#and I don’t want them to resent me
sunflowervol69 · 2 years
in an awkward professional situationnnnnnn😂
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lavaflowe · 2 years
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shugthedug · 6 months
obsessed with your tags under the @marisatomay 's magnolia ask. please, for the love of god, bring the master into this
Quite a widely held belief, and certainly predominant amongst press at the time of its release, is that the master was PTA ‘taking on’ Scientology, creating headlines of a rift in his relationship with Tom Cruise. He notably got less patient in his responses to these questions as the promotion for the film went on, and understandably so. Firstly, to read the master as a film about Scientology in the way that consensus would want there to be such a film (critical, ridiculing, bizarre) is a very reductive way of approaching it. The master uses aspects of Scientology, particularly dianetics, to delve into the romantic wistfulness of a post world war II America that found itself in an intensely unsettled and anxious state where the culture leaned towards dreaming and longing, for other times and other places. Dianetics basic concept of transportive power, of past lives and earned wisdom and second chances, is employed powerfully in the film to create an almost transcendent bond between Freddie and Dodds that is thematically in keeping with a certain post war psyche, a bond that is ever moving and multiplicitous: the fulfilment of an absent father figure, the purposeful and inevitable entanglement of souls, wrestling between pressure and power, vulnerability and manipulation, cruelty and healing, love and harm. Its inclusion was a device within which a story could unfold. Questions searching for the journalistic TNT of ‘PTA wants to expose Scientology!’ betrayed that the questioner had probably not understood the film.
But also: The Master is a work of great empathy. In that way, it aligns beautifully with magnolia. It’s not the fanged, critical expose of a cult that many hoped it would be. Instead, it demonstrates a compassion and respect towards both Freddie and Dodds, but particularly Freddie, that derails the tabloid friendly notion of PTA creating something with intent to shame, embarrass, mock or belittle, especially someone he knew personally and had shared a notably brilliant creative experience with. Freddie is taken quite seriously as someone exposed to brutality who reverts to states of animalism, someone who can neither function within nor be tolerated by society. His volatility exiles him from the peace he went to war for, his vulnerability to an external promise of freedom and purpose is clear as a bell. How the cause ingratiates itself to him, the resultant play of power between his need for Dodds attention and Dodds need for Freddie’s independent will, and the genuine bond they develop within Dodds unconscionably harmful structure built to maintain his own power and influence, displays a nuanced and careful understanding as to why people may become victim to cults, why they may perpetrate that harm upon others, and why they may fail to see it as harmful upon themselves. Ultimately, people will contort themselves into painful and twisted shapes in an effort to avoid suffering. It’s a human reflex. The film is full of that humanity, without the moral condemnation many would have sought from it. It’s not really about the structure of the cult, but the way two men find each other within it.
The response to the master, the general willingness for it to have been a direct hit against the ghost of L Ron Hubbard and the papers favourite cult freak tom ‘it’s illegal to look him in the eye’ cruise, is revealing, I think, of a tendency to other those within cults in a way that undermines their intelligence, morality, and personhood instead of recognising that all of these things can be suppressed if a person is vulnerable enough in a way that a cult can target, manipulate, and exploit. It also smacks of not caring about what PTA wanted to say, preferring instead to fabricate ill feeling and contention that likely never existed. I don’t know how you can watch Magnolia - which reminds you if nothing else that Cruise and PTA have a very human relationship to pain and trauma - then the master, with its incredible understanding of pain and trauma, and go for the read that so many people wanted to make that the master was a stealth attack. When applied against the film PTA made, it’s ridiculously off the mark.
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calloohly · 2 years
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fullparttime-writer · 16 days
Goodbye, Mother (For Now)
Another summer has passed, and as Helios makes his slow descent, the time has come for mother and daughter to say goodbye. They have been doing this for thousands of years, and yet it has never gotten easier for either of them.
“You will be okay, Mother?” the Queen of the Underworld asks as she looks at her fellow goddess. Demeter looks at her with a side smile, reaching out a hand to brush a cheek.
“Yes, my daughter, I shall be okay.” Even as she says her words, the air around them has gained a noticeable chill, reminiscent of the cold loneliness a mother feels without her child. “I know you shall return safely next year. For now, you must fulfil your duty in the Underworld.”
Persephone smiles. “Of course I shall return, Mother. Nothing could ever stop that, and if Hades ever tried, you know damn well I can overpower him.” This gets a laugh out of Demeter as the ground starts to shake beneath them, the earth itself forming into the shape of a man.
“I heard my name?” The older-looking God grins as he approaches Persephone, who turns to face him. His smile turns more gentle as he brushes a strand of hair behind her ear. “Are you ready, my love? You’ve said your goodbye?”
The Queen nods. “Yes, Lord Hades. I am ready to take my seat by your side once more.”
Hades nods respectfully to Demeter, who returns the gesture as she watches the couple sink back into the Earth which she herself fertilises. The leaves on the trees around her begin to die.
It would never get easier for any of them. Demeter mourning the loss of her daughter for six months with no choice but to watch as she returns with her husband, the decaying plants and biting winds reflecting her mood; Hades losing his wife for six months, forced to rule without her by his side to comfort him and keep him warm; and Persephone, Persephone, Persephone. A woman torn between two worlds, duty to her mother and duty to her husband. And what, she thinks, of her duty to herself?
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humanransome-note · 3 months
My weekend was very productive!
Got a proper cleaner for the porch, which has black algae and is very much a slipping hazard in the rain, went to Home Depot and got a new hose and some concrete stepping stones. Dropped off 7 boxes of various sizes (all larger than a shoe box) at a charity shop, they’d been sitting in the hallway for a month at that point.
Then today, I moved some furniture and cleared up some space so the pest control guy has room to work on Wednesday.
Tomorrow I need to scrub the floor that was under the furniture, because the furniture was raised, and there have been 5 different cats in this house, so ancient hairballs have been discovered.
Now, the question is. Has this wave of activity been facilitated because the pest guy comes on Wednesday, and the looming deadline tops off my meds with extra adrenaline and I actually need a stronger dose/prescription on the regular?
Or, do I just have so much decision making anxiety that I spend most of my days in a web of long term decision paralysis, because I constantly feel like whatever choice I make in regards to my life will be massive and irreversible, so playing farming/management sims soothes and distracts me. But having clear cut goals with obviously known ends I can handle.
Or both!
Call in now to vote!!!
#wurds#also me and my mom talked a lot#and we have a very Frank relationship in regards to communication#I’ve told her there’s a part of me that resents her for having me#ANS THERE IS!#she had me for selfish reasons. for spite. for love she felt she was denied#but she’s recognized and acknowledged that those reasons were wrong#and she has been doing what she can to ACTUALLY be a good parent#she made mistakes raising me… but those were mistakes made with good intentions so I have chosen to forgive her for them#the damage she did was not so terrible that along with evidence of her wanting to do better. I can forgive her#she’s my mother and she’s human#while moving furniture I hade to move some storage boxes#and as a reformed hoarder my mother insists on going through old boxes to make sure what’s in them is ACTUALLY stuff of use/value#and she actually scoffed at what was in some of the boxes. not being a able to remeber WHY she thought it was important to keep#the strangest things being a gift card envelope of confetti from one of my birthdays and part of a Barbie toy box…#which she said was very strange because even though I had a few dolls they weren’t anywhere near my favorite#she also found some old school uniforms. and waved them around in that way like ‘isnt this cute! let’s save it for your kids!’#I told her I don’t want kids and I don’t see that changing (something she already knew) but I also said#but I added on ‘I’d rather regret NOT having kids. than resent someone for decisions I made that they had no say in’#and she asked how’d I get so mature because at my age she was working at McDonald’s couch surfing and running weed for some extra cash#which I laughed at. because I’m unemployed. not taking classes. and stagnating in such a way she thinks I’m becoming agoraphobic
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crowlore · 3 months
no, dragon age 2 is not the best dragon age game. but it’s also not the worst. and most importantly, it is my favorite.
#sorry for continuing to obsess over the cast of da2 13 years later. i just adore them#they’re messy and terrible but god do they compel me. the thing about da2 is that a surprising about of the bad writing CAN enhance it#if you really lean into it and make it work. it makes the characters worse people yes. it makes them very contradictory people#but the longer i sit on it the more i can make it work. the ending choice is still bad and lacking and doesn’t allow for genuine roleplay#and i lament that the world states don’t let me properly convey that my hawke THOUGHT they ‘did the wrong thing for the right reasons’#and that you can’t really play as the kind of selfish coward my hawke is to me you know. someone who pays lip service but doesn’t follow up#whose allegiances come with conditions and at the end of the day always looks out for individuals rather than entire demographics#i think that’s why i love varric so much too bc that’s how he is! he loves merrill and anders (tho he won’t admit it) BUT#he doesn’t really ‘get’ mage stuff. he wants them to give it up. anders even more so. varric doesn’t believe#there’s a gap of lived understanding between them he NEVER really tries to breech and that’s why his love is conditional#for as much as varric went to bat for anders year after year and would never have sold him out during their time in kirkwall…#he still resents anders in inquisition. bc anders had goals and ambition and wouldn’t settle for varric’s friendship#such a conditional allegiance would never satisfy anders. he wasn’t the type to forsake all mages just to live comfortably hidden by others#oh my god i need to play dragon age 2 again
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villainsidestep · 6 months
v3 fawn ur sooo normal
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f1-stuff · 5 months
any updates on when you’ll be able to update the 2024 Chronicles on ao3? No pressure! So much has happened this season so I’d love to see how you incorporate it into the charlos universe
Hi! My plan this year was to not do a chapter for every race like I have in the past. I drafted a chapter for Australia, but then life got in the way and my inspiration kind of passed for it.
I think it’s been a little hard for me this season to come up with fresh ideas for the fic that don’t feel like dwelling on the same things as has already been gone over. I want there to be an evolution for Charles and Carlos, but I just haven’t found the direction I want to go this season yet…
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
I fucking hate confrontation with a burning passion omg >:(
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neofelis----nebulosa · 9 months
me: warrior cats isnt really a main interest for me anymore
me at 11:00 pm:
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heartslobbf · 1 year
rgu girlies vs actually thinking about touga’s character for .2 seconds
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sab-teraa · 7 months
#tye talks#my parents are genuinely just so fucking frustrating#they really don’t know me a single bit#after all this … they think I’m upset about money?#firstly I make my own money#second I’m sick of my mother trying to isolate us from everyone#that’s where my issue lies#and refuses to let us interact with any of our family members … both sides#and goes onto lie to them that we have no interest in associated with them etc.#my brother and I literally have no family other than each other … bc my mother makes our lives hell if we do so#and what makes it extra annoying is not that she’s tryna protect us or whatever#it’s the fact that she interacts with them perfectly fine and goes to all events etc. while lying to them that my brother and I are too#friend orientated too care about family#the worst one ever was when she lied that I’m too sick to go to my grans party and my dad left without me … my gran died a few weeks later#I’ll never forgive for that#and she causes drama if we date too#it clearly stems from the fact that both my brother and I are older and don’t need her as much#and she resents the fact that she sacrificed her career etc to be a stay at home parent#so now she wants us to have no relations with anyone other than her#I moved out forever ago and she tries to control everything#from what I wear to what I eat to what time I come home#and the most frustrating part is her going on on about how I should have become a lawyer etc.#stop trying to live your dreams through me !!!!#anyway im over it#I’ve offically decided to distance myself from everyone bc that’s what they wanted#so I will interact with absolutely no one#including my brother#like? I live ten hours away from them and still refuse to let me breathe
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sayaratyriea · 11 months
i am craving Creative Activity so badly but law school sucked away my spoons to write by myself… so i’m reliant on friends and rp… and all my friends want to do is play overwatch (which i don’t play and don’t want to) or watch tv shows which is fundamentally less interesting and does not scratch the itch….. the adhd gremlins are shredding my skull from the inside out at this point :( send help
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pepprs · 1 year
the mortifying ordeal of today being a potluck day.
#purrs#delete later#it’s been 3.5 years since i last was at one and somehow it’s exactly as miserable as it was before if not worse. also why am i being fucking#guilt tripped into doing this and participating in it. im fucking 24 years old. i should get to choose how to spend my time. i should not be#a prop to make my mom look good for running the perfect vegan family. like it sounds like a cartoon but i don’t fucking care about being#vegan and i never did. i just got scared into it and i fucking resent being a prop put on display and unable to do what i want because i#have all this shit in my head about what’s healthy and what’s not and what will make my mom and her community ashamed of me. i fucking hate#these potlucks i hate having to be fake nice to the people who go to them who are so annoying and revolting and i hate being fucking TWENTY#FOUR and forced into doing things i don’t want to do because im afraid of my mom and afraid of myself. my weekends are precious. my choices#are precious. i am not a child anymore. i do not exist to make her look good or feel better about herself. my thoughts and choices are my#own and i own them. i do not want to have anything to do with this and i never did. people are going to get all in my face and im going to h#have to act like a kid again and make myself small and it’s so EMBARRASSING i am an adult!!!!!! im a late bloomer but im an adult. and i get#to choose my life and i get to rebel if i want to. but im not brave enough and we have to go in an hour 30. fucking hellllll#like the fact that my family hosts these. and it’s seen as a FAMILY thing when it’s just my mom. 💀💀💀💀 like please let me have my own life a#and interests and spend my time the way i want to. lol#food#ask to tag
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ryderdire · 9 months
If I fucking survive highshcool I should get like idk a dinky little trophy or somthing
#ryders rambles#I know everyone is meant to but I just#I’m just so fucking tired man#me when I have no control over my life: :D#I’m fucking tired#slight vent#vent#I’m tired of not getting accommodations despite my best efforts#I’m tired of admins I’m tired of my teachers I’m tired of teachers guilting me for not getting my work done despite them very much not#giving me my accommodations#I’m tired of the hehehe well I don’t feel like doing extra work so no accommodations for u haha I’m so quirky I’m not doing my job correctl#I’m going to do it I’m going to keep going even though it’s hard don’t get me wrong#but GOD damnit if I’m not going to complain along the way#it’s like I KNOW full well that for some of these teachers it could explode into a full on thing you know#full on like. thing. cuz It could become a bigger problem and I’m going to be honest#I don’t have the fucking engery for that.#I don’t have the fucking engery to confront them because if I do it could very well blossom into several adults with control over my life#resenting me and I DO not want to invite that into my life#I don’t want to be a hero I just want my god damn copy of the fucking notes#and my stupid written instructions with an complete example.#someone needs to put the fear of god (the legal system) into this shcool but it ain’t gonna be me#it’s mostly my fault and I know that#nothing will change if I don’t make it change but i don’t wanna be trapped with teachers who treat me poorly and the best#way to avoid that is to not make a scene
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