in a stable with you and Roman. Getting the matches and screen time anyone in their right mind would fucking dream of. Like I had finally made it.” He spoke with a sad smile. “And yet, shit like this still happens.”
“This happening to me again and again; even outside Cincinnati, even after getting clean and mostly sober, even with the job, even with the fancy house, and the six figure salary. Even after all that, and this shit still happens.” He seemed to be at a lost for words, fearing what he was thinking of saying next. “It gets a guy thinking you know; Maybe it wasn’t the neighborhood. Maybe it wasn’t the drugs. Maybe it wasn’t the local skanks I had blamed. Maybe it wasn’t the job or the paycheck. Maybe it wasn’t the lack of success, nor fame, nor common sense that did me in.”
“Maybe it was just me…” heartbroken voice just aching out of him. “Maybe I’m the fuck up. Maybe, just maybe… I was just never supposed to have anything good in my life for myself.”
‘That’s not true,’ Seth wanted to say.
“Maybe I’m just destined to be a sad and lonely fucker who dies alone in the middle of the desert.” He spoke with such sad resignation.
“No,” Seth finally spoke. He stood right next to him until their sides met.
Seth’s warm hand reaching down to find Dean’s and intertwining them in a strong grip he did not want to let go. Dean’s eyes turned as he followed the sight of their hands clasped, his face growing in confusion. Questions dying on his lips once Seth put his free hand against Dean’s winter bitten cheek, feeling even warmer against his cold skin.
Seth just couldn’t listen to another word. Not one more hateful comment Dean could make about himself. All the other words Seth had wanted to say died out once he came face to face with him. It was then he had realized no words would ever be good enough to tell him what he felt.
He inched closer and closer until their noses met. Seth's hot breath against his lips. Just as Dean was finding the words to ask, Seth answered before they could leave his mouth. His lips sealing them from ever being uttered. Soft and chapped and a little dry, but Seth could honestly say he’d never had a kiss meant so much to him. He wanted to drown all the words he had said just now; every hateful and angry word towards himself, and replace them with nothing but good. He wanted to pour every ounce of comfort, and care, and warmth, and good, just plain and simple good in this kiss.
A simple tentative touch of the lips slowly grew. Every turn of Seth’s head towards him wanting to taste him deeper. His mouth opening for him wanting Dean to fill his mouth with whatever good could muster out of himself, wanting to prove it had always been there. Their beards causing a delicious friction to grow between them. Their tongues practically feeding each other muffled moans. Dean tasted like mint and wine and warmth, Seth never knew and never wanted to stop. He had let go of his hand but only to have his hand wrapped around the nape of neck. His fingers meeting soft curls. Winter be damned. He didn’t wanted to let Dean go. Never.
It was Dean who let go.
Seth felt a soft push against his shoulders. It was so sudden, Seth’s lips were still puckered and wet from the kiss when he was forced to make space between them. His eyes slowly opening. Warm and worried brown met confused and concerned blue.
“Seth, what was that?” he asked, voice on the edge of conflicting emotions.
“I-” Seth lost his words in all his thoughts. His hand that was still wrapped around Dean’s neck were also being pushed away. “I-”
“Seth, what-” Dean struggled with his words as if they were also lost I the confusion. Stepping away from him. “Why did you kiss me?”
“I…” he started to answer but couldn’t find the words. He couldn’t find the exact words.
“Seth?” Dean asked once more.
“I just-” Seth started. “I couldn’t- I couldn’t let you…” Dean’s face growing even more confused. “I couldn’t listen to you talk like that anymore.” He said sadly.
The way Dean’s face dropped, he knew those were not the words he had wanted to hear.
“So, I say some sob story and now you’re all over me?” Dean’s voice growing in anger coming from somewhere Seth didn’t know.
“No, Dean…” he tried to reach out to him but was only brushed off.
“So what is it then?” Dean asked. “What changed?”
“I-” Seth again having difficulty finding the words. “I don’t know…”
Dean’s face falling even further; from confusion, to anger, to sadness. “You don’t know?”
“I don’t…” Seth tried to speak.
“You don’t know?” he asked. “You really don’t know?” Seth could only sadly shake his head, not knowing what the other man wanted to hear. “Coz something must have changed…” he added.
“What do you mean?” he asked back.
“I mean, you’ve never wanted to kiss me ever before.” He pointed out. “Now suddenly you do? Just like that, out of the blue? No reason why? What?”
“Why does there have to be a reason why?” Seth asked desperately.
“Coz I’ve been in love with you for 8 years!” he finally confessed. “You have never wanted to kiss me. You had never even looked at me twice.”
Seth froze. The chill of the winter night seemed to have seeped into his bones along with the desperate confessions of the man in front of him.
“I was never an option to you. I was never anyone like that to you before. Like ever.” His voice defeated and confused. “I was just crazy Dean with the jokes and the stories and the flirting and a good time. That's all I was. I was never… I mean, you never took me seriously before. You never wanted me before. You never could. Why would you?”
‘Was that how Dean really saw himself in Seth’s eyes?’ Seth was desperate to pull Dean in an show him how wrong he was.
But again Dean pushed him away.
Before Seth could try and reached for him again, Dean turned towards the back door opening letting the warm glow of the inside out. There stood Holly with hugging herself tightly as she called the boys inside before the cold got worse.
Seth couldn’t care less about the cold.
But Dean took the opportunity and ran out. Seth went and followed him. Through the crowd, Dean seemed to just blend in as he gently pushed people aside with a couple of quick ‘excuse me’ and muffled ‘sorry’. Somehow blocking Seth’s own way through the crowd to catch him.
It was when a fan tried to pull him for a photo when Seth saw Dean’s quickly retreating form go out of the front door.
Seth as quickly but as gently as he could got through the rest of the crowd to go out the same door needing to catch up to him. But once he got outside in the cold winter night in the middle of the intersection in front of the café, Seth had no idea where Dean had ran off to.
His dream and his nightmare coming true all in one night.
‘Dean was in love with him.’ The realization ran through his head unbelievably. ‘Dean has been in love with him for 8 years.’ How had he never seen it. Suddenly, a flood of all their times together in the past came rushing through him. Every late night talk. Every day off spent together. Every fight. Every drive. Every disagreement. Every day. Every night. Every word.
Dean had always been there to give him everything, and he never noticed.
How could he have never noticed?
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kennyomegasweave · 4 years
We legit got to watch Dean and Seth fall in love, break up, fight, fall back in love, break up again, and then leave on good terms. It still sucks that we’ll never get any new ambrollins content, but damn was what we got a fun ride.
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softambrollins · 3 years
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MY ULTIMATE AMBROLLINS PLAYLIST (spotify | deezer | youtube | download .zip)
i. strange electricity
1. do i wanna know? - arctic monkeys / 2. blue jeans - lana del rey / 3. fallingforyou - the 1975 / 4. is there somewhere - halsey / 5. electricity - silk city & dua lipa / 6. riding shotgun - kygo / 7. latch - sam smith / 8. too good - troye sivan / 9. dark paradise - lana del rey / 10. neptune - sleeping at last / 11. dkla - troye sivan / 12. trouble - halsey / 13. running up that hill - placebo
ii. i’m gonna haunt you
14. no rest for the wicked - lykke li / 15. start a war - the national / 16. fall in love - phantogram / 17. ultraviolence - lana del rey / 18. be your shadow - the wombats / 19. out of the black - royal blood / 20. hard feelings/loveless - lorde / 21. haunting - halsey / 22. youth - daughter / 23. i never learn - lykke li / 24. love is blindness - jack white / 25. silence - marshmello / 26. bang bang - dua lipa / 27. blood hands - royal blood / 28. you - the 1975 / 29. so far away - charli xcx / 30. love on the brain - rihanna / 31. degausser - brand new / 32. hurricane - ms mr / 33. haunt//bed - the 1975 / 34. wicked games - the weeknd / 35. eyes on fire - blue foundation / 36. beautiful crime - tamer / 37. winter - daughter / 38. silhouettes - of monsters and men / 39. the scientist - corinne bailey rae
iii. right through my heart
40. i should live in salt - the national / 41. no light, no light - florence + the machine / 42. lovers’ eyes - mumford & son / 43. never be like you - flume / 44. miss missing you - fall out boy / 45. sorrow - the national / 46. unfinished business - mumford & sons / 47. last hope - paramore / 48. signal fire - snow patrol
iv. the time of our lives
49. issues - julia michaels / 50. bite - troye sivan / 51. evening ceremony - active child / 52. follow you - bring me the horizon / 53. lost in your light - dua lipa / 54. cherry - lana del rey / 55. treacherous - taylor swift / 56. need ur luv - charli xcx / 57. i walk the line - halsey 
v. the world is too loud
58. too afraid to love you - the black keys / 59. hanging on - active child / 60. demons - the national / 61. tribulation - matt maeson / 62. sea of love - the national / 63. talking in code - margot & the nuclear so and so’s / 64. about today - the national / 65. runaway - the national / 66. to build a home - the cinematic orchestra 
vi. you made me weak
67. mercy - mø / 68. landfill - daughter / 69. holland road - mumford & sons / 70. graveyard - halsey / 71. bellyache - billie eilish / 72. sober ii (melodrama) - lorde / 73. without me - halsey / 74. somewhere a clock is ticking - snow patrol / 75. dark doo wop - ms mr / 76. watch - billie eilish / 77. begging - dua lipa / 78. hurts like hell - fleurie / 79. last piece - lykke li / 80. without you - lana del rey / 81. poison & wine - the civil wars / 82. wicked game - james vincent mcmorrow / 83. love and war - fleurie / 84. 13 beaches - lana del rey / 85. i love you - billie eilish / 86. bruises - lewis capaldi / 87. supercut - lorde / 88. the night we met - lord huron / 89. my tears ricochet - taylor swift / 90. the end of love - florence + the machine / 91. six feet under - billie eilish
vii. you always will be
92. home - daughter / 93. talk me down - troye sivan / 94. medicine - daughter / 95. afterglow - taylor swift / 96. happier - marshmello / 97. the archer - taylor swift / 98. when the party’s over - billie eilish / 99. lay it all on me - rudimental / 100. your soul - rhodes / 101. mother tongue - bring me the horizon / 102. what a heavenly way to die - troye sivan / 103. mariners apartment complex - lana del rey / 104. daylight - taylor swift / 105. no one’s gonna love you - band of horses / 106. like real people do - hozier / 107. light - sleeping at last / 108. ocean - martin garrix / 109. sleeping alone - lykke li / 110. the first days of spring - noah and the whale / 111. ghosts that we knew - mumford & sons / 112. stand by me - florence + the machine
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ambreiiigns · 7 years
wwe pls stop im hating all this ambr*llins im not asking for ambreigns ok im just asking for NO MORE TRIGGERING SHIT THANK YOU VERY MUCH
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Quarantine Tag!
I was tagged by my lovely kindred spirit @not-a-natural-born-idjit 💕🖤💕🖤💕
Thanks, babe!! (P.S. I just noticed that you posted chapter eight of Hold the Line and you KNOW I'm about to go read the Hell out of it!!)
Top 4 Ships:
• Wincest
• J2
• Ambrollins
• Starker
Last Movie You Watched:
In the theater? Knives Out 🔪 Hey, Ransom Drysdale. 👀 Let me holla at ya Daddy. 💋🔥
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On Netflix? The Lovebirds (Y'all watch that shit. It's hilarious!!)
I just started reading The Darkest Night by Gena Showalter. (Big, mean, bloodthirsty dude falls in love with a sweet, innocent little thing? Here for it. #obviously)
What food are you craving right now:
Chicken and shrimp carbonara with a glass of green apple moscato sangria from Olive Garden. 👌
Last album/playlist listened to:
Take This to Your Grave (Because you can bet your life that at any given time, I'm listening to Fall Out Boy. 💕)
Me @ me 24/7
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Tagging: @sammyintheskywithdeanmonds @sorryimnotthatkindofdoctor @writinginthesecrettrees @boykingboytoy @traveling-riverside-dean @sunflowersammy @messyourprettyhair @azrielrose @sweetness-of-sammy @minxchester @safetosayyoudigthebackseat
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zolganif · 4 years
Do you think vegans/vegetarians look down on people who choose to eat animal products? I don’t think all of them do, but some of them do. And that reminds me...here on Tumblr, during first year or so of me being on here, someone who is vegan decided that I didn’t care about animals because I eat meat. I can’t remember much of the conversation, but basically I disagreed with them that people who eat meat did not care about animals, just because of how meat is made, like for examples in factories, slaughter houses.. I have seen a documentary about it and see how they were treated. I do wish they were treated better, that the conditions were better. But because I disagreed with this person, they decided to be a bitch to me afterwards :l. I don’t care if someone is vegan/vegatarian, just don’t try to tell me I don’t care about animals just because I eat meat. -.- Do your friendships tend to last a long time or are they short-lived? They last for a long time.  Create an acrostic poem that describes you using your first name. I don’t want to lol.  Are you a fan of plug in air fresheners? Sure.  What, if anything, do survey takers seem to have in common? They all take surveys? Do you like mad libs? ...What? Do you think the kids of celebrities are fair game for the paparazzi? Why? No, fuck no. The paparazzi can go crawl back in their holes and leave people alone. Fuck them.  How are you? I'm okay. If someone broke into your house while you were sleeping, what would your course of action be? Well, I’m sure it would wake me up. So gonna have to get my pepper spray or taser.  Besides this website, what other websites do you visit frequently? Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction.net, Facebook, Youtube, Reddit, some game websites and a few others.  Do you think websites like Tumblr romanticize sadness? Not all of Tumblr does. But yes, I do see that happen on here. :l Do you think athletes and celebrities deserve to be paid as much as they are? Honestly, I really have no opinion. I guess you could say it isn’t fair that they do get paid more, but yeah. That’s just how it is. :/  What part of your body are you most insecure about? My legs and my stomach. -_- What's one food you would be surprised to hear that someone doesn't like? I don’t know.  Do you think your voice is higher or lower than average? I think it's average. Have you ever slept for such a long period of time that you felt tired throughout the next day? No. 
Are you comfortable discussing bodily functions with your friends? Sure.  When was the first time you lost your virginity? When I was 17, in November. In 2008. 
Who introduced you to LJ? When was it? Couldn’t tell you.  When was the last time you drank beer with your friends? I don’t drink beer.  When was the last time you had a fight with one of your family members? No idea.  What do you post and write about the majority of the time? I love writing about Ambreigns! <3 And Ambrollins too. <3  Who is your favourite LJ friend? What and when is the most fun you ever had in your life? The few cruises I went on, the times I spent with Andrew, going on school field trips when I was younger, going to amusement parks/fairs.  What did your best friend do and say with you the last time you met her/him? *shrugs* Was it special? Did you ever write in your blog about your sexual explorations? Not really.  Was it exposing? Post a recent pic of yourself! No.  What is the scariest, most nonsensical experience you ever had? I don’t know.  Where were you? Which is the most daring post you ever posted in your blog? Couldn’t tell you.  Why did you do it? Have you ever won a prize? Sure. What was the last advice your father/mother gave you? I don’t remember.  Was it beneficial to you? How did it go? What was your last romantic escapade like? Fun.  Did you ever have a bad encounter with the law? No. What is the most sinful thing you've ever done? Curse in front of a church. Was just walking by it, something happened, and I said ‘fuck’. lol. Meh, I asked Jesus to forgive me though. 😇
When's the last time you had the hiccups? I don’t know.  Do you like orange juice? It's good.  Can you drive? Nope.  Ever been on a plane? Yes. Would you like to ride in a hot air balloon? Sounds fun.  Are you afraid of heights? No. What's your favorite shirt to wear? My wrestling t-shirts, any cozy ones I have.  Do you own a dress or skirt with flowers on it? A few, yes.  Are you excited for spring? Fall has just begun though. 
Do you like fall more than spring? Yes. <3  Have you ever had one of the glade two in one candles? No? Do you like the color black? Sure.  How many email addresses do you have? About three of them. lol. Two Gmail ones and one Yahoo one.  Do you use Gmail? I do.  Construction or notebook paper? Either.  Do you ever read the Terms of Service on the sites you sign up for? Sometimes, but not all the time lol.  When's the last time you sat around a campfire? August.  What kind of books do you like to read? Horror, mystery, drama, fantasy.  Is/was math a subject you struggled in? I hated that subject.  What is/was your favorite subject? English and history What's the nearest thing to your left? My shelf of movies, a dresser, TV, Xbox and a table.  What are you supposed to be doing? Probably sleeping lol. But here we are.  What time is it? 12:18 am.  Do you wear pearls? Rarely.
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racerchix21 · 1 year
ten random lines
rules: pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. then tag ten people.
tagging: @thesamoanqueen @claymorexpunisher @sarahcakes613 @moxxieswitchblade @wrestlezaynia @himbos-hotline @sinderellanightwolf (y’all are some of my favorite writers 🖤 but feel free to disregard) and then whoever else wants to play
I just wanna see some of my favorite writers get to talk about their fanfics! I know personally this is an odd mix of fandoms 🤣
1. The Ghost of You or Is It? (McDanno)
He does the only thing he think of in the moment and kisses Danny. Puts every last bit of emotion from the last 10 years into the kiss that may very well blow up in his face but if it’s the only way to get Danny to quit ranting then it’s perfect.
2. Mac + Jack + Texas (MacDalton)
Jack Dalton wasn’t known for his patience and being back in Texas was great and all but he missed his found family.
3. Coffee Kisses (Ambrollins hinted Ambrolleigns)
Leaning in and stealing a quick kiss, Dean can taste hints of vanilla and coffee and knows immediately what it is, “It’s Vanilla Latte and it tastes just like you do after one of your absurdly large coffee on cheat days. It tastes like home, it tastes like you and Roman.”
4. Christmases With You (Ambrolleigns)
“I also had some help turning the basement into a home gym that we all use and yes Sethie you can do CrossFit down there. Don’t worry Rome there’s a big couch down there we can sit on to admire our man working out,” Dean says in a stage whisper just to watch Seth’s cheeks turn red.
5. Tequila Tears and Conversations (Roman Reigns x reader)
Kissing me again, Roman asks “how bout you, me and the great big bed over there get even better acquainted? Then maybe we go torment Jey and Seth like the good ole days.”
6. Why Wasn’t I Good Enough? (MoxYuta)
Wheeler was so wrapped up in his feud with Danny for the Pure title and then with Bryan that he couldn’t see his own boyfriend was pushing himself so fucking hard, trying so fucking much to be Regal’s perfect boy, trying to right a ship, fix problems that weren’t his to fix and all it got them was Mox being betrayed once again.
7. Punishing the Pure Brat (DannyYoots)
Just as Claudio begins to build up some steam to really let Garcia have it, he’s hit from behind and all hell breaks loose.
8. Happy birthday baby PS You have a nice butt
Glancing up at Danny standing at the stove taking out his birthday brownies, Wheeler feels a little warm and fuzzy and really blessed that he’s gotten so stupidly lucky to be in love with this beautiful sassy man. “Thank you baby boy and now that the brownies are out of the oven how about you come over here and let the birthday boy have his special kiss.”
9. Maybe Second Chances (Seth Rollins x reader)
He looks angry but then again when doesn’t Rollins look pissed at the world? The answer is never and I really shouldn’t be laughing since I know it’s only liable to piss him off more. But I live to rile Sethie up and he knows it and still falls for it every single time.
10. Breakfast in bed and maybe a little more (like forever) (Zowens)
“Whip cream? Oooohhh you wanna play huh babe,” Kevin teases from behind him and it takes everything in Sami not to laugh.
“It’s not for that but I’m definitely willing to add that to our plans for later if you’re game,” Sami answers putting the finishing touches on their plates of french toast and fresh fruit.
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staytiny-angel · 6 years
In a Minute
Pairing: Dean Ambrose/OC (Allie), Ballins if you squint
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Language, Feels, Smut, DaddyKink, Bondage.
Summary: Allie is the girlfriend of Dean Ambrose, but Seth Rollins is her best friend.....where does their falling out leave her?
Author's Note: So this....drank a red bull and grew fucking wings? Probably won't stay a one shot as I need a way to process Dean and Seth's current feud without writing Ambrollins.
Dedicated as always to my best bitches in the TTC
Taglist: @chasingeverybreakingwave @crookedmoonsaultpunk @fangirls-gotta-fangirl @littledeadrottinghood @sugasfatgf @sonjashuterbugjohnson @nerdlife0612 @empress-with-the-crown @magical419 @evilangel84
Allie knew she'd fucked up as soon as Dean didn't even wait for her to finish checking in before he'd grabbed his key and went up to their shared hotel room.
She knew she broke the one rule he'd told her she couldn't break. Dean and Seth weren't getting along at all right now and while he'd said he wouldn't ask her to stop being friends with him herself he'd prefer if he didn't have to see it.
Ever since Dean had come back from his injury he'd been so different. He'd been quiet, thoughtful…..almost sullen, way less easy going, especially around his brothers and then when they'd all found out Roman wasn't going to be around for a while.…. he'd snapped and his other brother had borne the brunt of his ire.
Eariler that night at the house show, Dean had attacked Seth during his match with Drew and she'd known she should have just listened to Seth and let Finn help him, but Seth was her best friend other then her boyfriend and the two men having their issues wasn't going to stop her from helping him.
So she'd been sitting at a table helping Finn with patching Seth up since the stubborn man didn't want to go to the trainer when she'd caught a glimpse of her boyfriend staring at them with a snarl twisting his handsome features.
"Go on sweetheart, get out of here." Finn said gently, taking the ice pack from Allie's hand
"But.…" She said softly
Seth looked at her with an exhausted smile "Go on Al, no need to poke the bear, Finn's got me. Ambrose and I will work it out eventually, we always do." He said reassuringly.
Allie was shaken out of her thoughts by the desk clerk asking for her credit card, when she reached in her wallet to get it, a scrap of paper fell loose with Dean's familiar jagged handwriting.
Wait 15 minutes
"Well shit" she muttered to herself, she was DEFINITELY in trouble...and not even the fun kind.
When Allie finally went upstairs and entered their room Dean was sitting in a chair in the middle and the lights were dimmed.
"Dean, baby I'm…" she started to apologize
Dean put a single finger to his lips and shook his head, silencing her without uttering a single word.
"I'm.…upset that you broke the rule, but your instincts say to take care of your friend when he's hurt so I understand." He said quietly
"Seth has a lesson to learn, don't interfere with that again, understood?" He ordered.
"Yes Dean." She responded quietly
Dean raised a single eyebrow "What was that?"
"I'm sorry, Daddy, Yes Daddy" she quickly corrected herself.
Dean sighed "Daddy hasn't been properly taking care of his Doll lately, has he?" Dean said pointing to the bright blue pillow on the table next to the door.
Without a second thought Allie strips completely nude, retrives the pillow and kneels on it at Dean's feet.
"Seth, Roman, Braun and his mutts my head's been so full." He continues, running a hand through her hair before clenching his fist and tilting her head so she was looking directly at him, the slight bite of pain from his grip shooting directly to her pussy.
"But that doesn't mean that Daddy doesn't love or need his Doll. You know that right? You may answer."
"I…." Allie didn't know exactly what to say, the Dean that he'd slowly morphed into during his recovery time, didn't always feel like HER Dean.
Her Dean was was funny and easygoing, even when he was domming her. This Dean was intense and seemed angry all the time, she'd only seen glimpses of her Dean in the many months since his injury and only once since SummerSlam, when his older cousin had helped the boys out of a jam with Corbin.
"I don't know how to answer that question, Daddy." She said sadly "Sometimes I feel like the new you doesn't need me."
A look of sadness crossed Dean's face, then he let go of her hair and slid the chair back to kneel on the floor in front of her.
"I know. Babydoll I know I didn't come back the same and now I got this shit with Seth to work out. But that's between me and him. You need to stay out of it." Dean said wrapping his arms around her.
Allie nodded into his shoulder, she didn't like watching the two men she loved most in the world fight and scream at each other but she knew both men were right. They'd work it out, there would just be lots of fighting. For some reason as close as they were, Seth and Dean, as much as they loved each other, just communicated best with violence and anger.
"Hey, how about we just have some fun tonight? No punishments, no pain that doesn't make you come, just Daddy showing you how much I'll always love and need her no matter what" he whispered in her ear.
Allie shivered at the husky tone in his voice "Yes, Daddy. I want that."
"Then up in the chair babydoll, Daddy's gonna take care of you because you've always taken care of him, even when he doesn't really deserve it."
Allie sat in the chair he had vacated and shivered again as she watched Dean go to his backpack and pull out a skein of silky black rope.
"Playtime, babydoll" He whispered as he kneeled in front of her again and began to unravel it at her feet. "Legs over the arms, Doll."
Allie did as Dean commanded and spread her legs, draping each over the arms of the comfortable club chair.
"Good Girl" he said as he started to tie her ankles to the legs of the chair so she couldn't close them.
Oh. Oh. Shit. Allie thought to herself, she knew EXACTLY what game her boyfriend wanted to play. The one where he made her come until she screamed for mercy or passed out, sometimes both.
Dean smirked up at her as he finished tying her other leg. "Did someone figure out what we're about to do?" He leaned foward and blew a warm breath over her already damp pussy.
"Don't tease, Daddy.….." she whined
Dean laid a soft smack over her pussy causing her to moan loudly "Are you trying to boss Daddy around?"
Dean licked a stripe from her entrance to her clit before wrapping his lips around the already hard nub and sucking.
"Oh, shit, oh fuck yes Daddy."
"Baby wants Daddy to eat this kitty all up right? So Daddy can have all of the deliciousness he can drink?"
"Yes, yes Daddy" Dean was the worst Oh Christ he was in a mood, and when Dean was in mood he could be an unrelenting tease.
Dean hadn't had a full beard since they'd been together and the sensation of it rasping against her thighs was one of her favorite things about his new look.
Dean thrust two thick fingers inside of her and crooked them to find…
"Oh fucking shit" she nearly screamed as Dean nailed her g-spot and she came damn near instantly. He was so fucking good at this. It should be illegal. Before him she'd had an enjoyable fling with Tomasso Ciampa when she'd still been in NXT and before he'd become an asshole but Dean was on a whole other level.
"Want you to ride my fucking face babydoll." He rasped as he pulled out of her and used both quick releases in the knots securing her to the chair.
He stripped off his tight black shirt and laid down on the plush carpet. "Come on baby, put that kitty where I need it."
Allie straddled her boyfriend's head and gasped as he wrapped those thick arms around her thighs and brought her pussy to his face. Licking and nibbling at her clit like she was his last meal.
He urged her to literally ride his face rocking her hips so that he could lick at her entrance while his nose bumped her clit with every stroke.
"Oh fucking God shit Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. Please please, Daddy want your cock now" she babbled
Dean hauled her off him and almost frantically reached for his belt buckle, not even taking the time to completely take them off, he just pulled out his throbbing cock and motioned for her to get back on top of him.
"Come on baby doll" he demanded
Allie scrambled back on top of Dean and he quickly lined his cock up with her entrance and thrust into her soaking wet pussy.
"Fuck!" They said almost in unison as she began to bounce on him as he cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples just the way she loved.
"Not gonna last long Doll, you taste too fucking good." He said still pinching her nipple with one hand as he started to rub her clit with the other "Come on Allie Baby come for Daddy" he commanded.
Months of hearing that voice tell her over the phone to come when he'd been in Alabama and she'd still been with the rest of the roster had had it's effect on her
"Dean" she screamed as she arched her back, her hair nearly reaching his thighs and came all over his cock as he filled her grasping pussy with his hot cum.
"Fucking hell" he growled that same snarl from eariler twisting his mouth again.
Allie collapsed onto his chest, both of them sweating like they'd just wrestled an hour long match.
"We gotta move Allie, baby. Neither of our bodies will ever forgive us if we pass out on the fucking floor."
"In a minute. ….I got jelly legs"
Dean kissed her forehead "all right babydoll" he sighed
"In a minute."
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softmoxymuffin · 5 years
“Keeping up Defenses”
chapter 7, again just forgot to upload this here but it’s already uploaded on ao3 i’m thinking of writing 2 more chapters of this then an epilogue and maybe a collection of ficlets from deans perspective i dont know yet let me know if anyone is interested 
Chapter 1: Check Please
Chapter 2: Airplanes and Automobiles
Chapter 3: Tellin’ the Folks
Chapter 4: Hot Cocoa and Surprise Hugs
Chapter 5: Breakfast Sandwiches
Chapter 6: Learning Experience
Chapter 7: Keeping up Defenses
Chapter 8: Confessions in the Bitter Cold
After their successful afternoon at the Black and Brave Wrestling Academy, he and Dean had gone home with big bright smiles on their faces. During the ride back home, Seth was sorely tempted to ask a couple of questions about the things Dean had shared with his students, but seeing the satisfied look on Dean’s face, he was not willing to be the reason to change that.
They had gone home to a semi-busy house. The drive way had been newly shoveled. The garage seemed a lot more roomier than that morning, and the kitchen was far cleaner than how they had left it earlier. The boys had walked into the living room where Hector and Brandon were both helping themselves to a couple of beers. Holly and Dd were on the floor wrapping up some Christmas presents. The TV was on to a brand new game which seemed to have gotten everyone’s attention.
“Hey, how was school?” Brandon had asked with teasing in his voice.
“I had a blast.” Dean answered as he plopped himself down on the couch right behind the female members of the Rollins family. “Best day in school I’ve ever had.” He added with a chuckle.
“Oh yeah?” Seth’s older brother just smiled before he took another sip of his beer.
“Yeah, you would say that after you scared those kids shitless.” Seth added as he got two bottles of beers, one for himself and another for Dean. He gave one to the other as he sat on the couch right next to him.
Holly with a shocked and worried face had playfully smacked Dean on the calf and asked him “What did you do?” her little smirk betraying any actual scolding from the matriarch.
“Nothing,” Dean replied innocently but his blue eyes sparkling with mirth which he tried to hide behind taking his first sip of his beer.
“He rolled out like 10 feet of barbed wire and threatened to wrestle them with it.” Seth countered with a matching smirk on his face.
“Dean!” Holly now a little more outraged and gave the older man another smack on his calf, which only made Dean laugh a little harder. “You didn’t.”
“I didn’t.” he denied. “I never threatened them. I just thought I would give them a… unique learning experience.” He explained, even adding the air quotes on the last statement. “I doesn’t hurt to know as much as you can in this business.”
“Dean, it’s barbed wires!” the middle Rollins child pointed out. “It hurts no matter what you do with it.” He added.
But Dean only sank into the couch further as he drank his beer and quietly mumbled to himself. “You get used to it.”
Though Seth knew what Dean meant. Though Seth had seen more than his fair share of matches that showed a bloody Jon Moxley taking barbed wires, fluorescent lights, and countless other weapons to his body, and all with a giant smile to his face. Though Seth knew exactly what Dean was capable of, hearing that verbal confirmation of how numb to pain Dean had gotten to be over the years made the younger man’s chest tighten with an ache. As much has he wanted to just shake his friend from those types of thoughts, he didn’t think calling him out on it would really help. Thankfully, Seth’s stepdad had interjected before the temptation got too much.
“You got 10 feet of barbed wires to scare a bunch of kids?” Hector asked disbelievingly. “That’s a lot of dedication for a prank.” He added before raising his beer in mock toast to his houseguest.
“Finally, some appreciation.” Dean joked as he raised his own glass to the older Rollins. “But seriously, the barbed wires there for when you need it. I saw your fence getting a little rusted on the far end there. Thought you could use the replacement.” He added simply before he took another sip of his beer.
“I had been meaning to buy that-” the genuine surprise clear in Hector’s voice. “Thank you Jon. I owe you.” He raised his beer in a simple toast towards his house guest.
A toast Dean had raised back from his seat as he replied “Don’t mention it.” Before taking a drink himself.
Seth raised his eyebrows at the revelation. He like his stepfather had assumed the barbed wires were purely for the prank on the kids. That just seemed like something Dean would do. He was a prankster and doing something like making the effort to buy unnecessary hardware for a prank just seemed like him. Now knowing that his friend actually went out of his way to, again, buy something his family had unknowingly needed was made his chest warm with affection.
The warm camaraderie of the living room was broken with the sudden and somewhat loud ringtone of Taylor Swift’s ‘Never Getting Back Together’ coming from the phone on the coffee table. The phone Seth recognize to belong to his younger sister Dd. Dd who then made an annoyed sigh as she tried to ignore the ringing phone and continue with her gift wrapping.
“D, come on pick it up or put it on silent mode. We’re trying to watch the game.” Brandon had complained.
Mumbling a curt ‘fine’ under her breath, Dd took her phone only to reject the incoming call and put her phone on silent before putting it down and going back to her work. The Rollins family, with Dean, enjoyed another 5 minutes of watching the game before the phone began to rang again. This time vibrating incessantly on the glass counter top. The whole family seemed to clearly made a collective effort to ignore the ringing until the youngest member could make a decision on what to do with it.
This collective agreement was either lost on Dean or he had actively disregarded for putting his beer down and grabbing the phone in his hand. Dd to her credit tried to grab it before the other man could take it, but was too slow to do anything. Everyone was on the edge of insisting Dean to not do anything and just give it back, but again no one was quite fast enough to stop the man.
“Hello,” Dean had answered casually with a thick and over the top Texan accent. “This here’s Zeke for Sex and Sound, your number one source for all-male erotic voice play. How may I help you darlin?” Dean had drawled out so effortlessly the whole Rollins family could not decide how to react.
Brandon practically shot beer out his nose. Hector, for all his stoicism, just seemed both confused and disturbed by what he was hearing. Holly was scandalized but seemed to be curious about what was going to unfold. Dd went from being upset and embarrassed had to cover her mouth with her hand to stop herself from laughing her head off. Seth froze in his seat. His jaw dropping at Dean’s audacity to not only pick up his sister’s phone, presumably presumedly intercepting a call from her ex, and then to pretend to be a phone sex operator in front of his whole family like he was just ordering pizza.
“Oh hello Ryan, what can I do you for?” Dean drawled sexily with a smirk on his lips and twinkling in his eyes. He had winked for a split second towards Dd before he continued. “Nope. No Dd here Ryan… But you know what I got a big D right over here just for you.” He had teased which forced everyone in the room to suppress giggles. “Oh calm down sugar… no need to get all testy. Unless you’re into that sort of stuff then well…” Dean’s smile just seemed to get bigger as he played the role. “Well you know what, with an attitude like that sounds even a good ole’ fucking ain’t gonna cure that. Scumbags like you give dick a bad name… so unless you want me to bill you for the filth you’re spewing in my direction right now, then I suggest you quit calling this number or you’ll be expecting a whole different kind of fucking going your way, sugar.” He made an exaggerated kissing sound before he hung up the phone and handed it over to a stunned Dd.
Now the whole Rollins family was frozen. None of them knew how to process what they had just heard. Even Seth was having a hard time wrapping his head around the fact his best friend had made up some ridiculous sexed up Matthew McConaughey accent to scare off his sister’s asshole ex. It was fucking glorious.
“Goddamn…” Hector was the first to break the silence. His eyes fixated on Dean as if he had just grown a second head or something.
“That was amazing!” Brandon had finally spoke up after recovering from choking on his beer. “Holy crap!”
“Brandon! Language!” Holly had called out before lightly patting Dd on her shoulder and motioned towards Dean. “Dd do you have something to say?”
“Oh my God, thank you so much!” she said excitedly as he quickly got to her feet and surprised Dean by giving him a tight hug.
Seth was still kind of frozen on the spot after what had happened, but the way his sister too easily wrapped her arms around Dean’s neck made the warmth in him started to chill. He could only stare as his best friend awkwardly tried to return the hug without leaving his sitting position on the couch. A shy tight lipped smile on his face as he leaned forward on to Dd’s shoulders just before she let go and went back to the floor.
“He’s been driving me insane since yesterday. Couldn’t get rid of him.” Dd explained. “You really didn’t have to do that Dean.” he added.
“Don’t sweat it kitten. Assholes like that need to be put in their place. Let me know if he tries to call you again, I’m sure I can get Zeke out for another round.” Dean said with a flirty wink towards the girl.
That chill in Seth now ran cold. Oddly enough he doubted it was the fact that it was his sister that was getting his friend’s attention that made him feel that way. It was something else Seth couldn’t put his finger on, but he knew he didn’t like how it felt.
It was fairly quite for the rest of the night. Holly and Hector went to make dinner while the rest of them stayed in the living room to continue watching TV. After the game Seth decided to leave, thinking he might just need to rest before dinner started. He had turned back before going upstairs, his invitation for Dean to hangout dying on his lips as he watched his sister take his place on the couch as the rest went ahead and started to choose a movie for all of them to enjoy. Seth bit his tongue and quietly went to his room. That weight in his chest just seemed to only get heavier.
That night Seth had another dream. Again they were at the steakhouse. Again their had their steak and eggs. Again their waiter had assumed they were a couple, but this time the mention only made Seth smile. They fast forward to being in their room. Their clothes excitedly taken off each other. Their hands never getting enough of each other’s skin. Lips so insistent but soft kissing each other breathless. Seth found himself pushed to the bed as he stared up watching Dean standing over him. His body looking so strong and warm and inviting. Heat practically radiated off of him. Then dream Dean spoke, or was it Zeke?
“Sugar, you’re the prettiest goddamn thing I had ever seen…” he drawled before climbing on the bed and crawling towards him.
All that heat Seth had felt suddenly dissipated. A sense of dread overcoming him. It was Dean’s face inching closer towards him. It was his body. It was him. Seth wanted it to be him, but it wasn’t. Seth tried to crawl away, only meeting the headboard. His face coming closer and closer for a kiss. This dream Dean slowly growing more and more unfamiliar to him. This Dean being all show and nothing more. Exaggerated expressions and over the top voice. Dream Dean was not his Dean. He was not Seth’s Dean. He was not his. Not his. Not his. Not his…
Seth shot out of bed that morning. His body covered in sweat. His lungs aching for breath. His chest even heavier than he had felt the night before. He tried to lay back down and go back to sleep but every time he closed his eyes he only got visions of the Dean in his dream, or nightmare. Those last words ringing through his head again and again. Seth forced himself out of bed and took a much needed shower. All he needed was to start his day. That’s all he needed. It’s what he needed.
After hurriedly got dress and much like how he started the day before he made his way towards Dean’s room. He knocked on the door like yesterday, and like yesterday he heard nothing back. He opened the door then once again welcomed by the sparse look of the room; desk hardly touched, the bed made. Nothing in the room suggested an occupant other than a neatly packed bags in the corner. Seth quickly left and made his way downstairs.  
“Hey mom, where’s Dean?” the question like déjà vu to his ears.
“Good morning sweetie, you missed breakfast.” Holly answered as she was putting away the last dish she had just washed.
“Huh?” It was only then that Seth looked up at their wall clock; 10:34am. He hadn’t realized how much he overslept. “Oh, sorry mom.” He apologized and gave him mom a quick peck on the cheek before getting himself a cup of coffee.
“How’d you sleep?” she asked innocently.
Quick flashes of his dream ran through his head. Dream Dean’s flirty smile mocking him from deep in his subconscious. To be honest he hadn’t slept well, but his mom didn’t have to know about that.
“Good.” He lied.
“Well, I had put some of the leftovers in the oven” she motioned towards the food.
“Oh, thanks mom.” He replied as he made his way towards the oven and took a quick look inside. A nice little spread was left in front of him that made his stomach grumble. Before he took anything he asked his mom again “Hey mom, have you seen Dean?”
“Oh, he already left.” She answered as she folded the dishtowels. “He went out with Dd.” She added.
Seth suddenly lost his appetite.
“They went out?” he asked and was only answered with his mom’s curt nod. “Where’d they go?” he asked.
“Well Dd said she was headed to the mall for some last minute shopping.” She explained. “Dean had forgotten about shopping altogether and asked if she could join her.”
Dean asked if he could join her.  
Seth closed the oven door abruptly at that. The sight of the food making his stomach feel worse. He opted to get himself a cup of coffee and hoped the hot beverage would be enough to ease his gut.
“Not hungry sweetie?” she asked.
“Nah, I’m good.” He lied again, hiding his face behind his coffee mug. “Hey, where’s dad and Brandon.”
“Oh they went out to fix that whole in the fence Dean had spotted.” She answered. “That was really sweet of him to buy that for us. Think your dad wants to offer to pay him back for the wire.”
Yeah, Dean was sweet, Seth thought as a smile slowly creeped to his lips. A smile he quickly erased with another sip of scalding coffee, wanting it to replace the that bloom of warmth in his chest.
“I’m gonna go and lend them a hand.” He quickly said as he went to put on his boots and jacket before leaving.
“Oh ok, are you sure sweetie?” she asked worriedly. “You didn’t eat anything.”
“I’m fine mom.” He lied for the third time before he opened the door and walked out.
Dean asked if he could join her. Those words made the pit in Seth’s stomach feel even worse. It really shouldn’t though. Dean wasn’t his to keep. The other man was not obligated to stay by Seth’s side. He certainly didn’t need to ask permission to leave. He definitely could leave with just about anyone, including Seth’s sister.
Should Seth really be surprised though? Ever since he’s been friends with the other wrestler his younger sister had an embarrassing crush on the other man. Seth had always thought it was just her way of irritating him; mentioning how hot people he had to work with were. Dean wasn’t exactly the first guy his sister set her eyes on. Why should he worry either
Like, yes he has seen Dean flirt. He had seen him charm the pants on many a women. Dean had always had this cool cockiness about him. He’d give them that bright smile, show off his dimples, and use those baby blue eyes of his. Dean was incredibly attractive. Seth was not blind to that fact. He had just never considered it until now.
Even if they went out. It didn’t mean anything. They went to the mall for gods sake. They went out to buy Christmas presents. Of course Dean had not gifts prepared, this whole trip was unplanned. It was obvious he’d need to buy stuff. Who else better than his sister to bring shopping with. Who else should have Dean brought shopping with? Really who?
Dean was not his. Words from his dream seemed to creep up on him and took a hold of his heart. The ache he had felt I the pit of his stomach spreading all over. Seth wished the bitter cold of winter and maybe the strain on his muscles from hard work would be good enough to distract him from the confusion in his head and the ache in his middle.
He finally reached the far end of their back fence. His stepdad and Brandon working on the old barb wire had rusted through. Though Dean had only spotted one area that really needed the repair, Hector had decided to go from one end of the fence to the other and fix what needed to be fixed. They had the extra wire, they might was well used it. The prospect of finally fixing their whole fence made the patriarch smile, while it made Brandon groan. He more than once mentioned how this was not something he was expecting for his Christmas vacation. It was fair to say Brandon did not get any sympathy from either Hector and Seth.
They had ended up working until mid-afternoon. Following the fence and making sure they had fixed everything right up. Seth could feel the cold soaking through his skin. The ache seeping through his bones. But it was better than how he had felt a couple of hours earlier. He actually had the chance to forget about what was bothering him. He thought that was enough to calm his nerves for the rest of the day.
That plan shot out of the window when the first thing he saw walking back into their house was Dean and Dd sitting down at the dining room table having a couple cups of coffee. That ache in his gut came back in full force.
“Hey man,” Dean greeted. “How goes the repair?”
Before Seth could say anything, Hector had jumped in and answered for them. “It was great. All that barbed wire you bought had really helped Dean. Thank you.”
“Well I’m glad it helped.” He smiled to the older man. “Was worried I bought too much, but can you believe they sell that stuff in 10 feet coils now? Couldn’t get anything less than that.” He complained.
“It was more than enough, went out and fixed the fence end to end.” Hector announced happily before getting a cup of coffee himself.
“Yeah Dean, thanks a lot.” Brandon said sarcastically, but clearly just fooling around with them. “Hadn’t realized how damn long our fence was until today.”
“Quit whining! It’s good for you to actually get yourself working.” Seth replied to his older brother.
Seth took his time and waited for his turn at the coffee machine, all the while staring at the Dean and Dd seated somewhat close to each other talking low about something that made Dean smile.
“So!” Seth may have said a little too loudly. “How was the mall?” he asked more towards Dean.
“It was great.” Dd was the one who answered. “Hadn’t realized they added so much to the place. It was really great. Got a ton of stuff for tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” Seth asked dumbly.
“Yeah, tomorrow.” Dd answered, and when her brother didn’t seem to get the hint she elaborated. “The Christmas party. For the guys at the wrestling school. At your café. Mom’s been prepping for it for weeks. Did you forget?”
Seth completely forgot. Since starting Black and Brave they’ve had a yearly Christmas party celebrating the past year. This year he had actually added a new venture of starting a small café near the academy. A nice little coffee shop for their community. It wasn’t an official opening, but it was his mom’s idea to have a soft opening just for them to celebrate the holidays as well as the new business. Seth felt like an asshole for forgetting, and he was sure it had shown on his face.
“Wow, and here I was thinking you just forgot to invite lil ole’ me.” Dean teased as he took another sip of his coffee. When Seth hadn’t smiled at the teasing Dean backtracked and said. “Don’t sweat it man. You’ve been really busy and worked up over stuff. Everything’s going to be fine. Go grab a coffee and a doughnut here.” He said comfortingly as he motioned to the small spread of sweets they must have gotten from the mall.
Seth did his best to calm down. After everything that’s been going on he couldn’t believe he had forgotten about the Christmas party and the coffee shop. He had been so distracted he forgot. He finally got the chance to take a cup of coffee for his own. He took the free seat right next to Dean and was just about to get a doughnut for himself when Dd squealed.
“You will not believe how many people are commenting on my post right now. It’s insane.” She said as she shoved her phone towards Seth.
“Still have no idea why anyone would be interested in that.” Dean said before taking a bite of his doughnut.
“Because my friends are freaking out about who my mystery date was for today.” She said with a big smile.
It wasn’t until Seth had actually taken a good hard look at the Instagram post his sister was referring too. It was generic Instagram picture for sure. It had the soft filter and the non-descript background. It was the subject of the photo that really got Seth’s attention. It was Dd’s hand clasping another. Though there was hardly any hint to the man attached, Seth knew instantly. It was Dean’s hand. In the caption below it said ‘shopping with someone special’ followed by a few emojies of red and pink hearts and yellow smiles.
For the second time that day, Seth suddenly lost his appetite to eat. He resided himself to quietly finishing his coffee and saying goodbye to everyone before heading back upstairs. If he thought his body felt heavy right after fixing the fence, it was nothing compared to how down and out he felt at that moment as he practically dragged his feet back to his bedroom.
He landed on his bed with a disappointed whoosh, letting the weight of his limbs and everything he was feeling just pull him to bed. Seth felt like all that hard work was for nothing. He was glad to be of helped. He was glad to have spent the afternoon with his family. He should be glad for the somewhat productive day he’s had, but he can’t. The ache in his chest just wouldn’t let him.
He just felt defeated by his emotions. Logically he knew it most likely meant nothing. Just another ploy for Dd to get back at her ex. He knew that it was just a shopping trip to the mall. He knew that if anything was going on Dean would be the first one to tell him. He knew that it was nothing. He knew. Did he?
A knock at the door startled him from his overthinking. He didn’t even have the energy to angrily shout at whoever was at the other side. He knew deep down that no matter how shitty he was feeling right now, he shouldn’t be taking it out on anyone.
He slowly got out of bed and made his way to open the door only to be met with the one person that he really could not stand to look at right now.
“You ok?” Dean asked worriedly.
“Yeah,” Seth needed to get better at lying. “Just not feeling well. Must be from all the work.”
“-Or it might be from the hunger.” The other wrestler countered as he got out a plate of goodies for him. “Your mom said you hadn’t eaten anything since this morning.”
It was only then that Seth really felt the emptiness in his stomach. He had been much too upset to even realize it until now.
“Thank you,” he said sheepishly as he took the plate offered to him.
“You’re welcome.” Dean replied, and before he turned to leave he asked. “Are we cool?”
“Of course, why wouldn’t we be?” another lie.
“I mean, you haven’t really talked to me all day. Just wanted to make sure.” He answered.
“I mean you’re the one who left with Dd.” Seth said without thinking, the hurt look on Dean’s face making him regret his words instantly.
“Is that what this is about? Seth, seriously?” He answered exasperatedly. Seth looked at him with a somewhat clueless but sad expression. “Seth it was just a shopping trip to the mall. I needed help to buy stuff and Dd was already heading there so I decided to ask for her help.” He explained.
Seth looked at him suspiciously, he already knew all of this even without Dean saying it. He knew, but he still felt the need to hear it from Dean. “And that photo was what?”
“That was just to mess with her ex.” Dean answered. “It didn’t mean anything. Hell even she knows that.”
“You sure?” he just had to ask.
“Yeah Seth, I’m sure.” Dean’s irritated tone ringing through more strongly now, but when Seth didn’t seem to budge from the issue he added “I’m not interested in your sister Seth.”
“Well maybe you’re not.” He countered.
That made Dean fold his arms to his chest  and asked “What are you trying to say?”
“I mean…” What was Seth trying to say, he stuttered with his words. “I- well- I just mean, you might. You know. Give her the wrong idea.”
Dean raised both eyebrows with surprise, his blue eyes clearly showing his hurt and confusion. “You think I could do that to her? -Wow, didn’t realize how much of douche you thought I could be.” The blond fidgeted in his place, not able to look at Seth in the eye.
Seth didn’t understand until now how accusatory he had been sounding towards Dean. Of course he would never have thought Dean would take advantage of his sister, but it was too late it had already been said.
“Dean I-” Seth tried to explain himself.
“Save it Seth,” he turned to walk away but before he did he added. “You know what, she’s a lot smarter than you give her credit for. Might actually learn a thing or two from her.” He said condescendingly.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Seth asked.
“Nothing,” he answered. “Should I leave now?” he asked.
Somehow deep inside him Seth knew Dean was not asking to leave the hallway, nor leave his sight. Seth had a overwhelming feeling that he meant leave for good and no matter how bad he was aching before, the thought of Dean leaving was worse.
“No,” he answered. He had put his plate down on the nearest flat surface in his room and carefully approached the other man. Carefully he wrapped his hand around Dean’s wrist. “Stay.”
“You sure? Coz it sounds like you don’t want me here.” He replied.
“I do.” You have no idea how much. He thought but could not say. “I want you to stay… please.”
Dean seemed to soften right before his eyes. The tension from his body seemed to fade away. The anger on his face making way to calmness. It was only then that Seth realized how close he was to losing him.
“You sure?” he had to make sure again.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” He answered with a soft smile. “Plus my mom would kick my ass if I kicked you out. Especially before the Christmas party.” He joked.
“Well, you’re mom can totally whip your ass.” Dean agreed with a chuckle. “You still want me there?”
“Of course I do.” Seth wasn’t sure if he ever wanted him to leave. “I want you there.”
Dean shrugged it off simply as if making the decision final in his head before saying “Ok,” then made the move to walk away but before that had to ask. “Are you sure you’re ok?”
“Yeah,” he answered. “Just hungry I guess.”
“Well eat up,” Dean replied. “Just tell me what you want and I’ll go get it for you.” He added as he started to talk back down the stairs towards the kitchen.
Seth stood there dumbly wishing he knew how to tell Dean exactly what he wanted, but just could not risk the possibility of never having it, or worse losing what little he has now.
How do you tell someone they are all they have ever wanted without making them run for the hills?  
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wwetookovermyllfe · 6 years
Day Twenty-Three - Broken Heater
Paring: Seth Rollins X Dean Ambrose (sub!Dean/dom!Seth)
Rating: X
Warnings: smut, language
25 Days of Ambrollins Masterlist
A/N: Two days left! Track #25DaysOfAmbrollins!
dom!Seth tag: @ilzehs
It was cold. Like, freezing cold. But the nice warm rooms of the hotel room made The Shield boys forget just how bitterly cold it was. They had splurged and each boy had gotten their own one-bed hotel room, but until they turned in for sleep, they all sat in Roman’s hanging out. Dean and Roman were relaxed towards the head of the bed while Seth was laying on his side at the foot of the bed. They were laughing at something Dean had done, their faces alight with joy, the clock reading somewhere around one in the morning.
“Man, we should turn in,” Roman commented as he noticed the time on the clock, “We got a match tomorrow.” Dean and Seth agreed, said goodnight to Roman and then headed out.
“Night, Deano,” Seth said as he stood in front of his hotel room door.
“Night, Seth.” Dean unlocked his door and made short work of getting ready for bed, switching off his bedside lamp and then quickly falling asleep.
Dean groaned as a knock came at his door. He picked his head up to glance at the clock and saw it ready 3am; it wasn’t time to wake up so why the hell was he being woken up? “Dean?” he heard Seth’s voice at the other end of the door. Dean sighed and got up, groggily answering the door.
“Seth, it’s three in the morning. What is it?” he groaned as the light from the hall flooded his eyes.
“My heater is broken, can I crash in here?” Seth asked softly. Dean said nothing, but instead just stood to the side of the door and motioned for Seth to enter. He walked passed Dean and made his way towards the bed, Dean shortly behind him after he shut the door. They crawled into bed and settled into their spots. It wasn’t abnormal for the two men to share a bed, in fact, it was more abnormal for them not to. Dean would be lying if he said he hadn’t missed feeling Seth’s presence beside him in bed. He actually probably slept better when the man he loved was fast asleep beside him.
Dean was ready to fall back into his deep sleep when he noticed the room was suddenly very quiet. Quieter than usual, too quiet. The heater had shut off. “Hmm, that’s weird.” he thought. He got up to check it, it was nowhere near as warm in the room as it should be, so the heater kicking off wasn’t right.
“What is it?” Seth groggily asked as Dean stood by the heater. He pushed the ‘on’ button of the heater, but nothing happened. He paused, then pressed it again hoping it was just a fluke.
“Shit,” Dean swore under his breath, “Heater isn’t turning back on.” He looked back towards the bed and then realized there was no light in the room. The illuminated time of the bedside clock was dark and the slim bit of light that came through underneath the hotel room door was no longer there, “I think the power is out,” Dean said aloud. He turned back to the window and peeked between the closed curtains, “Ah, well that explains it. There are at least three feet of snow out there.”
“Shit, really?” Seth asked as he got up to join Dean at the window, “Holy shit. Looks like everything is out.” Dean noticed the signs of the fast food restaurants were also dark.
“Well,” Dean said, “Looks like we might not have a match tomorrow,” he said. He barked out a soft laugh and then returned to bed. Seth followed shortly behind and laid beside Dean, considerably closer than before. “Looks like you came in here for nothing.”
Seth laughed, “Suppose I did.’ He was silent for a moment, “There's always body heat, though.”
Dean looked at Seth, “What, like snuggling up together?” he couldn’t believe his ears. Was Seth seriously suggesting they cuddle for warmth?
Seth shrugged, “Yeah, I mean purely to keep warm of course.”
Dean was silent for a moment, “Yeah, yeah of course.” Seth shifted and moved closer, “Do you- I mean - do you want to be the big spoon or-”
“Just shut up and put your arm around me, Ambrose,” Seth said. He turned and faced away from Dean and then shifted so that his body was a perfect fit to Dean’s. Dean waited a moment for him to finish adjusting and then put his arm around Seth’s stomach. It was awkward, no way around it, but Dean felt a sudden surge in him that immediately made him warm; Seth was in his arms. Even if it wasn’t exactly how he wanted it to be, he was holding Seth in his arms.
“Fuck, it’s freezing,” Seth said after a long period of silence, “Even sharing body heat, it’s cold. Dean laughed to himself softly, a thought crossing his mind. “What?” Seth asked. He shifted and suddenly he was facing Dean.
Dean shook his head, “Nothing, just - reminds me of that stupid Twilight movie or whatever.”
“There are five, be more specific,” Seth said.
“It’s nothing, just stupid. Don’t worry about it, just go to sleep,” Dean said. He was suddenly very self-conscious about Seth being so close. His breath hit Dean’s face and neck, and Dean suddenly was hoping Seth didn’t try to shimmy his hips closer or else he’d feel the growing erection in Dean’s soft sweatpants.
“Come on, tell me. Not like we can sleep anyway,” Seth urged.
Dean sighed, “Fine, that Eclipse movie, remember that time the three of us marathoned them that one time?”
“Of course. You pointed out every cheesy moment and Roman laughed at all the serious parts. How could I forget?” Seth asked, “I actually kind of liked them.”
Dean laughed, “Yeah, you did. Well, that part where they’re keeping that girl-”
“Bella,” Seth interrupted.
“Bella, yeah whatever. Anyway, they were trying to keep her warm, I was just thinking about what that long-haired guy said about being naked to get warmer. This whole thing just made me think of it.” Seth was silent and Dean panicked, “Told you it was nothing. Just me being stupid.”
“He had a point though,” Seth said softly after a moment.
“Jacob. It’s true, you share body heat better when you’re naked.”
It was Dean’s turn to be silent, “Yeah, I suppose that makes sense.” It was suddenly harder the breathe, and speaking of breath, Seth’s seemed to be coming out a bit faster and closer to Dean’s face. Dean was suddenly conscious of his breathing; was he breathing hard too? How did his breath smell? Had he gotten closer to Seth or had Seth gotten closer to him?
“Dean,” Seth said softly, almost wantingly, Dean thought, “I’m freezing.”
It was now or never, a hit or miss but it was worth a shot. “Let’s fix that,” he said and then pressed his lips to Seth’s. He was hesitant at first, timid and scared, but when Seth (to Dean’s surprise) kissed back, he felt bolder. He pressed further into Seth and deepened the kiss, his hand gripping onto Seth’s side tighter.
Dean’s shirt was off before he even knew what was happening, as was Seth’s, and suddenly Dean was on his back and Seth was hovering over him, “Took you long enough,” Seth breathed before reconnecting their lips. Seth adjusted a bit and Dean moaned underneath him the movement creating some friction against his growing hard-on. “Let’s get rid of these,” Seth said. His lips vanished from Dean’s and then reappeared down his bare chest and torso. He shucked down Dean’s sweats and then got off the bed to rid himself of his own, his dick springing free and standing at attention.
“Fuck,” Dean breathed, “Is this real?”
“So real,” Seth said as he got back on the bed, “Let me prove it to you.” He worked his way down Dean’s body and smiled up at Dean, his mouth mear inches away from Dean’s cock. Without another word, he took this member into his mouth and bobbed up and down.
Dean let out a breathy moan, “Oh, fuck.” He moaned again as Seth hit the base of Dean’s dick, his tip hitting the back of Seth’s throat, “Yeah, god yes just like that,” Dean whined, his one hands taking up fistfuls of the bedsheet. “Seth, shit I- You gotta stop, I’m gonna - shit,” words fell from Dean’s mouth faster than he could think, his mind completely taken up by the pleasure Seth was providing.
Seth popped off of Dean’s dick, “I wanna taste you. I want your cum,” he purred. After a moment, he returned to Dean’s dick and continued his good work. Dean was close and he was sure Seth could tell. Dean’s moans grew louder, his breath coming out faster, and after a few flicks of his tongue over the thick vein in Dean’s cock, he released into Seth’s mouth with a loud moan. Seth made short work of taking all the cum in his mouth, cleaning up Dean’s very sensitive member.
“My turn,” Seth said. He pumped his dick a few times, “Don’t suppose you got any lube around, do you?”
Dean laughed, still coming down from his high, “There’s some vaseline in my bag.” he breathed out. Seth was gone and back in a flash, his hand full of the makeshift lubricant and then smeared it on his hard dick. His other hand dipped into the vaseline and coated his fingers in it, then slowly worked them into Dean’s hole.
Dean moaned, “Fuck, Seth,” he breathed. He tried his best to relax and let Seth work him open, “Need more. Need you,” he croaked out. Seth obliged and lined himself up with Dean, then slowly pushed in. The two men hissed at the feeling, their breath coming out quickly and heavily.
“Ready?” Seth asked.
Dean reached up and grabbed the back of Seth’s neck, pulling him down for a kiss, “Ready,” he said into the kiss. Seth began to move out and then slowly back in, starting the beginning of a rhythm. Dean was sure Roman could hear them if the Samoan was awake, the two men by no means keeping quiet at all. Dean’s moans were low and breathy while Seth’s were a bit more high pitched and louder. He was a needy mess for sure, and Dean loved watching him in such a raw moment.
“God, you feel fucking amazing. I’ve waited so long for this, I never even thought this would happen,” Seth breathed close to Dean’s face, “You’re all I want.”
Dean moaned as Seth’s slammed into him, “Wish we would’ve done this sooner.”
“Agreed,” Seth replied, “Are you alright?”
Dean smiled, “I’d be better if you were fucking me harder.” Seth growled at his low words and then sat up straight to get a better position, obliging Dean’s simple request. “Yeah, fuck, just. like. that.” Dean groaned, his words punctuated by Seth’s more brutal thrusts.
“Look at that, hard for me again already,” Seth said. He spit on his hand and then ran it up and down Dean’s hard shaft, “I want you to come with me,” Seth said. He ran his thumb in circles around Dean’s sensitive head and continued his thrusts, “That feel good?”
“So fucking good, Seth,” Dean whined, “Feels so fucking good.”
“I’m close, fuck I’m gonna fill this ass up with my cum. Would you like that, Dean?” Seth asked.
Dean nodded furiously, “So much, I wanna feel your cum fill me up, Seth.”
Seth leaned over and kiss Dean, “You close?” Dean just nodded, “Good.”
Dean was a panting mess, “Seeeeth, I’m there, god just like that please don’t stop,” he whined, “I’m so close.”
Seth kissed Dean again, “Now, baby. Cum with me,” he said. Dean released a soft yell as his cum shot up and coated both his and Seth’s bare chests. Seth followed shortly after, his cum filling Dean up. Dean moaned again at the felling, a smaller wave of an orgasm washing over him. Seth panted heavily above him and then pulled out, making Dean yelp at the feeling.
“Well, I’m certainly warm,” Dean said with a laugh as Seth flopped down in the bed next to him.
Seth laughed, “Oh yeah, for sure.” Seth turned and snuggled into Dean’s still heaving chest, “Can I tell you something?”
Dean looked at Seth, who was looking back at him, “Of course.”
“My heater was working just fine.”
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boyswhofellout · 5 years
fanfic author asks from @ inanauthorsworld (bc I wanted to answer all these cause why not)
A. what’s your favourite fandom to write? 
Currently? WWE, but I have a few other fics that I love like my Harry Potter one
B. what’s your favourite fandom to read?
I’ve probably read more WWE than anything so I’d say it’s a favorite.
C. what fandom(s) did you start writing?
Its a long list so here we go: WWE, Harry Potter, Grey’s Anatomy, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Boondock Saints, Game of Thrones, Avengers, Daredevil, Xmen, Walking Dead, Vampire Diaries, Umbrella Academy, Bones, Twilight (fight me), Riverdale, Sons of Anarchy, Shameless, Criminal Minds, Firefly, Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, My Chemical Romance
D. what fandom(s) do you write now?
See above, though a lot haven’t been worked on in a long time like the Twilight, Riverdale, Shameless, all the band ones, and Supernatural. It’s mostly just WWE
E. who is your OTP?
Ambrollins (Dean Ambrose x Seth Rollins)
F. canon fics or au?
Writing wise I only like exclusively write AU. Reading wise I also mostly like AUs
G. longfics or shortfics?
Writing: I mostly only write longfics (except my WWE ones, a lot of them are shorter. Reading: It depends what I wanna read. If I’m looking just for smut fics I like shortfics. Other than that I like longfics
H. original characters or no?
Always. I have an original character for every fandom I write for I. porn with plot or porn without plot?
Typically I have plot when I write it
J. smut or fluff?
Depends on my mood. I think I read smut more tho
K. angst or happy?
Allllll the angst
L. favourite fic of yours?
That I’ve read? There’s one where Dean is a college professor that I read on here and I thought I had it liked but I guess not which really sucks its a fav of mine. Favorite fic that I wrote? From 25 Days of Ambrollins: “I’ll be Home for Christmas”. Very angsty it really hurt my feelings while I wrote it M. least favourite fic of yours?
When I watched Gossip Girl way back in like junior year of high school I started a fic for that and let's just say I deleted that shit N. do you write smut?
sometimes it’s the ONLY thing I write
O. where do you post your fics?
Archive of Our Own, Tumblr, and Wattpad
P. do you write exclusively fanfic?
Sure do. All though I do have ideas for original stories
Q. link your most recent fic.
https://wwetookovermyllfe.tumblr.com/ <<< my fanfic sideblog
R. link your favourite fic of all-time.
Well since I can’t find that professor Dean AU, here’s the one I love equally as much >>> https://archiveofourown.org/works/7950436/chapters/18178507 (it’s with Jon Moxley)
S. link your favourite author.
Well written by the same person as my favorite fic >>> https://archiveofourown.org/users/TheRoarOfAtlas/pseuds/TheRoarOfAtlas 
T. when did you start reading fanfic?
sixth grade
U. when did you start writing fanfic?
also sixth grade. It was a Maruader’s Era Harry Potter fic
V. post the last sentence you wrote.
From the outline for my Grey’s Anatomy fic: “
However, as he begins to really make advances her and as she gets to know him, she realizes she likes him for him and not just bc he reminds her of Mark”
W. when was the last time you wrote?
Well once I stop procrastinating it’ll be today, right now
X. give a summary of your current project!
Set sometime around season 5 of Grey’s, Kristen Shepherd is the twin sister to Amelia Shepard and Derek’s youngest sister. When Mark and Addison had their affair, Kris took off to Seattle with Derek because she and Mark had been dating for some time. She is a Cardio attending at Seattle Grace, living her best life and becoming friends with her brother’s girlfriend, Meredith and her friends. Well, she was until Mark showed up. Follow Kris as she handles with drama that comes with working at one of the most prestigious hospitals in Washington
Y. what is the title of your current wip?
It doesn’t have one just yet, it’s just title “Grey’s”
Z. how to you feel about your wip compared to other works of yours?
Eh, i’ll probably forget about it and not touch it again once I get bored of Grey’s and watch something else. Just like every other fic I have started but never finished
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Dean Men Tell No Tales
I saw this Ambrollins AU aesthetic post for a pirate!Dean and siren!Seth from @incorrectambrollins and just couldn’t help myself from writing a fic… 
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I hope it’s okay that I used all of your images in this! I just thought it would make the story better. I can totally take it out if you don’t like it! All the images belong to @incorrectambrollins
Pairing: Ambrollins (Dean Ambrose x Seth Rollins)
Warnings: well mostly anything you would expect from pirates? So drinking, violence, theft… There’s attempted murder, but it’s pirates and sirens so it kinda comes with the territory?
Word count: 1,713
(Cross-posted on AO3)
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Captain Dean Ambrose is a ruthless and relentless pirate. His crew, however, is beginning to suspect that the man is losing his edge. But the truth is that Dean has just lost interest. The hunt no longer provides the thrill it once did, the pursuit no longer excites, and killing… don’t even get him started on that. The Captain has to stay on his toes though to keep crew complacent. He recently caught wind of a hidden treasure trove in one of the grottos tucked away on the island coastlines in the area. He just needs to figure out which one and if his sources are correct this raid should help them along the way.
He rifles through pages and chests in the captain’s quarters while the crew pillage the rest of the ship and shanghai what’s left of the brigantine’s crew. A salacious grin splits Dean’s face when he finds what he’s looking for and quickly slides it in a vest pocket before whistling for the crew to come loot the chamber.
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His precious ship gets tossed in a viscous storm as they get closer to the grotto and their treasure. Captain Ambrose has a white knuckled grip on the helm as he guides the ship in towards the island. Half the crew is below deck to avoid the storm but the fierce captain refuses to let the rain deter him from his quest. Dean is soaked through and dripping when the weather quiets down and he orders the dinghies into the water.
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He and the crew row into the grotto in the dead of night. They find their promised bounty in an inner room that has been half flooded by the tide. The pirates start loading the chests and taking them back to the ship. Dean discovers an alcove a little further in that hides a plethora of precious jewels. There’s a splash in the waist deep water and the pirate is instantly mesmerized by the man shrouded in shadows. The necklace draping from his hands has glowing emeralds that illuminate a gloriously bare torso. Dean can’t make out anything else in the darkness other than a swath of dark hair that falls in front of the man’s face.
“Cap’n!” One of his crewmen shouts and snaps him from the trance. He looks back at the gruff man that called him to explain that he’d found some more things in here. When he turn back around, the man is gone. He shrugs off the thrill that races down his spine and moves to help his crew clean the place out.
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After everything is settled back on the ship and a course is set for a distant port, a fog has settled around the ship. Most of the crew has settled in for the night. It’s still and quiet. Eerie. Dean leans on the starboard railing and gazes out into the fog. For a moment he swears he could see a figure breaching the surface of the water, tangled in mesmerizing images. He feels drawn to the apparition, almost reaching out to touch.
The ship lurches and Dean snaps his attention back to the ship and steadying his footing. He shakes his head and retreats to his quarters.
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Port cities are… “raucous” is a nice word for it. Especially pirate friendly ports. The crew disembarks in order to sell their cuts of the haul or spend what they already have. Dean cashes in a few things and heads to the tavern with a heavier coin purse to get a well deserved drink. The full moon is high in the black night sky when the captain emerges from the smoky building and heads back to the ship.
There’s a man wandering around the docks that looks slightly out of place. He’s wearing a tattered pair of pants, a rumpled top open down to his navel, and barefoot. His strong hand pushes a patch of blonde hair from his otherwise dark locks away from his face and meets Dean’s gaze with a sultry look.
The Captain is drawn to the other man by some unknown force. “Are you looking for something?” He grumbles as he reaches out to grab the strange man’s shoulder.
The dark haired man slips closer and wraps his hands in the lapels of Dean’s dark coat. “Yeah. You.” He whispers out in a deep, almost melodic tone.
Dean places his free hand on the man’s bearded cheek and rubs a thumb over his bottom lip. A warm, wet tongue darts out to lick the digit. Dean could try and claim that it’s the alcohol that has his head swimming, but regardless of the cause, he whisks the strange man up to his bed without any further exchange.
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The sunlight trickles in and wakes the Captain the next morning. He rolls over in hopes of finding his bedmate from the night before but only meets cold and messy sheets. All Dean has to remember the encounter are sweet memories of the gorgeous man by lantern light. He strikes it up to drunken fantasies until he almost trips over the clothes the man was wearing before Dean had pulled them off and tossed them to the floor.
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Either way, he carefully tucks the garments into one of his chests and crosses the room to his desk. Maps and charts are scattered around him but Dean ignores them and kicks his feet up on his desk to gaze out the port window at the bright morning. There are many more adventures to come and maybe he’ll even be able to locate the strange man when they drop anchor in this port again.
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Seth is inexplicably smitten with the rough pirate captain. He follows the ship like a love struck puppy in hopes of drawing the beautiful man out again. He floats at the surface of the water and watches the ship as the sun sets, a heavy fog rolling in. That excites the siren because it might give him another opportunity to pull the man out of his quarters where he gaze at him without fear of being spotted. He knows it’s against his nature to not want to kill the sailor, but he had led him to the grotto with enchanted jewelry and let him take the emeralds. They gave him the ability to walk on land on the full moon. Seth had only meant to thank the Captain the best way he knew how that night, but he ended up falling for the unusual man instead.
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The siren’s blood chills when he sees the black flag hoisted up the mast. It’s tattered and ripped beyond mere wind damage. Seth looks around frantically. Had he missed another ship approaching? There’s no way they were close to land…
His attention is drawn back to the ship when there’s a large commotion. The crew is yelling. There’s fire. They light the Captain’s flag and release it out into the sea as it burns. Seth knows he shouldn’t but he has to get a closer look. The object of the siren’s affection is being pushed and shoved. His coat ripped away and thrown overboard before the man himself goes tumbling into the unforgiving waves.
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Seth rushes to gather the man in his arms. He managed to get tangled up in his coat and the siren just wraps his arms around the unconscious bundle. He frantically swims away from the ship. Seth tries his best to keep his head above water when they are out of sight of the ship. He has to get him to land and make sure he’s alright. He manages to get him to a beach on a remote island. Seth drags him to shore as best he can with a tail and no legs. He presses his lips to the man’s and tries to breath life back into him.
He starts coughing up water and Seth does his best to help him get it all out. When the former captain collapses back on the sand, the siren happily settles beside him. Seth, resting on his elbow, leans over to smile down at the other man. He brushes wild blonde hair out of the man’s face as he watches recognition flood his features. He grins before pulling Seth down into a kiss. It doesn’t last all that long before he passes out again.
Seth slides back into the ocean and keeps a close eye on the other man.
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When Dean wakes, his entire body aches. He manages to pull himself into a sitting position in the sand. He remembers what happened vividly until his body hit the water, but he does have vague recollections of kissing that gloriously attractive man again. None of that really explains how he got here…
Dean stands up and looks out at the ocean, hoping that would explain something. It doesn’t. The sun beats down on him and he decides to head inland to see if he managed to wash up on an inhabited island.
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Dean discovers an empty house by a rickety dock. It was probably an abandoned fishing spot. He looks out over the clear water and there isn’t a creature in sight. He sets his boots and most of his clothes out to dry and takes a seat on the dock in just his pants. There’s a splash and a flick of water behind him. He snaps his head around to catch a glimpse of a beautifully colored fin. A rather large fin.
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The next thing he knows, there’s two hands gripping the edge of the dock and the man he thought only existed in his dreams pops his head over the edge to rest on his arms. Dean scramble to get a closer look, to touch the man. His hair is entirely dark now, no blonde patch, and the most notable change is the fact that he has a fish tail.
“Hi.” The siren speaks, pulling Dean from his thoughts.
Dean hoists him out of the water and lays him back on the dock. He drapes his own body over him and grins. “I think it’s about time I get your name and you stop disappearing on me.”
Seth whispers his name in his ear before surging forward for heated kiss.
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champseths · 6 years
The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Tagged by: @rocknrolleigns (thanks! <33)
Fandom Oriented:
Somewhere Close to You: Fantasy AU set in a pseudo-medieval world of magic. Ambrollins/Ballins, with a healthy amount of background Zowens, maybe a handful of other minor ships. The basic plot is that assassin Dean Ambrose, semi-retired assassin Kevin Owens, and career thief Sami Zayn (who basically just tags along for the ride) are hired to track down and kill Seth Rollins, the prince who killed the King of Kings. They’re also tasked with retrieving something Seth has in his possession: Finn Balor’s soul. The fic is very plot-centric, and will pretty much have equal amounts of Ambrollins and Ballins. Originally the plan was for the endgame to be that Seth ends up with Dean, but now I’m leaning more towards Seth ending up with Finn. Haven’t totally decided yet, though. There are like half a dozen ways the story could play out. I’m super proud of this fic! 
Halo of the Dark: It’s finally almost finished! Ballins college AU, and a ghost story. Seth is attacked by a violent ghost on Halloween night, and it’s been haunting him ever since. Something, though, seems to be protecting him - and then there’s Finn Balor, the boy with the blue, blue eyes and infectious smiles, who Seth quickly finds himself falling head over heels for. Basically, Seth runs afoul of a ghost and falls in love with a demon. Typical. 
FCWhat: Lol, this isn’t the title of the fic, just the document, cause I don’t have a title for it yet. It’s an FCW Ambrollins one-shot that I started forever ago but never finished. I keep going back to it, but I haven’t committed to finishing it yet. Not much plot, Dean confronts Seth and then they bang. I pretty much just started this to try and work out how I want to write smut lmao. Maybe it’ll get finished, maybe not.
But It Seems Like I Never Had You Anyway: This one’s just an idea right now, because I don’t want to try getting into it until Dean and Seth’s current storyline is over. The idea is that Seth goes to find Dean after a show one night, months after their feud has ended, to tell Dean that Finn has asked him to marry him. Seth’s looking for closure, maybe, or maybe just some sign that not all he once had with Dean has been lost, that maybe there’s some small hope they might go back to the way they used to be. The fic might not happen, ‘cause I might just want to focus on other things, but this idea’s been banging around in my head for a while and I think I might try it, at least.
I’m still thinking of doing a Rollintyre fic in a fantasy setting, a similar universe to Somewhere Close to You. Basically that Drew McIntyre, an infamous warrior, is summoned to meet with the King of Kings, Hunter, who asks Drew to become a part of his army. Drew finds himself captivated by the Prince, Seth Rollins, and the two of them have a torrid affair. I think it’s a fun idea, so I might eventually do it, haha. 
Black and Silver: A fantasy/adventure/romance novel that centers around five men: Cass, a beautiful young innkeeper who happens to be a very powerful necromancer; Sil, an amiable, trigger-happy modern day Holy Knight; Shua, a scarred and reticent man who is being hunted by mysterious beings; Fyren, a youth on the run from his own family; and Cal, Cass’s ebullient stablehand who can talk to all living creatures, plant and animal, and who might just be a whole lot older and more powerful than he seems. Then there’s Angel, a strange human-like creature that protects Cass from all threats and obeys his every command. The story revolves around finding the beings who are hunting Shua, Cass and Shua falling in love with each other, the deep, complicated friendship between Cass and Sil, the unfolding mystery of who Fyren and his family are, and, more broadly, the complex nature of Sil’s faith, Cass’s relationship to his magic, and Shua’s struggle to understand who and what he is. 
I tag: @panwatcheswrestling @blacktylers if you haven’t already done this, and anyone else that wants to do this! I don’t know who else does fics haha.
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rollinsuniversal · 6 years
stars that do not give a damn
prompt fill for this anon!
pairing : seth rollins/dean ambrose (ish)
genre : angst, unrequited love
words : 2k
summary : something went wrong on that monday night. seth needs to know it won’t happen again.
a/n : this is the first ambrollins fic i’ve ever written, so bear with me if there’s any inconsistencies with their characters.
out of respect for Joseph’s real-life diagnosis, i won’t be incorporating any mentions of his leukemia here. i wish him only health and happiness, and hope he takes all the time he needs to recover.
for narrative purposes, in my version of events, roman was attacked backstage by an incensed brick lesnob and was kayfabe hospitalized, leaving seth and dean to capture the titles later that night. the original plan was simply for dean to perform one dirty deeds on seth and then leave the ring. but as we all know, that isn’t what happened.
gravity’s a heartless bitch, and she’s trying her damnedest to bring seth to his knees. if it wasn’t for the aides and medics pulling him onto the gurney, he’d most definitely have passed out by now.  the ringing in his ears paired with the screams from the audience are only making his aches worse, but at least he has something to concentrate on other than the enormous, dean-shaped elephant that’s sat itself right on top of his chest.
fuck, his head hurts. it takes a ridiculous amount of focus for him to center himself once on his back, and his head feels like it weighs 50 pounds. he’s strapped in, shutting his eyes for a moment before he’s being hit on the face, muffled orders from lovell prying them open again. the gurney’s moving quickly, the crowd’s noise gradually melding into one loud roar, and it’s all seth can do to keep his chest moving up and back down again, keep his eyes open, and do everything in his power to keep from screaming his own confusion into the raucous chorus.
dean lost the script somewhere between that first kick and driving seth’s head into the concrete ground. as bad as seth wants to think it was a lapse in memory, or even an attempt to really sell their chaotic emotions, he knows it’s something deeper, darker stirring in dean’s head--
“keep me updated,” lovell hands seth his backpack, his gear having been sent to the hotel already.
“will do.” seth finishes tying up his hair and sits up on his cot, watching techs scrambling to break everything down for transport. “please tell me i can sleep.”
“sleep’s the best thing i can prescribe for you right now,” lovell assures him. “and i’ve already got you dropped from tomorrow’s card, so take advantage.”
seth nods, fiddling with one of the bag’s straps and watching a tech hustle in for a cart of first aid kits and run it in the direction of the loading docks. he swings his feet back and forth, trying to be casual and failing if the doctor’s raised brow is anything to go by.
“nothing better to prescribe?”
“by better you mean stronger,” lovell corrects, already shaking his head. “keep you up for 18 hours and make you fall over every two minutes stronger. i’ve got nothing for you.”
failing miserably, seth notes with a purse of his lips. he slides off the cot and puts his pack on, grabbing his cap and phone and leaving the doctor with a pat on the shoulder. “thanks again.”
“i don’t have to send anyone after you, do i?” lovell keeps his back turned, though the intent in his voice is serious.
“no sir,” seth responds, not without a bit of bite. “those days are behind me.”
no response. seth mutters expletives under his breath, blood beginning to boil. he zips his jacket up and pulls the hood on, tucking his chin towards his chest and keeping his face blank as he makes his way to the garage.
“why do you keep doing this to yourself?” dean’s voice is sharp, though he pitches his concern deep enough so only seth can hear. he keeps his body language hostile to prevent anyone from approaching them and readjusts his hold on seth, hoping it looks more like they’re deep in conversation as opposed to dean being the only thing between seth’s face and the garage’s concrete floor.
“i’m try—“ seth’s head lolls forward, his legs stiffening up so the weight of his entire body is driven onto dean, who catches him with a hissed curse.
there are eyes on them now, and dean glances around hastily, spotting mike talking with his driver by his bus and waving them over.
“what’d he take?” mike’s instantly sliding down to catch seth, helping dean lower seth to the ground and propping seth’s head up on his thigh. he motions for his driver to find a doctor and begins batting at seth’s face until seth comes to and shoves his hands away.
“hydro,” dean huffs, settling beside seth’s legs and feeling for the stiffness so he can start massaging it away.
“call it what it is, dean,” seth slurs, panting and bringing his hands to his face. “vicodin, right? mike, you know, you were there.”
mike grits his teeth, “i helped you. you came to me, remember?”
“i don’t remember you stopping me when i kept coming back.” seth groans and lifts one hand. “lower.”
dean obeys, finding the taut muscles and digging his palms in.
“is he responsive?” lovell’s voice breaks through the tension around them, and he kneels at seth’s side.
“i don’t know, is he?” seth throws his hands up, barely missing mike’s face. “go ahead and assess me, good doctor. 20 bucks says you can’t figure out what it is this time.”
“pay up,” lovell waves a small vial in seth’s face, bright yellow pills rattling around.
“you went on my bus.” seth is staring at the pills, an unreadable look in his eyes. dean tightens his ministrations, pulling seth’s focus onto him briefly. “what the fuck?”
“policy,” lovell supplies, rooting around in his bag for a bottle of water and his radio. “drink this.” he gets to his feet, muttering something into the radio.
seth snatches the bottle, angrily beginning to chug but choking with his haste. mike shoves him to a sitting position, smacking his back a little harder than necessary.
“stop fucking hitting me!” seth lurches away, trying to get to his feet. dean pulls on his leg, keeping him down and holding him still as more medics arrive with a gurney.
“i’ve gotta go,” mike grabs lovell’s arm. “make sure this disappears before it reaches the top.”
“already on it.”
seth’s placed on the gurney. everyone in the garage is accounted for and paid off for their silence. dean eventually texts roman to let him know what’s happened, though his only reaction is to ask if seth’s okay and whether or not they’re still going on the next week.
dean wishes he could be so flippant, just leave seth to his demons and only associate with him in the arenas and forget about him once he heads out.
god, if only it were that easy to forget about seth rollins.
“feeling blue, boss?” hugh greets seth the second he swings the bus door open. “heavy stuff.” he motions to his phone screen, where he’s watching a recap of the night.
“yeah,” seth nods, unable to ignore his faithfully jolly driver. “pretty heavy.”
“ambrose is riding with us,” hugh thumbs over his shoulder. “something about his tires being out.”
“he’s here?” seth throws his pack onto the front table, shutting the door.
hugh nods. “he looked pretty ko’d. haven’t heard a peep from him since he got on. he’s probably asleep.”
seth mulls this over, not registering his phone buzzing in his hand until hugh points to it.
“hey, rome.”
“i’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that wasn’t all part of the script.”
“good guess.” seth rubs at his neck, the muscles still smarting. “think he’s just giving the fans the heel they’ve been wanting.”
roman pauses, some indistinct noises coming from his end, then an audible click and it’s silent apart from his breaths.
“you see his face after he did it?”
seth considers telling roman about his blood running cold when dean stayed on his knees after his first dirty deeds instead of leaving the ring, and the desperation he felt as he repeated assurances and pleas for dean to remember what they’d planned.
“how are you feeling?” he asks instead.
roman’s surprised inhale is enough to reveal his own confusion, but he goes with it. “sore. but i’ll be okay. how soon till you’re cleared?”
“i’ll be good by next week.”
neither of them speak. it’s that way between the two of them pretty often now. seth can’t remember exactly when they started drifting this way, but aches as he realizes this space between them isn’t going anywhere soon. with dean switching over, it’ll only make the divide deeper, the silences heavier and all the more noticeable.
“i should go. gotta rest up.”
“yeah,” roman sighs heavily and it turns into a yawn. “me too. talk to you tomorrow?”
“sure. bye.”
“bye, bro.”
seth knows he’s being a coward. this is his bus, yet he hasn’t made it past the couch directly behind hugh and they’ve been driving for two hours. by now, he’s figured out that dean’s tucked away in one of the bunks between the communal and private half of the bus because of the occasional shuffling he’ll hear behind the curtain.
seth’s tired, and he wants nothing more than to rush past those bunks, dive into the shower and fall into his bed to pretend that none of this has happened. he sighs, readjusting his cap for the hundredth time before tossing it aside with a huff.
“you need some sleep, boss. you took some real damage tonight.”
“yeah, hugh, i know.”
“not trying to step on your toes—“
“i know.” seth reaches over, patting hugh’s shoulder to take the sting from his words. “i just need a minute.”
hugh nods, lowering his voice. “was i right to let him on?”
seth scratches his thumbnail across the bottom of his chin in thought for a moment. “i wouldn’t want him stranded there.”
he watches the road over hugh’s shoulder for a few moments, taking in the city lights until they blur together, his eyes fluttering open and shut a few times before he pushes himself to his feet with finality.
there’s no reason they can’t talk this out like the grown men they are. dean’s emotions got the best of him, and that’s okay. it happens. seth just needs to hear from him that that’s all it was.
hands in his jacket pockets, he lifts his chin and strides over to the bunks, switching on the light and parking himself in the middle of them before turning to the curtain he’s pretty sure dean’s tucked behind.
“i’m not too good with the long, drawn-out silences. that’s more your thing. so, if you don’t want to talk about it now, that’s okay. i just want to make sure you’re okay.”
there’s no response, and seth’s nodding to himself. “i get it. i’ll see you in the morning.” he squares his shoulders and takes a few steps into his bedroom.
“can’t hear you with your back turned to me.” dean’s voice is gravelly, tired, and coming from the bunk exactly opposite from where seth had been speaking.
the curtain opens with a swish, and seth puts his arm on the door frame, pulling himself back into the bunk space with a small smile that falls when he sees the look on dean’s face. his face is red, eyes irritated and puffy and just sad. he shifts so he’s on his side and seth immediately moves closer, raising a hand to place in that familiar spot just behind dean’s ear, but stopping himself at the last second.
“i know i said i could handle this, and i really thought i could.” dean sniffs, running a quick thumb under the tip of his nose. “but i’ve told you before, it’s just.” he gestures vaguely to his head. “sometimes the pressure just keeps building and i can’t think—“
“—i know.” seth assures him. and i hate seeing you like that. but you need to give yourself credit because you did what you were supposed to do. you did the job, and it’s what the fans wanted. did you hear the pop?”
dean scoffs dryly, keeping his eyes averted from seth. “yeah it was great. you’re not gonna say anything about what i did to you?”
it’s definitely a fair question. throughout their entire run, seth’s been the one focused on the big picture and calling the shots necessary to steer their story in the right direction. but his frustration with tonight’s plan being derailed pales in comparison to his concern for the erratic, pained way dean unloaded on him.
“do you want me to say something about it?”
“just tell me if this changes things between us.” dean mumbles. “if you want to go method and make this real, cut the cord, i don’t blame you.”
seth is already shaking his head and follows his urge this time, cupping dean’s face in his hand and bending so they’re level. dean’s eyes stay cast down, but his mouth trembles a bit, betraying how distraught the thought makes him.
“can you look at me?” seth rubs one of his thumbs over dean’s cheek, hoping to encourage him.
dean sniffs again, exhaling shakily at the touch and slowly bringing his eyes up to finally meet seth’s. seth feels his brows knit together immediately and he crowds himself closer, pressing his forehead to dean’s.
“eight years.” he asserts. “we’ve had each other for eight years and i’ve given you plenty of opportunity to leave me behind. i need you to believe me when i say that there’s no chance in hell i’m turning on you now. we’ve got a job to do and i have no idea what’s coming next, but i can’t — i won’t — go forward without you at 100%.” seth can feel his hands beginning to shake and pulls back, praying his feelings are visible.
dean’s mouth is hanging open in ponderous uncertainty, eyes shining. “i’m usually the one doing the worrying around here.”
seth raises a brow and purses his lips in acknowledgment, recalling each time he’d stumbled back from a blow to find dean there to catch him, how many times he’d been a second too slow to stop an oncoming kick or punch that dean would take to give him time to recover.
dean’s always been the punching bag of the group, branded as a lunatic to make up for his penchant for taking the brunt of the shield’s opposition. it’s broken seth’s heart more than once to see him busted up — that fateful backstage attack that left dean’s arm pinned beneath a road case came to mind — but the thought of those wounds going deeper is enough to harden his resolve and strengthen his voice as he leans in once more.
“promise me you won’t let a script make you think i don’t need you.”
“i—“ dean stops as he takes those words in, pulling his bottom lip into his mouth pensively before fixing seth with a steady azure gaze. “can you promise you’ll let me know if i go too far? no matter what it is.”
“no matter what,” seth nods. “you’ve got me and my word.”
“and you’ve got mine.” dean lurches forward, awkwardly wrapping his arms around seth, who instinctively tucks his head into the warm crook of dean’s neck.
if things were different, if the company they represented were a bit more open-minded and a lot more progressive, perhaps this storyline could end with a joyous reunion culminating in the romantic angle execs have been scoffing at since fans first got a whiff of the chemistry between the two of them. and perhaps it could’ve extended beyond the ring, placed an actual ring on seth’s finger that matched the one that felt like a hot brand being pressed into the back of his neck.
it’s wishful thinking, but not at all unwelcome or even unusual in seth’s mind. in fact, it’s been there in the back since that first meeting eight years ago, when they shook hands and seth felt as if every step he’d taken in his life had brought him to that exact spot in a humid Florida parking garage.
it pulls at his head and heart, aching in a way only the worst kinds of torture can and so he smothers it down with a light few slaps to dean’s back. the answering wobbly grunts that come from the other man reveal that he isn’t ready to let go just yet, and seth’s once again in an all-too-familiar predicament.
he won’t let dean go. not now, not ever. but that doesn’t mean he’ll enjoy the pain that comes with holding onto someone destined for another path.
for not the first time tonight, this week, or this year, he shuts his eyes and silently prays for a reprieve from the addictive anguish that is loving dean ambrose.
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