#and I hate that it’s practically inescapable online
piqued-curiosity · 1 year
Fruity, limp-wristed…I still can’t wrap my mind around how these have become silly terms for people to use without knowing the homophobic origins. How did anybody look at them and think yeah, that’s totally fine to call people and use as a joke! Instead of acknowledging them as offensive terms that should be done away with?
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girlvinland · 10 months
Okay, sorry for more. But you know, it is funny to me how older gens say that millennials (and zoomers too bc they don’t seem to know the difference and tbh neither do we half the time apparently*) are perpetually stunted adult children or whatever when it feels like we’re the first generations to be more aware of how generational trauma has affected our entire families and are intentionally more careful with our decisions about marriage/children/dealing with our own trauma/etc. I don’t want to paint every generation or person with a brush, but idk. Like. I grew up with Gen X parents who got married and had me young and had literally no emotional regulation/would tantrum at the smallest things (which…they’ve gotten better about), yet they would go on and on about the entitlement of my generation and everything. I feel like I have more empathy for older gens with less choices (especially for the women and minorities of those gens), but I still don’t really get how people just kind of walked through life not giving certain things any thought. Like people who would beat their children and think nothing of it or blindly adhered to beauty standards that made no sense or felt like requirements to exist. I know societal pressure sucks but. I also don’t get it, and I do think that in some ways we are more easily able to question disparities now.
On another note, I hate online warring stuff between Gen Z and Millenials (literally never experienced it irl). Apart from my own generation, I feel like Gen Z is the only other generation I feel understands me in a similar way because we both grew up as “digital natives” or whatever the term is, but also feels like we both had a balance with more regular life stuff too before being online 24/7 became completely inescapable. Idk I feel like there is more shared there and they get it if I talk about x thing vs trying to talk about x thing to the generations who didn’t grow up online lol. There are more overlapping touchpoints and interests. Not to sound like old man, but I do wonder what it’s going to be like for Gen Alpha as they get older. It sounds like kids in schools have a much harder time now with attention spans and behavior and I wonder if there will be a kind of pendulum swing when they get older that makes them want to pull back from being exposed to so much technology or if it will just keep going like it has been. It’s weird. And I know in practice kids and teens really are kind of always kids and teens, but can we deny that having tech everywhere hasn’t changed things somehow? Idk.
Anyway. Going to be an interesting day someday when all of the people who lived their lives pre-widespread Internet are no longer around and the rest of us are ancient relics of the past reminiscing about neopets or spotify wrapped or whatever lol.
*I kind of made this remark bc going back to work I realized that to a certain point I can’t tell ages well at all, and neither can my coworkers, apparently. I work with lot of people ages 23-45 and the people I thought were closer to my age tended to be mid-twenties and then three different times those same people thought I was 24-25 (which I’m not trying to humble brag about bc idc and there’s nothing wrong with getting older, but I think it’s more that I just sound and act in a way people don’t usually expect or something and less that I look younger or whatever. Maybe it’s also bc a lot of us spend a lot more time inside or wearing more sunscreen or. Idk man. I’ve heard people are showing fewer signs of “premature aging” bc of things like that. Put that in quotes bc again, aging is fine and normal). Then there is a lady in her late 40s I thought was early thirties bc she just came off as youthful or something. When someone told me she was almost 50 I was like huh wuh. So. Just saying I do get why people don’t know the difference lmao.
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x3rrorx · 11 months
Catching up on everything that's been happening recently.
Juli will kiss ass of whoever she needs to for her benefit at the time, and the fact that she has grown ass adults defending her behaviour that seem oblivious to her antics is insane (who all incidently also interact with the ex). I'm sure this sweet little good time girl they all see is in there somewhere, but jfc the number of times she gets called out by people (including the very band they all worship!) is beyond a joke. And at some point you have to take a step back and realise that it can't all boil down to jealousy, or is Matt meant to be jealous of her too? Wake the fuck up and realise there's a common denominator! And honestly some of the people in that circle seem like decent people but get tarnished by association.
And then there's just all her constant bullshit.
One minute she's going to Europe for CF, then she isn't because it would cost too much.
Then she's going to the Vancouver show to see her bestie, then she isn't because it would cost too much.
But she still managed to go to all the other shows and pay for VIP for all of them (didn't she say one was $200?) so cost clearly wasn't THAT much of an issue (if the "bestie" can't see that then idk). Especially not when she's practically boasting about her credit card debt (weird flex for anyone, let alone an 18 year old!).
Then she claimed she was going to do goofy poses in her m&g but all her pictures are exactly the same pose because all she does is talk.
The whole thing with threatening a Sumerian employee? The opportunity was apparently there for her to make her point in person but instead she comes on twitter and talks about what she could have done. And was the problem with the video on their instagram the comments or the fact she wasn't being paid? Because those comments that were apparently hurting her so badly would have still existed if they had approached her and she'd profited from it. But does that then make it worth it for her?
And what about the email she published on her twitter asking Sumerian for work experience or a job? One minute she's bad mouthing them and the next she's licking ass to try and get into the industry and then when they don't get back to her she's back to bad mouthing them again. Which I suppose takes me back to my original point.
The thing Juli (or someone close to her) needs to realise is that things follow you through life. I don't know her, and she could indeed be incredibly sweet, but that's not the image she portrays online. She comes off as being problematic and the level of documentation out there relating to her dramas isn't going anywhere, it's all over twitter, tumblr, reddit, who knows where else. Hell, I don't even follow her but the drama always makes its way to my timeline, or her posts her all over my fyp. And tweeting and deleting only works to an extent. She has a reputation and it's far from a good one. The level of hate some people have towards her isn't warranted, but the fact that she's so disliked within multiple communities she's a part of isn't a coincidence, neither is the fact that everyone automatically assumed Matt's tweet was about her. Being young can only be an excuse for so long and she's way past that point, she knows what she's doing and has insane main character syndrome.
It's completely possible to enjoy music, bands, going to multiple shows on tour etc. without becoming public enemy number one and creating drama at every turn. The problem is she's never held accountable by anyone close to her, they just continue to enable her. If people close to her truly cared about her they'd realise they need to intervene before she ruins her life (with debt and an inescapable reputation) because she won't be 18 forever.
Not every criticism comes from a place of hate or jealousy. Some comes from a place of worry, because if my friend or family member was putting everything out there Juli is/has, or was acting like she does and getting the reaction she does I'd be deeply concerned. Do all her adult friends that defend her not stop and seriously question what's going on with her? Like, it's great she's got no responsibilities and is having fun (is she really with all the shit she gets?) but the amount of debt she's in would be worrying enough for some people with a full time well paid job, let alone an 18 year old who I'm guessing is still being paid similarly to when she was at Starbucks. Great she has no rent/mortgage to pay and her parents help with her car payments but she's literally spending money she doesn't have and learning no accountability. It's worrying.
And so concludes my TED talk.
Appreciate the TED talk 👏🏻👏🏻
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jawritter · 4 years
The Arrangement
Part 18
Summery: You are a young girl that was raised in a small church in Dallas, TX. One of the only churches left in the state that still practices arranged marriages. When your betrothed ran off to California you thought you'd escape the fate you were trained for ever since a small child. Now upon the death your parents your fate seemed to be inescapable as he's returned, and is ready to take you as his bride.
Book Warnings: Arranged marriage, loss of virginity, smut, unprotected sex, angst, language, suicide attempt, battles with anxiety, struggles with mental illness, age gap (about 11 years), I think that’s it, chapters will have warnings of their own!
Chapter Warnings: Angst, social anxiety, some fluff in there, I think that’s everything.
Word Count: 2219
A/N: This book is a book about Christian and church based arranged marriages, I would like to take this moment to say that I DO NOT have ANYTHING against the Chirstian faith, and mean absolutely no harm to anyone! Especially Jensen’s family! This is a complete work of fiction, and should be treated as such!
Beta’d by the amazing @deanwanddamons who was awesome enough to do all this for me! It was a lot of work, and she deserves all the praise for it!!
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Want More? Check Out My Masterlist!!
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You don't really remember the rest of the flight into California. You slept pretty successfully most of the way,which surprised you a great deal, seeing as you were so nervous about flying to begin with; but the combined nervousness, and lack of sleep last night because of said nervousness, helped you drift off nuzzled safely in Jensen's arms, and knock out without much of an issue.
Jensen gently shook you awake after the plane had landed and was now holding your hand as he guided you through the airport toward the car that was waiting for you all. 
Clif was gracious enough to get everyone's bags and things, so that you all could go hide in the car, safely away from fans. No one wanted to get the fandom's hopes up about a reboot, just in the event that it didn't happen; and every time Jensen and Jared were seen together there was a fresh waive or rumors concerning the return of the show.
You couldn't wrap your head around the way people seemed to flock to them, stalk them, and follow them around to no end. Sitting on the computer for days, looking for a sighting of them. 
Jensen had been slowly introducing you into this lifestyle of being married to someone like him. He'd been taking you on dates and things close to home, and you knew it was only a matter of time before someone posted your picture online, and everyone learned your name. Jensen knew that as well, so he'd been slowly teaching you how to deal with all this madness.
Today, the fans got a picture with you at the airport, so you assumed by now that everyone in the fandom was speculating, and trying to tear you apart bit by bit. That's one reason why you didn't have social media, even though Jensen didn’t mind if you had it or not. He really didn't care for it, but it was necessary because of his line of work, advertising and what not.
You just didn’t want to see it. All the rumors and things that were bound to circulate about you. The way the two of you married wasn’t exactly “normal”, well for most American’s anyway, and you were sure people would still favor his ex wife over you ,even though she was the one that cheated on him. 
No one tried to approach as all of you made your way to the car, while Clif gathered up everyone’s things, and you were grateful for that. You had enough of ‘being out in the wild’ as Jared called it. 
Jensen's phone beeped and he pulled it from his pocket, looking down at it. Your heart started to hammer in your chest at an alarming rate.Was he already getting flack about being married to you? Would the fandom convince him that he should leave you? 
"Looks like they got our rooms  ready for us. All Clif has to do is pick up our keys, and we can go straight there. They said the meeting isn't until tomorrow. So we got today to rest up before the crazy starts."
You sat there looking up at him. His arm wrapped around you the best that he could in the car. 'Before the crazy starts.' What did he mean by that?
"Oh yeah," Jared said, shaking his head like he was amused at Jensen's lack of enthusiasm. "You know tomorrow will be long. Sitting in a room all day, trying to make everyone happy and meet everyone's demands before the show comes back."
Jensen just hummed in agreement, looking out the window as Clif pulled the car off toward the main road, dodging people as he went.
Jensen's phone went off again and he laughed a little before silencing it.
"Looks like Y/N has made quite the impression on the cast already. Felicia, Brianna, Rob, and Richard want us to all meet them for dinner tonight so they can meet her." he said to Jared with what you thought may have been a proud smirk, but you weren't so sure. 
Your heart jumped up in your chest, and you quickly looked down at your lap so that he couldn’t see how nervous you were. Of course he saw right through you. He'd learned your every move. The man was more observant than you gave him credit for.
Squeezing you tighter to him, he puts a light peak on your forehead. "It's okay baby girl, they will love you." 
You half smiled at him and snuggled yourself into his side, thankful for the bucket seats in the back of the SUV. He calms you, even when you feel like everything is raging against you. His warmth, his smell, the way you can lightly hear his heartbeat through his chest keeps you grounded when nothing else seems to be able to.
California was so different than what you had expected it to be. There seemed to be people everywhere. Everything was so bright all the time. The weather was warm, maybe even warmer than Texas, and it was December. Everything seemed a little more free here. 
Upon arrival at the hotel, Clif ran and grabbed everyone's key cards, and once we were all settled into our rooms with little difficulty Jensen came and wrapped his arms around you.
"How are you doing sweetheart? Are you okay today?"
Letting him surround you with his strong arms, and pull you into his chest, you close your eyes and just let him hold you in that moment. You were tired, that was for sure, even though you had slept on the plane. You were stressed.Things were about to change, and the last time things changed a great deal for you, let's be honest, you lost a lot, and your mind felt like it just couldn't keep up with it all. Then there was this dinner thing tonight.
"I’m okay. Jensen, Do you really think this whole meeting your friends for dinner thing and bringing me along is a good idea? I mean, Jared still isn't my biggest fan. What if they all hate me too?"
Jensen placed his forehead on top of yours, making you look him in the eyes. 
"Baby, everything is going to be fine. Jared is coming around. Don't worry about him, and as far as everyone else, they aren't as protective over me as Jared is. So don't worry. Everything will be just fine."
Jensen didn't seem nervous, even though you felt like you wanted to jump out of your skin. Looking down at yourself as he pulled away from you for a moment, you decided that maybe a shower and fixing yourself up a little bit wouldn't hurt. Fans may be out and about, and people knew what you looked like now. So going to the restaurant looking like a hobo wasn't really the best idea probably.
"I'm going to go take a shower, and get ready for tonight." you tell him quietly. He nods, giving you a little bit of space and time to yourself. 
"Okay, I'm going to go call them and see where we all are meeting, and what time they want to meet up. I don't want to be out too late, I want to have some alone time with you tonight."
Less than three hours later you found yourself with Jensen sliding his hand in yours as the elevator descended to the bottom floor of the hotel. Jensen said the restaurant that all of you were eating at was walking distance from where you were staying, and you two should be fine just walking, that Jared was going to walk with the two of you as well.
You physically trembled with nerves, but you said nothing, just clung to Jensen's hand like if you let go you'd die.
"Everything is going to be fine Y/N.We've been married now for a while, they're going to love you. We've got a private table in the back of the restaurant, so fans won't be a problem. This is California, so they're used to seeing people like us in the area. Walking there isn't going to be an issue. Just relax baby." he said, bending down and kissing your lips lightly as the elevator came to a stop, pulling away just before the doors opened. 
You could already see Jared standing in the foyer of the hotel, looking around at the different flyers and things that were set up for tourists. He towered a good head and shoulders over most people in the building, so it wasn't like he was hard to spot. 
The walk to the little place that was something like a sports bar was only about three blocks up from the hotel.just as Jensen said.here was no one that even gave the three of you a second look. Jensen and Jared made fun of each other and anyone they saw along the way, laughing and joking like two teenage boys, rather than two grown ass men. 
Once inside the place, the hostess took you to the back of the place and seated you in a room where everyone was already waiting. The little room was completely concealed from the rest of the restaurant. Felica, Briana, Rob, and Richard all yelled their greeting as the three of you came into the room. They were like a bunch of kids that hadn't seen each other for a long time, each one getting up to greet the boys individually. 
"Jen, is this your wife?" the blonde woman you knew to be Briana from watching the con videos, said. You didn't realize you were hiding slightly behind him until you noticed that she had to lean  around Jensen to come face to face with you.
"Yeah, everyone this is Y/N. Y/N this is Rob, Richard, Briana, and Felica." 
They all greeted you warmly, but kept their distance, almost scensing you were nervous. Was it that obvious?
"Y/N a little shy guys, she's not used to all this, this all new to her." Jensen said, squeezing you tightly and planting a kiss on top of your forehead as he guided you around the table, sitting you next to Felica, before taking a seat on the other side of you. 
"So you guys ready for tomorrow?" Rob asked Jensen.The two of them dove into speculation and theories as to what was going to be brought to the table tomorrow. You sat there quietly as you watched all of them talk about things that were above your head. That went on for most of the dinner, only really breaking from their casual flowing conversation as the orders were taken and food was brought. You couldn't help but feel awkward, because you had nothing to interject into the conversation, then you couldn't help but be glad you didn't have to talk.You were a complicated creature.
"Y/N, how are you liking being married to Jensen?" Felica asked, leaning over and talking quietly as the boys were joking and making bets on if they would get this or that if they agreed to come back. Briana leaned into the conversation as well now, interested to hear what you were going to say.
"It's great! Jensen is wonderful." You really didn't know what to say. 
In all honesty even though  you and Jensen had been married for months, you really were just now starting to get to know each other, and getting comfortable with each other.
"I know that you guys didn't come by marriage the conventional way, but I can tell you this, the man is head over heels for you." Briana said, taking a swig  of her drink, looking at you more like a motherly figure than probably should have been allowed at this table of over grown adult children.
You smiled tightly and nodded, not really responding as you looked back down at your hands folded in your lap. 
The conversation carried on from there with them getting to know you a little more as the men acted... well, like themselves. 
It was finally time for the night to come to a close, and everyone stood and said their goodbyes. You were just about to walk out of the room with Jensen, when Briana yelled at you over the guys heads, running up to grab your arm.
"Felicia and I can't go to the meeting in the morning. Our isn't until tomorrow. Let's go get our nails done while we wait for the guys to come back and tell us the news!!!"
"Yes let's do it!" Felica interjected before you could get a word in.
"Well it's settled, two against one, we will pick you tomorrow Y/N!!" Briana said, grabbing her coat, kissing Jensen on the check and running off. You just stood there blinking for a moment. More social interaction. Great!!
"You will get used to her." Felica said, laughing as Jared grabbed her hat and took off running with it toward the street, and she chased after him yelling profanities, and laughing. 
Jensen laughed by your side, slipping his arm around you. You looked up at him, just watching him as he interacted with his old cast mates. He looked years younger around his friends when he finally let himself go. You couldn't deny him this opportunity to be around everyone again, and if they decided to bring the show back, seeing him like this was worth the fear. 
You only hoped one day he'd laugh with you like that.
Tag List: @lyarr24​ @amandamdiehl​ @deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @lyss-dw79​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624​ @busy-bee-angel-misska​ @justanotherwinchester​ @brilovesdeanwinchester​ @idksupernatural​
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rodolphusx · 5 years
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did i just see RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE walking through the corridors? it must be him… though i could’ve sworn the pureblood seventh year told me to look for him in the slytherin common room! i must’ve been mistaken, since sometimes he gets confused for gaspard ulliel. he reminds me of lips curved in a snarling smile, bloody saliva, scars you don’t want to know the story of, crushed mint leaves, voices whispering from the shadows, & an inescapeable, all-consuming anger. some people describe him as inspiring & powerful, though i’ve heard he can be pretty fucked-up & cruel, too. here’s hoping he has a great term, either way!
heya !    i’m admin saint, this is my evil bastard son Rodolphus, and i love to hate him so buckle up !  i work fulltime so i’m free evenings and weekends, although you’ll probably see me online during my breaks as well. best way to contact me is discord!
roddie goes on to become a genuinely bad person, we all know, but i think that he is currently at the stage in life where things are a little grey — a dark grey — but grey all the same. he hasn’t quite sold his soul to the dark lord, but he’s pretty close. 
he is absolutely an asshole. every once in a very blue moon he might do something halfway decent, might make you think “huh, guess he isn’t all bad”, but he’s still an asshole
his life has very much been an attempt to live up to his parents expectations, and for the most part he has succeeded. whatever he lacks in talent he makes up for in effort. he spends a lot of time practicing/training, intent on honing all of his skills.
rodolphus can be very charismatic, but in the way that it works as a D&D stat, where his persuasiveness and intimidation both stem from this trait. if you agree with his ideology, you might admire his powerful magic and status. otherwise, you might be afraid of him. there are limits to this of course, so if you want to punch him in the face for talking shit, go for it!
can be surprisingly chill around “mudbloods”, although it heavily depends on his mood. 
he keeps a stash of alcohol, will probably share if you ask but god help you if you nick it.
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winterhawkkisses · 6 years
Happy Valentine’s @engildedalcove, from @deadmen56
It's one of those hokey things. Like astrological matching services, or those people who claim to see auras, or posting birthmarks online in the hopes you'll find someone the same. It's bullshit, even if that bullshit happens to be true; sure, Clint can see the red strings that tie people together, but he'll be fucked if he believes in fate.
Mostly, Clint's childhood was loud and confusing, painful and punitive, lonely. Took longer than it ought to for him to learn how to talk; took practically no time at all for him to learn that he shouldn't. He didn't even realise no one else could see the bright strings until he tried to cut through the one that tied his mom to his dad.
The world isn't full of them. It'd be nice if the world was full of them, maybe, and maybe the world would be a nicer place. They're occasional, though, and they vary in how they present, with some wound thick like a ship's rope, and others cobweb thin. Clint likes the ones that stretch off into the distance, likes the possibility of them; he's not sure how to feel about the ones that are short and tied between two people. He's not sure what the feeling is called.
It's easier, when it comes to his. Red, and thick, and frayed all the way through to broken. That feeling, that's got to be relief.
If he was gonna guess -
If he thought about the strings at all, which he doesn't, and if he was gonna guess, he would've thought Steve would have a string as broken as Clint's is, stretched tight and snapped by an impossible fall. He'd've thought romance of the ages, and starcrossed, all that shit - not to mention that he'd seen pictures, and Bucky Barnes was the kinda beautiful that feels like a punch.
So he's kinda startled to see Steve's string stretching off and tethered tight when he meets him, and then the winged guy with the wide grin comes as something of a surprise.
More of a surprise, though, is that they're accompanied by the Winter Soldier, and the real humdinger is that the Winter Soldier is Bucky Barnes, armless and stringless and mostly memory free. Clint is baffled, but it's not like the strings have ever made a lick of fuckin' sense.
Clint likes working with the Winter Soldier, which isn't something he'd've seen coming. He likes his efficiency, and his dry commentary, and the way he can punch straight through someone's head.
(Sure, he likes that with caveats - gotta make sure it's the right sorta head - but it is undeniably a plus.)
He's willing to give the guy his back before maybe anyone else on the team, even Steve, and halfway through their first mission he's grinning into Bucky's face, into his dubious expression, and tightening the line that's holding them together.
"You're an idiot," Bucky says, and Clint pats him fondly on the cheek.
"You don't know the half of it," he says. "Don't drop me." He slams his hand into the emergency release, bracing against the wind that rushes in, and leans way too far out of the jet.
"Bullshit!" Clint hollers, and pelts the TV screen with kernels, and maybe Sam's gonna kill him in a minute or less but Bucky's right there with him, right beside him, another handful of popcorn scattering against Ryan Gosling's dumb face.
Clint hates movies about strings more than just about anything, although he has the good sense not to tell anyone that they don't look like that. He hates the way they're always shown to be the answer to everything, hates the shit the characters will put up with from the person they're tied to, hates the tragedy that's attached to loose knots and frayed ends. He'd bet not one of the damned writers has ever had a string, 'cos if they had -
He digs out another handful and flings it, stray kernels falling to join the unbroken line between his and Bucky's thighs.
"I'm not saying they're infallible," Steve says, exasperated. "I'm just saying that they're not inherently flawed. The Universe has gotta have some kinda plan, right?"
Bucky scowls and makes some kinda point about - who knows, something that sounds like he scraped it off the Discovery channel in the sleepless hours of the night. Clint yawns and slumps into his side, 'cos most nights he's right there beside him on the couch.
He lifts his hand obligingly when Bucky takes it, when he makes a production of tying them together with a fruit roll-up.
"Look," Bucky says, flatly. "Fate."
"Tasty, tasty fate," Clint mumbles, and bites it right off Bucky's finger.
"Nah," Steve says, in that sad tone he always gets. "Yours was a lot thicker than that."
Clint forces his eyes open, sees Bucky staring at Steve with wide eyes.
The world is swaying gently like a ship, and Clint keeps tripping over his laces, and he can't quit with the dumb smile he's wearing when Bucky rolls his eyes and kneels at his feet.
"You're an idiot," he says, and Clint concedes the point, trying to help Bucky tie his damn laces and only managing to accidentally anchor Bucky's finger to his foot.
"Fucking Christ," Bucky says, but he's laughing fit to bust, and Clint's watching the lines of his face and hoping like hell that all the beer he's had tonight won't steal this because he figures - he figures it's important, remembering when you fell in love.
"Get back here you little asshole!" Bucky hollers, and Clint cannot stop laughing, hanging weakly from where Spiderman has stuck their hands together, stuck their together to the wall.
"NOW KISS!" Spiderman yells back.
"Swear to god," Bucky mumbles, "when I get my goddamn hands on you -" but Clint's thinking fuck it, and Clint's thinking yes, and he stands and cups Bucky's cheek with his free hand and pulls him in close, tastes his mouth in a kiss that's only made awkward by the way their hands are inescapably tied.
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kmclaude · 6 years
I just wanted to say a big thank you for loudly articulating artists right to create iffy stuff... I grew up alongside evangelicals, and so much of tumblrs culture is the same but relabeled. True evangelicals are racist and hate anything queer, but tumblrs rabid haters of anything visceral is just as bad. I’m trying to be a writer, but it’s taken years to get past both cultures purity rules.
I'm sorry you had to grow up with that, and I'm just as sorry that unfortunately, well, you've walked right into the same sort of shit--only now it wears a "progressive" mask and coats its words in social justice language (as others have said, yanno, conservatism with a gay hat and such.) And that's unfortunate because as a writer, as a creative, you -- everyone -- deserves a better environment to practice and share their craft, and the current environment is absolute shit but how else do you get your foot in the door as a creator nowadays besides sharing work online, you know? It's inescapable. But despite all that, please, keep writing and creating and making your art. It's worth so much, as are you.
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khalix-hyetology · 7 years
Slices of Writing (4)
Emotions and Logic really do govern the three dimensional space you create in stories. They add dimensions that readers and explore and question. Yes, question. Questioning is a good quality. Even if they feel you lacked something that meant they diligently read your pieces. If they have nothing to say that means your work brought indifference to them. You don’t want indifference there unless that is what you aimed for in some segments. Positive questions could be a synchronicity to their own ideas and feelings. That is also rewarding. You wrote something that understood them. Being understood is an important thing. More on that later.  Well, now that you understand the weight of emotions and logic you are going to wonder where to place them. They usually are placed in characters and the plot. And, without those a story would just be, in computer terms, free-flowing data and not information. Information that they can relate to, or enjoy or even find meaningful paths in. Knowledge can also course through your writing because we all have a knowledge to offer. Even in someone’s work if someone find something oppositional in is providing factors/knowledge to be antithetical to. I use knowledge here as a subjective idea and experience. It does not necessarily have to be fact. If you get facts wrong then you can obviously correct them. Your readers will point them out to you. Don’t be antagonistic to it. If you are writing something contextual then readers may have different opinions. That is good. It means you retained some form of originality.  This is different than say trying to offend or sensationalise for the sake of sensationalism and scandal. That is not being original. That is pretty much being a cliche. You are arousing resentment and bitterness because you want publicity. That is not knowledge. That is a cheap trick. Do not reduce yourself and your writing to that. You can do better than that and testing your inner and outer wealth of life and mind is a productive way.  Onwards to the final points. 
Building your Original Characters — Original Characters may seem difficult to write. Initially, they seem to hard to come by. For many online writers the original characters they can first write are characters for role playing and fanfiction. There is nothing wrong with that. That is still making original characters. Sometimes, we find it easier looking at a pre-existing story and putting into characters there. That is not being lazy, unoriginal or tacky. Professionals do it too. That is why Disney makes a lot of money out of fairytales and we have blockbusters and we have genres. Do not let anyone tell you your writing an original character in fanfiction is not serious and is unimaginative. They are being unimaginative and trying to shame you because they don’t have your courage. At least you are trying and also succeeding.  Also, @fandomsandfeminism once reblogged a post that is VERY IMPORTANT. We have all been told that writing Mary Sues are stupid and that it means nothing but laziness. If that is true then so many professional writers are guilty of this. Mary Sues are hated because people critique mostly women/girls/females who write them. It is another form of misogyny to an extent. Don’t believe me? Think about James Bond. James Bond is a Mary Sue/Gary Stu in many ways. Yes, he is a professional agent but there is no reason for him to always get women and be victorious as much as he has. Still James Bond is a big franchise. There are many characters like Bond including Batman, Tony Stark, Captain America and Superman who have so many moments go well for them and their franchise has only recently given them flaws. Mary Sues are a female’s way to appropriate some of the REALLY HARSH cultural demands on them. So the criticism is pretty gendered if you think about it. If Original Characters (OCs) are also a bit like you there is nothing WRONG with that. Even if they are based a lot on you there is nothing completely wrong with that either. The classic Les Miserables protagonists Jean Valjean and Javert are actually based a lot on the author, Victor Hugo. Still, that book has themes and plot that is now a classic.  One of my favourite animes is Psycho Pass and I can say right now that both Shogo Makishima, the villain, and Shinya Kougami, the “hero,” are both Mary Sues. In real life both of them would have the dunce cap on their head they have in those old cartoons. In real life, people would be annoyed and rightly so by both of them. One is a gross idealist and the other tries to act like a gloomy ass man. Still people loves the show and love them. I am guilty of loving Shogo Makishima a lot too. I know he is flawed by being a Sue so I love that flaw.  Mary Sues are usually liked and even treated as paragons when they are male characters. They are not usually liked when they are female characters. That is just unfortunately the sexism of mainstream cultures. A very good example of a Mary Sue is either an exaggeration of abilities or the lack of them. Female Mary Sues usually occupy the latter space and that can be a negative representation of females yet still a Mary Sue. One example, is Bella Swan from the Twilight series. I don’t think there is anything wrong that Stephenie Meyer and Bella Swan look similar. I think it is wrong that Bella doesn’t do much in the series aside loving Edward. Even her love for Edward is a bit erratic but people love this story more because Bella is interested in love. If Bella Swan was Brendan Swan and he was interested in Edward or Ellie Cullen the story would be different. Of course, people would have a hard time believing a male would be this invested in love. They may even make a homophobic comment or two if this was Brendan and Edward. However, no one would be very hostile towards Brendan. They would attempt to understand him alongside criticising him. I am guilty of this too. You know there is a slight similar male Bella Swan too in literature. Classical literature and it is considered one of the best stories by a South Asian author named Saratchandra Bhattacharya. The novel was named Devdas. Dev is a complete love obsessed young man like Bella. He also does destructive things like Bella when he is separated from his love. Instead, of criticising him for his weird behaviour readers lauded his devotion to his loved one (I was guilty of this too). Oh there was a Jacob in that story too. Her name was Chandramukhi. And like Jacob she was also really pushed to the side of the story.    Why I am telling you this is that you can always refine your original characters. And, they can similar to you. Nothing wrong with that. There is no one else like you so rather your original character have some of your original qualities. If your original character is trans or gender fluid or nonbinary remember to treat them with respect. Do not make your romances heteronormative or inescapably sweet regardless of orientation. Try to write real interactions. If possible try to balance angst with sarcasm and humour. Angst is also important. Teengers can question their life and existences. Don’t let anyone shame you into thinking that is wrong to do. Make OCs like yourself, like your friends and like anyone you know. Give them emotions and logic. Give them purpose. Even the simple one of getting out of bed and going to school. For someone with depression, that is a huge feat. And, that is something important. Give your characters ideas and actions you wanted to explore but couldn’t. Or, something you have experienced and faced. You can make them choose the opposite of what you did and what happened to you. Characters can be larger than life in the sense that you are larger than life. You occupy spaces, real not imaginary, and your actions have effects on yourself and others. Thus your characters can get this energy from you and that can be shown when you are writing. You can experiment with characters too. Have them make mistakes, make them fail exams, make them be a loser until their mid-30s and then change and become winners.  Think about them having dyslexia or a reading disability, think of them having synaesthesia , think of them having interaction problems and many more things. The problems in your character’s life need not be only romance. It could be things aside romance, sex and even epic battles.  Your characters have possibilities because you have possibilities. Never forget that. 
Only You Can Write Your Plot — Despite what people say about Twilight, and I don’t really like it, I truly believe only Meyer could write that story. Only Suzanne Collins could have written The Hunger Games and only J. K Rowling could have written Harry Potter. Yes, we may have similar ideas but we will never have identical ideas. This preserves our originality and theirs. We can strive for their merits but ultimately we have to practice our own fortes and crafts. Stephen King is not trying to copy Rowling and neither is Neil Gaiman trying to copy King and Rowling. Yet, we all know and enjoy these authors and their works. We enjoy them because they have their own signature style.  You have your own signature style. You just have to develop it. Only you can write your plot. Your plot comes from you and can come from no one else. You should take that as your confidence. Your style could be that you write very detailed friendships. Think about the author Courtney Summers. I like Summers’ work because she talks very detailed experiences of childhood abuse especially on female circles. Yes, Margaret Atwood also wrote one book on it — Cat’s Eye. But Summers wrote things that people actually didn’t want to believe but I am happy she wrote them. She wrote about female on female violence and the hierarchy on female childhood “gangs.” People could not fathom how there seemed to be like a pecking order like that as in males but there are. Summers was good in exploring how people get vengeance and how petty people can be when they feel they have been slighted. The way she writes petty anger is also well highlighted. We need authors who can do that.  So, think about what you know about specially. It could be that you also have betrayed friendships or a very intimate one. Perhaps your character is figuring out their sexuality. Perhaps they are finding out they are gay or even bisexual. Perhaps they even don’t understand their straightness and how to operate in a straight world because it puts too much demands on sex and dating. You can do a lot with your plot and you can talk a lot about various topics in plot.  Going back to Twilight and Harry Potter. The story of Twilight may be annoying to some but it has a good quality in trying to show about love and finding yourself a community. In Harry Potter there are aspects of goods versys evils but also understanding community and coexisting with different types of people. The Hunger Games is also about how strong love can be very enduring. Overall, it is also about perseverance, endurance and the spirit’s need for justice.  Can you write a story like The  Hunger Games? Why not? Think about a story where your character is up against something. What if your character is in high school and they have to endure trying to get out of a toxic friendship? What if your character has to deal with homophobia? What if your character is a POC female and deals with misogyny and racism on a daily basis? Those are also stories of perseverance. endurance and spirit’s need for justice. See, the stories don’t need to be identical. They can have similar themes and speak volumes with your originality intact.  There are many other plotlines you can write within the main story (as in different logics and emotions). This also seems realistic and drives out monotony. But, if you really wanna focus on one thing that is no problem either. Anything can be made engaging. Good writers practice even to make the events of a day seem magical and impactful as they can be. Look at the novels Ulysses, Mrs Dalloway and The Hours for that. You can customise your story any way you want because after all it is your story. Now, I am going back to the part of understanding. Perhaps, your story makes your readers feel understood. Then you must also develop empathy not only in your writing but yourself. I know in social media there are many posts about being nice to people, nice to your followers on blogs and also mutuals but many people don’t practice it. I know they don’t. Many people personally confide to me on how people use them, betray them or even after knowing all their sadnesses think it is okay to abandon them.  You should have the originality to know how you can handle your stories and your readers with as much empathy as possible. Do not slight anyone if you feel they are not like you or have different views than you. Do not actively act rude with someone who was overenthusiastic with you. If they say your writing gave them peace at a time of utter misery then please be proper and treat them nicely. If you feel they act “overbearing” do not tell them to get lost easily. You are not being a reliable writer if you cannot handle some of the critiques, success or even questions to your writing. Be understanding. After all the person who connected with your writing also did you the service of understanding you.  Your plot can only be written by you.  As you are an original and have originality your writing can be developed to reflect that aspect of you. Don’t give up. Practice and intuitively keep at it.
That concludes my Slices of Writing posts. Thank You to everyone who have read this series. And, remember customise the rules in which way you see fit. I am happy if I was able to help you in any way. Good day and Goodnight to everyone. And, KEEP WRITING!
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podpocketss-blog · 7 years
Get Wireless Airpod Accessories From Online
The key note to the introduction of momentous new addition to the Apple arsenal. Cue the Apple AirPods. Apple’s first official jump into the wireless headset game despite acquiring Beats by Dr. Dre in 2014. Apple believes it can take the wireless headset industry by storm by introducing its take on wireless headsets. Despite the delay in their production, they finally made their splash early this year sparking conversations and controversies in its usage and function. Now no device is perfect neither can it do everything. That’s why third party developers took the stage to fill out the small and tiny holes of decent first generation Apple AirPod. In this article, we are going to be looking at two great innovations aimed at making the AirPod great for you and more personal.
We’ll start it off with a review of the Actual gadget.
AirPod: Quick Review
Do Apple's AirPods sound extraordinary? Not by any stretch of the imagination. In any case, they're about far more than playing music.
Before we start, let me just get all the shots out of my system when I think about the new Apple AirPods: Pardon me just a moment…
One Word, Two Syllables! Ugly! They look like modest hair dryers! Modest sweet sticks! Little beans growing! Baby golf clubs!
Ok, I Am Done!
But seriously, never have Bluetooth earphones been so natural to match. AirPods transform Siri into an inescapable being. Battery life and fit are both superior to anything you may anticipate. The AirPods sit fine in my ears, in reality, superior to the EarPods. They even remained in while I ran. The battery lasts somewhat longer than the five hours publicized. In the six days, I've had them, I've just needed to charge them one time.
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What I absolutely hate about this gadget is and they ain't got no plausible excuse in my opinion. All the best elements just work with Apple stuff and they don't sound in the same class as they ought to at the cost.
Looks aren't all that matters, however, and the truth of the matter is AirPods look the way they do as a result of their most imperative component: they have no wires. There's nothing to break or tangle, nothing to connect to, nothing to get on your rucksack on your commute each and every single day. Simply sweet aural opportunity. (Without a doubt, you may lose them, yet that is your issue, not an earphones issue.)Factually, a great many people approve of the EarPods, and they'll approve of the airports as well. However, in the event that you've at any point bought a couple of earphones that cost more than $50, I'd wager they sound superior to the AirPods. In the event that you've spent more than $100, they certainly do.
A Few Months Later…
Following a couple of long stretches of utilizing the Airpods, an irregular thing continues transpiring. Despite everything I don't think AirPods sound great, regardless I don't think they look great, and a couple of their components still make me totally crazy. But, I continue winding up backpedaling to the AirPods. The case, on the other hand, didn’t bode so well. While it is still looking rather new, it has definitely lost its luster and freshness that it came with. I found like a billion scratches on the casing and it is putting me off a little but hey, it still plays and all so I guess it's lucky it’s hasn’t been tossed out yet.
For every one of their issues, Apple's twin candy sticks (I promise that was the last one) are so natural to pair, thus agreeable to wear for a considerable length of time at once, that I can disregard the many deficiencies. Now and then.
Ok so if you were listening to any word I was saying about this gadget you’ll realize that besides the ok sound it produces, I only really have a problem with the casing.
And The solution? SIMPLE
Enter The PodPocket (Really smart name for this accessory, that’s what personally drew me in)
The PodPocket
The PodPocket is founded on the simple idea of keeping your podcast safe, healthy and never to lose them. It is a simple design that will compliment any look be it professional or casual (just depends on the color you pick) That’s right I forgot to mention that. The PodPocket comes in three characteristic sleek colors. The PodPocket comes in the first Blazing Red (the one I have), Indigo Blue and Cocoa Gray hues, and the restricted version Technicolor and Came hues, and before the year's over, Pear Green, Ash Pink, and Aqua Blue will be coming.
It is for the individuals who acknowledge both shape and capacity. The pocket is majestically shaped from a high review of silicone to give a safe fit to the AirPods charging case. The PodPocket configuration wonderfully supplements Apple's mark tasteful. It accompanies an excellent key ring and catches with the goal that it can be appended to a pack or keychain and the open access to the base permits charging while the AirPods are still in the PodPocket. (it sounds just as awesome as it sounds. Trust me)
On the off chance that you are anything like me, having spent a considerable lot of money to arrange the Apple AirPods, the exact opposite thing you would need is to lose or even lose your AirPods. Close by the astounding sentiment liberating yourself of Apple's great wired headphones, the primary concern pundits have pointed with Apple's new AirPods is that they are helpless to being lost, a dread that isn't lost on me.
Looking to discover approaches to secure my little venture, I went over PodPocket, a clever case-with-keyring for your AirPods. That way, I can safely keep my AirPods coupled up with my auto and house keys, in a stylishly satisfying case that snugly fits my AirPods. In this article, I survey the PodPocket for seven days and perceive how it charges amid my consistent undertakings.
The First Week
Going through seven days with the PodPocket, I can sincerely say it was obviously, a similar feeling I had from the very beginning to day seven. The silicon case with key chain, fitted my AirPod case snuggly, without the dread of it dropping out which is the purpose of binds your keychain to your AirPods. It fit truly perfectly, it didn't obstruct access to the best lock to get to the cases and does not meddle with the charging port.
Fixing to my auto keys, it comes wherever I go, giving me access to it whenever I need, in my left-take pants as opposed to having it concealed somewhere in an office drawer. Worked from what is by all accounts to a great degree solid material, after seven days it doesn't hint at any wear and looks as new as the principal day I got it.
The best part, having it physically paired with my keys implies I won't lose my keys either. The last update to iOS stretches out the “FindMyPhone” to incorporate scanning for your AirPods, so on the off chance that you went out, you can look for it alongside the AirPods.
Fun Fact
They have had stunning accomplishment on Amazon offering more than 30k units all around, and in deed are the most elevated appraised AirPod case on Amazon. The PodPockets cost $19.95, a deal considering the cost of supplanting lost or scratched cases of the AirPodaccessories.
The Verdict
I was totally sold from the very first moment when I got my PodPocket, and following seven days, requested another, Cocoa Gray just to change it up every now and then. I was one of the first to get the AirPods the day it turned out, and being as cautious about my gadgets I needed to guarantee I had a case to ensure it. Bending over as more than a case, however daisy-bind to my keys, I additionally won't lose my AirPods, at a cost I’m alright with, $19.95, I absolutely was not disillusioned.
I haven't discovered anything on the web that would make me take a gander at another case or coupling answer for my AirPods, so this practically goes unchallenged in the commercial center.
We were clowning around about how some organization expected to make a rope extra for Apple's new AirPods, well someone dog on went and did it. So let’s take a look.
AirPod Strap
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The fact with the airpod accessories is that with two loose and free wireless earbuds it looks likely and will appear to be anything but easy to lose. And minutes after the fact one emerged, Spigen and many other outlets took on the idea that you may want work out while you listen and enjoy your music.Basically, it puts a wire between your AirPods so you can keep them sticking around your neck like a commonplace remote in-ear earphone that has a string between the buds.
The AirPod Strap appears to overcome the AirPods greatest offering point (that they're absolutely wire-free), yet hello, it's just $10, and you can clearly evacuate it at whatever point you need to live more perilously.
There isn’t much to say about these straps but they are good and will definitely enhance your usage because what you see is all you get with these accessories so they’re not much look at. And they won’t do much for you style wise. But who is going to be looking at your ears while on the treadmill? I know I won’t but that’s just me.  
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mrhotmaster · 4 years
Issue On Facebook: Know How To Assert Cops About Untried Vaccines Of Coronavirus Facebook has been shot by lawmakers for a long time for how it treats propaganda on its websites. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Since the World Health Organization proclaimed the novel coronavirus a global wellbeing crisis in January, Facebook has expelled in excess of 7 million bits of substance with bogus cases about the infection that could represent a quick wellbeing danger to individuals who trust them. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The online networking goliath, which has for quite some time been enduring an onslaught from legislators over how it handles deception on its foundation, said it had lately restricted such cases as 'social separating doesn't work' since they represent a danger of 'fast approaching' hurt. Under these guidelines, Facebook brought down a video post on Wednesday by US President Donald Trump in which he guaranteed that youngsters are "practically safe" to COVID-19. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ALSO SEE  Twitter Moves to Limit Sharing on Unread Articles   (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Be that as it may, in many occasions, Facebook doesn't evacuate deception about the new COVID-19 antibodies that are as yet a work in progress, as per the organization's immunization strategy lead Jason Hirsch, in light of the fact that such cases don't meet its up and coming mischief limit. Hirsch revealed to Reuters the organization is "catching" with the issue of how to police claims about new immunizations that are up 'til now dubious. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); "There's a roof to the amount we can do until the realities on the ground become more concrete," Hirsch said in a meeting with Reuters, talking openly just because about how the organization is attempting to approach the coronavirus antibody issue. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Tom Phillips, a supervisor at one of Facebook's reality-checking accomplice's Full Fact, sees the problem thusly: "How would you certainty check about an immunization that doesn't exist yet?" (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); For the present, deception extending from unwarranted cases to complex paranoid fears about the formative antibodies is multiplying on a stage with more than 2.6 billion month to month dynamic clients, an audit of posts by Reuters, Facebook certainty checkers, and different analysts found. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The concern, general wellbeing specialists told Reuters, is that the spread of falsehood via web-based networking media could debilitate individuals from in the end taking the immunization, seen as the most obvious opportunity to stem a pandemic that has tainted millions and slaughtered many thousands around the world, remembering 158,000 individuals for the United States alone. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ALSO SEE Trump's Tweet Marked As 'Manipulat Media' By Twitter (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Simultaneously, free discourse advocates fret about expanded restriction during a period of vulnerability and the enduring repercussions long after the infection is restrained. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Adhering to a meaningful boundary among valid and bogus is additionally more intricate for the new COVID-19 antibodies, truth checkers delineated for Reuters, than with content about immunizations with a built-up wellbeing record. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Facebook delegates said the organization has been talking with around 50 specialists in general wellbeing, immunizations, and free articulation on the most proficient method to shape its reaction to claims about the new COVID-19 antibodies. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Despite the fact that the principal immunizations aren't relied upon to go to a showcase for a considerable length of time, surveys show that numerous Americans are as of now worried about taking another COVID-19 antibody, which is being created at a record pace. Somewhere in the range of 28 percent of Americans state they are not keen on getting the antibody, as indicated by a Reuters/Ipsos survey led between July 15-July 21. Among them, in excess of 50 percent said they were anxious about the speed of improvement. In excess of a third said they didn't confide in the individuals behind the antibody's turn of events. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The UK-based non-benefit Center for Countering Digital Hate revealed in July that the enemy of inoculation content is thriving via web-based networking media destinations. Facebook gatherings and pages represented the greater part of the all-out enemy of immunization following over all the internet based life stages concentrated by the CCDH. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); One open Facebook bunch called "REFUSE CORONA V@X AND SCREW BILL GATES," alluding to the extremely rich person whose establishment is assisting with financing the advancement of immunizations, was begun in April by Michael Schneider, a 42-year-old city contractual worker in Waukesha, Wisconsin. The gathering developed to 14,000 individuals in less than four months. It was one of in excess of twelve made over the most recent couple of months which were committed to restricting the COVID-19 antibody and the possibility that it may be ordered by governments, Reuters found. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ALSO SEE If You Support Donald Trump On Twitter, Join Parler: Know Everything Here Mark Zuckerberg Separates Facebook From Twitter In Trumph Battle Best Budget TV With Premium Features Under Rs.20,000(June 2020 Edition) China: US To Remove Technical Supplier Restriction: Learn Everything Here (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Schneider revealed to Reuters he is dubious of the COVID-19 antibody since he thinks it is being grown too quick to ever be sheltered. "I think many individuals are going ballistic," he said. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Posts about the COVID-19 antibody that have been named on Facebook as containing "bogus data" however not expelled incorporate one by Schneider connecting to a YouTube video that asserted the COVID-19 immunization will modify individuals' DNA, and a post that guaranteed the immunization would give individuals coronavirus. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Facebook said that these posts didn't abuse its arrangements identified with unavoidable damage. "On the off chance that we essentially evacuated all paranoid notions and lies, they would exist somewhere else on the web and more extensive online networking biological system. This helps give more setting when these deceptions show up somewhere else," a representative said. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Facebook doesn't mark or evacuate posts or advertisements that express restriction to immunizations in the event that they don't contain bogus cases. Hirsch said Facebook accepts clients ought to have the option to communicate such close to home perspectives and that more forceful control of hostile to immunization perspectives could likewise push individuals reluctant about antibodies towards the counter immunization camp. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 'It's sort of on steroids' At the core of Facebook's choices over what it evacuates are two contemplations, Hirsch said. On the off chance that a post is recognized as containing essentially bogus data, it will be named and Facebook can diminish its scope by restricting what number of individuals will be indicated the post. For instance, it adopted this strategy with the video Schneider posted proposing the COVID-19 antibody could modify individuals' DNA. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); On the off chance that the bogus data is probably going to cause inescapable damage, at that point it will be evacuated out and out. A month ago, under these principles, the organization expelled a video promoting hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus fix – however simply after it piled on a great many perspectives. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); In March 2019, Facebook said it would begin decreasing the rankings and search suggestions of gatherings and pages spreading deception about any antibodies. Facebook's calculations additionally lift connections to associations like the WHO when individuals scan for immunization data on the stage. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Some general wellbeing specialists need Facebook to bring down their evacuation norms while considering bogus cases about the future COVID-19 antibodies. "I think there is an obligation (by) stages like that to guarantee that they are evacuating whatever could prompt mischief," said Rupali Limaye, a social researcher at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, who has been in converses with Facebook. "Since it is such a lethal infection, I figure it shouldn't simply be 'up and coming.'" (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Be that as it may, Jacob Mchangama, the chief head of Copenhagen-based research organization Justitia who was counseled by Facebook about its antibody approach, fears the aftermath from mass cancellations: "This may have long haul ramifications with the expectation of complimentary discourse when this infection is ideally contained," he said. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Deception about different immunizations has once in a while met Facebook's edge for gambling up and coming mischief. Notwithstanding, in Pakistan a year ago, the organization interceded to bring down bogus cases about the polio antibody drive that was prompting savagery against wellbeing laborers. In the Pacific island territory of Samoa, Facebook erased immunization deception on the grounds that the low inoculation rate was intensifying a risky measles flare-up. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); "With respect to antibodies, it is anything but a hypothetical line … we do attempt to decide when there is likely going to be approaching damage coming about because of falsehood and we attempt to act in those circumstances," Hirsch told Reuters. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); To battle deception that doesn't meet its evacuation models, Facebook pays outside certainty checkers – including a Reuters unit – who can rate posts as bogus and append a clarification. The organization has said that 95 percent of the time, individuals who saw reality checkers' admonition marks didn't navigate to the substance. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); All things considered, the reality checking program has been condemned by certain scientists as a lacking reaction to the sum and speed of viral deception on the stages. Certainty checkers additionally don't rate government officials' posts and they don't pass judgment on posts that are only in private or concealed gatherings. Figuring out what comprises a bogus case in regards to the COVID-19 shot is a lot harder than truth checking a case about a built-up immunization with a demonstrated wellbeing record, Facebook actuality checkers told Reuters. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); "There is a great deal of substance that we see and we don't have a clue how to manage it," resounded Emmanuel Vincent, organizer of Science Feedback, another Facebook reality checking accomplice, who said the number of immunizations being developed made it hard to expose claims about how a shot would function. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); In an investigation distributed in May in the diary Nature, physicist Neil Johnson's exploration bunch found that there were about three-fold the number of dynamic enemy of immunization bunches on Facebook as ace inoculation bunches during a worldwide measles episode from February to October 2019, and they were more quickly developing. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Since the investigation was distributed, hostile to antibody perspectives, and COVID-19 immunization schemes have thrived on the stage, Johnson stated, including, "It's sort of on steroids."  For Regular & Fastest Tech News and Reviews, Follow TECHNOXMART on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google News and Subscribe Here Now. By Subscribing You Will Get Our Daily Digest Headlines Every Morning Directly In Your Email Inbox.             【Join Our Whatsapp Group Here】 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
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automatismoateo · 5 years
My parents want me isolated and to stop doing certain things they deem "make people gay". The difference in our belief system has cost me my mental health. via /r/atheism
Submitted February 01, 2020 at 03:12AM by verdazed (Via reddit https://ift.tt/2GMjMe0) My parents want me isolated and to stop doing certain things they deem "make people gay". The difference in our belief system has cost me my mental health.
My parents are very religious Catholic Christians and so are my relatives and the vast majority of the people around me. They would often make jabs about modern society and how the end is near because of "moral decay". I am a closeted bisexual. It took me a long time to accept myself and love me for who I am. The struggle with transitioning from a very hardcore catholic to an atheist was already pretty confusing for 13 year old me who only relied on books and literature with no guidance from someone. Being atheist in a conservative religious household is one thing, being a closeted bisexual non-believer is another. My parents would make fun of queer people all the time. They hate the way they act, dress, talk, love themselves, and be free. They think they should be put on conversion therapies and be burned alive or stoned to death. Everynight I used to pray that I just want to be normal. I would cry and hate myself everytime I see myself in the mirror. Until, I met a guy who was open-minded and well spoken. We had so many similarities, from liking almost the same thing to our hobbies. We would be together in debate teams, dance practice, math competitions and other stuff plus he's pretty handsome. He kinda hinted being bi-curious to me but I never knew how to reciprocate so we just kept being friends. Years passed by and he moved to the US and is now in a relationship with a girl. It was pretty difficult to accept since I was questioning who I was. I missed him but I don't think we'll be meeting again.
Going to school without him is just a nightmare because I don't think I'm capable of dealing with how dumb some of my classmates are and how intolerant my school is. Everyday is just another day of me thinking ways to escape all of this and be happy again.
I developed depression over the years and was brought to a psychiatrist where I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and clinical depression. So the doctor gave me anti-depressant pills. Now, they think those pills are making me "un-christian" and it's not natural order because they think the psychiatrist are just gonna talk to me and make me feel better. So they secretly threw away my antidepressants but I would wake up late at night and use all 6 pills. I overdosed myself and would have panic attacks. Suicidal thoughts were inescapable. My passion for math and computer science is also gonna be taken away and restricted. The fact that they promote queer teenagers to kill themselves to be less of a burden to their families hurt so much. To think if I'd kill myself right now they wouldn't care makes me feel so empty inside. The only thing that kept me going are online communities. People like Alan Turing and other online creators were beacons of hope for me. I can only hold on for so long before I might actually kill myself. Maybe there are similar stories like mine, I'd like to know how you went through it all because I don't think I'm capable to go through this.
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dwfsoul-blog · 7 years
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mrhotmaster · 4 years
Scenario On Facebook: How To Assert Cops About Coronavirus Untested Vaccines
Issue On Facebook: Know How To Assert Cops About Untried Vaccines Of Coronavirus Facebook has been shot by lawmakers for a long time for how it treats propaganda on its websites. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Since the World Health Organization proclaimed the novel coronavirus a global wellbeing crisis in January, Facebook has expelled in excess of 7 million bits of substance with bogus cases about the infection that could represent a quick wellbeing danger to individuals who trust them. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The online networking goliath, which has for quite some time been enduring an onslaught from legislators over how it handles deception on its foundation, said it had lately restricted such cases as 'social separating doesn't work' since they represent a danger of 'fast approaching' hurt. Under these guidelines, Facebook brought down a video post on Wednesday by US President Donald Trump in which he guaranteed that youngsters are "practically safe" to COVID-19. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
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Be that as it may, in many occasions, Facebook doesn't evacuate deception about the new COVID-19 antibodies that are as yet a work in progress, as per the organization's immunization strategy lead Jason Hirsch, in light of the fact that such cases don't meet its up and coming mischief limit. Hirsch revealed to Reuters the organization is "catching" with the issue of how to police claims about new immunizations that are up 'til now dubious. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); "There's a roof to the amount we can do until the realities on the ground become more concrete," Hirsch said in a meeting with Reuters, talking openly just because about how the organization is attempting to approach the coronavirus antibody issue. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Tom Phillips, a supervisor at one of Facebook's reality-checking accomplice's Full Fact, sees the problem thusly: "How would you certainty check about an immunization that doesn't exist yet?" (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); For the present, deception extending from unwarranted cases to complex paranoid fears about the formative antibodies is multiplying on a stage with more than 2.6 billion month to month dynamic clients, an audit of posts by Reuters, Facebook certainty checkers, and different analysts found. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The concern, general wellbeing specialists told Reuters, is that the spread of falsehood via web-based networking media could debilitate individuals from in the end taking the immunization, seen as the most obvious opportunity to stem a pandemic that has tainted millions and slaughtered many thousands around the world, remembering 158,000 individuals for the United States alone.
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Simultaneously, free discourse advocates fret about expanded restriction during a period of vulnerability and the enduring repercussions long after the infection is restrained. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Adhering to a meaningful boundary among valid and bogus is additionally more intricate for the new COVID-19 antibodies, truth checkers delineated for Reuters, than with content about immunizations with a built-up wellbeing record. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Facebook delegates said the organization has been talking with around 50 specialists in general wellbeing, immunizations, and free articulation on the most proficient method to shape its reaction to claims about the new COVID-19 antibodies. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Despite the fact that the principal immunizations aren't relied upon to go to a showcase for a considerable length of time, surveys show that numerous Americans are as of now worried about taking another COVID-19 antibody, which is being created at a record pace. Somewhere in the range of 28 percent of Americans state they are not keen on getting the antibody, as indicated by a Reuters/Ipsos survey led between July 15-July 21. Among them, in excess of 50 percent said they were anxious about the speed of improvement. In excess of a third said they didn't confide in the individuals behind the antibody's turn of events. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The UK-based non-benefit Center for Countering Digital Hate revealed in July that the enemy of inoculation content is thriving via web-based networking media destinations. Facebook gatherings and pages represented the greater part of the all-out enemy of immunization following over all the internet based life stages concentrated by the CCDH. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); One open Facebook bunch called "REFUSE CORONA V@X AND SCREW BILL GATES," alluding to the extremely rich person whose establishment is assisting with financing the advancement of immunizations, was begun in April by Michael Schneider, a 42-year-old city contractual worker in Waukesha, Wisconsin. The gathering developed to 14,000 individuals in less than four months. It was one of in excess of twelve made over the most recent couple of months which were committed to restricting the COVID-19 antibody and the possibility that it may be ordered by governments, Reuters found.
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Schneider revealed to Reuters he is dubious of the COVID-19 antibody since he thinks it is being grown too quick to ever be sheltered. "I think many individuals are going ballistic," he said. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Posts about the COVID-19 antibody that have been named on Facebook as containing "bogus data" however not expelled incorporate one by Schneider connecting to a YouTube video that asserted the COVID-19 immunization will modify individuals' DNA, and a post that guaranteed the immunization would give individuals coronavirus. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Facebook said that these posts didn't abuse its arrangements identified with unavoidable damage. "On the off chance that we essentially evacuated all paranoid notions and lies, they would exist somewhere else on the web and more extensive online networking biological system. This helps give more setting when these deceptions show up somewhere else," a representative said. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Facebook doesn't mark or evacuate posts or advertisements that express restriction to immunizations in the event that they don't contain bogus cases. Hirsch said Facebook accepts clients ought to have the option to communicate such close to home perspectives and that more forceful control of hostile to immunization perspectives could likewise push individuals reluctant about antibodies towards the counter immunization camp.
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'It's sort of on steroids' At the core of Facebook's choices over what it evacuates are two contemplations, Hirsch said. On the off chance that a post is recognized as containing essentially bogus data, it will be named and Facebook can diminish its scope by restricting what number of individuals will be indicated the post. For instance, it adopted this strategy with the video Schneider posted proposing the COVID-19 antibody could modify individuals' DNA. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); On the off chance that the bogus data is probably going to cause inescapable damage, at that point it will be evacuated out and out. A month ago, under these principles, the organization expelled a video promoting hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus fix – however simply after it piled on a great many perspectives. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); In March 2019, Facebook said it would begin decreasing the rankings and search suggestions of gatherings and pages spreading deception about any antibodies. Facebook's calculations additionally lift connections to associations like the WHO when individuals scan for immunization data on the stage. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Some general wellbeing specialists need Facebook to bring down their evacuation norms while considering bogus cases about the future COVID-19 antibodies. "I think there is an obligation (by) stages like that to guarantee that they are evacuating whatever could prompt mischief," said Rupali Limaye, a social researcher at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, who has been in converses with Facebook. "Since it is such a lethal infection, I figure it shouldn't simply be 'up and coming.'" (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Be that as it may, Jacob Mchangama, the chief head of Copenhagen-based research organization Justitia who was counseled by Facebook about its antibody approach, fears the aftermath from mass cancellations: "This may have long haul ramifications with the expectation of complimentary discourse when this infection is ideally contained," he said. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Deception about different immunizations has once in a while met Facebook's edge for gambling up and coming mischief. Notwithstanding, in Pakistan a year ago, the organization interceded to bring down bogus cases about the polio antibody drive that was prompting savagery against wellbeing laborers. In the Pacific island territory of Samoa, Facebook erased immunization deception on the grounds that the low inoculation rate was intensifying a risky measles flare-up. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); "With respect to antibodies, it is anything but a hypothetical line … we do attempt to decide when there is likely going to be approaching damage coming about because of falsehood and we attempt to act in those circumstances," Hirsch told Reuters. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); To battle deception that doesn't meet its evacuation models, Facebook pays outside certainty checkers – including a Reuters unit – who can rate posts as bogus and append a clarification. The organization has said that 95 percent of the time, individuals who saw reality checkers' admonition marks didn't navigate to the substance. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); All things considered, the reality checking program has been condemned by certain scientists as a lacking reaction to the sum and speed of viral deception on the stages. Certainty checkers additionally don't rate government officials' posts and they don't pass judgment on posts that are only in private or concealed gatherings. Figuring out what comprises a bogus case in regards to the COVID-19 shot is a lot harder than truth checking a case about a built-up immunization with a demonstrated wellbeing record, Facebook actuality checkers told Reuters. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); "There is a great deal of substance that we see and we don't have a clue how to manage it," resounded Emmanuel Vincent, organizer of Science Feedback, another Facebook reality checking accomplice, who said the number of immunizations being developed made it hard to expose claims about how a shot would function. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); In an investigation distributed in May in the diary Nature, physicist Neil Johnson's exploration bunch found that there were about three-fold the number of dynamic enemy of immunization bunches on Facebook as ace inoculation bunches during a worldwide measles episode from February to October 2019, and they were more quickly developing. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Since the investigation was distributed, hostile to antibody perspectives, and COVID-19 immunization schemes have thrived on the stage, Johnson stated, including, "It's sort of on steroids."
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