#and I’ll be honest when I first read this I thought the other fingers comment was in reference to Hunter’s Moon
age-of-moonknight · 4 months
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“What If…Venom Had Bonded To Loki?” What If…? Venom (Vol. 1/2024), #4.
Writer: Jeremy Holt; Penciler and Inker: Diógenes Neves; Colorist: Ceci de la Cruz; Letterer: Ariana Maher
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fullofbees · 2 months
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@pompeiisystem requested: #135 With Beel and a easily flustered mc? Please I'm begging I love the big himbo man with every inch of my heart lol
CW: Talking about masturbation
»»----------► GN!Reader
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“Beel, look how many likes your devilgram photo got!” You cheer, showing the gluttonous demon your phone screen.
The post was meant to be inspirational, in a cheesy influencer way, at Asmo’s suggestion. The first showed Beelzebub before Fangol practice, sitting on a bench in the locker room. One hand is slipping on his cleats while the other shovels chips into his mouth. Swipe left, and you’ll find the after photo; Beel grinning in his sweat-drenched jersey, cheeks rosy from exercise, a towel slung across his shoulders. Nobody knows that he’s smiling because, behind the camera, you’re bribing him with food so he’ll stay still for the picture.
“We eatin’ good tonight, chat. Everyone say thank you Beel for the meal?” He reads aloud, head tilted in confusion.
Your eyes widen as you look back to the screen, noticing the top comment under the post. The replies are filled with equally thirsty comments and very suggestive emojis.
The heat of embarrassment starts at the tip of your ears, making its way down your face and neck. Of course, you agree wholeheartedly with the commenters. Beelzebub has no business being as attractive as he is; solid muscle that could hold you like it was nothing, large hands that are used to stuffing-
The demon interrupts your runaway thoughts, “Wait, what does that one say?” He points to another comment with a crumb-riddled finger.
“Oh! Um,” you hum, willing your eyes to focus on the text, “New... masturbation material...”
When you look at the demon, he is already distracted by the TV - an ad for a local restaurant. He doesn’t seem bothered at all.
“Sorry, are these not... weird to you?”
“Not really,” he says as he opens his next snack, “Everyone needs something to fantasize about.”
Don’t remind me. Too many nights have you spent alone in your bed, hand between your legs, fantasizing about the demon just down the hall from you. Would he be fast and rough, or would he take his time? Would he savor you like a delicacy, or would he devour you whole in his hunger? Why did the image of bruises in the shape of his bite excite you so damn much?
“I suppose you’re right,” you say, scratching the back of your neck. This is not a conversation you ever imagined having, nor did you expect Beel to be so nonchalant about it. Compared to your flustered state - if this were one of Levi’s manga, then blood would be dripping out of your nose right now - Beel is almost statuesque in his composure.
“I’ll be honest: I get off to the thought of you.”
Scratch that; blood would be pouring.
You’d bury your face in your hands if it weren’t for the fact that you’re frozen in shock. Beel’s calm demeanor cracks slightly; a faint blush blossoms on his face as he fidgets, one hand nervously clutching the other’s wrist.
Lips part to break the awkward silence, but your mind is blank, and any words mustered die in your throat. Excitement, lust, and anxiety overwhelm you in waves. The crash comes when your phone clatters to the floor, having slipped from your increasingly sweaty grip.
Both of you react, reaching for the device at your feet. Your fingers brush together, and you must bite your lip to keep yourself in check.
Beel doesn’t move, eyes fixed on the sight of his hand easily dwarfing yours. It isn’t until you clear your throat that he returns to wringing his wrist in worry.
Neither of you speak, yet neither of you leave. You begin to mirror Beel, fingers nervously picking at loose threads hanging from your sleeves. It takes a moment for your heart to settle, for your sinful curiosity to outweigh your apprehension.
Your voice is quiet, but not hesitant when you ask, “What do you think I taste like?”
Beel’s stomach roars in its familiar hunger.
“Will you let me find out?”
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•••✦ ❤ ✦••• Submit A Request | Read on AO3 •••✦ ❤ ✦•••
A/N: Sorry there's no actual smut TvT but I love flirty dialogue that allows your mind to wander ;3
166 notes · View notes
something-tofightfor · 5 months
Liminality: Part 8
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Female Reader
Word Count: 11,224
Rating: M? R? There's no smut but the overall mood of this one is adult.
Summary: With everything out in the open, you and Frankie begin to navigate finding the balance between what's going on between the two of you and what that means when it comes to his friends.
You can only tell them so much, but what you do choose to tell them speaks volumes.
Author’s note:
Hello, friends! This is a setup chapter, but it's really, really important. As always, thank you so much for reading! I am always around for questions and comments about this (and any of my other) stories ... so please feel free to reach out.
Masterlist (for the journal entries and all of the other 'extras' + previous chapters)
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Frankie woke you up the following morning, and unlike the first night you’d spent together, there was no apology. 
He was touching you, though, his entire hand moving up and down your side beneath the blankets. “Morning.” He smiled, half of his face hidden by the pillow. “How’d you sleep?”
“Better than I thought I would, to be honest.” Ducking your head and pressing your face to his chest as you yawned, you were very aware of the way his fingers curled in against your skin, his hand settled atop your hip. “You?”
“I didn’t dream.” Frankie murmured the words, shifting closer to you as he spoke. “And I always dream, especially after the full moon. It gets real vivid for a couple days, but not this time.” You wondered why that was, and if him having some answers had settled his mind. “I like waking up next to someone.” 
“Someone?” Backing away enough so that you could look into his eyes, you arched a brow. “Ouch.” 
“You know what I mean.” He rolled his eyes, lifting one leg to hook it over yours. “Do you always give guys such a hard time first thing in the morning when they’re still waking up?” I could make so many comments about hard things, but I’ll spare him this one time. 
“No.” Biting down on the corner of your lip, briefly closed your eyes before reaching up and running your fingers through his curls. “Not all of them. Just you.” 
He was silent for a few seconds but then said your name, Frankie speaking quietly and waiting until you were looking back at him before he leaned in. 
Unlike the first morning with him, he didn’t hold back, lips pressing against yours for a lingering kiss. No matter what had been discussed, it was still dangerous for you to let yourself get used to it - to his proximity, to the way he made you feel, to the fact that with every kiss and touch, you wanted another immediately after. But I can’t help it. And even if I tried, I … I don’t think it would matter. 
“I meant it.” He spoke again when he pulled away, the hand on your hip sliding back and around your waist, his fingers spread over your lower back. “Everything I said last night. I know when we met I said I wasn’t looking for anything long term, but … fuck. The idea of not having this anymore? Not knowing if you’re safe? I don’t like that at all.”
“This is fast, Frankie.” You took a deep breath, unwilling to break eye contact. It’s really fast. And that scares me. “I meant what I said too, but I just worry.” I don’t know how to say this. “What if what you’re feeling - what we’re feeling is because of how fucked up this situation is? What if it’s just because we’re both on high alert because of the Chaos wolf?” 
You saw the hurt flash across his features, and for a few seconds, you wondered if you’d said the wrong thing. But he finally nodded, closing his eyes. “It is. And I’ve never moved this fast before, either.” Frankie sat up then, the movement startling you. When he looked down, you saw the determined look in his eyes, his shoulders settling as he nodded. “I have to trust what I’m feeling. I’ve been with more than a few women since I got bitten. One of them was the woman that I loved for years. It’s never been like this with any of them. Ever.” 
You sat up, too, holding the blankets over your chest in an attempt to keep yourself covered. “Did Ashley talk to you about the trust thing?” He nodded, a small frown putting a crease between his brows. “I’m not surprised. Alec said she doesn’t really have a filter.”
“I don’t either, so it was a good conversation.” He grinned then, the expression breaking the tension. “And like I said last night, too, I don’t expect a lifelong commitment, just … I want a real shot at this.” Frankie gestured between the two of you, cocking his head to the side. “Because you’ve got to admit that there’s something here, and it’s not just sex.” 
“It’s not.” It never has been. “But if we’re going to do this, Frankie? What do we tell people? And by people I mean your friends, because -”
“We tell them the truth. Or some of it, at least.” He reached for your hand, sliding his fingers between yours and squeezing. “Pope already knows about why you’re here, but he said we should be careful.” Careful? What do you mean? “The guys knowing that you know what I am is one thing, but them knowing what you’re doing here?” He shook his head. “That’s too many people, especially with this other wolf on the loose.” 
“Why? Would they say something?” You were confused - none of his friends seemed like the type to let a secret like yours slip. Especially after they kept Frankie’s for so long. “Who -”
“None of them would say anything.” He sighed, looking away for a minute and then back at you. “On purpose anyway. But Benny and Will have the bar, and all it would take was one of them opening their mouths to the wrong person, and it could be dangerous for you.” 
You hadn’t thought of that, but his reasoning made sense. “Alec said… Alec said that the wolf that bit him was methodical, that it was smart.” He nodded, eyes still on you. “And you said there’s a lot of cops and military in the bar, right?” 
“Right.” Frankie swallowed hard. “And if it’s one of them? Or someone one of them knows and they’re protecting him?” He reached up with his free hand, swiping his thumb beneath your eye. “Puts a target on your back that doesn’t have to be there.” You shivered at his words, but Frankie didn’t flinch. “You knowing about me is fine, but anyone else knowing about you?” He shook his head. “It’s an unnecessary risk that I’m not interested in taking.” 
“That makes sense, but then how would I know about you?” Licking your lips, you reached up to rub the back of your neck. “You haven’t told anyone. Why would you tell me? I’m a stranger, Frankie. And as far as any of them know, I’m just someone you’re occasionally sleeping with for a little while while I’m here working, and -”
“That’s not at all what you are, and you know it.” You heard the hurt in his voice, almost like even thinking that that was the case made him angry. “And… I thought about that when I woke up this morning.” He inched closer, taking both of your hands in his and holding them, the man saying your name quietly. “It’ll be a lie, but I think I figured something out.”
“I don’t want you to lie to your friends.” He can’t do that. Not for me. Not about this. “It -”
“I’m going to tell them that I told you because once I found out how close you were to where the attack happened?” He squeezed harder, his hands warm in yours. “I lost control. And I started to shift in front of you and there was no option but to tell you.” That could work. You were silent, thinking, and Frankie was too. 
It was a plausible explanation, and since all of them had seen Frankie change before, they would know how much of a shock it was to see unexpectedly. But it’s still a lie. “That would mean telling them that you can change when the moon’s not full.” He nodded slowly. “And it would mean that they’d know you’re reacting emotionally to the thought of -”
“Yeah.” He let go of one of your hands, gaze falling to the inside of his forearm as you ran your fingers over the scarring beneath the ink. “And I can already hear the shit they’ll give me for falling so fast for someone, but …” He looked up again and shrugged. “It’s the truth. You’ve seen it with your own eyes more than once. My focus is not the best around you.” That made you smile, heat rising to your cheeks as you bit down on the inside of one. Falling for me? Is he … did he just? Oh, fuck. “You’d have to sell it, though. Act like it was a big adjustment, like the idea of -”
“I can do that.” Your smile widened. “Pope’s going to know that we’re full of shit.” You shrugged, laughing. “Despite my overall reaction, Frankie, this is a shock to me. And even though I’ve seen you start to shift, I’ve never seen anyone go all the way.” Closing your eyes, you took a breath to steady yourself. “I’ve never seen an actual wolf or anyone become a wolf. So I only know bare minimum about what actually happens when you turn.”
“Would you want to?” You heard fear in his voice, Frankie’s breathing shallow. “See a wolf, I mean.” Has he ever asked that of anyone? I doubt it. 
“Would I want to see you?” He nodded, the motion hesitant. “I’d like that very much.” You could feel his relief at that, Frankie closing his eyes and letting out a woosh of breath as his posture loosened. “Is that possible?”
“You could come with me next time.” He leaned in, nodding. “It’s September second, so we have what, a little more than three weeks until the next full moon? It would mean that you can’t look for the Chaos wolf that night, but it might still be useful.” 
He was offering you a true glimpse into the most private part of his life - something that he’d reserved only for his brothers for three years. But that delays me by a month. It meant that there’d likely be another attack, someone else getting hurt because you’d chosen to spend the full moon with Frankie. But I want to. And it’s just as likely that this wolf will be in that area as any other, so … “Ok.” The single word made you feel lighter, and you watched as Frankie’s eyes widened in response. Did he think I’d say no? “But only if you’re sure, Frankie. I don’t want you to feel like you need to show me if you’re not ready.”
“I said I wanted to give this a shot.” He swallowed and then rubbed his fingers against his cheek, his frown returning. “And that means showing you what you’d really be agreeing to, wolf and all.” It was a big step - and you both knew it. I don’t even know what to say. “But that’s enough about that right now. Do you know when the last time I had a Saturday off was?”
“No, I don’t.” Covering your mouth as you yawned, you you hummed with your exhale. “And I didn’t know you were off today. How’d you manage that?”
“Only had a single flight booked and they canceled.” His smile grew. “And that means I’ve got all day free today, if you wanted to hang out.” You grinned back, deciding that if Frankie could let everything go for the time being, you could, too. It’s not like we’re going to find this wolf today anyway. There’s plenty of time to focus on that. 
“Does hanging out with you include breakfast, Francisco?” 
For the next two days, you and Frankie kept to yourselves, only leaving his house to go back to yours for a change of clothes. He had Sunday off, too, and at his suggestion, you packed up the suitcase full of research and your laptop and took it to his place so that you could spend time going over it together. 
He read quietly, eyes moving over the writing in each of the journals. Frankie flipped back and forth between pages, occasionally reaching for corresponding photos and then studying them. He asked you questions and you did your best to answer him, filling him in on more things that you’d learned throughout the years whenever you could. 
You liked his curiosity and appreciated the way he actually listened when you spoke, dark eyes locked with yours. You could almost feel the change in him as the hours passed, his mood much different than it had been prior to the two of you coming clean with each other. Part of you wondered if it was just that he’d finally been able to open up to someone about himself and didn’t have to hide everything during conversation. But the other part of you - the rational part - assumed that it had more to do with the fact that he knew more about what he’d been turned into and what he could expect from his life moving forward.
It didn’t really matter though. Whatever it was that had lightened his mood, you were thankful for it. Because Frankie seemed happier - smiling and loose, making the best of the situation that you found yourselves in without pushing you away. And if this is the first time it’s been that way since it happened? It’s all worth it. 
You knew the bubble would burst sooner than you liked when it came to getting back on track with your search - and back into the routine of him going to work and hanging out with his friends. So when you said goodbye to him on Monday morning, it was you that brought it up as the two of you stood in his driveway, the early morning sun just beginning to warm the air. 
“When are we going to tell them?” Your arms were crossed, eyes on Frankie as he sipped from the travel mug that you’d given back to him. “Don’t you guys usually meet up during the week at the bar? Would that be a good time?” 
“It would.” He nodded, adjusting the baseball cap on his head. “And I’m not sure when I’ll see them this week. Maybe Wednesday? The holiday today fucks everyone up, but I haven’t really talked to anyone about it.” Frankie lifted a brow, staring at you. “Just been talking to you a hell of a lot these last few days.” 
That made you laugh, the sound turning into a sigh as you ducked your head. He has. We’ve spent a lot of time together. Maybe too much. “Are you saying that you want to talk to me less Frankie?” 
“Hell no.” He leaned in through the open window to set the mug down in the center console and then moved toward you, reaching out to put his arms around your waist. “I’m just saying that I haven’t made plans with any of them because I’ve been with you.” You nodded, but before you could speak he leaned in closer, tilting his head so that he could kiss you softly. “The next couple days are pretty busy for me. I’ve got scheduled maintenance tomorrow for the helo. I never know how long that’s going to take but I have to be there early.” You nodded, the tips of your fingers moving through the curls at the back of his neck. “So I might not be able to see you ‘til Wednesday. I hope that’s not a problem.”
“Of course not.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s work, Frankie. You have people depending on you.”
“Yeah, but I don’t need to work. I -”
“Having an ungodly amount of money doesn’t mean you should stop doing the things you love.” You pointed up. “And you love flying. I’ve seen how happy you are up there. You might not need to work for financial reasons, but you need it for emotional ones.” Leaning in, you kissed him again, mouth lingering and your teeth closing around his lower lip as you pulled away. “Believe it or not, I can find something to keep myself occupied for a few days.” 
“Not too occupied, though.” He mumbled your name, one hand sliding beneath the bottom hem of your shirt so that he could rest his palm against the center of your lower back. “Right?” 
“We’ll see.” You winked and backed away, reaching for your keys. “You should go, though. I don’t want to make you late.” He looked like he wanted to say something but didn’t, nodding before he turned back toward the door of the truck. Wait, though. “Frankie?” He stopped immediately, looking back at you over his shoulder. “These last couple days?” Frankie nodded, waiting. “I… they’ve been…” Biting your lip, you reached up to scrub at your face. “They’ve been really good days. Really fuc-”
“Yeah. They have.” His fingers tightened on the door, Frankie nodding once. “I’m looking forward to having more of them.” Neither of you said anything after that, and by the time you’d buckled yourself in and started your car, you were breathing normally again. 
There were things you could do to keep yourself busy. There were places you could go, people you could talk to, preparations you could make. It would have been nice to have a partner, but you didn’t need one, and you didn’t want Frankie to think that you did. Because I managed just fine before him. I found the wolf… wolves here, and that was on my own.
But at the thought of the other wolf, you thought of Alec, and realized that you hadn’t heard from him or Ashley since you left the hospital. And I should I have.
On the way home, you called Ashley’s number, the ringing filling the interior of your car until she answered on the fourth one, greeting you warily. “Ashley? What’s wrong. Is the b-”
“The baby’s fine. It’s Alec.” Sitting up straighter, you tightened your hold on the steering wheel. “He’s going to be ok, but the antibiotics weren’t strong enough, and his side is … it’s infected.” You swore, groaning as you pulled into the driveway of your rental and parked the car. “Everything else is good. We were actually planning on leaving this week, but now we don’t know if that’s going to happen.” 
“You’ve got to be going stir-crazy in there.” She confirmed, but didn’t say anything else. “Is there anything I can bring you guys? Anything you need? Do you need me to come sit with him so you can take a shower, or -”
“I’m using the shower in his room.” She sighed. “And I’ve left a few times to go out and get things, but yeah. When I was with Frankie in the courtyard, that was the longest I’ve been outside in days.” 
“I was going to see if you wanted me to come visit.” You sighed, eyes on the dashboard. “Now I don’t think it’s not a good idea.” 
“It probably isn’t.” She cleared her throat. “He’s in and out of it. They changed his medicine, and he’s been kind of an asshole because he feels like shit, and we’re both tense.” She paused. “But how are you? How’s he doing? Did you talk more?”
“We did. He’s good. He just went to work.” You got out of the car, slinging your bag over one shoulder. “I spent the weekend with him. We talked a lot. It’s…” Entering the living room, you dropped the bag onto the chair and then lowered yourself onto the couch. “It felt really good to be so honest with him, Ashley. Whatever you said to him, he seems much different now.” 
“Bad different?”
“No. Fucking great different. He knows that there are actual answers out there and I think he’s determined to find them.” 
“He’s a smart guy.” You could hear the smile in her voice as she continued. “He just needed some help.” You didn’t disagree, but Ashley’s next words stunned you. “I hope he told you how much you mean to him.” 
“He told you?” She confirmed with a single word, but didn’t elaborate. “I… yes. He did. He told me that he wants to help me with the Chaos wolf and then … see what happens.” 
“You should do that.” She said your name and then paused, the tone of her voice changing. “The world’s not going to end if you stop looking for these wolves. You and Alec… it’s not on you to try and save everyone.” 
You knew that she was right - and she was the third person in less than a week that had said the same thing, though in a different way. “We’re going to try. I don’t know what’s going to happen.” You didn’t need to elaborate. If there was anyone that would understand, it was Ashley. “Will you let me know when Alec’s feeling better? I’ve got nothing planned for the next couple days, and I’d like to see him before you leave.” 
“Of course.” You heard the sound of another voice on her end, and then the woman apologized, letting you know that your cousin’s doctor had arrived. You hung up soon after that, standing and turning in a slow circle in the sun-drenched living room. For the first time in a long time, you were totally content - and it was a shock. 
You had a man that cared about you, and wasn’t just a one-time fling. You had a solid lead on one of the wolves that you’d been hunting, and time to prepare. Your cousin was free to live his life, had a woman that loved him along with a baby on the way. You were under no pressure to keep doing pointless research in the area, and could focus entirely on your real work. And I’m not alone. I have help. I have Frankie. 
It was fast - almost too fast, if you were being honest - but it felt right in a way that you hadn’t ever experienced before. Frankie being a wolf should have thrown you. It should have been setting off alarm bells in your head, and giving you pause before continuing the physicality between you. It doesn’t, though. And it hasn’t. 
You’d never truly been afraid of him, even the morning you’d held him at gunpoint. He’d never posed any sort of threat to you, even in wolf form. Or when he’s started to change in front of me. There were plenty of reasons to fear Frankie, and you had an idea that there were things he’d done that scared him, especially while enlisted. And after, too. But he was loyal. He was kind. He was protective of the things and people that he cared about - and one of those things was you. 
Of all the things that you and Frankie had talked about over the weekend, the one you were absolutely certain of was that whatever was going on between you had already reached and passed the point of no return. Promises of protection and help, the way he touched you, the way your body responded to him - the way you wanted to be around him at all times - there was no way to ignore any of it. 
He’d broken rules with you from almost the start, beginning with the fact that he’d put his teeth to your throat the night you’d met. Despite the fact that he’d managed to restrain himself somewhat in the weeks between your first time together and his admission, the feeling that he was holding back - and that it was hard for him - had always been there. 
You spoke to the empty room, bringing both hands up to your face and covering it. Thinking back to his words from that morning - that he’d fallen for you - you nodded slowly. There was no denying it. 
You’d always believed in the supernatural and had actively hunted werewolves from the age of 18 on, but the truth was that you’d never thought that you were in over your head more than you did when it came to Frankie - and the way you felt about him. 
Lowering your hands, you opened your eyes and then looked around again, chewing on your bottom lip. But if I’m in over my head, then so is he. The thought made you smile, your shoulders dropping in relief. We’re in this together. 
It was still early enough in the day that going back to bed wouldn’t have been out of the question, but instead of doing that, you made your way into the bedroom. Until he’d mentioned it that morning, you’d forgotten that it was Labor Day, which meant that the beach would probably be packed with tourists and people enjoying the last official hours of summer. You didn’t care, though, stuffing things into a shoulder bag before changing your clothes into more appropriate beach attire. 
For what it was worth, while you were in Florida, you were a tourist … and you were going to make the most of it. 
Wednesday night, though, you felt like a local.
Frankie drove to your place after work, and then you drove the two of you to Ironhead’s,  
After you parked, you sat in the car for a few minutes, going over the plan. He was going to bring up the fact that you knew. He was going to lead the conversation, and you were supposed to follow, only concealing that you were in Florida to hunt the wolf - and that the person that had been most recently attacked was your cousin. Everything else was fair game, including your relationship with him.
It was a simple enough plan for you to stick with, and even though you reminded him that you hated the thought of having to lie to his friends, Frankie didn’t budge. “Pope knows what the truth is,” he reminded you as you headed across the parking lot. “But he’s the only one. He’s going to go along with us, too.” 
Frankie squeezed your hand before you stepped into the building, but he opened the door and let you walk in first, following a half step behind you. Here we go. 
Benny saw you immediately, the blonde raising his hand in a wave from his place behind the bar. You smiled back, meeting his eyes as the two of you headed for where Will and Pope were already sitting. You slid into the booth first and Frankie followed, neither of you speaking until Will pushed an already full glass toward you.
“What’s this?” His grin widened and one brow rose but he kept quiet, pushing another drink toward Frankie. “I’ve never walked into a bar and had a drink waiting for me, what is -”
“It’s just a beer.” Frankie lifted his glass, taking a long swallow. “Ironhead literally poured it from a pitcher.” 
“It’s the thought that counts, asshole.” Will rolled his eyes and then Pope laughed out loud, dragging a hand through the curls atop his head. “But you’re right. It’s just a new beer we’ve got on tap, and I’m trying to figure out if it’s one we should keep.” 
You sipped from the drink, not knowing what to expect. To your surprise, it was delicious - crisp and light, perfectly chilled … and exactly what you needed to prepare you for what was coming. You told him that you liked it and were gifted a brilliant smile from the blonde man, Will’s eyes locked on your face. “I’d order it again.” You took another drink, nodding as you swallowed. “What about you, Frankie?”
“It’s good.” He shrugged, one thumb rubbing over the condensation on the outside of the glass. “I usually go for something stronger, but this works.” 
“Stronger like whiskey?” Your attention shifted at the new voice and you widened your eyes as you watched Tom walk up to the table, a small tray of shot glasses held in one hand. “Because that’s what I have.” 
“Didn’t think you were gonna make it, Redfly.” Tom set the tray down and then took a seat next to Will, getting comfortable before he started passing out the shots. “You said you felt like shit.” 
“No, that is not what I said.” He rolled his eyes, giving you a half smile before looking at his friend. “I said I’m sore as shit because Tessa’s playing volleyball now, and I’ve been playing with her so she can practice her serves.” He scratched at his cheek, wrinkling his nose. “And I am way too fuckin’ old to be diving around after a ball, but …” He lifted the shot glass, holding it out. “The things we do for our kids, right?” 
“My kid’s not old enough to play volleyball or any other real sport yet, so I know nothing about that. But I can tell you just about anything you want to know about building sandcastles to be structurally sound or that Bluey dog.” Frankie laughed as he spoke, and then so did Pope, but you all reached for your shots, too. What about Benny? “But that explains why as soon as you walked over here, it smelled like Icy Hot, so -’
“Fuck off, ‘Fish.” Tom laughed, though, and soon enough everyone at the table was laughing -  including Benny, who’d run over last minute and picked up his glass, too. 
Once those were downed, the six of you started talking. Despite the fact that you were mostly silent, you didn’t feel left out. Instead, you were content to sit back and listen to them catch up. 
You appreciated the level of camaraderie, and were entertained by the way they all interacted, finishing each other’s sentences at times and only needing a few words to get their points across during others. You were actually jealous of what they had, because aside from Alec, you’d never had that kind of close relationship with anyone. And that’s sad. I don’t even have friends, and they’ve had this for years.
“You doin’ alright?” Pope leaned closer, speaking quietly. “You’re quiet.” 
“Not much to say.” You sipped your beer again, shrugging. “You guys are talking enough to make up for it.” 
“We’re probably talking too much, right?” Tom drank from his glass, staring at you over the rim of it. “What have you been doing? Heard you and Ben went out on a boat last week.” 
“We did.” Here goes nothing. “It was a lot less scary than I thought it would be.” You looked from Tom to Benny, the blonde’s smile small but still there. “Benny was very prepared for the gators, but they all behaved.”
“We saw a ton of ‘em.” He scoffed, finishing his drink. “They stayed away from the boat, though .And then when we heard the … whatever it was, we got the hell out of there.” 
“Heard what?” Tom frowned, looking between the two of you. “You didn’t say anything about that.” You felt Frankie’s hand on your knee then, thumb sweeping over the inside of it as he squeezed. Before Benny could answer, you did, your voice steady. 
“We heard what sounded like a wolf, Tom.” His eyebrows shot up, a quiet, disbelieving laugh following. 
“A wolf? There are no wolves in Florida. Must have been your ears playing tricks on you or something.” He shook his head, looking between the others sitting at the table. “Ben, you’ve been around enough different kinds of animals to know what -”
“I grew up in Colorado, Redfly.” Benny drank again, eyes narrowed. “I know what a fuckin’ wolf sounds like.” Tom had no reply for that, though he did look between you and Benny again, his lips set in a thin line. He’s good. He’s not giving anything away.
“Yeah, and then the next morning, I heard on the radio there was another animal attack.” You drummed your fingers on the table, like you were thinking. “Only a few miles from where me and Benny were, actually. Which makes me believe that whatever it was that we heard was what attacked him.” You paused, looking over at Benny, who was watching you with a confused expression on his face. “I know what I heard. What we heard. And it sounded like a wolf.” 
“You seem pretty sure.” Will leaned in, fingers steepled together. “There a reason for that?” 
“She knows, Ironhead.” Frankie spoke up, taking and then releasing a deep breath. “She knows that she heard a wolf, and that it wasn’t a regular wolf, either.” 
The table was completely silent, and as you looked between the other men, you felt a knot of unease growing in your stomach. We shouldn’t have said anything. This was a mistake. It - 
“What do you mean she knows, ‘Fish?” It was Pope that broke the silence, looking first at you and then at Frankie, eyes filled with concern. He’s good too. “What did you -”
“She knows what happened to me. What I am.” Frankie’s voice was quiet but even. “I told her everything.” That time, it was Benny that reacted, the man pushing away from the table and swearing under his breath, eyes averted. 
“Why the fuck, man? What -”
“She saw me start to turn.” Frankie leaned in, both hands on the table. “The morning after, Pope told me about the attack. Even though I knew she was home safe thanks to you, Benjamin, I was still worried. He dropped me off and I went over to her place, and I was just …” He looked over and met your eyes, and for the first time you saw apprehension in them. “I couldn’t stop it.”
“I wouldn’t have believed any of it if I hadn’t seen it.” 
“Seen what?” Tom cut in, his voice rising and then falling, a scowl on his face. “What the fuck did you do? How did - ”
“Must have been because it was still so close to the full moon, but she saw me start to change, Tom. I’ve never done it before, but I was so worried it just… it happened.” Frankie pulled his hat off and let it drop onto the table, fingers running nervously through his hair. “I didn’t go all the way, just …”
“His eyes. His eyes and his nose a little and …” You let out a shaky breath, meeting Tom’s gaze. “I had no idea what was going on, but I was freaked out and he just started talking.” He didn’t look away, but his frown deepened, and when Will said your name, you looked over at him, waiting.
“He told you?” You nodded, chewing on the inside of your cheek. “And you believe what he told you?”
“What choice do I have? I watched his fucking eyes change color, Will. They were gold.” You kept your voice low, though the volume of the others in the bar around you was loud enough to disguise your words. “He asked me for a chance to explain, and I was confused, but let him, and …” You shrugged. “Here we are.” 
“No, shit.” Benny’s grin grew as he looked back and forth between you and Frankie. “‘Fish finally told someone? And you just accepted it? No problem?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say it’s no problem.” You forced a laugh, finishing your beer and then pushing the glass away. “I didn’t wake up last week thinking I’d find out that Frankie is …” Looking down, you took a deep breath to steady yourself. This is where I have to be convincing. “A wolf.” You said the last part with your head turned toward him, eyes locked with Frankie’s. “But he told me what happened, and based on what I saw and heard in those woods, I believe him.” 
“I showed her the tracker.” Frankie nodded once at you and then looked away, making eye contact with everyone in turn. “So she knows I wasn’t the one she and Benny heard in the woods that night.” He sighed. “And she now knows that there’s a second wolf here, too. And that that one’s not as nice as me.” 
“Well fuck.” Will swiped a hand over his hair, head shaking in disbelief. “That changes things.” It does. 
“Are you going to write about him in your book?” Tom’s smile was sarcastic, his head tilted to one side. “Tampa’s very own resident -”
“No.” You spat the word out, recoiling. What the fuck? “Of course I’m not going to. Why would I?”
“Could be worth some big bucks.” He shrugged. “Even the hint of -”
“Knock it off, Tom.” Pope held up a hand. “Nobody’s saying shit to anyone. I’m sure ‘Fish told her how careful he’s been since South America. And she’s here alone, so it’s not like she’s got anyone else to -”
“I’m right here. I can speak for myself.” You cut Pope off, tone sharp. “And I’m not going to say a goddamn word, because first of all, who the fuck would believe me? And second of all, I don’t make it a habit to run around blurting out people’s secrets. My parents raised me a little better than that. Frankie’s my friend, and I understand the need for secrecy here.” 
“I thought Morales understood secrecy, too. But he told you after only a couple weeks of fucking you, and he knows nothing about you. None of us do.” You felt Frankie’s posture change next to you, and sensed the others at the table’s moods changing, too. This isn’t good.
The anger you felt was real - partially at the fact that it seemed that at least Tom was livid that you knew, and partially because you felt like you and Frankie needed to defend yourselves. But this has to be a shock to them, too. 
“You need to cool it the fuck off, Redfly.” Frankie leaned in, and when you looked over at him, you saw that his upper lip was curling, both eyes narrowed. “What I do and who I tell are not your goddamn concern.” It was quick - and if you hadn’t been looking, you would have missed it. But Frankie’s eyes flashed, his gaze never wavering away from Tom’s face. He needs to calm down. Not here. Not … 
“Can I talk to you outside, Frankie?” Tom stood, staring down at where you sat. “Just the two -”
“Use the office.” Will finally looked away and then up at his friend, clearing his throat. “It’s quiet in there. Just don’t fucking destroy anything, alright?” 
“Fine.” Frankie took a deep breath, lowering his head. “It’s fine. I’m fine.” Looking over at you, he parted his lips, head shaking back and forth. “You ok?” 
“Yeah. I’m good.” Reaching over, you squeezed his hand. “Go. You convince him I won’t ruin things for you, and I’ll convince them.” That got a smile from him, though it was brief, and moments later, Frankie was following Tom toward the back hallway, leaving you with Pope and the Miller brothers. Silence stretched between you, but no one spoke up. One of us has to. And it should be me. “Well that was awkward.” 
It was Pope that reacted first, reaching for the pitcher on the table and refilling his glass and then yours. “Sure fuckin’ was.” 
That got Benny and Will laughing, and just as suddenly as the tension thickened, it was gone. Your only worry was that within a few minutes, Frankie would tear down the hallway in wolf form, chasing after Tom. He wouldn’t. He wouldn’t let himself get carried away like that. Not here.
“So you’re really OK with it?” Will wet his lips, his large hand rubbing over his bare forearm. “It’s a lot to handle. All of us were pretty freaked out.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m OK with it. I just … I had no choice but to accept it.” You stared down into your beer, watching the bubbles rise to the surface and then pop. “It wasn’t what I was expecting to hear from him, but he showed me that it wasn’t just me being exhausted and seeing things, you know? And I know he’s not lying about it. Why would he?”
“He hasn’t told anyone.” Benny closed his eyes, sighing. “Not even his ex. Yovanna doesn’t know, and she’s been with Pope since right after it happened.”
“I wouldn’t say she doesn’t know.” Pope actually laughed, reaching over and settling his hand atop yours. “I haven’t told her the truth, but she’s not stupid. She probably knew shit like that existed a hell of a long time before we did.”
“So you think she knows but won’t confirm it?” He nodded, eyeing you. “And Frankie’s never asked?”
“He hasn’t.” Pope looked away and then back at you, smiling sadly. “He’s had no answers for three years. He’s had to learn to deal with this all by himself. I don’t think she would have been able to tell him anything, but I donno. There’s only so much we can do.” 
“If ‘Fish told you, then it means something.” Will leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. “And if you aren’t completely freaked out by this, then that means something, too.” It does. 
“He didn’t ask for this. And the fact that he’s able to keep from hurting people while he’s not himself means that the one attacking all of those people is dangerous to everyone. I haven’t known him for long, but I feel …” You didn’t know how to finish that sentence, and so you didn’t, looking down at the table, where the fingers of one hand were wrapped tightly around your drink. “I trust him. And that might be stupid of me because I’ve only known him a little while, but it’s the truth.” 
“He’s never hurt a human as the wolf.” Benny cut in, saying your name. “Ever. I trust him, too. We all do.” Pope and Will agreed,  both of them giving you broad smiles when you met their eyes. “And we’re protective of him. Probably much too protective of a grown man.” 
“There’s no such thing.” You relaxed then, letting out a deep breath. “You’ve known him for years, and he’s like a brother to you. Protecting your family is the right thing to do.” You thought of Alec and Ashley then, and of the way you’d spent years fighting for your family’s payback. “He’s lucky to have you.” 
“And he knows it.” Benny’s grin grew, the man leaning back in his chair as he stared at you. “None of us are ever going to let him forget it.” You laughed at that, despite the fact that you were worried about what was happening between Frankie and Tom in the office. They’ve known each other forever. They’ll work it out. They have to. 
“You’re really calm.” Will cocked his head to the side, narrowing his eyes. “You’ve only known for a couple days, but you seem … I don’t know. Unsurprised, maybe? Why is that?”
“Because my only option is to be calm.” You shrugged, reaching for your drink again. “What should I do? Run away? Freak out? Tell him I never want to see him again? This isn’t something that he can control, you know? He didn’t ask to get bitten.” 
“A lot of people would do that, though.” Pope leaned closer. “Even if they didn’t mean to.” 
“I’m not one of those people.” You touched your finger to the tabletop, pressing against a divot in the wood. “He trusted me enough to be honest with me, and I’m choosing to believe that that means he wants me in his life.” 
“What will you do when you leave?” Benny crossed his arms, one eye narrowed. “The way Tom asked was pretty asshole-y, but it’s a valid question.” You didn’t quite know how to answer. Being truthful would mean telling them that you were planning on staying, even for a little while. But only if we can deal with this wolf. 
“She’s not planning on leaving, is she.” Will’s voice was quiet, his eyes locked on your face. “Or … she’s not planning on leaving for good.” Oh, he’s … perceptive. 
“I’ll still have to work.” You didn’t look away, wanting him to see your expression with each word you said. “But I… coming back to Florida between assignments is just as much of an option as me going anywhere else is.” 
“‘Fish’s got a girlfriend!” Benny slammed his hand down, palm smacking the table’s surface. “Hell yeah.” 
You didn’t even try to contain your laugher. Instead, you reached up and covered your face with both hands once the sound trailed off and let out a groan. “There’s no label on it or anything, Benny, but …” Peeking at him, you saw that the blonde was grinning, his eyes wide. “I would be coming back or staying here to be with him, yeah.” 
Without warning, Pope leaned over and slung an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer. “Good for you.” He kissed the top of your head, nodding. “Good for him.” 
“It’s not going to be good for anyone if you keep doing that, Santiago.” Your head snapped up, and you saw that Frankie was standing a few steps away from the table, his arms hanging loosely at his sides. “I’m gone for ten minutes, and you move in? What would Yovanna think?” Where’s Tom? He’s not with him. 
“Not moving in on anyone.” Pope squeezed your arm and then removed his, straightening up. “Just congratulating her.”
“Likely fuckin’ story.” Frankie rolled his eyes and then dropped down to sit next to you again. “And before anyone asks, no, I didn’t do anything to the office. Everything is exactly how you left it. Redfly’s …” He paused. “He’s not too happy with me, but we’ll be alright.” 
“Did he leave?” Benny rubbed the space between his brows, continuing to frown. “Without saying goodbye?”
“No.” Frankie finished his beer, scoffing. “He went outside to smoke. He’ll be back in a couple minutes.” Oh. Well, that’s… sort of promising? 
You wondered if Tom would say anything to you when he came back in, but tried not to dwell on it. What had been said between the two men was exactly that: between them, and even though it involved you, that didn’t mean you had any right to know what they’d talked about. But they didn’t physically fight, and that’s the important part. 
Conversation slowly slipped back into the easy banter that it had been earlier. Will and Pope told a story about one of their first times deployed together and you listened intently, eyes flicking back and forth between them. 
They were making an effort to include you, and the fact that they’d just accepted your knowledge of Frankie’s status and moved on said volumes. They might say something to him in private, you admitted to yourself as you downed the rest of your drink. But that’s also none of my business. 
The sound of your name pulled your attention away from what was being said. When you looked up to find Tom standing at the end of the table, you were shocked to see that his posture was looser than it had been - and that there was some warmth in his eyes. “I’m sorry.” He didn’t blink, maintaining eye contact. “I shouldn’t have blown up the way I did about you knowing. It’s none of my business who Morales tells. I just worry, you know? He’s my friend and I don’t want anything to happen to him.” 
It seemed genuine. Tom’s apology was an explanation for his behavior, even if it shouldn’t have been necessary in the first place. So without even looking at Frankie, you nodded and swallowed hard, reaching your hand out so that he could shake it. “I understand, Tom. I’d want to protect him and this group, too. But I swear I’m not going to say anything. I don’t even know who I would tell, to be honest.” 
“I get it.” He took a deep breath. “It’s just a shock that someone new knows after so long.”
“Wasn’t the plan to tell her, Redfly. Not so soon, anyway.” Frankie reached over and took your hand, linking your fingers together. “And it sure as shit wasn’t the plan to tell her the way I did, either.” You looked over at him then, hoping that he could see your appreciation for him in your expression. Yeah, I know. I kind of forced your hand. “But I’m still glad she knows.”
“Me too.” You squeezed his hand, closing your eyes as you nodded. “And I accept your apology, Tom. Thank you.” He nodded once and then sat again, reaching for his beer. It was tense for a few seconds and then Benny cleared his throat, reaching for the pitcher of beer. 
“So uh…” He topped off his glass, picking it up and staring at the foam for a few seconds. “I’ve been thinking about getting back in the ring.” 
It was the distraction that the entire table needed - because only seconds later, everyone was speaking, the chorus of their voices taking the focus off of you and Frankie and putting you at ease. Is this what it’s like to have friends? 
Even though you didn’t speak out loud to ask the question, you felt Frankie’s hold on your hand tighten before he released it, the man reaching over to slip his arm across your shoulders before pulling you closer to his side. This is what it’s like to have him.
An hour later, the night was beginning to wind down.
The beer at the table was replaced with water, and Pope had texted Yovanna to let her know that he’d be leaving in a little while. Frankie’s arm hadn’t left its place over your shoulders, and as time passed you’d leaned in even closer, your arm and shoulder flush with his.
It was nice to be affectionate in public with someone. It was more than nice that that someone was Frankie. And it was a relief that none of his friends had even really reacted to the sight of the two of you, instead choosing to keep talking. 
But when Tom stood up, throwing a $20 down onto the table, you sat up straight, keeping your eyes on him. “I’ve gotta head out too. I’m closing on an apartment with a guy tomorrow morning, and we’re meeting at 9 to do paperwork.” 
“That’s rough, man.” Pope groaned, finishing the water in his glass and then staring down into it briefly. “Why’d you schedule it so early?”
“Because afterward, I’m going with Molly.” He smiled, his grin lopsided. “It’s winery day, and -” Wait a minute. 
“You hinted at what Frankie is.” Pointing at Tom, you wet your lips. “The day I signed my lease, you gave me a bottle of wine that was …” His eyes widened and then, as he stuffed one hand into his front pocket, Tom nodded. “Howl At The Moon? Isn’t that a little on the nose?” Will swore under his breath and Benny laughed, lowering his chin to his chest and shaking his head. “He reacted to the bottle when he saw it, but I thought it was just because he didn’t drink wine. Now, though, it seems like more.” 
“You got me.” He raised and lowered his shoulders in a shrug, never looking away from you. “My wife really does love that one, but I also … I donno. I suggested you reach out to ‘Fish to fly, and I thought it’d be funny to give you that bottle knowing what I did and what you didn’t. I never thought he’d actually tell you, so it wasn’t a big deal to me.” 
It was a big deal to you, but you didn’t want to make it one, because you had no interest in ruining the night. Even though he already tried to. “Well whatever the reason you handed me that bottle, Tom, it was good. I drank it sitting in the back yard. So thank you. Your wife’s got good taste in alcohol.” Maybe not in men though. 
They said their goodbyes then, Tom waving with one hand before he turned his attention back to you. “Seems like we’re gonna be seeing more of you around. Do you think you’ll be trying to renew that lease, or looking for somewhere else?” Unbelievable. “Couple places coming open, and -”
“I’ve still got some time to decide.” You pressed your lips together, humming. “We’ll see.” He didn’t say anything in reply, but you saw his nod, keeping your attention on the man as he reached for his jacket and pulled it on. Tom visibly winced as he shoved his left arm into one of the sleeves, muttering his daughter’s name as his head shook back and forth. Wait a minute. 
You watched him for a few seconds longer, eyes narrowed. He hurt his arm, too? “Hey, you alright?” Frankie’s voice was low in your ear, breath warm where it hit your skin. “You’re holding your breath.” Shit. 
Shaking yourself out of it, you turned toward him, forcing a smile on your face. Not here. Not now. “I’m fine. Just …” You used your chin to gesture at Tom, who was walking away from the table. “He threw me off. I wasn’t expecting that kind of excuse for the wine.” 
“Kinda pissed me off, to be honest.” Will groaned, leaning in and saying your name. “Tom can be an asshole sometimes, but that’s way beyond even his usual limits.” 
“We do have a couple wolf-themed drinks on the menu.” Benny raised an eyebrow, looking between you and his brother before settling his gaze on Frankie. “Raised By Wolves? The Full Moon? That’s no better than -”
“Why are you defending him?” Pope stood, too, grabbing for his jacket and slinging it over one shoulder. “You’ve talked about wanting to kick his ass because he’s annoying more than all of us combined.”
“I’m not defending him, I’m just making the point that Redfly’s not the only one that’s alluded to ‘Fish’s … condition.” That wasn’t how you would have described Frankie becoming a werewolf, but there was no point in arguing. I’m still new here. I have no right. I just … let it go. “Ours are a little more subtle, but they’re still there.” 
“It’s not like I put two and two together or anything.” Reaching over, you settled your hand on Frankie’s knee. “Still came as a shock when he told me, so I guess there’s no harm done.” Frankie nodded at you, a small smile on his lips. He’s not that upset, so I shouldn’t be either. 
You watched as Pope also threw a bill onto the table, and then stepped away from it, telling the others goodnight. Before anyone else could speak, Frankie chose to, clearing his throat before pulling his arm from around your shoulders. “We’re gonna head out, too. I’m flyin’ tomorrow morning, and I need to get some sleep.” 
“Sleep?” Will smirked at the two of you. “That’s what they’re calling it these days?”
“Yes, Will, sleep.” You rolled your eyes, draining the last of your water as both blonde men laughed. “The last thing I want is to be responsible for Frankie taking off when he’s tired. I’m dropping him off and then going home.” 
You followed Frankie as he exited the booth, and when he also dropped money onto the table, you finally spoke up and asked about it. But it wasn’t Frankie that answered - it was Benny. 
“It’s just something we started doing when we meet up to have drinks. Since we’re taking up a table but getting our own refills, we’re taking away from the servers and bartenders making tips, so…” He pointed at the money. “We all throw in at least $20 and it goes straight to them.” 
That wasn’t something you’d seen the other times you’d met the men at the bar, but you figured that there were times when the guys didn’t have cash on them. So one of them probably covers and the others pay them back. “Well then it’s only right that I contribute, too.” You dug through your wallet, adding your money to the pile. “That’s nice of you to do that for them.” 
“Yeah, weeknights are usually a little slower anyway, but if it’s busy and we’re still all here?” Will rubbed at the back of his neck. “We kick in a little more. A lot of people will say drinking in the place you own is a no-no, but it’s only once a week if that, and we’re all pretty responsible about it.” 
“None of us take advantage, you mean.” Frankie winked at his friends, and then put his hand on your back. “Have a good night, guys.” Neither of you spoke until you were outside and you were sitting in your car - and then it was Frankie that broke the silence. “What happened in there? You froze. You were looking at Tom, and you just went stiff.” 
“Frankie, I -”
“No. Tell me. I know you’re not happy about the wine, but it was more than that.”
“It’s stupid.” You knew it was - and you also knew that the last thing you wanted to do was offend him by accusing one of his friends of something that was next to impossible. “When he put his coat on, he winced. And he winced when he tried to use his left arm, which is the one that Ashley said she bit. But there’s no way, Frankie. Right? You said he wasn’t injured in South America, and you’ve never hurt anyone. You guys weren’t able to find anything out about wolves, or find another one, so… how could he be a wolf, too?” 
“It’s not stupid.” He sighed, reaching up to scrub at his beard with one hand. “It’s a natural reaction to the fact that you’re looking for answers and you only have so much to go on.” You started the car then, putting both hands on the wheel. “I didn’t bite him, and neither did the kid. He helped me out as much as any of the other guys did, and he only stopped when he and Molly seriously got back together.”
“How long ago was that?” The more he talked, the more at ease you felt, so you wanted him to continue. 
“Maybe a year? I don’t remember exactly. They were kind of half-assing it after we got back from South America, but toward the end of Tessa’s junior year, he got serious about it. Tom’s … happier when he’s with her, so we encouraged him. He still checks in with whoever’s with me that night, he just doesn’t stay out anymore.” 
“And it’s been a week.” You sighed, coming to a stop at a red light. “He would have healed already, right? Ashley didn’t bite him hard enough to do lasting damage, so whatever she did wouldn’t still be bothering him.” You caught his nod out of the corner of your eye, his silhouette moving in the low light.
“He’s pretty out of shape.” Frankie laughed as the car started moving again, the sound filling the small space. “So him not being able to keep up with his teenage daughter on the volleyball court is … not that far-fetched.” That got a smile out of you, and both of you were quiet for the rest of your drive. You didn’t know what he was thinking about, but you were running through scenarios in your head and examining his words from multiple angles. 
Frankie knew his friends. Frankie had known his friends through years of difficult situations and important life changes. He trusted them with his life, and even though they were no longer in combat or in danger, he had no reason to trust them any less. In fact, because of his situation, he needed to trust them more. So I have to trust them, too. Even if I don’t like one of them much. 
You pulled into his driveway and parked behind the truck, turning in your seat to face him. “I’m glad they know now. It makes this a little easier.” 
“I am too.” Frankie took a deep breath and then released it slowly. “Why haven’t you asked what Tom and I talked about in the office?”
“Because it’s none of my business.” You shrugged. “If you want to tell me, you can, but whatever the two of you said isn’t something I need to know.”  
“Come inside.” He took your hand, squeezing it. “I know you said you were going to go home, but you’ve got your car. You can lave tomorrow. Doesn’t even have to be when I get up to go to work.” It was tempting, and after thinking it over for a few seconds, you realized that you had no reason to turn him down. 
“OK.” You shifted into reverse, backing up and then parking next to his truck. “This way if I don’t want to wake up when you do, we won’t have to worry about moving cars.” 
His grin was visible even in the dark, and only a few minutes later, the two of you were inside and ready for bed. 
Instead of laying down, though, you both leaned against the headboard, your temple resting against his bare shoulder. He had one arm draped over your thigh and was running his fingers idly over your skin, which was exposed beneath the hem of the oversized Ironhead’s tee you wore. 
There was nothing sexual about the way he touched you. Instead it was comforting, Frankie’s presence beside you soothing without any need for conversation. 
But when he spoke, it wasn’t to say anything that you’d anticipated. 
“I told Tom you knew about Lorea, and the first thing he asked me was if I thought you’d try to blackmail me.” 
“What?” You sat straight up and his grip on your leg tightened. “Blackmail you? Are you serious?”
“Yes.” Frankie sighed. “Tom’s … really money motivated. Always has been. And to be honest, he’s the main reason why we ended up with so much of it from that trip. I’m not that surprised it’s where he went with it first.” 
“Frankie, I would never. It doesn’t matter to me if you’ve got five dollars in your account, or -”
“I know.” He turned his head and then leaned in, kissing the side of yours. “You were just looking for wolves. There’s no money in this for you, and there never was.” 
“That’s not entirely true. I make decent money with the books and the site, and …” You trailed off as you realized that that wasn’t at all what he meant. “If I found a wolf, the only thing I ever wanted was for it to be dead.” 
“I hope that’s not true anymore.” He was smiling; you could hear it in his voice. “Because I really like being alive.” 
“I like you alive, too, Francisco.” Reaching up, you chewed on the edge of your nail. “Very much. And I’d like to do whatever I can to help keep you that way.” 
“Which means finding the other wolf before it attracts too much attention and other people come looking.” He sighed. “I know.” 
He eased down onto the mattress and pulled you along with him. You let him, rolling onto your side to face Frankie. Even though you couldn’t see him clearly, you could feel the way he watched you, his gaze intent as his hand slid up and over your hip, pushing the shirt with it. “We’re not doing that tonight, Frankie. It’s already late.”
“I know.” His hand continued moving, palm flat against your skin as he reached your ribs. “That doesn’t mean that I can’t touch you, right?” 
“The day I tell you to stop touching me and mean it is the day you’ll know it’s not me talking.” He snorted, moving even closer. His hand slid forward, Frankie’s fingers curling gently around the curve of your breast. “Frankie, come on, that’s not fair.” 
“I’m just getting comfortable.” He dragged his thumb slowly over your nipple and then whispered your name. “Can I tell you something?” 
“Yeah.” Your reply was breathy, and you hummed at the feeling of his continued touch, arching your back into it. “What’s up?”
“I never thought I’d ever have this.” He spoke quietly, but his voice was clear, his hand sliding away from your chest and back to your side. “Someone that knows. Someone that believes me. Someone that understands what I’m going through.” Oh, Frankie. “I never thought I’d get to be myself with someone again, and then you -”
“I’m here.” You reached up then, cupping his cheek in your palm. “You’ve got me.” You paused, steadying yourself. “All I’d ever want you to be is yourself.” 
It was next to impossible that you’d fallen for him so hard and so fast after years of never letting yourself get close to anyone. But the attraction you felt toward Frankie was more than just sexual in nature - it was everything about him that drew you in - and it had since before you’d found out what he was. There was no denying it, and both of you knew it.
He didn’t answer verbally, though. Instead, Frankie leaned in and you felt his fingers curve against your skin as he anchored himself to you - first with his touch and then with his lips. The kiss was soft - softer than any you’d shared previously, and it wasn’t a prelude to anything. No, you thought as you slipped your fingers into the soft curls behind his ear. He’s just letting me know he gets it. 
“I’ll be really quiet when I get up tomorrow.” He kissed the apple of your cheek and then backed off, settling on the pillow so that he could look at you again. “You can just lock the door when you leave.” 
“You trust me in your house without you here?” 
“What could you possibly find that would be worse than what you already know?” You laughed at that, rolling forward and burying your face against his bare chest. Good point. 
“G’night, Frankie.” You mumbled the words, pressing a kiss to the skin above his heart. “I -” You froze, despite your heartbeat quickening, and were almost positive that he’d felt it. Shit. “I hope you sleep well.” It was a poor recovery, but he didn’t say anything in reply. His answer was a quiet hum and a slight tightening of his arms around you. 
Slowly, the elevated rhythm of your heart returned to normal, and from your place pressed against his body, you felt Frankie’s slow, too. He fell asleep well before you did, his deep, even breaths - and the weight of his touch - helping you focus. But it didn’t help you sleep, and it wasn’t because of the things that had been said at the bar. 
It was the slip you’d almost made - and the realization that even though you were glad you’d stopped yourself, it didn’t change the truth of the words you bit back. It’s not the right time for that. Not now. Not … yet. 
As you finally drifted off, too, your arm loose over Frankie’s side and the tips of your fingers grazing the center of his back, you were certain that the time was coming when one - or both - of you weren’t going to be able to keep quiet. 
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greenerteacups · 6 days
Hi, hi! I never shut up in my fic comments, so I’m going to practice restraint here and quietly scream that I find everything about Lionheart delightful. It’s such a smart, witty, honest, beautiful, and deeply romantic story that honors a character arc for Draco that scratches so many itches in my brain. Every time I read it, I feel spoiled. 
I have SO MANY questions and general exclamations, but I’ll stick to one. I always love reading your thoughts, but there is zero, null, zip pressure to respond in any way. Just think of this ask as an energetic virtual wave. 
So, if your Narcissa and Molly were forced to name each other’s biggest flaw, what would they say? (I ask this knowing that what whatever they said wouldn’t necessarily be true, of course.) I’m endlessly fascinated by their parenting, but also the lives they lead beyond it. Molly and the Order. Narcissa and the pureblood circles she’s navigated her whole life. They both so obviously love their children, but I can’t ever decide if Molly’s dislike for Narcissa (I mean, I’m assuming she dislikes her) would include a stiffly admitted “you’ve raised a good son,” or if she’d say “Draco became good in spite of you.” 
<3 Tig
TIG!! Hello! I read your comments religiously, and by that I mean with the totemic reverence properly afforded to King St. Stephen of Hungary's right forearm. I hoard them in my inbox like Smaug's jewels and kick my feet like a schoolgirl over them. Or like a very schoolgirlish mixed metaphor of a dragon, that is. The longer, the more dragonly schoolgirling. To wit, I have been grinning at this stupidly for like, five whole minutes.
What would Narcissa and Molly say about each other? I wonder, I wonder. They're quite alike in being protective and (in their way) nurturing mothers. They both take pains to keep their children out of the war effort, albeit somewhat unsuccessfully. They're also very prideful, domineering, and intent on getting their own way. I think Draco acclimates to Molly's parenting style when he's around the Weasleys in part because it's so similar to his own home: you have a present and visibly dominant mother figure, who gives most of the orders, and then an auxiliary (or, in Lucius's case, absent) father figure whose name is usually invoked only to give force to the mother's commands. They also had children around the same time, though Molly was a mother years before Narcissa was, and so probably thinks of Narcissa as quite young. I expect there would be an element of mutual condescension, if not outright scorn. Both of them believe very strongly that their ideas are The Right Things, and if you disagree with them, it doesn't matter what your reasons are, you are simply Wrong. They have equally inflexible moral compasses that happen to be oriented around radically different poles.
They are also both — and I don't think it's a spoiler to say this, because everything I'm about to say is stated in the text — extremely competent fighters. Narcissa never fought in the first Wizarding War, but she's still an accomplished duelist, and formidable enough to have the respect of both Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore. She's an expert Occlumens, practiced Legilimens, and her husband was the Dark Lord's right hand. Molly Weasley, on the other hand, is one of the only people alive to have beaten Alastor Moody in a duel, and one of the few people in the Order who seems to feel comfortable giving shit back to him at Grimmauld Place. It's worth noting, too, that Molly is fairly bellicose as a person — she has a snap-your-fingers temper — and among her seven children, you have (canonically speaking):
a curse-breaker (one of the hardest/most demanding intellectual jobs in the wizarding world),
a dragon-tamer (holy fuck),
a Head Boy with more N.E.W.T.s than Hermione canonically has, who got a high-ranking aide position in Wizard Parliament straight out of high school,
two crackpot inventors who start a business selling bioweapons at age 17,
a chess prodigy who beats a 50-something master at age 11; hijacks a flying manual car, teaches himself to drive it, flies the fucking thing from Devon to Surrey, and kidnaps his best friend; subsequently flies it again from LONDON to HIGHLAND SCOTLAND; uses said car to bulldoze a horde of giant spiders; threatens a serial killer to his face, while nursing a broken leg; breaks into the wizarding version of MI6; blows it up; ensuingly helps prosecute a war effort to prevent a fascist takeover of Britain; and:
Ginny Weasley.
And on the other hand, you have Narcissa (in Lionheart), whose children, though few in number, consist of:
Draco Malfoy (prodigious, annoying, thus far remarkably hard to kill).
So regardless of your stance on the nature/nurture debate, you have to believe there's some fairly intense parenting happening on either side of the equation.
In my fic, they also both hold similar roles in the present: involved in the war effort, but not in the same way some of their colleagues are, either by choice (Molly being the de facto quartermaster for the Order safehouse, and hence the Order) or by necessity (Narcissa being unable to come out publicly on either side of the conflict without putting herself, and Draco, in danger). Those positions of "neutrality," which for both of them is really just a cover for their work as covert operatives, is made possible by the fact that they are mothers. No one would suspect the impoverished housewife Molly Weasley of running a guerrilla military out of her kitchen; likewise, few would suspect reclusive, tragic pureblood widow Narcissa Malfoy of being the pet huntress of Albus Dumbledore. Which is part of what makes them so effective. There's also something in the fact that they're both very feminine, both in their position and how they hold themselves, but they embody different aspects of femininity — specifically, the elements of femininity that are useful to their cover. Molly leans heavily into her role as the blustering, bossy, overworked mother, to the point that most of her children don't see her as anything else. Narcissa, on the other hand, leans into the "Mater dolorosa" angle, presenting herself as this demure, ladylike mistress-of-the-house, which is helped by the fact that her husband's death gives her an excuse not to go out often. The perception that she's a frail widow crippled by grief — which is anything but the truth, as becomes clear pretty much by her first appearances of Lionheart — means that people in her pureblood circles don't make the same demands of her that they would of Lucius, and she absolutely exploits that to her advantage. They're both Gen X women who grew up during (if not slightly before) the second-wave feminist movement; their relationships with sex and social position flow from that. They don't break molds; they flip them to their advantage.
Anyway, I've totally neglected your question. To wit: Narcissa would say that Molly's greatest flaw is her inability to conceive of an ideal more important than happiness. Molly would say that Narcissa's is cowardice.
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deathblacksmoke · 1 year
take me as you please
pairing: noah sebastian x nick ruffilo
cw: oral sex, cum swallowing, lovey dovey boys, so much kissing (these birds are in love), fluffy n smutty
author’s note: follow up to aphid attraction but can be read on its own. this took me long enough to write that i’m sure it will haunt me. my brain’s gone rotten.
title from “take me as you please” by the story so far.
“Are we going to talk about it?” Noah asks, the silence between him and Nick having dragged on for too long.
They’re on the tour bus, the others squeezing in naps before tonight’s show, so he figures that now is as good a time as he’ll ever find to bring it up.
At the sound of Noah’s voice, Nick doesn’t even look up from his phone. “Talk about what?”
It’s been weeks since Nick walked in and everything should have changed. That’s what Noah had assumed, at least, that there was no coming back from a moment like that.
Yet everything has remained exactly the same, not a hint of anything different, and he knows he should be relieved. As grateful as he is to still have his best friend, Nick’s promise of a next time has been replaying in his head since that day. On a loop, haunting him. He can’t let it go.
“I’ll touch you next time.” Noah says, repeating Nick’s words back to him and watching as his eyes widen. Nick’s mouth opens and closes a few times before he settles on keeping it closed, placing his phone on the couch beside him and staring at his shoes.
“Did you forget you said that?” Noah asks, feeling suddenly cocky upon seeing Nick so shy. He could take advantage of the sudden shift, having a leg up on Nick for the first time in ages, but he decides against it and goes easy on him. Nick shakes his head and Noah grins, scoots closer to him, their thighs barely touching. “Are we going to talk about it?”
“Sure.” Nick says, but he’s fidgeting worse than Noah has ever seen, his voice soft and wavering. Without thinking too much of it, Noah grabs his hand to stop him from continuing to pick at the skin of his fingers. “Or we can forget I ever said that.”
The thing is, Noah really doesn’t want to. He’s happy to pretend it never happened if that’s what Nick needs, if it will salvage their friendship, but he can’t get it out of his head. He’s tried. He’ll pretend for Nick. He’ll let it go. Forgetting just isn’t an option he’s willing to consider.
It’s burned into his brain, the way that the mention of a next time had made his heart race. The way his grip on his cock instantly tightened, chasing that feeling. The way the thought of a next time with Nick had made his vision blur as he came over his fingers with Nick’s name on his lips.
“If that’s what you want.” Noah says. With Nick’s hand still in his, he can’t ignore how the fidgeting has completely stopped. He‘ll let himself take the credit for that but he won’t comment on it. “I‘ve been looking forward to my next time, though, if that’s okay with you.”
Nick looks a little shocked and Noah wants to feel smug, but he’s more focused on getting what he’s been wanting for all these weeks. If he’s being honest, he’s been wanting this for a whole lot longer.
“Does that surprise you?” Noah asks and Nick nods, so shy. It makes Noah want to swallow him whole. “I don’t know why. You caught me jerking off to you. You saw how hard I came when you mentioned it.”
Nick’s cheeks turn beet red and Noah needs him.
“Can I kiss you?” Nick asks suddenly, catching Noah off guard, but he’s nodding before he can think better of it, moving in to close the distance between them.
It’s not at all how he remembers their kisses being, years ago when they were young, drunk, and bored. The rushed and sloppy little nothings they shared in the back of the van, dark bars, Nick’s living room. Those were nothing like this. Now, he’s aware of everything. Nick’s lips - the irresistible softness and how he wants to kiss them forever. The slide of Nick’s tongue along Noah’s bottom lip and how easy it is to open up and let him in. How natural it feels to thread his fingers through the hair at the back of Nick’s head and tug a little. The soft sound Nick makes into his mouth. The way he would kill to hear it again.
He swears he can hear Nick’s heartbeat. He can feel it. He swears his own will beat out of his chest.
It’s nothing like the way it used to be.
“Can I touch you?” Noah breathes into Nick’s mouth. Nick doesn’t answer with his words, but a hand landing high on Noah’s thigh, and it’s enough to make him gasp and squirm closer, but not enough to calm away his bubbling nerves. “Nick, tell me I can.”
Nick takes Noah’s hand in his own, placing it high on his thigh, mirroring his own. Nick’s hands aren’t shaking anymore, growing confident. Noah’s shaking like a leaf now, ego dying, cockiness completely gone.
Nick notices, because he’s always been able to read Noah better than anyone. He takes it easy on him.
“You can touch me.” Nick says, cupping Noah’s cheek and pressing kisses along his neck. Noah’s hand moves higher, to where Nick is growing harder in his jeans. Noah grins when Nick gasps. Their eyes meet. “Of course you can, Noah. I’ve been waiting.”
With the permission finally given, Noah finds his hesitation gone. It’s only moments before he has Nick laid out on his back and he’s covering his body with his own, kissing him until they’re both breathless.
Noah can’t remember a time before he first started dreaming of this, slotting himself between Nick’s legs, grinding against him slow and filthy, breathing into his open mouth and tasting his breath. He can hardly believe he gets to have it. He can only hope he’ll get to have it again.
He’s taken out of his thoughts when Nick’s hand moves from its place in Noah’s hair, moving between their bodies to reach down the front of Noah’s sweats, palming him. Nick’s smile is wicked when Noah groans and he wants to kiss it off his pretty face, but he’s too distracted to do fucking anything. It feels too good. He’s been waiting for this for too long.
“Shit, Nick.” Noah gasps, resting his forehead against Nick’s shoulder to try and catch his breath. He feels so much. Nick’s hand is sliding into his underwear to grip his cock but he feels him everywhere.
“Come on,” Nick says, his other hand moving to the back of Noah’s head, fingers threading through his hair as his hand moves over his cock. He tugs, trying to lift Noah’s head but Noah fights it. He can’t stomach meeting his eyes right now, not when he’s a mess like this. “Come on, Noah. Look at me, please.”
When Noah lifts his head to look at him, he wants to be embarrassed by how wrecked he knows he looks, but he can’t when Nick is cupping his cheek and smiling, gaze soft and comforting. Grounding in a way that only Nick can be.
“Is this what you wanted?” Nick asks, grip tightening, and Noah is nodding, because of course it is. “Yeah, me too.”
Noah groans, closes his eyes. The admission overwhelms him, although he supposes he already knew, with the way Nick is touching him. He’s so surrounded. He didn’t know it could feel like this. He was waiting for Nick this whole time.
He’s nipping at Nick’s neck when he slides his hand between them, popping open the button of Nick’s jeans and reaching in to take him in his hand, too. The angle is uncomfortable, cramped, but he can tell he got the grip right when Nick gasps, rhythm faltering for a moment.
“Fuck,” Nick groans, breath warm in Noah’s mouth when their lips meet, just barely, more resting over each other than kissing. Nick gets his rhythm back quickly. Noah finds his determination to get Nick there first, tightening his grip and speeding up, until Nick is speaking again. “That’s it. That’s good, baby.”
The pet name alone would be enough to send him over the edge, with or without Nick’s hand moving over him expertly and perfect. Noah is spilling over Nick’s hand with a desperate gasp before he has the chance to realize he’s doing it.
He buries his face in Nick’s neck to catch his breath and calm down, placing kisses there. Nick’s breath is still labored when he removes his hand, wipes the cum on his jeans, which he would find gross with anyone else but endearing with Nick.
Noah’s own hand has stilled and Nick immediately tries readjusting when Noah takes his hand out.
“No, wait,” Noah says, placing a hand over Nick’s to stop him. He’s scooting down on the sofa, even more cramped than before, face to face with Nick’s cock. “Let me, please.”
He knows they don’t have much longer to be alone together. He’s not sure how much time has passed since they started, but he swears he heard Jolly moving around in his bunk. He would rather have the chance to tell them, instead of them finding out by getting an eye full, but he can’t let the day end without getting Nick in his mouth.
Now that he knows he’s allowed it, he wants it now.
He’s surprised by how much he likes it, immediately, on the first slide in. Maybe it’s just because it’s Nick, but Noah thinks he tastes like absolute heaven.
He doesn’t have any tricks, just what he knows he likes. He may be inexperienced in this realm, but pulls out all the stops he knows, anyway, cupping Nick’s balls in one hand, working what his mouth can’t reach with the other, sucking on the head, pointed tongue dipping in.
He knows he’s doing a good job when Nick gasps, tightens the grip he has on Noah’s hair.
“Fuck, Noah, how did you get so good at this?”
From thinking about you, he thinks but doesn’t say, just moans around Nick’s cock and giggles when the grip Nick has in his hair tightens even more.
He can tell he’s close. From the shaking of his thighs, the groans getting more and more frequent and harder to keep quiet. He would pray Jolly and Folio don’t hear but right now, he couldn’t care less. Right now all he cares about is Nick’s hand tightening in his hair, and the tiny little moans of his name.
“Noah,” Nick says, cupping his cheek, so gentle for the position they’re in and he basks in it. “Noah, I’m gonna cum.”
That’s all he needs to hear before he’s taking in as much as he can, eyes brimming with tears but it’s worth it for the sounds Nick is making, thrusting shallowly into Noah’s mouth before stilling, cum spilling down his throat.
He swallows every drop. He knows Nick would like it and is proven right when he looks up at him, eyes as blown as he’s ever seen.
He’s tucking Nick back into his pants and crawling up his body. Nick doesn’t hesitate before cupping the back of his head, bringing their lips together, licking into his mouth.
“You did so good, baby.” Nick says and Noah glows.
He wants to talk about it. They will talk about it.
They don’t have the opportunity before they hear the sound of a curtain sliding open.
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blainesebastian · 1 year
date night (ccg universe)
words: 3,181 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (3 combined requests) “ @aloversblog requested: luci has a panic attack for the first time and austin calms her down + @aust1nbutlersgirl requested ccg and austin’s first date after having luci + anon requested Austin and reader come home exhausted and unwind by giving each other a custom massage” warnings: none notes: i am back from disney and v sleepy slkdjf but it was so worth it! thanks to anyone who reads, comments, reblogs or likes :) much appreciated!  tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylespresleyhearted
It feels like it’s been a long time since you and Austin had a proper date even though you know that’s not the case. There’s a lot of playing catch up—not just with jobs, passions, your body being yours again, or alone time, but what normalcy looks like now. It’s not that you’ve been thinking about how to take a break from Luci, from being parents, but…carving out space to be with your husband will only strengthen your bond as parents. To be honest, you’re not sure why you hadn’t thought about it sooner. You suppose you wake up busy, there’s barely a moment to settle let alone plan an entire date.
It ends up being Austin’s idea.
You’ve just gotten out of the shower, a large towel wrapped around your body as you comb out your hair and the bathroom door opens. Before you can even turn to look over your shoulder, you feel Austin come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist.
A soft laugh leaves your lips, a gentle squirming of heat in your chest and sinking between your legs when his nose and lips dip into your neck. He breathes you in before placing a kiss on the pulse of your throat,
“I love the smell of your skin when you just get out of the shower,” He whispers and it’s ridiculous how easy he can make your heart skip beats like that.
“We are not foolin’ around when I’m clean, Austin.”
He smirks and places another kiss on your shoulder before shaking his head, “I’m offended that you think I’m only after one thing.”
You roll your eyes and laugh when he attempts to take down your towel. You turn in his arms and playfully smack his shoulder with the brush in your hand, “Predictable.”
Austin leans down and nips at your bottom lip with his own, “Can’t help it, I miss you.”
And you do understand what he means—you miss him like that too, having time for intimacy, time just made for one another, the feeling of his skin on yours, sounds from his mouth fluttering along your skin, the way his fingers would curl against and inside of you. But not just sex, either, the love language of spending time and having him near.
You reach your hand up to cup his cheek, running your thumb along his cheekbone before you lean up on your toes and kiss him. He hums and picks you up, setting you on the sink counter and slipping between your legs. Your hands move under his shirt and skate your nails down his back, keeping him close, heat pulsing insistently lower and lower. So much for that shower—
And then Luci starts crying.
The moan that leaves your lips turns into a groan, your forehead moving to rest on his shoulder. Austin lets out a short breath, looking over his shoulder at the bathroom door—she’s definitely wailing, maybe a nightmare?
“I’ll get her,” Austin squeezes you, hesitates, not wanting to pull away. You completely understand that feeling. He rights himself, his cheeks a bit flushed, eyes dark as he runs a hand through his hair. “We’re goin’ on a date.” He declares and you raise your eyebrows as he begins to back up out of the bathroom, “I’m serious, a date.”
You let out a light laugh, sliding off the counter. “Alright.”
It takes a few moments to calm yourself down, get your heartrate to stop pounding in your ears, but once you towel dry your hair and pull on some clothes, you feel a bit better. Less like your legs are completely made of jello. Turning the light off in the bathroom, you wander down the hallway to where Luci’s bedroom is, leaning against the doorframe as you watch Austin sit on her bed.
He tugs the covers back and picks her up into his arms, “Shh,” He whispers, “Hey, it’s okay, you’re okay.” Austin soothes, moving her hair away from sticking to her wet cheeks or her forehead. You wince lightly at the sounds coming out of her mouth—whatever she’d been dreaming about obviously scared her.
Though, to be fair, this is the same girl who watches dinosaur videos and kinda likes the idea of aliens and ghosts, so, she’s much tougher than she seems.
“Someone have a nightmare?” You ask, coming in to her room and turning on her nightlight, a small multi-colored lamp on her nightstand that projects pretty pastel colors onto her ceiling. She hasn’t been using it lately, but maybe it’ll help.
“Monsta.” Luci cries, hiccupping as she rests her head on Austin’s shoulder. She’s got a firm grip on his shirt as he keeps her close to him, gently rocking her back and forth.
“There are no monsters, baby, I promise.” He croons, brushing a kiss over her forehead.
Luci does not seem overly convinced, pointing at her closet. You smile a little and move to open up the door, turning on the light. You move some clothes around and motion to her that everything is fine.
“Nothing here.”
“See?” Austin whispers, pressing a kiss to one of her cheeks.
“Bed,” She murmurs, sniffling. She uses one of her hands to wipe her face even though it doesn’t do much. You know that she’s rather distressed by this whole nightmare thing but…she’s kinda cute with her hair a staticky mess, cheeks flushed, in her dino pajamas against Austin’s chest as they try to figure out this whole monster business.
“Under the bed?” Austin asks and you hum lightly, moving towards her bed and kneeling on the floor. You make a very big deal at pulling the covers up and looking underneath.
“No monsters, just some dust bunnies and—” You pull her black dino stuffed animal out from where it fell near the one bedframe leg, it must have tumbled off when she was having her nightmare. “Found a friend of yours. Did you lose him?”
You have the dino kiss her nose and that seems to get her to relax, even giggle as she playfully pushes him away from her face.
There’s a sense of relief that settles on Austin’s shoulders that Luci is no longer upset and both of you tuck her back into bed. Austin lays her down and you put her dino stuffed animal back into her arms. She squeezes it and when her dad pulls the blankets up to her chin, she leans up and gives him a big kiss on his cheek.
“Wow, thank you.” He grins.
“Hey, you got one for me?” You pout from your spot still on the floor and Luci giggles before giving you one too.
You smirk, blowing a raspberry against her neck that makes her laugh before standing with your husband. She seems in much better spirits and leaves the timer on for her nightlight in hopes that it’ll help her fall asleep a bit faster.
“Night baby,” Austin says, slipping his hand into yours as he turns off the bedroom light, both of you stepping into the hallway.
You take in a long breath, moving to the bedroom with him again, your fingers laced like it’s the easiest thing in the world, and maybe it is. You plop yourself onto the bed, allowing him to pull away so he can take off the jeans he has on,
“You know, as someone who’s seen a lot of horror movies, we should probably take her whole ‘monster under the bed’ thing more seriously.”
Austin laughs, mostly air leaving his nose, “Don’t even start.”
You grin, your eyes grazing over his body. No matter how long you’ve been together, this is a sight you never get used to or tired of seeing. You’re particularly fond of the freckles that spackle the tops of his shoulders and his cheekbones, especially after he’s been out in the sun. The wide curls in his hair near his forehead, the shape of his mouth, the delicate silver chain he always has on.
“Did you mean what you said?” You ask, raising your eyebrows when he looks over at you. “About the date thing?”
He smiles a little, wandering over to the bed. Austin reaches out and brushes some hair around your ear, “Course. Just you and me—we’ll get a babysitter for Luci, see if Jillian’s available.”
And you kind of hold your breath because…it’s a great idea, selfish for sure, but you find that you’re trying to convince yourself for a moment. Austin must sense your hesitation, trailing his thumb along your cheekbone, a silent conversation of it’s okay.
Then, “I still know how to wine and dine you; you know.” He points out, making you laugh.
Austin slips between your legs, gently pushing you to lie back on the bed as his own body molds on top of yours, finishing that kiss you started earlier. Austin knowing exactly what you need, that, for sure, you have no doubt.
It’s no problem for Jillian to watch Luci, she accepts before you can even get the full question out. It’s a relief because…despite being away from your daughter before, it’s a weird sensation of worry of leaving her to be with Austin. Even though there’s absolutely nothing to worry about? Regardless, the feelings are mostly quelled with having Jillian being the one watching her.
The last thing you want is for your husband to think that you don’t desire this whole date thing, because you do, it’s just…figuring out how it all fits into your new normal.
The beginning of the night is a bit rough, admittedly, you’re tense and stuck in your thoughts. When dinner ends, Austin playfully takes your shoulders and massages them,
“You’re gonna get wrinkles if you keep scowlin’ like that.”
And he makes you laugh and eventually, you begin to melt into his company. Everything’s fine—Luci is safe, having fun with her aunt Jillian, there are no SOS texts and you get the whole night with your husband, time sometimes that is never guaranteed with how busy you both can get.
Once you head to a familiar bar for a drink and you have not one shot, but two, you’ve definitely loosened up. There’s longevity to this date, plenty of the night to string out to get a tiny bit drunk—then again, Austin’s always held his alcohol a little better than you, so you might be the only one getting tipsy.
You’re leaning against the bar, facing Austin, his one arm resting on the bar top while the other remains on your waist. A soft laugh leaves your lips as one hand comes up and covers your face,
“God, how am I already kinda drunk?”
Austin tugs the hand away, grinning, brushing a kiss over your forehead, “Because you’re havin’ fun. Not a crime, you know.”
And you suppose that’s true. You’ve both done what’s responsible—Luci’s with Jillian and you took the subway here so there’d be no worries about driving. Though at this point one of your main concerns is falling asleep on the subway…you suppose there are worse things.
“You think Luci misses us?”
Austin shakes his head, a smile tugging the corners of his mouth, “Last time I checked she was bakin’ a cake with aunt Jillian, so, m’gonna go with a resounding no.”
There’s a soft pout on your lips, “She better leave us some to eat, that sounds amazing right now.”
Austin hums and playfully grasps your chin with his fingers, drawing you into a slow kiss. It never fails to send heat circulating right through your body, like ivy reaching out, coiling, settling. You lean up into the kiss just when he begins to pull away and you don’t give a shit about PDA or whether anyone is actually paying attention to the two of you—it feels too good being pressed up against him, one of your hands brushing underneath his shirt to trace the skin of his lower back.
You two only pull back to breathe, nuzzling your noses in a soft bunny kiss.
A popular pop song comes over the speakers and despite that this is not a dancing bar, a handful of people are swaying to the rhythm of the music where its free of tables. Your eyes light up, squeezing Austin’s hand because you definitely need to move to this.
“You don’t have to come,” You tell him, knowing that while he’s danced plenty of times (especially for a so-called-role) he doesn’t always enjoy doing it.
But he’s walking with you, shifting away from his spot at the bar, “And let someone sweep you up while you’re out here? Not happenin’.”
Austin lifts your shared hands in the air and playfully twirls you, a soft laugh leaving your lips before you end up against his body. Your arms wind around his shoulders as you both dance to the thrumming beats pushing throughout the bar.
There’s one more shared drink and another round of dancing before heading home for the night, snuggling close to Austin on the subway and almost falling asleep (you definitely know yourself). You’re not as tipsy as you were before when you walk through the door, though everything is still very much rose-colored, and you’re exhausted. You sway a bit on your feet by the front door to take your shoes off, holding onto Austin’s arm to stable yourself.
Jillian tells you both that Luci was an angel (which means she was probably a little gremlin, but aunt Jillian knows exactly how to handle that) and that there’s leftover cake on the kitchen counter (score). You definitely owe her a thank you lunch or something, even though you know she’d do it again in a heartbeat. Luci’s obviously asleep but as you grab the leftover cake and two forks, Austin checks on her before closing her bedroom door until there’s a smidge left open.
He follows you into the bedroom, doing the same thing with your door as you sit down on the edge of the bed. You hum, taking a bite of the cake,
“Just as I suspected,” You lick your lips, “Chocolate.”
Austin smiles, moving to you to wipe icing off the corner of your mouth with his thumb before leaning down to kiss you. Then, out of habit, he cups both of your cheeks and drags his thumbs along your cheekbones after pulling back.
“You had a good night, right?”
You set the cake aside on the nightstand before nodding, dipping your chin into his hand and pressing a kiss to his palm, “The best.” You pull your head back to yawn, finally standing from the bed to take your clothes off. You hold onto Austin’s arm to steady yourself again before you strip down to your underwear, swapping out a bra for a sports one.
You haphazardly take your makeup off in the bedroom before ending back up in bed, covers half pulled back as Austin changes clothes. You watch him, because how can you not, a small smile tugging the corners of your mouth as he crawls over your body to lay beside you.
You press your face into the pillow, lying on your stomach, letting out a long sigh as he draws his hand along your shoulders, “Tired baby?”
You hum before nodding, closing your eyes, “You wouldn’t be givin’ out any massages tonight, would you?”
He smirks lightly, quiet for a moment before he makes a noise in confirmation, “Yeah, but it’ll cost you.”
When you open up your eyes, he’s tapping his cheek and you grin as you lean back to press a kiss there before getting comfortable on your stomach again, drawing the pillow underneath you with your arms.
There’s always been something about Austin’s hands, the way he’s able to use them. His fingers move across your shoulders and begin working stiff and sore muscles.
It only takes a few minutes for you to realize you're completely unmatched against Austin's touch, the way he's able to take you apart, melting underneath him. You feel him lean down to press a kiss to the back of your shoulders, his hands trailing up and down your spine, working along your sides. You squirm just a little, a soft laugh leaving your lips,
Austin hums knowingly, moving his fingers to press into the muscles in the back of your neck. There seems to be a lot of firmness lingering there, tenseness. A comfortable sigh empties from your chest and maybe this was a completely bad idea because you're not even gonna be able to pay back the favor.
"You're puttin' me right to sleep." You mumble.
You can feel Austin smile, settling half of his body on top of yours. His arms rest along the ones you've got around the pillow and he buries his face into your neck, breathing you in. Seems like that's his exact intention.
The next thing you know it, your eyes are fluttering open to sun pouring in through the curtains...which you find super offensive because you've got a pounding headache centering from your ears? Somehow. It's doing this pulsing from your eardrums and pooling behind your eyelids and—
"Oh my god," You mumble, turning in bed to face Austin and press your face into his neck to hide.
Your husband shifts in his sleep, slowly waking up, his hand moving to brush through your hair and keep your close. He stretches his legs out, yawning, but both of you doze in and out until a handful of hours later your bedroom door is opened.
Luci makes her way inside, using the small steps at the end of the bed to crawl up onto the mattress...then ever-so-gracefully plops herself in-between your and Austin's bodies. You feel yourself start, your heartbeat pounding in your ears and even though you kinda feel like death, you can't help but smile as Luci begins to giggle.
"Oh you think that's funny?" You ask her, Austin rolling onto his back and blinking sleepily. Cute. You quickly scoop her into your arms and tug her under the covers, her laughter echoing against the walls of the bedroom, "C'mere you little gremlin."
Austin reaches for the covers and pulls the sheets over everyone's heads, creating a cocoon of warmth, Luci snuggling down between their bodies.
"Did you have fun last night with Aunt Jillian?" Austin asks, threading his fingers through her staticky hair.
She nods, then, "Want pantates."
"Pancakes?" Austin raises his eyebrows, "Full of demands this morning."
You can’t help but laugh as Luci recounts the entire night for both of you, not skipping on any little detail…definitely going to be held up in this bed for a while. Austin lazily drags his hand over to yours, lacing fingers as he listens to your daughter.
The date night was simple but everything you could have asked for—makes waking up on mornings like this, the three of you tucked under the covers and sharing stories, even more special.
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Good Friend & Epilogue - Lloyd Hansen Series
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Character: Lloyd Hansen x Rich!Female Reader
Words Count: 2639
Summary: Lloyd chased Reader to London, and they finally admitted their feeling. But what’s the deal with Reader friend Thomas? Is he a friend or foe?
A/N: This is a final chapter y’all. I put Epilogue in this chapter, and there’s also an extra story of Counting Days before Lloyd and Reader met. 
Thank you for reading this series. I’m thankful for the reblog, comments, and likes I received. 
This chapter is from Lloyd Hansen's Series - 3 Billion Divorce.
Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 (Extra Story)
And check out my other stories from Masterlist.
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Lloyd's body felt heavy when Carmichael asked to be close to Thomas through you. He never wants to use you for his benefit. 
You finally trust someone after being betrayed many times. 
“What’s on your mind Lloyd?”
You wonder why he was silent the whole ride. When you get ready, he suddenly says he will accompany you to meet with the Prime Minister. 
Lloyd sighed heavily and held your palms. “Do you trust Thomas?”
“Why do you asked me that?”
“I heard that he’s not as good as his image.”
You were quiet for a minute and pulled your hand from his grasp. From your action, Lloyd thought you were mad if he told you the truth about Thomas. 
“I knew it from a long time ago.”
You know Thomas is not a saint like everyone sees him. You always felt his smile wasn’t genuine. Your question finally got answered after you went home late from the library one night. When you returned to your apartment, you saw someone lying and making a weird voice in the dark alley near the trash. 
You were scared, but you approached the man. When you look closely, his face is full of scars. 
Panicked gets all over you; when you want to grab your phone, someone already snatches it. You turned around and saw Thomas. You have never seen him with this expression like he wants to kill somebody. His fingers were also filled with scars and red bruises. 
You thought you would feel his wrath too, but instead, he tapped your shoulder, and his smiley face that you knew appeared. He told you to go back, and he will clean the trash. 
That was the first time you saw the honest Thomas. 
The next day he acted like nothing happened; if he didn’t want to tell you, that’s fine. Everyone has their problem. 
“He’s like a ticking bomb.”
You nodded. “I learned two-face personality from him.” 
There was silence again inside the car. Then Lloyd hears a short laugh from you. He had this confused look on his face. 
“Sorry, I just hope that at least I have one friend. But it seems like I will have to shot him if he tried to hurt me like anybody else.”
Lloyd brings you closer to his body and kisses your head. His touch already gave you comfort. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here for you.”
When the car stopped at the iconic building, Thomas opened it before you opened the car door. 
“...” You didn’t know that Thomas would be here, yesterday he told you he won’t come along because he needs to attend a TV interview. 
You turned around and saw Lloyd standing behind you with this calm expression, but you knew he was pressing his anger. Quiet the opposite with Thomas, who is friendly towards Lloyd. 
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That’s the perfect word to describe Lloyd's situation. He’s confused with Thomas. He thought this guy would flirt or make rude remarks with you. But instead, Thomas is being respectful towards him and you. 
But Lloyd keeps on his guard because your friend is the mastermind of the arms dealer. 
His hunch was correct when Thomas left you alone to talk with the PM, and he signaled all the guards to leave the room. He must be powerful to give an order in someone else house. 
He walked towards Lloyd and said, “Do you like my gift Mr.Hansen?”
“I told my men to make a headline news of me and Y/N.”
So it was Thomas who made the gossip and made Susan laugh at him. 
Suddenly Thomas's feet were dangling above the ground. Lloyd had lifted Thomas by the neck in one hand. 
Thomas was choking, he tried to claw the hand, squeezing his throat with his fingernails, but it didn’t affect Lloyd since he wore a leather jacket. 
“The last time someone tried to make fun of my wife, he woke up with a missing finger.” 
Did this crazy man just laugh? Lloyd tightens his grip on Thomas's neck.
Thomas tapped Lloyd's arm “Let…me…go…first, and… I… tell… you…”
Lloyd let go of his grip and tossed Thomas away like he was not heavy.
“Uhhuk...” Before Thomas could breathe properly, he heard a clicking sound in his right ear. Sure enough, Lloyd had already pointed his gun. 
“If you shot me, you will be an Interpol fugitive. Do you want to leave Y/N alone?”
Hell, no to that. Lloyd put back his gun. “What do you want, Hermes?”
Thomas widened his eyes. He never thought Lloyd would call out his secretary's identity this soon. He got to his feet and patted his outfit.
“The correct one is what the CIA wants from me.”
Lloyd stood with arms crossed. “So you already knew.” Thomas's real personality finally came to the surface. It’s a good thing Lloyd came along with you. 
Thomas straightened his suit, and the door behind him got opened by an armed bodyguard. Before he left, he looked back at Lloyd and said, “I have a proposal towards you and Y/N. My mansion will welcome both of you at 8 p.m.”
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After the meeting, you went back to the hotel with Lloyd. You felt something doesn’t seem right. Thomas had already left when you opened the door, and Lloyd's face seemed like he had eaten sour fruit. And now Lloyd is walking around back and forth inside the room. 
You were sitting on the couch to read the contract but couldn’t focus because of your husband. Something is not correct. “What happened behind the door while I was stuck at the meeting?” 
Lloyd stops his foot and sits beside you. He looked like a mess; his hand ran through his face and said, “Thomas is Hermes."
“Who?” You have no idea about the connection between Thomas and Hermes from Greek mythology. 
“Hermes is the name of a famous arms dealer. The CIA has been looking for this person. I was also part of the team to find this person before I met you. After years of searching, we found Thomas Kimberely is Hermes.”
“A… are you sure it’s him?”
“He smiled when I called him Hermes.”
It’s been a while since you got this surprise, especially since it’s about your friend. His life became more dangerous; he was playing with fire. 
“And he invited us to his mansion?”
“Me too?”
“It’s much safer if you stay with me.”
“Should I wear the Kevlar suit? Just in case.”
Your answer caused Lloyd to burst into laughter. 
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At Kimberly Residence.
When you enter the mansion, Thomas greets you with a warm welcome. He acts like a carefree person while both of you are cautious. 
He keeps talking and being overconfident; his new personality reminds you of someone. You looked at Lloyd. He used to be this annoying.
“Both of you looked at me like you wanted to stab me?”
You shook your head. "Nah, I'm just being alert to be in the same room with Hermes."
Thomas isn't surprised anymore that you know his secret identity. He grabbed a wine bottle and empty glasses.
“Woah there must be a big misunderstanding here. Why would I want to hurt my best friend worth billions?”
He poured the wine into the glass and put each to you and Lloyd. Then he went to his seat.
“I have a business proposal towards both of you.”
“How much is it worth?”
“Y/N,” Lloyds whispered and held your hand under the table.
“If I say it's worth trillions, would you be interested?”
You folded your arms and crossed your legs. There’s a little smile on your face. “Keep talking.”
“I’m going to need Mr Hansen's expertise too.”
“What is this all about?”
Your grandfather always repeats those words. He always wanted his bloodline to continue his business but only with the right person. 
"People like us always attract danger everywhere we go. What's the point of having too much money if we get hurt?"
"We need a strong barrier to keep the legacy and not forget it. False rumors, ridiculous scandals, assasination, a lot of people want to see our downfall because of the privilege we got. We don’t want to be the good guys anymore.”
Thomas folded his arms. "That’s why me and other wealthy families want to invest in Hansen Security."
"Don't you want your descendants to be proud of being born in a family that has a powerful legacy?"
He's right. This is why you've been fighting to keep the empire your grandfather built.
Lloyd was silent the whole time. He turns to you and asks, “What do you think, Y/N?”
You asked him back, “What about you?”
In your own opinion, you think it’s perfect for Lloyd. Because of the contract, he barely touched his security business when tied up with you. 
“It’s not bad.”
From Thomas' proposal, Lloyd understands why you fought to keep your grandfather's legacy because you appreciate his hard work and want to keep it alive. He wants his descendants to be proud of their heritage. 
Lloyd was tempted for sure. Because when someone gets the power, it’s never enough. The temptation of greed is too strong.
Thomas could feel that both of you would accept his offer. “You don’t have to betray your friend Mr. Hansen. Ask him to join, and tell him he will get a fat paycheck.”
“To get his trust first, I will give you one of my contacts to make the agency happy.”
“...” Lloyd got triggered when he heard that name because this Pedro guy shot his shoulder at a gunfight. 
“Compared to the big fish, he’s nothing. I know the CIA has been looking for him too. He’s been hiding in his private island in Hawaii.”
Lloyd couldn’t agree more. Perhaps Carmichael will say yes because he's tired of being an errand boy to do the dirty work off the record. And he could get away from Susan. 
“If I found out you're doing something behind my back, you know what's going to happen.” This offer gave Lloyd an excellent benefit; these rich people were willing to pay much for their life just like you did. 
Thomas raised his arms. “If I get hurt, I won’t enjoy the money I have. I won’t betray both of you.”
You put your hand on his shoulder. "Thomas, I never shot a friend. I hope you won't be the first." 
Lloyd smirked when he heard your threats, while Thomas nervously laughed, "Haha, I will remember that."
After leaving Thomas on the way to the hotel, you want to walk at the park nearby with Lloyd. Besides, you can't rest after a serious conversation with your friend. 
When you know the truth about Thomas, you accept the term that you won’t be able to have a regular friend. Only a lunatic could stay beside you, first Lloyd, a sociopath, and then Thomas, a friendly person with a two-faced personality. 
There's no way you could go back to the old life you had. But you didn't regret it, because you met this man even though the first meeting wasn’t usual. 
“I’m glad I met you.”
Lloyd didn't expect your sudden confession. He looked at you nervously. “Do you still hold a grudge towards me for how we met for the first time?"
You thought, ‘Of course, you hit my car, flew me to Europe and tied me up.’ “I still am, and you need to make up for it.” You went up on your tiptoes and kissed his lips. 
“That will do my dear.” Lloyd still felt but had all the time in this world to make it up to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your lips. Feeling like both of you had the entire world in your grasp for a moment. 
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Epilogue : 
Lloyd finally got home after the 12-hour flight. He had just returned from Bangkok to save his client from the hostage situation. He let Carmichael finish the rest because it's been two weeks since he's been away from home. 
Lloyd's fatigue was gone in a second when he saw a little kid lying down while holding a crayon and painting a drawing car in the living room. 
“That’s a nice car.”
“Papa.” A big smile appeared on his angelic baby face. Lloyd always loses words every time his son smiles. 
Five years ago, Sean Hansen was born. Holding his son felt like the greatest gift he ever had. He is a healthy and clever child. 
“Hey, champ.” Sean jumped to Lloyd's hip and hugged him like a koala.
"I miss you papa."
"Me too." He caressed Sean's hair. This child is growing up every day. Soon Lloyd won't be able to hold him with one arm. 
“Where’s mom?”
Sean raised his pointed finger. “Mama is in her office.”
Lloyd sighed heavily and went to your office. He already told you not to work too much, especially with your current condition. 
You were looking at the tablet screen for a video call when he opened the door. You didn't even notice both of them.
The conversation didn't go well because he could feel anger in your voice. 
You rubbed your head. "I'm out of patience with you. I know that I'm the only one who gave the highest offer but you keep asking to raise the number."
"It's not like that…."
"If you sell the company to me. I will respect the value and history of your family business. While others will stomped on your company's good name and dignity."
"With that gentleman I pulled off all my offers, and I hope you find another buyer."
You were pissed; you have a good intention to revive this old media company. But they started getting cocky, and your quality time with Sean got cut because of this pointless negotiation.
When you lift your head, all the stress is gone. He only left for two weeks, but it felt like a year. 
You put down the tablet “Lloyd, when did you arrive?
He hugged you and kissed your cheek.”I arrived a while ago and came here straight from the airport.” "How was the negotiation?"
You shook your head. Lloyd wants to curse and dare to make his wife stressed out. But he can’t since Sean is in the same room. 
"Should I scare them a bit?"
"Lloyd…"You punched him lightly, even knowing it won't affect him. "Hmm, a little bit."
Lloyd kissed your forehead. "Don't worry. You have me."
"I know." You are always grateful to have a husband who will make great efforts for you. 
Your bright smile made him fall in love with you more and more. Plus, you are glowing more than ever while pregnant with the second child.
Lloyd can count how many times he cried. When you told him you were pregnant again, that's the third time he cried in his life. 
And Sean always hugs your big belly if he sees you relaxing. Since he felt the baby kick when he touched his stomach, he always waited for his little sister to do it again and say, “Hello, I’m your big brother.”
Looking at your son in Lloyd's arms and having this peaceful time, you can't believe it's been six years since you became the CEO and Lloyd's security company became more successful than before. 
Before, you thought you would spend your life with paperwork or become the puppets of your relatives. 
But one trivial moment became a turning point in your life that you would never imagine in the past.
No matter what happens in the future, you hope you can spend it with the four of you. 
-The End-
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Author Note: Thank you for reading, everyone. It's difficult for me to end this series, but I have to since I don't want to drag the story.
Check out the Extra Story before Lloyd and Reader met Counting Days.
If you are new, this chapter is from Lloyd Hansen's Series - 3 Billion Divorce.
Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 (Extra Story)
And check out my other stories from Masterlist.
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The Scientific Method
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
After the officer made his exit, the Doctor (Daniel, she reminded herself) brought her a glass of water and sat next to her on the couch. They sat there quietly for a few minutes, she sipping her water, he looking anxiously over her every once in a while, as if she were something fragile he was afraid he might break.
Once a little time had passed, he broke the silence between them.
“Would you like me to walk you home, Kat?” he asked, his voice full of concern and a bit hopeful.
“I’m so sorry to put you out like this, Doctor- Daniel,” she corrected herself. “I can make my own way home, don’t worry about me. I’m so embarrassed I even came here tonight-”
“Hey, no. Don’t ever be embarrassed to ask for help when you need it, especially from a friend.” He smiled crookedly at her, putting a hand over hers.
She squeezed his hand and smiled back. “Thank you so much, I don’t know what I would’ve done without you here tonight.”
“Think nothing of it. Now how about we get ready to go? I’ll make sure you get home safe.”
He wasn’t about to let anything like this happen to her again, and he knew that the Strangers needed him too much to let anything happen to him on the streets of the City. If he were with her, at least he knew she was safe from anyone who might want to hurt her.
He donned his overcoat and hat and helped her into her coat before offering her his arm.
“Shall we?” he asked. She slid her arm around his, a little uncertain of herself if she was being honest. She gave him a small smile, her eyes still tinged with red from crying.
They walked arm in arm to the elevator, the attendant eyeing them curiously but making no comment. As they left the building there was no sound but the hum of the streetlights and the sound of their feet on the pavement, his uneven gait and her smoother one announcing their presence before they turned the corner on their way to the subway station.
“I’m just two stops away, we should be there pretty quickly,” she said as they boarded the train, worrying she was keeping him from something important.
“I’m in no hurry,” he told her. What he didn’t tell her was that he could barely focus on what she was saying while her arm was wrapped so warmly around his, the first human contact he’d had in years that wasn’t a handshake with a colleague or the uncomfortable clammy touch of the Strangers when their fingers brushed each other by accident in the lab. He suppressed a shudder at the thought.
The train car was empty except for a small mustachioed man in a trench coat, sleeping under the blanket of the newspaper he’d been reading, snoring softly. They sat next to each other on the other side of the train from their fellow passenger, Kat still sniffling softly occasionally. Reluctantly she let go of his arm as they sat. She’d found the touch comforting after the ordeal she’d been through that night.
A few minutes passed as their train made its way to their destination. They chatted about work, the Doctor’s experiments with Archibald. She thought the care with which he treated the animal was adorable. He did a great job of keeping her distracted from brooding over what had happened that night. Not unexpected or surprising, considering his profession.
They left the train and the station about ten minutes later, only about a block from Kat’s apartment building. They hadn’t encountered anyone on their way except for their slumbering friend on the train. This did nothing to ease her mind. That man was still out there, and to be honest just the thought of him terrified her. She’d felt surprisingly safe walking with Daniel tonight, his physical limitations notwithstanding. As she lost herself in thought they had arrived at her apartment building.
“Thank you for walking me home tonight Doc- Daniel,” she said, still unused to their newfound first-name basis. She had, however, grown used to his company, and frankly didn’t want it to end. As she had thought earlier, she felt safe with him, and found that she didn’t want him to leave. The thought of the dark empty apartment waiting for her upstairs did nothing to ease her mind, which was currently imagining her earlier assailant crouching around every corner and hiding in every shadow.
“You’re more than welcome,” he told her quietly. The truth was, he’d found himself getting used to her company over the last few weeks, and especially tonight, as well, and was just as reluctant for their time together to end as she was. Neither of them said anything for a few seconds, goodnight suddenly a word bereft from both of their vocabularies.
“Daniel, I really hate to ask you this but I… will you stay? I mean, with me, tonight? I just, I don’t feel safe being alone right now.” She felt ridiculous even asking, but what else could she do? She couldn’t face that dark empty set of rooms alone tonight.
“Yes, of course,” he answered quickly. “Of course I’ll stay with you.” His heart skipped a beat as he said it, suddenly ready to give her the entire world if she asked for it.
“Thank you,” she sighed, relieved. She turned to enter the building, holding the door for him. “I’m up on twelve,” she told him, heading for the elevator, making sure to match his pace as to not leave him behind as they crossed the shabby lobby of her building. She couldn’t afford much, but it was hers, and thanks to Daniel she didn’t owe anyone anything. It wasn’t a lot, but she was proud of it. He followed quietly, his mind racing with questions. Why did he suddenly feel this way? What was happening? And why did he like it so much? He had a lot to think about tonight. All he knew for certain was that he felt a fierce need to make sure Kat was alright tonight, and every night.
Part 5
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theaudacitytowrite · 2 years
Chapter 6 - Turning point
Series Masterlist
<- Chapter 5
A/N: Took me only over a year (?!?!?) for another update... I’m so sorry guys. I promise to finally finish the last 3 Chapters. And all of them this year. If not you are welcome to shun me publicly. 
As a treat, this one is a bit longer... but not proof read.
word count: 2.607
Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! <3
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Monday had arrived earlier than you had liked it to. But then again you couldn’t wait for it to be over as well. You stood in front of the Stark Tower that was looming over you intimidatingly. You twisted the strap of your bag tightly in your hands, your knuckles turning white already. You wanted to run. You didn’t know where to, but you just wanted to be somewhere else.
“Y/N.” Loki’s soft baritone directed your focus to him as he walked towards you. “For a second there I thought you’d run from me.” he teased as he gave you a tight hug. At first, you hesitated but you were quick to reciprocate.
Shielded from the prying glances of others Loki escorted you towards the training room that was insulated especially to withstand your power outbursts. You dreaded stepping foot into this chamber again, as all the memories of your failures flooded your brain.
“Hey, you’re not alone.” Loki sensed your anxiousness. You nodded slowly at him and took a deep breath. You packed away your bag and sat down with Loki on the ground.
“We’ll start slow.” he calmed you down, his eyes never leaving yours, “First I want you to relax.”
“Y/N, good to see you again.” Tony’s voice suddenly echoed through the room. Loki sighed annoyed, so much to relaxing your nerves.
“Maybe at another time.” you half smiled at Loki; his irritation was plastered all over his face.
“I have to be honest; I was quite shocked when Loki told me you two would train together from now on. But then again, it shouldn’t have surprised me after all.” Tony raised his eyebrows suggestively.
“With what can we help you.” you got up to your feet, trying to ignore Tony’s cheeky remarks.
“The reason I’m so rudely interrupting your little training date-”
“Not a date.” Loki objected.
“Is that I wasn’t too lazy myself the last couple of weeks.” Tony continued unswerving, pulling out a cloth from behind his back “Tada!”
“Wow, it looks nice.” you let your fingers run over the textured grey mesh.
“It’s an enhanced fabric, a further development from my first prototypes. Not only will it allow you full mobility while still compressing your scar tissue, but it also has a smart regulation for temperature. If it recognizes that your temperature goes off rail, it can cool you off immediately and will soothe you with deep pressure, helping you to ground yourself.” Tony explained, “Of course, it will be adjusted to your gear once you are satisfied with this rendition.”
“That’s amazing. How did you do it?” you gaped.
“Let’s say I had some help from the little spider menace and your secret admirer.” Tony grinned.
“Wonderful. You did what you came here for Stark, now you can let us continue our training. We have a lot to do.” Loki interrupted, taking the cloth from Tony’s hand while he gestured to the door with his free hand.
“Lover boy seems to get impatient. Then I won’t impose myself on the two love birds anymore.” Tony wiggled his eyebrows.
“I don’t think Y/N came to get her time wasted,” Loki grumbled.
“He’s quite the charmer, isn’t he?” Tony scrunched his nose towards you, a cheeky smile growing on his lips.
“I don’t know what you mean, Tony. He’s always polite to me.” you quipped back.
“Of course, he is.” Tony huffed amused.
“Before you do leave us, do you perhaps have some time for me this week? To go over some stuff, if you know what I mean.” you nervously choked out.
“Oh, is someone considering returning officially ?” Tony excitedly asked.
“Maybe.” You shrugged sheepishly.
“I’ll let Jarvis send you an invite.” Tony nodded affirmatively.
“Great.” you couldn’t contain your relieved laugh.
“That’s all then.” Loki reminded Tony again, so he would finally leave.
“Bye, you two sweethearts. Remember, other people do have access to this room, so consider locking the door.” Tony winked before he was ushered out of the room by Loki.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Loki sighed, as he shut the door.
“Don’t be.” you giggled, “That you still let him get to you like that.”
“I know.” Loki whined, “I can’t help it. He’s worse than Thor.”
“Do you mind?” you pointed at the cloth Loki was still holding, “I’d like to test it while we train.”
“Oh, sure.” Loki handed it to you – he didn’t even register that he had started staring when you cleared your throat.
“I need to wear it under my shirt…” you explained bashfully.
“Yes, yes. Of course.” Loki apologized, “Go ahead, I’m just going to prepare some… stuff.” he rambled, turning his back to you.
You took off your shirt and removed your compression suit before you put on the mesh top. Usually, you struggled to get your compression suit on but Tony‘s miracle fabric felt like a second skin. It fit snugly against your arm but you could barely feel it on your skin. You marvelled at Tony’s technology for a while when Loki’s voice made you jump.
“Shall we start?” he called over his shoulder.
“Ready when you are.” You put back on your shirt quickly, jogging over to him.
You sat back on the ground crisscrossed, facing each other. Loki started with breathing exercises, trying to get rid of all the anxiousness that was ready to flood your veins. As you sat there with your eyes closed, Loki started to explain how to listen into yourself – to search for a tingling force of your power that was hiding deep in your core.
“How will I know if I found it?” your eyebrow raised.
“It’s like a breeze washing over you, lending you fresh air,” he explained.
“Hm… all I feel is my pulse beating.”
“Let me show you.” Loki’s hand softly clasped around your wrists. You could feel his powers coursing through your body, softly caressing every inch of your skin. A pleasant shudder overtook your body. Loki’s powers ebbed away slowly, another sensation coming to the front.
“Can you feel it?”
“I definitely felt yours but mine only faintly.” you scrunched your eyebrows together in an attempt to coerce your powers to show themselves, “It’s not really like the breeze you said, right now it’s more like a short little draft, I guess?”
“Very well. But you can make it out.” he highlighted.
“I guess.” you opened your eyes and instantly the sensation was gone.
“How about a break?” Loki proposed.
“Are you in my head again?” you glare at him playfully.
“I just know you,” he smirked.
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“Y/N!” “Welcome back.” “We missed you.” a jumble of voices greeted you as Loki and you entered the kitchen area. Much to your surprise no one attempted to attack hug you, not even Peter. You could only imagine that Loki must have briefed them beforehand.
“How is the training going?” Clint wanted to know.
“Is my brother a good teacher?” Thor threw into the conversation.
“Y/N!” Peter squealed excitedly, pushing past the others, “How do you like your suit?” Peter excitedly smiled at you.
“Hm… I dunno to be honest...” you hummed as you inspected it warily.
“Oh… you don’t like it?” Peter’s face fell.
“Are you kidding me? It’s awesome, Peter!” you exclaimed.
“For a second you got me there!” Peter scolded you.
“Stark already told me that you were helping him while designing it. Was the smart regulating system your work?” you asked intrigued.
“Oh, that. No, that was Loki’s doing. He had the idea for it. I helped with the flexibility part.” Peter giddily explained.
“So, you did help as well?” you glanced over your shoulder to Loki.
“Just minor things.” Loki shrugged dismissively.
“Minor? You advocated for another rendition of her suit in the first place.” Peter corrected, “He even had a collection of sketches and lists of what we should incorporate for your safety and well-being. He even-”
“Well, those were more like silly ideas. Nothing more.” Loki downplayed again, pulling the young avenger into a side hug as he covered his mouth.
“I’m looking forward to seeing what the final colour of it will be.” You mused, “I hope Tony won’t change it into a red suit. I don’t think I could bear it if all my gear will probably be reddish from now on.” You cringed visibly.
“You’re not a fan of red?” Thor asked heartbroken.
“Sorry Thor, but it’s not necessarily my favourite.” you shrugged, “But it suits you.”
“Tough luck, brother.” Loki grinned.
“Why would he tho?” Nat asked intrigued, “From a tactical point it would be much better to keep your dark blue suit. Red could give away your powers to a new opponent.”
“It would have the surprise advantage.” Peter nodded, “I will definitely keep that in mind as soon as we design your suit.”
“Great, now I can sleep tonight.” you joked.
The room fell back into a light-hearted chatter. It felt good to be around your team again. It felt good to laugh again, to feel at home. Your eyes roamed over your team members, getting stuck on a certain pair of blue eyes that were looking straight at you. You smiled brightly at him.
“Do we wanna continue?” you asked elated.
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After several days and attempts to lure out your powers, you had reached a breaking point. All the motivation from the start of the week had been lost again. And the repetitive exercises made any ounce of fun go up in smoke after day two.
“Ugh, I’m done.” you let yourself fall back onto your back.
“Just one more time, ok? You were so close this time.” Loki shook you by your thighs.
“You said that 10 tries before that.” you groaned.
“And now you’re even close.” he argued, “You just need to be a bit more patient with yourself.”
“Loki, I think this is pointless. We are sitting here since Monday. We haven’t had one success yet. I think I’m lost cause.”
“Don’t say that. You just need some more time.” Loki towered over you on his hands.
“How much more time?!” you raised your voice in frustration, “Today is my meeting with Tony and I still can’t summon a flame, not even a spark will ignite.”
“Because you’re too tense. You expect to play the moonlight sonata perfectly at your first piano lesson.”
“But this isn’t my first lesson! And it’s not as simple as playing the piano!” you grew louder, sitting back up and pushing Loki back to sit on his legs, “Don’t you get it? Just because you think so highly of me, doesn’t mean I actually am that person you believe me to be. I’m not special. I don’t have any hidden talents. I’m not a sorcerer or some kind of fire bender. I'm just plain old me!”
“NO LOKI! Nothing but!” you interrupted him harshly, getting up to your feet. All the anger in you bubbled up, taking a hold of your entire body. The tension burned in your throat as you vent your spleen. A rush of heat spurred through you, even reaching up to your eyes. “When will you realise that I can’t do this? I can’t just say, ‘Fire appear’ and a flame will miraculously appear on my palm!”
“Are you sure?” Loki gulped as he nodded towards your open palm.
“Wha-” you looked at your hand in disbelief, then back to Loki. A little flame was crackling on your palm, softly swaying from side to side.
“I know this probably isn’t the best moment to say this… but I think you owe me an apology.” Loki snickered as he cautiously approached you, gently holding your palms in his.
“What now?” you asked with a panicked look.
“Breathe. Close your eyes.” Loki urged you, “How does it feel?”
“Like a-a… breeze.” you noticed, “But it’s towards my palms.”
“Can you locate the source?” You closed your eyes even tighter, trying to listen deeply within yourself just as Loki had taught you.
“Steady.” he encouraged you, “Exactly like this, you’re doing a great job.”
“I can feel it.” you breathed out with excitement.
“Wonderful.” Loki praised you, “Now open your eyes. Look at your flame. Command her to grow.”
“Are you sure?” you asked precautiously.
“You can do it.” he smiled at you reassuringly. You nodded and took a deep breath. You concentrated on the flame, urging the breeze inside you to grow and flow towards your palms. Slowly the flame began to grow.
“Excellent.” Loki beamed, “Can you extinguish it?”
In a heartbeat, your flame had been blown out.
“You did it!” Loki bit his lip.
“I did it.” you repeated in disbelief, “WE DID IT!” you squealed, falling around Loki’s neck. “I’m sorry for yelling at you.” you suddenly pulled back, remorse written all over your face.
“Don’t be. I know you didn’t mean to.” Loki chuckled.
“It’s still not nice of me. You were by my side from the start. The least I could be is appreciative.”
“I know that you are. But it’s also a draining process.” he excused your outburst, “Don’t beat yourself up about this.”
“Thank you, Lo’” you hugged him tightly once more.
A beep suddenly rang through the room.
“Oh gosh, what time is it?” you pulled out your phone to shut off the alarm.
“Your meeting!” Loki gasped, “Let’s go, we don’t want you to be late now, do we?” he smiled softly, reaching out his hand for you to take.
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In front of Tony’s office Loki and you waited for him to call you in. You nervously chewed on your lips when Loki gently squeezed your hand.
“Hey, everything is going to be ok.” he reassured you. Before you could answer the door to Tony’s office opened.
“Y/N, are you ready?” Tony asked, eyeing Loki quickly but decided to drop his remark quickly and disappear into his office instead.
“You got this.” Loki gazed deeply into your eyes, squeezing your hand one last time, “I will be waiting for you.”
With heavy legs you walked into Tony’s office, darting one last glance to Loki as Tony closed the doors behind you.
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“An Avenger?” Tony raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“I know it’s a big step from my current position and being an avenger brings a lot of responsibilities with it but I’m willing to prove myself and work even harder to reach the standards you demand.” you gulped.
“Oh, I’m more than convinced you’d be able to be one of us. You have shown your qualities time and time again.” Tony remarked, “I will have to talk with Fury about it but I’m sure we’ll be able to find something for you.”
“Really?” you asked with wide eyes.
“Of course. You were always of interest to us. Without the incident, you’d probably already be a part of our team.”  Tony revealed, “However I do have one request for you to join the avengers.”
“Ok?” you asked nervously.
“Don’t you think it would be better for you to move into the tower?” Tony observed your mimic, “You’d safe your money on gas, rent and a lot of time in the morning.”
“Yes!” you exclaimed enthusiastically.
“Yes?” Tony asked confused, “Am I dreaming right now? I prepared this whole speech about why you should move in with us because you are never convinced easily and now you just say yes?”
“Would you feel better if you’d tell me all the reasons why I should move into the tower?” you raised your eyebrow quizzically.
“Yes, yes I think I would like to do that.” Tony huffed, continuing his speech.
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Chapter 7 ->
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quirklove · 2 years
# and/or ✈ + Tomura please ;v;
sick whump scenarios  // accepting!
+: being led back to bed with patient whispers
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How someone can act so unconcerned for their own health is beyond you, but that’s exactly what your boyfriend does with every injury or illness.
He’s shrugged off being shot in the past, and now he apparently finds it hard to rest despite having caught the worst cold you’ve ever seen anyone suffer with. Even with his entire body screaming, “Shut up, get in bed, and REST, you idiot!!”, he seems to have completely tuned out what’s best for him.
That said, you can’t find it in your heart to be angry with TOMURA given that every breath makes him cough hard enough to turn his face red.
You don’t exactly blame him for sitting at the bar, propped up on the counter with a glass next to him. If you were as sick as he is, you’d want a fucking drink too. Though, you thought him falling into an uneasy sleep meant you could take a nap too… evidently, the man can’t be left alone even while he’s passed out on knockoff NyQuil.
Whether the drink is his first or not, it can’t be good for him to be hitting the bottle right now. It’s only going to make him feel worse.
You exchange a knowing glance with Kurogiri, who’s behind the bar, as you approach. In his admittedly hard-to-read expression, you see him silently pleading for you to somehow get your other half resting again.
Your opening comes when you notice Tomura’s hand on the counter. His fingers are trembling, curled up into a half-fist and twitching constantly.
Even though you know he’ll shy away from the contact, you reach to set your hand over his. It’s like he jerks in slow motion, and he doesn’t even make it all the way. He’s obviously so sick as to be completely out of it. You’re thankful for it, though, because he would otherwise never let you so close to his hands.
They quiver against yours, shaking as if it’s the dead of winter. His whole body is shaking, actually, but it’s prominent with his hands. He peers up at you in confusion, looking through the hazy lens of a fever, and he appears to be freezing. “Mmh… hey… I thought you were asleep.”
“Yeah, I thought you were, too.” God, he sounds terrible. His voice is congested and raspier than normal, a feat you didn’t even know was possible. The way he’s speaking reminds you of something snagging on a pair of tights, like his voice gets caught on parts of words. If you were unsure that his throat hurts, you aren’t anymore. “What are you doing up, babe?”
“…” He looks into his half-full glass, and turns away only to muffle a sneeze into his elbow. (And probably only taking that consideration because you’re nearby.) “Mnh… I was thirsty.”
At least he’s honest.
“Be that as it may,” you chuckle, “you’re sick right now. It’s not a good idea to drink, and it’s not a good idea to be out of bed. Look at you ― your hands are shaking, you look like you’re gonna pass out anyway. C’mon, let’s go bad to bed and I’ll make you a cup of tea, okay?”
He grumbles at you, his trembling fingers curling around the glass. Unfortunately, in his feverish daze, he’s not controlling his Quirk very well, and the glass suddenly disintegrates, along with whatever alcohol was left inside. “Nnnh, fuck…” He bends forward with a couple of harsh sneezes, followed by a string of coughs that makes his whole body shudder. “Guhh, shit. Gross. Kurogiri, get me another one.”
Thank God, Kurogiri is obviously on your side here. “That is not in your best interest, Tomura Shigaraki. You should return to your room with (Name) (Surname).”
“Yeah, you should be lucky they’re even bothering with you.” On the other side of you, Dabi takes a gulp from his drink. “You’re being a stubborn dick. If I were them, I woulda left after I got out of bed and saw your stupid ass drinking while you’re dying of the plague.”
You glance over at him briefly, then his comments give you an idea. “I mean… I mean, yeah, Tomura. You’re acting like a big kid.” Of course, that’s only half true, but you turn to head out of the room anyway. “I think I’ll just, you know, leave you to it, then.”
You don’t get more than three steps away before hearing a chair scrape against the floor, and when you look back, Tomura is hunched over, coughing into one elbow with his other arm outstretched toward you. “Don’t… (Name)… don’t go…”
Well, you have to take pity on him, don’t you? He looks awful, and if he’s practically begging for you around the other League members, he must be in bad shape. Your heart goes soft for him pretty much immediately, so you step back and take his hand. Being careful to keep one of his fingers away from yours, you give him a gentle tug. “There we go, love. Come on, let’s get you back to bed. You’re way too sick to be out from under the covers.”
“Yeah…” he murmurs as he lets his head rest on your shoulder. “I’m freezing. Was it always this cold in here? Hey, Dabi, go shoplift a space heater…”
You snort and give Tomura a kiss on the top of his head. “Shh. You’re just cold because you’ve got a fever. We don’t need anyone to steal a space heater or anything else.”
“How about if I steal some more off-brand cough syrup?” Dabi calls. “Dumbass sounds like he got into my smokes.”
“Your good deed for the day is up to you,” you reply before turning your attention back to your boyfriend. “Come on, Tomura. Let me feel… you’re burning up.”
He coughs against your shoulder, sniffling, and his hand in yours shifts a little. “I was too hot in bed. But I’m cold out here. I had to have a drink to get warm.”
“Sure, sure… but Kurogiri could have made you tea. Which is actually a hot drink and might have helped you more than… what was that, vodka? Gin?”
“Alcohol burns, though. It should’ve warmed me up faster than tea would.”
You make the appropriate noises, as if his sick-person logic is very reasonable. Then again, it probably is reasonable to him. His brains are scrambled worse than eggs on a breakfast plate. “It doesn’t work like that, baby. How about we get back in bed, but don’t put the covers on this time?”
He huffs softly, though he does lean in against you more. “I guess.”
The two of you make it all the way into the bedroom, and only after you’ve got him carefully lying down on the bed does he speak up again. “Hey… (Name)…”
“Yeah, Tomura?” You slip in next to him; just as you promised, you forego the blanket. However, you do roll over to tenderly wrap your arms around his waist.
He all but folds in the face of your touch. “Mmmm… thanks.”
“For what?”
“For putting up with me.” He muffles a sneeze into his arm and coughs again, and God, he sounds so exhausted. “Guhhh… even when I’m a pain in the ass.” His body relaxes, hesitantly, melting against you. “You… take really good care of me.”
You lean over to kiss his cheek, making a mental note to get him into a cool shower when he wakes up next. It’ll do some good for the fever, and being clean will probably make him feel a thousand times more comfortable. “Well, someone has to. You don’t take very good care of yourself.”
He might be trying to form a reply, though he seems to stop when he realizes he doesn’t have a leg to stand on with this subject. “Yeah, well… I guess Dabi was right when he said I’m lucky you bother with me.”
“Shhhh. I love you, hon.” With that, you run your fingers through his hair, smiling at the way such a simple gesture makes any protest he might have had go quiet. “Get some sleep, okay?”
As if those were magic words, he starts to snore in about a minute.
Maybe he is lucky to have you.
But, you think you’re pretty lucky to have him, too. Even when something is wrong, like this… things are still pretty good.
At least you’ve managed to get him back in bed. If there’s one person who ever deserved some rest, it’s Tomura Shigaraki.
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ofadistantfuture · 2 years
Dear Boy that I Loved,
How are you? Has it been years since we have spoken or just minutes? I feel a need to apologize for the past tense, like it is some kind of rejection, but you were the one to reject me first so I wonder why I should even worry about that.
Sorry, this isn’t a letter to you about my bitterness. I meant it as a friendly gesture, honest. I admit that it was perhaps forthright and reckless of me to admit my admiration or attraction to you with the word love, but I don’t know what other word to use that would convey the weight our relationship (or lack of it) has laid on my heart. The way I felt for you, the things I did or undid, said or unsaid, sometimes they come back to me vividly as much as I try to forget it. I’ll remember your smile, or your laughter, or a warm touch out of the blue and reminisce: “I’m moved by you”.
I’m sure by now you have found someone to love the most. I’ve met her probably, and if things didn’t work out with her I hope it doesn’t crush you or anything. You were made to be loved, so I am certain you will land on something to hang your heart on. Or if you’re happily married to the apple of your eye I am so, so happy and proud of you for finding and holding onto her. You will be so happy, even if it hard, and I hope for great joy and contentment.
I’m writing to tell you that I still think about you sometimes. When I read an old journal entry and find a ‘this boy’ comment your face comes to mind. Or when I’m sharing a memory and I say ‘a friend once said to me’ it’s your voice I picture hearing again. Sometimes you just show up in my dreams in strange unresolved fantastical places like mismatches of all the places I remember you from. It’s strange, but I have forgotten many people in my life but I don’t think I will ever forget you. Because being in love with you changed me and scarred me and healed me. It’s like your name has been etched into a memorial wall in my heart and every now and I again I run my fingers over the names and relive their significance.
I don’t regret it you know. Because I felt loved by you in those small moments in time. I felt loved and allowed myself to get a little carried away in how easy it was to feel special and important and matter when you looked my way, talked to me, and gave me your attention. The most powerful aphrodisiac and most of the time you didn’t know it, just was treating me the way you do anyone else, being yourself in front of me unaware how precious it felt to me. “I feel loved” and my heart leaped to respond to way it had been called out. What a beautiful and scary thing to feel loved.
I’m sorry if that just took it too far for you. I know you didn’t love me back, that I didn’t give to you that same feeling or at least the attraction wasn’t there for you. Every jealous thought or feeling I had confirmed this. You weren’t responsible for my hopes so I don’t hold you responsible for my failures. I’m still grappling with the worthlessness it makes me feel when someone I can’t seem to help but choose can’t choose me back. I didn’t mean to interpret your rejection of me in that light as a stamp on my identity, but it just became discouraging that no matter what I did or didn’t do couldn’t cause you to love me more.
And maybe that’s something I need to still learn about God’s love and affection towards me. That to starve for it does not mean it can be earned. I am still learning what it means to be loved by God and praying that it cracks my heart wide open and makes me see something new about myself that for so long I have been blind to.
All I know is that I somehow received love from you in some way. Maybe it was your friendly chats and check-ins. Maybe it was the protective considerate gestures that piled up like autumn leaves on my mind. Maybe it was the strength of your words that cut and challenged and healed me. Maybe it was the way that with you I just thought I was enough.
I hope that life finds you well. Perhaps no one else will have to know the secret in my heart that you shone so bright for me so briefly. I hope that you have the confidence of being loved, even though I don’t have it, because there was a time when you shined so brightly to me. This joy that feels as full and as empty as a sky full of stars is what I have for you.
Be well and blessed and I hope one day our paths will cross again.
0 notes
dbzebra · 2 years
do u think that its ok to post fics from fanfiction.net over to ao3 without asking the author? and im not gonna take credit or anything but like bc most of the authors are not active anymore and i would really hate to see the fics get erased in the event that ffn dies
To be honest this is a complicated but really unique question!! I’m glad you asked this. Imo it’s not really black and white but I’ll just give my thoughts as a writer who abandoned FFN years ago
So on one hand, yeah I think it’s important to preserve fanfics because so many fics are already perma lost when LiveJournal and other old fanfic sites went down. Fanfics are already super under-appreciated as a medium, and a lot of people look down on FanFiction and reading as a whole. So more fics out there in the public eye is good. Especially because of some hidden gems
However, at the same time, I’m torn. and this is going from someone who had my old FFN fic reposted/stolen twice without my permissions I can’t fully agree with doing that, especially without asking.
The first time it was flat out stolen and the guy just changed the names around to fit his story but was otherwise my exact chapter. I found out by pure luck and had to hound the guy to change it.
The second time was just last year when a buddy of mine sent me a YouTube video where the guy used text to speech to read off fics he found on FFN. Not only were people acting like it was his fic, but he was talking like it was his too, saying he’s gonna do this or that in the upcoming chapters. I confronted him and he said he “wanted to give my fic attention” but they could’ve just went to my page and read/commented there instead. But DB fans don’t like to read lol
Now I know you said you wouldn’t take credit, and I don’t want to seem like I’m pointing the finger at you or anything. but it’s just a sore spot for me. I can’t stop you with whatever you decide to do, and I do see the positives in doing so. but PLEASE reach out to authors first. Some may say no and some may not respond at all, but better than nothing lol.
Reposting fics is like reposting art, but sadly that doesn’t get the same attention that art reposting does. Even with something like “the artist is @yourmom” or whatever a lot of people get angry over
So just take caution lol FFN may not even die it might just be a zombie for the next 5 years who knows.
Anyway I’m rambling sorry for all that.
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sukirichi · 3 years
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— there’s always a price to pay when you get your hands on a work of art.
PAIRING: tattoo! artist megumi x reader
REQUEST. tattoo artist au + mutual pining + size kink, praise kink, thigh riding + reader is shorter than megumi and isn’t shy 
WARNINGS: feral megumi, scratching, vaginal sex, size kink, praise kink, mature content, slight overstimulation, sexual tension lol, unedited story
NOTES: ah thank you so much for this request, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Here is my third contribution for FERAL MEGUMI FRIDAYS! and oh wow tattoo artist megumi uh no thoughts head empty
WC: 5.4k+
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The tattoo saloon loomed over you, the neon signs almost blinding in the darkness. You could feel your heart pick up its pace in your chest as you hitched your bag up higher, the excitement settling in your toes. Mustering up the brightest smile you could have, you cleared your throat and pushed the door open, the tiny bell on top jingling to signal your arrival.
Your eyes roamed around the walls covered with intricate drawings, the leather seats dark and kept in pristine. Now that was rare – your leather couches always wore out in just a few weeks.
Making your way inside, grip on your sling bag still tight, you bit your lip as you peaked behind the counter. Empty. No one was there, and the nearby opened rooms were empty as well. Scratching your head, you scrunched your nose in confusion. You were sure you got the right place.
With a heavy sigh, you turned to leave, then stopped in your tracks when a dark-haired man exited a door you hadn’t even noticed at first.
He was tall – taller than you; his arms stretched until the sleeves of his black hoodie were pulled down, revealing a sliver of black tattoos that marked his skin. Upon hearing your awed gasp, his cold blue eyes fluttered to yours, the man – who was absolutely handsome despite his frown – froze in his spot.
You waved a hand to him, your smile bigger than ever. “Hi!” So you would be working with this cute guy? Maybe job-hunting wasn’t such a bad experience, after all.
“Hey,” he drawled out hesitantly, approaching you with his ink stained fingers pointed at you. He was still frowning, which was a damn shame, since you were sure he’d look even hotter if he smiled. “So...you’re Y/N.”
“And you...” he tilted his head to the side, inquisitive eyes studying your form. You would’ve felt conscious with the way his brows furrowed, eyes unreadable and lips pressed into a thin line, but you were sure you dressed to impress on your first interview. You admitted, however, that maybe wearing a white collared shirt with a pink tennis skirt made you stand out like a sore thumb in the heaviness of the studio. “...want to be a front desk man here?”
“What makes you think you’re qualified for this?” he crossed his arms on his chest, and you didn’t miss the slight bite of his voice. So he was handsome – but cranky. Great. “You don’t look like you fit in here.”
“Judging someone’s appearance and inferring that it has any relation to their credentials isn’t such a professional thing to do, you know,” you raised your chin proudly, jutting a pointer finger to his chest. He clearly didn’t expect this because he scowled and took a step back, while you fought the grin that threatened to paint your face. “Would you like it if people told you that you’re not qualified to be a lawyer because of your tattoos and piercings?”
He scoffed, “I don’t want to be a lawyer. As you can see, I’m a tattoo artist. And to answer your question, no, I don’t give a fuck what people think about me.”
“I can tell,” you muttered to yourself before smiling back up at him. He was too easy to read; his brow quivering and lips firm at your faux enthusiasm. “But yes, I do believe I’m qualified! I’m a fast learner and I’m even quick on my feet! I’m really good at talking to people too so I believe I can help schedule client appointments really well and guide them with this whole process.”
“Being front desk man doesn’t mean serving the clients tea and biscuits.”
“I know.”
“You know?” he snorted with a roll of his eyes. He then gestured you to follow him all the way back to the front desk. You expected he’d teach you about how to handle the appointment books or pick up phone calls, but instead he plopped down on the leather couch of the waiting area, his legs crossed on top of the other.
Your eyes followed the patch of pale skin exposed from his ripped jeans before you looked away, not wanting him to see that you found him attractive despite his less than welcoming personality.
“What exactly do you know about this industry?”
“Nothing, to be honest, but I’m not here to be a tattoo artist or anything. I just really need a job and I assure you I’ve got plenty of experience and knowledge when it comes to manning front desks or counters,” you stated confidently, “I know I look out of place, but I really need this job.”
The man only narrowed his eyes at you. Contemplation was written all over his face, probably wondering why you couldn’t just work somewhere else. “Why come here, of all places?”
“Because it’s the only one that has a flexible schedule,” you sighed, “I can’t work shifts anymore because I’m too busy at university. From when I talked to your boss – Geto, was it? – he said that the salon was open 24/7 and I could work until before my classes start. He’s not really strict about that kind of thing.”
“So you mean to tell me,” he leaned forwards, looping his fingers with one another while his ice cold gaze slithered over your desperate ones. “You’ll be at university for half the day, sleep until midnight, and then come here to work and attend class a few hours later? Isn’t your schedule a little irregular?”
“Oh no, it’s not like that! I also have mock classes after uni and it lasts until late at night, then I help clean at the local shelter. They’re running out of volunteers and the dogs are really adorable and take my stress away so...I make sure to come by when I have time.”
“You are one odd creature,” he noted loudly, almost as if he wasn’t completely aware he vocalized his thoughts. Well, at least now you knew he wasn’t the type to think his words over, which either made him more entertaining – or insufferable the longer you worked with him – if you began working anyway. “You could’ve used your spare time to rest. Do you even eat?”
“Yeah, I have a granola bar right now with me! I actually brought two,” you pulled out the snack from your bag, “You want some? I only got the oats, though.”
“Keep it to yourself,” he rolled his eyes, slapping his hands over his knees before rummaging over something behind the counter. “Fine. If Geto said he’s okay with you, then you’re hired.”
“Really, that easy?” your eyes widened, but then you chuckled when this strange man glared at you in response. He sighed as he pulled out a piece of paper, a pen on top of it. The papers read something about application forms and credentials, and you beamed, happily writing your information away with a slight bounce in your toes.
Unable to keep your happiness to yourself, you looked back at the bored man, wiggling your eyebrows playfully. “Huh. I was kind of expecting you would grill me – you’ve got that scary look in your eye. Let me guess, you often scare clients off?”
It seemed he could never get tired of glaring at you, because his eyes fuelled with heat as he leaned against the wall.
You hated to admit that he looked ridiculously handsome like that – the guy wasn’t even doing anything remotely attractive in the first place!
“I’m the most booked artist here, and I ask that you don’t get too comfortable with me. You haven’t even started working here and you’re already riling up on my train,” he groaned when you merely laughed in response. He made quick work of signing something in your form before handing you a key. “Here’s for your locker. Come to work tomorrow. Geto won’t be around for a week so I’ll be the one judging your performance. If you fuck up in the slightest – I won’t hesitate to fire you, you understand? We always have Yuuji coming around anyway, you’re really not that needed for the front desk.”
“Oh,” you nodded at his harshness, unsure whether to feel threatened or amused. “O-okay. I’ll do my best then. I look forward to you – ah, wait, what’s your name?”
“Fushiguro Megumi.”
“Oh, that’s a pretty name,” you muttered to yourself, uttering his name over and over again until it rolled smoothly on your tongue. “Shame you have a shitty attitude along with that handsome face, though.”
“You trying to say something?”
You faced him, about to laugh when he scowled at your not-so-subtle comments. Waving your hands to him, you made your way out the door, your smile only irritating him further. “No, I wasn’t. I’ll be taking my leave then – see you tomorrow!”
Seems like working in a tattoo studio wouldn’t be so bad.
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You came to work the next day early and pumped with adrenaline. The idea of meeting the moody tattoo artist caused you to be giggly and happy the whole day, not even feeling the exhaustion of a long day of hard work as you made your way inside the shop.
Clocking in at exactly two in the morning, you proudly tugged your name badge on top of your left breast, patting it for good luck.
The bells jingled, making you look away from your tag. “Good morning – oh, where’s Megumi?” The man standing in front of you was taller than Megumi, his head nearly knocking over the doorframe if it wasn’t for his poor, slouched lanky frame.
He had white hair that brushed atop his cerulean blue eyes, and your eyes widened because wow, he was beautiful.
“Hey, you must be Y/N! Megumi told me you came around yesterday but he didn’t tell me the counter girl was this pretty,” He was in front of you the next second, his nose nearly grazing over yours that had you leaning back into the wall for space. “Hmm...he didn’t tell me that at all.”
“Oh, thank you. You are...?”
“I’m Gojo Satoru, one of the senior artists here. Since Megumi isn’t here yet, let me give you a tour!” Before you could react, Satoru already had an arm wrapped around your shoulder, his other arm waving and pointing to all the hung paintings and labels on each door. You found it odd that he treated you like you were an old friend, but you weren’t going to complain. Nice co-workers were always welcomed.
“Here is the holding area where clients wait to get their session done. This is Geto’s studio and right next to that is his office where he does all the finances and all that jazz, while this is my studio. Cool, isn’t it?”
Your mouth fell ajar as Satoru led you inside his studio, the walls painted the same aquatic shade of his eyes, but what caught your attention was the galaxy themed tattoo designs he made. They came in different shapes – a volcano head, a dragon, a worm, a four-armed monster – but inside them were all galaxies with sparkling and burning stars. You could see everything and nothing all at the same time.
“Whoa, you made all this?!”
Satoru’s chest puffed out proudly, “Yeah, I did. I’m flattered by your reaction, I really am, but you haven’t seen Megumi’s yet. There’s a reason our salon boomed even though he’s only been working here for two years.”
At the mention of his name, your interest was piqued, all ears and curious smiles directed to Satoru. “Oh, can I see Megumi’s studio?”
“You can – if you book an appointment.”
“But I don’t plan on getting any tattoos,” you frowned.
“You’ll never get to see his work then,” he chuckled to himself, the sound growing louder when you visibly deflated. What was the point of getting your hopes up like that then? “Megumi doesn’t like letting others in his studio without permission or an appointment.”
“Why not?”
“He’s just iffy about it,” he shrugged, “Don’t bother trying to decode his personality anymore, Megumi’s very hard to understand. Though if I were to make sense of it...” he rubbed his chin, eyes looking out into the distance. “I guess you could say Megumi’s not the type to be showy when it comes to his work of art. Did that clear it up?”
You blinked back blankly. “No, not really. But it’s fine – I don’t plan on getting to know him anyway.”
That was the biggest lie of your life.
The moment Megumi came around a few minutes later, a loud groan upon your animated greeting over his arrival, your chest bloomed with a different kind of fluttery warmth. He rarely came out after that, clients swarming in to both his and Satoru’s studios, but each faint glimpse of his door cracking open that allowed you to see him focused as he worked, you could no longer deny the heat burning down your legs.
You crushed on the grumpy tattoo artist.
And the more you came around work, greeting him zealously and teasing him to no end that he’d look hotter if he smiled, your crush only intensified for him – completely unaware that he too, couldn’t get his thoughts off of you even with his door closed.
In fact, he kept his door closed all the time because your voice distracted him too much.
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“Hey, Y/N, you free?”
You looked up from the textbook you were reviewing, slamming it shut when Satoru’s head peeked out from his studio. He was still wearing gloves with a pen between his fingers, most likely still in the middle of a session.
“Yep! We don’t have appointments yet and I’ve already closed it for non-appointees. Did you need me to get you something?”
“Yeah, could you get Megumi for me? He isn’t picking his phone up and one of our special clients are coming soon. I’m packed right now so I can’t fetch him. I’ll send you the address and you get him, yeah? Just open the counter if you need money for a cab.”
You blinked owlishly at him. On one side, you’d be more than glad to see Megumi again. He hadn’t arrived despite it being four in the morning already, and you were worried, but you also didn’t have his number to ask how he was doing. Progress with Megumi was...slow, to say the least.
He still holed himself up in his studio, coming out only for bathroom breaks, although you noticed a drastic improvement when he finally began to mutter an almost shy “good morning” under his breath for the past few weeks.
It wasn’t much, but you’d have to make do.
“Uhm, when is this client of his coming? Should I run...?”
“Yeah, you need to fucking run. They’re coming in an hour and a half!” Satoru exclaimed, flailing his hands around like a madman.
Even after working with him for some time, you still couldn’t believe the older man was practically a man child, even asking for head pats sometimes. He would lean down with a pout, using a squeaky voice to call your attention, which always succeeded in Megumi fake gagging before he locked himself inside his studio.
“Forwarded you his address. Really sorry for the inconvenience, Y/N!”
“It’s okay!” you jumped out of your seat in an instant, not bothering to take your name tag off anymore as you left the salon, hailing the nearest cab.
Megumi lived quite far from the salon, which had you wondering why he chose to work there when there were plenty of salons in his area too. His place looked shady, as well, his apartment in a high-rise building with endless graffiti and several drunk stragglers hooting for you.
You ignored them all, taking two steps at a time from his staircase, your hands on your knees as you panted for air. Why did he have to live on the tenth floor?
“Megumi! Megumi!” you banged your fist on the door, throat parched from your sudden cardio session. You were sure you burned ten calories just from that sprint, and you sighed in relief when Megumi swung the door open, still looking handsome – and sleep-deprived – as ever in his black shirt and black skinny jeans.
“What?” he demanded. After seeing that it was you, he quickly snatched a water bottle and passed it your way, closing his door behind him. “Y/N? What are you doing here? How’d you know where I live?”
“Satoru said you had a really important client. You weren’t picking your phone up so he sent me to come get you.”
“It’s my day off,” he grumbled, answering your silent questions, your worries dissipating into thin air. Once you’d satisfied yourself by basically dunking the entire bottle, Megumi rolled his eyes, his hands flat on the small of your back while he guided you downstairs. The sudden touch flamed your cheeks; a stupid smile on your face. You were shameless, though, leaning back closer to him in the darkness of the early morning. “Why does he send a girl out of all people?”
“Something wrong with that?”
“It’s unsafe. My neighbourhood isn’t the best and who knows what would’ve happened to you if some goons came out?” Megumi hailed for a back, surprising you when he let you get in first and paid for the fee despite your outstretched hand prepared with the bills. “I can’t believe Sukuna chose this day to come of all times. I can never get a damn break.”
“A special client. He’s a really huge tipper and comes on odd schedules – I didn’t think he’d come now.”
“Yeah, I checked the papers and he wasn’t there,” you frowned to yourself.
Megumi pressed his head against the window, eyes closed as his chest heaved up and down rhythmically. With the sun slowly shining from behind you, the golden stretches of it outlined his sharp features you adored, and you rested your chin on your palms, eyelashes fluttering at his beauty. “You know, Megumi, you’re really pissy sometimes – but you’re quite nice, aren’t you? I’d say you were even worried for me.”
He cracked one eye open, those blue eyes still shining with irritation, but make no mistake since his ears were flushed red. “I’m not. I just don’t want to be involved in a police investigation if they find your body near here.”
“How sweet of you.”
“Shut up.”
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You and Megumi were beginning to get closer. You couldn’t pinpoint where he started to grow more comfortable with you, but it was definitely there and it was painfully evident that even someone stupid like Satoru noticed the sexual between you two.
He would always sniff the air whenever you and Megumi sat next to each other during lunch breaks, a wide grin on your face while Megumi buried his face in his hands, groaning because he knew the moment Satoru opened his mouth, nothing but dumb comments would come out. And dumb comments they were; the white-haired man merciless as he teased Megumi for acting like a cute little kid around you.
You never took it to heart, though. It was Megumi you were talking about; he was hot and cold; sweet then distant from one moment then an entire person the next.
Not that you minded, it only added to your fuelling crush on him, but you couldn’t control the way your heart fluttered every time Satoru whispered that he did like you, excusing that Megumi just wasn’t the best with words. Apparently, Megumi had spent too much time holed up in his apartment and studio that he had zero to little knowledge on how to talk to pretty girls – especially one that was clearly attracted to him as well.
Satoru encouraged you to go for it – that you should confess or break the ice first otherwise Megumi would never do anything about his raging boner every time you came around.
You only flushed at his statement, but you couldn’t deny that you too felt the same way.
One morning where Satoru and Geto were out restocking supplies, you and Megumi were left alone in the salon. Of course, he still resorted in the comfort of his studio, muttering under his breath that he wanted to try some designs before disappearing. Only this time, he left the door slightly open, the lights peeking through the slight crack.
Walking up to him with muted footsteps, you leaned over his shoulder, glancing over a sketch of...you? “Are you drawing me?”
Megumi yelped at your voice right next to his ear, throwing the paper away on the other side of the room before glaring at you. You laughed at his reaction, because how was it possible he was both so criminally sexy yet adorable? He looked terribly gorgeous today, as well, wearing a short sleeved black hoodie and black sweatpants, looking so comfortable and boyfriend like – and you couldn’t even begin to express your appreciation over his new lip piercing.
“Why do you always sneak up on me?” he snapped, “Didn’t I tell you I wanted privacy?”
“Then why aren’t you pushing me away?”
Megumi sighed exasperatedly, turning back to organize his pencils before glaring at you. “What do you want? Got no one else to bother since Satoru isn’t around?”
“I just wanted to see your art,” you mentioned, but kept your eyes directed on him instead of the plethora of sketches and designs hanging from his wall as to not offend him. “Satoru told me to never come inside. He said you’re really...private when it comes to your works,” you furrowed your brows at the last part, feeling your heart beat pulse at your tongue.
It was now or never.
“Can I see your tattoos too?”
“Why do you want to see them?”
“A work of art on a canvas who’s also a work of art himself?” you finally gained confidence to tease him again, getting riled up further when Megumi stiffened at your curious hands travelling under his shirt. His breath sharpened as his glare only deepened, though he didn’t make a move to stop you. “Why wouldn’t I want to see that?”
“Being flirty doesn’t work on you. It’s not cute.”
“You’re blushing though,” you remarked. Megumi groaned and pushed your face away until your buttocks landed on his recliner. Satisfied with Megumi not completely kicking you out, you swung your legs back and forth, still staring at his hoodie as if it was an offensive material.
“Can I...see?” Megumi rolled his eyes before he lifted his shirt up, revealing to you intricate patches of black ink splattered over ripples of muscles. Your mouth salivated, and somewhere down there, you drooled too. Tentatively, your hands reached out to finger the image of canines, Megumi shuddering over your cold touch on his warm skin. “It’s beautiful. What does it mean?”
Megumi pursed his lips before whispering, “These are the dogs I had as a child. My father got me them so I wouldn’t be too lonely when he’s away from work.”
“They’re very pretty. They look like black and white wolves,” you smiled, elated that he was opening up in more ways than one. Your touch flitted over to a winged creature under his left collarbone, small letters beside the image. “And this bird? Nue? He’s so majestic,” Your hands never stopped in trailing over his skin like a lost wanderer, sweeping over ink ink until Megumi completely discarded his hoodie to the side, his back faced to you.
A white viper tattoo stood large on his broad back, crawling until over his shoulder with the fangs ending just above his pecs. Megumi swallowed at each slivering touch, your fingers dipping and caressing every dent and curve of his body.
You couldn’t get your eyes off of him, your breath hitching in your throat as one of your hands gripped his biceps subconsciously. “You’re so beautiful.”
Megumi stiffened when your thumbs grazed over his nipple right next to the viper’s fang. Almost as if a switch was triggered inside him, Megumi growled, ducking to capture your lips with his in a sloppy, heated kiss. His hands tugged at the ends of your hair to arch your neck to him, his knees slapping your legs open before he settled comfortably between you, his low groans mixing with your breath moans.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. From the moment I met you,” he nibbled your lips, hands trailing down to thumb at your hipbones. “I knew that innocent good girl look was nothing but an act.”
You smiled through the kiss, a tiny gasp falling from your lips when Megumi pulled you closer until your heat grinded against the hardness inside his pants. Laughing at his harsh movements, you let Megumi tilt your head back, his lips sucking and teeth gently nipping at the sensitive flesh of your neck.
“Innocent girl?” you echoed, legs now wrapped around his waist to pull him closer. “What makes you think I am?”
“White lace panties? Short tennis skirts and sunshine smiles?” Megumi clenched his teeth, his hands eager as he tugged the white lace down until it looped to your ankles. You gasped, back arching when he thrusted two fingers inside you, curling and fingering against your bumpy walls. “You’re not fooling anyone, baby, especially not me.”
“Took you long enough to understand I wanted you though,” you chuckled through broken moans, eyes shut tight while your legs opened wider, heels digging into the hard cushion of his seats. “I was wondering when I’d get to break you from that tough guy act of yours and have you fuck me good,” Megumi growled at your words. You leaned forward to scratch at his chest, your tongue licking the shell of your ear as you rasped, “And on a side note, I am a good girl – only to those who can make me feel good, of course.”
Megumi cupped his palm to collect your arousal dripping of his, finally shutting you up when his fingers grazed over your sweet spot that had you clenching around him. And those were just his fingers. “You’re something else, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, I know,” you nodded smugly, hands coming up to tug harshly at his hair. Megumi hissed at the sharp pain, prompting him to fuck his fingers in and out of you faster until you leaked down to his chair, thighs trembling and your high-pitched moans coating the walls of his stupid. “Megumi, ah! Just shut up and fuck me already – been wanting you long enough.”
“Needy little girl,” He pressed you down on the reclining seat, settling between your legs before he spread your lips open with two thumbs. At the sight of your bare cunt clenching around nothing, Megumi groaned, teeth biting his lip because he could cum right then and there. “Fuck, look at you. So wet already,” he ran a hand over your slit to collect your arousal, eyes dark with lust as your juices webbed between his fingers. “All this for me? You’re so good.”
“Fuck – yeah, yeah I am,” you leaned back harder into the seat, groping at your own breasts while you nodded dumbly, too fucked out to even form a coherent response. “Going to be good for you, Megumi, gonna make you feel good.”
“Sorry, babe, maybe next time. I’m too impatient to not feel your pussy around me,” he pushed away at your hands that planned to pump his cock, his hand coming down to push you hard against the seat until his weight loomed over you.
You felt Megumi begin to align his tip at your center, dampening his mushroom head with your arousal first that had you both moaning left and right.
Hands scratching down his back as your teeth dug into your lips, Megumi pushed into you with one thrust, the sudden stretch making your legs shake and your body writhe underneath him. “Shit, why are you so tight? So fucking warm and perfect,” he rasped next to your ear, and you could hear how hard he was breathing as he thrusted into you, his cock hitting all the right places.  “Could fuck this pretty pussy all day, baby, shit.”
“Me-Megumi – t-too big!”
“Shh, you’ll be fine. You’ll take it like a good girl, won’t you?” he cupped your cheek, grinning sinisterly as he watched the way your greedy walls sucked him in. “See how you take me so well? You’re so small and pretty wrapped around my cock. I could break you if I wanted you,” he growled, his hands gripping hard at your hips when you clenched around him, enticing the man above you to quicken his pace.
Megumi watched with a lust filled gaze as your breasts bounced at the relentless pace he started, his balls slapping at your ass. “Oh, you’d want that, wouldn’t you? You want to be stuffed with my fat cock in you? Fuck you until you’re a drooling mess? You’re so gorgeous when I fuck you stupid.”
“Yes, Megumi, agh. Keep going, keep going, I’m so close!”
“Oh, you feel like heaven around me,” he praised at your neck, his cock stretching you wide and pushing into you. Megumi groaned lowly at your ear as his palms flattened over your stomach that bulged every time he thrusted in, his balls tightening at the sight. “Look at how big I am for you, baby, but you’re doing so well. You were made for me – made to take my cock, shit, you’re so perfect around me. Gonna make you feel good, yeah? You’re such a good girl for me. Cum, baby, that’s right – I’m allowing you to cum.”
“Gumi, Gumi, fuckkk,” your legs tightened around him as Megumi panted with each harsh thrust, the black marks over his skin expanding and stretch when his forearm rested beside your head. His muscles clenched as he fucked into you deep, over and over again until he pushed you over the edge.
A silent sob left your lips when you came around him, your juices creaming around his cock. A few thrusts later, Megumi fell on top of you as you felt him spill his seed inside you.
He had too much that you felt both your cum dripping down your ass; Megumi pulling out with a slight wince from the oversensitivity. You struggled to catch your breath as you laid there, legs wide open and the cool air hitting your bare pussy. The door was still open, and Satoru and Geto could walk in on you both looking like this, but you couldn’t care, not when you could barely feel your legs.
You dropped your arm over your face, hearing Megumi pull his pants back up. “That was...”
“Yeah,” you chuckled, wincing as you sat up. Your hair stuck to your forehead in sweaty clumps, dawning on you now that you were still very much covered in your sticky cum. You recoiled from the seats as you realized Megumi hadn’t even put on a towel underneath.
“Shit. Is this chair even clean?”
“I sanitize it every after session. Don’t worry about it,” he rolled his eyes, his tattoos covered and hidden from your sight once more when he pulled his hoodie over his head. Megumi retrieved a clean towel from his drawers and wiped at your sensitive pussy, your legs immediately closing around his hands when the towel accidentally grazed your clit.
Megumi gripped your knees with a silent glare. “Stay still. I’m cleaning you up.”
“I didn’t peg you as an aftercare guy. Thought you would leave me hanging here,” you teased, but really, you were feeling warm all over again as you watched Megumi wipe you all the way down to your other hole, your legs still tensing up.
Once he left to wash his hands, you could relax, tugging your panties back up with immense struggle. He wasn’t kidding when he said he’d fuck you good – you could barely feel your legs now.
“And have you make a mess by ruining my seat?” he sighed as he returned, helping you seady yourself while he snapped the slightly soaked panty back to your core. “No thanks.”
“You’re so mean, Megumi. I’m hurt.”
He rolled his eyes at your pout, leaning down to kiss you square on the lips. This time around, the kiss wasn’t rushed; it was slow and sensual, firm yet gentle, and his hands carefully massaged your sore hips that would soon bruise from his grip before.
“No, you’re not,” he mumbled through your lips, mimicking that lovesick smile on your face as he pulled away. “But babe, you know the rules. Now that you’ve seen my work of art – what tattoo would you like me to give you? My name on your inner thigh?”
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : ryōmen sukuna from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar error, but other than that n/a
| form : imagine
| word count : 1339
| published : 14 november
| request : could i request an imagine w/ sukuna where itadori’s best friend is just so welcoming of sukuna and tries to include him when they do things? like they’re just hanging out and she goes “sukuna would you like to try this” and she holds up a piece of food to his cheek so sukuna can try it and it just warms the curse’s cold dead heart bc she’s genuinely trying <3
| barista’s notes : i kinda went a little off track with this imagine ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ but i hope you enjoy your order of a cup of black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request) and that you have an amazing day! please come back again soon ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ
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“You know, I think curses spirits have emotions”
“Mother, what in the world are you talking about? They don’t have feelings, they kill without remorse and try to gain power from their greed”
“Y/N dear, how are curses formed?”
“Negative emotions that results in cursed energy leaking from the bodies of humans”
“See ‘emotions’ is in the sentence dear”
“‘Humans’ mother, you forgot the word ‘humans’ was also in the sentence”
Back then you had no idea what your mother was suggesting or saying at that time. Curses having emotions? What was that all about? You knew from previous missions that some curses were intelligent from being able to take hostages to some being able to talk but other than that you still couldn’t comprehend what she was trying to communicate to you.
“You know the Legend of Sukuna?”
Looking up from your book, you stared at your mother - who was sitting on the opposite end of the room with a cup of tea in her hands - with a somewhat nonchalant but surprised expression on your face wondering why she brought up such a topic that was feared by most jujutsu sorcerers
“You used to tell me about it when I was younger, why are you bringing it up now?” you asked curiously, as you closed your book before gently placing it on your lap.
“We all know that the curse was a human before his fingers became cursed objects, don’t we? How do you think he felt when he was killed?”
You were about to answer her before you shut your mouth completely, not sure on how to even answer that question. How could you? No one knows the whole story to even come to a conclusion for that question, you have to interrupt the story in your own way to make one yourself? Wouldn’t he have been enraged when he was killed, annoyed at the fact that he lost in a way? Or was he unsettled? 
“Personally from my perspective, I think he would have been vexed at the fact that he somewhat lost, you mother?”
“I think the same as you, but I have a small feeling that he was upset for some reason, I’m not sure why though”
You still have that assumption till this day. However, you were a little more open about your mother’s thoughts and took them into account sometimes when you were debating on the subject on your own. However, there was a slight shift in your opinion once Itadori Yuji unexpectedly came into your life.
The first time you meant the boy was when Gojo came back with him carrying him and Fushiguro back to Jujutsu high, confusing you completely on what was going on. For someone who was sent to just retrieve a cursed object, Fushiguro looked completely beat up and that worried you completely on what he had encountered during his time away. However, Gojo just couldn’t read the room.
“Yo Y/N, what is my favourite student doing at a time like this? It’s quite late you know,” he greeted you with a smile, before plopping Fushiguro on the ground.
“Sensei, now’s not the time to play with me, what the hell is going on?” you muttered annoyingly before using reserve curse energy to heal some of Fushiguro’s wounds.
After some time of your playful teacher explaining what was going on, you came to the conclusion that the boy ate the cursed object that Fushiguro was supposed to collect causing him to become Sukuna’s vessel as a consequence.
“So what you’re saying is that Fushiguro failed to get the object in the end,” you commented as you pointed at your close friend, leading to Gojo giving you an ‘okay’ sign telling you that you were technically correct.
“Was that all you got from the whole explanation Y/N?” Fushiguro irritatedly asked, causing you to lightly giggle before apologising to him.
However, after that night, you made the decision to become friends with the teenager as you didn’t want him to feel completely isolated on his situation right now - he did leave everything behind to come to Tokyo - and with everything that was going to happen to him, you wanted him to live a happy life with people surrounding him before his execution after he ate all 20 fingers. What you didn't realise was this friendship would lead to you guys to have a sister and brother type of bond.
You and Itadori did everything together from going on missions together with Nobara and Fushiguro to randomly going out to do some shopping or showing him around Tokyo. As time went on, you decided to fully take in your mother’s opinion. You slowly included Sukuna in some of the activities that both of you would be participating in - usually this would involve you asking for his opinion on something, even if he sometimes gave a rude response.
“Do you think Sukuna is a pork or beef type of guy?” you randomly asked, as you lifted up your chopsticks that held a piece of cooked beef to Itadori’s cheek. “Sukuna, would you like to try this?” you kindly asked, leading to the curse to take a bite of the meat before his mouth disappeared like it didn’t appear in the first place.
“I never really asked, but why are you so kind to Sukuna? I mean he is a curse, after all, ain't sorcerers like you supposed to like, hate them?” Itadori asked in a confused tone, causing you to look up away from the meat that you were cooking to the boy that had asked you that question. 
To be honest, you weren’t so sure how to answer his question, just like the same situation that you were years ago when your mother asked you that question. How could you answer this time around? How could you answer this question now?
“Personally from my perspective, I guess I took in some consideration towards anyone’s emotions,” you casually answered, before going back to the meat that was cooking on the grill, leaving Itadori confused yet somewhat understanding what you were trying to say.
Sukuna on the other hand was confused about what you were trying to interrupt to his annoying vessel as he sat quietly in his Innate Domain. Ever since the beginning of your friendship with Itadori, you had been nothing but kind-hearted toward him making him wonder what your intentions were from the start. However, over time he began to discover that’s what you were naturally. You were naturally just a kind-hearted person that was trying to become acquainted with him. You were generally trying.
It was hard to recall the last time he had someone to confide in - if there was anyone he even confided in at all - you were someone that took his emotions into consideration, you always question his reason for power, greed and destruction, instead of assuming that he was born with his sadistic nature. He still remembers that time you were able to somehow get close to him during his fight with Fushiguro and heal Itadori’s heart with no issues at all - making him intrigued on how powerful your reserve energy was. However, he remembers what you said to him as your hand was placed on top of the wound on his chest.
“Listen, I have no idea what caused you to become the man that you are today, I have no idea what pain you went through before your death 1000 years ago, I have no idea what you are feeling right now and I’ll try my best to understand” you quickly stated just as your curse began to revive his heart, “but right now, there is no way in hell am I going to let you kill Itadori, you got that Sukuna!”
That. That caused his cold empty heart to suddenly become warm.
Your kind-heartedness was the reason he began to reach out to you.
He wanted to cherish that trait of yours.
You were kind-hearted.
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sunshine-on-my-mind · 3 years
Only you
pairing: Ari Levinson x plus size reader
warning: SMUT (18+ hand job, fingering, orgasm, no sexual intercourse) kissing, cuddling, slightly insecure reader, mentions of group sex, exploring each other’s bodies. fluff. nicknames (baby girl, sweetheart, honey)
a/n: i saw a dream, yep, so i saw a dream (no not the smut but almost up to it) and i thought about writing it down. specially because i have never seen a dream about Ari. he is one of the popular characters but he is not in my list of favourites, idk why. so anyway it was kinda weird and surprising to see him. and when i woke up i was smiling and blushing.
comments and reblogs are appreciated!! i would really like some feedback please!!
do not copy or repost my work
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(not my gif - credit to owner)
“Hey? you still with me?” Ari asks with a charming smile pulling (y/n) out of her thoughts. “yeah sorry” she gives an awkward smile. Ari doesn’t say anything just looks her up and down, something he has been doing since the start of their date, and tries to read her face. He wonders what’s going on in her pretty mind. “alright i’ll be back from the men’s room in a minute, meanwhile you can keep working that pretty brain of yours without my interruption” he winks and leaves the table leaving (y/n) flustered.
well she is definitely thinking something, actually a lot of things, she still isn’t sure how she landed a date with Ari. I mean have you seen the man? why is he interested in her? from the moment they entered the diner, he is getting so many stares from people and so much attention, it feels unbelievable to (y/n) that he asked her out on a date, she honestly thought it was a joke of some kind at first. but now that she is here she should stop thinking and start acting. it’s not that she doesn’t like Ari it’s just she thinks he is too out of her league.
“hey!” well this time it’s not Ari to interrupt her thoughts, it’s a waitress. she turns up her head to look at her. “i am sorry i shouldn’t interfere but um are you on a date with that man?” (y/n) raises her eyebrows at her question. “no no please don’t get me wrong i just. wow he is so handsome so attractive, i really couldn’t control myself, please i just wanted to know if he is single. you see my friends over there?” she points at the direction of two other waitresses who are giggling and probably smitten with Ari. “we were wondering if he would be interested in going back with us, i mean unless you are on a date of course. if not that can you please let him know about our offer?” (y/n) really doesn’t know how to react to that. they basically are hinting about a group sex offer to Ari, but well he isn’t here and the waitress looks pretty good, attractive. she decides it’s better to just nod and give a polite smile.
if she wasn’t feeling insecure by then, she is definitely feeling now. so that is the effect Ari has on people, she isn’t shocked to be honest but to experience it first hand? wow. this man must get so many offers like this. (y/n) isn’t that experienced when it comes to sex, but the explicit thought of Ari with those women is something that’s not escaping her mind anytime soon.
“sweetheart, am i boring or are your thoughts that interesting?” Ari asks as he occupies the seat across her again. “no i wasn’t- well um, you just got an offer.” Ari looks confused, so she explains it. “you see those three waitresses over there? they uh - they basically asked if you would be up for group sex with them.” she says looking down and Ari almost chokes on his drink. “What?” he chuckles in between of coughs. “i am sure that’s like a regular thing for you.” she says while stirring the straw of her milkshake, still avoiding eye contact. “what, having threesomes? well in this case a foursome.” she nods, he laughs “you know sweetheart i am not that popular” at that she catches his eyes “oh i am sure” she says sarcastically.
“well anyway, didn’t you tell her we are on a date?” she stays silent, doesn’t answer his question. he can understand that there is something going on with her “(y/n) we are on date, you’re the only person i am an interested in, only you. look i don’t know if you just said yes to this date to be polite or if you’re actually interested in me but i really want to get to know you. and about their offer, i am not interested, as i said i am only interested in you.” she stares at him, a smile appears on her face before she could control it. “well um are you expecting us to have sex? i mean tonight after this date?” Ari chuckles. “no honey, i don’t expect anything, just wanna have a good time but hey if you suggest that idea i won’t be against it” he winks and she gets shy. “so shall we get out of here now?”
They head out of the diner after paying for their food which Ari insists that he will pay. the waitress was just staring at Ari and looking him up and down, twirling her hair, all while Ari was looking at (y/n). Ari also insists on dropping (y/n) home. “So here we are” he says when the car comes at a stop in front of her house. “Would you like to come in? i mean we couldn’t talk a lot in the diner i feel bad that i - i was kinda preoccupied with some thoughts, so if you can come in, we can get to know each other better?” Ari says yes with a big smile.
They talk and talk, and then talk some more. turns out they really enjoy each other’s company. “hey can i ask what were you thinking while we were at the diner?” he asks, they are sitting on her couch. “well, it’s just i was wondering why you asked me out on a date, i mean you’re clearly out of my league and when the waitress asked about you i couldn’t help but think that she was so attractive, all i could think was that you must get so much attention from extremely beautiful and attractive people and i just couldn’t figure why you are interested in me” she fidgets with the hem of her dress. Ari gently takes her hand in his bigger one. “look i don’t know how you got the idea of me being out of your league, because you’re so nice, very funny and smart, so beautiful and don’t get me started on how attractive i find you.” he rubs her hand with his thumb and she looks at him. “you think i am attractive?” he smiles and says “yes sweetheart, you’re so attractive, you’re beautiful and wow i-i can’t stop thinking about you.” she has a shy smile on her face. “i mean look at you, i have no idea how you can think you’re not attractive” she giggles at that. “i love to see you laugh, i wanna make you laugh”. she now imitates his action and rubs his hand with her thumb.
“you said you can’t stop thinking about me? what exactly do you think about me?” he smirks, “you really wanna know sweetheart? i have to warn you that some of these thoughts maybe somewhat explicit.” she suddenly gets a surge of confidence and her witty side comes out. “oh i wanna know, i wanna know especially if these thoughts are explicit.” he pulls her a little close. “you see sweetheart, this is what i like, your witty side, your funny side, you’re clever remarks, makes you more attractive.” she moves even closer to him. “care to tell me more mister?” they are so close to each other, warm breaths can be felt, (y/n)’s heart is beating so fast, she is nervous but so excited. “why don’t i show you instead hm?” she barely nods when closes the gap between their lips and pulls her into a heated kiss. it’s all tongue and a little teeth, (y/n) allows Ari to dominate which he gladly does. he pulls her into his lap.
when they pull apart, out of breath, Ari’s blue eyes are now dark in colour, he wants to remember this moment, the first time he kissed her, the first time he saw her out of breath, lips swollen, fuck. “Ari? i- i am not very um experienced.” she tries to look down but Ari holds her chin. “look at me baby girl” she squirms in his lap at the nickname. it doesn’t get unnoticed by Ari. “baby girl” he says, voice so low, (y/n) gets goosebumps. “we don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna ok? we can take it slow.” (y/n) bites her lower lip which makes Ari almost growl. “i- you wanna go to the bedroom?” Ari answers her question by picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom, she didn’t think Ari would be able to carry her but before she could protest or say anything she already finds herself on her bed. Ari joins her, pulls her close, holds her neck and kisses her again. they fall on the bed, Ari on top of her, exploring each other’s mouth. she pulls apart, “Ari?” he tries to find any kind of discomfort in her eyes. “yeah babygirl?” she stares into his eyes “is it okay if we don’t have sex tonight? i mean if we just kept kissing and exploring each other, is that okay?” Ari kisses her forehead “of course it is.” she smiles and starts kissing his neck. he smiles too, her kisses are a perfect mixture of cute and erotic and when she reaches that sweet spot on his neck a moan leaves his mouth. (Y/n) has that sound imprinted in her brains now, that beautiful sound. Ari moves his hands up and down her body. she looks back into his eyes as if to give him permission, when he is at the edge of her dress. he draws soft patterns on her thighs and moves up, purposely ignoring the place where she needs his attention the most and moves to her stomach, beneath her dress. her stomach is one of her biggest insecurities. as if Ari could sense that, he presses another kiss on her lips and tells her “your belly is so soft baby girl, i love it, i love all your curves, love your beautiful body.” she smiles, Ari makes her feel so good, good about herself. she loves that Ari is paying attention to her but she also grows impatient.
“Ari” she says, almost moans, in need. “Ari i need you please” he smirks and strokes her inner thighs, teasing her more “Use your words sweetheart” she whines “uh please touch me, touch me there, fuck, touch my pussy.” He captures her lips with his own as he starts exploring her lower lips with his big hand. that man, even his hands are attractive. when he feels her soaking pussy through her cotton panties, she moans in his mouth. “so wet for me baby girl, fuck.” she curses too. “Ari, i wanna touch you too please.” Ari could cum at that, her words, her face, his hands in her most intimate place, all of it is enough to make him cum, he is kinda embarrassed about that, about how turned on he can be even without being touched. he wanted to say she doesn’t have to, when she requests again “Ari please”, he starts removing his belt with his other hand and (y/n) tries to help. When he is finally out of his confinement, (y/n) takes him in her hands, she is shocked by his size. she gasps and Ari smirks, kissing her again, when she starts stroking him he groans in her mouth. they start getting each other off. “Fuck babygirl just like that, so good for me. you like it huh? like having my cock in your hand?” she just nods and starts stroking him faster. By now Ari has moved her panties to a side. He keeps stimulating her clit with his thumb while he inserts a finger in her and fucks her with it. she is clenching his hands, a sign she is close, he is too.
“you’re close hm? come on baby girl cum for me, fuck i am close too, you’re making me feel so good, your soft hands fuck.” and within a few minutes both of them reach their high moaning each other’s names. they pant and try to calm down. Ari takes his hand, the one which explored her beautiful pussy and licks it clean with his tongue. “even your taste is addictive, can’t wait to explore you more, fuck, come here.” he pulls her into a kiss, she can taste herself in his mouth, it’s so erotic, nothing like she has experienced before. when they calm down a bit, (Y/n) gets up from the bed to bring a wet cloth to help Ari clean himself. Ari cleans him up and she joins him back on the bad.
“wow i don’t think i have ever been so satisfied with a hand job before, you’re amazing baby girl” Ari says and she snuggles close to him. “look i don’t have many such encounters usually so i don’t know if this is a weird request but would you mind staying with me tonight?” Ari smiles, she is so so cute. “I would love to stay sweetheart.” he wraps his hand around her. she feels so comfortable with him, so does he. “thanks for tonight Ari, it was amazing” Ari kisses her forehead again and rubs her back. “You’re welcome honey, i can’t wait for our next date, I really like you.” she hides her face in his chest and plants a small kiss there. “i can’t wait either. i really like you too.” she mumbles against his chest. they drift of to sleep snuggled up against each other.
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Can I request the tall boys (Childe, Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya + anyone else you think you wanna add or change (except maybe Childe because I love him)) reacting to you having animal-like features (like ears and tail)
What they would do if by some accident they themselves end up getting animal features (like fox ears and tail for Childe, cat ears and tail for Kaeya or Diluc, dragon features for Zhongli, etc) do they become clingy and display cat behavior of rubbing themselves on you? Something like that aaaa I'm so sorry if this doesn't make sense it's my first time requesting
experiments gone wrong
(eehe these men *cough* zhongli *cough* will be the death of me) 
Warning -> sfw, fluff (kissing, character suddenly acquiring animal like features) 
Character X GN Reader | anthology 
Includes: Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli 
As an alchemist, you really should have remembered the most important rule -> don’t leave unmarked bottles out where people can drink them …
So you couldn’t be too surprised by the turn of events that followed
He went to bed earlier than normal, but you didn’t think anything of it. Perhaps he had a terrible day and just wanted to sleep it off, there wasn’t any reason to pester him about it anyway. 
The next morning, you felt him slip out of bed, a yawn falling from his mouth as he made his way toward the bathroom. Turning, you claimed more of the bed and attempted to sleep just a little bit longer. That was until you heard a wild cry and shot up in an instant. You were already partially out of the bed when Childe burst into the room. 
He looked at you, you looked at him, and as your eyes drifted from his ears to his tail, you understood his reaction. 
“WHAT?” He shouted into the bedroom. 
Oh archons, to see him like this … you wished it was easier for you not to think about how adorable he was, but it was impossible. The soft ears that peeked from underneath his hair, the fluffy tail that didn’t know how to stop moving, and the frantic face he gave you were all just perfect 
“What happened??” He asked, running back to the mirror before returning his attention to you. Quickly, you made your way to his aid and did your best to calm him.
“I’m not sure, did you do anything strange yesterday?” You pulled his face toward you, cupping your hands against his cheek and running your fingers through his hair. 
“Not that I know of … uh, oh! I found this …” He reached for a small bottle on the bathroom counter and handed it to you. Shit.
“Did you drink this??”
“ … yes.” 
“CHILDE!” You burst into laughter, knowing it wasn’t the right time but also unable to control yourself. His expression was distressed and worried and, as best as you could, you tried to bring yourself back to calm. “This wasn’t supposed to be consumed …” 
“A-am I going to die?” 
“No, you’re just going to be, well, this it seems.” 
“How long??” 
“I don’t know, a few days maybe.” He dropped his head into his hands, his ears drooped and his active tail dropped toward the ground. Wrapping him in your arms, you offered him reassurance while trying not to laugh. “You’re very cute though.” 
You caught sight of his tail moving slowly back and forth and added more pressure to your hug. 
He found that it wasn’t as bad as he thought, in addition to the extra features, he also was able to gain other advantages - his eyesight was much better in the dark, his sense of smell more keen, his agility top notch 
You were sure he had grown attached to them in the short time he had them - so when the option came for him to revert, you were sure it would be a tough decision 
Still - to keep him trapped like this, with features that weren’t his own - you didn’t want to be cruel 
“Here,” You put the bottle down in front of him. His ears perking up at the item and his fingers reaching to grab it. “All you have to do is drink that and everything should go back to normal.” You said with a slightly wistful tone to your voice. It was somehow sad to think these adorable additions leave would be gone soon. 
“What if it doesn’t work?” 
“I’m not sure. We will just try again if it doesn’t though.” Quickly, he took the cork from the lid and moved the vial to his lips. His ear twitched as he smelled the concoction. “I’ll miss this.” Resting your head in your hands you watched as he downed the liquid in one go. 
“It’s hard for people to take me seriously like this …”
“Did people take you seriously before?” You joked, winking at him. 
The next morning, he stirred in bed next to you, his hair brushing against your face and making you wake up before you wanted to. As your eyes adjusted, you instantly recognized what you thought was hair was actually ears and the giddiness of your heart jump-started you awake. It didn’t work -- oh no, guess you’d have to keep trying. 
Waking up next to Kaeya was your favorite thing. It was an opportunity for you to be close to him, to witness his relaxed expression, and know that in these moments he trusted you over anyone else. 
So, when you woke and found him pressed against you, your hands absentmindedly began to run through his hair, over his shoulders, as you meandered your way into the waking world. There was something soft that flicked against your hand, but you pushed it away. It happened again, confused, mouth turning into a scowl and eyes rudely being pried open, you looked down to see what was making you irritated. 
You were wide awake when you saw the cat ears sticking out from Kaeya’s blue hair. They were richly shaded, deep blues with tips of white and perfectly placed on his head. Shifting, you tried to get a better view and the action made him stir. 
“Mmm, stop moving.” He mumbled, wrapping his arms around you and holding you steady. Tapping his arm, you tried to get his attention. 
“K-Kaeya …” 
“What is it?” 
“Do you feel okay?” You asked, your voice shaking and hands hovering over his ears. 
“I feel perfectly fine, why do you ask?” He kissed your chest before nuzzling back into his place. 
“You … you’ve got cat ears.”
He laughed and pushed your comment away. His legs moved under the sheets and you swore you saw something poke out from the bed. “You’re pulling my leg, I didn’t know you could be this funny so early in the morning.” 
“I’m not, see.” Stealing his hand you placed it on his head and watched as his fingers ran over the ears which were sticking straight up. When his eyes shot open and his hand began to move faster, pulling, tugging, examining the feature, you tried not to laugh as his confused expression turned into a slight panic. He shot up, his legs moving so he could sit on the bed but winced when he did so. That’s when the both of you saw the tail. 
“Hold on, let me get ready, just … don’t freak out.” 
You rushed around the room to gather up your items, your gaze continuously falling on the incredibly still, unmoving frame that was Kaeya. 
After calling on Albedo to come and offer assistance, only to find that the features would be around for a few days … Kaeya started to get more accustomed to them 
He was for sure rattled but bounced back rather quickly - in fact, the features seemed to get him even more attention than he had before and he found that the added bonuses were helpful when he needed them for his knightly tasks 
Not to mention it seemed he was more affectionate than normal, and not in the way he normally was, it was more in a … cuddly, interested, curious manner 
One evening, you found yourself reading over several books that Albedo had recommended and became rudely distracted when Kaeya pushed his way under your arms and nestled into your lap
“Hey there.” You called down to him, hand dropping to his shoulder as he nuzzled against you. 
“Give me attention.” 
You laughed at his pouting expression, his lips turned downward and ears twisting to show he could be trusted. “I’m currently trying to figure out how to fix this, I can’t do that if I’m giving you all my attention.” His eye squinted for just a moment before he moved more into your lap and nearly pushed the book in your hands onto the floor. “Kaeya!” The playful laughter that filled his ears was as tantalizing as the drinks he let touch his lips. 
“You can figure that out later. How can you possibly resist me right now anyway?” He asked, pushing against you until your back pressed into the couch and his hands weaved their way around your body. His hair tickled your face as he nuzzled into your chest and, even though his hips dug into yours, you didn’t seem to mind the closeness he was trying to find. 
“Okay. Fine, I’ll look into it more later.” 
“What excellent news.” He practically purred as he slid his way to your neck and let his body rest against you.
It’s been so long since he saw himself with such features - and, to be honest, he didn’t notice them for some time. It wasn’t until you returned and the items in your hands fell to the floor upon seeing him that his attention was captured
“Zh - Zhongli!?” You babbled, making your way to him and not knowing what to rest your eyes on first. Was it the pair of elegantly shaped horns that sprouted between his brown locks of hair? Was it the golden slits in his eyes that reminded you of the reptiles roaming around the rocky paths of Liyue? Or did you look at the scales that decorated his face in such perfect placement? 
“Has something transpired?” His expression was one of concern, but also one of disillusionment. Did - did he not notice? 
“Are you feeling nostalgic today?” 
“Not particularly, what makes you ask?” 
“Well … you look kinda like … I mean hold on.” You quickly disappeared down the hallway before returning with a small handheld mirror, one that Zhongli had purchased for you some time ago. Handing it to him, you waited until it started to register on his face the changes to his appearance, and that’s when you noticed the long claws which jutted out from his nail beds.  
“Huh, this is peculiar …” 
Sitting down across from him, you placed your hands on the table and watched as he examined the reflection of his face. “So you didn’t do this?”
“I must say that I did not, though It is rather pleasant to see …” His voice trailed off and you watched as he fussed with his hair, touched the horns on his head, and opened his mouth to check and see if - yup, he had canines much like a dragon too. That’s when it hit you. 
“Did you … drink anything strange?” 
The mirror found its place upside down on the table, his glowing eyes shifted to you as he took in your question. You let him think and finally, he gave you his answer. “I do recall there was a strange vial on the counter when I awoke. Ah - my dear, are you unwell?” He asked as your head dropped onto the table. 
The strangest thing about Zhongli holding these features was that he seemed … perfect for them and it was becoming quite the problem to hide
You were much too cautious that someone may discover who he really was with these pretty telling additions to his wardrobe, so you asked him to stay home for a while until you could get some answers
He didn’t seem to mind, and when you were finally able to gather up all the items needed to prepare an antidote for his condition, you were finding it very distracting to make the concoction at home 
The bubbling liquid warned you it was much too hot and so, with adept fingers, you turned the nobs and burners down so as to not overheat or scald the liquid inside. The aroma that filled your nose was … unpleasant to say the least, and so you finally succumbed to the need to wrap your nose in a clean cloth. 
Turning your back to the equipment, you made your way toward the drawer where the rags were kept but when your eyes caught sight of Zhongli standing by the window, you nearly fainted. 
He was wearing a robe, the material had slid down one of his arms and rested in the crook of his elbow. It gave you pause and allowed you to see the toned torso which was normally hidden by the layers of clothing he wore on a regular day. 
Since he found no need to properly get dressed, he had reserved himself to lounge about in clothes that felt ‘more suitable’ to him, as he explained. 
The light from the sun flashed across his chest, laid softly against his face, and illuminated the golden speckles in his hair - you wondered if it was because of the horns, perhaps they were reflecting the light and making him look ethereal in the warmth of the sun. He crossed his arms and shifted his weight as he looked beyond the window, almost as if he was yearning for something far beyond his reach. 
“I think I’m nearly done.” You explain, tying the towel around your face and returning, reluctantly, to the concoction behind you. 
As you began to spoon out the unnecessary ingredients until you were only left with the pure grade potion, you didn’t notice how he had moved to your side until the small vial was filled. 
“Here you -- oh!.” He stood right in front of you. His eyes were dangerous, burning, focused. “I didn’t see … you …” He reached around to the back of your head and skillfully undid the makeshift mask you had created moments ago. When it was off, he took the vial in his hands and placed it onto the counter before returning his attention to you. “Are you … okay?” You asked, tracking the movements of his face as he leaned down toward you. 
His lips hovered barely over yours and the closeness of him made your heart flutter. “You are mine, are you not?” His voice rattled your bones from the intensity, it was oppressive and supportive all at the same time. 
His lips pressed against the corner of your mouth, “You belong to no one else?” 
“No …”
It’s a good thing the instructions never said anything about, ‘consume immediately’ because you were very distracted for some time. 
tag list: @star-gods @mercurysmaiden @dourpeep @clemmywrites @pepperoncinipizza @handswritteeen @lucifucker @beelsdessert @odafashioned @coolcats09 @ninqat @musekala @sufzku @mooshymello  @heavenlyang @plenilunegazes @glazelilyy @justyoureverydayqueer @idunkar @solowmomo @twokissesforamelia @the-mermaid-of-mondstadt @fuwon @goat-mama-breezie @angelmelt @lucacandy @shesleire @mariana @zentoruu @smol-knife @nightlywallows @aoirohi @nitorious-ghost @mguerra11 @maiiikoo @actstfbla @youaskedfurret @nonniechan @evolcahra @tempehlust @zenith-impact @plumpkie @jaggedsi @salty-salty @onlyhereforinteractivestories @gultonluvv @shy-specter @liebestraumss @jaemjenjam @softlybeloved @anatthesavage
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