hermscat · 1 year
@salchat and @logicgunn thanks for the tag......people, this exercise will show you all EXACTLY how old I really am....80's and 90's heaven!!!
I went a bit over the required numbers to show the eclectic nature of my TV history!!!
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Including some people I would like to know more about 😀
@ami-ven @thatdreamwelongtolive @fellshish @anarchiana @srelar @annissina
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Hi lovelies! My package arrived (Belgium)!!!! Everything is GORGEOUS!!! GORGEOYS!!! Thank you all so incredibly much!!!! Congratulations!!! LOVE YOU!!!,❤🧡💛💚💙💜
WOOHOO!!! Thank you so much and so excited to hear packages are arriving in Belgium!!!
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
I always figured that Cas having big dolls meant that he has those vintage inflatable sex dolls 🙈🙉🙊
yeah that was my first thought as well lmao
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
Hi Mittens! Hearing Cas talking about fulfilling one's destiny gave me the chills. Same with hearing Dean say he was alright with Jack killing his grandfather while he himself refused to kill his brother and his son. Your thoughts? Thank you 🧡
HELLO! yes, it was definitely worrisome to me, as well... and considering my inbox this afternoon, I’m gonna say it’s likely worrisome to these other folks, too:
(introducing an anon here to illustrate the point)
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I’ve been trying to sort out exactly what the final goal of the series will be, and the show is not making it easy yet. :’D
I mean, I still don’t think “killing God” is on the agenda. Everyone is struggling with the concept, because if they kill God, does Creation end with him? That was the dilemma at the end of s11. And see, it’s still not even clear in the story yet:
Sam: Yeah, what's your endgame, Billie? You lecture us about how important all this is, but we don't even know what you're doing. Jack's gonna kill God, right? Yeah? Great. Okay. How? What's your plan?Billie: When I was a reaper, I believed in the rules. But then you killed me. And when I became Death, I inherited Death's knowledge... and Death's library. And in Death's library, everyone has a book. Even God.Dean: So God can die?Billie: Everything dies.
EVERYTHING DIES! But if Chuck “dies,” does everything else die with him? Does Billie even know? Does she care?
Castiel: Why would God write the blueprint to His own death?Billie: He didn't. The books write themselves. After God made the world, He couldn't stop. He wanted more. But He needed to create a perfect harmony -- a Swiss watch so that this world could keep tick-tick-ticking in His absence. He had no choice but to build Himself into the framework. It's His only weakness.
Sure, it might be his only weakness, the fact that he “wrote himself into his own story,” which... nice callback to 4.18, right? But that just makes me think how inextricably his own existence is tied to the existence of everything else. Without Chuck, does the rest of the universe also cease to be?
Just like, as lampshaded in THIS EPISODE, Billie’s insistence that there was ONE WAY to save the universe from AU!Michael using Dean’s body to destroy the world... and then that didn’t happen... like... at all... but that’s what it said in ALL HER BOOKS for Dean. So... what happened?
I think that makes it clear that Billie, while having a “much bigger picture” of the universe, she’s still limited to what her books say at any given moment. AND THOSE BOOKS CHANGE! They write themselves! And RE-write themselves!
I mean... before Sam and Dean-- those frustratingly lovable interlopers:
Chuck: Dean says I'm not going to get the ending I want. And I don't know, maybe that shouldn't matter, right? I've gotten what I want from hundreds of Sams and Deans and I can get what I want from a hundred more. And I don't care, those other toys they don't -- they don't spark joy. But Sam and Dean, the real Sam and Dean they do. They challenge me. They disappoint me. They surprise me. They're the ones.
How often was Chuck surprised or challenged by any of his other creations up to this point? How much have Sam and Dean and their insistence on breaking rules and finding another way and defying fate and destiny been both the world’s salvation and Chuck’s intense frustration with them? But also, how often has this just completely altered the destinies dictated in Billie’s books?
Is Billie also so completely focused on Sam and Dean-- and possibly now Jack-- that she truly feels that there is only one outcome on the table here? Because that seems to be Cas’s problem, too. He is absolutely FIXATED on his faith in Jack’s destiny. Possibly to his own detriment.
This does absolutely feel like it must be Cas’s final lesson. He needs something to believe in. I mean, that’s what he was for billions of years-- an “agent of fate.” Despite everything he’s learned about humanity over the last decade, this one thing still clings on for him-- his need to feel like he fits into this larger machine of destiny.
But there are still so many unanswered questions about what the fulfillment of that destiny will look like. And it looks to me like he’s currently so blinded to hope he’s placed entirely in Jack that he hasn’t even questioned the plan, hasn’t doubted for a second that his purpose is currently to do everything in his power to ensure that Jack does fulfill his “destiny.”
And I am worried that Cas believes so strongly in this, and yet he doesn’t understand what Jack’s “destiny” will actually result in. He’s so intently focused on the PROCESS, but he doesn’t seem to have considered what the outcome will be. What does “winning” actually look like, and is Jack’s “destiny” really to what Billie’s books insist it is?
They invoked Rowena as the test case for “proof” that Billie’s books are “correct” as the counterargument to how wrong they were about the ma’lak box. So what is Billie’s game here... really... and what are the rules she’s playing by? Is she bluffing, hoping the Winchesters will do what they always do and “find another way?” Or has she fully invested in the prophecy and destiny dictated by her own books? And possibly most importantly, what does a “win” actually look like?
Jack has also shown us that he has the power to rewrite the “rules” of the universe, when he declared lying illegal in 14.20. I’m still wondering if this will actually be his final play-- literally editing Chuck out of the universe and healing over all the cracks that would leave behind. I mean... that’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility... but that might not be something that Billie’s books can even hint at, you know? Or maybe it’s something she’s quietly hoping that Jack will understand.
But I wonder if, for Jack to understand just how much power he has over his own destiny, Cas has to learn this lesson, as well. Because that’s how Jack functions in-story. He reflects TFW back to themselves. The ultimate mirror.
Cas has struggled with a loss of agency throughout much of his tenure on the show. His s4 arc was about coming to terms with even making his own choices and defying orders. I sincerely hope that by the end of the series, he will fully embrace humanity and all its uncertainty, and let go of his need to blindly run toward ANY supposed fate. I worry that if he can’t do that, then he’s in for one massive and painful lesson. And he very well may get that before the end.
Dean really, REALLY needs to make it clear to Cas exactly why he’s important. That it’s not about destiny, or being useful, or having a “purpose” in the bigger plan of the universe. Cas needs to hear that HE is important to Dean just because he’s Cas. I think this is one of the fundamental turning points of his entire character arc.
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winchester-reload · 5 years
I have been staring at your art for jupiter_james's fic "An Accidental Incubus" for quite some time now. It's beyond gorgeous...
omg yaaassssss that was such a fun piece to do and @jupiterjames’ fic was so delicious. I’m forever honored to have gotten to make some art for it!
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pimentogirl · 5 years
why, thank you, :-)
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caswatchesoveryou · 5 years
I just read Emergence by Ellispark and wanted to let you know that your accompaning art is stunning!!!
awww thank you so so much!!! That is so so kind of you 🥰🤗❤️❤️❤️ The story was beautiful too and I'm glad you liked my art 🥰❤️ and I wish you a very merry Christmas! ❤️🥰🤗🎄🎁🎅❤️❤️❤️
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Thank you for existing. 💗 send this to 10 people that you think that deserve a sweet and kind message in their inbox 💕
:D Thank you so much!! I’ll be sure to pass it on ;)
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pray4jensen · 5 years
1/2 They retire from actual hunting. They go to the beach, where Dean and Cas buy a charming B&B. Dean bakes pies and brews his own beer, Cas enjoys gardening and beekeeping. They are known for their beer infused with honey called 'Huckleberry'. Dean is miraculously healed from his cat allergy, because cats rule and Cas wanted them. Dean adores the cats but he doesn't tell Cas because every time the cats do something Dean can grumble about Cas wears the Stetson all day long.
2/2 They sometimes work the phones, as does Sam, helping Garth out as the new Bobby. Rowena takes Cas clubbing. Sam trains hunters when he’s not running his dog shelter down the road from D&C. He’s married to the woman who runs the veggie stall at the market. Jack travels the world with Chuck, they sing in bars and are fairly known for being able to sing in all languages. Chuck restores Cas’s wings because let’s face it, they are hot. Balthazar is back for no other reason than they I liked him.
this made me smile thank you!!
tell me how spn should end
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anarchiana replied to your post “Alright, bedtime… I won’t be around tomorrow but knowing my family I’m...”
Sometimes I see your goodnight message and every time I actually reach for some water. Thank you for that! �� Goodnight and stay hydrated too!
Thank you ^-^
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deancasbigbang · 6 years
Hi. I just wanted to say that all the teasers sound sooooooooo good and I want to thank you all for all your hard work!!! DCBB is the best time of the year. Thank you all so much!
We are so happy you’re enjoying the promos and that you’re excited. Thank you for letting us know! You made our night.
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Sorry for bothering you again. Yes, I understand that I have to claim the perk with Indiegogo, but the only way to do that seems to be with a credit card. I don't have one. Will there be other payment options to back the project? Indiegogo seems to accept Google Pay too and suggest to contact the owner for options like PayPal. Thank you
Hi Anarchiana! Unfortunately, we can’t accept PayPal payments. However, you can also claim a perk through Google and Apple Pay. If these are inconvenient, we suggest heading directly to the official Mastercard website to buy a temporary prepaid credit card online that you can then enter into the Indiegogo campaign to back the project. These can also be found in most convenience stores/gas stations but please be safe out there! We suggest buying online rather than venturing outside as the current COVID-19 crisis continues.
I hope this helped answer your question and please don’t hesitate to contact us if anything else comes to mind!
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
Hi Mittens! Phew, this all hurts so much, yet I'm very hopeful! A question... When Cas reluctantly says that he guesses that he has no choice but to go to hell, Dean answers "good". Is that "good" meant as good that they settled it that Cas was going; or good that Cas had no choice (in that particular case or even in his life in general)? (1/2)
It would be so painful that Dean is so traumatised by feeling stripped of free will, but that he would approve that Cas doesn't (seem to) have choices. He treats him like the tool he doesn't want to be himself. 😰😰 (I'm not native English, I'm hoping I'm misunderstanding) Thank you! (2/2)
oh gosh, that’s the most painful possible read, but it is one possible read. But I mean, Dean accepted the other role for himself in this-- the one Rowena assured him would be horrifying for him because he would be unshielded, no salt circle, no protection, to essentially serve as the conduit for the spell. He was prepared to suffer that.
Cas was like “I guess I don’t have a choice” about being the one to accompany Belphegor to Hell, because literally none of the rest of them could even accomplish that mission. As an angel, Cas was the only one who would even have a hope of succeeding at that and making it back out again.
Sam needed to remain as Rowena’s assistant-- she said at first because Sam was the closest thing to a practicing witch of the three of them, but we know she thought if everything else failed, Sam was literally the ONLY one who could help her carry out her final spell, because prophecy.
I thought of Dean’s “good” as more of, “thank you for not arguing or walking out on us again,” because to Dean, none of them were happy about having to do any of this, you know? but in this situation, there was literally one job each of them NEEDED to do, like he said later they “didn’t have a choice.”
We haven’t really had a lot of that particular line in Dabb era, but since 14.20, Dabb era has been specifically calling out the... problems of past showrunning eras. I mean, they literally marched through a graveyard strewn with corpses, past the rip into Hell, to specifically RETURN to the crypt labeled “Carver” to cast this particular spell.
Which I believe is a MASSIVE lampshade to the fact that “we don’t have a choice” is the Carver-Era trope that they’re literally returning through a graveyard to a sealed crypt in order to basically lock themselves into that situation narratively, you know? Because this is what Chuck’s story looked like (Chuck being the Kripke stand-in, even if Metatron was the Carver stand-in, he was Chuck Lite). I feel like the entire point of all of this pain was to set the baseline for Chuck’s Original Story, the one that stripped them of choices and the one Dabb era to this point has been fighting so hard against despite Chuck’s repeated interference.
Chuck laid down a gauntlet in 14.20, threw it so hard it tore a hole into Hell. And now he’s injured, and eventually, if things go the way Dabb Era in general HAVE, the characters will eventually wrest control of the narrative from him. They will have the final say on the story of their lives. Eventually. But the baseline had to be established in the narrative, and in order to do that, Dabb shoved them into a literal crypt labeled CARVER and sicced zombies and ghosts from their past on them. I don’t know how the metaphor could’ve been any clearer.
My tag for Dabb era has long involved the fact that he seemed to invest a lot of energy in spite-writing against Carver era themes. Like he has been dredging up old themes and twisting them since he took over in mid s11. So I am always side-eyeing his writing (and especially that of Bobo, who has been thematically on the same page with Dabb forever), for these sorts of tells.
And I think in the moment, Dean was glad that everything seemed to be going to plan, regardless of how any of them personally felt about the plan, because if the plan failed, they’d all be dead anyway and there wouldn’t be an Earth for Cas to come back to...
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winchester-reload · 6 years
Happy birthday! Thank you for running Inktober! I can't draw, but I'm enjoying seeing so much beautiful art. Blessings for a good, happy and healthy year!
OMG Suptober has been the single greatest thing for me this year even if I’ve forgotten what sleep is and my drawing hand is one of those knobby little claws now that makes it look like I’m slowly turning into Golem. The response and the art has been so far beyond what I expected and I’m so grateful.
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destielfanfic · 7 years
Hi. I looooove your site and blog!!! Truly epic work.
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Happy endverse? Some would say that’s an oxymoron, but fic writers have come to the rescue! Of course many of the fics on our Endverse tag are angsty tragedies, but there are a surprising number with hopeful or even happy endings. Read the reviews, they often give a sense of whether there was a happy ending or if you will need a few shots of tequila…or both. Over the years, we have also added fics that are apocalyptic, but not necessarily 5x04 endverse. Below are a few of our favorites.
Note: All links go to our reviews
I. True endverse (5x04) with a happy ending
A Night At The Museum by swordyofmymouth (starts very dark, but ends well)
Down to Agincourt Verse by seperis (we haven’t read, but this submitted rec has >1M words and is still a WIP)
Epilogue by JayneL 
One, Two, Three Repeat by mnwood
Thursday’s Child by strangenessandcharm (LOTS of angst, but happy ending)
Until the Lost Become The Found by twisting-vine-x
II. The apocalypse has come in some way, shape or form
Haven by miss_grey
Hope in Ruin by elizabeth1985
Pulling Out The Nails by todisturbtheuniverse
Somewhere Back of the Sun and the Sun Verse by enigmaticblue
There is a LOT of fan art based on The End. Check out some of our favorites over at Destielfanworks!
Note: After five years and nearly 1500 reviews and recs, this is by no means an inclusive list - that is what our tags page is for!  Instead, these are a selection of favorite fics that in our opinion fit the ask. 
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thevioletcaptain · 7 years
anarchiana 13.03 Patience
OMG, are you going to write a verdict like that every week? Because I think I need it, badly! This was fabulous. :)
I’m glad you liked it! 
I do indeed write up a scorecard every week. I’ve been doing these for the past few seasons, and you can view them all in their respective tags:
Season Eleven Scorecard
Season Twelve Scorecard
Season Thirteen Scorecard
Prior to S11, most of my meta or meta-adjacent posts were on specific aspects of episodes, rather than full episode breakdowns. If you feel like reading my nonsense, you can find a whole lot of those posts here, or through the Cass Writes Meta or Meta Adjacent tags :)
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