#an irish accent unless stayed otherwise
ruairy · 1 year
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crypticfandomtrash · 3 years
More L Headcanons
L speaks a ton of languages. He IS a genius, after all. While Light only speaks Japanese and English... L knows 45 languages. Yes. You read that right.
L can fluently speak English, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Croatian, Polish, Modern Greek, Romanian, Latin, Armenian, Turkish, Hebrew, Japanese, and Mandarin Chinese.
He can passably speak or is learning: Arabic, Persian, Kurdish, Swahili, Yoruba, Hindi, Thai, Vietnamese, Korean, Filipino, Basque, Ukrainian, Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, Modern Scots, Irish, Romani, Yiddish, Venetian, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Czech, Sanskrit, Old English, Ancient Greek, and Revived Old Prussian.
Some of the ancient or otherwise rare languages are simply for historical knowledge (Latin, Ancient Greek, Old English, Sanskrit) or interest (Revived Old Prussian).
L can also change his accent to sound like a native speaker for most of the languages he speaks fluently or passably. This is why he is able to speak Japanese so well. It also allows him to hide his true nationality for safety reasons.
His natural accent is the Received Pronunciation British accent.
L tries not to swear. While blunt, he is polite. If he is swearing it means he is very frustrated or upset.
If he texts or sends an email, he types out everything. He does not use abbreviations or slang, although he does understand them.
If he owned a pet, it would be a cat. Dogs would be too much effort.
L can sleep normal hours. When he’s working a case he tends to stay up late, and if he’s really invested or stressed, he’ll stay up all night.
He likes big, comfy beds. A queen size is the smallest he will accept unless a small bed is all that’s available.
L can play the piano and a few other instruments (organ, flute, lyre, and duduk). He plays them when stressed or when he wants to.
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rottingmanifesto · 2 years
Collection of Notes
Long-ass post, sorry about that. This part has Lincoln & John, and is separated into canon(ish) and headcanons. I might do Giorgi, Danny, and Ellis in the next part, idk. I’ll let y’all decide.
Leans his head to the side when annoyed or interested (which are usually intertwined)
Processes things aloud (seen in Sign of the Times) or in writing (through journals), but tends to stay quiet around others unless prompted- also seen in Sign of the Times (heavily dependent on who he’s talking to)
Avoids lying, but omits crucial details if warranted. Inadvertently tells a story through the gaps
Denies patterns between his friends/allies/community and opposing groups
Despises predictability in his murders, but relies heavily on patterns in everyday life (see: “time strictness” gag)- he can even get mad when others allow for predictability
Smile veers off more to the right when bemused/fake smile, but more upwards when genuinely happy
Very expressive when around trusted people, but generally pretty stony otherwise
(Probably obvious, but) fear and sadness come out sideways as anger
Religion is important, but he values community/physical people over abstract ideals
Far more sympathetic than empathetic
Quickens pace when in shock or angry
Prefers secular soul, some proto-punk, and rock (Sam Cooke, Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, The Kinks, etc.)
Most likely deals with stress-induced psychosis as a by-product of PTSD- on that note, he most likely has Complex-PTSD
Autistic but regardless of time/era, he never gets diagnosed
Middle name is James, purposefully named himself after Father James, probably sometime as a teenager
Learned how to whistle while in the orphanage via some older kids teaching him
Never fully finished high school, due to Sammy needing his assistance (?)
Rubs his scar when mildly irritated or stressed, and flexes his hand when mad or having a flashback (see: river scene, Stones Unturned clips)
Mimics accents extremely well (when he tries)
Has a rage-smile (idk how else to describe it, just see the ending cutscene)
Lies outright for two reasons: 1-to control narratives/stories and trick others, and 2-to keep from being too vulnerable with others
Prefers less ‘loud’ songs/bands (The Animals, Calico Wall, occasional Creedence Clearwater Revival, Jefferson Airplane, etc.)
Empathetic rather than sympathetic usually
Views himself as innately evil/bad and relies on actions to make up for his perceived evil- this also plays off of how he sees himself in Aldridge in Stones Unturned
Originally from Pennsylvania (suburb/city area)
3rd generation Irish-American
Has faint freckles on his face and shoulders, but they don’t show up much at all
Polyglot— knows English, Vietnamese, Spanish, some French and Italian, and a few phrases in Russian
Journalism major and history minor (when at Princeton)
Middle name is Caleb, went by Cal (sometimes) when undercover
Raised Catholic, now atheist- used to play the piano at his church up until he left for college
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celestialdr · 4 years
My Script
So I’m posting up my script here if anyone's interested. This is for my main DR in the D:BH Universe.
It’s kinda long.
*WARNING: very self indulgent.*
My DR is set in the D:BH universe. In Detroit, 2039. I am a young Detective at the DPD.
All events that happened in my play trough of DBH happen in this reality. EG. Markus = Peaceful Revolution. Kara= Her, Alice and Luther all escape to Canada together. Connor = Becomes Deviant.
Hank and Connor become like father and son. Connor moved in with Hank after the events of DBH.
I have been working at the DPD as a detective for about a year now, I was very excited to be working alongside my dear friend Trey Greene (OC), who actually ended up being my partner. We do almost every investigation together.
During my time at the DPD I have become fast friends with Hank and Chris. Gavin is okay, we joke and banter but I wouldn’t say we are buds. I disliked his attitude towards Hank and his dislike of androids. But if he changes, who knows, maybe we can be friends. Idk.
I always supported android rights, even before there where deviants. I always treated androids with kindness and compassion.
I first met Connor on the 6th of November 2038, back before he was deviant. I was always kind to him and had a fondness for him. When Connor first saw me he stopped for a minute in a miniature awe, the stereotypical love at first sight motif. Although he did not know it at the time - him not being deviant yet. A software instability entered his program upon seeing me. In fact, anytime we made eye contact or talked he got a software instability. It baffled him.
The first time he saw me after deviating he was hit with butterflies, it didn’t take too long to realize what it was, he had a huge crush on me. He kept it to himself but Hank knew immediately.
It is now January the 8th 2039, Connor and I have become quite good friends but his feelings for me only continue to grow. We've only known each other for 2- 3 months but Connor is falling in love fast and now he's decided to finally pluck up the courage and admit his feelings to me and ask me out. How will he do this? I don’t know yet.
 After the events of DBH, Androids start getting rights, relatively quickly.
Laws are implemented to protect androids. Androids are free. They can own property, get paid for working and all of the things Markus was advocating for.
As time goes on Androids fully integrate into our society and we mostly live in peace. Hate crime of any kind is rare.
Android politicians start to pop up. Android Pride day exists. Androids can marry each other and humans. Android/Human relationships are normalised. Androids can adopt. Etc.
 1 hour - 1 day
. While I am in my DR my clone is sleeping in my CR.
. I have a Healthy attachment to my DR and I recognise the importance of my CR.
. I remember everything from both realities vividly while I'm in the other unless I script otherwise.
· I can fully trust my clone. My clone acts identical to me.
· When I shift back to my current reality time stops in my DR. The next time I go to my DR everything continues where I left off.
 · I can use the LIFA app in my DR to see what my clone is doing in CR.
· I only shift back to my CR when I want to, I can’t go back on accident.
· My safe phrase for coming back to my CR is “I want to go back to my Current Reality.” or even as simply as I make it my intention, then I can go back.
·  Nothing traumatic happens to me in my DR.
· When I come back to my CR, I will remember everything that happened in my DR.
· When I shift, I wake up in my DR bedroom.
 · When I am shifted I smell cinnamon and my eyes automatically open.
· I cannot die or get very hurt in my DR.
. I am able to fully Integrate Into my DR self’s life. e.g. Rembering my DR self’s past, feeling comfortable and normal talking to and interacting with people in my DR selfs life. Having all the skills and knowledge my DR self has.
. No one from my CR or other realities can enter my DR without my permission.
.My guardian Angel or one of my angels or guides from my DR has decided to help me shift. Whenever I try to shift in this reality the Angel assits me and pulls my CR self into My DR.
About Me
I have the same name, b-day etc but I am 25 Years old.
Childhood and teen years, pretty similar to CR.
Everything is pretty much the same except added skills talents or whatever else I script.
·  I Look like myself but 10x prettier.
·  I have my dream body, which always stays perfect and in shape. Similar to my body type only toned and fitter.
·  I have perfect, white straight teeth.
. I always have good breath.
· I always smell great - My sweat doesn’t smell.
· Low, silent gas that doesn’t smell.
· I usually smell like ‘Soap and Glory’ products.
· I have Beautiful hair that is easily maintained. My hair is also a slightly lighter blonde.
· I have my Ideal, natural eyebrows.
·  I have soft, clear skin and I am slightly tanner than in my CR. 
· I am beautiful from all angles.
· I have long eyelashes.
·  I have a straight, cute nose.
·  I always have good hygiene.
·  I never gain weight when I don’t want to, my body is always slim and never bloated.
·  If I ever get pregnant, after having my baby, my body goes quickly back to the way it looked before.
· I don’t have to shave too often.
· If I ever decide have a baby, my pregnancy will be safe and my child will be safe. It will be born happy and healthy.
· I have perfect senses.
·  I can be fully functional with little sleep.
· I have good stamina and am physically fit.
· I still have my accent. 
· I have a naturally beautiful face with and without make up.
· My make-up sits perfectly on my face and stays all day until I take it off.
· My make-up never runs.
· I always have nicely manicured nails.
·  I always look well groomed. 
 · I have high pain tolerance.
· My period only lasts two days and doesn’t hurt too bad.
· I can only get pregnant if actually wanting too.
· I am always safe.
·  I am divinely protected at all times.
· I am well rested and perfectly healthy.
· I can think clearly.
· I have good mental health - maybe went through similar mental health issues when I was younger but now am perfectly healthy and able to cope.
· I do not scar.
· I heal fast.
· 𝖨 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖻𝖾 too overly 𝖺𝗍𝗍𝖺𝖼𝗁𝖾𝖽 to my DR and I will not get any trauma.
·  I eat healthy, and enjoy healthy foods.
· I drink plenty of water
·  I have balanced chakras, Good intuition and I radiate love and light.
·  I can easily communicate with angels.
·  I am a skilled detective. I know exactly what to do and I have all required skills.
·  I am an excellent shot.
·  I have excellent fighting and self-defence skills.
· I have high intelligence.
· I'm never badly hurt in the line of duty. Extremely lucky (like domino in dp2.) If I ever get hurt in DR its only minor. No one is suspicious about it.
·  I'm a good writer.
· My art skills are always better in my DR than in CR.
· I have a good memory and deduction skills. Good reasoning skills.
· I am socially confident and charismatic.
· I am an excellent speaker.
· I am good at reading people.
· I give good advice.
· I am a good friend.
· I am a great kisser and fantastic in bed.
· I am hard working and have lots of patience.
· I'm a great singer and can play piano, guitar.  
·  I know French and Irish.
·  I know how to drive.
· I'm really good at make-up.
·  I'm really funny.
·  People easily trust me.
· I have all knowledge my CR self has.
· I had a relatively easy life.
· I come from a wealthy family.
· I am always full of motivation and energy.
·  I have an amazing closet full of clothes, including both new clothes and my CR self's clothes.
· I have all of my current realities belongings. (Well, the stuff that I want with me.)
· I have a ton of art supplies.
· I live in my own house which I can afford with ease.
· I have a cute golden retriever called Bailey who is okay alone in the house while I'm at work.
· Bailey is a year old and is fully trained.
· I have a nice car that is self-driving.
· I have a good phone with the LIFA app
·  I get to travel to cool places on holidays/vacation.
· While I'm in my DR I don’t confuse my CR's past with my DR's.
· All my fave shows, music, movies are also in my DR.
· I have lots of friends and make friends easily.
· I remember my past in the DR and can reference it with ease.
· I never have to kill as a detective, I can always disarm or find another solution.
· I won't get fired from my job.
· I'm good at my job and I know how to do my job well.
· Trey is my partner and our desks are beside each other.
·  I'm also friends with Chris and Hank.
·  My friends are always there for me. My friends care about me.
·  Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
·  I am a really great at manifesting what I want in my DR.
·  People I don’t want to, won’t die or get very hurt.
·  People from my DR never notice if I'm not there because when I’m not there, my clone takes my place. (Although I probably won't use my clone too often because I plan to pick up where I left off most of the time.)
·  I know all passcodes and important numbers of my DR self's life. E.g. Passwords, phone numbers, etc.
·I have a Spotify/ (or whatever the equivalent to it is in this reality) filled with music that I like. Maybe some of the playlists that I have in CR.
· I'm quick at picking up skills.
· If I ever decide to change career in my DR, I can do so with ease and get whatever job I want.
·   I have nice, tidy handwriting.
I come from a wealthy family. We moved from N.I. to America - Detroit in 2025. (Moved Because dad was offered a great job.) *family all have our green cards.*
Family is friends with Carl Manfred.
A very loving, healthy and supportive family.
* In my actual script I go into more detail about my family. but i’ll give you a brief rundown. I chose to shift to a reality with a different family from my CR family because I thought if I had a different family and friends it will give me more of a reason to come back to my CR. So I can have balance? idk...*  
My DR dads name is Patrick, DR mums name is Mary and my DR brothers name is Lucas.
Family support and are okay with my relationship with Connor because they recognise androids as living beings.
Last but Not least! Bailey!
Bailey is my one year old Golden retriever. She is very well trained and is an absolute angel. She also really loves Connor.
I live in a 1 bedroom, 1 bath house with Bailey. *In my actual script I stuck in a bunch of pictures of a house I built in the sims 4.*
So, I'm not going to go through all the friends I scripted on here but I’ll tell you about my best friend from my DR. My partner from work, Trey Greene. He’s 27, a leo (like me) and gay. (I honestly made my entire friend group LGBTQ+ LOL)
I may have also scripted that jenna marbles is there and shes my friend lol.
*Okay now to the real reason I'm shifting, the love of my life.*
Connor falls in love with me the moment he sees me. Although he may not understand what it is at first because he hasn’t deviated yet. When he fully deviates he realises his feelings. He's a little shy about it at first but eventually asks me out. We date and fall in love and end up in a loving healthy relationship. We respect each other's boundaries and are completely in love. Like stereotypical soulmates.
 Connor is very romantic and affectionate. Literally like a prince charming.
 When we get together we are in a healthy relationship and both of us are completely faithful. I can trust Connor fully because I know he is trust worthy and always has my best intentions at heart.
 . We have similar love languages.
.  Connor is super-duper romantic and calls me sweet names like "My love."
. Much Like me in this DR, Connor is completely protected and safe with extremely good luck.
After the events of DBH and Connor is deviant. Amanda and cyberlife no longer have any control over him.
 NSFW warning - Skip to Lifa if your not comfy.
Connor's model was created fully equipped with regular male genitalia (which is about 7 inches.)
He is very vocal in bed and is great at dirty talk. He can do loving romantic sex and also kinky rough sex too.
Lifa is an app on my smart phone that only I have access to. Others don’t notice it. (like hidden in plain sight.)
 It can only be noticed by others if I decide I want to show it to someone.
 Lifa allows me to script while in my WR. It also allows me to see myself in CR.
Lifa updates me when its nearly time for me to wake up or reminds me when. As if it's like a timer.
 Lifa doesn’t require internet. It has maps on it. I can look at my money and add to my money if I so wish. (if I add money it doesn’t ruin the economy.) idk magic lol
 I can also access in online on a computer or tablet or any device that carries the internet.
 No one else can use it unless I specifically allow it.
 I will be alerted by this app if my clone wakes up.
 I always have my phone near me. I can never lose it. Its also always fully charged.
 If I get a new phone. Lifa automatically downloads on it and deletes off the old phone.
· When androids deviate they are able to feel pleasure, touch, etc.
· Androids actually do have souls and are actually a new life form.
· After revolution CyberLife starts to create things for androids like upgrades. E.G. Taste, ability to do almost everything humans can.
 · Most people are environmentally conscious.
· The earth is healing and people are taking better care of the planet. A lot more environmentally conscious options.
·  The ocean, air, atmosphere and earth are all 70% cleaner than in CR.
·  Racism, homophobia, sexism are quite rare. Ultimately society frowns upon such things.
·   Humans and Androids live in peace
· Shortly after the revolution, Kamski got repointed as CEO of Cyberlife. Cyberlife now focusing on the needs of Androids and helping them adjust into the world.
·  Youtube still exists and is relevant.
·   Bagel Bean and Boojum exist in Detroit and aren't too far from my home. (These are food places back at where I'm from that are bomb.)
·  No crisis with bees.
. The Police and justice system are reformed.
·   No threats of ww3.
·  I don’t live too far from work.
·  All the videogames I like still exist, (except for dbh obvs.)
· We can buy Cadburys and Pujana tea in America. (Things I like in the UK.)
• Food in US is similar to food in UK. e.g. same food laws and food that is actual tasty / healthy. LOL 
(sorry, I've been to America and the food there tastes weird, man.)
Now that the androids have rights, Cyberlife has to free all active Androids. Eventually they get around to RK900. Cyberlife only created one RK900 as a prototype before the revolution.
The RK900 goes by the name Nines. He ends up working in the DPD. (Months later.)  It takes a while for Nines to deviate but he eventually does. Nines is rather stoic but he is nice. Him and Connor have a brotherly bond. Nines becomes friends with me, Connor, Hank and Trey. (Part of our little found family.)
 In the future, when Connor and I are both ready we get married and have kids (either through adoption or sperm donation or maybe they find a way for androids to have kids in the future, idk?)
 In the future me and Connor buy our dream house together.
So, Yeah that's what I've scripted so far. I keep one script on my PC and one in a notebook under my bed. 
Feel free to use any ideas or concepts from my script 
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Still A Stranger {Shadow Moon x Reader Oneshot}
Requested by: @ateliefloresdaprimavera​ Wordcount: 3137 Summary: You, as Shadow’s soulmate, are always going to be a threat to Mr. Wednesday. He tries to break that bond, but a tricky tech-boy has a way of trying to get you two re-connected. Warnings: Swearing.
Shadow could not understand the pull that he had towards you since the day that he had met you. When he had first linked eyes with you, he thought that perhaps he had finally find a place in this world. And then he mentally cursed himself because he had a place in this world - and it was with his wife, Laura Moon. No matter how uncomfortable the attraction, he kept coming around to where you worked, forming up a friendship. He never felt like you were just trying to make him happy, the way he sometimes felt about Laura. He felt an honest-to-God connection but it was too late for the both of you. He believed fully in marriage, and didn’t believe in divorce. He had made a vow to Laura, and he wasn’t going to break it, no matter how often it felt like the Universe was trying to push him into doing it. Even when you came to the prison, dressed in old t-shirts and comfortable pants rather than trying to dress up, because you were in such a hurry for your every other weekend meetings.
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And he absolutely hated that, as soon as he had heard the news that his wife had died, just days before his release, his first thought was of you. He thought of how you might dress for the funeral, in a black dress with matching heels which might sink into the grass of the graveyard. He thought of you crying, and that hurt his heart more than learning about Laura’s death. A car accident, they said. Not much detail about it. It could have happened to anyone. It could have happened to you.
You look just as predicted at the funeral, and you were the only one to leave the procession and find Shadow, who was hanging back in the trees as she was being buried. You held him as he sobbed, but once again, he was thinking about what if it had been you, rather than what had actually happened. ‘Laura was so young, but so was Shadow, and he can find a way to rebuild his life.’ He didn’t mention that he had already taken a job offer from a certain Mr. Wednesday, because he didn’t trust himself around you. And you were the only reason to stay in this small piece of shit town.
Wednesday watched your interaction with Shadow, using his good eye to stare. His deep-set wrinkles made him look more serious, which he was. He wasn’t going to be smiling anytime soon. He saw you as an instant threat to the whole operation, and had to think of how he was going to solve this little ‘soulmate’ problem.
You offered to go with Shadow wherever it was that he wanted to go. You felt that instant connection as well. Just being around him made your heart beat quicker and quicker. But you never acted on anything because you respected his relationship with Laura. And you had even liked Laura, and tried to be her friend, though she was not always the easiest person to get on with.
But Shadow had told you that you couldn’t go with him. He didn’t know if this job was going to be dangerous, but it felt as if it would be. He was being a body guard for a really strange man who seemed to have all sorts of connections. Mob, mafia, he didn’t know. But he wasn’t going to be pulling you into it. So you had to let him leave, watching as he got into the car, into the driver’s seat, with some old man in the back and took off. You had put a hand up to the window, pleading with him mentally to come back. Something about this felt horribly, horribly wrong.
That feeling didn’t go away when there was a knock at your door, and a tall red-haired man was at your door. He looked you up and down, and you pulled the front of your cardigan closer to you, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. “Can I help you?” You asked politely, because you had been taught not to be rude to strangers unless they are rude to you. The way this man was checking you out was bordering on that.
“Shadow sent me,” He said, stepping inside of your house and looking around at your furnishings. He was so large, you didn’t have much choice but to step back and let him in. “Suppose to help you pack your bags or summin. Take you to him.”
He had a thick Irish accent, you noticed. Not something that you heard often around these parts. “Can you prove it?” You asked, not trusting in him upon first meeting. He had shifty eyes, kept looking around, almost like someone going through withdrawal.
“How would I ‘ave found you otherwise? You drive, I’ll guide.”
And that was how you found yourself driving down the highway with a giant Irishman, who claimed to be a leprechaun but he also seemed drunk so you didn’t take much he was saying seriously, shouting our directions ever once in a while. You had a bag packed, haphazardly packed but it was full nonetheless, with clothes and little else. There wasn’t anything else that you thought you might need. Shadow was just about it.
“Room 174, sweetheart,” Sweeney said, tossing you a key when you pulled into the parking lot of a motel. At least the car that you had seen Shadow driving off in was here. That made this seem just a little bit sketchy. You got out of the car, and Sweeney got out on his side, but immediately started to walk away, probably towards the nearest bar. You watched his back as he crossed the street, swearing at something. Birds, looked like. Then your eyes turned towards the motel itself. A few of the rooms were occupied, including 174. There was a light shining behind the closed curtains. Beckoning you, you hoped. You slid the key into the lock, and it went in smooth. You turned it, and the door opened with barely a touch.
“Shadow, are you in here?” You asked, pushing the door forward to reveal the interior of the room. It seemed like a typical seedy motel, with cheap wooden furniture, a small television and a bed with two people fucking on it. You gasped, mainly in surprise, at what you were seeing. It wasn’t just Shadow on the bed that had made you feel so shocked, it was the fact that his dead ex wife was in the bed with him. And she wasn’t dead. From the way that she was moving, she looked very much alive. “Oh - oh God.”
“Y/N?” Shadow said, rolling off of his wife and pulled a blanket up to cover himself up.
“This is what you wanted me to see? That she’s alive? A call would have done and Laura - we buried you. What is ... I saw you in the coffin.” Your mind felt like it was collapsing in itself. You stepped out of the room, back onto the sidewalk and to the parking lot. You left the key in the lock but you had your car keys in your hand. Shadow came out of the room, with just the sheet wrapped around his groin. “No - go back in there, Shadow. I - I can’t deal with all of this.”
“Y/N, come on,” Shadow said, pausing. “How did you know we were here?”
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“A giant fuckin leprechaun told me, that’s why!” You shouted, never thinking that you would put those words together. “Told me that you wanted me to come with you. And here I thought... I thought...” Your lower lip quivered against your will. You ran back towards your car, and fiddled with the lock, trying to get in as fast as you could. Shadow continued to stand in the doorway of the motel room, not making another move towards you. That alone told you a lot. He preferred his dead wife over you, and you couldn’t even blame him. If it was really her, Laura had come back to life and that was a miracle! You couldn’t fault him for a second.
You drove past without looking back at him, because it would hurt far too much. Which meant that you also didn’t notice another door being open, and the old man standing in that doorway, watching you leave with an amused smile on his face.
Something felt missing from your life, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on what it was. You felt like you were forgetting something. Every time you saw a cute couple walking down the street, or a romantic movie, or even just two best friend bickering over bowling scores, you felt an absence. A sick feeling came over your stomach when you caught your shadow against a wall, or whenever you saw a prison on the tv. You couldn’t remember what you had forgotten, or why you had forgotten it. It was someone ... you could see a figure in your dreams sometimes. A tall male ... you didn’t know.
Of course, you had no idea that Odin, the Norse God, had tampered with your memory in order for you to forget your soulmate, so you wouldn’t get in his way.
Your life continued on as normal, though you didn’t date. No one ever felt right. You went to work, you hung out with your friends, you went to birthday dinners and enjoyed your downtime. It wasn’t a bad living, to be honest. You even joined social media as a way to record your life and to keep in contact with friends.
It was that which ended up being Mr Wednesday’s downfall.
Tech-Boy hated Shadow Moon. Thought that he was an annoying asshole, hence why he tried to have him lynched at the graveyard. He’d do just about anything to bring him down a peg. So when he came across you on social media, when he clicked your name and Shadow’s together in his mind, he started to form a plan. There might just be something that he could do to ruin Wednesday’s day after all.
‘House on the Rock!’ the invite notification came up on your laptop. ‘Y/N, you just won a free trip to this amazing destination, just for liking our page! Come ride our magical carousel, get your fortune told by the most reliable source, and enjoy the Infinity Room! This is not a scam, you truly won!’
You rolled your eyes but your curiosity had been piqued. Usually if something went out of it’s way to say that it isn’t a scam, that means that it is. You minimized the notification and then set about on doing some research on the place, since you never heard of it. The house on the Rock, a world famous Wisconsin attraction. It’s a complex of architecturally distinct rooms, streets, gardens, and shops.
The only reference that you found towards a fortune teller was an old machine. The kind where you drop a coin in and you get a slip of paper, like the one from the movie BIG. The most reliable source. Well - you had some sick days saved up. You might as well see if the offer was true.
It turned out that it was a true offer, and you were mailed a ticket of free admission, as well as some vouchers for the shops, golf course, and carousel. You took a few days off from work, and then decided that you would go on your own. Have a little vacation to find yourself. Maybe you would discover what you had forgotten along the way.
The outside was a marvel to look at. It was all that it was advertised to be - and more. Though what confused you was why there were so little visitors today. The parking lot was nearly empty. There was a car parked outside of the front and there was something that felt so damn familiar about it. You stopped beside it and looked into the back window but there was nothing inside which gave you any clues as to why. The license plate didn’t ring any bells either.
It was this sort of mystery which had drawn you out here in the first place. There was nothing left to do but carry on. Perhaps there was something inside which could help you put the pieces together.
The person who took your voucher was extremely odd looking. They were wearing an odd sort of mask that covered their features entirely. It made their face look very smooth. With a little tap dance, they opened the door for you, and gestured inside with a cane. “Oh - uh - thank you,” You said, and stepped inside. The doors closed behind you with a resounding boom. It caused you to jump. The interior felt so empty, it was spooky.
“Is anybody working today?” You called out, only for your voice to echo. What an odd day to come to this place, but it was when the voucher had specified. You walked on through, with your arms around yourself in a sort of hug. It felt like you had just walked into a SAW-type trap and any minute now, you were going to be strung up by your thumbs or something.
There were guiding arrows on the floor, which lead you to a carousel room. It was the only one that wasn’t abandoned. There were a couple of people standing around, though none of them looked like they belonged together. Old and young, different ethnicities. None of them were standing particularly close to one another. But they all turned eyes to you as you walked in.
“Who is she?” An older man with a European accent asked, looking around. No one spoke up for you, which was good because you didn’t know any of these people. A tall, dark stranger was staring at you the longest, with wide eyed as if he recognized you. You were careful not to look at him. The expression was one that brought a chill to your spine.
“Did you all win a free trip here too?” You asked, holding up your carousel voucher.
“No,” The oldest man of them all stepped forward, walking towards you. But the dark stranger took hold of his shoulder in an attempt to stop him. “Go away, you’re interrupting a private meeting.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” You said, stepping backwards in awkwardness. “I didn’t mean-”
“Y/N,” Shadow breathed out loud, making the old man stop and hang his head. You felt your breath catch in your throat.
“How do you know my name?” You questioned him, feeling suddenly defensive. The truth was, you loved the way that he said your name. Whoever this man was, you were familiar to him while he remained a stranger. “Okay, something really weird is going on. Can one of you tell me what it is? I didn’t like the stupid page in the first place, then I win a ticket to this crazy middle of nowhere place. And then there’s a faceless person there to take my ticket and now I’m having a panic attack.”
The big man stepped closer but you took a few more steps backwards. “Don’t come close to me-”
“Y/N, it’s me, it’s Shadow,” The big man said slowly. The name rolled around in your head, the way that the word always had. There were alarm bells going off throughout your body and everything felt wrong. It felt dangerous. Shadow kept walking towards you, and you stopped and went through your purse, bringing out the pepper spray that you kept in it, and pointed it upwards towards his face.
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“Okay, I changed my mind. I don’t want to know. I don’t want to know anything. I’m just going to leave and pretend that I was never here, okay? So don’t hurt me - I won’t say anything.”
The big one named Shadow turned around to the old man and started to shout at him, but you didn’t stick around to find out what he was saying. All you knew was that your name was being said, because it echoed off of the hallway walls as you ran down them, back towards where you had come in. You kept the pepper spray in hand, just in case one of them tried to come after you.
The fresh air alleviated some of the pressure that was going on inside of your head as you burst through the doors. The faceless gentleman that had taken your ticket had no longer been behind the counter. In fact, apart from the people in the carousel room, you hadn’t seen another soul. That just made you believe even more that you had stumbled upon something that you shouldn’t have. You fumbled for your keys in your purse as you made your way quickly to the car, unlocking it with a push of a button.
Once you were safe in the vehicle’s interior, you locked the doors and started it up. As you buckled up your seatbelt and looked out the windshield you saw the big one coming out again. Shadow. You tensed up behind the wheel, your stomach feeling like it was on a roller coaster all on it’s own, then started to reverse out of the parking lot. You left without looking back, the can of pepper spray clenched between your legs in case of emergency.
“What did you do?” Shadows asked, looming over Wednesday, his back straightened to his true height. “What the fuck did you do to y/n?”
“Calm down Shadow,” Wednesday said in return, his good eye shifting to the leaving car. “We’ve still got work to do here.”
“The fuck we do,” He said, charging away from the old man, taking out the keys to the car and held them between his fingers, ready to punch anyone who might try to stop them.
“Where are you going?” Wednesday asked, but no amount of threats would be able to stop the man from going towards the car.
“To do what I should have done weeks ago,” Shadow said, mainly to himself at this point as he got inside the vehicle. He could no longer see you in the rearview mirror, but he was certainly going to try his best to catch up.
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sublimateradiate · 4 years
🖤 🖤 tag game! get to know me 🖤 🖤
tagged by: theamazing @thetaoofbetty
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? Plain black, with a red rubber inside. Do hairbrushes usually come in exciting colors?
2. name a food you never eat- BANANAS. They are my nemesis. Don't tell me how delicious they are. They're the devil's fruit. Interestingly enough, I love plantains.
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold, but mostly because of that bullshit in the office where the temp is prioritized to men in suits. Also because whenever my mother visits, she goes through my apartment and opens all the windows, no matter the season.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Finally getting around to working on my LinkedIn profile, and cringing all the while. The employment world changes a lot while you're working for the same company for 11 years...
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? If we're talking regular gas station candy, probably the dark chocolate Twix. If we're getting fancy, any bar of dark chocolate 90% or above.
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? Yup, baseball games when I was little and then purposely to the WNBA because have you seen them???? Sigh.
7. what is the last thing you said out loud?  Singing along with the music I have playing. So based on what the last song was probably "I have to carry the cross" whispered dramatically.
8. what is your favorite ice cream? The original Breyer's Vanilla Fudge Twirl, which doesn't exist anymore. (the current version is "frozen dessert" and has all these fillers in it that make it mushy and foamy, so gross)
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Tea from the goth con called "Black Tea #1" which is a play on a Type O Negative song.  10. do you like your wallet? My wallet is serviceable. I don't like getting rid of things until they break, so consequently I've had the same black leather wallet on a chain since 8th grade. When I bought it, it has a silver dragon stamped on it, but it's so old you can't see it anymore. 
11. what is the last thing you ate? Chocolate chip pumpkins muffins that I recently made. And I still have so much pumpkin left, I have to figure out what to do with it.
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Nope. Thankfully. I'm trying not to do that. But shein has so much crazy shit dirt cheap I often go through it, put 30 things in the cart, then close the browser.
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? Fencing in the last Olympics, whenever that was.
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Cheddar or caramel. 
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? A friend to figure out what a group watch is gonna be.
16. ever been camping? Yup, used to go all the time when I was little as a family vacation. I miss it.
17. do you take vitamins? Yup, I have iron and vitamin D deficiencies, because I am an actual vampire.
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? Nope!
19. do you have a tan? No, I stay out of the sun and/or wear sunscreen because skin cancer. .
20. do you prefer chinese or pizza? Pizza for sure. I mean, it has cheese.
21. do you drink your soda through a straw? only if you
22. what color socks do you usually wear? I have a collection of weirdly patterned socks that I wear when I'm going out, for the last couple of months I've just been wearing black non-skid toeless yoga socks so I don't fall on my ass while creeping around the apartment.
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit?  Not unless I'm goaded to "go at the speed of traffic" by a companion and even then I only do it grudgingly. I stay out of the left lane though, so no one should care.
24. what terrifies you? Facism. Also waterbugs, but I'm working on it.
25. look to your left, what do you see? My dining room and fish tank.
26. what chore do you hate most? Washing dishes without gloves (with gloves totally fine) or changing the sheets because it's always an ordeal. Oh, and I'd add folding fitted sheets, but that would imply that implies it actually happens instead of me just getting frustrated and balling it up. 
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? @lucivar , an absolutely delightful person with a delightful accent.
28. what’s your favorite soda? Does ginger beer count?
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Drive through, as I'm usually only in them if I'm traveling.
30. what’s your favorite number? 8. Dunno why.
31. who’s the last person you talked to? my mother.
32. favorite meat? I'm a vegetarian, but quail, based entirely on an experience I had at Medieval Times as a child.
33. last song you listened to? "Sober Up" by Lizette Lizette
34. last book you read? @strangenightsofdaydreams got me into reading romance novels this month and I just finished "The Governess Game" by Tessa Dare.
35. favorite day of the week? Saturday. Does anyone actually put a weekday as this answer?
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? Very slowly, tortuously, and it would involve me reciting the alphabet in my head multiple times.
37. how do you like your coffee? Not a coffee person, but I can tolerate mochas.
38. favorite pair of shoes? That I wear regularly? My one pair of knee high lace up boots with no zipper, because I am a stereotype. Otherwise I have several lovely pair of heels I fall over in. 
39. time you normally get up? Reader, I wish I knew.
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunrises.
41. how many blankets are on your bed? 2
42. describe your kitchen plates? White rounded squares with a black accent. One of those standard corelle sets.
43. describe your kitchen at the moment: Well stocked and chilly.
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? Limoncello, Irish Cream over ice, peach Lambic. I also have a fondness anything with a particularly weird flavor, like Birkir, which comes with an actual twig in it.
45. do you play cards? That involves other people, so the last time was a long time ago.
46. what color is your car? Don't have one. My old car was mint green.
47. can you change a tire? Nope. I'm lucky I even know how to drive, most people in my city don't.
48. your favorite state or province? I don't really have feelings about states? I guess Ohio, because I went to school there.
49. favorite job you’ve had? Creating a handbook for a program that had been running for years but never had one.  If @lucivar , @a-true-janian-reply , @meditationonbaaal, or @strangenightsofdaydreams, feel like doing this, go ahead. But don't feel compelled to, it's long. long post
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A very long description of my OCs and their universe.
I have made the decision to start writing oneshots and short stories as well as prompts now, so woo! And that means…*drumroll* I’m going to be explaining in great detail my OCs and the universe I’ve built around them! Also, I am aware that 90% of OC posts are art, but I cannot draw anything and I don’t have any digital art pad type stuff to do it on anyway so no Imma just write one loooooooooong block of words. I regret nothing, btw. (Rosa and Robin’s descriptions will be the longest, so just try not to fall asleep until you’ve finished reading them?)
Okay, so, my OCs all live in this village out in the English countryside called Thistledoor. It’s like a whole old-timey, chocolate-box-village type deal, minus the school (which is joint secondary and primary) of course. (Americans might want to look up when British kids start school if you guys don’t already know, just to understand Noah’s predicament.)
The whole thing is a sort of monster AU, kinda a Gravity Falls type deal where they’re just things like gnomes and goblins and the occasional horde of brainthristy zombies to deal with.
The Maddoxes live in the middle of the village, while the Lupins’ house is a bit further away along the edge of the woods. Robin and Rosa are my main characters, Rosa lives with her parents, twin brother Gabo, and younger brother Noah, and Robin lives with his mum, his two older siblings Molly and Jack, and younger siblings, the triplets Ethan, Ben and Sirsha (It’s actually spelt Saoirse but Robin’s mum spelt it wrong on the birth certificate), and Starling. Robin’s entire family have faint Irish accents (idk and idc why). Maeve is one of their friends and Gabo’s crush, and Marcus is the school jerk who likes to flirt with Rosa. Now, what the characters are actually like:
 Rosa Lupin (15):
Medium-reddish-brown hair that’s so thick and silky but not that shiny and reaches the middle of her back. It’s always wavy even when she brushes it.
Her skin is quite light, and she cannot tan, she just burns. She has freckles on her nose and her cheeks, but you can’t see them as much in winter. When she smiles… Oh. My. Goodness. Her smile is so beautiful, and her nose scrunches up and it’s just ADORABLE! Her eyes are wide and dark brown, but they get a tiny bit lighter towards her pupils. She also has a little crescent-moon-shaped birth mark just above her collarbone. Gabo has one too. She’s quite tall and kind of slim, but still a bit curvy at the same time.
She always wears oversized jumpers and jeans when it’s cold or t-shirts and shorts in the summer, or occasionally she steals Robin’s jumpers when it gets cold because for some reason his are mostly warmer than hers.
She’s about 5’6.
Her favourite colour is purple, she loves ballet, singing, reading, chemistry, and making up conspiracy theories with Gabo, and she’s quite quiet around most people but a force to be reckoned with when someone makes her mad, mainly by insulting Noah. She and Gabo also get killer migraines and insomnia when they’re stressed. Rosa is also the mum friend of my group of chaotic 15-year-olds and has a thing about loud noise and crowded areas (as in if she stays around them for too long she’ll either freak out or get a migraine or both). Gabo’s similar, but he can just about manage.
Robin is her best friend in the whole world, and they’ve known each other since they were 5. Secretly, they both like each other more than that, but they’re much too shy to tell each other, which obviously leads to their siblings making devious matchmaking plots to get them together. Rosa and Robin then get back at them with their own schemes, mainly with Gabo and Maeve.
 Robin Maddox (15):
His hair is dark brown and so messy it’s unbelievable, and literally impossible to imagine him with tidy hair. Somehow it never gets knotty. Ever.
His eyes are really dark brown and sparkly, kind of like an actual robin’s. He’s a bit tanned and he’s not really muscly but still quite strong. Like seriously, he can carry Rosa when she falls asleep in the middle of doing something or if she gets a migraine.
Lives in red t-shirts and brown jeans rolled up a bit so they don’t get dirty, and literally never wears shoes except at school because Thistledoor is the best village in the area for not littering so there’s nothing to cut his feet on. Some people tease him for it but he just ignores them (or splashes in a big muddy puddle to get water all over them) He does actually own a few jumpers that aren’t red or brown, but they are mostly stolen by Rosa. That’s actually why he has them but shh, no-one needs to know that.
He’s about 5’7, or maybe a bit taller.
Robin’s favourite colour is red, he likes inventing, playing music (he can play about a gazillion instruments) and pretty much just tagging along with whatever mystery hunt Rosa and Gabo have gotten themselves into. He’s very bold, brash and silly, occasionally getting into fights with Marcus before Rosa drags him back to her house by the ear, but he does have a very sensitive, protective side, particularly over Starling, which you will learn why when I get to their mum’s description.
 Gabo Lupin (15):
He’s Rosa’s twin brother, so he basically looks like the boy version of her. His hair is pretty short and neat, and he has a fringe pushed over to the left side of his forehead. He is incredibly short sighted and can see literally nothing without his glasses.
His favourite colour is yellow, he likes reading, poetry/songwriting creating conspiracy theories, and dragging his sister on mystery hunts with him, on most she and Robin end up saving his life when he reads out the words from a cave-wall-painting-crypt-thing to summon the dead. He’s very quiet and intellectual and gets scared easily unless he’s too busy finding stuff out.
 Noah Lupin (4 or 5 depending on when the story takes place):
Noah looks a bit like Gabo, except his hair is much lighter and he doesn’t need glasses. Noah is a rather unusual four year old in the way of his intelligence – he’s got the same IQ as his father, who is a scientist. He didn’t start talking at all until he was about three, but when he did it was in full sentences with none of the normal baby talk, but he doesn’t like to talk around people so most people think he’s just dumb.
 Mrs Maddox (Robin’s mother):
Mrs Maddox is possibly the worst mother in the history of the whole multiverse ever. She’s drunken, angry, neglectful, and doesn’t have a job, leaving supporting the family to the government funding and Molly, who’s 19 and has two part time jobs at the weekends and after school. Mrs Maddox leaves most of her children alone in the physical sense, except Robin and Starling. She hits both of them, usually just a slap across the face or something, always small enough for everyone to just assume that Robin had gotten into a fight or Star had fallen down the stairs, clumsy as she was. Neither of them wanted to correct them otherwise. Rosa, Maeve and Gabo figured it out fairly quickly, though.
 Molly (19), Jack (17), Starling (11) and the triplets (6):
The rest of Robin’s siblings don’t make an enormous appearance in my stories, them being mainly centred around Robin and the Lupins, but I’m going to describe them anyway. Molly’s the oldest, and generally the one taking care of all her siblings. Jack is basically a father figure to his younger siblings, as their dad died when Mrs Maddox was pregnant with Ethan, Ben and Sirsha. Sirsha never learnt to talk. Starling is very clumsy, but other than that she’s just like Robin. They all hate wearing shoes.
 Okay, I think that’s it!
P.S. I’m going to use a tag with my username as a way to get all my stories together, so if you’re reading this in the future and want to read my stories, that’s a quick way to do it without being swamped by reblogs and whump prompts!
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planetjisungie · 4 years
NCT Dream reaction to S/O using British Slang
an; i could help myself im soRRY also im southern so some may not exist in the north? idk man im just vibing in London. side note, gifs have nothing to do w it i just like them 🥺 also i really wanted to put arkid in there but im not northern so i dont rly know how u guys use it
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"fucking hell mate dont be such a wanker!" you groaned, banging your head against the car window. immediately following, you raised your fist in outright rage and aggressively moved your arm up and down. renjun, sat next to you gaped at the thick accent spewing the vulgarities. he was slightly surprised at the angry sounding outburst, even more so at the gesture you made afterwards.
"what did you say?" he leaned forwards, turning to you so you can translate it back into korean. at this, you fluster up slightly and swallow. how the fuck do you translate that?
"its— dont worry i dont think i can translate it" this would probably make renjun confused because what kind of thing would have had to have said for him not to understand?
"what does it mean then?"
"its just an insult"
LMAO after that day idk why but i can just see renjun bullying the poor dreamies with all these words that they don’t understand
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"alright then you prick, just shove past me then. absolute bellend." you would sarcastically say after someone shoved between you and jeno, not even caring to apologise after knocking your phone out your hand.
jeno would get the insinuation of the insult, just from the pure malice and sarcasm that dripped off your words. he would also make one of his confused jeno sounds, helping you up as you picked your phone from the ground and made sure it wasnt broken. "huh? prick? bellend?" and then he would repeat the words, obviously not knowing what they mean.
"i— jeno, dont repeat anything i say from now on, okay?" you would look at him amused, from the cute korean accent as he tried to pronounce words that would just sound so very wrong when not said with a british/irish accent.
i feel like jeno would later on ask you what they mean with the intention to add them to a wordbank he uses to understand your small phrases, then probably get very confused when you explain the literal meaning of bellend. after that i dont see him using the words unless he makes it a habit of muttering them under his breath so its not embarrassing if he says it wrong yet he gets the satisfaction of cursing at someone with a word they dont know.
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"finally! scran!" you dashed towards your boyfriend that you would be eternally grateful for for bringing you snacks.
i feel like hyuck would be more confused than the profanities, because there really is no way to tell what scran meant with no underlying emotion. "scran? whats a scran?" he would probably think it was just a random word like yay until you would only just realise he didnt have a clue what you just said.
"scran means food babe"
for hyuck i doubt he would use the word scran again unless he was on a show and he suddenly remembers the word and just claps and points at the food like "ayyeee scrann"
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"this cake is pengers mate" you declare your love for the delicious spongey dessert while you eat it. jaemin just looked at you curiously while you ate. at first you would be self conscious from how hes literally just watching you eat, until you notice hes whipped out the english book where he writes all his new english words and was looking at you expectantly.
"so i know mate means friend in a casual way, what does pengers mean?"
then i feel like hed love the way you said it, then ask you to teach him more words like that. this would be when he finds the miraculous invention of ‘leng’ which baffles him because why the fuck would you need to use a word which means penger than peng? but then he would start using these words a lot, which would probably be cringey if it wasnt jaemin because im convinced he can do anything and it not be super cringey.
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"y/n babe, have you seen jisung?"
"yes love, up the apples and pears"
😭man would be like?? excuse me??
"up the... up the apples and pears? are you feeling okay?" because he is actually pretty good at english he would obviously know what apples and pears are, the edible, tangible objects which grow on trees under the category of ‘fruit’. and jisung is too big to be inside a fruit.
"yeah, up the apples chenle, that is what i said" probably wouldnt hit you that he doesnt know what the fuck the apples and pears are considering all youve known is people knowing immediately what it means. "y/n...baby... what are the apples and pears? did jeno and jaemin feed you sugar cubes again?" he would halt his hunt for jisung and come sit next to you as you very slowly come to the realisation that he really doesnt know what the apples and pears are.
"oh shit! chenle im so sorry, the apples and pears is cockney rhyming slang for the stairs. jisung has gone upstairs"
after this i very much doubt chenle would use it, he would probably be reminded of it every time he saw stairs, an apple or a pear but i feel like cockney has to be said by the people who grew up saying it otherwise it doesnt sound right
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"jisung sweets, you look knackered" your eyes scanned the tired boy who just walked into your room like a zombie and flopped onto the bed. he had just come back from dance practice, except the others came back 2 hours ago because jisung wanted to stay longer and perfect the routine.
i doubt the word would even register in jisungs mind until a few days later when he sees the word in an instagram comment. "y/n? what does n-n oh my god nevermind, what does this word mean" he would also probably give up on trying to pronounce it because literally fuck you english and your weird phonetics. so you would look over his shoulder to read the very familiar word with a hum.
"knackered? it means really tired or exhausted"
i dont think he would be using it ever again until he hears you say it a few more times incase he says it wrong. big babie can understand english but we know he worries about his speaking so would just listen to you say it before he even attempts to use it.
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RoR Article 2: Help Callum
To make things easier on myself, I’m splitting up my thoughts on the Rumors of Rockland second article.  I already gave an overview of this game.  Here, I’ll cover whatever random thoughts and observations I had for the events that occur when you choose to help Callum.
[Major spoilers below for Rumors of Rockland Article 2]
First surprise here, Callum can actually hold his own.  Have to admit, wasn’t really expecting that (dude kind of looked sickly in older sprites). Well honestly, I wasn’t exactly expecting the MC to be capable of driving off the drunk dudes themselves unless they were going to threaten to call 911.  More like…I didn’t know what to expect.  Since it was now 2-on-2, was the MC suddenly going to start throwing down? I just didn’t see it happening. No, turns out Callum was quite capable of taking these guys out by himself.  
What I love about this though is that the minute the MC enters the scene, Callum actually goes into protection mode.  He may genuinely have not been afraid of these guys from the start and thought it was even funny to see them riled up.  He’s initially holding back his laughter when the two guys are initially antagonizing him and only got a little serious when they brought Whesker’s name up. Between the first two articles, Callum’s now shown concern for people like Avery, Whesker and the MC.  The MC isn’t even someone he’s close to yet. Maybe I’m calling this a little too early, but Callum might just be a nice and well-meaning guy.  There are certainly a lot of dangerous characters in Rockland, but so far nothing to suggest anything sinister about Callum whatsoever.
Getting back to the scene, I kind of found it adorable that the MC rushing in flips a switch for Callum. It was like he was going, “Hey, woah woah woah.  These guys are a joke, but seriously I don’t want anyone getting hurt now.”  So his playtime had to end.  Otherwise, he seems like he’s pretty goofy and relaxed most of the time.
By the way, who else took a good look at that CG of Callum giving a good kick?  If you look in the background, you can actually see the silhouette of a person.  SOMEONE saw that whole altercation go down, but didn’t interrupt.  We can’t be sure though if the MC hadn’t been there, if this person would have come down to assist Callum instead.  Might not have been someone concerned about Callum (just watching out of curiosity).  In the “Do Nothing” path, Callum does not even mention what happened outside when he goes to talk to Avery (but he doesn’t act frazzled at all).
A curious thing about the silhouette though is that it’s very reminiscent of the drawings seen in the “Nightmare Realized” teaser game for the Misfits.  Coincidence?  We do even see Sydney show up in the “Do Nothing” path.  Was he the one watching and came to help out Callum if the MC doesn’t help in anyway?  Sydney did mention helping his friends, but whether that’s related to Callum or something else, I’m not sure.  Callum is Quill’s brother, but we don’t have evidence yet that Sydney and Callum are friends with one another.
Moving on, it seems Callum is quite similar to Quill when it comes to being very chatty and dropping names like crazy.  Must be a Willow thing (wonder if the parents are like that too).  Callum gives you a lot of interesting information though, but it differs vastly depending on what person you’re most interesting in asking about.
If you ask about Sergio, you learn that the town is basically run by the IRISH MAFIA. That…explains a whole lot.  Prior to this, I had theorized that some of the crime syndicates may have some pull with finances and politics of Rockland when I was trying to think about how the Professionals could operate for so long without repercussions.  I believe this might sum it up pretty well.  It’s kind of funny how normal Callum treats the matter too.  I mean, I appreciate that the mafia aren’t racists and try to keep some order (mafia is indeed ORGANIZED crime).  That’s always nice.  Still…it is a mafia.  Not only does that mean that people in Rockland might not want to get a swelled head for justice around these parts, but crime is still crime.  We don’t know yet what kind of illegal activities the mafia does yet.  Could be just a lot of theft and forgery.  Or perhaps there is a lot of murder and human trafficking behind the scenes.
This also explains why a lot of the characters in Rockland have Irish accents.  Before these games, I knew a couple of the characters like Trevor and Roy were Irish.  Apparently Whesker has an accent too.  I genuinely just thought it was just a foreign type the creators’ favored.  But there’s actually more meaning to having numerous Irish characters in Rockland now.  It also means if you come across someone in Rockland with an Irish accent…maybe do your best to stay on their good side.  Just in case.
Wait a minute…Roy is Irish (or at least he was)…That either could be just a coincidence, or there might be something interesting later down the road about that.  Is he linked to one of the Irish mafia families in anyway? If so, did he cut ties and is in opposition?  Or is he actually still part of that group too?  If it’s the latter, that would mean the police force in Rockland IS under the mafia’s thumb too.  We won’t know this I think until much later though.  Like I said, could also just be a coincidence that he’s Irish (if he still is). Not all Irish people know each other. It’s more likely though in such a small and tight nit town like Rockland.
If you ask about Scarlet, then you just get some fun image in your head of family gatherings for holidays. Cute but what I really want to focus on here is that BEASTKIN ARE OFFICIALLY MENTIONED IN GAME FOR THE FIRST TIME!  I know there are probably several people who are excited about that.  It’s officially our first supernatural element introduced if you don’t include the Zeitgeist demo.  Now we don’t know a lot about beastkin, just that they’re around.  Both Scarlet and Foal are beastkin, but you probably wouldn’t be able to tell Foal is one at a quick glance.  They can have tails (though unfortunately some had their tails cut off), but we don’t know what other kind of physical aspects usually manifest.  With Foal, she has darker skin and white hair.  The darker skin isn’t really a giveaway, but the white hair might be.  I had figured she just dyed it or something, but it’s possible that’s her natural hair color.
If you’re trying to make a beastkin OC for Rockland, not much I could say yet for what is fair game in canon.  Just tails and possible hair color at the moment can give their beast status away. We don’t know anything about abilities yet.   I feel like we’re also going to be focusing on the more human elements of Rockland for the most part.  The beastkin are around, but not the main theme here.  Still nice to know it’s an existing element though.
If you ask about Jett, you learn Callum and Avery play music.  On the website, the Callum and Avery are indeed listed under “The Band” section.  This was more foreshadowing I believe for a future “Battle of the Bands” themed game. Fun, but not much else I feel I need to comment on here.  
After talking with Callum so long, I can’t be certain to say you gain full friendship status with him in this route, but you’re definitely on some pretty good terms now.  Avery probably appreciates hearing that you went to help Callum, but otherwise he’s more occupied with his troubled thoughts in this situation rather than getting to know you better.  You probably have earned good points with Avery here, but not nearly as much as if you do the “Get Help” route where you get much more conversation time with him.
Since you let Callum go after Avery though, Foal seemed to appreciate the choice and you get some positive interaction with her.  So points earned there too.
In the end, choosing to help Callum yourself gets you in good with Callum of course, and a slightly better reputation with Avery and Foal.  Not bad.  I can’t be certain if you’ve earned brownie points as well from the person who was watching in the CG because I don’t know if they were looking out for Callum’s safety or just looking for a show.
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r-ahh-mi · 6 years
#6?? If you’re still doing those ofc
SORRY this took so long, but here it isss. This is written in Freddie’s POV and is set in a period where he is not in a relationship with anyone. I kind of don’t like this, but, I also do lol so here ya go! Hope you enjoy xx
6). “I need a place to stay.”
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Don’t get me wrong, I felt loved and I wasn’t in any sort of self destructive mood, nor had I ever been..unless you count the obscene amount of vodka I just ingested, but that’s besides the point.
It had to be the dreadful London weather that was putting me so off; yes, that’s got to be it because there was no need for my feelings to be this intense, in fact this could be the most extreme loneliness I had encountered yet. Everyone was moving on as they should; obtaining wives and children and becoming more indulged with their families, music taking a near by, but still, back seat, which was only natural, i know this darling, but you see I couldn’t understand where they were coming form.
Mary was married, Brian and Roger all had children, or if you were John, you’d be married with multiple children by now. Me, I had myself and all the ‘others’ I strung along for when I found them of use. Yes, i’m sure that sounds harsh, but it’s genuine; they were there for my pleasure whether that be friendship, sexual purposes, or just to fill an empty room with conversation, I always came with back up.
However, today was much different. Despite my dearest efforts, no one was available to fill this questionable void that my mind was so craving at this very moment and I was left with me, my thoughts, and my now empty glass of clear liquid gold. I hated it. I didn’t like silence at all, in fact, I thrived in the most rambunctious of scenarios and environments, which i’m sure you very well know, but did you know that I enjoy my quiet? God I love my fucking quiet when I have some one to share it with - does that make sense?
If it were me and you in a room, no words, I’d be comfortable, but this bloody quiet all to my lonesome was eating me away and making me think; god forbid did I need to do anything but think right now when I felt so alone.
There was one more person whom I knew I could pick up the phone and ring, but surely he was busy. Surely he was in that club again, where i’d first laid eyes on him, or maybe he was with that boyfriend he claimed he had; to me it seemed like the perfect excuse to evacuate the cheeky conversation I had started up with him, but, to each his own I suppose.
Thankfully, someone at the club seemed to be familiar with this gentlemen, resulting in me getting his contact information and meeting up with him on several more occasions. Might I add, a boyfriend was absolutely never spoken about when these, ahem, meetings, we had, occurred.
Bloody hell Fred, just scramble on over to the phone already and be clingy. You know you want to.
The subconscious never seems to hold back what so ever, isn’t that quite entertaining? Guess i’ll have to keep them around because it was the push I needed because indeed I wanted to be clingy as long as I could have him to cling on to just for an evening.
I picked up the, now crumbled up and stained, piece of paper with the ten digits scribbled sloppily upon it and moved my fingers in a circular motion against my, to die for, antique telephone.
The damn thing surely was broke because the ringing and, seemingly, endless ringing kept going on and on before I nearly slammed the thing down onto its receiver, that is until a husky Irish accent greeted me cheerfully.
The man chuckled for a second before sighing, not a dreaded sigh, but more of a contented sigh; I found that reassuring.
“What can I do for your Fred?”, those Irish tones danced into my ears and I could feel my cheeks warm up. Being a hopeless romantic can be absurd, but someone has to do it, or rather, be it.
“I need a place to stay.”
This time, Jim let out an even louder chuckle, sending a large grin to my, not so normal, teeth as I quickly fought to cover them with my lips, even though I was the only one in my presence, at least for now I was.
“That giant mansion you live in would say otherwise, i’m sure.”
He wasn’t wrong, I didn’t need somewhere to stay, but i’d rather be in someone elses safe space, whether that be a home, a bar, a studio; somewhere that meant something to someone, other than my home that was filled with equally good and sad times.
“I understand it sounds crazy darling, but…”, I trailed off, not knowing what else to say.
“Cat got your tongue?”
“No Delilah is sleeping and far, far away from my tongue, thank you!”, this time we both indulged in a round of laughter with one another.
“You are always welcome around mine, you know that Fred.”
I nodded, knowing he couldn’t see me, but my body was naturally responding for me at this point as I twirled the phone chord around my pointer finger.
“So, I can come over then?”, I spoke quietly.
“Of course Fred, whatever you need.”
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fawnnandfable · 5 years
Jealousy - Finn Balor
Prompt from Prompt List 3 You can find all three list here, here, and here. My request are always open unless I say otherwise. If you send me a prompt request PLEASE make sure to note which list your request comes from.
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Word count: 423 Warnings: None?
Finn usually has pretty good self-control, he knows when to keep quiet and when to voice his opinions. Years of discipline from various sources has taught him how to stay calm in the face of chaos. That was until it came to you. Finn was practically seething watching as you joke about with Lio Rush. He hated to see anyone make you laugh that wasn't him, especially if that someone was Lio Rush. He watched as the smile grew wider across your freshly done face, your hand came up to rest on your chest as you laughed even harder. The anger boiled deep inside of Finn as he watched you, his girlfriend, smile and laugh with his sworn enemy.  Lio leaned forwards moving a strand of hair out of your face cause to pause for a moment as you realized he was completely out of bounds. Maybe he mistook your laughter for flirting, or completely read the signs wrong, either way, your boyfriend wasn't having it. This was Finn's breaking point of patience. At that moment, He was blinded by a five-course serving of rage that tasted bitter, yet surprisingly satisfying. He marched his way over to the two of you reaching out shoving Lio away from you. Finn's hands balled into a fist at his side as he stared the shorted guy down.
"If ye ever put yer hands on m'lady ever again, I will go out of my way to end ye." Finn spat, his accent growing thicker as he spoke.  You couldn't help the smirk that snuck it's a way onto your face as you watched your hunky Irish boyfriend come to your rescue. Lio scoffed before walking in the opposite direction, obviously not wanting to make things worse. Finn took a deep breath before turning himself to face you. "M'sorry for makin' a scene. He just shouldn'ta been touchin' you" He apologized taking your delicate hand in his much larger one.
"Are you jealous?" You asked raising your eyebrow at him. Finn let out a laugh.
"Are ye serious? 'Course not." He bluffed, rolling his eyes as he intertwined your fingers. "I would never be jealous of Lio, I'm far better lookin'"
"Sounds like you might be a little jealous.."
"Nah," Finn shrugged. You bit your lip as you laid your head on your boyfriend's shoulder as you began to walk with him to the gorilla.
"Good luck." You smiled, playfully slapping his butt.
"I don't need luck." He winked before walking through the curtain to make his entrance.
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KH3 Grievances and Blessings
As of this date, April 8th, 2019, today marks the end of my KH3 journey. I'm recording the date because I know there's DLC for KH3 coming out within the coming months and I don't know whether it'll be plot-related or just gameplay patches/changes (Like Critical Mode). Regardless, I wanted to write down my thoughts and feelings towards KH3 because, like many others, I had been awaiting the release of this game for a long time (Though not as long as others) and, as soon as the game was released in Japan, I blacklisted/muted KH3 tags so as to not be spoiled. It took me over two months since the worldwide release on January 29th to see what KH3 had to offer and, while the main story part ended on April 4th, today was the true end to everything else.
Now I want to make two things clear. First off, I never played KH3. I watched an LP of it, due to money and I didn't wanna wait months for this game. That's also why it took this long for me to write this. Secondly, as of the time writing this, I haven't read the Ultimania outside of some unrelated details since, before April 4th, I made doubly sure to avoid spoilers because I still wanted to be surprised at the ending, despite my predictions of it. If there are some things I bring up in this that are answered in the Ultimania, then link me those.
I'll also be going through practically every aspect of KH3 I can think of, such as the graphics, the gameplay, the story, etc. However, to keep things organized, I'll talk about the main story towards the end of this, since that's where I believe I'll have the most to talk about. Think of it as if the first half was the minor stuff and the second half the major. I'll even mark where it splits off so as to make it easier to know where to skip to.
Listed below are KH3 spoilers, so if you don't want to get spoiled, now's your chance to stop reading. Otherwise, here are my thoughts!
Let's start with the graphics. They are simply gorgeous, sometimes even breathtaking. As many people have pointed out, the in-game graphics are on the same quality level as the old-school FMVs from the older KH games. Even when the cutscenes go to pre-rendered, they are super beautiful. The only complaints I have are, in pre-rendered cutscenes, character models tend to look weird in certain shots. It's a minor complaint but I feel like the characters come off as being... shiny, if that makes sense. I know one of the complaints for 0.2 was that Aqua looked plastic and it seems like, in an attempt to stray away from that end of the spectrum, they made everyone look shiny. Again, that's only in the pre-rendered cutscenes, not in-game itself so... Another complaint was that, in the beginning with Sora and co. heading off to and their visit to Olympus Colosseum, it's easy to tell that they were using the 0.2 graphics because Sora looked exactly plastic. Afterwards, they switched to the current graphics but it's still kinda jarring, in a way. I feel like it may have been to save money, considering the big amount of money they spent on everything else.
Secondly, gameplay. The gameplay, overall, seems solid. It's using the KH2 combat, combined with the BBS shotlocks, Links/Summons, Keyblade transformations, DDD's Flowmotion, and Attractions. However, it also feels overwhelming to have that many gameplay styles/mechanics stuffed into one game. I feel like Nomura was trying to do the same thing that Sakurai (Creator of Smash) did with Smash Ultimate by taking the positive aspects of the previous games' combat and stuffing them into this game, almost as if it were a love letter to the KH fandom. I'm not saying that that's a bad thing, I just think it was clumsily handled.
This leads into a mini-point I had about the difficulty. As I said earlier, Critical Mode, which has been a difficulty setting since KH2 (I believe?), wasn't included in this game, which was considered weird. The LPer I watched KH3 from had played the previous KH games on the hardest difficulty and he believed he'd play KH3 on Critical. Because of this exclusion, he played on Proud Mode and this was absolutely the easiest KH game. It is so easy to overlevel, it is hard to die unless you're purposefully playing terrible or turned on "No Experience", and some gameplay mechanics, I feel, break gameplay. Attractions in particular are ridiculously gamebreaking, due to the insane amounts of invincibility frames and power some of them have. Speaking of it being hard to die, overleveling goes hand-in-hand with that but the fact that you can buy Kupo Coins from the Moogle shops makes Proud Mode a joke. To explain what Kupo Coins are, they are one-use items that basically make it to where it instantly revives you if/when your HP drops to 0 and you can buy many of these coins. They're essentially get-out-of-jail-free coins which, if you're playing on Hard Mode, shouldn't be a thing. There's also a minigame where you can cook all sorts of meals that can grant you any kind of boosts with Remy from Ratatouille. The stat boosts from even the simplest of meals are ridiculous and they also make dying hard to do. I understand that the crew wanted to make KH3 welcoming to newcomers but I feel this is going a little too far in not making the players feel frustrated each time they die in Proud Mode.
Thirdly, the non-original worlds. It's hard to decide whether or not I like them. On the one hand, they're the largest they've ever been, they're expansive, and the crew were able to successfully capture the look of each movie they adapted. On the other, the stories can be hit or miss, they throw tons of enemies at you (which absolutely contributes to the overleveling I mentioned), and they don't serve much of a purpose in the main story outside of fanservice. Some of the worlds were an absolute delight, such as the Tangled and Monsters Inc worlds, while others were a slog to get through, such as the Frozen and Big Hero 6 worlds. This is merely my opinion so don't take it too seriously. The way they decided to go about the stories within each world was to either: 1, be a Cliffnotes version of that world, or 2, create an original story set after the events of the movie. The first way was not a good decision because, out of all the new worlds they revealed for this game, I only watched Hercules, Toy Story, Monsters Inc, and Tangled, so when the LPer I watched headed to the other worlds that weren't mentioned, I was thoroughly confused. The second way could be pretty hit or miss, because I remember getting tired of the Toy Story world towards the end but I enjoyed the story of the Monsters Inc, due to how cute it was. Going back to what I mean by these worlds not serving a purpose, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility to say these were meant for the express purpose of padding. The reason given for exploring these worlds is so Sora can learn the Power of Waking and, if he doesn't learn it in that world, he'll go to the next and rinse, repeat. I won't go into detail in this section but I'll explain more about it when I get to the story section.
Fourthly, the music. This is probably the one of the few aspects that stayed consistently good. Although I could tell there were more pieces of music that I had heard in other games, Yoko Shimomura still made it fresh by reorechestrating those. I'll give her some slack with those because I can imagine that, with how far into the series KH is and how many themes to keep track of, it was probably easier to remix existing songs than make an entirely new soundtrack. Still, there were some new pieces of music (Most of which from the aforementioned worlds) that I liked. The Toy Story fight music is an absolute bop and the Monsters Inc world music is so whimsical and fun. There were some really nice mashups as well, such as the Other Promise/Vector to the Heavens mashup and Oscuritia de Xehanort. I haven't had a chance to listen to all of the soundtrack yet so these were just the ones from the top of my head.
Fifthly, the voice acting. This is just a personal thing for me, since I want to become a voice actor someday and I like to observe/take mental notes whenever voice acting is involved. The voice acting in of itself is good. Sora was his absolute best in this game, especially in that one scene we ALL know from the trailer and it broke my heart hearing that in-game. Mostly everyone was good, too, aside from some weird line deliveries and voices not fitting some characters. However, I have to point out how... weird the voice-acting is with Terra, Aqua, and Xehanort. Xehanort was probably the weirdest because I'm so used to Leonard Nimoy's Xehanort that this one was kinda jarring. Rutger Hauer is the new VA and... I know he doesn't have the same raspy, gravelly voice Leonard Nimoy had but I feel his Xehanort just doesn't fit the character as much, especially since I noticed Xehanort sounded like he had a very slight Irish accent in this game. Rutger Hauer is Dutch so I don't know how I heard Irish but I'm gonna chalk that up to never hearing a Dutch person speak before. Terra's definitely the best acting out of these three but compared to the other two, it's not much. While it's not bad, I still prefer his 0.2 performance since it seemed like he put effort into that. Terra seems to share the same problem I have with Aqua in that he never raises his voice up above being low. It's hard to tell if he does because they only got Jason Dohring in for two scenes (the Wayfinder Trio reunion and the stupid Xehanort redemption scene), despite being a main character. Aqua was in more than two scenes but her voice acting was kinda the worst, which kills me because she's my queen. For some reason, her voice never goes up above low talking and I don't know if it's just me but she constantly sounds as if she's being cut off. Like, the sound mixing for Aqua makes it sound as if she's cut out at the end for each of her sentences. This was a problem that was present in 0.2 but I brushed that off since I figured 0.2 was not considered a full game by itself. I don't know whether or not it's Willa Holland herself or the voice director for both games but Aqua can be allowed to be emotional other than angry, raise her voice, and not be cut off.
Oh boy, the sixth point. Let me start off by saying this is merely a personal gripe I have and it's fine if people disagree with me or even don't see what I'm saying. I'm just stating this because I talked about this issue on my Livetweet Thread and I want to bring this up. Now... there are instances in this game where Sora express self-doubt or have other characters express worry for Sora (and Aqua for one time) to Donald, Goofy, and Mickey. Each time this was brought up, we had them saying the answer of "they're strong so they're okay". Normally, I wouldn't really be offended at this if it was for one or two times. KH3, however, has this happen several times and... let's just say I got a little testy. The characters this answer was said to or about were Aqua, Sora, and Elsa (as far as I can remember), all of whom I can safely say have issues with their mental health. Sora's the only one I can't definitively say (outside of headcanon territory) but even then... Sora has problems with his self-worth and his sense of strength, Aqua, for all we know, probably has depression and POSSIBLY PTSD, and Elsa definitely has depression and self-image issues. To the Disney characters, any time these issues are brought up, they somehow correlate physical strength with mental fortitude and think that answer is perfectly okay to say. I'm probably reading way too much into this but the way I take it, each time they say that answer, it comes off as Sora/Aqua/Elsa are being weak and need to get over it. The first example I'll bring up of this is when Riku and Mickey are in the RoD trying to save Aqua the first time and Riku expresses worry for Aqua, who's been in this hellhole for 11 years at this point. Mickey just says she'll be fine because she's strong, which baffles me because how does he not remember how Aqua was the last time they met? She was straight up about to succumb to the darkness when he saved her the first time and when she said to him she wasn't sure how much longer she'd be able to ward off the darkness, he just said she'll be okay. Like, she has been stuck in this hell for over a decade, being tormented and having to fight for her life constantly, all the while losing hope she may get out. The one time she's finally close enough to get out, it's snatched away from her. No wonder she was pissed off at Mickey for leaving her when they met again! The second example is any time Sora was expressing doubt in himself over being strong enough and he had Donald and Goofy say he'd be fine. This, to me, made it seem like they were placing such high expectations on Sora to be strong that he wasn't allowed to have moments of emotional vulnerability which I wouldn't be surprised contributed to the worsening of the self-doubt and the culmination of that despair scene. Again, I know it seems like I'm reading too much into this but this was something that legit made me angry. As someone who relates to Sora's self-worth issues and Aqua's depression, I don't think someone telling me that I'll be fine because I was strong constantly would make me feel better. If anything, I'd probably feel worse because I'd be too afraid to appear being weak around that person lest I betray their expectation of me being strong that I keep my feelings of weakness to myself until I eventually broke down. To give benefit to the Disney characters, I believe they were genuinely saying what they thought was best in those kinds of situations. Hell, maybe they even thought that, by saying that, the character would believe them and think they were silly for thinking they were worthless. But I don't believe the Disney characters are good role models for the importance of mental health, given their track record. Still, this was a personal gripe of mine and everyone is free to disagree with me on this. I don't even know if I made any sense in this but I tried.
Now we move on to the major stuff. This next half will mainly include my opinions on the story, the characters, how they were handled, etc. and everyone is free to disagree with me on any of those. I should also warn that any of the next sections may be lengthy, though it wouldn't be me if they weren't. There may also be some instances where I talk about how I would've rewritten some scenes, since there were some that desperately needed to be rewritten or re-edited or whatever else (which will be marked with *). However, I'll write those up in a separate thing because this entire post is mainly for my thoughts on KH3 as a whole and not just certain scenes. Besides, I don't want to bog this post down even further so...
Where to start? Well, I think it may be good to start with the plot and its loose threads. KH3 seems to have a problem with introducing plot threads and then dropping them off with no resolution, meaning they'll either be answered in the upcoming DLC or in the next game (Release dates unknown on both options). We have Maleficent and Pete looking for a black box (A significant thing in KHX, if you've watched Back Cover), the complete drop-off of Vexen and Demyx, the new seven Princesses of Heart, Subject X, the reveal that some of the New Organization members were Keyblade Wielders from the past, the whole thing of the heroes coming back after dying, and possibly other threads I cannot remember for the life of me. Again, I understand that these threads may be picked up in either the DLC or the next game but we don't know when either of those will be released. In a game that's supposed to bring answers to the many questions that were brought up in previous games, we still end up with many other questions that haven't been answered.
Let's go back to my mention of the non-original worlds serving no purpose other than fanservice. As stated in the beginning, Sora needs to learn the Power of Waking so that he can find and save Aqua in the RoD and, later on, awaken Ventus's heart so it'll return to his body sleeping in Castle Oblivion/Land of Departure. However, every time he reaches the end of a world, he still hasn't learned the Power of Waking and so goes to another world to see if he'll learn it there and rinse, repeat. In the newly-returned Land of Departure, it's stated that Sora had the Power of Waking in him all along, which made the trips to the worlds completely pointless. As someone pointed out in their review of KH3, while the Disney worlds in previous games served little more than fanservice, they at least had a goal in which the protagonists needed to fulfill, such as locking and unlocking the worlds, finding lost friends, and defeating those that pose a threat. In KH3, while the goal has been to learn the Power of Waking, it ultimately becomes meaningless upon revealing that Sora had the power within him all along.
Speaking of which, this leads into another thing that legitimately made me angry. We are never told what the Power of Waking is or what it does, only that it is essential to saving Aqua and Ventus. I had to learn from the comments section on YouTube what the Power of Waking was and it still wasn't fully explained what it was. Whenever Sora would be in Yen Sid's tower, Yen Sid would keep telling him that he needed the Power of Waking to venture into the RoD and everyone chastising Sora for being too impulsive and I'm just sitting there like "If you probably told him what the fucking power was, he'd probably have an easier time trying to learn it". It's one of those things where, if Sora were under my writing control, I'd have him slowly getting more and more frustrated over being told to learn something he doesn't understand and isn't being told on what it is that he'd eventually snap. I have some personal experience with that so maybe it's my bias talking.
Next thing I wanted to bring up was my thoughts and feelings towards the third act and the ending. I'll start from the Anti-Aqua stuff to the scenes right before the ending first. Anti-Aqua, while one of the best fights in KH3 (if you're not overleveled and using Attractions), is very quick. I mean, you do battle her a bit as Riku then switch over to Sora to full-on fight her and then she's saved but that sequence doesn't last long. It goes from Aqua calling out Mickey for abandoning her to fighting her to saving her then going off to save Ventus. Even the way she succumbed to darkness wasn't very... climatic. Earlier in the game, Ansem SoD surprises Ansem the Wise and Aqua as they're sitting on the Dark Beach from Blank Points and, after a pretty pitiful fight between Aqua and Ansem SoD (Totally understandable, though), she gets hit with a Dark Ball and falls into the dark ocean as the darkness consumes her. When I first watched the trailer revealing Anti-Aqua, I had a different idea in mind for how Aqua succumbed to the darkness* and the canon kinda disappointed me with how quick it came and went. Moving on, Sora, Aqua, and Disney (Dolan and Gooby) arrive at Castle Oblivion/Land of Departure to save Ventus and then Vanitas shows up. Aqua's only playable during the fight with Vanitas and she's taken out of the action as soon as he threatens Ven. Cue Sora learning the Power of Waking, saving Ven, Ven about ready to kick Vani's ass, and Sora and Ven meet for the first time. Then we move to Yen Sid's tower where everyone has a little chat and prepare for the fight tomorrow. Nice little scenes ensue (Riku meeting with Repliku, Sora and Kairi FINALLY becoming a couple, Aqua and Ven talking about how they'll save Terra, Lea and Saix eating atop the clocktower) then it's off to the Keyblade Graveyard! After an awesome fight with 10000 Heartless and shit, everyone fucking dies. You think it's a joke, no, everyone straight up dies! Terranort manages to take out Ven, Lea, and almost Kairi as well before Dolan pulls out the Zettaflare and vanquishes his ass. A Demon Tide comes into the mix and after becoming a cyclone, kills everyone except Sora and Riku because they were hit with the Stick of Incompetence. Sora and Riku join soon after and we meet with Chirithy in Purgatory! Sora abuses the Power of Waking to bring everyone back from the dead with Kairi's help (BTW, that's the only useful thing she does in this game) and somehow they forget that they died then proceed to almost die again immediately afterwards! Lingering Will shows up with next to no reason why, keeps Terranort busy while everyone fights the Demon Tide again until the power of Union Cross defeats it once and for all. Many New Organization fights later and Kairi getting the Damsel in Distress treatment YET AGAIN to only die later and Sora finally fights Xehanort. Even then, Xehanort manages to corrupt Kingdom Hearts but he's then used as a time portal for Sora and Disney to go to Scala ad Caelum to fight him there. Xehanort manages to forge the X-blade and actually kills Sora before he revives again with the power of friendship to defeat his wrinkly, veiny old ass. Xehanort then gets hit with a dose of Creator's Pet syndrome, which causes him to somehow be fucking redeemed as he goes to the KH equivalent of Heaven with good ol' brother Eraqus. Sora then decides to abuse the Power of Waking once more to save Kairi and, after he successfully brings her back, gets  hit with the Thanos snap and disappears. In Secret Endings, the Foretellers come back, Xigbar is revealed to be Luxu, and Sora and Riku are in Shibuya and Shinjuku respectively, probably about ready to play the Reapers Game! If I missed anything, feel free to disagree!
I may have gone jokey after the Anti-Aqua fight but let me break the last paragraph and a half down. The Land of Departure sequence is nice, except for the part Vani one-shots Aqua in order to get to Ven. She doesn't throw up a barrier or try to deflect the magic with her Keyblade, she just tanks the hit which, if anyone's ever played Aqua in BBS, she ain't like Terra or Ven. It's only because Sora was able to awaken Ven that Aqua didn't get skewered on Vani's Keyblade. Aqua's a Keyblade Master who's fought and won against Vani twice, why the hell did she lose to him here? That, however, is NOTHING compared to her treatment in the Keyblade Graveyard. After Ven and Lea are taken out and Dolan annihilates Terranort, a Demon Tide becomes a Demon Cyclone and, after she, Sora, and Riku decide to fight it, she suddenly gives up and lets the Demon Cyclone kill her*. WHAT THE FUCK?! You mean to tell me that Aqua, a Keyblade Master who's spent 11 years in the RoD fighting for her life and was FINALLY brought back to the RoL, took one look at the Demon Cyclone, which is just a bigger version of the Demon Tides she's fought before, and decided to do suicide by cop? People from the comments section on YouTube try to justify this by saying she had PTSD and/or she was mourning the loss of Ven but I can't see her basically committing suicide over either of these reasons. I'm normally all for Aqua having PTSD because I can imagine that being in a stressful environment with everything trying to kill you on a daily basis isn't good for your mental health but she doesn't show any of the signs for PTSD and she doesn't give up on living the second time the Demon Cyclone shows up. As for her mourning the loss of Ven, I can MAYBE see that but I feel like Ven's death would give her more motivation to defeat the Demon Cyclone because one of the reasons why she fought so hard to get out of the RoD just died in front of her and she'd probably be pissed the fuck off. It may be my love for my oceanic queen coming through but she got hit with the Stick of Incompetence in KH3, along with many other characters.
The one character that was practically killed with it was Kairi. She easily became one of the most disappointing things from KH3 in that she was given the Damsel in Distress treatment yet again and was only killed to give Sora more angst/development. People were expecting her to do something and make herself useful and were instead given shit on a dirty platter. Yes, I know it's stupid to expect Kairi to fight on the level of a Keyblade Master. I don't think anyone was expecting that of her, considering how she literally started training with Lea days, or even weeks, before the final battle. However, we don't see her fighting at all, outside of the battle with Saix and Xion before she gets kidnapped again by Xemnas. She doesn't try to fight back against him and just lets herself be taken, not to mention how she just stares at Terranort after he takes out Lea, not even trying to defend herself*. This girl seems to have no survival instincts, whatsoever. The only useful thing she does in this game is bring Sora back from the brink of death so that he can save everyone else and that's it. While it's a good thing she did that, it's not really explained how she did that, other than 'Princess of Heart' BS.
I'm starting to believe that Nomura genuinely has no idea on what to do with Kairi. To me, he doesn't know what to do on making her stand out from the rest of the cast and has to keep turning her into a faux fighter. In terms of fighting, he doesn't know what to make her as. In my mind, Aqua and Xion (the only female fighters, since Namine is a non-combatant) have two different fighting styles. Aqua's more focused on magic and staying a distance away from her enemy while Xion's more focused on brute strength and getting up in her enemy's face. Kairi then should be the balance between the two, using both magic and strength to her advantage to keep her enemies on their toes. I should stress that I myself am not good at defining fights in general so I may be completely wrong on this but this is merely my interpretation/suggestion. There's a lot more I want to talk about with Kairi but these last two paragraphs pretty much summarize my point. I want to stress that I'm not blaming Kairi for her shitty writing. I'm blaming Nomura because he doesn't know how the fuck to write her as.
Which leads me to my next point of how I feel Sora got hit with a dose of Creator's Pet syndrome in this game. This is probably a point that people will think "Of course it's like that, Airi. He's the main character", which I agree with to an extent but... I'm probably the only one who thinks this but I feel like Sora was made out to be too... important, if that makes sense. In terms of reconnecting lost friends and defeating Xehanort, that's fine. However, also being the one to solve everything by either defeating the enemy or saying stuff from a typical stock shounen series kinda rubbed me the wrong way. It's hard for me to explain in a way that doesn't make it seem as if I don't understand a main character's importance but I'm trying. Here's how I see it: while it's been stated time and again that Sora is the one to connect everyone (Memory's fuzzy on that part) and I know he has to fulfill that purpose in some way, KH3 puts so much emphasis on that, it downplays the other characters' importance or even ruins any chance of development they could've gotten. Sora has to have the spotlight no matter what, even at the cost of characters who need it more. The biggest example of this is Xehanort killing Kairi so it gives Sora more motivation to beat him. Sora was given more development at the cost of Kairi's own. As I said before with Kairi, I'm not blaming Sora for this, I'm blaming Nomura because he decided to give Sora more development than he needed/should've had and sacrificing the other characters in order to boost the already massive value his role has. Hopefully, the DLC will give the others the much-needed development they need.
Speaking of which, it's not only the heroes who got mishandled in this game. Three specific villains (Young Xehanort, Vanitas, and Luxord) come to mind and it somehow got worse down the line. In the Toy Story world, Young Xehanort gets verbally beat down by Woody. In the Monsters Inc. world, Vanitas get yeeted through several doors by Mike and Sulley. In the Caribbean world, Luxord faints because Jack Sparrow had bad breath. These are villains we're supposed to be intimidated by/motivated to defeat and they're made into a complete joke in the world they're antagonizing. Young Xehanort got off easy compared to Vanitas and Luxord, since all he had to deal with was Woody giving him a scolding and brushing it off like nothing. As much as I like the Yeetus Vanitas joke, you mean to tell me that Vanitas, the darkness gremlin himself, didn't sense Sulley sneaking up on him or even try stopping himself from being yeeted through more doors after the first few? What about the Gambler of Fate? He faints because Jack had a little rum in his breath after he got to play pirate again? If that scene was meant to be funny, it accomplished its purpose, just not in the way it was intended to, because how the fuck am I supposed to be intimidated by Luxord when he gets taken out due to someone's bad fucking breath? The way the New Organization's written as is anywhere between being inexplicably strong and able to kill everyone (with the exception of Sora after a despair-induced death and revival) to being laughable and weak enough to be yeeted through doors and taken down by bad breath. That's totally good writing!
Getting back to the story, let's move on to the abso-fucking-lutely stupid Xehanort redemption scene. In the game proper, after he's been defeated once and for all by Sora with the power of friendship, it's revealed that the reason why Xehanort went on this crusade to control Kingdom Hearts was to restore balance and essentially reset the world. He's basically portrayed as this person who, in his pursuit of restoring balance to the world, resorted to extreme methods that almost achieved the opposite of what he wanted. To be fair, that in of itself isn't bad and probably would've made Xehanort an interesting antagonist. However, this completely contradicts what we know about Xehanort before this point! If he really wanted balance, he shouldn't have been spreading darkness to every world he and his incarnations have been to! Even disregarding that point, he's manipulated, controlled, and ruined so many lives. He took control of Terra's body after spending the entirety of his story manipulating him, almost killed Ventus with creating Vanitas if not for Sora's timely intervention, manipulated and controlled Riku, manipulated all of Organization XIII while using them for empty heart tanks, and killed both Eraqus and Kairi! If we're supposed to feel sympathetic for him, why not show him regretting doing all that, hesitating, anything to make us think he didn't WANT to do that but had to in order to accomplish his goal? Then there's the fact Eraqus decides to just forgive him for all he's done, as if he forgot that Xehanort's the reason why he's dead in the first place and almost ruined his pupils' lives, who he saw as his own kids. I get that they once saw each other as brothers but you'd think that relationship would've soured once Xehanort scarred him and dumped a nearly comatose Ven on him. I know Eraqus got a lot of shit from the fandom because of how he acted in BBS but he was at least sympathetic. While he was ultimately wrong in how he treated Terra and Ven, he only decided to kill Ven because he didn't want the X-blade to be forged and cause another Keyblade War and he admitted to Terra he regretted his actions towards him and Ven, all the while crying. THAT’S how you write a character who's majorly fucked up but regrets it and is sympathetic. Not whatever the fuck we were supposed to get from Xehanort. For the third time in this post, I'm not blaming Xehanort for the BS way he was written, I'm blaming Nomura, which is funny since he stated that Xehanort was his favorite character, leading me to think he'd actually try writing him decently.
With that out of the way, we can FINALLY get to the ending. As I said before, Sora decides to abuse the Power of Waking once more to bring Kairi back to life and, after successfully doing that, fades away as if he got hit with the Thanos snap. I'm surprisingly okay with this ending, if only because I know there's going to be more KH games coming out with the confirmation that Sora will still be the protagonist in those games. Normally, I'm against endings where the protagonist dies (unless under special circumstances and even those have to be pretty special) because I like to see stories where the protag, who's gone through a journey full of pain and emotions and any other number of issues, finally gets their happy ending. To me, who writes to escape from the dark and sometimes painful aspects of life, happy endings give characters who've fought so hard for them or characters who were previously unable to achieve them the rest and happiness they deserve (Like the Wayfinder and Clocktower Trios staying together after being reunited). It's hard for me to explain but this isn't the place to talk about that. As I was saying, I'm okay with Sora 'dying' because it showed the consequences of him abusing the Power of Waking too much. From my interpretation of it, the Power of Waking could be used to resurrect the dead, rewrite reality as we know it, etc., but its main purpose is to 'awaken sleeping hearts'. Riku used it properly in DDD to wake Sora up and Sora used it properly in this game to wake Ventus up. The PoW, to me, is the equivalent to playing God, which REALLY goes against my beliefs. I don't know whether it's due to my (loose) Christian faith, my beliefs towards death that I've formed over the years, or because I watched FMA, that mortals messing with things they shouldn't (I.E. Sora bringing the dead back to life) scares me. While the reasoning behind Sora abusing the PoW is understandable (and I'm giving him a pass on what I'm about to say next due to this), he's still a mortal playing God, which HAS to have consequences, no matter what. Just because I say this, however, doesn't mean people aren't allowed to say the ending sucked. Hell, even I think the ending kinda sucks, despite me being okay with it. The only way this ending couldn't have come about is if Sora didn't abuse the PoW and the only way Sora wouldn't have abused the PoW is if no one died and the only way no one could've died is if Nomura could've written something better. The best we can hope for with Sora is that he's given a happy ending down the line and NO ONE DIES OR TAKES HIS PLACE! NO MORE OF THIS BITTERSWEET NONSENSE, ALL RIGHT?!
So what do I think of the story overall? Well, it's... something. It's not the worst thing I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing but it's also not that good. The pacing seems to only have two settings; it's either too slow to the point of it being padded for extra time or too fast to really know what's going on in favor of getting to the next goalpost. I wouldn't be surprised if it's because of the pacing that I don't know where the halfway point of KH3 is. I thought it'd be like the first half being the Disney fanservice and the second half the actual plot but it's not like that here. The first half got WAY more time dedicated to it than the second half did and it REALLY shows with how sloppily written the plot towards the end was. The way I see it, Nomura had the major plotpoints planned and figured out but the details surrounding those plotpoints were left as an afterthought. He had goalposts set up but he got stuck figuring out how to get Sora and co. from point A to point B. I think if he had just finetuned those details or rewritten scenes to make more sense or even asked for help, the story could've been a lot better. Granted, there were probably a lot of factors at work during KH3's production so I won't place all of the blame on solely Nomura, especially with all the news articles lately about game studios overworking their employees to the point of exhaustion/illness/death/eventual breakdown of the company. While I mainly talked about the negatives concerning the story, there were also some positives about it. Sora was at his absolute adorableness in this game. Like, there were so many moments where I just died from how cute he was (which I noted many times in my Livetweet thread) that helped to highlight how Sora's still just a kid who unfortunately carries the fate of the world on his shoulders. The reunions of both the Wayfinder and Clocktower trios just killed me because they had suffered so much up to this point  and to see them crying from happiness at being reunited with their friends again and staying together this time had me tearing up. Although she didn't appear much in KH3, Namine being able to exist outside of Kairi was also a sweet moment, especially with her being treated like a princess when she first wakes up and Riku taking her by the hand to the Destiny Islands like a prince. I don't care if it's considered ship tease, that shit was goddamn cute, all right? The scene of Aqua crying after she finally realizes she's in the RoL again hit me in the feels so much, especially after Sora told her she was home. Now thinking about it, I wonder if that's sort of a parallel to KH2's ending with Sora taking on the role of Kairi from that scene. The relationship between Kairi and Lea (What little we saw of it), the ending of everyone on the Destiny Islands, and the occasional Disney stuff I did enjoy were all good. It just sucks that there's so little of the stuff I mentioned featured that I wish more time was spent developing those.
So what is my overall opinion on KH3? It's not my favorite of the series, that honor still goes to both KH2 and BBS. Without running the risk of repeating myself, I won't go into detail about the gameplay or the story because you can just read all the points I've mentioned above. I still enjoyed KH3 but some of my expectations fell through and I felt a bit underwhelmed by everything. In some ways, the wait was worth it but I think I would've been fine with waiting more if it meant some aspects were developed more. In regards to this game being a good entryway for newcomers, I think it is, if only because you're provided with recaps of the previous games right at the main menu so that anyone who hasn't played at least one KH game won't be completely lost playing KH3. I feel like everything I've mentioned in this post may be discredited or even disregarded as an actual review of KH3 because I didn't play the game, I watched an LP of it, but keep in mind these are merely my observations and the conclusions I've reached using those observations. The experience may be completely different to those who actually played it but I won't know until this is posted so...
Where do we go from here? Well, we still have the DLC to look forward to but, as I stated earlier, we have no idea when those are coming out and it's the same with any upcoming games. I'm hoping the DLC will answer some questions while also giving some much-needed development to the characters who aren't Sora. The only thing left to say is, may the DLC guide our wandering hearts.
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creamybeemovie69 · 6 years
Shawn and JJ HCs
I don’t know what to say except you’ve never met 2 people so different yet so similar in your life
They are the complete opposite to what you’d expect too, and normally hide their actually personalities
Shawn’s a sweetheart that tears up if he smiles too much or gets too happy, but he pretends to be salty and distant because he doesn’t want to be bugged by people constantly
JJ’s actually really serious and if he had the choice he probably wouldn’t smile much, which is a stark contrast to his seemingly chirpy personality and it’s mainly just to be polite
Basically their real personalities are the others fake ones
JJ’s just a fucking Titan at this point and even though he’s shorter than Shawn he’s definitely got Travis’ broad build
And he hates it
Shawn’s a long lanky boi with about 1 ounce of fat on him
They share a room
They both have their wedding rings on permanently
In all fairness as much as JJ’s the serious one and Shawn’s the sweet one JJ will never pass up an opportunity to hug someone because he has big stronk arms that were made for hugs and Shawn still has the worst temper known to man
Unless there’s a child involved
Then Shawn will not under any circumstances stop hugging this child
Jaime tried to teach Shawn to dance once
They ended up on the floor in a big cuddle pile
most people find tall men attractive, and that’s true for Jaime, but there’s nothing attractive about walking into every fucking door frame going Shawn.
Well, it’s not attractive, but it’s still adorable
Shawn’s autistic and you can’t convince me otherwise
That’s partly the reason he worked with fabrics, he likes the feel of them
Shawn and Jaime have appalling handwriting
I don’t think words can express just how protective of eachother they are, and normally any threat they use against others works very effectively because Jaime has The Soldier Glare tm and Shawn is very quick witted
In all fairness it’s only eachother and later Anti that know what their true personalities are
I can’t really say that ones PTSD is worse than the other because what Jaime saw was constant and a permanent image in his head but what Shawn saw was genuinely scary
While Shawn doesn’t sleep much he doesn’t struggle getting to sleep like Jaime does
Once when Jaime couldn’t sleep Shawn just hugged him while he told him about everything he’d seen while he was at war and it basically just ended up with them 2 laughing there asses off at Shawn because Shawn asked him if he’d ever talk again but jaimes like “um you’re deaf mate why do you care” and the conversation ended with Jaime calling Shawn “dense as a rock”
Shawn’s like 36 and already almost completely grey he doesn’t know what’s happening
Jamie’s the 2 youngest with Robbie being the smolest bean
Fuck it I’ll do their ages here in oldest to youngest
Henrik: 38
Shawn: 36
Angus: 30
Jackie: 29
Marvin: 28
Chase: 28
Jaime: 26
Robbie: 24
Anti doesn’t even have an age any more he just knows he’s somewhere between 2 and 1000 and that’s it
Shawn’s even more confused because henrik’s more stressed than he is yet there’s not a single grey hair on his head
They’re all convinced he colours it though
Once Chases youngest Sophie ran out of the room with wet hair and one of them hooded towels and Shana could tell Chase was struggling so he played with Sophie for ages
He learned more about the modern world from a 3 year old in 30 minutes than he has from fully grown adults in a year
All 3 brothers can/could sing
JJ was weirdly relieved when Shawn started sharing a room with Anti because he’s always scared he’s going to hurt Shawn in his sleep
He still doesn’t like sleeping alone though
26 years of dealing with Shawn Flynn will wear you down to same resting bitch face JJ has
Marvin accidentally summoned about 20 cats that all just threw themselves at Shawn and he was just crying because he loved them and he loves all animals and baby’s and cute things because he’s a child
Jaime spends 2 hours every morning getting ready because hair and moustache
Jaime has 6 tattoos
A deer skull with flowers growing out of it, a rifle with a pocket watch’s chain wrapped around it on his right arm, Jack Hunters dog tag information on his left, angel wings on his back, ‘whisky’ written on his lower back and ‘Shawn Flynn’ on his right wrist
Shawn has “Jameson Jackson” on his left wrist
Tom and Jaime rant about Shawn’s stupidity on the daily
Shawn, Jaime and Jackie are literally the only tall ones
Anti’s like 5 foot
Jaime will literally write an entire musical in 3 hours just because he’s bored
Jaime’s a morning person
Shawn is the farthest thing from it
Jaime’s cursed like 2 times in whole life and will scold anyone who curses around him
Shawn swears like a sailor and it drives JJ insane
Are you surprised the times JJ cursed they were at Shawn?
Jaime has a half sister somewhere too
She’s also Irish
He can’t escape them
Long story short, Jaime has like 50 siblings somewhere or another and Shawn’s literally the only one he talks to
Shawn rolls his eyes that much Jaime suspects he knows what the inside of his head looks like better than his own appearance
Jaime has a girlfriend that know one knows about
Well I mean obviously Marshall knows because it’s Marshall but he can keep secrets so it’s fine
If you can understand him, the things Shawn says in his sleep will either scare the hell out of you or make you laugh your ass off. There is no in between.
Jaime swears he’s the only straight ego in the house
The weird thing is Shawn doesn’t even look old, he doesn’t have any wrinkles or anything, which makes his hair even more confusing
Do not. Let either of them. Near chocolate.
They will inhale that shit in seconds
Neither of them really leave the house much just because the world confuses them
Jaime is on social media a lot? Probably because he doesn’t really consider it talking
No one can figure out Jaime’s mutism, because he makes no effort to stay quiet if he’s laughing or making any other sort of noise, he just refuses to talk
Jaime can use magic, but it’s more cartoon physics than the big flashy stuff Marvin can do
Shawn and Jaime know each other’s boundaries
Said boundaries are not calling your younger brother ‘discount Charlie Chaplin’ and not calling your older brother ‘elongated spud’
Outside of that there is no insult they won’t throw at each other
That being said, don’t try to get involved or something will end up broken, and it will be you
Do not under any circumstances start a fight with either of them
Jaime’s a pacifist, but his fights will either disarm or kill you
Shawn will never back down from a fight, and after years of running through the studio he’s very light on his feet. He’s not necessarily strong, but you’ll struggle landing a hit on him
And they’ll back each other up, so on one end you’ve got a big burly soldier that could probably squash you between his fingers and on the other a hot headed wippet
Just don’t do it
You’ll loose
Jaimes skin, aside form his scars, is perfect
Shawn, on the other hand, has acne scars, freckles, birthmarks, the whole fucking lot
Jaime’s good at slight of hand and any form of card game, but Shawn can and will beat you at any and all games as long as it’s not a video game
The only person who has ever come close to beating Shawn is lacie
Shawn really likes stars? Like JJ thinks they’re pretty and stuff but Shawn adores them and he loves constellations and stuff
Neither of them are religious just because Shawn’s dad was a really heavy catholic and they hated it
It seems to be a reoccurring pattern that not one of the brothers accents faded. Shawn’s didn’t just because he’s deaf, but Jaime has always had a British accent and Travis has always had an Irish accent, even though they’ve both lived in America for most of they’re lives
I’m going with the HC that Shawn’s Charley from the Butcher Gang so he has a pretty bad limp but he’s sort of learned to ignore it? Like if he needs to defend himself from something he can literally just shut off the pain until it’s over but then it hurts like hell afterwards
Other than that it’s not really that much of a problem other than not being able to walk for as long the others and not being able to ‘switch it off’ when he wants, it’s just sort of a reaction he has to extreme situations, like adrenaline almost
They both have shit eye sight, hence JJ’s monocle (which he only wears if he wears a vest, which is normally only in winter)
Shawn broke his glasses once and he had to tie one of Jack Hunter’s hair ties around the middle and he just never took it off
Motorbikes were cheaper and easier to get back then and Shawn needed a quick way to get to work but he actually really liked it because it was fast and he’s a child
Anti brought him one for his birthday
Jaime fucking hates it
It’s dangerous, loud, takes up space, there’s no seat belt, and Shawn doesn’t wear a helmet
Not that he’s scared of going on it or anything
He swears
Jaime always hides his tattoos
He sleeps face down to stop him from waking up Shawn by screaming
Jaime’s friends with Henrik now and sees him as more of a brother than the enemy, but Shawn hates him with a passion just because he A) hates doctors because the one who visited his mum fucked up and she probably wouldn’t have died as young as she did if the doctor focused and B) associates his accent with the fuckers that gave his brother PTSD, why wouldn’t he?
That being said Henrik really has to watch his volume because Jaime is silent in every way and you don’t really know when he’s going to turn up behind you so if he shouts in German then Jaime will end up having an anxiety attack and Shawn will slap him up
Never in your life have to met anyone as sarcastic as Jaime. He’s British and Shawn was his main influence growing up, what else did you expect
They live off cornflakes. Religiously.
Shawn loves kids
Jaime doesn’t even really sleep on the bed anymore, he just sleeps on a mixture of Shawn’s chest and Shawn’s thousands of Teddy’s
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captainswanatk · 7 years
CS 12 Days of Christmas: Day 8
Prompt: matchmaker
Summary: AU.  There was a time when Emma would've just gone for it, but she couldn't afford to do that now. A decision was about to be made regarding her possible promotion and she had to focus all her efforts on that. Not on trying to strike up a romance with the guy across the hall. Leia, on the other hand, had plans of her own. Roughly 4,900 words.
Mischievous Matchmaker
"Leia, come back!" Emma Swan cried as she chased after her golden retriever. She'd taken her dog out for a what she had hoped would be a nice leisurely walk for both of them. Work had been stressful lately and she'd wanted to take some time to unwind. It was chilly out; it was fall in Boston, for heaven's sake. But it was a nice day otherwise, so Emma had decided to walk to the public garden. Maybe walk around the pond. The walk had started off leisurely enough, but then a crazy person on bicycle had zoomed past her and Emma had tripped in her attempt to get out of its way. The leash had slipped out of her grasp as she fell and Leia had taken off running like an absolute lunatic. So now Emma had a banged up knee and a dog to chase after. So much for any kind of relaxation. "Leia!" Emma yelled as she approached the pond, spotting her dog running up a man with a camera. "Leia!" She knew her golden had heard her, but she'd apparently decided that she would much rather make a new friend than pay her owner any kind of attention. Leia barked at the man with the camera, who set it down and looked at her.
"Well, hello there!" Emma heard the man say as she drew closer. He had a pleasant speaking voice and what sounded like an Irish accent. Possibly English. "Are you friendly?" The man asked, offering his hand to Leia, who promptly began licking it. "I guess so," he laughed. "And just where did you come from?" "Leia!" Emma called. The man turned at the sound of her voice and Emma could've sworn that her heart skipped a beat. He was one of the most handsome men that Emma had ever seen. He had thick dark hair, a trim physique and quite possibly the bluest eyes she had ever seen in real life. And, as she found out a second later, a friendly smile. In other words? He was hot. Ridiculously so, in Emma's opinion. And her dog had made him her new best friend.
"Is this your dog, then?" he asked. "Uh, yeah," Emma said. "That's Leia." "It's nice to meet you, Leia," the man said to Leia, who was now sitting down. "Do you know how to shake?" "Oh, she's still learning," Emma said. "She's still a pup-" The word died in mouth as Leia lifted her paw for the man to shake. "Are you kidding me?" At the man's puzzled look, Emma went on. "I can never get her to shake!" "Ah well, that's because the two of you are already acquainted," the man said, grinning at her. His grin was better than his first smile had been. "But she's only just met me so she wanted to introduce herself. And now that I've met her, might I have the pleasure of meeting her owner, as well?" Emma stared blankly at him for a few moments before it occurred to her that that was his way of asking her for her name. Get it together, Swan, she thought to herself. "Uh, I'm Emma," she said, finally. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, then, Emma," he said, now offering her his hand. "Killian Jones, at your service."
It had been a week since Emma had had to chase Leia down. A week since she'd met Killian Jones. The two of them had chatted for a while longer. Emma had learned that he was still relatively new to the country. He'd come over from Ireland a few months prior and had been staying with his older brother, Liam, who had moved to Boston about a year ago. He'd mentioned that he'd been looking for his own place which had led to Emma mentioning that there were a few vacancies in her own building. Emma generally wasn't quick to share where she lived with strangers, but she'd found herself telling him about her building in spite of herself. She'd wondered about the wisdom of this move later. Then again what were the odds that he'd end up actually moving into her building? He'd been on his way to check out an apartment that afternoon and, for all Emma knew, maybe he'd ended up taking it. In any event, she'd caught herself thinking about him off and on throughout the week. He was undoubtedly trouble. She knew that because she'd been instantly attracted to him and nothing good had ever come from that. But then again, it wasn't like Boston was a small town. She'd probably never see him again. A pity, really. Because the probability of him being bad news aside, he was quite fun to look at. It was with some surprise when she was walking Leia down the street and her golden had suddenly started tugging on the leash like a crazy animal. Emma was stunned to see her heading directly for one Killian Jones. Apparently, Leia had spotted him and decided that she simply must go say hello. "Hello again, Leia," Killian greeted her, laughing when she jumped up on him. Getting her wet paws all over his nice coat. "Leia, get down," Emma chided, giving Killian an embarrassed smile as he scratched Leia's ears. "I'm so sorry!" "It's quite alright," Killian assured her. "I love dogs." That was a definite point in his favor, Emma thought. "It's nice to see you both again." "You too," Emma said. "How's the apartment hunt going?" "Not well," Killian admitted. "Liam says I'm far too picky. I'd just as well find a place I like." "Seems perfectly reasonable to me," she offered. "I'll be sure to tell him you think so," Killian said, his eyes twinkling. It should be illegal to have eyes like that, Emma thought dimly. "Well, I don't want to keep you," Emma said. "I, oh!" She'd taken a step to leave, not realizing that sometime during the time she'd been pondering the legality of a man having such blue eyes, Leia had managed to wind her leash around Emma's legs. Emma had taken that one step and found herself falling forward. Right into Killian's arms and, holy crap, he smelled good. Emma supposed that her first thought should have been that she should apologize, but then she'd been assaulted by the intoxicating scent of his cologne. "Alright there, lass?" He asked. "Uh, yeah," she said after what felt like far too long. Unless you count the fact that I'm currently trying not to melt into a puddle of hormones, she thought. Emma couldn't quite understand the effect this man had on her. "Sorry, again." "It's perfectly fine," he said, laughing. "I'll just untangle myself here," Emma said, working to unwrap Leia's leash from around her legs. "It was nice seeing you again." "You as well," Killian said, his smile warming. How many different smiles did this man have, Emma wondered. This newest one was a panty dropper. And Emma seriously needed to get a hold of herself. So she'd run into him again. Didn't mean it would happen again.
It was nearly December and there'd been no further incidents. Leia had not managed to find Killian again and Emma had lost hope that she would. Not that she cared about seeing Killian for a third time. Not like she'd continue to find him drifting into her thoughts every so often. It just wasn't often that you met a hot Irishman, that was all. Not to mention one who loved dogs. Not that she needed an Irishman in her life, hot or otherwise. Not that she needed any man in her life. Her last relationship had crashed and burned quite spectacularly just after New Year's. Emma had been single ever since. That was the problem, right there. She'd been single and it'd been months since she'd set foot in a club. She just couldn't seem to drag up the energy to go clubbing anymore. She had a great job at an advertising agency and that kept her busy. That and she was getting older. She would be thirty next year. It seemed like Emma was far more content having a nice, relaxing night at home than going out these days. A fact that seemed to frustrate one of her best friends, Mary Margaret Nolan, who insisted that Emma should go out and find herself a nice man. Emma had tried to tell her that she wasn't looking for a relationship and that was the truth. Nor was she looking for a meaningless hookup. Emma just wasn't interested in finding a man right now. Was that such a crime? She didn't think so. Besides, she'd just learned that she was up for a promotion at work. This was hardly the time to add a man into the mix. Still, Emma found her thoughts beginning to drift towards Killian every so often. She couldn't seem to help herself. Emma was shaken out of her reverie as she headed towards her apartment, grocery bag in hand. The door to the apartment across from hers was partway open and Emma remembered hearing that someone had finally moved in. She would miss the sweet couple who lived their previously, but they'd recently moved out of the building and into a house after finding out that were having triplets. Emma should probably think about introducing herself to her new neighbor at some point, but right now she needed to get inside and put her groceries away. She unlocked her door and went inside, kicking at the door with her foot to close it. Not realizing that it didn't close all the way. "Leia, I'm home!" she called, going to set her bag of groceries on her counter. "Leia?" Emma turned around just in time to see Leia dart out of the apartment. "Oh, for crying out loud," she muttered, hurrying to follow her. "Leia!" She saw her dog disappear into the apartment across the hall and cursed under her breath. "Leia! Come back here!" "Why, Leia! What a pleasant surprise this is!" It couldn't be. "Emma?" It was.
Emma's jaw dropped as she watched Killian Jones come into view. Looking as handsome as ever. What was it about this man that took her breath away? "Is this your new apartment?" she asked, stunned.
"Aye, it is," he nodded. "I remembered you telling me that there were some vacancies and since I was having no luck elsewhere, I decided to come check it out." "And you obviously liked it," Emma said. "I did, yes," he said. "I never imagined that we'd be on the same floor." "Uh yeah." Emma jerked her thumb back at her apartment. "That's me. Sorry Leia broke in." "It's fine," Killian laughed. "She's making herself at home on my couch," he added, making Emma's eyes bug in horror. "Tell me you're kidding," she said. "Come in and see for yourself," he said, gesturing for her to come in. Emma hesitated for a moment before coming in and looking to where Killian was pointing. There, right in the middle of his very comfortable looking couch, was Leia. Looking quite please with herself. "Leia!" Emma groaned, wincing as she looked back at Killian. "I'm so sorry." "No need to apologize," he assured her. "I don't mind. Truly." "She usually doesn't break into people's apartments," Emma said, quickly. "I don't know what's gotten into her." "Why, we've become friends, of course," Killian said, surprising Emma by sitting next to Leia on the couch and petting her. "She was just welcoming me to the building, weren't you girl? Yeah, you just wanted to say hello, yes you did," Emma watched as Leia's tail wagged while she started licking his face. Emma wouldn't mind licking him herself. It was with that wildly inappropriate thought that Emma realized that she needed to get out of there. "Well, I better get Leia out of your hair. She hasn't had her dinner yet." "Very well. I do hope you won't be a stranger," Killian said. "Me or Leia?" Emma asked, making him laugh again. "Both of you," he said. He stood and walked back to her, Leia promptly jumping off the couch and following him. Killian surprised Emma by grabbing her hand and lifting it to his lips. "It's so nice to see you again, Emma. I look forward to the chance to get to know you better." "Welcome to the building," she said, breathlessly. "Come on, uh." Emma frowned as she tried to think. The feel of Killian's lips on her hand seemed to have temporarily short-circuited her brain. "Leia! That's her name. Leia. Uh, come on, Leia." She gave Killian and awkward wave and headed back to her apartment, Leia in tow. Upon reentering her apartment, Emma leaned back again the closed door and closed her eyes. She'd actually forgotten her dog's name in front of the hot Irishman she hadn't been able to stop thinking about. And who now lived directly across the hall from her. Smooth, Swan, she thought. Real smooth.
Over the next couple of weeks, Emma would run into Killian every so often. In the hall. In the elevator. Every single time, Leia saw him she would have to fuss all over him as if she hadn't seen him in years. Leia was a typical golden in that she seemed to want to be friends with everyone she met, but she seemed to have a special affinity for Killian. If Emma didn't know better, she'd say that Leia had a bit of a crush on him. Or maybe that was just her. Emma kept trying to remind herself that the last thing she needed was a man, but she couldn't deny the way her stomach always seemed to fill with butterflies whenever she saw him. It didn't help that he was always so friendly and he seemed to really like Leia. Emma wasn't going to delude herself into thinking that Killian was interested in her. He seemed to like her well enough, but she seriously doubted that it was much more than that. But then one day, she'd decided that she wanted to get a small Christmas tree. She hadn't thought about how annoying it would be to carry said tree home. She'd been trying to avoid hitting anyone with it when she heard a voice calling her name. It was Killian. He'd been on his way home when he saw her struggling. He'd helped her get it up to her apartment and set it up. Leia had been over the moon to see him - ignore that she'd seen him when Emma had left to take her on her morning walk. But she'd immediately started jumping all over Killian while completely ignoring Emma. That was when Emma had decided to ask if Killian felt like helping her decorate her tree, too. It wasn't because she wanted to spend more time with him. It was that she knew that it would get done so much faster if she had some help. At least that's what she told herself. Killian agreed and they'd had fun decorating her tree. At some point, he suggested ordering a pizza and that had sounded good to her. They talked quite a bit as they worked and ate and later, Killian even joined Emma and Leia on their evening walk. Much to Leia's delight, Emma was sure. Maybe much to her own delight as well.
Killian was just a friend. Emma kept having to remind herself of that. They hung out every so often and were forming what Emma thought would be a solid friendship. He was funny and interesting and Emma found him very easy to talk to after a while. When she could ignore her insane attraction to him, that is. Their friendship had progressed to where they'd each given the other their spare key to their apartment in the event of an emergency. But they were just friends. It wasn't anything more than that. It wasn't. Really. And then something happened.
Emma had come home after walking Leia to find a package waiting for her. Only when she looked at it, it was really meant for Killian. She took it upstairs for him, thinking she might as well. She tried knocking on his door, but he didn't answer. When Emma would look back on this incident, she would have just taken the package into her apartment and given it to her later. But she'd been worried that it might be something important, so she decided to use her spare key. Her plan was to leave it just inside his door. In hindsight, the other thing she would have done differently was to put Leia in her apartment first. Because of course Leia would trot into Killian's apartment while Emma made the fatal mistake of loosening her grip on the leash as she was setting the package down. "Leia, come back here!" Emma sighed as she followed her dog, watching as the golden headed into a room. There was the sound of a surprised curse, followed by laughter. And then Killian had walked out of what was apparently his bathroom. In a towel. Evidently, he'd been taking a shower and that's why he hadn't come to the door. Upon witnessing Killian in this state, Emma's first thought was something along the lines of hot damn. Her second thought was more along the lines of holy crap. It was probably a good thing that Emma had already set the box for him down before he'd shown up because otherwise she would have dropped it. With her luck, there would be something breakable in there. "Hello," Killian said, sounding surprisingly cheerful for a guy who had just had a golden retriever barge in on him in the bathroom with no warning. Suddenly, Emma didn't know where to look. "Um, there was a package for you waiting for me. They...they got the apartment numbers mixed up and I tried knocking, but you didn't answer. So I decided to just leave it inside, by the door, but then Leia had to come in and surprise you. And I'm so sorry." The words came out in a rush. "For, um, breaking in and, um, for Leia barging in while you were, well. In there," Emma pointed vaguely in the direction of the bathroom, still trying to look anywhere but at his bare chest. "And I'm just going to go. I'm sorry." With that she turned to go, missing the grin that had appeared on Killian's face. "Uh, Emma?" "What?" she asked, positive that her face must be beet red by this point. "Forgetting someone?" he asked. "What?" Emma turned around and he nodded towards Leia. "Oh! Leia, come here." She patted at her thigh, relieved when Leia actually came to her. "I'm, um, see you later, Killian. I'm sorry again." With that, she hurried out with Leia in tow. "We seriously need to have a chat about your manners," Emma muttered to her golden as she unlocked her door and went inside. "You gotta stop breaking into Killian's apartment. Okay?" And I have to stop finding new ways to make an idiot out of myself, she thought. 
Emma made a solid effort at avoiding Killian in the days following that. She just didn't know how she was supposed to look him in the eye without seeing him in that damn towel. Especially since seeing him in said towel had led to some rather steamy dreams. She didn't know how she'd ever be able to look at him again without blushing. There was a time when Emma would've just gone for it, but she couldn't afford to do that now. A decision was about to be made regarding her possible promotion and she had to focus all her efforts on that. Not on trying to strike up a romance with the guy across the hall. Leia, on the other hand, had plans of her own. 
  Emma and Leia had just gotten off the elevator and were heading to the apartment when who did they see? Killian. Of course. "Hey Swan," he said, brightly. "And hello Leia!" Killian leaned over to scratch her ears as she jumped on him. "Haven't seen you two in a few days." "We've been busy," Emma said, studiously avoiding his gaze. "Look Killian, I really am sorry about what happened the other day. I had no business just barging into your apartment." "Emma. Look at me." Crap. Emma bit her lip before forcing herself to look at him. Willing her cheeks to stay their normal color. "It's okay. There was no harm done. You don't need to keep avoiding me." That was a matter of debate, she thought. "I'm not avoiding you," Emma argued. At his eyebrow lift in response to this, she sighed. "Maybe a little." "Well, you don't have to," he assured her. "It's fine." "You're awfully easygoing, you know that?" She asked after a moment. "Only when it comes to a lasses as beautiful as you," he said. Crap. "Yeah, well. I'm still sorry," she said. "I...whoa!" Somehow Leia had managed to get behind Emma without her realizing it as she was talking to Killian. And because her golden had gone completely insane, Leia had decided it would be fun to jump up on Emma. Shoving her directly into Killian. "I seem to be having a strange sense of deja vu," Killian joked. "Yeah," Emma agreed, hating how breathy the word had come out. "Me too." 
Somehow getting pushed into Killian had broken the ice, in an odd way. Emma decided that she needed to grow up and stop avoiding him. Lest her golden decide to shove her at him every time they happened to see him. Besides, they'd started laughing about how Leia seemed to enjoy getting them into awkward situations. So when Killian asked Emma if she would stop be the next day to help him decorate his Christmas tree, she agreed. She could do this, Emma thought. She could ignore her, frankly, enormous attraction for him and just be his friend. Only when she went over to help him with his tree, they'd ended up talking late into the night. In fact, they ended up fallen asleep. Emma, with her head on Killian's shoulder. And Leia, because of course Leia had had to come over too, had fallen asleep by Killian's Christmas tree. The next morning, Emma had woken up to find herself curled up on his couch with a blanket over her. And a note for her left on his coffee table saying that he'd taken Leia out for her morning walk so Emma could get more sleep. She'd just been deciding what on earth she should do now, when she heard his apartment door open. It turned out that Killian had returned, not just with Leia, but with some coffee and donuts. He'd confused Emma's look of astonishment with concern. He'd assured her that he'd made sure that Leia's leash had been properly tied to a lamppost and he'd kept an eye on her while he was getting their food. Not realizing that Emma hadn't even thought about where Leia would've been while he was doing that. Instead, she'd been hung up on the idea that Killian would think to bring her back coffee and donuts. And come to the conclusion that was developing real feelings for him. She'd known he was trouble the first time she met him.
Emma was in a fantastic mood. It was a few days before Christmas and she'd just found out that she'd gotten the promotion. She'd tried calling some of her friends to tell them the news, but none of them answered. So she'd decided to knock on Killian's door to tell him. That was when she ended up making her most idiotic move to date. She'd been so excited about her promotion and Killian had seemed so genuinely happy for her. Before she knew what she was doing, she'd grabbed him and planted a kiss on him. She simply hadn't been able to help herself. She'd pulled away to find him looking utterly stunned. And instantly began asking herself just what the hell she thought she was doing. She'd made a complete fool of herself. And probably just ruined her friendship with Killian in the process.
It was Christmas day. Emma had spent part of the day with the Nolans - Mary Margaret, her husband David and their son Leo. They were some of her oldest friends and she enjoyed being with them. Emma didn't have a family of her own and the Nolans had more or less adopted her into theirs. She'd said her goodbyes, gave them all one more hug and headed back to her apartment. Now she was talking Leia out for her evening walk. She headed towards the park, to the place where she'd fallen trying to avoid that bicyclist. She'd just been thinking how nice it was that there weren't any crazy bicyclists around when she slipped on a patch of ice. Seriously? History would choose to repeat itself, Emma thought, annoyed as the leash fell out of her grip and Leia took off. For crying out loud. Emma managed to get to her feet and took off after her dog. "Leia!" she called. "Leia,come back!" Once again, Emma ended up by the pond. And once again, she watched her golden retriever approach a man. It couldn't be. It was. "Hello Leia," he cooed to the errant golden retriever, picking up her leash. "I've missed you." "Killian?" Emma called, hesitantly, as she walked up to him. "I was hoping you'd show up," Killian said, looking at her intently. "You...you were?" Emma asked. "Aye," he nodded. "I know you usually walk her around this time. I was hoping I might catch you." "Oh," she said, stupidly. What was she supposed to make of that? "I really wish you hadn't run away after you kissed me," Killian said, taking a step towards her. "I shouldn't have done that," Emma stammered. "I just got caught up in the moment." "And here I was hoping that you might have feelings for me," Killian said, softly. "What?" Emma whispered. "I said," he began, taking her hands in his. "That I was hoping that you might have feelings for me." "You...you were?" "I was," he confirmed, stepping just a little bit closer. "Because I most certainly have feelings for you." "You," Emma gulped. "You do?" "I do." "So, um, what do you want to do about them?" she asked, surprising herself. "This." Killian let go of her hands to frame her face with his. He looked deeply into her eyes before lightly pressing his lips to hers, pulling back after a moment as if to gauge her reaction. Emma couldn't stop the smile from spreading across her face and he returned it. As they both leaned in for another kiss, Emma absently thought that that smile he'd just given her might just be her new favorite of his. She felt his hands slide into her hair while she let herself sink into his sweet kiss. For a while it seemed as if time had stopped and that they were the only two people left in the world. Emma wrapped her arms around him and relished in the way his lips were moving against hers. Somehow along the way it began to snow, but she barely noticed it. There was only Killian and his kiss. And Leia.
Christmas Day, 2 Years Later Emma and Killian had been a couple for the last two years, ever since they had shared that magical kiss on Christmas. It had been a wonderful two years. Now Emma was curled up next to him on the couch in the apartment that they now shared. "Hey, where's Leia?" Killian asked suddenly. "Uh, I don't know," Emma said, frowning a little. "Leia? Come here, girl!" The golden retriever appeared a minute later. "Here she is, she must've..." Emma trailed off as she noticed something fastened to Leia's collar. "What's that?" She gave Killian an odd look. "I don't know," he said thoughtfully, patting his thighs to get Leia to come over to him. "What's this, then?" There was something tied to the collar and now he untied it. "Oh, yes, I remember now. It's your last Christmas present." He held it up to show Emma and she gasped. "Killian..." It was a diamond ring. "I've something that I need to ask you, love," Killian said. "Killian," Emma repeated, breathless now. "But first, I need to tell you a story," he said, pretending like she hadn't spoken. "About a man who found himself in Boston. One day, this man was at a beautiful park taking pictures when he was approached by a friendly golden retriever named Leia. And Leia was owned by the most beautiful woman that the man had ever seen." "Killian." Tears were rolling down Emma's cheeks as he spoke. "Leia apparently knew something that the man and woman did not, for she kept finding ways to bring them together. Almost as if she were a matchmaker set on making a most perfect match. And that's what she did. And so it seemed only fitting that she be a part of this." Killian's eyes were shining as he continued. "Emma Swan, will you marry me?" "Yes," she whispered. "Yes, Killian, yes!" Emma waited for him to slide the ring on her trembling finger before dragging his lips to hers. This Christmas kiss was even more magical than their last. Once more, there was only Emma and Killian and their kiss. And Leia. Their mischievous matchmaker.
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thewritenerd · 4 years
Victor And Adam: NaNoWriMo Day 21
When he first woke up Adam’s first thought was he didn’t want to go to school. The altercation with the old woman had left him very shaken and he couldn’t bare the thought of even risking another one. Lying there he wondered if he should fake sick. But he wasn’t sure how to do that. He’d never actually been sick so he had no idea what it felt like. Sure he’d seen actors pretending on tv but how accurate was that? When Igor had been sick he hadn’t even been allowed to see him. ‘Adam. If you want breakfast you’ll have to come down soon.’ He heard Igor call from the other side of the door. At first Adam thought of ignoring him and pretending to be asleep, but he didn’t want anyone coming in just yet. ‘I’m not hungry!’ he called back. ‘Well you need to eat something.’ Adam just stayed where he was staring at the wall. He listened as Igor made his way back down the stairs. He knew he’d be back soon telling him he had to get up to go to school. He wouldn’t let that drop. But still Adam found himself lying there. Sooner than he expected he heard footsteps coming back up the stairs. At first he thought it was Igor but the steps were to fast and heavy. ‘Adam?’ It was Victor’s voice this time. Unlike Igor he didn’t wait for a response and instead pushed the door open and stepped inside. ‘Adam are you okay?’ Adam just lay there not answering. How could he answer? He wasn’t sure if he wanted to lie or not. Or even what counted as a lie and what was technically the truth. Was he okay? He wasn’t sick but he felt awful. But if he was asked to put any specific words to it he had nothing. Truth was it was the thought of what may happen that made him feel that way. And how can you explain feeling bad about something that hasn’t happened? ‘Adam you need to get up. You can’t stay in here forever.’ ‘I’m not…’ 
‘You didn’t leave your room at all yesterday. Now come on you need to go to school.’ Adam reluctantly sat up but stayed sat in bed. Victor sighed and came a little closer. ‘How about this. I’ll ring the school and tell them you have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon. That way you only have to do a half day.’ Adam opened his mouth to speak but Victor held out his hand to stop him. ‘I’m only going to do that for today. Tomorrow I expect you to stay there for a full day.  Understand?’ Adam nodded. He still wasn’t happy to be going but he supposed a half day wouldn’t be too bad. Still he wondered… ‘Couldn’t I just go back to being home-schooled?’ he asked. Victor shook his head. ‘Igor and I both have to work.’ ‘Well maybe you could hire someone?’ Adam suggested not wanting to let the matter drop. Victor frowned at him. It wasn’t the frown he was used to getting. This was less a glower and more a look of concern. ‘You’re going to school and that’s final. If you still don’t want to go at the end of the school year then we’ll talk about it.’ Adam nodded realising that this was as good an offer as he was going to get. Victor patted his shoulder. ‘Good boy. Now come on you really do need to get dressed.’
‘Have you got everything?’ Igor asked as he pulled up outside the school gates. ‘Books, pencil case, pills, phone.’ Adam checked off the list. ‘Did you remember your water bottle?’ ‘Yeah that’s in there.’ ‘Good and what were the rules for your meds?’ ‘No more than two doses a day and wait six hours between each dose.’ Igor nodded. ‘Good. Now go on. I’ll pick you up at lunch.’ Adam stepped out of the car and waved goodbye. As soon as he stepped through the door he heard a familiar voice scream, ‘Heeeeyyyy Aaaaadaaaam!’ he looked round to see Chelsea enthusiastically throwing verself into the air arms waving all over the place. He made his way over to ver and Nate, who was trying to get as much distance between himself and Chelsea’s flailing arms. ‘Hey guy’s.’ Adam said a smile breaking out on his face. No matter how bad he’d felt this morning it was hard to feel completely miserable when Chelsea was around. ‘How have you been?’ Nate asked as he fiddled with his hearing aids. He must have turned them off when Chelsea started yelling Adam thought. He couldn’t exactly blame him. ‘Fine.’ Chelsea and Nate exchanged glances. ‘What?’ Adam asked looking from one to the other. ‘Uh it’s just. Well…’ Nate began. ‘Sascha saw your fight with that old lady outside the cinema.’ Chelsea finished for him. Nate nodded. ‘Well she didn’t say fight. But she did overhear you yelling.’ He corrected before leaning forward. ‘Did she really tell you to. You know? Kill yourself?’ he said the last part so quietly Adam almost didn’t catch it. ‘More or less.’ ‘Wow. Okay if you ever see her when we’re out and about point her out and I’ll hit her so hard her false teeth come out her saggy backside.’ ‘Chelsea!’ Nate cried. ‘What. Hey you know I’m not a violent person but I can’t just let her get away with that.’ Adam shook his head. ‘Please don’t punch anyone on my behalf.’ Chelsea nodded. ‘Okay but can I throw some eggs at her?’ Nate shook his head. ‘What are you going to carry eggs around until you see her in the street?’ ‘Why not? I could carry them around in a little basket. Maybe I could wear a red cloak too.’ Ver eyes were shining at the thought. ‘I doubt you have enough clothes in any colour other than pink to do that. At least without looking like a colour illiterate fashion disaster.’ Nate teased. Chelsea rolled ver eyes at him and gave him a shove. ‘Says the weirdo in the neckerchief and farmers shirt.’ Ve reached out and tugged on the open shirt Nate usually wore over his t shirt. ‘Farmers shirt. Does this look checked to you?’ Nate asked with clearly fake indignation. At this point Adam was laughing. ‘That’s better.’ Chelsea said. ‘Now come on or we’ll be late for class. And we have chemistry first period.’ The two boys exchanged looks with grimaces on their faces. ‘Wow first day back and it’s the dragon’s class. Bad luck mate.’ They made their way to the science rooms splitting off as Chelsea and Nate headed off to their class and Adam headed into his. Being the very top set Adam’s science classes were the second smallest in his year. The smallest being the bottom set, which he’d heard was compromised almost entirely of kids with learning disabilities, who only did one subject each so they were spread out pretty thin. Stepping into the room he saw most of his classmates were already there. The only missing were Sammy, a kid with cerebral palsy ho usually was the last to come in as it was easier to manoeuvre his wheelchair around when everyone was sat down, and a couple of kids whose names Adam couldn’t quite remember. He had just sat down when the teacher came in closely followed by Sammy and the TA who helped him. ‘Right I see most of you have bothered to show up.’ She said as she sat at her desk. ‘Now let’s see Imogen Ackerman.’ ‘Here miss.’ ‘Shaun Alger.’ ‘Here miss.’ She was just getting to the F’s when one of the two missing students came through the doors. ‘Ah miss Karim. You’re late.’ ‘So sorry miss.’ The girl replied as she tried to fix her hijab back in place. ‘You’re lucky the school rules officially state I can’t give you detention unless you come in after I’ve marked the register otherwise you would be in detention. Now sit down.’ Karim nodded and rushed to her seat. ‘Right. Arisha Fedorov.’ ‘Here miss.’ Ursula Fiddler.’ ‘Here miss.’ ‘Damian Forney.’ ‘Here miss.’ ‘Yvone Fowler.’ ‘He’s not in today miss.’ Shaun called. ‘He went to his grandma’s funeral over the weekend and his family won’t be back until this evening.’ ‘Right.’ ‘Adam Frankenstein.’ ‘Here miss.’ Adam said raising his hand as they were expected to do. He always felt a bit silly doing that. It wasn’t like he was hard to miss. ‘Ah yes. I heard you’d be coming back this week. Let’s hope you can catch up with what you’ve missed.’ Adam nodded. ‘I think I can.’ Miss Newell raised an eyebrow at him. ‘Okay then what’s the chemical formula for glucose? And what is the molar mass and the melting point.’ ‘Six parts carbon, twelve parts hydrogen, and six parts oxygen. The molar mass is 180.156 and the melting point is 146 degrees centigrade.’ He felt rather pleased to have remembered all that. Chemistry wasn’t his strongest subject but he was good with the numbers. ‘Yes well don’t look so smug. No one likes a know it all.’ Miss Newell said before turning back to the register. Adam let his head drop. ‘What a bitch.’ The kid next to him muttered. He looked over to Adam and gave him a reassuring smile which Adam returned. Adam had often ended up sitting next to him but had never really learnt his name. It turned out to be Oscar O’Conner. Oscar had a thick Irish accent and so much metal in his face, and on his teeth, it was a surprise he wasn’t asked to leave the room every time a magnet was used. Once Miss Newell finished the register she announced they’d be doing group projects. ‘Now you’ll remember how last week I asked you to get into groups of threes and fours. Adam you’ll be with Oscar and Maram. Right get in your groups.’ Adam watched as the girl in the hijab stood up and made her way over. ‘Hey.’ She said as she took a seat across the bench from them. ‘Hey.’ Adam said. ‘Hey beautiful.’ Oscar said blowing Maram a kiss. She pretended to catch it and put it on her lips. Adam stared not sure what to say. ‘We’re dating.’ Oscar explained. Adam nodded. ‘Well don’t let me interrupt.’ He joked. Maram laughed. ‘Come on we’d better get started before Miss Newell comes over.’ ‘So what are we doing?’ Adam asked. ‘We’ve got to make one of these things but the instructions are very vague.’ Oscar replied pointing to the worksheet he’d put on the bench. ‘I think we should do the bouncy balls. They sound fun.’ Maram said pointing to the list. ‘Well so does coloured fire. What do you think?’ he looked to Adam. ‘Yeah you can be our decider.’ ‘Definitely the balls. I’m not a huge fan of fire.’ Maram nodded. ‘That’s right. You won’t even use the Bunsen burners.’ They turned back to the worksheet. ‘Hmm. Okay we’ll need Borax, corn-starch, glue, water, food colouring…’ she read out the list. ‘Huh this sounds pretty easy.’
It was not easy. And they left an hour later with strict instructions to come back at break to clean up the mess. ‘Honestly what did she expect to happen.’ Oscar grumbled. ‘She probably didn’t expect you to get the wrong ingredients.’ Maram pointed out. ‘Well I think she should have awarded us. We might have invented a new kind of glue.’ Adam pointed joked. This got a laugh from the other two. ‘Yeah. My hands still hurt.’ Oscar said looking down at his palm that was still bright red from accidentally sticking himself to the table. At had taken a considerable amount of tugging from Adam and himself to get free. ‘And to think you two are top of the class.’ Maram sighed rolling her eyes. ‘Hey you’re just as much at fault as I am.’ Adam insisted. Maram laughed then stopped. ‘Your girlfriend’s over there’ She said pointing down the hall to the stairs. ‘Who?’ Adam looked round. ‘There. Standing two steps from the bottom. Look she’s heading up.’ Adam followed where she was pointing. ‘Shreya’s not my girlfriend.’ ‘Huh really. I thought two were together.’ Adam shook his head. ‘I’m not sure who told you that but it’s not true.’ ‘Really. I heard she let you borrow her book.’ Adam shrugged. ‘Well yeah but that doesn’t make us a couple. Unless that’s some kind of secret code I don’t know.’ Oscar shook his head. ‘No. But Shreya won’t let anyone touch her books. Let alone borrow them. She must really like you.’ ‘And I’m guessing by the colour of your cheeks you might like her back.’ Maram said cocking her head to one side. ‘I.’ Adam began. ‘I don’t…’ Frustrated he started kicking the ground.
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theindifferentdroid · 7 years
Proximal [Rebelcaptain]
Summary: Jyn and Cassian meet in college, an unfortunate effect of a clerical error and happenstance.
A/N: I loved college, and I love libraries, and I love rebelcaptain. So this is all of that. I’ve been reading a ton of modern rebelcaptain AUs and I wanted to take a shot at it. I plan on adding a few more parts in the near future. Feedback is always appreciated. I’ll have a better summary for the whole series one I get a better idea of where it’s going (which I kind of do.) Enjoy!
Word count: 2,200+
Warnings: Language
The door to the study room creaked open, interrupting the otherwise deafening silence. Jyn looked up from her book, shaking her bangs out of her face.
"Can I help you?" she asked.
The man that just walked in caught her gaze, then looked around the room and back at a folded piece of paper in his hands. "Oh, I'm sorry," he mumbled. "I - I thought this was 302."
Jyn leaned back in her chair casually, the old wood creaking beneath her weight. She shoved her pen behind her ear and crossed her arms. "It is 302."
The man's lips tugged down at the corners. Keeping a hand on the door, he stepped back and looked up at the doorframe to make sure he had heard her correctly. He had. "I reserved the room for eleven o'clock," he began, shaking his watch down to his wrist to look at it. "And it's actually a little past that. So...." He paused, giving her a chance to understand.
Jyn stared at him, eyebrows raised. She was going to make him say it.
He sighed. "So, you need to leave."
"No," Jyn spat, rather confidently. She pulled the pen from behind her ear and leaned forward again over her book.
She looked up again when she heard the door shut, surprised to see the man in the room, placing his bag on the opposite end of the table.
"What are you doing?" Jyn asked, miffed.
"Using the room I reserved."
Jyn couldn't help but notice how he didn't raise his head as he answered her while unpacking his things. He only raised his eyes, looking at her through his eyelashes and past the strands of hair that had fallen into his face.
"This," Jyn mumbled, "is bullshit." She pushed her chair out abruptly, heading towards the door, where he stood blocking it. She looked him up and down and she stood next to him, waiting for him to move.
"Where are you going?" he asked, still only eyeing her cheekily, just barely giving her enough room to pass. The room was small, and personal space was scant.
"To complain," she said, grabbing the door handle. "I'll be right back. Don't steal my shit."
"Wouldn't dare."
Jyn exited the room hurriedly, but came back to catch the door just before it closed, poking only her head into the room. "What's your name?"
He looked up, completely this time, noticing Jyn's green eyes now that he was closer. Even the answer that should have come naturally caught in his throat. "Cas- uh, Cassian. Cassian."
Jyn raised her eyebrows and gave him a silent nod before disappearing down the hall.
Cassian proceeded to set up his things while Jyn was down the hall. She threw the door open a few minutes later, and he was grateful not to be standing in front of it any longer.
"They fucking double booked the room! Bloody idiots." She tried to slam the door but the hydraulics fought against her and it closed - less dramatically - at its own pace.
"I'm not leaving."
Jyn glared at him once she got back to her seat.
"There's nowhere else to sit," he continued. "It's like everyone remembers the library exists during finals week. There's enough room here for both of us."
"I was here first. It's not my fault they double booked."
He smiled at her and pressed the button to turn on his laptop, the start up chime punctuating his action. "That's good to know."
Jyn huffed as she watched him turn his attention to his computer and his books. She watched how he ran his hand through his hair as he got comfortable. And how he shrugged off his jacket onto the back of the chair.
He was really going to stay. The nerve.
She stopped watching before it became obvious he had grabbed her attention.
"Like I said," Cassian spoke up into the silence, "there's enough room for both of us." He paused, acting distracted, uninterested even. "Unless you're waiting on someone?"
Jyn's head popped up, more quickly than she would have liked. "No. Just you."
Cassian looked up at her and hummed inquisitively, much to Jyn's embarrassment. She'd hoped he hadn't heard her, that he wasn't actually paying attention.
She began again. "I mean, I'm not - I wasn't waiting on you. I'm lonely. Well, not lonely. Alone. By myself." She paused adamantly, frustration escaping her in a breath that was half sigh and half grunt. "Just - just stay. It's fine."
"Thanks," Cassian replied, a knowing smirk interrupting his rugged features.
"Welcome," Jyn mumbled, hopefully quiet enough for him not to hear.
"What's your name?"
"Jyn," she said, meeting his gaze.
"Jyn," Cassian repeated. "Nice to meet you."
They stared at each other in silence a moment too long.
"Pleasure," Jyn grumbled sarcastically.
They continued to tolerate each other's company in relative silence, Cassian pecking at his keyboard and Jyn flipping the pages of her book with occasional and unnecessary pen-clicking.
Cassian nearly asked her to stop, about twenty minutes into it. He'd begun to realize that Jyn very likely wasn't using the pen at the rate she had been clicking it. He peeked up over his laptop to survey the situation.
Jyn was slouched over the desk, pen in her left hand and the corner of a book page in the other. From what Cassian could tell there were no visible notes on the book or any of the loose pages splayed out in front of her. He made careful note of how Jyn bit the corner of her lip as she concentrated, or furrowed her eyebrows beneath her bangs. She clicked the pen again - six or seven times in rapid succession - and made no attempt to write anything.
Cassian cleared his throat.
Jyn shot him a glare from beneath her bangs. "What?"
"The pen."
Jyn looked down at her hand then back at Cassian. "What about it? Need to borrow it?"
"No. Never mind."
Cassian returned his eyes to his computer screen, running his hand over his mouth to wipe away the smile that threatened to creep across it.
Jyn must have been more aware of her habit after that; she only managed to annoy Cassian a handful of times over the next two hours. Truthfully, he should have left if it bothered him that much, but he couldn't get himself to leave. He was otherwise enjoying his company.
Cassian sat back in his chair, stretching his arms above his head, a tired whine squeaking from his throat. Jyn's concentration was broken by the noise, and she looked up, embarrassed she even did so once she noticed how much of his lean form showed through his shirt. Thankfully Cassian's eyes were closed.
Jyn picked up her phone, pretending to be absorbed by its content, ignoring him even when he cracked his neck and closed his laptop.
"I'll be right back," he said, his voice strained from being silent for so long.
Jyn finally had to look at the man, she decided. So she did.
She bit the inside of her lip to make sure they didn't upturn the way they were wanting to. She only nodded her head in understanding.
Cassian stood up and opened the door, looking back at her. A toothy grin spread across his face. "And don't -"
"I won't steal your shit," Jyn interrupted, shooing him out of the room with a flick of her wrist.
As soon as the door shut, Jyn let out a sigh, relaxing her shoulders and letting her chin rest against her book. If Cassian had even taken a second to observe her, he would have seen that Jyn hadn't done a single productive thing since he had intruded. And what was this nervous pen-clicking habit she has apparently picked up?
With her distraction gone, Jyn attempted to study again, flipping back in her book a couple of chapters to pick up where she last remembered retaining any information. She stuck the pen in her bun for sake keeping and silence.
"Cassian," she whispered, testing the name on her lips.
She stared at the top of the page, the words making no meaningful sense as her eyes froze on a fixed spot. "Cassian," she repeated.
Then her own name rang in her head. She remembered how he'd said it, how he had repeated it after her, his accent tugging on the middle of her name, dragging it out in a longer sound.
Jyn slammed her book closed suddenly. She'd leave, she decided. She had to. This man was a distraction, at best. And if she was going to leave, she had to do it now.
Although if she left, would he be suspicious? Would he check and double-check his things, making sure everything was accounted for? He had left her to keep watch, essentially. Should she stay to make sure no one else barged in to take his things?
Jyn stared at the wall, her book and papers scattered on the desk under light fingertips itching to pick them up. She ran the scenarios through her head. None of them seemed agreeable. Jyn, of all people, had never encountered such difficulty in escaping any given social situation. She was well versed in the Irish goodbye, would somehow find a way to leave a hook up even if they had crashed at her place, and she surely had no issues telling anyone "no."
But somehow her body wasn't listening to her mind today, and soon enough the time for decision-making had passed. The doorknob clicked and Jyn quickly opened her book, making a point not to look at Cassian as he entered and acting as nonchalant as she could. Soon his figure got closer to her side of the table and she had to acknowledge him.
"For your trouble," Cassian said, handing Jyn a cup of coffee. When she didn't take it, he set it down in front of her and began fishing for something in his pocket with the free hand. "I don't know how you like it," he said, placing small creamers and sugar packets on the table, "so I got a little bit of everything."
Cassian stood there for a second as he waited for a response. When he didn't get one, he walked away, his eyes trailing back to watch her as he did.
Jyn could only stare at the coffee. The little brown cardboard cup of warmth and kindness. She couldn't even wrap her mind around what would cause someone to do that. And to do that for someone who had been downright abrasive, as she knew she had been.
The wooden chair creaked as he finally sat down. "Do you not drink coffee?"
"No," Jyn answered quickly. "Yes. Of course I drink coffee." She looked up at him, finally managing to pull her eyes away from his gift. Her mouth curled at the corners, just slightly. "Thank you."
Cassian didn't reply, but his eyes wrinkled at their corners as he took a sip of his own coffee, where Jyn was sure a smile was hidden.
A handful of minutes passed in silence, a little less awkward this time around. Cassian finally spoke up after some shuffling on his side of the table. "I have to go to class," he said. He didn't need to explain himself to her, but he felt the need in chest to do so now.
Jyn watched him as he packed up his things, slipping his jacket on last before throwing his messenger bag across his body. He grabbed his coffee before opening the door.
"Oh, and by the way. You're a very good liar," he said.
Jyn stared at him and the smile that dared to cross his face. She tried not to think of how the terror flooded across her own.
"I checked with the front desk. They didn't double book this room." Cassian paused, giving Jyn time to respond, but he continued sheepishly after a brief silence. "I, uh, booked it again tomorrow. Same time. If you'd like to join me."
Jyn was just as speechless as she was from the coffee. She hated how her face felt flushed, hated how her words evaded her. Bodhi would have been pleased to know that there was someone who could silence Jyn, who could say something immune to her lightning-fast quips. Bodhi would not be hearing about this.
"Oh, and I only have the room for another ten minutes." Cassian stopped in the doorway, only half turning his body back towards the room. He did that thing again, the move where he dips his head and glances upwards with his dark eyes. Jyn hated it. "So, you might want to leave with me. I doubt the next guy will be so forgiving. Or have coffee." He cracked a smile at his last statement.
Jyn packed her bag as quickly as she could without acting too thrilled to leave with him. Her mind fought between calling him a smug bastard and the nicest man she'd ever met. When he held the door open for her and she brushed past him, she decided on the latter, but argued he could surely be both.
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