#and Virgo with the disillusionment
astrolovecosmos · 1 month
Aries Moon cycles through different waves and bursts of passion.
Taurus Moon cycles may look more like routine or habit, a creature of comfort and contentment.
Gemini Moon cycles in eras of curiosity, excitement, and stale moments.
Cancer Moon cycles through vicious and deep emotions, to emotional enlightenment and contentment.
Leo Moon cycles through feelings of being invincible, fierce, confident, and/or proud to low, small, doubtful, and/or potentially even shameful.
Virgo Moon cycles through moments of focus, nervous or scattered energy, and potentially patience and impatience.
Libra Moon cycles through inner and/or emotional darkness and lightness, heaviness and carefree, unbalanced to balanced.
Scorpio Moon cycles through intense currents of emotions such as obsession, desire, sacrifice, empathy, vindictiveness, passion, wrath, and loyalty.
Sagittarius Moon cycles through feelings of wonderment and/or excitement, a strong inquisitiveness, maybe fanatic enthusiasm and then disappointment, disillusionment, and/or clarity, and then boldness, defiance, and/or rebellion.
Capricorn Moon cycles through feelings of negativity, harshness, and/or self-criticism and blame to hope and/or ambition, survival mode, or logic and level-headedness.
Aquarius Moon cycles through thoughts and feelings of appreciation and respect for others to detachment and even judgment. Can have conflicting emotional needs which cause more internal chaos than predictive cycles.
Pisces Moon cycles through intense empathy and concern for others to sensitive fantasies to surprising apathy, isolated suffering, or heavy guilt and self-blame.
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starastrologyy · 7 months
Astrology observations 🍒
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My chart readings are still opened for those interested :) reviews are on my masterlist that is pinned to my profile 🤍
Something so interesting I’ve observed with Neptune conjunct the composite Ascendant is that the couple tend to be very forgiving of one another. However, there can be the inclination to engage in excessive drinking, gambling, or drug use together (if there are no mitigating factors).
It is not uncommon to begin dating someone new when your solar return Sun & Venus are in the Solar Return 5th house. Ideally, you want to have both to increase the chances. You want to look at the 7th house for a more long-term connection. However, it is possible for a relationship that begins in a 5th house centered solar return year to progress if there are aspects made to Saturn!
A “9th house heavy” solar return almost always indicates that a significant form of study or trip will present itself during that year. Some people may decide to enroll in college for the first time or others may even return to college in such a year. Alternatively, this could be a year in which your religious, political, or philosophical beliefs are highlighted.
It’s not uncommon to see individuals who have their Midheaven in Virgo, or the ruler of their Midheaven in the 6th house end up working in the health & wellness industries. These people can be drawn to personal training, nutrition or the healthcare industry.
If you have the ruler of your 7th house in the 9th. You may find that you have the tendency to attract long distance relationships or foreign partners.
Chiron or Neptune transiting the 6th or 10th houses are two planets I often see activated when a person is having trouble in their vocational sphere. Job losses or disillusionment pertaining to one’s career can often emerge during these transits.
Secondary Progressions are such an underrated predictive technique! You want to look out for when your progressed planets change signs, when the progressed moon enters a new house, or when there’s a progressed new or full moon! This is because these all often coincide with significant life events, this is especially true when it comes to the occurrence of a progressed new moon!
In synastry, when someone’s Mars falls into your 10th house they can motivate you to achieve your career goals and ambitions. However, if Mars is harshly aspected, this person can have a negative impact on your reputation, career, and the pursuit of your worldly ambitions.
You can expect to see a significant amount of advancement or abundance in your career in a year where your solar return Saturn or Jupiter trines the solar return midheaven!
Interestingly, you may experience sudden weight gain or weight loss when your Solar Return Uranus makes a conjunction to your Solar Return Ascendant! Alternatively, this could just mean that you decide to make an unexpected change to your physical appearance! This can be getting a new hairstyle or changing your wardrobe!
If you have your part of fortune in the 3rd or the 11th house you may find success with an online blog, sales, or anything involving the use of technology & social media!
Those with the ruler of their Midheaven in the 4th or part of fortune in the 4th can be drawn to real estate. This placement (ruler of midheaven in the 4th) can also indicate working from home or working in a family business.
Neptune conjunct the descendent is common to see in the charts of people who get married more than once in their lifetime!
If you have the ruler of your 9th house in the 9th, you may decide to pursue higher education/college abroad!
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kleopatra45 · 2 months
Neptune in the Signs
Neptune in astrology symbolizes intuition, dreams, and spirituality. It governs imagination, illusion, and the subconscious. Often associated with compassion and empathy, it can also bring confusion and deception. Its influence encourages transcendence and connection to the divine, making it a planet of mysticism and idealism.
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Neptune in Aries
When Neptune is in Aries, there's a drive to pioneer new spiritual and imaginative frontiers. Individuals may feel a strong desire to initiate change and bring their dreams to reality. However, this placement can also lead to impulsive decisions and unrealistic expectations. The challenge lies in balancing inspiration with practical action.
Neptune in Taurus
Neptune in Taurus blends spirituality with a love for beauty and material comforts. There is a deep appreciation for art, nature, and physical pleasures, which can foster creativity. However, this can also lead to overindulgence or escapism through materialism. The lesson here is to find spiritual fulfillment in the physical world without becoming overly attached.
Neptune in Gemini
In Gemini, Neptune influences communication, learning, and social interactions. People with this placement often have a vivid imagination and can excel in writing, speaking, or teaching. They may struggle with scattered thoughts or unrealistic ideas, making it essential to ground their mental energy and focus on clear, truthful communication.
Neptune in Cancer
Neptune in Cancer heightens emotional sensitivity and empathy, fostering a nurturing and compassionate nature. There is a strong connection to family and home, with a desire to create a harmonious and supportive environment. However, this can also lead to emotional dependency or escapism through domestic comfort. Balancing emotional needs with realistic boundaries is crucial.
Neptune in Leo
With Neptune in Leo, creativity and self-expression are infused with a touch of the mystical. Individuals may pursue artistic or dramatic endeavors with a visionary flair. This placement encourages a romantic and idealistic approach to love and life but can also lead to self-deception or a need for validation. Finding authentic self-expression is key.
Neptune in Virgo
Neptune in Virgo merges practicality with spirituality, inspiring a desire to serve and heal. This placement often brings a keen intuition for health and wellness, making individuals drawn to holistic practices. However, they may struggle with perfectionism or a tendency to be overly critical. Learning to embrace imperfection and trust their inner guidance is essential.
Neptune in Libra
In Libra, Neptune enhances the longing for harmonious relationships and aesthetic beauty. There is a dreamy quality to partnerships, with a focus on ideal love and balance. This can lead to unrealistic expectations in relationships or a tendency to avoid conflict. Developing clear boundaries and realistic perspectives in partnerships is vital.
Neptune in Scorpio
Neptune in Scorpio delves into the depths of the psyche, exploring themes of transformation, power, and the occult. There is a profound capacity for healing and regeneration, but also a risk of getting lost in obsession or secrecy. Embracing the transformative power of vulnerability and facing inner shadows can lead to profound spiritual growth.
Neptune in Sagittarius
With Neptune in Sagittarius, there is an expansive quest for truth, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. Individuals are drawn to philosophy, travel, and higher learning, seeking a deeper understanding of the world. However, they may struggle with disillusionment or escapism through idealistic pursuits. Grounding their vision in practical experience is important.
Neptune in Capricorn
Neptune in Capricorn blends dreams with discipline, inspiring the pursuit of spiritual goals with practical strategies. There is a focus on achieving long-term visions and bringing spiritual ideals into tangible form. However, this can also lead to rigid thinking or overemphasis on material success. Balancing ambition with spiritual values is crucial.
Neptune in Aquarius
In Aquarius, Neptune fosters a visionary and humanitarian spirit, with a focus on collective ideals and innovation. Individuals may be drawn to progressive causes, technology, and unconventional ideas. However, they can also become detached or overly idealistic. Integrating their vision with emotional intelligence and empathy enhances their ability to effect positive change.
Neptune in Pisces
Neptune in its home sign of Pisces amplifies intuition, compassion, and spiritual connection. There is a natural affinity for the mystical and artistic realms, with a deep sense of empathy for others. However, this placement can also lead to escapism or confusion. Grounding their spiritual insights in reality and setting healthy boundaries is key.
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seafoamreadings · 5 months
week of april 21st, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: the biggest astrological news of your week is the end of mercury retrograde right in the middle of your sign. you can still anticipate a little bit of shenanigans for a few days afterward since it is so close to home for you, but from here on out a little peaceful normalcy re-enters your life. if you need more chaos it'll have to be the kind you make for yourself.
taurus: aries antics are not yet at an end but in many ways your sign now becomes the star of the show. on some levels this will be quite fun for you, especially if you thrive under positive attention from others. on other levels, the shifts and changes can be overwhelming to your stolid and stable sign. try to be surprised and delighted rather than shocked and dismayed. it's probably not all so bad and if it is, you will prevail.
gemini: the end of a mercury retrograde is always good news for a gemini. your mind clears where there was recently any brain fog or fuzziness. the fumbling and bumbling shifts back to your natural willowy gracefulness. other things are going on this week too but this is the biggest relief for you.
cancerians: mercury retrograde has been hard for the cardinal signs like you, but its end this week is a breath of fresh air. meanwhile a full scorpio moon can also help you recharge any intellectual or mental fatigue you have been experiencing lately, but do expect to be in your feelings a bit about it. not that that's a bad thing, no matter what some might say. it is one of your gifts, how deeply you can feel.
leo: you'll have a lot of strong feelings early on this week but by the weekend your head and heart are much clearer. physical exercise benefits you, so head to a gym or just have a little nice gallivanting outdoors.
virgo: the more mercurial virgoans will feel great relief as mercury goes direct at last. but don't jump in too quickly to any contracts or sharing resources. less mercurial virgoans will be more focused on mars-neptune in pisces, bringing some illusions (or disillusionment) to relationships. emilie du chatelet said our happiness depends on our illusions, so it is ok to embrace them to some degree, but don't let anyone lie to you or do you harm.
libra: this week's astrology portends mainly good things (although also shifting things) in your relationships, perhaps some delusion or manipulation occurring in some routine or place of work, and a full moon involving your money. if you've been financially wise and responsible, this could be great news. if you've let your luxurious venusian tendencies get the better of you recently, perhaps less great.
scorpio: you may find yourself saying mercury schmercury to the folks hyped up about mercury retrograde this week, but it's mostly due to the full moon that occurs in your sign shortly beforehand. your daily routines run smoother than ever but your emotions are heated and overflowing. don't try to cram it down. let it out, in private if need be.
sagittarius: mercury direct again may well herald a creative breakthrough. or, perhaps juicier, a new relationship or fling. or even an affair, if you're that kind of sagittarian.
capricorn: your sign and your cardinal brethren will certainly feel a relief of some tension or disarray as mercury resumes forward motion this week. the first half of the week is also a great time for you to socialize, if you have the time!
aquarius: almost for sure, you'll receive some sort of important or, at minimum, 'interesting' message around the time that mercury ends its retrograde this week. and before that/at the same time, the full moon in scorpio lights up your 10th house of status and legacy, so while you may not want to be out there posting any serious news on your socials, it's ok to take credit for work well done.
pisces: if you can, avoid spending money (especially on anything important) until next week. on the other hand, academic pursuits get a major boost and if you're not an academic, at least get philosophical about something close to your heart. by the end of the week a mars-neptune conjunction gives you energy, although perhaps not of the physical sort. avoid lying to yourself or others.
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astrobaeza · 18 days
political astrology: how astrology explains trump's assassination attempt + predictions.
by @astrobaeza [ PAIDSERVICES ₊ masterlist ₊ tips ]
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(sorry y'all my account got deleted randomly but I'm no longer MIA! but anyways let's get into it)
As was widely talked about, Trump had a recent attempt on his life. While this is unfortunately not unheard of while sitting in the position of President of the United States of America, we can figure out why this happens using astrology.
According to @astrologyking-blog, Trump has his midheaven almost exactly conjunct the fixed "demon star" Algol, indicating potential murder, sudden death or beheading. He also says Uranus aligns with Algol for most of 2024; Algol’s association with hidden or suppressed issues might be brought to light through Uranus' illuminating energy. This can lead to significant personal revelations or changes in public understanding, like with his presidential campaign and his reputation (10th H). With this Uranus in Taurus transit, we'll see large changes and instability with his public reputation and career. Somewhat unfortunate for someone with a presidential campagin.
"the fact that trump has had nothing but. bad news since he got shot at suggests to me he was fated to die that day and his continued survival is unraveling the timeline."
Saturn in pisces is currently transiting his 7th house, which can indicate legal issues, issues or restrictions in close business partnerships and relationships, everything that is of importance to a man like himself. There may be neptunian qualities to his one-to-one partnerships, meaning deception or disillusionment.
Transit mars is currently conjunct his natal sun, meaning he might come out of this with a stronger determination to save or clean his public image and reputation. We will probably see more attempts to reach the masses through speeches, communication on social media platforms, interviews. This communication will be more friendly and light-hearted in nature, most likely in an attempt to humanize him after his assassination attempt.
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Transit mercury and Sun will be in his first house in Virgo a week from now, the day of the presidential debate with Kamala Harris, which is advantageous for something like a national "argument". It will be held in Philadelphia, where Trump attended university. I anticipate he will be at ease, as it is a familiar place to him (transit moon conj natal 4th H moon). He will probably be within close proximity to his family or maybe take press photos with his family that day, specifically women figures.
He might look really put together and have planned concise words for the debate, again in attempts to "rebrand". On the flip end, he could also be extremely anxious, and visibly so. (maybe we'll see a lot of bathroom breaks, stuttering, sweating).
Overall, this presidential election is very interesting considering its unique circumstances and precedent. Hopefully it doesn't get too crazy..
what do you guys think, astrobaes?
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bessiejoan · 20 days
Astrology: Pluto Retrogrades back into Capricorn for one last time
As Pluto continues its retrograde, it returns to the sign of Capricorn, from September 1st, until November 27th.
Pluto represents a destructive and transformative energy. It dives deep into the matter to identify what is holding back progression. Capricorn is traditional rulership, work, and systems.
Plutos' return into this area of our lives offers the collective one last opportunity to deconstruct oppressive systems and renew what people want to see in a rulership. This transit can cause leaders to become destructive, obsessive, and power-hungry. It may feel daunting to witness how much work is still needed, but the ability to redefine and evolve the human existence is what we are here for.
🌕 The last time Pluto did a trip back into Capricorn from Aquarius was between 1776 and 1778.
Significant events during this time:
- The American Revolution began.
- Vermont became the first state in the US to abolish slavery.
- The third voyage of Captain Cook to Hawaii, which resulted in his eventual defeat and death.
- The first formal treaty between the Native American people and colonisers.
- The war between France and Britain began.
🌕 As this intense transit unfolds, each zodiac sign will face a reckoning in the area of life ruled by Capricorn in their chart. Brace for deep, sometimes unsettling shifts:
♈ Aries (10th House): The drive to conquer and lead will be challenged. You might confront uncomfortable truths about your career and public persona, forcing you to redefine your path amid power struggles.
♉ Taurus (9th House): Your beliefs and future plans may be tested. Prepare for a profound shake-up in how you view the world and your place in it, with revelations that could disrupt your sense of purpose.
♊ Gemini (8th House): Dark transformations loom over shared resources and emotional depths. You’ll face intense revelations about your finances and personal power, pushing you to confront and renew these areas.
♋ Cancer (7th House): Relationships will be under the microscope, revealing hidden tensions and power dynamics. This is a period to confront uncomfortable truths and rebuild your partnerships from the ground up.
♌ Leo (6th House): Your daily work and health routines will undergo a harsh overhaul. Embrace the discomfort as you face inefficiencies and unhealthy patterns, pushing you to reforge your habits and productivity.
♍ Virgo (5th House): Creativity and self-expression may be shadowed by doubts and fears. This transit will challenge how you experience joy and romance, forcing you to confront and transform your deepest desires.
♎ Libra (4th House): Home and family issues will come to the fore, revealing hidden tensions and unresolved conflicts. This is a time to face the darker aspects of your domestic life and seek profound healing.
♏ Scorpio (3rd House): Communication and local interactions may reveal unsettling truths. You’ll be forced to confront and revise how you express yourself and engage with your immediate environment.
♐ Sagittarius (2nd House): Financial stability and self-worth will be tested. Prepare for a deep reckoning with your resources and values, as you navigate through intense challenges to emerge stronger.
♑ Capricorn (1st House): Your personal identity and leadership style are set for a dramatic overhaul. Expect a dark night of the soul as you confront and transform how you see yourself and your role in the world.
♒ Aquarius (12th House): Subconscious fears and hidden patterns come to light. This period requires deep inner work and confrontation with the shadows of your psyche, leading to profound but unsettling, growth.
♓ Pisces (11th House): Friendships and long-term goals will be tested by hidden conflicts and disillusionments. You may need to sever ties and reassess your future aspirations amid dark revelations.
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sensualnoiree · 2 days
astro notes: daily transits 9/20
Friday, 9/20, begins under the intense influence of a Moon–Pluto square, triggering deep, unresolved emotions like jealousy, anger, and resentment. Although the Moon enters the steady sign of Taurus shortly after, several challenging aspects throughout the day ensure that tensions linger. A Venus–Uranus quincunx demands adjustments in relationships, especially around issues of individuality and space. A possessive Mars–Ceres opposition at noon escalates control dynamics, leading to confrontations rooted in smothering behavior. As the Sun opposes Neptune in the evening, confusion and misunderstandings reign, leaving many bewildered about how to resolve ongoing conflicts.
Key Influences
Moon Square Pluto:Emotional Boiling Point: The day begins with a square between the Aries Moon and Pluto at 1:38 a.m., stirring up intense, hidden emotions. Pluto’s transformative power amplifies feelings of jealousy, anger, and resentment, pushing them to the surface. This is a moment when unresolved issues are likely to come to light, especially in emotionally charged situations. While this aspect can feel overwhelming, it also offers a chance to confront buried emotions and work through them, although the process may not be comfortable. This transit calls for emotional courage and the willingness to face the darker sides of oneself or others.
Moon Entering Taurus:Seeking Peace and Stability: At 2:03 a.m., the Moon shifts into peace-loving Taurus, grounding the emotional turbulence stirred up by the Moon–Pluto square. Taurus energy encourages stability, patience, and a focus on practical solutions, providing a much-needed sense of calm after the intensity of early morning. However, the Moon’s presence in Taurus is somewhat overshadowed by the more dramatic aspects of the day, which keep tensions simmering. Still, this shift offers a reminder to seek out moments of comfort and security amidst the chaos, leaning into Taurus’s earthy, grounding influence.
Venus Quincunx Uranus:Adjusting Relationship Dynamics: At 9°27' Libra–Taurus, Venus forms an awkward quincunx with Uranus, creating a need for adjustment in relationships, especially where there’s tension around individuality and freedom. This aspect highlights issues of autonomy versus closeness, making it clear that something needs to shift in how we relate to others. If one person in the relationship feels stifled or confined, this aspect can trigger sudden reactions or demands for more space. It’s important to find a balance between togetherness and independence, ensuring that each person feels free to express their true selves within the partnership.
Mars Opposite Ceres:Smothering and Control Issues: The midday Mars–Ceres opposition (9°18' Cancer–Capricorn) stirs up possessive and patronizing behavior, especially in relationships involving care or nurturing. This aspect can bring to light issues of “smother love” — where one person’s well-meaning attempts to care for or protect another feel overbearing or controlling. The opposition between nurturing Ceres and aggressive Mars creates a clash of energies, leading to arguments over boundaries, autonomy, and care. Tensions may escalate as one person’s attempts to nurture or protect are perceived as controlling or condescending. It’s crucial to recognize when care becomes overbearing and to adjust behavior accordingly to avoid conflict.
Sun Opposite Neptune:Confusion and Misunderstandings: As the Sun opposes Neptune (28°30' Virgo–Pisces) in the early evening, a veil of confusion descends over the day, making it difficult to see things clearly. This aspect creates an atmosphere ripe for misunderstandings, miscommunications, and disillusionment. Neptune’s foggy influence can make it hard to differentiate between reality and fantasy, leading to confusion about intentions, actions, or words. This is not a time for making major decisions or trying to resolve conflicts, as clarity is likely to be elusive. Instead, it’s important to practice patience and allow the fog to lift before attempting to find resolutions.
Integrating the Influences
Confront Hidden Emotions:Moon Square Pluto: The Moon–Pluto square brings buried emotions to the surface, offering an opportunity to confront feelings of jealousy, anger, or resentment. While the intensity of this aspect can feel overwhelming, it’s a chance for emotional catharsis. Don’t shy away from these feelings — instead, acknowledge them and explore their root causes. This is a powerful time for emotional transformation, but only if you’re willing to face the darker aspects of your emotional landscape.
Seek Stability Amidst Emotional Turmoil:Moon Entering Taurus: As the Moon enters Taurus, there’s an opportunity to ground yourself and seek stability in the midst of emotional upheaval. Taurus encourages patience, practicality, and a focus on tangible solutions. Lean into this energy by finding ways to stay calm and centered, especially when tensions flare. This is a time to focus on self-care, comfort, and practical steps toward resolution.
Make Space for Individuality in Relationships:Venus Quincunx Uranus: The Venus–Uranus quincunx calls for adjustments in relationship dynamics, particularly around issues of individuality and autonomy. If you’ve been feeling confined or stifled in a relationship, now is the time to address these concerns. However, this aspect can create awkward or unexpected shifts, so approach conversations with an open mind and a willingness to compromise. It’s important to find a balance between closeness and personal freedom, ensuring that each person feels respected and valued for who they are.
Avoid Power Struggles Over Care:Mars Opposite Ceres: The Mars–Ceres opposition highlights control issues related to care and nurturing. Be mindful of how your attempts to care for others may be perceived — what you intend as nurturing could be seen as overbearing or controlling. This aspect can lead to power struggles over boundaries and autonomy, especially in family or caregiving relationships. To avoid conflict, practice empathy and respect for the other person’s needs and desires, giving them space to assert their own independence.
Wait for Clarity Before Taking Action:Sun Opposite Neptune: The Sun–Neptune opposition brings confusion and misunderstandings, making it difficult to see situations clearly. This is not a good time for making major decisions or attempting to resolve conflicts, as the truth is likely to be obscured. Instead, focus on staying grounded and avoid getting swept up in illusions or fantasies. Wait for clarity to emerge before taking any significant action or making judgments.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or my etsy --> sensualnoiree to grab my new astrology guidebook on reading your own natal chart :)
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 months
2024 Gemini Balsamic Moon
Wednesday, July 31, 16:17 UT, 23°56’ Gemini
The key phrases for the Balsamic lunar phase are “let go of the past,” and “envision the future.”
There’s a mutable t-square to contend with: the Gemini Moon is square both ends of the Juno/Virgo - Neptune Rx/Pisces opposition. Some patrnership choices to be made, or disillusionment with a partnership, and we aren’t seeing it as clearly as we think we are. Some relationships may just fizzle out. Bringing in some Sagittarius traits like tolerance, generosity, and freedom, will help.
The Moon is also sextile Venus/Leo and Chiron and Eris in Aries - giving us another aspect pattern, a double sextile. Girl power! Maybe some of those relationships fizzle out because we want more freedom. We’d rather have supportive friendships than an unequal partnership.
Going to be hard to quiet our brains but we still have to try.
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Thank you!
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luenahorowitz · 1 year
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6 planets in Retrograde in 2023: how to survive?
Venus Retrograde: July 23 to September 4
During Venus retrograde, matters of love, relationships, and finances come into focus. This period encourages introspection and reevaluation in these areas. Be cautious with impulsive decisions regarding romantic relationships and major financial transactions. It's a time to mend old wounds and seek closure in past relationships. Taurus, Libra, and to some extent, Pisces and Scorpio, might feel the effects more strongly.
Do: Reflect on your relationship patterns and values. Reconnect with self-love and self-worth. Revisit old hobbies or creative projects.
Don't: Rush into new relationships or make significant purchases. Avoid dramatic changes in appearance.
Mercury Retrograde: August 24 to September 16
Mercury retrograde can bring communication breakdowns, travel disruptions, and technological glitches. Misunderstandings are common, so be patient and choose words carefully. Double-check travel plans and important documents. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces could experience stronger effects.
Do: Review, revise, and refine ongoing projects. Practice clear and patient communication. Back up important files.
Don't: Start new projects or make crucial decisions. Avoid signing contracts without careful examination.
Pluto Retrograde: May 11 to October 22
Pluto's retrograde invites deep transformation and introspection. This is a time to confront inner fears and subconscious patterns. It's ideal for psychological exploration and releasing emotional baggage. Scorpio and Capricorn are likely to experience more profound effects.
Do: Engage in self-discovery and therapy if needed. Address power dynamics and unresolved emotions.
Don't: Suppress emotions or resist change. Avoid power struggles.
Saturn Retrograde: June 18 to November 4
Saturn retrograde prompts a review of responsibilities, commitments, and structures in your life. This is an opportunity to reevaluate long-term goals and assess whether they align with your authentic self. Capricorn, Aquarius, and to some extent, Libra and Aries, might feel this retrograde more strongly.
Do: Reassess your goals and responsibilities. Strengthen your foundations through patience and discipline.
Don't: Take on excessive burdens. Avoid rigid thinking; be open to adjustments.
Neptune Retrograde: July 1 to December 6
Neptune retrograde encourages spiritual reflection and disillusionment. This is a time to clarify your dreams and aspirations, distinguishing between reality and illusion. Pisces, Virgo, and to some extent, Gemini and Sagittarius, might experience heightened effects.
Do: Explore your spiritual side through meditation and creative activities. Address any avoidance patterns or addictions.
Don't: Make major decisions without grounded research. Avoid escapism through substances or distractions.
Jupiter Retrograde: September 5 to December 31
Jupiter retrograde asks you to look inward for growth and expansion. This is a time to reflect on your beliefs and seek knowledge from within. Sagittarius, Pisces, and to some extent, Gemini and Virgo, could feel its influence more profoundly.
Do: Focus on personal development and inner wisdom. Reflect on your belief systems and philosophies.
Don't: Rely solely on external sources of information. Avoid overspending or overindulgence.
Uranus Retrograde: August 28 to January 27, 2024
Uranus retrograde encourages introspection regarding change and innovation. This period invites you to redefine your relationship with change and explore how to implement it more deliberately. Aquarius, Taurus, and to some extent, Leo and Scorpio, might experience stronger effects.
Do: Reflect on your need for change and where innovation can improve your life. Embrace unexpected insights.
Don't: Make impulsive, rebellious decisions. Avoid sudden changes without careful consideration.
Remember, while these retrogrades can bring challenges, they also offer valuable opportunities for growth, self-discovery, revisiting past patterns. By embracing their energies and using their insights wisely, you can navigate the cosmic currents with resilience and wisdom.
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catmarlowastrology · 2 years
❤️‍🔥 Love in the birth chart: Britney Spears
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The placement of Aries in the 7th house can show relationships that ignite with a fiery passion, burning bright and fast. However, the impulsive nature of Aries can cause these bonds to flicker and fade, struggling to withstand the test of time. These connections may not reach their full potential, leaving behind only the sweet fragrance of memories that could have been.
Mars in Virgo rules the 7th house, and in this case, it's hidden in the 12th house. This creates many challenges in matters of the heart. Someone with Mars in the 12th house may not understand why they pursue some relationships and act the way they do when it comes to love. Their subconscious mind controls how they behave and who they're attracted to, often based on their hidden anxieties and fears. This can cause them to end up in relationships that work against their own best interests, which is why we associate this house with self-undoing. The 12th house is a mysterious and unpredictable place, where finding love can be a complicated journey that requires a deep understanding of oneself.
Positioned in the mutable sign of Virgo, Mars hints at Britney's potential for multiple long-term relationships with some sacrifices along the way. As a problem solver and a helper, Virgoans typically go above and beyond to support their loved ones and mend broken situations. However, such a trait can take a toll, particularly since Britney's Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Aquarius lie in signs that cherish independence and prioritize enjoying life to the fullest.
In the realm of predictive astrology, the placement of Mars in Virgo could potentially signify a partner who struggles with self-sabotaging tendencies, necessitating frequent assistance. Comparable to a luxury car that requires weekly repairs, such relationships demand a significant investment of time and patience, as the other partner is frequently called upon to troubleshoot and resolve issues for their significant other.
Adding to the complexity, the square between Mars in Virgo and Neptune in Sagittarius creates an internal tug-of-war for the individual, compelling them to indulge in a tendency to romanticize behaviors and relationships that may not serve their best interests. This dynamic prompts the person to make decisions based not on reality but on their foggy perception, leading to potential disillusionment and negative consequences.
The harmonious trine between Mars and Venus reveals that Britney's actions are in sync with her values. With Venus in Capricorn, commitment is highly prized and she's prepared to invest the necessary effort to ensure the relationship thrives. Mars in Virgo complements this trait by demonstrating a willingness to go the extra mile and provide unwavering support. This alignment of values and actions underlines Britney's dedication to making a relationship work, regardless of its prospects for success.
Does Britney face an insurmountable fate? Not necessarily. She could opt to relocate to another city where her 7th house would have her exalted Saturn in Libra. Saturn would be better positioned to support her love life. Dating individuals with prominent natal Virgo and Capricorn placements could prove beneficial, as they tend to be self-sufficient problem solvers who won't rely too heavily on Britney. She needs to avoid entering relationships with people who have important Pisces and 12th house placement.
Love in the birth chart: Lily-Rose Depp
Fame in the birth chart: Emma Watson
Fame in the birth chart: Zendaya
Curious about the hidden powers of your natal chart? You can purchase unique and insightful readings on my website, www.catmarlow.com!
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freyaxsinclair · 9 months
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[cis woman and she/her] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [FREYA SINCLAIR]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [SAVANNAH LEE SMITH]. You must be the [TWENTY THREE] year old [FORMER MODEL/ATTENDANT AT SEA GLASS BOUTIQUE]. Word is you’re [OBSERVANT] but can also be a bit [SNARKY] and your favorite song is [BITCHES BY TOVE LO]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [CRYSTAL COVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it! 
fullname. freya anne sinclair.
nicknames. freya, frey, yaya (family only).
gender. cis woman
pronouns. she / her
d.o.b. september 7th, 2000 | ( 23 years old )
astrology. virgo ☀ capricorn ☾  aquarius ↑
birth place. aurora bay, california, usa.
hometown. aurora bay, california, usa.
current residence. aurora bay, california. ( @aurorabayaesthetic​ )
occupation. former model / attendent at sea glass boutique.
religion. atheist.
tattoos. none.
piercings. ears.
marital status. single.
sexual preference. bisexual.
family. sarah-anne sinclair (mother), damian sinclair (father), older brother (WC).
children. none.
cece parekh ( new girl ), veronica lodge ( riverdale ), blair waldorf ( gossip girl ), cordelia chase ( buffy the vampire slayer ), quinn fabray ( glee ), regina george ( mean girls ).
+ observant, meticulous, driven. - snarky, defensive, irritable.
( tw: cheating, power dynamics ) 
As the youngest in a family where her older brother seemed to effortlessly embody perfection, Freya grappled with a constant sense of having to fight for her parents' attention. This early struggle infused her character with a bitter and rebellious spirit, shaping her into a complex individual who, despite academic brilliance, found solace in more creative pursuits. Known for her sharp tongue, Freya curated an exclusive clique of friends, establishing a barrier against those who failed to meet her discerning standards.
The course of Freya's life took an unexpected turn during a fateful trip to Los Angeles with her mother. Her striking features caught the attention of talent scouts, propelling her into the glitzy and competitive world of modeling. Throughout her later teen years, Freya became a prominent face in campaigns for renowned brands such as Abercrombie and Fitch and Free People. Despite the allure of the glamorous lifestyle, Freya remained committed to education and moved to Los Angeles after high school, enrolling at the esteemed Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM).
FIDM emerged as a transformative chapter in Freya's life, where her modelling career reached new heights, placing her at the forefront of campaigns for prestigious brands like Prada and Burberry. However, the gloss of success dimmed when she fell prey to the predatory tactics of an older photographer, blurring the boundaries between professional collaboration and personal exploitation. Unveiling the photographer's deceit, Freya confronted him, only to be met with threats of scandalous photo releases that could potentially tarnish her nascent career. Despite the emotional toll, she endured until graduation, carrying with her a newfound disillusionment with the superficial aspects of the fashion industry.
In the face of the harsh realities of the modeling world, Freya made the courageous decision to return to her roots in Aurora Bay. Acknowledging the financial imperative, she embraced a role as an Attendant at the Sea Glass Boutique, where she found solace in the rhythm of everyday life. Simultaneously, Freya embarked on the arduous journey of establishing her own fashion line and brand. The setbacks and betrayals in Los Angeles fueled Freya's determination to infuse authenticity and resilience into her creations, transcending the shallow allure of the modeling world.
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opia-tarot · 2 years
current transits analysis
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remember to have a look at where the planets are currently transitting in your chart to have a better idea of where these aspects are occurring.
There are quite a few difficult neptune aspects occurring at the moment.
mercury opposite neptune, venus opposite neptune, mars square neptune.
There can be misscommunications during this time, especially because of mercury being in retrograde. A lot of you are going to be feeling really romantic at this time. Fantasising about romance, limerance etc. There's a longing to be in some sort of partnership at this time.
emotional imbalance
There are likely to be big sways within your emotions and this is because of the moon opposite jupiter transit and the moon trine saturn. So if you're struggling to emotionally regulate, don't worry it's normal when these transits are taking place at the same time. You'll likely be swaying between overindulgence and stability.
obsession is a subtle theme too, the difficult neptune transits and the mercury rx trine pluto transits indicate disillusionment and perhaps holding onto things we don't need anymore. It's important to stay grounded during this time so you can see things how they really are, rather than wearing rose coloured glasses.
some of you are going to be enlightened on what you really want and what you are passionate about. Things are going to be revealed soon, especially your purpose and people's intentions.
Expect things to be moving slowly at the moment, especially because of the uranus rx conjunct north node transit and the difficult neptune rx transits.
Some of you could also be feeling resentment during this time. Wounds from the past are going to resurface. But because of the chiron sextile mars transit, you are going to be able to face these wounds head on. Make time in any way that suits you to face those wounds.
The sun conjunct mercury and north node conjunct uranus transits tell me a lot of you are going to be taking short trips. Perhaps even unexpected travel for a few of you. I see regular or spontaneous short trips or travel.
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what i suggest doing during these transits
start a new passion/hobby
self-care!, the mercury conjunct venus and current libra and virgo placements shows this would be beneficial
start a savings account or start slowly saving money
start being more disciplined! The current virgo placements and mars trine saturn transits show this is a great time to be more disciplined. Start slowly acquiring better habits.
focus on ways to improve your health, particularly mental health
decorate! interior design is beneficial during this time
Remember the mars trine saturn transit suggests consistency will produce abundance. Start making consistent efforts towards your goals. Saturn square north node transit has been occurring for a while hence why things seem to be blocked at the moment.
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things to avoid
impulsive spending
holding onto anything that is obstructing your potential
giving weight to your thoughts, you are not your thoughts. And any thoughts that aren't truly yours are not a reflection of you
rushing or skipping steps to achieve a certain goal
overindulgence in escapism.
overromanticisng things
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l3xistentialism · 1 year
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Logan Roy’s Birth Chart.
Obviously this is my interpretation from my perspective on his character on the show.
Not an astrologer, yet.
Age: 81 years old - born 1942
His birthday appears to be in the Fall or Spring.
So… Sun in Aries/Taurus or Libra/Scorpio
✨Emotionally manipulative, emotionally volatile, obsessive (acquiring PGN)
-Scorpio Moon
✨Loud, vulgar: Aries/Scorpio Mercury
-Leaning more towards Scorpio because
-The way he uses language to coerce
-The fact that some of his most cutting lines weren’t delivered with volume
✨Attracted to women who either work for him (Marcia/Kerry) or can provide him with status (Caroline)
-Venus in Capricorn
-Usually goes after younger women
—Ex: Found Roman & Gerri disgusting because “she’s a million years old”
✨Will handle confrontation directly, but also through manipulating others & pitting them against each other. Physically, emotionally, & psychologically abusive. The threat of his power casting a shadow even after his death.
-Mars in Scorpio
✨Jupiter in Gemini/Cancer
—Children brought into family business
✨Saturn in Taurus/Gemini
-Assumption would be Taurus
—Strict about money/possessions
—Hard times in early life lead to material success later on
✨Uranus in Gemini
—Divide & conquer
-Unique ideas, innovative & disruptive to the status quo
✨Neptune in Virgo
-Disillusionment about “order”
Not concerned with what’s sustainable
-Individualist rather than collectivist
✨Pluto in Leo
-WWII generation
-Idea of what power is self-created/manifested
-Large ego
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kleopatra45 · 5 days
Hiiii 🥰
What do you think are the most difficult aspect for love life ?
In my birth chart I have Venus in virgo in 4h square to pluto in sagittarius in 6h at a 0° orb can you tell me what it means ?
Thank you,
Have a good dayyy 🥰 :)
Som aspects that can indicate a challenging love life:
1. Venus-Saturn hard aspects (square, opposition, conjunction) – Can create emotional distance, delays, or feelings of unworthiness in relationships.
2. Venus-Pluto hard aspects – Intense dynamics, power struggles, and emotional extremes in love.
3. Venus-Uranus hard aspects – Sudden breakups, instability, and unpredictability in relationships.
4. Moon-Saturn hard aspects – Emotional suppression, difficulty expressing needs, and feeling emotionally isolated.
5. Mars-Venus hard aspects – Tension between desire and affection, leading to conflicts in love.
6. Neptune-Venus hard aspects – Idealization, disillusionment, or deception in romantic connections.
As for your placements:
Venus in Virgo in the 4th house square Pluto in Sagittarius in the 6th house at a 0° orb creates an intense dynamic in relationships, home life, and daily routines. The 4th house represents family and emotional security, while the 6th relates to work and health. This aspect can indicate power struggles or control issues in your personal life, possibly manifesting as emotional intensity in the home or tension between work and family. Venus-Pluto squares bring deep transformation, often through crises in relationships. You may feel drawn to relationships that challenge you emotionally, pushing you to grow through upheaval.
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
Pick One:
Year Ahead D6can Dice Reading under the cut
3-6-3 Answer: Yes - Lucky Number: 3 - Sign: Virgo - Planet: Mercury - Cards: 10 of Pentacles + the Hermit Legacy is the only thing you will leave behind. You are in a position to craft something valuable to pass on to others. Contribute to, craft, and create the world you wish to pass on when you yourself pass on.
1-3-1 Answer: Yes - Lucky Number: 5 - Sign: Aries - Planet: Venus - Cards: 4 of Wands + the Emperor Making beautiful meaning out of a tumultuous time is a courageous act. Finding your struggles filled with purpose is foundational to resilience. The transformative qualities of beauty are necessary for life.
5-3-4 Answer: Yes - Lucky Number: 3 - Sign: Sagittarius - Planet: Saturn - Cards: 10 of Wands + Temperance You are bound in an unfortunate circumstance and there is scarcely a way out. Remember that even in this you still possess your mind, you still possess your actions. Choose them with care.
3-4-6 Answer: No - Lucky Number: 4 - Sign: Virgo - Planet: Sun - Cards: 8 of Pentacles + the Sun Master your attention. Cultivate your awareness. For where it goes, so too do you go. Are you heading in the direction you desire or the one you fear? Correct your course before it is too late.
4-1-3 Answer: No - Lucky Number: 8 - Sign: Libra - Planet: Moon - Cards: 2 of Swords + the High Priestess Read more deeply. Press forward toward meaning. Search out the secret nature of the signs, symbols, or texts before you. Locked within is a significance knowable only to you. Dare to find it.
6-1-3 Answer: Yes - Lucky Number: 1 - Sign: Aquarius - Planet: Venus - Cards: 5 of Swords + the Star Get in touch with your original motive, the idea that inspired and possessed you. It is still with you now, though you might have lost touch with it. Sharpen your vision and carve a path forward.
3-6-6 Answer: No - Lucky Number: 6 - Sign: Virgo - Planet: Mercury - Cards: 10 of Pentacles + the Magician Embrace age like an old friend. It is a privilege to grow older, one not afforded to all. Though it comes with pain and challenges, venture forth. Dare to develop more fully into yourself. Refine.
3-1-1 Answer: Yes - Lucky Number: 5 - Sign: Leo - Planet: Saturn - Cards: 5 of Wands + Strength Prevent what misfortune you’re able. Just because you lack total control does not mean you cannot lessen the impact. A first degree burn is much easier to heal from than a third degree one. Prepare.
6-6-1 Answer: No - Lucky Number: 4 - Sign: Pisces - Planet: Mars - Cards: 10 of Cups + the Tower Be measured in your optimism. While there is much to celebrate, do not let your good fortune turn you to expectation. The future is hazy and fortune is prone to change. Revel with a loose grip.
6-3-1 Answer: Yes - Lucky Number: 1 - Sign: Aquarius - Planet: Moon - Cards: 7 of Swords + the Star You have an unfair advantage. It’s your choice whether you use it or thwart is. Take care to consider others and your own wellbeing. Be sure you take care to put it to good use.
1-2-2 Answer: Yes - Lucky Number: 5 - Sign: Aries - Planet: Sun - Cards: 3 of Wands + the Emperor Hope is not reckless, it is necessary. To create a bright future, it must first be imagined. Design a glorious goal but be flexible in its execution. Shoot for the moon and land as a brilliant star.
4-6-5 Answer: No - Lucky Number: 6- Sign: Scorpio - Planet: Venus - Cards: 7 of Cups + the Empress The promise is false. The potential isn’t what it seems. Continue down this road and you’ll find only disillusionment and worse. Do not be taken in by charisma or charm. Illusion surrounds you.
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museofhestia · 2 days
Sun opposition Neptune - September 20
When the Sun is in opposition to Neptune, it creates a complex and challenging energy that blurs the lines between reality and illusion, making this a time of confusion, uncertainty, and potential misunderstandings. This transit can lead to feelings of low energy, lack of clarity, or even disillusionment, as our sense of purpose or direction may feel clouded.
It is easy to fall into escapism, idealization, or self-deception under this influence, making it essential to stay grounded and avoid over-romanticizing situations or people. The challenges of this transit involve navigating vague boundaries, recognizing where we may be deceiving ourselves or others, and avoiding being overly influenced by unrealistic expectations.
The lessons here focus on cultivating discernment, practicing self-compassion, and developing a deeper connection to intuition without losing touch with reality. It encourages us to find a balance between dreams and practicalities, to face truths with courage, and to navigate the fog of uncertainty with faith in our inner wisdom.
This can bring up some of the same feelings and lessons of the Lunar Eclipse that we had a couple days ago, because the Virgo-Pisces axis is again at play, and the Full Moon included a conjunction with Neptune.
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