#and I refuse to go buy something I know I’ll wear Once cause. I really don’t wear pink
sweet-as-kiwis · 1 year
My friend and I are Officially making plans to see the Barbie movie so I’m tryna figure out an outfit but I DONT OWN ANYTHING PINK AH
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sim0nril3y · 7 months
New Hobby
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Civilian!Reader Scenario: So, I have this really annoying thing I do where I will go full force into a hobby, buying all the shit and then never using it again because I get bored or think it's too hard and honestly I just think I'd need someone like Simon to tell me off for wasting money and never sticking to something. Warnings: No mask Simon (It's my personal headcanon in his regular life he probably wouldn't wear it), teasing, brief mention of smut, talk of hobbies, canon-typical swearing.
Walking in from the gym Simon would practically trip over the cardboard boxes that lingered in the hallway, looking down at them with a puzzled look on his face before stepping through the house to find you. “What you been buying, love?” He asked softly, pressing a quaint kiss to your forehead.
“Oh, just some craft supplies.” You shrugged your shoulders as if there weren’t 5 large boxes spread haphazardly through the hallway. “Supplies? Oh, for that card making thing you were doing?” He asked, flipping on the kettle and grabbing a few mugs from the cupboard.
You shook your head. “Oh, no. This is for journaling, actually.” You informed him and Simon glanced at you questionably. “What?” “You brought all those card making supplies and I think I’ve seen you use them once…” Simply you just creased your brows at him. “If you wanted to start a new hobby, do you think maybe it might be a better idea to buy a few things and build up your supplies rather than go all in?”
For a moment you were quiet and then you laughed. “Umm, no.”  Then you laughed again, stepping past him. “Can you help me move some of these boxes upstairs please?” You asked over your shoulder as Simon pinched his brow to try and stop the impending headache that was brewing.
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A week later you were sat on your phone in the living room, flicking through some app that Simon refused to download. He sat beside you and saw that you were watching a collection of videos that seemed to be all the same time. These people were revamping old furniture, fixing them, painting them, reselling them. You seemed completely enamoured by the idea. “No.” He said then, stern and cold. It caused you to look at him suddenly. “Sorry?” You asked confused.
“Absolutely not.” He told you, as if being able to read your mind. “You are not bloody upcycling furniture. I’m not having this house cluttered with old shit because you want a new hobby.” Simon stated firmly and you grinned as your brows pinched together. “What happened to the journaling?”
Unsurprisingly you remained sheepishly quiet. “Exactly. This is what I was telling you.” He stated with a shake of his head. “You can’t just keep going all in on these new hobbies, you need to try them out first and see if you like them first.” He said and patted you knee. “Try out the journaling for another week, eh?” At least if you were journaling or card making that would at least keep you contained to one room.
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Not even a few days later and Simon returned home to find the hallway cluttered with another 4 boxes, he spied your name written on the top of them. “Fuckin’ hell…” He muttered under his breath before manoeuvring through them, calling your name with a hard tone. “What did I say…” He found you in the kitchen making a cup of tea and cycling through your phone.
“I know.” You told him then, turning softly to soothing your hands over his chest. “I got the message. Upcycling furniture isn’t for me.” Simon groaned and leaned his head back. “But maybe baking is…” “Babe, you never cook. I do all the cooking.” He reminded you with an almost hopeless tone to his voice. “Oh…” You muttered softly. “Right…” Then huffing out. “Maybe you could take up baking as a hobby and I can be your taster.”
Simon narrowed his eyes. “Go upstairs and use your pretty art supplies to make me an apology card and I won’t bend you over this counter.” He warned causing a bright grin to spread across your face. “How about you do it and I’ll make you a thank you card.”
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Masterlist | Ask | 13-11-2023
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britishassistant · 17 days
An Act of Infinite Optimism
The plan, as Ema explains to Apollo, is meant to be simple.
Apollo will buy Trucy one of the overpriced bubble teas from the vending machines at the courthouse. He’ll get her to drink from it.
Then he’ll take the can without being a creep and give it to Ema for saliva analysis.
Ema is somehow going to get a saliva sample from Lamiroir, though she refuses to disclose how exactly she’ll accomplish that, then beg the forensics lab on her hands and knees to perform the tests that’ll prove whether the two of them are related or not.
Really simple. Anyone can do it. Which is why Apollo is going to steel his nerve and spend twenty dollars right—!
Freezing cold and wet is pressed against the back of his neck.
Whipping around with his hands clapped over the offended area reveals Trucy Wright laughing herself silly, a drink can in each hand.
“Pfft—! Oh Polly, your face!” She giggles. “I’m sorr-ee-hee-hee—!”
He scowls at her. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I’d like to see you look nice if someone shoved ice against your neck.”
“Aw c’mon Polly, don’t be mad!” Trucy pouts. “And after I got you something too.”
He should know better than to fall for the bait by now, but. “Got something?”
She proffers one of the cans, which Apollo recognizes as the coffee he often stares longingly at but never has the funds to justify buying for himself.
“I made a mint in tips at the Wonder Bar last night!” She boasts. “Besides we need a pre-celebratory drink for winning the trial today!”
Apollo thinks of the ten dollar bill Ema lent him to help pay for the bubble tea that Trucy’s holding.
He quietly vows to return it alongside the evidence as he takes the coffee. “It’s not about winning. We know Machi didn’t do it, so now we just need to prove it.”
“Of course! We’ll show that Lamiroir is telling the truth and Machi is innocent!” Trucy clenches a fist, looking determined.
A small pang goes off in his chest. He can’t help thinking how lucky Lamiroir and Machi are to have someone like Trucy in their corner. To have a family.
He grins as he clinks their cans together. “I’ll drink to that.”
The two of them sit in comfortable silence as they enjoy their drinks.
“Whoa,” Trucy says. “Lookit their clothes!”
“Don’t point at people!” Apollo scolds, before he follows her finger. “…Although those are. Wow.”
The clothes in question are suits with more excess fabric and frills than is common in the U.S. style. Dark shades, with swirling trims of bright color to make them pop. The people wearing them look like models or something, a certain stiffness to their movements and severity to their faces.
They confer briefly, before heading through the doors that lead to the gallery.
“I guess they’re here to watch the trial…” Apollo mutters to himself.
“Hm!” Trucy tips her drink back to catch the last drops, before holding the empty can out to him. “D’you mind throwing this away for me Polly? Pretty please?”
Apollo can hardly believe his luck.
“Oh, u-uh, sure.” He takes the can carefully, trying to make sure he doesn’t smudge any of her fingerprints. “Just this once, okay?”
“Yay! Thank you Polly!”
He’s grateful she doesn’t ask any questions as he speedwalks away to give the vital evidence to Ema.
He goes to take one last swig of his coffee after he rounds the corner, but frowns when it seems to have mysteriously vanished from his other hand.
That’s weird. He didn’t drop it or leave it somewhere, did he…?
Trucy claps her hands together and sends a brief prayer of apology to the plant she just emptied the rest of Polly’s coffee into.
She knows that coffee isn’t good for plants, but this is for a good cause! She’ll bring water with her for it the next time she comes by, she swears!
She slips through the courthouse until she reaches just outside the prosecutor’s lobby, and does her secret knock.
She’s not even halfway through the second part of it when the door is wrenched open and Prosecutor Gavin’s head pops out.
“Ach, it’s just you Fraulein .” He slips outside, closing the door behind him. “I thought a schlagzeugerin was attempting to audition for the Gavinners. Were you successful in your mission?”
“Of course I was! It’s—!” Trucy pats herself down, face rapidly growing worried. “Eh? Wait, that’s weird, where’d it go?”
She continues to search as Prosecutor Gavin goes from curious to concerned, thumb spinning one of his rings.
“It’s vanished!” Trucy gasps. “Just like magic! So we’ll need… these!”
With a flourish, she produces her magic panties and rummages around inside, tongue poking out for effect.
“Is this what you were looking for?” She proclaims as she produces the empty can of coffee, neatly sealed in a plastic baggie.
“Wunderbar, Fraulein.” Prosecutor Gavin enthuses, taking the bag. “And preserved perfectly as well! The officers in the lab will be pleased when I ask them to look at this.”
“Of course!” She nods proudly. “Daddy always says it’s vital to maintain the integrity of evidence!”
Prosecutor Gavin raises his eyebrows but doesn’t say anything to that other than a noncommittal, “Hm.”
Which is fair, Trucy supposes. Daddy did kind of deliberately make a bad name for himself, but now that the evil Gavin is in jail, she’s gotta do her bit to start clearing it up now he doesn’t need to put on an act anymore!
“I’ll send this to the lab now, along with Lamiroir’s glass.” Prosecutor Gavin takes out a large paper bag, places the coffee can inside, and seals it with red tape. “It was quite difficult for me to coax her to drink—it seems Fraulein Detective has been overwatering my witnesses.”
She would respond to that, except Prosecutor Gavin’s started messing with that ring again, spinning it around with his thumb.
She doesn’t need a bracelet like Polly does to see he’s tense. Unhappy.
Trucy scuffs the floor delicately with the toe of her boot as she takes the plunge. “Are…are you doing okay, Prosecutor Gavin? I mean, it kinda seems like this trial’s been. A lot.”
Prosecutor Gavin’s smile falters. For the briefest of moments, his shoulders sag before he pulls them back into his rockstar perfect posture.
“Ach, I won’t say that this hasn’t been slightly stressful, professionally.” He shrugs, lackadaisy painfully feigned. “But I will admit, this little puzzle has been an enjoyable diversion to refresh my mind, keep my skills sharp.”
“Oh, that’s good!” Trucy wouldn’t be half the magician she is if she couldn’t cover for her fellow performer’s slips. “It’d be no fun if Polly beat you too easily today! His head would get all swollen! I’m not sure if his forehead is meant to get any bigger…”
“Achtung, so again I combine my enjoyment with my philanthropy! After all,” Prosecutor Gavin’s fingers slip through his hair the way they always do when he’s about to lie. “When I find Herr Tobaye guilty, Dame Lamiroir will need her other son to lean on once this one is incarcerated.”
“What?! No way!” Trucy’s cheeks puff out indignantly. “We’re gonna prove Machi is innocent! You’ll see!”
“Will I now?” Prosecutor Gavin is back in full Gavinners’ mode, smirking. “You and Herr Forehead better be ready to rock, Fraulein. Once I’ve sent this off, I won’t hold back.”
“Neither will we!” Trucy calls over her shoulder as she hurries back to the defendants’ lobby.
She collides with Polly outside the vending machines. “Oof!”
“Ow, easy!” He rubs his shoulder where she made contact. He holds something out to her. “Here. Thanks for the drinks earlier.”
Trucy takes the packet of Swiss rolls. “Really? All for me? Thank you, Polly!”
He chuckles sheepishly. “Just don’t eat ’em all before the trial, okay?”
There’s a pang in her chest as she squeezes the snack close and beams back at him.
Machi and Lamiroir are really, really lucky to have Polly.
Apollo collapses into bed, absolutely exhausted.
He did it. After everything that’s gone on in this trial, the truth was found. They cleared Machi’s name.
There’s going to be another trial to determine his sentence about the smuggling, but he’s not going down for murder. He and Lamiroir and Trucy are happy. Apollo just needs to take what comfort he can from that, rather than feeling irrationally disappointed that he won’t be allowed to represent Machi in that trial too.
It’s sensible, he tells himself. It’s designed to prevent undue attachment and bias on the part of the attorney or the court. And this Raymond Shields probably is a really good attorney. Really professional and dedicated. Yeah.
He falls asleep with his head floating half-formed thoughts of seeing if Mr. Shields needs a co-counsel, or would let him just look over the documents…
When he wakes again, it’s pitch black.
He scrunches his eyes, brain unwilling to compute why he’s not asleep when it feels so grossly early.
His phone blares out its generic ringtone again, the one that sounds exactly the same as the alarm he’s set on it.
It takes a few minutes of confused searching before he finds the offending device under the covers. The urge to throw it across the room and roll over to try to sleep has never been stronger.
Grumbling and squinting against the bright light of the screen, Apollo hits “Answer”.
“Apollo!” Comes Ema’s harried whisper. “I’ve done the tests!”
Apollo blinks muzzily. “Wh—? Bu’ you said ‘rlier you didn’ have cl’r’nce?”
“I broke into the forensics lab!”
“You dID WHAT—?!”
There’s a furious banging on the wall next to his bed.
Apollo hastily lowers his voice to a whisper. “You did what?!”
“It’s fine, I covered my tracks!” Ema sounds far too dismissive for someone breaking into a place where the whole job is identifying people from even the tiniest pieces of evidence. “Besides, even if I did get caught, you’d defend me, right?”
“Well yeah, but that’s not the point—!”
“The point,” Ema cuts across. “Is the results. Which I’ve just got. Unless you wanna yell at me instead?”
“Wh—no! I mean, yes! I mean—!” Apollo stutters.
Ema must take pity on his flailing, because her voice comes down the line strong and sure, cutting through his panic. “It’s a match, Apollo.”
The confirmation knocks the wind out of him. “…Really? You’re sure?”
“Science can’t lie.” Ema grumps. “Lamiroir and Trucy are mother and daughter. No doubt about it.”
It feels like Apollo’s insides are fireworks.
He was right! They did it!
There’s the faint sound of a door opening at the other end of the line.
An unfamiliar, indistinct voice shouts, “Hey! What are you doing here?!”
There’s a tremendous clatter as Ema does something to get away from her pursuer.“Sorry!”
“Ema, you need to run! Get outta there!” Apollo urges.
“WHAT-huff-D’YOU THINK-huff-I’M DOING?!” Ema yells back at him, over the sounds of running and faint cries in the background of “Stop, thief!” and “Get her!!”
And so Apollo finds himself co-opted into helping Ema evade police custody long enough to get out of the building, resigning himself to being entirely sleep-deprived tomorrow.
Trucy hardly got any sleep last night.
She was riding the high of winning the trial yesterday and Prosecutor Gavin’s promise of getting the results of the saliva analysis and Apollo buying Eldoon’s for dinner, when she got back home and found the office empty again. Which is fine! It’s empty more often than not nowadays, so she figured she’d just put on the Gavinners to fill the quiet. And then she remembered midway through Atroquinine My Love that there was no more Gavinners. That she’d attended their last ever concert.
Which, again, is good! Daryan was definitely guilty and deserved to go to jail! She doesn’t regret helping Polly at all, even if it means her favorite band breaks up! Not one bit!
But behind closed doors she needed to have several emotions about it. That ended up lasting all night.
She feels bleary as she showers and gets dressed. She’ll probably take a nap this afternoon before going to the Wonder Bar instead of doing her reading homework. It’s really piling up, but she needs to be at her best as a performer!
She hears voices, low and angry-sounding, as she rounds the corner to the kitchen.
Daddy’s standing in front of the door, hands fisted in the pockets of his hoodie, tension in every line of his back even as he pretends to be relaxed.
“Daddy? Is everything okay?” She can’t help asking.
Daddy jumps a little, turning to her with a tired smile. “Ah, Trucy, it’s fine—“
“Guten morgen, Fraulein Magician!” Prosecutor Gavin’s head pops up over Daddy’s shoulder as he waves. “I trust you find yourself well on this beautiful morning, ja?”
Daddy’s smile twitches at the corners a tiny bit.
“I’m good!” Trucy chirps back, performance as comfy to slip into as her cape. “How come you’re here so early? Did you want to sign up to the talent agency for singing?!”
Daddy chuckles. “We’ve got enough musical talent already, don’tcha think Trucy? Anyway, Mr. Gavin was just finishing up—“
“Nein, I actually came to deliver a message to the lovely Fraulein here.” Prosecutor Gavin says, one thumb spinning his rings. “Any other business was purely incidental.”
Daddy’s eyes narrow.
“Well, so long as your intentions are honorable, have at it.” Daddy ambles back towards the office, calling over his shoulder. “As you mentioned, Prosecutor, I am friends with your boss.”
“Daddy!” She stomps petulantly to drive home the performance. “Don’t be gross! Ugh, I’m so sorry, Prosecutor Gavin—!”
“It’s no trouble, Fraulein .” He reassures her, though his jaw is clenched. “It’s touching, a vater’s protection of his tochter. Even if it does come at the expense of others…”
Well that’s cryptic and a half!
Some of her true feelings must show in her pout, as Prosecutor Gavin suddenly looks sheepish and chuckles. “Entschuldigen sie, Fraulein. There was a break in at the forensic labs last night, so I am slightly on edge, ja? But, luckily, our results were already logged. I received them when I dropped by today.”
“And?!” She’s on tenterhooks, just like when she used to watch Daddy and Uncle Valant. “What did they say?! Tell me!”
He looks her dead in the eye and tells her. “It’s a match.”
It feels like Trucy’s insides are confetti.
They did it! She was right!
“Now, if you’ll excuse me.” Prosecutor Gavin says. “I need to locate the suspect for last night’s break in and give her a thorough talking to. Auf Wiedersehen, Fraulein Magician!”
“Off Whee-der-sane!” Trucy parrots back as she waves him out the door.
She can’t stop smiling as she closes it and bounces slightly. This calls for a celebration! She’s sure they have some pancake mix that she can whip up!
When she goes to skip to the kitchen, she finds Daddy leaning against the doorway, faux-casual.
“Trucy,” Daddy says. “Mind telling me what that was all about?”
She opens her mouth—!
Daddy pulls a hand out of his pocket. In it is his anti-lying rock.
Trucy gulps.
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 2 years
FFS, I can’t believe I’ve screwed up this badly with my math!
Here I am, about to go do my once every two week shopping, and as usual I go check my bank account before getting out the cash.
Oh, that surprises you. Yeah, I use cash. I have a refillable debt card, but I reserve it for things I have to order or pay for online, and after trying to pay with a check at Walmart and being refused by their system because I “hadn’t written enough checks”, I’ve stuck with cash. It makes it easier not to screw up, having to keep a strict count while I shop, with no wiggle room, no space for impulsive “Why not?” It’s tough, but at least I don’t accidentally overspend….
Except I just found out I have!!!
It totally took me by surprise. My debit card it down to $12. I bet I forgot to count those new ankle braces I had to get, but the cause doesn’t matter right now. What matters is, if I get out my usual once every two weeks amount to buy the food for me and the animals I won’t have enough in my bank account to pay my $30 phone bill next week!
So here I am, kicking myself for every “luxury” (those blueberries) I bought and realizing I may not be able to buy the stuff I intended to get for the 4th. The 4th is my family “junk food” day, and I won’t have any more money until after!
I mean, I know it’s weird to complain about not getting to buy hot dogs, soda, and potato chips when you are already going “right, maybe you should skip meat and fresh fruit this time”. But darn it, I only buy junk food once a year! I look forward to it!
But the truth is fretting about food choices is distracting me from the real problem: The bills that might crop up before the 5th or 6th of July. The phone bill is the top of the list, but it is hardly the only thing.
Look, I’m used to being broke. Wear my parents’ old clothes, buy store brands, don’t drive anywhere you don’t absolutely have to, and that sort of thing. I STILL can’t drive the pickup because the next time I do it will hit empty and I haven’t been able to afford gas. It’s annoying, but I just shrugged and figured I’d get a few gallons with whatever cash I had left over after shopping. I’ve been saying that for two months now. But it hasn’t upset me too much. It’s just how poverty is.
But screwing up, doing my math wrong, buying a spare ankle brace because it was on special instead of the two new ones I needed right now, knowing my dumbness might mean I lose my already crappy phone service…..
I dunno. It’s not even the stress and anxiety of it, it’s the anger at myself over something I can’t fix that gets me. Like, “Oh good, I’ve driven off a cliff and all I can do is wait and see if I survive the crash.”
Well, someone sent me $5 through Kofi I still haven’t transfered to my bank account. That’s a start. Maybe I should go hunting for spare change in the parking lot. I won’t find $30, but every penny really does count…..
So if anyone likes my photos and/or sculpting feel free to tip or use my ko-fi once in a while. (If my tech cooperates I will add some fresh pics to my ko-fi page)
I hate to even write that, and I do NOT want anyone to feel pressured. As long as my tech holds on by it’s fingernails and I can keep my internet I will keep posting, and besides, I’ll figure something out or get lucky maybe. It’s all so humiliating.
But still, to remind folks:
Thanks for letting me vent.
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poisonedapples · 3 years
Patton’s Home For Traumatized Kids - Chapter Five
Bad Memories Don’t Erase
Chapter Summary: Roman tags along with Logan and Virgil to hang out at their friend’s house.
First Chapter Previous Chapter Story Masterlist
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, stealing, and one inappropriate joke
Word Count: 4,008
Taglist: @shade-romeo, @grayson-22, @pixelated-pineapple, @acrobaticcatfeline, @astrozei, @edupunkn00b, @princey-7258, @eternalmoonlight19, @remy-the-lemon-berry, @look-ma-im-on-tv, @mariniacipher, @bigwendymonster, @nonbinary-octopus
Notes: This chapter’s a little short, but the next one is gonna be really long, so hopefully that makes up for it
On Sunday the next day, Patton finally took Roman to buy his gym clothes. Roman was trying to hide a goofy smile while sitting in the back seat, desperate to not get his hopes up while also ecstatic his plan was working so far. He was going to have Patton stay in the car while Roman shopped for clothes! This had never worked on his dad before!
By the time Patton finally parked the car in the parking lot of the store, Roman’s chest felt weighted from his anxiety, waiting to see Patton’s final verdict. So long as he didn’t change his mind now, then Roman was in the clear. He hoped to be in the clear.
“Alright, kiddo,” Roman’s heart stopped as Patton pulled out his wallet and gave him some money. “Forty dollars should be more than enough for some pairs of gym pants and shirts. Give me back all the change when you come back, okay?”
“I will! Promise!” Roman wanted to jump for joy. It was working!
“Text me when you’re checking out so you don’t surprise me, and if you see something else you might want, just text me before you buy it so I know. Tell me if you have any issues, okay?”
Patton smiled. “Go on then, kiddo.”
Roman practically leaped out the door to skip his way to the front entrance of the clothing store, two twenty dollar bills crumbled in his pocket. He got away with it! No parents staring him down while he changed outfits!
Roman walked into the store and tried to hide the skip in his step. With no parents to watch him, he could buy what he actually wanted to wear, no tight pants and scoop neck shirts. No, Roman wanted to look like his real goal. His goal of being a blob of cloth that vaguely resembled a human.
Granted, he’d mostly gotten there. His aunt replaced all of his wardrobe, so his current clothes were a lot more comfortable to wear even if they weren’t very fashionable. Mostly bright colored t-shirts and pants, maybe some shorts if they were able to reach down far enough. Maybe once he was more comfortable with himself he could actually test out more styles, but for now, oversized clothes were all he could handle.
Roman’s walk sped up slightly when his eyes landed on the men’s athletic section. He had to be quick with this, he didn’t want Patton getting impatient and coming in to check on him. Roman looked through the shorts and shirt sizes, easily finding a size up for a couple shirts while heavily struggling on the shorts. Roman groaned. It was always the shorts that caused the issue, they were always too high up. What if he was sitting down and the pant leg rode up too far? No, Roman refused to get something like that willingly.
Roman took all the athletic shorts that could fit him and held them up in front of his legs. Most of them only made it to his lower thigh, but he managed to find two shorts that made it to right below his knee. Roman smiled and bounced on his toes, grabbed his items and rushed to find a dressing room. Once he did, he rushed into the first empty area he saw and locked the door. The mirrors on the walls and gaps in the door made it hard for him to change comfortably, so instead Roman tried to press himself against the very corner of the room when he was changing.
Between the six shirts and two pants Roman found, he was pretty happy with most of his choices. Thankfully, the long shorts looked fine, so Roman hung them up on a hook with a sign over it saying I’m buying this! and considered it a success. However, when it got time to look at the shirts, only three of them were good enough for purchase. The white one he grabbed was practically see-through, and the other two had a scratchy inside material that Roman couldn’t stand, so they got put on the reject hook while the other three passed the test. 
For a rushed shopping visit, Roman was pretty pleased with his choices. Two shorts might not be enough for five days worth of classes, but maybe Roman could keep one pair in his locker until it started to stink. Which might be a little gross, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Roman exited the dressing room and put his rejected shirts on a rack outside, carrying his other items to the checkout area. Before he got in line, he looked at all the price tags and added them up in his head best he could. The shirts were about six dollars each, and the shorts were a little over five after tax. Which means, adding up the extra cents, he’d have to pay twenty nine dollars for the clothes in total. Considering Patton gave him forty dollars, this was plenty.
Roman hesitated for a second. He stuffed his hand into his pocket to feel the money in the palm of his hand while he thought about his options. If he told Patton the truth, Roman would give him eleven dollars and there would be no issues. Patton might let him do this again next time they go shopping, too. But also…Roman had no backup plan. He was stuck with Patton with nowhere to go if things went wrong.
His aunt told him that Roman could always go back to her house if a guardian was abusing him, and he had every intention to take her up on that offer the second the opportunity arose. But even if Roman walked to her house on foot, he had no money for food during that trip. She lived so far away from him now, there was no way to get to safety without a dollar to his name. But if he stole some from Patton, then Roman could have a serious issue on his hands.
Roman slowly walked up to the check out area and handed the teenage worker the clothes. As she scanned all the items with a satisfying beep, Roman felt himself getting antsy. There’s no guarantee Patton will let me do this again. I’ve already gotten away with so much, and the more time I spend around him, the more danger I’m in. But if Patton notices I stole from him, he could be furious. Is there even a right answer here?
“Twenty nine dollars and thirty two cents.” The cashier said cheerfully. Roman handed her the money and she put it in the register, then handed Roman a bunch of coins, two five dollar bills, and a one dollar. She smiled. “Would you like a receipt?”
“Uh, no thank you.”
When the receipt printed, the cashier tore it out and threw it in the trash behind her. “Have a nice day.”
“You too.” Roman squeaked, rushing away from the register to stare at the money. Apparently they ran out of ten dollar bills, because the money was split perfectly for taking without it being obvious. Roman considered this a sign to take his chance. He put a five dollar bill and a quarter in his left pocket and shoved the rest in his right. It wasn’t much, but he could build it up. This was only the beginning.
Roman walked out of the store and tried to act normal instead of anxious. Worst case scenario, he’d say he forgot to bring out the rest and give Patton the other bills. Giving away the quarter also would be too obvious, but he could get away with stealing that at least. When he made it to Patton's car, Roman opened the back seat and tossed his clothes next to him.
“Hey, kiddo!” Patton greeted, “Got any extra cash to give me?”
“Uh, yeah, here.” Roman dug into his right pocket to grab half the money and handed it to him. Patton put the coins in his pocket and put the two bills in his wallet. He didn’t seem to consider how much Roman gave him, instead he started backing out of the driveway and got distracted while reversing. Roman let out a quiet sigh of relief.
He felt the five dollars still stored in his pocket. He got away with it. For now.
“We’re home!” Patton announced as he and Roman stepped inside. Logan and Virgil were both lying on the couch, and Logan perked up from his spot.
“Wonderful. We wanted to ask both of you a question.” Logan said.
Patton seemed intrigued. “What question?”
“Can we go to Janus’ house, Pat?” Virgil asked.
“Oh, of course, kiddos! Do you know when you might be back?”
Virgil thought about it. “Probably at six before dinner.”
“Perfect! Just text me if that changes so I don’t worry, okay?”
“We will.” Logan reassured, “And Roman, would you like to come with us?”
Roman tilted his head to the side. “Me? I don’t even know who Janice is.”
Virgil sunk into the couch more. “Friend of ours. Has a snake, talks a lot about philosophy and books. Acts like a tired underaged wine aunt.”
“Right, well, still. Isn’t it a little strange for me to tag along to a stranger's house?” Roman pointed out.
“Janus wouldn’t mind, I’m sure.” Logan said. “Of course, you don’t have to, we simply figured you would like the invitation so you’re not the only one left out.”
Roman’s eyes widened when Logan said that. Wait, shit, if Logan and Virgil are going to this girl’s house, then Roman will be here. Alone. With Patton. Until six in the afternoon.
Roman’s mood change was almost instant. “Well then, perhaps I should go! Make new friends and establish bonds, or whatever!”
Virgil smirked. “Sweet. It’s a short walk, just a block away. Just let us grab our shoes and we can head out.”
“I’ll tell Janus we’ll be bringing a third party.”
Roman let out a breath of relief. As Virgil and Logan grabbed whatever they needed, Roman set his new bag of clothes in his room next to his backpack. He’d have to remember to put some boxers in there before tomorrow morning, too.
Roman felt the five dollars in his pocket again. He took the money and hid it deep in his backpack in a hidden pocket he hoped wasn’t too easy to find. Satisfied with that for now, Roman stepped back outside of his room and waited for the others.
Once everyone was situated, Virgil called out to let Patton know they were leaving the house and then closed the door. Logan and Virgil did most of the talking as they walked while Roman just listened, following behind them and letting the two lead the way.
“Oh, and Roman,” Logan suddenly said during a point of silence, “Another one of our friends may also show up later at Janus’ house. He said he might be coming, so we’ll see.”
Roman shrugged. “Sounds fine to me.”
No one said anything else after that on the walk. After a while, Virgil and Logan stopped in front of a house and started walking up the driveway to the front door. As Virgil knocked on the door, Roman stood awkwardly off to the side until someone answered.
It wasn’t long before the door swung open, showing a teenage kid with a large birthmark under his left eye. He rested his elbow on the top of the black and yellow cane next to him and smirked. Was he the brother, perhaps?
“I’ve been expecting you.” He said menacingly.
“‘Sup, fucker.” Virgil greeted.
“Hello, Janus.”
Wait, what? Against his better judgment, Roman forced himself to stand in front of Logan to face Janus. “Wait, your name is Janice?” He asked.
Janus put his hand on his face. “Janus. It’s Janus. J-a-n-u-s, not the old lady name Janice.”
Roman felt his face grow hot. “…Oh. Well, uh…”
Janus rolled his eyes and held the door open wider. “Just come inside.”
Virgil was the first to step in, with Logan following after while Roman hesitated. He made an awful first impression, maybe he should just walk around the block for a while instead-
“Come on, my arm is tired.” Janus coaxed. Roman felt too awkward to walk away, so he instead sucked it up and stepped inside the house with everyone else.
The house was quite nice. The walls were painted dark and the carpet was red, but it looked nice in a Victorian era kind of way. On the living room coffee table were piles of fabric and a sewing machine, seemingly making something that looked like a suit. Janus took the cane he was holding and threw it onto the couch. Well, apparently it was just a part of the outfit.
Virgil motioned to all the fabric on the table. “Fuck are you making now, dude?”
“I’m making the refined villain look of my dreams.”
“Nice. When do you think you’ll finish it?”
“Possibly tomorrow. I’ll start on it again after school.”
“Do you make your own clothes?” Roman asked, hoping to distract himself from his previous embarrassment.
Janus smiled slightly. “Less clothes, more costumes. Mostly for myself, but sometimes I make them for the high school’s theater when I’m feeling generous.”
“Oh, that sounds fun!”
“Wanna see Janus’ costume closet?” Virgil asked.
Roman shrugged. “If he wants me to.”
“Oh yeah, just talk about me like I’m not here.” Janus rolled his eyes and motioned for everyone to follow him. He had a downstairs family room with a closet off to the side. Once everyone was downstairs, Janus opened it and let Roman look inside.
“…Woah.” Roman looked at all the costumes, astonished and full of wonder. A lot of them were very extravagant, like they were specifically designed for a dramatic person, so Roman felt a calling toward them. He took a few of them off their hangers to look at; roaring twenties inspired suits and a black dresses with fancy gold finishes. Roman ran his hand on the fabric like they were fancy relics.
“They are quite high-quality.” Logan said, “Costume design is certainly one of Janus’ greatest skills.”
“I can see that.” Roman whispered.
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Don’t make his ego bigger than it already is.”
“Oh no, please do continue, I’m designed to be the center of attention.” Janus smirked.
Roman laughed and put the costumes back on the rack. It seemed like him and Janus were pretty similar in personality, just on opposite ends of the spectrum. Both dramatic artists, except one likes to add that with tons of sarcasm. He could see them getting along quite easily.
“Also, Janus,” Virgil said while looking at his phone, “Rat bastard says he’s coming over. He’ll be here in ten.”
“Ugh, fine. I was getting used to the silence.” Janus sighed.
“…Who’s rat bastard?” Roman asked.
“Friend of ours.” Virgil replied, “You’ll meet him in a bit. He’s a rat bastard. Smells vaguely of cheese.”
“You get used to it.” Janus shrugged. He then smirked at Roman like he got an idea. “Would you like to see my snake?”
Roman’s eyes lit up. “Yes!”
Janus led them all upstairs to his bedroom, Roman following last in the line so he could keep Janus’ door cracked open. As he stepped inside, he noticed a very large cage on the wall to his right. It was very long with lots of wood decorations spread across the container, with a fluorescent lightbulb above it. Roman looked around in the enclosure to try and spot the snake.
Before he could find it, Janus opened the top and stuck his hand in the cage. The snake climbed up his hand onto his arm, and as Janus stuck him out for Roman to see, Roman jumped back.
Janus rolled his eyes. “He’s a corn snake, he’s not known for hurting people.”
Roman still looked at it from a distance. The snake was large enough that Janus had to hold him with both hands, as well as being a mesmerizing yellow color. Roman never had a friend with a pet snake before. “…What’s his name?”
“Nerd.” Virgil called out.
Logan smiled. “I think it is a wonderful name. Lawrence Kohlberg developed the theory on moral development, the very basis for ethical behavior.”
“You’re very mature, Virgil.”
Roman ignored them. “I think he’s cool. How old is he?”
“About five. I’ve had him for a while now.”
A buzz came from Virgil’s phone, making him check it and read the message. “Rat bastard says he’s outside your door.” He announced.
Janus didn’t seem rushed. “He can get in on his own.”
Roman laughed, and Janus set Lawrence back in his enclosure so he could bask underneath the heat lamp. Roman still watched his movements from inside the cage. “I wish I had a pet.”
“Patton would get you a dog in seconds if you asked.” Logan suggested.
Roman shook his head. “It’s fine, I won’t ask.” He didn’t really know what kind of pet he even wanted, and besides, it’s not like he’d be able to keep it once he leaves Patton’s house. There was no point.
Suddenly, a loud stomping came from the stairs outside Janus’ bedroom. Roman yelped and ran to hide behind Janus in the corner of the room, but the others didn’t react. 
Roman sputtered. “What the-”
Before Roman could finish, a large bang came as someone kicked open the door and let it smack into the wall.
“I’m back by unpopular demand!”
“Hello, Remus.”
Roman completely froze up at the sound of that name. He turned around to look at the person that just busted down Janus’ bedroom door, a kid with messy hair and peach fuzz for a mustache, ripped jeans in the summer with a cast boot on his right foot.
Roman felt himself choke on air as he processed what was in front of him.
“Slugs are goopy like jello! So jello is made of slugs, duh!”
“Remus, that’s gross! No one would make food out of slugs!”
“What’s up, fuckers!” Remus announced. “I’m back from the pits of hell! Also known as the emergency room.”
Roman didn’t say anything, only stared at him in disbelief. Remus’ voice was a lot different now. He’d hit puberty, so the pitch had dropped a lot from what Roman was used to. A tuft of his hair was white, also. Roman couldn’t tell if it was dye or a condition.
That piece of hair and Remus’ mustache were the only things that made them both look apart now.
“What actually happened?” Logan asked. “You never told us specifics.”
“I broke my foot sucking too much-”
“Remus.” Janus warned.
“Fine, fine. I tripped trying to run up some steps and my fall didn’t look badass at all. Don’t tell people that though. If anyone asks, I broke it running from the cops.”
Janus nodded and smirked. “Noted.”
“We brought a third foster brother, also.” Virgil noted. Roman stopped breathing.
“Oh, really? Shit, I fuckin missed everything!” Roman looked in the corner trying to avoid Remus noticing him, but it was never that easy. “Why hello, welcome to our humble- …Oh, fuck.”
Remus tilted his head to make eye contact with Roman, and the surprise on Remus’ face was something Roman would never forget. He seemed genuinely baffled, like nothing in the world would have prepared him for what he saw. Roman wanted to cry.
I wanted to leave behind these people.
“…Roman?” Remus finally said, “Dude, holy fuck, I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“Wait,” Virgil staggered, “You know each other already?”
“He’s my fucking cousin!” Remus exclaimed. “Come on, look at us, we’re only a little related but we look like twins!”
Logan turned to Roman. “Is this true?”
Roman could feel the tears ready to burst. His throat was scratchy, but he tried to talk anyway. “…I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Come on, Princey, don’t be shy!” Remus teased. “We used to be best friends, let everyone believe we were twins until our moms called our shit out. Absolute bastard children- …wait. Wait a fucking second.”
“What is it?” Janus asked.
Remus turned to Virgil and Logan with a shocked and confused face. “…You said he’s your foster brother?”
Logan nodded. “That is correct.”
Remus turned to Roman, seemingly at a loss for words. “…Dude, the fuck? What happened?”
Roman looked at the floor, gripping onto his arm so hard it’d be a miracle if there weren’t marks later. “I said I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I mean, I know I haven’t seen you since your mom fucked off to Neverland, but what happened to your dad? He’s still alive and shit isn’t he? The hell happened?”
“I said I don’t want to fucking talk about it!” Roman seethed, grinding his teeth together as he practically growled out that sentence.
Virgil flinched violently. “Roman-”
“Whatever!” Roman pushed Remus off to the side and kicked the door fully open, storming his way down the stairs despite the sounds of people yelling for him to come back. Roman stomped out the front door and took a sprint for it down the block, not caring if he had to be alone with Patton, so long as he wasn’t here.
“I bet you would eat a slug!”
“No I wouldn’t! Liar!”
“Boys, boys!” Roman’s mother laughed, crouching down to meet their eye level from their place sitting in the grass. “No eating slugs. Be nice to the bugs or we’ll go back inside.”
“Yeah, Remus!”
Remus huffed. “I’m not doing anything!”
“Not yet!”
Roman’s mother laughed again. “I’m going to help Uncle André with dinner. But I better not hear a fight, okay?”
“Okay!” Roman promised, watching as his mom went back inside his uncle’s house into the kitchen. Roman and Remus continued to play in the grass by looking at bugs and telling stories to each other, making Roman smile more than he has in a long time. He always loved going to Remus’ house. His dad never came with them, so he and his mom were always happier.
“How come we never go to your house?” Remus eventually asked after a few minutes of playing. Roman stuck his tongue out.
“‘Cause our house is tiny and the backyard isn’t as cool.”
“Still! When you come over, you never bring Uncle Theo!”
“Good!” Roman defended, “Dad’s boring so he doesn't getta come!”
“I like him! He’s fun and nice and always brings chocolate!”
“He’s awful!” Roman covered his mouth after he blurted that out. Remus gave him a look.
“He’s not awful!”
Roman looked over to the glass sliding door. His mom was in there, he could see her, but she couldn’t hear him. Maybe he could get away with it. He could tell Remus a secret and his mom would never find out.
Roman hesitantly took his hands away from his mouth. His tone grew to be a lot softer. “…He is, though.”
Remus tilted his head to the side like a dog. “What makes him awful?”
“…Promise not to tell anyone?”
Remus leaned in closer. “Uh huh!”
“No one at all, ever?”
“Triple quadruple promise!”
Roman looked back at his mom. She wasn’t paying attention to him, seemingly talking to his uncle and pouring juice into cups. Roman hesitated for a moment. “…My dad-”
“Boys! Dinner’s ready!” Roman’s mom called out, making Roman jump almost a foot in the air. Both of them got off of the grass to walk inside, but before they did, Remus turned to Roman again.
“Your dad what?”
“…Nevermind.” He missed his chance. Remus would never find out, and Roman never told anyone for another five years.
Roman ran faster down the street at the memory, fighting back the tears in his eyes. It was fine. Roman was fine.
He never wanted to talk to Remus again.
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miekasa · 3 years
homecoming (levi ackerman)
↯ pairing: levi ackerman x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: college au, how many ways can i fit levi’s captain status into the modern world, fluff
↯ notes: i love levi :// and i’m out of gifs to put at the top of these, so when i learn how to make headers i’ll let you guys know. also this isn’t proofread rip in peace 
↯ summary: there’s a pretty well known homecoming tradition, and levi’s hoping you’re willing to partake in it. 
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“So,” you hum, wiping away any crumbs from your mouth, “Are you going to tell me exactly why you wanted to have a picnic at 2:30 in the afternoon on a random Thursday, or am I supposed to wait for a grand reveal?”
Levi rolls his eyes, and sips on his wine, ignoring your incoming giggles. “Can’t I want to take you on a date?” he clicks his tongue, setting his, now empty, plastic wine cup onto the picnic blanket, “Ungrateful brat.”
You smack him on the arm, mouth open in offense; but Levi’s chuckling, shoulder’s shaking at your reaction. “I am a very grateful brat,” you correct him, “But I am also very suspicious one.”
Levi hums, not bothering to reply. Instead, he separates the two halves of his sandwich, wraps one half around a napkin, and hands it to you. You accept it, albeit a little hesitantly, and watch as Levi pays you no mind, biting into his half neatly.
If it were any normal situation, you’d probably try to snap a picture of him—you have somewhat of an ongoing collection of sneaky pictures of Levi on your dates, particularly when he looks cute munching on his food, much to his disdain—but this was not a normal situation.
Levi is acting strange. It’s not just the nature of this date itself—it may be out of character for Levi to want to go on a picnic of all things, but could be quite the romantic at heart, and often planned very quaint dates for the both of you. It was everything that happened since you set up your picnic that was truly out of the ordinary.
Like the way he seemed distracted, getting lost in thought in a way you hadn’t seen before; and how he kept sweeping his hair out of his eyes, and readjusting his small silver earring. If you didn’t know any better, you would think he’s nervous about something.
“Seriously,” you say lightly, carefully setting your half-eaten portion of the sandwich back onto the blanket, “What’s this all about?”
Levi looks at you for a beat, once again using his free hand to brush his dark hair behind his ear, then with suspecting eyes, “You don’t like it?”
Your eyebrows draw together at his questioning, confused by the lack of sarcasm, or even hurt in his tone; like he was genuinely surprised.
“What? No, Levi, that’s not what I meant,” you assure him, “I just mean that this isn’t really us. You hate eating outside—you always make us wait for indoor seating—and, if I’m being honest, I’ve never seen a couple go on a picnic in real life.”
Levi reaches to pour more cheap wine into your faux glasses, “I guess romance really is dead.”
You squint your eyes, carefully tracking his movements as he hands you a plastic cup before refilling his own. Levi isn’t one to dodge questions, or any kind of confrontation. Now you know for sure that something’s up.
“Levi,” you call gently, feeling like you finally have his full focus when his eyes meet yours, “What’s going on?”
His gaze softens at your question this time, and you finally see a hint of the Levi you know behind his expression. He sighs, carefully closing the boxed wine, and taking his cup into his hand. With a slight head nod, he motions for you to come closer, and you obiiently shuffle closer to him, until you’re sitting side by side.
You take the liberty of resting your head on his shoulder, cheek soft against his coat. You can hear him take a deep breath, feel his exhale deflate his shoulders, before he speaks.
“Homecoming is next weekend,” he starts, “You’re going, yeah?”
You hum in affirmation, watching as he takes a careful sip from his cup before continuing.
“There’s this tradition. It’s stupid as shit, if you ask me, so you don’t have to say yes,” he mumbles, lips barely off of the plastic, before he takes another sip. “But, if you’re dating someone, they’re supposed to show up to the game in your jersey.”
You snap your head up from his shoulder, blinking at Levi and the implications of his words, as you begin to piece together the mystery of his actions from this afternoon. Levi—your Levi—took you on a picnic, complete with homemade sandwiches and cheap wine, to ask you to be his date to his homecoming game.
Your stunned silence is filled with light breeze that brushes past your hair, and makes Levi return to brushing his away again. He drinks in your expression, grey eyes growing cloudy as he assumes the worst of your silence.
“Like I said, you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he explains cooly, bringing his cup to his mouth again for a bitter sip, “I didn’t know if you were going to stick around for the whole day anyways, you’ve probably got other shit to—”
You kiss him quiet. Levi is surprised at first, jolts a little bit when your actions cause him to spill some of his drink, but he kisses you back, a small wave of relief washing over him. At least he didn’t make a complete fool of himself just now.
“Of course I’ll wear your jersey, Levi.”
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Most parents and alumni stuck around for the traditional football game, but the boys’ soccer team was always popular amongst students, and for good reason.
Not only did the university’s team have an exceptional record, but they had no shortage of eye-candy playing for them, either. Even the team’s managers were pretty cute. You were certain players like Armin Arlert and Eren Jaeger were not plastered all over the university website solely for their soccer skills.
Though, good looks aside, they were undeniably good, and made a damn impressive pair on the field. However, most of the crowd would agree that Jaeger, Arlert, and the entire team, could thank their captain for their win today.
You step onto the field with a wide grin as you watch Levi’s team wrangle him into the middle of their circle and toss him up in the air unceremoniously. You almost want to capture the moment for yourself, but to your left, Hange is already recording a video you’re certain Levi would threaten to have deleted.
Most of the mob had fizzled away after the exciting win, leaving behind the team themselves, and a couple of students—likely friends or family of the athletes. After their final huddle, the boys begin to dissipate, greet the remaining crowd. Hange leaves you to badger Erwin, who had been sitting out due to an injury.
You spot Levi carefully picking up his duffel bag, and take the opportunity to run up to him, encase in a sudden and warm hug. You wrap your arms around his neck, and Levi has but a moment’s notice to secure his hands around your back and steady your bodies, lest you both fall to the ground from your uncoordinated momentum.
“You played so well!” you exclaim, pulling back from your hug, but keeping your palms on his shoulders, bouncing excitedly, “I knew you were good, but I didn’t know you were that good! You’ve never played like that before!”
Levi admits to tuning out your praise in favor of drinking in your appearance. The green of his away jersey looks good against your skin, the fabric somewhat loose on your frame. His eyes trail down to the sleeve, a minuscule smirk growing on his lips as he reads his last name in all capital letters underneath his number.
“Come on, Hange and I are taking you guys out for lunch!” your words snap him back to reality, “Anything you want, it’s on me, Captain.”
Levi rolls his tongue against his inner cheek. That’s a promise he’d have to take you up on later. For now, he plays along with your childlike enthusiasm, agreeing to your plans.
He motions for the two of you to get going, but his stride is blocked when you refuse to move from in front of him. Instead, you let your hands crawl from his shoulder to his neck, fingers tickling the hairs at his nape, before you pull him forward into a gentle kiss.
“You really were great, Levi,” you tell him again, pressing another kiss to his lips sweetly.
Levi hums, indulging you one more time, before he hears gasps and not-so-subtle exclamations of “Captain has a girlfriend?!” coming from his annoying teammates. He scoffs when he pulls back to see Jaeger looking at him with his mouth open so wide he could catch flies.
“You’re kind of ruining my reputation,” Levi tells you, but there’s no real bark to his tone.
It’s your turn to scoff, slowly trailing your hands down his arms, and eventually back to your side. You turn and the both of you begin to walk, not before you note, “You ruined your own reputation when you invited me and Hange here.”
“I’ll drink to that.”
“Hey!” you whine, frown deepening as Levi chuckles at you, “You’re not supposed to agree, asshole.” 
Levi doesn’t stop laughing, but gently wraps his arms around your shoulder as the both of you follow behind Hange and Erwin, and back to your car. 
“Don’t think your unusual displays of affection are going to make me forgive you,” you pout, but reach your hand to wrap your fingers around his anyways; Levi doesn’t even bother to hide his smirk, “I don’t care if you scored the winning goal or not, just for that, I’m only buying you one appetizer.”
Levi hums noncommittally. That’s fine, he could think of at least three other things he would rather you do for him instead when you both got home. With and without that jersey on.
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valwentinefics · 3 years
Instincts - Helmut Zemo x F!Reader (omegaverse) 18+
Plot: Y/n, an unmated omega, forgets to get a refill of her suppressants, sending her into her heat while at work. Luckily for her notorious criminal and alpha Helmut Zemo is hiding out in the backroom. (Takes place after episode 4 of tfatws)
A/n: First of all I’m sorry, second of all I’m sorry, third of all, You’re welcome. This is my first time writing omegaverse so it’s probably not the best and I haven’t read an omegaverse fic in a hot minute. Sorry my smut is always so short, I really gotta work on that.
Warnings: smut, normal a/b/o things, possessive dirty talk, mentions of omegas being harmed, mentions of fear of being assaulted. (if i missed anything please let me know)
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As an unmated omega, Y/n knew well of the dangers of the world. Everywhere she looked alphas lurked around looking for their own omega, a rare thing to have in this society. Although omegas were coveted and prized they were still at the bottom of the hierarchy and were expected to be subservient to whatever alpha marked them, a thought that terrified Y/n. Stories of alphas that harmed omegas were sickeningly common, and with everyone plastering on fake kindness in hopes to place their mark on her neck, Y/n was terrified she would end up a statistic.
Suppressants were Y/n’s saving grace, an illegal method to mask her true nature from the world and pose as a beta where she could live her life peacefully, something she could never do as an omega. If she were to get caught she could face serious time in a correctional facility built just for omegas to learn their place in the world, and so every day was filled with caution and fear.
“God I look like shit.” Y/n’s heavy eyes looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, the bags under her eyes deep and only looking worse due to the harsh fluorescent light buzzing away above her. The illegal suppressants had many side effects ranging from life threatening to mildly troublesome, but the one that affected Y/n most was the inability to fall asleep. Each night was spent tossing and turning, her body feeling restless. 
Sluggishly Y/n grabbed her concealer, dabbing it on beneath her eyes, her hands shaking with exhaustion. She finished with a sigh, running her hands through her hair to remove any major knots. She didn’t have the energy to fully go through her hair, not seeing the point. She was hidden as a beta anyways, no one would give her a second glance. Y/n opened the medicine cabinet, looking for the white box of suppressants, only to not find it anywhere. Her stomach sank as she realized she forgot to get her refill yesterday. It would be fine though, she hoped. She had gone without them before and hadn’t gone in heat, surely it would be the same thing this time, but for some reason there was a nagging feeling in her mind it wouldn’t be.
Y/n grabbed her perfume, spraying it on herself. The scent was cinnamon, similar to her natural scent as an omega, but it had the slight acrid scent of being a perfume. She hoped that would be enough to convince the alphas she passed by that she was just a beta wearing perfume. It wasn’t something she used often, only when her overtired brain didn’t remember to get the refill of her suppressants. 
“That's good enough, I hope.” Y/n mumbled to herself. She smoothed out her short sundress, the light flowy fabric ending at her mid thigh. It was her favourite dress, she felt and knew she looked cute in it. Y/n didn’t like to wear things like this often, she didn’t want the attention of anyone, but frankly she felt like shit and needed the joy looking nice brought her.
The walk to the flower shop had Y/n’s body feeling hot, however she assumed it was the warm weather, not wanting her paranoia to make her miss work. The flower shop she owned was Y/n’s only source of income and it wasn’t a bad one at that. It was common for alpha’s to come in and buy bouquets to give to the first omega they see on the streets in an attempt to woo them. That was another reason Y/n refused to accept her status as an omega. Every bit of romance was just disingenuous. Alpha’s only wanted to have the honour of being chosen by an omega, they didn’t care about who that omega was. However, Y/n was happy it paid her bills.
The day went by smoothly until closing time when Y/n turned off the open sign, the neon light no longer lighting up the darkening street outside. As she grabbed her keys to leave a sharp pain went through her abdomen, causing a gasp to escape her throat. She rested a hand on the painful area, eyes wide. She should have listened to her instincts, she should have stayed home, but she didn’t and now she was going into heat in her store. Y/n paced, her mind running at a hundred miles an hour as she tried to figure out what to do. She couldn’t go home, walking would be near impossible for her with her heat approaching fast. She would have to wait it through in her shop with no relief. 
“Oh fuck…” Y/n groaned in pain, leaning against the wall. She knew she had to find something to eat to get the strength to get through this. With shaky steps she headed to the back, her hand glued to her abdomen as if that would alleviate her pain. As she approached the door to the back room her blood went cold, her nose picking up the faint scent of an alpha through the thick door. 
She debated opening it. Her instincts were telling her to open it and get his help with the heat, her brain told her it could be dangerous. Eventually decided to confront him, to ask what he was doing and maybe for his help getting home if he didn’t seem too awful. With her keys clutched between her fingers just in case, she slowly opened the door, her body almost melting at the scent that wafted to her.
A man dressed in a long coat with a fur collar stared back at her with shock, the scent of pine trees wafting off of him. “Omega…?” He spoke with a Sokovian accented voice. It took Y/n a few moments before the identity of the dangerously handsome man registered in her mind. She had seen him on the news. He was Helmut Zemo, the man who almost single handedly destroyed the Avengers.
Y/n shook her head, forcing herself to concentrate. “You’re Helmut Zemo… What- what are you doing here?” She asked, fixing her posture to appear assertive and trying her best to resist the urge to submit right there. A mixture of fear and arousal was filling her body to the point where she thought she might explode.
“So you’ve heard about me?” He tilted his head slightly. “I needed a place to hide for a bit, I’ve been scoping this place out. You’re the owner, Y/n, correct?” Y/n gulped but nodded, worried about why he was hiding out. “That doesn’t matter right now. Why are you here? It’s not safe for an omega in heat to be out in public.” He scolded as if Y/n didn’t know that. It was odd, having the notorious criminal seem to care about her safety. She wondered what he was trying to achieve, if anything.
“It wasn’t my choice okay?” She snapped, a wave of pain washed over her and she slumped against the door frame with a groan. Zemo got up, moving to her quickly but stopping once Y/n had flinched, worried he was going to try something.
“You need to get home, where’s your car? I'll escort you there.” He said, his voice was strained and Y/n’s eyes couldn’t help but land on the growing bulge in his pants. He was going into a rut which explained his current caring and protective nature. Her mouth watered at the thought of having his cock in her mouth but she tore her eyes away, looking to the side to avoid him. 
“I don’t have a car… too expensive.” She groaned out, her breaths growing to pants as she started to overheat, fanning herself with her hand.
Zemo let out a staggered exhale, running his hand through his formerly perfectly done hair. “What’s your address? I’ll bring you there myself.” Y/n was impressed at the amount of self control this alpha had. Even as his rut was beginning he managed to stay calm and collected for the most part, but Y/n knew it was hard for him, sweat ran down his forehead as he strained to keep control.
Reluctantly Y/n told him her address knowing he was her best bet at getting home safely. A whimper escaped her throat as she felt her slick begin to drip down her thigh. She clenched her legs together, desire seeping into every part of her. She wanted the alpha’s knot more than anything she had ever wanted before. She could hardly focus on what Zemo was doing, not noticing he had draped his coat over her and picked her up until they were already out the door.
Zemo didn’t breathe as often as he needed while he walked, trying not to inhale Y/n’s scent as he moved at a quick pace, shooting piercing glares at every passerby that dared look their way. He felt protective over the little omega. His cock strained uncomfortably against his pants as his mind filled with thoughts of mating with her, but he pushed them back, not wanting to take advantage of her. Arriving at the apartment building he used her keys to unlock the door to the humble apartment, locating her room and placing her down on her bed. Y/n took off his coat and offered it back.
“You can keep the jacket for now, I’ll come back for it once you’re done with your heat.” He said, quickly turning around. Y/n’s hand shot out, grabbing his gloved hand.
“Please alpha, don't leave, help me.” She whimpered. Y/n didn’t know where that had come from, but she didn’t regret it, knowing it wasn’t just her heat talking. He was powerful, respectful, not to mention handsome. Everything a good mate should be, even though Y/n knew mating with a dangerous man like him was out of the question. Y/n found herself liking the man despite knowing what he had done and not knowing him long. She knew he would treat her well during her heat, if he accepted.
“Are you sure omega?” He asked, not facing her in fear that he would pounce on her as soon as he saw the desire in her eyes. 
“Yes alpha, please…” Y/n whimpered again, giving his hand a small tug. “I need you”
That was all he needed to lose control. Zemo turned around to face her, stalking to the bed as he removed his shirt, straddling Y/n’s warm needy body. Her smaller hands reached out, undoing his belt and palming Zemo’s cock through his pants. Y/n couldn’t help the filthy thoughts that flooded her mind, desire for the dangerous man’s knot consuming her.
Zemo let out a groan, taking off his pants and boxers, letting his painfully hard cock free. Y/n’s eyes were clouded with lust as she leaned forward, mouth open and ready to suck it. He tapped the side of her cheek with his cock, running his hand through her hair and gripping it.
 “No liebling, this is about you. I can wait for another time.” He let go of her hair and Y/n laid down, watching the alpha as he took off her panties and put her legs over his shoulders, running his cock slowly up and down her folds and coating itself in her slick, the tip teasing her as it came so close to going in. Y/n let out a little whine, letting him know she was growing impatient. “I apologize omega, it’s rude of me to tease.” He smirked before shoving himself all the way in easily.
Y/n’s toes curled as she let out a loud gasping moan, throwing her head back in pleasure as he began to thrust in and out of her, the position they were in allowing him to reach every part of her with ease. His hands ran up and down her waist as he let out a deep moan. Y/n’s eyes were locked on him as he fucked her deeply, causing her to let out a whimper of pleasure with every thrust.
“Look at you little omega, taking my cock so well.” He reached over to cup her cheek in his hand, rubbing circles into the soft flesh with his thumb. “Does it feel good?” His hand dropped from her cheek and began to rub her clit with just enough roughness to send her over the edge, a loud moan escaping her as she came.
“Yes, fuck! harder, please!” She said between moans, her hands tangling themselves in Zemo’s hair and gripping it as she panted.
Zemo moaned as he re-adjusted her legs on his shoulders, picking up the pace. “This pussy of yours, it’s mine now. I’ll fuck you through this heat and every heat you have next.” He growled, hitting Y/n’s sweet spot, making her cry out in ecstasy. 
Y/n felt warm inside at his words. Her pussy clenched around his cock as the stimulation from him rubbing her clit and pounding into her sent her over the edge again, panting as she came hard. He was good at making her feel good, and for once Y/n was glad she was an omega.
“Fuck, you feel so good clenched around me. Do you want my knot in you, little omega? Do you want me to fill you up with my cum?” He asked cockily, receiving a desperate whine from Y/n.
“Please, please, please!” She begged, the only thoughts filling her mind were those of need for his knot buried deep into her. 
“How can I refuse... when you’re asking so nicely, liebling.” He spoke between grunts. His thrusts slowly became more sloppy and deep and Y/n knew he was about to cum.
With one last deep thrust Zemo buried his cock all the way into Y/n’s pussy, his knot trapping the two together as he emptied his cum into Y/n. She felt so full in a good way, her breaths heavy with exhaustion as she internally frowned at the thought of Zemo pulling out of her. His knot alleviated the worst of her heat and as she laid there sore and sweaty, her now clearer mind had no regrets about what had happened. 
Zemo pulled out after a while, his knot going away. A smile danced on his lips as he saw the cum dripping out of her as he pulled out his cock. Y/n’s eyes fluttered closed as she moved to a more comfortable position on the bed. Zemo grabbed his jacket from the floor, dusting it off and draping it over the omega’s tired form. Hesitantly he hovered over her before pressing a soft kiss on the top of her head, deeply inhaling her scent. 
Not wanting to intrude any more, he got dressed and walked over to the couch, exhaustion filling his body as he slumped down onto it, closing his eyes with a smile. He could tell he would need all the rest he could get while he rode out the omega’s heat with her. He was so happy he decided to hide out at that flower shop.
Tags: @peculiar-monstar​ @lovelyzabrak-meadow​ @captainsherlockwinchester110283​
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frankiekatt · 3 years
Could you do a Thomas Hewitt with a insecure female reader who always wears clothes (hoodies, sweaters, etc) that cover her whole body 24/7, even on the most hottest days. And refuses to remove anything even if NSFW events occur. Would Thomas be annoyed by it and how can he convince her to change. (Sorry if this sounds like a weird request, I totally understand if you don't want to do it :)
You got it! I actually used to be like this and still am sometimes, so this was really nice to write. I hope you enjoy it!
TW: Implied murder, slight NSFW
Thomas Hewitt With An S/O Who Wears Long Sleeves 24/7
He feels you.
Thomas knows what it's like to not feel comfortable in his own skin, so there is absolutely no judgement coming from him.
He does, however, think you have nothing to be ashamed of.
You’re the most beautiful thing Thomas has ever seen and he wishes you knew that!!
Working around the Hewitt household in long sleeves can become very uncomfortable very fast – everyone in the house is expected to pull their weight, which means you have a variety of tasks to complete each day. Whether it's cooking, cleaning, gardening, luring victims to the house, fixing up the house, it all makes your body temperature rise rapidly.
Thomas is usually down in the basement during the day, so he doesn’t get to see the way you stumble around the house, trying your best to do your chores despite suffering a semi-heatstroke.
Luda Mae is the one who spots you sweating and panting while pulling weeds from the garden. It's no shock to her. You are wearing an oversized sweater while working under the Texas sun, but it does confuse her why you aren’t changing into something breezier. She doesn’t ask you why you wear what you wear, not wanting to pry, but she does worry about you, so she makes it a point to frequently bring you glasses of ice water to try and cool you down.
It gets to a point where Luda Mae cannot stand seeing you almost pass out each day with sweat dripping down your forehead, so she tells Thomas.
Once Thomas hears this, he becomes extremely worried about you. You were suffering each day and he never knew.
He goes upstairs after hearing this from Luda Mae and finds you in the kitchen scrubbing the counters. You were wearing a large hoodie, just like always, but now that Thomas knows your usual attire has been causing you discomfort, he decides to confront you about it.
You try to tell him that you just like to dress this way, that this is just your style, but he’s not buying it. He can tell you’re miserable in these clothes, that you’re hiding something from him.
He let’s it go for the time being since you both have to get back to your chores, but he plans on revisiting the matter later that evening.
When that evening does come around, Thomas finds you in the living room sitting on the couch, sipping ice water from a tall glass. He’s a bit hesitant to ask you about your clothes again, not wanting to upset you or make you feel uneasy, but he knows this is an important matter and he feels it’s his duty to help you.
So, he timidly approaches you, his nervous expression hidden behind his leather mask. You beam up at him once he’s standing in front of you. “Hey, Tommy! I missed you today!” you reach up to him, wanting to hug him close to you, which he accepts eagerly, wrapping his arms around you gently. You can tell something is off with how stiff he is; he’s usually so relaxed when around you, but now he seems to not want to be in your presence.
“Is something wrong, Tommy?” He lets out a quiet sigh before letting you go.
‘Why are you wearing that,’ he signs.
His questioning makes you look down at your feet. “I already told you, this is just how I like to dress.”
‘That’s not true. It’s too hot to be wearing that, I know it makes you feel sick to work in those clothes. I want to help you.”
You wished he would just drop the subject. Yes, he was right. Working around and outside the house in these warm clothes during the Summer season in Texas does take a huge toll on you. You’re constantly burning up, sweating, feeling fatigued and like you could hit the floor at any moment. But you prefer to endure all of this instead of bearing any part of your body besides your face.
“I just...I feel more comfortable with myself wearing this. That’s all.”
Your face burns at a million degrees from embarrassment. “Because I’m ugly, Thomas! I hate the way my body looks, okay? I don't want anyone to see my body, especially you.”
With that said, you got up from the couch and retreated to your room that you shared with Thomas.
Thomas could feel his heart breaking apart as those words left your mouth, as you walked away from him in shame. You thought of yourself as ugly? You? How could anyone possibly see you as anything less than stunning?
Thomas followed you to the room the two of you shared and found you laying on your side on the rickety bed in the middle of the room. He could see your shoulders shaking as you cried silently. Now it felt like someone had ripped his broken heart out of his chest and devoured it right in front of him. He hated to see you cry.
He ran over to your side of the bed and bent down on the floor in front of you. “Sweetie, please don’t cry! Please don’t be sad! You’re so beautiful and I love you so much,” he signed frantically.
“No I’m not,” you argued. “I’m so ugly and if you see my whole body you won’t want to be with me!”
There had never been a time where Thomas thought of you as any less than perfect, but right now he thought you were insanely absurd. He was the ugly one, he thought. He was the one who was afraid you would leave him if you saw him without his mask. He could never leave you - you were the best thing that ever happened to him. And that’s exactly what he told you.
You felt hurt that your boyfriend thought of himself that way. You knew he was beautiful underneath his mask, no matter what. It dawned on you that Thomas probably felt the same way knowing you thought of yourself as ugly too.
“Thomas, no. I know I haven’t seen you without your mask yet, but I just know that you’re so, so handsome. Please don’t think of yourself that way. I...I know that that’s what you want to say to me too.”
Thomas nodded, eyes filled with sadness. “Why won’t you believe me?”
It was hard to talk about. It made you feel embarrassed and small and ridiculous. “Tommy, when I was younger, just starting high school, I had my first boyfriend.”
Thomas was already shifting uncomfortably. He didn’t like hearing about another man getting to love you the way he does.
“There was this one night, my boyfriend and I decided to be more intimate, and…” your cheeks were on fire at this point, “And he didn’t like what he saw. The next day at school, he avoided me. A week after that, he was dating one of the school’s cheerleaders. And not long after that, they started spreading rumors about me. Mean, nasty rumors that got around pretty fast.”
Thomas hadn’t noticed, but tears began to leak out of his eyes at your story.
“I felt disgusted with myself. I never wanted anyone to see any part of me, so I covered myself up. And I just...never stopped, I guess.”
Thomas raised his hands slowly to begin signing to you. “They were liars and bullies. You are so pretty. The loveliest angel I’ve ever met. Please believe me! I would never lie to you. I just want to see you, all of you. But most importantly I want you to be comfortable with yourself.”
You didn’t reply, but you let Thomas’ hands run down from your shoulders to your wrists.
“Can I touch you?” he asked.
You wanted him to. You and Thomas had had sex before, a couple of times, but you had never taken your shirt off, and he had never taken his mask off. You wanted Thomas to love every part of you, even if you didn’t love yourself. You wanted to believe him when he said you were beautiful. You wanted him to believe he was beautiful.
“I’ll let you see me, if you let me see your face.”
Thomas stiffened. He had always dreaded this moment. He never wanted to show you his face if he could get away with it, but he knew one day he would have to. And he knew if he ever wanted to help you, to make you believe him, he would have to show you the same trust you were trying to show him.
So as the two of you lied yourselves bare to each other, kissing every part of each other’s bodies, whispering sweet words between trembling limbs and pounding hearts, you both began to believe that maybe the other was right. Maybe the two of you weren’t ugly monsters.
The two of you were beautiful together.
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eroslove88 · 3 years
Request: Could you do a miruko noncon. I was thinking maybe she could buy the reader from an auction. The readers a bear hybrid but she's really small and timid. And miruko babies her. She breaks her in and maybe she keeps dildos on chairs so the reader is always filled and uses strap ons. She also uses rabbit vibrators(for obvious reasons) sorry if this is alot again 😅 I just really enjoyed your last fic.
Pairing: Yandere Mirko x Bear!Fem. Reader
Warnings: non-con, selling humans (I don't know if it counts as human trafficking), kidnapping, pegging, toys, femdom, Stockholm Syndrome, and hybrids
Notes: Thank you so much! Request from @eyebowlsworld. I hope you enjoy. Also this is surprisingly softer than I originally planned.
Next Part: Punishment
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Everything was too much and it was going by too fast. The thing you remember was going for a walk when the sun went down, like you always did. Then a young middle school boy passing you, he was wearing his uniform and a gas mask but when he passed you that's when you saw purple mist and you could barely breathe. The young boy was out of sight and your lungs were begging for air as you were screaming for help. Slowly you started feeling weaker, before falling on your knees and completely knocking out.
You woke up with your small round ears twitching slightly before you opened your eyes and found your wrists bound on your lap as well as in a new outfit, a red sparkly dress with a white necklace around your neck. By the time a worker came to walk you out of stage your face was tear stained and almost as red as your eyes. "For a bear your not very courageous" the man muttered pushing you out of the room where other people layed either crying or still knocked out. You and the others would've started yelling at the top of your lungs but due to someone's quirk, nothing came out.
"Next up we have a fine bear hybrid" the auctioneer said holding a dark brown gavel, "Do I hear $500?" he asks.
"$2000!" a man in the back called out.
A smirk appeared on the auctioneer's face, "$2000! Do I hear a $2500?"
"2500!" a raspy voice called out. You prayed for another person to volunteer.
"Do I hear a 3-" suddenly he was cut off.
"1.6 million" a strong calm voice called out cutting him off completely. "In cash" a woman in a white blazer said holding a grey case. For a rabbit she sure was confident.
"O-One point s-six million!" some people stuttered out. As others gasped at the amount and at who the buyer was. The pro hero herself, Mirko!
"1.6 million! GOING ONCE" you waited looking at the auctioneer's insane face, "GOING TWICE" it was full of pure join, "SOLD" almost as if he had won the lottery.
That's how you got here. Being tossed onto a king sized bed with white covers on it. "S-stop" you said pushing your self back as far as you possibly could before she grabbed you by your ankle and dragged you down towards her.
"My poor baby must be confused" she say's as if she were actually talking to a child. "I bought you, so I own you now silly" you already knew that but you refused to accept it shaking your head as a 'no' to forget where you were right now. "Poor sweet thing" she say's taking off her blazer and pants. "But don't worry I'll go easy on you, I promise" for someone who basically just kidnapped you she was being oddly nice.
She was quick to pull you into a kiss shoving her tongue into your mouth while her free hand started to work on removing your dress. Once it wad fully unzipped she pulled away leaving a clear string of saliva connecting the two of you while you both panted but that still didn't stop her from pulling off the sparkly dress that left glitter behind.
"God your beautiful" she praised as you turned away in embarrassment and your small ears bending slightly. Her strong hands grabbed your legs and threw them over her shoulders ignoring your protests and tears falling from your face and instead kissed them away. When she moved closer thats when you felt it, something was prodding at your entrance causing you to yelp and try to push her with your hands but only to remember that there were cuffed behind you, "I thought you'd like the strap. I picked it just for you" she said ears flopping down. "I promise you'll love this" she growls in your ear before bottoming out. A loud moan came out from your mouth as you threw your head back feeling yourself being stretched. More tears ran down your red face as she let you adjust before setting a nice pace. "You- ahm- seem to be enjoying this" she was right you were dripping and not knowing what to do you hid your face in embarrassment in the crook of her neck. "Aww there there" she comforted stoking the back of your head with her free hand. Nothing made her happier than when you started clawing on her back with your quirk, it made her go to an even faster pace.
It's been about a year since then. You were pretty sure that you were pronounced dead by now but on the bright side Mirko always knows how to make it up to you. Whether it's her fucking you senseless, fisting you, eating you out, or letting you test out one of her new vibrators she always made you happy now. Recently she always wants you to be full so while she's away she'll leave cameras to watch you sit on that black chair with a glass dildo on it and grind until you cum on it.
If you do really good while she's away she'll let you try out her favorite toy, the rabbit vibrator. One those days she'll let you cum plenty of times while she watches you saying, "See how much I love you? If it were anyone else they wouldn't have let you" at this point you just agree to everything she says to keep her happy with you. Even if it's too much to handle, even if you forgot about the auction, even if you forgot what your name was other than baby or cub, even if you forgot about your family and friends it's all about Mirko now. She's the only one who loves you and who ever will.
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bokettochild · 3 years
Day 4 - Trust Fall
Went with the prompt 'taken hostage' for this one, and I'm quite pleased. I might follow it up from another prompt on the list, but I quite like how it ended.
Suffer :)
There are many people who hate the Hero of Warriors.
It was a well-known fact, and something that had haunted him since the ends of the war, but he couldn’t exactly blame the folks who did. After all, it was for lust of the hero that Cia had killed so many, and there were families all across Hyrule who had lost loved ones because the hero had refused the affections of one lonely, corrupted woman.
Zelda had tried to tell him it wasn’t his fault, but that changed nothing; people had still died because of Cia’s lust, and still more had died because of his own over-confidence. So, when he walked the streets of Castletown and the people who wanted to thank him faded to the background as a single soul would stand and spit insults loaded with venom more poisonous than a deku baba, he would take their words and let them speak, never once challenging them, even when his men would protest and beg for permission to reprimand his attacker. Zelda had pleaded for him to stop, claiming that he lowered the moral of the army by not carrying himself strongly and with honor, but how could he rob someone of their voice when he’d already robbed them of everything else?
There was one upside to it all though; when Warriors met Legend, there was nothing the younger hero could say that could truly hurt him. Legend would huff and complain and tease and jab, but his insults were a gentle nudge in comparison to the hearty shoves into boiling lava that he’d seen from his own people, and he welcomed the verbal sparring with the other hero. It was nice to be able to speak back without having guilt rise in his chest, and he enjoyed getting to tease and bother the veteran hero in return.
In that manner, an unlikely friendship had formed between a hero who hated soldiers and a soldier who hated being a hero.
He was close to all of the others of course; Sky, Wild and himself would spend hours discussing their worlds and the systems of knights and training and the like. Time and Wind, his boys and the pride of his heart, would mess around with him and it warmed him body and soul to offer them advice or comfort after a long day (and having the two of them cuddle up when they thought no one was looking was an extra warm bonus on multiple fronts).
Four was- well, there was no words for the relationship he shared with the smithy. It was a relationship of exchanged looks and mutual silence. One of two brothers who knew each other as well as if they’d actually been born to the same mother, and who could read the others actions as if they were reading their thoughts. It was them flopping over each other and Four climbing onto his shoulders to reach things, it was him throwing the smithy bodily up towards high places and leaning on the top of his head when he was drained or feeling playful.
Wild and Hyrule were his baby brothers, the chaotic ones who he was helping to bring up right, the boys who needed a guiding hand and a firm voice to push them and guide them, but who reveled in warm hugs and teasing or encouraging words.
And Twilight? Twilight was his sparring partner, his closest brother and the one he’d probably end up socking in the face one day. There was enough said on that front. Legend very nearly made the same rank, except...
Except Legend was, truth be told, as much a kid as the others and despite their verbal battles, he didn’t think he could actually ever hit the kid for real, no matter how often he cuffed the pink head or pushed the short vet over in jest, he didn’t think he could ever cause the younger hero harm. Yeah, yeah, so maybe it was the big brother and father in him that said he wouldn’t live with himself if he hurt the kid, but it was also the soldier and captain that saw a reflection of every cocky recruit he’d ever trained and a certain mask wearing child in the vet’s painfully rare smiles and much more common snarky comments.
And he just couldn’t bring himself to hurt a kid in the first place.
No matter how much of an ass they were being.
“Seriously though, how have you not died?” Legend was scoffing, but the vet’s arms were wrapped tight around himself as the kid rolled his eyes. “I mean, one bokoblin? How is that the first time an enemy has ever grabbed your scarf?”
Warriors would have laughed it off with a tease about the vet’s lack of leg protection, but he could see the worry shining in violet hues and feel the tender bruising that wrapped around his own neck. He hardly remembered the last battle, adrenalin and the concussion had seen to that, but legend had been weirdly snappish with him since, yet simultaneously clingy in a way that was painfully uncharacteristic of their salty veteran. “Most monsters are just dumb.” He’d shrugged off at last, but Legend hardly looked contented, picking at his tunic and scowling at his boots as if there was something more he wanted to complain about or say, but he lacked the words to say it.
Oh goddesses, the vet really was like Mask, wasn’t he? All bashful worry and fussing disguised as insults and annoyance, but underneath just a kid who desperately needed the assurance that the people around him weren’t seconds away from death.
“I’ll be fine, you grouchy little bumblebee.” He scoffed, tugging at one of the vet’s long ears, just as he did with Time when the now older hero was getting to wrapped up in his head. “We’re in my world anyway and the monsters here are dumber than rocks.” Usually he’d just say ‘dumb as rocks’ but they’d met a talus in Wild’s Hyrule and he couldn’t honestly think of that phrase the same way since.
“Black blood makes them smarter.” Legend huffed, batting his hands away with a scowl, nose wrinkling up in an almost adorable manner as he sidestepped a swipe at his hair. “And I just fixed that thing for you, I don’t want to have to do that again.”
So much like Time had been, did the vet see it? Just like his middle kid and it was messing with his brain in a way that wasn’t entirely unpleasant. How upset would Sky be if he gathered Legend in amongst his boys as well? The Skyloftian wasn’t particularly possessive of his descendants and he might not mind sharing responsibility over the vet. He’d have to ask, but only once he was sure Legend was out of earshot, the kid was barely tolerant of Sky coddling him, and even then, usually only when he was sleepy or scared shitless.
“Are you listening, Captain? I’m not mending that scarf again this week, you ass.” Legend flicked his ears, irritation at being ignored coloring his face with a scowl that quickly faded into surprise as a blue heap of fabric settled over his head and shoulders. Of course, the surprise disappeared too once Legend’s face was covered with the tail end of the scarf, and he had to grab the back of the vet’s tunic to stop him from tumbling to the ground as he tripped over the rocky path.
“What the heck, Wars?!” The teen squeaked, fumbling with the fabric as the captain let a laugh rumble up through his chest into his throat.
“You keep fussing about the scarf, yeah? Well,” He reached out to tug the loose end down, chest thrumming with warmth as the pout on Legend’s face beneath the scarf and a fierce blush. “So how about you keep it safe for me, just for a bit.” He shifted the fabric again, arranging it to lay better around the veteran’s thin shoulders. “You can give it back after the next battle, yeah? Then you’ll know it’s not damaged.”
The pink-haired hero rolled his eyes at that comment, but Wars didn’t miss how the kid nestled in amidst the blue fabric with a soft hum.
Oh yeah, despite all the teasing, it was clear Legend liked the scarf as much as his other boys. He hoped Sun and Sky didn’t mind sharing too much, because there was no going back now.
“Dramatic arse.” Legend huffed, but despite the vet tugging the scarf up over his nose and mouth he still saw the grin the lay beneath.
Somewhere behind him, he could hear Time and Wind exchanging whispers while Twilight grumbled something exceedingly rude and fond all at once.
“Should we split up to find supplies then?” Sky asked, pointedly ignoring Twilight’s comment as he addressed the group as a whole, earning a thoughtful nod from Time.
“Probably best.” The man hummed out. “Groups of three, Hyrule and Wind, you’re with the vet, Four and Sky, you’re with Wars, Cub, Pup, I want you two with me, if something happens I want a responsible adult on every team, as well as someone who knows this Castletown well.”
Agreement thrummed over them as they split up, Wind catching his party members by their hands and pulling them off towards the tailor and apothecary shops so Legend could restock on thread and fabric and Hyrule could gather more healing supplies. Time’s group turned the opposite way, heading off into the main market square so Wild could restock on food stuffs and a new haversack for the traveler as Hyrule’s had had a hole worn in the corner that even Four doubted he could fix. Warriors himself led his team towards the fletchers and the forge, with the intent of buying more arrows and getting Four permission to repair a few of their weapons.
The chatter of the town was cheerier than usual, and to his surprise, not a single person spoke to him beyond the occasional inquiry about directions or an apology or insult after bumping into them. It was like he was invisible, or very nearly, and even those who made a point of calling out thanks or insults only waved cheerily to him as if he was just another passing soldier.
At the smithy, the Master Smithy, Gaepak, blinked in surprise for a good minute when Wars had approached to ask for use of the workroom. “Gen’ral? Is ‘at yew?”
He cocked a brow at the question. “Yes? Is there a problem?”
Gaepak boomed a nervous laugh, motioning to his own short neck with a faint flush on his face as his ears twitched lightly. “’Ard to tell you apart from yer men wit’out that scaaf of yers.” The man apologized, and the apprentice at the blacksmith’s side nodded nervously.
He couldn’t help back slip into a disarming smile (although he had to fight not to slip into their heavy accent as well when he spoke). “Quite alright, gentlemen. I’ve just let it out to one of-”
“Yer boys.” the smith nodded knowingly, earning a snigger from their own short-statured smithy and a light chuckle from Sky.
Warriors flushed slightly. Really, the people of Castletown knew him too well. “Yes, one of my boys.”
“An’ a moighty fine father ye are.” Gaepak drawled with a grin. “Use the forge ta yer ‘eart’s content.” The smith added, moving back to his own workstation with a cheery wink. “Jist moind ye clean it up when ya done.”
Four had shouted something of a reassurance before moving to the offered work station with shining hazel eyes and fingers already flitting over the available tools to familiarize himself with them. In the meantime, Sky had shot him a knowing smile, eyes twinkling as the captain had flushed softly.
Four was deep into his work and the two of them had already finished a lengthily talk and a trip to the fletchers when Wind and Hyrule had burst in, heavy breaths heaving through the two and a healthy flush over two sets of rounded cheeks as wild eyes had turned to the two adults.
“Wind, you can’t bust into a forge! Four shouted over the clang of metal. “It’s dang-”
“Legend was kidnapped.” Wind blurted out, voice strained and barely holding onto the collected and controlled report method Warriors had drilled into all of his soldiers during the war.   Four’s hammer froze mid-air as the three had whipped around to face the two younger heroes, both knights stiffening instinctively as all laughter left their faces.
“What happened.” Warriors demanded, stepping forwards, jaw set and eyes hard as he met the sailor’s wavering gaze.
The aura of peace faded in instants, and soldier met the eyes of soldier as Wind snapped a neat salute. Unnecessary, yes, but trained into the kid by the other soldiers and probably a comforting sort of habit to revert to in the moment (Warriors felt the same about standing at parade rest as he listened to the kid’s report). “We were just entering the apothecary when a couple of folks approached Legend outside the door. He waved us inside to do our business while they talked, and Hyrule and I did as he asked. We gathered the needed supplies- that doesn’t matter though- the point is, when we were at the counter ringing up-”
“There was shouting outside!” Hyrule interrupted, fingering the strap of his faded satchel. “We thought it was just Legend being Legend, you know how he is but-”
“But then there was something of a scuffle and some bangin-”
“- and when we finished at the counter, because the man wouldn’t hurry up and refused to let us leave ‘till we’d been rung up-”
“Legend was gone!” Wind exploded, eyes shining with near panic as they met his own.
“Where were you exactly?” Wars demanded, mind already flitting across the list of people who were likely to have taken the vet. There weren’t many people the kid would have interacted with here, especially not alone, and saving the soldiers he’d accidentally embarrassed a couple of switches back (kid needed to wear some pants if he didn’t want to mistook for a girl) there wasn’t anyone he could really think of that would have cause to try anything. Sure, Legend’s winning personality might earn him a blow to the face from some of the rowdier townsfolk, but at worst he’d be left on the street on in an alley with a bruised face and a fractured rib or two, not taken away entirely.
As he considered, Four was already tidying up behind him only to have Gaepak wave them off with a worried look. “Moi boys will see to this ‘ere mess, don’t botha. Yew got a kid missin’ you go fetch ‘im, goodness knows Gen’ral that yew don’t need to be suff’rin’ that again.”
It was a bitter reminder, but he’d nodded his thanks all the same and grabbed ahold of Wind’s hand as he led the charge back into the street, Hyrule and Sky tagging along as Four made arrangements to come back later for the still cooling weapons before scampering out after them.
Searching Castletown’s streets would take hours, but after they’d run into one of his men, Bav, he’d filled the soldier in on the situation, and hardly had the words ‘my kid’ been out of his mouth before the other was nodding and agreeing to get the rest of the squadron to search the town. They’d found the others not long after, and the trio had dropped everything (even Wild’s slate for a hot second) to come rushing after them, their now two groups weaving in and out of alleyways and streets.
“Your wife?” A painfully familiar farm-wife had tutted. “First your poor daughter and now your poor wife. I’m sorry, luv, but I haven’t seen a thing.” Wind had crooked a smile at the groan Warriors had barely stifled as he led their group away, Sky and Hyrule both staring at the duo in confusion as they pressed further into the crowd.
Continued asking had brought up nothing, and after hours of trotting through the streets in a growing panic, Sky at his side and Hyrule nearly fluttering along with them, they’d finally been pulled aside by one of the soldiers and made to sit down in a guard-station long enough to drink some water and be caught up on the soldiers’ findings.
“Nothing yet, General Link, but we’ll keep looking. Until then, you should take a rest-” He’d moved to protest only to be cut off by a frown from one of his mates. “You’ll be run ragged by the time we hear word, and if the scamps intend harm of any sort, you’ll be in no state to help.”
He’d had to agree after that, but it hadn’t stopped him pacing while Sky held the other two close, rocking them softly and humming soft reassurances to the two smaller heroes that he’d bundled in his cape. The other four joined shortly after, Time demanding that Bav tell him what was happening and Twilight bundling over to grab Hyrule from Sky and curl up around him, the rancher’s nose buried in Hyrule’s curls as Four had settled between him and Sky, the smithies callused hands gently rubbing both their arms as he murmured soft reassurances to the others.
It was Wild that pulled him down to rest, flinty blue eyes sparking dangerously as the kid pulled him down to the ground and thrust something edible into his hands. Vaguely, he processed eating it, but his mind was too lost in spinning to take note if it was hot or cold or even what it tasted like.
When word finally came, it was with Bav’s face drawn and the entire guard having had to leave the post in wake of the nervous energy that flowed out from the exhausted heroes.
“Well?” He’d snapped to his feet, jostling Wild on accident as he did so and making the kid nearly toppled over with his sudden movement.
“An ultimatum, General.” Bav replied, clipped and carefully emotionless, even if there was pain in his eyes. “It’s addressed to General Impa, but-”
The note was snatched from waiting fingers before the other soldier had a chance to finish, and he was already breaking the seal as the man stepped back with a shake of his head and a murmured ‘poor man’.
The text that stared up at him stank, copper assaulting his senses as looping crimson script stared mockingly up at him. “General Impa,” The note read. “We have in our possession your branded puppet; the ‘hero’ of the war. We write to you now with a warning; should Hyrule and her queen not repay the debt owed to those fallen and forgotten, he will not be the first to pay the price.
“Repay that which is due, and release the prisoners who you hold unjustly under the claim of treachery. If this is done, your ‘hero’ will meet a kinder fate, and we may even allow you access to the corpse.”
The note was left unsigned, save a spattering of blood over where the signature ought to have been.
“A threat.” He choked, furrowing his brow and shaking his head. “It’s only a threat.”
“I wish, sir.” Bav’s eyes were downcast. “But they sent this as well.” A bundle, already unwrapped by the soldiers was offered to him. “But based on your description, that kid- I'm sorry, Sir.”
Trembling fingers tore aside the stained brown paper as he stared at the contents within.
A blood-soaked blue scarf stared back up at him.
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comfortwriting · 3 years
The Right One - F.W
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompts
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Prompt 31: “What made you think we were serious?” he spat “did you really think I’d go out with you?”
Requested/About: Fred is in love with his friend Y/N and knows he wants to marry her one day, he makes and move and they are looking forward to going on their first date - but all of that changes when George confesses his feelings for Y/N, to Fred.
A/N: I have a second part to this imagine which is smut based which you can now read: here
Warnings: swearing, mention of food and eating, a cheeky kiss towards the end.
Sitting high up in the stands, you’re watching Fred practice Quidditch, your heart skipping beats each time he flashes you a smirk or a cheeky wink, everything he does make you want him more - whether it be making a pig's ear of a potion, coming up with a new prank, chatting to his brother - hell, he simply breathes and you’re amazed.
Fred is head over heels for you, he already knows he’s going to marry you and whilst everyone is fast asleep at night, he goes over the plan in his head a thousand times making sure that when the day comes, everything will go perfectly to plan.
Unfortunately, the two of you were quite stubborn when it came to making the first move - you were too shy and scared of being rejected, and Fred felt anxious about making you uncomfortable - you were both trapped in the awkward ‘friends but too close to be friends but flirting but not dating’ phase - you not only confused yourselves but those around you who were aware of your chemistry.
The practice came towards an end and you walked down from the stands, your eyes glued on Fred, his veins bursting through his sweaty and dirt-stained hands, his hair standing up in all directions and sticking to his forehead, you smirked and giggled at the sight of him.
“How was it?” you smiled, walking towards him.
Fred paused for a moment, catching his breath and leaning on his broom “not bad” he panted “Slytherin are going to suffer”
You chuckled and brushed the hair out of his eyes, he had a questioning look on his face for a moment.
“Y/N” he said softly “d’you fancy going to Hogsmeade this Saturday, on a date?” he asked you, looking slightly nervous.
You felt as if time slowed down, that everyone else on the pitch had disappeared and you and Fred were the only ones there, instant excitement pooled in your tummy causing butterflies to sprout and take flight.
“I would love to” you smiled widely, blushing and nodding your head “yes!”
Fred smiled just as wide and nodded, pursing his lips and breaking out into another smile “brilliant” he nodded “I’ll meet you outside Zonko’s”
His twin George came rushing over, just as sweaty and dirty, he smiled nervously when your eyes met his, you didn’t think anything of it - George was always more quiet compared to Fred.
“Angelina wants a word” he panted “something about Ron needing extra practice”
Fred sighed and rolled his eyes, “see you later, love” he waved, turning around and following his brother.
“I have a date” you whispered excitedly to yourself “with Freddie!”
Hurrying off, you ran towards the castle, breaking inside and pushing through students and stumbling up the stairs to reach your dorm room, your date only two days away - you needed as much time as you could get to plan what you would say and what you could wear.
It was now Friday evening, tomorrow you would be on a date with Fred and just the thought made you giggle and blush, you told your friends who were just as excited, giving you all the advice you needed for one of the best days of your life. Laying in your bed, you stared out of the window, you were so excited you didn’t know if you were able to sleep.
Fred and George were sitting in front of the fire in the quiet and empty common room, coming up with ideas for their dream joke shop, but Fred noticed that George wasn’t being himself - he kept losing concentration and staring off into space, getting lost in his own thoughts.
“You okay Georgie?” Fred asked, staring at his brother.
George sighed, looking more anxious “if I tell you something, will you promise not to tell anyone?”
“I’m your bloody twin” Fred responded, sitting up in his chair and leaning towards George “of course I won’t say anything”
George swallowed hard for a moment and nodded, trying to figure out how to say this without Fred taking the piss out of him.
“You know Y/N?” George spoke up.
Fred’s heart started to pick up in speed, his attention fully on his twin “yeah, what about her?”
Fred didn’t mention you to George at all, George knew the two of you were close friends but he didn’t see the moments between the two of you that everyone said: “screamed chemistry”.
“I’ve got feelings for her, Freddie.” George confessed, looking away from Fred and staring at his shoes “I just didn’t want to say anything because I know she’s your friend.”
Fred felt the excitement crush inside him, part of him wanted to stop George in his tracks and tell him that you were going on a date with him tomorrow, but the other part of Fred dominated him - Fred would rather choose the happiness of his brother, who was more shy and quiet, than his own - the twin who had everything he ever wanted.
Almost everything.
“That’s great, Georgie” Fred forced a smile whilst his heart wept “she’s a really nice girl, I don’t blame you.”
A really nice girl that Fred would crush instead of letting her down gently. Fred went to bed and for the first time he didn’t bother going through the plans of the future proposal, then wedding, instead he tortured himself over George being the one to put the ring on your finger, making you his wife. He hid his face in his pillow and cried, knowing how bad he was going to mess things up, but as long as George was happy - that’s all that mattered to him, and he felt sure that you would move on and be much happier with the other twin.
“Ready?” your friend Alyssa smiled, looking you over once more.
You nodded and blushed again “I’m ready, just really nervous!”
Alyssa chuckled and handed you your bag “You’re bound to be nervous, but you’ll be okay, this is exciting!”
You took your bag from her and slung it over your shoulder “thank you for everything Alyssa” you pulled her into a tight hug, making sure you didn’t ruin your makeup or hair.
“Tell me all about it when you get back!” he ordered excitedly, pulling away from the hug and sending you on your way.
Arriving in Hogsmeade, you hurried over to Zonko’s Joke Shop, because you arrived early you had enough time to sneak into the shop and buy Fred some Hiccough sweets and Sugar Quills. Carrying the bag of Fred’s goodies, you waited outside for him.
Five minutes passed, then ten, then you reached one hour.
You felt your heart sink, worries and ‘what if’ scenarios filled your head and drowned out the noise of laughing students that passed by. Reaching three hours, it became clear to you that Fred wasn’t going to show up, tears filled your eyes and made your vision glassy, overflowing and running down your cold cheeks.
Storming back to the castle you stared at the ground, refusing to look up at anyone or anything, you sobbed and clutched onto the Zonko's bag so hard your hand started to cramp and your knuckles went white.
‘How could I be so stupid?’ you thought to yourself ‘I got myself dressed up in my best dress for nothing, waited outside looking like a fool while he’s probably laughing himself silly.’
But Fred wasn’t laughing himself silly at all, he didn’t get out of bed unless he needed to brush his teeth or go to the toilet, he refused to speak to George, Lee and Angelina. He curled up under his covers with tears falling down his face, his wand emitting light whilst he watched your footsteps on the Marauders Map, guilt surging through his body like poison when your footsteps stayed still and finally took off after hours of waiting.
Bursting into your dorm room Alyssa’s smile dropped and concern plastered on her face - your mascara and eyeliner streaked down your face from crying, your lips red and puffy like your eyes.
“Y/N! what's wrong? what happened?” she panicked, hurrying over to you.
You threw your shoulder bag on the floor, turning around you bumped into Alyssa and pushed the Zonko’s bag into her chest.
“He never showed up!” you wailed, storming into the bathroom and slamming the door behind you.
You dragged the warm wet rag over your face, wiping off your make up with so much force your skin got irritated and red, you stared at yourself in the mirror, hating your reflection, hating the dress you were so excited to put on hours before.
Alyssa knocked on the door, she didn’t want to pry and press you for answers, instead, she handed you your clean pyjamas and took your dress to put away, she walked into the bathroom when you opened the door, pulling you into a comforting hug whilst you sobbed in her arms.
Like Fred, you refused to leave your bed all weekend, you refused to speak about what happened. Perhaps you waited in the wrong place, perhaps he meant another week, you tried to convince yourself that this was your fault, that you got things wrong - but deep down you knew this wasn’t your doing, but Fred’s.
Sunday evening rolled around and Alyssa walked back into the dorm with a bag full of food, she sat on the side of your bed and opened up the bag full of your favourite puddings and drinks.
“The house-elves encouraged me to take as much as I could fit in this bag” she laughed lightly “please eat something sweetheart, it doesn’t have to be much”
You nodded and sat up in your bed, giving in you drank your pumpkin juice and had a few slices of Apple Pie.
Monday morning you were up early and out of bed, trying to be as fresh as a daisy as you could - everything was going well until you had double potions with Fred. You planned to ignore him, play it as if you didn’t care and that the loss was his, but your thoughts and needs for answers clawed at you until you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Have a good weekend, then?” you asked Fred bravely, watching your cauldron simmer.
“No comment” he replied, refusing to look at you, trimming his ingredients.
“Why did you stand me up?” you asked again, gaining more courage “think it would be funny?”
“No comment” Fred answered again, adding the ingredients to his cauldron, causing it to hiss and change from dark green to bright red.
You began to lose your patience but you didn’t give up, opening your mouth and asking Fred once more why he didn’t show up on Saturday made his guilt surge through his heart so painfully he didn’t know how to handle himself except lash out at you.
“What made you think we were serious?” he spat “did you really think I’d go out with you?”
Hearing his brothers outburst, George looked over to you and Fred, he had no idea what was going on but he had to do something - seeing you so hurt and upset made George feel sick.
You weren’t prepared for such a hard blow, you felt as if you had been slapped in the face and punched in the chest, you didn’t reply - you just stared at Fred with your jaw hanging, the tears you were controlling so well broke through and filled your eyes.
Fred’s heart broke even more at your reaction, he had broken the person he loved more than anything in the world and it would be too late now to make things right, to have you give him a chance to explain - but at least now he had given George a chance to play hero and pick up those broken pieces of your own heart to fix them the best he could.
You quickly took a sample of your potion and handed it to Snape, storming back to your desk, you picked up your bag and hurried out of the dungeons, breaking out into a sob - your wails so loud the class could still hear you.
George left his cauldron to overflow, running after you and calling out your name down the halls before he finally caught up to you. He pulled you into a comforting hug and you cried into his chest, gripping onto his warm woolly jumper.
“I wish it was you George” you cried “I really do, if it was I wouldn’t be in this bloody awful situation”
It dawned on George that this definitely had something to do with Fred and when he told him about his feeling for you. Sitting back in the same chairs in front of the fire in the empty common room before bed, George turned to Fred and searched his dull eyes.
“Do you like Y/N?” George asked quietly.
Fred shook his head “no”
George sighed and continued to stare at his brother “look at me, Freddie”
George knew that his brother couldn’t lie to his face and he knew by doing this he would get the right answers he needed.
“Are you in love with her?”
Fred paused and tried to lie but he couldn’t do it - he looked towards the dancing flames.
George finally understood and stood up “that’s what I thought” he stood behind his chair, wanting to know one more thing before he went off to bed “what happened between you and Y/N, you being grumpy all weekend and her being upset - does that have anything to do with what I told you last week?”
Fred put his head in his hands and nodded, George shook his head and sighed “that's what I thought, you should’ve bloody told me.”
George left the common room and went upstairs to bed, leaving his brother alone in his thoughts. Climbing in his bed, George knew exactly what to do in the morning.
George looked for you everywhere, you weren’t in the great hall for breakfast and you didn’t show up to any of your classes either, passing Alyssa he pulled her aside, asking where you were.
“the second floor, girls bathroom” she replied “and here” she rooted in her bag, pulling out the Zonko’s bag “give this to your brother when you see him, she got it him before he stood her up.”
George took the bag and thanked Alyssa, hurrying as fast as he could to reach you.
Sitting on the floor of the dingy toilets, you continued to sob in your hands, pressing them against your eyes that you could see confetti in your vision. Hearing footsteps coming closer to you, you removed your hands away from your face and opened your eyes, looking up at George standing over you.
George crouched beside you and began to rub your back, comforting you; he sighed deeply and knew it was time to tell you everything, the truth.
“I’ve got feelings for you, Y/N” he confessed softly.
This only made you feel worse, you lost Fred - someone you actually want to be with, and his brother who you care for is in love with you, you would rather sit your O.W.Ls all over again with your N.E.W.T.s at the same time than go through this.
You turned to face George, a look of shock and horror all over your face “George! You know this isn't the right time to tell me and if Fred-” you paused for a moment, feeling sick to your stomach.
“Does Fred know?” you asked quietly, looking at George.
George nodded “I told him on Friday after that Fred just went into a foul mood and you’ve been upset. He’s in love with you, Y/N, and I know you love him too.”
You stared at George, your mouth wide open, unable to process what you heard.
“He put my own happiness before his” George laughed and shook his head, pulling you into a tight hug, he smirks at you “He’s in his dorm room, go to your man” he encouraged you, handing you the Zonko’s Bag.
Feeling those same butterflies form and take flight inside of you once more, you hurried to Fred’s room, the biggest smile plastered on your face, which caught everyone’s attention, causing them to feel happy and talk amongst one another about you and Fred finally being on the same page.
Storming into Fred’s room, he walked out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel loosely covering his lower half at the hips, stopping in your tracks you stared at him, taking in the beauty of his body; the water droplets across his abs and the steam rising off his chest and shoulders, his damp hair and the sun beaming through the window highlighting your favourite parts of him.
Fred went into shock and gripped onto his towel harder, you flash him a small, nervous smile and place the Zonko’s bag on his bedside table.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” he asked shyly as you walked over to him.
Placing your hands gently against Fred’s cheeks, you leaned in slowly and pressed your lips against his. Kissing back, Fred deepened the kiss and dragged his tongue against your lower lip, both of his hands took you by the waist, completely forgetting about his towel, it fell to the floor.
Tags: @amourtentiaa @reeophidian @inglourious-imagines @alwaysnforeverfangirl @escapingrealitybyreading @lucymfer @freddiemylovelg
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Returning from the Dead is Easier Said than Done...
Request: Welcome, Shiny! May I request an x Reader (can be fem or gender neutral) where Echo (post-citadel) comes up to their s/o's doorstep to give them flowers and ask them on a date? A plus if the Bad Batch teases him for dressing up nicely and buying flowers. Thank you! (@handmaidenthesimp)
Author’s Note: Enjoy! If anybody wants me to repost with a gender-neutral reader, just let me know. 
Story Notes: Some swearing, not much else to warn you about. Take place in-between Season 7 of CW and The Bad Batch. No Omega this time, sorry! 
🖑 🖑 🖑 🖑 🖑
Being declared dead was uncomplicated. Your Republic file was branded with a "KIA" stamp, everyone stoically mourned, and someone just a bit shinier would step in to fill your shoes. 
Being declared undead, however, was decidedly more complicated. Oh, Echo was reassigned to Clone Force 99 easily enough. But it was the little things that seemed to get mired in red tape. Getting his few personal effects back. Re-opening his modest credit account.
Approving a rental application.
Admittedly, it wasn't that Echo really needed his own place; clones were conditioned to be accustomed to share minimalist, often-cramped quarters. And they were always on the move, so it hardly made any financial or practical sense, in the long run. 
But right now, oh, did Echo dearly wish that he was dressing up in the privacy of his own space...and not the shared cabin area of the Havoc Marauder. 
He kept his face stoic, as though readying for battle, refusing to acknowledge his teammates goggling in the background. They had returned early from their supply run. Echo had meant to be out of here an hour ago, but (somehow) hadn’t counted on just how difficult it would be to get dressed into multiple clothing pieces with a scomp link for a hand. 
So that’s how his comrades found him: trying to wrangle a neck accessory into submission by sheer will. 
Oh, if Fives could see him now. 
“You look funny,” Wrecker had declared decisively after an unbearably long silence. “What’s that thing you’ve got on?” 
“It’s a suit,” he grumbled, refusing to look any of them in the eye. “I’m going to see Y/N.”
Wrecker gasped like a fishwife. He leaned forward, and pitched his voice low. As though the others couldn’t still hear him in the tinny space.  “Your girlfriend? You mean you’re going to see her for the first time....since…” Wrecker made a muted cartoonish sound with his mouth, clenching then expanding his fingers in a gesture for ‘explosion’.
Echo stared at him for a moment disbelievingly, before nodding slowly, forcing the sarcastic response he really wanted to say back down. He couldn’t fault Wrecker for being...well, Wrecker. He had all the tact of a rampaging bantha. 
“An’ what’s that? Around your neck?” 
Echo opened his mouth, but someone cut across his response. “A bowtie,” Crosshair drolled, though his eyes glittered with amusement. Echo tensed, knowing that he wasn’t going to like what was coming next. 
“Fifty credits says he chokes, and he ends up strangling himself with it in shame." 
“No way!” Wrecker exclaimed, always the optimist. He clapped Echo on the back, who was unprepared so his knees buckled. He felt his metal joints strain. “Don’t worry, Echo,” his brother rasped in the loudest whisper known to man. “I bet she’s gonna love it!” 
“You know,” Tech piped up unhelpfully, “Your strategy may backfire. The current deviation from your usual appearance may be so jarring for your beloved that she refuses your offer out of simple self-preservation instincts.” 
Echo gritted his teeth. “Right. You have stats to back that up, I suppose?” 
Tech blinked at him owlishly. “Of course I don’t. This is an obvious possible outcome.”
“I’m trying to look nice,” he snapped, scowling. 
There was a loaded pause. “...’trying’ being the objective word here,” Crosshair smirked.  
Before Echo could wipe the look off his comrade’s face with a well-placed ARC trooper punch that would’ve made Hardcase proud, Hunter wedged his way in between them, hands up in a conciliatory gesture. 
“All right, laugh it up, fellas. Personally, I think you’re all jealous because you don’t have a girl waiting for you like Echo does.” Hunter turned to face their newest member, took the bowtie that was clenched in Echo’s fist, and smoothed it out before proceeding to tie it around his neck with surprisingly deft hands. 
Crosshair ‘hmphed’ while Wrecker verbally agreed, looking slightly put out by the undeniable truth. Tech simply nodded in neutral confirmation. The group lapsed into a somewhat awkward (but not unwelcome) silence as Hunter finished tugging at the folded ends of the bow, then double-checking to ensure it was straight. He stepped back to assess his work.
“You look good,” he said sincerely.
Echo thought he was in the clear. 
Hunter frowned. “But...it looks like you’re missing something.” 
Or not. 
“Like dignity?” Crosshair drawled from a dark corner of the ship that Echo frustratingly couldn’t glare at. 
“A sense of self-confidence,” Tech suggested. He wasn’t joking. 
“FLOWERS!” Wrecker boomed confidently. “All girls like flowers. You gotta get her some before you see her!”   
“I...fine.” Echo relented, anything to get his teammates to shut up. He shoved his way through them towards the bridge. “I’ll get her some flowers. You all stay here until I get back. I mean it, Fives!” he warned.
An uneasy silence followed him, which he didn’t register until he reached the landing ramp. 
He shot an exasperated look back at them. “What?’ 
“...Your former comrade is not here, Echo.” Tech finally spoke. His words were clinical, as always, but there was a touch of understanding underlying his tone. 
Echo froze, just for a moment, then shook off the shock of his faux pas as best as he could. 
It wasn’t the first time that had happened, after all. 
Echo descended the landing ramp, squared his shoulders, and marched into town. 
Y/N lived in a run-down but culturally distinct district of Coruscant, characterized by food stalls from species and ethnicities all over the galaxy. Children often ran through the streets, sellers in colorful robes and attire shouting their wares and art for all to peruse. It was one of the nicer markets, he thought, having come here once. He had been accompanying Y/N on her usual run for specialized ingredients that made the diner she worked at the talk of the galaxy. 
Echo elbowed his way through the crowded street, content to simply blend in with the crowd, to forget about being a soldier for a moment. 
He paused at a flower stand and was mindful not to draw too much attention to his scomp-link hand as he ordered a dozen sunflowers, which he remembered were Y/N’s favorite. When his credit chip was declined, however, he sighed and reached into his pocket to see what spare change he could muster up. Being that he was wearing a never-worn suit, however, meant that there was no change to be found, and the unimpressed florist snatched the bouquet away. 
That’s okay, Echo. Y/N doesn't need flowers. She just wants to see you.
At least, he hoped that was the case. He hadn’t exactly written to her yet, unsure that he could sufficiently explain his sudden non-death in typed words...
Surprise! I’m not dead! Hey, you know that explosion on the citadel? Well, I survived! And out of it, I got an all-expenses paid trip to  the Techno Union research facility! Why didn’t I write? Well, I was in stasis most of the time and that part’s a bit fuzzy. I also was responsible for killing my brothers by using their own battle plans against them. Oh, and you might notice that I’m missing most of my fleshy bits these days… 
He shook his head to clear his thoughts, which were more rapid these days thanks to his enhancements. He was good at compartmentalizing, though. He had to be. He was still a soldier, through and through, and no one wanted a soldier who was about two seconds away from a mental breakdown.
Yeah, a letter to Y/N wouldn’t have cut it. But he still felt like maybe he could have sent ahead some sort of...heads up? A warning? A ‘Please don’t scream when you see me because I don’t think my heart could take it?’ 
His feet finally guided him to the front entrance of the building where he knew she lived on the 14th floor. Glancing around, he spotted some blue flowers sprouting in a planter near the entrance. He yanked a fairly healthy-looking handful from the soil, shaking the roots to get most of the dirt off. He tucked the strangled roots into his fist so that they would be less obvious. 
It was time. He nodded to himself, squared his shoulders, and entered the building. 
A short elevator ride later, Echo could feed the sweat beading at his forehead and neck. At least his fight or flight response seemed to be healthy and alive, and Echo tuned out everything but the door in front of him, adorned with a purple wreath of lavender flowers. 
He stood in front of the door, and raised his hand to knock. 
He stood…
In front of the door…
...and raised his hand…
...to knock, you coward. Just fucking knock. 
His raised knuckles, however, refused to move. Echo caught a glimpse of himself in the curtained window panes on the sides of the door, and at the sight of his bloodless face, suddenly felt a whole lot less sure of himself. 
He looked ridiculous. 
He and Y/N had barely gotten to know each other before his untimely death. 
What if she was with someone new? 
This was a terrible idea. Echo should leave now, before he caused himself any more embarrassment. Crosshair might get his fifty credits, after all. 
Echo had just convinced himself to turn around and admit defeat, when the door suddenly swung open. 
Two Y/C/E eyes met his. 
There were points during Echo’s battle career where time slowed to a crawl. When an explosive grenade was thrown just a bit too close, or the comrade you had just exchanged banter with received blaster fire to the face. 
Echo was experiencing the same sensation now, but he would voluntarily stay in this moment forever, if he could. He fervently hoped his nightmares would be replaced with the sight that was etched before him. 
She was wearing her yellow work uniform, white apron pressed crisply with starch...and was as beautiful as ever. Her hair was up in a messy ‘late-for-work’ up-do, a smudge of blushed color not quite within the lines of her lips smearing her cupids’ bow where she had applied it in a rush.
He couldn’t determine whether her reaction to his sudden appearance was positive or not, and so didn’t dare speak first, breathlessly afraid that if he did, the moment would shatter. 
He saw her swallow hard, glancing at him from head to toe, gaze landing on his right hand. 
He guarded his heart. 
“Ech? Echo, is that you?” she whispered. Her eyes tore away from the scomp link hand, and began searching his face as though just as afraid he would disappear. 
He nodded. “Yeah,” he rasped, then cleared his throat. “Yeah, it’s me.”
The silence stretched out, and the fight or flight response was creeping back. 
“I know I look a bit different.” He tried for a light-hearted joke, but couldn’t quite get his tone to match. “Had some work done. What do you think?” He winced slightly.
She stepped forward and he froze as Y/N lifted her fingers, hesitating briefly before gently touching one of the metal bolts by his left temple. Her eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“...do they hurt?” 
He gasped a little as he remembered to breathe again.
“No,” he reassured her, raising his undamaged hand to steady hers. “No, it doesn’t hurt.” 
The wind was knocked out of him as Y/N flung her arms around him, burying her face in his neck, tardiness to her job completely forgotten. 
She began sobbing. It wasn’t neat little sobs, like in the scripted holovids, but heaving sobs that wracked her whole body, and he worried slightly that she was going to faint on him. He forgot about his scomp link for the first time as he rubbed it in circles against her back, murmuring nonsense words of comfort in her ear. 
After several minutes, she sniffled, stepping back. She rubbed her nose ungracefully where snot was leaking out, but Echo could have cared less about any of that. He only kept his arms out to steady her, in case she needed support again.
Y/N glanced down suddenly, and flushed.
“Oh. I’ve crushed them.”
Echo followed her gaze and saw that he was still holding the blue flowers from the planter in his good hand, the bouquet having been caught in between their bodies when she had thrown herself at him. They did look a little worse for wear. 
He shrugged unconcernedly. “They were free,” he said, not wanting her to feel guilty. 
She stared at him for a moment before a bubble of laughter burst from her lips. She still looked like she was about to sob at any moment, but she smiled tremulously at him through shining eyes. 
Desperate to make her feel better, he began rambling. 
“I can get you better ones! N-not right now, though,” he stuttered. “Actually, it turns out that I don’t have any credits on me at the moment. Everything’s still kind of backed up at the bank regarding my accounts. Also, this suit is new. Well. Not new. It used to belong to this woman’s father who we rescued during a mission on Bith. Long story.” His brain, which worked faster than usual these days anyways, still couldn’t seem to catch up to his mouth.
He forced himself to get back to the task at hand. “I was actually here to ask you for a date. I mean, assuming there’s no one else at the moment…oh, but you have your job to go do…bantha spit, I forgot about that...” He would have to ask Tech if it was possible for his brain to actually short-circuit.
Echo finally trailed off. Now he was the one blushing. 
The whole of Domino Squad was probably having a good laugh at his expense right about now, wherever they were. 
But Y/N was still smiling at him. And her chin had stopped wobbling. She gently took the flowers from Echo’s hand and placed them on one of the side tables in the hallway before intertwining her fingers with his and grasping his right hand without hesitation. 
“Forget about my job. Let’s go on that date. My treat. Though, if I know Dexter, he’ll give us a free meal, on the house. And the rest of the day off."
For the first time since he had joined Clone Force 99, since he had been rescued on Skako Minor, and even before the Citadel...Echo allowed a true grin of happiness to spread on his face. 
“A free meal,” he echoed. “Sounds like a plan.” 
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skzflix · 3 years
passstt can you do your best to explain the ‘universe’ in depth or at least so it’s understandable bc my ass is clueless 🙃
so, this is my dumb brain linking stuff so please please take this all as what it is — my stupid brain's stupid thinking. this is also the first time i've linked it all out in order. so bear with me. this is loooong. in this universe, we have like three parts: mixtape: on track — b me — mixtape: oh. and it deals with tangled romance and the consequences it has on friendships.
so in mixtape: on track, the universe sets off with the boys in high school, final year, i think. minho and hyunjin are the leads in our whole universe. jeongin is like hyunjin's best friend in this au. they are film and art majors (?) and have this project i presume to make a short film (?). chan deals with the sound, jisung with the lights, changbin with the props, hyunjin with the videography, felix is directing and seungmin is the writer. minho is the main lead in this film and jeongin is a side character in this film.
insert female lead. female lead is close friends with both hyunjin and minho. it's pretty evident that minho and hyunjin likes her and hyunjin constantly does feel bad over minho and her getting closer, because well, he likes her. this feeling turns into a distaste soon enough (as seen in how hyunjin feels pathetic after the girl takes both the drinks from them + how minho shoots the goal while playing soccer and like hyunjin and minho have this weird cold gaze exchange. in both these situations, jeongin is around to help hyunjin. i'll get to this soon.) so like our boy minho and her clearly have sparks and hyunjin dislikes it. high school jealousy, if anything.
that's when hyunjin decides to take action and while shooting, when minho has to grab the female lead's hand, he butts in and holds her hand. all because he likes her and he's done being the second lead in this story. the mv ends here.
now, about jeongin, he did mention in one of his vlive that he was like a guardian angel and i do think he's like a friend that really really cares for hyunjin and doesn't ever want him to get hurt. so the whole mv wraps up in this plot of how hyunjin takes action right when minho and the female lead are slowly getting things going for them.
and then we get the unveil track of b me, (how i wish they dropped the mv for this rather!). i'll make a list of stuff that happens in b me first and then tell you how my brain linked it up.
felix with the video camera + tape
jeongin distressed with bruised face
the members reminiscing what they once had before chaos struck.
a script that has even a fool knows (alternative title to on track) written (this was my cue to link them both?)
seungmin, chan and technically the whole cast looking distressed
jisung burning the film competition form (?)
changbin in the court sad and playing alone
biker!minho + biker!hyunjin (THIS ISN'T A POINT BUT THEY ARE SO HOT IN THIS AU SHUT UP RUE!!!)
minho meets with an accident + jisung rushes to his side
angry giving up skz moments
ot8 basketball happy memories
i'm going to sit here and draft this out so again, bear with me, soooo,
i presume the hyunjin grabbing the girl's hand, ofc, did not sit right with minho because technically, minho and her were a thing almost. and that ruined the friendship. this also caused the whole film shooting to turn chaotic, i presume because hyunjin's gaze in the on track mv seemed determined so i think he wasn't ready to back off either. the filming team clearly breaks apart because of this. the tension between minho and hyunjin is still very high. the team is frustrated. jisung burns the film competition form because what's the use of joining when there's no team? changbin is sad and angry and has emotions he is frustrated over (just like the other members!!) because they aren't together as a friend circle distinctly because of the feud between hyunjin and minho. they used to play basketball together (the whole of the ending part!) but not anymore.
now, we see how minho meets with an accident. i'm a bit confused with this part (this is why we need the mv for b me, jyp!!!!) but i'll state out everything i think.
a) jisung is to minho as to what jeongin is to hyunjin.
b) the accident could be solely accidental? maybe minho ran off in a fit after an argument with jeongin and hence why jeongin has the bruises and maybe in that heat, minho could have had the accident.
c) i presume jisung rushes to help him because human guardian angel of sorts of a friendship.
anyhow, i think the small clip of video tape that felix pulls out in the beginning is what they watch together. i do not think this has any correlation to the intense story besides adding the fact that they were reaaaaaaally close because they all look super happy in that shot, omg!!
and now here we are, mixtape: oh. (watching and pausing the mv to go as detailed as i can with my storytelling.) this, since it was a mv, we get a story as solid as the first one (thank you, jyp. i hate you generally but thank you for this.)
so we have all the members in the drama club room. the same room we saw in the first mv i think. everyone's gathered back there, picking up their stuff because they have graduated, except for changbin and hyunjin who haven't come. jeongin searches and hopes expectantly for hyunjin to come. the blue certificate kinda thingy (I have no idea what it is. i don't read korean either and my google translate couldn't pick that up :((() is something of hyunjin's and i think minho did want hyunjin to come to this sort of reunion because he gets angry and picks up the blue thingy. he's either mad at that, or he is still mad at what happened in the past. i'm not sure. either ways, jisung is worried too as to what minho is going to do and over what he is feeling. oh, also, minho is in a cast, which means it does go exactly in the order i mentioned !!!
we then see hyunjin (shit, i cried again!) and he's painting an eye (is this a relation with some other skz song i will never know) and i think he took up art after dropping from film club so like he could distance himself from the rest of them, because well, he was 1/2 of the reason why this all happened.
we have the members reminiscing again, thinking about the good times and bad ones too. jeongin is in a tunnel (the boy is always in a tunnel. is this again a link to other mvs i do not know) and changbin goes to the drama club room all alone after everyone leaves and like i think he removed the sign of the drama club room and in my head, it's a symbolism for how everything has finally ended. all the memories they have had had finally ended with their graduation, of sorts, in that moment for him. jeongin, who is in the tunnel calls for hyunjin, like a last thread of hope he clings on to, expecting for him to finally meet them and come back to them. hyunjin doesn't pick up the call.
minho is still packing things up and as he looks through stuff he sees a calender with their anniversary date marked and he remembers of the team together once again. everyone really badly misses the old days. we see jeongin who goes to buy that drink again that he stole from hyunjin in the on track mv and he remembers felix in that moment.
felix who is in the library is with a cake. so i presume it is his birthday because he lights the candle on the cake up eventually. i think he did want to celebrate it with the team as a whole but because of the fall he can't. he opens a book and see the quote, "dreams come true to those who really want them," (we see this on the jisung bus stand shot too btw!!) and he goes on to make a wish on his cake and ie think he wished for them all to be together once again, living the happy memories again. hence the beautiful shots in the end I AM IN LOVE.
so i had this sorta ex lmao who told me this beautiful metaphor once when we broke up about how i left him on the bus of our memories and it was only i who got down and that our timings didn't match. and i think my brain instantly correlated those two, oops. so like the bus is a train of thoughts, a passageway for them to remember the happy memories. changbin remembers the happy memories he had as he looks through hsi phone with the basketball in his hand. jisung also enters the bus and remembers the moments they shared. oh, also changbin leaves when jisung enters. the timings don't match.
TIMESKIP. because this is based off kdramas for sure and what are kdramas without timeskips lmao.
minho's arm is healed. (he's also wearing such a pretty fit i want to steal!) minho goes and tried to meet hyunjin at his art studio because he wants to give it a try, this whole friendship again, i think, but hyunjin isn't there. so he leaves him a note and the certificate (??) blue thingy (?? what is it someone help me!) hyunjin comes back to see them both. this is what happens in the mv, in correlation with the other mvs.
they could clearly make another part of them actually getting together. but personally, i think they do and like felix's wish comes true because the directing is such that they end it with felix opening his eyes. (i also don't want to think of a sad alternative where felix opens his eyes only to remember reality is still the same and the feud still exists. i refuse. in my head, the next part has them coming together just like that in the snow!)
but yes, if you've reached till here, thank you for reading my incoherent mess of thoughts. ily and i hope you have a good day! 💕
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
The Boyz as things and feelings (just cause)
this is a small thing @haechanhues​ needed help with so i decided to make it an actual post uwu [this is gonna be pretty long cause i might write little scenarios]
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mirrors make a place look bigger than it really is - i feel like sangyeon has that ability to make you feel like you’re more important on your worst days
the things he’ll do just to make sure you’re alright, even when he knows you’re not
he also has the ability to reflect what you need: sad? he’ll come and hug you and let you cry or talk about your shitty day. happy? he’ll joke about the way you snort while laughing then he’d probably do something dumb to keep the energy up there
mirrors also feel very private and at-home, and that exactly how i feel he curates an environment
pillows are self-explanatory ig, smth to cry into, smth to fall asleep with while hugging, has the best homely scents ever, very comfortable
i imagine going home after a long day and finding your partner also tired, but he’s cooking or like in the couch watching tv and he just invites you into his arms uwu
“tell me about everything! whatever that makes you happy or sad and i’ll try my best to be who you need at that point of time!”
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ok like jacob with a guitar is just a stellar sight to behold, he looks like he was born to hold one, and his vocals are super underrated imo, most of tbz’s discography doesnt really suit his voice - i really wish he had a chance to have more lines in more ballads or maybe even a solo thing
he would drag you out to go on walks after he knows you’ve buried yourself in your work the whole day, and he’d be the kind to stop at a pretty flower and contemplate plucking it but he wouldn’t cause he’s a fairy and wouldn’t hurt a fly, much less a pretty flower
would probably play a piece in the background while you’re stressed w work and hum a tune so the singing wouldn’t distract you
would stop when he notices you stopped working and your sad ass is probably crying lmao
he’s a very soft and gentle man imo
he’s the innocent daisy amidst other bright colored, flamboyant flowers but he still stands out
“i’ll grow you a rose bush in the yard so i don’t have to be sad about plucking flowers next time.”
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he definitely radiates tsundere vibes on first sight, but when you get to know him, he’s obviously the opposite: a crybaby
but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t keep up his model-like appearances when he’s outside - in fact, he’d be the one to influence you into caring more about how you look (of course not materialistically, but more into actually caring about making yourself feel good with your fashion and appearance)
i chose winter coats as a symbol of coverage - he doesn’t show much of himself unless he’s close to you (like when you wear winter coats to keep warm, he’s a burrito because he doesn’t bother too much about sharing his feelings), but when he does, it feels like he has the ability to keep you warm and comfortable, even on the coldest days, even if his inner savage comes out
it’ll be like he scooped you into his coat and has you warm in one of this inner breast pockets
i see him as the kind to get regular coffee and like, a tart or something, at a cafe. it adds on to the warmth, when he remembers what you like. the details. maybe you like your coffee with cinnamon or less sugar or something, but then he tops it up with a muffin and he knows you like it heated up so he specifically asks for them to do so
ok but he’s defo the kind of guy that catches people’s attention at public spaces so every now and then when he’s laughing or smiling, some girl would gawk at him and he would be embarrassed about it, but lucky for you, you’re already wearing matching coats so they know the man’s taken uwu
“if only they knew how long it took to convince you to wear that coat.”
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classy but calm. dream-like but realistic. 
i say concerts as in the instrumental, ballad kinds. he loves it and he knows you probably need the sleep where you have that kind of background white noise/music that provides you the best quality of sleep there is. but when you’re not dosing off, he’s admiring how much time you’re willing to invest into being at something he loves
of course, in turn, he doesn’t complain much when you’re hungry and you meet him down the street at the nearest convenience store for some instant noodles and potato chips with a coke and he lets you ramble about your day 
he would probably buy you an ice cream just so you’d feel better, then regret it when you get a stomachache later cause it was like 2am in the morning
you probably have like 5 of his hoodies at home that you refuse to wash cause his scent is tainted all over it and the only time he gets to take them home is when he stays over or visits and he sneaks one into his bag when you’re in the kitchen making tea or a bowl of noodles
then you’ll get it back without even knowing it was gone
the kind that would probably surprise you after a day of work with a casual date idea to the movies, and i mean showing up at your place, impromptu, after he knows you’re home with two tickets 
“act like my girlfriend for once and go on a date with me, would you? your work isn’t going to be there with you when you die at 90.”
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as dumb and sometimes bimbotic as he seems he is, he’s gotten most of the visible constellations memorised and he would not hesitate from telling you all about his childhood with his family when they would travel and try to spot every single constellation they can remember
which brings me to the point where he remembers what you like, but... backhandedly. he doesn’t remember what you like but he remembers what you hate instead, so you don’t ever have to worry about getting that licorice flavoured jelly bean
he would offer a midnight walk to help you relieve your stress, cause he knows you just like seeing the nightsky amidst the peace and quiet while he rambles on for his own satisfaction. not everything has to be so emotionally attached and shared. you can share blissful moments without being the reason for each other’s and that’s totally fine.
juyeon is kind of a scaredy cat in the sense that he isn’t really into horror movies or games but he’s always had that dream to become a pilot and so for his birthday, you brought him to a vr game arcade where he played some plane simulator and ever since, you’ve been taking turns to surprise each other with a new vr arcade spot or adding on to the vr game console set you have at home
“maybe i should digitalise you so i can see you in the vr game”
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the best-friend kind of partner you would come across once in a lifetime
a billion film shots of you after he drags you to the karaoke and he beats you at super intense songs like the bohemian rhapsody just cause he can hit those high notes and solely because he was screaming on the floor when he did it
almost left his film camera behind 
absolutely LOVES those walks along streets where there are a million neon lights
would come across that one sus neon light signs that indicate a sex toy store and he would give you that sly smile and probably joke for you to go in 
kevin has a moon neon light in his room and you have a star or something (whatever you want)
corrects your grammar and pronunciation, only for you two to bicker about it even more when you use google translation and there are different pronunciations depending on where/what accent you’re using
he really is your light in the dark, even if he’s known to be introverted. once he’s comfortable enough with you, he makes you feel like the most important person in the world
has one of those portable speaker microphones at home and he drones on and on and on with some billie eilish song until you hurl a pillow at him
“so you’re the tough girl, like it really rough girl, justcan’tgetenoughofkevingirl, chest always so puffed girl”
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(i could not find a more candid, softer aesthetic pic for chanhee rip)
his entire wardrobe fits you - the only problem is that he’ll never let you wear it in fear that you’d stain or tear something
shared playlists because that’s how similar your taste in music is, and so sometimes when you have your earpiece in and you’re humming the melody of that song, chanhee picks it up immediately despite not hearing that song, and ends up harmonising with you
got kicked out of the library once or twice because it was exam period and the two of you won’t shut up
ironically doesn’t sing that much if you’re not around
chanhee is a true blue introvert - which is a miracle that you’ve managed to tear through that barrier of his and find out that he giggles at every stupid thing you do: he’s having a bad day? trip over the pavement. he’ll laugh. it works
dragging him out to go strawberry picking was so difficult - but of course chanhee isn’t safe from how beautiful and enticing the fresh fruits were.
didn’t touch anything strawberry flavoured OR any strawberries for the next month or so
his straightforwardness comes with the breakdown of his barrier - but that’s what brings you comfort. he will never lie, he will only be sarcastic and even then, you’d know it’s true
i used duets as a symbol of harmony and being in-sync, though never really exactly the same, and that’s how it is with chanhee. your thoughts are very similar even though he’s much more introverted than you, but that’s what binds you 
“i’m gonna tell the librarian i don’t know you if we get kicked out again.”
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city tours - the kind that you already know inside out and yet you STILL travel the area as if you were a tourist 
that’s exactly how it is with changmin: you know him inside out, after being friends for so long, but it never gets old
you’re used to him biting your hand out of nowhere and yet it startles you all the time. that stupid chucky doll in his living room? old, but it never fails to scare you
he doesn’t ever talk about it that much, but he loves it when you co-ordinate outfits
no, it doesn’t mean you wear couple tees, but it’s aesthetically pleasing to changmin that if he wears cool tones, you would too
he’d be reserved about his thoughts and feelings sometimes but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t think or feel them
there’s a strange sense of familiarity with changmin, because you kind of know what to expect but then you’re never disappointed, you know?
“i got you this white pigeon cause it looks like the one i already got... you can give it back to me if you don’t like it though-” /he takes it before you can accept it/
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there’s something about ju that makes it very casual and easy-going
he hates horror genred themes so fuck that, he would queue online just for the latest ali wong comedy show, even if it’s an online show, and he would laugh until he cried
sometimes he’s a drama queen but that makes it alot easier for you to know what he’s thinking or feeling - it makes communication alot easier
that means a lack of arguments
he’s also very empathetic but straightforward, exactly like how comedy shows are - because they are relatable, they are funny because they bring out the irony and sarcasm and all the dumb things in life that people are sometimes afraid of talking about and hak just says whatever he wants to say, even if he knows it might be hurtful or upsetting
he prioritises truth and honesty over anything else
it makes you a better person, honestly
beach walks - very calming, very liberating. he lets you yell and scream and kick sand back into the water because you can, and he does it with you
tries to teach you how to skip rocks but you suck and you can’t so he just pulls you away from the pile of rocks you amassed
“flick your wrist like that, not like you’re meowing!”
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he will NOT go easy on you in a friendly match: you might be one of the fastest players of the female team but he’s ruthless in his ball-stealing, so even if you were fast enough to keep the ball out of his reach, he’d still be able to snatch it right out between your feet
very, very competitive and does not like to lose
you would always play the ‘ladies first’ card but then he’d throw the ‘feminism’ card back at you 
sometimes you act more like siblings than anything else 
the only time when he isn’t fuming with competition is if you’re injured because he accidentally tackled you - he’ll gracefully give himself a yellow card before absolutely trashing you in the next match
has one foot into the production game recently - likes to play with the beat board and mixing tunes, and since you’ve had your hand in doing music remixes for a deejay job before, you’re there to identify which songs have the same bass line or beat counts for easier mixing
would make you a playlist of remixes but wouldn’t admit that he spent a whole day in the studio without you just so it would be a surprise
a soft boy stuck in the wraps of an egoistic man
“a day? please. i illegally downloaded half these remixes off the internet cause i’d think you’re too internet-dumb to find them.”
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full of impromptu, casual ideas to hang out 
baking is a fucking mess - why did he suggest it when he doesn’t even have the right ingredients?
wanted to replace eggs with water - like ok thats supposedly healthier, but why????????????
he likes cleaning so that was the only fucking bonus in baking - had to call his mom for help halfway through because the cookies looked more like goop than playdough
gave up in the end and he repaid his debt by helping clean your kitchen
tried to teach you how to skateboard, but he ended up falling off his own in the process and now he’s got a grazed knee 
the kind of person you’d have so much chaotic fun with, he’s that friend your mom told you to NOT hang out with that much if not you’d get run down by a car 
has the most fucking random pieces of clothing in his wardrobe, like where did he even get that pink coat from?
“no you have to do this and like lift up your leg and then kinda rest your weight on it before flicking your ankle and like- whOA- OH OW OHNO OHOHOH OW”
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sentinelpri · 3 years
Could we maybe get some Sentinel falling for a human and hating it headcannons/scenario? The human is just really nice and very smart! An ex Sumdak scientist who moved in with the bots and Sari after Sari got kicked out? They help them find the AllSpark? Magnus has a lot of respect for them as they've helped find the All Spark shards and done a lot of research on autobot and decepticon history and found out weaknesses. Sentinel is so angry cause Magnus clearly favors them over other humans so he has to get used to that and them? Maybe Optimus likes them and that sets Sentinel off?
Sure thing! May have twisted this a bit, but hope you enjoy!
Oh my God, he hates it with everything in his entire being.
It starts simply enough. When he arrives on earth, he notices that, like the tiny rude organic known as Sari, you’re around the Autobots all the time. Like... All the time. Helping them find All Spark fragments, doing research for them, helping Isaac Sumdak with his creations, taking care of Sari.
So, since you’re a tiny adult human and he has unchecked mental health issues that he likes to take out on others, he starts off trying to be mean to you. 
The first time, he trips you while walking past you in the hallway. You don’t notice it was intentional, but fall pretty hard and scrape your hands up so badly that you’re tearing up. Sentinel refuses to apologize or acknowledge that he’s in the wrong but feels oddly guilty and decides to help you take care of your hands. You’re very thankful, offering him a hug, which he denies and runs off because of, spewing some half-assed insults on his way out.
He can’t get you off his processor after that. He feels like a shitbag for not even owning up to being the one who tripped you and feels like a loser for helping you. You’re an organic, he hates you like the rest of them, he doesn’t feel bad for you.
Next time he sees you, he tries again to be mean to you, making a comment on what you’re wearing and asking what trashcan you dug it out of. Most humans get frustrated and yell at him or insult him back when he talks to them like that unprompted, but you only shrug him off and asks if he’s feeling alright or wants to sit down to cool down for a moment. Uh. Huh? He’s confused at first, utterly perplexed that you might think he’s weak, upset, or hurt, or... Something, but then his confusion turns to anger, and again, he storms off, unsure of how to handle someone who’s not angry at or annoyed by him.
You pay a lot of attention to him after that and he hates it; always trying to offer him things, share smalltalk, take him places, etc. He hates it even more when he notices just how much everyone else loves you, too; Sari was fine, and so was Optimus and his stupid pile of scrap metal that he called a team, but ULTRA MAGNUS? Oh, it had him fuming from his exhaust pipes. Even Ultra Magnus was charmed by you and looked for whatever excuse he could get to talk to you on earth. 
Okay, whatever. Everyone and everybot likes you, so Sentinel is convinced he hates you for that and for having a holier-than-thou attitude that won’t allow you to retaliate against him when he’s rude to you even though all he wants is for you to feed into it. Totally.
That is until he starts getting... Jealous, namely of Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime for talking to you so much. The embarrassing thing is that he can’t even pinpoint it at first; all he knows is that he gets pissed off when he sees Optimus giving you a shoulder rub after a long day and having a conversation with him over dinner (for you) and energon (for Optimus) and gets pissed off when he sees you, a human, walking by Ultra Magnus’s side and casually conversing with him like he’s your equal. 
“I don’t get it, Jazz! Why is she talking to both of them like that? Why is it making me so mad?” 
“Could it be... You aren’t so much mad that she’s a human who’s close with Ultra Magnus, but that you’re jealous of O.P. and Ultra Magnus for being so close to (y/n) when you’re not?”
The conversation with Jazz had been impromptu and a big mistake, as he blew a fuse immediately after and had to be taken to Ratchet for some minor repairs. Everyone is concerned, no one has any idea what’s going on, but he’s stuck in Ratchet’s medbay for a day and you’re asked to watch him overnight since you’re the most qualified to do any fixes should he have any issues, and Ratchet needs to recharge. 
“So... What happened?”
“Don’t worry about it! Primus, you humans are always so nosy-” Sentinel starts scolding you and moves to get up from the medberth, but you place a gentle hand on his servo and he can’t help but freeze in place. 
“I’m not doing this with you tonight, Sentinel Prime. Recover and let me stay by your side to make sure you’re okay.”
“Just leave! I’ll be fine, I’m a member of the-”
“I know.”
“Then why do you care!?”
“Because I know you can be kind, and whether you want to or not, you need to rest and have someone monitor you over night! You blew a fuse in your head, and while that itself is a minor injury, if you do it again it’s going to be harder to fix and you could blow more. I’d rather not extent your stay in here.”
Naturally, he asks what you, as a human, could possibly know about robots/Cybertronians and their health. After getting him to lay back down, you tell him about how you used to work for Isaac Sumdac as a scientist before you started taking care of Sari when he disappeared, and that right after the Autobots arrived on earth, you studied them closely enough to figure out most of their anatomy and received some training under Ratchet to act as a second medic for them.
Oh. That makes sense. Sentinel feels a bit foolish but doesn’t say anything and waits until he can fall into recharge, but when he wakes up the next morning, you’re sitting on a stool by his berthside, passed out with your head resting on his thigh.
He doesn’t have the heart to wake you up and pretends to still be resting with his optics shut until Ratchet comes in and wakes you up himself.
He’s released with a clean bill of health and immediately goes to find Jazz.
“What do you mean by that!?”
“Uh, slow down before you blow another fuse, S.P., but you know what I meant,” Jazz laughed at him, and naturally, Sentinel took a few to process what had been said the previous day.
Jazz was implying that Sentinel wasn’t mad at you for being a human and interacting with Optimus/Ultra Magnus, but that he was mad at Optimus and Ultra Magnus for interacting with you because...
Oh. Sentinel realized that he was jealous, and in not being able to be mean to you anymore, he found himself watching you a lot. You were intelligent, kind, attractive... The opposite of him, to be honest, but when it hit him all at once, he ends up having a melt down of sorts.
Locking himself in his berth on Ultra Magnus’s ship for days on end, not drinking enough energon, going between sleeping to escape his feelings and pacing around doing nothing but dwelling on them, Sentinel Prime is a mess when he realizes that he has a crush on you. It makes sense, but... Why did it have to be an organic? He can’t even cope with it.
Eventually, he snaps out of it and decides that he’s going to take the logical approach with this; ignore his feelings and push them deep, deep down in his spark so he doesn’t have to acknowledge or deal with them. He shouldn’t like you anyways, right? You’re just a stupid human!
Except... You’re not. You’re beautiful, you’re brilliant, you’re caring, and a million other things he cares not to admit. So he’s stuck. He won’t confess his feelings to you or really think about them because he knows all he’s ever done is be mean to you, and honestly, he doesn’t deserve you and is afraid of you rejecting him.
Things stay stagnant for a while, but he’s a little nicer to you. Still rude, still making unnecessary comments about you being a human, but hey, he doesn’t try to trip you anymore and is always defending you when anyone/anybot brings up your name behind your back. Every other Autobot catches on to what’s happening but just doesn’t say anything because they know Sentinel will try to pummel them LMAO. 
But then... Valentine’s day rolls around. For whatever reason, he decides to hang around earth that day and learn about the customs since you and Sari seem excited to teach him and the other Autobots about it.
A day of romance where lovers give each other gifts... Okay, so basically, nothing to do with him, but he notices that Sari, Bee, and Bulkhead decide to go see a movie since they don’t have anyone/anybot to do anything with, and Ratchet goes off to work in his medbay, while Jazz and Prowl suddenly disappear to do their own thing and Ultra Magnus is preoccupied with work on his ship. That just leaves Sentinel, you, and Optimus.
The amount of frustration in him when Optimus hands you a bouquet of (f/c) roses is something he can’t even comprehend. So, when you walk off to go find a vase to put them in, Sentinel turns to his old friend with a glare.
“Who do you think you are? How long have you felt that way towards her?”
“Uh, Sentinel? (y/n) and I are just really good friends? I know she’s what her species would refer to as “single” at the moment and I didn’t think you’d do anything for her, so I got her those to make her feel special tonight.”
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” Sentinel exclaims at Optimus’s bold assumption that he wouldn’t do anything for you for Valentine’s day... Which was totally true. He didn’t have the guts to buy you flowers or chocolates or any of the other things that Sari said humans liked for the occasion, but apparently Optimus did, and while he now knew that Optimus didn’t have any romantic feelings towards you, it still hurt. 
“It means that even though you’ve been obsessed with her since the Elite Guard got here, you treat her with no kindness whatsoever because you’re too prideful to admit your feelings and want to cover them up,” Optimus puts a hand on his shoulder. “Now, I’m going to go spend the rest of the night with Ratchet so he isn’t by himself, but I’ll leave you to figure this out. Good luck, old buddy.”
Optimus walks off, and the words hit hard. Sentinel knows that what his friend said is right, so when you get back with the roses in a vase to set down on the table and ask him where Optimus went, he decides it’s time. Without dwelling on it too much, he grabs your hands to hold in his servos, standing in the middle of the living room and spilling his guts out to you before telling you “Happy Valentine’s Day... Or whatever,” and pulling you in for a kiss.
Thankfully, you reciprocate.
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parkerslatte · 3 years
Years Passed [Chapter Four]
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Spencer reid x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Part Summary: Y/N spends time with Harper on her birthday and the day after her and Spencer enjoy a cosy evening in.
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The following weeks were less lonely for Y/N. Whenever Harper was at school, Y/N was either painting or meeting Spencer in the same coffee shop where they had their first meeting. Whenever the two conversed, it felt as if they were in their early twenties again, everything was just natural. Even when it was the anniversary of Owen’s death, Spencer helped her through it. He knew that Y/N would be alone so he invited her to go out for coffee. Although Y/N decided to spend the day with her parents when Harper was at school, she appreciated Spencer’s gesture immensely. 
By the time Harper’s birthday rolled around, Y/N was feeling a lot better. With the help of Spencer and her family, she managed to get through the anniversary of Owens’ death without a single tear shed. Y/N was extremely grateful for this, never did she want to be down on Harper’s birthday and luckily this year she never had to force a smile once. 
When Harper ran into Y/N’s room the morning of her birthday, she was greeted to the sight of an empty bed causing a frown to appear on the young girl’s face. 
“Mum?” She yelled out.
“Come to the living room sweetheart.” Y/N called out. 
Harper immediately left Y/N’s room and ran to the living room. A smile stretched across the young girl’s face at the sight. 
“Happy Birthday!” Everyone chorused.
Y/N was standing at the front of the group with a wide smile on her face. Harper ran over to her mother and wrapped her arms around her torso. Leaning her head down, Y/N pressed a kiss to the top of Harper’s head.
“Happy birthday sweet girl,” Y/N mumbled just so Harper could hear it, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Harper muttered back, breaking away from the hug so she could give hugs to everyone else in the room.
As the day progressed and Harper began opening all of her birthday presents, they mainly consisted of different art supplies from her family members, knowing that the little girl had already began to follow in her mothers footsteps. As Y/N watched her daughter opening all of her presents she only wished that one person could be there.
Despite Y/N moving on from Owen a few years ago, she still longed for him to be there for Harper’s birthday. Y/N remembered when Owen didn’t come back from the hospital the night he died. Y/N remembered the constant screaming when Harper must’ve realised that her father wasn’t coming back. She was still incredibly young and didn’t understand much but she was still smart enough to know that her dad was no longer around. 
“Y/N!” Her mother said, snapping her out of her daydream. 
“What?” Y/N asked, momentarily confused.
“I said that me and your father should be on our way,” Her mother said, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m perfectly fine.” Y/N replied.
The look her mother sent back was one of disbelief, “Come with me, I’m sure your father can keep Harper entertained for a bit.”
Y/N followed her mother through to the kitchen where they sat down around the dining table.
“So tell me what’s wrong?” her mother said.
“Nothing’s wrong.” Y/N said.
“I haven’t been your mother for thirty-four years for nothing,” Her mother said, “I know when you lie to me.”
Y/N let out a small sigh, “I was just thinking about Owen, I just wish he was here to see Harper grow up.” 
Her mother reached across the table and gently took Y/N’s hand in her own, “If you ever need to talk to me, I’m always a phone call away.”
Y/N shook her head, “I’ll be okay, it’s just really this time of year. Although this year has been better, with you helping me through it, and Melanie, and Spencer-”
“Spencer? Spencer Reid?” Her mother cut her off.
Y/N nodded in confirmation, “Yeah, he came to question me about my neighbour because she was kidnapped,” Y/N began to explain, “He called me to tell me that she was okay and I guess that we’ve just been hanging out.”
“I didn’t know he still worked for the FBI.” her mother said.
Y/N nodded, “Yeah, thirteen years.”
There was a small pause before her mother’s next comment, “Is he still attractive?”
“Mom!” Y/N exclaimed.
“What? I’m only asking.” Her mother put her hands up in defense.
“I mean I suppose…” Y/N trailed off.
“So that means yes.” 
“No it does not!”
“Again, I’ve been your mother for thirty-four years, I know when you lie,” Her mother said, “I always liked Spencer.”
“Well you didn’t like him after we broke up and I told you the reason.” Y/N said.
“Yeah but that only lasted a few weeks,” Her mother said, “I missed our weekly reading sessions after that.”
Y/N shook her head in amusement, “Can we stop talking about my ex-boyfriend please?”
“You’re the one who mentioned him.” Her mother said as they stood up and began a slow walk back into the living room.
“I mentioned him briefly, you’re the one who cut me off and started the conversation about him.” Y/N defended herself with a small chuckle.
Her mother laughed with her before reaching out and gently holding her elbow, keeping Y/N in place, “But in all seriousness Y/N, please talk to me, Melanie or even Spencer if you begin to feel down.”
“I will, I promise you that.”
After Y/N and Harper bid goodbye to Y/N’s mother and father, the two flopped down on the couch. Harper rested her head against Y/N’s shoulder while Y/N rested her’s on top of Harper’s. 
“Mum?” Harper spoke up.
“You didn’t get me a present.” Harper said.
“How do you know that I didn’t?” Y/N questioned.
“Because I didn’t open a present from you.” Harper replied.
“That’s because it’s not out here, it’s in my closet,” Y/N said, “It’s quite big so I didn’t want to bring it out. Hiding it in my room was more than enough trouble.”
“Can I open it now?” Harper questioned.
“I suppose.” Y/N said with a smile as Harper jumped up from the couch, practically dragging Y/N up with her.
As they entered Y/N told Harper to sit on the bed and close her eyes, “Now it isn’t exactly wrapped because I had no clue how to wrap it and I thought it would come in a box and it didn’t.”
Y/N opened her closet revealing her present to Harper, “You can open your eyes now.”
Harper opened her eyes and gasped once she saw what the present was, “Are you serious?”
“I mean it’s here isn’t it?” Y/N said with a chuckle.
“Thank you!” Harper said, throwing her arms around Y/N. 
The present Y/N bought for Harper was an easel just like hers. Harper had always wanted one like Y/N but she always refused, deeming the easel too expensive for Harper to have her own. However a couple of weeks ago Y/N found the same one she uses at a discounted price so she had to buy it.
“I have no idea where we can put it though,” Y/N said, sitting down on her bed while Harper looked at the easel, “But I was thinking that as we only use the spare room for storage, we can clean it out and make it into our own little art studio.”
Harper gasped, “Can we?”
“If you want,” Y/N said, “We can start cleaning it out tomorrow if you want. We can get a good chunk of it done before you go to Melanie and Toby’s for a sleepover.”
Harper jumped on the bed and tackled Y/N in a hug. A wide smile spread across Y/N’s features as the two lay there. Y/N was so happy to have Harper in her life.
The following day, her and Harper were in comfy clothes as they began to sort through everything in the spare room, filtering through what was junk and what wasn’t. There was a lot of junk. 
“Can we keep this?” Harper questions.
“What are you going to do with a light up lightsaber that doesn’t even light up?” Y/N questions.
“I don’t know.” Harper says.
“Exactly, put it in the trash pile.” Y/N says before her phone starts to ring.
“I’m just going to take this call, don’t sneak anything out of the trash pile when I’m gone.” Y/N warned.
As she walked out of the room and into her living room, she checked the caller ID. It was Spencer. She answered the call with no hesitation.
“Hey Spence.” Y/N said happily.
“Hey.” Spencer greeted and Y/N could practically hear the smile on his face.
“So what’s up?”
“I was just wondering if you wanted to go and get coffee? We haven’t seen each other for a few days so I thought we could meet up.” Spencer asked, although Y/N could hear the hesitation in his voice.
“Oh, I’m sorry Spence but I’m with Harper right now.” Y/N said.
“Oh of course, don’t worry about it then, maybe we can meet up another time.” Spencer said.
Y/N thought for a second. She did want to see Spencer. The last time she had seen him was about a week ago because he was working on a case out of state. They two exchanged a few phone calls and texts but that was the only communication they had. 
“Maybe we don’t have to go for coffee,” Y/N said, “Harper is being picked up to go to a sleepover at six so maybe we can go and get dinner or something like that?”
“That sounds great,” Spencer said, the happiness evident in his tone once again, “What time?”
“Well it depends on what you want for dinner,” Y/N said, “We could go to a restaurant, or you could maybe come here and we can order in and watch a movie?”
“I like the latter option.” Spencer said.
Y/N smiled, “So do I. That means we can have a relaxing evening in.”
“It’s a date,” Spencer said, “Um, I didn’t mean like a date, I meant it like two friends hanging out.” The panic in his voice only increased.
“I’ll see you later Spencer.” Y/N said with a chuckle.
“I’ll see you too Y/N.” Spencer said before Y/N hung up the phone, a small smile creeping onto her face.
After Y/N bid goodbye to Harper for the night she couldn’t help herself but look down at her appearance. She was wearing paint stained clothes and her hair was a mess. Looking at the clock on her wall, Spencer would be arriving in less than an hour. Y/N didn’t know why but she wanted to make herself look at least a little presentable. Flipping through her wardrobe she came across a dress that she had only worn a couple of times but it was the most comfortable dress she had probably ever worn in her life.
After getting changed to make herself look presentable, she scans the house. It wasn’t necessarily messy, more of organised clutter. The minimal bit of tidying she did before Spencer arrived was pushing her easel back towards the wall so it was out of the way and re arranged the pillows on the couch so it looked comfortable and inviting. 
As soon as Y/N placed the final pillow there was a knock on her door. Straightening out her dress, she headed over to the door. She smiled as she opened it and she was greeted by the smiling face of Spencer Reid. He looked a lot more casual than she had seen him whenever they met up. He was simply wearing a black sweater and jeans and a jacket on top - something she didn’t think she had ever seen on him.
“Hi,” Y/N greeted as he stepped aside to allow him into her house, “Make yourself at home. I’m sorry about the clutter, I tidied up the best I could.”
“It’s fine, my apartment is probably worse.” Spencer said, taking a seat on the couch.
“I wasn’t sure what you wanted for dinner so I held off on ordering until you got here,” Y/N said taking a seat next to him on the couch, “I was thinking chinese if that’s something you wanted?”
“It’s perfectly fine with me.” Spencer replied.
After ordering, the two put  a movie on while they waited for the food to turn up. As they were sat on the couch Y/N couldn't help but find everything about the situation familiar.
“You know what this reminds me of?” Y/N spoke up, turning her attention away from the movie.
“What?” Spencer questioned.
“Every date night we ever had when we first started dating because neither of us had any money.” Y/N said.
Spencer chuckled, “Yeah it does. And I swear that we watched the same three movies over and over again.”
“That’s only because you were picky.” Y/N said, smiling.
Spencer placed his hand over his chest, looking offended, “I was not!”
“You so were!” Y/N said, “You would pick out every inconsistency and explain why certain things wouldn’t work or how they didn’t make sense.”
“That’s because they didn’t make sense,” Spencer said, “I was only pointing out something that should’ve been pointed out while making the movie.”
Y/N sighed and shook her head playfully, “You sure were a romantic weren’t you Spencer Reid.”
Spencer blushed slightly as there was a knock at the door. Y/N got up to get the food and handed the delivery person the money, plus some extra as a tip. 
“I’ll pay you back for my food.” Spencer said.
Y/N waved him off, “No you don’t have to,” Y/N said, “This just means that next time dinner’s on you.” 
Placing the food down on the coffee table in front of the couch, Y/N stood back up, “let me just go and get something, I’ll be back in a moment.”
Heading into her kitchen, she grabbed two wine glasses out of the cupboard and a bottle of wine. As she made her way back into the living room, Spencer had sorted their food out so it was all set out in front of them on the coffee table.
“So we didn’t order drinks but I have a bottle of wine and two glasses,” Y/N says, “If you don’t want wine I can get you something else.”
“Wine is perfectly fine.” Spencer said as Y/N handed him a glass. 
As she poured the two glasses, she couldn’t help but begin to feel like this was becoming more and more of a date. From the way they were positioned on the couch, every time either of them moved their legs would brush against one another.
“Did you know that Back to the Future was almost not called Back to the future?” Spencer spoke up.
“What was it nearly called?” Y/N asked out of genuine interest.
“Spaceman from Pluto.” Spencer answered.
Y/N let out a loud laugh, “That cannot be true!”
“Look it up.” Spencer said
“I don’t think I need to, you always know the weirdest facts,” Y/N said, “And I love it when you share them.”
Spencer smiled slightly while taking a sip of his wine, “I’m glad you like to listen, usually people tell me to stop.”
“I don’t see why,” Y/N said, “I love hearing you ramble on, I learn things while you talk about something you are excited about. It’s a win win situation really.”
Spencer smiled before he turned back to the television screen and continued watching the movie. 
Once all of their food was finished, the two remained on the couch as the credits to the movie played but neither of them made the move to stop it. Both of them were on their third glass of wine and they were feeling the effects of the alcohol they had consumed. Finishing off the remainder of her wine, Y/N slumped back against the couch.
During the night, Y/N and Spencer found themselves inching closer and closer to one another. So much so that the sides of their bodies were pressed up against one another. Tucking her legs underneath her, Y/N pressed her body further against Spencer’s as they sat in a comfortable silence on the couch. 
Y/N wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol acting or not but Spencer wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his side so her head now rested upon his chest. 
“Your sweater is really soft.” Y/N commented, giggling slightly.
“That’s why I wore it.” Spencer replied. 
“Where did you get it? I wanna get one.” Y/N said.
“I don’t know, I got it years ago.” Spencer said, his hand brushing lightly up and down her arm.
“I might just have to steal yours then.” Y/N said. 
“No,” Spencer protested, “It’s my favourite sweater.”
Y/N positioned her head so she could look at Spencer, “Then you should wear it more often, it looks really good on you.”
Spencer blushed at her compliment, “Really?”
“Really,” Y/N said, “You just look so cuddly in it.” She moved her arms so they were now wrapped around Spencer’s torso as she attempted to pull him even closer to her.
Spencer looked down at her with a soft smile on his face, “I missed you.”
“What?” Y/N asked.
“The first time we went out for coffee I realised how much I missed talking to you,” Spencer says, “It’s been thirteen years but it felt like we were both in our early twenties again.”
“I missed you too Spence,” Y/N said, “The first few months after I left I missed you so much and there were multiple times where I wanted to call you but I stopped myself. After I moved to England and met Owen I guess any type of feeling I had for you disappeared. But now, I’m glad that we’re friends again.”
“Me too,” Spencer said, lips brushing her forehead, “I’m glad you’re in my life again, this time I don’t plan on letting you leave too easily.”
“I wasn’t planning on leaving you again Spencer Reid,” Y/N said, “Once you become my friend, it’s hard to push me away.”
“Good, because I don’t want to push you away,” Spencer said, letting out a yawn, “But I should get home now.”
“No,” Y/N protested, “Stay here. It’s late anyway and I’m pretty sure we are both quite tipsy now so you shouldn’t go.”
“Okay,” Spencer said, giving in too easily, “Where can I sleep?”
“Well currently the guest room isn’t a guest room anymore and this couch is too small for you so you can take my bed.” Y/N said.
“No,” Spencer said, “I’ll take the couch.”
“No,” Y/N said, “You’re a guest, take my bed.”
“I forgot how stubborn you can be.” Spencer mumbled.
“Why don’t we both take my bed?” Y/N offered.
“Only if you don’t mind.” Spencer says.
“Of course I don’t,” Y/N said, “It can be like a sleepover. Harper’s at a sleepover now you’re sleeping over.”
Spencer let out a quiet laugh before the two stood up from the couch. He followed Y/N through to her bedroom as she immediately began to strip off her dress which made Spencer evert his eyes immediately.
Y/N didn’t know where her sudden confidence came from but she turned around to Spencer, “This is nothing you’ve never seen before.” She joked. 
Getting changed into a large t-shirt, Y/N crawled into her bed. Spencer still sat on the edge looking around hesitantly.
“Well are you going to lie down or not?” Y/N questioned, “And are you seriously going to sleep in jeans.”
“I don’t have anything else.” Spencer said.
“Are you wearing boxers?” Y/N asked.
“Good enough.”
“Are you sure that you’ll be comfortable with that?” Spencer asked.
“Yeah it's fine Spencer,” Y/N said, “No take your damn jeans off and join me in bed because I want to feel your sweater again.”
Spencer smiled before taking off his jeans and getting into bed next to Y/N, something that seemed so familiar yet so distant. As soon as he lied down, Y/N immediately cuddled up to him. 
“This is okay right?” Y/N asked.
“It's perfectly fine.” Spencer mumbled, getting comfortable with Y/N in his arms.
“Goodnight Spence.” 
“Goodnight Y/N.”
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