#anawered asks
growingingreenwood · 6 months
Can you explain more of the specifics of the Greenwood Royal family dynamics? Wouldn’t Legolas and Ava dating kinda be like siblings getting together? Not trying to be rude but like :/
No, not really. But i can understand where the confusion might come from. I’ll do my best to explain why it wouldn't be!
I made a little picture to help explain the specific dynamics between all the ‘groups’ that make up the “Greenwood Royal Family" to make this easier to explain.
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But basically, while they all work together on the daily to support and love each other, they're considered to be ““Separate Households””. Each ‘group’ in the picture has their own shared living areas, separate from the other ‘groups’. They're all close together, especially at the start, but they're still separate. The only elflings that are raised more or less as siblings is Ithrae's group (So Therion, Eloissa, Rumien, Tern, and Ava.)
Secondly, aside from Legolas and Farlen, Everybody Involved In The Situation That Makes Up The Greenwood Royal Family Is EXTREMELY aware that they aren't related by blood to anybody else . And they remain aware of it, at all times. The elflings are old enough (and traumatized enough) that they remember they used to have another family, and remember how they lost them.
That doesn't mean that the conglomeration that makes up “The Greenwood Royal Family” doesn't all love each other fiercely, they just love some members a bit differently than others.
Thranduil loves all of the Orphans so very much, and he feels responsible to protect, raise, and guide them into the best elves that they can be. And he does his best to be there for them in the ways that they need when they need it.
But he only has one Son. There is only one Legolas.
Plus, after Amon Lanc fell and the elflings were all left orphans, Thranduil struggled to even keep himself alive through the grief of losing his wife and initially couldn’t take a super duper direct and hands-on role with the elfings until several years later. After their new home had more or less been established.
Which is why it was Ferdan that helped Ithrae the most with them, while Galion looked after Thranduil and Legolas.
(And definitely not because Ferdan loves elfings more than anything in the entitle world no matter how much he grumbles about them.)
So yeah, while they might have been raised very closely together and by the same ‘village’ per say, it’s by no means like dating a sibling
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cyanide-latte · 6 months
Hi! We don’t talk often but you’re always a shining spot of positivity on my dash, plus you have really cool interests. I love seeing you around, thanks for being my mutual! :3
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You always seem to put some of the best stuff on the dash and the few times we've talked you've always been sweet! Thanks for being my mutual too!
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ninjnerd-anaklusmos · 2 years
Holiday and a family gathering
God: I hate the hoildays
Azazel: Because of Seasonal depression
Lucifer: Michael?
Michael: Lucifer?
God: No! Because now I have to change everything on my Calander to a hoilday theme
Mammom: WTF ya have a calander for
God: Why does Mephistopheles spoon you every night?
Mammon: Nevermind
I have no clue how this happened, but it is funny
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This may be the only poll with emet selch where he's BEING swept
I'm proud to have hosted the first
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onlineviolence · 7 months
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theyrw so in love forever
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biohazard-4ever · 2 months
Will you be posting more Leon pics now that you have 4K? :D
Also share snippets of your gameplay too?
OOOOF COURSE!!!!! You can bet on it! Im not home rn. But after tuesday I believe I will have something new to show you all!!
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sp00ky-p00ky · 2 years
65. Do you believe more in fate or that we are the creators of our own destinies because we are governed by free will?
My daydreamer's heart is screaming fate 💜, but I know from experience it just takes one little step for big things to happen ❤️🥰
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
"Icons only" {{ Mayleene introducing him Nirvana music. XD }}
Send "Icons only" and something for my muse to react to
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growingingreenwood · 9 months
okay, but what WAS Ava doing in the misty mountains all alone in 'Expectantly'?
She was visiting with the Avari tribes that Greenwood befriended who live in the mountains. Her and the group she was with were traveling when she sensed Legolas ""nearby"" and decided to stop by and have a visit with them!
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mayasaura · 1 year
✍️ for the ask game!
✍️ Of the supporting characters, who's POV would you be most interested in reading?
New anawer. I would love to see Abigail's point of view on Canaan House. I will never forgive Gideon for tuning out when Abby started infodumping at dinner. I want to know the nerd stuff, goddamn it!! Especially now that we have fragments of a first hand account to compare the historical narrative too!
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skittlespizza · 3 months
Wait flowchi elmflowers the artist elmflowers?? You're friends with flowchi elmflowers?
@elmflowers answer: Elmflowers is a niche and not that well known artist on the internet, that has been recently asked if his brain was being donated to science due to his strange fandom fixations. By fortune or misfortune, Flowchi is friends with M Skittlespizza.
Skittlespizza anawer: ☺️ we had a class together
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asbestieos · 2 years
i know you didnt ask i just. i. Really like bsd i just. basically every character is based on a real life author. it follows the Armed Detective Agency which is like a special class of detective that are ability users. abilities are just magic powers and theyre all names after the authors namesake work. the ADA and the port mafia are all japanese authors, then theres the guild who are all based on american authors, and then the decay of angels who are european authors. the show basically starts off with the ada solving cases and dealing with the mafia and stuff but really its all about the characters and their world views. some of the major themes are the extent to which people go to justify their actions, the reason for living, what makes someone worthy of living, and also how love and friendship are usually the answer people are searching for. its so unique in the fact that it is such a huge advocate for the power of friendship but its SUBTLE about it. like it doesnt actually defeat the bad guys but without it thered be nothing. the characters are all SO loveable and they all have fascinating and well fleshed out dynamics with each other. at its core, its a character driven piece of media and its So Well Done in that aspect. the plot and writing are a bit of a mess but thats because the arcs are about the Characters not the plot. in the recent manga chapters theyve strayed from that and its gotten really clunky and terrible to read it sucks :/. but for the most part. sorry for such a long and im sure incoherent ask i just. really like this seriws im sorry fkdkdjs
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kunikida and atsushi hug as compensation, look they love each other /p
i so glad i didnt go to bed immediately, your summary is bery delightful \o/ reading this made me even more excited to get into bsd knowing my mutual wnjoyed it, i loge media thats all about love and friendship and camaraderie and care and andnsksjdd fnfnf fng gkgkkf g love is the anawer narrative 🙏 ny saving grace.. i thinkni really will enjoy bsd based on your review
would you like me to liveblog my bsd watch / read here / in yr asks ? is ok if not for the latter dhhffbj would you recommend watching or reading first? i woulf prefer watching because sonetimes im not good at picking up on more subtle things in manga, but if the anome doesnt do the manga justice, id happily read th manga
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iworshipsappho · 6 months
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ask-stede-bonnet · 9 months
Oh wait never mind that was about a different ask lol
Oops, already anawered you
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heyimselenophile · 10 months
Lately I keep saying his name in silence.
A name that I always ignore for so many times,
But now it keep popping in my head for some times
I don’t know why,
But I’m afraid to tell people, I’m afraid for being sad “again”l
For being alone in this feeling or being left again.
I just keep it in my every doa at nights and days.
I keep asking Allah to ease my mind and heart, and giving me answer for what’s happening to me.
I believe if the anawer is “yes”, then Allah will always make the way to make it happen.
Insya Allah
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luidilovins · 4 years
you know when i first got this in my asks I totally forgot about the color chart I reblogged and I was like "yeah"
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