rest-in-being · 4 years
So this is the human condition:
This suffering, this disquiet, this agitation which is the essence of being human is true for every human being alive.
– “Illaal aladheena aamanu wa ‘amiluus-salihaat” –
In essence, except those who continue to remember their Lord, and demonstrate that remembrance of their Lord by acting consistently on what He wants from them rather than on what they want for themselves.
-Sheikh Etsko Schuitema (Allah grant him long life).
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afifaahkarim · 3 years
Bagaikan Debu
"Waqadimnaa ila maa ‘amiluu min ‘amalin faja’alnaahu habaa-an mantsuuran".
Bagaikan debu yang berterbangan.
Membayangkan debu, dengan butirannya yang sangat kecil--banyak bertebaran dimana-mana, namun mudah sekali terkena angin.
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Pada setiap ayat-ayat Allah, pada setiap kata-Nya yang Maha Bijaksana, bagi kaum yang berpikir, Al-Qur'an akan bertilawah tidak hanya di mulutnya tetapi di pikirannya.
Afala ta'qilun? Apakah kamu tidak berpikir?
Kalimat tanya--yang seringkali Allah akhirkan di beberapa ayat pilihan-Nya. Sungguh, pada setiap keimanan yang terbentuk, terdapat proses berpikir yang melahirkannya. Dan pada setiap amal yang kasat mata, ada proses tak kasat mata yang memprakarsainya.
Begitulah, amal. Amal yang Allah peringatkan untuk berhati-hati atasnya; jika tidak terdiri dari tiga komponen ini :
1. iman kepada Allah
2. ikhlas karena Allah
3. dan mengikuti Rasul-Nya, Muhammad SAW.
Memang, lagi-lagi manusia yang Allah perintahkan untuk menghamba hanya kepada-Nya tidak pernah pantas berbangga diri atas amal-amalnya, walau itu sekecil apapun. Allahu, faghfirlanaa.
Sudah sepatutnya seorang mukmin tidak terlepas dari perasaan takut dan harap hanya kepadaNya. Menyeimbangkan antara khauf dan raja. Takut atas dasar iman; takut amalnya tidak terima, maka tidak pernah merasa puas beramal--terus memperbaiki diri, terus merasa 0 jika di hadapan-Nya. Harap atas dasar iman; mengharap ampunan dan rahmat-Nya atas setiap lika-lakunya.
Membayangkan, jika amal-amal kita selama ini rupanya nanti hanya diperlihatkan Allah bagai debu yang berterbangan. Bukankah, menjadi sebuah reminder besar: bahwa, kita harus terus "berinteraksi lebih dekat dengan hati kita sendiri", dan seruan untuk "menuntut ilmu tak habis-habis" agar setiap amal dan keputusan yang diperbuat adalah semata karena Allah dan sesuai tuntunan Rasulullah.
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riakarnilis · 5 years
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Allah SWT berfirman: يَوْمَ يَبْعَثُهُمُ اللّٰهُ جَمِيْعًا فَيُنَبِّئُهُمْ بِمَا عَمِلُوْا ۗ اَحْصٰٮهُ اللّٰهُ وَنَسُوْهُ ۗ وَا للّٰهُ عَلٰى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ شَهِيْدٌ yauma yab'asuhumullohu jamii'an fa yunabbi`uhum bimaa 'amiluu, ahshoohullohu wa nasuuh, wallohu 'alaa kulli syai`in syahiid "Pada hari itu mereka semuanya dibangkitkan Allah, lalu diberitakan-Nya kepada mereka apa yang telah mereka kerjakan. Allah menghitungnya (semua amal perbuatan itu), meskipun mereka telah melupakannya. Dan Allah Maha Menyaksikan segala sesuatu."(QS. Al-Mujadilah 58: Ayat 6). #riakarnilis #qurancantik #hafidzquran #ayatsucialquran https://www.instagram.com/p/B3tGi14BrD6/?igshid=1mfm1enocjlbw
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ltsharif · 4 years
(via Upper chambers of Paradise)   Quran Chapter 34: 37 (Pt-22, Stg-5) (L-2653) درس قرآن Upper chambers of Paradise Chapter “SABAA’” – (Saba) – 34 ‘A-‘uu-zu  Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim. (I seek refuge in Allaah from Satan the outcast) Bis-Millaahir-Rah-maanir-Rahiim.(In the name of Allaah, the Beneficent, the Merciful) وَمَآ أَمْوَٰلُكُمْ وَلَآ أَوْلَٰدُكُم بِٱلَّتِى تُقَرِّبُكُمْ عِندَنَا زُلْفَىٰٓ إِلَّا مَنْ ءَامَنَ وَعَمِلَ صَٰلِحًا فَأُو۟لَٰٓئِكَ لَهُمْ جَزَآءُ ٱلضِّعْفِ بِمَا عَمِلُوا۟ وَهُمْ فِى ٱلْغُرُفَٰتِ ءَامِنُونَ 37 37.  And it is not your wealth nor your children that will bring you near unto Us, but he who believeth and doeth good (he draweth near). As for such, theirs will be twofold reward for what they did and they will dwell secure in lofty halls. 37.  Wa  maaa  ‘amwaalukum  wa  laaa  ‘awlaadukum  billatii  tuqarribukum  ‘indaNaa  zulfaaa  ‘illaa  man  ‘aamana  wa  ‘amila  saalihaa.  Fa-‘ulaaa-‘ika  lahum  Jazaaa-‘uzzi’-fi  bimaa  ‘amiluu  wa  hum  fil-gurufaati  ‘aaminuun.Commentary Gurufaatin – (upper chambers, lofty halls), this word is plural of gurfatun. It is commanded: Do you boast on abundance of your wealth and children which will be useless for you in the Hereafter? Their abundance is not the sign of it that your status is higher in Our Sight. Listen! Your wealth of various sorts and your strong and healthy children, nothing from them is such which may bring you nearer to Us in grades. It is not the token of it that you have become Our intimate. Acquiring higher degrees near Us; depends on these conditions that you should believe and do good works. Behold! The people who will believe and do good works, will be given more retribution of their deeds which can be increased and reach with effect from tenfold to seven hundredfold, as it has been described in Suratul-Baqarah and Suratul-’An-‘aam. Upper chambers are ready in the Paradise for them where they will dwell with peace and ease. It seems that this mania has settled down in the thoughts of the mankind that wealth is everything in the world. It is considered that he has found everything who possesses wealth. Moreover, if he has children too, then it is in addition, because as he possesses all luxurious things, he has supporters also. Besides these, he needs nothing. It has been described clearly in this verse: Only Belief and good works will be useful for the mankind. You should spend your wealth in good and welfare works. Train your children well and make them polite. Then you will be able to get higher status in the Court of Allaah Almighty, otherwise everything is useless. Transliterated Holy Qur’aan in Roman Script & Translated from Arabic to English by Marm aduke Pickthall, Published by Paak Company, 17-Urdu Bazaar, Lahore, Lesson collected from Dars e Qur’aan published By Idara Islaah wa Tableegh, Lahore (translated Urdu to English by Muhammad Sharif). https://muhammadsharif120.wordpress.com/2020/04/21/upper-chambers-of-paradise/
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nizam0675 · 6 years
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Allah SWT berfirman: وَمَاۤ اَمْوَالُـكُمْ وَلَاۤ اَوْلَادُكُمْ بِالَّتِيْ تُقَرِّبُكُمْ عِنْدَنَا زُلْفٰۤى اِلَّا مَنْ اٰمَنَ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًـا ۙ فَاُولٰٓئِكَ لَهُمْ جَزَآءُ الضِّعْفِ بِمَا عَمِلُوْا وَهُمْ فِى الْغُرُفٰتِ اٰمِنُوْنَ wa maaa amwaalukum wa laaa aulaadukum billatii tuqorribukum 'indanaa zulfaaa illaa man aamana wa 'amila shoolihan fa ulaaa`ika lahum jazaaa`udh-dhi'fi bimaa 'amiluu wa hum fil-ghurufaati aaminuun "Dan bukanlah harta benda kamu dan tidak juga anak pinak kamu yang mendampingkan kamu di sisi Kami walau sedikitpun, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, maka mereka itu akan beroleh balasan yang berlipat ganda disebabkan apa yang mereka telah kerjakan; dan mereka pula ditempatkan dalam mahligai-mahligai (di Syurga) dengan aman sentosa." (QS. Saba' 34: Ayat 37)
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amilu · 4 years
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This happened last night. 😊😍 Her name is Luna, but I nickname her Lunatuna. ♥️ Hope you're all well, had a good week, and have a great weekend! If you enjoy my comics please like, comment, save and share with others. 😊 If you want to support me further you can donate to my Ko-Fi page, sign up to my Patreon for exclusive benefits, or buy something from my shop! (Links in bio) #comics #comic #comicstrip #comicstrips #comicartist #cartoon #cartoonist #illustration #illustrator #drawing #cats #sleeping #bedtime #cute #sleepy #tired #instacomic #luna #sliceoflife #amiluu https://www.instagram.com/p/CI8x-OADqon/?igshid=8lpfjp5dtg5p
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amilu · 4 years
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I'm going to try to post every day this week until I've reached the end of this series. So you are aware, I'm in a much better state of mind now, so please don't worry! As I'm writing this I'm still second-guessing myself. I don't like how I sound and I hate to come across so depressing and full of self pity. I'm not sharing this to attract attention or seek sympathy. Comics is my form of self-expression and my passion. This is also a documentation of my journey of growth as well as what has occured since February. Perhaps there will be something you can take away from this too. Hope you're all well and safe and thank you for your continual support! #comics #comic #comicstrip #comicstrips #webcomic #instacomic #rentdaycomic #comicartist #comicart #illustrator #illustration #journey #visualjournal #feelings #growth #diary #visualdiary #life #drawing #amiluu https://www.instagram.com/p/CADxOfmjwu_/?igshid=169pdawxk4gfs
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amilu · 5 years
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About 1-2 weeks ago I shared photos of drawings I made when I was about 6 years old. (If you missed the story you can scroll to the last 4 panels) I have re-envisioned them in the RENT DAY style! Enjoy! Hope you're having a pleasant weekend. :) #rentday #rentdaycomic #comic #comics #comicstrip #comicstrips #webcomic #webcomics #webcomicstrip #webcomicstrips #instacomic #instacomics #comicartist #cartoon #illustration #amiluu #teletubbies #teletubbyland #tubbycustard #childrensshow #kidsshow https://www.instagram.com/p/B4X9AxyDQOt/?igshid=1le9dub41yezy
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amilu · 5 years
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Joshua told me about this the other day. I wasn't ignoring him, I swear! * Also, am I instantly cool when wearing sunglasses? 😎 * If you enjoy RENT DAY comic strips, please check out my Patreon page (link in bio). * #drawing #comic #comicstrip #comicart #comicartist #webcomic #webcomicstrip #rentdaycomic #rentday #oblivious #funnycomic #funny #humour #humor #sliceoflife #sliceoflifecomic #cartoon #cartoonist #illustration #amiluu https://www.instagram.com/p/ByYLgj1gvw8/?igshid=mi8pa5v1mfu4
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amilu · 5 years
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I thought I'd share a banner design commissioned by my friend Leanne @legal1511 . If you need any proofreading or editing eyes for an essay, article, blog post, etc send her an email at [email protected] #proofreader #editor #banner #bannerdesign #illustration #reading #editing #working #freelancer #amiluu https://www.instagram.com/p/BxIWmaFF2oe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p1aoutl8auzk
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amilu · 5 years
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I've finally got some super duper news to share! I've been working with @handyspelling - a fantastic start-up company designing pencils and other stationery products for children who have dyslexia or other literacy difficulties. Using my Handy illustrations they've produced a range of pencils, stickers, bookmaks, placemats, rulers and more, that put the most frequent mistaken spellings and parts of speech at children’s fingertips. We will be showcasing @handyspelling products at @stationeryshowsuk at the Business Centre in Islington tomorrow and Wednesday. I'm hugely delighted to be part of this project and I really enjoy making these illustrations! I will also be at the event and taking snaps of the show to share! #stationery #ilovestationery #stationeryshow #londonstationeryshow #handyspelling #spelling #literacy #pencils #amiluu https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw2YHG9Fv2V/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1etxvxyc22otz
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amilu · 5 years
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Another preview of what I've been working on... I hope you're having a pleasant weekend. It's hot here in Manchester, too hot for me. (Although my kind of hot is another person's mild). Weather above 20C reduces me to sludge, it zaps my energy and I feel gross. I'm sure I said this last year, but I need to migrate to Greenland or live in my fridge. #drawing #sleepy #tired #work #nap #sleep #illustration #childrensillustration #cartoon #amiluu https://www.instagram.com/p/BwfJgLglfwj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6ub0ixsb1blm
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amilu · 5 years
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New RENT DAY comic strip! 🙌 * Eating many boxes of fish fingers are Joshua's motivation to work out. What are yours? * I hit a goal of 100 drawings, and I'm going to continue to post as regularly as I can. Just as a heads up, I'm not going to post them further as "drawing of the day", but simply as posts sharing my work with you. #drawing #comic #comicstrip #webcomic #webcomicstrip #motivation #workingout #exercise #fishfingers #situps #workoutvideo #crunches #rentdaycomic #funnycomic #humour #humor #funny #cartoon #illustration #amiluu https://www.instagram.com/p/BwXtu7OlCS-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mkfzdy9f9h5z
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amilu · 5 years
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Drawing of the day.99 I have returned from my long weekend away! I'm looking forward to getting started on a new RENT DAY comic strip, but for now, here's an illustration of Handy and his home. #drawing #drawingoftheday #handy #handcharacter #hand #home #newhome #cartoon #illustration #childrensillustration #amiluu https://www.instagram.com/p/BwSbAeql66A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=192fzlxaq0gy8
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amilu · 5 years
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Drawing of the day no.96 Weeeeee! #drawing #drawingoftheday #skis #skiing #winter #wintersport #hand #handy #handcharacter #characterdesign #illustration #childrensillustration #cartoon #amiluu https://www.instagram.com/p/BwDA25-lrqN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nmgahhw7m4fb
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amilu · 5 years
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Drawing of the day no.94 We're a couple of big kids. 😬 #drawing #drawingoftheday #comic #webcomic #comicstrip #webcomicstrip #rentdaycomic #sliceoflife #comicartist #illustration #illustrator #cartoon #cartoonist #slippers #bigkids #amiluu https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv7Yw52lXEd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lk1ayjvzaxki
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