#amy kotlc
soulless-angel25 · 3 months
Random headcannons 4 pj and koltic? also sokeefe or kam?
Percy loves making food, any kind. Where as Annabeth somehow once managed to set water on fire and cannot make an egg.
Asexual Annabeth and Percy!!!! Also ace Hazel!!!
Grover has committed murder and does not regret it.
Rachel will use her dad's power to threaten some people (don't worry they deserve it)
Demisexual Sophie
Queer Biana
Sophie was not a horse girl but a wolf girl
Fitz has a higher tolerance to violence then most elves because of the time he spent in the human world without anyone watching or guiding him
Amy will take her sisters secret to the grave
And Sokeefe or Kam? Neither. Just not a fan of either.
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i wonder what the cover story for Sophie’s human parents being kidnapped was, like their emotions where still there even after their minds were wiped, how on earth did they cover being kidnapped and tortured for four months up
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krispykreeme · 2 months
sophie & amy memories
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(guys i tried so hard to make sophie look 13 and amy 8-9 😭)
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winwin17 · 1 month
I forgot that the first chapter of KOTLC book 1 says that kids' thoughts were particularly "high-pitched" and "stinging" for a telepath (Sophie). Maybe that's part of why she used to find Amy so annoying. Never thought of that before.
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 4 months
when a mind is wiped the emotions stay, when Sophies family's minds where wiped, they where not going to forget how they love her, they forgot who she was,
Did Amy ever get board one day and absentmindedly go to the extra bedroom in their new house like there was someone in there she could talk to. only to realize the bedroom is empty, then she wonders why she expected anyone to be there at all. because she doesn't have any siblings
did her mom ever set four plates for dinner, only to look at the table and realize there was an extra and not understand why she put four plates down in the first place.
did she lay awake at night with a feeling in her soul that she had another child, one that she didn't miscarry. one that she used to hold and laugh with, one that she had kissed goodnight. did she feel insane first laying in bed late at night, scratching her brain trying to remember who this child was, because she swears up and down the hole she felt in her chest could only be made by a missing child
did she talk to William, and tell him about it, did he agree with her, tell her that he felt the same way. that sometimes when he comes home from work he expects one more person to greet him, that he feels a pang in his chest when he sees the extra bedroom in their house acting as an office.
where they haunted by the ghost of what their family had once been? did they wonder why they all act as if theres a extra person in their family when they where acting on instinct? did they feel a tightness in their chest when they saw a stuffed elephant?
did they wonder why it felt like their there was a empty spot at the table, in the car, on the couch?
before they shake it off and remind themselves that only have three people in their family and there had always been three people in their family, even if their hearts seemed to think otherwise.
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myfairkatiecat · 3 months
I have a headcanon where whenever the black swan goes to Amy for help (it happens more often in my head because it SHOULD) she refers to Sophie exclusively as the mockingjay and Sophie is the ONLY one who gets it. Amy refuses to elaborate
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I want batshit sophie using her five abilities to wreck stuff up I want batshit fitz ready to use his anger as a weapon I want batshit biana ready to fucking obliterate anyone who hurts someone she cares about I want batshit keefe finally snapping I want batshit dex using his technopathy and being relevant I want batshit tam using his love as a weapon I want batshit linh proving she's not in her brother's shadows I want batshit marella giving in to the flames I want batshit wylie refusing to lose anyone else I want batshit stina sick of being looked down upon I want batshit jensi for every time he's been underestimated I want batshit rayni for everytime she's been forgotten I want batshit maruca proving she was never weak in this essay I will
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drama-llamaaa · 2 months
I wanna see more of Amy. mainly, I want Keefe to see more of Amy. I doubt it'll happen in unravelled, since Keefe is in London and Sophie grew up in America, but what if.
what if he, for some reason, lightleaped to where Amy is and they just, y'know, talk? I want them to have a sibling-like relationship. and since sokeefe is pretty much official, keefe can be like Amy's older brother, like "this is my girlfriend's lil sis, and now she's my lil sis too"
because omg protective older brother keefe
I want to see it happen nowwww
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*When Amy was living with them*
Quinlin: Um… You want a beer?
Livvy: She’s 11!
Quinlin: I don’t know! What am I supposed to do with her?!
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darkchocolatedimples · 2 months
me everytime my favorite character gets sad and joins the dark side: pookie’s just having a hard time!! they’re being silly it’s okay 😝🙏
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sophie keeps on the friendship bracelet Amy gave her when they were still little, before everything changed and Sophie moved to the lost cities.
the matching one lies covered in dust in a replica of sophie's old house somewhere in mysterium
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If Fintan really DID kill all those people, they would keep him in a straitjacket, a padded room and in freezing temperatures-
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This is so stupid- I am so sorry
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crescentpaws · 6 months
some of my favorite drawings i did for keeptober a couple months ago :) @keeptober
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in order: day 6 (nightfall), day 12 (intelligent species), day 14 (black swan), day 21 (fire), day 22 (water), day 3 (everblaze)
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A small collection of KOTLC things Shannon told me at 3am
I promise she told me guys, this is totally legit
Dex Dizznee isn’t actually blonde but ginger, he gets his hair color from his dad. The three triplets all have strawberry blonde hair like their mom. His hair is also curly but like, loosely curly, and it’s really dry from all the shit he ‘experiments’ on it with.
Fitz Vacker once accidentally stumbled into a musical while in the human world and now absolutely loves musical songs. His favorite is Phantom of the Opera. It wasn’t like Alden was constantly watching him in the human world so he’d sometimes just sneak into theaters to listen and watch the shows.
Maruca Chebota is the most middle child ever. She has an older and a younger brother, but also another older cousin (Wylie) and two younger cousins. She’s even in the middle in terms of that, which is ironic because her mom is also the middle child between her two siblings.
Terik is Talentless, but he’s got basically a watered-down version of Empathy from his parents, who were both incredibly powerful Empaths who had been tasked with making sure Elves turned into myth for humans. He’s been scamming the whole Elven society for centuries and isn’t about to stop now.
Alina’s family was involved in a scandal when she was very young that resulted in them being cast out from the Nobility and their birth funds being revoked, though they were allowed to remain in Talentless cities. She decided to pursue Alden primarily for his family name - and the fact that she would up being one of the first people on his Match list was just the cherry on top. It made it even worse when he decided to marry Della instead, though at that point it was later enough she could detach herself from her family anyway.
Sophie Foster’s human family were anti-vaxx, Protestant, and Republican. Sophie was always a bit too busy trying to manage her telepathy to notice much about their political stances. Amy is growing to be significantly more liberal and had began to openly argue with them before everything in Nightfall happened.
Alina is Fitz’s biological mother. After Alvar was born and already not shaping up into the son Alden wanted by age 11, she used his desperation to Beguile him into having a child with her. When Alden realized what she’d done he did his best to cut all contact with her, though he did take Fitz, something with both Alina and Della resented. Alvar knew about this, which is why he dislikes Fitz so much while still loving his younger sister, Biana.
Livvy Soden is a triple agent, working in the Black Swan as a spy for the Neverseen as a spy for the Black Swan. No one is quite sure what her intentions are any more.
Wylie Endal has his own group of friends, who are all in their early 20s, and who love making fun of him for being forced to hang out with a bunch of teenagers. His best friend among them is Tanho, who’s Talentless, and was kicked out of his house at age 15 as a result after an abusive childhood. He stayed with Wylie and Tiergan for a few months after while trying to sort himself out, and is a large part of the reason why Wylie is now as observant and skeptical as he is.
Stina Heks isn’t actually an Empath, she’s a Mesmer, but a weak one. Not that she knows it.
It’s not actually Fitz who has the Nobility attitude towards humans, as in condescending and ignorant, though it does seem that way - he spent far too much time in the human world to not pick up on some of the good and interesting parts of humanity as well. It’s Biana, who spent most of her childhood being raised in a fairly isolated group of Elves who all had huge superiority complexes towards other species.
Ruewen is Edaline and Juline’s last names. Juline took Kesler’s last name to finally shut up her parents, who were harping on about how Kesler was using her for her family.
Grady Ruewen’s mother disappeared soon after he manifested as a Mesmer at age 12, resulting in a huge amount of people blaming him for it and his family, already in a precarious social position, to get hit even harder. Taking Edaline’s last name allowed him to entirely reform himself to a new person to the outside world. At least, until Jolie died.
Jolie Ruewen was a part of the Elven equivalent of a punk rock band, which tends to have a slightly more melodious (though still loud and chaotic) sound than human rock. Brant was their singer, and they had their first kiss during a concert, to excite the crowd even more. They decided they liked it and just kept doing it even off stage.
The movement began a few decades earlier, after an illegal trip to the human realm gave some twenty year old elves the idea to begin making their own instruments to try and mimic the sounds they found in the human world.
Tam and Linh Song grew up purposefully separated from each other, with Tam mainly spending time with their Dad and Linh their mom. As a result, Linh developed a love of painting, as it’s some of the only pleasant times she can recall with her mother, and Tam developed a hatred of economics and desk chairs.
Keefe Sencen and Linh Song are really good friends. No one else is aware of this. They also regularly vandalize council buildings.
Despite what certain artists and books will tell you, Elven houses are not made of crystal. They’re based on Ancient architecture, mainly using stone or wood or both, and have a wide variety of designs and patterns depending on where you go.
Most Elves do live in populated cities. Rimshire is a small-ish house located on the outskirts of Mysterium, not as close to the more densely populated parts of the city, but still with a lot of people. However, as Nobility usually do love in isolated, grand estates, it took a bit for Juline to get used to it. As Kesler grew up in a much smaller house with five siblings, he had the opposite experience.
Marella Redek’s favorite aunt is a Neverseen member. Marella is a Black Swan member. They have fought each other before and the next day hugged at a family gathering. Neither are aware of this.
Fitz Vacker talks to his stuffed animals. He has more than one - he has Mr Snuggles, obviously, but also Biana gave him one during Flashback, and Keefe made him one before he left for the Neverseen the first time. They all give different advice. Mr Snuggles sounds like Tiergan, the one Biana gave him sounds like Alvar, and the one Keefe made him sounds like Keefe.
Rayni Aria (Glimmer) was lying about her entire backstory in Stellarlune. Tam is the only one who knows what actually happened to her.
Rayni and Linh eventually grow to tolerate each other, if for Tam’s sake only. Linh can’t deal with having to share the one person she’d always thought would put her first (nevermind if he always would anyway); Rayni sees Linh’s hostility and automatically returns it with her own. As they get used to each other, they can be in a room without arguing or passive aggressively insulting each other.
Despite this, they’re actually very similar people, which makes them both even angrier. Linh can’t even make fun of how he acted with Keefe anymore now because of how she and Rayni act.
The reason Bronte is so mad at Fintan is that he found out that Fintan was dating JRR Tolkien at the same time as they were secretly dating (as to avoid being kicked out from the Council). Fintan was under the mistaken impression Bronte was also dating him, Bronte had misspoken and said he was ‘dating’ Tolkien instead of ‘rating’ Tolkien (as in, his books).
Fitz and Dex are in love, the Vackers are Desi, and Fintan has a flat ass. This is common knowledge though.
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winwin17 · 2 months
KOTLC future headcanon
When Amy Foster grows up, she goes to college and studies psychology and its related fields to become a therapist. Because of her good standing with Bronte as well as her connection to Sophie, a special contract is made which grants Amy permission to travel to the Lost Cities and provide therapy and counseling services for the Elves.
Amy goes on to have a successful career in the human world, but her primary and most beloved work is her top secret regular travels to the elven cities. Over time, with Sophie and friends now also adults, some changes take place in leadership positions, whether that be new Council members, members of the now openly recognized Black Swan, or other organizations, and steps are slowly being taken to make some level of reconnection between the human and elven worlds.
But Amy Foster is sadly still mortal, and some of the elves realize that one day she will not be there to continue providing the services she's introduced to the elven world and which have started to make a positive impact on the mental and emotional health of their people. So Rex Dizznee takes it upon himself to sneak off to the human world and dig into this world of psychology and mental health studies himself. At first this is a secret act of counterculture rebellion, but eventually it is endorsed by some of the new leadership, and they help provide resources and protection for his mission.
And so it is that the talentless and once socially scorned Rex Dizznee is the first pioneer among elves in bringing the mental health movement to the Lost Cities. Because of his fame, talentless people are now not only accepted (thanks to the influence of people like Sophie and Dex and Keefe) but also applauded and admired. Rex is even appointed as leader of a group commissioned to collect and transfer academic resources from the human world to improve the elves' own study of psychology. (Keefe might be able to help with his photographic memory, and maybe they could store some of the information in caches for safekeeping, as it's groundbreaking material for the Lost Cities.
So Amy is the first human and recognized professional therapist in the Lost Cities, and Rex is the first elven psychologist, commissioned researcher to the Forbidden Cities, and the first talentless elf to become famous for something good.
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