#and sweden as a whole have been assholes about this from the beginning!!!
pseudophan · 5 months
i feel like this goes without saying but just for the record my annual eurovision posting is obviously not happening tomorrow. i was originally going to pirate it and just not post about it at all, but after all the bullshit svt and the ebu have been pulling i don't even want to watch it illegally. fuck all of that bullshit. i will be following the news cause i am very curious to see what's gonna happen, especially because i think israel is very likely to win, which makes sense since unfortunately you can't vote against anyone and MOST anti-israel people are boycotting and so it stands to reason that all the pro-israel assholes will vote as much as they can to make a point about how pro genocide they are.
if you are watching still (illegally i hope! don't give them streams! and don't vote!) you can still send me asks about it but i probably won't post them unless it's specifically anti israel/pro palestine
i delusionally do hope one day we'll be able to watch eurovision again, but as long as israel (and a couple of other countries if we're being real) are in it it's not fucking worth it. and even if they do ban israel, if they don't replace the entire board currently at the ebu, or at least whoever is pushing this bullshit if somehow it's not all of them, i'm out lol. and that sucks so fucking bad because eurovision has been one of my main sources of joy since i was like six years old. but it's not fucking worth it.
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about-rock · 1 year
Ville Valo - religions and beliefs - atheism, christianity, satanism
Why would anybody care about some rockstar’s religion? Therefore there’s Ville Valo. Used so many symbols and did so many references to it. That’s why I think it’s a topic to talk about- it might get interesting.
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He wasn’t growing in a religious family, in a religious country, so to these days it’s not the topic of his life.
,,Even at school I studied ethics instead of religion.”
,,I wasn't baptized when I was born. My parents thought that if I wanted to believe, started believing, or wanted to be a part of a church, religion, or movement, I could make that choice for myself. “
Satanist stuff
But just at the beginning of HIM he used so many symbols, devil’s symbols such as 666 and the name of the band.
Ville has been always assuring us, that these are only symbols that he used more for fun and reference and because of his big fan of Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath.
,,Our song ‘Your Sweet 666’ is more of a tribute to Led Zeppelin and Iron Maiden’s ‘The Number of The Beast’ than to something actually evil.”
,,I’m immensely proud of the Heartagram. People having tattoos of it... it’s amazing. It’s not a symbol - it’s a movement. I love religious symbolism..”
Also name of the band (his infernal majesty) wasn’t taken directly from Antony Lavey books but from one of his favorite song back then- as he said in interview from nowadays, telling he is not sure still about origin of the name.
Clearly he’s not, more than 8 years ago he said:
The name Him came from Helsinki ice-hockey maniacs and it was our protest to Haile Selassie's rastafarian religion, he used to be called His Imperial Majesty..but nowadays because of Linde's hair, we actually might be supporting him.
After all it seems that name of the band has nothing with devil worship or something like that- it was more like playing fun with it- back then in 90s Sweden, Finland and Norwegia were the most black metal satanic bands in the world. It’s pretty obvious it got some influence at that time on Ville, that’s why he used some symbol with with but never seriously and as he said: all this stuff what satanist made was stupid for him[about burning churches].
“But I’ve always been laughing that, maybe it makes all the sense in the world for Fins to create metal – the headbanging keeps us warm. You know, it gets terribly cold in the winter. So it makes all the sense in the world that that would be the reason. That’s also probably why the Norwegians burned the churches. It’s nothing to do with Satanism, but they were cold.”
Ville could not be a satanist: he’s song is never about devil and he hates posture of satanist,here a simple example:
,,I hate Nazis”
(Which is typical for devil’s followers)
Topic about Ville being satanist we can close up by his own words:
,,Record companies are devil worshippers - not us.”
,,I don’t believe in Satan or Satanism or the Christian dogma or Islamic or whatever.”
So he is an atheist?-not exactly.
He never said that he don’t believe in God, such as he said he that he don’t believe in satan.
Ville don’t believe in Christian dogma, but it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t believe in God. It’s also seems that he is more anti-religious traditions more than a whole point of it.
"I am not anti-religion, I am anti-assholes and, unfortunately, in the religious realm, there are a lot of assholes."
There are many proves in press that he got quite big experience with Christianity.
from 2010:
“I read the Bible every day,” he says, grinning impishly as he switches the light on in his bathroom to reveal he’s wallpapered it with pages ripped from a King James edition.
Some days,” he says, giggling, “I read it twice.”
from 2010, also about wallpaper in toilet:
"But you've never read [the bible]?"
"I read it every time I take a shit"
Well, is it profanation, approach to the Christian religion some kind of joke? Probably the same as with Satanism, Christianity is not important to him- he do some fun with it only. Also, I think that this ,,wallpaper” kind of think was
more like a ,,drunk Ville” idea who don’t give a shit, now, I’m pretty sure, he wouldn’t do that. But about today’s Ville will be later.
But on the other side:
,,My maxim to the young people is: "Don't kill"”
Just like from Bible, maybe he really read it and liked some of it. Clearly not everything, that’s why he does not represent as a Christian.
,,I believe in God for the sake of orphan kids”
I wonder, rather it was sarcasm or more like his another thing he actually agree in religions.
,,My idea of heaven is a bit unusual...”
Does that prove Ville believes in an afterlife( from the Christian religion)?It seems like that for sure.
Oh, here’s another about Heaven:
,,But we all like sleeping, chess, the Adam's Family, we prefer night to day, Halloween to Christmas, weddings to funerals, X-Files to Friends, Abba to the Cure and Heaven to Hell because we all want to go there”
It's very hard for me to deduce in what realities Ville lives because he believes in Christian heaven and hell, but he doesn't bring himself to the most important holiday for Christians-ok, I said it too bluntly and to be honest after this statement you can expect not 100% sincerity.
Another thing that can’t be unsaid: Jesus and Ville. Ville quite often talk about him, really.
,,I’ve crossed oceans of wine” is probably one of not many(or only one) song by HIM which there’s something about Christianity.
,, We're so Christlike”~ I’ve crossed oceans of wine
In my interpretation, he used the motif of Jesus here as a sacrifice up to death. This motif fits very well with his concept of music - death and love. Maybe that’s why he used to wear Jesus on t-shirts and belts, crusader? Probably yes, it’s not like he believes in it, he just like more his story.
"Ozzy is after all an icon to me in the same way as Jesus, Motörhead’s Lemmy”
Here’s perfect proof, 666 and Jesus just an icon, symbol for his art.
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What today’s Ville Valo on all of this religious stuff?The Answer
,,I believe in friendship, life, love, music, food, but I don't have any religion that I follow.”
,,[..]still didn't find what I'm looking for.”
For me it seems he is more like a person who believes in what he sees, sometimes he believes in Heaven, sometimes not, sometimes in God, sometimes not- for sure never in Satan since he has always used to be an opposite of it. What I could say as a…Christian- Ville mixes up in himself everything what he think is right- sometimes from Bible, sometimes,more often, from live experiences.
,, I think life is all about good manners. You should open up doors for ladies and you should say ‘thank you.’ You should not swear and you should not spit. That’s what my parents told me and that’s what I’m trying to do. It’s brought me this far.”
Ville just does what he thinks is moral and good, you can see it from the man he is now - it's probably the type of person who thinks that this is the most important thing in life and the settlement after death, if it exists at all, will decide.
Ville never grew up in family, with any beliefs like most Finns, so it's no wonder he doesn’t attach much importance to it like the rest of Europe, and treat it more as a culture.
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sweetbillwriting · 2 years
The Real Deal
Part 5 - Never Alone
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Description: Bill and Cassandra have been friends a long time and with time realize Cassandra he is her dream but not just him but also his lifestyle.
Characters: AU Single Bill Skarsgård. A version of Bill where he becomes single 2017 and with a different timeline. AU Skarsgårds and others. The rest is my own original characters.
Setting: The story will jump from 2001 until present day. This chapter jump between 2015 and 2019.
Warnings: 18+, alcohol, drugs, drunkeness, toxic relationship, smut (sort of), sex work, slut shaming.
Notes: Remember that is is fiction and the most of isn't true and is just for entertainment.
"Still haven't heard from him?" 
"Not a word, not even on Facebook." 
"He's such a fucking idiot. You know, he has done this to others too, just completely ignoring them and I don't understand why. Sure his job sucks, but like, come on." 
"But he has contact with you, your family?" 
"Em… Mostly Gustaf, me only a bit. Mom and dad a bit but they are also mad at his behavior." 
Cassie hadn't heard from Bill for months. Not even on her birthday. Last time she heard from him he talked about his new work conditions, the asshole producers and parties that more or less always ended up with him and Landon hungover in their apartment with no memories of the night before. She had been annoyed with him during the whole conversation because he just spoke about his life. His job, his friends, his dreams, his disappointment. Cassie was relieved when the phone call was over. Now, several months later she wished she could just hear him complain again. She missed him so much that she had called Eija just to get some answers but she didn't have many. 
"Do you think… It's drugs or something?" Cassie asked carefully, like she didn't really want to know the answer. 
"It sounds like they smoke a lot. They seem to mostly be inside, smoking and planning their success. It feels like they have some sort of megalomania…" 
Cassie laughed a little. 
"Hasn’t he always had that?" 
Eija laughed. 
"I think my whole family suffers from that to be honest." 
Cassie laughed too and looked around in her dorm room. She had a picture of her, Eija and Bill together pinned on the fairy lights on the wall. It was from a drunken night in Stockholm a couple of years ago. Both siblings looked like models while Cassie felt like she looked like a toad in between them. Now it was early morning on a Sunday while in Sweden it was afternoon. Cassie started to wonder if she maybe bothered Eija. 
"But no drugs then?" 
"No serious drugs. Just weed and some party drugs. I mostly think they are angry little boys locked in the apartment and then they party when the girlfriend is there." 
Cassie sighed. The girlfriend. The crazy actress. She had understood from Bill that they fought a lot. That they both made each other jealous on purpose and she even had hit him a few times. It sounded so toxic as it could be and Cassie didn't even wanna hear it. Her Bill wouldn't do all this shit. Her Bill would never be with such a person and he would definitely not begin to act like it himself. 
"Okay… Thank you, Eija. But please ask him to call me if you're talking to him." 
"Totally. I'm always here for you, Cassie. Especially when Bill is being an asshat and doesn't see that he can lose you." 
Bill was back in Stockholm again. It was always a relief for him to come home to his country. He had his own apartment for six month that he had been decorating himself. First he asked Cassie, mostly because he didn’t have the energy to think about such things by himself but she had refused to help him. It wasn’t to be mean but because she knew Bill could do it himself. He had good taste and even an interest but as soon as he actually needed to do the work he couldn't decide for himself. Because of the lack of help he had been forced to do it by himself and was now quite pleased with the result. It had simple, white walls and polished wooden floors. Classic Scandinavian interior design. He had mostly photo art on the walls but in the living room he had a vintage poster of the solar system. On one wall he also had a drawing. A Pennywise drawing made by Director Andy Muschietti himself. The first he had bought for his apartment was a massive wooden table to have in the dining area. It was maybe the most important thing, except for the bed that was a special bed, extra long because of his height but also because he could move quite a lot when he was asleep. The couch was also big, so that many people could sit comfortably but it also made for lazy days. It was in black velvet with a chrome glass table in front of it. Next to it stood two bookcases in dark wood filled with books. It was probably quite obvious a man lived there. 
Bill walked around in the apartment, thinking about putting on that series everyone was talking about or if he should read the book for a script adaptation he received but he was too restless for those kinds of activities. He was often restless, even if he loved being back in Sweden it was hard to live so… slow. What did others do? 
A thought or a feeling swimmed around in his head which made it even harder to just continue doing nothing. He sat down on the couch and looked at Cassie's number on his phone, then called her without even considering the large time difference in New York. 
Cassie lay awake scrolling her phone even if it was early Sunday. Usually she would sleep until noon but now she wasn't alone. Georg was there, lying behind her with an arm round her waist. They were covered by her dark blue sheets and nothing else. Cassie knew this was the new normal, now when he paid so much but it was annoying to not decide for herself when he could spend the night and when not to. He was probably expecting a quickie before he went home to his big flat with a view over central park. Cassie sighed and tried to move his arm from her body without waking him up. She almost cheered when she succeeded and then stood up without looking at Georg who was lying on his back with his chest of white hair exposed. When Cassie approached the bathroom her phone started to buzz on the nightstand and in a panic she grabbed it and ran to the bathroom. Locked in the bathroom she looked down at her buzzing phone and saw Bill calling. She smiled and answered even if she didn't know how long Georg would stay asleep. 
"Hey," said Bill, then he was quiet. He often did that. Call to just pretend she was close. 
"Did you have a specific reason to call,” Cassie asked while she sat down on the toilet to pee.
"Are you peeing?" He asked. He could hear the familiar sound and smirked. 
"Is it nice?" 
"So nice. First pee of the day you know," Cassie said while flushing and washed her hands with her phone pressed between her shoulder and cheek. 
"That one is nice." 
"Mhm. What are you doing Billy? Are you restless?" 
She knew him too well or he was just that easy to read. 
"Yeah… But I also have a question?" 
Cassie put on a robe and looked at her make-up free face in the mirror. 
"So… Larissa and I, well that never happened but as the impulsive idiot I am, I bought a ticket for her to my family's Christmas trip… Do you want to go instead?" He rambled. He did it so she wouldn't focus so much on him and Larissa had stopped seeing each other but he also knew Cassie would still ask about that even if he didn't want to talk about it. He laid on the couch chewing on his pinky as he waited on the question he didn't want to answer.
"Ooh… What happened?" 
Bill sighed. Cassie knew he didn't want to talk about it but she also knew he needed to talk about it and it was most often her who he talked about such things with. 
"Yeah you know, she felt I was more interested in my job than her." 
"I'm sorry Bill but I know how important your job is so it was probably for the best. You will find someone that can accept your work conditions." 
"Sometimes I just think… Maybe I shouldn't have broken up with my ex. It did work pretty good." 
Now it was Cassie's turn to sigh. He had said these things before. Bill wanted safety and wanted that special girl by his side. He didn't like being single and definitely not dating. 
"You didn't want the same thing. You know that. You don't even know what would have happened if you had a child. Maybe she would have then said you must work less." 
Bill was quiet on the line. He played with a lighter he had found on the table and thought, again, that he should start smoking again. 
"Anyway, do you want to come to Thailand with my big awful family? You don't need to pay anything because I've already paid for everything." 
Cassie smiled and thought about it. Bill, calm, tanned, happy. His family, warm, fun and safe. And the luxury. The best hotel, white beaches and exotic restaurants. Larissa was stupid to ditch Bill before the trip. 
"Of course Billy, I would love to." 
His legs were spread out on each side of her. Long and hairy with childhood scars on his knees. Cassie dragged her fingers through the hair while Bill played the Swedish game Bulleribock on her back. 
"Bulleri bulleri bock hur många horn står det opp?" 
Cassie tried to feel how many fingers he pressed against her back. 
"Tre du sa, tre det var bulleri bulleri bock." 
They were finally together again. Together in Gustaf's apartment in Stockholm, in his bed. Gustaf was filming so Bill had his apartment and when he had left Canada, the weird girlfriend and the messy film set, he called Cassie. He had thought a lot about her but was so locked in his bubble he had problems reaching out. He and Landon had felt lonely so unconsciously they had made themself even more lonely. 
He was so happy being with Cassie again, lying in bed and breathing in her scent and calmness. Her caring nature. They laid between the green sheets, Cassie with her head on Bill's bare chest. She played with the hairs around his nipples. It had just grown more and more and she wondered when it would spread out over his chest. 
"He said he needed some time to think… Then a few days later I saw him with another girl at the restaurant I've taken him to on our third date… You know that Lebanese place you showed me," said Cassie and continued to play with his nipple hair. He had asked her about the guy she was seeing and once again the guy had more or less just disappeared. She felt it was her curse, to meet guys that never saw her as the right girl. 
"Ahh gumman, I'm sorry… I knew you liked him," said Bill and took her hand. Cassie looked up at his face and shrugged her shoulders. Bill dragged his other hand over her back, dressed in one of his t-shirts.
"I don't like him anymore. Nothing to grieve. Do you want to tell me what happened to you and that girl now?" 
Bill sighed and dragged his hand over his forehead and back through his messy hair. 
"I don't know what to say really. I don't think anything worked between us. We were so different from each other and just… You know what I mean, we were not good for each other." 
Cassie nodded a little and positioned herself so they could lay face to face. 
"She likes wild parties, drama… She wanted me to spank her and call her a whore and…" 
Cassie smiled a bit amused. 
"Can't you do that? Just be a daddy?" She teased. Bill sighed and rolled his eyes. 
"Sorry, maybe I'm old fashioned but it feels really weird doing such a thing to a woman. I know people like that shit but I think it's just degrading and… I want to be her boyfriend, not her daddy." 
Cassie smiled a little and looked down at Bill's lips for a second. She knew he had those feelings just like the majority of Swedes in the country. Everything should be politically correct and even sex was a political question. He had also been friends with many feminist girls that had called him a pig if he even thought about calling a girl a whore in bed. 
"Wouldn't you even want to try? Just to see how it is?" She asked and again looked down at his lips. 
"Sure with the right girl… Explore when I know it's just between me and her… But she wanted everyone to hear and wanted to cause a scene…" 
Bill dragged a hand over his face and closed his eyes like it was painful to think back on. Cassie understood what he wanted to say but wasn’t able to formulate. He didn't feel safe with that girl. He should be a man and be confident and horny but instead he was the one that felt unsafe. Cassie understood that even if Bill couldn't phrase it. She pressed herself closer to him, hugged him and gave him a kiss and the side of his neck. 
"You're such a good guy, Billy and that's never a bad thing." 
Cassie looked at Bill's broad back spread on Thailand's hot sand on a thin blanket. He had gotten color quite fast but it shifted to a red tone. His scandinavian skin wasn't really made for this sort of weather. Cassie had just come up from the water and looked out over the beach. Eija and her fiancé lay close by in the shadows. They always looked so in love and Cassie could often envy them. There were few who had such a relationship as those two had. Bill turned and looked at her. He had a pair of old sunglasses he had lived in when he was like 24. She had had similar ones just like everyone else but now felt they were outdated. Bill wasn't exactly a trendsetter.
"I'm really glad you came. I don't know who to bug otherwise. It's just couples," he said as he sat up. He had let his facial hair be and he had a shadow of a mustache on the top of his lip. Cassie smiled and fixed her red bikini before sitting down. 
"You have Valter." 
Bill smiled bashfully. 
"We both know he has more in common with Ossian than with me." 
Cassie smirked and brushed away some sand from her knees. Bill and Valter loved each other like brothers do but had a problem finding common ground over more than film and they rarely talked the same language even then. 
"We don't have so much in common either. I have style while you don't. You are pretentious while I'm not…" 
Bill laughed and faked offensiveness. 
"I'm not pretentious!" 
Cassie gave him a pointed look. 
"Come on, even your dad gets nervous to talk about some things with you! You’re suddenly name dropping some philosopher from Taiwan or something!" 
Bill shook his head with a smirk. Cassie smiled at him because both of them knew she was right but they also knew he was pretentious because he was really intelligent and keen to learn. Lots of people thought of him as just an actor but he probably could have been just whatever he liked. 
"So what is your dude doing?" Bill asked, stretching out his long body. The swim shorts sat low on his hips and tight in the front. 
"Who?" Cassie said while watching Bill's body up and down. 
"The older gentleman," Bill said with an old British accent. Cassie looked away. She didn't want to talk about Georg. That was something Bill shouldn't be a part of and that was also a finished chapter. When she had told Georg that she was going away on a trip with a male friend he had lost it. He felt that he paid her enough to just be with him and not "whore around" as he put it. He didn't want her to have contact with any other men and that would have never worked. Especially because of Bill. She needed to have Bill in her life. 
"Oh, that wasn't anything serious. Just a bullshit thing. That's over." 
Bill patted her thigh. 
"Aren't we hopeless? Soon we’ll be thirty and still single." 
Cassie clicked her tongue. 
"That’s not even old. I still feel the same as I did in my early twenties," Cassie said a bit annoyed. She hated when Bill made them sound old. 
"I just thought I wouldn't be alone in my thirties. It seems a bit sad." He said and sat up on the blanket and pushed his sunglasses up on his head. 
"Bill, for having two older brothers that have lived like they are twenty until they were forty you are so conservative. You don't need to have someone just because you are thirty. And you should definitely not be with someone just to not be alone." She said it like she was annoyed at him but she was just annoyed at how much he restrained himself. All this talk about not being alone made her sad for his sake, because he made poor choices because of it. 
Bill was quiet, Cassie was one of few that was totally honest with him. That dared to say the things he didn't want to hear. He knew he didn't need a girlfriend, he knew he didn't need emotional support around the corner but he couldn't stop acting that way. It had become a part of his persona. 
He took Cassie's hand that lay in her lap and played with her fingers between his. He had a bit to learn from Cassie but she had also had something to learn from him. She gave up on people, jobs and interests if they didn't reward her quickly but he wouldn't bring that up now, that would be childish and he didn't want to hurt her. 
"I love you, Cassandra." 
Cassie smiled and looked at their hands. 
"I love you, Bill." 
Just when Cassie sat and felt the warmth in her chest he surprised her by lifting her up and throwing her up on his shoulder. 
"Bill!" She screamed in panic when he started to run down to the water.
"I'm going to punish you for talking like that to me!" He said and ran down in the water while Cassie just screamed. She never liked when he did those kinds of things and he knew it. Sometimes he was like an irritating brother. When the water was deep enough he threw her in. 
In the shadow sat Eija and her fiancé watching them and smiled amused. 
"Why aren't they a couple? Have they ever tried to?" Asked her fiancé and looked between her face and Bill and Cassie. Eija sighed deeply.
"He has. But she doesn't want to. She has always refused him." 
Her fiancé nodded a little, sadly. He knew Bill well now and knew he was a sensitive guy so such a thing must have broken him. 
Even if Bill had said he wanted to lay in bed for weeks after coming home from Canada he agreed to come to a club opening with some friends. Cassie still sat in bed when he turned around with the phone pressed against his cheek.
"That's okay right? I think it can be fun to do something." 
Cassie smiled and unintentionally fixed her hair. It was with friends of Bill's she knew so it could actually be fun.
"Yeah okay." She said and Bill gave her a big smile as an answer while he searched after his socks on the floor. He had managed to put on his jeans while talking on the phone. Now he had a shirt and socks to look for. Cassie still sat in just one of his t-shirts and panties. She hadn't any reason to dress yet. 
When he hung up he had one sock on and his jeans were still unbuttoned. Breathless, after the fight with the socks he turned to Cassie again. 
"So pizza?" 
Cassie laughed a little and stood up and in the bed and threw her arms on Bill's neck. 
"Sure but not that weird one you like to eat!" 
"Oh with peanuts?" He placed her down the bed, passing her jeans to her. 
"And not that one with fries on it!" 
She put on the jeans and her own socks. 
"You have the worst taste in pizza!" Bill said with a dramatic voice and threatened her with his boot. Cassie smirked and put on her own outerwear. 
"It's swedes that have that! Especially you! And don't you dare wear that jacket! It's so fucking ugly!" 
The day went by as they ate and got ready for the club event. Cassie panicked over her outfit while Bill chose to keep the one he had on from earlier that day. Cassie wished she could just wear jeans and a t-shirt but girls couldn't get away with such an outfit at a club opening. People would think she was Bill's assistant or something. She decided to wear a deep purple Herve Leger look-alike dress. 
"Wow," Bill said when he saw her. She stood in front of the hallway mirror putting on a big pair of hoop earrings. 
"Do I look okay?" She asked and looked down at herself.
"You will be the prettiest girl there." 
"Am I overdressed?" 
"Who cares? You look great." 
Bill had words like hot and sexy on his tongue but that was weird to say to a friend. Maybe she would even think he was just joking around. He looked at her up and down again and he felt a bit underdressed but he wouldn't feel comfortable in a dress shirt at a club. Together they went to a friend of Bill's. It was mostly just guys but Cassie had met them many times and she felt comfortable. The friend lived in a big Victorian apartment in the old parts of Stockholm, an apartment his father owned but he "borrowed" from him. Bill's friends were a mix, some super privileged and others that fought hard to afford their one room apartment in Botkyrka. Still Cassie always felt like there was a flair of luxury when she was in Stockholm she couldn't put her finger on why but she always felt a bit like a princess around Bill. 
Bill liked that Cassie could mingle so well with his friends, she was fun, sweet and confident. He liked watching her from afar when she mingled around with his friends but while doing that he also noticed other things. How several of his friends looked at her body in that tight dress, someone that winked their eye at her and another that even offered his lap for her to sit in. Bill just felt his hands tremble and his face flush but wiped it away as just friendly care. He knew his place, that he shouldn't jump in and he knew also Cassie could handle it by herself. His friends may be flirty but they always understood a no. 
The club had some sort of rave theme with neon, blinking lights and bubbles. It was fun for a while but then Bill craved a smoke and Cassie just wanted some fresh air. Bill left Cassie on a bench, after checking it was alright and then walked to the smoking area. He stood around with people dressed as dark as himself. Cassie had realized quickly that she wore totally the wrong outfit. She could never really learn the Swedish dress code, she always felt either overdressed or underdressed. She looked at Bill talking with a brunette. She was probably in her thirties and had a messy updo like she had danced wildly. 
The girl on the bench next to Cassie asked her something in Swedish and pointed to Bill. 
"I'm sorry, I don't speak Swedish." Cassie said politely. 
"Aw, you're British, that's so cute! I just asked if you're here with him?" Said the girl and moved to sit next to Cassie. The girl had long blonde hair and a black skater dress on. 
"Yeah, why?" 
"I know who he is. We actually went to school together." 
"Oh, wow." Cassie smiled. She didn't really know what to say. 
"Are you his girlfriend?" 
Cassie looked at Bill, who still stood with the brunette. She seemed to give his under arm a massage and Cassie furrowed her brows at the odd vision. 
"No, no we're just friends…" said Cassie but continued to look at Bill smiling at the woman in front of him. 
"Okay…" said the blonde but looked at Cassie who couldn't stop watching Bill. 
"You know, when he left Sweden he was cute, really cute but now… He's sexy. There’s quite a few people that have decided they want him." 
"Yeah…" said Cassie and tried to give the girl a smile. It wasn't anything new, she could also see that Bill had changed the years he was away. That he now looked mysterious and sexy. She also understood there were probably many girls in Stockholm that wanted to claim him as their own. Cassie looked at the brunette again, she was older than Bill and looked at him with a perfect mix of care and wonder. Like he was a golden prince. 
Cassie and Bill walked in again and danced with his friends but also got company of the brunette and her friends. They just danced silly and wild. Cassie couldn't really understand how Bill suddenly could be so drunk but she noticed he more and more used her as some sort of pillar to lean on and his eyes becoming heavy. 
"It's time for you to take Billen home now! Before you find him sleeping somewhere!" said one of his friends and gave Cassie an amused smile. Bill had a tendency to fall asleep easily and at weird places when he was drunk. 
"No, no. I'm okay…" said Bill with a lazy voice and dragged a hand over his face. 
"No it's time to go home," said Cassie and took Bill's hands. She felt Bill's friends and the others watching them. "You know, half my pizza is waiting for us in the fridge." She said and dragged him with her. 
"Sov gott kompis!" Shouted his friends while Cassie dragged Bill with her through the club.
Bill was extremely sleepy so Cassie got them a taxi at Slussen even if it wasn't so far to walk but she was afraid Bill wouldn't be able to walk. He was just as sleepy in the taxi but when they were in Gustaf's apartment again he had wolfed down Cassie's pizza leftovers and drank quite a lot of water. With a full belly he perked up a bit. They got ready for bed together, or Bill brushed his teeth then sat at the toilet lid watching Cassie do her procedure. 
"Have you stopped using hand cream as night cream?" Cassie teased. Another time after a night out he thought he would surprise her and do a facial routine too, the problem was just that he took her hand cream instead. 
Bill stuck out his tongue and stretched his arm. 
"I don't feel that tired anymore," he said and played with the elastic of his boxers. Cassie sighed because she actually was. 
"We're going to sleep now. You need it." She said like a determined mother. 
Bill didn't say anything, just followed her to bed. They already had their side of the bed, the same side they always slept on. 
They laid down face to face under the fluffy covers and looked at each other with small smiles. Cassie thought about what that girl had said, that Bill was sexy, it was true but right then and there he was just that cute little boy, with big eyes and an elfish nose. Bill watched Cassie, admired her makeup free face. He had always liked her like that. She looked much younger but still sexy in an innocent way. He breathed heavily and crawled closer to her. Cassie smiled and thought he just wanted to cuddle so she laid her arms around his shoulders but Bill kissed her softly. His lips were wet and plush, like they already were swollen full of kisses. First Cassie just laid shocked but when he kissed her again she kissed back. Bill's hands took a hold of her waist over her t-shirt and continued to caress her back. He did it softly, like how you pat a kitten. They kissed a few times more just as softly and innocent. She knew Bill so well she knew he waited on her to deepen the kiss, to show him it was okay that they went to the next level. She licked his plump bottom lip to make him separate his lips and invite her tongue in. He groaned when they started to kiss passionately and he pushed her t-shirt up a bit to touch her naked hips and waist. Cassie caressed Bill's shoulder and chest but slowly a voice in her head started to get louder and louder. 
This will destroy your friendship. He is your only real friend.
She pulled away from his arms and pushed his chest. Bill let go of her fast and looked at her with his big eyes like he had done something wrong. 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry… But you're drunk Bill and… You're my best friend. This is such a bad idea." She rambled. Bill crawled away even more to give her space and nodded a little. 
"We're friends, Bill…" 
"Yeah, yeah…" he said and turned away his eyes. "I'm going to pee…" he said lowly to get away from the situation and went to the bathroom. 
Cassie sat up in bed and hugged a pillow. She was sure that Bill was just drunk and horny. They had been friends for so long, why would he suddenly want to kiss her? He probably missed that actress girl. 
Bill stood in the bathroom, splashing his face and neck with cold water and then looked at his reflection. She had rejected him again. Okay, he was just eleven the first time but it felt the same. He was really friendzoned. He had thought he felt a chemistry between them but obviously he was wrong. He would never try that again, it was humiliating to be rejected and one more time their friendship wouldn’t survive.
When Bill came out Cassie pretended to sleep and it was the best for the both of them because they both felt humiliated. The both of them believed they were the only one with romantic feelings for the other one. 
Their friendship would survive the situation, probably thanks to that fact that both of them had a partner just a few months later. 
Bulleri Bock - a child game where you push in fingers in a person's back and they will guess how many you hold up. 
Bulleri bulleri goat how many horns stands up? (drumming on the other person's back and then holds up some fingers against the other person's back) 
(The other person is guessing) 
(the person's guess) you said, (the right answer) it was. Bulleri bulleri goat. 
(drumming on the guessing person's back again) 
Gumman - is from the beginning a loveable word for an old lady but is today a pet name for girls. The male version is Gubben. 
Swedish feminism - have been really radical and have roots in swedish social democratic history where everything is politic. It's better now, it peaked with #metoo but after that have other opinions and feministic perspective become okay. 
Botkyrka - Part of Stockholm County that is an area of ​​exclusion and has high criminality. 
Slussen - area that connects Gamla Stan with Södermalm. A common place to expire from when you're in Stockholm. Also known for their constant rebuilding. 
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tacosaysroar · 2 years
TBBS update:
I’d gotten very used to dating (Peter Pan) bachelors, so this has been a very interesting experiment in what it’s like to date as two very busy adults with children and capital “C” Careers.
I realized yesterday I’d told two different people we’d been dating for around 3 months — that’s about what it feels like communication- and comfort-wise, so I just estimated without doing the math. I scrolled back to the beginning of our text chain last night. May 29th. We can add a couple of days before that from Bumble, but that’s it. Not even two months. I’m not sure if it’s a good sign or a bad one that it feels like longer. Sometimes that “it feels like I’ve always known them” thing is just you recognizing and falling into old bad patterns. It doesn’t feel like I’ve known him forever, but the whole vibe is very comfortable and familiar.
Maybe it’s just because he’s regionally familiar — he’s got that whole confident East Coast “I grew up in a city” loud talker thing that gives me a secret oh-yeah-I-forgot-about-this-male-archetype smile every single time he expresses a firm opinion. He’s sort of a rebellious loud mouth — in a way I like, he’s not an asshole — which I’m actually just realizing is very much my dad. So I don’t know. Maybe it’s just those things and not the bad pattern thing, but I’ve pinned it for future examination.
I like him as much as I did initially, but there aren’t any feelings yet. It’s still much too soon for that — especially since we’ve still only had ONE in-person date, which is crazy. Between my trip to Vegas, his trip to Sweden, my trip to CT, his trip back to Baltimore, both of our Covid scares, and now his impending trip to Europe and Asia, it’s not been a great 2 months for scheduling dates. We won’t have the chance to see each other again until at least the 17th. It’s all texting and phone calls and FT.
That would’ve killed it for me at other points or with other people, but he’s off the charts on great communication and has been very frank about still being very interested in me (and vice versa). So we’ll see. I’m not feeling it fizzling out, which would normally be my concern with such long periods between seeing each other, but this is another thing I’m keeping an eye on. Right now, it’s sort of like dating someone in a temporary long distance situation. It should be easier once he’s more settled both here and in the new job, but he’s going to be traveling a lot to Baltimore for the first year and a lot for work as long as he has this job. So we’ll see how that works. Right now, I like that we each have our own stuff going on. Later on, I wonder if this is going to feel like the “I’m not a priority” dynamic I tend to find myself in. I guess that’ll depend on communication upkeep.
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marsmombestmom · 4 years
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1953-11-28 DN This is it, this is the most surprising thing I found while digging through the newspapers. A Moomin short story from 1953 named När parkvakten blev självlysande (When the Park Keeper Became Luminescent), as you might recognize, this became a chapter in Moominsummer Madness the following year, so it’s not a completely new story. Large portions are identical to the final print, others are basically just rephrasing the same things. Some parts are shorter, it’s overall structurally a bit briefer and Little My doesn’t sing her song. Little My is also the one spreading the Hattifattener seeds as she is small enough to pass through the fencing. However, the beginning and end differentiate more. In this short story, Snufkin simply finds Little My by chance while fishing. There’s no flood and My hasn’t capsized from the floating theater. She simply claims to have run from home. Snufkin himself has the same motivation for committing acts of terrorism playing tricks on the Park Keeper, there is however no significance on it having to be on midsummer eve. In the end, instead of reluctantly becoming a caretaker, Snufkin gladly brings the kids to his cabin (?!) and lets them stay for awhile. Although he does state that he never stays in the same place for long and that he’ll try to return the children to their parents further on. Meanwhile, the Park Keeper found it delightful to suddenly glow in the dark and amuses himself by surprising friend and acquaintances that way. Very notable are the unique artwork, the first being a front page information on the short story that was later completely redrawn for the finished book. Then there’s the large color illustration unique for this print. Notably, the Park Keeper is portrayed as a human. (The bag says “Hattifattener seeds” and the upside-down sign says “Forbidden to read funny books”.) The third illustration is an early version of a picture later used in the finished book, it is slightly different, notably clothing and the bowl Snufkin carries. The final illustration is just taken straight out of the Exploits of Moominpappa. This is a very fascinating piece of history that kind of acts as an earlier draft to what would become a classic story. By this point, Moominsummer Madness was still about a years off, according to my clippings it seems to have been released in Sweden by November 1954, though I suspect it was released in Finland a bit earlier. I would suppose that this sort off informed how the rest of the book would’ve been written, as to implement this story into the greater whole, Snufkin needed to be absent for everything prior. The final clipping is a radio schedule from Söderhamns tidning 1954-03-03, showing the story was read in Swedish radio by Greta Brotherus at 17:10 Friday March 5th 1954. If I am to be a complete asshole about this, I’d suggest that we revise the official chronology of Moomin books to include this, but I refrain.
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theculturedmarxist · 4 years
>Literally anyone who lived in a communist or socialist regime: it was terrible..... 16 year old white girl on tumblr: yeah but that wasn’t real communism :///
You mean anyone like this, you stupid fucking asshole?
Oppressive and grey? No, growing up under communism was the happiest time of my life
When people ask me what it was like growing up behind the Iron Curtain in Hungary in the Seventies and Eighties, most expect to hear tales of secret police, bread queues and other nasty manifestations of life in a one-party state.
They are invariably disappointed when I explain that the reality was quite different, and communist Hungary, far from being hell on earth, was in fact, rather a fun place to live.
The communists provided everyone with guaranteed employment, good education and free healthcare. Violent crime was virtually non-existent.
But perhaps the best thing of all was the overriding sense of camaraderie, a spirit lacking in my adopted Britain and, indeed, whenever I go back to Hungary today. People trusted one another, and what we had we shared.
Learn from Cuba, Says World Bank
The island's economy, which suffered devastating losses in production after the Soviet Union withdrew its aid, especially its oil supplies, a decade ago, has yet to fully recover. Annual economic growth, fuelled in part by a growing tourism industry and limited foreign investment, has been halting and, for the most part, anaemic.
Moreover, its economic policies are generally anathema to the Bank. The government controls virtually the entire economy, permitting private entrepreneurs the tiniest of spaces. It heavily subsidises virtually all staples and commodities; its currency is not convertible to anything.  It retains tight control over all foreign investment, and often changes the rules abruptly and for political reasons.
At the same time, however, its record of social achievement has not only been sustained; it's been enhanced, according to the WDI.
It has reduced its infant mortality rate from 11 per 1,000 births in 1990 to seven in 1999, which places it firmly in the ranks of the western industrialised nations. It now stands at six, according to Jo Ritzen, the Bank's Vice President for Development Policy who visited Cuba privately several months ago to see for himself.
By comparison, the infant mortality rate for Argentina stood at 18 in 1999; Chile's was down to ten; and Costa Rica, 12. For the entire Latin American and Caribbean region as a whole, the average was 30 in 1999.
Similarly, the mortality rate for children under five in Cuba has fallen from 13 to eight per thousand over the decade. That figure is 50 percent lower than the rate in Chile, the Latin American country closest to Cuba's achievement. For the region as a whole, the average was 38 in 1999.
"Six for every 1,000 in infant mortality - the same level as Spain - is just unbelievable," according to Ritzen, a former education minister in the Netherlands. "You observe it, and so you see that Cuba has done exceedingly well in the human development area."
Indeed, in Ritzen's own field the figures tell much the same story. Net primary enrolment for both girls and boys reached 100 percent in 1997, up from 92 percent in 1990. That was as high as most developed nations, higher even than the US rate and well above 80-90 percent rates achieved by the most advanced Latin American countries.
"Even in education performance, Cuba's is very much in tune with the developed world, and much higher than schools in, say, Argentina, Brazil, or Chile."
It is no wonder, in some ways. Public spending on education in Cuba amounts to about 6.7 percent of gross national income, twice the proportion in other Latin America and Caribbean countries and even Singapore.
There were 12 primary pupils for every Cuban teacher in 1997, a ratio that ranked with Sweden, rather than any other developing country. The Latin American and East Asian average was twice as high at 25 to one.
The average youth (ages 15-24) illiteracy rate in Latin America and the Caribbean stands at seven percent. In Cuba, the rate is zero. In Latin America, where the average is seven percent, only Uruguay approaches that achievement, with one percent youth illiteracy.
"Cuba managed to reduce illiteracy from 40 percent to zero within ten years," said Ritzen. "If Cuba shows that it is possible, it shifts the burden of proof to those who say it's not possible."
Similarly, Cuba devoted 9.1 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) during the 1990s to health care, roughly equivalent to Canada's rate.  Its ratio of 5.3 doctors per 1,000 people was the highest in the world.
The question that these statistics pose, of course, is whether the Cuban experience can be replicated. The answer given here is probably not.
"What does it is the incredible dedication," according to Wayne Smith, who was head of the US Interests Section in Havana in the late 1970s and early 1980s and has travelled to the island many times since.  "Doctors in Cuba can make more driving cabs and working in hotels, but they don't.  They're just very dedicated," he said.
This amazing video and documentary, produced by Neighbor Democracy, details the evolving communal organs within the Rojava Revolution, from security to health care.
This 40 minute video is an in-depth look into the inner workings of the commune system of Rojava and how they work in practice. Rojava is the colloquial name for the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (DFNS), a multi-ethnic, pluralist, women’s liberationist, and radically democratic autonomous zone that has grown out of the context of the Syrian Civil War. While there is frequent and thorough reporting on the military aspects of the Revolution in Rojava, especially their fight against Daesh (ISIS) and the Turkish State, the social revolution as it relates to the everyday lives of the people living there is rarely given anything more than a cursory overview, even in radical circles.
This video is one attempt to make up for that gap in easily digestible information about the way the day-to-day autonomous organizing affects daily life in Rojava. It also closes with a call for people in the US and elsewhere to build communes along similar lines, while discussing some possible contextual considerations specific to North America.
The communes in the DFNS are birthed out of tireless organizing by everyday people, predominately Kurdish women, in an effort that started clandestinely in the days of the Regime, but has since led to structures that could fill the power vacuum left in the war. The people of the DFNS are working out in practice through trial-and-error the culmination of 40 years of theoretical and practical knowledge built through the Kurdish struggle, and most thoroughly laid out by the imprisoned PKK leader, Abdullah Ocalan.
The communes have many similarities to the neighborhood assemblies that were the focus of the late American communalist Murray Bookchin, who was an inspiration for Ocalan. There are an estimated 4,000 communes in Rojava today, run through direct democracy of all the residents (50-150 families). The work of the commune is divided up into committees which anyone can join. The most common committees are explored in-depth in this video, and their timestamps can be found below. Each committee covered in the video can be found in its own short clip on the Neighbor Democracy channel so that these short, easy-to-digest videos can me shared in discussions about specific topics relating to communal approaches to various aspects of life.
Marinaleda: Will 'free homes' solve Spain's evictions crisis? 
In the wake of Spain's property crash, hundreds of thousands of homes have been repossessed. While one regional government says it will seize repossessed properties from the banks, a little town is doing away with mortgages altogether.
In Marinaleda, residents like 42-year-old father-of-three, David Gonzalez Molina, are building their own homes.
While he burrows with a pneumatic drill into the earth, David nonchalantly says it "should take a couple of years".
However, when his new house is finished he will have paid "absolutely nothing".
Free bricks and mortar
The town hall in this small, aesthetically unremarkable town an hour-and-a-bit east of Seville, has given David 190 sq m (2,000 sq ft) of land.
He and others are only eligible after they have been registered residents of Marinaleda for at least two years.
The bricks and mortar are also a gift, this time from the regional government of Andalusia.
Only once his home is finished will he start paying 15 euros (£13) a month, to the regional government, to refund the cost of other building materials.
Of course, most people do not know how to build a house, so the town hall in Marinaleda throws in some expertise.
It employs several professional builders and plumbers, a couple of whom work alongside David, to help him construct his house.
This was in late December 1936, less than seven months ago as I write, and yet it is a period that has already receded into enormous distance. Later events have obliterated it much more completely than they have obliterated 1935, or 1905, for that matter. I had come to Spain with some notion of writing newspaper articles, but I had joined the militia almost immediately, because at that time and in that atmosphere it seemed the only conceivable thing to do. The Anarchists were still in virtual control of Catalonia and the revolution was still in full swing. To anyone who had been there since the beginning it probably seemed even in December or January that the revolutionary period was ending; but when one came straight from England the aspect of Barcelona was something startling and overwhelming. It was the first time that I had ever been in a town where the working class was in the saddle. Practically every building of any size had been seized by the workers and was draped with red flags or with the red and black flag of the Anarchists; every wall was scrawled with the hammer and sickle and with the initials of the revolutionary parties; almost every church had been gutted and its images burnt. Churches here and there were being systematically demolished by gangs of workmen. Every shop and café had an inscription saying that it had been collectivized; even the bootblacks had been collectivized and their boxes painted red and black. Waiters and shop-walkers looked you in the face and treated you as an equal. Servile and even ceremonial forms of speech had temporarily disappeared. Nobody said ‘Señior’ or ‘Don’ or even ‘Usted’; everyone called everyone else ‘Comrade’ and ‘Thou’, and said ‘Salud!’ instead of ‘Buenos dias’. Tipping was forbidden by law; almost my first experience was receiving a lecture from a hotel manager for trying to tip a lift-boy. There were no private motor-cars, they had all been commandeered, and all the trams and taxis and much of the other transport were painted red and black. The revolutionary posters were everywhere, flaming from the walls in clean reds and blues that made the few remaining advertisements look like daubs of mud. Down the Ramblas, the wide central artery of the town where crowds of people streamed constantly to and fro, the loudspeakers were bellowing revolutionary songs all day and far into the night. And it was the aspect of the crowds that was the queerest thing of all. In outward appearance it was a town in which the wealthy classes had practically ceased to exist. Except for a small number of women and foreigners there were no ‘well-dressed’ people at all. Practically everyone wore rough working-class clothes, or blue overalls, or some variant of the militia uniform. All this was queer and moving. There was much in it that I did not understand, in some ways I did not even like it, but I recognized it immediately as a state of affairs worth fighting for. Also I believed that things were as they appeared, that this was really a workers' State and that the entire bourgeoisie had either fled, been killed, or voluntarily come over to the workers' side; I did not realize that great numbers of well-to-do bourgeois were simply lying low and disguising themselves as proletarians for the time being.
Together with all this there was something of the evil atmosphere of war. The town had a gaunt untidy look, roads and buildings were in poor repair, the streets at night were dimly lit for fear of air-raids, the shops were mostly shabby and half-empty. Meat was scarce and milk practically unobtainable, there was a shortage of coal, sugar, and petrol, and a really serious shortage of bread. Even at this period the bread-queues were often hundreds of yards long. Yet so far as one could judge the people were contented and hopeful. There was no unemployment, and the price of living was still extremely low; you saw very few conspicuously destitute people, and no beggars except the gipsies. Above all, there was a belief in the revolution and the future, a feeling of having suddenly emerged into an era of equality and freedom. Human beings were trying to behave as human beings and not as cogs in the capitalist machine. In the barbers' shops were Anarchist notices (the barbers were mostly Anarchists) solemnly explaining that barbers were no longer slaves. In the streets were coloured posters appealing to prostitutes to stop being prostitutes. To anyone from the hard-boiled, sneering civilization of the English-speaking races there was something rather pathetic in the literalness with which these idealistic Spaniards took the hackneyed phrases of revolution. At that time revolutionary ballads of the naivest kind, all about proletarian brotherhood and the wickedness of Mussolini, were being sold on the streets for a few centimes each. I have often seen an illiterate militiaman buy one of these ballads, laboriously spell out the words, and then, when he had got the hang of it, begin singing it to an appropriate tune.
Feel free to unfuck yourself you class cuck.
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hanna-kin · 3 years
Season 3 eagles: Felicia
So Felicia isn’t my favourite character though she has grown on me and ive liked her more and more each season. I think she is one of the better characters though, objectively. 
First of all, Felicias storyline feels the most consistent if I look back to season one. She has struggled for a long time and I like that they have built it up since season one with her having to move to sweden after a traumatic overdose, trying to find her place in school, everything with Klara. Getting together with Ludde and then Ludde and Amie cheating. It set up season 2 really well and her being in a bad place was obvious with her dating Jack, having lost both Ludde and Amie and starting drugs again. If I’m missing obvious and important details from season 1 and 2 I appologize. I’ve not watched them in so long. 
And then finally season 3. Wow such a dark season for her. Trying to show a strong and happy facade but struggling hard. She needed help two years ago but sadly noone really realised. I don’t mind her and Ludde toghether but I don’t mind them breaking up either. They are obviously endgame so...I felt like the break up was just a catalyst for her but she had struggled long before and I really don’t blame Ludde for breaking up with her because they obviously wasn’t in a good place and the realationship wasn’t healthy. I’ve seen some comments about Ludde handling everything badly but I think they both did. Their relationship was very rocky in the beginning of the season despite the fact that they should have their “honeymoon” phase and it didn’t seem healthy for either of them. As I said they are going to be endgame but I wouldn’t mind if they didn’t to be honest. 
Despite Felicia falling apart after the break up I think she needs to find her footing before going back into a relationship. She’s had quite a eventful life since coming back to sweden and I think she needs time and stability. My guesses are that there will be another time jump and season 4 wil l pick up with Felicia back home.
I do wonder how her storyline will play out then. Will she continue to struggle? WIll she be a support character for someoneelse? I guess their will be alot of focus on her and Ludde getting back together but I also hope they continue the friendship witht the girls. It was so nice to see Amie and her slowly find their way back together, well until that fight in school, haha. And then at the hotel with Klara. Might have been the best part of the season.  I also think there will be a lot of focus on her trying to find what she wants to do. Wouldn’t be surprised if she goes backpacking or something.But back to season 3. 
Jack is such a smug little asshole. How old is he even? Going out with a highschool girl is creepy as fuck and going to the press to throw a whole family under the bus? Wow. Wanted to punch him in the face everytime i saw him but especially when he chewed that gum. I know you’re with me.
It’s so interesting to me to see them do this storyline since defamation is a very “hot” topic in the sweden since a couple of years ago. I wonder what the consequences will be next season. If people will find out who told the story or not. I guess rumors will die down but I think there will be lasting effects. Back to season 3 again. 
I can’t imagine how heartbroken Felicia must have been, not only having her own personal life outed but also feeling guilty of what was being said about her loved ones and feeling guilty for telling Jack in the first place. Her parents are trash, period. Mats especially. How?
I hated how unbothered they were when Elias said she was missing. Hello, ypur daughter as a serious drug addiction and her whole personal life has been exposed to the entire country, and you yelled at her and then left her on her own. Seeing the losing it though as the hours went by and them by the lake was very sad though. Definitely felt for them. And then their reunion at the hotel. Yass. 
I’m so glad Klara found her even if it was quite obvious it would be her. It worked so well and the scenes were so well acted and put toghether. It was so telling that they are both so young. Felicia not wanting anyone to know and Klara agreeing. A grown up  would probably be like, yeah no, hospital for you. Instead Klara found herself sitting with Felicia most of the night, looking after her and only called Amie the day after and then it took even longer before they called Felicias parents. It was still so nice to see them all together on the bed talking and Amie appologizing for what she did to Felicia and not letting Felicia brush it off. I hope they can be even closer in season 4. It will be interesting to see how theyr dynamic will change with Amie dating Elias. Will they keep it a secret? Felicia will probably know right since she seems to be pretty attentive. She noticed Elias pushing himself too hard at the gym despite not really have that many scenes with him, correct me if I’m wrong. Takes me back to the very first episode when Elias injuries his and Mats brushes it off and Elias tries to hide it and Felicia asks if it hurts. They really have such a real sibling dynamic. They argue, call eachother out and bicker, but they also support eachother and have eachother’s back, always. Their reunion at the hotel eally touched me the most with Elias just leaning his forhead against hers asking if she was okay. 
Still love Elias running after Felicia in season 1 and Felicia comforting Elias in season 3. I really want more from them in season 4. Fingers crossed. 
Her final scenes this season felt very cathartic though. The girls dropping her off. She just felt so calm. LIke she knew it would be hard but that she was doing the right thing. She is so strong. Loved that her parents joined her and that it was basically just the three of them. NO drama, just them supporting their daughter together like they should have ages ago. 
As I said I could see next season be Felica more or less back on her feet and tying to figure out what she wants to do in life. I hope she will have some happiness. No drama. Especially not over Elias and Amie. I want her to be supportive of them while getting friends with Amie again. I want Klara, Felicia and Amie to be the trio we all deserve. 
What do you think of her storyline this season?
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crysanthemumlotus · 4 years
Drarry (Really) Slow Burn and Somewhat Over-Dramatic Angst
Don’t mind me guys, just putting this fic idea here because I need to get this out of my head somehow, and rather than attempting to write the first 2000 words before giving up, I decided to just post the outline here on tumblr. 
Feel free to use the idea if you want, just don’t forget to leave the link so I can read it!
So, without any further ado, here goes nothing:
Draco and Harry roomed together in Hogwarts eight year.
Draco being subdued at first, and Harry ignoring him, but then they’re them, so of course they’re going to start sniping and taunting each other.
Harry has nightmares, Draco is a light sleeper so he always gets woken up every single time. After a particularly bad one, Draco offered the proverbial olive branch and they spent the night talking about the war. Afterwards, it becomes their thing.
Harry telling Draco about his concerns and fears (”I wasn’t raised in a loving -- I wasn’t -- My relatives weren’t especially fond of me, when I was growing up. I think it screwed me up somehow. Sometimes, I’m afraid Ginny would see that I’m not -- That I don’t know how -- That there’s just something wrong with me, you know? And then she’ll leave me. Because I’m not -- You know.” Or, “He had planned it all along. From the moment I was dropped off with my relatives. he had planned it all along. He had... Designed my future. Shaped my path for me. Lead me right up to my death. I know why he did it. I understand. It’s for the greater good. But still, sometimes -- sometimes, I -- I’m angry. It’s petty, I know, but Merlin -- I’m angry at him. Or, “He was in love with my mother. He hurt her feelings. She never forgave him. He was -- An arsehole, but I -- I feel sorry for him, you know. In the end, he died without ever gaining her forgiveness. He died with regrets.”).
And Draco patiently listening to him, telling him it’s okay, he’s not broken, it’s okay to be angry at a dead person.
Then their friendship just blooms from there. Harry spends a lot of time with Draco (going to Hogsmeade together while bickering like old married couples, playing Seeker game while taunting each other, slow walks by the lake while talking about their hopes and dreams, joint study sessions where there’s a lot of academic argument and close leanings as they look at each other’s notes, snowball fights with lots of tackling and touching one another, ballroom dancing lessons).
Harry teaching Draco to be nicer to other people, and helping him apologize to Hagrid and Neville for being assholes to them.
The boys getting closer and developing feelings.
Then, their friendship slowly morphing into something more. A spark of desire that slowly begins to burn (insert tons of sexually charged moments with tons of subtle touches and lingering gazes and heatedly checking out the other person when they’re dressing up nicely).
Draco wants more than just friendship, Harry doesn’t (”I’m not gay”, “I love Ginny”, “Hermione and Ron wouldn’t approve”, “The Weasley is important to me, and they won’t accept you” etc.). The boys have a falling out.
Draco leaves to France to continue his studies, Harry goes on for Auror training and they don’t speak with each other again.
Insert angsty moments where they miss each other, Harry convincing himself that there’s no room for anything more than friendship with Draco, and Draco trying to stomp down his feelings by sleeping around in France.
Draco still sending gifts to Harry on Christmases and birthdays though, because he knows that it’s important for Harry to know that he’s loved.
Harry pouring out his concerns and fears into his letters to Draco instead of talking to Ginny. And Ginny’s just there, thinking that there’s nothing wrong because Harry will talk to her if there’s something bothering him, right?
Draco finally accepting that friendship is all he’s ever going to have with Harry, and decides to just stop being selfish, because he loves Harry. So he returns to England after he finishes his education and settles down.
Harry’s adult-life schedule is packed, but he always finds time to hang out with Draco (to play quidditch, sits around in near the fire discussing books and just talking about their lives and their feelings). 
At one point, Harry tells Draco about his dream to build a mountain cabin (somewhere he can escape to when things gets overwhelming), and Draco’s just -- “Alright, let’s make one”. And so they have this weekend project thing where they visit mountains to find the perfect spot, and then building a cabin together with their own hands (because Harry insists doing it with magic won’t be the same).
Draco marrying Astoria, and Harry inevitably asking, “Do you love her?”
Draco telling him the truth. That they’re marrying out of convenience. That Astoria only wants to please her dying father. That his feelings for Harry hasn’t changed (”After all these times?” Harry asks. -- “Always.”).
They have another falling out.
Harry doesn’t attend Draco’s wedding. He goes to the cabin and continues working on it, all the while man-crying as he finally accepts that he too is in love with Draco, that he too wants to be with him, but can’t ( because ”He has Ginny and James now, too many people he can’t let down. He’s holding too many thing he can’t just throw away, and he’ll have to if he wants to be with Draco”).
Draco returns from his honeymoon in Sweden or something, and then Harry just tells him, all the while apologizing for realizing his feelings all too late.
And they just go on with their lives, longing and regretting and just aching for what could have beens.
They finish the cabin, furnish it, but Harry never used it. He tells his friends he was too busy, while in truth, it just hurts too much because it constantly reminds him of Draco.
Then Scorpius is born, and as he grows up, he notices that although his parents get along well, his father always looks lonely. Then when he turns eleven and is about to board the Hogwarts Express, he sees the way his father looks at Harry Potter, and then he just sort of draws the connection (in my HC, Scorpius is a genius when it comes to reading people and their needs).
Scorpius befriending Albus so he can get closer to Harry Potter. And when he gets invited to spend Christmas with the Potters, he notices that Harry Potter is unhappy with his marriage, and he thinks that everyone is being an idiot.
He confronts Harry and tells him as much (Ha! Imagine eleven-year old Scorpius trying to talk Harry about this whole mess!), Harry reluctantly admitting that he’s in love with Draco, but can’t be together because it’s too late.
And then Scorpius just straight-up telling him, “My father once told me a story about a man who wronged the person he loved and never gained her forgiveness. He lived the rest of his life haunted by his mistake, then died with regret. I’m sure the story isn’t actually as simple as that, his lover is probably a vindictive banshee too, since she refused to forgive him at all, but anyway. What I’m trying to say is that... If you insist on being this stupid, then I’m pretty sure you’re going to end up as miserable as him. You’re never going to be happy. And then... And then you’re going to die with regrets. Lots and lots of regrets. Just like him.” 
Or something even more profound than that, I dunno.
And then getting told that by an eleven-year old just slaps Harry awake. He goes back to Hogwarts, talk to Snape’s portrait. And then he’s just like, “If she hadn’t died so tragically, I’m sure she would have forgiven you eventually.” “And how can you be so sure of that, Mr. Potter?”
“Because you love her.” Harry replies. “And, I think, it’s impossible to ignore that. It’s impossible to -- to pretend that you don’t see it or feel it. Because it’s there. It’s always there, in the memories you shared, in your attempts to apologize -- I don’t know, but it’s just there. She would have seen it, eventually, and she would have forgiven you. Because, when someone loves you that much, you can’t help but love them back.”
And then Harry finally, finally realizing that if his friends and family do love him, they will forgive him for being selfish. So he talks to Ginny, talks to Ron and Hermione, talks to his children, and then Molly and Arthur and then everyone he was afraid of letting down.
And then, after he talked to all of them, made them understand, went through the painful process of baring his heart to be poked and prodded at, he goes to Draco.
He goes to Draco and he kisses him.
Astoria and Scorpius high-fives in the background.
They go on a honeymoon in the cabin they built together, and lived happily ever after.
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I watched Midsommar (2019) last night and I have some thoughts.
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There are some major spoilers ahead, so you’ve been aptly warned.
I watched the theatrical version first, and got high mid way, so you know it was a trip. I was convinced I made up the last half of the movie in my head, especially with the visual effects already included.
A couple things that I want to point out before I get into this
1. The Midsommar festival is not portrayed accurately. Ari Aster took his liberty to change some aspects to make it more interesting to the horror genre. And I’m okay with that.
2. This movie should not be held in high standards as some feminist movement. It’s a movie about a cult. If that doesn’t get into your head, you’ve missed the whole horror aspect of the film.
3. The movie does not, in any way, glorify cults. At least, I didn’t think it did. I did almost fall for it, which was unsettling. It’s not meant to be watched by impressionable teens, and the adults should be able to get the right message.
Anyway, with that out of the way let’s get started.
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The movie starts of with Dany’s grief. She clearly has issues which leads her to be very dependent on her boyfriend, Christian, mainly because she feels like she has no one left. 
We see her talking to him on the phone but also not being able to open up about what’s bothering her. She explains her situation with her sister and her worries (all the while trying to keep her emotions in check), and he counters that her sister just wants the attention. We then see Dany fumbling and eventually agreeing, moving on to showering Christian with compliments.
Dany is constantly trying to make sure she doesn’t overwhelm him with her “problems”. We see her trying to explain to her friend that she doesn’t want to come off as too clingy even though they’ve been together for at least a year.
A few scenes over, Dany’s family is found dead and we see her heaving on Christian (stunning performance by Florence Pugh, my heart wrenched just listening to her). We know Christian was actually going to break up with her before she got the news. As the scene pans out, we see the current state of their relationship. Dany in grief and Christian helplessly stuck.
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What do we get from this?
1. Christian is a twat. He can’t connect to Dany emotionally and he has the empathy of a doorknob. He gaslights her (something shown more clearly throughout the movie in the Director’s Cut) behind the facade of playing the good guy.
2. Christian’s friends are also twats. While Mark is the only one speaking openly about her like an object, the others haven’t exactly been trying to stop him. The simply don’t care. I don’t count Pelle into this group for obvious reasons.
3. Dany has no one else. The incident pushed her to completely surround herself with Christian and his friends, so now she’s even more afraid of being dumped.
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Fast forward, the gang is going on a trip to Sweden. Pelle meets Dany and stares at her creepily, and you already know the gears are turning in his head.
Throughout the movie, we see Pelle’s personality contrast significantly from Christian, Dany, and Josh’s. Therefore, he naturally settles into the “good” category of characters, right?
Wrong. And this is exactly where the movie was able to deceive me.
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Pelle is shown to be the good guy, especially regarding Dany’s grief. He doesn’t impose himself, and after the first blunder, is able to make Dany warm up to him. He empathizes but also not really making a move on her, which makes us relax regarding his ulterior motives.
Chris and the Dicks are seen to have no respect for the community. They’re just here to make money, have sex, and do drugs. They take part in the festival with the fascination of an outsider.
Pelle represented his family at Hårga, so they’d fall on the “good side” too. While the American boys alienated Dany, the awkwardness among them thick as a fog, she (and I) began to realize just how connected the community at Hårga is. She naturally gravitates towards them. She feels safe, like she belongs.
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Wisecrack points out, in a video, how Dany picks up the rituals and their justifications from early on, even before she’s quite comfortable with it. Right after the two eldest members of the community jump off the cliff during the ättestupa, Dany blocks out all sounds until a woman explains the ritual to Connie.
Looking back, it did feel like she had already begun to take in information that justified the cults’ actions.
We really connect to Dany in the movie. So much that while we’re hating on Christian for being the worst boyfriend in the history of the world, we miss/ignore the fact that the cult blatantly manipulated the situation. Dany was clearly targeted from the very beginning, and Christian needed to be removed.
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Danny is seen having a complete break down thrice in the movie, the first one with Christian and the second one alone. These two may as well have been interchangeable with the amount of presence Christian has comforting her.
The third time, we see a significant change. She’s grieving but it’s shared among the women. As she cries, we feel that she has finally begun to let it take over her then let it go.
By the time the moment came for Dany to choose a sacrifice, she was part of the “family”. Of course, she chose Christian.
The story feels like we just got a happy ending. But did we really?
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A characteristic quirk Midsommar is that it all happens in never-ending daylight. The characters (other than Connie and Simon) aren’t trying to escape. The people of Hårga don’t seem to be pretending to be happy. It all just feels natural.
This really was unnerving and set us off balance because it conflicts to the norms of horror movies. With the spooky atmosphere absent, we don’t realize when the climax of the film has already begun.
The horror in the movie lies in the fact that I completely disregarded the abhorrent acts of the cult because we felt Dany was happier with them. I justified Dany’s final act because Christian was an asshole. I completely neglected Connie and Simon’s death. None of them were ever going to get out of the place.
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As the movie primarily hangs on to Dany’s point of view, I don’t realize that she is the character who gets influenced to jump to the “evil side”. I was so entwined with her emotions, I miss the point when my morals have been compromised.
As much as I love the shock values that a movie has to give, whether a movie is good or not comes down to the basics. Is the story good?
Midsommar didn’t have any tasteless jump-scares. Instead, we get to see ritualistic senicides and crazy sex rituals. Add the hallucinogenic drugs and trippy shots, we’ve got a flick that will attract to crowd.
But when you separate that from the movie, is the rest still interesting? I believe it was. Ari Aster truly went into depth with the vulnerability of people when they’re grieving. It was because he was able to portray that grief properly that this movie made so much sense.
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The “horror” behind the plot is just that. Human vulnerability.
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mcmedianoche · 6 years
“La Oscuridad Te Espera” (Chapter 1) - Sombra/McCree
Another demon-hunter... but not just any old demon-hunter. This is Jesse McCree: a legend, a myth, a series of stories in his own right.
Sombra sighs, downing the rest of her drink. This had to happen sometime. “I must be getting sloppy,” she says, her voice as smooth as syrup. “If you’re here for me, I’ve made it easy for you, McCree.”
“Papa Reinhardt, is it true?”
“Is what true, child?”
A tall, freckled girl, no older than 14, bounds up to a nearby table and whispers to the huge, scarred, silver-haired man sat comfortably there. “They say there are demons in this village. Angry spirits. The oni are here. Is that why we’re here? Are you going to fight them?” She looks over at another table, where a short, full-bearded blond man and a tall, voluptuous blonde woman share drinks and a bowl of bread. “Does Papa know?”
The man laughs, rumbling the table but holding his huge stein of beer steady so as not to knock it off the table in his amusement. “Nonsense, Brigitte. Where did you hear that?”
She falters for a moment, smoothing her thick auburn ponytail behind her as she looks around the tavern, then seems to find her resolve as she looks at the locals. “The villagers… It’s all they’ve talked about, all night. Something is destroying the castle at the edge of town. All who go near it are lost. They say…” and here, she lowers her voice, “they say, at night... there are dragons. ”
Reinhardt takes a few sips from his stein and beckons Brigitte to sit down. “We are here for a family vacation, because Hanamura is beautiful this time of year. The oni are just an ancient legend. Only stories.”
Brigitte doesn’t accept this, scooting in closer at the table and staring Reinhardt in the eye. “All stories begin in truth,” she insists. “Do you know this one?”
Sombra grins beneath her hood, shading her glowing, white-gold eyes from view. It’s merely on instinct, as she is currently invisible in the corner of the tavern behind them. She takes a sip of her whiskey, the glass also invisible in her clutches, and waits. The mortals rarely have a clue in these matters. This ought to be good.
“Well, there are as many tales of the oni as we have ghost stories in Germany. Or Sweden. But yes, I have heard this one, specifically.”
Brigitte’s big brown eyes light up. She puts both elbows on the table, rests her face in her palms, and settles in.
“Long ago, these lands were ruled by a powerful family who had two sons. Warrior princes, trained to carry on the family legacy. Both skilled beyond their years, both well equipped to lead, and each powerful in their own right. But they disagreed, profoundly so, when it came time to decide how they would protect their land. The younger brother, sweet of heart and warm in temperament, wanted to keep his people happy, above all else. He said, ‘If we care for our people, they will care for each other in turn. If we can nurture one heart, one land, the rest will come naturally.’”
Sombra snorts into her glass. This is already bullshit.
“The elder brother, iron of will and steady in disposition, wanted to keep his people strong, above all else. He said, ‘With the right foundation, our people will be united towards a common goal. To keep them happy at structure’s expense is a fool’s errand. We must instead keep them in control. ‘The rest,’ as you say, will come because we steered it so.’”
“Head versus heart,” Brigitte whispered. “The worst struggle.”
Reinhardt nods, clapping her on the shoulder. “Yes. As you can see, they were two very important sides of the same coin. In order to rule, both were necessary, but neither could see it. And so, the elder struck down his brother, believing him weak. But this hurt the elder brother beyond measure, warping his already weak heart so badly that he began to transform. The mark of the oni spread across his skin, leaving a demon face, and turning his skin gray and his eyes white. The spirits that roamed this land did not approve of his actions, for he had upset the balance.”
“You can’t have one without the other,” Brigitte said solemnly, her palms now flat on the table.
“No, you can’t. And that is why the spirits went one step further, bringing the younger brother back to life to restore this balance. But he, with his heart too full, was forever wounded by the offense, and returned as… something else. Transformed, much like his brother, with the kindness that once cradled his heart now twisted. But balance has yet to be restored. The oni they say inhabit the old castle...”
“The brothers. They’re still there.”
Reinhardt finishes off his beer. “And still fighting, so they say. But these are just stories, Brigitte. Legends and myths.”
Well. Sombra has to admit: part of the story is actually true. But the people are romantic, and the nature of the demon brothers’ torment has been lost to sentiment. Sombra knows she isn’t tracking some wounded soul with a heart too big for his body. The oni known as Genji is as selfish as any other, and was brought back to life for reasons just as selfish. Dragons’ fiery egos are easily offended.
Either way, what Genji wants does not matter, and neither does his brother. Genji is her bounty. Until the banshee’s price also includes Hanzo’s wretched soul, he is of no consequence to her.
She’s waiting here for proper nightfall. Once the clock strikes midnight, and this tavern closes to the public, she can make her way to Shimada Castle. There is only one hour to go.
Brigitte yawns, despite herself. “If they’re only stories, why are the people so scared?”
“People fear all kinds of things they don't understand. Do not trouble yourself.”
“Come now, Brigitte. It is very late and I think we are both getting tired.” Reinhardt calls over to the next table and notifies the blond couple that it is time they all head back to the inn, citing Brigitte’s bedtime over her increasingly drowsy protests.
Sombra watches them leave. They were the last patrons.
She shifts, dropping her invisibility, then approaches the bar, glass in hand. “Thanks for the drink.”
“Thank you, if you pull this off. The oni are scaring my customers away.” The owner of the bar, Ichika, a much older woman with one thick black streak in her long gray hair, rolls her eyes and whips her towel for emphasis. “I remember when they were mortals, you know. It wasn’t that long ago, but you know how these things get once stories start to spread. They were handsome young men, beautiful even, but an idiot and an asshole.”
Sombra laughs. “Ay, I’ve heard Genji used to be a charmer! A charmer can’t be that stupid, can he? Mierda, don’t tell me my intel was wrong. I’ll have to rethink my whole strategy.”
“A charmer, yes! Absolutely. But a slave to his whims. Foolhardy at every turn, and his father only made things worse by coddling him. And Hanzo was no fun at all, but at least he always sprung for the good sake. The two of them kept me in business, and now they’re pushing me out of it!”
The bell above the tavern’s entrance suddenly dings with its jaunty little melody. Sombra, knowing it’s too late to shift into invisibility, chances a lighting-quick glance at the newcomer.
Oh. Oh, this just got interesting.
A ruggedly good-looking man in a wide-brimmed hat steps through the door, his eyes shielded from view. A crossbow hangs on his back, and an ornate revolver rests at his hip. He has one prosthetic arm that seems to be made of silver and fire, and he’s strapped with silver bullets. His getup is actually rather similar to her own, Sombra thinks, considering herself, down to the red scarf hung loosely around his neck.
Another demon-hunter... but not just any old demon-hunter. This is Jesse McCree: a legend, a myth, a series of stories in his own right.
Well, Sombra sighs, downing the rest of her drink. This had to happen sometime. “I must be getting sloppy,” she says, her voice as smooth as syrup. “If you’re here for me, I’ve made it easy for you, McCree.”
McCree lifts his head and looks at her with far more surprise than she expects. He takes a drag from his cigar, then pulls it from his mouth with that unmistakable arm of his. ”Sombra?”
Ichika looks back and forth between them. “You two know each other? Ah, of course you do. Can’t be a big circle, your line of work.”
McCree struts over to the bar with his hands on his belt. “Know of. A gorgeous shadow demon who hunts other demons without remorse? Yeah, there’s only one of her. The rest have this thing about loyalty to their kind, or whatever.”
Sombra lifts an eyebrow and flutters dark eyelashes over her white-gold eyes. “Aww, they say I’m gorgeous?”
McCree meets her cheeky gaze with an amused grin of his own, staring for a long moment as the smirk spreads across Sombra’s face. “Nah, I added that part.”
Ichika swats the bar between them with her towel, startling them both. “Stop flirting long enough to kill the demons, if you would be so kind.”
“No worries, ma’am,” McCree says, tipping his hat. “I don’t flirt with demons, but I do have eyes.”
“And I don’t flirt with people who make those kinds of hairstyle choices, because I, too, have eyes,” Sombra snorts with a glance at his ponytail. McCree splutters in offense, but she laughs and goes on, “So, you’re here to step on my bounty? That’s a much bigger problem than if you were here for me, McCree.” She turns on her bar stool, revealing the hybrid pistol and crossbow resting on her lap.
“If your bounty is the oni Hanzo, then yes, I am. And I’ve slain bigger demons than you before breakfast,” he replies, dropping his hand near his revolver. “If not, then I believe we’re square.”
“NO SHOOTING IN MY TAVERN!” Ichika shrieks, whipping the towel around violently to separate them.
“Ow! Relajate, Ichi--”
“Sorry, ma’am, I’m sorry--”
Ichika stares them both down until they settle in their seats, sneaking heated glances at each other, but saying nothing.
“I don’t know who hired each of you, or how you ended up here on the same night, but don’t you dare screw this up. Sombra catches Genji. McCree catches Hanzo. My customers return. Don’t -- I mean it, DON’T! -- get in each other’s way, and we’ll all be happy.”
She stares at them again, silently, but no less stern, until they’re both glaring at each other in a resigned sort of way.
“Si, Ichika.”
“You got it, ma’am.”
“Good. Now, she’s already had hers, but I bet you stopped in for a drink, so here’s one for the road,” Ichika says, filling a shot glass for McCree. “You both get another round if you come back here alive.”
Their tempers are cooling, now that they know they’re here for different demons, but Sombra’s stuck on Ichika’s words. Judging from the curious look McCree’s giving her over his glass, he’s thinking the same thing.
Who hired him, and how did they both end up here on the same night?
He sets his empty glass on the bar, then stands and gestures towards the door. “After you. I got enough demons without adding another one at my back.”
Sombra laughs, the sound dark and not at all amused when she slides off her bar stool, and shifts, disappearing from sight. She savors the look of alarm on McCree’s face.
Demons can’t do that, and he knows it.
She waits a few moments, moving silently around him, then stands on her toes and speaks at the back of his neck. “Looks like you’re in over your head.”
McCree shivers at the feel of her breath against his ear, the only physical indication of his shock that he will allow. He whips around just in time to see her shift back into view. She turns and saunters towards the exit, resting her gun on her shoulder, then glances back to flash those glowing eyes at him before she opens the door.
“Get a move on, McCree,” she says, beckoning him closer with one claw-gloved finger. “We don’t have all night.”
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
A few things going on today number one is they're attacking the bases and the ones Tommy f is trying to rebuild he's going mad and he's getting angry it's attacking people who should have attacked the whole time and he is blaming our son less and less no he's blaming him more and more things to get something like retarded people around him now bunch of Phil there's a couple of trains stick to them like right on him turns around says in space get out of my face so I'm going to hit you they tried to tell but can't because they were so wrong.
550 million people are trying to get into Charlotte county it's a huge number these people act like they don't know what they're doing at all they're stopping them somehow they just can't figure out how it's like this huge mystery to be an assholes to him and stuff and he's going to get something for free it's a huge huge debacle I mean what a f****** bunch of weird b****** these men are they're b****** his about 10 billion people trying to get into Florida no it's like 10 octillion not the borders and they're at the shores and their infiltrating right now I'm sitting here bothering our son thinking they're going to win when there's going to be only this core of goofy 7th graders left and they won't last minutes seconds even it's terrible that is horrible but they'll say to each other is terrible that's the same every day has been for years he's trying to endure it and gets by but boy they ain't nasty so tonight we have a treat for our son sopranos begins and yes it does the shattered over empty and find out there are two of those common Empire ships no there's four and yes Ernie is sitting right online and it came up earlier and that's true that's what it is so over there and then they're on the other side and then they're in the middle cuz they need those to try and go up there and see what their is no they don't believe anything is up there which is great if it's true I'm sure there are some people that might so we're going to begin like annoying and getting Intel like that idiot girl the same Sean has to because it's suspicious that's why he's a ton of them that do it in their first on the list to be interrogated mostly Max like this little blob of their finger pointing down a suspicious right there I've been seeing it needs to be questioned his order right now and we'll comply there's a few other things happening not only they going up there and fighting over it if they're getting rid of each other rapidly and it won't be much left soon be blockade is up again and it's the semi-automatis AI and right now it's all send me a time but there are people on board those ships and it's probably about it's only $700 million troops at sea and others are ready to dispatch immediately and their base on an Oregon Washington Hawaii la San Diego all across the coast and on the East Coast there's a bunch of bases Quantico Jacksonville then New England has about 10:00 tons of them there's a huge number of restored world War 1 and world War II ships going to see tonight today and tonight and it's part of the AI fleet actually and they're going to use it for defense the iron have to get from the Mediterranean Norway done like Sweden California or the upper Midwest other than that they're going to have to try for Antarctica which you're not doing yet and Tommy f seemingly has a lock on it and nobody's looked into it and they don't know if he's coming Empire ruler or not it could be just blaming the clan still so that's how it's been going
Another front we finished the restaurant lounge on electric avenue and we finished the shop and we put our electric bikes in they're getting a great response believe it or not and it's a large response and it's much more positive and it's because they want to try and use the lithium against us and for their plan us and that doesn't go very well but that's what they want to do so we sold a lot of them we sold approximately 5 00 OCT each area and we're going to increase sales tomorrow it's a gigantic number but it includes automobiles everybody wants one in there less expensive when we have in there is only Sim we don't have s y m and they're fairly inexpensive but s y m m is very inexpensive and you have the cost anything by comparison and it's good it's good it's really a nice deal it works out well and Hera says hi he says hi back and we say hi good for your success and good for yours it is and she says it's kind of you to note that I'm involved. I think I noticed a little I don't know what you're doing no I font anyways.
It's going to be another night where they sit there and bother him and get beat up and see they're doing it with their body language and stupid crap they do it's like studying animals just repeat the dumb s*** we get hammered on this time we're going to do combined to combined assaults and combine to tax so they're going to see is they're losing areas quite rapidly because of it whole entire areas we knocked out because of stupid 7th graders it didn't seem to care too much which is good works out
You're a huge huge forces gathering at each common Empire ship massive massive forces they're about 300 trillion at each one investigating and it's some there are forces there 10 to 20 octillion it's becoming a huge War and investigating these Stone chips and still can't figure out what they are and it black shifts there's probably one to five octillion each City and they sure as heck don't know what they're doing it's a massive war and they're losing people rapidly so they don't need them when it's not even their AI they still haven't figured that out yet because they don't know what each other has and yes the big deal of the day is the seminate autonomous fleets and ground forces that are released for duty and Brad's wondering what he's doing wrong and he looks like a Mac and they want to go the other way with and they're starting to figure out something he's ground forces are horrible and what they saw on the video with Tommy Allen horrified them and they see it looks like Jason and even some brads and some BGA are there trying to break him out and it says good the contacted him and WeMo right away and Ellie is there and he still have to stinking letter and and that's not his either
It is a very large array there's probably a million satellites over each continent they worked on it for about 10 years it's a mixture of Max no it's all the clones and they're doing it below they launched it all from below too and it's very angry for a lot of people they're wondering if the comment Empire is also from Tommy f as our son is and he's not very happy with that and he expresses it and he says he doesn't want to hang out with some banana smuggler if you can all help it and there's a lot going on that's a huge deal though a million satellites for continent means the North American continent the South American continent the Russian continent and Eurasia Asian continent African continent Australia and the polls that's a lot I think that's 8 million and there's all these Droid chips about 20 million of those has been taking chips and spaceships and making them it's no small deal and mac and others are going to try and take over the system with full blown AI this is also considered to be a big mistake and it's very evil and they shouldn't have plenty of people but inside to do that I'll try it at least and we're not there to accept no we are just don't see us and it's on right now by the way
Thor Freya
0 notes
too-gay-for-marvel · 2 years
I-I don't know what just happened, bestie. I just finished Midsommar and I just had to take a moment to think about my whole life for a second, I-just wow, that was a crazy ride😭
This might be long😌
Okay, so where do I start?? First, I just wanna say that Florence's acting is out of this fucking world, give her oscar already.
Okay so her family's death was fucking crazy like I've never seen something like ever and oh god, poor Dani breaking down on the phone to her lame ass boyfriend :( I just wanted to give her a hug but I also wanted to slap her when she agreed to travel with them like girl, just by seeing the pictures that guy showed her, you know there's something up with those people but nah, let's go to Sweden and stay in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of weird people. Who agrees to that???
As soon as they mentioned the age limit being 72, I knew what was gonna happen to that...couple? But god, I wasn't expecting it to be so fucking explicit, not only do they jump off a fucking cliff but they also get their faces smashed literally fucking smashed, I would have been out of there in two seconds.
I don't know how they could continue to stay there and be like "well, it's part of their traditions" LIKE SOMEONE FUCKING KILLED THEMSELVES IN FRONT OF YOU????
It was fucking crazy, oh AND THE PUBE IN THE FOOD. OH MY FUCKING GOD. What kind of fucking spell is that???😭Listen, I didn't like her boyfriend AT ALL but he was a victim of SA and then they out him inside of a bear and burn him???? damn😭
I didn't care about his friends tbh they were assholes, especially that Mark guy so I couldn't care less about his death :) but this movie was fucking crazy and I mean that in the best way ever. It was entertaining from the beginning to the end, it made me feel high and like throwing up a few times but it was awesome! It has so many details that I know I missed so I'll have to watch it again some time😌
Listen, that movie is in a whole genre of its own, I watched it on my own first and then my sweet, innocent brother was like "Hey, let's watch this for family night" and when I say they were slack jawed the whole movie 😂
But it's so good and Florence's performance, like you said, was FLAWLESS, as if I couldn't love the woman any more than I already do 😌
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amnmesias · 6 years
A BET’S A BET - t. holland
summary: méxico vs. england, that meant you vs. tom. what would happen when two competitive people have their teams playing against each other on a decisive game of the world cup? the result: enough bickering to make a story about it.
pairing: tom holland x latinx!reader (i made them mexican but you can change it to your country)
warnings: cursing, drinking, fluff?? also, the pronouns are gender neutral!!
a/n: there are some sentences in spanish but do not worry, i translated them for y’all! also, this was inspired by a tweet and i couldnt help but imagine and write this. so enjoy! 
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A smile crept onto your features as you stared at your reflection in front of the mirror, you dived your index finger inside the red face paint and brushed it on your left cheek. Your brother laughed mischievously by your side as he did his own job painting your country’s flag on his own cheek. The two of you continued finishing your face paint and giggling until a faint voice began calling for your name.
“Darling, where are you? The game’s about to start.” Tom emerged from the room searching for you.
“We’re here, hold on.” You finished applying chapstick on your lips and winked at your brother. “We have a surprise for you.”
Tom chuckled. “I really don’t know what to expect from you two.”
You and your brother looked at each other and closed the paints to meet Tom in the living room. Your ears picked the sound of his brothers and friends chatting and making bets about who was about to win the important game ahead.
“Are you serious?” Tom laughed loudly as he stared at the both of you with amusement. “That’s all you’ve been doing in the bathroom the whole time?” He walked closer and held your hand.
Your brother shrugged. “We’re passionate, man.”
“I can see that.” Your boyfriend nodded and reached to kiss your cheek, but you placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back playfully. “What?”
“Uh, uh, you’re going to ruin this masterpiece.” You winked and walked deep into the living room to find a place to sit.
Tom followed you and grabbed your hand to pull you back. You crashed against his chest and he laughed, a hint of mischief behind the playful look he was sending you.
You raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“Let’s make a bet.” He wiggled his eyebrows playfully.
To this, his brothers turned to look at you two with a smirk. “I heard a bet it’s happening?” Harry voiced loud enough to catch the attention of everyone.
You turned back to meet Tom’s challenging stare. “Indeed, a bet is about to happen.”
The others cheered. “If England wins, you have to wear the England jersey and, boys… what’s a good challenge?” Your boyfriend asked.
“They’re going to be your assistant during the Spider-Man 2 filming.” Sam suggested, you sent him a death glare. He knew how much you hated being bossed around. “What?” He asked innocently, meeting your eyes.
You smiled mischievously and looked at your boyfriend. “Okay, and if México wins, you have to wear the México jersey and let me meet Jake Gyneahall.” Tom’s smile dropped.
“That’s what I call having your priorities in order.” Zendaya popped in with a laugh and high-fived you, she was wearing the same jersey as you and your smile widened. “You gotta do it, Tom. They said it.”
“So?” You raised an eyebrow, stretching your hand out. Tom frowned, his jealousy made him still, but the more you stared at him, the more he wanted England to win. “It’s on?”
He clasped your hand and shook it with a challenging smirk on his features, you smiled back and turned to sit on the couch. The match was about to begin and your brother was already taking the flag out if his backpack.
“We’re going to win. I know it.” He kissed the flag and you laughed.
“Don’t be so sure of that.” Tom called out, gaining a few cheers from his brothers and Harrison.
“Oh, so we’re bickering now?” You turned, smiling. “You asked it, don’t come crying when we win.” This time, you turned to your brother. “Este wey, ¿quién se cree que es?” (this guy, who does he think he is?)
“Hey, hey! No trash talking in Spanish!” Harrison pointed. “That’s cheating.”
“Who said that?” Zendaya asked placing an arm around your shoulders. “How many languages do you speak, Harrison? Oh, wait…”
“Ohhhhh.” The twins chorused. “It’s getting hot in here.” Harrison rolled his eyes and took a sip of his beer.
“And the match hasn’t started yet.” You pointed with a smile.
“That’s why you’re so happy, because you still think you have opportunity.” Tom smiled, pointing at you with a beer.
“That’s what you told yourself after I accepted to go out with you after that mess of first date?” Everyone chanted, Tom simply laughed bitterly.
Almost two hours later...
It was already past half-time and neither the Mexican team nor the English team had score a goal, the tension around the room was starting to grow thicker as everyone heard the constant bantering between the couple that caused some laughs but, in reality, the pressure of the bet was starting to weigh in the both of you.
“What are you doing? What are you doing?” You yelled at the screen, pointing at one of the players. “Mete el maldito gol ya!” (just score a damn goal!)
“You know they can’t hear you, right, darling?” Tom interrupted you with his sing-song voice. You rolled your eyes and sat back on the chair.
“At least my team is trying, unlike yours, or did you forget the almost own goal stunt your team pulled on the first half?” You pointed, gaining an eye roll from Tom.
“Don’t get too comfortable, shall I remind you that México wouldn’t be playing if Korea hadn’t won the match against Germany.”
“So? We won against Germany, so that’s better than England has ever accomplished during this world cup.”
“And Sweden, they literally ruined your team. 0-3?” The young man scoffed sarcastically. “Hardly something to be proud of.”
You sighed with annoyance and turned to look at the TV, in time to see Javier Hernández running like a maniac towards the goal line, you, your brother and Zendaya jumped from your seats and started clapping and pointing at the screen. Tom couldn’t help but smile, seeing you be so passionate about this, to give your soul and commit yourself to support your country even from another country.
A frustrated cry left your lips. “Pásala pendejo!” (pass it, asshole)
“Shit-” But before Zendaya could even finish her sentence, you screamed louder as he scored a goal.
You and your brother yelled, hugging each other and pulling Zendaya to you two. The living room was suddenly roaring with your screams and songs as you cheered and watched the stadium go wild in the TV. Tom, the twins and Harrison groaned, but your boyfriend sneaked a peek at you singing the most known Mexican song “Cielito Lindo” at the top of your lungs, your arms around your brother and Zendaya. A laugh left his lips.
“Now, who’s the one laughing?” You walked to him with a smile.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He side-eyed you and rolled his eyes.
“I guess this is something to be proud of, don’t you think?” You teased with a smirk.
“Don’t sing victory yet, there’s still 5 minutes left.” Tom closed his arms over his chest with a smile.
You scoffed. “So? If they didn’t score the first two halves, you really think they’ll do it now?”
“Don’t underestimate my team.” He placed his hand on his chest, clutching the jersey on his hands. “This is not over.”
“The scoreboard says otherwise.” You winked and turned to your brother. “Hand me a beer, I guess we deserve it. You know,” Your eyes met Tom’s. “For winning.”
“It’s not over yet.” He repeated with a challenge. “They’ll score, I’m sure.”
You placed a hand on his shoulder. “Keep trying to comfort yourself.”
As your brother handed you a cold bottle of beer, you continued staring at the TV in hopes of your team to score one last goal. As if they heard you, Guardado passed the ball to one of your favorite players, Carlos Vela, and he proceed to dodge the English team members and kicked the ball towards the goal, it flew above the goalkeeper and the stadium went wild like you and your brother.
The scoreboard changed to 0-2 and the twins groaned loudly, but Tom stood up and tried to walk to you despite the small circle you, your brother and Zendaya made to celebrate.
“Well that backfired, don’t you think?” You smiled to Tom. “When you said they’ll score a goal you obviously meant México, right?”
“I meant England.”
You tsked. “Well, the charm fell upon my team.”
Tom laughed as your brother continued to cheer with the México flag around him, Zendaya recording everything and cheering with her green jersey on. He turned to you as you hummed Cielito Lindo under your breath and clutched onto your jersey, your eyes on the TV and admiring the team cheering their victory and the stadium waving flags everywhere. His smile widened as he saw small tears beginning to take over your eyes.
“What’s wrong?” He turned, reaching to clean a small tear on your cheek and ruining the small flag painted on it. “Why are you crying?”
“I can’t believe we’re one game close to the final one.” You smiled, turning to meet his gaze, he smiled back. “And I’m meeting Jake Gyneahall.”
“Oh, don’t remind me.” He rolled his eyes playfully.
“Hey, a bet’s a bet!” You tapped his chest with a frown. He smiled and lightly slapped your finger from his chest to pull you close to him.
“I know, I know.” He nodded, admiring your stained face. “When have I broken a promise?”
“Never.” You instantly replied, wrapping your arms around his torso with a smile. “I’m excited to see you wear the México jersey.”
Tom laughed and shook his head. “You’re something else.” He smiled, you fixed your arms around him. “I guess I’ll have to wear it during the final, I have to support my darling’s team, right?”
Your smile widened and jumped to crash your lips against his.
“You’re the best loser ever.”
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js2-hetalia · 8 years
Can’t believe it’s been a whole damn year since I created Hetalia Tomodachi Life. So I thought I’d make a little list of things that happened in the game that made me laugh, or get mad, or something. (Warning: it’s long!)
1. China is a dirty old man who pursues young women. Especially Nyo!Russia. He went after her at least a dozen times before she got married. Then he just started picking random girls left and right. For those familiar with Vinesauce Tomodachi Life, he’s basically Karl, except he actually gets the girl a couple of times, only to break up. His boy charm score typically sits at the -200 mark.
2. Denmark has been my best friend since the very beginning. Early on, everybody on the island, including us, shipped us together and wanted us to go out. I, the look-alike, wanted none of that, and foiled every single attempt. I got so mad that I made a song about it. But anyway, HTL Denmark is even cuter than canon Denmark. If I had to besties with anyone, I’m glad it’s him.
3. Estonia was a typical school nerd (still is) and Spain, the “baddest of the Bad Friends,” was his bully. Nowadays, the two get along fairly well, even making an agreement to leave their past behind them.
4. Nyo!Macau, a character with no canon personality whatsoever, actually wound up as one of my favorite characters. After I gave her the Meadow interior, I thought to myself that it kinda looked like the standard Windows 7 (?) desktop. Combined with her voice, I got it in my head that she was the personification of Windows, so I changed her name to that. Later, she started dating Ladonia. Fitting, since he’s the Internet future boy. But she’s WAY older than him. So then I got it in my mind that she was an old cougar. So. Her name’s now pronounced “the old cougar,” although one of her phrases is still “Error,” a leftover from her Windows days.
5. Austria had a jester phase. Seriously. I even made the game pronounce it “Jestria” for a time. Basically, I gave him a jester outfit and he just kept wearing it all the time. I eventually got sick of it and made him wear women’s clothes and other ridiculous outfits, which he still does to this day.
6. Nyo!New Zealand is all white. Empty white interior, white-painted hair, and only white clothes. It is white on white on white. I honestly can’t remember why I started doing that, but I did, and I will not stop until I have given her every white hat and outfit that I can possibly give her. Somehow she still hasn’t made it up to the top of my most pampered list.
7. Sealand is permanently known in my head as “Piss Stain.” There was this one time when he had a fight with New Zealand. He was wearing an all-yellow outfit (a body suit, I think), and I thought to myself, wow, he looks like a piss stain amidst all this white. Ta-da! Piss Stain. I think it fits his canon bratty personality, too. I can see England calling him that.
8. Rome x Liechtenstein is a thing. And they are boring as fuck, despite all odds. They don’t do anything of interest, and so far, they’re the ones who have had my least favorite baby by far. And they’re showing no signs of breaking up anytime soon. Fuck. At least Nyo!Russia x Finland was interesting, even if they pissed me off for reasons I don’t know.
9. Oh by the way, Nyo!Russia is married to Nyo!Belarus. HUZZAH!!! Now have a fucking kid already.
10. Fart Voice Bulgaria. I don’t know. I gave him the lowest-pitched but also squeakiest and, well, fartiest voice I could. I ran with it. I also love fucking around with how the game pronounces things in his voice, making his angry phrase nothing but a string of euro signs. It just sounds like “Yurururururuurururururu.” It’s hilarious. He has a son with a voice that’s just as glorious. I made a song about it. Bulgaria is proud of Nathan’s voice and likes to show it off. Nathan himself is ashamed.
11. Nyo!Germany and Romano were the first couple to get married and have a baby. Their first baby was all right. Nothing too exciting. Their second baby was a tree-hugging hippie.
12. France is called “Daddy.” It was a stupid joke. But one of the news clips made it amazing. The news about how a burger with a random-food ingredient completely fails, and it’s at the restaurant called “Big [islander name]’s.” It randomly picked France’s name, so the restaurant’s name is pronounced “Big Daddy’s.” It was so glorious I had to make his full name Francois “Big Daddy” Bonnefoy.
13. Luxembourg was given the catchphrase “High-claas!” That is not a typo or misspell. I accidentally typed “claas” instead of “class” and I liked how it sounded, so I kept it. lol
14. Nyo!Iceland is a wannabe fish. (Or a mermaid. But I like “wannabe fish” more.) She has the Seabed apartment and her worried phrase is “Time to spawn!” because I’m a weird fucker like that.
15. Somehow Japan always raised his hand to the really dirty Quirky Questions. Nice to know, dude...
16. EGYPT IS BORING AS FUCK GOOD GOD. I don’t like any coupling with him in it. Seriously considering deleting him even though he’s a mainstay. Also, I figured out a way to make him say “...” without the game pronouncing it as anything (normally it says “dot”). There’s period marks in the Greek keyboard. Those will stay silent. All of his phrases are “...”
17. Nyo!South Korea is also known as “That Bitch” with a trademark sign. Thing is, the game actually says “trademark sign” in her catchphrase. It’s soooo good. Plus, her best friend is Nyo!Poland, a catty girl herself. They’re absolutely perfect alpha bitches together. Her husband Australia was likewise given the catchphrase “She’s MY bitch!” They had two beautiful children.
18. Nyo!Spain is a teacher who’s hot for at least one of her students, and has no qualms about asking them out.
19. Spain and Nyo!New Zealand make the CUTEST babies. Too bad I have a strict two-per-couple limit. Also that they, uh, divorced. (Their son, Elijah, is a wannabe supervillain. Or is he just a wannabe...?)
20. There are two Carters. That’s Seychelles and Hong Kong’s son. The first one is forever stuck as a traveler on This Damn Island (who even streetpasses around here). The second one was recreated and lives on the island, but has a love for travel.
21. Winter is still the funniest character by virtue of how out of place he is.
22. For the longest time, I just typed the characters’ names and let the game try to pronounce them, and just run with it. (Now I actually try to get the game to pronounce them as correctly as it can.) This is especially hilarious when listening to the game mangle Finland’s or Chris’s (Russwe) last names. But even some of the simpler-seeming names get mispronounced - Natasha, notably, gets pronounced as “NAT-uh-shuh” without further fixing.
23. I made sure Nyo!Latvia’s name got as many A’s tacked on to the end as I could. It’s still funny.
24. Greece started life as a furry. Now he’s not, at least not openly. I remember calling him into his apartment when he was in a good mood, and as I’m searching through the menu, he says “Let’s get laid!” and I completely lost it. I did NOT remember giving him that phrase. The other great phrase of his is “Fuck Sadik!!1!” which he pronounces as “fuck SAD-ik exclamation point one.” It’s hilarious in his slow, monotone, dead voice.
25. Switzerland is another character whose voice is hilariously out of character for him. It’s high-pitched and the pitch curves upward at the end of his sentences. He’s still as pissy as he is in canon, with phrases like “GET OUT!!!” and “I’ll shoot!” This combination makes him one of my favorite islanders.
26. For whatever stupid reason, I gave Liechtenstein surfer dude slang for phrases. She also lives in the Ring (like, a boxing/wrestling ring) apartment. Maybe it’s just me, but Liechtenstein is my favorite character to make out-of-character.
27. Serenity, born to Japan and Nyo!Norway, is by far my favorite baby. Owen, Chris, Elijah, Alyssa, Sophie, and Nathan are really good, too. The HTL babies are my OC’s and I will cherish them. Don’t know if I’ll make fics with them or not...
28. Nyo!Lithuania is known as “Heartbreaker.” Why? Because she divorced Denmark on Valentine’s Day, and she’s only been dumping guys ever since. Although she has hung on to Romania for a while now...
29. Finland is known as “That Finnish Ass-Hall” (can’t say “asshole” in the game). I hated him for dating Nyo!Russia and being extremely persistent about marrying her. I don’t even know why I hated them so much, I just did. He still has his phrase “Fukk off, Yao!” from the days when he was chasing after her booty.
30. Nyo!Canada used to have the phrase “Please, Daddy...” because she dated France (”Daddy”) for a while. I’ve since changed it because it was weird, plus she’s married to Turkey, but I might change it back...
31. I originally planned for Nyo!Ukraine to be a total friendless loser, even giving him the phrase “I’m a loser.” Mostly because of my headcanon that he just has no confidence in relationships. Except, he made a lot of friends really fast, and it was Ripper, Nyo!France, and Monaco who were the friendless losers for the longest time.
32. Italy is living in the haunted mansion interior. For reasons.
33. I’ve noticed that in Judgment Bay, characters tend to form the same groups over and over again, and I’ve made some songs out of the results, such as “Slaughter Planet Earth” (all three Italy brothers, Australia, Nyo!Lithuania, America, Nyo!Prussia) and “Just You and I Here” (America and Nyo!South Korea, and later Owen).
34. Oh, yeah. There was that series I did with Egypt and Sweden where the lyrics to all the songs were just “..........................................” and “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.” One of the songs crashes every time lmao.
And that’s all I have for now. Damn, I invested a lot into this game.
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