#and I love them dearly
xjustakay · 4 months
✺ (2/16) ✺ @jegulus-microfic prompt: tear — 1,058 words (college/uni au; when your boyfriend tries to distract you from working on your schoolwork and you’re so strong about it)
At this point, Regulus is about ten seconds from bashing his head into the table. He’s been in the library study room for hours already, only so much time still left on the max amount that he’s allowed to use it for. Just a little while longer to get some of the piled up work he needs to get done, and then he can take a break.
And yet.
Groaning, he sinks enough in his chair to thump his forehead onto the tabletop. Whose grand fucking idea was it to get a masters degree? Why did he think that was a good plan? This thesis is going to be the death of him.
You could still drop out. There’s still time to do that. You’re smart, you’re pretty, you’ve finished enough school, you’ll figure it out. You can just—
The study room door opens, cutting his spiral short. Regulus lifts his head, automatically ready to snap at whoever’s come to interrupt him before his time in the room is up. Except when he sees that it’s James, his annoyed expression quickly melts away.
There’s a to-go coffee cup and a white paper bag in James’ hand, the other reaching out to push the door shut quietly behind him. He comes around the far end of the large table —too large for one person, really, but Regulus has a couple books, his laptop, and various notes scattered over it, taking up space. James still finds an empty spot beside his laptop to set the bag and cup down then bends to kiss the top of Regulus’ head.
Regulus tilts back to look up at him. “I thought you were at the gym.”
“Baby, I went to the gym at like eight-thirty. It’s eleven now,” James chuckles, sliding his hand back and forth between his shoulders. He nods his head toward what he’s brought when Regulus quirks a brow at him wordlessly. “Figured you didn’t have anything before coming here.”
“I had a coffee already,” Regulus replies.
“And did you eat?”
He drops his chin, eyeing the white paper bag with a barely hidden sheepish look.
“Uh huh, that’s what I thought.” James squeezes his shoulder then moves around where Regulus sits to plop into one of the chairs closest to him. “It’s one of those almond croissants you can never say no to, so.”
Regulus’ lips tick upward into a gentle smile, gaze flicking sideways. “Oh, you’re really going for it, are you?”
“Going for what?” James asks, feigning innocence.
With a knowing roll of his eyes, Regulus reaches for the bag, pulls out the croissant, and settles it on the outside. He tears a piece off and pauses before bringing it to his mouth, swiveling his chair to knock his knee into James’.
“I told you, I have to stay here for at least three hours. I have too much work to get done.” Regulus pops the bite of food in his mouth, chews and swallows before tilting his head. “You don’t get to try to butter me up and pull me away from it.”
James narrows his eyes at him a little, thumbs tapping over his shirt where he keeps his hands folded on his stomach. “Maybe I’m just being nice.”
“Mm, and why should I believe you?”
“Because I’m always nice.”
“Well, I don’t know about that.”
“Come on now, love, you know I’m only mean to you when you ask me to be.” James winks, his grin inching wider when Regulus blushes at the insinuation.
He swallows another bite of food with a shake of his head, washing it down with a sip of coffee —black with one sugar, just like James knows he prefers it. He sets the cup back down and proceeds to point at the door James came through.
“Get out.”
Like the flip of a switch, James goes from playful to downright pouty, huffing petulantly and slumping in his chair.
“Regulus, it’s the weekend,” He complains.
“It’s Friday. Still a week day,” Regulus points out.
“Close enough,” James grumbles. He sits up straight abruptly again, leaning forward to press his elbow into the table, chin propped in his palm. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”
“Your dick isn’t going to write my thesis, I’m afraid.”
James snorts, looking terribly smug as his hazel eyes drop to Regulus’ mouth then dart back up again. “Could write your thesis on it, though, couldn’t you? In more ways than one.”
“Out,” Regulus emphasizes, blushing bright red up to his ears. “I can’t deal with you for at least another hour. Leave me alone.”
“About to shed a tear here, baby,” James jokes, bringing a hand to his chest in further dramatics.
“Then cry about it. Somewhere else, ideally,” Regulus says.
Laughing, James seems to concede to his dismissal because he pushes up from his chair. He leans one hand on the table and tucks the other beneath Regulus’ chin to tilt his head back. 
Despite kicking his boyfriend out, Regulus sighs contently, eyes falling shut when James dips down and presses a lingering kiss to his lips. No matter his insistence to avoid distraction, kissing James is one lovely indulgence Regulus will not deprive himself of. James’ thumb brushes over his chin before he touches their foreheads together.
“An hour?” James checks.
“At least,” Regulus confirms.
“Okay, fine.” James kisses him one, two, three more quick times before separating. “You’ve got this, love. Don’t stress yourself out too much.”
Regulus hums, nodding his head, watching James head for the door. “Thank you for the breakfast.”
“Of course.” James pauses with his hand on the handle, glancing him over one more time, warm smile and fond gaze unfading. “Love you.”
He tries, he really does, to contain the smile that tugs at his lips, making his own affection unbearably obvious when he ultimately fails. He typically does now. Regulus Black, made soft after all. He can’t even be mad about it anymore, not when being with James feels as good as it does.
Breathing in deep through his nose, Regulus mentally steels himself against the swoop in his stomach and a resolve that could crumble fast if James stays for too much longer. 
“Love you,” He says in return. And because he has to, obviously, he tacks on an additional, playful, “Now leave.”
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mielplante · 9 months
hi !! I hope ur still doing requests but it’s totally okay if not! Can you draw a bloody ais with a smirk … thank you for doing these requests your art is so good !!
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did he make a bad impression ? <3
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dacchamp · 1 year
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I love you destiny shippers
I love you sandstorm shippers
I love you citrus shippers
I love you Morro is aroace hcs
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moritz and ernst are top tier characters because theyre nerds who are failing school representation
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sp00kymulderr · 4 months
Okay absolutely not starting this until Cherry is done but I’ve got so many ideas for the lost, found polycule so uh expect a one shot collection sometime in the future
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littleivyart · 1 year
Baby fight
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somehorrorenthusiast · 3 months
Anyway, quick break from the horror art
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✨️ Furries ✨️
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shegetsburned · 10 months
Tells me more about pretty boy Isaak, Lou, and your fire gal pls (especially in her Sun Guardian AU)
Thank you for asking about my babies Larissa 🤧 I will gladly go on and on about them for you-
Isaak is a wise and gentle man who used to be a Jedi master but turned to the mandalorians when the love of his life "died"
He’s the definition of an old soul and would do anything to protect the ones he loves
His face claim is Chris Redfield because god damn that man is hot, but also because it suited him so well
He also gains more beard and a shit ton of scars after all of his training as a mandalorian
Man needs a big hug and a break. The man is devastated by the loss of Lou, so much that he starts deviating from the way of the mandalorian into a bounty hunter, occasionally having meaningless sex here and there
I swear he’ll be happy at the end-
Overall, she was a Jedi knight, trained by Isaak until (I don’t wanna spoil) "something happens to her", she then turns to the dark side
She used to have an orange lightsaber because she isn’t as drawn to the light side as the other Jedi knights.
Her parents made her fear the jedis, and definitely despises her for becoming one (so never seeing them again feels like a relief for her)
Isaak fell first for her but she definitely fell harder
𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐚 (𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐮)
Omg I have so much to talk about- basically in this marvel au, she is still in the same police unit
She becomes the Egyptian sun god Ra’s avatar during a deadly mission
She will fight alongside Moon Knight but I have another story for her before that where she encounters another avatar
In this au, because her and her sister didn’t blip but their parents did, she’s been taking care of her with everything, including bringing money and emotional supporting her because her sister has fallen into a depression and is often calling Luna to say she’s going to commit-
She also lives a traumatizing event during a mission which will basically leave her broken
I also feel like Ra chose her because she would get back up ever time she got down, never giving up and giving her life to the right cause
And her love interest is her unit’s Captain; which is an original character as well
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hellverse · 5 months
today on the menu is a craving, a craving for people to talk to literally every day about nothing and about everything and i have so much love and i want to put it somewhere
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gronjon44 · 2 years
No one else is doing it so I will
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Edits of Geiger and Meri, and icons of the two (with a Junker Queen to make the squad)
Like/Reblog if you use the icons/edits
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blupoh · 7 months
god I need to be special to someone again. I want someone to be special to me again.
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transqu33r · 2 years
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I have like 5 mustache hairs
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rataffliction · 2 years
screenshots from the RHATO webtoon that made me Feel Things (these emotions range from sadness, to excitement, to oh my god that’s hot. get ready)
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i’ll let y’all guess the reasoning behind each screenshot❤️
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niceboyeds · 1 year
songs that acknowledge your childhood pain but bring you immense comfort and love>>>>>
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s-citrus · 2 years
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My beautiful idiots who I have so many thoughts about all the time
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Bonus! Embarrassment
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