#and I know it was made by another studio but like??? Sinnoh was one of the most beloved regions they KNEW demand was high
starfoam · 2 years
//I’m trying to play SP so I can check it off my list but gang this is like the store brand version of Pokemon
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primordialfell · 1 year
Do Gods Dream?
The ones that wish they were human do, without understanding of what mortality will truly mean. What nightmares would scare a god?
Perhaps a dreamed life. An entire dreamed life, day by muddled, muffled day, and imagined memories concocted by the hour. It was a mundane life, a wasted life, each day just slightly to the left, and each aspect of each day not exactly right but with no reason or rhyme to be wrong.
Until the entire mortal life feels wrong, and everything and every memory feels wrong. The dream continues, and somehow encompasses an entire existence, with every pain and broken bone. Every single car crash, every death, every fight, every misery.
And no joy. There's no joy in it. The world is plastic grey and there are claw marks on everything.
And you have no power over it.
And you can't wake up.
what, you have nothing to say this time?
you're normally so insistent on barging in to my every sleeping moment. so insistent that I never be allowed a moment's peace. you're obsessed with me. with my pain. you call it sanctity and holy but I know that you are a cruel creature of low cunning and low remorse. have you finally learned sorrow? finally decided to leave me in peace?
Your feet find purchase on shifting sand.
oh god.
YOUR NAME IS ETERNATUS. You are the Worm Our God. At least, you are in waking. In sleeping, you are a creature of isolated weakness and quiet contemplation. It is here that you are vulnerable, dreaming deep beneath the sea as you consider old things, great things of high import and such wondrous magnitude. Your castle is old and it is interminable.
SOMETIMES YOU WONDER what it might be like to be human. You have worn their skin and walked among them, as you have for every species you have visited, but it is not the same. You're old, incalculably so, and because of that a lifetime for them passes by you in a blink of an eye. You breathe and an entire generation is dead. In the time it takes you to smile, you have watched a nation fall. You know this. You know what you are. You are a coiling ouroboros. It would take a man a hundred years to walk your length.
YOU'RE OLD. You're very old. As if that makes what you're about to go through any easier.
You wake up. Your hands are rough and calloused as they fly to your face and all your memories come rushing back. Fuck. The alarm on your bedside table blares without mercy, screaming at you to get up and get dressed already, you're going to be late for work. Fuck again. It's Wednesday, worst day of the week for Poke Mart freight.
You prepare yourself for your terrible manual labor job. You arrive late and your manager yells at you again. He does it to everyone. Your abuse isn't special. Neither are you.
You see on the news more stuff about stuff. Terrorist attacks in a distant region, the Kanto bill is dropping in value. Wow, another PWT. You'll get to watch rich assholes with millions of yen fly out to a stadium and get sponsored by corporations to battle with their purebred, IV trained, six-stacks of absolute monsters from the comfort of your ground floor studio apartment.
The news hums at you again. Black pyramids found in Hoenn. You change the channel. Mt. Silver claims another life. You change the channel. Political unrest in Sinnoh. You change the channel.
You switch to your streaming services and watch worthless TV for the rest of your night.
You wake up. Your hands are rough and calloused. All your memories come rushing back as you look at your alarm. Fuck. You're going to be late for work. Fuck again. It's Wednesday. worst day of the week for Poke Mart freight. You prepare yourself for your terrible manual labor job. You get there late. Your manager yells at you. Black spit flies out of his lips and hits you on the face as he does and you sit there and take it.
Your abuse is special. It was made for you. Only you.
You get home. You watch the news. Another terrorist attack. PWT. Met Gala. Climate change. Silph Co coming back. Kanto bill even lower. Unova pyramid found. Unrest. The world is getting worse and you can't do anything about it. How could you? It's like the world was designed to make everyone so miserable they just have to sit there and take it. Like how your boss calls you all family; it's just a tactic to make sure you put up with all sorts of degrading shit.
The man in the corner of your kitchen stares at you and you try not to look at him. He makes you cry.
You wake up. Your hands are rough. Memories come back. Alarm. You're late for work you drive very fast to get there and you rear end some bitch on the highway. Hit and run but it's fine, she'll never catch you. Dog eat dog world out there. Manager yells at you. His jaw snaps off halfway through, his tongue kind of uselessly flopping around the gory, chunky black mess where it used to be. He sounds like someone shoved a fistful of organs down his throat but you know he's still screaming at you.
Home. News. Unrest. Terrorist attack. Economy in shambles. Mundanity. Wealthy people flaunt it in your face. The man in the kitchen takes a step closer and you scream and cry under your couch. No he doesn't. That would be something new. Something interesting. You don't get that luxury. Climate change. Sky blotted with ash. Mt. Silver erupts. PWT. Your Cleffa dies that night. You take her to the Pokemon Center. You can't afford to keep her ashes.
stop it. stop it stop it stop it. i want to wake up. why? how can you do this?!
You think this is me?
it could only be you.
Not every bad thing in the universe is my fault.
Wake. Hands are rotting stumps. Bone pokes out. Drive to work. Your eyes are falling out. Stagger towards your boss an hour late. He's a pile of ash and meat on the ground squealing hateful slurs at you. Ignore him. You run someone over on the way home. Don't bother stopping. Freight truck was filled with bodies today.
These things would scare a human, wouldn't they? Do they scare you, Worm Our God, who is so used to seeing blood and death?
No, they don't, do they?
That's why you realize how horrifying it is.
You wake up again in bed as your alarm blares. You lazily slap it and roll out of bed. Somehow, between the first paragraph and now, it's been fifteen years. You stagger to work. You barely feel alive. Your life is a haze of monochrome mundanity and hope forever dangled out of reach. The news talks of change. Worms flying overhead and breathing life back into the oceans. Well isn't that wonderful.
In retaliation, oil companies jack up prices the next day to compete. Can't let that thing interfere with profits. It brings back a new species, almost in retaliation. That's fine; the next day eggs cost twelve dollars everywhere.
Sometimes you think about getting another Pokemon, then you realize you can't afford it, and you watch the PWT again. You see people competing from all over the world; the people who've gotten lucky enough to steal the eyes of the spotlight. That's the lie everyone always says: anyone can be that great, but they're liars, aren't they? You have to know people to be someone.
Are you even real, then, if you could be removed from the world and no one would ever know the difference?
You wake up again. Your alarm is making noise and you turn it off. You go to get ready for work and your front door is gone. All the windows in your apartment are gone. You realize it makes sense. You were never going to survive for very long anyway, not with the world becoming like it is. Not with nobodies like you, of whom there are billion, being overshadowed by the ones that really matter. Taller flowers get the Light you so desperately crave.
You aren't strong enough to thrive in the Dark. To grab a knife and cut their stems down and take their place in the Light.
You sit down in front of the TV and you watch as it all falls apart around you. Black mist seeps around the floor and swirls like a fog machine. You stare at the TV. The man in the corner watches you. There's no point. There never was. Some people are meant to make history and some are meant to fill the numbers of the lives they change. You are a number filler. That's all you'll ever be.
You realize you are not special. You have struggled into this existence and you will now slip silently out of it. This is everyone's experience, Eternatus. Every single one. The specifics hardly matter.
You're everyone. And everyone is you.
You think about going somewhere. Somewhere faraway where the world can't catch up, as the things that supposedly make you unique peel away bit by bit. Your laugh. Your memories. Your personality. All of it crushed away by a mind that doesn't hate you... but you just aren't important enough to be worth consideration.
That's the real rub. You didn't do anything. You just have to suffer the crime of being so missable.
You sit alone in darkness and the world forgets you.
god, what's the point?
I don't think there is one.
i have to help them. when i wake up i have to help them.
I don't think you can.
i'm eternatus. i can do anything.
Then wake up.
Then save them.
I ...
... ... I know. It's okay. I know.
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teaveetamer · 4 years
Alright just for fun Ima rank my personal preferences when it comes to Pokemon gens.
1) Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald
Admittedly this might be a bit of nostalgia talking since these were the first games I really played as a kid, but idc I love them. Archie and Maxie are kind of ridiculous but Hoenn is such a wonderful region that’s interesting and intuitive to explore, the music is pretty kickass, and it’s full to the brim with Pokemon that I absolutely adore.
Main criticism: 7/10 Too Much Water (Also I was not the biggest fan of ORAS as remakes).
2) Black, White, Black 2, and White 2
I’ll admit I wasn’t too keen on these ones when they first came out, but now that they’ve had quite some time to sit I gotta say I love them. IMO this is the last Pokemon game that really took risks, what with having the largest cast of new ‘mons since Gen 1 (and Black and White actually forced you to use them). Admittedly some of the new ‘mons were a bit hit or miss, but with such a large cast there’s at least a lot of cool ones to choose from. I also really wish they’d revisit the sequel idea at some point, getting to explore Unova again from a different angle was truly something special.
Oh, and I’d say Team Plasma is probably, like, the least ridiculous of all the evil teams (barring maybe Rocket, since at least they’re just a gang without world ending aspirations). It honestly had some pretty interesting characters and character focus that I wish more Pokemon games would do.
Also I really liked PokeStar Studios. Sue me.
Main Criticism: A little too linear at points. I know they were trying to phase out HMs, but it did create a sort of annoying situation.
3) Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum
Also perhaps a bit of nostalgia but Sinnoh is an excellent region. Another roster of kickass new pokemon, including some new evolutions to give some of the older ‘mons a bit of an upgrade. Another thing I really wish they’d revisit at some point. There’s also lots of neat little nooks and crannies to explore, and the series’s best rendition of pokemon contests. The little areas with the AI partners and forced double battles were also really cool, IMO.
Main criticism: Not enough new Fire Type ‘mons.
4) Gold, Silver, Crystal (+Heart Gold and Soul Silver)
Crystal was technically my first Pokemon game, though I was too young to really play it properly. I know HGSS are technically remakes but I don’t think I’d like the originals so much if they didn’t get such fantastic remakes. Everything about HGSS is absolutely amazing. Pokeathalon was a fun diversion from the main game, two regions in one game was amazing, and the cute little ‘mons following you around were amazing. Buuut if we go just by the original games then they’re definitely lower on the list, just by virtue of being older games without a lot of the little modernizing touches and QoL fixes we got down the line.
Main Criticism: I find the game generally enjoyable, it just didn’t really grab me like some of the higher games on this list did.
5) FireRed and LeafGreen (with a special shoutout to Let’s Go! Eevee)
I actually didn’t play the original RBY until I was an adult, but I think by now we all know those games were being held together with scotch tape and hope. Kanto, as the OG region, has a special place in a lot of people’s hearts but I just… can’t really get that into it anymore. I mean I enjoy it, but given GameFreak’s incessant need to throw the OG 151 into everything I’m just kind of bored of the region and the ‘mons that came with it.
I will say that the Let’s Go games really spiced things up with the visible map pokemon, following/ride pokemon, different catching system, boxlink letting you switch up your party on the fly, and the adorable as fuck little partner you get to have riding around on your shoulder the whole time. Not to mention the fun little post-game challenges for the completionists out there.
Main criticism: Overuse. Also Let’s Go only included the original 151, even though many gen 1 ‘mons got evolutions or pre-evolutions in future titles. Would have liked to have seen those carried over. Was also not a fan of the lack of breeding or GTS to make certain Pokemon easier to obtain.
6) Sword and Shield
Might just be recency bias, but I did really have a lot of fun with this game. A lot of the locations were really beautiful and I really hope they bring back a big, explorable wild area type thing in the future. It’s one of those things that Pokemon always should have had, but you don’t realize how good it is until you’ve got it. The new ‘mons were probably my favorite new cast introduced in the most recent three gens. Also the clothes perfectly captured my bum aesthetic and I appreciate.
Unfortunately this game loses a lot of points with me because of just how unfinished it is. The towns were woefully small and the story was pretty non-existent. It just screams of a game execs wanted to push out to reach a deadline.
Main Criticism: Obviously unfinished. Probably my least favorite collection of starters ever.
7) X and Y
Honestly the last two slots are pretty interchangeable for me, but I will say I had a lot more fun with X and Y than I did with Sun and Moon. Even if it’s not my favorite I have replayed it at least once, which is not an honor I can give to Sun and Moon.
That said… I just hated a lot of the things X and Y did. I hated megas (and how they were forcibly shoved into ORAS), I was not a huge fan of Fairy type, the rollerskates were fucking stupid, the story was dumb, and just like Sword and Shield there were a lot of “this is clearly unfinished” moments. Granted there were less than Sword and Shield, but they were definitely still there. This was also the first gen to start the “less than 100 new pokemon per gen” tradition.
I’ll also say that this is the first gen where “exclusions” started to become really noticeable. Newer gens always removed features from older gens, but it was usually small stuff or side stuff like contests or the pokeathalon. This time around they put in a whole ass core gameplay  feature (megas) only to completely remove them two gens later with very little explanation.
That said, Kalos was a really beautiful region on the whole. PokeParis is probably the best “massive city” that Pokemon has ever done.
A Random Compliment: They finally added sitting to a Pokemon game god bless.
8) Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon
Ridiculous amounts of handholding, small cast of new pokemon, very few Pokemon I was actually tempted to use, and a region I was very meh on. Island trials really didn’t interest me. IMO they didn’t do enough to mix up the formula, it was very much still a Pokemon Game going through the Pokemon Game motions, just with a slightly different coat of paint.
I also find the existence of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon insulting. X and Y were unfinished, but they didn’t then try to sell you the improved version one year after the release of the original at full price.
I know the existence of third versions is a bit controversial, but they didn’t bother me that much with Gens 1-4. Yellow was completely it’s own thing, and Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum were just improving on already extremely solid games. Sun and Moon made me feel like a beta tester. I was honestly so disgusted I’ve still never finished playing Ultra Sun to this day.
Biggest Fucking Criticism: They took away my ability to sit?! One gen after they introduced the magic of sitting?!
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zdbztumble · 5 years
“Jewel of the Seven Pokemon!” Chapter I
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I’ve had the basic idea for this fic for over a year. It’s one part Fright Night (1985), one part Bram Stoker book, and one part standard BW episode! (And a little bit of Pokeshipping thrown in, because it’s me.)
With any luck, I’ll get this finished within the month of October, with the finale published on Halloween. That may prove unrealistic, but in any event, do enjoy the first entry in my first chaptered Pokefic!
(Also available on FF.Net and AO3)
“Joy!” Cilan cried. “Exquisite! Rapture!”
“Does he have to celebrate out loud?” Iris asked dryly. Ash had the feeling she was talking to herself, so he didn’t bother to answer. He was pretty excited himself – the detour back to Virbank City wasn’t something he’d been crazy about at first, but when Cilan told them that they could get into one of the real, working film studios, Ash was all for it. The studio was even one Ash had heard about growing up in Kanto – Worldwide Pictures, one of the biggest movie companies in the world, with a backlot tour that showed off all sorts of famous sets and live shows! Ash could still remember the big, glossy magazine his mom had shown him, loaded with photos of the tour. The linked-up tram cars, the Little Kalos set, the robot Sharpedo; it had all been there.
It wasn’t here now. As soon as they’d arrived, a nervous-looking kid in glasses was out by the gate, explaining to a disappointed crowd that the trams were down for repairs, and that the usual tour wouldn’t be possible.
“B-b-but don’t worry!” she stammered. “T-to make up f-f-for it, w-we’re offering w-walking tours! As long as you follow the y-yellow lines on the ground…”
“WALKING TOURS!?” Cilan threw himself at the attendant. “Do you mean to tell me that we can freely roam one of the most storied film studios in history!?”
“Y-yes – well, you can’t go just anywhere, but –”
But that was all Cilan had needed. He whisked Ash and Iris along into line, nearly tore the pack off Ash’s back looking for the money for tickets, and now led their way through the backlot of Worldwide Pictures on an absolutely beautiful day. It was cool but not cold, the sun was bright, the studio lot was full of excited fans following the yellow lines in small groups, and every now and again, they caught a glimpse of a costumed actor or camera crane being rushed inside one of the huge stages. Cilan kept up a running commentary on everything they passed. Ash understood about half of it.
“Do you see it, Ash?” said Cilan, throwing an arm around Ash as he pointed to a long tan building with a curved blue roof and open doors. “That is Stage 28. It was the first soundstage built in this region, nearly a hundred years ago!”
“Wow…it’s that old?” asked Ash. Movies weren’t something he usually thought about as having been around for that long. I don’t think I’ve even seen any movies older than my mom…
“Ash, Worldwide Pictures is the oldest of the major film companies in Unova!” said Cilan. “It was an innovator of the early days of cinema, the first to relocate to Virbank City from the east, and during the Golden Age of Virbank, it was the studio for mystery, thriller, and horror pictures.”
“Really? Awesome!” It had been forever since Ash had seen a horror movie. The last one was back in Sinnoh, the really weird Alto Marian one with all the bright colors that Dawn thought was so scary that –
A loud scream came from inside Stage 28, sending shivers down Ash’s spine and a frizz through Pikachu’s tail. “Ah,” said Cilan. “It seems such a film is under production as we speak!”
“You think?” asked Ash. Even with the doors open, it was hard to see anything inside the stage, and other than the scream, Ash couldn’t hear anything but a general busy murmur. And when the scream came again, it didn’t sound like something from a horror movie. It sounded excited.
At a third scream, Pikachu perked up. His left ear twitched, and he started to sniff the air. “Hmmm? What’s up, Pikachu?” Ash asked. Pikachu hopped off his shoulder and scampered inside Stage 28. The yellow lines on the ground marked the stage as OK to enter, so Ash didn’t think twice about following.
When his eyes adjusted from the bright sun outside, he saw a massive set, an old-fashioned opera house with balconies, painted backdrops, gold decoration on red walls, and a huge brass chandelier. There was a film crew up on the opera stage, huddled around the camera as they quietly reviewed a script. The bigger crowd was in the seats, as a well-dressed man talked about the set – how it was almost as old as the soundstage itself, that it was originally made for some old movie based on an even older Kalosene book (Le fantôme de la tour Lumiose, or something like that – Ash couldn’t really understand it) and all the films it had been used in.
Pikachu sat on the armrest of one of the chairs in the row nearest to the stage doors, still sniffing. Ash wanted to help him find whatever it was he was looking for, but Ash couldn’t smell anything strange. He couldn’t really see anybody that well either; except for the guide, everyone had their backs to the door.
“…And three years later,” the guide was saying, “this set was used for the theatre scene in Blasko – The Un-dead.”
A member of the crowd jumped up. “OOH! That one’s my favorite!”
It was the same voice that had screamed earlier. Ash was right – it was excited. And it was familiar. With a happy cry of “Pikachupi!” Pikachu leapt from chair to chair until he reached the figure – a tall, scrawny girl in a sleeveless yellow hoodie, short shorts, and ginger hair pulled into a side ponytail.
“Pikachu!” she cried out as the Pokémon hopped into her arms and nestled into her neck. “Wha – where did you come from? Does this mean – oh, hi Ash!”
Ash gave a weak wave in reply. His head felt so dizzy that he couldn’t think of what else to do. Who would think he’d run into somebody from home in a giant movie studio in Unova – much less Misty?
It really is a small world, thought Iris. They’d run into friends and rivals from Unova all through their journey; now, apparently, they were running into Ash’s friends from his home in Kanto. His best friend, even.
Iris wasn’t sure what to make of her yet. Pikachu obviously loved this girl; he hadn’t left her arms since she and Ash had come out of that old stage. Ash was lit up like the city lights too. He and his friend were chattering back and forth so much, Iris and Cilan still hadn’t had a chance to even give their names. They were somehow on the subject of how creaky the floorboards were in Ash’s room back home, when his mother would fix them, and how Misty was over there so much more often than Ash these days that maybe it should be considered her room (“Is not!” Ash insisted. “Is too!” Misty claimed.)
“So – you’re Misty, huh?” said Iris once they finally took a breath. “We’ve heard a lot about you.” You and five other people, she thought, but Misty’s name was the one that came up the most whenever Ash talked about his other traveling pals, her and some guy named Brock.
“That’s me!” Misty winked and struck a pose. “The world’s greatest beauty, and Water-type leader of the Cerulean City Gym!” Pikachu gave a happy cry of approval, one Iris couldn’t find it in her to match.
“‘World’s greatest beauty,’ huh?” she muttered. There’s a lot you could say about a claim like that… Axew’s snort told Iris that he agreed with her.
“And I know you two,” said Misty, with another wink. “You’re Iris, obviously – the future Dragon Master.”
“Oh – Ash said that?” Iris looked over at her friend, who shot her a cheeky grin. Iris covered her surprise with a pose of her own. “Well, at least he’s telling his friends back home the truth.”
Misty chuckled and turned to Cilan. “And that must make you –”
“Cilan, at your service!” he spun around and bowed. “Fellow Gym Leader, Pokémon Connoisseur, Film Connoisseur –”
“Annoying Connoisseur,” Iris cut in, and took some pleasure in watching Cilan deflate. Ash and Misty chuckled, then turned back to each other. “It’s great to see you again, Misty,” said Ash, for the third time since he’d brought her out. “But how’d you end up in Unova anyway?”
“There was a raffle in Cerulean City for a free trip to Worldwide Studios,” said Misty. “I wouldn’t have entered normally, but they made all my favorite monster movies. Blasko – the Undead, Creature from Heart Lake, Bride of the Sableye –”
Iris slapped a hand to her forehead. Great – another Film Connoisseur… “So you won?” she said, hoping to make a long story short.
A frown flickered across Misty’s face for the first time, but she nodded. “My sisters complained, of course, but I’m overdue for a vacation, and they agreed – eventually – to do their fair share and watch the Gym for a few days.”
“Sisters?” Iris asked.
“Misty’s three older sisters,” Ash explained. “They’re the –”
“They’re the internationally renowned water ballet act known as the Water Flowers of Cerulean City,” said Cilan, instantly recovered. “A popular attraction, though I’m afraid my brothers and I considered them a somewhat shallow taste when they last toured through Unova.”
“Shallow, huh?” Misty raised an eyebrow. “Well, those are my sisters you’re talking about…and they’re so shallow, they couldn’t make a puddle.” She laughed, and so did everyone else. “But forget about them – we’re here, at Worldwide Studios, and there’s so much to see before the autograph signing!”
“Autograph signing?” Iris, Ash, and Cilan all asked together, Pikachu and Axew chirping along.
“You didn’t know?” Misty seemed blown away by the thought. “Later this afternoon, on the set of his new movie, Bela Christopher is signing photos!”
“BELA CHRISTOPHER IS HERE!?” Even by Cilan’s standards, it was a ridiculous scream. He looked ready to faint, and Misty looked ready to jump the soundstage behind her.
“Who’s Bela Christopher?” asked Ash, and Iris was with him. She loved her some movies – even if she wasn’t a Connoisseur of them – and she’d never heard the name in her life.
“WHO’S BELA CHRISTOPHER!?” Misty and Cilan cried together. They looked to each other, as if they couldn’t believe the question, then rounded on Ash so quickly he took a step back. “Ash,” Misty sighed, “he’s only the greatest living star of horror and fantasy films around!”
“He’s a renowned Galarian actor and war veteran going into his fifth decade as a performer!” said Cilan.
“When Chisel Studios in Galar started remaking all the great monster movies, Bela Christopher played all of them,” said Misty. “He’s played Blasko the Vampire more times than anyone!”
“He also gave a fine turn as the great Galarian detective, Mycroft Abode!” said Cilan.
“He has a Bisharp that he uses in all his movies – it was great as the witch’s familiar in Pokémon Horror Center –”
“He’s an operatically trained singer whose albums cover everything from the great Alto Marian operas to heavy metal –”
“He just came back to horror films after a ten-year break with Reversal Mountain –”
“And he’s set to portray the evil wizard Saul of the Rainbow in the long-awaited adaptation of –”
“OK, OK, we get it!” Ash cried. He looked as exhausted as Iris felt. Was “he’s famous” not enough of an answer for these people?
“But that’s still hours away,” said Misty, instantly back into giddy mode. “And I haven’t even made it to the Little Kalos village yet. C’mon, Ash –” she set Pikachu up on her shoulder and linked arms with Ash – “I’ve still got so much to tell you! And you still haven’t told me what happened to that Victini you ran in to…” She led Ash down the studio road, heedless of his sputtering.
“Looks like we’ve picked up another kid,” Iris sighed, shaking her head. “Right?” She looked to Cilan; he still seemed worked into a frenzy. “Er – Cilan?”
“…How could I not have known Bela Christopher would be here signing autographs!?” He threw his hands to the sky and dropped to his knees. “The finest of all the Mycroft Abodes in cinema, and the only man to have played Mycroft’s brother too! There’s no time to lose – we must find out where that set is!” He sprang back up and took Iris by the hand.
“Shouldn’t we just follow Ash and MistyyyyIIIIEEE!” Iris screamed, led against all instinct down the studio street – in the opposite direction from their friends.
“Oof! How are you gonna get all this home to Cerulean City anyway?” Ash huffed.
“Don’t be silly, Ash.” Misty gave a dismissive wave of her hand before tossing another box onto the stack. “It’s only a few souvenirs.” That said souvenirs were piled tall enough that Misty couldn’t see Ash’s face anymore didn’t mean anything – that was all packaging. She’d make it fit her luggage when the time came.
“Now let’s see,” she said, taking a lick of her ice cream cone before offering Pikachu one in turn. “We’ve seen the Little Kalos village – I can’t believe how detailed that church façade was, it’s so convincing! – the live werecanroc make-up demonstration, the clock tower set, the Lure Hotel –”
“And we’ve been in every shop along the way,” Ash grunted. “C’mon, Misty – give me a break!”
“Relax, Ash,” Misty giggled. “We’re in the line for the autographs.” She was a little disappointed in how short the line was – they weren’t exactly first at the door, but she and Ash were pretty close for showing up just a few minutes before the set opened. The last classic horror convention Misty had attended in Kanto had a similarly slight turnout. It’s the same everywhere, thought Misty sadly. People just don’t appreciate the beauty in these things. It was Tentacool and Tentacruel all over again.
As soon as he heard they were in line, Ash dumped all the boxes off to the side, and made a big show of stretching and lurching over, as if in pain. Misty rolled her eyes. What a baby – they couldn’t have been that heavy. While he was bent forward, she gave him a thump to the back of the head. He whipped up and glared at her. She glared back. And, in a few seconds, they both broke down laughing.
“It’s great having you here, Misty,” said Ash, still chuckling. “It’s just like being back home.”
“Not exactly the same – Brock isn’t here.” The last word Misty had from Brock, he was settling in nicely at his school and looking into apprenticeships in Johto. “To tell you the truth, Ash, I was a little worried about you when I heard Brock wasn’t with you anymore.”
“Ah, c’mon.” Ash brushed his thumb across the bottom of his nose. “I can take care of myself. And besides, Iris and Cilan are with me here, and they’re great. Just wait ‘til you have some of Cilan’s cooking! Brock’s is still great, but –”
“I don’t know if I’ll have the time, Ash,” said Misty. “My trip’s only for the weekend, and just to see the studio. I have to go home tomorrow night.”
“Oh.” It was amazing how much of an open book Ash Ketchum could be. He almost literally deflated before Misty’s eyes. “That’s too bad…I miss hanging out with ya, Misty.”
Misty had long ago gotten over her doubts about Ash’s friendship. The chance of anything more set aside, she felt secure, knowing he was her best friend and she was his, and they could stay that way without a lot of words about it. That didn’t mean it wasn’t still nice to hear them now and again. “I miss you too, Ash,” she said. “I miss traveling. It’s great, being a Gym Leader – but I’d like to get back on the road sometimes.” Back home, the Cerulean Gym was in the middle of a top-to-bottom renovation, all on Misty’s initiative and design. It was tough work, consuming work – rewarding work. But not enough to stop Misty from taking Azurill up to the roof some nights to gaze out onto the bay, and the silvery horizon line in the moonlight.
And if traveling with Ash specifically had another appeal that she still hadn’t mentioned – well, what he didn’t know couldn’t hurt him. Or us.
“Well…at least we’ve got the weekend,” said Ash, perking back up. “And we’ve gotta have a Pokémon battle, at least!”
“You’ve got it!” Misty flashed him a grin and pumped a fist. “Just you wait, Ash Ketchum – you’re gonna get blown away!”
“Oh yeah?” Ash titled the brim of his hat back. “You haven’t seen my –”
“Ash! Misty!” Ash’s friend Cilan was running towards them in a manic rush, with a flustered Iris and her Axew in tow behind. He barely skidded to a halt in time to avoid crashing into them (but couldn’t stop Iris from falling face-first onto the street.) “Have we missed it?”
“Nope!” Misty said brightly. “Three minutes to go!”
“I told you we should’ve just followed them,” Iris grumbled as she picked herself up. Axew shot Cilan a dirty look before disappearing into his Trainer’s hair.
“So what’s this movie they’re making here?” Ash asked. He was on his toes, craning for a look at the still-closed stage doors.
“Jewel of the Seven Pokémon,” said Misty. “From the author of Blasko – The Un-dead. It’s the first time it’s ever been made into a movie!” Positive that Ash – and probably Iris – had no idea what the book was about, Misty started to explain. “It’s based on old legends about Yamask and Cofagrigus – that they were originally from a long-lost region far to the south. The hero is engaged, see, and his fiancée’s father is a famous professor who goes to that lost region and brings back seven Cofagrigus. They all keep together, circling around this giant ruby – ” Misty started to circle Ash, her hands held out and her fingers wiggling – “and the professor and his daughter figure out that the ruby belonged to an ancient princess that the Cofagrigus used to serve.
“They think the soul of the princess is trapped inside the jewel, see –” she placed her hands over Ash’s heart – “and even though the hero warns them it’s a bad idea, they set up this special ceremony under the right star on the right night of the year to enhance the power of the Cofagrigus and free the princess! And it works, but the princess possesses the fiancée, and she and the Cofagrigus start to tear the mansion apart! The hero and his Absol have to do – well, they don’t have a choice – but in the final scene, all the Cofagrigus are gone, the ruby and the professor vanish, and the hero’s left holding his fiancée’s body in his arms. It’s – ah!” Misty clasped a hand to her cheek. “It’s so romantic.”
“Romantic?” Ash frowned. “It sounds like everyone dies.”
“That’s a typical ending for the Gothic Romance genre, Ash,” said Cilan. Misty felt she didn’t need to taste his cooking to approve of Cilan as a good influence.
Not that Ash seemed to get it. “It still doesn’t sound romantic to me,” he said, crossing his arms. “Do they get together as ghosts?”
“Then how’s the love stuff supposed to work?”
“You just don’t have the maturity and sophistication to understand, Ash,” Misty said, her nose turned up. “All the best love stories end in tragedy.” Well, all the best ones in fiction, anyway. Real life’s a different story…
“What, so if you got a boyfriend, you’d want him to die?” said Ash. His eyebrow was up, and there was a taunt in his voice.
“Oh, don’t spoil it!” Misty snapped. “I love that book, and it’ll be a great movie!”
“Sure, sure. Just don’t expect me to go with you.”
“Fine then – I’ll just take Pikachu!” Misty gave Ash’s starter a poke to the tummy, and he cooed happily.
“She couldn’t take either of them,” Misty heard Iris mutter to Cilan; she ignored her.
“And after we see the movie,” she told Ash, “I’ll use Pikachu against you in our Pokémon battle!” Just to play along, Pikachu nuzzled her face with his whole body, and wrapped his tail behind her head. Ash might’ve gotten whiny over that in the old days, but he just grinned, turned his cap back, and drew out a Poké Ball.
“Oh yeah?” he said, his voice suddenly much huskier than Misty remembered. “Well, let’s see you two traitors beat – THIS!”
The ball flew out, a bright light flashed, and there before Misty was a small Pokémon, barely taller than Pikachu, with a white face, an aqua body, a seashell perfectly positioned on its chest…
“…It’s so CUTE!” Misty swooped down to gather the Water-type in her arms. “Ash, how could you not tell me you had an Oshawott! Oh, it’s just the sweetest, most adorable little thing ever!” One look told Misty the love was mutual; Ash’s Oshawott had hearts in its eyes, and he threw his little paws around Misty’s neck.
“Well, Ash,” Misty giggled. “I guess that’s two of your Pokémon that like me best.”
“Aww…Oshawott!” Ash whined. Misty, both Ash’s Pokémon, Cilan, and Iris all laughed.
“Ah!” Cilan pointed toward the stage. “The doors open!” The large red doors slid to either side, still revealing nothing as the stage remained in shadow. A young man, dressed just like the guide from Stage 28, stepped out of the dark. His glasses were thick, his expression forlorn.
“Attention – attention, everyone!” he called to the slim crowd. “The production of Jewel of the Seven Pokémon has been indefinitely suspended, and the scheduled autograph signing is canceled.”
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sage-nebula · 5 years
I hope you dont mind my asking, but wouldn't GF have decided to remove the national dex long before LGPE released? I can see those games selling well confirming to GF that "pokemon sell well regardless of cut features" but it feels strange to blame it on LGPE when the development time on the games would suggest they made this choice awhile ago. (Not to defend lgpe lack of content) Sorry if this is a bother, I just feel like I'm missing something and would really like to understand your reasoning
For almost any other game I would agree, however for Pokémon in particular:
The National Dex (insofar as the ability to transfer old pokémon over) was never going to be a Day One feature. It’s never a Day One feature in the first games of the generation. Even if they wanted to make it one, in this case they couldn’t because Home isn’t releasing until 2020. As I’ve said in other posts, if they wanted to patch in the NatDex, they’d have the time to do it. Technically speaking, they’d have the time to do it, especially since the fanbase would be willing to wait (even if there’d be a few whiners here or there) the extra time.
Since it’s not a Day One feature, it’s something that can be worked on later in the development cycle (/can even continue to be worked on after the development cycle, or at least it could be if this series were treated with the respect of, say, The Legend of Zelda series). Again, I’m not talking about DLC that’s already on the game card that needs to be activated later, I’m talking about DLC that’s patched in, content created after that you download either to the harddrive or (though I don’t know if Switch DLC works this way specifically) onto the game card itself. Given the type of content they generally want to show early in the release cycle (the general theme / concept of the games, scenes of the various areas in the region, new ‘mon), and the fact that this would be a feature added post-release anyway, we can make a safe bet that the NatDex is something they’d work on much later in the development cycle, possibly even in the last year since, again . . . they’d have that time if they wanted to use it (and if this series was treated with genuine respect).
The Let’s Go games were stated by Masuda to be the future of the franchise if they sold well. They featured a Pokédex that was limited to only the Kanto ‘Dex, plus Meltan and Melmetal. They released in November 2018, and indeed, they sold well. In early 2019 (February, IIRC) Sword & Shield were released. While of course I don’t work at Game Freak and thus can’t say for sure, I would place money on the idea that if they were even a bit on the fence about adding the National Dex, the fact that Let’s Go sold so well despite being limited to 153 ‘mon pushed them right over the edge to, “Cut the National Dex from Sword & Shield, there’s no point in working on it.” I mean, why should they expend the effort if people will buy the games anyway? Especially when President Ishihara went on record saying that long-time fans only cared about “new pokémon and features” around the time of Let’s Go’s release. Sure, they might have already been thinking about cutting the National Dex beforehand, but Let’s Go no doubt assured them that it was a safe and correct call to make.
So that’s what I mean when I say that Let’s Go’s positive sales figures sealed all of our fates. To be entirely honest, before the National Dex announcement, I was certain that we wouldn’t see the shockwaves from Let’s Go until Gen IX. But Sword & Shield having a limited ‘Dex just like Let’s Go, and having special feature ‘mon behind $60 paywalls like Let’s Go, and having core features stripped out like Let’s Go, and the fact that it’s starting to look frighteningly like the starters won’t be able to evolve like in Let’s Go . . . the effect is pretty apparent. Sure, some of this stuff was present even before Let’s Go (namely the whole “let’s ditch useful features in the name of simplifying things” tack that Masuda has been married to for years now), but in the wake of Let’s Go, it’s success, and what Masuda said would happen if it was successful, it’s really hard not to see the link.
(Note just in case anyone read too quickly: I’m not saying the starters WON’T evolve. I’m only saying that I’m starting to fear that’s the case since we’re less than a month away from release and we haven’t even seen second stage evolutions yet. Maybe they’re just trying to keep starter evolutions a surprise, that’s entirely possible, but it’s also highly suspect, and Game Freak destroyed any trust or good faith I had in them a while back.) 
As a final note, the reason why I say that the Pokémon games aren’t treated with respect is . . . well, there are a few reasons:
Game Freak stated themselves that they put their B Team on Sword & Shield while their A Team worked on Little Town Hero. They also said they wanted to create something, “as exciting, or perhaps even more exciting” than Pokémon. They’re tired of working on Pokémon, and it shows. Which, I mean, I get it, it’s been 20+ years, but in that case tell Nintendo so that they can shift the main games over to another studio. I get that Game Freak was created for the sole purpose of making Pokémon, and maybe Taijiri-san is pissed at how you’re disrespecting his baby (I would be), but for the good of the series, if you don’t want to work on it, give it to someone who does. Don’t just shift it onto your bare bones secondary dev team.
These games are in a hellish development cycle where a new one is popped out every year. Contrast this to The Legend of Zelda where, while we’ve had some anomalies where assets were able to be largely reused and so games came out only a couple years apart (see: Ocarina of Time to Majora’s Mask) --- even that had two or three years before releases, not one the very next year. Most mainline Zelda games spend five or six years in development. I’m fully aware that we will likely be waiting until something like 2022 for Breath of the Wild 2, and I am prepared to wait that time because I know the game we get will be incredible. Granted, I’m going to be dying every single time they announce a release date to push it back, but it’ll be a death I’m grateful for because I will know that the end product will be worth it. The Pokémon games used to have a similar luxury. While there were a grand total of five games released during that time (with “five games” being used loosely, given that one was a slight upgrade and the other four were really two games with slight differences between versions), Gen IV lasted for a grand total of four years. We had Diamond & Pearl in 2006, Platinum in 2008, HeartGold & SoulSilver in 2009, and then finally, Black & White in 2010. By contrast, Gen VII didn’t even last three years, technically. I mean, this November would be its third anniversary, but that’s when Gen VIII officially starts instead. To be fair, it could be argued that Gen IV didn’t have a full four years since it came out in September 2006, and Gen V came out in September 2010. But even if you make that argument, it still had a full year on Gen VII, and to be honest, that showed. The Sinnoh games are far and away not my faves, but they were still full of content. HeartGold & SoulSilver are often considered to be the best remakes in the entire franchise, and considering the content that was cut from OmegaRuby & AlphaSapphire and Masuda’s reasoning for why that content was cut, I can’t exactly argue with that even though I did genuinely enjoy ORAS. And the games that Gen IV ushered in? Controversial opinion, but I think that the Pokémon games peaked with Gen V. Black & White not only initially had a ‘dex that was nothing but new pokémon (and yet STILL included the Nat Dex later, because in Masuda’s own words he felt it cruel to keep people from playing with their faves forever!), but it also introduced a METRIC TON of new mechanics, some of which we no longer get to use (Rotation Battles? Game Freak doesn’t know her). Who knows what exactly Game Freak did with that extra year, but it was clearly a lot of work given how wonderful the games were in Gen IV and Gen V. The extra dev time showed.By contrast, Gen VII got 2.5 years (or 3 if you’re being generous). Every single game released during this gen had massive content cuts, even when comparing to Gen VI, which also had massive content cuts. Mechanics were stripped away, and Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon technically didn’t have a NatDex either, but at least you could still have all of your ‘mon in them at a later date if you wanted to. Now with Sword & Shield, we don’t even have that, despite the Switch being far more powerful than the 3DS. (We also don’t have Mega Evolution for whatever godforsaken reason, even though the Kanto Mega Evolutions at the very least were already used in Let’s Go, the fuck, Game Freak). Pokémon games print money and always have, and Game Freak has taken this and their lack of interest in the series to the depressing but I suppose logical extreme of “do whatever and they’ll buy it anyway.” There’s no love here, there’s no respect here. They just don’t care anymore, and as someone who does care an awful lot, it’s super upsetting to me.
And while people have tried to argue that the games can’t be delayed because of the anime or the card game or whatever else:
The games come first. They’ve always come first. I know some people mistakenly think that the anime came first and that the games were created later, but that is 100% false. Pokémon started as a game series and the anime was created to advertise the games, straight up.
Filler episodes exist, and the PokéAni is no stranger to them. The Orange Islands arc was an entire arc of filler created to pad time between Gens I and II. The Delacora Islands (or whatever they were called) was a filler arc meant to pad time between Gens V and VI. Arguably the majority of the Sun & Moon anime was filler, given its slice-of-life genre, meaning the anime was even less of an excuse not to delay Sword & Shield. You can’t tell me people wouldn’t have been happy with another year of the Alola crew running around getting into random adventures. People would have eaten that up and loved it. We could have had it all.
I’m not even going to dignify “but the card game” with a response lmao. This isn’t Yu-Gi-Oh!. Sure, the card game makes money, and probably a decent amount of it (merch sales probably make up the franchise’s greatest source of income, and as someone who easily spent several hundred dollars in two weeks at the PokéCenters in Japan---including over $100 in one trip to a PokéCenter while I was there, and we went multiple times---I am a big part of that), but they come up with bullshit new expansions all the time and could easily keep doing it. Again, not a reason to delay the games if the games need more time in development.
So all in all, at the end of the day, Game Freak is no longer treating these games with love and respect, which makes them an awful lot like the villains in the games they create. The Let’s Go games were harbingers of disaster for the games, and we were told this very plainly, and just about no one listened. In fact, I legitimately lost friendships with people who got mad at me for making Facebook statuses about how they should buy Let’s Go used if they absolutely had to have them because how DARE I believe Ishihara when he said that Let’s Go were considered core titles, and how DARE I believe Masuda when he said that Let’s Go would usher in the last twenty years of the franchise. Clearly, I was just being an ugly bitch. (I wish I was exaggerating, but this actually happened, I got blocked over it, it was ridiculous.) And now here we are as a result, with no hope of things getting better unless Nintendo forcibly rips Pokémon out of Game Freak’s hands, which I don’t even think they can legally do given that they only own 1/3rd of the IP. (The other 2/3rds belong to Game Freak and Creatures Inc., as I understand it.) 
Pokémon is still my favorite fictional fantasy world, but as someone who has always loved the games first and foremost, the current state of it depresses me to no end.
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1358456 · 5 years
Review Response, April 14 - 20, 2019
Another week!
Legacy Prologue - Sinnoh
1) Aaaaaah this chapter had so many great scenes! I'm a little sad Diamond and Pearl are taken out of the action for a bit here, but the scene with the Sinnoh Trio was adorable.
Blue growing berries reminds me of Destiny, only here the context is much happier here - kind of a reflection of how much better her life is with Red instead of Green, huh? I really like that. Also the line "... Got any for me?" in response to Platinum bringing gifts made me laugh.
Gold and Silver interactions are always a favourite of mine. Even if Silver didn't technically say anything, they play off each other so well and work great in comedic situations. Gold acting more mature was great as well. Him mentoring Platinum about the egg was so cute, and I love seeing the Dexholder's various talents explored in more detail than they are in series proper. I'm looking forward to this Platinum-like Eevee, lol.
Platinum being so excited over the Eevee egg... aww. I can just imagine her excitedly phoning Diamond and Pearl and flapping her arms like she does in the manga. Best female Dexholder is always the best.
And we end on Bobo the Bagon! ... I assume. Another great chapter!
I’m getting more accustomed to using the Sinnoh trio together. It can’t really happen when there are too many other Dex Holders present, but if they’re by themselves, they’re quite fun to use. Hehe.
Aha, yes. Blue growing berries is a direct reference to how Destiny started. Except unlike in Destiny, she’s really happy here, and is not using the berry plants to try to ignore her sorrows, but instead, grows them out of joy.
Gold acting all mature and... NOT an ass is a direct result of The Infinite Cycle! The Cycle is canon to Legacy. Hehe.
Oh, Platinum being super excited is going to be super cute, but... well, she’ll be hugging the egg canister, so won’t be flapping her arms like she usually does. ... Maybe if she sets the canister down on a table so her arms are free... hehehe...
And heeeeere’s BOBO!!
Legacy Prologue - Kalos
1) Third chapter! And last of the prologues. And it's really long, nice!
The scene with Solsol made me more sad than it probably should've, though its leaving served to lead Y towards getting a much better and more fitting team, so I suppose it's more bittersweet than anything. Her worrying about Bobo leaving her once it learns to fly made me feel really bad for her, and I hope it's not... foreshadowing. X being so willing to go after Solsol to make her happy was adorable, though.
Platinum and Y exploring the region together is great! I'm a sucker for senior/junior interactions, and they play off of each other really well (almost like a fire and ice thing going on). And even though I knew the Eevee would be fine after the egg broke, Platinum's reaction was heartbreaking. I wonder what would've gone on between her and Moon if it HAD broken too early...
Also the implication that White just hands out her business cards to every other dexholder is both adorable and hilarious.
Great chapter yet again!
Yeah, the chapter ended up being far too long than intended. Heh...
Solsol was such a bullsh*t addition that I mentally sacked it the moment it was revealed that Y got Absol as her only Mega. And now its abandonment has paved the way for Dragons that can FLY. So... a sacrifice that’s definitely worth it. Y worrying about Bobo leaving her... heh. IS it foreshadowing?! No one knows... except me... Hehehehe... And since I started to work on Legacy after XY arc has finished, X’s personality is not like in Destiny but more like what he’s like after his very sudden development. So... he’s less of an ass, and is sweeter overall.
I love the idea of a senior and junior traveling together in peace. A real shame that when I DO get to write them doing that, it’s rarely ever in peace. And yes, Platinum and Y, with their overhauled teams, will have a combination of Ice and Fire! Together, they’ll be able to use Ice Burn, basically. And maybe even face the true user of Ice Burn... Oh, I was sad when I wrote that scene with the egg almost smashing. Writing Platinum heartbroken is sad :( Hehe. Now if it HAD broken, Platinum would be a lot... colder, I guess, instead of being quite cheerful and happy. And Moon would feel such horrible guilt forever that she’ll never be able to even look at her properly.
And yep. White with her business cards. Heh. Advertising the BW Agency and Pokestar Studios to her seniors and juniors!
Legacy #001
1) I actually read this chapter before reviewing the last one because I was so invested in the story. Oops.
Is Blue making Gimbap (no idea if I spelt that right) in the opening scene? Cause it made me crave some. Could also be sushi I guess, but I think that's less of a travel food? Anyways,
"This action was way too intimate... she could not do it. She must not do it, either." Oof, that's a really good line. Blue pulling herself away from Red is so upsetting, but also completely understandable. I couldn't help but notice how much more comfortable and happy her and Red are together compared to her and Green in your earlier stories, and it's so much easier to root for a pairing between her and guy that makes her genuinely happy compared to a guy who's always putting her down and calling her names.
... Black really isn't good at making impressions, huh? No wonder he's ranked below a Glaceon. Guess you could say he's reached rock bottom. Also, I like this team of dexholders a lot, I hope they get a decent amount of focus going forwards.
And the grunts at the end signify that shit will start hitting the fan fairly soon. I fear for Platinum's safety. (But am also excited to see them get pummelled? hehe...)
Hehe. Certainly possible during a binge read!
Yes, Blue is making that. And the spelling is irrelevant since it’s not in English anyways. ... Of course it’s not sushi. I am Korean, you know. Not Japanese. Sushi doesn’t sit well with me, and as a Korean, when it comes to “travel food”, the very first thing that comes to mind is... 김밥. Yum!
Blue pulling herself away... ouch, eh? Hehe. Given her personality, it’s the most likely thing she’ll do with Red. And yes, Blue is SO incomparably happy and comfortable with Red compared to... the other guy. Given Blue’s background, she’d be quite longing for someone who provides her genuine care and warmth, instead of pushing her away. So... Red is perfect! ... He’s never going to call her annoying or noisy, and will always have time to care for her. Hehe... so cute!
At least Black is better than Sun at making impressions! Heh. Poor Black. Truly has reached rock bottom of the pecking order. And yeah, this team is good, but... there are still a bit too many Dex Holders in this group. Hmm...
LET THE SH*T COMMENCE!! Yes, poor Platinum. Always targeted :( ... But now she’s far stronger than ever!
Thank you so much for the reviews! I look forward to the rest of your Legacy reviews!
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tailsimp · 6 years
So I’m seeing a lot of confusion as to why people think Lets Go Pikach & Eevee could mean bad things for the core games, so let me explain.
I want to preface this with the fact that I am excited about LGPE. But while there are absolutely a lot of doomsday criers about, there are a lot of fears about LGPE that are well founded, but have been lost in the shuffle. If you really want to understand what has people worried, please stick with me. 
So first of all I want to point out that these games cannot really be considered spin offs. They are made GameFreak themselves, and GF has never made a spin off game for Pokemon. If you look at the long line of GF credits, they only do the main series of the game. So with that said, there are 2 things this can mean.
     1) These games are the official 7.5 games a la FRLG HGSS ORAS.
     2) GameFreak is now going to start making spin offs. 
[Edit: Ishihara, president of Game Freak did say that these are Main Series games. They are officially not spin offs. This is 7.5]
So let’s get why option 2 is bad out of the way real quick. What’s the big deal about GF now having to develop pokemon spinoffs? 
GF is a small team when compared to most video games companies. It has a reported 143 employees in 2018. Compare that to TellTale gaming, which is also considered to be a smaller studio, which has about 300 employees. If GF is now developing the Let’s Go titles on top of the core series and the core series remakes, they’re now spread so thin it could easily begin to damage the quality of the games. Hell, I’d argue you can see this in the quality of SuMo and UsUm. Many people pointed out that SuMo felt incomplete in a lot of ways before UsUm was even announced; and even though I prefer SuMo over UsUm, the first of the two can feel like a demo in a lot of ways. And a lot of people were hoping for more changes from SuMo to UsUm, but that never happened. Both of these issued could be attributed to smaller teams since some were probably siphoned away for LGPE. 
But I hear you ask, “surely, with the Pokego gameplay in this, Niantic must be helping right?” When pokego launched, Niantic had 70 employees. Around now, if the met their goals, they have a little over 200, and if we’re being honest, Pokego needs all of them. I still like Pokego and I still play it often; but with them constantly doing new events, updating the game, fixing its many issues, the company hosting gofest, and them having to make sure their end is ready for LGPE to be released, they will not have anyone to spare. This isn’t helped with the fact that Pokemon Go is developed in San Francisco while GameFreak’s headquarters is in Tokyo. Whatever Niantic can offer just isn’t much. They have their own always online game to keep from crashing and burning; they can’t worry about Game Freak’s. 
Now, you can hope GF can manage and would know better, but a lot of game companies have done things like this because of greed and over ambition. 
Now let’s talk more about option 1, which I feel is what’s happening; these are the official gen 7.5 games. Which, I again, wouldn’t mind. I think it’s refreshing tho i’m sure poor Sinnoh fans wouldn’t agree haha but here’s the issue with that: the new core games and remakes have always built off the same system. Graphics, game play, online play, all of it. Which makes sense; they build stuff for the new games and rework it to work for the remakes. It’s just good business sense. But if that’s true going forward, than that means we have to look at LGPE as being intermingled with the core series, and that’s what has a lot of people scared. It’s one thing to be able to bring in pokemon from go into a park to play; but what about the catching system? No wild pokemon battles? The list goes on. And we know that not every new thing in a game goes on to the next. If it did “pokemon following us” wouldn’t be one of the most exciting things about LGPE; but it doesn’t change the real concern that, if these games are successful, GF wouldn’t start mingling them into the core gameplay. 
Do I think it will happen? In the next game, no; but after that, I have no idea. Video games are a bushiness at the end of the day, and companies will follow the money.
There’s another smaller worry based of option 1 also: that these Let’s Go titles are the new face of pokemon remakes. 
Stick with me here; GF has always made the remakes as technology demanded it. 
     -FRLG were made because, at the time, getting a hold of a GB or GBC and a copy of gen 1 games was difficult. They also needed a way to get gen 1 pokemon onto RSE since you could no longer trade between the hardware. 
     -HGSS was the same, as gen 4 was still trying to play catch up on getting all the past pokemon onto it, and it was now ever harder to get a GBC and a copy of GSC to play. 
   -ORAS came out because, with the 3ds taking over, there was no reliable way to play GBA games anymore. That went out with the DS. 
This is also a big reason they had no push to make ORAS for the DS after gen 5, as it would have still been playable in its original state on that system. And they show no gusto in getting a gen 4 remake to us, as you can still play that on a 3ds right now. And tho the switch is a resounding success, Nintendo doesn’t seem to plan on dumping the 3ds anytime soon; and if they don’t, there is no pressing need to remake gen 4. You can already play it. 
So, if there was ever a time to switch the format for the remakes, now is the time to do it. But why do it? Why change the style so drastically? Simple; pokemon go. Pokemon go is still going strong despite people joking that it died. If every few years a game with Pokego style gameplay came along to bait back older fans who don’t have the time/desire for a full pokemon game, it could be enticing. In fact, I believe LGPE is directly targeting that crowd of gen 1 fans: people who got out of the series after the 1st or 2nd gen. These people by and large at least tired out pokemon go; and I feel like a lot of them will have eyes on LGPE. And between the companies comments that “we think fans of the original games will find something to like” (despite knowing that most core fans hated Pokego’s stripped down style of play) and the trailer noting “your first adventure in a new style” I’d bet money that’s the group they most want to entice with this game. 
Now, I personally think that this entry is trying to bridge the gap for pokego’ers who aren’t still playing the main series game to get back into them. And I think it will work. And if it works to the tune of thousands (or even millions) of extra sales, why not continue it? Why not have a new Let’s Go entry every few years to tempt the most casual poke-fans into the series? 
Once again, I’m excited for LGPE. The small child in me who never got over Gary stealing her Eevee at the start of Yellow Version can finally be appeased. However, we can’t let that excitement gloss over real questions and concerns people are having about the future of the franchise. By no means let it ruin your fun; I’m not. But maybe be a little more understanding of why others aren’t sharing in our hype. 
These game could be a sign of big changes in the future; and that’s worth some attention.
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The Phantom of the Musical
I hope it’s not too late for me to enter this for the AU fanfic contest. This isn’t exactly a traditional AU - the story pretty much follows the plot of the musical Phantom of the Opera, and references most of the songs from it - but it is definitely an alternate universe, and includes a lot of worldbuilding to get all the characters to where they are. I currently have 12 chapters completed and am working on the 13th, so this is pretty much just a preview of the project & it may be edited by the time I start posting the whole story. Enjoy :)
Chapter 1 - Newbies
The stunning soprano sang boisterously to the nonexistent audience, throwing her arms into the air as if gathering their praises and drawing them into herself. Each of her steps was pompously placed on the stage, jostling her hair, which dangled above the thin white shawl that covered her shoulders. She held her head just above relaxed position, but not so high that she couldn’t look down on the empty seats that stretched out in front of her.
Behind her, the chorus girls – or, as she preferred to call them, the background dancers – mimicked her movement around the stage, but with more fluid and graceful motions. Their magenta and black dresses had been chosen specifically to compliment the soprano’s pink and white dress; she had tried to get the blonde girl to wear a wig so her own hair would stand out more, but the girl’s mother refused and got her way only because she managed the ballet chorus.
Per the script, the scene that they were rehearsing included a pair of Audino to dance with the soprano, but the Audino in question were being borrowed for the afternoon by the Pokémon Musical team for a special demonstration show. She liked it that way, since those two Pokémon weren’t hogging her stage.
Backstage, the head of the Musical Theater watched the practice. Her arms were folded and she had a pensive expression on her face. “What’s on your mind, White?” asked the ballet manager, who was watching the practice next to her.
White didn’t react immediately. The ballet manager had to repeat her name a few times before she finally registered the question. “Oh! Sorry,” she said with a sigh. “There’s a producer from the Sinnoh region visiting today who’s creating a documentary on alternatives to battling for Pokémon Trainers, so we’re doing a special demonstration Musical for him. As the creator and head of the Pokémon Musical I ought to be there to help. But this show has to be ready for tonight…”
“Your team is quite capable,” she reassured White.
“I know you’re right, Iris,” White replied. “But I can’t let this overbooking problem happen again.” She glanced behind her and saw two young men approaching them. “Perfect! Your timing is impeccable, gentlemen,” she told them. Then she headed onstage and waved to the maestro to stop the music.
“You’re doing fine, everyone,” she called. “But I have an announcement to make.”
The soprano’s arms fell. She seemed offended that anyone would dare interrupt her performance. The chorus girls, the maestro, the stagehands, and the tenor who had just come onstage all gathered around White, Iris, and the two young men that they didn’t recognize.
“As you know, for some time there have been rumors of my imminent retirement,” White began. “I can now tell you that these were all false. I am twenty-four years old and I have a long work life ahead of me. However, I don’t intend to work myself to death. Between the Pokémon Musical, Musical Shows, Pokéstar Studios and my BW Agency, I don’t get a moment’s rest and I still don’t have time to do everything I need to do. So,” she continued, gesturing to the two men beside her, “I’ve hired these two gentlemen to manage the Musical Shows from now on. Please, introduce yourselves.”
“Gladly!” exclaimed the bigger of the two men in a thick Kalosian accent. He looked a bit out of place in his baggy cargo pants and brown-and-white striped polo shirt. “My name is Tierno André. I have been a native of the Kalos region for 22 years, and been dancing for 17. Consider me your expert of song and dance!”
“I will be taking care of more of the business side of things,” the other man said, quite the opposite of his companion in terms of height, weight, and attire. His cream-colored suit framed his slight figure well and matched his wire-frame glasses, but didn’t quite match his bright orange bob of hair. “My name is Trevor Firmin. I am also from Kalos, and it is my pleasure to work with you all.”
“We would also like to introduce to you our new patron,” Tierno adds. “The Viscount of Chenonceau…here he is now!”
A young man in a navy-blue suit walked up from the wing, waving and flashing a beautiful white smile. His messy brown hair fell around his face in a handsome way, and his light-gray eyes sparkled with enthusiasm.
“My parents and I are honored to support the arts,” the viscount said coolly, shaking White’s hand. “Especially those held in this world-renowned Musical Theater.”
The soprano strode up to him and offered out her hand. He shook it politely, and she mirrored his smile. “Viscount,” White said with a hint of reluctance, “Lady Yvonne Gābena. Our leading soprano for the last six seasons.”
This introduction was followed by a courteous but quick round of applause, and the tenor gave a polite cough. “Ah, and we mustn’t forget Leo Piangi,” White says, gesturing to the lanky young boy behind Yvonne. He looked slightly ridiculous because of his costume, which required a pair of green foam monster legs that made his movements sluggish and awkward.
“Good to meet you, sir,” the viscount nodded to him. “But I believe I’m keeping you from your rehearsal. I look forward to this evening’s performance.”
“Yes, yes, thank you, sir,” the maestro said briskly. “Now, Monsieur André, Monsieur Firmin, you’ll need to acquaint yourselves with the script. Yvonne, please keep your chin down when you sing. I can hear you choking your voice when you hold it that high. Leo, your footsteps are too loud. I don’t need to hear exactly when you run onstage.”
Yvonne folded her arms crossly, Leo nodded obediently and White left the stage with the viscount. The rest of the crew dispersed to their own jobs and the performers returned to their practice. Iris took the new managers upstage, where they could watch the chorus girls dance without interrupting their performance. “We’re quite proud of our ballet chorus, monsieur,” Iris informed them.
“I can see why,” Tierno replied. “You train them all, signora?”
“Skip the formalities, if you please,” Iris said. “A simple ‘Mrs. Giry’ will suffice. I am the ballet manager, so naturally I make sure all our chorus girls perform splendidly.”
“That little blonde angel is especially talented,” Tierno commented.
“My daughter, Yuki Giry.”
“And that exceptional beauty!” Trevor butted in, pointing to another chorus girl. Two long strands of her dark brown hair followed her as she moved; the rest of it was held up in buns on either side of her head. “No relation, I trust?”
“Whitley Daaé,” Iris identified her. “Very promising talent. Very promising.”
“Daaé?” Tierno echoed. “Any relation to the famous violinist from Fiore?”
“Her only child. Orphaned at twelve, when she came to live at the Theater and train in the ballet. She’s like a daughter to me.”
Iris brought the pair to the other side of the stage, where they watched the performers finish the routine. Once they were finished, the maestro, frowning, called to Yvonne. “Lady Gābena, you need to keep your steps light as well.”
Yvonne lifted a hand to her head in a dramatic flourish. “Chin down, arms up, feet light,” she moaned. “Will the maestro ever be satisfied?”
He exchanged glances with Iris and looked back at Yvonne. “I will be satisfied when you can get it right,” he replied.
“When I can get it right!?” she repeated shrilly. “I–” She broke off when she noticed White and the viscount returning and quickly spun around, storming off in a huff. “I will not put up with this – this harassment any longer!” she shrieked.
“My, she’s overreacting a bit,” Trevor commented. “Miss White, calm her down, will you?”
“Ah, but isn’t that your job now?” White said, feigning surprise. She handed him the copy of the script that she had gone to get, then smirked and added in a fake Kalosian accent, “Good luck, messieurs. You will need it.”
The new show heads were taken aback by White’s response. She gestured towards the opposite side of the stage, where Yvonne was arguing with a blonde stagehand. Trevor and Tierno exchanged glances and quickly hurried over to her.
“Where is my precious Furfrou?” Yvonne demanded.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know,” the stagehand replied awkwardly. “Er, weren’t your assistants taking care of it?”
“Then fetch them!” Yvonne shouted. Trevor and Tierno stood awkwardly behind her. Finally, Trevor cleared his throat.
“Signora,” he said hesitantly. “Please, calm down. There is no need for all this.”
“There is complete need for all of this!” Yvonne cried. “I deserve respect, but these – these beasts give me none! I cannot spend another day working for these ghastly people!”
“Do not say that, Lady Gābena,” Tierno interjected. “We have only just arrived. Allow us some time to get settled in, to see what you can do, all right?”
Yvonne scowled, and they could tell that she wasn’t convinced. Suddenly, Trevor had an idea. “A song!” he exclaimed, flipping through the script. “Ah – the aria in Act III, perhaps? You should sing it for us, Lady Gābena.”
“Well,” Yvonne huffed. “I suppose I could manage one song. Reyer!” she snapped. “You know the song.”
The maestro sighed and began to conduct the orchestra. Yvonne began to sing the aria in a very operatic style, stretching every note and forcing the orchestra to play much slower than the recommended tempo for the song. He hated it, but he knew trying to correct her would just make her even more insufferable. She hardly listened to him in the first place.
Suddenly, screams from onstage caught his attention and he looked up from the music in time to watch one of the backdrops falling to the stage, just behind Yvonne. The maestro quickly stopped the musicians and made his way onstage as people clamored to check on Yvonne and speculated about what had just happened. “He’s here!” Yuki Giry’s voice rose above the others. “The Phantom of the Musical!” The viscount glanced at her in interest.
“Bianca!” Maestro Reyer called to the blonde stagehand, who had gone up to work in the rafters. “Bianca Buquet, what’s going on up there?”
“Please, Cheren, don’t look at me!” Bianca protested. “I wasn’t at that post…and there’s no one up here besides me,” she continued. “If there is, well…he must be a ghost!”
There was more murmuring from onstage. “Signora, these things do happen,” Trevor offered nervously, attempting to laugh it off.
“‘These things do happen,’ eh?” Yvonne repeated, chuckling softly. “You have been here five minutes, what do you know?” she hissed. “‘These things do happen’ all the time! For the past three years, these things do happen!” She spun around and pointed a finger at White, who was conversing quietly with Iris near the edge of the stage. “And did you stop them from happening? No!”
White was a little taken aback to be addressed so directly, but she said nothing – what could she say? Yvonne’s accusations were spot on. “And you…you are just as bad as her!” Yvonne screeched at Trevor. “Until you stop these things from happening, then…this thing,” she pointed to herself, “is not happening! Good day!”
She stormed off the stage, calling, “Xavier! Shauna! Bring me my Furfrou!”
White cleared her throat. “Well, gentlemen, I’m afraid there’s not much more I can do to assist you,” she said. “If you need me, I’ll be giving the viscount a little tour. Good luck, and, ah…please do mind my friend in the rafters.” With this cryptic message, she dragged the viscount off the stage.
Tierno looked quizzically at Cheren. “Mind her ‘friend in the rafters’?”
“Ah, I can answer that, monsieur,” Iris said, walking up between them. She offered them a letter. “I have a message for you from our resident phantom…the Opera Ghost.”
“Oh, good heavens, you’re all obsessed,” Trevor complained.
“He welcomes you to his Musical Theater–”
“His Musical Theater?” Tierno repeated scornfully.
“–and commands that you continue to leave Box 5 empty, for his use.” Iris smiled slyly. “He also reminds you that his salary is due.”
“His salary!”
“Well, Miss White used to give him 600,000 Pokédollars a month.”
“600,000 Pokédollars!?”
“Yes, that’s what I said,” Iris replied. “Of course, maybe you can afford more, with the viscount as your patron…”
“That’s preposterous!” Tierno spluttered. “Miss White hasn’t left the theater. If she wants to pay this ‘ghost’, then by all means let her continue to do it.”
“But he doesn’t bother with Pokémon Musicals,” Iris informed them. “The Phantom is only interested in Musical Shows.”
“Speaking of Musical Shows,” Cheren interrupted, “we must get back to practicing for the gala tonight.”
“Why bother?” Trevor snapped, snatching the letter from Iris’s hands. “Obviously, we will have to cancel the gala,” he said, ripping up the note, “because it appears we have lost our star!”
“You do realize what it will look like to the public if you cancel Miss White’s birthday gala, right?” Iris interjected. “They’ll see the new managers refusing to celebrate their predecessor. It won’t gain you any favor in the public eye.”
“Surely there must be an understudy for the role,” Tierno said hopefully, in contrast to his partner’s horrified look.
“Understudy?” Cheren echoed incredulously. “There is no understudy for Lady Gābena. She’d never allow it.”
Trevor groaned and rubbed his temples. “What do we do now, André?”
“Whitley Daaé could sing it, sir,” Iris offered. The chorus girl stared at her in surprise. “She has been taking lessons from a great teacher.”
“Who?” Tierno asked skeptically.
“I-I don’t know his name, sir,” Whitley stammered. But how does she know that?
“Let her sing for you, monsieur. She has been well taught,” Iris assured them.
“This is doing nothing for my nerves,” Trevor grumbled as Whitley timidly stepped up in front of them.
“From the beginning of the aria, please, miss,” Cheren called, stepping back to his music stand.
She began slowly, her voice trembling. “Think of me, th-think of me fondly when we’ve…said…”
Her voice trailed off into silence. She couldn’t do it. Not with so many people around, for something so important as the starring role of the show…
Think of me, think of me fondly when we’ve said goodbye!
That’s right…he had practiced this part with her so many times that she knew it by heart. He had been encouraging her to do it for so long…she just had to imagine she was back there, practicing with him. All she needed to do was open her mouth and sing.
“Think of me, think of me fondly when we’ve said goodbye! Remember me, once in a while. Please promise me you’ll try! When you’ll find that once again you long to take your heart back and be free, if you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me!”
She never thought she’d do it, but here she was, Whitley Daaé, standing on the stage in the Musical Theater, singing for hundreds or maybe even thousands of people. It was just like he had said – it felt right.
“We never said our love was evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea, but if you can still remember, stop and think of me. Think of all the things we’ve shared and seen; don’t think about the way things might have been.” She had a wistful smile on her face as she sat back on the bench, looking up at the pair of Illumise and Volbeat that danced through the air. “Think of me, think of me waking silent and resigned. Imagine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind. Recall those days, look back on all those times, think of the things we’ll never do. There will never be a day when I won’t think of you!”
The viscount watched her performance with muted awe from his personal viewing box. “Can it be? Can it really be Whitley?” he murmured to himself. Long ago, it seemed so long ago, how young and innocent they were. “She may not remember me, but I remember her.”
“Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade. They have their seasons, so do we. But please promise me that sometimes you will think of me!”
The end of Whitley’s song was met with thunderous applause, and she looked out at the audience with excitement sparkling in her eyes. For the first time since her mother’s death, she felt like she could be the performer she always encouraged her to be.
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markertrash · 7 years
If the Rent characters were pokemon trainers. Go!
Oooh this will be FUN. Let’s see…
•Angel would be a coordinator and is probably well-renowned in the local contest scene. Team includes Gardevoir (graceful, elegant), Delibird (Christmas, brings gifts), Leavanny (can make a dress out of an old tablecloth), Alomomola (healer, heart shaped), Kricketune (in La Boheme the character Schunard played the violin), and Ditto (can look any way it wants, so probably good in-universe in contests). Wouldn’t need a full team due to being focused on contests instead of battling, but probably keeps one for battling sometimes and just because of love of Pokemon.
•Mark would be the kid who was so excited to go on his Pokemon journey as a kid and bring his camera for documentary-making about the Pokemon he befriends and finds along the way but finds out that not everywhere is Pokestar Studios (because obviously this takes place in Unova, the New York of the Pokemon world. Probably in Castelia City (also yes I know there’s no official contest scene in Unova but you bet there’s a local circuit set up by some people due to its popularity so Angel being a coordinator would still work)). Team includes Phantump (always feels alone), Dartrix (a nerd, probably his starter (yes I know I said they’re in Unova but this fits better)), Smeargle (create and observe), Dwebble (detach from feeling alive (also it has the sturdy ability bc he’s the “rock” of the group)), Whimsicott (surprisingly mischievous), and Espeon (loyal, sensitive, evolves from Eevee which most beginner trainers would get at some point). Also all of them are pretty low level bc he’s not actually that good of a trainer.
•Mimi would be a trainer who works as one of the npcs you fight to get to the gym leader, and she battles recklessly and without much strategy. Team includes Purrloin (cat-related, graceful) and Oricorio (a dancer) (she wouldn’t have enough money to care for more than two).
•Roger would be similar to a washed-up version of Roxie; he’s a former musician/gym leader (who just barely made it by the Pokemon league’s strict process to become a gym leader btw) who was actually quite good in battle but fell victim to the Pokemon limelight and now lives in the loft with Mark who is also an unsuccessful trainer. Team includes Noivern (sound-based), Mankey (brash, has a temper), Carbink (cold and reserved, can know moonblast), Loudred (another sound-based low hanging fruit), Garbodor (bc he’s literal garbage), and Abra (always running away).
•Joanne would be a lawyer who in addition to all the normal stuff would prosecute in cases of Pokemon/Pokemon trainer labor exploitation. She doesn’t battle so she doesn’t have a team, but she would definitely keep a Growlithe as a pet.
•Maureen is a performer who is protesting the local battle arena being torn down to build a Global Trade Station (like the one in Sinnoh, coming to Unova due to its popularity and the profitability of the cyber age in the Pokemon world, especially since it would allow Pokemon to be traded from all over the world instantly, a new concept in the 90s). Team includes Chatot (a singer and performer), Miltank (nicknamed Elsie (a Taurus would fit better but it’s not really a cow)), Lopunny (spunky), Ursaring (honeybear), Incineroar (a tiger in a cage can never see the sun), and Diglett (caught very recently, is also gonna dress like one (it’s to help protest the groundbreaking)). They’re all really high levels but just have random non-strategic EVs because she just battles anything that moves instead of training her Pokemon properly.
•Collins taught at the Pokemon trainer’s academy before he had his Pokemon blow up half the school’s facilities to demonstrate his theory of actual reality. Team includes Porygon Z (computer related and glitchy, like all computers Collins tinkers with probably), Talonflame (cool, top tier (Collins is probably pretty good at battling)), Magnemite (to help him mess with electronics), Oddish (TO MARIJUANA), Scolipede (a complement to Angel’s Leavanny), and Grovyle (fits with that Mystery Dungeon game’s plot, probably his starter (yes still not a Unova starter I know)). He was probably a trainer at some point but (sorta) gave that up to teach (and also because the Pokemon league’s trainer program is very flawed and unfair and he was symbolically protesting it).
•Benny is trying to tear down the battling arena to build a Global Trade Station (like the one in Sinnoh) (which, much like the Blockbuster he was trying to build in the NYTW version of Rent, would soon become obsolete). Doesn’t really keep Pokemon but hired a company with many Gurdurrs and Conkeldurrs for the job, as well as other Pokemon. Also instead of an Akita, Evita was a Chickorita.
(And I know none of these teams are balanced but it’s about thematics not strategy plus they would all probably suck at battling anyways. Also I know that 99% of these Pokemon are not native to Unova but ignore that as well.)
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1358456 · 6 years
Short Story - Practice Battle 2
Platinum vs. White!
For Platinum’s birthday given the contents!
Pallet Town, Kanto, 1 pm…
White wiped away the perspiration on her forehead as she stood up straight. She took a deep breath and looked around the backyard of Red and Blue’s house. … Blue’s little berry garden had certain grown big. Now it was like a berry farm, and it was big enough to the point where Blue could get the visiting junior Dex Holders to tend the farm to keep them occupied for hours.
Black was just a few feet to her side, struggling to weed the garden without damaging the berry plants. X and Y were nearby, chasing away the Bug type Pokémon who had nestled in thick berry plants. Diamond and Platinum were busy picking the ripe berries, and taking their sweet time too.
White grumbled and wondered why she and Black were given the most difficult task of weeding the garden. X and Y were having a hard time chasing the fast and mobile Bug Pokémon as well, but Diamond and Platinum were leisurely walking around, chatting and picking berries…
“Okay guys, let’s take a break!” Blue said as she stepped out of the house and into the backyard. She was carrying a plate full of iced drinks for the hard work done by the junior Dex Holders.
The junior Dex Holders all gathered towards their senior. Black and White quickly grabbed a cup of iced drink and X and Y did the same. Diamond and Platinum waited for their turn before taking theirs and slowly sipped, while their juniors basically chugged their drinks.
“Oh, that feels so nice,” Y said between breaths after finishing her drink. “… It’s so hot out here…”
“Yes, the weather here is certainly much warmer than in Sinnoh,” Platinum said after a sip.
“Lady Platinum, can you send out your Ninetales or something to help us cool off?” White asked as she fanned herself using her cap.
Platinum glanced at the berry farm. “That would damage the berry plants. I cannot do that.”
“Hey, don’t damage the plants,” Blue warned sternly. “Red and I worked hard to plant all those.”
“Sure did,” Red said as he came out of the house as well. “But great works, guys. We really appreciate it.” He glanced at the hot sun in the sky and his juniors. “Hey, I have an idea. How about you guys have a practice battle? It’s a great way to pass the time, and since Platinum tends to use a lot of Ice type attacks, it’s also a great way to cool off in a hot summer day. We’ll just have the battle in front of the house and not in the backyard so the berry plants stay safe.”
Platinum nodded. “As you wish, senior.”
“Who’s she going to face?” Blue asked.
“Oh! I volunteer White!” Y exclaimed, raising a hand in the air.
“Wait, what?!” White yelled in surprise. “Why me?”
Y grinned and grabbed her senior’s wrist. “White recently got a new Pokémon for Pokéstar Studios, and even has a Mega Ring for it too, see? Now’s the perfect chance to show it off!”
“Oh, that’s a good idea,” Red said. “I also never got to see you battling before, so now’s the perfect chance. Let’s do it!”
White thought about it for a while and smiled. “You know what? Yeah! Let’s do this!”
Blue came back out of the house with Diamond, both carrying a large tray filled with plates full with snacks. Platinum and White were standing in the open in front of the house while the other Dex Holders were seated on the grass near the house. Y was seated on the stairs leading up to the house’s front door, giving her the best view of the battle. Blue sat next to her and set a plate down between them.
Y cleared her throat loudly, getting prepared to do live commentating of the battle. White cast an annoyed look at her while Platinum simply smiled. The heiress pulled out a Pokéball from her bag and her Ninetales soon appeared. White tossed a Pokéball as well, sending out her Reuniclus.
“And the battle begins!” Y exclaimed in her e-sports commentator tone. “It’s a practice battle between The Cold One and The Dreamer! And the question that’s on everyone’s minds right off the bat is… how badly is The Dreamer going to get stomped this time?”
“Hey, now,” Blue began with an amused look on her face. “Let’s not discredit her too much already. An upset is possible, after all.”
“True,” Y said with a nod. “Even a 0.00001% is possible. You just never know what could happen! TCO is looking as confident as ever, and for good reason. The Dreamer looking anxious, as if she already knows that she’s completely screwed!”
“You know, White… er… The Dreamer does have an advantage here,” Blue said, trying to match the commentator tone. “She hasn’t really showed her battling skills, ever. So she’s an unknown, so to speak. Her style is unknown, her strengths and weaknesses are also unknown. And TCO, as you call her, frequently trains her Pokémon and has practice battles every now and then. Her battling style is well known. So The Dreamer does have a slight edge, as TCO won’t know what to expect.”
“Well, let’s see how The Dreamer throws that advantage out the window here in a sec,” Y said as Platinum’s Ninetales caused a small snowstorm around the battlefield.
Blue stifled a laugh. “Oh, you don’t have any faith in her, do you?”
“Not even in the slightest,” Y answered. “See? Look at her over there, glaring at me. She’s not even paying attention to the battle, and I’m supposed to have faith in her winning? Absolutely not!”
“Pay attention, White,” Platinum said as her Ninetales shot a series of rapid-fire Ice Beam all around White’s Reuniclus, creating dozens of icy spikes everywhere.
White saw the ice spikes and groaned. “Ohh… great. At least Sally can float…”
She got her Reuniclus to reach forward with Psychic, trying to at least immobilize her senior’s Pokémon. The Reuniclus successfully gripped the Ninetales with Psychic, but the Ninetales easily shrugged off the telekinetic force by using Extrasensory.
White grimaced and prepared for her senior to attack, but to her surprise, Platinum simply recalled her Ninetales and sent out her Empoleon. And the Empoleon simply stood there, just waiting.
“Oh, look at that!” Y said in a surprised tone. “TCO is giving her opponent a chance to attack! She wants to see what The Dreamer is capable of doing, and seems pretty confident that it’s not going to be much!”
The Reuniclus shot forth an Energy Ball. Platinum’s Empoleon simply slapped it away when it came close, however.
Blue chuckled and shook her head. “You can really see the lack of power in that attack. The Reuniclus hasn’t really practiced using Energy Ball.”
White groaned and returned her Reuniclus, and sent out her Deerling. She figured that a ranged attack exchange would not work at all in her favor, so she had opted to combat Platinum’s ranged attacks using a close-quarters attacker, like Deerling. As long as the heiress didn’t switch out to her Mega Lopunny, this should be okay.
The Deerling landed on the ground and immediately winced as the sharp ice spikes stabbed into it. The Deerling immediately jumped up away from the ice spike and landed on another one in a way that it wouldn’t be harmed. The slippery ice made it slowly slide, forcing the Deerling to jump again.
Platinum’s Empoleon shot forth a small Ice Beam at the Deerling. But since the small Pokémon was moving so much as a response to the ice spikes, it was able to easily dodge the Ice Beam.
Y watched the Deerling’s frenetic movements as it seemingly danced around the ice spikes and the occasional ranged attacks from the Empoleon. “… This Deerling’s in the Pokémon League grand finals right now,” she said with a huff. “Look at it, hopping around constantly, as if its life depended on it. It’s even using the ice spikes as platforms to jump off of and land on. It’s trying so hard right now, it’s as if its hero is watching!”
Blue chuckled from the side as she watched the Deerling’s seemingly desperate maneuvers. “It’s almost as if it really wants to win this!”
The Deerling rushed forward and struck the Empoleon with Double Kick, forcing to stumble backwards a little.
“Oh, a direct hit!” Y called out. “And look! The Dreamer’s expression tells it all! She thinks she has a chance of winning this after landing one hit!” She cleared her throat and then used a mocking impersonation to match White’s grumpy tone. “I think I can win this. I mean, Lady Platinum’s one of the strongest trainers in the world. She would probably even win in the Pokémon League if she tried. … And I can beat her. At least in this one battle…”
Blue burst into laughter. “Oh, that voice! You’re so mean!”
White’s Deerling jumped up to avoid another Ice Beam and charged forward towards the Empoleon. But this time, the Empoleon simply caught the Deerling with its claws, holding it in front. The Deerling flailed its legs, trying to kick its opponent, but it was out of range.
“The Deerling’s short legs are no match for Empoleon!” Y said with a laugh, as White put a hand over her face. “And now, the Empoleon tossing the Deerling away like a piece of trash, dealing no physical damage, but terrible, terrible emotional damage!”
Blue laughed hard for a few seconds before she was able to calm down a little. “Look, the Deerling is looking very mad at being discarded like an empty can!”
White recalled her Deerling before it could do something reckless in its blind rage, and sent out her Serperior.
Y noticed that the Serperior had a red vest like item on its body. An Assault Vest? “Look at that. The Dreamer even gave her Serperior a hold item. What a try-hard. What is this, the Kanto League grand finals?! Oh, you’re just trying so hard to win, is that it?”
Blue began laughing hard once again as she remembered seeing how intense the grand final battle had been all those years ago. And imagining White trying as hard in a friendly practice battle was too much to handle without laughing.
The Serperior began to use Leaf Storm with as much power behind it as possible. Platinum’s Empoleon raised its arms to block the incoming attack. The Leaf Storm was definitely stronger than anything else thus far, but it wasn’t too difficult to withstand it.
“Even Leaf Storm is failing to do much damage,” Blue noted. “We can definitely see the difference in training with this exchange.”
Y noticed White’s expression and let out a laugh. “Look at The Dreamer over there, constantly grumbling something. She’s not happy about how this battle’s been going. And I think she’s starting to realize that her chances of winning were never that high to begin with.” She then used the same mocking impersonation from before. “I really, really want to win this one… I’d feel so much better… Maybe the other girls would respect me, finally…”
From the side, Blue burst into laughter once again. “Oh, you are just vicious!”
The Leaf Storm soon came to an end as the Serperior couldn’t sustain the attack anymore. Platinum smiled and gave the order.
“Hydro Cannon type 2.”
White gasped and her Serperior prepared to withstand the ultimate attack. The Empoleon shot forth a small but fast moving stream of water, as if it was just using a really weak Hydro Pump. The stream of water struck the Serperior, but did little other than just dousing it with water.
The Empoleon suddenly transitioned into Blizzard while still maintaining the stream of water, effectively encasing the stream with a thick layer of ice. Since the ice followed the stream of water, the Serperior was hit by the ice as well, and the water that was already on its body rapidly froze, greatly slowing down its movement.
“Wow, look at that! The Blizzard on the outside combined with the ongoing snowstorm has created basically a big tube of ice!” Y exclaimed. “That’s so cool looking. But what is the purpose?”
Blue slowly nodded. “Oh that’s clever… Now the Serperior can’t possibly dodge what’s about to hit it.”
Platinum’s Empoleon suddenly shifted to regular Hydro Cannon, shooting a giant high powered stream right into the ice tube. The Hydro Cannon was forcefully concentrated thanks to the tube, and as it shot towards the Serperior, the force chipped away the ice in the inside of the tube, sending shards of ice shooting into the Serperior at the same time.
The burst of water impacted with the Serperior and the ice layers weren’t able to contain all the pressure, and shattered, shooting water out everywhere. The spurts of water froze very quickly, as their temperature was low enough to begin with, gotten even lower thanks to being inside the ice tube, and the snowstorm in the battlefield. The water droplets that shot out everywhere froze quickly and descended onto the battlefield as snowflakes and ice crystals.
“Wow, that’s like an Ice type ultimate attack!” Y exclaimed. “That must’ve taken so much practice! I wonder if I can try that!”
“Me too,” Blue said, looking quite impressed.
The Serperior managed to barely withstand the hit thanks to Assault Vest, but was frozen solid. White groaned and returned it to its Pokéball and sent out her newest Pokémon that she had caught for usage in Pokéstar Studios: Audino.
“My newest Pokémon!” she exclaimed. “Allie the Audino!”
Platinum returned her Empoleon and sent out her Altaria.
“TCO sending out a Dragon type Pokémon, fully knowing that The Dreamer will Mega Evolve the Audino into a Fairy type. Such confidence!”
“It’s like a message,” Blue said after a chuckle. “TCO is letting her opponent know that the outcome of this battle is still not going to change.”
“Allie! Mega Evolve!” White yelled out as she pressed the button on her Mega Ring.
The Audino quickly changed into Mega Audino, now gaining a type advantage against the Altaria. The Altaria still remained flying in the sky, just waiting for the Mega Audino to attack first.
“Oh, the most harmless Mega Evolution has now entered the fray!” Y exclaimed. “Brilliant! The Dreamer wants to heal the Altaria with Heal Pulse! That’s the first step in defeating TCO! That’ll show her!”
Blue laughed again as both White and her Audino looked over in annoyance. “Oh, that is savage. You are monstrous!”
“Allie, Ice Beam!” White ordered, gritting her teeth in anger.
The Mega Audino took a breath and shot forth a beam of ice at the Altaria… but failed to hit it. The attack wasn’t moving nearly as fast enough, and Platinum’s Altaria had trained for a long time against Ice Beam and Blizzard.
“Again, we see the effects of not training regularly!” Blue said, shaking her head a little.
“The Dreamer’s Mega Audino is basically throwing ice cubes at the Altaria, trying to do something, while the Altaria looks down on it pitifully,” Y said. “Oh, you sad little thing. TCO should just end this right now. This is getting hard to watch!”
“This isn’t over yet!” White cried out. “Allie, Dazzling Gleam!”
The bright burst of light emitted from the Mega Audino successfully reached the Altaria, but due to the distance, the light had dissipated too much to really do anything.
“Just put The Dreamer out of this already!” Y called out. “She’s going to fight until all of her Pokémon aren’t able to last any longer in the battle! And that’s just dragging it out too much!”
Platinum let out a short sigh but nodded. Her Altaria spread out its wings as it rapidly flew up high. And the moment it stopped ascending, Platinum pressed the button on her Mega Ring to evolve it into Mega Altaria.
“Oh, she’s bringing out the damage dealer now,” Blue said with a low whistle. “This is the beginning of the end. Or more specifically, just the end!”
The Mega Altaria began to slowly float down towards the ground, and Platinum gave the final order.
“Hyper Beam.”
The Mega Altaria charged up and shot forth a huge Hyper Beam, boosted by Pixilate. White’s Mega Audino shot out the strongest Dazzling Gleam it could muster, but the Hyper Beam easily overpowered the Dazzling Gleam and blasted the Mega Audino at full power.
“Ooh, the Dazzling Gleam was no match at all for the Hyper Beam! The Hyper Beam pierced through that Dazzling Gleam like a pointy stick through a soggy tissue paper, and smashing the face of the Audino and The Dreamer, but not literally!”
White let out a long, disappointed sigh and returned her defeated Audino, as Platinum returned her Mega Altaria and sent out her Ninetales again to stop the snowstorm.
“And there you have it. Good work to both sides,” Blue said as she applauded.
“It was a dominating, easy win for TCO there,” Y said as she applauded as well. “I especially like how The Dreamer went into this battle looking very excited, thinking that she had a chance. But by the end, she quickly realized that she never had a chance. Just like in every battle she has with anyone else!”
Blue burst into laughter again. “Oh, that’s brutal!”
Platinum and White soon returned to join the other Dex Holders. Diamond went over to congratulate Platinum while Black went over to comfort White.
“Great battle, you two,” Red said nicely, giving his two juniors an applause. “Really creative attacks there, Platinum.”
Platinum gave him a short bow and smiled happily. “Thank you, senior.”
“And White, I really think you should train yourself a lot more.”
White let out an explosive sigh. “Yeah… I know.” She cast an angry glare at Y. “It was really hard to concentrate on the battle when Y was making fun of me the whole time. And Blue was laughing the whole time too!”
“Sorry about that,” Blue said with a light chuckle.
Y grinned and stuck her tongue out. “You should’ve been paying attention to the battle, and not us!”
White growled and stomped over towards her. “You were so mean to me. But just you wait. The next time you have a practice battle, I’ll be there to mock you so hard!”
“Hehe. You can try!” Y said tauntingly. “Because I have a feeling that the next practice battle will be me against Black! And I am ready to rock!”
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