#and I was like 'Come on let Axl feel like he's being useful for once' lmao
solradguy · 1 year
I had a dream last night that I was afflicted with some kind of exhaustion disease probably brought on by my irl subconscious resisting the no-dreams buff from the weed gummy I ate before bed, and in the dream Justice Guilty Gear was coming to my house and I didn't know why so I like struggled over to the door with my sword and constantly kept rubbing my eyes to stay awake
It turned out she wanted to apologize for being evil and wanting to kill people. She could tell something was wrong with me so I invited her into my house and idk what happened after that because the dream wasn't very vivid to begin with lol Idk if it was a Sol dream either because I couldn't see my hands. It probably was though, based on the everything else happening
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ihavemanyhusbands · 5 months
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody
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Also on AO3
Mini-series masterlist
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem!Bounty Hunter!Reader
WC: 2.3k words
Series Summary: Hunting down your father’s killer – a powerful raider by the name of Axl – you end up being saved from a bad situation by none other than a ghoul. After finding out you have goals in common, you form an uneasy alliance with him, but things get much, much more complicated than that.
Warnings: MINORS DNI, THIS FIC IS 18+, Dead dove: do not eat, canon typical violence, the ghoul being the ghoul, swearing, drug mentions/use (chems), enemies to lovers, eventual smut, blood/gore mentions, sorta dom/sub dynamics, some mentions of cannibalism, angst, some whump, aaaand for now that’s all i can think of but lmk if another tag is needed.
A/N: This is my very first time writing for Cooper Howard/The Ghoul, so I’m still trying to learn how he talks/carries himself. Excited to be writing this little mini series though! :) hope you like <3
Blood flowed relentlessly toward your head, making the upside-down world blur into a vivid amalgamation of color. The raiders' laughter sounded more like the barking of jackals, coming from all around you, disorienting you further.
As you fought to stay conscious, your muscles strained against the ropes that held you up, the rough material biting into your skin. Your head was hovering just a few inches away from the surface of murky, radioactive water. You could feel more than see something lurking in its depths, hungry, waiting for the right time to strike.
And you? You were the bait to lure it out.
Where had it all gone wrong, exactly?
Well, perhaps it had started with you being so overly confident. Sure, you had learned more than a few dirty tricks in your years as a bounty hunter – having to keep yourself both fed and alive while you completed your actual mission – but that didn’t mean you could fight off a large group of brawny, ruthless raiders all by yourself.
At the very least, you’d managed to kill one of them and injure another with your crossbow before you were rewarded with a strike across your face. Bright white stars ignited in your vision as you were quickly subdued and strung upside down from the rusted arm of a broken crane.
The worst part was, you’d barely had time to ask any of the questions you’d wanted to ask. You supposed you’d never been a great interrogator, anyway, but that was something to concern yourself with another time; If there even was another time.
“Come on, where’s the fucking gulper? We don’t have all fucking day here,” one of the raiders, a big-headed bald man, gruffed.
Another one of them, scrawnier and rat-like, let out an amused grunt. “Heh, should’ve just chopped her up and sold her as dog meat.”
“Still time for that, if it doesn’t come,” the bald one said. “Think we should lower her more? If her head’s underwater, she’ll thrash around and maybe get the gulper's attention.”
At this, panic flared within you once more. You tried moving your wrists, legs kicking more and more urgently. The raiders laughed again at your rendition of the gallowdance. Your head felt like it was on fire, dangerously nearing an explosion.
Distantly, you heard the creak of metal as the rope that held you aloft was adjusted. Your body jerked as it began to descend, the crown of your head now submerged. Your mind raced as you tried to find ways to save yourself, but it was getting harder and harder to think. You wanted to scream, but you were only able to make a weak, gurgling sound.
There was a loud splash, entirely too close for comfort. Jeering from the raiders as they prepared for a gruesome show. You began to accept your fate, dismay over your failure to complete your life’s mission greater than your fear of death.
But suddenly, you heard various gunshots in rapid succession. It’s a fucking ghoul! somebody shouted frantically. The confused screams of the raiders followed along with some answering shots. The heavy thump of bodies collapsing, one by one.
It was silent for a moment, except for a breeze settling the dust and your heartbeat pounding in your head like a drum. Then there was the soft clink of spurs as someone approached you, an old pair of cowboy boots appearing in your vision.
You tried craning your neck to get a better view of your supposed savior. You could barely see his face, the sun haloing his head like a saint’s. But there are no angels in the wasteland, you thought deliriously, only roaming devils searching for carrion to pick on.
His voice was low and raspy, with a southern drawl that was almost soothing, in a strange way. “Well, well… Ain’tcha just the prettiest hunk of meat I ever did see?”
A shuddery gasp escaped your throat as you felt the rope loosen a little more, fully submerging your head. Your eyes rolled into the back of your skull as you were swallowed by darkness, immediately unconscious.
“See that there?” your father whispered, pointing up at a cluster of stars. “That’s the big dipper. And just below its tail is the little dipper. Do you see ‘em?”
You nodded, awed by the simple, ephemeral beauty of a still night sky. Your father’s soothing presence, his patient teachings, the world not so horrible when seen through his eyes.
“Like us,” you said with a smile. “Always together.”
His smile was sad then. You couldn’t remember it being that way, but memories tended to warp over time, didn’t they?
“Yes, sweetie. Always together,” he said, trying to sound as promising as possible. “But if we ever separated, for whatever reason, remember that you can look up at the sky at night, and you will always find us there.”
You woke up sputtering, thinking you were still underwater. Your stomach lurched violently and your body twisted onto your hands and knees, retching. Spewing bile as yellow as the RadAway you found yourself hooked onto. Panting with both exertion and disorientation, searing pain lancing through your skull.
It was close to sunset, the sky beginning to burn orange and gold, the atmosphere cooler. You were still at the quarry where you’d first encountered the raiders, but you were a safe distance away from the water.
You could smell and hear a small campfire nearby. Felt a presence behind you, a heavy gaze fixed on you.
“You must be all kinds of stupid, huh? Chargin’ into that battlefield of your own makin’, not even a hint of backup around to help.” The ghoul shook his head with amusement. “Then again, you must’ve been lookin’ for a guaranteed death… So which is it, suicidal or stupid?”
You spat on the dirt and roughly wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, glaring at him. If you knew one thing, it was to avoid ghouls as best as you could. Coming across one from time to time was inevitable, but you’d never in your wildest dreams thought you’d be saved by one. Or that you would still be in one piece in his presence.
At least he wasn’t worse for wear, and nowhere near feral. He was missing his nose, as all ghouls did, and his skin was leathery and burnt. His features were skeletal, shadowed under the wide brim of his hat. Otherwise… he wasn’t unbearable to look at.
“No? Y’ain’t gonna tell me?” he said, the curiosity in your stare not unnoticed by him. His eyes roamed over you in return. “Gotta be honest, I was real tempted to take a bite earlier, but I never really took a liking to dog meat.”
He chuckled and your frown only deepened, hatred and rage alight in your eyes. You tried to scoot further away, but it was then you noticed a rope was tied around one of your ankles, the other end of it under the ghoul’s boot.
“What do you want with me, ghoul?” You croaked, your throat scratchy and raw from the stomach acid.
“Well, that ain’t very grateful of you, sweetheart. I saved your skin back there,” he clicked his tongue in disappointment, unholstering his pistol. “I could’ve been just as unmerciful as those raiders, if not more.”
You swallowed hard at the imagery, but you didn’t let your dread show. “And why weren’t you?”
He leaned forward, barrel lazily pointed at you. His eyes narrowed expectantly, and you realized he truly wanted to hear some gratitude from you before continuing.
Stubbornly, you clenched your jaw shut and continued to glare. He looked off into the horizon, noticing how quickly the light was waning.
“Think you’d fare any better when the fiends come out to play? Or some super mutant?” He mused, his tone bored. “I ain’t got a whole lot of time here.”
After the day you had, you didn’t really want to take those chances.
The words crawled up your throat like a second wave of acid, scalding your tongue as you uttered them. “Thank you… for saving me.”
“Now there’s a well mannered girl. Knew you had it in ya,” he said with a roguish grin. “Y’know that means you owe me one, don’tcha?”
You dipped your chin in confirmation, hating that you couldn’t argue with him on that one. Not many — if anyone at all — were spared the wasteland, so this was not something to be taken lightly. Especially not while already being tied to him, with virtually zero chances of escaping alive.
“But I ain’t gonna cash in that favor now, so don’t worry your pretty lil head ‘bout it,” he continued, but you didn’t feel at all eased by that statement. “I do wanna know somethin’ though… just what on earth possessed you to follow those men?”
You blinked at him in both surprise and confusion. How did he know that?
“See, I’d been trailing that group of shitheads for a few days. Was after that big headed fella, the leader, Tiberius,” He waved his gun around dismissively, like that part of the story was irrelevant. “But then, I noticed they had another shadow behind them — A quiet lil mousey jus’ like yourself.”
You shrugged one shoulder, unsure of how much truth you should actually give him. “I was looking for some information.”
“What’s that?” He spoke up, cupping his hand over his ear. “What you mumblin’ for? C’mere so I can hear you better.”
With that, he stood up, yanking the rope with more force than was necessary. Your back hit the ground, dust and rocks scraping your skin as you were pulled towards his feet. Trying to stop yourself with your hands only ripped up your palms, so you went slack on the last tug towards him.
He tilted his head to one side as he observed you, a flash of teeth that showed his continued amusement.
“Much better. Now what was that you were sayin’, darlin’?”
You bared your teeth in return, internally fuming. “I said I was looking for some goddamn information.”
He gave you a mocking pout. “Aw, sweetheart… fella wasn’t as forthcomin’ as ya thought, was he?”
“Fuck you,” you spat before you could stop yourself.
“There’ll be time enough for that,” he chuckled, settling his boot on your hipbone. “But first, what kind of information were you tryin’a get?”
“Why do you care? The fuck’s it to you?”
The barrel of his gun was pointed at you once more in warning, right between your eyes. His boot pressed down on your hip until you squeaked, knowing it would bruise.
“His brother… Axl,” you panted, gripping his boot in a futile attempt to get it off you. “I need to - I need to find him.”
He let out a long, low whistle. “Axl, huh? Now I know you really got a death wish, and you’re just stupid to boot.”
“You wouldn’t get it, ghoul,” you said through gritted teeth. “I don’t expect you to know anything about losing someone you love.”
He tensed then, hand trembling for just the briefest second. His features hardened, chapped lips thinning into a flat, angry line.
He lifted his boot only to land a harsh kick to your ribs, knocking the breath out of your lungs. Again, you felt like hurling, coughing violently instead.
“Oh, I know a whole lot more than you think, smoothie,” he said, going silent for a moment as he seemed to think. “Why you lookin’ for Axl? I can jus’ take care of you right ‘ere if you want to die so badly.”
“I’m going to kill him, with my own fucking hands,” you growled, too spent to beat around the bush any longer. “He-he killed my father last year.”
The briefest moment of stunned silence before the ghoul burst out laughing.
“Ain’t that somethin’. You? Takin’ out the big bad raider all by yourself? Now I’ve heard it all,” he shook his head once again. “You’re a spunky little gal, I’ll give ya that much.”
“It’s the law of the wasteland,” you said. “He owes me.”
He crouched next to you, his interest fully piqued. One side of his mouth was pulled up in a sly grin, his gaze held by yours.
“Tell ya what, I myself got some business to attend to with our dear friend Axl, and I just so happen to know where the fucker likes to hide out,” he said, enjoying the sparkle igniting in your eye — that thirst for revenge, for blood.
“Please,” was the only thing you could say, breathless, gripping his tattered coat. “I’ll do anything.”
“Anything, huh?” His tongue ran over his teeth pensively. “Well, seeing as you owe me a favor, I was just gonna take you along with me. Easier that way for you to repay me.”
You propped yourself up on your elbows, not wanting to stay on the ground. Your heads were much closer, but you tried your hardest not to let it get to you.
“What business do you have with him?” You asked warily.
“That ain’t none of your concern, darlin’,” he said, removing the rope from around your ankle to bind your wrists together. “Trust me or not, y’ain’t got no choice but to come with me. Now get up, gotta find ourselves a place to hole up in for the night.”
Painstakingly, you stood up, grunting with both pain and the exhaustion that suddenly crashed into you. As soon as you were on your feet, he tugged you forward, not waiting a moment longer before starting to walk.
“If things go tits up, well… Least I got myself a little snack for the road,” he said over his shoulder with a wink.
“I thought you said you didn’t eat dog meat.”
“Heh, well, you’re starting to prove to be a little more useful than that. But we’ll see about the taste.”
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unknownperson246 · 1 month
Can you do a smut of Duff Mckagan and it's his first concert in awhile, after he's done hes full of adrenaline and he doesn't know what to do with it and readers a techie so they're the first person he sees?
hiii I’m very sorry it’s late.
Welcome Back:
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Words: 694
warnings: *smut* *p in v* *cussing* *sex in a dressing room*
✮⋆˙ ☠︎︎ ★☠︎ ✮⋆˙✮⋆˙ ☠︎︎ ★☠︎ ✮⋆˙✮⋆˙ ☠︎︎ ★☠︎ ✮⋆˙✮⋆˙ ☠︎︎ ★☠︎ ✮⋆˙
Duff McKagan was coming back to play only a gig or two for the band he was once a part of. It was Guns N’ Roses. Axl wanted Duff to come back for a bit and Duff agreed to it because he wanted to keep up with his bass. Once he left GNR. He has been doing small gigs with Slash and Izzy. He basically tried to keep his distance from Axl. The one time Axl called Duff happened to miss Axl and the GNR day’s so he gave Axl a call letting him know he agreed to do a couple of shows. The night of the concert came and you were the techie for the band. You helped with all the technology the band was using for the concerts. You watched him enter backstage.
“Hi, Duff welcome back,” You say smiling at him.
“Thanks,” Duff says setting his things down and making his way to Axl. 
You were surprised he even replied back to you with all the noise going on in the background. You continued to do your job thinking nothing of your interaction with Duff. Once the concert was over Axl and Duff ended up shirtless. Duff was gleaming with sweat. He looked like he fell into a container of oil. You ignore that and focus on your job. After a couple of minutes, you ended up backstage to find Duff running around like Axl. Duff was full of adrenaline. He bumped into you and you fell over.
“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry” Duff say’s kneeling down to give you a hand. 
“Thank you, Duff,” You say while he offers you a hand.
You get off the floor and Duff sees dust all over your clothes. 
“Hey you have dust on you,” He says trying to get the dust off of your clothes. 
“May I?” He asks you like a gentleman. “Yes,” You say letting him wipe the hard-to-reach places.
He places his hands on your ass. He gently strokes it. He sees the dust come off. He pulls you into his dressing room. “Here. You can borrow my pants for now” He says handing you his jeans that were also your size.
He feels super guilty for bumping into you. 
“Thank You,” You say grabbing them.
He turns around and lets you change. 
“Hey so I was wonde-” He says while he is being cut off. He feels your hands on his shoulders.
He feels you turning him around. You place your naked figure in front of him.
“Wow,” He says as your hands rest on his hips.
You put his hands on your chest. He feels himself getting a strong boner while his hands feel your soft and bouncy breasts. He gets closer to you. He cups your face and holds you. He starts to kiss you on your lips. You both make out like wild lovers for 1 minute until his hands go down to unbutton his shirt he removes his shirt and pants within a minute. He holds your hips. You feel his breath on your neck. You feel his cock go slide inside of you slowly. 
“Uh,” You moan.
“Duff” You cry out while he leaves small trails of kisses on your body. 
“Y/N,” He grunts as he is stuffed inside of you. 
“You feel so good” Duff moans as he feels you wrap around his cock. Your head goes back while you take deep breaths. You both exchange your come at the same time. He still feels the adrenaline coursing through his veins. The adrenaline stops and he feels so tired. You feel yourself come on his cock. He pulls out and plops down on the couch behind him. He is knocked out. You put your clothes back on and exit Duff’s dressing room. You hear Axl calling your name out. You run towards Axl and the rest of the band. “Where were you?” Axl asked suspiciously.
You panic trying to make a good excuse.
“Duff was helping me with some of the technology stuff. He is really good at it” You say trying not to raise your voice too high or too low.
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thesmokingguns · 2 years
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Property of the Band
⚠️WARNING ⚠️ MINORS DNI 18+: Oral Sex (male and female), cum play, degradation, group sex, double penetration, violence, and masturbation
His hips snapped forward, balls slapping the wet drool against your chin. His hands buried in your hair as you choked on his cock. You tried to look up at him with blurred vision and watering eyes. But the feeling of his hand slapping against your face, stinging and burning, hard enough to force your lips from around his cock with a pop reminded you to focus on the task.
“I didn’t say to stop.” And he was pulling you by your hair, knees scraping against hotel carpet making them raw and sore as your lips were pressed to his cock once more.
He has your hair wrapped around both hands pressing you against his pelvis, his cock so deep down your throat you couldn’t breathe. Your palms pushed at muscles thighs and then he pulled out a few inches to give you time for gasp before jerking your head back and forth in whiplash motions.
No concern for what he was doing to you and letting you know you had no control in this situation.
Your mascara burned uour eyes as tears flowed down your face, panic setting in as you sobbed being face fucked. Feeling your gag reflex get tested as you suddenly thought about how you were going to puke all over yourself.
Shame and fear at the idea feeling your stomach as panicked, trying to wrap your lips around his cock tighter to have him cum before that happened; you knew if you threw up there would be hell to pay.
His cock slammed down you’d throat, once more blocking any breathe and you could feel his cum sliding down your throat in warm shots as you tried to swallow him down, knowing better than to waste anything he was giving you.
When he was satisfied he threw you back, you landed with a thud on the carpet, eyes downcast as you watched his bare feet walk away from you. He was leaving you there as he got a towel from the bathroom, coming back to throw it on top of you like a blanket.
“Clean yourself up, it’s Stevens' turn next with you and they all get mad if they think I was too rough with you.” The way your hair ached and you were a mess of your own tears, drool and mascara it was obvious Izzy was too rough with you.
He was lighting a cigarette, climbing into bed and picking up the phone. Probably going to call his girl back home, you thought bitterly as you wiped away the wet black streaks around your eyes.
At least with popcorn he was always gentle with you, kinder and exactly what you needed after the guitarist.
Sitting on the edge of the bed with your lips open you watched the way Steven was jerking his cock at you. He loved just having you sit naked and praising you while he stroked his cock. Nine out of ten times he’d cum on your face, moaning about how good it looked.
It was his kink and it gave you a few minutes of rest to try and recover from the way Izzy had just abused your mouth. Your hair still ached and Steven had commented on if you had been crying; your eyes were red and the handprint on your cheek was pretty good evidence of who you had been with.
“So pretty, Y/N. You’re an Angel. Look at me with those pretty eyes. So gorgeous…can you, un fuck, open your mouth and stick out that pretty pink tongue?” You did as he asked, hearing him groan again.
The way his cum felt sticky on your face, dripping in rivers of him over cheeks and down into your mouth as you licked your lips for show and watched him blush, almost embarrassed that he had done that to you.
He has a towel prepared already and offered you a drink of room temperature bud which you accept to get the poison taste of men out of your mouth.
Three left and you still hadn’t been fucked tonight. All three usually let you sleep in their bed, loving to be last because they could use you all night.
“Axl is next but you can stay here a few minutes if-“ you were already at the door, the silky blue robe the only thing you wore as you knocked on the singer's hotel door.
The singer could be in a very good mood and treat you very well or he could be in a bad mood where he still treated you pretty well but he might want to do something that was different.
He always made sure you came though. And not little feelings in your tummy but sheet soaking orgasms where he’d hold you as you cried after.
“Hey.” He pushed open the door and let you in. A little thrown off by his whatever sort of attitude but moving to where the bed was but Axl was itching his head, looking uncomfortable. “We can’t.” He made a motion between the two of you.
“Oh…why?” He scratched his arms and you suddenly felt very unattractive and not that sexy.
You were being denied by the person who had claimed you as the band groupie two years ago. The person who always made sure you went on tour and who’d go to the movies with you on mornings off. Did this mean this was all over for you?
“I met someone and it just seems like I’d be…I can’t.” He didn’t want to make you feel bad by letting you know you were the other woman in a few of the other relationships. He was setting boundaries and you respected that but you weren’t going to stay around and be made to feel bad about it.
Without a word you left the room, not bothering to ask who was next. A part of you was broken and sad thinking about Axl not wanting you and you realized that part of you liked him and sought validation from him when he was with you.
Slash and duff were coming up the hallway And you froze seeing them both there.
“Axl doesn’t want to do this anymore.” They looked at each other and back at you unsure of what to say and wondering why you looked ready to cry.
“Well, that just means more for us.” You smirked at Slash’s words and he looked at Duff. “You want to share Y/N? I think our little cumslut needs extra love.”
You were on your back on one of their beds, the robe in a pile of blue silk on the floor. Slash was between you legs, his tongue licking and sucking the folds of your pussy.
He never really went down on you but out of all of them he was the most enthusiastic when he did. He’d lick and suck at you, finger fucking you as he talked against your pussy about how good you tasted, the vibrations of his words pulling orgasm after orgasm out of you.
Duff’s cock on your hand as you slid up and down his shaft, jerking him off as you rode Slash’s face. Another orgasm rippling through you as you squeezed your thighs against his head.
“Are you feeling better now, Y/N? What else can we do for you?” Slash asked, placing wet kisses along your thighs.
“I want you both.” They smirked and duff pulled away from you, sitting on the bed. Slash was helping you move over to sit on him, holding your hands as you started writing the bassists cock.
A soft smack against your ass as you bounced up and down, pussy dripping down his shaft and balls, loving how he bucked up to meet you with his thrusts.
Slash was in front of you, cock hard as he watched; Stroking himself until he was ready to slide inside of you to have you filled with both of them.
He bent down, keeping you steady as you felt the burn of the stretch, Duff kissing along you neck as he peered over your shoulder to see you get overfilled and overworked.
“I can’t.” You met Slash’s eyes as the head of his cock pushed inside of you as your mouth fell open and a whimper escaped.
“You can and you will.” Your lip caught between your lip and you felt them pushing you around until he slid all the way inside of you.
Your head was on his shoulder as you felt them both working you. Using you. Reminding you that you were still property do the band.
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issie-https · 1 year
Rule Breaker
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Steven Adler X Reader
A/n: Dedicated to the most beautiful man ever, Steven Adler🤭🫶
Word count: 820
Warnings: Fluff & Axl being a controlling older brother😤
Main masterlist
"Y/n, can you get the door? It'll be the guys!" My brother, William yelled from the kitchen. "You're in the kitchen, walk for once," I yelled back. "You're right there," He shouted. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. Behind it stood my brothers friends and band members, Duff, Saul, Izzy and Steven. I've never really had a thing for my brothers friends but when I say Steven is different, I really mean it. He's literally the definition of perfect. His blonde hair which was almost always messy but framed his face in the most perfect way possible. His blue eyes feeling like a gut punch with how breathtaking they were. And my favourite of all, his bright smile. His soft, plump lips always curved upwards, revealing his perfect teeth. I wonder how his lips would feel on mine or how they'd feel, between my legs ma- "Y/n? You okay?" I heard Duff say. "Huh? Yeah, just thinking about some homework I've got for college. I'll be in my room," I spoke not quiet enough to be a whisper but not loud enough to be speaking. Not quick enough to be rushed but not slow enough to be a stroke.
I rushed upstairs to my room and sat down on my bed, just staring at the ceiling. Now, normally by now I would've asked Steven out but I can remember the conversation or pep talk if you will, that he gave to the guys the first time they met me.
"The ground rules for you four are, One, no dating my sister. Rule two, No kissing my sister. Lastly, no sex, AT ALL with her. Am I fucking clear?" He stated. "What's the fun in that?" Slash joked, causing Axl to throw a magazine at him. "Fine, god! We get it," he rolled his eyes. The rest of them just grunted a 'yeah'.
"Hey, y/n? You okay?" I heard a voice from the other side of my door. "Huh? Oh, yeah, fine thanks," I replied, just wishing they'd go away so I could continue thinking about someone I can't have. "Is it okay if I come in?" He spoke again. "I guess so," I replied once again. The door knob twisted and in walked no one other than Steven. "Oh, Stevie, I didn't realise it was you," I perked up as he closed the door behind him. "Yeah, you looked at me weird when you welcomed us in," he smiled. "That's just my face, I'm afraid," I joked. "No it's not. I know your face, your face is usually filled with life, love and happiness. Today, you look..." he stalled, looking for the word. "Pissed off?" I finished his sentence with how I was actually feeling. "I was gonna say like you're plotting Axl's death but that'll do," he laughed. There it was again, his angelic smile. "But in all seriousness, what's wrong?," He asked. "Nothing out of the ordinary, just Axl getting in the way of my life because he doesn't want to believe I'm an adult," I explained. "I know he's a tad bit controlling, Y/n, but he's just trying to keep you safe and happy," he replied. "If he wanted to keep me happy, he'd let me date who I want. I can't have one fucking relationship where he doesn't chime in and ruin it. It's the same with the person I like now, him and his stupid, possessive, shitty fucking rules are stopping me from having a relationship I really, really want," I started crying half way through the sentence, making Steven place his arms around me and pull me into his chest. "He can't stop you from doing what you want but he can help you make better decisions for yourself. Maybe you should talk to him and see if you can come to an agreement on this person," he replied. "I can't, Stevie. The person is off limits one hundred percent," I started crying more, but not from sadness, from anger. "Oh, Y/n. Who is it? Maybe I can help you with them," He offered. "I can't tell you," I mumbled. "I thought we didn't keep secrets from each other?" He begged. "We don't but this is too much for us," I sobbed. "If you don't want to tell me, I underst-". "It's you, Stevie. I love you, I want to be with you but Axl will lose his shit," I interrupted him. "R-really?" He whispered. "Why would I lie about something like that?" I mumbled. Before either of us could say something else, he kissed my lips, hungrily, desperately. I kissed him back, the kiss turning heated but in a romantic way. Not sloppy but not all that coordinated. "We can find a way around Axl's rules because I fucking adore you, Y/n Rose," He grinned, making me go all gooey inside.
That fucking smile.
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broken-clover · 4 months
SolAxl Week(ish)- Day 6
Not only late but skipping a prompt! I do intend to come back to it, it's just that the plot kinda spiraled out of control so if I want to consider finishing this thing in less than a month or more I better just step around the mess and come back to it.
Also going back to being typical of me. Tis simply how I do. I did take partial inspiration from the respiratory infection I got over the original ship week that made it too difficult to have everything done on time. Idk for some reason I just found it funny
6- Ghost Hunter AU, Sick Day, Drinking Together
Soup. Soup was supposed to be good for this kinda thing, wasn’t it? Probably not all that much, honestly, but one of those things that made people feel like it was?
(Whatever. It hadn’t been his area of expertise, even before. As he’d often scoff to his relatives as they clamored for his advice, he wasn’t that kind of doctor.)
Swiftly growing frustrated from staring at shelves, Sol simply grabbed a handful of basics and dumped them on the checkout counter. For what it was worth, the cashier only flinched a little at the sight and sound of him barging up.
“Find everything okay today, mister?”
Sol grunted. “Jus’ getting the essentials.”
“Looks like. Feeling okay? Your voice sounds a little rough.”
“Nah. That’s just a century’s worth of smoking. Gettin’ em ‘cause he ain’t going out himself.”
“Ah, that totally makes sense, I’d- “ He watched her visibly process the statement. She opened her mouth to speak, but seemingly thought better of it. “Well, they’re lucky to have you. Cash or card?”
Something about this sorta thing still didn’t feel quite right. Sol Badguy didn’t do the ‘domestic’ schtick. He was supposed to be out slumming it in the woods and hunting bounties, not doing medicine cabinet runs. It didn’t matter how much he hated scrounging for his own food and not having access to running water, part of him still struggled to deal with this shift in environment. Oftentimes, Axl was one of the few things to make the transition feel a little less jarring, but, well…
Sol used his hands just enough to twist the handle before doing the rest with a hip. “Hey, you up?”
And not an inch moved since he’d left. Their old sofa currently housed a heap of frayed blue fabric in the vague, sad shape of a man. Or a sad great dane. Or, if he squinted, a sad small pony. Sol watched it shift around at the sound of his voice.
“M’back. Got the stuff for ya. Most of it, at least.” He rustled the bag. “Cherry was the kind you were allergic to, right?”
The heap shifted again. Sol grabbed a handful of blanket, and, once he was somewhat sure there wasn’t any hair attached, he tugged it up until a miserable-looking face peered back at him.
“Mornin’, princess. How ya feeling?”
“...’ucks, -ief.”
He understood it enough. “Yeah, I figure. Was gonna buy you a whiteboard or something, but they didn’t have anything. Can get a pen if you want.”
Axl tried to scowl at him, but as soon as his lips wrinkled, it sent him into another coughing fit. As gently as he could manage, Sol thumped him on the back until it subsided. He watched the man shudder and sink back into his blanket cocoon.
“Y’know I was serious, right?” Sol found a spot to squeeze himself in and sit. “Gonna be honest, I’m kinda thrown off by it. Never seen you this quiet ever. Can’t wait ‘til this thing clears out and you can talk my ear off again.”
“Hhhh.” He took a bag of cough drops as they were offered, tearing it open and stuffing a hand in. “‘anks.”
Meanwhile, Sol kept digging through the bag, pulling a can of beer for himself and juice for his couchmate. Axl sent him a funny look, but took it anyway, tossing a couple of cough drops in his mouth before taking a swig.
Spotting something as it poked out from the blanket folds, Sol gave it a few tugs before finding himself in possession of the television remote. “Huh. Let’s see if there’s something stupid on.”
That got him another weird look. “What, don’t wanna? Though it’d take your mind off things.”
No, that didn’t seem like it was it. He watched Axl try to form a reply, but all that came out were raspy half-words that didn’t make much sense. He gestured vaguely at Sol, still not making much of a comprehensible point.
“You wanna watch something specific…?” Asked Sol, continuing to absentmindedly channel-surf.
“No! -onna- “ Clearly growing frustrated at his lack of success, Axl yanked at his hair and shoved the other man’s shoulder. “Sick!” He gestured to himself.
“Yeah? I know you’re sick, dumbass…” Oh. “You worried about me?”
” -es!” It almost came out as a coherent word, and in exchange, back he went to coughing.
“Tch, well ain’t you sweet.” Sol pressed a warm hand against his partner’s back and kneaded the skin at the base of his neck. Nah, ‘m not worried. Gear, remember? Overclocked immune system.”
“Mmph…” Satisfied, but still annoyed, Axl pulled the blankets back over his head. He flopped against Sol and took another sip of juice.
The Gear continued on in his search until he found something suitably stupid-looking, some kinda slapstick public-access cartoon. With his free hand, he patted the top of Axl’s blanket cocoon. “Lucky you, means you can hang off me all ya want. Free pass.”
Though he expected Axl would immediately take the opportunity and latch on, for now he seemed completely content to use him as a leaning rock and a source of heat. Huh. That sick, then. As much as Sol liked to roll his eyes at Axl’s overly-energetic nature and nonstop chatter, he missed it sorely as soon as it was gone. He hoped it wouldn’t be much more than a few days longer, then Axl would go back to being the cheery nuisance that Sol knew and loved.
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fanficfish · 1 year
Donald and Douglas ranch au headcanons
Main Post
Focus Chapter
Playlist :D
Some of these also kind of apply to my interpretation of canon. Well, actually most of them but that's a whole different thing.
Backstory: {redacted] [redacted] fire, mistaken placement of blame, [redacted] (You thought you coudl get spoilers? Gotta read the fic for that lol!)
Donald is older then Douglas. But Douglas acts slightly more mature so it evens out. Kind of.
Donald is quicker to anger, but Douglas builds his fury until he snaps (hard). Donald is also better at letting loose aand Douglas is more serious.
Donald is way more social and outgoing then Douglas. Donald knows way more about things like movies or local gossip. Douglas prefers keeping it quiet with a nice book, and lets his twin do the chattering. They both like a good prank though- they'll often pretend to be each other, especially if they know someone can't see their nametags.
Hownstly the easiest way to tell them apart (they like to match whenever possible) is by their reaction to a prank. Donald will prank you back but Douglas will just take and move on with his day. But he'll join in on it if Donald thinks up soemthing though.
they once went camping with the others, and shared a tent (along with Oliver and Duck). The twins went to sleep normally and woke up having tangled themselves into a literal pretzel of limbs and both Duck and Oliver were Not Very Happy because they'd also managed to shove the other two into the far corner.
They tend to sit back to back, or side by side wheenver possible- bit of a side effect from having to go on the run to get to Sodor with threat of permanant seperation. They don't mind working apart, it's part of their job after all, but they get a bit ants if they haven't heard from the other in a while. Especially if the other is going off the island for something. They try to check in with each other at least once a day, even if it's just to swap funny happenings from the day's events. The second Sir Topham Hatt knows this and will sometimes slip in a job that takes one past the other.
the singing. Oh gosh the singing. They know so many songs. They've picked up sea shanties from the sailors at the docks, country songs from working on ranches, folk songs from locals, pop songs from the radio. They're actually fairly good singers, but if you want quiet you won't get it from them. Douglas can actually play the bagpipes, and Donald picks up the accordian after coming to Sodor, so it's never quiet in their room, rest in peace Duck who's right next door. They sing while working a lot, and they only really stop singing if they're not feeling great or something's wrong.
which was why they only really started it with the singing after being signed under contract to the North Western.
they also like to sing sea shanties while shoveling snow. Keeps them in time and at a good steady pace. And it helps keep them warm, too.
probably won't write this in, but TTTE season 21 "Love Me Tender" sort of has an equivalent. Once, the twins were shoveling the snow and got into a disagreement over where to go. They split up, but Douglas soon found himself stuck in a snowdrift and unable to get out. At some point, Donald realized he still had Douglas' water falsk clipped ot his belt, and went back to find him, luckily finding him after a good bit of looking.
Donald uses DIlly like an emotional support duck. Because she is that breed of duck known for having big white bellies and Donald is a lot more stressed then he looks, between running every which way to take goods somewhere or fix a broken wheel axle.
Douglas doesn't have a pet he just sometimes borrows Dilly for the day. He likes going to the Vicarstown Public Library and taking out books about Donald Duck to read to Dilly.
also have a few random piccrews I made of the twins :D (I can't decide if I want them to have black or red hair, I'm thinking black but red is also an option...)
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ally-holmes · 1 year
A deal with Hades | Anders Johnson x OC Fem!Hades (Ch.5)
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Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Fandom: The Almighty Johnsons
Pairing: Anders Johnson x OC Fem!Hades
Rating: Mature (for cussing)
Content warnings: free call on mythology and beliefs, swearing, and self-esteem issues. Honesty.
Summary of the chapter: After the ritual, everyone is fully mortal again except for Anders. He’s not Bragi anymore, but he’s also not human. When he confronts Hades about that new situation she opens her heart and soul to him being completely honest. He has to make a decision. 
Word count: 2755
More content in My Fanfic Masterlist | Multifandom
Also available on AO3
This work was created to be part of the Deanobingo2023 event by @deanobingo​ It fills the General Prompt Card with Honesty.
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A deal with Hades | Chapter Five 
Knowing that Michele was dead and, as soon as the ritual was complete, the goddess using her body would leave her to rot was not pleasant, to be honest. Yes, with all the finding Frigg and the brotherly fight between Axl and Mike for her, Michele had finally bedded him which was cool although he was well aware that the only reason he was not in Aïdi's bed was that he had no idea if she wanted him like that or not. She made him feel like something precious, like they could build something together, but then Anders was alone in his apartment and the intrusive thoughts occupied his mind yelling at him that she was a true god, the most powerful of them all (as far as he was concerned), therefore the idea of Anders as a giving soul was more like a pet, right?
He looked at everybody around him feeling nostalgic. The only thing that had united the Johnsons to those incredible women was the fact that they were vessels for the Norse gods. Once the ritual was complete, there was no reason for them to keep meeting. Michele and Mike had broken up and although Anders had had sex with her a couple of times, it was not meant to be a long-term relationship. Stacey and Olaf were together, yes, but for how long? He was still a nomad by heart, and now that he knew death was on the corner he probably would spend more time surfing and traveling than with his family, and she had her own business to run. Ingrid's future was a mystery. The idea of seeing any of them again was almost utopic. On the other hand, there was bloody Colin, no one wanted to deal with him again.
Hanna slashed her brother's chest and the fun began. The ritual was made, a little shake on the earth was the only indication of something working. Then a white smoke came out of them, the perfect representation of a soul in the media; and it flew up into the air. Once they had regained their balance, Hanna's brother, Heimdallr, was gone and Michele was laying on the ground.
As Hanna was explaining what had happened to Axl and they figured that there was no real reason for them to be together now that Frigg and Odin were reunited, Anders felt that there was something wrong with him. He touched his chest, right where Hades' mark rested and it felt cold to the touch but burning all the same. There had been no light smoke coming out of him.
They walked to their cars making plans and when Michele insinuated that she wanted to go to Anders' again, he shook his head with a frown.
"There's something wrong with me. I think I have to talk with Hades."
"Maybe Bragi won't be able to go to Asgard, you know, with the deal you made and all," Axl pointed out.
"Yeah, but does it mean that I still have the powers? I need her advice."
The ride to Aïdi's house was slower than he had wanted, his senses were hyperaware. Using the key she gave him, Anders let himself in. Aïdi was sitting on the floor with her back resting against the couch, Blanc tucked between her legs and arms as she hugged him, running her hands up and down his fur. She had heard him, but she didn't move.
"What's wrong?" He approached carefully as if she was some sort of scared animal.
"I hate wars," she mumbled. "Did you know that all the war gods are gone from the mortal realm? There's no one left to command or help or to blame. This is all human making. I– I don't understand how humans can be so twisted. Collateral casualties, they say. They always hid their thirst for blood behind that as if just because they had no real intention to murder all those civilians they were innocent of their deaths. Bullshit."
"Bad day at work then," Anders tried to sound sympathetic but the truth is that he was kind of awkward. He didn't know how to comfort someone so he felt like a fish out of the water.
Hades unburied her face from Blanc's fur to look at him with tired eyes and an understanding look. She nodded before rubbing her face with the cuffs of her cashmere sweater. As she got up, Blanc padded towards Anders greeting him with a bump on his head on the mortal's leg. She got into the kitchen putting the kettle on.
"I presume you have not come here for listening to my complaints about the job. How may I help you, love?"
"We did the ritual. Heimdallr's vessel left for Asgard, but the others just stayed mortals as you said." She hummed to make him know that she was paying attention, "There was this smoke that emanate from us and flew to the sky, but I did not. I feel weird."
"Right. This is the thing, love, when you made the deal with me, Bragi's soul got linked to yours. However, once the ritual was complete, Bragi as a Norse god went to Asgard, although not as the others did. He left with some of his powers, not all of them, because his soul had been linked to yours.
"Meaning that, with that exchange, your mortal soul became the soul of a god. A true god, although mortal if we understand that you can still be killed, of course."
Anders sat on the stool from the breakfast counter, stunned. The gears of his brain turned and rolled as he tried to understand the new information. Aïdi put a cup of tea in front of him before cupping hers between her hands and taking a small sip.
"I don't understand. So, I am not a common human anymore? I am a god."
"Seems like you understood that pretty well, love. However, your powers still have some limitations. They're not like Bragi's entirely, as I also had some influence in the transformation. They won't work with other gods, gods' vessels, or former vessels; and they won't be used to promote havoc, I'll be very pissed if you use your powers to have a free meal or to force your will upon someone else."
"Wait. Wait… If I'm mortal in terms of 'can still be killed' does that mean that I won't die from natural causes?"
"How does that affect our deal?" He frowned.
"I'm sure you've read the contract by now."
"Yes. It did not say anything about me becoming a real god."
"How about the last part?" With a gesture of her hand, a fancier binder than his own appeared. She opened it and made him look at the last part, the one about Bragi slipping from the deal.
"That's for Bragi and you already said that he's in Asgard now."
"Where does it say Bragi, Anders?"
True. He had just assumed that it was directed to Bragi, but the truth is that in the document what was mentioned was 'the god', therefore, that god was now Anders himself. This wasn't even a loophole in the contract, it was an out for him.
"You gave me an out," he accused.
Hades shrugged, "You weren't selfish when you propose the deal. It wasn't even to save the life of a lover. You wanted to save the life of your baby brother and by doing so, save your other brothers and your grandfather. It was selfless with a suicidal point, obviously, but it was done by heart and I– I just want you to be happy, Anders. I don't want to impose my will upon you."
"You keep saying that. You walk on eggshells when you're with me and it's driving me insane. Why did you write this out on the contract!"
Fuck it, it was time to be honest.
"Do you want my honesty, Anders Johnson?" Her eyes changed to her supernatural white, but the rest of her body remained unchanged. "Gods are awful creatures! We do not restrain our cravings and wants; we see what we want and we take it. I will never be like my brother, not now and not ever. Zeus is a bastard that changed his shape to impose his will upon the poor mortals he was infatuated with. I have always hated that infatuation that drove gods to become disgusting creatures! Then you had to exist!
"I came to New Zealand with the only objective of finding Loki's vessel and taking Loki's soul to the netherworld and making him pay for the migraines he gave me. Unfortunately, you were here, hitting your twenty-first birthday and becoming Bragi's vessel and suddenly the infatuation hit me. Hard. Like a bullet on the neck, Anders. That's not very nice.
"I wanted you. I want you. For eternity. I want you to be mine and only mine." Her voice took on a profound supernatural tone that made Anders' skin break into goosebumps. "I wanted to take you with me and not let you leave. That's not how it's supposed to be done, however. That's not who I am.
"That's why I kept my distance from you until the meddler of Heimdallr decided to make us bump into each other. I tried to separate myself from you after that but you kept looking for me, encouraging our friendship and I couldn't escape. The infatuation became caring, became affection, and love; it became jealousy and possessive behavior that I loathe. If I was like the other gods I would have used your insistence to my advantage and used you, abused you to the point of making you need just as much as I need you. But I'm not like them. I won't be.
"Helen, Gaia, Axl, Michele… I wanted to destroy every one of them. Crave their skin with my nails until they begged me to kill them and then just allow the hellhounds to play with them until they were crumbling into pieces. Again, that's not very nice of me, is it?
"Zeus sending one of his offspring to kill Axl in front of me was a dick move, but when you offered the exchange something broke inside of me. I wanted to keep you, and I still do, but at the same time, I'm aware that spending eternity chained with me won't make you happy. That's why I'm giving you an out from the contract, Anders." Her eyes came back to normal. "Now that Loki had gone to Asgard there's nothing I can do against him, and apart from you, there's nothing in the mortal realm that makes me want to stay. Once you acknowledge the final part of the contract and decide to break free from my claws I would go back to my palace."
The silence stretched between them. Anders had not taken a single sip from his cup but his eyes were fixed on the dark liquid feeling the burning of his chest growing. He had a choice now but he didn't know what he wanted.
"I don't want you to leave." As his confession left his mouth before his brain registered, Anders' eyes locked with Aïdi's. The hope and fear in her look cemented Anders' resolve. "I thought you didn't want me the same way I wanted you. I thought you saw me as some sort of pet."
"Absolutely not!!"
"Then, I don't want an out."
"As long as I'm not a slave for eternity–"
"Of course not!!"
"I'm all yours then."
His mischievous grin made her heartache and Anders was able to notice it. Yeah, being honest with himself he could say that he wanted to belong to her as much as he wanted her to belong to him. These last months had been a roller-coaster of emotions. Anders had found himself needing her, wanting her presence, her smiles, and her white eyes on him. Now that the possibility of being 'free' had been presented, he understood that he really wanted to see the netherworld, to live in Hades' palace, to meet Anubis and his cats, to just… to be in a relationship with Hades. Fuck, he wanted a fucking relationship. Monogamous and permanent.
Getting up, Anders approached Hades cornering against the counter. Her eyes were looking for something in him, maybe a twitch or slip that proved that he wasn't serious, that he was playing. He was not, though.
"If– If we do this, I will rather you don't mess with anyone else, you know. It kind of hurts when you do and I don't think it would be very healthy if my jealousy consumes me and I start reaping souls out of my official influence area."
"Sounds good to me."
"You say that now. Eternity is a very long time, Anders."
"I'll be yours and yours alone, Hades. I give you my word,"
Well, isn't that a tricky thing to say in front of a powerful god?
The contract destroyed the last part itself and in its place, there was a page with those words from Anders. Now it was official.
When Aïdi closed the distance between them, her kiss was tentative and soft as she placed one of her hands on Anders' chest, on top of the mark, and the other caressed his neck. Anders melted surrounding her waist with one of his arms while using the other hand to cup her face in order to keep the kiss going, fixing the angle and even kissing with more intention. He moaned unconsciously when she was the one willing to deepen the kiss by tracing his lips with her tongue. Anders opened his mouth and he let himself go. There was nothing else in the world but Hades and himself resolving the sexual and romantic tension that had been building up between them.
Three thousand one hundred and five years after.
Hades was playing on the floor with the new batch of hellhound puppies. The three-headed animals were barely able to control their limbs as they jumped and ran after a toy. The door of the drawing room opened with the typical vigor of her husband, Anders, god of persuasion; after him were a few white souls that were visiting Hades' realm as they did every decade.
"See Dawn? I told you the puppies were cute!" Anders pointed out.
"I'm still freaked out by the three heads," confessed Olaf.
"I think Anders has forgotten what normal dog puppies look like," Hades offered with a smile before standing up.
She liked this. Hades had always been fond of guests in her palace, but she'd never had the possibility of hosting some holidays for her family as the other Mediterranian gods that entered that category usually avoided her realm. Since she and Anders had become an item, both true gods, she had made the concession of allowing the members of Anders' family to visit if they wished once they had left their mortal bodies behind. Time moved slowly but in the end, they died, one by one, as they should. Every decade, Anders opened the doors of the palace to his brothers, his sisters-in-law, his grandfather, his friends, his nephews and nieces, and the children of those nephews and nieces. Hades loved the smothering chaos that they usually brought with them, as they filled the palace with noise, jokes, and laughter.
However, what she loved the most about that display, was seeing Anders showing off his accomplishments. Anders, who loved working for Hades in the netherworld and really enjoyed wearing his deep blue clothes and silver crown, fit in her palace as he had always been the missing piece of a puzzle. He loved to prove to his family that he was in love, that he was not a prisoner, that he wasn't bored nor was he regretting his decision, and he rejoiced every time Mike felt a certain jealousy when comparing his own eternal rest with Anders'.
Zeb, Axl's best friend that always insisted on following them, was being hunted by the puppies which stirred her thoughts away. She laughed lightly as the poor soul tried to climb a column.
"Careful with that, it's older than you think!" Anders pointed out sharing a mischievous look with his wife. She winked at him and with a subtle move of his hands, Anders made the column creak, which sent Zeb to the floor with a squeaky sound. "Told you."
Eternity wasn't so bad in the end.
The End.
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true-autistic-tales · 2 years
lovesickness, prologue "the break up"
</3|"the chin-up"
lovesickness is an au/fanfic made by me and has my experiences of being lithromantic and transgender but mostly lithromantic with some mommy issues as well tbh
although this chapter isn't as harsh or long, the future ones most likely will be <3
also keep in mind that new chapters will release extremely infrequent and that i am a beginner writer, thank you
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the story under the cut
the cold night wind blew as the teens made their way heading up to the rugged house, holding each others hands, smiling.
there was an obvious connection between the two, everyone at school had noticed it, even before axl had asked morgan out, but something within axl's mind felt missing, like the last puzzle pieces were nowhere to be found and all that had been left were the incorrect ones.
the cute couple stopped at the front door and faced each other, still holding hands, refusing to let go in fear that the other would disappear if so.
"the last 7 weeks and 2 days have been so great!" morgan gushed, it had been great, every moment they were together, their life was filled with joy, or at least that's what morgan and everyone else thought.
"i know, right?" axl nervously laughed, in only a moment like this that bad things would come, so axl began mentally preparing himself for whatever she was going to throw at him.
"but, i don't think we should go out anymore." and there it was, in all its glory. she didn't love him anymore but in a way, it was understandable to him.
"wh-what? what did i do?" axl stumbled over his words, face sadden. panic was striking his chords as he thought over and over what morgan said.
"nothing it's just- i don't know..."
"morgan..." axl tried to hold on to whatever was left to their relationship but it was of no use. there was nothing there anymore, an empty husk where once love and joy thrived. it was done.
axl kept his composure as much as he could until he knew that morgan had left the area and closed the door behind him. he soon leaned against the door, sidling down into his legs and burst out into tears. tears of depression yet relief, joy even. how could he feel happy when he was straight up dumped by what he, and everyone else thought was the love of his life? but he didn't question it, he just wanted to get rid of all the tears, didn't matter what sort of tears they were, not at the moment anyway. getting back up as soon as possible in fear of being seen vulnerable, axl hid his face in his hoodie and made his way to his, and brick's, bedroom to stuffer in peace.
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Ehy, I hope you're doing well💕Would you be up for writing a slaxl/axl? Like them taking care of their kid😩 I read you we're busy with your exams during this period so don't worry abt time, don't wanna be a bother🤗 also good luck with them!💗
Thank you so much for your request <3, I'm so sorry for being late but I'm working through all my requests.
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Axl stared at the papers he was holding for the fifth time in a minute.
Application for adoption.
That was the title and he made sure to read it over and over, then slowly kept going until he read  his signature, then he would start again.  
He couldn’t explain why but he felt mocked by the documents, probably because they contained the story of his life or better say they were the proof of how inadequate he was.
When Slash suggested the idea to start looking into adoption, after years of dating, Axl was enthusiastic until he remembered a small detail : he had no idea what a good father was like. Soon happiness was replaced by worry and the constant fear that he would have shattered Slash’s dreams because the government wouldn’t deemed him fit enough to be a dad.
“Don’t worry about it. The social workers know what they are doing, they would never let us meet London in the first place if they thought you weren't safe.” Slash kept repeating him every time they had the opportunity to meet their hopefully future son.
Now Slash was about to come back with their child for the first time ever. No social services, no monitored visiting, just them and the baby which scared Axl. What if he ended up upsetting the baby? Or if he involuntarily hurt him? What if he turned out just like his step dad?
His train of thought was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Fuck, was Slash already back with the baby? What was he supposed to do? With his heart beating so fast, Axl slowly opened up the door and he was met by an adorable sight : his boyfriend holding their sleeping baby.
A part of him was relieved to be able to postpone the inevitable moment when he had to make the first mistake in his fatherhood, but he would lie if he didn’t say he was a bit sad to not be able to interact with London yet. But after all he was just one year old, so he was still sleeping often and just starting to talk a little bit more.
“I wanted to wait for him to wake up but social services said that I could take him, after all we have to get used to traveling with him even when he’s asleep.” Slash explained.
The redhead didn’t fail to notice the look of pure love in his eyes as he held London. How to blame him? Their son just looked so damn cute and Slash seemed to be born to be a dad, unlike Axl who seemed so lost.
“Did he wake up?”
“Just for a minute in the car but I calmed him down and told him we were about to meet papa, you should look how happy he was!” Slash said but he earned a scoff by Axl.
“C’mon, you’re lying.”
“Why should I? You gotta understand you have been great with him so far!”
He knew deep down Slash was right and probably he was blowing up everything yet that didn’t ease the worry. Maybe he should just start with small steps like putting the baby in the crib? Okay, maybe that was too forward. Putting it with the help of Slash? Now that was more reasonable.
“Can you… can we put the baby into the crib together?” The singer’s voice was uncharacteristically low and hesitant.
“Sure. The social worker gave me his favorite teddy bear too, you just have to take out from the bag that I dropped to the floor once I got in.” Slash smiled apologetically but Axl didn’t care and took the bear out.
The walk to the nursery felt ten times longer but once they were at the crib, Slash slowly turned towards him with a smile.
“I’m going to hand him to you, okay?”
“No. What if I drop him?” Axl replied.
“Ax, you won’t drop him. Look I’m gonna make my hands at the bottom of the crib, so that I can catch him if you feel uncertain.”
Axl nodded and slowly put down London as gently as he could, feeling a weight being lifted off as the baby didn’t wake up or started crying but just kept peacefully sleeping. It was a sight to look at their little bundle of joy peacefully sleeping and fully knowing it was theirs now, a sign of their love and hopefully they would give him a better life.
“He is so cute.” Axl whispered with admiration.
“Totally. I can’t believe that we are fathers and that he likes to sleep all the time!” Slash added.
“I’d say let’s wait a few years and he will beg us to extend his bedtime.”
“Probably. Why don’t we go to watch a movie in the living room? We have the baby monitor if anything happens.” Slash grabbed Axl’s hand, still sensing the worry radiating off him.
The redhead agreed, after all some relaxing alone time could do nothing but good and prepare him for when London would wake up. The thoughts in his head were getting too crowded anyway so he needed a distraction before he would find himself freaking out and disappoint both his son and his boyfriend.
Slash probably felt pity for him because he didn’t decide to put on his usual horror movies but a cheesy romantic comedy, he even insisted on making popcorn and was cuddlier than usual, not that Axl complained because he loved that.
Two hours later the credits started to roll. London didn’t have any issue besides making some normal baby noises and soon calming himself down back to sleep, however that didn’t stop both of them from looking at each other with worried faces that screamed “should we check on him?” even if he would calm down soon after.
“This is so stupid! The whole movie could have ended five minutes in!” Axl argued as he put the popcorn bowls into the sink.
“Ax, it’s a movie. It’s obvious they need to make everything rather than real life.” Slash shoot back.
“Well it doesn’t justify the fact it’s silly!” A cry from the baby monitor interrupted him. “See? Even the baby is crying because of how stupid that is…”
Axl stopped as soon as the words left his mouth and everything sank in : the baby was crying! Soon he started to slightly panic again because what did happen? Did he just woke up? Was he hurt?
“Oh Lon woke up. I imagined that since it’s around feeding time or so they told me.” The guitarist tried to maintain his composure and walked to the kitchen.
“So what do we do now?”
“I’m gonna prepare his milk and you can stay with him you know, calm him down until the food is ready.”
The singer knew that if he stayed still he would be overwhelmed by his worries, so he decided to walk as fast as he could to the nursery and just face his fears. However when he saw London’s distressed face he felt his heart breaking a little, he didn’t like to see him sad even if it was normal for babies to be sad because they were hungry.
“Hey, it’s okay. Shh, I got you.” Axl tried to keep his tone as gentle as possible as he picked up the baby from the crib.
London clasped to him for comfort but didn’t stop crying so Axl decided to grab his teddy bear, in an attempt to calm him down.
“I know, dada Slash will be here soon… I got your teddy bear though.” He slowly waved it in front of the baby’s face.
“Let’s sit on the armchair, so papa feels less afraid of dropping you to the floor.” He admitted as he sat on the armchair they insisted on having just in case “we need to write music and look at the baby at the same time.”
He seemed interested in his little bear but still quite upset.  Axl wondered what else he could do, and the only thing that came to his mind was what he knew how to do best: he started humming. It was a slow lullaby melody but it caught London’s attention and made him look at his papa, curious about this new side of him.
The singer smiled, he was revieled that he didn’t fuck up and managed to calm down his baby even for just a bit.
"Do you think I could turn that into a song? Imagine, a lullaby rock album... That's a crazy idea." He felt more relaxed by talking to London even if he couldn't answer him, his scary thoughts seemed to slowly disappear in the back of his mind as he kept humming and changing the tune.
"Damn look at you two!" Slash's words snapped him out. The curly man was standing at the door with the bottle of milk in his hand.
"How long were you standing there?"
"Two minutes... I know he's hungry but that was a catchy song!" He joked as he approached the rest.
London’s eyes light up at the sight of his bottle and Axl hands him to Slash, he’s very happy to observe and learn for today and it’s only fair they share their tasks, as it is the best way for them to learn. He’s not empty handed as he “keeps protected” his baby’s teddy bear until he can finally play with it again.
“I promised him that you would play some guitar.” Axl breaks the silence but he’s unable to let out his true feelings.
Slash chuckled and looked at his son, who was too busy eating to notice him.
“You’re already ganging up with your other dad? That’s so sneaky! I know he’s your favorite but…”
“Oh c’mon, I’m not his favorite and you know it!” The redhead replied.
“Do I? Why can’t you be his favorite?”
“You know why, I’m so unprepared for him… I’m not the best with kids.
Slash knew about Axl’s fears and doubts but he had never seen them written so clearly on his face like at that moment, for the majority of their journey he just hid them the best he could. He was aware his childhood was a sensitive subject, yet he wished the other man could see how great he was.
“It didn’t seem like that earlier. Our baby feels safe with you as much as he feels safe with me, even if that’s hard for you to believe.”
Those words hit Axl very deep. He loved kids but how was he supposed to unlearn everything he has been thought in his early years? How could he not make mistakes that would hurt his child in the long run? Why the love he felt didn’t seem enough to solve all those problems?
London’s little noises caught his attention back, apparently he was done and he wanted them to know that he was more than ready to play and be entertained.
“Am I right Lon? You love papa Axl.” Slash pointed at his boyfriend.
“Papa!” He said happily and the singer couldn’t help but feel his heart swelling with joy.
“Yeah, he’s papa and I’m dada.” The curly man said, indicating himself this time.
“Dada!” London repeated all excited.
“He’s a fast learner. We can’t swear around him or he’s gonna learn the worst sh… stuff” Axl corrected him.
When it was clear that London was getting bored, they decided to pick up some of his toys and hang up in his room to look after him. First Slash read with him a book about reptiles and wild animals because he loved them and so London seemed to, then Axl watched and helped him as he discovered the big cube with shapes, numbers and letters that he needed to insert, as well as repeating to him what they were.
Lastly it was time for Slash to honor his promise by playing the guitar, so that the baby could get his private concert and even dance a bit as much as his developing motor skills allowed him to. Axl couldn’t stop thinking how happy he felt looking at Slash holding their son and making him spin happily, they looked like a happy family and he couldn’t ask for more.
“Okay concert over, we have to prepare dinner.” The singer stated.
“Oh, we just need to heat what Duff gave earlier.” Slash said nonchalantly.
“He gave us food?”
“It’s Duff. We might be parents now but he’s always going to be a mama bear.” Axl couldn’t argue with that and laughed.
London seemed very interested in his pasta, ditching completely the fork to eat just with his hands but who were they to judge him, if the kid wanted to eat with his hands they would let him do it, God knows they did far worse while being way older than that. Plus they find it totally adorable.
They turned the TV on MTV to see if there were any crazy news about their fellow rockers ( because when rockers don’t do crazy shit?) or discover any new song but before they could wonder which song could be next, London’s eyes lit up.
“Dada!” He said, pointing at the TV and in fact a photo of Slash was featured on the screen.
“Is this the best or the worst moment possible to have our son watching us on TV?” Slash questioned.
“It depends what the song will be, you better believe I’ll cover his little eyes faster than a lighting during the bed scenes  if “Welcome to the Jungle” pops up” Axl was almost surprised with his paternal instinct coming out like that.
He remembered when his step dad would turn off the TV whenever something he didn’t like showed up but this felt completely different, it wasn’t made out of control but rather protecting his one year old.
Thank God Paradise City’s intro started and they relaxed. London was far too young to catch on if his dada or their friends were high or drunk in that video, and also he was too focused on smiling and dancing the best he was allowed in his big chair.
“Dada! Papa!” He kept repeating whenever Slash or Axl were shown.
“Yes and also those are your uncles : Duff, Izzy and Steven.” Slash pointed them out, even if they probably would have met the baby very soon. London seemed very excited to meet them already.
They stayed for the other two songs, which thankfully weren’t too extreme for London, before he started to show his first signs of tiredness.
“I think it’s bedtime, c’mere” The guitarist picked up his child and Axl quickly followed him to the room, feeling more secure than before.
They already had changed his diaper but it didn’t seem to get any easier, always panicking a bit about if everything was okay or if they put it backwards, at least London seemed entertained by their panic.
Once they put adorable pjs on him, Slash went to put London into his crib but the baby started crying. It was understandable because even if he slept there already, this time it was darker and therefore a bit scarier for him. Slash tried to coax him, soon joined by Axl.
“Do you think I can sing him a lullaby again? Would that work?” Axl was unsure but Slash nodded and gently put London into his arms.
The redhead made sure to use his deep voice in a calming way, not dropping too low to not scare the baby even more, and it seemed to capture his attention because London stopped crying and stared at him. The more he sang the more he felt his heart melting at the sight of their baby finally relaxing. He was so small and he wanted to protect him from all the evil in the world.
Finally London fell asleep and Axl waited a few minutes before putting him down in his crib. Soon he felt two arms hugging him from behind and he turned around to face Slash, sure that his baby was safe and sound.
“You’ve been amazing today.” Slash reassured him and kissed his lips.
“I’m so scared but I want to give my 100% for him, like you will do too.” Axl said and it was his turn now to kiss Slash.
“We are going to make it. We have my mom and Duff who’s already a dad if we ever need help.”
They stayed in silence for a couple of minutes, just taking in everything and realizing they finally made it and the little creature sleeping in the crib was the living proof of that. When they decided it was enough, Slash took Axl’s hand and led him out the room to enjoy their free time before going to bed.
The singer looked one last time at his sleeping son and made a silent promise.
I’m gonna make sure you don’t experience one bit of the hurt I did.
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solradguy · 1 day
....so got any sol johnny headcanons
:) <3
I don't think there's any actual love between the two, it's purely carnal and situational
Tbh I imagine Sol as the top in most pairings, but Johnny is so smooth and one of the few characters in the GG cast that Sol doesn't seem to view as an existential threat, so I think in certain circumstances Sol might bottom for Johnny
Denki Akiba writes their interactions (in Heliogenoms) with them kicking each others' asses and realizing it's kinda hot seeing another beefy guy sweaty and bleeding and that's probably like 90% of how anything between the two happens. It Just Makes Sense™️
There's a lot of gay chicken between the two and eventually it went too far because neither tapped out and it turned out they were kinda into it
I know Johnny talks about hooking up with hot babes all the time in the actual canon, but he brings it up so much and they show it actually happening like... maybe once... So I think he's actually gay as hell. There's no reason to really lie about that in a setting like GG's where it seems to be pretty chill about LGBT people though. BUT a lot of Johnny's persona comes from how he viewed his dad, so it's possible he's clinging to that memory and overcompensating slightly. Performative heterosexuality as a coping mechanism.
Sol is bisexual. I won't budge on this. Daisuke hasn't outright said it but I know it in my heart of hearts.
SO. Johnny is gay as shit but surrounded by cute women all of the time and May hovers around him like a gnat 24/7. Man has zero privacy at home, he's gotta be dying. There is NO WAY he would EVER phone Sol up and be like "let's bang, ok." Probably. Sol would laugh at him and hang up. I think, if the stars aligned, Johnny would call and be like "there's [x thing] happening at [y place] with a bounty of [z world dollars]. could be worth it" just absolutely dripping with subtext.
Post-GG Xrd it gets harder to imagine Sol and Johnny hooking up though. Their chemistry is best between roughly GGX through Xrd. Once Jack-O' gets more involved I just can't see Sol and Johnny engaging in their ritual "beat the shit out of each other" roleplay anymore, and that's kind of the core of how I imagine their interactions. I also don't think Jack-O' and Johnny have any (sexual) chemistry either, but they'd probably at least be friends. Johnny's cowboy-Zorro thing and Jack-O's disco girl thing are fun platonic dynamics and it's fun imagining them with Sol (and possibly Axl too) just sitting around somewhere drinking crappy beer and laughing about the absurd stuff they've been through together.
Neither Sol or Johnny are very big on opening up emotionally to other people, but the two of them have been through some serious shit, especially with Gears killing loved ones and being forced (willingly or unwillingly) into almost savior-like roles they would rather not have ended up in. Eventually I think they'd realize they have this common ground and it would lead to a massive increase of respect for each other. That said, they're both so weighed down by having repressed their emotions for so long that I haven't imagined a scenario (yet) that feels convincing enough for them to ever talk about it in a major way. This aspect of their dynamic is the most interesting to me though.
Sol and Johnny are incredibly similar, yet process their traumas in completely different ways; they were both beaten down and spit on by the world, and I enjoy exploring that aspect of their characters. While Johnny focused that trauma into something positive—by becoming a father figure for so many girls/young women orphaned by the Crusades and making sure they never had to go through what he went through—Sol isolated himself, blamed himself for everything bad that happened to him and his loved ones, and forged his trauma (and himself) into a literal weapon that he then used to better the world through destructive force. Lighting fires to contain an even bigger fire, in a way.
If Sol had had someone to rely on, that could have kept pace with him, would he have been able to truly prevent the Crusades? Johnny is only a mortal human man, but he can keep pace with Sol, and I genuinely think that's fascinating.
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ihavemanyhusbands · 4 months
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody
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Part One // Part Two // Mini-Series Masterlist
Also on AO3
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem!Bounty Hunter!Reader
WC: 4.9k words
Chapter Summary: The climax, in more than one sense of the word. Justice is finally served, and all the other pieces fall into place.
Warnings: MINORS DNI, THIS FIC IS 18+, canon typical violence, some descriptions of blood and gore, arson, drug use (chem called Buffout), implied mutual pining, smut, fingering, unprotected p in v (dont do it at home), radiated creampie (there’s RadAway dw lol), dirty talking, dom/sub dynamics, multiple orgasms, aaaaaaaaaand that’s all i can think about rn but lmk if i missed anything!
Sounds in the middle of the night, a distant clamor that sharpened into voices as you regained consciousness. You sat up, disoriented and wide-eyed. The ghoul crouched nearby, immediately alert, hand on his holster.
He put a finger to his lips, fixing you with a glare and a slight shake of his head. Dread immediately curdled in your stomach. Ever so slowly, you lifted yourself onto a crouch, grabbing your crossbow. 
Moonlight faintly filtered through a window caked with years of dirt and grime. The near complete darkness made the shadowed objects around the room morph into ominous, bulky shapes, exacerbating your fear. There was a momentary silence, in which both of you stayed still, listening.
The two of you had holed up for the night on the top floor of another dilapidated building. It sat on the outskirts of what used to be Shady Sands, a town that had been re-bombed years prior. The risk of running into trouble was much higher, as there was a lot more foot traffic. There was still plenty to scavenge, after all. 
And not only did you have to worry about mutants or raiders, but also knights of the Brotherhood of Steel. One of their bases was closer than you’d like, and you’d heard the rumble of their choppers in the distance while you skirted the enormous crater where the city once stood.
According to the ghoul, you were only a few days away from Axl’s main compound. Without either of you acknowledging it, you’d slowed down the pace. The moments of silent companionship stretched like lingering summer sunsets, and yet somehow, they were still not long enough. At times, you even felt the same way you’d felt at the outcrop, bordering on serene. 
It seemed surreal that your destiny was just within reach. Though you had been preparing for years, letting grief and rage carry you through even the toughest obstacle, you felt hesitancy for the first time. A part of you did not want to face the stark reality of it quite yet, not knowing how things would go down once you got to your destination.
 It wasn’t necessarily that you had a fear of death – you lived so closely with it that you didn’t flinch at its inevitability. Only at its abject cruelty; The way it striked indiscriminately, with disregard for those left behind. 
What you worried about was living through the whole ordeal and coming out the other side alone. The ghoul had no fealty to you, much less… attachment. You’d fooled around a couple more times throughout the journey, but it was all carnal pleasure – a lesson that your body was not just an instrument of brutality and survival. You’d let yourself become soft and pliable, like putty in his hands.
But that wasn’t to say he was tender, necessarily. There’d been no kisses between you – though you sought them in earnest – and he had not yet taken you, as he put it. His biting remarks weren’t nearly as sharp anymore, though, and you’d caught him being more protective of you. Not to mention, he always made sure you were never lacking RadAway.
For your part… You thought it was gentleness you felt, though you still couldn’t quite put a name to the way you were feeling. Perhaps just comfort was enough to describe it, interestingly enough. 
Barks of laughter sounded a little clearer, reminding you of the situation at hand. A few crashes followed, like things were being thrown about. It definitely sounded like they were inside the building, you realized with growing terror. How close were they? And how many of them?
“I should go give these visitors a warm welcome, don’tcha think?” the ghoul whispered, unholstering his gun. “It’s only polite.”
“Don’t you mean we?” You whispered back.
“No, y’ain’t comin’ with. I don’t need you getting in the way,” he said as he stood up. “Not many places to hide up here, so you best start lookin’.”
“You can’t just make m–” You started to protest, also standing up, but in two silent strides, he was right in front of you, holding your chin firmly.
For the briefest second, he seemed to be debating something. His eyes searched yours as if he would find the answer there. Another crash, most likely on the floor just below, and his lips thinned into a grim line as he made up his mind. 
“Listen…” he said, no time to waste. “The name’s Cooper. Holler it if you need help. Keep an eye out, but don’t let anyone see you.”
With that, he let go of you and slipped out of the room, not looking back once. You stood there for a moment, dumbstruck, his name rattling around your head like a pinball. 
But you had to shake yourself out of it, quickly scanning your surroundings for a place to hide. He’d been right about there not being many options, but you hadn’t realized there were virtually none at all in that room.
Except… there was a broken window on the far wall, and you avoided stepping on shards of glass as you made your way over. Right outside, there was a rusted fire escape, ladders leading up and down. 
You leaned out of the windowsill and looked up at the night sky, spotting the big and little dippers. It was lucky that the moon was almost full, not leaving you completely blind. You swung one leg over the windowsill and begged the stars – anything up there that could be listening – that the fire escape didn’t collapse under you.
It groaned slightly as you lowered yourself onto it, making you wince, but thankfully it was pretty sturdy. Still, you tried not to think too much about the height, stifling the vertigo that threatened to creep in. It was then that you heard yelling, accompanied by a barrage of gunshots. You felt a sharp pang of worry for Cooper, but you knew he could hold his own.
Out in the open, you were even less safe, but while you couldn’t really see anyone down below, you knew better than to descend. So, you used the more precarious ladder to ascend instead. Muscles tense as it shook and rattled, your palms sweating, but it held your weight. 
Breathlessly hauling yourself onto the rooftop, you first made sure you were alone before lying on your stomach near the edge, crossbow ready. The scuffle continued below, and you hoped all the noise didn’t attract even more unwanted guests. 
Time seemed to take a liquid form as you waited, slipping through your grasp unnoticed, your focus on the unrelenting night. The animal instinct to survive had kicked in, blocking out your fear and slowing your heartbeat down. 
Your father’s patient voice was at the back of your head. “Remember, when it comes down to it, calm and focus is what it takes. You’re more likely to make a mistake otherwise, a deadly one.”
Suddenly, a whistle rang out – a high note shortening into a low one. You didn’t move at first, but then you adjusted your position slightly to try and get a better look at the source. A head poked out of the broken window below, and your finger was instantly on the trigger.
Cooper raised his hands in mock surrender, an amused, sly grin on his face. Your muscles immediately relaxed as you exhaled the breath you’d been holding.
“Jus’ me, cowpoke,” he drawled. “It’s clear now. Get your ass down here before I come get you.” 
You found yourself smiling with relief as you put your weapon away, climbing down the ladder with less care than when you were going up. You stumbled into him as you dropped back onto the fire escape, losing your balance. 
“Woah, easy there,” he said, steadying you but keeping you close. “Y’really missed me that much, darlin’? I was only gone for an hour.”
You shoved away from him, rolling your eyes. You noticed he was splattered with blood, some having transferred onto your clothes. None of it seemed to belong to him, though, which was another small relief. 
“How many?” You asked, deflecting his question. 
“Too many for my likin’, and y’know I like myself a crowd,” he said. “Most of ‘em had Axl’s brand, others seemed like newbies. Fuckin’ amateurs, all of ‘em.”
You swallowed with bitter distaste as you heard that name. Surely the death of a group of his men wouldn’t go unnoticed, so that meant you had less time to make a move. The two of you had discussed some plans of attack, but you hadn’t chosen any course of action yet.
You thought of the bottles of Buffout you’d scored in Filly, unbeknownst to him. You’d gotten them as a last resort, not stupid enough to believe the two of you would be able to take on a whole compound of raiders just as you were.
You crossed your arms over your chest. “What now?”
“We loot ‘em, and then we get a move on as soon as dawn comes.”
“No rest for the wicked,” you sighed, even if you were no longer tired.
“Ain’t that the truth,” he chuckled. “But you were a good girl tonight, listenin’ to my orders.”
You bit down a grin and climbed in through the window so he couldn’t see the flustered look on your face. He checked the hallway as you gathered the rest of your stuff, and then you followed him out of the room, unable to stop the warmth spreading in your chest.
“Cooper?” You whispered, barely wanting to disturb the silence. “Thank you, again.”
Silence hung for a moment, and you thought he wouldn’t respond at all. 
“That’s twice now,” he said, glancing over his shoulder at you. “Don’t think I’ll forget your debt after all this.”
That warmth exploded into fireworks and oh, you knew you were doomed either way.
The compound was larger than you’d imagined, visible from a great distance. As soon as you’d crested the hill, you’d felt like a stone dropped into your stomach. The sun had set an hour ago, so the cover of darkness was to your advantage. No turning back now. 
But before Cooper could take another step forward, you grasped his arm without thinking. He frowned as he looked down at your hand, then up at your face.
“Y’ain’t havin’ second thoughts, are ya?” He asked. “Little too late for that nonsense.”
You shook your head. “It’s not that, it’s just… maybe we need to reassess our strategy before we do anything hasty. I could use some more rest, too and–”
“Quit it,” he snapped. “What’s the matter with you? You anxious?”
How could I not be? You thought to yourself. You were braced for a fight, itching for it, even. It had made sleeping impossible the previous nights, no matter how much Cooper had tried to force you to rest. The constellations in the sky seemed to brighten the closer you got to the compound; Guiding the way, granting you strength.
But you wanted one more moment with him, just as you were then. So you gave into foolishness, pulling him in as you stood on your tiptoes to bring your lips to his. He flinched, surprised, gripping you in return. You were ready for him to shove you away, but when he didn’t, you placed a hand on his chest.
His lips were chapped, but not unpleasant. Warm, too, and set firmly at the first delicate brush of your lips. You heard a grunt low in his throat as he felt the tip of your tongue swiping at his bottom lip, coaxing, and it was then he snapped out of his shock. 
The way he kissed you was rough and hungry, with a certain desperation you knew he would never admit out loud. Your tongues tangled, exploring each other’s mouths – though, truly, his was dominating yours. He gripped your hair, keeping you from escaping, even if it was the last thing you wanted to do.
But before you could get too deep into the kiss – reaching another point of no return – he pulled back, searching your face. Felt fire in his loins as he saw the glazed look of desire in your eyes, but he had to bat it away for the time being.
“Should’ve jus’ said you were needy,” he murmured. “But then again, you always are.”
A faint smile at his teasing, but he noticed the turmoil beneath. “Cooper...”
He let go of you, sobering up and slipping back into his usual prickly demeanor. The times called for it after all; He knew you needed that strength, too. He cleared his throat and glanced back at the compound, trying to think. An idea suddenly came to mind, and he couldn’t help a lopsided grin.
“I say we burn the whole place to the ground,”  he said, tilting his head towards it. “And when they’re runnin’ around like chickens with their heads cut off, I’ll carve you a path towards him in the chaos.”
You froze, eyes widening, momentarily unsure of what to say. “I thought you said you had business with him, too.”
He shrugged, looking away. “You’ll settle the score for the both of us.”
The enormity of this statement — this unspoken gift — rocked you to your core, making you take an involuntary step forward. You thought to reach out to take his gloved hand, a rare sob clogging your throat, but you knew it would ruin the moment. 
You would find a way to thank him later, when all was said and done. 
It was both fortunate and unfortunate that the raiders had stocked up on so much fuel. To them, it was most likely a precious commodity. To you, well… It was merely a means to an end — A conveniently deadly one. 
In the darkest hour of night, Cooper had slipped into the encampment, silent as a shadow. You decided to knock back some Buffout and wait for the mayhem to start. He’d told you to stay hidden until the fire had really taken, but you were already bouncing around impatiently, starting to feel the effects of the chem.
The sharp tang of the fuel reached you in the breeze, and you clasped the handle of his machete with a white knuckled grip. Though you had weapons, he’d insisted you carry it, just in case. It brought you some comfort to have it, as if it was an extension of him.
In the distance, there was the sound of a small explosion. You jumped, but didn’t make a move yet. Those within the encampment started to rise, their voices confused and alert. Every single one of your muscles were poised to run, your senses screaming at you to spring forward. Pupils fully dilated, mind sharper than ever. You briefly wondered if that was how prey drive must feel. Buffout’s no fucking joke.
Instead, you slowly skirted the perimeter, keeping to the shadows. The voices raised and beneath them, there was the dragging hiss of fire igniting, catching hold of everything in its path. 
Another explosion, this one much closer, if the subtly trembling earth was any indication. And so commenced the cacophony of chaos, though there was one word among the screams that you were able to distinguish – Ghoul!
The fire was rapidly spreading, so much so that you could feel its incandescent heat, sweat beading all over your face. Show time. You sprang up from your haunches and scurried to the nearest opening.
Things were blurry from then on. You had more than a few close brushes with certain death, but every time, without fail,  a whizzing bullet would be your salvation. But that wasn’t to say your machete went unused, blood spattering you like a warrior’s anointing. 
Axl’s main quarters were, unsurprisingly, harder to break into. Cooper took care of it, disposing of the raiders that were guarding their leader. The room was cramped with all sorts of loot, including hundreds of caps, perhaps more. Weapons, as well, and not to mention an assortment of Chems.
Axl himself was a large man with long, wild hair that was streaked with grey. He was wearing armor made of scraps and he was riddled with scars, one of his eyes missing. The one remaining glared at the two of you – just as mean mugged as you remembered – but he only seemed to recognize Cooper. 
“Surprised to see me?” Cooper said, grinning easily. “Suppose you were so cocksure I wouldn’t discover your ruse, sendin’ me on that wild goose chase.”
“It was a perfectly valid bounty, guess you just didn’t read the fine print.” Axl smiled cruelly in return, his eye returning to you as you took a step forward, teeth bared. “Who’s this bitch? Your guard dog?”
In the next moment, his knee exploded in a spray of blood and gore as Cooper shot him, ripping an agonized howl from his throat as he collapsed.
“Since nobody taught you any fuckin’ manners, I thought I might as well do it,” Cooper said, trying to sound bored despite the rage in his tone. 
“You stupid motherfucker! I’m gonna … Kill you for this!” Axl managed to growl, writhing on the floor in torment, pathetically trying to drag himself towards any nearby weapon.
Cooper ignored the threats and nodded towards you. “All yours, cowpoke. Best hurry now, fire’s still spreadin’.”
You held his gaze, hoping your eyes could communicate all you wanted to say. Things took a dreamlike quality, time narrowing down to that very moment. You nodded back, and there was the ghost of a smile on his face. You drifted forward, the past and the present intermingling in your mind. 
The memory of your father’s laughter. Years of adventures and survival and the foolish belief that you would always have each other. The startled look on his face as the bullet went straight through his jugular. How he’d pushed you to safety right before his body slumped over. The glimpse of his killer’s face, which had branded itself in your mind. 
Now, you had it in front of you once more, right where you wanted it. And not a hint of doubt clouded your mind.
You raised the machete over your head–
“This is for my father, you son of a bitch.”
– And swung it down in a swift, deadly arc.
You weren’t sure how you were walking, but you knew you needed to get a safe distance away from the burning encampment. Cooper held you to him as you trembled all over, adrenaline leaving your system in hot and cold waves.
“There, there, you’re alright,” he soothed, his voice uncharacteristically soft. “We’ll stop soon, I promise. Come down’s a bitch on that one, ain’t it?”
You nodded, having confessed to the Buffout earlier, cold sweat running down your back. “I feel like I need to sleep for a thousand years.” 
He chuckled. “I’ll give you a night, sweetheart. Maybe a couple, If I’m feelin’ generous. I ain’t done with you yet, remember?”
You peered up at him, one corner of your lips curling up in a smirk. “Oh yeah?”
“Oh yeah,” he confirmed. “Matter of fact, I think it’ll take you those thousand years to repay all your debts.”
“I can start tonight.”
“Easy there, cowgirl. If I were you, I’d use my time wisely and rest,” he said pointedly. “You know I don’t play around.”
“Hmmm, I don’t know, Cooper. I’m still feeling pretty restless,” You said, lying through your teeth. Exhaustion ran deep, but that wouldn’t stop you from seeking him, eager to become soft once more. At his mercy. 
He hummed in thought, eyes flicking down to you, nonchalant. “Guess I might just have to put you to sleep, huh?”
You grinned, biting your lip and pressing yourself closer to his side. You found a small, rundown shack to hole up in, and he poked his head in to make sure there were no rad roaches or mole rats. 
There was barely enough space for the two of you, but you didn’t mind. He threw his coat on the floor and you set your stuff down before he was cornering  you. He tugged off his gloves, tossing them aside. 
“First thing’s first, gotta get you out of these filthy clothes,” he husked, hands settling on your hips, fingers slipping under the hem of your shirt.
He undressed you methodically, enjoying the slowness of it. Revealing more and more of that soft skin he loved to touch, and peeling away the brutality of the night. A hum of appreciation as his hands began to roam, tugging you closer and lowering you onto his coat in an all too familiar way. 
“Much better,” he murmured, feasting his eyes and making sure you were unharmed in equal measure. 
A few scrapes and bruises, but you’d live. He’d done a good job, all things considered. He let out a low, appreciative whistle, barely able to keep his hands to myself.
Your eyes were shiny with want as you looked up at him, lips parted, body taut with anticipation; Shuddering for an entirely different reason. His nails trailed up your thigh as he leaned forward, hovering over you.
“Well, ain’t you the gift that jus’ keeps on givin’?” he rasped, kissing a spot on your jaw just beneath your ear. “All mine to unwrap and play with.”
You nodded, moving your face so his lips would meet yours. But he held back with a tsk.
“Say it f’me, darlin’.”
“All yours,” you sighed, a teasing smile on your lips. “For the next a thousand years or so.”
“That so?” His hand came up to grasp your face. “We’ll see about that.”
He kissed you then, tongue invading your mouth, licking your upper lip in a way that had you whimpering. It was lazy and indulgent, his free hand slowly trailing down your front. 
The same hands that had caused so much destruction now coaxing a fire of a different kind. The night’s events were banished to the periphery of your mind, a languid haze taking over. 
And then his fingers reached their target, and he moaned into your mouth as he parted your slick folds and discovered just how wet you were. Unfurling like a flower at his touch, chest heaving, arching against his hand.
You keened as he plunged two fingers inside you, the pad of his thumb pressing against your clit. Drawing circles in that teasing way he knew would have you bucking under him.
“That’s it, nice and slow,” he husked, pulling back to look at your face. “Make those pretty sounds for me.”
It was hard to hold his gaze — much less focus — as he deftly managed to pump his fingers and move his thumb. Your brain nearly short circuited as he found a rhythm that had you dangerously close to the edge… but also left you craving more.
“Fuck,” you gasped, clutching the wrist of the hand that held your face, if only to anchor yourself to something. 
His grin was roguish. “Yeah? Gonna give me one like this?” 
You tried your best to keep it at bay, wanting to save it for the melding of your bodies, but he could feel the flutter around his fingers. 
“Please, I-I want your cock…” you pleaded. “I need you inside me.”
A soft chuckle to conceal the low groan in his throat, the hunger growing within him. 
“In time,” he said. “Nobody said anythin’ about you only cumming once, honey.”
With that, his fingers doubled their effort. Your back arched off the ground as you felt pleasure quickly building inside of you — a dam ready to burst. 
A choked sound left you as you tumbled over the edge without warning. Muscles clenching as you felt the orgasm rippling outward, blissfully emptying your mind of anything else.
“There’s a good girl,” he praised, feeling the tight squeeze of your cunt around his fingers, his cock twitching painfully in his pants. “See? I knew you could give it to me.”
Your head swam as his hands withdrew. You heard the soft rasp of his zipper being undone and the clink of his belt. Eager, you looked down as he nudged your thighs further apart with his knee, slotting his body between them.
The slick, flushed head of his cock encircled by his fist, pumping himself — large and hard and textured just like the rest of him. He let spit fall from his mouth onto your clit, spreading it with the shaft of his cock as he rutted against you. 
Your legs jerked a little with the stimulation against your still puffy clit, but needy whines still poured from your lips like the sweetest melody to his ears.
You knew better than to tell him not to tease you, instead hitching your hips to meet his movements. He growled, barely able to hold back by that point. You softly sighed as your knees pressed against his sides.  The head notched at your entrance and he pushed inside, thrusting shallowly to open you up further as he reached halfway. 
“Fuckin’ hell, you’re tight,” he rasped as you clutched his arms. “Greedy cunt can’t help squeezing me, huh?”
Before you could even try to respond, his hips snapped a little more roughly, finally burying himself to the hilt. A shared exhale as he bottomed out, fully stretching you. 
“C-Cooper,” you breathed. “Fuck, please, keep going.”
“I’ll take care of ya, don’t you worry,” he said, voice ragged.
He grasped your hips hard enough to bruise, pulling back only to slam forward again. Tugging you to meet his thrusts – long and deep – and you submitted amiably. Soon, the room was filled with the obscene, slapping sound of your bodies joining. Your moans spiraling in a hypnotic repetition, your eyes heavy-lidded as you lifted your head to get a better look of him driving into you.
“Takin’ me so well,” he groaned. “Pretty lil pussy made just for me.”
Your ankles pressed against his lower back, urging him on, not wanting to separate from him for even a moment. Sweat dotting your brow and stray tears of overstimulation on your lash line. You were everything worth adoring, in his eyes. 
One hand reached up to paw at your breasts, which he’d been watching bounce with each one of his thrusts. Pinching the nipples between his fingers, drawing a small yelp from you, but feeling you clamp down on him at the mix of pleasure and pain.
“O-oh, I’m s-so close… Cooper,” You gasped, and he felt your legs start to tremble. 
“Go on, sweetheart, give it to me,” he urged, pushing your legs further up and adjusting his angle. “Wanna feel you come all over my cock.”
Somehow, he felt much deeper that way, pounding at your cervix in a way that had you practically yowling. A momentary dizziness as if you were teetering at a great height… and the second orgasm hit you ruthlessly, forever ruining you for anybody else that wasn’t him. 
He let out a long, rough groan, and heat flooded inside of you as he also came. He fucked you through it, hips stuttering as he emptied out. 
In the come down, you were both panting hard, drunk on endorphins. All energy sapped out of you, lying boneless on top of his coat. He chuckled at the sight of you, something dangerously close to fondness in his amber eyes.
“Little late to ask if you got protection, huh?”
“You know I keep that RadAway on me,” you rasped, smiling weakly. 
“Atta girl. And speaking of,” he murmured, pulling out of you and leaving you achingly empty.
Your vision swam as you watched him tuck himself away, making his way towards his pack. But by the time he found the distinct yellow IV bag, you were slipping into the best sleep you’d ever had. 
It was well past morning by the time you woke up. The sun was high, and you felt its heat wafting in through the doorway. Cooper wasn’t around, but you were relieved to see his things were still there.
You noticed he’d cleaned you up to the best of his ability, but you were still naked. You winced as you sat up, stretching your arms over your head. Slowly, you stood up and gathered your clothes from around the small room. 
Still, despite all the aches, you felt as if a huge burden had been lifted off your shoulders. The pain of remembering had turned into a dull throb which would take more time to fully heal. At least now you could focus on the good memories, no longer haunted by the need for justice. 
Freedom was at your fingertips – to choose, to live. Even the sky seemed a little bluer that day.
As you finished getting dressed, you heard the clink of spurs growing closer, his figure hovering in the doorway. 
“How’s my little killer?” Cooper said, leaning against the frame, arms crossed over his chest.
“Like I’ve been run over,” you said, grinning. “But good, otherwise.”
“Good. It’s about time we get up outta here. I let you rest more than enough.”
A flutter in your chest at the word we, reminding you that perhaps your freedom would be partial, but you didn’t mind as long as it was in his company. 
“Right, where to next?” You asked, hauling your pack onto your back. 
He shrugged, sly smile tugging at one corner of his lips. “The world is our oyster, darlin’. We can go wherever we damn please.”
You mirrored his smile, thinking that underneath that tough, seemingly unbreakable exterior,  he just might be feeling the same way about you. “Lead the way, then.”
The End.
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julessworldd · 2 years
heyyy I feel like this is a wierd ask so if you don't feel up to it that's totally fine but I was wondering if you could do one where the reader is quite childlike in how they act (or maybe just young young in age) and the band are like her brothers so she gets really upset when they have to leave but they come back and suprise her during the tour?
This is so cute anony! This is gonna be platonic, bc I’m making her 17 and the boys are like in the early twenties-mid. I don’t do underage with romance..
I had been on the streets since I was 14, my father beat me and my mother wasn’t around. He said i looked too much like “the bitch who left with him and a stupid kid behind”. One night, he passed out drunk so I packed what I could and busted out. Never seen him since that night.. 3 years on my own, I had to get a fake ID to rent my apartment up from the whiskey a go go.
Being on the strip, I’ve watched bands become huge and making millions. It’s a bittersweet, they grow and leave the strip for Europe. I met Duff when I was 15, working at a diner he stopped in. It was his first night in LA and was scraping by for his food. I let him crash at my place until he got onto his feet. Duff was the sweetest man, I had ever came in contact with and it scared the hell out of me. Thought men were only nice in movies because acting and they had to for the plot. Then I met Axl, he took me under his wing, understood what is like to have an abusive dad. Izzy came along, I have the biggest crush on him still. But nothing will ever happen since I’m a kid still. Slash and Steven were the best friends you could ever have. They’re family and the only thing I got it in life.
They were leaving for tour today for 3 months, the longest 3 months ever! I had made friends with Axl’s girlfriend, Erin but it wasn’t the same. “Please don’t go, Iz”, I said while burying my face into his chest. “I gotta go, I’m sorry bunny”, Izzy kissed my head. “Y/n, we’ll be back in no time, you know?” Slash said. “But I don’t want you guys to leave me again”, I whined. Izzy squeezed harder. Duff was hugging his girlfriend goodbye, Mandy smiled at me. She was nice and told me to call her if I needed anything.
“What’s wrong, peanut?”, Duff asked. “Do you really have to go, Duffy?”, I asked as I latched to see his chest. “Yes, we do. It’s our job, love”, Duff rubbed my back. I whined. “You know you’re not making this any easier on us? You’ll be able to come next time, I asked already”. “Really?” “Mhmm” I looked up at him, “Fine! I love you guys”. “Love you too” they all said and grinned. It had been 2 1/2 months since they were gone. I got to talk to them everyday or once a week, but it wasn’t the same. I couldn’t call or hang out with Mandy everyday. She was busy with her band as well.
“Hey Y/n, get ready! I wanna go to the movies, but I think you’ll like this one as well.”, Mandy said. “Okay give me 20” I put some black jean shorts and a white Cinderella crop top on. “Huh Mandy? The movie theater is the other way” “I didn’t say the one out here, honey”, Mandy continued to drive. “I think murdering me is gonna be a deal breaker for Duff”, I said as she parked. It was Izzy’s old house in Huntington Beach. “Amanda, why are we here? The boys are still on tour for another month”
Someone or something pecked on the window, “Fuck”, I turned around and seen Axl, he moved before I swung the door open. “Ax!” I jumped in his arms. “What are you doing?”, I asked. “Missed you kid” Axl squeezed me before sitting me back down. “I missed you too”, I got teary eyed. I left someone wrap their arms around me, hairy arms actually. Steven. I turned around and hugged him back. “Hi chipmunk.. missed me?”, Steven grinned. “You already know I did” Slash and Izzy had hugged me, ruffled my hair, teased me. Like the brothers they are to me. But Duff hadn’t hugged me or said hi to me.
There he was and all his big bird glory, eating Mandy’s face off. “Hey Big Bird! So much for missing me, asshole” I yelled, making the boys laugh and the couple separating. I crossed my arms, got a mean scold plastered as he walked up to me. “I’m sorry, Princess. Can I have a hug now?” Duff grinned. “No” “Whatd ya mean no? It was my idea to come see you and bring you back with us. God you’re such a child, Y/n!” Duff sighed, backing up a little. “Nice observation dumbass! Considering I’m 17 still. You’re the one pitching a bitch like you’re 8” i spat back. Duff rolled his eyes, “Just shut up and hug me damn!” I laughed as he embraced me. “I missed you big worm”, I said. The boys giggled. “Stop calling me that. I’m not wormy at all”, Duff whined. “Okay I’m sorry big worm” “Y/N!” Duff groaned, playfully pushing me to Izzy.
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erineverly · 3 years
  ❛  CONTINUED  FROM  HERE .  🌻  ┊  ( @rcsechild )
The last few months have been challenging and difficult for Erin, to say the least. Ever since their wedding in April, everything has been spiraling down, with a few ups here and there but nothing truly significant. She can count on the fingers of one hand the days when she was genuinely happy from the moment that she opened her eyes in the morning to the second she closed them at night. They always find something to bicker about, whether it’s something as unimportant as a leaky faucet or something that originates from a much bigger issue like random outbursts of jealousy and anger. There’s always some sort of tension between them and it’s driving her insane. She thinks of running away so often that every time her eyes flicker to the ring on her finger, she can’t help but feel repulsed. Especially when she reminds herself that it’s no longer just the two of them — they’re having a baby and the timing couldn’t possibly be worse. Willow Amelia will be here in a few weeks and their marriage is hanging by a thread. She doubts it can last until the end of September, let alone the beginning of November.
There’s a lot of stress and pressure on both of them. Despite Erin’s best efforts, this pregnancy has been anything but a joyful ride, especially the third trimester. Summers in California are usually hot and dry. Born and raised in the Valley, the curly-haired brunette has grown used to the heat index being above the 90s. However, this particular summer is unlike anything she’s ever experienced. Her feet swell almost every single day, her back and legs ache constantly, she has to go to the bathroom every twenty minutes and even after hours and hours of nothing but frustrations, she rarely gets any sleep at night. She suffers from insomnia. All she does when the sun goes down is toss and turn and waddle to the bathroom. But the worst part about this whole ordeal? She feels like she’s alone. She can’t truly count on anyone because no one understands what she’s going through. She’s tired and grouchy and easily irritated, and all the hormonal changes in her body only pour more gasoline over the already burning fire.
However, despite acting selfish so often, Erin does understand that there’s a lot on Axl’s plate as well right now. She’d have to be blind to fail to notice how frustrated he can get. With Steven no longer in the band, their house still up on the market, the crazy neighbor calling the cops on them every time they as much as raise their voices, the amount of stress that the redhead most likely experiences on a daily basis must be immeasurable. Unfortunately, instead of making things easier for him, his wife is doing the exact opposite and unintentionally only making his life more difficult. That’s when guilt sets in. They should be cherishing every moment that they get to spend together, they should be thankful that their baby is alive and growing . . . Usually, they do anything but that.
So, when Axl shakes her awake one morning, the last thing that she expects is a surprise trip. The vacation that they both clearly need and deserve. When she opens her eyes and sees the suitcases, the very first thing that comes to her mind is — he’s finally had enough, he’s leaving. Her features light up all at once when he informs her that they’re going to the airport together. When they touch down in Indianapolis, Erin is no longer the grouchy, frustrated beast that she’d been the past few weeks. There’s a bright smile on her face and an almost unfamiliar feeling in her heart — hope. Maybe, just maybe, everything will work out and this will be the new beginning. The change that they’ve both been waiting and praying for. Their plane arrives late in the evening, which is why they decide to stay the night at a hotel in Indianapolis, get some much-needed rest and start exploring the next morning.
That’s how they find themselves in a car, heading in the direction only known to the redhead. For the first time in months, Erin is completely relaxed and actually feeling good. One could even say that she’s glowing again. “So . . . We should play a game, you know? I’ll try to guess where we’re going and if I’m right, you’ll buy me a milkshake when we get there,” she playfully suggests, reaching over the console and turning the music down just enough for them to hear one another. She opens her mouth and is about to share one of her assumptions with the redhead when something distracts her. She jolts up in her seat like an overjoyed toddler and squeaks, “oh, my goodness! Look at all these cows, Axy! Aren’t they so cute? Why aren’t they black and white, though? I thought all cows were black and white.” Giggling, she points at a large herd of cows outside and waves at them. “Moo!” She calls out just to be even more obnoxious and make the other laugh. “I don’t think they understand me, Axy. You should try. This one could be your twin sister. She just hasn’t grown her bangs as long as yours yet.”
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duffs-shot-glass · 3 years
Self Defense (Axl Rose x *sister!* Reader)
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*pic not mine, found on pinterest, credit to owner*
Self Defense
Axl Rose x (sister!) reader
WARNINGS: profanities, mentions of sexual interaction, (Idk if this counts as sexual harassment??...)
Word Count:1,329
Requested by: @foxinaforestofstars
“Hi there! I love your writing! I was wondering if I could request a fic where reader is Axl's little sister and under his guardianship. Her school calls because she punched a boy for tugging her bra straps and pulling up her skirt. The principal is about to punish her but Axl (maybe having brought the rest of the band, up to you) goes off at them because how dare they try to punish his little sister for defending herself? Thanks in advance”
I tried my best on this! Hope you liked it! Thanks so much for requesting!!
(btw sorry it took so long for me to post!)
Y/N’s POV:
I was completely convinced that the last period of the day was the worst. When the bell rang I was practically thanking God. I picked up my books and walked to the hallway. Sadly, my school had our lockers outdoors. I didn’t enjoy it much when the heat was absolutely horrible like today. I walked out the doors of the school and to my locker. I was just thankful that I got to go home. Axl told me that the band would be over when I got home from school so I was pretty excited. I liked the guys in the band. They made me feel like I was part of their friend group rather than just the ‘little sister’. I closed my locker when I heard a voice from behind me. “Where ya goin princess?” I rolled my eyes and turned around. Of course it’s Jason. Jason was the biggest player in my grade, not to mention he was mean to almost everyone. “That’s Y/N to you, and I’m going home. If you’d excuse me.” I tried walking by him but he put his arm out to stop me. “What do you want Jason?” He smirked at me and put his hands on my shoulders. I felt my back hit the cold metal of the lockers as he pushed me up against them. “You know what I want Y/N.” I tried to free myself from his grip, but he was stronger. “Jason I told you before I’m not sleeping with you or going out with you or doing anything with you!” I shouted as I continued to struggle out of his hold. “Y/N I don’t understand. All the other girls in our grade say I’m the best there is.” He slid his hand under my t-shirt sleeve and started playing with my bra strap. “Jason, stop! I told you I don’t wanna do that!” Anger was growing inside of me. As much as I hated to admit it I was scared. “Come on Y/N! Your brother doesn't have to know...no one has to know.” His other hand trailed down my side until it reached my thigh. My legs weren’t covered since I was wearing a skirt, and I could feel his touch lingering on me. “I will know Jason. Please stop. Please? Don’t be a jerk.” I tried to reason with him but it seemed to make him more upset. “I’m not a jerk Y/N. I just know what I want and I know you’re the only one who can give it to me.” I felt his hand slip under my skirt and pull it up. “What the hell?!” I yelled. My initial reaction was to punch him...so that’s what I did. I heard a nasty cracking sound and looked up to see Jason holding his nose. “Why did you hit me?!” He yelled. That’s when I heard the door to the school open. I looked over to see my teacher, Mr. Brown, walking towards us. I ran to him as fast as I could, “Mr. Brown! Please help me. Jason was just harassing me. He was-” I was cut off when Jason yelled, “She hit me!” I glared at him and turned back to Mr. Brown. “Y/N is this true?” There was no way I could lie. His nose was bleeding for God sake. “Yes, but Mr. Brown he literally lifted my skirt up aren’t I supposed to defend myself someho-” I was cut off again, this time by Mr. Brown. “Y/N that is not acceptable behavior. I need you to go to the principal's office immediately. You have been assigned detention.” My eyes went wide with shock. “This wasn’t even in school!” He glared at me, “It was on school property. Now go to the principal's office!” He shouted. I scurried into the school and made my way to the principal’s office. Wait till Axl hears about this.
Axl’s POV:
I was standing in the kitchen talking to Duff when the phone rang. I groaned and made my way to the phone. “Hello?” I was shocked when I heard Y/N’s teacher’s voice on the other end. “Hello Mr. Rose? Y/N will be staying after school today, she has detention.” I had to stop my jaw from dropping. Y/N was a good student, I knew that. “May I ask why she has detention?” I heard the teacher sigh before responding, “She punched a boy in the face.” My eyes went wide and I tried to hold back a giggle. Like sister like brother huh? “Well she must have had a good reason to.” The teacher scoffed at my response. “Mr. Rose there is no good reason to punch someone in the face. Now if you must know, she said the boy harassed her. I think she’s being overly dramatic. Anyways she won’t be home for another two hours. Have a good day, goodbye.” He hung up the phone and it took everything in me not to break it. “Who was that?” Duff mumbled before putting a cigarette in his mouth. “That was Y/N’s school. She got detention.” Duff looked confused. “Why would she get detention? She’s a great kid.” By this point the rest of the boys had come into the kitchen to see what was happening. “What’s going on?” Izzy questioned. “Y/N got detention for defending herself. She punched some boy because he was harassing her and now the school is saying it wasn’t justified.” Anger was now relevant on their faces. “Let’s go.” I headed for the door and the boys followed close behind. We all piled into the car and I sped to the school. I was clutching the steering wheel so tight that my knuckles were turning white. When we arrived at the school I hurriedly got out of the car and slammed the door. My anger was growing with each step I took. I told the boys to wait outside since I didn’t want us to get into more trouble than necessary. When I walked into the building I saw Y/N sitting in an office in front of a desk. I rushed over to the room and opened the door. “Hello Mr. Rose. How can I help you?” Y/N’s principal was sitting at his desk. “Don’t ‘Hi Mr. Rose’ me. Why is my sister here?” He sighed and sat back in his chair. I turned to look at Y/N. “Are you okay sis? What did that guy do to you?” For once in my life I saw something in her eyes that I didn’t see normally. I saw fear. I’m gonna kill that fucking guy. “He was messing with my bra straps and stuff and he uh...he pulled up my skirt.” She looked at the floor as if she was ashamed to be telling me. I clenched my jaw as I turned to her principal. “How dare you!” I yelled. I could tell her principal was a bit shaken up by the loudness of my voice. “Mr. Rose, she punched him..” He mumbled. “How dare you try to punish my little sister for defending herself?!” I yelled again. I watched as her principal nodded his head slowly. “I guess I didn’t realize it was um...that serious.” I shook my head in disapproval as I grabbed Y/N’s arm. “Come on, let's go.” She grabbed her backpack and followed me. When we got outside the boys were relieved to see Y/N was with me. “You’re not going back to school.” Y/N looked up at me amused. “What?” She laughed. “You heard me. You’re not going back to school.” She smirked at me. “Yeah sure we’ll see about that.” I laughed and smiled at her. Once we were in the car I looked over at her, “No but seriously if I see that kid? I’m killing him.” She laughed and shook her head.
Hello! Second post of the night! Anyways thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed. Have a good day/night and remember you are beautiful! <3 :)
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
Not with the band
summary: hi everyone, I wrote this for @ayablackwood . I hope you like it!
A/N: this is my longest oneshot and I hope you all enjoy this! Thank you for Reading. If you want to make a request for a fix either message me or you can request HERE. Thank you!
tag list: @thenobodies-inc , @littlemisscare-all , @ayablackwood @agroupiewhore
Word Count:6102
Izzy POV
The first thing I noticed about her was the big brown eyes. Sad eyes that showed she had lived her life and seen a few things in her time. I had never noticed a girl's eyelashes before but I could see  the long black lashes sweeping down, staring at her drink before looking back up almost doing a reset. Maybe she was like me and thought that these parties took a lot out of a person. The constant talking to strangers, faking politeness or interest in a conversation with someone.
I got a reputation for being indifferent, a quiet introspective sort of person who didn't care about others. But that wasn’t who I was; I just found most people were just boring to be around. There are only so many times you can talk about your band before you realize that it’s not your band they care about. Most girls I met just wanted to sleep with me. It wasn’t even that they wanted to sleep with me but that they wanted to sleep with the guitarist from Guns n Roses. And that was fine. I had no problem sleeping with the girls who didn’t require me to put in any effort because I wasn’t going to waste my time trying to woo them.
But as I watched this stranger across the room, I couldn't help but start to think about who she was. I noticed she had a nervous tick of pushing her straight black hair behind her ear when men came up to her and when she was talking to her friends she’d place her hands on their forearms almost whispering secrets into their ears. She played with the tab of her beer can, the one she only sipped a couple times in the hour that I had been watching her. She wasn’t wearing skyrocketing heels or lace dresses. She had on a button up summer dress with a collar and short sleeves. Every once and a whole she’d stuff her hand in a pocket, letting her eyes sweep the room for someone she knew. She looked ready for a church picnic and not the rock and roll party at a beach house that would probably stretch though the entire weekend. She didn’t even seem to notice that she wasn’t all teased up 80’s glam; she was comfortable in her.
I had no idea who she was or who she came with but I couldn’t stop staring at her. She drank beer instead of the usual wine or booze that the girls at these parties consumed and instead of hanging out near a band member she was around other girls.  They all seemed to come over to her, leaning close to whisper secrets in her ear, the sly smiles they spread across their faces. How did she know so many people here and I had no idea who she was? Finally, Axl’s girlfriend laced their arms, dragging her over to the couch where Axl and I were both sitting, giving me a chance to get to know her.
“This is Y/N, she’s my best friend. Y/N this is Axl and Izzy.'' When the introduction was done she pulled her down on the couch, our legs touching from the close proximity. I watched her lick her lips, turning to lean close to me so she could talk and have me hear what she was saying. I could smell her shampoo, like lavender, and feel the warmth of her body as she gave me a conspiratory look. It was intoxicating being this close to her and having her overwhelm my senses.
“I’m everyone’s best friend because I’m usually the designated driver.” she joked, the smile breaking out over her face like she was sharing this joke with me. Holy shit, it was like staring into the sun when her smile spread across her face, warming up those sad brown eyes and showing a twinkle of joy.
Hook, line, and sinker. I never reacted to a girl like this before and now this stranger was beside me on the couch and I couldn’t even think of something to say. All I could think about was how soft her hair looked and how much I wanted to wrap my fingers around a silky lock. Or how her nails weren’t painted the fashionable red or the neon colors but this soft pink. Everything about her seemed to stick out or maybe she was just sticking out to me because I was already obsessed with her.
“I’m Izzy.” She gave me a look and I realized that introductions had already been made and I was just making a fool of myself. This is exactly what I get for spacing out in so many conversations with girls. I lost any sort of ability to communicate with someone. “Do you want to get out of here?” Following up my reintroduction of myself with a line that I had used on a bunch of one night stands that I had wanted to stop talking about. It was that instant feeling of regret seeping into me.
“No, I don’t.” She didn’t give me any other explanation, only got up from the couch, headed over to a group of people and blended into them with ease. She hadn't even given me a look when she left.
“You have been staring at  Y/N all night and I got her to come and sit down next to you and not even five minutes later you screwed it up. What did you say to her?” the girl on Axl’s lap asked me. I felt like a kid being scolded by my parents and even felt a burning in my cheeks.
“I’ll fix it, don’t worry.” I was standing up, walking across the room to where she was standing. It had been months, maybe years since I went up to a girl and not just let them come up to me. It was like she felt me coming, her head turning, eyes meeting mine and suddenly I was forgetting everything that I had prepared in my mind. Just the way she looked at me had me forgetting the apology that I had in my mind. “Just grabbing a beer.” I reached around her grabbing a beer from the bucket on the table watching her eyes follow me. Smooth. So fucking smooth.
It had been a week since the party and I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I’d go to sleep thinking of her. She’d come to me in my dreams with those brown eyes waking me up. I couldn’t stop thinking about how the side of her lips curled up and her whole face lit up when she smiled. I started to realize I was putting her on this pedestal, obsessing over Y/N, a girl I had met once in passing at a party.
So I did the only thing that I could do. I called up Axl to have his girlfriend plan a  double date so that I could see her again. With the double date she would have her friend there for support but she would also be there with me.  This would give me the opportunity to charm her and show her I was capable of conversations that were bigger than just introducing myself or getting a beer.
The girls were at the bar and my heart got caught in my throat when I saw her. She was wearing a silky green dress, clinging to the curves of her body. Cherry painted lips, full and just needing to be kissed, were in a smile as she sipped a wine glass. I didn’t know how I was going to make it through the night.
Her eyes landed on mine across the room, the soft smile she was wearing blooming larger as she shook her head, leaning forward to her friend before the pair of them were both headed over to us.
“I had a feeling it would be you here tonight.” she had that glint in her eyes again, “What was your name again? I don’t think that I caught it the first time.” the way she teased me so easily put me at ease. I didn't feel the stress like I had the night of the party. She was bringing me out of the shyness, fixing the way my mouth was tongue tied.
Y/N sat next to me at dinner, tight in the booth as we talked about all the usual things people talked about but instead of hitting the highlight rail and painting a rainbow over her life she was raw. When we talked about family she told me about her grandparents who had raised her and Aunts and Uncles who stepped in where her parents failed. She knew about the band because she was actually best friends with Axl’s girlfriend so when she looked at me there was a skeptical look in her eyes as if she knew the secrets and shames of my life. But there wasn't any judgement.
Y/N asked me questions, not about the band and what it felt like to be on stage or if I’d write a song about her but different questions like what it felt like when I held a guitar for the first time and how many songs did he write that never made it past notebooks. We talked and talked, snug in the booth together seeming to forget it was a double date and we just fell into a conversation together.
Finally a waiter came over to us letting us know that the place was closing and that the two of you had to leave. Time had completely gotten away from me as I had stayed wrapped up in her. Looking across the table I saw Axl and his date gone.The check was on the table but before I could reach for it she had thrown money down, smiling up at the waiter and letting him know it was all set.
“I’m supposed to pay for that.” I said as she scooted  gently pushing me out of the booth. Her shoulders shrugged as she walked out of the restaurant, not waiting for me or seeming to care if I was behind her.
The sound of her heels on concrete, gave away which direction she was headed. Her bare shoulders were held high even in the cool night and I was rushing to be by her side, shrugging out of the denim jacket and wrapping it around her. The kind brown eyes looked up at me, skeptical for a second.
“I’m not going to sleep with you, Izzy.” her voice was clear and came out easily, “And I don’t date musicians.” She was matter of fact, shutting off the fact that we had just had a good night together and had gotten to know each other more.
I had watched the way she talked, confirming some of her nervous ticks. Like how she would look down and reset, sweeping her eyes around the room when she wasn’t comfortable. That had stopped about twenty minutes into dinner when we started to get along. There was no beer can tab to bend this way and that so instead her finger swirled around the top ledge of her wind glass in between small sips of wine.
“I never said anything about sleeping with you or dating you.” I said as we got to the corner. Her brown eyes were narrowed, regarding me with a strange curiosity like she was trying to make out what I wanted from her. “I want to kiss you though.” My hand slid through her black hair, as soft as silk, just like I had known it would be. She gasped, her mouth opening in a slight gasp not expecting me to be so close to her. Our eyes met and I watched her search me, as if there would be answers behind my eyes that I hadn’t spoken to her.
“If you kiss me I’ll never speak to you again. I don’t need boys kissing me.” her brown eyes were serious. There was an interesting spark there and it wasn’t like she was telling me that I couldn't kiss her. Y/N hadn’t moved an inch from my arms, she stayed looking up at me with my hands on her lower back. Having her in my arms felt good, not like the carnal or feral pleasure that I had with random girls. It was like we could communicate without words
“I’m not a boy, I’m a man.” The way she smirked at that statement was encouraging but there was still the fear in her eyes that I wanted to see gone. How could I get those brown eyes to only shimmer in happiness. “Let me walk you home.” I pulled back, watching the way her eyes sparkled for a second. It was the first time I felt like I had made the right choice.
Two days later I was sitting on the couch backstage, my fingers picking idolly on the guitar when two giggling girls burst into backstage. And there she was, eyes shiny with joy as she laughed with her friend. The pair of them seemed almost surprised that they were in the room with the band. Y/N looked up, eyes landing on me as if she knew exactly where I would be.
I don’t know why her eyes knocked the wind out of me everytime that they looked at me but I was made stupid in her presence. She didn’t come over to talk to me, staying with her friend. Her black hair was tied back in a red ribbon bow. If she could have reached the ribbon I’m sure she would have pulled it out; she was playing with the end of her ponytail. I didn’t know why she was nervous but I gave her space watching how every few minutes she would look down her eyes looking around until they landed on me. When we would make eye contact she seemed frustrated by it and would pull her eyes away.
I had her phone number which I had called several times since the double date without her picking up once. There had to be a reason she was ignoring me. I had thought of around 100 in the time that I had been obsessing with her. The biggest one, the one that made the most sense is she wasn’t into me because there was someone else. The logical part of my brain accepted this but the other part wanted to fight for her, prove that I was worth it.
Before we went on stage, I looked over at her again.She looked tired, like she hadn’t slept since I dropped her off. Small dark circles that she hadn’t bothered to cover in makeup stood out as she sipped her beer. She wasn’t trying to make everyone laugh or touching forearms as she leaned in to speak to them. One hand was firmly planted in the denim shorts she was wearing and the other on a can of beer that I was sure was warm from how long she nursed it. It felt like something was wrong and I didn't have time to figure out what it was.
During the show I looked over, almost doing a double take when I saw her standing there, watching us perform. Her friends were all moving to the music but she was perfectly still just watching me. Not the band but me. She caught me staring and sent me a small wave in return, I missed the next note getting a scathing look from Axl as repayment.
How could she be so inside my head? I had no idea how to deal with it. All I could think about for the rest of the shoe was getting off stage and talking to her. Or kissing her. I could imagine her pressed against her, her arms wrapping around my neck as I lifted off her feet into a kiss. The feeling of her plus lips on mine, her tongue that I was sure tasted like something sweet, dancing against mine. I blinked myself out of the image, stealing a look over at her as if she could read my embarrassing thoughts. Just like  a high school idiot I was fantasizing about a girl. I needed to get a better grip on things.
It took me almost twenty minutes to find her after the show. Between all the hustle and bustle of people moving around it was like a whirlwind and then suddenly there she was walking towards me, what looked like my denim jacket folded over her arm.
“Hey, I just brought this back for you. I have to head home now.” She tried to hand me the jacket but I was too caught up in the idea of her leaving so soon to grab it.  Y/N must have seen the confusion on my face, “I have a meeting I need to prepare for tomorrow. I probably shouldn’t have even come out to this.” She motioned around to the show and once more held out the jacket for me to take,
“Why don’t I take you home?” The weary look on her face was there again; she didn’t trust me. It was fair. We hadn’t known each other for that long and if she knew the same people as I did it wasn’t really a slight on me to not trust me. It was common sense, “I just want to have a couple more minutes with you. I won’t force myself into your apartment or anything like that.” I could feel my heart breathing as I tried to play off this cool, collected guy. When she nodded in agreement I had to bite my lip to stop the idiotic smile from plastering across my face.
We talked in the car, small talk about little things and I asked her about her meeting. I got to glimpse her face express joy, stress, hope, and a million other emotions at the mention of it and realized this wasn’t just her work meeting but her passion meeting. Y/N wanted to design clothes and had gotten a meeting to work with a company to see her line. If she was taken on she could have a clothing line out as soon as the Spring.
I had been around musicians for so long that it seemed second nature to brag or talk about our work. There would be a million times where someone would just pick up an instrument and other people would join in on a jam session and suddenly a song was written. Or the amount of times composition notebooks were passed around to judge song lyrics someone else had written. No one was really shy about their music because everyone had this sense that they were the best at what they did.
Y/N seemed to have a track record of people not fully believing in her. She told me about her grandparents having sent her to college to get a husband more than they had sent her to get a degree and when she had graduated with her business degree and a good job they had been proud of her but there had been this sense of failure with it. If she told them it would just feel like it was about her step away from their traditional expectations of how she should live her life. Her friends were all so wrapped up in what they were doing, most of them hanging around the scene and trying to land a rich boyfriend to take care of them that she felt like if she shared her work with them they wouldn’t understand what she was trying to do. So she kept her designs to herself, sketching out ideas and tracing out pattern designs when she was alone. She would take vacation days from work just to sew or spend whole weekends pretending she had the stomach flu to give her an escape from everyone else and just focus on something that she wanted to do.
Seeing her talk about it and feeling the sincerity of her passion coming out in her words moved me and I had to see it. I wanted to see what made her so excited and what her dreams were. It felt important to me because it made her happy.
“Do you think I could see what you’re working on?” I asked when we pulled up outside of her place. She looked at me, shocked and stared for a second before giving a slight nod as she got out of the car leading me inside the place that she lived.
It was exactly how I would imagine it to be, pictures on the wall of family and friends, fresh flowers on the counter, a coffee cup with a lipstick smear on her coffee table, and just a mess of fabric everywhere.
“Sorry for the chaos. I’ve been in a panic mood.” she confessed, clearing off the couch and starting to tidy up as I walked around, looking at some of the sketches on the wall and letting my fingers run over the clothing she had on some forms. I could feel her eyes following me, watching me as I moved around.
“You did all of this by yourself?” She nodded, those brown eyes scared as she shared with me the intimacy of her craft. The raw unfinished hems of art in progress. “You’re amazing.” her eyes widened at this and for a second I thought she was going to cry. I took a step closer to her, “You should be really proud of yourself for getting all of this done. And your work is amazing. Will you tell me more about your meeting?”
And she did. We sat on the couch, time once more seeming to melt away around us. Both of us talked about our goals and dreams. The life we wanted and just some of the things that we had dreamed about. It was easy to talk about the life that we both wanted because our puzzle pieces we wanted in our life seemed to fit together.
The sun tickled me awake, teasing me out of sleep as I woke up on a couch. I looked at my side where Y/N was tucked in, fast asleep. There was a smirk as she dreamed about something amusing, drawn over her face. Some of her dark hair had escaped the pony tail and spilled over the gentle features of her face. Absent-mindedly, I tucked them back watching amused as her nose scrunched up from my fingers.
I couldn’t remember waking up next to someone that I hadn’t had sex with. I wasn’t sure what I was even supposed to do. Could I make myself a cup of coffee? Could I sneak out and make it to the band meeting I needed to be at in thirty seven minutes? Shit.
Trying to be gentle I slowly got up from the couch, rearranging Y/N so she would stay asleep. I grabbed my jacket, laying it over her as she resettled into the spot. I wanted to stay so badly but knew that I couldn’t miss the meeting.
Finding a pen I scribbled a note, hoping that she could read my chicken scratch writing and that she saw the message before her meeting. With one last glance I looked at her before leaving the apartment.
Oh man, another night on the couch. My back was protesting against my decision before I even opened my eyes. It smells like cigarettes, sweat, and cologne. It smells like Izzy. My eyes snapped open as I remembered talking to him last night. Now I’m waking wrapped in the denim jacket I tried to give him back and he’s gone. When did he leave?
Looking at the time I started rushing around, packing things up in the garment bags, getting dressed and grabbing my bag. I stopped seeing a piece of paper with different handwriting on the counter, Izzy’s name signed at the bottom.
‘Sorry for sneaking out on you well you slept, you looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you. Your work is amazing and they’ll be so lucky to add your designs to the team. Good luck, Y/N. I’ll be throwing a party tonight. Here’s my address. Please come. -Izzy’
The kind words had my cheeks blazing. He believed in mr. He thought I had talent and could see the creativity and love sewn into each garment. He respected my craft and my passions. He had listened to my lamenting the night before about everything and he wanted my dreams to be realities.
The realization that I liked the guitarist started to seep in. The preconceived notions of who the band was and how they slept around was starting to slip; for the past couple weeks Izzy only had eyes for me. And when we talked it was so easy to tell him everything. At the parties and backstage Izzy had stayed away from the girls who wanted to sleep with him. He had even left to take me home. He hadn’t tried anything.
I had made this assumption about him because his band was just like everyone else. After the meeting I’d get ready and talk to him, apologize, kiss him.
Walking into the party I tried not to fidget with the leather dress. My eyes wandered around the house, I knew most of the people here but I couldn’t find Izzy.
It was twenty minutes later when I finally spotted him on the balcony. He looked uncomfortable, three girls crowded around him as he nodded his head absently. Every couple minutes he’d look up, eyes scanning the crowd before looking down at his drink, tipping it back to down the amber liquid. But the girls were going in rotation to the bar to keep them coming.
A weird cramping filled my stomach and my hands tightened in fists. The jealousy overtook me as I tried to figure out a plan.
“You’re staring at Izzy like he usually stares at you.” Looking over my shoulder I saw Axl staring past you to where his bandmate was trapped being held hostage by the hyenas. “Are you going to save him or are you going to let them take him upstairs? Better figure it out kid.” The lead singer moved away leaving me alone. I stewed in my anger, showtime.
One foot in front of another, hips swinging dangerously side to side I watched the eyes follow me. Izzy finally saw me when I got to the balcony, stepping forward to break out from his captors. My hand went to the back of his head, pulling him down a few inches to my lips and planting my lips on his. Hands slid down the smooth sides of the dress around me to my ass and back up to my lower back. Pulling away, my heart beating a million miles a minute, I looked into his shocked eyes. At least it wasn’t just me that felt the fireworks.
“I’ve had a very good day and I’m not going to let anyone ruin that.” I explained to him, flashing him a smile. Izzy cupped my cheeks, his lips hitting mine again as his body pressed me into the balcony. I could feel every part of him, hard and solid against me.
“I’ve been waiting to kiss you for weeks.” His head rested against mine and for a second I forgot that we were at a party surrounded by friends. Izzy seemed to completely forget, his eyes on me, one hand firm against my hip well the other ran through my hair.
“Did it live up to expectations?” I teased, watching the way he was looking at me. His gaze was intense and I felt like I was going to shiver despite the warmth of the night.
“It just left me hungry to kiss every inch of your body.” His words came out husky, vibrating through me and making the dress that barely covered my skin seem too hot to wear anymore.
A flip had been switched on and I couldn’t turn it off. After fighting it for weeks the feeling of Izzy’s hands in my body was exactly what I wanted.
“Are you going to fuck me like one of your groupies?” I asked, “Are we going to go upstairs and in an hour I’ll leave and never hear from you again?” His eyebrows furrowed together, confused.
“Do you think that I’m only going to take an hour with you, honey? That’s cute.” He was taking my hand, weaving us through the crowd and to his bedroom. My cheeks were burning red as he pulled us inside, locking the door behind us. “If you don’t want this, now would be the time to tell me because if you don’t say something in the next ten seconds I’m going to toss you on that bed behind you and do things with your body that I’m sure you’ve never had done before.” His eyes were staring so deeply into me, I gulped trying to picture what he had in mind but not being able to have a coherent thought.
“Why are we still in clothes?”
That was exactly the answer he was looking for. He took one step towards me, looking over my dress before spinning me around, his lips on the back of my neck kissing and biting around to my ear as his fingers pulled the zipper down, his middle finger tracing my spine as it went.
His mouth moved down, kissing until the dress was off, biting my ass cheek as I stepped from the dress. Izzy was on his knees behind me and I felt disoriented that I couldn’t see him.
“Bend over for me. Put your elbows out so you’re comfortable, Y/N. Good job, honey.” Licking my lips I followed his instructions and my body position ass up off the bed.
Hands on my hips rolled my underwear down, pulling it off as well as sliding off my heels. I felt on display, like I was his toy to play with. The idea of it having me bite my lip.
“Look at your pretty pussy.” His finger traced the outside lips, a whimper rolling out of my mouth, “I’m going to take care of you, honey. Don’t worry about that. Let me just enjoy the sight of you and learn your body, okay?” I nodded wishing I could turn and look at him. He rubbed his hands over my ass, pushing my stomach down and arching me higher. His hands went down again, pushing my legs open.
The way that Izzy made a hissing sound followed by a low grunt had me wondering what he was doing.
“Izzy, I can’t see what you’re doing.” I whined out trying to turn. A soft smack on my ass had me freezing in place.
“Do you want me to describe everything to you?” His voice seemed deeper, husky and needy now. “I’m going to get undressed .” The sound of a fly going down, a belt buckle unclipping and the sound of clothes being tossed aside confirmed this. “Now, I’m going to get on my knees behind you and play with your pussy. It’s so juicy and wet I’m going to pump out some of the juices like this.”
Two fingers stretched me open, surging me forward. Izzy moved his fingers quickly for a second, curling them inside to rub against the swell inside of my body. He pulled them out after a second and I heard a slurping sound and a groan of appreciation. I could picture him tasting me off himself and moaning softly into the bed sheets.
“I’m going to get more of your wet pussy juice and use it to stroke my hard cock. Is that okay, honey?” I squeaked out a yes, feeling his two fingers teasing at my hole. My body pushed back, wanting to feel full of him again, “What was that?” He kissed my thigh, wet grin the juices he had just been working from inside of me.
“Please, Izzy. I want you to pump your cock with my wet pussy.” My heart was beating so loudly. I was so horny and just wanted him to work the orgasm from my body. I felt comfortable and trusted him with myself, feeling like he wouldn’t abuse the power in a way I didn’t like.
His fingers were once more inside of me, working at me again. My hands gripped the sheets, trying not to push back against him but I could feel the rocking in my hips.
“Do you need to cum? Am I not finger fucking you hard enough? Let me use my mouth. I’ll fuck you with my tongue and suck on that little swollen clit.” His fingers left my body and I whimpered. I could hear this wet grunting and knew he was fisting his cock as he played with me. “You have me so hard.”
“So fuck me.” I said panting. It felt like he kept getting me so close and stopping. I could feel the quivering in my legs and knew I was more than ready to cum.
“Patience. You made me be patient for you now you be a good girl and let me taste you. I want to lap up your sticky pussy juices before I bury my cock into you.” At the idea of his cock in me I could feel the tightening in my belly.
“Holy-“ I couldn’t finish my sentence. His warm tongue swiped over me, twirling around my home, dancing into my pussy and licking my walls before sliding out down to my slit where his perfect lips wrapped around it like a kiss before his tongue spun around it sucking and pulling it in his mouth.
I was rocking again, over-stimulated and wanting to orgasm more and more. My mind was blank, a coherent thought no longer feasible.
“You can cum for me. I’ll keep sucking and licking you and right at your peak I’m going to push my cock all the way in. You’re going to keep pushing back just like you’re doing now in it, Cumming against my cock and letting me drain myself inside you.” He whispered as he laid these over stimulating kisses over my glistening cunt. His tongue swiped down into me again, then a flat stroke over me and up to my clit. I felt his tongue slide around it sucking the small ball until I was shaking from the orgasm.
Izzy was quick to slide inside me, filling me with his cock, stretching it as he fucked me, dragging out my orgasm as my wetness slid down my thighs over his balls and on his own legs.
“That’s a good girl, cumming so hard against my cock.” His hands were on my hips as I pushed back wanting him to keep fucking me. My hands on the small of my waist helped to pull me back and keep me dripping over every inch of him.
The low groan he gave out let me know he was close and I squeezed, pushing myself back up on my elbows tk throw it back. His hand slid down to my ass smacking it knee again before hands were digging on my hip, his balls slapping my enforced clit as he shuddered inside me.
Izzy stayed like that for a second, both of us panting and gasping for air. He pulled out with a satisfied groan falling beside me on the bed and dragging me close to him in the bed.
His lips were on my head, soft kisses and hair strokes soothing me. Izzy dragged a bed sheet over us, his arms returning to wrap around me. I felt exhausted, safe, comfortable and something deeper for him. A new connection beyond just the carnal pleasure we just had.
“Do you want to stay here for the night? We can do brunch in the morning and you can tell me all about your meeting?” He had remembered the most important step in my career and was making time for me to tell him more about it.
I pulled him into another kiss, his lips tasted like me and I knew we weren’t going to leave this bed until that brucnh he was talking about.
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