#and I thought they were named luisa at the time lol
dapperrokyuu · 2 years
The name Luka may be canon, but Luisa lives on in my heart...
And thus, I headcanon Luka as nonbinary, and they use whatever name they feel like on a whim. c:
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gamerbearmira · 2 months
Hello resident evil au person sorry for the hiatus but I am back! First off I would like to say thank you Soo much for that snippet it was sooo beautiful and well done I've read it like 10 times now and I can't wait to see what you come up with next! also I love what you did with Isabela camilo and Bruno designs they look so cool!
I thought about what you said about the children idea and I agree that it would make sense for her to get them a bit how Alcina got her daughter so I thought about it and decided that Miranda would probably pick three orphaned children around five or younger (I was thinking boys since in the Madrigal family there's a generation of two girls and a boy then a generation of two boys and a girl and then one with all girls but not one with all boys and I don't know it just feels like it completes the rotation if that make sense?)
Their names are Desmond, Cassius and Sebastian they like Alcina's daughters have no memory of their human life and immediately saw Mirabel as their mother they can turn into moths just like she can but it's different species of moths for all four of them Mirabel can turn into the Madagascan sunset moth Desmond turns into the White witch Cassius turns into the Antheraea assamensis and Sebastian turns into the Polyphemus moth. I don't have much for each of their personalities just that Sebastian is a mama's boy and follows Mirabel wherever she goes and does whatever she says and gets jealous whenever she isn't paying attention to him (if it's his brothers his a little more tolerant but after an hour he will start to get huffy). Desmond is a bookworm and will read everything he can no matter what the book is about he also loves to paint play music and to make things out of yarn with Mirabel whether that's embroidering knitting whatever. Cassius is the wild child running around getting into anything and everything he can he has a temper that rivals pepas he has rage fits that he has a hard time controlling and usually goes to Mirabel when he's getting too worked up and she helps calm him down. I haven't thought about what they looked like I thought I would leave that up to you!
As always any and all artwork is appreciated and loved!
No but I am SOOOOO sorry this took basically a month the to get back to??? I was busy a lot of June and the thing is?? I literally started the drawing?? But I got distracted and completely forgot BUT THE ETHAN DRAWING REMINDED ME!! SO WE'RE BACK ON THE GRIND❗❗❗💪💪💪💪
ALSO I'M GLAD YOU LIKED THE SNIPPET!!! Maybe I'll do more hmmmm 🦫🦫
ANYWAYYYYY I finally did Luisa and Agustín. Eventually I'll do all of the family with color, but for now only sketches 😞But I'm glad you liked Isabela, Camilo and Bruno! Fun fact lol, at the time I had redone Camilo's jacket bout 3 times 💀💀
And I did get to do the triplets!! Also I like the idea of three boys, very fitting now that you mention the other gens 🤭🤭
They are very silly...I tried my best to match them based on their personalities. Also note, if they were colored in, their antennae and wings would match the moths, I swear 😭 also I gave them antenna and wings. Because they are still small children being exposed to the black mold 🌚 and I think they'd look more similar to Mirabel in that way. Except Mirabel has dragonfly wings, BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT
An idea I had, like Antonio lol, I think the younger the subject, the more susceptible they are to more physical/openly visual changes. Another fun fact, I almost gave the family members bug parts based on what you discribed them 🪕🪕🪕
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ALSO RANDOM QUESTION...but like still related. If there was a family tree (given that this Casita is basically a darker, probably black mold invested version), would it be normal OR.
Would Mirabel be at the top and everyone just below her because, by Miranda's rules, she's technically the head of the house, not Alma. The seniority isn't by age but rather by the fact that Mirabel was named as that by Miranda. Idk, I was just thinking about it 🦀🦀
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mamamamadrigal · 3 years
Please, stay
Dolores x reader, Isabela x reader
Note (?): This is before casita fell apart. Also, I'm not happy on how I wrote this so I might fix it sooner or later lol
It was just another early morning where the Madrigals were having breakfast, chatting amongst themselves while enjoying the little time they had left before they were off to help the people of the village.
"Dolores" Alma called out, waiting for Dolores to look at her. "Is there anything we should know about the village today?" She asked
Everyone kept quiet, so it would be easier for Dolores to hear.
"Senor Osvaldo's donkeys got out again" She informed, hearing a small groan from Luisa
"And Jóse fell off his horse and hurt his wrist" she continued. Julieta nodded and stood up, walking to the kitchen to prepare her arepas.
"Oh and Mariano's cousin is coming to visit him" She finished. Everyone was surprised at this, since there were very few people who knew the place of this village, let alone come visit it.
"And did they say a name?" Mirabel asked, excited to see a new face around. Dolores shook her head, crushing Mirabel's spirit alittle.
"But, she's coming tomorrow, and Mariano and his family are planning to invite us to her welcome party"
When the Madrigals arrived the Guzman's house for the party, it was already filled with people, all curious to see the new face Mariano's been talking about. And by their logic, since you were related to Mariano, you would be just as attractive.
"Alma! It's good to see you and your family here" Se��ora Guzman greeted them each with a hug. "It's pleasure to be here señora" Isabela said politely.
Each of the Madrigals parted ways to do their own thing, with Isabela and Alma left with Señora Guzman.
"Isabela, looking as perfect as ever I see, I'm sure you're looking for Mariano, but he went to fetch his cousin" Señora Guzman winked at her, and Isabela just gave her a weak smile.
Alma and Señora Guzman started chatting away with Isabela just by her abuela's side, smiling at the guests from time to time.
While everyone was chattering, Dolores heard a knock at the door and went to go open it, revealing you right at the door, with Mariano behind you.
"Hello" Dolores squeaked shyly and you waved at her, you noticed her blush and honestly thought she was blushing at you. But she was blushing at Mariano.
She smiled at the both of you then scampered away before Mariano or the person could smile back. Mariano looked at you and shrugged.
Señora Guzman immediately noticed Mariano and his cousin. "Everyone!" She announced, making the whole room go quiet. "This is y/n Guzman, Mariano's cousin and my grandchild, please make her feel welcome!" She finished, beckoning you and Mariano to come to her
Everyone's eyes were on you, including Isabela's. You were quite attractive indeed. Even Mariano knew you would have a few suitors not even a week after your visit.
"Señora Alma, this is Y/n" Mariano introduced. You smiled at her and Isabela couldn't help but think that your smile was so pretty
Señora Guzman nodded at you and Isabela. "We'll leave you two to get acquainted. The three of us have something to discuss" she told Isabela and she knew that they were going to discuss about Mariano's marriage proposal.
Once they left you two alone, it was painfully quiet.
"So, you must be Isabelle" you said, hand reached out for a handshake. All Isabela did was look at your hand. "Isabela" she corrected. You didn't mind her correction at all. "Okay then, Isa"
You've only just met her a few minutes ago and you're already giving her nicknames?
"Only my friends call me Isa" She said coldly, you ignored her tone and looked around. "And where are your 'friends' now?" You asked her.
"Somewhere." She answered curtly. "Well I'm here, so now I'm your friend. Atleast until I go back home" you shrugged, and Isabela didn't know whether to be annoyed or amused
"I actually have to enjoy your company to consider you a friend"
You were silent for a few seconds and Isabela took that as her sign to leave. But before she could step away, you grabbed her wrist making her stop and look at you.
You both looked into each other's eyes for a moment before-
"Did you know you could drink the insides of a cactus?" You told her out of the blue
Startled at your randomness, she just raised her eyebrow at you. "What?"
"Did you know you could drink the insides of a cactus?" You repeated slowly, as if she was a toddler that couldn't understand. "I mean it's not safe to drink but you can drink it anyways" You continued.
Isabela let out a small giggle at that.
Her giggle did not go unnoticed by you. "See? You seem to be enjoying my company after all" you tell her smugly. Isabela just rolled her eyes and smiled. "Okay, maybe you aren't so bad"
You let out a dramatic gasp "Me? Bad? I am insulted" you cried out, earning a few strange looks from the other villagers. You didn't seem to mind, and neither did Isabela.
Over a few weeks have passed and alot has happened, Isabela revealed she didn't want to marry Mariano, everyone lost their gifts for awhile and the casita fell apart. You stayed by Isabela through all that though. You became her best friend. But it wasn't just her that liked you, even the madrigals were enjoying your company. You would tell Mirabel about your life in the city, you would help Antonio feed the animals, you would help Camilo with his pranks and you would tell Isabela about your knowledge on plants.
Well, you didn't know much about plants, so when you would run out of facts Isabela would start telling you about the things she knows about them. And you would listen. Isabela wanted to deny it, but she started liking you. More than a friend.
Today was like that, where you would be sitting under a tree listening to Isabela tell you about plants, her head resting on your shoulder. But what she didn't know was that while you were trying to listen to her every word, you were also watching Dolores talking to Antonio from afar. Now you weren't as close to her like you were with Isabela, but you started to feel something for her. I mean, you two had your moments from time to time, and you thought she blushed at you almost eveytime you were with Mariano.
But you didn't know that she already confessed to Mariano during the rebuilding of casita.
Isabela finally noticed that you weren't paying attention, and snapped her fingers infront of your face. Finally snapping back into reality, you looked at her sheepishly.
She would normally get annoyed at people who didn't pay any attention to her talking, but she couldn't get mad at you, no matter how hard she tried.
Isabela looked at you before sighing. "Anyway, I overheard Mariano talking about taking you back to the city" she said, trying to sound unbothered. But truthfully, she didn't want you to leave.
You looked at her confused "You didn't know?" Isabela furrowed her eyebrows "Know what?" she asked.
"I came to visit my cousin," you started but she didn't let you finish. "Yes I know about that" she interrupted. You spoke over her, telling her the truth. "-To see if I would like to live in the village with him." You told her nonchalantly, before spacing out again.
You didn't notice how Isabela's eyes widened in excitement, or how her smile got brighter, you weren't paying attention to her. You were looking at Dolores and Mariano talking.
"Well, are you staying?" Isabela asked nervously, although she was sure she had nothing to be nervous about, you seemed to like it here.
You turned to her, you wanted to say yes, and honestly you were about to, until you saw Mariano walk by, holding Dolores' hand. Oh.
You watched as your cousin and Dolores smiled at each other, both of them looking completely, utterly in love.
"Don't get me wrong Isa, I really do like it here. It's fun and interesting and everybody's so nice" you told her, making Isabela smile
Her smile instantly dropped once you said your next words.
"But I think I'd be better off back in the city"
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historysquib · 2 years
The idea of Julieta and Agustín taking time together to pick names for their daughters is just a really soft moment that I love!
I’ve read a few cute fics that talk about baby names and I enjoyed them a lot. Then it lived in my head rent free because now I have questions.
We’re the names established before they were even pregnant or was it last minute? Did they argue about it?? Or go back and forth?? Did they yell the names from the porch to see if it stayed? (I could see Pepa doing that.) There are all things I need answers to in a series lol
Like what was their thought process? It’s possible that each name has a special meaning or a special someone behind it. Someone who had an impact on their lives in some way shape or form. Maybe it’s from family members, close friends, or even a person who they met in passing and just thought, “Wow, I like that! JULIETA!” Like I know Mirabel’s behind the name meaning, which is fitting. But for Isabela and Luisa??
OR I’m reaching and overthinking this a lot. It’s just a cute and intimate moment between Julieta and Agustín that I like to envision!!
Thoughts or headcanons! Please share 🥹
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kalorphic · 3 years
Me, after reading that ask about the ros talents/hobbies: So K is very flexible huh? Interesting... 👀 Does that mean... they and MC could... practice yoga together??
Lmao, jk jk but since we are on this topic, could you tell us what activities would the ros choose to spend some time with the MC?? (Like, would they prefer to do something outdoorsy like going hiking or maybe something more chill like watching a movie together, idk if I'm explaining this correctly but oh well).
I'm loving what you've told us of the story so far but what I'm in love most of all are the characters, they're just asdjajjskajska😍, I'll give my heart to all of them if I didn't need it to, well, live i guess but it's the thought that counts?? Also, your answers to these asks make everything 10 times better, you seem like a really cool human so I'm excited to see how you bring this story to life.
Wow this ask got longer than I thought it would, ups? Well, thanks for coming up with such lovable characters, take care of yourself and remember to stay hydrated!!! (And sorry if any of this is weirdly worded, English is not my first language but I really wanted to send this)
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My heart is melting right now, I’m not sure this is healthy, but what the heck! This ask is too cute! Please don’t literally give your heart to the ROs though, as you said you’re gonna need your ticker. Haha thank you sm, but I just used the word ticker unironically, I am in fact actually an 80yo trapped in a 20yo body. I’m so glad that you’re excited though!!!❤️
I mean I don’t know if you’re joking or not, but K actually does do yoga (and so do I! I really recommend it!). So yeah, do yoga with K and try not to get too distracted *wink wonk*.
I got to the end of this ask and saw that English wasn’t your first language and was like huh??? I’m pretty sure you write better English than most English people so don’t worry about that!
As for your ask, it’s going under the cut to shorten this a little lol!
K would do anything that involves being active with you: yoga, hiking, rock climbing, or swimming just to name a few. However, they also love the idea of curling up with you indoors while you both do your own things.
A would love to take you to museums or monuments, anything historical really, and what’s even better is they know loads of really niche sites that tourists don’t really know about!
Reese would love to take you onto the rooftop garden above their penthouse apartment (if you aren’t afraid of heights) to either stargaze with them, or just watch the world go by.
Luisa would take you to all her favourite little cafes/restaurants, she knows all the owners and they all love her, so expect a lot of free desserts.
Cody loves to party, so if you were comfortable with that, they’d love to take you with them. If it wasn’t something you were comfortable with then Cody would like to cuddle on the sofa watching films with you.
Noah would love you to accompany them for a dog walk and picnic in some of the most beautiful parks you’ll ever see.
Thank you for your ask and take care of yourself as well!
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wikluk · 2 years
Though it may never be written, what are some AUS you and Dabby thought of (cracky or angsty?)
Here are some:
Pre-Movie – Body Swap AU. The Candle makes Isabela and Mirabel swap their bodies and they try to get back to normal without making their family sus. It's not easy when one sister is used to her flowers and vines and the other keeps on growing random plants here and there lol. Also, they finally see what the other's life looks like and they begin to understand finally each other.
Modern – Car Crash AU. Agustin and Julieta have two daughters - Isabela and Luisa. The birth with Luisa was quite a difficult one and Julieta was told she couldn't have any more babies. She wasn't particularly upset, she had her two kids and was happy. But then one day teenage Isabela and Luisa die in a car crash caused by a drunk driver. A year later, on the anniversary of their death, Julieta discovers she's pregnant (with her miracle baby Mirabel; also this Mirabel is the same age Antonio is, which would mean both sisters were pregnant together).
Modern AU – Taken Away AU. The idea for this one is that Mirabel isn't Julieta and Agustin's daughter but she was adopted by them as a baby. Unfortunately, three years or so later her biological parents enter the picture again and because the law system is fucked up, Mirabel is taken away from them and given back to her parents. Years later, a 15yo Mirabel comes back to the city she spent 3 years of her life in and meets Isabela and Luisa. They recognise her (also the name gave them an idea) but Mirabel doesn't remember any of the girls. They befriend her and bring her home and there Mirabel slowly discovers the reason why her parents didn't have any photos of her under the age of 3, and that this family isn't just "friends".
Canon Divergence – Side Effects AU. Her healing abilities have some side effects, one of them is: healing too much influences negatively any of the pregnancies Julieta had. That's why she doesn't have any successful pregnancies (mmm stillborns) but she doesn't know why. When she gets pregnant years after her last one, she hides it because she's sure this one would end the same way, though her family discovers it and is angry that she puts herself through all this pain again. Funny thing... She gives birth to twins and one of them survives.
Canon Divergence – Disinheritance AU. It's Alma bashing, the Madrigals bashing, very toxic, very dysfunctional kind of AU. Basically: Pepa is Alma's Golden Child instead of Julieta. Pepa has everything easier, especially since she found herself a man that Alma loves as well, and she's glad her daughter will create a family with him. So. In this AU Isabela and Luisa are either non-existent or are Pepa and Felix's kids for one reason - when Julieta met Agustin and they fell in love, they didn't get Alma's blessing, so Julieta couldn't marry him. But she did, after a few years. In secret. With only the priest as a witness. But then, a few weeks after Pepa announced her pregnancy (with Camilo), Julieta discovers she's pregnant as well. She hides the pregnancy, too afraid of what her mother would say. She gives birth, she has Mirabel and since she's a preemie and a quiet baby, they decide to hide her at Agustin's place. One day Alma gets sus her daughter disappears for such a long time. She follows her and finds out about everything. She's furious. She makes a scene. Under pressure from the villagers and her reputation, she lets Julieta, Agustin and Mirabel live in Casita but... It's bad. It's clear she's furious at them, it's clear she hates Agustin and thinks Mirabel is a bastard even if she was born to a married couple. Like I said, it's toxic AU. Pepa is under so much pressure of being perfect that she easily gets angry and frustrated and then, she lashes out at Julieta. It's easier cuz Alma wouldn't reprimand her. Her kids look up to her and follow her lead, being mean to Mirabel in return. Everything goes worse when Mirabel doesn't get her gift. Alma thinks it's God's punishment for the dishonour Julieta brought them. Bruno is the only friendly soul they have there. And the only reason Julieta hasn't left Encanto yet, but seeing how her baby is treated (and not being able to keep any pregnancy after Mirabel because she's so overworked and stressed all the time), the possibility is there and is tempting.
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neonartistycauseidk · 3 years
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INTRODUCING : Psy-canto!
And if you couldn’t already guess, it’s an Encanto au-
Here’s a basic rundown- sorta- ( it’s kinda just a retelling of the beginning of Encanto except a slight bit different )
A long time ago,,,,long before the miracle that blessed them all,,,,,by fate, two young adults met. Those two being Marona Galochio and Lazarus Aquato. The two soon became friends, and from friends to young lovers, and from young lovers to a married couple…..Shortly after their marriage, they had their firstborns. Twins, a boy and a girl named Lorenza and Juleto. And a few years after that, they had their youngest child….A son, named Augustus.
At least five years had passed, and everything seemed to be fine. But it wasn’t. Their town was under attack. And they had to get out of there. Fast.
And so they ran. And a group followed close behind.
But somewhere, somehow, when they were running away….Augustus was gone…..He wasn’t there…..their youngest….was gone.
But there was no time.
So they kept going…..Soon enough the same people who destroyed their town were after them directly. And where no where else to go, with no where to run. They were surrounded.
The only thing left to do was embrace, and hope to meet again in another life…..
But suddenly, oh so suddenly….A miracle was born.
Skip to many, many years in the future,,,,,,,Where Lorenza and Juleto got married and had their own kids,,,,and Marona has sadly passed. But Lazarus,,,the candle holder, still stands. Just as the Miracle does, bright and true.
But a thing to know is that….out of all the kids Razputin Aquato, is the only one without a gift.
No one knows why,,,,the rest have them- so why doesn’t he?
Well….To be honest,,,,Razputin doesn’t know either.
But that’s where the story ends……..
For now.
Anywho- so I bet y’all dying to know who everyone is right?
Lazarus is Abuela ( or Nonno )
Marona is Pedro *lol*
Razputin is Mirabel
Juleto is Juletia ( look how creative with names I am guys-)
Lorenza is Pepa
Frazie is Dolores
Mirtala is Antonio
Dion is Isabela
Queepie is Luisa
Extra :
( Also some characters are not given roles yet so uh- yeah,,,,,Hope you guys like this au idea! )
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musedbyalli · 3 years
💙 ; What’s something you’ve been wanting to write with ___ (asker to specify muse). [ Cain Hargreaves - im screaming that you have this manga on your blog. i love godchild.]
💜 ; Is there a muse you want to add to your blog? If so, tell us about them.
💔 ; Is there a muse you are thinking about removing from the blog?
Multi-muse Questions
💙 ; What’s something you’ve been wanting to write with ___ (asker to specify muse). [ Cain Hargreaves - im screaming that you have this manga on your blog. i love godchild.]
Thank you!  I love that series and it’s so sad how it doesn’t seem to be that well-known.  
Anyways, some encounters with members of Delilah would be interesting to write with him.  Plus, I should make some crossovers for him outside of the Victorian Era.  I honestly just enjoy writing things with him, especially since he isn’t one of my more popular muses.
💜 ; Is there a muse you want to add to your blog? If so, tell us about them.
There actually are lol cause I have very little self-control and should not watch things again because I develop interest in more characters that deserve love.
There’s Bruno & Luisa from Encanto (finally watched it), Luna from Harry Potter, Jareth & an OC from Labyrinth, Kushina from Naruto (I’ve actually had a few people thing she was already a muse of mine), Hoki & Hako from Boruto, Emma & Rowena & Crowley from Supernatural, Mr Meeseeks & Snowball from Rick & Morty, Mercphobia from Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest, Fisher from Bones, Melvin & Jinx & Terra from Teen Titans, Kyoshi & Mai & Ty Lee from ATLA, Kya & Lin & Izumi & Jinora & Ikki from Legend of Korra, Spirit from Soul Eater, Fasha from DBZ, Jesse from Breaking Bad, Allison from Breakfast Club, Alice from Bloody Roar, Nugget from Kindergarten, Fern from Charlotte’s Web, some Neopets muses cause nostalgia tbh and I have some crossover ideas with, and some seasonal muses around holidays are interesting that I’ve seen people do so that’d probably be from The Santa Clause or one of the ghosts from Scrooged.
Labyrinth OC would be the original Sarah that some theories of the movie suggest exists.  She would be deceased prior to the events of the movie and basically Jareth is in denial of her death.  Her and movie Sarah share similar appearances and same first name, which makes him wonder if movie Sarah is a reincarnation of the original.  
I doubt I’d really use many of them often, but it’d be fun to possibly write them.
💔 ; Is there a muse you are thinking about removing from the blog?
I have thought about removing a few, but haven’t done it cause I do enjoy writing them once in a rare while.  The ones that come to mind are Ageha Hitachiin (OHSHC) and ChoCho Akimichi (Boruto).  I haven’t though cause those were muses I dabbled in way back before even starting rping on Tumblr, more so Ageha than ChoCho, and they have some sentimental value from that time but both definitely need more growth/expansion.  
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Hey everyone, so this is a one shot story requested by @lieutenant-amuel . I really hope that it turned out as you were hoping. This was my second EOA Fic I’ve ever written so I hope it came out okay heh. I really liked this idea, I’m not used to writing fluffy Fics lol 😅 but I’m happy how this came out. Feedback, Reblogs and constructive criticism is welcome💖
I Will Make You Proud
It was a beautiful day in Avalor, the people were getting everything ready and prepped for the Peace Festival. It had been 40 years and since they last had a Peace Festival, Thanks to Shuriki ruling over Avalor and banning Avalor from having any festivals. Now that Shuriki was defeated thanks to Princess Elena and her friends they were able to celebrate all the festivals Shuriki had banned.
Every year during the Peace Festival, Avalor hosts an Olaball competition. The Royal courts compete against each other to win and take home the golden cup. Gabe’s order’s were to pick up Elena and Naomi, and take them to the arena where they would meet up with the rest of the team. “Wow Elena, everyone seems so excited and busy for the festival.” Naomi said.
“Well it’s been 40 years since the last time we had a peace festival. Now that Shuriki is gone, I thought it be a great idea to bring back the peace festival to celebrate the lasting peace between Avalor and the kingdom of Carina.”Elena replied with a smile.
“I guess Shuriki wasn’t into a lot of “peace”. Naomi stated. “No not really.” Elena answered.
“We all know the real reason why everyone is so exited.” Naomi said with a smile.
“Olaball!” They both shouted excitedly together.
Gabe pulled on the horses reigns to stop the coach, Elena and Naomi got down and made their way to the arena. The first thing they see is Luisa blowing the whistle having the team do drills, Elena and Naomi glance at each other. Before they could say something to each other Abuela Luisa blew the whistle telling them to join the others doing running drills. Gabe glances at the team “I’ll see you guys later.” Gabe said with a soft chuckle.
The coach began to move, “I’ll go visit my parents while I’m here in town” Gabe thought to himself. A few minutes passed, Gabe pulled the reigns stopping the coach. “Mama! Papa!” Gabe said opening the door to the bakery.
“Gabriel!” Blanca said giving her son a hug.
“Sorry I’m late I had to take the princess to Olaball practice.” Gabe explained.
Gabe’s dad turned to see his son, “Really, how does the team look? Do you think they are ready for the big game?.Roberto asked enthusiastically.
“Beats me. You know I don’t follow Olaball ball.” Gabe answered putting on an apron.
“Who doesn’t follow Olaball?.” Roberto said with a scoff.
Gabe gazed down sadly for a moment. Blanca saw the tension between her husband and son, she tried to move on. “Mijo why don’t you help me stir the filling.” Blanca asked handing Gabe the bowl and spoon.
Gabe looked back up and took the bowl, “Of Course Mama.” Gabe said with a small smile. Gabe began to mix the empanada filling, there was a few seconds of silence before Gabe spoke up. “It’s about time we bring back that award to Avalor right papa?” Gabe stated.
“Trophy, it’s a trophy.” Roberto sighed frustratedly.
“Right trophy.” Gabe said looking to the side. “You know, I actually work with the team spiker.” Gabe stated with a smile.
“Striker, He’s called a striker.”Roberto said as the pan he had cluttered as he put it down.
Gabe tried to brush it off and continue. “Right Striker. Well fillings done” Gabe said handing his father the spoon to taste it. Roberto took the spoon from Gabe and tasted it.
“It’s not good enough, I’ll have to redo it myself.” Roberto said frustratedly.
Gabe sighs frustratedly “I’m trying to help, what do you want from me?” Gabe said grabbing a bag of flour.
“I want you to help me run the bakery.” Roberto answered grabbing the other side of the flour from his son.
“We’ve already been through this, papa. I’m a royal guard not a baker.” Gabe said still holding the bag of flour.
“The name of this bakery is Nuñez and Son. I’m Nuñez your supposed to be the Son.” Roberto said as he pulled the bag of flour to his side causing it to rip spilling all the flour on the flour. “Ugh, My lucky Jersey.” Roberto said storming out of the room.
Gabe gazes down sadly shaking his head, “I gotta get back to work.” Gabe stated giving him mom a kiss on the cheek.
“Gabriel.” Blanca said as she went after her son. “Please stay”. She said almost pleading to her son. Gabe gazes down as he hears his mother asking him to stay.
“Just once it would be nice if something I did would made him happy you know?” Gabe said with a sigh.
“I know, but you know how stubborn your papá can be.” Blanca answered.
Gabe had his head down his eyes looking to the ground, Blanca gently lifts his head to see his face. “You make me happy Mijo.” Blanca said with a soft smile.
Gabe looks up at his mom and gives a small smile, “Thanks mamá. Gabe said giving his mom a hug. Blanca embraced the hug of her son and hugged him back. Gabe waves goodbye to his mamá and heads back to the castle. Gabe pulls up in front of the castle and opens the door to the study where everyone was sitting figuring what they were going to do Next.
“Princess Elena, I came to say I’m back.” Gabe said saluting Elena.
Luisa went toward Gabe asking him if he would be able to take Rico place in the team because he hurt his ankle. Gabe pondered a few minutes thinking about the offer, he wasn’t really good at Olaball or even into the sport. Elena comes over and encourages him to play, “Gabe it would mean a lot to us if you played for our team.” Elena said encouragingly. “Plus I think your parents would love to see you play.” Elena said putting her hand on his shoulder.
“Alright count me in!” Gabe said looking at Elena with a smile.
Gabe was excited to tell his parents, this could be his chance to prove that he can make his papá proud. To win that trophy and see the look on his father’s face when he brings it home. Gabe went to his parents house to tell them the news. “ Mamá, Papá, I’m going to be on the Olaball team.” Gabe said with a smile.
“Ahahah! That’s great news! I can teach you all my tricks.” Roberto said with excitement. “Come let’s go practice outside, I’ll show you all my signature moves that will win us that trophy.” Robert said grabbing a ball.
Gabe nodded and followed his Papá outside. “This move I call the Roberto round house.” Roberto said giving Gabe a demonstration. “Now you try it.” Roberto said kicking the ball to Gabe who just caught it with his hands. “No hands In Olaball.” Roberto corrected him.
“Sorry reflexes.” Gabe said with a small chuckle. Gabe tossed the ball into the air and tries to do the same move his dad did. As Gabe spins and tries to kicks the ball, but he misses it causing him to loose his balance and fall to the ground.
“No that’s not how you do it.” Roberto signs pinching the bridge of his nose. “Let me show you the Roberto Rumba.” Roberto said as he demonstrated his next move.
Gabe watches attentively, as soon as his dad was done Roberto passed him the ball to try the Roberto Ramba. “Roberto Ramba.” Gabe said as he tossed the ball into the air and bumped it with his hips aiming for the goal. The ball flew across the house missing the goal.
“Let’s try this again.” Roberto said with a sigh.
Gabe tries a few more times to do his dads moves, but he couldn’t do them like his dad causing the ball to always miss the goal.
“Let’s take a break.” Roberto said with a disappointed sigh and walked into the house.
Gabe sighed and sat down thinking how he disappointed his and he would never make him proud. Blanca saw her husband walk inside mumbling to himself, she gazes outside and sees Gabe sitting alone. She walks outside and sits next to her son. “Mijo what’s wrong?” Blanca asked with a soft tone.
“I hoped I’d be better than when I was a kid but, Nope still awful.” Gabe answered frustratedly. “I thought If I joined the team and help them win the trophy, then I’d finally do something to make Papá proud of me.” Gabe said gazing down sadly to the floor.
“Ever since I became a royal guard Papá has been different. I know he wants me to run the bakery and be an Olaball player but.. I’m not a baker and I’m not good a playing Olaball. The only thing left for me so try and make Papá proud was Olaball.” Gabe stated.
“I can’t help but think that I’ll never make him proud. what if I keep failing him? What if I do something wrong? What if I don’t win this trophy for him he’ll be disappointed in me more than he is now?.”Gabe said with a sigh. “All I want is to make you and Papá proud of me.” Gabe said with his head bowed to the ground.
Blanca remained quiet thinking of what she was going to say, she knew her husband was stubborn and wanted different things for their son. She knew all Gabe wanted to do was make them proud of him. especially his father, it’s all he ever wanted to do.
“Gabriel Mijo, we are proud of you. I’m proud of you.” Blanca said with a soft smile looking at her son who’s head was still eyeing the ground. “ I know how stubborn your papá can be, but he just wants what’s best for you.” Blanca said with a small smile.
Gabe briefly looked at his mom and gazes down once again.
“Gabriel, You probably don’t remember this because you were just a little boy, but when you were younger you would always tell us that you wanted to protect your home and fight bad guys that tired to invaded Avalor. You wanted to be a guard, it was your dream.” Blanca said with a small chuckle at the memory. Gabe looks up at his mom.
“Really? I said I wanted to be a guard?.” Gabe asked.
“Yes, you made a little sword and pretend you were fighting.” Blanca said with a smile.
“I didn’t know that mamá.” Gabe said with a small chuckle.
“You had quite the imagination Mijo, I thought it was cute seeing you wanting to make a difference and save your home. Your papa saw it differently, he was worried about you. Being a guard is a dangerous job sometimes because you put your life in danger to save others. That’s all your papa saw if you were to follow that path, your papa cares about bastante Gabriel. That’s why he tried to push you to play OlaballI ball, or run the bakery with him.” Blanca said gently lifting her sons head to see him face to face.
“Your papa won’t admit it but, he loves you very much Gabriel. He even told me that he wishes that you would like what he likes, so you two can connect and have something in common. Tu papa can get carried away sometimes trying to make you into something your not, but Mijo you can’t be like him or anyone else. You can only be yourself because that’s who you truly are. Your papa has a hard time seeing that your not a little boy anymore, your a grown young man that has his own dreams.” Blanca stated softly.
Gabe stayed quiet pondering on everything his mama just told him, “If papa loves me then why doesn’t he show it? Every time I come visit to help him he’s always saying nothing I do is good enough.” Gabe said with a sigh. “
“Mijo I can’t give you a straight answer as to why your papa is like that. Maybe it’s because he wanted you to follow in his footsteps, but you decided to follow your own path.” Blanca answered gazing at Roberto inside the house.
“Mijo I know you want to make your papa proud, and gain his approval, but you can’t change or become someone you don’t want to be because your trying to please please him. Gabriel your special just the way you are, your a great at your job, and your good at what you do. If you love something and your good at it, you should pursue it.” Blanca said setting her gaze back to Gabe.
“Gabriel, I am so proud of you and what you’re become and accomplished. I know you will win the Olaball challenge and bring back that trophy.” Blanca said looking into her sons eyes with a soft smile on her face.
Gabe gave a small smile back and embraced his mama in a hug, “Grasias Mama.” Gabe said with a smile.
Blanca smiled and hugged back. “Your papa is very proud of you too Mijo, even if he doesn’t always show it. He loves you very much, we both do.” She said hugging her son tighter.
Gabe was the first one to gently pull away, they both smiled at each other. “I have to go now mama, I’m going to meet Princess Elena at the Olaball court. She is going to train me for the big game.” Gabe said as he stood up.
“I know you’ll win this game Mijo.” Blanca said with a smile standing up.
“Grasias Mama, I will make you proud. Te Amo Mama.” Gabe said kissing his mom on the cheek.
“Mijo I am already proud of you,Te Amo tambien.” Blanca said with a soft smile.
Gabe smiled and made his way to the coach. Blanca waved goodbye as she saw her son get on the coach and ride away.
The End
I really hope you liked and enjoyed reading this🙂 most of the scenes are from the episode because I was trying to tie it to the episode. Credit goes to Disney for most of the beginning, I added my one writing when Gabe and Blanca have their bonding moments. This was my second time writing a EOA Fic so I’m sorry if it’s not exactly as you wanted it heh. Feedback,likes, Reblogs, constructive criticism is most welcome. 💕 after all your feedback helps us writers to keep going 😉✨
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laprincesaelena · 4 years
EOA Discord Ship Appreciation Week Day 3: Growing Old Together
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a/n: hey everyone! sorry i’m a day late on this one, once i start writing something, i tend to like, not stop, and that’s what happened with today’s fic lol, it took me much longer than i expected! but, regardless, here it is! today’s fic is a bit different, focusing on a different couple (though, there are mentions of gabelena lol, but you could always fill in gabe’s name with your character of choice :) ), our beloved king raúl and queen lucía!!
basically, this fic is a what if. what if the king and queen of avalor’s story had gone slightly differently? what if king raúl and queen lucía hadn’t even left to work on the carnaval floats before shuriki arrived? in this au, raúl and lucía receive the happy ending they deserve, and they live to see many more family moments and milestones than they would in canon.
(also, for the sake of the fic, let’s just say in this au, avalor gains a new ruler once the heir becomes of age, not when the current ruler dies. okay? okay :) )
anyways, before i do exactly what i did while writing this and write wayyy too much, i’ll stop myself here. a quick thank you to everyone who’s been liking, reblogging, and leaving wonderful comments on my fics so far, you don’t know how happy they make me!! and a very special thank you to @procrastinateland , for providing the beautiful art to go along with the fic!! hope you all enjoy!!
fic is below the cut!
“Got everything, cariño?”
The queen of Avalor was busy packing the carriage with boxes full of colorful decorations to decorate their latest float for the upcoming Carnaval celebrations. Carnaval was Lucía's favorite time of year, and she always looked forward to designing, building, decorating, and of course, riding aboard the kingdom's infamous Carnaval parade floats. She and her husband, King Raúl, were headed to Castillo Park to check up on the progress of the floats, and to add a few touches to their own.
"Yes, yes, everything's here!"
One could barely see the king steadily walking down the steps of the palace, for he was carrying a stack of boxes that rose to practically over his head. Lucía couldn't help but shake her head as she turned to see this sight, and met him at the bottom of the stairs to help him out. She reached up to take the box at the top of the stack, revealing her husband's face behind it.
"Need a little help there?" she joked.
"I may have underestimated my balancing skills.." Raúl replied, beginning to place the rest of the boxes in the carriage. "But luckily, everything arrived in one piece!"
"We aren't even to the park yet, don't speak too soon!" Lucía responded.
"Have fun, you two!"
The royal couple turned to the sound of Luisa's voice, who stood at the door of the palace with her husband, Francisco, and Princess Isabel, who was waving goodbye to her parents. The two waved back, and Lucía blew a kiss to her youngest daughter.
"Thank you!" Lucía called to them. "We'll see you at dinner!"
Just as the king and queen were about to step into the carriage, the sky suddenly began to turn gray. Large clouds rolled in, some of them having a dark green hue to them. Raúl protectively wrapped his arm around his wife as they stepped back, trying to get a sense as to what was going on.
Suddenly, floating out of the green haze, emerged a figure. The closest royal guards rushed to step in front of the monarchs, their swords drawn, ready to protect their rulers at any given moment.
Lucía tightly held onto her husband, and noticed how his face began to grow pale. As the shadowy figure approached, Raúl instantly recognized their identity.
"Shuriki.." he whispered.
At the very sound of her name, Lucía could feel her heart sink. For the past few months, Avalor had been involved in various defenses alongside their allied kingdoms against the wicked sorceress. Thankfully, all of these efforts against her had been successful, and Shuriki had not been able to take over any of these kingdoms. But as it turned out, Avalor was the next target on her list, and they were gravely unprepared.
"Everyone, inside! Now!" The voice of the captain of the guard echoed throughout the courtyard as the royal family quickly made their way into the safety of the palace. But they knew a few troops were no match for Shuriki, she could infiltrate the palace in a matter of minutes. A plan had to be put in place, now, or Avalor didn't stand a chance.
For little Isabel, all of this happened in the blink of an eye. One moment, she was waving goodbye to her parents on the palace steps, now her and her family were running for their lives, having mere moments to reach a safe haven. A moment later, the princess had a sudden realization. Her abuelos were here, her mamí and papí were here, but one member of her family was nowhere to be found.
"Elena!" she called. "Where's Elena?"
Raúl had been calling out orders to royal guards and staff members as they rushed through the halls, but hearing his eldest daughter's name immediately shifted his strong demeanor. His Elenita was nowhere to be found, and was possibly unaware of the danger she was in. He frantically looked around for a moment, hoping Elena would miraculously appear.
"Elena!" he called, quickly checking in each room they passed. "Elenita!"
Lucía too, joined in on the frantic search for her daughter, but a moment later, she felt just the slightest bit of hope.
"The amulet!" she cried. "The amulet, the one we gave her for her birthday last year, will always protect her from harm!"
"But what if this sort of magic is an exception?" Raúl asked, fearing the worst. "Or what if she doesn't have the amulet on? We have to find her, Lucía!"
"Ay, don't put those thoughts in my head, cariño!" Lucía replied. "I hope we find her before we escape, I truly don't want to leave without her, but she has magical protection, we don't! Hopefully this will all be settled before we even need to escape, so we can-"
But before the queen could finish her sentence, a magical blast was heard from behind them. Shuriki was closer than they thought, they had absolutely no time to waste. The royal family picked up their pace, before they encountered their royal wizard, Alacazar.
"Come, come quickly!" he called out to them. "I have a spell to protect you! But we must perform it now, or it will be too late!"
The royal family had no time to decide on where their hiding spot would be, or where they would escape to if Shuriki did manage to take the throne. Their safest and fastest option was Alacazar's spell, so that would have to do. The wizard quickly explained that this spell would protect them inside of an enchanted painting, one that not even magic as powerful as Shuriki's could touch. As the family posed together for their 'portrait', Lucía couldn't help but think of her oldest daughter. In her final moments outside of the frame, she prayed for Elena's safety, that the amulet would protect her from harm, and that once Avalor was freed from the wicked sorceress, their family could be safely reunited. The Castillo-Flores family held each other close as the incantation was recited, and a moment later, a new family portrait, with one missing princess, was displayed on the wall.
41 years later...
"Tlahcuilolli apartad, tlahcuilolli apareced, tlahcuilolli vivid!"
Elena bit her lip and clasped her hands tightly together as she watched Mateo recite the spell that would hopefully free her family from the enchanted painting. She had missed her family so much being separated from them for forty one years, and so hoped that she'd be able to finally reunite with them.
A moment later, a magical haze encircled the painting, and soon, the silhouettes of her family were pulled out of the portrait. Once the haze had cleared, Elena saw her family, safe and sound, as if no time had passed at all. Tears of relief filled her eyes as she ran right over to her family, being met by a tight embrace by her little sister.
"Isa!" she cried as she held her sister close. "Oh, I've missed you so much.." Elena then pulled back, just to take in this moment that she'd been dreaming of for so long. Isabel was still the adorable, intelligent, and innocent little girl she had last seen all those years ago, even down to the dirt stains on her dress.
Then, Elena looked up at her parents, who looked just as relieved to finally be free and reunited with their family.
"Mamí, Papí!" she exclaimed, and pulled them both in for a hug.
"Oh, Elenita.." Raúl said, holding his baby girl close. He feared if he let her go one more time, he would never see her again.
Lucía too felt her eyes fill with tears as she embraced her daughter for the first time in decades. "We were so worried about you, mija.." she said, before cupping her daughter's face in her hands. "You're alright..you're safe..the amulet really did protect you!"
"It did.." Elena replied with a nod, placing a hand on top of her mother's.
Elena then wrapped her abuelos in a hug, she had missed all of her family so, so much, and it felt so good to finally be reunited with them. But, Shuriki was still on the throne, their fight for the kingdom wasn't over just yet.
After a short but sweet family reunion, Elena, along with the Enchancian and Avaloran royal families, made their way onto jaquins to join the revolution stirring in the villages below. With the help of the brave people of Avalor, the forty one year reign of Queen Shuriki was brought to an end. Avalor was finally free once again, and the royal family was reunited for good. It was the happiest day in all of Avalor, and kingdom would rejoice for weeks on end. That day, it seemed as if life couldn't get any better. But, the kingdom's most prosperous and happy years were yet to come.
Four years later..
Raúl and Lucía stood proudly beside the Avaloran throne, in a ballroom filled with dignitaries, family, and friends from all over the world. Their beautiful Elenita was turning twenty years old today, but that wasn't the only event the kingdom was celebrating. After four years of experience as Crown Princess, along with learning plenty about ruling from her parents and grandparents, Elena was finally ready to become queen of Avalor.
Trumpets sounded to announce the princess' arrival, as the chief of the castle announced, "Crown Princess Elena Castillo Flores, please come forward!"
The doors to the ballroom were opened, revealing the future queen. Elena was dressed in a breathtaking blue gown, with floral embroidery across the bodice and bottom of the skirt. A red velvet robe trailed behind her as she carefully walked down the staircase. As she made her way to the throne, Elena smiled at all who had come to celebrate this day with her. Though her stubborn sixteen year old self insisted she'd be able to rule all on her own from day one, she knew that she wouldn't be the ruler or woman she was today without each and every person she passed by entering her life.
But, who had supported and guided her the most of all through this difficult journey was her family. Elena would often think of if her family hadn't survived the ordeal with Shuriki all those years ago, and how she would have ever become queen without their love, support, and guidance. She was so, so grateful they were here with her today to crown her, she had no idea where or who she'd be without them.
Once Elena reached the throne, she pulled each of her parents in for a hug, before turning to face the crowd. She stood as regally as she could for her last few moments as crown princess. Armando gently handed the crown to the king, who would have the honor of crowning his daughter the next queen.
Holding the crown above her head, Raúl took a moment to look down at his daughter, so proud of the woman she had become. He then announced, "It is with tremendous pride, that I crown you, Elena, Queen of Avalor!"
The golden crown was placed upon the young queen's head, and the ballroom erupted into cheers. Elena lifted her head with a smile, she had worked so hard and been through so much to finally achieve this moment.
Raúl stepped back and wrapped his arm around his wife, who took his hand tightly in hers. The former king and queen looked over at their Elenita, their baby girl. Even though they had mentioned it hundreds of times that day, and they would certainly continue to, they were just so, so proud of their daughter. They had no doubts that she would be one of the greatest queens to ever reign, and that Avalor would continue to thrive under her rule.
The next part of the ceremony would soon commence, where the queen would choose a partner for the first dance of the evening. Elena stepped forward, and approached her three closest friends. She bestowed a new title upon each of them, even naming her younger sister the Royal Inventor. But, she still had not chosen a partner to dance with.
Elena paused for a moment, and pretended to be in deep thought. "Now, I believe I have a decision to make.." she said, before turning towards her parents, and reaching her arm out to her father.
"Papá, no one has helped me learn how to rule more than you. Would you honor me with the first dance?"
Raúl couldn't help but gasp, as he could've sworn Elena would've chosen one of her closest friends to dance with, or even her grandfather. Sure, he knew he had been a mentor to her on her journey to become queen, but this came as a pleasant surprise to him. And of course, he would accept. He placed his hand to his heart, and bowed his head to his daughter.
"Of course, mija." he said. "It would be my greatest honor."
Raúl approached his daughter and took both of her hands in his. He leaned forward to kiss her on the forehead, and looked down at her with the proudest smile possible. "I'm so proud of you, Elenita."
"Thank you." Elena replied with a smile. "I couldn't have done any of this without you. Now, about that first dance.."
But, before they could begin the first dance, or even before any music started playing, Francisco spoke up.
"Wait!" he cried. "I didn't stay up all night writing a song for everyone to play for you for nothing!"
Elena tilted her head in confusion. "What do you mean, everyone?" she asked.
Then, Lucía, Isabel, and Luisa, along with Francisco of course, stepped forward, and reached their hands to the side.
Their guitars were then handed to them, and the quartet began to play a song written and composed specifically for the occasion.
Elena couldn't help but smile, she couldn't believe her family had gone through all the effort to write a song just for her first dance! But, said first dance hadn't begun just yet, what was she waiting for? She took her father's hands in hers, and the two of them began the first dance of the coronation ball.
By the end of the song, Elena and Raúl weren't alone on the dance floor. Just about every guest was dancing in their own ways alongside them, having a wonderful time. As Elena went over to dance with her friends, Lucía pulled her husband right over for a dance. The two of them laughed and smiled as they danced to the beat, they felt as if the golden days of Avalor were returning again. Brighter days were ahead for the kingdom, and they both knew that their Elenita, their shining light, would be a guiding light for Avalor.
¡Viva la reina! Our Elena! Our love will always shine so bright!
Approximately two years later...
In the kingdom of Avalor, every day is bustling, busy, and bright. Today was no different. But today, excitement was in the air for a very special reason. Villagers were lined up and down the streets of the city, waiting for the moment to arrive. Some had claimed their seats days in advance, either paying extra money for it, or by having a bit of a camp out on the sidewalk. Children waited eagerly with small Avaloran flags in their grasps, some even held up posters or drawings that they had made themselves. Their parents were quite tired, but they knew that being here was a once in a lifetime event. But, it wasn't only the village that was filled with both chaos and excitement.
Inside the palace, the staff was busy preparing the castle for this very special event. Rulers and dignitaries from all over the world would be visiting Avalor, so the venue had to look its very best. Every member of the royal family was busy getting themselves ready for the day, but Queen Elena's room however, was where the most activity was happening.
Lucía held back tears as she placed a veil over her daughter's head, her Elenita was to be married today. The moment she stepped back to see the bride's final look, her breath was taken away. Elena wore a strapless dress, with red and gold embroidery swirling across the bodice. The bottom of the dress was long and flowing, including small details of lace, with a six foot train trailing behind her. Her long, dark brown hair was rolled into a bun, one of her favorite formal styles. Underneath her veil was her usual tiara, the rubies casting a scarlet glow whenever the sunlight hit it. The young queen was the epitome of a beautiful royal bride.
"Oh, mija..you look absolutely beautiful.." she said, having to wipe a tear or two from her eye before they fell down her cheeks.
Elena couldn't help but tear up as well as she watched her mother's reaction. "Mamí, stop it, you're going to make me cry too!" she said.
"Oh, no, no..no crying until at least the vows, you can't ruin that beautiful makeup of yours!" Lucía replied. "You look absolutely perfect, Elenita." she added, taking her daughter's hands in hers.
"Thank you.." Elena responded with a soft smile. "I still can't believe this is actually happening.."
"Neither can I!" Lucía agreed. "It feels like just yesterday you were born, it was one of the happiest days of my life..and now look at that little princess! She's all grown up, she's now the queen, and she'll soon become a wife.."
"It only took me forty six years." Elena joked with a laugh, referring to the four decades they had missed while being trapped in enchanted objects.
Lucía laughed as well, she needed a quick laugh to distract her from how fast her daughter had grown up. "Well, I'm sure those forty six years were well worth the wait, right?" she asked.
Elena smiled and nodded at the thought of her soon to be husband. She was so thrilled to be marrying Gabe, she was the happiest woman in the world with him. Thankfully, her entire family had known him for just as long as she had, so he fit right in with the royal family, and Raúl had no hesitation on giving Gabe his blessing to marry his daughter.
Then, a knock at the door signaled that it was time for members of the wedding party to begin their journey to the cathedral, and that included Lucía. The former queen held her daughter's hands tightly and kissed her on the cheek.
"Good luck, mijita." she said with a smile. "I'll see you at the altar."
A few minutes later, Raúl entered the room to escort his daughter downstairs to the carriage that would bring them through Avalor City, and to the ceremony. He too had to pause for a moment to take in the beautiful sight that stood before him. He simply couldn't believe how his little Elenita had grown so quickly, into a strong, confident, and beautiful woman. Each and every day, he would be reminded of how proud he was of his daughter, and how far she had come.
"Elenita, you look simply breathtaking." he said as he approached his eldest daughter. "I changed my mind, I don't think I'll be able to let you go at the end of that aisle." he joked.
Elena couldn't help but laugh at the thought of that, even though she knew, if it were his choice, he probably wouldn't let her go, not wanting to accept how fast she had grown. "You should've thought of that before you gave Gabe your blessing!" she joked.
"I know, I know," Raúl said. "But I'm just joking, mija, I'm thrilled for you both." he added with a smile.
"Thank you," Elena replied, returning the smile. "I'm thrilled too, a little nervous, of course, but still so, so excited."
"I'm sure you are." Raúl responded with a nod. He then sighed, and looked his daughter over one more time. "I'm so proud of you, Elena." he said. "From the moment you were born, I always have been the proudest man in the world to have been your papí. As each day went by, I thought I couldn't possibly love you any more. But each new day, I was proven wrong. I am so incredibly proud of the young woman, queen, and now, well, almost wife that you've become. I love you so much, Elenita."
Elena wrapped her arms around her father and pulled him in for a hug. She was just so grateful to have such a loving and supportive family as she did, she wouldn't want anyone else by her side to celebrate this special day with her.
Once she finally let go, she turned to pick up her bouquet of poinsettias, perfect for her mid-December wedding. She then took her other hand and held her father's tightly. "Ready to go?" she asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be." Raúl replied with a proud smile.
Elena and Raúl walked hand in hand to the front door of the palace, where a carriage was waiting for them. The coachman opened the door with a bow, and both he and Raúl helped Elena to get inside. It was quite a task with her long train, but thankfully, everyone fit comfortably.
A moment later, the carriage began moving, and they were off. On the way to the cathedral, they passed the many villagers who had been waiting for hours for the queen's carriage to pass by. Elena waved to the people of Avalor with a smile on her face, and even gave a special wave to small children who were seated atop their parent's shoulders. After a carriage ride full of smiling and waving, they finally arrived at the cathedral.
Isabel smiled from the front doors, and began to walk down the steps to meet her sister. As the maid of honor, it was her job to make sure her dress stayed in perfect condition, which meant she was in charge of the long train on the way inside. The coachman opened the door, and Elena began to step out. With that came the cheers of the villagers who had managed to get a spot close by to the cathedral. Elena looked around and took everything in. The cheering villagers, the bells pealing, the thought that in just a short while, she would be Gabe's wife. Isabel took the back of her sister's train in her hands and lifted it up, and Raúl  began to lead her inside. Before she reached the entrance, she turned around and waved to the cheering villagers with a glowing smile. She took her papí's hand in hers and held it tight, as they began to walk inside.
Inside the cathedral, she was greeted by her wedding party, who were all in position, ready to walk down the aisle the second the music started. They all gave Elena a smile, and Naomi shot her a reassuring 'thumbs up'. Isabel made her final adjustments on Elena's dress, and began to walk to her place. Once everything looked perfect, and everyone was ready to go, Elena took a deep breath, and the music started.
The journey down the aisle felt like miles for Elena, tightly holding onto her father's hand as he led her closer to the altar. She smiled at each person she passed by, the joy and excitement of the occasion had spread to practically every person in attendance. Elena's smile grew even bigger the closer and closer she grew to her future husband, this still felt so surreal. But, this was a reality, and she couldn't be happier.
It was a bittersweet moment for Raúl once they reached the altar, especially as he passed Elena's hand over to Gabe. But, with a nod of approval and a warm smile to his son-in-law, he knew that his Elenita would be in the best hands. He kissed his daughter on the cheek before heading to sit beside his wife, but before he could, Elena pulled him in for a quick hug.
"I love you," she whispered to him.
"I love you too, Elenita."
Eight years later...
"Abuelo! Abuela!"
Lucía and Raúl turned to the sound of their granddaughter's voices as they ran into the parlor. Six year old Catalina Blanca and Carolina Lucía were dressed identically, quite fitting for them being identical twins. They wore a dress of ruby red satin, with short puffed sleeves and an attached ribbon at the waist, tied into a perfect bow in the back. Along with the dresses, they wore matching paten-leather shoes, and a red bow headband to keep their long, dark brown hair out of their faces. Occasionally, even their abuelos had a tough time telling them apart, but the easiest way to differentiate the two was by their personalities.
"Oh, mijitas, you both look so beautiful!" Lucía said, as Carolina fell right into her arms. "You're going to be the best looking girls at the parranda tonight."
"You think so?" Carolina asked with a smile. "I think I'm the best looking girl every day!"
Lucía laughed softly and held her granddaughter close, Carolina was always the one to take pride in her looks. "I know so." she said.
"Abuelita, which songs are you going to play at the parranda tonight?" Catalina asked, already cuddled up in her grandfather's lap. Her and Raúl were particularly close, as Catalina was the heir to the throne, and would follow in her mother's footsteps to become queen one day.
"Oh, just the usuals," Lucía replied. "Let Love Light the Way, Hearts Full of Cheer.."
"I wanna play!" another little voice cried.
Three year old Luis Raúl poked his head into the room, and had clearly overheard some conversations about playing a song. He was absolutely enthralled with his family's love of music, and couldn't wait until he was old enough to learn from his bisabuelo Francisco, his abuela Lucía, or his mamí.
"Well, I do have my guitar handy, if you'd like play a song for us before we go," Lucía offered with a smile.
Luis nodded excitedly, and sat right beside his abuela as she reached over to pull out her guitar. Lucía placed their guitar in front of the little prince, and he began to 'strum' a song for his family. Of course, he played about as well as any three year old could, but to Lucía and Raúl, it was music to their ears.
Just then, Elena and Gabe made their way into the parlor, with two year old Marcelo Roberto in his papí's arms. Elena almost didn't want to interrupt this sweet moment between her children and their abuelos, but they did have a parranda to get to!
"I didn't know we were having a concert before the parranda!" Elena joked with a soft laugh. "Your guitar playing sounds wonderful, mijo, maybe you can lead the parranda next year!" she said to her son.
"Well, he will be learning from the best, won't he?" Raúl asked, looking over to his wife with a smile.
"Oh please, if that's the case, Elena learned from the best, and turned out to be even better!" Lucía replied.
"No, no, I think he should learn from his abuela, so he can grow to become a better guitar player than the both of us!" Elena suggested.
"Now that's more like it!" Raúl responded. "One day, I'm going to see this little one's name up in lights!" he added, reaching down to ruffle Luis' hair, which made him giggle.
"So, is everyone ready to go?" Elena asked.
With a unanimous yes, the royal family made their way downstairs to head into town to begin their annual Nochebuena tradition.
As the family made their way downstairs, a thought crossed Elena's mind. She had a gift for her family that she wanted to give them tonight, but by the time they came home from the parranda, the kids would be going to bed.
"Oh uh, wait!" she said, to catch everyone's attention.
The rest of the family stopped and turned around, wanting to know what may have been forgotten this time.
"How about we go and put the stockings on the mantel? We haven't yet, and by the time we get home, it'll be time for the kids to go to bed. Let's go!" Elena told them and motioned to her family to follow behind her.
Lucía raised an eyebrow with a smile. Her daughter had something up her sleeve, but she didn't know what. She glanced over to her husband, who shared a similar expression.
They soon entered the family room, which was decked with traditional decorations passed down from generations, and some that had been handmade by Elena and Isabel over the years. All of the children's stockings, which had been customized by Isabel, were laid on the table, and the kids rushed in to take theirs and hang them above the fireplace. Gabe helped to hold each of his children up one by one, so they were able to reach the metal hanger. Elena put up hers and Gabe's, but there was still one left on the table, one that was smaller than the others. Elena stood back and waited for a moment, curious as to who would notice it first.
Surprisingly, it was her youngest son, Marcelo, who toddled over and picked it up. He walked over towards his abuelo, not knowing what to do with it.
Raúl picked it up and looked it over. It was small, and it didn't have a name written across its top like the others. "Elena, what's this?" he asked.
Elena simply shrugged, and waited for her other children to make a guess.
"Do I get another stocking?" Carolina asked, hoping it would mean more candy for her.
"No, it's Marcelo's, they're both small!" Luis said proudly. That made sense, that had to be it!
"Catalina, do you know what it is?" Elena questioned. Catalina already seemed to possess logic beyond her years, so Elena was curious as to what her daughter would come up with.
"It doesn't make sense, we each have a stocking, with our names on it, and Luis, Marcelo has his own, so it can't be his, but I'm not sure who it belongs to!" she said.
Catalina was stuck. No matter how many situations she came up with in her head, none of them seemed right.
"Well, it does belong to someone, someone in our family.." Elena hinted.
Carolina's face suddenly lit up. "Is it abuela or abuelo's? They didn't hang a stocking yet!" she exclaimed, confident that she had solved her mother's riddle.
"Oh, we'll gladly take an extra stocking!" Lucía joked, pretending to reach over for it. "More dulces for us!"
Elena laughed and shook her head. "No one's gotten it yet!" she said. "Here, I'll give you another clue. This member of our family is not here to celebrate Navidad with us this year, but they will be here next year!"
Catalina was sitting in deep thought, putting all of the pieces together in her head. Not here this year, will be next year, a member of the family, no name, and the size of the stocking had to symbolize something. Suddenly, Catalina gasped.
"A new sibling?"
With that, Elena looked at Gabe, whose eyes were wide. All he could say in response was, "oh no..."
Elena laughed and smiled. "Yes!"
Catalina and Carolina held hands and jumped up and down in unison. Luis was also very excited, clapping his hands and smiling wide. Marcelo didn't truly know what was going on, but he knew it was something good. "Yay!" he shouted excitedly, though it sounded more like he was saying 'ray!', which made his reaction even cuter.
Lucía and Raúl were thrilled as well, they absolutely adored being abuelos to their four beautiful grandchildren, they couldn't wait to welcome one more.
"I'm so excited for you, mija!" Lucía said, wrapping her daughter in a hug. "You're certainly going to have your hands full, now aren't you?"
"I sure am!" Elena agreed with a nod. "But I've managed to survive with four, how bad could one more be?"
"Oh, I've heard that before, about three children ago." Lucía joked.
"And you two thought you had your hands full with this one, huh?" Raúl chimed in, as his youngest grandson reached up to him, wanting to be in his abuelo's arms. He picked Marcelo up and tossed him in the air, making the toddler screech in delight.
"Well, though our hands may be full, our hearts are even fuller." Elena said.
In the moments leading up to the parranda, Raúl and Lucía took in this moment surrounded by their ever growing familia. They couldn't help but wonder what would've happened on that fateful day over fifty years ago if they had left to work on the Carnaval floats even a moment sooner than they did. There was a good chance that they would've never lived to witness their daughter take back their kingdom and free Avalor from Shuriki's reign. Raúl may have never been able to place the crown upon his daughter's head to crown her queen of Avalor, or proudly walk her down the aisle on her wedding day. Lucía may have never been able to see how breathtakingly beautiful her Elenita looked moments before she was married, or witness the moment her daughter became a mamí. They thought of their four, soon to be five, beautiful grandchildren, who they never would've been able to meet. Becoming their abuelos was one of their greatest joys in life. While they couldn't help but wonder about if a single thing had gone differently, they wouldn't have wanted their lives to have turned out any other way.
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dapperrokyuu · 2 years
Luka for character bingo?
In regards to this post! Feel free for anyone to send more~!
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Luka...Luka, Luka, Luka. Rambling ahead, ahaha~!
This person gives me gender envy, SHLDBNKSN- Im sure this isnt everyone's experience, but I looked at them in Sweet Dream and was genuinely, like. I dont know this person's gender, afklsjnaskljn- Especially since Vivinos usually depicts lesbians, lol. Luka's probably a dude, but their appearance along with the fact that I (among others, Im truly not the only one who thought this) believed their name was Luisa for a bit has fully instilled this guy with GENDER for me, lol. Love them a ton. Along with envy GIVE ME YOUR OUTFIT, LUKA is appreciation, so hell yeah, Id KISS. However they want, if they just want a reassuring/comforting kiss on the forehead, Ill happily provide because I want them HAPPY (along with the others, but hey...).
I think I have a soft spot for people who have understandably been broken by circumstance and/or are definitely just trying to survive such circumstances in their own way, even if its not revolutionary and/or particularly heroic. I think its just easy for me to feel sympathy for them and want them to overcome and hopefully find happiness someday. Luka just...seems so tired. And they honestly just seem like theyre waiting to die, like theres an understanding that theres only death for them and it all seems hopeless. But nonetheless, theyre still here. And theyre likely going to sing. I also think theyve had this meek deposition since they were young in hopes that they dont appear on anyone's radar and get attention, but it has unfortunately backfired...
Luka's such an enigma, and they pique a lot of questions and intrigue from me. As life seems so miserable, what has kept them going? Is it purely fear? I personally like to think they may have developed a bit of pride after a certain point of not getting killed (under the assumption that Luka and Hyuna are from an older generation of Alien Stage contestants and are doing the stage again). If the only choices are their life as is or death, they might as well continue as far as they can, especially if theyve already "won" in a way once (Luka seems fairly famous FOR SOME REASON, which I assume again is due to winning Alien Stage at least once). If anything, theyll have denied their alien oppressors' satisfaction for as long as they could. And even dying at the hands of a human would becomes ideal, as long as their life is not given to a alien (which is why I find Luka dying at Hyuna's hands to be narratively satisfying).
In other words, if getting worn down and dying quietly is giving in, Luka's going to keep going until they find something worth dying for. Because if they cant control their life, theyll control their death. And that, from a character who has been broken in and/or subjected to submission, is their form of rebellion and surprisingly meaningful to me, haha.
Luka's contentness while having Hyuna point a knife towards them in Sweet Dream was so striking the first time I saw it...honestly, while Hyuna probably loathes Luka (and I like to think theres an underlying understanding that the anger is a bit misplaced, if not, thatll be realized with time), Luka probably has some fondness for Hyuna as a prior companion, someone so sprited and not broken in, and someone who they could trust to kill them someday. Thus, Hyuna is Luka's universe. She is a source of traits they admire and will give Luka what they want, and Luka will happily give everything she wants in return (with their death)...
Hell, the character potential that Luka also experiences guilt from killing other contestants just by winning is an interesting thought too!
A friend has also offered the idea of Luka SNAPPING, potentially as a result of seeing Hyuna die. And I think thats DELICIOUS. Like. I love that sort of development too, adlnbld- Rightfully broken and rightfully angry kind of goes hand in hand, tbh, and Id root for Luka to tear things down however they intend, the best they can. Its the inspiration, the realization, the igniting of one's life thats very appealing to me, and even if Luka were to end up ultimately dying in that scenario, they wouldve definitely died on their own terms, for something they wanted, and that would be the closest thing to overcoming and/or achieving happiness that they couldve gotten. So Id be happy with that too! Itd be a twist on what we'd expect from Luka;s character so far too. Put this potential Luka with Mizi, and we've got POWER...
Ive thought a bit more after my Hyuna bingo, and now Ive been considering the idea that Luka vs. Hyuna's match could be a parallel to Round 1 to top off the first set of Alien Stage's rounds. You have Round 1's mutual, loving relationship, while Luka vs. Hyuna could be a hateful one-sided relationship (majority of the hate coming from Hyuna's side). And if the ALNST team really wants Luka vs. Hyuna in the first set of rounds with one of them dying, having either die (Im ultimately leaning towards Hyuna, sadly) could also parallel how Sua dies so soon too. With my speculation on how Luka and Hyuna come from an older generation, Luka and Mizi end up in similar character positions but with different amounts of experiences that could be worthwhile! They become ~foils~. Again, Id prefer neither of them dying, but if this happens. Its narratively sound, imo, dalbndaflkjn-
Im ultimately very curious about their past, I feel thatll answer a lot of questions! So much excitement! Thank you for the ask, and I hope you enjoyed~!
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
The family was frowning as they all gathered for lunch outside on the picnic blanket. Nine year old Mirabel mentioned a picnic the other day off handed and the family thought that sounded like a good idea, although Luisa and Felix would have to help Pepa up off of the ground later.
Mirabel was running late. She had been hunting down the perfect naturally grown flowers to make a flower crown for her Tia and unborn primo. She said she wanted to find them herself instead of having Isa grow them.
"Dolores? Where is Mirab-" Alma asked but Dolores was already removing her ear muffs that Mirabel insisted she wear since they were going to play in the water and they might get too loud.
"Shut up brat we're trying to save you!"
"Someone's grabbing her! They're kidnapping he-"
Luisa, Isabela and Alma were already running in the direction Dolores was pointing while Bruno and Felix helped Pepa up, the woman having one hell of a hurricane starting to form even as lightning flashed and struck the ground.
The rest of the family followed Dolores who was leading them to where Isabela was already hurling vines and cacti at the would be kidnappers while Luisa grabbed Mirabel and cuddled her close.
They got there in time to see Abuela start beating one man with her sandal.
"How dare you try and take my nieta!" She was furious and her hits were leaving bruises and welps.
"We see how horrible you all became after her ceremony! And that's in town! There's no telling what you do to the poor girl when alone! How many times have you beat her huh?!" One man demanded and he was immediately struck by lightning.
"We'd never hurt Mirabel." Pepa growled out dangerously as Mirabel was handed to Julieta to be checked for injuries and healed.
"I know you wouldn't Tia. I know my familia loves me and would never hurt me. They're probably drunk. You don't need stress right now." Mirabel, their sweet little miracle angel, was fretting over Pepa and trying to calm her down.
"Mirabel, sweetheart, why don't you, Dolores, Camilo, and Agustin go back to Casita with Pepa. Stress isn't good for the baby or her right now. We'll sort out these men and make sure they know better than to spout accusations while drunk." Alma asked giving Mirabel a sweet soft smile and Mirabel nodded immediately.
"Come on Tia. Let's get back to Casita and have some tea. I can show you the blanket I've been working on for the baby!" Mirabel said and she fretted and fussed over her heavily pregnant Tia as she helped the woman back to Casita, the others named in tow.
The rest of the family waited until they knew she was gone far enough before dark eyes were turned to the would be kidnappers.
"No one tries to hurt or take away our Mirabel. Familia. Don't kill them, let them serve as a warning to anyone else wishing to take her away. But make sure they hurt." Alma said her eyes dark and cold and the family all gave grins that looked feral.
Bruno and Julieta moved first, each slamming something into the faces of the men. Bruno slammed a glass tablet into one man's face, taking glee in how the glass broke and cut him. While Julieta slammed the serving tray from their picnic into the other man's face, breaking his nose with ease.
The family gleefully took turns making sure the men would remember this lesson and spread the word not to touch Mirabel. Luisa going last as she broke their arms and legs with the upmost ease and then coldly told them that if they tried taking her baby sister again she'd see how far she could throw them and how hard they'd hit the mountain.
Then Alma stepped forward and forcefed them some of Julietas food to heal them before punching them hard enough to break their noses again.
"This will seem like a civil conversation to the next person who tries to take my nieta from us. This is the first and only warning anyone gets. If it happens again...we won't hold back."
Alma then told Luisa to break their leg, one leg each, again and the family were to leave them to crawl back to the village. Only after they got to the village would they be healed again.
Then Alma ushered everyone to Casita. They needed to check on Mirabel again and make sure she was truly safe.
She was and she didn't mind that her protective family insisted that she have a sleepover with at least one other person for weeks afterwards. She loved her family and she was glad that they loved her so much in return.
No because...after 4, almost 5 years...you still haven't picked up on the Madrigals’ behavior? SERIOUSLU THOUGH...I'm glad they double dutched on yo goofy ahh ☠️☠️
And WHY WOULD YOU THINK YOUR SAVING HER??? SHE WAS NEVER IN TROUBLE???? I know as soon as Mirabel left and the Madrigals started smiling, them mofos knew they were not walking out of this event unscathed.
Chile anyway so...Stan Mirabel for caring so much about Pepa and Antonio, she's way too sweet (and low key oblivious) in this au. Too sweet man. Too sweet. And you know that even after the (very one sided) fight, she was 110% on board with the sleepover idea, because she loves them so much.
the Madrigals pulling on those guys up:
And two requests! Sorry I wasn’t able to get to them last night, I had called alseep, so my bad 💀💀:
✨You’ve got mail!✨
Anon asks:
“I know it’s not cannon to Housebroken!Madrigals, but could snippet anon write a scenario where Fèlix and Agustín were cursed to?”
kmlightfury asks:
“Hello👋, I have found your blog and your AUs are very creative, I have a question, how It would go if Bowser/Koopa Alma meet her conterparts of the cocconed, housebroken, mermaid and protective AUs? (english is not my first language so please excuse me for any grammatical error)”
I'm glad you like my aus and blogs so much O(≧∇≦)O And Snippet Anon is honestly a saint for writing these snippets, dear Lord. And don't worry about grammatical errors, everyone is welcome here, native English speaker or not :)
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andie--morales · 3 years
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( adria arjona. 29. she/her. ) i think i just saw ANDREA “ANDIE” MORALES ride by on a golf cart . at least i think it was them . after all, NO ME QUEDA MAS was blasting on the transistor radio . maybe they were on their way to work , i hear they’re a EVENT PLANNER. but they totally could have been on their way to PLAY THE PIANO . guess we’ll never know . you’ll definitely know its them when you see COLOR-CODED PLANNERS, WARM GREEN TEA, ACRILYIC PAINT STAINS ON CLOTHES around the country club . let’s just hope they stay off the green after hours or else the sprinklers will get them ! ( marie. 26. est. she/her. no triggers)
Hey guys! My name is Marie and I’m so excited to be here! I have been rping for about 13 years now! Wow! This is a brand new child of mine so her bio below is sooooooo bare because I'm still figuring her out tbh but im sort of in love with her. Hope you grow to like her as much as I do....or not, cause drama LOL!
✴andrea haydee morales ✴
1. Born in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala.
♦  Her family moved to the States when she was ten years old.
2.  The youngest daughter of Javier and Carmen Morales
♦  Andie has 3 older sisters and 1 older brother. Layla is the oldest, then comes Karla, Benjamin and Luisa.
3.  Raised with very traditional values…
♦ But having grown up in different circumstances than the rest of her family, she has more modern and liberal views.  
4.  Andrea went to college at Liberty University…
♦ and graduated top of her class with a major in Information Technology. She is currently studying her for masters in Public Relations. 
5. She is currently working as a Event Planner…
♦ Despite having an IT major, Andie  fell in love with event planning and found she was actually really good at it. She was working in a top tier event planning company in New York City - solely because her parents had the right connections - but when her dad’s health began to decline, Andie decided to move closer to home and take a job that still let her do what she loved but wasn’t as demanding as NYLUX. Working for Highland Country Club provided her both.
6.  The Morales family is very close…
♦ At least until Andrea chose to partake of Married At First Sight 2 years ago.  Layla, her mother and Karla could not support such a wild decision. They thought it was reckless and an insult to a union they were taught as sacred in front of God. They haven’t spoken to her since. Her marriage proved to be hard and she divorced her husband shortly after the show ended. 
7.  Personality
+ fearless, dedicated, selfless – obstinate, detached, reckless
8. Random Facts from Andrea…
♦ The Morales family were a typical immigrant family and early on, they struggled a lot to make ends meet. They settled in the outskirts of Highland. Andie is very well aware of what it is like to live in poverty. Her father and mother worked very hard in life and were able to build a successful life for themselves. Her father created his own construction business while her mother developed a business flipping houses. Together, they made a pretty amazing team. This afforded Andie a pretty well life later on.   ♦ Her family raised her as a devote Christian and she still practices her faith. It’s a major part of who she is and what she does in life...most of the time.  ♦ At 23, Married At First Sight came to New York City and Andie took a chance. She was casted onto the show and was married. Her married was great for the first year but then slowly broke apart and the couple was divorced a year and half after the show. She hasn’t dated anyone seriously since then and isn’t sure she ever wants to. ♦ She’s very motivated and dedicated to work. ♦ Andie is a wild child inside and loves to have a good time. She may make it seem like she has everything together, but she doesn’t. ♦ She’s a yoga and kickboxing enthusiast. ♦ Andie knows how to play the piano and loves to paint. ♦ She’s not very good at painting but it’s a hobby that brings her joy and you will often find her outside painting.  ♦ Owns a 6 month old kitten named Chiquis ♦ Favorite Artist is Selena - the Mexican singer, not the one from Disney She is fluent in ASL, English, Spanish and Portuguese. Currently learning German
9. Wanted Connections
♦ Ex-husband from Married At First Sight ♦ Best Friend ♦ Flings ♦ Frenemies ♦ Coworkers ♦ Siblings
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naptoons · 5 years
The Weekend — Nick Mara
Warnings: mature language, sexual content
Theme: Smut
Summary: you and nick have a friends with benefits type of relationship, but things become awkward between one another when you started to adapt feelings for him.
A/N: I apologize in advance if it’s cringe or boring. And if I have misspelled words. This is my first time writing an imagine and writing a smut. So yeah I’m sorry lol I’ll get better eventually.
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Your phone buzzes with spam texts,not wanting to deal with it you ignore it continuing to watch your favorite show. Couple of seconds later it begins to buzz louder turning around you see nick is now calling you with a deep sigh you answer. “Yeah?” You speak softly to avoid the cracks in your voice.
“What’s up ma, I’m in town” his velvet voice echos through the phone
“Hm so you can leave again”
“Nah not tonight mamas, I’m not going to leave you alone”
You can’t help but smile at that nickname, but the smile disappears once you settle in your mind ‘it’s just a pet name for sex’ “yeah and what you plan on doing then?” You tease him but you’re also curious.
His chuckle halos your eyes, making your smile bigger than it previously was “ Gonna love you 'til we see the morning light” his voice is seductive and smooth. Like a jazz singer or a radio host.
Biting your lower lip, you lay back on your bed eyes up to the celling. Thinking if you should tell him the truth. You went out, but you want to be more then friends. And it’s clearly ambiguous that he just wants to be strictly friends with benefits. “You falling in love with me over there babygirl?” His voice follows by a chuckle “I’m outside” the call drops sighing you prop yourself up waltzing to the front door in a timely manner. Unlocking the silver accessories on the door there he was standing in shredded dark wash jeans with a clementine hoodie on, the rain Soaked his chestnut hair as it drilled down his semi-golden skin.
“May I come in?” His fangs peak through his silky lips, You step aside letting him in as he wipes his shoes off on the mat in front of your apartment. Stepping in he takes off his shoes leaving them at the front door. Locking the door behind him. The nerves start to bubble up in your throat unable to say anything you walk to the kitchen. Throughout this whole time nicks eyes have never left you. Maybe he was the one actually falling in love.
“You okay ma’s?” His voice breaks the fairly awkward silence, piercing your head up his body was leaned against the counter inked forearms exposed to the air. “You seem a bit trapped in your mind”
“Oh I’m fine, just a lot I’m thinking about” you hiccup, nick knows you inside and out no punt intended. So those hiccups he knows you’re nervous about something. Stepping in front of you he puts the coffee down that you’ve prepared for the both of you. “not in the mood for coffee? I just thought you would like some because you were stuck in the rain and you may get a cold so I figured I-” stopping you right in your tracks nick presses his lips against yours passionately but delicately. He’s never seen a mouth that he would killed to kiss. He’s dated and loved but you. You were something different and he couldn’t figure out what it was.
A simple kiss escalated into something more your hairs standing on ends saluting him, your earlobe heating up possibly turning hues of red, nicks fingers taps on your thighs and without hesitation you jump and he catches you instantly. His veiny hands latching underneath your thighs with his neck attached to your burning flesh. Little whimpers escaping your mouth as your fingers run through his hair. Nick nibbles on the tender spot of your neck ultimately getting the noise he wanted. Followed by a smirk against your skin.
Walking towards your bedroom he closes the door with his foot, then gently lays you on the bed. Instantly your mind goes to pleasing him first. Majority of the time you go first. Why? Cause you put his needs before yours. And because he’s in a rush so you coin toss first. Reaching over to his belt buckle you latch two fingers on it. Nick hold your wrist with one hand and gently the other rests on your neck. Looking up at him through your hooded eyelashes you meet his gaze that isn’t painted with lust, more or less love.
“I’m going to take good care of you, don’t rush mamas, I ain’t going nowhere tonight” his hands push you down softly by your throat his lips taking vacant of where his hands used to be. His lips touching every part of your burning flesh causing a series of goosebumps. It was like hell freezing over. His tongue grazing over your tender perked nipples. Arising a moan to escape between your lower lips that are held tightly between your teeth.
His lips makes their way to your inner thighs as the pool between your legs overflows, so sweet and sensual. This was a side of nick you never thought you’d grasp. His fingers latching on your shorts pulling them down along with your underwear’s. Spreading your legs out hearing the wet sounds of your sensitive bud. Looking directly into your eyes he hovers over your body connecting his lips to yours one last time mumbling softly “you’re so beautiful mamas” your cheeks turning hues of burgundy, earning a chuckle from him.
“Be vocal with me sweetheart, no holding back” he growls pulling you closer to the edge of the bed, before you could process your answer to him his tongue laps up your slit already causing your legs to tremble. Nick places them on his shoulders softly digging his fingertips into your thighs, while yours grab purchase of the sheets. Delving hid tongue in you. Moans of euphoria falling flat from your mouth. “Look at me” nick growls blowing hot air on your sensitive bud. With your lips between your teeth your gaze locks with his as he sinks back between your legs giving you deep intimacy.
His tongue buried on your bundle of joy lapping up your juices with every flick of your swollen clit. His lips kissed over your clit, sucking it delicately. This simple action causes your back to rise off the velvet sheets slurring his name out your mouth. pausing only to lick up the wetness you were dripping for him. His eyes flickered shut as he savors you melting in his mouth. your hands left his hair to grip the sheets he unraveled his own, reaching until your fingers entwined along with his.
His tongue poked out again, as you felt him slip inside of your lips softly. He tongue was pointed, softly moving circles as he tried to locate your sweet spot, and when you pressed your head further into the bed with a series of vulgar words and clenched underneath him, he knew he had spotted it, with that playful smirk creeping on your skin.
“Nick....” your sentence chokes up, he just knows your at your limit, but he wasn’t done admiring you. So he made your ankle touch your shoulders hoisting them with his fingers engraved on your calves, dipping his head back in his tongue flattened in between your lips, as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your stomach knotting up while your body temperature rises. “Nick... I’m gonna come...”
“Hmm come babygirl, let me see you unravel underneath me” with one hand he spreads your folds apart inserting two fingers in pumping you as your juices fill up the room along with your jagged moans. “Look at me” he groans. Opening your eyes you look at his moon reflecting the ocean eyes. Your toes begin to curl as your legs vibrate feeling the colorless liquid gush out of you, as nick smiles at you in awe, sensitive to the touch from your high nick laps you up cleaning up the mess he’s made but not really regretting it.
“Nick...” you mumble almost feeling like you went to sub space. Dealing with nick he’s made you reach sub space on a daily. But today was a different kind of feeling.
“Fuck, you’re hot babygirl” Nick reassures you, unbuckling his pants and pulling them down your breathing is still unstable but the lust in your eyes are begging for more. Pulling you closer to him nick aligns his self with your entrance rubbing his shaft up and down your slit, flinching Everytime he comes close to your clit “you ready?” He asks softly nodding your head he goes into your drawer pulling out the gold medal bringing it up to his teeth as it rips sliding it onto himself he postions himself in between your legs slowly pushing through as your walls engulf him, instantly your eyes roll whole your fingers find purchase of the sheets.
Your legs resting upon his shoulder sinking his teeth softly into your skin as his hips buck against yours making the headboard bang against the wall. His strokes filling you up as they brush against your g-spot. His fingers softly pushing away your fly away hairs that stuck to your glistening face “You’re so beautiful mamas, i can’t believe you’re mine” his hip buck against yours hitting a new high for the both of you. Passionate love wasn’t something the both of you weren’t used to.
Nick stickers his lips on your neck filling the air with mixed groans and moans as the bed soaks in each other sweats, your fingertips digging into his back the deeper. Reaching your third limit this night you clench your walls against nick as your head sinks in the marshmallow pillows. “Let go princess..” he strangled, both of you reaching your highs together. Both of your eyes staring at each other’s intensely. Nick slowly eases out of your frame holding onto your waist. Running your hands through the sheets to cover yourself nick grabs your hand getting in the sheets with you.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” You ask softly still trying to regain your breathe.
“Didn’t you remember me telling you I’m not leaving you alone tonight?”nick rasped, making goosebumps appear throughout your whole body. His fingertips drawing circles on your bare sweaty back. Your fingertips tracing his tattoo on his biceps. Holding back any other thoughts you hold your lower lip in between your lips.
“I meant what I said y/n” Nick finally answers your question
“What?” You act clueless, you wanted to hear it from him, not your conclusions.
“You’re mine babygirl, I’m not going anywhere ever again” nicks nose touches yours his eyes now open his eyelashes slightly hiding his chocolate eyes “I promise, I’m not going anywhere, we’re something more than this”
“No more weekends?” You smile
“More like everyday mamas,you’re too beautiful to not be mine” his fingers pushing your head into his chest. Smiling you kiss his chest softly. What a fantasy that came true.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Name 10 Of Your Friends
1. Laurice 2. Angela 3. Luisa 4. Andrew 5. Kate 6. Gabie 7. Tina 8. Jo 9. Liana 10. Jane
Are you related to number 1?: I’m pretty sure we are not, not even distantly.
Do you love number 2?: Like a sister. She means everything to me.
Is number 3 older or younger than you?: She’s older by literally a few days. We were born in the same month, same year; but she arrived around a week earlier.
Are you romantically involved with number 4?: No. I’ve never been interested in them in that way.
Do you wish you could see number 5 more?: Absolutely. She was one of the best friends I made in college and I wish we had/have more opportunities to see each other. I don’t think I’ve hung out with her since the Christmas season last year :(
How did you meet number 6?: Mutual friends introduced us to each other and it was best friend-hood from there.
Would you ever kiss number 7?: Eh, she’s more like a sister to me so pass.
Does 8 share the same taste in music as you do?: We share some favorites as far as I know, but ultimately we have different tastes. Her favorite is the Vampire Weekend, a band I’ve never listened to.
Would you tell a secret to number 9?: I’ve met her irl only once, but sure. I find her reliable.
Would you ever live with number 10?: I think we can be roommates, but I also think we’d drive each other crazy. Also I’m a little intimidated by her so that might ruin my experience living wherever we’re staying in.
Have you ever dated any of the 10 people listed?: Yep.
Would 3 and 7 make a good couple?: Ooh I doubt it. They have very different personalities; I’m pretty sure they’d clash all the time and that they would be simply incompatible. It doesn’t help that Luisa’s gay and Tina’s straight, so.
Do 2 and 5 get along?: As far as I know they’ve never met. They could probably get along; they’re both super friendly and can fit in any crowd.
Are you secretly in love with number 6?: Well, it hasn’t been a secret for a very long time now.
When did you last see number 8?: :( :( :( Don’t do me like thissss. Oh man. I genuinely have no clue. Last year? January of this year? It’s been ages.
Does number 2 know number 6?: Very well. They’re my two best friends so we’ve been in the same room, same car, same bar, same house, etc. plenty of times.
Have you slept in the same bed as number 4?: I don’t recall ever doing so. We’ve lied on the same bed, but neither of us fell asleep that time.
Is number 7 single?: Yes. She’s had her fair share of crushes through the years that I’ve known her but she’s never had a boyfriend.
What do you like to do with number 5?: Drink, smoke, catch up, laugh.
Has your mom met number 6?: Like a million times.
Are number 4 and 8 friends?: I wouldn’t call them friends. I dunno if Jo’s opinion of them has changed in the last few months, but the last thing I’ve been aware of is that Jo does not like them too much. I vividly remember how Jo’s crowd and Andrew’s crowd had to sit at completely opposite tables during our Christmas party last year. Because I was friends with both groups, I spent the evening moving from one table to another before settling at Jo’s because I was closer to that group haha.
What does number 9 look like?: To be honest with you I barely know her. Covid kept us from hanging out but I’m so ridiculously sure that we could’ve ended up becoming great friends, so I’ll always feel crappy about that could’ve-been. From what I remember, she has curly hair and braces, but that’s pretty much all I was able to note down about her appearance in the one time we met in person.
When did you last talk to number 10?: The other day. I needed the contact number of someone who works where she works, so I asked her if it was possible to retrieve the contact details from her.
What was the last thing you said to number 2?: I showed her this meme, hahaha.
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Have you ever hugged number 1?: SO MANY TIMES. She is such a hugger. Absolutely no complaints about it.
Is number 2 in a relationship?: Yes, with Hans.
Would 3 and 5 ever get in a fight over you?: I have no idea why two people would ever fight over me. I’m not desirable at all...so no.
How old is number 4?: They are 22, same age as me.
When will you next see number 6?: I don’t know. We have completely opposite work shifts and it’ll be that way for a while, so it’s really hard to tell.
Have you ever hooked up with number 9?: Oh wow, no. That feels wrong.
Do 7 and 8 live in the same place?: No, they’re a few cities apart.
Do you want to talk to number 10 right now?: Not really. I’m not annoyed with her or anything; there’s just nothing to say to each other at the moment.
Is number 3 in your phone contacts?: Yes.
You caught 7 and 9 kissing, your reaction is?: bruh what
Does number 2 smoke?: Socially.
You throw a party and invite 2, 3, and 4, would there be any problems?: For the most part not really, except Andrew tends to get really rowdy and raucous when they’re drunk and that might not go over well with Angela in particular. But who knows? They could also end up being a fun trio; they all have great personalities so I can definitely see that happening as well hahaha.
You're on a roadtrip with 1 and 7. Is it awkward at all?: Not at all. Those two have a great dynamic and are the bubbliest and friendliest people I know. It would be such an entertaining car ride and I wouldn’t complain about driving at all if they were my two passengers.
8 just kissed you. What do you say?: Ask her what it was for. But idk, I feel weird thinking about it actually.
3 and 9 just got into a fight. What might it be about?: They probably just disagreed on something ideology-wise. Luisa is a hardcore red and is very radical; Liana shares the same ideals but is several notches lower. It wouldn’t be a full-blown fight and they’ll most likely end up having an intelligent debate.
Does 7 hate 9?: No. That would be such a tricky spot to be in considering they’re part of the executive board for the org. They should make it a point NOT to end up hating each other lol.
How is 4 today?: I think they’ve been doing alright for the most part! They recently launched their new passion project, a podcast, and so they’ve been super excited and giddy over the last few days. As they should. The podcast looks so promising and I can’t wait for the first episode.
Where does 8 live?: In a city in Metro Manila.
Have you ever liked 6 more than a friend?: Yes.
Would 2 and 4 look cute together?: Not a fan. I’d rather they stick to their current significant others.
Would you ever borrow any of 2's clothes?: Sure! She has a lot of cute pieces. They’d be a size or two larger for my frame, but I’m willing to experiment if she’s willing to lend her clothes to me.
Is 3 taller than 10?: Yes. I think everyone is taller than Jane. HAHAHA
Are you taller than 7?: She’s taller by a few centimeters.
Would it surprise you if 9 got arrested?: I don’t know, actually. Like I said, I’ve barely gotten the chance to know her. At this point in our relationship I can’t really tell if she’s the feisty type.
Could you live with 3 and 4 for a year?: Sure. I thnk it would be the two of them who’ll end up having a blast living together as they’re obsessed with everything sports and sports will definitely dominate the TV and dining table discussions. I can be like their mom, I guess hehe
Do you like number 6's hair?: Yes.
Does number 1 know something about you that most people don't?: I’ve probably shared a secret with her here and there, yes.
8, 6, and 1 are hanging out together. Likely or no?: 8 and 1, for sure. They’re pretty much best friends. With Gabie, not so much. The only time Gabie will be in the picture is if I hang out with them as well.
When did you last hear from number 10?: Again, the other day when I asked for help about something work-related.
Could 3 and 8 be friends?: They already are; we’re in the same college friend group, the daydrinkers ha.
Who do you have more in common with, 4 or 9?: We’re both similar in different ways though...Andrew and I enjoy wrestling and Liana and I share a few interests like The Crown. Just because I know Liana a lot less, I’ll go with Andrew.
What do you usually talk to number 6 about?: Everything under the sun. She’s my best friend. There’s nothing she doesn’t know about me.
Is number 1 a good dancer?: I haven’t really seen her dance, so I wouldn’t make for a good judge.
Have you ever gone swimming with number 5?: Yes.
Would you ever have a sleepover with number 2 and 3?: It might be awkward at first as they’ve never met, but sure! We can give it a try. I don’t necessarily think they’re incompatible; they just haven’t met ever so it might just take some time for them to warm up to one another.
Could you see yourself having kids with number 7?: No. That is kinda weird to think about; I’ve never thought of her in that way.
Do you find number 1 attractive?: She’s pretty and has a nice, big smile, so yes.
You're in trouble. Who do you call first?: Gabie.
Is number 2 a good shoulder to cry on?: Absolutely. If I needed someone to run to and cry it’d be her or Gab.
Will you talk to 9 tonight?: Nope. I don’t really talk to her, but I’d love to be closer with her.
Does 10 have any irrational fears?: She probably does, but it’s never been raised in any of our conversations so there’s no way for me to know of them.
Do you know something personal about number 4?: A lot. They trust me with a few of their secrets and I’m honored that they do.
Do you text number 5?: Not really. We communicate mainly on Messenger and we talk at least once a month.
Does 8 have a nice body?: For sure. Jo is 5′7″ – which is gargantuan in this country – and I’ve always thought she was such a badass for being so tall. We all deadass look like ants next to her.
Do you approve of the people number 9 dates?: I’m not aware of her love life history, if there is one.
Would number 6 look good with facial hair?: I mean if she wanted to grow facial hair, I wouldn’t mind. I’d find her attractive all the same.
Would you ever date one of number 7's siblings?: Noooooo, her brothers are a little old and as far as I know one of them is already married lmao.
Would you go to number 10's wedding?: I would love to.
How would you react if you found out number 8 had a drug problem?: Try to reach out. And ask the other people in the EB if she’s been getting the help and support that she needs.
Did you go to school with number 1?: Just university, though she’s a year level lower. We went to different schools in grade school and high school.
How did you meet number 2?: I was class number 9 and she was class number 10 in Grade 1. And then I stabbed her palm with a pencil; the rest was history.
Would it surprise you if you found out number 4 was stalking you? It would surprise and anger me, yes.
Does 3 make you smile?: All my friends make me smile. That being said, yes Luisa sure does.
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ship-obsessions · 5 years
The 100 Season 6 Speculations
Okay, so first of all I want to say I’m loving season 6 so far. Give me all of the delinquent interactions. I’m also obsessed with the Bellarke crumbs they are ALREADY GIVING US and how their repressed feelings for each other were shown (although not directly) in 6x02. A while ago I saw on Twitter that a reviewer compared The 100′s 6x02 episode to Motel California in Teen Wolf and now I totally see it. The way the plant toxin affects the delinquents parallels the werewolves being affected by the wolf’s bane... and the focus on the main group of delinquents (specifically Clarke, Bellamy, and Murphy) parallels the focus on the original core 4 in TW (Scott, Stiles, Allison, Lydia). I absolutely LOVED the core 4 dynamic in TW and I’m already loving this trio dynamic between Clarke, Bellamy, and Murphy. Give me more episodes like this! (and maybe add Raven after her and Clarke make up).
That said, I watched the first two episodes when they were leaked, so I’ve been DYING for the next episode 6x03. (Note: I’ve also been streaming them again since they’ve officially aired, so I’ve watched each one like 4 times). Since new content is finally coming next week, I wanted to get out some of my random speculations for what’s coming up later this season even though we literally know so little about this new planet, these new people, the creepy children, etc.. Of course, being curious (like a psychopath), I went through all of the season 6 episodes on IMDb to see what (if anything) it could tell me. I’m sure someone else has probably already done this, but I found some interesting things I needed to put out there...
We already have a name “The Children of Gabriel” as well as a description (Clarke tries to win over the leaders of Sanctum in order to let her people stay. Meanwhile, Bellamy, Octavia, and Echo discover a new threat while on a mission to retrieve the transport ship.), so we have somewhat of a gist of what is coming next week. I don’t think they will fully go into the backstory of these “children of Gabriel” but we obviously know the geneticist from the flashback was named Gabriel and the actor, Ian Pala, is only listed for 2 episodes on his personal page and one of those is Sanctum (uncredited). So I’d assume this means we won’t get another flashback of him specifically or the origins of his “children”. But I do think when Clarke meets Russell and the other people somehow this backstory/history (at least a shortened version) will be explained. We know that the episode titles are all explicitly mentioned or referred to in the episodes themselves somewhere, so that’s my reasoning there.
However, I noticed one other small thing in the cast list that stuck out as strange/interesting. Sarah-Jane Redmond’s character (aka the Sanctum hostage that tried to hijack the mothership) is named Taylee in 6x02 but Tilly in 6x03. At first I thought it could have been some kind of error (idk) but it’s listed the same way on her personal IMDb actor page. Is she playing twins?? Is there validity to this clone theory I saw floating around and read about in the Hypable review?? Either way, I’m definitely interested in whatever that’s about. 
Also, I’m excited to meet JR Bourne’s character this episode! We obviously know he is Russell Lightbourne but after all my research (lol I’m taking this WAY more serious than I ever took school), I’m wondering if he’s not just a descendant of the Lightbourne’s but is actually a clone or somehow has the same consciousness from Mr. Lightbourne (Josephine’s dad) in 6x02 (again saw this in the Hypable article around a similar flame storyline theory since Becca created Eligius tech as well). It’s worth noting that we don’t actually know the character’s real name and Sean Maguire is just credited as Mr. Lightbourne -- no first name. Hmmmmm
Again we have a name “The Face Behind the Glass” and a short description (Clarke embraces the traditions of Sanctum and tries to make amends for her past actions.), but not much else... (or do we??) This episode is probably where we will see Clarke dancing in the room painting and maybe even the lanterns floating in the sky (ie. Sanctum tradition?) -- I’m thinking several “happy” moments with her. I also have a theory -- going out on a limb here -- that it is where we could see the whole “flashback” scene of Clarke in Mount Weather from the trailer. It’s probably not an actual flashback but some kind of hallucination or psychosis thing again, (or maybe even a dream?) but maybe that is where the title comes from -- she’s literally looking at herself from behind the broken glass in MW’s contamination rooms. OR we’re not quite there yet and it’s referring to the stained glass-looking red window/door thing that Emori was trying to open before going crazy in 6x01. 
The kicker for me in this episode’s listing was Jordan Bolger’s credit as Shaw, who we all saw die in 6x01. In what capacity is he coming back? Maybe it’s Raven’s hallucination or even a dream? I could see them showing us her full reaction once she knows what really happened to him, but I’m not sure how or in what way he would come back at some point in the episode (I say “come back” because the actor will actually appear). It will be super interesting how the sci-fi elements work on this new planet. We’ve already seen the eclipse-induced psychosis but what other strange things will occur or happen to our characters? If they are all facing their demons (ie. Clarke with Mount Weather and Octavia with Blodreina) I wonder how those scenes will be played out.
Again Jordan Bolger is credited... is Miles Ezekiel Shaw back again??? What is going on? 
6x06 - 6x07
I didn’t really notice anything super strange in episode 6, but GUESS WHO IS CREDITED FOR EPISODE 7: none other than Chris Browning as Jake fucking Griffin. Maybe this is another flashback or memory or hallucination -- assuming by Clarke.
Note: Madi is not credited to appear in 6x06 or 6x08 so I’m thinking her “kidnapping” or whatever happens with the creepy person who is holding her captive in the woods happens in 6x07. Or maybe it’s even earlier in 6x05?
In episode 8, the cast list introduces 2 notable new characters: Josephine VII and Hope. Okay, so with Josephine VII it could be some descendant of the original Josephine Lightbourne in the 6x02 flashback, but it could ALSO be another hint at this clone and/or flame consciousness theory. But Hope... where have we heard that name before? Oh yeah, Diyoza’s unborn child. But Diyoza hasn’t even had her baby yet and in the promo trailers it looked like she was shot (and possibly killed?). Also, this actress who plays Hope is like 6 years old, not a newborn baby. It’s still weird to me though because what are the chances there is another character -- another child, no less -- with that same name Diyoza mentioned she was planning to give her baby. Just seems a little too coincidental to me.
Okay, I’m going out on a limb here, but THIS MIGHT BE THE ICONIC RAVE SCENE FROM THE TRAILER. Stay with me... I was originally thinking this would happen earlier in the series when I saw this in the trailer, probably like everyone else, but in the IMDb cast list there are 5 “dancers” credited. I mean it is more logical for a rave scene to happen early in the season (because usually all the good things or happy stuff comes in the first half of the season and NEVER this late), but what else would “dancers” be credited for??? The 100 doesn’t do dance numbers LOL. Anyway this idea has me shook because if it is this late in the season, there is a better chance that Bellamy and Echo have ended things by this point and that super short blurry speck in the bottom right corner of the rave dance scene could be Bellamy (you know what I’m talking about). Will they actually make my LIFE and have Bellamy and Clarke dancing at that rave together? Seems way too good to be true, but I had to throw the possibility out there. I mean who knows, my Bellarke-owned ass can always hope for the best. 
After the slim possibility of that amazing possibility, here’s a scary thought to consider (sounds kind of like the show itself), this is the last episode of the season that credits Lola Flanery as Madi... WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO HER. Does whatever experiment being done on her in the promo trailer kill her? Pls don’t hurt Clarke’s smol child.
So here is where I started low key freaking out because the cast list dwindles DRAMATICALLY for credits this episode. We only have Eliza as Clarke, Shannon as Jordan, and Luisa as Emori out of ALL of the main characters we know and love. Something major has to happen for everyone else to suddenly become absent from this episode. And I’m a little scared to know what that is.
Okay thank god, the main characters are all back on the credits list for this episode. ALSO there is a new actor credited as young Echo. OMG an Echo flashback?! Will we finally understand who she was and why she is the way she is? Will I even care to get invested in her this late in the game?
Also, IMDb lists that this is the episode Bob Morley directs!
6x12 - 6x13
Our other mains are gone AGAIN from the cast list. It’s back to only listing Clarke and Jordan among the characters we already know. WTF is going on. I need answers NOW. To reiterate, I’m saying that IMDb doesn’t list Abby, Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, Murphy, Echo, Kane, Madi, Miller, or Jackson in episode 10, 12, or 13 (+ Emori in 12 or 13).
I’m honest to god just hoping that IMDb isn’t fully updated with the entire cast list in these last episodes yet -- is that a thing? pls tell me it is -- because if we don’t have a finale that includes Murphy, Raven, or most of all, BELLAMY... I swear to God I will riot. Of course, I’m hoping no one dies (obvi), but now that we know there is a season 7, could J Roth be trying to kill us with some dramatic cliffhanger where Clarke and Jordan are separated from the rest of the group? (PSA: STOP SEPARATING CLARKE FROM EVERYONE). But if so, why would this absence of all of those other characters be TWO WHOLE EPISODES? And during the two part finale of all things. UGHHH my mind is spiraling, someone pls calm me down.
On the plus side, 6x12 lists Antonio Negret as the director for the episode and we all know he brought us the brilliant (yet angsty AF) episode 5x08 last season where Bellamy poisoned Octavia to save Clarke. But if Bellamy isn’t even in this episode WHY SHOULD I EVEN BOTHER CARING.
What’s left that I missed? Probably a lot LOL. I tried going back to watch what I might have missed from the extended trailer but I couldn’t find the video ANYWHERE. It’s like disappeared from YouTube (says it is “unavailable”). What is that about?
Anyways, the scene with everyone together in the house (standing at the bar, shot looking at us) has to be in one of the episodes where all main cast members are credited -- I don’t think it will be the next one so maybe 6x04 or 6x05? Same thought for the Madi/Clarke reunion, I feel like that is in the same episode. I also have no idea when in the season Bellamy is going to strangle Russell with Clarke and Murphy in the room (again my favorite new trio!). And that being said I’m confused on JR Bourne because he was all hyped up as a new character this season but he’s only credited in the next episode 6x03. Does the strangling take place next week? It can’t right? Because Bellamy is off with Echo and Octavia on the other mission and Clarke is the only one in the castle. Also if 6x04 is Clarke trying to embrace the traditions of Sanctum and make amends, there is no way she could do that the episode after Russell (the leader of Sanctum) is killed. 
Sorry for the crazy rambling and this long AF post, but I have so much on my mind after this speculation deep dive. I need to just go to bed.
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