#america aid to the philippines
stele3 · 6 months
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anarchywoofwoof · 3 months
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can't believe i haven't seen a post about this yet.
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China’s growing influence in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by the deadly virus. The clandestine operation has not been previously reported. It aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China, a Reuters investigation found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation. Reuters identified at least 300 accounts on X, formerly Twitter, that matched descriptions shared by former U.S. military officials familiar with the Philippines operation. Almost all were created in the summer of 2020 and centered on the slogan #Chinaangvirus – Tagalog for China is the virus.
Some Filipino healthcare professionals and former officials contacted by Reuters were shocked by the U.S. anti-vax effort, which they say exploited an already vulnerable citizenry. Public concerns about a Dengue fever vaccine, rolled out in the Philippines in 2016, had led to broad skepticism toward inoculations overall, said Lulu Bravo, executive director of the Philippine Foundation for Vaccination. The Pentagon campaign preyed on those fears. “Why did you do it when people were dying? We were desperate,” said Dr. Nina Castillo-Carandang, a former adviser to the World Health Organization and Philippines government during the pandemic. “We don’t have our own vaccine capacity,” she noted, and the U.S. propaganda effort “contributed even more salt into the wound.”
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the united states of america is a terrorist state.
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toshkakoshka · 11 months
idgaf if a country is verbally condemning israel why the fuck isn’t any of these countries PROVIDING FUCKING AID TO HELP THESE PEOPLE
Islamic Aid
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Weapons of the Conquistadors
The Iberian conquistadors ("conquerors") were the first military men to explore, attack, and conquer territories in the Americas and Asia that would then become a part of the Spanish or Portuguese Empire. Indigenous peoples could not match the conquistadors' weapons of cannons, swords, crossbows, and lances or, most devastating of all, their armoured cavalry.
The superiority of conquistador weapons was combined with disciplined tactics and significant aid from indigenous allies, which meant they lived up to their name time and time again from Mexico to Peru, India to the Philippines. Once the conquistadors had swept through a territory like a plague, the colonization process proper was undertaken by settlers and officials sent by the Spanish and Portuguese crowns to 'pacify' a region and begin the systematic and prolonged exploitation of people and resources.
Vanguard of the Empire
The conquistadors of the 15th and 16th centuries were the vanguards of the Portuguese and Spanish empires as they expanded outside of Europe. Men who had gained military experience and a taste of victory in such conflicts as the Reconquista and Italian wars, the conquistadors had dubious morals and were motivated above all by dreams of personal riches. Incidental for most were the goals of exploration, trade, colonization, and evangelism that preoccupied the Spanish and Portuguese authorities. Some conquistadors, notably the leaders, may have entertained more lofty goals of exploration and 'civilizing' the peoples they encountered, but the rank and file were utterly ruthless invaders who would stop at nothing, not even at murdering their fellow Europeans, in order to satisfy their thirst for wealth and, above all, gold. The conquistadors were such a liability that European monarchs were ever eager to replace them with more controllable colonial officials as soon as possible in any new territory.
The major obstacle that stood between a conquistador and the wealth with which they could retire back in Spain was the indigenous peoples. Naturally, local tribes, as soon as they realised these visitors from another world were invaders set on conquest, put up the best resistance they could to hold on to their land, resources, and even their very cultural survival. Unfortunately for the indigenous peoples of the Americas and elsewhere, although many were greatly accomplished at warfare, they were not just centuries but eons behind the Europeans in terms of weaponry. Such was the superiority of the weapons of the conquistadors, the Europeans had no qualms about taking on an army far larger than their own small force, and their countless victories made them seem invincible.
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maaruin · 10 months
can you explain the bin laden thing and answer the questions you posted that should be "attached" to the letter? im kind of ashamed to admit how little i know about bin laden, but i was also only born in 2001... id appreciate some context on why people are into his letter, why leftists are latching onto it, and how this connects to what's going on in gaza. i'll read as much as you wanna write. thanks so much.
in reference to my previous post Yes, I can do that. Thank you for the ask. And I can assure you, many people who lived through 9/11 as adults don't really understand Bin Laden's motivations all that well either. If you want to read the letter yourself, you can find it here on WikiSource.
First for the questions: 1. Are bin Laden’s descriptions of political events and relations in this letter accurate? What could he have misunderstood? What could he be lying about?
When bin Laden lays out his reasons for attacking America, he says America attacked first and then claims that America is responsible for basically every bad thing that his happening to Muslims (in his view) anywhere. So America is not only responsible for its interventions in the Middle East and military aid to Israel, but also for the Russian suppression of the Chechnyan attempt at independence, Indian control of Kashmir, the Philippine government fighting Islamist rebels, and governments in the Islamic world not implementing Sharia. He implies hostility towards Islam is the reason for America's actions, for example, he thinks American soldiers in Saudi-Arabia were stationed there so that the mere presence of non-Muslims in the country with Islams most holy sites will humiliate Muslims. (When in fact they were stationed there in 1991 at the request of the Saudi government to protect it against a possible invasion from Iraq after Iraq had already invaded Kuwait.) This is classical conspiracy-theory-thinking: Assuming that behind all the bad things that happen to your group there must be a plan by someone (often a particular group) to hurt your group and that the motivation is hatred towards you. You will find bin Laden parroting conspiracy theorist talking points in the later sections of the letter as well, for example that America created AIDS, or that Jews are secretly controlling American politicians. The problem with conspiracy theories is very simple: they tend to be wrong. For example, if you want to explain the actions of the Russian military in Chechnya around 2000, don't look at America, look at Putin's ruling ideology. If you want to explain why Muslim governments don't implement Sharia, think about if it would help or hurt their ability to stay in power. Many problems all around the world start from local conditions, not because there is an evil mastermind behind them. I don't think bin Laden is lying very much in this letter, except maybe to himself. He is just falling to his own pattern matching bias that wants to ascribe all bad thing that happen to Muslims to a single cause - America. (Probably because that would mean if you could just defeat America, all the problems in the Islamic world would go away.) 2. Are bin Laden’s goals outlined in the letter worthwhile? Should Americans implement his suggestions? The latter has bin Laden's requests for Americans. Some are goals that an American may support as well, like stop military interventions in the Islamic world or ending support for countries that oppress Muslims. Though even there he sees American support where there wasn't really support, like the Russian operation in Chechnya. The US government did in fact condemn Russian actions. So this goal is not worthwhile because it is based on false assumptions about reality - the conspiracy theory about American Influence listed above. The hugest chunk of requests however is the demand for America to convert to Islam, end the separation of religion and state, and adopt social conservative policies (ban alcohol, ban sex work, ban homosexuality, ban interest on loans, stop employing women in service industry jobs where they serve man, etc - but he also mentiones that he wants the US to sign the Kyoto protocol, so it isn't 100% identical to what US conservatives want). Arguments for or against social conservatism would make this post far too long, but I doubt many left leaning Americans would be on board for these policies. Right leaning Americans might support some of these policies, but they would certainly not want America to make Islam the state religion.
3. Were the 9/11 attacks and similar operations by al-Qaeda an effective way to achieve his goals? Did the terrorist attack on American civilians lead to Americans wanting to convert to Islam - NO, it made Americans hate Islam. Did it make America withdraw from Islamic countries - NO, it made America invade Afghanistan and Iraq. I have read a bit of context on Bin Laden's goals in the past. During the Lebanese Civil War, a number of US soldiers were killed in a suicide bombing (iirc) and after that the US withdrew its soldiers. Bin Laden misjudged this and thought that an even larger attack on American civilians within the borders of the US would have the same effect on a larger scale. He was wrong and caused the opposite reaction. Killing American troops that are deployed in/are occupying another country does make Americans sour on the war if you can keep it up over time. But attacking civilians, especially in their home country, tends to increases the will to fight in the West (with few exception - spain pulled out its troops from Iraq after a terrorist attack on trains in Madrid). In the last decade the Taliban managed to make the US retreat and took over Afghanistan again by limiting their attacks these way, constantly killing US soldiers and their allies, but leaving civilians in America alone. The Islamic State on the other hand got the whole world into uniting against it by its display of cruelties like the beheading of journalists and aid workers and by its terrorist attacks in France and other countries. So even within his own values Bin Laden made the wrong choice when he initiated the 9/11 attacks. Context on why the letter may have had a sudden spike in popularity recently
The more immediate reason is that the letter talks quite a bit about American support for Israeli oppression of Palestinians. And that is one of the statements in the letter that are based at least somewhat in truth - yes, Israel does oppress Palestinians and yes, the US government generally supports Israel. It is somewhat doubtful if America withdrawing support would make Israel oppress Palestinians less. (In fact, it might make Israel more aggressive because it felt more threatened, but that also isn't for certain.) This is, I suppose, the reason why people ended up reading the letter. But the reason for them saying things like "I now realize he was right" is a specific kind of leftist gullibility/refusal to think. Leftists are opposed to oppression. They see that the United States is the most powerful country in the world and is involved, directly and indirectly, in a number of cases in which people are oppressed around the world. And then they think "If oppression is bad and the US oppresses people, people who fight against the US must be good." But the world of international politics cannot just be divided into good and evil. There are in fact things like better and worse. Bin Laden's letter overestimates the influence the US has and that its ability to change things, his vision for the world is worse than the world looks under US hegemony, and the means he chose to pursue his goals did not even help him achieve these goals - instead it just caused a number of bloody wars that got many Muslims (including himself) killed.
And I just wish leftists would think such things (statements like "Bin Laden was right") through. This isn't the first time. During the protests of 2020 after the murder of George Floyd the statement "Abolish the Police" gained tractions. Probably brought into the protest by some anarchists, other leftists thought "well, if the police oppresses people, abolishing it is the obvious solution". Without considering a) how much support by less ideologically committed people it cost them (it was an extremely unrealistic goal) and b) the risk of institutions arising in the vacuum left by the police could be worse (would private security beholden to cooperations be better than the police?, would a mafia that demanded protection money from you be better than the police?). And right now with Gaza we see the same thing: Does calling the 7/10 massacres "decolonization" make people likely to support decolonization? - NO Does Hamas have a shot at conquering Israel and restoring a Palestine "from river to sea" and did the attack further this goal? - NO If Hamas controlled all of current Israel, would the situation be better for the people who live there or would return there, even if you only consider Palestinians ? - DOUBTFUL
I think some leftists latch on to this letter because they have the same conspiracy-theory-thinking bin Laden had and saying "bin Laden was right" sounds really really radical and that makes them feel good. Their politics are very emotion driven with insufficient though put into it. Well, I hope my long post helped to a better understanding.
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HETALIA SMELL HEADCANONS (I worked super hard on this, so pls look at it, appreciate it, and reblog? esp with comments bc i love seeing ur comments ^u^)
N. Italy: Garlic-flavored armpits
Germany: Normally, he just smells like sugar and cinnamon.
Japan: Rainwater
America: Hot dogs and bacon
England: Nosebleeds
Fr*nce: cheese
China: Braised pork belly and warmth
Russia: A mixture of booze and warmth
Canada: Poutine
Belgium: Chocolate chip waffles with a hint of strawberry
Luxembourg: Blackberrie-scented cologne
Netherlands: Money
Austria: Rose-scented perfume
Hungary: Warmth and fresh bread
Liechtenstein: https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Sanrio/Hello-Kitty-71771.html
Poland: Cream soda
Prussia: Snow cones
Slovakia: Fresh-baked cheesy bread
Switzerland: Goat milk
Estonia: TV static
Latvia: Hot cocoa & cookies
Lithuania: Lithuania.
Belarus: Mint
Bulgaria: He smeel like he boozin' & loosin'
Moldova: Halloween candies & cheese puffs
Romania: Red-flavored kool-aid
Ukraine: Fresh-baked blueberry bread and warmth
Denmark: Hairgel
Finland: Christmas!!!!!!!!!
Iceland: Hot cocoa & cookies
Norway: Fish-flavored snacks
Sweden: Coffee
Cyprus: Shark.. :/
Greece: Cats
Monaco: Money
Romano: Italian pizza
Spain: Tomatoes & olives
Portugal: Olive oil
Turkey: Roasted turkey
Egypt: Sourdough bread
Cameroon: Fresh-cut grass
Seychelles: the ocean
Hong kong: Mango pudding
Macau: Something sweet
Korea: Milk chocolates
Taiwan: Japanese Cherry Blossom™️
Thailand: Mangoes
Vietnam: Japanese cherry blossom™️
Philippines: A mixture of mangoes and Cucumber Melon™️
Indonesia: Hibiscus and rose hips
Singapore: Strawberries
India: Indian food and warmth ❤️❤️❤️
Australia: Cucumber melon™️ and sea water
New Zealand: Milk chocolates
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padawan-historian · 1 year
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This May marks Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. As we recommit ourselves to collective liberation and restorative learning, I wanted send out a gentle reminder that these months should not be the extent of your antiracist (un)learning (x)
1. The Korean Women’s Relief Society in Hawai’i was founded in 1919 in response to the  March First Independence Movement in Korea (that called for full independence from Imperial Japan). Along with organizing aid through the Korean Red Cross, the KWRS also organized cultural activities and events like this mock Korean wedding ceremony (1921).
2. A family of Chinese immigrants relaxes in a San Fransisco park (1980s).
3. The wives of the Philippine delegation accompany their partners to Washington D.C. campaigning for the recognition of their independence and island sovereignty; here they are received by First Lady Harding and Mme. De Veyra (1922).
4. American soldier John Konopka holds out a piece of candy to a young Korean child carried  men of the 25th infantry division relax during their advance against the Chinese communist enemy troops in Osan, Korea (1951).
5. Japanese serviceman, Neisi, poses with American Japanese women (1945).
6. Two Chinese soldiers hold the captured Japanese flag as journalist Walter G. Rundle applies first aid to a freed woman who the Japanese soldiers had forced to act as a comfort woman. Although these bondwomen were thought to have been of Chinese descent, additional research speculates that they hailed from Korea (1944).
7. Australian soldiers of the 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR) pull together to throw a feast for the 50 displaced Korean children from Bukhansan Orphanage in Seoul. Private Alpha Cashmore Hunter and another unidentified soldier help pass out plates (+ chocolate). After dinner, a the soldiers gathered to listen to the children sing folk songs, play the piano and violin, and recite English classics (1951-53).
8. Young Japanese-Americans from the Y.W.C.A. Summer Camp in Pueblo, Colorado, many of them displaced by the Relocation Center at Granada, working alongside white local farmers (1943).
9. The champion Chinese Hose Team of America, triumphed in the great Hub-and-Hub race at Deadwood, South Dakota (1888).
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Oh that glorious samurai helmet, yesss Ubi devs, you are pleasing me
Oh shit, so if you know the historical base of the Hasshisns, Alamut castle is sometimes referred to as “Eagle nest” so there a lot of bird puns in characters names. Ie the og ac protagonist is named Altair which as you know is another name for the Eagle constellation
And I just realize that Yasuke is very likely to get a Eagle inspire samurai suit (hopefully I get find and not buy)
Also yes we are getting the dreaded season stuff, but ac been messing with that especially with WB Valhalla so I can see it being used like how Diablo 4 or Ubi own game division do that where there a season every few weeks or months centered around a story
And it very likely we are going to get dlc about the invasion of Korea. And in my theory for Yasuke, an expansion center Southeast Asia, Goa, India very likely as that where many theorized Yasuke passed away at. And it can be about the Indian assassins asking for aid against the inquisition
Now people worried that the Japanese won’t be the center. Hey I think they are going to do a mix where Yasuke and European characters will be used to explain some stuff about Japanese culture
Now of course the Europeans did heavily influence the Japanese samurai. But sorry that shogun article screenshot you reblog
Pssssssssst, leftists, quite it with your noble savage bs
A lot of Japanese warlords would already know about the evil shit that the Europeans was doing in the Philippines and India because they are using communication and so networks the Europeans wouldn’t know about the time.
Sorry, FINALLY the leaks are coming in. And look Yasuke actually have muscular face
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Sorry this took so long weird post open heart surgery stuff for my dad pulled me away some, all better now.
This looks cool.
Oh that glorious samurai helmet, yesss Ubi devs, you are pleasing me Oh shit, so if you know the historical base of the Hasshisns, Alamut castle is sometimes referred to as “Eagle nest” so there a lot of bird puns in characters names. Ie the og ac protagonist is named Altair which as you know is another name for the Eagle constellation And I just realize that Yasuke is very likely to get a Eagle inspire samurai suit (hopefully I get find and not buy)
I imagine all kinds of people are hyped, I don't know UBI's deal with in game transactions but if it's a cool enough thing odds are they'll be charging for it I want to be realistic.
Also yes we are getting the dreaded season stuff, but ac been messing with that especially with WB Valhalla so I can see it being used like how Diablo 4 or Ubi own game division do that where there a season every few weeks or months centered around a story
Fortnite showed that to be a profitable thing, others like you mentioned too probably I'm just very behind the times on all that.
And it very likely we are going to get dlc about the invasion of Korea. And in my theory for Yasuke, an expansion center Southeast Asia, Goa, India very likely as that where many theorized Yasuke passed away at. And it can be about the Indian assassins asking for aid against the inquisition
I don't recall anything about Japan getting involved in affairs in India, or is this this just about assassins and folks sharing trade secrets and "war stories"
Now people worried that the Japanese won’t be the center. Hey I think they are going to do a mix where Yasuke and European characters will be used to explain some stuff about Japanese culture Now of course the Europeans did heavily influence the Japanese samurai. But sorry that shogun article screenshot you reblog Pssssssssst, leftists, quite it with your noble savage bs
That will be the colonizing thing, ya Japan did not let itself be colonized, unlike the Americas they were a fairly united society already also their population hadn't been recently obliterated by some kind of disease like the Native Americans were which made it so there was enough of them to meet the traders with force if need be.
Divide and conquer wouldn't have worked there because they still had the Emperor even if he was really just a figurehead, there was going to be no colonizing Japan.
Not even a noble savage thing either, they were a well organized society.
A lot of Japanese warlords would already know about the evil shit that the Europeans was doing in the Philippines and India because they are using communication and so networks the Europeans wouldn’t know about the time.
Like I said, well organized unlike China that every 1-300 years had a massive civil war and picked a new imperial dynasty, something to be said for the keeping the status quo like Japan did.
Sorry, FINALLY the leaks are coming in. And look Yasuke actually have muscular face
Nah man keep on getting excited, it's fun times for you, ride them for all the joy you can get.
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voskhozhdeniye · 8 months
Global economic contours are shifting inexorably towards the countries of global south. The U.S. and EU markets are less important to China, relatively speaking, than are the growth markets of the developing world. And for the developing world, China is a more important partner than most others. Trade and investment flows have been trending in this direction for some time already, aided by initiatives such as the BRI as well as the recently launched Asian free trade zone - the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. The growing interlinking of Chinese capital markets with those of Saudi Arabia and the UAE are creating the new pipelines for capital flow between China and West Asia. The consolidation of a Eurasian economic sphere, including the energy-rich nations of West Asia, is creating new opportunities for value growth and flow. Trade growth is being complemented by capital circulation by way of investment flows denominated in national currencies. The ability to trade OPEC oil with national currencies is enabling these nations to evolve away from dependence on the USD. Economic decentering is one feature of the collective west’s displacement anxiety. The reality that its claimed military preponderance is more rhetoric than real brings a “hard power” edge to these anxieties.   These material factors are buttressed by deep rooted Manichaean frames in which racialised exceptionalism is ever-present. This is most pronounced in the Millenarian zealotry that underlies American exceptionalism. The idea of decentering is bad enough; it’s made all the worse as the new centres are found in the Orientals of the “near- and far east”.   Against this backdrop, we can expect the transatlantic neocons to intensify their attempts to hang on to what’s left of western colonial hegemony and American primacy. The neocon playbook has been to generate regional instability whenever and wherever it feels threatened. This “divide and conquer” strategy has played out in numerous “colour revolutions” and “coups” over the decades; in short, regime change operations aimed at installing pliable regimes.   Colour revolution risks across Eurasia are likely to intensify over the next few years. China’s President Xi was prescient last year when he warned Shanghai Cooperation Organisation members of these risks.   Additionally, preparations for proxy wars in Asia, borrowing from the Ukraine 2014-2022 playbook, are also likely to continue, as I have previously described. The Philippines is being groomed, as is Taiwan. As the US and NATO face defeat on the steppes of Ukraine, NATO has set its sights on becoming a global military force; and that means it will continue to seek ways of asserting a presence in Asia. Its attempt to secure a foothold in Japan was rebuffed by the French, but this is unlikely to be its last attempt to turn the “A” in NATO from meaning “Atlantic” to meaning “Asia”. The transatlantic neocons have been decentred, economically and geopolitically. Five centuries of colonial dominance, coupled with seven decades of American Primacy are coming to an end. This is doubtless a discomforting experience. Antonio Gramsci once observed: “The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.” Today, the monsters Gramsci spoke of are those that torment the collective west and its neocon political elite as they confront their anxieties of being displaced by a Multipolarity that is struggling its way forward. This is why the 2020s is the “decade of living dangerously”.
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kyra45 · 2 years
dreamingkassidy and kasdream are the same person and also both are scam accounts. Neither of them own Geo and the proof is very clear. Firstly, the PayPal address says Philippines:
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While the vet bill says Iowa:
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Which is part of the United States of America and is not at all part of the Philippines. This should be a red flag on sight that this a scammer. Secondly and finally, Geo is on Gofundme and the real owner isn’t using PayPal for aid. That’s not their PayPal account. It’s a scam one. Here’s the real Geo:
As you can see, this is the legitimate fundraiser for Geo and is not linked to the two scam accounts. The scammer got money for Geo before so their gonna try their hardest for more money because someone fell for it. If you want to help Geo, use the above link!
Please do not trust the scammer if they tell you he’s their cat. They will lie to you to get what they want.
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connorthemaoist · 11 months
The International League of Peoples’ Struggle stands united in unconditional solidarity with the Palestinian resistance.  The Palestinian people are absolutely united in their aspiration to bring an end to the Zionist occupation and to finally live in a free and democratic Palestine.
The actions by the Zionist state are nothing short of a genocide.  Since the latest attacks against Gaza began, over 3,000 have been killed in indiscriminate airstrikes, including at least 500 getting medical treatment and taking refuge in a hospital.  A complete blockade has deliberately cut Gaza off from food, water, fuel and electricity, leaving the people starving and with a medical system on the brink of collapse with over 10,000 injuries and rising.  Palestinian health officials cannot keep up with carrying away the dead bodies that lie unattended throughout the strip, leading to the high risk of a disease outbreak amongst the population.  Zionist forces have also demanded that 2.3 million Gazans evacuate to the south to make way for their ground invasion and likely attempt to re-occupy the strip while killing even civilians obeying this order.  Airstrikes have even hit the southern border between Gaza and Egypt, the only way for Palestinians to leave the strip if they want, leaving desperately needed humanitarian aid packages sitting at the border unable to enter.  In addition to airstrikes, the Zionists have even used internationally banned weapons such as white phosphorus gas.  Included is the continued violence by soldiers and armed settlers which has killed over 70 in the past 11 days alone.
Indeed, the Zionist government may have declared war on October 7th, but the previous 75 years of occupation and ethnic cleansing policies since the Nakba have been a never-ending war against the Palestinian people.  What we see now is merely a heightened general offensive by Zionism within Palestine itself with continuing aggression against neighboring rival countries.
The Zionists may have openly declared war this time, but that’s only because of the Palestinian resistance’s decision to unite in struggle to take up arms against the US-backed occupation state and its “state-of-the-art” military.  For over 75 years, the Palestinian people have used every option they’ve had against the occupation of their land, to no avail.  The international governance system has allowed the occupation to become normalized with no end in sight.  The people have chosen to take the courageous path of united coordination in armed resistance, bravely tearing up the Zionist-imposed border fence of Gaza and launching coordinated strikes in air, land and sea that inspired peoples’ movements the world over to see a united people taking the military might of an imperialist satellite state off guard.
The Palestinian resistance is a beacon to our resistance!  By this, we mean that this strike against a running dog of US imperialism is a move that weakens US imperialism as a whole.  The global imperialist system is entering into a new stage of multipolar turmoil, from the US-NATO proxy war in Ukraine, to the build up to war in Asia-Pacific, to the upsurge of peoples’ movements for national self-determination in Latin America and Africa, and of the continued advance of armed resistance movements in the Philippines, India, Kurdistan, West Papua and of course Palestine.  The Palestinian resistance gives inspiration to all people struggling in this context for national and social liberation, and therefore we must support their resistance as if it was our own.
The ILPS supports all resistance fighters regardless of organizational affiliation – now is the time to unite!
We also condemn the attacks on Palestinian and Palestine solidarity organizations around the world on behalf of the US and Zionist forces.  We are witnessing an unprecedented outlawing of democratic organizations and bans on free speech when it comes to the Palestinian cause while pro-Zionist slogans are given full support, even within the so-called “democratic” liberal states of North America and Europe.  Now is the time to defend peoples’ struggle in all its forms.
The ILPS calls on its members to take actions worldwide outside of Israeli, US and European embassies to condemn the genocide taking place in Gaza.  We also encourage members to demand of their own governments official condemnation and to push for the unconditional end of the blockade, assault and genocide of Gaza, as well as the end of all military aid to the Zionist state, especially from the US.
All organizations are encouraged to hold educational sessions on the history and current situation of the US-Zionist occupation and resistance of Palestine.  Ongoing actions in support of the Palestinian resistance must be maintained worldwide, especially amidst the crackdown and banning of anti-Zionist organizations.  We must assert that activism and resistance of any form is not terrorism.
From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free!
Palestinian resistance is a beacon to our resistance!
Long live international Solidarity!
Len Cooper
ILPS Chairperson
20 October 2023
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resourcesofcolor · 1 year
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This blog is dedicated to resources for writers and creators of color, and writers of tumblr’s roleplaying community. We hope to provide inspiration, visuals, and writing resources for our BLACK, BROWN, INDIGENOUS, and ASIAN writers in the online creative community! If you have any questions, desire to promote yourself as a bipoc creator, or even offer advice and/or recommendations, please feel free to inform us !! Inbox and Submissions are always open. This is a safe space for Black, Indigenous, and Brown marginalized writers, and BIPOC in general. I encourage and welcome white writers/roleplayers to follow this blog and educate themselves, but this will remain a safe space for BIPOC first and foremost.
This blog is primarily for BLACK, INDIGENOUS, BROWN AND ASIAN PEOPLE, or BIPOC, but we heavily support the rights of the LGBTQ community, especially queer + nonbinary + transgender BIPOC. Tags for masculine, feminine and nonbinary posts do not consign to the sex/gender binary dyad. Femininity and Masculinity are not exclusive to cisgenders.
here is a link to BIPOC-LGBTQ resources: https://resourcesofcolor.tumblr.com/tagged/queeresources.
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Queerphobia, ableism, transphobia, transmedicalism & bioessentialism, racism, and other forms of bigotry against marginalized groups are not welcomed. This includes disingenuous “bad faith” takes/opinions that intend to demonize queer and/or BIPOC creatives. Anyone who sends such themes via inbox will be blocked and reported.
this website has a lot of people who love going 'anonymous mode’ to talk shit through asks, because they are terrified of confrontation and can’t actually communicate properly without revealing their reactionary paranoia and deep-seated rejection sensitivity. so, we remind everyone who encounters this blog: this is not a blog owned by a public figure, or a celebrity with their own PR team and social media manager. take that into consideration before trying to play Keyboard Warrior. this blog is not obligated to be ‘professional’ or play around with ‘respectability politics’ for cop-coded bad faith anons who talk too much.
Everything is queued. Everything. Even when it isn’t tagged as queued. Sometimes we do reblog things in real time, but not frequently.
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africa. : senegal. / nigeria. / egypt. etc.
oceana. : micronesia. / polynesia. / melanesia.
asia. : india. / china. / japan. / korea. / philippines. / vietnam. / thailand. / indonesia. etc.
americas. :  brazil. / bolivia. / mexico. / canada. / united states. etc.
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sakurachan7734 · 1 year
Aristotle’s adventures
Chapter 5: train ride 
Lavender:(3) mommy when we get there, can I cut my hair?
Florence: not by yourself, but yes we can cut your hair short 
Lavender:thanks mommy
Aristotle(14): how we know we got to Canada?
Florence: when you see a sign, saying, welcome to Canada 
Lavender: how do the chairs put out into beds?
Dyo: there will be a lever on the side of the seats
Aristotle: that’s why mom and dad asked us to pack up blankets and pillows
Florence: that’s right Aristotle and lavender did one of your hearing aids fallout?
Lavender: no it’s just uncomfortable
Florence: I know but you need to keep it in and make sure you don’t lose it 
Lavender: ok
Aristotle: hay mom can you teach me how to sew?
Florence: yes what do you want to sew?
Aristotle: I want to customize my robes 
Florence: why?
Aristotle: I just want to add a little more to them they look kind of boring 
Florence: alright I will teach you when we get to Canada 
Aristotle: thanks mom
Two days later
Lavender: are we almost there?
Dyo: no we aren’t
Aristotle: mom said we won’t be there for a week
Lavender: ok
Aristotle: hay mom how do I remove my mask?
Florence: well you have to turn your mask counterclockwise very carefully and slowly so you don’t hurt yourself
Aristotle: I can’t just cut it off?
Florence: no don’t do that it will kill you but if you really want to cut it off ask me to do it
Aristotle: ok mom
A week later they arrive at Canada 
Lavender: where are we going to live?
Dyo: a apartment complex
Aristotle: are we still going to be homeschooled?
Florence: yes darling you know why you and lavender have to be homeschooled so we don’t get caught 
Aristotle: ok
A few hours later
Aristotle pov
Hopefully we get to stay here and don’t move again and hopefully I can make friends here because I’ve been feeling really lonely I mean I could’ve made friends back in France, whales, the Philippines but I figured if we’re gonna move again what’s the point and every time I try to make friends everyone runs away and scream “monster monster!!” At me and my little sister but still it doesn’t hurt to try and talk to people
The next day
Aristotle:* walking into a fabric store* excuse me, ma’am
Fabric shop owner: oh hello young man what do you need?
Aristotle: I need some dark red and black silk fabric, some thick grayish black ribbon and some stuff to make a cage skirt and some dark gray cotton fabric and some buttons and some light gray fabric please 
Fabric shop owner: yes, give me a few minutes
Aristotle: thank you, ma’am 
Aristotle get the fabric and goes home and starts cutting up the fabric to make a shirt 
Florence: what are you doing Aristotle? 
Aristotle: making a shirt for my custom robes 
Florence: do you need help?
Aristotle: no I think I will be fine
Florence: ok let me know you need anything
A year later Aristotle is 15 and lavender is 4
Aristotle: why did we have to leave so quickly dad?
Dyo: because the people after us are being more sneaky and they have been tracking us
Lavender: why?
Florence: so they can perform experiments on us 
Aristotle: why?
Florence: because humans just can’t mind their own business, and leave us alone they have to know what we’re capable of 
Lavender: where are we going?
Dyo: to American
Lavender: why?
Dyo: because we are trying to get as far as possible from these people and America, is a whole different country then Canada so hopefully that someone we will stay 
Aristotle: hopefully……..
Lavender: how are we going to get there?
Florence: we will walk there
Lavender: how long will it take?
Florence: about a month 
Lavender: ok
A month later they get to Florida
Aristotle: let me guess I’ll be home schooled?
Florence: yes you will but how about this if we stay here for a year or we move again you and your sister go to an actual school is that good?
Aristotle: that’s good and sorry I just wanna meet new people
Florence: I understand darling I’m pretty sure your sister wants to have some friends to 
End of chapter
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swldx · 10 months
Voice of America 0419 21 Nov 2023
9775Khz 0358 21 NOV 2023- VOICE OF AMERICA (UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) in ENGLISH from MOPENG HILL. SINPO = 45333. English, @0400z World News read by Tommy McNeil. Heavy fighting is reported around the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza, with 12 reported killed. Israel published video of what it described as a tunnel dug by Palestinian militants under Shifa hospital. Hamas denied the claim. 31 babies have been evacuated from Shifa Hospital, with 28 taken to Egypt for care. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced $100 million in new military aid for Ukraine during an unannounced visit to Kyiv on Monday, part of an effort to reassure Ukrainian leaders that the United States will continue to support the country's fight against Russia's invasion. After an overnight train ride from Poland, Austin met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv, who thanked the U.S. defense secretary. Arab and Muslim officials holding meetings with China's top diplomat Wang Yi in Beijing on Monday called for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza and for allowing humanitarian aid into the war-shattered Palestinian enclave. The Philippines has approached neighbours such as Malaysia and Vietnam to discuss a separate code of conduct regarding the South China Sea, its president said on Monday, citing limited progress towards striking a broader regional pact with China. The US Navy's P-8A intelligence gathering plane crashed in the ocean off Oahu. It is understood to have overshot the runway when trying to land at a USMC base. All nine people on board survived the smash but were forced to swim to shore. Social media company X on Monday sued media watchdog group Media Matters, alleging the organization defamed the platform after it published a report that said ads for major brands had appeared next to posts touting Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party. X, formerly Twitter, has faced growing outrage since Media Matters published the report on Thursday, which led IBM, Comcast and several other advertisers to pull ads from the platform in response. @0405z "Daybreak Africa" begins. Backyard fence antenna w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), Etón e1XM. 100kW, beamAz 350°, bearing 84°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 14087KM from transmitter at Mopeng Hill. Local time: 2158.
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xtruss · 1 year
Playing Victim
— Liu Rui | July 09, 2023
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Illustration: Liu Rui/Global Times
Lying Not To Make America 'Great Again'
— Published: 07 March 2020 | Pang Xinhua | Sunday July 09, 2023
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U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attends a daily briefing at the White House in Washington, U.S., June 7, 2018. /Xinhua
"I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole… we had entire training courses." This is a line from a speech made by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Texas.
Following a burst of laughter from the audience as a response to that line, Pompeo hastened to add: "It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment."
If lying, cheating and stealing do not sound outrageous for someone working at the CIA, what makes it less sensible though is that after becoming Secretary of State, Pompeo has done little to change what he's learned from those "training courses," but carried the practice even further.
His attacks on China are exact proof of that. At all times and in all places, Pompeo never forgets to lash out at China, using nothing other than lying and cheating as his weapon.
For example, he alleged that Chinese investments in Africa pose a risk to the sovereignty of African states, pushing them into a debt trap and breeding corruption and dependency. He criticized China's Xinjiang policies by claiming that China is "trying to erase Muslim culture and religion" and also noted that China is an unreliable partner that spreads chaos in Latin America. While in Munich, he accused China of encroaching on the exclusive economic zones of Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia. And in many other places, he said Huawei is dangerous and a "Trojan horse for Chinese intelligence".
Trump's campaign slogan was "Make America Great Again," but what his Secretary of State has done so far makes people look at it with disbelief.
"A Slip of the Foot You May Soon Recover, But a Slip of the Tongue You May Never Get Over." — Benjamin Franklin
First, lying undermines the foundation of international relations. The concept of bonafide in international law, meaning good faith, is a universally recognized principle that underpins the formation and fulfillment of international legal obligations and lays the bedrock for international exchanges.
Playing the role of foreign minister, the U.S. secretary of state is, supposedly, responsible for promoting relations between the U.S. and other states. However, Pompeo, on top of his lack of good faith and integrity, is also a habitual liar that is bent on stoking up conflicts around the world. He is exactly the one who is hindering the U.S. from getting along with other countries.
Currently, the U.S. relations are strained not only with world powers such as China and Russia, but its relations with almost all its allies including Britain, Germany, France are also tainted by constant discordance. Pompeo, the chief U.S. diplomat, is undeniably responsible for that. Given such an international environment, how could America be great again?
Second, Pompeo has poisoned America's international trade environment. In international relations, politics and economy are two sides of the same coin. In the Munich Security Conference, Pompeo, on the one hand, blatantly sold his lie that "the West is winning," and on the other hand, he aggressively pressured its Western allies in issues related to Huawei's 5G network, threatening sanctions on Nord Stream 2, a natural gas pipeline project involving Germany. No wonder Donald Tusk, former president of the European Council, once made the sharp remark that "With friends like that [i.e. America] who needs enemies?"
Pompeo recently made a three-nation trip to Africa. In the face of numerous China-Africa cooperation projects and facts, he even denigrated China's aid to Africa as "empty promises." African leaders categorically refuted his nonsense.
"I Was The CIA Director. We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole…………………. We Had Entire Training Courses." — Mike Pompeo
As the second largest economy in the world, China has contributed over 30 percent to global growth for 13 consecutive years. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, China's imports and exports to the U.S. totaled 3.73 trillion Yuan in 2019. The two countries are economically complementary, with China being the third largest market for U.S. exports of goods and services. With its economy deeply intertwined with that of China, the U.S. would hardly achieve significant economic growth without trading with China.
However, Pompeo still clings to the Cold War mentality and keeps throwing mud at China, or even demonizing China, seriously damaging the trade relations between the two countries.
Today, globalization is intensifying the division of labor around the world. How could America be great again without the contribution made by its global trade partners including China?
Confucius, A Sage in Ancient China, said: "If a Person Lacks Trustworthiness, I Don't Know What He/She Can Be Good For."
Third, lying runs counter to American cultural traditions, upending the world's perception of the U.S. culture. In the U.S., lying and cheating are offenses. For people across the world, the image of the hard-working Uncle Sam is widely associated with America.
After the Cold War, as the only global superpower, the U. S. has gained its cultural dominance in the world. Integrity, being part of the American culture, is also one of the most important virtues shared by nations worldwide. Benjamin Franklin once said: "A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over." Confucius, a sage in ancient China, also said: "If a person lacks trustworthiness, I don't know what s/he can be good for." What the Chinese people believe is: "Be true to your words and be resolute in your action."
As the Chief U.S. Diplomat, Pompeo spews lies at will. How could he be trusted by anyone who has dealings with him?
As a State of Ceremonies, China attaches great importance to diplomatic etiquette. Thanks to Pompeo's repeated lies, China's State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the following statement at the Munich Conference: "I'd only like to say that all his accusations against China are lies. They are not true. But if the U.S. was the accused, then all this would be true."
More Than A Century Ago:
U.S. President Abraham Lincoln Said: "You Can Fool All the People Some of the Time and Some of the People All the Time, But You Cannot Fool all the People all the Time."
Hope Pompeo, whose lies have repeatedly fallen flat across the world, could one day realize that ‘Lying Will Not Make America Great Again.’
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Pineapple Day
In a salad, in a drink, or on a pizza, there really is no place where pineapple can’t be used. That’s perfect, because today is National Pineapple Day, and we want to enjoy as much of it as possible!
Pineapple is native to the tropical and subtropical parts of the Americas. The first written references to it are attributed to Christopher Columbus, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, who found it in the West Indies. Natives were not only eating pineapple at the time, but were also using it to make wine. The Europeans gave the fruit the name they did because it resembled pinecones.
The Portuguese helped spread it around the world. They brought it to the island of Saint Helena shortly after they arrived there in 1502. They then brought it to Africa, and then to India by 1550. By the seventeenth century, pineapple was growing in most tropical areas of the world. Today, the biggest producers of pineapple are Brazil, Costa Rica, China, India, the Philippines, and Thailand.
The pineapple fruit ripens in about 5 or 6 months after flowering starts, and it weighs between 2 and 4 pounds. Some of the main health benefits of pineapple are on account of bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that is found in its core. Bromelain is anti-inflammatory, a digestive aid, a muscle relaxant, and a fighter of tumor cells. So there is no need to temper the amount of pineapple you eat today—it’s good for you!
How to Observe
Before enjoying pineapple today, you may first want to learn how to properly cut it. You could get yourself a pineapple corer to make it even easier. Pineapple is so good that you could just stop there and eat it plain, but there are many delicious recipes it is used in that you could try as well. Here are some foods and drinks with pineapple that you could try:
piña colada
pineapple wine
pineapple on pizza
fruit salad
ham with pineapple
pineapple upside-down cake
Did you think that pineapples are only used for eating? Think again. You can also use them to make jack-o-lanterns.
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