#and I for one sir am gonna take that as VALIDATION
bigfatbimbo · 4 months
OK but now I want to know who you consider the "most" and "least" bratty of all the characters. Like a tier list from "most" bratty ro "least" bratty.
I have a vague idea of what my tier list would look like, but I'm very curious on how you would create yours!
a/n — OMG THIS IS LITERALLY SUCH A GOOD IDEA. I’m gonna go from least bratty to brattiest though because like… suspense?
Also only doing characters on my list and not including Rosie or Mimzy because.. i’m literally stumped. I tried, and i’m stumped.
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ok so charlie is not bratty at all like, let’s be for real. The most trouble she’ll give you is saying like “oh, I have more work to do!” but she doesn’t put up much of a fight.
Sir pentious is definitely not a brat, that guy lives to please. He will not dare do anything to cause degrading words, he’d rather die for a third time.
I feel like Vaggie wouldn’t put up much of a fight either but I think she definitely would have trouble letting go and relaxing. Like it’s not the concept of a lack of power she’d bitch about just more like vulnerability issues?
Lute would be the same way. Like the only thing she would really be a brat about is if this scenario involves a sinner reader. Because then she’d be higher up but she definitely has no problems with being taken care of that would be super comforting.
Alright so Lucifer is a tough one because on one hand, he’s the king of hell and can be incredibly smug, but on the other hand he literally craves validation so hard he’ll cry over it. The only reason he ranks over Lute is because I think he’s a little snobby and it would show.
Husk would also def have trouble letting go because I think he usually gives in the bedroom. So yeah maybe a couple remarks and protests here and there but once he goes into subspace he shuts up.
Now that we are getting into more bratty characters, Alastor would definitely piss you off on purpose. Only because he thinks it’s entertaining to see you mad and he especially loves it when you fuck the shit out of him later for it. But I also think he really wants approval especially from a femdom because mommy issues.
Velvette I think would definitely be a brat. Like she’s ordering people around all day, yes of course it would transfer. She definitely pouts and whines when she doesn’t get her way with you but like you know how to please her so she goes into subspace after a while.
This guys a wild one. Vox is such a fucking brat it’s not even funny. He has this terrible need for power and he always falls flat on his face because let’s be real he was not meant to dom. He will try his hardest though and when he inevitably fails, he will whine like a bitch about it.
This guys not even on my character list but I felt the need to include him because he’s literally the brattiest one here. Adam will not give in for sooo long. He will absolutely start crying before he stops bitching and then he’d probably get embarrassed and start bitching even more to compensate. Yea, he takes the cake for the brattiest character.
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a/n — ANYWAYS, I don’t think I missed any that I wanted to do, unless i forgot which is very possible. But I am curious to see your list too oh my gosh so make sure to get back to me on this one!
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hamiltonaf · 9 months
Hi! I’m so excited you’ve open your requests, can I ask one with Lewis where you work with Toto and are like his little girl, so you get along and are close.
You’ve been secretly in love with him for a while so you try to help and been there for him now that Merc is struggling with the car, so after one race weekend like this one (😪) you try to confort him but he takes his anger on you.
The following week at the factory you’re distant and he starts to miss you…
The end is on you.
Thanks 🙌🏾❤️
Confession | Lewis Hamilton
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: Slight angst but fluff
A/N: Hi loves ! Slowly recovering from being ill for over a week so bare with me. Thanks anon for requesting. Hope you babes enjoy. Requests are still open .xx
The Monza race weekend was here… is it hypocritical of me to say it’s one of my favourites if I’m working for Mercedes ? You can’t deny that the vibe and energy of tifosi doesn’t hype you up even if you’re not a fan of Ferrari.
I couldn’t wait to start posting content for the weekend, I mean it is my job anyway - social media admin. It’s a fun job, not gonna lie. I think it’s quite evident that I spend most of my time posting about Lewis’s paddock outfits than anything Mercedes related. For starters, it’s valid to post Lewis because he’s obviously part of the team and secondly, who isn’t waiting to see the Sir Lewis Hamilton fashion week every race weekend ? Am I right..
I think trying to hide my crush or love should I say for Lewis isn’t working considering that some fans have even commented that it’s ‘quite obvious that admin has a soft spot for Lew’. I’m really exposing myself on main. As extroverted as I am, I can’t help but get shy and quite around Lewis, still bold enough to compliment his outfits everyday on race weekends - if I don’t comment, it’s obvious that something is wrong.
I’d like to think that Lewis and I are somewhat best friends considering we spend more time off-track than on-track. However, I’m starting to re-think that seeing how he’s keeping his distance from me. I eventually just had to work up a nerve to just march over to him and ask him what’s wrong. He finished his interviews and he came back into the hospitality. I approached him with a soft smile, “Hey, are you okay ?” I asked softly. “I’m fine” he abruptly said and brushed my shoulder with his as he walked past. I followed behind him and waited till we were in the hallway to speak up again. “I know something is on your mind. You know you can talk to me Lew, I’m always here for you” I said softly.
“(Y/N) I really couldn’t care to talk to you right now ! Can you just leave me alone ?” He said harshly. Thank god no one was around because I probably would’ve died of embarrassment. My smile fell and I felt a pain in my chest. “Sorry” I said lowly and walked away in the opposite direction.
I avoided him for the rest of the day as he asked. This was the first time he ever raised his voice at me and I was quite hurt to say the least. Usually post-race we’d meet up and go out for dinner or just spend the evening talking in either one of our rooms. I didn’t bother waiting for him after I stuck around for the team briefing, I went straight to the hotel and I was ready to go back to England. So much for thinking we could celebrate him racing for 2 more years.
Luckily I didn’t have to change my flight since I was already scheduled to leave for my flight back home at 8PM. Once I was back home and to myself, I noticed Lewis had posted on his Instagram. Low-key saddened to not receive a message from him yet. I guess it’s a sign I need to get out of my deluded space and get over him.
At a time like this not gonna lie that I hated my job because so much for trying to get over Lewis, posting about him on the teams social media is part of the job.
It’s Wednesday and we have a team meeting at the factory. I really wish I could sit this one out but unfortunately I can’t. I smiled at all the familiar faces as I clocked in and was so relieved to see Toto. “Ahh (Y/N) ! I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages, you’ve been distant lately” he said as he pulled me in for a hug. “Toto, it’s only been 3 days since the race” I reminded him. “I know, but usually you’re always around after the team briefing on Sundays and even on off days, I hear from you. Everything okay ?” He asked concerned as he had an arm around my shoulder and lead the way.
“Oh yeah everything’s fine, the travelling and the energy from Monza just drained me this weekend. I just needed to de-stress these past few days” I sighed. “Of course, I suggest maybe taking an early holiday to Singapore” he suggested. “Sounds good to me, why don’t you and Susie join me ?” “I’ll let her know and get back to you on that” he smiled as he pats my back. Almost as if on cue, Lewis approached us. “You finally made it” Toto joked. “Sorry I’m late, uncle duties” he shrugged.
I felt so uncomfortable, I wish I could’ve been swallowed up into a hole. “No worries, (Y/N) kept me company” he smiled at me. I glanced up at Toto before stealing a glance at Lewis who was already looking at me with a soft smile.
“Oh, would you look at that, George is here ! Let me just go greet him” I excused myself and walked over to George. “Hey you !” I cheerfully said. “(Y/N/N) ! So good to see you. Carmen and I missed you on Sunday” he said as he then pulled me in for a hug. “Aww sorry I had to take off suddenly, had some things to sort at home” I sighed. “Ahh well we always have the next race weekend” he suggested. “Yeah of course. How’s my bestie doing..where is she ?” I asked. I could literally feel a pair of eyes burning at the back of my head. “She’s at home. You should stop by later if you have time” he smiled. “Aww that’s sweet. Thanks for the offer, I’ll try” I smiled back and just then we were disrupted to gather everyone for the factory meeting.
I don’t know why my brain told me to look back…and I actually did. Of course, it’s Lewis looking right at me. I ignored him and walked past him with George by my side.
After the factory meeting, both George and Lewis practiced ahead of Singapore on the simulator. Our team photographer, Steve, had then sent me the pictures he took for today for me to post onto the team socials. I was in my own cubicle, organising posts and captions until I heard a “hey !” from behind me. “Heyy !” I enthusiastically replied. I turned around on my chair to be faced with Lewis.
“Oh. It’s you” I said as my smile dropped. “Ahh you’re never this disappointed to see me and you’re so distant lately” he said causally. “Are you forgetting what you told me on Sunday ? You said and I quote I couldn’t care to talk to you right now, leave me alone !” I whisper yelled. “Can we talk somewhere more private ?” He motioned to the room a few metres away. I rolled my eyes and followed behind him. “Look (Y/N/N)..I’m really sorry for the way I acted. It was immature and uncalled for. I should’ve never taken my anger out on you... It’s unfortunate that I hurt those that I love and care for, you deserve better” he said as he took a step closer and held my hands in his.
I sighed, “Lew, it’s okay.. I get it. It’s normal to get upset, no one is expected to be happy all the time. You had a bad race, and it is what it is…you’re forgiven” “Those words just made my day. I didn’t know how to message you because I felt bad, and I needed to see you in person to get everything off my chest” he cleared his throat and had a more serious expression. “You made me realise a lot in these few days we were apart… I’m in denial about my feelings” he huffed. “Okay ? Lew I’m not getting you” I raised a brow in confusion. “Life isn’t complete without you in it. Not hearing your laugh or seeing you and that beautiful smile that lights up the room made me realise what I’m missing… I’m falling in love with you (Y/N)” he softly said with a smile.
My heart was racing. I could feel my hands getting clammy. I was at a loss for words. “Please say something” he softly said. “I’m sorry I’m just speechless. This is so surreal. I’ll be honest with you, I’ve been in denial about my feelings for a while, I tried to convince myself that the less I see you then the better… but I couldn’t. You made it so hard for me when you look so fine, and I have to post pictures of you -“ I rambled. “Did you just call me fine ?” He smirked and raised a brow. “Did I ? Oh my god. I- ugh you’re making this hard” I pouted as I noticed his eyes went from making eye contact to subtly switching to my lips.
I didn’t even have time to realise what was going on until I felt the butterflies. He cupped my cheek and placed his lips on mine. I kissed back and placed a hand around his neck to pull closer. “Lewis, have you seen-“ the door burst opened by George. I broke away and felt embarrassed by getting caught in the act. “Found her. Uhm sorry to interrupt, was going to ask if you’re coming over (Y/N/N) but seems like you already have plans” George winked. “Righttt see yourself out mate” Lewis motioned to the door. “Lew !” I playfully hit his chest. “See you love birds around” George said lastly before leaving. Momentarily, Lewis and I turned to look at each other. “So, your place or mine ?” He smirked
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princessfroslass · 3 months
Angel Dust has a clear validation problem.
I had been thinking about this ever since episode 2 and episode 6 all but segmented this onto my subconscious.
Angel clearly doesn't care whenever anyone slut shames or just overall insult him- he lives to get a rise out of people. Hell, Hazbin Hotel's VERY FIRST SCENE on the Pilot was him going full "oh yeah slut, very creative." And going after Travis life- but not on a insecure way, he very clearly didn't care. Fast forward to the actual show and it's more of the same- he doesn't care whenever Vaggie or Husk or anyone else threaten him because he enjoys the chaos and it's open about the fact he is only there to no pay rent. He just doesn't care about what others think of him.
Except.... When he does.
You see it's interesting because back on that origin comic (that I don't even know if it's canon anymore but for a characterization point I'll take it.) when Charlie states they need a quest and even pays him for his time (Angel was working on the street when they meet him) and she goes full "this is an investment, on you." He leaves the limo all "oh...ok....sure...." Clearly moved or touched by her faith in him, even though he still thinks it's misguided trust.
Back to episode 2, it's pretty much the anthesis of this. For once, someone else seems interested on changing his ways and THAT obviously excites Charlie, who referred to Sir Pen as "the hotel's first real quest" now to be fair with her, Angel is very vocal about how he thinks the Hotel is BS and hadn't show any intention to change his ways soon- but y'know that still must stings like it hasn't even been a week and this girl that is all sunshine and rainbows already gave up on him lmao but it gets even worse- on the roleplay thing, look at the fucking role he is giving- A CRACKHEAD- like he had to pause before saying that shit- and to rub salt on the wound, Sor Pen performance ends with the "no sex before marriage!" Line. Like out of all sins one could commit- you pick Addiction to Drugs (more specifically CRACK) and Sex. Yo girl what the fuck- and ofc, only Sir Pen gets congratulated, because Angel was critical of the whole thing and the former was full on enthusiastic about it- the last shot before the bedroom scene we get us Angel staring at Charlie validating Sir Pen's efforts and how he is going to be redeemed so fast before Angel sadly goes upstairs.
Now the room scene..... Yikes. The fact that the roleplay was all and on about the drugs thing and how the last voicemail/Angel's imagination? Things we heard it's "Addict trash like you doesn't change"... Hahaha all the yikes with that fucking roleplay. So yeah it's very fucking clear from the get go Angel has....issues. Hell even after "It starts with Sorry" when everyone goes back to sleep he doesn't looks happy, just resigned lmao
(Which it's funny because on the very next episode he saves Sir Pen from the war thing going down but I digress)
Now episode 4- oh MAN where do I even start. Now remember how in the first paragraph I mentioned how Angel disses Travis but like, in a confident way? Not on the way someone affected would react? Well this ep is everything but that lmao "I don't give a shit about what a drunk ass bartender thinks of me" reeks of insecurity by the tone alone I am sorry. Notice how he looks very taken aback when Husk calls his act out before he doubles down and goes full "I am actor dumbass" bit. Man's defenses were penetrated in a way it hasn't before and he needed a moment to put more bs out of his ass because God forbid someone in this Hotel knows how horrible his life is and how much he hates himself- and then his advances were thoroughly rejected for good ("It's never gonna work on me") and he absolutely losses it. Not being able to compute that someone that clearly stared at him long enough to read him, doesn't want to fuck him. Disgusts from people that barely knows him he can take- being told to his face it's not working, he can't. And it's not even because he particularly want to fuck anyone there- that is how he sees his own worth. He makes Val money, everyone around wants to take him, his services are apparently FAR from cheap ("you know how much I am WORTH?!") and he had based his whole self worth around it- no matter how many times he gets taken advantage of on a random club on 3am or if is his own fucking abuser (he literally only opened Val's voicemails after the whole ep2 fiasco) people either despises him because of his overt sexuality or want to use him for it (there is also the middle road where his worse habits are enabled and that makes him 'fun' company- but I'll be there in a min) there just can't be a reality where he is told to his face that he is destroying himself and any connection he can have WITHOUT the alterior motive of wanting to fuck him- right? I mean even Charlie's hope on him was proven to be limited, so why bother?
Enter Loser, Baby.
And yes, my beloved Huskerdust atem- you see there is something fucked up about it. Angel only joins in to sing as well after he goes full "I am a hoe that likes drugs tehee" but unlike always, he is...not proud of it. He only sings about it because Husk sang how "it's ok to be a-" like expecting a negative, and it's ONLY when Husk completes it with a "Baby that is fine by me" does Angel truly smiles. He just had a whole breakdown, he doesn't has the energy to put his facade and his "I don't care what you think" actitude. But because Husk validates that he is able to follow along.
There is also the "This guy it's not that bad" part. Angel softened up at that because, again, Husk validated him- the real him. He saw through his facade and embraced it.
In episode 5 there is this little scene where Charlie is talking to her father over the phone and everyone else is silently supporting her from behind. And Angel, the ever realist- is just....grimacing through the whole thing lmao but to his credit seemed to support her regardless- but what cought my eye through the whole thing is that when Charlie goes full "Dad, this is important to me!" The camera focus on Angel a bit....touched? See the scene you'll get what I mean.
Then episode 6 came along. Cherrie comes along, and her and Husk play devil and angel on Anthony's shoulder the whole night. But there is something interesting about this- Angel never.... really stops Cherrie, nor explain why he would avoid drugs- Husk does. He ONLY explains himself when Cherrie confronted him about being so protective of Nifty. When Cherrie offer him the pills he doesn't goes full "I am sober now" cut and dry, instead he goes full "er....I dunno, I am tired. Maybe another time?" after Husk does the whole "I thought you were better than that" bit. Cherrie enables Angel- she clearly CARES about him, there is not doubt about that- but Hell is made with good intentions, validating his excesses and taking an active part on it is how they bond- and how his relationship with her makes him feel a bit better about himself, even when at the end of day it all comes crashing down (hello end of Addicted) and what is the first THING he smiles at after his confrontation with Valentino? "You did good, kid".
Ao in synthesis, Angel craves for validation in all and any way he can get it- regardless of how good the intentions of those giving it are. It either can be an validitation of his usual behavior (Cherrie) an validation of him wanting to better himself (Charlie, Husk) or just.... validation of his body as a whole (those weird sharks he ran to at ep4) it really depends of how much his mental state is on the gutter that day.
And then there is Valentino.
It's clear Angel's self Worth issues are not much better thanks to the way he is treated in and out of the studio- but, and knowing his familial relationship, it's doubtful they CAME from there, and it was an unfortunate result of it.
Valentino and the Vees pray on the vulnerable- that was DIRECTLY stated at ep2, and what is more vulnerable that a drug addict whose own family rejected? Sure Angel had been on Hell for a WHILE but his foundation was already shaky to begin with, he is street smart and posseses more common sense that some of his peers (literally the only one that stated they SHOULDN'T bring every psycho that tries to kill them to the Hotel lmao) but this need for Validation running deep on his core makes him the ideal pray for any asshole that is willing to drop a few "oh you are so pretty 💜"s his way until it's too late. How tragic would it be- to have the first person that validated him in a WHILE be the one that hurt him the most.
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blarefordaglare · 8 months
this post used to be linked universe memes but because I don’t know where I got it from and want to give credit from now on instead I’ll just put a cr*cliff I made
TW: None, unless tying people to chairs is considered a crime?
“I’m not cooking tonight.” The familiar voice of the champion rang through the camp, “I swear if I cook fish one more night in a row I will turn into a cod.”
Normally, a refusal to cook, from the designated cook, would send alarm bells through the chain. But he had a point. This would mark the 17th night they ate fish (Yay, thanks Wind), and honestly, everyone was getting sick of it, even the sailor himself. 
“Ho-Kay then, so what are we going to eat?”
“Have you guys been to a restaurant before?” 
This is when chaos ensues.
“Okay, so you are a party of nine?” A waitress stood in front of the chain. 9 heroes, in probably the worst attire to wear for a fancy restaurant, standing right before her.
Time quickly stepped in, “Yes, nine. Five adults and four children.” That earned him a very aggressive poke on the shoulder.
“Old man, I’m over one hundred years old, I think a hundred and seventeen is over eighteen years of age.” 
“Oh hush you, this bill is already gonna be expensive, plus judging by how you literally ATE a rock the other day, I think we can subtract a century.” 
“Just shut up you both. I am famished.” The pink haired boy let out a dramatic sigh. He just wanted his food.
“Drama Queen.”
All settled around a booth, at the ripe time of 19:17, the boys and men were ready to eat most definitely. 
“Sailor, don’t fill up on bread.” The captain mentioned, slyly moving the bread basket away from the teenager. 
“Oh-ohm-ohn, Imf a owin oy!” The sailor retaliated (or so that’s what it sounded like anyway, you can’t really tell when someone’s mouth is full.)
“Um, ma’am? I think we’re ready to order.” Twilight spoke up. He was stuck between Legend and Warriors, making sure that they don’t beat each other up. Not sure how he got into the beautiful position of family therapist, but it’s whatever.
“Yes Sky?”
“What’s a medium rare?”
“Oh it’s when the meat is only partially cooked!”
“Okay, miss? May I please have a medium rare chicken?” The innocent boy asked. Legend stifled a laugh, and Hyrule looked a little bit shocked.
“Um… I’ll see what I can do, and you sir?”
“I’ll take… actually I’m full!” Wind replied. He could have sworn he heard someone mumble ‘called it.’ But didn’t say anything.
“Oh okay, what about you?” She looked over at Four, who looked deep in thought.
“I’ll have the stuffed bell peppers, but WHATEVER YOU DO… do not use the green bell peppers… or someone is going to get hurt.” Maybe threatening wasn’t the best idea, but then again it’s also a complete valid reason if you are completely afraid of green bell peppers… according to Four and only Four.
“Mhm… got it? And you?”
“Okay lady, listen up. I would like some pizza, but without the crust, and hold off on the cheese.” Legend earned himself a flick from Twilight, “…Please.”
“So… just sauce?”
“Whatever you call it.”
“May I please have the fried wild greens?” Twilight *politely* asked.
“Of course! What about you?” Her eyes fell on Warriors. 
“Do you have any dates?”
“No sir, this is a restaurant.”
“Well, would you like to orange a date?” The waitress’s cheeks flushed, before she quickly moved on to the next Link. 
“Quick question, is the water that you have drinkable?” Hyrule asked, eying his glass. The waitress slowly nodded her head in confusion. “Alright, then I’ll eat a red potion.”
“I’m just going to completely ignore that request, as I have no idea what a red potion is.”
“I’ll have the steak, if it’s no trouble.” Time politely requested. Aside from Twilight, he was basically the only one with a sensible dish. 
“Of course and what about… you?” The waitress looked down to where wild was supposed to be sitting, but somehow he was not there.
“Okay who kidnapped our archer?” Legend bluntly asked. 
“Give me a minute,” Time stood up, “I know where he is.”
“Okay, and then you see this is how you fry-“
The champion almost dropped the pan from the harshness of the old man’s voice, “What?!”
“Tell me why you are in the kitchen that says EMPLOYEES ONLY??”
“Because! They weren’t cooking it right. I’m teaching them.”
“Champion, tying people to chairs and forcing them to watch you cook isn’t ‘teaching’.”
“What are you making anyway?”
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kikker-oma · 7 months
umm I’m feeling cr*ckfic time (censoring cuz don’t do drugs kids) that isn’t even lore accurate sooooOoOoo
and yes I made this when I should be sleeping lol
“I’m not cooking tonight.” The familiar voice of the champion rang through the camp, “I swear if I cook fish one more night in a row I will turn into a cod.”
Normally, a refusal to cook, from the designated cook, would send alarm bells through the chain. But he had a point. This would mark the 17th night they ate fish (Yay, thanks Wind), and honestly, everyone was getting sick of it, even the sailor himself. 
“Ho-Kay then, so what are we going to eat?”
“Have you guys been to a restaurant before?” 
This is when chaos ensues.
“Okay, so you are a party of nine?” A waitress stood in front of the chain. 9 heroes, in probably the worst attire to wear for a fancy restaurant, standing right before her.
Time quickly stepped in, “Yes, nine. Five adults and four children.” That earned him a very aggressive poke on the shoulder.
“Old man, I’m over one hundred years old, I think a hundred and seventeen is over eighteen years of age.” 
“Oh hush you, this bill is already gonna be expensive, plus judging by how you literally ATE a rock the other day, I think we can subtract a century.” 
“Just shut up you both. I am famished.” The pink haired boy let out a dramatic sigh. He just wanted his food.
“Drama Queen.”
All settled around a booth, at the ripe time of 19:17, the boys and men were ready to eat most definitely. 
“Sailor, don’t fill up on bread.” The captain mentioned, slyly moving the bread basket away from the teenager. 
“Oh-ohm-ohn, Imf a owin oy!” The sailor retaliated (or so that’s what it sounded like anyway, you can’t really tell when someone’s mouth is full.)
“Um, ma’am? I think we’re ready to order.” Twilight spoke up. He was stuck between Legend and Warriors, making sure that they don’t beat each other up. Not sure how he got into the beautiful position of family therapist, but it’s whatever.
“Yes Sky?”
“What’s a medium rare?”
“Oh it’s when the meat is only partially cooked!”
“Okay, miss? May I please have a medium rare chicken?” The innocent boy asked. Legend stifled a laugh, and Hyrule looked a little bit shocked.
“Um… I’ll see what I can do, and you sir?”
“I’ll take… actually I’m full!” Wind replied. He could have sworn he heard someone mumble ‘called it.’ But didn’t say anything.
“Oh okay, what about you?” She looked over at Four, who looked deep in thought.
“I’ll have the stuffed bell peppers, but WHATEVER YOU DO… do not use the green bell peppers… or someone is going to get hurt.” Maybe threatening wasn’t the best idea, but then again it’s also a complete valid reason if you are completely afraid of green bell peppers… according to Four and only Four.
“Mhm… got it? And you?”
“Okay lady, listen up. I would like some pizza, but without the crust, and hold off on the cheese.” Legend earned himself a flick from Twilight, “…Please.”
“So… just sauce?”
“Whatever you call it.”
“May I please have the fried wild greens?” Twilight *politely* asked.
“Of course! What about you?” Her eyes fell on Warriors. 
“Do you have any dried fruit?”
“No sir, this is a restaurant.”
“Well, would you like to orange a date?” The waitress’s cheeks flushed, before she quickly moved on to the next Link. 
“Quick question, is the water that you have drinkable?” Hyrule asked, eying his glass. The waitress slowly nodded her head in confusion. “Alright, then I’ll eat a red potion.”
“I’m just going to completely ignore that request, as I have no idea what a red potion is.”
“I’ll have the steak, if it’s no trouble.” Time politely requested. Aside from Twilight, he was basically the only one with a sensible dish. 
“Of course and what about… you?” The waitress looked down to where wild was supposed to be sitting, but somehow he was not there.
“Okay who kidnapped our archer?” Legend bluntly asked. 
“Give me a minute,” Time stood up, “I know where he is.”
“Okay, and then you see this is how you fry-“
The champion almost dropped the pan from the harshness of the old man’s voice, “What?!”
“Tell me why you are in the kitchen that says EMPLOYEES ONLY??”
“Because! They weren’t cooking it right. I’m teaching them.”
“Champion, tying people to chairs and forcing them to watch you cook isn’t ‘teaching’.”
“What are you making anyway?”
HAHA I adore the idea of the chain going to a restaurant and being absolutely weird about it hahaha
Wild teaching the kitchen staff how to cook fish after being DONE with fish in the first place lolol
Wars flirting, Legend eating Marinara haha
Poor Twi is such a sibling stuck in the middle of the other two bickering hahaha
Thank you for this🤣🤣🤣
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yellowhollyhock · 2 months
standing up to bullies, Nightwatcher again (march for Raph has made me (re)realize how much I love the 07 turtles)
Raph woke up a bit earlier in the evening than usual. Something was burning, which probably explained the frantic voices he could hear overlapping each other.
Sure didn't make him want to get out of bed.
He hoisted himself up with a groan. Splinter wouldn't be pleased if he missed dinner again, and he couldn't exactly show up for food after pretending to sleep through all this commotion.
He slammed his bedroom door open, as if he could intimidate himself into waking up, and found chaos.
Master Splinter and Mikey were tripping over each other in the kitchen, trying to clean something off the ceiling and floor. A mess of partially-melted styrofoam and leftover noodles sat on the counter right by the stove. They pointed and muttered to try to get each other the broom, the stepstool, turn the water on or off.
The voice was mostly Donnie's, and whoever was screaming so loud into his headset that Raph could hear it.
"Yes, I understand your frustration."
"Are we out of bleach?"
"I need your verification number in order to--"
"Michelangelo, do not leave the rag on the stove."
"But it's off now."
"If you can tell me a valid email address, I'll resend the code."
"It is still hot."
"There's no other counter space!"
Raph took some uncertain steps towards the kitchen. It looked like the contents of what had once been under the sink were taking up their counter space. As he got closer he could smell the musty cardboard and see that the cabinet was open. There must've been a leak.
"Yes, sir, I realize--no, I--we will need a valid email address in order to send the code. I don't have an option to text it to you."
He hesitated to walk in and start moving things--Mikey and Splinter were already on top of each other. In all these years of five of them trying to live here, why hadn't they gotten a bigger kitchen?
Anyway, it'd be stupid to change now that there were less of them. Not that Leo had really used the kitchen, but still.
"Donatello. Okay, you can do that, but we'll still need to set up a valid email address in order to--"
The incoherent yelling got louder, making Donnie wince and pull one side of his headset slightly away from his ear. The small gap made the hollered insults a little more clear, and grated on Raph's nerves.
He stomped over and snatched the headset, slamming it over his own head. He ignored Donnie's startled protest.
"If you came into our physical establishment acting this way we could call the cops," he roared without preamble.
"--stupid, useless--now who is this?"
"Are you gonna let us help you set up your email, or should I just hang up now?"
An indignant huff. "I would like to speak to your manager."
"I am the manager. And next time I catch you talking that way to one of my agents, your number will be blocked at every tech company in the country."
Donnie pressed something on his keyboard, and the line went quiet. For a very brief moment, Raph took in the wide-eyed expressions of his watching family. Were they shocked, afraid? Mostly they just looked exhausted.
He set the headset on the desk and scowled at Donnie.
"You can't just let people walk all over you like that."
"Actually, Raph," his brother drawled in an obnoxious long-suffering tone far too reminiscent of Leo, "That's exactly what my job is."
And you clearly wouldn't last a day went unspoken. Raph scoffed and turned away.
"Mikey, don't leave the rag on the stove," he snapped, feeling stupid even as he heard himself say it. He needed to get out of here.
"I'll go pick us up some food."
Maybe Donnie didn't appreciate it; that was fine. Most of the people he helped these days wouldn't ever appreciate it. That didn't matter. Somebody had to deal directly and immediately with those kinds of people.
Raph couldn't stand bullies.
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mahuhumaling · 6 months
changes i liked and disliked in the rwrb movie 📨
ohmygod. i'm finally gonna talk about this movie, aren't i? i've held myself off from making original creations like video or photo edits for this piece of media, and i still am, because i feel like if i start making one i won't stop, but i think a textpost can be an exception because i've made tweets and threads about it on twitter already.
anyway, i just wanted to rattle off on these since these opinions have been simmering up on me since the movie first came out. lol i watched it 15 hours later on a whim with bar-in-hell expectations. karma got to me, because i ended up getting brainrot over it.
this is a long overdue post.
the aging up is both a yes and a no for me. a yes because i have previously never been opposed to aging up YA characters (technicaly rwrb is more new adult that young adult but whatever, it's teetering) like shadowhunters, and matthew does a great job of justifying this choice: grounding their romance into a more mature and real love. it's not to say that young love isn't valid or real enough, but the decision to make firstprince in their late 20s makes the discussion of forever and their adamant to fight for their love is more realistic and believable. with that said, it's also a no for me because their ages are also detrimental to the timeline and character arcs. for instance, henry's grief hits him like a ten wheeler as a teenager, and the whole explanation that casey writes for his grief is that he expected to deal with something as magnanimous as that kind of loss when he's older and not when his brain hasn't even fully developed. another instance is alex's having to grapple with his career choices after college!
matthew's best change is quite possibly firstprince exchanging the key and the ring. hands down, much better. i do understand that since the novel is in third person limited (alex's pov), it makes sense at a literary level (lol) for alex to own both the key and the necklace ("two homes side by side" is a BANGER line), but the equal complete devotion that the two have for each other at that point is excellent through that showcase of exchange. i own part of you, you own part of me. it's such a great display for the trope of "token of love." romcoms are back, baby! cinema is back!
worst change, then, is probably alex's parents being still happily married and in love. my hot take is that i understand why june was cut out and she's not a huge loss, compared to alex growing up as a child of divorce. making that change to alex having parents who are still together removes a huge dimension to alex's characterization because a lot of his issues stem from that, mainly his abandonment issues. you can see the full effect in the scene where he storms the kensington palace. i understand and respect it, matthew essentially explaining that because this was a different henry, then this was a different alex to — that he needed to be softer. he was more pleasing, desperate, confused with "can we please talk?" instead of the brash "your royal fucking highness!" because that's what it is: confusion. movie!alex couldn't fully understand why someone would just up and leave like that, whereas book!alex was immediately angry because he knows full well when someone leaves him. (*ahem* his dad) but anyway someone discusses it here in such great detail and i very much agree!
oh another good change is showing henry's pov during the email leak. nicholas... sir... ugh. fine, we're getting you that damn oscar. but seriously, he did great. t'was devastating seeing his face crumble, and the one show/display of roual authority, of hot flash of anger, of power, just to talk to alex was even sadder because that was the only time he uses it.
another yes and no change for me is "history huh." the placement of the most popular line from being im the email to being said out loud privately for the two of them is something i'm divided about. yes: there is a great deal of comfort that comes with henry getting to hear that from alex's own lips. it's very sweet and romantic and yeah tbh tbh i would've melted into a puddle right then and there. that there is a comfort that comes with at least that wasn't taken away from them. but no: the whole point of that being in the email (along with bad metaphors, an incomplete list, the story of the prince born with his heart on the outside of his body, etc.) is that these two's privacy was violated. the whole world read those words that were just meant for the two of them, but the public ended up using that line for their banners and flags and signs. and it's important why? it was then made into a form of reclamation. that even if they went through shit and worried about the consequences of being public figures, that there was hope that at least a surprisingly large number of the general public voiced their support, that they were backed by the people they were serving. removing that from the email in the movie... well, you get the rest.
should the height difference even be talked about? that's a factor that is 80% outside of anyone's control lmao??? but i do think it's worth noting that i've grown kinda fond with it that now i imagine taylor & nick's physical builds when reading firstprince fanfics plus having a taller alex who has a height complex instead of a shorter alex who has a height insecurity is so fucking funny. what a great running gag. the gaslighting of the audience into thinking henry is taller is 10/10. best lampshading ever, actually.
henry standing up for himself to the king is both a yes and no too. yes: matthew's justification is pretty nice. not only does it save them production costs to hire a princess catherine actress and pacing issues, it also makes sense narratively. the movie has written henry as voiceless throughout it really well, so for him to save himself is a great reason for why. but also it's a no for me because it's equally important that catherine the negligent mother starts compensating for her absences by battling generational conflict lmao. there's also the factor of a woman saving a man too! the rwrb universe emphasizes quite well about how henry and alex are surrounded by these powerful female figures who are near and dear to them in their lives. to grow up learning from them. point is, movie!henry standing up for himself is a nice choice because he's older. and at the same time, book!henry being supported by her mother is a great choice because he needed to be affirmed with a larger support system in his younger age.
making henry the one to clarify at first that their relationship should be casual instead of alex is a big yes for me. the mixed signals henry does in the book makes for borderline inconsistent characterization, but he's younger there so it makes sense for us to be confused. but henry in the movie "explaining himself to alex for the past year" is a great cleaning up because at the start, henry has been clear on "ok but we can't do this long term."
this has been sitting on my drafts for too long (weeks) so i'll just post this now. and maybe update it, idk. this post feels too incomplete but i don't want to sit on it, so. whatever here it is. 🤣
edit:. i discovered this amazing podcast who talk about it in great detail and 90% of their opinions i agree with! imm frothing at the mouth with how they describe and reason with each change and i just 🥺 want to share how cool they are. [part 1, part 2]
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neoyi · 6 months
hi my opinion on the game awards event were...
-every space game looks the same and i can't tell which one is which anymore.
-40% of all sci-fi game are contractually obligated to put "EXO" in their title in some way, shape, or form.
-i'd be more surprised by fortnite having a lego game if i didn't know lego has made games (and actual lego) of every licenses under the sun.
(also i am glad dave the diver did not win best indie game because, well, it isn't an indie game. it just looks and feels like one.)
-ugggggggggggh of course the last of us won best adaptation. my hot take is always that abby was as much justified to kill joel as anyone else in that damnable game and i will die on team abby if not out of pure pettiness.
-once again fuck the brotherhood of steel. but casually looking forward to the fallout show.
-wait no man sky's over a decade already? damn.
-sir anthony mackie sir are you okay sir?
-YASSSSSSSSS OLD GODS OF ASGARD. they all danced and moved like it was a broadway musical and it was cheesy and wonderful and they are valid for it.
-dear jesus i need to play alan wake ii i can't keep avoiding spoilers it's driving me nuts!
-i want the voice actor of kratos to hold me with his big muscular arms.
-ikumi nakamura is a treasure and we do not deserve her.
-i do not care for the kojima game but jordan peele is involved in it so i expect it will have some semblance of Good.
-skull and bones has an actual release date???? bull. i'll believe it when i see the game in actual physical brick and mortar stores.
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*sigh* i'm never gonna get a skies of arcadia remaster or at least a release on steam or anything, am i? "and more" is a tease, but my heart is ready to be broken again.
-why the fuck is cyberpunk the winner for best ongoing game when EVERY other game on that list were actual ongoing games?
-i have been informed the youtuber announcing the game of the year is motherfucking timothy chalamet.
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bengiyo · 2 years
Love in the Air Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
And we're back! Immediately beginning with warnings about this street racing situation. I suspect Payu doesn't have much of a say in participation if he wants to keep his clientele. Also curious who is clearly summoning Rain to appear before him.
Rain smacks as he eats. Pain.
Payu is so funny. Voice of the author coming through on "I don't date underage people" aka "Y'all know who I am, but even I have my lines."
"Before you design a house, you need to design your life." Okay, sir, let's put that on a poster and add it to the web store!!! Payu is interesting in how he tries to shelter Rain from his life with valid, if somewhat paternalistic, concerns.
Rejection is hard for me, so I do feel for Rain on this.
I don't remember Som being in the show before this, but he is also attractive. Rain at least has folks who clearly care about him.
Another hot man has entered the plot. No name. Just bro vibes.
I like the dynamic between Rain and Sky. I won't ship them, but I like it.
Also loved that transition, with Rain all determined, only to be immediately ignored by Payu.
I know it's probably because of their names, but it is nice to see a show using the abundant rainfall of Thailand consistently.
Why does Payu have two jobs? What's the tea here between the architecture work and the shop? I also love how the twin brother has just off-looking facial hair. He only shows up to berate Payu about Rain.
I am going to tease this show a lot, but really only About Youth is competing on pure attractiveness of the leads.
I'm gonna need Sig to wash his ass and his clothes. You were just playing a stern doctor, sir!!
Oh shit! I like this light blue jacket with a yellow shirt combo on Payu! Also, Rain your midriff is showing. Please cover up.
Oh good. I'm not keen on BL doing any initiation when one of them is asleep. We can all relax for a brief moment.
Okay, I enjoyed the comedy of the double-interruption.
Oh my god who is in charge of lighting, because this pink shirt looks so good on Rain? They consistently get lighting right in this show.
Baby boy, please turn this work in. I can't watch you rest while I think you're somehow gonna mess this up.
I feel like Rain's house has been used in BL before....
I wasn't actually expecting an answer about the two jobs, but thank you, Twin Brother Saifa, for answering.
Drag baby around!
Gas is too expensive for all this driving around!
Ugh, I want to fully enjoy this kiss, but these lips is looking a bit chapped.
We've definitely used this school in BL many times.
Oh good, baby boy passed.
Ah yes, let's foreshadow a phone dying dramatically. I eagerly await the crisis. I hope it involves a downpour.
Yes!! It's raining!! Baby boy stay getting drenched in this show! I live in a rainy city and can tell you that this is NOT comfortable.
I am so relieved that these boys are (hopefully) not wearing pants in the tub. It's been throwing me for a loop lately in BL that the Thai boys keep having bathing scenes with whole wet pant legs
Also, thankfully, we rehydrated the boys before this scene. Lips are intact!
I like Payu's apology. It felt sincere. They don't always in genre, despite the narrative intent.
Huge props to this show for not making BL boys seem dickless.
I am reminded of the actor commentary on the Shelter (2007) dvd about the fellatio scene and how Trevor was on the bed alone for much of that.
Hold on! Hold on! That quick cut of him moving the car model to grab a single condom just took me out!!
Oh no the subs went out. Let's see if a reload fixes. Nope, the timing just suddenly seems off.
Alright, I am glad this show is using condoms on screen, but once again for the young people: please do not open condoms with your teeth so you don't accidentally tear them, please use lube, and take time to warm up and relax!
Okay, well that was fun. I suppose it's time to crank up the drama.
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darkphoenix07 · 2 years
Conflating Arousal
[An office love story] <enemies to lovers au>
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Paring : Yunho x Johwa
Genre : Office Romance, Fluff, Angst, Smut, Kdrama vibe
Warning : Mention of blood, Child abuse, Sexual Assault, Self harm, Toxic relationship, Mature content.
Synopsis : What happens when the man you hate become your CEO?
"If you have problem with me, Ms. Im, you can give your resignation letter and leave, we don't need employees like you in here."
- Jeong Yunho
[ If you want me to add you in the taglist, just comment below. And reblog my post ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ). (I'm kinda comfortable with writing with names, not y/n as I was a Wattpad writer. So bear with me ♡) ]
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This asshole is never going to hold me, I'm doomed. I'm getting fired. I hope I die falling from the ladder. God, I am such a dumb.
Johwa's prayer goes in vein when she realizes being into someone's arms. As she opens her eyes, she sees her Ceo staring at her with both annoyed and disgusted face.
Making her stand on her feet, he steps away from her and she bows, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..."
"Are you multilingual?" His sudden question makes Johwa look at him. Why should he care about her being multilingual?
"Yes...I love learning languages," she says.
"You are fluent in English and Spanish? What about Japanese?" He asks again.
"Yes, Japanese too...But why d-" she asks but gets cut off by him, "Because You're gonna be my part-time secretary from now."
"What? Why would I? You have a secretary," Johwa tells him forgetting what happened a while ago.
"You do not question me after what you did. You sign this contract and Mr. Choi gets to do double jobs or you don't sign this contract and lose this job. Valid," Yunho says taking out the file he brought for her when he entered looking for her.
Johwa looks down not being able to decide what to do.
What a cunning roach he is! I can't even decline the contract, fucking hell.
"I-I'll sign it," she takes the file in her hand and starts reading.
"After signing it, fix the room in front of your cabinets by 5 p.m. for me. I'll be working there from now on," he says making Johwa more surprised.
"And also keep it as clean as possible. If I see a little amount of dirt there, I'm gonna sue you for all these mess you've created. Keep this file on my new office after cleaning it, I'll send rest of my things," he says and leaves without even hearing her say 'yes sir or no sir' .
"What does he think he is? Why would he annoy me so much? What's with the secretary thing? What is going on, ugh!!!!" Johwa kicks the file cabinet and gets hurt, "Fuck my life!!!"
3 p.m.
"Isn't it too much? She has been working since the morning," Seonghwa says coming out from his room staring at Johwa ordering people coming with furniture.
Wooyoung is on his laptop working without breaks or else he might burst out badly. Everyone was quite after Johwa told them what she had to do because Jeong Yunho is in power now. He can do anything with them either spinning them like a puppet or taking their mental peace away, its his choice and they can do nothing about it for now.
"Wooy-" San tries to talk to him but, "Don't say a word, I might punch you. Let me work," Wooyoung says and San sits back on his chair. He doesn't even know what to do. Yunho hasn't done a good thing, he is being too harsh. Just because he wants to give Mingi breaks, doesn't mean he have to choose Johwa as his another secretary. He could have hired one but why he is after her?
Time keeps passing by as Johwa keeps working without breaks making rest of them worried about her. She doesn't want to shit talk about her CEO anymore because it's like whenever she talks shit about him, he appears around him out of nowhere which is why she is a few steps away from losing her dear job.
"Ms. Im, have you finished?" As soon as Johwa looks at her watch and sees it's 5 a.m. Jeong Yunho appears at the door. She looks at him in disbelief, How annoyingly punctual he is!
"Yes, sir. I have finished working. Your room is ready," Johwa says with a sarcastic smile and Yunho enters in the room judging the whole area.
"There are some changes in the interior, I didn't want these plants," he says looking at the plants kept at a corner in a white vase.
"I added them because I thought it might look nice," Johwa says trying to read his expression if he is mad about it or not.
"Not bad," Yunho says and turns around, "You're dismissed for today. You can do your job now."
"Thank you, sir," Johwa bows and leaves the room as fast as she can because she can't stand that tallroach for another second.
As she sees her colleagues, she drops on her knees, "Guys, I'm gonna die." San goes running towards her, "Hey, what's up. What did he say?"
"That I can do my own job now as I've finished his, ugh. He is still there so don't ask me anything. I can't say a single good thing about him," Johwa says and San helps her stand.
Wooyoung just looks at her once then start working again. He understood that Johwa remembers about the night and now she is embarrassed, avoiding Wooyoung whenever she can. She didn't hug Wooyoung and is being very weird which tells Wooyoung she didn't want it to happen. It was merely a mistake for her which wasn't for him. He wanted that, he was in half sense and he remembers every little detail. How soft her lips were, how she called his name and trailed her fingers on his neck.
I shouldn't blame her for not wanting this. What am I even thinking?
"Hey, where are you lost?" San's voice breaks Wooyoung's thoughts. He almost forgot that he came to San's house after work after Johwa ditched him for the thousand times.
"Nothing, I'm just..."
"Thinking about the kiss?" San finishes his line making him surprised.
"How did you know?" Wooyoung asks.
San smirks handing him the beer, "I know everything, my friend."
"She told you about it?" Wooyoung asks and San nods, "Maybe."
"What did she say? Was she disgusted? Did it remind her of those bad memo-"
"Wooyoung, calm down. Let me tell you what happened. You don't even let me drink my beer peacefully."
"Wooyoung is mad because he doesn't have a good history with Yunho. It ended badly with them," San tells Johwa but suddenly sees Johwa's eyes getting big for the 100th time.
"What happened to you?" San asks.
"Speaking of Wooyoung, I feel like I have kissed him last night," Johwa says as a flashback comes in her mind.
"WHAT? You did what?" San asks her again because it's unbelievable for him to believe too.
"I pulled him on for the kiss for sure but why would I do that? He must have swayed by me. How am I supposed to face him?" Johwa asks San showing horror in her face.
San sighs trying to adjust the atmosphere, "Maybe he wanted to kiss you too," he says trying to learn about her feelings so he can ease his best friend later.
"Did he? I mean, why would he? I'm just his best friend..." Johwa says looking down, slapping her lips twice, "Stupid Johwa," calling herself things.
San slaps his forehead understanding she has got no idea about Wooyoung's feelings, maybe she never wanted to face it because she is scared, "You never know. Sometimes best friends can be more than best friends."
"I don't think that's the case for us. We literally hit each other twice a day," Johwa says taking out her phone, "We are like siblings. He even bought sanitary pads for me thrice."
"So, he is a like a brother to you?" San asks trying to make sure what she said.
"No, he is not but we are the same and we are weird. I don't even know. Hell, I gotta work or else I will have to overwork," Johwa gets up but turns around, "Don't tell anyone about it. I'll die of embarrassment."
"I won't," he says but it wasn't a promise, so he can tell Wooyoung, right?
"So, what are you trying to imply, Choi San?" Wooyoung asks him turning the tv on.
"I am trying to say that you should make a move for the fuck's sake or else you might lose the chance," San says sipping his beer.
Wooyoung sighs and faces San, "Listen, I need time, okay? I need time to understand my feelings too. My whole life I haven't been in a serious relationship and I have hurt girls. She is my best friend and I can't risk our relationship for my feelings. I gotta differ between love and... wanting to... whatever, let me watch the movie."
"So, you're only sexually attracted to her, that's it?" San asks narrowing his eyes earning slaps from Wooyoung, "I am not saying that, I am just unsure. I don't want to make her my fling. She will get hurt."
"So, you agree you've inappropriate thoughts being around her?"
"San, I swear I'm gonna strangle you. It's more than that," Wooyoung gets more mad.
"See, you love her. You are overprotective around her, you're so obsessive too," San says trying to prove a point but Wooyoung looks away drinking his whole beer.
"Listen buddy,if you don't try to make a move, someone else will steal her away. Don't come to me crying then. Why do I sound like those typical female best friends?" San says seeing Wooyoung not caring about it.
"You'll end up being the sad second lead this way," San again warns him and he just gives San a death glare.
"I won't let it happen. I won't let anyone be around her. I'll tell her before that," Wooyoung says focusing on the movie.
I hope, you can do that soon, San thinks staring at him.
Weeks later
"Johwa, are you not coming here?" Wooyoung asks her calling as they are having a party at Hongjong's house.
Johwa seems tired, "I am still working. I can't come yet. I don't think I can come. You guys conti-" suddenly she feels her phone taken away from Yunho. She looks at him, her eyes poking out. "No phone while working, Ms. Im," he says handing another file to her.
She grits her teeth staring at him and he cuts the call, throws her phone on the table then goes back to his room where he can see Johwa sitting there clearly.
She sees Wooyoung calling her again but Yunho nods staring at her so she doesn't pick it up. Johwa declines the call and starts working with her computer again.
10:30 p.m.
"I've mailed you all of the files, Mr. Jeong," Johwa says standing in front of his room.
"You can leave now," Yunho says standing up with his coat, "Good work," he leaves after switching the lights off.
Johwa takes her bag and leaves for the elevator but sees it closing. So, she starts taking the stairs. But suddenly she hears the elevator opening again, "You can come in if you want to."
Johwa looks at him, "I am fine, you can leave."
Most importantly, I have no wish to go down with you.
"It's 14th floor," he says.
Johwa smirks, "I thought you know I can climb down 14th floor, Mr. Jeong."
"That was a punishment for being rude. It's dark down there, you might fall too," he says still holding the button.
Why am I even insisting?
Johwa looks down and realizes her body aching so bad. It won't be a good idea if she doesn't get inside the elevator. So, she walks into the elevator.
The elevator closes and they seem calm now. Johwa looking at her phone calling Wooyoung but he isn't picking up.
They might have left the house.
She thinks not caring about Yunho being beside her. As the elevator opens, she leaves the office.
"I won't even get any taxi now," She tells herself looking around.
Suddenly Yunho's car appears in front of her, "You can hop in if you want to."
Why is he being so good with me?
"No, thanks. I will find a taxi," she declines the offer looking away. But suddenly it starts thundering which makes her look into his car.
"I don't think I'll fine one before it rains," she says and opens Yunho's car door sitting inside.
As she tells her direction, Yunho starts driving.
"Why would you help me after making me work all day?" She asks.
"Don't you think you talk so informally?" Yunho asks.
"I'm sorry," Johwa says looking outside the window.
"It was getting late," Yunho answers focusing on his driving.
Suddenly Johwa's phone start ringing. She gets happy picking it up, "Woo."
"Where are you? It is going to rain heavily, it can get dangerous" Wooyoung asks.
"I'm coming home. Are you home?" Johwa asks.
"We all are inside of your house, I mean San, Yeosang and me. Come safely," Wooyoung says.
"Don't worry, Mr. Jeong is dropping me," Johwa says.
Wooyoung's heart clenches a bit hearing the name. Why would he?
"Alright, be safe," Wooyoung says and cuts the call feeling unwell with the matter.
It starts raining heavily as soon as she cuts the call. Johwa's eyes start sparkling as she looks outside, "What a day! Wow," she smiles as some drops of water touches her face, the smell healing all the tensions of her body.
How can she think it's a good day after I ruined her whole day?
Yunho wonders seeing her so happy with raining. "Ms. Im, my car is getting wet."
"Oh, I'm sorry," she locks the window wiping off her face with her hand for removing the water drops.
That's the last sentence was spoken in the car. It gets so quite inside as they don't know how to continue any conversation.
These weeks were so hard for Johwa but she tried remaining as calm as she can being happy with the fact that San is working as both Marketing manager and literary agent. But this man is more workaholic than Hongjong so she is turning into another which is very annoying. She has always thought that overworking is very unhealthy but there's no way she can escape it, so accepting it is the best choice.
"That's it, you can drop me here," Johwa says and realizes, the rain has gotten bad. It's impossible to see clearly at this point.
Yunho stops the car and looks around. He might crash his car if he drives now.
What am I supposed to do? He looks at his watch and it's already 11. There isn't any hotel nearby either.
"Mr. Jeong, you can come over. We were planning on staying up all night anyway," Johwa says.
She doesn't want to leave him here where he helped her a while ago or else she wouldn't be able to reach home.
But he left you and your best friend to die.
A voice faints inside her but she tries to neglect it.
I can't do what he did to me.
"It's fine, I'll just wait here until the rain calms down," Yunho says not understanding what she meant by them.
"Please Mr. Jeong, I'm returning a favor," she says not realizing her own voice.
"I don't think you'll be able to go home in an hour or two," Johwa says and Yunho nods, "Alright, let's go."
"You can park your car inside, I'm waiting here, in the garage," she says and opens the car door to hurry inside the apartment but someone pulls her in his arms as soon as she peaks outside.
She gets startled and then notice, the owner of the hands on her arm is Wooyoung who is holding an umbrella above her, "Oh my God," she hits him, "I almost died."
Wooyoung chuckles staring at her, "You're such a pain in my ass."
"You have one?" She asks leaving Wooyoung flustered.
"Want me to show you? Let's head inside first," he says, "Oh, wait."
He looks at Yunho and, "Thanks for dropping her," then holds her into his arms walking inside.
Yunho keeps looking at them as they faded inside. They're always sticking together, which hurts. It brings back the hold wounds, it's like stabbing the same place again and again, it's never ending pain.
He doesn't belong there anymore, no more.
As they gets inside the garage corridor, Wooyoung closes the umbrella.
"Wooyoung, you go upstairs, I'm waiting for Mr. Jeong," she says making Wooyoung look at her with a question.
"I told him to come over because it's pouring so bad," Johwa says rubbing the back of her neck.
Wooyoung sighs rolling his eyes, "Why would you do that?"
"He helped me, so I'm just," she says looking into his eyes.
"Don't do that eye thing. That's your house, your wish," Wooyoung says.
Johwa stands on tiptoes, "What eye thing?"
And their head fills with the night they kissed filling them with embarrassment. Wooyoung gulps staring at Johwa. All of his hidden desires poking in his stomach giving him flashbacks of her smile, her hands around him. Oh this girl controls him so well!
Yunho's clearing throat brings them back to the earth, "Let's get inside," Johwa says running in front of the elevator.
Wooyoung mentally thanks Yunho for coming in time or he might have lost it.
As they reach inside her apartment, San throws a controller at Johwa, "Save me this once, I'll treat you."
Johwa catches it and Yeosang gets mad, "San, you're such a cheater, you're not sup-" Yeosang stops as he notices Yunho with them.
San starts jumping as Yeosang's player loses, "You lost, you freaki-" he notices Yunho behind Johwa too.
Ahnjong comes out from the kitchen with the box of finished pizza and realizes the tension inside here.
"Welcome home, Mr. Jeong," she tries to break the tension and San looks around the mess they have created. Yeosang starts arranging the sofa and snacks.
"Mr. Jeong, you may sit here for now. Well, guys, It was raining heavily outside so I told him not to drive," Johwa says but Yunho doesn't seem so comfortable with the fact that everyone is around him, staring at him, glaring at him like they are about to savor him. This is beating him up, it's like someone is strangling him but he is unable to fight it.
"Mr. Jeong, you may sit there," Johwa says and he realizes that he was lost in thoughts.
"Alright," he and sits on the sofa as it's clear now.
"Where is Eunseo?" Johwa asks as she doesn't seem anywhere.
"She is asleep in her apartment, maybe she was too tired," Yeosang replies and Johwa nods.
She grabs Ahnjong's hand and drags her in her room closing her door, "Can you keep up conversations with the tallroach? These boys can't, I'm sure."
"For their history with him?" Ahnjong asks and Johwa nods, "Probably and I can't even force them."
"Alright, it's upon me. You don't need to worry. Go change into something comfortable and join us," Ahnjong says.
"Okie, bubba," Johwa hugs her smiling.
Some people in her life, really makes her feel so grateful and Ahnjong is one of them. Life would suck if she wouldn't be here with her. Things would be more difficult for her than now. She should be grateful now, shouldn't she?
Johwa comes back after some moments and see Yunho is not there. Only three of them standing there, taking Ahnjong's glare at them.
"What happened? Where is Mr. Jeong?" Johwa asks.
"I don't know man, I can't handle these kids anymore. I'm done," Ahnjong says falling on a sofa.
Johwa opens the door and starts leaving but Wooyoung grabs her hand, "He doesn't deserve your kindness, Johwa."
"When a man cares about a girl's safety, I will care about his safety and you know why," Johwa says turning at him.
He leaves her hand, "He is such a manipulator, you know nothing about that person."
"I will know myself if I have to," Johwa says and leaves running as she takes the elevator.
She shouldn't argue with her best friend for someone she doesn't like. But his care for her safety moved her in another way which is why she thinks, San was right. He is not that bad. Something happened with him, maybe.
She reaches in the basement and searches for his car. Finding it nowhere, her heart starts getting heavy. She invited him home but she couldn't treat him right. This wasn't right. She did unfair with him.
As she is about to lose hope, she realizes seeing him in his car. As she sneaks inside wanting to call him, she sees Yunho crying thumping on the car, pulling his hair. Like it's hurting so much inside, it's bothering a lot.
What did they do up there? She wonders.
Suddenly Yunho notices her and looks at her.
"Mr. Jeong..." She gulps as he comes out from his car furiously.
He stands in front of her, "Why are you here?" His tone is harsh like he is about to tear her apart.
"I-I didn't want you to go," she says retreating as he is walking towards her.
"You did it on purpose, didn't you? You humiliated me on purpose. You took revenge on me," he rasped with angry tears in his eyes making Johwa more scared of him.
"No, Mr. Jeong you're wr-"
"I AM NOT WRONG, I NEVER WAS," Yunho says and Johwa realizes, she is stuck in front of a car.
He is terrifying her, her heart is beating so fast that it's making her knees weak. She shouldn't have come, it's bad. She might lose it right now as her breathing gets heavier.
"Why would you do that?" Yunho asks looking into her eyes. She is looking everywhere but at him, "Answer me, what have I done to you?" As he growled, Johwa's eyes get teary flinching.
"I-I am...I..." her lips trembling, tears dropping down her cheeks.
"Get out," Yunho says but Johwa still trembling underneath him.
"I said LEAVE," Johwa again flinches getting stuck there. Her legs don't want to move neither her lips.
"How dare you?" Suddenly Wooyoung comes dragging Yunho's shoulder, punching him on the face startling Johwa more.
Yunho looks at him wiping off the blood in the corner of his lips.
"Jo, are you okay? Jo, look at me. Jo, everything is fine. You're fine. Hey," Wooyoung tries to make her look at him holding her cold hands.
"I-I can't mo-," she can't even finish her word, Wooyoung takes her in his arms and shoots Yunho another glare then leaves the basement.
As he takes her home, everyone starts asking what happened but Wooyoung straight takes her into her room and places her on the bed, "Won't you have food?"
She nods curling into her bed not being able to stop crying.
"Try to sleep, I'm here," Wooyoung says holding her hands, giving him as much surety as she needs.
It had been years since what she went through but some wounds cut so deep that it takes time to heal those. Anything, anytime brings back those horror which is happening to her.
I hope he feels as terrible as you right now.
Wooyoung thinks caressing her cheeks, wiping her tears, "You're safe, no one is gonna hurt you," when I am with you...
Weekends passes by as normal as before. Even after weekend, Yunho is as harsh as he can with Johwa making her work so much. Rain has become as stubborn as Jeong Yunho which Johwa thinks. It doesn't want to stop all day, all night.
But at least rain is better than him.
Johwa tried to make Wooyoung understand that Yunho became furious because she saw him crying but Wooyoung didn't want to listen a thing. In the end, their relation with each other has ruined more than before.
As for rain, it brought fever and cold in Johwa's life that she had to take leave. But her CEO didn't seem to believe her words.
"Sir, I swear I am not feeling well," Johwa says on the phone rubbing her nose with the last tissue.
"I need you in front of Zephyr in half an hour," Yunho orders her through the phone making her want to punch him this time.
"But si-"
"No, but. You're coming," he says and cuts the call.
"How inhuman he can be!" Johwa falls on her bed kicking in the air a few times then slaps herself so she can get ready as there is no other choice.
And when she looks at the place, Jeong Yunho brought her today, her desire to murder him starts waking up again.
"You called me because you want me to help you shopping?" Johwa asks him in disbelief, how disgusting a person can be?
"Yes, now get inside," he says and walks in.
Johwa starts laughing like a crazy woman and then fake cries as Yunho calls him again.
Today is your last day on the earth tallroach, l'll wipe off your peace today.
She runs after him getting inside the mall, "Why won't he wait for me?"
Suddenly she sees Yunho stopping and looking behind, "Ms. Im, can you walk faster?"
No I can't, I am sick. I have fever, I'm dying.
She stands in front of him breathing heavily, "I've come."
"I have come here to buy some gifts for my girlfriend, I thought you could help me suggesting," Yunho says staring at his phone.
He has searched a thousand of things to gift his girlfriend but none was satisfying him. None was enough for the love of his life.
"Your girlfriend..." Johwa starts thinking, "It depends on who she is."
"Moon Iseul," Yunho says showing her picture, "You should know h-"
"Oh my God, SHE IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND. HOW COULD SHE?" Johwa's sudden excitement amuses Yunho, "Why can't she be my girlfriend...?"
"I mean...I am a biiiiiiiiig fan. She is so pretty and se-I mean nice," Johwa slaps herself again, I've thirst posts about her on my Instagram archive.
"That's normal, she is an actress after all," Yunho says staring at her picture, Indeed the most beautiful woman.
"How did you meet her? What is she like? Oh my God, I can't believe," She keeps asking questions one by one but Yunho just glares at her, "You are here for work, Ms. Im."
"I'm sorry, sir," Johwa sometimes forgets being formal which she thinks a toxic trait of her. But can't even change it because of being so whimsical and stupid which is also her thought.
"However, you can plan a surprise. Like what couples do for each other. A surprise birthday night with various of gifts," Johwa says showing her sparkling eyes at him.
"But she has everything. I don't know what to give her," Yunho says.
"It doesn't matter when you love someone. You gift someone something and she will love those if she loves you back. It doesn't matter how many things she have, your one will always be her favorite ones," Johwa says smiling and feeling a little dizzy.
She is freezing even it's not snowing anywhere, maybe it's my fever but I'm glad when it's about the girl I have whipped for.
"Alright then, let's buy some things she likes," Yunho says starting walk again and Johwa starts running to keep up with him.
He should understand how tiny I am beside him, why would he walk so fast?
As they start shopping, he starts giving all the bags to Johwa which feels so inappropriate to her.
How can she date someone like him, she thinks as everything about him disgusts her.
"Ms. Im faster," Yunho orders her not stopping his shopping.
After mall, it's flowers, cake, diamonds and all the precious things someone can buy for someone they love.
On the other hand, Johwa is almost passing out from moving here to there without any rest. So, from evening to 10:50 they keep shopping and finally he reaches in front of her house. But it's raining again so they are waiting inside the car planning what to do next.
"You can just go inside and spend the time with her now. You've bought enough as far I think if my opinion matters," Johwa says feeling her temperature rising up.
And please let me go home, I wanna sleep.
"Alright, brings these inside then," Yunho says taking the bouquet only.
"Mr. Jeong, shouldn't you take all these b-"
"You don't order me. You do what I say," Yunho says not letting her finish her words.
How can he not stop bothering me, what have I done to him?
"I'm coming," she says and he leaves the car running inside.
There is no time to park his car and wait for the rain to stop, it's never ending. Though he gets wait, he runs inside to open the door.
Johwa follows him with the bags in her hands. As for her, she can't run. Her feet knees are trembling, her runny nose bothering her more, dizziness, nausea everything is making her sick that she gave up on running from the rain. Instead, she gets wet in the rain and follows Yunho as he unlocks the door.
The big corridor start making her feel like a never ending road while she gets mesmerized by the interior inside. It's like a dream to come inside her favorite actress's house but she had to come like this.
"You can take my car and go home. Give me the bags," Yunho says smiling and showing her the keys.
"Thanks but I don't need your car. I'll just call someone to pick me," she says with her tired eyes, I have no strength to drive right now.
"On the couch? Really?" Suddenly they both hear Iseul's voice echoing in the living room.
As Yunho look and Johwa both look inside, Yunho's eyes fill with terror.
His girl underneath someone else, smiling like she smiles underneath him, giggling having kissed on her neck by someone else, melting in someone else's arms like she is his.
The bouquet he bought out of love for her is dropped on the ground making Iseul look at him.
"Oh my... Yunho, what are you doing here now," she fixes her half opened shirt which is surely the other man's. She looks terrified so as the man beside her.
"Mr. Jeong," but suddenly Johwa calls Yunho dropping all the gifts from her hands, starting to fall on the ground.
Yunho looks at her and catches her in his arms, "Ms. Im...", feeling her burning skin though she got wet in the rain.
What have I done to her?
Sometimes in life we get over something by getting into more difficult moments. But we should always thank ourselves for moving on because both things were difficult in different times. But we keep blaming ourselves, don't we all?
Will he focus on his heartbreak or fix the problem he created?
I'm happy that I wrote it :( I've been wanting to finish it for so long but ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀) I couldn't. So, here I am with a new chapter. I'm sorry if there's any mistake, I didn't revise it.
Tag list:
@theaufanartist @hwanchaesong @littleninja97 @fudgeflyssworld @loosmyshit @pinki-minki @sanshinee-world @harusoraa @kitty4hwa
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facedock · 2 years
Face/Murdock in Cup a’ Joe, Part 1
I have so many thoughts about The A-Team episode 3.14, Cup a’ Joe, I’m just gonna ramble for a bit here because oh my god no one can convince me something didn’t happen between Face and Murdock in/around this episode.
(Was this intended by the writers? Almost certainly not. But I’m taking the canon and I’m molding it to my queer standards as is my right thank you VERY much.)
So, when we first see them, they’re standing close together and Face is looking at Murdock in a way that doesn’t have to mean anything but um I’m gay and I’m making them gay too so,, it’s gay because I said so.
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It’s the subtle way his tongue moves behind his lips.
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I’m taking that and running with it. I am going to be taking a lot of things from this episode and running with them, so buckle down. This is going to be a ridiculously long post but I have THOUGHTS and FEELINGS about this episode and it’s about time I unleashed them.
So, next, and perhaps most notably, we have The Egg Thing.
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I can’t even begin to talk about The Egg Thing because I’ll lose my goddamn mind. But I’m gonna try because, seriously, what was this?!??!?
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Watch how Murdock consumes that goddamn egg.
I slowed down the gif so we can get a real good look at his facial expressions:
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Sir, what in god’s name?? that little squint, the slightest smirk...
And NO context is given for this little moment. So, I’m making my own context thankyouverymuch.
This reads so strongly as an innuendo to me.
What I’m imagining (because of course I am) is that Face and Murdock got intimate for the first time recently, maybe the night before this episode occurs. I’m thinkin’ maybe Murdock sucked Face off or something, because of the way he puts the whole egg in his mouth like it’s some sort of display of his talents.
So, under that lens, they’re experiencing the thrill of a new development in their relationship. They’re giddy, they’ve got inside jokes, they’re subtly flirting with each other.
...And then it goes to shit. Something changes.
Watch how uncharacteristically cold Murdock is with Face when he asks him to switch jobs.
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“Murdock, you wanna trade jobs?” “No, I wouldn’t, thank you.”
He’s practically glaring at him. Like, the audacity Face would have to ask him for a favor after the way he hurt him.
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I originally wrote this off as a cute lil funny moment between them, but with the next bit I wanna talk about, this one takes on a deeper context.
I lied earlier when I said The Egg Thing was the most notable Face/Murdock part of the episode.
It’s actually The Paprika Thing.
Before we dive into that moment, though, here’s what I think happened between The Egg Thing and the “wanna trade jobs” scene:
Face, raised Catholic and living in the 1980s when it simply was not a fun time to be queer, suddenly panicked about the new development between him and Murdock.
Maybe it got too real for him. Maybe someone at the diner insinuated they were a couple, or they were getting stared at, or maybe Face just started panicking of his own accord because he’s an overthinker and he was imagining their Future and he realized he wasn’t ready for that.
So, he pulls Murdock aside at some point and tells him that what happened between them the other night can’t happen again. That it was a fluke, it was because it was so late or he was so lonely or whathaveyou, but he’s not like that!
Murdock is hurt by this because of course he would be.
So, he’s a little cold with him when he asks to trade jobs.
Murdock is usually pretty good about masking his feelings and just La La La’ing his worries away. But this must have been pretty fresh so he’s a lil snippy about it and honestly babygirl that is so valid. <3
Then... we have The Paprika Thing.
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They’re in the kitchen alone, side by side, and Murdock’s explaining something about cooking. They seem to be getting along just fine again. They’re not gonna let this thing drive them apart.
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Face looks a little out of it, though. Like he’s putting forth his best This Is Normal And I Am Fine, but underneath he’s still shaken and finding it hard to really pay attention.
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Murdock on the other hand is back to his LOL No One Will Ever Know I’m Not Just A Whimsical Dude And That I Actually Have Really Deep Emotions Right Now, Look At Me I’m So Quirky And Carefree.
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And then Face throws him off again.
And it’s... honestly if I could point to only ONE moment in the entire series and say “THIS is the strongest part of the canon that lends weight to Face/Murdock being a Thing”, it’d be this moment.
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Face says, “You know, Murdock, you’d make somebody an excellent wife.”
And Murdock... god, I have honestly teared up multiple times over Murdock’s reaction to that line, because, oh my god, babygirl, I am so sorry Face was being so fucking careless with your feelings.
Look at his fucking face, the way his eyes dart around, the way he’s so clearly thrown off by that comment:
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And then he quickly changes the subject. “Have you seen my paprika?”
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“I need my paprika. ...I’m out of paprika.”
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Look how Face is looking at him, now. Those wide eyes... he’s concerned. He knows he fucked up with that comment.
And Murdock is channeling all of his energy into this stupid goddamn Paprika Panic, now.
He’s not being subtle.
I mean, he literally starts hugging himself.
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This is, like, the most obvious case of, “I can’t handle what just happened so I’m going to ignore it completely and launch into something else and put a disproportionate amount of emotion into it because I need to channel those feelings somewhere but I don’t want you to see how much that affected me.”
I don’t know what possessed Face to say that thing about Murdock being a good wife – my theory is he was still feeling insecure about his own sexuality and decided to take it out on Murdock.
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And I think he regrets it. I think he 100% sees through Murdock’s feigned panic about his goddamn paprika, and Face doesn’t show it but I think he absolutely fucking knows that he triggered Murdock to react like that, and I think he starts to feel guilty about it (but acts like he’s just exasperated by Murdock’s antics because he doesn’t wanna show his emotions, either).
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These two are having an emotional moment without actually talking about it.
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Like, Murdock often goes on weird lil rants about things that don’t make sense. That’s a key aspect of his character.
But this hits different.
Look at these gifs without captions, without context, and you would never think he’s getting stressed out over a goddamn spice.
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And finally Murdock snaps and sends Face away on a mission to get paprika.
He sends Face away because he can’t stand to be around him at that moment, because that shit hurted.
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Face: “You want me to go out and ask B.A. for paprika?”
Murdock: “Remember that girl you had me call?”
Like, he looks angry in that gif. He’s scaring me a lil bit, not gonna lie.
And here’s what really just drives it all home:
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That goddamn face.
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Look at that face after the entirety of that conversation and tell me it’s because he’s worried about paprika. I dare you.
...This post is getting too long, so I’ll split it into two parts.
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desire-or-hope · 1 year
My undeniable love⁠♡
A/N: In this story the main character uses the pronouns she/her.
Warning: cursing
"Y/N? I hate to inform you but lack of hard work can get you fired." Your manager Yuko noticed that you've been quite tired from your job, the worst part is, your boss isn't that generous with skipping work unless it's a valid excuse. You work at a cafe as the waitress for people and you haven't been so careful, what makes your job harder is that you travel with roller skates. Yes, roller skates. Though it may seem fun, it's hard because you try not to fall especially when your tired makes it even harder.
"Y/N..If you're not feeling well you can always ask the boss for a break. I worry about you y'know? You're not alone.." Yuko actually seems genuinely worried and when Yuko suggests something, it always ends up being the best option. "Hm...Maybe I will.." People find you emotionless, careless, doesn't take anything seriously, and tired. Yuko on the other hand is energetic, full of smiles, kind, good reputation, and popular probably due to how kind and smart she is. "Please ask boss to rest" "Okay I will" Yuko is so kind, I can't match her nor her energy. But somehow we make the best duo, a emotionless young girl, with a energetic golden star.
"Are you able handle my shift?" I cross my arms not because I'm mad, I'm really not. I just have a habit to cross my arms for some reason. "Yeah of course, Don't underestimate me!" Her smiles are so angelic, even if she tried to be threatening, she can never succeed. Not like she has the guts to kill someone for no reason. I sigh and walk away to the bosses office not even nervous of getting yelled at. ~Knock knock knock~. I knock on the door waiting for an answer. "Come in" a cold voice from the other side definitely tells that the boss doesn't want to be bothered but I open the door anyways. I close the door behind me and walk up to the boss and bow. "Sir, I haven't been feeling as my normal self. I would like to know if I am able to take a break? Working in the VIP lounge has been really overwhelming." Silence fills the room "So you want me to resign you to a different shift?" He lifts an eyebrow like he's missing something. "No sir-" "Hajime" Talk about rude, he interrupted me in the middle of speaking. Not gonna lie, Kokonoi Hajime sound like a expensive, but cereal worthy name. "Mr. Hajime owner of Rosa Delaware cafe, I would like to take a couple of days off"
Koko looks at me and smirks "Y'know, you are a hard worker... I will only make your wish come true if you do one request.." His smirk makes me want to kick him in his dumbass face. "What type of request, Mr. Hajime" "As you may know, I take place in a very famous gang, right? I need you to be my assistant for this party, eh?" He sticks his tongue out like he's daring me to try him "Will I be able to talk to you in my sense of language, not 'professional talk'?" I grin at the man in front of me. "Sure, do as you like" He shrugs like it's nothing. "Kokonoi, why the hell are you asking me to do this?"
"First of all, call me Koko. Second of all, because you're a fighter and a 'congrats, I almost gave a fuck' type of girl." Wow, he wasn't even bothered by the fact I called him by his first name.
"Okay millionaire, I'm in." I'm about to leave when Koko speaks again. "Great, because the party starts tomorrow at 9:30pm. I'll give you my black card and I trust you enough to buy anything you need for the party and anything you want for yourself, got it?" Your eyes widened that you're actually going to hold a BLACK CARD but your expression turns back into a cold expression. "Okay".
You walk to where Yuko it cleaning and say "Get ready at 2:00 after work, we're going on a shopping spree" you show Yuko the black card and she gasps, you just stick your tongue out like this was a daily routine.
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butididnottried · 1 year
Of Billy antis and, apparantely, their, i guess, apprecation for Neil, more or less <3
Am gonna be “whiny” because why not Neil, whyyy never Neeeil, it’s fucking never fucking Neil, FUCK. HIM. All of my homies hate Neil.
So, this post, this fucking post, that was made, like, two days ago? Because of reason this one specific post snapped something in my brain. I don’t even know why, it’s typical anti post, with typical “oh how irremediable monster Billy is” arguments. Nothing new. Ok, the new thing is that op removed this post and apologized. Like, that’s nice and all, but also ??? People usually don’t behave like that, good for you op for handling that properly and nicely.
(I already wrote some of this post and it’s longer than i expected, so, under the cut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
Funny thing is, that i started following fandom some time after season 4, because of how steddie flooded everything, and it was really nice, seriously, jut a bunch of fans cooing over their new blorbo. In a few weeks i learned very much about ST and it’s characters only from fandom (not valid very bad way of doing that, misinformation and bad takes and interpretations up to the roof xD), but from perspective of time i can recognize how weirdly selective that knowledge was, because, holy shit, from what i saw while there was no hate towards Billy, his existence was fully ignored. It took me over a month of reading fanfics before i came up to one with Billy in it (evil, very evil, because steddie need to happen somehow), and despite reading many fics with Max in them, i had absolutely no idea who the guy was. Like, the heck? Just some background bully character? With absolutely no connections to this disabled, kinda bitchy poor girl? Or fully abled, happy and with no worries bitchy girl. Depressed in canon? No sir, we don’t know her. Just superior characterization. :/
I don’t remember how i stumble to the Billy side of fandom, but wow, that was fast. While steddie side was - still then - nice nad fluffy and mostly with no real worries, Billy stans had the real, fat meat with thick gravy, and guys, my dudes, the most smartest girlies, you we’re and still are, taking this apart - child and domestic abuse, homophobia, racism, classism, repression, masculinity, objectification, parentification, disability, mental illnesess, ableism, prejudicions, writing of the show, themes, cinematography, all that stuff, just, mmm, delicioso *chefs kiss* And this is also how i learned about Billys antis, i saw how they behave and talk, how hateful they are and how steddies grew just to be most awful, sadly making ST fandom almost as bad as Star Wars fandom, if not at the same level. But. But i’m not active in the fandom, i’m one of these fans that are just stalking, watching, reading, reblogging. No, i never had to handle antis myself. (Like, it’s my third post about ST and in previous two i was just making fun of it xD) And yet i know how many, many of them are full of hate, almost deliberate ignorance and just horrible views. Listen, if somebody is harshly and negatively criticising the supernatural/fantasy side of a show, ok, we can talk and exchange opinions, because these parts of plot are not real, usually have no equivalent in real world, even if they can be metaphors for real problems, most times we don’t need to be so serious about these. But if someone says that abused character that is not, how to put it, not behaving nice about their abuse, deserve only to suffer and die, then big yikes on a red flag, because for 99,9% that’s also their opinion on real people. And like, i never was abused. My dad, while more or less neglectful, was against hitting kids, and in school, while bullied, i never was beaten up or in a real fight (but, yo, my good people, it was because i was radioactive back then so no close contact, why not), and still, i can have empathy, sympathy and fucking compassion for Billy. Just like i had it in elementary school after learning that one of my bullies was beating by his parents. We didn’t become friends or anything like that, but. It’s not that hard, to have some basic understanding.
Sooo, it feels like this is kinda too long already and not very necessary, but i just wanted you to know my, eeeh... where do i stand in fandom, my position towards it? Because it’s different, how i’m just silently hoovering above, and how you all are in this all, dealing with antis even for years, since season 2, and most probably many of you already had conversations about this, but in this almost a year i’m here i didn’t saw mentions of that thing. Maybe it was just talked to death and left behind. Because, honestly, i’m not a smart person, kinda of a dumbass even, and in no way i’m first to notice that. That thing, with antis, that i started this post with. Get back to the ponit, which is...
Those two lines in post i mentioned, about “Runaway Max”.
“anyway, the amount of pure hatred i feel for billy hargrove just keeps intensifying with every chapter i read.“
“according to max, him and neil “have a lot of opinions about anyone who isn’t white and Lutheran and a man (128).“
Pure hatred for Billy. But Billy and Neil. Billy AND Neil. Are having these same bigotes views. With emphasis on “these same bigotes views”, because of course, yeah, sure, why not. But there’s no hatred for Neil. Only Billy. Neil is almost non-existent. He’s noticed only when it need to be made very crystal clear that abuse that Billy is going through is absolutely not an excuse for his actions, nuh uh, no sir, there’s a checkmark on this and that’s all, no need to say more abou that one particular man. He is schrodinger abuser - has everything to do with Billys behaviour and absolutely nothing at all. Seriously, Neil is talked about only on Billys side of fandom.
It’s fucking never “during season 2 Billy was just the worst, so violent and agressive, he was a bigot, a sexist, so SOOO so racist, a murderer and rapist and facist and nazi and he was speeding and smoking, drinking alcohol, having sex and throwing slurs left and right all the time, and he was abusing Max literally all the time and was controlling her every move just because he was an asshole and a bitch and dick and, oh the HORRORS, he was pursuing married, middle-aged woman that just simply could not say ‘no’ and cut that teenange bullshit behavior, becuase she’s a delicate and weak woman with no free wil and he’s an toxic man so she needs to do whatever he wants, i’m gonna faint any moment because of how vile and irremediable villain he is. Oh what’s that. His father is the same? Neil is using slurs? Violent towrads his own son? He’s the one making Billy hoovering over Max like a hawk? Is Neil treating Max like that? Is Max safe in her own home? What abou Susan? Oh, oh, Jail for Neil! Jail for Neil for one thousand years! And Billy too, because i hate them BOTH. They’re togehter just the worst. And in season 4, when Max admits that she’s happy that Billy died, and it’s truth and only truth and nothing more and less that just the truthies truth, and she says in her letter that Neil left? Oh, how relieveing that this monster is gone. Maybe Max and her mom are poorer right now and are living in a trailer, but at least they’re finally free of abuse, violence and bigotry.
Ah, no, sorry, it’s actually only about Billy. They just do not hate Neil. Why? Like, i know why, but WHY? I did not read “Runaway Max”, but i know that there’s a few pages long (good fucking god) of very depictive descrpition of how Neil beat the shit out of Billy. Seriously. Not only to the blood, but enough tto Billy having problems with event standing up from the floor. But his grown man hurting and teenanger is not that bad really, only kinda bad, not as much as his victim, we don’t need to focus on mr. Hargrove too much because his role in Max life is apparently not big enough to be in any way important. But i know that from Billy side of fandom, while antis are without any break relieving over and over how Billy cast dead cat on fire (not gonna lie, i personally also would not like that). But also it looks like this book is written in a way that makes Max an very reliabe narrator, that always says the most unbiased and objective truth. Well, at least antis are believing her every word. And yea, books shouldn’t at every step reminding reader that, hey, do not believe that person every word, they’re fucking kid and know almost nothing of world, but - and, eh, i don’t want it to sound like i’m throwing accusation at this book author, i don’t know this person and this is just how it looks from the outside, from opinions and quotes that i saw on both sides. But, it unfortunately looks like this author is more or less Billy anti themself, like they’re sharing and endorsing these same views at abuse. Maybe they don’t care, maybe before writing this book they watched the show once and had very shallow outcomes from it, maybe they weren’t digging deeper into that and wanted just get some fat check for writing a book for a popular franchise. Honestly, valid. But why then be so cruel and careless towards depictions of abuse? Just for shock value? Like Duffers? I guess :/
Anyway, antis. So fucking adamant of how they hate abuse, how it’s bad, how they are so good and right and caring, but the real abuser it out of their picture. It almost looks like they have nothing against him. Oh, Neil is calling Billy slurs, slapping him and humiliating? He can have that, be a violent homophobe as a treat, because i also hate Billy, so Neil is my kind of guy. But also Billy deserve to be called slurs and beaten up, so. Are they the same type of person? Antis and Neil? That’s why they don’t talk about him? Because they’re aware thay they would sound very similar to him? (i coneccted the dots lol) Neil with no doubt is a bigot. And many Billy antis are racist and ableist towards his fans. Victimblaming Billy for what’s happening to him. I’m sooo veRY PREtty sure that Neil do not want to do these things to Billy, but this boy just don’t know how to behave properly, like a real man, with respect and all that other bullshit, yadda yadda.
Maybe instead of stranger-rants bingo cars about bullshit  that anits are repeating about Billy we should have this one shrek meme with Lord Farquaad pointing finger and text “child and domestic abuse apologizer”. Because there’s no middle ground on this topic. If in this situation you’re againts Billy, then you’re on Neils side. You’re against any kind of abuse, or you’re just an asshole that is using poor excuses to doom ceartain people to suffering because you don’t like them or they don’t met your very specific and weird (and more or less unethical) morals. God fucking not bless holy shit kurwa mać ja pierdolę. :/
Or, maybe, you we’re a victim yourself and that’s why you hate Billy. But, listen, if you wen’t through hell because someone was hurting you, why you think that there are people that deserve the same? When you know how horrible and scary that is? Did you deserved that? No. Then why someone else should be abused? Because they’re reacting bad to what’s happening to them? They can’t copy in a healthy way? Hey, hey. You know what, sounds like you also can’t copy healty, if you’re harassing strangers, calling them names and use your own abuse as an excuse for how you behave, while be very, agressively firm about how Billys abuse is not an excuse to be a shitty person. Get off internet, get off fandom, really curate your safe space and get away from antis, apply some self care.
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sunset-bridge · 11 months
thoughts on p3 sees characters? 🤠 hope ur having a nice day!
HI SORRY i have no idea what i was doing that day but IM HERE.
UHM helloooooo helloo i love p3 i love the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad im the SEES #1 fan:
protag (im kinda talking about my guy here specifically, Reiji..): hes everything to me. angel boy. baby baby baby has done nothing wrong in his life... hes just a bit awkward and kinda pathetic but he tries so haaaard and life SUCKS so bad. fly high. i hope u have fun at the karaoke in paulownia mall. i feel compared to othe rprotags life is kinda dragging him around but he still tries his dammned hardest... hes SO AFRAID of death cuz who isnt but he WILL punch THAT GUY in the FACE !!! GRRRRAAAAAAAAAA BURN UR DREAD
yukari: GRRRRAAAAAAA i hope she gets to kill and destroy everyone that was ever mean to her. shes so. if u hate her u actually hate women i think yes. she keeps it so real and shes a cunt sometimes but so am i so likeeee. her fashion ssense is impeccable and i love how sarcastic but sweet she can be. shes having a gamer moment in her head all the time shes so strong hellooo
junpei: my friend junpei.. :3 ehehe hes soooo silly but sooo Real. like same bro i too would latch onto anything that made me feel like a hero like the protag of my own life i dont blame him at all for nothing he said or did he keeps it so real too. hes da man
akihiko: BARK BARK I LOVE AKIHIKO HES MY FAVORITE P3 CHARACTER HELLLOOOO HES SO. )(/&/(%$/#%&(/( ok hes. hes. so. so so so dedicated and strong and bold and brave but also so hard headed and can act on impulse or even be childish at times AND I AM SUCH A FAN !!!! He has to deal with so much but he keeps his chill cool senpai image up helloooo boy hellooo can i hug you. i respect him so much hes so cool. also hes so awkward and bad at talking (same boy). but i never lost the respect i had for him even after everything. i hope he wins everything forever AND I HATE THE PROTEIN THING ATLUS DID
mitsuru: EHEHEHEH MYyyyyy senpai mitsuruuuuu. GOD HELLO if aki and shinji have to deal with 5 things SHE HAS TO DEAL WITH LIKE 20 !!!! she has to keep everything in sees afloat especially after the Events and like. hello. shes literally 18 and she has to do somuch fucking serious and Very Important things and take decisions and act so mature but she Suffers too but who does the Boss go to when she feels down???!! she has to keep everyone together,,,, GRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA
fuuka: AWEEE fuuka my friend. :) i love her i havent thought as mucha bout her but shes wayyy to kind and sweet for her own good and god this was way too much for her i salute her for keeping her sanity
ken: I LOVE KEN hes so baby..,,, grrrr why do people not like him as much. he has such big feelings for sucha small person,,, and theyre just as valid as everyone elses !!! but hes also soooo small and he doesnt know how to handle things but he tries so Hard to keep it together BUT HE SHOULDNT BE DOING THAT grrraaaaaaaaa. my son. also he can be so funny helloooo little sir can i help you. luv him
koro: EHEHEH ouppy... but ok hellooooo hes so real also this is gonna sound delulu but since hes kinda like. young adult if he were human. his presence actually makes me feel more at ease because he tends to keep his cool when everyone else is freaking out and he like. Acts fast. also hes clearly smarter than an average dog so i have so many thoughts... does he find hanging out with normal dogs boring... does he have many thoughts about the grief he went thru after what happened to his owner... also hes the only one whos heart is relatively at peace since his persona never evolves .
shinji: GUUUUAAAAH shinji.,,,,, grrrrrrrm i HOPE HE EXPLODES (hes everything to me...). god god he makes me sooo frustrated because. i really like him but hes so fucking emo cringe loser bottling up eveeryhting forever DO U EVER THINK ABOUT UR FRIENDS u fucking lsoer. about aki. about mitsuru. ABOUT KEN he.lllooo what is your edge gonna fix here. i knnnoooow vulnerability is hard but like. use your words man.... yeah ur cool as hell but u become WAY LESS COOL when u try to act so tough... WUEEEEE
aigis: I LOVE AIGIS. ok maybe u guys dont know this but i love androids and robots in general. so aigis. instant fave shes literally so cool looking and so badass but also i love seeing android characters learn about their own humanity... also shes always based and funny and real i also want ryoji to explode cuz he failed my vibe check as well
thamk u
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Annotations for The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black
P. 2 “He will be the destruction of the crown and the ruination of the throne.” Oh boy here we go
P. 3-4 “[Lady Asha] couldn’t attend balls with an infant in tow, so she found a cat whose kittens were stillborn to act as his wet nurse.” I’m gonna cry. Cardan you deserved so much better
P. 9 How am I supposed to figure out how to give him the right stuff when all I know is my own messed-up childhood? Oh thank goodness we’re actually acknowledging this
P. 33 Nope, not me, not messed up at all. Jude please go to therapy
P. 37 “Locke is dead,” she blurts out. HELL YEAH
P. 38 “He’s dead because I killed him.” DOUBLE HELL YEAH
P. 47 “I recall that your hands were on her, but her eyes were on me,” Cardan returns. OOH TEA
P. 51 Oh, Taryn
P. 64 “Jude never loved Locke…she loved someone else. He’s the one she’d want dead” and Cardan assumes that he is the one Jude wants dead. I can’t.
P. 66 “If I am undressed, he will know me.” This made me blush like a schoolgirl, not gonna lie. That’s both sexy and kinda soft.
P. 67 Him asking why she didn’t reply to his letters! 🥺
P. 76 “we got in easily enough, but the brugh outlet closed around us. Doorways cracked and shrank. Vines and roots and leaves obstructed our way, closed like vises around our necks, crushed and strangled us “ … I can’t believe it of Cardan, whom I left in his chambers, as though he was the one in need of protecting. Cardan is a certified badass
P. 97 “I honed my instincts in battle,” he says. “Sometimes those instincts are still there even when there is no more war.” Madoc, another beacon of self-awareness
P. 104 why am I immediately sympathetic to any character suffering. This is gonna get me in trouble someday
P. 105 “I offered him my protection. And my name.” GHOST YOU IDIOT! NUMBER ONE RULE OF THE FAE IS DON’T GIVE THEM YOUR NAME!!!
P. 105 “Until he ordered that I take you to the Tower of Forgetting and let the Undersea abduct you, I believed he meant mischief, never danger.” And now I’m sympathizing
P. 113 I shudder, imagining the loneliness of that life, the anger. That desire for love. We stan a perceptive woman
P. 113 “By all accounts, Prince Cardan was a disappointment from the beginning.” DON'T TALK ABOUT MY BOY THAT WAY! THAT’S IT, CARDAN, I’M YOUR MOTHER NOW
P. 120 I think of Madoc’s believing that Cardan desires to be loved. YES HE DOES WANT THAT
P. 120 But I am not so easily taken in now. If he’s here, it’s to his own purpose. JUDE HE’S HERE BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU HOW CAN YOU BE SO BLIND
P. 125 Cardan protecting her from the poison darts!!
P. 128 “Maybe it’s time for Elfhame to be ruled by a queen.” WHOO! LET’S GO!
P. 136 Baphen’s words about the High King come to me: When his blood falls, things grow. Ohhh things just got interesting. Now Jude has magic
P. 143 “well I am a mortal. And a girl, sir. We bleed every month, just like moon swells.” *spits tea*
P. 147 “Do not touch her.” I am not immune to the “Don’t touch her” trope
P. 147 “She is my wife,” Cardan says, his voice carrying over the crowd. “The rightful High Queen of Elfhame. And most definitely not in exile.” GET THE CONFETTI EVERYONE, THEY’RE BACK TOGETHER
P. 152 stealing your bf’s ridiculous puffy shirts is true romance
P. 154 Cardan is extravagant enough for the both of us. A dramatic king. I love him
P. 155 “Yeah, and the next thing we know, the High King is on our doorstep looking ready to tear down the whole apartment complex to find you.” Awww 🥺
P. 160 “I thought you’d admire me a little for it, that I could trick you.” Someone please validate this boy
P. 160 “Pardoned by the crown. Meaning by the King of Faerie. Or its Queen. You could have returned anytime you wanted.” Oh baby
P. 161 He grabs my hand, possibly to keep me from hitting him again. I’m gonna cry
P. 161 “And I am scared of you now.” Jude, honey, are you… scared of being loved?
P. 162 “I never thought of the things I could do… as talents, no less ones that might be valuable.” Example number 1326489 why Cardan deserved better
P. 162-163 “I never minded being a minor villain, but it’s possible I might have grown into something else, a High King as monstrous as Dain. And if I did—if I fulfilled that prophecy—I ought to be stopped. And I believed that you would stop me.” Okay that’s entirely too sad
P. 166 “This is my room,” he points out, affronted. “And that’s my wife.” Cardan really said
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P. 171 “Cardan was not an easy child to love, and he’s only grown worse with time. He would scream to be held, and then once picked up he would bite and king his way out of my arms. He would find a game and obsess over ur until it was conquered, then burn all the pieces.” Asha you are a horrible mother and I have nothing but contempt for you. That sounds like an anxious-avoidant attachment style, THAT YOU CAUSED BY IGNORING HIS NEEDS! Letting your child be raised by a cat. Meet me behind the Denny’s, Asha
P. 172 “and next time, I will expect your curtsy.” Ooh mic drop. Tell her, Jude.
P. 183 Cardan…draws a wicked-looking knife from inside his doublet, surprising me. That’s got to be the Roach’s influence. Babygirl that’s all you
P. 185 “Unlike Locke, I never thought Love was a game,” [Cardan] says. “You may accuse me of much, but not that.” Awww Cardan you deserve the world
P. 186 Cardan manages to persuade my sister to tell him a little bit about the mortal world. He sounds delighted at her description of slushy machines, with their violently bright colors and sugary strangeness. I need 50k of Cardan experiencing the mortal world pls
P. 186 again with the shirt stealing
P. 191 get his ass Cardan
P. 195 “come, let us charm and confound our subjects.” I love him so much
P. 199 “But to traitors and oath breakers, I offer my queen’s hospitality instead. The hospitality of knives.” Another banger from Ms. Black, everyone
P. 200 “You were very formidable tonight, my queen.” Dear goodness me that’s attractive
P. 200 “It cannot be anything other than the truth,” he says. “Or it never could have left my tongue.” This is one of the things I love so much about this fae romance.
P. 200 “You looked like a knight in a story tonight,” he says. I love him, also I’m pretty sure that if a man told me this it would be marriage at dawn
P. 201 him immediately stopping when he thinks she’s not into it. He may be a ruthless fae king but he respects Jude
P. 203 “Mock me all you like. Whatever I imagined then, now it is I who would beg and grovel for a kind word from your lips…By you, I am forever undone.” And that’s it, I’ve died, bury me
P. 203 “We have lived in our armor for so long, you and I. And now I am not sure if either of us knows how to remove it.” Okay but wow. Relatable trauma feel
P. 204 “My sweet nemesis, how glad I am that you returned.” This man is putting my standards way too high
P. 204 I think of his riddle. How do people like us take off their armor? One piece at a time. BRB I’m gonna go sob
P. 209 “It’s you I love,” he says. “I spent much of my life guarding my heart. I guarded it so well that I could behave as though I didn’t have one at all. Even now, it is a shabby, worm-eaten, and scabrous thing. But it is yours.” Alexa play Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hellos
P. 210 You love him, too, I think. You’ve loved him since before you were a prisoner of the Undersea. You loved him when you agreed to marry him. Finally some self-awareness!
P. 210 Once this is over, I will find the bravery to tell him. Girl. No. Tell him now. That reasoning gets people killed!
P. 214 Being rejected by his family, how could becoming High King not feel like finally belonging? Like finally being embraced? There is no banquet too abundant for a starving man. Cardan baby I love you but no don’t do it
P. 215 NO! Cardan I love you but don’t
P. 216 “Vows should never be to a crown. They should be to a ruler. And they should be off your own free will. I am your king, and beside me stands my queen. But it is your choice whether or not to forge us. Your will shall be your own.” Okay but like, an actually wise king
P. 216 And with his bare hands, he cracks the Blood Crown in two. Oh no.
P. 217 aaand Cardan’s a giant snake now. Great
P. 219 so basically anything the serpent touches will wither?
P. 219 Oak looks up at me, his eyes wet with tears. His hands tremble on the sword, clutching it far too hard.
“You were very brave,” I tell him. “You just have to be brave a little longer.” Okay but I love that they established how much Jude loves her little brother
P. 223 There has to be a way to break the curse—a way Cardan can survive. Girl I hope so too
P. 226 Only out of his spilled blood can a great ruler rise. Oh no oh no
P. 231 “we are thought to be very wise.” “Are you?” SASS
P. 242-243 “We have a magical bridle in our possession… it will fit itself to the creature being restrained…the straps will slowly sink into his skin, and Cardan will be forever yours.” Geez Louise! Well, there’s the signature fae cruelty, I guess
P. 243 oh absolutely not! Y’all are NOT marrying little Oak to the Court of Teeth! Not when they keep their own daughter on a leash!
P. 250 “It’s not easy to help a queen,” Taryn says. “They’re not supposed to need helping.” Ooh
P. 251 So Taryn’s keeping the baby. Cool. To me, Taryn and Jude represent two different sides of the feminine. Jude is the femme fatale, and Taryn is the more stereotypically feminine. She can be annoying, but she has her strengths too. Also she murdered her abusive husband so…
P. 253 Vivi brought Cardan a snow globe with a cat inside? Their friendship is so cute
P. 257 YES!! Confession! The Bomb and Roach are such a fascinating couple, I would love a spin-off about them
P. 266 I pull out of [Madoc’s] grip, taking three strands of his hair with me. That’s gonna be plot relevant later
P. 268 “I know you won’t believe this, but Cardan and I were friends before.” Idk why but this made me sad
P. 268 “[The human servants] would go missing sometimes, and there were rumors that Cardan hurt them, but it wasn’t true. He’d return them to the mortal world.” He’s got a good heart in spite of being raised to be cruel
P. 268 “He sent you a gown. For the coronation.” That’s it, I’m deceased
Okay, big battle, blah blah blah, Jude looks great in her armor, she chops the head off the giant snake.
P. 282 Cardan’s fingers dig into my back. He’s trembling, and whether it is from ebbing magic or horror, I’m not sure. But he holds me as though I am the only solid thing in the world. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
P. 284 “Do you like it?” he asks me, which seems a bit like asking if someone enjoys the crown of stars they conjured from the sky. Awwwww
P. 287 The problem with coming through something terrible and big is that afterward, you’re left feeling all the feelings that you shoved down and pushed away. Again with the relatable trauma feels
P. 290 “I only know how to be cruel or to laugh when I am discomposed,” he says. Oh baby
P. 291 “I love you,” I say, the words coming out in an unintelligible rush. Cardan looks taken aback… “You need not say it out of pity,” he says finally, with great deliberateness. “Or because I was under a curse. I have asked you to lie to me in the past, in this very room, but I would beg you not to lie to me now.” I’m going to sob. SomEONE PLEASE LOVE HIM
P. 291 “I have not made myself easy to love,” he says, and I hear the echo of his mother’s words in his. Cardan baby no. You have so much love in your heart, you’ve just been told that no one wants your love for too long
P. 292 “I knew little else, but I always knew you.” AAAAAAA
P. 302 “you know that [Madoc]’s going to be so bored that he’s going to try to micromanage your life,” Taryn says. “Or plan your invasion of a neighboring apartment building.” HAH
P. 305 Cardan looks at his reflection in the door of the microwave and adjusts his [paper] crown so it’s at an angle. Aww
P. 305 And Cardan looks a little shy in the face of all this happiness, as unused to it as I am. I love him, I love them both
General thoughts:
Kudos for honest depictions of trauma all around.
Cardan is officially a member of the “Red’s blorbos” group
I have got to read more by this author. Holly Black is fantastic
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ginosgarden · 1 year
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Page 19 and 20 of my The April Fool Chapbook! The poem, as always, is written out under the cut.
That's it! That was my last poem I wrote in 2018. It's so massive that I need to spread it out over two page spreads. It's a poem filled with a lot of pain as I wrote it over the course on one agonizing day. While my April that year was super hard, things really turned around for me from that point forward. Through it all, I'm grateful for where I am now.
I did another poetry challenge in 2021, so I'm thinking of transcribing those and maybe making a zine for those as well. We'll see!
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There’s nothing in this world you can depend on There’s nothing in this world I can give All I can do is make order of chaos And take the blame when there’s noone to blame I can’t stop the piling on And I can’t control what I get So I do my best to do the simple work of tidying up
I’m not a miracle worker I’m no expert, no irreplaceable genius. But I value and take pride in my simple tasks, In my efforts to stave off the inevitable
I’m not a miracle worker I’m no expert, no irreplaceable genius. But I value and take pride in my simple tasks, In my efforts to stave off the inevitable
I have an eye for detail but I cut corners where it counts I lie when it’s convenient though I value honesty I’m no better than the world I was given It’s naive to think so
I try and I fail and I fail and I fail But at least I can keep a neat home
I’m so scared I can’t start from square one. I can’t afford to But that’s where I might end up And I’ll take the blame because who else is there?
I want to do what I always do, To feel valuable and proud , To organize and categorize And make convenient and helpful But I am unable I have to wait
Me me me me me me! How fucking boring! Self centered child!
You’re a hack and You’ve always been a hack From the moment you were born You’ve been aspiring to be a poser Your entire pathetic life Is it any wonder you’ve made it nowhere? You think you’re so innocent and sweet But all you care about is how others see you. You cannot create you can only copy You’ve always, always copied. God forbid someone call you out on it You damn baby. Have you ever had an original thought in your head? You only care about the product About people being impressed But you put zero work into it And you’re so self congratulatory Like you’re some kind of goddamn picasso
You fake at it. You’ve never understood what it takes So you pretend like when You were a kid and would scribble on pages For hours playing like you were working. You know what it should look like but not what it is. What it means You get exactly what you deserve. Exactly what you put in. You halfass everything and make excuses So guess what? Enjoy your mediocre half assed life You fake, you fraud, you complete and utter loser. Who else are you going to cry to searching for pity points So you can slurp them up like your running snot From your perpetually crying face. Go ahead and cry, what’s it going to do? You want your mommy to validate you? You lie to her too to make yourself look better Yeah she’ll always be in your corner isn’t that sweet?
Brush a hand on the door Thank you for keeping me safe And please continue to do so
Where the heart is brewing
A sad clown town But the city turned and said, “But sir Pagliochi is me.”
Witchy stuff, City stuff Homesickness
How much longer do I have to be that girl? How much longer are you gonna shit on my world?
Crusty moldy Dried out turd Plopped inside of a plastic bag Don’t you think you’ve had enough fun yet!?
Enough is enough You old witch! It’s your turn now!
I was the April Fool Now I’m the May Fool
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