#and Palestine is not a real country
sharksfood · 2 months
if all the boomers and brainwashed millennials on instagram knew that Israel has bombed every single university in Gaza, maybe they’re fucking shut up about the student protestors spray painting campus libraries
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thenutoriouspbj · 3 months
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The true map 💕
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a very annoying aspects of even well meaning Americans is that they too think the United States is the center of the world. "Israel is bombing rafah while we are distracted by the Superbowl" "Israel is invading rafah while everyone focuses on the Met Gala".
the rest of the world is not planning military operations around our cultural events. I even forgot about the Superbowl until a week before it happened, and I didn't know the Met Gala was going on until the day of. And I live in this country. if I forget about this stuff, foreign governments planning an invasion weeks in advance, responding to localized political developments such as ceasefire talks, aren't thinking about non-political events going on in our country.
and I say this as someone who wishes things were different: but what would the difference be? do you think if the Met Gala wasn't going on that people would be out into the streets demanding a ceasefire? if the Superbowl had not been occuring, do you think our government would finally listen to our calls & emails if a slightly stronger campaign was going on that day?
this is more to call out of Americans who are still making everything about them. other country's militaries are not thinking about American civilian opinion when deciding military actions. they may consider US government opinion, but in this case it's well established our government doesn't care about public opinion. individuals maybe different, but as a whole we are already complacent.
please quit thinking the world revolves around the United States as it is negatively & inaccurately affecting your analysis & worldview, distorting where the focus should be: on the civilians facing violence & our government's culpability.
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pseudophan · 1 month
i feel like this goes without saying but just for the record my annual eurovision posting is obviously not happening tomorrow. i was originally going to pirate it and just not post about it at all, but after all the bullshit svt and the ebu have been pulling i don't even want to watch it illegally. fuck all of that bullshit. i will be following the news cause i am very curious to see what's gonna happen, especially because i think israel is very likely to win, which makes sense since unfortunately you can't vote against anyone and MOST anti-israel people are boycotting and so it stands to reason that all the pro-israel assholes will vote as much as they can to make a point about how pro genocide they are.
if you are watching still (illegally i hope! don't give them streams! and don't vote!) you can still send me asks about it but i probably won't post them unless it's specifically anti israel/pro palestine
i delusionally do hope one day we'll be able to watch eurovision again, but as long as israel (and a couple of other countries if we're being real) are in it it's not fucking worth it. and even if they do ban israel, if they don't replace the entire board currently at the ebu, or at least whoever is pushing this bullshit if somehow it's not all of them, i'm out lol. and that sucks so fucking bad because eurovision has been one of my main sources of joy since i was like six years old. but it's not fucking worth it.
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i-istherefore-iam · 1 month
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I don't see how he was being childish and disrespectful as some comments suggest. Do you think any other competing country would be given a chance to opt out of answering a controversial question?
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nyaskitten · 5 months
Originally I was gonna make some post calling out how ridiculous Her behavior is, vandalizing the Chima Wiki and straight up lying about shit, and just being a very rude and toxic person, but I think at this point everyone knows she is in fact not a nice person.
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earthytzipi · 3 months
as much as Zionism is a colonial project (though I tend to take the view as expressed in "Decolonizing Jewishness" re: Zionism as failed decolonization attempt) I think it's extremely reductive to claim that Ashkenormativity is to blame for the colonial nature of the Zionist reality. as more and more people from outside of Jewish spaces are introduced to the concept of Ashkenormativity, "Ashkenazi" is being used as a synonym for white and for colonizer.
this is not the whole picture. first and foremost, a large percentage of Ashkenazim are not white, though of course many of us are. conflating Ashkenazim with whiteness, both inside and outside of the Jewish community, contributes to the erasure of Jewish People of Color. additonally, the first Jews in the western hemisphere, arriving with conquistadors and colonizers, were, in fact, Sephardi. in the US, almost every Jewish person was Sephardi until the second half of the 19th century. Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews have also historically participated in and currently participate in Zionism, including in the settlements. furthermore, when we're talking about Israel's suppression of diasporic culture, a very real phenomenon, we need to discuss how many Ashkenazi cultural elements were also suppressed - including Yiddish and Ashkenazi Hebrew. in fact, Ashkenazim from Europe who wanted to hang onto their diasporic cultures were considered weak and effeminate. this reality should make sense to everyone who is aware of how Holocaust survivors are treated in Israel. in Israeli society, there is contempt for EVERY Jewish culture that is not Israeli, and of course that is compounded and exacerbated by racism for Mizrahi, Ethiopian, Indian, and other Jewish groups of color.
it's not the same dichotomy as the Black vs white dichotomy set up by US/UK/French/Spanish/etc colonization, and the term "Ashkenormativity" being taken out of Jewish contexts and applied to Zionism just makes Ashkenazim a convenient scapegoat for all the evils of Zionism. the main consequence I'm seeing is the idea that Ashkenazim are "fake European Jews" in contrast to the "real Middle Eastern Jews." this idea hurts us all. Jewish people are from every corner of the globe, and every Jewish person is a real Jewish person. I'm asking those of us who are pro-Palestine to tread very carefully when discussing this issue, and maybe retire the use of "Ashkenormativity" when it comes to discussing the racism of Zionism, which Jewish people from every diasporic background can and do participate in. Ashkenormativity refers to the centering of Ashkenazi history and customs when discussing Jewishness, and I'm really concerned that the way I'm seeing it used does not meet that definition and is not helpful (and maybe ends up centering Ashkenazi "evilness" or "Europeanness" while still not discussing Sephardi, Mizrahi, and other Jewish diasporic group's histories at all outside of their interactions with Ashkenazim in Israel). there's a lot of racism Jewish spaces, in Zionism, and in Israeli society, I just think we should call it racism and white supremacy.
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bunnihearted · 4 days
it is so fucking insane that palestine is suffering extreme, like beyond insane, violence done to them by ppl worse than nazis, and the world just sits idly by and allows it
#ofc there are people and countries who try to fight for them. i know that there are so many and their efforts are valuable#i just mean that it is true that palestine has suffered extreme pain done to them by 'israel' aka colonizers for years and years#and no one is stopping it#it's just bone chillingly awful and insane#i cant even believe it is true and real#i think it's extreme to round people up and mass shoot them (which has happened sm over the world)#and israel are torturing and slaughtering and humiliating and genociding completely innocent ppl#on the only basis that they HATE... the rightful owners of that country... i dont understand how that hatred even happens#but that the world allows them to just keep getting more and more depraved and sick and cruel and doing nothing?#i mean like sure i can understand that situations r more complicated than what i - someone who isnt in the know of the politic's underworld#like the reason no one stepped in concerning ukraine and russia is bc they're scared of world war??? so they say#but i just think that complete genocide shouldnt be complicated? it is wrong on EVERY single level#israel are invaders!!!! and are torturing innocent ppl when theyve stolen that land!!! why is that complicated? stop them!!!!#idk it just drives me insane bc what can i even do??? ofc there are protests and stuff but i dont see anything happening? it just keeps goi#and rmbr that this isnt new.. israel torturing and slaughtering palestine has been happening for tens of tens of years#after around 3 yrs of ww2 everyone was like damn we gotta do smth!!!!! and ended it#why is this different? do smth!!!!!! that the world allows this utter and complete cruelty and sadism is fkn insane
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phantom-of-the-memes · 2 months
Very important watch for what’s happening now with Iran and Israel (from a Palestinian)
TLDR: this isn’t about you. Stop with the boohoo what if my “innocent” country gets bombed. Your country and people are not more worthy of safety than Palestinians.
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luesmainblog · 2 months
by saying that being against israel(as a nation/government/military) is antisemetic, inherently, you are equating Israel to Judaism; to hate one is to hate the other. by saying that, you are saying some fucked up shit about judaism. last i checked, the average jew is not in favor of bombing children, destroying hospitals, humiliating women, raping prisoners, despising arabs, stopping humanitarian workers or forcing people out of their homes. last i checked, jewish teachings call for one to respect and honor the holy land, not bathe it in blood and destroy the olives that spring upwards. last i checked there is NOTHING about treating your fellow man like cockroaches that need the world's supply of raid.
but israel's all for that shit. the government leaders are actively pushing it, the military are making tiktoks PROUDLY showing off the horrific shit they're doing, this is undeniable. they are NOT equal, and there is NOTHING antisemitic about having a problem with a country committing evil. you might as well be saying it's Anti-Venezuelan to hate Nicolás Maduro, or Anti-American to hate MAGA. even suggesting such is saying some very, very awful things about the neutral group.
or hey, maybe you can't think of ANY possible reason to hate israel EXCEPT hating jews! in which case.... you're just. Okay with all of that other shit, and don't get why everyone else is so very very upset. which is its own form of awful. edit: this is absolutely NOT to say that you Can't Possibly Be Antisemetic in the pro-palestine movement. some of y'all DO use it as an excuse to hate jews, and it's fucking disgusting.
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thenutoriouspbj · 3 months
fuck israel i hope it ceases to exist in the near future
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worstloki · 6 months
Zionists will go “even Saudi Arabia and the UAE don’t support Hamas!” As if that is not telling on yourself. You are admitting you know nothing about the entire region. Your racist generalisations are not your downfall, the lies you are trying to support with no understanding of the genocide are.
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cutie-patoo-t · 3 months
For those that think this started October 7th
1. Haifa Massacre 1937
2. Jerusalem Massacre 1937
3. Haifa Massacre 1938
4. Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939
5. Haifa Massacre 1939
6. Haifa Massacre 1947
7. Abbasiya Massacre 1947
8. Al-Khisas Massacre 1947
9. Bab al-Amud Massacre 1947
10. Jerusalem Massacre 1947
11. Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947
12. Jaffa Massacre 1948
13. Khan Yunis Massacre 1956
14. Jerusalem Massacre 1967
15. Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982
16. Al-Aqsa Massacre 1990
17. Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994
18. Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002
19. Gaza Massacre 2008-09
20. Gaza Massacre 2012
21. Gaza Massacre 2014
22. Gaza Massacre 2018-19
23. Gaza Massacre 2021
24. Gaza Genocide 2023– ongoing
Tell me again, who is the one perpetuating violence, and who is simply fighting back?
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ramseyr · 4 months
Israel isn't real.
Neither is America or Canada
I don't understand how conquering a place automatically transfers ownership to the conquerer.
I hate this place. Built on a foundation of lies and decept.
No wonder life isn't fair.
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chamerionwrites · 7 months
While these protests succeeded in disrupting normal operations at the targeted arms companies, they were unable to meaningfully halt the manufacture of weapons, in part because the group best poised to shut down production was conspicuously absent from each of the actions: the companies’ workers. More than two million US workers are employed by the weapons industry, which produces over 80% of all of Israel’s arms imports, including “precision guided munitions, small diameter bombs, artillery, ammunition, Iron Dome interceptors and other critical equipment,” according to the Pentagon, as well as F-35 aircraft—the most advanced fighter jets in the world. In the past month and a half, Israel has used these weapons in a genocidal assault that has killed more than 14,000 Palestinian civilians in Gaza, at least 5,600 of them children. The violence has prompted direct action against the Israeli war machine’s supply chain, with protesters targeting not only munitions factories but also ships transporting arms to Israel and financial firms with significant investments in the weapons industry. But unlike in many other parts of the world, where weapons workers have led the disruption in response to an urgent call for solidarity from Palestinian trade unions, in the US, unions in the weapons industry have so far remained outside the fray.
This is despite the presence of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of unionized workers in the US weapons industry, some of whom are employed at the very factories that protesters have attempted to shut down this fall. As journalist Taylor Barnes reported earlier this year, each of the five major Pentagon contractors—Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, and General Dynamics—employs some unionized workers, although union density at the firms ranges from as low as 4% at Northrop Grumman to as high as 32% at Boeing. Many of these unionized workers belong either to the International Association of Machinists (IAM), or to the United Auto Workers (UAW), which is part of a renaissance in the US labor movement. Both unions include employees at Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and General Dynamics; the IAM additionally represents workers at Northrop Grumman and M7 Aerospace, a wholly owned subsidiary of the infamous Elbit Systems, while the UAW represents workers at Woodward, Inc., an aerospace firm that gained unwanted attention last month after a viral photo from the ruins of Gaza appeared to show a used missile component with the company’s logo on it. The unions are also actively organizing more workers in the weapons industry: Just last month, for example, the IAM unionized 332 Lockheed employees in Kentucky.
For anti-war labor organizers in the United States, unionized weapons workers present a paradox: Serving such members ostensibly requires making weapons industry jobs stable and remunerative, but the principles of global solidarity call for dismantling the war machine altogether. Traditionally, US unions have only pursued the former mandate. As one anonymous local union president in the industry put it to researcher Karen Bell earlier this year, “my top priority is trying to make sure that we have work in jobs in the United States . . . I don’t make a lot of judgments on anything other than, what can you do to keep the people I represent in work? That’s my job, and to be anything other than that, it would really be a disservice to the people that are paying my salary.” Rather than questioning their role in the industry, unions have reconfirmed their relationships with weapons companies since the start of Israel’s assault on Gaza. Last month, 1,000 IAM members in Arizona and 1,100 UAW members across the Midwest separately ratified new contracts with Raytheon and General Dynamics respectively, during a period when both companies were actively implicated in the mass killing of Palestinian civilians. When the Raytheon contract deal was announced on October 22nd, one IAM leader said he was “proud to support our Raytheon members and excited for this contract’s positive impact on their lives”—a statement that highlights the seemingly irreconcilable conflict between the economic interests of weapons industry workers and the anti-war, anti-genocide movement.
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papirouge · 5 months
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reading those words from Zionists is CRAZY
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