#best selling chocolate candy
maaabs · 1 year
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Looking for the best deals on American soft drinks? Look no further than Maaabs, your go-to wholesale supplier. We offer a wide selection of popular soft drink brands at unbeatable prices. Stock up your shelves and satisfy your customers' cravings with Maaabs. Shop now and enjoy refreshing profits!
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sp0o0kylights · 7 months
"Valentines Day is a capitalistic scam made to sell chocolate and flowers!" Eddie Munson bellowed, leaping to the top of a cafeteria table not even ten minutes into lunch. 
"Do you think he was born like this, or just dropped on his head as a baby?" Heather asked, rolling her eyes as the super senior began waving his arms around, getting way too into  his annual “anti-valentines day” rant. 
Steve, who'd tuned out the dramatics in favor of trying to figure out how he could ditch school, only heard her because she’d begun running her foot up his leg.
Directly in front of Patrick.
As if half the school didn’t know he planned on asking her out after school. 
Long over being a part of these kinds of games, Steve kicked out, forcing Heather’s leg off his. 
He did it harder than he intended and immediately winced, as  if he hadn’t meant to do it at all. Aimed a sad little look at her, softening his eyes in the way he knew ladies loved while murmuring a quiet "sorry.” 
A pudding cup was offered as an additional apology--which Heather, thankfully, accepted. 
Crisis averted, Steve used the movement of handing the cup over to get his legs well out of Heather's range. He had other things to think about today, and getting drawn into whatever drama Heather was trying to brew wasn’t on the list. 
Particularly given the basketball team as a unit had started snubbing him out. 
"Newsflash ladies! Your man isn't taking you to some shitty restaurant because he loves you, he's doing it because he hopes you'll give it to him in your car!" Munson continued, voice growing impossibly louder. 
A crude gesture followed, involving hip thrusts and hand jabs.
 Several of the cheerleaders shot him disgusted looks as he did it. 
"Definitely dropped on his head." Carol said, glaring at Munson as his little group of freaks and geeks cheered him. "More than once." 
Steve hummed an agreement, more on automatic than from actually listening. He knew how to look like he was paying attention, even if his head was deep in possible escape plans. 
If he dipped at the last minute to the bathroom on the way to fifth period, Tommy wouldn't have time to stop him and he could make a break for his car…
That just left making up a plausible enough excuse as to why thee Steve Harrington, whose single status was the current hot topic of the school, left school early on Valentines Day. 
("Candy, sex, the overwhelming affection of all the ladies." Tommy drawled out that morning, practically preening. "Valentine's Day is the best holiday man. Just look at all this!"  
He waved a hand at his locker, which was absolutely covered in paper hearts. 
"The rally squad put hearts on the lockers of everyone on the basketball team, Tommy." Carol argued, rolling her eyes. "Steve’s is practically buried in them.”
Tommy opened his mouth to respond, no doubt with something else teasing and rude, but Carol’s elbow caught him in the gut first. 
“If you keep acting like this you're not getting any sex." She warned. 
"Aww baby, don't be like that. You know you're the only one for me." Tommy teased, with a wink that prompted Carol to smack him on the shoulder.
Laughing, he added: "Besides we can't fight or we'll miss our favorite game. Which poor gal thinks this year is the year Steve will take her out on a date!"
Carol allowed Tommy to put an arm over her shoulder, the two of them turning knowing grins on their friend as a singular unit. 
Even if Steve hadn’t felt like their friend in a hot minute. 
Not in the way he used to. 
"I do love watching them stutter through their little confessions.” Carol admitted, like this wasn’t something they’d loved doing since middle school. “I wonder if anyone will ever top Cindy Komer." 
Steve almost wasn't fast enough to cover his wince--that particular incident had been painful for him and Cindy. 
Steve still had no idea what he'd said to make the then-freshman cry. 
He thought he'd been nice about turning her down, but judging by Carol constantly quoting what he'd said, Steve had a feeling he'd accidentally been an asshole again.
Not that anyone ever thought it was accidental. 
“Steve? Hel~lo? Are you listening?” Carol said, snapping to get his attention and God did Steve hate that.
Never realized just how much until Nancy but after she’d pointed out that Carol treated him and Tommy both like her dogs, well. 
It was hard not to notice--and be a bit resentful. 
“God you keep doing this, you’re turning into such a space case.” Carol continued, the edge back in her voice. The same one she’d been using for a while, like Steve was on her last nerve. “Please tell me you’re not still mooning over Nancy fucking Wheeler.” 
“No.” He snapped, only to know instantly that was the wrong move, and try to fix it before Carol blew up. “No--I’ve just already had to fend someone off today. Like first thing--I was barely out of my car.”
There, that should keep Carol and Tommy both off his back for being “angry” and it wasn’t even a lie. He really had been asked out earlier, though the girl had been gracious about his rejection.  
Of course, this kind of instant redirection came with a price--and in this case, it was being absolutely hounded for more information. 
“Oh shit who!? Was it that Buckley girl?” Carol perked up immediately, like a hunting dog scenting prey. “I swear she stares holes in your head, she’s so weird…” )  
"This isn't about romance! It's about showing who has the most cash, gets the most sex! It's a pathetic social ritual you're all falling for!” Munson yelled, jolting Steve back into the present.  “I bet none of you even enjoy it!” 
"Tell that to all the girls Steve’s dated!” One of the younger basketball guys hollered, prompting a wave of laughter from the rest of the cafeteria. “They seem to enjoy it plenty!”
Steve couldn’t see who had said it, and should have felt the normal wave of smug warmth that the team had his back.  
Except his team had already proven they didn’t. 
Were in fact, siding more and more with Hargrove, just as Tommy was. 
They were rapidly approaching a watershed moment. Steve could feel it, the same way he’d always been able to tell when a crowd was about to turn.
He was losing, but was still on top of Hawkins social spaces enough, had caught it early enough, that he could turn everyone’s favor--if he wanted. 
Emphasis on ‘if.’ 
Munson spun to face his table, hair whipping to smack him in the face. The guy had clearly been trying to grow it out, but right now he looked like one of those poodles Carol's mom loved so much. 
So said Carol, anyway. 
"You sure about that?" Munson challenged, a crazed grin breaking across his face. "Rumor has it King Steve lost his groove ever since Wheeler dumped him!" 
Steve grimaced, though he was secretly thankful Munson went with "dumped" instead of "cheated on" (or any of the other vile words Billy had flung around, spreading across the school in the sick, crawling way rumors moved. 
Hargrove had been positively brutal about the whole Jonathan and Nancy thing, and the only reason he wasn't here now to spin this whole situation against Steve was because the guy always vanished at lunch.)
Tommy's face morphed into an affronted snarl, hands slapping down on the table. He turned expectantly to Steve, waiting for "The King" to get up and "handle" Munson.
Like Steve even cared about this dumb high school shit anymore. 
It took him a moment to realize Steve wasn’t planning on doing anything. Was in fact, going to remain perfectly quiet, other than an eyeroll and half-assed middle finger in Munson’s direction. 
Tommy let out a disgusted scoff in his direction and then decided to handle things himself. 
(Like that had ever been a good idea.)
“Shut up, Freak. The only game you have is in the prison showers.” He snapped, half rising from the table. “Isn’t that why you keep your hair long? So all the boys will actually fuck you?!” 
Whistles and yells lit the air, though Steve didn’t miss how the girls at the table looked taken aback at the sheer vitriol in Tommy’s voice. 
Even Carol looked startled, eyes sliding to meet Steve’s as if to confirm she hadn’t just imagined it. 
The three of them had always been good at this kind of mindless high school banter, but this over the top, crude shit? 
It wasn’t Tommy’s style.
It was Hargrove’s.
(That was its own growing issue. 
The way Tommy was gravitating towards Billy. 
How Carol kept expecting Steve to act like he used to. 
That she blamed his “outbursts” on Nancy, snidely mentioning that Steve had better have learned his lesson about “changing his personality for pussy.” 
Even now Steve knew they were only defending him because Munson was the one saying it.) 
“I didn’t realize Harrington still had his attack dog!” 
Munson put a hand against his heart as though injured, staggering dramatically backwards. 
“I thought you were too busy putting your tongue up Hargrove’s ass to bark at people!” 
Tommy immediately fired back, letting loose an uninspired string of curse words and something about Eddie being queer again. Steve didn’t hear the specifics--didn’t care to hear it, even as things started to spiral out of control. 
All he wanted to do was go home. 
Ideally before Billy got back from lunch and decided to make a spectacle himself, because Steve could feel that coming just as he could everything else. 
He was running out of time to come up with an excuse to get out of here without making a production out of it, and Munson wasn’t someone he wanted to piss off today, given he’d half hoped to buy weed off the guy before he ditched.
…Which was looking more and more unlikely given Tommy had just screeched some insult that had put Munson’s sights back on Steve. 
“You sure? Cause Harrington looks like he’s just gonna sit there and take it, just like he takes everything Hargrove and Wheeler and anyone else throws at him.”
He leered, leaning forward as if to see into Steve’s very soul. 
“I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but our beloved King here hasn’t exactly been defending his crown. If anything, he’s abandoned it.” 
The world stopped. 
This was the first time someone actually called him out on the fact that he often let whatever crap Billy spewed go. That Nancy and him had a few awkward encounters publicly, with at least one of them starting a rumor that she’d told Steve to fuck off. 
(She hadn’t of course, but Carol had stopped running damage control, and Steve was feeling the effects of her ire.) 
Silence echoed, and Steve realized with a dawning sort of horror, that Munson was waiting for a response from him. 
Just as the entire cafeteria was. 
The catalyst was here, brought on early by one Edward Munson. 
With a startling amount of clarity, Steve realized he was done. 
With his so called friends, with  the girls who’d tried corning him all morning, with Hargrove and just--everything. 
He was over it. 
If Billy wanted the crown so bad he could fucking have it. 
(If Tommy wanted to pretend he was tougher than he was by mimicking the dick, then he could have that too.) 
“This is stupid.” Steve announced, dropping the masks he so carefully wore. The ones he kept having to fix, because the Upside Down and its related demons (human and non) kept taking chunks out of it. 
He stood, feeling the weight of the room press down on him as he faced them all down. 
“Yeah--!” Tommy started to pile on, seeming to think Steve was about to unleash hell, and got the surprise of a lifetime when Steve turned and jammed a finger in his face.
“Shut up.” He snapped. 
Knew instantly he only got away with it by the fact that he’d caught everyone off guard.  
King Steve did a lot of things, but he rarely blew up. 
“This is stupid.” He reiterated, voice booming across the lunch room, “ You wanna fight? Fine, but leave me out of it.”  
“The King doesn’t want to play? Why I never thought we’d see the day!” Munson clucked his tongue, and without missing a beat Steve turned to him. 
 “For someone who is always screaming about nonconformity, you sure are happy to attack anyone who doesn’t do what you want.”
Steve’s voice was loud, but he wasn’t screaming. Wasn’t yelling or throwing his arms around.
He didn’t need to. Had never needed to. 
“I heard you going off on that guy whose lunch you're standing on yesterday, because he wanted to watch the Colts play.” Steve continued, voice cold. “Half of your friends are terrified of you, because you’ll scream at them just like you accuse us of doing--and let’s be real here, Munson, you do it more.”
In a dramatic move that absolutely, 100% came from Dustin and his theatrics, Steve shrugged his letterman jacket off and bunched it into a ball. 
“You might as well crown yourself King, because you’re the exact same as the rest of us. Here--you can start with this.”  
Cocking back an arm, Steve let the jacket fly. Watched with everyone else as it  landed neatly right at Eddie’s feet. 
Shell shocked, Munson’s eyes drifted from Steve down to the letterman jacket and back. They were massive, those stupid eyes of his, but at least it meant Steve could see the realization wash over the guy in real time. 
Steve should have felt smug about it. His past self would have.
He just felt tired. 
“You’re welcome to jam it up your ass.” He finished, before giving his own sarcastic half bow to the room.  
The cafeteria was dead silent. Not a fork was scraped, or a loud piece of chip chewed. All eyes were on Steve, some waiting to see if Eddie would let him have the last word, others just  shocked to see Steve lose his shit in front of them. 
Idiot he was, he tried to rally anyway. 
Even Tommy, who’d partly stood up, hands pressed against the lunch table looked shocked.
“What the fuck Steve!?” He sputtered, and it wasn’t long before half the basketball team was muttering similar remarks. 
They were ignored. 
Whispers ripped across the room when Steve turned on his heel, striding towards the exit and making it clear things were over, but Tommy didn’t give up. 
“Fuck you Harrington!” He hurled at his back, Carol now standing and placing a restraining hand on his arm.  “You’re not fucking better than any of us!” 
Steve didn’t even look back. 
"That's my point Tommy." Steve said, loud enough to be heard. "No one is better than anyone else. You lot are all just buying into your own bullshit.” 
Then he was slamming through the doors, and out into the sunlight. 
He didn’t want to go home.
Not anymore, which was ironic in a way that made Steve’s face screw up in a grimace.  
Here he’d been dying to go to his stupid house all day, and now, after losing his shit and undoubtedly, the last of his social standing, he just didn’t feel like being by himself.
All alone, in a house too big for him, full of nothing but dark corners and a phone that never rang. 
So instead, he wandered, reminiscing on how Valentine's Day used to be his favorite day of the year. 
Steve loved the gesture of it all--the romance, the wooing. The butterflies floating in one's stomach, mixing with fear of rejection and a burning kind of hope towards starting something new. 
Of course, Steve also had always had a girl in mind, when he celebrated. Now, after Nancy…
He did not.
It felt weird to go to Skull Rock--the place he himself had made into Hawkins hottest makeout spots. Likewise all the local restaurants were off limits--too many adults knew how much he loved the holiday. 
Steve didn’t want to face that. The expectations, the knowing winks that would slide into uncomfortable frowns. Any possible advice given wouldn’t be appreciated, and the last thing Steve wanted was to get the “everyone has an off season, son” speech. 
So he’d stayed away from his usual haunts. Explored some storefronts instead, the Beamer parked in front of Family Video as he wandered. 
Had an entirely too peaceful two hours, which of course, meant he had to bump into someone.
At least, Steve thought dully, whole body tensing in preparation, it was Munson. 
Not Hargrove, or Tommy, or hell--the children, demanding he help them fight some other fucked up creature the government had accidentally summoned. 
“Hey Harrington.” Munson said, and it took a moment for Steve to realize the guy was embarrassed. “I uh, I need to talk to you.” 
Steve just stared at him.
“If you couldn’t tell from earlier,” He warned, “I’m a little done talking for today.” 
Or any day, for the foreseeable future. 
“Yeah no--I, I got that.  I--okay.” Eddie stopped rocking on his heels, before giving his entire body a shake, like the guys sometimes did while prepping for a game. “Hear me out, and then you can deck me or leave or whatever makes you feel better.” 
“I’m not going to deck you.” Steve said, exasperated and frazzled and not wanting to do this whole song and dance a second time. 
Not that it mattered, because Munson had already launched right into whatever it was he needed to say. 
“There’s this book right? My Uncle got it for me. It’s a fantasy book all about this big battle and there’s these wizards in it, and--” He stopped himself, shaking out his hands.
Like he realized he was rambling and needed the movement to get himself back on track. 
“I always--I guess I saw myself as a Gandalf kinda guy? Like I was this shepherd herding these lost sheep. A person who intimately knew all the dark forces of the world and could be a shield for them. Do not pass and all that.” 
He chuckled, but it was weak, and he killed it almost immediately. 
“...Okay?” Steve said, knowing he was supposed to say something here, even if he had no idea what. 
Maybe something about how Gandalf the Grey wasn’t exactly a shepard given he’d led the hobbits straight into Mordor, but saying that meant admitting Steve knew what Lord of the Rings was, which wasn’t a conversation he felt like getting into. 
Particularly not because he’d only read the damn things after losing a bet to Dustin and Mike both. 
Munson nodded, as if acknowledgement was all he needed. 
 “I thought that’s what I was doing. I wasn’t and I didn’t realize I wasn’t until you pointed it out. You shouldn’t have had to point it out. You shouldn’t have had to say any of what you did.” He rushed to add, oddly sincere. 
"Is this…" Steve might be confused but catching on, an uptick at the corners of his mouth as the tiniest spark of amusement leaked through. "an apology? Are you trying to apologize right now?"
Eddie groaned, flinging his head back. "No!” 
Then immediately; 
“Actually yes, but--”  
Which caught Steve off guard enough that he laughed, and had to hide it with a cough. 
“I am sorry, man. I shouldn’t have said that shit about you, especially not about you and Wheeler. It's more than that though.” Munson swallowed, before squaring his shoulders. “It’s that you were right." 
“I was right?” Steve repeated dumbly, because fuck, he couldn’t believe it either. 
Not that Munson heard him. Eddie always had been hard to stop once he started, and Steve had been in enough classes with the guy to know the train had left the station. 
"I did yell at Jeff because he wanted to watch that stupid football game.” He began, and Steve got a front row seat to watch as one Eddie Munson word vomited his way through a myriad of emotions. 
“I fuckin’ lost it on Grant because he missed band practice to drive his sister to some thing. Gareth looked like I was going to hit him when I asked if I had really been that bad--same exact look he gave Hagan and those other assholes that cornered him in the bathroom two weeks ago!” 
“Tommy did what?” 
Steve was promptly ignored. 
(Or more likely, Eddie simply didn’t hear him, too lost in his own voice to realize Steve had said something.) 
There were a lot of mentions of the Gandalf guy. Where Eddie thought he’d gone wrong, and even something about a glowing eye thing that had Steve a little concerned until he realized Munson was talking about Sauron (and also made Steve realize that he’d been pronouncing Sauron in his head wrong, oops.) 
“I called up this friend of mine who graduated. She’s always been no nonsense, so I asked her for her advice.” Munson said, finally seeming to slow down a little. “She told me I might as well eat my own doctrine because I sure wasn’t living by it, and that if I wanted to fix it then I should start by apologizing. To everyone but--to you, first.” 
Eddie took a step back, winging out his hands as if to present himself. 
“So here I am. Apologizing.” 
A pause wherein neither of them did a thing, which caused him to awkwardly add; “To uh, you. Harrington.” 
“Yeah I got that.” Steve said, because what else was he supposed to do here? “Good for you? I guess?”
“Most people either forgive a guy or tell him to fuck off.”  Munson pouted, and mimicked like he was kicking at a rock. 
It made Steve want to laugh again, though he shoved the urge down. 
“Someone once told me,” He said instead, speaking slowly to make damn sure he didn’t let slip this piece of advice came from a middle schooler. “that apologies without actions don’t really mean anything. They’re a start--they let people know you’re aware you screwed up, but no one’s going to trust you if you don’t follow through. So I can forgive you, but I think you’re better off doing this with one of your friends.” 
Someone who would hug it out, or at least tell Eddie how he could be better, at least. 
Rather than argue, Munson just titled his head back, eyes to the sky. Like he was really thinking on the words, before giving a sort of accepting sounding noise.  
“Trying too.” Steve admitted with a sigh. 
“That’s what you’ve been doing, isn’t it?” He asked, head coming back down so he could stare at Steve.
“The thing in the cafeteria was a good start.” 
Eddie grinned. 
“Yeah. Don’t think Hagan’s gonna see it the same way though.” 
“We were falling out anyway.” Steve admitted, and hated how easy it was to say.
That they really were just going through the motions of friendship. Had been, ever since Jonathan had punched Steve in the face. 
“Think you lost more than just him as a friend, to be honest.”  
“Pro tip about the actions thing, Munson?” Steve said with a snort, once again unsure of where this conversation was going, “Nice people don’t typically point out when someone’s turned into a social pariah.” 
“No, I get that. Say,” Eddie’s grin had grown, which Steve would have taken poorly except he invaded Steve’s space with a goofy little hop. “I think you might be in need of some new ones!” 
“New…friends?” Steve hesitated, very unsure of what was happening. 
Munson promptly stuck his hand out. “Yup! So--hello, my name is Eddie Munson, and I am here to apply for the position as your friend!” 
Steve snorted, but the harshness of it was taken away by the grin on his face. 
He took Eddie’s hand, noting how doing so made the older teen’s smile widen. 
“Nice to meet you Eddie, I’m Steve.” 
Excited, Eddie waived their arms up and down, with far more enthusiasm than the gesture required. 
“How about we cement our new friendship by renting a truly terrible horror movie and drowning our woes with my other good friend, Mary Jane?” 
Then he waggled his eyebrows, like that was something scandalous. 
“Tempting me along with weed, huh?” Steve mused back, sticking his hands in his pockets once Eddie let him go. “Guess you’re a little like Gandalf the Gray after all. Just don’t send me on any missions.” 
“Steve Harrington.” Eddie gaped, pure delight spreading across his face. “Have you read Lord of the Rings!?” 
He got a shrug and a sly; “Maybe.” in response. 
It was worth the barrage of questions, even if the rapid fire pace of them nearly gave Steve a headache.
(Just as it was worth it several months later, when Steve was comfortable enough to instigate wrestling matches with Eddie over the dumbest of things. 
One particularly semi-drunk tussle over the remote led to an interesting discovery when Eddie popped a boner, and then frantically tried to escape when it brushed against Steve’s leg. 
 Instead of panicking--or letting Eddie bolt in his panic, Steve just dropped his whole weight down, effectively pinning the slimmer man to the floor. 
Eddie said it so quietly he almost didn’t hear it, the word filled with desperation.
The kind of tone someone whispered a prayer in, a sort of pleading that Eddie did better with his eyes than his voice. Or would have, given his own were firmly scrunched closed the second he realized he’d been caught out. 
“Not right now I’m thinking.”  Steve told him absently. 
Which he was. Speed thinking even, if that was a thing. 
Because if two plus two equaled four (which it did) then feeling the exact same, fluttering excitement about Eddie’s boner as Steve had Nancy’s breasts, equaled…
“The fuck? Steve--”
Steve shushed him. 
That pulled a frustrated, embarrassed groan from Eddie that went directly to Steve’s own dick, not that it needed much help waking up. 
“I think I’m having one of those crisis’s Robin is always accusing the basketball team of having.” Steve informed Eddie dutifully, the dots done connecting.
Eddie, still refusing to open his eyes, snorted. 
“Whatever man. Can you at least be decent and hurry up with the beating? This is embarrassing enough.” 
“I’m not going to beat you up.” Steve said, thankful that his brain managed not to add some shitty comment about the entire town being awash in rumors of Eddie’s sexuality. That he’d confirmed it here wasn’t exactly a surprise. 
“I’m going to try something. If you don’t like it, let me know.” Streve added, before screwing up his courage and leaning down.
That of course, got Eddie to open his eyes.
“Wha--” He managed, before Steve’s lips were on his. 
For one single, blissful moment, Eddie Munson’s mouth was too busy to talk. 
“Yeah?” Eddie said, voice wrecked, and oh, Steve liked that. 
“Huh.” Steve muttered, when they broke for air. “Well that’s new.”
Liked the way Eddie looked at him more, hesitant, but with heat in his gaze. 
Steve had always been good about knowing what to do with heat. 
He leaned back down, pecking lightly at Eddie’s lips, and was delighted to find Eddie not only let him, but kissed back. 
“Not bad, Munson, but I think I could give you a few pointers.” Steve muttered, nose ghosting alongside Eddie’s. “Let me show you…” 
One boyfriend, several weeks, and another interdimensional monster later, Steve found himself socked in the arm by none other than his coworker, Robin Buckley. 
In her defense, she’d confessed her love for Tammy Thompson, still somewhat drugged on the Starcourt bathroom floor, only for Steve to tease her that at least his boyfriend could actually sing. 
“God you and Eddie Munson.” She muttered after, smile on her face. “How did that happen?” 
Steve knocked his shoe into hers, returning the grin unabashedly. 
“So remember last Valentines Day?” Steve started, all too eager to finally tell someone who understood about the best thing to ever happen to him. 
Robin of course, would soon also be ranked in that same chart, but Eddie didn’t need to know that. ) 
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badgerbl00d · 1 year
taking an aphrodisiac and seeing who gives in first
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☆ characters: ace, law, kidd
☆ up next: running into your ex ft. zoro
☆ summary: you take an aphrodisiac together and decide to throw in a competitive edge ; smutty, minimal plot oops
☆ a/n: this is a reupload- the original was deleted for some reason :(; requests are opened and being worked on! enjoy <3
☆ 18+, mdni
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You waited until everyone was asleep to make your way over to Ace’s room. The two of you had decided it would probably be best to not say anything to anyone for a while, at least until you both had more time to get used to being together. 
It still sent shivers down your spine to think about the fact that you were actually dating.
You knocked on his door, using the knocking pattern he’d taught you exactly the way he’d insisted you did. 
“Ace, that’s dumb,” you’d insisted.
“No- I-I’m serious! What if I answer the door naked and Marco’s the one who knocked?”
“Why the hell would you be answering the door naked at all?”
“Well, you know ‘cause it’s, like, sexy.”
You stared at him and decided it would be best to just do a stupid secret knock. 
“...Okay what’s the knock.”
“Haha! Yes! Ok, so knock once, and then twice really fast- like da-dum, OK?”
“Alright,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Good. Then you’re gonna drumroll on the door for like three whole seconds. After that alternate between left and right twice and then-”
“Ace I’m just gonna knock three times, ok?”
He rolled his eyes, “Fine.”
Knock. Knock. Knock.
You waited for a few seconds before Ace opened the door for you.
He pulled you in for a kiss, a boyish smile plastered on his face.
“My knock would’ve been better.”
You giggled and followed him to his bed, pulling out the chocolate.
The two of you had been sent shopping earlier and came across a stall selling ‘enhanced’ chocolate. After some inquiry, you discovered it was an aphrodisiac, supposed to increase libido. 
You and Ace bought it, giggling like schoolgirls, and decided you’d try it tonight.
“So we just eat it and… bang?”
“Yes, Ace, we eat it and bang.”
“I meant like bang, boom, y’know?”
Well, I meant it like sex. “Here,” you broke the candy in half and handed it to him. 
“Hold on, hold on,” he sat down next to you and pulled you onto his lap, placing a flurry of kisses on your cheek before continuing, “Wanna make it more interesting?”
“Depends what you have in mind.”
“Let’s make a bet- See who lasts longer without giving in.”
You perked up at this.
“What will I get when I win?”
He laughed, “ ‘When?’ I think you mean if. Don’t get overconfident, cutie. How about… I will take you shopping for anything you want.”
Ace grabbed half of the chocolate and popped it into his mouth, and you followed suit. 
He put on a kids' show you both liked in the background, it was a cute one about a boy and his stretchy dog. He said it reminded him of him and his brothers. The two of you got comfortable on the bed, you sat leaned up against a mountain of pillows, and Ace laid on you, head resting on your thighs.
You played with his hair while he rubbed your legs, as you slowly started to feel the effects of the drug. 
You could tell Ace had started to feel it as soon as he started squirming. 
When he turned over, his stomach against yours, and started to kiss your chest and tummy, you knew you’d won. 
“About that bet…” he said.
“Already?! You didn’t even try! Go sit over there.”
“I’m sorry you’re just so beautiful and soft and I’m so hard it’s starting to hurt.”
You giggled and pulled down the straps of your shirt to tease him. 
“You want this?”
He nodded eagerly. So cute. 
He reached behind you and unhooked your bra, tossing it on the floor.
He watched as your boobs bounced out, and with his hands around your waist, took one into his mouth. 
“A-ah, Ace,” you panted as his warm mouth enveloped your nipple. 
The hot, sticky wetness of his tongue felt so, so good. Your resolve immediately crumbled and you caved to his touch. 
He sucked slightly harder, his teeth gently closing around it. 
“Ace,” you whined, your hands finding their way up his back and into his hair. 
His hands were wrapped around his waist and he was laying on top of you, lined up so that his hardening dick was against your thigh. 
You felt a sudden burst of warmth emanate from his hands, sending a violently pleasurable shiver up your spine. He knew you loved when he involved his devil fruit abilities into your sexual encounters. 
You not-so-gently pulled on his hair as your back arched into his tongue that was persistently lapping at your sensitive nipple. 
He pulled away with a pop.
“M-more, Ace,” you breathed, “I want more.”
He sat up on his knees and clumsily fumbled with his pants, failing to untie the knot at the front. 
“Let me help,” you said, reaching up to untie it for him.
You made eye contact with him as you pulled down his sweats, slipping a finger into the band of his boxers.
He took in a shaky breath, his lips parted in awe. 
“You’re so pretty, you know that?”
You didn’t respond and instead pulled down his boxers. 
He was very long and pleasantly thick. 
You felt yourself getting even wetter at the memory of how he stretched you out last time.
Ace didn’t shave either, you figured he was far too impatient but it was something you absolutely loved.
You wrapped your lips around him, slowly working your way to the base, spit coating his dick. 
He placed a gentle hand in your hair, guiding you along with him as he laid back down on the bed. 
He gathered your hair into a messy ponytail and slowly bobbed your head up and down and up and down against his length- hissing as your tongue slid up his length and swirled around the tip with every movement. 
“F-feels so good,” he said.
You moaned against him, earning an involuntary shudder from your boyfriend.
You wrapped a hand around him, lightly squeezing his spit-soaked cock. 
“N-no, no, no, too much,” he whined, “Gonna cum!”
You started to move your head faster and were abruptly pulled off of him. 
“Let me fuck you first, princess, ‘m gonna cum if you keep going.”
You sighed but relented. 
“That’s the goal, baby,” you said, straddling his hips, and placing your hands on his chest.
“Then let me cum in you,” he begged. 
You lowered yourself down onto his length as he held himself in place for you, moaning as you felt that familiar stretch. 
“F-fuck,” you breathed, “You feel so good- So big.”
“Yeah? You like this position?”
He started to move his hips, fucking up into you. 
“Y-yes, Ace- Fuck! Oh, my god, d-don’t stop!”
Your breathless moans were more than enough to get him up to a delicious pace.
You pressed hot, wet kisses to his mouth, welcoming the abnormally warm sensation in your tummy. 
You knew your boyfriend ran hot and it was the most unexpectedly wonderful thing about having sex with him. 
You were sweating, covered with water droplets that were running down your body.
Ace’s hands dug into you, wet smacking sounds filling the room as you both got closer and closer. 
You cried out with every thrust, and Ace’s head was completely fogged with euphoria. 
Your stomach was twisting and tensing with pleasure, and you rapidly tapped Ace’s chest to let him know you were close. 
He brought an arm up to your throat, gently closing his hand around it. 
You grabbed onto his forearm and pulsed around him wildly as you finished all over him.
With a few more thrusts his hips started to twitch and you could tell by his erratic pace that he was close. 
“G-gonna cum, baby- Gonna cum!”
You tightened around Ace’s cock, and felt the sudden hot spurts of cum filling you up. 
When he was finished, he brushed your hair out of your face and gently tucked it behind your ears before lifting you up to pull out. 
His cum leaked out of you and all over his thighs. 
You laid down onto him, your sticky, sweaty bodies breathing in sync. 
He rubbed your back and kissed the top of your head. 
You started giggling and he joined in. 
You slowly sat up and pressed a kiss to Ace’s sweaty forehead before collapsing onto the bed next to him.
He sighed and grabbed your hand, rubbing his thumb over yours.
“Wanna know something?” he said.
“I love you!”
“I love you more! Do you wanna know something?”
“Always,” he said. 
“You lose.”
“Kidd! Hurry up,” you called him into your bedroom. 
You were sitting in bed, the covers messily thrown around you.
He walked into the room, his towel wrapped loosely around his waist, just barely dried off. 
He still had his lipstick on, not having bothered to take it off, it was smudged messily around his lips.
Water beads were running down his chest and arms, and he smelled like lavender and shampoo. 
He loved watching you get ready for bed and had started timing his showers so that he could be in the bathroom at the same time as you.
Something about the routine was so domestic- it made him feel warm inside. He’d never admit it out loud but by the third time he had made it a point to have all his work done so he could shower with you, you’d put two and two together.
He was completely entranced watching you take off your makeup, brush your hair, put on lotion like you always did, and, of course, watching you change. He’d offer to ‘help’ though, in reality, he just wanted an excuse to have his hands on you.
He sat next to you on the bed, reaching over to grab a pair of gray sweatpants you’d set out for him. 
You sat on your knees, wearing an old torn-up t-shirt of his.
In your hands were two small pieces of chocolate, that you and Kidd had been eagerly waiting to eat. 
“I'm here, darlin’,” he said, getting up to put on his pants. 
“Won’t be needing those,” you giggled.
He turned to give you a kiss on your forehead. 
You kissed him, gently biting his bottom lip.
“That eager, hm?”
Kidd reached for one of the chocolates in your hand, which you moved out of his reach.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, hold on,” you were greeted with an eye roll, “I wanna make a bet.”
Impatience had been starting to show itself on his face until the word ‘bet’ fell from your lips. 
His competitiveness outweighed his short attention span. 
“What kind of bet, love?”
A devilish smile spread on your face, easily Kidd’s favorite of your many expressions, “I think you’re going to be so pathetically desperate that you’ll give in before I even feel it.”
He laughed, and your stomach twisted in anticipation at the way he looked at you after.
“Deal, baby, but what am I gonna get when I win?”
“Whatever you want.”
You blinked up at him, and he felt his dick twitch in his pants. 
His confidence momentarily faltered, before he snatched a chocolate out of your hand and ate it as he made his way out of the room toward his office. 
“I’ll be in there, baby. Working.”
You lay down on your side of the bed and waved him off, grabbing your book from your nightstand. 
You knew five minutes in that you were destined for failure. You tried to focus on the book but the lines were blurring into one another and all you could think of was how Kidd’s hands felt when they were around your throat, or smacking your ass, or pulling you closer into him by your waist. 
After an excruciating twenty minutes of resisting the pooling wetness in between your thighs, you swallowed your pride and made your way to Kidd’s office.
You lightly knocked before walking in, blushing from embarrassment. 
Kidd sat in his office chair, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face, beckoning you toward him with a few pats to his lap. 
If you weren’t so achingly desperate to feel that hand grabbing and squeezing you, you would’ve given him a piece of your mind for calling you to him like a dog. 
Yet, like a dog, you obeyed and made your way toward him tail tucked between your legs.
You were dressed in nothing but the t-shirts and a pair of black and white polka dot panties. 
He pulled you onto his lap once you were close enough and you straddled him, sinking your lips eagerly into his, his lipstick smudging across both of your faces.
He loved seeing you like that- he took a guilty pleasure in seeing you marked up, be it by his lipstick or hickeys he wanted to see you completely covered. 
Pulling away from the kiss to look at your lover, you suddenly became very aware of his hardening erection that was pushed snugly against your pussy.
It dawned on you now that had you stuck it out even just a few more minutes you probably would’ve won the bet. But that was the last thing on your mind and all you could think of now was the feeling of familiar hardness against your lower half.
A breath caught in your throat and your own arousal started to soak through your panties.
You could feel your heartbeat pulsing in your clit, the throbbing sensation starting to overwhelm you.
You pawed at his chest, desperate for some kind of give, and slowly started circling your hips against him.
“You like feeling my dick against ya? Hm?”
He patted your cheek lightly when you didn’t answer and you nodded. 
“You want more?”
You nodded again, more enthusiastically this time.
He slapped your face- a little harder this time.
“I want to hear you say it,” he reminded you, holding your face in one hand, your cheeks squished together. 
“Y-yesh, captain, want more,” you moaned, picking up the pace of your grinding against his lap. 
“Sit up for me baby,” he said.
You did, raising your ass from his thighs. 
He pushed your panties to the side and ran a cold, metal finger up your slit, gathering your slick arousal onto it. 
“Ah! Please, Kidd, please. I’ve already lost, so don’t tease!”
He laughed at your desperation, “Quit whinin’ sweetheart, gimme a sec.”
He pulled the waistline of his sweatpants down and his cock sprang up, lying flat against his abdomen. 
The tip was flushed pink and dribbling pre-cum. 
Tentatively, you wrapped your small hand around the base and lightly pumped up and down. 
Kidd made no complaints so you moved your hand with more vigor. 
Your thumb swiped at the leaking slit on his head and used the arousal to pump him faster, earning heavenly moans to fall on your ears.
“Just like that, Y/n.”
You bit your bottom lip and bent down slightly to start pressing wet kisses to his throat as you pleased him.  
You worked your way up to his jaw, and pulled away to look up at him. 
He was in complete euphoria, his head leaning back against the chair, neck completely exposed to you.
You watched as his chest rose and fell, in sync with every up and down motion of your hand. 
You slowly started to get yourself down from his lap- and his head shot up.
“Oi, oi, where’re ya goin’?”
“Shh, baby, just let me make you feel good.”
You could tell he didn’t like this at all, he was always in control.
He told you when to cum, where to lick, what to do, and this was driving him insane.
But the pleasure coursing through his body left his brain feeling too good to question anything.
You knelt down on the floor in front of him and guided his hand to your hair, which he gladly held up. 
“I see,” he mused, a smile spreading on his face, “In that case, go ahead, darlin’.”
You wrapped both hands around the base of his extraordinarily thick cock, bringing the tip towards your already extended tongue.
Your hands worked in unison with your mouth, pumping him while you licked up and down his head.
When he was sufficiently worked up you enclosed your mouth over the smallest amount possible, gathering spit in your mouth.
It dribbled down the underside of his cock, providing you with the necessary lubrication to take him down your throat.
You started slow- Kidd was big and you knew you had to warm up before taking all of him. 
His grip on your hair tightened as your tongue licked the underside of his shaft, and your lips wrapped around the rest of him.
His breathing was getting faster and curses were spilling out of his throat.
You finally took him to the base, your nose getting buried in his pubes.
You gagged and your eyes started to water, but Kidd held your head in place.  
“F-fuck, shh, shh, breathe baby, breathe,” Kidd shuddered out, “Just like that, oh, good girl.”
Tears started falling from your eyes as your Captain sat back up, and started to slowly pump himself in and out of your mouth. 
You could tell by the twitching and tensing of his dick that he was getting close, and your own arousal was starting to drip down your legs. 
You sharply inhaled with every thrust he gave, holding onto his thighs to try and support yourself. 
“So good f’me,” he panted, “Gonna cum soon.”
You moaned against him as he fucked your mouth, gently cupping his balls in one hand. 
With no warning you found yourself swallowing hot spurts of cum. 
“MM! Mmf mm mmm-” KIDD! Don’t do that-
He interrupted you with a loud laugh, “Sorry darlin’ I couldn’t help it.”
You swallowed and Kidd lifted you back up onto his lap, wrapping strong arms back around your waist. 
You pulled aside your panties, letting your flooding arousal pour onto him.
You sat up on your knees, letting him rub his length up and down your slit, before slipping the head in.
You winced as you lowered your hips down, taking him fully. 
He pushed up into you once he had bottomed out, earning a generous moan from you- music to his ears. 
His hands tightened around your waist as he started to bounce you up and down, you were so wet that every slight movement was audible and filled the room with the sticky, wet sounds of you sucking him in.
He slid in and out of you so easily, and you were so tender that it wasn’t long until you were close.
With every kiss of his tip against your g-spot the coil in your stomach tightened, a strong, delicious tension pressed against the spot right beneath your tummy. 
The steady smack, smack, smack that had started to fill the room clouded your thinking and you were completely rag-dolled by Kidd who was bouncing you at a relentless pace. 
In a flash of white, hot pleasure you came- hard. Your fingernails dug into your boyfriend’s back, a few even breaking skin. Your thighs pressed against each other and you fell forward, leaning your full body weight against him. 
The both of you sat in silence for a moment, the sound of your breathing filling the room. 
Slowly, you sat up pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. 
“I win.”
Kidd’s brows furrowed, “No, ya fuckin’ don’t. You came in here begging for-”
“So? I walked in and you were already hard, so I won.”
“That’s definitely not how this works, love. You walked in wetter than water-”
“HA! I did not,” you lied, “I wasn’t even wet until I sat on your lap. You’re such a sore loser-”
Kidd laughed, and pressed kisses all over your face, “You’re a terrible liar, love.”
You rolled your eyes. 
“Fine. What do you want as a prize?”
Kidd pulled you closer to him, your breath getting gently pushed out as your chest pressed against his. 
“I want more.”
You flipped through the pages of a special Valentine’s Day magazine, dog-earing the pages of clothing shops and restaurants you wanted to visit with your boyfriend when he had time. 
He was sitting at his desk, just a few feet away from you organizing medical files and equipment into his drawers. 
His music was playing in the background, out of a small speaker you got him for his twenty-fifth birthday. 
A smooth saxophone melody danced over a relaxing, steady drum beat. 
He loved jazz.
Helps me concentrate, he’d said. 
It had grown on you after a year of listening to it every night and there were few things you found yourself enjoying more than these late nights with your boyfriend, each of you doing your own thing while still enjoying the other’s company. 
You were the cutest, sweetest thing in the world to Law, and on nights like these, he liked watching you when you thought he was completely absorbed in his work.
He watched as you’d read, play a video game, or map out your next course. 
Laying on your stomach, you swished your feet in the air behind you, gently rocking them to and fro- a sign Law knew far too well.
“Bored, baby?”
You stilled your feet, feeling guilty that he noticed.
“A little,” you admitted, “And this magazine is making me sad.”
He quirked an eyebrow, asking for elaboration.
“It’s full of cute romantic stuff to do, but who knows if we’ll even get a chance. What with being outlaws and all.”
He smiled and put away the rest of the mess in front of him before sitting on the bed next to you.
You sat up, hugging your knees to your chest, and laid your head down against his shoulder. 
“If you want to go to any of these places, you just let me know and we’ll go. Any marines or bounty hunters that try to intervene will be sorry.”
You giggled, “Should we plan out our Valentine’s Day then?”
He nodded.
“But first, I have something for you.”
You sat up at this, looking up at him with your big doe eyes.
He pulled out a small piece of chocolate from his pocket. 
“Oh! Thank you! Is it dark chocolate ‘cause I don’t like the other kinds-”
You reached for it, but Law pulled back before you could grab it.
“Tsk, tsk- Hold on, my love. 
We’re going to split it.”
You found it somewhat odd that you’d split such a small piece of chocolate and furrowed your brows, earning a laugh from your boyfriend who was unwrapping the candy.
“It’s an aphrodisiac.”
Oh! Your eyes widened, and eagerness pooled into them.
He froze for a second, “Shit- wait! Should I have waited until Valentine’s Day? This would’ve been a good surprise, dammit.”
You laughed out loud at his sudden change in demeanor and quickly reassured him that it was perfectly fine.
“Good to have a test round anyway, no?”
He kissed your forehead and handed you a piece. 
As you ate he continued, “To make it a little more interesting, you’re gonna go to the library and I’ll go to the operation room. Whoever gives in first loses.”
“What constitutes giving in?”
“Asking for sex.”
You stood up, stretching your body out, fingertips extending toward the roof. 
Walking out you stood at the doorway, turning to look back at your lover.
“You’re gonna lose.”
“I am? Oh, but what if I do this,” he said before he suddenly stood up and walked toward you, “Please, Y/n.”
Your panties flooded upon hearing these words, so sickly sweet and needy, and you pressed your thighs together.
Law slowly knelt on the floor in front of you, placing a large hand on the outside of each of your thighs.
He sank lower before you and pressed soft kisses up your legs, stopping at your knees.
Your heartbeat quickened and you could hear your breathing, now made up entirely of fast inhales and exhales like your lungs were trying to catch up with the frenzied, eager mess between your thighs. 
A hand made its way between your knees and Law looked up to you, as though asking for permission to part them. 
Your lips were parted and glossy, you looked so sweet and cute that he could feel his cock throbbing in his pants, the denim tightening around it. 
This kind of eagerness, this lust that filled him had been completely unknown to him before meeting you. 
He pushed your legs apart and his tongue attached to your left thigh, licking a long, wet stripe up it, stopping right before your pussy.
It took immense willpower to not give in right then and there, to not sink his tongue and lips into your wet, dripping heat. To stop himself from indulging in that feeling of the fat of your pussy smothering his face.
But he instead turned to your right thigh, licking and biting his way up it, marking your legs with love marks. Littered hues of dark browns and purples mixed with vibrant reds and pinks covered your thighs. 
Your bottom lip trembled as you ignored every sensation traveling in and on your body. Your nerves were aching, screaming for you to ask Law to touch you. Beg him, if you had to.
But you resisted- blinking back the tears that pooled on your lower lash line in an attempt to refocus. 
The surgeon took note of your resolve and decided to make it crumble.
He lifted your shirt up and over your head and unhooked your bra.
He watched, with an unnerving intensity as your tits jiggled around and softly pinched at your nipples.
Your cheeks were hot to the touch and goosebumps flooded your skin. 
“A-ah-,” you moaned as he started to lick and suck your nipples, getting rougher and rougher. He held your breasts in his hands and pushed them against each other, sloppily licking over any and everything he could reach with his tongue. 
You openly moaned now, completely overcome by the euphoric sensation you were feeling.
His tongue was soft and warm and wet and sticky and felt so, so good over your aching breasts that had been eager for his touch. 
“L-law, please- Oh, my god, yes! Yes,” you whined and writhed under his touch.
He pulled away with a pop, “You like it that much, bunny?”
You fervently nodded and your hands found their way onto his head, tangling themselves in his dark black hair. 
“C’mere, baby,” he said, pulling you in for a kiss.
You snaked your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, savoring how he tasted. 
Pressing a hand against your chest, he laid you down on the couch and grabbed your legs placing them over his shoulders.
Your stomach tensed up, and you could feel your desperate pussy start to twitch. 
He lowered himself so he was level with your soaked panties and placed a kiss right on top of your clothed clit, earning a series of pathetic whines from you. 
You reintroduced your hands to his hair, gently pulling and tugging him toward your needy heat. 
“This is what you want?” 
He ran a long finger up and down your slit.
“Yes! Please, please Law. E-eat me out, ‘m so so wet for you,” you begged.
He pushed your panties to the side, and with a pointed tongue, licked up and down your slit- never quite touching your clit. He gathered the slick pouring out of your hole on his tongue and spit it back onto your pussy.
The teasing continued as he sucked and softly bit your lips, licking everywhere but the aching bundle of nerves that you could feel throbbing.
“Don’t tease!” you cried, desperate for him to give you what you wanted. 
 He laughed and with torturous slowness, started to lick your pulsing bud.
It was euphoric- waves of hot, warm pleasure flooded your body as you sunk your nails into the couch cushions, moans spilling from your lips.
He knew exactly what he was doing, where you liked him to apply more pressure, and where to ease off. 
He had an iron grip on your thighs, dimpling the flesh where his fingers held onto you.
Your moans got less consistent and more strained as you got closer.
“Just like that, baby,” you panted, “Gonna cum!”
As he heard this, he pulled you even closer toward his mouth and your back slid down the wall.
His grip tightened on your thighs and would have been painful if not for how sweetly he was eating you out. 
The obscene wet sounds of licking and slurping and sucking echoed off the walls of his room and you felt your core tightening as you got closer, your hips bucking up into Law’s face out of desperation. 
In a split second, the winding cord snapped and you gasped, digging your hands into the tangled mess that was Law’s hair. 
He slowly pulled his face away from your pussy completely soaked.
He had a drunk look in his eyes and you could already feel yourself wanting more.
Law picked you up, palming your ass, and carried you back to his bed. 
The clock read 6:34 a.m. when the two of you finally went to shower. 
Law did most of the work for you, as you were about ready to pass out. 
He pressed soft kisses on your soapy shoulders and dried you off when you were done. 
He went and grabbed your favorite pajamas for you and tucked you into bed with a soft kiss. 
“And by the way, my love.” 
You turned to look at him, lips still puffy from his assault on them. 
Law took a moment to appreciate the way your nipples poked through the thin silk of your nightgown, and how gently your chest rose and fell as you started to fall asleep. 
He sat next to where you lay on the bed, running a hand through your hair and rubbing circles on your back.
You turned up to look at him, beckoning for him to kiss you.
He bent down, your lips practically touching. 
As a sly smile spread over your face you told him, 
“Technically speaking, I win.”
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avocad1s · 29 days
Trial By Combat 7
Requested By: No one. Original Work.
CW: Mentions of war
Summary: The magician and the Traveler exchange information
Note: Psst… guys… it’s here!!
Part One -> Part Six
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Focalors and the Iudex has concluded their affairs in poor taste. They had left the meeting with more questions rather than answers, and their suspicions only increased a tenfold. Not a word Arlecchino said during that meeting could be taken blindly, she was a harbinger and everyone knew how they operated. To think the Fatui would put the creators safety at risk was a line that should never be crossed.
Only the Knave leaves the Palais Mermonia with a calm air around her. The large group of Fontainians who stood outside the building watched her leave, hoping to get slivers of information from the woman. She walks right through the group, heading towards her decoy ship. She wasn’t dumb enough to bring the ship that had you on it back to the harbor. Someone might be skilled enough to sneak aboard, or worse, you might get off.
Despite the time of day, the streets of Fontaine were quiet. The soft drizzle of rain over the nation seemed to be never ending and the Knave was the only person who was out for a careless stroll that late afternoon.
Once the harbinger rounded the corner, getting closer to the harbor she noticed a small shoppe selling sweets. The Knave didn’t necessarily have a sweet tooth but perhaps you did?
She walks towards the shoppe, staring intently at the goods while the shopkeeper had an uneasy look on his face.
“Was there something you’d like?” the shopkeeper asks, trying his best to swallow his nervousness.
Her eyes flicker to the confectioneries again. She hasn’t had much time to study you, so she wasn’t sure what your taste was. Did you prefer chocolates? Sour candy? Nougat? Arlecchino clicks her tongue. She wants to win your favor, especially before she docks in Snezhnaya.
“I’ll take one of everything you have.” She states.
The shopkeeper stammers. “O-One of everything?”
“Is that not possible?” She questions. “If it’s the mora you worry about, I assure you I have it.”
The shopkeeper hesitates for a moment longer before he quickly begin to pack all of the sweets and candy into two boxes tied perfectly with a red bow. Arlecchino drops a pouch filled with mora onto the counter.
“T—thank you for your patronage!” He says happily as she leaves with the two boxes in her hand.
Once the Knave left, you never exited your room. Although you could hear the soft whispers of Fatui agents who debated entering the room. Most of them saying they just want to see you themselves or wanting to check if you needed anything.
You roll your eyes, ever since you woke up in that bed in Fontaine’s hospital you haven’t had time to yourself. Sure you could scream for them to get out and leave you alone, but they would never go too far. Just staying out of sight to avoid invoking your wrath again.
“Your Grace.”
A voice breaks you out of your irritation. It was the Knave. She had returned already… or maybe hours have already passed? You couldn’t tell.
Her gaze flicks down at the plate in front of you. “I see you’ve ate all of your meal. Good.”
Your eyes drift over to the boxes in her hands and she quickly notices your gaze.
“Do you have a sweet tooth, Your Grace?” she asks.
Arlecchino opens one of the boxes presenting the inside to you, it was filled with many candies and baked goods all placed in an orderly fashion.
“I happened to pass a shoppe on my way back to the ship,” she explains. “You haven’t had the time to try any of Fontaine’s desserts so I bought you a few things.”
You raise a brow, looking at both boxes. A few things?!
“Thank you.” You finally say after a moment of silence, you reach into the box bringing one of the treats to your lips and taking a bite.
The Knave smiles in approval, closing the box but placing it close enough for you to reach.
“There’s actually a few things I wanted to talk about.” You say after swallowing.
Arlecchino nods, “Of course. Whatever you wish.” Her eyes focus on you, waiting patiently for you to begin speaking again.
“Oh! Um… I’d like to know more about the Fatui and its harbingers.” you say.
Her eyes narrow slightly, as she taps her chin. “Where should to begin….” Arlecchino states.
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It’s was lights out in the Fortress of Meropide. Guards patrolled the area making sure all of the inmates were in their designated dorms. While the Duke sat in his office with a cup of tea in his hand. The champion duelist, Clorinde sat across from him, a calm expression on her face.
“You arrived late,” Wriothesley comments, “did you come here to enjoy a cup of tea with me?”
Clorinde huffs, “Certainly not. I came here to inform you about the situation.”
Wriothesley sets down his teacup, “have you been able to locate Their Grace yet?”
“No…” Clorinde sighs, looking down at her lap. “Monsieur Neuvillette and Lady Furina had a meeting with the Knave. It didn’t leave much to be desired… we still cannot confirm if the Knave is responsible for their disappearance.”
Wriothesley leans back in his seat, resting his chin in his palm.
“What are you thinking about?” Clorinde questions.
“Have you heard of those children from the House of the Hearth?” Wriothesley asks.
Clorinde’s eyebrows furrow, “Lyney and Lynette? I have, they were on trial not long ago but were proven innocent.”
Wriothesley nods, “They’re currently in the Fortress for stealing… but i’m sure it was the Knave who sent them here to look into her colleagues whereabouts. I even noticed them asking about the forbidden zone.”
Wriothesley picks up his teacup, “I haven’t taken any action against them yet, since i’m curious where Tartaglia went myself.”
“Do you think it’s possible he escaped?” Clorinde asks crossing her arms.
Wriothesley shrugs, “I’m not sure, but I am sure that we could use those children as a bargaining chip against the Knave.”
“It’s clear those three care deeply about each other…” Wriothesley says. “I’m sure with enough… motivation we can get the evidence we need and get the Knave to return to Fontaine.”
“And what about the forbidden zone?” Clorinde asks changing the subject.
He sighs, “It’s not doing any better. It’s getting closer to the red zone, and if it reaches that, that primordial sea water will overflow inside the Fortress and soon all of Fontaine.”
Clorinde nods, “I’m not even sure Lady Furina or Monsieur Neuvillette have even thought about the prophecy since—“
“I’m aware.” Wriothesley interrupts, “but if we don’t act now, Their Grace won’t have a Fontaine to return to.”
It falls silent in the room for a moment.
Clorinde lets out a sigh as she stand up from her seat. “Well, I have other duties to attend to, if anything else of importance comes up, i’ll be sure to inform you.”
“You’re sure on’t want to stay for a cup of tea first?”
Unlike most of the inmates, Paimon and the traveler weren’t asleep. They sneak past the guards investigating the Fortress under the cover of darkness until a certain voice quiet calls out to them.
“Hey! Over here!”
Behind a large pillar stood Lyney his head poking out as he waved at the duo.
Aether and Paimon exchange glances.
“You scared Paimon! How did you just appear out of nowhere?”
“Oh? You scare so easily now? Is there something worrying you these days?” Lyney teases with a grin.
Paimon crosses her arms, eyes narrowing, “You little...”
Lyney laughs, “Sorry, sorry. Get over here! and keep it down.”
The two approach the magician and notice his twin sister standing behind him.
“Oh Lynette! You’re here too!”
Lynette nods, “that’s right. My brother just cannot stand to be away from me.”
Lyney rolls his eyes then clears his throat, “Freminet is here too. Do you remember him?”
“Oh that one diver from the House of the Hearth? We’ve seen him around the Court of Fontaine before.” Paimon says.
“Now spill!” She adds, “We worked so hard to get you two off the hook and you still ended up here.”
Lyney lets put a dramatic sigh, taking his hat off his head. “Sadly, even the tiniest things can get you arrested these days. It was a small performance with a large crowd, the opera house incident left us pretty famous.”
“And then?”
“Well then guests wallets suddenly disappeared!”
“My brother was charged with theft and I was charged as his accomplice.” Lynette explains.
“The missing wallets are all in the leftmost drawer of the Maison Gardiennage's big filing cabinet. We just need to see how long it takes to discover them.” Lyney says. “In my opinion, the trick itself was preformed perfectly.”
Aether raises a brow, “So you got sent here on purpose. Why are you really here?”
Lynette glances at her brother and he nods.
“The last time I hid my identity from you. I promised not to keep secrets from then on. We are are friends so…” He places his hat back on his head. “We were instructed by “Father” to conduct an investigation.”
“I knew it! Paimon guessed right.”
“If you don’t know my dear friends, the Fortress hides a large secret. Many even believe the Fortress was built to keep this secret hidden.”
“The House of the Hearth have been investigating this secret for a while now, wanting to uncover the mystery. But then all of our informants, including the ones within the guards suddenly disappeared.” Lyney tells the two.
“We believe it’s a direct provocation. Suddenly all of our informants disappear in a matter of days.” Lynette says.
Aether brings a hand to his chin, ‘a few days? is it somehow related to the Creator’s disappearance?’
“Why is the House so interested in this secret?” Aether asked.
“Somehow, “Father” managed to confirm the Focalors does not have the Gnosis. She believes the secret of the Fortress must be related to that.”
Paimon groans, “so it’s all about the Gnosis again.”
“Well that’s about it from our end.” Lyney says. “What about you two? Did Monsieur Neuvillette send you here?”
“Bingo!” Paimon points, “Neuvillette wants us to investigate. The Knave has been putting a lot of pressure on him about Childe so we came here. We’re also hoping to find out more information about Their—“
“The prophecy.” Aether interjected shooting his travel guide a look. “He’s also concerned about the prophecy.”
“Ah yes, the prophecy!” Lyney says, “Father is worried about it too… hey I have an idea, why don’t we team up? The House of the Hearth has many reasons to seek the Gnosis, but our highest priority remains resolving the prophesized crisis. You can trust us on that.”
Aether sighs shaking his head, “Sorry, I must refuse.”
The twins had a look of disappointment on their faces.
“See? I told you…” Lynette grumbled.
“I see… it might be pretty difficult to get you two to cooperate with us.”
“Lyney has been looking forward to reaching an understanding with you since we’ve met.” Lynette admits.
“Just tell them everything why don’t you Lynette…” Lyney says his face growing red.
His sister places a hand on his shoulder, “it’s okay to open up a little…”
Aether sighs pinching the bridge of his nose, “Fine. We can work together, but only exchanging important information. Nothing more.”
The magicians smile, “Wonderful! I was prepared for the worse but your prudent attitude is just as consistent from the first time we met. But since we’re exchanging information now, here’s something you might like.”
“During our investigation, we discovered a place called the forbidden zone.” Lyney begins, “most people wouldn’t talk about it at first but we soon learned from the guards that this place does exist.”
“A forbidden zone…? Could that be where Childe disappeared to?” Paimon questions.
“We’re not entirely sure yet. Although we confirmed its existence, we still haven’t found it ourselves.” Lyney replies.
“Anyways that the most useful information we have as of now, we’re still doing some more investigating but hopefully it can prove most useful to you.”
Aether nods, “We should return to our dormitories, the guards shift change will be happening soon.”
Lyney and Lynette nod. “Very well. I’ll use my cards to get in touch with you in the future, but until then—“
Lyney pulls one of his signature cards from behind his ear, before him and his sister disappear from sight.
“So Lyney and Lynette are here for the gnosis.” Paimon says, once they return back to their dorms.
“Let’s not forget what Neuvillette told us. The vial found in Their Graces hospital room, whatever was in it originated from Snezhnaya. The House of the Hearth are used to sneak missions so maybe it was them who brought the vial to the Creator.” Aether explains and Paimon nods.
“That makes Paimon think, is Childe even missing? Or was this a ploy from the beginning and now Childe and the Knave are returning to Snezhnaya with them?”
“There is definitely more information to be discovered” Aether adds, “But for now we should focus on getting some rest and continue our investigation tomorrow.”
Paimon yawns, “You’re right. All this thinking is making Paimon sleepy.”
Aether lays down on his back, his gaze focused on the ceiling until his eyes grow heavy and he falls asleep.
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Ningguang and the rest of the Qixing sat at the large table in the Jade Chamber. There were papers piled up on the table, old scriptures related to the Creator and of Fontaine’s history. Including the Steambird post that was posted after their conviction.
The head of the Qixing was growing increasingly frustrated despite her neutral tone. Ever since it arrived in Liyue from Captain Beidou, she had reread the document every hour. She could recall all the punctuation used in the newspaper.
“I’ve sent many letters to the Hydro Archon.” Keqing says her hands laced in front of her. “It’s been close to a week and still no response.”
Ningguang sighs, “I see. It seems like they do not have any intentions of discussing this. We might have to send a diplomat, perhaps they’d be more willing for a peaceful discussion in person.”
“I agree.” Ganyu says, “but the Adepti are growing restless… they want to make the trip themselves to save Their Grace.”
“Have the Adepti even left Liyue before?” Yelan questioned from her spot in the corner.
“Not for a long time, they are still fulfilling their contract… but there is a stipulation in the contract that Their Grace comes above all else.”
Keqing sighs, “this is a mortal matter, we don’t need their involvement.”
Ningguang looks back down at the paper, “Considering the fact that it was a mortal who struck down Their Grace, they might not see it that way. But we can’t afford to expend our resources to keep the Adepti in check.”
“Leave them to me,” Ganyu reassures, “If the Adepti truly do get involved, I fear it might start another war…”
A chill fills the room and Ningguang stand up brushing her hair away. “That’s a worse case scenario… let’s hope it doesn’t come down to that.”
“There are other matters as well,” Yelan suddenly says, her fingers brushing against the jacket on her shoulders.
“I saw one of the harbingers… the Regrator here in Liyue yesterday. At first, I was watched his movements and all he did was pull all the money out of the Northland bank and closed it until further notice.”
Ningguang raises a brow, “Is he still in Liyue?”
“No.” Yelan shakes her head. “He took the first ship back to his homeland early this morning… but it feels suspicious to suddenly close the most profitable bank the Fatui has.”
“I can go to Fontaine, I’ll be the diplomat and confirm Their Grace’s status.” Keqing says while standing up.
“I’m going to return to Jueyun Karst,” Ganyu states. “I’ll try my best to keep the Adepti in check. If anything problems arise, I’ll send word as soon as possible.”
“Thank you all of you,” Ningguang says, “Our main priority should be confirming the safety of Their Grace and hopefully bringing them here to Liyue.”
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“…r Grace…”
“Your… G”
“Your Grace…”
Your eyes open. When did you fall asleep?
You sit up rubbing your eyes noticing an unusual chill in the air, all of a sudden it felt like winter. Yet at the same time, you noticed you had on a black and white coat, it had the same insignia that was on the side of the boat.
“Your Grace…”
You look over, it was Arlecchino calling for you again and again. She was also in a similar coat.
“Are you cold?” She asks.
“A little bit.” You admit, even with the coat on you still felt a chill on your bones but you weren’t sure if it was due to the weather or the extremely dangerous individual next to you.
“Don’t worry there are a lot of fireplaces inside.” She says.
She grasps your hand gently leading you up the stairs to the top of the ship.
It was extremely bright, practically blinding as the sun shined down on the thick layer of snow that went on as far as you could see. Even with the sun shining, none of the snow and ice seemed to melting. Off in the distance was a large palace, it was decorated beautifully and was completely coated in ice.
Your attention is then drawn to the dock, there were seven individuals standing looking up at you. Although most of them had a mask on their face, you could tell they were all waiting with baited breaths.
The one in the middle, a mask covering half of his face and with white hair bows towards you slightly and the others follow suit.
“Welcome to Snezhnaya, Your Grace.”
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© avocad1s 2024
Note: HAHA I BEAT NATLAN 🙏🙏🙏🙏 ehem… anyways… I hope you enjoyed this part! and like always i appreciate your patience love you all and i hope you win your 50/50 for any character you want 🫶🏽
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ipseitydelrey · 2 months
idk if you do headcanons but I wanna know what you think each member of the BAU team would get you for your birthday?
hi !! yes i def do general headcanons too, and this is such a good idea 🫶
birthday bash ☆ the B.A.U.
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characters aaron hotchner, spencer reid, emily prentiss, derek morgan, jennifer jareau, david rossi, penelope garcia, tara lewis, luke alvez, elle greenaway; can be seen as platonic or romantic with any character
content just some general headcanons
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aaron hotchner is incredibly observant and he cares for his team, so he will make sure you get at least a basket-full worth of stuff. he’ll likely say it’s from everyone on the team, even if he did pay for everything in the basket himself. he also goes out of his way to get presents for people he cares about (à la the halloween special where he got that darth vader mask for jack). included in the basket are some office supplies, flowers (of course), candies, and maybe a replacement of something you broke (like your favourite mug).
spencer reid will make sure to get you something that is functional from both an aesthetic standpoint and a practical one. of course, he’ll likely get you rare books with the pages yellow and worn from use, but are still delightfully charming, even if you’re not that interested in the contents of those pages. he’ll also treat you to a sort of last-minute-birthday-breakfast if you’re all called in to work, where he’ll get you your favourite pastry and coffee/tea, just the way you like it. antiquities are also a go to, whether it’s jewellery or otherwise.
emily prentiss is an enigma when it comes to gift giving; nobody knows what she’s getting for you, and nobody knows if it’s going to be a joke present or a genuinely thoughtful one (or some combination of the two). one present she might get for you are aphrodisiac chocolates because “you’ll never know if you get lucky” (her words).
derek morgan likely wouldn’t get you a genuinely thoughtful gift at first if you were relatively new to the team. but after some time on cases and at the office and such, he will put effort into his gifts. so for your first birthday with the team, he might play it safe by getting you gift cards; but after getting to know you more, he’ll get you something that is geared to your tastes, but it will be a gift that will remind you of him. although, he is just as likely as emily to get you a joke present, if not more.
jennifer jareau’s presents are quite rushed on account of her having to balance being an agent and a mom, but she does put a lot of heart into them. she knows more than anyone how taxing the job can get at times, so expect some well-deserved spa day coupons that she managed to find strewn around her place. it’s possible she’ll get you a couple instead of one. she will also likely give you a couple drawings henry and michael made, and you can bet that you’ll hang that up on your fridge at home.
david rossi in the early seasons (especially season three) would very likely not even plan on getting you a present unless he was reminded by hotch. however, in the later seasons, rossi definitely acts like the wine aunt who gives you straight up cash as a present. expect anywhere from $100 – $1k+, he has to use up the money he got from being a best-selling author somehow. also alcohol; he will get you expensive bottles of whiskey, scotch or wine, no room for argument (unless you have a legitimate reason).
penelope garcia goes all out for your birthday; obviously she puts the most effort in her gifts and more. for her presents, she will buy quite a lot, to the point where she might spend maybe half her pay check on the presents. her gifts mostly consist of decorations mostly for aesthetic purposes, but has little to do with everyday use. possible presents coming from her include paintings, pillows, fidget toys and mugs, all of which are very colourful. but she doesn’t just stop there with presents; she will likely organize a group dinner (or maybe a group breakfast, just in case of a possible case).
tara lewis is simultaneously the least expected and most expected member of the team to be a chaotic gift giver. she will also likely get you a joke present but while emily would get you something along the lines of a prank present, tara’s presents would be subtle and remind you of inside jokes either within the team or just between the two of you. also, expect alcohol, quite a number of the team will get you a bottle, including tara.
luke alvez definitely tries the hardest with his gifts (after penelope, of course), especially if he’s newer on the team. he’ll ask around for any ideas, either on what to get you or what kind of person you are with the team so he can figure it out for himself. if you have a dog (or two…or five), he will spoil the dog rotten with new toys, biscuits or dog accessories — which he probably collaborated with penelope on.
elle greenaway’s presents are ones that you shouldn’t really open with most of the team present because of their explicit nature. she’ll probably get you incredibly revealing swimwear (yet another collaboration with penelope), and also alcohol — specifically hard liquor. those are likely to be the only presents that you can actually open in front of everybody on the team without getting a lot of stares.
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taglist @queermaxwooo @pleasantwitchgarden @hbwrelic @kissesforapence @theoraekenslover join the taglist!
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undreaming-fanfiction · 7 months
What I Wouldn't Do
This fanfiction is a Valentine's Day exchange gift for the lovely @henderdads. Cass, Eddie absolutely hates Valentine's Day, but for Steve? Well. He's willing to make an exception. Have an amazing Valentine's Day, you deserve it so much!!
Sometimes, it is difficult to reconcile several different truths in our lives. 
Eddie currently has this dilemma. 
Truth A: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson’s boyfriend, allegedly loves sappy romantic things, Valentine's Day included.
Truth B: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington's boyfriend, feels like if the world ever has to end, it should do so on February 14th, for this is the worst day of all days, the day of heart-shaped chocolate that tastes like crap, couples exchanging sweet words and bodily fluids, sometimes even semi-publicly, and don't even get him started about that horrible romantic music. 
After swearing on the Munson doctrine he won’t sell his soul to consumerism for anything and anyone but Steve, Eddie Munson decides to ignore Truth B. Steve Harrington deserves the best Valentine's day in the history of this idiotic holiday and Eddie has a hunch, a massive, Everest-sized hunch, that in all of his previous Valentine's days, Steve was always the one to do all the work. His beautiful and brave people-pleasing boyfriend. 
Then Eddie realizes another very uncomfortable truth. He has no idea how to celebrate Valentine’s Day. He spent the twenty one-ish years of his existence avoiding the holiday, so now he has to do some research. 
He starts small. When they walk together in the Hawkins center, careful not to touch or hold hands because Hawkins still remains a backward hellhole, he notes what Steve looks at. If his eyes linger on a certain flower for a few seconds, he makes a mental note. A mental note means in Eddie's case that he repeats the name of the flower ad nauseum, quickly excuses himself and scribbles it onto his forearm not to forget. He even buys a permanent marker for this. He can't forget anything, not when it's important for Steve.
When Steve asks about the scribbles, he claims it's for the next campaign. He even draws a sword and a shield next to the notes to avoid suspicion.
He asks many questions, most of them under the pretense of helping Gareth with his dates. "I swear, Steve, when he's lovestruck, he gets completely stupid. Not stupid stupid, Gareth's smart, but he can't hold rhythm and we need him to hold it, he's our drummer! So save this suffering aspiring rockstar and tell me, what do you think is the best type of chocolate? Milk chocolate? Okay, and is that like, universal? Did your previous dates like it? I see, a majority then! Sooo...are you a part of that majority?" 
Very smooth. 
See, Eddie doesn't give a flying demobat about chocolate types, he's more into hard candy. He doesn't like cut flowers, they die anyways because you cut them, how is that fair to that flower, huh? To die for being pretty? And of course, he hates the whole EXPECTATION of Valentine's Day. 
But the more he asks, the more he finds out, he doesn't see it as participating in the mindless machinery of lovestruck idiots. Instead, he sees the flush on Steve's cheeks when he talks about dark chocolate with dried raspberries and how his parents once brought it back from dad's trade conference, how it was love at first taste. He scratches out the idea for a bouquet of flowers when Steve mentions he’s always hated them because the flowers are so beautiful and vibrant, but they’re cut for an obligation in their prime. “It sounds stupid when I say it,” he chuckles, “but I want them to live until they’re ugly and withered, you know? They’re worth way more than their looks.”
Eddie could kiss him right there and then. And he does. 
He brings it all together, prepares all of Steve’s favorites with a silly twist because it’s Eddie, and Eddie lives for silly things. It really needs to be his favorites because Steve once admitted to him that most people with the exception of Robin and Dustin don’t really know what he likes, they just assume. And Steve is happy that people even thought about him, he thanks them and treasures those things that don’t mean anything to him. To Steve, being thought about is enough. 
Well, not to Eddie Munson. 
He asks Steve not to plan anything for their Valentine's Day. Or more precisely, he asks him to stay free and available and not worry his beautifully hairy head. He knows that if he didn't say this, Steve would have gone above and beyond for him, he would have likely taken Eddie to a concert with music so loud he’d get a migraine, but he’d suffer through it. So Eddie has to stop that from happening.
On the actual day, Eddie prepares everything. He sends Gareth ("You owe me so much for this. SO MUCH, MUNSON. I actually wanted to watch this tonight!") to rent Steve's favorite movie and goes himself to get access to the Hawkins High with…almost completely legal means, just a little bit of bribing here, some promises for a lengthy D&D campaign there, and of course lots and lots of nougat. 
He gathers everything in his van, waits for the kids and the janitor to get out and then starts setting the scene. 
There are two more incompatible truths that Eddie Munson grapples with: 
Truth A: Eddie Munson fucking HATES the Hawkins High. He wants it to burn down in flames, with only the theater room staying intact. 
Truth B: Steve Harrington sometimes wistfully mentions how he wishes he could have dated Eddie Munson in high school. How they’d share lunches, trade secret kisses in the hallways. He wishes himself and the world had been different. 
And so Eddie Munson grits his teeth, walks those cursed hallways he only managed to escape a few months back and counts on Robin Buckley to deliver his invitation with flair. “Extra points if you get him a trumpet solo, Buckley!” 
Robin apparently delivers because only half an hour after the expected invite, as he is smoking his fifth cigarette - don’t blame the guy, he’s nervous! He’s got a big date! - Steve arrives with a smile that’s equally excited and nervous. He keeps running his fingers through his hair and overall looks just biteable. 
Steve walks up to him and brushes his fingers against Eddie’s wrist, discreetly as they have established. It’s their own version of a kiss. “I thought you hated Valentine’s Day?” he asks and he looks so apologetic that Eddie promises to base all villains in his new campaign on all the people who ever made Steve feel he wanted too much. 
Eddie glances around, deems it safe and pulls Steve into an actual kiss. "It might be Valentine's day for you, Steve. For me, it's the "Steve Harrington Appreciation Day." He winks at Steve and relishes in the slight blush that has crept into his cheeks. “The name is already registered and all. No changes possible or accepted. Follow me, big boy.” 
Steve laughs when he sees a set cafeteria table with something that brings back so many memories. How did Eddie get two portions of school lunch?! The man has to be magical, he decides. They eat together, chat about their day, and then Eddie decides feeding each other is off the table because they’re giggling so much he almost stabbed Steve with the fork. 
They walk the hallways together, hand in hand, and Eddie sometimes turns around, sticks his tongue out at an imaginary girl and sneers “back off! He’s mine!”. 
Steve turns after Eddie and nods. “What he said,” he whispers and squeezes Eddie’s waist. 
Eddie then hands Steve a sports bag he stashed in the changing rooms and winks at him. “What are you waiting for, Harrington? We have some balls to toss! Baskets to score. That.” And before Steve has a chance to protest, he gets his own bag and starts changing into those awfully familiar PE shorts in all their green and white glory. 
Steve just watches him, mouth hanging open. “Now I get why I never saw you in these,” he mumbles as he also starts changing. “I would have realized I’m bi like, at that moment.” 
But Eddie just laughs and pulls his hair into a loose bun. “Oh, Steve. You have no idea what those shorts on you did to the little closeted me. The thoughts they gave me.”
“Lucky for you, baby,” says Steve and pulls Eddie to his feet, “this time you’re allowed - and strongly encouraged - to both watch AND touch.” Then he cocks his head to the side and adds: “Well. If you score at least one point.” 
Eddie tries. Fails. Tries again, even with Steve helping him. Eventually, they settle for a quick game of tic-tac-toe which Eddie wins and happily squeezes Steve’s butt. 
Their final destination is the only class they ever shared, history. All desks are empty, except for one - the middle one in the second row, where Steve used to sit. There’s dark chocolate with dried raspberries, Steve’s favorite, and a pot of flowers. Yellow, another favorite. 
“The lady in the flower shop said they should live, like, really long,” shrugs Eddie and moves the chair for Steve so he can sit down. “I forgot their name the second I got them, but Buckley knows and she was asked to deliver a booklet with how to care for them.” 
Steve drags him down to his level and kisses Eddie, deep and long. He’s either crying or laughing into the kiss, maybe both. “I don’t know what to say,” he whispers into Eddie’s cheek. “All of this…is right. It’s me. You remembered.” 
“Eh…kinda. Tried to.” Eddie gives up and lets himself be seated on Steve’s lap. “Actually, I had a small…cheat sheet. Let me show you.”
Steve watches as Eddie takes off his bracelet and watch and sets both on the desk. He gasps as he sees a coiling pattern around Eddie’s wrist, something that looks like a dotted or scratched tattoo all around, but that’s not it. Because then Eddie moves his wrist closer and he can read all the words on Eddie’s skin. 
These and so much more. All of Steve’s favorites, all what made him feel like himself, forever preserved in Eddie’s skin. 
He buries his head in Eddie’s shoulder and holds him so tight Eddie has trouble breathing, but then he decides that oxygen is overrated. “You’re so crazy,” sobs Steve into his shoulder. 
Eddie laughs again into the quiet of their former school. “I know.”
“And I love you so much.” 
He kisses Steve’s forehead. “I know. And I love you too. That’s why I had to do this, you know. Because even when I’m old and ugly, just like these flowers will be one day, when I’m senile and can hardly remember my own name, I will look at my hand and I’ll know all that is important.” 
Steve holds him even tighter if that’s possible, but maybe oxygen is needed just a little. Eddie gently kisses Steve’s head again and whispers: “We’re not done yet, love. Can you let me go so I can play us a movie? Something nice.” 
The arms crushing him loosen their hold and Steve briefly turns away to wipe at his eyes. “Sure. Sorry, I just…this is new for me. But good. So good.” 
“You deserve the good. All of it.” Eddie means it. And if seeing Steve appreciated as he should have been all of his life is redeemed by something as mundane as ignoring some truths about himself? Eddie is ready and willing. 
As he puts Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom into the VHS player, he realizes something terrifying - he’s actually LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEXT VALENTINE’S DAY. 
Oh well. Time to adjust the Munson doctrine. After all, it might become a Munson-Harrington doctrine one day, so it deserves some revision.
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ollieolliewrld · 7 months
HSR Men on Valentine's Day (SFW)
How each of the Men would spend Valentine's with their s/o!
2.8k words
♡He is going all out on Valentine’s Day
♡The bigger the better in his eyes
♡As you have seen everything with him is over the top
♡You two will be going to the most expensive restaurant and ordering the most expensive items on the menu
♡To him, this day is about celebrating the love that you both share so he will not cut any corners to show you this
♡Aventurine has spent the last two months perfectly picking out the gifts to give you, making note that each gift has a deeper meaning behind it
♡To most, he is a heartless businessman who only cares about gaining power, but his heart is fully yours
♡He cares deeply about you and even though he goes about this day very bombastically he does not treat it like a show
♡The money he spends is to show you the best things in life, not to buy your affection and he knows that you love him for who he is not for what he has 
♡One of the gifts he gets you is a ring with an aventurine stone, it is designed to match the ring he got with your birthstone
♡He asks you to wear it every day and he will wear his so that no matter where you are, you will always be together 
♡This is his favorite day of the year
♡An entire day he gets to celebrate your beauty? Yes, he does that every day but this one has a special name
♡Argenti is going to make sure that you fully feel his love 
♡There is a planet that has a restaurant built inside of a giant rose garden and he had placed reservations months ago
♡From the time you wake up, you are being showered in sweet words as he darts around making sure that he does everything for you
♡He does not want you to life a finger today, this day is about you 
♡When it is time to go to dinner you see that Argenti has already laid out an outfit for you with a single rose 
♡He kept everything a secret so that you could be surprised 
♡The look on your face when you saw the restaurant was everything he could have asked for
♡You sat at a secluded table surrounded by the most beautiful roses, above you was a clear sky full of stars
♡He sits across from you the whole night thinking about how lucky he got to find you and how he could not imagine a world without your beauty 
♡Blade is not accustomed to this day and what it entails 
♡He is confused as to why every shop suddenly has flowers and heart-themed goods to sell and asks you about it
♡You explain to him that Valentine’s Day is coming up and what usually happens on that day
♡Upon hearing this Blade takes time to think about how he wants to approach the situation
♡He is not a big talker and wants to show you that he cares about you but doesn’t get why that has to be done with a box of chocolates
♡To him, Valentine’s should be spent with you doing something meaningful
♡So when the day comes around he takes you to a location where no one else will be
♡It’s a weeping willow tree that overlooks a lake filled with bioluminescent life
♡He had set up a picnic for the both of you and explained that he would like to remember this day with only you 
♡After you finish eating Blade moves so that he is leaning against the base of the tree and you are in front of him with your back against his chest looking out the the beautiful view in front of you
♡You are in his arms all night as you spend hours talking and truly being together
Dan Heng
♡He gets nervous when Valentine’s Day approaches
♡He is not big on celebration and wants to do something nice for you but even with all of his knowledge Dan is not sure what the best thing to do is
♡First, he tries to check off the typical list, he gets your favorite flowers, and favorite candy, plans a nice meal he does what he knows is supposed to happen
♡But he gets stuck on the gift, every option feels superficial to him, like there is no real meaning it is just throwing money at a day
♡Nothing with you is meaningless, you mean the world to him why would he ever overlook any detail
♡So he is surprised when he is woken up to breakfast in bed by you 
♡You told him that Valentine’s Day is not about one person, it is about both people in the relationship 
♡All of the work he put in is appreciated but he does not have to go crazy to prove his love to you
♡Everyday Dan shows you that he loves and cares about you just because today has a name does not change anything
♡Before you go out to dinner, you stop at a bookstore where you each pick out a book for the other which is the best gift either one of you could get
♡You both enjoy reading and having a book that was chosen for you by your s/o has more meaning than any stuffed bear could
Dr. Ratio
♡You were not expecting anything to happen on Valentine’s Day
♡Yes Dr. Ratio loves you and shows you that, however, he has never been big on celebrations like this
♡He views them as a ploy by capitalism to sell off cheap products to lovesick fools
♡So you prepared yourself for a day like any other
♡While he may not believe in holidays for himself, he knows what they mean to you so when you wake up you are surprised to see a fruit salad in front of you with all of the pieces cut into hearts
♡You are taken back and do not know where this could have come from until you look at who is holding the salad
♡If he is going to do Valentine’s Day he is going to do it right
♡As you wake up fully and look around your shared apartment you see that all towels have been folded into hearts, most of the decorations have been replaced with red and pink versions of the item, and the most amazing display of flowers you have ever seen is sitting on your dining room table
♡He wants you to know that he loves you not just on this day but every day and he puts in the effort to show that 
♡Gallagher is a very classic man he will be picking you up with flowers in hand to take you out on Valentine’s Day 
♡You swoon when you see him in his black suit having the first few buttons of his white dress shirt undone 
♡He is the perfect gentleman, opening doors for you, placing his hand on your lower back as you walk, and pulling out your chair for you
♡When you are with him he is going to make sure you are treated right
♡Nothing in the world is more important to him than you and he takes every opportunity to show you this, having a major holiday that he can dedicate to you, he is going to run with it
♡At dinner, he chooses to sit next to you instead of across from you
♡He wants to not only be able to look at you but be able to have physical contact with you as well
♡Gallagher is a fan of sharing everything with you so whatever he gets will also be feeding to you as well
♡He takes care of you and will make sure you are full and happy before you leave the restaurant 
♡After dinner, he takes you to a cute little ice cream shop
♡You have a very cute moment where you get whipped cream on your nose and he kisses it off
♡Geppy is very excited for Valentine’s 
♡He had made sure his calendar was free so he could spend every minute with you 
♡You two had planned to stay in and binge all of the shows and movies that you two had wanted to watch together
♡Like always he makes you breakfast and showers you with affection before moving to the couch
♡He had woken up before you and set up a pillow in the living room, he even put fairy lights around the whole thing so that there was the perfect amount of cozy lighting
♡Inside the fort were pillows, blankets, and all of your favorite snacks 
♡Even though you were staying in he still wanted it be be special and not like any other day watching TV together
♡Hours go by as you are held in his arms being covered in kisses every so often until night comes
♡Gepard had ordered ahead from your favorite food place and made sure to get your usual order 
♡It’s the moments like these that he loves the most, seeing you in your pajamas, hair not done, just being comfortable and 100% yourself
♡Valentine’s Day now holds a special place in his heart because he has someone to share it with, being able to forget the world and be alone with you
Jing Yuan
♡Jing Yuan wanted to do something special for Valentine’s Day this year now that he had you in his life
♡In the past, he had ignored the day and treated it like any other but he is changing that for you
♡He wants you to feel loved and be able to confidently say that you are his 
♡So he is going to pull out all the stops
♡He gets a mini flower garden, live music, and the best chef he can find, and gives Yanqing an impossible task so he isn’t bothered
♡He arranges this all to be set up in the spot where you two first met, wanting to spend the night celebrating how far you two had come and the bond that you now share
♡You are not to do anything but arrive at the time in place he told you looking nice
♡When you arrive he is waiting there for you with a box of carefully decorated pastries 
♡He wanted to give you something as sweet as you are 
♡He takes your hand and leads you to the table where the food is waiting for you 
♡As you eat you are accompanied by live music in the background creating the perfect atmosphere 
♡After the meal, he takes you to a Terrance away from everyone and everything, and takes out a scroll he had in his pocket
♡Written on it is a speech he had prepared for you going over all of the reasons he loves you and detailing just how much he cares about you
 ♡After reading it the music starts up again and he leads you in a slow dance where he holds you close for the rest of the night
♡Valentine’s Day happened to fall on the same day as a big fight for him
♡You two had already discussed that you wanted him to go to the fight and celebrate with you later even though Luka was ready to skip the fight completely
♡After all of the training he had put in you could not let him miss this 
♡He agrees and makes sure to have plans ready immediately after the fight ends
♡When you arrive at the arena you follow your usual fight routine with him
♡You put Vaseline on his face to protect it, make sure his mouth guard is in, and oil up his arm to ensure it performs well
♡Kissing him good luck he heads into the ring
♡The fight is not going as well as you hoped it would and Luka is now tied in the final round
♡The ref calls for a time out and you run over to Luka 
♡Seeing the love in your eyes gave him the strength he needed and to proceeded to win the fight with a KO
♡You were so excited for him that you jumped into the right and grabbed onto him planting kisses across his face 
♡He grabbed onto you picking you up and spinning you around 
♡His happiness didn’t come from the win, it came from having someone whom he loved so much here in his arms 
♡Luocha was happy to have you in his life and had asked you what you wanted to do for Valentine’s Day 
♡In asking you once he got the answer he would make sure that whatever you said would happen without any issues
♡Whatever you wanted he would deliver you knew this 
♡So it was no surprise that you woke up on Valentine's Day to exactly what you had asked for weeks ago
♡He doesn't say much preferring to sit back and watch your reaction 
♡That is where he gets his joy, it's from watching you be happy, the smile on your face, and the sparkle in your eyes
♡He will always make sure you have what you want it doesn't matter what day it is
♡You are his everything and therefore you deserve everything 
♡Nothing is out of the question for you
♡Of course, Luocha has a few surprises for you like the neatly wrapped box you find amongst flower petals
♡Opening it you find a necklace with a stone pendant, the stone is unlike any other you have seen before
♡It is a shade of yellow and glows slightly 
♡Asking him what it is he tells you that he found it a while ago before he met you on a planet he forgets the name of, this stone is meant to be given to the love of your life so that the glow of the stone signifies the undying love you feel for each other
♡Valentine’s Day is one of Sampo's biggest business days
♡He makes a lot of money selling to last-minute gift buyers 
♡But this year he has no interest in this, for the first time in his life there is something more important than money
♡All he can think about is what to do with you and how he can put a smile on your face 
♡Instead of using his powers to gain from others, he uses them to get you a gift that he knows you will like 
♡There is a band that you have been talking about for months and there was a show coming up soon that you wanted to go to but tickets sold out immediately
♡Sampo suggested that he could just sneak the two of you in but you were against this 
♡So during your Valentine's Day picnic that he had planned, you found an envelope underneath your heart-shaped sandwich 
♡You were confused but Sampo just sat there with a smile waiting for you to open it
♡When you did you found a card that was clearly handmade, when you opened it you found the tickets but there were more 
♡Inside the card was a note written by Sampo, he has always been a smooth talker but this was different
♡He poured his heart out in this note and truly opened up about his love for you 
♡Welt has had Valentine’s Day planned out for months
♡He is a romantic at heart and has waited for so long to have someone to spend this day with 
♡As the day approaches he asks that you keep your schedule clear and he will do the same
♡What he has planned is to use the express to take you on a tour of the most beautiful parts of the galaxy, Pom Pom is in on this making sure that the only people on the express are you, Welt, and Pom Pom 
♡You two were completely alone and he was making the most out of this 
♡He had candles set up so that most of the light would come from the stars and suns that you were passing by
♡As you traveled he would tell you about every planet and regale you with information he knew you would be interested in 
♡Food was wheeled in by Pom Pom who was very happy to take part in this
♡Because you were also so kind and respectful to Pom Pom and the Express, Pom Pom was glad to be able to return the effort
♡The entire day was spent being with Welt doing what you both loved most, exploring
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Author’s note: Happy Valentine’s Day! Sorry for not including Sunday but I haven’t fully played story yet so I don’t know his character enough yet ! <3 <3
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smileysuh · 1 year
Big Bear & Bee
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🌙 staring. Johnny x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. You swallow thickly, leaning back against Johnny while you gain your courage. You know he’s not the type to force anything on you, and something tells you that if you don’t make this first move, you might miss your chance. Turning in his arms, you look up into the bear hybrid's chocolate brown eyes. Then you’re kissing him, putting all the passion that’s been brewing into the meeting of your lips. You thread your fingers through his soft hair, eager to get close to him, closer than you’ve ever been before.
tw/cw. protected sex, multiple positions (girl on top/missionary), pussy eating, praise, dirty talk, bear hybrid x human, fingering, overstim, size kink, big dick!Johnny, pussy stretching, slow burn, mentions of baby/child fever, sex while she wears a dress, etc... I pet names: (hers) bee, princess, gorgeous. (his) John, Big Bear.
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 15.9k
🍭 aus. hybrid, bear/uncle!Johnny, human/honey shop worker!y/n, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. huge thank you to @sehunniepot for helping me through writing this and being my beta reader- Nikki is truly one of my best friends, and if you haven't already checked out her writing, she's got John fics for days - her Olympian Johnny is one of my favorite fics ever 💕
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As a bear hybrid, Johnny has been in many honey shops in his life. He’s frequented hole-in-the-wall mama and papa honey selling places. He’s visited corporate brand locations so big and full of different types of honey that they made his head spin. He’s even given a chance to side of the road, farm fresh honey sellers. 
Even with all of this experience, there’s only one place that he’s truly come to love, and that’s Queen B’s Honey Company. 
Nestled between an ice cream parlour and a fifties style salon on an old street on the side of town, near the farming district, Queen B’s has a certain charm that’s always scratched Johnny’s honey itch just right. 
With soft cream coloured walls, and touches of old wood that line the space in shelves and fill the room with various display tables, the store is somewhere between scandi and revitalized farm aesthetic, a style that Johnny adores.
Housing a wide array of honey, in sticks, jars, canisters and tubs, the honey shop has everything a bear like John could ever need, and that’s not even including all the hand made pottery that sits on the top shelves. Plants are speckled here and there, adding a floral scent to the sweetness in the air that’s inherent to the Queen B establishment. 
There’s art too, all somehow relating to honey, and everywhere you look, there’s a recurring theme of bees and bears. 
It’s a tale as old as time - the bears and the bees -  and one that has always immediately brought the hybrid an indescribable sense of peace.
Even with all of this, however, Johnny’s favourite part about the store has to be the kind workers that calmly bustle around, always quick to lend a hand or ask how his day is going. Specifically, you draw Johnny in like no amount of honey ever could, and he’s pleased to arrive at the store once a week to often find you working.
Johnny might be a big shot club owner and entrepreneur by night, but by day - especially in the comfort of Queen B’s - Johnny sees himself as more of a calm dude just trying to support a local business. Despite his attraction to you, he’d hate to put himself out there and make you uncomfortable - at your workplace no less - so in the months he’s been frequenting your establishment, your short interactions have only ever pertained to honey, and he can live with that. 
The front bell chimes softly as Johnny enters Queen B’s, and Johnny meets your smile with a grin of his own. “Good morning!” you call out, a common greeting that still somehow makes his heart beat loudly in his chest.
“Hi,” he nods, breaking your gaze to inspect the front display, where all your store’s new products are laid out like candy in a candy shop for the honey-loving bear hybrid.
He tries to be nonchalant, but as the only person in the store, Johnny knows he’s captured your attention. There are days when he’s one of a handful, and you often take care of those who’ve come before him, only to head his way and ask if there’s anything you can help him find. Today, he has all your attention, and it takes effort for him not to watch you approach.
There’s something about the soft yellow apron that you always wear, or the yellow scrunchies and ribbons in your hair. Your white t-shirt and blue jean ensemble under your work apron is just as much a part of the beautiful colour scheme, and there’s no three colours in the world that Johnny likes together more than cream, honey, and denim blue, especially on you. 
“We’ve got new honey sticks,” you tell him, as you come to join him by the front display. He loves how you know what he normally buys, that you remember him so well. 
“I see that,” he nods, sneaking a glance up at you. “Are they any good?”
You nod. “Very good, at least, I think so.” You begin to tell him where the honey is sourced - from a local apiary - and the way that the honey sticks are naturally flavoured with the seasonal blackberries, raspberries and other such ingredients that grow in the surrounding area, all organic of course. 
Johnny listens, although half of his mind is much more pleasantly occupied watching your lips. The way you speak has always enchanted the bear hybrid, and he’s more than happy to watch you work hard to give him all the information you can.
“Sounds good,” Johnny says when you’re done. “I might just have to get five of each.”
“I can prepare that for you if you’d like to continue looking around,” you smile. “We also restocked the blackberry honey jars from Overgrove Apiary. I know we were out last week and you got something else, so…well, I called our merchandiser over there and got a new batch just yesterday.”
You're a woman after his own heart…and maybe also his money, but Johnny can never tell if your interest in him is beyond that of a professional. 
“Thanks, I really appreciate that,” Johnny tells you honestly, watching you begin to collect five of each honey stick into a simple brown paper bag for him. 
“Don’t mention it,” you say softly. “Anything for a regular.”
He wonders again if that’s all he is to you, a regular, and Johnny finds himself putting his hands in the pockets of his dress pants, fiddling with the golden ring on his thumb. “It’s nice to be taken care of,” he says finally.
Your eyes meet, and you’re quick to look away, but the soft smile on your face is enough to make Johnny’s heart race again. 
“Is there anything else I can help you with today? Or just the honey sticks and blackberry jar?” 
“I think this is good for now,” he tells you, following when you immediately turn to head to the till. 
It’s a nice silence as he watches you check everything through the system, and when you give him the total, he pulls out his soft, brown leather wallet from his back pocket. He always pays in cash, and despite the fact that he never asks for change, opting to give you a tip that goes into the tip jar, you still ask if he’d like the coins back.
It’s one of Johnny’s joys of the week to tell you, “keep the change,” as he reaches for his brown paper bag of goodies.
“Can I-” your voice draws his eyes, and he wonders what you might ask him. This is not part of your normal interactions, and he holds his breath waiting to see what might come of it. “Never mind, it’s probably a stupid question.”
“Good thing I like stupid questions,” he assures you, giving you the space to continue.
“I was just-” you take a deep breath. “I’ve looked into certain hybrids like yourself enjoying honey, and Winnie The Pooh always told me that bears like honey, but you can’t always rely on cartoons, can you?” Johnny chuckles at the idea. “As a regular, I was thinking maybe I could ask you about your personal experience with our products?” 
“That’s a good question,” Johnny says, thinking about it for a moment. “You know my affinity for the blackberry honey - I’ve always had a sweet tooth - but in truth, all the honey sticks are for my niece. She’s the real addict in the family.”
“Really?” Your eyes have widened, and Johnny thinks it’s possible you’ve never been prettier than this moment. “I always- I mean, in the months you’ve been coming in, I just always assumed the honey sticks were for you-”
“Easy mistake,” he smiles.  
“You’ve never come in with your niece,” you point out.
Johnny nods, looking around the perfect store. “Yeah. There’s a lot of expensive stuff in here, the pottery, the displays- I didn’t want to bring her in and be a bother so usually I pick stuff up before going to grab her from her school. It’s my day to babysit,” he explains, “and it’s nice to start it off with a little goodie bag.”
He goes to reach for the brown paper bag in question, but you’re quick to pull it away from him. “A goodie bag?” you repeat. “If I'd known this was a goodie bag, I would have put some tissue paper in here-” you’re already reaching under the till, taking out some cream coloured paper with golden spots and bees on it. 
“It’s okay-”
“No,” you insist, “your niece is going to love this, trust me.” You press the fun tissue paper into the bag, and the soft crinkling sound makes Johnny smile. “Maybe a bow too?”
“She really doesn’t need a bow-” 
“Most little girls like bows, Uncle Big Bear,” you tell him, reaching for the yellow ribbons next to the register. But then your hands freeze. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have just called you Uncle Big Bear-”
“That’s okay,” he assures you.
“It’s not,” you shake your head, averting your gaze, and Johnny corrects himself from earlier. He’d thought seeing you shocked made you cute, but seeing you flustered makes you even cuter. “That was really unprofessional-”
“Trust me, It’s okay,” he tells you again. “Look, if you really feel bad about it, you can call me Johnny. You can say ‘most little girls like bows, Johnny’ and that will be fine by me. How’s that sound?”
He loves the way your careful hands wrap a pretty bow around one of the bag handles even as you look up at him with shy eyes. “Most little girls like bows, Johnny,” you say, voice quiet.
“Then I’m thankful you’ve given me tissue paper and a bow,” he grins. “Thanks for all of this,” he picks up the finished bag of goodies. 
“You’re welcome,” you nod, biting on your lip. “And Johnny?”
He loves the way his name sounds coming from you. “Yeah?” 
“Please bring your niece in. We’re a hybrid and child-friendly store. I’m sure she’d love it here.”
Johnny takes a moment before nodding. “Okay,” he concedes, giving you one last once over before heading to the door. 
When he picks up his niece from school, she’s ecstatic to receive a new and improved goodie bag, giggling over the cream and gold, bee and polka dot tissue paper. She immediately tears into one of the honey sticks. 
While you’re often on Johnny’s mind after his Queen B visits, today, he can’t get you out of his brain. 
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You’re halfway through completing a transaction with an older customer when your favourite regular walks into your store. The sight of him makes you do a double take, because today, he’s not alone.
He’s brought his niece in, just like you’d asked him to. 
At about waist-high next to the gentle giant bear hybrid, the little girl looks absolutely adorable. She’s in a yellow and white polka dot dress, with two sparkly scrunchies keeping her dark hair up in pigtails just behind her large fluffy ears. Her hand is clasped in Johnny’s, and her eyes are full of wonder as she steps into the space.
“Thank you for shopping with us,” you say to the lady you’re helping, quickly finishing up so your attention can return to Johnny. 
His niece is tugging on his hand now, attempting to run up to the display case that’s stocked with all your new honey stick flavours.
“These ones!” the little girl insists. “These are the ones you got me last week!” 
“I know, Winnie, I know,” Johnny smiles, joining the little cub in front of the table of treats. “Your favourite was the peach one, right?”
“Uh huh!” The little girl, Winnie, nods enthusiastically. “But I also liked raspberry, and strawberry, and apple, and cherry-”
“Slow down there, cub,” Johnny laughs, bending down to lift his niece up so she can see the display better. “We’ve got all the time in the world to make your choices, right?”
“Right,” Winnie confirms, nodding solemnly as she gazes down at all the honey sticks. 
“I think we’ll be needing a basket,” Johnny notes. “Can we go grab a basket?”
“Yeah!” Her enthusiasm makes you smile, and you reach under your till to grab something to carry their honey in, approaching the two with a heart that’s currently melting in your chest.
“Welcome to Queen B’s,” you say, drawing both of the bear hybrid’s eyes. “I heard a basket might be in order?” 
You hold it out for Johnny, and he gives you a grateful smile while accepting it. “Yeah, thank you,” he adjusts his niece on his hip. “Winnie, this is y/n, she showed me all these new honey sticks last week and wrapped your goodie bag up in a bow.”
“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!” The little girl grins, flashing a toothy smile that shows her sharp canines are just starting to grow in. 
“She loved the bow,” Johnny tells you. “Didn’t you, Winnie?”
“I loved it, see!” She thrusts out her hand, and you find the yellow ribbon wrapped around wrist. 
“That’s very pretty, Winnie,” you smile, also noting her cute yellow nails. She’s a girl who has an obvious favourite colour, and it’s cute in comparison to the neutral blacks and browns Johnny often wears. 
“Is it okay if she chooses her own honey sticks?” Johnny asks, holding his niece closer to the display stand.
“Of course!” You’re a little shocked by how polite Johnny is. Even after telling him you’re a kid-friendly store, he still double checks to make sure he’s not crossing any lines. 
“Did you hear that, Winnie?” Johnny looks down at the cub in his arms. “You can choose which ones you want, but I promised your mom to only get twenty today. Do you think you can count to twenty for me while you grab your treats?”
“Of course I can!” Winnie insists, reaching out her little hand to circle a bunch of the peach flavored honey sticks. When she pulls the treats back to her chest, she begins counting, and Johnny joins in. The first five are easy, but she begins to falter a little at six and seven.
Johnny is as patient as ever, helping her through to ten before he stops her. “Is ten enough, cub? That’s half of twenty, you know.”
“Ten is enough,” Winnie sighs, dropping her chosen sticks into the basket before reaching to return those she won’t keep. 
“What else?” Johnny asks, beginning to bob his niece up and down on his hip as she surveys the options.
“Two raspberry,” she concludes, and Johnny holds her closer to the tin of raspberry sticks. She plucks two out.
“What’s ten plus two?�� Johnny questions.
“Uh…” Winnie looks up at her uncle and you watch him mouth the word twelve, which Winnie announces a moment later.
“Good job,” Johnny praises her. “Ten plus two is twelve. Okay, what’s next?”
“Two cherry.”
“What’s twelve plus two?”
“Uh…” again, Johnny mouths the answer, and Winnie declares “fourteen!” which earns her a few coos of admiration and another ‘good job’ that has you practically melting.
You suppose standing and watching the two is somewhat intrusive, so with a nod to Johnny, you step back, busying yourself on a nearby display case that needs some fixing. 
You listen to the bear hybrids count all the way to twenty, and you hear Johnny congratulate Winnie again for counting so high. 
You’d always gotten the vibe that Johnny is a softy, but seeing him in action is something else, and you find it harder and harder to stop the smile from appearing on your face at all his sweet actions.
Instead of approaching the till, Johnny asks Winnie if she wants to see some of the pottery on the walls, and the cub lets out an excited “Yes!” 
“But remember,” Johnny says, voice turning serious as he puts his basket down and adjusts the girl in his arms, hands going onto her waist so he can lift her high enough to see the tall shelves, “keep your paws to yourself.” 
“I promise,” Winnie giggles. “Uncle John! Look! This one’s a beehive!”
“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Johnny nods.
“Very pretty,” Winnie confirms. 
“Maybe I should get your mom one of these for her birthday,” Johnny says. “Do you think she’d like a honey jar?”
Winnie nods enthusiastically. “Yes, yes, yes!”
“Which one, cub? This one? Or…” he moves over a few feet, showing her another ceramic honey pot, “how about this?”
“They’re all so pretty,” Winnie admits. 
“Well, how about you think about it, and when we come back next week, you can help me choose one. How’s that sound?” 
He truly is a gentle giant, and you find yourself grabbing a few extra honey sticks from a display near the till in preparation for Johnny’s approach.
“Okay, cub,” he says as he carries his niece over, “I’m gonna have to set you down now so I can pay.”
“Okay,” Winnie nods, allowing herself to be placed back on the ground. She tucks in close to Johnny’s leg, looking around the store while Johnny sets the basket next to your till.
“How’s your day going?” Johnny asks, flashing you a smile as he reaches into his back pocket for his wallet.
“It’s going great,” you admit. “I was wondering if you’d actually come in today.” 
“I told you last time, Monday’s the day I babysit.”
“And I told you to bring in your niece,” your eyes dip to the small bear hybrid still clinging to his leg, “I’m very glad you did.”
“Me too,” Johnny smiles. “How much do I owe you?”
You give him the price of his twenty honey sticks, moving them from the basket to a pretty goodie bag you’d prepared. Johnny hands you two bills, and as always, tells you to keep the change.
“Wait,” he says when he watches you put five extra honey sticks into the bag, “I didn’t buy those-”
“They’re on the house,” you assure him. “I understand that your sister made a twenty honey stick cap, but I figured, maybe Winnie will share some with you, so… here are extra ones. They’re a different brand, Overgrove Apiary, and they’re all blackberry, which I know is your favourite.” 
“Wow,” Johnny accepts the goodie bag, immediately handing it off to Winnie, who reaches in to tear a honey stick out. “Thank you, I uh… I appreciate it.”
“Don’t mention it,” you assure him. “And by the way, the ice cream parlour next door has a new flavour out. It’s honeycomb.” 
“Honeycomb!?” Winnie is midway through tearing open the stick in her hands, and she looks up at you with wide eyes.
“You’re trying to get me in trouble with her mother, aren’t you?” Johnny laughs.
“I’d never even think of doing such a thing,” you grin.
“Sure you wouldn’t,” Johnny looks you up and down, and you feel your skin heating under his gaze. “Have a good day, y/n.”
“You too, Johnny.”
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You’ve been looking forward to Monday all weekend, and when Johnny walks in at 3:30 with Winnie on his shoulders, all the tension from your long day leaves your body. 
“Hi, you two,” you greet them, coming from around the till to give them your full attention. 
“Hi, y/n!” Winnie exclaims, waving enthusiastically at you.
“How’s your day going, cub?” you ask, looking up at the little girl clinging to Johnny’s head.
“It’s okay,” Winnie sighs. 
“That doesn’t sound okay,” you note, reading her body language. 
Your gaze dips to Johnny and he gives you a look. “Some kids were being mean to her in school today,” he confesses. 
“What?” you look to Winnie again. “That doesn’t sound very nice.”
“It wasn’t,” she confirms with another loud sigh. “They were making fun of my ears.”
“But you have such wonderful ears,” you compliment her, frowning at the fact that the world is still full of people who are very much anti-hybrid. 
“That’s what I told her,” Johnny nods. 
“Uncle John wanted to know their names so he could go and gobble them up,” Winnie tells you, flashing a mischievous smile. “But I told him I could handle it. They might not like my ears, but they don’t know how to dress good either, so-” the cub shrugs, “how am I supposed to listen to girls who don’t know how to dress good?”
You find yourself laughing at her sass, nodding along. “That’s a very good point, Winnie. I have to admit, I liked your dress the first time you entered the shop, and I see you’re in an even prettier one today.”
“This one?!” Winnie looks down at the cream coloured poofy dress adorning her form. “Uncle John got it for me for my birthday.”
“Well, he also has an eye for fashion, doesn’t he?” You smile at Johnny, and he grins back at you. 
“He does,” Winnie agrees. “Even though mommy says he should wear dress pants with a button up, I like his t-shirts.”
“I do too,” you nod. You’ve always liked Johnny’s style, the way he can wear a nice pair of dress pants with a casual shirt and sneakers. 
“You guys are too nice to me,” Johnny insists, and you can see the hint of a blush in his pretty complexion. 
“No such thing as too nice,” Winnie insists, “you taught me that, Uncle John.” 
“I guess I did, didn’t I?” he sighs. “Anyways, you remember our mission today, right cub?”
“A honeypot for mommy,” the little girl on his shoulders nods. 
“That’s right,” Johnny begins to move towards the shelves holding ceramics, and you shadow the pair. 
“Is there anything that stood out to you the last time you were here, princess Winnie?” you ask.
The little girl kicks her feet with joy at the new title you’ve given her, and she nods. “The beehive.”
“The beehive,” Johnny repeats with a sigh, and his gaze shifts to you. “Our little Winnie is nothing if not predictable.”
You enjoy the sentiment, the use of the word ‘our’ as if you’re already a part of their little family. You certainly feel connected to the two bear hybrids, although you’ve only really been getting to know Johnny for a short time.
You hope you can get to know them better.
“Is this the beehive honey pot you want?” you ask, pointing at a lovely handmade ceramic on the top shelf. 
“Uh huh, that’s the one,” Winnie nods, playing with Johnny’s ears as she holds onto his head. “Mommy’s going to love it.”
“I’m sure she will,” you agree. “Let me just get the step ladder so I can reach it-”
“No need,” Johnny assures you, stepping forward and reaching up to grab the honey pot. You marvel at how tall he is- “Here,” he holds it out for you, “would you mind taking that to the till while we grab our twenty honey sticks?”
“I don’t mind at all,” you smile, accepting the ceramic and holding it close to your chest.
Johnny helps Winnie off of his shoulders and the two head to the display case that holds your store’s best goodies. You walk over to the till, scanning the price tag of the honey pot and getting it prepared. 
You wrap it in bubble wrap before placing it in a nice gift bag and adding tissue paper to obscure the pot. This is a present after all, and you take your time making it look nice.
You’re just finishing your task when Winnie and Johnny approach holding twenty honey sticks, and they wait patiently while you scan them too.
“Hey Winnie,” Johnny looks down at his niece, “How about you go take a look at that display case over there,” he suggests, “I’m sure there’s some stuff in it you haven’t seen before.”
Winnie looks confused for a moment, but then she shrugs, skipping off to look at the array of jarred honey in a display case a few meters away.
You cock a brow at Johnny while he pulls out his wallet. 
“Listen,” he says, voice low as he pulls out cash, “I know this might be overstepping, and I’m sorry if that’s the case but… I’d really like to take you out some time.”
“Take me out?”
“On a date,” Johnny clarifies. “Again, shoot me down and there will be no hard feelings-”
“I’d love to,” you tell him.
“Really?” He breaks into a smile, and it makes your heart flutter with excitement.
“Really,” you confirm, reaching for a Queen B’s Honey business card. “Let me give you my number,” you say, grabbing a pen to write your digits on the back of the piece of paper. 
When you hand it to Johnny, your fingers brush, and the contact makes your whole body light up with energy. You can tell from the way Johnny looks down at your number, skin flaring a slight pinkish colour, that he has no clue of the effect he has on you. “Thanks,” he mutters, voice cracking. “I’ll uh, give you a call later.”
“Wow, a call, not just a text,” you smile as you take Johnny’s cash, putting it into the register and counting out change. 
“Let’s just say I’m old fashioned,” the bear grins sheepishly at you. 
“I like it,” you confess. “It’s part of your charm.”
“I have charm?” 
“Tons,” you nod. 
“Good to know.” He licks his lips, looking down at you with those chocolate brown eyes that have always made you feel like melting into a puddle on the floor. 
Winnie returns to grab her bag of honey sticks, and Johnny gently picks up the present for his sister. “Say goodbye to y/n, Winnie.”
“Goodbye, y/n. See you next week!”
“You better,” you grin. “I’ll be eager to find out how your mom likes her new honeypot.”
“She’ll love it,” Winnie says with the confidence that only a toddler truly possesses. 
You adore her already.
“I’ll call you,” Johnny says again, giving you one last smile as you say goodbye and he turns to leave your store. 
You watch him go, holding Winnie’s hand while the little girl skips along. 
You kind of feel like skipping too.
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Old fashioned Johnny is sweeter than the honey your store makes, and he calls you on Monday evening to see if you want to go to a fair on Thursday night. “You’re not scared of heights right? I can take you on the ferris wheel? They do fireworks at nine thirty for the kids but uh, I thought you might like watching them.”
He’s a gentleman, and you agree to all his ideas. 
Waiting until Thursday is something like torture, but you somehow make it to the end of your shift and go home to get dolled up for Johnny. It will be the first time he sees you not in a work outfit, and you want to impress him. 
You’d noted how proud he looked of Winnie’s dress when she’d mentioned he’d bought it for her, and you think Johnny might have a thing for cutesy looks, so you find your sweetest dress. It’s still modest, and when you look in the mirror, you realize you sort of look like one of those cute elementary school teachers you’ve seen in movies. 
Finishing the outfit off with red lipstick, you think it’s a happy medium, after all, you will be at a fair with lots of children running around. 
Johnny picks you up from your house, pulling up next to the curb in an old black muscle car convertible that takes your breath away as you approach.
“Wow,” you whisper, looking between him and the vehicle he’s leaning against.
“I should be saying that to you,” Johnny grins, straightening and holding out his hands. “You look amazing. Can you do a little spin for me?”
You allow him to grab your hand, and he helps you do a twirl that makes your dress dance.
“Perfect,” he tells you. “I’ve always liked your work outfit, but this dress is something else.”
“Really?” you beam up at him, allowing the bear hybrid to pull you to his chest.
“Would I lie to you?”  he asks.
You stare into his eyes, and after a moment’s consideration, you shake your head. “No, you wouldn’t.”
You almost think Johnny’s about to kiss you, but then he swallows thickly and turns his head away, looking at the road. “Should we get going?”
“Yes, please.”
He drives a little wilder than the calm persona he exudes when he’s in your shop, and you find yourself giggling as he races down streets. It feels exhilarating to be in a convertible, the warm summer air rushing past.
Johnny grins at you when you laugh, pushing the car even harder to bring you more joy.
You’re already completely dazzled by the bear hybrid by the time you get to the fair, and the night just keeps getting better and better.
He holds your hand as you walk through the crowd, and he even wins you a massive teddy bear at one of the fair games. His baseball skills are no joke, and he easily knocks down all the bottles, triumphantly holding the teddy out to you as his prize.
“For me?” you ask in shock, accepting the toy.
“Of course, everyone needs a Big Bear in their life,” he tells you, and the glint in his smile makes you think you’ve already found yours.
The two of you go on a few rides, with you clinging to Johnny’s side during rough twists and turns. He keeps you and the teddy bear safe, laughing while you scream in delight. It feels like being a kid again. It’s something you’ve never really experienced, being at a fair on a date with a cute guy who seems to want to give you the world.
It’s nine twenty before you even know it, and Johnny leads you to the ferris wheel.
“We should get to the top by the time the fireworks start,” he tells you before pulling out his wallet and stepping close to the teenage boy working the ride. “I’ll pay you twenty bucks to give us an extra five minutes at the top.”
“I can do that,” the teenager nods, quickly pocketing the bill before helping you both onto the ferris wheel. “Here, I’ll take care of the bear for you,” he says, as there’s no way you both will fit on the ride with the massive stuffed animal. The seats are for two adults, and Johnny pulls out another five to give to the attendant before sitting next to you.
The bar is secured in place, locking you in next to the bear hybrid who smoothly puts his arm behind you, laying it across the back of the seats. “It’s a nice night,” he tells you.
“A perfect night,” you agree. “I’m so happy you asked me to do this with you.”
“I’m happy you came,” he smiles. “I wasn’t sure if asking you out while you were at work was a good idea, but, I guess after seeing you interact with Winnie, I just couldn’t pass up on the opportunity.”
“Your niece is wonderful,” you breathe. 
“She’s a good cub,” Johnny nods.
“Seeing as we’re going to be on this ride for a while, do you mind if I ask you some questions about yourself? We’ve spent the whole night doing things, and I don’t actually know that much about you.”
“You can ask me anything.”
“Let's start with what you do for work?” 
Johnny laughs. “Any guesses?”
“Well, I’m pretty sure you’re not a nine to five kind of guy-”
“I’m not,” he confirms.
“You dress so well, part of me wants to say you’re involved in fashion or something.”
“Good idea,” Johnny grins, “but unfortunately no, I’m not involved with any fashion work. I think my job is a hard one to guess, so I’ll just tell you. I run a club with a few close friends.”
“You run a club?” you blink at him.
“Don’t look so shocked, Bee,” Johnny smiles, and your heart does flip flops at the new pet name. “It’s a hybrid bar in midtown.”
“A hybrid bar,” you repeat. 
“Humans are allowed in the front section, but we have a back that’s exclusive for hybrids. It’s a safe space for us, and I’m there a lot, especially during the weekends, keeping an eye on things,” he explains. 
“Tell me about the friends you work with?”
“First, there’s Hyuck. He’s a pretty peculiar guy. Then there’s Renjun, and Yuta, he’s a wolf hybrid. But at this point, I’m friends with a lot of the workers too. We have this raven manager, Doyoung, and I love watching him run around like a stressed chicken with his head cut off-” Johnny smiles to himself. “You’ll have to come by sometime and meet them.”
“That would be nice,” you nod. “I mean, you’ve seen me at work so often, it would be interesting to see you in your own element.”
“Honestly, I’m not so sure the club is my element. It’s a good way to make money, and I don’t have to do much- it’s one of the perks of being a part owner. But if I had to choose between your store and the club, I think I’d rather be at the honey shop.” 
“So you can watch me run around like a stressed chicken with my head cut off?” you tease.
“You always seem so put together,” Johnny tells you. 
“That’s because you often show up when no one else is in the store. You should see what it’s like during a Saturday rush.” 
The bear hybrid laughs. “Maybe I’ll have to pop by, then.”
You’re only halfway up the ferris wheel, and you’re a little surprised when a sudden loud pop marks the beginning of the fireworks. You tear your gaze from Johnny, focusing on the blue and green explosion that’s lighting up the dark sky.
“Wow, this view is amazing!” you exclaim.
“It is,” Johnny agrees, and you can see out of the corner of your eye that the charming man hasn’t stopped staring at you just yet. “I knew you’d like it here.”
He adjusts his arm behind you, finally resting his hand casually over your shoulder, and you immediately tuck yourself closer to the bear hybrid. His large body is so warm and comforting, and you enjoy the peaceful quiet that settles over you both as you watch the fireworks.
The ride moves, bringing you closer to the prime spot at the top of the ferris wheel. You can feel yourself getting giddier- you’ve never been on a date like this. Never experienced something this perfect.
“You’re cute,” Johnny says.
“I am?” You look at the bear hybrid next to you.
“Uh huh,” Johnny nods. “The way your eyes light up when you’re watching the fireworks- I’ve never seen anything prettier.”
“Stop, you’re such a charmer,” you blush, hiding your face against the crook of his neck. 
“Just being honest,” he tells you, stroking your shoulder. 
The ride begins to move again, and you pull away from Johnny to marvel at the view again. 
From the top of the ferris wheel, you can see everything. The whole fairground is laid out below you, twinkling and brilliant. The fireworks are dazzling, filling the sky with colourful explosions.
You turn to Johnny and something comes over you. You want to say thank you, but the words themselves won’t suffice, so instead, you lean close, pressing your lips to his cheek. Johnny practically freezes, and when you pull away, you see a red lipstick stain on his skin.
Johnny turns his head to look at you, gaze darting down to your mouth-
Again, you’re hit with a surge of confidence, and this time, when you lean in, it’s not his cheek you’re aiming for. 
Johnny’s lips are soft, gentle against your own, and then his hand comes up to cup your face. You don’t want to pull away. You can tell he doesn’t want you to either. His mouth parts, tongue gently teasing your bottom lip, and you let him deepen the kiss.
Your body is tingling with energy as you lean closer to him, grabbing at the front of his shirt. When your own tongue darts out to taste him, the bear hybrid lets out a groan, and you mirror it with a pleasured sound of your own. 
A loud bang makes you jump a little in his embrace, and Johnny smiles against your lips, releasing your face so you can turn to admire the large firework that’s just been set off.
“John,” you breathe, “this is perfect.”
“It’s how I wanted our first kiss to be,” he muses. “As much as I wanted to kiss you when I picked you up, I knew waiting would have its rewards.”
So he wanted to kiss you as much as you wanted to kiss him, and the thought has your heart thumping loudly in your chest.
You can’t help but press your lips to his again, smiling into the kiss while Johnny tugs you closer. His free hand slips down to your thigh, and you moan at how good it feels.
It’s shocking how just kissing Johnny is already doing so much to your body- as if some primal instinct is taking over. 
You’re not sure how long you remain lip locked, but when the ride jolts into motion again, you break the kiss, laughing a little as you bury your face against his neck. 
The bear hybrid holds you tighter, and you remain in his embrace for the rest of the ride. 
When you reach the ground again, Johnny holds out a hand and helps you out of your seat. The teenage ride attendant gives Johnny the bear stuffie, and he carries it for you as you walk through the fairgrounds towards his car.
You’re amazed with how comfortable you are with Johnny, and the ride home is filled with as many speed fueled giggles as your drive to the fairground had been.
When you reach your house, Johnny even walks you to the door. 
You kiss him again, loving the way that his size dwarfs your own. You wrap your arms around the back of his neck, not wanting to let go. But all good nights must come to an end, and after a long makeout session, you finally pull away to catch your breath.
“When can I see you again?” Johnny asks.
“Monday?” you suggest. 
“With Winnie?” The bear hybrid laughs. “Are you sure you’re not using me to get to my niece?” 
You grin, enjoying his playful banter. “I was just thinking that you said you work most evenings on the weekend, and I work during the day, so our schedules are conflicting.”
“Right, yeah,” Johnny nods. “What are you doing Tuesday, after work?” 
“You tell me.”
“Movies,” Johnny states. “I want to take you to the movies.”
“Is there anything good showing?”
“Probably,” he shrugs. “I figure anything will be good if you’re there with me.”
He’s such a sweet talker, and you give him a kiss, thanking him for the lovely evening. “I’ll see you Monday, John.”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
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“Why are you rushing, Uncle John?” Winnie asks as Johnny speeds down the street after picking her up from school.
“No reason,” he says, although it's partially a lie. 
He’s excited to see you, even if it’s just for a short interaction while Winnie gets her honey fix. However, his niece is right, Johnny is going a little too fast, and it’s almost torture for him to slow down. 
He all but hops out of the car when he parks in front of your shop, opening the back door for Winnie to exit the vehicle as well. They enter Queen B’s Honey with enthusiasm, although the cause of that enthusiasm is very different.
Winnie goes straight for the honey stick display, but Johnny’s much more focused on you. You’re restocking a few honey jars on a top shelf, wobbling a little on your stepping stool, and the bear hybrid is quick to rush to your aid.
“Hey there,” he breathes, steadying a hand on your waist. “Carefull, Bee.”
“Oh, hi, John,” you grin down at him. 
“Hi, yourself,” he smiles, watching you put the last jar in its place.
You turn, resting your hands on his shoulders as you step down to the floor, and Johnny loves the way you’re so much shorter than he is. He could just eat you up-
“Hi, Winnie!” You wave at his niece over his shoulder.
“Hi!” she calls back, and when Johnny turns, he sees his little cub is already reaching to grab a few peach honey sticks from their jar. She’s occupied, and it gives Johnny the chance to talk to you one on one a little, something he’s very grateful for.
“How was your weekend?” he asks.
“Busy,” you laugh. “You?”
“Busy,” he grins. “Was thinking about you a lot.”
“You were, were you?” There’s a twinkle in your eye, and it all but bewitches the bear hybrid who still has a hand on your hip. “Did I really leave that good of an impression?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe,” he confesses. “Were you thinking about me too?”
“More than I care to say,” you nod. 
“Are we still on for that movie tomorrow?” 
“Of course, unless you’ve changed your mind-”
“Uncle John!” Winnie’s voice snaps Johnny out of his daze, and he tears his gaze from your lips to look at his niece.
“Yeah, cub?”
“I can’t reach the cherry honey!”
“Oh no,” Johnny says in an animated fashion, letting go of your waist to go help Winnie. “We can’t have that, can we?” He lifts his niece up, helping her grab a handful of honey sticks. “Woah there cub, how many of these have you got already?”
“Just a few,” she insists, adding her new goodies to a hand already holding a large number of peach sticks.
“Just a few,” Johnny chuckles. It’s obvious that Winnie has forgotten her candy cap. “Can you count to twenty for me?” 
“Just twenty?” Winnie whines. 
“You know we’ll both get in trouble with your mom if you have any more than that.”
Winnie sighs with exasperation, putting a few of the cherry sticks back in their jar. 
“There we go,” Johnny grins. “Just peach and cherry today?”
“They’re my favourites,” Winnie insists. 
It’s a shame that his little cub doesn’t take longer choosing honey, as it means there’s less time with you, but Johnny also supposes that he shouldn’t be monopolizing on goodie time. He’ll get to see you tomorrow, even though it pains him to head to the till and say goodbye to you so soon.
“Have a wonderful day, you two,” you grin.
“We will,” Johnny promises. His day is already fantastic now that he’s seen you, and he’ll carry the memory of helping you off that stool for many hours to come. “Don’t work too hard.”
“No promises,” you wink. 
God, you’re perfect.
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“Don’t be mad,” Johnny says, which is not a great start to a call thirty minutes before he’s supposed to pick you up for your date, “but when Winnie heard I was going to the theater with you, she insisted on coming because there’s this new Disney movie that’s showing, and her mom jumped at the idea to have her own date night-”
You listen to the bear hybrid ramble with a smile on your face, and when he finishes, he asks you if you’re okay with Winnie tagging along. “I’d love for her to join us,” you tell him. “You know I adore Winnie.”
Johnny lets out a loud sigh on the other end of the line. “Have I ever told you how perfect you are?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Well, you are. Very perfect. Thanks for understanding.”
Half an hour later Johnny’s at your door, but he’s not in the convertible muscle car. Instead, an SUV is waiting on the curb, and you see Winnie waving at you frantically through the window.
“You look amazing,” Johnny breathes, taking in your dress with a smile.
“You clean up well too, John,” you smile, enjoying the brown checkered pants and white shirt he’s wearing. 
“I’m sorry about this-”
“Don’t be,” you assure him. “As I said on the phone, I’m happy for the little cub to join.”
“Yeah,” Johnny sighs. “This was supposed to be a date-”
“It can still be a date,” you tell him, and you truly mean it.
It’s obvious to you that Winnie is a big part of Johnny’s life, and if you’re going to be part of his world too, it only makes sense for you to embrace his family. 
When you get into the car, Winnie is quick to say hello, and she’s practically bouncing in her seat in the back of the vehicle. “It is you!” she exclaims. “Uncle John told me you’d be coming, but I didn’t really believe him!”
“No?” you smile. “Why’s that, cub?”
“Because you’re a princess, and he’s just Uncle John!”
“Ouch,” Johnny laughs, slipping behind the wheel. “That hurts, Win.” He turns the key in the ignition, casting a glance at you. “Do we all have our seatbelts on?”
“Yes, John,” you smile, and your sentiment is echoed by Winnie in the back, “of course, Uuncle John!”
“Why?” he presses, looking over his shoulder at the child in the back seat.
“Because safety is the most important thing!” she all but yells, and you think this must be something of a ritual for the two of them. It’s sweet, and it makes you fall even harder for the bear hybrid.
“Can we turn on my music?” Winnie asks next.
“Of course, cub,” Johnny nods, reaching for the center console, fingers pausing over the play button. “That is, if Miss Bee doesn’t mind the Lion King soundtrack.”
“Not at all,” you assure him. 
Music fills the car a moment later, as does Winnie’s high pitched singing voice. When it reaches the chorus of the song, even Johnny joins in, and you wonder how many times he’s listened to this sound track with his niece.
It’s a soft experience, and one you savor every second of as Johnny drives you to the theater. 
Winnie insists on walking between you and Johnny when she exits the car, holding both of your hands and doing little jumps that force you and her uncle to lift her off the ground while she giggles. 
Once inside, you wait in the concession line and Winnie tells you all about the movie you’re going to see. She’s a massive Disney fan, and you enjoy listening to her talk. You catch Johnny staring at you a few times, and he always flashes you a smile when you meet his eyes.
Johnny gets a large popcorn with extra butter, and when he hands it to Winnie, she notes, “This is as big as me!” 
In the theater, Johnny’s adorable niece once again insists on sitting in the middle, and Johnny lets out a small sigh but doesn’t argue with his niece. When you take your seats, however, his arm immediately goes along the back of the chairs, and his fingers find the back of your neck, gently stroking your skin.
He smiles at you when you turn to look at him, giving you a small wink before he entertains Winnie with a discussion on what colour his tail would be if he was a mermaid. Winnie decides hers would be yellow, and when Johnny says his would be green, she insists his would be brown because he’s a brown bear hybrid.
“Does that make you a yellow bear?” Johnny questions teasingly.
“A honey bear,” Winnie corrects. “And Miss Bee would be pink.”
“Really?” Johnny’s brows raise. “And why’s that, cub?”
“Because she has a pretty pink soul,” the child smiles, looking up at you. “And also, your dress is pink, and I like it.”
“Thank you, Winnie, I like your dress too.” 
Winnie kicks her feet happily and Johnny rubs his thumb along the back of your neck in small, warm circles. 
The lights dim, the movie starts, and you find that you’re thoroughly enjoying yourself. It’s nice to have Johnny’s gentle touch, a constant reminder that - although you’re here with his niece - he’s still doing his best to be attentive to you.
The film flies by, and before you know it, the three of you are exiting the theater. Winnie is dragging her feet, obviously exhausted from a long day at school and an evening movie, so Johnny picks her up, holding her tight to his chest while she wraps her legs around his waist and all but passes out on his shoulder.
At the car, you help Johnny put Winnie into the back seat, and when he closes the door, he turns to you. “Thank you for all of this.”
“Stop thanking me,” you smile. “I enjoyed myself.”
“Me too.” His hands find your waist, and he tugs you closer- only for his phone to ring. 
“Shit,” Johnny cusses, the first swear word you’ve heard from him. “One sec, it’s my sister.”
He answers the call, assuring Winnie’s mom that the movie went well and they’ll be home soon. When he hangs up, Johnny tugs you to his chest again, pressing a chaste kiss on your lips. 
He seems reluctant to let you go, but he opens your car door for you all the same, shutting it gently behind you once you’re tucked inside.
The drive home is quiet, as Winnie has fully passed out in the back seat. Johnny’s hand is on your thigh, and you place your own on top of his, playing with his fingers. 
When you reach your house, Johnny exits the car to walk you to your door, where he kisses you, cupping your face and taking your breath away. 
“I want to see you again,” he says, still holding you close.
“I’d love that.”
“How about Thursday? The club usually isn’t that busy on Thursdays. You could come meet a few of my friends.”
“Okay,” you nod. “I think I’d like that.”
“Perfect,” Johnny leans in to kiss you again, and as much as you’d love to melt against him, you’re very aware that Winnie’s mom is waiting for her back home.
“Drive safe, please,” you say when you finally pull away.
“I always do.”
You laugh. “That’s debatable.” 
“You just don’t trust my driving skills yet,” Johnny insists.
Before you can stop him, he gives you one final kiss goodbye, and when you watch him turn to walk back to his car, you find yourself wishing he didn’t have to leave.
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On Thursday night, you face the dilemma of figuring out what to wear for your date with Johnny. The past two experiences had been fairly classic, with a fair adventure and a trip to the movies, both perfectly suitable locations to wear a cute dress. But tonight, you’re going to a club and you wonder how that should affect your clothing choice.
After much contemplation, and about ten different outfit try-ons, you decide to stick with your usual baby doll style. Johnny seems to like it when you dress cute for him, and you’re banking on the fact that the bear hybrid likes you for you, as opposed to the girls who frequent his club in all forms of scandalous attire. 
You’re feeling a little anxious about visiting a hybrid bar, if you’re being honest with yourself. It’s not that you personally have anything against hybrids, you’re just used to only being around one or two at a time. 
You suppose maybe this is how Johnny feels, being a hybrid in a human dominant world, and the thought makes you a little sad. He always gives off such an air of ease and calmness, as if he doesn’t have a bother in the world. You wonder what adversities he’s had to overcome to get to that mentality, or if he was simply born that way.
Before you know it, Johnny’s picking you up. The convertible muscle car is back, and you take a moment to appreciate him leaning against it on the curb.
He’s dressed up tonight, more so than usual. His dress pants are paired with a button up, and its black silky material is soft to the touch when he pulls you to his chest for a kiss. “You look perfect,” he tells you, pinching at your chin and looking you up and down. “My perfect little honey bee doll.”
“I’m happy you like my dress,” you grin, swaying your hips so the skirt picks up.
Johnny grabs your hand, giving you the space to help you twirl while he lets out a whistle of appreciation. “I always like your dresses,” he admits. “I like your jeans and white t-shirt work outfits, but, I mean…when you walked out on our first date in a dress, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”
“Good, I can’t take my eyes off of you either.” 
You wrap your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him into one last kiss before he opens the car door for you and helps you inside. 
The ride is a peaceful one. He asks about your day, tells you about his own, and before you know it, you’re pulling up in front of his club. “You ready to meet my friends, gorgeous?” he asks, reaching over to give your hand a squeeze of reassurance.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” you smile, leaning forward to kiss his cheek before exiting the car. 
When you enter the club, with Johnny’s hand securely on the small of your back, it feels like any other bar you’ve been to. The staff are mostly hybrids, but you notice a few humans dressed  in black too. 
“It’s nice in here,” you tell him, beaming up at the man who makes you so eager to please.
“If you like this, wait till you see the back room,” Johnny grins, leading you past the bar. 
“Oh,” you swallow thickly. “Didn’t you mention that the back is hybrid exclusive? Are you sure we should be going back there?”
“You have a good memory,” the bear nods. “It’s hybrid exclusive, but I'm a part owner, so I figure I can do what I want. Besides, this front section doesn’t have a VIP seating area, and my friends prefer to be in places where people can’t overhear us.”
“Are you planning on giving me some trade secrets, John?” You cock a brow and the bear hybrid laughs.
“Something like that.” 
You reach the back door, where a bunny hybrid looks you up and down, his large, floppy ears twitching before his gaze shifts to Johnny. “Yuta said you’d be coming in tonight.”
You notice a puppy hybrid of sorts standing a few feet to the side, and his beautiful face is unreadable, his eyes fixed on you. 
“Of course he did,” Johnny smiles at the bunny. “There’s not much Yuta can keep from you, is there, Markie?”
The bunny hybrid’s cheeks flare a cute shade of pink and he lets out a cough. “He’s uh… he’s waiting for you in VIP. Hyuck’s there too.”
“Thanks for the heads up,” Johnny says, applying a small amount of pressure onto your lower back which prompts you to step past Mark and through the open doorway. 
Johnny was right about the hybrid exclusive section being nicer than the front, and you hurry to take it all in with your eyes. As you scan the space, it’s hard not to notice a few looks you get from people within the room.
You’re not sure if it’s because you’re with Johnny, or because you’re a human, but when your eyes catch the gaze of a man behind the bar with large, black raven wings, you get the feeling that it might be the latter. 
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here?” you ask, tucking closer to Johnny’s side. 
“Definitely,” Johnny nods, leading you toward a set of stairs that leads to the VIP section. “Especially up here.” He takes your hand as you ascend, and you see a booth with two men sitting in it. 
One has white hair to match his ashy wolf ears, and you think this must be the Yuta that Johnny has mentioned to you. The other man has his back to you, and you don’t see any obvious hybrid markings.
Johnny hadn’t mentioned much about this ‘Hyuck’ friend of his, other than him being peculiar, and you begin to wonder if Hyuck might be human like you. It would definitely make you feel more comfortable.
“Hey, guys,” Johnny greets his friends as you come to a stop in front of the table. “How’s it going?”
Both the men turn to look at you, and like the hybrids at the door, their gaze shifts down and then back up. The wolf is the first to stand, pulling out of the booth to shake your hand.
“I’m Yuta, and you must be the honey girl,” he flashes you a smile complete with sharp canines that glint in the light. “We’ve heard a lot about you.” 
“You have?” 
“Johnny has been talking about you for months,” Hyuck breathes, but he doesn’t stand. “It was good to hear he finally grew some balls-”
“Hyuck,” Johnny groans, a warning in his tone. “Be nice.”
“You love bears probably want to sit next to each other,” Yuta says, slipping into the booth next to his friend and giving you the other side of the bench.
“Thanks,” Johnny nods, allowing you to sit first before he moves next to you, his arm immediately taking its place behind your shoulders. “Have you two been here long?”
Hyuck shakes his head, playing with the glass of amber liquid in front of him, but it’s Yuta who speaks. “Not long,” he assures you both, obviously the more talkative of the two. “Hyuck was here before me though, something about fucking his girlfriend in the staff bathroom-”
Hyuck grins mischievously and you wonder if this is a common occurrence for him.
“Does your girlfriend work here?” you ask, hoping to get into Hyuck’s good graces.
“Yeah,” his gaze shifts to the dance floor below. “She’s the sexy little bunny running around in that cute black dress.”
“She’s very pretty,” you smile.
“It runs in her family,” Yuta comments.
You’re confused for a moment before Johnny is leaning in close to your ear, “the bunny at the door, Mark, is her brother.”
“Oh,” you blink as you look at the men in front of you. “So you’re dating siblings?”
“I wouldn’t call what Yuta does with Mark dating-” Hyuck grins, earning an elbow in the ribs from the wolf on his side. 
Johnny lets out a chuckle. “They’re both being very bad club owners, if you ask me.”
To be fair, both Yuta and Hyuck seem like the types to date their workers, but you suppose you shouldn’t hold that against them. These are Johnny’s friends, and you’re not about to start judging them now.
“So, Hyuck,” you look at the man across from you. “I can’t help but notice you don’t have any uh… any hybrid marks? Let me know if I’m being too forward, but are you human, or?”
Hyuck scoffs. “Definitely not.”
“And before you ask,” Yuta buts in, “his hybrid type is classified information.” The wolf flashes you a wink, and you suppose you should drop the topic. However, you can’t help the pang of anxiety that clutches your heart when you realize you truly are the only human in this back room.
“Johnny,” you look at the bear sitting next to you. “Are you really sure I should be here?”
“It’s fine-” Johnny goes to assure you again, but you can tell from the darkening of Hyuck’s gaze that maybe he doesn’t agree. 
Before you can say anything else, Hyuck’s bunny hybrid girlfriend shows up. She smiles at Johnny, asking if he wants the usual, but when her eyes move to you, and you see her nose do a small wiggle, you realize she’s clocking you as a human. 
“And what can I get your friend?” the bunny asks, and you’re thankful that she’s still being polite to you, but you can’t shake the feeling in the pit of your stomach.
“Actually, I think maybe I need some air,” you admit, taking a deep breath. 
You suddenly feel very claustrophobic, and it might have to do with being surrounded by predatory hybrids. You don’t know what Hyuck is, exactly, but you’re sure he’s something big, because he acts like he’s got the biggest cock in the room. 
“Are you okay?” Johnny asks, standing up from the booth to give you the space to escape your seat.
“Yeah, I just need to go outside for a moment,” you shake your head, turning to apologize to his friends before moving past the bunny hybrid and walking back down the stairs.
You can hear Johnny following you, but you’re in something of a rush as you weave through hybrids staring you down on the dance floor. When you get to the door leading to the front section, Mark stops you with a hand on your forearm. “Are you okay?” he asks, looking genuinely concerned.
“I’m fine, thank you-”
Johnny appears behind you, taking control of the situation as he tells Mark, “She just needs some air.”
The bunny hybrid lets you go, and you scurry to the front door, finally making your escape onto the street where you feel like you can finally take a breath.
Johnny stands two feet away from you, watching you with an empathetic expression. He gives you time to take a few deep inhales before reaching for your hand and pulling you to his chest. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asks. 
“I’m sorry, I know I’m probably overreacting-”
“You’re not,” he assures you, cupping your face and giving you a soft smile. 
“I just… I feel like… everyone should have a safe space, you know? And I worry that, as a human, being in that back section was sort of like… invading the sanctity of your hybrid only zone. I’m really sorry, John, but I’m not sure if I can go back in there.”
“That’s okay,” he nods. “Maybe I was being…” he searches for the word, “presumptuous tonight. I wanted you to meet my friends, but I didn’t think too hard about how you might feel in that environment. I’m sorry I put you in this situation.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you shake your head. “I’m sorry-” 
“Well we can’t both be sorry,” Johnny grins. “So maybe neither of us should be. Maybe tonight just didn’t work out, but that’s okay.”
“Really?” Relief floods your system as you look up into Johnny’s soft brown eyes.
“Really,” he leans down to press a soft kiss to your lips. “What do you say about going somewhere else?”
“Somewhere else?”
“How about my place?” he suggests. “I was planning on inviting you after this, but we could go there now if you want. No pressure though.”
You take a deep breath before you find yourself nodding. “I think I’d like that.”
“Good.” His thumb smooths by your cheek. 
“Do you have to go back inside to say goodbye to your friends? I feel bad about making them come down here to meet me only to run away-”
“Trust me, those two would be here watching their bunnies even if we didn’t come out tonight. I’ll just send them a text and explain the situation. We can always meet them another night, at another bar.”
“And you’re sure they won’t hate me?”
“I don’t think anyone could ever hate you, Bee. You’re much too sweet for that kind of reaction.” Johnny smiles. “In fact, I bet Hyuck will be impressed.”
“Really? Why?”
“Because you care so much about the sanctity of the hybrid zone. Much more than I do.” 
“You really think your friends will be alright?”
“Without a doubt.” He leans down to press another sweet kiss to your lips, but this one lingers. When he finally pulls away, you’re left wanting more, but he’s already reaching behind himself to open the door to his car for you. “Let’s go, gorgeous. My house is nicer than this place anyways.”
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Johnny’s right about his house, it’s much nicer than the club. You guess you shouldn’t be shocked that he’s got a place just out of town, nestled amongst the trees of the forest. It’s a sleek place to live, and you admire the wood detailing of the upgraded cabin like exterior.
“This is a big house,” you muse, as you follow Johnny up the stone steps. 
“Too big for me, I think,” he admits. “But it was one of the only places I could find with acreage in the forest, and I wanted a space that felt like home, you know? Winnie loves it here, some nights she sleeps over and we have a fire in the back with s’mores, other days I take her on some of the hiking trails- my land connects with the national forest, and we’ve got easy access to one of the better hiking paths in the park.”
Your heart melts a little. You know Johnny is a fabulous uncle, but you hadn’t realized the true extent of it. 
“I love how close you are with Winnie,” you admit. “It can be rare to find a single guy who’s so doting on his younger family members.”
“Then I’m glad we found each other,” Johnny grins. “I’ve had ex’s in the past who would get mad about the time I spend with Winnie, but not you. I really did appreciate how well you took her date crashing that other night.”
“Like I said, it wasn’t a problem. I had a wonderful time.” 
Johnny flashes you a grin as he lets you into his house, and you marvel at the interior being as lovely as the outside had been. 
“Wow…it feels even bigger inside,” you note. “Will you give me a tour?”
“Of course,” Johnny tosses his keys down on an entryway table, grabbing your hand to begin showing you around. 
The lower level has a state of the art kitchen with french doors that open to the outside deck, and Johnny tells you about the barbecues he hosts here. “We even had a family reunion out back two years ago,” he admits. “I’ve got extra rooms, so my grandparents stayed here, and a few of my aunts and uncles- it was a really good time.”
“That sounds like a wonderful reunion,” you smile, enjoying how deep his love for family truly runs.
There’s a large dining room, and a living room with glass windows giving views to the forest. In the corner there’s even a toy chest, and Johnny explains how he bought so many things for Winnie through the years that he just started keeping some at his own house for the time she’d be here with him.
You love that he’s not a man afraid to share his space with a six year old, even if the toy chest does stand out amongst the other furnishings. 
The second level is where the bedrooms are, and Johnny lets you peek into Winnie’s room, where there are even more toys overflowing in baskets. 
Two more guest bedrooms brings the grand total of sleeping locations to a whopping four, and you can’t help but ask the question that’s on your mind. “Do you think you’d ever want to raise a family here? You’ve got more than enough space for it.”
“Oh, definitely,” Johnny nods. “Some days, when I’m here alone, I think about how much nicer it would be to have a few of my own cubs running around…” he licks his lips, pausing to look at you. “I don’t think we’ve ever talked about whether or not you’d want to have kids.”
“But I’m sure you can guess my answer,” you smile.
Johnny nods, grinning. “I bet you’d love to be a mom, and you’d be good at it, too.”
“Thank you,” you feel heat rising in your skin. “I guess my affection for kids is hard to hide, huh?”
“It’s sweet,” he tells you, “just another one of those perfect attributes of yours.”
He pulls you in for a kiss, and you melt against him, enjoying the warmth of his body. 
When Johnny moves away, you’re in something of a daze, and you blink up at him. 
“Saved the best room for last,” he tells you, reaching down to take your hand and lead you down the hallway to the final door. 
His room truly is the most impressive of them all, a master bedroom if you’ve ever seen one. With floor to ceiling windows along an entire wall, and a large space fitting a bed as well as a seating area, tv and fireplace, you think you could be very satisfied spending a lot of time here.
“Wow, John,” you let out a breath. “I can’t believe this is real, I can’t believe you actually live here-”
“So you like it?” he questions, pressing his body against your back and wrapping his arms around you, head on your shoulder. “My bear cave?”
“If this is a cave, I never want to go back to a real house,” you laugh. 
“I might hold you to that,” Johnny says, voice low.
You take a deep breath, closing your eyes to enjoy the feeling of being in his embrace. And that’s when you feel something hard beginning to press against your bum.
You swallow thickly, leaning back against him while you gain your courage. You know Johnny’s not the type to force anything on you, and something tells you that if you don’t make this first move, you might miss your chance. 
Turning in his arms, you look up into Johnny’s chocolate brown eyes. Then you’re kissing him, putting all the passion that’s been brewing into the meeting of your lips. You thread your fingers through his soft hair, eager to get close to him, closer than you’ve ever been before.
You can definitely feel the outline of his cock against your abdomen now, and his hands reach down to find your hips, anchoring you to the front of his body while his tongue glides against your own.
“John,” you moan when his lips move to your neck, “I need you.” 
“Yeah?” His tongue grazes your sweet spot and you shiver in his embrace, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling of him. 
“More than I’ve ever needed anything,” you tell him, meaning it with all of your heart.
With a groan, Johnny reaches down, grabbing your ass and prompting you to jump so you can wrap your legs around his hips. In just a few steps, he can lower you to his bed, and you expect him to follow, to press you against the mattress with his large body-
But instead, he pulls away, looking down at you with dark eyes filled with lust. “You’re perfect,” he whispers, reaching down to play with the bottom of your dress. “I’ve been dreaming about how you’ll taste on my tongue.”
Your pussy throbs at the idea, and you gaze up at him with a body alight in anticipation. “Then… then you should taste me, John.”
The bear hybrid lets out another groan, and then he’s falling to his knees on the edge of the bed, large hands grabbing at your legs to pull you closer. 
His lips find your calf, and then your knee. When his face is between your thighs, his pretty ears brush your skin and make you shiver.
“Ticklish?” he grins, continuing to pepper your thighs with soft kisses.
“Very,” you confirm, reaching down to pull the skirt of your dress higher, revealing your underwear to the man between your legs.
“Shit, Bee,” Johnny says, voice shaky as he looks at your core. “You’re soaked through your panties,” at first, his words make heat rise through your body, embarrassment- but then Johnny’s taking a deep breath, and he looks up at you when he comments, “It’s so hot.” 
His hands grab at your hips, and in one motion, he’s pulled your pussy to his mouth, tongue pressing against the light pink fabric of your underwear. 
It feels amazing, but it’s also such a tease- you can feel the wetness of his own tongue, but it’s just out of reach. 
“Johnny, please,” you whimper, pushing your hips forward, wanting more-
His nose brushes by your clit and your legs shake on his shoulders, a gasp of pleasure leaving you as you throw your head back and close your eyes. 
His fingers hook in your panties, and it’s a relief when he finally pulls them down your legs, discarding them over his shoulder before diving into your pussy. This time, there’s no fabric in his way, and his tongue licks at you directly, a sensation that drives you completely wild.
“John, it’s so good-” you groan, feeling the need to praise the man who pushes his tongue into your core. 
He moans in response, and the vibration has your body tingling. You could get lost in something like this, and you can already feel your mind going practically blank. All that matters is the here and now, you and Johnny. 
His nose brushes your clit again and a squeal of delight escapes you, your hands flying to grab at his soft hair and fuzzy ears. “John-” 
He pulls his tongue out of your wet hole, licking a full stipe of your pussy before he begins to circle your clit, and you swear you’re in heaven.
You can feel tension building in the pit of your stomach, and you know you’re not going to last long like this. No one’s ever eaten you out before with such vigor, such a need to have you like putty in his hands, and you’re more than happy to comply. In fact, you don’t think you’ll be able to help yourself.
His lips suction around your clit and your legs shake on his shoulders, your grip tightening in his hair, which only makes him groan again. You gasp at the feeling, pushing your hips up, needing more contact-
“I’m close,” you whisper, pussy throbbing as he worships your most sensitive spots.
Suddenly, you feel something else, a finger slipping into your tight hole, and you let out another sound of pleasure. One digit becomes two, and they crook up expertly, reaching a spot that has you crying out.
“That’s it,” Johnny says, pulling just off your pussy, breath teasing your entrance. “I want you to cum, Bee. Want you to cum so bad-”
You let out a strangled gasp from the praise, and when his lips return to your clit, fingers pumping in and out of your pussy, you know you’re going to be a goner. 
You pull on his hair, legs shaking as you teeter on the edge of ecstasy. When Johnny growls, the vibrations are enough to send you over, and your pussy clamps down on his fingers, whole body overcome with pleasure that brings a tear to your eye due to the intensity of it all.
He continues his motions, helping you through your high until you’re wiggling in his gasp. His free hand smooths against your abdomen, keeping you still while his tongue and fingers begin to slow. 
When he pulls his mouth away, you can finally take a full breath, shuddering in the aftershocks of one of the most intense orgasms of your life.
“You’re just like you were in my dreams,” Johnny tells you, pulling his fingers from your core to suck on. He lets out a groan at your taste. “Sweeter than honey.” 
You shouldn’t be in love with Johnny only after three dates, but with lines like this one, you know you most definitely are. In the after haze or your orgasm, you can’t even find it within yourself to care that he has you wrapped around his finger.
“Johnny,” you whisper his name, opening your eyes to look at the man who’s now standing by the edge of the mattress. “Need you now.” 
“Let me just grab condoms,” he tells you, heading for the bedside table while tugging his shirt off. 
Your pussy throbs just at the sight of him. He’s so big and built and bear-like, in the best possible way- 
He undoes his pants, pulling out a condom package that he opens with his sharp teeth. Part of you thinks you should be getting naked too, especially when his briefs come down to join the pants on the floor, but as you watch him roll the rubber onto his large cock, you think maybe he’d enjoy it if the dress stays on… for just a little longer.
When Johnny turns to join you on the bed, you pat the space next to you. He quirks a brow, but follows through, falling flat onto his back. You take the opportunity to mount him, knees digging into the mattress on either side of his hips while you adjust your skirts, letting them fall over you both delicately. 
“You can take this off of me in a minute,” you tell him, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips, “but you’ve always told me how much you like my dresses, so I thought-”
“You look amazing,” Johnny confirms, grabbing at your hips and urging you to grind down against his cock, which is caught between your bodies. “My cute princess.” 
“My big bear,” you smile, lips moving to his neck while you continue to swivel your hips. 
Johnny lets out a groan of appreciation and you kiss him again, tasting yourself on his tongue. You reach under your dress, wrapping your fingers around his cock and squeezing, which earns another moan from the man who makes such perfect sounds.
“How am I going to fit this inside of me?” you ask.
“You can go slow,” he assures you, already panting from your hand alone.
You pull away from his lips, sitting up straight and lifting yourself so you can adjust him beneath you. As you begin to lower yourself on his cock, you find yourself moaning desperately from just the head and the way it stretches you out so well.
You’ve taken some well endowed men before, and the tactic that always worked was small bounces, allowing your pussy to get used to the intrusion as you slowly work your way to fullness. However, Johnny’s bigger than anyone you’ve ever had.
“Relax,” he tells you, rubbing circles on your hips through your dress. “Take your time, princess.”
But you don’t want to take your time, you want him inside of you, completely. You want to feel him everywhere, and soon, you’re fully sinking down on his cock, eagerly bending over to press your lips to his again while you both moan at the feeling.
You begin to ride him, thighs straining with the effort, but the reward is worth the muscle ache, and you get lost in the feeling of his cock splitting you open. Johnny begins to meet your thrusts, abdominal muscles flexing with effort while his tongue invades your mouth and he eats up your sweet sounds.
“As much-” Johnny breaks your kiss, gasping. “As much as I like your dress, I want to see you.”
You straighten again, easily pulling the fabric from your body so all that’s left is your bra. You begin to reach behind yourself to undo the clasp, but Johnny beats you to it, sitting up and easily removing the last piece of clothing keeping you from him.
“Shit,” Johnny groans, cupping one of your breasts with his large hand while his lips find your other nipple. His teeth graze the sensitive bud and you cry out, tangling your fingers in his hair while your pussy clenches around his cock.
Johnny moans beneath you, pulling his mouth from your breasts. He looks up at you with a wildly desperate expression. “Can I take over?” he asks, breathless. “I don’t think I can hold back anymore.”
“Please.” No sooner is the word out of your mouth than his hand is securing around the small of your back and he’s rolling you both, pressing you down against the mattress as his large body dwarfs your own. 
“If it’s too much, let me know,” Johnny tells you, swallowing thickly while gazing down at your form. “I can be rough sometimes, even if I don’t mean to be.”
“I’m sure I’ll be okay,” you smile, cupping his face. “I’ve never actually said this before but… Big Bear, break my back like a glowstick.” 
Johnny laughs. “You got it, Bee.”
His lips find your neck, and you close your eyes, grabbing at his strong shoulders as his hips begin to move. 
Now that he’s on top, he’s somehow fucking you even deeper than before, and each glide of his cock against your inner walls has your toes curling in pleasure. 
He sucks on your sweet spot, making you gasp as his movements get rougher and rougher, the bed beginning to rock from the force of his thrusts. 
“John,” you whimper, body alight from the feeling of him, “Don’t stop-”
He only grins, fucking you harder, one hand lifting your leg higher on his hip so his cock can hit a spot deep inside of you that has you gasping-
“Oh my god-” 
“Close already, Bee?” Johnny chuckles.
“You just feel so good,” you tell him.
You’ve never experienced anything like this, and you’re not sure if it’s due to his big cock, his ability to use it, or the fact that you actually sort of love the guy you’re literally making love to. 
“That makes two of us,” Johnny says, kissing you again and taking your breath away.
You try to focus on his lips, to slow the orgasm building in the pit of your stomach, but it’s hard to distract from the cock that's splitting you open like nothing ever has before. 
“Shit,” your bear hybrid breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against the crook of your neck, “If you keep making sounds like that, I’m not going to last long-”
“Me neither,” you confess, although he already knew that. “John… you’ll cum with me, right?”
“How could I ever say no to you?” he groans, fingers flexing against your hips. “You’re already so tight, if you cum, I don’t think I’ll be able to help myself.”
You moan at his words, stroking your fingers across his strong back. “Please, I’m so close-”
The bear hybrid practically growls, and the sound goes straight to your core, making you throb around his cock. 
“You feel so good, I’m going insane-” you continue your praise, as every time you speak, he somehow fucks you harder. You’re not quite sure where he’s getting his stamina from, but you’ll never be one to complain about it.
Johnny lets go of your hip, and then he’s pushing his hand between your bodies, fingers finding your clit.
A strangled moan escapes you at the contact, your eyes clenching shut as your body is suddenly teetering on the edge-
“Cum for me, Bee,” he pants against your throat, “I can’t hold it any longer.” 
Your entire body tenses as pleasure erupts through you, muscles screaming at how good everything feels. Gasping sounds slip past your lips, and you hold onto Johnny’s shoulders tightly, mind completely blank as the most intense orgasm of your life overtakes you. 
The bear hybrid lets out groans of his own, hips twitching as he fills the condom, fucking you through all the pleasure. When he kisses you, you’re already breathless, and his lips don’t help the situation. You’re completely overwhelmed by Johnny, and you’ve never loved anything more.
As you come down from your highs, his thrusts slow, and he stills on top of you, cock buried deep in your pussy while you both catch your breaths. 
“Wow,” Johnny says, laughing a little to himself as his kisses move to your neck again. “That was even better than my dreams.”
“You’ve been dreaming about me a lot, haven’t you, Big Bear?” you grin, tracing nothings on his shoulders.
“More than I care to admit.” He swallows thickly. “And something tells me the dreams will only continue.”
“They better,” you smile up at him when he pulls away from your throat.
“You’re perfect, you know that?”
“You’re not so bad yourself.”
With one last kiss to your lips, Johnny rolls off of you and stands up. You can’t help but watch him as he heads to the ensuite bathroom. His body is the most perfect thing you’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing and experiencing. 
You take a few breaths while you wait for him to come back, trying to ground yourself. 
After the bathroom, Johnny heads into his walk-in closet, coming out a moment later in a pair of black briefs. “I got you a shirt,” he says, holding it out for you. “As much as I love that dress, I think this might be more comfortable for you.”
“Thanks, Big Bear,” you grin, taking it and putting it on. The fabric swallows you up, and you smile at how good it feels to be wearing his clothes. 
“I was thinking…” he sits on the bed next to you, hand smoothing up your thigh, “I’m pretty hungry after that workout. Can I make us something to eat?”
“I’d love that,” you say, sitting up. 
“Good,” he takes your hand and pulls you to your feet before finding your panties on the floor. “Here, you might want these too.”
You laugh, accepting the underwear and bending over to slip them on.
“So what’s on the menu, chef?” you ask, following him out of the bedroom.
“Well, I know it’s not much, but I was thinking avocado toast.” 
“Sounds perfect,” you grin, padding down the stairs after him to the main floor.
In the kitchen, you take a seat at the large island table, watching him as he heads to the fridge and pulls out a few ingredients. 
You’re once again struck by how wonderful the silences can be with John. There’s no pressure to fill them with words, and you can simply relax while you watch your Big Bear hybrid work.
His muscles are particularly enthralling as he pulls out a knife and opens the avocado, setting half of it down before he begins to peel off the skin.
“Look at you go,” you smile, “opening that bad boy like a pro.”
Johnny flashes you a look and then lets out a laugh. “I used to absolutely brutalize avocados,” he confesses. “Yuta’s dad owns a sushi restaurant in Japan, so he knows how to do all this cooking stuff. The first time he saw me open one of these he nearly had an aneurysm.” 
“Was it that bad?”
“I used to leave the peel on, slice it up, and then try to scoop it out with a spoon,” Johnny grins at the memory. “So yeah, pretty bad.”
You’d never have guessed Johnny would have had such humble beginnings with knife wielding, but you suppose everyone starts somewhere.
You enjoy watching his hands while he works, laying the peeled avocado flat while he slices it in perfect chunks. He’d put bread in the oven at the start, and as he finishes up with the avocado, he pulls the pan of toast out, the colour a nice golden brown.
“Do you make this sort of thing often?” you ask.
“Often enough,” Johnny nods. “Winnie likes her avocados almost as much as her honey.” He places the green slices on the bread, using a fork to press them down before he grabs salt and pepper. 
“Can’t wait to try it,” you grin.
“There’s just one last ingredient though,” Johnny tells you, finding a jar of honey sitting on the counter. You watch as he drizzles the golden liquid on top of the avocado, and you can’t help but find the bear hybrid incredibly charming. “There we go,” he smiles, putting all the pieces onto a plate before coming around the table to join you on the bar stools.
“Cheers,” you say, holding up one slice for Johnny to gently touch with his own.
“To the bears, the bees, and the honey that connects them,” he muses.
“To us,” you agree, picking up on the metaphor.
You know that there’s technically nothing special about avocado toast, but it’s still one of the best things you’ve eaten in ages, and you find yourself groaning after the first bite.
“Is it really that good?” Johnny laughs, watching your expressions with a smile.
“Better than good,” you confirm. “If running a club doesn’t work out, you could always be a chef.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Johnny nods with a smile. “You haven’t even tried my barbecue yet.”
“Something tells me you know how to handle your meat.”
The bear laughs at your comment, and you realize too late the sexual connotation of your words. 
“I didn’t mean-” you go to correct yourself, but you end up face palming instead, letting out a groan.
“You’re too cute,” Johnny assures you, resting a hand on your knee. “Hey, listen, if you want me to drive you home, I can, but… how would you feel about staying the night?”
“Really?” you blink at him.
He nods. “Really.”
“I think I’d love that,” you admit.
“Perfect, then it’s settled. Mi casa es su casa.” 
You smile at the notion of his house being your house. “Since when did you speak Spanish?” 
“There’s still a lot you don’t know about me.” His thumb rubs circles on your thigh.
“Well,” you reach down to cover his hand with your own, “I can’t wait to find out more.”
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Johnny had closed the blinds last night, so when you wake up in a literal man cave, you kind of want to see the sun. However, Johnny looks so peaceful lying next to you, his plump lips just slightly parted, his fluffy ears twitching from whatever is happening in his dream land- and you think it would be a shame to wake him so abruptly to the light.
You take the time to appreciate him, wondering how you ever got so lucky to end up where you are now. You’d always had a crush on him, but you’d never expected it to be anything more.
You’re so happy that he’d felt the same way you had. If he’d never made a move and asked you out, well- you don’t want to think about that.
When you shift ever so slightly, Johnny’s eyes open, and he squints at you, letting out a groan. “Are you okay?” he asks, voice gruff from sleep.
“I’m perfect,” you tell him. “Are you waking up now?” 
“It’s too early,” Johnny grunts, pulling you closer and burrowing his face in your neck.
“I guess I’m used to waking up at this time,” you note. 
“Do you have to go? Is there work?” 
“I’m thinking of calling in sick, that is… if you want me to spend the day with you.”
“Fuck, yes please.” His breath is hot against your throat.
“I’m just going to step out to make the call, and when I come back, do you mind if I open these blinds? I know this is your bear cave and all, but if you’re going to sleep a little longer, I’d love some light to read a book or something.”
Johnny only groans, but you take it as an affirmative as you untangle yourself from his grasp.
Five minutes later, the room is lit with sunshine and you’re slipping into bed next to him again. Your family has always been extra close with the owner of Queen B’s Honey, so calling in had been simple, and you’re excited about what your day with Johnny will bring.
You’ve found a book to read, some fiction off Johnny’s bookshelf, and when you get under the covers, Johnny is quick to cuddle up next to you again. “Can I put my head in your lap?” he asks, voice as groggy as ever.
“Of course, Big Bear,” you smile, adjusting to allow him to curl up next to you. He lets out a deep breath once he’s settled, and you smooth your hands through his hair, gently scratching at the base of his ear.
Johnny lets out a deep groan. “Feels good.” 
He falls asleep just seconds later, and you continue stroking him while you read. 
Time flies by, and you’re not sure how long you’ve been reading when Johnny finally wakes up again. He lets out a soft groan, cuddling closer to your side. “Good morning.”
“Hi, sleepy bear.” 
“I had dreams about you,” he says softly.
“You did?” 
“Uh huh,” his hand strokes by your thigh. 
“What happened in your dream?” you press, gently scratching his fluffy ear.
Johnny lets out a laugh. “Maybe I shouldn’t talk about it.”
“Was it something bad?”
“Something good,” he confirms. “It involved a few cubs running around.”
Your heart thumps wildly in your chest. “Wow, John, I didn’t know you were really thinking that far ahead in the future for us.”
“I can’t help it,” he confesses, rolling onto his back to look up at you. “I know we’ve only had a few dates, but… well, I’ve been into you for months. It’s at a point where I don’t even really look at other girls, and I’m fine if you don’t want to be exclusive or anything-”
“Who said I don’t want to be exclusive?” 
A lazy smile covers Johnny’s face, and he sits up, cupping your cheek in his warm hand. “You really want to give this a try?”
“I’d be stupid not to, don’t you think?”
“I mean… I’ve met girls who will only see me as a hybrid, as someone to mess around with for a little while before finding a human partner again. I wouldn’t blame you if you couldn’t see a future for us.” 
“Oh, John,” you shake your head, “I’m not like those other girls.”
“I guess not,” he leans in, pressing his lips to yours. 
You feel so blessed to be able to give this a shot with Johnny, a real shot. It’s all you’ve ever wanted, and as he pulls you into his arms, you have a feeling that everything is going to work out better than either of you could possibly imagine. 
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! If you've made it to the end and want something else to read, check out Hyuck's hybrid fic here, or more of Nikki's work on her masterlist here
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🔮 preview. “Give me a sec and I’ll pull off to a residential street,” he tells you, flicking his turn signal on. “It will take a minute or two longer to get home, but something tells me you won’t mind.” He’s literally the perfect man, and you’re working to get his zipper undone the moment you’re off the main road. Johnny lifts his hips, helping you tug his jeans down just enough to get at your prize.
cw/ tw. Exhibitionism, blowing Johnny while he drives, hand job, sex outside in the forest on a car, car sex, unprotected sex, breeding kink, dirty talk, praise, quickie, etc… I pet names: (hers) Bee, Princess. (his) Big Bear, John.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2k I teaser wc. 350
🌙 staring. Johnny x afab!reader
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Going to a baseball game is one of your favourite family outings. Between you, Johnny, his sister, and his sister’s husband, the four adults can handle the four cubs that run around you like excitable little rascals at all times.
Hotdogs and popcorn are cheap, and Winnie, as the oldest of the group of kids, spends the whole game explaining what’s happening to your sons, who are much too young to care about baseball. 
You and Johnny sit on either side of Winnie, each holding a wiggling three year old twin in your arms. Winnie’s mom and her dad are in the row just in front of you, their own two year old in their grasp.
“So now,” the nearly ten year old Winnie explains to the toddler in your arms, “the bases are fully loaded, and the game is almost over, so the guy with the big bum has to make this hit-”
Johnny murmurs the name of the player up to bat, but Winnie ignores him. She has names for each man on the pitch, and it just so happens that the man swinging has the biggest butt. 
The crack of the ball against the bat alights the stadium in cheers as everyone at their bases begin to run, and Johnny stands, holding his toddler while he watches. His baseball cap is backward, but it’s still clear by the jersey he’s wearing that he’s a home pitch superfan. “Go, go, go!” he screams. “Run, butt guy, run!” 
You love him, and your perfect family. 
You stand too, as this last run of the game is important to your evening plans. If your home team wins, Johnny’s sister will take your twins for the night and give you and Johnny some alone time. However, if her away team wins, you and Johnny are on babysitting duty.
“Go, butt guy! Go!” Winnie cheers, and you find it almost comical how the little girl has no clue that she’s helping cheer on the odds of her sweet Uncle John getting laid.
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ruggiezz · 9 months
— CHRISTMAS SPIRIT : twisted wonderland
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[synopsis] they couldn’t go back home for the holidays, so how do they spend them with you?
[characters] ace, riddle, kalim, vil, malleus
[content warnings] food is mentioned
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★﹕ACE TRAPPOLA — building a snowman
The streets were decorated with colorful lights, lamp posts had ribbons wrapped around them, and kids were running around playing with the snow. You could tell it was Christmas season from a mile away just by looking at the huge Christmas tree that decorated the park.
Even if it was around 7 pm, the streets were full of people shopping at the last hour. The windows of the stores were all advertising discounts to get more sales, from expensive items to affordable ones. 
Ace had already bought your gift weeks ago. It was something you mentioned you wanted once, you probably had forgotten about it, but he had saved for months just to see the smile on your face when you opened it.
While walking to a cafe Cater recommended, you saw some kids making a snowman together in a nearby park while their parents chatted while sitting on a bench. Grabbing Ace's hand, you rushed to a spot in the park and rolled some snow to make the body. He protested at first but he got to work almost immediately.
Helping you decorate it was the fun part. He collected some pebbles while you continued molding it. As he decorated the face so it would look like it was frowning, he laughed at you for protesting about the facial expression. Ace said it was ‘the best snowman in the park’ and that you both ‘won against those kids’. You grabbed your scarf and wrapped it around the snowman, claiming it was so it wouldn't 'feel cold'.
Sadly, you forgot the weather was below 0°; but before you could even say something or complain, you felt Ace wrapping his red scarf carefully around your neck.
“Sheesh, I’m your boyfriend, and you’re favoring a snowman over me. I'm going to freeze now, you know? …I'm just teasing, let's go or we won't find any tables available.”
★﹕RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS — decorating a gingerbread house
Usually, Sam makes Christmas sales in the Mystery shop around December, but this year it made a huge fuss because of the new items he added. The students that stayed in school grounds were buying almost everything, so you thought you could check it out. 
All the items were eye-catching, but a particular gingerbread house set stood out the most. It was selling fast, and you wanted one, so why wouldn't you buy one to decorate with your boyfriend?
Riddle couldn't say he was surprised when you showed up in his room with a box of frosting sleeves and gingerbread walls. A few Heartslabyul students who stayed too bought some sets and decorated them in the common areas (and that got them collared, which made them have to go to their own rooms or the cafeteria tables). He thought about it and decided to give it a try, since he wanted to spend time with you and he already finished his book of crosswords.
His side of the gingerbread house looks neat, exactly like a model a company would use in an advertisement, following the instructions carefully paid off. Your side looks slightly messy, with the frosting dripping on the sides and some of the candy falling off. The best way to describe it would be like an earthquake happened, and it only affected half the house. But Riddle still liked it; he could see the effort you put into it; you could even say he felt fond of it.
Riddle had a lot of fun decorating and spending time with you. You handed him the colorful chocolate candy package as he gave the final touches on the ceiling.
It wasn't the perfect house, but it was one made by the both of you.
“It isn’t tidy or neat, yet it has a certain charm to it... Don't put frosting on my face!”
★﹕KALIM AL-ASIM — singing christmas carols
He really likes spoiling you, and you could tell that he was planning something big due to how big his grin had been since December started.
Kalim promised to walk you to Ramshackle after the end of your classes, promising to spend the rest of the day with you. He even finished his homework for the end of the break early so Jamil couldn't object!
The second the bell that indicated the start of winter break rings, Kalim rushes out of the classroom, going straight to the stairs so he could go meet you on another floor. Jamil had to yell at him from a distance to not walk too quickly or he would slip and fall off the stairs. Kalim looks like an excited puppy waiting for you in the hallway, wanting to receive that kiss you always give him as s greeting, it's the best part of his day.
He grabs your hand and starts walking to Ramshackle, excitedly telling you about his plans for the both of you for the winter break, talking about the gifts he will send to his siblings, and about the meal you can both have on the 25th. When the both of you run out of conversation topics, Kalim just hums the melody of a carol, swinging the arm, holding your hand back and forth, and walking as quick as he could.
Kalim looks back at you, giving you the brightest smile he can physically make, and asks you to sing along with him. He'll teach you the lyrics. Or maybe, if you want to, you can both sing carols from your world.
He's just a big fan of carols; he even tells you about how Jamil and he sang them together every Christmas when they were kids. He would love the idea of being able to sing with you together; he wants to know more about you and the traditions in your world.
“Come on, let’s sing together! We can be like a duo; it’ll be so much fun!”
★﹕VIL SCHOENHEIT — watching christmas movies
As soon as he found out you were staying at the school grounds during the holidays, he invited you to stay in Pomefiore. Vil can't have you getting sick or getting your skin dry; the coldness of the environment wasn't good for anyone's skin.
Vil arranged a room for you with all the necessary things you could need, even preparing a set of expensive pajamas he bought for you as an early gift, yet you still sneaked at night to sleep in his bed. It's not like he was complaining; it helped him sleep better at night. You are made to go to sleep early anyway, sleeping is important to maintain your natural beauty.
The second day you opened in your laptop the huge catalog of the (expensive) streaming service you bought especially for the holidays. You asked Vil to watch some Christmas movies with you and he agreed. He knew you weren't familiar with this world's iconic movies, so he would act as your guide.
The both of you made it a habit to sit in his bed a few hours before bedtime and watch some Christmas movies. You played a movie he recommended or that caught your eye, got comfortable, laid your head on his shoulder, and he got to speak about his thoughts on the actor's performance. This was the routine you both followed every day. But one particular movie caught your eye—one he starred in months before entering NRC.
It was good; it was a rom-com where he starred as a side character. You found yourself watching it multiple times, even in his absence. It was a movie with a good plot, your boyfriend starred in it, and he got to talk about the behind the scenes. It was a win-win.
“Did you enjoy my performance, hm? My acting is always on point; expect nothing but the best from me.”
★﹕MALLEUS DRACONIA — sharing hot chocolate
Since Malleus stayed behind because he wanted to spend the holidays with you, that meant the rest of the Diasomnia family did too, so they were all invited to a Christmas sleepover at Ramshackle. And he could never decline an invitation, especially from you.
Sebek was delighted to drink something sweet, just like Grim, who was happy to be able to eat whatever he wanted. Lilia was reminiscing over old memories of when they were younger, like a proud father would, and Silver was listening and adding more to what Lilia was saying.
There was something comforting about the heat coming from the mug he was holding and the sweater you bought specially for him. Malleus has never been sensitive to the cold weather, but the warmth he felt in his heart seeing how well you got along with important people in his life was more than welcomed. It was simple—nothing like the fancy celebrations at his castle back home—just the six of you spending time together while chatting about anything.
It wasn't a foreign feeling; he often felt this way around you, but he could never get enough of it. He smiled at you as you refilled Sebek's mug, who was discussing with Silver about their childhood memories, while you listened intently, clearly interested. Lilia noticed Malleus staring at you and teased him about it, but Malleus only smiled proudly at him and kept drinking from his mug; some of the marshmallows you added to his cup sinking to the bottom.
If any other student witnessed it, they would be speechless over how Malleus Draconia, the scary prince nobody wants to anger, was so content drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows in a snowman mug. But they would be even more speechless if they saw the tender way he looked at you.
“This night has been nothing but delightful; you surprise me more and more every day. I want nothing more than to make more memories like this with you.”
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hezzabeth · 9 months
By the year 3856 animals are a myth. Insects however are incredibly common. Due to the colonization of the solar system there are also many mutant off breeds. The Phoeben Scorpion is native to the terraformed moon known as Phoebe. Over the centuries it has invaded our moons and satellites. The Phoeben Scorpion has a colorful candy like appearance.They are considered to be a delicious and popular snack food.
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"Don't you want to watch the next log and find out how it ends?" Brigadeiro asked.
"It probably ends the way all fairytales do, with the Duke taking one look at Dityaa and falling madly in love! Just like everyone else," Revati said, pressing the side of her bangle, causing it to turn off.
"Not everyone falls in love with your sister at first sight, I didn't," Brigadeiro said, shooting Revati a sly, knowing look.
It was the same knowing look that he had given her on a bridge at sunrise, in a tent during winter, and once under fireworks. A warm, dark-eyed look that would have made a weaker person tremble at the knees.
"That's because you imprinted on me the second I saved your life, like Phoeben scorpions," Revati shot back.
"Phoeben scorpions?" Brigadeiro had to ask.
"You know, the scorpions on the Phoebe satellite, the ones that imprint on their mates and then end up starving to death," Revati said.
"Are those the fried ones they sell in coffee shops with the cupcakes?" Brigadeiro asked with a small grimace.
"Yep, the more sick with love they are, the sweeter they taste," Revati said, shutting her eyes and savoring the taste of the scorpions.
Brigadeiro held up his hand for a moment and quickly licked it.
"Well, look at that, I taste just like sugar," Brigadeiro winked, and Revati rolled her eyes.
"You really are ridiculous," she replied, and he took her hand, holding it up to his lips.
"And I bet you taste like dark chocolate... not quite as sweet as me," he said before his lips grazed her knuckles. Revati felt herself glance upwards into those familiar eyes, and Revati blushed.
Nine minutes past midnight. Brigadeiro's room was filled with pale blue moonlight. Revati was twenty-one years old.
She had, of course, fooled around on the road before. A few times in her tent, sometimes in the middle of a forest. On one memorable occasion, one thousand feet above Mars' surface with the aid of hover boots.
Never in a bed, however. Never with a person who actually fell asleep next to her afterwards. Brigadeiro was a decent sleep companion; he didn't snore and he stayed on his side of the bed. Revati had to admit his back curved down in a way that she rather liked. Still, it was nine past midnight. Revati got off the bed and walked towards the window. The garden's shadows reminded her of her father's inky blue hair. The tables and chairs outside had long ago been abandoned. Someone was darting across the lawn, trying their best to stay in the darkest shadows. The person was heading towards the kitchen house. In Revati's experience, people with nothing to hide didn't even notice shadows. Revati tiptoed to her backpack and grabbed her trusty pants. Sliding into them, she felt the way she always did, like a warrior heading out to meet her destiny.
Everything was quiet and still. The front door of the kitchen house was flung wide open, something that would never happen in Olde Landon.
Pecan was actually asleep on the path next to the door, cuddling a giant inflatable apple. Revati crept lightly inside, her feet barely touching the floor, her weight being carried in her hips. Something was making a faint shifting sound in the rose room.
Revati reached into her left pants pocket, pulling out the tiny container of mushroom tent spores. Carefully and ever so gently, she crept into the rose room. Someone was stooping over Dityaa, and as far as Revati was concerned, that was all she needed to know. Revati undid the top of the container and blew the spores towards the figure.
Within seconds, the fungus blossomed and twisted, wrapping itself around the figure who was now gasping in horror. The rose room suddenly filled with light, and the figure fell to the ground like a caterpillar, half stuck in a cocoon. It was Paulette.
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maaabs · 1 year
Indulge in the sweetest selection of American candies at Maaabs. Discover the top American candy bars, nostalgic treats, and unique flavors that will satisfy your cravings. Shop now for a taste of America's finest confections and experience pure sugary bliss.
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yokohamapound · 1 year
BSD Boys With a Nervous Flier S/O
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For Amulet! <3
(I added Chuuya for me. :P)
Characters: Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Edogawa Ranpo, Nakahara Chuuya
Contents: NSFW jokes/references, fear of flying.
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Dazai Osamu
Don’t bother trying to hide it. Dazai can pick up on every tiny little tell, so unless you’ve got the world’s best poker face, he’ll figure it out before you say a single word. It’s all there, the shrunken pupils when he shows you the tickets, wiping your sweaty palms on your pants when you’re booking the taxi to the airport, the harsh, unsteady breathing when you’re queueing to check in. 
For once, wisely, he drops the double suicide jokes. The last thing you need to think about right now is you or him dying, and he’s that much of an ass. Most of the time.
He wraps an arm around your shoulders, leaning in and whispering in your ear so it doesn’t carry to the other passengers in the boarding queue. “Guess what?”
You frown, distracted momentarily, and look at him. “What?”
His eyes glitter with mischief, and his smile widens into a full blown smirk. “You know how your ears sometimes pop when the cabin pressure changes? They say you should have chew gum or suck on candy.”
Your eyes narrow, suspicious. Dazai leans down to look into your eyes, grinning. 
“I don’t have any candy, but I’ve got something you can su—oww!”
He deserved to have his foot trodden on, really. Dazai might pout, but internally he’s smug that his plan to distract you worked. He’s got plenty more like that up his sleeve. 
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Flying with Fyodor is something different entirely. With the weight (and wallet) of the Decay of Angels behind him, he would never fly on a commercial airline. Normally he doesn’t care much - he’ll take a helicopter or some other type of solo plane. If he’s taking his precious myshka though, he’s flying in style. 
Naturally, he already knows about your fear of flying.
You can take comfort in the fact that Fyodor has literally already thought of everything. There are multiple contingency plans for any conceivable emergency onboard the jet. He has a backup helicopter. There are parachutes. There are backup parachutes. 
All you have to do is get dolled up and sit pretty on one of the luxurious recliner seats, being fed little tidbits of fruit and cake and sipping champagne. Fyodor has his laptop out, watching the endless screeds of incomprehensible information, one resting on your thigh, thumb tracing circles into your warm, soft skin. 
If you want a sedative, he’ll allow it, though his tone is subtly disapproving. He doesn’t like seeing you passed out (unless he’s been the one to drug you or exhaust you, naturally.) Still, if it makes you feel better.
He has…other methods to distract you however. Ones you’ll learn all about when he orders the cabin crew out of the main seating area and draws the curtains. You’ll be flying so high you might not even notice you’ve landed. 
Edogawa Ranpo
Ranpo has an easy solution to all your fears and anxieties—he’s such a baby that you have to look after him and you just won’t have time to worry about the plane going down, because you’ll be trying to convince him he can’t cram a whole gumball machine in his suitcase.
“It’ll fit!”
“You know it won’t! It’s physically impossible. You’re supposed to be a genius!”
“Well, I'm on vacation!”
He’s exuberant and excited to wander through Duty Free and buy all the varieties of chocolate and snacks they sell. Ranpo isn’t getting on that plane without snacks. Have you eaten plane food? That’s simply not going to cut it for the World’s Greatest Detective. 
It’s almost…calculated, the way he seems to rush off to a new thing every time your jitters start coming back. Your heart starts to race, your mouth goes dry, and then you notice Ranpo is gone from your side again. 
By the time you get onto the actual plane, you’re lowkey exhausted, and he still looks as smug as ever, his bag of chips rustling as he snacks in his seat. He opens his eyes, looks around the plane with that sharp, green gaze, then shrugs and settles against the backrest. 
“Nothing wrong with the plane, we’ll be fine,” he declares, tossing a chip into his mouth. “Do you think they have Ramune?”
Nakahara Chuuya
Chuuya is a well-travelled guy due to his position as a Port Mafia executive and enforcer. It seems as if he gets sent abroad now and then to look after the mafia’s foreign interests and contracts. Koyo seems to stay back more, acting as Mori’s advisor, so it’s Chuuya who racks up the airmiles. He generally travels first or business class, because he’s not about to be back in the cattle runs—sorry, economy. 
He’s so used to it by now that booking the flights, packing, and getting to the airport are a breeze. It’s so mundane to him that he’s a little surprised to find out how frightened you are. He has to admit, it’s kinda cute. 
He lounges next to you in your first class seats, a glass of wine in one hand and your hip in the other, cuddling you against his side. 
“Dollface, what’re you shakin’ for?” he teases, poking you in the ribs. “You forgettin’ who you’re flyin’ with?”
Oh. That’s right. Mr. Gravity Master himself. 
“So if something happens, you could stop the plane falling?” you ask, almost in disbelief. 
He scoffs. “What do you take me for? You’re gonna be on the safest flight in existence. They should be paying me to fly.”
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diasomnia ice-cream parlor au doodles
[Referencing this post!]
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Hello, yes, I’ve been thinking about the Diasomnia ice-cream parlor AU again 🍨🍦 I guess I must have been really hungry lately www
I see them as offering not just ice-cream, bur also variants like gelato, shaved ice, milkshakes, etc. (They can afford it with support from the Draconia royal family’s funds 😂) The focus here will be ice-cream though, just because that’s Malleus’s favorite.
Imagine walking in and not knowing what to order (there’s so much to choose from!), so you ask the staff to pick something for you… (Yes, I’ve thought about this way too much and now I’m going to shovel this at you—)
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Malleus strikes me as a very traditional and old-fashioned guy, so I’d see him falling back on ol’ reliable. You can’t go wrong with a classic sugar cone and a healthy scoop on top!
He recommends mint chocolate chip because it adds an additional pleasant cooling sensation to the actual coldness of ice-cream. Malleus is fond of the flavor himself; it’s great for cooling down a mouth that’s hot from breathing flames!
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You’re brave if you accept anything Lilia hands you… You ask him what this is (the ice-cream looks… discolored in some places, and there’s all this weird stuff jutting out from it; is that a piece of lettuce???). He just winks at you and calls it “Lilia-chan’s Super Cute ⭐️ Special”, featuring a bunch of “unique” flavors he created himself.
It comes served in a cup because it’s easier to eat it while walking that way. For Lilia, who is a well-seasoned traveler, foods that are able to be eaten on the go are a plus!
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Silver picks out a waffle bowl (it resembles a sturdy bird’s nest) and encourages you to try a lot of different things. It’ll help you to gain an appreciation for the new and unfamiliar! With how wide the waffle bowl is and how many flavors and toppings are in there, this can be good for sharing with friends from all over.
The particular version featured in the doodle has three kinds of ice-cream, each one representing one of the three Good Fairies. A pink flavor, a blue flavor, and a green flavor—maybe rose or strawberry, blueberry or cotton candy, and pistachio? It’s a very naturey palate.
His animal friends have helped with the ingredients; there’s honey drizzled on top, as well as crushed nuts. Freshly picked berries and edible flowers garnish the bowl too—oh, and we can’t forget a generous chunk of honeycomb!
… I don’t know much about Kingdom Hearts, but I’ve heard that Silver resembles Riku from KH?? So maybe Silver can offer some sea salt ice-cream too as a throwback 😂
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… Was anyone surprised by this? No? No.
Sebek chose a tall parfait glass for serving so that the dessert can be as tall as possible. It’s a matcha and ube soft serve, swirled high. The green is Diasomnia’s color, and the purple is meant to be the color of the underside of Malleus’s cape. (Sebek wanted to include black ice-cream to for the Draconia royal color, but couldn’t find a good flavor.)
Art isn’t his forte, but Sebek did his best to “recreate the imposing, elegant image of wakasama” in his dessert. The cherry on top, flanked by two conical chocolate pieces, are meant to be Malleus and his horns. The wafer poking out is supposed to “enhance the young master’s presence”. All the other things are extra details in an effort to make the ice-cream larger than life: candied fruit peels arranged in a line (to resemble the spines on a dragon’s tail), mochi balls (“magestones”) piled to one side, and a chocolate biscuit stick + wafer that, together, look like Malleus’s staff.
Sebek tried really hard! … He will aggressively try to sell you on this item.
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If you’re really hungry or with a large group, why not go for the Diasomnia Family Fundae? It’s their take on a sundae, served in a glass boat. There’s a whole banana, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and three maraschino cherries! The bramble is made of dark chocolate.
Each student is represented by one scoop and a little candy or chocolate that helps to characterize the boy (horns, bat wings, lightning bolt, or sword). Sebek is a lemon-like sherbet, befitting of his loud, in-your-face personality. Lilia is a bright red berry flavor (strawberries, cherries, cranberries, etc.), like his favorite red juices, deep and complex. Silver is vanilla bean, pure, simple, and earnest. (He could also be a subtle lavender flavor, since that's a flower known to ease you into sleep.) And Malleus… well, that scoop is a pitch black, but the flavor is something you can’t quite place your tongue on. It’s a mystery, just like he is! (Maybe the shop changes the flavor every now and again. They can run a promo where if you guess the right flavor combo for that particular week’s Malleus scoop, they give you a discount or a free cone.)
A lot of chocolate sauce is dripping down from the Malleus scoop; this is because the sauce is supposed to be his “blot”. The bottom three scoops—Lilia, Sebek, and Silver—are blanketed by the chocolate thorns as a reference to how those three were sentenced to sleep.
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medusapelagia · 1 month
17 The Halloween Campaign
written for @steddieangstyaugust (prompt: Halloween ), @augustwritingchallenge (Prompt: flower shop ) and @aug-kissed (prompt: Trail of Kisses) Rating: Teen and up Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: none Words: 1463
(let's pretend this is a late entry and not that I messed up like 5 prompts, ok? XD)
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Outside the flower shop, there are two big bowls. One is full of candies, and one is full of orange and black roses. On both the bowls there’s a little sign that invites everyone to pick up one of those. 
It’s a silly tradition Steve started when he opened the shop four years ago.
He ordered way too many flowers for the shop inauguration and ended up with many he wouldn’t have been able to sell before they got ruined, so he left outside a bowl with the flowers, finding the next day a twenty-dollar bill hidden under the bowl and a phone number.
The phone number was Eddie’s, the tattoo artist who had a shop just in front of his flower shop, who told him he took the flowers to decorate the stage where they were playing the night before.
That’s how Eddie became Steve’s best friend first, and lover later on.
“You ready, sweetheart?” Eddie asks, staring at the two bowls, he’s wearing a white shirt with a pair of black slacks and a long cape, in his pocket there are the faux vampire fangs he keeps complaining about.
“Yeah. Are you sure the boys won’t mind if I join you?”
“You joining our Halloween campaign is the best present ever. And if the boys don’t like it they can find themselves a new DM!” Eddie declares with a wink, taking Steve’s hand and running toward the car under the heavy rain with no umbrella.
When they finally sit in the car, Steve chuckles happily. He wasn’t surprised when he found out that Eddie was a Halloween baby, his love for monsters and terrible creatures was literally written on his skin: a wyvern on his arm, a huge spider on his chest, and some other creatures Steve didn’t really recognize.
The drive to the Wheelers’ house is way too fast for Steve’s liking. He knows that the kids don’t like him. They are jealous that he stole their Dungeon Master and they don’t really like that Steve is a preppy boy who has nothing in common with Eddie. However, somehow, they match perfectly. They finish each other's sentences and they feel like they have known each other for centuries.
Things start to go wrong as soon as they enter the house. Steve is celiac and even if the kids knew it they didn’t buy anything Steve could eat. It wouldn’t be a big deal if Steve hadn’t already missed lunch to finish his costume, but he tries to ignore it, asking Dustin if there’s any fruit or something he could eat.
“Fruit? What for? We have candies! And chocolate! And pizza!”
Yeah… but none of those are certified gluten-free. Steve doesn’t point that out, nodding and sitting next to Eddie, a slice of pizza untouched at his side while his stomach gurgles are covered by the kids yelling.
Then he keeps making mistakes during the game, asking for things he’s not allowed to ask and getting low numbers every time he throws the dice. Almost an hour later Steve has somehow managed to decimate the company and the kids are glowering at him with their mouths full of candies and too much sugar in their blood.
If stares could kill, Steve would be dead by now.
Another miss is what makes everything crumble. Mike starts to yell that Steve’s useless and boring and that they are tired of having to endure his presence just because he’s Eddie’s stupid boyfriend. Lucas tries to be more diplomatic saying that Steve is nice but he can’t play D&D to save his life and Dustin adds that he’s so bad at math that every time he has to do something he takes more to do the sums than everything else.
“I… I’m sorry.” Steve says, leaving the table and running toward the car. He grabs the keys with trembling hands, but they fall under the car and he has to knee in the mud to retrieve them.
“Steve!” Eddie calls him from the door.
“Ask Gareth to drive you home. I have to go.”
“Please, don’t. The kids were horrible but we talked and…”
“No, it’s ok. I don’t have to be part of everything you do. I’m not good at this thing. They are right. Just… let me go. Please.”
Eddie stares at him sadly from the door, on foot on the step one still on the porch, “Steve, please, don’t go. Let’s talk.”
“I need space, Eddie. Sorry.”
Eddie nods quietly, and when Steve turns the car in reverse he can still see him in his vampire costume, staring at his car.
Steve’s bed is cold and empty, Eddie’s staying at his place like he asked him to, but he misses terribly. He’s almost sure they won’t break up because of a stupid game. Well. Half sure. After all the problem wasn’t the game but the people playing it, and those are the most important people in Eddie’s life and Steve would never want to come between them and his chosen family.
The drive toward the flower shop calms him a little bit. He doesn’t have to go to the shop, they’re close, but he can get a head started and fix a few things so tomorrow the shop will be ready to open and he will be able to sleep a little more, if he will manage to.
The two bowls are empty, as he expected, with no little notes or money hidden anywhere but he’s not disappointed, he likes to think that his flowers are now giving joy to someone else and filling the air with their sweet scent.
He has never done an inventory of all the ribbons and papers he has at the shop, so he takes the occasion to throw away the old ones and write down a list of what he should buy soon, and before he knows it it’s already lunchtime, so he gets out from the back of the shop, finding something surprising: a long trail of kisses, the Milk Chocolate with Almond ones, his favorites.
Feeling a little bit like Hansel and Gretel he follows the tray of chocolate candies that guides him to the park nearby. Sitting at a table settled with a pair of paper plates, a bottle of soda, and a Sheppard pie from Steve’s favorite gluten-free restaurant there''s Eddie.
“What’s this for?” Steve asks, holding way too many candies in his pockets.
“It’s an apology. I was a moron. I dragged you to Wheeler house and I begged you to play with us but I didn’t make you feel welcome and I didn’t even check that the kid bought something gluten-free for you. I know it’s stupid but I took for granted that they would have and I forgot that they are egoist gremlins who already had too much sugar.”
Steve smiles, sitting in front of Eddie, “It’s ok. I wasn’t good at that game.”
“I could have helped you more.”
“You were the Dragon Monster.”
“Dungeon Master.”
“I know, I’m just messing with you.”
Eddie scoops closer to Steve, “I was a moron, Steve, and I have no words to tell you how sorry I am. But I promise you that next time-”
“Eddie. Eds. Listen to me. I love you, ok? I really do. But That’s your time, not ours. It’s the time you like to spend with the kids and it’s ok. We don’t have to spend every moment together, you know that right?”
“But we play almost every holiday. I don’t want to stay away from you, I want you by my side.” Eddie whines, resting his head on Steve’s shoulder.
“Well, this means we’ll have to come up with a timetable so you could spend some holidays with the kids and some with me.”
“What if I want to spend them all with you?”
“The kids will kill me in my sleep.” Steve chuckles, “Now, can we eat? I’m starving and that pie smells so good!”
“I don’t fucking deserve you, Steve Harrington.” Eddie murmurs, before kissing him sweetly on the lips.
“Oh, and you’re going to watch the game with me and Tommy on Thanksgiving.”
“I take back what I said. You’re cruel! Making me watch the game is torture!”
“We can invite Wayne too,” Steve adds, taking a forkful of pie and winking at Eddie.
Maybe Steve won’t ever bond with the kids, but he did bond with Wayne.
“I guess I can endure it if you promise me beer, like a lot of beer.”
“Deal! Now eat before it turns cold!”
They eat the pie in the desert park, and when they finish they drive back to Steve's house to rest because none of them slept a wink without the other in his bed.
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wildsupernova · 7 months
roses, chocolates, and a heart shaped box.
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summary: valentine’s day had always felt like a joke to you. nobody had ever taken the time to do anything nice for you, but when the sickeningly romantic steve harrington falls in love with you, of course you’ll have the best valentine’s day ever.
pairing: steve harrington x f!reader
warnings: some suggestive language, nothing too crazy
word count: 2.4k
a/n: hey everyone! i know it’s been a while since i posted anything, but my second year of college has been kicking my ass and making it near impossible to get motivation to do anything. i figured what better way to get back in the swing of things than with a valentine’s day fic! i know it’s a day early, but i wanted to get this up before i got too busy and forgot about it. anyway, hope you guys enjoy, and happy valentine’s day!
masterlist | prompts list | ao3
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Valentine’s Day had never been something you looked forward to.
Even as a kid, you associated it with loneliness, watching on as all the little second grade boys gave their crushes a dandelion they picked fresh from the playground at recess. You detested it when they started selling candy-grams in middle school, because every year it seemed that you were the only one who never received one. You’d check your locker every day for the whole week hoping that maybe someone had slipped you a note only for nothing to fall out when you opened it, held your breath when they handed out the candy-grams only for your name to never be called, and dressed yourself up nice in the hopes that someone at the Valentine’s Day dance would ask you to dance with them only to end up with sore feet and running mascara by the end of the night. By the time high school came around, you gave up on the idea of Valentine’s Day altogether, never having a relationship last long enough to celebrate it. 
You’d turned into a stone hearted cynic, and just the mention of the words ‘Valentine’s Day’ had you rolling your eyes. 
That was, until you met Steve Harrington. 
You’d never met someone so…romantic. He was the kind of guy to show up to your house with flowers for no reason other than that he wanted to, or buy you a pair of fake diamond earrings (hey, it’s the thought that counts, right?) he saw at an antique shop because he saw them and immediately thought of you. He was the type to leave small little love letters in your locker between classes, and pick you up and spin you around and cover you in kisses because he missed you. 
But that didn’t change the fact that you hated Valentine’s Day. 
Steve had never been able to understand how someone could hate Valentine’s Day. ‘Come on!’ He’d say. ‘It's a whole day where people who love each other do something special together. What could be better than that?’ You’d always respond the same way; that to you, Valentine’s Day was nothing but a commodity and an excuse for boyfriends who did nothing for their girlfriends all year to make up for it with a fancy dinner and a box of chocolates. You don’t need a special day to show you love someone. If you really love someone, everyday is like that. 
It took him prying it out of you before you finally admitted the real reason you hated Valentine’s Day. 
“Nobody’s ever done anything nice for me on Valentine’s Day, okay?” The words come out with a bit more bite than you mean for them too, and Steve’s face scrunched a bit. 
“Nobody’s ever done anything for me for Valentine’s Day.” You repeat yourself. “I’ve never gotten…flowers, or chocolates, or a nice dinner or anything. It’s not a big deal, I’m used to it.”
“Nobody has ever done anything nice for you?”
“I mean, my parents always got me chocolate every year but…nobody ever really made the choice to do anything.” You picked at your nails and tried to make your voice sound like it didn’t bother you, but Steve could hear the disappointment. He tried to question you about it further, but you changed the subject before he could. “It’s not a big deal. Let’s just talk about something else, okay?”
For the next month, Steve took it as a personal challenge to give you the best Valentine’s Day you’d ever had. He even made a stupid little flow chart in one of his notebooks, chicken scratch and scribbles covering 3 whole pages while he tried to brainstorm the best way to make up for all of your shitty Valentine’s Days. He probably looked crazy, the way he was scribbling like a madman during class, but it would all be worth it in the end. 
The plan he came up with was simple, really.
Everyday for the week leading up to Valentine’s Day, he put a single red rose in your locker or left it on your bedroom windowsill. Never anything more, other than a note he’d sloppily tied to the stem of the flower with a pink ribbon, the words ‘I love you’ written in red ink. Every day you placed the new flower in a small glass of water you used as a makeshift vase and put the notes in an old jewelry box you didn’t use anymore. 
Everyday you’d tell Steve he didn’t have to do that, that you were content with not getting anything, but your smile that spread ear to ear told him more than your words did. 
By the time Valentine’s Day finally arrived, you had a full bouquet of seven red roses sitting on your bedside table, and a stack of sloppily written love notes sitting in a box on your dresser. It made you hold your head just a little bit higher, smile a bit brighter, and feel a little bit happier on a day that you always associated with something lonely. 
When you opened your locker that morning, you were met with another red rose and a note, except this time the note had been clumsily cut into the shape of a lopsided heart, the words ‘Be my valentine?’ written in glittery pink pen. Two arms wrapping around your waist had you clutching the flower tighter, leaning your back into Steve’s chest. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” He whispered the words against your ear as he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek, a smile pressed against your skin. You turned in his arms and draped your own over his shoulders. 
“Where’d you get a pink glitter pen?”
“Don’t worry about it.” He shut up anymore questions with a kiss, and you giggled. A stupid, girly, lovesick giggle. Steve had a dopey smile on his face when you parted. “Got you something else too.”
He reached into your locker and pulled something out from behind the textbooks, a heart shaped box tied shut with two white ribbons. You went to untie them before he stopped you, placing a hand over your own. 
“Don’t open it til’ you get home, okay?” You gave him a skeptical look but nodded anyway. 
“Okay?” You slipped the box back into your locker and closed it, cradling your books and the rose in the crook of your arm. “Hey, I gotta get to class, but I’ll see you at lunch, okay?” You pressed a kiss to his cheek, and as you went to walk away, he grabbed your wrist lightly. 
“You never answered my question, you know.” Your smile grew impossibly wider. 
“Yes, I’ll be your valentine.”
When you got home that afternoon, you untied the note from the stem of the rose, clipped it, and placed it in the cup with the others, hand delicately adjusting the flowers until they fell just the right way. You pulled the box from your backpack and plopped down on the bed, untying the ribbon and pulling the lid off. 
Inside was an assortment of fancy chocolates, the kind you’d always eye at the grocery store as a kid but your parents told you were too expensive to buy. In a small empty space in the center sat a small black velvet box and another note, folded over in a rather well made origami heart. You picked it up and unfolded it, smiling at the words written inside. 
‘I’m picking you up at 7. Wear something nice. 
I love you.’
When you opened the velvet box, you almost cried. 
Inside the box sat a small promise ring, a silver band swirling in dainty, earthen patterns until they curled around a single pink gemstone fashioned in the shape of a rose. Underneath the lid was a matching pair of earrings, and when you picked up the ring, you noticed an engraving on the inside of the band. 
‘I’ll love you until the last rose on Earth dies.’
It all felt like too much. You’d gotten so used to being alone, so used to never getting any gifts at all, that it felt like you didn’t deserve all of these special things Steve was doing for you. It was almost overwhelming, to have someone choose to show you how much they love you, instead of it feeling like some sort of obligation. 
Someone chose to love you. 
And you really, really liked that. 
By the time the clock hit 7, you felt butterflies swimming in your stomach. You knew you had nothing to be nervous about, but that didn’t stop your heart from beating far too fast and your face from keeping a constant blush. It didn’t help that you felt out of place dressed the way you were. 
You hadn’t had a reason to dress particularly nice since middle school, nor had you really had a desire to. When you’d pulled the nicest dress you owned out of your closet-a tight black dress that went to just above your knees and made you feel more than a little self conscious-the hanger had been covered in a thin layer of dust, as had the heels you decided to wear it with. The makeup on your face felt heavy, something you’d had to ask your mom for help with, and you coughed as you sprayed perfume straight into your mouth. You slipped the promise ring onto your finger and watched as it sparkled in your bedroom light.
When a knock on the door echoed through your living room at exactly 7:01 pm, you tugged the bottom of your dress down and walked over to the door, swinging the door open slowly. On the other side stood Steve, far better dressed than you had ever seen him, white button down and suit pants pressed smooth without a single wrinkle. He had a few of the buttons on his shirt undone for the fabric to fall open, revealing just enough of his chest to have you blushing. His hair, perfectly quaffed as always, fell into his eyes a bit, and a lovesick smile hid behind a large bouquet of roses. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, beautiful.” You took the bouquet from him, letting out a soft laugh. 
“I think you’ve given me enough roses for one week.”
“Well, you said nobody had ever gotten you flowers for Valentine’s Day, so I figured I’d give you enough to make up for it.” You thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and left to put the new roses with the rest, and as you arranged them all to fit, you noticed that there were 18 roses, one for every Valentine’s Day you’d missed out on. You smiled.
After a quick goodbye to your parents, the two of you were on your way to wherever Steve planned to take you, heat on blast to try and counteract the bitter Indiana winter. When Steve pulled into the parking lot of Enzo’s, your heart sputtered.
“You said you’d never been, but you’d always wanted to go, so I figured I’d take you out to a nice dinner. You know, to make up for all the times nobody ever took you.” He seemed almost nervous, fidgeting in his seat while his hands tightened a bit on the gear shift as he put the car in park. A smile slowly found its way onto your face, and you leaned over the center console to press a kiss to his cheek. When you pulled away, you giggled at the lipstick mark now staining his skin, and he wiped it away with a blush on his cheeks. 
Dinner had been a bit of a culture shock. You weren’t used to anything this ‘high end’, the entire restaurant filled to capacity with couples dressed to the nines to celebrate the holiday. A few of them were around your age, but they ran in a social circle so far away from yours that you didn’t know any of their names. 
That night was how you found out you weren’t really one for ‘fine dining’, portions far too small for the outrageous prices listed on the menu. Regardless, you had enjoyed it, even though you much preferred the burgers at the fast food place a few minutes away from your house. It helped that Steve was great company, and by the end of the night you were wishing you didn’t have to go home. 
“You could always come stay the night with me.” Steve’s hand snaked around your waist as he pulled you closer, mere inches away from your front door. “My parents are gone for the week. Again.”
You swatted at his shoulder when his face morphed into a suggestive smirk. 
“You know my dad would kill me.”
“Just don’t tell him.” The words were a whisper against your ear as he pressed a series of kisses to your cheek. “Just sneak out. I’ll move my car down the street so they don’t see me and everything.”
“Do you want me to never be able to see you again?” You let out a small laugh, gently pushing his head away from your face and neck. “If they find out I snuck out I will literally never be allowed to talk to you again.”
Steve put on an exaggerated pout, earning him an elbow to the side.
“Don’t give me that look, I’m serious.” Despite your scolding tone, the smile hadn’t dropped from your face. Steve held his hands up in surrender. 
“Fine, fine. But next time your parents are gone for the weekend you’re staying the night.” You let out a laugh and pressed a kiss to his lips, Steve chasing after you when you pulled away. 
“Goodnight, Steve. Thank you, for everything you did for me tonight.” He gave you another soft kiss as he smiled against your lips. 
“Can’t have my girl thinkin’ I’d just let her wallow on Valentine’s Day. I had to show you what you were missing.” His tone was borderline smug, and all you could do was kiss the smirk off his face. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.” You’d said those words to him before, but somehow, this time, they held a little bit more weight to them. 
“I love you, too.” One more kiss. “You better go before your dad comes out here and chases me off.” Reluctantly, Steve began heading back to his car, flashing you a wave and a smile as you headed inside. 
Valentine’s Day was still overrated, but it was a bit more bearable when you had someone like Steve.
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aziraphales-library · 8 months
Hello!!! I'm looking for fics that are coffee shop AUs, florist AUs, and tropes along the lines of that; except, instead of them being humans, they're still beings from heaven / hell
If there aren't any like that, that's fine. Thank you very much!! <3
Hi. Here are some non-human au coffee shop and florist fics...
heraldry, and other omens by starklystar (G)
Two days ago, the shop was called SLICE OF HEAVEN, in bold, yellow neon letters above the window’s tartan awning. Yesterday morning, the letters had read out ARSE OF HEAVEN, but by evening, residents reported it had changed to a more subdued BAKED BADS. It shouldn’t be possible to change neon signs so quickly, but today, upon entry, the bakery had been called DEVIL’S ADVOCAKES. ---------------- Or, there’s a new bakery in the South Downs area, that’s also maybe a flowershop, a coffeeshop, and an animal clinic. There's a chocolate scone that costs six thousand pounds. For orders, kindly contact [email protected].
Safety in Falsehood by enjolras_lexa (T)
The florist!Crowley AU no one asked for and everybody probably already wrote. Aziraphale’s bookshop burned down and now he needs a new cover job, ends up being hired by Crowley. Neither of them knows the other isn’t human. Cue romance.
Blue Roses by NotEvenCloseToStraight (G)
Hell’s Bells Botanicals was the most successful flower shop in all of London and in no way could that success be attributed to excellent customer service or the owner being the sort of chap who was friends with everyone. In fact, Hell’s Bells Botanicals was the most successful flower shop in all of London DESPITE having the worst customer service imaginable and an owner that obviously enjoyed making every moment in his shop as unpleasant as possible. Anthony J Crowley was surly and ill mannered, impatient with potential customers and downright aggravating with repeat customers, and underwent transactions as if it irked him to his very soul to sell the plants he raised. Hell’s Bells Botanicals was the best, its owner quite literally the worst, and seeing as how Crowley had been around since the dawn of time and had seen any and everything the world had to offer, he didn’t see anything about his attitude changing anytime soon. But then the empty bookshop across the way was purchased by a blonde man in an old fashioned sort of suit jacket, and life as Crowley knew it changed quite a bit.
What the mind forgets the heart remembers by IggysBunny (T)
The apocalypse did NOT happen. It was not supposed to NOT happen, as far as Gabriel and Beelzebub were concerned. Since their first attempt to punish their respective Earthly representatives (read: get revenge) didn’t work out, they decided to go bigger. Obviously, the best way to do that was to split the two. Aziraphale and Crowley would not remember who they are, lose their powers, become human. A patisserie and a flower shop would be involved. Of course, the plan was rather big, they needed the approval of God herself. Well, The Almighty agreed to it, under one important condition- in case the (now both) former angels fell for each other, everything would be back to normal. Naturally a demon in nature would never love an angel, and vice versa. Right? 
I'll Be Seeing You by Magnolia822 (E)
Mr. Zachariah Fell, purveyor of fine candies and ice cream, lives a comfortable life in spite of his hazy memories and troubling dreams. When a red-haired, handsome, and oddly familiar stranger takes over the shop across the street, Zachariah is forced to confront the possibility that he might not be the man he thought he was. In fact, he might not even be human at all.
Big Cup of Espresso by justsimplymeagain (M)
It turns out - when you lose your memories you can find yourself in a job position unlike anything before. Too bad it didn't stay simple as old faces got involved.
- Mod D
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