#and I get really chatty
we3monks · 2 years
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albatris · 2 years
ok last time I tossed a general "hey I wonder if any of you guys have a favourite OC of mine" post out there I only had one main WIP and I
I kind of want to ask again. just for funsies. bc I'm nosy >:3c
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edorazzi · 3 years
Hey I have to file a complaint. I kept seeing your Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go art and it gave me nostalgia and then you were like "savage lands Chiro..." and I was like "wait, what Chiro?"
Anyway I'm an adult now amazed by all the episodes and rewatching an old favorite what the heck-ski this show had SO MUCH PLOT??? IT WASN'T JUST ABOUT CUTE MONKEYS AND A KID WITH SUPER POWERS???
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But honestly, right?? I came back to this show for a fun little nostalgia trip since it was one of my childhood fixations, but 15 years later I’d be darned if I could remember the plot besides “Rainbow Monkeys fight Skeletor (feat. Anime Boy)”. Just figured it would be a cute way to spend a few days, you know?
I don’t think I even saw past Season 1 to begin with (I have the vaguest memories of the S1 finale but nothing further than that) so I was totally unprepared for it suddenly and VIOLENTLY kicking my ass in Season 2! Everyone was laughing at me drawing Antauri in his Season 1 colour scheme when I first started doodling, like I was a sweet innocent baby who had a big storm coming. I didn’t know! I didn’t know!!!
I’m as far as Belly of the Beast right now (S3 Ep13, and I have a lot to say about that one) but I’m trying to slow down my watch time so I don’t blow through the rest of the series too fast. I go back to older episodes constantly but I love it too much and I don’t want it to be gone!
I’m so happy to have inspired anyone else to go back to this series though, I’m really glad to hear you’re enjoying it!!! It’s SO GOOD. I think I said it was like Voltron software run on Powerpuff Girls hardware and I stand by that, Hyperforce is absolutely nuts in the greatest way and it holds up really well.
ANYWAY. I have no apologies for you. I did this on purpose. You suffer with me now. :)
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Gem has a special connection with nature, she always has. Whether it be hearing whispers in the wind or feel the trees and flowers around her.
But when she meets bdubs....something feels off. Gem can't place it, bdubs is so nice and he seems normal.
It all clicks when she can hear a voice around the both of them, when bdubs seems to get a bit panicky.
Because of the jungle.
She knows the voices of all the different types of plants in her world by now. She knows their speech, and she certainly knows which biomes they grow in - everyone knows that, by now! Surely she can't be mistaken...
...So why does she hear the lilting whisper of vines around her new friend, miles from any jungle or swamp?
- Mod Shade
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deadland-disciple · 2 years
I haven't decided if I'm giving Lum primal yet (because I dropped 900g on an accent which represents most of my WvL earnings rip), but if I do it's only going to cover one eye, I think.
Also please consider Luminance who mourned his green eyes, who used to dream of looking into a mirror and seeing green, green eyes looking back at him. And now he does see those green eyes, but it's not the way he thought it would look because they squirm on his face and are held together by a matrix of pinkish fleshweb, but they're... they're green, they're a perversion of green, it feels like he's being mocked and this is the moment he realizes that whomever he used to be is long dead, abandoned, forgotten by that god, the one to the northeast, whose gargantuan tree he used to long for, and here he thought he had let go of that past but now, seeing the multiple heads of the Bringer's first children on his neck, the pustules the plague lands call blessed eyes on his face, Luminance realizes he's been holding his breath for thousands of years, and what has that amounted to? Not a whole fucking lot. So for the first time in thousands of years he accepts that survival without moving on is hardly survival at all and--is this what it was like for Decay, when the Plaguebringer cast her from the ranks of the exalted? Abandoned and eventually forgotten, condemned (and it is a condemnation, despite being a very successful one, golden shackles are still shackles) to eternity to this castle.
It's the mix of acceptance and understanding, and... giving up, relenting, that results in the plague essence finally pouring into him, shattering the floodgates, rippling--rippling through what? They don't know what it is that sends shivers into their hearts but when Famine and Jhortanas notice that Vanquish and Massacre didn't feel the shift, it's easy enough to pinpoint the connection.
Maybe it's because he resisted for thousands and thousands of years, or because his initial magic reserves before everything went red were absolutely massive anyway, but the pool of magic that torrents and settles into his ribs is deep as the earth and wide as the sky.
When Famine and Jhortanas meet up after all has settled (Decay has ripped half the green pustules from Luminance's face and seeing at least one of his his red eyes peer out at him seems to ground Luminance back into the thousands of years before, although there's still the fields worth of all-seeing shrooms he's summoned to deal with), Jhortanas listens placidly as her oldest sister mumbles over a map of the Wasteland, tapping various locales and know clans across the region, about to reach out to a map of Sornieth, notes of know Decayspawn activity scattered around her.
There's no reason to believe they're the only ones who felt the aftershock of that ancient vacuum being filled.
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pa-pa-plasma · 2 years
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didn’t know vlad masters made a cameo in alex rider
#Danny Phantom#Alex Rider#he did it#he broke vlad down to his bare essentials#i also remember in Point Blank the 3 weed smoking girlfriends guy also showed up#also can't forget the time alex tried to telepathically communicate with giant river rats#while an illegal boxing ring was being shot up like 5 feet away#if you asked me what this series was about#i would simply make it as incomprehensible as possible by sending you direct quotes with no context & nothing else#dp fans..... i know yall love angst & also watching 14yos get traumatized#alex rider is the series for you#this kid... i cant quite describe it#the way alex's slow descent into depression ptsd anxiety & paranoia is written#the way alex starts off as chatty and kinda naive#but the farther into the series you get the less he talks. the more he resigns himself to terrible things happening to him#the less he fights when forced into these ''missions'' and the more he immediately questions everyone's honesty and morals no matter who#the way they write that mental health decline reminds me of animorphs. they did something similar#they start off optimistic & not really believing they or anyone is in real danger#and then reality hits them (and really. the reader too. since you thought this was just a kid's book) in the worst possible way#fucking hell. i meant to make a funny post about vlad & now im analyzing children's books#all i can say is. im taking pointers. im writing notes.#even if you dont particularly like spy stuff#i dont#but like. i got into AR & it was an immediate hyperfixation#it's more about alex & how he handles crazy situations#plus the decline in his mental health#than actual james bond stuff#also it's an ongoing series. like. the author is still writing the books#and it also has a really good tv adaption#if you like DP you'll probs like AR just sayin
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dragons-bones · 3 years
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all right I got the stupid jacket last night, cross that off the pre-EW list
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mysticsapphicsblog · 2 years
i was on a guided tour at a stately home earlier and the guy held up an item and was like does anyone know what this is?
and i, a person who used to be extremely shy and introverted, in front of a big group of people went: 'ooh i know!' and proceeded to describe it and he was like you're literally doing my job for me, are you a history student??? i was like, no but CLOSE
so basically we can't take me on guided tours anymore because i know stuff, and also because i end up chatting with the tour guide and distracting them
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omorifanblog · 2 years
i don’t really look at my follower/interactions on this blog but it would be really nice if yall could like... respect my one dni criteria...?
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I was talking with one of the guys at Rockler about wood types and mentioned how I'm having trouble getting any good softwoods to whittle with and he disappeared into the back and returned with this massive chunk of wood like "yeah this was part of a crate and I was thinking what a nice piece of wood it was when I threw it in the trash this morning, why don't you just take it home and try it?"
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candyunicornsateme · 2 years
if anyone ever wants to chat or send an ask or anything about like.., k2 or anything you’re welcome to 👉👈 I like hearing from yous even if I sometimes dont get to them quick (cuz sometimes I wanna draw them lol) 
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transgenderdragons · 2 years
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^this is the exact face my friend made when i played sweet bod for her. art predicts life
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rexscanonwife · 2 years
Another funny thing is like...how much my life changes thanks to Norman. Not just the fact that his love changes me for the better and makes me happy but I'm talking about how like...
When I go to work at Oscorp and see him I'm perfectly polite and try to show off my skills and make sure I look nice and flirt with him a little and then when I go home to my dingy little apartment w my roommate we eat cinnamon toast crunch on the couch and laugh at stupid shit like WHEN I MOVE IN WITH NORMAN ITS QUITE THE LIFESTYLE CHANGE
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sardinesandhumbugs · 2 years
what (if anything) would you change about the musical, if you could?
what do you mean, the musical is perfect
a) Give Badger back his "it's been a long time since anyone's said that to me" line from the finale. He deserves it.
b) I saw an am-dram production of witw, using the same script/book as the west end, and they gave Lesser Weasel an actual character arc where he (or she, in that production) visibly grew to resent Chief Weasel always ignoring and belittling them, to the point that Lesser actually switched sides in the finale battle, and gave the key to Portia's cage to Toad. I think that's just neat.
c) There's probably other things I would change, but that's all my brain can manage right now.
In terms of "things I wouldn't add to the official musical because it would probably mess up the flow of the story, but I wish we had an extended version/deleted scene option for": put Wayfarers All in, and properly this time.
(The uk tour heavily referenced it, and even tied Ratty's character arc to the idea of him wanting to travel, but never reached a peak with the actual Wayfarers All scene, which left it feeling... somewhat like a loose end. imho the west end made the right decision with swapping Ratty's plotline to his and Toad's estranged friendship.)
I'd probably place Wayfarers All in the third scene of Act 2, just after To Be a Woman. AKA: replacing this scene:
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(Don't worry, A Place To Come Back To still happens in this scenario)
I'd keep Ratty's anger at Toad's situation and use it to rationalise his sudden interest in travelling – ie: Toad is still in prison, Toad Hall is still overtaken by Wild Wooders, and Portia is still missing (possibly dead), so the idea of getting away from it all is pretty tempting.
(I mean, it's shifting the original scene's context, but if the 1996 movie can put in a subplot about a dog food factory, I can twist the character motivations a little.)
And in walks the Seafaring Rat.
(In terms of doubling-up roles, Adrian suggested the Chief Weasel/Neil McDermott to play the Seafaring Rat, which would work pretty well, so long as it was clear it was a different character, and not some secret Wild Wooder plan, a la Jan Needle's Wild Wood.)
I'd throw in a song for the Seafaring Rat (perhaps something with a bit of a sea shanty vibe? idk music genre isn't my forte), and send Ratty off to heed the southward call and all that jazz, only to encounter Mole. Mole realises something is amiss and tries to talk Ratty out of this sudden, ooc plan, only to derail when he senses his home/Mole End and is torn between the call of home and wtf is going on with Ratty.
Mole's distress brings Ratty back to himself, and here the story would slide back into the canonical plot of the musical – and I'd like to think A Place To Come Back To would have an extra layer to it, now Mole is heralding the virtues of home after nearly losing Ratty to the high seas.
Additionally, I like the idea that Ratty might even understand Toad a little better now – since impulsive ideas and changeability are what he's berated Toad for, but he nearly left his beloved riverbank on a whim.
(That said, I don't think he ever admits to Toad what happened. He'd never hear the end of it.)
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moniehon · 2 years
The other day a mutual of mine called be by my full birth name that I don't use anymore at least on internet and, idk I really don't feel attached to it so it's not like it was unpleasant, it was just weird
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