#and I am tough (only once I'm comfortable tho)
key201303 · 8 months
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Pairing: Jaehyeong x Reader Word count: 1525 words Warnings: None! Just a bunch of comfort Plot: You’ve been feeling really overwhelmed lately because of your bosses. They’ve been asking you to overwork for the past few weeks and even though Jaehyeong asked you to set the limits and tell them you couldn’t overwork anymore in order to stay more healthy, you couldn’t say no to your bosses. Today when you got back home, Jaehyeong was home waiting for you to join him in a delicious dinner. But as soon as you run to his arms and tears start streaming down your face uncontrollably, he cannot focus on the food anymore. A/N: I'm officially coming back! Lot's of thing have been happening that kept me away from writing but fortunately I can say I will be able to slowly go back to writing. Thank you to everyone that is still here and that will read and support my stories from now on, doesn't matter if you're old school or new to this blog ❤️ Also I've noticed there are not much content with The rose and specially with Jaehyeong so here I am, black roses you're all welcome to my blog let's share our love for these guys ❤️ Taglist -> since it's been so long, let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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It’s been a tough day. Not only because your coworker keeps giving you more and more of her work because your bosses have been asking you to stay at work for longer or even extra days. At this point, with this tight schedule you haven’t been able to see Jaehyeong. You even almost forgot how his voice sounded like in real life or how his eyes shined everytime you appeared in his sight. And that made you feel even worse about the whole situation. He has told you plenty of times to set your limits so they cannot exploit you just because you do your work and other’s. But you’re not the type of person to say “no”. It’s like that word doesn’t exist in your vocabulary. Now unfortunately you have to pay the consequences of overworking. “Y/N, I’ll leave some documents I couldn’t finish on your desk, I’m going home.” The voice of your coworker broke the peaceful sound the coffee machine made while preparing your fourth coffee of the day. All you did was check the wall clock that hungged above your heads and nodded, not even looking at her. Once your coffee was ready, you had to go back to work. As soon as you entered your office, your phone screen lit up with a familiar notification sound. “I’m home! Hope you come soon, I’ll make some good food, remember our promise?” The message said. Only then you remember the little promise you made the night before. Jaehyeong was going to finish practice earlier than usual and promised you he would make you your favorite food as long as you finished earlier than usual as well. You felt overwhelmed for a moment. You wanted more than anything else that quality time with the man that owned your heart. And you only had to say “no”.
After a few more minutes of conversation a familiar voice knocks you out of your thoughts once again. “Can you stay a few more hours? Jiwoo’s work need to be finished today.” Your boss said. To be honest, you were tired. Tired of always wanting to go home but not being able to do so because Jiwoo didn’t finish her work. “I have plans.” You said without even thinking what you just said. “But…” Your boss tried to answer but you cut him off. “No buts. It’s Jiwoo’s work, not mine.” You said packing your stuff without looking up. “If it has to be finished today, she should have stayed like I do everyday.” You added getting off your seat and walking towards the door that separated your office from the rest of the building. “I’ll see you on Monday.” You said before leaving the place as your boss and other coworkers looked at you with a surprised gaze. Finally you could feel a huge weight getting off your shoulders.
The walk back home was cold. Hands and nose were freezing tho your ears were warm thanks to the headphones Jaehyeong gifted you a few weeks ago. And not only your ears were getting warm. Your heart was also finally starting to feel warm as you listened to “She’s in the rain”. It never fails to make you feel better whenever you listen to it. (Take some time to enjoy the song before you continue reading)
You finally got home and the strong smell of fresh homemade food filled your body with the feeling of home. And even more feelings appeared as soon as Jaehyeong’s smiling figure appeared leaning on the kitchen door frame. His smile was as bright as light, as sweet as chocolate, as beautiful as a rose and as warm as the sunshine. You couldn’t stop admiring his figure as you walked towards him, hoping to land between his arms and rest your head in the warmth of his chest, near his heart where you belong. His smile grew even wider when his arms wrapped around your small figure. Unfortunately that smile didn’t last long. You could feel the tears falling down your cheeks, getting dried by Jaehyeong’s soft pull over. You tried to stop the tears but you couldn’t. Finally all the stress you’ve been trying to hide was flowing out your body through those tears. “You don’t have to hide your emotions anymore, not in front of me.” Jaehyeong said, tightening his hold, making you hide your face back in the warmth of his heart. “Let it all out… You’ve held it for long enough and I’m here to listen to you.” He added with a low voice, stroking your hair trying to calm you down.
“I have an idea.” He said, a smile appearing back in his lips when you started to feel a bit better. “Let’s go.” He added, grabbing your hand and his guitar. You looked at him confused. “But the dinner…” You tried to say, pointing at the dining room table, full of food. “Food can wait, your health can’t”. He said taking you to the rooftop of your little apartment.
The sky looked beautiful when not much city lights ruined the light stars and the moon had. “How can you know me so well?” You asked Jaehyeong, a small smile threatening to appear in your lips as you still tried to dry some tears that were left running down your cheeks. “Because before dating you, I had to deal with your annoying ass as a best friend.” Jaehyeong joked as he removed the last tear from your cheek with a soft touch, gaining the laugh that was threatening to come out from your mouth. 
“Come on, I’ll let you choose the song for today.” He said once you both got warm and comfy in the small tent you had built for when you needed a stargazing session like the one you were about to start. You immediately suggested ‘she’s in the rain’ and as soon as you started to pronounce the title of the song Jaehyeong cut you off. “You always choose the same one! Can’t you just change for once?” He said playfully laughing. “If you don’t want me to choose then don’t ask me to do so!” You said laughing as well. After some discussion on which song he should play, finally you both agreed on him playing “See-saw”.
His voice was soft, low, not really putting much effort but still taking you to heaven, words flowing through his mouth so effortlessly which made you feel even more cozy. The moonlight hit the perfect spots to make his face features stand out. The silverish light hit perfectly his blond locks, creating an elegant silver hair illusion. You couldn’t focus on the sky. The galaxy his dark eyes held was more than enough that you couldn’t have more attention for something else apart from him. Only then you notice it was not the homemade food the one giving you the feeling of home. Actually it was the thought of him being there for you the one that made you feel home, because everywhere and anywhere would feel home as long as you were together. (Take some time to enjoy the song before you continue reading)
Once he finished singing, his slender fingers kept playing the guitar a bit more as you laid your head on his shoulder. The lack of light, his scent, the soft music his guitar was making mixed with the soft vibrations you felt because of him quietly humming to random melodies was lulling you into a deep sleep. A huge smile appeared on his lips when he noticed your almost asleep figure. “You look so beautiful like this. I’m so lucky you decided to say yes when I asked you out in such a shabby way.” He whispered, pretending to think you were fast asleep and couldn’t hear him. You couldn’t help smiling at his confession which made him act all surprised and disappointed because you heard what he said which made you laugh even more. “This is the girl I missed.” He said. His eyes held so much admiration and love whenever he looked at you. It’s always been that way. You guess Dojoon was right every time he said Jaehyeong would always look at you in a very different way. And it was true. You were the only person living on this earth and probably this galaxy that could see that look in his eyes. Full of love and so fond of you. “Promise you won’t overwork anymore.” He said once you both finished your little stargazing date. “We promised to have a happy life together, you can’t get sick already.” He added as you both entered the kitchen, a small tint of sadness in his expression. Seeing him like this broke your heart. “I promise, from now on no more extra hours.” You said with a small smile, offering him your pinky to seal the deal. But he preferred leaning a bit to close the distance between both of you and place a soft yet full of the love he had for you kiss on your cherry lips. “Let’s go, we have to hit up the food if we want to have dinner.” He said with a playful smirk, leaving you wanting more, just like he always loves to do.
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b0njourbeachsvoid · 26 days
Thought the prompt was interesting, and I already love your ocs! (Me personally i wouldn't fw that combo. More of a fries and milkshake guy)
I'll be sure not to blow up your inbox with questions about them! I enjoy it when people talk about their characters. Just one more:
Would any of them survive a horror movie? We're talking about films like Saw or Halloween! Oldies, maybe? Would they be the killer or that one mf who falls while running and doesn't get back up?
Im done yapping i prommy 💗🐐
It is an interesting prompt indeed, especially because it's not the usual "What is your OCs favorite color?" - I like the odd and strange, keeps my mind working which is always enjoyable. I also appreciate you liking them, I'm quite fond of them myself. You see, I've had a great variety of OCs but some simply didn't stick out to me, so I gave them away like leftover cake. But these three, they got stuck somehow. Especially Ruby, he was there from the beginning, the first one to stand. Many friends and siblings have left but he stayed and so did his cousin (Armaros) and the new part of the family: Félix.
You're so real for the fries and milkshakes tho, bloody hell it's been years since I last had it. Then again, I'm not much of a fries person unless it's curly fries.
Do feel free to blow up my inbox, it's actually quiet empty right now. I do love asks especially because they're much more comfortable than DMs (And worry not about being "too much" - I'll be answering them at my own speed anyway because sometimes I just have my hands full yk? This applies to everyone here btw!) The "worst" case that can happen is that I may save the asks about my Ocs for later for when I developed them further but that doesn't mean I don't want them! All asks are welcome here.
I am actually quite grateful that you show interest about them. I'm not the type to yap on my own about them but once I start yapping, I can't be stopped so easily hahaha.
You see that's an actually quite interesting question because of their unique nature! Armaros despises Ruby to death, so there may be very well the chance that he would toss Ruby at the first second present - If he's not even the killer as is. Ruby, on the other hand, doesn't really care as long as fire isn't involved. A calm mind, average smartness, so it would really depend on the killer and which type of horror movie we're talking about tbh. Armaros knows how to fight and he's quite booksmart, so he would be definitely staying alive in the most cases.
But Félix,, Well I'm not too sure about him because he's a necromancer, so he isn't really scared of death and it's actually quite difficult to scare him because some parts of his body are just bones (his right arm, for example. It's skeleton only), so injuring him would be a tough spot altogether. He isn't the brightest tho, so he might be in a rough spot in a movie like Saw (then again, he could also make use of his body to escape).
So for now, in their Twst version, Félix might be the first to die.
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taegularities · 10 months
You know what? I will feel so empty without them. Discovered them in March 2022 (yes one of my biggest regret in my life). Since then i never once stop talking about them to my friend, i was harrassing her lmao giving her daily updates even if she doesn’t care. I once said that i only breath rnb but i can also say today that i breath bangtan.
Bangtan help me filled a missing piece in my love life? In some way, they were helping me to escape reality. Before knowing them i never once dated someone (still don’t) and to think that i have to face back reality, by confronting the mores of our society and by hoping to find someone who is gonna help me filled that gap, well, yes it hits hard. I am affraid of a lot of things regarding love and relationships in general. I don’t think i have issues nor that i am insecure. With years i started accepting to love myself but i still know that it isn’t enough. Because a part of me says otherwise. An ex friend of mine, once said to me that i was waiting for a partner to accept myself because what i needed was insurance. I feel that it is true. At the same time I might think that « the one » will never appeared to me if i don’t love myself enough. How can i love someone else if i am not even able to love myself? Men that i allowed in my life, played me or didn’t fit my standards. Am i wrong with that? Am i wrong for not giving them a chance to know me or to like me? The more i grow up the more i feel lonely in that society. I felt the lack of affection a lot before bangtan and now that they are gone, i am back to square one. I know that at some point of my life i will have to settle with someone and detached myself from them. For now i don’t have that someone and don’t have them until they are back. But more serioulsy this society pressure me a lot, makes it hard to be fully happy… Not me being so dramatic, i am so sorry. Wanted to vent a bit… tough day. Hope yours wasn’t too harsh tho <3
hi bby. i wanted to be in a headspace where i can answer this properly, but even now, i am at such a loss for words bc i so know what you mean. don't worry about joining 'late' – one idea this fandom has always agreed upon is that you find bangtan just when you're in need of them. i'm not sure how they do that or what the magic behind it is, but they always come into our lives when we need them the most.
and yeah, that's why all of this hurts so much, too! i remember crying my eyes out when last year's festa came out and they announced their hiatus. right now, i feel like it's not quite sinking in that in a few days, they'll all be leaving and be gone at the same time, and it's a harsh reality to cope with. but you know… i find comfort in the thought that they love us just as much (more even, lbr). time is going to pass for them as it will for us, and i promise you they'll be thinking of us every dang moment, so the love, at least, never fades. we'll try our best to be healthy and live our best lives and then come together when they do!! in the meantime, we have each other, so i hope everyone sticks around and holds each other's hand!!
i understand how scary love can be. discovering that people can be kind and so generous raised my standards, too – the boys really did. it's gotten so hard to find someone who fits those expectations, but yk… at some point, we will definitely need to detach ourselves from the idea that every man will be like them. we shouldn't settle for anything less, but we shouldn't reject everyone either who isn't just like them. that's what i've been going with.. the thought to never be able to settle is so freaking scary, but i promise you will!! one day, you'll find someone who fits you just perfectly, and you'll be happy, babe, i can tell you as much. and be as dramatic as you want to be, bc gawd, we're allowed to hurt! i just hope your days get better and that you feel okay as soon as possible. sending you all my love and the tightest hugs, axelle 🥺🤍
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pomgore · 2 years
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I posted 2,124 times in 2022
That's 581 more posts than 2021!
33 posts created (2%)
2,091 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,364 of my posts in 2022
Only 36% of my posts had no tags
#insp - 214 posts
#pomcore - 162 posts
#pom's comfy tag - 66 posts
#the pom! signal - 37 posts
#sent to me - 24 posts
#friend art - 11 posts
#so true - 10 posts
#mewtag - 8 posts
#screams - 6 posts
#literally - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#on one hand i wanna make fun of izzy for thinking two captains (with full and uninterrupted access to the ship's cabin mind you) would fuck
My Top Posts in 2022:
Pom!!! What can you tell us about “the empty lands where no men are”? 👀💜
i can tell you it's a boromir lives amnesia fic where aragorn is so polyamorous he cries
a while ago i was fantasizing about like, the boromir-arwen side of the love triangle and decided i thought their dynamic could be incredible (two chivalrous courtly lovers who bond over their destiny-riddled third half) so i give arwen plenty of time in the spotlight in that fic as well
as for boromir and aragorn, they are as dramatic as ever
“There was- kingsfoil, that’s the name, kingsfoil in the arrow-wounds,” Boromir continued. “... I expect that was the work of the King. He was a ranger in the realm where Arnor once stood, isn’t that right? A ranger’s knowledge of medicine.”
“To use athalas on wounds is an elven remedy,” Arwen told him. “Before Aragorn was a ranger, he lived in Rivendell among elves for many years.”
Boromir watched Aragorn for a while. “I do not know why,” he said, “but that seems to explain some things about him.”
“Indeed,” Arwen agreed. “Continue about Lórien, please.”
i'm still not sure whether i'll finish this one as i've hit a tough spot in it, but i love the concept so much that i can't bear to delete it - boromir my babygirl for real
thank you sm for the ask btw! maybe i will send you one after i have a nap to recover from this wretched sickliness
7 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
Good morning friend! I thought I should properly introduce myself if I'm going to keep bothering you :)
I'm Remy, I'm 19 and use they/them. I'm autistic and my two biggest special interests at the moment are movies and LotR. I'm hyperfixating on the hobbit at the moment tho.
I'm a writer and I read a lot.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. I am not good at introducing myself but you're really cool :)
good morning to you too! i have lots of names but most people call me pom, i'm 17 and also use they/them (🤝). i am nursing a fresh tolkienverse special interest, and i am a writer/artist.
i think you're pretty cool too! i've never had a follower who was a fan of my work (? if that makes sense?), since i hardly ever post my work here. all of my followers are just old discord buddies and miscellaneous mutuals from over the years lol
it's nice to meet you remy! thank you very much for enjoying my creations
8 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
if i dont see a MASSIVE influx of gay pirate ocs because of ofmd i will personally cancel ofmd season 2
10 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
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“And a sense of coldness detatches, / As it tries to comfort your sadness,”
12 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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he’s a bit big for you
22 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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1d1195 · 2 months
I'm glad your weekend wasn’t horrible! Though please take some time to recharge! While nothing too bad may have happened, it can still be a lot of being around people! Cleaning is oddly relaxing for me too lol. What are you most excited to cook on your list of recipes?
I used to LOVE project runway when i was younger! Tbh I think I just loved any show that involved creating something like baking,cooking, and even home renovation stuff lol But ngl reality tv shows about dating/love stuff  is something that I can’t get into lol But I can see how you are more drawn towards scripted stuff though and I get it!
Kids are crazy! Sometimes it is wild how they cannot simply be kind or even understanding of others. I didn’t personally suffer from bullying but that doesn’t mean literally interacting with kids my age was easy. Anyways I'm sure giving them reminders is helping even if they may not appreciate it at the moment! Though I get that it can be so annoying because you're kind and it comes naturally to you!
That’s so sweet! And you’re so right about nicknames! Though I am never bold enough to give someone a nickname or use one unless they tell me too lol and yeah I dislike the brand for more reasons other than that obviously but my inner child loves holding grudge lol 
I LOVE when people give context or just share details lol im the same way too! Once I get on a topic I feel strongly for and/or once I'm comfortable with someone I YAP AWAY! But lowkey I miss silly little filler chapters in general! They remind me a lot of my early wattpad days when I was 12 HAHA But yes I do agree filler episodes are so underappreciated now! Especially how most shows don’t even go beyond 10 episodes per season now which I find kind of sad! 
Both of my classes meet twice a week, but both are 3 hours long :( And they both are live zoom sessions so that means that there is no recording happening. Which I totally get but 3 hours is alot 😭But you're right it is so much info 😭 Yeah lowkey my therapist said it wasn’t a good idea to do two summer sessions back to back but I need to graduate on time lol Also how is teaching summer classes goin? Are you almost done?
Hope you can get some rest and have a very calm rest of the week! You don’t have to thank me! Seriously talking to you is never a bother and I enjoy it so much! THANK YOU for constantly giving such thoughtful responses to not only me but everyone you interact with💗Wishing you to have the BEST week bestie!! Love you lots!-💜
My dumb son invited his friend over to stay with us for a couple days so now I'm hiding in my room. I have to pretend to be social and shit and it's the worst. I've barely recovered from my fam. I just want to be quiet and alone by myself 😭😭 No but tbh it's fine. I'm just dramatic. Cleaning was REALLY good actually. I've been trying to do some much needed stuff (like washing walls and baseboards. Very adult stuff lol) Maybe I'll do some more organizing and shit while his friend is here so I can hide and whatnot.
I made this ravioli dish that was really good. It was sort of alfredo-y and had spinach and sundried tomatoes. Honestly? I'm most excited to make these roasted veggies lol. Potatoes, carrots, zucchini hehehe
I liked the first few seasons of project runway but the premise got away from me (and the writers I think). I wish I got more into cooking shows. I do have a serious soft spot for Cake Boss tho 😂
I have this one student who said to me "she never gives up on me" and it honestly kind of melted my heart. She's a TOUGH kid. Like I'm lowkey afraid of her 😭😭 I'm glad she likes me because she's kinda cuckoo 🤣🤣 She has these massive angry blowups, not necessarily her fault because of mental health and undiagnosed ADHD but she doesn't always make the best decisions either. For some reason she listens to me. So I keep trying to help her even though she makes me INSANE. But the point of that was she's a mean girl tbh she struggles to stay out of drama (sometimes not her fault, but many times it is) anyway. She's a lot, can't wait for her to graduate.
An inner child grudge is like no other. I love it tbh. I have a grudge. My mom told me at like age 6 we hate Bank of America and I refuse to set foot in there lol so I totally get disliking the brand.
I can't say I'm surprised, we do send each other lengthy messages 😭 it would be a TIME if we met in person hahahahahaha we wouldn't stop talking for ages. It's CRAZY how there are no filler episodes and the seasons are SO short. So so so crazy.
OMG T W E L V E HOURS of zoom a week. That's so so long. I hope they give breaks. Honestly, this is going to sound super weird, but I think it's pretty cool that you didn't listen to your therapist about this. It's fairly low-stake and it's a lot but you have really good intentions of getting your classes done on time so you can be DONE and graduate. One of the things I'm worried about starting therapy is that I'll want to do it perfectly and I'll want my therapist to think I'm the best lol (can you tell I need it?) so I feel like I would be obligated to do EVERYTHING she tells me to (I want a she because I hate men most of the time lol) and I would overwhelm myself with that if that makes sense. So it's refreshing to know you don't have to listen to her; at least in this instant. Hopefully that all makes sense
One more week of summer school. They're going well. I'm worried some kids aren't going to pass. We offer some classes online and I'm concerned they aren't going to finish/pass. Which is so irritating. Because like, why show up for a month if you're not going to pass? I know there's deeper issues and more to it, but still. We make it PRETTY easy to pass...
Hope your week gets easier too LOVE YOU
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muertawrites · 2 years
Request !! Reader on her period so bf!eddie gives her cuddles and tries to help her period cramps :(
(i'm on the second day of my period and having a horrible time with it so i needed this request. my emotions are being real bitchy to me.)
i'm just gonna write these as headcanons bc anything more formal i've tried today has flopped spectacularly
idk about the rest of y'all but i'm an emotional wreck on my period. a couple days beforehand i am just mean, and bitter, and all i want to do is cry, and on top of that i get really sleepy and just want to eat everything in sight, especially if it's high in sugar.
so this is the woman that our poor man has to deal with every month
i actually feel like eddie would be kind of squeamish about periods? like the whole concept just kind of grosses him out (and justifiably, because it is a very gross thing to go through). this means he's very careful with you when you're on your period, not wanting to be too rough or too intimate with you because it's totally weird down there right now and he doesn't want to cross a line (which is fair because, if you're like me, you go from "i just want to be swaddled like an infant" to "if anybody touches me i'll rip out their kidneys" in a matter of seconds)
but he also knows the hormones are hard on you because your emotions are just ruthless. and he's really good at supporting you when things are tough. so in this respect, he knows exactly what to do.
when you get angry at him, he knows not to argue with you. he argued with you once when you lashed out at him because of your period, and you felt so bad about the fight afterward that you made him a mixtape and bought him a new grinder to apologize. he also felt really bad and once you talked through it, he was quick to pick up on what was actual frustration and what was your period talking. (you can tell he's fictional bc he's emotionally intuitive lmaoooooo)
when you break down crying at random, he holds you. doesn't matter what the reason, he'll just plop you into his lap and cuddle you until the tears stop. he's perfectly happy letting you use him as a body pillow when you need to.
when you get really insecure about your body, or your skin starts breaking out because of the hormones, he's you go-to hype man. he reminds you constantly that you're pretty, the prettiest person he's ever seen, even when you're in your pajamas feeling gross and wishing you could become one with your mattress. totally the type of boyfriend who would do sheet masks with you. that has to stay between you, though. can't let the hellfire guys think he's going soft even tho he's soft as candy floss for you and everyone knows it.
always down to get munchies. will actually get high so you can have the munchies together. you tell him that that's not technically very sympathetic, since he loves getting high, but he buys you whatever snacks you want from 7-eleven and doesn't expect or even ask you to share, so you let it slide. loves taking you to mcdonald's or sonic late at night for fries and milkshakes.
he's SO cautious when you're cramping. even if you ask him to hold you he'll be really gentle and light with his touches because he doesn't want to hurt you. won't touch your stomach or even too high up on your thighs. he will refill your hot water bottle for you, though, and will get you ibuprofen or tea or whatever you ask him for to help.
will watch whatever comfort movie / show you want with you. he does tease you when cheesy stuff makes you overly emotional and you cry, but only because it's just so cute.
if you're in the shower he usually likes to join you, but if he knows you're on your period, he gives you space. i have a headcanon that he can get a little freaked out by the sight / smell of blood, ESPECIALLY after the incident with the demobats, so that's part of the reason. he definitely has ptsd from it and blood can trigger him.
idk he's still a guy and periods are weird to him, but he's a good boyfriend nonetheless. he does his best and he loves you. what more could you really ask for?
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its-tiamat · 3 years
Looks like if I can't find any comfort I'm gonna have to create it. Reality can be whatever I want here *laughs* anyway, hope u like this <3
Pairings: bakugo x reader • kirishima x reader • hawks x reader
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Most days are good. But sometimes, when things look like they couldn't go any more wrong, you just can't take it.
But you can't let go now. Not here. There are too many people around you.
As you start to feel yourself caving in, you turn around and look for the person you trust the most. No words are needed.
Bakugo will back you up as soon as he can, and get you away from the crowd. He doesn't care if he has to throw a scene or be mean to those who happen to be there. Even better, he'll try and manage to divert all the attention to him, while helping you out and into a place you'll feel more comfortable in.
"what the HELL is going on?"
His voice is so harsh, but you can only see worry in his eyes.
You are safe now. You start shaking. His question remains unanswered as your feelings take over your body.
Silently, he remains there for you while you slowly manage to gain back control over yourself. How much time has passed? You don't know. He's not leaving your side.
Once you're able to talk again, he'll insist to discuss what triggered you this time. Overthinking isn't uncommon, he's not there to judge you, and while he may not be soft spoken his sincerity helps you to look at your situation from a rational point of view. Talking with him always makes you feel better.
"that scene you threw before to get me out, that was sleek"
"bah, I know"
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So we all know he's soft on the inside just as much as he's tough on the outside right?
When he sees you on the verge of a panic attack, tears rolling down your cheeks and barely keeping yourself together, his heart almost stops.
Not even a second and his arms are around you.
What can he do? Should he talk to you? Do you even want him there? Maybe you're embarrassed by him seeing you so miserable, but the boy can't keep himself from trying to do something to make you feel better.
He will carry you to your bed, tug you in, hold your hand. He isn't good with words and he knows it, but he'll try his best.
"come on, it's all ok now"
"It's fucking NOT"
"I'm sorry"
When you feel a bit better, he'll bring you your favourite sweet beverage and a bunch of food.
"please, eat something. drink something at least. you must be exhausted. and dehydrated. do you want another blanket? I can bring you your laptop and we can watch something together yeah? or I could-"
"I feel better now. thank you for staying with me."
Though Kiri doesn't know exactly what to do, you know he will always do anything he can for you.
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You didn't think somebody would notice it. Nobody noticed when your actions became mechanical, and your stare empty. Once again, you just wanted to run as far as your legs could carry you, and then farther.
You didn't think somebody would notice it.
But Keigo did.
"hey are you ok?" he asked when he got enough near you.
"you aren't tho"
"I said yes"
There was no way he could believe you, sensitive as he is. He knows how it feels, how his own heart had felt the urge to escape, while being nailed to the ground.
You felt his arms wrapping around you.
"let's get away from here, ok love?"
Head buried in the young man's chest, you couldn't help but to start crying. Keigo tightened his hug. You were lifted in the air, quickly, softly.
"don't worry, we're getting home soon"
"I'm just a burden" you said between the tears.
"no, ok?"
The two of you landed on a building. Keigo's warm eyes were now filled with concern.
"don't ever think you are a burden. not to me."
"I am so weak."
"you aren't. you must feel overwhelmed right now, you're so strong for getting through this." He tried to give you a little smile.
"you are so strong, y/n"
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Request: Hey darling 👀 Can I request angst to fluff fic with bill guarnere x reader, where maybe they see each other after the war, when she comes to Philadelphia to see him but he's like, 'you should find someone better than me' y'know? If you don't like it it's totally fine, no worries!❤️
Pairing: Bill Guarnere x nurse!Reader
Genre: angst-fluff
Requested by: @sparkyluz
Band Of Brothers: @sparkyluz @chubbypotatoepie
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @comfort-reads
Warnings: language, mentions of death, wounds, let me know if I missed something.
A/N: please someone explain why was this so difficult to write, like??? Also I apologize for how I wrote bill's accent, that's a tricky one. Enjoy tho, and if you'd like to be added to any taglist or have any requests, send and ask <3
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"Dunno if you heard, sweetheart, but Bill's back home."
She had said.
"He's gettin' rest these days, but it'll do him some good to finally see ya."
I cried at Bill's mother's short phone call, but not like I had wailed for weeks, when I had thought him dead.
No; this time, I cried in relief, freeing all my mourning and sorrow with the tears until there were none to shed.
Bill and I knew each other from school; I shared class with him until my family moved out of Philadelphia. It wasn't until a few months before he joined the paratroopers that, by chance, encountered each other.
I had traveled to visit my brother at his job; Bill had turned out to be his co-worker. At first, the Italian boy didn't recognize me. It was only after we had spoken for five minutes when Bill seemed to come to the realization that we had pretty much spent a great part of our childhood sharing class.
He was delighted by that, yet quite embarrassed of not knowing who I was right away.
"Christ, Y/n," he rubbed his neck, head tilted down while his warm eyes stared straight at me through his brows. "Had I known— I didn't really—" he cleared his throat, motioning at my form whilst looking at me up and down. "you look so different!"
"Do I?" He nodded, but I denied slowly with a content smile. "I don't think so. You just didn't pay me much attention, now did you?"
"And I'm a goddamn fool for that, am I right?" He questioned with an incredulous chuckle. "Missin' out on ya," he tsked his tongue. "Must've been blind."
"Must've been." I let out a bashful laugh, straightening my skirt in order to take my attention away from the way he stared. When my eyes flickered back at Bill once more, I caught a smug smirk on his face, which made me laugh again. "What is it?"
"This ain't a proper place to ask ya but" he shrugged, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket. "If ya want to," he cleared his throat, examining my features with the same anticipation I was feeling. "I'd be happy to pick ya up sometime, y'know," he averted his gaze for a moment, choosing instead to look down while his foot kicked a rock. "Go dancin'... or for a walk maybe?"
"I'd love that!" I replied without missing a beat, trying to hold back my excitement.
We had quickly enrolled in a sweet courtship, to everyone's surprise. Not only because Bill had a bit of a womanizer reputation, but also due to the fact that I no longer lived in Philly, so a long lasting romance wasn't exactly expected by anyone— me included.
Despite that, we somehow made it work, and going against my friends advice, I ended up falling for the shameless, smug Italian boy and his not-so-hidden heart of gold.
He got it just as bad, though; it became more and more noticeable each passing day. Even when he tried to play the 'tough guy' card in order not to be teased, the lovey dovey eyes were still visible to everyone.
Then, he enlisted in the paratroopers.
I enlisted in the Army Nurse Corps.
We promised to write, and we did.
He would tell me about his training at Toccoa, I would tell him about my own at Fort Devens.
We lost touch for a while, which worried me to no end. Ironically enough, we met again in Holland, during operation Market Garden— I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him.
"Bill?" I had been brought to the aid station as an additional help a mere couple of days before. "Bill!" I called his name again, assuming he hadn't heard me over the chaos. I was walking to him when he finally turned around, a dumbfounded, shocked expression keeping his mouth open.
"Y/n?" A relieved laugh left my chest once the encounter seemed to settle in Bill, allowing him to react. His arm were wrapped around me as fast as lightning, squeezing me tight. "Wha- How- The hell are ya doin' here?!"
"My job. What are YOU doin' here?" I pulled back, giving him a quick check in order to figure whether he had been wounded.
"MY job." He took my hands in his and brought me back for another hug, this time more tender. "Get your pretty ass back to the states." He demanded after planting a kiss on my shoulder.
"For you not to write again?" I shook my head no with a teasing grin. "Not a chance, darlin'."
It was him who pulled away this time, keeping my hands on his. "It's not like I didn't wanna write, I—"
"Bill I know, I'm joking." I reassured him, caressing his cheek with my thumb. "I was really worried."
"You have no idea how much I missed ya." He stated, brown eyes full of love dug into mine. "Just wish you weren't here."
After that little moment, we ran into each other a few more times. We made the most of it, and cherished every instant as if it was the last.
We recovered contact, sending a letter everytime we could and hoping for them not to get lost in the mayhem the war was becoming.
We poured our hearts into a couple of badly written lines, placing oath in them. Promising we were fine, promising to keep writing, promising to go back to each other, promising our hearts belonged to one another.
I was pulled back to Paris in order to lend a hand in one of the hospitals, and correspondence became difficult again, but we managed.
At least until January.
Despite Bill's promises, I would have figured he had grown tired of the waiting —war was hell, a long, tedious hell—, had one of his last envelopes not contained the ominous words it did.
'The thought of you is one of the few things that brings hope to my mind in this cold hellhole. If I ever stop writing to you, consider me dead, cause I will be.
Y/n, I think this place might be it for me. I love you.'
So, surely enough, when the letters stopped coming, I thought him dead.
Turns out he wasn't.
Baffled and hurt, I debated for days whether if I should go to see him, as his mother had suggested, or if I should stay away and not bother him.
At the end of the day, it wasn't him who had deemed appropriate to let me know he was safe; there must have been a reason behind that decision, and, legitimate or not, a part of me adviced me to respect it and move on with my life.
The other part, however, urged me to go meet Bill, to confront him and ask for a proper explanation, and to obtain the reassurance that, even if he didn't wish to see me anymore, at least he was safe and sound.
After a week, I ended up opting for the latter. Gathering up all the courage and strength I could find, I put on my best clothes and headed out to the Guarnere's home.
On my way there, I tried to think about a decent way to approach the situation, a firm yet understanding one, but whatever I had come up with evaporated the moment Bill's mother opened the door.
"Y/n, sweetheart." She gave me a broken smile, and I did my best to reciprocate it with one deserving of hers. "Come in, come in."
I obeyed, stepping into her home, now quieter and darker, with one kid less and a life worth of sorrow more.
"D'you fancy anythin'?" I shook my head no, my lips pursed in a polite smile. "Cuppa water? Maybe a sweet?" She questioned again, rushing to the kitchen.
"No, thank you, ma'am." I reiterated, waving one of my hands in dismissal while the other held my purse. "I just thought I'd come see—"
"Bill! 'course." She finished, coming out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron —not because they were dirty, but because she was anxious about something. Maybe Bill had let her know already that he didn't wish to see me. "He's in his room— I think he's not sleepin' but knock before, just in case, yeah?"
"Yes, ma'am, thank you."
"Y/n!" I turned halfway to meet his mother's eyes; they carried a different kind of sadness I had only seen in women who had lost their kids to the war. "Be gentle with him— understanding. He needs it." I gave the older lady a confused nod, silently promising her to do so.
Knock knock.
"Come in."
I didn't know what I had expected previous to open Bill's door, but it surely wasn't what I was met with.
"Thought I heard ya." He spoke with a grunt, leaving the crutches he had been using against the wall before sitting on his bed.
Aside from the brief glance he had spared me right after I entered the room, Bill didn't meet my gaze; his eyes seemed to wander every corner of the estance, a tinge of discomfort plastered on his face.
He didn't want me there, and I, as a nurse, had some idea of what the reason might be.
"You're alive." Were the first words that left my mouth. Bill shifted uncomfortable under my glance.
"Looks like it." He mumbled. "What brings you here?"
"I—" it took me a moment to elaborate, as I was at a loss of words at his reaction. "I thought you dead."
"Lucky me."
"Nah, don't start with that." Bill sniffed with a grimace. "I seen ya look like that at the soldiers you took care of. It's pity."
"It's not pity." It took my best effort not to sound frustrated, nor bitter. That's the last thing Bill needed.
"Whatever it is, I don't want it."
"Can I sit?" He shrugged, motioning nonchalantly at the mattress. "Why didn't you tell me you were alright?"
"Well, maybe 'cause I ain't alright?" He bit back. "Would you call this bein' alright?" Huffing something under his breath, he attempted to pick up the crutches again, only to be stopped by my hands, gently placed on his shoulder and bicep.
"Woah, what'd you think you're doing?"
"Gotta go help my Ma 'round." His excuse was bad, he knew it as well as I did, but I didn't call it; instead, I indulged him, dropping my hands on my lap while my mind searched for a way to approach this.
I couldn't approach it as a nurse, it seemed wrong somehow, but if I approached it as his... Girlfriend? Former girlfriend? Friend maybe? —I didn't even know where we stood anymore—, I would most likely lash out.
I had to find a middle ground; one personal, yet understanding.
"I'll go help, you stay here." I finally spoke, pushing myself off the bed and easily outrunning Bill, who was already helping himself up, on my movements to the door. Though his words stopped me right on the spot.
"No, you go home." I couldn't help but stare at him with hurt shining through my welled up eyes— not due to the sentence, per se, but because of how definitive he had sounded.
I would have listened to him, I would have fulfilled his wish and left, had it not been for the single tear he managed to wipe before I could fully catch a glimpse of it.
"I'm staying, Bill." He cursed me, securing the grip on the crutches before following my lead to the exit. "Do you want me away?" I asked, not moving out of his path just yet.
"Ye— no! Not like that." He grunted out a 'fuck' balancing himself on his walking aid in order to be more comfortable.
"Then how?" I questioned, pushing out of him the words he was afraid to speak. "How is it, then? You want me away or not?" I tried not to get worked up over it, as remaining calm was the best I could do.
He sighed, still unable to meet my eyes, even when we stood face to face. "Ya know how it is, Y/n." He turned his head to the side. "Ya deserve better than..." Bill gestured at himself. "...this."
My heart shattered in a thousand pieces, and I tried not to stare at him with sadness in my eyes, for he would mistake it for pity.
"Hell, I had little to offer ya before, but now?" He shook his head 'no' with a frown. "I don't even have my whole self!" He exclaimed in desperation, finally looking up; his eyes were bloodshot from the unshed tears, and not crying turned into a challenge. "You're the best looking broad I seen, smart too, and got a heart of gold. You could do so much better than this, and I'd be damned if I let ya settle for it."
"Bill, that decision is mine to make." I stated in a low pitch, my brows as furrowed as his. "I don't want better, I want you. Get it through your thick skull." I could see how conflicted he was about my words just by the way he shifted his weight from one crutch to another. "Unless you really want me away, I'm not going anywhere."
I paused in order to take a deep breath, rubbing my hands together in an anxious manner. My heart stammered so hard against my chest that it seemed as if it would break through and go to Bill. I figured it made sense, since it belonged the him by then.
"I... I don't really know where we stand anymore but, well—" I cleared my throat, nervous yet determined to speak my mind. "Dunno about you, but I meant everythin' I said in those letters." Bill pursed his lips in a thin line. "I love you, nothing's gonna change that."
"I'm gonna stand with you, either as a friend or..." I sighed, not able to bring myself to finish the sentence. "You're alive and home, that's all that matters. We'll figure out the rest as we go, alright?"
"Ya don't have to."
"But I want to."
Silence again. Bill opened his mouth like a fish above water, but didn't manage to get anything out. I myself wasn't sure of what else I could say.
Gulping, I reached out to hold his cheek, gently caressing it with my thumb before leaning on to place a chaste kiss atop his opposite cheekbone. I made sure to put every emotion he made me feel on it, just in case this was a goodbye.
His breath hitched; my heart clenched.
I pulled away to stare at him, gifting him a bittersweet smile, my reassuring touch still on the side of his face.
Before I could move away any further, Bill let go of his left crutch, which made me gasp in terror and leap forward in order to hold him steady, but he, unsurprisingly, didn't need my help.
His left palm found its way to the back of my neck and easily pulled me in for a kiss, as wistful as my the expression in my face.
It mirrored the peck I had just imprinted on his cheek; charged with feelings of all kinds, and for a second I worried it was, in fact, a goodbye.
My stomach flipped as I returned the kiss, my hands squeezing his sides in hopes to keep him close to me forever.
But a kiss is just a kiss, and when he retreated in order to take in some air, said hopes vanished. He rested his forehead against mine briefly, his eyes shut and his hand sliding down from my neck to my forearm.
"I don't wanna hold ya back." He confessed in a whisper. "Please don't think I don't love ya, I do, I just—"
"I understand, Bill." I cooed the soldier. "And I need you to understand that you're not holding me back in any way." His shoulders relaxed, as if I had just taken a heavy burden off them. "I'm gonna sit you down, and I'll go help your Ma for ya, 'kay?" He shook his head no and I sighed in desperation. "Bill—"
"Stay with me." He almost begged; when his eyelids fluttered open, I could see the vulnerability his warm eyes held while they gazed into mines. "Just for a bit."
I nodded at his request. "As long as you want me to."
It took us a hot minute to move back to the bed; Bill was a heavy man and I could only do so much to move him. After some struggle, I managed to plop him down, his back leaning on the headboard through the cushions, not without almost falling on top of him.
That earned a tired yet amused laugh from the both of us, and some teasing from his side at the way my cheeks seemed to turn pink. I was quick to toe off my shoes and cart off my jacket before lying down with him, following the invitation of his stretched out arm.
"Just like in the old days, huh?" He commented, reminiscing our time prior to the war when I placed my head on top of his chest, his arm going around me to squeeze me tight. "I'm really sorry for not writing, baby."
"I know." I snuggled again him, my eyes closed as he wrapped both his arms around me. "It's gonna be okay, Bill." I assured him.
"I know it'll be, now that you're with me." He whispered kissing my crown. "I'm so lucky to have ya."
"You can bet on it."
He chuckled, mumbling something about me being a smug bastard before partially sliding down. "Don't mind me if I fall asleep, darlin'." He warned.
I assured him I didn't mind, since I was letting myself ease into his embrace to the point where I knew I too would drift off.
After so many nights weeping, this out-of-time nap would feel like heaven, specially with Bill by my side, and the promise of a future by each other's side ahead.
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tamabbyboi · 3 years
hi!! i was wondering if you could write a oneshot set after bakugou wins the festival? (i can’t remember what it’s called don’t judge me XD) where he’s tied up and stuff?
yeah if after it’s over Y/n helps him out and comforts him (even thou he probably doesn’t want it he’ll need it) and while they don’t talk much he suddenly has a soft spot for them - so like, some soft baku comfort please??? uwu THANK YOU OF YOU DOO!!!!
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Synopsis: After winning the sports festival and being tied to the podium, you observe that Bakugou could use a little support.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x reader
Request: yes!!
Wordcount: 1.1k
Warnings: cursing
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Okay, what the fuck?!?!?
Was your first thought when you saw Bakugou chained up on the podium.
Is that a muzzle? What the fuck do they think he's going to do, bite someone? I mean yeah, he has anger issues and a powerful quirk but couldn't they have thought of something a little more... humane?
You and Bakugou certainly weren't friends, but it isn't like you didn't get along, either. You didn't really talk much and it was kind of nice being one of the only people the class's resident explosive didn't have a huge problem with.
Despite not knowing him well, you were still pissed that he was literally chained up like a wild animal. He was obviously in a state of distress and the last thing he needed in that moment was to be displayed like that. He may have been majorly overreacting to the situation, as he always does, but that's still not an excuse.
You knew he needed some help calming down or he never would. He was angrily yelling at All Might about not rightfully earning first place. You excused yourself and went down to where the podiums sank back underground to attempt to tame the feral pomeranian.
As you headed down under the stadium you could still hear him yelling, the sound getting louder as you got closer. Todoroki and Tokoyami had already left, not needing to be unchained, and the poor, shaking employee assigned to the job of unleashing the beast was staring at him in fear.
You reached the employee and gently took the key to the chains from their trembling hands. You gave the poor thing a warm smile, "I've got him, you can go."
It seemed for a split second as if they were going to protest but they instead chose life, quickly thanking you before scurrying away.
Bakugou stared at you in uncharacteristic silence, having ceased his yelling. He was glaring at you with a scowl.
"What the fuck do want you stupid extra? Did you come to make fun of me or some shit?"
You began loosening his restraints as you sighed. "No. I just thought it would be best if you had someone here who wasn't trembling in fear."
"What's it to you if people are scared of me, huh? What if I want them to be, did you ever think about that?" You could tell in the way he shifted his gaze that he was just trying to seem tough.
"You obviously don't want everyone to be scared of you, I can see it in your face."
"You didn't answer my first question idiot." He grabbed the chains once you had them untied enough for him to continue himself. "I don't need your pity."
"I don't pity you, Bakugou, I care about you." He looked startled as he briefly paused his movement. He was surprised you were even still there waiting after unlocking the chains, let alone that you cared about him.
His lack of response caused you to continue, "Be honest with me, are you ok?"
"Tch, why wouldn't I be? I'm just fine."
"No you aren't."
"Yes I am."
"No you are-"
"There it is!"
You listen to him intently as he vents about the match. Every time he looked at you and you were still there he seemed just a little surprised, as if he didn't think anyone would actually stay this long.
Once he had calmed down enough his words came to an abrupt stop and he froze, staring into your eyes with a faint blush forming on his cheeks. After a few seconds of silence his expression morphed into a confused one.
"Why are you still here, extra? None of this has anything to do with you, so why do you want to listen to it so bad?"
"Because you deserve to have someone listen to you. And it was pretty clear that no one down here was willing to do that if they responded by chaining you up instead."
The expression on his face once again morphed, this time into one of embarrassment as he looked away from you and his blush grew brighter.
"See, doesn't it feel better after you talk about it?" You inquired, Bakugou still refusing to look at you.
He sighed a bit before turning his gaze slightly, and upon seeing that yours was still fixed upon him he quickly looked away again. His cheeks were still getting redder, and in his mind was a whirlwind of emotions. Lingering anger from the events of the day, relief that he could get all of that off of his chest, and a sudden rush of affection for the person standing in front of him.
"Yeah. It does." His voice was uncharacteristically small. He chose to finally look at you, staring into your softly smiling eyes once more. "Thank you." His voice was even smaller as he expressed his gratitude.
Your smile grew as you replied, "You're welcome, Bakugou. You can talk to me anytime you need to."
The warm, comforting energy that emanated from you caught Bakugou off guard, it wasn't something that he often experienced. Normally when faced with an offer like that he would brush it off and never make any further action. But he decided that this time he'd accept.
As the two of you walked back to the school in a comfortable silence, Bakugou reflected on the occurrences of that day. He realized that if it weren't for you, he would have bottled up that emotion and never set it free. He was incredibly grateful for you and your presence, and felt the urge to thank you again, however out of character that would be.
He held his tongue though, and decided to save his words of gratitude for the next time you two spoke like this. He found himself wishing to spend much more time with you.
He was drawn to you like he never had been before. You were never really too on his radar, of course you were powerful enough for him to keep tabs on you but you never caused any conflict with him so he never had any other feelings surrounding you.
But he could feel that that was about to change, and he didn't know whether he liked that fact or not. He wasn't aware at the time, but he would end up loving it.
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Tags: @luluwiie @fandomsgotmefucked @bakukags @iwantsleep-7 @cicadawithacamera @dabi-sunflower @marvel-love-posts @isentsworld @ilovemollyweasley @alice-blue-skies @tobiosbbyghorl @leahbea02
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alysiusart · 2 years
Your arts are amazing! I'm looking forward your new arts of geass and titans.
What do you think about relationship of Suzaku and Lelouch before Zero Requiem? Аfter all the events. And do you have some headcanons about the unholy trinity in emperor period of time? ;) Maybe cute, funny or glass moments?
Oh, thank you so much! This means a lot, considering I’m a big fan of your art as well! I love your artstyle and am occasionally checking how if there’s something new.
About the boys, there’s just so much to unpack. Might be an obvious analysis, but I think a lot of the conflict comes from the way Suzaku projects his own self hatred from killing his father on Lelouch due to his methods. He cannot deal with what he done so he rejects everything Zero, and thus Lelouch, is. Other factors like Euphemia and the “live” geass pile up and complicate the problem. He can’t let go of his attachment to the Lelouch he used to know tho, which almost makes me believe he alienated past lelouch from present lelouch.
Lelouch, on the other hand, is always trying to close this gap between them and bring Suzaku back to him, even after he swears for the millionth time that Suzaku is no longer his friend. There is a lot of people that Lelouch cares about, and he was eventually ready to lose a lot of them, but never Suzaku (as C.C points out quite a few times).
SO…after the events in the world of C, Suzaku, in some level, comes to terms with living in this reality (since they all choose the future together), instead of some made up ideal one. In that moment of acceptance of the events that led him there, he also accepts Lelouch and once again comes to recognize him fully (instead of separating sides of him). Lelouch can also get a better grasp on the flaw of his ways for trying to force his wishes on others and recognizes his selfishness, agreeing with Suzaku.
In summary, I believe that this moment allows them to reconnect, and although they still have a bag full of issues to work on, they are once again able to be sincere with each other and show their true selves (even if not always communicating it verbally). I am ship biased, but I like to think that they started this new phase very rigid and unsure, but eventually development some sort of romantic relationship. Suzaku would have somewhat of a tough time figuring out what role C.C plays in Lelouch’s life and how he feels about it, but would come to understand it and adapt himself into this dynamic. Lelouch is the hugest simp and is rather happy with how things settled ( with added angst knowing it has an expiration date).
Lord, that was a lot. Since I already made a whole essay I will try to be brief about my headcanons abt THOSE MONTHS.
I have thousands of them, so I will just mention a few.
1- Whenever he can, Lelouch cooks. He would have it served to cc and suzaku in his private chambers (If his room in the Black Knights ship was big enough to have a whole library, I’m sure that the imperial chambers are equipped with at least one nice table). Not only fancy dinners, but simple things like breakfast and tea.
2- Unlike C.C, Suzaku has his own room (he often needs his own space), but that doesn’t mean he sleeps there every night 👀
3- Suzaku and C.C bonded over annoying Lelouch and picking up on his dramatic mannerisms. They don’t initially have any beyond-platonic interaction, but once they decide to kiss in front of the others, thinking that it would annoy Lelouch, but to everyone’s surprise he just goes 😳😳😳
4- The three of them spend a lot of time in the gardens (as previously shown in official art), laying on the grass or just sitting nearby a lake. Those are the most blissful moments for Lelouch, but they always bring him a sting of pain because they remind him what he is giving up.
5- About the empress dress, C.C wears it sometimes, unlike shown in the anime, but she’s picky about comfort, so she mostly settle’s back to the white undergarments/straight jacket, much to Lelouch’s displeasure.
I will have to stop here since this is already unbelievably long, but I’m always open to talk about this and I would love to hear your own takes on these topics!!! Feel free to always hit me up on my dm’s, if you want.
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hrtiu · 3 years
would you mind sharing what writing prompts you've received for bobannec? not to rush you or anything! i am just deprived of bobannec and would honestly enjoy just reading ideas and ✨daydreaming✨ like i would honestly genuinely love that
it's okay if your not comfortable with that tho, sorry for bothering you!! i hope you have a good day 💛
sure, i'll share my prompts! i'm really putting myself on blast here because i've been sitting on a lot of great bobannec prompts for a while >< your ask has inspired me, though, and i'll do my best to write one tonight!
-a bobannec-centric fic about why fennec always wears the same clothes, even as far back as the bad batch
-a fic that includes boba on his throne with fennec sitting on his lap
-either bobannec or rexsoka; "you don't get it, do you?" "get what?" "that i don't want to spend even as much as a second without you by my side?"
-this one doesn't specify a ship: like the only one bed trope, but instead its incredibly hot and they don't know if they should strip in front of each other or sweat to death
-bobannec "you kissed me and i thought we hated each other but you're pulling me closer and suddenly the world is spinning and i don't want you to stop."
-bobannec; either boba or fennec starts to call the other in a term of endearment in another language, but the other thinks it's an insult and misunderstandings abound.
-fennec is injured in a firefight and boba carries her out, but she refuses to be out of the game entirely and is still shooting while in his arms.
- a scene inspired by when boba met fennec with braithe. some sleazy guy corners fennec and half-propositions her half-tries to steal her from fett, an dboba is not impressed. jealous boba.
-somebody hurting fennec to get to boba. once they've built their little empire on tatooine people are like "hmmm well it's tough to get to the King directly but his second-in-command doesn't have as many eyes on her." protective boba and kidnapped/harmed fennec.
-boba comes back after a rough day of being a badass and is sore and fennec gives him a massage. can be nsfw or not (sorry i write spice but nothing nsfw!)
-bobannec stargazing
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Hello! I just discovered your blog and would love a matchup if someone didn't already snag the 10th spot! I'm a girl who would like to be matched with 2 boys!
I'm someone with anxiety. For the most part I tend to internalize my worries, but I'm not afraid to reach out for reassurance if needed. it's a setback but I think I handle it well! I'm an introvert who takes a while to warm up to others, but once I do Im pretty talkative. I'm supportive of my friends and try to lend them an ear if needed. Ive been told that Im sometimes too honest/straightforward and that I can be tense. I'm a curious person who loves to discover things and visit new places. Once I get into something, it consumes my focus! When this happens, I get really excited and want to share it with others. I also tend to work harder on what I enjoy. I try not to overwork myself by taking breaks tho. I have an interest in all things spooky And am quite passionate about art and stories!
Not only did you grab that 10th spot you also got one of the last matches!
With that said I no longer do matches this ask is just old
I match you with...
Claude von Reigen
He's very easy to talk to. He can hear your worries out and do his best to calm you down.
He really can appreciate an honest person, even if what you say can be a punch it's sometimes better to hear tough truth.
Although he will sometimes joke around how much you hurt his poor soul and over exaggerate.
Watching you work on something you're passionate about is a great view in his opinion. He doesn't disturb you while you work unless he wanted to ask something.
Whenever you take a break you can count on him being ready to spend it with you.
He likes traveling and discovering things too, maybe not as much as you but enough to be willing to go with you on your expedition.
Your second match is...
Linhardt von Hevring
In many ways you're similar, but your energy levels might be the opposite.
Just like him you focus on working on what you like rather than what you have to do.
You recognize that taking breaks is important... However when Linhardt gets into something he doesn't take nearly as many breaks as he should so it's up to you to help him.
You're both brutally honest with each other. He loves it that you don't only say what he wants to hear 'cause if you did there would be a major communication problem between the two of you.
He's not really the type to travel a lot... But he would join you from time to time if your goal was interesting enough.
He's not the best at comforting but his attempts are sweet enough. So when you'll need reassurance he will either say something really good or really bad... But he tried-
~Mod Bernadetta
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ithebookhoarder · 4 years
Can I get 83 off the angst list with Javier??? It's: Stay there I'm coming to get you
100 ways to say ily Prompt 83: “Stay there. I’m coming to get you” (Javier Peña x F!Reader)
A/N: Ooo, right in the angst. Let’s get to it! I also assume you meant this prompt list rather than the angst one as that’s only up to 20 ;) Don’t worry. I got you tho! I hope you like it x  Apologies for my terrible attempts at Spanish, so let me know if I got any of it wrong.
Warnings: Swearing, violence, blood, references to death (let me know if I missed anything)
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The sound of his voice was soft as you held the phone to your ear. You could hear the soft echo of music playing in the background telling you he was definitely at home. 
Why wouldn’t he be, given the hour? It was the morning. 3 am to be precise. He should have been asleep. You should have been asleep, but no, you’d had to chase this lead alone. Like an idiot. A strong willed idiot who should have known better. 
But no. The idea of being able to catch one of Escobar’s top employees had been too tempting an opportunity to miss despite the fact the ambassador had said otherwise. In fact, he’d said fuck no, telling all of you to wait it out and get another source to confirm it. 
Apparently a friend of one of Javi’s ex informants wasn’t what they called reliable... even though she had direct access to the people supposed to be gathering tonight at the club you’d been staking out. 
Two hours you’d watched from your car, having snuck out to do so. If Javier and Steve had wanted to behave for once, then that was their call. They could stay and fill out paperwork to their hearts content. 
You didn’t need them for what was supposed to be a routine stake out and observation mission. 
Or so you’d thought. 
The fact you’d been made by one of the gang about thirty minutes after you’d entered the club had put a pretty big dampener on your plan. You hadn’t noticed as they’d arrived, recognising you after you’d almost caught them at a raid only days ago. 
The sicario had slipped away, managing to leap across one of the roofs as you’d chased them across. Had Steve not grabbed your arm and told you it was too dangerous a jump to risk, you’d have followed. 
But here he was, back and ready for payback... and he’d been quick to point you out to the others surrounding him. 
You knew it had been risky to be here and unfortunately, you were proved horrifically right. The fact you’d got away was a minor miracle, even if you were now bleeding. Badly. 
Damn bullet had missed but the graze was agonising, causing you to wince as you clutched at your side, trying to stem the bleeding as best you could. 
“Javi... I messed up.”
“Y/N, hermosa. What is it? What’s wrong? Where are you?”
His questions were relentless, firing one after the other as he detected the fear in your voice. The pain and regret too. 
“I’m ... I’m in an alley... by Fiebre... I’m sorry...”
“No, no. Don’t be sorry. It’s ok,” Javi soothed, panic underlying each word. You could hear him clattering about, most likely grabbing his keys and rushing out of the apartment next to yours. He didn’t need to ask to know what you were doing or why you were there. He knew you too well. He also knew you wouldn’t be calling like this if you weren’t in trouble. Trouble serious enough he had to get to you. Fast. “I’m on my way. Just stay there. I’m coming to get you.” 
A tear rolled down your cheek as the air suddenly felt a lot colder. Like Javi had just turned on the stupid faulty AC unit in your apartment, like he always did when it got late and he was staying over to look over material or keeping you company. 
God. What you’d have given to have him there to hold you right then. To wrap his familiar leather jacket around you like he always did when you forgot a jacket of your own, still forgetting that the hot days often fell into cooler nights. 
You longed for its touch, its scent, its comfort as you stared at the sky and prayed you lived long enough to regret this. 
“Fuck.” Your car was just down the street. You were so close but you didn’t know if you had the strength to make it there. “Javi... I’m bleeding... the bullet... it hit my side... it won’t stop.”
“Y/N, baby. Listen to me. We’re coming. Steve and I. It’s gonna be ok. Just keep talking to me, ok? Put pressure on it and don’t fall asleep. You hear me?”
“I’m fucking serious, hermosa. You hear me? You better keep your damn eyes open long enough so I can look at them when we get there, and you make some stupid wise crack about all this.”
A car door slammed. Voices rang out over the line. You could hear an engine start. 
“Javi... I love you... I really do...”
“Y/N? Y/N?”
His voice sounded desperate, terrified even, as you faded away, failing to reply. You simply felt the edges of your vision beginning to dim and the inevitable pull of sleep tugging you toward an abyss you knew there would be no coming back from. 
You couldn’t fight it any longer.
A single tear trickled down your cheek and you felt the phone drop from your hand onto the cold concrete beneath you. 
“I’m sorry.”
“-y tienes suerte de que te quiera mucho. Odio los hospitales. este lugar es jodidamente horrible. No puedo dejarte aquí solo. no cuando te vas a despertar en cualquier momento. ¿Me escuchas? Tú vas a-“
The voices were coming in waves, washing over you and disappearing just as quickly. 
It was hard to try and hold on to, even if you wanted to. This voice in particular was soft and tempting, familiar even... Coaxing you in over and over every time you slipped back into the darkness that was so warm and soft. 
You’d always been a deep sleeper, slamming your alarm harder than necessary whenever it tried to wake you. 
Now was the same... even if you knew it shouldn’t be. Even if you felt odd, like you were supposed to be somewhere and you’d forgotten... 
But where?
“She should have woken by now-“
“Javi, calm down. She’s gonna be fine. The doctor said so. She just needs to rest. Have a little faith in her. She’s tough. She’ll pull through this.”
“But if she doesn’t ... Steve, I can’t...”
“Hey. Look at me, Peña. It’s gonna be alright. Now come on. Connie said she’d bring some clothes for you...”
There they were. The voices again. 
Somehow, you knew that they were trying to pull you back to wherever you were supposed to be. 
To the aching you felt. To the mechanical beeping you could hear. To the painfully bright lights hovering overhead. 
To the weight and warmth of someone’s hand holding yours. 
To the familiar face pressed against the bed as he slept, holding you hand tightly as if scared to let you go. 
“Javi?” you croaked. 
Like that, he was awake. 
You worried he’d have whiplash, he sat up so fast, eyes wide in disbelief as he realised you were awake. “Y/N? Oh, thank God!” 
“Steve?” you rasped, noticing your other partner as he leapt out of his chair in the corner of the room. The relief was clear as he smiled and hurried to the door. 
“Thank god. I’m gonna grab a nurse.” 
“Ok.” You smiled and turned to Javier who was still holding your hand tight, watching you with bloodshot eyes. “What... how long was I-?”
“Three days,” he whispered. “You really scared me there for a second, hermosa. You... you lost so much blood and they weren’t sure you were gonna make it.” 
“I’m sorry.”
The sight of tears in his eyes was more painful than the bullet hole that was currently sending white hot agony shooting through your side. You’d never seen Javi so torn up before. Never. The worst was when he’d sit silently and smoke for hours without even moving. 
As much as you hated that, you’d take that any day over this. Knowing you were the cause. 
“No. Don’t be,” he dismissed swiftly. “I mean yeah, I wanna shoot you myself for running off and pulling a dumb fucking stunt like that but I get it... I really do. I’d have done the same thing. Hell, I have done the same thing. I just wish you’d asked me to come. Or even Murphy. We would have.”
“The ambassador had his eye on you after the raid this week,” you protested weakly, wincing at the pain in your side as you tried to sit up. “I couldn’t risk you or Murphy or your jobs like that.” 
“Fuck our jobs.”
“Javi -“
“No, hermosa. Listen. I mean this. You come first, understood? Always,” Javi snarled, kissing the back of your hand. “I love you and I mean that. Life isn’t worth it without you. This job means shit all without you. You come first? Ok. Always. Seeing you lying there with all the blood on you... it made me realise a few things and this is one of them. I don’t want a life or a future without you in it.” 
You couldn’t help it as the tears began to flow again, your heart swelling with love for the man in front of you. You couldn’t help but reach out and brush your fingers through his hair as you’d done so many nights before. 
“I love you too, Javier Peña.”
“Good. Remember that when Steve gets back and starts ripping into your ass,” Javier teased, lightening up now that your were awake and talking again. “I won’t be able to save you then, carino. Sorry. Sicarios are one thing, but Murphy? He’s almost as terrifying as Connie.”
Oh fuck. You’d forgotten about Connie. Oh she was gonna kill you. Big time. 
That woman was the biggest mother hen you’d met in your entire life. She’d also probably have your ass on house arrest for the rest of your life after this stunt. 
“Shit,” you whined, dropping back against the pillows. “It was good while it lasted.”
“And good thing we get to do it all again another time,” he hummed. “Just ... not for a while, ok? Not until you’re on your feet.” 
“You mean, not until Connie says so?”
Javi didn’t even flinch as he nodded, deadly serious. “Yep. 100 percent.”
Translation: “and you are lucky i love you so much. i hate hospitals. this place is fucking horrid. i cant leave you here alone. not when you are going to wake up any minute now. you hear me? you are going to-”
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mayflowers07 · 3 years
I just finished reading Zedaph's fic in your "I can be the one you call" series and I just gotta say that hit really close to home with the intrusive thoughts.
mine aren't always as bad as his were [mostly just mild like "eat that penny off off ground" or "cut the toe parts off all your socks" or "eat that flower"] but sometimes they can be - and I have a trick for dealing with them!
basically, you give the intrusive thoughts a name [could be anything - random name, gibberish, the same name as someone you don't like, etc] and everytime the thoughts come up, you tell them "that's a stupid idea, [name], I am not going to [insert thing it suggests you do]" and tell them to eff off. it doesn't always work but it helps!
also, I love that you have Zedaph at the end reaching out to Evil X and throwing out a lifeline! ❤ I've been waiting for some Evil X love and while it's not much, it did make me happy. I hope there's more Evil X in a later part of the series where he gets some help too! [I refuse to read ahead for this need of Evil X love even tho the curiosity is killing me]
will there be one where Xisuma has to reach out? it can't be easy for him to not only run a server but also make sure all his friends/family are safe and happy. someone has to be there for him too when things get tough, right?
anyway, sorry for rambling a bit - still love the series! it's amazing and I'm gonna go read more now! kudos!!! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Sorry for taking a while to answer but hello! I’m so glad you like the fic and I’m sorry you relate. Tbh Ex really hits hard for me because my worst thoughts are ones about hurting people around me and they always make me feel like such a garbage human, even though I’d never even consider doing those things.
That’s some solid advice! My go to for mine is to talk to my thoughts like a toddler having a temper tantrum. “No, we can’t pull her hair. That would be very mean. But if you behave we can get a bubble tea treat later, okay buddy?” I find it teaches me to be less mean to myself
There absolutely is going to be one for Xisuma. No Hermit will escape my hurt/comfort wrath! And thank you once again for the kind words
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curiosity-killed · 3 years
Hi....If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite MXTX characters (top 5 from each novel)? And why? I'm sorry if you've answered this question before.
Aw of course I don’t mind! Though I feel like my answer is going to be a disaster bc I love these casts so so much aha let’s see:
1. Wei Wuxian
Ah so I feel like this is obvious based on the sheer quantity of things I produce and the effort I put into hurting him 😅 but yeah! I love how much of a classical tragic hero he is and I love how much love he has and how that gets twisted around and shaped into a collar of spikes around his own neck. I saw gif sets of wwx before I ever knew about CQL and my reaction was “fuck. I’m going to love him” and I do! And I love that he does learn from his past and I love most of all that he learns to accept the love he is given and is able to make a happy ending in a place of being loved and held in respect and appreciation
2. Wen Qing
On the other hand, I did not expect to be like “mine now” with Wen Qing. Don’t get me wrong, the sexy immortal look got me but it wasn’t really till I started writing fic that I was like ohhhhh Oh Boy. Wen Qing is brilliant and ruthless, fiercely loving and aloof and cold. I love that she gets the lose-lose challenge of balancing what is right for her family vs what is right in the world, what she owes to her sect and what she owes to individuals. The golden core transfer is my favorite dubious science experiment in p much all media I’ve consumed. She gets to be so human—prickly and tough and also achingly gentle and afraid and putting on a tough face and sometimes still crying. “I’m sorry and thank you” ! Im!!
3. Jiang Yanli
The first fic I wrote for this fandom was literally “Jiang Yanli died no she didn’t” lmao I do feel like I underserve Jiang Yanli in that I often fall prey to using her to further the complexity that the male characters are permitted while denying her the chance to be given the same space for development and breath — something to work on! But in that, I really genuinely love how tightly she binds herself to her family and how she tries so hard to be what others need her to be—and then she does make a choice for herself and for a single moment at least, she gets to be loved and to be happy and to have this, a husband and a son and a place, for herself. And terribly I love how much she permeates the story still after death. She is the unspoken voice, the face turned from the camera but always still present, carried in the hearts and names and memories of the ones left behind
She deserved better but—I am weak for the tragedy of it all
4. Jiang Cheng
Another surprise (tho hardly surprising in hindsight): Jiang Cheng is just...horribly understandable. He makes terrible choices and his greatest heroism is undone by a choice made for him or, in the case of “killing the Yiling Laozu” is a lie. He is such a youngest sibling who doesn’t want to be the youngest until all at once, he’s the one in charge and he doesn’t want it at all. He is full of anger and hurt and so much love he doesn’t know what to do with it, doesn’t want it anymore, has no place to put all of its terrible, overwhelming flood.
5. Lan Wangji
I almost didn’t put Lan Wangji or Jiang Cheng on here and then I realized that this is sort of a list of characters I’m pickiest about in fic and...yeah. I think what I love best about Lan Wangji is his journey of grief and healing and through that, his decision to step into world. Where Wei Wuxian’s decision to travel and be removed from the cultivation world (in varying degrees depending on your headcanon preference lol) is really, really important to me, Lan Wangji’s decision to go from being an isolated lone agent working apart from the systems of the world to being involved and invested in changing those systems and working to make them better is also really important to me. I’ve talked before about how relatable Lan Wangji is to me (esp with regards to our interaction with the outer world) and there is something deeply hopeful and comforting about post-timeskip Lan Wangji being in his like mid-/late-30s and still making decisions and growing and changing and choosing to invest himself in the world and the future
yeah. i have thoughts here that I don’t really have the maturity, life experience, or articulation to put into words but Lan Zhan Good basically
1. Xie Lian
suuuurpriiiiise!! Yeah honestly mxtx’s mains in TGCF and MDZS really just hit all my buttons basically. What appeals to me most of all about Xie Lian is, fittingly, how he is humanity taken to extremes. His capacity for incredible kindness and compassion is equaled with his capacity for cruelness and ruthlessness. His heaven-shaking highs are matched with calamitous lows. He is the hyperbolic of what it is to be human—and he is also the small moments, the wildflowers and the maple leaves and the mundane chores and the comfort of whispered conversations late into the night. I could quite literally go on for pages about what I love about Xie Lian but I am not Hua Cheng and can restrain myself LMAO
2. Hua Cheng
of all the characters on these lists, Hua Cheng is the one I’m pickiest about tbh! When I say I love him for similar reasons as Xie Lian I don’t actually mean this as being similarities between the two but the fact that both of them so richly convey mxtx’s points about the nature of humanity and what it is to be human. Hua Cheng is both the boldest and most arrogant of all and also the most vulnerable, the one who shies away from the truth because he’s braced for it to hurt and isn’t sure he can take it. He is gory blood rain and an umbrella to shelter a fragile bloom; he is a blade whose wounds only heal if he permits it and he is a sacrifice that he brushes aside as a fit of madness. *pats his head* this boy can fit SO MUCH inside him that he refuses to acknowledge
3. Jun Wu
Definitely my favorite antagonist in recent reading. I was doubtful of him from the start (something something issues with authority something something probably should talk to my theoretical future therapist shhh) but the unfolding of his reveal was so delightfully painful and exquisite that I was like “YES!!!” reading all of it. About the epitome of a satisfying plot twist imo. But about the character himself, I love how he parallels so many — Xie Lian in his rise and fall, his glory and disgrace; Hua Cheng in his fixation and ruthlessness; He Xuan in losing himself to the plot and not knowing how to move forward. I love that he feels beyond human in a way the others don’t—he’s so old and has gone through so much and he doesn’t feel things the way humans do anymore, doesn’t remember right how love squeezes the heart or how hate can exist without acting on it. I love that he thinks he knows how to control everyone and that it’s such mundane things that fool him: Xie Lian’s absurd stubbornness, Hua Cheng’s foolish faith, Yin Yu’s...emotional maturity??? Not Sure how to verbalize that one. But in the end, he is defeated by both the humanity of others and by his own—he’s so tired. He’s exhausted in a way that gods and ghosts aren’t meant to be. He is, under the armor and the masks, the curses and the power, human—benevolent and cruel, evil and good.
4. He Xuan
I love my fish man! No but really I love how He Xuan is so fixed on his one goal that he refuses to acknowledge anything else in his (after)life—which doesn’t make it go away. I love that he is left unmoored, purposeless through the very act of completing that which gives him purpose. I love his long con and the ways he clings to himself but loses himself not in the act but in the telling himself it’s an act. I love that he tries to be a moral man and then becomes a ghost king, a calamity. His reveal is also terribly badass and I do love his bone fish wholly unironically. Like I’m not going to get a He Xuan tattoo (for one thing I’ve been meaning to get a tattoo for 5 years and still haven’t gotten around to it) but also. B o n e f i s h
5. Mu Qing
Of course! The Jiang Cheng of tgcf lol Mu Qing (which my phone desperately wants to autocorrect to my Qing) is so...gah he’s such a mess! And he so fully commits to the belief that no one will ever see and understand him as he is but will always view them through their own convictions about him and his actions — which is simultaneously heartbreakingly lonely and also. Sir You Are a Clown. I genuinely think he’s owed apologies from both Feng Xin and Xie Lian for their treatment and assumptions of him and think that he would be HORRIBLY offended at the thought (while secretly touched? But like secretly even to himself). He will never explain himself and will just clam up tighter the more people accuse him and it’s such a self-sabotaging behavior and also so horribly relatable. I love u sir, you’re a disaster
SVSS I have not read but I do really like the moshang art 😂
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sinnamonlou · 3 years
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I posted 2,988 times in 2021
105 posts created (4%)
2883 posts reblogged (96%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 27.5 posts.
I added 2,011 tags in 2021
#!!! - 354 posts
#reeba talks - 307 posts
#911 fox - 302 posts
#words - 167 posts
#about me - 163 posts
#tag yourself - 157 posts
#aesthetic - 143 posts
#evan buckley - 143 posts
#ts - 140 posts
#soft tag - 135 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i saw some buddie on my dash🤷🏽‍♀️ and it was like. firefighters and like day to day cases/procedural type so i was like maybe this will
My Top Posts in 2021
the (now debatably😝) lovely kay @holyshit tagged me to make some really tough choices 😅
Put in bold your preferred song (live version), and then tag 3 people to play!
Best Cover: Through the Dark - Drag Me Down - 7 - Beautiful War - Little Black Dress
okay definitely beautiful war. he really made it his own. it's gorgeous 🥺
Best Acoustic Song: Only The Brave - Perfect Now - Too Young
I feel like me and perfect now have something going. like it feels a little personal. hits where it hurts and then...heals?
Best Rock Song: Kill My Mind - 7 - Fearless
easiest pick
Best Sad Song: Two of Us - Beautiful War - Change
haven't heard it in forever because I start ugly sobbing and that should tell you all you need to know.
Best "Faith in the Future" Song: We Made It - Just Hold On - Through the Dark - DLIBYH
I have been..in LOVe with her😪 big comfort song
Best Crowd Interaction: Always You - Defenceless - Fearless - Through the Dark
jumping to always you is a dream but I feel like walls is majorly missing??? the for every question why you were my because is also a dream 🥺
Cover/Live Version That Should Get a Studio Version: Beautiful War - Copyx3 - Fearless - Drag Me Down - 7
I want it. so much.
Song That Should Make It Out of the Setlist
no <3
tagging a few people: @sunsmile-lou @sun-lt @adoreinbloom @cowboylarries @whaleharry @zouisgf if you guys want!
10 notes • Posted 2021-09-24 15:55:31 GMT
🎶 expose your music taste tag
I was tagged by @holyshit to do this fun tag, thank you kay <3
rules: we’re snooping in your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims.
unlike kay, I will NOT be doing 15 because I essentially only listen to about 5 artists with a few random miscellaneous songs I've picked up from tv show soundtracks etc. so it would get a bit. repetitive.
habit - louis tomlinson
the last of the real ones - fall out boy
long story short - taylor swift
september - earth, wind & fire
on my own - niall horan
pretender - the maine
iT's YoU - zayn
don't you - taylor swift
pay the man - foster the people
sweetest kill - broken social scene
choosing my victims...@throughthecurtains @thehornoftheunicorn @tanktop-lou @zouis-exes-to-lovers @whaleharry @littlespoongf @farawaytatmybeloved @adoreinbloom @navramanan @sun-lt
you're free to opt out of victimization (?) though!!
11 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 08:01:06 GMT
they need to stop edging us with the story behind chim's nickname already🙄
14 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 21:11:03 GMT
✨BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you can paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it (if you'd like). If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out ✨
reeba! hi! hello! this little award is for you 💫 how are you doing?? i saw you're working on your thesis or some type of research i think? i hope that's going smoothly...when i did mine it was so weirdd because like. half way through, boom! pandemic! now you now you need to analyze all this data from your bedroom! and i was like uhhh how tho? i cannot math 😔 so i hope yours is going better than that ashfsdf!
have a lovely monday or tuesday, whatever is where you are!! <3
essie I am smiling so big it's like my awful seventh grade ID card picture again😅 <333
hi and hello back!! this is so sweet of you really <33 (yes I'm lost for words and have to resort to punctuation mark hearts)
I'm doing well, two of my shows are back, I watched the netflix one over the weekend and then I have the other show to look forward to every week :) besides my thesis work obviously which is starting properly now, the writing bits and the main experiment phase. it's going smoothly I'd say compared to what I've heard of the previous batch 😬 I'm lucky all our educational institutes made vaccinations mandatory so even if we do go on lockdown for a bit, I'll hopefully be able to do my lab work anyway because it's only a few students and there's like 5 labs in my department so it shouldn't be an issue.
how did analyzing data from your bedroom go?? I do not envy you at ALL. I think stats is just. the bane of my existence. like I've studied what's required in my field. but I just. immediately forget after my exams😬😅 I'm really nervous and not trying to think of it and enjoy the writing bit which is more up my street.
if I wasn't already having a good day, I definitely would after this🥺 I hope you do too <3
14 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 03:25:14 GMT
URL Music Challenge
Rules: Spell your url with song titles then tag as many people as there are letters in your url to do the same!
I was tagged by scott @davldrose tysm!!
Now. I think I've done this before...but maybe we've improved you know? Maybe I'm exactly the same and too afraid to check. Anyhow. Welcome to my music taste.
paper house - niall horan
enchanted - taylor swift
reptilia - the strokes
saturn - sleeping at last
out of the woods - taylor swift
never had enough - van williams
peace - taylor swift
eyes closed - halsey
ribcage - andy black
show me the meaning of being lonely - backstreet boys
only the brave - louis tomlinson
northern downpours - panic! at the disco
i lost a friend - finneas
fix you - coldplay
ivy - taylor swift
end of the day - one direction
don't let it break your heart - louis tomlinson
I don't know seventeen people but I will try @zouisbreakup @zouis-exes-to-lovers @whaleharry @louvelylouis @farawaytatmybeloved @coffeehotcoffee
@zouaylorgf @nouisgf @holyshit @sun-lt @sunsmile-lou if you guys want!!
16 notes • Posted 2021-07-27 18:16:19 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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