#and a taur nonetheless!
daisyscottage · 1 year
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a snailtaur character I’ve been working on 📻🌻🫰
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Edit: her name is Susie now!! Here’s her character sheet for @misfauxpas’s centaurs and feelings ttrpg!!!
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skyc47su · 1 year
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Beauty and the Beast
An alternate universe where the ancestors of the Sky kingdom was spared from the effects of the Eden shards by the mercy of megabird, and transformed into half-creatures of the land.
When the ancestors lived on as centauroid creatures, they divided upon themselves as dark-taurs (consisting of krilltaurs, crabtaurs, merleviathans etc.) and light-taurs (mantataurs, mermanatees, merwhales, merturtles, merjellies and birdtaurs). Although the two did not see each other eye to eye, they nonetheless lived under one society.
Krilltaurs, crabtaurs, merturtles and merwhales tend to be chosen as guardians or guards. With shells as extra protection, they were excellent at warding off dark dragons and would-be trouble makers.
Deltos, a krilltaur, served as a guard of a humble little town situated in the Daylight Prairie. He met Soleil during patrol when the guard team he was in stumbled on her family's ranch near Prairie peaks. With Soleil sheltered from civilization, she was unprejudiced against dark-taurs, to which Deltos was charmed by.
Soleil is a SkyCOTL OC belonging to "Vanya" :D
This is an "Alternate universe" setting, as Deltos is one of my guard OCs who is the head guard of a travelling caravan.
But the thought of a centaur AU for SkyCOTL tickled my mind~
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wired-for-weird · 4 months
*leans into mic* uhhh newly crowned monster king [<- very large] holding a competition for anyone across the lands, be they monster or human, to become his betrothed--except the competition is mainly just him trying out all the participants as his personal cocksleeve (bonus points if whomever is chosen gets gradually transformed more into the king's monstery likeness the more he uses them as his little fuck toy) (bonus comedy points if the other half of the competition is a banquet decorating contest bc his advisor told him he couldn't just fuck all the participants and use that as the only metric for his decision)
"monster king [<- very large]" new gender just dropped lads and im all over it
god there's soooo many things i love here tho. having the participants be a mix of monster and humans really really appeals to the bit of my brain that refuses to choose between anything ever. plus, they'd all have genuinely different qualities! nagas have a tail that can constrict or be tied like a cock ring, mer are colder but faaar more slick, a 'taur can hilt you much more easily and has an extra set of limbs to scrabble at you with, a slime-based creature can take far more abuse than any of the others, god im fucking drooling at the possibilities actually
and the process of 'testing' each participant can be drawn out near indefinitely (subject to a battle of wills with the advisor, of course). Choosing a betrothed is not a decision to take lightly, after all. It'd be pointless to find someone who seems perfect only for them to break after a month or so. Better to select a number from those who feel the best and see how they stand up to several hours of constant wear, physically and mentally. Maybe the banquet from the other part of the contest would be a good scene for that (because of course I love the idea of getting to be big big monster royalty gorging myself stupid then unwinding by stroking myself off with the toy I've been wearing all evening. in some respects i'm very easy)
At that point though the transformed monstrous-ness is probably starting to show through in the participants, and while it's not permenent at this point, it would be a very bad look to reshape someone in your likeness and then decide they aren't worth keeping after all. and I like to think at this point the monarch would have found a toy they genuinely like and connect with- still a toy, a pet at most, but a beloved one nonetheless. Plus, if they want to keep a few more, purely as accessories with no deeper attachment, then who is going to tell a very large and hungry monster king no?
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curiouselleth · 6 months
Veil of Starlight (ao3)
Chapter 1; Beginnings
Nightingales had always been a part of their heritage. Their great-grandmother created them after all.
It had been so bitterly cold, they all should’ve migrated south months ago. But they were there, and they guided them out of the cold, chilling them to their bones down south where the sun still shone strong, and melted the frost on their clothes and dark hair. But not their hearts. 
Everyone they knew was gone. Slain in the halls their father had brought life back to. Dead in the snow. Their mother slain trying to find their little sister and get them out. Friends all gone. Their father slain before his throne as he tried to defend his home and people. They didn’t know what happened to their little sister, but she likely lay in the halls or snow like all the others. 
Everyone was gone and their home was gone and they were gone to the south away, away away away and they wanted to leave it behind. 
The nightingales stayed with them for a time. Teaching them where to find food in this new place. Showing them a small cave to shelter in. But it was still hungry, still cold. They clutched each other every night, small bodies shivering. They didn’t know how many cold nights they spent in that cave before some avari found them. But by then they were thin, wild and fey. One of the avari still bears the scars from their teeth, from these strange little children. Not wholly elf, nor man, nor maiar. An unheard of ancestry, only a few of a kind. But the avari did not know, barely whispers of their grandmother Luthien and her victory against the enemy had reached that part of the world. 
But nonetheless, the green elves took in these wild fey children whose moods stirred the wind to fury and whose laughter brought flowers into bloom in the dead of winter. In their small village in the trees they grew, faster than the eldar, even faster than the edain. So strange, it was. Such a light burned within them, and only ever increased as they grew. 
In those years, time moved faster around them, and somehow, they had nearly reached full stature and maturity and had learned nearly all they could from the green elves. The only thing they had not learned was to control their strange powers. And how to fit in. 
So the twins left. 
They packed, said goodbyes, and moved on. 
Journeying in Ossiriand, avoiding any and all other elves and edain. They had a lot of excuses for avoiding others. They didn’t want to be dragged back into the violence in the north. Didn’t want a crown or responsibilities to be forced upon them. Didn’t want to remember. 
It was so subconscious at first, they didn’t even realize. But they had slowly woven enchantment over themselves, over each other to hide who they were. To hide the features they shared with Luthien. To hide the edain features. The otherworldliness in their eyes that they inherited from Melian. The proud bearing that called Beren and Thingol to mind. To make others see what they wanted to see, or expected when others looked upon them. 
They would always come back to the forest of Taur-im-Duinath. To a little shared talan perhaps a days travel from the avari village where they grew up. Or at least a day's travel across the ground. Closer to a few hours when the twins raced through the branches in leaves with the skill of elves many millennia old. Not long after, as they seemingly could never have quiet for long; a young Noldorin woman arrived. 
Tired and beaten, drifting on a distributary from the Gates Sirion on a half sinking raft. The younger twin found her and pulled her from the river, and brought her to the twin’s small talan. 
She had woken up screaming that night. The twins understood.
As the week passed, the peace of the forest brought her comfort. She wasn’t ready to speak of what happened yet. The twins understood this too, more than they could put into words. 
From this understanding something wholly new began to grow between her and Elurin. When she was despairing, he made her laugh. And she balanced his overly carefree, inattentive personality with maturity… and an unforgiving streak of sarcasm and knowledge of pranks.
Eventually, she told them a little. How she had lived in the hidden city Gondolin. That it was attacked and destroyed, and she escaped. Drifted downriver because it would be faster than running. And how she had overheard some of the men attacking her city saying how they couldn’t let any of the people of Gondolin escape to the Havens of Sirion like the Doriath survivors had.
The twins froze and paled at this last statement. They excused themselves, and the moment they were out of her sight they fled into the branches, and they ran and ran and ran and ran and ran until they reached a large clearing and ran out of branches to leap through. 
They returned the next morning, salt streaks down their cheeks and staining their clothes. 
“Elured, you don’t have to do this, not alone!”
He reaches out and rubs Elurin’s shoulders, “yes, I do. I’m older, and you have Gwingloth here.”
Elurin blushes and tries to interrupt, but Elured continues “oh you know you cannot lie to me brother. I have seen how you two look at each other when you think I don’t see, the love, how you practically melt in her gaze. We all have been through so much. You two deserve happiness, with each other, if that is what you two wish for. Stay with her, I will go to the Havens, even Balar if I must. I will learn what has become of the last of our people. I will be like the wind, in and out and returning to you with the winter rains. At the latest in the spring. I will find our people.”
Elurin blinks away tears, “I shall hold you to that. And if you return a day after spring ends you shall never hear the end of it,” he pauses, “take one of the swords. We are safe here, you will need one more than us.” 
“Are you certain? I can take one of the avari swords or bows instead…”
“No, take one.” Elurin turns and kneels down, pulls out a dagger and pries up one of the floorboards. He sets it aside and stares at the cavity for a moment, before pulling out the silver twin swords. “They are the last of our heritage and family that we have, take it with you and remember me. I knew ever since the avari found them, they were not destined to stay together forever. Just hide the inscriptions…” he runs his fingers over the cirth runes; For my beloved great-grandchildren, may you wield these swords in a better world than the one you were born into. And the maker's mark, a tall thin “T” with a small crown above it. 
Elured slowly takes one, and he too runs his fingers along the runes. But as he does, they shimmer, and fade away, making the sword appear blank and uninscribed. “I’ll be back before you know it. I promise.” He looks up to Elurin and smiles mischievously, “and perhaps by the time I return you can tell me about the proposal.”
“Huh? Whatever are you talking abou- NO Elured, it is far too early, no, and in case your ears were clogged the first time, no no no you daft creature!” 
“Who is a daft creature?” A female voice icily asks from behind him.
“Oh just my foolish broth-” his voice explodes into an undignified shriek as Elured grabs him from behind and starts mercilessly tickling him. 
“Do not worry Gwin, I shall only be gone for a few months at most, just to see if any survived Doriath, and I shall leave as soon as I teach this child a lesson!” he laughs and continues poking and tickling Elurin. 
“You know I do not like it when you call me that, ‘red” she laughs.
“Fair point, I shall endeavor to use your full name when I return, so long as you do not call me that.”
“Gwin! Rescue me please!” Elurin begs between laughs.
“Ah you are the more foolish brother, not Elured. Did you not hear my wish not to be called such? Alas, I am afraid I must leave you to this torture unless you apologize!”
Elurin was laughing too hard to even try. 
Before dawn, they saw Elured off. He wasn’t bringing any bags, just whatever could fit on his belt and in his pockets without impeding his movement. He didn’t want to be weighed down by too much.
“There and right back, brother. Please, find out if any of our people survived but come home.”
“I will, I promise I will return to this very spot.” He pulls Elurin into an embrace and whispers “I promise.” Eventually they pull apart. “Gwingloth, make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble, just the right amount!”
“Of course.”
Elurin lightly pushes Elured toward the edge of the talan, “Go! For the sooner you leave the sooner you’ll be back! May the sun shine on your path, and may the nightingales help you find it!”
“Farewell!” Elured calls as he leaps into the branches and quickly disappears before the coming dawn.
Sirion was flooded, and raging like he had never seen. The ford was washed away. Swimming across would likely be a death sentence. Elured thinks about the map he and Elurin made last summer. If this ford was washed away, they all likely were. So there were only two options; trying to find a path through the mouths of Sirion would be the most direct, but likely a fool’s errand. Sailing obviously was not an option, he had sailed rivers on the small craft the avari made but the ocean was too risky. Which left the North. He could pass over the Gates of Sirion to the North, and hope that the Nargod wasn’t affected by the same weather that flooded Sirion. It would be a much longer journey, but the least difficult. 
He tucked a stray braid behind his ear, then sighed, irritated, as the wind immediately tossed it back out of place. 
“Well, I suppose there’s no good thinking on an empty stomach.” He mumbled.
A few handfuls of berries and a bit of bread later, he sighed, this time content. 
Gwingloth would likely scold me for such a meal he thought as he looked out over the river over his perch in a lone tree. Even at its narrowest it was still a massive river, and in some places leagues wide. There would be no crossing, of that he was now sure of. North would be the only option. 
He resolved to set out in the morning, laid down on one of the larger branches of the tree, and fell into dreams with Elurin.
“How fares your journey, brother?”
“Sirion has swelled with floods, there is no crossing. I travel North at dawn, to pass over the Gates of Sirion,” he replied.
He could feel Elurin’s concern twist around him restlessly, “are you sure? That is a long way, you do not have to do this, not alone. If you stay there for a few days perhaps I can catch up and we can go together?”
“I can do it. Please, stay in the forest with Gwingloth. She is not fully recovered no matter how much she may deny it, and you have more skill in healing than myself or any of the avari. She needs you. And I’m your older brother, I can do this.” He wanted to, had to. Had to see if their sister lived yet. 
“Just because you are mere minutes older, does not mean you have to bear this alone,” Elurin’s concern remained, but was now vibrantly colored by love as his fëa swirled around.
“I know, brother, I know. I just feel as though… this is something I have to do, I am fated for. I do not know what awaits me at the Havens, but something does, and I have to find it.”
“That may be,” Elurin deflated a little, “but after you find it, come back. You promised.” Elurin’s fëa gently brushes him, and fades back into the waking world, out of their small world of dreams. 
Elured lingered a little longer yet. They had never been so far apart, and he feared that if they were much farther they would not be able to walk in their dreams and visions together. To be disconnected from each other in such a way, Elured feared that he would become lost as a boat tossed in a raging storm. 
But slowly the sun began to peer over the blue mountains, and it was time. He drifted back to waking.
He ran with the wind in his hair and the sun on his face, his feet quickly and silently impacting the grass as he raced northward - he had been traveling for a few days and the Gates of Sirion were in sight. 
He could see where the river gushed forth from the twisting caves under the hill, and traced over the hills above with his eyes. He wanted to cross over as close as possible, the river being flooded had already brought him many leagues in the wrong direction. As the hours passed the hills grew larger, then slowly, slowly smaller as he turned back south. 
Eventually he grew near the forest of Nan-tathren, and just in time as his food began to run low. He hated foraging in the hills. Not nearly enough berries for his taste. 
Something was wrong. He had frozen before the thought fully reached his mind. There were people in the forest. He slowly resumed approaching the forest, using every trick he knew to stay silent. It was harder to remain unseen in the grass. He had to get into the trees. 
He moved barely breathing, tense as a bowstring, he slipped under the trees. He was back in his element, whoever was here would never see him, he thought as he leapt into the branches. Perhaps he could figure out who was here�� to better avoid them , he rationalized. After all, he needed to forage and could find areas they had not been in if he knew their numbers. 
He flew through the branches, much faster than he had traveled across the ground, though leaping down here and there to gather berries, roots, and a particularly good bunch of mushrooms. 
But once more he slowed, the trees whispering growing louder. He was getting close to them. They were getting close. Perhaps a half dozen of them, a hunting party perhaps… or a band of warriors and scouts. He sunk further into the shadows of the tree and listened as voices approached.
He grew more tense as he recognized their accent. Faint as it was, it was the very same that Gwinloth had. Noldor. He loosened his sword in its sheath, fearful that they were the same who destroyed his home. Who killed his family. Who left him and his brother to die. 
He remained still as they got closer and closer. As he listened, it seemed like more of a hunting party. Likely tracking game. 
He resolved to wait until they passed. They obviously had little experience in the forest. Either they had not been here long, or there weren’t many where they were from. Either way, they were not native here, and spoke of building up stores for the remainder of their journey South. 
South. It rang through his head, to the Havens of Sirion. They are likely refugees from Gondolin then. He briefly smiled, Gwinloth will be overjoyed to hear some of her people survived.  
He continued waiting for them to pass, they nearly were agonizingly slow as they discussed what kind of game the prints seemed to belong to, or how many, and seemingly to him at least, could not tell a rabbit track from a deer. Eventually, what Elurin would call his “older brother exasperation” kicked in, and he slowly moved from the tree and onto the game trail behind them.
“About a fifth of a league further down the path, there is a small herb of deer. A little farther and you will likely find some rabbits if you are capable of being quiet. And for Orome’s sake be careful! There are two fauns in the herd of deer who are not ready to leave their mothers.”
The hunters spun around, drawing their bows, and he remained just long enough to smirk, but before they could even blink, he had disappeared into the trees again. 
His mirth at this little trick stirred a wind in the trees as he raced away, further South. He had enough food, it was time to continue to the Havens.
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reptil-enjoyer · 1 year
Everything that Heath has ever done in all of the G1, including webisodes, movies, videogames and comics
This is a VERY long post, a 20 page long document, containing 9400 words of information, kinda like a masterpost but it doesnt have links to other posts
also this can and probably is weirdly writen, english is my second lenguage (Spanish version here)
(Blinkie taken from here)
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Heath Burns
The document (Because i am insane)
Wiki and extra facts
Heath Burns is a 2010-introduced and all-around character. Being a young fire elemental, Heath still is in the process of learning to control his powers and he suffers no less for it than his environment. Fear, excitement, or just a moment of absentmindedness is enough to pass his flames on to where he no longer controls them. It does not help that Heath himself is impulsive and impatient and has limited regard for others' wellbeing, meaning that his fire isn't even required for him to be the cause of chaos. Students and teachers alike are on guard if Heath is involved, which is necessary, but nonetheless hurts him because it means any effort to grow out of his habits is met with demoralizing skepticism. Heath likes to think of himself as the "guys want to be me, girls want to date me"-type, neither of which he actually is.
Age: 15 years olds
The following things are wrote in first person as if Heath had written it
Freaky Flaw: I have a slight self-control issue, causing me to accidentally burst into flames at the worst possible times. My dad also says that my attention span is so short that, Hey! What was that?
Favorite Activity: I love playing video games because I always get to be the hero, and if I make a mistake, I can hit the reset button.
Favorite subject: Physical Deaducation. I can show my crazy athletic skills in front of the ghouls. But in another bit of info he says that his favourite subject is Music, since he’s an “avid guitar player” (He isn’t)
Least Favorite Subject: Mad Science. It's not that I don't like the subject, but there are many distractions in the classroom. But he also says that “Any class when I don’t get to sit next to a scary-cute ghoul” in another bit of info
Favorite color: Red and Yellow
Best Friends: Clawd Wolf & Deuce Gorgon
Extra-scare-icular activities: Track team
He also considers as friends, and therefore spends time with them: Manny Taur, Slo Mo, Gil Webber, Hoodude Voodoo and Kjersti Trollson (online).
Despite the fact that Heath is a pain magnet and Hoodude(15) is the same, except that he transmits pain to other people close to him, Hoodude and Heath get together from time to time and get along well.
Kjersti Trollson(14), met Heath online, through the internet and through video games, and the two have been close ever since, despite Heath's surprise to discover that she was a girl, which is a delicate matter for Kjersti. Despite this, he respects his loudmouth personality and recognizes him as a skilled player. She considers him one of her best friends during her time at Monster High.
Slo Mo (17) doesn't seem to have much of a problem with Heath's antics
Manny (16) had no friends during his bully days, but today he considers Heath his best friend.
Deuce (16): Best Friends (below is when they first met, written from Heath's perspective)
Buddies for Life
Mom’s always telling me to clean up the mess in my room, and I always answer that there’s a place for everything, and everything’s in its place. She says it’s only true when the said place is the floor. While tidying up, I found an old picture of summer camp. I don’t remember these holidays being exactly fun until Deuce came along. I guess it’s because I only ran into trouble. It was harder back then than it is today to control my flames. I don’t if it was being expelled from archery practice for setting the arrows on fire (I still shot the target with them) or maybe because I set the rope on fire while practicing knots, but I manage to scare away the instructors as well as the other campers from day one. I was wondering what to expect from the rest of my stay. That’s when the new guy walked into the cabin. He had snakes instead of hair and weird sunglasses attached to his head, so they didn’t fall off. He said, “Hey dude! Wanna give me a tour?”. From that moment on, Deuce and I became best buds. I did run into more trouble after that, but Deuce was still there once the smoke cleared out.
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Jackson (16) doesn't have him as a friend, neither does Holt, just as a family member (I mean, Heath doesn't have them as friends either, but come on man)
Clawd (17) says that he doesn't have best friends directly, but he does mention that he usually spends more time with Heath because of different sports activities since they're both on most of the school teams
In the Monster High books, Heath is not related to the Jekylls/Hydes at all; however he does have an older sister, Harmony Burns.
In 2020, it was confirmed that Heath may be a part of the LGBTQIA+ community as Garrett on his Instagram account stated that he likes/flirts with anyone (HE’S PAN I SWEAR TO GOD) (I am projecting there)
Heath usually prefers to dress in a way that isn't too showy, thinking he might envy the other boys and students at Monster High, but he still likes to look cool (Even if that means using the same outfit in the entire series lmao)
“Attention Chaperones!
Thank you for volunteering your Valentine's Day to watch over our student body ball. While our students are known for displaying exemplary behavior, select monsters should be given an extra caring eye to prevent any mischief.
Watch List
Heath Burns – known for heating up. Chaperones will be issued a fire extinguisher in the form of a corsage to help douse any situations that flame up.”
During a recent Creative Conjuring Class, we were challenged with writing a personal essay exploring inner thoughts of self. Heads turned towards me instantly. No one thinks I can be serious; Ghouls laugh at me when I try and ask them out; teachers always blame me for pranks. Well, the truth is I am a very serious monster, with a lot of deep feelings. To set the record straight, so to speak, I decided to publish my essay (which got an A by the way). Breathe fire all you want, because I'm proud of who I am.
WHO AM I? The Monster Inside.
By Heath Burns
It's hard out there for a mildly funny prankster. Most monsters deal with the same questions of self – who am I? What do I want in un-life? Even some of my closest monsters wonder who I am, and to be honest, many times so do I. It leads me to ask, can one ever truly know the real monster inside? Or is un-life just a continuous hunt to find purpose to feed the soul? I know that one thing that truly feeds me is my passion for fun, but no one seems to get the humor in my punch lines. The hardest part is being tormented by the feeling that no monster will ever truly understand me.
Most times, I just feel completely misunderstood. On the outside, I'm Heath Burns – class clown and UHHHn-defeated prankster! It's an external personae – everyone has one. Don't get me wrong, I love to laugh and practical jokes really are my forte, but occasionally a monster just wants to mellow out and have a serious convo with the pretty ghoul from Biteology class. Unfortunately, most monsters don't let me express my sensitive side, because they expect a joke at every turn. Since I’m a pro, I always give my audience what they expect – but sometimes it can be a total buzz kill.
That being said, the Heath Burns lifestyle is one awesome ride! I am who I am, and that's all I want or need to be. Monsters may think they have my personality pegged, but they're dead wrong. I am strong, unique and totally the beast guy to have around when you’re in need of a gut busting laugh. But I'm also caring and creative – so don't forget you should never judge a clown by his worst joke.
I am myself, I am unique and I am a freakishly awesome monster!
Abbey and Heath to Slice Out the Competition
December 03, 2012
Winter sports season is finally in full swing now that the Monster X-Games championship is set to take place in less than a month's time. With student bodies Abbey Bominable and Heath Burns preparing to freeze out their opposition as a fierce duo this year, the competition is bound to heat up quickly.
Given Abbey's fervor for snowboarding, we imagine we'll see some wickedly good tricks on the monster pipe while Heath is expected to melt the ice during the Beast Trick round. Rumors are also spreading about a synchronized ski competition for the pair. How did the two get wrangled into sharing the competition? Gil says Heath practically burst into flames at the chance to spend a little one-on-one time with Abbey.
No matter what the reason for their matchup, monsters everywhere are screaming in excitement over the possibilities. These super athletes are sure to put on a creeperific show this winter.
Heath Burns: I have a burning crush on the coolest ghoul in school, but I'm not sure she knows I'm alive. I don't want to declare my love if she doesn't feel the same way. How can I get her to notice me?
C.A. Cupid: Love is worth the risk. You must tell her how you feel. Even if her initial response is icy, your re-hot feeling may melt her heart
Volume 1           
This would be the first time we see him (I think his actual presentation would be New Ghoual @ School, the first movie). He´s shown talking to background characters mostly, first year in high school maybe? Or second year of highchool but he just moved to Monster High, I say this because Draculaura calls him “new guy”.
He’s trying to give a good impression, but in a “hey guys I’m cool” way
He´s immature, at least compared to the other manster, he´s a year younger than the rest
He´s shown trying to flirt with Frankie one time (This does not work for him btw)
Draculaura flirts with him first, I would guess they have a date that went really wrong off camera, because in later episodes Draculaura is shown to really dislike him lol
He has a really big ego when it comes to sports, like, he truly believes he´s the best in them (I like to think that this because they´re one of the only things he´s always been good at, compared to his other classes). He even says that some sports shouldn’t be for girls (BY THE WAY, WHAT THE FUCK WITH THAT?? LIKE??? HUH??? THIS IS LITERALLY THE ONLY SUBJECT HE ACTS LIKE THIS)
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Volume 2
He really wants to go with Draculaura to that prom, dance?? (I don’t know what’s it’s called honestly), but Draculaura doesn´t want to go with him. If you think about it, this may be because she was the only person who first approached him in a good way; so maybe Heath thought Draculaura wouldn't turn him down. The way he insists her isn't cool tho, and it takes calling Clawd to threaten him so he stops.
He isn´t angry with Clawd afterwards tho, Heath actually doesn´t appear in the “prom” later in the episode, so he really didn´t have anyone else to go with
He´s good friends with Gil! He helps him get the courage to tell his parents what he has with Lagoona.
He doesn't have the best relationship with Jackson?, he doesn't treat him badly in front of him, and he even is shown to repeatedly spend time with him, but it's quite clear that for some reason he doesn't want Jackson to be in Monster High (Heath only acts like this during this volume tho)
He’s included in the friend group of the ghouls, but I think this is mostly because he´s spends time with Deuce, Gil and Jackson, since the ghouls constantly don’t want to spend time with him
By the way, this is important to me, but Heath has only been shown to be attracted to the physical appearance of people, and tends to act quickly on those feelings, trying to flirt with the background girls (They don’t like him tho). I like to think he’s in some part of the aromantic spectrum because of this (Demiro maybe?)
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Volume 3
He’s shown spending waaaayy more time with Manny ( :/ )
The times he's rude with others it’s really because he's like really honest. This guy does not realize that what he is saying is rude to others and may hurt them
He flirts with Abbey like a lot, and Abbey is shown to at least find him funny
Saying this again, but every time he develops a short crush with a girl its purely a physical attraction and not a romantic one, I think the fisrt time he actually wants to be in a more serious thing is whith Abbey, but he also takes  a lot of time to even realize this
All of his friends would blame him for any type of fire related accident, like they wouldn’t even think about it
He really helps Frankie in that New Year episode where she stops time, like totally platonic, friend helping another friend thing
He really cares about his friends lives (yes, I am talking about the ghouls in this), and he tries to warn them thay they could be in danger, but literally nobody takes him seriously
He’s scared by Jhonny Spirit lol
Talking about Hoodude he’s shown to be rude with him in a singular episode, but I suppose he apologized afterwards. Since later in the volume they’re shown to be on good terms and Heath does not get angry with him if he accidentally hurts him
HE’S SCARED OF AN OLD TYPREWRITER???? I DON’T KNOW (Yes this was funny enough for me to type it)
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Volume 4
He’s shown way less
He’s a fan of Catty Noir lol
He tends to get lunch with Hoodude x)
He’s in more sports than before, Maybe he just signs up for every sport in the school (except swimming)
He spends more time with Manny :(
He helps or is in the art club as a model!
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Volume 5
He almost never appears in this volume
He’s speaking with Manny in the interchange episode and he doesn’t appear much during that arc, so I guess went to Greece with Manny?? Completely guessing here
He wants to be a vampire in the Casta Frierce episode lol
When he goes to that party he doesn’t go with a formal outfit or anything, he just shows up with his normal everyday outfit, this thing he does it in almost every single party episode btw. He’s shown dancing with Jinafire btw!
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Volume 6
He appears three times literally
In the arc of the circus thingy, he appears in the background with a different t-shirt and cooking some sausages with a stick, he literally doesn’t do anything more
And the other time he appears it’s when he some books fall on top of him when he’s searching for something in his locker
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Extra episodes
He’s actually cheering on the casketball team instead of playing with them
And he went to the beach, he’s shown to spend time with Hoodude talking together, and he also plays with Clawd a bit.
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New Ghoul at School
Appears using his cellphone in the background
When Deuce tells him to stop he ignores him and keeps trying to flirt with Frankie
Deuce Stones him for not stopping and he takes his statue with him as he leaves
And the end he appears dancing with Draculaura
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Fright On:
He's at the mall with this half-goat guy, those from Greek mythology, I think they’re called satyr?? Faun Boy??? Whatever
He likes Iris and Scarah for their appearances
He sits beside Jackson in one scene, I think he waves hello to Manny
He doesn´t like the science class, maybe because it’s more of a wait around class than anything, He invoked a small version of a Cthulhu thingy
He tried to flirt with two different vampire girls
He was looking at the fight between the werewolves and vampires, HE FAINTED???
At the end he tries to flirt with Gory, but a zombie ends up splashing him with water
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Why do ghouls fall in love?:
They invited him to Draculaura's birthday, he was dancing with these vampires from the previous movie (it's a dream from Draculaura btw)
Trying to pay attention to Mr. Rotter's class as far as it seems (he's struggling with the book)
Ok this doesn't make sense, but Ghoulia's computer bug makes her "perfect match" appear as Heath
HE IS SO HAPPY THAT GHOULIA IS SUPPOSEDLY HIS PERFECT MATCH; he goes and tells some friends at lunch, Gil and Lagoona tell him not to be crazy and to take the date more calmly and Heath tells them "but I'm her perfect partner, right? I should act like always". Deuce seems interested in seeing how Heath treats this situation, but more in a way of waiting for Heath to fuck up
He accidentally burned a book while trying to flirt Ghoulia :(
He went to look for Ghoulia to hang out with her I guess (inconvenient at the moment but it's not his fault)
Heath made a song for her :3
Heath listens to the radio show of Cupid thing but it’s because they are throwing more “hard” tips because Abbey is the one who is talking. He was in the library with Ghoulia to accompany her, he accidentally burned a book again for wanting to give it to Ghoulia
Ghoulia wasn't very happy with the things they tried so she wants to tell him to stop this thing they were doing later
Heath ends their thingy with Ghoulia first, seeing that a serious relationship is not for him (and that it wasn't working out), but he still asks Ghoulia if she doesn't get mad about this or anything, because she still worries about their friendship. Ghoulia tells him that there is no problem, Heath then goes to go with flirt again with the girls
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Escape from skull shores:
He’s back in those water tanks from attraction parks
Why is he so egocentric in this?? He just told this skeleton guy to use the muscles when he clearly doesn't have them (mocking him) and telling Howleen that girls can't throw? What the hell? He didn’t act like since Volume 1
He deserved that Howleen threw him inside the water, but why the hell did the water had piranhas inside of it????
Heath laughs at the destruction of public space (arson win) lol
Heath runs off to recess along with Manny
He is afraid of the circus performer
He’s standing there watching each other kill each other on the roof lol
I think he was talking to operetta??? On the island at the end
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Friday Night Frights
He's on the skating team
previous season of the sport as of now
Substitute for the team along with Manny, calls the gargoyles fools
Makes fun of the other team as he skates too
They lost the thing? I don’t remember right now. Manny almost kills him because he pushes him. Heath is really sad about their team losing. He's disappointed when Clawd says he's canceling the next season of the sport
He’s watching at that thing to see who could make the new players for the team
He doesn't pay much attention when a werewolf says that a girl shouldn't be teaching guys about the sport, but he does laugh at another's guy joke about the same thing
Surprised by Lagoona's abilities!
He doesn't say anything to Lagoona when she says he wants to join the team, but he seems confused. When Frankie asks why Manny doesn't want to play with girls, Heath replies "because it's a man's sport, it's sacred! It's tradition."
Manny says that they are not going to make the team then, Heath goes along with the idea, and he says "well see ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!" And then if  tells them good luck putting together a team without men
He went to see (along with Clawd and Manny) the first tournament of the season, obviously to make fun of the ghouls; he’s carrying a camera to record them lol
He laughs at the Ghouls the next day (along with literally all the other guys)
Do I have to keep saying that he continues to make fun of the girls along with Manny? He’s still carrying the camera by the way. Operetta tells them to like, get lost or something
He went to watch the games together with Manny, obviously to record when the girls lost, but when he sees that the girls are using other strategies and are going ahead pf the other team, he is surprised and applauds them (puts the camera down)
He doesn’t appear in the next game
In the next game he’s cheering them on with the rest of the school
Heath and Manny apologize to the girls, admitting they were jerks
He’s was talking to Rochelle about the matches I guess :3
Next game/final game he’s on the cheer squad to cheer them on :3 (He accidentally burns the pompom)
He was about to kill the gargoyles for/because of the shield (I don’t remember what this refers to)
He was going to record them when they were celebrating, Manny then pushes him and Heath ends up crashing into Clawd
Passage of time to the next season of the sport this (aka the time when the movie starts)
He’s playing in the team again <3
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Ghouls rule:
He fell asleep in the movie that they’re playing in class for Halloween :3
He said he failed history once, saying it was because he accidentally burned the book and couldn't study. When he says this he accidentally burns his book, Abbey puts out the burned book before anything else catches fire (for some reason everyone laughs at him?)
He was going to laugh at the pumpkins set as a threat, inadvertently activating the trap. Abbey shields him from being hurt and Heath thanks her.
They make fun of him (Manny and the rest of random guys) because Abbey saved him??? He gets really sad about this. Especially because the first one who laughs at him is Manny
In the Ms. Bloodgood room he sits next to Frankie, separated from Manny
He seems happy or interested with the meeting for Halloween that Cleo organizes
He tries to help Abbey not to drop a book on her head, it goes wrong and he ends up colliding with the locker, the book falls on his head and he sets it on fire. ABBEY AND LAGGONA DON'T EVEN ASK HIM IF IHE’S OKAY?? UH????? I GUESS??????
He takes some time to even recognize the secret greeting for the thing that Cleo is organizing, frustrating (I think) Clawd and ending up saying out loud what the greeting was for. He ends up crashing into another locker
He’s really interested in like, pulling a prank on the humans
He looks confused/concerned at Jackson when he shows up
Follow the rest with the idea that Holt should go instead of Jackson :(
He's super interested in pulling this prank on the humans (repeating myself here), He’s even carrying one rotten egg for the prank, I think he's the only one who took something like that? I have to say that he's probably good with basketball tricks because he does those kinds of tricks with this egg and he does it really well.
Manny gets mad at him for this?
Clawd tells him to be careful and Heath looks at him somewhat disappointed, telling him to have some confidence in him.
Holt bumps into him and makes Heath drop the egg, he tries to catch it but trips over a stone and can’t, he gets really sad about this
Holt flashes a flashlight into Heath eyes/face to get him to hurry up
Disappointed that someone already did a graffiti in the human school before them, but says it's a much better job than what they were going to do
He runs fast! (Although it is obvious, in the series he was part of the track team)
He hides with Manny in a place of dishes/pots, when he sees that they weren't caught he gets excited and sets himself on fire, I think it's Manny who ends up breaking the place because Heath doesn't move from where he was sitting
Confused when he joins the rest to see that they are accusing Holt
He does not put up much resistance for this human party idea, he seems surprised actually
He wants to dance with Abbey at the party but he couldn’t.
He doesn't even want to be close to that blonde girl, he makes a scared face when she talks to him
When eating a spicy food (Abbey stops him before, telling him that they are too spicy, but he eats it anyway, saying that he was going to resist) he doesn't resist?? I guess?? For comedy factor?? He sets himself on fire, revealing that he is indeed a monster and inadvertently so are his friends. Abbey tries to put it out but Heath keeps running until he can put out the fire with a bucket of water.
Seems ready to fight with the humans when discovered
He tries to "protect" Abbey when they have to escape from the police, but while running he slips on a puddle and Abbey ends up helping him
He’s biting his nails when the Ms. Bloodgood is scolding them, maybe he does it when he is nervous?
He’s laying on the desk during detention until Frankie talks. He replies that he thinks it's cool that Holt had done the graffiti.
Has a “the fuck” face as he listens to Cleo complaining
I think he was talking to Toralei?
I think he's saying "awesome" when Cleo lies about Holt pulling those pranks
Tells Cleo the she should tell Holt everyone has his back
Tries to get Abbey out of detention, obviously doesn't do anything of what he says when the professor swings a dagger at his face, saying he has to go (Abbey seeing this says that Heath is "obviously" not part of the plan)
I'm saying it now, but Heath has no reaction when Holt takes the punishment of being killed. WHICH MAKES NO SENSE BECAUSE HE'S HIS FUCKING COUSIN MAYBE HE SHOULD REACT??? LIKE DUDE
Help with the plan to get the humans into the hall, to get their attention he taunts them and makes sure he's set on fire to light the way for the humans; I think he laughs nervously
He's really happy about the things that Abbey can do. When he sees that the ice statue is going to fall on top of him, he throws a ball of fire at it to melt it (I think it's one of the few times he does something like that?) He ends up going out dancing with Abbey thanks to this
After dancing with Abbey help the bullies (those blonde guys that look like jocks) to roast some marshmallows in his heads, I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT HE'S SITTING IN A BABYGIRL  POSE OK I DON'T KNOW (gay?!¡?????!?!!!)
He’s good at sliding down rails?? With only his feet?? Cool??
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Scaris City of frights:
Had a turn at the fashion show that Clawdeen organized at school, He’s so excited to participate (along with Deuce and Clawd)
Toralei's (fucking asshole) wants to humiliate Clawdeen (and Heath) changing the outfit he had to wear for the show
He is quite nervous about going out with the dress, he still does what he can (as he himself says) to wear it
Heath helps Ghoulia carry her scooter, which he has a hard time carrying, but manages in the end. Clawd and Deuce laugh at him for this??
He is so happy to be able to spend time with Deuce and Clawd! He literally says that "there is no better fun than with friends" and wants to high-five Deuce and Clawd, they look at him confused/disgusted and leave him standing there. Heath is confused as to why they left him hanging/ignored.
Heath tells Clawd that well, Draculaura is in the city of love, and in his case he would be jealous (Heath is always this very sincere without really wanting to hurt his friends feelings) he asks for a high five back to Clawd, and Deuce freeze him for this (Since Clawd gets sad and Heath doesn’t notices)
He’s so glad that for once he’s told that he was right about something. He literally tells Clawd not to worry, that it's not going to happen like last time (Valentine) and that Draculaura wouldn't left him for another dude.
He doesn't seem very convinced that Clawd is going to ask Cupid for help.
Clawd just says thanks to Deuce for going with him to Scaris. He then SARCASTICALLY says thanks to Heath for coming, literally telling him afterwards "I didn't want you to come though" (I think at least that what he says in Spanish)
Heath tells him that he wouldn't miss an opportunity to skip school. I KNOW HE’S IGNORING THE OTHER COMMENT I KNOW; that or he doesn’t understand sarcasm?
He was almost killed by a gargoyle on the airplane
Says "I miss girls who speak my language" when he arrives in Scaris lmao (in difference as Deuce and Clawd say that their miss Cleo and Draculaura)
I think he stopped for a second to see the mural that Ghoulia was doing
Doesn't stop Clawd from talking to a mime lmao
Gives money to Ghoulia's monkey!!!
He’s tired of looking for the ghouls; He does not seem very convinced to go to the catacombs to look for them as indicated by Clawd
Heath is lighting up the way for the boys to go through the catacombs
He's not like, very happy to see/find the girls compared to Clawd and Deuce
He kicks down a door!! He took it out from melting the sides from where it is connected to the wall; and did this only using one finger like a blowtorch!!
Clawdeen slams the door on him AND DOES NOT APOLOGIZE
He doesn't even complain about being squashed with the door :(
He asks sadly if anyone missed him, no one answers him, except Abbey with a "maybe me, very little" AND HEATH GETS TOO HAPPY ABOUT THIS; respects Abbey when she tells him not to push
I don't know why but when he goes with Abbey on a scooter he cannot accommodate/sit well on it
He is so proud I adore him
He tells Clawdeen that the speech she made was beautiful, and asks for a high-five, Clawdeen is the only one who returns it, when he does, he says "about time! :D"
He falls off the catwalk again and they laugh at him
In the photos he accidentally burns a bird lol
Uh that weird end part of the movie
He says that girls do magic to fit all the clothes they wear in their baggage
He was talking to Deuce when Frankie gives him a bag. He says "I don't want to be seen carrying this girly bag like this" Which ok doesn't make sense because he says this after walking a fashion runway in a skirt??
He wants to flirt with Jinafire??
In Heath's defense, he didn't know the book was alive.
He asks Deuce if Jinafire is interested in him and Deuce literally replies that "you're imagining things" and he's goes to flirt with her anyway
In the hot air balloons, he accidentally burns the rope for trying to flirt with Jinafire
He is not used to cold places and is shown to be almost freezing, unlike dragons like Jinafire he is capable of generating fire at any altitude/temperature
He says "that's amazing" when the book goes away again lmao
He is the only one helping to move the car
He’s also not good in desert places? He’s itchy
Help Ghoulia flee in Transylvania
Is he the only one paddling????? In the middle of the ocean?? They were eaten by a sea serpent
He has a confused face with what Jinafire says about the book.
(I just realized that he is wearing flip flops lmao)
He accidentally set the balloon on fire but it worked anyway
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13 wishes:
He wants to participate in "Die Trying" along with Clawd and Manny; Right now he's recording what Clawd was doing. The camera breaks because water fell on it but it's not his fault
The next time he accidentally burns the camera because he got excited
Seems confused that he's being put on the show because of Howleen's wish but doesn't complain or anything
He presents himself as flirtatious in the show
Happy/excited to be able to participate!
The next time you see him, he's already half worried about the feat they have to do, but he's still happy
He's the first to notice and tell Manny and Clawd that he's tired of the show (he seems nervous that they'll call him a coward for this but they don't).
He doesn't even want to participate anymore but he is obliged by the one host of the show
He gets to the point of hiding in garbage cans so he doesn't have to participate, saying it's humiliating; although he says "no, I swear I'm not afraid of the contest" although he is literally hiding so as not to participate, just like Manny and Clawd
Deuce asks them what the hell they are doing in the garbage cans, when he answers Deuce he ends up being found by the host of the show
In the next feat he doesn't even want to be there anymore, half-jokingly says that "we could do it with our hands tied behind our backs" to encourage Clawd and Manny but the host takes this as recommendation and does exactly that to them
The next time he is seen, he looks like shit, with a broken or sprained foot and using a medical crutch and a bruised right eye. He slips on garbage, catches fire and accidentally throws Manny and Clawd on top of him, with this he says "I should be used to this by now".
He looks surprised and confused at the host of the show, I repeat again that he doesn't want to participate anymore; Manny helps him get up btw
The next time he is seen is in the last feat, they were going to be the first to complete it until Howleen refunds (?) the wish. He was excited to be the first to win (this time they are seen they’re no longer hurt)
When they fall they end up in Monster High again, since they were shown to be almost in the middle of the ocean or something similar
He’s seen again at the party
Spectra asks them how the show went and like little assholes they lie that it wasn't a problem, Heath specifically says that "I fell asleep for most of it". Although when they see the light that illuminated them throughout the competition, they hide again
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Frights camera action:
He went to the movies with Hoodude (and Jackson I think)
He likes the protagonist of the movie hehe. When Draculaura stops to complain about the movie, Heath tells her to sit down because it's blocking his view.
Jackson gets worried when Heath sets himself on fire for saying he likes the star of the movie lmao
He doesn't seem very interested in hearing Draculaura tell the story of vampire royalty and is currently leading the way along with Clawd and Gil
When Hoodude falls it hurts Heath, this is interesting because it indicates that Hoodude must have something from Heath (I discard the idea that it was because he was closer to him, since the girls were closer to Hoodude). Heath doesn't get mad at him anyway
The next time he appears he is waving goodbye to Draculaura from the balcony along with the rest of her friends who didn't go with her
I guess when Hoodude leaves he returns what he had from Heath; or before it directly hurt only Heath for comedy factor
He's at the opening of the second movie (In universe)!! I think he was supposed to go and see it with Abbey (he's mad that Abbey sat with an actor)
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Freaky fusion:
He appears the first time at minute 53 how do you feel about that huh
He’s watching this uh theatre show, greets Frankie happily
btw his hair is on fire during the whole scene
He gets scared when this monster of Victor appears alongside the rest
Just when something gets thrown at his head is that he runs away and his hair burns off
He’s the first one to think "save frankie??". then he does say "lets save frankie"
in the last theathre show his fair is on fire again and he is very happy at the history/performance and :3
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He went to see the swimming team, apparently he says something to Clawd while they cheer
He celebrates much less than the rest of the group/school
He appears way more excited to cheer on Lagoona
When the opponent's team fails, he celebrate
He’s one of the calmest if nothing is happening
Is he sitting next to Hoodude?
He sat down next to Clawd again, he seems bored
He has Spectra blog notifications turned on
He asks Clawd if the rumor/thing it's true and goes away with Deuce before hearing an answer
He is talking to Manny and Deuce the next time he appears
He almost falls asleep on the stairs with Manny and Deuce, Manny kicks him to get him to listen to him
He kept a 😦 face when he saw the ghostly boat
He disappears I don’t know bro, runned too fast or something
He’s dancing  at the end :33
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Boo York Boo York:
He likes Catty Noir as an artist! When he hears that she is going to compose another song he tells her that it’s going to be great
He’s  in the background talking to Manny
Somehow he found Ghoulia's lab in the catacombs?? Along with Manny
Think that what Ghoulia is doing is a video game, he is playing with whatever progam Ghoulia was using
He is afraid that Professor Rotter will punish him for playing videogames but he doesn't and he ends up giving him a high five lmao
When Ghoulia needs the big screen Heath doesn't interrupt her or anything, he seems worried until Ghoulia plays the piano, where he starts to dance a little bit
When the meteorite is about to fall, he has a confused and worried face
Celebrates because Ghoulia made it
HE’S DANCING ABOVE A TABLE WITH CLAWD AND MANNY???? Supporting Astranova (this is at the very end)
Great scarrier reef:
He looks worried at Lagoona :(
He was talking to Slo Mo and a mantis kid when Lagoona takes the phone from him, says "hey wait!" When she takes it and Heath then seems to complain
He's dancing with Clawd hehe
HE’S CHASING CLAWD??? I think they were playing something with throwing the stick?? Since Clawd was running with a stick in his mouth
Then he was talking to Clawd while they were eating the cupcakes.
HE SEEMS HAPPY WHEN LAGOONA SAYS HE DISINVITED TORALEI, he is literally the only one happy in this lmaooo
Eating the cupcakes with Clawd when Toralei and Lagoona start fighting, he seems excited at the idea of ​​them fighting with each other.
He got more worried because he dropped a cupcake lol
Helps so they don't all fall into the whirlwind, surely he did it desperate since he's lying grabbing Abbey's legs
He has a 😥 face when the girls fall into the whirlwind
He’s having lunch with Clawd when the Kraken comes to school, he had already finished lunch. He’s confused when he sees the Kraken
Has no problem fighting someone when the ghouls ask him to
Says "she doesn't look so tough haha" when Cala appears,  but he gets scared when he sees the Kraken and runs
Helps or wants to help in the plan
Does not appear after??? I don't know what he was supposed to do????
He’s dancing later hehe
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Lost Movie
Apparently the first time he would appear he would be talking to Clawd and Deuce
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Hopes and Screams
the first thing that appears about him is "Heath is a good-hearted boy, but he is very clumsy and irresponsible, and always tends to cause chaos when things get a little heated"
He’s helping/supporting Clawdeen with her trendy monster segment at Monster High :3
How can I explain that he only wanted to dress fashionable to impress Abbey, BY THE WAY WHEN ABBEY APPEARS, HE GETS EXCITED AND STARTS BURNING THE POSTER BY ACCIDENT, but just a little bit
Funnily enough, these comics is the only time Heath wears another outfit outside of the circus and beach episodes and the happy 2014 one I think, he's always in his school jacket
BTW, he asks Howleen for help with the outfits so Clawdeen puts him on the blog!
This comic makes me angry against Clawdeen by the way, like she tells him he ia a “fashion disaster” AND THAT’S NOT TRUE HE LOOKS GOOD (that or I don’t have a fashion sense at all) AND HEATH REACTS LIKE IN A “:(“ WAY. YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THAT HE TRIED 4 MORE TIMES WITH DIFFERENT OUTFITS EACH TIME
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“I don't want to have this kind of rejection Howleen!” AUAUUAGHHHHHH By the way he's having some soda I guess with Howleeen at I guess where Clawdeeen leaves the clothes
On top of that, obviously, later he's upset because what they were drinking I don't know what the hell it is but it was something thick and green and everything stuck to him and his clothes
"You and Heath should stay away from fashion for a while!" SHUT UP CLAWDEEN SHUT UP I BEG YOU
At the end Clawdeen actually gives him a spot on the fashion blog
In the end he goes out with Abbey
Also appears in “These Boots were made for Rolling”, the story centered on Robecca
Why the fuck the skating team don't wear a uniform, how the hell do people know they're on the same team, dude???
He is surprised with the skates that the zombies have, saying "I can't believe I'm actually jealous of zombie's moves!"
Says that in general the school team should buy new skates because the ones they have are falling apart.
He goes “:0 :(“ when the zombies are so fast that they beat them before they even leave the starting line lol
They have a fair to earn money to buy the skates, and Heath asks Draculaura if she didn't make any of the food, and Draculaura replies “you put a spell on someone once and they mark you for life!” DRACULAURA??? DID YOU PUT A SPELL ON HEATH OR ANOTHER RANDOM???
SAYS THE PHRASE “with our player’s HOT skills and these scary-cool new skates, we can’t lose!” As a mean of cheering on the team/Rochelle
Spoilers! The gargoyle passes them and automatically his reaction is to go to catch up with him.
Robecca hits him
He obviously helps carry Robecca off the track after they crash with Rochelle's help, he gives her a worried look when Robecca half-snaps out of his grip and leaves all frustrated.
Apparently what happens is that a part of Robecca's boots/legs/skates broke and to buy a replacement it cost A LOT, and Heath stays as “:0” when he sees how much it cost but more worried. When Clawd proposes to sell the new skates to pay for Robecca's replacement, Heath thinks it's a great idea.
He’s literally like this “:D” When Robecca gets really happy and auaughsi
I Only Have Eye For You 
In a Flashback it is shown that he went to the beach with Slo-Mo and Gil and they were playing Frisbee :3 (He accidentally hits Slo-Mo and apologizes) (End flashabsck)
Goes to greet Abbey and asks her what she is doing. he literally just wanted to spend some time with Abbey, he makes a joke and Abbey, who is busy, tells him that she doesn't have time right now (completely understandable) and Heaths stays like "wow, I don't understand women"
I swear that this kid has autism (Like me!)
I don't know how to explain it but, in the 3 panels between when Abbey leaves and Manny and Gil come to talk to him, he changes his mood three times, first he is “:(” because Abbey doesn't want to spend time with him, then he goes like “heeeyy guys how ya’ doin’” like super confident in himself, and then he's back :( when he notices the thingy is in his head
"It would be pathetic if I'm the only one that no girl asks him to the dance!" Spoiler, no one invited him yet, ​​followed by "No way, I'm a loser!" when Manny and Gil tell him they've already been invited
He REALLY wants Abbey to invite him or something, on top of that he says "The only thing that would make her invite me is if I were as cute as these things are" (My life noooo :( ) And with that he has the idea of ​​making himself cute as those thingies by changing his minds with one
The machine tickles lol. I hadn't noticed before, but as he transforms into this thing I guess he gets excited, because his eyes go blank like when he catches on fire
While Heath is literally transformed, he just wants to give hugs and kisses to his friends <3. HIS PUPILS ARE A HEART OH MY GOD
He kisses Manny and Gil on the forehead, who respond with "How humiliating!" and “Uuuhhhggg”
When he notices Abbey he goes to give a kissy too, but immediately stop when Abbey tells him to sit. Then they go to revert Heath back to normal
He gives Ghoulia a little kiss on the forehead when they are going to return him to normal <3
Automatically apologizes to Ghoulia, telling a joke when Ghoulia tells him that she should put up a security system.
When Ghoulia leaves, Heath asks Abbey how she knew it was him, and Abbey tells her that she knows how to recognize monsters by the kindness they have (auaughh <3)
Abbey ends up inviting him to the party!!
Later (or before???) when he is seen with Clawd, Heath is just accompanying him, Clawd asks him if he saw the tickets he just had and Heath tells him that "no idea, didn't pay attention to that" (he’s just like me…)
when Clawd doesn't have the reservation he had put, Clawd asks Heath if he's being pranked or something, and Heath quite defensively tells him "don't blame us (me) for the fact that you forgot  today"
When Clawd leaves angrily Heath says "Luckily his howl is stronger than his bite!" but I don't know if it's like a wish or if it's an affirmation
when Valentine comes in and says what he's been doing (which was helping everyone but things went wrong for him) Heath is upset but not directly angry at him, I don't know, like, literally 2 panels later he's really happy so
“And I kissed everyone!” Yeah Heath, yeah
He is one of the first to support Valentine telling him that they will be his friends
I THINK, I THINK HEATH TELLS VALENTINE ABOUT "Rest assured that we are all enjoying this, everything worked out in the end" Since he is the last one he spoke to and it does not appear on the panel so
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Who Are The Fright-Mares?
I mean, technically he appears because he’s where Flara Blaze comes from, one of these centaurs combined with a random monster nightmare, that she just comes from Heath's nightmares, which I don't even know how to take because she is represented as super chaotic because she likes to be, saying that this is how she represents the element of fire, but Heath isn't chaotic because he likes to be, he is unintentionally chaotic. On top of that, Flara actively gives him bad dreams if it seems funny to her at the moment
Monster High: Ghoul Spirit
Omg heath hi, he is standing next to a locker
Clawdeen asks you to meet Heath (the kid has been standing in the middle of the hall for about an hour) saying that he has a plan to distract Mr.Where
Apparently they also ask you to get Clawd's cell number from Heath lol
Obviously he flirts with you when you ask him for the phone number
I think he does that I'm assuming, it's not like the game is very understandable anyway
Apparently Heath has a hair curler lol
Ok maybe I got lost because I was like 1 hour without paying attention to the lore of this game but, Heath is helping Draculaura :3
I think it’s cute that Heath specifically knows Clawd's favorite color
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Monster High: Skultimate Roller Maze
COCKY ASS “After I win- You want me to autograph your skates?”
“Of course! The Heathster is the only choice!” when you pick him
Monster High: 13 Wishes.
Doesnt appear
 Monster High: New Ghoul in School
The first time he appears he’s at the robotics club, He has shown that he has mechanical skills before (the kid repaired a whole car) but I don't know, maybe he helps to make the external type parts of the robots
When the robot's legs light up, he says “Aw Man, that's so scary-cool!”
You understand that Heath would rather be in a robotics club with Clawd, Robecca and Catty than be playing CasketBall (something we know he likes to do) with Deuce, Manny and Slo-Mo???
On top of that, he is super interested in the subject
Basically he is more in the robotics club to learn than anything else, at least on the subject of how a robot works, maybe he would say something more if the one who makes the videos spoke to him outside of the missions but hey what do I know
He doesn't seem so enthusiastic when they finally finish the robot, since the robots has to learn things from scratch, and I suppose that half disappoints his expectations??? Idk, Heath seems way more serious in this game than in any other content from G1
Or is he talking to Skellita, Sirena and Manny in the foyer?????? DOES NOT SUPPORT MANNY WITH HIS STUPID JOKE
After talking with them he goes back to dancing with Holt
Now that the robot does speak, he seems much more excited.
HE IS AT THE AUDITORIUM?? LOL??? Ok I know it's for one of the missions from Elissabat. Is to see as a solo performance of Elissabat that Heath  goes to the auditorium. When she finishes giving his mini speech Heath goes to Elissabat to tell her that it was really good and that for him these issues (Reason for existing and life itself) are important issues for him too
I don't know if Heath is cursed (the plot of the game) or not when they're in the meeting since he doesn't appear, or if it's because the writers didn't care about him, lol
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misfauxpas · 1 year
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Fittingly the fourth member to join the herd, Petit Four (she/her) is a curious explorer of Centaurworld.
Sheltered from the war for most of her life while living within a small settlement of spidertaurs, Petit Four always felt a little out of place for her unusual size. Nonetheless, she was happy; friendly and excitable, if somewhat air-headed; maintaing oblivion towards the outside world as well as how it might pereceive her. She still struggles to recognise the social cues of average-sized taurs, including their frequent terrified reactions prompted by her uncanny ability to sneak up on people.
Shortly after news reached her home that the war was over, Petit Four ventured out to explore the world. Through several fruitless encounters with other taurs she kept up an optimistic spirit, and for her efforts she eventually met the Knockoff Herd. Immediately seeing potential in the group as did Sunny Daze, she joined them awhile for "research purposes" before deciding to stick around long-term.
Petit Four communicates using Taur Sign Language, as spiders aren't capable of making sound except through vibrations caused by their pedipals and forelegs, usually imperceptable to humans. On that note, she also can't close her eyes and doesn't sleep.
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draconic-absurdism · 2 years
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Sapient species present on the planet Daeji; icons for my website
In order:
Bervain - Small, hare-like quadrupedal creatures that live in bands in incredibly complex underground burrows. Their forward facing eyes mark them as a predator. Omnivorous, but a predator nonetheless.
Daejiin - Anthropomorphic, shapeshifting aliens that can resemble any animal, hybrid of animals, or fantasy creature from Earth. They are incredibly hard to kill, and one would think this would make them great warlords. However, most Daejiin are incredibly passive.
Dragons - Dragons are present on nearly every planet in the universe of Ezamire, and Daeji is no exception. Dragons are reptilian-avian (and rarely mammalian) beings that come in all shapes and sizes and possess elemental magical abilities.
Reyins - Earless weasel taur-taur-taurs. They can be many pairs of legs long, and use these legs to climb oddly shaped trees & fungi. Large colonies of reyins live inside the trunks of these, which are hollowed out using a shovel-like set of incisors.
Xaeviin - Whereabouts largely unknown.
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manyblinkinglights · 1 year
Late reply re: AnyTaur raw chicken creature, but i did get it to work and the forelimb locomotion is absolutely gorgeous! I cannot laud your framework enough for how well it manages to handle a diversity of bodyplans merely through tweaking with the script! holy shit! 10/10 would reccomend to anyone with a quad or taur they wanna skip around as in vrc
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(sorry for the low quality image, I'm away from home right now and all I've got is a really crunchy Twitter video of him walking around)
I'm apparently having problems with the chair/station for riding on the thing's back? I don't have any way to test it myself, but according to my friends, attempting to sit on the thing throws them off the map and into who-knows-where. if you have any idea why that may be happening..? idk a damn thing about stations in vrc, and worst comes to worst the option to turn off the chair works fine, so if this is actually probably just a me problem, no need to mull over it.
Additionally: the sit/lay/stand up poses in the radial menu seem to be Supremely Fucked. i know in some of your older YouTube anytaur videos,(back when the orrery appeared to be called helpers) there looks to be stuff like sit offsets and angles? is there any modern equivalent to that, or is sit like. automatically calculated from the leg chain response angles? once again not a huge deal because every other pose and option works wonderfully (including all the absolutely delightful dances, highlight of my life) and I don't see myself using stuff like the sit radial poses often, but I can't help being curious nonetheless.
Anyways. Thank you again for this tool; you really are doing witchcraft when it comes to this stuff and i cannot praise you enough. (I'll see to getting you a donation thru itch to express my gratitude more tangibly, as soon as I'm home and i remember to set up an account or whatever, because god damn do you deserve it imo. value of service or whatever.) Best of luck to you with all your endeavors! Yippie!!!
Okay lol the chair I know exactly why and I keep forgetting it’s turbofucked. I just CANNOT get the script to autogenerate a working chair. What you’ll have to do is FIND the chair, and then fix it yourself; you need to refresh the enter/exit references I think? Right now it’s trying to reach back to an anytaur that doesn’t exist but you need to put YOUR anytaur’s references in there. That’s the basic issue. Bad references in the thing. It’s been a while since i looked at it so idk what they are just. fix all of them in the chair itself. which is in the Orrery somewhere??? Which is unnecessary??? But that’s where it is (for reasons) (irrelevant to you) (shapeshifting/legacy and organizational reasons). You could just put a permanent chair directly on your BEND bone yourself and be fine (or hind.spine if you want your passengers to have a slightly smoother ride).
Yeah your custom poses will have to be retailored per-avatar. I think the script TRIES to walk you through it but you may wish to simply remove menu references to them if it’s too much to deal with. Basically copy your working avatar, hide your original, use the script to put the copy in POSE CLONE MODE, and then you re-record the custom poses moving ONLY the poseclone .001 bones! Your real bones should move with the poseclone .001 bones so you can see what you’re doing; this is the purpose of POSE CLONE MODE. Once the existing custom pose .anim files have been recorded over to suit your particular avatar, you can delete the copied av and reupload your main one. It will use the anims you just fixed and should work fine. A note: all custom pose animations are ROTATION ONLY, except for iirc hind.chest and hind.hips, which DO keep position information, since the constraints to those body parts are parent constraints. These are also the main culprits in making you befuckt, especially hind.hips.
The slow trickle of people actually up to working with my project is like the northern lights to me. You are all aurora magic and I am blessed to behold your journey. I’m so glad your little guy is working correctly!!!!!!
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dawnsbitties · 2 years
Hello! I would like one of each of you Fluffs, both of your dragon taurs, and a Spotted Slither, Flowing Grace, Lazy Mane, Spotted Pride, Spotted Cherry, Spotted Cherry, Blue Spinner, and one of each of your gradians if i may? I am unsure if your bitties are free to adopt but i love all of your bitties!
- To say that Dawn is surprised by your request as well as happy would be an understatement. Her eyes are wide as you list the bitty types that you wish to take home, but she's smiling nonetheless too. Lyel has been noting down what bitties you are asking for as you talk and hand it to her. 
- "Of course my bitties are up for adoption, I want nothing more than to see my little ones get a good home with someone that will love them!" She tells you, looking over the list. "This is a very long list.... But it will be doable, for sure! A pack of Fluffs will be easy to find for sure, as will four guardians." She looks back to you and smile. "And I think I have a Lazy mane and Spotted Pride that will work with them as well... As for the aquatic ones, I'm sure we can find some that will both be good in a group and work well together!"
- Leading you off to the greenhouse, you see a lot of bitties playing around in the garden before you enter. You're pretty sure a Spotted Pride was watching you, but looking closer you can't see any sign of one around. Were you seeing things? Dawn doesn't seem to make a move so perhaps you were?
- Following her, she takes you to a beautiful little pond at the back of the greenhouse. It looks like a place taken out of a fairy tale! In the waters, all three dolphin bitty types are swimming around, some playing and some relaxing and talking amongst each other. Sitting with a few younger ones are a woman in a full-body bathing suit talking to them in hushed voices.
- Dawn walks over and talks to her, and you would join her... If not for the bundle of fluffs that runs into your legs before you can take a step. They all end up on their tails, shaking their heads, before the little Hyperfluff recovers and looks up at you. "Oh! Hello there! Sorry we ran into you, but we were playing, and our Ruff friend here got a little excited-" "Did not!" "- and then our Shy friend told our Sketch friend-" the Sketchfluff waves while the Shyfluff hides slightly behind the Sketchfluff, "- that they were a bit restless.... So we decided on group tag with some friends! But... Two of them are cheaters it seems."
- You're about to ask who the cheaters are when there's a small 'pop' behind you. Turning around, there's a Lazeheart and Bloodmane! "Ain't cheating ta use what we c'n do." The Lazeheart says before smiling up at you. " 'ey there." The Bloodmane waves at you as well just as a Goldenguard and a Peachfang comes walking up. "Oh! So this is why the game was stopped! Hello there!" The Goldenguard says, looking very enthusiastic while the Peachfang looks a little more guarded while having a hopeful look in his eyes as he waves at you. He would have said more, but the Hyperfluff tells what the two lazier guardians had done and the Goldenguard instantly starts a lecture on the two of them… But the smile on his face says he finds it slightly funny. The Shyfluff even comes over to them to talk with the guardian bitties as well!
- You smile as you give your opinion to the group, smiling as they respond to it when Dawn comes over to you, pushing a trolley with a tank on it! Inside are the three dolphin bitties you were asking for and next to it is a smaller tank where a Spotted Slither and a Flowing Grace is in - the Grace is even your favorite color! How Dawn got that to work out is beyond you! You greet all the aquatic bitties before you and are happy to see that they talk to the other bitties that you’ve been talking to so far. They’re all getting along well! The Rufffluff seems to be disinterested in talking, but even the Ruff can’t help but point out her opinion every once in a while! A rare thing indeed!
- Dawn helps you get back to the front of the shop with the aquatic ones while the rest follows along after you, chatting and - in the Hyper and Goldenguard’s case - playing a bit of tag around you without tripping anyone up. You’re about to mention to her about the last bitties that you were wanting to get, but as you get to the front desk once again the sentence dies in your mouth. There, standing proudly, is a Spotted Pride with a Starnoodle around his neck! The noodle in question seems to be asleep, but when you look closer he peaks out at you to wink before ‘sleeping’ again! “Ah yes, I see you noticed my companion. He is not the best company but he does gain attention with his colors.” Almost as if on cue, the light shines over the long body of the dragon taur, making his colors stand out even more and the stars to almost sparkle! A beautiful sight indeed! A moment later, a Lazy Mane comes walking over with a flashlight and a Galaxywing on his head. It wasn’t an accident at all! It was planned!
- Getting all the paperwork done takes a while, but it’s well worth it once everything is in order, everyone has been made ready to go home and all the bitties have gotten the extra supplies with them that Dawn thinks are a good idea. You carry the tank with the Spotted Slither and Flowing Grace on your own, while the guardian bitties seem to have taken it upon themselves to push the tank with the three dolphins on the trolley that Dawn insisted that you just return with at a later date! The rest of the bitties follow along with you, all happily chatting about the things they wish to do in their new home and you can’t wait for all the adventures you’re gonna get on with the new family members!
((Congratulations on the new family members! I’d love to hear what names you’ll call all the new ones and hope you’ll all be happy! Sorry it took a moment to get this out, wanted to be sure I didn’t miss anyone and real life did things.))
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redolentgrove · 3 years
(askpokemoncrossover)Amber @ Loki: The shiny braixen saw Akira vanishing with a depressed look on his face before she stopped at the taur at least six feet away from bowing apologetically. "Sorry about him, Loki... He's still new when it comes to communicating or interacting with others. Before my brother saved Akira from himself, he was living alone... isolated from people and pokemon. You can imagine what it's like, right? Being alone and having no one else to turn to for so long, it'll be impossible to trust anyone." She then felt the presence of another, like someone's still watching them and saw the arrow that was about to hit the legendary psychic type out of the corner of her eye and started to look around. "H-hey, you did say you have an over-protective daughter... Bijoux, right? Can you ask her to restrain herself when a lucairo in a green jumpsuit comes along? That's my brother, Sai. He told me that he'll meet you after recovering from the hospital..." The braixen asked before she muttered something under her breath: "Jeez... still can't believe that big brothers do stupid things sometimes..."
Loki's tail twitched impatiently at Amber as the Braixen greeted her, but she bowed in return nonetheless. Knowing that she knew Akira closely caused her to be a little wary of the newcomer. However, she would keep an open mind.
"Mmm," Loki rumbled, ears flickering. "I understand that better than you'd think. I've had my fair share of... shall we call it, isolation. Though, that was mostly forced on myself. And the trust... again, far closer a hit to home than you'd guess." She gazed back at the dogwood briefly. "Look, I'll level with you, dear. I'm not holding things against Akira. He didn't make a great first impression, but he's not on my permanent hit list."
  Loki paused as Amber brought up her daughter.
"Yes, Bijoux-"
"Would be me," a familiar voice interrupted.
A shiny Cinccino-taur strode confidently through the nearby brush. She wore a green academic uniform over her front, emblazoned with an "H" emblem on the left chest area. She wore a black bowtie around her neck over the scarf fur, and a black plaid skirt over her hindquarters. Long, flowing white fur billowed from her forehead, wrapping behind her and back around her neck in dual Cinccino scarves, with a matching level of fluff and ivory hues on her tail. Little freckles dotted over her nose and cheeks, as well as the edges of her ears. She was certainly cute-looking and smaller than her mother, standing roughly four-five. She stood next to the Braixen with a headtilt, her gaze softening.  She had a longbow tucked beneath her right shoulder, glasses resting on her muzzle in front of a pair of blue eyes.
"Please forgive me," the normal-type explained, bowing her head. "Those were simply warning shots. I'm not going to actually hit anyone with an arrow... well, not right away, anyway."
"Bijoux." Loki stepped forward, her hand held out as she flexed her fingers. "The bow."
"Mom, I was just... no, nevermind. You're right, I'm sorry." Bijoux passed the equipment over to her mother, who held it with both hands. "I know the rules... no shooting at strangers."
"Yes. You know better." Loki's tail swished with a hint of disappointment. "You're putting way too much pressure on yourself to be a little guardian, and while I cherish you and will always be grateful for that, it's my job to protect you, not the other way around. I would never ask you to take on such a massive task at your age.
"But Mom-"
"No buts, darling." The Leafeon's eyes narrowed as she interrupted her daughter. "I spent my late teens and early twenties being almost nothing but a guardian. I finally just gave up after I got exiled from the old forest and moved here with my kids to White Forest. I realized I was forcing way too much on myself, way too early. I wasn't ready to take on that responsibility. Even now, protecting our grove... I still have my doubts. I don't want you making that same mistake."
Bijoux paused for a few moments, pondering everything Loki had shared with her. Then, in a quick burst of energy, she strode over and hugged her mom, prompting the larger taur to let out a bashful purr of contentment.
After a moment, Loki grabbed Bijoux in a giant bear hug, causing the smaller taur's eyes to narrow and her body to go slightly limp. A few tears streamed down Loki's eyes, and she sniffled sadly.
"I can't believe how fast my little girl's growing up. Mentally, physically... and you're leaving the forest for Harmonia. I'm gonna miss my little girl so much."
"Mom." Bijoux grouchily fidgeted in her mother's grips, her giant ears twitching. "Mom, people are watching, stop." Several Pokemon had gathered at the scene, curious to see what was causing the commotion.
"Sorry." Loki let Bijoux out of her grasp, leaning in to sneak a little noselick on the taur's chin. "Arceus, seven hundred years later I still get all emotional when one of my babies leaves the nest."
"Mom, Harmonia University is just over in Castelia City. You go there all the time anyway; you'd probably stop by like, every single day between floral runs and Casteliacone shopping." The Cinccino brushed her taurhalf with her hands with a quiet smirk.
"Oh, I won't be there every day..." Loki protested. "Just enough of them to embarrass you."
"Mom!!!!" Bijoux leaned up and lightly shoved her mother's left flank with her left hand. "You're awful."
"Hey, did you forget that another part of my job as a mom is to be a pain in your rump? You'll laugh about this by the time you graduate, and the instant you're off doing science stuff in some other region, you'll miss me ribbing you about stupid stuff... just you wait." Loki grinned playfully, giving Bijoux's taurbody a little hip check with her own. "Now, come on. I need to check and make sure you packed everything and see you to the forest edge."
"You're not gonna go to Castelia with me?"
"What?" Loki guffawed with a tailwag. "No, silly, I'm going to stop at the forest's edge, bawl about my baby growing up and milk this for all it's worth! Gonna get half the forest watching you walk off consoling your dear old mother as she proves how much she loves you!"
"MOM!!!!" Bijoux folded her arms across her chest and pouted.
"Hey, I told you, it's part of my job! You just wait until you've got kids and you're doing the same thing to them... you'll love it. Now, up, come on. We need to get moving if you're going to beat the sunset to Castelia." Loki handed the longbow back to Bijoux. "Put this in the shed. I'll keep it safe for you. I’ll be checking; I don’t see it and I’m taking apart those suitcases one by one until I find it."
Bijoux accepted the bow and nodded furiously, scampering off into the distance.
Loki turned back toward Amber with an apologetic gaze. "Sorry, we'll have to rain check things for a bit. As far as this Lucario, Sai... by the time he gets here, I sincerely doubt there'll be any arrows coming for him."
((@askpokemoncrossover ))
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(( Art commissioned by me and done by the wonderful Nans, who runs the blog @archivistoftheend ))
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curious-anml · 3 years
Opinion on the following?
– Taurs
– Merfurs
– Multifurs
– Modulars
Well, I didn't know about any of these beforehand, but after googling a little, I can just say that in general... - The taurs look neat! Love the concept of centaur like furs with other species! - The merfurs look interesting with that mermaid tail 👀 - The multifurs, I'm not completely sure if they are like the ones with lots of heads, but if those are the ones you are reffering to, then I must say that I'm intrigued with the idea of having three or more heads over my shoulders lol but cool nonetheless - Modulars look very fun, the fact that they can remove their limbs and head is really weird but can also be used for entertaining scenarios! (I must say I thought at first that the themes listed were kinks lmao)
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shokocontane · 3 years
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“What is the meaning of this, Nostradamus?!”
One of the sergeants screams, his eyes fixate on the prophet, as if the answer had been written all over his face.
“We all saw Minos sealing Zeus into Daedalus Labyrinthos without taking any direct attack earlier. No back-up on their side had been confirmed to have reached his spot. Then why is he injured?”
“Answer me Nostradamus!”
But the latter ignores the question, his attention completely diverted onto the screen, where the small figure named Minos is having a hard time breathing, blood visible from the corner of his mouth.
“Poirot, how about you?? Don’t you have anything to say?!” Turning to grab Poirot’s collar, the sergeant once again screams, demanding an explanation as to how one of his strongest fighters is suffering despite having no wound to begin with.  
But even the Belgian detective could hardly mutter any pertinent response. From the moment that Minos fell onto his knee, Poirot’s face has gone dark, as he couldn’t do anything to Minos’ situation aside from refraining himself to continue observing the battlefield.
“You two--”
“Daedalus Labyrinthos.”
Without letting the sergeant go any further on his tantrum, Nostradamus finally speaks up.
“ An Origin derived from Minos’ own mythology. Have you ever heard about it?”
The sergeant’s eyebrows furrowed before the sudden interrogation as he gives the Head of Tactics’ chieftain a questioning look.
“Isn’t it the story about the giant labyrinth that was built to contain minotaur?” Still, he answers it nonetheless.
“According to the myth, Minos, afraid that the beast would wreak havoc if let loose, had ordered the genius Daedalus to construct a giant manufacture right under his palace, as a place to seal away minotaur.”
“But what does that have anything to do with my question?”
“For Minos’ part, after his son, Androgeus was murdered by Athens’ contestants who had grown jealous of his talents. Minos, consumed by his own grief, demands that the Athenian must offer him 7 young boys and 7 young girls as tributes for the minotaur, or else, he would declare war on them.” Ignoring the other’s query, Nostradamus continues on with his story.
“Why do you think Taur, while inside Minos’ Origin, possesses such tremendous healing factor that even Zeus himself is having a hard time getting out of Daedalus Labyrinthos?”
The sergeant’s face turns pale, albeit not very certain what he thinks is the answer for Nostradamus’ question would really be it.
“Get straight to the point already, Nostradamus.” Poirot, who has now retained back his composure, decides to speak up on the sergeant’s behalf. “For Taur to heal back his wound, some sacrifice need to be made. At a certain point, the life of a random kid elsewhere on this world would be tributed to Minos’ Origin so that the regeneration could take effect.”
“This...” Somewhat speechless from this revelation, the sergeant’s face seems as if Purgatory has just flashed past his eyes. “How could this be... how many casualties have we caused since the summoning of Mino--”
“If Minos hadn’t modified his own Origin, that is.” 
Cutting of the sergeant’s sentence, Nostradamus’ eyes turn dark. Knowing that this isn’t the time for him to make any comment, the sergeant falls silent once more, waiting for further explanation.
“Minos, before anyone else, had already figured out the inhumane nature of Daedalus Labyrinthos. When R.O.O.T synchronized him into the vessel, he’d tried to adjust some function of said Origin so that now, instead of sacrificing lives randomly, the thing fed on Minos’ own life to work.”
“B-But how?! Even if he’s a summoned spirit, it doesn’t make any sense for Minos to not take any effect until now. We’ve had him used his Origin quite some times before, and he only has one life to begin with!”
“If only that was the case. That brat--” Nostradamus grits his teeth, making his sentence interrupted midway. “... he modified his Origin in a way that, it would also take reincarnations from his Cycle as offerings. To pay for Taur’s invincible state inside Daedalus Labyrinthos, a reincarnation of Minos somewhere from either the past or the future would die.”
As Nostradamus takes a moment of grievance on himself for letting Minos attend this battle in the first place, Poirot carries on with the clarification.
“And once the last reincarnation has been sacrificed, the current Minos would also die. It would’ve taken some times for that to come, hadn’t the Gods decided to sent Zeus. His power is beyond our calculation, and Zeus damaging Taur inside Minos’ Origin is forcing him to use up every life from his own Cycle just to buy us time.”
At this point, the sergeant could hardly mutter any appropriate response. The three of them fall into a brief silence.
“I-If that’s the case, then when Minos die, we can still recall him back via R.O.O.T. No matter how hard finding a second vessel that fit his wavelength might be, i think we--”
“You really believe that we can do such a thing at this point?” Nostradamus slumps down on his chair, too desperate to even show any emotion on the sergeant’s offer.
“I’ll order everyone at the Resources Room to focus on finding a new vessel for Minos, the chance is slim but i think--”
“What Minos has been doing, would ultimately lead to the deletion of his own Cycle within this universe. Without any reincarnation left, there will be no Minos in the first place. Books, data, tales, even memories, the name Minos will disappear forever as if it was never meant to exist.” Clenching his hands, Poirot lets out a sigh, the list of possible vessels that he’d made for Minos crumples inside his palm. “He won’t be coming back after this.”
Even when they’d already known how Minos’ fate would end. The two of them still couldn’t help but try to find a way so that the little king could be saved.
For they know, no matter what his myth says about him, this Minos, via R.O.O.T, had been granted a heart kinder than anyone else’s.
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
i’ve had a few talks about the Angels of Neon Genesis Evangelion and how they fit into Crossthicc, and they’ve since given me some info on how AT Fields work to factor it into things, so here’s how they work in Crossthicc
firstly, terminology here: much as how ‘demon’ is a super general term for pretty much any supernatural being that happens to look like a demon (or even mortal beings, like tieflings, with a similar look) and that ‘fiend’ is the word we want when referring to actual entities of infinite malice and wickedness, the term angel is similarly broad. Entites such as those based on the actual Biblical Angels, D&D’s aasimar and celestials. the antagonists of Bayonetta, and other things are all around. Angel, however, is not that much of a general term, and where possible, they are given their own proper names since while you can point at a red creaturew ith horns and goat legs and go ‘demon’, the same cannot be said for angels, who come in a variety of forms. Sometimes they are voluptuous humanoids with curve gigantic even by this AU’s standards; sometimes they are multi-faced creatures that speak with the voice of Goodness itself and are profoundly alien in a way that makes even eldritch horrors look approachable.
But for brevity’s sake, i’ll just call the monsters of NGE ‘angels’ for short. In-universe, though, they are unlikely to have any consistent name, as few people realize they are related in any way whatsoever because of how different they are.
the Angels, as per canon, are incredibly old beings. They were not created as they are, though; in the very beginnings of the multiverse, there was a primordial race beyond all others, beings akin to modern lizardmen, dinosaur kings, and Argonians. This primordial race was the first true sapient, or the ones who survived to claim it. Pursuing transcendence, they found it, and they individually became divine entities, surpassing everything around them and transforming into beings of almost limitless power, their forms dictated by the purposes they assigned themselves.
the AT Field, which can be described in Crossthicc as the magical term for the distinction between ‘you’ and ‘that which is Not You’ (a very important thing in magic, as all magic is the soul’s influence on reality), has transformed for the angels. it has evolved, mutating and morphing, into a zone of absolute dominion, a sort of private universe around them where their will is law. They view this as a sacred thing of a sort, and while its hard to make general statements, it seems they have coe to view this dominion over their immediate space as preservation of who/what they are, in a very alien way.
Within this space, the angel determines physics. Attacks warp into being. Atoms sunder, spells unravel, and threats are annihilated. They are absurdly powerful, on the level of many gods; they have refined their understanding of Self for a very long time, and their alien understanding has developed to the point that within their AT field, they determine reality itself. Many magic users would love to figure out HOW they do this, as it would be a huge boon to sorcery. Even if an angel was inclined to convey such knowledge, it would be difficult for one to explain it, as they are profoundly alien creatures that genuinely cannot comprehend mortals any longer, and have long since lost the ability to really relate to most other beings.
They generally seem content to ignore other beings, lurking within the realms of magic and doing... something. They don’t work in groups, each one an entity unto themselves. They ignore each other, and anything they encounter; their vast power annihilates anything that would impede them, and anything that tries to communicate with them (even through violence) is viciously attacked in a kind of panic; they seem to dread the idea of the Self becoming diminished through mingling with another Self, and perhaps fear that they can change through inter-personal interaction.
Nevertheless. They may still yearn for companionship. Certainly, they periodically make things or alter worlds, even as their mere presence completely warps magic for miles around, and its hard to say why they do anything. Sometimes they ignore anything in their path, and other times they calmly attack everything they see, at apparent random. Guardian kaiju, such as Godzilla or Gamera, greatly detest them and often attack them on sight in pre-emptive self defense.
Appearance wise, Angels are super curvaceous, even if they’re not particularly humanoid; due to their raw power, they boast extremely feminine forms with ludicrously massive curves; they are often dwarfed by their own endowments, and these can manifest in some odd configurations; taur-style bodies with bizarre numbers of legs, an unusual amount of breasts, and wings resembling long hair wouldn’t be unusual. Assume that they look as much like monster girl-ified versions of their canon forms, if possible. In-universe, they are highly suspectible to the mental nergies of sapient species, and may be influenced to take on their forms, so they tend to look at least little like anything around them. If they’re near humans, they will look more humanoid. Near krogan, they will look like monster turtle things.
some angels really hate this and will become extremely hostile and attack worlds just to rid themselves of the offending psychic intrusion. Others don’t seem to care, but are just as dangerous in their drifting indifference.
And Angels are very, very, VERY large. With their sheer power, they are far larger than planets; within the magical realms where they can exist at full size with ease, it is hard to perceive them at all, only the drifting outlines of a massive breast, or a projected face-helm. Ships pass into their shadow, and remain in the dark for weeks even moving at full light speed. Within the material realm, though, it takes longer for them to grow to their full size, starting at planet size, and they continue to grow until they might dwarf galaxies, and they still grow. Their AT Fields are thus absurdly powerful, and an expanding zone of reality going completely bonkers as the angel works their strange will.
they can’t really be fought. They might be able to be killed, but it’s highly unlikely and probably going to make Very Bad Things happen. For the most part, they are a cautionary tale for the dangers of transcendence, approached recklessly.
That said, they ARE a species of a sort, even if a small one, and smaller angels (similar to canon ones) do sometimes appear. Lilith is responsible for these, and she is chiefly obsessed with reproduction. Rei may have been made through harvesting an ancient remnant of Lilith herself, though it must be noted that the Angels have no connection to humanity in any particular way here.
Angels are, ultimately, not a threat to face as much as they are a force of nature that can be redirected or at least inconvenienced, but their sheer power makes this an extremely chancey bet. The main factions (Fleet, Stingers, Ringers and Task Force X) can do so, but it’s likely to be so taxing its better to just run and leave them alone. Of these groups, the Fleet, with their transhumanist leanings, are most interested in them, and have figured something out:
the angels are lonely, and at the same time, too afraid to breach their ancient shields and dare to mix their Self with another Self.
The Task Force, for their part, are the only other ones involved with them actively; the Ringers generally ignore them except as a potential threat, while the Stingers have a policy of ‘look, you see one pop up, you run like hell’. the Task Force’s goals with them are unclear, but it seems that they are trying to pacify them in some way.
each Angel is effectively a power unto themselves; they don’t really have any common goals, drifting about and attending to their own weird whims, and their alien mindsets makes it VERY hard to communicate with them at all even if you can do something about their hair-trigger response to having their sense of self threatened through that. Above all else, they are genuinely alien in a way that makes a lot of people uncomfortable and breaks brains.
Pitable, perhaps, but nonetheless, very dangerous.
And Rei Ayanami is becoming one; humanoid, yes, more human than they are, but she is quickly growing in size, and her status as Endowed means that she is quickly becoming more of an uber-mother than Lilith is (thus making Rei more of an Eve). What’s more, the organic mechs operated by the NGE trio are apparentely pseudo-Angels mixed with human genetics and now fueled by Rei and Asuka’s own souls, effectively becoming their true bodies and the seat of their motherhood-fueled powers. Shinji has a more... complicated situation but something is going on there, all the same.
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fulltum · 6 years
Caterpillar Boy’s Fattening Expedition - Day 1
Here at last - the fic version of Caterpillar Boy’s first day in the garden patch!!! Please DO NOT draw, copy, or make derivatives of the characters, fics, verses, and ideas on my blog.
A VERY gluttonous little caterpillar taur ventures out to fatten himself up in a nearby giant's garden. Extreme stuffing, gluttony, belly appreciation, tummyaches, belly noises, belly slapping, burping, weight gain, and more!
The caterpillar boy waved farewell to his friends and departed from the fairy village at dawn, crawling through the tall grass that separated it from the nearby giants' garden patch with a quickness to his step. It was an occasion to celebrate, you see - once the caterpillar boy arrived in the garden, he could begin the week-long feast that had been a right of passage in the small village in the oak tree long before he himself entered the world 21 years ago. He, like every other little caterpillar before him, would enter the vegetable patch a short walk away and begin to fill himself up, tasting all kinds of new and delicious foods on his quest to fill his little belly until it was ready to pop at every waking hour. After a week of this, he would inevitably become quite fat, storing enough energy deep in his round little tum to fuel his body through the entirety of its transformation into a fairy.
Before too long, chickenwire and beanstalks clinging to homemade trellises loomed ahead against a backdrop of multiple tomato plants with bowed branches weighted down by the bright red fruit dangling from their ends. Big, leafy cabbages taller than he was rose from the ground, neighbored by radish tops poking out of the dark, fertile soil; bright strawberries glistened in the sunlight a matter of feet away.
It was a paradise.
The caterpillar boy hurried up, his soft, bright green tail moving a little faster as it took him to his destination. The bright sunlight warmed his pale human skin and shone into his eyes, forcing him to blink several times and ultimately resign himself to squinting until he at last emerged from the jungle of grass and set foot--well, feet--onto the well-tended soil of the garden patch.
The utopia towered all around him, the overwhelming stock of snacks it had to offer making his mouth water. He imagined how juicy the tomatoes hanging high against the backdrop of pale clouds and blue sky would be when he bit into their smooth surfaces, filling his mouth with a tangy drink while he feasted on their soft flesh; looking at the enormous cabbages to his right, he could easily imagine how crisp and delightful the leaves would be in his tiny mouth.
Where should I even start?, the caterpillar boy wondered, empty belly softly rumbling with anticipation. He knew that he’d have seven whole days to eat to his heart’s content with no limits aside from the capacity of his belly, but the urge to taste a little of everything right now, as if this were his only chance to do so, was overwhelming nonetheless.
So that was exactly what he started to do, quickly making his way to the nearest piece of food, an enormous, green fruit that looked something like a rounded cylinder - by all descriptions, this must have been a cucumber! Its faint waxy shine in the sunlight was beautiful enough to make his mouth water, and he could hardly bite into it fast enough, eager to at last taste the treat that had so often been described to him by others much more worldly than he.
It was delicious! The cucumber filled his mouth with a delightful watery drink in addition to its soft flesh, and for several minutes the caterpillar boy chewed and chewed, gulping down every bite without so much as coming up for air. A clear and almost perfectly circular hole began to form on the skin of the vegetable as he bored deeper and deeper with each bite, feasting with blissful, reckless abandon. His tummy began to feel a little heavy, but fortunately for him (and unfortunately for the giants who owned the garden), it wasn’t totally full by the time he pried himself away from the first delight of the afternoon. He had to try as many things as possible today! And thus, it was off to the next plant in his path, the cabbage.
Being a caterpillar boy, he of course loved fruit, but nothing was ever quite as tasty as a good, fresh leaf. He dug in with fervor, chomping and chomping so fast that his jaw almost began to ache. His stomach filled with chewed-up leaf quite rapidly, at last starting to reach its natural capacity, but the caterpillar boy was so wrapped up in his meal that he ignored the faint twinge of fullness altogether. At last, however, his curiosity surrounding the garden's other attractions pulled him away from the cabbage leaf - but not before he'd managed to leave so many holes in it that it resembled a thin green piece of swiss cheese more than any part of a plant, however!
And, well, it was evident where what had once occupied all of those holes had gone - his bare tummy had puffed out slightly, all of the compressed plant matter beginning to leave its mark as his stomach stretched around it. He wasn’t necessarily comfortable, but he didn’t really hurt, either, so he paid the little swell no mind as he strolled to the nearby stand of strawberry plants. Like all of the plants in the little garden, he’d only been told of what they tasted like, and had never actually experienced their flavors himself. Strawberries seemed by all counts to be delicious if what the winged fairies had told him was really true.
There was only one way to find out - so he bit into the first one he managed to grasp in his little hands, a bright, wedge-shaped berry bigger than his head. He moaned with surprise and delight as the sweet, wonderful juices filled his mouth and quickly gulped down the first mouthful, then another and another, oblivious to the fact that his tummy was starting to grow yet again. In fact, our little friend had become so swept up in the delicious tide washing away his senses that he barely noticed how quickly he had begun to demolish the berry, devouring it as if he hadn’t eaten in months. He simply couldn’t stop! Swallow after swallow his belly grew, until at last he was left with only a few handfuls of strawberry and the equally appealing leaves attached to the stem at its very top. Still not having noticed the round bulge in his middle (yet starting to feel rather tight), the caterpillar boy quickly finished it off leaves and all, even nibbling a little bit of the crunchy stem that had formerly attached it to the huge plant. Only after he pulled away from the branch, still chomping on a delightfully fresh bite of stem, did he realize that he was becoming rather round quite early in his meal. Although he felt a little heavy and had never been so bloated, this week was all about fattening up to become a fully-fledged fairy and he needed quite a bit of nourishment before he built his cocoon, so he paid it no mind and scuttled on to the next treat that awaited him, albeit a little more slowly. 
That treat was a miniature celery patch, each stalk towering overhead like an ancient tree. The caterpillar boy wasted no time in biting directly into the side of the nearest trunk, only to find to find to his disappointment that the plant's flesh was bland, fibrous, and watery. Still, he ate a few bites before moving it on, acutely aware of each one sliding down his throat and squeezing into his stomach, which was beginning to feel a little sore.
He couldn’t stop, though; after all, he needed to be much fatter if he wanted to transform into a real fairy, and his grape-sized belly, although achy, wasn’t nearly big enough for the day. The caterpillar boy was out of breath by the time he’d crossed the short gap between this row of veggies and the next, deciding on some pea pods hanging just low enough for him to reach. He pulled each one off of the stalk until he had made a nice pile about half as tall as he was, then picked one off of the top, decided after a quick nibble that the pod was actually quite distasteful, and subsequently attempted to tear open the tough obstacle to his newest snack. He made no progress at all - the pod was simply too strong for a creature as tiny as he to break into!
But the caterpillar boy wanted more to put in his growing belly, and he wanted to know what the beans inside of the long pods tasted like. He struggled and strained in his attempts to get at their presumably tasty contents and failed every time, even losing his balance and falling to his back once, which made his tight little belly glorp unhappily and jostled out a long belch.
Pushing himself up with the palms of his hands wasn’t as easy as it would’ve been without such a round tummy in the way, but somehow he managed to straighten himself back up, a little out of breath by the time he did. It was only once he was back on his feet that the caterpillar boy realized he must have fallen on one of the pods, because a single light green bean sat glistening in the dirt a few inches away. The caterpillar boy was thrilled. He wasted no time in gobbling it up, finishing it in only three huge bites, each rough lump visibly squeezing down his throat and disappearing into his gurgling stomach. His belly was as tight as a drum!
Still, he didn’t stop, squeezing another bean all the way through the burst pod using one of his two front feet and shoveling it into his mouth as soon as it emerged. He finished the last of the three beans in the same way, then frowned at the pile of unopened ones with longing - only for it to occur to him that there was a way to get all of those beans into his tummy. He could step on the pods and squeeze them out!
He picked out the biggest one he could find to test this theory, ignoring the ache in his belly to focus instead on the odd, persistent hunger of a body demanding more and more food in preparation of what was to come. He set it on the ground and stomped on the pod as hard as he could--belly sloshing with the force of the impact--and, as he’d expected, the first green bean burst forth. What he didn’t expect was for it to sail into the air high above his head as if it had an invisible pair of wings.
I guess I used a little too much force, he thought as he stared up at the falling bean, mouth half-ajar--only for the thought to be cut short when it landed directly into his throat and plummeted down his esophagus, popping into the big mass of plant matter rounding out his tummy.
The caterpillar boy squeaked with shock, then hesitated, rubbing a hand over the clear lump of unchewed bean in his upper belly. It didn’t feel... bad as it rested there, stretching him out just a little further. Sure, there was a risk of choking, but he could probably dislodge anything that got stuck in his throat, and it wasn’t as if the chances of him landing such an incredible catch again were very high to begin with…
So the caterpillar boy repeated the move, stomping and sending the second bean up into air, then eagerly waiting with his mouth open as if trying to catch a snowflake. One can only imagine his surprise when the bean dropped perfectly into his throat just like the last one and slinked down into his stomach, making it visibly stick out just a little more. He sighed with delight at the newfound trick, then tried it again-
--and again a bean shot down his throat and filled him up that much more, only this time, he heard a little pop and recognized with astonishment that the addition had stretched his belly so tight that his small pink navel had inverted into an outie.
I’m getting so fat! I’ll be a fairy in no time!
He rubbed a hand over the smooth, enormously round surface of his distended midsection with satisfaction, a little drowsy with overindulgence, and briefly wondered  if it was maybe time to take a little nap and start digesting some of his veggie feast. That, however, was before the glorious shine of a big, fat red tomato on the ground a few inches away caught his eye.
The caterpillar boy’s mouth watered. It was perfect, and he wouldn’t even have to climb to get it! He didn’t know if it would all fit inside of him, but he hardly cared, having completely surrendered himself to the greedy impulse to get as fat as possible as soon as possible. He wanted as much delicious food as would fit inside of him, and that was what motivated him to waddle as fast as he could to the big tomato, cradling his heavy gut with both hands in an effort to support at least some of his weight.
The caterpillar boy was winded by the time he reached it, so he rested a hand on the curve of the fruit’s surface and tried to catch his breath as best he could with his big stomach encroaching on his lungs before even attempting to take a bite. His belly sagged pendulously from his frame as he panted and gasped, perfectly round and probably bloated enough to plausibly carry an entire month’s worth of meals. This was his time to indulge, however, so…
He bit into the enormous tomato and took the biggest mouthful he could with a sound of surprise and delight. It was so delicious, so succulent! ...And, well, so was he, having become quite rotund by now, but he hardly noticed as he dug in. His bites were occasionally interrupted by soft burps and little pants as he struggled to push as much into himself as he could, fighting every step of the way against a belly that had been filled with far too much. The leaves and bites of fruit churned inside of him as he filled up with juice like a mosquito swelling with blood, although his drink was a lot more tasty.
The caterpillar boy's guts gurgled and the celery fibers gently stirred and floated inside of him, gradually moving through the thick soup of vegetable bits as he piled more and more tomato into the mix. The caterpillar boy belched and panted, struggling to catch his breath as his waist expanded, but he had little success. The big mass in his tummy pulled on his back like he’d gulped down a big ball of lead, which wasn’t comfortable, but he was in a gluttonous fervor, enjoying the wonderful taste flowing into his big belly far too much to ever pull himself away from it.
At least, until the weight of his midsection forced him to.
His middle had simply become so tremendous that he could no longer sit up any more. His back gave and his belly plopped onto the dirt heavily and unceremoniously, jostling its nearly infinite contents and pushing out another big pocket of air. It’d be so much easier to reach the tomato if he could just sit up, and he had to finish it..!
The caterpillar boy struggled and strained, employing all of his legs at once, but he was just too heavy. He’d only finished a third of the tomato, but already his belly sloshed with juice, big clumps of denser veggies floating around freely and occasionally lightly bumping into the walls of his stomach. He could still reach the piece of fruit, yes, but he couldn’t straighten up far enough to actually reach the big crater he’d eaten into it so that he could pick up where he’d left off.
Oh, well. He’d finish it all some way or another, the caterpillar boy decided, resigning himself to his chubby fate and rolling onto his side with a soft slosh. He let his belly rest beside him and scooted closer to eat away at the bottom of the tomato with renewed gusto; the huge orb resting beside him filled and filled, the curve of his flank growing a little taller than the rest of him. From time to time he belched and moaned with satisfaction, rubbing at the soft surface of his gut and stirring up the juices and veggie clumps within; as thoroughly as he was enjoying his feast, it was still doing quite a number on his tummy. As one might expect, the tomato began to slowly fold in on itself after he’d finished another third or so, gradually sinking closer and closer to his neck, but he hardly noticed it at all.
With little other warning than its gradual slump, the remaining bits of tomato suddenly plopped onto the greedy little caterpillar boy’s neck and mouth, eliciting a startled cry. To his great relief, however, it missed his eyes. He was very, very full, and seriously considering giving up for the day given that he felt like his round little belly was very close to popping open under the incredible strain, but he couldn’t exactly do much else about the tomato piece resting atop him (or so he told himself, anyway).
Slowly, the caterpillar boy munched away, growing more supple and fat with every bite. His belly was flushed and delightfully ripe, the size of an orange and far too heavy to be moved. He paused every few bites to let out a big burp, slapping his swollen middle to shake out the gas bubbles he’d gulped down in his frenzy; every time he did, his tummy wobbled and sloshed, the beans bouncing around and his guts groaning with soft blorps and rumbles.
At last, he somehow, somehow managed to finish. After one last long belch, the caterpillar boy let his head fall onto the soft dirt, admiring his whale of a belly as he gently rubbed his hand over the small portion of it he could still reach. The food in his guts gurgled and he yawned, deciding that now was a good time for a late afternoon nap; it would take quite a lot of energy for his big meal to become thick, soft fat buried deep in his tummy, and it would be a lot of it.
I’ll be a butterball by the time the first day’s over, he excitedly thought to himself, followed by a high-pitched little hiccup. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to move to eat some more, I’m going to get so fat.
This was the caterpillar boy’s last thought for the afternoon - he was far too big to stay awake, instead falling asleep in the warm sun as his burbling tummy began to slowly deposit doughy fat deep inside of him.
End Day 1.   
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stonestridernerd · 7 years
Ten facts : Winoa
1. Winoa has a kodo named Hoof that she travels on. No one is really sure where he came from, as he’s older than most tribesmen, but she adores him nonetheless.
2. The water walker is under the totem of the Raven, which is known for being observant (especially when it comes to the minds of spirits and others) and being skilled healers.
3. She carves most of her own totems, taking the wood of old fallen trees and going through various rituals to eventually hold a spirit’s calling.
4. Other than her totems, she carries a light shield and mace with her. These are more so for personal momentos, as they once belonged to her grandfather before he passed them on to her.
5. She learned her surname of Summerdream after having a vision of her younger sister warn her against a band of centaurs, in reference to the time and mode of the calling.
6. Speaking of her name, she named for her order of birth. In Taurahe, “Winoa” means “first born daughter”.
7. She enjoys writing in her spare time. These stories often range from serious journey entries to poetry, but her favorites are whimsical tales of deeds long ago. 
8. As her duties of a water walker would suggest, Winoa is an adept swimmer. She doesn’t go out often, but she enjoys casual swims when things seem too hard to handle. 
9. Winoa tries to keep her bags and hut as clean as she possibly can. With her constant travels and disorganized relatives though, it’s a hassle.
10. Finally, the water walker is a shy taureness when first interacting with others. As she gets to know them though, she often raises her voice to help reason out problems.
Thank you @shuuhuu!
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victorhellian · 7 years
Of Horns and Charms (closed with dissonxnt)
It wasn’t often the wanderer would find himself amongst Lady Taur’s tower and it was even rarer for him to be invited within for tea and other pleasantries. They had built up an interesting sort of relationship over time, one the Astoran found himself curious about but nonetheless pursued it wholeheartedly. She was after all, a colorful individual that few would ever get the chance to interact with.  So Delacroix found himself sitting across from her, his normal smirk replaced with a calm expression as he examined the tea before him. A gloved finger traced the edge of the table before he picked up his own mug and took a sip of the his drink, inhaling the rich aroma and mulling over its gentle bitterness.  “So, my lady... What need do you have of me today?” His yellow eyes peered over the rim of his cup, meeting hers. “It seemed rather urgent from your letter.” @dissonxnt
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