#i have a few and one might be a stretch lmao
ruairy · 1 year
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faydingrain · 1 year
...I have a lot of OC ships in the Owari no Seraph universe...
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didsomeonesayventus · 2 years
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@littlemissdash​ no but like for real it does feel overwhelming and honestly the more merch you add the more it detracts from like. the main point of the project? and also potentially adds more “failure points” that would cause delays? Merch artists do wonderful work for sure but I feel like side merch to projects has gotten so out of hand
#katie rambles#the card deck project that started this ruminating had an ita bag offer??? an ita bag?? for a card deck project?????????????#which don't get me started on how some merch just seems thrown in for the sake of having extra merch#I am NOT kidding when I said that tarot project had a lanyard and stickers and I think even an acrylic standee before a reading cloth#which like. you know. a lot of tarot users use a reading cloth. it's a pretty standard thing. it was a stretch goal for some reason LMAO#and like the more merch you add the more likely something is gonna fall out of sync and cause a delay#because I'm pretty sure you're not going to be able to get enamel pins and stickers and acrylic standees from the same people#because expecting shit to happen is just business 101 never assume things will go smoothly#especially in this day an age forever altered by the panini press fucking with shipping and production#like you really only need a few merch options. just focus on your main thing be it a zine or cards or whatever#it's okay to narrow your scope and as wonderful as fandom projects are I think folks struggle a lot with that#of course I might just be blowing a bunch of hot air because I have not followed through on any sort of paid project#i've backed out of one because the vibes were rancid and did a few invincible entries#so I'd be lying if I said I knew what was up with paid projects or an expert on it#but my dudes its okay to go smaller and more focused it doesnt have to be a merch show
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spicysourchimken · 5 months
Interesting reunions
Tim and Danny are twins, Danny was given up for adoption by the Drakes when he was a baby and Tim was never told he has a brother.
After a reveal gone bad, Danny, Jazz, Sam and Tucker became thieves after closing the portal. They mainly target supernatural or cursed items. Their target, a necklace, is being held in a museum with their in being a private event to show off the piece before it's sent back to its owner.
The heist would've gone well if Tim hadn't also been in attendance.
'Lmao and here I thought you didn't want to be here'
It was a text from Dick.
Not exactly the strangest thing to happen when Tim was forced to attend an event.
He'd been benched after a mission resulted in a minor concussion. He'd personally been planning on going over his paperwork for Wayne Enterprises, but apparently that wasn't 'rest', instead he was sent off to be bored out of his mind at some art function. He didn't have time to prepare notes or even do any real research. But he still had Dick who had apparently been dragged along as his babysitter (And was fortunately interested in the items on display)
They'd been texting throughout the night. Dick fed him enough information to be mildly interested in topics of conversation, and when that failed the strange history of the main display. An old necklace that supposedly was connected to a string of deaths and all around misfortune.
So no, the text wasn't strange, but what was, was the photo attached. It was a picture of a man, grinning and chatting amicably with a woman whom he could barely make out as the collection's curator. His hair was longer than Tim's, tied neatly back to be clear of his glasses and to give clear view of the man's face.
Tim's face.
There was a clone at the event.
'can u get me another pic?'
Tim was now significantly more interested. Tim could identify the room they were in, housing the main display and it was about two rooms over from where he was currently hiding out. He could get there easily enough.
Dick sent him a thumbs up before replying with another, distinctly more uncomfortable photo of the man. He smiled awkwardly and Tim could finally get a better look at his face. Tim's brows scrunched together. A lichtenburg scar stretched up from beneath his collar and trailed along his jaw and in the light the man's eyes almost looked green.
He ran the photo through his facial recognition software, getting at least a few pings on himself before finally landing on Jonas Spencer, private security currently assigned to shadow one Morgan Deveraux. His history was solid, highschool records, even a spotty criminal history (points where he'd almost been arrested for bar fights) before he'd joined up with his firm.
So. not a clone. Probably.
Tim would still need to check it out. He pushed past a dark haired woman and entered the main show room. Dick, luckily had kept him in conversation but Jonas looked flighty, his eyes always drifting back to his charge.
Then he caught sight of Tim.
He froze. Staring at Tim for a moment before he tapped his ear- and what Tim assumed to be a comm. He made a move for Morgan, leaving Dick in the dust.
The lights flickered. Jonas reached for Megan, his hand wrapping around hers. Tim could've sworn his eyes darted upwards. Then there was a complete blackout. There was a clatter as a vent grate fell to the floor, shouts arose from the attendees.
Then the lights flickered back to life.
Jonas and Morgan had vanished, and so did the necklace as well as three other paintings.
Good news, its not a clone. Bad news, he might have a twin brother who is in a gang of thieves.
Daniel Fenton, or as his ID currently stated 'Jonas Spencer', wouldn't exactly call himself a thief- personally he was more of a collector. Or a curator, whatever the hell you might call a guy who grabs haunted and or cursed objects and dumps them in an alternate dimension.
And it wasn't exactly like he was normally the one stealing things either! That was mostly Sam, he'd done for a bit when they'd first started up (pushing his hands through the glass and taking a necklace with him, or making a painting completely invisible as he whisked it away) but then Sam started calling it 'cheating' and claimed 'his technique was lacking' and promptly took over his position.
(He didn't exactly mind, using his powers too often made his skin crawl. He may not have the GIW constantly hunting him, but he'd had enough run ins to make him sweat. He also didn't want to think about his parents.)
So maybe their entire deal wasn't completely altruistic. When you've been on the run since seventeen and had decided that you, your best friends and your older sister are going to become international thieves, sometimes you have to steal things so that you can have an income. And sometimes stealing is fun.
Unluckily their current job wasn't recreational. They'd heard word of a haunted necklace, there was a string of bad luck connected to it. Mirrors shattering, injuries popping up only days after interacting with the piece, lights falling out from the ceiling. There'd also been a case of near death.
Very clearly the latest display piece was cursed meaning they needed to grab it before it was shipped back into it private collection in France. That meant a time crunch, meaning they wouldn't be fully prepared. It was fine- they'd stolen the dagger of Amon Ra when they had half a day to plan, so three should've been fine.
He and Jazz manned the floor, Jazz kept to grifting while Danny worked as support if things went sideways on any front. Jazz, currently wealthy socialite 'Morgan Devereaux', draped an arm around a politician as he guided her through the collection. Jazz shot him a glance telling him to stay back, keep monitoring the main floor with the necklace.
That was fine. He could do that. He approached the curator and complimented the piece, letting her tell him about the struggles she had getting it overseas let alone her conversations with the owner. Ok, so definitely cursed.
Danny felt eyes on his back, and from the corner of his eye he saw someone take a photo. Tall, dark hair and a bright smile.
Sam pointed out that it was a Wayne.
At that point Danny made an attempt to leave, if he was going to get into a fight we wasn't going to do it there. He'd be too close to the necklace for Sam to get in and grab it without attention being drawn to her too. But Grayson cornered him impressively fast. He asked Danny for a photo, claiming that he looked just like his brother. Danny relented.
Then Tucker chimed in that someone had ran his face. Fuck. Dick kept him in conversation but Danny was eyeing their escape roots. Sam warned that another was coming through the left entrance and that she'd already lifted his phone. Danny turned, preparing himself for confrontation.
Then Danny saw him, his doppelganger.
Grayson hadn't been lying. That thought was terrifying.
Danny sent two taps into his earpiece and made his way towards Jazz. They couldn't risk staying any longer. Danny didn't know if they'd been made or not but he wasn't taking chances. He nodded to Sam who went for the jewels as Tucker cut the lights. Jazz and Danny took a painting each.
Sam went for the vents and Danny and Jazz disappeared through the front door.
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heavenbarnes · 4 months
The way olderbf!simon and reader met is so cute even if it’s cliche, because I don’t see that man interacting with anyone unless he’s forced to lmao. If you’re up to it, could you maybe do a drabble on how the beginning/talking stage of their relationship goes? This man probs has to rehearse what he’s going to say 25 times (literally me) and still fumbles over his words but reader is still just 😍 yes this is the man I’m going to marry
they definitely needed a meet cute to me cause honestly? where are their paths ever going to cross without manual intervention? 🫶🏼
after you get that “it’s simon” text from older bf!simon it’s you that actually has to make the first move.
that’s not to say he doesn’t text you or anything, god when doesn’t he text you?
at all odd hours and just about anything-
“at the supermarket”
“what you watching? i’m watching top gear”
“what’s your favourite colour?”
“i’m at the gym”
you were a little confused at first by how abrupt and to-the-point his messages could be.
and then you remembered that this was the same guy who prefers a grunt to the common conversation, he probably thought he was doing great.
so when you were getting in your own head about why he hadn’t asked you out yet, you also remembered that this was the same guy who thought he could fuck up a cappuccino.
he was probably- scared?
whatever it was, you realised if you wanted to see him as bad as you did, you were going to have to pony up and ask yourself.
“did you want to maybe get dinner sometime?”
he called you.
no sooner had the ‘seen’ shown up, he was calling you.
“uh, hello? simon?”
“are y’forreal?”
excuse me?
if anyone else had asked you that question you probably would’ve scoffed and hung up.
he was lucky he was so hunky.
and subtly insecure.
“yes, i’d like to get dinner with you”
he paused, a quiet moment passing between the two of you with only a little shuffling in the background of his line.
and a little shouting in the distance.
was he on base?
“yes please”
you’d been a little distracted trying to pick any little bits of information you could (more than just his favourite colour, it’s green by the way) that you didn’t get his response.
instead, you hummed a little ‘huh?’
“i’d like t’get dinner with’ya, yes please”
“oh- great, i can text you some details?”
“yeah, i’d like that”
you weren’t really sure how to end the call or why he’d even called in the first place- but he wrapped it up with a few mumbles.
“jus’ wanted to hear y’say it, wanted t’make sure”
he shows up at dinner without a mask on and you’re sure you’re staring up at him like he’s made of moonlight but you can’t find it within yourself to care.
fuck he’s handsome.
and broad, the buttoned shirt he’s wearing just stretches over his arms where he’s rolled the sleeves to his elbows.
borderline pornographic.
you try to shut your own mind up, realising all the man’s done is open the restaurant door for you and you’re literally have salacious thoughts about him.
have some decorum!
he pulls out your seat for you but insists on sitting with his back to a wall and a line of sight to the door. you don’t mind, it means the light behind him virtually makes him glow.
fuck he’s handsome.
his voice is so deep you have to lean in on the table to hear him and all it means is you can smell his cologne and feel the heat radiating off of him.
when he locks eyes with the waiter he does a subtle little flick of his fingers and the man’s heading right for him- he really exudes an air of dominance.
if you don’t marry this man you might die.
he asks you a lot of questions and seems genuinely surprised when you ask ‘and you?’ after every one.
surprised that somebody would care.
he answers with an endearing honesty and you feel all the better for knowing he prefers tea to coffee and starts his day with a cold shower.
his hand fidgets on the table part way through dessert and you have to ask what’s wrong.
“y’got a little somethin’ there”
he gestures to the corner of his mouth. it isn’t lost on you that his fingers immediately go back to flexing around the table cloth.
your hand doesn’t even move to wipe your mouth, your eyes soften just a little as you speak instead.
“you can get it if you want?”
his heart all but stops.
big hand rising to your face, fingers cupping your jaw as his thumb wipes the smudge of cream from the corner of your mouth.
he brings his thumb to your mouth when your tongue peeks out to lick the tip of it.
simon’s knee hits the underside of the table.
and you giggle.
fuck he’s handsome.
reluctantly, he lowers his hand but leaves it on your side of the table so you can hold it. his skin feels rough but he thinks it’s never been softer than when you’re holding it.
you both opt to walk home (hand still in hand) and you’ve never felt safer. you spend the entire walk talking about nothing and everything and you could scream when you end up at your front door.
it does allow you both to linger, neither one of you wanting to call it a night quite yet.
simon seems good at lingering, at yearning, at putting off what he doesn’t and does want.
so, like you were the one to make the first move-
you’re the one to make the second.
(his tongue feels great on yours)
you go to bed alone that night and it makes the most sense but it also fucking sucks because you know-
you know what you want.
and what you want is currently walking home beneath streetlights with the biggest smile he’s had this side of enlistment.
you accept the fact you’ll need to take things slow, that he obviously needs time and a lot of reassurance and you’d hate to push him too far with your own desire and-
and your phone buzzes.
“coffee tomorrow morning?”
“yes please”
the talking stage really doesn’t last long.
not when you’re kicking your feet in bed and hugging your phone to your chest.
not when johnny texts simon asking how the date went and he’s responding ‘not bad, might be in love’
talking stage doesn’t last long but everything else does.
it’s simply a doorway into a long and happy life.
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
"General, This Ain't A Cat"
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Pairing: Jing Yuan x (gn!) Reader
Summary: One day you find a cute white lion cub scratching on your front door, little did you know that the actual owner of it was Jing Yuan, the General of the Xianzhou Luofu himself. And he might have the wrong idea about the little thing, too...
Tags: Fluff, Crack, Jing Yuan's Lion loves you, inspired by the General's Diary you can find in HSR, flustered Jing Yuan
A/N: I love him a very normal amount, your honor! The fact he is a cat dad too is just too cute! And also that he got scammed trying to buy a cat and instead unknowingly managed to buy a lion makes it so much funnier. I can only recommend reading his diary ingame lmao
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A distinct scratching sound on the front door of your home made you perk up in your seat. You waited for the sound to reappear a couple of times before deciding to check what was causing it.
You slowly opened the door and looked outside. But both to the right and to the left you spotted nothing that could’ve caused the sound. It was also relatively windstill on the Luofu today so that also couldn’t have been it.
Just as you were about to close the door again you spotted the culprit behind the flower pot right next to your door. It was a small, snow-white lion cub, not older than a couple of months at best, and it looked at you pleadingly with its azure-colored eyes.
Did it want to come in?
You knelt down on your doorstep and stretched your hand out towards it, prompting it to come over to you. It hesitantly tiptoed in your direction from behind the flower pot, carefully smelling on your fingers first before bumping its head into your hand. You began scratching its head and not too long after a loud purr could be heard.
It was such a cute little thing you were almost tempted to snatch it and keep it. But a beautiful animal like that had to belong to someone, right?
You picked the soft bundle of fur up and walked towards the main road to look around. Maybe it ran away and the owner was still around looking for it? They had to be since you never heard of any instances of strays on the Luofu.
A little bit further down the street, you spotted two Cloud Knights with a bag of treats in their hand. They were eagerly shaking them to make rattling sounds and simultaneously scanned the ground for something. Looks like they are the people the little cutie belonged to.
"Hey," you called out to them. "Are you looking for this snow lion perhaps?"
"Oh, thank the Heavens!" One of the guards exclaimed. "We've been looking for it the entire day already.”
One of the guards stretched out their arms to take the little lion cub into his arms but it made no fuss to go anywhere. In fact, it was clinging to you and started purring loudly, bumping its head into your chest.
“Hey, you little cutie. You have to get back home. I’m sure you’re hungry by now, aren’t you? Enough adventure for one day.” You said in a higher-pitched voice. Its eyes almost looked sad and it let out a squeak the moment you handed it back to the soldiers and waved them goodbye.
As soon as you were back home you couldn’t help but think about the little lion again. It was the first time you had ever seen one with such a majestic fur and eye color. Whoever it belonged to could surely count themself lucky. 
A couple of days passed and you went about your days as normal until you heard the familiar scratching at your front door again. 
Unlike the first time you immediately knew it must be the same lion from a few days prior. You went to open the door again and the white bundle of fur immediately zoomed inside of your home.
Alerted, you immediately began chasing it around your living room. As much as you wanted to actually keep it as well, you absolutely couldn’t. Someone was waiting for it and probably worried about its disappearance once again. You for sure would turn the Luofu upside down if it was your missing pet.
Snatching the little complaining bundle of fur up again proved difficult as it was clinging and clawing at your carpet for dear life, but you eventually managed.
Carrying it outside once again you looked for Cloud Knights you could return it to again but this time a blonde teen boy, dressed in blue and no older than maybe fourteen was walking down the street with treats this time. And for some reason, he seemed oddly familiar.
“Mimi? Miiiii-Miiiii. Come get your treats!!” The blonde boy shouted and shook the treat box in his hands like a rattle.
The little lion cub, apparently named Mimi, perked its ears up in your arms and began trying to wriggle out of your grasp. You let it jump down and watched it zoom in the direction of the boy, sitting down and looking up at him with hungry and expectant eyes.
“There you are, you little troublemaker!” He says furrowing his brows and throwing Mimi a handful of treats.
Going off of the way the lion reacted to his voice you assumed it was probably his pet lion.
He picked it up and started petting it, eliciting it to close its eyes, start purring and relax in his arms. The boy smiled at it fondly and slightly shook his head in disbelief over the little rascal before looking down the street to where you were standing.
“Hey, you!” He shouted and started trotting in your direction. “Were you the one who found Mimi?”
You nodded in response before wondering how he could’ve figured that out considering he didn’t see you with Mimi at all.
“Wait how did you-?” You inquired with furrowed brows.
He just pointed at your chest, or more specifically, at your shirt in reply. Following the direction of his finger with your gaze you soon realized that you were entirely covered in white fluff from when you were holding Mimi.
“Ah. Well of course. That makes sense,” you chuckled. “Does it run away a lot?” You asked pointing at the still happily purring snow lion in the blonde boy’s arms.
He simply rolled his eyes and smiled in reply. “All the time.”
“Well, it seems to be fond of my front door as of late. I live just a bit further down the street. So chances are if it runs away again, it might be near my house again.”
“Good to know. Certainly makes things easier,” he nodded. “I’m Yanqing, by the way!”
That’s why he seemed so familiar. He is the lieutenant of the Luofu Cloud Knights and you had seen him here and there in an official capacity but you generally didn’t pay too much attention to those so you couldn’t quite put your finger on it earlier.
It certainly explained the beautiful and special-looking animal in his arms.
You grabbed the hand he held out to you and introduced yourself as well before bidding him farewell for now not too long after. Looking after him as he walked back home you smiled to yourself and hoped for him that he would be able to keep his little lion cub in check from now on.
A couple more days passed once more after that encounter until someone rang your doorbell. You weren’t expecting any visitors, especially not this late in the evening so you wondered who would possibly come over at this time of day.
Out of every possible person on the ship, however, you certainly didn’t expect the General of the Luofu in the flesh to be your late-night visitor. He was standing in front of your door with hands folded behind his back and staring down the street, waiting for your to open the door.
“Good evening, General… Can I help you with something?” You carefully inquired with some hesitancy in your voice. 
You suddenly felt very small, and that was not only because he was a tall, handsome, and quite muscular man but also because you were more than just a bit intimidated.
Nothing to worry about, right? It was only the most important man on the entire ship standing in front of your house. 
Naturally, your mind immediately came to the conclusion that you must’ve done something wrong.
“Uhm-,” he began, scratching the back of his neck. “Do you happen to know where my cat is?
Out of every possible thing he could’ve said, this was the last thing you expected.
“Your… cat?” You asked in disbelief. He simply nodded and looked around your front yard once more.
“It’s white with bright blue eyes. Yanqing has informed me that Mimi is quite fond of you and keeps escaping to your house.”
So it was his pet. But wait, didn’t he just say…
“Yes. A small grimalkin, up to no good, constantly runs away. My cat.” He elaborated.
At that point, you couldn’t help but burst into laughter. He seemed very taken aback and confused by your outburst and you were almost inclined to say that it made him, this big hunk of a man, look like a huge, gentle teddy bear.
“Care to explain what is so funny?” He asked crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“Forgive me, General,” you wiped a tear out of the corner of your eyes. “I do not wish to burst your bubble here but your cat may not be what you think it is.”
“What are you implying?”
“It’s a lion, General. I can assure you, it’s most certainly not a cat.”
You observed how his eyes widened in surprise and a hint of pink began to dust his cheeks behind his long bangs. You had to bite your lip in order to not start laughing again. He really didn’t know. And the fact you made him aware of it seemed to be quite embarrassing to him.
“Oh. Uhm… well, I actually had my suspicions already.” He stated, once again scratching the back of his neck. You couldn’t help but wonder how a man like him could manage to look this cute when flustered. And to think this was the first face-to-face contact you had ever had with him made it all the better.
Without a doubt, he was an attractive man, and that was something everyone aboard the Luofu would agree to. However, after witnessing him in this flustered, and quite frankly, adorable state tonight, your desire to get to know him on a more personal level increased.
“What would it take for you to not tell anyone about this?” He suddenly inquired. But before you could answer, he made an offer himself. One you couldn’t possibly refuse after everything that transpired tonight.
“How does a dinner sound? My treat of course.”
“Hmm, very well. Or you could let your cat stay with me more often?”
“Well, that can also be arranged,” he chuckled with a playful smile. “But we come as a pair.”
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin or my fics are always greatly appreciated and motivate me! Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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oddinary4bts · 3 months
Chasing Cars | ch 9 (jjk)
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☆summary: when your brother goes to study on a semester abroad, your life collides with his best friend Jeon Jungkook, who's coincidentally your roommate. Will you survive the collision, or will you crumble into dust?
☆pairings: brother's best friend!Jungkook x younger sister!female reader, Yoongi x Hoseok
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, this chapter contains mature content)
☆genre: forbidden love?au, college!au, slice of life!au, smut, angst (as usual a lot of it), fluff
☆warnings: alcohol, curses, Jungkook gets jealous, mentions of smoking cigarettes, explicit content: reader catches nabi and namjoon in the act, brat!OC, car blowjob, oral sex (male and female receiving), jerking off, praising, hickey, mouth fucking, nipple play, fingering, protected sex
☆word count: 11.2k
☆a/n: new week new chapter!! and with this one, half of the fic is done (only half LMAO). Hope you guys enjoy <3 and thank you to @moonleeai for beta-ing, you're the best <3
☆series masterpost
☆add yourself to the taglist here!
If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
Sunday, March 10th 
Jungkook’s chest moves up as he takes a deep breath, disrupting your quiet comfort.
Your eyes slide open to reveal his phone, and he’s scrolling through reels on Instagram, the sound off. You nuzzle your face further into his chest, and he holds you tighter for a few seconds.
“I thought you’d fallen asleep,” he says, his voice rumbling in his chest against your ear.
You sigh. Though it’s late evening and driving home has been draining - the sex you had when you finished eating dinner even more so - you don’t quite want to fall asleep right now. Maybe because tomorrow you’ll wake up and you’ll have to go back to class, to face Ria and Nabi and all your friends that know yet don’t know that something is going on between you and Jungkook.
“I was almost asleep,” you admit. “But I don’t want to sleep yet.”
“Why not?”
His attention is solely on you now, his phone forgotten, and so you raise your head to meet his tender gaze.
“I want to spend more time with you,” you whisper.
His lips stretch in the softest smile, his eyes sparkling with all the light in the universe. “I’ll still be here tomorrow, peach.”
You know it. You know you still have weeks with him, but tonight you feel like the end might be coming for you quicker than you want it to.
“And the day after?” you tease.
His arm tightens around you, and he moves so that he can peck your lips once. “I’ll still be right here.”
“In your bed?” you ask, faking surprise.
He laughs, a sound so sweet and so intoxicating to your senses. “Yep. With you in it.”
“Damn, JK, you’ve got plans for us, mmh?”
He just grins in reply, and your heart flutters in your chest as you put your head back on his own chest.
“So if you want to fall asleep…” he trails off, hugging you tighter for a few seconds before pressing a kiss on the top of your head. “Feel free.”
You take a deep breath, nodding as you close your eyes, focusing on the steady beats of his heart. You wonder, does he know your heart has synced with his?
Does he know you’re afraid he’ll rip your beating heart from your chest?
You’ve been thinking. All day you’ve been thinking, and you haven’t been able to ask him. Haven’t been able to have the conversation he said you could have today - about his family, about the shitshow of the engagement party. 
All you’ve been able to do today is exchange pleasantries, stolen glances and holding hands. And you reckon, it should be enough.
Yet the reason why you can’t sleep is because you want to know. Need to know if he truly is set to marry someone else.
“By the way,” Jungkook lets out after a few minutes of comfortable silence. “Tae texted me while you were in the shower.”
“Mmh?” you hum.
“He wanted me to tell you to reply to his texts,” Jungkook concludes. “And you should, before he grows suspicious.”
“He’s suspicious because Jimin said we have something going on after you hosted your friends here the other day.”
“Right,” Jungkook says, and he chuckles lightly. “I mean, he isn’t wrong.”
He isn’t, and you hate that he isn’t. You don’t want Taehyung to know, you don’t want your brother to have the power to take this away from you. Not when you already know life will take it from you by itself.
“I still don’t want him to know,” you admit with a small voice. “He’d hate you.”
Jungkook presses a kiss on the top of your head again. “Then we don’t tell him. You decide.”
You don’t like that he’s giving you this power, but yet again it’s better than when he wanted to pretend nothing had happened after the power outage. It’s progress, steps in the right direction, but you don’t even know if you’re walking the same path as him.
Jungkook has been great to you, he really has, but you haven’t done relationships before.
Will this time around be any different?
“Okay,” you let out. You press a kiss on the warm skin of his chest, before resting your head on it again. “Besides…” you trail off, and your heart squeezes in your chest.
Because it’s time. You need to talk to him about what his mother said, no matter how much it might hurt.
“Besides?” Jungkook repeats.
“Your mother mentioned something to me yesterday,” you admit.
You hear his heartbeat picking up. “What did she say?”
You worry at your bottom lip, take a few deep breaths in to gather courage. “That you’re supposed to marry someone?”
Jungkook doesn’t reply right away. You’re pretty sure you also hear his heart entirely stopping in his chest, but you think that might be your imagination.
“That’s hilarious,” he deadpans a few seconds later, and he lets out a disbelieved chuckle. “I’m not going to marry anyone.”
You raise your head from his chest, seeking the truth in his gaze. And he doesn’t look like he’s lying, not even a little bit. Especially not as he cups your cheek, gently running his thumb on your skin. 
“She said she and your dad spoke to another family,” you explain.
He plays with his piercings, raising an eyebrow. “I’d assume that they mean Gabrielle?”
You’ve never heard that name before, and you offer him a confused look. 
“Or not,” he adds after a few seconds, his brow creasing.
“Who’s Gabrielle?” you ask, and the doubt that seeps through you tastes far too vile.
“A friend from high school,” Jungkook replies immediately. “No one to worry about. Our families were always friends and my parents are obsessed with her.”
It stings. It stings far more than it should - Jungkook’s parents didn’t even give you a chance. Yet they’re obsessed with this Gabrielle, this girl from Jungkook’s past. Your heart sinks in your chest, and you look away from him, unable to hold his gaze.
“Ah,” you flatly let out.
“I don’t talk to her anymore,” Jungkook quickly reassures you, forcing you to look at him again with his firm hold on your cheek. “Last news I had of her was that she was going to study somewhere in Europe.”
You worry at your bottom lip, and Jungkook is quick to pull it from your teeth with his thumb. 
“I promise,” he adds. “She’s nothing to worry about. My parents can’t force me to marry her anyway.”
You take a deep breath and then nod once. The ache in your chest barely eases, but you can see that Jungkook is trying his best. There’s something so endearing about it that you feel yourself soften, and you immediately lean in to kiss him.
The kiss is soft. The kiss is a fire in the hearth during a cold winter evening. It’s a warm summer breeze and a cup of tea on a rainy day. It’s comfort and that, more than anything, finally soothes the ache away. It helps that Jungkook swipes your bottom lip with his tongue, and you sigh as you give him access, your tongues tangling a second later.
Hell, you think you might be able to go for another round. But Jungkook pulls away, lips glistening from your ministrations.
“And about my family,” he says. His voice is breathy, and you feel powerful for the effect you have on him. Though he clears his throat, and the breathiness is gone when he adds, “They’re dicks. All of them. I’m sorry I put you through this.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it,” you reassure him, and you mean it. “I was mostly just taken aback.”
He nods, adding, “I don’t get along with them well. They wanted me to take over the family business with Junghyun, but I left to study here. My father has never forgiven me, and my mother hates me for the tattoos and piercings.”
You don’t know what to reply. You feel horrible for him, for the smiling boy in the frame on his bedside table. “I’m sorry…”
“It’s okay.” He smiles, though it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “I got used to it. I’ve found that your friends are your true family anyway.”
His friends. Taehyung. Your brother. The one thing that will make it so you and Jungkook can’t actually be together, ever.
“And now I’ve got you too so, who cares what my family thinks?”
You know he does. Somewhere in the depths of his eyes you see the kid that wished his family loved him, wished he fit in. You wonder how his mother could hate him - he was adorable, endearing with that wide bunny grin of his, even when he was just a kid.
“I guess no one cares,” you reply after a few seconds of silence.
He offers you a reassuring smile. “Told you so.” He pecks your lips again, and then nestles his head back against his pillow. “We should go to bed, it’s getting late.”
“I just have one last question,” you say as you lay your head back on his chest, your gaze directed towards the frame of him and Junghyun. “Who did you go to Disney with?”
Jungkook follows your line of gaze. “Oh.” The silence that follows is heavy, sad. “Our nanny. She practically raised us.”
That makes sense. You don’t think Jungkook would have turned out to be such a gentle, sweet person if he’d been raised by his parents. But then again, he does act like an asshole a lot, and projects that overly cocky and confident aura most of the time. You’ve only recently started seeing this soft part of him.
“She sounds like a great person,” you say.
Jungkook tightens his hold on you. “She was. The best, honestly.”
You smile sadly, your heart straining at the ache in his voice. “Was?”
“Yeah.” He sighs deeply. “She passed away last year.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper.
He shrugs, which proves to be awkward in this position. “It’s not your fault. Nothing to be sorry about.”
Silence falls in the room, and you hold Jungkook a little tighter. As if that will prevent him from breaking, from falling away from you in the inevitability of the future.
“I wish I’d been around then,” you add. “So that I could be there for you.”
“I’m serious.”
You hear him sniffle, the only indication that he’s getting emotional. And it hits you like a brick to the face - you want to protect this man, at all costs. 
You never want Jungkook to feel sad.
“You’re amazing, you know that, right?” he says after a few seconds. “Like… I’m really lucky.”
“And so am I,” you softly reply. “Luckiest girl in the world.”
He chuckles, his voice still raw with emotion when he says, “You know you’ll have to share a bed with me every night now, right?”
You raise your head to meet his gaze, and you don’t balk at the sight of the silver lining his eyes. “A dream come true, if I’m honest.”
He smiles, a sad, sad smile that makes you shift so that you’re lying next to him. You open your arms, and he immediately understands what you want, moving until he’s nestled in your embrace. You run a soothing hand on his back, not caring that he’s practically buried his face in your breasts. Especially not when, five minutes later, his breathing evens out, and he starts emitting those soft snores you find oh so adorable.
He’s left the red LED lights on, and you pat the bed behind him, looking for his phone. He whines against you, though he doesn’t say anything when you finally find his phone. You direct it towards his face to open it, and then search for the app to turn off the lights. 
Once the lights are off, you put his phone away, wrapping your arm around him again, holding him close.
You don’t let go, not even when you, too, fall asleep.
Friday, March 15th 
There’s something about Ria and tequila shots that you can’t quite understand. 
You’re at the girls’ dorm, getting ready for the party tonight. It’s hosted at a frat house, which means your shoes will most likely be ruined by the end of the evening. You don’t really care - you put on an old pair of sneakers that you use specifically for these types of occasions.
But yes, Ria and tequila create something you can’t comprehend. She’s already taken four shots, while you’re on your second and Nabi hesitantly took one, and you know she’s going to be wild tonight.
You think you know why - a certain Kim Seokjin is supposed to be in attendance, and though Ria claims she really doesn’t like him, she’s curled her hair and donned her makeup to perfection for the occasion.
And she’s also visibly trying to get shitfaced, and so you steal the tequila bottle from her hands.
“Hey!” she complains. “Give that back.”
You take a swig from the bottle, immediately regretting your decision. It makes your friends laugh though, and it distracts Ria long enough so that you can put the cap back on the bottle, and you hide it behind you where you’re sitting on the floor of their dorm, in between their beds.
“Is Namjoon going to be there?” you ask Nabi, trying to distract Ria further.
“Yeah, of course! Hobi and Yoongi also, apparently,” Nabi answers. “What about Jungkook?”
You’re happy you’re the type to flush red with alcohol, otherwise your two friends would have a visual proof of the embarrassment that comes with Jungkook being mentioned around you. It’s stupid - you’re an adult, but for some reason the thought of Jungkook makes you all giddy, like you have a school crush on him. 
It’s a feeling you’ve been clinging to this week, despite every odd against you two working out in the long term.
“I think so,” you reply, even though you know for a fact that the answer is yes and that he’s going to be driving you home.
He’s told you so in whispers against your skin last night, when he finished fucking your brains out.
“You think so, or you know?” Ria teases, a smirk on  her lips. “You can pretend we haven’t seen him obsessing over you every time we went to the library this week, but we’re not going to be fooled.”
They do have a point. Indeed, the two times you’ve gone to the library with the girls, Jungkook kept popping in, bringing you snacks or just coming in to chat for a little while. The girls found it funny, and you just found it embarrassing.
Not that Jeon Jungkook is embarrassing. It’s rather the fact that it’s led to thorough interrogations, and you don’t like talking about your relationship with him when he’s your brother’s best friend, and speaking to the wrong person could lead to Taehyung learning about everything.
So you’ve been trying to keep the relationship a secret as best as you can, giving vague answers to the girl and saying that you only went to New York with him because you’re friends, and Jimin wasn’t available to accompany him.
You hid the fact that he’s rich from everyone. Hid the Yves St-Laurent dress in the back of your closet, to only be looked upon whenever you need to remind yourself that the weekend wasn’t a creation of your brain.
So far, you didn’t need to be reminded. Not when Jungkook has been acting so affectionate, cooking you meals and sitting with you when you’re working on reports or studying for your classes. 
“Jungkook is not obsessed with me,” you drawl, even though you think he might be, to the extent that Jeon Jungkook can be obsessed with someone. “He’s just a good friend.”
“You fuck all your good friends?” Ria teases, wiggling her brows.
You punch her in the shoulder, and she bursts into a fit of giggles. “I’m not fucking him.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Ria says.
“You’ve been glowy since last weekend,” Nabi points out, an innocent smile on display.
You fake-glare at her, but to your relief, a knock sounds at the door, effectively distracting your friends.
It’s Namjoon, as revealed when Ria opens the door, and he steps in with a six-pack of beer, offering you a polite nod as Nabi gets up to hug him. They share a quick kiss, and you fake-gag, earning you a loud laugh from Ria that makes Nabi turn beat red.
“Shut up,” Nabi grumbles through her teeth as she faces you again, and she pulls Namjoon by the hand to sit on her bed.
You remain on the floor with Ria, and she’s successfully stolen the tequila bottle again. She refills the empty shot glasses, handing one to Namjoon and one to you. She gives the last one to Nabi, and she raises the bottle for you all to clink glasses with her, and a second later, the alcohol is burning down your throat.
You’re effectively drunk by the time you make it to the party. Ria is worse than you, while Nabi remains almost sober from all the shots she dodged and handed her boyfriend instead. Namjoon’s cheeks are flushed red, much like yours, and you meet up with Yoongi and Hoseok, where they stand near the wall, faces downcast.
“Hey boys!” you greet them. 
You throw an arm around their shoulders, and Hoseok quickly moves away while Yoongi remains frozen in his spot, arms folded on his chest. It’s sobering, a little, and you furrow your brow as you look between them.
“Is something wrong?” you ask.
Hoseok quickly glances at the rest of your friends as they gather around you before saying, “No. How was pre-drink?”
You immediately know something is up. You feel it in the way Yoongi tenses under your arm, and though he hates being touched, he doesn’t push you away. You cock an eyebrow at Hoseok questioningly, but he only shrugs and then asks Namjoon, “Want to team up on beer pong?”
A moment later, they’re walking away, Nabi in tow, and you motion to Ria to follow them. She takes the cue, though the second she turns around, Kim Seokjin appears, and they stay right there, speaking in each other’s ear.
Once you’re convinced they won’t hear you, you let go of Yoongi, turning to face him. “Is something wrong?” you ask again.
He clenches his jaw, still avoiding your gaze. His arms tighten around him, and he looks like he’s trying to hold himself together, yet barely succeeds.
“Hobi just told me he’s switching colleges next semester.”
You widen your gaze. “What?”
Yoongi chuckles, but it’s entirely void of any joy. “You heard me right.”
Yoongi meets your gaze, his eyes flaming with barely disguised anger and hurt. “I don’t know.”
You wince, nose scrunching up. “I…”
“Don’t say anything,” Yoongi says before you’re able to finish your sentence, which is a good thing considering you had no idea what to say. “I should have seen it coming.”
“I’m sorry.”
Yoongi blinks away some tears, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t know why you care. You were fucking him like a month ago.”
In truth, a month ago you were pretending the world didn’t exist with Jungkook, as it was the power outage, but you refrain from saying anything. You highly doubt that that’s what Yoongi needs to hear right now.
“Yeah, and I don’t think I should have,” you say.
“Why?” Yoongi asks, sounding offended.
You shrug. “Because you care about him and it was hurting you.”
Yoongi presses his lips in a thin line, nodding once. He doesn’t say anything else, and you don’t really expect him to. Not when Hoseok clearly just broke his heart.
“You know what you need?” you say, pulling his arms away from his chest so that you can hook arm with him.
“What?” Yoongi asks, following you as you pull him through the crowd.
“A drink.”
He chuckles. He doesn’t look quite as sad as he did a second ago, and you reckon that it’s a win. 
You make it your mission to cheer Yoongi up tonight, making sure he always has a drink in hand. You also stay by his side, playing beer pong with him when Ria begs you to play. She’s accompanied by Seokjin, who’s got far more aim than you do, but Yoongi is a decent player. It compensates for a while, until Hoseok appears in the vicinity of the table, and Yoongi tenses so much he looks like he’s turning to stone. You try to take over then, only to be solidly defeated by Seokjin who smiles at Ria as she high-fives him with a wide grin on her lips.
You’ve never seen her smiling so wide with a guy before, and you have to keep your own grin in at the sight, not wanting to upset Yoongi. Instead, you hook arm with him again, pulling him towards the backyard. He begrudgingly follows, though he visibly relaxes the second you’re outside, the cold air a stark contrast from the hot atmosphere inside.
“All good?” you ask.
“Why are you doing this?”
You shrug your shoulders. “You’re a friend,” you offer as an explanation. “The least I can do is be there for you right now.”
“Are we friends?” he queries. He sounds sad again, and you hate it.
“Of course we are! If we weren’t before, we are now.” You try to sound reassuring, and when you see the smile tickling the corner of his lips, you think it’s working. “If you want, we can go sit somewhere quiet upstairs to talk shit about Hobi.”
“Honestly, that sounds like a dream,” Yoongi agrees.
You laugh, and a second later you walk back into the house, Yoongi in tow. The first thing you see as you walk in is Jimin, and you instinctively scan the room, your eyes falling on Jungkook next. It’s like everyone disappears for a few seconds, and your lips stretch in a soft smile he immediately reciprocates, though it slightly falls when he sees Yoongi behind you.
You glance at Yoongi, and he raises his eyebrows in question. You motion towards Jungkook, leaning closer to Yoongi to say, “Just give me a second, I want to talk to my friend.”
He nods, and ends up following you as you walk towards Jungkook, who’s standing with Jimin, Sera, Lisa and some of their other friends you don’t remember the name of.
“Hey,” you greet everyone as you stop next to them.
Your fingers itch to touch Jungkook, but you clench your fist, refraining from doing so.
A chorus of heys reply to you, and you awkwardly stand there for a few seconds before they resume their conversation as if you haven’t interrupted. You feel bad for a few seconds until Jungkook leans in closer to you.
“Who’s that guy?” he asks.
You purse your lips, holding a laugh in. “A friend. He’s going through a breakup?” At least you think that’s the best way to refer to it. “I’m trying to be there for him.”
Jungkook’s gaze hardens as he clenches his jaw, a muscle feathering over his skin. There’s something infinitely attractive about the sight - and infinitely wrong about you to find it attractive to begin with - and you already can’t wait for the evening to end so that you can tangle in bed with him.
“A friend?” Jungkook repeats.
“Are you jealous?” you tease, and Jungkook sends a cautious glance around.
But no one is watching you besides Yoongi, and you know Yoongi would never say anything.
“Should I be?” Jungkook says, frowning slightly.
You wink at him. “Not at all. His breakup is with a guy so… I fear I’m lacking a certain part of my body for him to find me attractive.”
“Could be bi,” Jungkook points out.
“Could be.” You shrug, and then you gently brush your hand on the back of his. “I’ll come find you when it’s time to leave?”
He nods, glancing at Yoongi. You want to reach for him, to hold him close and reassure him that he’s got nothing to worry about, but Jimin is now watching again, so you only step away from Jungkook, re-establishing a safe distance between the two of you.
“Yeah, let me know when you want to go home,” Jungkook replies.
You smile, nodding once before wishing him a good evening. You feel his gaze burning on the back of your head as you walk away, Yoongi following you, and you can’t resist but look over your shoulder when you’re about to leave the room to head into the hall leading to the staircase. Your gazes connect despite the crowd, and your heartbeat picks up in your chest, butterflies swirling in your stomach.
“I’ll grab a beer before we go up,” Yoongi suggests, snapping you out of the moment.
You blink a few times, before nodding your head. “Good idea. I’ll take one too.”
You pit stop at the table where the drinks are, and you end up making gin and tonics since they’ve run out of beer. Yoongi complains he doesn’t like it, but you tell him alcohol is alcohol, to which he offers you a side-eye that has you burst out laughing.
A moment later you’re on your way up the stairs. To outside eyes, you wonder what it looks like - do people think you’re looking for a place to hide so that you can fuck? It’s a funny thought, and you laugh some more as you reach the second floor, and notice the four people sitting on the floor as they talk. They barely look at you as you walk in front of them, heading for a door at the end of the corridor.
Yoongi steps in front of you as you near the door, hand extended to open it. The doorknob turns and he pushes it open, only to be met by an all-too familiar high-pitched shriek. A look over Yoongi’s shoulder reveals Nabi, butt ass naked, sitting on the counter with Namjoon between her legs.
“Oh shit!” Yoongi lets out, yet he freezes, not closing the door.
“Oh my God,” you echo and Nabi flushes so deep red you think she’ll combust.
“Close the door, idiots,” Namjoon grits through his teeth.
Yoongi’s gaze widens, and he immediately slams the door shut. His cheeks are dusted with pink, and you exchange one glance that makes you burst out laughing, wheezing and blinking back tears. You’ve never seen Yoongi laughing like that, which only spurs you on more, until he grabs your hand and tugs you into a bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
“Holy shit,” Yoongi says once your laughter finally recedes.
You nod, wiping the tear that escaped the confines of your eyes. “I know, holy shit. I knew they were getting it on but I didn’t think Nabi would do it at a party.”
“Didn’t expect that of Joon either,” Yoongi admits, and he glances in the general direction of the bathroom. “He used to be such a nerd, and now he’s fucking a girl at a party.”
“Good for him,” you say, raising your glass. Yoongi doesn’t echo the sentiment, instead looking troubled. “What’s wrong?” you ask.
Yoongi shrugs, sliding down until he’s sitting on the floor, his back against the door. You follow him, sitting against a dresser while you wait for him to talk.
“I’m afraid that he might be jumping into a relationship too quickly after…” Yoongi trails off. “After Julia.”
Your brow creases for a few seconds until you figure, “His ex?”
Yoongi nods. “Yeah. They were together for a long time, and he loved her a lot,” Yoongi reveals.
Your heart squeezes in your chest. “You think Nabi might just be a rebound.”
“Listen,” Yoongi lets out. “I saw him during Frosh week. I saw him starting to want to go to parties last semester. I’m not saying it’s because of Nabi…” he trails off, shrugging his shoulders again before taking a sip of his drink that makes him scrunch up his nose in disgust. “I don’t know why I grabbed that, it’s disgusting.”
“Hey, gin and tonics are good!”
He throws you a no-bullshit look, and then returns to the conversation at hand. “So yeah, he’s been different where Nabi is implied, but he was with Julia for five years. It’s bound to have had an impact on him.”
Yoongi isn’t wrong, and you hate that he isn’t. You don’t want Nabi to be set up for heartbreak.
“If he hurts Nabi…” you trail off.
Yoongi snorts, the smile he offers you a lot warmer than any you’ve ever seen on his features before. “You’re a good friend, aren’t you?”
You hold his gaze, shrugging your shoulders. “I try to be. I’d do anything for my friends.”
Yoongi raises his solo cup, his lips still curved upwards. “Then, I’m glad to count you as a friend.”
You clink glasses, taking a long sip from your gin and tonic that makes your head buzz even more than it already was. Silence reigns on the room for a moment, a comfortable silence that makes you look around, scanning your environment. Apart from the mattress on the floor and a few discarded pieces of clothing, the bedroom is empty. More clothes overflow from the closet though, as if whoever’s room this is just quickly shoved everything in there before the party.
“What about you?” Yoongi asks then.
You frown quizzically, facing him. “What about me?”
Your throat goes dry, and you hide your blush behind a long sip of your drink. “What about him?”
“Hobi mentioned that something is going on between you guys?”
You’ll kill him. You’ll eviscerate Jeong Hoseok the moment you have the opportunity to.
“Not really,” you lie, though the lie weighs heavy on your shoulders.
Obviously, Yoongi sees right through you, saying, “I saw how you guys looked at each other earlier. You’re not fooling anyone.”
Your cheeks burn as you recall when you spoke to Jungkook. You didn’t feel like you were looking at him a certain way, but then again he has a tendency to steal your attention no matter where you are, so maybe Yoongi is onto something.
“I’m not trying to,” you say, taking a deep breath to chase away the lingering heaviness from the lie. “He’s my brother’s best friend.”
“Your brother, who’s conveniently on a semester abroad right now.”
You narrow your gaze at Yoongi, as if glaring at him. “It’s not convenient. I wish he’d never gone.”
This lie tastes even worse than the previous, and you chase its aftertaste with your drink.
“Right. And then you’d never have fucked his best friend.”
You close your eyes, rubbing a hand on your forehead. “It’s such a mess, Yoongi.”
He snorts in his red solo cup. “Why though?”
“Taehyung can’t know.”
“Why?” Yoongi asks again. “You’re adults.”
“Tae doesn’t think that way,” you admit, and a familiar annoyance flashes through you. “He’s always been overbearing. Like, when I was in highschool he scared all the guys away whenever they tried to speak to me.” Not that you would have dated any of them anyway, but Yoongi doesn’t need to know that. “It was annoying. And now, it’s even worse because JK’s his friend.”
“Or maybe he’ll trust his friend to treat you right, no?”
You wish it were that easy. You wish you lived in the utopia Yoongi’s composing right now, but you know reality to be far crueller than that. 
“Trust Jungkook?”
Yoongi winces, and you hate the drop of doubt it brings back to you. 
It’s the same doubt that had invaded you because of Colton, because of Lisa and Shelly. But then again, you’ve seen Jungkook last weekend. You were there all week with him: you want to believe he’s changed, and for the better.
But would Taehyung see that?
“Anyways,” you say before Yoongi’s able to add anything else. “We were supposed to talk shit about Hobi.”
Yoongi visibly deflates, his eyes dropping to his solo cup as he spins the liquid in it, watching it slosh around. “Yeah.”
“When did he tell you he’s switching colleges?” you ask, as gently as you can.
“Right before you guys got here.”
Damn. You’re friends with Hoseok too, you really are, but you reckon it’s selfish to do something like that to someone at a party when they can’t really do anything. It explains the awkwardness when you arrived though, and for some reason you’re happy you stuck to Yoongi’s side and not Hoseok’s.
You don’t think Hoseok would deserve someone comforting him right now.
“That’s dickish,” you say, and you mean it. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s coming out of nowhere too,” Yoongi adds. He sighs, resting his head against the door. “He seemed to say that it was to follow a professor for an internship but still… It’s weird, no?”
“Where is he going?” you ask.
“He didn’t tell me. Just said that it was far.”
You wince. “Damn. I’m sorry.”
Yoongi shrugs, and he downs his glass, gagging after he’s swallowed. “This is really bad alcohol.”
It’s a bad attempt at switching subjects, and you offer Yoongi a small smile you hope is comforting. “How are you feeling?”
“I’ve had better days,” Yoongi replies, and he sounds infinitely tired. “But thank you for trying to cheer me up tonight. I really appreciate it.”
Your smile is easy, warm this time. “Of course. Anytime.”
You end up staying in that small, impersonal bedroom for a while, the party long forgotten as you chat about everything and nothing. You hadn’t realized before, but you have more in common with Yoongi than you previously thought. You had similar circumstances growing up - that is, fathers leaving when you were too young to even remember them, and older brothers that tried to compensate.
Yoongi tells you about high school, about the first girl he dated. That’s how you learn that he’s bi, and not gay, and you beat yourself up mentally because now you feel like you’ve lied to Jungkook.
Not that it matters - Yoongi has the potential to be a good friend, but he’s not Jungkook.
You don’t know what to make of the thought, so you push it far, far back in your mind, until its whisper is easily ignorable.
“Shit,” Yoongi lets out a while later as he pulls his phone out of his pockets. “We’ve been in here for two hours.”
You widen your gaze, pulling your phone out as well. Your pulse skyrockets when you notice Jungkook tried to call you twice, leaving you a text that makes you hold in a small smile.
[11:46 pm] JK: where are you [11:46 pm] JK: :(
It’s almost thirty minutes later, but you immediately swipe your phone open to reply.
[12:12 am] You: just chilling with yoongi. wanna head home soon?
“I think I’ll go,” Yoongi says, and you look up from your phone to meet his gaze. “I’ve got lots of stuff to do tomorrow.”
You nod. “We should study together Sunday,” you reply as you both push up to your feet, stretching. “I have a lab report to finish.”
Yoongi agrees, and a second later you’re stepping out of the room. You earn a curious look from three girls sitting on the floor near the bathroom, and you offer them a tight-lipped smile as you pass them on your way to the stairs. 
The music is still loud when you get to the floor level, people dancing and indulging in alcohol and partying like only college kids know how to do. Part of you still wants to revel, to enjoy the night, but your break away from the party with Yoongi has tired you, and you want to head home.
And maybe part of you wants to head home because it means spending time with Jungkook, but you’d never admit it to anyone.
You hug Yoongi goodbye in the middle of the living room, and then you make your way to the kitchen, hoping to find Jungkook there. You don’t find him, but Ria, Seokjin, Namjoon and Nabi are there, and you inform them that Yoongi left.
“What were you guys doing?” Nabi asks, and you immediately know she’s inebriated by the slur in her speech. “Why were you trying to go to the bathroom?”
A slight blush covers Namjoon’s cheeks as you burst out laughing. “What were you guys doing in the bathroom, mmh?” you counter-back.
Ria bursts out laughing, and Seokjin holds in a laugh, his plump lips curving upwards at the corner as Nabi makes a sound you can’t quite interpret. It just makes you laugh, and she’s quick to follow with, “What about it?”
“Nothing,” you say, shrugging your shoulders innocently. “Just an image I’ll never be able to get out of my mind.”
“Gosh,” Namjoon lets out, and you all laugh again.
“Anyways, I was just cheering Yoongi up,” you say after that, and you’re aware it sounds a little suspicious when four pairs of eyes turn to look at you, eyebrows almost touching. “We talked, that’s it,” you add, raising your hands in defence. “Why are you guys looking at me like that?”
“Hobi got pissed when he learned you guys were hiding somewhere together and he dipped,” Ria reveals. “I think you made him jealous.”
“Oof.” You worry at some dry skin on your bottom lip. “Shit, I’m too sober for this.”
For this being lying to your friends, because you know damn well that Hoseok might indeed be jealous of you, but for spending time with Yoongi. Not the other way around. Your friends don’t know though, so you let Ria tug you to the bar, where the amount of alcohol has drastically diminished since the last time you were here.
You end up throwing back shots with your friend, and she inevitably tugs you on the dancefloor next, and you sway to the beat along with her for a while, until you once more feel buzzed with alcohol.
That’s where Jeon Jungkook finds you, arm carelessly wrapping around your shoulder as he pulls you in, startling you.
“Shit,” you say in his face.
“You don’t answer your phone, mmh?” he lets out.
You think you smell cigarette smoke on his breath, but you’re too drunk from his proximity to really be able to tell. He makes your thoughts swim after all, far too much for you to think about anything other than the fact that he’s close enough you could kiss him, here in the middle of a crowded room.
Would people cheer for you guys, or would you earn snickers? You think it’d be the latter option, considering that he’s Taehyung’s friend, but you don’t care.
“Hey you,” you purr, and he raises his eyebrows in surprise.
“Hey,” he replies.
You can’t help the soft smile that overtakes your features, and he immediately melts, echoing it. 
“Want to head home?” you ask him.
Someone loudly clears their throat, and you jump out of Jungkook’s arms, cheeks turning fully red. Ria is watching with a wide grin, and she wiggles her eyebrows when you meet her gaze.
“Fuck off,” you tell her, your whole face burning, and she just laughs at your expense as you walk away, Jungkook in tow.
You make it all the way to the room where you’ve left your coat, grabbing it as Jungkook looks around for his, and you’re outside before he meets you, a confused look on his features.
“Are you mad at me?” he asks, his breath clouding in front of his face.
You watch as it lifts in the air slowly before vanishing in a gust of wind.
“What?” you let out. “No? Why would I be?”
“You ran out like I did something wrong,” he answers, motioning over his shoulder.
You melt. You melt like ice cream on a hot summer day, dripping to the floor with endearment for the man in front of you. 
“No, I ran because Ria always puts her nose in stuff she shouldn’t,” you say. You look around, fingers itching to reach for him, but people are smoking closer to the street, and you think you recognize some of his friends in the group.
“You were being obvious, peach,” Jungkook teases, and he winks at you, shoving his hands in the pockets of his coat as he walks down the three steps from the porch to the lawn. 
You catch up to him quickly as he heads towards the group, wishing everyone good night. Lisa stares at you as you stand next to Jungkook, and your cheeks heat up once more under that watchful gaze.
Luckily enough for you, Jungkook says his goodbyes quickly, and you’re walking away under a minute later, heading to where he parked his car.
“How come you’re always driving to parties now?” you ask Jungkook. “You could afford an Uber.”
He glances at you, shrugging sheepishly. “Then I wouldn’t have a reason to drive you home.”
“Please,” you let out, rolling your eyes. “We could grab an Uber home together. That way you’d be able to drink.”
He looks behind you, making sure you’re not in sight from the frat house anymore, and then he pulls one of his hands out of his coat, grabbing yours. His hand is warm, large, and it engulfs your own hand easily as he tugs you closer.
“You might hate me for this,” Jungkook starts, “but I promised your brother I’d make sure you’re okay during parties this semester.”
This time, you roll your eyes so far back that you think they might get stuck. “He did not ask that of you.”
“He did,” Jungkook insists.
“That’s bullshit.” You sigh loudly, slightly shaking your head. “Even when he’s gone he’s still annoying.”
Jungkook laughs, the sound like a warm blanket wrapped around you. “But yeah, he just asked me to make sure you’re okay, and I got used to not drinking as much at parties.”
“On behalf of Taehyung, I’m sorry.”
He tugs you even closer, and you trip on a crack in the sidewalk. He catches you before you fall, hands finding your waist to steady you. “Careful,” he says. “And don’t apologize, I really don’t mind.” 
You pout, but you fall silent, just enjoying the feel of Jungkook’s hand in yours. You reach his car a few minutes later and, ever so the gentleman, Jungkook holds the door open for you.
You cock an eyebrow, looking back at him with a small smile on your lips as you’re about to get in. “You only opened the door for me ‘cause you want to look at my ass, didn’t you?” you tease.
He laughs, loud and clear, before pushing you in. “Shut up, peach.”
A smile tickles the corner of your lips, like it permanently seems to do when it comes to Jungkook, and then you sit in the car. He shuts the door before making his way to the driver’s side, and a second later, he’s sliding in, offering you a smirk that makes your cheeks burn.
“What?” you let out.
“So what if I just want to look at your ass?” he says, turning the key in the engine. The car purrs to life as Jungkook adds, “You’ve got a really nice ass, especially in those pants.”
You feel all warm and tingly inside, and you roll your eyes as you look away from him. It only makes him chuckle, and then he starts driving, heading towards the home you share. The first minute is spent in silence, the music on the radio low, and you only realize that Jungkook has something on his mind when you glance at him to see him pulling on his piercings with his teeth.
“What’s wrong?” you immediately ask.
“You were with that guy for a long time,” he answers, and his eyes dart to you before returning to the street.
“Yoongi?” you say, though you obviously know that he means Yoongi. “Yeah, he’s a friend.”
“A friend?” Jungkook echoes. 
You hum, nodding your head. “He’s actually fucking Hobi so…”
Jungkook’s gaze widens, and he glances at you. “Hobi? Isn’t that the guy you were fucking?”
“He was,” you say, and you laugh at his expression, dead in the middle of jealousy and surprise. It’s a funny look on his features, though the second you laugh, it melts away, replaced by tender endearment. “He actually started fucking Yoongi during the power outage, and we ended things there.”
Jungkook doesn’t reply, but you see a muscle feathering under the skin of his jaw. He looks angry, and could he even be… jealous?
“Are you jealous?” you ask, unable to keep the amusement from your voice.
“I’m not,” Jungkook says, voice so stern you know for a fact that he definitely is jealous.
“You are!” you insist, and you burst out laughing. “Jeon Jungkook is jealous because I used to fuck someone else.”
“I’m not!” Jungkook repeats, louder this time. “I’m not fucking jealous.”
You smirk, eyes sparkling with mischief, and you pat his thigh. “Don’t worry. You’re the only one I want to fuck now.”
“Is that why you spent your evening locked up in a bedroom with some other guy?” he asks, and you hear the jealousy in his voice, clear as day this time. 
“Gosh, JK,” you say teasingly, and you turn towards him, fully facing him. “You’re so jealous.”
He pushes your hand away from where you’d left it on his thigh. “Fuck off.”
You widen your gaze, bursting out laughing a second later. And then, just to piss him off further, you lean closer to him, pressing a kiss on his cheek while your seatbelt tries to pull you back to your seat.
“You’re adorable.”
He makes a non-committal sound as you sit back in your seat, and you return your hand to his thigh, squeezing once. This time he lets you do it, parting his legs slightly so that his thigh is in easier reach for you.
You lean your head against the headrest, eyes searching his profile. He’s just toying with his piercings again, and he looks heavenly in the neon light of the streetlights, the orange glow painting him in a beautiful picture. You sigh, and he glances at you long enough for his eyes to meet yours.
You fall for him. You’ve already been falling for him, inevitably, but there’s something about the way he’s looking at you right now that makes you fall irreversibly.
“I want you,” you say, voice breathy.
Jungkook’s car comes to a halt at a red light, and he looks at you again. “Right now?”
You nod, and your hand finds his thigh again. “Shouldn’t I prove to you that you’ve got nothing to worry about?”
“I’m driving, peach.”
You shrug. “Then better keep your eyes on the road.”
Your words turned him on. You’d expected it, yet when you move your hand up, fingers grazing his dick, your throat dries out.
He’s already getting hard.
“You think you can drive while I suck your dick?”
“Peach,” Jungkook says sternly. “We’re almost home.”
“Just keep driving,” you innocently reply, batting your eyelashes.
He rolls his eyes, yet he goes forward when the light turns green instead of turning left like he was supposed to. You bite your lower lip, desire flushing through you as warmth pools at your core.
“You act so tough, but you folded so easily,” you tease, feeling brattier than you’ve ever felt with him.
Maybe because you’re starting to realize the power that you have over Jeon Jungkook, and it’s getting to your head.
“Don’t make me regret, peach,” he warns, voice low and gravelly.
You wet your lips, tilting your head to the side. “Or what?”
“Or I’m driving you home and not fucking you tonight.”
His threat falls flat - the second the words are out of his mouth you caress his length through his pants, and he instinctively bucks his hips.
“Careful,” you let out. “Wouldn’t want to get in an accident.”
He just clenches his jaw as you start working on the button of his jeans. He shifts, allowing you easier access, though it’s still awkward from the sitting position and his seatbelt. Soon enough you manage to get the button undone, and then you unzip his pants.
“Think someone’s going to see us?” you ask as you slide your hand in his pants, gripping his dick over the fabric of his boxers once.
He sits heavily in your hand, already fully hard, and your mouth waters. 
Jeon Jungkook has a lot of power over you, too.
“Not if I can find an empty parking lot,” he says, voice breathy when you stroke him. “Under the boxers, please.”
“Jeon Jungkook, saying please?” you tease, cocking an eyebrow. “I’ll get used to this.”
“Don’t.” His eyes flutter shut for a few seconds when you manage to slide your hand into his boxers, and you let out a breathy sound at the feeling of his soft skin.
“Shit, Jungkook.”
“You’re already so hard.”
He chuckles. “You turn me on a lot, peach.”
You like to hear it, so much so that you free his dick from his pants, as much as you possibly can from the angle. 
“Clearly,” you say as you eye the bead of precum forming on his slit. You swipe your thumb on it, smearing it on his tip. 
Jungkook’s grip tightens on the wheel, but he remains silent this time around as he pulls the car into a parking lot. Though it’s not fully empty, he heads to a dark corner, where the lone streetlight died so that he can quickly park the car as you slowly jerk him.
“I thought you’d drive around while I sucked you,” you tease, unbuckling your seat belt. 
His eyes are dark, dangerous, as he casts them on you. “I want to be able to appreciate every second of you choking on my dick, peach.”
You smirk, and you bend down, swirling your tongue around him once. “Yeah?”
He grunts as you suck on his tip, and he reclines his seat, pushing his pants down just enough to fully free his dick. “Yeah.”
You suck once again. “Good boy.”
His large hands find your hair as you swirl your tongue around him, and he pulls it back in a ponytail so that he can watch you work on him, though you’re keen on teasing him more than anything right now.
You want to see how a frustrated Jungkook fucks.
“Just for you,” he replies as you lightly suck his tip once more.
You move to the side, peppering open mouthed kisses all along his shaft, and then some more on his thigh. You suck a hickey there, a dark, purple mark, and Jungkook curses under his breath. 
“Stop teasing,” he says through gritted teeth as you lick the mark.
“Or what?”
You look up to meet his gaze as your tongue toys with his slit. His precum is salty in your mouth, and the frustration building up in his gaze turns your insides to pure lava.
You’re burning for him. Truly burning - you’ve caught fire and you don’t think it can be extinguished.
“Why are you such a brat?” he asks, though he doesn’t sound inquisitive. He rather sounds whiny, like he wants you to stop but some part of him is thrilled.
Or maybe it’s you. Maybe it’s you and your desire for him that’s clouding your mind, like it usually always does.
You go back to his dick, licking your way up and teasing his slit at the top. You then close your mouth around him, give him a tentative suck that makes him buck his hips. You want to pull away, to be more of a brat, but his large hand shifts to the back of your head to hold you in place. You whine, but then he slowly fucks up into your mouth, and it turns into a moan, your eyes watering when he hits the back of your throat.
“See,” he lets out breathlessly. “I know you can take me.”
If you weren’t gone before, you truly are now, and you abandon yourself to the desire you feel for him. You take the lead, bobbing your head up and down as you jerk him off too, making sure every inch of his dick is pleasured. He’s a grunting mess over you, his hand still fisting some of your hair, though he’s thrown his head back and isn’t watching anymore.
You go down, hollowing your cheeks around him, and then slowly come up. You’ve been sloppy, and your spit is a natural lube on his dick as you stop at the tip, swirling your tongue around him.
“Peach,” he says, voice low.
You let go of his dick, meeting his gaze. He looks at you through half-lidded eyes, his gaze dark with lust. 
“Mmh?” you let out.
“I really want you right now.”
You don’t need to be told more. You climb on top of him, careful not to press your ass on the honk of his car, and you kiss him rough, your teeth almost clashing as your mouths collide. Jungkook grunts against you, his hands immediately finding your hips, and you moan when he sucks on your bottom lip, pulling it into his mouth.
“Do you have condoms?” you ask as he moves to your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses down the column of your throat.
You lose your hands in his hair as he sucks on the spot where your neck connects with your shoulder. And then he pauses, lifting an apologetic look to you.
“We used the condom last week,” he reminds you.
In New York.
You groan, hiding your face in his neck. “Are you saying we have to drive all the way home now?”
He wraps his arms around you, holding you close. “Or you finish me off here?” he suggests.
You throw him a stern look that makes him laugh, eyes crinkling at the corners. Your heart warms in your chest, chasing away the lust, and all you’re left with are the feelings that have been brewing in you for weeks, feelings you don’t dare name right now.
“Get back in your seat, I’ll drive us home.” 
You pout, and he pecks your lips once. You can’t help the soft smile that grows on your features, and you climb off from him, sitting back in the passenger seat.
A second later you’re pulling out in the street, Jungkook having put his pants back on, and he grabs your hand where it rests on your thigh as he drives. It’s intimate somehow, even more so intimate than you sucking his dick a second ago, and you spend the drive admiring him, wondering how it is that you got so lucky when it comes to him.
He opens the door for you once he’s parked the car near your apartment, and he shuts it behind you before grabbing your hand again, pulling you behind him as you walk home. He unlocks the front door, and then you’re in, engulfed by the gentle warmth of your apartment.
There’s a beat of silence as you exchange a look, the air filling with electricity. With the knowledge of what’s about to happen - your blood heats up in your veins, bringing back the arousal that had clouded the car just a few minutes ago.
“You know,” Jungkook lets out, and he takes a step closer to you, towering over you. “It was my first time getting sucked in my car.”
For some reason it surprises you. You didn’t think Jungkook had many firsts left, yet in a week you’ve done two of them with him.
“It was?”
He nods, and he grabs your jaw to tilt your head back, his grip gentle yet firm. “And you were so good to me, mmh?” You reckon you were a brat, and maybe you should remind him, but when he adds, “Should I be good to you now?”, you only nod. He laughs, saying, “Yeah?”
It’s all you have time to say before he’s crashing his lips on yours, and he swallows the breathy sound you instinctively let out. His hand falls to your waist, pulling you in, while yours do quick work of pushing his coat off his shoulders. He helps you by taking it off, and you both don’t care to put it in the closet, not when his tongue is in your mouth and he’s turning into the oxygen in your lungs. 
Taking off your shoes prove to be awkward, as you’re both reluctant to disconnect from the kiss, but it’s oh so worth it once you manage to free your feet from the shoes, and then Jungkook picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he pushes you against the door.
You wrap your arms around his neck, sucking on his tongue when he pushes it in your mouth again, and he grunts, grinding into you.
“You make me insane,” he says against your mouth, and then he pulls away to suck another mark on your neck. 
You pull at his hair, and he retaliates by grinding his hips into yours again. “I really want you, Kook,” you say, the nickname slipping from your mouth.
Jungkook pulls back, just enough so that his gaze can meet yours. “What did you just call me?”
Though your heart is beating so loud you can barely hear your thoughts, you manage to recall, repeating, “Kook?”
“Say it again.” 
The intensity in his gaze is not one you can shield from, and you find yourself lacking any defiance. “Kook,” you repeat, softer this time.
“Shit, please always call me that.”
When his soft lips find yours again, you sigh, and he pulls away from the door to carry you to his room, his mouth barely disconnecting just long enough for him to focus on opening the door. He walks in, not bothering to kick the door shut, and he puts you down on his bed, his lips disconnecting just long enough for him to take off his shirt before he’s climbing over top of you, his mouth seeking yours.
You run your hands along his warm skin, appreciating the muscles in his back as he shifts, nails lightly grazing him. He grinds into you in retaliation, and you moan in his mouth, a sound he swallows like a starved man.
Jungkook kneels between your legs, and despite the fact that he didn’t turn the lights on, you still take a moment to admire him in the dim light filtering in from the windows. His big, doe eyes are narrowed softly, like he’s holding in a smile, and he gently runs a hand up your arm before pulling you to a sitting position.
He takes off your coat, eyes never leaving yours - like he’s lost in your gaze the same way that you’re lost in his - and then he takes care of your shirt, throwing it somewhere on the floor. He plays with his piercings as he takes in the sight of your breasts, nipples perked.
“Not wearing a bra?” he teases, and he pinches one of your nipples.
You moan softly, and he pushes you back down so that he can bend and wrap his lips around your other nipple, tongue teasing at the sensitive bud.
“Is there something wrong with that?” you ask once he’s lifted your head from your breast.
“No. Just made me realize that I should have fucked you at the party.”
You bite your lower lip. “You should have.”
“Then everyone would know how good I make you feel, mmh?” he says, and then he starts going down your body, pressing kisses along the column of your neck, and then on your collarbone. Your breasts come next, and he takes his time worshipping them while you tug at his hair, just enough for him to grunt against you.
When he gets tired of your breasts, Jungkook moves lower, pressing gentle kisses on your abdomen, up until he reaches the band of your pants. He looks up then, meeting your gaze seeking consent, and you offer it to him with a nod of your head.
It doesn’t take him more to go lower, and he kisses your clit over your pants. You let out a breathy sound, and he kneels so that he can take off your pants, pulling your panties down at the same time. 
You’re dripping wet. You’ve been dripping wet since you sucked him in his car, and Jungkook watches your juices glistening as he pulls on his lip piercings. “Shit, peach. You’re fucking soaked.”
“I know,” you let out.
“So, so good to me,” he whispers to himself, and then he dives in, licking up from your entrance to your clit, where he swirls his tongue against the sensitive bud.
You become a moaning and writhing mess as he eats you out, as his tongue presses expert circles around your clit. He starts fingering you at the same time, scissoring motions fighting against your walls as they instinctively tighten around him, yet Jungkook doesn’t falter.
He never does. He never falters, is always good to you. It’s no wonder you start riding the wave towards an orgasm in no time, the pressure on your clit just enough to keep you on edge without pushing you over. You try to grind into his mouth, but he pushes you back down, one large hand on your stomach.
“Just let me please you, mmh?” he says against you.
And then he truly goes in, his tongue flat against your clit as he moves his head from side to side, his fingers curling perfectly inside of you. The orgasm hits like a train, and your vision turns white as your walls pulse around his digits. 
Jungkook milks the orgasm out of you, making sure you’re truly spent before sitting back on his heels. You look at him through blissed, half-lidded eyes, and he palms himself over his pants, getting up to take off the rest of his clothes a few seconds later. He stands there for a time, his dick rock hard, and then he walks over to his night table to grab a condom. 
A moment later he’s back between your legs, rubbing his dick up and down your folds to collect your juice. 
“Ready?” he asks.
You’re still high from the orgasm, so you just nod your head once, eyes fluttering shut as he pushes inside of you and you let out a broken moan. He grips your waist, fingers ever so slightly pushing into the supple skin as he seats all of himself inside of you, and then he gives one thrust, pushing back out and then in in a swift motion.
“Peach,” he grunts, and his thumbs shift on your skin, like he’s caressing your sides.
“Mmh?” you let out.
He doesn’t move for a time, and your eyes slide open to meet his gaze. The intensity behind his pupils nearly undoes you, making you reach towards him until he lets go of your waist to grab your hand instead. He leans forward, holding your hand over your head, and then he steals a quick kiss on your lips.
“Let me know if I hurt you?” he says against your mouth.
You kiss him again for good measures, and then whisper, “Don’t worry, I can take it.”
“Fuck,” he curses, and then he starts fucking you, slowly yet deep, his dick infinitely hard inside of you.
He keeps at it for a time, his forehead resting against yours as he fucks you passionately, taking in the breathy sounds you make. Your free hand finds his waist, as if you can urge him to go faster, yet he resists, just keeping that same slow and steady beat. 
He lifts his head, pecks your forehead and then says, “Ready?”
“Yeah,” is all you have time to say before everything changes and he starts pounding into you unforgivingly. 
You hold on to his shoulders, nails digging in his skin as his head hangs low. He grunts directly in your ear as he fucks you, the sounds he makes almost pornographic. It’s hot, deadly so, but then again you think everything he does is hot.
You’re a goner for him. For your brother’s best friend, for someone you can’t truly have. It sobers you, and Jungkook seems to notice the shift in your attitude because he stills inside of you, raising his head to meet your gaze.
“Are you okay?” he gently asks. 
His big, doe eyes are filled with concern for you, with so much emotion you think you might drown. You cup his cheek, taking it all in.
Maybe you truly can give it a chance.
“I think I’m falling for you,” you breathe.
He doesn’t move for a while, doesn’t even blink, but then he grins. He grins, and you think you’ve never seen something as beautiful as him.
“Then that makes two of us,” he whispers, and then he’s kissing you languidly, his hips resuming their motions, though they’re slower this time, closer to what it was like at the beginning. 
You love it all the same, holding him as close to you as you can, kissing him back with every little treacherous emotion you don’t want to name.
He really is too good to be true.
“I’m going to come,” he whispers against your mouth, and he sounds slightly surprised.
Like he didn’t think he could come from gentler, softer sex like what you’re partaking in right now. Yet you react accordingly, pulling on his hair just enough to sting.
“Yeah?” you let out.
“Fuck,” he grunts.
“Fucking come for me, Kook.”
The nickname unleashes him, and he pounds into you, chasing his high as you rake your nails on his back. A few deep thrusts later he’s coming, slamming to the hilt as his dick twitches inside of you, and he kisses you again, grunts and groans in your mouth as you take it all in, your walls pulsing around him like you’re coming too.
It takes you both a while to come down from the high, and Jungkook doesn’t move, stays there with his forehead resting against yours as you breathe in the same air. Your hands run up and down his back in soothing motions despite the thin sheen of sweat covering him, and he occasionally presses soft pecks on your lips that you immediately reciprocate.
Eventually the moment passes, and Jungkook slips out of you to lie down next to you instead, though he stays close, nuzzling his face in your neck as he rests his hand on your stomach. You feel safe, warm, and you wish the world could stop right now. You wish you could stay here, forever.
And tonight you reckon you’re foolish enough to believe you might.
Prev | Chapter 9.5 | Next
these two are so obsessed with each other, help :') hope you guys liked this chapter! Let me know what you think!!
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2024. Do not copy, repost or translate.
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beefycupcakes · 28 days
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I watched the Cars trilogy recently and with that came a wave of nostalgia and a strange desire to make my own designs for the cars as humans. Aka taking all the charm out of Cars but scratching the brain itch.
So, no need to drag out the intro any longer, I have some notes written out about em for those who might be interested or just bored.
Lightning McQueen:
I tried to make his suit look as professional as possible, with references pulled straight from McQueen's paint job/stickers, while also keeping in mind that I do intend to draw him more so I didn't want to go too crazy with the design. In a perfect world I would've let my maximalist cravings win, but alas let's keep it digestible for my sanity.
I feel like everyone's kinda on this unspoken agreement that McQueen as a human would pretty much look just like Owen Wilson, and that's the big picture here. I used Wilson as inspiration while tweaking and exaggerating a few things to my preference. (Okay, well not everyone, lmao.)
The chevron markings on the front cut off at the side seams not wrapping around the entire suit as to not clash with the sponsor logo on the back.
Also, he's wearing special gloves to help him grip & have control over the steering wheel. I think sometimes that looks a little weird when his sleeves are down & cuffed, but I just feel like he needs to have the gloves there— especially when he comes out of the top half of the suit. (It's also lowkey supposed to mirror his 4 tires when you consider his shoes are also black.)
So yeah, that's basically all I have to to say regarding Lightning McQueen's page. I feel like a lot of my design choices are self explanatory and, honestly probably shared universally... I mean, he's really cut & dry. (But I love him ⚡︎)
I'm not gonna lie, Mater was a bit challenging for me. I definitely had to step out of my comfort zone but I wanted to stay true to the character and not butcher anything.
My first thought was to give him a fishing pole to substitute for the tow hook— but then the more I was thinking about it, the more that felt so... out of place? Radiator Springs is in Arizona, which is (not entirely, but mostly depicted in the movie as) a desert. And even though there are beautiful bodies of water in Arizona, in the movie I don't recall seeing any prominent ones, at least in relation to Mater. So, scratch that, instead I gave him a lasso, which isn't supposed to entirely substitute for the tow truck— no, he still drives a tow truck, but the lasso is so he can grab people/things similarly to Tow Truck Mater (very cartoony). My explanation for this is the cattle ranch. Yeah, Mater is a tow truck driver but perhaps he has a side hustle, or hobby, if you will.
Also, I didn't want to make him... dirty(??) Like, yeah, of course, Mater would obviously get a bit filthy from time to time, it's just in his nature, but that is NOT going to be the core of my design. In regards to the rust happening on him, I felt like instead I would substitute this with being very tan. Again, Arizona is a desert. Because of this, he would take off his shirt often, and this would substitute for the missing hood like on Tow Truck Mater. The removal of the shirt also reveals just how tan Mater actually is.
It's his uniformed overalls that have his original aqua color, but from years of wear & tear they've been patched up with brown patches, this would also reference the rusting. The one strap is supposed to mimic the one headlight being broken, and I know that's a stretch, believe me, I wanted to do something with his eyes but eyes are not the headlights in the Cars universe..... think about this. Think about it really hard... if you know what the headlights are in the Cars universe then this actually makes perfect sense.
He is taller and wider than McQueen, which is a reference to the literal frame of their vehicle counterparts. (A little hard to picture with these images, but eventually I'll draw them together!)
That's all I have to say really, but do let me know what you guys think! Gas it up and it might encourage me to make a part 2 with some of the other characters! Who would you like to see next? ♡ Thank you so much for reading & have a great day, Kachow!!
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icys-junkyard · 4 months
Unova Battle Subway maps
My personal preferred map of the railways (one with blue markers, one with color coded markers)
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An alternate map, taking the in-game subway map slightly more literally. (Bonus map with a few non-canon markers I added purely to help myself make sense of the seemingly pointless shapes of some of the routes)
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Bonus extra map of the routes taken by Ingo, Emmet, or both of them, for those who want a more specific visual of those routes on their own. (Of course Emmet's line goes through the Pokémon World Tournament lmao)
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Misc notes/thoughts under the cut
I'm not a train person, take all these musings with a grain of salt lol
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Canon map note: I imagine this map only shows the large, intercity railways. Cities like Nimbasa, Castelia, etc likely have smaller, more complex subway lines all over the city like we tend to see IRL.
Canon map note 2: In an IRL setting, these rail lines are likely far less straight and angular than on these maps and could probably make a lot more sense if drawn with a freer hand and consideration for the landscape, but I tried sticking somewhat close to how it's presented in the game.
International (wi-fi) line: In the game it's the wi-fi line. In a non-game context I imagine this line is one that actually leaves Unova and goes to a neighboring region.
Subwayness: While not all of these lines are 100% underground like they might be in the cities, I like to think quite a few of them are partially or primarily in tunnels. Many lines go across water without a major bridge* on the map, or straight through harsh environments like mountains or deserts, some of which may be more convenient long term to go under rather than through. With the technology of the Pokémon universe, I imagine large stretches of underground train tunnels are entirely possible. (*Maybe there's smaller unshown bridges for the trains, but at least the line that goes right through Castelia's port to an island I'd like to believe could be underground under water)
Battle Subway: The Battle Subway itself likely only runs on these intercity lines.Assuming IRL distances rather than in game walking distances, depending on the length of the line, a lap or two could be a full days work for the bosses. Non-battle trains likely use these same tracks.
Anville Town: The branching path on the Anville line is strange, as it doesn't seem to point toward any known location. It could be pointing toward some unlabelled town or landmark, though I've seen some people posit that it stops at the Celestial or Dragonspiral towers (though they seem too far away for me to agree). My personal headcanon is that rather than the large branch shown on the original map, it's actually two branches going to Anville Town; a large alternate rail to help with rotating/moving trains going in and out of the rail yard there.
Pokémon World Tournament: Located in or very near Driftveil City, it was added in BW2 by Driftveil gym leader Clay. Considering Driftveil is a city, it could have multiple subway stations, one of which just happens to be close to the PWT. Alternatively, it could be a bit of a distance away and thus have it's own station.
PokéStar Studios: Located in or very near Virbank City. As the major intercity lines don't quite hit Virbank itself, I imagine Virbank only has one intercity station near the studio if it's within Virbank itself. That, or it has no intercity stations and one must travel the distance between Virbank and the studio to travel further.
Unity Tower: Literally this train goes through a port and right into the ocean to reach an island. This island is only accessible by boat. I'm convinced this train goes under the seafloor. That or it has a super cool Marine Tube situation where it's a subway tunnel, but the tunnel is transparent and the ocean and water pokémon can be seen out the train windows.
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Soothe & Sleep
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summary: miguel always comes home to soothe your aches.
pairing: afab!reader x miguel o’hara
contents: 18+/NSFW/MINORS DNI, soft!miguel, kissing, biting, cockwarming, unprotected sex
wc: 1.3k
an: this was literally just an excuse to write cockwarming with miguel. not beta’d and barely proofread as i JUST wrote this like an hour ago lmao. might be ooc as ive only seen the movie once. in honor of Father’s Day for our favorite dilf 🥰
misc. masterlist | requests are open
You’re always needy when Miguel walks through the door. Sometimes there are days and days of missing him, short bits of contact here and there as he traipses through the multiverse, but none of that compares to having him standing and breathing right in front of you.
You know that he’s exhausted by the time he makes it home— and you’ve tried to quell your neediness, to show him you’re happy he’s home without latching yourself to him the moment he comes through the door. There’s something about him, about the love that you two share that makes moments away from him feel like an eternity, even if he’s gone just for a few hours. But, he never fails to come home to you and make you feel like he never left.
When he makes it home this time, you’re sprawled out on the couch, eyes fixed on a herd of meerkats that are trying to make it to a watering hole. The sound of a key in the door makes a smile spread across your face, but you keep your eyes on the screen, invested.
“They survived the jackals?” He calls from the door over the sound of him shedding his suit.
You pause the show, turning around to perch your head on the back of the couch. It gives you the perfect view of him sliding into a pair of boxers that he keeps in the foyer closet. “They survived the jackals two weeks ago.”
He sighs, closing the space between you so that he can cup your face in his large hands, “I’m missing too much, it sounds like you need to stop watching this without me.”
“Or, you could just stop going away,” You tease, raising up on your knees to press your mouth to his.
“If I could stay home with you, I would, amor,” He says longingly between kisses. He deepens the kiss, keeping you from responding to his rebuttal. The last thing he wants it’s to send you into one of your spirals, not when all he wants to do is show you how much he missed you.
Miguel’s hands trail down your body, slowly and softly. His fingers brush against your collar bones, the swell of your breast before taking their place at your hips and lifting you off the couch. You groan into his mouth— the way that he man handles you never fails to have arousal stretching through your entire body. Your hands raise to his hair, tilting his head back so that you can lick more deeply into his mouth, tracing over the points of his fangs.
He gets your legs wrapped around his waist, and walks around to the front of the couch, sitting you both down. Perched in his lap like this, he can grind you down against his clothed cock, which has been growing harder and harder since you kissed him.
You’re content to stay like this until the two of you lull into sleep. Sometimes he’s too tired to go any further than this, but that’s just fine. As long as you get to feel him, to taste him, to be completely surrounded by him after being apart for the last week. The way you miss each other shows— the kisses and grinding and groping grows frantic and rushed. Your skin is unbearably hot, seemingly only cooled by his hands or mouth. Only Miguel can soothe your aches, whether they sit in between your legs or in your heart.
“Need to be inside you,” He mumbles against your skin, biting down gently as his hands easily tear through your shorts and underwear with no warning.
“Miguel,” You breathe in surprise, pulling back an inch to look into his eyes.
“Let’s get you wet enough for me, cariño,” He takes two fingers and rubs them against your clit at a steady pace, licking and sucking at the bite mark left behind by his teeth.
In less than a minute you completely coat his fingers in slick, whimpers and moans spilling out of you at an increasing rate. He presses his fingers into your mouth and you lap at them eagerly as he removes his boxers and lifts you, lining himself up with you.
“I missed you, so fuckin’ much,” He sighs, head tilting back as you take every single inch of him. You’re hot and wet, gripping him so tight that it takes effort to breathe. His chest heaves, head swimming with everything you.
“Missed you,” You whine softly, tucking your face into his neck. He’s deep, it’s almost as if you can feel him in your lungs, taking up all the space inside of you— something you’d happily let him do.
“I know you did, needy baby,” He teases breathily, pressing several kisses to the side of your head as he rotates his hips.
The slow grind makes your breath catch, and you grow needy for more, wanting to build the pleasure that’s festering inside of you. You try to move your hips, to ride him properly but his hold on you tightens, tongue clicking in admonishment.
His lips fall to your ear, his voice firm and commanding, “I want you just like this. Can you feel how deep I am?”
“Mhmm,” You agree easily, though it takes much more effort than you let on to still your hips again.
“I want you to sit still, need to see if I can make you cum just from sitting with my cock inside you. You’ll be good for me, won’t you?” He knows that there’s no need for him to ask, but he wants to hear you say it.
“So good, I’ll be so good for you, I promise,” You answer immediately.
Miguel makes a soft approving sound in the back of his throat before using a hand to grasp the nape of your neck, pulling you back so that he can see your face. He grins down at you, noticing the cock drunk look in your eyes. He loves you in all states, even when you’re cranky or fed up with him for the day, but this is one of his favorites.
His fingers return to your clit and his hips move side to side in the softest, steadiest rhythm you’ve ever felt. It almost drives you mad, the teasing feeling of him inside of you with such tame relief. But then you feel something building inside of you, the pleasure sneaking up on you so quickly that you hardly have to prepare for what is unknowingly your first orgasm of the night.
“There you go, look at you. Cumming for me just from sitting here. You’re so easy for me, aren’t you?” He asks, in a soft condescending tone.
All you can do is whimper, and he kisses you as deep as he is inside of you. If this were anyone else you’d have the mind to protest, but when it’s Miguel talking to you like this you know that there’s nothing but love and adoration— wonder even in the way you submit to him.
Over and over, Miguel makes you cum on his cock until he can no longer take it, groaning loudly as he spills inside of you. You pleasantly shiver at the hot feeling of him filling you up, pressing your face further into the crook of his neck as you yawn. You’ve grown sleepy from the late hour and the draining feeling of your repeated releases, unsure of how much time has passed.
He kisses your temple and adjusts so that you both lay on the couch, though he doesn’t withdraw, pressing his hand on your back to pivot your hips and keep himself deep inside of you.
“Sleep, baby, I’ve got you,” He croons into your ear.
Falling asleep with him like this feels like a waking dream and you slip peacefully into sleep, breathing in his scent. You hope that your dreams will be of him, and just as sweet as this.
let me know if you’d like to be tagged in miguel stuff!
tagging some folks who might be interested (let me know if you want me to not!): @campingwiththecharmings, @stargazingcarol, @soft-persephone, @k-ra
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nicromancytarot · 6 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t change for these readings and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I got but I pull like 20-30 cards each reading and that just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides to tell me what your body wants you to know right now. Pick a pile and find out what they had to say!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
You guys seem to be having issues with your posture out of everything right now, perhaps you are on the taller side and have to lean down, or tilt your head down to see others, or perhaps it’s the complete opposite. I am seeing someone who is struggling with back problems, many of the cards in this spread are holding onto something which is attached to the ground, so you may have a walking stick, or constantly struggle with balance due to pain.
A few of you are sat at your computer for too long, you’re leaning over and messing up your posture. Any of you who are working at computers often, or maybe you’re a streamer or something, make sure to take care of your physical health first, and do hand/wrist exercises, as well as stretches.
Your body is telling you to rest, they’re saying to allow yourself to take a moment off and lean against the wall, or sit down and just let yourself be calmed by the weight of your body being lifted off your shoulders.
There could be a possibility that you need to get something checked out at the doctors, I’m seeing dizzy spells? If you get dizzy when you stand up, I would recommend looking into booking an appointment just to get it checked out, perhaps you will find a cure.
You guys seem to be dealing with a lot physically right now, I’m seeing that your body is begging you to take a break lmao, as if they are trying to tell you that a rest is needed for you to be able to achieve what you want to. I’m seeing a lot of issues, eyes, head, hands, and legs are the main ones for you my pile 2. I see that you are aware of these issues, but you are trying your best to ignore it, as if trying to tell yourself that they are not all so severe and that you are being dramatic, but it seems like you’re not.
I think you’re working hard on something now, and it’s taking a toll on your mental well-being, like if you’re an athlete and in need of working out constantly, it may affect you with the level of pain that you have to deal with due to the aftermath. The back of your legs might be in a lot of pain right now, for this I would recommend allowing yourself to rest up.
Cluster headaches or migraines? Try sitting in a completely blacked out room, only thing to light it will be a red light, and sleep. It’ll help, I promise.
There’s certain sounds that you’re listening to, which are messing with your head, your body is asking you to try some white or brown noise, possibly paired with some theta waves for reparation.
Get yourself outside to enjoy something sporty and fun, I’m heading baseball, basketball, tennis.
You guys are in need of some vitamin D, your body is begging you to get outside and enjoy the sun, you’re nearing summer so I would recommend working out to achieve your summer body goals. Your body is currently rejecting someone, if you constantly feel drained around a certain person, or possibly they’re giving you a headache, or making you sick, that person is who we are talking about. Your body would appreciate if you would let this person go, so you can feel the best once again.
I got the word salad… perhaps eat a salad, whether it’s for health or losing weight, your body is recommending eating better and healthier so you can be the most superior version of you.
Some of you could possibly have a leak or something in your house, there’s a chance that mould could be growing somewhere and it’s making you really tired and fatigued, I would 100% recommend looking into it, even if it’s not a physical thing you can see, it might be growing somewhere unexpected.
Some of you are going through something really rough right now, and you need to allow yourself to mourn this situation, but do not do anything to the point that you are crying yourself until you’re physically drained, make sure to give yourself breaks, and time.
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mypoisonedvine · 2 months
oh my god not me seeing the notification which just said "anon asked YOU SENT ME PICTURES OF YOU NAKED" and being so concerned and confused lmao like who has naked pics of me
BUT ANYWAYS. neil my beloved. (i didnt use the exact dialogue from the prompt just like the concept)
warnings: 18+ only!! SMUT!!!, rough sex, some degradation, some hair pulling, punishment but like it's not that serious, facial, established relationship
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"The fuck were you thinking?" he spat, one hand pulling down your pants while the other kept you bent over the end of the couch.
I was thinking you'd come right home and beat it up like it owes you money, you thought, and it looks like I was right.
"Wasn't thinking," you answered quickly instead, arching your back as he yanked your underwear out of the way and roughly shoved two fingers into you. "Fuck!"
"Oh, that's too much?" he scoffed. "Cause you wanted a whole lot more than this, didn't you? You were just texting me while I was at work about how-- what did you say exactly-- how you wanted my thick cock stretching you open?"
"Y-yeah, something like that," you mumbled with a smirk-- as much as you could smirk with your face pressed into the sofa cushion.
"So two fingers shouldn't be a problem," he decided, "and you're fucking soaked, too-- even more than in that picture you sent. Fuck, babe, somebody could've seen--"
"Did they?" you asked coyly.
"You say it like you almost wish they had," he noticed. "Are you that much of a slut, you want the guys at the store to see you like that?"
"N-no, but it would be kinda hot if you got caught," you admitted. "If they knew why you rushed home, if they knew how bad I need you..."
"Well, I don't know about them," he decided as he took his fingers out and began to open his jeans, "but the neighbors are sure as hell gonna know who's giving it to you."
He made good on that promise within a few minutes-- if not just from the way you screamed his name as he fucked you so hard, then from your couch scraping across the floor from how brutally he slammed into you.
"This what you wanted?" he taunted proudly, holding you down and watching you nod quickly. "You're such a tease-- getting me turned on at work like that, I shouldn't be giving you what you want-- but fuck, I want you too. I was hard as a fucking rock as soon as you sent me that, you're so fuckin' dirty, babe..."
"Gonna come," you admitted with a gasp. "Fuck, Neil, baby, m'gonna fucking come--"
"Then do it," he snapped, hips clapping on your ass as he went even faster. "Fucking come, come for me--"
Your back arched but he kept your head down; you sobbed loudly, more than enough to be heard through your apartment's thin walls, but you didn't care at all. Digging your fingers into the couch cushions under you, you felt everything in your body tense up all at once as heady pleasure coursed through you. Even knowing how needy you'd been-- you wouldn't have texted him something like that for nothing-- it had hit you faster than you expected.
You thought he might mock you for it, but he didn't, and a few seconds later you realized why: because he was in no place to judge.
You whimpered a little when he pulled out, even moreso when he tugged on your hair a bit. "Get up, get on your knees," he ordered quickly as he stepped back, "gonna cover that pretty face."
It was harder than it sounded, you were so fucked out and not especially balanced, but you did as you were told, crouching down and kneeling in front of him as he stroked his cock quickly.
"Knew you could be a good girl," he praised, "fuck, hold still--"
You weren't really moving much, but he still grabbed onto your hair and used it to hold your face where he wanted as he jerked off over it-- and he came with a deep groan and warm ropes that covered your face. You hummed happily, flinching and shutting one eye at some point when it his come almost landed on it, but waited patiently until he'd squeezed the last drop out and tapped it on your lips. He looked so damn good like that: a little sweaty and a lot disheveled, catching his breath with his lips slack and his eyes heavy.
"Fuck," he said lowly one more time, admiring how well he'd ruined you. "Stay right there. I think it's my turn to take a picture."
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venuszn · 10 months
☆ : The Elevator
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Summary / You and Bada are rival choreographers under the same company. Bada has always treated you differently and you didn’t know why. You convinced yourself that you hated her for it. But you’re both forced to face each other one evening when the company elevator breaks down and there’s no where to hide - from each other and ur feelings.
Cw / Enemies to lovers, Angst, Fluff
Authors note / So I wrote parts of this sober, tipsy and then hungover . . . And then wishing I was drunk lmao. It’s not my best piece of work I’ve been feeling a little demotivated but here u guys go <3
Wc / 2.3K words
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“We appreciate that the two of you are this company's top performing choreographers. That is why we asked you both here today, as we would like to discuss the possibility of the both of you collaborating together to create a new, fresh, but distinct style that will suit our new girl groups debut.”
“I understand. But personally, I believe that my style is enough on its own and does not need additional input to achieve the vibe you are aiming for.”
Bada’s words smack you across the face and you feel your eye twitch. Your nails pick at the fabric of the chair beneath you as you force your anger down, swallowing the words of bile bubbling in your throat.
“No offence of course, to you.” She doesn’t even look at you as she says your name.
Your mouth stretches in a wry tightlipped smile. “Oh no, none taken. I actually feel the same. I’m confident enough in my own abilities. And I feel like collaborating with a dance style such as Bada’s might throw the vibe off entirely - which would be unfortunate. But of course no offence to you, Bada.” You say as you turn to face her, offering an empty smile.
Bada scoffs.
You’re both snapped out of it when you hear the aggressive clearing of the director's throat. “Well, I've heard what you both have to say. As much as I would have hoped for a little more professionalism, we do not have the time to waste trying to force you both to work together. So this is how it will be - the both of you will create your own separate choreographies and will perform them in 3 weeks time. We will be choosing one for the debut. Good luck to you both. You’re excused.”
You both bow and make your way out of the office and into the corridor. You walk ahead of Bada, irritation fuelling your steps as you enter the elevator. You turn to see Bada, a few steps behind you and out of pure pettiness you repeatedly press the button to close the elevator doors.
But to no avail as her long legs play to her advantage and she catches the doors just in time.
“You can’t keep doing that whenever you see me. You’ll break the elevator.”
“Then maybe take the stairs.”
Bada rolls her eyes.
Bada stands beside you, hands in her pockets as she looks ahead.
“My dance style might throw the vibe off entirely ?” She echoes your words from earlier with amusement.
“Yeah. What are you going to make those poor girls do ? Grab their crotches and start thrusting ?”
Bada scoffs and leans over you, a little too close for you liking, to press the button for the ground floor.
You feel her presence infiltrate your personal space like a bulldozer to a glass wall - because to Bada you were as transparent as can be and she could see right through you.
“Big talk coming from you.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean ?”
“It means that I can see through this act you have going on and that I know you don’t hate me.”
You wish the elevator would surpass the ground floor and plummet into the fiery mouth of hell.
“Go to hell.” You hammer back.
“You didn't deny it.” You can almost hear Bada’s smirk.
You feel the rage rise within you - rage once tamed like the flame of a candle now igniting a stick of dynamite as you feel yourself losing your composure.
“I do hate you actually.”
You spin to face her, eyes locking with hers, the amusement evident within them as she raises a brow.
“I hate how you look down on me.”
You hold your ground, eyes bearing into her soul as you continue your barrage of words.
“I hate how you dismiss me. You have never once given me a chance. I don’t know what I did to you but one day you decided that I wasn’t worth your time or effort. You do not know me, Bada. But you have decided that you hate me.”
Bada’s eyes stare back into yours, void of amusement but replaced with another emotion unknown to you.
“I don't hate you, actually.”
The elevator comes to a stop as it arrives at its destination on the ground floor - regrettably not hell.
“I don’t care about you enough to hate you.”
Bada brushes past you and swiftly exits through the doors without sparing you a glance.
You stand frozen as you watch her leave. Her words bouncing around your ears in a dance of jest.
Only that it wasn't amusing.
In that moment you promised yourself that you did, in fact, hate Bada Lee. And that you would never take an elevator alone with her again.
How wrong you were.
Three weeks quickly passed by and it was the night before the deadline. Despite the fact that it was a Sunday evening, you found yourself back at the company building in hopes of quickly squeezing in one last practice before the morning - and what better place to do it than in the very room you would be dancing in.
You approach the elevator doors and you hear footsteps approaching behind you. You turn and scoff as you cant believe your luck, or lack thereof.
Bada walks towards you, cap donning her pink and black hair as she looks down to her phone, not yet noticing you. You deliberate for a moment whether to shut the doors on her now that she's not paying attention or to suck up your pride and let her take the damn elevator with you as it’s nighttime and you’re probably the only ones in the building.
The angel on your shoulder won and you folded your arms taking a step back to lean against the wall as you watched her approach.
As she gets closer, Bada lifts her head up and her eyes meet yours.
“Oh, fuck.”
“Are you stalking me now ?”
Bada scoffs in incredulity and steps in.
“I guess we both had the same idea.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
You press the button to go up and you both stand there . The sound of the elevator making its ascent fills the void of silence between you. You stand there in disbelief of your luck, wondering if tonight could get any worse.
It did.
The four metal walls begin to quake as a shrill cry of metal scraping together slices through the once silent air.
You feel your body jump in shock as you grip onto the railing. Your head snaps to look at Bada but her eyes are already focused on you - wide and alert as you see her arm almost instinctively stretching out for you.
Before you can register anything, your bodies are bounced around once more and the electricity crackles and hisses before it blacks out entirely.
The elevator comes to a halt and you are both swallowed in darkness.
Bada immediately calls your name, voice laced with concern.
“Bada ? I'm here. I’m sitting down”
“Are you alright ?” She makes her way over to you, following the sound of your trembling voice before she crouches down in front of you as you sit on the ground knees to your chest.
The emergency lights flicker on, your eyes adjust and you blink to see Bada Lee mere centimetres away from you as she looks at you with the most emotion you've ever seen her show outside of dancing.
Bada blinks back at you, eyes staring into yours as she manages to observe how shaken you are. A feeling squeezed at her heart and she internally scolds herself.
Bada quickly rises to her feet. Now able to vaguely see, she takes a couple steps towards the elevator buttons and wastes no time in ringing the alarm.
Silence follows the rings as you both hold your breath, waiting and praying for someone to pick up.
“It’s a Sunday night, there’s probably no on-”
You're cut off by the voice of a man on the other side. Bada lets out a breath of relief and she takes control, explaining to the person your dilemma and securing you both your release.
Bada then makes her way back over to you and you feel her sit besides you. The dim overhead light permitting you to see her but only vaguely.
“Are you alright ?” She says your name tenderly.
You feel your throat tighten and you swallow hard. “I’m fine. Just a little claustrophobic but I'll be alright.”
“The maintenance guy said a minimum of three hours.”
“Yeah . . .” You mutter into your knees as you hold your arms around them tighter. Insecurity crawling its way around your mind. “Sorry you're stuck on here with me. We don’t have to talk or anything.”
“Stop . . . Just, stop.” Bada removes her jacket and places it around you without another word.
You both sit in silence, besides each other. You don't know how long it has been but it feels like forever and you pray that the girl beside you is unaware of the pounding echoing in your chest and the chorus of thoughts overlapping each other within your mind. You curse at yourself for getting into this position; ‘what kind of sick game is the universe playing ?’, you ask yourself.
“You know, when I said I didn’t hate you I meant it.” Bada’s words pull you out of your thoughts.
“Like you also meant that you didn't care about me. Which I can understand, we’re not friends. We don’t really know each other.”
“What if I want to know you more ?”
“What ?’
Bada shuffles in her spot beside you and clears her throat. She begins by saying your name gently.
“I don’t actually hate you. Or not care about you.”
You freeze in your spot, eyes locked on the vague darkness in front.
Bada continues, eyes locked but on you.
“I know that you don’t hate me either. That made everything so much harder.”
“W-what do you mean ?”
“I mean that I needed you to hate me. I needed to act like an ass around you and push you away before we even got close.”
“But why wo-”
“Because I have feelings for you.”
You feel your heart skip multiple beats.
“Fuck. Ever since you walked through those company doors you caught my attention. The way you carried yourself, how hardworking you were and how insanely talented you were - it all blew me away.”
You slowly turned to face Bada.
“And of course, how beautiful you are. I knew that I couldn't have you. I have a rule I've always stuck to which is not mixing work with pleasure. Then I saw how you would look at me and I knew I was done for. So I started to do everything to avoid you and to push you away.”
“Oh how selfless of you.” You say dryly.
“You made me feel like shit, Bada. For how many months you made me think I did something wrong or that I hurt you. You’re such a fucking coward.” You sniffle as you bury your head into your knees.
“I know. I know and I won't deny that. But here now, with you, I’m ready to step up and to face my feelings towards you. I can’t ignore them any longer and I can’t ignore you any longer. There’s been so many times where I’ve wanted to hold you - to touch you. To laugh with you or comfort you. I want to do all of that and more. That’s if you'll accept me . . .”
Bada gently guides your cheek and you let her, turning your head to face her as she holds you tenderly under her fingertips.
You feel heat travel through you from her touches and you lick your lips in nervousness. Bada’s eyes immediately flicker down to meet the sight of them. Her eyes then meet with yours, the both of you allowing the gravity of your attraction to pull your faces closer together.
Lips mere breaths away from each other, your hands find their way to rest on her shoulders as Bada slightly tilts her head and your lashes flutter shut.
“Is this my answer ?” Bada whispers onto your lips.
You inch forwards intending to close the gap.
But the sound of the doors prying open interrupts snapping the both of you out the moment causing you to jump back away from each other.
The bright light of a torch shines through the doors and you turn to see that you are being freed.
You look over at Bada, face a little flushed. Bada clears her throat and rises before offering you her hand and helping you up.
You feel butterflies travel down your arm to your stomach.
You both thank the guy and quickly exit, making your way out of the company doors before you realise that your hand is still in hers.
You blush and attempt to let go but you feel Bada grip your hand firmer as she leads the both of you out into the darkness of the night.
“Come on. I’ll walk you to your car.”
You smile to yourself at her words and you find yourself lowering all of your defences for Bada Lee - the person you swore you hated.
Tag list / @princhii , @lil-elliesgf , @wiselight @nimixe ! If you’d like to be tagged for future Bada fics lmk !!
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catcze · 8 months
NSFW!! 18+ ONLY !!
「 CWS : 」 Afab reader (has a vagina) !! No pronouns used !! Reader's thighs are implied to have some meat on them (enough for Wrio to grip) but the rest of the body is largely ambiguous. Wrio's your husband and so so desperate to eat your cunt until you cry ♡ Missed dinner bc I was writing this in a haze lmao
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Thinking thoughts about how desperate Wrio would be to eat your pussy every night once he gets his hands on you. How the thought of wrapping his lips around your clit and pulling the most sinful moans and sobs of his name pushes him to get through his day.
Wriothesley would pull you against him the moment you return back to your shared bedchambers, his lips on yours and his tongue in your throat, making you shiver. And oh, when he pulls away, breath heavy and tells you to sit on his face— says he wants to make you cum on his tongue and fingers, that please, sweetheart, I’ve been aching for it the whole day, and I missed you, baby, let me show you? and you're so far gone for this man.
So you climb on his face after he’s laid down on your bed, shirt off and an aroused flush traveling to the tops of his shoulders and the tips of his ears. Wriothesley’s watching your every move as if he wants you to just sit on his face already, but he’s also caught up in how you look so good like this. And when your knees are on either side of his head and your dripping cunt so so so fucking close that he feels a hunger deep in his stomach for you, he can’t delay it anymore— His calloused, battle-worn hands grasp your thighs so hard that the fat bulges between his fingers and he fucking tugs you down so that he finally gets the taste that he’s been waiting for the whole day.
You’d be worried that you might be smothering him, with your pussy pressed against his face and his nose bumping your clit with every enthused lick he gives your glistening cunt, but the thought is fleeting and quickly departs you in the face of your husband eating you out like a man starved. With each moan he pulls from you, each whine of his name and breathy sob, his pace doubles in his goal to have you a breathless mess. There will be sore, tender bruises on your thighs where he still grips you, not wanting to let you pull his meal away from him, but you can’t be bothered to mind. Not when your mind is hazy from the sheer pleasure racing through your veins.
He sucks on your clit hard enough to have you gasp, tears coming to your eyes, and your hands bury themselves in his hair, tugging as a means of grounding yourself, and Wriothesley fucking moans, his hips bucking and oh you can feel one— two, big fingers prodding at the entrance to your cunt, stretching you open on something firmer and longer than his tongue. It doesn’t take very long, just a few thrusts and a curl of his fingers that hit just the right spot for you to buckle under the pressure. White blooms behind your eyes and you cum on his tongue and fingers, shivering and shaking, with a hoarse moan of his name on your lips. 
Beneath you, Wriothesley just grins, hands on your legs never faltering, as he keeps you in place astride him. “One more, sweetheart,” he murmurs, already licking up the evidence of your orgasm, excitement pooling when you give a faint whine of assent above him.
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froggibus · 2 years
Just The Three Of Us - Cassidy x Reader x Genji
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Pairing: Genji Shimada x F!reader x Cole Cassidy
Genre: smut/NSFW
Word Count: 3.8k
Summary: after finding out you’re a virgin, Cassidy and Genji set out to change that
CW: porn w plot, virgin! reader, threesome, Blackwatch! Genji, Blackwatch! Cassidy, oral (f! receiving), oral (m! receiving), fingering, nipple play, multiple creampies, unprotected sex (make good choices lol), face fucking, overstimulation, cum stuffing, marking (??), slight dubcon??, alcohol use
happy 69 guys!! this was originally gonna be a dom! Widow w predator/prey vibes but i honestly couldn’t finish writing it lmao. i like this one a lot better tho and what could be better than the blackwatch sandwich? hope you guys enjoy <3
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“Oh, c’mon,” you take a sip of your drink, the alcohol burning your throat. “You guys really think you have more game than me?”
Genji shakes his head and laughs, leaning across the bar table that the three of you are sitting at. The bar isn’t busy, but that’s to be expected of a Sunday night. Aside from a few older men and some rowdy college kids, you, Cass and Genji are the only ones in there. 
Cassidy stretches his arms across the top of the booth, his hand falling just above your shoulder. “Hey, I got game!”
“You grew up with Reyes in an Overwatch facility—you’re practically a shut in.”
The cowboy rolls his eyes, feigning offence at your comment. He adjusts his arms, fingertips brushing your arms. You shiver under his touch, electricity coursing through you. 
“And me?” Genji asks, dark eyes meeting yours. There’s a glint of mischief behind them that makes your heart beat faster. 
“You…” You narrow your eyes at him as if deep in thought, “I could see you having game back in the day.”
“But not now?”
You take another sip of your drink. “Nope.”
Cassidy laughs, “well you ain’t got much game either, y/n. I can’t remember the last time you brought someone home with you.”
You glare at the cowboy, only turning your gaze away when Genji says: “he has a point.”
“If I wanted to take someone home with me, I would.”
“I’m sensing a but,” Genji says. 
“I don��t think you sense any butts.”
Cassidy howls in laughter, slapping his hands on the table. Genji rolls his eyes at you and takes a sip of his sake. 
“I have my eyes on someone,” you shrug. 
More like someones. The truth is, you haven’t had any time to date, much less have sex. And when you were given the time, there were a few coworkers who you couldn’t stop thinking about. Specifically the ones in front of you. Still, you’d never admit it. If Cassidy found out you had never had sex, you would never hear the end of it. 
Cass leans closer, whiskey on his breath. He wraps an arm around your shoulders. “Oh yeah? And who might that be?”
“None of your business,” you shrug him off. 
A waitress comes by and asks if you want another round of drinks. You order your usual, tapping your fingers on the table to the beat of an old rock song playing over the bar speakers. 
You can’t help but notice the way Cassidy’s eyes fix on the sway of her hips as she walks away. There’s a pang in your chest at the sight. 
The words tumble from your lips before you can stop them. “I bet you couldn’t get a girl in bed tonight if you tried.”
“I’ll have you know, I’ve gotten plenty of women in my bed.”
Genji laughs, “yeah? Have you kept track?”
You fake gag at the cowboy’s words. Typical men keeping track of their scores. Your eyes meet Genji’s and a burning question forms in your mind. “What about you?”
“When I was younger? Too many,” he admits. 
You try not to let the bitter taste of disappointment seep into your mouth. Of course they’ve both had sex with other people, you’re the weird one for being an adult virgin. 
“Not so snarky now, are we?” Cass teases, “are you counting them in your head right now?”
You’re no longer in a joking mood, standing up and slipping on your jacket. “I’m tired, I’m gonna head back to the hotel. I’ll talk to you guys in the morning, ‘kay?”
You don’t let them speak before grabbing your purse and heading out of the bar door. It’s cold outside, but the alcohol in your veins makes it seem much warmer. There’s a slight drizzle, the cold rain running down your cheeks and nose. 
Luckily, the hotel you’re all staying at is right across the street. It was almost tradition for the three of you to stick around one extra night after a Blackwatch mission, getting drinks and sightseeing before you have to go back to work. It’s kept you sane all these years, but it’s only fueled the feelings you’ve harboured to the other agents. 
You step into your hotel room and immediately drop your purse to the floor and slam your keycard onto the dresser. Your feet ache when you take them out of your shoes, and you’re all too happy to lay in your bed and watch television. 
You browse for something to watch, anything to take your mind off of the aching in your chest and the bitterness on your tongue. You decide on an old movie about fighter pilots, something Reyes probably would have made you watch. 
You change out of your day clothes, pulling your phone out of your pocket and setting it on your night stand. You exchange your tight pants for pyjama ones and your shirt for a baggy Overwatch shirt that got mixed up in your laundry ages ago. 
You settle into bed, watching the movie and ignoring your phone lighting up every few minutes. 
Genji sighs when he calls you for the fifth time, slamming his phone down on the table. “Still no answer.”
“I must’ve really struck a nerve,” Cass says bitterly. “I don't even know why.”
“We’re thinking about this all wrong. Y/n got upset when we brought up past partners so…she’s either ashamed of hers or—“
Cassidy finishes his thought with wide eyes, “or she’s never had any.”
Suddenly everything clicks into place. The overcompensating, the snark to your tone as soon as the subject was brought up. You’d never introduced a partner to them, you’ve never even brought someone to the Overwatch holiday party. 
Genji feels stupid for never realising it before. 
But with their realisation of your lack of partners came another one.  The way you subtly glanced at Genji when you said you had your eyes on someone. Was he the reason? 
“I-I need to go talk to her,” Genji is on his feet before he’s finished speaking, pulling his hoodie over his shoulders. 
“Woah, slow down there. Don’t you mean we need to go talk to her?”
“I think,” he takes a deep breath, “I think she was talking about me when she said she has her eyes on someone.”
Cassidy laughs. “That saké of yours must have really gone to your head. She clearly meant me when she said it.”
It’s the ninja’s turn to stare in disbelief. Classic Cassidy, he thinks, to assume every woman in the world loves him. Still, he can’t help but wonder if he’s imagining it all. If the alcohol really has gone to his head and amplified the feelings he harbours for you, turning it into something it’s not. 
“Okay,” Genji keeps his tone even. “We’ll both go.”
Despite their words agreeing, their views don’t, and everyone in the bar can feel the tension between them. Even while they walk across the street, frustration radiates around them. 
Cassidy is the one who knocks on your door, gently shoving Genji out of the way so that he’s centred in the doorframe. Genji sighs at his colleague’s antics, nudging him ever so slightly so that he’s standing by his side. 
You open the door in your pyjamas, raising an eyebrow at the pair. “Can I help you?”
“Y/n—,” Genji’s voice is gentle. 
“We know you’re a virgin.”
Genji steps on the cowboys steel toes, punishing him for his brazenness. Your eyes widen at his words and you find yourself taking a step back from them. 
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, y/n,” Genji steps into your hotel room, shoving past Cassidy. 
“I-I’m not ashamed,” your face is burning. 
Cassidy steps in next to Genji, letting the door close behind him. “Then why’s your face so red, hm?”
“It’s just—really hot here and I’m tired and you guys should go!”
Genji places a hand on your waist. “Y/n, it’s just us, you don’t have to be afraid.”
“That’s exactly why I’m afraid.”
They speak at the same time, “because you like me?”
You’re practically on fire now. Your head is spinning so fast you can’t tell what way is up, and you’re sure your knees will buckle at any moment. You blink a few times, shrinking under their gazes. Your heart speeds up and suddenly you’re pitching forwards. 
“Woah, cowgirl!” 
Genji, quick as always, moves his arm around your waist and catches you before you can even fall. He snakes his other arm under your legs and carries you to the bed, sitting you at the edge. 
You put your head in your hands. “I never wanted you guys to find out.”
“It’s okay to feel this way,” Genji pulls a hand from your face. 
Cassidy copies the cyborg but his touch is far less gentle. “We’re not gonna judge you.”
“It’s not!” You take a deep breath, almost choking on your words, “it’s not right for me to want both of you.”
Silence falls over the room. You sit there and wallow in your shame, too scared to breathe too deeply or move your hands out of theirs. You just want them to forget you’re there for a while. 
Genji glances at Cassidy over your head. The cowboy cocks an eyebrow and smirks slightly, and the cyborg blushes at what he knows he’s thinking. 
Cassidy’s metal hand moves from your hand to your jaw, tilting your head so that you’re forced to look at him. 
“What are you—,”
You’re cut off when his warm lips smash against yours. His touch immediately rekindles the fire inside of you, butterflies erupting in your stomach. He pulls away with a smirk, leaving you breathless. 
You don’t have time to properly process the kiss before Genji’s hand is on the back of your neck, turning your head to him and guiding your face towards his. He leans in, pressing his soft lips to yours. You melt into his touch, burning up beneath his fingers. 
You’re left wide eyed and gasping for air when he pulls away. “I don’t…I don’t understand…”
“Sh,” Cassidy places a hand on your thigh, rubbing up and down, “let us take care of you, okay?”
Genji shuts you up by pressing his lips to yours again, slipping his tongue into yours this time. You don’t fight back, desperate to have him. You can taste the alcohol on his breath but it only makes you want more. His hand reaches up to tangle in your hair, pushing you closer to him. 
Cassidy moves his hand farther up your thigh, brushing his knuckles against your throbbing core. You clench your legs around his hand, desperate for any sort of friction. 
“So needy,” he teases, moving his hand beneath the hem of your shirt. “Be patient, darling.”
You whine against Genji’s mouth, making the cyborg pull away. He gives you a lopsided grin, his cheeks just as pink as yours surely are. 
Cassidy tugs your shirt over your head, grinning when he sees you’re not in a bra. You expect him to make a comment, but he’s too busy staring at your bare chest. You glance at Genji only to realize he’s doing the same. Their eyes on you makes you self conscious and you find yourself moving to cover up. 
Cassidy catches your wrists in his hands. “Not so fast,” he tuts, and moves in to kiss you. 
You relax against him but only for a second before you feel Genji’s lips on your neck. His touch is gentle but with just enough pressure to make you whine and sent electricity down to your core. His teeth graze your collarbone and you moan into Cassidy’s mouth. 
The cyborg smiles against your skin, dead set on making you moan again. He kisses down your chest, kissing around your nipple before finally attaching his lips to it. 
You squirm, arching your back and moaning against Cassidy’s mouth. “G-genji,” a trail of saliva leaks from the side of your mouth as Cass pulls away. 
“So pretty,” he mumbles into your tit, teeth grazing your nipple as he speaks. 
You whimper, grinding your hips against the bed. Cassidy knows just what you need, and slips his knee between your legs before moving his lips to your other tit. 
You cry out at his added touch, grinding your wet pussy against Cassidy’s thigh. 
“Fuck,” he groans. “She’s so wet I can feel it through my jeans.”
Genji looks up at you, letting your nipple fall from his mouth. “You like this, baby?”
You can only nod, both boys chuckling at your dishevelled state. They can’t help but admire how cute you look with your rosy cheeks and messy hair and the drool around your mouth. 
Genji moves up to kiss you again while Cass slips down your pants. He’s pleased when he sees how soaked your panties are and quickly tugs them off of your legs. Your bare, glistening pussy greets him and he moans at the sight. 
So tight, it’s not hard to remember that no one’s ever touched you before. He rubs one of his fingers up your slit, poking your clit ever so slightly. You immediately react to his touch, whining and thrusting your hips forwards. More juices gush from you. 
“God, she’s so wet Gen,” he moans. “You gotta take a look at this.”
The ninja pulls back, staring at your perfect little pussy with his jaw dropped. His jeans suddenly feel too tight and all he wants is to bury his length inside of you.
Cassidy rubs his thumb across your clit. “Does that feel good, darling?”
You bite your lip and throw your head back, nodding furiously. Genji lays next to you, wrapping an arm around your thigh to pull it apart from your other one and open them up for the cowboy. His lips connect with your neck once more. 
Cassidy dips a finger into your dripping pussy, sinking right in. He groans at how well you take him, and slowly moves it in and out of you. He moves his other hand to play with your clit, pinching and twisting it in tune with your whines. 
He slips another finger in, stretching you out around him. He pushes them all the way up to the hilt, curling them inside of you. You whine, arching your back and trying to close your legs around his hand to get more, but Genji’s grip is too tight. 
“Patience,” he mumbles into your neck. 
You can feel his hard cock rubbing against your hip, the cyborg desperate for more friction. You rub your hand up his thigh and over the bulge, shuddering at how hard it feels. 
Genji shivers under your touch, opening his mouth to ask what you’re doing and closing it as soon as you unzip his pants. He helps you tug them down until they pool around his ankles. 
Your mouth practically waters at the outline of his cock through his boxers and you reach up to trace your fingers across it. Genji whines, propping himself up on his knees to give you better access. 
You slip your hand into his waistband and grip his length, slowly dragging your hand up and down his dick. He thrusts against your hand, desperate for more. You tug his boxers all of the way down, letting his cock spring free. It looks a lot bigger than it did in his pants, and the sight makes you clench your thighs. 
You spit into your hand and rub your saliva up his shaft, getting him nice and wet so you can rub your hand up and down it. Genji is mesmerised by you jerking him off, and he wants more. 
You wet your lips, getting ready to take him into your mouth. Before you can, you feel Cass start to suck on your clit while he adds an extra finger. You moan loudly, Genji taking this as an opportunity to push his cock into your mouth. 
His salty taste overwhelms you and you find yourself pushing your head down to take more. He wraps his fingers in your hair and holds it back, using it to guide you up and down. 
Cass continues his assault on your pussy, lapping the juices that gush from your hole with every thrust of his fingers. Your poor, swollen clit being sucked and licked at with no end in sight. 
You moan around Genji’s length, forcing yourself to take more of him. The cyborg can’t help but thrust into your mouth, forcing even more of his cock into your throat. You gag around it and the sounds make him moan even more. 
There’s a knot building in your stomach and you know you won’t last much longer. You grind your pussy against Cassidy’s face, desperate for more. The cowboy gladly gives it to you—fucking his fingers into you even faster than before. 
Your whines grow more and more desperate, drool leaking out at the space between Genji’s cock and your mouth. The cyborg watches as it drips down your chin and onto the peaks of your tits and wishes it was his cum coating you instead. 
Cassidy curls his fingers inside of you and you come undone. Your body tenses, your eyes roll back. Genji let’s his cock fall from your mouth, watching you with loving eyes as you cum on Cassidy’s face. 
Cassidy takes every drop of cum that you give him, lapping up your juices as they coat his chin and lips. He pulls back with a smirk, moving in to kiss you. You whine at the taste of yourself on his lips. 
“Now that you’re nice and stretched out,” he says, “why don’t you let Genji fuck that sweet pussy?”
You nod vigorously, your pussy already drenched at the thought. Genji shifts so he’s kneeling between your thighs, the head of his cock rubbing against your clit. His length is already glistening with your spit, but he collects your juices on his cock just in case. 
Genji locks eyes with you. “Are you sure?”
You don’t have to tell him twice. He sinks the head of his cock inside of you, and the stretch makes you whine. It’s slightly painful but the fullness it brings is the best thing you’ve ever felt. 
You tug Cassidy in for another kiss, using his lips to distract yourself from the sting of Genji’s cock bottoming out inside of you. He stays still once he’s all the way inside of you, letting you adjust to his size. 
You pull away from Cass to whimper a quick, “move, please.”
Genji can do nothing but oblige. He slowly pulls out before pushing back into you slowly, trying to keep his pace gentle and even while you get used to it. You can feel the throbbing of his cock inside of you and it only makes you whine and thrust your hips against him. 
You’re so distracted with Genji that you don’t even notice that Cass has discarded his pants and has his hard cock in your face.
 He rubs his cock head across your lips, “how’s about putting that pretty little mouth of yours to good use?”
His cock is thicker than Genji’s, and you’re worried that you won’t be able to take it all. You open your mouth and stick your tongue out, letting him slowly push his cock into your mouth. He has more of a taste than Genji and you find yourself savouring it. 
Genji picks up the pace as if to remind you that he’s still there, smashing his hips against yours with every thrust. You suck harder on Cassidy’s cock, your moans catching in your throat and vibrating against his length. You can tell he’s holding back, but you don’t know why. 
Genji flicks his thumb across your clit, and your orgasm washes over you. Your pussy clenches around his cock and he’s sent over the edge with you, your tight pussy milking his cock for all its worth. You can’t help but whine at the feeling of his hot cum inside of you, filling you up all the way. 
He pulls out at the same time as Cassidy, forcing a gasp from your lips. Cum pools between your legs, dripping down your thighs and Genji’s cock. 
“How was that?” Genji asks. 
“S-so good.”
You can barely speak, the overstimulation washing over you in waves and practically drowning you. Genji laughs at the fucked out expression on your face, laying down next to you and pulling you so your back is on his chest. 
You don’t realize what’s happening until Cassidy is between your legs. “Think you can do one more?” 
You nod, the idea of being fucked full of both of their cum too good to pass up. 
Genji kisses your cheek, “that’s our girl.”
Cassidy pushes inside of you slowly, your saliva and Genji’s cum acting as a lubricant. The stretch stings slightly, but it goes away quickly. Cassidy bottoms out inside of you quickly, making you cry out when the tip of his cock brushes against your cervix. 
He pulls out and slams back inside of you, making you squeal at the friction. Genji plants kisses up your neck and shoulders to calm you down, his fingers working at your nipples. 
Cassidy leans against you, pushing your thighs up against your tummy in a mating press. He’s desperate, fucking into you so fast and so hard you can barely keep track. Your head is dizzy from your orgasms and everything is so hot and so sensitive. 
With the way the cowboy is fucking you like you’re his last and the way Genji is toying with your nipples, you know you won’t last much longer. Based on the way Cassidy’s cock is twitching instead of you, you know he won’t either. 
Genji pinches your nipples and Cassidy slams his hips against yours again and you come undone. Tears leak from your eyes as your pussy gushes out around his cock, your whole body spasming. Genji holds you tightly through your orgasm, rubbing your shoulders and whispering reassurance in your ear. 
Cassidy cums right after you do, thrusting into you one last time to get his cock as deep as possible. Hot cum floods inside of you, mixing with Genji’s and filling you up completely. He continues fucking into you through your orgasm, waiting to pull out until all of his cum has been fucked into you. 
When he pulls out, their cum gushes out of you, dripping down your thighs. He gathers it on his finger and pushing it back inside of you, laughing at the way you squirm from his touch. 
He pulls his finger out and slips it into your mouth, letting you suck off the mixture of your cum, his cum and Genji’s cum. The taste barely registers, your senses dull in your fucked out state. 
Cassidy plants a kiss to your forehead, smoothing your sweaty hair back. “Such a good girl.”
“Our good girl,” Genji adds. 
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adrunkskeletonsduck · 2 years
Heyy!! Can I request something cute and romantic with Aonung x fem! metkayina reader. Maybe some romantic confession and laying in hut and just being in each other arms
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➜ Pairing: Aonung x fem!metikayina!reader
➜ Warnings: fluff, none
➜ Word Count: 0.9k
➜ Notes: I would have gotten this out sooner but microsoft word literally stopped working for like 2-3 days and i went through probably one of the most traumatic experiences of my life and was super out of it for a few days. My writing drive has also been run into the ground lmao.
Anyway hope y'all enjoy!!
Aᴠᴀᴛᴀʀ Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
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“He really did a number on you,” you mumbled with a shake of your head and Aonung scowled at your comment, making your lips curl in amusement. You found what the Sully boys had done to him almost humorous given the fact he had been picking on them non-stop since they arrived. You weren't sure why he’d been so mean to them, but you figured he’d have to warm up to them eventually since they seemed to be staying.   
“I didn’t come here to have it shoved in my face,” he snipped back dryly, moving to sit against the wall and stretching his body out in the empty hut. You snorted as you turned, looking through the basket of medical supplies you had and beginning to patch him up.   
“I don’t know what you expected skxawng, you’ve been nothing short of awful to those kids since they got here.” He simply huffed wordlessly, letting you work on him in a silence. You tried to work quickly, disinfecting the small cut on his cheek bone and slathering his bruise with a paste to help with the pain.   
“What do you think of them?” Aonung blurted the question once you’d finished, breaking the silence. You hummed thoughtfully at his question, putting away the supply's and pushing the basket by the entrance of the hut so you wouldn’t forget it on your way out.   
“Well, I haven't really had a chance to talk to any of them yet, but they seem like a nice bunch of kids,” you answered after a moment.  
“But you're not interested in any of them, right?” he asked, and his question made you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. You were unsure of why but it almost sounded like he was worried you had taken an interest in them. His cheeks flushed a light pink and he attempted to clarify what he meant, "I mean – like – you don’t think either of them are attractive-”   
You laughed, cutting him off and making his face hot with embarrassment as a deep blush made its way up his neck to the tips of his ears. He was aware of how he sounded, but as ridiculous as the question was, it had been eating at him since they’d arrived.   
“Aonung what are you talking about?” your voice was teasing, full of amusement as you spoke.   
He refused to look at you as he answered, “Well Tsireya has a crush on Lo’ak, so I was just wondering if you also might have been into one of them, because-” he began to ramble, very obviously flustered. You suppressed a giggle behind a smile, you couldn’t remember the last time he had gotten so worked up like this, let alone over you. You thought it was quite cute.   
Placing a hand on his cheek you attempted to bring him back to the real world, “Aonung,” you said softly, and the sound of his name coming from your lips had him swallowing whatever words that sat on the tip of his tongue, and his breath hitching in his throat.  
“Yeah,” he whispered back, and your smile only widened.   
“Why would I ever look at them, when I could look at you.” The words themselves sounded like they should have been a question, but they came out as more of a statement. They had Aonungs heart racing and eyes widening. Were you saying what he thought you were saying? You had to be, he thought, what else could you have meant? This was most definitely not the way he had imagine a confession between the two of you going, for starters he had always imagined he’d confess first.  
Hesitantly he leaned closer to you until he was just a hair's breadth away from you. The proximity had you swallowing harshly, your eyes dropping to his lips and making your cheeks warm. Your heart was pounding out of your chest as he closed the gap, and you were sure he could hear it as you slipped your eyes shut and let yourself be immersed by the feeling of him.   
He was tentive at first, his lips just barley brushing against yours, allowing you time to pull away. Instead, you leaned in, pressing your lips firmly against his and making him smile into the kiss at your reciprocation. One kiss after another your lips molded against each other perfectly in a short flurry of passion that left you breathless. The both of you drew out the kisses as long as you could, until the simple need to breathe burned your lungs and you both had to pull away.  
It was your turn to be flustered as you avoided his eyes now, fixing your gaze onto the floor firmly and ignoring the deepening blush that was blooming across your cheeks and kissing the tips of your ears. It made him smirk, a sense of pride that he could pull such a reaction from you bubbling in his chest.   
He reached out, threading his fingers with yours wordlessly and pulling you into his chest. You yelped as you were pulled on top of him, muscles tensing at the sudden, involuntary movement, but quickly relaxing as he wrapped his arms around you. You shifted, tucking your head into the crook of his neck and getting comfortable. The two of you could talk about what all this meant for the both of you later, for now you would simply enjoy holding each other. 
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