#and Misa is an absolute goddess in this
Death Note AI Generated Art
Light Yagami-
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L Lawliet-
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Misa Amane-
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heyheydidjaknow · 2 years
Seriously, what makes L so attractive to people? What makes him so attractive to you? Is it really just how fucking insanely intelligent he is? Like by all means he’s not that physically attractive unless you’re into that sickly-Victorian-dying-child-that-occasionally-lacks-eyebrows-in-some-panels thing (no judgement because apparently I myself am entirely into that), and he doesn’t look like he showers daily.
Is it just deadass because he’s that smart? And his unique personality? Because other than that he is most certainly not the most eligible bachelor out there.
I say this with more love towards L than anyone could ever dream of.
This is a totally valid question and I think we should talk about it, actually.
So, first things first, let’s take a second and acknowledge that the bar for romantically viable characters in Death Note is a bit low. We have Matsuda, sure, and Misa is obviously a goddess but, if we’re being honest with ourselves, Matsuda’s a cuck and Misa’s clearly red green colorblind, and unless you want to just completely disregard common sense and want to go with Light “Women are so simple” Yagami, the dating pool is shallow unless you want to add Soichiro or any of the characters outside of that main pool. Between the Wammy kids it’s an easy pick. Within the Kira task force it’s a slightly harder but still relatively easy pick.
Following up on that, he is solidly the second most relatable character in the cast from a personality perspective. He’s funny, sociable, and actually talks about embarrassing things that he’s done. He’s honest most of the time, clearly passionate about what he does (if only in regards to the Kira investigation) and is delightfully petty against someone that, if you like L and his moral ideals, you are going to hate. L, while eccentric, is still a relatively caring person who obviously can and is willing to attach himself to other people (albeit on a surface level) and doesn’t let that get in the way of things that need to be done, which is indicative of his strong work ethic and drive. Also he’s smart which makes the show less frustrating to watch.
Let’s talk brass tax here for a second. Let’s be selfish. Let’s acknowledge that the man has a stable job and an obvious sex drive and romantic desire. Let’s acknowledge the smoothness of “I could actually fall for you.” If you were to get into a permanent relationship with him, would you have to worry about your finances ever again? No, because even if you’re the main provider he is apparently so good with money that at the age of 26 he has enough savings to construct a building on his own and keep safety funds for the people around him. You never have to worry about him cheating, he’s gonna make sure you’re taken care of, and he is actually an active person which is just a wonderful thing to know.
Let’s not kid ourselves; L is hot. He is the alt boy ideal. That is the target demographic. He is so easy to dress and he looks so comfortable in his own skin and one could argue that his looking like that is a stylistic choice and not his just not washing. He is athletic to an extent and has proven his physical strength so you know he’s not just skin and bones under his clothes. He is very doll-like, which is my type and the type of a lot of the people who watch/read death note.
But why do I like L Lawliet? I like him because he’s smart and because he’s fun to write. I like him because he’s relatable and because you know that if he ever left the house long enough to actually get himself a spouse that he would treat them as well as he could manage and love them passionately. He’s fun to talk about and he’s fun to hang around and I’m a sucker for a good voice and that’s all I really need in a man. Is he eccentric? Yes. Do I think that there are aspects of his character which might impede his ability to be a 10/10 boyfriend/husband. Yes. Can I ignore those things because I like him so much? Absolutely.
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dearestones · 1 year
Lipstick Stains (Yandere! Amane Misa x Reader)
Warnings: Yandere behavior, obsessive behavior, reader is a photographer, slight sexual mentions. 
Anonymous Request: Please post more death note yandere
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Misa likes beautiful things.
Cute things.
Colorful things.
Dark, twisted things.
She loves it when she wears clothing that accentuates her curves and brings out her youthful features to the forefront of everyone’s minds. For Misa, her beauty was simultaneously a blessing and a weapon. So many people had fallen prey to her childlike whimsy, but had never known of her interest in the macabre. In this costume that she had handcrafted for herself, it was as if she felt herself invulnerable. Powerful.
Like a goddess.
But sometimes, it’s not the times when she holds power over the clothes she wears or the makeup that caresses her dainty skin. 
Sometimes, it’s when you hold power over her that Misa feels the most precious and revered. 
Today, as she relaxed into the practiced touch of her makeup artist, she thought about you. You, her precious little photographer who was so cute and oh so shy. Having your dear angel Misa pose in such lustful, provocative ways for your eyes? Always adjusting, making comments on how to pucker her lips just so, to bat her eyes in a way that would surely entice even the most celibate of men and women?
Misa knows that you're shy, but oh my, must you flirt with her in front of the other models and crew? You're so bad!
Don't worry.
Misa absolutely loves it when you're bad.
Ah, but if only you were only bold to actually talk to her instead of asking her to hold her arms steady. Or to wink flirtatiously at the camera. 
Don't you know that girls like her want to be romanced?
But that's okay.
Misa knows that you're trying your best and that's all she can ever ask for!
"Miss Amane," her makeup artist calls out. "It's time."
Misa opens her eyes, the blue contacts as comfortable as a glove settling over her eyes. Even though it's been years since she had started her foray into the modeling world, she still starts and preens before the mirror as if it was the first time she has ever seen herself in full makeup. It's one of her charismatic traits that makes her a dream to work with—or so says her manager. Always the type of person to be entranced and romanced by the simple things in life.
Misa wonders if that's how you see her.
Don't you know that Misa notices how you always focus on the best aspects of herself? Not once has Misa ever noticed a single flaw on her soft, supple skin. Or how the clothes she wore never seemed to be too loose, too tight, or too unfitting for her.
Such a loyal photographer, you are.
Did you know that Misa keeps all of the issues that you personally had a hand in?
Misa wonders if you have copies of her magazines.
Misa wonders if you ever trace the outline of her figure spread out upon the pages, sultry lips curving in enigmatic smiles.
Misa wonders if you ever did something more to those magazines.
Would you like to do the things you did to her magazines if she personally laid herself out on your bed, legs spread, and lips pouting just as prettily as she does in front of your camera? Or would that be too much to ask?
Don’t you worry, though! Since Misa knows you’re shy, she’ll go slow just for you!
As Misa turns away from her reflection and walks towards the set (a nice white backdrop with a plethora of household objects as props), she spots you fiddling with your camera. As always, you’re so cute! The instant you notice her, you wave and Misa swoons. 
You’re talking and Misa wants to listen, and she hears how your voice is akin to a soothing lullaby that rises and falls with every breath she takes. Every sound you make is heavenly to listen to, but she swears that gravity has shifted whenever you say her name. Say it again, please! She’ll do anything for you: pose, pout, smile, cry. Whatever you want her to do, whatever you want her to be, she wants you to ask that of her. 
All too soon, however, she’s called away by another crew member and oh—! It's so rude of them to take her away from you, but as long as you keep your eyes trained on her… Yes, that’s right…
You’re her photographer, you have to keep your eyes on her.
And then, you start asking her to pose. 
Stand straight. 
Eyes forward, but look demure. 
Smile, but not too wide, not too bright. 
However, as Misa settles into the position that you want her in, she notices that you hesitate. Your eyes glance between your camera and herself. Was there something wrong? Oh no, please don’t tell her that you can’t be her photographer for today! Misa liked being your object of such intense attention. 
Before she could inquire, you laugh a little—such a joyous sound!—and signal one of the makeup artists to come forward.
“Sorry,” you say with such bashfulness that Misa wishes she could pinch your cheeks and hold you tight around the middle, “but I think you must have smeared some of your lipstick by mistake. Don’t worry, you’ll still look cute, Misa-Misa!”
Cute—you called her cute!
And so, as Misa once again relaxes under the skilled fingers of one of the makeup artists, she smiles and thinks to herself all the things that likes about this day. 
Misa likes beautiful things.
Cute things.
Colorful things.
Dark, twisted things.
But most of all, she likes you. 
DISCLAIMER: I do not condone yandere behavior outside of fictional settings. Please don’t mistake the actions of fictional characters displayed in works of fiction to be considered harmless in real life.
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The absolute batshit insane imagery of Rem, a literal goddess, like an actual for real goddess of death with unimaginable power, kneeling at Misa's feet and kissing them, looking up to her in adoration... She adores Misa she worships her because she's just so in love with her and her selflessness and her love for love that Rem feels as if Misa is godlike and holy and she is the adoring one... I feel ill
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bleepbloopblaa · 4 months
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Misa swap au where Light is Misa
if Light was supposed to be the role of Misa, he would obviously be a model and maybe a pop singer (Sayu brags about him). I feel like he would be an openly gay model with a lot of ✨sassy flair✨ that his audience would love. He would, like he does in canon, probably have a l o t of simps.
He would get the death note the same way Misa did where a shinigami died because they loved him and blah blah. Rem gave him the death note in this, but Rem absolutely hates his guts and is just doing it because of the shinigami that died. Rem tried to give him the benifit of the doubt, but as time went on, Rem hated him even more.
At first, Light denies the eye deal and actively attempts to avoid it. Eventually, Light caves because he is too curious of who Kira is. He doesn’t do what Misa did as second Kira because he’s not desperate enough to do that, but he probably uses his popularity to draw in Kira by maybe having a Kira themed song that would be preformed live for the first time in front of an audience (his fans go wild, Light doesn’t want to be there, but he sticks with it because he wants to meet Kira because instead of having a normal idol crush, he simps for Kira).
Now here’s where it would differ depending on who is Kira.
If Misa was Kira, light wouldn’t simp for Misa romantically (cause like I said, he’s openly gay), but he would love what Kira is doing and would want to be like them. Light doesn’t expect it to work, but since Misa is Misa, she is drawn into it quickly. Light is surprised to see Kira there, let alone that it’s some blonde bitch. He would find her after the performance and fanboy respectfully about Kira and becomes his goddess’ second in command. Like Mikami but “saner” I guess. He would quickly get annoyed of her though because she’s to bubbly and doesn’t think things through as thoroughly as he does and would probably start to do Kira stuff behind her back and slowly takes over the role of Kira over time as Misa trusts Light a lot to do it, which is her downfall. Light basically does what he does in canon and pulls her along like the sweet little puppy she is. Misa would bend to Light’s will and Light would manipulate the hell out of Misa until the very end.
If it was L(now known as Lawliet for this headcanon) who was Kira, Light’s plan very much didn’t work, which he kind of expected… or so he thought. Lawliet comes up to Light later and Light knew he was Kira because of the eyes. Light is kind of judging who the god of the new world is, thinks he would be a better fit, but you can’t argue fate. If this no shoe wearing, tired looking, British fucker found the death note and is Kira, then this rich bastard is Kira I guess. We bow to you king, slay you fucking emo. Lawliet would constantly be suspicious of Light trying to take over as Kira and keep him at arms length with what his plans are, but does take in a lot of Light’s ideas under consideration and acts on a lot of it. Light and Lawliet end up working really well together. Eventually Light is a bitch who betrays Lawliet and kills him to take over as Kira.
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hersheymallow · 11 months
You turned off replying. So I'll write here. You're absolutely right. Misa is better alone. She doesn't seem to be fit for any relationship before she grows the fuck up.
on replying: Oops. I had no idea :"D I'll go see if i can turn it back on
Ahhh you're very real for this. I totally agree with you :"// It's good to see some Death Note fans who see Misa's character flaws too because it seems everyone treats her like a goddess...??? Like?? x'D
Thank you sO much for being reasonable and logical yikes
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alioathereal · 2 years
TAPASUMAAAAA MY BELOVED I have had her for awhile as long when I entered into fgo w her concept in mind !! But with that shes gone through a lot of redesigns in her 3rd aescion because of how chaotic the goddess truely is HAHA -
She's my baby, legit I love her a lot ♡♡
Tapasuma is using Misae's body as she was the close connection she needed in order to enter earth to deal with Idlirvirissong. She however keeps Misae's soul alive as her divinity and abilities works much different to a regular servant. That being the afterlife and dealing with souls, so separating herself from Misae wasn't really difficult and in fact she feels absolutely guilty and upset she even had to use her WhOOPS.
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3rd ascension
And then her first ♡
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Some description of her for those unaware of her lore
Those who are unaware of inuit beliefs Tapasuma is thought to be one of the many afterlifes that exist. She is an Inuit God that lives upon the realm of Udlormiat, the land of perpetual daylight and looks after the northern lights as spirits of her own. They are said the reason on how and why they move is because they are playing inuk soccer using the heads of dead children who have misbehaved.
She then decides on what spirits goes back onto the land and orders the moon to bring them as what she wants on earth as she cannot do it herself. Tapasuma also provides the gods anything to fulfill their needs in her realm and her spirits. Though if they choose to cross her she will torture them at will. Another important note is that Tapasuma has one main spirit and that is the chief that keeps them under control as well. She is the power in her realm and no one can stop her in it as any god that enters would be cut of their power if they misbehave by her rules. She can also scan and copy abilities or weapons to her liking as she must know of who entered along with knowing memories of servants and their weaknesses.
She isn't a god to mess around with nor is from earth at all, always in space in her realm which is what Misae takes a piece of to use on earth granted through the chief spirit and in use of the daemon as a mana usage. Though Misae claims it's her realm from the family crest often, it is to conceal the fact from getting a unit designation slapped on. The mage association also let her off the hook thinking it was a false daemon but uhhhh . 🤡 oops
Idlirvirissong (the daemon) very much dislikes tapasuma because Anningan (the moon) when kicking her out Tapasuma does the same to her in the realm bc she terrorized a lot of her spirits before and went "no". Hence why she is very much annoyed at the chief spirit and Misae for not letting her get out .
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mikami · 2 years
I think every culture shapes the death note adaptation they're making. Like, it's absolutely reasonable to have a cheerleader who is edgy and helping light. Light being a loser in an American high school. Mi(s)a betraying light because she developed a goddess complex herself. & finally the germans presenting misa such in a way as she kills herself after the debate with kiyomi over light/kira. I've observed that the germans have good female portrayals in their movies and the audio books' having +
Light and kiyomi have sex makes sense. It adds maturity to the overall concept of death note. I also remember that homophobia was an issue in those audios but i think the writer -was it clements?- tries to follow the new world's topics. The world of today has lgbt+ rights more discussed than in '03. I'm not saying more people are pro lgbt+ or anti lgbt+, I'm just saying that it's more "discussed" before so it's wise of clements to have homophobic characters being b/c he's trying to catch the trend. I hope i could make my point clear. End of the ask here.
(If I ever made it seem like the German Audio Drama respects women, I am sorry. The Misa suicide scene is extremely uncomfortable to listen to and did not strike me as at all feminist. There are attempts at expanded female roles, but they are clumsy at best.)
But that aside, I just disagree with you completely on the basic principle of adaptation, to be honest.
Stories don't need to be universal. They don't need to translate well into other settings nor do they need to be adapted to them.
Death Note is not a universal story.
It's a story that is firmly rooted in Japanese society in the early 2000s and that is honestly okay. Why does it need to be filed down in all its details until its smooth and applicable to just about any situation, getting rid of all the nuance of the original context?
Like, my issue with specifically the American movie is not "this is a bad take on an American version of the story" (though it is that, too), it's "there is no added value in making an American version at all'.
It's fine if sometimes a piece of media is not inherently relatable and you need to put a bit of thought into understanding where it is coming from. It's good for stories to teach us about different cultures and different times.
Adaptations are fun when they actually have something of their own to say, but if it's just "I am forcibly transplanting this story into a different context and expecting it to still work" then... why?
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
What would happend if yan Teru mikami and Light yagami like same s/o
😳...Oh god...
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, controlling Yandere, clinginess, manipulation, sabotage, death
Light Yagami and Teru Mikami falling for the same darling
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✍️🖋Light would never ever in his life share his darling with anybody. That much is clear. That guy is enough of an asshole to already mess Misa’s mind badly enough up so she’ll keep an eye on you and report to him whenever you do something wrong.
✍️🖋I believe that you were at first only Light’s darling and that is the thing that made Mikami obsess over you in the first place. Because you’re his god’s s/o that must mean that you’re one of the most innocent and deserving people on this planet. Why else would have his god chosen you? He’s on the delusional side and this would give this side of him a boost in the bad sense. You’re his new god/goddess which he’ll follow and serve loyally.
✍️🖋Mikami would in this scenario never dare to hurt you and try to mold you into your most ideal self. If his god has made you his god/goddess that means you’re already perfect. And if not then only god has the right to hurt you. He’s below that.
✍️🖋At first Mikami would simply obsess over the fact that you’re the future god/goddess of this world next to Light. You’re the embodiment of how every human on this world should be, you’re the ideal being. Mikami always wanted to meet someone like you. You’re everything that a human should be. No! You aren’t a human! That’s why you’re so perfect. You’re an angel.
✍️🖋The thing with Mikami is that, since he worships Light, he would never try to take you away from him. You’re Light’s through and through and Mikami sees himself as already blessed enough that he has the honor of seeing his god’s angel, having you anywhere near him. He would feel proud that his god trusts him that much. So when discovering his feelings for you he would feel like he just betrayed his god by falling in love with you. He’s really distorted, completely messed up and I can see him as someone who might actually punish himself for doing something like this to his god. You’re Light Yagami’s, how dare he to fall for you?!
✍️🖋Light is really smart and it’s either that he’ll discover it beforehand or Mikami will tell him about this, begging for forgiveness for doing such an unspeakable crime. And let’s be honest, Light would be enraged that Mikami, the one guy he saw as useful enough to give him a Death Note, fell for you. There are two possible ways how he’ll react to this. The first one would be writing his name down in the Death Note and killing him, deciding to search for someone else. In that case the story would end here, with Light making sure that you’ll never leave the house again and still ensuring that the next person who he will give the Death Note to won’t fall for you.
✍️🖋The second option is that he’ll kill that guy after he helped him becoming the new god and cleaning this world up. In that case there would be probably made some sort of agreement.
✍️🖋Light knows that Mikami will do as he say and there is a possibility that Mikami will become your new watchdog next to Misa. That would be a good thing since Misa lost at that time already ownership and memories of the Death Note and wouldn’t be really able to control you like Light wishes she could. Mikami on the other hand follows Light blindly and is ready to kill someone you love as soon as you act up, observing you dutifully and telling Light everything that you did as soon as he’s back from work.
✍️🖋Mikami feels absolutely thrilled that his god named him your new guardian, having the chance to observe the future god/goddess from close. That guy is a huge worshipper. How couldn’t he if you’re god’s darling? And that would make him creepy. His behavior, voice and the look on his face would scream obsession all the fucking time. But he would be better as if it would be the case that you’re only his s/o. Because then he would punish you heavily, but in this scenario he might not even dare to touch you in the most innocent way. You’re not his, he should feel grateful enough for his god letting him anywhere near you.
✍️🖋Light is without a doubt the one in control here and if Mikami should ever do something to hurt or upset you he would feel like a sinner and beg Light Yagami at the end of the day for forgiveness. And it’s up to Light to decide whether he’s able to live a bit longer or will be killed. But there will be a punishment given.
✍️🖋But don’t get your hopes up that Mikami will help you. He’s only loyal to Light and will do as he tells him. If you should still fall for him then best belief that guy will be dead the next minute because you are only allowed to love Light. No one else. No matter how I tried to look at this, I can’t see Mikami surviving in the end. As I said above, Light won’t have anyone else loving you and as soon as he gets the feeling that something might go wrong he’ll kill him. As long as he provides to be useful he’ll live, but as soon as Light doesn’t need him anymore he’ll write his name down in the Death Note.
✍️🖋And Mikami wouldn’t even hold it against Light. He knows that he sinned the moment he developed feelings for his god’s angel. But he would also feel happy that he got to spend some time with you and see why you were worthy of being called a god/goddess. He was able to protect you and help his god to clean this world up. That would be enough for him.
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melloraie · 3 years
does light regret killing l?
[ everything discussed in here will have been pulled from the anime. the manga and any other death note recreation will not be referenced here ]
it’s a trope commonly used in fanfics, and don’t get me wrong, i absolutely adore this trope with all of my heart. but it presents the question of whether he actually regretted it or not, at any point before or after it.
as we dive into this, we must first look at the point of before. does he regret it at all before l dies? unfortunately, we....don’t know.
i once wrote an elaborate analysis on the web of relationships in death note, focusing mainly on l and light and their relationship with each other and everyone else. and of course, an important scene to that would be l’s death scene, so....regretfully, i rewatched episode 25.
of course, i cried once again, but. i noticed one key detail that struck me off - during the time in which light regains his memories to killing l, we don’t see his thoughts. at all. 
we see rem recounting his plan to manipulating her into killing l to save misa. we also get to see a scene of light, twisting misa on his puppet strings, giving her manipulatively charismatic words of how she will become the goddess of the new world he has created. 
do we see light’s thoughts? no. 
we see his actions, his words, his cruel smiles and everything in between. not once do we hear his thoughts on the situation. of course, you could say his actions say it all. but we must consider, when have light’s ( or l’s, for the matter of fact ) actions truly accurately represented what they were thinking? 
even during the famous rain scene, we only base everything off of their actions, their words. it was beautiful to interpret, yes, but i think that based off of all the different ways i could pick apart that scene, from friendship to romance to all else, we can’t use that as a determining factor. 
so, we must move on from the before. there’s nothing in the before that symbolizes light’s true feelings, we only see his plans get put into action. that’s simply all, so. let’s move on to the after. 
and what do we see in the after? a five year time-skip. 
of course, it wouldn’t be relevant nor worthy of our time to wonder whether he regretted it in those five years, because while it’s very likely he did, it might be equally likely he didn’t. all of that would have to be based off our analysis of light’s character, in which, that would be a whole other analysis for a whole other time. 
so, in that case, shouldn’t that wrap it up? does that mean he doesn’t regret it? no. it doesn’t. because i find there is one very visible time that light regrets killing l and wishes he were there. 
when he meets up with near. 
i mean, there are already a few key lines hinting to this, for example, he walks in seeing near in an l mask and practically goes ballistic on the inside. he insults near in multitudes, telling him he’ll never be anything like l and he is not worthy of being his successor or wearing a mask of him. 
you could say he was just respecting his intellectual equal, as someone who should be praised. that’s true, i don’t doubt he was, but i don’t think thats the entirety of it. 
i think he wanted it to be l. why else would he throw such a fit at that ( sorry for the phrasing lmao i couldn’t think of anything better )? 
he wanted it to be l he meets at the finale. it was meant to be l sitting there, opposing him, and they were meant to both live. because i do believe, that if l hadn’t gotten in his way as much as he did, light would’ve wanted to keep him alive over many others, such as matsuda or aizawa. 
but of course, l is dead, and the person he meets at the finish line is near. and he doesn’t want that. this was meant to be his and l’s fight, the battle of the wits that was meant to play out. it was meant to be something with all the lead up, because this entire kira fight has been him versus l the entire time. 
but it’s not. he manipulated a shinigami into killing him much earlier. because of course, light and l were never equal. light has supernatural on his side. and just then, i think he regrets killing l. 
he wanted to meet l at the finale. and he’s not there. it’s suddenly not his and l’s battle anymore, it’s his and nears. he refuses to accept that as first, as when he first hears about near he says it’s l still fighting him in death. 
but that ended when l died. it was l and light, and now it’s near and light in the endgame. 
he wanted to meet l at the finish line. we could compare this to near and mello wanting to meet each other at the finish line, as well. but of course, that’s a different analysis for a different time. 
so yes. light does regret killing l near his end. he regrets it not being l he faces off against, because he wanted to see him there. he wanted to see him at the end. 
and maybe, at the end, he did - in the ending pan scene, we see l’s ghost hovering over light’s body. he saw l at the end. l’s been waiting for him this whole time, anyway. 
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formenis · 3 years
Scenario: the reader secretly works for L and, much like Naomi Misora, she realised that Kira can manipulate the victims. Light uncovers this and wanted to eliminate Y/N. But he has an emotional conflict…
Ahah nothing special really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ mistakes ahead, sorry. 
pairing: Light x fem!reader
warning: none
requested: no
Y/A = your alias
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Light cursed the day he met Y/A. Actually he never met her, Soichiro talked about her at dinner.
«This woman is incredible. The investigation is not started and she already deduced Kira kills in many ways…however, we don’t have anything to prove it»
When Light heard those words a shiver ran down his spine. Fear? Absolutely not. Anger? Not yet. Then Light realised it was not a simple shiver. She looked at his arms and saw goose bumps: he was excited.
Few days later, on January 1st 2004, he met Naomi Misora. At first he thought it was the "incredible woman" his father talked about. But considering how easily Light killed Miss Misora, he realised it was not her.  He had the feeling that Y/A was smarter than Raye Penber's fiancée.
As time passed and more frustrated Light became. And Misa was not helping him. He couldn’t care less about that blonde idol, too loud and unpredictable. Light wanted Y/A. For now, he wanted information about this woman.
"If she knew Kira can manipulate the victims, why didn’t she tell L…" Light though while doing his homework.
«Eheh I bet she is playing with you» Ryuk said after eating a sweet apple.
This made Light twitch in anger. Someone was playing with him? Bad decision. That was the moment when the initial curiosity about Y/A changed into anger, a craving sensation of making her suffer.
Winter turned into spring and Light had to attend the entrance ceremony at the To-Oh University. Traditionally, the student with the highest exam score was to deliver the opening address on behalf of the newcomers. But that year there will be two students who will deliver the address. They also both got the highest possible score in the exams.
After the address, Light and the other student, with untidied hair, faded jeans, a white sweater and unlaced gym shoes, were descending the platform and the brunette boy raised his gaze to look at the public. And in that moment he saw her: fine, classy suit, H/C hair perfectly combed, smooth S/C skin and piercing E/C eyes. She was looking at him with a strange smirk on her face, a smirk that Light found rather alluring. He snapped back into the real world while the other student, Hideki Ryuga, started to talk to him.
After the ceremony, "Hideki" exchanged some friendly words with Light.
«Yagami-kun. It was nice to meet you…»
«Yes, nice meeting you too»
Right before Hideki enters his expensive limousine, a young woman approaches him. «Oi Hideki, I've finally found you»
«Ah Y/A-san, here you are»
Finally, Light could meet her and suddenly all the anger he felt for her disappeared. He was surprised when he recognised the girl he saw earlier. Light couldn’t look away from her, he was sure his pupils were fully dilated. Everything about her figure caught his attention: the way her hair flew due to the wind, how gently her dress hugged the body and her soft facial features.
Now Light was in war with himself: Kira wanted to kill her because she knew his secret but Light wanted to meet up with her, to go out with her sometimes. If her beauty matched her intellect, Light could consider the idea to involve her in his project but Kira didn’t agree. 
"You idiot, don’t you see it's a trap? She works with L and he already suspects you, don’t let her deceive you"
"Yes but she can be the right Goddess of the new world…I can make her change her mind about L"
"It's impossible and you know it very well"
"Give me time, I'm sure I can. With me or against me…she hasn’t much choice"
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amusedyan · 5 years
Hello~ Um you still taking requests? If you are I would love a yandere Light Yagami x shy virgin reader. NSFW one shot. Please and thank you. x3 Is non-con stuff okay?
I can absolutely do that hon! Thanks for the request, death note doesn’t get enough attention as yandere potential. I mean come on! L has absolutely no qualms bugging people, Light is canonly obsessive and Misa…is a yandere angel and I love her and want to marry her and treat her like the queen she is.
Because this is noncon though, I will leave it under the cut (i think that’s the term?) so no one sees what they don’t want to see.
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You knew Light.
You knew him, everyone knew him at To-Oh. You’d had to watch him make a speech with Ryuga on the first day, had several classes with the well dressed genius. Because he was a genius- anyone who had a conversation with the man knew that.
But he was nice. 
You’d been partnered with Light to work on a project and he’d suggested taking you out on a date after your final study session.
“To celebrate a job well done,” he’d elaborated. Well, he was handsome, and you’d both worked hard and he’d been nothing but gracious and kind, breaking down what you hadn’t understood. By far and away he was the best partner you’d had. So you found yourself accepting the offer.
You thought you knew what you were getting into.
You’d watched him work his way through most of the girls in your year but, remarkably, not a single one had a bad thing to say about him. You didn’t ask, but you did listen to what they said when they compared stories.
Light took them out for dinner, or just a date in general, wowed them with his manners and intellect, always picked up the check, and never treated them with anything less than gentlemanly manners and a lovely time.
You were just one more girl in his class, why would this date be any different?
You met up with him at the movies, and he hadn’t let you split the bill with him.
“I invited you- I should pay,” he insisted, and you felt embarrassed, even though you knew it was coming.
“At least let me pay for my snacks, Light-”
“No.” He said firmly, seriously. And then he walked away, like the discussion was over. So you had no choice but to agree, unfortunately. 
Light picked the movie- it was a horror movie, which was fine with you. If he were any other guy you might have guessed that maybe he wanted to be close to you. Because he was. He didn’t cop a feel or anything, nothing like that, but you were very aware of the arm around your shoulders that, throughout the length of the movie, pulled you closer until you were leaning on him.
You didn’t really mind- at least Light smelled nice.
It was a decent movie all things considered- psychological horror; a stalker, mind games, no one believing the victim until it was too late Nothing special but nothing awful, either.
(You had a friend whose date took her to see the third Human Centipede as a first date- she’d refused to talk to him again)
“What did you think?” He asked, holding the door open for you.
“It was nice- the special effects were good.” You answered honestly, shrugging into your jacket. “Thank you for taking me, Light.” You said again, and he smiled.
“No problem. Do you want me to walk you home? It’s awfully late to go by yourself.” Your instinctive response was to decline- but he did have a point, didn’t he?
“Yeah, that sounds nice, Light.” You let him wrap his arm around you again and begin to lead you. His stride was longer than yours, so you had to hurry to keep up with him, but it was fine. 
You gave him the directions to your new apartment and you made your way there. It was an okay building, mostly students like you.
“Will your parents be upset that we were out so late?” Light asked, you laughed a little and dug into your purse for your keys.
“Don’t worry, I live alone.” You assured, “no angry mothers to contend with.”
“That’s a relief.”
You thought maybe he’d leave you at the stairwell, but Light followed you as you made your way up, and you didn’t tell him otherwise.
When you got to your door you unlocked it and turned to say good bye- but Light caught you off guard with a kiss.
And oh, what a kiss.
Light’s lips were soft, but his kiss was, well, powerful. You’ve never been kissed like that. The few that you’ve had were short and shy, but Light knew what he wanted and he took control. You thought you kind of liked it. His hands were on your hips and he pressed closer, deepening the kiss.
You whined and tried to pull away, but he pinned you to the door, hard, knocking your breath from you.
“L-Light,” you moaned, trying to push him away.
Finally he pulled back, just a bit, just enough for you to see his eyes- and the look in them scared you.
“I’ve been looking forward to this for awhile,” he panted, staring down at you. The mild, interested look was gone, swallowed by something manic and hungry- he looked like he wanted to eat  you. “I’ve been wanting to go out with you for a long time, you know.”
“You-I think you should leave, Light. It’s-It’s late and I-”
“You’re going to send me away? After I paid for everything and walked you home? What kind of woman does that?” He demanded, and you shook your head.
“No- please I-”
“They’ll call you a whore at school, you know.”
“Leave!” You snapped, shoving him back.
Light shoved you right back and your head thumped against the door. His hand gripped your hair and his mouth morphed into a snarl.
“You don’t say no to me! You don’t let a guy walk you home and not expect things like this!”
He was stronger than you.
Light manhandled you into your apartment, and you fought him, but he was stronger than you.
He pinned you to the bed and ripped your clothes, and when you tried to struggle, to run, he hit you. It made stars explode behind your eyes and dazed you enough that he could get on top of you.
You never thought your first time would be like this.
Light pressed hot, open mouthed kisses against your neck and shoulder, fingers working you open.
“You’re so tight, so perfect for me,” he cooed, and it hurt, it hurt so much because he was so rough.
You never would have thought he’d treat you like that.
You closed your eyes and tried to block him out, to pretend he wasn’t praising you, acting like you wanted this.
The touching seemed to last forever, but then, then he was slipping inside of you and you couldn’t help but cry. Light licked the tears away, even waited a minute before he was moving,taking shuddering breaths above you.
“I knew you’d feel good,” he moaned, “I knew you were the one, I saw you and I, ugh, I knew.” You wanted to make yourself smaller, even as he touched you. 
Light moved inside you; you wondered if he’d done this before, he seemed like he knew what he was doing. He touched you in all the right places, found the spots inside you that felt good- that should feel good. But you couldn’t stop crying, even with the kissing and the stroking and the praises, because Light couldn’t stop giving them to you. He called you beautiful and wonderful and a goddess. He said he’d been dreaming of this, but they didn’t compare to the real thing.
He started moving faster, and you guessed he was getting close, judging by how frantic he seemed to get. You opened your eyes and looked up at him, but the ugly, scary look from before was gone, and the nice one that you’d seen for most of the night was back.
Light made a noise and his hips stilled and you felt him...finish, inside. You resisted the urge to gag, even as nausea welled up in your throat and your face went red again, while Light buried his in your neck, catching his breath, still inside you.
“You’re mine, my girlfriend, mine, okay? I’ll give you the world, I promise,” 
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realtruesuccessor · 4 years
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A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
tagged by: stole this from @notephelia​ tagging: anyone who sees this and wants to do it
NAME.  light yagami. in japanese, “light” is spelled with the character for “moon” and “yagami” is spelled with the characters for “night” and “god”
NICKNAME(S).  none.
TITLE(S).  kira, goddess of the new world 
AGE. 17-23, verse-dependent.
SPECIES.  human,  verse-dependent.
GENDER.  cis woman.
ALIGNMENT. lawful evil. “if we catch kira, he is evil. if he wins and rules the world, then he is justice.”
INTERESTS.  criminal justice, sports, math, mental challenges and puzzles.
PROFESSION.  detective for the japanese police.  began as a student,  the top of her class in high school. accepted into to-oh university with the highest score on the entrance exam. studied criminal justice. joins the japanese police and works alongside her father and the members of the task force.
BODY TYPE.  petite, athletic, agile.
EYES.  brown, but sometimes appear red in certain lighting. 
HAIR.  long brown hair that reaches down to her hips. naturally straight. cute bangs.
SKIN.  clear skin, very little acne, even as a teen. takes good care of herself and has an excellent skin care routine. 
FACE.   cute, round face. large, soulful brown eyes. dimples, but only when she smiles.
HEIGHT.  5′1″
VOICE:  sounds like mahiru hiragi from ons. speaking voice.
COMPANIONS.  verse-dependent. usually ryuk and her family, the task force, misa.
COLORS.  brown, red, black, white.
FRUITS.  apples.
DRINKS.  tea.
SMOKES?  absolutely not.
DRUGS?  no.
DRIVERS LICENSE? yes, although she got her license when she was a bit older, during her college years.
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nekomell · 5 years
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So, I started re-watching Death Note while I am studying Japanese, and I think that Rem is an absolute lesbian Goddess
Find yourself a cute Shinigami girlfriend, as Misa did.
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cynicaljapanophile · 5 years
anime asks: 1,2,3,4 and 5 u.u sound silly asking them in order...but i'm interested in those 5 questions XD
thanks for asking! :)
1. first anime you ever watched 
first anime i ever watched was either dragon ball or pokemon 
2. first anime crush
first anime crush was tuxedo mask(mamoru chiba) from sailor moon 
3. favourite anime character
probably hinata hyuga from naruto
4. least favourite anime character 
misa amane i guess 
5. list all anime you have ever watched
Oh boy this is going to be a long list 
Ultimate Otaku Teacher
Sailor Moon 
Dragon Ball Series 
Pokemon Series 
Soul Eater 
Diabolik Lovers
Tokyo Ghoul 
Black Butler
Anohana : The Flower We Saw That Day
Makura no Danshi(please don't judge me)
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun Shiki
Black Lagoon 
Nura : Rise of the Yokai Clan 
Cardcaptor Sakura 
Tsubasa Chronicle 
Daily Lives of High School Boys 
Hajime no Ippo 
Peach Girl 
Love Hina 
Fruits Basket 
Kimi no Todoke 
Shugo Chara 
Oh My Goddess!
Inazuma Eleven
Princess Jellyfish 
Ace of Diamond 
The Seven Deadly Sins 
Prison School 
Your Lie in April 
Ore Monogatari!!
Fushigi Yuugi 
Code Geass
Yuri on Ice!!!
Cheer Boys!!
Samurai Champloo
Kuroko no Basuke 
Slam Dunk 
Cowboy Bebop
Darker Than Black
Space Dandy
Psycho Pass
Ergo Proxy
Boku no Hero Academia 
Ghost in the Shell
Black Cat 
Great Teacher Onizuka
Rurouni Kenshin
Fullmetal Alchemist(2003 & 2009)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
One Punch Man
One Piece
Neon Genesis Evangelion 
Vampire Hunter D
Katekyo Hitman Reborn 
Devil May Cry : The Animated Series 
Attack on Titan 
Hunter x Hunter
Bungou Stray Dogs 
91 Days 
March Comes in Like a Lion
Absolute Duo
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 
Aldnoah. Zero
All Out!!
Amagi Brilliant Park
Blue Exorcist 
Assassination Classroom 
Ballroom E Youkoso
Banana Fish 
Vampire Knight 
Black Clover
Brothers Conflict 
Zatch Bell
Yu Yu Hakusho
The Promised Neverland 
Yuki Yuna is a Hero
Yona of the Dawn 
Violet Evergarden 
Tokyo Mew Mew 
Mob Psycho 100
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 
The Wallflower
Love Live!
The Royal Tutor
Michiko and Hatchin 
Maria Holic 
School Rumble
Spice and Wolf
Maid Sama!
Lucky Star  
Future Diary
The Devil is a Part-Timer!
Gurren Lagann
Love, Chunibyo, and Other Delusions 
Tanaka-kun is Always Listless
Sword Art Online 
Little Witch Academia 
Supernatual : The Animation 
Fire Force
Land of the Lustrous 
Kokoro Connect
Kill la Kill 
Kamisama Kiss
Squid Girl 
D.Gray Man 
Skip Beat!
Shaman King 
K Project
Food Wars!
Romeo X Juliet 
Prince of Tennis 
Rosario + Vampire
Seraph of the End 
Princess Tutu
Sengoku Basara
Interviews with Monster Girls 
Himouto! Umaru-chan 
Prince of Stride 
Ranma 1/2
Highschool of the Dead
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
High School DxD  
No Game No Life
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Hayate the Combat Butler
Ghost Stories 
Full Metal Panic
Monster Musume
Fruits Basket
Fairy Tail
Ensemble Stars
Death Parade
Deadman Wonderland 
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU 
Elfen Lied
Ore Monogatari!!
Death Note 
Ouran High School Host Club 
Devilman Crybaby 
Ace Attorney 
Black Jack
Case Closed 
Akame ga Kill 
Afro Samurai 
Cells at Work
A Certain Magical Index
Junji Ito Collection
And that's all the anime that I have watched. Please keep in mind that some of these I am still watching and I probably forgot some but this is what I could think of off the top of my head 
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
This must be the first time that I managed to finish an Anime in only five days. My favs are Misa, L and Near.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, manipulation, stalking, sabotage, Yandere being mean, clinginess, gaslighting, blackmailing, kidnapping, death
Yandere Death Note Hc’s
Light Yagami
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✍️I have so much to say! The first and most outshining trait should be very obvious. Manipulative to the point where he’ll break you if he has too. He’s very charming so it won’t be hard for him to quickly get close to you and your parents. A good relationship with you starts with a good relationship with your parents. He’ll have everything perfectly planned to make sure that his darling falls for him. Also a very controlling one. He will control a lot of things in your life, probably not all, unless you force him too. It will feel like you have some power in this relationship, but you don’t. He can also be a really cruel one. It might happen often that he is one day all over you and the next he is completely ignoring you just to have you begging for his attention. He loves it when you rely on him and submit to him. He has one of the most unhealthy obsessions with his darling and with his intelligence and charm it won’t be hard for him to get his s/o telling him everything he wants to know.
✍️Also a very possessive one. No one can have his darling since they are going to be his god/goddess which will rule on his side over the world. His delusions are a whole chapter for itself, but his delusions will decide how good he’ll treat the s/o. He believes he’s a god and he expects them to treat him like one. Better worship him or else he’ll get mad. But the more I thought about it, the more I can see him as someone who’s delusions will from time to time take a complete 180 degree flip and in this moments he’ll be an absolute worshipper for his darling, being blinded from their perfection. Enjoy these moments when you have them.
✍️Light is surprisingly okay with the s/o meeting their family and friends, but only when they don’t start spending more time with them than with him. But these are the only exceptions because if it’s anyone else who isn’t a family member of yours, his or one of your friends then he’ll get jealous quickly. But he’s so good to overplay it and with his charm it honestly won’t be hard for him to quickly get his darling away from them.
✍️Normally he only kills criminals or people who are a threat to Kira, but isn’t trying to take his darling away from him a crime too? If not, the worst crime? You should be careful with how affectionate you are with someone if you don’t want them to die on a heart attack, accident, suicide or whatever Light can think off. Everyone who dares to make a move on his darling or even looks at them in the wrong way will drop like a dead fly.
✍️He can fool everyone with his act and charm and I think he might be able to make it look like a ‘normal’ relationship where he’ll pull the strings behind every action you make and will make you spend every free minute with him, having wrapped you up so much in lies that you want to spend ‘willingly’ every minute with him. If his darling should ever start try to break up with him or suspecting he’s Kira and isn’t a supporter of him then things will get really swiftly really bad and he’ll threaten his darling to kill their family and friends, forcing them to spend time with him if they don’t want to feel responsible for someone’s death.
✍️As long as you love him and don’t suspect him of being Kira, only if you don’t support him that is, then Light can be the perfect boyfriend for you, charming, handsome, intelligent. But if you’ll ever try to leave him or are against Kira and find somehow out that he’s Kira then he’ll peel his ‘perfect boyfriend’ image off and will show you his real face. He’ll threaten everyone you love to keep you by his side. Stay better in your line or else he’ll punish you and/or kill someone you’re close to so you can learn your lesson. Your opinion is important to him, after all you’ll rule the world with him, but he also wants you to accept his opinion.
L Lawliet
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🍰I was beyond mad when he died. L is a stalker and an obsessive one. He has cameras and wires placed everywhere in his darling’s house, observing their every word and movement. He has some connections and will use them to get every file about them. It won’t take long for him to know everything there is to know there about the s/o. Family, friends, favorites, fears, hobbies. Everything! And the more he finds out the more he gets obsessed. Just in case he might create some dirty secrets about his darling’s family if they should try to leave. He’s also really manipulative. He knows his darling’s thoughts from the way they’re acting and moving and can estimate what they’ll do next and will take advantage of it if it’s necessary.
🍰He’s smart enough to know that his feelings aren’t normal, but for some reason he can’t stop. There are times where he can’t concentrate when his darling isn’t near him and where he’ll feel highly frustrated without them. He’s a desperate and touchy one. He might not look like it, but he just really wants his darling’s love and since he’s most of the time just alone in a room filled with computers and TV’s, isolating himself most of the time he’s beyond touchstarved and there will always be some physical contact. If his darling rejects that he might just handcuff them to him. At least like this they can’t try to get away from him when he wants another hug. He’s also overprotective. He deals with a lot of dangerous cases and knows that if someone finds out how special his darling to him is they will be targeted so he’ll ensure their safety.
🍰He watches his darling all the time and knows their schedules and who they meet during the day. He’s just so good in analyzing people and knows exactly from what he sees if someone likes his darling or the other way around. He won’t mind if they spend time with other people, but that’s only when the s/o doesn’t get to friendly with them or they don’t get too friendly with them. If that’s case then he’ll start feeling sour.
🍰If someone gets too close to his darling or if he notices that someone in his darling’s surroundings plans to harm them he’ll quickly dig some dirty secret about them up or will simply create one and will make sure that everyone will hear about it. He won’t kill, he’ll rely more on manipulations to simply dirty that person’s name.
🍰He will try to make you come willingly to him. He’ll create scenarios where you’ll get in a tricky situation and have no choice, but to rely on him and of course he’ll be there for you. If that doesn’t work then he’ll resort to blackmailing and will tell you about something that happened in your parent’s or friend’s past you don’t want people to find out or he’ll use the false rumors created and will spread them. Then you’ll have no choice, but to ask the famous L for help. If all this doesn’t work then he’ll be willing to kidnap his darling. But then he has everything planned perfectly. An excuse to why you suddenly disappeared and an excuse to why you most likely won’t be seen for a while.
🍰He knows everything about you and that’s just terrifying. There will be times where you’ll wake up at night just to find him staring at you intensely. Escaping won’t be from any use because L has the plan already figured out before the thought has even started to form in your mind. Trying to ask Watari won’t be useful either since he’s loyal to L. He has every possible reaction from you already planned out and a way to handle it. Get used to sweets because he’ll feed you a lot of them. Get used to him being a huge cuddle bear around you. He’s very blunt with you and his emotions for you. If you want to get out of this room filled with sweets, monitors and files then proof to him that you don’t leave him. He knows if you lie or not, but if he’s convinced that you are genuine then he might let you out, but not without a tracker and some wires on you. Just for safety.
Misa Amane
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💄Misa is the obsessive and possessive type of Yandere. She will be very obvious with her obsession for her darling and is for sure someone who will take their things, letting them know that she’ll borrow their sweater for a while, but she’ll never give it back to them. Won’t allow anyone to take her sweet little darling away from her. No one should dare. She’ll kill anyone who tries to.
💄Also lovestruck, desperate, delusional and clingy. She believes in love at first sight as well as that you’ll love her just as much as she does. This girl here is all over you and will be highly affectionate with you, especially in public since she never got the chance to do that with Light. She’s honestly such a sweetheart for her darling and will do anything to make them love her even more. She’s so needy for her darling’s love and affection and she can’t endure her day without this.
💄Misa gets jealous as soon as her darling starts talking about someone else in a bit too affectionate and adoring way, at least in her opinion, and she’ll instantly become more clingy to her darling.
💄Don’t waste your time with other people or she’ll get rid of them. She won’t go as far as killing her darling’s family, but it’s a constant fight between her and her s/o’s family. But her darling might be able to convince her to not kill people who made her jealous. But in order to do that they need to show her that they only love her and no one else. If they succeed in doing that then Misa will be walking on clouds and will forget about the person.
💄Kidnapping isn’t needed. She’s popular and everyone knows that the both of you are together so the question here is if you are stupid enough to break up with her and deal with the rage of her fans. The darling also needs to prevent Misa from killing everyone who even dares to look at them so they won’t be able to leave her side. She also wants to go out with her darling to do couple moments so that everyone can see that the both of you are together.
💄Misa wants just to be loved by you and will do anything to make you satisfied with her. She has money and fame to get you everything you could possibly want. She’ll shower you in affection and is a total angel for you. She’s so cheesy with her love confessions and will do everything with you that she couldn’t do with Light. Pyjama parties, wearing couple outfits, feeding each other. She’ll do everything. Luckily you are able to talk her out of killing if you just start being affectionate to her. She just wants love.
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🍫Mello is the overprotective Yandere. He is part of the mafia and that is already enough to increase his protectiveness over his darling. He’s also the harsh and gentle one at the same time. He is really impulsive from time to time and can say the one or another mean word to the s/o, but he can also be very gentle if he wants to.
🍫He’s also the possessive, desperate and touchstarved Yandere. He’s always constantly battling with Near about who’s the better one and constantly lands in second place so now that he has his darling he’ll make sure that he gets to have them for himself. But that also leads him to be surprisingly needy for his darling’s praises and love since he hates to admit it, but he often feels secretly insecure about many things so to know that his darling loves him would help him to feel more confident.
🍫Mello gets so quickly jealous, it’s ridiculous and will most likely cause a scene, yelling at anyone who even just briefly glances in his darling’s direction. Better pull him quickly away because if the person dares to speak back he’ll get violent. If you don’t want him to punch every single person better stay away from other human beings except him.
🍫He gets jealous fastly and is ready to go very violent. Different from Near and L he’s much more willing to kill and if someone even dares to flirt with you that person will have to deal with a broken nose and the loss of a few teeth. It will end in a carnage if someone dares to hurt his darling.
🍫He’s overprotective and possessive, both traits which are bound to lead him to kidnapping his darling quickly. He does feel guilty to take them away from everyone they’ve ever loved, but he’ll try to convince himself that he just does it to protect them. Good luck trying to escape him and the mafia.
🍫Mello will never admit how much he yearns for your praises and touches, he does have some pride and it’s interesting how he often pretends to not care, but his hugs and kisses are always so passionate. His words and actions don’t always match, but please remember that you’re his everything. If he gets in his softer mood he’ll spoil you with presents he knows you’ll love.
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🎲Near is very similar to L. He’s the obsessive and stalker kind of Yandere. Just like L he has cameras and wires in every corner of his darling’s house to watch them, taking notice of everything they do. He has some connections to get every information that has ever existed about them, but even after knowing them better than they probably do therself his curiosity is still not satisfied, that’s how deeply he’s obsessed. Also the type to steal things that belong to the s/o. Pictures, toys, letters. He has a whole drawer only for this purpose. He treasures all these things very much so no one is allowed to touch them. Just like L the aware type who knows that this is actually wrong.
🎲Desperate and touchstarved for his darling. He has troubles admitting when he wants his darling to touch him and would try to be subtle with it at first by looking intensely at them. If they don’t get the hint he’ll just tell them very bluntly what he wants from them. He wants the s/o’s attention on only him and will feel sour if he doesn’t get it. He’s like a child, needy for your love and attention. I can also see him as a possessive and lovestruck one. He might be really smart, but when it comes to the human being and emotions he’s clueless, he has never experienced love before, but he knows for sure that he likes the feeling that the s/o stirs up in his chest. Absolutely infatuated with his darling to the point where he at one point thinks he needs them.
🎲Near is like a child and as mentioned feels sour when the s/o gives their attention to someone else, but he has problems with expressing his feelings so his s/o will never notice, but the other person will notice how his gaze feels like it’s going to burn holes into them.
🎲He relies more on the influence and connections he has. This guy who always flirts with them in class? Suddenly they are accused of drug dealing. The person who you seem to like a bit too much? Suddenly heavy evidence appears that they have been meeting up with a few not very trustable guys.
🎲It is bound to happen sooner or later and it will happen without a warning or signs that something is wrong. Near tries at first to get a spot in his darling’s heart by using all the knowledge he has to become a friend of them and they won’t suspect anything. It’s scary how carefully he has planned all this. He’ll most likely drug his darling and makes sure to leave no clue. It will be like they’ve just vanished into thin air and it’s very unlikely that they’ll ever be found again. He has most likely some house build up just for the reason so the s/o can live there from now on.
🎲Near is honestly similar to a child. He wants to be taken care of and wants to be loved. But he also understands that after kidnapping you, you need some time and he’s willing to wait for you. He really likes touching you, tracing his finger over your skin or touching your hair. He’s completely enraptured with you. If you act up too much he’ll lock you up in an empty and dark room until you’ve learned your lesson. You will love him. It’s only a question of time.
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