#and a steady paycheck
britishassistant · 2 months
An Act of Infinite Optimism
Apollo notices it quickest.
Some might say he could have been quicker on the uptake, which, okay, rude. He’d like to see this hypothetical some do any better, considering the circumstances.
He thinks he can be forgiven for being somewhat distracted given he and Trucy found Lamiroir unresponsive inside an instrument case.
So no, he doesn’t notice while he’s sent Trucy to get help, staying to make sure Lamiroir keeps breathing, that whoever hurt her doesn’t come back to finish the job.
(Every time he blinks, Mr. LeTouse’s face swims in front of his eyes, gasping his last terrified breaths as Apollo can do nothing. He’s not letting that happen again. He won’t.)
But once help has arrived, after Ema’s let them ride in the squad car with her to the Hickfield clinic, and they’ve received the news that Lamiroir is going to be all right?
Things fall into place fast enough to give him whiplash.
It’s the first time Apollo’s seen her without her mantle, is the thing. And his brain, in between being desperately glad she’s okay and dutifully recording her account of the attack, absentmindedly notes that she has the same stickity-up cowlick Trucy gets whenever her top hat is removed.
It must be a thing that people with that kind of wavy hair share, he assumes, as they have the same pseudo-curls framing their faces and fighting to escape the confines of their respective hair ties. True, Trucy’s hair is a much darker shade than the singer’s, almost verging on black, but apart from that, she could have a career as a Lamiroir impersonator later in life. It may not pay as well as magic, but she’d be able to pull it off. Especially with how similar their noses are.
In fact, call him crazy, but Lamiroir’s eyes and Trucy’s are practically the exact same shadOHMYGOD.
“I’MFINE!” Bursts from the Chords of Steel before he can stop it. “I, uh. I stubbed my toe!”
Trucy cocks her head to the side, squinting at him. “How? There isn’t anything to.”
“I stubbed it. On my shoe.” Apollo lies.
Trucy’s squint only gets more pronounced, but thankfully Lamiroir’s real doctor comes in with the chart that corroborates her testimony.
She doesn’t bring it up as they head back to Sunshine Coliseum to see if he can get anything more out of “Uncle” Valant, but Apollo’s mind keeps darting between the evidence for the actual court case which is his job and the evidence for this completely insane hypothesis that‘s probably a product of stress. Or sleep deprivation. Or both.
He just needs proof that this is nothing but a delusion. Then it’ll stop bugging him.
Which is why he awkwardly asks, “So, if Valant was partners with your father, was he friends with your mother too?”
Trucy freezes.
Only for a moment. To anyone else, it looks as though she’s smiling bright as usual as she follows along beside him.
But even without his bracelet tightening around his wrist, he can spot her fingers pinching the folds of her cloak.
“I dunno! I mean, she musta been, since Uncle Valant and Daddy were best friends and partners!” It’s almost impressive how she deflects the question.
“But you’re not sure?” He probes gently. “Trucy, if you don’t wanna tell me, it’s okay. I trust you, I just wanted—“
“No, it’s fine!” She grins, a brilliant performance. “I can’t really remember Mommy too well—Daddy always said when I was really little, one of her tricks went wrong and she vanished! Somewhere where even Daddy, who’s the best magician of all time, couldn’t find her! Unlucky, huh?”
“Yeah,” Apollo says, screaming internally. “Unlucky.”
Spotting Ema spraying for blood in the hall where Lamiroir said she was attacked is so great a relief Apollo thinks he might faint.
“Trucy, do you think you could try to find Valant for me?” He leans against a wall in what he hopes is a casual way, crossing his legs. “I’m kinda worn out from…everything, and you probably have some magician experience that lets you know where he’ll pop up, right.”
Trudy gives him that suspicious, squinty look again, before she snickers.
“Really, Polly, I’m not that delicate! You can just say, ‘oh I need to go to the bathroom’, you don’t need to dance around it all the time!”
“WH—!” Apollo sputters, “No, I—!”
“Feel free to take your time, Polly!” Trucy sing-songs as she skips away. “I’ll bring Uncle Valant to the stage when you’re done!”
An aggravated groan drags itself out of Apollo’s chest. He cares about Trucy, but he’d really appreciate it if she stopped trying to kill him with embarrassment.
“If it’s that bad, you could always use the staff bathroom.” Pipes up the detective behind him. “It’s down the hall and—“
“I DON’T NEED TO!” The Chords of Steel interject.
At Ema’s disapproving glare, he clears his throat, focuses on his volume modulation. “I just, uh, needed to talk to you about something. In private.”
Ema lowers the spray bottle. “About the case? But why send Trucy away?”
“Not…about the case, exactly? But it’s not unrelated, per se…”
“I haven’t got time for riddles, Apollo.” Ema says, folding her arms. “Just spit it out already!”
Apollo exhales.
“I think Lamiroir might be Trucy’s birth mother.”
Ema stares at him.
“This isn’t just because they have brown hair and blue eyes, is it?” One hand begins to rifle through her satchel in a now familiar search for Snackoos. “Because I have brown hair and blue eyes, Apollo, and last I checked the only family member I’ve got is coming up for parole upstate—“
“No, thAT’S—?!” Apollo focuses on forcing his voice down to a harsh whisper. “Okay, fine, it was kind of based on that, but your eyes aren’t the exact same color as Trucy’s. Lamiroir’s are. And the similarities don’t stop there!”
At Ema’s doubtful gaze, he persists. “Plus, Trucy said her mom ‘vanished’ when she was little, which lines up with Lamiroir saying she can’t recall any of her past before she and Machi got their start—even if she did, Lamiroir may not recognize Trucy now she’s gotten older, especially since she only has Trucy’s voice to go on! Trucy herself admitted that she was so young, she had very little memory of her birth mother! And, she introduced herself as Trucy Wright, not—!“
“Okay, okay.” The sharp munching of Snackoos cuts off his tirade as Ema continues. “You have a lot of talk. But that doesn’t actually prove any relation between the two suspects here. Could just be a whole load of weird coincidences.”
“Suspects?” Apollo mouths to himself.
“No, what we need is definitive evidence.” Ema shakes her head, popping one last Snackoo into her mouth. “Decisive evidence.”
She flips her glasses down over her eyes. “And the only way to get that, is through Science.”
Apollo blinks at her, overcome with a looming sense of foreboding. “We?”
“Yes, Apollo.” Ema grins victoriously. “We.”
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millerflintstone · 7 months
I actually have Veteran's day off as a paid holiday at the main gig. They don't offer the days after Turkey day or Xmas off as paid, though. I do get MLK Day, Juneteenth, and President's day.
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drumlincountry · 1 year
to remember:
Most effective social change comes not from paying passing awareness to all social issues, but from working with deep, sustained focus on a specific social issue.
You don't have to ignore everything that isn't your area. But you don't have to fight every fight with equal energy. limit guilt.
"Only when large numbers of people demand everything immediately do we ever get anything  eventually." Cleve Jones
"I'm not saying we'll live to see some sort of paradise. But just fighting for change makes you stronger. Not hoping for anything will kill you for sure." Leslie Feinburg
People need to eat.
You are people.
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vargaslovinghours · 2 years
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Coparenting a baby, now with separate bodies!
#💟#Doodles#Art#Edgar#Todd#Scriabin#Baby Todd AU#More of this - it's the cutes I am so not immune to cutes#Now an After set! I like to imagine both but gosh what a tumultuous time to take care of a baby#It's another one of those Don't Think Too Hard About It scenarios lol it's fine#Honestly it was like 80% that first set that initially inspired me to want to draw something along these lines -#Edgar completely worn out trying so hard to be a good dad but at his wit's end and begging Scriabin to help him and he does ahhh ♥#That tiny bit of give and take#Holding each other steady 💕#It's a struggle but they're in it together ♥#And then some confident and happy Dadgars because my heart ♪ Hehe ♫#He gets a hands-free carrier and the world is back open to him! He can hold his baby and still cook food! Utter delight haha#House husband ♥ And he brings in the paycheck! He's super mom#Little baby Todd peeking up over his shoulder gets me so bad it's so flipping cute aghfslajffd#His tiny haaaaaand fdslafjklfsdfkdlsaj#Ahem anyway lol#Onto names and words and such! :D#Mouth shapes are still the funnest haha#Scriabin actively trying to teach Todd words and Edgar letting him ♪ As long as he doesn't start teaching him swears or anything lol#And little Todd mirroring and learning ah ♪#He does retain stuff! He takes a little nap and when he wakes up and goes to play and Scriabin's out then comes back - this ✨#Scriabin's name is very important to him but also it's cute but encouraging it mmmmmmmm#He'll learn with time ♪ Unless he chooses to call them dad to some degree being a very young child in their care hehe#So many little things they can do separately together ♥
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dykeseinfeld · 9 months
i would love to like. sit in the writer's room of a mediocre-bad procedural show like criminal minds or ncis i'm just curious what the vibes are. assuming rancid but.
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bornforastorm · 1 year
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i have thoughts about how pete is thin almost gaunt in s1 and heavier rounder in s2
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angela: i'm still here 😁 i make it 😁 can't wait to do 100 more episodes!
911blr: but will they kill off athena???
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smolresources · 8 months
If you can reblog and signal boost my commission post that would be great. If you can reblog my content posts like psds that is great. I had to cancel my therapy and will probably have to cancel my health insurance because I can't afford it. Please. Reblog. Don't like, reblog.
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naughtynoodle056 · 2 years
I can feel my belly softening up again and starting to pooch over the waistband my boxers,,, perhaps with a few more big meals my love handles will make their return as well 😳
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Wait I actually got the job at Chipotle?
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damnitiloveyou · 6 months
I hope Ryan wasn't allowed to name this baby Montague either. Probably best if he wasn't allowed a say at all, Daisy.
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itstimeforstarwars · 6 months
The retail feel of I need a cigarette so fucking bad.
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synechd0che · 7 months
I’m all “I’m very normal and healthy about being on T, I have zero subliminal issues to address” until I fall asleep and dream that, while trying to shave my undercut, I discover a massive bald patch hidden under my long curls on top. Woke up and started putting minoxidil on the list of things to ask my doc for at our next phone appointment before realizing that no, I still have every hair my mother gave me and I don’t actually look like George Costanza.
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ered · 1 year
Anyway, why do I only tumbl about writing these days? Am I ever going to post any art anymore??
Long story short, I had an art career related burnout, and stopped enjoying making art almost completely. I always enjoyed writing though, and have never tried to make a living with it, so when drawing and painting no longer sparked joy, I went back to writing.
I do still draw every now and then, but yeah, it’s a maybe once a month thing instead of a once a day thing.
So yeah. It do be like that sometime!!
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dracaspina · 9 months
Currently paralyzed because a job with adult pay opened up near me that I actually have a degree in and besides a resume they want a cover letter and references. I'm stuck at my address on the cover letter and I am sure most of my professional references are dead or may as well be considering how long ago I had a job in my field.
Freaking out
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beezelbubbles · 1 year
Okay. I don't know what to do anymore. Every choice seems bad. (Probably because I need to refill my antidepressants and ADHD meds but you know, whatever.)
I keep getting ads for a data analyst boot camp. IDK if I should go for it. I think I can manage the work. I'm a little wary of the math involved. I'm alright at math, but I don't super enjoy it. I do enjoy problem solving. But freelance editing is not paying my bills.
So Tumblr nerds and adults. Do I give this a shot? It's about 13 grand for the program, which also involves several job fairs and career counseling. But I'm worried about this being one of those jobs that isn't going to exist fairly soon because of AI and general layoffs in the tech sector.
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