#I hate the people who think this is okay so so much
deanstead · 2 days
Going Home
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Reader
Requested: no
Summary: Y/N returns early from her time off but Derek notices something's off.
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Word Count: 1.1K
Tags/Warnings: established relationship, allusions to physical violence (sorta?)
A/N: Of course, my first Derek Morgan piece has to be extremely self-indulgent. Enjoy!
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Your cheek still smarted, as if it had just happened. The mark across your face had faded already, but anyone observant would be able to tell.
But of course, you had to work with the most observant people. They’d probably be able to tell what you were thinking even without such obvious signs.
The only thing you were thankful for was that they were probably not back yet. If you were quick, you could slip in, leave the signed form on Hotch’s desk and be out of there without running into Penelope.
Even with that thought, you put a mask on, just to be safe.
You’d asked for the week off for personal matters and only Hotch knew you’d been called home to check on your mother. As you'd already expected, Hotch had told you to take all the time you needed. No one know how much you dreaded going back there. Not even Derek.
You didn’t care that your parents considered you a disappointment despite the fact that you were working in the most elite team in the FBI. You didn’t even care when your father had hollered that he was cutting you off, and you didn’t care that they had never once remembered your birthday or even showed up for your graduation.
You didn’t care.
All you had wanted was to stay as far away as possible.
What you really hated was the way you caved when they called. You told yourself not to go, but the tiny voice in your gut wondered if there was something up, if there was something serious going on, and if you would regret it.
And you had. You regretted going back to that horrible house to stand in the living room as they asked you for money so they could send your brother abroad.
You opened your mouth and then closed it.
What were you supposed to say? Or ask? You were dumbfounded.
When you finally found your voice again, all your emotions flowed with it, “What am I, a cash cow?”
That had only earned you a tight slap across your face. This wasn’t the first time this had happened, but you didn’t remember him ever using this much force.
At least your mother and brother looked apologetic but you were no longer that teenager who had no choice but to take all this lying down. So you’d turned right back around and headed all the way back home.
You shook your head quickly. You hadn’t meant to get so lost in your thoughts. Grabbing a pen from your desk, you quickly signed the document and headed up to Hotch’s office, leaving it on his desk before hightailing it out of there.
You’d almost made it.
Until the elevator doors opened, and you were staring back at your team.
“Hey!” The chorus of smiles and greetings echoed in your ears, a treatment that was totally different from what you’d just experienced a few hours ago at what was supposed to be home, and you felt the sting of tears as you smiled.
You stepped to the side with Hotch as the rest of the team scattered.
“Y/N, we weren’t expecting you so soon. I told you to take the time you needed.” Hotch's expression was stoic as usual but his voice was filled with concern and you didn’t miss the way his eyes raked across your face even though he could only see your eyes.
You smiled and nodded. “It's handled. I just came by to hand in the HR form since I was back in town. I’ll be here tomorrow.” You paused. “If that’s okay.”
Hotch studied you for a while more before he nodded. “Tomorrow.”
You turned away to leave before you felt someone grab your hand.
“Where do you think you're going?” Derek’s warm voice filled your ears.
You hadn’t even realized he’d been waiting.
“Hey.” You smiled. “I was gonna call you when I got home.”
Even as you spoke, your eyes darted upward. You’d been dating for a while, and the team knew, but both you and Derek had kept it pretty low-key especially around here.
“Fine, come here.” Derek said quietly, almost dragging you to his office, closing the blinds and shutting the door behind the both of you.
You blinked at him, and the frown reappeared on his face now that the both of you were alone.
“Why are you wearing a mask? Did you catch something?” He asked, his voice dropping to one of concern, the gentle tone that was reserved just for you when you were alone.
Before you could say anything, he put his hand up to feel for a temperature.
Instinctively, as if you couldn’t control your own body, you flinched. It was just a little, like you were leaning your cheek away from him but this was Derek Morgan, and he caught it.
Derek’s frown deepened.
“Derek, I…”
He didn’t say anything, merely reaching behind your ears to take off your mask.
“Derek, wait…” You tried to stop him but it was too late.
The mask slid off your face. Derek slid his hand along the side of your neck, angling your face gently toward him so that he could take a look at what you’d been hiding from him. “Let me see.”
You recognized the moment his eyes registered the mark across your face. The quiet rage that flashed in his eyes as he realized you’d been hurt, the confusion about why you hadn’t come straight to him - you recognized them all.
“What happened? Who did this?” His voice was low and you could hear the concerted effort it took for him to keep his voice steady.
You looked back at him and you sighed. “It’s nothing, Derek. It’s done.”
Derek just looked back at you quietly.
Suddenly, you didn’t feel like pretending that it was okay anymore. You stepped forward, melting into the safety of Derek's arms as he pulled you tightly into him, his arms wrapping securely around you.
“I got you.” He whispered. “No matter what.”
You just nodded, burying your face into his shoulder, even though you weren’t really supposed to do this in the office.
“I’ll tell you at home.” You mumbled.
Derek just nodded, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Alright, come on. We’re going home.”
The word bounced around your skull and you smiled, knowing that this was it. You’d always told yourself that the day the words “going home” no longer made your heart sink, you’d know.
And you knew. You didn't have a single doubt in your mind.
Derek pulled away gently, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as he led you back out of his office so the both of you could do exactly that.
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silent-stories · 20 hours
I'm with the band
(Eddie Munson x F!reader) reader has long hair, mention of drugs.
"There are too many people out there,” Eddie said nervously, aimlessly pacing in the backstage for the fourth time, nearly colliding with the other band members who were getting ready to go on stage.
He wasn’t wrong; the Hideout had never been this crowded, and you were the one to thank (or to blame). You had invited Robin to come see Corroded Coffin play that night, and she had called Vickie, who in turn had invited some of her friends. While chatting with Robin, Nancy and Jonathan overheard and joined in (despite Nancy not seeming thrilled about “listening to four guys scream all night”), and Jonathan had invited his quirky friend visiting from California too, who brought along more friends.
In short, friends had invited more friends, and they, in turn, had invited others, making the place more packed than it had ever been.
Eddie’s dark curls bounced on his shoulders with each step, and his self-cropped Anthrax t-shirt, cut with kitchen scissors a few days prior, revealed a sliver of his stomach.
Jeff rolled his eyes and walked away. He wasn’t ready to hear Eddie give the same speech for the fifth time in half an hour.
“Eddie, can you stop for a moment?” you got up from the old armchair where you’d been sitting since they let you into the backstage area that evening.
You grabbed a drumstick Gareth had left on the table and used it to secure your hair into something that was supposed to be a messy bun. It was a habit you’d picked up a few weeks ago, and you were pretty sure your drummer friend was starting to hate you for it.
"Eddie,” you repeated his name when you reached him, placing your hands on his arms to stop him. “It's gonna be okay.”
He let out a long sigh, wondering if you were aware that your touch alone could calm him in seconds, more effectively than hundreds of words ever could. When your hands returned to your sides, he already missed that contact.
He stared at you for a moment, his brown eyes filled with insecurity. “No,” he shook his head.
“Eds, you need to stay calm. They’ll like you, and-”
“Sweetheart, no one likes us. You’re the only person who claps every time we play here.”
“Because the other times, there wasn’t enough audience! This time will be different, trust me.”
“The last time I played in front of so many people, I was in middle school, and the whole school laughed at me. I’m not ready to experience that again.”
Eddie saw how your expression softened and worried at the same time, and he almost wished he hadn’t said it.
He ran a hand through his hair, disheveling it even more than his quick pacing had already done. “God, I really need a joint right now.”
You let out a little laugh at that comment, and one corner of Eddie’s lips involuntarily lifted. The sound of your laughter always made him happier.
“No, all you need is a friend who tells you that you’ll rock it and that everything will be fine. And I’m here now, telling you that.” You stood on tiptoe to fix a stray curl.
“Trust me, please?” When you looked at him like that he couldn't help but believe you, or at least try. You always believed in him.
You smiled. God, you were so pretty and he had been so anxious that night that he hadn't even remembered to tell you.
"Okay." He repeated, more confident this time.
Somewhere behind you you heard Jeff shout. "Five minutes and we're on stage!"
“Fuck.” Eddie sighed.
"Eddie. Eds, look at me. You have to promise me two things before you go out there. I'm serious."
Eddie remained silent, nodding slightly.
"The first is that whatever people do, think or say, you have to remember that it won't define you. I know who you are. I know what you're worth. I don't give a shit about them. A shit. Zero. Nada."
Eddie chuckled. "Second thing?"
"Second thing is, when you're famous you'll let me come on tour with you."
Eddie laughed, for real this time. Those dimples that you loved so much have appeared on his face. "You said you were serious!"
"Oh and I am! One hundred percent!"
Eddie, still laughing, placed his hand over his heart, as if swearing a solemn oath. "I promise on my honor."
"Okay, I'm happy now."
"I wouldn't go anywhere without you anyway. You're pretty much an integral part of the band now. I planned on kidnapping you in case I ever left town but you make things a lot easier now."
"Well, I guess you won't need it."
"Two minutes!" Jeff shouted.
"I think I have to go now."
You nodded, a smile still on your lips.
"C'mere." He quickly said before wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you against his chest in a hug.
You inhaled his scent for a few seconds, it was smoke and cheap beer, like all the other times. For you, there was nothing better.
After a moment, you slightly pulled away but his hand was still on your back, as if he wasn't ready to let you go, and you found yourself looking into his chocolate brown eyes trying to figure out what was happening.
His gaze wasn't on your eyes though. It seemed like your mouth had caught his attention.
When you realized his lips were so close to yours that you could feel the heat of his breath on your skin, a voice interrupted the moment.
You cleared your throat as Eddie took a step back.
"My drum stick!" Gareth repeated, a bit of frustration but also amazement because of what he had just seen in his voice, moving his gaze between the two of you.
"Fuck, you're right." You murmured, pulling it out of your hair and handing it to him. You had completely forgotten about it.
Gareth looked at his friend. "Are you coming with us or you two want to get a room?"
"Yes, no, I mean. I'm coming, fuck, I mean. I'm ready. All ready. Yes. Ready."
You giggled when you saw a light shade of red on his cheeks.
"I'll be cheering for you in the front row, you know that."
"I know. Thank you sweetheart."
He looked at you one last time before following Gareth onto the stage.
You stood there for a second. Wondering what the hell just happened.
Then you left the backstage.
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lovetei · 10 hours
may u do how the om brothers would act with a bimbo mc who's like ..... scarily dumb 💀 like think Karen Smith x10 (gn mc but i don't remember the gn word for bimbo😭i think it's like thembo or something but im not sure. english isnt my first language so i might have made some mistakes😅)
I think bimbos are cute 🤭🤭
I fully believe getting treated like this by them would solve 99 percent of my problems.
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How would the brothers react to an MC who is a complete bimbo?
Warnings: Grammar errors, spelling errors, no proofreading, readers gender is not specified (even though bimbo is used to degrade a beautiful but unintelligent woman or frivolous young woman, I used "bimbo" in this scenario as someone who's attractive but unintelligent), slight dark themes, slightly deregatory
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
At first, he found you annoying
How come your only solution to problems is "Be pretty"
It's insane how stupid you were, what do you mean you don't know how to spell the orange fruit?
But soon after, he started to find you interesting
After meeting you, he believed that it's not the professionals that are dangerous, it's the newbies
It's interesting how they can never guess what's your next move
When you two got in a more romantic relationship though, he started treating you like a complete child
You would sit on his lap in a meeting while swinging your feet and you asked him, "Luci baby~ what's the investment thing you're talking about? Is that like, shopping?"
He would just chuckle and squeeze your cheek softly, "Don't think about it, little MC don't need to worry their pretty little head over something so trivial~"
Even though people think of him as someone who's as stupid as you
He proves them wrong when he started to act like a complete mature man around you
No funny pranks or anything, he's just taking care of you because "How can his pretty little survive in hell without him, hmm?~"
And you'll just giggle at him and continue clinging on his arm
He would walk around the academy and each time, it's either he's holding you or your stuffs
Some people would find your things on his bag and he'd just shrug it off
Though at first, he thought you as a nuisance
He started to like it how you depend on him so much
"Mams how do I use this??"
"Mams don't leave!~~"
Oh, how his heart speed up whenever you ask him for help for the smallest of things
It's alright, MC, this strong demon will protect this pretty little human.
He hated how you used to look at him like he's some animal in a zoo
"What?? How come little Levi don't like going in parties?!"
With those pretty, glossy lips of yours and that tiny brain in your head.
He hated how you wore your uniform, can't you see how innapopriate your uniform is?!
Is the skirt supposed to be that short?!
Is that shirt supposed to have only three buttons closed?!
Why is your pants so tight?!
But once you got close to him
Oh, the contrast between the two of you made others heart flutter
Other people saw it as "Discord mod x d kitten" in the best way
But his brothers
They saw it as "the nastiest pervert x the prettiest girl"
You don't want to know why
He'll just be there sitting with his arms around your waist grumbling, "Ah, people are so noisy... Let's just stay in my room, okay?"
If that's the only thing he'll say, you might find it normal but of course, he has to say something to ruin it
"This pretty sheep won't refuse me now, will they? After all the snacks and candies I've given them, this pretty sheep will sure come with me, right?"
As someone who values knowledge and education more than anyone among the brothers
You must've thought he'll hate you
Well, you're right
At first
Everytime your test exams will come back, he'll be the one to sigh the loudest
But after the tutoring session Lucifer planned for the two of you, to help you increase your scores
It's been different
Well, it's not like you're studying, psh, never
Satan gives you cheat sheets or tells you the answers secretly
He'll be next to you every exam and his hand will secretly on your thighs, or sometimes, even higher
Then he'll caress your skin to tell you the answer
Of course, after exams scores are released you have to give him a reward
One kiss for every correct answer, that's the reward
But since you wished for it, he'll pretend to be a good tutor and act like you really studied instead of cheating
"Ah, my baby is so smart~ look, the only thing you got wrong is the last part! Butt that's okay, it's really hard, especially for someone as innocent as my baby..."
Then he'll pepper your face with kisses
You two are a match made in heaven and hell
The moment you arrived with those leopard prints, he knew you two will have fun together
Shipping sprees and all
The internet will break everytime you two post on social media
He'll help you get in the high society of Devildom
And of course, get you a pass to the freakiest parties in hell
You two are practically beasts in parties
The most breath taking clothes and the sexiest proportions, what a combo
And the two of you will drunkly stumble inside the house, well, you will.
He's the only person who knew about you and Satan's little deal too
"Hi my prettiest baby! How's my apprentice doing?!~" He said while squeezing your cheeks
Yes, your cheeks
It doesn't matter if it's the cheeks on your face or your ass
He's squeezing them
He wasn't annoyed or anything
In fact, he's worried for you
"It's okay, MC. I will protect you, just tell me whoever says mean things about you."
He acts like your body guard
Always beside you whenever you have to go by yourself, we'll, not by yourself anymore
Always carrying your bags
Your little make up
Holding your clothes as you shop
Paying for you
Everything, who knew who might take advantage of you if he isn't there
That's not all
He's always carrying you too
"My feet hurts so bad! Beel!"
Is how all of it started
The next day, and so on
Everytime he sees you, he's scooping you up and carrying you on his arms
He knew you were dumb
Please, he has this sense where he can find out if someone is dumb just by hearing them form a sentence
And so far, yours is the most... You know.
He's one of the most manipulative, but also one of the most protective
He hates it when someone else use his dirty tactics on you
But that stop him from doing those dirty tactics on you again
He just loves it when you're so... Naive.
He chuckles everytime you tried to think for yourself once in a blue moon and would ruin it with a,
"Shhh... Don't think about pretty, it's better when you're dumb and dependent."
And you, who sadly didn't take that as an insult, just nodded and made him chuckle even more
Gosh, he wonders how much it will take for you to break.
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I'm so tired of logging on seeing queer discourse (among other kinds).
They are banning books, self expression, and HRT outside. You realize this? Our government is building cop cities, increasing police budgets, and bloating the military budget. They dropped affirmative action, disability lawyers don't want to bring forward lawsuits because they don't want to provide the supreme court an opportunity to gut the ADA because even they know it's hostile towards disability rights, NYPD interrupted BLM over their permit to celebrate Juneteenth.
I do not know how to make it more clear that literally none of us have room to fuck around and those of us are that are seriously wanting to make some change are watching y'all like teachers in a room full of kids that haven't got the hint to be quiet.
And before y'all say "we can care about 2 things"
Good for you, but as a community if one thing has been made very clear it's that as a collective we can not split our focus. When we do shit like this happens:
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And that's just the attacks on queer rights! And that's just this year so far.
That averages to over 100 bills per state targeting the queer community and our rights.
Can we please focus on our collective oppression and solidarity instead. We all have shit to work on okay? Nobody is a perfect ally, even people in your community and yeah that's messed up! But maybe we can set that aside for the sake of our literal rights and lives. At least for a bit.
like is it just me or does it seem tone deaf as fuck to be calling members of your community ignorant bigots for having internalized xyz (that they weren't even fully aware of) when there are powerful, financially backed think tanks and white supremacist orgs currently spending every dime they have on elections and to spread as many hateful policies as they can? Esp when those policies are having devastating real life effects on real people and costing lives?
Like idk.
Yeah the lesbian cashier who assumed my gender is an asshole, but I think it'd be a better use of my time to address the crowd outside that's discussing whether or not to blow up the Queer Store I'm standing in. I will have my whole life to check queer assholes and educate and accuse other people of not being good enough allies to me specifically, but that's only if I do everything I can to save both our lives first.
For the record, because I know someone is reading this in bad faith: I'm not saying the transphobic lesbian should be let off the hook or ignored. I'm saying that her education is secondary to the much more urgent need to work together and save our lives.
Likewise I'm so fucking tired of seeing of the transphobic lesbian whine and complain about how her space is being invaded by evil trans customers when there is literally a crowd outside that wants to kill them both.
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mohgreal · 2 days
Miquella SOTE analysis  
SOTE spoilers + cw for incest (mentioned?)
As much as I could scream here about how much I hate the butchery of his character I decided I'm going to take Vaati's place early and attempt to make sense of it (i dont get paid for this)
Throughout the DLC Miquella is a big theme and he is mentioned a ton, both by his followers/npcs but some portions of it feel like direct traces to Miquella; That everything is leading you to him.
Now that the bewitchment theory is canon (sadly), this could also be seen as his allure bringing the Tarnished to him. He needs the Tarnished. Why? Because only a reddit mod tryhard as our Tarnished could possibly beat Radahn, kill Mohg, and drag their corpses to him.
During the boss fight with him and Radahn, Radahn traps the player in this weird hug, Miquella whispers to the Tarnished about his age of compassion; "I'll make the world a gentler place". This bewitches our Tarnished and if you get hug-bewitched-whispered twice you get a death screen that says "HEART STOLEN" 
Trying to make sense of why he would need Radahn; Miquella in order to become a god and take Marika's place needs a consort. Miquella seems attached to strength; Look at Malenia, Mohg, Godwyn and Radahn.
What do they have in common? Strength. Our Tarnished also has that.
When he asks presumably us to be his consort I have two theories on this;
Miquella is still trying to achieve his dream world, a gentle place where he can live with his family peacefully with no violence and everyone loves him. A childish dream metaphorically. In order to do this he would still need Godwyn, so perhaps he's still trying to do that and he's using Radahn as another tool to get there. SOTE still has strong themes of death and those who live in it. 
Miquella still refers to his "Lord brother" and assuming this is Godwyn, it's possible that this would be true. However, if this is not the case and Radahn was re written to be his lord brother;
2. Miquella still wants that dream I mentioned earlier, but without the Godwyn part. He can cleanse people of scarlet rot (that one npc says so) So this could all feed into that and how he is really is trying to become a benevolent god in which everyone loves him/eachother and everything is okay; The opposite of how things are in the lands between. However because its so childish people wouldn't agree to it, so he thinks the only way to get there is bewitching them.
One of the items says how Malenia whispered in Radahns ear (i hate this lore) So this would mean that she was aware of this, meaning this was Miquella's plan from the start and the way his followers and everything hypes him up is because it was a plan he tried too hard to make work and possibly bewitched everyone in the process. (Considering Miquella doesn't become a god in the end from what I can gather?)
Not my favourite analysis to be making knowing...certain...writers...but  I guess I didn't wait 2 years just to not at least try to see Miquella's character.
Hopefully this fuels your coping, and until another post of 
Coping with Mohgreal 
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couldn't find a scene with this clip from the trailer, will update/rb this post when i find out more abt it :P
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toxycodone · 2 days
Hey Toxy! Sorry for the sudden radio silence on asks from me, but I got nasty icky sick.
Any quick thoughts on the Touden Party (post Falin being revived) with a gn!reader or fem!reader who got sick (stomach bug or flu is okay with me)?
Thank you again! Love your blog!
-Deer Anon. 🦌❤️
NOOOO OMG...im so sorry to hear that i hate. the flu. I had it in the beginning of this year and when I tell you I was DYING. ugh.
Probably the most visually affected. Literally says out loud "that's awful!!" when he hears you're sick. Bro is not having it
He's not squeamish, so he volunteers to check on you (along with Falin, theyre a duo).
He holds your hair back when you throw up. King
I think he spends a lot of time unintentionally fretting about you. Will you be okay? Getting sick is the worst. He just ultimately feels bad.
I think he tries to distract you by reading or trying to play games. The others have to keep him from you because he's so eager to just hang out and doesn't really think about the reality that hey. you have something infectious!!
She's genuinely an unbothered queen in the best way possible. Because she doesn't freak out or anything. Falin is just like "okay" and comes up with her game plan
She's good at nursing you back to health but she doesn't overdo it. Falin is really lowkey and honestly an excellent caretaker. She's the one monitoring your temperature and making sure you get enough fluids and she doesn't cringe when you vomit everywhere. Just frowns and gets to cleaning up.
She'll use her magic to help alleviate your symptoms before she goes <3
Instantly freaks. Because ew germs and being sick but also like are you gonna be okay?? Marcille wants to like consult every medic in town before Falin reassures her its cool
Marcille makes the best herbal tea for you...since Falin has you covered with the magic, Marcille focuses on her home remedies and such.
SHE WOULD DO YOUR HAIR. It's an act of love. Usually people don't think about that but having icky hair when you're sick is the worst and Marcille won't have it.
Oh I know he's immediately thinking of a lecture. He wants to go to you and tell you about how he told you so and you shouldn't have pushed yourself
But when he sees you he just sighs. You look terrible (affectionately) and he just feels super bad. Chil presses his hand to your forehead and tsks and immediately starts doing the mental checklist of what he'd do for his daughters when they were sick
He kinda chides you, but ultimately he settles to change your bedding when it gets too sweaty and make sure you're getting some sort of bath/shower.
He also does that dad thing where he comes into the room and just looks at you when you're sleeping to make sure you're good
He doesn't pressure you to eat and just like, makes sure you're at least drinking the broth to get your strength up.
I also like to think he'd attempt to make the Orc medicine he learned while living with them too, just in case. Even small doses of that could hopefully get you feeling better.
But he's helping Chil with the sheets and washing dishes and such. Senshi also stays in the room with you when he has down time during the day and will read you pa
Eh...do not expect much from her. But she assists the others in the background. Mainly by helping Senshi or Chilchuck take care of you.
She could probably tell you were sick like the day before and avoided you or mentioned you having a strange smell.
But when she hears you're sick she's like :/ "called it"
When no one else is there she "begrudgingly" sleeps at the foot of your bed. It helps you with the chills but also when you have a fever you're really warm
(She probably also gets sick then you have to help her out since its "your fault" hehe)
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sexyandcringe · 2 days
Hopeless romantic
Part 3 ◇ Part 4
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Warnings: cheating (not by reader or osamu), mommy issues and generally parents issues. Reader thinks she is unlovable (she just like me fr.)
Content: osamu x reader, Angst to fluff, hurt/comfort.
A/n: This is the end y'all! I wanted to make it longer but i know myself and i would just leave it unfinished at some point, so i thought this might be a good "ending", but good news! I'll still write some drabbles and snippets about yn and osamu's lives in this AU! like their first times and shit. idk, i'll see. I'm sorry if this disappoints you, I don't care.
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Osamu thinks that everything in your house screams of you.
It’s not his first time in your home, but the vibrant hues and light shades remind him of your joyful personality; the white marble floor completes the water green and pink of your walls. Some canvases are hanging in the living room and a knowing smile forms on his lips as he recognizes your touch in a few of them. The colours and the delicate strokes all bear your signature, a reflection of everything that is you.
He wanders his eyes around, noticing details he didn’t notice in the past and taking in everything he can.
“Pasta with yogurt is delicious.”
Osamu looks horrified at your statement. He thought you were perfect in all shapes and forms, never had he ever expected you to come up with such a daring, unacceptable, banned-from-his-restaurant-worthy comment.
“This is it. I’m leaving.” he declares, rising abruptly from the table, as if ready to sever all hia ties with you and your questionable taste in food.
Your laughter fills the room before you grab his arms and your hand grips his shoulder, “I’m just joking!! Please!” you plead.
“No, you are not.”
Resigned, you raise your hands in surrender, “Okay, I’m not. but it’s actually good! You can’t judge anything until you try it!”
He only scoffs and sinks back into his seat, his attention on the Zucchini Lasagna with Zucchini “Ricotta” that you both made together. It was easier than you expected, and despite your protests, Osamu refused your assistance in any way,  insisting that you simply observe and learn.
The way his hands work in the kitchen left you in awe, and also a little flustered. Who wouldn’t be after seeing those healthy, strong arms of his being put to work?
The final strike was his calm, soft voice, effortlessly explaining everything you didn’t know without making you feel foolish. His tone was void of any patronization and he remained kind and understanding even when you asked questions that might seem obvious to others in the culinary world.
When the result of your (his) hard work was ready, it was late enough that you asked him to stay and dine with you, not wanting to let go of him yet.
(You never want to let go of him.)
“I don’t need to try it to understand that it will taste awful.”
“Never judge a book by its cover, Miya.” you retort playfully, adopting the guise of a wise sage.
Though he doesn't voice it, Osamu hates being called Miya by you.
“You know what- leave it,” he grumbles. His scrunched-up face from the irritation he felt earlier relaxes when he takes a big bite of his dinner and you can’t stop the grin that makes its way onto your lips. Such a goofball he is.
Both of you finish your plates in silence and silence has never been so comfortable, if not with him.
In the past, you always felt like a fish out of water, you knew you were different but not the “cool and edgy” kind, no, you were just straight-up weird, and you believed that most of your friendships and relationships with others did not work out because of this.
Over time, you worked on yourself, learnt to talk to people in socially acceptable manners, and learnt to keep your mouth shut when you had to; Sometimes, your thoughts still race ahead of your words, leaving you dizzy, but you’ve made progress. You’re doing much better now than your younger self, and that is enough.
Osamu never makes you feel different.
He has always been kind and understanding, even on days when you felt like you didn’t deserve it. Even that day, when you were just a stranger soaked with rain, seeking shelter and comfort in his shop.
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It was a cloudy day and you were exhausted from work. Darkness dwelled in the sky when your world shattered again.
It was late evening when your parents called, and of course, it ended up in a fight with no end.
You hated it.
You missed them, every once in a while, but you couldn’t stand being around them. 
You always had a tricky relationship with your mother, a paradox where you wished her well while hurting her because she hurt you. You loved her and cared for her while wanting to run away from her and never see her again. 
(maybe you only loved the mother you hoped she would be.)
To make matters worse, your boyfriend wasn’t answering his phone. You needed him - needed his hugs and kisses and a silly movie to escape reality.
And when he didn’t reply to yet another call, you decided to go to his house in hopes of finding him, but when you got to the main gate of his building, your heart stopped.
You had your fair share of heartbreaks, but at the age of 24,  you weren’t one to play around with idiots who can’t have a stable and serious relationship. Your boyfriend seemed perfect initially, he was everything you thought you couldn’t find and the first two months were like a dream. Then, the reality slapped you hard and you saw the imperfections in your relationship: he never called, never let you see his phone (not like you ever asked, privacy is important to you, but when he takes away his phone even just to go to the bathroom, or when he snatches his phone from you when you use just to make some silly selfies, it makes you feel like he might be exaggerating a tad bit.), and most of all, he didn’t want you to meet his friends yet. 
You thought he might be just shy, maybe his friends weren’t your type of people, maybe he had been discussing a surprise for you so that’s why he wouldn’t let you see his phone. You found justification in everything because really, you liked him. 
Maybe that’s why when you saw your boyfriend of 8 months making out with the barista “you didn’t need to worry about.”, you felt like hundreds of thousands of needles were ripping your skin apart and just then, as if the clouds could feel your pain, they started to mourn, pouring heavy rain on your head, screaming at the top of their lungs and letting all their suffering pour down as if taking revenge of everything the humans have done to Earth.
At first, you felt numb, a numbness that comes from not believing what you are seeing, then started the loud thumping of your heart, making your bones tremble in despair, and your breathing became unbalanced, stuttering through your mouth; and worst of all, you were in the middle of the streets and the rain was growing faster and louder.
(but nothing was louder than the scream you let out inside your head.)
With heavy and slow steps, you walked away, oblivious to the water dripping down your temples, feeling utterly lost.
You didn’t know where to go. Your house was just a hellhole of everything that would remind you of him. You wanted to run away, and that’s what you did.
You ran until your lungs burned, until your legs ached, and the rain drenched you completely.
You were hungry and thirsty and cold and heartbroken and so fucking lost and-
A light.
A warm, inviting light accompanied by soft hums and melodies gets your attention.
From the tables inside the structure, you suspect it to be a restaurant, or perhaps a fast food, you don’t know. All you knew was that you needed warmth and a seat, so you pushed the doors open.
“Sorry, we are close-” A man looks your way, holding a dirty cloth and detergent. He must have been cleaning. 
Your eyes widen, a little panicked, because you had no idea it was so late and when you look down- 
oh god, you just walked into a closed restaurant, and you are soaked and you dirtied his floor all over again, he is so going to berate you and kick you out-
“Nevermind. Come in.” his voice sounds gentle, kind even; you wonder why he hasn’t screamed at you yet. You just ruined his floor, didn’t you?
He pulls a chair back and waits for you to sit, you oblige in silence, though a little hesitant, “Wait here, I’ll be back.” is all he says before disappearing from your sight.
While you stare at the texture of the tables and tiles, the events of the day come back rushing to your mind, the fight with your parents, the dead cat you found on the streets and your boyfriend cheating on you. Everything was a mess, and you felt so lonely. There was a tight knot in your chest, a heavy weight of unshed tears, and it became heavier with each passing second.
A plate comes into your view with hot rolled spaghetti seasoned with tomato puree and basil and you can’t stop the grumbling of your stomach at the sight of such delicacy.
Your face heats up as you hear a small laugh from the man standing next to you; you opt to hide your embarrassment by eating everything that was laid in front of you. You take a bite of the hot strands, swirling your fork in all the wrong ways (when have you ever done something right?), and the taste fills your mouth, cascading in your stomach and the tight knot between your lungs comes undone, your eyes get blurry and tears start to flow freely down your cheeks.
Fuck, you really did not want to cry now, but you can’t stop it. You sob and hiccup and keep eating all the same, while the cook stands next to you in silence.
The kindness of a stranger and the cruelty of your beloved crashed down on you like a tsunami and all you could do was eat and cry. Miserable, you thought to yourself.
Later, a hand came down your head, a soft pat accompanied by a low, comforting voice, “It’s going to be okay.” it said, and you believed it.
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“Yachi was asking about you, y’know. Tsumoto, too. They said they missed your yapping.”
You gasp, feigning a shocked expression. “Hey! It’s called  ‘having a conversation’!”
He snorts, “Sure, if that’s what helps you sleep at night.” Osamu collects the empty plates from the table and helps you clean up the kitchen.
You huff as he dries the dishes you wash, his taunting endless. When you glance at the clock, it’s already around 10 pm, and you wonder if you took too much of his time. Someone like him should never waste his time over someone like you.
“By the way, Aika gifted me two tickets to the opening of the “Fishy and Cheesy Aquarium” near the bridge because she can’t make it.” he says after a while. 
You sputter out your drink, laughing at the ridiculous name.
“What the fuck is that name?!” you try not to snort like an ugly pig in front of him (you fail.) He just shrugs. “Also who’s Aika?”.
“Oh? I thought you met her! Remember the girl with long black hair and green eyes who entered my restaurant a few weeks ago? She’s Rintarou’s sister, but since me and ‘Tsumu have known Rin since we were toddlers, she’s like a sister to us, too.” a fond smile takes place on his lips, a smile that he rarely gives to clients, a smile reserved for family.
All the pieces fall into place in your head, and somehow you feel relief and joy and you curse yourself for feeling that way. You shouldn’t be allowed to feel happy now, but you are, and your heart’s already thumping out of your chest when he says his next words: 
“So, I was saying, since ‘Tsumu is away for two weeks and Rin just hates crowded places with too many kids, would you like to go there with me?”
And of course, you say yes before your brain can even comprehend what he’s asking of you. 
You are quite sure he is just asking you out as friends do, but what can you say? you are a hopeless romantic, after all.
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Reblogs are really appreciated!
Tags: @lees-chaotic-brain @writingsofanomnivore @pressuredtreasure @k4sumis0u
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anifever · 2 days
can you pls do an outsiders x Nerdy fem reader? Like, braces boy band fangirl who rants about comics type. Would rather have it being Curtis sister reader but you can do whatever, tyy <33
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Gang w/ a Nerdy!Reader ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
The Outsiders x Fem!Reader
୨୧ : The Curtis gang with a nerdy reader
A/N : This is kinda bad bcs I get unmotivated to write sometimes but I swear I’m trying omg. Also I didn’t do Curtis sister simply so it’d be more ambiguous, sorry 💔 Anyways this is literally me except I just don’t have braces anymore
˖⁺‧₊˚ 👓 ˚₊‧⁺˖
୨ You cut pics of The Rolling Stones members, etc out of the newspapers he reads and keep them
୨ He’s confused at first then he’s like “Oh..” when he realizes what’s happening- he doesn’t mind tho
୨ You write the dumbest little notes/pickup lines and put them in his lunch bag for work
୨ He doesn’t understand most of them but he likes them regardless
୨ He read comics here and there when he was a kid, but he definitely doesn’t anymore 😭
୨ He’s always arguing with Pony about those things and just doesn’t really get it
୨ Even though he doesn’t understand yours and Pony’s infatuation with stuff like that, he thinks it’s nice you’re able to bond with each other over it
୨ At some point you convince him to watch one of your favorite sci-fi type tv shows with you whenever he isn’t busy
୨ It’s a pipeline of him saying he doesn’t like it, pretending he doesn’t like it, then being really invested in it
୨ Anyways, even if your interests don’t exactly line up, you still love each other
୨ You rambling over stuff all the time honestly helps him forget about the stress in his life
୨ He has no room to talk when his favorite show is still Mickey Mouse at the age of 18 and a half
୨ He thinks it’s cute in an endearing way
୨ He makes fun of you a bit but he doesn’t mean it seriously- that’s just how he is
୨ You guys discuss superheroes together and get way too in depth about it
୨ When he sees your room for the first time there’s like little figurines everywhere, etc and he’s just like “Huh, I have that one too” while pointing at the Hulk or something
୨ He doesn’t gaf, at least it’s clean unlike his
୨ If you have braces, he’s absolutely making jokes about it
୨ You’re getting called metal mouth but it’s out of love I promise
୨ He doesn’t let other people make jokes about it though
୨ Like that’s his job!!! Leave his girl alone!!!
୨ This man defends you with his life I’m so serious
୨ Anyways, whenever he gets super drunk and he starts rambling the exact same way you do normally so it sort of evens you out
୨ Idk what else to even say because you both just make so much sense- it seems so obvious
୨ I hate to say it, but he calls you brace-face
୨ Ironic because he needs some himself!!! 😊
୨ You said something along those lines to him once and he was so caught off guard and offended
୨ Even though he’s a smartass and you’d figure he’d be mean abt it, I feel like he’s probably kinda the same as you- at least when he was younger
୨ Bro knows his DC and Marvel lore
୨ You guys are constantly re-watching ‘Godzilla’ together
୨ There’s probably a picture of him from when he was younger dressed as it for Halloween or something too
୨ You have made him go to a concert with you
୨ He didn’t even really care about you freaking out over the guys, he was more upset that you chose The Beach Boys of all people
୨ He considers it “Soc music”
୨ You most likely don’t understand anything about cars
୨ He could sit there for hours trying to explain stuff to you and it just won’t click
୨ He’s like “How can you remember every fucking Beach Boys song but not what an exhaust does??”
୨ Okay you probably aren’t that dense but still
୨ Yeahhh, he’s making fun of you
୨ It’s out of love tho 😇 most of the time..
୨ You constantly make references about comics and shows and he has no clue what you’re talking about
୨ You use the word kryptonite around him and he’s like “..What the HELL did you just say to me?”
୨ Most of the things you ramble about, he doesn’t understand, like, at all
୨ Much to his dismay, he can’t help his features from softening when he watches you do it
୨ You definitely gives him a break from all the reckless crazy stuff he does
୨ You use so many big words (they usually aren’t that crazy) and he’s just like “Could you speak English?”
୨ When he first went inside your room, it was covered in posters from movies like ‘Dracula,’ ‘Creature from the Black Lagoon,’ ‘Psycho,’ ‘Frankenstein,’ ‘The Birds,’ etc
୨ At first he was like “Jesus…” but really he thought it was pretty cool
୨ You guys are horror movie enjoyers⁉️
୨ You’re probably more of a geek over them than he is, but it’s just barely (he’d never admit it)
୨ You definitely fangirl over The Beatles and it lowkey hurts his feelings
୨ You have to be like “Soda.. you literally look like a movie star why are you worried-”
୨ Yes you know Paul’s blood type, time of birth, and who his fourth cousin twice removed is; so what? 🙄
୨ Knowledge-wise you balance each other out
୨ You have amazing grades in all your classes and he’s dropped out 🤍 but on the other hand, you are not very street smart
୨ Like if you have a gun held to your head, let’s hope they’ll ask you trivia about ‘The Twilight Zone’ for your freedom
୨ Anyways, he tries to keep up with and understand the stuff you talk about
୨ Give him time 💔 he’s trying
୨ He probably already knows a bit from having grown up with Pony, but it’s still nothing crazy
୨ He carries around extra wax for your braces in his pocket in case they ever start hurting you (idk if they were invented yet in the 60’s but let’s pretend)
୨ Throws wrenches and things like that at Steve if he says stuff about you
୨ You get pretty insecure since he’s so popular with girls and they usually aren’t like you; but he’s always reassuring you over it
୨ You guys read comics together
୨ He’s a spider-man lover and I’ll die on this hill
୨ Someone write Johnny Cade spider-man au rn
୨ He’s constantly telling Dallas to “lay off” when he says stuff about you
୨ Finds your braces cute- he thinks they just add to your charm
୨ Anything that helps him somewhat escape reality, he enjoys; he gladly talks about nerdy stuff with you
୨ He gets along with Pony so well and he has most of those interests, and it’s the same way with you
୨ You guys sit in the lot and stargaze constantly; each time you point out and name the constellations along with explaining their backstories
୨ He listens with a fond smile on his face every time
୨ He thinks it’s cool you’re able to remember all of that
୨ You’re both just so cute I’m crying
୨ Whenever he comes over, he always admires the figures, posters, books, etc you have around your room
୨ Idc his ass is also a nerd
୨ Maybe not in the exact ways you are, but he definitely still is
୨ You help him in certain classes he’s not doing well in which he is extremely thankful for
୨ You guys also read comics together 😋
୨ Usually you make him read them out loud though since you love his voice and also think he’s good at the sound effects
୨ That being said, you both give each other book recommendations
୨ You guys go to the drive-in/theater together constantly and have heavy debriefings over all of the movies (mainly the sci-fi ones)
୨ You guys are both big fans of Elvis
୨ He’s a fan music-wise, you’re a fan of literally everything
୨ You’ve seen every single one of his movies. Multiple times.
୨ Definitely makes him a little jealous but he tells himself it’s not a big deal
୨ He can’t even be mad at you geeking out when he preforms on TV, he understands
୨ All that being said, you guys actually go really well together
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captain-hen · 10 hours
The most insane for me is when people who stan tommy uses what taylor did to bobby to hate on her. Like, okay that was absolutely fucked up, and I'm not a fan of her either, but i feel like if you still use this reason even though bobby was fine with her after (even inviting her in his house), then maybe there's something you should hold against tommy too (no matter if hen and chimney look friendly towards him) ??
the funny thing is that hen and chimney are...pretty lukewarm towards him, actually. you have chim who only contacted tommy like twice when he needed his help and didn't invite him to his wedding...you have hen who, in 3x16, was very emphatic about not being friends with any of the guys who used to work at the 118 when she joined; and even tommy makes a crack about not getting her christmas cards. not saying they hate him or anything! i think they're fine with him, honestly. but it's not some great friendship like people like to pretend, sorry 🤷🏽‍♀️ and yeah, i definitely think it's weird that all the female love interests, taylor included, have gotten so much shit for much less. i still remember that one person who tried to say that tommy being brought back was better than lucy, because lucy made "a terrible first impression" on the audience. worse than the guy who was introduced as being part of the white man status quo who was complicit in racism and misogyny? hm.
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blakbonnet · 2 days
ARTIST OF THE WEEK @midearthlingart ✨
This week's AOTW is Laz aka midearthling, and any AOTW event intending to bring classic ofmd art back into circulation would be incomplete without them <3 She agreed to answer a few questions for me and shared some great tips for beginners:
- Which do you use to draw (app/digital or traditional)?
I think everything posted here is digital, done mainly on Procreate, although I have started using Art Studio Pro more recently and I really like it (also an iPad app but available on other machines afaik!). I do like to doodle and do studies in my sketchbook though, I think it's good to keep me sharp and for a change of pace! And sometimes ideas come easier that way. But any completed pieces tend to be digital.
- Fave brushes/pencils/mediums (links/screenshots?)
On procreate I'm partial to using jingsketch basic’s flat brush, it’s so versatile for sketching and painting! Other brushes in my regular rotation are the default chalk and 6b brushes from procreate. I also have a soft ‘photoshop’ brush that I use to flat in colours, and a round brush I downloaded that I often use for sketching too; unfortunately I can’t remember where I got either of those ones but I’m pretty sure they were free! Sometimes I use random texture brushes, and the default watercolours in procreate.
- Your favourite piece you've drawn?
I go through phases of really loving some pieces and then hating them again (I often dislike my own art!) One of the best things I ever drew is a very nsfw comic so I unfortunately can’t share it on tumblr lmao. But in its stead, I think this and this have a special place in my heart.
- Who's harder to draw: Ed or Stede?
Honestly it just depends on the day! Both can be difficult to capture for different reasons; oddly I think for me I don’t have Ed’s face pinned down as much as I do with Stede’s. I’ve drawn them so much at this point I can bang them out without reference most of the time, but every now and again I’ll have a difficult angle and need to reference again! Stede’s nose is my absolute favourite to draw though.
- One essential tip for beginner artists?
Keep going! References and 3D models are your friend! It’s okay to make studies of other people’s works in order to learn (just don’t share and try to pass it off as your own!) Tracing photos to learn is also fine too, these are all just tools to help you hone your skill.
- Why OFMD? 🥹
It did something to my brain! I remember watching it back in March 2022 when there were only 6 episodes out at the time, I binged in one go and then the very next day watched all of them again. It just felt so cosy! I watched initially when I heard about it because I already loved Rhys and Taika’s works so needless to say it was hook, line and sinker from me from the start—I did not stand a chance! When it turned out to be a queer, middle-aged love story I knew it would be special to me forever.
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My Work on Archive Of Our Own
Please ignore if me gushing about the reception of my fics is irritating. I understand there are some people who genuinely hate when fanfic writers do this, so I'm putting it under the cut so you don't have to see it!
(And fair warning; if this irritates you and you still decide to click 'keep reading' and you then decide that I am obviously up myself so I deserve a hate anon or several, I need to preemptively remind you that I gave you the choice not to engage. You will be blocked and I shall call you a silly little guy if you do this.)
I also would like to make this an invitation to anyone who wants to share their proudest stats, or a nice comment they got, or even just something they are really really happy about in having written their fic. (No need to click read more, just go for it and use this as your excuse to show some pride.) On any platform!
Gonna tag the following: @lya-dustin @ewanmitchellcrumbs @the-common-cowgirl @the-wonderland-madnesss @marthawrites
@vampire-exgirlfriend @exitpursuedbyavulcan @emilykaldwen @ripdragonbeans @aegonx
Feel free to turn this into a pass-on game, if you like! We should celebrate the things that make us happy, too. ❤️
I've not ever really posted about this because, IDK, I worry about being considered a conceited asshole. I figure, though, that this is my blog and my safe space and if I want to celebrate something I'm proud of then I should be able to do so. Nor am I implying that I believe this is any sort of metric of popularity or superiority, OR that I write for the sole purpose of validation through clicks and numbers. I have very little interest in engaging with any of that rhetoric. NO. It's just a convenient bonus, kinda like how I love my job and the fact I get paid is awesome but not my primary reason for doing it.
Okay, I think I've got the disclaimers out the way? (Can never be too sure with fandom.)
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads my stuff. Not only on here, but on Archive Of Our Own, which is more or less a place I consider the Ultimate Fanfiction Site (TM). It used to be fanfiction.net for me, but then their ads got annoying and their content ban gross, so AO3 it is! I've read fanfiction on AO3 since I was like 13, and I still find it crazy beyond belief that my work is not only on there, but that it gets any sort of traction at all.
As a little acknowledgement of something I'm proud of, I wanted to document my stats on my big series, terms of endearment, as of June 2024. It is by and large the biggest project I have ever done, and I've poured countless hours of researching, writing and editing into it.
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darilaros (princess)
Words: 48,843 Comments: 254 Kudos: 801 Bookmarks: 111 Hits: 21,971
gevivys (beauty)
Words: 52,147  Comments: 578  Kudos: 2,965  Bookmarks: 490  Hits: 106,019
dōnus riñus (sweet girl)
Words: 58,775 Comments: 660 Kudos: 3,414 Bookmarks: 635 Hits: 141,339
ilībītsos (little slut)
Words: 62,725 Comments: 556 Kudos: 1,880 Bookmarks: 289 Hits: 99,939
ñuhus prūmȳs (my heart)
Words: 104,063 Comments: 1,188 Kudos: 2,274 Bookmarks: 368 Hits: 110,356
jorrāeliarzus (beloved) (ongoing)
Words: 38,451 Comments: 234 Kudos: 454 Bookmarks: 86 Hits: 16,208
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That makes for a total of 365,004 words; 3,470 comments; 11,788 kudos; 1979 bookmarks; and 495,832 hits. Jesus Christ.
To everyone who kudos'ed, commented, bookmarked, subscribed or even just clicked on the link to the fic, thank you very much. This series has grown and grown, not just in my head but also in audience. It's given me so much encouragement and support in my writing, and a feeling like maybe I am decent at this? I don't know. I used to write when I was a kid, but I stopped during high school. Rediscovering the joy of it hasn't just been rewarding in terms of having fun with it, but also in discovering that there are people who genuinely want to read what I'm putting out. I've spent a lot of my life feeling powerless and silenced, so this really means so much to me.
I am going to keep on writing for as long as I possibly can, because I genuinely haven't found a hobby as long-lived and fulfilling as this.
Thank you. I'm so very lucky. I'm so grateful. I love you all!
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ghoulishomens · 2 days
look after you - a shitty nick one shot I had based off of the song by the fray and a random tiktok that crushed my! fucking! soul! (no NSFW, just cute shit)
this one shot is sponsored by my depressive episodes and a lot and I mean A LOT of weed
you haven't felt this low in your life. you wonder if you've subconsciously forgotten what happiness felt like. life has just taken a pause, and it's so lonely. you attempt to fill the void with parties or group hangouts, but you stick to walls and secretly hate the people you hang around with.
there's only one person keeping you afloat. nick, your sweet, caring boyfriend that you mask around. he already deals with so much. he shouldn't have to deal with you too, or that's just what you say to yourself.
nick isn't dumb. he can tell when you're slipping back. your music is reminiscent of bad times you went through. you start smiling less. you're more tired. your coffee is stronger. it's those little things that he picks up on. he probably caught on to your sadness before you did.
he knows your personal brainstorm cloud is preventing you from wanting to cook so he makes you lunch. he goes and checks on you, bringing you a meal along the way.
he sees you lying in bed. you appeared to almost be sleeping with your eyes open. your brain just feels like a tornado of thoughts, and you're just trying to hang onto a piece of the flying debris. you're tired, but sleep won't fix it.
you don't even notice nick's presence until he's spooning you from behind. he holds you like you're gonna fall apart if he lets you go. honestly, you might. he whispers into your ear.
"It's okay, my baby.. I'll look after you.."
obviously, he can't just take away all your pain with a few words, but his voice saying those sweet words damn well could've. you close your eyes and just melt into him. you just start talking, ranting about how god awful rock bottom is. how you just don't know what to do next in life and how you feel so utterly alone. he reminds you that nobody, not a single soul in this world, knows what they're gonna do in their life, and that's okay. it's what makes it all the more exciting. he reminds you that there's billions of people in this world. who's to say you're alone? that all, with time, will eventually be okay. life shifts, life changes, and sometimes things are left behind, and that's okay.
he continues to reassure you that no matter how low you get. you're always gonna have him here. there's nothing you could do that would make him think of you as a burden. he reassures you that you're not something to be fixed, but something to love and care for.
you don't remember falling asleep. you just cried and cried until you did like a baby. instead of feeling scared and sad, tonight you fell asleep happy and content. you were safe. you were loved. you were looked after.
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Snippet in which Tommy wakes up with his head on Evan's chest.
Eyes closed, Tommy still vacillates between sleep and awareness but he does notice that he’s warm. He’s always hated being cold so waking up like this is nice. The sensation doesn’t stem from the sunbeams falling through the windows and brightening up the room though. No, he’s basking in the warmth of another body. His boyfriend’s body.
His boyfriend. Who is in bed with him, running his fingers through Tommy’s hair in a gentle steady rhythm. It feels so good, it gives Tommy tingles and a part of him wants to lean into the caress like an oversized touch-starved cat.
For a hazy confused moment, he doesn’t even want to open his eyes at all. What if this is just the remnant of a dream? Wishful thinking? Is his imagination playing tricks on his mind?
But with sleep fading, Tommy starts to feel more. Vague blurry sensations form into something concrete. Something real.
Evan’s warmth and familiar scent are all around him. Tommy can hear the vibrating echo of his steady heartbeat and realizes he has his head on Evan’s chest. That’s definitely a new way of waking up. He opens his eyes and blinks into the bright light of the late morning sun. Right. It’s a free weekend. No alarm clock. No work. No calls. Just them.
Evan is laying on his back, head propped up against a pillow, staring at something on his phone while he continues to play with Tommy’s hair. His own curls are tousled and his mouth is slightly open, his eyes having that laser-focused expression that they always get when Evan discovers something captivating.
“What are you looking at?” Tommy mutters and clears his throat, voice still a little hoarse from sleep.
“Hey, morning to you,” Evan says, smiling down at him. “I was trying to find the best hill for what we planned for tomorrow.”
Right. The hike. A hike with a picnic. Tommy's heart jumps through another enthusiastic loop.
“I want a nice hill,” Evan explains seriously. “With a nice view. And I still have to make a list of what we have to bring. Sunscreen, mosquito spray, bandaids and bandages just in case, hiking socks … Wait. Do you even have proper hiking socks? They prevent your feet from getting sweaty and developing blisters.”
“Yeah, I do have proper hiking socks,” Tommy says, mildly amused. He loves it when Evan goes into full organizing mode.
Tommy raises his head a little, blinking at the dark wet spot he left on Evan’s shirt. “I drooled on your chest,” he states, a bit embarrassed.
Evan chuckles. “Yeah, you woke up like an hour ago, muttered something about too cold, then snuggled up against me, pressed your cold toes into my legs and put your head on my chest. After that, you went back to sleep and started to snore. It was cute.”
Tommy’s breath hitches.
Evan just called him cute. No one called him cute before. Tommy doesn’t know what to say. Or how to breathe. He’s drowning in the fuzzy sensation of being in love. God. He really got it bad. This man stumbled into his life and into his helicopter out of nowhere and managed to steal Tommy’s whole damn damaged heart in the process.
“Babe. Are you okay?” Evan asks, still smiling, but his brows creasing into a subtle frown.
Tommy’s breath starts to run away from him.
Babe. Cute. Are you okay. Waking up on Evan’s chest. Evan’s fingers playing with his hair. Evan watching him sleep.
It’s so much. It’s too much. It’s too good. Good things don’t last. People leave. They leave and all that stays is the cold. Tommy can’t breathe. It’s almost as if the air got sucked out of the room.
He starts to feel lightheaded and lost. A boat on the ocean, thrown around by invisible forces. But then, Evan is there, wrapping his arms around Tommy and whispering, “Breathe. You got to breathe, babe.”
Tommy tries. He inhales shakily, listens to Evan’s breaths and tries to match them. It works. He can breathe again and the dizziness fades. But now he’s embarrassed … Why can’t he spend a morning in bed with his boyfriend without having some kind of panic attack about stupid abandonment issues?
Evan puts his hand on Tommy’s chest, feeling for his heart. “You want to tell me what this was about?”
Tommy sighs. “I was just a little overwhelmed. This is … It’s nice. I like it. It makes me happy. But my stupid mind starts to overthink and I end up being scared I will lose this. You.”
Because you could disappear in so many different ways … A fight. A breakup. An accident. A call gone bad. An illness. Something we can't fight. Something we can’t defeat.
“I have those overthink-moments too,” Evan says quietly. “We’ve been through a lot of loss. Guess our minds are so used to losing people and things, that they hesitate to trust this. I can’t promise you that nothing will ever happen to any of us. But I promise you I will always try my best to come back here. Come back to you. And since we are not able to know the future, maybe we can focus on the moment. Because this morning is a moment I really love.”
“I love it too,” Tommy says, turning to face Evan, and meeting his beautiful eyes. He can see himself inside them. Maybe he can allow himself to be like Evan sees him. He definitely can ask for something he wants. “Can we stay in bed a little longer?”
“Oh, don't worry, I’m not getting up any time soon,” Evan says with a chuckle. “I sent you like 30 Instagram Reels while you were snoring and drooling on my chest. You want to watch them now?”
Tommy smiles. “Yeah, sure.”
He puts his head back on Evan’s chest and they watch the Reels, laughing together. Later, they shower together, have breakfast together, and go to buy a picnic blanket together. When they look around in the shop, Evan takes Tommy's hand and it's such a subtle yet heart-rate-elevating thing. An anchor. It soothes Tommy's stormy mind and makes it trust the happiness a little more. Piece by piece. Step by step.
They do find and buy their own picnic blanket. It makes them ridiculously happy.
A moment saved in their memories.
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riririnnnn · 17 hours
You know what can be the dopest thing right now?
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Kiyora getting an offer from Re Al.
Many of you might think that I've officially lost my mind, but hear me out, okay?
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While dwelling upon the current match and plausible possibilities of the match, Kiyora seems to have slipped past my eyes or more precisely, his assist to Kaiser seems to have slipped past my eyes—his pass was amazing.
Kaiser's goal in itself was a very amazing one, but the main force who made the goal happen was Kiyora, you know, and that's exactly the point I'm trying to make—Kaiser's goal wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for Kiyora.
Considering the fact that Kiyora was still debating who to support—Kaiser or Isagi—I can safely say that he didn't know about Kaiser's impact magnus beforehand, and yet he was able to provide the exact kind of pass unlike Ness who knew and even practiced alongside Kaiser.
And this type of quick observation and accurate judgement is very cool, you know.
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You see, curved shot isn't something Kaiser invented, it is an actual type of shot which I've majorly seen during free kicks or penalty kicks, so I was very impressed when Kiyora was able to look through things—that Kaiser didn't mis-kick but rather it being an attempt for a curved shot—and being able to make a pass where the ball comes to a still end.
Now why was I so impressed?
'cause a curved shot usually happens (at least, that's what I have seen) during free kicks or penalty kicks and what is the state of the ball during those times? Yes! The ball is stationary!
You getting me, right?
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Because of the Luck puzzle piece, some of you might argue that it was just Kaiser being lucky that the ball came to a stop. However, personally, I think the Luck piece just represented Kiyora siding with him and that the ball stopping was very intentional.
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Kiyora has been playing soccer since the age of two, so I don't think that anyone with that much of an experience will make a mundane mistake during such a pivotal point in a very important match.
I understand that under high pressure or during the heat of a moment, whoops-a-daisy do happen even to pros, but Kiyora's demeanour throughout everything was very calm. He seemed too assured for his pass to just be a mistake.
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Of course, I also understand that him receiving an offer from Re Al sounds very far-fetched. I mean, Re Al is shown as this really strong and powerful and amazing team in the BLLK Universe, so someone getting an offer from them based on a single match's performance sounds unrealistic.
Besides, if he does get one, then people will hate on him while saying that he is riding off of Kaiser's goal, and that Kaneshiro-san gave him plot-est armour in existence just to wrap him up.
On the other hand, it'll be indeed really dope if he does go to Re Al with Kaiser—his assist to him has become my favourite assist in the whole series.
Most likely, he'll get an offer from Bastard München though.
What do you guys think?
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xoxochb · 1 day
⋆·˚ ༘ * my wait is you and I won’t go on
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warnings: angst, self doubt, redeeming fluff, this takes place at chb (post hoo), this is mostly based off of me so please be kind
pairing: jason grace x daughter of poseidon
summary: based on the trend symphonia IX trend!
A/N: okay okay so backstory! I came across this trend and I started scrolling through the videos using the song and I saw the cutest one and this girl said “I wish I had real friends” and her boyfriend said “you’ll always have me” and I knew I had to write this asap!!
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the sea is for the people who feel lonely or lost, happily taking in anyone who has feelings of self doubt or any worrisome thoughts, making them disappear forever, never letting these awful thoughts take over the mind of their beloveds
that’s why most of your time is spent by the water, especially recently. you didn’t have many friends except for your boyfriend and brother. why? you were unsure.
did people hate you? did they think you were weird? what made you unapproachable? did people find you obnoxious? did they think you were weird because you didn’t socialize much? were you hated because your father broke an oath and they thought you were in trustable?
you truly did not know
but what you did know was that you missed your brother. he went back to new york while you stayed back at camp to be a year-round camper. you couldn’t help but feel somewhat selfish for wanting percy to stay with you instead of finishing school, and this haunted you.
perhaps you were hated because of your selfishness? would you even consider yourself selfish?
you lay awake in bed thinking about this. when was the last time you slept? you can’t even remember the last time you actually got out of bed before one in the afternoon!
was this dramatic? you don’t believe so, but your self esteem is so low you start believing it is
you sit up from your sleeping position (you weren’t sleeping anyways) and turn to the boy laying beside you, an arm thrown around your waist
you felt bad about leaving him to lay alone but you couldn’t lay in bed anymore, the thoughts would only get worse if you did. you remove his arm from you with a kiss to the top of his head, then make your way out of cabin one (opposed to cabin three, yes, they’re both empty but the more time you spent in your cabin made you think of percy so jason suggested you sleep in cabin one) to sit by the ocean for a while until your doubts were drowned by the waves
it was fine sitting there for maybe thirty seconds? but the more you looked into the ocean, the more it reminded you of percy and then before you know it tears are pooling out from your eyes
this wasn’t supposed to happen
wasn’t the ocean supposed to help? it always helps you!
you wipe the tears away from your cheeks with a sigh and for a moment it’s silent, but that’s until you see someone sit beside you on the sand
and it’s not just anyone, no, it’s your sweet jason grace
“did I wake you? I’m sorry”
“no, you’re fine” he gently takes your hand in his “are you okay?”
you internally curse him for being so gentle with you because at this very moment you feel the tears making their way back out
“I don’t know” you look up to the sky to prevent the tears from coming out “it’s a lot”
“that’s alright. I’ll be here for as long as you need”
you take a moment to form the words into a sentence “I miss percy. a lot.” you sigh before continuing “I wish I had real friends. I love you and percy, I really do, but it hurts to know that nobody even thinks of approaching me”
“you’ll always have me. you don’t need any of those idiots who don’t want to talk to you, they don’t know what they’re missing out on”
you lay your head on his shoulder and look out to the water. It doesn’t seem so depressing to look at anymore
but perhaps that’s because the ocean was only special if you’re there with someone you love
or maybe because jason was your sea
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Another snippet of Heartstopper AU because I was asked to share some of the locked in the music room incident between Mirabel and Moana. Albeit this is just what happened beforehand.
Specifically by @dandylion94.
“You mean… you didn’t bring anyone? Aww, Bela. It’s okay, I mean I invited pretty much all of my colleagues here tonight—”
Isabela looked up from her phone at that. “To your old school’s summer showcase?”
“Why not?” Luisa countered.
“Why? Do you hate them? Did they give you a bad shift or something?” She questioned.
“What are you talking about? Everyone is clearly here to watch and enjoy our hermanita’s performance! Stop acting like it’s some sort of punishment.” Luisa tugged Isabela over to the refreshments table, before she ended up walking into the crowd of people.
“Yeah, but our sister is just some random kid in the orchestra—”
“She’s the lead flutist, actually.”
“There’s only two of them!”
“And she’s the better one!”
“So? You can’t fucking hear the flute when they all play anyways,” Isabela grumbled, realising she wasn’t going to win against Luisa. She picked up one of the cups of juice - unlike Luisa, she wasn’t that desperate to wait in the never ending cue for bad coffee. “All you can hear is the string section. Which worked really well for Dolores when we had to watch her play in all these.”
Luisa glanced over to the stage. A group of girls, not so much younger than herself, all fiddling with the violins and violas like prized trophies for the parents that were taking Instagram photos.
“So…” Luisa muttered, quietly. “What you’re saying is… we should go collect some stones from outside, when they start performing we throw them and take out the entire string section?”
Isabela scoffed, “As funny as that would be, no. Remember the Nativity we watched? Where we got kicked out and had to stand in that fucking snowstorm all night?”
Luisa almost shivered at the memory, but nevertheless shared the mischievous grin. “I think our comments really added to the story.”
“Yeah! Fuck that stupid teacher, she doesn’t know what she’s on about. We improved her shitty play.”
“Um, excuse me?”
They both turned around. Momentarily worried that said teacher had been in earshot this entire time. Or if not her, perhaps some other old teacher who was about to throw the pair of them out before they could even sit down. But instead, and to their relief, it was Moana; one of Camilo’s friends.
“Hey,” Isabela greeted. “Are you a part of this musical thing too? I never thought you were interested in music and you aren’t in uniform, but you do you—”
“No, I’m not. Well, not performing. I’ve come to watch,” she explained, blushing a little.
“Did Camilo drag you along with him?” Luisa guessed. “Not surprised in the least. He refuses to sit with anyone in the family at school events. Is the rest of the crew here too?”
“I.. I don’t think so?”
“Lucky bitches.” Isabela grumbled under her breath.
Moana shook herself. “Anyways, have you seen Camilo or Mirabel anywhere?”
“They were here. But the orchestra lady sent Mirabel out of the auditorium to get some sheet music she left somewhere in the music department.” Luisa replied, in between craning her neck over the cue that still had barely moved. “I imagine Camilo probably has snuck his way in behind her. He’ll be setting up some prank in the classroom.”
“Or escaping.” Isabela added.
The girl nodded in understanding and disappeared off without saying anything more.
“She seemed eager to leave,” Luisa mused.
“I know right? I can’t believe Milo didn’t let me crash in on the fun.” Isabela complained, her eyes glued back on her phone. “How come both Dolores and Camilo get out of this but I have to be here?”
“No, I mean, not that. I mean… didn’t you see her? Her cheeks were all red; she was clearly blushing, Bela. And the rest of their friend group isn’t here. So there must be a reason why she came and not the others - and I don’t think she’s got the same prank-energy as the rest of them, so what gives?” Lusia broke off in a gasp. “Holy shit, she has a crush on Mirabel!”
It didn’t take long before Moana managed to slip her way out of the auditorium and eventually made her way down the music/drama department of their school. Though, to her, it felt like time was going painfully slowly. All the nerves and excitement crashing together like powerful waves and leaving her a mess.
“Hey, where the hell have you been? I’ve been waiting like forever!” Camilo demanded. Clambering off a desk he had been walking on and linking arms with Moana.
“Well, I—”
“Doesn’t matter, I don’t wanna know. We don’t have the time.” He pointed down the corridor. “Okay, so while I was ditching literature as usual this afternoon, I hid the orchestra marked files in that room. The one at the far end. It’s the one with that weird door that locks. The plan is: I’m gonna send Mirabel in, claiming I saw some papers in there - she’s currently searching one of the practice rooms - then I’m gonna send you in after her and lock the door…”
“And then?” Moana asked.
“You’ll talk and kiss and work everything out! And BOOM! Girlfriends!” He whispered-yelled into her ear. “It’s the perfect plan!”
“Yeah, I get that. How are we getting out?”
He shrugged, “Well, I’ll be nearby. Stealing snacks from the vending machines and hoping none of the adults or teachers catch me lurking. Just text me when you’re done. If I can’t get it open, I’ll just burst into the hall screaming for help. So… you ready to finally get a girlfriend?”
She stopped for a moment to catch her breath. From where they had stopped, she could just about see into the large room the orchestra used to practice every Monday. It was also where all the orchestra had left their bags and instrument cases for tonight, with Mirabel slowly scanning the space and tiptoeing between them to find the sheet music that should have been there. All perfect in her uniform as always, her flute still in hand.
“Yeah. I am.” She smiled, bashfully.
“Okay, great!” He snapped his fingers. “You go hide somewhere for now and I’ll convince Mirabel to check the room. It’ll be easy, I’m such a good actor!”
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