#and a classical painting parody...........................
teleport-warning · 1 year
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designberko · 28 days
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Qu’appellian Gothic, selfportrait of me and my dog, Leeroy
Acrylic on Canvas 18x24”
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a2zillustrations · 5 months
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Ghosties showing us how the birth of Venus actually went
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artacct0 · 11 months
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paint your ocs 2
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haleyhylia · 2 years
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Zelda, Princess of Hyrule ~ (The Legend of Zelda series) A reworking of a portrait of Alexandra of Denmark, Princess of Wales by Franz Xaver Winterhalter from 1864. Princess Zelda, sweet sweet Zelda. I was really proud of this portrait when I made it. Even though my happiness with it has waned in the years since I created this, I’m still flattered deeply by how much people like it. It was an early go at the whole classical portrait thing, and - like Midna - Princess Zelda is a character I would like to have a 2nd attempt at with improved skills and tools. My favourite story about this piece is that in 2019, Patricia Summersett (VOA for Zelda in Breath of the Wild) attended Auckland Armageddon where I was selling prints of my art for the first time. A supporter of mine took a print to her & the reaction was amazing. She loved it. I was so flattered. One day, I’ll do another Princess Zelda. But for now, this hangs in the halls of Hyrule Castle (at least in my mind)! + HQ art prints through my Etsy shop + More info & art in my DeviantArt gallery
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shawn-langley · 1 year
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"The Macho Mangler", my latest zombie parody portrait, created with acrylic paints, Pentel brush pens and Posca paint pens.
See more of my work at www.shawnlangley.com
Signed prints of my other portraits at https://shawnlangley.myshopify.com & https://shawnlangleyart.etsy.com
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bubblesandstuff · 1 year
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(via Sloth with pearl earring Johannes Vermeer parody Laptop Skin by Remco Kouw)
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specialagentartemis · 5 months
tell me more about classic filk i know a few songs but never got deep into it
"Filk" is music (often but not always folk music-style, often but not always song parodies to the tune of famous pre-existing songs) about sci-fi, fantasy, and other fannish topics. Filk circles are popular events at science fiction conventions, and that's really where the genre started. The word "filk" actually arose from a typo in a convention program once, and people just rolled with it ever since!
Some of the most iconic albums in the filk world are the anthology albums "Minus Ten And Counting" (songs about space exploration and the real-life space program), "Carmen Miranda's Ghost" (songs about sci-fi space shenanigans and space ghosts), and "Finity's End: Songs of the Station Trade" (songs set in the world of CJ Cherryh's Alliance-Union novels, and my personal favorite. I've never read any of CJ Cherryh's books, but these songs paint such a vivid world.) "Space Heroes and Other Fools" is another big one, it's more hit-or-miss for me but it's iconic. Other really good and foundational ones are "Divine Intervention" by Julia Ecklar, "Avalon is Risen" by Leslie Fish, and "We Are Who We Are" by Vixy & Tony.
I lean more towards sci-fi and space than fantasy, but fantasy and paganism are huuuugely popular filk topics too.
Some of the most popular names to look into include Leslie Fish (intensely prolific, barely a fraction of her work is on any streaming or music service), Julia Ecklar (famous for her "ose," the filk-world word for sad songs - because they're "ose, more-ose, and even more-ose), Juanita Coulson, Kristoph Klover, Vic Tyler (who just recently died :( rest in peace), Duane Elms, Kathy Mar, Bob Kanefsky, Alexander James (trans, with lots of filk under his previous name as well), Vixy & Tony, and Seanan McGuire. (I like Seanan McGuire's filk music better than her books, hah.) Some other great ones include Cat Faber (most acapella), Astrisoni, The PDX Broadsides, Kari Maaren, and Sassafrass (also mostly acapella. Includes Ada Palmer). Heather Dale, Tom Lehrer, and Jonathan Coulton are kind of honorary filkers too haha.
The best place to get the ones from 80s and 90s cassettes are on the Internet Archive or Youtube; a few filkers who are more currently active have their stuff on Bandcamp.
And I'll leave you with a few of my Favorite Ever filk songs:
"Sam Jones" by CJ Cherryh and Leslie Fish
"Pushin' the Speed of Light" by Julia Ecklar and Anne Prather
"Chickasaw Mountain" by Leslie Fish
"Fire in the Sky" by Jordan Kare
"The Phoenix" by Julia Ecklar
"Freedom of the Snow" by Leslie Fish
"Burn it Down" by Vixy & Tony
"Hope Eyrie" by Leslie Fish, or this Minus Ten And Counting version
"Rocket Rider's Prayer" by Kristoph Klover, Ernie Mansfield, and Cecilia Eng
"Dawson's Christian" by Duane Elms, performed by Vic Tyler or Vixy & Tony
"Somebody Will" by Sassafrass
"Chances & Choices & Fortunes & Fates" by Astrisoni
... my tastes lean sentimental and ose but I swear there's a lot of very funny filk out there too
"Never Set the Cat on Fire" by Frank Hayes (a famous one)
"Banned From Argo" by Leslie Fish (an INFAMOUS one)
"Don't Push That Button" by Duane Elms and Larry Warner
"No More SF Cons" by Juanita Coulson
"One More Ose Song" by B. J. Willinger
everything Bob Kanefsky writes
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‘Warrior takes an armored cat for a walk’ (着甲武人猫散歩逍遥図) by Noguchi Tetsuya, 2014. Image widely shared on social media.
There's an image that's been shared on social media dozens of times over the past few years, typically without attribution. The image depicts a shoeless samurai walking an armored cat. The samurai has a helmet with cat ears, and the image appears to be weathered and old, perhaps dating back to Medieval Japan.
In reality, the paint is the creation of Japanese artist Tetsuya Noguchi, whose specialty is to depict samurai in bizarre, often comic situations.
He appears to have mastered traditional techniques to create highly-detailed replica armor that would not be out of place in a museum.
Writing for web magazine artscape Japan, which covers Japan's art scene, Alan Gleason dubbed the style “samurai surrealism”. He explains: ''Every few years an artist gains cachet with pictures of hamburger-munching geishas and the like, painted in the fashion of ukiyoe or Nihonga. Though the gimmick is fun the first time, after a while it gets pretty predictable — good for a laugh or two, but hardly the trenchant commentary on “traditional vs. modern” that the artist usually proclaims it to be. The best practitioners of this genre (Masami Teraoka comes to mind) make it work not because of the obvious satire, but because of their mastery of the classical art form used to set up the spoof. And once in a while the artist's technique is so exquisite that it elevates the work entirely out of the realm of parody, however droll the subject matter. Tetsuya Noguchi's work is just such an example.''
- Info from Animals in Art through History.
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basiatlu · 6 months
On Theft in Art
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First: thank you to the anon here and the other many people who brought this to my attention! I know you did it out of support of me and I love you for it.
I was ready to keep it private as I didn’t want anything negative to come up and be associated with my art. But as I was asked across different platforms concerning the art in question I realized it really bummed me out. I’m here to have a good time in the fandom and create with you all. We have a good thing here in the community and I didn’t want any smoke with another artist - a mutual even.
So to help me feel a little better about it I want to turn this into an opportunity to teach others on the differences between Reference, Inspiration, Reinterpretation, and Theft
Reference: (usually) a visual source of information in order to better understand something. Example here is of my reference board and the art I am currently working on.
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My favorite example of a professional using reference photos is by Hirohiko Araki (creator and artist of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure), who uses fashion editorials and photoshoots ALL the time it’s awesome - tysm @yumiaiyuma for showing me this goldmine
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Study and Inspiration: here is a great example from the wonderful Stephanie Pepper. Notice the caption stating these are studies, the movie it is from, and I will even go on to say that this artist is influenced or inspired by the prolific works of J. C. Leyendecker (but what’s key is that Stephanie Pepper has developed and practiced to the point of deviating from his work and become a style of art completely her own - and she’s so recognizable in my opinion!)
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Personal Example for Inspiration:
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An Example of Reinterpretation: note - Both these classical artists whose works are being recycled are dead and no longer missing out on potential work and income. Where stealing ideas and art from current artists hurts them financially and mentally and emotionally. Howl as The Fallen Angel by _mimimaru on Instagram is an interpretation of a 1847 painting by Alexandre Cabanel and is now considered public domain // the Mickey Mouse self portrait was by Charles Boyer and is a parody of the famous illustration by Norman Rockwell and was commissioned by Walt Disney, himself.
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Now here’s the part that is concerning to several people, myself included.
Recently, an artist found the reference I used, and decided to draw Andromeda, Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Regulus staring at Sirius getting supposedly punished by Walburga Black off screen.
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Let’s be clear: this isn’t a matter of tracing or claiming my image as their own. I do not mind at all if myself and another artist end up using the same reference. It happens all the time. Referencing and studying is not stealing. Reinterpretation is great for meme art challenges and paying respect to old classics. Even being inspired and doing one’s own version of another artist’s idea is totally cool, especially if you tag and/or shoutout the artist that inspired you.
I genuinely love and appreciate everyone who has brought this to my attention and who has been supportive and defensive of me with this. That reaction means more to me than anything else in this whole ordeal, if I’m being honest. So thank you all so much, with all my heart.
In closing: Do I hope this is all one gigantic coincidence? Absolutely. It’s one of those very uncool things that hurts my heart as an artist. I just want everyone to enjoy art and inspire each other so we can all grow. I do not want any malice to come from this either. I just wanted to inform everyone that I am aware of this, and give some of my thoughts on it. I also wanted to use this as a way to educate everyone on artistic process and why these things might happen sometimes.
Edit: me and the artist have chatted and we see it as a silly coincidence ♡ and honestly I'm happy and so relieved with that. But I think a lot of this info is still good to be mindful of in a creative community where we circulate ideas and content regularly.
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Readful Things reimagines two classic Norman Rockwell paintings with horror movie characters. The Shining parody of "The Runaway" is a 12x16 matte print for $35. The Jaws parody of "Freedom of Speech" is a 12x18 matte print for  $40.
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666writingcafe · 8 months
How To Compete In A Bloody Moon Popularity Contest
Step One: Create a promo video and upload it onto all social media platforms(unless you are Diavolo, Lucifer, or Barbatos).
Levi leverages his gaming channels, and Asmo his beauty and vlog accounts.
Satan films his in a library.
Belphie puts his time and energy into creating a compilation video for Beel.
Solomon does a parody of a promo video.
Simeon (with the help of Luke) uploads an instructional baking video.
However, the one that ends up on the trending page on DevilTube is MC. They opt for a simple room tour, pointing out different items and explaining their sentimental value. People adore how cozy and intimate the video feels.
Step Two: Publicly support a person or cause that means a lot to you.
Diavolo (who is escorted by Barbatos) spends his time in popular joints like Hell's Kitchen because he wants to get to know some of his subjects (and will help them out if they're struggling with something).
Lucifer decides to throw a party for a dear friend of his and offers to pay the tab for anyone who attends.
Levi and Asmo promote different social media accounts that have smaller followings than them in order to boost their numbers.
Satan works a few shifts at different homeless shelters, reading to young demons and feeding stray animals.
Beel and Belphie offer their services to people that struggle with mental illness by making sure that they eat a balanced meal and get a good night's sleep.
Solomon allows himself to become a personal servant to the demons he has a pact with.
Simeon begins hosting meditation classes after class.
MC helps run a fundraiser for a local animal shelter at Ristorante Six.
Step Three: Use your talents to create a piece of art.
Diavolo, Satan, and Belphie choose to paint, although their styles are quite different. Diavolo does a classic oil painting, Satan is an impressionist, and Belphie uses his dreams to create abstract works.
In a similar boat are Lucifer, Beel, and Simeon, who each compose music for the violin, guitar, and piano respectively.
Levi builds an intricate building on DevCraft (Devildom Minecraft), and Asmo designs outfits inspired by his favorite people and showcases them in a fashion show.
Solomon becomes quite the mad scientist by producing some of the most mind-boggling dishes the universe has ever seen (because he believes horror is capable of being beautiful).
After struggling to come up with something for a couple of days, MC decides to create a calligram of Luke.
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yazzydream · 1 year
List of Direct Pop Culture References in Season 1 of Jujutsu Kaisen
I kept trying to find a comprehensive list somewhere but couldn't. So, here's one for me.
Ninja Warrior and Mirko Cro Crop (Ep1)
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Sasuke, or Ninja Warrior as it's known as in multiple incarnations, is a sports reality show in which competitors attempt to complete a four-stage obstacle course.
Mirko Cro Crop is the ring name of Croatian mixed martial artist and kickboxer Mirko Filipović. And yes, Sasaki-senpai does clarify that Mirko's not dead.
Jennifer Lawrence (Ep2)
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This one is possibly the most infamous reference in JJK actually. Of course, Yuuji is referring to American actress, Jennifer Lawrence. Gege Akutami said in the fanbook Yuuji became her fan after seeing Silver Linings Playbook (2012).
Super Smash Bros. (Ep5)
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When the second years first ask Nobara and Megumi to participate in the Kyoto School Goodwill Exchange Event, Nobara's first thought is a Smash Bros. tournament. She'll use Meteor Smash so you can't get back up. All the better if it's the Wii version.
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Onita (Ep6)
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When Yuuji first starts lamenting his lack of ability to use a Curse Technique, Gojo cuts in that Yuuji can use a power bomb. Because it's something Japanese wrestler Atsushi Onita (who is not a sorcerer as far as we know) can do anyway.
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Shonen power techniques (Ep6 cont.)
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Yuuji then proceeds to list several other abilities from other shonen series. The Spirit Gun from Yu Yu Hakusho, Bankai from Bleach, and Dodon Ray and Kamehameha from Dragon Ball.
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Lord of the Rings (Ep7)
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For his training on controlling Cursed Energy, Yuuji is made to watch a variety of movies. For the adaptation, the animators interpreted the cry for Sam as a scene from Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001).
Actually, in the manga, Akutami was referencing I Am Legend (2007). The movie stars Will Smith and his only companion, a dog named Sam, in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Uh, things don't go well for the dog.
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Gojo's other movies (Ch13)
Additionally, there were a few specific movies Akutami had in mind that wasn't carried over to the anime. (Though, honestly, some of these DVD covers in the anime look so familiar and detailed I suspect they are references to other movies. If anyone can identify any of them lmk!)
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Anyway, here are the ones we know of in the manga!
Léon: The Professional (1994), The Descent (2005), The Host (2006), The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On (1967). And the movie that Gojo spoils about the super annoying heroine who dies spectacularly at the end is Deep Blue Sea (1999). And yes, if you squint and zoom you can see which dvd has the cover for what movie.
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Oikawa Tōru (Ep9)
A blink and you'll miss it stand-in of someone that suspiciously looks like Oikawa Tōru from Haikyuu!!
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Castaway (Ep11)
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Yuuji makes Junpei laugh when the former unexpectedly recreates the scene from Cast Away (2000) when Tom Hanks' character loses his illusory best friend...
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Neon Genesis Evangelion (Ep11, Juju Stroll)
This entire Juju Stroll is a parody of Neon Genesis Evangelion episode previews. With shots that are reminiscent of NGE and a dramatic and frantic voiceover. The standout shot to me was the one of Yaga sitting with his hands folded in front of him in classic Gendo Ikari fashion. They even had Yaga sitting over a burning camp stove just so they could get the orange glow reflecting off his glasses. Ha!
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Luncheon on the Grass
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The full convergence of all the characters was completed by episode 13 in the first opening. The idyllic scene is based off of Luncheon on the Grass (aka Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe) by Claude Monet. I like how Panda is in place of the dog.
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I wonder if Todo being half naked here is further reference to the more scandalous, The Luncheon on the Grass, by Édouard Manet which is what Monet's own painting is a direct take on. (That painting depicts a nude woman sitting with two fully dressed gentlemen.) ...Or it could just be Todo being Todo.
Ichiro?! (Ep15)
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Utahime, incensed, tells Gojo to respect his senpai! I'm a bit hesitant about this one, but it may be a reference to Ichiro Suzuki jokingly complaining about not being respected as a senpai during the 2009 World Baseball Classic celebration. Baseball is HUGE in Japan, and the celebration looks wild. It may be iconic enough that it can be casually mentioned and most Japanese would know what Yuuji was talking about. Also, considering the Jujutsu Koshien episode about to come up, it may've been foreshadowing. (Found here)
Sebastian Stan (Ep15, Juju Stroll)
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Another famous American celebrity! When asked about her type in episode 15's Juju Stroll, Momo was drooling over a picture of Sebastian Stan. Stan is most well known for playing the Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes in the MCU. I wonder why her answer didn't pass muster with Todo. Maybe she hadn't had the chance?
Pepper (Ep16)
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Nobara, smack-talking to Momo, says the Kyoto school have their own "Pepper-kun" that she should turn into scrap. Mechamaru immediately knew she was referring to himself. 😆 Pepper is the semi-humanoid robot that SoftBank introduced at a conference in 2014.
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Great Teacher Gojo (Ep18)
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Great Teacher Onizuka, aka GTO, is a classic series about a former biker gang member becoming the best teacher to a class of problem children.
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Boogie Woogie
Boogie-woogie is a genre of music, but Todo's Cursed Technique, "Boogie Woogie" is specifically a reference to boxer, Muhammad Ali, who was recorded playing boogie-woogie on camera. (Which ties into an even more extensive reference regarding his mentor. But I won't spoil it here for anime-onlys.) I dare say, Todo's attitude may be a bit Ali inspired too. Haha
Ma-kun of Tohoku (Ep21)
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When up to bat during Jujutsu Koshien, Nobara says people call her "the Ma-kun of Tohoku" which... doesn't make sense, since Masahiro Tanaka (affectionately called "Ma-kun" by fans) is already a baseball player for the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles. 😂
Additional trivia: JJK did a collab with the Rakuten Eagles in September of 2022.
Game of Life (Ep24)
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And finally, we end the season with some of our villains playing The Game of Life board game. That spinner, colors, and design are pretty unmistakable. Something extra I spotted is that Choso already managed to get married!
*Edit: Had to include this link to officially licensed JJK Game of Life.
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Aaand that's everything, I think. But let me know if I missed anything!
*Edit 7/23:
Gojo Satoru's Go Go Gojo! (Ep6)
The Juju Stroll at the end of episode 6 references the Igo/Go game series Hikaru no Go. At the end of Hikaru no Go episodes were post-episode segments called "Umezawa Yukari's Go Go Igo!"
Props to r/sofastsomaybe for pointing this out, because like a fool, I dismissed the Go reference as a coincidence.
Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller, and Inoki (Ep15)
During Todo's nichijo fantasy of himself and Yuuji, Todo quotes, "What fool thinks of defeat before even trying?" Incorrectly attributing the quote to something teacher Anne Sullivan said to disability activist, Helen Keller. Todo is actually paraphrasing pro-wrestler, mixed martial artist, Antonio Inoki. Who said, "What kind of idiot thinks about losing before [the match]?" during a pre-match interview.
Seishun Amigo (Ep15)
At the end of that same daydream, with tears and snot streaming down his face, Todo says, "'In our hometown we were invincible,' huh." (地元じゃ負けしらず) Which are a part of lyrics from the popular song, "Seishun Amigo" (青春アミーゴ) by Shūji to Akira. "Seishun" means "youth" and "amigo" of course being the Spanish word for "friend."
Amusingly, I found this JJK fan cover video of the song. Lyrics translation included.
The two references above were found thanks to Aki Tanaka.
Continued in this reblog chain.
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a2zillustrations · 5 months
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Ghosties reenacting Fragonard’s “The Swing”
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2024 Megaman Summer Fanart Contest
Happy Rockman Day! Time for this year's Megaman Summer Fanart Contest rules thread! Two categories, in which you are allowed to submit one entry for each category, if you would like. If you place in one category, you will be automatically disqualified from the other, for reasons of fairness, and to give other people a chance to win a prize. CATEGORY 1 (Talent): Pallette Pastiche
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Ms. Museum Curator is back, looking for new pieces of art to display in the Kattleox Art Museum! A couple years ago for Valentine's Day, she needed your creations to display for an exhibit that featured a little bit of red and showed a little bit of love. This summer, her new exhibit is all about pastiche on your palette. What is pastiche? It's an artsy term that essentially means to imitate another work/artist/period. Or to just simplify it, we're talking a parody. So, for this theme, I would like you to parody any work of art, be it a famous painting, sculpture, etc.,…or maybe a piece that isn't as popular…only with Megaman characters involved in it.
As a visual example, way back in the CapcomUnity days, for Mega Man 10's release, there were fanart contests for each new Robot Master. When Solar Man came up, I decided to do an homage of this cognac poster art by Leonetto Cappiello:
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Your possibilities are endless, depending on how ambitious you want to be! Alien Dr. Wily in Munch's 'The Scream,' Botticelli's 'Birth of Shield Sheldon,' Higsby carving the 'Venus de Mariko,' Da Vinci's 'Mona Laika,' or even 'The Last Cross Fusion Supper,' featuring the immortal Barrel and his 12 CF disciples. Just to throw out a few ideas. Content Requirements: * Megaman character(s) of your choice in a parody of a real art piece * please also send me a pic of the actual art piece with your entry, just so we can all see what you were referencing CATEGORY 2 (Humor): Pirates of the Alohahabean
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Y'arr, ahoy me hearties! As voted by you on Twitter, the humor theme this year will be pirate-themed. Pirates have plenty of rep in the franchise, from Classic's Pirate Man, Marty and her band of pirates in Iwamoto's X manga, the Bonne family sky pirates, unused Tribe forms in Star Force, or, well…Ashe huntin' for booty.
For this theme, you can take any of those aforementioned pirate-y characters, or use any others of your choosing dressed up or acting like pirates, in the hunt for treasure. It could be a chest full of zenny, jewels, The Mother Lode, or whatever other booty you can imagine. The only problem is, this pirate treasure hunt is disturbing other characters who are just trying to enjoy a summer day on the beachy sands or the high seas. Your job is to draw the most hilarious scene in which this quest for a glorious bounty goes awry. Savvy?
Content Requirements: * Mega Man character(s) of your choice who are pirates or dressed/act as pirates hunting for treasure * A comical scene where these pirates interrupt a nice day on the beach/in the water for other characters PRIZES: The winners for each category will receive the following: 1st Place: $175 USD 2nd Place: $100 USD 3rd Place: $75 USD SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: When you submit, I would prefer you to include the following information in this format, along with your entry: • (Your name/preferred alias) – As much as I usually know who you are, there’s always someone new or somebody who has a different preference from what their email name says. • (Category this entry is for) – You can either say 1/2, or talent/humor Only submit your own work, as usual. Any character, major or minor, from any series is allowed. OCs are allowed, as long as your art contains at least one canon Megaman character. As always, participants are allowed to submit from all over the world. Paypal is still the preferred method for cash prize payouts. Please have a valid account to receive your winnings. Kids, get your parents permission before entering. Entries do not need to be colored, but it is preferred. The more effort put into things as always, the better chance you have! Entries can either be e-mailed to me at rock2125[at]hotmail[dot]com, or you can just PM/note me a link to your pic. DO NOT post your pics in this journal, your dA galleries, Twitter, tumblr blogs, other sites, etc. until the contest is over. This is the fairest way for competitive reasons. I prefer to keep them all secret until the deadline has passed. I'll edit a confirmed entry list in this thread when I receive them. So you won't be in the dark about whether or not I've received your entry. DEADLINE: The deadline for this contest will be Sunday, August 25th, 2024 by 11:59PM, global end of day. This gives you over 2 months to finish your entry! MISCELLANEOUS INFO: As usual, If you don't plan to enter, but would like to help me judge, please let me know through DM or mention so here. Never hurts to have extra opinions on all the entries. Bug me with questions if you have any. Please join in, and good luck to everyone who enters! Confirmed Entries: ???
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