#and Hollyleaf would kill Leafpool instead
oldmemoria · 6 months
I have this au where the 3 are split up between the clans yet all I can think of is Hollyleaf living in windclan with Crowfeather, Nightcloud, and Breezepelt as her family. Idk how to include lionblaze and Jayfeather in their respective clans because I feel like they just kind of have to be together
Nightcloud and Breezepelt are both incredibly close with Hollyleaf, Holly and breeze can both relate over wanting their father’s attention
Might just have it be where crowf takes Hollyleaf (should I name her hollybreeze or hollyshade? Hollybreeze sounds nicer to me but hollyshade is cool too) and Leafpool takes Lion and Jay
Basically “yeah we split the kids over the divorce. Sorry”
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esoteric-terror · 1 year
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Moth Flight - Leafpool - Mapleshade
im feral about them. rambling under cut bc i have so many thoughts
i always see moth flight + leafpool and leafpool + mapleshade, but im shocked to not see moth flight + mapleshade more, and of course all 3 together
they have similar situations, and particularly mapleshade and moth flight have. eerily similar traits? prideful, easily jealous, and have strong faith in starclan.
all three lost their kits, whether willingly or not, they were not their to mother their kits. and i imagine neither moth flight nor mapleshade would like that leafpool got it “easy”, both would definitely be in the “leafpool didnt suffer enough actually” camp.
for moth flight she doesnt like seeing others happy when she couldnt, leafpool barely gave up her children, why is she allowed to be content when moth flight didnt even get to see her children constantly?
while mapleshade didnt even get to take care of her children since their lives were taken from her. leafpool basically had it perfect in maples eyes bc at least leafpool lived with her children. (unrelated but my ideal scenario in the last hope, that instead of attacking sandstorm and killing spottedleaf, itd be with leafpool and hollyleaf. i think itd be much more impactful to 1) see maple and leaf interact, and 2) have hollyleaf die for leafpool since she tried to kill her, itd come full circle)
theyre both envious and prideful, both take that anger and jealousy out on others in death (and life for mapleshade), with moth flight attempting to send anyone who breaks her rule to hell and mapleshade attempting to kill or at the very least physically harm those who got what she wanted but didnt get. but leafpool, whos children openly expressed their disdain for her (albeit not for too long), doesnt take out those negative emotions out on others, she doesnt blame squirrelflight for saying that her and bramble werent their real parents, she doesnt blame her children for being mad at her, and i cant imagine that moth flight or mapleshade would do the same. shes still kind regardless
idk. this isnt nearly as coherent as it is in my head but Oh Well
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Weird idea but hear me out :
Something that always kind of "scratched" my brain was that the three have animal names, while Hollyleaf has a plant name, so I guess her name was foreshadowing the fact that she wasn't part of the Three.
However Hollyleaf is seen having connexions with ghosts (such as Fallen Leaves)
We know that the Dark Forest and the Starclan cats can interact with living cats (like literally fighting, talking to them, and in certain conditions, gift them powers). We also know that there is a place where non-believing cats go to (as Ravenpaw declined his place to Starclan to go wherever Barley goes to after his death), which I will call the Nowhere for simplicity
So what if Hollyleaf was gifted powers by the cats from the Nowhere ? Not random kittypets, but Clan cats / loners who literally stopped believing in Starclan because they perceived Starclan as a destructive and dangerous entity. Clan cats who rejected Starclan because it was manipulating living cats and making their life a living hell for seemingly no purpose (Squirrelflight, Leafpool for example, or Jayfeather, Goosefeather). Starclan refused to accept these cats after their deaths because, while they were good cats, they refused to follow Starclan's instructions, and therefore ended up in the Nowhere. In this AU, Fallen Leaves is part of the Nowhere and even when he espaces the tunnels, he refuses to join Starclan as he feels furious that Starclan left him for 100 years lost alone in the tunnels.
After the Three drowned Ashfur together (a great teamwork right there), Hollyleaf feels incredibly guilty. She was always obsessed with following the Warrior Code, and breaking it by killing a cat - Her own clanmate - made her feel horrible. She ends up telling everyone the Truth at the gathering just like in canon, but takes all the responsability of Ashfur's murder, making her brothers seem innocent. She doesn't try to kill Leafpool as she has grown way too attached to her aunt - now mother - and instead she asks for the full story. Leafpool explains everything, including how Starclan manipulated her and Squirrelflight. Hollyleaf is horrified at everything she learns and feels she doesn't belong. She immediately rushes to the tunnels, where she gets trapped.
She spends a long time reflecting, and feels betrayed by Starclan. She expected to have powers like her brothers, and for no reason at all, she gets none. Why wasn't she gifted anything ? Why would Starclan even gift kits born from a forbidden love ? Why did Starclan lie to Squirrelflight so that she would for sure adopt Leafpool's kits ?Did Starclan trap Leafpool and Squirrelflight on purpose, for their own entertainment ?
In the tunnels, she meets Fallen Leaves, and through him, is able to enter in contact with the Nowhere, and all the Clan cats who felt betrayed and used by Starclan.
This is just a small idea for now but I really like this concept :) and also I hate Starclan grrr
I call this AU Hollyleaf from the Nowhere for now !
This AU is connected with the Lionblaze is Scourge AU for now too !
IMPORTANT THING : The cats on the top of the picture are ghosts, not Starclan cats ! Starclan cats have stars on their pelt, while ghosts and wandering spirits just have a white outline in my depictions !
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bloodfun2585 · 4 months
idk why but i cant stop thinking of warrior cats au's i know my ideas for au's are kind of boring & bland but heres my au ideas anyways (possible spoilers below):
1:an au where half clan relationships & kits aint forbidden or considered wrong (mosskit would live i imagine her name would be mossfur or mossfrost & leafpool & crowfeather would be able to keep hollyleaf lionblaze & jayfeather) & medicine cats can have mates & kits & cats can visit other clans & stay in or switch clans for a while or permanently
2:an au where every cat that dies lives (except for the ones that died of old age)
3:an au where hollyleaf keeps the fox as a pet
4:an au where spirits cant die
5:an au where all of firestars family members that aint in the clans join thunderclan & smudge & oliver join too
6:an au where hollyleaf is the 3rd prophecy cat & not dovewing
7:an au where sol joins windclan
8:an au where squirrelflight is deputy way before she does in canon so brambleclaw (bramblestar) never becomes deputy he stays a warrior & she becomes squirrelstar waaaayyyyy earlier then she did in canon
9:an au where mapleshades kits live her & the kits dont get exiled & she dont kill frecklewish ravenwing or appledusk & doesn't go to the dark forest
10:an au where jayfeather isnt forced to be a medicine cat & chooses to be one instead or chooses to be a warrior im not sure yet
11:an au where ravenpaw stays in thunderclan (& perhaps maybe barley even joins thunderclan too!)
12:an au where leopardstar doesn't let tigerstar kill stonefur & try to kill
13:an au where needletail doesn't die & her & rain get together in this au he joins shadowclan with her
14:an au where bristlefrost doesn't die & has the kits she had visions of with rootspring
15:an au where firestar knows he has half siblings (scourge socks & ruby)
16:an au where bramblestar tawnypelt mothwing hawkfrost swiftpaw & tadpole know they're half siblings (brambleclaw & tawnypelt is tigerstar & tawnypelt is tigerstar 1 & goldenflowers kits swiftpaw is goldenflower & patchpelts kits & hawkfrost mothwing & tadpole is tigerstar 1's & sasha's kits)
17:an au where the crash bandicoot characters & games is warrior cats instead
these can be all mixed together in one universe though if y'all like (minus the crash bandicoot one lol) because i do some of these are just comfort au's for me tbh
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is crowfeather still bad to breeezepelt?
He is. In a different way.
To be quite honest, even with the changes I've made to him, he would still be a shitty parent to the 3 if he had joined Thunderclan during TNP, PO3, or OOTS.
He doesn't hit Breezepelt now, because that would be too obvious and Squilf would literally kill him...
Instead it's more... Emotional. Verbal. He refuses to show interest in anything his son does, and it all comes down to one statement I heard that resonated with me quite a bit.
"When you become a parent, you go from center stage, to stage crew."
Crowfeather was not ready to accept that he was never going to be center stage again. Nightcloud was MORE than happy with it, girl is at her soundboard and she is vibing.
Crowfeather also... REALLY struggled with a lot of his classes, and so, when Breezepaw turns out to be a prodigy, he gets jealous.
He makes snarky remarks, and ignores his son, who desperately wants to make his father happy.
When Breezepelt finds out about the 3, he "puts it together" that it's them standing in the way of love, it's them that make his father moody and distant, it's THEM that make him gaze at the Thunderclan border like it's a missing limb it's THEM who make him fight with Nightcloud it's THEM it's THEM IT'S THEM-
Sure... He helps find Hollyleaf, because deep down... He feels a connection to them. But he makes it clear, it's the last thing he'll ever do for his siblings. From now on, it's war. They did a kind thing for him, he returned it, now it's on sight.
Crowfeather fights with Nightcloud all the time, and it's damaging to Breezekit and Breezepaw and Breezepelt.
Tigerstar, snake that he is, slinks down one night to Breezepelt, appearing in a dark field, where Breezey-P is drawing in the dirt. A dream, of course. He asks Breeze what's wrong, that he looks so sad, so angry... Ah, his father betrayed him too. Having a mate in another Clan? That's just as bad as becoming a kittypet! No wonder Breezepelt is so upset! A smart young tom like him shouldn't be doing something useless like drawing!
You should be taking action... Start with the blind one. An old friend of mine will teach you how to fight a blind cat best...
Silverhawk takes Breezepelt under his wing, and things begin to spiral.
In the end, after all is said and done, Crowfeather tells Breezepelt something he never expected to hear.
"I'm so glad you're more like your mother. You deserved better than a poor excuse of a father like me."
Breezey's suspicious, is he trying some kind if angle? Pity? What is he-
"I'm sorry. For everything. I hurt you, and I can't take it back, and... I failed you, and Nightcloud. I'm sorry."
"I don't forgive you."
"You don't have to."
"You're leaving, aren't you?"
"Be good for Pickle, show him your best hunting spots. Teach him everything you've got in that head of yours. Starclan knows he needs it."
"Thank you, Crowfeather. I will."
"And by the way, Heathertail likes stews best."
"Hey! You-!"
"Goodbye, Breezepelt, and good luck with your new position. May Starclan light your path, always."
Crowfeather knows that their relationship is beyond repair, and that Pickle is a better father to Breezepelt in 4 DAYS than he has been all of Breezey-P's life. The best thing he can do is stop causing damage and do the thing he has wanted to do since leaving The Forest; leave for Thunderclan.
He's got a LOT of apologizing and making up to do. Leafpool tells him that he needs to warn the right to call himself her mate, and the father of her kits. And by god, does he work.
Breezepelt is very happy with his step-dad, who cherishes him, makes him feel wanted and important, and never puts down a thing Breezepelt loves.
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iapislazuli · 8 months
broken code au idea: long before TBC, following the collapse of the tunnels, hollyleaf simply vanished without a trace, many believing she died. She never showed up in starclan, and her brothers assumed she had been sent to the dark forest for murdering ashfur. However, when the broken code happens, Rootspring and Bristlefrost learn from the sisters of an odd old she-cat they met on their travels, very far away. as dark as the blackest shadow, as cunning as a fox, quiet, intimidating, and reclusive, jayfeather and lionblaze would recognize a description of their sister anywhere. Rootspring, Bristlefrost, and Shadowsight then must travel to find this mysterious cat because they've learned the identity of the impostor and based on the stories cats in thunderclan have told, know there's only one cat capable of outwitting him.
However, they find that timeand age has tempered hollyleaf's anger. Now going by just Holly, she has become set in her life as a loner, reluctant to come out of hiding, not wanting to go back to the clans. she doesn't know how others will think of her, and she doesn't want to kill again because she would see it as walking back all her progress. but she also still loves her brothers, her mothers, and does want to see them again.. and wants to do good for the cats around the lake.
maybe in this au she ends up drowning to kill ashfur instead of bristle. Tho i do really like bristle's death 🧐 also there is definietly angst from hollyleaf finding out that leafpool died years ago and they never got to make amends...
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lockandkeyhyena · 10 months
Idk if it's unpopular, but here's my opinion: Squirrelflight and Leafpool should've ficking killed someone.
Ik for Leafpool it would be " so out of character " but that'd what happens when everyone INCLUDING GOD pushes you over the edge. My interpretation would've been that after watching Bramblestar abuse her sister, disown their first litter ( bc Lion, Jay, and Holly are just as much his and Squirrelflight's kits as Spark and Alder ), and considering she knows he trained in hell with his dad, she'd have enough and poison his ass as many times as it took.
For Squirrelflight, she should've killed Ashfur ( not Imposter!Ash, just alive ash ) instead of revealing the secret. Ik she had a wound on her belly, but cmon, put it a situation where your ex is threatening to burn your children alive would produce adrenaline like a mf. She'd knock his ass off the branch and into the fire, leaving him to burn while she got her kits to safety. This could also be what breaks Hollyleaf, as the code states that one doesn't need to kill to win, and what she just witnessed was her mother murder another cat.
Idk, have a lot of warrior thoughts, if you couldn't tell.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
bib BIG fan of leafpool/squirrelflight fucking kill someone aus they’re so cathartic. not much more to say, i’m a fan
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bonefall · 1 year
i would love to see more about bb!crowfeather, if you haven’t done a post about him already? (i tried digging but couldn’t find one, dunno if that’s just tumblr search being broken tho)
I'll make him a big summary post once I've settled on a design I like for him, I'm stuck up on if I want him to be smooth or spiky. So here's a little doodle page + some casual notes
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Me: "I'm not a fan of projecting real world culture onto BB redux cats,and if I ever was giving a character an in universe accent it would specifically be to give the smartest character on screen a very thick northern english one to stick it in the face of the way southern english accents are associated with intelligence"
Also me: "but crowfeather is italian"
BB!Crow is pretty different from canon
My Crow is a very passionate guy, it's never lost from his young warrior days. Many of the late Po3/early OotS moments where Leafpool is confessing her love in front of his wife and children are from him to her instead
Mudclaw and Torear are some of the best cooks in WindClan during the late Thistle Period. Crowpaw was super close with his mentor Mudclaw, and picked this up from him
For the Great Journey, Crow mashed up his personal collection of mealworms to make tunnelbun rations for everyone
And SPEAKING of the Great Journey, he was already a warrior at the time. His name was Crowfoot, for his mom and dad
Both Dead and Ash were old friends of Bluestar, members of the forget-me-nots.
Ashfoot shared this with him when he was young, and also that Tigerstar was responsible for killing his dad
This feeds into some changes I'm making to have Crow be slightly less frustrating during the Journey. He's still angry, short tempered, and dramatic, but MUCH less openly antagonistic
Squilf and him are usually involved in food related escapades, youll see when I finish the notes of TNP
Feathertail's death changes everyone. Crow most of all.
Crow is an impulsive young warrior. He throws himself headfirst into things, often forgetting that he isn't the only person in the world who matters. Feathertail felt like cool water, reminding him how to slow down and take a breath
The romantic affection was mutual, but imo I don't think it would have lasted.
But no one will ever know if it will, least of all Crowfoot, who is convinced that they both died that day in the mountain
Tallstar’s final name is Crow's honor title; Crowfeather.
And then Leafpooooooool
When she ultimately isn't willing to, like, throw away everyone she's ever loved and go live in the wildnerness with him, Crowfeather loses his marbles, convinced now that Actually He is Unlovable
And still he gets with Nightcloud, thinking that he can't possibly be hurt any more, he must re-prove his loyalty after he vanished for a week... it really was a pretty knee-jerk choice he didn't think through and rationalized post-hoc
No consideration for Nightcloud here.
This post isn't about Nightcloud btw but she is actually pretty reduxed too. The fact she was involved in the raid to kill Onewhisker is politically relevant to Breezepelt later
And Breezy, poor fucking Breeze
Crow is a garbage dad. Breeze is really not in a good environment with him and Nightcloud.
Through points in Po3, before Breeze becomes the villain who kills Firestar and sees a redemption in AVoS, I am planning several moments to establish that Breezepaw is perfectly capable of being a loving cat if he was in a better life situation
To Crowfeather's benefit, age will do wonders on mellowing him out.
He does tend to struggle with compassion though, and remains a pretty harsh character for most of his life.
Crow wanted to be a Light in the Mist to even begin to apologize to Breeze, but Breeze knocks him out lmao no more Crowf worship thanks erins
Anyway. Onto design stuff
Hollyleaf and Breezepelt look a LOT like grandpa Deadfoot, but I'm not sure if I want Crowfeather to look a lot like him
I'm leaning towards him looking like Ashfoot detail-wise but have Deadfoot’s face.
Btw you can observe, here, the WindClan Tail Tuft.
Most WindClan cats have a lighter-colored tail tuft to help them be seen in tall grass, it's a feature like the ThunderClan Mane you may have noticed in a lot of my TC cats.
Ashfoot and Morningflower have a cloudy swirl on their tails, and a "whispy" sort of vibe. Deadfoot and his dad Chicorynose have a dragon-arrow.
Holly got the dragon arrow because She Deserves It
I'm fond of this redux lmao, let men be dramatic
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jesse-pinko · 1 year
I know a lot of people think that the problem w Hollyleaf’s characterization was that they redeemed her at all but respectfully I literally couldn’t disagree more… first off I think part of the appeal of her character in a series that has been biting itself in the ass for 20 years by refusing to deviate from the good and evil binary- even (especially?) when doing so would make the story more interesting- is her moral ambiguity, like I think making her all-out evil would make her just as uninteresting to me as if they’d depicted her as always being in the right. Second of all I think it’s important to acknowledge that Hollyleaf’s more reprehensible actions are a direct result of her believing that she is always in the right. She has main character syndrome and she is making it everyone else’s problem!! She doesn’t do evil shit to be evil, she always does what she thinks is the right thing to do because she always has to be right. And while this is definitely more out of pride than genuine altruism, I don’t think it necessarily started out that way. With what we’ve been presented I think it’s safe to say that, while Holly has always been ambitious and self-centered to some degree, she is also fundamentally principled with a strong sense of justice and unwavering loyalty to her clan. She might have let her worst traits win out due to stubbornness and being allergic to admittance of wrongdoing, but actually turning on her clan? Committing conscious acts of evil against innocent cats (who haven’t committed any perceived offense against the warrior code)? Hollyleaf could never justify that to herself, and so it wouldn’t make sense for her character. I just hate the way that they went ab her redemption… like I liked the parallels between the fox cub turning on her and the way she treated Leafpool, but other than that, wtf was she supposed to have learned from dicking around underground for however many moons? How did that advance her character growth? I think they should have killed her in the tunnel collapse and sent her to the Dark Forest, bc being sent to cat hell might be the only thing that would ever make Holly admit she was in the wrong tbh. And then!! Bc she realized she fucked up and is still loyal to her principles and her clan, she could have acted as a sort of DF deprogrammer from the inside, warning the cats training in the DF ab what they were getting into and eventually fighting against the DF in the Great Battle. Then we could finally get a DF cat being admitted to Starclan after their redemption instead of this weird reverential treatment of punitive justice that the series seems determined to push on their child audience
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lordofryoshimacoast · 2 years
Corrupt starclan au
In this au Starclan believes in stopping the problem before it happens. essentially sending prophecies or straight up killing cats who could become problems if something happens.
Mapleshade after being exiled, before she can even cross the river with her kits. A bolt of lightning strikes a tree and kills her and the kits. Mapleshade is sent to the dark forest because she would've been a murderer.
After Pinestar refuses to kill his son, Starclan takes matters into their own paws. They send a plague upon Thunderclan, killing Tigerkit before he can even become Tigerstar. Again, he goes to cat hell.
So on and so forth.
So instead of Power of Three and Omen of the stars being about defeating the Dark Forest, it's about the three realizing Starclan is corrupt and overthrowing it before more cats are hurt.
Hollyleaf would be apart of the prophecy this time, her power would be to see the truth. Ever since she was a kit she would know Squirrelflight was lying to her, the Fire scene still happens. Only for Hollyleaf later to be like: Yeah, I knew.
Hollyleaf doesn't try to kill Leafpool this time, but she does kill Ashfur. Actually all of the three kill Ashfur, knowing Starclan would try and stop them. //Ashfur is alive because Starclan wants the three dead//
Jayfeather keeps his dream walking ability and the empath shit, but he can see clearly into the future and past. The time travel arc is kinda cut out, Jayfeather just looks into the past and sees Fallen Leaves die, and then the future tribe going to the mountains.
Lionblaze keeps his super strength. Whatever it's still Lionblaze, honestly couldn't think of anything good for him as his character is a piece of cardboard. If he were a icecream flavor, he'd be vanilla. Maybe in this make him more arrogant, make him slightly more interesting. Though, he's much larger than the average cat.
the fourth cat, instead of being Firestar would be Dovewing. Dovewing keeps her powers but can see into different planes of existence. Dovewing is essentially how Jayfeather manages to Dreamwalk into the Dark forest and learn what Starclan has done. Dovewing is able to see where all ancestors go, and pretty much everywhere with her powers.
the rest of the arc would be convincing the clans that they need to not trust Starclan, Starclan trying to stop them and kill them. Lionblaze would constantly be around the four, to protect them from whatever happens. By the end of it the four become the new judges of Starclan, essentially ascending kinda?
Cats who were wrongly put in the dark forest come into starclan.
Later arc drama would probably consist of Starclan trying to get cats to believe in them again and overthrow the four. Ashfur mainly leading this.
And that's all I have so far :).
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yuridovewing · 10 months
RazorVerse: Name Changes
I want to have a place to keep all my name changes hehe. Again, this is all just a WIP and is subject to change (and I am open to recommendations!)
Going to try to go in chronological order here.
Frecklewish (TC) > Frecklefur. Reasoning: Sorry yall I know she's more popular than the SkyClan one, but SkyClan Frecklewish came first and that's muuuuch more of a SkyClan name to me than a base clan one. Frecklefur is still cute and has a nice ring to it to me.
Rainflower > Rainstar + Hailstar > Hailstep. Reasoning: Simply to reflect the new ranks. In flashbacks and references, that's what they'll be referred as.
Bluefur and Snowfur > Blueflower and Snowflower. Reasoning: Matching names with their mom!
Ravenpaw > Boo. Reasoning: He becomes a kittypet instead of a barn cat.
Brambleclaw > Brambleblaze. Reasoning: Matches Hawkfrost. Fire theme- Firestar offers it as a sort of apology. "You take after me more than you ever did him"... which Bramble would go on to challenge over the years. Also, makes it so Lionblaze is named after both his ex-adoptive father and grandfather
Tawnypelt > Tawnyclaw. Reasoning: The "honoring your father as the warrior he was, not his crimes" reasoning was moved to her, Blackstar names her. This is meant to be evidence that the clans have not moved on from Tigerstar and his ideology even if they try to show otherwise. This gives Tawny issues!
Jayfeather > Jayflight. Reasoning: Named after Squirrelflight as opposed to his father because A) Leafpool really regrets her time with Crowfeather and B) he isn't getting named by her anyways, and all of the three are named after their family in some form.
Tigerheartstar > Goldenheart/Goldenstar. Reasoning: Taking away the duplicate name, and she is now a FeatherTawny kitten so naming her after the man who tried to kill her mother as a baby is sorta in poor taste anyways. (i mean it was always in poor taste but. yknow.) She is now named after Goldenflower.
Ivypool > Ivyleaf. Reasoning: Named after her biological mother and grandmother. This gives Ivy issues!
Snowbush > Snowfall. Reasoning. I mean. It's Snowbush. (Note: Here he's named after Snowtail, who's a grown up Snowkit and his adoptive grandfather.)
Sorrelstripe > Honeystripe. Also Man Beamed. She, Honeyfur, and Fernsong got combined together (possibly Larksong as well depending on what I decide. Tragic fates for both of the siblings :( ). Reasoning: Hollytuft and Honeystripe are now Jaypoppy kits. neither Ferncloud nor Sorrelstripe die in The Last Hope, so this final child is named after Honeyfern, whose death is moved here. The kits are named for both of their deceased aunts. Name is pending.
Sparkpelt > Sparkstorm. Reasoning: Named after Sandstorm. Also I just think -pelt is about the lamest suffix ever for her and she deserves better.
Twigbranch > Twigshade. Reasoning: Sisters gotta match!
Birchkit > Whitekit. Reasoning: Dovewing's relationship with her (adoptive) parents is changed here. Birchfall was not the father to any of Whitewing's kittens because they were simply friends and he wanted to help her, but he really only played father to her bio kits, Ambermoon, Snowfall, and Dewnose. He distanced himself from Dovekit and Ivykit when Hollyleaf revealed she was their biological mother, and was embarrassed. Dovewing was instead much closer to Whitewing, who she herself was named after. (NOTE: May change this to Willowkit, after Willowshine, due to her dying in TBC.)
Characters that may get renamed but I haven't really figured them out yet.
Crowfeather. Reasoning: Feathertail lives in this AU and she and Crowfeather don't have their brief romance. So he doesn't really have a reason to request the name Crowfeather here, and it loses meaning. (Best I can think of is that he had a one sided crush and this was his way of coming onto her one last time before they went to the lake, which is..... ehhhhhh. It's unnecessary and creepy and he really doesn't need it.) Can't quite figure out a good alternative that holds a similar meaning to the original name though, besides Crowstorm which I don't really like for him.
Most of the Original Elder/First arc disability Names: You know the ones. You know why. Just trying to figure out good alternatives. Besides Sparrowtail.
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transhet-lionblaze · 6 days
Pokemon Warriors AU
OK SO this is just me brainstorming
For arc 1, the first 4 leaders are the elite 4, with skyclan being the secret final champion
Instead of being found by bluestar, rusty was found by Leaf (I can't remember if that was leafstar's kittypet name LoL) who acts as professor oak. Rusty is given a pokemon (charmander), along with Graypaw (squirtle), and Ravenpaw (bulbasaur)
Firestar ends up beating the elite four, but then has to fight Leafstar cuz plot twist, she's the secret champion!!
He wins and becomes the next champion, but steps down to be a gym leader along with graystripe, ravenpaw retired and became a pokemon daycare manager, but still is very powerful he's like. That kindly man who you would never GUESS is a badass, but secretly is one LoL
Second arc takes place in johto, with the prophecy guys being the pokedex holders. Brambleclaw gets pichu, feathertail gets totodile, crowpaw gets chikorita, and tawnypelt gets cyndaquil
The second arc is about the prophecy cats traveling the new area (johto) and also brambleclaw beats the all the gyms BUT fails beating the elite four, instead dedicates to training under firestar as one of the gym trainers
Feathertail is killed by team rocket, and leaves totodile (now croconaw) to storm further, who decides to join the fight against team tocket. Crowpaw never beats all the gyms, but it's his goal to so he spends most of his time training until he meets leafpool, a pokemon center worker. Tawnypelt ends up beating the gyms, but decides to stay with Rowanclaw (a gym leader) and help him with the gym
Arc 3 takes place in hoenn, with the 3 being the main guys LoL. Jayfeather gets mudkip, hollyleaf gets treecko, and lionblaze gets torchic.
Jayfeather does the gym challenge, but decides to retire before beating the elite four and becomes a pokemon breeder
Hollyleaf dies before she can beat the elite four, running away after finding out about team aqua/magma's plans, and dying during the final battle between kyogre and Groupon
Lionblaze becomes the champ....sorry his story is boring LoL
Arc 4 takes place in unova (cuz dawn of the clans takes place in sinnoh), with the main charas being dove/ivy, ivy gets snivy (obvi) and dove gets tepid
ivy trains super hard but ends up falling behind dove, who's being trained by the hoenn champion, so ivy decides to join the evil team who's name I totally remember. She ends up working as a spy, but still befriends hawkfrost who works as n in this universe, so hawkfrost gets a redemption arc LoL
Dove has been trained to beat the champion, but before the elite four (and after beating the evil team) she decides to settle down with Tigerheart, who ends up beating the unova champion and becomes champion in turn
Arc 5 takes place in kilos, with alder/needle/spark being the original 3 main, but twig/violet join them. Alder gets chespin, needle gets froakie, and spark gets fennekin.
Twig gets chespin to mimic alderheart, and violetpaw gets froakie to mimic needletail.
Twig decides to just work with alderheart in the pokemon center, violet originally was being trained by needle to become the next champ but decides that isn't for her after needle's death. Spark ends up becoming champion, but decides to stay as a gym leader to honor firestar's legacy
Arc 6/7 take place in alola and sword and shield (I forgetted the region name), but I haven't read much of them so. I'll only assign them pokemon
Bristle gets popplio, root gets Rowlett, and shadow gets litten
night gets scorbunny, frost gets sobbed, and uh. The third one gets grookey. I know nothing about the new arc sorry
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brightlycloudy · 20 days
I have an au where instead of the three and Squirrelflight, at the fire scene it’s just Ashfur and Leafpool and she’s like nooo don’t hurt my sister I’ll do anything and he’s like aaaaaanythiing?? and they enter a reaaaally toxic relationship and maybe Squirrelflight kills him instead of Hollyleaf I haven’t gotten that far yet
I think that would make sense bc if squilf saw that THOSE TWO were in a relationship she’d totally be like NUH UH
but WAIT….that was his plan. She tried to sneak up on him but he was ready and kills HER. I guess that wouldn’t make sense though idk I’ll keep thinking abt this
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the-owl-tree · 9 months
🤔😱☯️ >:}}c
hi miles :3
🤔 : what's the biggest series plothole that's bugged you?
i think someone else mentioned the whole baby soldiers plotline in tpb being in the same book where bluestar names two babies early sooooo uh why didn't riverclan say anything about how oakheart died. like.....i know why they didn't do it, but the whole an entire clan knows that oakheart didn't kill redtail and instead got crushed by rocks feels like something to work around to me. i know it's what the story needs, i know it would have wrecked the mystery, but it does make me wish that it hadn't been a border raid that redtail was killed in but tigerclaw deliberately and privately luring redtail to sunningrocks to make it look like it was a riverclan warriors' fault.
😱 : how many people have you blocked over innocuous, not at all important warriors related takes?
none lol i guess you could say the wc-confessions blog but i generally don't think it's innocuous takes that made me ban it it's just flat out misogyny sometimes. not blaming the mods, i know it can be difficult to decide which takes to filter and whatnot, but i just blocked.
idk generally it's never really the take itself that makes me do a block but usually the tone, how they speak about others, and so on. like if you are constantly telling people to kill themselves, i'm blocking you lol
☯️ : what dynamic between two cats has got you up at night pacing for hours? (romantic, platonic, familial, etc)
leafpool and hollyleaf drive me insane i think leafpool should have had multiple moments in the series where she can't enter her own den because she remembers her own daughter trying to kill her own. where alderheart or jayfeather catch her staring at where they used to store the deathberries during sunrise.
more of an obvious one but my hc cinderholly. i will forever cling onto my hc that cinderheart knew hollyleaf killed ashfur and covered for her ("hollyleaf what have you done?"). i could put so many problems into these two.
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blimbo-buddy · 1 year
If LeafPool was the one to deliver the "Kill me and tell the stars you have won" line instead of GreyWing, you know damn well that people would use that scene to show that she was "manipulating HollyLeaf and traumatizing her"
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raggedleaf · 2 years
i was watching a hollyleaf pmv and it kinda hit me abt what the fox cub in her novella symbolized. like... she finds a fox cub and assumes the role of its mother before eventually returning it to its mother. after that happens, hollyleaf finds it again a few moons ago and thinks that it would remember her but sike, it doesn’t and almost ends up killing her.  now think about that in the context of hollyleaf and leafpool. leafpool gives birth to the three but gives them up to her sister, who is seen as the “rightful” mother of them by the four clans. eventually, the secret is revealed at the gathering and leafpool finds hollyleaf in the medicine cat den at thunderclan afterwards. she hopes that her daughter might see and acknowledge she is her real mother but instead, hollyleaf threatens to kill leafpool with deathberries.  i wish we had more things like that in warrior cats.
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