#and GOD I was so excited to play her qwq
illdothehotvoice · 9 months
Oh now that it's 2024 and Dark Moon HD is coming out y'all better start being nice to Dark Moon I stg I do not want to see anyone talking about it being the worst Luigi's Mansion game. In this case worst does NOT equal bad dhjgkfdh.
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savebatsfromscratch · 2 years
Her Saving Gift
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42202110
Summary: A particularly violent battle passes, and the other dexholders find Yellow unmoving on the ground.
Note: None of the actual prompt bits appealed to me, so I based my entry off of the title/theme thingy.   
Also I made up a new item and an evil team. The Creation HM allows a Pokemon to become a god.   
This had so much potential and it totally stinks sorry. qwq
Cws and Tws: Death, violence, near death experience, mind control (?)fa
Words: 1,441
Prompt: No. 6 PROOF OF LIFE | Ransom Video | “I’ve got a pulse” | Screams from Across the Hall
Chapter text (under the cut):
“BLAST BURN!” She heard Blue scream, his voice oddly shrill as chaos crashed around him. Following his command, his Charizard unleashed a rush of flames so hot that Green could feel them all the way up in her spot in the sky. She was on her Jigglypuff, chamofloshed by a smoke screen so thick that she could barely see what was happening outside of it. Still though, the brightness and warmth of the red flames flashed birghtly through the smoke as if a bomb had gone off.
She felt bad, not being able to be close to her fellow dexholders and their fight, but she knew that her job was important. For, being a master criminal, she was to steal the very thing that they had come here for. The stolen Creation HM.
Green grit her teeth and pushed Jiggly forward, feeling her Pokemon respond as the two of them drifted forward cautiously. But right when Green was about to block out the din of battle, a scream sounded horrifyingly up from below. It sounded like Yellow. That scared her. 
Green dared not look down. She was terrified by the prospect of what she might see. “Only a little more Jiggly,” she murmured, fear matting her voice to a scratch as she patted her Pokemon reassuringly on the side of the head. She kept her eyes tight on the balcony that they were aiming for. A man stood on the edge, laughing as he watched the battle below him play out. In his left hand was the HM that he somehow had, miraculously, not used yet. His other hand gripped a mess of wiring, the monster that controlled all of the Pokemon they were currently locked into battle with. (If that wasn’t enough, Green could see a familiar slippery red on the edge of his balcony. Blood.)
She grit her teeth to bite down the anger as she was forced to ignore another very audible yell from Yellow. (It sounded like she had gotten crushed by something…) She kept her eyes on the leader. He was currently using his robotically controlled team to effortlessly push back the dexholders assigned to fighting him. (And Green had to hope that the blood on the stone surface of the balcony did not belong to one of the several she had been unable to locate.)
She was so close.
She bit her lip as Jiggly drifted silently over the man, reaching downward with a gloved hand toward the HM. It was held high in the air by the murderous man, his fingers barely holding it as he messed with a few buttons in his invention. If he noticed her now, she was done for. 
But somehow, as Ruby got himself kicked in the face by the man’s Purugly (the poor thing was practically made of wires by now), and Sun got slashed across the arm by a Scyther, Green managed it. The device slipped into her hands without a single hint of its disappearance as the man whooped in the success of his attack. In his excitement, the man did not notice as Green slid the device into a protective casing. (Which she just as quickly attached to her arm.)
But it would have been stupid to assume he would unware of her theivery forever.
The man was laughing, bringing his hand (which had held the HM) down to his machinery. (Where Green could clearly see a slot where a disc was meant to go.) Green urged Jiggly back.  Sure enough, right before the man gave himself the power of a god, he noticed the lack of an HM in his hand.
For a moment there was nothing but the rush of blood in Green’s ears, all other sounds blocked out as the man froze. He turned slowly, his eyes locking onto hers like the smokescreen wasn’t even there. Green found herself unable to move, even as the man let go of his wires to jump at her. 
But the attack never came.
One moment, the man was leaping at her, staring straight through the smokescreen as he spotted his precious Creation HM, the next he was on the ground, crushed by a falling boulder. (Thrown ever so courageously from somewhere in the throng of battle.)
Green gasped and smacked her hands to her mouth. Just like that, he was gone. (And with him went his robotics, she realized. Even with blood splattered on her and Jiggly, it was oddly beautiful as the wires untangled from the Pokemon army that he had built over the past few years. Even as his arm twitched slightly from under the boulder, it was like he had never been there.)
Suddenly there really was silence, as the dexholders realized that something had happened, that somehow they had succeeded. First there was silence, and then there were the screams. 
Green jumped off Jiggly, running straight past the boulder (and getting her white boots a nice new pink hew in the process), and peering out over the battlefield. She could see Ruby standing unsteadily, gripping the side of his head (where it was clear that his scars had opened up). He was shaking violently, but Green could see Sapphire running towards him with the fire of someone who would give their life to save another.
She could also see Sun, coughing and holding his arm as Moon applied some sort of medicine to a large cut in his skin. (His blood caught the light, but Green could see that he was going to be okay.) 
Similarly, Blue was spraying a burn heel on his lower leg, where practically his entire pant leg and boot were burned off (the skin left a sickly mess under it.) It looked horribly painful, but something about his expression directed Green’s gaze somewhere else.
And then she saw her. 
The girl lay motionless in between her Golem and a slab of stone. Blood trickled out from under her, and Green screamed when she saw the red stain that polluted her beautiful blond hair. 
She jumped over the balcony, tossing a Pokeball halfway through her descent and allowing her Blastoice to catch her with a skillful burst of water. Once she hit the ground she ran, vaulting over dazed Pokemon (formerly controlled by the wires that lay shattered around them) as well as puddles of blood and mud. 
“Yellow!” She screamed, racing past Red as she pelted towards her friend, “Yellow!”
But she didn’t respond.
She only lay still.
Green skidded to a stop, inches away from the girl that she had one day hoped to call her own. She was still, and it was with horror that Green realized that she could not see the telltale breathing of someone who was just asleep. 
“Yellow,” she gasped, unable to stop the tears as she kneeled down in front of her, gingerly avoiding the blush of blood the slid down the rocks, “Please-,”
She did not respond, and Green broke down.
She sobbed, throwing her head back and letting out a scream. It was only a moment before Red got to her side, his hands shaking as he kneeled down next to her. His eyes were wide, and his breath came out scratchy as he stared at the unmoving form of his friend. ‘How?!’ Green thought, hoping to Arceus it was not true even as she failed to control her tears, ‘How could this happen?!’
Deep down though, she knew that it was only ever going to be a matter of time before someone got hurt beyond healing. 
But why did it have to be Yellow?!
Green continued to cry, even as other dexholders stumbled over, their gasps and whispers of, ‘no,’ only worsening Green’s own feelings. Yellow was too nice, too young, too perfect for something like this to happen to her.
It simply couldn’t be true.
“Red,” she whispered, her tears suddenly growing silent as she stared forward, “What do we do?”
“I-,” he had no words, “We have to- to call someone, for her Pokemon.”
Green nodded, and she found herself staring at Yellow again.
Her hand lay open, still against the cold stone as the Pokemon next to her twitched. Wait. Twitched? Green lifted her head. 
A moment ago, that Pokemon had been just as still as Yellow, but now, as it lay in close proximity to her, it was healing.
Yellow’s power.
Green dove forward, ignoring Red as he tried to pull her back, “Yellow!” She yelped, “She’s alive!” There was a murmur in the crowd as others noticed the way Golem twitched and shuddered. “She’s alive!”
And that she was. 
End of chapter note: Yeah this is a pretty cool idea if I do say so myself. XD
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tezzbot · 3 years
appledash headcanons? i need more of them in my life tbh </3 [also i love the way you draw ponies,,, they're just so,,,, shaped and cool,,,]
i have been thinking a lot about dash moving in with the apples a lot recently, like her getting accustomed to their little traditions and like trying to like find her place in the household n stuff, maybe confiding in sugarbelle since this was a process shes already been through getting used to living w the apples?
i just like to imagine little domestic scenes like at night when its dark and theyre all in like. the living room or whatever just sitting together chatting, telling stories n jokes and stuff n its all cozy and warm, maybe the couples cuddled up on the couches, granny knitting or smth in Her Chair, and in the mornings when everyones getting up its like they all have to figure out how to weave in and out of each others way cus like, adding sb and rd to the house its more crowded than its been in decades and it ends up looking like some kind of weird dance up and down the stairs on the landing and in the kitchen lol
i also like to imagine they have a little like firepit maybe a little bit in the orchard behind the house and if they sit out there long enough it starts feeling like an at home camping trip... if youve ever been sat outside though sundown around fire you know the feeling qwq.. maybe aj brings out an instrument of hers and gives little personal apple chord performances or they do a little family singsong w tunes that have been passed down through generations apple to apple or she just mindlessly like lightly plays it giving a little bit of bg music
and then eventually, after getting used to her living there, when dash has to leave for however long for wonderbolts excursions her absence is absolutely felt, maybe the house is slightly quieter without her rowdy ass hovering around jokingly whining about all the work she has to do now lmao
and oh man having rds parents over for dinner or something would be a laugh and a half for fuckin sure omg everyone just swapping stories embarassing each other like families are supposed to do
i feel like dash would be good helping bring in the harvests, i dont think shed buck i dont think pegasi are built for that lol shed probably just fly from tree to tree and just shimmy and shake the apples down, i feel like sugarbelle would like help w the finances n stuff and do little bake sales in the ponyville market from time to time or maybe the cmcs take her stuff to the schools to help w funds to keep the farm going, though i think dash's celebrity paycheck would help cover anything that keeps them out of the red :P
god can you imagine how excited dash and aj would be to hear that theyre going to be aunts to big mac and sugarbelles foal,,, i feel like theyd be like omg congrats thats so cool :)!! but like in private theyre like OH MYG OD WE ARE GOING TO BE THE BEST AUNTS EVER IN THE WORLD fghgjgkhfhfg
ANYWAY sorry this got long and was more abt the apples as a unit rather than just appledash lmao i just have a lot of feelings about domestic shit it makes me so so so soft<3<3
and thank you so much!!! i love drawing the horses :P
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
Idv survivors seacting to their DR skins
Desc; Makoto-Lucky Guy, Kyoko-Martha, Junko-Demi, Monokuma-BonBon, Chiaki-Tracy, Hajime-Norton, Nagito-Naib
Request; Can you please write how the survivors from IDV would react to their Danganronpa skins (with the skins being separate entities)?
Warnings; cussing, mentions of vomit
Note; IM SO SORRY OH MY GOD THIS WAS LOST IN THE SWAMP OF REQUESTS AND HOMEWORK AND WE JUST FORGOT ABOUT IT IM SO SORRY DJFIDBFJJEJFNFJRORKRNFJD I’m really really sorry that we almost forgot about this request ;-; this makes me scared- did we forget anyone else’s request? Please let us know! Also sorry if it seems a bit rushed or if there are some slip ups, It’s 5am rn and I was sleep deprived when I wrote this qwq
Lucky Guy/Makoto Naegi
◊ Awkward silence.
◊ They’d try to make conversation at first, but they’d both fail as they stumbled over their words.
◊ “Hey so uh, y-your jacket is nice.” Lucky Guy shifted uncomfortably, shyly gesturing to Makoto’s clothing.
◊ “T-thanks! Your glasses look nice too!” Makoto replied, awkwardly stuffing his hands in his pockets. 
◊ When Lucky Guy first heard that he would get a Danganronpa skin, he was incredibly excited(as were all the players).
◊ He’s a pretty insecure guy, he knows he’s boring.
◊ So when he found out an awesome character like Makoto would be a new skin for him, he was ecstatic.
◊ He was especially excited when he learned Makoto was the Ultimate Lucky student, glad that he had at least 1 similarity to this dude.
◊ He thought Makoto was cool and seemed pretty confident, unlike himself.
◊ ^^He was a bit confused as to why Lucky Guy was chosen for Makoto’s skin, he wasn’t anything like him? haha yeah, right
◊ He had so many things to say, but he couldn’t find the courage to, so instead, he just sat there awkwardly.
◊ Eventually, the two bonded, though mostly over the fact that Lucky Guy had a maid dress skin and they needed to talk about it despite many refusals from Lucky Guy.
◊ “Y-you have a maid dress skin?”
◊ “I guess fans enjoy how I look in it, so the company made it.”
◊ *flashbacks to Makoto in a maid dress* “.... Yeah, I feel you.”
◊ Overall, the two of them get along alright, the only problem being; They are both awkward as hell and cannot converse naturally for the life of them.
Coordinator/Kyoko Kirgiri
◊ They get along pretty well, as a result of their similar personalities.
◊ Kyoko would mostly bombard Martha with questions when she first meets her, doing detective work on her and the entire manor.
◊ “Who is the owner of this Manor?” “Uh I think-” “Occupation?” “Well, I was a c-” “Why did you take the offer the Manor gave you?” “Becau- Wait why do you know that? I didn’t eve-” “Interesting.”
◊ Martha tries make conversation with Kyoko after key word ‘tries’, but Kyoko sees no need to converse after she got all the info she needed out of her.
◊ Kyoko now knows more about the manor than Martha does lmao
◊ During matches, Martha would try and show her the basics as to help Kyoko understand the game better.
◊ But as a hunter spots them, Kyoko somehow kites them better than all the kiters in the game??
◊ Kyoko can calculate the hunter’s attack pattern by just taking one look at them, predicting their next moves.
◊ Martha would just watch with wide eyes, lowkey pissed that Kyoko–who had just started playing the game–kited waaaay better than Martha who had been playing the game for too long.
◊ If Kyoko ever told Martha to do something, she will do it.
◊ Martha has learned that you should always trust Kyoko and what she says, if you ever do otherwise, you have a higher chance of losing the match.
◊ If Kyoko says something, she said it for a reason.
◊ For example, if she said “Don’t rescue me!” It meant, don’t fucking rescue her.
◊ Even though Kyoko is a great player, she does sometimes waste time to decode by investigating the maps.
◊ She prioritizes her investigation rather than the game.
◊ This basically meant, if you were chaired and she found evidence on the floor or writings on the wall, she would ditch you for the evidence.
Barmaid/Junko Enoshima
◊ Junko: I wish to fill the world with despair!
◊ Barmaid after vomiting out the window: *belch* nice.
◊ Since Junko can’t drink alcohol, Demi makes virgins for her to drink instead.
◊ Junko would be downright chaotic during matches, she’d get the survivors to half health from literally just talking to them.
◊ Junko would be better as a hunter than a survivor.
◊ She’s the queen of terror shock.
◊ Someone would be decoding, and she would just attack them or say something that’ll get them to shit their pants.
◊ The hunters were perplexed, they hadn’t even found a survivor yet, and they’re already downed??
◊ Needless to say, hunters are terrified of Junko.
◊ Demi would just let Junko do whatever she wanted, she was too drunk to care anyway.
◊ If Junko did something chaotic, it’s most likely for Demi to be cheering her on.
◊ She doesn’t even know what Junko did, she’ll drink to it!
◊ “FUCKING DESPAIR!!” “HELL YEAH!!” *smashes bottle on the ground*
◊ Junko only kites well because she relishes the feeling of stress and despair she gets from the chase and the hits.
◊ She basically just throws matches a bunch because she enjoys the feeling of failure.
◊ Demi couldn’t care less tbh, as long as she gets her booze, you can do whatever you want.
◊ Demi would try and show Junko the ropes of the game, but unfortunately, all her tips and tricks are bull shit because she was explaining drunk.
◊ Fortunately, however, Junko wasn’t even listening in the first place so no harm done.
Mechanic/Chiaki Nanami
◊ When Chiaki first met Tracy, she obsessed over her.
◊ She knew about Idv, breaking the 4th wall here but that meant she knew it was a game.
◊ She also knew about Mechanic, a game character.
◊ Chiaki would most likely make Tracy a tad shy and uncomfortable since Chiaki would constantly poke and pry at all of Tracy’s tools.
◊ “Wait don’t-” *crash* “... Do that.” “Oh oops.”
◊ She’d be super interested in Tracy’s doll and how it worked, wanting to learn about the doll so she could do good during a match.
◊ And it makes Tracy extremely happy because no one had shown such great interest in her machines before. 
◊ Even the other decoders wouldn’t obsess over it that much.
◊ Though Tracy would have to keep an eye on her whilst she observed the doll, as to not accidentally break something again.
◊ Tracy sometimes finds Chiaki sleeping in random places on the match.
◊ She would find her sleeping in incredibly strategic places so that the hunter wouldn’t find her. 
◊ The hunter would come nearby her sleeping body pretty often in hopes to find her, but instead, they would just get rid of her crows.
◊ Other than the fact that she sleeps during matches, she’s actually pretty good at the game!
◊ She has played a ton of video games similar to Idv(such as Dead by Daylight etc.) so she knows the basics and more.
◊ It’s a hit or miss with her during matches.
◊ She either sleeps during the entire match, leaving a worried Tracy to find her after everyone had left.
◊ Or she carries the entire team.
◊ Chiaki and Tracy share a mutual fear for the Monomi doll.
◊ The only reason Chiaki got the accessory is that she thought it’d look cute, when really, it had the opposite effect.
◊ She hesitates to spawn her bot as to not look at that goddamn rabbit head with limbs again.
Mercenary/Nagito Komaeda
◊ Naib: *locks him in a chokehold* WHO ARE YOU AND WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?!
◊ Nagito: Woah! I’ve never been held in a chokehold before by someone so strong and *gasp* full of  h o p e.
“If only Hajime would grasp my neck like this...”
◊ Naib: 
◊ Nagito: Yes, toss me to the ground like the scum I am- OW!
◊ Naib would catch Nagito setting parts of the maps on fire too often, and he would be the one who had to put them out.
◊ He’d be kiting the hunter, and then see smoke in the distance.
◊ Then he’d just leave the hunter to put it out. (hunter: ???)
◊ Naib is responsable for anything Nagito does because it’s his skin, which basically meant he had to babysit the fucker constantly.
◊ If he heard psychotic laughing in the distance, he would just sigh and leave to go do his job.
◊ Naib would get sick of all those times Nagito got terror-shocked at the chair, so he’d have to train him himself.
◊ Though he’s a pain to train.
◊ Every time he made a mistake, he’d daze and start saying self-deprecating things, completely forgetting that he was in the middle of a match.
◊ He’d make the hunter feel guilty every time he got hit or knocked down.
◊ “Though you could kite, huh?” “Trash like me could never kite, I’m even more trash for thinking so.” “W-wait st-” “A hunter like you must feel terrible that you had to touch trash like me.”
◊ The only reason he runs from the hunter is that he doesn’t want to spoil their hands by touching a degenerate like him.
◊ So when he does get hit, he stops and apologizes for them having to touch him, leaving the hunter utterly confused.
◊ Ultimately, he sucks at rescuing and just playing the game in general.
◊ But since the hunters pity him, he’s been getting a dungeon escape streak.
◊ Naib is liVID-
◊ He has to rescue and work hard while Nagito is out here getting spun on balloons.
◊ Overall, Naib does not like the dude, thinks he’s just a nuisance.
Prospector/Hajime Hinata
◊ Norton sometimes catches Junko harassing Hajime when he’s in his Izuru form.
◊ He feels bad for the kid tbh
◊ I headcanon that out of all of them, these two would get along the most.
◊ The two are pretty chill together, they get along by talking shit about the other survivors.
◊ “That little shit Kreacher! The nerve he had to eat my goddamn donuts.” Hajime would always be there to back him up, “HE DID WHAT-”
◊ “-and the last cipher was primed, but the fucker didn’t even have borrowed time!” Norton gasped, “No. Are you serious? You know what, let’s go beat him up.” “Norton no-”
◊ The two would have some sort of secret eyebrow language they use when they want to silently judge someone but as bros.
◊ Every time someone would fuck up in front of them, they would look at each other at the same time–most likely thinking the same thing–and move their eyebrows weirdly.
◊ They both sigh a lot as a result of the constant disappointment they feel from the stupidity of the other teammates.
◊ Someone rescued when hunter had detention? *sigh*
◊ Nagito lit the church on fire again? *sigh*
◊ They swear they can hear each other sigh from the other side of the map.
◊ If you ever did wrong by them, they will both take revenge in the worst ways.
◊ They will mean-girl-style bully you.
◊ They will fucking cat-walk up to you, and insult all your insecurities, then sashay away.
◊ The two are mostly polite and ‘professional’ around ether survivors, but when they’re alone or at the exit gate, it’s like they become different people.
◊ They both do that weird dance emote that makes them look like they’re possessed when they arrive at the gate and start screaming to attract the hunter.
Doctor/Mikan Tsumiki
◊ Mikan would probably take account of the fact that Emily was a doctor, pestering about what her favourite bandages and needles to use.
◊ Emily wouldn’t have a specific answer, just whatever was available at her clinic.
◊ Mikan would probably assume Emily’s blank answer was because she didn’t want to talk to Mikan, therefore apologizing profusely.
◊ “I-I’m sorry! I should’ve asked you if I could talk! I’m sorry, I’ll t-take off my clothes-” “NO, I mean- No, you don’t have to do that(please don’t do that).”
◊ Mikan is pretty shaky during matches, so Emily is there to help calm her down a bit.
◊ Once Mikan notices that Emily acts nicer to Mikan, she’ll start to cling to her.
◊ During matches, Mikan would follow Emily everywhere, kind of like a lost puppy.
◊ Emily would be reminded of when she used to be passionate about her job too before everything had happened.
◊ I think that Emily would try to hang out with Mikan more, hoping to get influenced by her and to be passionate about her job again.
◊ Though she isn’t very passionate about her job, she does enjoy helping the other survivors heal.
◊ And Mikan does too! If they were ever in a team together, it’d be great.
◊ Healing speed? Incredibly fast!
◊ Emily would protect Mikan from the other survivors and hunters, always shielding her from either their hits or their comments.
◊ She takes unnecessary hits for Mikan, and Mikan always tells her to s t o p
◊ But she doesn’t lmfao
Bonus headcanon because I didn’t read the request properly :D 
Guard 26/Monokuma
◊ I headcanon that they fucking despise each other.
◊ like, they just hate each other for no reason.
◊ Even though they can relate to each other on many many levels(1 of them being, they both enjoy terrorizing survivors), they still hate each other the most.
◊ This is how they first met:
◊ BonBon: *friendly robot noises*
◊ Monokuma: Die.
◊ BonBon: *angry robot noises*
◊ Monokuma doesn’t know much about how to play, he just wACKS whoever he sees.
◊ And BonBon isn’t even going to try teaching the fucker.
◊ Monokuma just blindly attacks any survivor at all, letting himself get kited terribly, he doesn’t give 2 shits, he just wants to BONK
◊ Something amusing to watch would be them attacking each other with their robot weapons.
◊ BonBon would leave bombs everywhere Monokuma went, activating them when he was close in range.
◊ Monokuma has no power in the manor. He doesn’t have any secret ginormous guns hiding in the manor, so he can’t do much.
◊ He definitely threatens BonBon a lot though, holding deathly promises he obviously can’t keep.
◊ BonBon is lowkey offended that he had to get Monokuma as his skin, a murderous robot.
◊ Yes, BonBon was a murderous robot too, but you don’t see them smacking the shit out of a fish!
◊ Monokuma: Don’t you just love that moment of despair on their faces when they realize they have no chance of escaping and the only way to freedom is to die?
◊ BonBon: ….*concerned beep boop*
◊ Monokuma: Fuck you.
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ellitx · 3 years
You think Venti is the type to tease his sweetheart? Like, does he have horn knee sense?🤣🤣 his muse is trying to hide her need for him, but he just fucking knows! He kisses her neck slowly. While his fingers dance lightly on her collar bone. He backs away and smiles innocently while y/n is dying inside. Can you imagine him playing this game for hours? Just teasing her through out the day until she finally tells Venti that she needs him and can't wait anymore. QwQ He gets fucking smug hearing her beg for him. I would LITERALLY DIE! I wouldn't mind begging for him if that's what Venti wants. Seeing a playful but crude side to Venti make me melt!
Hhhh venti will definitely tease her! But he’ll stop once he sees you’re really desperate and starts to indulge you with his kisses and touches.
He just really likes seeing you so red and blushy around him. really makes him excited and wants to ruin you so badly underneath him. He’ll start whispering to your ears if you want him. He’ll have you sit on his leg and help you grind yourself on his thighs. He wants to hear you beg for him, for his cock, fingers, and tongue to enter your pussy.
And if you turn around and give him that teary red face with your brows knitted together and pressing your lips to a thin line, he’ll immediately push you down on the bed or on the wall and start humping on you.
God, he loves you to see you like this, so vulnerable, so small, and so innocent but no worries. He’s gonna please his princess as much as you want. Just beg for it and he’ll give it to you :>
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katpapple · 3 years
A Test of Courage
A Test of Courage
A Banri x Kat fanfic
This is a self ship fic, uwa. Hope you like it! qwq
Focus was drawn to the tv screen as the competition occupies his attention. Well, most of it anyway. Banri’s brow furrowed, his eyes narrowing with a frustrated growl. Itaru on the other hand had a completely stone faced expression, magenta irises honed in on the fight as he won the match once again. The younger man let out a sigh of defeat, rubbing his temples in small circles.
“Dammit…” He muttered. Banri’s skills were rusted. Though they shouldn’t have been; he practiced fighting the character Itaru was good at with her, after all. What was causing him to feel so distracted? His mind was drifting all over the place to so many different thoughts, but it always went back to those smoky blue eyes - that rosy cheeked smile - and those wavy blond locks. The image left a lasting imprint, one that was shaking him to the core. 
“Wow, your game was off today,” Of course Itaru noticed. “Alright, spill it. What’s going on?” And go figure he would want to know what’s on Banri's mind. This made the Autumn Troupe leader groan as he was trying to find good wording.
“It’s nothin’. Must be an off day for me.” Yeah, no kidding. He was just reiterating Itaru’s point. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk, it’s just that the words were escaping him. He didn’t wanna sound like a fool that wasn’t making any sense. Though right now, it felt like nothing was making sense to him. Why did he feel this way again?
“You like Kat a lot, don’t you?”
“Huh?” The brunette took a glance at the man sitting next to him.
“I think it’s pretty obvious at this point that you like her in a romantic sense. Your expressions seem so much more soft and doting around her. Plus, Kazunari said you two eat lunch together more often at class now.”
Shit. Banri’s cover was blown. Light brown strands were slicked back through his fingers as he tried not to keel over from the blatantly humiliating callout from Itaru. Now he remembered why he was so off today. It was Kat; She was all Banri could think about right now. He thought about playing it cool, feigning ignorance, but that wouldn't work. Not when Itaru knew him well enough to pick up on his mood just from his performance when gaming. A disgruntled sigh left slightly chapped lips, and Banri rested his chin in the palm of his hand.
"I don't know what it is about her, but-" He paused. "Whenever I'm near her lately, I kinda freeze up and I can feel my face getting warmer." Honestly, it pissed him off a little. He thought he sounded so stupid; getting this flustered around a girl he'd known for about a year now made him feel like some sort of protagonist from a romance anime. Even now, he felt his face rise in temperature, and he could deduce that his cheeks were definitely flushed. God, he felt so hopeless.
"Wow." A reaction that caught the young man off guard.
"The hell do you mean by that?" The question caused Itaru to chuckle, a smile decorating his face with mischief.
"Sounds to me like your life's not in super ultra easy mode anymore, am I right?"
The worst part was that Banri couldn't disagree.
"Ha ha, very funny Itaru," He replied in a mocking tone. "Though, I ain't gonna say that you're wrong. Cuz you're not."
"Well, if I'm not wrong, what's stopping you? Are you scared of rejection?"
"Ha! Scared of rejection? I'm Banri goddamn Settsu," He said that with a smile that so painfully indicated he was scared. "I can bet if I confessed to her right now, she'd be-"
"Banri, I know you're lying." That sentence… Why did it cut so deep? It shouldn't. It was true, of course, but the fact he wasn't able to get away with it made him feel like a deer in the headlights. An anxious pang in his chest only grew as Itaru continued.
"Just like always, you're afraid of losing. Typical Banri mannerisms for you, I guess." 
"A'ight, ya don't have to rub it in, bastard…" Both men let out soft laughter. Though Banri's was born out of fear. It pulsed in his heart, every scenario in his head playing out with the worst possible outcome. These feelings of longing- of teenage anxiety- of a racing heartbeat and lovesick laughter- all of it was so foreign. So exciting. Yet all the same, incredibly terrifying.
"It's just… she's such a cool person, y'feel me?" Banri started. "I mean, she's smart, she's kind, and so freaking talented on stage. And whenever I see her smile and gush over something she loves, her face lights up and it's just so fuckin' cute." At that moment, he snickered, looking at Itaru eye to eye for the first time in that conversation. "And, shit, don't get me started on how her occasional moments where she gets a bit flighty and airheaded make me so damn happy. Like, she can be so mature and caring, but also a bit of a klutz who doesn't always think things through, but also super passionate and energetic, just-"
"Your perfect girl, right?" Banri nodded in agreement with Itaru's statement. In all senses, to Banri, Kat was perfect. Even with all the little flaws and quirks, like her occasional bursts of temper, the way her face flushed tomato red when embarrassed, it was all lovely to him. The two of them got along so well, but he remembered that it’d be likely she’d just like to be friends. 
“I wanna tell her. I want her to know how much she makes me smile, man. I want her to know how god damn beautiful she is. But I don’t wanna make things awkward between us either, y’know?” This elicited a tired look from Itaru.
“Dude, it’s gonna be awkward within the first stages of dating anyhow. Better to tell her and at least get your feelings out and face rejection rather than keep going down this back and forth with yourself.”
“Well how the hell am I supposed to do that?!” The blonde shrugged.
“Meh, I dunno. Never dated anyone so I’m useless in that department.” That just turned Banri’s frustration into desperation.
“At least give me something, dude!” An eye roll from Itaru.
“Look, the best advice I can give is ask to talk to her and see where things go from there. Tell her how you feel about her. Y’know, regular confession stuff.”
“Guess that’s a start…” That unfortunately didn’t do much to settle the nerves from the realization that- oh no- he had to confess to the woman he’s slowly grown to pine for this past year and a half. This wasn’t going to be easy, he knew that for sure.
The next morning makes itself known to Banri from the sun’s rays tickling his face, and the absence of Juza’s snoring. It was the weekend, so he didn’t really have anything to do. Accept… he DID have something to do. Something he desperately didn’t want to do, but wanted to do at the exact same time. He could smell breakfast from his room. Pancakes and bacon. It distracted him from the nervous sensation in his stomach.
After a quick shower, he walks down the stairs, sleep still leaving him in a daze as he reaches the dining room. Pretty much everyone was here, save for Itaru and Masumi who were sleeping in. Kat was on the couch, sketchbook in her hands as she waited for Omi to finish breakfast. She looked up from the paper in Banri’s direction, and gave him a soft smile that melts him into a puddle of happiness.
“Morning, BanBan.” BanBan. A nickname she gave him that she used for some lighthearted fun. It caught him off guard, and he thought it was silly, but after a while, he really grew to love it. It was a nice little term of endearment to the both of them. Though mainly, she was too cute to say no to. Her laughter whenever she used it was enough to get him to laugh along from how infectious it was. Banri sat next to his fellow classmate, and gave a half smile in return.
“Mornin’ Kat. Good to see your face. Always brightens my mood.” A light giggle and a faint hint of blush on those already rosy red cheeks caught Banri’s attention. 
“Aww, look at you being all sweet and charming today. Who are you, and what have you done with Banri?”
“Pfft, wow, rude.” The two of them laughed quietly so as to not disturb everyone else. Lord knows Sakyo would be up their asses for it later if they were too loud. “For the record, I’m nice and charming all the time. I’m Banri Settsu after all.” That got Kat to snort.
“Oh my god, that’s so corny, I love it.” Banri chuckled at that. 
“Yeah, it was, my bad.” Then the fear returned. He could hear his heart beating like a hammer, and his hands quivered ever so slightly. “Hey uh… after breakfast, could I tell you somethin’ at the park?” Kat raised her brows inquisitively.
“Huh? Oh, sure!” On cue, Omi called everyone to the dining room. Breakfast was ready. Kat set down her drawing supplies, and made her way to the table, Banri following suit behind her. Today’s breakfast was simple, pancakes, bacon and hard boiled eggs. Kat smiled happily; they were some of her favorite things to eat for breakfast.  Banri sat across from her, the both of them eating in silence aside from occasionally joining in for small talk with others at the table. Though Banri had a hard time eating at all. The anxiety from what he would have to do later made his appetite seem smaller today. He excused himself after only finishing about half his plate, which surprised everyone at the table. He gave a quick tap to the young woman’s shoulder. 
“Just meet me there, ok?” A nod accompanied by a hum of confirmation from Kat was Banri’s cue to leave. His shoulders tensed up as he left, putting on his shoes before starting a jog to the park. The whole time he ran, he could feel his resolve waver more than it already was. ‘What if it isn’t worth it? What if she’ll feel uncomfortable?’
‘What if we’ll never be the same after this?’
It scared him so bad. And it manifested into tears threatening to spill and pour down his cheeks. His mouth felt dry, his breath laboured as he sprinted frantically to the park, stopping in his tracks at the park’s fountain before it all broke loose. Choked sobs left him as he tried to catch his breath. His lip quivered as tears rolled down his cheeks. Banri tried to collect himself, wiping his eyes and nose, and steadying his shaky breath. This break in confidence made him feel so stupid. He felt ashamed for being so afraid. He felt even more stupid because he knew Kat would ask what’s wrong. He didn’t want her to worry. He wasn’t used to it. His parents never paid much attention; he was perfect at everything. Right now though, he was far from that supposed perfect man he was. He was vulnerable; he was second guessing himself. If Kat saw him like this - all clumsy and anxious over a confession - what would she think of him? 
“Banri?” That voice made his heart sink. He felt like he was in such deep shit right now. His blood ran cold, but his face was red from crying.
“Banri, are okay? Oh god, were you crying?” Her worried tone made Banri feel so secure, but it was so odd to him. The young man wanted to brush it off, say it was nothing, but that was a lie he knew she’d see through. ‘Fuck it,’ He thought. ‘Might as well follow through on what you told yourself you were gonna do Banri.’
“Yeah, uh… I was.”
“What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
“Nah, nah. Well, I mean- I guess? I just- I dunno, I kinda got something on my mind and it’s really stressin’ me out.” A hand came to Banri’s back; a reassuring touch to let him know he was ok. 
“Do you wanna talk about it? I’m always here for you, BanBan.” That smile that followed her words felt so warm and welcoming. And the way she said ‘BanBan’ was so different from any other time she said it. In most instances, it was used to joke around with him when they were messing around being idiots together. Here, it was affectionate, and born of concern for her friend’s well being. Somewhere in his heart, Banri felt it wasn’t ok to be open with her despite her reassuring he could tell her. But right now, he didn’t care about his worries. His brain was silently screaming at him right now to get it out, to just go for it even if you two just stay friends. That was ok with him. It may be a bit awkward for a while if she doesn’t reciprocate, but that wouldn’t change how much he liked spending time with her as a friend to begin with. Worries be damned, he supposed it was at least worth a shot.
“Yeah, thanks.” Deep breaths. In and out. “So, I’ve kinda debated back and forth since the last week or so whether or not I should tell you this, cuz I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. But I wanted to tell you how I feel about you, cuz I have a lot on my mind about a lot of stuff. Ever since we started hanging out over the past year, I’ve kinda started to feel really anxious around you. My heart races, my face gets all red and shit, and I start losing my words.  I really don’t wanna beat around the bush with this but I- I really like you. Like, romantically.”
Silence. It hung over for about a couple seconds, but to Banri it felt like a fucking eternity. At this point one could drop a pin and it would be heard that was how silent it was at that moment. But shock filled the young man’s sapphire eyes when Kat took his hand and held it. She cast a little glance, before looking away with a timid smile. She looked like a blushing bride. Banri didn’t know what to do he was so nauseous from the anxiety, but somehow, gently reciprocating the touch felt so natural and normal. Their eyes finally met, and Kat had a really goofy smile. It was lopsided, and one could tell she was happy but also really nervous. Her face was red, which was unsurprising given she’d get like that when she’d be caught singing by the other company members.
“Y’know, I uh… I’ve kinda wanted to tell you the exact same thing so I’m like, really happy right now.”
“Wait, really?” Kat nodded fervently.
“Yes! Y-Yes I- God, I’ve felt so scared too cuz I really didn’t wanna make things awkward between us if you didn’t feel the same way, But you’re just really fun to be around, you’re really handsome, and I love watching you act cuz you try super hard, and it makes me wanna try just as hard too! A-And I really wanna make you as happy as you make me, so… um…! Yeah, I-I really like you, like, a whole lot!”
Banri’s eyes widened in awe. Was this real? Was this a dream? He wasn’t sure, but a big smile spread across his face, and he started to laugh in relief.
“Holy shit, can I hug you please?” She nodded, and Banri hugged her so tight. He felt so happy. It may have been silly of him to cry tears of joy, but nonetheless he did. Just when he thought the tears had dried up, the euphoria made all the emotions rise up to the surface again. He pulled back to look at Kat, and she was crying too. Looks like she was just as scared as well. It made him feel a little better about everything. Banri tenderly brushed his thumb across her cheek, wiping away her tears.
“God, I knew you were adorable, but do you have to have such a cute smile?”
“What can I say? I guess I’m like your little ball of sunshine.”
“You’re damn right about that,” Banri placed a featherlight peck on the cheek. “I love you so much, Kat.”
“Love you too, Banri.”
Those words made him happy. So, so happy. Right now, time stood still. He wanted to stay like this. To stay close, in a warm embrace, pressing gentle, nervous kisses to each other’s lips. And right now, in this little moment, they would stay like this for at least half an hour. Banri vowed to himself, as they both stayed comfortable in that blanket of love, that he would make her so damn happy. Lucky for him, he was already well on his way.
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milasartblog · 4 years
Together at last
After couple of days of preparations, it has finally come: the day of performance. The audience was waiting patiently, and yet with excitement. Actors were on nerv, dancers tried not to panic, repeating their movements. Only one dancer didn't join the last training, the leading dancer and a character of the performance: Cereza. She was in a dressing room, sitting alone, looking at herself in the mirror with upset look, thinking to herself.
Cereza: Okay, Cereza, this is it, the moment you've been waiting for. Your first performance on a big stage, your dream is coming true. Sure, you have the most responsible and important role, but you have practiced a lot. You can do it.
She tried to lift her spirit, but no matter how much she cheered herself up, something was still worrying her soul. She sighed deeply and heavily.
Cereza: Why can't i enjoy it just like any human?....Even with demon powers, i feel like an useless person. Sure, i'm stronger, but still so weak.....My past doesn't make things easier either....Tom....
She clenched her fist as looked down. Then she relaxed her hand.
Cereza: No news were heard from Lucifer and Michael since the last time at the underground parking. Well, I can understand them, too many things to do in Heaven and Hell. Hope Algaron got what he deserved. And my brother....*sighs* I wish i could see him more often. I know i did a lot of bad things in the past, as a mafia member, there is no forgiveness to my actions. And yet, i wish God could see my reason behind them. But what done is done, i can't fix it.....even tho i wish i could.....Who am i kidding? I just want to be with my brother....to see him.
Her emotions scratched her soul, trying to get out. But if she do it, the make up will be ruined. With another sigh, she was about to get up and go, when suddenly arms surrounded her neck. Moreover, they were holding something. Cereza was about to use her powers, but one look stopped her. The look that made her stunned, a look at so familiar to her face.
Tumblr media
???: You forgot your necklace, princess Okami.
Cereza couldn't believe her eyes. She tried to convince herself that it's just a game of her mind, but emotions made her turn around and see her own brother, standing just right in front of her, not as a soul in Heaven, but as....a human.
Cereza: T-Tom?
Tom: What is with such look, sister? Of course it's me, Tom.
Cereza: But i thought that-
Tom: That i got stuck in Heaven with no permission to go to human world? Well, i couldn't help myself not to see my sister, so i came here.
Cereza: But...you didn't have to....You didn't have to risk like this. What if-
Tom: I know, sister. But when i heard from sir Michael about what happened to you....i couldn't help but blame myself, for not being able to help you. I'm so sorry, i was such bad brother for you.
Cereza: What? No, you're not bad! Your sickness didn't allow you to do anything. It's not your fault.
Tom: And still...
She looked at her brother again, from bottom to top, not believing her eyes. Cereza carefully and gently held his cheeks, being afriad to wave this dream away. Or was it a dream? The touch waved her hesitation away, feeling his cheeks on her hands. She looked into his sad eyes.
Cereza: Hey, what happened to me is in the past. The more important is that you're safe in Heaven. That's what matters.
Tom: But you-
Cereza: I'm happy when you're happy too, brother. I'm fine like this, trust me.
Tom looked at her sister with smile as put his hands on hers. Cereza smiled too.
Cereza: So it was Michael, who let you go to human world. And i guess, not for a long.
Tom: Well actually, it was-
He couldn't finish the sentence as the narrator was about to announce the beginning of the performance.
Cereza: Sorry, Tom, i have to go. We will talk later. I will come to Heaven and ask Michael about you. Love you!
Tom: But that's-
And she quickly went to the stage, getting ready to start the performance. Tom couldn't help, but smile as he went to find a sit and watch the play. As everything was ready, the play started. Cereza was doing her best with her role as Okami. It was her dream to one day play such role, moreover perform a dance. And now this dream came true, even tho she was not a human anymore. Tom was standing and watching from distance, smiling and being happy for his sister. For her surprise everything went amazing, audience enjoyed it and in the end they even stood up and clapped. After the performance, Cereza immediately went to change clothes and get outside of the theater. She chaotically looked around with hope to see her brother one more time, but sighed, not finding him.
Cereza: I guess he went back to Heaven. Well, i can't blame him, he can't stay here for long time, as-
Tom: Oh, there you are. I thought i have lost you.
Cereza jumped from surprise as turned around and noticed Tom. Being stunned and puzzled by the situation, she got closer to Tom.
Cereza: Wait, i thought that-
Tom: That i went back to Heaven?
Cereza: Yeah.
Tom: Well, I couldn't explain you things fully as you had to go. And now i can. So, about the thing with me being here, well....it wasn't sir Michael who let me go. I mean, he partialy took part in it, but it's all thanks to sir Gabriel, the one who was guarding gates.
Cereza: Yes, i remember him standing next to gates. Wait a minute, Michael partialy took part in what?
The awkward silence covered siblings as Tom rubbed his head.
Tom: You see, sister...i'm staying with you here.
She couldn't believe what she heard. Her heart beated so fast from happiness and worry at the same time.
Cereza: Wait, you....are going to be here? With me?? But....how? I thought....I thought it's impossible with angels. They're-
Tom: Always following rules? Well, i thought so too. And i honestly don't know how or why, but i think sir Gabriel heard our prays and one day when i was about to go and ask God for permission, sir Gabriel suddenly came to me, gave me a paper and told me to go to human world, find you and stay with you. Being puzzled and stunned, i asked him why he was doing it. The only answer he gave to me was to not think about it as something that all angels do, especially him, just do what he told me. I couldn't thank him at that moment, so i left as fast as i could. And so...i'm here.
Cereza: That means....
Tom: I can be like you, walk around like human while being an angel.
He smiled to her as Cereza couldn't hold her tears anymore. Tom got worried for a moment, seeing her sister like this.
Tom: C-Cereza, did i-
She hugged him so tightly, not holding back her emotions anymore. She just wanted to cry, from happiness. Tom was frozen for a moment, but also not surprised by such reaction as tears began to run from his eyes too. He hugged her back, caressing her kindly, like they did when they were alive, like brother and sister. They didn't want to let each other go, being afraid to ruin this dream, which was a reality.
Cereza: I still can't believe it, brother.
Tom: Same, sister. Same
They stopped hugging each other as they smiled.
Cereza: I couldn't even think that Gabriel is capable on such things. When i first looked at him he seemed not friendly to me.
Tom: Well, he was just doing his duty. Now, let's go back home.
Cereza: Yeah. I have so many things to tell you.
They held their hands and with happiness in their hearts they walked to Cereza's home. All the way they were talking a lot, like it was years or more since they have been together last time. While they were walking, one familiar angel watched over them, and with a deep sigh and god-will-definitely-punish-me thought he came back to his shift.
And that's another story for our universe^^ It's been long time since i payed attention to other characters like Cereza and Tom, my bad qwq Will try to pay some attention to others^^
Cereza and Tom belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
Okaria et Feria belongs to @wildstarfan and @captainthane
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squeiky · 4 years
This is kinda a rant about my day and my birthday, moms, and shit so like, ya'll be warned.
I got to hang out with my friend today :)
Its the best before birthday party ever!!
Which is funny, beacuse i usually always enjoy the day before my birthday, and not the day of my birthday xDDD
There was this huge wind that knocked out almost everything on out picnic table xD I BLAME THE PLANES!! THE GIANT METAL BIRDS IN THE SKY! ):O!
And we biked everywhere!! We where so tired xD so we sat down and talked about stuff (but i cant tell you what we said.)
It was a very fun day.
We even watched some tick tocs.
Now tomorrow.. Is my actually birthday. I am not so hyped for that.
I have had a few nice birthday days, but as far as i can remember I only had 2 soo..
I prefer my before birthday days anyways.
Im so tired from all the biking and walking and my mom brought way to much food and drinks...
Ughh and tomorrow i gotta wake up early?! Seriously??! On a birthday?!
Apparently i have to go to church, to pray to god or what not.
The thing is, im not that much of a religious kid. I don't hide it either.
And im pretty sure this is either another one of her get together with her friends or... My one friend that could come over :>
Most likely her friends, and not mine... Not that i dont mind it, but im tired, and my stamina is completely demolished.
And everytime i go to place that has alot of people, indoors, in a place i am unfamilar in..
I get a panic attack. Especially now, during the pandemic and isolation.
My mom made to go to church before, and we had to do all these things, and i dont like it, i panicked untill it was over and most people where gone...
The only thing i like about the whole thing is its lovely echo, and its music(its really a lovely composition, i admire the hard work and talent that's put into these things. A lot of stuff like this gets over looked by many. I don't care if its a gift from God, that shit is a gift and should be appreciated and not overlooked.) Other than that, i wish i just stayed home...
Like, I really don't want to do all these things.
I injured my freaking leg, and im pretty sure im slowly harming myself more and more freuently-
(I had a flipping panic when i didn't hand in a assignment in on the assigned time, despite my teacher giving a heads up that I could chill on it as long as its handed in- what makes you think i can handle 30 people, im a giant ass house of singing and preaching for a few minutez?)
Im super salty about waking up early tho qwq...
I should be happy that I had this cool birthday, but I REEALLY just want alone time.
And i know a little girl is coming tomorrow to my party, and her parents practically just hand em too me, cause im good with kids..
But like, im drained. Super drained. Im probably gonna be hella sore too.
God i hate my birthday day, so im just gonna rant/vent about it here.
I know im going to get distracted, or excited, and the adrenalin kicks in and i end up not feeling a single pain or ache in my body.
But I swear, adrenalin will not heal my mental/emotional health that is slowly depleting. And i have fun yeah, but like im growing tired in the end.
Its fun, but I don't get anything out of it.
And the more i think about it, the more i dislike a lot of things.
My mom sucks, she sucks alot.
Man, shes quite the abusive person. But you can never tell. The only way you can is by how i turned out, or what my dad would tell you. (My dad is a good man. I love my dad he is the best. Mom just uses him as a way to "send me away" when im "too much for her.")
And im always panicking when she's near the little girl, that i play with. (She wonderful, and very sweet.)
My mom has told her the terrible things she told me when i was little. The things that made me so anxious and shifty.. Depressive and well... Not in a good state of mind. (I'll just sugar coat that one.)
One of the reasons why i hate my birthdays so much.
It started getting worse the more i grew older, and the more i started to learn about her. And i really dont like her, but if she knew that, we'd argue the same way we have been doing for years of my life. And she would kick me out.
So you see why i hate my birthday days.
Every birthday i dont spend with her? Well its the best time of my life. And im not even kidding on this one.
Im still salty on that one birthday, she invited all her friends, and they ordered a cake i couldn't eat. And kept pestering me to eat it. I moved on from it, i dont bring it up anymore. But im still fucking salty.
And i probably would have ate it too. But the flavor was just..not for me. And the texture?! Come on. Im pretty sure i was just picky that day, or it was an accident but i swear-
I dont even know the diffrence between friendly "check ups" and un friendly "check ups".
Y'know, the ones where its like "aww they are sleeping how cute i love them! "
" im gonna bust this door open and slap your ass beacuse you where awake for too long."
I remeber when I was little, she pulled my hair, and fucking smashed my goddamn phone cause she was "mad at me for staying up late"
She had fucking sex in the bed RIGHT NEXT TO MINE- and then lied about it. Bro i was tramutized.
It was with the fucking landlord, where the hell was my mom's mind set when i was younger?! That dude was a total creep, and he smelled like shit! Sex is stinky and i don't like it. (I was fucking 12, what do you expect? I had pillows to block my back so i couldn't look back and see that. But i woke up to this shit, like man im still tramatized. WE ARE IN THE SAME BEDROOM MOM, WTF?! IM FUCKING 12!)
I hate the house now. I don't like walking there either. Im glad we moved. (Bad memories. Always bad memories there. I don't know what the fuck my mom was going through, but she sure as hell took it all on me, i was messed up every since then. Man, i wasn't even emo, i was just some 12 yr old kid would looks out windows dramatically crying beacuse it was my only coping mechanism, and it made me feel better watching the sunsets and looking at trees.)
Man, I hate a lot of things don't i? I have this unrelenting anger, and im so glad i dont use it as horribly as my mom does, and instead used it too better myself and use it like an extra power source beacuse anger is a fuel that is uncontrollable but under the right circumstances can be be used wisely and become very nicely controlled. And i learned to control it. :) well, as good as i can of course.
I forget that I've been arguing my whole life.. So thats why im so good at having *intellegent* arguements.
Fucking expirence.
God damit mom.
I have to show u goddamn books in order for you too understand why black lives matter, or how to not scare tiny 3 or 4 yr olds about how the man down stairs will cut their tounges or how you make deals that never benefit me and i just get manipulated over and over again untill i find a way out of the loop, or why i need privacy and space in my life-
So yeah basically, im done.
I gotta sleep or else shes gonna bust in here and do shit.
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maltedmilkchocolate · 4 years
I’m honestly so happy I gave this game a second try. It was so worth it. The story has been absolutely amazing and I want to meet the writing team for FFXIV so badly. Spoilers are all below the cut, but I FINISHED 5.3 !!!
The story. The cinematics. The characters!! AMAZING ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. The whole reveal about the Convocation of the 14, and Azem. BUT ALSO G’RAHA TIA. I was so worried about his fate for so long, and the writing team did him the most justice ever it’s beautiful. Everything I wanted to happen, happened. He gets to have his dreams realised and honestly that was such a joy and relief ; A ; I have so many things I could say but I’m just so happy he’s still with us and ready to live out his dreams WITH YOU. AT YOUR SIDE. GODS ABOVE I’M SO HAPPY. And he’s such a dork QWQ He’s suddenly so out of place no longer in a leadership role, and he openly admits it. I can’t wait to adventure with him in the next MSQ.
Absolutely nothing I say is remotely in order here. It’s just YELLS ABOUT PLOT.
That final fight against Elidibus and the surprise in the middle of it!! I just. EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING ABOUT THE HEROES GAUNTLET THROUGH TO THE FINAL FIGHT. JUST ALL OF IT WAS AMAZING.
I have so many feelings over Amaurot and the ancient ones o A o Theirs is a heart breaking story for all that they have been villains through this. They’ve also been old, forgotten friends. And honestly that’s just crushing.
Also all the farewells at the end ; A ;
Nothing hurt more than Lyna crying her heart out in private, and then gathering the Crystarium to give you a farewell speech. She made me cry twice ; A ; It hurts to know she and G’raha are now worlds apart. They’re family. But they both parted with faith in the other and I’m just going to cry more.
Nothing here is coherent but all i can say is that I AM SO HAPPY I GOT TO PLAY THIS GAME.
I’ve had so much fun. I got to join a really nice FC. I got to enjoy a really deep and involved story with amazing characters ; w ;
I’m excited for it to continue, though somewhat sad with the message that the next story arc will be the WoL’s final chapter. If that means the next story arc will be the last of the MSQ in entirety, then I’m glad I could join this game before the main bulk of it ended, and join the community whilst it’s in the height of thriving.
I’ll get to experience that with everyone else, and that’s a comforting thought. But until such time, there’s soon to be more MSQ to enjoy with the new patches, and I look forward to the emotional roller coaster to come.
Also to adventures with G’raha Tia at long last <3
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
Death City Days Chapter 79
more of the Germany arc, yay!
[[cont from part 78]]
Kunikida: "??? Why are you shivering?" atsushi: *ACHOO*... *sniff* Kunikida: "..." *hands a tissue* "Bring some." atsushi: t-thanks... Tanizaki: "Not the worst seats..." naomi: im so excited! Dazai: "...So, are there lasers?" naomi: -_-; no. it's ballet. Dazai: "Revealing outfits?" -PUNCH- Dazai: *collapsed* Kyoka: -_-; -in the changing room- girl: *humming as she's getting ready* Director: *from outside* "5 minutes." girl: <ok~> *Phone rings with a text* girl: ~?? *checks it* text: [knock 'em dead] girl: ... *smirks* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *checking his watch* "Why haven't they started?" -the show is starting now- Kunikida: *sits up* Dazai: *has opera glasses on* atsushi: .... *Light music plays...before the orchestra really makes itself heard* girl: *dancing along gracefully* Kunikida: *follows the movements." Kyoka: *shiny eyes* Dazai: OwO girl: UuU ~ Tanizaki: ._.; *whispers* "??? Um...I thought there'd be more dancers?" guy: what are you talking about? there's plenty of people up there. Kunikida: "!!!" *bolts upright* atsushi: kunikida? etta: fufufu~ come and join the fun, mr agency man~ Kunikida: "..." *puts his hands up on his head--like a ballerina* O____o Audience member: "Hey! Down in front!" -organ music is faintly heard- atsushi: ??? *runs to investigate* etta: why not come up on stage, mr agency man~? Dazai: "..." *pulls out popcorn, munches* Tanizaki: *double take* "?!!!" naomi:...something's wrong here... kunikida's acting weird. Kunikida: "I will not--!" *starts spinning on one leg down the aisle* ._____.;;;;; etta: hehe~ Kyoka: "..." *looks around* "Did they gas this building?" etta: why not come up on stage? *pulls her hand back* Kunikida: *as Etta pulls her hand back, Kunikida does a ballet leap onto the stage, landing perfectly on one foot* O-O;;; "...What the hell are you doing to me?" etta: just having some fun before eliminating you, mr agency man~<3 Kunikida: "!!!" ("And I can't reach my book...Damn it!") *gets down on one knee, hand out as if to lift her up* .___.; Dazai: =w= "This...is culture at its highest." -lift- etta: watch where you put your hands now~ Kunikida: .\\\\\\. *screaming internally as he spins before getting on one knee, holding her up in the air* Kyoka: *has a gas mask on* "I think we need to intervene now." naomi: its likely an ability. dazai! Dazai: "D'aw..." *hands the popcorn to Naomi* "Fine. I just hope someone is filming this..." *stands up, stretches* "Just point me to the stairs..." -outside- atsushi: *listening, looking around* Stein: *blows a bubble from gum* "...???" soul: yeah, bubblegum does that....huh, that nakajima kid really needs to go to the bathroom it seems... Stein: *pulls back in the gum* "Yo. Atsushi." atsushi: cant talk right now sir, business calls. *notices a door* there! *goes in* Stein: "...That was no bathroom." *starts walking back into the theater* soul: *follows* etta: hehehehe~ dance my little puppets~! Stein: "...What." Kunikida: *doing kick-steps* "Make. This. STOP!" soul: come on doc! Stein: *runs up towards the stage* soul: *scythe mode* Dazai: TwT "Not what I had in mind..." *tries to reach for Etta* "Just touch her..." -YOINK- *Dazai is still stuck dancing even as he reaches for her* etta: oh my, how rude and lewd of you! Dazai: QwQ "If I touch you, I can stop this sugar plum nightmare!!!" etta: awww, but we're having so much fuuuun~<3 *wink* Dazai: TwT "My legs are going to kill me in the morning..." *light bulb* "THEN I MUST KEEP DANCING!" Kunikida: "NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR YOUR FANTASIES!!!" *leaps* etta: hehehe, AHAHAHAHAHA!! <3 -SLASH- etta: !!!! soul: yo, whats up? Dazai: *catches Kunikida* owo etta: HOW DARE YOU! D8< Kunikida: -_-; "Hello. Could you please turn off her ability?" Stein: "We'll do so, once we identify how..." atsushi: .... *on the balcony, waving for tanizaki to follow him* Tanizaki: *running* naomi:... -n-; -upstairs- Tanizaki: *gets up the stairs* atsushi: *listening....its not too far now* Tanizaki: ("What even is that music...") atsushi: *kicks down the door* -there is a man there playing....the same man who gave tanizaki the tickets- Tanizaki: *pants, doubled over...looks up* "?! You!" man: hmm? oh, a pleasure to see you again, monsieur. Tanizaki: "You're that creepy French guy who was kissing a body pillow-thing!" man: FIEND! HOW DARE YOU! *pats the dolls face* shhh, <its alright my love, he did not mean it.> *smooch* atsushi: .____.; Tanizaki: "I meant every last word of it, you liar! This was obviously a trap--and you will release Kunikida now! ...And Dazai." man: well now lad, now you have invoked my ire. *pulls out a rapier* have at you! Tanizaki: D: "H-Hey! I don't have a weapon!" atsushi: look for one then! D8> Tanizaki: *looks around--picks up...a broom* Q_Q;;; leroux: *attacking* Tanizaki: *just a bit closer and--* *smirks* leroux: en guarde! *Something shimmers* leroux: oh? *The illusion of Tanizaki fades--as a tiger appears in front of Leroux* leroux: !!! Atsushi: *swings a claw at Leroux's head* leroux: *dodge* at least wait until the 1st act is over! we do have a full house tonight! Atsushi: *leaps in tiger form, reverting to human form with one tiger fist* "Then intermission comes early!" leroux: !!!! *STAB IN THE ARM* Atsushi: *growls...showing fangs* leroux: owo; Atsushi: *opens his mouth wide--and bites off the doll's head* leroux: D8> *SCREEEEEEAMS* *CLICK behind Leroux* leroux: !!!! *turns back* *Tanizaki appears out of the background, a gun pointed at Leroux's forehead* Tanizaki: "Oh, gee--I _did_ have a weapon." leroux: *shaking* SPIT HER HEAD OUT AT ONCE! Atsushi: *does so--right into Leroux's head* leroux: *cradling the head* its ok, christine, i'll fix you right up. Atsushi: *wipes his tongue* Q~Q "It tasted like hairballs and perfume..." Tanizaki: *sympathetic pat* leroux: you agency bastards are merciless. but you wont kill us. we wont allow it! Tanizaki: "Not the intention. We're just minding our business..." leroux: the first act is just about finished... etta: HEHEHEHEHE~ Atsushi: "!!! Oh no..." *looks out the window* Kyoka: "Maybe this..." *tugs on a rope* naomi: *takes a knife from one of her garters and starts cutting it* Kunikida and Dazai: *arms locked, doing the can can kick* Kunikida: "CEASE THIS INSANITY!" Dazai: QwQ etta: but this is fun, right? *dodging soul and stein's attacks* Stein: *swings again, just slicing at the floor* "Nimble, isn't she?" soul: no kidding. etta: why thank you, years of practice~ Stein: *smirks, as he swings again at her* "Makes two of us..." etta: *releasing kunikida, grabbing onto stein* Stein: "!!!" -SLAM INTO THE WALL- soul: DOC! Kunikida: *collapses* "UMPH!" Kyoka: *looks at the floor...* "!!! Naomi, aim the sandbag there..." *there are three slices on the floor around Etta's feet...* naomi: *slice* etta: .... !!!! *jumps back* Dazai: "?!!!" *The sandbag falls--and crashes into the stage, making it hard to stand upright as it caves in* etta: oof!- Dazai: *as they stumble* "Time to nullify!" *puts out his hand* -BOOOOM- -squish- etta:.... ._____. Dazai: .w.;;; -one hand fulla booby- Kyoka: "..." Kunikida: "..." naomi: ..... soul:.....oh god dammit. etta:..... *SLAP* KYA! YOU DIRTY DIRTY BOY! >3< *Kyoka, Naomi, and Kunikida proceed to kick Dazai in the face, while Soul handcuffs Etta* Dazai: "..." =w= "Could you hit me again~?" naomi: *drags him away* we apologize ma'am, you dont deserve this. Dazai: *blows a kiss* etta:... hmph! >n< Stein: *walks over* "Hmm...Can't give much of a performance without a stage..." atsushi: i think it's all good. also, dazai when we get back to the hotel, i want you to take a long cold shower and reevaluate your life. Dazai: -3- etta: uncuff me at once! im not doing anything wrong! if anything _they're_ the bad guys here! Tanizaki: *dragging Leroux downstairs* "Who are you working for?!" leroux: we have no reason to explain anything to you- Tanizaki: *grabs Leroux by the neck* leroux: grk- >-Q Tanizaki: "I could have my tiger friend be a bit more 'persuasive'..." leroux: ._.;;; Stein: "..." *looks at Etta* "You going to let your friend get sliced up, or you going to spill?" etta: YOU JERKS! LEAVE HIM ALONE WE ARENT DOING ANYTHING TO HURT ANYONE! Kunikida: "You know damn well what you did! You--" ???: "I'll handle it from here." atsushi: ??? soul: oh, its you again. girl: ....... ???: *smiles* "I suppose we need more formal introductions..." *shows his wallet* "I'm Theodore Hughes, UK ambassador to Germany." Kyoka: *studying the girl* "..." girl: ........*shuffling her feet* *small glance at kyouka* Kyoka: "..." *small wave* girl:....*small nod* Ted: "I will be taking these two into custody--" Kunikida + Stein: "Now hold on a second--" soul: now hold on- naomi: they tried to hurt my brother and our friends! Ted: *taps his wallet* "As ambassador, my associates have diplomatic immunity under my protection. And the witnesses today only saw the ultimate damage _you_ inflicted on one of Germany's shining luminaries of dance and her musical associate." leroux: but they didnt see anyth- Ted: *smiles at Leroux...with a murderous glint in his eyes* leroux: OwO;;; *holding his doll close* <please have mercy> Ted: "My dear Leroux...lower the facade. Let the audience see these interlopers attacking our dear Etta..." leroux: but, i cant disappoint the audience, they paid so much to attend tonight's performance. as a former actor of the stage myself, it would go against my code of morals to- Stein: "Enough." *waves to the others* "We'll drop this...for now..." *marches up to Hughes* Ted: *smiles sweetly* girl: ...... Stein: "..." *sneers* "I'm from Death City. I know something about immunity...and yours isn't worth the flimsy paper it's printed on. And when this is over..." *mad grin* "I look forward to cutting that smile off your face." Ted: *eyes widen slightly, even as he maintains his composure* Stein: "Soul, let's go..." soul:...*gives him the 'im watching you' look* Kyoka: *grabs Atsushi's hand, tugs* girl:.........*looks at the agency members* Ted: *his smile remains* atsushi:.... Kyoka: *nods to the girl* "Atsushi..." atsushi:....um.... hi? miss.. girl: .......*shaking, steps back* Ted: *pats her shoulder* "Come along, now. We have to find a way to cut these handcuffs off our associates..." girl:.....*shaking* one decuffing later- Ted: "So, what did you learn?" etta: *rubs her wrists* <stupid agency jerks, stupid pervy mummy> Ted: "Hmm...That's not very different from the twins' report...Consistent." leroux: *cradling his doll* <it's alright now, you're safe my darling, dont cry...> Ted: "Well, good work all around, especially you, my dear..." *pats Etta's shoulder* etta: hehehe~ well, i am one of the best~<3 *The door slams open* etta: EEEEEP!!! *Kafka stumbles in* *Walter calmly walks over him* Walter: "Yo." ^^ etta: oh, its just the geek patrol. helloooooo franzy~ Kafka: Q_Q "A-Are you okay, Et-Etta?" etta: im just fine. still annoyed by that pervy mummy bastard. Kafka: "..." *slight twitch* "Wh-Wha-What pe-perv..." *shaking--* Ted: *glares at Kafka* Kafka: ._.;;; *calms down...still shivers* etta: oh my~ are you jealous, franzy~? Kafka: "?!!!! N-Never!" *crosses his arms* "I just had planned multiple contingencies, and none of them foresaw s-such an o-outrage. That pervert likely has so-something wrong with him mentally t-to have done something so disgusting and wrong with you..." etta: hehe, you're jealooous~ *pokes his cheek* Kafka: >\\\\\> Walter: *smiles--as he shovels M&M's out of the bowl into his mouth* -elsewhere- Stein: "That was a reckless interference into official DWMA business--" Kunikida: "--you have a lot of never! Stop stepping in on our mission!" atsushi: we are so sorry sir! soul: sorry 'bout that. Stein: "Your mission? What jurisdiction do you have to--" Dazai: "Now, now~ Let's all try to keep calm--" naomi: CALM THE FUCK DOWN AND SHUT THE FUCK UP. soul: O-O;;;;; Stein + Dazai + Kunikida: ._____.;;; atsushi: O-O;;;;;;;; Kyoka: "..." *small smile* Tanizaki: *clears his throat* "Maybe...we can skip the cliche of in-fighting and jump to working together?" ^^; atsushi: seconded. soul: thirded. Stein: "..." *clears his throat* "Why are you here? And be honest this time." -atsushi explains whats going on- soul:.....holy fucking hell. Stein: "Hmmm...Why would those fools in the theater be so interested in pursuing you all..." *looks at Soul* "I think it's apparent that man you met is hiding some perverse interest in the happenings not only of Atsushi's group but also the Port Mafia." soul: possibly. and whatever those guys from the theater are in, as well. Kunikida: "We put our information out there." *looks at Soul* "What is it that you seek all the way from Death City?" soul: we're investigating a series of murders and dead bodies. Tanizaki: "...I think we can pinpoint some suspects." Kyoka: "Including those bratty bedwetting twins." atsushi: and mr doll man. Dazai: *rubs his cheek* "And the dancer." soul: and mr 'ambassador' Kunikida: *sighs* "Need more evidence before local authorities will act--" Stein: "--enough to overcome even diplomacy..." atsushi: so we got another thing on our plate, then. Dazai: "..." *stomach growls* soul: *hands them a phone number* we'll keep in touch. help each other out. atsushi: right. -elsewhere- leo: i had fun tonight. Motojiro: *nods* "A beautiful performance of dance and aural accompaniment..." *looks at her* leo: *smiles* it was wonderful. Motojiro: owo "Th-Then I'm really glad..." leo:....*leans in* Motojiro: OwO "..." =w= *leans* ???: *aHEM* leo: !!! higuchi:...............*her sleeve is ripped, there is blood on her shirt, she has her hair all messed up, and she looks mad* Motojiro: .___.;;; "...Um...What?" higuchi: oh no, dont mind me, im doing fine after you two DITCHED ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY! *grumbling* goats.....crazy people....had to beat a guy up.....hummus...*mutter mutter* Motojiro: "..." ^^;;;; "I'm sure...that blood will clean right out?" higuchi: it will.....its not mine. Motojiro: o______o;;;;; leo: ._.; im sorry we forgot about you, miss higuchi. we'll spend some time together to make up for it. *bows of apology* Motojiro: *nod nod* higuchi: and i had to carjack an asshole. Motojiro: "Oh...But weren't we supposed to be under the radar?" higuchi: *death glare* {higuchi: *thumb out to hitchhike*} {Driver: "?!!!" *drives by--and pulls over*} {higuchi: i need to get back to the city-} {Driver: <You shouldn't stand that close to the road!>} {higuchi: im trying to get back to town! i had a long day and im very tired!} {Driver: "Look, bitch--there are still rules to follow--"} {higuchi: OH I'M A BITCH, HUH? *rips off his license plate and throws it into the grass* GO FETCH!} higuchi: *grumbling* Motojiro: "...Was it a nice car?" -elsewhere- Lucy: *tossing in bed* "..." *reaches for her phone* [u okay?] atsushi: [yeah. long day *tired tiger emoticon*] Lucy: "..." [please rest tonight. okay?] atsushi: [u 2. love you <3 ] Lucy: .\\\\. [luv u 2 xoxo ] atsushi: *smiles* Kyoka: "...How is she?" atsushi: doing pretty good. and katai said he'd look up these guys. Kyoka: "...Atsushi. That girl..." atsushi: ?? Kyoka: "She looked...broken." atsushi: ..... {girl: .....} {Kyoka: *stares as she and the Agency walk off...looks back at the girl*} {Ted: "Didn't you hear me?"} {girl: s...s-sorry sir...} {Kyoka: *worried whine*} {girl:... *she looks back at kyouka, her eyes look lifeless.....like kyouka's had once been long ago...} {Kyoka: "..." *grabs Atsushi's hand*} {atsushi: ?? kyouka? what's wrong?} atsushi: kyouka? kyoukaaaa? *waves hand in her face* Kyoka: *crying* atsushi: !!!! kyouka?! kyouka what's wrong?! Kyoka: "H-He...That man...He's hurting her..." atsushi: ??? Kyoka: "The look on her face...was how I looked when the Mafia...when they..." *covers her face* atsushi:....*brotherly hug* Kyoka: *holds onto him, crying* naomi: whats all the noise-....kyouka? kyouka what's going on? -elsewhere- Yukio: *thumbing through a book* shura: so how's classes for ya? Yukio: "I am guiding the students in exorcising the mysteries..." shura: how's that been so far? Yukio: "Not too clear...The witnesses' reports don't match on one of the mysteries." shura: hmm.....on a side note, we got a call up to the vatican. and urgent meeting regarding todo. Yukio: "!!! Has he been found?" shura: doesnt sound like it. by the way, did you ever go for your check-up? Yukio: "Oh..." *smiles* "Yes. Everything is fine." shura: ... -elsewhere- Anya: "..." *pulls blanket over herself* tsugumi: hey anya? we brought cookies~ Anya: "..." *sits up* "...Which kind?" tsugumi: sugar cookies! Anya: "..." *sniff* "Th-Thanks..." *takes one* "Just...some re-charging energy." tsugumi:...*pap pap* you're gonna be ok. Anya: "..." *wipes her eyes* "It-It's not fun..." tsugumi: i know it hurts, but you'll survive. Anya: "...I just want to throw myself into anything...How could I not see that Ya-...That she was a Rat?" tsugumi: ?? Anya: "...J-Just something she had said." tsugumi: ...*hug* Anya: "..." *cries* -elsewhere- naho: ^u^ Tsubaki: "Fun, right?" Otogiri: "..." lavender: alright, so where to first? Tsubaki: "I haven't seen the latest fashions yet..." ^^ lavender: sounds good. ^^ ayami: thanks again for inviting me with you. *smiles* naho: any time, ayamin. ^^ Otogiri: "..." *nods* Tsubaki: "It'll be good to catch up. Anyone need some new clothes?" himawari: i could use some. ayami: same here. Otogiri: *points* "Let's go to that one. It looks new." *It's a shiny store with various outfits, belts, accessories...* naho: *face to the window* oooooh. Tsubaki: ^^; "Naho, please--the glass may be dirty..." naho: ^^; Otogiri: *walks inside...picks up a t-shirt* "...Mmm. Colorful." naho: ^^ EF: *looking at necklaces* Tsubaki: "Oh, Mai!" *waves* EF: ?? miss tsubaki, good to see you. naho: hey EF! ^^ Tsubaki: "Find anything good?" EF: not sure yet. i've been trying to broaden my horizons, but im not sure if i can afford it. ^^; Tsubaki: *glances at the price tag* o_o;; "...I understand..." lavender: ._.;;; ayami: .-.; Otogiri: "...Well, stealing it is out of the question...We can at least try on pricy clothes and feel glamorous." naho: sounds good. -elsewhere- Black Star: *passes out the popcorn* Sakuya: *nom* belkia: OwO;;;; higan: ... *The TV screams as someone is sliced in half* Black Star: "DUDE!" Shamrock: X~O belkia: YEEEEEK! DX higan: *small chuckle* Sakuya: *eyeroll, grabs a candy bar* "It's not that creepy--" *jump scare in the film* Sakuya: *hiding under the blanket* belkia: *SCREEEEEEAMS and jumps into higan's arms* hold me. higan: ^^; *pap pap* Black Star: "D-Did...Did he just rip out that guy's spine and beat the other guy with it?" belkia: can we just watch kung fu panda instead? Q_Q Sakuya: *raises his hand from under the blanket* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sweeping* tamaki: *in her cardboard fort, reading* Akitaru: "...Need anything?" tamaki: popcorn please. Akitaru: ^^ "You got it..." *walks to the kitchen* "How 'bout you?" shinra: sounds great! Akitaru: "I can even add some flavoring..." *opens cabinet, pulls out spices--* "Arthur, what did I say?" Arthur: *sitting in the cupboard* "Shh...I'm practicing my camouflage." -elsewhere- Lucy: "..." *hugs a pillow, looks out the window* aya: *knocks* Lucy: "???" *opens* "Oh, Aya. Hello." aya: we brought card games. kenji: *waves* Lucy: *smile* "You want to come in?" aya: *nod* Lucy: "Well, set up at the table--I'll get some drinks." aya: yay! kenji: awesome! -elsewhere- Kid: "Just another moment..." *painting on canvas* stocking: *still posed* Kid: *looks back at Stocking, then at the painting...one more stroke* "Okay..." *sets down the brush* "I have finished." *smiles* stocking: *gets up and looks* wow. it looks incredible! Kid: ^\\\^ "D'aw...I had a great model...Very patient." stocking: *kiss* hehe~ Kid: "Mmm...And a beautiful model, too." stocking: ^////^ Kid: "..." *hug* "I'm so happy..." -morning- higuchi: [hey gin, sorry im not able to b @ ur b-day party TTATT ] Gin: [it's okay. we'll make it up when u get back. ok?] higuchi: [totes ^^ love u <3 ] Gin: [love u 2. you'll owe me something special when u get home] higuchi: ^///^ Motojiro: "So, your girl is good?" higuchi: she sure is ^^ leo: *smiles* katya and pushkin called to make sure i was alright. Motojiro: "That was good of them." ^^ "We're going to keep you safe here..." leo:...*smiles, light shines off her eyes* Motojiro: owo higuchi: .....come on, we got work to do. -elsewhere- atsushi: ....... Kyoka: *pours cereal* "..." *nom* "...so that’s what German cereal is like." naomi: ok, so whats on our agenda today? Kunikida: "I will be paying a visit to a few officials. Dazai--" Dazai: *puts on glasses and a tie* Kunikida: "...You are a wanted criminal and will not be anywhere near me during these visits." atsushi: ^^; Dazai: >_> "I'm not wanted." naomi: *snickers* Tanizaki: "...Well, don't be so mean to yourself." ^^ Dazai: >3< atsushi: ^^; Kyoka: "...Can we walk around town?" atsushi: sure. i'll see if we can find anyone willing to talk about mori. Dazai: "..." *puts on a protective mask* -and so- Tanizaki: "Hmm..." *adjusts radio in his ear* "I'm not hearing anything..." naomi: *looking around* Tanizaki: "...Hey. We still have time today. Anything tourist-y you wanted to do?" *listening to a police feed, opens his German translator on his tablet* naomi: maybe check out some landmarks? Tanizaki: "They'll be populated, so good chance we find one of these suspects, or someone who knows Mori…" naomi: how about the dome? Tanizaki: "It's definitely eye-catching--so, someone might go there..." *smiles* "Okay, let's do it." naomi: ^^ Tanizaki: *points to the subway* "We'll head down..." *turns off radio* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "..." atsushi: *talking to locals* Local: *shakes their head* <Sorry. I thought the doctor had died?> atsushi: <ok, thank you for your time.> *walks to another person <excuse me, does the name 'ougai mori' sound familiar-> Local 2: *awkward cough* o_o;;; atsushi: <have you heard of him?> Local 2: <I-I-I mean, who hasn't?> ^^;;;; atsushi: (guess he has some infamy here...) <do you know where his old office is-> Local 2: <Wh-Why would you want to go to that haunted place?> atsushi: <research.> Local 2: <...I'm sure I could remember the location...> *glances at a restaurant* <For a price.> atsushi:... <what do you want?> Local 2: <I want veal shank. And raspberry rhubarb for dessert.> atsushi: <i dont have that kind of money!> D8< Local 2: "..." *smirks, glances at Kyoka* <Then I guess you and your little friend don't get to learn--> Kyoka: *grabs Local 2's wrist* Local 2: OwO;;;; atsushi: <you were saying?> Local 2: <O-Okay! Just don't let her kill me! You'll need to check under some train tracks...> atsushi: *writing this down* Local 2: <It used to be a nice neighborhood--before it became slums. Follow the RB21 until you get to Potsdam...> -elsewhere- Kunikida: *points at Dazai* "And do not move from this spot." dazai: *devilish smile* you have my word~ Kunikida: "...I could always just handcuff you to the light post..." dazai: OuO; scouts honor? Kunikida: *eyeroll, walks into the consulate* "Like you're a scout..." dazai:.....*whistling* ???: "...What the fuck?" higuchi: ... O-O;;;; Dazai: OwO "..." *waves, speaks in bad German* "Guten tag. Ich hee-bee, um, Jurgen! Jurgen! Ich hay-bee meine unter-wash ver-lake und branch deine!" Motojiro: *understanding his German* "!!! No, you may not!" *holds his pants close* [what dazai said was ‘I have lost my underwear and need to borrow yours’] higuchi: ............what the fuck, why is he here? is this hell? Dazai: *sigh* "Okay, that didn't work...Look, I'm just here on vacation to get away from the grim and dour Death City atmosphere and enjoy these happy German faces!" Bystander: *walks by--spits on Dazai's shoes--keeps walking* Dazai: OwO;;;; Motojiro: "...What do you think? Do we kidnap him?" higuchi: lets just walk away very quickly. leo dont look at him. leo: ?? Dazai: *shiny eyes--and already at Leo's feet* leo: !!! higuchi: D8< Dazai: "I--" *A lemon is shoved into Dazai's mouth* Dazai: *muffled yelling* Motojiro: >_< Dazai: *pulls the lemon out* "...How did you even get these? They confiscated _my_ banana..." Motojiro: "I had to pay a few euros to buy one here--and it was worth every last one! She's spoken for!" leo: *holds kajii’s hand and smiles* ^^; Dazai: "..." *tries to whistle through puckered lips* "When's the wedding?" Motojiro: .\\\\\. leo: o///////////////o higuchi: *COUGHS* WHY. ARE YOU HERE?! Dazai: "I said so earlier--sight-seeing! Just me all by my lonesome--" ???: "Well, no new information there--" Dazai: .w.;;; Kunikida: "..." higuchi:......*points at kunikida and screams* Kunikida: "..." *unfazed* "Well, this is surprising. What are you doing here?" higuchi: WE COULD ASK YOU THE SAME THING!! D8< Kunikida: "We are--" Dazai: "HONEYMOON!" higuchi:.......so what's going on here, kunikida? Kunikida: -_-; "We are looking into criminal activity." Dazai: D:< "Why wouldn't someone believe me?!" Motojiro: "Because your glasses friend can do way better than you?" higuchi: i know dazai's lying because A, its dazai. and B, there's no rings. dazai:… touche Kunikida: "So, I could ask why, as _we_ seek out criminals, _you_ are here." higuchi: important mafia business. Kunikida: "...I'm sure." *looks at the others, nods at Leo* leo: ...*glances away* Kunikida: "..." *looks at Higuchi* "The truce remains in effect overseas. We expect you to honor it." higuchi: noted. Kunikida: *holds his folder close to him* "Come along, Dazai." higuchi:...i have a bad feeling about this. Dazai: "We shopping for rings now~?" Kunikida: "Keep talking like that, and I'll buy you a muzzle--" Dazai: ~<3 -elsewhere- Jakob: *whimper* wilhelm: zzzzz {-the woods are cold and dark-} {Jakob: *shaking*} {wilhelm: *has fallen and injured himself, unconscious*} {Jakob: <...Brother? ...Brother!> *looking around* *struggling to get the word out--* <Help...>} {wilhelm: *he's bleeding from his forehead*} {Jakob: *moves his hand slightly--then pulls back, afraid to move him*} {???: <my my, how odd. two young kids all alone in the woods? what irresponsible parenting...>} {Jakob: <!!! H-Help...?>} {???: <hmmm, if we dont help him, he'll likely die.>} {Jakob: <P-Please...Save him...>} {???:....<tell you what, i'll save you and your brother, on one condition....>} Jakob: "..." *sleep hug* wilhelm:... *yaaawn* Jakob: *sleep talk* <St-Stop...> wilhelm: jakob? you ok? Jakob: *opens his eyes* Q~Q "N-Nightmare..." wilhelm: want me to go ask hans for a snack? Jakob: "..." *nods* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Oh, wow...New dress?" tsubaki: *she nods* it was a lot of fun yesterday. naho: i even got to see my old dorm mates again! ^^ Sakuya: "That's good..." Black Star: "Think it helped Otogiri?" naho: i hope so. lilac:...*small smile* Sakuya: "Doing alright, Lilac?" lilac: y-yeah... Sakuya: "That's good..." *sets out pizza he was baking* naho: alright pizza time! ^u^ Black Star: *grabs a slice* "Looks like your cooking's coming along. Been getting Mahiru lessons?" Sakuya: "J-Just a little bit of advice now and then..." tsubaki: *she smiles* -elsewhere- Rin: *staring up* "...Your dad is really obsessed about putting statues of himself everywhere. I think I saw one in the boys' bathroom..." stocking: .... -_-; izumo: i want to laugh at you, but at the same time i feel sorry for you. stocking: thaaaanks. Rin: "It's not even like when Kid's dad does it..." *looks at another statue--of Mephisto in a toga* "...Seriously, what the H?" stocking: LETSJUSTMOVEONVERYVERYQUICKLYOK?! *They start walking...and the statue's eyes seem to follow them* -elsewhere- Poe: *asleep on top of research books* lana: *giving him a pillow* Poe: =w= lana: *smiles* -elsewhere- Mori: *eating cereal* "...Potsdam?" fukuzawa: familiar to you at all? Mori: "Only vaguely...That's not where I remember living." fukuzawa: where do you remember living then? Mori: "The other side of town...Maybe Father kept some research in Potsdam?" fukuzawa: i'll let them know. ranpo: ...... Mori: "..." *glances at Ranpo* fukuzawa: ranpo? you've barely touched your breakfast. ranpo:....not hungry... fukuzawa:....*concerned* -elsewhere- Hibana: *humming* gabriella:.....*hug* Hibana: "Oh~?" *hug* "What's that for?" gabriella: i love you. and i forgive you, even with all you've done. Hibana: "...Oh..." gabriella: *holding onto her* Hibana: "..." *holds on* "I'm sorry..." gabriella:...*hums* Hibana: "..." *grows quiet, strokes her back* gabriella: its ok, hibana....dont blame yourself for the past. Hibana: "...Ever since that fire...for so long...I wanted to burn everything down..." gabriella: but things are different. you have the 5th brigade now, you have our daughter now, you have me. Hibana: *shakes* "...I-I'm sorry...I'm so angry..." gabriella: its ok. i promise, its ok. Hibana: "..." *holds onto Gabriella* -elsewhere- Alone: "How you holding up, Flowers?" shaula: booooored.....i wonder though, how princess is doing these days? Alone: "The rich fire lady you were crushing on?" shaula: mooore or less~<3 Alone: "Well, when you get out, maybe you can visit her? Hey, whatever happened to those beasties you made? Maybe you could bring them along..." shaula: yeah, that'll be nice. ^^ maybe our special experiment is still around~ -elsewhere- ???: *skulking in an alley...looks like a young girl*....wont......wont forgive.....wont forgive them..... -elsewhere- Gin: *with a birthday party hat put onto her* "..." naoya: ^u^ hirotsu: *blowing into a party horn* Gin: "Thank you." *looks around* "..." naoya: *pap pap* -elsewhere- Katai: "GOT IT!" keek: ?? you do? Katai: "This new information I hacked..." *holds up a print-out* "This suspect...They were the one who got the Agency's grenades!" keek: *examining* *The image shows someone with a bandanna around their face and a hoodie* Katai: "I compared--that person was _not_ in that photo earlier!" keek: darn, cant see their face well. Katai: "I tried facial recognition on the eyes--but it's not enough..." -elsewhere- atsushi: *checking map* Kyoka: "Do you think we can trust these directions?" atsushi: it's our best bet... Kyoka: "Better be ready..." *walks ahead* "That's the spot?" atsushi: i think so? Kyoka: "I see one front door and two windows. Let's check for other exits." atsushi: *examining* Kyoka: *spots a side alley* "..." *walks* atsushi: *follows* Kyoka: "..." *taps on the wall--and reaches a hollow brick* "This one." atsushi: *pulls the brick* *Inside is a very crude, very old device with a transistor...It looks like it's still operating* atsushi: a generator? Kyoka: "Wait...Those are computer circuits...Is this a really old computer?" atsushi: its huge. Kyoka: "...I don't think we can move the whole thing. And I don't even know how we could access what's inside..." atsushi:....*turns-* ACK! *falls onto his butt* Kyoka: "???" *looks* atsushi: um...hello....sir? ^^;;; we werent here to steal anything if thats what you were thinking! ???: "Hey, no worries, buddy." atsushi: ^^; so, um...w-what brings you here, mr...? o-o-or miss, or whatever. OwO;;; ???: "No labels, buddy..." *walks over...looks at the brick* "...Trippy." atsushi: so....a-any idea where exactly this is? ???: "Well, old city files listed it as a doctor's office..." atsushi: ok. *looking around* ???: "But I don't think so, myself. I mean, the dimensions aren't really conducive to medical work, not even in-patient work. Plus, you think someone would come all this way for a physical or something?" atsushi: i guess... *checking files* Kyoka: "...Why are you here?" ???: ^^ "City planning." atsushi: i...see. Kyoka: "Do you have ID?" ???: "...Huh?" atsushi: just making sure. ^^; my sister can be a bit paranoid. Kyoka: "..." *slow turn towards Atsushi* atsushi: ^^;;;;; Kyoka: *deadly serious assassin's face--but blushing and with shiny eyes* atsushi: .w.; ???: "D'aaaaaaaaaaaw--" *snaps a pic with their phone* atsushi: >-o ???: "And, hey, here's my ID..." *it's a company ID--"Walter Benjamin"...with a peace sign and rainbow stickers all over it* atsushi: ....colorful. Walter: ^^ "I wanted to add glitter, but it kept wrecking the card swipe in the office." atsushi: well, to each their own, i guess. Walter: "Yep!" *stands up on a chair, tapping the ceiling* "Hmm...Not structurally sound..." atsushi: *still examining documents* Kyoka: *looks at the bookshelf* "Hmm..." *blows the dust off--revealing a photo frame* "???..." *picks up the photo--* *CLICK* Kyoka: "!!!" atsushi: !!! *A gun pops out of the ceiling--right above Walter's head* Walter: OwO;;;; atsushi: GET DOWN! *The gun swings, ignoring Walter--and aiming at Atsushi and Kyoka* Kyoka: *ducks--* atsushi: *shielding her* *The gun's laser points at the two--a click is heard--* Walter: "Hold up." *Someone is now standing in front of Atsushi and Kyoka* atsushi: ??.... !!! *It's...Walter? But he's transparent...and Walter is still standing under the gun?* Walter: *under the gun, waves* *The laser now moves up, aims at Walter 2's head--and starts firing repeatedly* Walter 2: *stands still--the bullets passing through them* "..." *yawn* atsushi: um... thanks *sneaks away with kyouka* Walter: "No problem!" *picks up a wrench, starts smashing the gun* "Let's get you turned off now..." atsushi: thanks, sir.....hmm? kyouka? Walter: *has finished smashing the gun* "Phew!" *summons back Walter 2* <I'm going to need a nap...> Kyoka: "...I pulled this from the frame..." *holds it up, shaking...* *It's a photo* atsushi: *he examines the photo* *It's a man and a small boy...* atsushi:.....*his eyes widen* Kyoka: *shivering* "M-Mo-Mori..." atsushi: no way....so then the man must be his father.... Walter: *pops up behind them* "..." *presses the DUN DUN DUN app on his phone* atsushi: ._.; -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *looking up at the reflected glass in the dome* "Wooooooow..." naomi: pretty. Tanizaki: "It's like an entire dome of my ability!" *smiles...then glances at Naomi* naomi: *smiles* Tanizaki: "...Can I ask you something?" naomi: what is it? Tanizaki: "Sorry...I just...I know I ask all the time, but does it bother you when I talk about my ability?" naomi: not at all. its part of who you are. Tanizaki: "..." *nods, looks back at the dome* "Sorry." naomi:...*leans on his shoulder* Tanizaki: "..." *holds her hand* naomi:...u///u -elsewhere- Motojiro: "Do we report home? Get someone to surveil the Agency back in the States?" higuchi: i'll ask hirotsu later. Motojiro: *sigh* "This was unexpected...You think they're looking into Mori?" higuchi: im not sure what reason they would have into looking into mori's past. i-it has to be something to do with the murders, that's it. its coincidence! haha! ^^;;; Motojiro: *sigh* "This was unexpected...You think they're looking into Mori?" higuchi: im not sure what reason they would have into looking into mori's past. i-it has to be something to do with the murders, that's it. its coincidence! haha! ^^;;; Motojiro: *nods* "We'll hold watch?" higuchi: yeah....thanks. -elsewhere- Lucy: "Thanks--I needed the distraction." ^^ aya: no problemo. ^^ kenji: *smiles* maybe next time, i'll invite nankichi over too. Lucy: "Oh?" kenji: he's my friend from back home. he works in the city for a publishing company. Lucy: "Neat. Well, bring them next time!" kenji: *smiles* -elsewhere- Sid: *sparring* "Not bad..." izumi: thanks mr barrett! Sid: "But keep an eye on your footing--you're easy to knock over." izumi: *takes stance* Sid: "Plant your front foot a bit firmer into the mat." izumi: like this sir? Sid: "Right, like that. Now, you're going to try to kick me from the side. Ready?" izumi: *nod*.......*KICK* Sid: *catches the kick* izumi: !!! Sid: *pushes her back* izumi: oof! ow. Sid: "Now we work on speed." *offers a hand up* "I want you to practice 100 kicks on that dummy." izumi: yessir! -elsewhere- Anya: *attacking the punching bag in the gym* ao: *timing her* Anya: "Rawr! Rawr! Rawr!" *punches harder and harder* ochako: wow, anya's really going at it. shinra: no kidding. Meme: "She's...going through a bit." Anya: *one last punch--knocking the punching bag back into the wall* tamaki: O-O;;;;; Spirit: *instructing the class* "Okay, Hepburn--hit the showers." Anya: "PUT UP ANOTHER BAG!" clay: anya, take a breather. Anya: "..." *clenches her fists* "I want...another." clay: *grips her shoulders, giving her a serious yet concerned look* Anya: "!!! ..." *looks down* "...Sorry." -elsewhere- inka: *sigh* boooored. Panda: *asleep* Sancho: *on the swing* "Well, you haven't sniffed anything out--not since you wanted to check out the old subway cars." inka: i thought we could find something coo- *sniff* someone's here. ???: *shuffling* wont forgive.....wont fucking forgive them.... Panda: *yawns, opens his eyes* "...???" inka: its just some weird kid. ???: *glares at them* inka: ???!!! w-what the fuck is with her eye?? Panda: *waves* "Hello!" ^^ ???: *snarls and charges at them, with a fiery scorpion tail* Sancho: "OH SHIT!" *leaps off the swing* Panda: *follows after him* inka: woah there, kiddo, we havent done anything to you. is this about your eye? ???: its their fault.....that im like this....they made me like this... inka: oh, so you’re a third gen, but like, an artie. ???: ??? inka: 'artie?' like, arti-ficial? Panda: "Ooooooh!" *pops up out of trash can* "That'll be a good name--we can call them Ficial!" ^w^ Sancho: *crawls out from under dumpster* -_-; ???:.....i have a name. Panda: OwO ???: call me 'Sasori'. Sancho: "...What you think, Inka?" inka:...hmm, i like her. she can hang out with us so its not a total sausage party. sasori: ... -elsewhere- Alone: "??? Why you twitching?" shaula: prison sucks and im bored! Alone: "Too bad we can't get a pardon or somethin'...Want to pester the new prisoners?" shaula: sure. but not mr anemia, he creeps me the fuck out. Alone: "Oh, totally--he's going to get someone killed. Again." *points out at the prison yard* "That one looks like fun." -elsewhere- Stein: [how's the lab?] Aya drevis: tell him I said hey! valentine: [still standing.] [aya says hey] Stein: ["hi" to aya. we're still investigating here. encountering some roadblocks even with leads] valentine: [will do] -elsewhere- Chuuya: "I hope the meal will be good...I'm not used to this recipe..." ^^; sonia: *nom*... >wQ mmm... Chuuya: OwO;;; "...Not that good?" sonia: i-i can eat it! >3< Chuuya: "Y-You don't have to? I could just heat up some mashed potatoes and chicken fingers?" sonia: yes please. Chuuya: ^^;;; *head pat* "Thanks for trying..." sonia: TTuTT Chuuya: *opens up the freezer, takes out some frozen chicken fingers and leftover mashed potatoes* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Are we all here?" atsushi: here. naomi: here! Tanizaki: "Here." Kyoka: *staring down* "..." Kunikida: "..." *looks at Atsushi* "Where is he?" atsushi:...i dont know, wasnt he with you?....oh no... Kunikida: ._. "..." *facepalm* Tanizaki: "!!!" *starts searching news on his phone* "Nothing reported yet..." -elsewhere- Dazai: *looking at his map* QwQ -some locals are about doing their business- Dazai: *speaking German, poorly* <Um...Hello? I am lost in the head and have been separated from my daddy and my other daddies.> *he is getting the language wrong* local: .....................................*walking away, with a weird look on their face* Dazai: <...Shit.> =3= ???: "Late, late, late...Always running behind--THEY NEVER STOP GIVING ME MORE TO DO..." dazai: OwO~? ???: *bumps into Dazai, not looking up from his papers--which go flying everywhere* "..." *LOUD SHRIEK* dazai: *grabs one and looks* hmmmm ???: "THAT IS NOT FOR YOUR EYES, YOU DIRTY GERM-INFESTED MAGGOT!" dazai: sorry, it just, flew into my hands *makes a grabby motion* ???: "Then don't take it! I--" *alarm goes off on his phone* "..." *puts papers under his arm, removes hand sanitizer, and starts rubbing over his hands and arms* dazai: *whistles* *side glance* and i thought _kunikida_ was high strung. ???: "STOP LOOKING OFF TO THE SIDE, GRABBY MAN!" *finishes rubbing his sanitizer, snatches back the paper--but it then rips in half, with part of it in Dazai's hand* *Dramatic silence* dazai: OwO.....does this mean i get to keep this half now? ???: "..." *calm, deathly serious, muttering to himself* "No...Not here. Too many witnesses..." dazai: if you're talking about killing me, go right on ahead, buddy. ^^ ???: "...!!! S-Seriously?" dazai: ^u^ ???: "..." *smiles, shiny eyes* "THANK YOU! Thank you so much! That simplifies all of this! Usually, I have to file reports, get approval--and then I end up having to do the dirty work because my boss doesn't let me delegate despite the fact that I know exactly how this should be in proper organized fashion--" dazai:....*yaaawn*......zzzzzz *asleep standing up* ???: "???" *grabs a tissue, takes Dazai by the collar, dragging him to an alley* "I think back there will be best--no witness, easier to clean up the mess...Maybe I can do it with just draining the blood..." dazai: *asleep with a little sleep bubble from his nose* ???: *leans Dazai against the wall...* *moves a garbage can to the right of Dazai* *removes a knife* "So, just drain the blood out the neck slowly, and he'll die...I just have to--" ???: HEY! ???: >____< "I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING, AND I WANT NO INTERRUPTIONS!" *realizes he just gave away his location* *slaps a hand over his own mouth* OxO "..." *realizes his hand just touched the garbage can...and now his mouth* "..." *screaming internally* atsushi: found him! *charges at the man* dazai! dazai: hmm? oh, hey atsushi. *hugs* im sleepy. ???: "!!!" *lets go of Dazai, hugging his papers as he runs--into the wall* atsushi: ._.; is...he ok? Dazai: ^w^ "Of course. He's my new friend! His name is Murder McCrankypants." ???: *collapsed, knocked out* @~@ Dazai: "BT-dubs, how y'all find me?" Kunikida: "I had Tanizaki put a tracker on you." Dazai: "???" *pats his sides, then his bottom* "!!!" *reaches back, pulls out a small tracker* "Huh...When you put it on me?" Tanizaki: >\\\\\> atsushi: i think the less i know about that the better. odasaku: .... ._.; Dazai: *shrugs* "Probably. Anyway--" *picks up the unconscious ???* "German Kunikida was in the middle of killing me!" atsushi: wait WHAT?! Kunikida: "..." *hands his files to Atsushi* atsushi: ._. Kunikida: *walks up* "..." *looks at Dazai* "..." *looks at ???* "..." *pats a hand on Dazai's shoulder* "I am far handsomer." ???: *eyes break open* atsushi: o_o; um....hello? ???: "..." *LOUD SHRIEK* atsushi: O-O;;;;;; ???: *pushes Dazai away* "TOO MANY PEOPLE! CAN'T DO THIS NOW!" *throws up his papers--and starts clawing at the wall, as if he's trying to climb up...He gets up a bit...then keeps falling down* atsushi: sir? d-do you want us to call an uber for you? ???: "..." *turns back...seething...his eyes look possessed* atsushi: O-O;;;;;;;;; ???: "I will not have you mock me! I am Franz Kafka!" *pulls off his glasses, stands tall, pokes a thumb into his chest* "I am the smartest there is! The fastest there is! The most organized ever! And I will eliminate all of you until there is nothing left--" *CHOP* Kafka: *passed out on the floor--Kunikida's book buried in his head...held by Tanizaki, who emerges out of Light Snow* Tanizaki: ._.; Kunikida: "...Tanizaki. That was my favorite book." Tanizaki: ^^;;; atsushi: im just....gonna call the uber now. or maybe an ambulance. Dazai: Q~Q "I didn't even get what I wanted..." *grabs Kafka by the collar, shaking* "WAKE UP, MY NERDY AWKWARD SAVIOR!" *slaps Kafka back and forth, but the man stays unconscious* atsushi: dazai, think of your child. Dazai: >3< Kunikida: "I think it best to turn him into authorities..." atsushi: *checking for ID* Kafka: *muttering in his sleep* "No...Not there, Etta. We haven't even held hands...Your dirty, dirty hands..." atsushi: ..........................................................................*poker faced, screaming internally* Dazai: "...I love German Kunikida so much more than our Kunikida--" Kunikida: *doesn't move his head--just wraps his arm around Dazai's neck in a headlock* -elsewhere- etta: *sneezes* leroux: ? -elsewhere- Motojiro: "How's she holding up?" leo: she's resting. im worried for her, she might have a nervous breakdown... Motojiro: "...Then we need to get the information for her, immediately." leo: *she nods* Motojiro: "The Agency is obviously looking into Mori, so following their sources won't work. I suggest we meet someone else..." leo: hmm... Motojiro: "Will you be fine watching her for a few hours?" leo: *she nods* Motojiro: "I'll be back in time for dessert." ^w^ leo: please come back safely. Motojiro: "..." *holds her hand* "Promise." leo: *smiles* -elsewhere- Kafka: *handcuffed to a chair* "..." naomi: alright, why did you attack dazai? Kafka: *soft growl, more like a whimper* "He took my paper..." atsushi: *looks at dazai* Dazai: "...I mean, he offered to kill me. What was I supposed to say? I'm only human..." atsushi:.... Kafka: "Are you taking me to the police or not? You have no authority to keep me in here. I've memorized almost every law on the books in this nation..." -the door knocks- Kyoka: *looks through the peephole* "...!!! Remember the one who picked up the Terrible Twins?" atsushi: yeah? hans: .... Kunikida: "..." *opens the door, keeping his book close* "Yes?" hans: hello, im here to pick up my associate, mr kafka? Kafka: "Ah, Hans. Finally. Please, get me out of here..." hans: if you would be as kind as to let me in or let him out, that would be just grea- Dazai: *from behind her* "Why, hello there~" hans:.... -_______________-; go away. Dazai: "Only if you come with me~" hans:.... ^^# no naomi: how did he get out the door so fast? Dazai: "...Well, I'm all out of ideas. But you can't take Handsome Kunikida with you." hans: i'm not here for your tall friend, im here for kafka. Dazai: "That's what I said." Kunikida: -_-# hans:.... Kafka: "...I just want to leave now." hans: if you dont release him, i'll have you prosecuted for kidnapping a civilian. Kunikida: "He threatened to kill--" Dazai: "I was fine with it." ^w^ Kunikida: "...What is it you all want?" hans: what do you mean? Kunikida: "You obviously want to attack us for some reason. Those twins. Mr. Hughes. The ballerina and the perverted doll lover." hans: the only thing we're doing is making the city a better place for ability users, we would at least think you would understand, being ability users themselves. Kunikida: "And you think killing us will do that?" hans: *looks at kafka* Kafka: "As she said: we're trying to make this world better for ability users...And from what I've read and seen, how exactly does your group do that? I see a mobster--" Dazai: "..." Kafka: "An assassin." Kyoka: "..." Kafka: "...and a child killer--" *Kafka's chair is knocked down with him still in it* atsushi: *panting* you just shut up right now.... hans: !!!! Tanizaki: ._.;;; Kafka: "..." *narrows his eyes* "You really don't want to do this, mongrel." atsushi: just what the hell gives you the right to judge us from our pasts? naomi: and kunikida never killed that child- Kafka: "Died on his watch, though...In the end, is that really so different?" Kunikida: "..." *looks at Hans* "Take him and get out." hans:....very well.... *unties kafka and exits* .... Kafka: *shudders* TT~TT "My schedule is now all out of whack..." hans: ..... {atsushi: just what the hell gives you the right to judge us from our pasts?} hans:...... Kafka: "--and then there's having to re-organize all those papers..." *holding them, taken from the hotel* *A horn is heard--reciting a certain theme song* hans: ... ._.; Walter: *honking the horn across the street* "What up, folks?! I'm over here! Hi!!!" *The minivan has custom art work of...magical anime girls?* hans: =/////=;;; <oh fuck.> etta: *pokes head out from window* hiiii~ Kafka: "Eeep!" *skitters behind Hans* hans: new paintjob? Walter: "No--BEST PAINT JOB!" hans:...well, guess im in no position to complain. Walter: ^w^ "Hop on in, friends! Room might be cramp, so squeeze in close. Etta, scoot over for Franz." etta: *scoot* ^^ Kafka: .\\\\\. "I-I can take the passenger seat--" hans: *already there* Walter: "Nah, Hans and I got to compare notes before you're debriefed." etta: looks like we're back seat buddies, franzy~ ^^ Kakfa: .\\\\\\. *sits as far from her as he can* -elsewhere- grunt: *chewing gum* grunt 2: <so, what exactly we on the lookout for?> Grunt 3: <Some weirdo in shades and a Moe Howard haircut.> grunt 4: <i thought those were ski goggles?> Grunt 3: <I can't remember every last detail that I hear--> grunt:... ._. <um> *Motojiro walks up, wearing shades...and a yellow dress suit...and a cane with a lemon on top of it* Motojiro: <...I am here for information.> grunt 4:................*blinks* Motojiro: *points his cane at Grunt 4* <About a certain mad doctor...> grunt: *looks at grunt 3* Grunt 3: <...You Motojiro?> Motojiro: ^w^ <I am.> *CLICK CLICK CLICK* Motojiro: OwO;;;; Grunt 3: *holding gun to Motojiro* <What kind of lemonhead outfit is that supposed to be?> grunt 2: <yeah, grapefruits are obviously cooler!> grunt 1:... <dude what the fuck> Motojiro: "..." <Really...> *soft voice, smiling* "..." *taps a finger on the gun--and shoves it aside* grunt 2: ??!! Motojiro: <Have you ever seen a grapefruit explode?> grunt 2: ....<what?> Motojiro: *takes the lemon off the top of his cane, throws it up in the air--* grunt: ??? *BOOM* Motojiro: <NO, YOU HAVEN'T--BECAUSE ONLY LEMONS EXPLODE!> -yelling- Motojiro: <Now that I have your attention--I wanted to ask about--Excuse me, I was--Hey! Just listen for a hot second!> -after they stopped screaming- Motojiro: *inhales* <Dr. Mori. Location. Info. All the sad, scandalous tales. Now.> grunt 2: <b-but i thought the guy died??> Motojiro: <So I guess I'm looking into the story of a dead man.> *grabs Grunt 2 by the collar* <Want to make it _two stories_?> grunt 2: O-O;;;;;; Motojiro: <I just need all the information you have, then I will not bother you. Okay?> -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *standing at the balcony* atsushi:....kunikida? Kunikida: "Hmm?" atsushi: you ok? Kunikida: "...I'm fine. I understand the point you made to that roach." atsushi:....*hug* Kunikida: "..." =\\\\= *pat pat* "You don't have to..." atsushi: just thought you needed it. Kunikida: *awkward cough* "Thanks...You may release me." atsushi: *lets go* ._.; Kunikida: "...If you want to help, order room service." atsushi: ok. anything you want in particular? Kunikida: "...A burger on a pretzel bun, and two bottles of Todsteiner." atsushi: ok. -elsewhere- Jakob: "...They aren't back yet?" wilhelm: they are now. ???: *laying in bed, with a glass of wine* Jakob: "...Oh..." *stands behind Wilhelm* O~O ???: hello all, did you bring kafka back? Walter: "Sure did!" Kafka: O~O "Y-Yes?" ???: glad to see you didnt die. Kafka: "Th-Thank you..." *bows* -elsewhere- Poe: "...Ranpo seems upset." louisa: do you think it has something to do with the incident? lana: possibly... Poe: "I don't know what to do...He has been taciturn." louisa: maybe get him a gift? Poe: *nods* "What would he want? I'm not sure another mystery is what he needs..." lana: maybe we should take him to an amusement park? Poe: "!!! Oh! And get him snacks there..." lana: ^^ Poe: "I'll buy the tickets today...Louisa, will you be joining us?" louisa: i'll have to ask lord francis. Poe: *nods* "...How is work there?" louisa: never a dull moment. ^^; -elsewhere- Lucy: "Is that enough water?" lovecraft:......*slides into it*..... this is.....nice. Lucy: ^w^ "Good. You want any pool or bath toys?" lovecraft: *examining pool noodle*..... *nom* Lucy: "Yay! I'm glad you like it." ^w^ aya: isnt he gonna get water all over the floor? Lucy: "It's okay--I brought plenty of towels, borrowed some--" Katai: *standing in his own shower, staring out into the bathroom from behind the curtain* "..." Q~Q "Where's my towel?" lovecraft: *actually eating the pool noodle*....chewy. Lucy: *claps* "And look how happy he is? Do you want to make him give up that happiness?" aya:..... lovecraft: *poker faced and monotone* wheeee. aya:....good point. Lucy: ^w^ -elsewhere- Higan: "Hanging in there?" naho: tired. wanna sleep. exams are gonna kill me @-@ Higan: "Maybe nap? Want me to wake you up to get back to studying?" naho: i guess. *yaaawn and rests her head on her rilakuma pillow* Higan: *smiles* "I'll get you up in two hours..." naho: *muffled* k. -elsewhere- Rin: "What up today, teach?" stocking: we'll be examining the hall of paintings. *she has a little dog with her* izumo: *shiny eyes* pu...puppy....fluffy baby... Bon: *glances at Izumo* "... The heck is with the dog?" stocking:... >->; well.... izumo: *pet pet* =v= sho kyute! whos da kyootest puppy evah? Rin: *tick tick tick LIGHT BULB* "!!!" *hard glare at Stocking* ("NO.") stocking: ._.;;;;; *makes a motion of 'dont blame me'* *POOF* ???: "Why thank you, Miss Kamiki..." izumo: ^u^...... OuO...... O-O....... O___________O;;;;;; Mephisto: *in his usual suit* "I do try to be as cute as can be~" izumo: ..................... shiemi: izumo? izumo: i remember death so much it feels like a memory. shiemi: *shaking her* izumo get a hold of yourself! D8> Mephisto: "??? Was it something I said~?" stocking: =-=;;; dad, please. Rin: "Flirting with your students...I'm shaming that, dude." konekomaru:..... *internal screaming* stocking: can we just please focus now?? Bon: "Such as, why the heck is Sir Pheles here?" Mephisto: "I'm your substitute teacher!" Rin: ._. "...Where's Yukio?" stocking: important business. Rin: >3< "He never tells me nothing..." izumo: never tells you anything. Mephisto: "In any case, LET US COMMENCE SOLVING THE LAST MYSTERY, GANG!" shiemi: i thought there were only three left? Mephisto: .w.;;; "..." *glances at Stocking* "They are really falling behind on their studies, aren't they?" -one explanation later- shiemi: my own house? i never thought it would be on the list ._.; Mephisto: "Really? It's on all the 'haunted house' blogs..." shiemi: EH? Mephisto: "In any case, I need you to find a prank I left behind--I mean, a painting..." stocking: dad... -_-; Mephisto: "Sorry. But some people have been traumatized when they see this painting. Frankly, I'm surprised: usually, they are only disturbed when they see my portraits--" izumo: i dont want to know. Bon: "See, sir? You're scaring impressionable minds--" -POW- izumo: *fist steaming* Mephisto: owo "Oh, my--such passion." stocking: *sharp glare* Mephisto: ^^;;; *POOF* stocking: *sigh* lets just....start the lesson already... Rin: "..." *stares at the wall* "...Huh. The caption says 'Family Painting'..." shiemi: but there's just one person. Rin: "..." *shrug* "Works for me--" Bon: "Don't do it." Rin: "DOING IT!" *SLICE* -one battle later- godaiin: ..... *KNOCK KNOCK* godaiin: y-yes? Rin: *bruised, beaten, shirt torn* "Medical delivery!" godaiin: are you ok? what happened? Rin: "Nothing to worry about--just some coursework." ^w^ *drops a small bottle into Godaiin's hand* "Enjoy!" godaiin:....h-hey....is it true that you're....y-y’know, half- Rin: "..." *nods* godaiin: is it scary? Rin: "...Yes...But...you can't erase fear. Someone told me once you need courage to face fear." *smiles* "And I'm lucky to have great people with me that help me find that courage." ???: riiiin! Rin: "???" -madoka is waving to him, with the other cram students- shiemi: madoka said she was coming with us to the diner! Rin: ^w^ "Sweet!" godaiin: s-see you around then, okamura. ^^; Rin: "??? Aren't you hungry?" godaiin: im ok, i'll just heat up some pizza rolls. have a good night. Rin: *waves* "Later! Have a good night." -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Cupcake? What can I buy to make it up to you~? Any ice cream flavor you want, as many scoops as you want?" stocking: im not hungry right now. what i want is to be taken seriously by my students and peers. im grown up now, and im not a child anymore. you're my dad and i love you a lot, and i want to make you proud and prove myself capable of a job like this. Mephisto: "Oh, Stocking--I do take you seriously. I'm just here to provide the reasonable challenge to push you to deal with disrupting students. You've made me so proud already..." stocking:.... *pouts with teary eyes and hugs* -at the vatican- Yukio: *pricking finger, placing it onto the paper* personnel: state your name and rank. Yukio: "Yukio Okumura. Middle-first class exorcist, member of True Cross, Death City." personnel: you have been summoned here in regards to your report on the traitor, Sabutora Todo. Yukio: "Understood." personnel: with the inclusion of todo, demon eaters are almost certainly affiliated with the illuminati, in your encounter, was there any evidence as to prove this statement? Yukio: "I was focused on the battle at hand. However, Todo seemed to suggest some larger motive for his actions. I was unable to ascertain what, though..." lewin: what kind of man was he? Yukio: "??? Um...Could you be more specific? I mean, when I first met him, he was a bit strict--" lewin: i meant your personal impression. did he scare you? Yukio: "?! ...No. When I see him again, I will defeat him." lewin: hmm...i see, that's all i needed to know. personnel: well, then, you are dismissed. -later- Triple A: "He sets a better example than his brother." shura: then why use the contract? he passed his health exam, didnt he? Triple A: "That was Lightning's proposal." shura: you always make him do the thinking! D8< Triple A: "But he's so good at scheming--and I'm so good at being a symbol~" shura: yeah, a symbol of being a stuck up prick. lewin: come on guys, let try to get along. shura: easier said than done. =_=# lewin: besides, observing him helps protect him, given that he is also satan's son. with that info, its likely the illuminati will take interest in him. shura: speaking of, any new info from your familiar? lewin: indeed. there are spies within the order. shura: !!?? lewin: two in the vatican, and at least two in death city. we only know the numbers, but its the best we got. Triple A: "Any suspects?" shura: nothing definitive yet. Triple A: "Then find the spies in Death City." -morning- Rin: *snore* madoka: zzzzz Rin: *yawn* "..." *nose poke* madoka: *yawn* morning. *nose smooch* Rin: >\\\w\\\< "Hee..." *The door opens* madoka: 0-0; Rin: "Eep!" Yukio: *nods* "Madoka." *looks at Rin* "...Did you complete your mission?" madoka: .-.; Rin: .\\\. *nod nod* "Even gave the eyedrops to Godaiin." Yukio: "Good...I'm just passing through before getting back to work. Don't stay in bed all day." madoka: noted. plus i should probably head home soon. mom might get worried. Rin: ^\\\^ "Yep. Need a walk home?" madoka: thanks, but sayaka said she'd pick me up. Rin: "Cool." *looks at Yukio* "What you doing? Heading back to school?" Yukio: "Meeting Shiemi." Rin: "..." :3 madoka: ^.^ Yukio: "???" Rin: "Yooooooooooooou’re daaaaaaaaaaating~" Yukio: ._. kyouko: *pokes head in* oooi, madoka, sayaka's here. madoka: ah, i'll be right there.....um....guys? c-could you... Rin: "...Could we...?" Yukio: *grabs Rin by the ear and out of bed* kyouko: *closes the door and looks at rin* Rin: "OW OW OW!" Q\\\\Q “WE WEREN’T DOING ANYTHING SEXUAL!” Kyouko: I didn’t say anything, im just standing here. -elsewhere- Motojiro: "I'm back!" *wearing the lemon-yellow suit still* leo: *hugs* i was worried. Motojiro: OwO "I-I'm sorry! D-Did I miss dessert?" leo: it's fine. higuchi: *drinking coffee, groggy* =~= Motojiro: "...Sleep any better, boss?" higuchi: *groans as a response* Motojiro: "Well, you'll have to perk up with some delicious lemon-infused tea--BECAUSE I GOT--drum roll please--" *holds up an address* higuchi: !!!! Motojiro: "We get to say hello to Mister Boss Daddy!" -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Looks like some are still sleeping." atsushi: *still looking at the photograph* Kyoka: *shivers* atsushi:.... Kunikida: *yawns...stumbles out of his room* atsushi: morning, kunikida. naomi: im ordering breakfast. Kunikida: *holding his head* "Yes, thank you...I'll need some coffee." naomi: on it. Kyoka: "Where's Dazai?" naomi: he's asleep. atsushi: i'll go wake him up. Dazai: =w= naomi:...so what's today's agenda? Kunikida: "I need someone to follow that Hughes man..." Kyoka: "We did meet someone who seemed good at tracking..." naomi: ? Kyoka: "He may know more than we do, being a local." naomi: that could be helpful. Kyoka: "I guess we'll search for him while trying to tail any of these...what do we even call this group?" naomi: hmmmm.... Gaus? atsushi: gaus? naomi: german ability user society. G.A.U.S. Kyoka: "..." *thumbs up* atsushi: works for me. Tanizaki: ^^; "Well, if we're hunting for GAUS, I'll try to stick to alleys." atsushi: naomi and i will ask about the photo. naomi: *nods* Dazai: *yawns* "And avoid Lemonhead and Higuchi..." atsushi: unders- WAIT WHAT?! Kyoka: "!!!' Tanizaki: ._.;;; Dazai: "Oh, relax, Atsushi--your boyfriend isn't here! ...I think. Maybe?" atsushi: -_-; that's not how it is. its platonic at best. Kunikida: "In any case, avoid the Mafia, find Hughes, determine what these GAUS have in common." atsushi: right. naomi: got it. Kyoka: *nods* *already holding multiple knives* -elsewhere- Ted: "Are we all here? Hmm...Someone's missing..." girl: ....... Ted: *smiles at the girl* "Care to find them~?" girl:.......*shaking* Ted: "..." *slightly less "polite"* "Find them." girl:.....o-ok, mr ted...... Ted: *smiles* "Good. I'll wait." *opens the newspaper, sips his tea* girl: *walking, tears falling as she shakes* -elsewhere- Kid: "How does your day look?" stocking: seems i got the day off today. Kid: "Any plans? Or...teacher's homework?" stocking: i dunno~ *rubs his shoulders* Kid: =\\\\= "Mmm...That's perfect..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *leans back, sneaks a kiss* stocking: mmmm~<3 -elsewhere- Stein: "No use..." soul: sir? Stein: "Remember our friends from the recital? I'm not finding much evidence the UK knows any Mr. Hughes." soul: hmmm... Stein: "...I'm going to need you to find those kids." soul: right. Stein: "You okay with that?" soul: *he nods* -_-; -elsewhere- Shima: "Guys, I'm boooored..." konekomaru: *doing research analysis* Shima: "Come on, guys--we're in the prime of our lives! We should be hitting the streets!" konekomaru: in a minute. i have to finish sorting these documents. Bon: *picks up one stack* "...Huh." konekomaru: after last night, i figured i'd work best as your tactician and researcher. the occult club has been helping me out too. Bon: "Hey, good planning!" Shima: "And you can pick up the ladies~" konekomaru: i-it's nothing like that, we're just comparing and swapping notes! Shima: "Oh~ Now swapping spit?" Bon: *chop* "Stop." Shima: >3<# -text message- konekomaru: oh, you still have the default ringtone, bon? Bon: "??? I guess?" *looking at the phone* seiya: [hello, just an update that the true cross festival is going to be coming up soon.] Bon: [we need to do anything?] seiya: [for now, have fun getting ready.] Bon: [will do] Shima: "Good--Konkekomaru can get a break." -elsewhere- Lucy: "May I help, sir?" fukuzawa: ah, yes. *hands her a paper* i need you to deliver this to city hall. *gives her a pin* wear this. Lucy: owo "What's the pin for?" fukuzawa: an honorary ADA membership pin. Lucy: OwO *squee* TwT aya: now we match! *holds hers up. it has a little flower sticker on it* Lucy: "Yay!" -elsewhere- Panda: "WEEEEEEEEE!" inko: NYEHEHEHEHE! sasori: -_- Sancho: *covering his mouth* @x@ Panda: "Do another wheelie!" -VREEEEE- -elsewhere- Benimaru: *passed out* kirei: *gives him a cold towel* you've been working really hard. Benimaru: "Y-Yes...There has been some free time." kirei: *she smiles* Benimaru: "Are you resting?" kirei: i think so. *smiles* Benimaru: "..." *pats her hand* kirei: ^////^ Benimaru: "...I love you." kirei: i love you too, benimaru. Benimaru: "..." *leans up, kisses her hand* kirei: aww. ^///^ hinata + hikage: *peeeeeek* konro: *anticipating* (come on, young master, dont fuzz this up. you can do this!) Benimaru: "..." *gulp* kirei: ? Benimaru: "I...have enjoyed so much time we have spent." kirei: i've been happy too. Benimaru: "...I want it to keep going.” kirei: *smiles* Benimaru: "Kirei..." *slips his hand into his pocket* kirei: *blush* hinata + hikage: *GRIIIIIN* Benimaru: "..." *holds up a ring* kirei: beni... *tears of joy* Benimaru: "Will you marry me?" kirei: of course! *kiss* hinata + hikage: *pulling confetti poppers* <congratulations!!> Benimaru: "??? ..." *smiles* *rests his forehead against Kirei's* kirei: *hugs* kabuki: how touching~ fang-hua: congrats. reimi: YAY! ^o^ Tsukiyo: TTwTT fang-hua: isnt this great, konro? Konro: YYWYY *barely audible noises* fang-hua: owo; s-sir? Konro: "I'm so proud..." -elsewhere- Daisy: *at her desk, listening to loud music on headphones* eckleburg: ... ._.; Daisy: *intuition going off* *looks up and around* "???" eckleburg: um. sorry to interrupt you, daisy. ^//^; Daisy: "..." *sighs, removes headphones* "Yeah?" eckleburg: so, um... i was wondering....well...there's going to be a company party coming up soon, and....erm.... Daisy: "Ugh...Those things." eckleburg: oh, um...w-well if you dont want to go, then maybe we could hang out....somewhere? i mean, i dont want to force you-.....i'll just, be going now. Daisy: *sigh* "The only good part about the parties is getting to look and laugh at how foolish other people look there." *looks at him* "...You're going to the party or not?" eckleburg: YES DEFINITELY SEE YOU THERE! *runs. into the door frame* excuse me. *runs off* Daisy: "..." *puts back her headphones...smiles lightly* -elsewhere- atsushi: <excuse me, ma'am? does the man in this photo look familiar?> *holds his phone up to show the photo* Person: Q_Q <I thought he was dead...> atsushi: <do you know where he lived?> Person: *shakes her head* <H-He did so many horrible things...I-I once saw his little boy, though, playing on the swings...They were right over there.> *points to a playground blocks away* atsushi: <i see. thank you for your time, ma'am.> Naomi: "Maybe the playground is near where they lived...Or near a subway line..." atsushi: *looks at the photo* mori looked so innocent back then.....what happened to him to make him what he is now? Naomi: "...Probably family..." atsushi: ..... -elsewhere- Kyoka: *walking* girl: .........*walks past her* Kyoka: "...!!!" *turns* girl:..... Kyoka: "It's you." girl:.....*staring at the floor, shuffling awkwardly* Kyoka: "..." *waves* "Hello. I'm Kyoka." girl: .......*not making eye contact* Kyoka: "...Maybe you could help me? ...I met some of your...associates yesterday." girl: *muttering* ...cant....mr ted will.....get mad....have to go... Kyoka: "May I walk with you?" girl: *mumble* i-i dont know....mr ted never....mentioned that.....he's gets....very specific....about orders..... Kyoka: "If he didn't say go alone...may I go with you?" girl: um...i-i guess....i-i dont know... Kyoka: "..." *walks with her* "...You have nice hair." girl: y-yours looks...nicer....mines just...messy.... Kyoka: "...I've seen messy. Yours looks orderly by comparison." girl: um.....t-thank you...... Kyoka: "...Is Mr. Ted..." girl: *tenses* Kyoka: "I mean...he's not a relative, is he?" girl: *shakes head* my parents.....died....a few years ago....mr ted....took me in. Kyoka: "...I'm sorry...I had the same thing happen." girl:.......oh..... Kyoka: *nods* "I...miss them." girl: ....... {mrs izumi: demon snow, protect my daughter} Kyoka: "But..." *rubs her arms* "...I still have their protection." girl: .......here... Kyoka: "???" -it's a building- girl: i should.....go now... *enters* Kyoka: "..." *walks inside* girl: *going up the stairs* Kyoka: "..." *looks up at the stairs as she enters an elevator* -3rd floor- Kyoka: *exits the elevator, sticking close to the wall to hide behind a corner* Walter: *humming* ^w^ Kyoka: "!!!" "Mr. Benjamin?" Walter: "???" *spots her* "Oh! Tiny bunny girl!" Kyoka: -\\\\- "Kyoka." *grabs his hand* Walter: owo "???" ???: m...mr walter?... Walter: *turns* "Oh! Hey, Syl!" girl: *shaking, looking at him tearfully* i-im sorry.....*grabs him by the arm, marking him* Walter: "?!!! W-Wait! Don't--" Kyoka: "???" girl: *in tears* mr walter said...you're a traitor...im sorry... *goes to the door, and slams it on her wrist* Kyoka: "!!!!" Walter: *screams in agony, trying to hold onto his hand* "NO!" *crying* girl: *slam, slam* Walter: *sobbing* *Something grabs the girl's wrist* girl: ??!! Kyoka: *deathly serious* "Stop this." girl: *scared* i-if i...if i dont...mr ted will....get angry..... Kyoka: "And how do you think Walter feels? Or how _you_ feel..." *looks at the girl's injured wrist* girl:.....it doesnt matter to mr ted.....im only meant to do the job....my feelings dont mean a thing. Kyoka: "...Your feelings do matter. Doesn't that hurt?" girl:....*tearing up more* Kyoka: "...What did he do to you?" girl: if i dont...do what he asks....he beats me, stings me with a fire poker, and he always makes sure to cover his skin....so that i cant use my ability on him. Kyoka: "..." *pulls the girl from the door* girl: ???? Kyoka: *hug* girl: ?????!!!! Kyoka: "...It's okay." girl: ah- Kyoka: "You don't deserve this." girl:.......*shaking* Kyoka: "...Let's get you to somewhere safe--" girl: *she breaks down sobbing* -the effect of her ability has worn off- Walter: *collapses, gasping* girl: *hic* uuuuu... Kyoka: "..." *looks at Walter* "...Car?" girl: *shaking* Kyoka: "Your vehicle?" Walter: *clutching his wrist* Q_Q "Y-Yeah?" girl: d-do you h-h-hate me? Walter: "J-Just...What did I do wrong, Syl?" girl: m-m-mr ted told me, y-y-you were h-helping the a-agency... Kyoka: "..." *slow head turn at Walter--serious voice* "You were helping Mr. Ted?" Walter: Q________Q "...L-Let's just get into my van already. I'll drive you anywhere--OW!" Kyoka: "Not with that wrist. I'll drive." girl: e-eh? Walter: "But you're...um..." *holds up a hand to Kyoka's head* Kyoka: "I manage." *leads them to the elevator* *looks at the girl* "Was anyone else following you?" girl: n-n-no Kyoka: *presses the basement/garage button* "Then we're heading to friends." Walter: Q_____Q "...Ted's gonna fry me." girl: uuuuuu Q____________Q Kyoka: "..." *The elevator plays music* Kyoka: "Which vehicle is yours-- ...Nevermind." *goes to Walter's van--starts hotwiring* girl: b-but your keys- Walter: "Y-Yeah! I have them here--" Kyoka: "No, this is faster..." *starts up the van* "Get in." -and so- Kyoka: *looking over the steering wheel* "...'Syl'?" girl: ?? *mutters something* Kyoka: "???" *turns down the music on Walter's MP3 player hooked up to the car* "I'm sorry?" girl: i-it's sylvia... Kyoka: "Ah...Sylvia...Kyoka." sylvia: mm.... Walter: TwT "And I'm Walter...Please tell me you have a medic." Kyoka: "She's back in the United States. And would have to make you near death to heal you." Walter: QwQ Kyoka: *pulls up to the hotel* "Okay. Follow." *gets out of the van* Walter: *checking the side of the van* "Phew...The paintjob survives..." sylvia:... -inside- Tanizaki: *sorting files* *sigh* "Nothing here, either." Kunikida: "This was the most the contact in Interpol could provide. Maybe we should--" *The door unlocks* Tanizaki: "???" Kyoka: "Hello." sylvia: ..... Tanizaki: "Welcome back. I--!!!" Kunikida: *looks* "...Kyoka, are you--" Kyoka: "I'm fine. But we need medical for someone..." Walter: QwQ sylvia: im sorry, im so sorry.... Tanizaki: ._.;;;; "...I take it your time was more eventful?" Walter: "Sly...It-It's fine...Fine..." *grows quiet* sylvia: *tearing up* Kunikida: "...Tanizaki, tend to him. Kyoka, I'll get some tea going...Have a seat with your...guest." sylvia: *sniff* Kyoka: "..." *sits down...pats the couch* sylvia:...*sits down* Kyoka: "...It'll be okay." sylvia: ................people are going to be killed because of me, mr ted made me hurt those other people too.... Kyoka: "It's okay...Just rest first..." sylvia: ..... -elsewhere- Dazai: *across the street from a hotel, sipping coffee* =w= higuchi: *catching a taxi* Dazai: *watches...spots another taxi* "Hmm..." -elsewhere- Naomi: *groans* "So much for that. We tried so many spots near the playground, and no closer to his house." atsushi: *sigh* i hope the others are having more luck than us. Naomi: "Maybe...Better get home. Big brother is probably worried sick about me~" =u= atsushi: *sweatdrop* Naomi: "Let's hurry back before--" *A trash can slams into Naomi's side, knocking her down* atsushi: !!!! HEY! Naomi: "UMPH!" *knocked to the ground, stumbling* "Wh-What the hell?! My head..." atsushi: *looks down the alley* *There stands the eyeglasses-wearing man, fidgeting...Franz Kafka* Kafka: *shiny eyeglasses...glaring...* atsushi: ohhhhh crap. Kafka: "..." *sharp inhale...he takes off his glasses, sets them in a case, sets the case on top of a dumpster* "...The twins couldn't do it...Leroux couldn't...You embarrassed Etta...and now" *looks up* "YOU MADE ME TOUCH A FILTHY TRASH CAAAAAAAAAN!" atsushi: ._.;;;; Kafka: *starts twitching...rubbing his face with the back of his hand* atsushi: s-sir? Kafka: *looks up--and his eyes look...insectile* atsushi: !!!!!!!!! *Chittering noises come off of him, as his face starts growing hair...No...That's not hair!* atsushi: w-what the hell?! Kafka: *loud chittering shriek as he leaps--his feet look...flatter?--as he tackles Atsushi...he's able to hold him down* atsushi: ??!!! Kafka: "You're not getting up noooooow!" *he has...four arms?!* atsushi: *SCREEEEEEAMS* WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT THE FUUUCK?! Kafka: *screams--as his clothes rip off him...then his skin! What pokes out are the shell of a cockroach!* Naomi: "!!!! Atsushi!" atsushi: !!!!! *kicks him in the gut* Kafka: *opens his mouth--and coughs up something vile onto Atsushi's face* atsushi: GUEGH! GROSS! Kafka: *inhuman shriek* "I have to...digest!" *bites into Atsushi's side--ripping out a chunk of him* Naomi: *hunting through the trash* "...Oh, the heck with it!" *leaps into the dumpster, tossing items out* atsushi: *screams* -tiger fist and He managed to punch through with enough force to-- Kafka: "ARG!" *his thin arm is knocked back, looking broken* "BASTARD!" *skitters away--crawling up the wall* atsushi: *cough cough* urk....gross... *SPIT* Naomi: "!!! Atsushi! He's using the height to--" *SPIT SPIT SPIT* atsushi: OHFUCK *dodging* *The acid spit starts corroding the street* Naomi: *panting--finally--* "Ah ha!" *reaches down* "Atsushi! Just another minute!" Kafka: *crawls at swift speed, pincers grabbing Atsushi by the leg, chomping into him* atsushi: thank god for regeneration or this would be really-*YELLS* Kafka: *pins Atsushi down* -PUNCH- Kafka: "ARG!" *his head is caved in by the punch--but he keeps going* "I have to keep it all in--ALL OF IT! I have to be organized, anticipate what everyone else needs--PREDICT WHAT THEY NEED DOWN TO THE LAST MINUTE! I have to be so organized--TO KEEP THIS IN! To keep this FILTHY MONSTER INSIDE!" *pins Atsushi down* "And now...I hunger..." *a growling is heard from his abdomen* atsushi: ...mama? Kafka: *his jaw unhinges, his pinchers reach for Atsushi's head, and--* *SLICE* atsushi: *winces as slimy blood splatters onto his face* *Kafka's roach head rolls off his body and onto Atsushi's chest* Naomi: *covered in garbage, now roach blood...and holding a large sheet of metal* *pants* "..." *swallows, struggling not to vomit* "I-I knew roaches slice off easily..." atsushi: thanks naomi.....we need all the showers....is he really- Kafka's head: "..." *eyes break open--and looked pissed* Naomi: Q______Q *LOUD SCREAM* atsushi: OHMYGODWHATTHEFUCKBARBEQUESUPERCALAFRAGILISTICAVRILLAVIGNE *TOSSES IT AT THE WALL* Kafka's head: "OUCH! You awful, dirty people! Don't you know roaches live for days after beheaded!" *Kafka's body starts skittering, until it is on its back* atsushi: oh right......are you gonna die then? Kafka: "...ARE YOU KIDDING ME, BODY?! Just grab them!" Naomi: *screaming, smashing his body with the metal* "DIE DIE DIE DIE--" Kafka: "No, you idiot! I regenerate! That's why Ted sent me--to offset your regeneration!" atsushi: *shakes the head* WHAT DOES HE WANT AND WHAT DOES THE GAUS WANT? Kafka: *eyes rolling around* "ST-STOP THAT!" *eyes spinning* "Ugh...What on Earth is 'Gaus'?" Naomi: "IT'S A GOOD NAME!" *stabs the metal through the body until it's sliced in half* atsushi: we dont know who you guys are, so we took to 'Gaus'. 'German Ability User Association?' Kafka: "...Okay. That's not a terrible name. And to answer your question, Ted wants you all dead so you don't get in his way--" atsushi: what does he want? Kafka: "...Ha...Ha ha ha! You think it's Ted running all of this?! No, Ted wants you dead so not to screw up _his_ plans!" atsushi: then who is _he_ exactly? Kafka: "..." *tilts his head a bit, as if to say "Come closer--I'll whisper"* atsushi: *hesitant* *lean* pleasedontbiteme. Kafka: *inhale* "I'M NOT ABOUT TO TELL YOU NO-GOOD DIRTY DISORDERLY RAPSCALLIONS!!!" atsushi: YEOW! >-Q Kafka: "HA HA HA! You fools! You'll never find--OW!" Naomi: "Atsushi, grab his other antenna!" atsushi: *grab* Kafka: Q~Q "NO NO NO! THAT HURTS! STOP!" Naomi: *growl* "Spill...Or you'll be half a roach!" Kafka: Q____Q "...I'm going to need a place where I can regenerate--and where Ted can't get to me...And...Um...one more thing..." atsushi: what? Kafka: "...D-Don't hurt Etta." atsushi: ...of course not. Naomi: "...Oooooooooh ~<3 " Kafka: "...IT'SNOTHINGSHUTUPYOUFILTHYDIRTYGIRL!!!" atsushi: suuure its not. Kafka: "TAKE ME TO A SAFE PLACE OR I'LL BITE YOUR KNEECAPS OFF!" atsushi: alright you dont have to shout at us! -elsewhere- higuchi: <thank you, sir.> well, here it is....just got to follow the GPS to- ???: "Super! You found the spot?" higuchi: yes-..... O_O *TURNS* Dazai: ^3^ "Miss me~?" higuchi: *grooooooan* fuck everything. Dazai: "I do." higuchi:...........whatever. screw it, lets just get to this fucking place and get to the bottom of this. DO NOT. INNUENDOIZE THAT. Dazai: "I promise not to innuen-Dazai you." higuchi:.......................................................................................................................................................................................................*poker faced, silently weeping* how does the agency put up with you? Dazai: "Why do you think I'm overseas?" higuchi: well, if kunkida is here, most likely detective work. Dazai: "Just looking into reports..." higuchi: well, then you have no reason for coming here. it's personal mafia business. Dazai: "Just think of this as me--" *pats a hand on his chest* "--doing an old favor for old...um...enemies? Friends? Frenemies? Frenemies with benefits--" higuchi: stop.......here it is. Dazai: "...Oh..." -its an abandoned house.- Dazai: "..." *snaps a pic* higuchi: *walking up to it* Dazai: "Watch out for traps." higuchi: noted. *looking for a way in* -elsewhere- Ted: "..." *taps his foot* "Miss Hoffman. Where are they?" etta: beats me. Ted: "Hmm..." *checks off items on a list* "Depleted numbers...Need to prioritize. No calls?" etta: nope. Ted: "Darn. Well, wait and see. I'll turn on additional parameters. Thank you, Miss Hoffman. You may return to your tasks." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *in the nearby pharmacy, grabbing bandages and other first-aid* ???: "--then maybe we can visit a park?" leo: that sounds lovely. ^^ Kunikida: "???" *pops up and looks over the aisle* Motojiro: *looking over the other side* Kunikida + Motojiro: "..." leo: oh, hello. Kunikida: *turns* *sees Leo* "...Hello." *looks at Motojiro* "Shopping?" Motojiro: ^w^ "Picnic!" leo: *nods* Kunikida: "Ah..." Motojiro: "That's a lot of medical supplies." Kunikida: "...Dazai hurt himself." Motojiro: "Really..." *looks at his phone* leo: is he alright? Kunikida: "Just the usual--" Motojiro: *sees a text from Higuchi--with Dazai in it* "..." Kunikida: "--and now we have to deal with the room service damages..." higuchi: [he followed me here. kill me.] leo: oh dear. -kunikida's phone is going off- leo: 0___0;; Kunikida: "...It's Dazai." *answers* "Yes?" Dazai: "Guess where I am~?" Kunikida: "Yes, yes, I'm heading back to--" Dazai: *off-phone* "Come on--just say 'Hi' once!" higuchi: -___- shut up, im looking for an entrance. Kunikida: "..." *clenching his fist, forming a crack in the phone* Motojiro: *stares at Kunikida* leo: ._.; Kunikida: "I said I'll be back upstairs when--" Dazai: "I think we just found something about Mori! Isn't that exciting to hear?!" Motojiro: *his ear next to the phone as well* "So nice to hear, Dazai." Dazai: .w.;;;;; Kunikida: *shaking* -BANG- higuchi: there, that should do it. Dazai: "Okay. Now keep an eye for traps, like battering rams, poison-tipped darts, lethal rabid dogs-- ..." *pushes her aside* "I'll go in first." Kunikida: *shaking with raw fury...on fire...* leo: *picks up motojiro and exits* Motojiro: owo;;;; Kunikida: *keeps shaking until--* *Outside, the top of the pharmacy blows up--then crashes back down* leo: O-O;;;; -elsewhere- atsushi: did anyone else feel that? Kafka: *rolling off the table* "AAAAAAH! DON'T LET ME FALL--" atsushi: *puts him in a bowl* Kafka: Q_Q "Thank you..." Walter: *hand bandaged, as much as it can be* "So, Franz, you just can't a--" Kafka: >~< "DON'TYOUEVEN!" sylvia: ....... Kyoka: "...Sylvia. May I ask how you found these two?" sylvia: t-they're c-c-coworkers of m-mr ted's. Kyoka: "Hmm. How did they join this...GAUS?" Walter: ^^;;; Kafka: T~T "I had nowhere to go..." sylvia: it's not gaus. we're called 'Sturm und Drang'. atsushi:...i liked gaus better Kyoka: *nod nod nod* Kafka: "PHILISTINES!" Walter: "GAUS it is! We can even get shirts with it!" Kafka: "WHY ARE YOU BEING FRIENDS WITH THEM?!" Naomi: *slams a book onto the table* atsushi: O-O Kafka: "!!!" Naomi: *slasher smile* "Quiet, little roach..." atsushi: *hides behind tanizaki* tanizaki save me Kyoka: "...Sylvia..." sylvia: *shaking badly* atsushi: we'll make sure he doesnt hurt you. Kafka: "..." *evil chuckle* "And we're supposed to trust you _why_?" atsushi: look, we dont know what we did to piss you guys of, but we're here looking for answers in regards to a certain person. Walter: "??? That Mori guy?" atsushi:....yeah. -atsushi explains the situation- Walter: "...Holy shit, dude." sylvia: *trembling* Kafka: "...If we tell you Ted's location, what do we get? Why should we help you with this Mori?" atsushi: because if we dont help him, then innocent people will get hurt. and the rats might come here next. Walter: "...He's got a point..." Kafka: "..." *sigh* "Sylvia?" sylvia:......*looks at the ground* Kyoka: "We want to make sure abuse like this...doesn't happen to others." sylvia:.....o-ok.... Kyoka: *smiles* "Okay..." Tanizaki: *pulls up a map on his laptop* -elsewhere- Dazai: *looking around* "..." higuchi: *looking with the flashlight* Dazai: *looks at the wall...the wallpaper is moldy, old-fashioned...* {Mori: "That is what you saw, Dazai. That's all you saw."} Dazai: *slight shudder* higuchi: *sees a hall with a few rooms* Dazai: "..." *looks at the floor* *points at a door* "See how the floor is more worn at that door? That must be a common area..." higuchi: *opens it* -its a medical office- Dazai: "..." *looks at the floor* *points at a door* "See how the floor is more worn at that door? That must be a common area..." higuchi: *opens it* -its a medical office- *It's a photo of a man, a woman, and a child* higuchi: so that's mori and his parents.......he has his mother's eyes.....she looks sad. Dazai: "..." *looks through a cabinet, finding nothing* -just simple medical files- Dazai: *sighs* "...He tell you about his parents?" higuchi: *shakes her head* Dazai: "...Given how he turned out, apparent they weren't great." higuchi:.....*looks around* Dazai: "..." *walks to another door--it's locked* "..." higuchi: *hands him a hairpin* Dazai: *nods, slips it into the keyhole--and unlocks the door* "..." *takes the doorknob...slowly opens--and the smell hits him* "!!!" higuchi: *gags* *The blood is caked onto the operating table* higuchi: !!!!!!! Dazai: *his eyes look at the entire room* *Medical tools are scattered on the floor...and a dried stream of blood from a certain spot...* higuchi: *coughs* god....*notices another area with a desk* Dazai: "..." *throws open a cabinet* "Start looking." higuchi: *examines the desk. there are notes* --writhing for 1 hour 47 minutes before the heart finally stopped.- higuchi: *reading through more notes* lettet: "My son..." higuchi: *continues* letter: "If there is one lesson I want you to learn, it is logic. It is the one constant--overcoming any one person's whims. It is pure. This is the legacy I give to you--one you will inherit, like you inherit my name." higuchi: ??!! (what?) *keeps reading* letter: "I am following the tradition of my father, and his father, and so on--not out of any sense of nostalgia, but because it is the best course of action. With each generation, they improve upon the model of their predecessor, much as one bloodline improves by incorporating new genetic content, at _any_ cost." higuchi: *continues.....and her eyes widen* ???: "That is why I had to contain your mother." higuchi: *her hands are shaking* Dazai: Higuchi...?" higuchi: s-she died..... ???: "To make you who you needed to be, I had to remove all external variables, leaving behind only what you need to persist: your intelligence, your shrewdness, your cunning. You must not let anything hold you back. Not even your parents." higuchi: rain.....*tearing up* rain had to fucking die for this!! this....fucking legacy! Dazai: "...This is who Mori is." higuchi: *she cant speak, all she can do is scream* Dazai: "..." *passes a hand over one sheet, looking behind it* Dazai: *stares...* *It's a photo of four-year-old Rintarou, smiling up at the camera, wearing his father's labcoat* higuchi: *trembling badly and looking at the picture, almost throwing up* Dazai: *takes her hand* "Grab what you need. We're out of here..." higuchi:...*nods.....* Dazai: *takes the photo, pockets it...then looks on the floor* higuchi:.....*looks in one door, tomoe's room....there is a note on the dresser* note: my dearest son rintarou, im sorry that it had to be this way, but it was the only option i had left. your father is a sick, vile, twisted man who doesnt care for human emotions and uses others for his own sick gain. even your own birth was against my will. he keeps going on and on about this 'legacy', but its all madness! i cant take it anymore, everytime i lookat you i see your father's demonic face staring back at me. i dont want you to grow up and become a monster like him. that is why i had to kill you before ending my own life. i hope god can forgive me. your mother, tomoe. higuchi:........*tears falling as she pockets the note* Dazai: "..." *pats her shoulder* higuchi: im just....going to leave now... Dazai: "..." *glances, spots something on the floor* *There is a small doll, with blonde hair and a red dress* Dazai: "..." *picks up the doll* -elsewhere- sylvia:....here.... Kyoka: *nods* "We really appreciate it." sylvia:.... Walter: ^^; "My van got pretty occupied..." Motojiro: ._. leo: ._. Tanizaki: *face smushed against the glass* Kunikida: "Okay. Step one is observation to see best approaches for entering." atsushi: ._.;; Tanizaki: "Maybe send Sylvia in with a prisoner?" sylvia: *shaking* Kunikida: "No. Tanizaki, Atsushi, Kyoka--go inside." atsushi: right. Kyoka: "..." *looks at Sylvia* sylvia:........*shaking* Kyoka: "Hey. It'll be okay." sylvia: ........i'll...g-go with you.... Kyoka: *nods* Tanizaki: "Okay, let's be smart about this inside--" Kyoka: *hands Sylvia a taser* "Use it on anyone who tries to hurt you." sylvia: .......o-o-ok.... Tanizaki: .____.;;; atsushi: ok, lets go. Kyoka: *walks with Sylvia* Tanizaki: *walks ahead, opens the door* atsushi: *heads over to the stairs* Kyoka: *presses elevator button* sylvia: .......... Tanizaki: *takes stairs after Atsushi* Kyoka: "..." *holds her hand* sylvia: *tenses* dont....touch my skin.....the curse.... Kyoka: "I can handle it. We won't let him hurt you." sylvia:.......m-miss kyouka? whats going.....to happen to me? Kyoka: "...Is this where you're from originally?" sylvia: ......i cant remember....its been....a long time.... Kyoka: "...Would you want to come home with us?" sylvia: i-i dont know..... Kyoka: "Think about it. The Agency has been a home to many of us ability users..." sylvia:......i-i'll think about it..... -elsewhere- leo: ...so then this mansion.... Walter: "--is where the boss lives and works." leo: i see... Kunikida: "What does he want?" Walter: *sighs* "Well, for one thing, not Rats here, as you can see." leo: ..... *looks away* Motojiro: "..." *pats Leo's hand* leo: …..*smiles* Walter: "And second...Well...You know how there are only a few ability users? And how you see the violence against so many people...Quirks. Dokeshi. Fire people and even those Infernals that get executed? Well, we don't have it good either. So...Why should Ability Users be the minority?" Kunikida: "...An ability supremacist movement?" Walter: "Oh, God no--the opposite. Why not let everyone _become_ an Ability User?" leo: so basically the opposite of dostoyevsky's goal. Walter: *nods* "You can imagine how someone like that goes with my boss." leo: ._.; Motojiro: "Soooo...What kind of personality does he have?" -FWOOOOOOM- leo: !!!!!! Kunikida: "?!!!" hans: *standing there, sending flames out* WALTER! WHY ARE THEY HERE?! Walter: OwO "...They were persuasive?" hans: then i will have to persuade them to leave. Kunikida: "!!! Benjamin, make her leave!" Walter: "There's no convincing her like this!" hans: if you're here to kill lord goethe, i wont allow it! *FWOOOOM* Walter: "!!!" *puts the van in reverse* "NOT THE VAN, NOTTHEVAN!!!!" *CRASH* *The van hit a light pole* *and a fire hydrant* Walter: Q~Q Kunikida: "..." *sighs* *opens the door, steps out* hans: stay back! Kunikida: "We have no intention of hurting this 'Lord Goethe.' We also have no intention to attack you. But if you keep hitting us, we will defend ourselves." hans: bullshit! *FWOOOM* Kunikida: *dodges, opens his book, writes onto the page--* Motojiro: *pulls Leo away from the blast* leo: !!! Kunikida: *managed to pull from his book some fire-proof gloves before jumping into the alley* Motojiro: "Leo...I'm sorry." leo: *panting* i-it's fine.... .///. Motojiro: "..." *gulps* "Not why I was apologizing..." *hugs her* leo: o////////o Motojiro: *lets go, looks at her* "I'll be back for you...Just wait..." *lets go, runs where Hans is attacking Kunikida in the alley* leo: !!!! -FWOOOOM- Kunikida: *hunkered down* ("Damn it...Not big enough for a fire extinguisher...What would work? What would--") *Someone grabs Hans from behind* hans: ??!!! Motojiro: *holding something in his teeth* *muffled* "We have to stop this right now!" hans: ?? <what the fresh hell?> *Is that...a lemon in his teeth?* hans: ???? Motojiro: *CHOMP* *BOOM* hans: !!!!!! *blown back into the wall* *There is only smoke, dust, and fire left...It is hard to see anything left* hans: <is he mad?> *A call comes from the smoke* hans: ???!! ???: " 'Mad'? You call me 'mad'? Why would you call something so rational as this mad..." *The smoke clears in an instant, revealing Motojiro--the smoke blown away by Kunikida, having summoned it from his book* Motojiro: "It was simply a calculated risk--OUT OF MY LOVE FOR LEMONS!" Kunikida: -_-; "You mafiosos are odd ducks..." leo:.....^^; hans:........<what the hell> Motojiro: *rolls up his sleeves* "I can keep this up all day, ma'am. So how about we talk over a nice cup of tea?" hans: YOU BLEW YOURSELF UP! WITH A LEMON OF ALL THINGS! Motojiro: "...Yes? What was I to blow myself up with? An orange?" hans:.................................................................................. Motojiro: "I see my logic takes your breath away." hans: *takes off a glove, revealing a burnt hand and heats it up* please just drop dead now. ??? ahh, what's doing on? hans: !!!!!!!!! ????: so much noise out here.....and i was just getting comfortable. -a young man with his hair tied in a ponytal appears- hans: johann! 'johann': hnn? hans, who are these clowns? Motojiro: "???" *looks around--then points at himself* Kunikida: "I assume you are the one in charge. Ted Hughes's supervisor?" 'johann': call me goethe. and i assume you guys are with the agency? Kunikida: "I am." goethe: in that case, im going to have to ask you to either leave or die. i dont care what the government asked of you, we wont be eliminated so easily *glares* Kunikida: "You wrongly assume we have any interest to eliminate you. We simply are investigating a number of crimes in this area." hans: and what proof do you have? Kunikida: "Consultation with local police. Attacks on us at the theater, an alley. And the obvious damage your Mr. Hughes has done to one child." goethe: *glances at walter* Walter: Q~Q "S-Sir? Th-They may have a point about T-Ted?" goethe: hmmmm.....well you're the brain, what do you suggest? Walter: ^^;;; "M-Maybe we should walk with them inside and talk with Ted? I mean, Hans's power is enough to burn them to a crisp immediately--and they made sure not to kill her?" goethe: well that much i can appreciate. *wraps an arm around her waist* especially since that trench coat creep tried to harass her. twice. hans: .////. j-johann... Kunikida: "..." Motojiro: "...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" :3 hans: j-johaaaaann >////< not in public. goethe: walter, drive us to ted's place. -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "...That's the door then?" atsushi:..... *3 fingers up...2.....1...* *TIGER KICKS THE DOOR DOWN* Tanizaki: *passes Light Snow as a precaution behind them* sylvia:...... Ted: *holding a saucer and tea* "..." *smiles* "Hello." atsushi:.....*hard glare* sylvia: *trembling* Ted: "Sylvia...You brought guests. And you didn't call ahead first?" sylvia: *shaking* Kyoka: "Sylvia..." Ted: "It's good I brought out extra cups." *pours some tea* "Please, sit." atsushi: what do you want, hughes? Ted: *smiles* "Well, for starters, I want you to take me up on some tea--and chat about an opportunity." atsushi: ..... *not sitting down* Ted: "..." *smils fades* "I said SIT." *Something forces them all into chairs* atsushi: ???!!!! sylvia: *tenses* Kyoka: "!!!" Tanizaki: ._.; "H-How did that happen?" Ted: "..." *sits back, smiles again* "You all are ability users, yes?" atsushi:......y-yeah, so? sylvia: *shaking* Ted: *smirks, holds up his left hand* "I am as well." sylvia: .... atsushi: ..... Ted: "A gift from our benefactor--to make this a more fair world." *leans back, sips* "But...a fair world still needs order. And someone needs to enforce that order. After all, once everyone has an ability, how, then, do you impose order..." *looks at Sylvia* "...without someone reminding people of their place?" atsushi: .......... Kyoka: "Lunatic." Ted: "..." *holding his teacup* "I beg your pardon?" atsushi: but there's plenty of people who are satisfied without an ability, like naomi, miss kirako, aya, ranpo... Ted: "Ah, Naomi." Tanizaki: "!!!" Ted: *smiles* "I heard how she handled Mr. Kafka. I think my boss would be interested in offering his gift to her. And who knows--maybe she would be a far better assistant to me than Sylvia." atsushi: !!!!! Kyoka: "!!!" sylvia: *shaking* Tanizaki: "..." *stands up...and flips the table* "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Ted: *doesn't move--as the contents of the table seem to collide with an invisible wall in front of Ted* Tanizaki: "??!" Ted: *smiles* atsushi:.... !!!!!! t-that's- *A whirring sound, like machinery, is heard* Tanizaki: "?!" *Something slams down onto Tanizaki's head, crushing him against the floor* atsushi: TANIZAKI! Tanizaki: "AAAAH!" Kyoka: "!!!" *tries to stand--and is knocked back down into her seat* "UMPH!" atsushi: *looks up and sees....* *Something is shimmering from Tanizaki to the ceiling...and it's staring at Atsushi* atsushi: !!!! ???: *WHIIIIIIIIIR* -in the car- goethe: so that's what ted's been up to, walter? Walter: "...The same, unfortunately, sir." goethe: *siiigh* he really doesnt get the whole thing, does he? hans: ./////. Walter: "...Sir. If it isn't improper to ask...why did you give _him_ an ability?" Kunikida: ._.; ("Now the seats are so limited that fire woman is seated on this man's lap...") Motojiro: ._.; ("And that light pole and fire hydrant are still wedged into the back of the van...") goethe: i suppose he mislead me into believing that he needed help looking after that girl. how annoying, for him to take advantage of the kindness of my heart that way. it pisses me off. leo: that's awful. Kunikida: "I think that is one thing we agree on, sir--one of many. When we encountered him and his attacks on the girl, we ended up including your peers as part of our investigation." goethe: but i know miss hoffman, mr leroux, and the grimm brothers have done nothing wrong. they were only attacking you as means of protecting themselves. Kunikida: "We could have discussed this..." leo: come to think of it, why do you think the agency is here to bring you harm? goethe: to be fair, the messenger girl didnt give many details...but if i asked her, that would be too much work on my part. Motojiro: "...You're kinda lazy, huh?" hans: yes. -_-; leo: who is this messenger girl? goethe: some kid who got in, purple dress, weird thing on her neck, creepy doll, long ponytail. leo: that sounds like elizaveta! Motojiro: "??? Friend?" leo: sort of, she's another member of the rats. goethe: !!!!! wait...did you say 'rats'? as in, the rats in the house of the dead? leo: *she nods* goethe:....................he...hehehe.....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ohhhh THAT explains everything now! *cackling* Kunikida: ._.;;; "Sir?" goethe: *siiiigh* that bastard dostoyevsky is really that determined to piss me off, isnt he? Kunikida: "!!!!" goethe: i've only met him once before, and i only know these things about him; 1, he's the boss of the rats, 2, he wants to get rid of ability users, and 3, i fucking hate him. hans: 7_7 him _and_ his shitty butler. Kunikida: "...I agree with that third point." leo:..... hans: i just sent the message to inform everyone. goethe: *head stroke* thank you, <love> hans: .////.; Kunikida: ._.; -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *screaming* atsushi: *lunging at the robotic entity* *The Agency members and Sylvia were held down by invisible robot limbs, formed out of Ted's aura...Now, the limbs have formed around Ted, barely seen behind an aura that hides Ted like he is invisible in the room* Ted: *swings his arm at Atsushi* atsushi: *dodge* let them GO! *TIGER PUNCH* Ted: *absorbs the blow, not moving* atsushi: !!!!! Ted: "Ingenious...Goethe knew the abilities out there--and improved upon them. Take Mr. Tanizaki's Light Snow ability. Excellent for surveillance...but--" *Ted presses his robotic hand harder* Tanizaki: "AAAAAAH!" atsushi: TANIZAKI!! Ted: "So much wasted potential...Why not use the light as _hard_ light, to assume a form that can do this--" *lifts the limb to deliver one more blow--* -BBBBZZZTTTT- Ted: "AAAAAAH!" *the aura starts to fade, Ted starting to fall from his hard-light robotic cockpit* "Wh-What...?" sylvia: *holding the tazer* Tanizaki: *struggling to sit up* "Th-Things about contracts..." *smiles* "There's always a loophole, you stupid fuck." Ted: "!!!" ("Goethe...Did you make my ability susceptible...to electrical blasts?!") sylvia: l..le...leave them....alone.... Ted: "Stay back!" *steps back, knocking over tea cups, assuming a pose against Sylvia* sylvia: *shaking* Kyoka: "Atsushi, hold him down." atsushi: *jumps onto his back* Ted: "GAK!" *struggling to move his robot arms to grab Atsushi--and instead slams back into the wall, trying to knock or crush Atsushi* atsushi: KYOUKA NOW! Kyoka: *nods* *pulls out four tasers* Ted: Q~Q Kyoka: "Sylvia, get the head. I'll take the limbs..." sylvia: *gulps and nods* Kyoka: *lifts the tasers, turns all four on--and brings each one down against one limb of the robot* -BZTBZTBZTZTZTZTZTZ- Ted: *shaking violently* Kyoka: "..." *sighs* "I think he's incapacitated--" Tanizaki: "But not knocked out..." *pulls up his phone, dials Naomi* "Yo, Teddy Ruxpin--You mentioned my sister. Where is she?" Ted: *collapsed, steam coming off his skin* "..." Tanizaki: "I said talk!" Ted: *snickering* -pick up- naomi: hey bro~ Tanizaki: "!!! Naomi?! Where are you?! Are you okay?" naomi: yeah? im at the hotel still, watching roachboy. oh, and dazai just got back too. SAY HI, DAZAI! Dazai: "Hi, Tanizaki! Having fun?" Tanizaki: *can't speak, crying* naomi: bro? BRO?! did something happen?! Dazai: "???" *looks at 'roach boy'* "...Jesus. What the heck are you?" Kafka: "Kafka." Dazai: "!!! Handsome German Kunikida?! Who did this to you?!" *picks up the bowl, shaking it* Tanizaki: "I-I'm just happy...you're safe..." *collapses, passing out* Ted: "..." *chuckling...* atsushi: what's so funny?! Ted: "Look at him...This is what I meant. An ability granted to him--when I crushed him like a bug." *looks at Sylvia* "This is why we need order. This is why I will guide you to your full potential--" sylvia: *shaking* -PUNCH- kyouka: do you think you have _ANY_ right to say that after all you've put her through?! Ted: *shocked* "Wh-What?! How dare you--" *SLICE* Ted: O____o "..." *a bit of his bangs fall to the floor* Kyoka: *holding a blade* "..." atsushi: look at her, dont you see how scared she is? how hurt she is?! Ted: "..." *looks at her* sylvia: *staring at him, with wide eyes, shaking* Ted: "..." *smiles* "Fear has always been a great teacher...It helped me get my ability under control." sylvia: ....... Kyoka: "...Do you know...how hard it is to even _control_ an ability? That Sylvia has gotten this far with what she can do is astounding. You? You couldn't win at all with your sad little wind-up toy of an ability, you awful, wicked child." Ted: "..." Kyoka: "You don't care about her at all, do you?" Ted: "..." *smiles* "I care...about what she can do for me..." atsushi: *KICKS HIM IN THE FACE* Ted: *slow motion fly--a front tooth knocked out--* *Ted slams against his table, sprawled over it, tea spilling onto him* atsushi: you....you PIECE OF ROTTEN SHIT!! Ted: "..." *pushes himself up...turns...and looks at Sylvia* "..." *grips his fist...the fabric on his glove is slightly torn* atsushi:..... !!! -there is a black marking on his hand, of a goat skull surrounded by thorns- Ted: "YOU SPOILED BRAT!" *swings his fist--* sylvia: *winces* Kyoka: *pulls back her fist...and slams it so hard into Ted's face that he flies across the room--and out the window* atsushi:...is he dead? Kyoka: "..." *picks up Tanizaki, looks at Sylvia* "..." sylvia: ........ -elsewhere- Walter: "Sweet! A parking spot right in front." *parks, turns off the van* "Okay, let's head inside--" -CRASH- hans: <HOLY SHIT> leo: !!!!! goethe: hnn? Walter: "..." *looks up* "... ... ..." *slams his forehead on the steering wheel--making the theme song go off on the van's horn* Kunikida: "..." *looks out the window* "..." *comes back into the van* "..." *smirks* leo: oh my god! hans: ._. Ted: *groans* goethe: well well well..... Ted: "S-Sir...I-I can..." *spits up blood* "...ex-explain..." goethe: please do. Ted: "The Agency...came at me in my office...attacked me, unprovoked...St-Stop them..." goethe: *looks up at the window* *The Agency looks down...They look battered...* Walter: *sobbing into the steering wheel* leo: *awkward pat* Motojiro: "H-Hey...It's not that bad? You can buff that out--" Walter: *more crying* Motojiro: OwO;;; leo: .-.; Kyoka: "..." *calls down* "Sir! We are sorry for tossing out the trash. He was stinking up this office with his awful behavior. Also, his crumpets taste like shit." goethe: hmmm.....now tell me hughes, what exactly were you planning, be honest, i wont get mad, i promise~ Ted: Q_____Q "...T-To create the order you wanted among all the new ability users, s-sir..." goethe: is that all? are you sure you dont have...other...motivations~? Ted: Q~Q *vigorously shakes his head "No"* goethe: *raises a brow at him* Ted: Q______________Q goethe: are you by any chance, dissatisfied with your ability? Ted: QwQ "I-I mean, there's always room for improvement--but I assure you! I'm determining how best to improve by my own initiative, sir! After all, I'm not one to ride on someone else's coattails..." goethe: so you choose to upstage me then? Ted: "!!!! Never! I never meant to give that impression, s-s-sir...Why? Did I do something to make you feel that way?" goethe: giving the others orders behind my back for one thing. hans: not to mention using a young girl to torture innocent people and then kill them? Ted: "Now, wait, I was doing what you had instructed--if not in word, then in feeling...And isn't that what a loyal servant would do~?" *smiles, his tooth still missing* goethe: ........yes, that is correct. but you arent a very loyal servant now, are you~? ^^# Ted: QwQ "B-But, sir! I did it all for you!" goethe: did you do it for me, or for your own selfish gain? Ted: "...If I say for myself, what will happen?" goethe: i wont be mad, i promise you that. Ted: "...Yes, I did it for myself." goethe: seee now that wasnt so hard, was it? *pats his hand* Ted: "Y-You really aren't mad?" goethe: im not mad........*grips his wrist tightly as the vines from ted's contract mark crawl up his arm* i'm absolutely furious~ Kunikida + Motojiro + Walter + Kyoka: "!!!" Tanizaki: X_X Ted: *howls in pain* "AAAAH! No! Don't take it away from me!!!" -the vines are around ted's neck, choking him- Ted: "GRRK--" -crunch- goethe:....-tsk tsk-. unfortunate..... leo: !!! i-is he..... hans:.....yes...... Kunikida: "...Sir. This is...murder." Walter: "Ted..." goethe: he was bound by a contract, and he went against it. it's simple business.....and also a side effect of my ability. Kunikida: "...What about his so-called consulate position? I imagine the British government may have concerns." goethe: oh he faked those documents. Kunikida: "..." *sighs* "Of course..." -the others have arrived downstairs now- sylvia:......... leo: now when you say, 'side effect' goethe: all those who are under contract with me via my ability have a marking upon their body as proof. *shows them the back of walter's neck to show it* in exchange for their abilities, they must work for me for the remainder of their lives. fortunately, i provide employment opportunities for the members of sturm und drang, so its not a problem. Walter: .\\\\. atsushi:...i see.... come on, we should tell naomi and dazai. Walter: "I'd offer a ride, but..." QwQ -later, after a big get together and explanation.- Dazai: "...Well, you all had an eventful day." *sits in between Goethe and Hans* "..." *smiles at Hans* goethe: *grabs him and throws him into the wall* so then dostoyevsky's been causing you all trouble then? Kunikida: *not even fazed* "Incredibly so. The Rats have upset order in Death City, mutilated and killed the innocent...The damage persists." Tanizaki: *lying on the couch* goethe: well in that case, we'll be happy to assist you in your endevours any way we're able to. atsushi: seriously? even after all the trouble we- goethe: any enemy of those bastards are friends of ours~ naomi: how petty. leroux: that's our employer for you. a true hedonist. wilhelm: and laaaazy. Kunikida: "..." *offers his hand* "I will explain the situation to our boss. I cannot promise his response, but I promise I will do my best to persuade him." goethe: any time, friend. etta: ^^ Kyoka: "..." *glances at Sylvia* sylvia: *in the corner by herself* Kyoka: "..." *walks over to her* Jakob: *tugs on Atsushi's shirt* atsushi: ?? Jakob: "Mr. Tiger? My brother and I wanted to give you something before you go home." atsushi: aw, thanks kiddos, what is it? *CRUNCH* Jakob: *slams his foot into Atsushi's groin* atsushi: OxO .... QxQ ..... wilhelm: XD Jakob: "That's for embarrassing me in front of everyone!" >_< atsushi: sorryyyyyy Q_____Q Jakob: >3< Kyoka: "Sylvia?" sylvia: !!! y-yes? Kyoka: "...Where will you go now?" sylvia:...i-i dont know....i'll p-probably be in an orphanage.... Kyoka: "..." *points* "Atsushi was in an orphanage, too...before he joined the Agency." sylvia:........ -elsewhere- higuchi: .......................... leo:....she's been quiet the whole ride back.... Motojiro: *nods* "I think she has a lot to think about, including reports to file..." leo: yeah.....*lean* Motojiro: "..." *puts an arm around her* leo:...^////^ pilot: we're here. -hirotsu, tachihara, gin, and kouyou are there, along with pushkin and katya- katya: ooooi! *waving* Gin: "..." *nods* -the plane lands- higuchi:....... Kouyou: "Welcome." Hirotsu: "We can begin the debriefing back at headquarters..." leo: *nods* lady kouyou. pushkin + katya: *TACKLE HUG FOR LEO* Motojiro: "!!!" leo: <g-glad to see you both too.> ^^; -after they get up- Gin: "Higuchi..." higuchi:....*stumbles over to her and leans into her* Gin: *catches her* "..." *strokes her back* higuchi:....*voice cracky, like she had been screaming* can i....stay the night? Gin: "Yes..." leo: *worried* Hirotsu: "...Higuchi...Just...We'll meet in the morning." higuchi:.....*nod* Tachihara: -_-###### Motojiro: "???" leo: mr tachihara? Tachihara: "I'm happy for you. I'm so freaking happy for you..." leo: ??? Tachihara: "Just...If there's ever anything wrong, don't hesitate to ask for help. Okay?" leo: noted. katya: *glaaaare* *gives tachihara the 'im watching you' sign* Tachihara: "?!!!" *glares at Katya* *gives her the finger* -pushkin had to restrain her from biting his finger off. again- -elsewhere- atsushi: and that's basically what all happened. Kyoka: *nods* "Sir...I have a question." fukuzawa: yes? Kyoka: "Are you looking for new members of the Agency?" fukuzawa: what brought this up? Kyoka: "...The deceased Ted Hughes has had held custody, despite no authorization to do so, of a young girl whom he has abused repeatedly. She has no known living relatives, and if nothing is done, she will be put into an orphanage." fukuzawa: ...i'll consider it. Kyoka: "..." *nods* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Kafka: *reading in bed...he is wearing different glasses--these are far blockier and less fashionable* "..." *sighs* -knock- Kafka: "??? Enter." etta: hiii franzy~ *wave* ^^ Kafka: O\\\\\\\\\O Walter: "Hey, buddy! I see you're in one piece--" Kafka: *death glare* Walter: OxO etta: we got you something~ *hands him a plush doggy with droopy eyes and holding a heart that reads 'get well soon'* Kafka: O\\\\O "..." >\\\\> "It's...what I would expect from you. Purchased from the gift shop downstairs, I'm sure?" etta: yep! ^^ Kafka: >\\\\> "...Well, I guess it's the thought that counts. Thank you." *ahem, still hugging the doll in his lap, looks at them* "I-I want an organization update." Walter: "...Ted is dead." Kafka: "!!! H-How?! Explain!" Walter: "The boss learned about some of Ted's...behavior, especially towards Sylvia." Kafka: "..." *leans back in bed* "...Jesus." etta:....a fitting punishment. Kafka: "..." *shudders* "He was not a good man...but Goethe's actions are troubling." Walter: "Well, if we do what he says, I think we'll be fine..." Kafka: "..." *hugs the doll more* etta: well....get better soon, ok? Kafka: "..." *nods* "But...Are you two okay?" Walter: ^^; "...I'll be at the auto-shop for a few days...weeks..." etta: yeah. walter's wrist is a bit sore too, but we're surviving. ^^ Kafka: "I'm sorry..." *looks at Etta* "Are you okay?" etta: yeah, of course i am. ^^ Kafka: "...Then that's what's important." etta: aww, thanks franzy ^^ Kafka: >\\\> *scratches his cheek* "J-Just tend to my apartment, water my plants by the schedule listed next to each one, do not go through my files, pick up and file my mail by priority and chronology--" Walter: ^^;;;; -elsewhere-
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
“6 years old until now.”
request; Helloooo! I have noticed that your requests are open so if it isn’t too much to ask could I please request gundham x reader where they are kids and are like play dating and have a fake wedding and after that have a time skip for when they are adults and actually have a wedding?
warnings; kisses, gn!reader, reader has neutral pronouns and everything, reader takes gundham’s last name, fluffffffffffffy, and maybe angst?? kinda, not really, ARGHHHG THE TITLE IS BADDDD BUT I COULDN’T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE HEUGRHRGAHGF 
word count; 1.6k words holy crap
“Gundham! Hey, c’mere I have something for you!” You beckoned Gundham toward you, hiding a ring pop behind your back. “Fuahaha! What did you need from the prince of darkness?!” Gundham deepened his voice dramatically, zooming over to you with a flamboyant smile on his face and birds standing on his shoulders. “Gundham those birds look so cool!” You beamed, carefully walking up to him, as to not scare them. “I know right!? A pack of animals were following me today!” He stepped to the side, revealing the line of rabbits and squirrels behind him.
Your jaw dropped, “Gundham could be the ultimate animal talker-to!” Gundham guffawed cockily, “Fuahaha indeed! Anyway, what did you wanna give me?” Gundham said curiously, cocking his head to peak behind your back. You nervously fiddled with the hem of your shirt, “Well, I got this for Halloween but I wanted to give it to you instead. Um, so we could get married!” Your nervousness left as quick as it came, smiling brightly as you presented him the candy ring. “Gundham Tanaka,” You got on one knee dramatically, “Will you marry me?” 
Gundham’s eyes widened before glossing over with tears, “S-s/o…” He wailed, moving his hands up to wipe his tears. “G-gundham, don’t cry! I’m sorry, you don’t have to marry me!” You panicked, moving closer to hug him tightly. “I-I’m not crying! The prince of darkness doesn’t cry!” He denied, taking the candy from your hand around his waist. “I-I accept.” He sniffled, feeling incredibly happy you proposed to him even though you two were too young to get a marriage license. 
“R-really!?” You beamed, pulling away to see his red tear-stained face. He nodded eagerly, opening the ring pop package and slipping it on his ring finger with a wobbly smile. You brightened up with an idea, tapping Gundham’s shoulder frantically, “I have an idea!” Gundham looked at you with confusion, “What?” Your smile wide, “Your animals can marry us!” You pointed at the crowd of small animals behind him, looking at them with excitement. 
“S/o, that’s a brilliant idea!” He cheered, holding your hand and dragging you in front of the animals. One of the cats had sat in the middle of you two, looking up at you expectantly. “Oh, uh, I think it goes… Do you, Gundham Tanaka, take me to be my- Er, your loving spouse?” You stumbled, unsure if that’s actually how it went. Gundham stared into your eyes with a blinding smile, “I do!” Gundham examined the ring on his finger happily, “Do you, S/o L/n, take me to be your loving spouse?” 
He crossed his hand over his chest, “I do, I do!” You giggled, leaning in quickly to kiss him on the cheek. The cat rolled its eyes at your eagerness, leaving the two of you be. Gundham flushed at your sudden peck, covering his face with his hand to hide his red face, “S/ooooooo..!”
Well then, today was the day. 
You nervously looked around the room, your breathing shallow from the many eyes on you. You gulped down your anxiousness, focusing your attention back on your beloved. As you looked over his dazzling figure, Gundham scanned yours, face flushing at how beautiful you looked. You winked at him, mouthing a, “You look so hot.” at him and giggling as you saw his already flushed face becoming redder with each second. 
The priest cleared his throat, eyes gazing over the words of his book before starting,"Gundham and S/o, today you are surrounded by your friends and family, all of whom have gathered here to witness your marriage and to share in the joy of this special occasion.” You scanned the room for your friends, smiling as they gave you a thumbs up and a tear-filled grin. 
“Today, as you join yourselves in marriage, there is a vast and unknown future stretching out before you.” You looked back at Gundham, seeing your whole future with no one but him. You knew, and had no doubt, that you wanted to spend the rest of your future with him. 
“The possibilities and potentials of your married life are great; and now falls upon your shoulders, the task of choosing your values and making real your dreams.” Gundham thought of all those old memories with you, reminiscing in them. Though he misses the old memories, he’s already incredibly excited for the new ones he will make with you. The potential and possibilities as the priest said.
“Through your commitment to each other, may you grow and nurture a love that makes both of you better people. A love that continues to give you great joy, and also a passion for living that provides you with energy and patience to face the responsibilities of life.” You looked deep into Gundham’s eyes, reaching out to hold both his hands. When you look at him, you are reminded of your childhood. Your entire life, he has experienced with you. This man had stuck with you thick and thin, and how lucky you are; You get to be married to him.  
"May you always need one another; not to fill an emptiness, but to help each other know your fullness.” As the priest spoke his readings, all Gundham could think of was you. It was like he had described you to him perfectly; You had always made his heart feel full and loved, and he hopes he did the same for you too. “May you succeed in all important ways with each other, and not fail in the little graces. May you have happiness, and may you find it in making one another happy. May you have love, and always find love, in the pursuit of loving one another." 
A few tears trickled down your face, Gundham’s eyes glossing over as well. “Gundham,” You stopped, choking out a sob. Gundham chuckled at your inability to speak, tears falling from the feeling of how much he loved you, even when you were crying. “To me, you are still the same little boy that I had proposed to—what felt like—millions of years ago.” You reached up to gingerly brush his tears away with your thumbs, your heart swelling as he leaned into your touch.
“As you stand here in front of me, with those same tears staining your beautiful face, it makes me realize that I had wanted to marry you ever since I was 6 years old. 6!” Gundham laughed at your exclamation, “I already knew I was going to marry you, because I did and still truly believe that you are my soulmate.” You ended, face and nose red from the overwhelming feelings you had. 
The priest looked over to Gundham with an encouraging smile, “S/o, when you proposed to me with that... dreaded candy ring, I remember being extremely happy from it. Even though it was nothing but candy, it had meant so much to me because it symbolized so much.” You grinned nostalgically at the memory of the ring pop, squeezing his hands. 
“You are, the perfect ruler for me. I love you so much, i can’t begin to even put it in words. I owe everything to you, for you have done so much to make me happy. You’ve always stayed with me no matter what, from 6 years old until now, and I am forever grateful for that. I love you so, so much S/o.” His voice cracked at the end from the emotion hitting him. 
You pouted, lips trembling from his heart-felt vows, you just wanted to kiss him already damn it. Letting out a shaky breath, you looked at the priest expectantly. The priest took a breath, "Now then, what you’ve all been waiting for,” A few laughs echoed in the large banquet, some cheers scattered in the crowd.
“Do you S/o L/n, accept Gundham Tanaka as your lifemate and one true love, promising to share in all that life offers and suffers, to be there for him in times of plenty, as well as times of need, to soothe him in times of pain, and to support him in all endeavours, big and small, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest faced you, “I do.” You said without any trace of uncertainty, you have never been so sure of something in your life. 
You took Gundham’s ring from the pillow presented to you, grabbing his hand gently as you slipped his ring on, smiling up at him. He was glad to see a ring on his finger that wasn’t made of candy, but he would’ve gotten married to you with anything
"Now, do you Gundham Tanaka, accept S/o L/n as your lifemate and one true love, promising to share in all that life offers and suffers, to be there for them in times of plenty, as well as times of need, to soothe (him/her) in times of pain, and to support them in all endeavours, big and small, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest faced Gundham, “I do.” Without missing a beat, Gundham responded with no hesitance, grabbing your ring of the pillow and slipping it onto your ring finger carefully, bringing up your hand and kissing it. 
With trembling lips, your lips curved up into an uncontrollable smile whilst you looked at how pretty the ring looked on your finger. Gundham eyed your pretty lips as an excited smile of his own found itself on his face as he waited for the priest’s next words. 
"Family and Friends,", the priest clapped his hands together, "I present to you, for the first-er Second time, Gundham and S/o Tanaka!” Everybody laughed and cheered at the priest’s slip up, whooping the two of you as Gundham cupped your face and brought you into a gentle, emotional kiss. You laughed and cried into the kiss, eagerly kissing him back with as much emotion he gave you. 
note; oh god its almost 6am- um, i hope you all enjoyed this long ass fic because dear lord, it took so long to finish qwq well anyhow, i hope its to your liking! 
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