#and I get its a game for fun and everyone is playing along etc. but just once I want to see her put in her place just ONCE
llycaons · 6 months
oh my fucking god of COURSE she feels the need in the middle of a serious conversation to ANNOUNCE oh of COURSE I would never go to times square to see the ball drop, that's SO gouche and BENEATH me lady shut the FUCK up you are not better than anyone else just because you're rich and get attention for singing holy shit I hope this bitch (the CHARACTER not the player) dies. and this is ironic as hell because there is literally nothing tackier than loudly proclaiming how classy you are so. fail
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yawujin · 1 month
Heyyy I havent seen you write any danganronpa stuff recently so if you fell out of interest its alr I was just wondering if you could please write danganronpa v3 boys x reader at the beach HEAVY on korekiyo haven't seen much fan stuff for him and it saddens me.
anyway pls&thx have a good day :)
hey anonnn, you're right i haven't written for dangan in a bit...thing is; i have a hard time writing for things i'm not currently hyperfixating on (bad trait to have i know) there are a ton of requests for dangan hcs/x reader in my inbox rn so i'll try to get more of those done ദ്ദി(˶‾᷄ᗜ‾᷅˵ ᵕ) hope you enjoy this in the meantime!!
request | v3 boys x reader 🏖 beach edition
type | headcanon format , reader insert , light hearted , you pronouns used
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shuichi saihara ♡
easily gets sunburned so he prefers to stay under a beach umbrella most of the time
asks you for help with applying sunscreen all over his exposed skin
brought water bottles for everyone (my thoughtful kinggg <3)
lowkey would want to play volleyball w everyone else but think he'd be too awkward whilst playing
would most likely invite you to sit under an umbrella with him near the shore and listen to the sound of the waves with you
rantaro amami ♡
walks along the pier with you
buys you whatever you want at the concession stands there
"this beach is beautiful, you should see the ones i've traveled really far to see, too. they're amazing!" he exclaims
rantaro shows you a plethora of pictures he's taken of beaches all around the globe
would most likely collect a little bit of the sand from the beach just to keep a piece of it with him for memory's sake.
k1b0/kiibo ♡
he is awaaaaay from the water
he stands up on the rocks , looking out to the ocean (he would like to admire it without getting wet)
he's 100% a nerd so he gives you some fun facts about sharks , fish , etc
when you come back from swimming, he tells you how cool you looked
he totally wishes he could go and swim w you :(
korekiyo shinguji ♡
he enjoys the atmosphere , and your company ofc
you two walk on the pier talking about what to get for lunch
ngl it feels like a date when you are sitting across from kiyo, eating your food
"it's beautiful, isn't it?" he says, after a moment of quiet
"yeah! the beach is pretty nice." you reply
"i meant you, dear." he tells you
kaito momota ♡
he's the one that set up the volleyball net
trying to encourage his sidekick to play volleyball with him
after getting rejected 5 times within a minute, he asks you
"i won't go easy on ya!"
kaito got a little too cocky for someone who kept on getting foul balls
gonta gokuhara ♡
quietly observing the hermit crabs on the beach
he marvels at the slugs crawling up the rocks
he's lowkey in bug heaven rn
you tell kokichi to stfu when he tells gonta that his hair looks similar to seaweed
"does gonta's hair really resemble seaweed?" he frowns
you comb your fingers through his hair and reassure him that his hair looks just fine :)
ryoma hoshi ♡
spends most of his time away from the crowd or in a shop on the pier
"beaches really aren't my type of scene"
you walk about a mile or two with him on the endless sands of the beach
you hadn't expected him to break the long silence until he said:
"glad you're here to keep me company."
he's pulling his beanie down to shade his eyes from the sun (and to hide his cute embarrassment)
kokichi ouma ♡
"let's both run into the water in three...two...one!"
except he stayed behind and let you do it all alone, much to your embarrassment (and annoyance)
he makes it up to you by buying you an ice cream
"awww don't be so mad! after we're done we can go swim together! promise!"
surprisingly, he keeps his promise and you two have a good time
you splash each other with ocean water playfully and engage in a small game of water tag
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⋆ ˚。⋆ my ao3
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rmwb-fanfics · 1 year
How to remake Harry Potter:
(A step by step guide)
We’ve already had one god-awful adaptation that way too many people think is good. This is our one chance to have the book characters represented correctly, along with the plot they support.
I’ve put YEARS of thought into this. I’ve written scripts for episodes of a hypothetical tv show. I’ve drawn concept art. I’ve done shit. So I figured I’d share my thoughts.
1. Stick to the books*.
Stick to the books has a massive asterisk next to it because I mean the plot and characters. Some stuff (as you’ll see later) should be changed.
Nothing in this show should feel out of character. Harry should be closer with Ron than he is to Hermione. Snape should be a real d*ckhead. Hermione should be judgmental of those who don’t think like her, etc etc. The way these characters navigate their relationships is why the fandom is still relevant. It’s why canon-compliant fic is popular in the first place. We like their dynamics. SHOW THEM APPROPRIATELY.
Plot is a sticky thing because I’d say there’s wiggle room, but not too much. Certain characters have to die. Certain events must happen. You cant change that stuff.
2. Use the Medium.
You’re using film as a format to tell your story. Ideally you’d us animation, but I know Warner Bros has less creativity than Disney’s remake department, so I won’t even try and pitch that.
Use colour and saturation. It can help contextualize emotion. It can make us subconsciously recognize things. For instance, the scene growing more saturated when Ron walks into the room when Hermione is wearing the horcrux, or any multitude of other uses this could bring.
Bring in costume design that (actually fits the world) but also helps show how that character is feeling. What they’re thinking, their personality, their future, etc.
Make magic fun™️. The books sort of sidelined magic in 5-7. Don’t do that. Divert from the books. Magic should feel alive. Colour-code them so we as an audience can recognize spells and what they might do before we see it. Implement sound design to make each spell unique and vibrant. Make this world subtly bursting with magic like it was in the first few books. Have it weave around characters, wrap them up. Be creative with action scenes. Force transfiguration into battle scenes. Choreograph your duels. Show don’t tell us that a wizard/witch is powerful. Turn people into portraits. Lock them up as mice. USE MAGIC.
Your set design should reflect this. Everything should be bursting with personality. Don’t just use the shitty movie sets. Inject some colour, have the surroundings aid you in telling the story. Get weird with the camera. Use these tools to their fullest potential.
Actually fucking try.
3. Utilize Music.
Music is just… such a massive part of film. It’s frustrating how often even the best filmmakers overlook its use. Characters should have themes that mature and develop as the series goes on. Have action arrangements of the themes to play with heroic moments. As the series progresses, we grow attached to these themes. When they appear, the audience FEELS something. Don’t reuse great pieces to force emotion. (Dumbledore’s Farewell in The Prince’s Tale. Are you fucking kidding me?)
For example: Have a theme for Neville that starts out timid and uses very shy instrumentals, but we first hear a change when he stands up to the trio at the end of PS. Then it gains more instruments until OotP, when it grows again. Once we get to DH, it can be used in this heroic swell as he chops the head off the snake in front of Voldemort and everyone watching. The audience, consciously or not, will feel that moment even more.
Have a theme for Ron and Hermione that might not even be romantic until HBP when it gains that element. PLAY WITH MUSIC.
Themes for mystery, adventure, loss, love, friendship, LOCATION. Let them come back throughout the series to highlight various moments. See Lord of the Rings and The Hunger Games, as well as (surprisingly) the Fantastic Beasts films.
Let music affect the visuals. Magic can bend and swivel with the music. Use it to tell the story. Use it to show emotion. Use it to progress a character’s arc. USE CONSISTENT MUSIC.
4 . Be Bold.
This is the big one and it may seem like I’m contradicting myself but I’m not. Rowling’s work hasn’t aged crazily well to modern fiction standards. This is your chance to rectify that. Fill plot holes, actually think through the politics. Introduce world-building elements that enhance the story/characters. (The house system, and how Slytherin fits in. The logic behind avada kedavra???) Get creative with solutions. Contradict the original work when it comes to description of location. If it doesn’t work for the film format, don’t force it to work here.
Spend more time with characters we know are relevant, but maybe not to the plot. These are your Ginny Weasleys, your Seamus and Deans, Nevilles, etc. Really fill them in. Give them more scenes. Ginny has two phenomenal arcs that play completely off-screen, explore them. Show us her friendship with Hermione. Show us her insecurities and her faults. Give us more of her and Harry’s friendship. We know they get married, so maybe fix the whole “Rowling wrote the epilogue first, but didn’t realize she was waiting too long to introduce these characters until HBP”.
Add scenes. Add jokes. Add smiles and covert looks. You have more time, which means you have a chance to focus on friendships, and romance, and world building.
Tell multiple storylines. Give Remus and Tonks a cool spy/thriller subplot interjected with the main story in OotP. Show us more of Fleur staying in England. Give us more of Harry and Sirius bonding. All of this stuff can fit loosely into canon, and be welcome creative additions.
And finally,
5. This is your chance to not only retell the story, but to do it better.
RECOGNIZE THIS. Take advantage of this opportunity and enhance canon, don’t fight it.
Don’t add Hermione and Harry dancing because *YOU* don’t like where the romantic pairings went. Don’t add Draco sympathy because you want him to have a redemption arc. Don’t dumb Ron down because you don’t like the fact that he’s just like the teenage boys you dated in High School, and he was a bit immature.
Make changes, be bold, use music, stick to the books*, use the medium, but take this as the opportunity that it is to enhance what came before.
Thank you.
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factual-fantasy · 11 months
YOOO 26 ASKS?? :000
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I'd like to think the fight still happens but its different. Maybe Seam tried to intervene but quickly collapsed of exhaustion? Or maybe he was conked out from the start and never saw it happen? Its all possible..
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Its very possible to find other lost Grillby's and Goner Kids,, etc.. but for simplicity's sake I'll say that they haven't found them <XD
As for how they see each other, Jevil cares a lot about the others. Goner kid is kind'a low-key like his adopted daughter?? A little?? <XD Seam is his best friend of course- His relationship with Grillby is rough.. but he feels very sympathetic towards Grillby and doesn't think poorly of him. Spamton is also meant to be his good friend, second to Seam. His view of Asgore is laced with a liiiiitle bit of unease becuase of his whole royalty vibe. But Asgore has proven that he is 100% trustworthy so they pals :}} I haven't thought much about his relationship with River person.. I kind'a keep forgetting that she exists <XDD --
Seam is on good terms with basically everyone. Jevil is his best friend. Him and Grillby are a little rocky.. but just like Jevil, Seam is very sympathetic towards Grillby and has no hard feelings. Spamton is a good friend of Seams and so is River person I think. Asgore's royal vibe is off putting but overall he's a great guy and they have a good friendship. Goner kid is basically Seams niece XD
Grillby kind'a feels off about everyone- his feelings towards Jevil are pretty messed up at the moment.. and by extension he doesn't get along great with Seam.. Spamton is nice, but is endlessly supportive and grateful towards Jevil so any potential friendship between them is already strained.. Goner kid reminds him too much of his late daughter so he tends to avoid her.. Now River Person and Asgore? They're wonderful. He's very close with both of them and they are the only things keeping him sane right now- River Person is incredibly gentle and soft spoken. She's really sweet and relates to Grillby's pain. They usually have quiet chats away from the group and it really helps Grillby feel better. Same for Asgore. It started with that 1 hug. Having Asgore's support has really changed the game for Grillby. River Person and Asgore are true friends of his and he doesn't know where he'd be without them <:}}
Spamton is mostly chill with everyone. His close friends would be Jevil and Seam. And Goner kid would be fun to play/mess around with. She's a good little kid. He would also consider Asgore and River Person to be his friends, although he isn't as close with them as he is with Jevil. Grillby is a tough person to approach <XD --
Goner Kid is most connected to Jevil and Seam, with Asgore being a close 3rd. Jevil is kind'a taking the role of dad in a way. Having been the one that saved her and gave her a new name. Seam is the soft uncle and Asgore is dad #2 XDD Spamton is like a fun big brother and River Person kiiind'a has mom vibes?? She's really nice. She's not really sure about Grillby..
Asgore is like the groups body guard/emotional support goat. His personality is so soft and caring that everyone gravitated to him in some way. He built genuine relationships with everyone in the group and is a good friend. He's just the best I guess XDD
I haven't planned out that much for River person.. other than her being close with Grillby and Asgore I haven't planned too much. Maybe she gets along well with Seam? Someone with a gentle sing songy voice must be relaxing for Seam to listen to.
As for the empty AU's due to bad sans'? Personally? I really don't like all those crazy sans AU's. So they don't exist in mine. If there's an empty AU its not because of a sans-
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<XD Poor Seam-
And yeah no- no romantic implications- I still see what you mean. Jevil caring for Seam so much and doing everything in his power to protect and provide for him. It very well could remind Grillby of his wife. When he had a rough day at the bar he would come home to a meal on the table and a caring wife to listen to him groan about his day.
And say Seam did collapse and Jevil was worried sick. Showing how much he cares about Seam. It might just make Grillby mad. He lost everyone that ever cared about him. And its all Jevil's "fault".. That thought would be enough to set anyone off-
Also thank you so much!! :DDD
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I haven't thought much about exactly how King removed Seams eye. But he very well could have restrained him with the chains. Maybe then he gouged out his eye with the weird spade tongue stomach- thing?? That he has??
Awww can you imagine? The trauma that is associated with those chains. Seeing them and being reminded of that experience every single day.. and he cant get away from those memories, because no one can remove them.. 🥺🥺
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Poor guy cant even scream without causing immense pain..
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He has tried to help Seam. He's tried to break the chains, but for some reason he cant even scratch them. He's tried to heal Seam to bring his strength back.. But he cant. Seam's soul just straight up rejects/cant absorb his healing magic.
The best he can really do for Seam is protect him. Seam is basically defenseless because he cant use his magic without wiping out his energy..
And he feels horrible for Seam. And Jevil.. Hearing about how they were abused by a wicked King. It makes him sick. A king is meant to protect his people, not hurt them. He vows to protect and care for his new friends, and to hopefully find someone who can break these chains..
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Ah Transformers: Prime. The show that I stopped watching when I was less than 10 episodes away from the finale <XD
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I hate to break it to ya, but I kiiind'a low-key despise Paani. :x I don't think I'll be drawing him anytime soon-
As for Tracker, He'd probably look just like Barnacles but less muscle, more fluff <XD
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My Spamton looked just like any other addison. But with glasses, and his hair could have been black by default perhaps.? I might have to draw him sometime :0
As for main character interactions. I've thought about the group witnessing Kris and the gang in a battle. In which they see Ralsei heal the others.. They promptly ambush the group and beg Ralsei to heal Seam and Spamton. Ralsei, being the absolute sweet heart that he is, agrees to help. But it doesn't really work out the way they'd hoped..
I also thought about Seam being collapsed in the snow somewhere while Jevil goes to search for food. While he's gone. Either a Frisk or the soul of kindness finds him.. 👀👀
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In the Partial swap, I'm thinking that the only characters that switched places was Freddy with Bonnie, and Chica with Foxy. I'm going back on my idea to have Roxy switch places with Monty..
In the TRUE swap. Its Freddy - Bonnie, Chica - Foxy, Monty - Roxy, DJMM - DA, and Gregory - Vanessa.
Also thank you! :}}
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Yes! :0
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Absolute. utter. chaos. XDD No one would be sane-
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In the Partial swap, with Gregory as the kid.. its Foxy. Although much like the classic AU, the band is kind'a split..
Bonnie is a grumpy recluse and so is Roxy. Monty and Foxy are pals though. They're also friends with DA and DJMM and keep regular contact. Foxy is the main one that always tries to keep the spirits up and keep the group together. But there's not much he can really do..
In the true swap, with Vanessa as the kid.. It would probably still be Foxy <XD
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Its possible..? But I never really planned for him to meet anyone like that-
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I've never heard of it actually, Google says its a game? :0
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I'm not sure what you mean.. You mean like, what do all their attacks look like?
If so, most of Jevils attacks are like the ones he has in the base game. Although my Jevil might prefer to use his scythe most of the time.
As for Seam I imagined a lot of sewing related attacks. Sewing needles with thread attached that connects to his soul being 1.
There's actually a comic here on Tumblr called "Paper Trail" that shows a Seam battle sequence! It was made by lynxgriffin and that battle scene might give you a good idea of what my Seams attacks could look like! I highly recommend the comic :00
If you mean how powerful? I don't really have a good measurement or character to compare them to.. But I do know that Jevil and Seam are equally matched. If they both fought each other at their strongest, neither would win. They would just exhaust themselves and collapse <XD
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Nopenopenopenope sorry nuh uh nope nopenope-
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I think they share a pod because they're the highest authority on the ship. Captain and Lieutenant. Makes sense why'd they bunk in the same pod.
I can also see that. :0 Maybe after a rough mission or just a long day.. I can see Kwazii popping in to check and make sure the Captains alright 🥺
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I don't think the skelebros have any special immunity because Grillby is made of magical/monster fire. Maybe regular fire the bros bodies react differently to.? But If they were in Jevil's place, Grillbys hand would've chopped away at their health just as badly and as fast as it did Jevil's..
For different monsters having different depletion speeds? Its possible. It could be that most monsters are all effected the same except for a select few cases. I think it also depends on the monsters strength. Like-
If Grillby tried to burn an Asgore. It might not effect him as badly due to him having his own kind of fire magic. Plus he's really strong. Or if Grillby tried to burn another fire person, I imagine he can still hurt them.. but not as badly as he could if they were a different species. It's not just Grillby burning you with fire- it's Grillby using his soul/magic to try and hurt you on purpose.
If Grillby tried to burn Undyne or Papyrus? Well that would just be a slam dunk. They don't have any fire related powers or any physical attributes that could help them. So they just get burned. I hope this made sense-
Also thank you!! :DDD
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He does, but its not much bigger than Freddy or Monty's.
I imagined that although Bonnie is bigger than the others, his torso is full of a lot more electronic components and parts. Which would make his actual stomach hatch space kind'a cramped.. If not smaller than Freddy's and Monty's.
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He cant fly no. Nor was his speed really increased much I imagine. But he very well could be more flexible and move more freely than before :0
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@milk-powrit (Post in question)
They're pretty stinkin tough. But Waluigi standing with an arrow through his ankle doesn't mean he's superman. Just means that he's probably high on adrenaline and more focused on helping the weird tiny green man then on the pain in his leg.
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And honestly thats exactly how I feel. I'm so tired of the constant shipping everywhere that I just banned it from all my AUs and fanart <XD
And wow, I'm surprised by the number of people that have told me that XDD You guys just happen to be into all the stuff I'M into I'd say XD
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Personally I remember not liking it.. but watching Markiplier play it was fun :}
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I've actually played a bit of hat in time! I even have three posts about it that I can recall! :00
Post one, two and three! :}
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Idk if you know Monster prom, but I was thinking about that game earlier, and I was wondering what your opinion would be on different YV boys playing that game (like who they would romance and etc)
I know monster prom! Always wanted to play it, sadly don't got funds to do so </3 Okay don't fully remember the story line but did pull up the wiki. Just gonna do what character they'd okay and who they'd romance, maybe their opinions on some characters.
For playable characters I feel like it's gonna be Oz bc he looks really cool! I can see him possibly romancing Scott (Loves a himbo), Damien (Everyone loves a bad boy Boo!), Polly (She looks nice!), and maybe Zoe (idk she a freak I fuck w that)
But I feel like he'd probably stick to like the same few romances but doing different decisions to see what happens. Is laughing at all the crazy shit he gets pulled into bc of these romancing characters he choose.
I can see him picking Brian as his playable character. He's a bit heartbroken he couldn't be a cryptic, but also wanted to try and be kinda true to him? I can see him romancing everyone at least once. Doesn't really have a preference.
I think he'd love the concept of the game since its really well thought out! He loves the multiple endings you can get and might try and get a few before deciding he's done.
Mf saw Ox and was like lol that's me. I can see him liking Damien (He's hot, like literally), Scott (honestly crush me w those arms), and Vera (okay yes I loved to be dommed stop laughing Cas!)
Likes how the art style is, I feel like he tries and friends Liam. Reminds him of someone he knows, also likes Polly she's really cool. Some scene's of the game made him go wide eyed like woah okay so that happened-
Chooses to play Oz, he likes how the guy has lil shadow creatures around him! For trying to romance I can see Damien (Okay yes, Sunflower it's cliche but yeah..), Scott (he seems really nice!) and maybe Calculester (is it weird bc he's a robot?..Computer?)
Gasps and wide eyed at how some of the people act. Like how Miranda who seems so nice is from a tyrant family?? Along with how she treats the people who follower her around basically doing everything fore her??
Has placed as every playable character for fun and romanced every single romancible character. Except Liam, reminds him too much of Auron and is just....no....
I feel like he really likes Vera how headstrong she is a headstrong woman. Also kinda likes Zoe bc she kinds reminds him of himself.
Looks at the playable characters and picks Brian. Thinks he looked similar enough to him. Doesn't really care for these types of games so he just goes where ever his choices takes him.
I can see him romancing Vera (She knows what she wants and I respect that), Polly (She seems nice I wonder why she parties so much?) and Calculester (I kind of like him). I can see him after a while of just having the game play the other routes just once. I can see him kinda liking Liam
Plays as Amira bc he loves how cool she looks! Laughs when he sees Damien then tries to romance him (Angel! Look there's a demon in here!), Polly (oh she's crazy I love her), Scott (Okay beefcake I see you), Zoe (Holy shit she's like me fr!) and Vera (She's hot.)
I can honestly not flinch at anything the characters do, just enjoying vibes while playing this. Also he def played all the routes he could when getting the game.
I can see him playing Vicky, I feel like personalities match up kinda! Honestly he doesn't care who he's gonna rizz up and goes for the first perosn he sees.
Thinks the plotline and story for the game is funny, likes the many endings you can get! Plays all the routes he can bc he wants to know everything.
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linkspooky · 3 months
Just got done with reading your "How To Do a Dark Deconstruction of your Shonen Hero" post, first off amazing work as always! As much as it pains me to hear (good faith, non-reactionary and well thought-out) criticism due to having gotten into MHA in middle school when I was impressionable and attached onto works quicker than I do, it was satisfying to hear someone as well-worded as yourself put into words a thought that I had. For a while I could only summarize it by thinking "Man MHA sure does feel toothless and inconsistent about what it delivers on, and what ideas or themes or messages or what have you are left in the fridge and forgotten about."
It was also fun to hear about Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, growing up YGO was only ever a game some of my friends played or "HEART OF THE CARDS" and Kaiba memes, so hearing that there was a lot more to the series was a welcome surprise, even if quite anecdotal on my part.
As for the question part of this ask, near the middle of it you brought up how despite being quite captivated with the idea and the final result, you weren't as impressed with how YGO got there, and vice versa with MHA in how it was paced better but so far(let me have a little bit of hope lol) ultimately hasn't made good on it's "storytelling promise" if you will.
With the preface that no story is "perfect" along with the fact that everyone has their own interests, biases, icks, etc., I wanted to ask if there was a story which in your opinion, that blends proper pacing and build-up, with proper follow-up and payoff? I had the idea of deconstructing the perfect shonen protag or similar character in mind, but I'm also curious to hear about other ideas as well if you have them.
PS Thanks again for writing and posting these. They're often the highlight of my day when I remember to get around to reading them. And apologies for this long-ass ask hehe.
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If you want a shonen series with similiar themes of "saving the villains" as MHA and Season 3 of Yu-Gi-Oh GX! but better pacing, buildup, payoff and overall story structure then both manga then I strongly reccomend another Yu-Gi-Oh series, Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal.
To begin with as a disclaimer I think Yu-Gi-Oh, but especially the spinoffs post 5DS get a bad reputation. For several reasons, the dub, but also the Duel Monsters anime adaptation is kind of bad. A lot of people forget that Yu-Gi-Oh! started out as a very dark urban fantasy, or just the fact that it runs in the same magazine as MHA and JJK. Once you get over the fact that it revolves around card games, Yu-Gi-Oh is as much of a battle shonen as MHA or JJK.
If you give Zexal a chance, it has everything MHA promised us. A conflict where there's really no heroes and villains, a story about what it means to save people, and a protagonist who wants to save everyone.
Yu-Gi-Oh no Cristo!
If you want to take my word for it that Zexal is good, and avoid spoilers then don't read any further. However, I thought I'd demonstrate HOW Zexal tackles the same themes that My Hero Academia tried to tackle.
I'm going to limit this analysis to Zexal I, because while Zexal II is superior in every way I don't want to spoil the whole darn show. Zexal deconstructs the idea of what it means to save others, by having the central conflict in its first season focus on several different factions where no side is the clear good guy. it also tackles the theme of "revenge", and how no character's revenge is justified no matter how wounded they are.
Zexal has three main characters, Yuma, Kaito, and Shark. The latter two are deuteragonist, and tritagonist respectively, and vacillate between being rivals and outright antagonists. If you wanted a story where Shigaraki post My Villain Academy was basically given deuteragonist status alongside Deku then this is the story for you. From her on out I'm going to focus on the cycle of revenge and also the intertwining arcs of Yuma, Shark and Kite and how these characters develop the themes.
Before I get to the World Duel Carnival, I would be amiss to mention that Zexal has a faster start then any Yu-Gi-Oh anime barring 5DS. The introductory arc is episodic in nature, but it does two things really well, first establishing Yuma as a character and second laying the groundwork for both Shark and Kaito showing they are human beings with their own motivations even when they act as antagonists to Yuma. World Duel Carnival starts at 27, but in my opinion the real conflict starts in episode 33 with the introduction of the Tron Family.
In comparison My Hero finishes the Stain arc around episode 33, so I'd say they equally have as strong a start, and both works have introduced their main trio in that time.
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With the Tron Family the secondary antagonists of the season we're finally introduced to the season's main confict of revenge. There are four factions and I'm going to take the time to explain each one's motivation before digging in deeper.
The conflict starts with the parents of the three main characters, Lord Byron Arclight (who will later return as Tron), Dr. Faker, and Kazuma Tsukumo. The three of them were studying alternate dimmensions together when Dr. Faker betrayed his two close friends. Kazuma and Lord Byron were dropped into an alternate dimmension as sacrifices to open the door between dimmensions. Kazumi did his best to try to save himself and Lord Byron, but he was unsuccesful and they both dropped out of the world.
Arclight wandered around between dimmensions, until he was eventually saved by the Barian world, a world of pure chaos kind of like the flipside of our world. However, his salvation came with a cost he was reverted from an adult man to a ten year old's body, and he also lost half of his face which is now a black hole (it's weird I'm not sure how that happened). The only thing that sustained Tron was the idea of getting revenge against Dr. Faker and now that he's returned he's determined to have it.
Tron had three sons, Michael, Thomas and Christopher. Which he renames III, IV, and V because he can't be bothered to remember their names I guess. Tron was once a very loving father and left his children behind on what was supposed to be a temporary research trip. However, their father apparently died, and Christopher the oldest was not old enough to take custody so III and IV were sent to different orphanages. At the same time Christopher was broken-hearted to learn that the man who killed his father, was the father of his student and close friend Kaito Tenjo, and ended that relationship for those reasons.
With the return of Tron the family was allowed to be back together with a now older Christopher taking custody of his brothers and now parenting his ten year old father (which is hilarious by the way). However, Tron distorted by the Barian world and his desire for revenge now uses his sons as tools in his revenge scheme against Dr. Faker. All three sons comply on the thin hope that if they complete their father's revenge, he will go back to being loving Byron Arclight. The Tron Family is a family united by revenge, but also defined by an intense family loyalty to each other, both as siblings, and to their father. While their father may not deserve it, all three sons love him deeply and would do anything to try to save him.
IV: You can't trust me that much. Just because I can't become an obedient servant to you like III and V. IV: But even so...I still also...for your sake. IV: Dad, you always smiled gently in the past. IV: But... after you returned from the parallel world it's like you had an entirely different personality. IV: Despite that we were still willing to follow you, Tron. Shark: Stop pretending to be a victim. Shark: Even if you were being used, I won't forgive you for what you did.
Which dovetails nicely into the conflict between Shark and IV. IV, obeying his father's orders challenged Shark's sister to a duel in a building that later blew up. He knew about the first part, but not the second, but still is somewhat responsible despite his ignorance. He did his best to save Shark's sister from the flames getting scarred in the process, but she was left comatose.
Soon after, IV engineered Shark's disgrace as a duelist, by purposefully letting his cards fall on the ground so Shark could see them during a tournament so he'd be disqualified for taking a peek.
All of these under his father's orders to turn Shark into yet another tool of revenge against Dr. Faker, as a wildcard to be pointed in Faker's direction. IV further antagonizes him by giving him a Numbers Card knowing that the darkness of the Numbers card will soon possess him in order to further his father's scheme. He also just wants to flat out defeat Shark so he can prove to his father he's more useful.
Shark looks like the clear victim in this situation, but his complete lack of sympathy for IV is total hypocrisy. Because, Shark is also only after revenge for what was done to him and his sister. Shark was hurt by IV's revenge, but Shark will also attack completely innocent people, including Yuma, just to get his revenge against IV. Shark is the aggrieved victim, but he fights only for revenge not to save someone and he just does not care for anyone other than his sister, himself and Yuma to an extent. Unlike IV, who has the added motivation of saving someone, and also is self-aware that he did something wrong that he can't take back.
Shark is very much a case of "well, my revenge is different from your revenge" somehow, and it makes him look like a hypocrite. Which is why Shark wavers between being an anti-hero and an anti-villain, because in spite of his mroe heroic qualities and his friendship with Yuma he pretty consistently is only motivated to duel for revenge and not for saving others like Yuma is and the show is clear on it's themes of "there is no such thing as a justified revenge."
Shark does not get his revenge, in fact the same way IV is manipulated to pointing his anger at Shark, Shark gets manipulated by Tron to pointing all of his anger at Yuma. Yuma basically has to act as the punching bag, in order to try to calm Shark down again and in Shark's own words even if you were being used, I won't forgive you for what you did.
Shark won't forgive IV, but he ends up committing the exact same unforgivable acts, and by his own logic manipulation is not an excuse.
Now that we've introduced Shark as the wildcard, the last faction is Dr. Faker's. Kaito and Dr. Faker both are fighting to save Haruto, Faker's second son and Kaito's little brother. Here is the twist with Dr. Faker's betrayal he's presented as a "I did everything for power" type of villain, but he's actually doing everything to save his son from dying and is willing to backstab his closest friends to do so, and turn his son Kaito into a pawn. There's an added layer of complication where Dr. Faker is legitimately using his son as a pawn, but much like the Tron Siblings, Kaito is also willing to comply because saving Haruto is just as important to him.
Kaito is a numbers hunter who rips out the souls of people in order to reclaim numbers cards from them, something which ages them and leaves them completely comatose. Kaito also blatantly says on several occasions, he doesn't care how many people he has to hurt to save his brother. So Kaito's motivations aren't revenge like Tron's, but he's also just as willing to get innocent people involved. He even attacks Shark once who didn't even have a number card, simply for GETTING IN THE WAY when he was trying to steal Yuma's key.
Kaito's not just an "I'll do anything to save my brother" type of character, he actively does not care about how many victims he creates along the way.
KAITO: You're wrong. Just one person matters to me. I only care about Hart.
And he sure does mean that. His own allies? Don't matter. His former friend Christopher? Doesn't care. Yuma who actively wants to save Hart too? Get out of the way bucko.
YUMA: Kaito, Droite fought desperately against Tron for your sake. YUMA: Droite liked y- KAITO: That's none of your concern.
Kite's obsession with saving his brother is all-consuming, and even ignores that Haruto does not want Kaito hurting himself for his sake, because it is just as much about Kaito as it is about Haruto.
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Kaito also clashes with V from the Tron Family, and is deeply hurt by the fact that V will make punching bags out of both Kite and Haruto in order to get revenge against their father.
However, Kaito who has at this point put several people in comas in order to save his brother (the exact same motivation V has for his father and two younger brothers) is a complete hypocrite in this regard.
V: Friend you say? V: But that ideal was completely wrecked by Dr. Faker. V: Could you forgive that person's son? V: When I realized the truth, I... KAITO: Enough of this nonsense.
I'm sure none of the people Kaito put in comas had brothers, and they all kicked puppies when no one was looking. Even after Kaito realizes that Christopher was only trying to save his family the same way that he was, and promises to inherit his feelings, he forgets all about that when dueling Tron.
Kaito's one and only loss in the whole series comes from when he loses himself to revenge against Tron after he provoked him one too many times by tormenting Haruto. Once again, no matter what the reason revenge is never justified in Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal!
Tron: You're right I have no emotions. Droite and Shark... I was willing to even use my sons in order to create rage. Kaito: Say what? Tron: You did pretty well, too! You get angrier and angrier when it comes to Haruto. It's all thanks to you, have a look.
As much as Kaito would like to make a martyr of himself, he is just like the Tron siblings, just like Shark, an angry little kid lashing out against innocent people for the pain both him and his brother has suffered. Even kaito who has the most explicit desire to save someone, succumbs to revenge in the end when he's pushed.
The tragedy of season 1 is that basically every faction involved has a case of "my revenge is more important than your revenge, and my loved ones are more important than your loved ones". Even though both the Tron Family, and Kaito are fighting to save their families, neither of them ever backs down or considers the other side's motivations because THEIR PAIN is more important.
The last faction of the story is Yuma's, and as stated above Yuma is the only one who attempts to see his opponent's side. Yuma's central motto is "if we've dueled each other, then we're already friends." He also believes that duels should never be used as tools for hurting each other, something Shark, Kaito and the Tron Family all gleefully do in their conflict against one another.
Yuma is a deconstructoin of the "save everyone" because while he is involved in the conflict too because he lost his father to Dr. Faker, unlike the other three factions he has a support system. He still has his grandmother and sister, childhood friends, friends at school and Astral.
This fact is explicitly called out in his duel against III who by that point Yuma considers a friend. III spends a day with Yuma, bonding with him over their shared love of archaelogy, seeing his family and home life, only to turn against him.
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Yuma tries to reach out to III the entire time through the duel and talk him down, and it doesn't work because Yuma with his support system, cannot truly understand where III is coming from and the desperation that drives him. Yuma's not caught in the same rock and hard place that III is, and all the sympathy and good intentions in the world cannot overcome the difference between that.
Yuma also in spite of his desire to solve things peacefully is basically forced to still fight, because if he loses a duel his close personal friend Astral will die, so it's actively a challenge for him to seek the third way to settle things without contributing to the cycle of revenge.
So Yuma represents the correct path, forgiveness and understanding the other's point of view, but it also shows that Yuma is able to do that because unlike everyone else he has a support system. Yuma is not internally more good than Shark, Kite, or the rest. He's just in a place where he can afford to look at the other people's perspectives because he's not desperately fighting for survival.
It's also a challenge for him to do so, because Yuma is someone very immature. As I said with III he does not understand the depths of what they are feeling even if he wants to make the pain go away. He tries to offer his unwavering support to people, but he fails just as often as he succeeds due to his immaturity.
In Yuma's case it's less being a perfect hero, but rather making an unrelenting effort to help others and offer a hand that matters. Yuma's character development in season 1 for me crystallizes in his final redemption of Tron, the character besides Faker who makes him the most angry because of his gleeful abuse of his sons for the sake of revenge. Not only does Yuma start to get through to Tron at points in the duel, because he tries so hard to make Tron understand how much he's hurt his sons, but at the end of the duel he mirrors his father's own action of trying to save both himself and Byron Arclight I mentioned at the beginning of this post.
Yuma: I won't give up! Tron: But why? Why are you trying to save me? Yuma: It's obvious, isn't I? Everyone I duel are my friends. Yuma: I don't understand all that complicated stuff, but we create bonds through dueling. And since you dueled me you are my friend. Tron: I finally understand. Your dueling goes beyond my desire for revenge. Yuma I can't live the same way as you and Kazuma, but I can't let Dr. Faker go either. I'll release all the souls I captured.
Yuma does represent the themes of love, and understanding being the only way to heal revenge (because more revenge does not fix anything) but he's not just propped up as a saint by the narrative. He's a character who has to go through serious character development before he's finally able to back up his good intentions with actual concrete action.
Yuma isn't just good internally, but rather his constant efforts to find the third path, and befriend other people is what makes him the hero of the story. Yuma is Deku done right and I will stand by this.
I hope I've been able to demonstrate the themes of Zexal, and I would be amiss to mention this is just Zexal I. Zexal II the second season does all of this even better. The Barians are an even better version of the League of Villains because despite starting a war with the main characters, they are all sympathetic and their point of view is just as valid as Astral and Yuma's. I don't want to spoil Zexal II though, so if anything about Zexal I caught your eye I reccomend watching both series.
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huntedhauntedhunter · 10 months
I have TADC agere headcanons...if anyone cares (prolly not haha)
Posting on art blog because I post my agere art here sometimes, so why not headcanons and writings too?
Will be tagged properly so you can blacklist it if you want.
Age regressors: Gangle and Pomni (FT. YOU)
Caretakers: Jax (yes and I will explain more later), Ragatha, and Zooble
Grandparent who spoils the agere and helps the caretakers: Kinger
I don't have...a spot/hc for Caine yet...sorry...feel free to tell me what you think he'd be good as though, and why/how!
🎀Agere Gangle: Its kind of obvious and she's not oblivious to it or in denial. She loves agere and finds it comfty and safe. She loves to draw for hours and have playdates with Pomni (she actually convinces Pomni its ok and to do it.)
I HC her caretaker as Zooble, who can be romantic or platonic! I just think Zooble would be a good caretaker for her.
📐Caretaker Zooble: Zooble is...meh about it on the surface. They don't care and they don't think they need to be so public about it. But once in the headspace, they're kind of like...a cigerette mom? Where they're sarcastic about everything, and they question almost all of your choices with a specific type of judgementalness...but they really care and if anyone (Jax) fucks with their baby, it's gonna go down.
Having Gangle as their little really opens up a protective side they didn't know they had in them. Beating the shit outta Jax becomes a more common occurence.
🤹🏻‍♀️Agere Pomni: Pomni is def in denial, and it takes a LOT of convincing from Gangle (and gentle coaxing from Ragatha telling her it's ok) to really let themselves get into it. She is very shy and anxious about it. At first she was paranoid about others finding out (namely Jax), but one Jax finds out and she becomes accustomed to...him, she really gets into. I feel Ragatha would be the best caretaker, whether platonic or romantic (altho I personally lean towards romantic!)
🔪Caretaker Ragatha: (Knife emoji is for a few reasons haha) I've seen everyone under the sun HC Ragatha as a caretaker...and so they've pretty much already said everything and I agree! Gentle, loving, sweet, but also firm and no nonsense. Her and Jax get into a LOT of fights over the littles...like, a lot. It's like watching two parents at a sports event scuffle over whose kid is better.
♟Grandpa Kinger: I HC Kinger as a grandpa figure. He isn't really a caretaker, but he spoils the littles and plays along with everyone whether he actually knows whats going on or not. Def lets them hide in his pillow fortress, whether to play in, sleep in, or be naughty and hide from their caretakers in. Teaches them about insects...plays silly games with them...etc.
🐇Caretaker Jax: OK...this one is purely for me and I have a lot amusing scenarios with Jax in which I think he'd be a fun and unique type of caretaker...So hear me out...(Since I don't see him as a caretaker for anyone in the circus, section will be xreader, sorry! I made him a caretaker for me, but if anyone does read this and enjoys it...here you go.)
It'd start with him finding out about you being an agere. And in typical Jax fashion, he would mock, berate, and tease the hell out of you every single chance he got. He would def make you cry and be paranoid, because he would go through your room and nitpick anything and everything he found.
Slowly though, and I mean SO slowly you wouldn't even notice it was happening...he would insert himself as your caretaker. Like, I'm talking he would just find amusement in teasing you and playing the part, making you upset and then saying shit like "what, aren't I a good daddy?" when he "helps" you fix the problem he caused...or sushing you by sticking a paci in your mouth, or threatening to spank you if you annoy him just a tad.
He would eventually just. Go to the playdates and sit between Zooble and Ragatha and just...start pretending he's your parent. Behind your back. You wouldn't realize he's doing this or talking about you in this way for awhile. You'd only realize it one day, when you Pomni and Gangle are having a fun competition, and you hear Jax yell at the others about how "his kids the best and gonna win", or some sports dad shit.
You don't know how to confront him, TBH...I'll let you insert how you'd personally confront him.
He's super teasing, loves having excuses to "punish" you (usually puts you in a poorly made baby jail), and acts like a mix between a deadbeat dad who only intercepts when he feels like it, and a protective dad who feels like he has to fight everyone about you being better than all the other "brats".
(Sorry the Jax part is so long, I just have lots of feelings about it...and IK the fandom would see "caretaker Jax" and laugh at how absurd that is which is fair, it's meant to be absurd! That's part of the fun and why I enjoy the idea so much.)
Anyways...yeah...that's it...just need HCs for Caine and Bubble and I'll be set....Sorry for how long this is and if you for some reason decided to read it...wow.
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aphidclan-clangen · 5 months
question for the creator :3 is it a good idea to log everything that happens for every moon before you draw? bc that's what I'm doing, and I'm wondering if its a thing you did? basically, how did you start?
Yes!! Definitely log everything that happens, especially when you’re starting off. Later on when you have a more fleshed out plot and characters in mind you can start throwing out prompts that don’t add anything and focusing more on the ones that do. (I’ll also get very out of character prompts sometimes, I just throw those out entirely and hold on tight to the prompts that are in character)
I would log 1. the main moon events, 2. as many relationship events as I can, 3. the cats’ statuses/thought bubbles/whatever the sentences on their profile are called, and 4. Patrol events ((don’t forget to check the statuses of dead cats and outsiders!!)
Here’s an example of my logs:
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Everyone has a different way of coming up with a plot, either before the comic even starts or maybe the plot comes along on its own! I didn’t start AphidClan with a plot in mind, I was only drawing the daily events between the characters up until moon 6. Moon 6 onward is when I started building a plot and figuring out lore, worldbuilding, conflict, etc. I got a patrol that said Lilacpaw was murdered by a rogue, so I used that and went with a more murder mystery-esque plot
I would recommend playing ahead! Everyone has their own perfect number of how much to play ahead, I used to prefer it to be around 2-3 moons ahead of what I was drawing, to keep my workload small and spontaneous, but now that I have a much more plot-based story I prefer to play FAAAR more ahead than that so I have a more solid idea of the full story and how/when I want it to end. I’ve played up to moon 78 so far, and we’re currently on moon 20 in the comic
I started my comic very spontaneously with no future goal in mind. It took me a while to get to this place, where I now have a very plot-centered webcomic and a vague idea of how and when I want it to end. You very much make your own plot, and in a way, you make your own characters! The game gives you prompts that you can work with as inspiration for certain story events (like using the statuses “Stormkit wishes Sparkkit would play more quietly” and “Lilacpaw is worried about Stormkit” to create a plot event that adds more to Lilacpaw’s death) but most of the creative aspect you make yourself!
Hopefully that answers your question okay! Have fun creating! ^^
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Deltarune's themes of escapism and why they hit me hard
I was going to do some Deltarune art based around this and then just have the definition of escapism under it, but I can't think of what to draw, so I'm just going to ramble about it instead.
Deltarune, as I'm sure many many other people have pointed out before, has strong themes of escapism in addition to its themes of control, freedom, the narrative, etc. The Dark Worlds transform objects into people, rooms into environments, high school students into heroes. They seem to bring to life the sorts of games you played as a kid, with your toys and your friends, making up a story that played out in your mind, enhanced by your imagination. It's theatre of the mind, helped along by the toys and props and whatnot - like when you're playing D&D, too. This sort of thing is mainly in Chapter One, with the game pieces and cards and toys. I remember playing make-believe with practically everything as a kid - I made up stories with chess pieces a few times, that was fun. Castle Town and Card Kingdom are both reminiscent of a very traditional form of escapism: fantasy.
The Cyber World is a little different, but it still holds the same sort of idea - hell, we're all here on Tumblr, we know what it's like to bury ourselves in the internet, in videos and memes and posts, and forget the world for a little while. This is emphasised by Queen's commentary - I can't find the exact quote, but it's something about being worried that the Lightners will become depressed without the 'bliss' of the internet, which isn't currently working in Hometown. We also know that Chapter 3 will take place in Toriel's lounge room and seems to be specifically based around the TV (and, this is off topic, but I literally just realised Mike could be, like, mic, as in microphone, and Tenna could be short for antenna), which can also be a form of escapism for people. I know that my mum, for one, watches TV most nights.
There's also the specific characters who fall into the Dark Worlds - Kris, Susie, Noelle, Berdly.
Kris seems to be considered weird by most of Hometown, where they are the only human and don't seem to have many - or, well, any - real friends apart from their brother, who was the town's golden boy, who everyone keeps talking about and seems to hold in high regard, whose side of the bedroom holds trophies and pictures and colour while Kris' is bare and grey (they also have Susie now, but she only became their friend during the first Dark World). In the Dark World, however, Kris gets to be a hero, sword and shield raised, saving the world with their friends. Everyone in Castle Town loves them. The room Ralsei built for them has trophies aplenty. And then there's the matter of Ralsei, who looks so much like Toriel and Asgore and Asriel, who is so nice and so supportive of Kris, who has pink horns like maybe a certain red headband faded (yes I headcanon that Ralsei is Kris' old horn headband and will continue to do so until proven wrong).
Susie, who drinks milk from back alleys and threatens to eat people's faces, who didn't actually call home when she had a sleepover with Kris, who gets uncomfortable around the block of flats in Hometown, who doesn't seem to know how to react when shown kindness or friendship, who considers herself the 'bad guy'. Well, she gets to be that bad guy, strong and powerful and scary, with a big axe and sharp teeth and enemies to defeat. And then she gets to have friends, she gets to have food, she gets to be the hero and maybe that's not so bad after all if she does it alongside people she cares about, people who care about her. We can see how much happier she is in the Dark Worlds.
Berdly, who tries so hard to be perceived as smart, who loves videogames. I don't have as much to say about him, honestly, but his Dark World design is quite distinctively Cyber World when compared to the other Lightner's more fantasy-inspired designs, and being in the Dark World gives him the chance to be a hero, even if he's not great at that for most of Chapter 2.
And Noelle. Noelle, whose sister seems to be missing or dead, whose dad is in hospital, whose mum is the town's mayor and works a lot and has an icy personality. Noelle who searches for bugs and secrets in the games she seems to love. Noelle who wishes she had magic to heal her dad. Noelle who seems to feel powerless to help someone she loves, who doesn't stand up to Berdly or her mum. Once she's in the Dark World, she can heal people. She stands up to Queen, who is a sort of mother figure. She gets to spend time with Susie. She gets to see the city lights that Dess promised her.
All this to say that Deltarune in general and the Dark Worlds specifically have some not-so-subtle themes of escapism.
Now, the 'why it hits me hard' bit. Escapism has always been one of my main coping strategies, and even beyond that, I love fantasy, I love stories, I love burying myself in another world. It's much easier to be in a world where there's magic and quests and maybe there's struggles and strife and people still get hurt and mess up and go through bad things, but eventually there's a happy ending because that's how stories work, they don't have the constant uncertainty of real life. And, you know, if I could go to a Dark World, I would. I can understand why Susie likes the Dark Worlds so much, why Noelle and Berdly wanted to make another. Escapism is something that I can understand, especially after having struggled with my mental health for a few years (I'm a lot better now though). The world can be messy and complicated and hard, and wouldn't it be nice to be in a different world for a bit, one where you can be who you want to be and you don't feel lost anymore?
So, uh... yeah lol.
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a-crumb-of-whump · 6 months
what's degrees of lewdity like?? ive been wanting to try it but i don't know whether its something id enjoy
dude. i've been grinding the shit out of this game for the past week or so. It's surprisingly addictive and definitely something that i'd recommend to NSFWhump enjoyers.
Essentially, you're playing as an 18 year old stuck living in an orphanage and trying to make money. There's plenty of ways to do this, some of which are legal and some are not. You'll meet new people and discover new places, along with developing relationships that will help you in the long run.
Click the 'read more' for reasons why i would/would not recommend it:)
Content: Rape/non-con mention, beastiality mention, pregnancy mention, pedophilia mention.
Why i'd recommend it:
The gameplay is incredibly customisable, including all the main characters. You can choose which kinks do and don't appear in the game, adjust body part size limits, what percentage of the population has certain genitalia, and opt in and out of beastiality/monsters. What animals/monsters do and don't appear are also something that's customisable. All this can be changed after the game begins, too.
There is so much whump to enjoy. Whether you enjoy lab whump, stockholm situations, kidnapping, rape, conditioning, etc. there will be something for to enjoy. My personal favourite so far involves being sold to a farmer who keeps you as cattle and slowly transforms you into a cow/bull for milk.
There's things called 'feats' that basically work as achievements. As you progress through the game, you'll earn these by doing certain things for the first time or raising/lowering your stats.
Creating outfits and changing your hair style/colour is so much fun.
While the orphanage is your home, you do find safehouses throughout the game for sleeping, redressing and reducing stress/trauma.
There's sex toys, muzzles and gags. You can gift these to partners or use them for yourself.
The animations during sexual interactions is surprisingly hot.
While you are able to eventually have children, I don't think pedophilia is an option in this game.
Things to watch out for:
You cannot opt out of name calling (slut/bitch/whore/etc.). Characters will do this no matter what your settings are adjusted to.
While the game is very accepting of transgender characters, everyone is still gendered.
While there are people who will rescue you, rape is extremely normalised in this game.
The asylum is probably one of the worst things about this game for me personally. There's a lot of gaslighting and abuse, and it can be triggering for those who've had similar experiences in real life.
Due to it being a text-based game, the day-to-day interactions with people will start to get repetitive.
There's a LOT of grinding to be done when it comes to stats. I personally really enjoy it, but if you're not someone who likes that sort of thing then it's probably not the game for you.
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shuttershocky · 6 months
hey shutters, sorry for the random question, do you have a recommendation for games you can play with your non gamer relatives/friends that is not party games or similar? I wanna invite them but I'm not sure if games that has abilities, stats, equipment, etc would be good for someone who only understands button mashing in fighting games
Hmmm i will admit, not including party games makes the recommendations a bit more challenging. Additionally, couch co-op has become something of a dying breed in modern gaming which really limits what you can actually play with a friend who's visiting. Let's see.
1) Super Smash Bros — You may consider Smash to be a party game and thus disqualified, but in case you don't it would be a crime not to put it here. The series' reputation both as the ultimate party game and as a sweaty competitive game is a testament to the incredible gap between its skill floor and skill ceiling, where almost anyone able to press buttons can pick it up and have fun, but with enough depth to make it something one can really sink their teeth into if they want. Whenever I had friends and family over, this is what I would put on. The later games even support 8 player modes in case you've got a lot of friends (or in my case, cousins) over.
2) Divekick — A fighting game where everyone is KO'd in a single hit and your only buttons are dive (a jump) and kick. If all they know how to do in a fighting game is button mash, this forces everyone to play fighting games at their most basic fundamentals without needing to memorize any complex inputs, since all you can do is dive, kick, and special (dive+kick at the same time). It seems ridiculously gimmicky, but it's actually a lot of fun, and anyone of any skill level can play immediately.
3) Lethal League — A bit more complex than Divekick, but with the same basic idea of a "fighting game" that you wouldn't need to know any complex inputs for. The premise is that both of you have a bat, and there's a baseball that you can hit with the bat to KO the other player. However, you can also defend yourself from the ball by hitting it back at the enemy, making the ball go faster, until someone inevitably gets hit. This is one of my favorite indie games and a fantastic casual experience with friends.
4) Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime — a co-op space shooter for 2-4 players, LIADS sees you and your friends managing different stations of your space ship. Your job is to run from station to station, managing engines, weapons, navigation, etc in order to fly through the level and rescue your targets. It's got a little bit of a learning curve if your family members normally don't play any video games, but being a co-op instead of PVP will let you carry them along.
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no1sharkenthusaist · 1 year
! hsr headcannons for several characters ! [modern au]
♪ In-ter-net-o ya-me-ro ♪!
Y u m i - c h a n i s n o w o n l i n e !
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Characters : Dan Heng, Serval, Blade, Gepard, March
Plot : no real plot, just headcannons about honkai Characters in a modern au setting
Tags : modern au, headcannons, fluff, slight crack, wrote this at 11pm while heading home from a road trip
authors note : omg got a steam deck for my birthday (may 30th) and I. AM. IN. LOVE !!! I could talk abt it for hours and hours but i have my discord for that ehe. Anyways, ive been having fun rediscovering my old childhood games and thats when i had an epiphany. Hsr or genshin boys in a ddlc type scenario!!! Feeling so swag abt the idea. Also i got out of school so more uploads yaya. Thank u all for the support on my intro page yippee. I promise not to let you all down
╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ enjoy !
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Now playing : Scrawny - The Wallows
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He definitely dresses like with collared shirts and kinda has that accidental soft boy look
English major frfr
definitely listens to lovejoy/wilbursoot and bo burnham
Water drinker enthusiast (even tho he forgets to drink half the time-)
burnt out gifted kid
messed up sleeping schedules
Hes that quiet guy everyone has a crush on to some extent
He looks cold and serious during lectures, but hes actually just daydreaming and has his head in the clouds
Probably stays with the same group of kids he met in middle school because he cant socialize
I think said kids would be march, stelle/caleus, himeko And on ocasion blade, kafka, and silverwolf
Welt would be a chill english teacher that would let Dan Heng sit in his classroom during lunch
he likes going to concerts a lot
Learned to play guitar in middle school but doesnt like playing in front of people
Consider yourself lucky if he plays in front of you
Extremely oblivious to romance
Girls will try to flirt with him but he will just have a blank and confused look
Spends his free time in book stores shopping for records
Ps5 gamer frfr
Theater kid (had a hamilton phase)
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Now playing : Shut Me Up - Mindless Self Indulgence
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Shut me up by mindless self indulgence on loop
Like its probably to an unhealthy level
Always has headphones in(that gepard gave her for her birthday)(And so loud to the point you can hear the music standing next to her)
(went deaf at the ripe age of 13, after that it was all "huh?" /j)
Shirts from old bands, baggy jeans, fishnets, etc
Had an alt phase
Bad habit of smashing guitars
Dropped out of college after first semester
Had a band in highschool with Blade and Dan Heng that received noise complaints on a regular Basis
Really extroverted and easy to get along with
Loves going to concerts (especially the ones that get crazy like halfway through )
Probably gets in fights during black friday
Addicted to coffee (gepards needs to step in and help her drink something else)
Likes bitter stuff more than sweet stuff
Cares very deeply for her friends
The type of gal to go on road trips with friends and go Camping
Goes to protests every other tuesday
Probably banned from several places
very passionate about things she loves
Loves scary movies and Rollercoasters
The six flags employees have memorized her name
(shes just so cool i wanna be like her fr)
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Now playing : Consequences - Lovejoy
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Theater kid (would never admit it tho)
Kafka teases him about it so much
met kafka and silverwolf in detention
The teachers hate the three of them
Alt kid and never got out of his emo phase
Besties with serval, change my mind
Kafka probably pushed him to join boxing to get his anger out in a less…destructive way
Loves the sleepovers he has with kafka and silverwolf
Broke silverwolf's tv while playing wii sports
Goes to college, no clue what he wants to do so hes just doing liberal studies
Adopted a small stray cat he saw on the ground during a storm
he tries to be tough and mean, but hes a big Softy
Loves the Beetlejuice musical(and mean girls but we dont talk about that)
has probably been on probation on multiple occasions
Probably vandalized the car of someone he didnt like
Kafka has to sweet talk everyone out of getting blade in serious trouble
Hes really good at basketball, he just doesnt like it so he never pushed it further
Doesnt really like or understands sports
probably listens to videogame osts 24/7
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Now Playing : Pretty Face - PUBLIC
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Getting serval out of trouble isnt a choice, its a lifestyle
Which is ironic, as he is a criminal justice major
But he still will always be her biggest supporter
Dresses (like a costco dad) soft boy by pure accident
Completely oblivious to anything and everything
Enjoys gardening and has a lemon Tree
Cave Town enthusiast
Lemonade Enthusiast
Sends people those "reminder to drink water and be happy" messages
Straight 4.0 GPA student. The teachers loved Him
Was really shy so he didnt have many friends growing up (Serval had to help him out)
Hates rollercoasters, serval drags him around six flags and he screams his head off
Poor guy :<
Still loves it since he loves hanging out with his sister
Student council secretary
No clue how the internet and technology works
Strong sense of justice
That has gotten him involved in several issues
Which ironically, serval got him out of
Wholesome cinnamon roll, pls protecc
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Now playing : Cupid - FIFTY FIFTY
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That one girl in class that no one could hate
Class representative and student council public relations officer
Photography major (duh)
Social butterfly and very easy to talk to
Want to go out to go eat something sweet while having fun? March has you covered !
March Makes friendship braclets and sells them so she can go shopping
has a secret stash of candy hidden in her dorm
March has a babysitting gig and comes to peoples houses with candy
Shes a little kid magnet, they all love her so much
had a club penguin phase with Dan Heng and they both shudder just thinking about it
learned all her profanity from watching Dan Heng play Call Of Duty
sucks at english, fries her brain like a hashbrown
k-pop girlie
dresses really cute with cardigans and pastel pinks
(watched aphmau, Her favorite one was a mermaid tales and mystreet) [submitted by someone on my discord who wants to stay anon]
plays overwatch and says things like "Hey, thats not nice!"
lowkey kind of a teachers pet-
Loves webtoons and collects the physical releases
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! Thats a wrap !
! Join my discord HERE !
! Likes, reblogs, comments are greatly appreciated !
and thank you for reading ^^
♪ Overdose 君とふたり やるせない日々♪
! y u m i - c h a n i s n o w o f f l i n e !
t h a n k y o u f o r c o m i n g ~
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
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goldfishontheceiling · 8 months
Pronouns for these HCs:
Izzy: She/They/Xe (Izzy uses neoprounouns it's canon I'm Fresh TV /j)
Eva: She/He
Owen: He/Him
Noah: He/They
- insists on driving (do NOT let her drive!!)
- loves sitting in the front
- stares out the window or sings along to the radio most of the car ride
- begs Eva to stop at the gas station
- xe always gets sour gummy worms
- no sour gummy worms? sour patch kids
- no sour patch kids? sweedish fish
- no sweedish fish? RIOT
- absolutely LOVES the water
- they go out super deep and scare the shit out of everyone
- chases the icecream truck until xe gets the whole group icecream
- *borrows bridgette's surboard* *tries to surf* *fails miserably*
- 100% brings googles
- likes catching fish with their bare hands (or teeth)
-she splashed Eva once (and got thrown headfirst into Owen's sandcastle as a result)
- collects seashells
- tries to take home crabs as pets
- a little more chill on the ride home but this is Izzy we're talking about xe's never chill
- designated driver (has road rage)
- *aggressively honks horn* "DRIVE FASTER BITCH"
- always gets some chocolate and a coffee at the gas station
- hates the radio but plays it for Izzy (she keeps the mp3 player on standby incase it gets too bad)
- mostly swims with Izzy or plays volleyball
- *plays volleyball with some strangers* *gets mad and chucks the ball at one of their faces*
- tries to relax (emphasis on the tries)
- she knows cpr!!
- he gets salt water and/or sand in her eyes everytime
- will yell at you (lovingly) if you forget to put on sunscreen
- he makes sure everyone drinks water (no Izzy ocean water doesn't count) and stays hydrated!!
- wears sunglasses pretty much the entire time
- will make sure nobody tracks sand into the car
- sits in the back with Noah
- he gets everyone to play "I spy" with him (Izzy can't focus, Noah's half asleep, and Eva's more focused on trying not to scream then things that are the color yellow)
- if the others are busy/don't want to play he usually whips out the DVD player
- did I mention that he collects DVDs? his favorite movies are cloudy with a chance of meatballs, toy story, and ratatouille
- always gets gummy sharks or jolly ranchers
- Owen packs the best snacks and brings things they all like (strawberries, veggie straws, goldfish, cheez its, etc)
- he even made sandwiches and fruit salads!!
- the water's nice and all, but the SAND!!
- he makes the best sand castles
- since Owen canonically has 3 brothers, he knows a lot of games (sand castle building contest, marco polo, "who can dig the deepest hole in 5 minutes," etc)
- gives the seashells he finds to Izzy
- speaking of Izzy, xe burries Owen in the sand atleast once everytine they go
- he ususally drives for shorter trips, but long car rides make him tired
- you can not convince me that this man doesn't latch on to Owen like a koala when he naps
- Owen angles the DVD player somewhere they could both see incase Noah wakes up
- at first, Noah just reads a book (or stares out the window when he gets carsick) but he always ends up falling asleep at some point
- whenever they stop at the gas station, Owen always makes sure to get something for Noah
- they always bring their book with them to the beach
- he protects that book like a lifeline
- once he either finishes the book or the others bug him enough, THEN he does stuff
- Izzy always tries to convince them to get in the water
- 9 times out of 10 he says no
- but on the occasional times they say yes, they almost drown
- Owen carries Noah pretty much everywhere lmao
- he doesn't really like water (and no I won't be making an IOTS refrence no matter how tempting it is)
- they help Owen with his sand castle!!
- Noah isn't much of a beach person but that doesn't mean he can't have fun
- and ofc he falls back asleep on the ride back
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neoaya · 11 months
Hot take!!! (Nuclear tbh)
People are way too shitty to the LW devs, especially Yumeno Rote.
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This guy is responsible for every single piece of non-story card character art in the game, that includes units, costumes, alts, expressions, Music Video CGs, etc. Seeing as a new unit is released per week, along with 2/4 event costumes and 2/3 rebirth costumes at the end of the month, this guy is at MINIMUM drawing 8 fully detailed illustrations and backgrounds per month, for three and a half years straight.
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The only other gacha to my knowledge that has one artist doing all the character art like this is Limbus Company, which even then has a significantly longer period between new art being added to the game. (I'm aware there are likely a lot more, but most to my knowledge have multiple artists)
So when I see a post criticising Lost Word, what do you think is being criticised 90% of the time?
Is it:
The fact it's a gacha game
Genuine criticism of the game itself and its mechanics or story
Hell, even criticism of the questionable work practice of having one guy do all the game's art
If you guessed 4, "near insignificant nitpick of Rote's art, AUs shown, or a VA (in a game where you can pick from 3 for every character) because it doesn't fit within their headcanon in a game about multiple different universes" you'd be correct!
Don't get me wrong, I have seen the first two plenty of times, but they're always either fair critiques or people who just don't want anything to do with gacha games and don't care which is understandable.
But for 4? The sheer amount of hatred and seething vitriol people express for details most people wouldn't think twice about is insane to me. It never seems to come from a sincere place of disappointment but rather fear to fit in, like "Oh this relates to me, I better lay in to it as much as possible since everyone else shits on it, wouldn't want to give people the impression I'm weird for liking it after all". It just seems depressing to me that people feel the need to act miserable out of peer pressure and not wanting to stray from the popular opinion.
As someone's who played the game since launch at this point I feel more than qualified to tell you it's FAR from perfect, hell I wouldn't even call it all that good. Gameplay fluctuates from playing the game for you to forcing you to have a full understanding of the meta, grinding is a chore, drop rates are far too low, the nature of the game forcing normally evil aligned characters to act more reasonably, and I unironically think the lack of representation and downright bad writing for Aya until now is singlehandedly responsible for making her drop by one place 3 years in a row in the THVote popularity poll.
So why do I still play it after all this time? Because I genuinely just want to see what they do next. I like seeing what new takes on characters they come up with, I like seeing where the story goes, what the next event will be and I love Rote's art and all the other art contributed by the JP community, I even think the Hifuu and RoM section of the story is genuinely good. It's nice to have a constant and reliable stream of Touhou media to read through in-between the wait for actual new games.
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Somehow I don't feel that guy in the middle would want to come on livestreams 3 and a half years after launch if he didn't find it fun, same goes for all the artists and doujin circles that have contributed their art and music, especially those with more than one card or song.
If you want anyone to blame, blame GoodSmile for publishing this game and making this the complete extent they're willing to promote it and Touhou as a whole. (Last new character from them was a Reisen nendo from six years ago btw!)
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In conclusion, I think LW has objectively done more good for the series than harm. You can not understate the fact that this game is responsible for introducing Touhou to so many new people and giving the spotlight to characters that are otherwise overlooked. Inaccurate character portrayals are rarely an issue when the series embraces differentiating itself from the source material, that's the nature of doujin culture. That and it seems silly to try and gatekeep people who got into the series through Lost Word, telling them they're experincing it wrong only serves to turn them away and I don't blame newcomers when official touhou media is still hard to come across in the west and the three most popular games in the series still don't have a digital release.
As a tangent, I used to have a problem with how Aya was depicted in a lot of fan media, even from people here, but a friend taught me I shouldn't let those alternate interpretations ruin my enjoyment of her and that I shouldn't fault them for seeing her that way. I feel others should be able to learn from that.
(I definitely forgot some stuff but this is ranty enough as is, I just wanted to get it out of my system)
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blot-squisher · 3 months
As much as I like to deny myself from it I yearn for wesker and Marcus interaction it's so fucking good, Marcus being a brat(justified) and wesker having to accommodate him because the whole realm is backing him but also subconsciously respecting him still standing up for himself after everything he went through,,, its so good man. (And also smu-)
And nemesis is very cute when he laugh at Marcus and frank banter or when he seems to be very into deathslinger story telling,, sorry Im very ill about resident evil. And Marcus.
It's not a want it's a to see Marcus being loved and cared for platonically, romantically (and sexually) by everyone fhfjdjd
Hope you have a good day!!!!!
Eeeeeeeh! Thanks! 🤣 I can't tell you how much fun I have writing the different interactions between characters. It's so fun to throw them into the metaphorical ring to duke it out when so many of them get along like oil and water 😆 I'm finally playing RE4(remake) and I am absolutely loving it. After I beat it I'm planning to play RE2, and then try and get to the rest of the games. Yes, I know I'm playing them out of order AF, but it's just how the cards fell 😅
Thanks again so much for the love! STG is very near and dear to my heart so seeing it get such positive reception really means a lot to me! 💜💛💚💙
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rubixpsyche · 7 months
hey its fox!
on the eggs' involvement in the server: i dont think it would be an exhaggeration to call them the lifeblood of the qsmp. Not only are there daily tasks to take care of the eggs, they're a constant background presence in both casual streams, specific egg events, and non-egg-centric lore (and there's a definite push for egg admins to log on whenever their streamers are online, or even to fill in for other eggs if their admins aren't available at the time!)
That's easier for streamers like Philza, who has consistent streaming hours (and even then we've had tallulah's admin fill in for chayanne etc), but a lot of streamers either have a lot longer, or a lot more irregular schedules.
Eggs arent expected to be "awake" for every moment, but there is a Definite expectation for them to show up at least once per stream and hang around until the streamer goes off to grind/explore/etc.
It's not even "this egg belongs to these two streamers" anymore, there's a definitive collective that has formed to take care of them (and the eggs will call most of the server a variant of aunt/uncle as a result) so its less "this specific chat has gotten attached to this background character", and more "here's a dozen streamers and their respecitve audiences who will and have killed god to protect those eggs".
In general it's delightful because it's really upped the attachment people have to the server, but it also means there's a Lot more pressure on the admins to show up and play along, which makes it even worse that they're not being properly treated and compensated for the large and irregular hours theyve been making for no or little pay.
apologies for the long ask lmao. feel free not to reply if you dont feel like it👍
Daily tasks would drive me crazy (not a bad thing, I'm just the type of person that CANNOT do/watch chorelike things in games, even if I enjoy them! Unless there's variety ig 🤔. This is besides the point. They really said Tamagotchi... TWO)
"will and have killed god to protect those eggs" I love minecraft roleplay
Yea this is essentially a full-time if not multiple-people job! Each! Like people gotta be taking SHIFTS to play as the eggs if it stretches past 8 hours! The server essentially feels like those themed events, like Halloween, Ren Faires, etc, or Disney World where everyone there has to play a character/role and not break character. If you're a customer then you'll do it happily, but the people facilitating it have to get paid because while they're enjoying the experience, they ARE the service/experience itself! And those people definitely take shifts and have mandated breaks and such
I was talking about this to someone and. I know we have an aversion to Corporations and Companies. But we need to examine what about them we hate and what is necessary/okay/reasonable, otherwise we do not use things we need. In this case (and,, other minecraft servers,,) a specific way of structuring, interacting and organizing streamers and admins. We all want to have fun and keep it lighthearted and friendly, but we have to accept that big scope things need appropriate organization to Get Shit Done. And that means boring work and (eugh) meetings. And so so much logistics. So people get treated fairly and things don't fall into the cracks
Thank you for the info, you funky lil fox
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