#american candy online store
maaabs · 9 months
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Looking for the best deals on American soft drinks? Look no further than Maaabs, your go-to wholesale supplier. We offer a wide selection of popular soft drink brands at unbeatable prices. Stock up your shelves and satisfy your customers' cravings with Maaabs. Shop now and enjoy refreshing profits!
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candy-hype · 10 days
Go beyond the mainstream and uncover the hidden gems of American crisps UK. From the unique taste of Zapp’s Voodoo Chips to the hearty crunch of Cape Cod Kettle Chips, these underrated snacks are sure to impress. Perfect for adventurous snackers looking to try something new and exciting.
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candymonsteruk · 1 year
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one of my favorite things that happens online is when someone is waxing poetic about a specific regional food/candy/drink and being like “god you americans/brits/whatever must be so deprived for not having this available in stores” and then you go into the comments and it’s full of people being like “we literally do have this under a different brand name”
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ausetkmt · 1 year
A quilt resurfaces with stories from a long-gone Detroit neighborhood : NPR
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The signature quilt hanging in a museum display. The pattern is made of blue and white fabric with 20 X-shaped blocks. There are embroidered names, telephone numbers and addresses in each, done in red and blue thread.
Sophia Saliby
Detroit's Black Bottom neighborhood thrived as a center of African American life and culture in the first half of the 20th century, until the construction of a highway and government-mandated redevelopment all but wiped it out.
Now, a recently discovered quilt is providing a peek into what life there was like more than 50 years ago.
The minute Marsha MacDowell saw it in an online sale in 2018, she knew it had to come home to Michigan.
Quilted in blue and white fabric, the design includes 20 X-shaped blocks. Embroidered on each are names like Sister Roberta Wilson and Mrs. Mollie Mason, along with addresses and telephone numbers.
As someone who grew up in Detroit, the Michigan State University Museum Curator of Folk Arts and Quilt Studies recognized the street names.
"It is in a location where urban renewal in the 1960s pretty much took down every residential building," MacDowell said. "If you go on Google Maps, what you see are vacant lots."
One of the few buildings still standing is the Zion Congregational Church of God in Christ on Mack Avenue. The nearly-century-old church is near what was once Detroit's Black Bottom neighborhood. The community, which grew from African Americans migrating from the South, included dozens of Black-owned businesses and a well-known music and night club scene.
In 2021, MacDowell decided to post photos of the quilt to a church Facebook page.
"We were flooded with responses that, 'I know this person. This is my mother. This is my aunt. This is a person I knew in the Zion Church.'"
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Marsha MacDowell says the blanket is what's known as a "signature" or "autograph" quilt because this group of women inscribed their names on it. Women like Mrs. Mollie Mason embroidered their names, along with their addresses, in Detroit, Michigan. Sophia Saliby hide caption
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Sophia Saliby
"The most exciting thing for me was to know that some artifact that my mother had been a part of still existed," Quinn said.
Quinn, who's in her nineties now, remembers her mother being involved in a sewing circle with other women of the church. She's positive the quilt was made for a fundraiser sometime in the 1940s.
"She found her niche when the sewing circle started. She was always making something and having us do embroidery," she said.
A year after that first post, in April 2022, MacDowell worked with leaders of the church to bring together people like Quinn to reflect on their close-knit community.
Quinn called it a reunion of sorts. They remembered the sewing circles, the women who ran them and how church life wasn't just about church, such as when she and her friends were old enough to sneak out of service to stop by the local candy store.
MacDowell says the quilt is more than just a blanket or even a piece of folk art. It's a piece of history.
"This quilt is a textual document of what was a thriving neighborhood and a thriving relationship amongst those individuals whose names were inscribed on the quilt," MacDowell said.
Marsha Music is a current member of the congregation. She says it's significant the women of the church put their names on the quilt.
"There was a part of them that wanted to make sure it was known that 'We made this,' and it has stood the test of time," Music said.
MacDowell is continuing to dig into the origins of the quilt and its creators and hopes to use recently released census data to learn more.
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thisandthat-whatever · 7 months
I think I have already established that I have a sweet tooth. So, I like me some snacks.
When I moved to USA, I thought I was coming to the land of infinite varieties, and endless brands ……and in some cases that is true, but USA really lacks in chocolate snack category. They are obsessed with inserting peanut or peanut butter in everything which doesn’t suit chocolate as much as hazelnut does, but like I said, USA has a long running obsession with peanut butter, so anyway, I end up eating more Euro brand candies here than American ones, but Euro brands are limited here in variety. Sure, there is Kinder for example, but you only find Kinder Bueno and Joy egg mostly in stores.
But as some of you may know Kinder (despite its German name) is an Italian company. It was started in Italy and is owned by Ferrero who also brings you Ferrero Rocher and Nutella among other things. So, I always salute Ferrero for its contribution to children’s (and my) palate.🫡.
This is what American Kinder has in stores :
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And these BELOW are all the additional Kinder products you can find in Europe but not in USA:
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I just end up having to order these online. 😔
Come on USA, get with the program, and go beyond the Snickers and Reese’s bullshit.
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aphrogeneias · 1 year
(sorry to be American in your askbox) YOU'VE NEVER HAD PEANUT BUTTER??? is it allergy thing? or are we the only ones eating peanut butter
never! i think it's a cultural thing but peanut butter isn't easy to find here, it's not something you can buy at any grocery store, although you can find it online or if you look hard enough, but it's not a common thing in our cuisine, i guess
as for the candy corn, i've only ever heard of it in american media, i've never seen it around here (but we have other corn based sweets like corn ice cream, which i love)
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televinita · 6 months
I hate small independent coffee shops.
Sometimes I'm like, cool, I love that I've grown out of my anxiety! and then a mildly distressing, confusing or unfamiliar situation happens and I melt down on the spot.
(this is long i had to get it out)
BACKGROUND/THE PLAN: get my dad some Real Maple Sugar Candy for Christmas, because he nostalgically mentioned that being his favorite Christmas treat as a kid. Some people online say it's only for sale in season (approx. Feb-March) but there are a flobbity billion small independent farms in the northeast offering such treats for sale online right now, so surely Minnesota has some too. Because I'm not paying as much or more for shipping if I can simply go pick some up myself.
Small local/specialty candy store didn't have any, but after some googling, I found this indie coffee shop, Native-American-owned, that the internet says sells the stuff, so that seems promising. It's near a place I have to go to pick up another present anyway, so, 2 birds etc!
THE TODAY PLAN: Sit in the parking lot for 20 minutes to psych myself up first, because ordering in these places is always awkward AF as you try to find a place to stand and browse what's for sale and where the menu and prices are while the person behind the counter is asking for your order 3 seconds after you open the door.
So to make this as clear and logical as I can, I've decided that I will treat myself to a drink while I'm here. I will simply order the first and easiest thing I see on the menu (small coffee, or perhaps a latte/cappuccino), and then add the candy to my order because it would just be silly to go into a coffee shop for candy alone, right, especially if i get a really small portion of it, depending on price.
HOW THAT GOES: the place seems the usual amount of scary (people sitting at tables and in chairs, all pretty crowded together) but it's also cute, and thank god there are 2 people in line ahead of me so I have a minute or two to peruse. Cappuccino, $4.75, one size! That's perfect. It's probably only 8-10 ounces but still less out of pocket than at a chain store these days. I don't see any candy for sale, so when it's my turn, I order and then smoothly ask if they sell it.
"No, that was just for our pop-up shop," she says sympathetically, in a tone that says she's definitely been asked this before. So, on the one hand DAMN IT!!!!!! But on the other, she didn't make me feel stupid for asking AND I'm getting a nice warm drink out of it soon to combat the cold and blustery day, so I can go home satisfied enough since this was my last stop. After minor confusion when I'm supposed to scribbled a 'signature' with just my finger on the electronic pad, I'm good! This is the best outcome I could have asked for in a case of disappointment!
At this point: I would like to note it's 2:30 in the afternoon on a Thursday, i.e. not when I would expect a coffee shop to be crazy-busy.
WHAT NOW? I'm not really sure where to wait, since everyone else wanted their orders for here rather than to-go, but I just kind of step to the side while she takes the order of the last person behind me, and then gets to work. It's actually quite pleasant at first, because now I can scan the board at my leisure, try to commit some items and prices to memory, might come back here w/ husband actually! It is cozy as long as you can find a spot.
Anyway, it takes about 5 minutes from the time I first started waiting to when the first drink is called. It feels like a very long time standing there increasingly conspicuously while eeeeeeveryone else is sitting down, but I don't think it was. I consider finding a spot to sit and wait too, but the place is about 75% full already. It would be rude to take up a whole table for myself if I'm going to be out of here soon, what if a group of people suddenly comes in.
Second drink is called. I realize now that this is not, in fact, either of the drinks ordered ahead of mine. Starting to get slightly stressed, so I pull out my phone which has no data plan and pretend I can actually browse the internet on it. I don't need a table, you see, because I can play on my phone anywhere! Also I'm totally not impatient!
A third drink is called. It is still not for either of the people ahead of me.
HELLO ANXIETY MY OLD FRIEND: I find while looking down at my screen that my eyes are suddenly full of tears, as if I were back in college or the one and only time we tried to go out and do something with husband's friends. Because I SHOULD have sat down, I realize now, but also now it's too late to ~suddenly~ decide to "casually" sit down like I knew what I was doing and only planned to move now the whole time. Also there are people everywhere, and they will Look at me because movement is an aberration that draws the eye. They truly are every damn where, this place is the size of a postage stamp. I'm beginning to feel like I'm also standing too close to the table with people at it behind me, but I simply don't know how to move now.
The tears blink down. I try to wipe them discreetly but it's a double-attack so I just have to go for it and hope not many people were looking. Well, that sucks and I definitely can't raise my head now, but if I can get my drink soon, soon, soon, I can still avoid looking her in the eye as i grab it and run away and never come back here again. My face is fully red with embarrassment, heart rate is steadily picking up tempo and I have Located The Exits and am beginning to contemplate an upsetting but potential alternate move.
PLOT TWIST! IT GETS WORSE: There are now 3 people standing at the register, so she takes a break to collect their orders before it gets backed up too far, since she's working alone. I am momentarily relieved when one of the new people also stands nearby to wait, even though now I'm occupied in wondering how obvious it is that I'm crying and if he can tell and/or is going to be awkward about it.
I elect to pretend I have just gotten Terrible News and am trying to Hold It Together while tapping out a fake reply about calling someone as soon as I can. That would be a perfectly acceptable reason for an adult woman staring at her phone in a coffee shop to have tears on her face. Bad news is extra-bad during the holiday season.
One of the people ordering seems to be dictating a very complicated order as it is taking longer than average.
I'm also starting to panic about how many more people might have already been in the ordering queue before I got here.
WORSER: And it is at that point, where it has now been close to ten minutes (this would NEVER happen at Starbucks Caribou!) and what if I actually stand here like a fucking idiot who doesn't know how coffee shops work for a full quarter of an hour or even more and it's still not ready?? that I find to my sudden alarm I am crying and can't stop. Silently, but a faucet has been turned on and water is simply streaming out of my eyes. And, oh dear...now my face is starting to contort involuntarily, beyond my control.
FUCK IT, WE BAIL: That's right. I am simply unable to hold it together any longer and have already accepted my losses. It feels awful and stupid and unfair and I might has well have just pulled a $5 bill out of my pocket and lit it on fire, but I have reached my limit. The path to the door is no longer blocked by the line so I beeline straight for it. If anyone tries to stop me or call after me, I won't falter or care, I am Done. No coffee 4 me.
Of course the door I aim for turns out to be locked, so I have to pivot (and pass another table of people), but at least the door I came through is only a few feet away so I'm out a second later, striding away and now full-on sobbing because all I wanted was a goddamn hot drink and it was so scary and intimidating to go into this stupid tiny weird hipster space I didn't even want to go to in the first place, but I DID it only to have to PAY OUT MONEY and still not get ANYTHING AT ALL.
I got in the car and sped out of the parking lot and the coffee shop's line of sight as fast as I could. I hope the worker isn't too upset about wasting a drink/not knowing what to do with it; maybe one of the seven billion people who saw me crying on my way out can let her know I'm probably not coming back, while they gossip to each other about why anyone would do something so weird and not say a word.
SIDE QUEST: ...then I immediately spent like 2 full minutes panicking that my car was suddenly breaking down because it sounded really loud when I accelerated, and whenever I took my foot off the gas it immediately started slowing down, like not just coasting, but like I'd taken my foot off the gas while going up a hill. Pulled over in a panic, wondering what to do if my car died on the spot. Finally realized in my haste to leave, I had put the gearshift on whatever "B" is instead of "Drive." Instantly fixed, but wow what a fun cap to my day!!
AND IN THE END: Stopped hyperventilating pretty quickly once in the car, but still cried intermittently the whole way home. And again when I thought about trying to explain how something this small and silly got me so upset. I cried harder the whole time I was writing this post and reliving the experience while still being really upset that I didn't get my drink (despite paying for it!! but I obviously didn't have the wits to cancel my drink order so I can't get the money back if ingredients were wasted on it), mostly because i NEVER treat myself to fancy coffee drinks in take-out cups. It has literally been over two hours since this happened and I'm still crying.
To be fair, I haven't cried in a while -- about 6 weeks since I cried at all, and longer since I had a full and exhausting weeping session that usually a good sad book can provide me with -- and when I haven't done either of those but especially the latter in a while, the tears get all backed up. But still.
Anyway, that's the story of my really crappy Thursday and in conclusion, I remain firm in my hatred of small independent coffee shops.
P.S. Joke's on me because now between the lost coffee order and the gas I already spent driving to two places in vain, I believe I've spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $8, which would sure have made a dent in the cost of shipping. Far too late to order in time for Chistmas now, though, anyway.
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dollythesheepp · 2 years
Sooo I just watched the heathers pro shot and I have some thoughts about it
•To be honest, I was never a fan of the West End Heathers. All of the boots I saw online were kind of meh, I didn't like the changes that they did so I wasn't very excited to watch the pro-shot but I decided to give it a shot anyway
•I still had the same issues with it as with the other w.e versions I saw but I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would
•Even though Barrett will always be my favorite Veronica, Ailsa Davidson was really good, she's very funny and her Veronica was adorable (also, did her voice remind anyone else of Taylor Louderman?? Idk why but I couldn't stop thinking about it. I think it's just her american accent because when she speaks normally she doesn't sound like her at all)
•JD was pretty good too, I don't have anything to say about him. I like most of the actors who play JD, they're always great.
•Mac and Duke were good too.
•However, I did not like Chandler at all. Nothing against the actress as a person, but I was not a fan of her acting. It felt like she was playing a caricature of Chandler, she was so over the top, it felt very weird and unnatural. Yeah, I know musical theater is supposed to be more exaggerated and Chandler is a very over dramatic character but she did it so much, even in scenes that are supposed to be more serious like yo girl and her conversation w Veronica after lifeboat. After a while, it stopped being funny and became cringy.  Her accent and line delivery were also very bad :/
•Still not a fan of the costumes. I like the ensemble ones, they're more accurate to the 80s than the original musical was but the Heathers and Veronica's are so so bad and cheap looking
•The choreos are also weird and little sloppy, especially Candy Store
• While I do like the new songs I always felt that they didn't really fit with the rest of the musical, but both Never Shut Up Again and You're Welcome were very fun to watch. I still think I Say No is kind of unnecessary.
•I liked most of the added dialogue. The scene with Veronica and her mom was very cute, Veronica really acts like an actual teenager there and it's adorable. The one after Me Inside of Me between Veronica and JD is very good too.
•And it's cool that they have a bigger budget than the 30 dollars the Off Bway version had, so the sets and the probs are a lot more detailed.
•Hm, I think that's it. As I said, didn't hate it as much as I thought, but didn't love it either and probably won't watch it again. I wish they had released the original off Broadway recording instead
•But still, even though I'm not a fan, I know a lot of people are and pro shots are a great way to make theater more accessible so I will just stop complaining and go watch the poor quality boot instead ;)
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natescoloringbook · 8 months
🌈Sunday Funday
Originally posted: October 23rd
This weekend we had another ( rare ) two days off together, on Saturday we just hung out at home but on Sunday we decided to go out into Glasgow to look at the shops and have dinner.
The Hamleys in town had a new addition to it – which was a Build A Bear Workshop! I am very happy about this, because when we’re going out for fun we tend to stick to the bottom half of the centre ( there is a BAB at the top half ) now it means I’ll be able to visit it more often : D
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I thought this dolphin was super cute. I’m a big fan of teddies with “Beanie Boo” eyes
We then went into Boots for some body spray for Eli. But they had their special Christmas gifts out and they’re always really fun to see.
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At this point on photos are just from misc shops, I will let you know where each one is though incase you were interested!
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These pajamas were so awesome ( even had a parasaur on them too ). Sadly they were just one size short of the one that will fit me ( 15-16 years ) < / 3 I tried to look online but it seems like they’re either old or too new to be put up. It’s okay though because I bought a pair online that I will share later down in the post
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Large Godzilla plush from HMV. Out of my price range but still very cute and exciting to see!
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I actually picked one of these up and am saving it to celebrate when my dragon Shrimp comes in the mail
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He’s just trying before he buys
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We went to Zizi’s for dinner ( I had never been before ) and got the bolognese. It was very good
Here is my little hall of goodies from the day!
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It matches Smiles perfectly!
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These are my favorite fidget / stim toys but it seems the “real” ones are hard to find. I only like the ones with a very specific high quality texture, and a lot of the fakes are flimsy and his dangly “fur” doesn’t feel right. So whenever I find a real one I’ve got to pick them up
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This hat looks suspiciously like Godzilla
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This ended up being much too sweet, I wish I hadn’t gotten it especially because of how overpriced American candy stores are lol
When we got home I finished up the final touches to re-decorating my Kanken. The photo is bad because I took it lastnight as soon as I finished. But I’ll do a more in-depth blog showing all the aspects of it soon!
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nickgerlich · 9 months
Staying Alive
Sometimes a brand just won’t die. In spite of its best efforts to fade away, someone comes along and tries to resurrect it. Such is the story of Toys ‘R Us, the once-venerable big box toy retailer.
Toys ‘R Us shuttered in 2018 after a bankruptcy filing the year prior, leaving behind hundreds of empty stores. Even though their distinctive lettering was removed from those stores, weathering and fading occurred in many cases, leaving behind what is known as a “label scar.” You could still read the name even after the letters were removed.
But thanks to a variety of owners and partnerships, the company has managed to stay alive, albeit barely. Last year a partnership with Macy’s was forged, thereby allowing 400 stores-within-a-store to open inside the department store chain nationwide.
And now comes word that its owner is staging a major relaunch of the brand with 24 new shops opening, primarily in airports and on cruise ships. Apparently, they are convinced there is still enough brand equity remaining to be able to pull off the unthinkable.
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That’s a tough one. While most Americans over the age of 15 have memories of shopping in Toys ‘R Us at some point in their lives, either as kids or as parents, the painful reality is that most of us also moved on to other store formats. That would include mass merchandisers like Target and Walmart, as well as online at Amazon. The grip that Toys ‘R Us once had on toy retailing was disabled by new competitors who were not worried about disrupting tradition.
I have many fond memories of going to Toys ‘R Us as a kid. Actually, it was known as Bargain Town back then, but there were still a few dinosaurs wandering the streets of Chicago, it was that long ago. Who needs a candy store when you can survey and dream about all of those toys? Of course, I never got all the things I wanted, which was probably a blessing in disguise. Still, through the years my parents bought me a nice variety of Tonka trucks, Hot Wheels cars and race tracks, games, and Hardy Boys mystery books.
When my daughters were young, we took them to Toys ‘R Us as well, and I could see in their eyes the dreaming that they were doing. It’s an entirely different experience as a parent, but just as rewarding. I wouldn’t trade those moments for anything.
But at the same time, I think it’s important to just let a dead brand stay dead. As it stands, the brand is being propped up by nostalgia, not relevance. I am sure that Macy’s shoppers experience a similar rush of the feels when they come upon the Toys ‘R Us section, but I am not convinced that makes them buy things.
Worse yet, airports and cruise ships are not exactly destination shopping points. In both instances, would-be shoppers are being held captive, one while they wait for a connecting flight, the other while they are floating from port to port. Souvenirs maybe, but not the kind of shopping one normally does for birthdays and the holidays.
As much as I love my Toys ‘R Us experiences, I let go of those feelings long ago. Heck, there was even a time when Toys ‘R Us hired Amazon to run its e-commerce side of the business, because Amazon was among the few who actually knew how to do it. Long ago I made the shift to Amazon and the mass merchandisers, and was often guilty of using Toys ‘R Us as a showroom to gauge my kids’ interests and photographing items so that I could purchase them later somewhere else.
Nice try, folks. I’m just not buying it, no matter how many times you try to revive this one.
Dr “Toys In The Attic” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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maaabs · 9 months
Indulge in the sweetest selection of American candies at Maaabs. Discover the top American candy bars, nostalgic treats, and unique flavors that will satisfy your cravings. Shop now for a taste of America's finest confections and experience pure sugary bliss.
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candy-hype · 10 days
Discover why Candy Hype is the go-to destination for American snacks in the UK. Learn about our extensive selection, quality assurance, and customer satisfaction that make us a favorite among snack enthusiasts. Whether you're hosting a movie night or need a midday pick-me-up, explore our range of American snacks perfect for any occasion. From sweet to savory, find the ideal treats to satisfy your cravings. Visit our website for more details.
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candymonsteruk · 1 year
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swaggypsyduck · 1 year
hi swaggy! :)
ok apparently this is the first season of major league baseball where they’re implementing the “pitch clock” which is supposed to make the games slower lmaoo😭 so from 3hrs 15mins on avg in previous years to 2hrs 45mins avg rn
but every time they switch which team is in the field or swap out pitchers it’s a good 2-5 minute break so that’s when i was watching ted lasso lmaoo
but i’m on the finale of season two and my goal is to catch up to the episodes of s3 that r on the illegal site im watching it from before passover starts tonight and it’s no technology till saturday night lmaoo
i love that shabbat and jewish holidays force me to not use technology and take a break but three days in a row can b a bit much tbh djdbsb also i have to help my mom run the little kids activities during prayer so the kids don’t annoy their parents and usually we don’t do it during holidays only on shabbat but this year we’re supposed to do it during the holiday??? which means i have to b up and dressed and at the synagogue at 10am for the next three days and i don’t have candy to give them this week so i’m kinda fucked but that’s ok lmaooo
-american anon :)
AMERICAN NONNY!! HELLO!! sorry this took so long to answer i wanted to give u a proper reply!!
wait so u mean the average game was longer than 3 hours... and its been SHORTENED to 2 hours 45mins... thats still longer than a world cup match w extra time... holy crap. WHY??? maybe it's bc we didn't play properly in phys ed but it never felt like thaaaaaat long of a game uk??
i had jewish friends growing up and i remember we couldn't plan anything w them on saturday bc its the day of rest, thats the shabbat right? but they always came w this super tasty bread on monday which i never learned the name of bc i took for granted all the times they brought it for me and now i cant find it anywhere anymore 😭😭.
uk it sucks that atrocities are committed and religion is used as an excuse bc so much of it is about community and coming together, even if it means babysitting lil kids lol. ex. at my mosque girls who aren't praying taraweeh will volunteer to do the same w kids so that they dont bother the rest of the ppl who r praying. and even then we have a different section for mothers who have younger kids so that it's all contained in one space. it gives u a sense of belonging and togetherness uk??
also i looked this up bc i didn't want to seem ignorant but i got conflicting answers online so here's me asking u my lovely jewish american nonny: if u cant use technology (which i assume is anything electrical/gas operated) do u have special ovens and stoves to cook with (ex. wooden)? but i guess not everything needs to be cooked. or maybe it's all done before hand and stored?
1-3 days w out technology sounds nice. itd be like a heavenly mandated break from the source of all my anxieties lol. i wish u luck in dealing w the children 🫡🫡 ik first hand how tiring that gets.
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mitchamsocialuser · 2 years
Five New Pizza Restaurants With a Wood Fire
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Whenever I look at the pizza menu at my favorite pizza restaurant in the city, I am blown away by how delicious the pizzas are. That is because the pizza is prepared with a special wood fire. This fire helps to burn the fat from the pizza and gives it a delicious smoky flavor. It also makes the pizza very juicy.
Crust & Craft
Located on Coastal Highway in Rehoboth Beach, Crust & Craft is a local establishment that offers great food and craft beer. The menu features hand crafted wood fired pizzas and other delicious flavors. You can also take advantage of their incredible Happy Hour specials.
The restaurant offers a variety of specialty pizzas, pastas, and sandwiches. In addition, you can enjoy a variety of salads and appetizers. You can also order takeout or make reservations. The restaurant accepts credit cards and offers a variety of specials.
The wood fired pizza oven produces an intense heat. The heat enables the pizza to cook quickly. The crust is baked with a lightly charred edge, which adds to its flavor. The toppings are cooked evenly.
Osteria Cotta
Located on the Upper West Side, Osteria Cotta serves up the best of both Italian and American cuisines. Using only the finest locally sourced ingredients, the chefs put together meals that are a cut above the competition. Whether you are looking for a quick lunch, a late night snack or a quick drink before hitting the theater, Osteria Cotta is the place to be. Their wine list is impressive, and the staff is friendly. The best part is that it’s open late, so you can pop in for a bite to eat after a night on the town.
In addition to pizza, Osteria Cotta serves an impressive array of wood fired roasted free range chicken. The best part is that the chicken isn’t too heavy, making it an excellent choice for a first date or reunion dinner.
Among New York’s pizza-obsessed, Lucali’s pizza has become a rite of passage. The artisanal pizza is made with a hand-stretched dough and baked in a wood-fired oven. The pizza’s thin crust holds its shape under a velvety tomato sauce and three types of cheese.
Mark Iacono, the pizzamaker who owns Lucali, is a native of Brooklyn’s Carroll Gardens neighborhood. He worked for Pasquale Jones and Speedy Romeo before founding the pizza shop. He was born across the street from Louie’s Candy Store, the old candy shop that his father owns.
Lucali’s menu is limited to pizza and calzone. The pizzas are made with simple toppings. They’re a classic Neapolitan style.
Located in the former Rexall Drug Store on Fifth Avenue, Rossopomodoro is a Neapolitan pizza chain with a number of branches around the world. Rossopomodoro’s pizza is a tasty if a bit pricey, but it’s still cheaper than going to Naples for a pie.
The aforementioned pizza is a no brainer, but the Rossopomodoro also has a surprisingly impressive list of Italian specialties, including spaghetti vongole and monkfish. The store also sells pantry goods such as olive oil and balsamic vinegar, along with a fine selection of caviar and charcuterie. It also has a cute little bar.
In terms of pizza, Rossopomodoro offers a number of red sauce pizzas. The most interesting pizza is the one that combines San Marzano tomatoes, mozzarella di bufala and Parmigiano-Reggiano. The pie is topped with arugula and a dash of prosciutto.
Located at 1308 Buffalo Road in Gates, this upscale restaurant boasts a wood-burning oven in the style of the legendary Sicilian chef Mario Batali. For lunch and dinner, the menu is full of artisanal pizzas, entrees and salads. You can order your pizza by phone, email or online.
The pizza is a bit pricey but the quality of the crust is well worth the price. The kitchen also has a full bar and a selection of wines. The restaurant serves lunch and dinner, seven days a week. The best time to order is mid-day. You can also order your pizza on the go with their delivery service.
Neapolitan style
Authentic Neapolitan style pizza is made with high quality ingredients, fresh mozzarella, and fresh basil. It is cooked in an extremely hot wood fire, producing a crisp and delicious pizza.
Neapolitan pizza is also known for its distinctive flavor. To make an authentic Neapolitan style pizza, you need to use Italian flour and fresh ingredients. Pizza ovens must also be made from wood. The wood fire gives pizza its signature flavor.
Authentic Neapolitan pizza is made with San Marzano tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and basil. It is typically served with a simple tomato sauce. Pizza ovens should be heated to between 430 and 480 degrees Celsius. These temperatures will create large air bubbles in the crust, giving it a crisp and charred finish.
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