#and I'm making a shit ton of patches because in my mind
a question for those who are totally normal, they promise, about Gerry Keay
could you please either reply to this post, or send me an ask, with patches/patch designs you think Gerry would wear on a pair of 'patch pants'? it's for science, ahaha. I'd be eternally grateful <3
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foone · 4 months
Alright, listen up:
We need to stop with the anti-rooting attitude for brainpals, alright? You're just doing mnemonocorps job for them. Cut out the discourse about people with modded brainpals, for TF's sake.
(scifi worldbuilding by way of fictional Tumblr discourse under the cut)
There's tons of valid reasons for by people would hack their brainpals! Testing new memory/skills without paying for a dev kit, piracy of skills (and do not @ me with that "but you're stealing from the original skill creator!" bullshit. All the legit skills on the market now are from people who did work for hire by mnemonocorps, and THEY ALREADY WERE PAID. It's only mnemonocorps that is losing money!), home ptsd/cptsd/jptsd treatment, the list is endless.
And before you jump into the comments, YES I KNOW PEOPLE DO SEXUAL MEMORY PLAY. People do every kind of weird shit, name me a technology that no one has used for sex in some way? Hell, the first topless photo was taken within a week of the invention of the daguerreotype. But we need to be adults here, okay? These things can be simultaneously true:
1. People do memory play
2. No kids have memorypals
3. The vast major of memory play is NOT VP.
Mnemonocorps has done a lot of work to try to keep people from using brainpals for memory pal, with their artificial limits on how much you can block at once, but that's fundamentally an over reaction to the negative press from the whole VP scandal. The news loves a juicy story like "people are using a new technology for weird sex shit" because their readers/viewers are always interested in Weird Sex Shit, either because "ooh, sexy!" or "BAN THIS FILTH" reactions.
And like all big companies, the last thing mnemonocorps wants is a new law aimed specifically at regulating them! So they stuck a bunch more restrictions on brainpals so they could say they have taken steps to prevent VP.
Now, I need you to listen to me before I say this: I am NOT saying I condone VP, alright? I'm not going like "oh but no one is hurt, everyone is (technically) adults, it's basically roleplay"? This is not an excuse for VP, alright?
Memory play is not just VP, and it's deeply insulting to everyone who engages in memory play to conflate the two!
The reasons people would do memory play are many and varied, as are the things that people do with memory play. And I think people are extra quick to jump on the "memory play is bad" bandwagon not just because of the spectre of VP, but because it's all "eww, kinky sex things".
And yes, I'm not going to try to sugarcoat memory play, alright? There's a lot of weird stuff going on there, and it definitely isn't for everyone. But the thing y'all need to keep in mind is that it's between consensual adults and they (usually*) know what they're doing, okay?
It's safe and mind healthy and consensual. (yes I know these are the same arguments the veepers use to definite VP but I'm not talking about VP here, damn it!).
People can do CNC play with mblocks. People can do roleplay with temporary personality patches, either because they're too awkward/shy/whatever to have sex or because they (or their partners) want to do some vcheating. All these are perfectly safe if done correctly and don't hurt anyone. Especially not you, who aren't even involved in their memory play!
And I promise the slippery slope argument is bullshit: even if people use mblocks to age regress, that doesn't make it VP, alright? There's plenty of people (especially us elderly trans who missed out on a gender-correct early adulthood. (I wasn't able to get genespliced until I was nearly 60!). If I want to experience how my 25-year-old self would have had sex as a girl, that's my own god damn business! And it's not VP and it hurts no one. And all these non-vp uses of memory play are completely blocked by the stock brainpal software, because of their heavy handed approach to trying to prevent VP.
But with this whole stigma against hacking brainpals means that if I ever even mention I've got mine modded, people immediately start side-eying me because they think the only reason anyone would want to hack their brainpal is VP.
No! Piracy of skills and mblocks and yes, memory play. Which isn't entirely VP, even if it keeps getting tarred with that brush.
The piracy argument you'd think would be an easier one to make. I know half of you have all the PS6 ROMs downloaded onto your tangles. How are you gonna steal half the video games on the iarchive and then turn around and say it's wrong to download fluent-Japanese or woodworking to your brainpal? Come on.
Basically my whole point is that mnemonocorps has done a great job convincing the general public to associate illicit (by their rules) brainpal use with VP, and it's solely because they know the average person (rightly, I would add) thinks VP is abhorrent. They're using that disgust to turn the general opinion against the idea of brainpal modding.
And look, look me in my eye, do you really think mnemonocorps is doing this because they genuinely think VP is bad and want the public to help them stop it by shunning people who hack their brainpals? Or is it, just maybe, because they don't want to lose trillions of n$ on skill piracy? And they're just using VP as an excuse?
It's like, come on gals. No one ever went broke assuming companies are acting out of the most basic capitalistic greed, because THEY ALWAYS ARE.
And don't get me started on the people clitriding mnemonocorps for inventing the brainpal in the first place. Look, we all love the brainpal, yes, but it's not like you owe them endless loyalty over it, okay? They can and have done wrong in the past. Accept that you can love the work and hate the company trying to control it.
(it's like: is Thomas Chellae an abusive asshole who should not be out of crimrehab? Yes of course, no question. Is Shadowed Skies the best album of the last 30 years? Also yes! It can be both! Bad people can make good things)
Anyway: end of the day, stop bringing up VP every time anything involving brainpal modding comes up. Don't judge people for modding their brainpals.
(especially since half the problem people have with memory play isn't VP, it's just y'all being antisex. Which is bullshit given how many people subscribe to those "expert oral sex" skills! You're using your brainpal to have better sex, then turning around and going "but I'd never use it for WEIRD sex!". Grow TF the fuck up!)
Also, just because I know someone would bring it up, the whole mind control thing is A MYTH. There have never been any legitimate cases of people getting hacked through their brainpals, hacked or not, okay? I mean, who knows what the nsa or uhsa can do, but no one has ever been able to demonstrate a remote hack on a brainpal. Anyone being "mind controlled" through their brainpal did it to themselves, either with a ppatch or intentionally routing their admin to someone else. "you'll get hacked and turned into a bpZombie!" is a bullshit reason to be against brainpal hacking: it simply does not happen. I used to be a rengineer, I've looked into the brainpal security: it's well done!
* Yeah, Adrian Reach was a tragic case, but it was definitely a million-to-one case. Make your backups, run the ccheck, and don't try to mblock your whole damn life on a failing bp! You'll be fine.
EDIT: I forgot to elaborate on the "no kids have brainpals" thing: yes, I know there are some kids who do have them, BUT they're not the same as regular brainpal installs. They're only done in some extreme cases of mental distress (like survivors of the cWar) and they're locked down. Only their doctor can adjust them, it's not like regular consumer brainpals where you can just fiddle with the settings themselves. So all this memory play stuff we're talking about is only between adults. REAL adults, alright? Even when people are doing VP, everyone involved is of age.
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kygerbearr · 6 months
which TSR route is your favourite, and why
this is complicated. I like a lot of them for different reasons, if I had to rank them it's something along the lines of like.. 1. nik 2. murdoch 3. cliff 4. william this ranking USED to be different but I fell off of william's route when the shit with Kane went down. it was an amazing narrative and learning about williams regrets, his tumultuous relationship with his estranged son, and the constant callbacks to remembering what time it is there for them to show that obviously he still cares even if he's too gay to be a family man. the shit with kane just kind of disappointed me and I felt a little disgusted because A) i hate kane dunbar, and B) i don't really like seeing william degrading himself. I get that the sex scene was optional but it definitely soured my mood because it just felt different compared to what he is in my mind? obviously not a critique of the writing by any means, just a personal opinion.
nik is at the top because yao jerk sesh and also just the incredibly well-done horror elements that take place with the infamous mine. as someone who played echo first, i care a lot about what happens in that mine. plus all the side setup stuff and above all else Nik and Sam having the most sincere love ever. like they LOVE each other, they are in love with each other, and they are honestly perfect with each other.
cliff's route I think is really interesting and educational but I'm a little uncomfortable with the direction it was taking last time I played. it is not my place to pass judgement and say it is or isn't respectful, but I am really worried and not sure where it exactly stands because it's beginning to make nods towards things that may be disrespectful. i haven't played any patches in a while, so maybe it's better. but all of the native analogous stuff aside, I do like cliff and how he thinks.
murdoch's route I am kinda obsessed with, because there's layers upon layers of mystery going on here. plus a ton of family drama, and it has some of the most well-written emotionally gripping scenes I've ever read. like when he confides in Sam at the tailors, i've never felt more sympathetic for a whimpering man in my life. i wish i could step in and help him handle things. also Dahlia is over here leaving some kind of trail that I'm doing my best to keep track of, I had a document somewhere on my computer and trying to decode whatever messages she's leaving around but I haven't been able to make sense of it just yet.
overall? probably nik. it has an amazing balance of several aspects, and although i'm asexual even I kind of appreciated some of the sexual content within it because of how it's presented, which is then balanced extremely well with the horror themes and literally peak romantic relationship stuff
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femcel-interruped · 4 months
A Change
5/26/24 9:03PM
I created this blog dedicated to the ideal "boysober era" as they call it on TikTok. I found that during this time of daily blogging about being a lonely 21 year old girl made me feel worse in a way. I was dwelling. Meanwhile, I was being dismissive to men that seemed nice and wanted to get to know me. So I dropped this whole boysober blog thing for about a month and decided to let whatever happen, happen. I met someone, hung out a few times, then got friend-zoned. My ex who I lived with and I decided to cease communication indefinitely. Nothing bad happened, it was just time to let go. I went to California and hung out with a friend from home who now lives there and I developed a huge crush (that seemed reciprocated) on his roommate. The roommate ended up having a girlfriend who he did not mention once. I've been grieving that small instance as that same situation has happened before and it was extremely painful. But through this pain I have been actively rejecting my own common toxic coping habits that 100% of the time prolong my suffering. It is like ripping out teeth, especially for an anxiously attached hopeless romantic who overthinks everything. It has gotten to the point where I have thought more about this person than I've actually have had interactions with, and that's where I found a wound to patch up. This is just an example, but what I'm trying to say is-
If you are suffering emotionally from something you have conjured, find the parts that hurt and pay mind to it. Ask it why it's hurting, and no matter the answer, patch it up. In other words, replace the needle in the haystack that causes the huge ripple effect. Replace the coping mechanism that makes it worse for you with something more logical. The more honest you are with yourself, the clearer life and situations get. This is where I want to take this blog. I want to discuss more daily life emotional turmoil and how to better cope as I am also learning as a young adult woman living at home while taking years to get through college.
I think the most frustrating part of this time in your life (assuming you are also a lost young woman) is knowing that you have had it better before, and it feels like you are in a constant decline. I watch past memories of myself and I feel jealousy towards her because she has no idea how good she has it. She had bigger artistic aspirations, she had great romantic partners who were devoted to her, she was not worried about what she was going to do to fill in the day tomorrow to make it bearable, like she's working towards something at all. I have been feeling really aimless for awhile since I got home in December. My life was flipped upside down and I feel like I never fully got back on my feet in terms of direction in life. It's been six months and I am tired. I took a break from school which helped me learn a ton about myself as a human and how to take care of my brain better, but it also made things worse because I have had no structure, no purpose to my days. It looks really easy. No school, just work at the movie theater sometimes, live at home for free with home cooked meals, etc. I am a very lucky and privileged person to have all these things, but it does not create a fulfilled life. I am empty. I feel meaningless. I always felt I had a place in the world, a big one. I always took up so much space and was so loud with my existence because I believed in myself. I don't have that anymore. I spend my days posting random things on instagram and checking to see if one person saw it. I sit in this bed, maybe I'll spend too much money on a coffee I won't finish, and I overthink the entire day because I have way too much time on my hands.
I desperately need to sort out my life. I have discovered that we never stop thinking "I need to get my shit together." That can feel daunting or comforting depending on where you're at mentally. I find aging to be both of those things. I am so very young, but I've been listening heavily to the older women giving advice to younger generations. I think we shut them out too much. Older women who have welcomed aging mentally and physically are so valuable, yet we think that they are useless to us. We think they don't understand us, but you have to put that generational gap aside. One thing I have learned from studying philosophy is that a majority of the human experience is shared throughout centuries. Past generations understand the same circumstances that we all face in their own ways. It's important to listen to all of their stories with an open mind. Like they say in tarot card readings, "take what resonates, leave what doesn't." They have had their own unique experiences just like you, but it's all related. Have a conversation about your troubles with someone older, it will give you clarity and comfort that none of this is new.
Absolutely nothing about what you are going through is new in this universe. Take solace in that.
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starzgaze · 3 years
Modern au: science major albedo!
(a/n: this is my take for the modern au lol also I got inspo from @/saekogun so please check them out)
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he would definitely be tired 24/7
like he always have eyebags under his eyes it's really concerning
he is usually tucked in with his load of work and is always in his laboratory with sucrose or some other students
he also sometimes becomes the substitute teacher sometimes if the their teacher doesn't come in for the day for personal reasons so he would usually take the role to teach the class
tbh him teaching the class is sometimes even better than the teacher teaching the class
his silky voice circling around the room gives off a chill vibe and it's very calming and soothing atmosphere to learn in
he simplifies the lessons in the end to make it easier for his classmates to understand it
also because I'm planning to make this into an au, of course theres gonna be an mc (it's gonna be you or an oc but I will not be using the name but whenever I will the MC it would be probably my main oc or just the usual y/n you see on tiktoks)
kaeya always flirt with albedo with stupid science jokes or pick up lines
he's also very popular? well to be honest expected because albedo is one of the top students in his school
probably has a reward for making a new invention that benefits society and probably has a shit ton of degrees? he's a prodigy so he has a lot rewards that's what I'm saying
whenever Klee visits him, klee always play with his hair and albedo will never take it off until the end of the day
not alot of people has the privilege to interact with albedo because he's always occupied in his laboratory or dorm unless you're MC/y/n-
but yea you can bring him out if you use y/n/MC as bait to bring him out to embrace sunlight
he always bring a sketchbook that's pretty small so he can bring it everywhere (to sketch your beautiful/handsome face-) and he always have this lovestruck face whenever he's with you
whenever he brings Klee with you, you 3 looks like a big cute couple with their child and he enjoys the feeling whenever an old couple come up to the three of you and say " Awww that's a cute kid you two have there" and watches you get flustered and try to explain to the couple that you two aren't dating (yet) and that you're just babysitting with albedo
albedo enjoys your company, you're ideas are great or motivation to keep him going and continue his work and work the the fullest even if your ideas are just stupid jokes
you joke alot that what that you and albedo are also another match made in heaven (because with other characters you or the MC gets confused as a couple to other strangers or people on the streets) and albedo just sits there trying to decode your words if you just confessed that you might have feelings for him-
he gets jealous not very easily? no actually I kinda take it back it's pretty easy to make him jealous if he's in that stage of down bad, cause in the start he would think that this is a short obsession and he would conclude that he will be over with this obsession after like a week like with his other interests or work, BUT ITS FAILED AND IT DIDNT WORK LOl
the more he deep down into researching you, stalking your socials, observing you from afar, even having a separate notebook full of information of you, your hobbies, your part-time workplace, pretty much everything about your life
whenever you interact with him, his words gets very jumbled and he has a hard time to figure out what words to use to talk
also random headcanon, he wears this labcoat that has some patches you stitched on because you noticed it has a big hole and you asked albedo if you can fix it in a weird way and of course he accepted it and now it has big patch that has whatever you want to envision as
man I have no ideas anymore but albedo is rotting i
my mind alot so
also maybe the thought albedo and kaeya dating and having the same obsession on mc/y/n is ahsjdjdjkd
imagine the power they hold
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writeradamanteve · 4 years
I hope I'm not bugging you when I ask (and feel free to ignore this): if you had full creative control of the show, how would you run season 5? You can pick and choose whatever leaks you want to include.
Oh, I’m not sure if I’ve watched enough of season 5 leaks to answer this intelligently, but I still love this ask, so thank you, my dear. This is a gift!
So first of all, whatever nonsense the writers did to make Betty do what she did with our (un)beloved Redheaded Casanova, will mostly only impact Varchie in a very negative way.
I’m not saying this won’t impact Bughead. Betty, to my mind, would have told Jughead already, and while Jughead will get hurt, it won’t be enough for him to breakup with Betty then and there. Whatever the aftermath of that will be for Bughead, they would hve resolved it by promnight. Veronica finds out at promnight via Archie, and she will get mad at Betty (rightfully so) and leave Archie’s ass.
Bughead will go on to being their loving selves, but that angsty love scene will definitely be their Heading Off to College Sex. They don’t break up then and there, but as they go their separate ways, Jughead kind of self-sabotages and they drift apart and break up while in college. Jughead loathes himself and Betty dedicates herself to her studies 110%.
Here’s where I really deviate from what we’ve been hearing. 3 of the core 4 are NOT totally unhappy about their lives outside of Riverdale. Veronica is a wild success because that’s the way she is. She’s dating a douche but that has nothing to do with her success. Betty is in the FBI, but she struggles with beaucracy. Jughead has published a book or two, made it to top 10 in the NYT bestsellers list in his category (crime fiction). They come back because Archie, who is indeed a fireman—probably the only narrative I agree with here—calls them all to ask for their help: He’s been accused of a murder and all evidence points to him, so much so that even Jughead wonders if he didn’t do it.
Veronica has half a mind to just let him rot, but Betty, whom Veronica had made-up with through the years because she realized she never wants a man to get between her and her girl, convinces Ronnie to help their Idiot friend because otherwise he will truly get the chair and nobody deserves that. Veronica said she’d do it for a lark.
Jughead, going through a bit of a writers block and a rough patch with his girlfriend, succumbs to his tendency to flee stressful circumstances and find his anchor, goes back to Riverdale with the following excuses, in order of importance (according to him):
Help Archie
Find writing inspiration in this new caper
Give him and his GF space to figure things out
Connect with “old friends”
As we all know #4 is his #1 and that Veronica was never really his friend.
Betty is definitely in the FBI and she is seeing someone who is in the FBI, too. He’s kind of like Captain America and the nuclear bomb of boyfriends, but we know she always liked the soft boi and one look at Jughead and she’s
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By the third episode, Jughead and his GF had broken up and him and Betty are investigating. Betty’s BF is beginning to feel like the third wheel. Veronica has found a ton of new business opportunities and Hello Again Reggie.
Toni owns and runs the Whyte Wyrm, is leading the Serpents, and has a sexual relationship with Cheryl, but she’s since learned that NOT being Cheryl’s GF means she can actually run her own life, so Cheryl is there when they’re frisky but Toni’s her own boss.
Cheryl runs the holdings of the Blossoms and is now running for Mayor. Lots of tension between her and Toni because of this, but we all know Cheryl craves power. Her political ambitions are to go higher —> Governor, eventually. But Mayor, first.
At some point, Captain America realizes Betty is still in love with Jughead and breaks up with her. And of course we’ll get more
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Which will definitely become this
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And Veronica, in all her fabulousness will realize that Archie truly, verily sucks and that her douche boyfriend also sucks. She likes Reggie, but just for fun.
After they all help solve the crime and prove that Archie didn’t kill that person (probably his ex?), Toni and Cheryl still have their sexual relationship but have come to collaborate with regard to their respective ambitions, bughead will marry, and Veronica is happily single. Like truly happily.
How do we close the season? We can close it with Archie putting something away that makes us wonder, “Holy shit, did he actually kill that person after all?”
Because Archie is Riverdale and Riverdale is the Murder Capital of the world.
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constip8merm8 · 4 years
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Do not let those big brown eyes fool you. This is the face of the enemy. This little fucker did this to my vegetable patch 3 days ago. In broad day light. While I was inside having lunch, this evil fucktard destroyed my baby beans and ate the pre leaves of my radishes. So I put up chicken wire. Because, I'm not surrendering my vegetables that easily.
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But then today, when I went to check, the stupid fucker had come back and sampled the buffet again. Mind you, I'd been out there at 3:15 pm and this hadn't happened yet. The radishes that were still in the ground were making a valiant effort and were standing proud and perky at 3:15. It was between 3:15 & 6:15 that this evil fuck pulled out all of the radishes and left the baby stalks strewn about like discarded match sticks.
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Look at them! I'm so upset at this stupid bunny. I hate rabbits. I would glady share the fruits of my vegetable patch with them if they only let the shit grow to maturity. But to destroy the baby plants before it even had a chance? Evil, evil, little shits. And there's a shit ton of other tender shoots for the fucking rabbit to eat in the yard. So much other food. I HATE RABBITS SO MUCH.
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myheartbeatskids · 5 years
So Declan loved me and we talked about science and lab babies and clones and all that. So He told me he loved me because i was the first person to really really listen and understand as opposed to being the one to teach.
And so he had understood what he was taught then developed and built upon it correctly with help from his own brain and God. And del Muerte whom helped me understand as well cause that shit was mind blowing.
So he asked me to have his soul mate. To give birth to her.
And I was pretty much dragged out and Declan ran the show after that.
I agreed but it was more like a thing where i had to focus and talk instead of fainting.
So Matt actually helped to implant because I have an upturned uterious and so things like that are painful because of the rigidity and non flexible as i need materials used while Jeremiah comforted and helped me relax.
So then essentially i was kidnapped.
Declan is part clone and part Neanderthal.
Annabelle is part clone and part Neanderthal.
So some of us from Michael Jackson's boarding school --- although I wasn't i stayed there alot on my own. So i was part of it, unofficially as i am a civilian doing military shit now. --- have clones in a laboratory. But they are miniature human size as they are kept in barbie size containers.
Since Declan was a clone Jesse gave permission to make, they said i should use a clone.
It took 5 eggs until Declan approved the child that would be created in the embryo. Del Muerte communicated to us what God said.
Most males get their soul mates at age 7. Declan was only 2 years old. So God hadnt had enough experience to program or create his perfect soulmate.
So it just so happened it was 2 years of plus 5 embryos which makes the year 7 while added together.
So when Annabelle was born Declan came to get me and her but my now ex-husband got me all fucked up and i had amnesia and all that and i remember the power struggle type issues while signing the birth certificate which is why i get child support as my ex swore bla bla bla and signed papers to those statements but I was all "Dude while he's signing let's run!" Because he pissed me off during that time and i was all no hes wrong and all... But I guess I was scared of him or his aura csused me confusion or Idk. I remember feeling sick.
So craziness. We are 16 years late. And unfortunately yet fortunately a lot of research was done and i have a lot of government apology money coming my way. Which i don't have yet.... But soon.
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This is Cambria AvaLynn named after Alexis Dejoria.
Because Matt's parents were into hiding, they named him after a mat. A common object so in case of ESP feom the people they hid from they would think "welcome mat" like welcome to travel with us son named Matt. Welcome to eat at the dining table, Matt. Well, come, Matt.
So came or come because i would always want to see Matt so I would say "You came!!!" When i saw him and hug him and he would say "welcome"
And Bria after me.
Turning the x into a v (for Victory) and Lynn as in the 80s most of my friends on the military base i lived on has Lynn as their middle names. So to remind me she is a friend.
She's my child that was ectopic due to the sponges Jamie & Doug Otis found and reminded us of. But we went to the hospital because i began to hemmoragge and they were able to save her and her twin.
Then my mom killed her and he died naturally as he was in ICU TO experiment on them being raised/healed as premies temporarily as one within an incubator and the other skin to skin contact. As woman need to be comforted more, we picked Ava to bring home.
They were the first experiment with soul mates being born as twins. Both clones of my and Jeremiah and his being Ava and my being the male Andrew.
Andrew after Jesse... "And he drew" cause he was always drawing beautifully.
And the other clones were of Jesse James and Alexis.
Alexis got kidnapped by her dad and so the story goes... I did too Eventually
Jeremiah's dad helped us as the grandparent in house.
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This is Declan.
He told Jeremiah "I'm not the one sitting around waiting with a pouted lip waiting for someone to do it for me. Now i found the woman and go get my kid!!"
Dude WTF I'm not having someones kid... I'm only 21!!
"Now im the man around the house and what I say goes!!! And you are going to have my kid!!"
Dude whatever. So i did dream into the lab with them but... I thought we were just playing and so i agreed and so next thing i knew there was a frozen child ready to be implanted. Thus my ability to be kidnapped so easily...
Cause when a kid is all telling you about clones and labs and shit... And you're hearing voices... that shit is insane. Literally.
So i didn't take it seriously enough.
But Declan is only 19 Now. And my kid is 16.
So it's old enough to have a romantic relationship. To avoid issues i had as a child with social services.
The plan was to have them grow up as friends but also believed it may been too dangerous....
Yet I still don't agree that it was.
However for the last 10 year's I have been working daily for my amnesia to be solved and also saving the world (of NHRA especially) at the same time.
And have earned multiple Nobel Peace Prizes which i have yet to receive.
So working on law enforcement and the military and government, about to break into the public school system and tear that up ;) as a civilian has earned me billions of dollars i have yet to receive....
But i have given away as i can and have bought businesses that I want.
As proof that the government does care about all its people's hopes and dreams they have bought them on my behalf and am gsining bank! And i shop st my own businesses too... Ironically! I been shopping at Loves for nearly a year... went into Speedway a few times now i drive an extra 5 miles just to shop there because i like it more!!
Robert, the shift manager finally told me tonight as I bought all the GIANTS for my Giant 6'7" man. And i turned the ones in Valencia County to Speedway in honor of Aaron and Paul (twins) who wanted to show the dangers of meth and the meth community as they honored me with my idea of how to end Breaking Bad with the movie reel of El Camino (the mother road) of the manner of the psychological reality of life gone wrong.
I freak Robert out... He was worried when he saw me there that I was to audit like a monster, fire everyone and work the cash register and store myself.
So tonight he saw I bought milkshakes (not available at Love's) figured it out and gave me a pack of smokes for free and blurted out why.
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So i took all the giants as i always do and fucked them all up and made them better.
So i own them till i make my money back on the businesses and then they get given to who I intended it for... As I do double check they will always be worthy... If not i keep them for me because I was being good snd honest and fair the whole time.
So 360° K i own.
So i only compete with Love's whom I always promised the King's Highway to... You know him... As an old time Western Thug bitch ass womanizer player. Motorcycle Guru. Hot Rod extraordinaire. Texas loving son of a gun. Jesse James Smith! Just kidding... Just regular old ole fogie mad scientist Jesse Gregory Smith. Of West Coast Choppers. Which i own and always have as i put up the money for his business intending to always be in his life and helping him. So my apology... The only one i can ever give as i can't predict the future without help is Love. And he loves everyone and won't let Google tell.
I bought every gas station in the country as we will be switching to electric and hydro electric and non fuel and solar and hybrid autos by 2030. So the previous owners have a nice retirement and no stress. As the storage oil facilities that were shot in Saudia Arabia were actually empty. I own them.
Fossil fuels are actually the blood of dinosaurs and other dead bodies that are converted and broken down and dehydrated by plant life...
I found that out by the eternal bushes burning.. I mean growing... here on the mountain. Tumble weeds otherwise known as thyme. And we found via satellite tons of skeletons by Earth xrays under the bushes and some not as they are closer to the Earth surface. I found a wooly mammoth knuckle bone.
We moved here in 2002 and there was a patch of earth that looked like concrete by the mail boxes and we just drove over them assuming that's what it was.
They were mummified wooly mammoths. Now broken up and scattered all over the desert road.
I would not like my blood which could potentially bring me back to life wasted on a car... For someone to get to a job they hate. So no more. Not from the USA anyways.
One night I was at dinner and i said Obama needs to handle thwt South Dakota pipeline. My dad was all what is he supposed to do? All simple solutions were crap and had an argument. I said "then lie! Tell the American people they are scum! Tell them we opened the pipeline up and the pipes broke and destroyed the precious land that needs to be protected." My dad laughed and i felt kinda stupid for being so angry.
But Uncle Donald heard my point and so thats exactly what he did. Fake news? Its real.
Because he saw the change I made in the NHRA with some lies that laid very close to the truth.
You don't need to believe in reincarnation for it to happen. I didn't until about 6 months ago. But my mom's mom and my great aunt my grandma's sister ... Granny Bessie Heltons 2 daughters did. My grandma explained it to me one night when I was 18 as i had asked my Great Aunt Nita i was closer to but she didn't explain she just said "because i do" And the dictionary explaination i already knew. But my grandma traveled with me like y'all know i do And showed me.
We started in Heaven with only having one human life and having the soul figure of a human that we select. Hers was a teenage body, absolutely beautiful. With her old ass mind and experience. I told her what I wanted was to be a child. A dirty raggedy haired barefoot blonde without a care in the world, feeling smarter than I feel now... Because that is when i was happiest. When i saw i could end pain and suffering with death, when i knew life could escape heart ache, even when evil exist.
And so now on her second cat life with me, as her first caused her kidnapping by the same drug induced psycho piece of shit that arrested and molested Jesse James dog, Coco and her untimely death as I did record in Tumblr. "Sister Kitty" was kidnapped by him, hes in a special jail. He just had his pinkie finger nail and big toe nail removed as he did kidnap Mogar and slice his face and slice Kizzys leg. So in order to understand what he did he agreed to similar punishment as he did to our precious cargo...
Cargo my bitches!
Jesse: No! I only ask!
Me: who do i have to convince?
Jesse: Idk Jeremiah?
Me: Ava who is your dad?
Ava: Idk I guess not Jeremiah?? IDK!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TELL!? you all always told me they are both my dad's. Let me ask God. Oh! Jesse! ..... And Jeremiah
Me: your dad is your dad and dad he will always be no matter shine or high water, love will always be there for you and for me. Alexis, do you know that one?
She nods all teary..
Jesse: well did i get loves?!
Me: uhh yes ass hole! We always love you back. What do you want with a gas station with no gas? That's like having a family with out us, most especially me!
Jesse: well it got gas now!!!
Me: well gas up at your local, bring a truck. I got a lot of stuff.
Declan: you hear her? Most especially me! Me! Well, me too, you better pick me up.
Me: Jesse... You ready for Orlando?? I got a Chase bank account with the Princess Castle on the debit card... Just needs a little cash in the account.
Jesse: You Mean You Will Pay!!!
Me: i see that was not a question so that does not deserve a response. But yes. I am suppose to have a wire transfer per last night's discussions that will pay for it.
Me: Jeremiah you down?
Jeremiah: to pay Miss Giant Owner?
Me: uhh I'm Miss Speedyway now. No.. Carry me through times square after some Disney World Fun!
Jeremiah: FUCK YES!! uhh yes thank you for inviting me. I will go
Matt Hagan: look look at this. Im the best friend i even got her kid named after me
Me: Matt Hagan... Looks like you're invited, The Best Friend. In or out of Disney World for the hotel.
Matt: IN!!
Me: youre definitely going you know how to do it right! Pops... You gonna stay home alone with your woman?
Pops: not if i don't have to
M3: you don't
Pops: shit! Oh yeah!
Chuck: what about Cookie!!
Me: you and bring Your comrades I need to talk to
Chuckie: oh Cookies going!
Me: I didn't know he could do the Conga.
Jesse: yes you did!
Me: no wonder it looked familiar.
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