#amit friedman
girlactionfigure · 28 days
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Baruch Dayan HaEmet
This was 19 year old Staff Sgt. Amit Friedman, of the Nahal Brigade’s 932nd Battalion, from Or Yehuda who was killed in action in Gaza
May his memory be for a blessing.
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Supreme Court Overturns DOJ's Use of Key J6 Felony Court
"Today's decision means Attorney General Merrick Garland and federal judges in Washington wrongfully prosecuted roughly 350 J6ers with the post-Enron felony"
JUN 28, 2024 In a devastating but well-deserved blow to the Department of Justice’s criminal prosecution of January 6 protesters, the U.S. Supreme Court today overturned the DOJ’s use of 18 USC 1512(c)(2), the most prevalent felony in J6 cases.
The statute, commonly referred to as “obstruction of an official proceeding,” has been applied in roughly 350 J6 cases; it also represents two of four counts in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s J6-related criminal indictment of Donald Trump in Washington. 
In a 6-3 decision, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote that the “c2” subsection is tethered to the “c1” subsection that addresses tampering with a record, document, or “object.”
From the opinion:
Roberts was joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Ketanji Brown Jackson. Justice Amy Coney Barrett authored the dissent (!) joined by Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor.
Today’s decision means hundreds of Americans have been wrongfully prosecuted by Attorney General Merrick Garland as he insists his department is dedicated to upholding the “rule of law” and pursuing justice “without fear or favor.”
An Irreversible Black Eye for DOJ and Federal Courts in Washington
The matter originated in the case of Joseph Fischer, a Pennsylvania man who attended Trump’s speech and later went to the Capitol. According to court documents, Fischer briefly entered the building around 3:25 p.m., nearly an hour after the joint session of Congress to certify the electoral college votes had recessed. He exited about four minutes later.
In March 2021, a D.C. grand jury indicted Fischer on numerous counts including 1512(c)(2). The statute reads:
Whoever corruptly— 
(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or 
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so.
It is punishable by up to 20 years in prison.
Fischer, in addition to many J6ers facing the count, asked his judge to dismiss the charge. Judge Carl Nichols, appointed by Trump, dismissed the count against Fischer and two other defendants by finding the language in the post-Enron/Arthur Anderson statute covered tampering with records or documents not interrupting a meeting of Congress. The DOJ appealed Nichols’ decision.
In December, SCOTUS granted Fischer’s petition to grant cert seeking to reverse the appellate court’s mandate. Oral arguments were held on April 16.
Nichols is the only judge to have dismissed the count; 18 district and circuit court judges in Washington refused to dismiss the count. The judges essentially enabled the Biden DOJ’s unlawful pursuit of Americans who protested Biden’s election that day.
The List of Shame:
Judge Beryl Howell (Obama, former chief judge)
Judge James Boasberg (Obama, current chief judge)
Judge Rudolph Contreras (Obama)
Judge Trevor McFadden (Trump)
Judge John Bates (GW Bush)
Judge Amit Mehta (Obama)
Judge Dabny Friedrich (Trump)
Judge Royce Lamberth (Reagan)
Judge Richard Leon (GW Bush)
Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly (Clinton)
Judge Amy Berman Jackson (Obama)
Judge Timothy Kelly (Trump)
Judge Randolph Moss (Clinton)
Judge Paul Friedman (Clinton)
Judge Christopher Cooper (Obama)
D.C. Circuit Court Judge Florence Pan (Biden)—Pan wrote both appellate court decisions upholding 1512c2
D.C. Circuit Court Judge Justin Walker (Trump)
D.C. Circuit Court Judge Cornelia Pillard
There Goes Your Summer, Your Honor
The federal courthouse in Washington has been bracing for a flood of motions post-Fischer; a few judges have released individuals from prison in anticipation of a reversal. Roughly 110 J6ers have been sentenced to prison on 1512(c)(2) convictions; several J6ers were held under pretrial detention for being charged with the nonviolent obstruction count alone.
But despite the law’s legal limbo over the past year, U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Matthew Graves, a Biden appointee, continued to indict J6ers on 1512(c)(2) while some judges continued to sentence those convicted to lengthy prison terms. Last month, Beryl Howell, the former chief judge who upheld the 1512(c)(2) charges for defendants in her courtroom, sentenced a Missouri man to 60 months in prison for the 1512 conviction and assault on police.
In January 2022, Howell gave the green light for her colleagues to support the DOJ’s use of the obstruction count. Here is what she said in denying a motion to dismiss filed by two J6ers:
“For over 200 years, the peaceful transition of power from one presidential administration to another has been marked with Congress's certification of the Electoral College vote; and this event has been respectfully observed by American citizens, but not on January 6, 2021. And I start with this historical fact because what happened on January 6th was a chilling new type of criminal conduct to which our criminal laws have never before had to be applied. Application of criminal laws to conduct never before seen, like what occurred on January 6, 2021, appropriately generates the kind of legal questions the defendants raise here about whether the criminal law fits the charged criminal conduct.”
The first judge to uphold the obstruction charge in J6 cases was Trump-appointee Dabny Friedrich. In 2021, she agreed that interrupting a meeting of Congress met the definition of “official proceeding” and that the statute’s broad language did not require the government to prove the conduct involved tampering with records or documents.
Ironically—or not—Friedrich is married to Matthew Friedrich, a former DOJ official who worked on the Enron Task Force alongside Andrew Weissman and current deputy attorney general Lisa Monaco. The 1512(c)(2) statute was a product of the Enron/Arthur Anderson investigation; Weissmann, as the lead prosecutor for Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the bogus Russiagate probe, pushed the DOJ to charge Trump with 1512(c)(2) while in office.
Retired judge Thomas Hogan recently warned how a SCOTUS’s reversal of 1512(c)(2) would affect the DC courthouse. Here is Hogan, who upheld the statute in J6 prosecutions, with former DOJ official and FISAgate mastermind Mary McCord:
Reacting to the SCOTUS decision, Geri Perna, aunt of Matthew Perna, told me this by email:
“When Matthew was unexpectedly charged with the felony of Obstruction of an Official Proceeding—after initially facing only misdemeanors—his world collapsed. The weight of a potential lengthy prison sentence bore down on him, filling his days with insurmountable worry and anxiety. At that time, there was no glimmer of hope that this severe charge would be dropped.
Matthew has now been dead for 28 months. In the wake of his passing, the Supreme Court of the United States is finally set to rule on whether the Department of Justice wrongfully applied 1512(c)(2) in January 6 cases. As much as I am hopeful for a just ruling in favor of the January 6 defendants, I am consumed by a profound sense of loss and anger. My nephew's death was both avoidable and senseless.
I feel cheated, and if that sounds selfish, then so be it. The pain of losing Matthew under such circumstances is a burden I carry every day. I fervently hope that those responsible for wielding this charge erroneously will be held accountable in a court of law. However, I am not holding my breath.”
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neukurucz · 2 years
Vihar a csönd előtt
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Az utóbbi egy-két hónapban viszonylag kevesebbet olvastam, ezért most januárban megfogadtam, hogy 2023 olyan év lesz számomra, amelyben sokkal több könyvet fogok elolvasni, mint tavaly.
Mivel mostanában témaként eléggé pörög a geopolitika és a külpolitikai szakértelem, így idén George Friedman Vihar a csönd előtt című könyvére esett elsőként a választásom. (Miniszterelnök Úr ajánlásával :D)
Friedman könyve nagyon jó. Ez a rövid és sommás véleményem az egészről. Nagyon jó, mert abszolút érezhető benne, hogy a szerzőnek van érvényes tudása arról a témáról, amiről ír. Meglehetősen jól látja a jelenlegi helyzetet és az én megítélésem szerint élesen látja a korábbi történelmi összefüggéseket is.
A mű alapvetően egy hosszú történelmi áttekintést nyújt az Egyesült Államok gazdasági és társadalmi törésvonalairól, ciklusairól, továbbá olvasmányos betekintést ad az USA kulturális, természeti és “belső geopolitikai” (államok közötti) különbözőségeiről is. Személy szerint én rengeteget tanultam ebből a könyvből, kifejezetten hasznos összefüggéseket értettem meg belőle, amik merőben hozzájárulnak mindahhoz, amit jelenleg gondolok a világ folyamatairól.
A szerző a Kondratyjev-ciklusokhoz hasonlóan intézményi- és társadalomgazdasági ciklusokra bontja fel az USA eddigi történelmét és hosszasan elemzi, hogy melyik szakaszban milyen változások mentek végbe az országban. Minden ciklus végén válságok és tektonikai változások mentek végbe, amelyek hol gazdasági, hol pedig strukturális katasztrófát okoztak. A jó hír eddig az volt, hogy ezek a ciklusfordulók eddig mindig egymást követően történtek meg, a 2020-as és 30-as években viszont teljesen egybe fognak esni, azaz egyszerre következnek be. Ilyen még nem volt.
Friedman szerint nagyon komoly és válságos idők elé néz az USA és - birodalmi szerepe miatt - az egész világ emiatt a trendforduló miatt. Az előttünk álló kalandos évtizedekben mindenhez újra kell gombolni a kabátunkat, új paradigmákat és narratívákat kell kialakítanunk, ha túl akarjuk élni a 21. század első felét.
Ajánlom a könyvet mindenkinek, akit érdekel a geopolitika, és aki szeretne olvasni egy világos alternatívát egy lehetséges jövő felvázolásáról.
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xnmldv · 1 year
Qualia - Mindful Workout from Dmitry Khmelnitsky on Vimeo.
The Qualia project takes us on a workout journey through a sensual body experience. When pushing boundaries and reaching our limits, we discover our deepest senses, revealed only for fleeting moments. Our main creative goal was to emphasize the transition from group workouts to the breakthrough into each participant's personal world. We sought to maintain a constant juxtaposition between light and dark, group and individual, calmness and intensity, clean limbo, and wild nature, bringing viewers closer to the Qualia experience.
Coral Friedman, the founder of Qualia, believes that workouts should be interesting, exciting, and meaningful. The training routine combines sound and cardio in a mirrorless, candlelit space that leads to mindfulness.
Shot on Arriflex 16 S/B using Kodak Vision 3 250D
Team Director: Dmitry Khmelnitsky @xnmldv at @talnathantalents Executive Producer: Coral Friedman @___coralfriedman Assistant Director: Rona Cohen @ronanza DP: Dmitry Khmelnitsky @xnmldv Producer: Rona Cohen @ronanza Gaffer: Joe Magal @joe_magal Assistant Camera: Rafael Nativ @rafael.nativ Stylist: Amit Friedman @amitfrdmn Colorist: Ilya Marcus @ilyamarcus at @talnathantalents
Performance by Noa Cohen Erner @noa_ce Sivan Chriqui @van_chriqui Rotem Blutstein @rotemblut Amit Friedman @amitfrdmn Lior Samuelson @lior_samuelson Neta Kestin @netakestin Shmuel Halfon @shmuel.halfon
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stunning skin - super astra superficiem
== amit friedman == madison stubbington == gemma arterton == zoe barnard == alina kovalenko == vinette robinson == alexandra madar == aušrinė marija abramaitytė == chloe melton == berit heitmann ==
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mortispbf · 2 years
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horizongirls · 5 years
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Amit Friedman
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bonkbonkgrup · 6 years
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Amit Friedman
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bobrosenbaum · 5 years
Jazz on Lockdown: Amit Friedman Quartet
Saxophonist Amit Friedman is an innovator who can, at one moment, weave rich East-West cultural textures into his music, and at the next moment lay down a tenor solo on 'My Funny Valentine' that brings tears to your eyes.
Like many of his colleagues in Israel, Amit and his Quartet know how to drop into that deep groove and bring you to the edge of wonder.
Amit is a leading player in Tel Aviv as well as at today's European jazz festivals. He also can be heard with some of Israel's top commercial artists, as both a musician and a composer.
UNTIL LAST WEEK, AMIT and his Quartet were slated to appear on March 21st at the hot new Szczecin Jazz Festival in Poland, together with performers like Billy Harper, Bobby Watson, Vincent Herring and fellow Israeli Avishai Cohen. But the coronavirus pandemic has put that event on hold.
As the lockdown in Israel quickly expanded, Amit's standby local clubs have also closed down.
"I'm not complaining – I've got more time now with my family," he told me in a phone call. "But we're hoping this craziness will end soon. It'll pass."
Amit has already issued two excellent albums, together with pianist Omri Mor, bassist Gilad Abro, drummer Amir Bresler, oud master Amos Hoffman and others: Sunrise (2017) and Long Way to Go (2019). Click on them and maybe you'll want to download something tasty for those tough weeks of quarantine ahead.
In addition to performing with his band, Amit devotes his considerable energies to youth education in jazz, running a pioneering performance series at youth venues here in Israel.
Find out more about Amit Friedman on his website.
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Coronavirus rolling lockdowns won't stop jazz! To assist musicians who've had performances cancelled get their music heard around the globe, right now, the Jazz Journalists Association created the Jazz on Lockdown: Hear It Here community blog. Enjoy more jazz antidotes at: https://news.jazzjournalists.org/category/jazz-on-lockdown/.
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kwebtv · 2 years
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Unorthodox  -  Netflix  -  March 26, 2020
Drama (4 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Shira Haas as Esther "Esty" Shapiro
Amit Rahav as Yakov "Yanky" Shapiro
Jeff Wilbusch as Moishe Lefkovitch
Alex Reid as Leah Mandelbaum
Ronit Asheri as Malka Schwartz
Gera Sandler as Mordechai Schwartz
Dina Doron as Esty's grandmother ("Bubbe")
Aaron Altaras as Robert
Tamar Amit-Joseph as Yael Roubeni
Aziz Dyab as Salim
David Mandelbaum as Zeidy
Delia Mayer as Miriam Shapiro
Felix Mayr as Mike
Eli Rosen as Rabbi Yossele
Safinaz Sattar as Dasia
Langston Uibel as Axmed
Isabel Schosnig as Nina Decker
Laura Beckner as Vivian Dropkin
Harvey Friedman as Symcha Shapiro
Lenn Kudrjawizki as Igor
Yousef "Joe" Sweid as Karim Nuri
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girlactionfigure · 28 days
🟨 SAMARIA COUNTER-TERROR OP HEATS UP - Morning events from Israel
ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
▪️A HERO SOLDIER HAS FALLEN.. Amit Friedman, 19, from Or Yehuda fell in battle in Gaza.  May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge his blood.
▪️JUDEA-SAMARIA - an extensive IDF divisional operation began in three areas in Samaria, Tubas, Tulkarm, Jenin. Various firefights, 11 terrorists eliminated.  Parts of Jenin and Tulkarm without power and water due to IDF activity.  
.. Enemy report: IDF forces are operating simultaneously in several locations in the West Bank - in Jenin, in the Noor al-Shams, in the Tulkarm, and in Al-Fara in the Tubas area.  IDF forces deployed by the hospitals.
.. Enemy report: a vehicle was attacked in the Jenin area, three (terrorists) were killed in the attack.
.. Foreign Minister Katz on the operation in Jenin and Tulkarm: "Iran is working to establish an eastern terrorist front against Israel in the West Bank, according to the Gaza and Lebanon model. We must deal with the threat just as we deal with the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza - including the temporary evacuation of residents.”
.. IDF D9 bulldozers plowing roads to find landmines and IEDs.
▪️YEMEN.. extreme weather, storms and heavy flooding, continue in Yemen with massive impact.  This is likely the reason why the Houthis have not attacked Israel in a while.
▪️OBSERVATION BALLOON/BLIMP.. After Hezbollah hit the "Tal Shamayim" military observation balloon/mini-blimp in the north of the country, the Ministry of Defense and the IDF are considering canceling the project, not fixing the system and closing the dedicated unit that was established for the purpose of operating it.
▪️SIREN TESTS TODAY..  10:00 in Nechusha, Bnei Darom and in Yavneh.
▪️ECONOMY - THE MINUS.. in Israel 40% of bank customers - 2.5 million people - are in overdraft, including even a third of the customers in the top deciles, and all of them pay insane interest.  (In Israel your credit card has a strict limit that must be paid off monthly, BUT your bank account is allowed to go negative - with a limit - for which you pay high interest, like you do on credit card debt it the U.S.  This is commonly referred to as “a minus”, as in a negative balance in the bank account.  Last I saw the minus interest rate was around 15%.)
⭕ Last rocket/drone alert was 7:30 PM last night.  (Usually immediately after I write and post this there is an alarm.)
🔸DEAL NEWS.. A delegation of the working ranks from Mossad and Shin Bet will leave for Doha, Qatar today after holding consultations in Israel and returning from Cairo, Egypt last night. The delegation is expected to continue the working talks with the mediators with the aim of working to reduce the gaps in the open issues of the outline of a hostage/ceasefire deal.  The delegation is expected to meet with representatives of Egypt, Qatar and the US, who continue negotiations and work with Israel and Hamas.  The source briefed on the details said that the issues are very complex.
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otemporamores · 3 years
997. BEKIÁLTÁS: Az USA feláldozza Európát - BEKIÁLTÁS
Nem arról van szó, hogy alulértékelném a történelmi személyiség szerepét, de a romantikus-historikus filmekkel, a televíziós szórakoztató-ismeretterjesztő sorozatokkal, a közvélemény-kutatási hangulatjelentésekre, politikusi beszédek felszínes értékelésére épülő televíziós és rádiós talk-show-kkal szemben elvetem a híres embereknek a folyamatokra való szinte kizárólagos befolyásának hangsúlyozását. A tömeghangulat formálásának éppen ez az egyik alapja: mélyelemzések helyett egyszerű világmagyarázatokkal teszik formálhatóvá a köztudatot, amit az emlékezetpolitikusok tovább torzítanak. 
Vlagyimir Putyinnak például messze nincs olyan teljhatalma, mint azt tömegmanipulációs céllal sugallják.
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bpcparents · 6 years
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“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.”                                                ― Amit Ray
“A major criterion for judging the anxiety level of any society is the loss of its capacity to be playful.”                                                                                                                                          ―  Edwin H. Friedman
Parenting is extremely serious business.  Every person who has ever parented knows that.  It is an awesome responsibility.  And we can never forget that. However, at the same time, in order for one to parent effectively a person cannot be too serious about it.  Yes, counter intuitive but much of what we call parenting is just that. 
Years ago, I was a lifeguard at a pool.  Pool’s can be and often are dangerous places.  I grew up on a lake and when I was young I was aware of the myriad of rules about being around the water.  One of the most frightening but very common descriptions of water always gave me pause.  “You can drown in just a few inches of water.”  I remember thinking that if a few inches of water could be dangerous then a lake full was very ominous.  At the same time the kids of my neighborhood spent most of the time near or around the lake. It was not so dangerous that we could not enjoy it.  And we did. That lake holds a very special place in my childhood and my heart.  It will always be home.  Being comfortable with the water naturally lead me to my early jobs around water. One was the lifeguarding I mentioned above.  It was a wonderful job.  I liked being around the water and being out in the sun.  I always had a good tan!  But it was not a simple job because you had to maintain that difficult line between safety and enjoyment. Not always easy.  Some people didn’t understand the danger and others grossly over reacted to the danger. Once, a woman who momentarily lost track of her toddler saw that she had gone over and sat on the step going into the water putting her feet in the water.  The mother gasped, ran over and yanked the child out of the water, and berated her for what she had done.  I wondered to myself if that child would ever enjoy the water. 
There it is.  The balance between parental anxiety and the need to let go of our children. No, I am not saying that the child should not have been told about the dangers of the water, but she should have not been made to be terrified of the water.  It is really like all of life.  There needs to be a balance between safety and freedom.  Children need appropriate freedom (which always changes with age) to become who they are.  This may be the most challenging task of parenting. Parents almost always (especially these days) error on the side of safety. “Rather be safe than sorry” is the age-old wisdom but it is possible to be safe and sorry too. 
Once, early in my parenting journey it was suggested to me that children don’t need as much correcting as they do appreciation. Often, as parents we so continually correct our kids for a million different reasons so as to never really delight in them. We hold them down to keep them safe, or on track, or out of trouble and kids experience that as stifling.  And there are few things more dangerous to children. No, it is not something dramatic as many of the dangers that parents see as obvious but it is just as dark.  Children without the freedom to become themselves will be lost.  Children who are encouraged to explore and discover and express who they are will always be found.  It is really about parents getting out of the way in the most appropriate ways.  Yes, it is scary to let go in appropriate increments, but parents need to trust freedom. It is the way we are made and it has worked magic with children for as long as we have been alive.  Love them and they will be fine…
Tim Ives is a Presbyterian Minister and a psychoanalyst in private practice in Bedford Hills.  He sees many kids and teens and parents and offers alternatives to medicating children.  He is married and has two almost grown kids of his own.
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jazzbreak · 7 years
Amit Friedman Sextet- Optimism (For Sonny Rollins)
50,000 #Jazz & #Blues Tracks & Pics https://twitter.com/JazzBreak1
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I. Kizökkentés
I.1. A relációesztétikai nézőpont
NicolasBourriaud, aki 1996-ban definiálta a relációesztétika fogalmát, 1998-ban megjelent Relációesztétika című könyvében azt írja, hogy a műalkotás egy közös világ kiindulópontja, amelyre új és új kapcsolatok épülhetnek,(Nicolas Bourriaud: Relációesztétika, ford: Pálfi Judit, Pinczés Bálint, Műcsarnok, 2006. 21.old.) a modern művészet pedig lehetővé tette a párhuzamos, plurális szemléletet, (Nicolas Bourriaud: Relációesztétika, ford: Pálfi Judit, Pinczés Bálint, Műcsarnok, 2006. 66.old.) ahol a képzelet csökkenti a valóságot és lebontja a prekoncepciókat.(Nicolas Bourriaud: Relációesztétika, ford: Pálfi Judit, Pinczés Bálint, Műcsarnok, 2006. 67.old.) Nicolas Bourriaud szerint a művészet „egyfajta találkozásállapot”(Nicolas Bourriaud: Relációesztétika, ford: Pálfi Judit, Pinczés Bálint, Műcsarnok, 2006. 16.old.) és a műalkotások végtelen tendenciájúak: „Egy műalkotásnak nincs eleve adott hasznos funkciója. Nem azért, mert nincs társadalmi haszna, hanem azért, mert alakítható és hozzáférhető.”(Nicolas Bourriaud: Relációesztétika, ford: Pálfi Judit, Pinczés Bálint, Műcsarnok, 2006. 36.old. ) Párhuzam vonható talán itt Yona Friedman gondolatával, mivel szerinte maga a társadalom folyamat, amelynek nincsen végső állapota. Ahogyan a képzőművészet újabb és újabb médiumokat appropriál, úgy megkezdődik annak kategorizálása. Majd a kategóriák fellazulnak és egymásba érnek. A következőkben a kizökkentés mozzanatát keresve, a relációesztétikát keretként értelmezve hozok példaként alkotásokat.
A következő példában a műalkotás, amelynek nincsen funkciója, azaz nem feltétlenül célja, hogy gyönyörködtessen, sem pedig, hogy megoldjon egy valós problémát, az esemény közben más szereplők hatására átalakul egy másik tárggyá.
SZ.A.F. Mécs Miklós, Fischer Judit: Pechsorozat N.2
fotó forrása: http://joszar.blogspot.com/
A „Szájjal és aggyal festők” 2005-ben alakult. 2011-ben Párizsban eltűnt tárgyat jelentettek be a rendőrségen és a rendőrség által kiadott dokumentumokat állították ki a Mains D'Oeuvres művészeti központban a Sans vous rien ne se fera (Nélkületek nem valósul meg semmi) című kiállításban. Azt, hogy az akciót véletlen szülte vagy sem, nem tudjuk. Mécs táskáját ellopták a kiállítás installálása közben, amelyben benne volt az eredetileg kiállításra szánt egyik mű is. A rendőrségi dokumentum szerint Mécs a kék sporthátizsák ellopását jelentette be 2011. május 5-én 17 órakor Saint Ouenben, Saint Denisben. Mécs magyar képzőművésznek vallotta magát, aki kiállítási céllal érkezett, és akinek a kiállítóhely előteréből ellopták a táskáját. A táska tartalmát lejegyezték: A táskában volt egy műtárgy a „Pechsorozat N.2”, egy nagyalakú könyv, melynek címe: „Ki ette meg Virginia Woolfot?”, amely szúnyogok lecsapására és préselésére szolgált, és a szerző vérét is tartalmazta, értéke 1000Euro. Ezen kívül egy Panasonic fényképezőgép, ruhák, magyar személyigazolvány és két, ötletekkel teli vázlatkönyv. Mécs ismeretlen elkövető ellen tett feljelentést a dokumentum szerint, annak reményében, hogy a tárgyak előkerülnek. Érdekes egybeesés, hogy az eltűnt mű címe Pechsorozat, és egy következő pech során tűnt el, már amennyiben eltűnt. A véletlen szülte akcióban részt vettek a galéria dolgozói és a rendőrőrs alkalmazottai. A helyzetkomikumot itt az élet szülte, a mű így lett teljes. Nem lehet tudni, mi a valóság, lehetséges lenne ez a mű fikcióként és valóságosként is, de valóságként sokkal több rétege van. A művész életében történik egy hatalmas változás, egyrészről a művész kizökken az eredetileg eltervezett kiállításból, vagy eljátszik ennek gondolatával, másrészt a galéria dolgozói és a rendőrök kiesnek napi rutinjukból. A galéria dolgozói és a rendőrök bevonásával megszülető munka egy dokumentum-sor a galéria falán, de mindazt magában foglalja, amit a történet szereplői megéltek.
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nasiknews · 4 years
manufacturing: Shape of your factory: Manufacturing in the post-pandemic era
manufacturing: Shape of your factory: Manufacturing in the post-pandemic era
By Amit Khanna In his seminal 2005 book, “The World is Flat”, Thomas Friedman convincingly argued that the barriers to globalisation had disappeared and that the world was collectively entering a phase of extraordinary economic efficiency. Goods would be produced where they could be made most cheaply and then shipped all over the world, often just in time for consumption. The concurrent…
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