#and I’ve personally met several of her vets and trainers
smokinholsters · 5 years
The Consequence of Anger - Part 2
This is an AU One Shot in two parts, it takes place about 2 years past 8:4 when Ty hits Ahmed.
Amy was happy to hug her back, the words said back at the table two years ago though remembered didn’t hold the same salty taste they did. Two years had gone by and she missed Alberta and being home.
She’d made peace with them all except for Ty who couldn’t let go soon enough and probably still hadn’t. Amy just couldn’t deal with the heartache of it anymore. She had done what needed to be done, it was best this way and she was ready to move on.
“Why didn’t you let anyone know you were coming, is everything Ok ?”
“It’s fine Lisa, the season’s over as is my contract and I didn’t renew.”
“He offered ?”
“I’ve had several offers aside from his, I wanted to come home.”
“Well, let’s get you settled and I’ll call Lou and your dad.”
“Not tonight Lisa, not my dad, give me one day of peace.”
“Then let’s not tell Lou till later. Georgie and Katie are home and Jack should be back from the herd soon.”
She didn’t get in before both Georgie and Katie gave her hugs and kisses with explanations about why she was home early and their promise not to tell Tim or their mom. Amy and Georgie had made peace once Georgie realized the sacrifice she had made. Georgie had also matured some and becoming a young woman came with a different perspective and attitude. That and the fact that the #metoo surge in awareness was becoming front and center didn’t hurt, from any perspective. Amy was naïve for way too long, she was not that Amy anymore.
She implored Lisa that the chicken she had out was fine and not to make a fuss over dinner. She was tired and just wanted a home cooked meal and relaxation, one day before life took over.
Amy came out when Jack got in and they sat having coffee. She had removed her makeup and changed into jeans, a tank and a flannel. They talked about Europe and several of the people they had met together when the couple visited. Invariably Ty’s name came up.
“Uhm Ty ?” Jack asked. “Have you given that any thought ?”
Amy smiled “not at all Grandpa, why would coming home to Heartland make me think of Ty ?”, she was laughing by the end of the statement. “What ? not funny ?”
“You know what I mean.”
“I guess we’ll talk but do you think there’s a point ?”
Lou walked in then and was as surprised as the rest and after going through the vagaries of jumping world contracts once again settled as the fourth at the small kitchen table.
“Lisa, I need a realtor, I have to find a horse property.”
“You’re not staying here ?”
“We going to go through this again Grandpa ? I think I can have 8 Warmbloods here weeks after I can house them comfortably in a place they can be trained. You and I both know that’s not going to happen here.”
“I’ll get you some names honey.”
Amy smiled at her, Lisa didn’t question her about it at all. “How’s things at Fairfield ?”
“Oh you know, let’s change the subject.”
“Anything I can help with, what’s the problem ?”
“Thoroughbred racing follows the economy, we rode high for a time but things are a bit tight right now, I’ve thought of selling.”
“Change focus, maybe board and train like Val, at least you’re not a witch.”
“Val’s not a witch Amy.”
“Thanks Grandpa, she put Mallen on me when I was 15, should we go on ?”
“She’s changed a little since then.”
“I’ve heard about the incident with Jesse I’m not supposed to know about Grandpa, have there been others ?”
“Do you care ?”
“I’d like to know what I did meant something Lou, so yes, I care.”
“He straightened up after that, though he lost the time he made up in vet school and graduated on time rather than early.”
“And he works with Scott and that Cass now ? Who’s with Caleb ?”
“That’s all the dirt.”
“And Ty ?”
“Do you want to know ?”
“Is he seeing someone ?”
“Well, we’re not a couple Lou and no, I have not dated.”
“You plan on calling him ?”
“Or him me, I’m sure someone is bound to run into him.”
They got Lou to agree not to let Tim know and of course she almost botched it when he called her. Thankfully for Amy he didn’t just pull up for dinner.
“Who’s in the house at Fairfield Lisa ?” Amy asked the next morning when she found herself alone with her over coffee.
“No one though the cleaning company keeps it up.”
“Ok, I’m just going to say this, how much behind are you ?”
“I’m not comfortable discussing this with you Amy.”
“How about Ms. Fleming a strange  Belgium investor in town who may have a proposition ?”
Lisa smiled “please Ms. Fleming, I’m all ears.”
“Diversify, train jumpers along with the thoroughbreds.”
“Go on ?”
“As I said, I can make a call and get 8 Warmbloods here in a few weeks, maybe a month, the faster I can stall and have a place to train them the faster I can get them ready and sold.”
“That’s long term.”
“So is a breeding program which is why I asked about the money, I can still fix horses and coach jumpers and I have money.”
“I have a horse I hope to sell soon that would pretty much bail me out but that would be even. $200,000 would see us through with some light to spare.”
“I have $200,000 dollars Lisa, maybe we can work together and I can stay at Fairfield ?”
Lisa stared at her for a second and then took a sip.
Amy smiled “Cat got your tongue ? Sit with your accountant and lawyer and Grandpa and we’ll talk, in the meantime, I’ll look at properties. Can I stay at Fairfield anyway Grandma ?”
Lisa laughed, “of course you can honey and we’ll definitely talk, partners though.”
“Thank god because I’ve gotten used to laying in a hot tub and refilling it if I’m not done” Amy said laughing “partners is fine, family is better I think.”
Lisa laughed along with her “I almost envy you.”
“Oh, feel free to come by and join in the fun.”
“I can just see the expression on Jack’s face showing up at Fairfield one day and me laying in the tub.”
They made a morning of it and Lisa walked Amy around Fairfield and then the house.
“Take the master Amy, it’s got the en-suite bath and the balcony.”
“It’s a lovely space  but it’s your room Lisa.”
“It’s really not, is it the bed, we’ll order a new one.”
“That’s ridiculously unnecessary.” Amy laughed.
“I’ll stay in the master, thank you.”
They decided to have lunch at Maggie’s, Amy agreed to move in about a week or so once she got some personal stuff packed and a couple boxes from Europe that were on the way. She was also expecting Spartan and wanted him to be brought to Heartland first so she’d wait for that.
Jade welcomed and sat them. After a minute she took their orders. She stared at Amy for a few seconds before Amy snapped.
“What Jade, I remember you, why are you staring at me ?”
“No reason except Ty just walked in.”
“Did you text him because you’re acting as if you did ?”
“Uhm no, he usually comes in around now for lunch.”
“Is he carrying a shotgun ?”
“Uhm no.” Jade answered.
“Then get our food please.”
After she walked away Amy looked up at Lisa “what ?”
“Nothing, you Ok ?”
“Sure, you didn’t find that odd ?”
“Whatever it’s Jade, oop heads up. Ty, how are you ?”
“I’m fine Lisa, uhm Amy, I didn’t know you were back.”
“I got in yesterday on the sly, I didn’t let anyone know. How’ve you been ?”
“Uhm fine, you think maybe we could find some time to talk ?”
“Sure, I’m back on my old number.”
“Ok, well it’s good to see you.”
“You too.”
Ty nodded “well Ok then, I’ll call and we’ll set something up.”
Amy smiled and he nodded again and walked away.
“When did he become Caleb ?”
Lisa giggled “I think it’s the shock of just seeing you without notice Amy.”
“So he didn’t hit his head or anything, has the barber closed by the way, what is that mess on his head ?”
“It’s become a thing around here that hair business, I don’t know and I’m not too fond of it either.”
“One thing you can say about Europe, men take some pride in their appearance.”
“Can’t argue with that.”
It was a few days until Ty called. Before that Amy assumed that at one point he’d just show up at Heartland and mentioned it to Jack.
“He doesn’t come around much, your dad and he are like oil and water.”
“Could have seen that coming, the pot calling the kettle black.”
“So you meeting Ty ?”
“Maggie’s for breakfast tomorrow, don’t expect anything Grandpa.”
“You don’t miss him at all ?”
“I miss having sex with him, that’s not enough.”
“So you don’t love him ?”
“I’ll always love him Grandpa but I can’t just live the life he expects me to live because it makes him comfortable. Nor is there any payment in his mind that would ever make us equal as if there was a bill to pay.”
“No but maybe he …”
“It’s Ty Grandpa, he’s too full of himself to actually want more, he doesn’t feel deserving and never will and spending the rest of my life as his psychoanalyst doesn’t interest me. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh or it disappoints you. I expected a thank you and understanding from him and I got an endless circular argument. I know it seems that I landed on my feet and in one way, career-wise it has, but emotionally, mentally…..”
“I’m sorry Amy.”
“Life goes on Grandpa, there are no fairy tale endings. Us Flemings, we’re a broken lot no better or worse than the Bordens. Not a good mix.”
They delayed Spartan’s flight from Antwerp due to weather. Her friend Lara, a trainer with the French team had him and made the call. She had grown to love Spartan on rides with Amy and watching them do liberty and didn’t want him to suffer any undo fear. So on Friday morning when Amy met Ty for breakfast she would leave from there to the the airport with Scott.
It was awkward when Ty leaned over to kiss her. She looked at him sitting for a while until he smiled. “You set the rules, no talking about Europe.”
“What is all that ?” She asked pointing at his head.
“My hair, I don’t know, you don’t like it long ?”
“You don’t, well, comb it ?”
“Well, you know how my hair is.”
“Not when it’s short and groomed” she said it with her fingers pointing this way and that at his head.
“Ok whatever” Ty said exasperatedly “how are you ?”
“I’m fine Ty and you ?”
“I’m good, well excited I guess.”
“About ?”
“Oh I’ve been talking to these guys, well Bob Granger and I….”
“Wait Bob Granger ? Poacher Bob from the rescue ?”
“No, well yes, it’s a long story, anyway have you seen that thing about the Gobi bear ?”
“Yes, it’s absolutely gross.”
“Well Vets without Borders wants to send Bob and I to Mongolia to see what we can do.”
Amy sat and listened to him go on about helping the tribes with their herds and seeing if they can help with the bears.
“I’ll be gone about 4 months I think, give or take.”
“And Scott’s Ok with this ?”
“Yeah, we’ll put some things on temporary hold but he’s good.”
“Well, sounds like an adventure for sure.”
“Think we can get together and talk again or whatever when I get back.”
“Sure, I’ll be at Fairfield, I’m partnering with Lisa.”
“Really wow, that’s amazing, not starting up the business at Heartland again ?”
“There’s no room for me at Heartland and Lisa is actually excited and open to ideas.”
“I always thought you’d go back to fixing horses.”
Here we go Amy thought, “I‘ll be fixing horses at Fairfield Ty, just doing it alongside jumpers I’m training. One of the things I’m going to talk to Scott about this afternoon when we drive over to get Spartan.”
“Oh he didn’t mention it. So, uhm, I can call when I get back ?”
“You can always call me Ty.”
He smiled that crooked half embarrassed smile before leaning across the table for another weird kiss before getting up.
She watched him leave and walked over to the counter.
“How’d that go ?” Lou asked.
“Awkward as hell. He’s off to Mongolia, seems happy, what can I say ? I still think he’s spending too much time with Caleb and what’s with the hair ?”
The End.
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abalonetea · 6 years
Ok, first, let me just say WOW because you have the coolest page and I love the theme. This is.... so cool.Ok, but yes, back to the question. I was asking about horses because, yeah, I ride occasionally, but I don't really know cool horse terms. Trying to write about them and didn't know if there's good lingo for such. Or like, long term traveling no-no's. Obviously food, water, and distance, but if there were other tricks of the trade. Have any pointers?
thank you!! i’m absolutely in love with the lay-out of it, and how the theme ended up looking! i wanted something new and figured, hey, why not fully embrace the video game aspect of my wip? c:
i’m always down for horse chatter, no matter what it’s about! i’ve been working on horse farms since i was nine - which sounds strange to say, i realize, but i used to do farm work in exchange for lessons, and then it just evolved to paid farm work, haha. so, yeah, knowing how amazing your writing always is, the thought of you doing some horse related scenes just makes me incredibly happy and excited?
for long term traveling inspiration, i would check out endurance rides! it used to be primarily dominated by Arabians and half-Arabian breeds, but a larger variety becomes prominent in the circuit every year. we’ve had Morgan’s and quarter horses win the Nationals before and everything.
outside of food, water, and distance, some of the biggest things that i see forgotten about (but might not be relevant to your writing!) would be the soundness of a horse, and whether they’re still being groomed. and all this rambling is just! me guessing at the setting and situation! so it may or may not be helpful but - well, i like rambling about horses, so i hope you don’t mind! i’m mostly going under the assumption that by long distance you mean cross country, or something close to that, spanning several days or at least a week’s worth of riding. c:
depending on the setting, the thought of grooming a horse during a long distance travel might come across as strange. but if the same sweaty blanket, cushion, or saddle pad is left on the horse’s back for an extended amount of time, the sweat and the friction can rub sores - which then make the horse irate, and sometimes can even result, depending on the temperament of the horse, in being bucked off. 
solution for a desperate time - hop off, undo the girth on one side, slide the saddle back onto the haunches or up onto the neck (if a well trained horse, otherwise if the horse is young or antsy, the saddle may need to come off completely) and take a dry rag to the coat. if a hard brush or curry is available and time allows, a quick rub down wouldn’t hurt, but a dry rag will work if time and supplies are limited.
then flip the pad over, so the dry side is against the horse and tack back up. if time is extra limited, just flip over the saddle pad and skip the rag.
the other big thing is that a horse can easily injure itself on a trail. i love them, but half the time i feel like horses are held together by used chewing gum and some old string? so even if your horse doesn’t actually injure itself during the story, it might be something to keep in mind. they can pull leg muscles, bruise their frog, damage their hoof, and even cut their coronary band if the foliage is particularly thick and thorny!
so if you’re looking for extra drama, just nudge the horse into a situation that will leave it lame for a little bit, haha!
and some of favorite horse things that i love to include when writing about horses!
*when you’ve been riding for a really long time and your back is starting to hurt so you lean forward, draping yourself over the horse’s neck and it’s sweaty and dirty but the smell of horse is a comfort so you both just stand their silently for a few moments
*after a really hard ride but you can’t get off just yet so you do stretches in the saddle, like bending backwards so your shoulders are on the rump of the horse, and bending your legs in weird ways because they’re cramped
*a horse that’s too scared to walk through tall grass on its own but trusts you so much that as long as you walk in front of it, he’ll follow behind you
*horses playing with each other! halter tag, anyone?
*the specific sound of horse hooves hitting the ground, especially when it’s hard packed earth, especially if there are a lot of them
*hot horse breath on your hand when you give the horse a treat or hold up a bucket of water for them to drink out of
*that one horse who fills its mouth up with water and then purposefully dumps it on the rider’s shoulder
*the sheer exhilaration that comes from galloping a horse through a wide, open expanse where there’s nothing keeping you confined and the wind is cutting against your face and your heart is pounding and it’s like the both of you are the same being
*if you’re going long distance and are able to plan ahead of time, the pack you bring needs more than just food for the horse. pack smart and light! hay string is invaluable. so is vet-wrap (or an ace bandage swiped from the med bay) and duck tape. those three things can fix nearly any problem that occurs during your travels.
some facts from my personal life experience!
*did you know that you can fix a horse’s injured hoof with a preemie diaper and some duck tape
*did you know that you can fix their knee the same way
*did you know that you can make a sweat wrap for a horse’s swollen leg using clingwrap
*braiding a horse’s tail all the way to the tip is actually really ineffective for a horse that’s outside for any length of time. if you braid it down halfway, they still have the loose hair at the bottom to use as a fly swatter!
*horse bites are incredibly painful and not just when they nip your hand. i still have scars and tissue damage from being bit on the shoulder and thrown across the ten foot stall by a horse that was in pain and lashing out at me. it turned into a massive hematoma and i couldn’t lift my arm up past my breasts for almost three months
*getting kicked by a horse is incredibly painful but certainly not a death sentence and might not even leave you out of the field for a long time. i was double barreled out in the field one day, got the stitches put into my chin, had x-rays taken, and then went to finish my day’s worth of work. 
*that being said it absolutely can be really awful. my first trainer was thrown by a horse and landed the wrong way, so it completely shattered her arm and she ended up needing five surgeries. my second trainer was kicked in the face by a horse and it ended up breaking off parts of her teeth.
*night riding is asking for trouble, because the eyes of a horse have a hard time distinguishing things in heavy shadow. it’s why they tend to freak out over seemingly little things; the cones in their eyes just aren’t meant for distinguishing things in the dark.
*if your horse has never seen a cow or donkey before, it will terrify them. 
*ive never met a horse who didn’t like gatorade and that really has no relevance to anything, and probably is no use to anyone, but it’s still something that i wanted to share! i’ve worked with over 500 separate horses at my various farm jobs, and i’ve never met a single horse that turned down gatorade when i offered it to them
*rice bran tastes like vanilla cookies
*bute powder might smell like fruit loops but it does not taste like fruit loops
*sweet feed is edible for humans but the molasses gives it a very bitter flavor. alternatively, non-sweet feed kind of tastes like you’re eating dry bran cereal
i don’t know if any of this is even slightly useful to you, but it sure was fun to write up! and i am always up for talking about horses or answering any questions that you (or anyone else) might have! i’ve basically worked in every aspect of the horse industry at some point or another, and while i’m not a specialist by any means, i am most certainly a jack of all trades when it comes to farm work, barn work, and horse work
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RFA + minor trio... MC with anorexia? I'm sorry if this bothers you, you don't have to answer, I'm just going through a rough patch and it would help. Thank you.
***I am not bothered, although, I am very concerned about you anon, please make sure that you eat and if you are having trouble, there are many anonymous hotlines you can call for help. Take care of yourself please T_TAlso, reminder, it is always best to seek professional help, the RFA characters are just normal people at the ebd of the day though and I have to work with *their* personalities not necessarily what is best for you. They are not perfect, but they try really really hard. ~Let’s Connect! FFC***
Characterbreakdown: Good ending canon characters, Secret ending 02 Saeran, V from theoriginal routes with no operation, my version ofVanderwood as seen in my VanderwoodBackstory Fanfiction
His first indication that something was wrong was that you wouldn’t eat dinner with him
The one time you had eaten dinner with him, he’d questioned you time after time as to why you only picked at your food rather than truly eating. He’d noticed how you shrunk into yourself when he asked, but he wasn’t sure
As time went on, he saw how thin you were getting, the way you seemed to be so wispy and weak
Jumin immediately began researching all of your symptoms, at first coming to the conclusion you had cancer, thanks WebDoc, but upon actually confronting you, the truth came out
His face had a total change. “MC. You should have told me much sooner.”
He was somewhat business like, getting you the best of doctors and therapists, but whenever you were alone he was so gentle, offering you small portions of snacks that he even had made himself instead of calling for the cooks
Every step of the way, Jumin was there with a gentle or a tough love manner as needed, reminding you just how beautiful and loved you were, especially when healthy
With his own eating habits and sleeping schedule, it takes him a long time to notice that you were eating like a rabbit, very little and not nutritiously whatsoever, but what was he supposed to say that wouldn’t make him hypocritical?
He figured that you were just like he was, an irregular lifestyle that still kept you healthy, right up until he rolled over to pull you close and he felt just how thin you’d gotten
Seven recoiled from you, staring at you open mouthed for a while and you kept asking him what was wrong and what had gone wrong, but he played it off as everything was fine
The next morning, for some reason, Vanderwood was there cooking small snacks and marking them
Seven came up to you and pulled you into his arms, all pretense of joking gone as he told you that everything was okay, and you were both going to do better from here on out
He would tell you how amazing you looked with every pound you gained, making a nifty little scale that would count downwards the amount of pounds you needed to gain rather than showing a scale that went upwards so as to help your psyche handle it
You were both able to eat healthier, and the small meals with an actual schedule really helped Thanks to Vanderwood’s cooking.
She was constantly trying to offer you more food when you would just pick at your lunch at the cafe’
Jaehee, being the person she is, simply just let it be, thinking you must have just been one of those people who ate very little for lunch and more for breakfast and dinner
It became more concerning as you began to collapse during your shift from fatigue and general lack of energy
“MC, this is it. We’re going to see a doctor.” Not only was not being able to complete your shift inappropriate, but she was also really worried about her partner
Once it became apparent that you were anorexic and had become intensely underweight, cue momma Jaehee mode
It was almost like having your own personal assistant as she took charge of your needs and vetted the proper therapist/nutritionist for you
Even though it was an added expense: “It’s best to leave this to the professionals.”
She would reward you with Zen movie marathons when you made healthy choices, and who’s going to turn that down?
He notices almost immediately that you’re losing weight. Not that he’s constantly looking at you or anything
Zen continues to try to get you to be honest about why you were losing so much weight, but it wasn’t until he found the size 0 ‘Goal pants’ in your closet along with a number of women’s magazines all based on the ideal body type that he understood
Once he confronted you, you revealed that you felt inadequate next to him, even more so when people were criticizing your appearance online
Cue Zen taking cooking classes just so he could make you healthier meals, becoming your personal trainer to teach you how to properly work on your body, and praising you constantly, even more than he ever had before, my beautiful Babe~
This boy was making you food constantly for your dates, but you always seemed to not have much of an appetite, and it made him think you hated his cooking so he just tried harder!
It wasn’t long before he noticed the way his hoodie seemed to swallow you up when you’d wear it at his place, and…snuggling you seemed to not be as cozy anymore
As a vet medicine student, he confronted you and demanded you see a doctor because he was afraid you were ill. Your refusal and eventual breakdown that you were just anorexic made his violet eyes go wide
“But MC, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen…” His astonishment quickly turned to determination. “My precious girl won’t be allowed to suffer any longer!”
Along with his vet homework, Yoosung takes it upon himself to study how to help people with eating disorders and even goes to group meetings with you to make sure you’re comfortable and feel safe
Thanks to his loss of vision, he can’t see much of you to begin with, so he doesn’t notice the weight loss or really how little you eat until the two of you start to get physical with each other
It’s only all too apparent to him that you’re severely underweight, and he asks for Jumin’s help in getting you appointments with the best doctors in town
He knows all too well at this point that he can’t expect to heal your problems with love and pretty words, so he makes sure to enter a program for enablers as well so that he can be of most help to you
His insistence on checking your waist line all the time is somewhat unnerving at first, but you soon find it to be a comforting part of your relationship and sweet how he is checking on your progress
Expect many compliments once you’re at a healthy weight
It’s not like he was the proper weight when he got out of the hospital, but his wasn’t because of an eating disorder
He simply couldn’t understand why you would turn down food when he’d grown up being denied of food
Eventually, he couldn’t help but snap at you over it, causing a big mess of tears as you told him the truth
Saeran felt so horrible after the truth came out, wanting to lock himself up in his room for hurting you so badly, and he did there for a little while, which only made you eat less. It wasn’t until Seven came to check on you and found you passed out and impossible to wake that you were taken to the hospital
Your boyfriend just felt even worse now, but Seven was able to shake some sense into him that the reason it had gone so badly wasn’t because he had hurt you but was because you needed his support and him by your side, which helped to get him to break out of his own insecurity that you hated him for snapping at you
It was very touch and go, but the two of you learned to be more patient with each other through the entire ordeal
Your refusal to eat the portion he’d made for you was immediately met with irritation. “This is the right portion size for a woman of your age and height.”
He was smart enough to realize that once you mentioned eating less because ‘I’m so fat’, despite being quite small, that you had an eating disorder
Vanderwood started to make smaller meals more often during the day, tricking you at first into eating properly until you had a breakdown on the scale because you’d gained weight
After that, he simply disposed of the scale, convincing you that you had a problem and needed to see a doctor not long after
He worked tirelessly to make sure you were getting proper activity and meals, letting your doctor take care of the emotional aspects associated with your disorder
The way he saw it, you’d helped him through his problems, so to make you happy like you made him, he would do whatever it took
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hawkeyedflame · 7 years
tag, i’m it!
got tagged by @jouissezduprintemps !  thank you, Leah my love!
Drink: Iced coffee Phone call: My dad on the phone, @soli-bear over skype Text message: @brosefvondudehomie if we’re talking straight up SMS app Song you listened to: Aside from the scores from Your Lie in April, I was listening to a piano-only version of Weight of the World (NieR: Automata theme) trying to internalize the notes and see if I can still play by ear. In terms of music by a band, it was Sleep Well, Darling by Secrets. Time you cried: Literally less than an hour ago because I just finished Your Lie in April lmao
Dated someone twice: I mean technically, yeah. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes. Been cheated on: No. Lost someone special: Yes, several times. Been depressed: Going on ten years now. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I..yeah. Made new friends: All the time! Fallen out of love: Not on purpose. Laughed until you cried: Of course. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah lmao Met someone who changed you: Indeed, many times. Found out who your friends are: I mean I never really had friends until recently so, I guess? Kissed someone from your Facebook list: Not my current friend list, no. Kissed a stranger: No, never. Drank hard liquor: The only way to go. Lost glasses/contact lenses: 20/20 vision here Turned someone down: Err I have had to politely distance myself from people who gave off the impression that they were flirting, but I’ve never had to straight up tell someone no. Sex on the first date: No. Broken someone’s heart: Um, possibly? Had your heart broken: No one ever tells you that friends can break your heart, but I’ve been heartbroken over friends more than romantic relationships. Been arrested: No. Cried when someone died: Yes, although I’ve never lost someone close to me. Fallen for a friend: Kind of? Kissed on the first date: I’ve actually never really been on a date.
List 3 favorite colors: Sky blue (that carefree azure), spring green, and soft purples like lilac or lavender. How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them except my Tumblr friends. Do you have any pets: My parents have a cat and a dog, and I have an aquarium. Do you want to change your name: Yes. My real name is Allison but I prefer to go by Paige. What time did you wake up: Noon x.x  I was up all night coughing and didn’t get to sleeping until past 4am. What were you watching at midnight last night: Your Lie in April. Name something you can’t wait for: My life to be stable. When was the last time you saw your mom: She’s sitting on the couch across the room from me. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I had motivation and drive like I did when I was younger. What are you listening to right now: The air conditioner and the Jordan Peterson lecture my mom is watching. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I went to middle school with a Tom. Something that is getting on your nerves right now: My cold. Most visited website: Tumblr by a gross amount. Mole/s: None that I know of. Mark/s: I have freckles on my face and arms and a lot of scars. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a vet. Do you have a crush on someone: Errrrrrrrrrrrrr kind of? I’m not really sure. What do you like about yourself: I’m intelligent and kind-hearted. Piercings: First and second holes on my lobes, double helix on my right ear, nostril, septum, nipples. Blood type: I don’t know. Nickname: Allie by a very select few people. Relationship status: Single. Zodiac: Leo, the introverted kind. Pronouns: She/Her Favorite TV show: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, easily. Tattoos: None yet, but I have several planned. Right or left hand: Right! Surgery: Never. Hair dyed in different color: Darker brown, black, and blue with purple mixed in. Sport: I played soccer for fourteen years and ran track and cross country for seven. Vacation: I would love one ? I’m technically on break right now but I’d like to go to Canada to see my best friends. :o Pair of trainers: Like.. what brand? I wear Converse and Vans, generally. Current and all-time best friend: My soulmate is @the-heart-alchemist but there are a handful of other people I wouldn’t trade for the world ;w; Eye color: A beautiful dark brown that turns to molten copper in the sunlight. Favorite movie: I’m not much of a movie person. I guess Kimi no Na wa really stuck with me though.
Hugs or kisses: I like both? Lips or eyes: Eyes... Shorter or taller: I’m kind of a completely average height but I seem to have a preference for shorter ladies. Nice arms or stomach: That doesn’t really matter that much to me? Sensitive or loud: There’s a time and a place for both. Hook up or relationship: Relationship. Troublemaker or hesitant: Again, time and a place for both.
Yourself: Not always. Miracles: I’ll get back to you on that one. Love at first sight: No. Santa Claus: ...no?
If anyone else wants to do this, consider yourselves tagged!
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komatsunana · 7 years
rules: You must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
tagged by:  @meichii  (thank you!!)
tagging:  @placebogirl7, @kagomehigurashi, @lonelylldreamer, @trashforcaptainlevi101, @we-shadowhunter, @spicedupdruid, that’s not even close to 20 but CLOSE ENOUGH ???
Obviously you don’t have to do it, this is a lot of questions ^^;
the last
·         1. drink:  Water!!
·         2. phone call:  My momma
·         3. text message:  Listen.... I’m a very boring person... Also my momma.
·         4. song you listened to:  Legendary by Welshy Arms
·         5. time you cried:  Ugh, idk probably this morning
·         6. dated someone:  Pfft
·         7. kissed someone and regretted it:  Nah
·         8. been cheated on: Never
·         9. lost someone special:  January 5th, 2015
·         10. been depressed:  Depression is happening as we speak lmao
·         11. gotten drunk and thrown up:  Never
3 favourite colours
·         12.  soft pink
·         13.  mint
·         14.  coral
in the last year have you
·         15. made new friends:  Yep
·         16. fallen out of love:  Nope, unless falling out of love with a book and tv show count lol
·         17. laughed until you cried:  YES, I cry easily and for any emotion
·         18. found out someone was talking about you:  Yes >.>
·         19. met someone who changed you:  Idk, I don’t think so??
·         20. found out who your friends are:  No, I knew
·         21. kissed someone on your Facebook list:  Don’t have Facebook
·         22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life:  Still don’t have a Facebook
·         23. do you have any pets:  Yes - one dog, five cats, a chinchilla, and a betta fish
·         24. do you want to change your name:  YES - I want to hack off my last name and make my middle name my last name.  I can’t stand sharing a last name with my father.
·         25. what did you do for your last birthday:  Not much... just relaxed.
·       26. what time did you wake up:  9:30!!  Which is really late for me.
·         27. what were you doing at midnight last night:  Watching Critical Role
·         28. name something you can’t wait for:  Hm.... Idk, I’m pretty jazzed about the Fullmetal Alchemist hardcover edition coming out next year.
·         29. when was the last time you saw your mom:  Four seconds ago
·         31. what are you listening to right now:  What About Us by Within Temptation
·         32. have you ever talked to a person named tom:  Idk, probably??
·         33. something that is getting on your nerves:  My vet
·         34. most visited website:  Tumblr
·         35. hair colour:  Brown
·         36. long or short hair: Long
·         37. do you have a crush on someone: Nah
·         38. what do you like about yourself:  Uh.  I like the OCs I’ve made??? lmao idk       
·         39. piercings: Just two lobe piercings, I rarely put any earrings on tho
·         40. blood type:  A positive
·         41. nickname:  Don’t have one
·         42. relationship status:  Single
·         43. zodiac:  Gemini
·         44. pronouns: She/her
·         45. favourite tv show:  Dead Like Me!!!!! SO good
·         46. tattoos:  Not yet - I know I want the Dealthy Hallows tattoo on my wrist, 707 in pink on my bicep for NANA, and a black tree with roots bursting from a seed, with water color fire coming off like leaves with the words “I have passed through fire,” quote from Critical Role         
·         47. right or left handed: Right
·         48. surgery: Never
·         50. sport:  Never been into sports, tho I was on the swim team at some point
·         51. last vacation:  went to Wisconsin to see family in 2009..... I was supposed to be on vacation rn actually but that had to be cancelled
·         52. pair of trainers:   Don’t think I have any....?
·         53. eating:  Sandwich
·         54. drinking:  Water
·         55. I’m about to:  Play Stardew Valley
·         56. waiting for:  My cat to get better!!
·         57. want:  To be inspired
·         58. get married:  Never
·         59. career:  Would like to be a novelist... rn I don’t have a career just a job.
·         60. hugs or kisses:  Hugs I guess
·         61. lips or eyes:  Lips
·         62. shorter or taller: Taller
·         63. older or younger:  Older.
·         64. nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms
·         65. hook up or relationship:  Relationship
·         66. troublemaker or hesitant:  Hesitant
·         67. kissed a stranger: Nope
·         68. drank hard liquor: Yep
·         69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I misplaced my glasses just last night and I was ready to d i e and then I found them
·         70. turned someone down:  I think? It was a really weird situation.  He sent his friend over to ask my to a dance
·         71. sex on the first date:  No
·         72. broken someone’s heart:  Not that I am aware of
·         73. had your heart broken:  Yes
·         74. been arrested:  Nooooo
·         75. cried when someone died: Yes
·         76. fallen for a friend:  No
·         77. yourself:  Don’t believe a single thing that comes outta my mouth lmao
·         78. miracles:  I mean... sure?
·         79. love at first sight:  Yes..... LISTEN, I’ve fallen in love at first sight for several of my cats and dogs that I’ve had.  And no, it wasn’t with the depth and complexity that I love them now.... But you can’t tell me I didn’t love them from the moment I saw them.  And honestly, I love most people without even meeting them, just knowing they exist is enough... And most people would think of that as just being a loving person.... Why can’t people fall in romantic at first sight?  Sure, it’s not sustainable for a relationship just with that much but... It’s still love, I think. 
         80. santa claus:  I mean....
·         81. kiss on the first date:  I mean anyone can do whatever they want for their comfort
·         82. angels: no?
·         84. eye colour: Green??? I think
·         85. favourite movie:  ET, The Princess Bride
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quickchangeartist · 7 years
92 Questions Tag
Tagged by: @shadowbanish (thank you! <3)
Answer the questions and tag 20 people.
Shit, uhhhhhh... I dunno about 20. That seems like a whole hell of a lot. @ammonia-jane, @manticorefruit, @pink-reindeer, @ghartokpadhome, @ashadahlen, @ashtraska, @onepartpartyonepartmachine, @happilynerevarafter, @relvinmeru, @julei-zu, @aforgottenchampion, @jerallmountains, @sonofqueen, @hardbittenhearts, @aramis-stilt0n, @snowelves, @automatomicatomaton, @dunmeritude, @sithisit, @chameleonspell HEY WE DID IT (Disregard if you want, tho, cos this is a lot of questions and all)
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Tea, with a lot of sugar and milk. 2. Phone call: @ammonia-jane, actually, because I’d missed the bus and made myself late.  3. Text message: “A miserable pile of secrets.”  4. Song you listened to: “Maker Of My Sorrow” by Eliza Rickman 5. Time you cried: Probably yesterday morning, or the night before.
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Like, gone on two dates or dated them, broke up, then dated them again? Either way, yes. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Oh man, yeah. Many people I’ve kissed have not been good at it, regardless. 8. Been cheated on: Yeeeeeaahh actually that sort of happens a lot? I often wonder about that, and whether that’s why I just plain don’t much mind being fucked around on, maybe I just see it as a natural consequence. Or maybe I’m just poly and I shouldn’t overanalyse the whys so much. 9. Lost someone special: Yeah. 10. Been depressed: Bruh. Come on, now. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Lol. Yeah. LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. Red 13. Black 14. That sort of deep reddish purple that you only get on certain kinds of plum at very precise times of the year. IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yeah! I’m really bad at keeping them, though. 16. Fallen out of love: Nope! 17. Laughed until you cried: Yes 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Nah. Either they cover shit up properly, or I’m just not that interesting to talk about. Also, I’m pretty obtuse to be fair. 19. Met someone who changed you: Not in the last year, but they’re still around?20. Found out who your friends are: I wasn’t in doubt? Damn, some of you must have much more drama-filled lives than I do. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Idk? Probably. I think I gave @manticorefruit a smooch on their hat the other week. I kissed Voltaire after a concert a month or two back.
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t really know? Probably not more than half, though. 24. Do you want to change your name: I planned to change to my current name, Daniel, for the duration of transitioning, then change to Casimir once my surgery was done with. Then a friend of mine turns up with a Friendship Tattoo with ‘Daniel’ right there on his forearm and I’m just like. Welp.  25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I hung out at my mate’s place and drank gin and ate a delicious earl grey-flavored cake with “Happy fuckin’ Birthday aye” written on it in purple icing. That cake lasted for two weeks, it was enormous. 26. What time did you wake up: It should be 7am, lately it’s between 10am and 1pm because life is a series of mistakes. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Probably something unspeakable. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: For @ammonia-jane to go to Texas so she can come back. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: She’s literally right here. My cat is sitting on her and she’s reading my old report cards from school 20 years ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Oh my fucking gods, where to fucking begin... How about I go back to being 17 and happy and not yet so crushingly mentally ill. That or give me $100,000. 31. What are you listening right now: My cat purring, also “The Wayward Wife” by The Merry Wives Of Windsor. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ...Shit, I don’t know. Maybe I haven’t?? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My real estate agent hasn’t returned my emails OR my calls in going on a month now, despite sticking a demolition application notice on my damn lawn in the dark of night. Shitweasels. 34. Most visited Website: If not Tumblr, then probably UESP. LOST QUESTIONS 35. Mole/s: I think there’s one on the back of my neck maybe, and there’s one on the underside of one forearm. 36. Mark/s: Like... A bunch. Scar across my shoulder, scars all over my fingers and hands, big scar on my left thigh, nick on one wrist and between two knuckles on one hand I’ve had as long as I can remember, big flat scar on the sole of one foot, freckles on my shoulders (the ones on my face and forearms faded a lot when I became a Basement Goblin but the ones on my shoulders were from a SEVERE sunburn so I figure they’re there to stay), my stretchmarks are invisible now but holy fuck am I still super self-conscious about them, etc etc etc. 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a vet surgeon so much. 38. Haircolour: Right now? Henna-dyed red, it’s sort of brick-red now. 39. Long or short hair: I have a mohawk that’s long enough to reach the small of my back. So... Both? 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Sure <3 41. What do you like about yourself: My hands are pretty and I can do lots of things with them, like blacksmithing and carpentry and rude gestures. 43. Bloodtype: I THINK it’s O-? I can’t remember right now. It’s on some paperwork somewhere around here. 44. Nickname: Dan No, Dan Pls, Dan Would You Just Stop 45. Relationship status: I think they’re both going pretty well? 46. Zodiac: Aries  47. Pronouns: Neither He/Him/His or They/Them/Theirs feels ‘right’ but because English is a woeful pain in the ass, I’ll accept either of those. 48. Favourite TV Show: Right now it’s American Gods. 49. Tattoos: SOON. Once I get a new spot to live sorted out, I got some promises to keep. 50. Right or left hand: Right. 51. Surgery: Broken wrist, had a chunk carved out of my foot, had my thigh cauterised shut because I kept tearing the stitches and I decided I didn’t care. Had some bits and pieces extracted. Had broken tooth bits fished out of my jaw. At some point in the future there’ll be major chest surgery. 52. Hair dyed in different colour: SO MANY. I had to cool it with that once I started getting scared of my hair falling out. I used to be Billy Idol peroxide-white, though, I think that was the worst for it. 53. Sport: I don’t sport? I like watching Swordcraft battles. I think that’s a sport. 55. Vacation: The Murray River, up around Sunraysia, about 12km downriver from Loch 11. Not that I’ve thought about it at all. 56. Pair of trainers: I don’t know if I have any, actually. I wear my boots to death, though, they need resoling now I’ve ground the heels hollow again. MORE GENERAL:
57. Eating: Right now? Kabana and some baked beans. Whatever I could find in the kitchen. 58. Drinking: Cheap coke. 59. I’m about to: Write something, I hope, if my brain stays still. 61. Waiting for: Word back about the last rental lease we applied for. 62. Want: Not gonna lie, I would pay $50 for someone to come lie in bed with me and tell me it’s gonna be okay while we spoon and watch American Gods. 63. Get married: Afraid I can’t. Australia’s fun like that. 64. Career: *distant, bitter laughter* WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Depends on the person. It’s hard to screw up a hug, though. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller: Depends on what I intend to do with them 68. Older or younger: Older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms, I have such a weird envy thing for good shoulders. 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive, because holy shit I am all nervous all the time and loud is bad for me 72. Hook up or relationship: Hmmm. I mean, both have their pros and cons. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I am naturally really cautious, so hesitant, I guess. HAVE YOU EVER:
74. Kissed a stranger: Yep 75. Drank hard liquor: Yessir. I got a bottle of gin beside my chair at all times, lately. Beautiful Tanqueray. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t have either, though I probABLY REALLY SHOULD 77. Turned someone down: Yeah, it was so awkward. Poor thing, really. 78. Sex in the first date: Why wouldn’t I? 79. Broken someone’s heart: Ayyeh... Yeah, pretty often. I’m kind of garbage. 80. Had your heart broken: Yes. 81. Been arrested: No! A low bar, I know, but something I’m proud of. 82. Cried when someone died: Still doing it, now and then. 83. Fallen for a friend: Yes. DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Hah. I believe that other people believe in me and I don’t want to disappoint them, how’s that? 85. Miracles: In a way. I don’t think of them as miracles, though. 86. Love at first sight: Not the kind of love that ought to last. 87. Santa Claus: Nah 88. Kiss on the first date: Hell yeah smooches. 89. Angels: How christian-specific of you. OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: I always hated the idea that asking that question was normal and acceptable. Just makes other friends feel inadequate. 91. Eyecolour: Blue-grey, there’s a bit of brownish-gold around the middle I got from my mother. 92. Favourite movie: The Man Who Fell To Earth. It makes me cry a lot. Or Showgirls, because I cannot watch it without laughing, it’s a trainwreck that never stops giving.
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katyaton · 7 years
Hey get ready for more info abt me than you prob wanted to know
Tagged by @rubynovare <3<3<3
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people. <--- who the heck has that many people to tag ...
Drink: Yorkshire gold tea
Phone call: The dentist office
Text message: My sister
Song you listened to: You Will be Found - Dear Evan Hansen Soundtrack :’)
Time you cried: Hmmm like last week cause of classes ...
Dated someone twice: I’ve barely dated so me dating someone more than once is laughable. 
Kissed someone and regretted it: Kinda
Been cheated on: No. Again I dont date so things like this dont happen
Lost someone special: Yeah
Been depressed: I have depressive moments, but not enough to be diagnosed as depressed.
Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope! Im surprisingly good at knowing when to stop
Made new friends: Yep!!
Fallen out of love: No. Never fallen in love so again, not an issue
Laughed until you cried: Yes, several times!
Found out someone was talking about you: Yes, both in the good sense and the bad
Met someone who changed you: Yes! Mostly people from college, a few from sports, a few from work/internships
Found out who your friends are: I guess?
Kissed someone from your Facebook list: Well, kinda. I mean they kissed me first ...
Kissed a stranger: NO
Drank hard liquor: haha yeah it’s my go-to. It gets the job done quickly and if you make cocktails its super tasty!
Lost glasses/contact lenses: Glasses all the time when I was younger!
Turned someone down: Only like 3 people 
Sex on the first date: No. I would have to know the person at least 4-5 months, and we’d likely have to be established friends before even dating ... 
Broken someone’s heart: I think?
Had your heart broken: Not in the romantic sense, no.
Been arrested: No, lol, but had a busy body neighbor threaten to call the cops on me and my friends one time ...
Cried when someone died: yeah
Fallen for a friend: Not romantically, but platonically? YES FOR SURE
Kissed on the first date: If I was really feeling it, I would. I’ve done it on the cheek, though, does that count???
List 3 favorite colors: Royal red, light green, lavender
How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: Pretty much all of them? I dont accept people I dont know, although I am still friends with middle school people from a long time ago so I guess those count since we haven’t talked since then.
Do you have any pets: One cat!
Do you want to change your name: Sometimes. I have a really common name so it can get annoying, but then I think about all the paperwork id have to do and im like .... yeah maybe not. 
What time did you wake up: 8:30 am
What were you watching at midnight last night: House of Cards
Name something you can’t wait for: This summer to be over
When was the last time you saw your mom: 20 minutes ago
What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: stop freakin procrastinating oh my goddd
What are you listening to right now: the sounds of my struggling air conditioner
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: More than likely? Statistically one of the cashiers, nameless strangers that I conversed with, or long forgotten peers had to be named Tom. What kind of question?
Something that is getting on your nerves right now: My procrastination!!!
Most visited website: This blue hell site, then netflix, then youtube
Mole/s: Just one
Mark/s: Scar from doing the butterfly stroke and scrapping my hand on the wall of the pool, scar from stitches on my chin cause i was running around on all fours like a horse and tripped (age 9). I think that’s it?
Childhood dream: Singer, Vet, or Astronomer
Do you have a crush on someone: Nope
What do you like about yourself: I’m super chill
Piercings: Just one in my ears
Blood type: O+ (why do you wanna know, lol) But it does kinda suck cause I can give my blood to all the + blood types but can’t really receive from any types other than O+ or O- (aka why red cross has hounded me for years to give more blood after the one time I did it)
Nickname: Katya, tater tot, terminex, Kate
Relationship status: Single
Pronouns: She/her
Favorite TV show: Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, House of Cards, Yuri on ice, avatar the last airbender, legend of korra, downton abbey, black mirror
Tattoos: None. It would have to be something super special for me to get one
Right or left hand: Right handed
Surgery: Just wisdom teeth
Hair dyed in different color: Not right now, but dyed it red-ish for the first time last summer and a tiny bit of that still remains
Sport: Swam competitively year round for 7 years ... just do it for leisure now!
Vacation: No im doing year round school cause who needs a vacation! *sobs*
Pair of trainers: You mean tennis shoes? Yeah I have several pairs
Current and all-time best friend name: idk my bffs change as the years go on. I have several right now,
Eye color: blue
Favorite movie: I have a lot ... inception, napoleon dynamite, misery, into the wild ... i know there are more but that’s it for now!
Hugs or kisses: Hugs, but only with people i really know, otherwise I find them kinda awk.
Lips or eyes: Eyes 
Shorter or taller: I personally prefer being taller, but either is fine cause it’s not like a person can help their genetics!
Nice arms or stomach: Nice stomach! Gotta get that rippling 6 pack
Sensitive or loud: Sensitive
Hook up or relationship: Relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
Yourself: Ah, not as much as I should, but it can’t be helped
Miracles: In rare instances. I mean, sometimes there really are things we can’t explain away with math and science.
Love at first sight: No. But in fanfic it’s super nice!
Santa Claus: Well not now, lol. I did when I was younger, though.
Tagging (I will always feel awk doing this but my love of oversharing beats my insecurities, so just let me know if you dont want to be tagged/want to!): @alipiee @mygeekcorner @burglethyturts @ramigo @rollertoasteroflife @dramaticviolins 
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spacedadpicard · 7 years
92 Questions Tag
Tagged by: @shadowbanish <3<3 thank you, love!
Answer the questions and tag 20 people. I’m really lazy, so I’m not gonna, but if anyone sees this and wants to do it, please do!
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Chai tea. 2. Phone call: Called my boyfriend to invite him over yesterday. 3. Text message: “Okay. Coming.” 4. Song you listened to: Redbone, by Childish Gambino. 5. Time you cried: ....earlier today, watching Poldark.
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: No. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No. 8. Been cheated on: No. 9. Lost someone special: Yes. 10. Been depressed: Yes. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No. LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12. Blue. 13. Green. 14. Purple. IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yes...? I think lmao. 16. Fallen out of love: No. 17. Laughed until you cried: Yes. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Not that I remember? 19. Met someone who changed you: No. 20. Found out who your friends are: Yes. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes. GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: As in, have met? Like.... I don’t know. 75% of them? 24. Do you want to change your name: Nope! 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I have never celebrated my birthday. 26. What time did you wake up: Like, 9.30am? And then I fell asleep again until noon lmfao. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Probably RPing with @brietopia. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Seeing Hamlet in September!!!!!! Meeting @brietopia at some point!!!!!!!!! Visiting @meanderingshadow again!!!!!!!!! Hopefully getting a poetry collection published some time??? 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: This evening. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: My entire family situation. :~) 31. What are you listening right now: I have a stream open in another tab, so I’m just listening to a bunch of people talk about poetry and presses. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes! Several. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My parents. 34. Most visited Website: Probably YouTube of late. LOST QUESTIONS 35. Mole/s: I have a few! 36. Mark/s: I don’t have many. I do, though, have a scar on my knee. 37. Childhood dream: I don’t even remember, really. I feel like I strongly wanted to be a vet at some point. 38. Haircolour: Dark blonde. Not brunette. Nope. 39. Long or short hair: I wanna try short hair some time. I used to want really long hair, and part of me still does, but I’m kinda lazy. At the moment, it’s boring ol’ medium length. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Kinda?? 41. What do you like about yourself: I like to think I’m a pretty kind-hearted person. 42. Piercings: I had my ears pierced (just a regular old lobe piercing), but they’re pretty much closed up now. 43. Bloodtype: ...Yes.  44. Nickname: Different friends have different names for me. @brietopia calls me Zar; @meanderingshadow has a couple of just lovely nicknames for me, and my boyfriend also has a number. But I don’t have any that are universally used. 45. Relationship status: In a long-term relationship! 46. Zodiac: Aquarius! 47. Pronouns: She/her. 48. Favourite TV Show: Star Trek: The Next Generation, but I also love Lost. 49. Tattoos: None! But I have some planned. 50. Right or left hand: Right. 51. Surgery: None. 52. Hair dyed in different colour: Not yet, but I’m looking to get it dyed this summer. 53. Sport: Nah. 55. Vacation: The best place I’ve been to is the Scottish Highlands, but there are so many places I would love to. 56. Pair of trainers: Converse. Always. MORE GENERAL:
57. Eating: Nothing right now. 58. Drinking: Nothing! 59. I’m about to: Finish up an episode of Dirk Gently, maybe? 61. Waiting for: Nothing, really. 62. Want: A happy family lmao. And financial stability would also be great. And I could do with a side order of happiness and confidence and motivation with all of that. 63. Get married: Not yet! 64. Career: No idea what’s after uni. WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Is “both” an acceptable answer?? Hmm. It depends. But right now, kisses sound great. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes. 67. Shorter or taller: Taller. 68. Older or younger: Older. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms. 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive. 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant. HAVE YOU EVER:
74. Kissed a stranger: No. 75. Drank hard liquor: Yes. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: No. 77. Turned someone down: Yes. 78. Sex in the first date: No. 79. Broken someone’s heart: Not that I know of? 80. Had your heart broken: Yes. 81. Been arrested: No. 82. Cried when someone died: I mean, I can’t think of anyone. 83. Fallen for a friend: Yes. DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Sometimes. Depends. 85. Miracles: Sometimes. 86. Love at first sight: Sometimes? Like, not really, but the hardcore romantic in me does. 87. Santa Claus: No. 88. Kiss on the first date: Maybe?? Depends on the person. 89. Angels: Maybe. I don’t know. Are we talking Christian angels? Because in that situation I know even less. OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: I have more than one, but my boyfriend is called “Lindsey”, and he’s, y’know. My boyfriend.  91. Eye colour: Green. 92. Favourite movie: Umm. Probably Watership Down (which is also my favourite book!).
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vampirologist · 7 years
tagged by @anthony-stonem to answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people 
Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people THE LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: my mom. several times and she never replied 3. Text message: my cousin but the last person I’ve messaged was @hitchin-a-ride 4. Song you listened to: currently listening to “european son” by the velvet underground
5. Time you cried: today lmao because I threw a fucking fork away because I dropped it on the floor and he yelled at me and said I need to stop being “silly” but I literally have been diagnosed with something that ties into this
6. Dated someone twice: no lmao
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. Been cheated on: no 9. Lost someone special: yes 10. Been depressed: the last few years of my life  11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no but I have drank before
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLORS: 12. orange 13. black 14. blue IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: only on here tbh I’ve kinda lost my offline friends
16. Fallen out of love: no  17. Laughed until you cried: hmm probably 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yeah I believe so and I’m always paranoid about it 19. Met someone who changed you: yeah
20. Found out who your friends are: sort of  21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: never had facebook and never will
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: above answer- never had a facebook
23. Do you have any pets: 3 dogs named Bucky, Lewis, and Cuddy along with my two rats Mardy and Rudie even tho Lewis generally is at the neighbor’s and I don’t see him much
 24. Do you want to change your name: maybe but idk what I’d change it to. I used to love the name Cloie and Sophie but now I think that Kathleen is cute    25. What did you do for your last Birthday: had a breakdown lmao but went out and ate                                                                                                          26. What time did you wake up: don’t remember but I usually stay in bed for a while before I officially get up. I know that I was awake before noon                 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: I think I was sleeping or trying to sleep
28. Name something you can’t wait for: to have money lmao and o finally buy green day tickets                                                                                                 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: earlier today
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: lmao a lot of things and not to be that person but I would like alot more money
31. What are you listening right now: "day of the lords” by joy division 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: probably but can’t think off of the top of my head
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: people insisting that I did something that I didn’t do and being rude to me about it
34. Most visited Website: tumblr probably lmaooo
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: yes. my mom has a lot so 36. Mark/s: as in birthmarks? I have one above my stomach under my boobs (tmi I know)
37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a vet but now I couldn’t handle it
38. Haircolour: brunette
39. Long or short hair: short  40. Do you have a crush on someone: I’m not sure tbh?? 41. What do you like about yourself: uhhh I’ve always have naturally done good in school pretty much
42. Piercings: my ears but would like a nose piercing but probably wouldn’t have the dedication to look after it
43. Bloodtype :no clue which is bs because I’ve gotten my blood drawn before  44. Nickname: just from family. key-key, kir-kir, keek... as well as kir and someone on here refers me by it and idc if other people did. also, my dad has always called me stinker
45. Relationship status: single 46. Zodiac: pisces :/ 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favourite TV Show: don’t watch shows but I love courage the cowardly dog
49. Tattoos: none 
50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: none thank god I wouldn’t be able to handle it 52. Hair dyed in different color: nope
53. Sport: don’t like any and I used to be a good swimmer but germs and shit ruined it for me so I never swim. so if I HAD to pick one it’d be tennis
55. Vacation: is this like my favorite vacation I’ve been on?? if so yellowstone itself was cool even if the trip there and back was kinda sucky
56. Pair of trainers: converse MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: nothing rn
58. Drinking: water
59. I’m about to: nothing really. just doing this on tumblr dot com
61. Waiting for: when I can buy green day tickets in a few weeks. but rn waiting for someone to come online and reply
62. Want: money and more rats 63. Get married: no I don’t see the point 64. Career: would like to be a music journalist or work with music in some way even though I don’t know any technical stuff or how to play any instruments so possibly working on sites or social media, or album artwork/photography
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: taller 68. Older or younger: older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms I guess  71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hmm hesitant perhaps? HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: no 75. Drank hard liquor: no  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: don’t have any. last time I went to get my eyes checked I had 20/20 vision
77. Turned someone down: no 78. Sex in the first date: no 79. Broken someone’s heart: a friend’s perhaps 80. Had your heart broken: always tbh. I’m very sensitive
81. Been arrested: nope 82. Cried when someone died: yes 83. Fallen for a friend: yeah 0/10 don’t recommend because it ultimately fucked our relationship
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: lmao idk  85. Miracles: perhaps but depends on what you mean 86. Love at first sight: not really 87. Santa Claus: no 88. Kiss on the first date: depends  89. Angels: no
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: don’t have any I don’t think. doubt anyone would consider me one of theirs
91. Eyecolour: blue, but like an icy blue
92. Favourite movie: don’t watch movies
not tagging anyone but if you made it here feel free to and thanks?
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midwestfuckboi · 7 years
92 Questions Tag
I’ve been tagged by my bro @all-aboard-the-misery-machine (thanks for tagging :-) )
Answer the questions and tag 20 people (There’s no way I’m tagging 20 xD)
1. Drink: Milk
2. Phone call: My dad
3. Text message: Cheyenne
4. Song you listened to: Scar Tissue - Red Hot Chili Peppers
5. Time you cried: ummm a few weeks ago
6. Dated someone twice: Yes sort of
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope, no regrets xD.
8. Been cheated on: No
9. Lost someone special: Yes, my sister in law.
10. Been depressed: Not clinically but I’m a very moody person sometimes.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No
12. Black
13. Blue
14. Purple
15. Made new friends: Yes :-)
16. Fallen out of love: I mean I got over a crush if that counts?.?
17. Laughed until you cried: Probably
18. Found out someone was talking about you: No
19. Met someone who changed you: Everyone changes you to a degree so yes.
20. Found out who your friends are: ?? I guess, I just hang out with the same 2-4 people so.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nah
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: 75%, maybe a little more.
24. Do you want to change your name: No
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I can’t remember doing much to be honest, I slept over at a friend’s house a few days before hand.
26. What time did you wake up: 6:00ish am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping
28. Name something you can’t wait for: Trip to Wisconsin Dells
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: We’re both in the back yard, so now I guess.
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I want to say my temperament because I get pissed easily, but It comes in handy sometimes so maybe not. I wish I could go out more I guess but family + anxiety doesn’t help much.
31. What are you listening right now: Ironically the same as the person who tagged me… Birds chirping.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My clumsiness
34. Most visited Website: Tumblr or youtube
35. Mole/s: One 
36. Mark/s: Three scars (one on my face and two on my wrist).
37. Childhood dream: Veterinarian
38. Haircolor: Mid to dark brown I guess. Black right now.
39. Long or short hair: Short
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yeah, I always have a crush on someone.
41. What do you like about yourself: I’m kinda nice sometimes, I don’t know.
42. Piercings: no
43. Bloodtype: I don’t know actually.
44. Nickname: Jimjam, doomsday (from childhood), and james.
45. Relationship status: Single
46. Zodiac: Scorpio
47. Pronouns: She/her/dudddeee (I like dude)
48. Favourite TV Show: American Horror Story, The Walking Dead, Black Mirror, and Sherlock.
49. Tattoos: None (yetttt)
50. Right or left hand: Right
51. Surgery: I broke my wrist in two places when I was 7. So I needed pins in for my wrist to heal right.
52. Hair dyed in different color: Several times. I’ve had red, blue, and black.
53. Sport: Swimming
55. Vacation: I’ve been to Yellowstone. I’ve also been to Oklahoma. That’s really it.
56. Pair of trainers: I wear boots a lot so not really. I have black shoes.
57. Eating : Anything
58. Drinking: Anything
59. I’m about to: Anything
61. Waiting for: School to start and Wisconsin Dells.
62. Want: Motivation, jeans, more time with friends/family, and to bring my cats to the vets.
63. Get married: Yeah, someday
64. Career: Psychologist or writer.
65. Hugs or kisses: Depends on the person
66. Lips or eyes: Eyes
67. Shorter or taller: Taller
68. Older or younger: Older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I don’t know, both? Neither? What?
71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship 
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Both
74. Kissed a stranger: No
75. Drank hard liquor: I had a sip of vodka?
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: No
77. Turned someone down: Once (some random ass person asked me on a date at a laundry matt. I was 15 and awkward as fuck so I just kinda walked away.
78. Sex in the first date: Depends???
79. Broken someone’s heart: Yes….
80. Had your heart broken: No
81. Been arrested: No
82. Cried when someone died: Yes, but not at a funeral.
83. Fallen for a friend: Yes
84. Yourself: Depends xD
85. Miracles: No
86. Love at first sight: Attraction, but not like soulmate type shit.
87. Santa Claus: No
88. Kiss on the first date: Sure
89. Angels: No
90. Current best friends name: Cheyenne, Sophie, and Arizona.
91. Eyecolour: Green
92. Favorite movie: The Crow, Donnie Darko, and Amélie.
I’m tagging : @idkmyselfanymore-pleasehelp, @snow-fi, @tonyxtwentytwo (😈), @heart, and @meodison
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poop4u · 4 years
Thank Heavens We Have Dogs. (And Other Things To Do When The World Closes Up.)
What do we do after, to quote a line from the play Hamilton, “The world turned upside down”? I rarely write about current events, but it just feels wrong to not acknowledge the profound effects of the Covid-19 global pandemic. I have several fun topics for posts in the hopper for the near future (how to pick a new dog, how to handle a dog who plays rough, for example), but, like you, our lives here on the farm have been upended by what I am calling “the new abnormal”. But it’s not all bad. Surely there is a silver lining here for dog and cat lovers–surely we can make lemonade as much as possible? That’s what I want to focus on today: How can we pet owners take advantage of the cancellation of so much of the rest of our lives?
I should preface this post by saying that everyone has to make their own choices about how to behave, but Jim and I are playing it cautious and canceling almost everything that would take us off the farm. We are convinced of the seriousness of this disease, and that stopping “community spread” and “flattening the curve” is the most responsible thing to do. That’s before there a lot of cases in one’s own locality. As a good friend of mine said, “Be more cautious than you think you need to be.” We are all swamped with information about the pandemic and how to handle it, so I’m just going to link to one excellent source for data nerds like me, and leave it at that.
But I do want to brainstorm with you about making “social distancing” and “social isolation” as painless as possible. This morning I sat down with a cup of tea, my favorite pen and notebook and wrote a list of things that I am able to do now that my schedule is cleared. I’d love to hear yours.
Before I start a list, I want to say how grateful I am that “social isolation” isn’t isolation at all for those of us with pets. Here’s to them, and all the comfort, love and oxytocin that they provide us–one of the world’s best ways to strengthen our immune system. (FYI, I am aware of no credible information that dogs or cats can get Covid-19, but they could carry viral particles from one human to another, so be careful there.)
Here’s my list then; which will no doubt be revised and added to in the days to come:
– Cook rice and freeze for when dogs have diarrhea. (Following the usual veterinary advice: First fast, then feed easy to digest foods. I usually use rice with a little chicken broth in it.) I leave a good amount of cooked rice in the freezer for a sitter when I’m gone–it paid off big time when we were in Kenya and the poor sitter had to deal with an outbreak of yuck.
Note, True Story: While I was typing this, Tootsie began whining. “Just a minute, Toots” I said, wanting to finish the paragraph. And then she spewed diarrhea all over the dining room floor. The floor is now mopped, Tootsie has had a bath and received metronidazole, the vet is called, and the already cooked rice is out of the freezer. Words fail here.
Toots requests that Tall Two-Leg Female start paying more attention to her rather than writing about paying more attention to your dogs.
– Catch up on training videos. So many great places to go! I’ll be watching some of the herding videos from The MacRae Way Academy. Friend and kick ass trainer Laura Monaco Torelli has a vast range of free training videos which I’ll catch up on, as does Emily Larlham of Kikopup on Youtube. The Learning Center on my website also has articles and videos on training. Maybe pick one aspect of training you’d like to delve into, and go from there? What are your other favorite sites?
– Train new trick. (Cat lovers too! Cats are great at doing tricks!) This is my all time favorite way to deal with cabin fever for both me and my dogs. I love that tricks feel so light and fun–a good reminder of how easy it is to fall into angst if some kind of “obedience” exercise isn’t going well. So: Define every thing as a fun trick, teach a new one or improve a cue that needs a little spiffing up, and have a ball doing it. My “new trick” agenda is easy–nothing like a new dog to write it’s own list. Skip and I are working on so many things, including Turn Your Head to Me When I Give Another Dog a Treat (a “Leave It” equivalent without a word being spoken), Back Up When I Touch The Door Handle, Stop and Stand Still Even When Running Outside, Stand Quietly For Muddy Paw Cleaning, Walk on a Leash Politely When Going Out to Work Sheep, Keep All Paws on the Ground When Being Petted, Look at Me When You See a Cat, Go to a Matt in the Kitchen when I say Relax, and, drumroll please, Do Just About Anything Besides Stare Obsessively Out the Window Looking for a Cat. And that’s not even the list related to working sheep. (Which is going well by the way, although we have our challenges.) So yeah, I’m good for a list on what to work on! What about you?
This is a huge victory! Skip is chewing on his Kong rather than obsessively looking at the window in case a cat shows up. More on this in a separate blog. (Nothing like a new dog to give a person a lot to write about.)
– Groom, and/or clean out pet supply shelves and cabinets. I try to be sure to groom the dogs at least on Sunday, but, of course, that kind of commitment, is, uh, flexible. But what a great opportunity to get a handle on what we have, what we need to order, what dog or cat needs her nails trimmed or their coats brushed. Or a bath cuz they just had diarrhea all over themselves. Just saying.
This is but one of five different places in the house where dog supplies are kept. Yup, I need to follow my own advice here . . . (Glinda, the Good Witch on the right, is an important part of my dog training procedures. She was given to me by some other trainers, and I have cherished her ever since. Her poor little hand was broken off, so she is awaiting repairs in the mud/supply room. Do wish her well.)
– Sort through dog photos, get enlargements if you can do it digitally. If not, at least get them organized so that you’re ready to take them in once you’re comfortable going into town. You can imagine that I have a ridiculous number of dog photographs, in a ridiculous number of places. Someday I’ll get them better organized. Will this be the “day”? Hmmm, no promises made here. But surely I can start the wall of family photographs that I’ve planned to do in “my free time” for the last four winters. Here’s a link to a review of the online photo enlargement/print businesses, and here’s a link to my favorite local camera store’s online services, at the Camera Company. So: Who are you going to get an enlargement of? I’m going to get one of Willie, my Silly Billy Willie Boy.
– Find pet-related note cards on line, order and write to friends. What is more special than getting a real note or letter in the mail nowadays? (You can guess my age because I just said “nowadays”. Who uses that word nowadays?) You can personalize a note card with your own dog, you can search Amazon for pet-related note cards, you can get funny cards about bored Border Collies, and you can order Gary Larson cartoon cards. (I don’t think there is a grad student in any biological field that doesn’t have a Gary Larson cartoon on their door.) The sky is the limit, right? Well, actually, our budgets are the limit, but hey, these are trying times.
Is this not the coolest card ever for a sheep and sheepdog owner? You can find them at www.myfavoritesheep.com.
– Virtual Field Trips: One last thought, for everyone of any age: How about taking some virtual field trips through museums around the country? Or, for my bird lover friends, checking in on live cams in bird nests around the world?
I’m sure you all have lots of other great ideas. Along with some of the above, I’ll be doing lots of cooking (poor me), lots of work with the BCs on sheep (poor me), and lots of contact with dear friends through the phone, letters and on line. You?
I do want to say one more thing: I am so sorry for all of you who are struggling financially because of this global nightmare. Folks with small businesses that rely on in-person transactions are truly hurting. Jim and I have agreed to do all we can to support them, by buying gift certificates from local restaurants, ordering on line when possible, and refusing refunds from things we’ve already paid for that had to be cancelled. If you can possibly afford it, please help local dog groomers, vet clinics, restaurants, etc etc. If you are the one struggling, I hope that those around you can turn out to help–don’t be shy about asking for it.
MEANWHILE, back on the farm: Life goes on as usual for the dogs. Maggie and Skip play hard twice a day, but it goes best if Skip has a toy in his mouth. They love to play tug, and he’s absolutely fine when she tries to take it out of his mouth (lots of chase games associated with that–Maggie is brilliant at figuring out how she can best get a hold of it when it’s in his mouth), but he can be a jerk (mouthy, body slamming) if he doesn’t have a toy on his mouth. We have other words for him when he’s being a jerk, but I’ll spare your tender ears.
Skip is one of the happiest dogs I have ever met. That’s without a doubt the main reason that he’s our dog now. Happy dog, happy Trisha.
Ghost Kitty (aka Polly), would like to remind us that it’s not all about the dogs.
Please be safe out there, I send you my warmest wishes for safety and health.
Poop4U Blog via www.Poop4U.com Trisha, Khareem Sudlow
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
Victor Dog Food vs Taste of the Wild
When you’re a dog parent, it’s up to you to make the smartest decisions for your dog.
As much as Maggie might enjoy sniffing her way through the food aisle at our local pet store to munch on the smelliest bag, I know that there’s a lot more that goes into picking out her food.
It’s always a good idea to look into new brands when you discover them.
Recently, I’ve found the Victor Company and Taste of the Wild.
To learn more about their products, I researched a few key factors to make the best decision regarding which one is right for my dog.
Check out what I learned and why you might prefer one brand over the other.
After you’ve spent a few minutes reading, you’ll make an educated purchase and your dog will be better off for it.
Victor Pet Food Overview
Victor Super Premium Pet Food is a Texas-based brand that wants to help dog parents raise strong and healthy pups.
All their ingredients are fresh and feature the Victor Core blend[1], which boosts the metabolism, immune system, and your dog’s digestive tract.
Every bag of dog food is made with the advice of professional trainers, breeders, and vets, so your dog’s nutritional needs are met no matter what stage of life they’re in.
Best Sellers
Every dog owner must choose a blend their dog enjoys the most, but these have become Victor’s best sellers over the years:
Victor Select Beef Meal and Brown Rice Formula
Victor Purpose Performance Formula (With added glucosamine and chondroitin)
Victor Purpose Grain-Free Hero Canine Formula
Each blend offers something different, but these have proven to please many canine fans across the country.
Did you know? Victor made it onto our list of the best dog foods for Goldendoodles!
Taste of the Wild Overview
As a family-owned brand, Taste of the Wild is a company determined to match dogs with the perfect food based on their DNA.
Every blend is made with ingredients that their wolf ancestors would have eaten[2], which is part of what’s made it the fastest growing pet food brands in the world.
With five US-based facilities run by its parent company, Diamond Pet, you’ll find dog food made with ingredients from both local and global suppliers.
Best Sellers
There are nine flavors for owners to choose for their dogs, but these three have risen to the top as Taste of the Wild’s best sellers:
High Prairie Canine Formula
Pacific Stream Canine Formula
Sierra Mountain Canine Formula
All of these flavors come in both dry and wet versions, so dogs who prefer a certain texture to their food can enjoy them either way.
If you’re interested in a more in-depth review of Taste of the Wild, you’re in luck! Click here.
Important Features to Consider
When you’re thinking about switching your dog’s food to a new brand, there are a few specific features to consider before making your purchase.
Think about these following factors as you check out both of these brands.
What kind of ingredients should your dog eat?
They may have allergies or food sensitivities that limit their options.
You might prefer them on locally-sourced, all-natural ingredients or need a blend that’s higher in protein.
Some dog parents might not need a budget for the pet products they buy, but others do.
It’s always smart to look at the price of a potential dog food bag and figure out if you can sustain it in the long-term.
Depending on where you live, some brands may be available in local stores.
Others might only be available through online delivery.
It’s good to know how you would get the food if you started buying it, since dog owners have to restock regularly.
You won’t know if your dog enjoys the food unless you buy it, but you can read the reviews on a dog food blend to see what other dogs think.
Some flavors may seem appealing to owners, but the smell or ingredients could be unpleasant for the dogs when it’s time to eat.
Brand Reliability
It’s important that a brand builds a sense of trust with its consumers, especially when they make a product your dog eats daily.
You’ll want to research the history of the brand and learn about any recalls to discover if they care about the quality of their production process as much as they care about making a profit.
Comparison of Victor vs Taste of the Wild
Read on to discover how these two brands stacked up against each other when I put the most important factors to the test.
  Winner: Victor   
Click the image for more info
Along with using whole ingredients, Victor prides itself on the brand’s Core formula.
That formula includes key health features like minerals, prebiotics, and probiotics[3].
Taste of the Wild is nearly the same, except they include probiotics, fatty acids, and antioxidants.
However, they do offer an ingredient glossary[4], which is an upfront way of building that importance sense of trust with its consumers.
As far as ingredients go, I’d choose Victor for Maggie. I like that the Core formula helps the immune system, metabolism, and digestive tract at the same time.
Plus, they include both prebiotics and probiotics, which help with every stage of digestion.
  Winner: Taste of the Wild   
Victor kibble bags come in 5, 15, 30, or 60 pound bags.
Overall, they average $2 per pound, which means a standard 30 pound bag would cost nearly $60.
Taste of the Wild offers slightly smaller bags in 5, 14, and 28 pound increments.
The brand averages $1.75 per pound. It’s slightly more affordable, but does come in smaller amounts.
The winner will be different for everyone, according to their budget, but since Taste of the Wild is slightly higher in protein, I’d say it’s worthy of its price.
  Winner: Taste of the Wild   
You can find Taste of the Wild in both mainstream pet supply stores and specialty stores, as well as online.
It’s easy to find and the brand has a store locator[5], so you can figure out where to buy it without leaving your home.
Victor is only sold online and at specialty pet stores, as evidenced by their store locator[6].
That makes it easier to choose Taste of the Wild, if you prefer to pick up your dog food in person.
Personally, I’d say it’s a toss up. I order Maggie’s food online, so she could eat either of these brands.
You’ll have to determine the shipping costs of getting these two brands sent to your home in order to determine which one is more easily available.
Shop TotW at Amazon
Shop TotW at Chewy.com
Shop Victor at Amazon
Shop Victor at Chewy.com
  Winner: Victor   
Both brands are highly reviewed online and seem like a great option for dogs, but Victor edges out with slightly more positive reviews.
Taste of the Wild hasn’t pleased a few picky eaters, so dogs like Maggie would probably prefer to try Victor first.
Brand Reliability
  Winner: Victor   
Here’s where recalls come into play.
The Diamond Pet Food company has had several recalls over the recent decade, but that hasn’t affected their Taste of the Wild brand much.
The only recall for Taste of the Wild happened in 2012[7], when their dry food was recalled for salmonella contamination.
It’s also worth noting that a recent 2019 FDA report found sixteen dog food brands that were linked to canine heart disease. Taste of the wild was one of them[8].
Although it may be safe for short term use, long term use has been found to increase a dog’s risk of developing heart disease.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, the Victor brand has never experienced a recall and has been in operation since 2007.
That’s a great history with zero health concerns, which is why I’d trust Victor with Maggie’s daily meals any day.
  Winner: Victor   
Because it won the ingredients, taste, and brand reliability factors, I’d declare Victor the winner in this brand comparison.
Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what’s best for your dog.
Learn everything you can about the brands you have in mind to make an informed purchase for your pup.
The post Victor Dog Food vs Taste of the Wild appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/dog-food/victor-vs-taste-of-the-wild/
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faithandsurrender · 5 years
August 14, 2019
It’s been a few days.
I think one reason I’ve not been writing is because I was putting pressure on myself to write everyday. This is a stinkin blog lol I don’t have to follow any rules. I wanted my posts to be formatted a certain way, organized, and with proper grammar and punctuation, and I realized that I was limiting myself (and being hard on myself) by doing that. I’m gonna write what I want and how I want it. Less structure, more honesty and freedom.
The last few days have been stressful. My dog’s itching has become more of a problem. I was off on Monday so I took him to the vet and came home with a few medications and a spray that was supposed to help with his itching. Today, Wednesday, I woke up and he had a bloody mess on his back from scratching so much. It looked worse than it was, but I immediately took him back to the vet to get it checked out. He got an antibiotic shot, a steroid shot, and I'm praying praying praying that he’s on his way to recovery. One thing that’s neat about this story is his vet noticed my “John 3:16″ hat and told me she’d be praying for my pupper. What an awesome professional. I really appreciated her saying that.
Also today I met up with my advisor for school. We talked about my plan for the program and he gave me an idea for what to expect. As my advisor, he seemed to me that he was a little concerned about my wanting to complete the program in 3 years (which is considered full-time). The program is very rigorous, and having a part-time job—even if it’s just 20 hours a week—will be very challenging. He said it’s doable, but that it will require a lot of sacrifice, focus, and dedication on my part. Realistically, I think I'd be able to do it, but for the first six months of 2019 I worked 60 hours a week and it was exhausting. I didn’t have time for myself, for friends, or for community. So, over the next several days I’m going to be really intentional about prayer and asking God for guidance in what would be best for me to do. I’m thinking the 4-year track would be better than the 3-year track because it would enable me to tend to myself a whole lot more and balance things in a healthier way.
Something else I’ve been up to over the last few days was I joined a health/fitness challenge. A girl I follow on Instagram is a personal trainer and she regularly does different challenges that include workout plans and macro coaching. Today was day 3 and I haven’t been as motivated as I wish I was. I’ve been trying, but not as hard as I could. I’ve been more active and eating healthier than I have for a while, but I’ve not been busting my booty and giving 110% to my workouts. I am eating healthier and haven't had junk food in a few days (which is hard)... okay literally after typing that last sentence my brother walked into my room and gave me half of his spicy mcchicken sandwich. I was hungry though, because all I ate today was a protein bar, protein oatmeal, and salad. I had half a mcchicken and no fries, so I'm not gonna be hard on myself for this. Tomorrow is a new day and I’m going to go to the gym after work and do my workouts.
Oh, the last season of Jane the Virgin was also added to Netflix and I’ve been binge-watching it over the last few days. I love this show and sad that it’s reached its end.
There are 12 more days until school starts and although I wish I had a fun-filled 7 weeks between the store closing and school starting, I'm glad I caught up on rest and just relaxed. I hope these next 12 days don’t go by fast but I know they will. I’m excited yet anxious for school to start.
0 notes
jeffreyrwelch · 6 years
5 Ways to Help Calm a Hyper Dog
The post 5 Ways to Help Calm a Hyper Dog by Annie Phenix, CPDT-KA appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
I am working with an eight-month-old German Shepherd Dog who displays frantic behavior most of the time. Something is happening inside her body and brain that is beyond my reach in terms of effective training. As a professional dog trainer, I have successfully employed positive reinforcement training and behavior modification on hundreds of dogs with great successes. Not with this dog, though. She knows some basics, but if I ask for a skill outside of our training room — such as a simple sit or a hand touch — she is noncompliant, not because she is being stubborn or trying to dominate me, but because she seems overwhelmed by the world. She’s a hyper dog or an anxious dog — but there are steps you can take to modify the behavior of a hyper dog.
Inside the world of a hyper dog
A hyper dog has issues focusing. Photography ©Motionshooter | Getty Images.
This dog’s ability to focus on me is severely diminished by everything in her environment: other dogs, leaves falling from trees, prairie dogs and especially butterflies. I had hoped this puppy from working lines could become a search-and-rescue dog, but that was not in the cards. Too many things shut down her ability to hear me and to learn (other than learning how to be a great butterfly chaser). She gets a glazed look every time she meets something new, and then she often twirls or paces or even bolts from me. She also randomly sits up and barks at the other dogs from time to time as though she wanted to eat them — even when no other dogs are actually in the room.
Before I can focus on training this German Shepherd Dog, I need to calm down her overactive mind and fearful responses. I am willing to try anything on this hyper dog that would not hurt her, and anything that had a proven track record with veterinarians or other dog trainers using positive reinforcement.
What to know about calming a hyper dog
Luckily for dog owners everywhere, we are learning more about how dog’s minds work every day. We know, for example, that dog-appeasing pheromone (DAP), which mimics the scent of a lactating mother dog, is said to help calm about 80 percent of the dogs it is used on and is often used to help lessen separation anxiety. I’ve had great success with it as a good starting point with my clients’ dogs. Alas, it did not make a difference in this hyper dog’s behavior.
I love the Thundershirt, a snug wrap that can help with things like a fear of thunderstorms. I’ve used it (with owners’ permission) to help dogs calm down in busy kennels; it seems to be a miracle device for many dogs. However, it doesn’t help this hyper dog relax.
I asked fellow dog trainers to share their favorite remedies for calming a hyper dog. If you also have an overstimulated or hyper dog, I suggest you do one thing at a time and give it two weeks to a month before you add or switch out a remedy.
First, however, always rule out a possible medical concern. I paid $150 for lab work and I was relieved when the dog I was training got a clean bill of health.
1. Aromatherapy
Behavior consultant Marilyn Wolf of Korrect Kritters in New Port Richey, Fla., gives all her clients a handout that includes proven methods of calming a hyper dog down. She includes DAP, the Thundershirt, BACH Rescue Remedy (a popular flower essence mix for people and pets) and CALM Aroma Mist, which contains lavender and chamomile essential oils, which she sprays on her pants and on bandanas worn by the dogs. “The calming mist is the most popular item with our clients,” she says. “But there is something that we can all do for our dogs, and that is to calmly pet them when they are stressed. Long, slow strokes on the back (not the head) while the owner is calm and quiet does wonders.”
2. Herbal essences
Trainer Traci Moriarty of Wag Between Barks in Durango, Colo., recently worked with four extremely shy dogs of different ages, one of whom wouldn’t even leave his crate. “We used to do Terra aromatherapy oils, specifically Balance and Serenity,” she says. “A half hour before the class started the next week, I sprinkled both of these aromatherapy blends on every mat and on myself. The dramatic, positive changes in the dogs got all of our attention. I use these oils in all of my classes now.”
I tried these oils with the GSD puppy, and she did show some calmness, but not as much as I hoped to see nor as quickly as I wanted results. They did help me relax more around her, and they even helped me get calm enough to accept the situation for what it is instead of being depressed by it.
3. The Eye Contact Game
Trainer Laura Blanz of San Antonio, Tex., says her favorite training tool is Chris Bach’s Eye Contact Game, which she asks her students to teach their dogs at home before they even come to class.
“The beauty of the Eye Contact Game is that it is truly voluntary,” she says. “The dog learns to give up something he wants (food, in the teaching phase), and to attend to you, to get something he wants (again food, in the teaching phase). The dog’s decision to focus on you instead of the food is what produces the food reinforcement.” Your dog learns the skill of being calm and focused on you, which becomes a habit, and therefore self-reinforcing.
“Having your dog’s attention makes it much easier to teach additional new skills,” she says. “If the behavior is more complex and not responding to training, or the result of trauma or genetics, then I like to add homeopathy to the protocol.”
4. More calming techniques for a hyper dog
Chinese veterinary medicine includes acupuncture, acupressure, Chinese herbs, and food energy therapy. Make sure you get this treatment from a veterinarian trained in these ancient healing arts.
T-Touch: First developed for horses by Linda Tellington Jones, T-Touch is based on circular movements of the fingers and hands all over the body that activate cell function and awakens cellular intelligence. This calming method uses a combination of specific touches, lifts, and movement exercises that all work together to release tension.
The Thunder Cap: Made by the same fine folks who brought us the Thundershirt, it filters visual stimulation, allowing dogs better concentration skills. It may look draconian but it can help a dog in a big way.
Through a Dog’s Ear: Music therapy to help lower anxiety or calm a hyper dog! According to the website, this music “is psychoacoustically designed to support you and your dog’s compromised immune or nervous system.” I’ve gotten rave reviews from clients.
Animal Communicators: This one stirs up a lot of controversy, because how can we prove they do what they do? I called an animal communicator for a horse I was worried about standing for hours in a trailer on our cross country move. She assured me the horse would be fine and added that he loves to visit with all the wild animals he encounters in his pasture. Does he? I have no way of knowing, but her words helped me to decide he could make the trip just fine and he did.
5. Anti-anxiety drugs from your veterinarian
Discuss doggie “Prozac” meds with your vet. I have seen anti-anxiety drugs work extremely well when combined with proper behavior modification, and current research backs this up. Sometimes this remedy is for the short run, sometimes it is for the long run. Each dog is different (just like us!) and so there can be some trial and error as your veterinarian and you determine which drug is helping your dog the most.
Of all of the calming techniques now available, my clients seem to resist this one the most. Please don’t take it personally if your vet recommends this for your dog — it is NOT a reflection on you as a dog parent or a failure of any kind. Remember: These calming drugs are for your dog and not for you! You’ll have to go to a human doctor to get your own supply.
Some final thoughts on calming a hyper dog
I am taking my own advice and using one treatment plan at a time with this hyper dog. I am now trying customized homeopathic remedies with an expert in the field, all while using massage and one-on-one quiet training time. She suggested we try iodine in teensy amounts to begin with. She interviewed me for more than an hour! I stopped the oils while this dog was taking a homeopathic remedy. My next step will be to give a calming mist a try, coupled with the Eye Contact Game.
I am grateful to the many positive reinforcement dog trainers who helped me. I need my village of support from other trainers as much as this dog does, so we have a standing appointment with a colleague (Kirsten Frisch of The Gentle Canine in Colorado) so that I can see progress being made and to give myself a break each week.
This GSD puppy challenges me on all levels, especially my patience, but I like a good challenge. She will make me grow as a human and as a trainer. I’ll give her the time and space she needs. As a famous horse trainer likes to say: “It takes the time it takes.” If you have a dog like this, please reach out to qualified and empathetic trainers, because we can definitely relate to your struggles!
Tell us: Have you ever tried to calm a hyper dog or an anxious dog? Tell us what worked for you in the comments!
Thumbnail: Photography ©vikarus | iStock / Getty Images Plus.
This piece was originally published in 2013.
About Annie Phenix: Positive-reinforcement dog trainer and author Annie Phenix never met a mountain she did not love, which explains why she lives in Durango, Colorado, and while she is always smiling since she is surrounded by mountains. She delights in the snowy season here, as do her five dogs, two horses, and six adorably cute donkeys.
July is the CHILL ZONE on Dogster.com! Learn how to keep your dog cool, calm and collected this summer with articles on preventing summer mishaps, staving off stress and more. 
Read more about dog training on Dogster.com:
Do You Have a Stressed Dog? Let’s Talk Stress in Dogs
How to Socialize a Dog Through Dog Training Classes & More
4 Tips for Finding a Good Playmate for Your Dog
The post 5 Ways to Help Calm a Hyper Dog by Annie Phenix, CPDT-KA appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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stiles-wtf · 6 years
5 Ways to Help Calm a Hyper Dog
The post 5 Ways to Help Calm a Hyper Dog by Annie Phenix, CPDT-KA appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
I am working with an eight-month-old German Shepherd Dog who displays frantic behavior most of the time. Something is happening inside her body and brain that is beyond my reach in terms of effective training. As a professional dog trainer, I have successfully employed positive reinforcement training and behavior modification on hundreds of dogs with great successes. Not with this dog, though. She knows some basics, but if I ask for a skill outside of our training room — such as a simple sit or a hand touch — she is noncompliant, not because she is being stubborn or trying to dominate me, but because she seems overwhelmed by the world. She’s a hyper dog or an anxious dog — but there are steps you can take to modify the behavior of a hyper dog.
Inside the world of a hyper dog
A hyper dog has issues focusing. Photography ©Motionshooter | Getty Images.
This dog’s ability to focus on me is severely diminished by everything in her environment: other dogs, leaves falling from trees, prairie dogs and especially butterflies. I had hoped this puppy from working lines could become a search-and-rescue dog, but that was not in the cards. Too many things shut down her ability to hear me and to learn (other than learning how to be a great butterfly chaser). She gets a glazed look every time she meets something new, and then she often twirls or paces or even bolts from me. She also randomly sits up and barks at the other dogs from time to time as though she wanted to eat them — even when no other dogs are actually in the room.
Before I can focus on training this German Shepherd Dog, I need to calm down her overactive mind and fearful responses. I am willing to try anything on this hyper dog that would not hurt her, and anything that had a proven track record with veterinarians or other dog trainers using positive reinforcement.
What to know about calming a hyper dog
Luckily for dog owners everywhere, we are learning more about how dog’s minds work every day. We know, for example, that dog-appeasing pheromone (DAP), which mimics the scent of a lactating mother dog, is said to help calm about 80 percent of the dogs it is used on and is often used to help lessen separation anxiety. I’ve had great success with it as a good starting point with my clients’ dogs. Alas, it did not make a difference in this hyper dog’s behavior.
I love the Thundershirt, a snug wrap that can help with things like a fear of thunderstorms. I’ve used it (with owners’ permission) to help dogs calm down in busy kennels; it seems to be a miracle device for many dogs. However, it doesn’t help this hyper dog relax.
I asked fellow dog trainers to share their favorite remedies for calming a hyper dog. If you also have an overstimulated or hyper dog, I suggest you do one thing at a time and give it two weeks to a month before you add or switch out a remedy.
First, however, always rule out a possible medical concern. I paid $150 for lab work and I was relieved when the dog I was training got a clean bill of health.
1. Aromatherapy
Behavior consultant Marilyn Wolf of Korrect Kritters in New Port Richey, Fla., gives all her clients a handout that includes proven methods of calming a hyper dog down. She includes DAP, the Thundershirt, BACH Rescue Remedy (a popular flower essence mix for people and pets) and CALM Aroma Mist, which contains lavender and chamomile essential oils, which she sprays on her pants and on bandanas worn by the dogs. “The calming mist is the most popular item with our clients,” she says. “But there is something that we can all do for our dogs, and that is to calmly pet them when they are stressed. Long, slow strokes on the back (not the head) while the owner is calm and quiet does wonders.”
2. Herbal essences
Trainer Traci Moriarty of Wag Between Barks in Durango, Colo., recently worked with four extremely shy dogs of different ages, one of whom wouldn’t even leave his crate. “We used to do Terra aromatherapy oils, specifically Balance and Serenity,” she says. “A half hour before the class started the next week, I sprinkled both of these aromatherapy blends on every mat and on myself. The dramatic, positive changes in the dogs got all of our attention. I use these oils in all of my classes now.”
I tried these oils with the GSD puppy, and she did show some calmness, but not as much as I hoped to see nor as quickly as I wanted results. They did help me relax more around her, and they even helped me get calm enough to accept the situation for what it is instead of being depressed by it.
3. The Eye Contact Game
Trainer Laura Blanz of San Antonio, Tex., says her favorite training tool is Chris Bach’s Eye Contact Game, which she asks her students to teach their dogs at home before they even come to class.
“The beauty of the Eye Contact Game is that it is truly voluntary,” she says. “The dog learns to give up something he wants (food, in the teaching phase), and to attend to you, to get something he wants (again food, in the teaching phase). The dog’s decision to focus on you instead of the food is what produces the food reinforcement.” Your dog learns the skill of being calm and focused on you, which becomes a habit, and therefore self-reinforcing.
“Having your dog’s attention makes it much easier to teach additional new skills,” she says. “If the behavior is more complex and not responding to training, or the result of trauma or genetics, then I like to add homeopathy to the protocol.”
4. More calming techniques for a hyper dog
Chinese veterinary medicine includes acupuncture, acupressure, Chinese herbs, and food energy therapy. Make sure you get this treatment from a veterinarian trained in these ancient healing arts.
T-Touch: First developed for horses by Linda Tellington Jones, T-Touch is based on circular movements of the fingers and hands all over the body that activate cell function and awakens cellular intelligence. This calming method uses a combination of specific touches, lifts, and movement exercises that all work together to release tension.
The Thunder Cap: Made by the same fine folks who brought us the Thundershirt, it filters visual stimulation, allowing dogs better concentration skills. It may look draconian but it can help a dog in a big way.
Through a Dog’s Ear: Music therapy to help lower anxiety or calm a hyper dog! According to the website, this music “is psychoacoustically designed to support you and your dog’s compromised immune or nervous system.” I’ve gotten rave reviews from clients.
Animal Communicators: This one stirs up a lot of controversy, because how can we prove they do what they do? I called an animal communicator for a horse I was worried about standing for hours in a trailer on our cross country move. She assured me the horse would be fine and added that he loves to visit with all the wild animals he encounters in his pasture. Does he? I have no way of knowing, but her words helped me to decide he could make the trip just fine and he did.
5. Anti-anxiety drugs from your veterinarian
Discuss doggie “Prozac” meds with your vet. I have seen anti-anxiety drugs work extremely well when combined with proper behavior modification, and current research backs this up. Sometimes this remedy is for the short run, sometimes it is for the long run. Each dog is different (just like us!) and so there can be some trial and error as your veterinarian and you determine which drug is helping your dog the most.
Of all of the calming techniques now available, my clients seem to resist this one the most. Please don’t take it personally if your vet recommends this for your dog — it is NOT a reflection on you as a dog parent or a failure of any kind. Remember: These calming drugs are for your dog and not for you! You’ll have to go to a human doctor to get your own supply.
Some final thoughts on calming a hyper dog
I am taking my own advice and using one treatment plan at a time with this hyper dog. I am now trying customized homeopathic remedies with an expert in the field, all while using massage and one-on-one quiet training time. She suggested we try iodine in teensy amounts to begin with. She interviewed me for more than an hour! I stopped the oils while this dog was taking a homeopathic remedy. My next step will be to give a calming mist a try, coupled with the Eye Contact Game.
I am grateful to the many positive reinforcement dog trainers who helped me. I need my village of support from other trainers as much as this dog does, so we have a standing appointment with a colleague (Kirsten Frisch of The Gentle Canine in Colorado) so that I can see progress being made and to give myself a break each week.
This GSD puppy challenges me on all levels, especially my patience, but I like a good challenge. She will make me grow as a human and as a trainer. I’ll give her the time and space she needs. As a famous horse trainer likes to say: “It takes the time it takes.” If you have a dog like this, please reach out to qualified and empathetic trainers, because we can definitely relate to your struggles!
Tell us: Have you ever tried to calm a hyper dog or an anxious dog? Tell us what worked for you in the comments!
Thumbnail: Photography ©vikarus | iStock / Getty Images Plus.
This piece was originally published in 2013.
About Annie Phenix: Positive-reinforcement dog trainer and author Annie Phenix never met a mountain she did not love, which explains why she lives in Durango, Colorado, and while she is always smiling since she is surrounded by mountains. She delights in the snowy season here, as do her five dogs, two horses, and six adorably cute donkeys.
July is the CHILL ZONE on Dogster.com! Learn how to keep your dog cool, calm and collected this summer with articles on preventing summer mishaps, staving off stress and more. 
Read more about dog training on Dogster.com:
Do You Have a Stressed Dog? Let’s Talk Stress in Dogs
How to Socialize a Dog Through Dog Training Classes & More
4 Tips for Finding a Good Playmate for Your Dog
The post 5 Ways to Help Calm a Hyper Dog by Annie Phenix, CPDT-KA appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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buynewsoul · 6 years
5 Ways to Help Calm a Hyper Dog
The post 5 Ways to Help Calm a Hyper Dog by Annie Phenix, CPDT-KA appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
I am working with an eight-month-old German Shepherd Dog who displays frantic behavior most of the time. Something is happening inside her body and brain that is beyond my reach in terms of effective training. As a professional dog trainer, I have successfully employed positive reinforcement training and behavior modification on hundreds of dogs with great successes. Not with this dog, though. She knows some basics, but if I ask for a skill outside of our training room — such as a simple sit or a hand touch — she is noncompliant, not because she is being stubborn or trying to dominate me, but because she seems overwhelmed by the world. She’s a hyper dog or an anxious dog — but there are steps you can take to modify the behavior of a hyper dog.
Inside the world of a hyper dog
A hyper dog has issues focusing. Photography ©Motionshooter | Getty Images.
This dog’s ability to focus on me is severely diminished by everything in her environment: other dogs, leaves falling from trees, prairie dogs and especially butterflies. I had hoped this puppy from working lines could become a search-and-rescue dog, but that was not in the cards. Too many things shut down her ability to hear me and to learn (other than learning how to be a great butterfly chaser). She gets a glazed look every time she meets something new, and then she often twirls or paces or even bolts from me. She also randomly sits up and barks at the other dogs from time to time as though she wanted to eat them — even when no other dogs are actually in the room.
Before I can focus on training this German Shepherd Dog, I need to calm down her overactive mind and fearful responses. I am willing to try anything on this hyper dog that would not hurt her, and anything that had a proven track record with veterinarians or other dog trainers using positive reinforcement.
What to know about calming a hyper dog
Luckily for dog owners everywhere, we are learning more about how dog’s minds work every day. We know, for example, that dog-appeasing pheromone (DAP), which mimics the scent of a lactating mother dog, is said to help calm about 80 percent of the dogs it is used on and is often used to help lessen separation anxiety. I’ve had great success with it as a good starting point with my clients’ dogs. Alas, it did not make a difference in this hyper dog’s behavior.
I love the Thundershirt, a snug wrap that can help with things like a fear of thunderstorms. I’ve used it (with owners’ permission) to help dogs calm down in busy kennels; it seems to be a miracle device for many dogs. However, it doesn’t help this hyper dog relax.
I asked fellow dog trainers to share their favorite remedies for calming a hyper dog. If you also have an overstimulated or hyper dog, I suggest you do one thing at a time and give it two weeks to a month before you add or switch out a remedy.
First, however, always rule out a possible medical concern. I paid $150 for lab work and I was relieved when the dog I was training got a clean bill of health.
1. Aromatherapy
Behavior consultant Marilyn Wolf of Korrect Kritters in New Port Richey, Fla., gives all her clients a handout that includes proven methods of calming a hyper dog down. She includes DAP, the Thundershirt, BACH Rescue Remedy (a popular flower essence mix for people and pets) and CALM Aroma Mist, which contains lavender and chamomile essential oils, which she sprays on her pants and on bandanas worn by the dogs. “The calming mist is the most popular item with our clients,” she says. “But there is something that we can all do for our dogs, and that is to calmly pet them when they are stressed. Long, slow strokes on the back (not the head) while the owner is calm and quiet does wonders.”
2. Herbal essences
Trainer Traci Moriarty of Wag Between Barks in Durango, Colo., recently worked with four extremely shy dogs of different ages, one of whom wouldn’t even leave his crate. “We used to do Terra aromatherapy oils, specifically Balance and Serenity,” she says. “A half hour before the class started the next week, I sprinkled both of these aromatherapy blends on every mat and on myself. The dramatic, positive changes in the dogs got all of our attention. I use these oils in all of my classes now.”
I tried these oils with the GSD puppy, and she did show some calmness, but not as much as I hoped to see nor as quickly as I wanted results. They did help me relax more around her, and they even helped me get calm enough to accept the situation for what it is instead of being depressed by it.
3. The Eye Contact Game
Trainer Laura Blanz of San Antonio, Tex., says her favorite training tool is Chris Bach’s Eye Contact Game, which she asks her students to teach their dogs at home before they even come to class.
“The beauty of the Eye Contact Game is that it is truly voluntary,” she says. “The dog learns to give up something he wants (food, in the teaching phase), and to attend to you, to get something he wants (again food, in the teaching phase). The dog’s decision to focus on you instead of the food is what produces the food reinforcement.” Your dog learns the skill of being calm and focused on you, which becomes a habit, and therefore self-reinforcing.
“Having your dog’s attention makes it much easier to teach additional new skills,” she says. “If the behavior is more complex and not responding to training, or the result of trauma or genetics, then I like to add homeopathy to the protocol.”
4. More calming techniques for a hyper dog
Chinese veterinary medicine includes acupuncture, acupressure, Chinese herbs, and food energy therapy. Make sure you get this treatment from a veterinarian trained in these ancient healing arts.
T-Touch: First developed for horses by Linda Tellington Jones, T-Touch is based on circular movements of the fingers and hands all over the body that activate cell function and awakens cellular intelligence. This calming method uses a combination of specific touches, lifts, and movement exercises that all work together to release tension.
The Thunder Cap: Made by the same fine folks who brought us the Thundershirt, it filters visual stimulation, allowing dogs better concentration skills. It may look draconian but it can help a dog in a big way.
Through a Dog’s Ear: Music therapy to help lower anxiety or calm a hyper dog! According to the website, this music “is psychoacoustically designed to support you and your dog’s compromised immune or nervous system.” I’ve gotten rave reviews from clients.
Animal Communicators: This one stirs up a lot of controversy, because how can we prove they do what they do? I called an animal communicator for a horse I was worried about standing for hours in a trailer on our cross country move. She assured me the horse would be fine and added that he loves to visit with all the wild animals he encounters in his pasture. Does he? I have no way of knowing, but her words helped me to decide he could make the trip just fine and he did.
5. Anti-anxiety drugs from your veterinarian
Discuss doggie “Prozac” meds with your vet. I have seen anti-anxiety drugs work extremely well when combined with proper behavior modification, and current research backs this up. Sometimes this remedy is for the short run, sometimes it is for the long run. Each dog is different (just like us!) and so there can be some trial and error as your veterinarian and you determine which drug is helping your dog the most.
Of all of the calming techniques now available, my clients seem to resist this one the most. Please don’t take it personally if your vet recommends this for your dog — it is NOT a reflection on you as a dog parent or a failure of any kind. Remember: These calming drugs are for your dog and not for you! You’ll have to go to a human doctor to get your own supply.
Some final thoughts on calming a hyper dog
I am taking my own advice and using one treatment plan at a time with this hyper dog. I am now trying customized homeopathic remedies with an expert in the field, all while using massage and one-on-one quiet training time. She suggested we try iodine in teensy amounts to begin with. She interviewed me for more than an hour! I stopped the oils while this dog was taking a homeopathic remedy. My next step will be to give a calming mist a try, coupled with the Eye Contact Game.
I am grateful to the many positive reinforcement dog trainers who helped me. I need my village of support from other trainers as much as this dog does, so we have a standing appointment with a colleague (Kirsten Frisch of The Gentle Canine in Colorado) so that I can see progress being made and to give myself a break each week.
This GSD puppy challenges me on all levels, especially my patience, but I like a good challenge. She will make me grow as a human and as a trainer. I’ll give her the time and space she needs. As a famous horse trainer likes to say: “It takes the time it takes.” If you have a dog like this, please reach out to qualified and empathetic trainers, because we can definitely relate to your struggles!
Tell us: Have you ever tried to calm a hyper dog or an anxious dog? Tell us what worked for you in the comments!
Thumbnail: Photography ©vikarus | iStock / Getty Images Plus.
This piece was originally published in 2013.
About Annie Phenix: Positive-reinforcement dog trainer and author Annie Phenix never met a mountain she did not love, which explains why she lives in Durango, Colorado, and while she is always smiling since she is surrounded by mountains. She delights in the snowy season here, as do her five dogs, two horses, and six adorably cute donkeys.
July is the CHILL ZONE on Dogster.com! Learn how to keep your dog cool, calm and collected this summer with articles on preventing summer mishaps, staving off stress and more. 
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