#amemiya gorou
eriace · 1 year
passing by ; aquamarine hoshino
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oneshot & angst ↪ in which, aqua met his wife and his daughter from his previous life, noticing everything wasn't the same as before since his death. ↷ aqumarine hoshino | oshi no ko { requested }
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Y/N LAY HER hand resting at the door's doorknob as the doorbell echoed thru the almost empty area.
Before, it was very cheerful despite him being alive, her husband, Amemiya Gorou.
Y/n sighed and shook her head and tried to think positive thoughts for herself and her daughter before opening the door, planting a small smile, and greeting her daughter.
" Alisha, sweetie. How's school? " Y/n greeted her daughter leaving a kiss on her forehead and noticing someone next to her. " Oh! You bought someone, you should've told me so I could prepare someth— "
" Mom...mom, calm down. " Alisha, her daughter mentioned, grabbing her hands and caressing them smiling a bit. " It's alright, I don't want to bother you that much especially if it's dad's... "
Alisha paused trailing her eyes sight somewhere else making her mom laugh a bit.
" Fine fine. " Y/n said smiling a bit and backed up letting them enter. " You guys seat and I'll just prepare something simple so my dear daughter won't be worried. "
The aquamarine starry eyes trailed to the adult's movements who was rather examining her every move.
" Sorry about that, Aqua-kun! " Alisha suddenly spoke. " My mother is rather emotional these days but I swear she's the best mother you can ever ask for. "
" I don't mind. "Aquamarine replied, avoiding gaze. " I understand, like really. "
Alisha smiled at him and when she was about to speak her mother appeared again with just hot chocolate and some cookies.
" I hope you guys like it. " Y/n said, seating next to her daughter.
" Uh well, this is my husband's favorite tho. " She added slightly scratching her head.
Alisha sighed and hugged her mom, " It's fine mom, I know dad loves you so much and he'll drink that somewhere. "
" I know and he loves you too. "
" Oh, right! " Alisha mentioned and pointed at Aqua. " This is Aqua Hoshino, a friend. "
" Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you. " Y/n said smiling a bit but Aqua stayed quiet looking at the cup of hot chocolate in his hand, trying his best to keep his posture.
" Aqua-kun...? " Alisha called out making Aqua raise his head and gave them a small smile.
" Uh, yes. Nice to meet you, Ma'am... " Aqua greeted in a slightly confused tone trailing his eyesight to the cookies and back to the hot chocolate.
" Oh, pardon me. I'm Y/n. " She introduced with a slight smile. " Amemiya Y/n. "
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© eriace in tumblr ; don’t repost my works.
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gabbyp09 · 11 months
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iplayvidya · 1 year
Wait, OnK fans been freaking out cuz they thought Ruby was speaking directly to Aqua at the end of 123? I totally thought (and still think) she was just talking out loud to herself, and now she's plotting to make something happen between them. I'm 100% certain that if Aqua knew exactly what Ruby's intentions were, he would shut that shit down right away because Gorou never felt that way towards Sarina.
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penguinkyun · 10 months
in c.121 its mentioned that goro used to go to the rooms of long term patients who havent had visitors for a while and talk to them. do you think that aqua sometimes thinks about them? maybe there was an old man who acted more like a grandfather to goro than his own ever did, a teenager who always had a new book or topic to talk about with palpable excitement, a woman who he just sat with in companionable silence?
did they ever think of him when he disappeared? wondered where the doctor who always checked in on them went? did they try to get someone to search for him but no one believed them?
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anekogia · 8 months
New team-com idea, anyone?:
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Dan Heng and Amemiya Gorou: Ito Kento
Natasha and Young!Hoshino Aqua: Uchiyama Yumi
Sunday and Hoshino Aquamarine: Ootsuka Takeo
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rudy-icons · 1 year
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takizawakick · 1 year
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aqours · 1 year
"Aqua has an Oedipus complex-" first of all beyond the fact the only way you could possibly think this is you never read or watched OnK at all and just read a synopsis and didn't bother to verify if it was accurate or not- this is actually the weakest way you could possibly interpret the nature of the feelings Goro/Aqua had regarding Ai. like, even ignoring the fact that Aqua has such an extreme lack of an Oedipus complex to the point he actively refused to breastfeed from Ai because it would have been creepy and inappropriate to him, everything about Aqua's feelings regarding Ai if anything read as parental quite frankly
Gorou Amamiya became Ai's fan because of Sarina. Because Sarina was somebody important to Gorou that he comforted in her last days, he became a huge fan of Ai in order to carry on Sarina's wishes and to keep supporting her and became a genuine diehard idol fan in the process. Then, he met Ai while pregnant: and had a heart-to-heart conversation with her. And came to the conclusion that Ai was somebody he wanted to support in any capacity. He could have been like Ryousuke and actually become possessive of her and feel like she betrayed him: he did not. He was a medical professional that put aside his own feelings as "a fan" to support her both as a doctor and as a fan in his own way by wishing for her sincere happiness as opposed to an image sold to fans.
He wanted to see her grow up happy and healthy. If Ryousuke had not killed him and there was no murder plot at all? The plot of this story probably would have been about him moving to Tokyo after talking to Ai's manager saying that someone needs to be their family doctor while keeping their secret and him taking the roll. The series would have been about Gorou as the Hoshino family doctor and how he supports them as a member of the sidelines who gives support in his own way.
Aqua never really refers to Ai as his mother much outside of situations when it'd be weirder if he didn't. It's very explicit he does not have a romantic or sexual attraction to Ai in this new life: he already didn't, but now it's like, Negatively So Actually. No longer able to support her as a doctor he even took an acting gig JUST to help further and bolster Ai's career. It's beaten into your face with the subtlety of a dozen hammers to your face his only desire is to watch Ai grow up safe and happily and succesful.
Aqua's/Gorou's relationship with Ai was someone who wanted to see her grow up to be happy. And after some waste of life incel murdered her? To want to make sure that was avenged. Because he was someone older than Ai who valued her and wanted her happiness above everything else in the world, and views the person who is responsible for that as someone who's life is forfeit. Because Ai was a good person who didn't deserve her fate and as someone who only ever wanted to support her, wants to make sure that her memory can rest in peace completely.
If anything, the feelings Aqua/Gorou had towards Ai are parental in nature. So much about his motivations read like a father who wants to avenge his daughter's murder, to kill the man that denied her the happiness the child deserved.
"OnK is soooooooo gross the mc has an Oedipus complex and is a p*do-" not only is this a reading you can only get from a five second sypnosis read and being determined to hate OnK for brownie points, it's not even the right fucked up dead dove way that you could describe their relationship.
EDIT: I feel the need to address this, as it's talked in reblogs and some notes! I never expected this to get notes, and I mostly wrote this in one go. Please understand I wrote this post from the perspective of purely writing Aqua's feelings for Ai purely from a familial perspective. The reality is that Aqua's feelings are complicated and can be read in many different ways: from familial, to that of a lover, to someone who puts Ai on a pedestal as the ultimate Idol and the ideal of what a "true" fan would be: someone who loves their Idol for who she is as opposed to a toxic image. I don't fully 100% agree with this post anymore, but if I had to chose only one familial way for Aqua to view Ai I would probably still default to "vengeful father who wants to avenge his daughter's death." BUT Aqua's feelings are ultra complicated and are on an entire spectrum ranging from "wholesome" to "outright disturbing," so please don't take my words as like a single sure-fire way to interpret him! ty all <3
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empty-dream · 4 months
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goldenharmony · 10 months
Ruby and Akane: Parallels
In chapter 77, Ruby reveals her dark secret to Akane, similar to how Aqua revealed his dark secret in chapter 52. In both situations, Akane enables their obsessions, thinking that she is doing them a favor when she shouldn't be encouraging them.
In Ruby's case, Akane is unaware that Gorou would be nearing his 50s if he was still alive, which makes me wonder how she would've reacted if she knew the truth.
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In my opinion, she would've still encouraged Ruby. Akane's already cool with murdering for Aqua's sake so I don't think ethics is a high priority for her.
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Unhealthy Obsessions ≠ Genuine Love
The way Ruby feels about Gorou is how Akane feels about Aqua, being obsessed to an unhealthy and obsessive degree to the person they think they might be in love with. Their unhealthy feelings are targeted towards the same soul but different incarnations. Akane's yandere tendencies flare up whenever the situation involves Aqua.
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And while Ruby also wanted revenge for Ai's murder, the main trigger for her to fall into darkness was seeing Gorou's corpse.
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Gorou/Aqua - Providing the Will to Live
When describing Gorou, Ruby focuses on how he gave her the will to live, saving her from having self-destructive/suicidal thoughts during her lowest moments.
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This is further supported by how Ruby was having suicidal thoughts in chapters 115 & 121 but the realization that Gorou = Aqua had saved her.
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How does Akane understand? Because she went through the same experience in LoveNow. When she was at her limit and about to kill herself, Aqua saved her and worked with the other LoveNow members to save her image.
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Thanks to Aqua, she got the strength to return to LoveNow and move forward. That moment had a significant impact on her, similar to how Ruby describes Gorou's impact on her.
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Returning to Original Location
Ruby and Akane return to the places where their relationships began, reaffirming their feelings. Its a callback but could be seen as them trying to hold onto those relationships when they should just let go.
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Delusional Era
Both Akane and Ruby go through a period where they think they will get what they want. Aqua and Akane started dating but Aqua only loves Kana. Akane knows this but she's convinced that as Aqua continuous to lie to himself about loving her, those lies will become the truth - which they never did.
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She also believed that the 2 of them had an equal relationship, and that she was saving Aqua - both immediately proven false in the subsequent chapter.
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For Ruby, she thinks that now that she has reunited with Gorou, they will get married, not realizing that:
A) Gorou never promised marriage. He said he'd think about it which was letting Sarina down easy because she was a dying child at the time.
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b) She no longer sees Aqua as just himself, but is projecting Gorou onto him considering she keeps emphasizing "Sensei" unlike Aqua with Sarina-Ruby.
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c) Ruby in a stable and healthy mindset thinks incest is gross lol
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Plus Ruby's sus manga panels being over-the-top hammers down the point that she is being really delusional right now.
In the end, the 2 girls are really similar to where I'm sure that Akane would've still encouraged Ruby to pursue Gorou even after knowing he was way too old for her because she can relate to Ruby's feelings, believing that he couldn't be bad for Ruby if she believes he is a good person.
Meanwhile Kana's reaction if Ruby confided in her instead:
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And if Mem-Cho tried to argue about the age gap, Ruby would probably say that its basically the same as Mem-Cho hanging out with the rest of them - killing Mem-Cho in an instant:
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gallade-x-treme · 2 days
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"she can't know i was hell-bent on vengeance until basically last month 😶💦"
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piersontheperson · 1 year
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trauma and survivor’s guilt can be a real bastard
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papitakiwi · 6 months
My Favorite ch 143 panel Coloring
Aqua's expression here was such a good parallel with his past life as gorou , its the same person afterall....yet it was a sad one🥺🥺
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With Gorou's color palette (kinda looks like taiki except the eyes)
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Ch 143 really made Aqua-Gorou (yes they are the same person, same soul but different body) open up , Crow girl Tsukuyomi was right, he's a kind soul afterall...
I agree there's a lot of parallel...take interlude 4 for example
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poor Gorou...such a pretty and kind smile he has🥺😭♥ However the one in 143 is more sadness. He cant see hope in his life , unlike here where his mood is lightened up with Sarina's hopefulness.
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(the fact that most of them are when he's with Sarina)
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iplayvidya · 1 year
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Actually crying rn
When I was going thru chemo, one of my teachers regularly checked in on me. We would email each other and she'd even send treats on occasion. I know all too well how important that presence is. So grateful I got to thank her before she passed. Miss you, Lynne.
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chairout · 3 months
tbh I’ve always wished Aka would expand further on Gorou’s backstory, just because it would make Aqua a much more understandable character. Gorou alone is already a tragic character, as he was technically being responsible for his mother dying while his father ditched him, causing his maternal grandparents who had to raise him to view him as the reason their daughter died. His guilt and pain from his childhood is so all-encompassing that he pushes away his dreams to attempt to atone for sins he had never really committed, and effectively gave his life away to help others. His dying thoughts are “oh no I hope Ai will still be okay if I’m not there” *bleeds out*
It becomes WAY WORSE when you consider that his initial years being reincarnated are his first years of having an actual parent, which is then ripped from him as his mother(and idol) lays bleeding out in front of him. He has to relive nearly the exact same trauma as he had decades ago as Gorou. That’s some cruel and unusual luck for him. Of course Aqua is incredibly dysfunctional, because he’s probably gone through the worst trauma out of all of the cast.
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l4wkvn · 6 months
What ? Gorou is already fluffy enough ?
‘Ight let’s make him fluffier ‼️ (and more doggy like)
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