#and I should be able to start on that nursing au fic I’ve been teasing
unoriginalmess · 3 years
A Second Mask: Chapter 4
Did that just happen?
Hello guys! It's me. I'm finally writing again. Sorry about the delay. I'm going to explain more at the end of the chapter, but I'm just going to keep the beginning short. So here is chapter 4:
To say Adrien was concerned would be a huge understatement. He was downright disturbed. Its been weeks and still Marinette hadn't changed back to the happy, peppy, nice girl that he knew. AND SHE WOULDN'T EVEN TALK TO HIM ABOUT IT!
He tried to talk to her for a whole week after her original trasformation, but after the repeated firm rejections, he stopped altogether. He figured that maybe with some space, she might be able to work through whatever she was going through, but at this point, he's losing hope.
When he is feeling this distressed about something, he usually turns to his lady, but she has been acting weird too. Ever since she suggested they start sparring, she's started to show that she is going through kinda a rough time as well. She is the same ladybug when everyone is watching, but when it's just the two of them, she looks sad and tired. She has also started saying some concerning things while they are sparring. She has started talking about how she has started taking being Ladybug and the Guardian more seriously, and how she has less distractions now, which would be a good thing if she didn't say them so sadly.
The good thing is, the sparring has given him a chance to get out his aggression because of the whole Marinette-situation and his anger at his father in a safe environment. He didn't like the idea of hitting Ladybug at first (especially in the face) but with her not holding back on her hits, he felt more comfortable doing the same. It has helped them fight better too. He hopes that whatever Ladybug is going through in her civillian life will work itself out soon, but until then he will be there for her. He just needs to figure out how to be there for Marinette.
Felix was making good progress with Marinette. After they first asked marinette about (insert fashion question of your choice here, I legit know nothing and I didn't have time to research anything for this chapter), she had started answering their questions on a daily basis. After a couple of days of that, she had started to rant to them about different things in the fashion world that were bothering her, exciting her, or confusing her that particular day. In response to that, they had started to respond to her rants with their own opinions on the subjects and even start their own rants.
It had gotten to the point where Felix would now consider them to be friends, though they know that Marinette would never call them as such, it was fine with them. They know she has trust issues, and they can understand why, so they are fine with being friends in everything but a name.
Felix was looking forward to their daily banter as they waited in their seat for Marinette to arrive. When she did, she was followed by a very pissed-looking Alya. Felix turned to look at her and noticed that she had what looked to be tears forming in her eyes. What they didn't notice was the little black butterfly that had entered through the window in the back of the room, and was making a beeline towards her.
Marinette walked to school in yet another one of her newest fashion creations: a pair of oversized grey ripped jeans and a navy blue sweatshirt. She was actually really liking her new look, and the comfort that it offered was just an added plus.
She was actually feeling excited to talk to Felix about Gabriel Agreste's newest fashion flop. They were the only person that she had met that actually cared about fashion as much as her. It made her happy to talk to them. It kind of scared her how excited she was. Shouldn't she be distancing herself from everyone? she thought to herself. No. Felix isn't my friend, they aren't close to me, they are just someone I talk fashion with. Like a coworker, yeah. Totally. Felix is just a coworker. ("Liar" says the inner voice in her head)
She was shocked out of her thoughts when she was pulled to the side by someone as she entered the courtyard. Her mind immediately thought of an akuma, when the person spoke.
"Marinette! Girl," Oh it's just Alya. Wait Alya? "How long are you gonna keep up this cry for attention? Are you really THAT jealous of Lila? I know that Adrien likes her, but that doesn't give you the right to act like this! And you are hanging out with Felix, who accused her of sexually harrassing Adrien on their first day here-?" She looked absolutely furious at her, but Marinette had heard enough. She cut Alya off in the middle of her presumably long rant.
"ALYA!" Said girl jumped at both the inturruption and the tone of voice used, "First of all, this isn't a cry for attention, if anything its a cry for leaving me the fuck alone. Second of all, I'm not jealous of Lila. I'm not in love with Adrien anymore, and haven't been for a while. You knew that I was dating Luka right? Why would I care who Adrien likes? Lastly, I am allowed to hang out with whoever I choose, whether you like them or not. It's none of your fucking business Alya, and if you think that I'm just some jealous, attention-seeker why do you even care?" With that last question she stormed off to the classroom, leaving a speechless Alya behind her.
When marinette sat down in her seat, she just kept thinking about how Alya was just talking to her. How could she think that about her? They used to be best friends, and Alya wasn't even concerned about her not talking to her anymore, she was just concerned about her being "jealous of Lila". It made her so furious that she could feel tears trickling down her face. She sees the black butterfly out of the corner of her eye and without hesitation grabs it out of the air.
(Next part is taken from this post by @bigfatbreak)
"Go ahead and akumatize me- See what happens, Hawkmoth!" She screamed the words with a slight madness that the energy of the akuma was giving her, "Every leash has two ends! I just have to pull until I find where you're holding it!"
At this point, the entire class was frozen in place watching her and listening to her crazed-sounding voice threaten an actual terrorist. Marinette felt Hawkmoth's confusion and terror through the bond. What in the- She's sensing me through the Akuma?! The akuma then started to fly away, and when it couldn't it zapped her hand like it was made of lightning and fluttered through the same window it came from. Marinette felt like she had failed yet again and collapsed down on her desk, muttering, "Uuuuggghh. It escaped anyway... What a waste. I didn't realize that Hawkmoth was such a coward. He usually likes grandstand..."
She was startled when her hand was picked up by Felix's, "You likely scared him off by managing to locate him like that... A risky move, I should mention. I would ask that you not attempt that a second time. No one knows what his akuma is truly capable of. You'll want to keep off of this hand for a while, too."
"Oh, are those the doctor's orders? Why, Felix, it almost sounds like you care about meeee." Marinette was all too amused by Felix's concern for her. She also liked to tease them... AS COWORKERS DO.
"I have an investment in your presence. Now don't be cheeky and let's get you to the nurse's office," They said while holding her wrist and gently pulling her in that direction.
Marinette scoffed, "'An investment in my presence'??"
Felix chuckled while still semi-dragging her by the wrist towards the front of the room, being careful not to hurt her injury even worse, "What did I just say about being cheeky?"
On their way out of the door they passed a VERY distressed-looking Adrien. He seemed to be sharing the sentiment with the entire class of: Did that just happen?
And thats chapter 4. It is VERY LATE! I know. I've been swamped with work, and when I went to write it, I had zero ideas on how to write this chapter. I never ended up getting those ideas. I just went where my writing took me, so if it doesn't really match the characters that's why. I will try to be better at updating regularly, but it probably won't happen. Sorry to everyone with a normal sleep schedule, but this is the time that I write things. Also I didn't have my outline with me while writing this chapter, so it might not have everything I planned to write in it.
I would like to thank you all for all of the support I've been getting on this fic. Despite all of the chapter delays, you guys have stuck with me through all of it, so thank each and every one of you. I love seeing so many people loving this au as much as I do. Without you guys this story wouldn't exist, and I would've stopped writing it after the first chapter.
As always, constructive criticism is always accepted. I love being able to improve my writing whenever possible.
Thank you for reading. Have a nice day/night/whenever you are reading this. See ya next time guys, gals, and non-binary pals.
@queer-illusion @apasponsor @heckinggremlin @1-ahiro-1 @hewantedbeefintheparkinglot @sassakitty @lennauts @rianoel @dorkus-minimus @khneltea @welp-that-was-unexpected @mlnchlymrshmllw @lovelyautumnsunflower @chariphrasis @lovesbooks @komatsuna-yuki @polyvirnl @innocentlyguiltyfrenchfry @qhobias @ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole @hammalammadamdam @cloudydaysomewhere @alcoholic-barney @basenikon @xxbehindthemaskxx @corporeal-terrestrial @shadowymemoirs @moonlight-densetsuu
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pixla · 3 years
hi hon! i adore your writing and i have a request for tommy: so you know that scene in the caves when alice breaks her leg and cindy has to like put the bone back into place? could that be with tommy x gn! reader instead? and both of them have a really really cute moment where the reader confesses how they never felt alive until they met and started dating tommy? they both survive and flashforward with fluffy smut pls?
Special thanks to the j-st-patricks-day and all my friends who helped with the process of writing this fic <3
broken bones and beating hearts
Tommy slater x nb!reader
Warnings: swearing, graphic descriptions of murder, graphic descriptions of injury (eg. Broken bones and stabbings/cuts), Possessed!Cindy, alice dies, Arnie dies, vomiting, fluff, pet-names, knocking out teeth, sex, unprotected sex, this au doesn’t fit with any of the other films (feel free to tell me if there’s any others)
Word count: 3.2k
POVC= point of view change
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Tommy gripped your wrists pulling you out through the narrow cavern as it collapsed only seconds later. “Fuck!” You tucked your legs close to your body, trying to shake the feeling of Cindy's grip around your ankles. “What the fuck is happening?” You looked up as Tommy still held you close, you both too scared to move from the previous near death experience.
Everything was normal. You had all just ran out into the woods, you and Alice teasing Cindy about some stupid witchcraft book she had found in nurse lane’s office. But then Cindy decided to slash Alice and Arnie’s guts open with a machete.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck!” You cried, bawling your hands into fists, wandering down what felt like endless hallways. You both soon realised that you had been going in a circle. It didn’t make any sense, it felt like another dimension or a mirror maze, where everything looked the same, maybe even was the same. “Y/N.” You turned your head to face tommy. “What?” He looked at you confused. “I didn’t say anything.”
You were going to shake it off as you just imagining it, but then you heard it again. “Y/N!” This time you knew it wasn’t Tommy, it was a woman. “Hello?!” You yelled out, hoping that someone had finally come to your rescue, but Tommy just continued to look at you like you were crazy.
You strayed from Tommy’s side following as the voice repeated your name. “Where are you going?” Tommy yelled after you as you wandered, not bothering to pay any attention to his questions.
You followed the voice, bending through the same corridors and hallways, not knowing where you’d end up. It was when you twisted round one corner you halted in your steps. It was a huge room, far larger than any of the ones you had previously found. But the greatest way it stood out was the mass in the centre of the room.
It was dark and fleshy, like clumps of meat thrown into a pile. You gasped as you stood closer gaining a better look at the thing. It was alive. It rose up and down almost like it was breathing and it thumped like a beating heart. With each whisper of your name you grew closer, drawn to it. You reached your hand out transfixed, but when your hand melted into its flesh, you froze.
It all flashed through your brain so fast. Cyrus Miller, ruby lane, billy baker…Cindy Berman. It was every single one of those shadyside phycos, even Cindy. It was all of the pain, all of the suffering and all of the evil. You lifted your hand, a thick slime dragging with. You backed up slowly, expecting to hit a wall. You were soon proved wrong when you felt your body fly backwards.
You cried out as you landed with a thud, Tommy finally catching up to you, peering over to find you clutching your leg in pain. “Shit, are you okay?!”
He had jumped down helping to lift you from the pit. You sobbed, tears running down your cheeks like a broken faucet, your hands clutching at His shirt. Tommy held you running his finger gently through your hair, shushing you softly as you buried yourself into his warmth.
Tommy gently slipped from your hold, leaning down to examine the damage. It was bad. So bad, you could practically see the bone protruding from the skin. You felt your gut wrench at the sight causing you to lean over beside you, regurgitating your dinner onto the cold cave floor. “Don’t look, okay? Just look at me.” Tommy leant over wiping your mouth with his jacket. You nodded slowly, trying your best to keep your eyes locked with Tommy’s despite how hard your morbid curiosity urged you to look down. Ripping his plaid jacket into strips he looked up at you. “We’re gonna get out of here. You’re gonna get out of here. No matter what I do, I’m gonna make sure I protect you, just like I always have.”
“I love you so much Tommy. I’ve never and never will love someone the way I do you.” You lean into him pressing your foreheads together. “I can’t lose you, okay?” He nods sympathetically, pressing a light kiss to the slope of your nose.
“Do you remember those dates we’d go on, out to the forest at night, and we’d just lay there, staring up through the cracks in the trees?” You nod. “I want you to think about that, okay? I want you to think about how many more we’ll go on once we get out of here.”
You hold a tight grip on his arm as he wipes away at the area. “I’m gonna have to put it back into place now.”
You pleaded with him, as the tears started again. “Please, no. Please just leave me here. Just go and find help okay? I can’t do it Tommy, I can’t do it”
“Hey, hey, hey. C’mon, look at me.” He places his hand on your cheek, tilting your head to look him in the eye. “You're gonna be fine, okay? You just gotta focus right now.” You nod timidly, the tears starting to slow.
He holds the bottom of your calf with one hand and your heel with the other. “Just count to three and I’m gonna do it, okay baby?” He looks up at you, his soft words lulling your anxiety. You bite your knuckle nervously, unsure as to how you should answer, but the look of trust in his eyes persuades you easily. “Okay.”
You breathe in. “One, two-” You let out a blood curdling scream as a large crack rung out, bouncing against the walls of the cave. Your fist gripped Tommy’s forearm tightly as you cried out a series of various curses. “You fucking asshole.” You whine out in pain, letting out an airy laugh trying to brighten your rather dull circumstances.
“You're okay baby.” You wince as he wraps the piece of fabric he had ripped from his jacket around your leg, tying it tight enough to hold you together for the moment. You grabbed Tommy’s shoulder as he wrapped his arm around your waist lifting you from the ground. You hiss as you feel your leg throb from the sudden movement. “Do you think you’re able to stand?” Tommy watches as you wobble trying to stay grounded. You nod. “Yeah.” You had no choice and you both knew it, if you wanted to live, you’d have to.
You both started your journey, finally entering a new environment as you trudged deeper into the earth of Shadyside. Why did these tunnels even exist? The intricate details of the maze made it easy to come to the conclusion that they were man made, but by who? Not once had you ever heard of these tunnels, and by the looks of it, nobody else had either, despite nurse Lane of course.
“Be careful.” Tommy tightened his grip around you. “You might slip.”
“Okay.” You mumble, too exhausted to form a real answer. You looked around at the walls, floor and ceiling. The further the two of you walked, the denser this moss became. You felt a wave of familiarity but you couldn’t quite place it. Red moss…red moss! It hit you, Cindy! Her red stained shirt, she said it was from the moss in the outhouses. “Tommy! It’s the fucking outhouses! We fucking made it!” You would probably be jumping up and down with joy right now if it wasn’t for your broken leg.
You look up, spotting the out house toilet openings. Wow, real nice, you’re both sitting in Sunnyvale shit and piss right now. “Yeah, but how are we supposed to get out?” Tommy sighs looking up at the roughly 15 foot climb. “You can’t climb that.”
You look at him. “Yeah, but you might.”
“No. I’m sorry but no, I’m not leaving you down here, especially when there’s Cindy running around up there trying to kill us. C’mon let’s go, if we’re at the outhouses, we must be near to camp.” He directs you along but before you can both carry on your interrupted. “Did you hear that?!”
“No I-“
“Shush.” You both stayed quiet listening as to what caught your attention. It’s screaming. Someone is screaming from the outhouses. “Hey! Help! Please, we’re stuck down here!” You yell trying to get the attention of the voices.
The space grows quiet as the screaming halts, the both of you waiting nervously for any indication of life when a head pops out from one of the seat holes. “What the fuck are you guys doing in the toilets?!”
It was ziggy, Cindy's sister. “Ziggy..” you wonder if it’s right to tell her what’s happened to her sister but you decide against it, not wanting to put the girl in such an emotionally vulnerable state whilst she’s already physically. “Gary’s up here too!” She yells down as Gary’s head pops out another toilet hole. “Hey!” He yells, surprisingly light heartedly considering there’s a murderer running around camp butchering little kids with a fucking machete. “Can you get us out of this fucking toilet or not?!”
Gary had managed to make some sort of bucket contraption with some rope. “It’s just like You’re Gothel climbing up Rapunzel's hair, okay?!” He yelled down, lowering it down to you.
You're about to slip onto the contraption when you hear Ziggy's unfortunately very familiar screams, and before you know it Gary’s decapitated body lies beside you on the floor. You and Tommy let out an in sync gasp, him pulling you away into his chest, as to protect you from the image. “We’re gonna have to find another way out.”
You think to yourself. Alice…she had shown you something whilst you were robbing nurse lanes office with Arnie. “I know how.” You pull out the book that started this whole thing.
“Baby, I don’t get how that book is gonna help us, let’s be honest it’s some random witches and wizards bullshit written how many hundreds of years ago?”
“No, tommy.” You turn the book to him parting the pages. “It’s a map.” You rest the book on the floor, the two of you leaning over it. “It's a map of camp, you see over here, these x’s are the graves we found. And over here, that’s where we entered.” You point your finger on the page. “Here, there’s another exit. Mess hall.”
His eyes lighten. “Jesus, fuck! You’re so smart!” He pulls you in for a kiss.
You sat, your back arched over as you watched Tommy laid on his back kicking open the vent that led to the mess hall when another scream rang out. You instantly knew that it was ziggy, far too acquainted with the tone of her screams.
“Tommy!” With one final kick the vent flew open, Tommy hauling himself through in a split second. “Don’t move, stay here! I’m gonna go help Ziggy.”
Tommy always cared so much for the kids at camp, you honestly weren’t surprised that he was willing to risk his life for one of them.
Tommy barged through the doors of the mess hall, an all too familiar song ringing through the speakers, the noise made his head thump as it blared.
Tommy followed the screams, grabbing a mallet that lied on a nearby counter. Cindy stood beating at a supply closet door as ziggy screamed from within. Tommy pulled cindy's shoulder for her to face him as he swung the mallet into her jaw. Cindy tumbled to the ground as she spat a mouthful of blood and teeth onto the floor. Tommy hesitated holding the mallet in his hand, ready to strike Cindy. But before he could come to any decision Cindy grabbed her machete from the ground slicing at Tommy’s thigh.
Tommy dropped to the floor, his mallet sliding across the freshly mopped floor tiles, Cindy rising to her feet, towering over Tommy. Overpowered, he crawled backwards digging the heels of his hands into the cold tile floor. He was braced for impact when Cindy stopped turning around.
You lunged at her digging the knife you found into her back, pulling it out as she turned to face you, plunging it into her chest over and over until she hit the floor unresponsive. You fell. You had finally reached your limit. Your leg was broken for fucks sake and you just murdered Cindy. Pure-hearted, hard working Cindy Berman. You plunged your knife deep into her chest until you split it down the middle. You dragged your body over to Tommy’s wrapping your arms around him, wetting his shirt as you became inconsolable. He held his hand at the back of your neck placing soft kisses onto the top of your head. “It’s okay baby, it’s okay. She’s dead now, we’re gonna be okay.”
You heard as ziggy opened the closet door, dropping to her knees at the sight of her sister dead on the floor. The red headed girl pulled her sister's body over to face her, wrapping her arms around Cindy crying into her cold lifeless body. You crawled over to the girl pulling her away from her sister's touch into yours. “I’m sorry.” You whispered.
The three of you struggled as you heard the last bell ring signalling that the bus would be leaving. Ziggy yelled out as the bus doors began to close. The wheels began to roll forwards but before it could depart a boy budged the doors open, calling out to her. “Ziggy!” You released your grip from the girl's side as she ran to him, embracing him. You rested your head on Tommy’s shoulder at the sight of the two. “I hope she’ll be okay.”
The two of you had found a place on the bus as Ziggy sat with you fellow councillor Nick goode. Finally being able to breathe, you rest your head on Tommy’s shoulder. “I’m so glad you're okay.” You look up at him smiling at his words. “Maybe you're the one who really needs protecting, without me you’d be dead meat.” You press your lips together, smiling softly into the kiss. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had lost you.”
Your eyes wandered to the window watching as the camp nightwing sign slowly floated away out of sight. Finally it was over.
After the accident medics treated and hospitalised many of the camp nightwing campers and counselors such as you and Tommy. Your leg was thankfully saved. They said if not for Tommy it probably would have had to be amputated due to infection.
It was two months since that night, you still had to use crutches but besides that, you made a speedy recovery alongside tommy. Although he was in a much less critical condition than you and was discharged within a few days, he still spent every night in the hospital with you.
You laid beside Tommy his leg slotted between yours as the velvet underground played softly in the background. You run your fingers through his hair slowly as he whines quietly into your chest. It finally felt like the first time since that day that you both could finally relax.
You pulled away from his touch leaning over him, kissing his lips softly. “You look so pretty.” You hum. He smiles into the kiss. “Not as much as you, baby.”
You lifted yourself straddling Tommy’s hips, deepening the kiss as your hands ran down playing with the hem of his shirt, travelling underneath. He pulls away, his hand rubbing your thigh. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
“I’m okay.” You reassure him, pressing soft kisses along his collarbone. You removed your shirt as Tommy’s hands floated up to your waist.
“God, you're so beautiful.” He mumbles, kissing up your chest slowly as you take off your pyjama shorts, throwing them to the floor.
You lean down unbuttoning Tommy’s jeans, taking him in your hand. Tommy twitches at the contact as you align himself to you. You lower yourself onto him slowly as his hands hold a firm grip on your lower back. Tommy lays his head back, his hips thrusting up into you.
You shiver as you lift yourself up and down, your thighs shaking from the stimulation. His thrusts hardened, your soft whimpers of his name encouraging him. “You look so fucking good right now.” He gripped your waist helping you keep a steady pace.
You steadied yourself, leaning your arms out pressing your hands against his chest as you felt yourself near your climax. “Shit, Tommy I’m gonna come.” You whined under your breath.
“Don’t worry baby, me too.” He runs his hands down your back lovingly.
You threw your head back as you felt Tommy’s hand wander down edging you on further, your breath quivering at the touch. You felt his hips buckle beneath you as he reached his peak, yours following soon after.
You sighed your body collapsing onto his chest. “I love yours so much.” You mumble into his skin as he presses a soft kiss against your forehead.
It was the 16th anniversary since that day at nightwing, the two of you still happily together. Despite the permanent scar that night had left on the both of you mentally and physically, you both managed to stay strong, the event probably making the two of you even closer than you already were before.
Every year instead of hiding from the memories of that night, you both embrace it. Tommy’s favourite way to do this was to ‘reenact your youths’ in his words by driving the two of you out to the forest, where you would’ve spent so many nights together when you were younger.
You would open the sunroof and lay out the seats creating a little bed for the two of you. Probably not the safest thing the two of you could do, but most definitely the sweetest.
The two of you laid there staring up at the trees, resting your head on Tommy’s chest, your arm draped across his abdomen. Looking up at him you pressed a small kiss to the slope of his nose, pressing your heads together. The moonlight glazed over his cheeks, giving him a paler look. “You look so beautiful.”
The car ride home was quiet but the atmosphere felt soft and comforting as Tommy rested his hand on your inner thigh. The velvet underground played softly on the radio as your eyes gazed out at the passing scenery.
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peeterparkr · 5 years
limits of desire⤳t.h.
chapter one: set the date.
So, after that photoshoot, I decided to get back on my shit. I’m re-uploading it, editing it and changing a few things. Yes, I’ve posted this fic before but I feel like I’ve grown as a writer and it’s a fic with so much more potential. 
summary: Tom has a new life and he bumps into y/n who definitely isn’t into him. 
pairing: fuckboy!tom holland x reader
warnings: alcohol mention, swearing
word count: 4k
btw I’m afraid I’ll disappoint so tell me what you think
next chapter
series masterlist
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October 2016.
October is the best time of the year for some people, particularly for students who’re on the verge of trying not to collapse. Cold weather, but not too cold, orange leaves on the floor accentuating the aesthetic we’re all thriving to have, outfits that include the best fashion possible, the basic but seasonal favourite pumpkin lattes, excuses to drink tea just by the window, watching horror movies and blaming them for not being able to sleep.
Halloween was just around the corner, two days away to be exact.  Sadly, exams were also around the corner. However, that particular combination gave the perfect excuse to the students of every university in London to get drunk to forget all their troubles while being dressed as completely different strangers, meaning it gave them the amazing opportunity to throw parties all around just to hook up with equally drunk beings. 
And it gave Tom the perfect excuse to play his favourite new game, too. Tom Holland, of course, was not going to waste the opportunity on dressing up as his new favourite women-magnet, his Spider-Man costume and his oh-so-charming smile. Him and Harrison were enjoying themselves at one of the parties that were thrown around town, the third party of the week, to be more exact. Thanks, Andrew Jacobs who had been kind enough to invite them. The parties from university students had been the best for Tom, whose popularity had increased after appearing on Civil War, and of course, after being cast as Spider-Man. He’d use that popularity to his advantage, and of course, he had been really busy each night. A new girl each night. 
He wasn’t always like that but the moment he saw that many girls were dying to be with him, he decided he simply liked that. It had started on a party with several girls gushing up to meet him, and after having a no so nice breakup, a rebound had been nice. But suddenly that rebound turned into more rebounds and so his life as a new casanova started. Being wanted was something nice, and he was definitely liking it so far. He came up with a rule, never the same girl twice in a week, and nothing more than a one night stand. The rule was simple, and he could easily follow it because, oh they were raining. Tom couldn’t complain, as if he would.
He had had a little too many shots that night, and after making out with a chick dressed as a character from Stranger Things, he decided it was time to gather on the first girl he had bumped into, two days before in yet another Halloween party. He knew he would score with her easily after he told her he had to go back to shoot Spider-Man homecoming. Her face had lit up and her room number had been written on a napkin, which Tom had saved for his own convenience, and he knew that night was the night, he was just across the room where she lived, so he might as well give it a try. So he just needed to look out for her, he expected her to be already in her room, waiting for him. She had told him she’d be dressed as a sexy nurse, and hell he would not pass up that opportunity.
He was going to go to the dorms to meet up with her,  they were just across the street, so as he walked out of the party there were many students on the street dressed up for Halloween, some of them were just laughing and spilling their drinks, most of them were making out. Tom laughed, amused at the situation, seeing that he had actually already gotten some of those girls numbers. He giggled to himself as he stared at the paper where the blurred writing was placed on. He walked in confidently to the dorms humming a song to himself as he kept looking for the room.
“246….246…And here it is,” he smirked as he reached for the key Rachel, the sexy nurse had given to him, he opened the bedroom door, the lights were off, and a girl was sitting on the desk, with headphones on, and head laying down on her book.
“Hello, hello, Rachel, Rachel?” He whispered as he smirked. He walked over and he reached her to kiss her neck, with his Spider-Man mask covering half his face  “Hey, hey, I’m here, baby,” he said in between kisses. 
She suddenly moved as she woke up turning her sight to him, she started to scream the moment she looked at him, he screamed back at her. 
“Bloody hell! Who are you? What the hell is going on?” She yelled. At that moment, Tom realized he had fucked up. The girl wasn’t Rachel. 
She grabbed the book on her desk and slammed it against Tom’s face, and then she reached over to her night table which had a bottle of perfume on it. She started spraying it at his face, spraying it entirely on his mouth, causing Tom to scream even more and stumble back to fall on her bed. He coughed from the perfume. 
“Ouch! My nose, my mouth! fu-” Tom yelled as he covered his face. “I can’t -blagh, ugh my-” he coughed. “Ugh.”
Her screaming didn’t cease. He took off the mask, as he looked at her, trying to cover himself. He stood back up and motioned her to calm down. She kept screaming. 
“You’re not-you’re not Rachel!” Tom yelled.
“Of course not! She’s my roommate!” The girl yelled at him. “How did you even get here?”
“She gave me the key!” Tom answered as he reached for his nose, and then lifted the key up to show her. 
“So that automatically made you think you can kiss her roommate’s neck?” 
“She said you wouldn’t be here! She said you’d probably be studying somewhere in the library because you’re a nerd!”
“I’m not a nerd!” The girl grabbed the pillow and threw it at Tom angrily.
“What the heck? What was that?” Tom asked, and she glanced over at the pillow and frowned. “No, the other..the gosh, my nose! What’s that taste?”
“One hundred years of solitude by Gabriel García Márquez,” the girl answered. “And… Chanel n°5”
Tom covered his nose as he stared at her, and finally, let out a chuckle.
4 minutes later, he had his head held back in the common room, where there were some students drinking coffee, or some others were studying, she made him tilt his head forward. “Are-are you sure this-”
“Shut-” She made him pinch his nostrils together to stop the bleeding.
“Ugh, next time I’ll see who I’m getting in bed with,” he said.
“And that would be so hard, wouldn’t it?” she rolled her eyes as she stood up and poured herself some coffee and then handed him a glass of water.
“Should be more careful, yes,” Tom conceited. “So, what’s your name, sweetheart?”
“Please,” she rolled her eyes at him, sitting back down beside him. “Don’t even try it.”
“What?” Tom faked innocence. “What could I possibly be trying?” He chuckled as he gave her an ironic smile, pressing the ice against his nose.
“Yeah, I know all about you, Tom Holland.” She crossed her arms watching him.
“You do, now?” Tom smirked, as he stopped pressing his nostrils. “Wikipedia doesn’t say all the truth, you know?” 
“Don’t, you’ll start bleeding,” she ordered and placed his hand back on his nose. “But I do, I know everything about you, I know exactly who you are.”
“You’re a fan?” He asked as he slid closer to her, making her roll her eyes.
“You’ve slept with half my floor,” she sentenced. 
“Well, could’ve slept with more, but you don’t seem interested and well, your roommate wasn’t where she was supposed to be,” Tom chuckled.
“Whatever,” she rolled her eyes. “Rachel did tell me about you, and how excited she was Spider-Man was coming to the party, which honestly, I don’t see the deal with it.”
“Ah, but I am Spider-Man, and who wouldn’t want to be with Spider-Man?” He raised an eyebrow. “Shit, your book did hurt me.”
“Great, that’ll teach you on not kissing random girls without their consent..”
“Hey, hey, you can’t blame me,” Tom teased with a laugh. “Your roommate, she was dressed as a nurse today, and well… you’re not, I mean she was …she was showing way more skin than you.”
“I’m a decent girl,” she nudged him.
“A very feisty one,” Tom giggled. “So, now, please, you say you know me.”
“Yeah, you’re an actor who suddenly got his career launched and now, obviously uses that to sleep with women, but in reality, you’re actually pretty lonely and you’re using your fame to get back for all those years when you were rejected. You’re overwhelmed by all the attention.”
Tom stared at her, she could’ve left by now, yet she hadn’t. “Uh…huh, yeah that ain’t me,” Tom rolled his eyes but then gave her a small innocent smile. “I’m a nice boy.”
“Of course you are,” she threw her head back. “You’re the worst type of players, you’re one of them” she laughed at his confused expression. “You’re the kind who actually falls in love, don’t you?”
Tom bit his lip with a smirk, she did have him all figured out. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You play the nice boy who falls in love, and gives off that prince charming vibe, and then in the morning you leave, saying you won’t be able to have your heart broken by them, and making them feel guilty as if they had used you instead of them.”
“I do get my heartbroken,” he defended himself.
“All of this is new right? All the attention, and you can’t get enough, bet you were the skinny weird kid.”
“Getting too personal, are we?” Tom frowned.
“I’ve got my loads of guys like you.” She shrugged. “Know all your games.”
“Really? With actors?” Tom laughed in disbelief.
The girl stared at him as she shook her head. “No, but with kids who suddenly got shredded, and suddenly found out they were attractive.”
“Am I attractive?” Tom blinked bashfully at her. She turned herself completely to him, as she watched him curiously as she sipped her coffee, taking in his features.
“Not really my type, no,” She snickered.
“Yet you’ve said you’ve had a load of guys like me,” he gave her the cockiest of smirks.
“None of them were Tom Holland,” she winked at him.
“Exactly, none of them were Spider-Man,” Tom pointed out as he winked at her.
“Hm, guess not,” she chuckled. “I’ll try to get your game, you probably first play the shy guy, probably, no, it depends on the girl, you’re an actor so you see what works with each girl, but bet you tell all of them that you’ve met RDJ,” she watched him carefully, as he ran a hand through his hair. “Ah you do that with the hair, and then give, there you are! The puppy eyes,” she smiled pleased with herself, as Tom’s eyes widened. “You lick your lips and always raise your arms to show out your muscles, huh?”
Tom felt naked with her, she knew what he was doing. “I mean,” Tom puffed his chest. “All guys… do that.”
“Could be, but okay, you probably talk about your time on set, and how you are so excited to be playing such an iconic role that Spider-Man is.”
Tom blinked as she kept talking, she was pulling her hair back in a ponytail, and she had her eyes lightly covered by dark circles, probably from all the late-night studying. He felt like such an idiot as he was getting his imagination go wild. 
“Hm, it is an iconic role,” he defended himself, coughing, as he ignored his cheeks going red.
“Yeah, gotta give that to you, I’m a Marvel fan, so yeah, you did a good job so far, I mean we’ve only seen you in Civil War and I guess that was decent,” she shrugged, trying to sound as careless as she could. “But, we are not talking about that.”
Tom felt his confidence back on track: if she was a marvel fan he could easily use that in his favour. She was definitely a girl he would love to score with, maybe it was a tough task, but he was determined. It was interesting, he knew that with this girl his usual flirting style wouldn’t work. Yeah, she wouldn’t fall for the nice boy vibe so maybe the whole douchebag style could work on her. Or maybe not. He could play the guy who doesn’t actually want anything with her and then make her beg. 
But it couldn’t work either.
“So, you like Marvel?” He asked her. 
“I love marvel,” she admitted. 
“Who’s your favourite superhero?” He pushed. 
She didn’t answer and turned away to drink her coffee, cheeks getting red. 
“Noooo!” Tom couldn’t believe it. “is it Spider-Man?” He laughed as she rolled her eyes.
“But I’ve liked him since younger,” she defended herself. “Look, Peter Parker is such a great character because he’s a smart broke boy from Queens, he is so real and Spider-Man, you never know who could be under the mask, and he just tries his best! He is so pure, and he just wants to save people because he is a good person, you know? No one rewards him, he just truly wants to help…And I’m so, wow… I love him. ”
Tom nodded in agreement, as he bit his lip giggling. She turned to him and nudged him.
“Woah, no, I meant the character,” she rolled her eyes. “Don’t get your hopes up.”
“C’mon, wouldn’t someone like you be interested to hook up with Spider-Man?” Tom asked again. “It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. You could write about that.” 
She laughed as she shook her head. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” she stared at him. “You’re actually hitting on me? After all I’ve said to you?”
“No, I’m not,” Tom smirked as he watched her. “You see I’ve got you all figured out as well.”
“Oh,” she scoffed. “Do tell me, please.” 
“You’re a future writer, you’re studying literature or something, right? Top of your class, are we?” Tom inquired. “I bet you’ve read hundreds of books and you like writing poems in your free time.”
She bit her lip as she looked away. Tom snapped his fingers.
“Bingo!” Tom cheered. “You’re the typical girl who is different than any other girl, who brings all that bullshit of not caring and always has this sense of being mysterious and that’s why she judges other girls for being at parties.”
She shook her head as she stuck her tongue out. “Wrong. I’m a feminist, I wanna be a journalist or a writer, I don’t judge other people, I believe that we’re all allowed to party, I’m not a mystery, I’m an open book, I do care, a lot, about a lot of things I just happen not to care about you, and I’m not at a party tonight because I have a big exam coming tomorrow, in fact, I should be studying right now.” 
“You were a prodigy child, weren’t you?” Tom concluded.
“I wouldn’t say-“
“You were, you probably were part of the school newspaper,” Tom interrupted her and chuckled. “But hey, you’ve got class, you’re a refined girl. You basically are the reincarnation of elegance.”
“Refined, elegance, huh?” The girl giggled, taking a chance to stare into his eyes, only for him to notice hers. They were really pretty. In every possible way she was beautiful, but she was smart and that made her way out of his league. Maybe if he tried to play the guy who wasn’t understood.
“Yes, I mean, you did spray me with Channel NO°5,” he laughed.
“It’s pronounced Chanel,” she corrected him, making him feel a fire igniting. He gave her a corny smile.
“So you’re smart, elegant, you like superheroes and on top of that,…you’re pretty? You’re the whole deal,” Tom admitted, she shrugged as she blushed. And he almost had her wrapped around his finger, even if she kept giving him the cold look, he could be sure that she was into him. “What’s your flaw? That’s it! you’re boring!”
And he screwed it up.
“Excuse me?” The girl frowned offended, as she stood up. He realized it then, she was actually making it hard for him, she was giving him a chance to try. And he had blown it up. “Goodnight, Holland, good luck with that nose.”
“No, wait, I’m joking! I’m joking,” Tom called out for her and pulled her back from her arm, receiving a stern look from her. “I was kidding you don’t seem like the boring type.”
“I’m not,” she agreed. “I actually have an amazing sense of humour.”
“Ah, do you now?” Tom laughed. “Okay, let me start over.”
“Honestly, I have to sleep or read,” she said, and Tom chuckled.
“Really? And why haven’t you left already?” Tom inquired as he slid closer and trying to lean against her, but she stood up walked over to the other couch. Tom fell flat on the sofa as he scowled.
“Oh, I assumed you were going to look out for my roommate and I really don’t want to be near my room when that happens, so please just stay on her side of the room and don’t touch any of my stuff,” she warned him.
“Ah, I won’t sleep with her,” Tom answered.
“You won’t?” The girl rolled her eyes, and she picked up her book. “Well, your problem.”
“I wanna stay here and talk to you,” Tom declared as he stood up to look out for food in the room, he was sobering up and he had become extremely hungry. He realized there was a box of cookies so he plopped back on the couch, throwing them into his mouth.
“Told you it won’t work with me,” she said as she had her eyes glued on her book.
“I know that,” Tom walked over and sat on the armrest of the couch. “You haven’t got the look.”
The girl frowned as she looked up at him, closing her book. “The look?”
“Uh-huh, the doggy bowl look,” Tom took her by the chin and she slapped his hand off, making Tom giggle.
“Did you just call me a dog?”
“It’s a theory.”
“Do all fuckboys have theories?” The girl rolled her eyes as she changed back to the original sofa, Tom followed her.
“We do, we go to a course, just like all of you different girls go to that class where they tell you how to destroy a man’s feelings.”
“Oh, I graduated with honours from that class,” she smirked playfully.
“So you do have a sense of humour,” Tom laughed. “Well m’lady that course is paying off.”
“Glad it did,” she poked him. “So what’s that theory?”
“You see when a girl actually likes a guy, she has a look. It’s her tell, like…. poker!”
“Yeah, and it’s exactly the same face a dog makes when you put down the bowl!”
“You’re disgusting,” she told him. Some other girls had walked into the common room and started whispering to each other, as they giggled while watching Tom, he winked at them causing them to blush and snicker.
“See? See that look?” Tom pointed when they left. “You don’t have the look.”
“You’re crazy,” she roared standing up, picking her book.
Tom chuckled watching her, “I’m honest, I like honesty, I think it’s the best quality.”
She started to walk away but stopped to turn around and glare at him.
“Oh, so you want me to be honest with you?” She crossed her arms with her book in her hands.
“Go on,” he smirked. “Destroy me, why can’t I physically  appeal to you?”
“Your nose is bent,” she pointed to her own nose, and wrinkled it. “it drops down at the bottom, a feature accentuated by the thinness of your lips, you have tiny eyes and they are way too far apart, your eyebrows look weird, and your hair… huh, your hair ain’t that bad but it won’t cover your bent nose,” she poked his nose. “And you are so desperate for attention from being so lonely that you validate yourself by having sport like meaningless, insatiable sex with insecure girls like Rachel who only want to be with you so they can say they slept with a celebrity,” she started to walk away. “and you’re right, I don’t have the look, I’d never have sex with someone like you.”
She walked away from the common room and Tom grinned following her.
“Wow!” He said with excitement as he ran after. “That was amazing!”
“What?” She scowled.
“The honesty, the feisty being it was even better than the sex without uh, the crying you know?”
“Huh, funny it did feel pretty good,” she chuckled as she turned confused to the boy who actually seemed pleased with himself.
“It was incredible,” Tom agreed. “No one’s ever been that honest with me.”
“That’s what friends are for,” she winked at him.
“So you know my name, what’s yours?” He asked her.
“Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N,” she chuckled as they arrived at her dorm.
“Ya know,” Tom looked at her. “Give me your number.” Y/N stared at him with a frown. “I won’t try anything I genuinely want to be friends with you.”
“I just destroyed you as a person,” y/n scoffed.
“Sounds like an ideal friend,” he grinned as he handed his phone over. She hesitated but ended up giving it to him, he tried to steal her phone from her hands. “Now I’ll give you mine so you know who’s texting.”
She unlocked it and she gave it to him, he added himself and took a silly selfie to add it to his contact.
“Goodnight,” y/n said, as he reached up for her chin, making her look at up. “Your hand is clammy.”
“I can see through your blouse,” he snapped with arrogance.
“I’m wearing a hoodie, so no, you can’t,” she informed him.
“I hate you,” he joked, she ended up laughing before opening her bedroom door, to reveal a very drunk Rachel, laying down on her bed.
“He-eeey Tom!” she sat up the moment she heard the door open, her voice sounded particularly dizzy. “Can you…” her talking was dragged. “Can you like… show me your set pictures with Chris Evans… and hic, R… D…J?”
Y/N sighed as she patted him on the back. “All yours, Parker.” Y/N left with a smirk.
Tom blinked watching the woman, whose cleavage was showing a bit more than desired. “Tommy?”
Tom watched the girl puke on a nearby trash can and Tom wrinkled his nose. “Get some sleep, Rachel.” He closed the door before running after Y/N. “Hey, where you heading to?”
Y/N frowned as she watched him. “I am a nerd, so I’m heading to the campus library to read.”
“Huh, but aren’t you hungry? It’s on me.” Tom looked at her as she watched him with hesitation. “Not as a date.”
“Well, what in this world is open at 4 am?” She laughed.“But yeah, haven’t eaten anything since the morning. Whatcha have in mind, Spidey?”
“I know this milkshake place.”
Tom smirked, no he hadn’t scored with a girl that night, but he had gotten something better. The best friend he could ever ask for.
next chapter
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swiftlythebest · 5 years
Au where Nico and Levi were already established in season 14. Maybe Levi is talking about this hot boyfriend he has and nobody believes him but then Nico comes and they're all shocked and Levi is just like i told you so. Nico's just confused lol.
Okay, this one took a bit. I was debating for a while whether I should rewatch Season 14, but I ultimately decided I was too busy to be able to commit to that. Therefore, if this differs from canon (beyond the obvious AU aspect), that’s all on me and my lack of rewatch. I could see myself continuing this because it does feel a little open-ended. I really like the prompt and hope the execution was as fun and fluffy as I wanted it to be. I wrote this in the wake of buying Lover Fest tickets, which was a nerve-wracking mess so I hope this fic is more coherent than I feel at the moment. It’s a bit longer so a lot is under a cut. I hope you enjoy! 
“...But then my boyfriend called so she had to calm down, at least for a bit,” Levi Schmitt took a bite of his sandwich as he finished the story chronicling his mother’s latest freakout. He expected some laughs or maybe a few understanding nods but was instead met with five confused expressions.
“I’m sorry, your what now?” Taryn Helm was the first to snap out of whatever trance the five other interns had fallen under.
“My mother. That was a story about my mother. Duh.” Levi rolled his eyes at Taryn’s question.
“I think she was asking about the boyfriend part.” The interns nodded at Sam Bello’s suggestion.
“Oh, have I not mentioned him? Huh. Yeah, my boyfriend.” Levi shrugged, focusing his attention back on his lunch.
“Is he hot?” Dahlia Qadri smacked Vik Roy’s arm at the question. “Ow! What, you were all wondering too!”
“Who, my boyfriend?”
“No, your fish.” Casey Parker was already getting fed up with this conversation and couldn’t suppress an eye roll at Levi’s expense.
“I think so.” Levi dug his phone out of his pocket and pulled up a photo of a tall Asian man with a chiseled face, swoopy hair, and magnificent muscles. He was smiling fondly at the camera, as though the photographer were his favorite person in the world. 
“Glasses, you can’t just Google ‘hot guy’ and use some image result. We’re not gonna believe that,” Roy scoffed.
“What? No! That’s Nico! That’s my boyfriend, Nico!” Levi turned the phone towards him as though checking he had the right picture.
“That’s the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. You’re telling me he’s not only real but your boyfriend?” Sam raised her eyebrows almost to her hairline as everyone else looked expectantly at Levi.
“I… he… we… we overlapped a bit when I was in college and he was in med school. When the pre-med students would visit the med school, he always sought me out. Wanted to show me whatever stuff he was working on. We became study buddies and then friends and then best friends.” Levi shrugged through the story, trying to downplay it.
“But you slept with Jo!” Taryn exclaimed.
“We got together after that. I was venting to him about the whole ‘Glasses’ thing and how I’d never get a job here. We stayed up all night on the phone, me freaking out and him listening. He flew out the next day and showed up on my doorstep. I guess he sort of proclaimed his love for me? He said he’d loved me since we first met and hearing me so upset on the phone made him realize he needed to step up and give me something good. I don’t know.” Levi fiddled with his fingers, looking down after baring his soul.
When he looked up, the other interns were all just staring at him. Roy broke the silence with a big laugh.
“Yeah, okay. Here’s a tip, if you want us to believe you, don’t make it seem like he was the one chasing you. It just makes no sense.”
Levi looked hurt and confused, “But… that’s what happened!”
“Okay, prove it. Call him,” Roy smirked.
“I can’t. He just got off a 48-hour shift and I like to let him sleep.” 
“Hm, convenient.” While Roy was still enjoying the teasing, the other interns started to look uncomfortable and guilty. Thankfully, Jo walked in just then to give out their assignments.
“Are you too hot for me?” Levi asked as soon as Nico answered his FaceTime.
“Well hello to you too, love.” Nico smiled, used to his boyfriend’s bluntness.
“Yeah, yeah, hey, what’s up? But are you too hot for me?”
“What does that even mean?”
“Like, you’re hot. That’s a known fact. But are you too hot for me? Are we horribly mismatched?” Levi fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt, suddenly more self-conscious than he usually was when speaking to Nico.
“You’ve literally been the object of my fantasies for years now, so I’d say you’re pretty hot.” Levi choked at this comment, eliciting a deep laugh from Nico.
“I’m serious though.” Levi’s voice was small, smaller than Nico had ever heard it. 
“What brought this on?” Nico did away with his teasing tone.
“I mentioned you to the other interns. They didn’t believe that you were my boyfriend after I showed them your picture. They said it made no sense and there’s no way you were the one pining for me all these years. They thought I got a picture off of Google.” Levi gave a sad smile and a soft sigh.
Nico furrowed his brow in annoyance and confusion, “They didn’t believe you?”
“No. Why would they? It is definitely illogical.”
“I love it when you talk Vulcan to me.” Levi gave him a put-upon look, “What does it matter? You know how I feel about you, right? You know you’re my guy.”
“I know. I know! It shouldn’t matter. But I never even thought about our mismatched looks until today.”
“Look, I know you’re way hotter than I am but please don’t rub it in.” Levi gave a watery, surprised laugh, “I’m serious! Screw what other people think. I’m blown away by you. Floored. Overwhelmed. Okay?”
Levi sighed, “Okay. Okay, yeah. I’m sorry for spiraling, love. How was your day?”
“You never have to apologize to me for something like this. Never, okay?” Levi nodded, causing Nico to smile wide. “But my day was good! I’m starting to look at fellowships and my old mentor may have a lead for me.” 
Levi and Nico spoke for another two hours, only stopping when Levi almost began snoring, promising to pick it back up the next night. Even though there was still a nagging in the back of Levi’s mind, he fell asleep with a smile on his face.
A few weeks, and many failed attempts to prove his relationship, later found the Grey + Sloan interns huddled together by a nurses’ station, waiting for their assignments.
“Levi!” All six interns’ heads whipped around at the excited shout, eyes landing on a suited man rushing in their direction.
“Nico! Wh- you’re here! What are you doing here?!” The man swept Levi up into a hug, picking him up slightly, a dazzling smile taking over his handsome face.
“I wanted to surprise you! I had an interview here for my fellowship and I took a few days off so I could see you.” They gazed at each other, matching smiles on their faces, too caught up in their moment to pay any mind to the gaping interns next to them.
“Wait, you’re that guy! The one Glasses keeps trying to convince us is his boyfriend!” Sam Bello snapped her fingers as the pieces slid into place, the other interns nodding next to her at the realization.
Nico turned his head, giving the other five people his attention, arms still around Levi, “I am his boyfriend. Hi, Nico Kim. Current resident at the Mayo Clinic, but I’m hoping to get a fellowship here.”
Levi smacked his chest, drawing Nico’s attention back towards him, “Why didn’t you tell me?! I thought San Francisco was your first choice!”
“Nah, you’re here. Plus, my mentor may be getting an attending job here so I’d work with him. I wanted to surprise you, love.”
“So this is real? This is a real thing?” Helm had a small smile on her face. Having spent more time with Levi over the last few weeks, she’d grown quite fond of the clumsy man and liked seeing him so happy.
“It’s so real. The realest.” Nico grinned at Helm.
“Wow, okay. Sorry to have doubted you, Schmitt.” Casey patted Levi’s shoulder as Sam and Dahlia nodded in agreement, wide-eyed.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I stand by my disbelief.” Roy stood with his arms crossed as everyone rolled their eyes at his stubbornness, ignoring him in favor of getting to know Nico.
The interns (minus Roy) and Nico chatted for a few more minutes, Nico’s arm slung casually around Levi’s waist. Levi beamed as his coworkers got along so well with his boyfriend, glad they finally believed him. Not that he needed any sort of validation from them because he knew the man next to him loved him no matter what, which was all that really mattered. 
I’m (hopefully) back on my bullshit, so send in prompts, if you want!
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deejadabbles · 4 years
Crime and Consequence (Atem x Reader) Chapter 1
One: The Affects
One //// Two //// Three //// Four //// [Five coming soon]
Summary: Years have passed since Atem's crimes came to light. Years have passed, but in some cases the wounds of that time were still fresh. Despite that, however, you've done your best to rebuild your life for you...and for your son. So, when Atem's crimes come back to hurt you and your boy, how will you survive and protect what little you have left?
Years have passed since Atem last saw you. Years have passed, and he had never been able to meet his son. Despite that, Atem carried on with his life, as limited and meaningless as it was, locked away for his crimes. So, when a threat is made against the only ones he still holds dear, how will he defend the love of his life and his boy?
(Modern, season 0 inspired AU. Contains some disturbing themes, depictions of violence, cursing/vulgar language, and sexual content.)
A.N. So just a warning to those familiar with my other reader insert work, this is a lot darker than anything I've written before. Honestly, I'm not sure where this darker series came from, but it was a story in me that needed to be told. This is also a much darker version of Atem that I don't tend to write, but don't worry, he isn't Yandere or anything like that towards the reader. If you're worried about content you're uncomfortable with being present in this fic but are still interested in reading it, feel free to drop me a message asking if said content will be in the story and I will be happy to tell you/give you a warning!
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The clock on the wall was too loud as it ticked for every second that passed. Your hands were tight on your lap as you waited for those across from you to look up and finally say what they wanted to- damn it, couldn’t they have read on their little papers before you came in? Why were they stalling?
Finally, the one in the middle, the headmistress of the school, looked up and curled her lips into a smile. It wasn’t a pleasant smile, it was the practiced, stale kind that was meant to smooth over something offensive or controversial.
“Is there something wrong with his application?” you cut in, before the woman could start pussyfooting around.
The headmistress faltered for a moment, “...Not exactly. But... We did find something of concern in the background check.”
That made your skin prickle with an anxious air. But of course, you should have expected this. It had been a long while since his actions crept up from the past to haunt you; you should have known that peace wouldn’t last long. You had just hoped the school board would find it in their hearts to not blame your son for the sins of his father.
“You must understand how concerned we are, about Yugi’s….questionable parentage.” That was said by the stern-looking woman on the headmistress’ right.
You had to take a deep breath to keep your tone even and free of any bitter retort, lashing out would do no good here. You still made your tone very firm and clear, however. “Yugi has never shown any violent tendencies, if that’s what you’re concerned about. He isn’t his father.” The two women exchanged a look but before they could say anything you continued. “His tuition was set up by his great grandfather five years ago, surely those ties have to count for something. Surely you’re not going to punish a child for something his father did, a father he’s never even met.”
You needed to stop, you were sounding too hostile, too accusatory- but damn it you were sick of your sweet little Yugi for paying for things that happened before he was even born!
The last of this stuck-up yuppy trio sighed and leaned forward in his chair to address you. “Let me put this bluntly, ma'am, your ex-fiance is a notorious serial killer. We will not tolerate such a bloody past tarnishing our school’s reputation.”
“And how well will your school handle the bad press of being sued for discrimination?” you snapped, knuckles turning white against the black of your dress pants.
The blunt man actually had the gall to smirk at you. “Save your breath in making empty threats. You’re a nurse who’s up to her neck in debt, who had to rely on her murderous ex’s relatives to even afford tuition to this school in the first place. You would only hurt yourself and your son if you tried to take legal action.”
“Enough,” the headmistress said, giving her colleague a side-eye, before returning their gaze to you. “Please understand the hard position we’re in, we simply-”
“I understand perfectly,” you hissed and rose from your seat with as much dignity as you could muster. “I expect the money we’ve already given for his tuition to be paid back in full.”
And with that you stormed out, taking a bit of petulant gratification in slamming the stained glass door shut in your wake. After taking a step away so they couldn’t see you through the colored glass, you made yourself take a deep breath to calm your shaken nerves. You wanted to scream, to throw something, to punch a wall, to-
The low hesitant voice calling out to you made your lids snap open, and when you met eyes with the center of your world, the boiling emotions started to calm. He was sitting on the waiting bench along the wall, his legs, which were short even for a five-year-old, were hovering above the polished marble floor. His eyes were full of worry, their lavender depts specked in crimson asking a silent question.
“Hey, sweetie,” you said, forcing any anger away from your tone, never wanting him to think it was directed at him, even for a second. “Mommy’s just a little upset, that’s all.” You held your hand out and he instantly jumped down, sneakers squeaking along the polished floor as he ran to you. When he bypassed your hand and instead wrapped his arms around your waist in a tight hug, your heart melted.
“Can we go home now, mommy? I don’t like it when people make you upset,” he said, still holding you tight.
His concern nearly made you break right there. How could a boy as sweet as this be dealt such an awful hand in life? When you didn’t reply instantly, Yugi looked up at you but didn’t dare let you go. He looked so much like his father, with his angular face, sharp eyes, and hair that stuck up anyway it pleased in a multitude of colors. But thankfully, he had the kind and gentle nature of his uncle, his namesake. You had been right to name him after your sweet, caring Yugi, even if it did add another unnecessary thread leading back to his father.
“How about we grab some ice cream before we go home, hm?” you said eventually, and your son’s face lit up with excitement. The look was so familiar somehow, uniquely his in a way, but so similar to his father’s in another.
“Don’t tease me like that, kitten,” the love of your life said, his eye’s flashing with that special brand of excitement he always had when challenged. He set his cards down on the table, never letting his eyes leave yours, that cocky smirk playing on his lips. He had a pair of aces, which beat your kings by a fraction. “You know how I get when you tease me.”
You let out a huff of laughter, playfully tossing your cards at him across the coffee table. “Yeah yeah, I know. Thought for sure I had you beat that time, roll up your sleeves I wanna make sure you don’t have spare aces up there!”
He raised a brow at you, that smirk still firm on his face. “Calling me a cheater now, are you? I’m offended.” He got to his feet then and walked the few steps it took to get behind you. “But, I’ll forgive you if you let me claim my prize now,” he mumbled before kissing your cheek.
You giggled as his fingers ever so lightly tickled your sides and he only held you tighter as you squirmed in his grip. “Atem stop you’re tickling me!”
In response he only hummed and smooched your cheek again, fingers ghosting over your ribs to prolong your giggles. “Never,” he whispered, chuckling a bit himself now, “not until I get my kiss, kitten.”
When you finally obliged and turned to give him his prize, he hummed in delight, a hand moving from your side to cup your cheek. It was light and chaste, simple but holding all his adoration for you in the contact.
“I love you.”
You snapped out of the memory when you felt a tiny hand grab yours and start pulling you down the hallway. Yugi still looked delighted, saying that ice cream always put a smile on your face as well as his; and despite the fresh ache in your chest, you managed a small giggle at his innocence.
Days like this were far from easy, but your little boy made every second worth fighting for.
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“You’ve gotta be kidding,” Jonouchi scoffed, crossing his arms and letting a curse fall from under his breath as he looked back at you.
He already looked tired after his ten-hour shift, still dressed in his uniform, badge and all. You hadn’t wanted to burden him with your news, but when he saw the frustration radiating off of you the moment he stepped in the door, you couldn’t hide it.
You shook your head, “ ‘Fraid not. They made it very clear we weren’t welcomed at that school.” You let out a tired sigh as you took the dinner dishes to the sink to let them soak. “Sugoroku gave that money because he was worried how public school would be for Yugi. We thought that maybe a private school would be better, that it would- I don’t know, shield him somehow?” You waved your hands helplessly for a moment, before dumping the plates in the sink with a clatter. Running a hand over your face with a sigh, you finally turned back to your old friend, hating how lost you must look. “I’m just scared that his classmates will find out and they’ll shun him for it. I don’t want that for him, hell I’ll find a way to homeschool him before I let that happen.”
“Hey,” Jonouchi’s tone was gentle as he stepped forward and put a hand on your shoulder, “if you ask me, it wouldn’t have mattered if he went to a public school or that fancy ass private school, kids can be assholes no matter what class they’re in. He’s a good kid, like our Yugi was, and if he’s anything like his uncle, then he’ll find some great friends who won’t care about stupid rumors or anything.” He tilted his head to make sure you were looking fully in his eyes. “He’s gonna be okay. It may not be easy for him, but he’s got a great mom who’ll help him get through any shit life throws at him.”
You gave him a thankful half-smile, “He has some other great adults in his life too, you know.”
Jonouchi smirked and leaned back, “Yeah, I know.”
You chuckled as he walked back over to the now empty bags on the kitchen counter, his whole reason for originally being there this late. “Thanks again for dropping those by,” you said, “he keeps begging me to find more old Nintendo games for him to play.”
“No problem, haven’t owned an original console in forever, plus you know we like spoiling him,” he cast a glance at the shut door leading to Yugi’s room, and you saw a thought playing behind your friend’s eyes. You could tell he wanted to breach a certain topic, but didn’t seem to know how- or maybe if he even should. “...You know you’re gonna have to tell him, right?” Jonouchi said eventually. “If you’re really that worried about kids at his school making a big deal out of it, you’re gonna have to tell him soon.”
You let out a defeated breath and answered in a low tone so your words wouldn’t carry. “I know. I just...I wanted to wait a little longer. I’ve spent five years agonizing over the day that he starts asking more questions about his father and how and what I should tell him. How do I tell him his father was a monster who murdered over thirty people?”
Monster, was that the right word? Some would say yes, that anyone who took a life outside of war or self-defence was a monster. Still, others would say no, that the people he killed were monsters themselves and deserved to be punished, to be wiped from the world like the scum they were. And what did you think? Five years since the truth about the man you loved was revealed, and you still couldn't answer that question.
“How much have you told him already? Surely he’s asked about Atem,” Jonouchi asked, voice as quiet as yours.
“A few years ago he asked where his daddy was, and I just told him that his dad wasn’t with us anymore. Nice and vague.” You very deliberately omitted the other time Yugi asked something about his father, considering the question had been ‘did you and daddy love each other’. That was still a raw memory. “I think he’ll start asking questions when he hangs around other kids more. They’ll ask questions and he’ll come home and ask me, you know?”
Jonouchi let out a sigh and nodded in understanding. He looked like he wanted to say something else, but when a bit of silence passed you decided to spare him.
“You should get going, Jou, you had a long shift at the precinct. I know Mai’s waiting for you and I don’t want to keep you too long.”
The blonde flashed you a smile and straightened a bit. “Well, first I gotta keep my title as favorite Uncle and tuck the little guy into bed!”
You chuckled as he started towards Yugi’s door, “Good luck, you giving him the first two Zelda games is sure to keep him up half the night.”
“In that case, I’ll just take a hug, remind him who gave him the games and leave the half nighter to you!”
“Gee, thanks,” you scoffed.
As you moved to finish the dishes, your attention was drawn by a gentle call of your name. When you looked up you saw Jonouchi standing with his hand on the bedroom door’s knob, looking back at you with an almost serious expression.
“You know if you two need anything, you got us, right?”
The smile you gave him was soft and genuine. Many had shunned you after everything came to light, but your true friends, the few who truly mattered, stuck by you through it all.
“I know.”
Flashing a smile of his own he, finally turned and entered Yugi’s room, and your smile widened when you heard your son instantly start babbling and thanking Jou for the ‘awesome old games’ he had given him.
With those two occupied, you went back to your chore, first removing the few choice pieces of jewelry you wore lest they get wet. Perhaps it had been the day’s hardships, having all those only wounds reopened, but your eyes lingered on one piece of jewelry you wore most often. It was a simple silver band on your left ring finger, a simple fake, worn to ward off the flirtatious doctors at work who wanted to swoop in and pretend to fix all your problems. Some knew it was only fake and tried anyway, but you refused to wear the real engagement ring that once decorated your finger.
The door clicked shut and you looked up from your textbook, immediately smiling when your eyes landed on a very excited looking Atem. He set his backpack aside and waved a velvet box with a bright smile on his face.
“I finally got it back!”
You almost squealed in delight as you jumped up from the dining room table and ran to him. He caught you in his arms and held you tight, only lingering in the embrace for a moment before pulling back just enough to show you the ring box.
“Can’t believe it took them three weeks to resize it,” you said with a disbelieving breath, one that turned into an adoring sigh when he opened the lid.
It wasn’t an expensive thing, a silver band holding a stone of your favorite color surrounded by teeny tiny diamonds on either side. When he had proposed he told you that he didn’t want a diamond to be the centerpiece, that diamonds were too cold and commonplace for you. That he wanted a stone as warm and bright as you were, with the more standard gems to surround it- ‘bowing to its beauty’ as he had so poetically put it.
You reached to take the ring from the box, but he pulled it back, “No, let me, just like when you said yes,” he whispered and took the ring in his own hand. He held the ring at your waiting fingertip, and said, voice still low and intimate- desperate, almost, “I never want this to come off again. I want everyone to know the most amazing woman in Domino chose me.”
Then he slipped the ring on your finger and it felt like the act brightened your whole future together, like everything was going to be okay.
Atem took your hand in his and pressed his lips to your fingers, to the ring. "Mine, forever," he whispered, then put his hand over yours so his own ring was on full display, "just as I'm forever yours."
You copied his act of affection, kissing his hand and humming contently. "I can't wait to be your wife."
"Say it again," his tone was even deeper, now, husky as he leaned forward to ghost his lips over yours.
"I can't wait to be your wife-"
The last word was barely out before he pressed his lips to yours. Your knees felt weak as he moaned into the kiss, as if your lips intoxicated him. Then he moved to gently but firmly press you against the wall, pinning you with his body as his lips moved to trail down your neck.
You let out a breathy laugh that turned into a quiet moan, "I should be studying for my finals…" It sounded weak and unconvinced even to your own ears.
"You can study after I’m done making love to you," his voice was almost a growl as he slipped his hands under your shirt, but he paused just short of gliding his fingers over your breasts, "Do you want me to stop?"
Oh, he knew how to play you; lips pressed against your ears, already sinfully sexy voice as low and alluring as he could manage, hands teasing and ready to work their magic.
"No, please don't stop," you whispered and he chucked.
"As you wish, my love."
A bitter taste was climbing up your throat and you had to swallow it down before it turned into tears. Too late. You sniffled and ran the heel of your hand across your eyes to wipe away the few tears that were gathering on your lashes. Another deep breath, another forceful attempt to shove the painful memories back where they belonged; in a dark lockbox at the back of your mind. Instead, you focused on the sound of your boy giggling with Jonouchi in the other room. Despite everything, you had tried to provide a good life for him, and as happy as he was, it seemed to be working so far.
Best not to dwell on the past.
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sparklydreamies · 4 years
Best Shot ~Ch 3
Group: Stray Kids
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 7900+
Summary: Han Jisung, certified quiet boy, has never really understood the hype about love and romance. That is until he has to step out of his comfort zone and onto the basketball court to impress that one person he can’t stop thinking about.
Main themes: highschool!AU, basketball!AU, internalized homophobia, friends-to-lovers
a/n: So much for this fic just being skz, I’m now making it skz featuring the whole JYP family lmao,, I’m so happy about this chapter, the story is finally kicking off ;) Y’all can expect a lot of internalized homophobia because who doesn’t experience that... anyways, thank you guys for taking the time to read this, I’m sorry it took so long, but I am very proud of this chapter!! :))
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Jisung often found it a little bit difficult to fall asleep, but for some reason, it was getting harder and harder. Countless nights that he should have spent in deep sleep were spent scrolling through Twitter and Youtube, simply because it was so hard for Jisung to find a way to shut his brain off. He didn’t know why he found his brain racing during the nighttime. He tried giving up the coffee that he normally drinks in the morning, but all that did was make him doze off during class. 
Not being able to fall asleep every single night causes a certain type of hopeless frustration in someone. Jisung felt himself getting more and more irritated with every passing day of not sleeping nearly enough for a teenage boy. 
Jisung had dozed off during his classes multiple times within the week that he couldn’t fall asleep. He often would find his eyelids getting heavier during important lectures and lessons. He couldn’t help it. 
Jisung’s class was given biology work to complete on their own one day, however Jisung found himself blacking out for seconds at a time. He kept telling himself in his head to wake up, slap yourself, open your eyes, do your work, but it was to no avail. He just kept drifting, and drifting, and drifting...
“Jisung?” Jisung snapped his head upright to the sound of his teacher, Mr. Kim’s voice. “Is everything alright?”
Jisung rubbed his eyes a little bit before straightening himself up in his chair. “Yeah, of course it is,” he said, picking up his pencil, “why?”
“Well,” Mr Kim started, “I’ve been noticing that you’ve been sort of... distant these past few days, I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” 
Jisung nodded his head, “yeah I’m okay, I’ve just been having a bit of trouble sleeping is all,” 
Mr. Kim nodded his head. Jisung figured he understood that since he teaches all sorts of students in higher grades and levels. Jisung thought that almost none of them have good sleeping schedules. 
“Jisung, why don’t you take the rest of the class period to just lay down in the nurse’s office?” Mr. Kim suggested, and judging by the fact that the man was completely blurry to him, Jisung figured it was a half decent idea. That was one of the things Jisung loved about Mr. Kim. One could tell that he really cared about the students that sat in his classroom. Not like most teachers that would just scold Jisung for not sleeping when he should.
So, that is how he ended up on his way down to the school nurse’s office, dragging himself down the slightly dingy and empty hallways of his school. 
The nurse, Mrs. Lee was a nice lady. Jisung had only seen her once before, and that was when he fainted after doing suicides in gym class during his freshman year. 
Mrs. Lee was kind enough to let Jisung rest for a minute on the cot that was in the side room of her office. It was lumpy and uncomfortable, but since Jisung was practically turning into a nocturnal animal, he found it was like sleeping on a cloud. 
Jisung dozed off to the sound of Mrs. Lee scratching something down on her notepad and making quiet phone calls. 
He was woken up about half an hour later by the bell, indicating that it was lunch hour. He had half a mind to stay there and sleep some more since he was so comfortable, but he knew that Felix and Seungmin would be waiting for him. So, with heavy limbs, Jisung rose from the bed, thanked Mrs. Kim, and made his way into the crowded hallways towards his locker. 
“Jisung!” Jisung heard his name being shouted from behind him, and when he turned around, he was greeted with the bright, smiling face of Hwang Hyunjin. Jisung waited for Hyunjin to catch up to him before he continued walking to his locker. “Hey, what’s going on?” 
Jisung shrugged and chuckled a bit at him. “Nothing really, how about you?” 
“Same,” Hyunjin said. The two boys turned down the hallway where Jisung’s locker was. “You look rough today,” he said.
Jisung scoffed at him, “I look rough everyday,” he countered, giving a small giggle.
Hyunjin shoved Jisung a little bit, “you’re not supposed to agree with me,” they arrived at Jisung’s locker, and he began typing in the code to unlock it.
“Hyunjin, you look rough everyday, I just wanted to fit in with you,” Jisung mocked.
“That’s better,” the boys laughed at each other’s childish ways. Jisung thought about how it seemed like they never even had a falling out. “By the way Jisung,” Hyunjin continued, “my mom was really happy when I told her we started talking again,”
Jisung cooed at him, “you talk about me to your mom? That’s so cute,” he teased. 
“Hey, just be glad I didn’t tell her why we started talking again,” he warned. Jisung put his hands up in a surrendering gesture. Jisung really didn’t want the other boy’s mother to know that he had to get driven home from a party, blackout drunk. “Anyways, I wanted to talk to you because she wanted me to invite you guys over for dinner tonight. Are you free?” Hyunjin asked. 
“I mean my dad’s working, but yeah I think we’re free,” Jisung answered. Hyunjin gave him a smile. Jisung had missed Hyunjin’s smile. 
“Great!” he said, clapping his hands together, “I’ll see you guys at eight?” Jisung nodded his head. 
Just then, Jisung heard somebody calling Hyunjin’s name. Jisung looked over to see it was Bang Chan and Seo Changbin. They were both wearing the same red varsity jackets that Hyunjin was also wearing. 
“Hyunjin, you coming?” they called, and Hyunjin yelled a yes back to them. 
“Do you want to come get some lunch with us?” Hyunjin offered, pointing over to where his friends were standing. 
Jisung shook his head, “nah, Felix and Seungmin are probably wondering where I am,” Hyunjin nodded in understanding, “thanks though, maybe another time,” 
“Sure,” Hyunjin agreed, walking backwards towards his friends, “see you tonight!” 
Jisung gave him a little wave of his own. Not only were Felix and Seungmin waiting for him, but Jisung also was hesitant to go because he felt very awkward around most of the basketball team. To him, it was like social class distance. Of course he didn’t feel weird with Hyunjin or Minho now, but the thought of being an outcast in a social situation with boys like Chan, Changbin, Jeongin or any of the other members of the team made him feel nauseous. 
Jisung made his way to the table in the cafeteria where he, Felix and Seungmin always sat. He could see from a distance that the two boys were already there, and obviously in deep conversation. 
When Jisung got into earshot, he heard Seungmin say “Bullshit, Felix,”
“Dude no, I’m being serious!” Felix argued, leaning so far over the table that his chest was close to touching the questionably clean surface. 
“What’s happening?” Jisung asked as he sat down next to Seungmin. 
“Felix apparently got a date with Kim Dahyun,” Seungmin said, shrugging. “I’m calling bullshit,”
“It’s not bullshit!” Felix groaned, “okay so Jisung, picture this,” Felix started, “we’re in first period, right? History. Teacher pairs kids up for a critical thinking activity, and who am I paired with? Oh yeah, Kim Dahyun,” Felix said, emphasizing her name and staring intensely at Seungmin who is trying hard to keep a straight face. 
“So we’re working hard, right? And close to the end of class I tell her that I know this really nice ice cream parlor that’s run by my cousin, and I ask her if she wanted to go with me sometime, and she actually fucking says yes,” he finishes, hitting Seungmin in the side of the arm.
“Felix, Dahyun is a pretty, smart, funny girl, why the hell would she want to go out with you?” Seungmin argued, breaking into a smile closer to the end of the sentence. 
“Because I’m fucking whimsical, that’s why.” Felix answered. 
“If there’s anything I know, it’s that Felix is whimsical as hell,” Jisung agreed. Felix slammed his hand down on the table. 
“See?” he asked Seungmin. 
“Alright fine,” Seungmin gave up, “I guess I just don’t like the fact that Felix got an actual human girl to go out with him before I did, and he didn’t even have to use force,” Jisung laughed at him. Seungmin let out a yelp, “Felix stop goddamn kicking me!” he groaned, lowering himself to rub at his shin. 
“Anyways, Dahyun also told me something very interesting,” Felix said, wiggling his eyebrows at Jisung. 
Jisung waited a beat of awkward eyebrow dancing before asking “what is it, Felix?”
“She told me that her friend, Im Nayeon, got a little bit friendly with one of my good friends, Han Jisung,” he teased. Jisung felt himself blush at the comment. “Oh my god, you’re all red! How come you didn’t tell us?” Felix whined.
Seungmin turned himself a full ninety degrees and faced Jisung. “What the hell, you made out with Im Nayeon? I had a class with her last year!” he said, hitting Jisung in the chest. 
Jisung felt flustered at all of the commotion about this. He never even thought about telling them he kissed Nayeon, he was more focused on the whole situation with Minho and Hyunjin. 
“I didn’t know it was that big of a deal,” Jisung said, trying to shield himself away from Seungmin’s fists. 
“Not that big of a deal?” Felix accused. 
Jisung found it so confusing that Felix and Seungmin were this worked up about it. Jisung hadn’t even thought about the kiss since it happened. Maybe he was just too distracted to let it sink in that he made out with a girl. 
“I’m so disappointed in you,” Seungmin laughed at him. Jisung rolled his eyes. 
The bell to end lunch rang throughout the school, and the boys began to pack their things up. 
“We are not done talking about this,” Felix warned, wagging a small finger at Jisung. 
Jisung sighed. He knew they weren’t.
That night, Jisung told his family about what happened with Hyunjin and how they were invited for dinner. Jisung’s mom was very happy that Jisung made up with Hyunjin. She said she was happy that he was being more social, but Jisung knew she was just happy to have a charming and handsome boy like Hyunjin back in her life to fawn over. 
Chaeryeong on the other hand stared at Jisung dumbfounded for a second before racing up the stairs to get herself ready. 
“You know that it’s just casual, right?” Jisung yelled after her. 
She answered back a quick “doesn’t matter!” before closing her door on him. 
Jisung decided to shower and get changed before going over to Hyunjin’s place. He wanted to make a good impression on Hyunjin’s family again, since they haven’t really had a conversation together since Jisung and Hyunjin were freshmen. 
When 8:00 came, Jisung called out to his family members that it was time to leave. The walk over to Hyunjin’s house was filled with Jisung’s mom talking about how nice it would be to see Hyunjin again, and how she’d seen him around the town and he looked even more handsome than she remembered. Chaeryeong was agreeing with everything his mother said, especially with the part about Hyunjin being handsome. 
Hyunjin’s parents were just as welcoming as Jisung remembered them to be. Jisung had always thought of the Hwangs as his second family, and once he arrived, he felt the same level of comfort that he had always experienced when he was a kid. 
Before dinner, Hyunjin led Jisung and Chaeryeong into the living room while their parents talked and drank wine in the kitchen. Much like with Hyunjin’s car, Jisung could easily tell the Hwang family’s wealth from the way they decorate their house. The living room was spacious, with a large TV and a very modern design. Jisung enjoyed being over at the Hwangs. 
“So Chaeryeong, how’s your first year of high school?” Hyunjin asked once they got settled, and Chaeryeong gave him a massive smile. 
“Oh, it’s great,” she said, “I’m really happy that you two made up, I missed coming over here,” Chaeryeong said, and Hyunjin rubbed his neck awkwardly, looking at Jisung.
“Actually Chaeryeong, it’s not that we had a fight or anything, we technically didn’t make up...” Hyunjin trailed off, looking to Jisung for help explaining the situation. 
“Yeah, it was more like we just sort of drifted apart,” Jisung supplied. Chaeryeong nodded her head in understanding. 
“Do you guys want to go outside?” Hyunjin offered, changing the subject, “it’s boring in here,” 
Jisung and Chaeryeong agreed to going outside. The house was stuffy and warm, and it was such a nice night out anyways. 
When they got out into the backyard, Chaeryeong ran over to where she saw Hyunjin’s basketball and basketball hoop. She excitedly picked up the ball. “Hyunjin, you’re so good at basketball,” she complimented. Jisung rolled his eyes at her. “Can you teach me to shoot?” she asked, and Hyunjin smiled and agreed. 
She threw him the ball and he dribbled it on the cement of his backyard three times before raising it, bending his knees and shooting the ball straight into the hoop. Chaeryeong clapped for him. 
“You see, it’s all about balance and aim,” he said, chasing after the ball to show Chaeryeong. “Try this,” he said, and gave her the ball. He explained to her how she should stand, and how she should hold the ball. 
Jisung thought it looked like a scene out of a drama. If he was right, this would be the moment they would lock eyes and fall in love. However, in real life, the boy would let go of her hands and let her try and shoot, which Hyunjin did.
Chaeryeong released the ball, and it flew through the air, hitting the backboard of the net. It bounced back down to the ground and over to where Hyunjin was standing.
“That was really good!” He praised, “you have good aim, you just need to work on your form. There’s a certain technique that you learn over time that helps the ball get into the net instead of just hitting the backboard”.
Chaeryoung agreed with him, and tried again, this time hitting the rim of the net. She was closer this time, but still unsuccessful. 
“Jisung, why don’t you try?” Hyunjin offered, passing the ball to Jisung. 
Jisung took the ball, but was sort of hesitant to try. Jisung was not necessarily a sporty kid, and he knew he would look stupid if he didn’t even hit the backboard. 
“Come on, try it,” Hyunjin coaxed, and Jisung finally agreed to try. “You heard what I told Chaeryeong, right?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Jisung answered, and Hyunjin told him how to stand properly. 
“Now for your hands,” Hyunjin moved Jisung’s hands so that one was supporting behind and one was supporting the side of the ball. “Perfect, that looks really good, Jisung” 
Hyunjin backed away from Jisung enough to give the boy room to shoot the ball. Jisung concentrated on watching the net, bent his knees, and jumped while releasing the ball like he saw Hyunjin do earlier. 
The ball floated through the air, hit the side of the rim, and bounced into the net. 
“You got it!” Hyunjin praised, patting Jisung in the back with the stupidest grin on his face. Jisung was also smiling. He may not be good at sports usually, but it was nice to feel like he was sometimes. 
“How the hell did Jisung do better than me?” Chaeryeong teased, jogging to go grab the ball from where it fell. 
“Hey you shoot like that, you might as well join the team,” Hyunjin joked, shaking Jisung’s shoulders. 
“Kids, dinner’s on the table!” Jisung heard Hyunjin’s mother yell from the window. Hyunjin yelled back a confirmation, and they began to head inside.
“You know Jisung,” Hyunjin started, “I’m not actually joking about you joining the team,”
Jisung choked on air. “You think that I could join the basketball team?” Jisung laughed at him. “Did you hit your head?”.
How on earth could Jisung play basketball? That shot was obviously beginners luck, he had no actual skill, he barely knew how to play the game.
“I’m serious! Dowoon is out for the rest of the season because he broke his leg, so there’s an open spot,” Hyunjin explained.
“Jesus, a guy from your team is out because he’s injured, and you think that would make me want to join?” Jisung said, disbelievingly. 
“It was an unrelated injury,” Jisung rolled his eyes, “I’m not kidding, it’s too late to have tryouts, and we need numbers to win the championship this year,” 
“Hyunjin, you realize I don’t know anything about basketball?” Jisung leaned against the side of the house and crossed his arms over his chest. “Besides, why do you want me instead of somebody else at school that might actually know how to dribble a ball properly?”
Hyunjin sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Look, you don’t have to, but I want to be able to spend more time with you now that we’re friends again,” he said, “I can help you- sort of train you if you want, and I already know Minho’s going to like having you on the team,”
Jisung thought about it. For some reason, Jisung wanted to be closer to Minho. He wanted to be Minho’s friend. He also agreed with Hyunjin; he wanted to do more things together. Basketball didn’t seem like that difficult of a sport, you just had to get the ball into the net, how hard could it be? 
“Plus,” Hyunjin continued after a beat, “you don’t even really have to play that much, we really just need another body on our bench,”
Jisung couldn’t believe he was considering playing basketball. He saw the way Hyunjin’s eyes lit up when he was talking about the two of them on the team together. Jisung could see that he was happy. 
“Oh damnit,” Jisung sighed at Hyunjin, “I’ll consider it,” 
“Really?” Hyunjin asked. Jisung saw that his eyes were sparkly and bright. Jisung thought it almost gave Hyunjin an innocent glow. The positivity radiating off of Hyunjin made Jisung smile. 
“Yeah,” he admitted, “Now let’s go eat, I’m hungry,”
That night was the first time in a week that Jisung was able to sleep for more than two hours. 
Jisung didn’t know what changed, or why he suddenly was able to shut his brain off, but he was thankful he could. He figured that with Hyunjin trying to get him to join the basketball team it would be harder to sleep, but if anything, that night was the deepest he’s slept in weeks. Maybe it was the fact that Jisung’s brain wanted to fuck him up all week, only to give him the proper rest that he needs on the Friday night, when he knows he won’t be doing anything important on the Saturday.
Jisung knew what Felix and Seungmin would say if he asked them. They would want him to join the team. Not for the thrill of playing basketball, but for the popularity and the girls. All of them knew that the boys on the basketball team could get whatever girl they wanted, but Jisung didn’t want that sort of power. 
He knew what Chaeryeong would say. She would want him to join the team so that she could be known as the girl who’s brother is on the varsity boys basketball team.
He also knew that his mother would be against it. She knows what those basketball boys do. She still vividly remembers her son coming home at three in the morning, blackout drunk. She wouldn’t want that type of lifestyle to determine her son’s future. 
Oddly enough, the fact that his mom would want him not to is what makes Jisung want to join the team the most.
And of course, he knew what joining the team would mean to Hyunjin. Quite frankly, Jisung was touched that Hyunjin would want to spend more time with him so much that he would take it upon himself to teach Jisung how to play an entire sport. Not only just to teach him, but to make him good enough that their team has a chance at winning the championship again, even if he only played a few times all season.
Jisung knew how much this championship meant to Minho, thanks to their conversation the week prior. Jisung smiled while he thought back to that day. He liked the feeling of talking to Minho. He was kind, and he was sweet, and Jisung could tell that he wasn’t the same person that people believed through their little stereotypes. 
It sounded really weird and strange to Jisung, but all he wanted to do was to get closer to Minho. 
Jisung knew that there was no harm in at least trying to fit in with the team. Right?
Jisung was torn. On one hand, he didn’t know a single thing about basketball, and he was so afraid to make a fool out of himself and the team if he joined. But on the other hand, he wanted the opportunity to spend more time with Hyunjin and Minho. It was a dilemma. 
The last thing Jisung wanted was to take his focus away from studying. Jisung had always lived by the idea that nothing was more important than school. He had wanted to do a lot of things over the years, but he had never really had the motivation to try. He didn’t want to go through his life without experiencing things, because he was deathly afraid of waking up in ten years to realize that his life had no value. Maybe basketball could help with that. 
Jisung had always been told that the friendships, experiences and memories that were essential to a teenage life could be created by putting yourself out there, taking risks, getting involved and trying new things, but he had never bothered. Maybe he was always just satisfied with his friendships with Felix and Seungmin that he didn’t feel the need to try new things. 
Jisung thought about why he was so hung up on it. Part of him wondered if it was because he was worried that he was missing out on the amazing teenage life that he had always expected growing up. Thinking about it, most of the cheesy high school movies he used to watch glorified the athletes and social butterflies, and called the people that don’t have a lot of friends and don’t belong to clubs the “social outcasts”. 
Minho was a social butterfly. He had girls lined up down the block for him. He never went a weekend without doing something fun. Even though he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why, Jisung wanted to be his friend. He wanted to make Minho laugh. Minho was such a desirable friend. 
Jisung thought that Minho was mysterious. Like there were layers to him that nobody could understand. The image that Jisung got about Minho a few weeks ago was so different from the image he got after the party, and then again after they had that conversation after school. Jisung wanted to tear down those fake images he gets about Minho. He wanted Minho to trust him. 
Jisung snapped out of those thoughts. He still had a dilemma. Should he join the basketball team? 
Life is full of risks and opportunities that you sometimes just have to take. 
Jisung sent Hyunjin a text. 
Me: If the offer is still up, I think I’d like to join the team
Me: THAT IS, if you’ll be willing to coach me :))
Of course, Hyunjin was ecstatic that Jisung agreed to join the team. The boys agreed to meet up every Tuesday and Saturday, which staggered nicely with the team’s official practices. 
When Jisung told Felix and Seungmin during lunch on the following Monday, they were Hyunjin’s ecstatic times one thousand. 
“You joined the basketball team?” Felix shouted in the middle of the cafeteria, causing a number of heads to turn in confusion. Jisung hid his face in his hands. 
“Yes,” was his small response, “but I’m not really going to be playing that much, so don’t get too excited,” 
Felix scoffed at him. He was grinning from ear to ear, beaming with the new found possibilities of what having a friend on the basketball team could be. “I don’t care if you play one game all season, you are going to be on the basketball team!”
Seungmin pinched Jisung in the arm. “Maybe once you get that nice ass varsity jacket, you can properly ask out Nayeon,” he teased, wiggling his eyebrows flirtatiously at Jisung. 
The latter choked on his lunch, “why do you assume I want to ask out Nayeon?” he asked.
Felix gave Jisung a look that was basically asking if he was the dumbest person ever, “because you sucked her face and last time I checked, you don’t have a girlfriend,” 
“That’s because I don’t want a girlfriend,” Jisung countered.
“That’s because you can’t get a girlfriend,” Seungmin teased, laughing and giving Felix a high five. Jisung just rolled his eyes. 
If there’s anything Jisung knew, it was that he could get a date solely based off his looks. He has always been asked out and adored by girls at their school, but no matter how much they tried to get his attention, it wouldn’t make him want a girlfriend any more than he already does. 
“Speaking of girlfriends,” Felix said, “I have my date with Dahyun on Friday,” 
Seungmin laughed as he ate. “Don’t screw it up,” he warned. 
As Felix was cursing out Seungmin, Jisung thought about how happy it makes him that somebody is appreciating Felix. 
The bell rang some time after that, and the boys left to get to class. 
Jisung spent the entire rest of the day worrying about what was to come after school. Hyunjin told him that he should come by and join the team for their practice after school, where Minho will hopefully agree to let Jisung join the team. 
Jisung was terrified, to say the least. He didn’t have any time to learn the basics with Hyunjin, he only knew general rules from elementary school gym classes. Now he’s kicking himself for not taking those pointless classes seriously.
When the bell rang after last period, Jisung felt a spike of anxiety. Thankfully, he had his last period class with Hyunjin, which meant he didn’t have to make his way to the gym change rooms himself. 
“Are you ready?” Hyunjin asked, packing up the last of his notes and shoving them messily into his school bag. 
Jisung was anything but ready. “Yeah,” he answered, feigning confidence. Hyunjin gave him a wide smile, and led him out the door. 
“Nervous?” Hyunjin asked over the sound of the crowded halls. 
“A little bit,” Jisung answered. Jisung grabbed onto Hyunjin’s backpack, trying to stay close to him while they walked through the school’s main hallway. It didn’t help that the walls were lined with lockers, all with students opening and loitering by them. 
“Don’t be,” Hyunjin said, once they turned down the gym hallway. “Remember one thing,” he commented as they walked down the less populated hallway, “these boys won’t bite. They aren’t here to try and push you down, I’ve talked you up really nicely, and I think they are all looking forward to you joining the team,” 
Jisung smiled at him. One of his biggest fears was that these boys would think he was a joke. Hyunjin had a nice way of making him feel calmer. Safer.
“Plus, Minho’s the only one who can make the final decision about whether or not you join, and he’s very non-judgmental,” Hyunjin added on as they arrived at a heavy door marked Changing Room 3.
Hyunjin swung open the door without a second thought, and Jisung followed him in, feeling the wave of anxiety freeze his blood and sink his stomach. 
The wooden bench along the walls of the change room were littered with boys that Jisung had seen around school often. They were all talking while stripping off their school uniforms, and replacing them with the usual basketball uniform. Jisung was surprised to find that nobody even batted an eye at the sight of a strange, skinny, new kid invading their changing space. 
Hyunjin nonchalantly took a seat in the back corner, beckoning for Jisung to follow him. Jisung took the cue, and dodged around the backpacks left on the floor to get to Hyunjin. 
"So we just,” Jisung paused, glancing quickly around the room of teenage boys, “get dressed here? In front of everyone?” he asked quietly, trying to avoid the attention of the unfamiliar boys. 
Hyunjin gave him a chuckle. “Yeah, unless you want to change in the hallway,” he answered. 
The thought of getting changed in front of these boys made Jisung blush. He took Hyunjin’s lead, and slowly tried to wiggle all of his clothes off, so he could change into the set of workout clothes he brought from home. 
“So, what do you think we’ll have to do today?”  Jisung asked Hyunjin. 
Hyunjin took a second to pull his shirt off of his head before answering “Minho is the one who runs the practices. He knows that you are coming though, so I told him not to make it too complicated today,” 
Jisung sighed in relief as he finished getting dressed by tying his running shoes. “You know Hyunjin, I am not even interested in playing that much, I really just want to be... a benchwarmer,” Jisung said. 
Hyunjin gave a little bit of a laugh. “I told him to make it simple for today, but after you begin your training with coach Hwang, I told him you’ll be improving and ready to play in no time,” 
Jisung was shocked at the other boy. “You told him what? Hyunjin, I told you that I didn’t want to really play, I just want to be a spare,”
“And you won’t really play! At least not until you develop the skills,”
Jisung was about to argue back when suddenly, the door to the changeroom swung open, and Jisung saw Lee Minho calling the team into the gym. 
“We’ll talk later,” Hyunjin promised, standing up to leave with the rest of the boys. 
Jisung hurried to catch up with him, “I thought we agreed I won’t be playing a lot! Hyunjin don’t undermine me,” he warned, following a giggling Hyunjin through the double doors and into the gym. 
All of the other boys began doing various warm-ups, stretching their muscles, and setting up the stands of basketballs. Jisung felt very out of place with them, but that was nothing unexpected. He suddenly got the thought that he didn’t belong there. He didn’t even know how to warm himself up.
He turned towards Hyunjin for reassurance, who just smiled and led him to one side of the court, where Chan and Changbin were talking amongst themselves. 
“Hey guys,” Hyunjin called, walking over to the two other boys. Hyunjin looked like he was calm and collected, whereas Jisung felt like his whole body was on fire. 
“I see you brought Dowoon’s replacement with you,” Bang Chan said, nodding at Jisung and smiling. Jisung calmed down slightly and felt the tension inside him ease when he realized Chan was joking around with him. 
Jisung gave a small, awkward wave and mumbled a small greeting. 
The four of them began talking a little bit about Jisung, filling him in on what usually happens during these practices. From what Jisung gathers, practices usually consist of a cardio warm up, a few drills, some positioning plays practice, and then finally some muscle training and a cool down. It didn’t seem too hard, except for the fact that Jisung wasn’t good at cardio, he didn’t have the majority of the skills required for the drills, he didn’t understand basketball plays and he didn’t have very much muscle. 
Nevertheless, Jisung made a vow to himself that he would do his best and try hard this practice. People always talk about how you can do anything that you work hard for, so why can’t Jisung play basketball? 
Jisung was snapped out of the conversation by a sharp whistle. He turned his head to see Lee Minho standing in the middle of the face-off circle, calling for the team to gather around him. 
Jisung and Hyunjin made their way towards the center. It was then that Jisung made eye contact with Minho, who gave him an encouraging smile. Jisung smiled back. He was happy that Minho didn’t seem like a harsh and mean leader. 
“Okay guys,” Minho called, grabbing the attention of the team, “we all know the unfortunate incident that happened with Dowoon, and though we will miss him for the remainder of the season, it still must go on,” he started, and Jisung heard some of the boys begin to whoop when Minho said that. “That means we have an open spot on this team, and since we already held try-outs this year, Hyunjin took the opportunity to invite a friend to help us. Everybody, this is Han Jisung,” Minho said, gesturing towards Jisung. 
One or two of the boys whooped for Jisung after that, which made him a little bit shy. Hyunjin bumped Jisung lightly on the shoulder. Minho gave Jisung a welcoming smile, which made Jisung’s heart flutter, for some reason. 
Practice started with running laps as a warm up, and then they moved onto skill developmental drills. Jisung fumbled the ball a few times, made some off shots, but overall he was genuinely not that bad. 
Throughout practice, Jisung got small words of encouragement from Hyunjin and Minho, as well as thumbs up from other members of the team, particularly Youngjae. Choi Youngjae was widely known to be a very nice and sweet kid, so it didn’t surprise Jisung. 
“Hey Jisung,” Minho called to him once practice finished. The rest of the boys all made their way back to the change room. 
Jisung walked over to Minho, feeling extra gross and sweaty. His hair felt like it was plastered to his forehead, and even though his body temperature is boiling, the sweat on his body gives him chills. 
“Welcome to the team,” Minho said, smiling as he extended his hand out for Jisung to shake. Jisung was very happy, and excitedly took Minho’s hand and shook it. 
Jisung never even processed how much the idea of being on the team grew on him until he heard those words coming from his new captain's mouth. 
“Are you serious?” Jisung beamed. Minho gave him a pat on the shoulder as he gave him a confirming head nod. 
“But, you’ll still have to work hard if you want playing time this year,” Minho told him, leading Jisung towards the change rooms. 
“Of course,” Jisung agreed. 
“I think this is going to be a great season, Jisung,” Minho predicted, “I’m glad you took the jump and joined the team, I know Hyunjin said you were hesitant...” he trailed off.
Jisung noticed the way that Minho’s eyes gleamed, and the sweat made his skin sparkle. It wasn’t the first time that Jisung marveled at the boy’s handsomeness, but it feels like it. Jisung could never get over how smooth and pretty Minho’s skin was, or how it looked like Minho’s dark eyes reflected the rich warmth of the sun. Jisung thought he felt warm. 
It was then that it hit Jisung. His mind was flicking from one thought to the next, and before he knew it, he was thinking about how soft Minho’s lips looked. 
He snapped out of that thought, and saw Minho give a confused look. Jisung must have jumped a little bit at the shocking thoughts about his friend. 
“Jisung, are you okay?” Minho asked, placing a comforting hand on Jisung’s bare arm. Jisung felt his skin burn where Minho touched it, and his arm muscles tensed up. 
“Yeah,” he assured as they got to the change room door, “just the chills,” he excused, pushing open the heavy door and making his way to where Hyunjin was. 
Hyunjin raised his eyebrows in expectation, and Jisung realized he was asking what Minho said. Jisung smiled at him and nodded his head. 
“Yes!” Hyunjin celebrated. Jisung really appreciated how happy Hyunjin was that they will be playing basketball together. 
Jisung tried to engage himself in conversation with Hyunjin about everybody's positions and the team’s plays they used in the games, but Jisung was still hung up on the thought of Minho. 
That night, Jisung had a tough time shutting his brain off. All he could think about was why he reacted so harshly when he thought about Minho’s lips. It was nothing that out of the ordinary, he was just thinking about Minho’s face. He thought about Minho’s eyes, his nose, his skin, his hair, his laugh, everything, but for some reason, he felt guilty while thinking about his lips. 
Jisung figured that thinking about another guy’s lips seemed wrong. It just seemed weird. Usually, when a guy thinks about lips, they usually think about wanting to kiss those lips. And, those lips usually belong to a girl. 
Jisung tested out a theory. He thought about Nayeon, the girl he kissed at the party. He remembered her starry eyes, smooth and pale skin, and her lips that were soft and pink, pressed against his. He remembered how it felt, and what she tasted like, and even the pressure of her body flush against his in the dark hallway, but he still felt nothing. He might as well have been thinking about his school work. 
Then, Jisung cautiously thought about Minho’s lips. He thought the same thing that he thought earlier that day. They are some of the softest and prettiest lips Jisung has seen on any boy. Immediately, he felt his cheeks heat up in a blush. He felt dizzy as he thought about Minho. He imagined how smooth his skin must be. He imagined touching it. Suddenly, without his permission, Jisung’s mind trailed to what Minho’s lips would feel like when he kissed him, and he shot up in bed. 
He didn’t know what type of emotion he was feeling, but it felt like adrenaline, guilt, excitement, and fear all wrapped up in one. He was panting hard, trying to catch his breath. Suddenly, Jisung understood what people meant in all of those love songs and romance movies he used to watch. He feels a spark; he feels dizzy; he feels drunk. 
And it is terrifying.
Jisung snapped back to reality. He was having thoughts about kissing another boy. Not a girl, but a boy. Was he gay? He couldn’t be gay. He didn’t know why, but he just knew that he wasn’t gay. 
Jisung was confused and scared at this revelation. How could he face Minho again? Minho had been so kind and welcoming to him, and Jisung repays him by imagining gross scenarios filled with subconscious, perverted thoughts. 
There has to be someone he can go to for help. Someone that can help him figure out his feelings, because he can’t deal with them on his own. Jisung could never talk to Felix or Seungmin because he was too worried that they’d think he was weird, or gross, or something like that. Obviously he couldn’t tell Minho or Hyunjin. Chaeryeong would end his entire life if she found out her brother was having homosexual thoughts. His mother would disown him if he was anything other than straight. 
Then it hit him. Myoui Mina was a girl in his grade, and she was openly bisexual. Jisung had never really thought to talk to her or try and get close to her, not because he didn’t think that it was okay for her to like girls, but just because he was never really interested in making more friends. 
Jisung had a few classes with her over the years, and from what he could tell, she was a very kind person. Jisung also knows that after she came out freshman year, she suffered all kinds of bullying. Jisung had heard about the horror stories about her locker getting the D slur written on it in permanent marker, and the rumors that she hooked up with a thirteen year old girl. Of course Jisung never believed it, but people can be outright vicious when they want to be. 
Jisung assumed that if anyone would be trustworthy and possibly helpful to him, it would be Myoui Mina. 
So, he made up his mind to talk to her the next day, and ask her for advice. What did he have to lose?
When the bell rang for lunch, Jisung immediately doubted his plan to ask Mina for advice. He felt himself begin to shake as he saw her across the hall from where he was, talking to a girl he doesn’t know. 
Jisung thought about the night before, how gross it felt having those thoughts about Minho, which gave him the confidence he needed to catch up to Mina. 
When Jisung got to where she was walking, she bid her friend goodbye as she stopped and opened a locker, Jisung figures it probably belongs to her. Mina’s friend kept walking down the hall, which Jisung was thankful for. 
Now or never. 
“Uhm.. Hi Mina,” he greeted, leaning against the locker beside her in an attempt to look less awkward and panicked. 
She was a little bit startled from the sudden guy beside her, but her gaze softened when she saw it was Jisung. 
“Han Jisung? What’s going on?” she asked, grabbing her bag out of her locker and leaving her school books inside.
Jisung took a breath. He was scared to tell anybody about his situation, which he thought would be understandable. He doesn’t think that coming to terms with something like this would be easy for anybody. 
“Uhm..” he starts. Suddenly, he begins to shake slightly again, finding it hard to breathe.
“Are you okay?” She asks, closing her locker and giving him a concerned look. 
“Can we talk... in private?” he asked, and she gave him a confused nod. The two of them began to walk in silence, Mina leading him outside to the bleachers on the side of the running track. Nobody ever sat there, so Jisung saw that it was a perfect spot for this conversation. 
“Not gonna lie, you’re kind of freaking me out,” Mina says, sitting down on the metal bench. Jisung joins her and stares intently at the track in front of them. He likes sitting here because he didn’t have to look at her in the eyes while he told her his biggest secret. “I know we don’t really know each other, but something’s obviously wrong,” she said. 
“Mina...” he started. The air outside was cool, which was hardly unusual for early-mid October. There was a breeze that supplied Jisung with more oxygen. He took a deep inhale of the refreshing air, and bit his lip. “When did you realize... you liked girls?” he asked in a small voice. 
Mina smiled in understanding. Jisung sat in the question for a second, waiting for her to answer. He began to feel anxious, worried that she thought he was weird for asking. He was about to backtrack and find a way to leave when-
“I was thirteen, and I watched Harry Potter,” she answered. Jisung felt a massive weight lift off of his shoulders as he listened to her response. “It was Hermione, really. I don’t know why, but I had such a big crush on her. I didn’t even realize that it was a romantic thing until I was fourteen,” she let out a small, airy laugh. “everyone has their crushes...” 
Jisung smiled and nodded. 
“I assume that’s not the only think you wanted to talk to be about though, is it?” she said, resting her arm on his shoulder, “it’s okay, I won’t judge you,” 
Jisung almost felt himself tear up. He didn’t realize it would be this hard to come to terms with himself, but here he was. “I...” he started, and then stopped. 
“Jisung, do you think you might be interested in boys?” she asked cautiously, moving her hand to his back and rubbing consoling circles over the uniform. 
Jisung couldn’t find it in him to give her a verbal answer, so he just nodded his head. Mina gave him a smile, which he didn’t see since he was so focused on the track. 
“What makes you think that?” she asked, using a calming voice. Jisung felt safe with her. He almost felt like she was giving him motherly love, and it was intoxicating. 
He took a deep breath, and willed himself to explain it. “So...” he began, “I have this friend, I’m not going to say his name, and... I don’t know, I really wanted to be his friend, and he’s always so nice to me,” he mustered up the courage to look Mina in her eyes. He saw the genuine look she had on her face, and it made him feel less scared. “Anyways, I had.. a weird thought about him yesterday,” 
“What kind of a weird thought?” she asked. Jisung felt a whole new wave of nervousness engulf him when he realized he was about to tell her that he thought about kissing another boy, and he liked the idea. 
“It was..” he trailed off, but brought himself back, “His lips.. and I wanted to kiss them,” he finished. He hung his head in shame, hoping to hide his embarrassed cheeks from her. He felt his heart pound throughout his whole body, sounding like thunder in his ears. 
“I see,” Mina whispered. Jisung waited for her response, but there was none. 
“I just.. I don’t know, am I gay?” he asked her, turning to fully face her finally. 
Mina gave him an apologetic smile. “I can’t answer that for you, Jisung,” she moved both of her hands to grab both of his, “but I can tell you that whatever you are, it’s okay,” she confirmed, “liking boys is not a bad thing, okay?” she told him. 
Jisung felt his emotions get stronger again. He realized that what he really wanted was validation. He craved somebody to tell him his feelings for Minho weren’t disgusting. He needed that to help him become at peace with it. And he got it, in the form of Myoui Mina. 
The two of them exchanged numbers so that they could talk, and Jisung could keep her updated on what happens with him. 
When Jisung was walking back to his locker, he saw Minho, Jeongin and Sungjin all walking down the hall. As much as Jisung tried not to focus on the boy in the middle, his gaze automatically landed on Minho. 
He was wearing the red varsity jacket, his hair was slightly messy, but it looked attractive on him. Jisung met his eyes, and Minho gave him a wink and a smile as he walked. Jisung felt himself freeze in place when he noticed Minho’s lips curled into the most radiant smile Jisung had ever had the privilage of seeing. He felt his breath catch in his throat as Minho turned back to the other two boys, walking right past Jisung. 
He has absolutely no idea the damage he is doing. 
20 notes · View notes
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Do you also laugh a little when you read a badboy!Jungkook fanfic and want some more realistic? Because we all know how humble and kind Jungkook really is, so I'm here to help you! (This is a list parted in two because of the links limit hih)
Jungkook = badboy 
Jungkook = an actually nice and lovely guy ❤️  
⌜(m) = smut, mature
 (f) = fluff, cute shit
 (a) = angst, sad stuff or action
 ✓ = finished
 ** = a favorite    
oneshot = story with only 1 part
series = story with more than 1 part    ⌟
sorted by word count, this is over 90 fics and yes, I know I have no life but I don’t see any problem with that lol
(By the way if you’re wondering why some of the summaries suck it’s because I wrote them due to that some authors don’t write synopses lol)
last updated: 27 May
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AND BY THE WAY thank you so much all the writers here for taking your time to write these amazing fics and publish them for our enjoyment! I’m so grateful to be able to read and love them and don’t let anyone tell you different because you all are REALLY good at writing, like damn. Thanks again and have a great Jungkook reading 💙❤️💜 💙💜💚💞💞💞💛💚🖤💜💛💙💜💙💜💚
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Animal (m) (a) ✓
[115.9k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 
“As a nursing student you struggled financially but when your best friend suggests a way for you to make some illegal money you can’t say no and that’s when you meet him; Jungkook, an underground fighter who you can’t stand but seems to stay on your mind nevertheless.”
THE WRITER > @cutaepatootie
For science (m) (f) (a) ✓ **
[95.9k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 
"Jungkook asks you to let him watch you get off. For science."
THE WRITER > @boymeetsweevil
Falling into you (m) (a) (f) ~ ongoing**
[94.2k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 
"Jungkook’s innocence is like a breath of fresh air in your wild life, and though you know you’re toxic for him, you just can’t seem to stay away."
THE WRITER > @kookingtae​
Charmolypi (f) (a) (m) ✓
[69.3k words] series pt.0 pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9
“Work and pleasure should never be combined — or so the saying goes. But you were never really one to follow the rules in their entirety and neither were the ones around you. Love, lust, interest. Five people. In the workplace. What could go wrong? Everyone just wants to get something, after all.”
THE WRITER > @njssi
The Turning Test (f) (m) (a)~ongoing**
[67.3k words] series masterlist
“’The Turing Test, developed by Alan Turing in 1950, is a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human.’ Jungkook fiddled with your hands in his, humming softly, as if deep in thought. You noted the way his eyebrows had furrowed, the sweet way his lips formed a pout, and wondered what could possibly be troubling him so much. What had he learned today? ‘Creator,’ he began, dragging his gaze up to meet your own, ‘you gave me a mind that thinks, hands that feel, and a heart that beats, but did you give me a soul?’“
THE WRITER > @fortunexkookie 
Bandslam (a) (m) (f) ✓
[59.6k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
“Cocky drummer Jeon Jungkook has never been the type to hate on anyone. But when his best friend Taehyung unexpectedly leaves the band and leaves you in his place, he can’t really blame himself when he acts with disdain towards you. Not even when there’s a prize at stake.“
THE WRITER > @ironicarmy​
Ego (f) (m) ~ ongoing **
[59.4k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6
“What’s a girl to do when her sweet, innocent baby lab partner isn’t quite so sweet and innocent? well, he’s a grown-ass man, and you’re about to learn that the hard way.”
THE WRITER > @suga-kookiemonster
Givenchy & gold (m) ✓
[59k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 
“You’re the supervisor of the clothing department with a lot of useless lingerie knowledge, Jungkook is the jewelry department’s defiant hot boy who flirts in wristwatch brands. basically an upscale retail au, but with lots of implied under-the-counter sex. and when an opportunity presents itself to fuck each other in the boss’s office after hours, you’re both too hot for each other to say no.”
THE WRITER > @prolixitae 
Wanted (f) (a) (m)  ✓**
[56k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 
“ You were a deserter, a renegade, a wanted “criminal”. It was never in your plans to crash land on that planet, and it most certainly wasn’t in your plans to fall in love with it’s handsome ruler.”
THE WRITER > @jincherie
One thing right (a) (f) (m) ✓**
[55k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9
“‘i’ve been wrong about a million times, but i’ve got one thing right.’
or, desperate to get your ailing mother into the best care possible, you ask your childhood friend turned enemy to marry you for his health insurance benefits. the only problem is it’s illegal. and he’s the sheriff. and you swore to hate him since the day he broke your best friend’s heart.”
THE WRITER > @hobios
(Y)our name (a) (f) (m) ~ ongoing**
[54k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5
“It's always been the two of you since you were little. People came and went in your lives and Jungkook didn't mind until you turn into grown-ups and he starts to mind a bit too much.“
THE WRITER > @jjkpls
True care (m) (f) (a) ~ ongoing **
[53.8k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7
“Your (endearingly) shy bodyguard- hired by your father- would do anything for you. Even though you roll your eyes at his persistence and pretend there’s no need for him to follow you to every and any place you go, there might be many more hazards in your life than you let on. And you might end up needing him in more ways than you- or your father- would ever think.”
THE WRITER > @joonsgalaxy
Moonlight melody (f) (a) ✓
[51k words] series pt.1 pt.2 
“When your loving best friend playfully pranks you one too many times, you decide that revenge is best served hot, over a period of thirty days, and with a little extra help from the best violinist you know (sorry jimin). or, the one where during your month-long vacation in italy with your youth orchestra, you realize that vengeance is sweet but fake dating jungkook is sweeter.”
THE WRITER > @gukyi
Falling Skies (a) (f) (m)✓ **
[50k words] series masterlist
Jeon Jiyeon was your childhood best friend; her brother, Jungkook, was something else entirely. Once upon a time, she had called you her sun and him her moon; it was fitting, given the constant push-and-pull between you two. You used to consider him a friend, but then he had gone from endearingly frustrating dumb boy to card-carrying fuckboy so fast it had given you whiplash. You often wondered how Jiyeon wasn’t bothered by his behavior. In fact, she often seemed to encourage it. What you failed to see was that she was just trying to show you how he reflected your light. Jiyeon had realized he was in love with you even before he did, but of course she knew. It was a twin thing. So despite the fighting and teasing, you always found yourself drawn back to him. You knew he was one of two constants in your life: the Jeon twins were - and had always been - your one indisputable truth. You were the sun, Jungkook was the moon, and Jiyeon was the sky holding you both up When she died, it ripped a black hole right through you.”
THE WRITER > @fortunexkookie
Bitchin’ (f) (m) (a) ✓
[49.5k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10
“The 80s were a time of choices. Which perm was right for you? What color neon would you wear next? None of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jeon Jungkook.”
THE WRITER > @kinktae
Paralian (f) (a) (m) ✓**
[48.3k words] series pt.1 pt.2 
“Far away, under the sea exists the merfolk Kingdom of Venetus. Y/N is a warrior princess, sworn to protect the nation she loves. Each night she and her unit are tasked with patrolling the ocean, until one night they come across an unmarked ship. The ship carries a dangerous secret which tears Y/N’s ideals apart. In the midst of escaping said danger, Y/N is forced to rely upon a Prince. The Prince of Pirates, whose fate and Y/N’s seem inexplicably entwined. Whether their meeting will end in joy or heartbreak remains to be seen. (A -very- loose retelling of The Little Mermaid).”
THE WRITER > @kpopfanfictrash
Tantalizing (m) (a) ✓
[47.9k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8
“Back in high school, you were nothing more than a nerd Jungkook wanted to deflower, to get a good fuck from. When he sees you at the club, though, things have changed drastically, and his dominance starts to teeter on the edge.”
THE WRITER > @littlemisskookie
Equilibrium; Polyamory (m) (a)  ~ ongoing **
[47.7k words] series pt.0 pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10 pt.11 pt.12 pt.13 pt.14 
“Polyamorous relationships are not as glamorous as they appear in the movies. Granted, the sex is better- tangled limbs and wet kisses on every inch of skin imaginable, but not even the sex is worth the mind-numbing jealousy, the utter despair. Because equilateral triangles do not exist in real life. There is no sense of order in human affections. No balance, no equilibrium. You are in love with Jimin, who loves Jungkook. And Jungkook loves… Has he ever loved anyone but himself? On the outside, you smile widely and pretend that you’re perfectly content with this arrangement. But your façade crumbles, bit by bit, every time Jimin goes to Jungkook instead of you. You’re not sure how much more you can take.”
THE WRITER > @tayegi
Worth fighting for (f) (a) ~ongoing**
[43.7k words] series masterlist
“Fresh out of the perils of war, Jungkook didn't think that his task as the newly appointed general would be to look after you.”
THE WRITER > @joonsdiary​
The Monogamy Monologues (f) (m) (f) ✓
[42.7k words] oneshot here 
“ The year? Some point after college. The occasion? Namjoon is getting married and the Rich Man’s Crochet Club has convened once again. Somewhere between the drinks and the laughter, everyone has the same realization: Jungkook has never been in a serious relationship. In the name of all that is holy (Overwatch and booze), the club’s mission is revived. Now though, their goal is much more perilous. Now, they aim to find Jeon Jungkook a girlfriend.”
THE WRITER > @kpopfanfictrash 
The devil’s change up (m) (f) ✓ **
[41.3k words] oneshot here 
“Majoring in athletic training means you have mandatory observation hours to perform with every single sports team at your school throughout the year, and so far it’s been going pretty great. However, when regrets from your past cause your rotation with the baseball team to become a little rocky, there’s one star pitcher who says that he can make it all better.”
THE WRITER > @jungblue
Frost Impressions (f) (m) (a)  ✓ **
[41.3k words] oneshot here
“Jeongguk is so disgustingly smitten with his new coworker that he ends up making a terrible first impression, and neither of them realize they’ve actually been in love with each other for the better part of a decade. “
THE WRITER > @fortunexkookie
And action (f) (m) ✓ **
[41k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 
“Jungkook likes to film illegal stunts around the globe for his dedicated audience. because of you, his right-hand navigator, he gets to travel to beautiful places he’s only ever seen in textbooks. but in the wake of a mishap involving poisonous shrubbery, now’s a perfect time for him to confess his undying love for more than just videography. or, ‘I know you’re my best friend but I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day we met’ au.”
THE WRITER > @prolixitae
Baby, my baby (m) (f) (a) ✓
[39.6k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10
"Raise my child, just for twelve months."
THE WRITER > @pjimims
A well-oiled machine (f) (a) (m) ✓ **
[38.2k words] series pt.1 pt.2
"Your life takes a bit of a turn when you stumble upon an android in pieces, hidden in an alleyway in an area known for its shadows and debauchery. Taking him home to fix him might have been the best decision you’d ever made, but perhaps there was a little more to the android JK01-97 than you’d initially thought."
THE WRITER > @jincherie
The lionheart’s oath (f) (m) (a) ✓ **
[36.7k words] oneshot here
“There was no happy ending, no dragon slayer to save the kingdom and get the princess — there was only him: Jungkook. A simple orphan that was lucky enough to be invited into the castle, a former homeless thief that had found shelter in the form of an elysian heir. Now, after twelve years by your side, he was about to lose you to the world you sought to explore.”
THE WRITER > @sugaxjpg
Employee Perks (m) (a) (f)~ongoing
[34.6k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
“Sure, the employee perks at your job were bonuses, life insurance, sick leave, health benefits etc. etc., but the best employee perk of all was working with a man known as Jeon Jungkook.”
THE WRITER > @chiminiemoans
In Bloom/Lake of Fire (m) (a) (f) ✓
[33k words] pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
“One of the consequences of being a werewolf was the yearly heat that took place for three whole days, Jungkook had warned you not to come near him under that period of time for your own safety but your never-ending worry for him made you disobey his request.”
THE WRITER > @tayegi
New toy (m) (f) (a) ✓
[32.8k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
“Your new neighbor turns out to be the perfect toy for you.“
THE WRITER > @btsjeonjazz
Ramen (m) ~ongoing 
[32.8k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 
“‘It has certainly been quite the party,’ you began, taking a stroll around the table to give his friends time to ogle you. ‘But I'm here for someone else on his special day.’ The end of the riding crop snapped suggestively against your open palm and you felt excitement bloom around the large table. “Now, let me see if I can find out which of you is the birthday boy..." 
The charade of finding your fare was one of the oldest tricks in the book. After years of sex work, you knew that as soon as you said, ‘let me see,’ the eyes of the bystanders would point you in the right direction. And sure enough, as you pretended to identify your prey, the men’s line of sight fell on the far corner of the table. The choice of the corner was quite surprising, as you expected the shy wallflower of the group to sit there, not someone who was supposed to be the center of attention.”
THE WRITER > @dark-muse-iris
Gravity (a) (f) ✓
[29.2k words] oneshot here
“The universe works in mysterious ways.“
THE WRITER > @donewithjeon
Not quite strangers (f) (m) (a) ✓ **
[29k words] series pt.1 pt.2 
“There are two things that you very much hate in this world; first being woken up in the evening, second being woken up in the morning – and Jeon Jeongguk, the stranger a.k.a the guy who lives across your shitty apartment does just that, every single fucking time.”
THE WRITER > @seokwaves
Rigor Mortis (a) (f) (m) ✓ **
[28.5k words] oneshot here 
“A night out at a bar results in you going home with a young and attractive police officer. But if you think the night was something to remember, that’s nothing compared to waking up to find a zombie outbreak in the city. A chance encounter with Officer Jeon leads to him helping you escape from the plague infested city.”
THE WRITER > @readyplayerhobi
Something in the water (m) (f) ✓
[25.8k words] oneshot here
“Sleeping in is a foreign concept to Kim Taehyung and his awkward, mismatched gang of pals. This is made all the more apparent when they rock up at ____’s doorstep at the ass crack of dawn, as if it is a natural time for any college student to be awake. But when she is informed that it was the youngest of their group who insisted she join them on their spontaneous camping trip, she is suddenly not as reluctant to play along than when she was first awakened by her enigma of a best friend, slamming his fist against her front door.” 
THE WRITER > @vankoya
Roommates (m) ✓ **
[25.8k words] series pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 
“Letting your best friend’s baby brother live with you didn’t seem like a problem until well... you discovered how hot he had become.”
THE WRITER > @tayegi
Snow and Ice (m) (f) (a) ✓
[24.8k words] series pt.1 pt.2 
“ Three thousand athletes from 92 countries from the world meet every four years to show off what they have, the pride of their countries and families weighing down their perfectly sculpted shoulders. This year’s winter Olympics holds something a lot more interesting.”
THE WRITER > @hayjeon
Ace (m) (f) (a) ✓ **
[24k] oneshot here 
“Jungkook only cares about three things: Baseball, painting and his team, but soon he’s adding you to that list when love comes flying at him fast and hard, knocking him right on his ass.”
THE WRITER > @hijoonie
New romantics (f) (a) ✓**
[24k words] oneshot here
“Jeon Jungkook will go down in history as one of the best Quidditch players that ever graced the Hogwarts scene. It seems like he always gets what he wants—his life is very predictable in that sense. What he cannot predict, however, is the newest weekend employee wiping down the tables at the Three Broomsticks.”
THE WRITER > @cupofteaguk
Save Me (m) (a) ✓
[24k words] series pt.1 pt.2
“Jungkook’s a vampire who has an interest in you and you have feelings for him, but he sleeps around with other human girls as well and when you start to get tired of it you cut off communication with him and avoid him so he tries to get you back through sweet gestures and staying with you instead of going around.”
THE WRITER > @baeseoul
Catharsis. (m) (f) ✓
[23.5k words] oneshot here
“No matter what kind of release you need, he’s there.”
THE WRITER > @junghelioseok
Swipe right (f) (a) (m) ~ ongoing
[23k words] series pt.1 pt.2 
“Jungkook wasn’t always like this. Or maybe he was and you don’t want to admit that he had you fooled. You quickly discover he has a lot more to offer than exchanging pleasantries and awkward small talk. In fact, he never seems to shut up.For the better part of a year, he’s held your irritation hostage, never passing up an opportunity to deliver savage one-liners at your expense. When he discovers you’re on Tinder, he turns up the brattiness factor and intentionally seeks you out. Who knows? Maybe if you gave him a chance he could charm the pants right off of you. Then again, maybe he’s just a fuckboy.“
THE WRITER > @stutterfly
Hot confusion (m) ~ ongoing
[22.9k words] series (on AO3) here 
“Jungkook thought his body had already matured, turns out he's a late bloomer and goes through puberty hell when he turns 16. And it doesn't end until he's 19, the worse part is that all along the ride he can't stop the constant sexual arousal he gets around his best female friend, Y/N.While he's confused whether it's her just her body that turns him on, or also her personality, he can't help but feel jealous when other boys start to take interest in her. All he knows is that he wishes he'd stop having wet dreams at 4 AM about Y/N, he's running out of excuses to his mom to why he needs to do the laundry.“
THE WRITER > @partyjunkie 
Blue orchids (a) (f) ✓
[22.6k words] series pt.1 pt.2
“Hanahaki & soulmate au.”
THE WRITER > @inktae
If I told you (f) (a) ✓ **
[22k words] oneshot here 
“In order to pay for university, jeon jungkook decides to market his most valuable asset to the wealthy socialites of campus: himself. donning a suit and tie, tousled hair, and glasses (to look smarter), he becomes every rich daughter’s dream: the perfect boyfriend to bring to balls, dinners, and business gatherings. all while you watch from the sidelines, only able to dream of having that much money to buy yourself what you really want: him.”
THE WRITER > @gukyi​
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➔PART 2 
(Disclaimer; if you ever find a badboy!jungkook fic here it means he wasn’t a total asshole in it and I didn’t mind his character lol)
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cyrelia-j · 6 years
[fic] The Power of Three 2/?(Garak/Bashir Parmak)
Thank Britney for this update haha though apologies because it ran long before any real porn starts so next chapter it's on like Donkey Kong...
Trash AU porn still dedicated to @borg-apologist and @eilupt
Part 1 is HERE
Summary: 23 year old virgin Julian Bashir, desperate to get laid, decides to use his mother’s old book of magic to make himself an elixir for virility. What he gets instead are two summoned Cardassians he’s convinced are sex demons. Julian is clueless, Garak is horny, and Parmak is in awe of that “monster cock”. Let the games begin :)
Modern AU but as explained in the fic, aliens are still aliens. Also note the pronouns used for Parmak were sort of made up for the story. The “j” has a hard “h” sound. (Like Jarritos which I have decided Cardassians are weirdly fond of)
Warnings: language, kind of crack, and Parmak is intersex (both prUt and fully penetrable ajan and nipples where Garak has none) barely sexy stuff happening, and made up magic with no relation to real magick
One of the things that Garak loves the most about Parmak is how easy it is for jem to switch direction in jes thinking. Je’s always been fantastically adaptable and it isn’t more than a beat after Garak whispers that tempting little tease to jem that a discreet scenting of the air reveals that arousal starting to come to the forefront. It’s clear the human doesn’t see it, looking at the both of them unsure of how it should be proceeding although Garak is pleased to see that it appears quite eager, its hands hovering around the waistband of its undergarments.
“So... should I... um...?” Garak almost tells it to go ahead, the way that Parmak’s hands have shifted to his arm excited, those neatly trimmed claws started to dig into his scales. Not that it particularly matters but Garak supposes a name is in order and will make things easier in the long run.
“I don’t think there’s any need to get ahead of ourselves. I imagine that we’ll be spending some time together and it would only be polite to exchange names-” Garak sucks in a hiss between his teeth, Parmak’s claws digging harder with impatience, a soft whining chirrup reaching Garak’s ear. That eager for it are you, my dear? It’s a purely rhetorical little speculation. Garak already knows the answer quite clearly. Parmak commits to lovely acts of debauchery such as these with a frightening intensity that sometimes makes Garak worry for jes wellbeing. Today though, it seems infectious, Garak allowing for a moment the flash of an imagined waking dream behind his own eyes. He blanks out visually as the human says that its name is “Julian”, picturing that Julian creature on its knees behind Parmak riding him hard. Garak feels a flutter in his chest and a slight throb from his slit as he does.
“Are you thinking it too, Elim?” Parmak asks him starting to press jes face against the ridges of Garak’s neck.
Absolutely, he is. But Garak also has plans and ideas far beyond that delectable end game. He smiles at the human.
“Julian,” Garak repeats, Parmak repeating it as well committing the name to memory. “My name is Elim Garak, though you may call me Garak- just Garak. This is my dear friend Kelas Parmak.”
“Kelas is fine,” je says though jes accent is heavier. Garak debates briefly whether he should stroke that fire hotter or allow Parmak a moment to collect jemself. “You’re very attractive, Julian. Ah... I think we should get on well...” Garak is amused at how obviously Parmak’s attention is drawn to Julian’s groin. “You are male?” je asks. Julian looks bemused for a moment as if he’s never been asked before.
“Yes, sorry and you and Garak are?...”
“Male,” Garak answers thinking that he might have done well to commit some of the more sordid human encounters to memory that occasionally hit the late night feeds buried amidst other lurid tales because this part is just a bit out of his depth.
“X210 split sterile live breeder,” Parmak answers in Kardasi at first, obviously trying to think of how to even begin translating such a thing in human terms. “Mmm... you would say... Ah... hematite?” Je pauses at Julian’s expression. “No... like... both but more towards male? I’m not quite sure how such a thing translates. Linguistics aren’t my specialty but if I were to attempt a rough translation you’d say “je” or “jem”... like Jarritos if you’ve ever had the pineapple…. Well really it would probably be best just to show you. I hardly trust that I’ve conveyed it properly.”
“Oh yes please,” Julian says without giving it another thought. Guls, are all humans this eager for sexual relations? Though, Garak notices that Parmak is equally ready to go. He only hopes that the human can keep up with his dear doctor’s appetites…
Garak puts his hands over Parmak’s as je lets go of Garak’s arm, jes hands already on the hem of jes shift. It occurs to Garak momentarily that Julian’s dwelling is far more comfortable of a temperature than the other human habitats they’ve had chance to be summoned to. That’s certainly an auspicious sign that this human has similar preferences of warmth.
“Perhaps it would be best,” Garak says taking another assessing look to Julian’s thin frame, “that our host provides us with an idea of what it is that we... demons are going to be servicing. We are your loyal servants in your sexual endeavors, after all,” Garak says laying it on especially thick. Julian’s eyes are bright as they dart between Garak and Parmak.
“Of course! I do usually wear more than this,” Julian explains as he hooks fingers in his waistband and slowly tugs his undergarments down. “Heater’s been on the blink,” Garak half hears him say as he ducks his head self-consciously stepping out of the garment, turning his head and clearing his throat. That leaves the two Cardassians a nice moment to muse about small little hole in his abdomen that doesn’t appear to be a wound. Garak wonders what purpose it serves as he lets his eyes fall down the trail of dark hair leading to a thick patch of it around the human’s prominent piece. He can’t help but marvel at the impracticality of such a long low hanging ch’och. Not that Garak is complaining, after all, he’s perfectly free to enjoy it without having to deal with the encumbrance of having it attached to his own frame.
“Guls,” he hears Parmak breathe next to him, seeing jes hands steal up to adjust jes glasses. “Do you think all of it will even fit?” Garak feels a wide grin spread over his face as he lets his hand slip back to Parmak’s thigh, letting his pinkie slide just a little between that juncture, not quite brushing jes covered slit.
“Are you excited to find out?” He feels a subtle push, Parmak as always, so nice and warm. There’s a soft hiss in the affirmative that reaches his ears almost tempting him to give in to heedless instant gratification as well. Ah, but Garak has better control than that.
“Is this alright then?” Julian asks sounding a touch uncertain. If Parmak’s heightened scent of arousal - and certainly his own - is anything to go by then it’s a silly question to even have to ask but Garak is well aware that humans aren’t able to scent the air in the same manner that they are. A pity but even a human’s poor senses cannot possibly be that oblivious.
“I assure you, Julian it is...” Garak searches for the proper praise. “...a splendid tribute to the human form.” Which actually begs the question, “so perhaps you’ll forgive my inquiry as to why you felt it necessary to divine some elixir to aid you in your sexual conquests.”
“Oh well ah…” Julian appears embarrassed by the question. “I don’t seem to have much luck in that department. Not for lack of trying I just never well…” Garak watches him scratching the back of his neck with a nervous little grin. Do humans have an odd sense of aesthetic? He doesn’t appear diseased, he’s got a long thin fragile looking neck, his entire frame appears rather delicate, slim like the water reeds along the coast of the Morfan Sea. Julian appears to be all long, lanky limbs and Garak would almost fear for being too rough with him, but he recalls hearing that unlike Elaysians, humans tend to be much sturdier than they appear. It would seem in poor manners to inquire further although Garak is already burning with curiosity.
“Mmm, that’s a shame,” Garak hears Parmak saying, stepping out from beside him. “You’re quite attractive, I’d say. Where we’re from ah… in the other place,” je covers a bit poorly. Julian doesn’t notice the odd choice of words, instead stiff like a frightened vole caught out in the light. “Your skin is fascinating too,” Parmak observes softly. “Might I?...”
“Oh yes! Yes, anything you’d like, anywhere I don’t mind!” Julian exclaims, holding his hands up high in the air his elongated body definitely looking like one of those reeds now. Garak notes that he also has those dark patches of hair under his arms wondering what purpose such a pointless covering of fur might serve. Could it be a sensitive area that requires prot-
“Hah!” Julian jumps back, hands over his chest when Parmak strokes that very spot, making Parmak jump as well looking concerned. “Sorry,” Julian rushes out, “it’s just ticklish er… sensitive,” he clarifies at the confused expressions. Ticklish? It’s a word that Garak has never heard before and he makes a mental note to investigate further at some point. Still, he doesn’t allow his focus to divert for long as he watches Parmak’s hands moving over Julian’s chest, finger poking at one of his nipples – curious to see them on a male, though they’re definitely smaller. He can’t imagine what purpose they serve. Do human males also nurse their young? Parmak has them though je’s sterile so it’s a bit of a wasted purpose and as for Garak, well he’s a hatcher, not a live breeder like Parmak.
Garak’s eyes are a greedy study watching as Parmak’s hands rub over Julian’s arms, ghost over his neck, and Garak almost wanted to ask jem to move a bit so he could see Julian’s body better. Still, that leaves Garak free to study Julian’s face – especially when Parmak lightly lets jes fingers brush Julian’s… cock, he thinks is the proper vernacular. The completely unabashed look of pleasure when je does that is quite a sight. Clearly Julian wasn’t lying when he said he’d never done this before. That gives Garak an idea; an absolutely wicked idea. Parmak might not exactly thank him at first considering that je’s practically vibrating as je goes to pull off the top layer of jes outfit saying that “fair is fair” after all. Garak imagines the impish little grin on jes face with Julian staring so blatantly.
“Perhaps, my dear,” Garak suggests as Parmak has it pulled halfway, “you might allow Julian the experience of undressing you seeing as how this is his first time.” The impatient glare that Parmak shoots back as je half turns mouthing “what are you doing Elim?” is amusing.
“I thought that we might endeavor to provide the dear boy with a little instruction, Kelas. You do enjoy teaching, don’t you?” Garak keeps his tone light but surely Parmak must realize how much of a torture he’ll be subjecting himself to. Je hesitates only a moment before returning that grin, a flash of eagerness in jes eyes as je pushes jes glasses up. The things are forever slipping down no matter how many adjustments they make at the shop.
“True… but I should leave that to you for the moment, shouldn’t I, Elim? You do enjoy the sound of yourself orating…”
“I love the sounds you make when you come undone, Kelas.”
“Oh then… by all means… tell him what to do, Elim.”
Julian is sure that he’s looking at the two demons confused while they hiss back and forth at each other. Are they having an argument? It hardly looks like it. If Julian had to guess he’d sooner put his money on some sort of strange mating song the way the air crackles between the two of them. He’s about to ask when Parmak turns back to him with a gesture that looks like it may resemble something of a shrug.
“Elim is right, Julian,” Parmak says holding jes arms out at jes sides. “We would be remiss in not seeing to your proper instruction. You did summon us after all and it may not have been the result you were seeking but perhaps we can still be of help.” Julian spends far more time staring at the soft looking gray scales of Parmak’s skin, fixated on the ridges around jes collarbone and the faint blue dip in the center. But seriously? This is well beyond a consolation prize and well, he may not be able to actually tell anyone that he made it with a demon but…
“May I touch you?” Julian asks, hands hovering.
“Please.” Julian really wants to touch that little spot and see how it feels but he was given an order but… but surely one little touch… He reaches out and just lets his fingers run along the ridges trailing down to it, seeing Parmak tense when he does. “Oh that’s fine… light… it feels a little… strange like…”
“Tickling?” Julian asks nervously, still not quite believing that he’s standing in his living room in front of some mess of a summoning circle. Maybe he should have cleaned all that up? Well bit of a moot issue now.  
“Ah, that’s the word… tickling… ticklish,” It sounds like je’s saying “chiclets” and Julian cracks a smile. “Yes you can do it harder. We… ah demons are quite resilient,” Parmak assures him and Julian supposes that makes sense what with traveling astral planes or however it was that the demons came to Earth from the other world. It must take an awful lot of effort.
Julian obeys, running his thumb over those collar ridges with his thumb more firmly, feeling the ripple, like a soft pliable resin. He runs it around seeing Parmak shiver and he asks if he might put his mouth to it.
“Your mouth, your teeth you can, hnn…tsss…” Julian hears a hiss as he presses soft kisses to those little mountains along Parmak’s collar, tasting skin that isn’t salty like human skin but like fine leather or like a soft snake skin – not that Julian’s ever put a snake in his mouth! – and maybe it’s all the movies that he’s watched which started this same way but his hands are already slowly easing the straps of the shift over Parmak’s shoulders as he does. He thinks it might be a tickle again so he lets his teeth graze that center point as the fabric slips easily off as loose as it was. Julian’s only slightly dismayed to realize there was another layer underneath, a violet camisole. It’s like unwrapping a present really.
“Yes, that’s a good boy, you certainly don’t need to be so delicate with jem,” Julian hears Garak say and he gives an experimental bite, nearly jumping when he feels Parmak’s hands on his shoulders digging in.
“Hah…” reaches his ears and he’s afraid that he did it too hard but that’s when Julian notices that those defined ridges are flushing darker gray. So maybe that’s their equivalent of a blush of some other form of arousal? Julian hears more of that Parseltongue between the two of them and he’s surprised to hear something half angry sounding as Parmak pushes him back.
“Ah… you’re fine but I’m… taking this off,” je says and Julian watches eagerly as the thin strapped petal of violet is peeled off and there’s an incredible moment of anticipation in watching the abdomen revealed, more gray skin, so smooth looking with just the faintest ripples differentiating it from human skin, until it meets a fine line of those scaly ridges and Julian watches, watches, waits, wants to know just what’s undeneath the rest as Parmak pulls the top off wearing just a pair of what appear to be white silk bloomers tied loosely low around slim but still feminine hips. Je doesn’t have a navel, Julian notices.
Parmak’s chest isn’t quite flat, and Julian stares longingly seeing there are two dark gray nipples hard, atop just the faintest of soft peaks, something that’s neither entirely male or female but just a small raise of flesh that he wants to-
“Alright, between you and Elim we’ll be here all day and some of us have shifts and regular hours and ah... right right,” Parmak stops suddenly, leaving Julian to wonder what any of that means or what sort of shift or work a demon might have and... And he stops wondering when Parmak grabs his hand and puts it to jes chest with a grumble of “there now can we continue please”. Oh Julian can continue. He can do that! The skin is so soft, his thumb flicking what has to be one of the most perfect nipples in existence seeing the motions of ridges around Parmak’s eyes, darker, swollen, jes neck ridges doing the same and Julian’s mouth is to it like some desperate virgin in a Milky hentai do not judge!
He hears some sort of raucous around him, more hissing between the both of them as he swirls his tongue around it, hearing soft hitches, hands back on his shoulders but this time not digging in just... clutching. Oh lord that’s so sensitive, not even a little handful as Julian’s left hand steals over squeezing, groping, a bit of an awkward bend as tall as he is. He hears something that sounds like ”ysysysys” as that tongue flits back and retracts to his mouth on it sucking hard, hearing a soft keen above him and he thinks he hears Garak murmur something about strange human proclivities with Parmak telling him to stuff it, begging Julian to keep doing that. Julian doesn’t need to be told twice, sucking harder, rolling its twin between his fingers tugging hard, rough, seeing that Parmak is nearly sobbing and Julian is so hard he already thinks he’s going to come or collapse to his knees as much as Parmak’s hands are pushing on his shoulders and he can...
Oh... Oh that’s a scent he hadn’t noticed before. Arousal, that has to be arousal - and it’s not like he goes around ordering used panties online or anything that he’s some sort of expert - because there’s some visceral part of him that can smell that heavy musk in the air and he groans deeply sort of wishing he’d rubbed one out before all this because that would take the edge off that he desperately needs right now. The high little hitches from Parmak are turning him to fourth gear something fierce as he switches sides, hands, stopping in the middle to let his mouth worship that vibrant blue dip. Julian can feel the give of those swollen ridges beneath his mouth and he hears some swear or his name but it’s so slurred that he can hardly tell. He looks up to Parmak’s mouth because of course enough blood’s gone to his cock he actually thinks for a second he can lip read when he stops, seeing lips parted so pretty and tempting and-
“Can I... kiss you please?” Julian asks though what he really means is “May I please pull you close and grind against you with my tongue in your mouth because whatever is between your legs I’d very much like to rub against it right now thank you.”
“K-kiss?” he hears Parmak ask confused, glasses slipping down on jes nose. “The ah... human mouth thing? I’m ah... afraid I don’t know it very well.”
“Then you could consider it a learning experience for you both, couldn’t you, Kelas?” Julian hears Garak say and when he looks behind Parmak he sees the other demon watching them both intently, the ridges of his face and neck also flushed darker. Parmak says something else to Garak, another exchange before Garak with a wicked smirk on his face answers back. Parmak’s tongue darts out a moment and je gives a breathless answer of “alright. But you may be disappointed so I ah... just... okay, go on then...” Julian tries, he honest to god tries not to just rush in like that fish man from The Slayers about to make out with Lina Inverse but well perhaps he’s just a bit too enthusiastic and it’s not like he hasn’t kissed plenty of people before. It’s the after kissing part that’s stalling him after all. Oh god, maybe that’s it, maybe he’s a horrible kisser!
Parmak doesn’t seem to notice Julian’s moment of existential kissing crisis, rather instead trying to figure out where to put jes hands. Julian doesn’t have that problem, letting his hands slink over those slim hips, pulling their bodies together, his eyes nearly rolling back into his head at the feel of silk satin something sliding against his naked prick. He may let his hands just slip the rest of the way around feeling the swell of Parmak’s ass through that nothing bit of fabric using that opportunity to pull them closer together. He’s a bit surprised not to also feel a penis since Parmak said je was both or something along those lines but what he does feel is warm and wet and so hot against him he doesn’t care if its a bloody Octopussoir right now his mouth is going on it next you read it here first.
So Julian’s a bit like a dog with its tongue hanging out giving a ridiculous swiping lick to Parmak’s mouth catching half jes nose in the process. He’s about to apologize seeing a double blink at him from behind those spectacles in response. It’s not his fault, it’s really not! Julian was caught off guard when Parmak decided to just copy his motions; he felt sharp little claws digging into his ass like they were testing a mattress. Alright, so maybe his fat ass father has had more than his fair share of comments about Julian’s “poor lack of posterior are you sure he’s mine Am? Haha, are you sure he’s even yours?” His mother teases him that maybe one day he’ll wake up and it’ll have grown in and he almost thinks that Parmak is saying the same sort of shitty joke to Garak in that stupid Parseltongue and if he had a wand right now he might be tempted to hex them both because he’s positive he’s caught a snicker between the two of them.
Except Parmak smiles at him before tilting jes head, diving back in with an enthusiasm that’s stunning, giving Julian one of the most heated, heavy fucking kisses he’s ever gotten in his life making his toes curl into the carpet.
It may also sort of make him come, his seed surely staining Parmak’s silky bloomers between them.
Yeah, he may also kind of sort of wants to die right about now too…
(Part 3 is now up HERE)
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kirachama · 7 years
decoded (707 x reader, part iv)
summary:  As one of the newest recruits for Hackers Chasing Hackers, one of your goals is to help recruit the infamous hacker 707 into the ranks. When other members of the group start dropping off the radar, a misunderstanding leads you to being banned by the group. Determined to clear your name and get to the bottom of the disappearances, you end up working with none other than the great 707 himself.
rating: 13+ (hacker au, spoilers involve 707′s real name, which are probably not spoilers anymore at this point. /shot)
notes: ah. hello! so i meant to get this out before november, aka nanowrimo, started, but as always things don’t go as planned. anyone from around that time may remember a poll that i put up concerning this fic and the... results from that have been incorporated, perhaps in a way none of us expected. /shot
please enjoy and once again thanks to my friends kamu and @cannibalisticskittles for their help with this chapter! 
previous chapter || next chapter
There are reasons why 707 is known as one of the best hackers in the world.
His attention to detail is one of them. It comes with the territory though. One tiny mistake can lead a myriad of errors within a function. And an error ridden function is likely not work, which could result in the weakening of the program as a whole. So naturally, when something has been changed, especially by another person, he’s quick to notice.
Like right now.
Someone has altered the code for his defensive systems. Saeyoung has programs set up for these kinds of things, and while he doesn’t doubt their effectiveness, sometimes it’s good to manually check things. He skims over the the code, sipping at his PhD Pepper. There are minor changes here and there, but for the most part everything is still the same. None of the changes are inherently harmful; even with them, everything still works, albeit less efficiently than what he prefers. Whoever is doing this is trying to be discreet about their mischief.
The keyword here being trying.
Saeyoung checks to see if he can track the source and, of course, they covered their tracks. Not that it’ll help them much. It takes him a couple minutes to uncover the hackers. The IPs look familiar, and when he checks he finds they belong to two members of Hackers Chasing Hackers. Saeyoung’s lips tug upward into a grin. It looks like she’s one of them.
“Interesting…” he murmurs. Normally, Hackers Chasing Hackers takes a while to nurse their wounds when he actively retaliates after one of their attacks, so he wonders if maybe this is something orchestrated by either her or her partner. It wouldn’t be the first time that one or two members of the group has gone after him on their own.
He leans back in his chair and stares up thoughtfully at the some of the glow in the dark stars he’s stuck to the ceiling. Of course, he can’t just let the two get their way. After all, he has a reputation to uphold. Bets are they’re trying to weaken his defenses a little before they attack so that they have a better chance of taking him down. Saeyoung scoffs. It’s a viable effort, but in the end, it’s not going to work.
His hands hover over the keyboard. If he wanted to, Saeyoung could crush them and all their hard work almost instantly.
But then the image of that girl’s flustered expression as he remembers it from the party comes to mind.
And with it, an interesting idea.
“...just how much more of this is there…” you grumble lowly, clacking away on your laptop. It’d been a few days since you and Minji had decided to take on 707. For the most part, things have been going rather smoothly, with the only issue being that his security system is much, much larger than you had anticipated. To compensate, you’ve been spending every spare moment trying to get as much done as you can. But you can already tell that it’s still going to take way longer than you had hoped to execute this plan. And the longer you take, the more likely 707 is going to figure out what you’re up to. The thought of whatever retribution he might have in store for your efforts sends shivers up and down your spine. You don’t think that you could take another week without your baby. The possibility of that alone powers your fingers to move a little faster.
Your stomach growls, protesting your decision to use your lunch break to hack instead of eat. You’ll get a sandwich or something you can eat on the way to your next class. For now, you’d rather use the time you have sitting down to hack.
The sound of Yoosung’s voice makes you nearly jump out of your seat. You scramble to finish the little bit of code you’re working on, not wanting Yoosung to see what you’re doing. To be honest, you doubt he’d be able to tell, but better safe than sorry. Once you’re done, you look up to find two things, or rather, two people. Person number one is obviously Yoosung, who plops himself down right next to you and person number two… is the red haired guy from the party, grinning from ear to ear.
Every hair on your body stands on end as you watch the redhead settle himself on Yoosung’s other side. You’re pretty sure he’s not a student; that red hair of his sticks out like a sore thumb so you definitely would have seen him before. Then why is he here? Yoosung seems to realize that you’re staring at his companion and introduces him to you. “This is my friend, Saeyoung!”
“Hello~” the redhead bows his head, not bothering to hide the mischievous grin on his face. “Nice to meet you again!”
All the color drains from your face as Yoosung swings his head around to look at you, clearly confused. “Again…? Have you guys met before?”
“Uh… ” you mumble, unsure of what to say. Should you just lie and say that maybe Saeyoung has mistaken you for someone else? Or do you tell him the truth? But if you do that, you might just have to tell Yoosung everything… Before you can even make the decision yourself, Saeyoung decides to make it for you.
“We met at the party,” he answers in nonchalant tone.
“Party…” It takes a moment for the light bulb to go off in Yoosung’s head. “Oh! The RFA party! You were there too?”
“Um… yeah,” you nod sneaking a glare over at Saeyoung. His grin only widens in response.
Yoosung doesn’t seem to notice the dirty looks you’re shooting at his friend and pouts at you. “I was one of the hosts… Did you see me? Why didn’t you say hi?”
“You… looked kinda busy when i saw you,” you reply. It’s not entirely a lie, but you also had been actively trying to avoid him as well. “So I didn’t really get a chance…”
That answer seems to satisfy Yoosung, “Oh! I see!”
“Yeah, sorry about that…”
“It’s okay! I hope you still were able to have a good time!” Yoosung gives you a warm smile, which makes you feel a tiny bit guilty. Maybe you should have said hi to him after all… “I don’t remember seeing your name on the guest list, though… Did you come with an organization?”
You nod slowly, not liking where this seems to be headed.
“Oh cool! Which one?”
“Uh…” If possible, you’d like to avoid a slip up like you had last time, but since it’s been a couple weeks you can’t even remember any of the other groups that were there. Maybe you should just come clean after all… It’s not like Yoosung finding out you can hack would be the worst thing in the world.
“Didn’t you say you were part of that group selling keyboards?” Saeyoung interjects, in a surprisingly helpful way. Obviously, you didn’t, and you know Saeyoung knows that. Despite the fact he pushed you into this mess, the fact that he’s throwing you a lifeline is strange. But you’d be a fool not to take it.
“Yeah! Yeah! That’s right!” you agree, a little too enthusiastically.
“Ohhhhh,” Yoosung’s head bobs up and down in an enlightened way and you inwardly sigh, relieved that he seems none the wiser. Then, after a beat, he adds, “I remember you saying you were looking for a new gaming keyboard, Saeyoung, is that how you guys got to talking?”
You glance over at Saeyoung, who’s smile wavers just the tiniest bit, and respond in a careful sort of way, “Yeah, that’s right… he told me that he needed a new keyboard…”
“I thought so!” Yoosung nods again takes a big bite of the sandwich he’d bought for lunch. “Oh, did you know Saeyoung plays LOLOL too?”
“Does he?” you ask, raising an eyebrow. It doesn’t surprise you that a friend of Yoosung’s would play LOLOL, but if you remember right, Saeyoung told you at the party that he was absolutely no good with computers… Was he exaggerating when he said that? You look over at Saeyoung who gives you a tight smile. Something about his expression feels… off, but you can’t seem to pin your finger on it.
Yoosung chirps, “Yep! He’s even on our server!”
“Oh really?” That makes sense. Usually, people tend to play on the same servers as their friends. “What’s your username, maybe I’ve seen you around or something!”
Saeyoung laughs a bit and scratches the back of his neck looking a bit shy, “Ah… I don’t play that often…”
Yoosung nearly spits out the food in his mouth, “What!? You play a lot!”
“...in comparison to you, not really~” Saeyoung teases. You have to stifle a giggle. You don’t know anyone who’s as addicted to LOLOL as Yoosung. It’s a miracle that he’s made it this far in the real world. Sometimes you think that he should just become a professional LOLOL player instead of whatever it is he’s planning on doing in school.
“...you say that, but you’re the best player on the server,” Yoosung retorts, puffing out his cheeks in a pouty sort of way.
You blink, surprised by Yoosung’s comment. The best player on the server is Saeyoung? But that would make him… “Awesome Hacker?”
“Yeah,” Yoosung huffs. “That’s him alright.”
Your breath catches in your throat at the confirmation. You were willing to believe that maybe, despite his lack of computer skills, Saeyoung can still play LOLOL on a casual level. But there’s absolutely no way that someone like that could be the top player on your server. You’ve never played with him personally, but you’ve heard the stories. Awesome Hacker’s skills are known to be unparalleled. Any party that raids with them is guaranteed to be world first. Hell, there are some rumors that Awesome Hacker may have two extra arms and that’s how they’re so good. And you’re supposed to believe that this godly player and Saeyoung are the same person?
One of them has to be lying. And between Yoosung, your friend who you’ve known since the beginning of this semester and Saeyoung, this handsome stranger who you’ve probably known for a total of fifteen minutes or so, it’s clear who you’re going to believe here. You glare at Saeyoung, who meets your gaze with a quiet chuckle. He must be able to tell that you’ve figured out his little ruse. If it weren’t for Yoosung, you’d be giving that liar an earful right about now.
“So, anyway, what were you doing?” Yoosung switches topics, completely oblivious to the stare war going on between you and Saeyoung. “I was calling out to you for a while.”
“Oh, just some homework,” you lie automatically.
“Lunchtime is a good time to do homework...” Yoosung mumbles thoughtfully as he munches on his food. Then, suddenly, he starts coughing like he’s choking. Alarmed, both you and Saeyoung both pat Yoosung on the back, trying to help him clear his throat.
“Yoosung? What’s wrong?” you ask, voice saturated with worry.
“Home...work…” he repeats weakly. Then he snatches his bag and begins rifling through it like a madman. Yoosung doesn’t seem to find what he’s looking for and then looks up at you, like a helpless child,  “I...I think I left my homework in my last class….”
“Oh.” Knowing him, he was probably working on it during class instead of paying attention to the lecture. “Maybe it's still there…”
Yoosung’s eyes begin to dart around, as if he’s trying to figure out what he should do. Then he suddenly stands and sputters, “I… I’ll be right back!”
Then, before you can say anything else, he dashes out of the lunchroom.
“I really hope he finds it…” you say quietly, staring at the door he ran out of. It’d suck if he had to redo it, especially if he’d managed to actually get a lot done.
The sound of the other voice causes you to freeze. Yoosung's impromptu departure means that you're alone with him. You turn your head to find Saeyoung staring back with an owlish expression. You have your reservations about being alone with him but at the same time since Yoosung’s gone now, you can actually give this guy a piece of your mind.
“So,” you begin. “You have some explaining to do.”
He shoots you a playfully evasive grin. “Do I?”
Something about the look on his face makes you feel a little tingly, but you ignore it and hiss, “Don't play dumb with me! You said at the party that you were no good with computers, but just now Yoosung said that you're the best player on our LOLOL server.”
Saeyoung merely shrugs and dramatically declares, “Maybe my love for LOLOL transcends my non-existent computer skills!”
“I'm not buying it,” you lean in a little closer to glare at him.  “Why did you lie? Do you have something to hide?”
“If you’re trying to convince me otherwise, you’re going to have to try harder than that!” You look up into Saeyoung’s eyes, trying to see if maybe you can find something there. But all you can see amidst the golden hue of his eyes is your reflection.
He chuckles a bit and leans in toward you,  “Maybe you’re the one who needs to try harder? Your seduction technique needs a little bit of work~”
You squeak when you realize just how close the two of you are to one another and jump backwards so that you’re at a more respectable distance. Saeyoung laughs and despite the fact that you’re red with embarrassment, you continue to glare at him. “I wasn’t trying to seduce you!”
“Oh?” he cocks his head to the side, eyes alight with amusement and a dash of confusion. “That’s too bad.”
You blink. Too… bad? What does that even mean? Did he think you were trying to actually flirt with him? Did he want you to? The thought of it makes your face feel warm and you look away, flustered. You were just trying to intimidate him into telling you the truth, but it- Something clicks in your head and you turn back to Saeyoung, glaring through narrowed eyes, “....are you trying to distract me?”
“Damn, my plan’s been foiled,” he responds in a lighthearted tone that makes it clear that he’s still toying with you. It’s a bit frustrating, but you’re not ready to give up.
You click your tongue in annoyance, “Too bad. So sad. Now out with it, I’m not letting you go until you tell me what you know.”
“...don’t you have class soon?”
He has a point. You look away from him, contemplating for a bit before you mutter, “I… I’ll skip it.”
“...what about when Yoosung comes back?” he adds, still clearly amused by all this. “Are you going to keep grilling me then?”
You groan. He’s got a point there too. Of course, you could just reveal to Yoosung that you’re a hacker, but you’re still not sure if your friendship is with him is on a high enough level for that reveal yet. Saeyoung still had that damn grin plastered on that smug mug of his. You can’t help but wonder where a nice guy like Yoosung met a dude like this.
“Give up yet?” he asks in a mockingly sweet voice.
“No!” you sit up straight and continue to glower at him. “Listen, obviously you must know something because if you didn’t, you would just tell me and be done with it.”
“Oh, you think so?”
For a split second, you doubt yourself. There’s the chance that this guy is just some weirdo who knows nothing and is just enjoying screwing with you right now. But he was at that party and he’s here right now. You don’t think that’s some coincidence.
“No. You definitely know something,” you tell him firmly. “Tell me what you know. Though, even if you don’t, I’ll find out one way or another-  I am a hacker, you know.”
Saeyoung’s catlike smile is replaced with a contemplative stare. Is that… a bad sign? You’re not quite sure, so you peer into his eyes again, trying to see if you can find a trace of what he could possibly be thinking. Once more you find nothing, and he says nothing, you feel a ball of nervousness begin to grow inside you. Then, he begins to speak, and you brace yourself for whatever he has to say.
But what you hear isn’t an explanation, but a loud cackle. Saeyoung holds his stomach as he dissolves in a fit of laughter. You can’t help but feel a bit embarrassed sitting next to him as he’s starting to gain an audience. Once he starts to calm down, he speaks, wiping at the tears that had formed at the corners of his eyes, “...okay, you got me.”
Your pulse quickens at the sound of his words.
“I’ll tell you what I know.”
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conartisthaiji · 7 years
Fandom: Love Live! Sunshine!!
Pairing: Kanan/Mari/Dia
AU where Kanan is a dragon, Mari is a princess, and Dia is a knight. based off of that comic where the dragon is wingwoman-ing for the princess 
actual fic under cut
Mari is quietly brushing Kanan's hair when they hear the warning.
"God damn," Kanan mutters, as she jumps up and races out to the tower. "Can't they ever just wait a fucking minute."
Mari hikes up her skirts and sprints after her friend. She ducks down behind the stone wall and watches as Kanan shifts into a dragon. The way scales creep over her face and wings erupt from her back always convinced her that it hurt, but Kanan has never once given any indication of pain.
"Foul beast!" A low, rough male voice comes booming in. "I have come to release the fair princess! Unhand her at once!"
Kanan snarls, then dips her head to look at Mari.
"How does he look?" Mari asks.
"Nasty, rude. Probably full of himself, and only wants the riches the king promised."
Mari pretends to consider it. "Nah. Fire away, Kanan."
Kanan nods and inhales. Mari hears the blast of flames upon the path and feels the heat emanating from her friend's body. She hears the knight's screams.
“Remember, only those pure of heart can save the princess!” Kanan roars.
After Kanan falls silent, Mari peeks out and sees a scorched shield in the place of where the knight once stood.
Kanan mutters, "Let's pray that happens."
Mari bites her lip. She really, really hopes it doesn't.
"Thanks, Kanan," she says.
She loves how Kanan's violet eyes light up. She'd do anything to keep the happy light in her dragon's eyes.
Kanan gives her a toothy grin. "Now, I believe you were brushing my hair?"
Mari grins back as Kanan shifts into a human.
"Last one back is a rotten egg!" Mari cries out, and laughs as Kanan jumps up and starts sprinting down the stairs. Mari focuses on the stone beneath her feet, and Kanan's purple hair up ahead, and Kanan's teasing cry in the air, and wishes that these moments would never end.
Mari is making stew the next time the alarm goes off.
"I can take care of it, if you want to finish dinner," Kanan offers.
Mari nods. "Okay, go for it. It’s probably a nut job anyways.”
Kanan disappears, and Mari smiles at the dragon's retreating back.
She carefully tastes some of her stew, and it's delicious, just as she expected. Knowing that Kanan will be back soon, she grabs two bowls–already filled with rice–and begins pouring stew over it. She sets them down on the table, and get out two spoons and two napkins. The table is perfectly made. She sits down to wait for Kanan. All that remains is an odd silence from above. Kanan should be back already, Mari thinks, frowning and standing up to exit the kitchen. She starts heading up the stairs to the tower, but ends up meeting Kanan halfway.
"Oh good," Mari says. "I was coming to check up on you. The usual?"
Kanan shakes her head. "She was weird. Claimed she knew you when you where children. She said that she wanted her friend back." Kanan sighs and rubs her hand over her face. "I told her to come around to the door. Tell me if you do know her."
Mari stares dumbly as Kanan stiffly walks down the stairs. There was something harsh and cold on the her friend's face, and Mari feels a pit of dread growing in her stomach. Who could this girl be?
There's no way that it'd be...
"Hurry up, Princess!"
She's shocked back to reality, and Mari hurries after Kanan to the front door.
She sees Kanan fling open the door, and Mari presses herself into the shadows.
"Thank you," the strange girl says politely. "Are you another Princess here? Where is Princess Mari?"
"I'm the dragon, you fool," Kanan snaps. "I can shift between Dragon and human."
"I'm sorry," the girl replies.
Mari steps out of the shadows and studies the girl. Emerald green eyes, long dark hair, a beauty mark under her lip-
"Dia?!" Mari rushes forward.
"Mari!" Dia drops her sword and throws her arms around Mari.
"It's been forever since I've seen you!" Mari exclaims. "Too long!" She laughs with glee.
"Stay for dinner," Kanan interjects. "You and Mari can catch up, and then Mari can pack up her things and go."
"I made stew," Mari proudly informs Dia. "Kanan loves it."
Dia smiles and follows Kanan to the kitchen. Mari frowns as she takes in the stiff way Kanan moves to the kitchen.
She's got a gut feeling that this is going to be a mess.
Mari stands over the stewpot, filling up another bowl. She can feel tension, radiating from Kanan, and awe and fear radiating from Dia.
She has a bad feeling about dinner, and it's only worsened in the few moments she's been in the kitchen, preparing another bowl for herself.
Eventually, she sits down. "Enjoy!" she exclaims, and beams.
Kanan starts eating right away. Dia, however, eyes the bowl mistrustfully.
"I'm not that bad," Mari whines.
"You almost blew up the kitchen," Dia states, deadpan.
"I was five!" Mari defends.
Kanan gasps. "You almost blew up the kitchen?!"
"I just wanted to get rid of the ugly glass Papa gave me!" Mari shrieks. "And I'm a lot better now!"
Dia hesitantly takes a bite as Kanan snorts. Her eyes widen. "Wow, Mari...this is really good." She swallows. "I'm impressed."
"Ha! I knew you'd like it!" Mari happily takes a bite. "So, Dia, what brings you around these parts?"
"Ruby wrote me a letter saying that Princess Mari had been kidnapped by a dragon," Dia begins. "She was concerned because the king has been having the temples pray constantly. Her friend Hanamaru was being run ragged, and so she asked me to do something." Dia tilts her head and looks straight at Kanan. "Why did you kidnap Mari?"
"I didn't kidnap her," Kanan retorts. "In the olden days, dragons were safe havens for royalty who were forced in unfortunate circumstances. Eventually, the myth that dragons kidnapped royalty was born, but there are still the occasional princess who comes right to a dragon's lair. Mari was one of them."
Mari sighs. "I didn't come right to the dragon's lair. I snuck out of the palace, but I didn't take a horse. Kanan found me wandering the countryside, half-delirious and almost dead." A smile curves across her face as she recalls Kanan's warm arms lifting her up. "She brought me back to her lair, and nursed me back to health. She also spread word that I'd been kidnapped by her, so that we could wait for an appropriate person to marry me." Mari sighs wistfully, recalling Kanan's gentle ministrations and cool hands. Those had been...ridiculously good days. Lounging under soft sheets, Kanan's soft voice and caring nature, the ridiculous body heat from the dragon, those arms, those abs...
She's going to start drooling, so she hastily stuffs some stew in her mouth.
"Then, I must thank you, Kanan, for saving my friend," Dia calmly replies. "It seems that the stories circulating through the rumor mill are just that–rumors."
Kanan shrugs. "You would've done the same." But Mari can see how Kanan's smile is a little more smug.
Perhaps dinner won't be a disaster after all.
"So, Dia," Kanan starts. "Tell me about yourself. What do you do?"
"I'm a knight," Dia responds.
"Oh, so have you participated in any of the witch hunts lately?" Kanan's smile grows cold and feral. "It was near-impossible to find a witch where I would be able to obtain medicine for Mari. I must thank you for that."
Dia flinches. "I-"
"Have you actually fought against a dragon?" Kanan continues, sharp and biting. "Do you have the strength to kill-"
"Kanan," Mari hisses.
"No, no, it's fine," Dia says. "After all, isn't that what Knights do? Kill senselessly and destroy innocent creatures. Heaven forbid we try to save our people, who cannot fight or wield magic or breathe fire." Her polite smile drops from her face. "Heaven forbid we try to save the people we love."
It's Kanan's turn to flinch.
"Oh, no, Dia is absolutely correct," Kanan interjects. "After all, the whole point of a knight is duty to the people they love." She shrugs. "If they don't love you, then you're garbage to them."
"That isn't true," Dia snaps, face flushing in anger.
"Oh, but it's what you said," Kanan replies coolly. She slams her bowl on the table. "Anyways, I'm finished. Thank you, Mari. I have some business to attend to."
Mari stares as Kanan walks away.
"Mari, I'm so-"
"Save it," Mari whispers numbly. "I just wanted a good dinner with my friends."
"No, Mari, you're right. I shouldn't have baited her. Or responded. It wasn't fair to you."
Mari feels a few tears gathering in her eyes. "Dia-"
"You really care for her, don't you?" Dia smiles sadly.
Mari nods. "I think I might love her," she admits. The tears start rolling down her face.
"It's fine," Mari says, wiping her eyes and putting on a smile. "Kanan's been a great friend. But it will be wonderful to go back to the courts with you, Dia. You've been so busy. I missed you a lot."
Dia smiles, but it doesn't reach the corner of her eyes like usual. "Of course. Would you mind pointing me in the direction of the bathroom? I, too, have finished my stew. It was delicious, by the way."
"Thank you. Just follow the hall and make a left. You'll find it pretty easily."
Dia disappears, and Mari is alone, with only her thoughts for company.
When she was thirteen, she had a huge crush on Dia. Dia, who was working so hard, who still smiled, even as blood gushed freely from her arm. Dia was going to be a great knight. And then Dia was sent on various missions, and was rarely home. Even when she was, Dia was training hard.
And Mari felt her heart shatter, as Dia had less and less time for her.
But looking at Dia today proved that she hadn't forgotten her feelings for Dia. Dia, who was so dedicated and determined. Dia, who always wanted the best for Mari.
Can she love both Kanan and Dia at the same time?
She can. Mari closes her eyes, and pretends she lives with both Kanan and Dia. They'd both hold her while she slept, and Kanan and Dia could spar during the day, and Mari would cook for them. They could all sit at this table, and laugh...
But tonight's argument had proved otherwise.
Mari finishes her stew, even though it tastes like ash in her mouth. She trudges up to her room, and takes in various presents Kanan had got her.
It hits her like a punch in the gut. She doesn't want to leave. She wants Dia to stay, but she will have to choose between Dia and Kanan.
The thought makes her want to cry. So she stands up, leaves her room, and start running to the tower where Kanan terrorized so many useless knights for her.
However, she sees Dia walking up those very steps, and frowns. Wasn't Dia in the restroom? Mari shurgs, then silently follows Dia, who strides out into the open air.
"There you are," Dia says, presumably to Kanan. Mari sneaks forward and presses herself against the wall. "I'd like to apologize for my words as dinner."
"Don't bother," Kanan replies. "I was equally rude."
"That isn't what I'm here to talk about, though." There's a pause, and then Dia continues. "I must apologize for bursting into your home like this. I will not be taking Mari with me when I leave. It appears that she will be much happier here."
Mari has to slam her hands over her mouth.
"Nonsense," Kanan insists. "Mari was always meant to go back home."
"She will be happier here." Dia's voice grows soft. "I cannot do that to her. She loves you, Kanan. What kind of monster would I be if I took her from the one she loves? From her home?"
Mari can't help it. She rushes out, tears once more gathering in her eyes.
"Dia, I've had a crush on you since I was thirteen and you were a sweaty mess training fiercely in the guard. I thought it faded as I saw you less and less but seeing you here tonight brought everything rushing back. And Kanan, I've had a crush on you ever since you picked me up from that field and nursed me back to health. This castle has become more of a home to me than the palace ever was. And I want to stay, here, with both of you. Dia, stay here with Kanan and me, please!" She pants, exhausted from her outburst. "Please! Kanan, let Dia stay here!"
They're both silent for a moment, and then Dia smiles.
"It appears we got off on the wrong foot," Dia declares. "My name is Dia. May I stay with you for a while?"
Kanan smiles back. "I'm Kanan, and Dia, you may stay with us."
Mari beams as Kanan pulls Dia into a hug. Then, she frowns.
"Are you guys ever gonna kiss me?"
Dia chokes.
Kanan, however, steps right up and pulls Mari in close. Her face has gone scarlet, but she presses her lips firmly to Mari's.
Mari feels giddy when they pull apart. "Dia! Your turn!"
"N-no!" Dia shrieks, turning red. "Not-"
"Have you ever kissed anyone?" Kanan asks.
Mari laughs, and grabs Dia's waist. "I've wanted to do this since forever," she whispers, and gently kisses Dia.
"Okay, so how are we going to do this?" Dia demands. "What are the rules? Kanan and I are both dating Mari, right?"
"Right," Mari says, still feeling giddy. She has two girlfriends! Awesomely strong and serious and fun girlfriends! Both of them are amazing!
"Do we all share a room? Are Kanan and I dating as well? How are we going to divide the house up? Heck, are we going to divide the house up?"
"We aren't dating," Kanan replies.
That is the only issue. Mari wants cuddle piles with both her girlfriends. She has to trick Kanan and Dia into falling for each other as well.
"As for room arrangements,” Kanan continues, “I can get you one soon enough. Everyone shares the house. That all right with everyone?"
"Yes!" Mari pumps her fists with glee. "Absolutely!"
"Okay," Dia says, shrugging. "By the way, can I borrow something to sleep in? I'll have to get my stuff tomorrow. And it will be some time before I can fully move in–I will have to get my affairs in order."
"Of course," Kanan responds. "But what if you just pretended you were dead?"
"I can't leave Ruby behind," Dia admits. "She'd be devastated without me."
"Ahhh," Kanan says knowingly. "I see." She hesitates. "It will make things difficult, though."
"But..." Dia bites her lip. "I guess...I just don't know if I can disappear like that."
Kanan nods. "Disappearing is hard, Dia."
"Kanan, I miss Dia," Mari mumbles, burying her face into Kanan's boobs. “It feels like she's been gone forever.”
"Get your face out of my boobs, and we can talk about it."
"Kanaaaaann," Mari whines.
"Maaaariii," Kanan parrots.
"Your boobs make me feel safe. Like I’m home."
"For fuck's sake."
Mari stands up and looks at Kanan. "Do you miss her too?"
Kanan's silence is answer enough.
The alarm rings.
“Is it Dia?” Mari exclaims hopefully.
Kanan hops out of the window and transforms. “Yes!” she roars, and circles around the castle joyously. “Dia’s back!”
Mari rushes to the door to greet her other girlfriend.
“Dia,” she whispers, and throws her arms around Dia’s neck, and starts crying with relief.
She feels Dia’s lips on her forehead, and then feels Kanan’s scaled claw around both of them.
“Get on my back, we’re going flying.”
"Mari really misses you, you know."
Mari freezes as she hears her name floating from behind the shut door. She presses her ear against the wood.
"I know. It isn't fair to her."
"Dia, you're not always going to be able to move in and out from here and the castle. It's a two day journey between both places. I hate to pressure you, but you have to pick."
"Do you," Dia begins, but falls silent. Mari presses herself closer. "Kanan. Do you...miss me as well?" Dia sounds unusually vulnerable, and hesitant.
"Yeah," Kanan admits. "Yeah, I do." There's a pause. “You were here for three days, and then you left for a month, Dia.”
“I won't let it happen again. I…I can stay here. Stay home.”
Mari smiles and pushes herself off the door. The three of them will be all right after all.
That night, as Mari is lying in bed, she hears hushed whispers outside her door.
"Come in!" she calls, hopeful.
Kanan immediately opens the door and steps inside, followed by a breathless, pink-faced Dia. Mari opens her mouth to comment, maybe on Kanan's kiss-swollen lips, but Kanan beats her. "We'll sleep with you," she declares.
"B-both of you?!" Mari exclaims, unsure of why, exactly, she's surprised. She should've seen this coming. "Well, then by all means," she purrs.
"It's not going to be sexual!" Dia shrieks, waving her hands furiously.
Mari smirks. "We'll see about that."
Kanan just laughs and hops into the bed. "Something tells me that we'll need a bigger bed at some point."
"Yes, we will," Dia agrees, as she slips next to Mari. "Go to bed, guys."
Waking up the next morning is one of the best moments of Mari's life. She has Kanan in her arms, and Dia sleeping peacefully next to them.
Mari smiles and pulls Dia closer to her, then closes her eyes to sleep some more.
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otabekskitten · 7 years
Paging Nurse Yuri
Mutual Pining, Getting Together
Word count: 2,2K
Read on AO3
((This fic was actually my first attempt at one XD but my previous work aka flower shop au took a hold of me but tadaaa here we are once again ^_^ I hope you enjoy <3 and thank you as always @sleepyams vilm darling for help with proofreading etc <3))
Otabek didn’t expect to fall in love so quickly when he went to this hospital but he was glad that he did. Yuri was hopeful and didn’t know what to expect, was he going to find a new love? Or more heartbreak….
Yuri walks in, “So Mr. Altin is it?”
“Ah yes that’s me!”
Both are in awe over each others beauty slightly flustered but both try to their best to act natural.
“Ah I’m glad I said your name correctly, I accidentally butchered the last patient’s name haha *whispers* but you didn’t hear that from me.” (shy smile)
“Haha your secret is safe with me don’t worry.” (wow his smile is so nice)
“So um right back to business. You’re here for a twisted ankle? Do you mind me asking how you got into this mishap?”
“Well I was dancing, practicing for my set. I’m a part time DJ and I wanted to make sure that my set list was up to my standards. And next thing I knew here I am. Haha lame am I right?”
Yuri chuckles, “Well Mr. Altin I’ve heard lamer lol. I’ll be your nurse for the time being while you heal so if you ever need anything do feel free to let me know.”
“Thanks so much I’m Otabek btw *holding his hand out* Mr. Altin is my father.”
“Oh yes of course I’m Yuri. Yuri Plistesky. It is my pleasure to meet you.”
The electricity between their hands alone was enough to light up the entire floor but neither would admit it, for right now at least.
“So what would you like to eat today Otabek or would you like to play some games or maybe just chat for a while? I’m all yours for the time being. Since you’re the last on my list I have plenty of time. I mean not that I’m trying to waste your time or that you need to chat with me and so on. Oh goodness here I am rambling again, you’d think after doing this job for so long I’d learn by now.”
Otabek who continued to stare at Yuri who was now pacing a bit back and forth at the end of his bed laughs causing Yuri to get out of his own head and get back to reality.
“Oh I’m sorry I was rambling wasn’t I.” “Just a bit, but I thought it was very cute.”
Yuri blushes
Otabek has already seen a few sides to this precious boy and he wants nothing more but to learn everything about him.
“I’d like to get to know more about you, your life, what music you’re into. Anything and everything you’re willing to share, and of course the same for me to you. I hope we can get closer with my stay here.”
Yuri grinning from ear to ear says, “I would love to do the same.”
“Well then grab a seat I think we could be here for a while. If you think you were rambling you should hear me.”
Yuri proceeds to get comfy and is prepared for all the questions Otabek had for him.
They had a nice long conversation over so many things, it felt so natural to them that they lost track of time. They managed to get dinner at least in between and enjoyed their dessert together and realized that it was already night time.
So they quieted down and Yuri helped Otabek get comfy in the hospital bed and wished him a goodnight and sweet dreams.
Soon after, their daily routine consisted of talking everyday. They were such a bright sunshine to not only each other but for everyone else around them. If anyone didn’t know any better they would have thought they were a couple.
Otabek and Yuri ended up being so comfortable that they were both afraid to reveal their romantic feelings for the other. Until one day Otabek decided to take the plunge and ask Yuri out on a date.
“Yuri I wanted to ask you something if that’s alright.”
“Of course Otabek that’s what I’m here for to help in any way I can. (getting comfy) “So what is it?”
“I’d like to ask you out on a date if that’s alright.”
“Oh um I wasn’t sure what I was expecting to hear haha but (a voice filled with hesitation, finally decided) um yes, yes of course. I’d love to go out on a date with you.”
Otabek, the nervous and worried boy felt such a relief over him, smiling so widely.
“You have no idea how happy I am right now. (taking Yuris hand, feeling that same electricity they felt on that first day) I know my ankle is still recovering but I have a great plan for us tomorrow.”
“I’m really happy too Otabek. I can’t wait. But it’s getting late so you should get some sleep okay.”
Otabek, now pouting, didn’t want this happiness to end just yet. He wanted to hold onto Yuri’s hand longer, forever if he could have his way.
“But I don’t want to let go just yet.”
Yuri, chuckling “Well I’m sorry Mr. Patient but its your bedtime now, so goodnight and sweet dreams.”
“Mr. Patient? Is that all I am to you.” (continuing his little pout)
Yuri (once again chuckling) “Well Mr. Altin is your father now isn’t it.”
Otabek’s pout went into a small smile at the playful tease and let go. Yuri now walking away to the door looks at Otabek one last time and gives a cheeky wink. Otabek felt like if he could stand up right now he would be swooning, but since he couldn’t, he clutched onto his heart.
“How can I sleep now when he just winked at me so cutely.”
Yuri now in disbelief he even had the guts to wink, is slightly weak in the knees. But he manages to do a mini dance as he sees the coast is clear.
Yuri’s confidence in himself has always been a constant battle for him especially in the past. People have toyed with his emotions before but he’s really hopeful that this time around can prove them all wrong.
Yuri tried his best to get some sleep but he was too excited to see Otabek. He prepared to get to the hospital a bit early today. So he stopped by along the way to get a bouquet of flowers and wrote a cute little love note in anticipation for tonight.
As he prepared to surprise Otabek, hiding the bouquet behind his back he was so lost in his own mind that he almost didn’t notice the girl standing at Otabek’s side.
Upon hearing the laughter and seeing the smiles they both had Yuri’s heart broke a little as the harsh reality had to hit him once again.
He should have known that this was too good to be true I mean how could a guy like Otabek not be taken already.
Maybe he just asked me out and thought nothing of it or maybe it was a misunderstanding.
But now is not the time to go running around in circles in my own head right now.
Yuri, now trying to be composed, “I’m sorry to interrupt but oh um Otabek someone sent you flowers. I’ll just leave them here. I didn’t mean to interrupt, is this your girlfriend? She’s really pretty.”
Otabek tries to interrupt and say something but Yuri doesn’t think he can handle what Otabek may or may not say right now.
“I’m pretty busy today so I’m sorry I have a lot of business to take care of today. I’ll let you two continue on. Excuse me.”
“Ohmy, well I’m glad you’re okay Otabek! But you know you really should update your contact info.”
“I know my apologies but thank you for coming out of your way to get here.”
“No worries but (lightly slaps Otabek on the knee) you better make it up to him idiot, he’s a cute one.” (winks)
“I promise… This one I won’t let go so easily.”
Yuri tried his best to hold in the tears that were about to fall and continued on with his day. He managed to get someone else to cover his shift when it came to seeing Otabek, if he needed anything.
Yuri thought if he went to go see him he might just break down a bit or just do something he may regret later if he went to see him. He kept working around his schedule to avoid Otabek. For a day, a night, a week, a few weeks… He thought he was stronger than this but he really liked Otabek.
He thought that this time was different he felt such a strong connection but maybe Otabek didn’t feel the same way. One fateful day though Yuri had the courage to check up on Otabek after avoiding him for so long.
What he found though was an empty bed and before he even realized he started talking out loud.
“Well it already has been a while I’m glad at least if he’s doing better now.”
He lingers at the spot he always would sit at to talk with Otabek and remembered all the lovely moments they had together.
“Ugh why am I still thinking about him he has a girlfriend Yuri snap out of it.”
Yuri was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice that right behind him was none other than Otabek with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
Otabek now breaking the silence started to say, “Girlfriend?!”
Yuri was shocked to hear something out of the blue and looked up to see Otabek now standing in front of him.
He still took his breath away, and he knew that he could never be able get over this boy that easily.
“Oh Otabek hey um this isn’t what it looks like...”
Otabek started to get closer to look at Yuri more clearly and say a few things.
“Yuri! Hang on let me say some things first if that’s alright.”
Yuri stood his ground and was prepared to be ready for whatever Otabek was to say.
“Um sure Otabek I’m all ears.��
Otabek sighed out of relief.
“First of all that girl you saw was my EX-girlfriend, there was a mix-up with contacts and the hospital contacted her and she figured she’d check up on me. We parted ways years ago, a decision we knew that was best for both of us.
We’re just friends and we were catching up when you saw us and misunderstood. I’m really sorry I hurt you that was never my intention. I tried my best to come find you but it always never worked out. I got discharged today and I was hoping I would be able to see you before I left.
Also I saw your note you left with the bouquet you got for our date.” (pulling it out of his pocket so smoothly)
Yuri gasped and was in complete shock at the words he was hearing right now, he almost wanted someone to pinch him to be sure he wasn’t dreaming.
Otabek, sighed once again and smiled.
“I hope that cleared things up for you because I really missed you, you know. And it seems like you missed me too?”
Reaching out for Yuri’s hand and bringing it to his lips to leave a light kiss.
Yuri now melting, weak in the knees, sat down on the bed. As he tried to take it all in, it was his turn to say something.
“I’m sorry too Otabek I didn’t hear your side of things I was just so wrapped up in my own thoughts. I’ve only had bad experiences in the past and I’m glad that this one turned out to be wrong. … If you’re up for it is it okay if we start over?”
“Well, I thought you’d never ask, especially since we still never had our first official date.”
“Now, (as Otabek reaches his arm out for Yuri to hold onto) how about I take you out on that date I promised you.”
Yuri chuckling, “Why of course, you’re such a gentleman…. Otabek was it?”
As they both laughed they prepared to go out for lunch since Yuri still has his shift to go back to that day. And with Otabek now fully healed he brought his motorcycle as he was waiting for Yuri. Otabek hugs him so tightly when he sees the boy running so fast and cutely towards him.
“Are you ready Yuri?”
“I’ve never been more ready!”
Yuri leans in holding onto Otabek so tightly that he almost never wants to let go. Otabek feels all the warmth and love that he also just wants to enjoy this moment forever.
They ride off into the sunset happier than ever and start their new love together.
And as their relationship progressed, so did Yuri’s confidence in himself x3
One night at Otabek’s place….
“Are you sure this looks good on me Beka?” (he knows he looks good)
Beka blown away at how sexy Yuri looks in his sexy nurse outfit that all he could say was. “Yes it looks amazing on you Yura.” (as he gulps in anticipation)
Yuri now acting coy, proceeds to get closer and says,
“Well I’m glad to hear that. Now then I think you need a thorough check up Mr. Beka was it?” (as he flutters his eyelashes)
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Chapter One
A/N: This turned out a little longer than thought that it would. This is my first WWE fic so it might be a little AU and I apologize. I hope you enjoy
My heart is pounding and I would be pacing around if it weren’t for the fact that my ass was glued to the chair with my eyes just as stuck to the monitor as I watch the match that comes just before my own. My own match. My own match at frigging Wrestlemania. Even just saying it inside my head sounds crazy.
I can’t believe I’m here right now. Maybe in a way I can believe that I’m here. I signed that contract over a month ago, but it didn’t feel real at that point. Now that I’m dressed in all new ring gear and sitting backstage, there’s no denying that this is happening. Wrestling in NXT was one thing, but making my WWE debut at the biggest pay per view of the year is something completely different. This is my one chance to make one hell of a first impression and if I fuck it up there’s no second chances. One botched move could be the defining thing of my entire career; a career that might be pretty damn short if I screw this up.
It’s safe to say that my nerves are getting the better of me.
I rub my hands down my bare thighs and grimace at how sticky my palms feel. I need to get myself under control, but that’s easier said than done. I don’t anticipate it happening any time soon.
“You look like you’re about to puke,” a voice comes from next to me.
My head snaps around and my hand comes up to my chest as I nearly jump out of my skin, “Jesus! You scared the hell of me.” My heart feels as though it’s somewhere in my throat. For such a big guy, he didn’t make any kind of noise when it sat down next to me. Or maybe I didn’t notice.
“Sorry,” he chuckles with a little smirk and I can feel my stomach do this odd thing where it feels like a thousand butterflies have taken over. “I didn’t mean to scare you. You just looked like you were inside your head a little much.”
“Yeah, you could say that. This is my first match and I’m freaking out over here. No, it’s not my first first match, but like my first match here and that’s a pretty big damn deal. If I screw this up, there’s no telling what might happen to me after that.” I want to run my fingers through my hair, but the hair department would have my ass if I ruined their carefully constructed masterpiece before I made my entrance. Plus, there’s a crap ton of glitter that I would rather not start messing with.
“So then don’t mess it up,” he says like it’s such an easy thing. My eyes narrow and there’s that smirk again. “Think about it. You’ve done this how many times now? Why should this time be any different? You’re still going out there in front of a crowd and doing what you’ve done probably a thousand times before. Just go out there and do what you do best. Kick ass.”
“What makes you so sure that’s what I do best?”
“For starters: you wouldn’t be here if that wasn’t the case. And I might have caught a few of your matches in NXT and you’re pretty good. What do they call you? The Lethal Latina?”
“Something like that,” I shake my head, biting back a smile. It’s hard to believe that this guy, one of the biggest superstars in the company, watched even one of my matches, but it’s nice of him to say to make me feel more comfortable.
“You really don’t need to be humble. You got here because you worked your ass off to get here. Enjoy it because not everyone gets here.”
“You know if this whole being the big dog thing doesn’t work out for you, you can always become a motivational speaker. I think that might be your true calling in life,” I’m teasing him, but there’s some truth to my words. I’ve had talks with all the girls I worked with during my time in developmental all week and no one has been able to make me feel as good about this as a guy that I’ve been talking to for less than five minutes. It’s crazy.
“I’ll keep that in mind if I get buried tonight,” he starts to rise from his chair.
“Oh, come on. You’re not going to tell me if you beat The Phenom?” My eyes follow him as he stands up completely. Now the smile is breaking free and I can’t help it.
“I have to give you a reason to watch, don’t I?” He doesn’t wait for me to answer before he’s walking away.
As if I needed another reason to watch his match. I think that smirk is enough to anyone with a pulse to watch.
I don’t win my match, but that doesn’t matter to me because just the experience was incredible. I feel like I’m still running high off the adrenaline. I still can’t believe I was a part of something so epic. It’s right up there to be one of the greasiest moments of my career. No, one of the greatest moments of my life.
“Jayde. Come on you’re going to make us late.” I hear Alexis screaming through the bathroom door.
“It’s impossible to be late to an after party.” I make sure the door is open before I roll my eyes at her. She makes sure to return the gesture before her blue eyes are looking over my attire. “Too much?” I start to worry when the silence stretches on too long.
“Damn girl. You look hot like hot. If I was single I would totally do you.” She pushes a glitterless curl out of my face and giggles.
I don’t think anything of her flirts. Alexis has been a flirt since I met her back in NXT in 2014. I remember the first day I met the tiny blonde. We clicked instantly and became best friends. She was called up before I was and I’m grateful that we’re on the same brand now so she can show me the ropes and I won’t feel so alone.
I take one last look on the mirror and I have to admit that I do look hot. The strapless white dress doing amazing things against my tanned skin and paired with the bronzed glow of my make up and the dark curls in my hair, it all creates an alluring picture.
I had the night of a lifetime so I’m more than welcome to toot my own horn a little bit.
“The girls are already waiting downstairs and Leah keeps texting me to tell you that if you keep her from Cass any longer, she’s coming up here to get you herself.”
I grimace and quickly grab my small clutch, “Let’s go. I know better than to come between a woman and her dick.”
When we make it the club, most of the girls disappear off into the arms of their significant others. Even Alexis, who had a fiancé at home, leaves me alone in VIP to go shake her ass on the dance floor. I sit off in the corner and nurse my water. I’ve been the new girl before and I know how hard it is to break into the groups that have been formed years prior. I don’t expect it to happen overnight.
I look up to see his large frame sitting on the couch. I lick my lips and stand up to walk over and sit next to him. I wish I could blame my sudden burst of confidence on some liquid courage.
“So should I call you Roman or the man who buried The Dead Man?” I lift my brow.
“Either might work fine, but I really do prefer Joe. It’s a lot easier to remember than Leati.” I nod my head. I should have already known that. A simple Google of the man would have told me everything I needed to know, but it might have seemed a little weird to know everything about him.
“Alright, Joe. That was one hell of a match.” I take a long sip of my water.
“So you did end up watching it?” There’s no ignoring the smile that comes to his lips. It’s reminiscent of the little smug smirks he gets when people boo him in the ring.
I shake my head a little, “I was mostly watching to see Taker choke slam the hell out of you. Seeing you in Hell’s Gates would have been entertaining too.”
“I don’t know if I should be offended or not.”
“Probably should be offended.” I can’t keep a straight face for too long before I’m laughing at the look on his face. It takes him a split second to realize him teasing him. “But I wasn’t kidding. It was one hell of a match.”
“I’m still a little bit offended but that smile is making it hard to be mad.” He chuckles and shakes his head.
“Are you flirting with me, Leati?” I butcher his name a little, but it only causes him to laugh a little bit more. I might just stick with Joe.
“That depends. How’s it working out for me?”
“I haven’t fully decided yet. We may have to give it a few more tries before I can make a decision.” I wish I had more self control and could keep my smile at bay, but I clearly don’t.
“Are you not drinking?” He nods towards the water bottle in my hand.
“I stopped drinking years ago. The girls in developmental nicknamed me ‘the hot mess express’ and trust me, they didn’t mean it in an endearing way.” I knew that if I wanted to make it far in this industry, I was going to have to clean up my personal life outside of the ring.
“That bad, huh?”
“Whatever you’re thinking? It was probably worse than that.” I feel my nose scrunching at the memories that I would rather soon forget.
“I’m almost a little disappointed you’re not coming on the road with Raw.“ His words break the silence that fall over the two of us.
"You can’t just say things like that and not elaborate. You’re playing with my curiosity.”
“I would like to get to know you more and that can definitely happen on the road.” He says it like it’s the simplest thing in the world.
“You know there’s this new invention called the cellphone. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it. You can do all sorts of things with it like texting which usually helps in getting to know someone from far distances.” He lifts a brow but I don’t allow anything to show on my face even with the strong teasing tone in my voice.
“Is that you’re subtle way of asking me for my number?”
“You’re the one that wants to get to know me remember?” I watch him lick his lips slowly and my eyes follow the slow movement of his tongue as I shift in my seat. Jesus. That move should be illegal coming from him.
“You’re not making this easy for a guy.”
“Wait. I thought you were the guy and I love making things hard.” I realize the way my words sound when it’s too late.
“Something tells me things hard comes naturally for you.” The way his eyes don’t seem to waver from me makes me shift in my seat once more.
“It’s one of my specialities.”
“What are you guys doing off in this dark corner?” I jolt back and look up to see Alexis standing there. I found myself so caught up in the conversation that I seem to forget that we’re still in a public place.
“I wouldn’t exactly call this a dark corner.” I push away from him a little, placing a little distance between the two of us.
"Seems like a dark corner to me, Jay.” She cuts her eyes at me. “Anyway. Come dance with me.”
She doesn’t wait for me to answer. Instead, she grabs my hand and pulls me from my seat o the dance floor. There’s some hard hitting beat pulsing through the speakers and I mode with Alexis with ease, our hips moving in unison. Her hands are on my hips and she pulls me close. So close I can feel her breath against the back of my neck.
For a brief moment, my eyes move up to the VIP section and my eyes connect with his. He’s leaned over the railing. I can’t see it but something tells me there’s a smirk on his face. Or at least I’m hoping that there is. If he’s watching, I want him to enjoy what he sees.
A much larger hand grabbing my hips causes me to look away from him. I look up to see Leah and Cass standing there. They tell us they’re leaving and while I appreciate the heads up, I’m a little disappointed when I look back to VIP and he’s gone. There goes my entertainment for me the evening and there’s no reason for me to stay. I make sure that Alexis is going to me okay and I head out with the couple.
I make it to my hotel room after a more than awkward car ride wheee Leah and Cass all but dry hump each other. I know it must be hard having a relationships and being on two different brands, but they could have at least waited until they were behind closed doors.
One long shower later, I’m crawling into bed as exhaustion starts to settle in. I think I earned the right to have one uninterrupted night of sleep, but the universe had other things in mind because before I can even close my eyes, the text tone on my phone is going off.
(813) 555-8161: Seems like I didn’t have to ask to get your number. And for the record, I am the guy.
I quickly save the number in my phone knowing exactly who’s talking before replying.
Jayde: Even of this borders on stalker mike behavior I like the determination on your part.
The Guy: How much does that increase my chances of getting you on a date?
Jayde: Good night Joe
I see the three dots blinking but I shut off my phone and slip it under my pillow before I can see his response if any at all. I could easily say yes. I know that I could, but I know how much of a bad idea that could be. Mixing business with pleasure is something I told myself I wouldn’t do, but that doesn’t stop me from dreaming about him the whole night.
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chrollohearttags · 7 months
so I’m back?? (for the time being) to my 3+ drabbles a day. I got a lot of writing done last night and it allows me time to work on my longer fics.
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