#and 2) not trying to force it and accepting itll happen when it happens. and then reading a book or watching a show on a dim screen
coloursofaparadox · 10 months
im still not over the sleep thing one sec i gotta rant about this shit
#i think the problem now is that historically my sleep habits have been Really Messed Up by what can loosely be called insomnia my whole life#its always kinda just been a given that if im in bed and i cant sleep there is absolutely nothing that can be done to help#and thats not for lack of trying i have tried every meditation and suggested solution possible. it does not happen.#if i cant fall asleep and try to force myself w/o distractions i will be awake staring at the ceiling for hours. usually till the morning#thats not an exaggeration it happened often before i gave up on it. so i figured out coping methods!#namely 1) making sure my body is taken care of as well as possible to make sure its not caused by pain or hunger or anxiety#and 2) not trying to force it and accepting itll happen when it happens. and then reading a book or watching a show on a dim screen#until i physically cant keep my eyes open and then i can fall asleep. if i try any earlier than that no dice. my brain wakes itself up again#these worked for years! but now thanks to adhd meds that actually make my brain quiet. uh. these same coping methods are. not working#im physically tired and start my usual routine and wait to pass out while reading but i just. dont. ever.#like. the physically tired feeling has never made a difference in my body cooperating with sleep. but now apparently it will????#and ive been ignoring it??? bc im used to it not working? i tried just. closing my eyes and trying to lay still yesterday and it WORKED#after like. 10 minutes or so. it was fucking crazy. i thought media and pop culture was lying about people doing that.#anyways. apparently i can fall asleep like a human and not some kind of weird chronically exhausted cryptid now.#(because of new adhd meds to be clear) but i havent been because i didnt even think to TRY it. since. yknow. cryptid status.#shits weird.
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vertinen · 3 months
Why cant i understand people? Why will the other leave? I understand her abandonment issue sbut please dont abandon me i dont want it to happen again. I’ll spill eveyrthing ill be nice, ill change my personaith just so you could be my friend. Please.
Every friend i have keeps leaving me i dont want to be left alone again with my mother please i cant take it anymore. My dad doesnt even want me, my mom is too complex i dont know what she wants from me.
My 2 best friends have left me when i entered high school, made up excuses that they thought I was busy when i kept repeating i wasnt that busy. They left me and in the end i blocked them so i can keep up the act that i did something to cut them off. I didnt do jack shit, they left before i could even act like i left them. Im a fucking pussy, a coward who can only yell and yell because thats the only good thing i could do. To yell loudly and hope anyone can catch what im saying, how im trying to call for help.
It feels disgusting when i rant to them, it feels humiliating that I made this tumblr acc so i could stop harassing them. I hate you so much it makes me puke, it makes me want to tear your face off why are you me?
Im tired, im angry, im sad, im scared, im jealous, im trigger happy, why cant i have good parents? She has a good relationship with her mother and rich, the other can afford therapy and is going to therapy. Why cant i have that? Is it because i cant be independent? I can be i swear! I can be just give me a shot im begging.
I’ll stop giving my opinions, i can be your own jester, your own clown, your own puppet just please treat me like im the world. Give me love, give me affection, give me all of the things i never had as a kid, im easy to please, im easy to entertain just please. Dont leave me. I hate being left all alone with her.
My dad ignored my cries of help. I dont want to be in the shadow, i want to be in the light just like them! I want to be free.
I want to have my own independence! I want to know more about myself instead of being scared to analyze myself because it’lm fuck me up more. I want to understand people because i was trapped in a cage for so long that i dont understand social norms, society, and etiquette.
I’m sorry im bad at giving my opinions, to give flowery meaning to my words, i swear i can be better if you could just let me.
I want to scream at him what she wants to do, that she wants to leave us in the dust as soon as she leaves our school.
Its killing me. I want her to be free from this cage, she wants out and i get it. But if she leaves then she’ll leave us, why does she want to leave? I know why but it just shatters me why.
I want to scream at her sometimes. To scream she’s just like her fathe rbut i know itll break her if i tell her because shes not like her father its just because of her father that she cuts people before they cut her out in due time. I understand that i really do because my dad did that too many times, but still.
Im scared of people leaving me. Thats why i still havent left my mom even if she’s verbally abusive to me. I didnt leave my best friends even if we were toxic, even if i saw that they had moved on without me. It took 3 fucking years before i blocked them, even if they had left me behind i still stayed. Why? Why do i cling to people?
Well its because i want love. Humans crave love and affection and unfotunately I am one.
The first paragraph was about my friend psychoanalyzing me, saying im an extrovert and how i accept his opinion even if i feel like im not an extrovert and feel like an introvert, yet i force myself to think im an extrovert but im not. Im not agender i just lied to him about being agender, im genderqueer. There i finally fucking said it.
He’s a sweet friend, its just that whatever he says i acceot without hesitation because hes the 3rd friend i finally got and i dont want to mess things up. I keep messinh things up i hate it.
I dont know how to keep a friend, i dont know how to be myself, i dont know how to accept that friends leave, i dont know how to stop traumadumping because of how my trauma broke me as a person, i dont know how to tell people the problems i have like a normal person.
Once the facade cracks everything breaks, my whole reality is breaking, tearing apart, eaten up by my depression, my identity crisis, my trauma, and by myself.
I’m sorry.
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and-i-uh · 4 years
6? 22? Any other number you wanted to answer?
6- i dont have any stim toys, ive never really delved into that stuff, i was never really given the chance to explore stuff that would help me out with stimming and such. I also dont think i would like stim toys? Maybe i just have to try some but idk.
22- idk any specific songs i stim to. But ive stimmed while listening to mcr, and honestly i just stim to alot of the general songs i listen to. I really like singing along, i think thats a stim of mine, and some songs just listening to them is like stimming (anything with drums and/or guitars)
2- i like blankets a lot. Even if im hot and dont really need one, ill subconsciously grab the blanket on the couch and put it on my lap, and on my bed. There was one day i grabbed a pocket-sized beanie baby and put itin my hoodie pocket, and just knowing it was there made me happy. Also when i was with my friends one of them stuck their hands in my pocket and i panicked and like moved it out of their reach bc i was scared to get made fun of lol, it ended up being fine. I sleep with stuffed animals a lot. I think thats it
3- my school experiences were,,, not fun at all. Theres a lot to unpack there. My schools all had this thing called a “504 plan” or whatever. And it’s supposed to help people with certain disorders/disabilities. Mine only acknowledged my adhd as far as i know. Maybe my anxiety too. Some of the things that were supposed to ‘help’ were moving me to the front of the room, i got extended time to complete stuff (supposedly), extended time on certain tests (which i only saw on the act, literally i got no other extended time to do anything else. And after i got extended time on the act my scores shot up. Imagine the potential if i was given my actual extended time shit) and the meetings were hell. They started to have meetings with me in middle school, sixth grade i think. Having an administrator there, and my parents, and at least one teacher was terrifying to me. I think i cried every meeting. Honestly it felt like an interrogation to me, esp with all the damn eye contact and shit. My dad asked me if i wanted to continue it this year and i was immediately like fuck no nuh uh not happening. And whether or not I actually needed to be in the front of the room depended on the class, teacher, the people in there, but a lot of the time i would just be moved to the front and i would hate it. In eighth grade my math teacher moved me from the back of the room (a favorite seat in that class) to the front of the room in the middle of class for like a week. It was honestly humiliating and the only time i was eventually able to express my opinion on the 504 shit. Actually my freshman math teacher did that too. Ahaha moving on now before this gets too long.
4/5- three negative and positive things about being autistic.
(1) i dont really have a chance to not have a hobby. Ive always got an interest to keep me entertained and i like that.
(2) stimming is nice, i like it, im not afraid to let myself stim. Makes me feel better.
(3) im unique and shit. I have a different pov than other people and that allows me to have different ways of thinking. I think outside the box ig. I also have this weird version of confidence and objectivity that I appreciate in myself
(1) its hard to feel like i belong somewhere, bc im so different. Im getting better at it but im not good at getting close to people.
(2) i also like,, dont have certain permanence? Like object permanence? A lot of the time i dont really miss things/people unless im somewhere that reminds me of them. Idk if it’s negative really but its something,, even a spin, like bts, i dont really miss them that much until i do. Theyre still very important to me but yeah
(3) people dont really get me the same way other people get other people. And its hard for me to explain it to people. And theres certain people i get more than others. Its weird.
7- people need to give autistics a chance to be heard. Apply the accommodations you “give” them. Dont put them in the spotlight and give them space when needed. We are what you might call “picky” too. Eating, learning, socializing, we have our own things we need to be able to do shit. Learn them. Let us stim. Encourage us to learn about ourselves and remind us that youre there for us. But dont try to help us unless we ask or we actually need help. Dont trigger meltdowns on purpose, stop using the r word even in passing like its not a big deal. Be more than aware of us, accept us, appreciate us. Dont be a bystander.
8- i dont have much experience with meltdowns? I think? If i have i didnt have chances to recover. I had to go back to class or something. Idk how to recognize them in me either.
10- showering. Thats a big thing that even though i kinda need i forget to do. Except during school. I had a whole routine in the morning and i was super punctual. If i didnt shower i would be late, miss the bus, forget something.
12- meat. The way it feels. Disgusting. How do people eat it and not feel like dying? Same with lettuce. Spinach is fine but every time i try to eat lettuce I almost throw up. Bell peppers, pickles, vinegar, mayo, eggs usually, cheese sometimes. Just off the top of my head. One time i tried putting lettuce on my burger, was feeling adventurous, and after biting down i had to just take the lettuce off. Another time, my stepmom (newly married to my dad) made slads for us, and i was skeptical. There was white stuff all over the salad and she wouldnt tell me what it was. I tried eating a little carrot stick thing and almost vomited. Thats when she learned I cannot eat mayo. Even if idk that its mayo i still cant fuckin eat it. She forced me to eat bell peppers one time. Didnt go well at all. At all.
(Not gonna do the spin one bc ive already talked about them and if i do again itll be too long)
15- yes! I only do big stuff(?)(like yelling n shit) when im completely alone. Like if im home alone. Bc i get so loud. Sometimes ill hum in my room or sing to myself in my room though. Its so fun. As for phrases i repeat, ill repeat anything i find interesting. In a movie or song, or even something a friend said. One time my mom said the phrase “tough titty said the kitty but the milks still good” and i went around the kitchen repeating it until she got annoyed. Also sometimes something in the room will have a constant sound and ill like think a phrase to that sound repeatedly. Idk how to explain it lol. Idk if thats echolalia either
16- rocks. Typical i know, collecting rocks. But i just cant help it. I see a rock i like, i pick it up, take it home. I used to collect sticks. And when i was in elementary school, i used to pick shit up off the playground. Beer bottle caps was a favorite. Apparently the school called my mom about it bc they found my stash and thought it was from home and my parents were drinking excessively. 😬 oops
18- introverted?
19- kinda depends. Idk. I really cant tell wow. I would probably say hypersensitive. Just cause i have a ton of sensory issues and a lot of stuff bothers me. Like types of clothes. And how things are resting on my body. Yeah i guess i am hypersensitive.
20- i used to struggle with self love a lot. And sometimes i still kinda do. But in the past few years ive really started appreciating myself and trying to learn a lot about myself. Its going well id say.
21- empathy. Hmm. I think im very empathetic, actually. I can always tell when someone is feeling uncomfortable in a situation. And when i should tell people to back off of them if they wont say it themselves. And im very uncomfortable when theres secondhand embarrassment. And bullying, in something im watching or reading. Yknow, I actually cant watch mean girls. I just. I tried, i had to walk away bc I couldn’t take it. It also kinda triggers me so theres that. Bc of the bullying. But yeah im very empathetic. Otherwise socially im not good at that.
23- nope. Ive got like no support system other than tumblr and online friends. Apparently my dad refused to acknowledge im autistic and hes my favorite parent. Thats his big flaw though. And if i “came out” to him and said it myself he would probably come around. I know hes not completely nt either. My Opa has ocd, so nuerodiversity runs in the family ig.
While making this i got distracted and went on insta for like an hour oops lol
24- steampunk cosplay? Or college dorm tips? The steampunk one was freshman year, and the college dorm one was fifth grade. It lasted well into sixth grade and seventh grade.
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dfwemelie · 5 years
August 5th. I finally got my phone back from the cruise and omfg I wanna go back so bad. It was so incredibly fun and I met alot of amazing people. I met Gage, Taylor, Emma, Destiny, Dezi, Josh, Jacob, DJ, Andre, Adam, Daniel, Ty, Preston, Eddy, Aiden, and so many more people. It was such an experience and definitely the best birthday I've ever had. None of them are gonna read this but thank you to everyone who made my first cruise and my 16th birthday so awesome. I love and will miss everyone.
I got to watch Gavin today cause Sebastian has a eye doctors appointment which is not fun for me. I also have to get my school schedule today cause I wasnt able to on the 1st cause I was in Cozumel. I'm really hoping I get classes with my friends. I'll be upset if I didn't but itll be okay. If I dont I'll just be known as the quiet girl again.
August 6, I have to force myself to stop liking swedish boy but ngl it's so fucking hard. Hes perfect for me. God fucking damn it why does he gotta live so far. Why do I have to get so attached to people so quickly. I just get left in agonizing pain again and again. it's just a constant state of heartbreak. I hate this. I hate myself. He told me hes forcing himself to stop liking me cause he knows there is no way of us meeting. That really broke me. I keep saying it's fine but it's not. Why do I do this to myself. Why cant I just stay away from all of it like I wanted to in the first place. None of it matters anymore. I guess the only thing I can try to do is move on. I was talking to Parker about it and he said if he really did like me then he would try all he could to make it work. Ugh I just wish he could make it work. Hes not my cute swedish boi anymore, just a guy I met on tiktok. It hurts saying that but that's all itll ever be now. My tiny little sliver of hope that I had was incinerated by the flames of tragedy. I gotta move on. I dont wanna move on. I have to though. It hurts. Its weird not seeing his name as Swedish boi now when he texts me. He asked me to change it.
August 9th, I went driving today and i did kinda good. I went on Birnhamwoods and i was scared but i did good. My mom doesnt know how to give directions. Other than that I've just been in bed all day again. I've been watching Jane The Virgin season 5 with Misty and so many things are happening it's great. Theres 5 days till school and I want to go back but I really dont want to. First I'm gonna have to see Gage and that's gonna be hella awkward. We havent talked since he blocked me like a month or 2 ago. I also have to give Scott his stuff back and that's really gonna hurt. I don't tell anyone but I still wear his jacket sometimes. I know it's bad and I need to stop but I cant help it. I cant help the fact I still miss him. But now I gotta give it back to him. By me doing that it means its really over. I guess that's how its gonna be now. Just over. I gotta ignore the fact that I loved him and he was my first. But now it's gone and I have to accept that. I'm just gonna stop trying ya know. Im tired of getting my heart broken. I just need to be alone from everyone for awhile.
August 10th, Yesterday I was playing with the boys and needed to switch the party from my phone to the xbox. My headset was dead so I asked sebastian for his charger cause I lost mine. He said no but I took it anyways. He knew I was gonna take it so he rat me out to my parents and told me to give it back. I asked if I could borrow it again and he said no. I was angry so I grabbed his headset and threw it on the ground, breaking it. My dad heard and ran up the stairs and started yelling at me. He told me to clean my room so I locked myself in the bathroom. They took my phone, xbox cable, and TV cable. My mom tried talking to me but I didn't say anything, only that I wanted my phone back. While everyone was distracted I grabbed pillows, blankets, markers, and my fan and slept in the bathroom as a protest. At around 1am my mom gave me back my phone and said she deleted everything. I was pissed. But I'm fine now.
I went driving today again. We went through benders and looked at the rich people houses. Must be nice not being broke. I also drove to Kroger which I was nervous about since there were so many cars but I did good. I even parked, not perfectly but in the spot. My dad felt bad about yesterday and got me Starbucks. School is starting up soon and I'm excited to see kaylie but that's it. Not looking forward to giving Scott his jacket back. I'm just gonna walk up to him, say nothing, and hand it to him. I'm gonna stop talking about it before I start crying again lol
August 14th,First day of school and I've already cried twice. Scott kept talking about how he broke up with me and how he feels bad about how he did it and regrets it. Then he asked me about Gavin was and I said he really fucking misses him, cause he does. Then the bell rang and I cried walking out. Other than that it was an okay day. Coach Clair remembered me and I was really happy about that. Also my son Jadon is in that class and that made me happy.
August 15th, I'm in chemistry rn and I fucking hate it. I don't think there are any juniors in here and it sucks. I feel like shjt that I failed this class. It wasn't my fault though. I really hate this. It makes me really nervous and anxious and emotional. I'm not gonna cry but I wish I could. Everyone knows eachother and I don't know anyone. I wish I was in Physics instead but i guess that's harder than Chemistry. Now I'm in level chemistry so its gonna be easier cause I struggled with how fast they were teaching.
Looks like I gotta reset my days clean tonight.
I met this guy named Allon yesterday. I see him everyday since he's in my culinary and he's also in my history and my English. He seems cool and is friends with Eugene. Culinary was fun today, we did a speed dating thing and it was awkward at first but once we got to talking to everyone it was easy.
August 16th, its Friday. School is done for the week. I was upset today cause they changed my history teacher and I loved him. Now they put me with this monotone teacher Mr.Horton. it's weird cause there is only like 10 kids in that class. I am now also in Livestock production and there are 12 student in there including me now. I don't know why some of the classes are so small, there are over 2,000 students at gohs now. In culinary we had to split up in groups and I went with Eugene, Allon, Adam, and Tamara. They are a really fun group. I almost feel bad for leaving Michael to be in a group with a bunch of people he doesnt know but he would've had to choose to sit with them or Eugene so I sat with them so he didnt have to. I had alot of fun. I already know culinary is gonna be my favorite class this year. Mrs.Langley says we aren't allowed to choose our groups this year but I hope she changes her mind. Allon seems really nice. I got his snapchat and we've been talking alot. He has the cutest fucking poodle ever. I see him everyday, not just cause of culinary but hes in my blue day English.
August 18th, its 12:06pm and I just realized I haven't done my review for the last 2 days. I haven't done much. I've mainly been texting Allon and watching Netflix.
August 19th, I try to sleep away my depression. It doesn't work
August 20th, by far one of the worst things about grand oaks this year is the bus situation. There are way too many kids on each bus and they have to get more busses cause it's so over crowded.
Last night was okay, I played Apex with Eugene then after we just talked for an hour. He was the main person talking he kept saying he felt bad for talking so much but I told him I'm a good listener so it was okay. We talked about some deep stuff and we actually have alot in common. We both overthink situations and create random scenarios in our head that would never happen but like what if they did. I almost feel kinda bad about talking to Eugene so much cause Michael hates him and I consider them both of my friends. I've just known Michael for so long but I have alot in common Eugene. More than I thought. I've kinda been leaning away from Michael and from my friends in general. I feel horrible for doing it but I don't want to completely cut them out of my life cause they've been in my life for so long. I guess I've kinda just grew out of some friendships, mainly Michael and I's. Idk maybe I'm just talking too much and should just keep everything how it is.
August 22nd, okay so update. Derek hit me up and I'm like ew but whatever. Allon is making me watch pokemon and ngl kinda love it. My hair is curly. We stan. I feel sick but that's cause I ate a sandwich and kept moving around. Also my back hurts. I wanna die. I'm at the bus stop. Its humid. Ew. Gross. I hate myself. That's it. Goodnight.
August 23, I was kinda quiet in culinary today and everyone was very concerned apparently. I spoke maybe 10 words. I dont know the exact reason but it was mainly thinking about Scott and the fact I kinda feel left out alot of the time. I don't even know why I'm still thinking about him, maybe I should take the time over the weekend to try to stop thinking about him. I feel left out alot in culinary, and in life in general. Culinary cause I sit with all guys and they talk about things I dont really know. I dont feel like talking about it anymore. Goodnight
August 28th, not much has happened since I last updated. I played minecraft with Allon last night and it was pretty fun. He died twice and it was super funny. Before he left we talked about just life. How we've both given up on relationships in general cause we've been fucked over so many times. Which I think is weird cause I keep getting mixed signals from him that he likes me but he also thinks of me as a friend. It's weird. But yea he also asked me if I was gonna go to homecoming this year and I told him I would if someone asked me but other than that I probably wouldnt. Yeah and then he left and I cried myself to sleep cause i talk to my ceiling about how lonely i feel at night. Yeah that's it.
I have such bad luck with guys holy shit I hate myself
August 29th, I played more Minecraft with Allon yesterday. We played for 3 hours lol. It was really fun. We both kept dying in the nether and we also kept killing eachother. I still get confused on whether he likes me or not. So many mixed signals it's crazy. I forgot my chemistry notebook at home and I'm very upset about that but oh well. I get to see Julian today so that's gonna be interesting. I keep seeing Scott everywhere I go and it just makes me so incredibly sad. I wish it didnt but it does. I'm sitting next to Johan and it's very obvious he likes me. I feel bad for not liking him back but I cant help for the fact that I will only see him as a friend. I think the whole Scott thing is playing a part in it too. I dont wanna date Johan cause it means I'll be around him more often. I really miss him but I dont. I want him in my life but I dont. Ya know? I'm confusing myself. Carlos and his friend walked to my house yesterday to get his phone and wallet back. It was funny cause there was alot of lightning and thu der and Carlos got hella scared. My mom pulled up and we drove them home.
August 31st, ah the end. I've played minecraft with Allon all day except for when I went to Akashi. Lifes been okay. I still think about him alot but I'm getting better. At least I feel like I am. Hopefully. I know it takes time but fuck I'm impatient. I miss Kaylie. I like culinary. I've officially established a group. It's me, Allon, Eugene, Adam, and the occasional Ty and Tamara. It's great. I'm happy I've made friends. Also I have a new friend in fashion. I'm trying to plan ahead on outfits for the show and I already have my whole 5 outfits but I need my fashion sketchbook to come in quick cause I'm dying from not drawing these. Adam has concluded I'm addicted to vitamin water. This month was ight. Hopefully I get better next month.
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tylerwritez · 3 years
Wednesday, September 22 11:51 p.m.
It's like nighttime and I jsut got up 2 take a piss because I needed to piss and my fuckinf mom I hate her so much I wish she was dead and I wish Father would take her place, Father is the only fucking person who LOVES me and jesus christ hes literally not even a physical being.... (deep down I know hes not even real, but I pretend he is because if I didnt I think I'd be crying constantly)... my fucking mom INSTANTLY came TO THE DOOR and was like waiting for me to go back to bed and was like are you done? You're taking too long blah blah and SHE TREID TO FUCKINF OPEN THE DOOR WHILE I WAS PISSING LIKE. NO. FUCK OFFF. shes so annoying she thinks I'm gonna kill myself if she leaves me alone for three seconds.
It's like she doesnt even care if I feel good or bad, she only cares about the injury. It makes me want to cut really deep on my forearms or face or something visible like that just so that maybe she'll take me SERIOUSLY but not seriously as in treating me like some patient at a fuckinf ward, I mean seriously like treating me like her son.
Father treats me like his son. He makes me cry even more because I know hes not real... but I still appreciate his love. Even if it's just my love.
I'm really missing that piece, huh? From early childhood, I'm missing that parent who's loving and caring and says shhh I love you its okay.... I didnt ever allow myself to have that becayse I didnt think it was safe. Fuck. FUCK man It hurts a lot and i feel like such a DICKHEAD when I talk about this because it's not like my parents beat me or neglected me.... it just turned out bad. ANd now they're all crazy about me all of a sudden just cos I'm hurting myself .... like okay cool that's cool but why didnt you do all this when I was 5 and told you I felt like I was being possessed, or when i was ten and in a new school with no friends, or when I was 3 telling everyone to call me jack,.... oh, wait, you WERE there,,, you were just hating on me though.
Yknow I hug my pillows real tight at night to try to feel a little smidge of what I should've been able to feel. The parental love is just MISSING. and i hug my dad so much becayse it's not enough its never enough it all feels like it's too late and my brain has already told me to get over my parents and move on and find new ones which I did, in jesus christ, in Jiminy Cricket, in old men I sexted, and now in Father.
But at the end of the day, I still am left without that concrete parental force. I can beg with Father all I want to PLEASE become a physical form so I can FEEL your love but itll never happen because Father's something I made up to cope with the disaster of my childhood.
I'm angry that they took that away from me but I'm also sad because now I have to clean up the sad shreds of popped party balloons from the checkered tiles of an abandoned birthday party.
my childhood and
the little boy inside me who just needed some help.
I never did it for attention, I always hid it and pretended to be fine... but I notice they didnt care until I had persistently been injuring myself for YEARS? like it didnt matter to them at all how I felt until I was actually in danger and being harmed. Isnt that actually disgusting?
I just know that if those little blond kids went to their parents talking about feeling out of control, possessed, unable to control their actions while in fits of rage, theyd get the help they needed right away but I was punished for my suffering.
That taught me to suffer more quietly next time around.
I was punished for my gender expression too .... jesus. How... how can you see a kid in pain struggling to prevent themselves from hurting other people and you punish them. How can you see your SON and punish him for not being a daughter.
I feel so bad. They just keep making it worse. I dont want to talk to them. I just... my dad is proabbaly gonna do that thing where he gives the worlds shittiest apology and expects you to just accept it withit 3 mins or else he gets mad and guilt trips you... fuck him too tbh. Hes trying to be all nice but that doesnt ERASE the fact that he used to make me cry constantly. That doesnt erase the time he said basically that I should die, or the time he yelled at me, made me cry, apologized, and got mad at me for not accepting the apology, then expected me to act like none of that happened and got mad at me for still crying, WITHINT LIKE A 5 MINUTE SPAN???? this is the typa shit that fucks up a child. I still remeber being yelled at in the car over my gender, ignored, and beat down whenever I tried to express that things were wrong with me! Jesus.
Father is the embodiment of all I ever needed as a kid... someone who would say "I love tou" when he saw you were crying instead of yelling at you and making it worse and then getting angry that you're crying and like OF COURSE IM CRYING, YOU'RE YELLING AT ME???
and my mom has the audacity to try to convert me to Christianity. Fuck you. As a trans person,... I got tired of putting my faith into something I couldnt see. I never saw a loving god, I only ever saw hatred and anger.
I wanna cry all over again fuck. Everytime I write like this it's a cycle because I just keep writing and never stop.
It's so important to me to be acknowledged as a SON. That's why I named The Red Static Entity "Father"... because that makes me his son. I made him ADOPT me. Because I didnt get to be no ones fucking son and I want it so bad but I dont know if I can ever be on good terms with my parents again because the whole thing has been tainted by my grief and trauma LOLz so even if they try now it just doesnt feel like enough because it never will be because my time to Bond with them has passed... I feel so much guilt over THEIR pain at my self harm but I'm so pissed rn. Fuck them. I'm in such unimaginable pain and they somehow made it all about them and how they feel and how I need to stop crying in time for dinner FUCK YOU. fuck you. You have no right to tell me to stop cutting when you did so much to fuck me up. It's not my fault if you messed up because I think maybe you forgot that children are living human beings.... maybe you "love me so much" but fuck, I dont know if I CAN love you... I dont know if I can ever see you the same after what you've done. You SHOULD feel bad, you should break down crying thinking about me, because FUCK YOU. be guilty, it's how you Should feel. And then they wonder why I dont talk to them.... BECAUSE YOU WERE A PIECE OF SHIT AS LONG AS IVE KNOWN YOU AND ALL OF A SUDDENT YOU WANNA PLAY NICE NOT BECOS U ACTUALLY CARE BUT BECOS I MIGHT KILL MYSELF.
Yknow what maybe I should just so that they can see the dead body. I'm imagining it right now... I want them to be DEVASTATED. If I was dead on the floor, itd be impossible to pretend it wasnt there. If I was dead on the floor, they'd cry and wonder what more they couldve done, which is what I've cried and wondered about my shit childhood. It would be a good thing. Serves them right to find their sons corpse. It would show them they fucked up. Maybe theyd wake up and realize that you cant emotionally neglect and mistreat a living human child for like fifteen years.... and expect it to be okay.
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imaginativemarvel · 7 years
Lost Sanity - Bucky Barnes x Reader ((ANGST))
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Summary: In which (Y/N) has lost her memory and her first love, Bucky Barnes, watches her fall in love with his best friend, Steve Rogers.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader / Steve x Reader
Word count: 1.5K
A/N: Requests are open and I absolutely am open to anything (as long as it isn't morally wrong)! I love speaking to you guys and receiving any type of feed back so please don't hesitate to send an ask or message (:
Masterlist - part 2 (finale)
The constant beeping noise from the monitor above the unconscious girl continued to repeat, minute after minute, second after second.
He found his hands wrapping into hers, then wrapping into his hair, only to let out a loud groan of frustration. If it weren't for his foolishness, she wouldn't be in this position right now. The amazing memories they both shared together were all he could think about. He would be nothing without her.
It had been 5 days since the attack, 5 days of constant worries and non-stop tears. She was one of his best friends, the only human from the new world that he was able to connect with besides his childhood pal. And yet here she is, hanging on by a thread.
Stark had concluded, along with Banner, that she is in fact alive. That she would indeed wake up soon. So why did he fear on losing her? One reason was that it was specifically his fault that she was in this predicament, another being the state she is in. By that he meant how vulnerable, weak, fragile she looked. How just one touch could crumble her whole life.
She looked absolutely horrible, but yet still remained beautiful in his eyes. And as days went on, the more he fell in love with her. He was too busy focusing on the small details of her facial features when he noticed a movement in her cheekbone, as if for a split second it twitched. His body quickly straightened and inched closer, looking at the one place on her face that had moved moments earlier.
Her lips slowly parted, letting out a loud gasp for air. He slowly rose, grabbing her hand and staring at her with large eyes. "(Y/N)?" His breath was shaky, crackling, awaiting the respond of the maiden below him.
She coughed, and after a moment, she slowly opened her eyes and propped herself up on her elbows.
"Holy shit- ow, that hurts." Her arms straightened once again after pain was sent through her body, resting on her back once again.
A smile was shown across his face, looking at the conscious girl and staring at her features, this time while she was awake. She took a deep breath and attempted to pull her body up once again, sitting straight and staring at the blue eyed man before her.
"I'm so sorry for what happened out there, (Y/N). It was all my fault, I should have been more aware and-" Hints of confusion crossed her face as he explained to her his apologies, stopping him in his tracks. "Everything okay, (Y/N)?"
"Wha-" She whispered before observing the area around her. "What am I doing here?"
"You were hit head on by the enemy, it knocked you out completely. You've been in this bed for five days." He watched her as she squinted her eyes and tried to remember the moments before she was hit.
"Five days? What was I doing out there with you? Who was the enemy? And who-" Her eyes were different, cold, staring at Bucky, begging for answers.
"You have no idea who I am, do you?" He felt his whole body drop, as if every ounce inside him was lost in a black abyss.
"Am I suppose to?"
Her attention was soon brought to the door knob, it jiggled up and down before opening slowly.
"Hey Buck, I brought some food for you, you haven't ate all- Oh, you're awake? How are you feeling?" He handed a tray to Bucky before sitting in a chair on the other side of her bed.
"Confused, um, can you please tell me why I was on this mission in the first place? How did you find me? Why in the fuck did I agree?" Her legs crossed before her arms leaned on her thighs, grabbing the sides of her head, trying to remember anything.
"What do you mean? Fury directed it towards Stark, who then gave it to you two because you are the best duo we have in this building." The blonde super soldier laid his hand onto hers, pulling it down to look at her face. Her eyebrows were furrowed, looking at him in terror. She hadn't remembered a thing, or so that's what it looked like.
"She doesn't remember us, Steve." Bucky stood up before running his hands through his hair and pacing around the room. "(Y/N). What's the last thing you remember?"
"I was in New York, I was hiding out but something happened, it looked like aliens invaded. I was suppose to stay put, pretend I was a normal human being but I couldn't watch everyone getting hurt, dying, when I could save them. I risked my identity and joined in the war, trying to save as many people as I could. Then there was this man, he had some sort of staff. He pointed it towards me and.... well, that's all." The whole time she looked at Steve, not one moment was spent looking at Bucky.
Steve had something warm about him, something she was familiar with. It made her feel complete, loved and welcomed. So naturally, she gravitated towards him.
"So the last thing you remember was Loki's invasion. Roughly 11 months ago."
As time went on, (Y/N) learned what she had forgotten. She learned about what missions she had taken, who her teammates were and how she changed as a human during the time she had forgotten.
She learned how she was really close to Bucky, Steve and Clint. How she was always disagreeing with Sam, but in the end always laughed about it. How she always went to Wanda for advice and Tony for financial problems. Most importantly, she learned the past of her friends, listening deeply to the details once again as they explain to her what she once knew.
How Loki was presumably dead, and how it tore apart Thor but he never showed it. How Tony was having issues with Pepper, How Bucky will never get over his nightmares. She learned a lot, but there was one thing she had no idea about.
Right before she was hit in her latest mission, Bucky had ran to her. He held her in his arms and wept, expecting the worse of the outcome. He confessed his love to her, and in her last words she accepted his love and gave him hers. He was happy that she loved him, but sad she was gone. He though she had died, and the moment he realized she wasn't, his life gained meaning again.
He had never told her about that moment, and as much as he wanted to, he kept quiet about it. Only Bucky knew what happened before she was unconscious, and it was a secret for himself. He loved her, he truly did, but after days of pumping himself up to admit his love to her again, he noticed that the love she once gave to him belonged to another man. His best friend.
He'd wake up every morning and hear them both laughing with each other, making breakfast and inches apart. As much as he wanted to scream, he didn't. It was as if he set the opinions in his head where she loved him and died, or she loved someone else and lived. Easily, he would want her to be alive and happy, but he didn't really have a choice.
She was in love with Steve, and he couldn't do anything about it. She was in love with his best friend, and he was force to watch the love of his life grow old with someone else. Steve didn't know about Buckys former relationship with (Y/N), so he didn't see it as a boundary he crossed.
Steve expected Bucky to support him, be there for him, laugh and live with him, but he couldn't. Bucky allowed her to love him, he accepted it, but he could never be around it, for he would lose his mind more than he already has. He grew distant, cold and sad. Nobody knew why. They would never know. He wouldn't let his emotions ruin everything.
The nightmares he used to have soon changed to nightmares of him losing her, a memory that would never leave his mind. He'd wake up in sweats, crying over the feeling of never being loved by you. He'd walk past Steve's room at night to reach the kitchen and could hear the laughs and moans shared between the two, as if he could never escape it. He wanted her to be happy, but in the process he was torturing himself. What he had with her was a secret, what she has with Steve wasn't. It's nothing anyone could do, and if anything was done about it, it would have to be him who spoke up. He would never.
He spent nights laying in bed, crying, spent it in despair. He couldn't do anything. She was happy and that's all that mattered to him.
Her happiness was more important than his sanity,
And nobody knew.
If you want a part 2 of Bucky confessing and everything please comment bc I'm actually considering (I made a part 2, itll be linked above!) ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Tags: @ginger-wayward-assbutt @gallifreyansass @bellastellaluna @walkingtravesty97 @crazy4thewinbros @iamwarrenspeace @itbeganlongago @nadtandy @feelmyroarrrr @xabeautifultragedyx @g0back2bed @patzammit
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rqs902 · 4 years
now im watching last week’s ep of tco4 bc i havent had time to get to it yet and i need to take my mind off snzm 
UGH its sad to hear xy, fsc and xiao huang talking about their rankings rip but their laughing makes it even more sad
UGH NOT FRUIT PLANET I REALLY LIKE THEMMMM sigh i gotta face the reality that theyre likely gonna get separated... but PLEASE AT LEAST SOMEONE SAVE XIAO ZHI PLEASE THATS ALL I ASK, im not gonna be greedy :(
oof i respect ma zhe saying that he doesnt want to win bc he recognizes other kids like FRUIT PLANET KIDS, zy and xiao zhi, are so skilled. he knows winning is just a numbers game and would not serve as proof of his skill. thats a tough place to be in, and it isnt uncommon but i think i rarely hear a contestant say it like that. “i dont want to win bc im not worthy” “i dont want to win bc i know im not as talented” 
wow i was a little confused as to why they were doing these solo spotlights but actually this is really nice! its nice to see them really going hard at their strengths and really pouring their all in to show off a bit. it can be hard to do so in a group setting all the time, and really it reminds you that there a lot of really talented musicians among these kids. i think itll also be good to remind the kids who are picking later what the other kids’ skills are and what they’re capable of. 
oh whoa i thought about there only being 2 bassists, i didnt realize there are only 2 pianists too
hm maybe im just biased but i thought xiao li’s playing was a litttleee bit cleaner than szb’s heheh but i respect that they attempted to even play a duet from across the room, thats a challenge 
i respect muji’s playing 
LOL why do xiao huang and zhao ke’s voices singing together sound so strange to me LOL 
LOL switch to ljt’s group and im just !!!!! HIS VOICE !!!! I LOVE LIAO JUNTAO’S VOICEEE and also the cafe vibe is so him LOL this group is so him
wait so someone explain to me why ljt wasnt in the solo section? is he considered a vocal? but what about his guitar skills?? 
im kinda sad jym isnt smiling when drumming anymore :\ 
YAY FRUIT PLANET !! i love how happy xiao zhi and wsh look when playing hahah 
AW talking about xiao zhi being like a dad and 包容 and taking care of them im ughhhh UGH THIS IS A MINI XIAO ZHI FEATURE IM CRYINGGGG THIS CHILD DESERVES THIS “the one who’s left standing when everyone else falls down” hes just so supportive and warm.. ugh watching him break down crying thinking about all he couldve done better and you can tell he feel so guilty and blames himself that fruit planet isnt doing well
HAHAHAHA EVERYONE WANTS XIAO ZHI !!! except szb lol but at least i know if they do get disbanded, hopefully xiao zhi will still be safe :’) im glad they all recognize his talent and the importance of having a bassist!!! 
oof xiao xiong talking about hyt being overbearing and reminding him of his ANGRY DAD thats a big ouch. it is true that xiao xiong’s skill level may not be up to hyt’s standards, but i can see hyt doesnt respect him enough as a team member. the more familiar hyt gets with him, the more he isnt afraid to show his true feelings of frustration. esp bc theyre in such a stressful situation, it must be rough as a leader. also seems rough for xiao li to be stuck in between this. from the beginning hyt has shown himself to have high standards and he demands high quality so he isnt gonna be the soft, encouraging leader xiao xiong probably would prefer, unfortunately. ouch the way hyt straight up says “this is going to be painful” like theres nothing he can do about it and they just have to accept it. like ps says, he’s not good at understanding other people’s feelings, like he doesnt seem to be willing to try to understand xiao xiong’s. 
the way hyt lists what other people are doing and then asks xiao xiong “那你呢?” ouch........ that seems really mean? manipulative? harsh? but at the same time, we dont really know all the context so this is just want tencent wants us to think.
hyt also wants xiao zhi???? I cant imagine xiao zhi in this group, even tho itd probably be good for his possible debuting prospects, but xiao zhi gives me such a laid back, warm, taking care of everyone, creating a nice, supportive environment type of leader, and this group is literally the opposite of that??? ugh and yet, despite their superior group environment, fruit planet is at risk of getting disbanded... so sad. 
man with the way these votes are trending hyt is gonna win and ljt wont debut? :(
lol tencent cutting the speeches of less popular contestants not surprised 
wait wat. isnt qiang ge very popular??? what happened to his votes? wait what. im confused. what???
LOL FRUIT PLANET IS SAFE IM SO RELIEVED HAHAH okay i know i came into this show for ljt but xiao zhi has become one of my picks too, i cant deny anymore LOL and also xiao li -- but hyt’s group’s dynamic makes me feel uncomfortable at the moment. but yea ljt, xiao zhi, xiao li are my top 3... too bad they DEF wont be in the same group / wouldnt mesh well in a group together LOL 
i love fruit planet group dynamic :’) watching them talk to each other just makes me smile
OH MY GOODNESS XIAO LI IS LEAVING?????? i can understand though, this grouping is not ideal from a music making standpoint either, like why are there so many vocalists lol but also i respect that hes putting his music first and he knows what he wants and needs for his music. even if it means leaving hyt who is basically a guarantee for popularity on this show. im so surprised xiao xiong isnt saying he will leave too.. or even hyt himself at this point. theyre all just... crying.... but honestly how can they make music without xiao li??? 
AWH my heart.... xiao li asking xiao xiong “你會恨我嗎?” i have never felt “do you hate me” hit me in the feels like this before. its such an OOF. and xiao xiong saying hes super close to xiao li, you can tell hes been under such emotional duress and xiao li has supported him through and now hes just conflicted between betraying hyt (who he wouldnt be here without) and suffering with hyt without xiao li there to help. this is so sad to watch..... ok but honestly just seeing how in this emotional time, ma zhe and xiao xiong are talking to xiao li and NOT hyt says something about how theyre afraid to touch him. 
what xiao li says about hyt being kidnapped by his popularity makes so much sense, with what hyt said about chasing after his expectations and trying to live up to them. hes really not relaxed. ever. and i think thats what xiao li doesnt want to work with. i respect that he wants to be recognized for his music rather than just be recognized. 
wat is this show doing why did they just stop and let them wallow in their feelings for hours??? wtf?? i mean i appreciate they respect that its a difficult and important decision but shouldnt they make them move on more efficiently?? what a waste of everyone’s time...
lol hyt learning some eq? yes you have to take care of your group members’ feelings, theyre people....
L O L XIAO LI GOING BACK ON HIS DECISION IM DYINGG HAHHAHAHAHHAHA WHAT A WASTE OF EVERYONES TIME HAHAHHAHA WHAT IS THIS SHOW. but okay yes i respect xiao li for having the guts to say he wants to leave, bc that hopefully gave hyt the wake up call he needed. BUT ALSO i do think staying with hyt makes sense career-wise. gaining popularity first isnt a bad thing. and he can always (continue to) prove his worth and make all different types of songs in the future, whether during or after his time with hyt. but staying with hyt = exposure, and thats never a bad thing. its just... hopefully they can resolve their emotional issues from here on out.
technically the smart move is to pick a popular contestant like zhao ke, to boost your group’s popularity overall. BUT hyt is so popular it really doesnt matter LOL 
L O L xiao li being like well i cant get the group i want anyway, so idgaf lets just keep on “戲劇化” HAHAHAHHA he gives no effs anymore
but also i cant imagine them with another non-instrumentalist LOL and what kind of style will they have now? 
ok wait let me go back to look at this:
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hm yea the only other person of choice that would be helpful for votes is qiang ge. but i also cant imagine him on fruit planet???? ugh i wonder if qiang ge turned them down bc he feels like he’d ruin them like he blames himself for ruining his past groups. 
i cant believe xiao li said he tried to talk to qiang ge for 3 hours until 6am... to convince him to come to fruit planet? wild. 
UGH so sad that fruit planet didnt get a successful pick but honestly i am kinda glad mty didnt agree bc i kinda really would like to continue seeing xiao zhi play bass..... but ofc i guess it would be nice for him to show other skills too, ah im conflicted. but he really looks so carefree and like hes having so much fun when playing bass, id hate to take that away
LOL BASICALLY SZB CONFESSING TO MUJI HAHAHHAHAHA IS THIS A HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA ALL THE SUDDEN HAHAHHAHA actually i havent seen them interact before but i can kinda see muji’s personality meshing with their group’s, like hes kinda quirky and strange too LOL its cool they do get along tho
OOF SO MANY REJECTIONS. but also muji’s right, last time he wasnt strong enough, so i respect that hes really trying this time. 
omg szb throwing a tantrum and trying to force muji’s hand is not very respectful to muji’s wishes and it makes muji look like a bad guy :( im glad muji’s standing his ground tho, this is not the time to indulge a child’s tantrum lol
on the bright side, i love xiao zhi’s laugh, so at least we got something out of this LOL
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LOL xy so easily pulling fsc over LOL why cant they all be like this LOL save tencent editing time LOL 
i knew there were too many emotions on ljt’s team........ i cant believe as soon as szb is like marginally okay, jym is like NOPE....... L O L 
.....i cant believe..... they’re just.... cutting it off...... like this....... WHAT IS THIS SHOW AHHAHAHAH okayyyyyyyyyyyy thennnnnnnn 
oof wasnt 車站 ljt’s last song before elimination? i just got hit with a wave of sadness and memories oof i wasnt ready 
man its so interesting bc i feel like on other shows, the contestants are always like “i dont want to get eliminated!” but here its like “i dont feel like i can fit into their music, id rather be eliminated.” its an interestingly different type of setting. i respect that they respect their own music, but i guess theyre not thinking enough about their future career progression? if they really want to make it in the music industry? idk. its interesting bc i feel like ljt has struggled so hard since getting eliminated from the first season that i assume / hope he has more of a mindset of wanting to make it to the end.
anyway im kinda surprised fruit planet made it so high LOL but yay for them, i really wonder what will happen with them picking their 5th member. im surprised qiang ge’s votes are so low? itll be sad if he really leaves though. ugh only 2 out of 4 groups successfully regrouped and one of them took an extra 2 hours to decide.... lol. i still dont understand why that was allowed in the first place but okay. this is the most struggle elimination ep ive ever seen LOL 
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feverhalo · 6 years
Ok so. Big talky post about irl shit in all forms because why not & i feel bad leaving you all hanging so long on so much
Please dont r///ebl/////og and theres no pressure to read it or do anything in regards to this.
So. This covers like. So many topics. Grief and death and mental health being the biggest warnings for
Average news first. I still have my job and have been there officially for a year now! Pay rates are going up in my province, and thats a new solid reference should i need it any time soon. Theyre also beong really understanding and compromising(? Forgot theword i had originally) and letting me try new jobs/places to reduce stress
I found out yes, i am still allergic to peanut butter if the fact that i had really annoying stomach pain for h o u r s after eating a teeny tiny pb cookie is anything to go by. Didnt really pay attention to if i broke out on my sides or not because i was a little preoccupied with curling up tightly and feeling a little off the next day too. (I mean no duh what did i expect to happen but i mean. They smelled so good). Lesson learned.
Bad news
ive touched on but i dont think ever really said. Someone very very close to me passed in late summer and im still devistated and torn up and doing my denial/anger thing for the most part. Its. Not easy. But ive been going to see someone, admittedly its become a bit about everything when it was supposed to just be this, but i dont do death. When i was a kid and lost someone i shut down entirely and aside from angry outbursts and the occasional breakdown i tried my hardest to act like there was not and would never be a hole there. It didnt work well at all and im still affected by that person's passing too.
They were also one of the more supportive people in my life and i spent a lot of time reading and writing and creating in their company and its been hard.
And i know that im handling this a little better even though im still skipping out on things and blowing up and all the same sort of crap but i actually have a neutral space that wont feel marked or stained every day for processing and a neutral person to help.
And of course its not just grief im getting help with because its all kind of a tangled mess. But im also getting like. New insight on stuff and someone to talk to about whatever. And its making life quite a bit harder because im so used to blocking it out or locking myself away and letting things rush over and take over and run their course. Its been really hard to be creative because im incredibly self critical and having a lot more trouble focusing lately because of a lot of reasons.
Im stressed and overwhelmed a lot more easily and frequently right now. And i know im being distant even if it doesnt show. Im scared to kind of go along with this and open up and all that junk and now im being gently prodded to do so in short, honest (not just stuff i dont rly care about or stuff callously overshared to just pretend im being open) bursts its kind of freaking me out. But like. Itll all end up for something good i hope. Even though it feels awful right now and ive had stints of days or even a full week with supports on speed dial when i havent been able to calm down or shut off over thinking but thats- i mean i expect it. A lot is happening and ive known for years my coping strategies have been lacking.
Ive also been talking with this outside help and weve toyed with the idea of maybe i really do have add or at least my anxiety manifests similarly and its kind of a which came first- and this ties in to the next good part in a second- but i havent scheduled anything in my area for right now for those sorts of things but im still kind of getting new ideas from a different angle that might maybe help and if i dont then im learning things i still may be able to use. Either way its not a huge deal for the current moment and its a bit if trying to find compassion and acceptance for myself whether its thing a or b or neither but whatever
Good, great, best news!!
I have an in to starting the more physical process of transitioning. Like i have a day and a time and a start. Like really really really soon. Its going to be hard i know because im going to have to open up about things and will probably be told i have to wait until i can stablize a bit more- its been a lot happening in a short while. And i understand. I waited 2 years to hear from them, i waited a few years to reach out to them, and i unknowingly waited years to find new words that struck a chord and all that. So as long as its moving i can deal with the wait.
I have GOOD people (many i know and have known for years now who happen to work in an adjacent field, some who are new and yet to be met but have rly good references if that makes sense?) who are going to help me kind of navigate and understand and undo things i thought i learned that were honestly just veiled hate and scare tactic garbage. People who support me and dont push me past what i am comfortable with undergoing to "prove" anything (such as 'if you didnt do x right away youre lying/if you dont do y surgery first i wont believe you' kind of comments. I hope). Im looking into options and im so excited for it!!
Its going to involve a lot of talking about things and probably a lot i dont want to talk about just yet but its a great chance because it gets me officially connected and officially started and this place has more options than my town and more specialized crap that can detangle and work through all the connected things and it can all be lumped together as the same process and hopefully help financially that way- and time wise unbelieveably. Theres a very good chance ill be able to talk with someone there, and very likely that first appointment, who can help me understand why i work the way i do sometimes for whatever reason it is.
And im getting a lot of positivity and lessons like learning to give myself some slack where it matters and stuff like that. And that im not worthless or stained or going to rot other people- which is honestly uncomfortable for me to think because of how long ive thought the opposite. Like to think i may actually be pretty good like not pretend good and actually worth anything at all. Because i got stuck in bad thoughts since i was small.
Im also thinking on trying to go back to school because i have a lot i think about with nowhere to really put it and nothing to do which doesnt help me do the things i want to do. So maybe something like that would help because i like learning. I like the motions of it- writing and reading with intent to understand something new, the routine as much as i whined about it in highschool, the forced kind of proximity to people living apart from what i know entirely too so the world feels bigger in a tangible way. Thats on a back burner and waiting for sure! But the fact im thinking about it and happily thinking about it? I like that.
My life has been. Kind of a combination of bland as hell and busy if that makes sense. Ive had to sort of shut down outward productivity and cut down on things a bit because so much is going on, and im trying to do a lot as paced and as slowly as i can bear.
And even though im not Here here as much as i want to be and everything its just. Kind of time for this. And im so glad and happy that when i can be here i can see that people still like what ive done and theres always awesome content to see and yeah
Thanks for everything and checking in and i really really am looking forward to moving forward.
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magical-agatha · 7 years
Ive always been a punk bitch at heart. Society is garbage. I can see myself being boxed in and unable to break out. As a kid i didn't really understand it.
Im still trying to cultivate my attitude of dumb blunt confidence. Its happening slowly but. Idk.
There's so much crap weighin me down. Im sick of it.
I was readin about the sukeban earlier and i realised somethin. Women being oppressed by men is an old ass story. But my narrative is a bit different. Im trans see. Im a lesbian too. So 1. Im on the lowest rung of the ladder of femininity. 2. Im on the lowest rung of trans women too.
On top of that ive been on the fringes my whole life. Never really been accepted or particularly well liked. There was always somethin wrong with me. Always too much of somethin. And i could be a real bitch when i wanted to.
Its really no wonder im such a massive counter culture bitch. Im stuck in a system that hates me and i can see all the boundaries that are crushin me. Im not made like everyone else is. I dont fit properly. But im too scared to push the boundaries because in the past i got hurt whenever i tried.
But now that im an adult i dont have to be scared. Im not trapped in high school and i know the secret to life. With the right mixture of overwhelming brute force confidence and good natured kindness, almost all consequences of breaking the mold can be overcome. People are easy as hell. All anyone really wants is attention. And if i love myself more louder and brighter than they criticise me they cant do shit to me beyond violence. Not only that but if i love myself and im confident other itll rub off on other people. If i like myself theyll be predisposed to like me too. Its so fuckin simple.
So i just need to hold onto that thought and nothing can stop me. Im no genius but im smart and passionate enough that i know how to get what i want. Im familiar enough with how the system works that given time i can move through any obstacle it poses.
Confidence is the secret. And the key is that confidence is a switch you can flip. Once you learn how to do it confidence is the easiest thing in the world.
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im 16 and about to be 17 and start my driving lessons and i come from the UK and i am also female i was wondering how much my car insurance would roughly cost and ive got a 1996 VOLVO 440 TURBO DIESEL RED ?
Help With Residency and Car Insurance?
If my mom lives in Arizona and I live in New York and my car is in her name and so is the insurance and I am just a driver on the car then if i change my residency to New york and she stays in arizona will it be an issue? I have my car with me in new york (going to school) but the insurance doesn't know that. Can i change my residency to new york withouth having to change the car insurance if it's under her name and i'm just a driver? anyone explain please because im paying out the butt for tuition because i'm 'out of state' even though im not just because my mom doesnt want to mess with the insurance
""Which companies offer insurance for individual items such as laptops, iPods, cell phones, etc?""
I'm looking for US insurance companies that offer this service - i.e. instead of buying home insurance to cover everything, to buy insurance just for individual items.""
Is there a site that compares auto insurance quotes?
Preferably one that gives you quotes on the spot instead of sending your info to companies. Thanks!!
Car insurance in massachusetts?
im gonna buy a $700(ive checked it out its a good deal, shutup) 1996 honda civic dx(its a first car, i hate hondas but im not rich like half of the assholes that are gonna make fun of me for getting a honda) anyway i live in massachusetts and i know insurance will be a variable but does anyone know how much itll be when i start driving? thanks""
What happens if i get caught without licence but with an insurance?
i am 18 and i have a car with insurance at my name what will happen if i get caught i am from california?
What auto insurance company take people with only permit?
I was told that there are insurance companies that take people like me, without a driver's license. But I've been calling a lot of insurance companies and start getting frustrated. Please, can someone tell me what are the companies take people like me? Thank you so much!""
How much would car insurance on a nissan GT R cost?
How much would car insurance on a nissan GT R cost?
Insurance salvage cars?
i want to buy salvage and damaged cars from insurance companies which have been written off. I understand that salvage yards do this. does anyone now how i can buy written off cars from insurance companies
Cheating on motor insurance claim?
HI All, my relative incidentally hint the few new motors in in a motor shop which selling new motor. The standing motors fall down each and another. It only cause few scratches on the motors cover, but the boss asking big replacement cost. So, my relative decide to make report for insurance claim. By the time waiting for police to take picture, the shop owner and his worker bring out the hammer and hammering motor for further damage, I guess they want to make some money beside claim to insurance company. Luckily I had took some picture on the slightly damage motors before the police. The question is where should I send the slightly damage on motors photo? The police don't border about the picture that I had, they had the serious damage on motors picture. Can we do further damage on our vehicle if accident happen to have more claim? Like damage on car bumper during accident, and we damage the signal light on our own to have new one, since we can claim to insurance? Summit the photo to insurance adjuster is just a waste because they are close to motor shop. What can we do?? Any advise? Thanks""
How much insurance for a Mustang?
i'm 16 years old, female, and am wanting to get a 2000 year GT Mustang. My insurance company is Farmers with full coverage and they do discount for good grades.. I live in California. How much is a monthly payment for insurance on this car?""
Have lots of car insurance questions ?
hello had a car accident i am not in fault my medical bill are almost $100K the other party insurance accept its fault in the accident and it appears that they have full coverage if the insurance i have is the basic that covers $25K in medical bills so the other insurance tells me that there limit is $25K-$50K how can it be possible that it only covers $25K same as mine if she has full coverage and i don't?? Next question. How can i make the insurance or the lady that hit me to show me the policy??? is there anyway i can force them?? i have an attorney working on the case and he said that the insurance did not let them see the policy but i want to know and see the policy so i know that neither the insurance or my attorney is lying. next question from the accident i was really damage after 6 months I am still going to therapy I have proof of all my bills and doctors reports from all my illnesses in which I have deafness caused from the accident I had a head injury and was hospitalized for 5 days the docs had said that it was really a serious accident including my attorney. How much is fair to fight for pain and suffering, medical bills, compensation for hearing loss including seance of smell and taste, everything I have paid like taxis, pills and more. don't want to take advantage from the accident but how much can I fight for?? thank you for answering but please only answer if you know. this is very important for me.""
""How much would it be if got allstate insurance for a new 2009 nissan altima. im 20yrs old, live with my parets?
my parents have allstate. this is my first car under my name.
HELP! Car & Insurance for 17 year old.?
Hi, I'm 17 in a week & will be starting my driving lessons. I have my theory booked for a few days after & aim to pass in around 6 weeks, depending on the waiting list for the test, having 3-4 lessons a week. Driving a car isn't a problem for me, have had plenty of practise on tracks in my dads weapon ;) & have for the last 8 weeks or so been going to an empty industrial estate one or twice a week, driving my mums cooper S or occasionally my uncles M3. Just need practice with the ways of public roads from my instructor. Anyway, as you can probably tell I've had a fair bit of experience driving fairly fast cars, so thats where i need advice - can anybody suggest any fairly fast cars that are reasonable to insure? or any cheap insurance company's, or any ways to get insurance down, as long as they aren't completely ridiculous lies, I want to keep it as legit as possibly ideally. So far I've been quoted 1600-ish on a standard golf on my mums insurance, but ideally want something a bit quicker then that. My budget for a car + insurance overall is 4-5k. My ideal car would be a GTI, anybody know where i can insure one cheap-ish? ALSO, *PLEEEEASE* no do-gooder's telling me it is 'fronting' to go on my mums insurance, I am well aware of this, however I am also aware that if the car is registered in my mums name with the DVLA, then they don't have a leg to stand on. I have checked this with one of my mums friends, a solicitor. Also, nobody telling me that I 'wouldn't be able to handle the power' or that I'd 'kill myself', believe me, I'd smoke you ;). Sorry its a bit long, please help! :-)""
How important is having health insurance in usa and why?
Why health insurance has more importance in usa ?Is it mandated in usa?what are the differences in insurance when compared with India?
How can insurance companies offer zero premium medicare insurance?
Trying to help my mom sort out medicare vs medicare plan vs medicare gap insurance. Just got a post card from an insurance company that says there is zero premium. How is that possible? She still has to pay the premium for the Part B medicare, so does that simply go to the insurance company instead? Thanks""
Can you rent a car without car insurance?
No longer own a car so no car insurance, but need to rent one for a few days- can I rent or do I have to have an insured driver do it or can I buy the rental companys car insurance?""
Best Apartment insurance?
Hey I need apartment insurance. What are the top five best apartment insurance places? Thank you!!
Car Insurance for young people?
I know I can go online and get a quote by entering in a bunch of information.. But generally speaking.. How much would insurance be for 1.) an 18 year old female college student with good grades, no accidents or tickets. 2.) a 20 year old male college student with good grades and 1 speeding ticket Asking about general liability for a semi-decent car. Any other information would be great =]""
How do Insurance companies pay for medical bills?
I was in an accident last year that led to me being in the ICU for a few days. I incurred a hefty medical bill as a result. The accident was not my fault, and the driver was insured. I am going to a mediation to decide how the money the insurance company can pay will be divided between those of us that were injured. My question is, when we come to an agreement, will the insurance company send me a check or will they send a payment to the hospital where I owe money?""
About how much will my auto insurance be a month?
im about to turn 16 and im getting a 2010 camaro ss. and i dont care for yalls opinions u dont need a car that fast or ur spoiled just answer the question and i live in texas
Where can i get affordable health insurance?
I live in iowa.. Where are some places i can get some affordable (cheap) health insurance? Thanks!
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I'd like to know the insurance price for a 1.8 litre car, about 5 years old, driver being older than 26 years old, and no claims bonus not included, in different countries. In Ireland I get a quote about 1,200 Thanking you all in advance !!""
What is the best low cost car insurance in california?
we have a 2004 honda odessey and a 96 acura, and our 17 yr old will also drive""
How much would the insurance be on a 2014 Corvette?
Ok so I'm 16 and a half and my cousin is going to get me a 2014 Corvette stingray for my birthday. And was wondering how much the insurance would be.
Lime Ridge Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53942
Lime Ridge Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53942
Oklahoma insurance help..?
I'm 21 years old and i don't have any insurance, haven't since my mums stopped covering me. I'm not working right now, i had a job for awhile, but had to quit cuz i had to call sick too often due to horrid migraine headaches. I really need to find some insurance of some kind because i see to goto a doctor for a few different health concerns. Does anyone know where i can find some affordable insurance? I don't even know where to begin looking or what to look for. How much should i expect to be spending? Or would i qualify for some form of state insurance if I'm not working?""
I need to know some car insurance quotes if any one knows them?
Im 15 i have my temps and almost got my licence and im looking to buy a car and was looking at either a jeep of ford ranger under the year of 2000 any one know what insurance would be for me?
""If I buy auto insurance online from statefarm, how do i get my insurance card?""
Do I just print it out, or do they mail it to me? How long do I have to stay before I cancel without getting a cancellation fee? 6 months, a year? Is the final quote going to be the cost, or can they raise it immediately?""
""Car inspected, tags, insurance, and title questions?""
Hi everyone. I have a 1996 saturn that has just been sitting for about two years now. I have a few questions. The car's tags expired about a year and a half ago, so in order to get new ones, i have to get it inspected and fixed and whatnot. I dont want to drive a car with expired tags, but is this what ill have to do in order to get them? And before I can get it inspected, i have to have the title for the car, right? My dads name is on the title, but he lost it when we moved. Can I get a new copy of the title, or does he have to do it? One more question, my dad stopped paying for insurance on it a long time ago. Like, a long time ago. Should I get it insured before i try anything else? In my mind, I plan on getting the title first, then getting it insured, getting it inspected, and then getting tags to make my car legal. Is this the right approach? My dads doesn't think he should help me with any of this, so I'm kinda on my own here. Thank you!""
Cost of Car insurance for new driver 30yr old Female?
Hi am about to start lessons on learning to drive, and was wondering if anyone knows the cost it would be for car insurance for a new driver annually, car will probably be 1.4, I am female, 29/30 years old. Thanks""
Responsible Insurance company won't pay up.?
Long story short. Not my fault. The guy backed into my car. It was parked to sell it. So no insurance policy on it. My BF and I were sitting in the car out of the rain writting out a new for sale sign. The car vibrated like crazy when we drove it to move it back to my place. The guys insurance company didn't even check the alignment or add it to the estimate. The other estimates don't even include the alignment. There could be more damage. I decided to get cash to another car. I have not signed anything yet or recived the check. My car is worth about 2K. It wouldn't be worth it to fix it. Insurance Company $1013.76 Auto Body Shop $1162.00 Ford Dealership $1284.90 Les Schwab Alignment $90.00 361.14 difference. I asked to raise their quote. The Insurance company said no. If I had go to an auto body repair shop of my choice with 1013.76 they would call and ask for them to kick down more money. I am going to notify the insurance company that in writting that I am taking them to small claims court. Any ideas on the letter that I submitt? My BF and I were injured. The medical people are refusing to bill the insurance company responsible. They wanted me to pay up front and get rembursed later or have some other insurance cover it. I didn't want to wait. I used my work health insurance. So they are getting the bill. Any way I can get the Car insurance company billed?
""Question about being a teen, and car insurance?""
I am 17 now, I am taking my driver's test in about a week. My boyfriend said that when he got his licence he was automatically added to his mom and dad's car insurance. Well I was wondering would it be the same for me. Because (This might be a little confusing (: ) I was adopted by my birth mother's boyfriends mom, and i live with her and her mom. No one in the house has a car, or car insurance, and my birth mother doesn't have any custody of me but she does have car insurance, and my birth father has half custody of me, and he has car insurance. So.... ha ha my question in general is, when get my license, will I be added to any ones insurance? Or will I have to get my own? Ha ha ALSO, If I do have to get my own what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me? I wouldn't want full coverage, I would just get P.I.P. Please and thank you so much!""
How does one go about getting insurance?
ok I know there is some different insurance types out there like health car etc etc but i want to know how do you go about getting it! see I'm 15 years old I know i shouldn't worry about this now but it just seems like a good idea to ask the question now this one lil question has plenty of other questions with it how many different insurances do you need to have? what should you look for in Insurance? how much is insurance? what is an insurance rate? and the title of this question how does one go about getting it? on that last one I really need a detailed answer because I am 15 I just got back in school so my brain is a bit mushy and not so quick XD and way like I said I'd really like a detailed answer on that last one heck if ya role play it out with your self for me then that would even make it easier so the more questions you answer in this (with a good answer mind you) the more likely I am to choose you as the best answer!
Pregnant and no health insurance - Maine?
I am canadian who just got a visa to move to maine to live with my US husband - I still work in Canada and cross daily. 3 nights ago I found out I was pregnant. I called my blue cross to see what it covered in the USA and when I told them I moved from NB they promptly cancelled my insurance. My husband doenst have insurance and because of my salary in Canada we dont quality for medicaid or mainecare. so no insurance, no mainecare and no money...... I also cannot have the baby in Canada now as they cancelled my medicare when I moved...... so this is worst situation I have ever been in...... I have wanted to be a mother for years but I cannot afford 15000 to have a baby ...... I am honestly contemplating an abortion.....""
Best young driver insurance company ?? (Ireland)?
so just got my full licence and was wondering which company would be the best and cheapest for me? 10 points :)
What's a good car to get cheap on insurance ?
I'm from uk
Driving without insurance?
Hi guys police gave me citation for not having insurance paper with me its registered under my cousin name we live the same address the car is insured but i don't have insurance if i go court and show car insurance they will give me ticket or what thank you.
Does car and motorcycle insurance have a starting cost?
like is there a fee you must pay to first start car and motorcycle insurance policies. or is it only on certain companies that do that?
What is the cheapest auto insurance price in Michigan?
What is the cheapest auto insurance price in Michigan?
Can my car insurance cover the damage I did to my neighboor's car?
I made a dent to his car, with my door. We spoke, and I asked him to get an estimate. It is 600 dollars. If my insurance pays for it, what would happen to my payments? how much are they expected to change?""
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old boy.?
i am international student from china. i really want to have my own car, but my guardian told me the insurance for teens is very expensive. i want to know how much is it per year or per month. i live in mn""
Where can I get an affordable liability insurance for my new small business in California?
I'm trying to open a new residential cleaning business. I already got a quote from state farm but it was way too expensive. 2500 dollars per year. I'm new in this so, I can't afford that amount because I don't even have costumers yet. Thank you!.""
I got a ticket for failure to show insurance in NJ . How will this effect my insurance rates.?
The day I got my car, I was got a ticket for not having insurance in NJ.I had insurance but paper had not come in the mail yet. I went to court and it was lowered to failure to show insurance and I paid like $185. How will this effect my points and and my insurance rates. Should I reopen my case and plea not guilty or see if I could get it dismissed and would I have to get a lawyer for that? Is it worth the money? This is my first ticket ever. I though he would dismiss my case after explaining my case but my public defender was really rude and impatient when I asked him If I could have the case dropped saying You're should be glad I am not getting your license taken for a year! which is true, but I had proper documentation so there was not way my license would have been suspended.""
Question about Motorcycle insurance?
If you crash your bike solo will your insurance cover the damages
How much would car insurance cost me as a teenager?
Now i heard that the insurance is riduclous for teenagers these days. Im planning to buy a mazda sportscar worth around $25000. around how much should I be ready to pay for my car insurance a year... btw the insurance must be SUPERIOR insurance meanin the best insurance .
Which is better full coverage or liability auto insurance?
I live in wisconsin where it is not mandatory to have car insurance. I'm 26 and been driving since i was 16 without insurance and i'm planning on getting a policy started soon and i have no idea as to which type of insurance to get. I drive a 1997 chevy lumina with around 222,000 miles on it. If i get full coverage will it cover my car damages as well as the other persons damages or will liability do that and will i be required to pay a deductible? I am thinking about getting up to $100,000 in coverage.""
Free Insurance for my newborn?
Im eighteen and im pregnant with my first child. Shes due next month. A few people have told me that i can get free insurance for her? Does anyone know how i can do that? I dont have an income and im on my moms insurance plan and it wont cover the baby.
What would health care cost if NOBODY had insurance?
I was reading about how doctors are now rating insurance companies, and one figure that stuck in my head was $210 BILLION wasted anually on excessive administrative costs. Not administration, UNNECESSARY administration. They want to cut out red tape, well, why not cut out insurance altogether? What would health care cost if NOBODY had insurance, and had to pay for everything out of pocket? I suspect that patients would start paying a lot more attention to their bills, doctors would have to start competing, and costs would plummet. Shoot, there'd be at least $210 billion a year more available! There's mention of one doctor who accepts a flat yearly rate, and doesn't accept insurance. Would this really be such a terrible way to do things? Letting doctors and patients decide what's fair, instead of insurance companies and the government? We could let people buy catastrophic insurance, but not general health funds like we have now. Could it work?""
""How much would it be if got allstate insurance for a new 2009 nissan altima. im 20yrs old, live with my parets?
my parents have allstate. this is my first car under my name.
""I was charged dui + my insurance company doesn't know, should I notify them for $1700 coverage for road work?""
I was in an accident involving a highway railing but no other automobiles except my own. This was six months ago. My insurance company was not notified and as of now has no information regarding my accident or dui. I totaled my car and have gladly stopped driving as I live in a city and can bike, walk and ride public transportation. My question regards an outstanding bill I have for $1,700 to the state highways for repair to the railing I hit. Should I pay out of pocket? or file an insurance claim and have it covered as part of my property damage liability? I have heard the insurance company would increase my insurance rate for 3 years, but I don't plan on having a car anyway. I could use the $1700, however, I've come away clean thus far and am reluctant to bring this to my insurance company's attention if I don't have to, though it may be just a matter of time before the insurance company learns of the accident anyway. I have moved to a different state and have a different drivers license and plan on discontinuing my insurance at the end of the month when the policy runs out.""
Lime Ridge Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53942
Lime Ridge Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53942
LOW car insurance for a 19 year old Male?
I have been looking to buy my first car (1.1-1.4L) but all insurance companies I have checked are really high like 3,000-6,000 per year. Are there any cheap insurers out there and what are they? Please help, I am really wanting a car but the prices of insurance are holding me back :( What are ideal 1st cars (low insurance) ?""
What kind of car insurance covers takeaway deliveries?
Hi, I am soon starting a (very) part-time job delivering chinese food one day a week, 5 hours. I have been trying to find out what sort of insurance I need for my car as I am only covered for SD&P. I got a quote for one company who insured for business use, but they wouldn't cover takeaway deliveries! And my current insurer doesn't do anything like it. I know that places like Domino's and Pizza Hut provide supplemental insurance for their drivers, but this place doesn't do anything of the sort and I don't want to get caught out, especially for something like this? Thanks :)""
Affordable Cosmetic dental insurance in NYC ?
I really want cosmetic dental surgery maybe back braces or invisalign, I live in NYC and I just want recommendations for which insurance company to go with. Also I'd really like something affordable. Any information would be helpful :)""
Where is the best (and affordable) place to get Adult Braces in Chicago?
I need adult braces or something. I literally have fangs and a chipped tooth (yea its bad). I need to find a good dentist or orthodontist. Where is the best place in Chicago that is affordable or work with you for financing/payment plans?
What is an affordable health insurance in the quad cities area?
My boyfriend is looking for an affordable heath insurance because he was just recently lad off and he needs health insurance so i was wondering if anybody knew of any. I would get him on mine that i get though my work but i cant because we are not married. So please help me out
Can i collect disability insurance?
Can i collect disability insurance? i was shot when i was 18 in the ankle and the bullit is stuck between the bone in my ankle. i have worked for a company for 10 years and quit my job two years ago to start my own business. but now as im getting older i can't stand on my leg without experiencing pain or climb up and down things like i used too can i collect disability insurance?
Best insurance company for a jewelry store?
I need and insurance company to insure my jewelry store. So far I found jewelers mutual but they're expensive.
Insurance for an SRT-10?
Hi is there anyone out there (in the UK) who knows of an insurance company that does a good deal on SRT-10 fully comp. I'm struggling to get it under 1200.00 per year, and the one I am going to buy is upgraded to 600BHP as well, so I know I'll pay more for this on top""
How much do you pay for individual/family health insurance?
At my work I only pay 67.34 a month for health insurance. It is just me, single. Awesome insurance, no deductible, low co-pays etc. VERY lucky. However, if I had 1 spouse it sky rockets to 447.71 a month, and a family, any size would be 877.11 a month. (Great deal if you have 5 kids, not so great with 1 child) Is everyone's insurance like this???""
""How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?""
How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?""
What is a good long-term health insurance policy for international stays?
I am planning to move to Germany in spring and require acceptable, long-term and affordable coverage. What is a good company and policy for me to look in to? I've seen several offers but only one I could afford because it had a deductible of 10k$. Is there better?""
Is a 2004 used infiniti g35 a good and affordable car?
i am saving up about 2000 to put down on it. and how much would the monthly payments be. including insurance? i gross about 700-900 a month. thanks.
Can I drive without insurance?
hey people, so basically, I am going to turn 17 next month and will get my provisional. I am then going to take my theory test, along with driving lessons and then on to the practical test. Once I pass, I want to obviously drive, however the insurance premium for new drivers these days is ridiculous! I was wanting to ask if I can drive my parents car (which is insured to them) with their premission, or do I have to be insured as the next driver? By the way, the car would only be something like a 1.0 - 1.4 litre petrol. Thanks in advance!""
Car Insurance Question?
I am looking to buy a used car, but I am unsure as to what models/manufacturers will be set at a premium insurance fee. For instance, would a used BMW 3-series ($2000) cost more in insurance than a used Honda Accord ($2500)?""
What's the cheapest car insurance company?
What's the cheapest car insurance company?
Motorbike insurance quote 1202 (UK)!?
Could someone please let me know as to why my motorcycle quote is so high? I'm 18 years old and have recently passed my CBT. The bike I am purchasing is a 2009 YZF-R125 with a value of 3000. My friends bike, a CBR125, only costs him somewhere around the 400 per year mark. I don't understand it... Thanks for any replies.""
What is the cost of homeowners insurance on Alabama shores?
Have or have not got insurance if you live on Alabama coast?
Can't afford college Health Insurance...?
I need some type of advice regarding my options. I feel like i've hit a dead end. I have a 4.0 and financial aid, however my state requires student have health insurance... and the only insurance my school offers is over $80 a week on top of the $85 a week lab fees, dr visits, and meds because I have a severe blood disorder and need to go get my blood check every week. I also have specialist visits once a month. I have medicaid right now and if I go to school at all I will lose it and I can't afford the student insurance. It would total up to be more than my rent each month not to mention they don't cover pre-existing conditions. I feel totally hopeless. I'm willing to move to another state if necessary where insurance is more affordable. I just really wanted to go to medical school and now I feel like my future is shot all because I'm not healthy.... Also, i can't take out a loan because i don't have credit being so young and although I was born in this country and my parents were from here, they relocated to a foreign country so they can't help me either.""
Why is it hard to find medical Insurances?
i have a heart condition, why is it hard to find medical insurances?""
Emancipated 16 year old car insurance help?
I am currently living with my parents and am soon to be emancipated. I was looking at some geico quotes, turned out for minimal coverage was 475$ per month. This was outragous and obviously way to much for any one to be able to afford. To have the type of coverage i would like was 10,000$ per year, the numbers were staggering. Anyway my question is it possible to get insurance at 16 years old on your own for a resonable price. If so with what car insurance company. I have a 3.0 and a perfect driving record, i do drive a camero z28 so i understand its going to be a little higher than average....""
How much would auto insurance cost me?
I am 19 years old and I do not have my license yet. I have been holding of for a while because I know that I will not be able to afford the insurance right now. My dad does have insurance and when I do get insurance, it will be on his policy. Although I know it will be alot because I am a 19 year old male, I really cant guess how much approximately it will be. Also, how much would it be if I were to get my own car and car insurance? ( something small and used, nothing fancy). Any help would be great. Thanks in advance""
Is it legal to have two different auto insurances on two different cars but are both in my name?
I have 2 cars, I just bought one cash. So I already have full coverage on one car and its paid for 6 months, and I want to add insurance on the other but with a different insurance company because it is cheaper and I will be getting only liability. Is it legal to be carrying different insurances or are they required to be both with the same company? I live in Texas!""
Insurance for a 3 series BMW Convertable?
Does anybody know a good/cheap insurance company for a BMW 3 Series Convertable. I don't have any no claims as i have always driven a company car! Please please help!!!!
Car insurance problem!! I need help!!?
I got in a fender bender yesterday. Did a little damage to my car, but just scuffed the ladies bumper. The cops came and gave me a citation for failure to yield. Here's the problem though, I dont really have insurance, i just have cards saying I do from awhile ago. The cops put down that I have insurance. I called the woman later to tell her I wanted to settle the ordeal with cash without making a claim to insurance and shes cool with it. So! My question is...Is the BMV or cops going to find out I didn't really have insurance????(I live in Ohio)""
Health Insurance Help for Visitors?
my family is visiting us in california and need medical visit. they have visitors insurance which says that we need to pay for our visit now and they will evaluate and reimburse us. do these insurances reimburse anything and everything? what is a hospital/clinic to visit for visitors around southern california? how is kaiser?
Lime Ridge Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53942
Lime Ridge Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53942
Car Insurance liability question?
My husband recently got into a car accident, in CA, he rear ended a car in front of him. Our insurance liability coverage is only $10,000 property damage. So we have received a letter from our car insurance stating that the amount owed may be in excess of the $10,000 property damage limit. Does anyone know what happens at this point? We don't have any assets that they can take away, I'm on leave from my job starting on July, we seem to be living from paycheck to paycheck and now with this, I'm just worried since I don't know what is to come? If you have any additional questions, please ask thanks to those that respond.""
Student health insurance and graduation?
I purchased a years worth of student health insurance (aetna/chickering), but I am graduating right now..(late December). What happens now ? Will my insurance be canceled or will be cut if the unthinkable happens and the clinic tries to verify my insurance ?""
Speeding ticket in california?
i got my first speeding ticket i was going 55 on a 45 how much would that cost me? and also it wasnt my car it was my parents car but i dont live with them so will there insurance go up???
How much is insurance for a 16 year old boy driving a volkswagen jetta/golf?
I am going to go with my father to get a car next week because I got my license today. I will be using the sign then drive event for the car. About how much will insurance cost for a NEW car and would it be cheaper using a older car? I earn about 500$ in every other week for work, would that be enough you think? Thanks for the help!""
How much would car insurance be for me?
roughly what would i have to pay for car insurance heres some info -im 18 -car is a honda civic 2010, new -got my license at 18 -live in massachusetts""
Are you required to first get an estimate from your insurance for car repairs?
I recently got into a car accident and I'm trying to get repairs done. Do I have to get an estimate of damages from my insurance company first or should I go ahead and get estimates from an auto shop? I've heard that if you get your car estimated by the insurance company first, they tend to overlook problems and try to write you a quick check and normally won't give you more money if more damages are found by the repair shops. But I don't know if I'm supposed to get my own estimates first? What should I do? Thanks!!""
What is the average cost for martial arts insurance?
What is the average cost for martial arts insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance for teens to buy themselves?
I'm 19 years old and shortly will buy my own car. I'm trying to be independent and need to buy my own affordable car insurance for my car. The quotes from name brand insurance co. like geico and progressive are between $800-$1300/mo. That is so crazy and obviously cannot afford that. Does anybody know where I can find reasonable priced insurance (non name brands) that just covers the minimum? My budget is $100 and less. BTW, I live in SouthFlorida.""
Do rich people need health insurance?
I would prefer that wealthy people answer this question so that I get the facts and not theory. Anywho, I am wondering if rich people not only need health insurance, but, do they even carry it? I always think of insurance as a scam that doesn't live up to their end of the bargain if they think your going to cost too much, like a catastrophic health issue for instance.""
Disability Insurance in Vermont?
Does anyone know if it's legal in the state of Vermont to employee people without disability insurance? I know it's illegal in New York. I'm out of work due to pregnancy complications for 3 weeks or so and I can't collect disability for this or my maternity leave because they said they don't have disability insurance. I called a lawyer, but haven't heard back from them yet. Just curious if anyone knows the answer to this question. Thanks""
If I apply for life insurance through a different company will they know what I told the first company?
I have life insurance with State Farm. I quit smoking on a daily basis 2 years ago but had a cigarette and 1 hit of marijuana on June 18th of this year. I told this to the underwriters because I wanted to be completely honest. All blood work came back negative for nicotine (Cotinine) and THC. State Farm charged me the smoker's rate and said I can get it reevaluated in 1 year. My agent told me I should have lied since it was just the 1 cig. I am not happy paying the smoker's rate as I don't consider myself a smoker. I called an Allstate agent and she says I can go thru her and just say no this time when asked by the underwriters about smoking. My question is, do they have the State Farm phone interview with the underwriters stored somewhere in some database and they will know I smoked the one cigarette or will I be ok just going thru Allstate and saying no to the smoking question this time?""
Car Insurance Question!!?
So I just got my license yesterday but my dad said that I can't drive the car myself until he puts me on the insurance plan. Do I really need to be put on the insurance plan? I know its illegal not to have car insurance but I do, it would just go under my parents' names. Isn't that ok or do I really do have to get my own insurance card and everything? if yes, how many days would it take for me to get my name under the insurance? I really want to be able to start driving on my own. thanks!""
What is the CHEAPEST car insurance for a 21 year old male who never had his own policy?
What is the CHEAPEST car insurance for a 21 year old male who never had his own policy?
Free car insurance quotes?
are these qoutes accurate or could the price they give you actually be lower then what the free quote says?
Can i drive other peoples vhicles with my car insurance?
hi i have insurance to drive my car and im coverd to drive other peoples cars but dose the other persons car need insurance covering that vhicle for me to still be coverd or will my insurance cover that??? thanks
Insurance for dummies(life insurance)?
Please help . I took out a life insurance policy about 8 years ago it is a whole life insurance policy and has some cash value .I recently discovered I have a group life insurance policy at work . Should I keep both or cash in the whole life insurance policy which is worth about 11,000 in coverage and 1,100 in cash value . The work policy is worth about 65,000 in coverage and 0 cash value""
How to get a hold of the drunk drivers insurance?
my car and 2 other cars were damaged by a drunk driver. his car flipped and crashed on the ground. they ran away as soon as they got helped out. the police came and all we got was a police report number. my question is my car is scratched and has broken windows/mirror. i am not going to pay for it to get it fix , why should i it wasn't my fault. how can i get a hold off the drunk drivers insurance and policy information. will the police contact me after they get all the information or do i have to contact them? sorry i have never had to deal with the insurance company or the police for any of this so i have no idea. if this matter i live in san diego california""
What auto insurance offices offer reduced cost auto insurance program in the San Fernando Valley?
Details below if you do not know which one I am referring to? I'm not talking about the cliche low cost auto insurance that is available to everyone. etc...I'm talking about a specific plan offered by the state of California available at some insurance offices for low income individuals. I found one office with it, it isn't close enough, does anyone know of any more offices ? The California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (LCA): The California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Pilot Program, created in 1999, established a low-cost automobile insurance policy for residents of Los Angeles County and the City and County of San Francisco. California Law requires that all drivers be insured. However, too many low-income drivers remain uninsured because the costs of standard auto insurance premiums are beyond their financial reach. The programs purpose is to provide low-cost automobile liability insurance to good drivers who demonstrate financial need.""
Any Nationwide users know how much will their insurance cost monthly?
Hi I am 16 and was wondering how much would Nationwide insurance would cost. My parents said they were going to enlist my name under their insurance, however I will have to pay for the insurance for my car. They are going to take the car notes, and I am stuck with insurance and gas. I just turned 16 and need a car. So any Nationwide users how much would that Cost me so I can Expect a General price? Also I make $50 a week.""
What would be cheaper on insurance?
I'm thinking of getting a 1987-1995 jeep wrangler yj or a 1992 acura integra. Which would be cheaper on insurance? thanks.
What is the cheapest car insurance ?
for a ford mondeo 1998. Thank you.
Whats the cost of insurance for a 16 yr old ?
i'm 16 and i wanted to know how much would it cost for insurance ?
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male on a Vauxhall Corsa?
I'm looking to buy a 1.0 Litre Corsa, but all quotes are coming out at around 2500. I've even tried the companies that monitor you by GPS and there prices are even more expensive :L Please, any cheap companies, or tips and tricks to get the price down?""
Do health insurance companies report paid claims ?
I had a year of therapy and was on anti depressant for about 3 years (ended 2004). Does the insurance company report to a database or something saying they paid out for services I received? Do insurance claims like this come up on a HIPAA mental health check? Please only answer with facts, not opinions.""
Will you get a better quote on auto insurance if you are single or in a relationship?
I was just wondering if you get a better quote saying that you are single or saying that you are in a domestice relationship? or do you get a better quote if you are married? Also, do you get a better quote if the car is only used for pleasure or for work/school?""
Lime Ridge Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53942
Lime Ridge Wisconsin Cheap car insurance quotes zip 53942
0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
north texas insurance
"north texas insurance
north texas insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Why don't health insurance companies compete on price like car insurance companies?
I was watching TV (something I rarely do) this weekend, and I noticed a fair number of car insurance commercials from various companies. They were touting their high level of service and low prices, and urging consumers to investigate and switch to their company. How come this doesn't appear to happen with health insurance? Is it because employers, rather than the actual people insured, shop for insurance in many cases? Is it because auto insurers are allowed to compete more freely across state borders? Are the basic expectations different when it comes to health insurance? Or, does competition already exist in the health insurance industry but the product is so much more expensive no matter what? Serious answers appreciated. Thanks.""
""I will be out of the country, car insurance.?""
I will be out of the country for almost 6 months, what can I do with my car insurance? No one else will be driving my car, and I don't want to pay for my insurance if I am not using my car. What can I do?""
My Insurance Company Want Me To Buy My Car Back!?
I had Learners insurance out with Collingwood Learners. I had a crash and have excepted responsability. They have now inspected my car and decided it is beyond economical repair, but a garage I know can fix it for me! My Insurance company have asked that I send in my Vehicle Registration Document as well as the most recent MOT Test Certificate and also the Service History Book! They have told me they will value my car and then pay me the price they believe it to be worth, They will take the 350.00 excess from this also and then I can choose to buy my car back from them at whatever they value it to be! Is there a way around this where I wont lose my car for example refusing a payment from them or something? Please help me I'm new to this all! Thanks""
125CC bike insurance for 17 year old?
I will be able to learn to drive nxt year, i have ruled out buying a car, as the incredably high insurance cost would force me to sell of most of my vital organs. I think i could afford a bike, but how bad would the insurance for that be????? pls give me some kinda rough amount plsplspls thx""
""Motorcycle Accident, i have no insurance, can i sue?""
I was driving home from work, on my motorcycle, i dont have a moto license or insurance (i do have a regular license) this dude runs a red light and i end up crashing into him, breaking my left femur and fracturing my left arm. i still have a case right?""
What's reasonable insurance quote for new driver (UK)?
Hi Everyone! I'm a new UK driver searching insurance quotes for my Ford escort (engine size 1.4). I'm thinking third party only for starters. What sort of ammounts should I consider to be reasonable offers? Also, must I pay the premium in one lump sum? P.S: I'm 23 years old... Cheers!""
Which is the type of insurance to avoid?
Which is the type of insurance to avoid? A- mortgage insurance B- identity theft insurance C- disability insurance Why?
Auto insurance estimate for 5 points?
Hi i have 5 points on my license i live in Baltimore city and drive a 1985 Chevrolet corvette with historic tags insurance with it in my dads name is very cheap even with me as the listed driver but i think my insurance company some how missed that i have 5 points on my license so i am just wondering if anyone has any ball park figures as to what my insurance might be when they see that i have 5 points thanks.
Do you know of any good family health insurance plans for cheap?
I currently work in a hopital and pay only $200/month for insurance. I am pregnant with my 2nd child and thinking of cutting my hours at work to where I could no longer carry their insurance plan. We also own a small business, so my husband doesn't carry the insurance. I only have to work 20 hours a week to keep the insurance at my job, and it has awesome benifits, but I would love to be home after the 2nd baby is born. What do you think? Should I keep my insurance at work or any better ideas?""
HELP ASAP! Is a car still considered stolen if your on the insurance?
Long story short my mom bought me a car..and I'm on the insurance..I want to move out but she's not up for it...so my question is can she call the police and say her car is stolen when I take it to where i'm going to live?Also will they charge me even if i'm on the insurance? Thanks for any answers!
What car insurance quote should I accept ?
I have a competitive quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which company would you use and why?""
How much do you pay for your car + car insurance?
I pay around $300 for both the car (2001 Hyundai sonata) and the insurance, but me and my husband are having our second child and we know that we need something bigger but cannot find an suv for less than $300, then we still have to pay for insurance. Is anyone out there that pays less than that for a good suv? Thanks for the help""
Whats the best insurance company and cheapest?
Heya im 17and looking at car insurance was wondering if any one has a goods insurance company and preferably a cheap one thanks
Who is the cheapest car insurance company for a young driver?(19 yrs old male)?
Who is the cheapest car insurance company for a young driver?(19 yrs old male)?
HOW come insurance co?
how come insurance co discraminate against people who have mental disease? I have tried in the past to get private insurance but because i have been treated for depression in the past, I have been denied by several companies. Now only I qualify for the State insurance, and it is way over-priced and hardly covers anything. This isn't fair to those of us that are self-employed. How are we able to get affordable insurance, if we are discraminated against.""
""How much in total (average), does one pay for Car insurance (for 1 car), and Health insurance (for 1 person)?
im 17 years old and just curious
Anyone who has state farm car insurance?
i'm going to be 17 soon and i'm planning on getting my permit. i live with my aunt so if i get my license i would most likely be under her name for insurance. the problem is that shes worried that if i do get into a huge car accident, then theres a chance that we would lose our house. but i really need to drive because i need to work and my aunt is working too so it would be hard for her to drive me to work. she also said that car insurance for teens is really expensive and i know that that's true. what should i do? by the way she has state farm insurance and i would need to get a car to drive if i get my license because my aunt only has one car right now. but im definitely not going to get a new car, probably a used compact car like honda, mitsubishi, or hyundai because i know that the age of your car and the type of car you drive effects how much your insurance will cost. any advice on what i should do?""
Affordable health insurance?
for milwaukee wisconsin?
Im 18 and i want to buy my mom a car but its for her can she put the insurance under her?
so i buy the car cus i have better credit than her but i cant put the insurance on me itll be too much is there a way we can make this work
What do I do with the rejected health insurance benefits California?
rejected by Blue Cross and Blue Shield/
Why would any sane young adult pay thousands in health insurance premiums to subsidize old baby boomers?
They could pay nothing and get 95 dollars less on their tax refund next year. They could use that money now to pay down credit cards, etc. Under the new rules, individuals choosing not to carry insurance are subject to a penalty of $95 per person each year, or 1% of household income, whichever is greater, beginning in 2014. Over time, the penalty increases, so that by 2016 the penalty is $695 per person, or 2.5% of household income. Even the increase in the penalty is miniscule when compared to the premium prices. So again, WHY would any sane young adult get pay thousands of dollars in premiums?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance in general/in NM?
I feel like i'm paying too much for auto insurance (i have aaa) what other insurnce cold I get that will be the cheapest, I don't drive my car all that much, I just want the cheapses rather than nothing.""
Cheep car insurance companies in London?
I am a new driver, Can someone advice me how can I get cheep car insurance and with who? Thanks.""
Switching Car Insurance?
Next year when I get married my fiance and I are going to start a new car insurance policy. However - I currently have co-signed the car I own with my mom. She is the primary owner, but my name is on everything too and I make all the payments myself. How will that work with the car insurance? Does it matter that I am not the primary owner? Does it need to be insured under her name?""
Can you remove yourself from your parents' health insurance voluntarily?
I just would like to know. Is it possible? Thanks.
north texas insurance
north texas insurance
I just got my car but it needs a few things for it to be awesome how much will this cost me?
For my graduation present my dad got me a car! Its pretty cool and it runs well but it needs a few things for it to be to my liking, they arent needs just wants that i plan to pay for but i have no idea how much they would all cost. Ok so i can give u a good image in your head its a green Daewoo, Nubria and its year is 2000 so i hope with this info youll know how to answer my question. 1) Air conditioner. if u look at the inside you would see the air conditioner and u would think that if u turn it on it would work but it doesnt so i need to get that fixed especially in a state like ARIZONA where its always hot lol 2) New radio. I need one installed bcuz the one it has in there doesnt have sound and u need a code to use it. 3)Wheels and Rims. It has wheels but no rims and i kinda want new wheels lol whats a good size wheels for this type of car and what kind of rims should i buy is there rims for this type of car with the daewoo symbol? 4) Paint job. Ok so this is important my car is a dark green like spinach leaves lol i like it but it has white scratches all over the left and right side and the roof looks pretty worn out so i want it to be spray painted you know like in pimp my ride lol idk whats a good reasonable price for that but just write down a good estimate. 5) The front bumper. on your left side of the front bumper you know right below the headlites and the grill its broken and it dangals a little. Its perfect on the right side but scratched up quite a bit. So i want to get this old bumper off and install a new one. how do i go about doing that do i have to order the part or what exactly do i do keep in mind it doesnt have insurance yet but if it did could the insurance company do somehing about that? Ok so thats it thanx for reading and i want this answered in numerical order you know just line them up like this. 1) how much it would cost and a description or extra info i might need to know or consider 2) how much it would cost if i want a new modern radio like the one u can take off and put back on. 3) how much it would cost and all the general info 4) how much it would cost and give your opinion on a cool color to consider for this car 5) how much it would cost and how i would go about doing it Feel free to write as much as you need to on this to get the message across and remember exact prices are great but if u want u can give me estimates. thanx again for taking the time to read this. lol""
Looking for a cheap car insurance?
Im looking for a cheap car insurance because im going to get my first car at a dearler but since im 19 years old all the insurance i have found are $150 an up. Does anybody know one that is good for me? At least $100. Thank you very much
How much is Car Insurance in the US for a new driver?
Does it depend on the state? Just give me an average price. Im from the UK and my Insurance was 1700 for 1 year.
Do car rental companies ask for proof of insurance?
Here's my circumstances, I'm 22(have credit card in my name) and am going to rent a vehicle. I had insurance for 4-5 years, have never been at an at fault accident and have one speeding ticket, so I'm a pretty good driver, when gas was near $4.00 I traded in my vehicle, and it's fine as I bike everywhere as it's all close to me. I'm having family over for a couple days and need a car though, it's easy to drive around town, I'm almost 100% sure I wont get in a wreck, but I have a feeling the insurance would be more expensive than the rental itself which is ridiculous for someone with a driving record such as mine. Can I say purchase just liability and then sign something that says I'll pay for the rental if I do any damages, what would be the cheapest way to get out of this?""
""Where can I buy cheap auto insurance in Houston, Texas?Just moved here, only paid $30/month in California!?""
Want to buy cheap auto insurance in person! In California I paid $30 a month at a place that catered to poor people basically, but had good coverage for cheap. I am not interested in paying double online with Geico, progressive, etc (as the quotes I've gotten are). Where can I get cheap basic coverage in person in Houston Texas? Thank you.""
Drivers License and Car Insurance?
My friend had a friend of his drive his car when he was drinking because he didn't want an OMVI. His friend quit paying for car insurance but said he still has his drivers license. Is that possible? Also, my friend said he wasn't worried about an accident because my friend has insurance and he thinks that covers all drivers in his car with a drivers license. I feel that if he got in an accident, his insurance won't pay because he has a non-insured driver driving his car. He said I'm wrong. Who's right and who's wrong here????""
How would my insurance company know this if I don't tell them?
I am getting ready to buy a home (Already selected, move in will be next week) and I own a German Shepard. I am currently shopping for homeowners insurance, and I know that many companies will not insure you if you have an aggressive breed of dog, and the ones that do will give you higher rates because of it. So I was wondering, what reason do I have to tell them that I have an aggressive breed? When they come to inspect the home, my friend down the street can watch my dog for a few hours. If I were to just leave out the fact that I have an aggressive breed so my rates will stay low, how would the insurance company ever be the wiser? PS: This IS a repost. Last time I asked everyone said Well it's misrepresentation and if you have ever have to make a claim, then they can deny you because you lied about the dog. Yes I understand what the consequences would be, that wasn't the question. My question is HOW could they ever find out in the first place? If I have to make a claim for say, a fire, then I could have someone take my dog for a few hours again and make the claim without having any reason to mention the dog? So how would they ever know?""
Estimate for car insurance payment for 6 months ..?
i am looking to consolidate, and want to see what i actually spend is right or not --- what should be a reasonable bargain on car insurance ??- i pay 950 for my 05 and 08 car. is that too much .. for 6 months, driver for last 4-5 yrs ?? what do you guys pay .. i know it depends on what all coverage you end up taking, still any ideas would help ..""
""Which is worse: increased taxes, or a high insurance premium?""
http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/health/2009-09-15-insurance-costs_N.htm for some reason, I'd pay any tax to fund socialized medicine thrown my way rather than pay $13,375 a year for a family of four. and you'd be crazy not to yourself. and besides...the tax would never be 4,824, which is the average a single person pays per year.""
Hyundai tiburon insurance help?
I am looking for this car to be my first car. I live in Washington and I have a 3.5 GPA (my insurance company told me this would help), and I'm a female. How much would it cost to get car insurance, per month. Is it a sports car? I was thinking of getting the 4 cylinder, 2.0 engine, if that makes a difference. I also have State Farm if that helps.. Thanks!""
Affordable car insurance company's?
I am currently with farmer's insurance but i feel they are too expensive so is there any company's that are cheaper and affordable rates?
Car insurance for 17 year old male?
hi can anyone help me i have been looking round for car insurance for a 1.0ltr corsa 2002 and my cheapest quote i have had is 15,540 per year and i am wondering if anyone could tell me if there is anywhere i can get it cheeper or is that the cheepest i am gooing to find thanks ant""
California bond problems ?
Anyone have a good link that explains this credit crunch with California. Why is California having a hard time funding its bonds. I need a thuro explanation and not the economy is weak, so investors aren't investing capital. If you dont have a link and can explain it yourself that would be fine also.""
Affordable health insurance for a 19 year old?
I am a 19 year old white female, i live in California, i go to a community college part time, and i babysit and work part time as a substitute custodian(no benefits). Im looking for really cheap even free health insurance since I make roughly $120-$400 a month. I've looked at my school's health care, it doesn't cover what i want(just covers family planing and std test). I would like something that would cover doctor visits or i pay a small copay. If anyone knows what i can do or where to look, i would greatly appreciate it.""
""Affordable, student health insurances!?""
can anyone suggest me any affordable health insurances for me? im 20, don't smoke or drink, have no chronic condition or what so ever, if this helps. Just to ballpark the price range; because i really need new glasses and a dental checkup, thanks so much!""
Cheapest car insurance for a minor?
Okay, I'm about to purchase a 1995 Volkswagon Cabrio, but I need insurance on it and I'm only 17. I have a missouri permit currently, but I will have my license as soon as I get the insurence so that I can take the test. If it helps at all I have a 4.5 gpa, near perfect attendence, volunteer work, dual-enrollment credit, and extra-curriculars. I just cannot afford the prices I have been seeing for the few companies that will give me insurance and I would appreciate any suggestions for cheap liability.""
What are typically the cheapest auto insurance company in Massachusetts?
I currently am with MetLife but they increased charges this year, so I'm looking to change the company. Any suggestions to cheaper auto insurance? Thanks!""
Why is insurance cheaper on american cars than asian cars?
I have a friend who was in accident a while back and the end result is his insurance doubled, and he can only afford to buy an american car rather than asian or german. Why is that in canada insurance cheaper on the american cars? Thank you""
Affordable health insurance?
i know this isn't a pregnancy question but i believe moms would know about their health insurance and this is the only category where i get an answers so thanks in advance moms! i dont have hundreds of dollars to pay for insurance. if i did i could go to the doctor without it. i need some health insurance that i can afford. anyoe have any ideas?
How much is a insurance for a mustang?
And the parts for it cost a lot
Will the insurance company cancel my car insurance after a DUI in VA?
i got a dui in VA, is offence, .08 bac, well i got convicted of yesterday. i have to do a DWI Education classes and have a restricted licence to drive to work. my insurancce is still valid for a good 6 months. do i have to inform the insurance company, will i lose my insurance, do i need a sr22 or not. please advice..""
Any Cheap insurance companies for Aprilia RS125?
My son has a RS125 Aprilia and i am just looking for some cheap insurers, hes 18 on thursday. want Third party fire theft, and i also dont want to pay more than 600 please help""
Car insurance costs for a newly qualified 18 year old?
Because of where I live I am getting a Land Rover for my first car and I was looking at either a Land Rover Defender 90 2.4 diesel or a 2nd generation Range Rover (the Range Rover P38) 2.5 diesel and i was wondering on average mow much it would cost me to insure one of these?? thanks :-)
2003 Honda S2000 insurance rate?
Hi, i'm a 16 year old male. I'm planning on getting an S2000 when I turn 17 and was wondering if someone could give me a ballpark answer on how much, liability only, insurance would cost me per month. Ballpark as in $100-$150, $150-$200, $200-$250... Any help would be very appreciated. Also, just take into fact that I have a perfect driving record and that stuff since I would just recently have gotten my license by then.""
Does an insurance consultant in Massachusetts need to be licensed?
It is corporate insurance, not personal.""
north texas insurance
north texas insurance
How to see a doctor without health insurance?
im a student living in southern california. i havent seen a doctor in years because i cant afford health insurance, but recently ive noticed that i may have an issue that should be checked out by a doctor. how do i go about seeing one? what do i do? where should i go? any advice or tips would be very helpful. at this point i dont care how much debt i have to incur to do it, i just need to do it. thanks.""
How to buy insurance for short-time visits to USA?
Some friends/family are visiting USA for 3-4 months. What insurance is the best to buy?
Do insurance rates go up if you put a turbo kit on a car?
does the insurance company need to know
How much is insurance for a 2001 mercury cougar. If I am 16? (EST.)?
Hello. I am looking for my first car. I am looking at a 2001 mercury cougar not the S series just the 3 door coupe.. Now the qoute gieco gave me was $325.01 a month. I live in Minnesota and I am a 16 year old male. I don't have anything on my record at all. I was wondering if 325.01 a month sounded right because I dont think so. That's like $4,000 a year and the car only costs $5,999. Also would it be better to go on my parents insurance plan with State Farm? Or to get my own? Thank you very much for helping me with advice with this.""
Government Insurance or Private?
Private insurance is monitored by the government, but if we get government insurance, nobody will monitor the government. I would take my chances with Private Insurance anyday compared to a government insurance thats is filled with lazy bureacrats""
What is the average cost of home owners insurance in texas?
what is the average cost of home owners insurance in texas? we are thinking of buying a house but all the morgage calculators have a space to add home owners insurance in to the monthly payment. I need to get a rough estimate of the price range of a house we could afford i know we cant afford much so it would not be for a house more than $100,000 for sureso not a big fancy just a basic 3 or 4 bedroom house. please give me an estimate i know it depends on the house locatoin and all that but I am completely clueless as to if it adds $10 or $100 or $300""
Mazda miata insurance?
okay so im 16 getting a miata, is the cost of insurance going to be high?""
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
ready to have a baby soon but husband insurance would go from 250 to 700 a month (can't afford 700) if we have a baby but if me or the baby gets our own insurance somewhere it would be 250 but i have some health issues so i can't get my own insurance (i get denied everywhere, my job doesn't offer health insurance) so when i do get pregnant and have a baby can i get affordable insurance by it's self?I live in Colorado, will not use government help PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BACK IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT OR SAY SOMETHING DUMB OR USELESS THANKS!""
How much will my driving insurance be for 16 yrs old?
Drivers Age: 16 type of car: Toyota liability limits: uh... none, i think, once i crash the car goes.. comp & collision?: idk driving record: just got it today lol credit score: perfect =P zip code where car is kept: 43221 its a rav4 crappy car, i just need a ball park geuss... my parents r trying to make me think its a lot more than i no it is, just so i dont drive... and stuff, yea... thanks justin""
Inifiniti G37 insurance for 18 year old?
Ok i live in new york and im 18 and a new driver.... i keep hearing that it would cost over 700 dollars a month to insure it ..... is that true ? i know there is alot of variables but i wanna know is it possible ?
Can you get life insurance if your already sick?
I have life insurance, and my children have the gerber grow up plan, but my husband doesn't have any and now he's sick. He's 21 - in case his age matters - he was tested for lymphoblastic leukemia last night - but no results yet. Probably because it's Saturday. If he ends up having this, can he still be approved by life insurance?""
What is the best health insurance in california?
i could either choose blue cross hmo or ppo or kaiser hmo..not sure which is best?
How much would car insurance for a 21 year old be for all state?
How much would car insurance for a 21 year old be for all state?
What is the average motorcycle insurance for an 19 year old in IL?
What is the average motorcycle insurance for an 19 year old in IL?
Can you pay for Car Insurance in monthly instalments by direct debit using someone else's card?
I want to take out car insurance in my name but I do not have a debit card, can I use my mother's account to pay in monthly installments? All the insurance companies I have tried so far will only take a payment for the full amount and will not spread the payments by direct debit if the card is not in my name. Can anyone please help as I only have a post office account and am unemployed receiving benefits so cannot afford to pay the lump sum and have been turned down for a bank account as I have a poor credit rating.""
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
What is the best maternity health insurance in Georgia??
I have insurance through my company, in which I pay half.. My deductible is $2500.00 till January then changes to $2000.00... Im already paying my Doctor $900.00 for a Pre-Delivery fee which will come out of my deductible. Then after that is met I will pay 20% of everthing else... Any advice will be great...""
Do transformers buy life insurance or car insurance?
i recently bought a Transformer and i'm not sure what kind of insurance i should get for it. They're alive and stuff so maybe life insurence but also they are a vehicle when they are in disguise, what do you think?""
Car Insurance question....?
Ok, so I'm 24 about to turn 25(apparently that's when your taken out of the pool , or so I've heard, which means my rates should lower.) However my insurance will expire before I turn 25, and there will be about a 3 month gap between those dates. I was wondering if I could get car insurance to cover those 3 or so months, or would I have to buy a 6 month and then get another quote later?""
Insurance company and liability coverage on a leased car?
My sister is leasing a car and she changed insurance company last month. Don't know how this insurance Company gave her liability on a car that's not her's but they did it. She said they didn't even ask if she was leasing and when she asked how but full coverage was she said it would be to much. So lets just get this one. Now she just got into and accident on xmas day and her car is damage badly. The insurance people said they cant do anything with her car because of the coverage but I think that's not fair because she is still leasing on that car. What can be done can she sue the company on is it just her lost.
Where to get pregnancy insurance?
Please can someone tell me where to get pregnancy insurance? I am a UK citizen and will be spending the whole of 2010 in America (Boston). Thanks
Full coverage car insurance?
My parents are the primary insurance holders of the car insurance. It is full coverage and the 1st wreck since having this insurance which has been 5 years for this car. I am on the insurance but not a primary driver. I was involved in a car wreck on my car but my friend was driving and I was in the passenger seat. Since it is full coverage what happens? Do they have to have proof that I said he could drive? Or do they just go about and get it fixed and not say anything since the car is under full insurance? I have I clue when it comes to car insurance so of someone could explain everything the best they can it would be greatly appreciated
What does depreciation cost mean when it comes to home insurance?
filed a claim to replace my floors.getting a check in 5-7 business days.it says i have 180 days to replace the floors,to cover depriciation cost.what does that mean exactly?""
High risk insurance companies in Ontario?
Hello all! I have fallen into the high risk category for auto insurance in Ontario and I need help in finding a company or companies that would be willing to sell auto insurance to me. I cannot seem to find any links on Google. Would anyone have the names of any companies that deal in auto insurance for high risk drivers? In terms of quotes, what are some quotes that anyone has personally experienced? As for background information, I have no accidents (knock on wood...) and no DUIs. Just one too many traffic tickets :-(. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!""
""Roughly, How much do you think my car insurance will cost?""
I'm getting my license when I turn 18 in may, I'm prob. gonna have a honda, or an ultima.. i live in raleigh. nc that is.. this will be my first time getting my license.. i work at walmart(if that matters) make 9.00 and hour.. i didn't take drivers ed i never had a permit.. how much do you think it's gonna cost me??.. and also.. would it be cheaper if i get on my moms insurance???""
north texas insurance
north texas insurance
How much would motorcycle insurance be for me?
I am 16 years old and have had my driver's license for only a month. I want to get my motorcycle license. I live in California, so I have to take that CHP motorcycle safety course. I was looking at getting a Triumph Bonneville. One that is less than 15 years old but not newer than 5 years. Maybe like a 2001 or something. On craigslist they are going for about 3-4k for what I'm looking for. What would my insurance be about? Just a broad idea is okay and just say a price, not to go on some website to get a quote cuz I don't want a quote yet.""
""Just paid off my car! I want to lower my car insurance, advice?""
I just paid off my car and I want to lower my car insurance, but I'm not sure how to go go about it. I still want to maintain good coverage but not pay for so much. I'm a 27 year old male, with a good driving record. I would just like some advice on what coverages I could lower or get rid of and still have myself covered. Thanks""
I was driving my moms car, and i was at a stop sign, and a guy made a very narrow turn and then when he saw me he stopped, after he started going, he then made the turn , but ended up hitting the back left side of my bumper, nothing major, only some scratches on the paint, i got out with my mom and we exchanged information, but he said that he will not pay a cent for it, and he is ready to call the cops and file a report, i thought about it considering that i only have a permit and the car is under my moms insurance, and i just let it go as i may he may have made an excuse cause i am 16 and i am still training with my parent next to me. if i called the insurance company to get it fixed, will i be blamed and will i get the insurance rate to increase or he would have been the one to blame? thanks and please tell me true answer!""
What is the cheapest way to get insurance on my first car.?
I am 18 and am buying a 1.2 corsa. I need to know the cheapest way to insure it. Even if I have to go on a relatives insurance. Please help
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old driver?
I am about to turn 16 in August. And I'm wondering if you can tell me a estimated guess on how much car insurance will be. My family is insured with State Farm. If there is another company that may be cheaper please tell me. My family has several cars under Sate Farm if that makes a difference. I will be driving a 2007-8 Ford F-150 Lariat 2 wheel drive. I have all A's and have over 60 community service hours. If any of this makes a difference. How much will I start off spending and how fast does it get lowered and what will it get lowered to about?
Can you have insurance on a leased car ? Is leasing a good idea?
I want to have insurance and the car will be a daily driver just around my city .Helppppp
What is the product of an insurance company?
every company has a product, what is the product of an insurance company""
Help! Car insurance question?
If you get pulled over and it's not a wreck just for speeding and u don't have car insurance do u get ur license taken away? Or what can u do to have theme not taken away if so
""My parents are in the process of putting my name on the car insurance, can i drive it in the meantime?""
My parents are sending the paper work out tomorrow, it'll take a few days for the insurance compant to get it, does this mean I can't drive the car until they get the papers or can I drive it now?""
Why is car insurance so expensive in the UK!?
So i'm not driving yet, only applied for a provisional, i'm age 17. But I thought why not try and figure out how much my insurance will be once i've passed and buy a car at roughly 1000, so I filled in all the details as accurate as possible on the compare websites and the cheapest yearly insurance price was 5600! How the hell am I suppose to afford this, am I doing something wrong haha :L""
Question about switching auto insurance?
Currently I'm with state farm and I recently changed back accounts without telling them accidently so now I am a month behind and they took away my coverage. I am thinking about switching to a cheaper insurance company but would I still have to pay state farm the rest of what I owe for the 6 month contract I have with them?
Why should we be responsible for a person who elects not to buy health insurance?
Or any insurance for that matter...
Insurance when moving to america?
I am a 30 year old woman moving to the united states what kind of insurance cover do i require any companies recommended ?
Will my insurance rate go up if i recently got stopped for a failure to obey stop sign? More details!!?
i am 17 years old and i got a ticket for failure to stop at a stop sign but i could not find my papers. so the officer never scanned my insurance card. will my insurance rate go up? ps... im not on the insurance policy, it was my mothers car and i am a new driver.""
Using student insurance?
Does student insurance in Canada or USA pay for insulin pen?
What would my insurance company do if I told them I'm derestricting my moped?
Hi, I'm not a stupid driver or irresponsible, it's just I work so I have to drive 15 miles to and from work (I'm 16) and I know it's illeagle to derestrict my 50cc moped but I could really do with abit more speed without being caught, so if I told my insurance company that I'm 16 and derestricting my moped, would they still cover me or cancel my insurance? I'm a sensible driver! Thanks in advance""
Are Insurance company annuities insured by the government of the USA?
Are Insurance company annuities insured by the government of the USA?
Why does health insurance pay for doctor visits and teeth cleaning?
My car insurance doesn't pay for oil changes. Basic maintenance is up to me. As near as I can tell insurance is like an expensive savings account that you can take more money than you put in if needed.
Does the new Health Care law mean we have to buy insurance like auto insurance?
If yes, what happens to people who can't afford to purchase insurance? Will they check somehow, like when you get your driver's license or fill out tax forms or what? If people don't have insurance because they can't afford it, will they figure out a way to fine you like they would if you didn't carry auto insurance? Thanks in advance for your help.""
What is the best private health insurance in California?
I am working at a company in California where there is no health insurance offered so I need to get private insurance. Any suggestions on any good private health insurance companies?
My job does not have..Need health insurance?
looking for private health insurance, what are some companies that are affordable? lists of companies and info about them please. Thanks to all who answer =]""
Why does my car insurance cost so much?
Okay so I'm a sixteen year old female and I've been driving since February 1st the same day I turned 16. I drive a 2005 Chevy Cavalier. I have good grades, I cheerlead and I play volleyball I'm not a bad driver either actually back at drivers ed I did the best on my final exam. So I picked up a job at a daycare and I make 337.20$ every two weeks. My car insurance is costing me 275$ and is taking more than half of my paycheck and a lot of it I'm spending on gas and I usually have like ten bucks to spend on myself. Why does it cost so much? Also why do people look down on us young teen drivers so much?""
I am 16 and need tips on insurance and a car....
I am 16 years old and I have no job currently but I am getting one this week... it is half way through summer holidays and at first I was just going to drive my dads car cause insurance alone for me is 3800$ year because my dad is a single parent. But going into grade 11 I want to drive a car and I seen a beater for about 500$ volkswagen still running good, but Is it true that you need to put down a quarter or half of the insurance to start off? What do you think I should do about any of this ..... thanks""
Cheapest car insurance please?
hey i hope some1 can help me out. i am 22 years. i recently passed my driving test, on the 21/07/2009. i also bought a car honda civic. 1.4l i am looking for the cheapest car insurance possible. because i am full time student. and work part time. i wouldnt be able to afford paying 2000 annually. please if some1 knows where to get cheap car insurance for new drivers, would be very appreciated cheers""
Car insurance question?
I'm 16, and im currently driving my parents car to and from school. im insured as a full time driver and have been driving since February. at the end of the summer i plan on buying my own car, and i was wondering if we cancelled my insurance on my parents car for me, and insured me on the new car would it cost more or less than it is now?""
north texas insurance
north texas insurance
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