#an island and white countertops mixer lift
batty4u · 2 years
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Modern Kitchen - Kitchen
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queercecil · 2 years
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Modern Kitchen - Kitchen
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kid-crayon · 2 years
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Kitchen - Modern Kitchen
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warnerism · 2 years
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Kitchen Pantry
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phykios · 4 years
honesty and promise me, part 4 [co-written with @darkmagyk] [read on ao3]
 July twelfth dawns like any other day, Annabeth wrapped up in Percy’s sheets. She’s spent significantly more nights in his bed than she’s spent in her own apartment over the last two months, but who could blame her? This bed is literally to die for. Therapeutic mattress for the fucking win.
 Percy, to her greatest confusion and chagrin, is a morning person. Well, actually, what he is is someone who runs on very little sleep for three weeks at a time, before crashing headfirst into his bed for thirteen hours. It is a decidedly unhealthy way to live, but it means that Annabeth is used to waking up alone. The nights where she gets to wake up with Percy are the nicer ones, sure, but his presence is suffused in every corner of the room, his smell wafting from every piece of sweaty clothing tossed haphazardly about the floor, so much so that she never feels like she is truly waking up alone.
 Gross? A little. But the smell is oddly sexy, too, especially after he’s just come home from a run, all wet and glistening and flushed, panting hard--
 The point is, when Annabeth rolls out of bed in one of Percy’s shirts (the one that says “Do You Even Lift, Bro?” with an image of a male dancer raising his partner, courtesy of one Jason Grace) and stumbles into the kitchen for one of Percy’s patented brunch specials, it’s a pretty normal morning. What catches her off guard is the spread: eggs and bacon, obviously, with fruit and granola and yogurt, but also an enormous tray of delicious, flaky croissants, perfectly crescent shaped, with little bowls of every condiment imaginable, multiple flavors of jams and preserves and Nutellas.
 “Bounjour, mademoiselle!” Percy says cheerfully from the oven, perfectly accented, bending over to take out a tray. “Ça va bien?”
 “Um… bonjour…” She pokes a croissant experimentally, and is equally delighted and dismayed to find that it is just as flaky as advertised.
 “Take a seat, these ones just need to cool for a bit and then we can get started.”
 Spring in his step, he opens the refrigerator, taking out the most beautiful cake Annabeth has ever seen in her entire life. Perfectly round, paper white, with little blue borders piped around the edge, but it’s got Annabeth feeling like she’s just been doused in cold water. “How the hell did you know it was my birthday?”
 Immediately, she knows it was the exact wrong thing to say. His eyes go wide as the saucers on the table, mouth open in shock. “It’s your birthday?”
 Goddammit. “Um.”
 “Why didn’t you say anything?”
 Because birthdays were inherently a dumb concept? Because her father had to be reminded of her birthday more often than not? Because her mother had stopped sending her birthday cards after she turned thirteen, calling them a waste of money and resources? “I don’t know,” she shrugs, dipping her finger into the strawberry jam. “I guess I just didn’t think it was a big deal. Ooh, does this have rosemary in it?”
 “Annabeeeeth,” he whines, plopping the cake onto the kitchen island. “I can’t believe you! I love birthdays.”
 “Well,” she flounders, attempting to duck his sudden attention, “what were you originally celebrating? I don’t usually think of cake as a brunch option.”
 He raises an eyebrow, not at all impressed with her attempts to change the topic, but he answers dutifully, “Originally, we were celebrating me being one month cig-free--”
 “Percy!” Annabeth gasps, clapping her hands delightedly, and a little exaggeratedly. “That’s great!”
 “But,” he continues, “now we’re definitely celebrating your birthday instead.”
 “Oh, come on!”
 “Nuh uh,” he chides, grabbing his phone and beginning to type something, “I am asking Nico to pick you up a birthday card as we speak.”
 Oh. “Nico’s coming?”
 “Well, this is his apartment. Part of the deal is that I make him breakfast. I think he’s bringing his boyfriend.”
 “Is… anyone else coming?”
 “Just a couple of people, my friends Frank, Grover, Rachel… I invited Hazel and Thalia, too, but I think Hazel told me she was busy, and you know Thalia. If it’s not at a crappy dive bar then the odds of her showing up are virtually none.” Percy pauses in his text, fixing her with an odd look. “You really don’t want anyone to know, do you?”
 How easily he reads her is a little disconcerting, and also a thought that she just can’t handle right now. “I just don’t like people making a big deal out of it. You know, it’s just another day. I’d much rather celebrate you quitting.”
 He holds her gaze for a beat, before smiling, finishing typing out whatever he was doing on his phone. “Yes, I am officially quitting. Cigarettes are terrible for you, and I do not have the money to keep up the habit. So, I swear,” he holds up a hand, “No cigarettes, no weed, no vaping. Not that I ever vaped before.”
 “Oh, never?” Annabeth teases.
 “Not ever.” He leans in, grinning that devastating grin that is seriously detrimental to her health. “You could not pay me enough.”
 “Good.” She goes to meet him, pressing her mouth to his, sweetly and chastely, but swiftly turning deeper, almost against their higher brain functions, like they only exist to be here in this moment, lips against lips, tongue and tongue. She’s always hated the taste of cigarettes, she prefers edibles to blunts, and anyone who vapes is automatically dropped from her list of potential partners… but she’s never minded the taste of ash on Percy’s tongue. It was just another part of him, another facet of the whole sexy package.
 Now, though, she has the full taste of him, unfettered and unfiltered, his morning coffee and his morning breath. It is disgusting, but again, oddly thrilling. This is Percy, stripped down and divested of all the trappings of blue lipstick and tight pants. She wonders what he thinks when he sees her like this, messy haired, face and ears empty of metal, last night’s mascara smudged all around her eyes. Given the way that he deliberately threads her hair through his fingers, winding the frizzy curls around him, pulling her close enough that the pristine cake is in danger from some serious smushing, she thinks he likes it just as much.
 Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on which perspective, either Percy’s, Annabeth’s, Nico’s, or the cake’s, their little impromptu makeout session has cold water dumped on it before they can end up doing it on the kitchen island. The sound of someone unlocking the front door is almost comically loud, and they break apart, equally red and flushing.
 “Gross,” says Nico di Angelo. “No heterosexuality allowed in my kitchen.”
 “Take that back, you biphobic ass,” Percy says. “I have never been heterosexual in my life.”
 “I’m not biphobic, I just don’t want to see you getting it on on my marble countertops.”
 “Speak for yourself,” chimes in Will, setting down a grocery bag right on the spot which would have been ground zero. “Hi, Annabeth.”
 “Hey, Will.”
 “Nice of you to join us today,” he says, as though he doesn’t see her here all the time.
 She offers her assistance in cooking or setting up, knowing full well that she will be firmly rebuffed--domestics are not her strong suit, by any stretch of the imagination--and is sent away with an iced coffee that Will has so thoughtfully bought for her instead of the birthday card she was dreading.
 Soon after, the party is in full swing.
 Well, she uses the term party loosely. It is fairly intimate, even with Nico’s enormous apartment making everything smaller. They have assembled an odd amalgamation of people: “You already know Nico,” Percy says, indicating the goth prince next to, “and Will,” his boyfriend, the perpetually cheery med student, next to, “and this is Frank,” a large, physically imposing man with a shy smile, next to, “Rachel,” a red-headed girl who looked like she just walked out of a paint shower, all making space for, “and my buddy Grover,” the guy in crutches who had immediately dropped into the single, out-of-decor, but extremely comfortable-looking loveseat Nico had placed nearest to the bathroom. All told, they look like the brochure for a community college who really, really wants to publicize how diverse their student body is, but with a kind of natural chemistry and camaraderie that those kids on that brochure could only dream of. “Everyone, this is Annabeth.”
 They greet her, each giving a limp wave.
 Then Percy leaves to attend to his brunch spread, but not before giving her a quick peck on the cheek. She can feel all eyes on them, hot and burning.
 “So,” Annabeth says, as awkward as a freshman in an orientation mixer. “What’s up?”
 “Your hair is amazing,” says Rachel.
 Hers is crusted with paint, a deep red that turns pink against the orange in the light, a close cousin to Annabeth’s, which is in dire need of a touchup, curls thrown in disarray by Percy’s grasping fingers. “Thanks, I--”
 “So how do you two know each other?”
 Annabeth blinks. “Friend of Thalia’s,” she says. “You?”
 “Used to do ballet together,” Rachel says, brusque, efficient. “Frank, too.”
 Frank waves again.
 A beat passes.
 Annabeth looks to Grover, who watches, bemused. “You, too, I take it?”
 Another second. Then he laughs, weird, but hearty, a joyful bleat. “Oh, sure,” he says. “I’m a regular Baryshnikov.”
 She can almost feel the room relaxing, heaving a sigh after holding its breath.
 “Are you with NYCB, too?” she turns to Frank, shoving her hands in her pockets, fingers curling around the fabric there.
 Shaking his head, he swallows his orange juice. “I mostly do modern and hip hop, now, music videos and stuff.”
 Objectively, she knows that you don’t have to be skinny as a rake or bodybuilding champion to dance, but Frank is neither of these, a huge, sweet-faced guy with a healthy layer of fat around his face and torso--a strict counterpart to Percy, who could give the Belvedere Apollo a run for its money. “Have I seen you in anything?” Not that she really watches music videos, but she figures it’s the polite thing to ask.
 “Um, maybe,” he shrugs, embarrassed. “I’ve been lucky enough to work with some really big people.” Though he offers no further details.
 “Working on anything cool?” She asks, doing her best not to cajole.
 He nods. “Percy and I have a thing coming out probably in the next month or so, with--ah, well. Can’t say.”
 “Tease,” Rachel grumbles, tossing back her mimosa. “I’ve been trying to get the secret out of him for months.”
 Frank smiles, secretive and a little smug. “Sorry. You’ll find out along with everyone else.”
 “Do you work together a lot?” Annabeth asks. She had thought that Percy was strictly ballet--though, she supposes dancers do crossover work more often these days, if only for the money.
 “Not as much as we used to, sadly,” he replies. “We actually lived together in Paris for a few years while he was contracted with the opera before I decided to come back home. Vancouver,” he adds at her unspoken question.
 “Bit of a hike, from Vancouver to New York,” says Grover.
 Frank shrugs. “I was in town anyway, and I haven’t seen Percy in about a year.”
 Annabeth frowns, doing some mental math. If Frank hadn’t seen him in two years, then that meant… that Percy had been alone in Paris all that time. The man thrives off of friendship and social interaction; no wonder he was jonesing to come back to America.
 “Remind me again how long you two were together?” Rachel asks, red hair bouncing as she cocks her head. A jolt goes down Annabeth’s spine, appraising Frank in an entirely new light.
 “On and off for about two years,” says Frank, thoughtful. “But I just lived with him to save money. The rent in Paris sucks.”
 “And you were the best roommate I ever had,” Percy says, slinging an arm around his shoulders. “Clean, good cook, better kisser--”
 Frank shoves him away.
 “You’ve only ever had one other roommate, other than Nico or your mom,” Grover points out. “That one guy when you first moved overseas--Frodo? Fedora?”
 “Fyodor,” Percy corrects. “He was terrible. I didn’t know any Russian, he didn’t know any English, and our French wasn’t good enough to actually hash it out, so he just gave me a permanent cold shoulder.”
 “Kind of a low bar, don’t you think?”
 “And there was my roommate in Boston.”
 Sharply, she turns her head. “You lived in Boston?”
 “Yeah, for like a year. I told you I was with Boston Ballet for a little bit, didn’t I?”
 Pretty sure he didn’t. She almost opens her mouth to retort, to ask when and compare notes, to mention that she lived in Boston, too, before remembering who she is with, swallowing her words.
 “Fyodor hated you,” Frank hums, reentering the circle. He’d wandered away and returned with a croissant, dipped in chocolate.
 “Trust, me, the feeling was mutual.”
 “It must have been,” Frank says, “because I saw your new apartment after he kicked you out--that place made a shoebox look luxurious.”
 Something in Percy’s face almost falls when Frank says that. Annabeth is sure there is a story there.
 But Rachel laughs. “Annabeth, you have no idea. It was a      Chambre de bonne    ,” she says, exaggerating the accent, “which might sound super fancy and French and cool, but trust me, it wasn’t at all. It was this size.” She slaps the kitchen island, a little too hard, her third mimosa making her loose-limbed and loud. “When I visited for Thanksgiving that year      I     had to pay for the heating bill, because Percy basically refused.”
 “It was cozy,” Percy mutters, suddenly very preoccupied with the half a croissant on his plate.
 “It was not.” Rachel says. “It was sad and cold and small.”
 Nico looks interested, but not nearly as boisterous as Rachel or Frank, “Was that the place…”
 “Ye,” Percy cuts him off, “Yes it was.” He smiles, Stepford-strained. “But, then Frank came to town, and so did his grandmother’s money.” He slaps Frank on the back. “And I got a bathtub.”
 “I still can’t believe that a ballet dancer lived anywhere for two years without a place to soak,” Frank says, shuddering.
 “I can’t believe you waited until Frank got to Paris to get yourself a sugar daddy,” Grover quips. Percy throws a grape at him. Grover, to her immense surprise, manages to catch it in his mouth.
 Annabeth can’t really be impressed. This is the second time someone has brought up Percy and Frank having a history. Something hot and angry curls in her stomach. But Percy is laughing.
 Rachel laughs too. “Oh, he didn’t wait,” she says. “He had a bevy of sugar mommies for trips to Ibiza and Moscow and Beijing.”
 “It was Tokyo,” Percy says, “and they weren’t my Sugar Mamas.” He turns to Annabeth, sheepish, but not actually shameful. “They weren’t. Honestly.”
 “Uh huh.”
 “They were mostly Kym’s friends, and sometimes we’d go out when they were in town, and if we had fun, they’d invite me wherever they were going next. And if I didn’t have to work, I’d go with.”
 “I have heard rumors,” Will says, popping his head in, Nico attached to his hip, “of Percy Jackson, boy toy of the rich and famous of Europe. Is it true?”
 “Yes,” Grover and Rachel say at once.
 “Do you want to hear about that, Will?” Percy asks, “Or would you rather hear about the summer Nico came to stay with me and Frank before he started college, and slept with every single dancer in Europe except Frank?”
 Nico waves him off. “Only because you were already sleeping with him, cause he was your sugar daddy. Not like I needed the money.”
 “It wasn’t like that.” Frank says.
 “And now that we’ve aired all of my dirty laundry,” says Percy, “I need to borrow Annabeth for a second.” Gently, but with force, he tugs her arm, his other hand around her waist, directing her where to go like she’s one of his dance partners. Usually, she minds--a lot. She’s not about to let anyone, let alone a man, tell her where to go--but, you know, it’s Percy. Alone time with him is never a bad thing.
 He pulls her into the hallway, shoving his hand into his pocket. “What’s up?” she asks.
 “So.” Mouth open, he pauses for a moment, just… looking at her. His eyes are soft, warm like the first day of spring.
 “Uh, nothing,” he shakes himself a little, pulling his hand out. “Sorry, I just--I know you said you didn’t want anyone making a big deal out of your birthday…”
 Oh, no. She braces herself for the worst.
 Uncurling his fingers, he reveals his present for her.
 “It’s… a pin?”
 “Yeah,” he smiles. “Remember when I took my sister to the Met a few weeks ago? They were having that thing on Egyptian jewelry? Well, of course we had to stop in the gift shop, and I saw this and just--you know, thought of you.”
 It is a pin--one of those lapel pins that more often than not are added to a collection usually displayed on a backpack. This pin is a silhouette she recognizes instantly: the Parthenon, its columns and angles rendered in sterling silver, little grooves dug into the metal in an approximation of the fluting.
 “Wow,” she breathes. “Thank you.”
 “It was nothing.” His ears are pink. “Happy birthday.”
 And then he hugs her.
 After a moment, she hugs him back.
 It’s amazing how she can have had sex with someone so many times, but feel so awkward giving them a hug.
 “I didn’t, um, tell anyone else,” he says, pulling back. His hands linger on her shoulders, thumb tapping at the base of her neck. “But, I kept meaning to give this to you, so, you know, now was as good a time as any, yeah?”
 “I love it,” she says, honestly. Which surprises her. “Thank you.”
 She slips it into her own pocket, not even minding the sharp corners.
 When they return, Nico has already cut into the cake. “You were taking too long,” he snips.
 It really is delicious. Much, much later, Percy sends her home with a sweet, soft kiss, and one of the last remaining slices, rather than staying for dinner.
 Percy is the kind of boy who goes to his mother’s for dinner every week. She had been invited, but also threatened with the promise of another cake, and his ten year old sister, who would “love to make you a present.”
 It sounded nice, but Annabeth knew when she wasn’t really wanted, and so she demurred, citing a need for some solo downtime.
 She hasn’t heard from Thalia in, like, four days, which meant she had probably gotten a short-term gig. (“You’re lucky, she’s had Jason paying for her phone the whole time you’ve known her. Before that, she was almost impossible to get ahold of.”) Piper would take her out to dinner tomorrow, “just because.” But they would both know it wasn’t true.
 So, to refresh and relax after a long, harrowing day of socializing, Annabeth goes home.
 Or at least to her apartment.
 It doesn’t have a doorman, or the views, or the room, like Nico’s place. Nor does it have any of the people, the energy, the joy. Her furniture doesn’t fill it up. The most appetizing thing in her kitchen are the granola bars Percy had made the week before, or maybe the brownies he made four days ago. She sets her to-go bag of cake and croissants down next to them, a smorgasboard of Percy’s culinary prowess.
 Despite the long hours, her clothes still smell a little like last night’s bar, and her skin has a faint patina of dried sex sweat, and smudged makeup.
 She doesn’t want to start leaving things at Percy’s place--don’t want him to get the wrong idea--but she also occasionally needs to be able to touch up her eyeliner. She’s either going to have to find a bag that isn’t embarrassing to carry, or surreptitiously shove some eyeliner and lipstick next to the condoms in Percy’s nightstand next time they have a sleepover. Or raid Nico’s bathroom.
 Regardless, she needs a wash something bad.
 As she scrubs down, she does her best to focus on the lemon scent of her body wash, and not Percy’s perfect form, dripping with water. She tries to visualize her last trip to Sephora, not blowing him under the hot water.
 It doesn’t really work, so she gets herself clean and gets herself off and considers just spending the rest of the day naked, in case the mood strikes her again. But it's only 5PM, and she doesn’t have Percy to cook her some dinner tonight, so she sucks it up and puts on some pants.
 When she had visited Boston for work a couple of months back, Alex had insisted on taking her shopping, complaining that her sister and her friend Mallory didn’t understand Versace quite like Annabeth did, and that Blitz sucked all the fun out of fashion, anyway. Then, she had bullied Annabeth into buying a set of sweats, claiming it was because of the Grecian patterns, but probably because she thought Annabeth in that much purple would be funny.
 But eventually, she had wheedled, cajoled, and threatened Annabeth into buying a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. After deciding to forgo a bra, because that is just one more area she has always fallen short in, she shoves on a School of Architecture underneath them. The crimson clashes terribly with the lavender and seafoam, but she kind of likes it. Piper would call it “artfully nauseating,” or something.
 Besides, no one is going to see her but her delivery guy. And if someone did see her, someone like Thalia or Percy, well, the clashing colors would be the least of her worries.
 She is folded into her couch, wedged into the corner, very much      not     looking up Paris Ballet clips from the past few years, trying to spot Percy in the background, when there is a knock on her door.
 Not for the first time, she curses her lack of doorman--and then frowns. Who even knows where she lives?
 Piper and Leo? Magnus and Alex?
 Has she already ordered food and just forgotten?
 Is memory loss a side effect of a SK-II mask no one had warned her about?
 Tentatively, she creeps towards the door, opening it slowly. If this were a horror movie, the door would creak open, revealing the villain cast in the shadows of the hallway, holding his weapon of choice.
 She sighs.
 The man is only a few inches taller than her, and dressed impeccably in a t-shirt and jeans that probably cost half a year of her rent-- a big critique coming from her, since she wears a month of her own rent as sweats. His blond hair is impeccably combed, his tennis shoes impeccably white, and his smile the most charming thing you can find this side of the Brooklyn Bridge.
 “Happy birthday, girly,” he says, giving her an awkward, one-armed hug, trying to avoid getting any of her facemask on his shirt.
 “What are you doing here?”
 “It's your birthday,” he reminds her, holding up the bag. “I told you I’d stop by last week.”
 Had he? Maybe, and she’d just been too drunk or hung over to really process it. But maybe he’d also meant to, and then failed to follow through. Luke has a bit of a nasty habit of treating his intentions as the same as his actions. His intentions are good, usually, but it means that he often ignored the actual actions. Like how his intention was to support his mother in the best nursing home in the northeast, but his action was to work with Saturn, a very shady hedge fund, to facilitate it. Or how his intention was to have someone at a stuffy party to talk to, but his action was dressing up Annabeth as his arm candy because none of Piper’s models would call him back anymore. He hasn’t asked her to do that since, like, February though, thankfully.
 “Sorry,” Annabeth says. “I just… you know I don’t like my birthday.”
 He also has a bit of a habit of ignoring her distaste in a really blatant way.
 He’s a little like Percy that way, actually.
 She’d only ever told Luke about her birthday back in those embarrassing freshman days, when she’d thought he looked as good on paper as any Harvard MBA student possibly could, with a devastating smile to match. She’d been so convinced that he would be the right boyfriend that might finally get her mother’s approval, and she figured that her future husband should know her birthday.
 “Come in,” she says, reaching for the bag, but he shakes his head and brushes past her, dumping his black back on the coffee table. Graciously, he doesn’t look at her as he starts to empty out its contents, giving her an opportunity to dart back to her bathroom and peel off her facemask. Luke would forgive designer sweats, but they aren't at the “just chilling in a facemask” level of a relationship.
 When she returns, there is a small assembly line arranged on her coffee table: a stack of paper plates, a carton of Haagen Daas, forks and spoons, and a Milk Bar cake, all wrapped in its box.
 “Is Milk Bar still the ‘it’ thing?” she asks. “With locations all over the country, I figured it would be passé by now.”
 “I know it’s your favorite,” Luke says. “I don’t always have to choose the most popular thing.”
 Milk Bar had been her favorite, that is true, right up until she’d started fucking Percy Jackson, and eating his food.
 “Thanks,” she says, cutting herself a slice, and scooping herself some ice cream.
 “That’s all you’re going to get?” he asks, cutting himself a sliver.
 “I have had so much cake today,” she says. Milk Bar really isn’t as good as Percy's, but it reminds her of birthdays in high school, waiting for her mother to visit, sneaking out when she inevitably didn’t, convincing the local bad boy to buy her some alcohol. She eats it, eagerly.
 Luke’s jaw drops. “You had a birthday cake? By choice? On your birthday?”
 She shakes her head, swallowing. “No, I was at a party with some friends. They didn’t even know it was my birthday,” Until she had stupidly revealed it. Whatever. She just has to make sure he’s been excised from her life by this time next year. And maybe freeze some of his baked goods beforehand.
 Luke doesn’t let her go through with her evening plans, which consisted basically of watching      Legally Blonde     for the gazillionth time while she slurped down some pierogies, but he capitulates to      Roman Holiday    , helping her put away the leftover cake and ice cream. “Thanks,” she says, when the movie was done. “I’m glad you came over. “
 No one ever comes over. Thalia is her best friend, but Thalia would have questions about how she could afford the place, Piper never understood why she’d moved out here at all, and Percy… Percy was irrelevant. There is no reason for him to come here.
 “I always like to see my best girl.” He smiles at her, charming and rogueish.
 “If all those models you keep trying to date know that your best girl is an architect who lives in Brooklyn who you actually feed, that’s probably why they don’t want to date you back.”
 Luke laughs, leaning over and knocking his shoulder against her own. “None of those girls could hold a candle to you.”
 “God, you must be a terrible boyfriend.”
 “Probably,” he agrees, sitting up and stretching, before reaching back to the bag he brought the cake in. “After all, you are the one I bring all the nice presents. But I think I’m a pretty good friend.”
 He takes out a box, burnt orange, a black ribbon wrapped around it, because Luke is nothing if not predictable.
 Annabeth sighs internally, quietly reminding herself that money is how Luke shows his love. And that she is wearing Versace sweats.
 “Herm  é  s,” she says, pulling off the ribbon. “This box looks too small for a Birkin.”
 “Do you want a Birkin?” he asks. “I can get you a Birkin.”
 “I probably don’t need a Birkin,” she admits. Though maybe it would be nice to have one in her closet, if her mom ever calls her up for lunch again. She could show up with a Birkin and an eyebrow ring. Sweet revenge.
 Luke waves a hand. “It doesn't matter if you need one, just if you want one.”
 Inside the box is a scarf, the silk soft and smooth between her fingers, a pleasing gradient of oranges and reds and pinks and corals. When she unfolds it, laying it out before her, she finds a sharp, geometric design, columns stacked together like skyscrapers. Luke obviously had her in mind when he picked it out.
 “Thanks,” she says. It’s pretty--perfect for an ambitious young architect with two degrees from Harvard who had moved to New York City with an offer from one of the best architecture firms in the world. And Annabeth has no idea where she could possibly want or need to wear it.
 “Hey,” Luke says, suddenly soft, “don’t cry.”
 Shocked, she reaches her hand up to her face. It’s wet.
 Luke is probably the only person she will let herself cry in front of. She’d spent three years doing that in college. He’d seen her through heartbreak and hangovers, guiding her through it all like an aloof big brother.
 “I’m okay,” she hiccups, wiping her nose.
 He hands her a napkin.
 Annabeth blows her nose, wet and gross. “I’m sorry, I promise I’m alright.”
 “You sure?” He sounds sincere, but she catches him glancing down at his wrist.
 “Do you have a date?”
 “I…” At least he has the decency to look sheepish. “Just some guys at work. You can come, if you want.”
 It could be fun. Hanging out with Luke can be fun. Get a little lit, take a business bro home, screw his brains out, send him on his way. But there’s an unspoken dress code to these things, and Annabeth just doesn’t wear Louboutins anymore. And the idea of fucking a business bro just… doesn’t hold any appeal right now.
 “No thanks,” she nods, using the clean edge of the napkin to wipe her eyes. “I am going to watch      The Search For Elle Woods    , and you're going to strike out with some models, and everyone is going to be happy.”
 “You really are so mean to me.” Luke complains, as she walks him to the door, before giving her another hug. “You sure you’re going to be okay?”
 “I am.” She is different and new, but Luke is still her friend. She had survived. It would be okay.
 “Well, call me if you need something.” He kisses her cheek, sweetly, without any heat. Perfectly platonic. “I love you very much. Happy birthday.”
 “Thanks,” she says, “I’ll see you around.”
 “Always.” And he is gone.
 She folds the scarf, going to put it in the dresser in her room, shoving it among a handful of accessories, gathering dust. She realizes, with a start, that she’s left a week’s worth of clothes all over her room on the way to the shower, and, with a sigh of adulthood, and the knowledge that if she doesn’t follow the ADHD gods and pick them up now, they’ll be there for weeks, languishing on her floor and stinking up the place, she goes to at least move them into her hamper. She rifles through ripped jeans and band t-shirts and black socks as she goes, checking each for anything like discarded change or a bus pass she doesn’t want to wash.
 She shakes out the pants she’d worn out the night before, and therefore the entire day until she’d gotten home. There is a rather unfortunate stain on the knee that she can’t quite parse--ketchup? Chocolate?
 Then she reaches into the pockets, touching metal, and she suddenly remembers her other birthday present for the day.
 Pulling out the pin, she feels strange, hot in the face, funny in the belly, tossing the jeans haphazardly in with the dirty laundry. It's small and shiny, cheap metal for mass market production, and yet, she walks it over to the dresser, laying it down on the silk scarf like it's the diamond broach her aunt gave her for her sixteenth birthday.
 She really is beyond Hermès scarves now. But that pin? Well, you never really can get more Annabeth--the middle school know-it-all, teenage debutante, college perfectionist, New York yuppy, or barfly and punk princess--than one of the greatest architectural achievements in human history.
 She is still a little shocked by how much she loves it. How much it means to her that Percy saw that it was perfect for her.
 And like so many times when she is confronted with an emotion she doesn’t like, she slams the door closed, and goes and watches a favorite movie from high school.
 She does order dinner, eventually, setting out her meal in between texting Piper about brunch tomorrow. It's a whole thing, pretending that they’re not going out for her birthday, but eventually they agree on a time and a place, and she can eat her sausage and watch everyone practice the Bend and Snap in peace.  
 So she is very annoyed when her phone buzzes again.
 Maybe the reservation fell through. Or maybe she doesn’t want Annabeth to show up in ripped fishnets, even though that only happened once.
 Her stomach sinks when she checks her phone. It isn’t Piper.
Hello Dear, Happy Birthday. We miss you. Please call anytime. Love Dad, Mary, and the boys.  
 Below the text is a link, leading to a gift certificate for $200 to Sephora, which has Mary’s name written all over it. Aunt Natalie would have suggested Bergdorf Goodman.
 Her hand clenches, momentarily overcome with the urge to hurl her phone against the wall. But there is no one around, so there wouldn’t be any point to it.
 She stabs at a pierogi with a chopstick, and watches the girls dance on screen, humming along.
 She passes out on the couch after midnight.
 Her mother never called.
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cagestark · 4 years
Introduction to Ink
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Chapter Four
@starknakedsluts ;)
About this: Bucky has tattoos and sheltered!Toni wants to touch them. Fem!Tony Stark. College AU. 
The first time Bucky sees her, she’s sitting on one of Nat’s tasteful patio chairs with a textbook open on her knees, bent over to try to read by the fading light. Her hair falls long and dark around her face, hands tanned with thin fingers that flick through pages of her book with purpose. All around her are various acts of debauchery: water polo in the pool with Nat shouting at someone who has spilled their cocktail in the chlorinated water; music loud enough to feel like a second pulse where it resonates in the drum of his chest; the patio table beside her littered with bottles of alcohol and mixers. All this and she looks like an island, some peaceful quiet piece of frozen time. Completely out of place. Bewitching.
A warm hand clasps him on the shoulder, startling him. It’s just Steve, hair wet but body dry when he pulls Bucky in for a quick hug. “Good to see you, brother,” Steve says warmly in his ear, and yeah. Bucky will endure the chaos for this. It’s been too long since he’s seen Natasha and Steve and Sam and the others. So what if he has to swim through an ocean of obnoxious people to find them? 
Islands, he thinks, eyes drawn back to the girl reading the book. 
Bucky lifts his chin in her direction. “Who’s that?” 
Steve glances over. “That’s Toni. She’s Nat’s roommate at uni. I guess she was homeschooled her whole life, real sheltered. Nice girl, though. Hey, go get a drink and I’ll see if I can’t get Sam away from the beer pong table. Clint’s around here, too, I think, so keep your eyes peeled for him.” 
With careful, cautious steps, Bucky approaches the table. Toni doesn’t look up from her book, though she does flip the page. Her nails are short and tidy, free of polish. This close, Bucky sees that she’s wearing a sleeveless shirt with a high neck and a skirt that brushes her knees. She couldn’t be more different from the other girls at the party, and she might as well be the antithesis of Nat. 
Curiosity tickles at the back of his brain. What is she reading? he wonders. A glimpse at the open pages shows complex graphs and models that offer him no hint. He’s so busy trying to look at her book out of the corner of his eye that he knocks over a bottle of Jack Daniels. Like dominos, it sends a stack of plastic cups and a cup full of decorative umbrella scattering over the table. 
Cringing, he lets his eyes be drawn back to her. Toni is staring up at him, and then Bucky remembers that he’s not like anyone else at the party either. First he takes in her face: the wide, dark eyes, the straight nose and full mouth. Fuck, she’s young he thinks to himself, feeling like a pervert. Obviously of age if she’s sharing a room with Nat back at NYU, but he wouldn’t doubt that he’s got seven or eight years on her. He’s so busy looking his share and berating himself that he almost misses her expression, the way those big eyes grow round as moons, her mouth dropping open in a near comical expression of disbelief and perhaps disgust. 
Right, Bucky thinks distantly. He’s not the poster boy for sheltered. 
She takes in the tattoo above his left eye, the one of his sister’s name that he’d only gotten earlier in the year on the anniversary of her death. Those dark whiskey colored eyes skirt past his face down to his neck where ink protrudes from above his collar all the way to his cut jaw. He’s grateful that he’s wearing a jacket over his t-shirt, so that she can’t see the tattoos that cover his arms. It doesn’t stop her from eyeing his hands though, the letters tattooed across his knuckles, the UFO and creeping ivy (respectively) on the back of his hands. 
It’s not the first time Bucky’s been stared at this way (like he’s a degenerate, like he’s got three heads) and it won’t be the last; though, he does wonder when it will stop stinging so much. He cuts his eyes away from her, unable to watch her watching him with that look on her face. He fixes the mess he made, restoring everything to its proper spot. Unwilling to turn tail and run—at least, not without a drink—he kneels to open a cooler beneath the table and finds twist-top beer. When he chances looking back up, there’s a complex series of microexpressions playing across Toni’s face, ones that Bucky can’t even begin to interpret. 
At his stare, she mutely lifts her book and presses it flush to her chest as if it is a shield. As if she is afraid of him. 
The cover reads An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics.
“Sorry,” Bucky mutters. 
Her mouth opens and then shuts. She nods, absolving him. He takes that as permission to give her a forced smile and make a prompt exit left stage. Dark eyes burn into his back as he walks aimlessly into the sea of party-goers looking for Steve or Sam or anybody.
Nat finds him spectating the game of beer pong (instead of pulling Sam away, Steve had somehow become roped in himself, helping Sam to dig himself out of the hole he’d been slipping into). She’s a breath of fresh air, her red hair wet and dark and plaited down the back of her head, her eyes tired and her smile easy. Bucky doesn’t even mind that she gets him wet during their hug. He’s missed her. 
They spend time catching up and heckling Steve and Sam. 
“What’s the deal with your roommate?” Bucky asks, leaning into her so that he doesn’t have to raise his voice. 
Nat narrows her eyes, seeing straight through him. “Why?”
Bucky shrugs a shoulder and refuses to elaborate. Sam makes a shot and a girl on the other team has to drink, so Bucky lets his eyes rest on the stranger’s bobbing throat just so he has a place to look that isn’t into Nat’s x-ray eyes. 
At last, Nat hums. “She’s an engineering student. Her dad was some big Congressman—I guess he made some controversial moves because she said there were a lot of threats made against him and his family. They kept her home all the time to keep her safe.” Nat leans in, her mouth nearly touching his ear. “She said once when she was little, she was kidnapped for ransom.”
“Holy shit,” Bucky mutters. 
“She’s basically been living under a rock her whole life. A very expensive, luxurious rock.”
Even at risk of saying too much and laying all his cards on the table, he says: “She looked at me like I was a freak.”
Natasha frowns, face going soft and sad. “I’m sorry, J. She’s probably just never seen someone…”
“Like me.”
“She’d be an idiot to judge you for the way you look.”
Bucky smiles a little. “Most people are idiots.”
She can’t deny that. When Steve and Sam finally crush the duo they were up against, the two losers slink away to lick their wounds and leave the end of the table free for new blood. Natasha looks up at him with a smirk. “Think you’ve still got what it takes, Barnes?”
Bucky slips his jacket off his shoulders. The only thing beneath is a white t-shirt, thin enough that the tattoos on his chest and abdomen are just visible through the fabric as dark, teasing  shadows. He knows he’s pale, avoids the sun to keep his ink as fresh as possible. Leaving his jacket on a nearby chair, he says, “Only one way to find out.”
While they’re filling fresh cups with beer, his eyes are drawn to the patio chair on the porch, looking for that dark curtain of hair. Except he finds a tanned, angular face watching him, ducking back down to look at her textbook once she’s caught. 
Bucky turns his eyes away and doesn’t let himself look again. 
The sun sets, and the moon turns the party-goers into hellions. A fight breaks out between two frat boys over a girl and Steve has to step in to break it up and kick both of them out. Not a half hour later, three police squad cars show up after a noise complaint from one of the other neighbors in the cul de sac. The party is shut down (to Toni’s guilty delight).
She’d moved into the house once the sun had set, unable to read by the twinkling fairy lights that she’d helped Natasha to string around the yard and patio. It was much more comfortable inside among the air conditioning and the luxury. The marble countertops of the kitchen island felt familiar to her. The outdoors with the grass that itched her ankles, the bugs that never stopped shrieking or flying in her ears, and the humidity that made her shirt stick to her bare back—that would never be familiar to her. 
Toni had always been a homebody, willing or not. 
Seated at the kitchen island, she is so short that her feet can’t touch the floor, ankles crossed where they sway gently in the air. Flipping through her textbook without aim, she waits for everyone to be gone so that she can help Natasha pick up and then hopefully sleep in one of the tasteful guestrooms. She’s daydreaming of the comfortable bed, the clean cool sheets against her skin when she hears the sound of the patio door sliding open. 
All fantasies of cool and comfort burn up, combusted by the man who walks in. The man with the tattoos.
He towers above her even seated on the tall island chair the way she is. He’s shed the leather jacket he was wearing (and for good reason too, with the hot, humid weather). Beneath he wears simple jeans in a sinful fit with a white t-shirt that’s nearly see-through, sticking to his skin from sweat. His face is stunning: angular jaw covered in a few days’ stubble, a straight nose, eyes a stormy sea-foam with low brows that make him look intense in a way that has her legs shaking. 
His conventionality ends there. Toni has never seen a man like him in her life. Above one brow is a woman’s name in elegant cursive. His ears have holes in them large enough for her to see through. On his neck are geometric lines reminiscent of honeycombes, disappearing under the collar of his shirt. He’s covered from fingertip to shirt sleeve with designs, her eyes dancing across his pale skin, never able to land for longer than a moment before something else captures her attention. 
He looks like a kindergarteners artwork, she can imagine Howard sneering. Scribbles all over him. Not even worth pinning to the refrigerator.
Toni has seen tattoos before. Happy, her security guard for as long as she could remember, had one on his bicep of his mother’s favorite flower, so. It’s not like Toni wasn’t aware of the things or didn’t believe in their existence. She’s just never seen someone so saturated with them. It’s a stark difference from the people she grew up knowing: stiff public figures in formal clothing who denounced youth culture and considered people with tattoos degenerates. 
He’s everything her father warned her about when she insisted on going to public university under a different last name. He’s so raw. 
He’s so, so beautiful. 
“Sorry,” he says at the sight of her, his neutral expression dropping into something stormier. 
Toni tries to smile, but judging by the way his face grimaces, it isn’t successful. She can feel the way her face begins to burn just from his sheer proximity, so she forces herself to turn back to her textbook and pretend to scan the page. 
Surely he must see through her. She feels attuned to him, hyperaware of the sound of his footsteps on the tile floor, brain working to pinpoint his exact location based on how the sounds shift. When he appears in the corner of her eye, she flinches, everything in her fighting to keep her eyes on her book. Instead of pausing by her, he continues past to the kitchen cabinets, opening them as if he lives there. How does he know where the drinking glasses are, she wonders.
With his back to her, she feels safe enough to let her eyes flicker upwards, though she keeps her head angled downward for maximum deniability should he turn around without warning. The muscles of his arms are lean and powerful. Sculpted of flesh and bone instead of marble. Only reminiscent of Michaelangelo’s David, he conveys more of Barberini Faun: the impressive height and lean strength of him, the low brows hinting at torment. 
Unlike Barberini Faun, there’s nothing overtly sexual about what he’s doing (filling a glass with filtered water from the refrigerator) but Toni finds her back arching in her seat, her sex looking for the blissful pressure it aches for. Toni’s experience with arousal isn’t enough to fill a post-it note with. She’s intimately familiar with erotica, books propped open on her chest with her free hand down between her legs, fingers drifting through her aching folds. At least once a week, she wakes from a hazy, half-formed dream with the urge to roll and wedge a pillow between her legs, to rut against it. There was also that squirming heat that bloomed whenever Natasha stripped her clothes off in the main room of their dorm—but that was nothing Toni was interested in confronting today. 
This man is the first non-fictional person she’s ever experienced such attraction to. Her own naivete is downright sickening. Toni has always prided herself on being knowledgeable and a quick learner, but she has no idea how to make her interest known or how to try to be interesting to him in return. 
Idiot, she thinks to herself, forcing her eyes back down to her textbook. To interest him would require there to be something interesting or excitable about her. All Toni has going for herself in that regard is an IQ in the 160’s. Hardly a trait to lust over. 
The man is refilling his glass when the patio door opens again. Toni’s heart leaps, grateful for anyone or anything to break this invisible tension and also dreading that they might see her embarrassing ineptitude.
It’s Natasha’s boyfriend Steve, his face flushed with drunkenness. He’d been very polite and thoughtful when Natasha introduced them earlier in the day, with an aura about him that could put any person at ease. Toni found her lips quirking up into a smile just at the sight of him, even when his own smile is directed past her. With a half dozen long steps, he’s crossed the kitchen and scooped the man with the tattoos into a bone-crushing hug, water sloshing from the glass over the both of him
Toni notes that tragically it only turns the dark-haired man’s shirt more see-through. She can almost make out whatever image might be inked onto his pale skin beneath—
“Man, I’m so glad you’re back in the city for a while,” Steve says, voice loose but not slurred. He won’t let his friend go and has instead begun an awkward, drunken slow dance with him, shuffling side to side in a way that has Toni pressing her lips together to keep from laughing. The comical expression of exasperated endearment on the other man’s face makes her feel like she’s swallowed a jarful of butterflies.
He pats Steve on the back. “I missed you too, buddy. Buy me dinner though, first.” 
Steve snorts. He pulls back and turns to Toni whose eyes widen fractionally at being caught watching their exchange.
“Hey Toni, have you met Bucky?” 
“Not formally,” she says, heart pounding. She almost sticks out a hand as if he’s a 60 year old lifelong Senator her father has brought home for dinner. Inside one of the deeper tracks of her consciousness, his name whirs in an endless circle: Bucky Bucky Bucky. 
Bucky opens his mouth to say something, but it is lost as more of Natasha’s closest friends enter, taking refuge in the house as the majority of the party are herded off of the property. Apparently they’re going to have a bonfire with just the inner circle left—how the hell Toni has managed to become a member of that inner circle, she has no idea. While she wishes she were tucked away in one of the guestrooms, reading, at least a party of a dozen sounds infinitely more tolerable. 
Not to mention that fewer party-goers automatically raises the chances for interaction with Bucky, an idea she both anticipates and dreads. Glancing up, her eyes are drawn to his figure where he and the others have retired into the living room, only to find that he’s watching her. She can feel the flush in her face as she turns back to her book, leaning over and hoping that the curtain of her hair hides her embarrassment.
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nat-roman0ff · 4 years
let them eat cake
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let them eat cake
chris evans x female reader word count: 2,617 warnings: fluff, stickiness, and some friskiness  (smut, oral f receiving) - summary: “what do you want for dinner?” and other questions my  fiancé would still ask even if i was bleeding and on fire. a/n: this has no plot, but enjoy!
You and Chris glare at each other from across the kitchen island. He impatiently taps his fingers against the granite countertop while you chew the inside of your cheek raw. The tension is palpable when Chris lets out a heavy sigh and begins scrolling through his phone. You do the same, hoping this sudden layer of heaviness in the room dissipates soon. 
 Minutes pass and Chris drops his phone and purses his lips, looking back to you, he groans and lowers his head to the countertop, looking back up at you with sad and tired eyes. You hate doing this to each other, this constant back and forth, the questioning, the insecurities, the uncertainties. 
 It was always the same question, night after night;
 What do you want for dinner?
“This is stupid, let’s just order something!” Chris finally says, throwing his hands in the air.
 “Fine,” you agree, “what do you want?” 
 “I don’t know -” 
 “Oh my God,” you cut off, covering your face with your hands, “just decide. Pizza, sushi, Chinese, Indian, something!” 
 “I want cake,” he pips. 
 You groan loudly, “you can’t eat cake for dinner, Chris.” 
 He stands with his hands on his hips, “and why not?” 
 “Because!” You scoff, “because...it’s just not dinner! It’s cake! We’re adults.” 
 “Well I want cake,” he starts, turning to the cupboards behind him and begins to pull out various items, “and if you don’t want any that’s fine. But I will be having cake for dinner and that’s my final answer.” 
 You roll your eyes and can’t help but smile at Chris’ absolute siliness. You watch as he scours the cabinets and lines up each ingredient meticulously on the countertop. He crosses the kitchen to the wine rack and picks out a bottle of your favorite, a dry rosé. You’re amazed at his absolute grace when he balances the two crystal glasses, a corkscrew, and the bottle of wine and brings them towards you. He fills each glass precisely and slides yours closer. 
 “To...something,” he starts, holding his wine class up to meet with yours. 
 “To us, and promo season being over, and finally being able to be in the same goddamn timezone,” you finish for him. 
 Chris grins widely, “to my dog, my own bed and shower, Dunkin Donuts and Lisa’s Sunday lasagnas.”
 “Anything else?” You ask.
 He searches for a moment, pursing his lips and squinting his eyes, “no, can’t think of anything.” 
 “You suck,” you sneer before taking a large sip of wine. 
 He flashes that smile and walks around the island towards you, pressing up behind you and wrapping an arm around your middle, “and a toast to my new fiancėe,” he brushes the hair off your shoulder to kiss your neck, “and all the bomb sex we’re gonna have on our honeymoon.”
 You roll your eyes and bite back a smirk, “are you fifteen? Can’t you be civil just once?” 
 Chris nips at your neck, “nah.” 
 He lets go of you and returns to preparing the cake batter, tediously measuring everything out before checking the recipe thrice over to make sure he got the right amount. 
 “Do we own a mixer?” He asks. 
 “Yes,” you respond, taking a sip of your wine, “it’s in the cabinet above the stove.”
 He (even at his height) stands on his tiptoes to reach the cabinet to pull out the hand mixer. You watch him fumble with it until he seems satisfied. 
 “Are you gonna sit there and gawk at me or are you going to help me?” Chris asks. 
 You scoff, “I do not gawk, sir.” 
 Chris raises an eyebrow, “definitely gawking. I think I even saw a little blush in there.” 
 You roll your eyes finish the rest of your wine and place the glass back down before sliding off the barstool, “what do you need help with Chef Evans?” 
 “Dunno, you’re just cute to look at. You do crack eggs better than I do, though” 
 Your eyes roll again and pour yourself another glass of wine. 
 “Why don’t you pick out some music we can dance to?” He asks. 
 You nod and head into the living room. There’s a low warm glow that floods the room. The seasons are changing from a bone chilling winter to a lush spring. The buds on the trees are starting to form and the Earth smells fresh again with the small breaths of air that trickle in from the cracked living room windows. You’re thankful for living in the middle of nowhere Massachusetts and being closer to nature now than you were in your city days. It brings you both a sense of peace in your mads worlds. 
 It’s definitely a vinyl kind of night, so you fire up the record player and begin to paw through yours and Chris' ever increasing collection. It was a fairly new hobby you had gotten ( or as he said, bullied) Chris into. There are certain songs that are just made to be played on a record player.
 “Put the new one on!” He yells from the kitchen. 
 The room envelops in an even warmer atmosphere when the music starts. A gentle guitar strum starts and the melody of Such Great Heights by Iron & Wine starts playing. Chris was a classic kind of guy when it came to music, and you pride yourself on expanding his palate a touch.
 You slowly start to twirl around the room, glass of wine in hand, to the song. The living room glows in a low yellow that bounces off the stark white of the walls and cozy farmhouse furniture and mutes them a bit. There’s a faint scent of the fruit from your wine in the air and you shut your eyes and let the music guide you. 
 Chris can’t help but stare, and you’re a sight. So carefree and utterly in your own world. Twisting and twirling around the living room in nothing but one of his tee shirts and a pair of pajama shorts.It terrifies him that you can exist with just yourself and still be whole, it’s something he’s still working on in your relationship; to understand that other people don’t complete other people.
 He decides he can’t take anymore of it and leaves his cake batter to come and dance with you. You don’t even realize he’s left the kitchen until he plucks the glass from your hand and wraps you up in his strong arms, pressing his body close to yours. 
 “I’m so happy to be home,” he says, voice muffled in your neck, “I missed you so much this go around. More than ever.” 
 You both agreed distance never made the heart grow fonder. Just sadder.
 Chris lifts his head and you kiss him softly, “I missed you too, baby,” you reply. 
 Your head rests against his chest as the two of you sway to the music that fills the room. Chris' hand slides up underneath the back of your shirt. You shiver slightly at the contact but welcome it wholeheartedly. It feels so good to have him back home. 
 He kisses you, hard. There’s a strange ferocity to it that doesn’t pair with the mellow haze of the room. His hands are everywhere beneath the fabric of your shirt and in your hair and by the time he’s pulled away you’re both gasping for breath. 
 “Slow down, Tiger,” you breathe, “we’ve got more than enough time to make up for all of that. And if I remember correctly,” you kiss the tip of his nose, “you have a cake to finish.” 
 Chris shakes his head, “no, I don’t have a cake to finish -” 
 He picks you up, swinging you over his shoulder in one swoop, “we have a cake to finish”
 With a smack of your ass he takes off into the kitchen, placing you carefully on the counter beside the cake batter. It’s half blended, with chunks of flour and sugar still floating amongst the other ingredients. 
 “Your cake looks like shit,” you pip. 
 Chris wields the hand mixer in one hand and places his hand on your bare thigh. He turns the mixer on, and his lack of securing the bowl causes the contents of the mixing bowl to begin splattering out...all over you.
 “Chris!” You squeal, feeling the wet, sticky batter against your skin. 
 Chris laughs and lowers his head to lick off the splatter that had landed on your inner thigh. The feeling of his tongue against your skin sends shivers up your spine. 
 “Have fun getting salmonella,” you say, hopping off the counter, but not without stripping your shirt off just before turning down the hallway to your shared bedroom. 
 Chris almost knocks over the bowl trying to get a look. 
 You return with a clean shirt and hair up, ready to crack down on Chris' dinner cake. 
 “So what kind of frosting are we making?” You ask, taking over mixing duties while Chris finishes cleaning up the counter from his splatter nightmare.
 He shrugs, “a basic one?”
 You scoff, “one cannot simply have a basic frosting, Chris. It’s like the most important part of the cake!”
 “I thought the cake was the most important part of the cake?” He asks with a furrowed brow. 
 “God, I can’t believe I agreed to marry you,” you mutter under your breath. 
 You feel Chris all around you, his front pressed into your back, arms on either side of your body, gripping the counter, leaving you caged under him. 
 “What’s that?” He purrs, his breath hot behind your ear.
 His close presence knocks the breath from you, and what little air remains gets caught in your throat when his hand trails up your side and under your fresh shirt, stopping at your rib cage when he realizes you’ve gone braless. 
 Chris chuckles darkly, pressing his face into your neck, “good girl,” he says, giving your skin a light nip. 
 “Figured you’d like that,” you say, pressing your backside into his half hard cock.
 You put your finger in the bowl of batter and scoop up a glob of the sticky mess. Still caged, you turn in his arms to face him and stick a finger in his mouth to lick clean, releasing it with a pop, “we’ve got a cake to finish.” 
 A sly smirk creeps up Chris' mouth while his hands move to your hips, “fuck the cake, get on the counter.” 
 Before you can answer he’s lifted you onto the cold countertop, you squeak in protest
 You always commended his ability to go from total dork to total dom in a second flat. It was a part of what made your sex life together so great. You thread your fingers through the tuft of hair at the back of his neck, feeling the tickle of his beard as he nips at your jawline and kisses down the side of your neck. His hands give your thighs a squeeze and you lull your head backwards, allowing him more access to skin.
 “Need to scoot back a bit, babe. Decided what I want for dinner.” 
 You snort at his words and your skin immediately misses the feeling of his lips on you as he nudges you back across the kitchen island. It’s wide enough for your entire upper half to lay across, your hair just spilling over the edge of the other side. You look up through hooded eyes as Chris looks down at you, your tee shirt pulled just below your breasts. 
 He licks his lips once, taking in the sight of you, before dropping down to his knees. Never once does he break eye contact with you, and you can feel the heat starting to rise in your chest. Your breath hitches when his lips make contact with your skin again, kissing the inside of your thigh. Skin prickling at the roughness of his beard against the soft flesh. He moves slowly up your leg, kissing your mound through the cotton of your tiny sleep shorts before working his way back down the other side. 
 Your hands reach desperately for something to hang onto, but your nails just claw at the granite countertop as Chris continues his slow torturous routine. He gets off on watching you squirm, breathing in the scent of your building lust, counting the seconds it takes for your cheeks to turn that perfect shade of pre-orgasm pink he loves so much. 
 “Just fucking get on with it, tease,” you breathe, gasping for air as you speak. 
 The air from Chris’ breathy laugh fans the sweet, soft skin of your inner thighs, “lift,” he orders. 
 You lift your lower half into the air just high enough for him to peel your shorts and underwear off in one go. The cool air and the cold countertop make you gasp as Chris gently lowers you back down. He pecks the bone at each ankle before gently placing each leg over his shoulders. 
 He starts without another second wasted, completely ready to devour you. His tongue works slowly against your clit, tracing patterns until you start seeing stars. The record has stopped playing at this point, and it’s just the static of the turntable and your breathless moans that fill the evening air. 
 Desperate hands scratch at the countertop as Chris quickens his pace. He adds a finger, sliding in and out of your slickness, his middle and index fingers curled into a come hither position. His expert fingers stretch your walls in all the right ways, mixed with the way his tongue flicks and sucks on your clit is almost too much to handle. He uses his free arm to strong hold you down onto the countertop in an attempt to slow your squirming. The pressure his large palm puts on your lower stomach somehow only adds to the pleasure as his fingers quicken. 
 You can feel the beard burn starting, and it’s the most delicious mixture of pleasure and pain. A knot starts forming in your lower belly, like a surging tide desperate for release. 
 “I’m s-so close baby,” you moan. 
 This only eggs Chris on more, his fingers moving at an excruciating pace, and his mouth lapping up every sweet ounce of you. Your moans only become louder as his fingers reach the spot they’ve been searching for, your body jerking when his fingertips touch that spot of spongy skin. 
 “Fuck, right there!” You gasp, hands gripping the edge of the countertop behind you. 
 The rough pads of Chris’ fingertips hit the spot over and over again, pushing you closer to your edge. It almost becomes too much as your body begins to shake as your orgasm builds stronger and stronger in your belly.
 You scream his name when you come. He doesn’t stop, milking you through your orgasm, your body shaking with pleasure and sensitivity. When he finally does pull away, his lips and beard are shiny with your juices, and he wears one of his cockiest smiles. 
 “Think you can stand? We both need a shower after that,” he says, kissing the tops of your thighs. 
 He searches the kitchen floor for your discarded underwear and gently pulls them back onto you. It takes a second for your vision to unblur as you sit up, the blood rushing too quickly to your head. 
 Chris chuckles at your wooziness, “you alright, Tiger?” 
 You nod and pat his shoulder, “excellent work, one of your best performances, truly.”
 “Come on,” he laughs, swooping you up into his arms, “let’s take a shower and maybe finish making that cake.” 
 “Nah,” you kiss his neck as he walks the two of you to the master bedroom, “your baking sucks.”
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officialleehadan · 7 years
Christmas Cookies
“I love you from the bottom of my heart, but I don’t trust your cooking. Stay out of my kitchen.”
For @justsomewritingprompts Winter Challenge! Thanks for tagging me. This was fun!
My three categories were:
Holiday Decorating/baking
“If I eat another cookie, it will be too soon”
“I’m pretty sure this is MY kitchen,” Aiden said mournfully, but stayed on the other side of the marble-topped island. “I can cook.”
“Okay,” Sara agreed with her best you’re-full-of-shit smile even as she dropped softened butter and sugar into his never-used mixer. “What do you like to cook?”
“...pasta mostly,” Aiden said when her smile didn’t waver. “And sauce from a can. I didn’t say I was a GOOD cook!”
Big bad super villain indeed. She had to make a store run just for basic ingredients. How he lived like this, she had no idea.
Of course, the only reason Sara was in his kitchen at all was because a rival villain had tried to kidnap her out of her own coffee shop. A modern woman, she didn’t like the idea of hiding behind her Big Male Protector.
She also didn’t like the thought of going back to her definitely-underprotected apartment by herself. It was one thing to see the super villain battles on TV- including Aiden’s- and quite another to have a blood-covered monster threatening her life.
In all honesty, she was glad to have taken Aiden up on his offer of his guest room. Just for a day or two while he upped the security in her apartment. The sprawling penthouse was surprisingly welcoming.
“What are you making, anyway?” He asked as Sara cracked an egg into the the mixer and turned it up. “We already ordered dinner.”
“Christmas is in twenty days,” Sara said wistfully and measured out vanilla. “And I love Christmas cookies. I make a bunch for the cafe, but it’s different making them at home.”
Even if it wasn’t HER home. This was more festive than she usually got, anyway. Usually she was busy turning out huge orders for Christmas parties.
“I never seem to celebrate,” Aiden admitted, and went for her half-full shopping bag when she pointed. “What do you need?”
“Nutmeg,” Sara said, and tapped a careful teaspoon into the mix before slowing the mixer. “Just a little spice for Christmas. Normally I use lemon. I thought you always have parties? Doctor Rimehart invites me to his, by the way. I have no idea what to say.”
“Say yes, if you want to go,” Aiden retreated away when Sara folded in the flour with a white puff. “I’m going, If that’s any reassurance.”
“It is, honestly,” Sara admitted, and eyed the cookie dough. It was ready, and she scattered flour across the counter before rolling it out.
He didn’t have a rolling pin. She had stolen a bottle of wine for the job. Hopefully it wasn’t shockingly expensive, because now it was covered in butter and flour. An upturned glass served as a cookie cutter.
“Would you like me to be your escort?” Aiden offered quietly as Sara slid a pan of cookies into the oven. “I know it’s your first Villain party.”
Something in the way he said it made Sara focus on him. He was fiddling with his wine glass. She had come to recognize the habit. He only ever fidgeted when he was having Emotions and didn’t quite know what to do about them.
“Like a date?” she asked carefully and hoped she wasn’t reading him wrong. “Or just friends?”
“Like a date,” he confirmed, and stole a bit of cookie dough unrepentantly. “If you want. If not, forget I said anything.”
“No, no,” Sara hurried to reassure him and smiled brightly. She had been nursing a crush on the handsome villain for a while and thought he was just being a flirt. “I would love to go to the party with you. I hope you know I can’t dance at all.”
“I’ll teach you,” He grinned, and leaned back when Sara started to measure icing sugar into small bowls. “Rimehart always books the Central Park Ritz-Carlton.”
“I hear their ballroom is beautiful,” Sara murmured, inwardly calculating how much she could afford to spend on a new dress for the occasion. Her Super clientele tended to tip handsomely, and the number turned out to be higher than she expected. “It’s not too far to drive, either.”
Aiden gave her an odd look. “You aren’t planning to stay at the hotel?”
“I can’t really afford it,” Sara shrugged. He sometimes forgot that she was just a barista. Sure, she owned her cafe, but it seemed silly to drop that kind of money when home was close enough to drive. “I’ll take a cab after.”
“No-“ Aiden seemed to realize the problem. “That’s Not What I meant. When I said that Rimehart rents out the Ritz, I meant he rents out the WHOLE THING. Room and transportation are included in the invitation.”
Sara dropped her spoon into the half-finished blue icing.
“You’re joking,” she said flatly. The sheer thought of that much money made her head spin. “For a party?”
“He doesn’t really do half-measures.”
“I see that!”
“Actually, on the note of half-measures,” Aiden sat up and gave her a sidelong glance. “Would it be strange of me to give you your Christmas present now? I know it’s too early, but I’m not good at waiting.”
“If you want,” Sara blinked at him. “I was going to ask what you wanted, but I haven’t hade time to shop...”
“You don’t have to get me anything,” he called back as he went for his office. “But you could make me a cheesecake. I would fight the whole Hero Consortium for one of your cheesecakes.”
“It’s not nice to beat up the heroes!” She hollered after him and heard him laugh. “What flavor do you want?”
“Chocolate!” He yelled back, still laughing. Sara pulled the cookies out of the oven and set them aside to cook even as she put another batch in. “With the Oreo crust.”
Aiden reappeared with a small velvet box in hand. Sara felt a flash of worry, but the box wasn’t small enough to be a ring-box.
“I’m terrible at wrapping presents,” he told her cheerfully, and waited for her to wash her hands before offering it. “I didn’t figure you would mind.”
“I don’t,” Sara said dumbly, mind whirling at what he possible could have gotten for her. When she opened the box, she discovered a necklace with an oddly fractal pendant. The junctions glittered with different gems. “Oh, Aiden...”
“I saw it and thought of you,” he said with a smug smile. “It’s a caffeine molecule.”
That cut through Sara’s shock, and she started to laugh. “Really?”
“Absolutely,” he confirmed, and lifted it out of the box. She turned and lifted her hair so he could fasten it. “Only the best for my coffee goddess.”
“It’s beautiful,” she told him, and ran a finger over the metal. She carefully DIDN’T ask if it was real. Not that she needed to. Aiden had more money than sense and tended to be extravagant. “Thank you. And I’ll make you cheesecake whenever you want it.”
“Dangerous offer,” he grinned, and reclaimed his seat. “And you’re welcome. What are you doing to the cookies, anyway?”
Cookies. Right. She was making cookies. With practiced hands, she began tracing designs in brightly colored sugar.
“Christmas ornaments,” she explained, and handed him the first one. He grinned when he discovered his Villain Signature in sparkly purple glitter. “I would do trees, but I need a cookie cutter for that.”
“I have eaten so many cookies,” he said, and ate the one in his hand with enthusiasm. “If I eat another cookie it will be too soon.”
He made a liar of himself by stealing two more and winked when she laughed at him.
Her new necklace warmed against her skin, and Sara felt peace creeping in around the edges of the kitchen.
Maybe it wasn’t too early for Christmas after all.
Doctor Rimeheart (Supervillain Coffee Shop)
Power Rests in the Eye
Nuclear Option
Incidental Villain
First Summon
Even Supervillains run from Fangirls
The Blackest Coffee
Deal with the Devil
Fear and Coffeegrounds
Personal Space
Broken Countertops
Christmas Cookies
Wannabe Wannabes
Home Life
Shadows Unleashed
Support me on Patreon!
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samuelmmarcus · 5 years
“Home-Sweet-Home” Interior Design Ideas
  Hello, my wonderful friends! How are you doing today? I hope everything is great with you and your loved ones.
Designed by the talented interior designer Rachelle Charles of Simplicity Interior Design, this new-build model home is located in an active adult community called Bailey’s Glen in Cornelius, NC.
This is the type of home that most of us would be happy to live in. It’s not overwhelmingly big but its carefully curated interiors surely elevate each and every space. Overall, I feel this is the type of home that has that classic “home-sweet-home” feel that we all love.
Have a great time seeing this house tour and make sure to pin your favorite interior design ideas!
  “Home-Sweet-Home” Interior Design Ideas
Stacked stone walls, wooden shutters and tapered columns add to the curb-appeal of this home.
Stone: Centurion Stone – similar here – Others: here, here, here & here.
Chairs: World Market.
Side Table: Classic Garden Stool.
Pillows: Target.
Front Door
  The front door is by Therma-Tru.
Planters: Dovetail York Planter.
Beautiful Doormats: here, here, here & here.
The front door opens to a beautiful foyer with high ceilings and dark wide-plank hardwood floors.
Foyer Light: Capital Lighting.
Blue Rug: Serena & Lily.
Console Table
Console Table: Society Social, Newport Grasscloth Console, Naval Blue – similar here. Other Consoles: here, here, here & here.
Trim Paint Color
The trim and wainscotting paint color is Pure White by Sherwin Williams.
Table lamps are Uttermost Ebena accent lamp. Other Beautiful Table Lamps: here, here, here & here.
Paint Color
The paint color throughout-the gray is Sherwin Williams Light French Gray lightened 20%.
Dining Room
“I wanted to keep the dining room simple, yet elegant. The molding in this room really sets it aside from all of the other rooms, and the white walls really makes the color in here pop! This room has a lot of fun texture!” – Rachelle Charles.
Curtains-west elm-cotton luster velvet curtain-regal blue.
Rug- Loloi Dorado DB-01 9’3″x13′ Grey, Ivory Rug.
Paint Color
The paint color is “Sherwin Williams Pure White”.
Dining Table: Ballard Argenta Dining Table – similar here – Other Inspiring Dining Tables: here, here, here, here & here.
Chairs – Ballard-Bailey woven chair. Others: here, here, here & here.
Host Chairs: Ballard – Similar Style: here, here, here & here.
Table Runner: Pottery Barn.
Chandelier is by Capital Lighting.
Palms – Pottery Barn.
Buffet- Society Social Carmen Grasscloth Credenza, natural – similar here. Others: here, here, here & here.
Candle holders- Dovetail-DOV8320, DOV8321 –  Others: here, here & here.
Lamps- Uttermost.
Dining room mirrors are Uttermost Padria Mirror – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
The formal living room is located between the dining room, kitchen and foyer.
Sofa-Rowe Modern mix plain back sofa – Similar here – Other Recommended Sofas & Sectionals: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Side Tables- World Market.
Lamps- Uttermost Lamone table lamp.
Living Room
“This living room is open to the dining room, kitchen, and sunroom. It has vaulted ceilings, built-ins, and is really the heart of the home. The area rug was the first piece I bought for this room and I fell in love with it because of all the fun colors, which of course, tied in my navy!”
Refreshing Decor Ideas:
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A traditional fireplace is flanked by custom bookcases.
Rug is Loloi Cielo Ivory/Turquoise Area Rug.
Coffee Table
Coffee table- Pottery Barn – similar here.
Paint Color
“Pure White by Sherwin Williams.”
Accent Chairs
Chairs- Rowe Macy chair – similar here & here.
Artwork is West Elm Framed print-peacock on aqua.
Fig tree- Pottery Barn Faux Potted fiddle leaf tree.
Bar Cart
I am loving everything this designer chose for this home… from the decor to the color scheme! Bar cart is from Society Social, The Madison Mixer Bar Cart.
Beautiful Bar Carts: here, here, here, here & here.
“For this kitchen we changed up the layout a little bit from our original floor plan. We expanded the cabinets and counter space all the way across the room to really open up the kitchen and allow for an oversized island. Our last model in this community was very traditional, so we wanted a more updated and modern look for this one. I decided a navy island would be fun in an otherwise all white kitchen, and brushed brass would be the icing on the cake!”
All appliances are GE.
Kitchen Wall Paint Color
The kitchen wall paint color is Sherwin Williams Light French Gray lightened 20%.
Pendants are Capital Lighting. Simple and beautiful!
Island Paint Color
Cabinets are Legacy Southport in “Navy” – similar to “Benjamin Moore Admiral Blue”.
Kitchen Faucet: Delta.
Counterstools are Serena and Lily Riviera counterstool in navy. These are my favorite! They’re timeless, work with many styles and they’re easy to clean.
Island Countertop
The island countertop is Quartz Glacier White by MSI.
Backsplash is American Olean polished Marble Arabesque Mosaic tile – similar here & here.
Cutting Boards- ETU home.
Kitchen Cabinet
Cabinets are Legacy Southport, Ivory.
Cabinet Hardware: Jeffrey Alexander Sutton Brushed Gold.
Perimeter Countertop
The perimeter counters are MSI Quartz Glacier White.
Beautiful Kitchen Runners: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Island Decor
Tray is Anthropologie Chevron decorative tray.
Window Treatment
Shades are from Overstock, Arlo blinds petite Rustique cordless Lift Bamboo Roman shades.
Tree- Pottery Barn.
Breakfast Room
“When we expanded the kitchen layout, we lost our breakfast nook, so I decided to add a breakfast table in the sunroom. The sunroom is open to the kitchen, as well as the living room. I also wanted to be sure to tie in a touch to navy to each room so the house flowed nicely. I love the look of bamboo mixed with navy and I knew it was a must have for the sunroom!”
Dining Chairs
Dining chairs are Sika Design Sofie Chair in Navy – similar here.
Bar Cabinet
This space also features a practical grey bar with black hardware. Cabinets are Legacy, Southport in Platinum.
Cabinet Hardware: Jeffrey Alexander Sutton Matte Black.
Countertop is Quartz Cashmere Carrara by MSI.
Dining Table
Table is Modholic-eero Saarinen Tulip Table Marble Top 40” – similar here.
Sitting Area
What a dreamy spot! I love this entire space and the rattan chairs. Also, notice that the sitting area opens to an inviting back porch.
Coffee Table
Rattan Coffee Table: Society Social Boracay Cocktail Table – similar here & here.
Window Treatment
Bamboo Roman Shades: Overstock, Arlo blinds petite Rustique cordless Lift Bamboo Roman shades.
Curtains-Ballard – similar here.
Woven Seagrass Chair – Society Social Woven Seagrass Chair – similar here.
Rug: Serena & Lily – Other Beautiful Rugs: here, here, here & here.
Hardwood Flooring
Hardwood is Palmetto Road Mountain Ridge Collection Boone Hickory – similar here & here.
Runner: here – similar.
This den is perfect to watch TV or read a good book.
Jute Lighting: Capital Lighting.
Sofa- Rowe (Available through the designer).
Art- Uttermost.
Poufs- Uttermost Valda Pouf Gray.
Curtains- West Elm.
Lamp- West Elm.
Rug- Loloi-ED-01 ivory – Similar:here.
 Guest Bathroom
This bathroom is off of a small hallway off the foyer and right next to the guest room. I wanted a very clean elegant look in this room and I think the mirror, lighting, and shelves gave it just that!
Tile- American Olean-Titus hills/calacatta – Similar: Floor Tile, Shower Wall Tile & Shower Floor Tile.
Paint Color
Paint Color is Sherwin Williams Light French Gray lightened 20%.
Lighting: Capital Lighting.
Faucet: Moen.
Vanity: Fairmont Designs Charlottesville w/ brass – Others: here, here, here&here.
Countertop: Quartz Glacier White MSI.
Mirror: Uttermost.
Shelves- Uttermost Lindee Gold Wall Shelves.
Master Bedroom
“I wanted to add a pop of a fun color in the master bedroom, but still keep it elegant. Kelly green was the perfect choice! I was very indecisive on whether or not the wall paper would be too much for a model home, but I had a vision that I couldn’t let go of, so I went with it and I love the way it turned out! I kept the rest of the bedroom pretty neutral so you didn’t get an overwhelming feeling walking into this room.”
Chandelier: Capital Lighting.
Bench: West Elm.
Bleached Jute Rug: here – similar.
Bed is Serena and Lily Balboa Bed, natural.
Table Lamps
Lamps –Uttermost Mackean table lamp.
Bedding & Wallpaper
Bedding is West Elm Candlewick Collection.
The blue pillows are custom made – Available through the designer.
Wallpaper: Serena and Lily Priano Green.
Nightstands are Ballard – similar here.
Curtains are West Elm Belgian Flax Linen White.
Floor mirror is World Market Natural Wood Leaning Full length floor mirror.
Dresser is Society Social Carmen grasscloth credenza-indigo – Similar here.
Tray: World Market natural rattan cane serving tray.
Vase: Crate and Barrel Adra Vase.
Mirror is Uttermost-padria round mirror – similar here & here.
Master Bathroom
Having a pattern on the floor was my number one priority in this bathroom. When I found this herringbone marble, I knew it was exactly what I was looking for!
I decided to use a navy vanity in this room, because I really loved the way it looked with the flooring.
Vanity: Legacy Southport in Navy – similar to “Sherwin Williams Naval”.
Round mirrors are a favorite of mine right now so they were also a must have!
Mirrors- Uttermost Reuben Round Mirror.
Lights: Capital Lighting.
Faucets: Moen.
Stool: Leda Rattan Counterstool-white.
Cabinet Hardware: Jeffrey Alexander-Sutton-brushed gold & knobs.
Vase: Crate and Barrel.
Floor Tile
Floor tile is American Olean-candid heather M109-honed – Others: here, here & here.
This bathroom exudes a modern updated look, which is exactly what the builder was looking for!
  Many thanks to the interior designer for sharing the details above!
Interior Design: Simplicity Interior Design.
Photography: Laurie Bowes.
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Best Sales of the Month:
Thank you for shopping through Home Bunch. I would be happy to assist you if you have any questions or are looking for something in particular. Feel free to contact me and always make sure to check dimensions before ordering. Happy shopping!
Serena & Lily: Amazing Rug Sale!
  Wayfair: Up to 70% OFF on Furniture and Decor!!!
  Joss & Main: Up to 70% off “Don’t Think Twice Sale”!
  Pottery Barn: 40% OFF plus free shipping. Use code: FREESHIP.
  One Kings Lane: Outdoor Sale Up to 60% Off.
  West Elm: Up to 40% Off on Sofas, Sectionals & Chairs!
  Anthropologie: New Fall Arrivals!
  Nordstrom: Sale – Incredible Prices!!!
  Posts of the Week:
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Modern Farmhouse.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Charlotte, NC.
New-Construction Home Ideas.
Beach House Tour.
Florida Beach Cottage.
Transitional Lake House Interior Design Ideas.
Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen’s Home – Full House Tour.
Dark Cedar Shaker Exterior.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Coastal Farmhouse Design.
Neutral Home.
Southern-inspired Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal Farmhouse Home Decor.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Reinvented Classic Kitchen Design.
Florida Beach House Interior Design.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Urban Farmhouse.
Tailored Interiors.
Classic Colonial Home Design.
Follow me on Instagram: @HomeBunch
You can follow my pins here: Pinterest/HomeBunch
See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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from Home http://www.homebunch.com/home-sweet-home-interior-design-ideas/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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cebugrandrealty · 6 years
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Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan
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Aruga Resort and Residences
Mactan - Cebu
by Rockwell Land
A beachfront hotel fused with exquisitely designed residences. This 4.7-hectare sanctuary is nothing less than Rockwell's boldest move yet. Lined along the serene side of the island, Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan is an innovative residential concept that mixes the perks of resort relaxation with Rockwell's signature community living. With only about 150 units, and boasting of a 200-meter beach front, you can have your share in this exclusive paradise reserved for the countr's discerning elite. Reside and retreat in its unique, tropical bliss. A private escape turned into a luxurious piece of real estate, Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan is conveniently located along Mactan’s sophisticated string of hotels and leisure establishments. Complementing the relaxing atmosphere by the beach, the property's open areas are adorned by manicured gardens, keeping the area cool and energizing.The hotel and residential areas are seamlessly integrated, bringing the best experience for guests and homeowners alike.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Features and Amenities" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-building-o" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_column_text]
200meters Beachfront
Residential Lobby
Sea-Facing Swimming Pools
Pool Deck and Lounge
Residents’ Lounge
Gym and Yoga Studio
Function Rooms
Children’s Play Area
Open Grounds
Four high-speed elevators: 2 Passenger and 2 Service Lifts
Automatic fire alarm, fire detection and sprinkler systems
100% standby emergency power
Security system with electronic access control
Closed circuit TV monitoring
Basement parking equipped with ventilation system
Exclusive drop-off bay
Pre-assigned parking spaces for 2BR-4BR units
[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Unit Finishes" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-star" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_column_text]
LIVING & DINING AREAS Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint with wooden base board
ALL BEDROOMS Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint with wooden base board Closets - Laminated closet doors with white interiors
KITCHEN Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint Cabinetry - Laminated Finish Countertop - Quartz Countertop
TOILET & BATH Single bowl sink with single-lever basin mixer (3-hole basin mixer for Master T&B) Floor - 300 x 600 homogeneous tiles Wall - Full-height 600x600mm Porcelain Tiles, Accent Mosaic Tiles for Shower Area Countertop - Natural Stone or approved equivalent Mirror - Included
PLUMBING FIXTURED & FITTINGS Duravit under-counter lavatory or approved equal Gessi mixer or approved equal Gessi exposed bath and shower mixer or approved equal Gessi exposed rainshower and hand shower or approved equal Duravit Water Closet or approved equal
WINDOWS Living, Dining Room & Bedrooms - 2400mm high windows with 100mm upstand wall
[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Construction Progress" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-spinner" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]
Status Under Construction[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]
Turn Over Q4 2023[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_text_separator title="Condominium Unit Types" i_type="material" i_icon_material="vc-material vc-material-format_align_center" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title="1 Bedroom" tab_id="1-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 1 Bathroom: 1 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 67 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 15,700,000
Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP1,570,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP61,569
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP785,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP 7,850,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="2 Bedroom" tab_id="2-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 99 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 24,700,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP2,470,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP96,863
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP1,235,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP12,350,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="2 Bedroom with Deck" tab_id="2-bedroom-deck"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer, Deck Floor Area: 142 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 36,300,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP3,630,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP142,363
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP1,815,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP18,150,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="3 Bedroom" tab_id="3-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 3 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 161 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 60,900,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP6,090,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP238,824
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP3,045,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP 30,450,000
For more information, click here https://is.gd/HkVUQk
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Remodeling Trends of 2019
With the beginning of a new year, whether homeowners are looking to spruce it up or change it up in their kitchens, there are always new trends in the making! Here are some of our favorite new, or continued, trends for 2019!
One thing that remains as a must have in the kitchen is an island. Kitchen islands continue to be large and in charge as the centerpiece of our kitchens! Currently, the trend for these islands is either dark and moody or light and bright. While, warm colors are on the return for kitchens, pops of color are in and many times, these colors are instituted in our islands. Have a contrasting color on the island cupboards is what is setting kitchens apart. With warm colors being on the return for our kitchens (pure white is on it’s way out), putting wood elements into our kitchens increases the warm, cozy and inviting feeling.
Listen to what Anne Hepfer, from Anne Hepfer designs, has to say about  kitchen design:
“In 2019, modern kitchen design will be about going to back to basics. Kitchens are being pared down to allow raw materials to shine on their own. Think wood, stone, shiplap, and jute.”
New countertop finishes for this year that are a highlight to these warm finishes are the Cambria countertops in Clairidge, Myddleton and Baybridge. With a soft, luxurious luster, Cambria Matte™ finish is just as hard and strong as the high gloss finish to give you exceptional scratch and chip resistance for life. Check out these products here.
Also trending is clever concealed storage solutions!  Instituting storage into your kitchen cupboards is a must for a clean-looking, clutter free kitchen. Here are a few options available to you:
Base Mixer Shelf Cabinet – a cabinet devoted to housing/lifting up your stand mixer when you are ready to use it!
Base Pantry Pull-out Utensil Storage – a drawer-type pull out cabinet feature that stores all those pesky, non-standard, very necessary extra tools for the kitchen
Spice Drawer Cabinet; or a Spice insert for a drawer
Bottom Mount Wastebasket – single or double cans depending on the size of the cabinet and space available
Utensil Tray Kit – used at the drawer front on your sink base
So many new trends to think about and so many options for your storage solutions. To get your free estimate, or to contact us regarding your kitchen remodel, find the link on our home page “free estimate” and contact us today to get started! 2019 can be your year to change it up!
The post Remodeling Trends of 2019 appeared first on Mountaineer Kitchens & Baths.
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cebugrandrealty · 6 years
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Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan
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Aruga Resort and Residences
Mactan - Cebu
by Rockwell Land
A beachfront hotel fused with exquisitely designed residences. This 4.7-hectare sanctuary is nothing less than Rockwell's boldest move yet. Lined along the serene side of the island, Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan is an innovative residential concept that mixes the perks of resort relaxation with Rockwell's signature community living. With only about 150 units, and boasting of a 200-meter beach front, you can have your share in this exclusive paradise reserved for the countr's discerning elite. Reside and retreat in its unique, tropical bliss. A private escape turned into a luxurious piece of real estate, Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan is conveniently located along Mactan’s sophisticated string of hotels and leisure establishments. Complementing the relaxing atmosphere by the beach, the property's open areas are adorned by manicured gardens, keeping the area cool and energizing.The hotel and residential areas are seamlessly integrated, bringing the best experience for guests and homeowners alike.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Features and Amenities" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-building-o" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_column_text]
200meters Beachfront
Residential Lobby
Sea-Facing Swimming Pools
Pool Deck and Lounge
Residents’ Lounge
Gym and Yoga Studio
Function Rooms
Children’s Play Area
Open Grounds
Four high-speed elevators: 2 Passenger and 2 Service Lifts
Automatic fire alarm, fire detection and sprinkler systems
100% standby emergency power
Security system with electronic access control
Closed circuit TV monitoring
Basement parking equipped with ventilation system
Exclusive drop-off bay
Pre-assigned parking spaces for 2BR-4BR units
[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Unit Finishes" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-star" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_column_text]
LIVING & DINING AREAS Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint with wooden base board
ALL BEDROOMS Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint with wooden base board Closets - Laminated closet doors with white interiors
KITCHEN Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint Cabinetry - Laminated Finish Countertop - Quartz Countertop
TOILET & BATH Single bowl sink with single-lever basin mixer (3-hole basin mixer for Master T&B) Floor - 300 x 600 homogeneous tiles Wall - Full-height 600x600mm Porcelain Tiles, Accent Mosaic Tiles for Shower Area Countertop - Natural Stone or approved equivalent Mirror - Included
PLUMBING FIXTURED & FITTINGS Duravit under-counter lavatory or approved equal Gessi mixer or approved equal Gessi exposed bath and shower mixer or approved equal Gessi exposed rainshower and hand shower or approved equal Duravit Water Closet or approved equal
WINDOWS Living, Dining Room & Bedrooms - 2400mm high windows with 100mm upstand wall
[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Construction Progress" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-spinner" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]
Status Under Construction[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]
Turn Over Q4 2023[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_text_separator title="Condominium Unit Types" i_type="material" i_icon_material="vc-material vc-material-format_align_center" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title="1 Bedroom" tab_id="1-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 1 Bathroom: 1 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 67 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 15,700,000
Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP1,570,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP61,569
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP785,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP 7,850,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="2 Bedroom" tab_id="2-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 99 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 24,700,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP2,470,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP96,863
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP1,235,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP12,350,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="2 Bedroom with Deck" tab_id="2-bedroom-deck"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer, Deck Floor Area: 142 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 36,300,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP3,630,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP142,363
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP1,815,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP18,150,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="3 Bedroom" tab_id="3-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 3 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 161 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 60,900,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP6,090,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP238,824
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP3,045,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP 30,450,000
For more information, click here https://is.gd/HkVUQk
0 notes
cebugrandrealty · 6 years
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Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan
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Aruga Resort and Residences
Mactan - Cebu
by Rockwell Land
A beachfront hotel fused with exquisitely designed residences. This 4.7-hectare sanctuary is nothing less than Rockwell's boldest move yet. Lined along the serene side of the island, Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan is an innovative residential concept that mixes the perks of resort relaxation with Rockwell's signature community living. With only about 150 units, and boasting of a 200-meter beach front, you can have your share in this exclusive paradise reserved for the countr's discerning elite. Reside and retreat in its unique, tropical bliss. A private escape turned into a luxurious piece of real estate, Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan is conveniently located along Mactan’s sophisticated string of hotels and leisure establishments. Complementing the relaxing atmosphere by the beach, the property's open areas are adorned by manicured gardens, keeping the area cool and energizing.The hotel and residential areas are seamlessly integrated, bringing the best experience for guests and homeowners alike.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Features and Amenities" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-building-o" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_column_text]
200meters Beachfront
Residential Lobby
Sea-Facing Swimming Pools
Pool Deck and Lounge
Residents’ Lounge
Gym and Yoga Studio
Function Rooms
Children’s Play Area
Open Grounds
Four high-speed elevators: 2 Passenger and 2 Service Lifts
Automatic fire alarm, fire detection and sprinkler systems
100% standby emergency power
Security system with electronic access control
Closed circuit TV monitoring
Basement parking equipped with ventilation system
Exclusive drop-off bay
Pre-assigned parking spaces for 2BR-4BR units
[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Unit Finishes" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-star" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_column_text]
LIVING & DINING AREAS Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint with wooden base board
ALL BEDROOMS Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint with wooden base board Closets - Laminated closet doors with white interiors
KITCHEN Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint Cabinetry - Laminated Finish Countertop - Quartz Countertop
TOILET & BATH Single bowl sink with single-lever basin mixer (3-hole basin mixer for Master T&B) Floor - 300 x 600 homogeneous tiles Wall - Full-height 600x600mm Porcelain Tiles, Accent Mosaic Tiles for Shower Area Countertop - Natural Stone or approved equivalent Mirror - Included
PLUMBING FIXTURED & FITTINGS Duravit under-counter lavatory or approved equal Gessi mixer or approved equal Gessi exposed bath and shower mixer or approved equal Gessi exposed rainshower and hand shower or approved equal Duravit Water Closet or approved equal
WINDOWS Living, Dining Room & Bedrooms - 2400mm high windows with 100mm upstand wall
[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Construction Progress" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-spinner" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]
Status Under Construction[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]
Turn Over Q4 2023[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_text_separator title="Condominium Unit Types" i_type="material" i_icon_material="vc-material vc-material-format_align_center" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title="1 Bedroom" tab_id="1-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 1 Bathroom: 1 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 67 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 15,700,000
Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP1,570,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP61,569
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP785,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP 7,850,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="2 Bedroom" tab_id="2-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 99 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 24,700,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP2,470,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP96,863
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP1,235,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP12,350,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="2 Bedroom with Deck" tab_id="2-bedroom-deck"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer, Deck Floor Area: 142 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 36,300,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP3,630,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP142,363
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP1,815,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP18,150,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="3 Bedroom" tab_id="3-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 3 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 161 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 60,900,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP6,090,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP238,824
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP3,045,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP 30,450,000
For more information, click here https://is.gd/HkVUQk
0 notes
cebugrandrealty · 6 years
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Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan
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Aruga Resort and Residences
Mactan - Cebu
by Rockwell Land
A beachfront hotel fused with exquisitely designed residences. This 4.7-hectare sanctuary is nothing less than Rockwell's boldest move yet. Lined along the serene side of the island, Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan is an innovative residential concept that mixes the perks of resort relaxation with Rockwell's signature community living. With only about 150 units, and boasting of a 200-meter beach front, you can have your share in this exclusive paradise reserved for the countr's discerning elite. Reside and retreat in its unique, tropical bliss. A private escape turned into a luxurious piece of real estate, Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan is conveniently located along Mactan’s sophisticated string of hotels and leisure establishments. Complementing the relaxing atmosphere by the beach, the property's open areas are adorned by manicured gardens, keeping the area cool and energizing.The hotel and residential areas are seamlessly integrated, bringing the best experience for guests and homeowners alike.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Features and Amenities" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-building-o" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_column_text]
200meters Beachfront
Residential Lobby
Sea-Facing Swimming Pools
Pool Deck and Lounge
Residents’ Lounge
Gym and Yoga Studio
Function Rooms
Children’s Play Area
Open Grounds
Four high-speed elevators: 2 Passenger and 2 Service Lifts
Automatic fire alarm, fire detection and sprinkler systems
100% standby emergency power
Security system with electronic access control
Closed circuit TV monitoring
Basement parking equipped with ventilation system
Exclusive drop-off bay
Pre-assigned parking spaces for 2BR-4BR units
[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Unit Finishes" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-star" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_column_text]
LIVING & DINING AREAS Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint with wooden base board
ALL BEDROOMS Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint with wooden base board Closets - Laminated closet doors with white interiors
KITCHEN Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint Cabinetry - Laminated Finish Countertop - Quartz Countertop
TOILET & BATH Single bowl sink with single-lever basin mixer (3-hole basin mixer for Master T&B) Floor - 300 x 600 homogeneous tiles Wall - Full-height 600x600mm Porcelain Tiles, Accent Mosaic Tiles for Shower Area Countertop - Natural Stone or approved equivalent Mirror - Included
PLUMBING FIXTURED & FITTINGS Duravit under-counter lavatory or approved equal Gessi mixer or approved equal Gessi exposed bath and shower mixer or approved equal Gessi exposed rainshower and hand shower or approved equal Duravit Water Closet or approved equal
WINDOWS Living, Dining Room & Bedrooms - 2400mm high windows with 100mm upstand wall
[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Construction Progress" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-spinner" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]
Status Under Construction[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]
Turn Over Q4 2023[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_text_separator title="Condominium Unit Types" i_type="material" i_icon_material="vc-material vc-material-format_align_center" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title="1 Bedroom" tab_id="1-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 1 Bathroom: 1 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 67 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 15,700,000
Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP1,570,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP61,569
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP785,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP 7,850,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="2 Bedroom" tab_id="2-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 99 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 24,700,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP2,470,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP96,863
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP1,235,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP12,350,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="2 Bedroom with Deck" tab_id="2-bedroom-deck"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer, Deck Floor Area: 142 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 36,300,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP3,630,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP142,363
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP1,815,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP18,150,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="3 Bedroom" tab_id="3-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 3 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 161 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 60,900,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP6,090,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP238,824
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP3,045,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP 30,450,000
For more information, click here https://is.gd/HkVUQk
0 notes
cebugrandrealty · 6 years
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Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan
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Aruga Resort and Residences
Mactan - Cebu
by Rockwell Land
A beachfront hotel fused with exquisitely designed residences. This 4.7-hectare sanctuary is nothing less than Rockwell's boldest move yet. Lined along the serene side of the island, Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan is an innovative residential concept that mixes the perks of resort relaxation with Rockwell's signature community living. With only about 150 units, and boasting of a 200-meter beach front, you can have your share in this exclusive paradise reserved for the countr's discerning elite. Reside and retreat in its unique, tropical bliss. A private escape turned into a luxurious piece of real estate, Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan is conveniently located along Mactan’s sophisticated string of hotels and leisure establishments. Complementing the relaxing atmosphere by the beach, the property's open areas are adorned by manicured gardens, keeping the area cool and energizing.The hotel and residential areas are seamlessly integrated, bringing the best experience for guests and homeowners alike.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Features and Amenities" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-building-o" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_column_text]
200meters Beachfront
Residential Lobby
Sea-Facing Swimming Pools
Pool Deck and Lounge
Residents’ Lounge
Gym and Yoga Studio
Function Rooms
Children’s Play Area
Open Grounds
Four high-speed elevators: 2 Passenger and 2 Service Lifts
Automatic fire alarm, fire detection and sprinkler systems
100% standby emergency power
Security system with electronic access control
Closed circuit TV monitoring
Basement parking equipped with ventilation system
Exclusive drop-off bay
Pre-assigned parking spaces for 2BR-4BR units
[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Unit Finishes" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-star" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_column_text]
LIVING & DINING AREAS Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint with wooden base board
ALL BEDROOMS Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint with wooden base board Closets - Laminated closet doors with white interiors
KITCHEN Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint Cabinetry - Laminated Finish Countertop - Quartz Countertop
TOILET & BATH Single bowl sink with single-lever basin mixer (3-hole basin mixer for Master T&B) Floor - 300 x 600 homogeneous tiles Wall - Full-height 600x600mm Porcelain Tiles, Accent Mosaic Tiles for Shower Area Countertop - Natural Stone or approved equivalent Mirror - Included
PLUMBING FIXTURED & FITTINGS Duravit under-counter lavatory or approved equal Gessi mixer or approved equal Gessi exposed bath and shower mixer or approved equal Gessi exposed rainshower and hand shower or approved equal Duravit Water Closet or approved equal
WINDOWS Living, Dining Room & Bedrooms - 2400mm high windows with 100mm upstand wall
[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Construction Progress" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-spinner" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]
Status Under Construction[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]
Turn Over Q4 2023[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_text_separator title="Condominium Unit Types" i_type="material" i_icon_material="vc-material vc-material-format_align_center" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title="1 Bedroom" tab_id="1-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 1 Bathroom: 1 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 67 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 15,700,000
Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP1,570,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP61,569
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP785,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP 7,850,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="2 Bedroom" tab_id="2-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 99 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 24,700,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP2,470,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP96,863
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP1,235,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP12,350,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="2 Bedroom with Deck" tab_id="2-bedroom-deck"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer, Deck Floor Area: 142 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 36,300,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP3,630,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP142,363
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP1,815,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP18,150,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="3 Bedroom" tab_id="3-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 3 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 161 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 60,900,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP6,090,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP238,824
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP3,045,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP 30,450,000
For more information, click here https://is.gd/HkVUQk
0 notes
cebugrandrealty · 6 years
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Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan
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Aruga Resort and Residences
Mactan - Cebu
by Rockwell Land
A beachfront hotel fused with exquisitely designed residences. This 4.7-hectare sanctuary is nothing less than Rockwell's boldest move yet. Lined along the serene side of the island, Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan is an innovative residential concept that mixes the perks of resort relaxation with Rockwell's signature community living. With only about 150 units, and boasting of a 200-meter beach front, you can have your share in this exclusive paradise reserved for the countr's discerning elite. Reside and retreat in its unique, tropical bliss. A private escape turned into a luxurious piece of real estate, Aruga Resort and Residences - Mactan is conveniently located along Mactan’s sophisticated string of hotels and leisure establishments. Complementing the relaxing atmosphere by the beach, the property's open areas are adorned by manicured gardens, keeping the area cool and energizing.The hotel and residential areas are seamlessly integrated, bringing the best experience for guests and homeowners alike.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Features and Amenities" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-building-o" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_column_text]
200meters Beachfront
Residential Lobby
Sea-Facing Swimming Pools
Pool Deck and Lounge
Residents’ Lounge
Gym and Yoga Studio
Function Rooms
Children’s Play Area
Open Grounds
Four high-speed elevators: 2 Passenger and 2 Service Lifts
Automatic fire alarm, fire detection and sprinkler systems
100% standby emergency power
Security system with electronic access control
Closed circuit TV monitoring
Basement parking equipped with ventilation system
Exclusive drop-off bay
Pre-assigned parking spaces for 2BR-4BR units
[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Unit Finishes" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-star" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_column_text]
LIVING & DINING AREAS Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint with wooden base board
ALL BEDROOMS Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint with wooden base board Closets - Laminated closet doors with white interiors
KITCHEN Floor - Porcelain Tiles Wall - Paint Cabinetry - Laminated Finish Countertop - Quartz Countertop
TOILET & BATH Single bowl sink with single-lever basin mixer (3-hole basin mixer for Master T&B) Floor - 300 x 600 homogeneous tiles Wall - Full-height 600x600mm Porcelain Tiles, Accent Mosaic Tiles for Shower Area Countertop - Natural Stone or approved equivalent Mirror - Included
PLUMBING FIXTURED & FITTINGS Duravit under-counter lavatory or approved equal Gessi mixer or approved equal Gessi exposed bath and shower mixer or approved equal Gessi exposed rainshower and hand shower or approved equal Duravit Water Closet or approved equal
WINDOWS Living, Dining Room & Bedrooms - 2400mm high windows with 100mm upstand wall
[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title="Construction Progress" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-spinner" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]
Status Under Construction[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]
Turn Over Q4 2023[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_text_separator title="Condominium Unit Types" i_type="material" i_icon_material="vc-material vc-material-format_align_center" style="dashed" border_width="2" el_width="50" add_icon="true"][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title="1 Bedroom" tab_id="1-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 1 Bathroom: 1 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 67 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 15,700,000
Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP1,570,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP61,569
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP785,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP 7,850,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="2 Bedroom" tab_id="2-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 99 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 24,700,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP2,470,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP96,863
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP1,235,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP12,350,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="2 Bedroom with Deck" tab_id="2-bedroom-deck"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer, Deck Floor Area: 142 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 36,300,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP3,630,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP142,363
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP1,815,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP18,150,000
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="3 Bedroom" tab_id="3-bedroom"][vc_column_text]Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 3 Includes: Living Room with Dining Area, Kitchen Area, Utility Room, Foyer Floor Area: 161 SqM Indicative Price: PHP 60,900,000 Sample Payment Schedule
Reservation Fee: PHP 100,000
10% Downpayment: PHP6,090,000 (15 days after reservation)
20% Amortized for 51 months: PHP238,824
20% Lumpsum on Month 12,24,36,48: PHP3,045,000 every 12 months
50% Upon Turn over: PHP 30,450,000
For more information, click here https://is.gd/HkVUQk
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