#and Mod Lilith is making the polls
When you see the new photos for the Worst character brackets you can tell which if the mods has enough energy and time to put effort into the pictures XD
Cause it sure as hell ain't me (I usually did the pictures at like 11 pm at night)
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king--of--ducks · 6 months
OOC Post
Y’all, I’ve been trying to avoid shipping on this acc so I didn’t make anybody mad, but if any of you follow my mod blog, @sockmanduckman, you know I’ve reblogged art of everything from Lucilith to Duckiedeer/Radioapple, and maybe even Adamsapple. I don’t have a problem with any ships, but I was wondering if you did. So, I mad a one day poll to ask the question…
I might not even do anything with this information, but I just wanted to know for future reference, just in case.
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sim-it-to-win-it · 2 years
Will you put the palismen and other animals (like the echo mouse) in the series?
Could you put in Eda and Lilith's curses by way of them being werewolves?
Actually, are you planning to make the older characters at all or is it just the hexsquad, Vee, Matt, and Masha?
I DO intend to include the palismen in the form of pets, and/or familiars (One of the reasons they are currently split between two houses), and even downloaded the Better Familiars Mod to be able to have more interactions with the game's familiar creatures.
I haven't decided yet if Stringbean, Clover, and Emmiline Bailey Marcostimo are going to be cats or dogs, or if I'll have them be familiars instead, such as making Clover a Fairy, Bunnerfly, or Snub-nosed Bat Leaf and a Dragon, Glowfrog, or Vield for Emmiline. Miiiight end up making that another poll, tbh....
And Yes, Lilith and Eda WILL be included in the game as Werewolves to reflect their cursed states, and I will also include Raine, Camila, Darius, Alador, Perry, Gilbert, Harvey and MANY other characters, who will all be able in interact freely with the other characters and each other!
To be honest, I am going to be adding in a LOT of these characters before making the main group and while I build the house and get things set up to start the game proper, and even intend on having polls for pairing up currently unattached characters like Emira, Edric, Viney, and others! The Emira poll should be going live soon, actually! ^^
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The past few days have been like a slap in the face so I'm sorry but I'm have to say this. I apologize to everyone but this is going to be long. I am aware that Pat will probably never see this post so it's pointless, but I have to say it anyway.
First, I'm going to start with a positive. Thank you to Lilith for being brave enough to pass on that anon message to Pat. Thank you also to Burrito for giving us a place to voice our concerns where they can't be shut down, whether Pat chooses to listen or not.
Now to business. I'll start with you Pat, on the off chance that you'll someday read this somehow. As people have said, no one is complaining about your recolor OAK. Please stop trying to turn it to that because it's not that. What we are complaining about is the absolute silence with which Dan received not one but 6 OAKs. The fact that many people on staff had no idea this was an option while Rumor, who I'll get to in a bit, also got one. I have spoken to many staff and ex-staff and not a single one of them knew that OAKs were ever part of staff pay or rewards. The ones I've spoken to also hadn't ever heard of this OAK test in any way. The way it was handled with Dan covering it up and saying "we were testing to see if there was interest" was clearly him backpedaling and now it just sounds like people are just rushing around to cover his ass. I don't have to repeat what at least a dozen people have said on this blog but I will. You don't gauge interest by quietly adding a dozen OAKs to the site and saying "oh, if someone finds them completely by accident then people are interested, otherwise no one cares." You gauge interest by posting a poll, by asking people in a place where everyone can voice it, and by making it front-and-center. I know you said you aren't talking about the subject anymore, but you skirted around the sheer number of OAKs Dan got by pretending we didn't say anything about them.
About the bans you claim "never happened." There is screenshot evidence from Kina, dozens and dozens of them, that Dan cheated for her and others. Ok, screenshots can be doctored, what about the video she sent in? Was that also doctored? If those right there aren't compelling enough evidence to ban Dan, why were four people banned for screenshots? Hell, Zuzu, Shinigami, and Shinohara were all banned for speculating that Dan was cheating during the name clearing. Zuzu was allowed to return, the other three were not. What rules did they break? Did they cheat? No, they talked, exactly like you constantly encourage us to do, about how they felt and what they thought was going on. They were banned. So please Pat, never tell us that "no one is banned for voicing an opinion" because that is categorically untrue.
You might tell us there are other reasons behind the scenes. Ok, let's say that's true. Why were they banned within a day or so of those screenshots coming to light? Why was that the catalyst moment? No one else was banned and unless they had a secret cheating ring with exactly 0 other people involved it sure sounds like those screenshots were the reason.
Also please never say Dan doesn't give special treatment to people. Rumor has been banned multiple times for cheating and abusing staff tools. He still gets an OAK. Omni is a known hacker, still enjoying the site like nothing ever happened. Juke was literally banned for running a hate blog, which is still active when anyone is brave enough to post on it, currently not only back but on staff.
When Rumor was banned, he got to move all his pets to Dan's account and they were kindly returned when he was allowed back on the site. Kina also moved all her pets before she was banned but that was determined to be "unfair" and "not allowed" so they were all returned to her account. Then a conveniently-timed name clearing happened.
Let's look at that name clearing for a second. Dan repeatedly and constantly told us that he was busy and didn't have time to refresh on the site all day for the clearing. Amazingly, he was online for every single clearing. Every last one of them. The odds of that are astronomical when you consider he claims he sleeps, eats, goes out with friends, and works 8 hours a day. He also got tons of incredible, high-value names. These facts are the reason Hell and the rest suspected him of cheating in the first place and honestly that seems like a fair assumption.
You say we need to speak up, but we did. Half a dozen people on that discord said they felt horrible about something and you basically swept it under the rug by saying "oh, it took longer than planned and we didn't say anything publicly but it'll be there soon I promise. Now never speak to me about this again and I refuse to respond anymore." There's been no information anywhere on Res about anything regarding this other than a quick post Dan made only after he was called out multiple times for the number of OAKs he suddenly had.
A minor complaint that I've seen a dozen times on the SB is that new items keep getting quietly released so anyone that does quests suddenly finds themselves failing them because they don't have the items stocked up. Honestly makes me happy I don't waste time with quests. Maybe one or two items doesn't warrant a full update, but isn't that exactly what the changelog is for? For minor additions, fixes, updates, etc?
Another minor complaint I've heard from a few sources is that people continue to spam the SB with copy paste from the site. There was even a forum post about it that no staff addressed, unless that's changed since I last checked. I've seen it happen constantly while staff are on the SB with no policing of it. Why should users listen to this rule, which was added because enough people complained about it happening, when staff don't bother to uphold it?
Now to Rumor. His latest blog honestly boils my blood in so many ways. If his real information was given out and doxxed then that is absolutely disgusting and I do not stand for that. No one deserves it. I am starting this section by saying that because I want to make it clear that it's not ok that that happened, if it did. That doesn't mean I like him or agree with any other part of that blog.
Yes, I'm sure he worked long hours as a CM. You know who else did? Gunmetal, Dess, a bunch of other CMs. Someone else? All the artists, all the support and mods, all the writers. His blog makes it sound like it was just him putting in the hours and that it was purely his idea about all those events. Remember, before we got to a point where staff didn't know what was going on with events because no staff talk, staff used to all contribute together to events. Or maybe they didn't, I don't know, but they at least knew what was going on so I assume they had some input. I remember a time when asking on the SB about an event with staff around, regardless of their position, meant you could get an answer. Nowadays we have staff that have less idea than the users what's going on with an event. Staff like development, who you would assume would know everything about the event that they helped create, or mods, who should probably at least get an overview of the event if they're going to be able to help users.
Speaking of other staff helping with events. Is Rumor pretending he wrote every piece of those events on his own? Why are no writers mentioned anywhere in his list of people that spent many long hours working? He obviously can't pretend he drew everything for the event, but is he implying he wrote everything?
You say people on that list are "deserving" of OAKs Rumor. Schemes has been staff for almost no time compared to some of the old staff that you decided didn't deserve listing. Juke was banned and then unbanned, obviously more deserving than the ex-staff that still frequent the site and have never been in trouble.
Now let's turn to the thing that made me want to scream. You say to "just speak up" more. I've seen at least 8 different people, off the top of my head, told to "stop talking about it" in the SB when they voice a concern and it goes on longer than one or two sentences. Not a single one of the people I'm thinking of was being rude or starting something, they were trying to express themselves and basically being told to shut up. Often they're told to "take it to the forums" which works about as well as just saying it out loud in a room alone. No one reads the forums. Or at least very few people. Staff never responds to suggestions, not staff that can make those changes anyway, mods do sometimes and rarely an artist. Posting in the suggestions forum is like yelling into the void and hoping the void yells back. The absolute only way to be heard in the suggestion forum is advertising it nonstop on the SB and even that barely gets any staff looking.
You say this lack of communication is the reason many people have quit? Yes, that's very true, the exact opposite way you imply. People have left the site often because their feelings are silenced and their opinions completely ignored. No one reads their posts, staff don't respond to them except to tell them they're wrong or to tell them to stop talking about things, and their friends get banned for nothing while staff are allowed to continue cheating with no consequences. So you're right about that, people do leave over the lack of communication, but it's the lack of communication and understanding from staff that drives them away.
I know Pat will probably never see this, but if he does, or if someone is brave enough to link it, maybe he'll hear it. At this point considering his reactions to the people that are trying so very hard to make their voices heard on the Discord I doubt it but I can always hope.
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gameboy-colored · 3 years
I forgot to mention the rest of my Pleasantview Uberhood story because nothing major really happened. Mortimer moved in with Dina and Nina and I moved Bella in with Cassandra. The Burbs had a daughter named Caryn. Brandi had a boy (baby Broke) who I named Nicholas.
Now the Pleasants were a fucking mess! Poor Lilith was getting ganged up on by her entire family! Like of course her and Angela are always at it but Daniel jumped in on it and poked her in her chest and Mary Sue started yelling at her too 😢. I’m gonna move Lilith out to live with her grandparents when I get back to them.
I moved Kaylyn into a house but because I had originally summoned her from The Goths (because I was moving in Bella and figured why not make Kalyn apart of the rotation) and when I moved her out she got like 40k of Cassandra’s money. Oh well, she got a nice house out of it.
Strangetown, I can’t wait to get back to cuz the Curious brothers all had alien babies! And what makes them so much more interesting than before, is that I have created my own Pollination technicians and they all use these geneticized colored skin and eyes! The only original aliens are Tycho (Pascal’s son), Johnny Smith and Pollination Technician 9 and Jenny Smith’s upcoming baby so at least those genetics will still be in the game. But Vidcund’s son has a deep pink skin and blue eyes and his name is Plato. Lazlo’s son is a deep red and has green? eyes (i can’t remember) and his name is Apollo. Now Plato was originally name Hades but because Tycho and Apollo both end with o, I wanted to give him a name that matched too so I renamed him Plato.
Ophelia rolled the want to go to college at 11:30 pm, half an hour before aging up so I had to download a time freezer because she and Johnny decided to have a woohoo before she left but she would’ve aged up after finishing and wouldn’t make it to the phone in time. Btw, I’ve modded my game so everyone ages at midnight instead of 6 pm.
The Beakers had a baby girl I named Almathea. Nervous I think is gay or bi in my game so I invited some guy over he had met at the club and he invited his friend. Nervous spoke to the friend but the guy I was trying to hook him up with was just gone and I had searched forever him so I figured he left. Turns out he was downstairs in Nervous’ room the entire time and by time I noticed he was already leaving 😒
Johnny invited Tank to his party. I thought that maybe there was some attraction there or something but no. Pure unadulterated hate for each other. Anyways Johnny beat Tank’s ass, Poll. Tech 9 got Jenny pregnant. Johnny didn’t roll the want for college so he aged up into an adult…and then an elder ?? I had to age him down back to an adult but idk why tf he doubled aged like that cuz no one else had.
With the Grunts, I wanted Tank and Ripp to utilize the teen hangout spot in town which is an abandoned shack with a bubble blower and furnishings because it was originally a lot for an apocalypse challenge but I made it a community lot. Anyways they met some girls and Ripp and this townie hit it off really well! Tank was an asshole towards the girl that showed interest in him 😒 I forgot to add a telephone so they could go back home and they couldn’t utilize the couch cuz the land is sloped so they couldn’t get to it. So I reset and tried again. Things were working well until Ripp couldn’t use the cc telephone booth and kept picking it up and putting it down. So i rest AGAIN and used the original telephone booth and then Ripp couldn’t fucking get to it despite there being space to use it so I reset AGAIN and made sure to put the telephone booth where they could easily access it. Then the girls they hit it off with didn’t come so i said fuck it and took them back home. Tank rolled the want to go to college so I sent him away. Now I need to decide if I’m going to send them all to the respective colleges of their hometown or should I just send them all to the same college. Sending them to the same college will give them a chance to interact with other sims they’d otherwise never meet and would be easier to keep track of. But sending them to different colleges would make managing them in uni a lot easier so I won’t have to keep track of 100 sims doing their work 😵‍💫. I’ll see what I decide to do.
In Veronaville all the teens wanted to fall in love with their partners and woohoo with them. Juliette got a positive memory from going steady with Romeo but he got a negative memory! Maybe he’s not that into her but he’s gonna have to be cuz I think she’s pregnant 😐. Hermia might be pregame too but idk. I saw them both think about babies sooo…idk. Tybalt’s a jackass but he rolled the want to go to college before he aged up but the only problem was that the option to go to college wasn’t there for him. Turns out I have Midgethetree’s extracted inteen mods which prevents sims with less than a C grade from going to college but since he’s already in private school with a C-, I’m sure his parents would’ve pulled some strings to get him into college. So I took the mod out and sent Tybalt to Uni and then put the mod back in. I think with everyone else, they should be fine since they have good enough grades.
The Summerdream family was kind of chaotic. Romeo and Juliette woohoo’d in the hottub in front of everyone (ACR’s doing) . I had to send Bottom away. She’s not the prettiest child but she looks good in this cc updo I gave her. Anywho, I tried to make Titania and Oberon want to roll the want to get married but they didn’t roll it. Now, Titania was getting ready to auto propose engagement with Oberon BUT fucking Mercutio FLIRTED with Titania and she accepted and now Oberon’s pissed and won’t accept any romantic interactions from her! Goddamit! I didn’t think Teens and Adults could be attracted to each other because of woohoo teens but I wound up replacing the want trees with with the reduced lifetime wishes mod anyways so…idk. This was the only time that’s happened.
Anywho the rest of the Capps and Montys…
Bianca found a guy she likes but the relationship wasn’t going anywhere. Nothing much going on with Antonio and his kids. Goneril and Albany had another baby girl named Maybelline. Regan and Cornwall had a baby name Rosalie and Kent is gay! He’s an excellent cook so I might keep him around until he finds a husband.
Lastly, I decided to do Belladonna Cove next and it’s already messy. Not because of the sims themselves but because of bad apartment residencies. Going by PleasantSims (Cindy) play order, I started with the Baldwin family. A hoarde of these blonde lady sims just appeared and took over the fucking apartment! Then I used the FFS Lot Debugger and cleared the residencies but they were still on the lot so I used the Sim Blender to clear them off so everything seemed safe afterwards so hopefully it’s all good. Anyways, Isabel got a secondary Grilled Cheese aspiration which is fitting honestly.
Then I moved on to the Cho family and Etsu wouldn’t let her mother potty train her so i said fuck her and kept her in her crib for the whole time and kept draining her energy bar so she’d stay asleep. Vivian got engaged to Timothy like she wanted and when I moved onto Timothy for his round, i found his apartment was way more cramped then Vivian’s so I was gonna have to find a house. Anyways they got married and then my game crashed out of nowhere so I called it quits for the night and plan on moving Timothy and his daughter into Vivian’s apartment the next time I play.
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Current Polls going are BEST EXECUTION POLLS!
Mod Lilith (they/them) @lavenderlies-starryskies
Tags: 💫. Mod talks ,💫. Mods main
Additionally, I use a lot of Reply icons mostly Alastor, Angel dust and Grell Sutcliff, The Kokichi sprite edits I use were made by me!
Mod Vamp (they/them) @vampthropologist
Tags: 🦇. Mod Talks
Mod Vamp is in charge of the inbox and making images for the Worst Character polls.
Here's where you can find the old pinned post and! The best character polls: 🥇
Here's where you can find the worst character polls post: 💩
Here is the master list of best execution polls post: 🩸 (current polls)
We are planning so many polls in the future, so we want to go one at a time (as it's already a bunch of work and I found out the hard way that doing it alone is a pain in the butt ~ 💫)
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