#and accomplished NOTHING
knaveofmogadore · 10 months
Just spent another complicated and harrowing week with my family for Thanksgiving
Spent Saturday traveling and didn't get home from South Carolina until like 10pm
Had a terrible eye appointment on monday
Spent the work week cleaning up from the week I was off
Spent yesterday negotiating with the glasses company cause the optometrist fucked up my prescription
Spent today arguing with the gas company cause I've racked up a meter debt they never told me about
Gonna spend tomorrow in line at the post office sending off my fucked up glasses so that the glasses company can replace them with the correct prescription
Gonna do solstice cleaning on Sunday. Wipe out all the dust. Replace the showerhead. Cleanse the doorways. Ect.
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acepalindrome · 1 year
I genuinely hope American media sucks for a while! I hope the big companies keep trying to churn out shit and that it’s all embarrassing garbage! I want it to be extremely apparent to everyone how important the writers and actors are to create good media and that they deserve to be compensated appropriately!!!
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fridayiminlovemp3 · 1 month
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the fact that this is real is beyond horrifying
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moyarb · 1 year
It’s not lost on me that when someone talks about how “Beyoncé is overrated” or that she’s “not that talented” I’m supposed to respect other people’s music opinions, but if I say Taylor Swift’s music isn’t my style or I don’t care for her that much it’s like I said the most heinous thing in the world and I don’t support other women.
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scissor-spider · 4 months
It’s still so funny to me that kipperlilly used subliminal messaging to make people vote for her, without considering the possibility that there’s other people whose names start with a k
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willowser · 6 months
please 🥺 whenever you complete some kind of personal goal, bakugou will hook an arm around your neck and tug you into his chest and press his lips into your hair an murmur a quiet, "proud of you," 🥺
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branwinged · 2 months
seeing some prophecy discourse which has once again reminded me why i personally find the prospect of dany as the prince that was promised really compelling. and it makes the targaryens so much thematically richer. like, they only survived the doom through the power of prophecy and then the visions marked them forever and this thing, this blessing which gave generations of targaryens some existential meaning eventually morphed into a curse which brought so many of them great misery—"my brothers dreamed of dragons too, and the dreams killed them, every one." (aemon, affc) and in due course almost ended their line once again with rhaegar. but then dany happened.
almost four hundred years since the doom when prophecy saved them and nearly killed them again on the trident, dany was born. dany who carries echoes of all her targaryen ancestors within her. she's aegon the conqueror come again but she's also maegor the cruel when she promises the khals who had hurt her khalasar would die screaming. she's rhaenyra in her struggles to wield power and establish legitimacy as a woman, she shares her sense of egalitarianism with egg, and she drinks from the cup passed from rhaegar, i.e. inherits (what he once thought of) his narrative destiny to help defend the realms during the long night.
dany who is both their beginning, since she's the first targaryen created and introduced to us on page and the narrative end point of their dynasty. which reflects all the way into her arc being cyclical by design as it calls back to the foundation of the valyrian empire in essos—during the fifth war the freehold torched old ghis with dragonfire so nothing would grow there again and centuries later this girl, the last dragon, is going to help plant trees there again. it's not about retreading old ground or rejecting her house words but about redefining what it means to be the blood of the dragon. which is not to say all that came before her was meaningless since this recontextualisation is only possible through the three centuries of ancestral history weighing on her. and dany's very existence echoes back in time because the prophecy itself has influenced the lives of generations of targaryens. three hundred years of history, all the glory and the horror concentrated in this one person-point. the prince that was promised not simply as a figure of the long night but as someone who is the apotheosis of their house. dany as both their beginning and their end, because the iron throne is presently a symbol of stagnation, a world in stasis, and it has to go. no restoration, instead the old world dying in fire and a new world being born in the aftermath.
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tei-to-tei · 1 year
i just had a horrible realization
you know how F!Leo's chin is like Kronk Chiseled compared to teenage Leo?
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w-what if
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l o n g , but the other way was actually canon
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junotter · 1 year
All the jokes about Ken and horses are good but I just wanna say it's such a good parallel to how actual young men get swept into misogyny and the patriarchy.
Like they're told to believe it means men get to be cool and manly and have this power but with that comes extremely rigid commands of what they can be as a man and a cycle of self hatred for never matching those gender roles perfectly. Patriarchy tells men that if they just do exactly what is expected of them, then they get all the "cool stuff" that comes with. That doesn't work though when there's only a small group that actually gets that power, but men will keep trying to fit into those roles in hopes that they can.
In the end there are no horses or the myth men are told, it's just endless cycles of self hatred and ingroup fighting.
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genericpuff · 2 months
it is cruel and unusual punishment that i was born to have the wordcount of charles dickens in a society that insists on everything using the 240 words or less aisle
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Nobody cares about my opinions (and you shouldn't because I'm just a girl) but I've been thinking about the issue of low voter turnout and people choosing not to vote.
I always think of the people who fought so hard for my right to vote. I am only a few degrees away from a time when women could not vote. My grandmother's mother was alive when women could not vote. My grandma remembers her mom, and I know my grandma right now, so that is only two degrees of separation.
Women were arrested, went on hunger strikes, were put in prison, in the UK someone died, the list goes on. The reason I am allowed to vote is because of what those women did who came before me.
Voting isn't a freely given right. It had to be fought for and won, not just for women but for everyone who isn't a white land-owning man.
I'm begging people to take it seriously. Vote because your ability to do so was not inevitable.
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englandsgirl18181234 · 2 months
I'd say sorry for the sudden political spam but I'm really not. We finally have a good option and we need to grab it with both hands and run with it as far as we fucking can. So here's some facts that people seem to be ignoring when they say you shouldn't vote for Harris.
Harris was not a fucking cop, she was a district attorney and attorney general. Stop fucking saying otherwise, it's misinformation and you need to understand that.
Harris is documentedly pro LGBTQ+. When she was elected Attorney General, she co-sponsored legislation to ban the gay and trans panic defense which passed. She also officiated the first same-sex wedding in California after Section 8 was overturned 20 years ago.
In her entire time as District Attorney she never sought the death penalty. She also created the San Francisco Reentry Division, with the first of its kind reentry program Back On Track for first-time nonviolent offenders. 200 people graduated from it with less than 10 percent going on to commit another crime, compared to the 53 percent of California drug offenders that would do so in less than 2 years after release.
When she was elected to Attorney General of California, she introduced the Homeowner Bill of Rights, considered one of the strongest protections nationwide against aggressive foreclosure tactics.
In 2015, Harris's California Department of Justice became the first statewide agency in the US to require all of its police officers to wear body cameras.
So to reiterate:
Fucking vote for Harris.
Voting third party right now is not the fucking way. All it's gonna do is split the fucking votes that we need to keep Trump out of office. None of the third party candidates have the numbers to actually beat Trump. It's not going to fucking happen, stop saying it will because you're lying to yourself and others.
Not voting at all is even fucking worse than voting third party and you're an idiot if you think otherwise. Not voting isn't a fucking protest like some idiots are spouting. It's not making a fucking point. It is giving the fuck up and being a coward about it. It is actively choosing to not make things better when you have the fucking chance and I am disgusted that people actually think it's a good idea when we are on the verge of a second term for a literal traitor and convicted felon that actively thinks disabled and LGBTQ people should die.
Someone is still going to be President. Full stop, that is how elections fucking work. THERE IS STILL GOING TO BE A PRESIDENT. There is still going to be a president whether you vote or not. And our only real options right now are Harris or Trump. So use your fucking vote to make things better in the only way we can right now.
Yeah, there are things Harris needs to change and things she isn't on the right side on. But Trump is worse in every possible fucking way. So we need to lock this down and push for improvement, not decide shit is hopeless and fucking give the bad guy the win now that we finally have a fucking shot!
You didn't want to vote for Biden? Great, you're not! Now take the fucking miracle that just dropped into our fucking laps and run with it!
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avocadoraisin · 5 months
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie: This person asked what’s the worst thing about you, babe
Steve: Oh, let me guess. You said my clothes? My taste in music?
Eddie: Nope. I said that you’re perfect and I love every ounce of you
Steve: …That’s actually really sw-
Eddie: Except your ass
Steve: *offended*
Eddie: It’s very distracting. And I have ADHD. Think of all the songs that I could have written if not for your ass.
Eddie, laughing when Steve gets up and huffs out the room: Hate to see you go, love to watch you walk away, baby!
Steve, from a distance: I’m getting a cup of water to throw at you!!
Jeff reposts the Tiktok to his Twitter account with a picture from tour of Steve doing squats on the bus, shirtless and in his underwear because their AC was faulty and it was summer. In the background, Eddie and Gareth are clearly watching him. He captioned it: The ass that derailed dozens of band practices.
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kat · 6 months
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scene from the average babylon 5 advisory council meeting
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aerithisms · 3 months
i think my problem with this dw season arc accusing the audience of fanbrain for theorising about ruby is that it both feels deceitful and isn't actually that compelling from a character perspective. the season goes out of its way to build up supernatural mystery around ruby and even invokes susan more heavily than ever before in a way that is deliberately trying to get the audience to make those connections. and then it turns around and says you stupid idiot why would you ever try to connect these dots i have deliberately tried to get you to connect.
building up a mystery only for the character to be ordinary is an impossible girl arc redux only this time accusing the viewer of failing to see the humanity of the companion, whereas the impossible girl arc was turning that accusation on the doctor. 7b didn't really blame the audience for viewing clara as a puzzle and in fact several times spells out the fact that clara is perfectly ordinary before the big reveal to give the audience a chance to catch on. as 7b goes on, instead of laying the mystery on thicker, the audience just gets more and more affirmations that clara is a normal human being (rings of akhaten, journey to the centre of the tardis, hide). i found this approach compelling because it was rooted in character, focusing on the doctor's disconnection from humanity/the gendered dynamic of a man treating a woman as his manic pixie mystery to pull him out of grief. s14's meta approach of accusing the viewer feels both unfair, given it has deliberately led the viewer towards theorising, and personally less compelling to me because it wasn't tied into character in any way.
the thing about rey's parentage in tlj is that the reason rian johnson chose to go for that reveal was that it was the only answer that was interesting. none of the theories - rey is a skywalker, rey is a kenobi, and even the eventually canonical rey is a palpatine - were interesting or satisfying because they brought nothing compelling to the table for the story being told. the only satisfaction to be gained from those answers was a fanbrained "omg rey is important because she's related to that guy from the other movie." on top of that, rey desperately wants her parents to have been important, to give her life and her abandonment some kind of significance. so them being ordinary provided the most compelling trajectory for her character because it was the thing she least wanted to hear. it forced her to do the most introspection and growth, as well as tying into the film's themes about the capacity of ordinary people to be special. it wasn't just a choice made to "gotcha" the viewer, it was rooted in character.
i don't think ruby's mother being ordinary accomplishes the same thing. by invoking susan, s14 is engaging with the most egregious example of the doctor's streak of abandonment, which has potential to be very compelling in relation to ruby (and now also the doctor's) own abandonment issues. theories that ruby might be susan, or be somehow related to susan, or somehow related to the doctor, weren't just fanbrained "omg she's related to that guy i know from the classic series." they were theories genuinely rooted in character and the potential to explore both the doctor and ruby's issues with abandonment. and this is something the show willingly led fans towards by invoking susan so much in the first place. so for the show to turn around and act like they were shallow out of nowhere ideas when they were not shallow and were based on potential character conflicts the show itself deliberately invoked, feels misguided.
as well as that, ruby's mother being ordinary does not require that same growth from ruby as it did for rey because it is exactly what ruby wanted to hear. she never wanted her mother to be important, she just wanted to know who her mother was and have a connection with her. so finding out she was a normal woman who still loves her and wants to be a part of her life is everything she's ever wanted. it doesn't introduce interesting conflict for her the way rey's parents being ordinary did for her, because they were written as different characters with different hangups over their abandonment.
tl;dr i don't necessarily dislike ruby's mother being ordinary as an idea but compared to the things it was inspired by - 7b and star wars - it is not nearly as compelling in terms of how it relates to the characters or themes. and the meta angle, while conceptually interesting, doesn't quite work for me because it feels a little manipulative of the audience.
#blahs#dw#dw spoilers#like to be clear i'm not necessarily saying ruby's mother SHOULD have turned out to be susan#i'm saying that if it was always going to be an ordinary woman then rtd should've constructed a better arc around that#bc for the one he did write it's not that compelling of an answer. it doesn't really move anyone forward except maybe the doctor himself#bc the doctor is now sad that ruby has what he can never find#like yeah okay that's interesting... next season. and for the doctor. but not really for ruby!! and not for s14 as a whole!!#and like pulling the rug out of a mystery like this is something moffat also did a lot#like invoking the name of the doctor only to not reveal it or teasing the hybrid as a big alien villain only for it to be twelveclara#but the thing about those is that moffat never makes the answer that he rejects genuinely compelling#like he rejects learning the doctor's name bc there is nothing compelling about knowing it and he never tries to make you think there is#he rejects the hybrid as a warrior alien bc there's nothing compelling about that and he doesn't try to make you think there is#i feel subversive moffat mysteries are always leading you towards why the answer he gives you is the most compelling one#which i don't think s14 accomplishes. instead it's like haha! tricked you! your genuinely interesting theories are silly and dumb!#idk. i see the vision but i don't think it was handled with a deft hand so it ended up kind of a mess that didn't land imo
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