#and BH's is healer-less
toadtusks · 5 months
I'd always hoped it wouldn't end that way for FCG, despite the endless warning signs. So fucking sad. But at least he took out one of their greatest threats with him and ensured their friends live on another day.
Will there ever be a campaign where Sam's character doesn't make everyone cry at some point? Probably not. Gonna lay in bed and stare at the wall the rest of the night.
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 5 months
High Level Gameplay
Here's the thing, Matt called all their bits to order.
So yeah yeah, battle is never the most rule-abiding. But that's not precisely what I'm talking about.
BH has never been this desperate. And because they've never been this desperate, they never got a chance to fully use their characters as intended. Someone on the stream (or here) mentioned that the players are finally being forced to use their kits.
Fearne is a druid. Laudna is a warlock-sorcerer. FCG is a healer.
And... The bits have finally landed. FCG is a little murder bot. So his rage mechanic's consequences came into fruition. You built a healer that goes crazy when he heals too much damage? Let's see what that looks like in a really bad situation.
But also damn, the boons that they received was a Pittance compared to what they're up against. Holy hell, Otohan was Brutal. They literally could do little more than put a scratch on her. Her second phase (and high level potion) all but reversed the work they did on her.
I feel the most bad for Ashley. Her shard has been proving less helpful and Ashton's has only been useful as utility. There's not much to say by way of damage. Like Mattie, you had them work so hard for these shards and they don't get any cool, special homebrew spells for it??
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quipxotic · 1 year
For the last few days I've been playing early episodes of Campaign 3 (currently on Episode 11) while doing things around the house. A few thoughts from that, based on current events from Episode 68:
Bell's Hells REALLY need to contact the Anger. He was planning to investigate the twins deaths and he and Orym promised to share information with each other. Now would be a great time to do that.
Man, I miss Esheross. He was such a kind, funny, reassuring presence. I wonder how different the campaign and BH themselves would be if he'd lived longer. They would've certainly had a more focused direction, not to mention a closer connection to the political forces in Jrusar if they'd been his "sponsored" team.
I came into the campaign late, long after Dorian left, so I probably miss him less than some fans. But I also wonder how things would have been different if he'd stayed. Another healer in the party means maybe Laudna doesn't die? He would be another support for Orym and Fearne, someone who would've insisted Orym in particular shares his thoughts and feelings, refusing to let him isolate himself as he sometimes does. He and Chetney were just beginning to create a fragile friendship. Where could that have gone given Chet's repeated attacks on the group? Ashton and Dorian had a interesting vibe as well and I wonder what he would've made of both Ashton's character arc and what we've recently learned of their past. It depends on what the Crown Keepers have been up to before and during the solstice, but I can imagine a Dorian and BH reunion being much like the meeting of Team Issylra and Team Wildemount a few episodes back - a mix of joy and anger. The team has changed so much since he's been gone and he probably has as well. Fitting into the group now that they've all created different and tight relationships with each other in his absence would be awkward at the very least.
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dreanner95 · 2 years
I see people using Molly’s death and how it was talked about by the cast as justyfication to why it is very likely why Laudna could stay dead too. I think this reasoning ignores a lot of important context.
1. The Mighty Nein didn’t have their healer to save Molly immediatly AND they didn’t have any contacts who could help them resurrecting him after. The end of C2 showed them trying the resurrection now that they were able to do it.
2. The way Molly came back (or did not came back) was completly up to Taliesin and had little to nothing to do with how he viewed death in DnD or in stories. It was all part of the concept of this character specifically. 
3. All the extra rules make a resurrection harder but not impossible. Until C3 there wasn’t actually any ritual that failed. And there isn’t really any perma death for player characters. There are special cases that I personally would not say are that easy to classify. Bertrand was more of a Player-controlled NPC and Tiberius was a NPC at the point where he died. Even Vax still exists somewhere and his end was more the end of his arc and not a random death that happened during battle. And Molly could have easily returned if Taliesin didn’t already have something specific in mind.
This current situation feels a lot like C1 after a Player character died. The other party members immediatly bring their fallen friend to a cleric and they managed to save them. Of course we don’t know for sure what Laudna’s fate is but right now it is not any less likely then Percy, who had Orthax blocking the ritual but still was able to be brought back.
If Marisha had told Matt that she wants to play a new character, he wouldn’t have them travel to Whitestone right now. He had all the chance to make it permanent.
Again, yes. There is still a chance for the ritual to fail but that will be something that is played out in game. The cast likes the threat of death in their game but that doesn’t mean they don’t want that over having their characters do what they would do. During Molly’s death, M9 didn’t have any of the resources to try anything. BH has a real chance.
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absynthe--minded · 4 years
How differently do you see elves and humans in eqrly tolkien handling trauma and neurodivergent situations that in the third age when the two races have more time to compare like healer notes and stuff?
oh! oh I like this question.
(disclaimer: everything here is based on my own headcanons. Tolkien clearly depicted mental illness in his works, though it’s more present in LotR than in the Silm, but he didn’t ever diagnose his characters and didn’t go into detail examining their mental states from an academic or analytical perspective except to defend Frodo for breaking under Sauron’s influence)
the first thing I want to say is that I pretty strongly headcanon all of the eldar regardless of ethnic group (and all dwarves, and all hobbits, but they’re not really the focus of this ask) as neurodivergent compared to the average human population. neurodivergence exists in humans too! there are autistic and ADHD humans because we’ve always existed in humanity. but the average human is (sadly) neurotypical, and if you use diagnostic standards meant to find out which humans are ND and turn them on elves, the answer you get is “all elves are ND”. some elves (Maitimo comes to mind in my headcanons) are ND-by-elvish-standards, and learning disabilities and cognitive disabilities also exist in elvish neurology? but there are differences in how these traits manifest.
Elves in the First Age really don’t know much about psychology but it’s not for lack of trying. Even in our world, psychology is a very new science, and a lot is being discovered about it pretty regularly that requires constant updates and development of knowledge. They see trauma as something that causes a mental wound, and that mental wound can be as impactful and lasting as a physical wound, but they’re not really sure how to address chronic illness. Míriel’s postpartum depression was the first real example of their “mental wound” model failing - she not only didn’t get better over time, she didn’t seem to want to. That being said, her death was also a catalyst for elven healers to try and learn from their society’s mistakes, and by the time of Maitimo’s recovery in Mithrim (in BH) you have Endanáro and Amdis saying that he needs to devote time and energy to healing his mind and accepting that he’s not okay. It’s well-meaning, but awkward, and very new.
Elves also struggle for the first five generations or so with the concept of emotional maturity. I’ve mentioned before that Finwë fails as a parent because he and others of his generation based childrearing on what they observed in animals, where there’s support and intimacy and duties assumed by the parent until physical maturity - he didn’t think that Fëanáro might have needed emotional support or that his responsibilities included forming a psychologically healthy space, because he was never a child, and had nothing to draw on personally, and the children who were born in Cuiviénen and on the Great Journey are very different psychologically from his son and so can’t provide much of an opinion on his parenting techniques.
Humans, on the other hand - they start in the same place, but they pick up on things a lot faster, if only because they’ve got generational turnover happening fast compared to the elves. There are a lot more children, since humans don’t have the level of control over their lives that elves do and unplanned pregnancy is a pretty normal occurrence, and they mature pretty quickly and then have kids of their own. Trial and error and passing on knowledge the same way elves do (communally, from one person to another) means it’s pretty easy to get information about basically anything once you’ve got a couple centuries under your belt as a people group.
The thing about neurodiversity is that it’s not really something that was a problem historically in the same way it’s a problem now. If you’ve got a kid who doesn’t talk much but who’s really good at making baskets and never gets tired of it, or a kid who loves to talk and tell stories but who loses track of time and can’t keep a good count on weaving, or who absorbs information about the natural world like a sponge but can’t navigate a social function to save their life? you can use that, in a society that’s not ours! you need craftspeople, and storytellers and historians, and healers and hunters - find a thing this kid can do well and thrives on, and let them loose. (Also, ND people with different circadian rhythms can keep watch more easily or keep different schedules to attend to the animals.) I actually think ND elves had a harder time than ND humans, originally, because elvish society was more formalized more quickly - it’s easier to find out you don’t fit into a box if there’s a box in the first place. (by “harder time” I mean that there was uh. one? one case? of “I’m the head of this family you will have the life I say you have you will be good at what I want you to be good at and you will not question me or defy me.” this was not the norm for elvish society but that kind of thing didn’t really have the opportunity to exist for First Age Atani.)
But time passes, the world changes, and with those changes comes shifts in... well, everything. By the Third Age, elvish healers and Mannish healers have gotten very good at figuring out trauma, though their situations have actually reversed in many ways. Elves are now more or less nonexistent as a settled-agriculture civilization, with Mirkwood and Lothlórien being the only real exceptions (and Lórien is on its way out) while Men have formal, structured, settled civilization. As a result I think you see a lot more trouble in the more formal Mannish societies with neurodivergence, but a lot less potential for trouble in elvendom.
As to notes, though - yeah, actually, I think there would be a lot of time to do comparisons! Most of that scholarship is probably in Rivendell - I think there might have been the beginnings of a psychological-study group in the Gwaith in Ost-in-Edhil, especially because of all the races working together and the chances for comparisons? And their writings probably escaped in bits and pieces, as well as some of the scholars; Elrond would have collected everything he could. Unfortunately, Sauron really killed the spirit of cooperation and interspecies friendliness that existed in Eregion, so I’m not sure how much of that would survive into the Third Age proper. Interested scholars would have to travel to Rivendell, perhaps to interview the surviving scientists, and maybe take some of their findings back to Minas Tirith or Dol Amroth or Lothlórien, perhaps with copies of some of the writing. (How seriously this scholarship is taken is a different matter)
If I were to offer a basic overview of what the average academic might find - I think an elvish scholar from the Third Age would be surprised at how much Mannish civilizations have changed, and they’d be impressed by the breadth and depth of trauma writing from places like Minas Tirith where there’s always a war on somewhere. Meanwhile mannish scholars from Arnor or Gondor would be surprised at the fact that elves write about and study trauma at all - they’d probably learn about Míriel and Fëanáro in history classes and assume that elves just don’t have trauma psychology, only to find out that several thousand years’ worth of academic study has lent a few results. I’m not sure if either side has much to offer the other except when it comes to the intersection of trauma and neurodivergence - ND humans are a lot like “normal” elves, after all, and elvish techniques for addressing and treating PTSD and other related trauma disorders might be more helpful than human techniques. But what humans have works for them, more or less? They’re a lot less rigid and structured and ableist as a society than humans in our world are, even at their most formal. (Plenty of individual humans are still super ableist or rigid or unfair! it’s just not a social norm, and it’s not an institutionalized axis of oppression.)
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So, with 7.0 coming in less than 3 weeks, I've been thinking about what additional combat styles my characters are going to have and the reasoning behind it. Idk, just thought it would be cool.
Going with each main 8 from my 3 legacies (excluding one trooper).
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Kyira (JK): main combat style - Concentration Sentinel, second - Focus Guardian. Story-wise, Kyira starts with one lightsaber (hence Guardian) and builds the second one between chapters 1 and 2 of class story.
Shailla (JC): main combat style - Serenity Shadow, second - Seer Sage. Shailla is a natural Force-healer, so it makes sense to make her a healer in game as well. However, Sage only uses one single blade lightsaber, and Shailla uses double-bladed lightsaber with relaxed blade work, so Serenity works better than other two disciplines. (there is a reason why I have two versions of her on different servers).
Raen (Smuggler): main combat style - Saboteur Gunslinger. Honestly, I don't think Raen needs a second combat style, so probably none. Or maybe Scoundrel, purely because of stealth (punching doesn't really fit her).
Alaine (Trooper): main combat style - Gunnery Commando, second - Vanguard. I'm not exactly sure on exact discipline, but I think I'll give all of my troopers second combat style (bc come on, troopers would use more than just one rifle or cannon, right?).
Iressa (SW): main combat style - Annihilation Marauder, and I don't think she needs a second combat style (the current one pretty much perfectly fits her).
Auletta (SI): main combat style - Sorcerer (Lightning or Madness, both are fitting), second is probably going to be Juggernaut (I'm still figuring out if I should choose Guardian or Juggernaut). I'm adding a second combat style to Auletta mostly because sorcerers don't use their lightsaber (aside from the basic attack), and sometimes I kind of forget that she can actually fight pretty well. Thing is, Auletta utilizes form II, so I'm not exactly sure which discipline would fit her better in terms of animations. Probably not Vengeance (too many acrobatics) and definitely not Immortal (backhand is cool, but not for her), so Rage might be the best option (just need to remember animations). Also, I don't really see Auletta using Force scream, so that's gonna throw me off, but it seems better than giving her a LS spec simply because of that (plus, juggs have Force choke!) So, most likely, second combat style is gonna be Rage Juggernaut, just less jumpy.
Jett (BH): main combat style - Mercenary (currently IO, but Arsenal is also good bc rockets), second combat style is debatable (again). It is going to be either Scrapper Scoundrel, Concealment Operative or Pyrotech. Scrapper Scoundrel mostly because this playstyle involves a lot of kicks, punches, grenades and shotgun (although I don't imagine Jett using shotgun often or at all, I just know that mandalorians do use shotguns sometimes). Concealment Operative would be good because of knives, poisons (using a poison to slow a force users reactions is also a pretty effective) and blaster rifle (you know, the one everybody wants for their BH). Pyrotech because of flamethrowers and cool animations with the jetpack. So it's still a debate because all options have something good, but I'm still not sure.
Xaele (IA): main combat style - Lethality Operative. I don't really think that she needs a second combat style, but if I had to choose one, it would have been Ruffian Scoundrel (Rep mirror).
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Airistan (JK): main combat style - Vigilance Guardian. No second style, she's good as it is.
Bal'sara (JC): main combat style - Infiltration Shadow, second - maybe Telekinetics Sage (Bal is more lightsaber focused, but having her using the Force more often is going to be nice).
Ixess (Smuggler): main combat style - Sharpshooter Gunslinger, second is either Operative or Sniper (because of her upbringing as a Chiss, she spent a lot of time in the Ascendancy, so her combat style might be close to IA).
Vestium (Trooper): main combat style - Combat Medic Commando, second - Plasmatech Vanguard.
Xaetel (SW): main combat style - Fury Marauder, no second style is needed.
Valliara (SI): main combat style - Assassin (Deception), second - Telekinetics Sage (most likely, believe it or not, but Valliara doesn't use lightning often, so Sage is more fitting).
Myk (BH): main combat style - Pyrotech, second - probably Plasmatech Vanguard (cool animations and blaster rifle).
Riwiaka (IA): main combat style - Engineering Sniper, second - maybe Scoundrel (any dps spec).
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Ollin (JK): main combat style is going to be Infiltration Shadow (she's Watchmen Sentinel now, but I want a Jedi Knight with a double bladed lightsaber, so bless you 7.0 for this particular change). No second style.
Colishan (JC): main combat style - Telekinetic Sage, second - Lightning Sorcerer. As the story goes on, he falls more into darkness, and eventually (spoilers???) going to become a Sith, even if temporarily. Point is, there will be a lot of lightning.
Werkilin (Smuggler): main combat style - Ruffian Scoundrel, haven't decided on second style (maybe none).
Vintu (SW): main combat style - Immortal Juggernaut, and my boy doesn't need a second one.
Xhireenah (SI): main combat style - Corruption Sorcerer, second is Juggernaut (just as with Auletta, bc I want them to show some dueling skills as well).
Jaria (BH): main combat style - Bodyguard Mercenary, second - Operative (most likely Lethality, bc poisons, knives, chuckles and blaster rifle).
Maureen (IA): main combat style - Marksmanship Sniper, second one is not needed (as I made my miraluka a sniper for a very serious reason™).
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blouisparadise · 6 years
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Upon request, here is a rec list of bottom Louis fics where Harry andLouis reunite after an extended period of time apart. In some of these fics, they’re in a relationship already when they reunite, but in others, they see each other for the first time in years and have not been in contact during that time apart. As always, these are listed in order from shortest to longest. Happy reading!
1) A Gentleman’s Arrangement | Explicit | 5205 words
Harry has been in the countryside, Louis has been trapped in town awaiting the London season, and three months apart is far, far too long. (Regency AU)
2) Baby Honey | Explicit | 14744 words
When the next great war strikes, all alphas have to ship out. Alex leaves a little more behind than some of the others.
3) 210 Days | Explicit | 16341 words
Harry is in the army and Louis is back in New York. Together, they get through Harry’s six month leave by sending a series of letters back and forth. They’ve done it before, and they can do it again.
4) Howls Like A Beast (You Flower, You Feast) | Explicit | 16775 words
“You don’t love me,” Louis had said, utterly blasé as he callously fractured the heart of a Harry that was just barely eighteen. “I do,” Harry had insisted pleadingly, green eyes already watering. Louis had rolled his eyes, exasperated and flippant in the way only beautiful, young boys could be when faced with the affections of a baby prince. He had run his finger down Harry’s cheek then, had forced him to look into his eyes as he delivered the final blow. “You’ll change your mind once you’ve seen more of the world,” Louis had teased, pressing a brutally delicate kiss onto Harry’s lovely, pure cheek. “Once you’ve been properly defiled.” He had whispered filthily, delighted by the gasp he heard, the frantic pink blush that had rested high on Harry’s cheeks, the power he had felt at knowing he could make the Crown Prince squirm.
5) (Quiet Like A Fight) Fingers Laced Together | Mature | 17480 words
The one where Harry is gifted a hybrid and it’s a whole new world for the both of them.
6) The Oldest Magic Word | Explicit | 18055 words
Louis gets called up to play Seeker for the English National Team and when he gets there, he finds out that Harry Styles, his old school crush, is the Team Healer.
7) Ever Fixed | Mature | 41521 words
Three years ago, Harry was happily married, successfully heading the largest technology company in the world, and raising his young daughter. After he loses nearly everything in the aftermath of his daughter’s lost battle with a rare brain tumor, it may take three strange and yet very familiar visitors – and a man from the therapy group Harry keeps refusing to go to – to get him back on track.
8) Falling Into Place | Explicit | 40754 words
Louis and Harry spend nine years apart but inevitably find their way back to each other.
9) So Much We Didn’t Say | Explicit | 52083 words
Harry’s near fatal accident exposed the cracks in his and Louis’ eleven year marriage. A serious error in judgment by Louis shattered it completely.
10) It’s A Long Way Down | Explicit | 52658 words
It’s June 2013, and the legalization of gay marriage is the most discussed political issue in the country. As a member of parliament Louis Tomlinson has decided to do everything under his power to keep marriage between a man and a woman. Little does he know, a boy with green eyes and pink lips from his past is on a mission to change his mind.
11) I Hunger For Your Beautiful Embrace | Explicit | 57276 words
Legatus Harry is governor of Capua and Dominus of his estate. He governs with a firm and harsh rule and has never been known to be soft. That is until Louis comes into his life. A beautiful slave who creeps into Harry’s house and heart. But in the times of Ancient Rome, when sex, wars, and death are the entertainment of the times, life and love are rare commodities.
12) Don’t Tell the Gods (We Left a Mess) | Explicit | 71556 words
Note: Mentions of Bottom Harry.
After a misunderstanding with Liam’s mother, Louis agrees to accompany his best friend to a family wedding and pretend to be the world’s best boyfriend. But their simple plan goes awry when he learns that Harry, ex-boyfriend/ex-love of Louis’ life, will also be in attendance. (aka: fake!boyfriends with a twist ft. bromance, romance and cake.)
13) Your Name is Tattooed on My Heart | Explicit | 86809 words
Louis is ready to find the love of his life, but first he has to stop falling for the punk rocker next door.
14) Fucking Animals | Explicit | 116686 words
Louis is the frontman of an equal rights-movement, author of a book about beta-omega marriage and the struggles of being born and boxed into a personality you don’t necessarily feel you fit. The notion that an omega must want to be with an alpha or else he or she’s just settling for less, is bullshit.
But, fucking hell.
15) You Drive Me Crazy (But It Feels Alright) | Teen & Up | 102036 words
Note: Mentions of BH.
Bridget Jones’ Diary AU.
16) All I Want | Mature | 289307 words
When Harry and Louis got together it wasn’t under the best circumstances. Louis was taken by another. But go figure that the way they ended up together is the very same way it ended. And Harry left Louis. He left him with a lot more than he thought. A story about how people’s misconceptions almost destroyed a love that went beyond measure.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and our full rec list here.
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pupcrimes · 6 years
If Mordesri Sool was an NPC
pretty much what it says on the tin. I answered some of the questions from hoiist’s ask prompt, link here. And without further ado.... 
    2. Would they be a class specific character?
  Recuitable to Imperial Agents and Bounty Hunters.
3. When would you recruit them? Vanilla story? an Expac? Post KOTET?
  Vanilla story for Imperial Agents. Rise of the Hutt Cartel for Bounty Hunters. Available to all during KOTFE.
4. Where would you recruit them from?
  IA finds Desri on Dromund Kaas, somewhere in the jungle. Bounty Hunter on Makeb station. For KOTFE, I like to think he'd be available once the base on Odessen is created.
5. What would their recruitment mission be?
  IA - He's assigned to you before you go off to take down the Eagle's terror cells.
  BH - He hires you to find his old spymaster and tags along when you've narrowed down the location. Afterward, remarks how he's missed the hunting life and asks to be part of the crew.
6. What would be their original recruitment outfit?
  IA - probably some basic Imperial uniform, all grey, very crisp. No hat bc horns, but he'd have one attached to his belt in lieu of being able to wear it.
  BH - It's been a while since vanilla story, and he has certainly come into his own. You find him in a deep blue outfit, lightly armored for some protection while keeping ease of movement in mind. Belt with a couple of pouches and pockets. And of course, black shin-high boots. P much this outfit..
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7. Would there be a character they don’t like? Would that cause you to choose sides?
  IA - Kaliyo, and maybe over minor disputes. Actually, you know what? I think, with the addition of Des into the Cipher crew, it would turn Kaliyo and him into a devil/angel on your shoulder kind of situation. So they argue, constantly, over everything.  
  BH - Skadge, because he's an absolute brute. Gault, because he's kind of shady; there would be a fair amount of arguments over cards, and a couple of times when Desri finds Gault's.. extracurricular activities deplorable.
8. Are they romancable? Why/why not?
  Only to men.
  For the IA, it would be a very slow burn, with their first kiss being after the Castellan restraints have been broken.
  He'd be faster to romance during Hutt Cartel, honestly, now that he doesn't have to worry about Imperial Intelligence.
9. What would they say if you clicked on them?
  "Not now."
  "Is this really the best time?"
  "So be it."
  "Acknowledged and understood."
  "Not so fast..."
  "I understand perfectly. Do you?"
  "This better be important."
  "Quiet. ...Do you hear that?"
  "Don't say I didn't warn you."
10. Do they know any other in game characters?
  Sanju Pyne from their training days. If using Desri on Balmorra, during cut-scenes with Sanju, there is an implication they used to have a thing.
  Knows of various military personnel, having been in the Imperial Military for a stint before Intelligence recruited him.
  Darth Marr, though in the vaguest sense. Served in the military, under the Ministry of Defense for a time. Had seen Marr in passing.
  And, of course, Keeper.
11. What weapon(s) would they have?
  A single blaster. Bunch of knives, vibro and otherwise. Stealth, grenades, smoke bombs, and a few EMP grenades as well. He's fully stocked and ready to go. Pretty much what your standard Operative has on hand.
12. Are they better as a tank, healer or DPS?
  Being very fast, DPS. He would make an okay healer. His tanking is shit.
13. What gifts do they Love? Like? What would they say when you gave them a gift?
  XXX - Cultural artifact, Military Gear, Weapons
  XX - Technology, Trophy
  X - Courting, Luxury
  "You shouldn't have."
  "I... thank you."
  "This will be most useful."
  "I'm sure I can find a use for this somewhere."
14. What would they say if you sent them away/changed them out?
  "If you're certain."
  "You know how to reach me."
  "So be it."
  "Some other time, then."
15. What do they say when they heal you? What do they say when they are attacking?
  "Not on my watch."
  "This might sting."
  "Looks better."
  "Stay still!"
  "Not broken."
  "It would hurt less if you would stop poking it."
  "How does that feel?"
  "*evil male agent laugh*"
  "They'll fall."
  "Look alive!"
  "We have the advantage."
16. What’s their idle chatter like? Do they talk a lot (when you arrive on each planet) or do they suddenly say something in some strange places?
  Likes to make observations. Probably has something to say when you first step foot on the planet, outside the spaceport.
  Walking through the jungle in Dromund Kaas - "You choose who you are here. Prey, or predator."
  Coming out of Balmorra's spaceport - "Smells like smoke.. blood. Better watch your step."
18. If they are recruitable in vanillia story, where are they during KOTFE/TET? What are/were they doing?
  You regain Mordesri as a companion when the Odessen base has been set up. He can be found outside the military hangar, holding a datapad and chatting with a Togruta. Pretty much has been working alongside Theron Shan and Lana Beniko since the Outlander disappeared.
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disownedbytiime · 3 years
Funny how certain media/shows/fandoms will make you like things you never thought you’d enjoy! Honestly I never thought I could ever read an a////bo or m///preg ever, but here I am.
Anyway I got hc about the main mx///xt couples having kids so 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’ll start this by saying that I believe that in the sv and tg worlds m///preg is possible but not in md (since it’s more realistic). And it doesn’t go here but QQ is the same.
– I don’t see Bing//qiu having kids right away. They’d want to live their honeymoon phase for a while (years), and tbh I don’t think LBH is ready to be a dad with all the daddy issues he has. Also I think he’s not yet mature enough to share his husband even with a kid of his own. At the same time, I don’t think SQQ would want to get pregnant because that’s new to him and he’s still coming to terms with the fact that it can happen. Yet, I think years in (and I mean many many years in), when they’re more sure about their relationship and more mature and understood better the world and how they fit into it, they’d agree on having a kid. I kinda see them having a daughter, only one and they’d name her either after BH’s mom or SQQ’s lil sister. I believe they’d be good parents tbh, and it’d be a surprise but I think LBH would be the better parent and oh, he would protect her so much. TLJ would love her btw! But LBH doesn’t like her spending time w him. I think SQQ would want her to cultivate in CQ mountain even tho nobody else wants bc she’s part demon, but YQY would let her. And she’d be in Bai Zhan peak, much to the horror of everybody.
– For Wang//xian, as I said I don’t think they can have kids of their own, but also I don’t see them adopting. I think it’s clear that WWX likes kids (and I’ll always love the moment where he says ‘we only need a little one’ recalling the scene w his parents and comparing it to his relationship with LWJ) but! I think they had enough and will rather now enjoy their life together on their own. Besides, they have tons of juniors that they watch over. I think they’d consider LSZ their kid, and that’s enough. They’ll see him growing up and turning into a fine man. They also watch over JL and the others, but more like in a uncles’ way. So I think they’re good. (I’m obsessed with them living their life like WWX imagined in a cottage and not at the sects)
– As for Hua//lian I do see them having kids, maybe not right away but not that many years in like with BQ. I think HC would be the one who wants them first, and once XL gets over his embarrassment about the pills that the ghosts offered, he’d accept bc he’s pretty whipped (tbh both of them are), and after the first one he’d want more. And I kinda see them having 2-3. Boy and girl (or two boys and girl) or all boys. I do, however, believe that they wouldn’t be the best parents out there. They’d try, but they have so many responsibilities that it may be difficult. Fortunately they have E//ming and Ruo///ye to babysit! And also YY and maybe BY and PS and the r//ain master?? Imagine even HX. They’d have tons of uncles (and adopted siblings) that would care for them. They’d even have cousins! (C/uocuo and G/uzi). Anyway depending on when this happens and if SQX is still alive, he’d be the cool but bad influence uncle. But other than him, most of the others are cool uncles that will watch over the kids while the parents are too infatuated with each other. And oh! When QR comes back he’d also be terrible influence on him! He’d tell him he’ll eat him and G/uzi would have to stop him, but I also headcanon that when he comes back, he’s less… gremlin and less intense. He’d still be a nuisance but somehow calmer and would rather spend his free days with his son, so I think he’d enjoy being a gremlin uncle. And it may remind him of his and XL’s infancy. HC doesn’t want him near his kids, but yk it sometimes just happens.
Now! The other canon ship and other non canon ones.
– Mo//shang would definitely have many many kids. I think it’s a common hc that they’d want kids bc of how neglected they were when they were kids. And also bc MBJ needs a heir. So they’d have many. And I think SQH would be scared at first –just like with SQQ, this didn’t exist in their world– and okay, maybe every time he’d get scared, but once he sees the kids, he’d be fine with it. Until next time. They’d have both girls and boys, but I’m not sure yet what i want the first one to be. Surprisingly they’d be the best parents from all this list. I think that LBH would see their growing family and that’s one of the things that pushes him into wanting kids btw. The half demon/half human kids would grow in both demon and human realm, but I don’t see them getting into CQ mountain as disciples. Or maaaybe one? Only one from all the bunch who’s more human-like than the others. Maybe into Qing Jing peak to annoy SQQ or in the one MQF is bc I also see them being healers. In any case, many of the kids inherited the love for bad writing from their dad, something that SQQ loathes. ((Or maybe twins get in, one is QJ and the other in that other one, but both kids pester their uncle SQQ daily with their writings!))
– Bing//jiu would definitely have many kids. Not exactly bc SJ wants, but LBH would want to have him pregnant all the time to keep him there and show everybody he’s his. SJ would say how disgusting it is, but secretly he’d love it too. He’d give LBH more kids than his other wives and he’d take pride of their kids being “superior.” Their fist kid would be a daughter (like with BQ). They’d be okayish parents, LBH would always be away ruling the world so he’s kinda absent, but he’d lavish them with gifts and nice food and other stuff. SJ would take care of them and of their education. He’d be stern but he’d also be quite spoiling –something BG doesn’t like–. We just have to keep SHL away from them btw.
– LMY/SHL (idk their ship name) wouldn’t have kids I think. I definitely don’t see SHL being a good mother at all, and honestly LMY? Keep your literature away from kids, it’s not appropriate. Buuuut maybe they (mostly SHL) end up roped into babysitting BQ’s and MS’s babies and oh she’d hate it and would ask LMY for help (maybe MS’s kids would get their love for writing from here too), and after a while, after they grow up, they may start thinking it wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Until the next mo//shang baby comes and they’re like: uhhh not again…. So yeah I think they wouldn’t.
– Quan//yin wouldn’t have them bc YY is too busy and he doesn’t want them and QYZ is basically still a kid.
– Beef//leaf…. Ah, realistically it’d be the easiest since the both of them change forms a lot, but I think they’d wait also. (They need to get over their traumas first). Since I firmly believe that SQX prefers their female form and HX their male form, SQX would carry the kid. I think they agree on having only one but they end up with twins, and that’s okay. HX would be the responsible father with SQX being more scatterbrained, yet he’d try hard. (After watching his nephews before he’d know what to do better!) (I’m ignoring canon a lot here, this is in a world where they are together and SQX is immortal again).
– Xue//Xiao and Xi//Yao are unfortunately </3 not possible anymore so I won’t say much, but if they weren’t dead Xue//Xiao wouldn’t have any bc they have A//Qing already and ngl I doubt they’d be good parents at all. Xi//Yao do deserve kids and I think they’d be nice parents, albeit too protective.
– I’m not super into this ship, but since I saw some art earlier (the first I ever see) I’ve been thinking about them. I think FX and Jian//Lan should be given a new opportunity and they should give C/uoCuo a sibling! An alive one. (If it makes sense bc the mother is a ghost herself). I think they could make it work.
And last, again it doesn’t go here but:
– Yan//Shen should not adopt more kids. They have 5 already and ngl SQ is not the best dad. He kept collecting kids and then abandoning them to save the world. Not cool. YWS seems a bit better but at the same time he left YSY when he was like 10 and then disappeared for 10 years, so yk first take care of the kids you already have and then you can think about having more.
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frauzet · 7 years
SWTOR meme 1 (past starting planet) and 1 (past Hoth), 3, 9, 10.
Thanks for asking :)
1. How many characters do you have?
*coughs*70 chars survived the last purge, where I deleted every char whose design and/or idea I didn’t like anymore and was fairly certain I’d never play them.
All but 12 of those chars made it past the starting planet. That’s 58? Why does 58 sound like much more than ‘all but 12’?
13 of those chars are more or less below lvl 50, and haven’t seen Hoth yet.
Leaves 45 who have a level higher than 50. With 30 I am sure I played the class story, although it’s been a while, most of the rest were leveled during DvL Event by doing H2 and FPs.
3. Do you prefer to tank, DPS, or heal?
I prefer to heal. You usually have to pay attention to what’s happening and have to be able to react flexibly. Yet you don’t have to know the FP or OP by heart, as is often expected of a tank. I lack the time to be a proper tank. Since our raid group has enough healers, I am playing melee DPS as main role rn. It’s a whole different experience, and I am propably the best behaved marauder in our whole guild :DYes, in order to do noteworthy damage, I have to concentrate, but mistakes are usually not as fatal as the healer botching up.
9. How about your least favorite companions?
I personally would have problems with quite a few of them. I prefer nonviolent solutions, so the obviously violent ones like Skadge, Vik, Xalek, Khem, Broonmark… wouldn’t be on board of my ship. Anyone glorifying the Empire would have a problem, too.For me it’s interesting that my chars don’t necessarily agree with me. While Ciner in headcanon doesn’t take Broonmark along, Thorns gets along with Skadge. He doesn’t like his methods, but the brute can be useful, and so far never betrayed the bounty hunter’s trust. Gault on the other hand was treading on dangerous ground when he tried to scam those poor settlers. You can’t trust Gault, law of nature! Tbh, I was more angry at BH Tatooine than Belsavis, although I like Gault as a character, the story didn’t go well with Thorns’ sense of honor.While a lot of people don’t like Tharan at all, I have more problems with Zenith. Immo he doesn’t fit a LS consular, and he can’t even blame his cultural background like Qyzen.  
10. Favorite love interest?
Mako! Give me Mako and Thorns, and I am 19 again. I don’t need to write a self insert, it’s already there. (I wasn’t as cute, and nowhere near as gifted with computers.)Elara is a close second. When I started to play Nikeo I hadn’t planned on romancing her, him being her CO and all. But them growing closer felt so natural. And I adore Elara for her spine and sticking to her principles.And then there was Andronikos. Immo the most mature relationship, without unnecessary drama, without jealousy. He won’t change for the SI and he doesn’t ask the SI to change for him. They belong together, and that’s that.
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